HomeMy WebLinkAboutChefornak Reconnaissance Study Of Energy Requirements & Alternatives-Chefornak 1982DUPLICATE RECONNAISSANCE STUDY OF ENERGY REQUIREMENTS AND ALTERNATIVES FOR ANIAK ATKA MEKORYUK CHEFORNAK NEWTOK CHIGNIK LAKE NIGHTMUTE COLD BAY NIKOLSKI FALSE PASS ST. GEORGE HOOPER BAY ST. MARYS IVANOF BAY ST. PAUL KOTLIK TOKSOOK BAY LOWER AND TUNUNAK UPPER KALSKAG PREPARED BY NORTHERN TECHNICAL SERVICES & VAN GULIK AND ASSOCIATES ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY | CHEFORNAK RECONNAISSANCE STUDY OF ENERGY REQUIREMENTS AND ALTERNATIVES A Report by Northern Technical Services van Gulik and Associates Anchorage, Alaska July, 1982 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Summary and Recommendations 2.0 Background 3.0 Village Meeting 4.0 Existing Heating and Electrical Power Generating Facilities 4.1 Bulk Fuel Storage and Heating Appliances 4.2 Electrical Generation Facilities 4.3 Fuel Oil Usage 4.4 Electrical Energy Distribution 5.0 Energy Balance 6.0 Energy Forecasts 6.1 Population Projection 6.2 Capital Projects 6.3 Thermal Energy Projection 6.4 Electrical Energy and Peak Demand Projection 7.0 Energy Resource Assessment 8.0 Energy Plans 8.1 Base Case 8.2 Alternate Plan A 9.0 Analysis of Alternatives and Recommendations Appendix Review letters and replies Page 1.1 2.1 > bbe b oe ee @ No oe ow uw 1 DANDAA ee eee WD Na a wo oaoa see aO-= Table Table Table Table Table Table Table 9.2 93 LIST OF TABLES Energy Balance for 1982 Itemized Present Worth Analysis of the Base Case Estimated Heat Recovery Costs Itemized Present Worth Analysis of Alternate Plan A Summary of the Present Worth Analysis and Any Non-electric Benefits for Each Energy Plan Direct Power Generation Costs for Each Energy Plan ss Preference Ranking of Village Energy Plans and Associated Recommended Actions ai 8.3 8.7 8.9 9.2 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figuse Figure Figure Figure 2.1 2.2 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5 Sez 6.2 6.3 LIST OF FIGURES Location Map Climatic Background Bulk Fuel Storage Capacities and Types of Heating Appliances Electrical Generation Facilities Fuel Oil Usage Electrical Generation Sector Energy Distribution Energy Flow Diagram Distribution of Total Useable Energy Population Projection Thermal Energy Projection Peak Demand and Electrical Energy Projection Appropriate Technology Ranking Diagram aie 6.5 7.4 1.0 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The production of electricity is the focus of the Energy Reconnaissance Program. This study 1as concentrated on seeking potential alternatives to diesel powered electrical generators. However, where there are no reliable and viable alternatives attention was focused on ways by which the costs of electricity generation could be reduced. The sale of otherwise wasted heat could p-ovide additional income to tre utility and be reflected in lowec costs for the generation of electricity. Also, reduc- tion in the volumes of fuel oil required for space heating would realize further savings to the community as a whole. Chefornak does not have a central generation facility and to establish a basis for comparison between energy plans a central generation system was designed and used as the base case. In Chefornak there are no viable alternatives to diesel generation and a waste heat capture system was investigated as a means of making use of a resource (thermal energy) which is being wasted currently. Summary Statements Only those technologies that coild be readily assimilated into Chefornak were considered. 1. Fuel oil was found to be the major source of energy used in the village. Additional energy was supplied by gasoline. ere Significant amounts of enexgy are lost in the village due to: (1) inefficient combustion; (2) poor insulation and excessive air infiltration; and (3) wasted heat from diesel powered generation of electricity. a Forecasts show an inevitable increase in energy consumption in the village due to population growth. Additional construction unrelated to population size is anticipated and will impact energy consumption and demand. Energy resource baseline data is generally weak in the village. This weakens the accuracy of technological or economic predictions. However, the estimates relative to waste heat availability appear reasonably reliable. The feasibility of various technologies for electrical and thermal energy production applied to the village situation, were evaluated. Wind, wood, coal, geothermal, peat, hydro, and solar were examined as potential energy resources but are not viable alternatives to fuel oil generated electricity. Central electric power generation and waste heat recovery from the central power plant proved to be feasible and formed the basis of the alternate energy plan. The Base Case Plan was formulated based on the anticipated use of centrally generated electric power. A present worth analysis of each alternative plan was performed. General Recommendations 1. The supporting energy and resource data base should be strengthened. ar New technologies, and advances in old technologies, need demonstration projects to determine their feasibility in rural Alaska. Significant energy savings covld be realized by a village-wide energy conservation and weatherization program. Village Specific Recommendations ils The installation of the central diesel electric power plant is recommended. This will provide a source of economical, reliable electric power for the village. Waste heat recovery, from the anticipated central power plant, utilized for space heating in the village is economically feasible and attractive in the amount of fuel oil saved. The installation of the waste heat recovery system is recommended. The following steps should be taken: a. Initiate design of a central electric power plant. b. Initiate a feasibility study of a waste heat recovery system. ao 2.0 BACKGROUND Introduction Chefornak, a Yupik Eskimo village was incorporated as a second class city in 1974. It is within the Calista Region, and the village corporation is Chefarnmute Inc. Location The village is located at the junction of the Keguk and Kinia Rivers in the Yukon-Kuskokwin delta region, 93 miles southwest of Bethel (Figure 2.1). It is sited in a low rolling tundra landscape with an abundance of small lakes in the immediate hinterland. Climate There are no climatic records available for Chefonak. Summary data from Bethel and St. Marys is included in Figure 2.2, but there are problems in extrapolating from an inland weather station to a village located on the coast especially in relation to wind speed, gustiness and direction. There are approximately 12,900 heating degree days at Chefornak. Population Census Year 1939 1950 1960 1970 1980 Population 106 isd 146 230 Number of Houses 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 KEY KOTLIK SAINT MARYS KALSKAG ANIAK LOWER KALSKAG NEWTOK NIGHTMUTE CHEFORNAK MEKORYUK TOKSOOK BAY TUNUNAK HOOPER BAY CHIGNIK LAGOON CHIGNIK IVANOF BAY FALSE PASS COLD BAY NIKOLSKI ATKA ST. PAUL ST. GEORGE 11 TUNUNAK ~ 10 roxsoox say, Q MEKORYUK ‘apm 22 Sainy_ aap 2 : =, a “y wasnae 3 13 - 5 cower” ot anak 4 = eee eile 7 b. S\iVawor ony 15 ES, eraenie ca a Sa, ; ak ore OM. : A a rr Pen 180 240 300 MILES Figure 2.1 LOCATION MAP Climatic Background ——_——___—_—__—_, ' | san | rea} war | apr | may! un | wut | auc| ser | ocr | nov! o€c Light Conditions eh Winds Bethel data wine. [ae 3 PERCENT FREQUENCY o 6 a PERCENT FREQUENCY $s Occurrence of calm ° a Precipitation St. Mary's data 2 | Si? itm g seomurt onthty orecio-taven ° “aan MOninry Precipitation ‘50: 40 2% : s = 20 10 9 Litters moninry snowtant Temperature _ St. Mary’s data Record nigh oe 8 8 8 8 8 OEGREES F és | Mean dally minimum: Heating Degree Days st. Mary's data oF imate St Growing Degree Days st. Mary's data DEGREE DAYS 3 | JAN | FEB MAR APR WAY, JUN | JUL] AUG! S€P | OCT | NOV” OFC ] Source: Department of Community and Regional Affairs, Community Profile Series. Figure 2.2 2.3 Chefornak has grown steadily since the first population counts were recorded by the census. Thirty AVCP/HUD houses are to be built during 1982, this will relieve some of the present overcrowding. Some villagers who have moved to large population centers are expected to return as conditions continue to improve at the village. Economy The principal economic activities are subsistence hunting, fishing and trapping. Furs are sold to commercial buyers or made into garments for local use or sale. Other craft items, including baskets are also made and sold. The school is the major employer with 7 full-time and 10 part-time positions. Other part time work is at the post office and with local air carriers. 2.4 VILLAGE VISIT Chefornak was visited by the survey team on December 6 and 7, 1981. An advertised community meeting was postponed because of a severe storm and a subsequent meeting failed to crystalize. Therefore, we spoke to members of the village council and several other residents of the village. The following points were raised during these conversations. AVCP is planning to build 30 new houses next summer apparently of the same general design as those in neighboring villages. The Public Health Service is planning to drill a new well. Limited central generation facilities are owned and operated by the village. A new 75 KW Lister air cooled generator is on order to meet the anticipated load of the AVCP houses. The villagers expressed interest in wind generated electric power. Winds in the area follow a variable regime with 2-3 days of relative calm but prolonged periods with wind speeds of 10-20 mph. No previous wind generators have operated in the area. The BIA School has sent recorded anemometer readings to Juneau. There are two stores in the village; the corporation store which sells fuel, snowmobile parts and a few dry goods, and a private store which sells a limited selection of groceries. There are approximately 12-15 newer .homes in the village. Most of these have well insulated walls, floors and ceilings, with skirting around the foundations. Several of the villagers posses carpentry skills. The planned AVCP houses being built will replace some of the HUD houses built in the 1970's. Bical: Cash income in the village is provided by positions in the schools, at the two stores, with the air carrier, and city government. Supplemental income is obtained from basketmaking, trapping and fishing. There are no roads in the village, with snow machines and motor bikes being used for transportation. The state operates a backhoe and grader for airport maintenance and the high school uses a tractor. An expansion of the airport is underway. An airport building has been completed and a runway extension is expected to be finished in summer 1982. 3.2 4.0 EXISTING HEATING AND ELECTRICAL POWER GENERATING FACILITIES 4.1 4.2 4.3 Bulk Fuel Storage and Heating Appliances Bulk fuel storage capacity within the village is listed, segregated by sector, in Figure 4.1. These capacities are based on actual tank sizes and on estimates where reliable data could not be obtained. The storage capacity of domestic fuel tanks and 55 gallon drums was not included in the bulk storage capacities. ; Also listed in Figure 4.1 are the types of heating and cooking appliances, segregated by sector, being used in the village. Electrical Generation Facilities The existing generating equipment installed in the village is listed in Figure 4.2. Comments on the operation of the generators are included. The anticipated generation equipment for a central power plant is also listed on Figure 4.2. Once the central power plant becomes operational the existing individual generators will be disconnected or used for back up. Fuel Oil Usage Figure 4.3 illustrates the use of fuel oil in the village. Consumption of fuel oil by sector for space heating is listed as a percentage of the total oil consumption. Similarly, the percentage of oil used for electrical power generation is shown. 4.4 The oil used for space heating is broken down to show the portion that actually heats building space, and that which is lost to waste. The electrical generation fuel oil is also separated into electrical energy and waste heat segments. Fuel oil consumption in the village was based on records, where avilable, and calculated estimates where no reliable records existed. Please refer to the main report for an explanation of the estimating process. The fuel oil consumption for electrical power _generation was based on the anticipated central electrical power plant, with the generating equipment listed in Figure 4.2. Electrical Energy Distribution The energy flow through the electrical generation sector is depicted graphically on Figure 4.4. The “pie-chart" represents the total energy dedicated to the generation of electrical power. Each sector in the village consumes a slice of the pie, as shown. CHEFORNAK/1982 BULK FUEL STORAGE CAPACITIES AND TYPES OF HEATING APPLIANCES SECTOR kK FUEL OIL 163000 gal 10000 24000 79000 ee 50000 GASOLINE 24000 gal 24000 : eee ees LEGEND: TYPE OF HEATING APPLIANCE OIL- FIRED FORCED AIR FURNACE STORAGE * (GALS) TYPE OF HEATING APPLIANCE OIL- FIRED BOILER WITH WATER/GLYCOL DISTRIBUTION ORIP-TYPE OIL STOVE/FURNACE wood STOVE PROPANE COOKING STOVES WASTE HEAT FROM GENERATORS oun fw Nny — *DAY TANKS AND FUEL DRUMS ARE NOT INCLUDED. **Anticipated central generation storage Figure 4.1 OWNER Village Corporation High School Primary School Proposed Central Electricity Generation Facility NO. OF UNITS ELECTRICAL GENERATION GENERATOR OUTPUT RATING 75 KW 30 KW 75 KW 25 KW 50 KW 25 KW 150 KW CHEF ORNAK/1982 TYPE (OF ENGINE Lister Air-cooled Model 3344RA A27 Lister Cat, 3304T Cat, 3304 Waukesha Model VRD 310 TYPE -OF GENERATOR Lima, 1800 RPM Lima, 1800 RPM KATO, 1800 RPM KATO, 1800 RPM Kohler, 1200 RPM Figure 4.2 FACILITIES ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION 120/208V 120/208V 120/240V COMMENTS ON OPERATION The large gencrator provides con- tinuous power to village residents, In December of 1981 a second gener- ator was in the process of hein installed. A single generator is operated con- tinuously and provides electrical power to the high school. Waste heat from the generators is used to heat the gymnasium. A single generator provides elec- trical power to the primary school and teachers' residences. : The proposed central generation sys tem would provide continuous power to the entjre village. Backup ould be provided by the old gener- ators. FUEL OIL USAGE CHEFORNAK / 1982 SECTOR END USE Space Heat 100 90 383 80 70 60 Waste Heat 50 25% Percent 40 Generator ae Waste Heat 20 10 Electricity 73 R Residential 33 Cc Commercial 4 P Public 8 S School 18 gE Electrical Power 37 Generation ESTIMATED FUEL OIL USE = 115900 GAL = Figure 4.3 4.5 %o Lo %e %o So 15620x10°BTU ELECTRICAL GENERATION SECTOR ENERGY DISTRIBUTION CHEFORNAK Residential 6 % Commercial 2% Public 2% School 7% Waste Heat 80 % Generation Losses 3% TOTAL ENERGY 5780 x 10° BTU/YEAR TOTAL ELECTRIC POWER 328 MWH/YEAR Figure 4.4 4.6 5.0 ENERGY BALANCE The estimated energy consumption in Chefornak during 1982 is listed in Table 5.1. Estimates of the different types of energy consumed by the various sectors are based upon the 1980-81 fuel purchase records kept by the store, the school, and the local utility. Estimates based on the population, square footage of residences and other buildings, and calculated energy usage factors, were used where no reliable data was available. The flow of energy through the village is illustrated in Figure 5.1. It is estimated that 18,495 MMBTU of fuel will enter Chefornak in the form of gasoline and fuel oil in 1982. This fuel will be distributed to the various sectors and used for transportation, cooking, heating and electricity generation. The conversion of the fuel to its end use will result in 47% or 8,610 MMBTU of energy lost as heat. 57% of this waste heat could be recovered using conservation and waste heat recovery practices. The actual amount of energy used by each sector is listed in the last column of the diagram. The 1982 projected distribution of useable energy, if a central generation system is installed in the village, is shown in Figure 5.2. The distribution represents the quantity of energy that will be required by each sector (excluding transportation) for electric lights and appliances, water heating, space heating and cooking, and generation station service. Percentages listed in the figure can be multiplied by the useable energy of 7008 x 106 Btus to determine the projected energy requirements for a particular end use in a given sector. These projected energy requirements do not include energy conversion losses and therefore represent the actual quantity of energy required for each end use. Z°s VILLAGE: CHEFORNAK/1982 ENERGY BALANCE FUEL OIL GASOLINE PROPANE TOTAL ENERGY ELECTRICITY SECTOR RESIDENTIAL Btu x 10° COMMERCIAL SCHOOLS ELECTRICAL GENERATION TRANSPORTATION *station service or distribution losses Table 5.1 e°s ainbiy Lg CLEFORNAK/1982 Pop: 230 HOUSEHOLDS: 40 12,900 HTG. DEGREE DAYS Fue ANOUNT ENERGY PRODUCT ELECTRICAL ENO USE | TOTAL BY SECTOR CONVERSION : DISTRIBUTION BY SECTOR | USABLE ENERGY GASOLINE | transportation TRANSPORTATION TRANSFOR TATION ll (2875) (2875) (2875) PROPANE COOKING i RESICENTIAL RESIDENTIAL a wooo HEATING 3469) (5200) HEATING/ (3100) COOKING oaeaeeceans oS) $73.00) nica COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL HEATING (93) (503) (67@) in 15 (1120) {159 (150) FUEL OIL POWER POWER GEN. GENERATION ELECTRICAL 15620 ( ) (5780) GENERATORS (407) ~ SCHOOL(S) SCHOOL(S) HEATING/ (1660) (2067) COOKING 2 (2760) (99) 1 PUBLIC PUBLIC (819) HEATING = LL (1210) — ee i | TOTAL i TOTAL INPUT USABLE ENERGY ENERGY RECOVERABLE (18495) WASTE HEAT (14392) \ (4509) WASTE HEAT NON - RECOVERABLE (4101) NOTE: NUMBERS IN BRACKETS ARE 108 etu's. WVYSVIG MO1S ADYANA DISTRIBUTION OF TOTAL USABLE ENERGY*® CHEFORNAK / 1982 END USE BY SECTOR SECTOR 100 9O0F ~~ TT a < 80 = = 3 H/C(41.0%) - 70 S ao lu w Oo c < 60 fe z ——————— iS Oh E(1.3%) Oo COML H/C(5.9%) a bil entrees aiemmaimnesennad PWR GEN P(2.1%) Ww 40 Oo are WH(1.5%) 30 SCHOOLS | H/C(27.1%) 20 1 = — E(1.4%) PUBLIC H/C( 10.3%) 0 END USE SUMMARY E LIGHTS, REFRIGERATOR/FREEZERS, 13.8% VIDEO, AND OTHER ELECTRICAL USES WH WATER HEATING 4.6% H/C SPACE HEATING, COOKING AND MISC. 79.3% P GENERATOR STATION SERVICE/ 2.1% TRANSMISSION LOSSES TOTAL USABLE ENERGY = 7008 x 108 Btu % DOES NOT INCLUDE ENERGY USED FOR TRANSPORTATION AND RECOVERABLE WASTE HEAT Fida. 5-2 6.0 ENERGY FORECASTS Population Projection The population of Chefornak was forecast for the twenty year planning period based upon historical population trends and the villagers' projections of the growth of their community. Historical data from 1950 to 1980 approximates an average growth rate of 2%. The addition of a new high school is designed to improve the facilities for the present residents and will not cause new families to move to Chefornak. Historical and projected populations are listed below. Figure 6.1 illustrates the population projection over ‘the 20 year planning period. Historical Projected 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 106 133 146 230 285 342 417 Capital Projects Forecast The village is growing and many more capital projects are anticipated during the next 20 years. Major capital projects mentioned to the field team are listed below. A computer program developed to analyze the effect of capital projects on the electrical and thermal demands of the community can be used to evaluate future projects when they are defined. 6.1 6.3 The capital projects are: Houses Grade School Airport Runway Water System High School Shop with Waste Heat 30 AVCP/HUD houses are scheduled for construction near the airport in 1982 The BIA plans to discontinue its support of the grade school within the next two years. The runway extension and improvements begun in 1980 are to be completed in 1982. A new well is planned for the village in 1982. A new high school shop and storage building is under construction. Current plans are to heat it by extending the existing waste heat system from the nearby high school diesel generator plant. Thermal Energy Projection Figure 6.2 presents the anticipated thermal energy consumption of Chefornak during the forecast period. The thermal energy is provided by the combustion of fuel for space heating. The projections were based on fuel use records and estimates of the building heating requirements. The effect of the new AVCP/HUD houses, and the new shop building at the school were included. 6.4 Electrical Energy and Peak Demand Projection Figure 6.3 presents the anticipated electrical energy consumption of Chefornak, by sector, during the forecast period. The projections were based on the existing electrical loads, consumption records, and estimates where accurate data were not available. Details of the estimation methods and calculations are included in the main report. The addition of the new AVCP/HUD houses and the new school shop were included. 653 THERMAL ENERGY ¢MMBTUD POPULATION PROJECTION CHEF ORNAK ze Oo aml < =) =) AE G) [ois sr cl i Mi SD ee gneiss metic perce ene letiseein B inenin ia 1982 1984 1886 1988 issg 1982 1994 1896 isss8 2822 YEAR Figure 6.1 THERMAL ENERGY PROJECTION CHEFORNAK TaBzZ Deeg _— 9222 7288 ace 4 Deel nel Dhaene, ceeds 1652 19384 1885 1835 1892 1632 1854 1952 1953 pars YEAR Figure 6.2 6.4 ERGY TOTAL (MWH) " ‘ ELECTRICAL Et ELECTRICAL ENERGY PEAK DEMAND (K®) CMWH) BY SECTOF PEAK DEMAND PROJECTION CHEFORNAK era 175) 153 25) 1gg - 4 z 1 2 ! 1 isae 1884 1986 iss8 i993 1932 1994 1996 1998 2822 YEAR [ oom | = ELECTRICAL ENERGY PROJECTION CHEFORNAK e22 sS2 52s 459 422 35¢ naa 258 zea RN s™ 25d} a= = ~~ “TT ee ae veal elt ico se Pa EE = 7 Cc” e L L 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 = ed wl J eels 1982 1934 1985 1988 1993 1892 1994 1996 1998 2802 YEAR G = Electrical Generation Sector C = Commercial P = Public S = Schools’ R = Residential Figure 6.3 6.5 7.0 ENERGY RESOURCE ASSESSMENT Wind The average wind speed is less than 10 mph, making Chefornak an impractical wind power site. Wood Driftwood is gathered for home heating, but is relatively scarce. The use of driftwood as fuel for a central power plant would not be practical. Peat The quality of peat deposits nearby is very low due to high silt content. Hydro Chefornak is in an area of low relief, and there is no hydroelectric potential. Geothermal There is no geothermal potential in the area. Solar Solar radiation available in summer months may contribute to space heating with passive solar equipment. The cost of retro-fitting homes with passive solar equipment is prohibitively high. Conservation Measures Waste Heat Capture The majority of the energy in the fuel oil burned in a diesel generator is lost as waste heat through the engine cooling water, exhaust gases, and radiant heat from the engine. Much of the waste heat can be reclaimed from the engine cooling water and exhaust gas by transferring the heat in heat exchangers to a secondary fluid, usually an antifreeze solution. This is then pumped to buildings and used in heaters for space heating. Alternate Plan A, detailed in Section 8.2 of this report, investigates the feasibility of waste heat recovery at Chefornak. Weatherization Homes and buildings built in Western Alaska in the past have in general been poorly insulated and weatherized. Heat loss from such buildings is high, in the forms of heat loss directly through the walls, floor, and ceiling, and by the cold air that enters around leaky doors and windows. Insulating and weatherizing a home can often cut the heating fuel requirement in half or more, and make the building more comfortable and liveable at the same time. The materials required are inexpensive, and the skills necessary for installation low. This work is perhaps the most effective way of reducing village energy usage. Technology Ranking Figure 7.1 presents a ranking of the technologies that could be applied to the village. Each technology was examined on the basis of state-of-the-art quality of the technology, cost, reliability, resource, labor, and environmental impact. Please refer to the Methodology section of the main report for the ranking method. ed pL Technology State-of-the-Art Weatherization* Village of Chefornak Resource Environ- mental Impact Ranking Factor Diesel Power Waste Heat Recovery* Hydroelectric Power Wind Energy Conversion Systems Geothermal Energy Steam Power from local fuel,wood,coal,ect... Gasification of wood,coal or peat Generation via synchronous Induction* Electrical Load Management* * Energy Conservation Measures Note: 0 = worst case, 5 = best case Figure 7.1 N/A Not Applicable 8.0 ENERGY PLAN 8.1 8.1 8.1 Base Case -1 General Description The base case plan for the village of Chefornak is to install a central generation system. This centralized system would provide service to the residences, public facilities and the schools. It would be located adjacent to the existing high school power plant site for future waste heat utilization, and would include the following components: 1. Two 150 KW generators to meet the major power demands of the village. 2. Two 75 KW genertors that currently exist at the high school power plant. These would be used at night and for lower summer time demands, and for back up. 3. A 15' x 30' building that would house the generators and electrical equipment. -2 Base Case Cost Analysis The capital value of the anticipated central electric power plant was estimated to be $491,000. The cost is itemized below: 8.1 Generators and Equipment 71,600 Fuel Storage 5,000 Generator Building 225,000 Labor 42,000 Shipping 66,000 Subtotal 351,000 Engineering 35,000 Project Management 17,500 Test 17,500 Contingency 70,000 Total Estimated Cost $491,000 The plant value was amortized over a 20 year period. Additional generation capacity was added, in increments of 50 KW, as required by the growing peak demand. The cost of additional generation capacity was estimated to be $1650/kw. The cost of fuel oil was set at $10.45/MMBTU, based on a fuel cost of $1.41/gallon. Operation and maintenance expenses were estimated at 8¢/kwh. Table 8.1 presents the itemized present value analysis of the base case for the 20 year study period. The discounted 20 year present value was $2,676,800. 8.1.3 Social and Environmental Evaluation Base Case Plan Summary: Operation of anticipated central diesel generation. 8.2 DIESEL - ELECTRIC INTEREST AND AMORTIZATION FUFI OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE TOTAL TOTAL YEARLY PLAN €OST DISCOUNTED PLAN COST © w DIESEL - ELECTRIC INTEREST AND AMORTIZATION FUEL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE TOTAL TOTAL YEARLY PLAN COST DISCOUNTED PLAN COST 1982 62.0 Chol 122.0 12230 122.0 1992 38.5 107.0 36.2 181.8 181.8 135.3 1983 33.0 67.2 238.6 128.8 128.8 125 51 1993 38.5 112.4 37.0 187.9 187.9 135.8 NOTE: 1984 33.0 7L.0 29750) 13325 133.5 125.9 1994 38.5 117.9 3709 194.3 194.3 136.3 CHEFORNAK PLAN 1 BASE CASE 1985 33.0 75.0 30.4 138.3 138.3 126.6 1995 38.5 123.7 38.7 201.0 201.0 136.9 1986 33.0 ee She 143.3 143.3 127i 1996 38.5 129. 39 207. oan 207.9 137.4 1987 98)<5) 83.3 32.0 153.9 153/519 13257 1997 38.5 136.0 40.5 215.0 215.0 138.0 **k ALL VALUES IN $1000's Table 8.1 1988 38.5 CY ford 3229 159.1 159.1 133.3 1998 38.10 142.6 41.3 222.4 222.4 138.6 1989 38.5 9253. 3357 164.5 164.5 13358 1999 38. 149, > 230. yYnr-Po 230.2 1139/3 1990 307.0 97.0 3455 170.1 170.1 134.3 2000 38.5 156. 2? 238. Nyorwo 28802 139).9 1991 38.5 101.9 35.4 175.8 175.8 134.8 2001 44, 164. 44. 202. HOO 202: 143.8 TOTAL 748. 215535 715% 3620. mMwoUO™N 3620.2 2676.8 1) 2) Community Preference: The villagers of Chefornak recognize that diesel generation is the only technologically feasible way of generating electricity today. Therefore, their interests are in seeing the most efficient use of the system. Reliability of power supply is regarded as basic to the village's needs. Environmental Considerations: i) ii) iii) iv) vi) Air Quality: Exhausting combustion gases releases a small amount of pollutants to the local environment, but the impact is minimal. Noise: The exhaust stacks from the generator produce a considerable amount of noise. The installation of more effective mufflers would reduce the noise level. Water Quality: No impact. Fish and Wildlife Impacts: No known impact. Terrestrial Impacts: There is no impact on vegetation or soils. Land Use and Ownership Status: All leases and permits are in place. 8.4 8.1.4 Base Case Technical Evaluation The anticipated operation of the central diesel electric power plant in Chefornak is expected to meet the 1. following: High Reliability. Diesel electric is a well proven well understood technology with a successful history in rural Alaska. Backup generation allows maintenance of the generators to be performed without major interruptions. Occasional system downtime is expected for distribution system maintenance. Safety. A small risk is realized by the storage and handling of fuel oil. Normal risks associated with electrical power are also present. Availability. There are no indications that spare parts will become difficult to obtain in the future. The availability of fuel to the power plant depends on the reliability of transportation to the village. 8.5 8.2 Alternate Plan A 8.2.1 General Description The Alternate Plan A for Chefornak is the installation of a waste heat recovery system installed at the anticipated central electric power plant. It consists of the following features: 1. Jacket water heat recovery equipment installed on the 150 kw generator. 2. A distribution system consisting of pump, piping and valves to deliver the ethylene glycol heat transfer fluid to the heated buildings and return it to the power plant. 3. Heating equipment installed in the high school complex buildings, to provide space heating. 4. A control system that automatically regulates the supply of heat to the buildings, and rejects any surplus waste heat to the engine radiators. 8.2.2 Alternate A Cost Analysis Table 8.2 presents the itemized, estimated cost to install the jacket water heat recovery system. The installation cost of the heat recovery system was estimated to be $120,800. The system value was amortized over a 10 year period. 8.6 ESTIMATED HEAT RECOVERY COSTS Project Location Chefornak Generators (kw) 150,150,75,75 Estimated total kwh generated 327,000 kwh/yr Generators equipped with heat recovery equipment 150 CALCULATED VALUES Average Generation Rate 37 kw Percent of On-Line Capacity 25% Maximum Jacket Water Heat Recovery 6800 Btu/min Percent Jacket Water Heat Available 43% Estimated Recovered Heat Available - 175X106 BtuH Estimated Recovered Heat Utilized -175X10© BtuH MAJOR COST ITEMS 1. Main piping 900 feet x $120/ft. 18,000 2. Heat Recovery Equipment 15,300 3. Circulating Pumps 11,200 4. Heaters and Miscellaneous Hardware 36,300 5. Contingencies (30%) 24,200 6. Base Cost 105,000 7. Project Management (5%) 5,500 8. Engineering (10%) 10,500 9. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 120,800 10. O & M COST 1.96/MMBtu 11. Recovery Efficiency 4700 Btu/kwh Table 8.2 8.7 The cost of fuel oil normally used for space heating, which was offset by the captured waste heat, was $15.63/MMBTU, based on a fuel oil cost of $2.11/gallon. Operation and maintenance costs were calculated to be $1.96/MMBTU waste heat captured. Table 8.3 presents the itemized present value analysis of the plan, for the 20 year study period. The discounted net benefit of the system was $763,700. 8.2.3 Social and Environmental Evaluation Alternate Plan A Summary: Installation of waste heat recovery. 1) It is recognized by the villagers that the installation of waste heat recovery will further improve the effiency of fuel use in the community. The sale of waste heat will help lessen the effect of rising fuel prices on the costs of electricty. Installation of the waste heat capture system will require local expertise and should provide a number of jobs during the construction phase. The system should operate with minimal maintenance although one part time person would be required until the system has been tested and initial minor problems have been solved. 8.8 DIESEL - ELECTRIC INTEREST AND AMORTIZATION FUEL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE TOTAL TOTAL YEARLY PLAN COST DISCOUNTED PLAN COST ao © NON ELECTRIC BENEFITS EXTRA COSTS BENEFITS NET BENEFITS DISCOUNTED NET BENEFITS 1982 33.0 62.0 lel. 122.0 12250 122.0 oooo~w oooon 1983 3320 6/2 28.6 128.8 128.8 125.1 oooo~w os CoOCOOCOOwWw NOTE: 1984 33.0 71.0 2955 13325 133735 12539 1984 17.6 Stet 33/05) 3057 CHEFORNAK PLAN 2 ALTERNATE A 1985 33.0 75.0 30.4 138e3. 1 138/73! 1 126.6 1 1985 heh EE) 36.2 32.2 1986 33.0 U9 aT 43.3 43.3 213 1986 17.8 56.8 39.0 33.6 1987 38.5 8353 32.0 153/09 15359 V3 2m7 1987 17.9 5oF7, 41.9 3551 **k ALL VALUES IN $1000's Table 8.3 1988 38.5 Bie Seo) 159: 159i 13955 1988 17.9 62.8 44.9 36.5 1989 38.5 92.3 3361 164.5 164.5 138-8 1989 18.0 66.0 48.0 37.9 1999 Ors 34, 170. rO1O 170.1 134.3 1990 18.1 69.3 Blse 3922 17513 134.8 1991 18.2 1238 54.5 40.6 DIESEL - ELECTRIC INTEREST AND AMORTIZATION FUEL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE TOTAL TOTAL YEARLY PLAN €OST DISCOUNTED PLAN COST @ b o NON ELECTRIC BENEFITS EXTRA COSTS BENEFITS NET BENEFITS DISCOUNTED NET BENEFITS 1992 38.5 107.0 36.2 181.8 181.8 1S5ia3 1992 11853 76.4 58.0 41.9 1993 1994 38.5 38.5 12.4 | 117-9 3/30 Vics) 187.9 194.3 187.9 194.3 135°87 1136.3 1993 1994 18.4 18.5 80.1 84.0 61.7 65.4 43.2 44.6 NOTES 7 *4* CHEF ORNAK PLAN 2 ALTERNATE 1995 38.5 123.7 38.7 201.0 201.0 136.9 1995 18.6 88.0 69.4 45.9 A 1996 38.5 129.7 39.6 207.9 207.9 137.4 1996 18.7 92.2 1300 47.2 1997 38.5 136.0 40.5 215.0 215.0 138.0 - 1997 18.8 96.6 18 48.5 ALL VALUES IN $1000's Table 8.3 (continued) 1998 38.5 142.6 41.3 222.4 222.4 138.6 1998 18.9 101.2 82.2 49.8 1999 38.5 149.4 42.2 230.2 230.2 139\.3 1999 19.0 105.9 86.9 51.0 2000 3050) 156.5 43.1 23850 238.2 139/39 2000 Lgl 110.9 91.8 5203 2001 44.1 164.0 44.0 2521 252 01. 143.8 2001 ig. AGL 96.9 53.6 TOTAL 748, 2156. Wid 3620. mwomn 3620. rh 2676.3 TOTAL 330. 1443, 1112. 763. SID O 2) Environmental Considerations: i) Air Quality: There will be a reduction in fuel consumption in the village which will reduce emissions of hydrcarbons, monoxides and nitrogen oxides. ii) Noise Levels: No impact. iii) Water Quality: There would be a minor impact if a major leakage occurred in the coolant system. iv) Fish and Wildlife Impacts: None. v) Terrestrial Impacts: Will be minimal during the installation of the distribution system and will be restricted to the village site. vi) Land use and Ownership Status: It is assumed that the village will mzke the necessary arrangements for the richt of way requirements for the distribution system. 8.2.4 Alternate Plan A Technical Evaiuation Operation of the waste heat recovery system in Chefornak, in conjunction with the anticipated central power plant, is expected to conform to the following expectations: 1. High Reliability. The syste utilizes simple, reliable components that are readily available "off the shelf" from a varie.:y of sources. 8.11 2. Safety. A well maintained system has a very low hazard potential. 3. Availability. All components needed are available immediately. The system is relatively easy to implement. 8.12 9.0 ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES AND RECOMMENDATIONS Table 9.1 summarizes the village plans, the associated present worth analysis, and any non-electric benefits. Table 9.1 PLAN CHEFORNAK Base Case Alternative Energy Source Diesel Diesel and Present Wort 676,800 7070,800 Non-Electrical Benefits ose Pa Li i Ruane ea 63,700 Tota 676,800 7913,100 Direct power generation costs, excluding administrative costs, ar2 presented in Table 9.2 for each energy plan. Table 9.2 Energy Base Case Alternative A Production Plan 1 Cost Plan 2 Cost Year One pe a 1982 a , . . 1983 358,000 35.98 35.98 1984 368,700 36621 27.12 1985 379,400 36.45 26.91 1986 390,000 36.74 26.74 1987 400,400 38.44 27.97 1988 410,900 38.72 27.79 1989 421,300 39.05 27.65 1990 431,700 39.40 27.54 1991 442,100 39.76 27.44 1992 452,500 40.17 27.36 1993 463,000 40.45 27.26 1994 473,600 41.03 27322 1995 484,200 41.51 27.18 1996 494,900 42.01 27.16 1997 505,800 42.51 27.13 1998 516,700 43.04 2 Treuls! 1999 527,800 43.62 27.15 2000 539,000 44.19 27.16 2001 550,400 45.80 29.20 —— Derk Table 9.3 presents the plans for the village, in rank of recommended preference. The recommended aztion appropriate to each alternative is listed as well. Table 9.3 Energy Plan Alternative Recommended Action Alternative A - Waste Heat Initiate a feasibility Capture study for waste heat recovery. Estimated cost of feasibilty study $12,000 - eg $15,000. Base Case - Continued Operation of Anticipated Central Power Plant Additional Recommendations Weatherization No resource assessment or -building insulation feasibility study -building envelope indicated; immediate action infiltration required to bring Energy -improved combustion Audit and/or weatherization program to this community. Wind Power Initiate win ata acquisition program. Reconnaissance studies are necessarily preliminary in nature, however, it is apparent that there is great potential for a waste heat capture system in Chefornak. Sale of the waste heat will realize increased revenues to the utility which will decrease the cost of production for electricity. Currently (1981-82) electricity costs 25¢ per KWH with a $50 minimum charge resulting in an effective cost of approximately 45¢/KWH, based on $1.41 a gallon for fuel and includes distribution and overhead costs. The fuel is supplied by United Barge and barged to Chefornak from the distribution center in Bethel. The computer model used in the reconnaissance study projected that the 1982-83 cost of production for electricity will be approximately 36.03¢ per KWH. The study suggested that a waste heat capture system would be installed, and become operational in 1983-84. It was assumed that the waste heat would replace fuel oil, which costs $2.11 per gallon, used for space heating. Based on this assumption, the cost of production for electricity would be reduced from 36.21¢ to 27.12¢ per KWH. Therefore it is recommended that a waste heat capture system be installed. The reconnaissance study estimates that the system has the potential to save up to 15,000 gallons of fuel oil in the first full year of operation. 9.3 APPENDIX. See Section 3.0 (Methodology) of the Main Report: RECONNAISSANCE STUDY OF ENERGY REQUIREMENTS AND ALTERNATIVES FOR THE VILLAGES OF Aniak, Atka, Chefornak, Chignik Lake, Cold Bay, False Pass, Hooper Bay, Ivanof Bay, Kotlik, Lower and Upper Kalskag, Mekoryuk, Newtok, Nightmute, Nikolski, St. George, St. Marys, St. Paul, Toksook Bay, and Tununak. ista Corporation 516 Denali Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (907) 279-5516 RECEIlveD APR 1 2 1982 ‘ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY April 9, 1982 Eric Yould Alaska Power Authority 334 West 5th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 RE: Letter of March 8, 1982 We have reviewed the draft documents by NORTEC of the energy reconnaissance report of the Calista Region. Calista Corporation endorses the study that was done by NORTEC. Energy in the Calista Region is probably the most expensive item for the people. Oil and gas have to be transported in, therefore causing the cost of energy to skyrocket in the villages. We would very much appreciate for Alaska Power Authority go on further and make recommendations to improve the energy programs within our region. However, please coordinate with Calista Corporation and A.V.C.P. Inc. on the reconnaissance studies that will be done in the future. Any questions please do not hesitate to call on us. Sincerely, CALISTA CORPORATION OK Al ider President AR/ms Reply to Calista Corporation letter dated 4/9/82. Receipt of the letter and the point about further future coordination with A.V.C.P. Inc. is acknowledged.