HomeMy WebLinkAboutAkhiok Reconnaissance Study Of Energy Requirements & Alternatives-Akhiok 19817491440 WOUS JAOWAY LON OC ASVATd S3Id09 AYWYEIT ALIMOHLAY YAMOd WISW IY
Reconnaisance Study of
Energy Requirements & Alternatives for
. Akhiok
Lf te
Prepared For July 1981
This summary contains the results of a study evaluating
energy requirements and alternative electricity sources
for the community of Akhiok on Kodiak Island. The study
was performed as part of a larger study that included four
communities on Kodiak Island and two communities on or near
the Alaska Peninsula. This study is described in a report
titled Reconnaissance Study of Energy Requirements and
Alternatives for Akhiok, King Cove, Larsen Bay, Old Harbor,
Ouzinkie, Sand Point, issued in June 1981. It was author-
ized by the State of Alaska, Department of Commerce and
Economic Development, Alaska Power Authority, in a contract
with CH2M HILL signed October 9, 1980.
Akhiok is a community of 100 located on southwest Kodiak
Island. The village has grown only slightly in recent years.
Little additional economic activity is expected in future
years and, as a result, population is expected to remain
relatively stable. The present source of electricity is a
recently installed, village-owned, 55-kilowatt (kW) diesel
engine generator. The school generates its own electricity
from two 25-kW diesel units. The current peak electricity
requirements for both the village and school are approxi-
mately 65 kW and are expected to grow to 80 kW by the year
The least expensive source of electricity appears to be con-
tinued central diesel generation. To meet both village and school electricity demands a new 80-kW diesel generator should be installed. The existing unit would then be used for standby generation only. The new school, scheduled for completion
in 1981, could be served by the village's central electrical
Because of the relatively small use of electricity by the
community, the proposed Kempff Bay Creek hydropower project,
which would be located approximately 2 miles west of Akhiok,
appears to be an uneconomical generation project. Initial
investment requirements for the project would be approxi-
mately $2.0 million (January 1981 price levels).
Waste heat recovery for school building heating is an energy
source that was not considered in this study. However, waste
heat recovery should be investigated further if the planned
new school is constructed and served by its own new generat-
ing plant or by a new village generating plant. Because the
heat recovery system could easily be installed as the school
is constructed, and because the new generating plant could
be situated for low-cost heat recovery, this prospective
source would probably be economical.
The feasibility of waste heat recovery at the planned new school should be investigated. This would include devel-
opment of preliminary layouts for equipment, assessment of
the specific heating needs of the school, and preparation of
cost estimates for the recovery equipment. The study would
cost about $30,000.
A more detailed investigation is needed to determine the
feasibility of a weatherproofing and insulation program for
primarily older housing stock. This investigation should
include a more detailed description of existing insulation,
the general condition of the housing stock, an assessment of heating requirements, and an assessment of both the costs and expected results of various conservation programs available to the community. Such an investigation would cost approximately $20,000.
1 Introduction
2 Existing and Projected Energy Requirements
Existing Electrical Generation Plant
Annual Energy Use
Demographic and Economic Forecast Energy Requirements Forecast
3 Alternative Sources of Energy
Small Hydroelectric Generation
Induction Wind Generation
Waste Heat Recovery From Central Diesel
Engine Generators
Heat Energy Conservation
Peat Combustion for Electrical Generation
Coal Combustion for Electrical Generation
Solar Energy (Active Solar Heating and
Electrical Generation)
Single Wire Ground Return Electricity
Preferred Sources of Electricity
4 Evaluation of Alternative Electricity Supply
Economic Evaluation of Alternative Plans
Environmental Evaluation of Alternative
Technical Evaluation of Alternative Plans
Economic Evaluation of Providing Electric
Detailed Descriptions of Preferred
Electricity Sources
vii UU WW Ww R onn 13
1 Forecast of Annual Energy Requirements for
Akhiok 6
2 Preliminary Evaluation of Alternative Energy
Sources for Akhiok 12
3 Alternative Electricity Supply Plans for Akhiok 14
4 Evaluation of Alternative Electricity Supply
Plans for Akhiok 15
1 Annual Energy Balance for Akhiok 4
MM Chapter 1
Alternative sources of electricity for the community of Akhiok
on Kodiak Island were identified and evaluated in the study
summarized by this report. The sources recommended for further
study could help the community reduce its dependence on expen-
sive and often scarce diesel fuel for electrical generation.
The purpose of the study was to recommend a series of activi-
ties that will result in the identification of feasible alter-
native sources of electricity. The sources studied include
wind generation, peat and coal combustion for electrical
generation, small hydroelectric generation, solar electric
generation, and continued use of centralized or decentralized
diesel generation. Waste heat recovery and the conservation
of building heat were also evaluated. Establishment of the
feasibility of a specific source was beyond the scope of the
Information about these sources formed the basis for prep-
aration of alternative plans to meet Akhiok's future demands
for electricity. Electrical demands of the school were in-
cluded in these plans. Each plan was assessed on the basis
of its technical, economic, environmental, social, and insti-
tutional characteristics. The assessments were performed in
accordance with the procedures and assumptions established
by the Alaska Power Authority.
Further information about this study is contained in a report titled Reconnaissance Study of Energy Requirements and Alterna-
tive for Akhiok, King Cove, Larsen Bay, Old Harbor, Ouzinkie,
Sand Point, issued by the Alaska Power Authority in June
Wm Chapter 2
The CH2M HILL project team visited Akhiok during October
1980 and, through discussions and meetings with local resi-
dents, obtained information on current living conditions,
housing, household fuel consumption, employment, subsistence
activities, and concerns about local resources. An inspec-—
tion of the existing generation system was conducted to deter-
mine the nature and condition of the plant. Additional infor-
mation was obtained from published sources and interviews
with personnel from the Kodiak Area Native Association and
the Kodiak Island Borough.
Akhiok has a new central generation plant and distribution
system that provides electricity for community residents.
At the time of the field investigation, the plant, consisting
of one 55-kW generator, was in place but not yet operating
because of a temporary lack of fuel. A separate generation
plant, consisting of two 25-kW units, supplies electricity
to the school. Several households continue to get their
electricity from individual generators. The centralized
system will operate for 6 to 10 hours per day.
There are no data on fuel consumption or generation in Akhiok.
A local official estimated that the school consumes 10,000
gallons of fuel per year (or 180 barrels, at 55 gallons per
barrel). Assuming that 85 percent of the consumption (155
barrels) was for generation, and using a conversion factor
of 8 kWh per gallon, annual school generation was estimated
to be 68,000 kWh. The remaining 15 percent, (30 barrels),
was assumed to be for school heating. Fuel use for village
generation was estimated at 390 barrels. End uses of elec-
tricity include lighting and the operation of appliances
such as refrigerators, freezers, televisions, washers, and
Consumption of home heating fuel was estimated at 110 gal-
lons per household per month in the summer and 220 gallons
per household per month in the winter. Wood stoves have
been provided to individuals residing in HUD houses. Wood
fuel is primarily driftwood. End uses of heating fuel include
heating, cooking, and water heating. Propane is occasionally
used for cooking.
Figure 1 summarizes energy information for Akhiok.
4000 GAL
541 bbl
1107 bbl
500 x 10° Btu
WASTE HEAT 1,472 x 10° Btu
2000 x 10° Btu
Seah 8553 x 10° Btu
214 x 10° Btu SCHOOL HEATING
Population is projected to increase at an average annual
rate of 1.0 percent over the next 20 years. This will result
in an increase of 22 people, or approximately seven house-
The number of houses is expected to increase approximately
1 percent annually during the next 20 years. It is expected
that Akhiok will experience little growth in its housing
stock beyond that required to accommodate increased popula-
tion; therefore, the projected increase in the number of
houses was derived from the projected population growth rate.
It was assumed that seasonal residents will not contribute
much to an increase in the total housing stock and that the
average household size will remain stable.
For the purpose of this analysis, it was assumed that oppor-
tunities for Akhiok residents in the existing fisheries will
remain about the same during the next 20 years; however, an
experimental scallop muriculture program is under way at
Akhiok. Program success could mean commercial scallop rearing
near Akhiok within 5 years.
The predominant land uses are expected to continue to be for
subsistence activities. Akhiok is expected to remain a rela-
tively stable village for the next 20 years.
Annual energy requirements for Akhiok were projected to the
year 2000 (Table 1). Fuel use is projected to increase at
the annual rate of 1 percent from 1980 through 2000. This
growth rate is directly related to increases in population
and housing; there was no basis for assuming any increase or
decrease in average per capita consumption. Assuming no
change in generating efficiency, both city and school genera-
tion were projected to grow at the same rate. Over 20 years,
this annual growth rate will result in a 22-percent increase
in the demand for both fuel and electricity.
Table 1
Fuel (bbl/yr)* 1980 1990 2000
Diesel (generation) 541 597 660
Home Heating Fuel (heating) 1,107 1,223 1,351
Total 1,648 1,820 27011:
Generation (kWh/yr)
Village 170,000 187,800 207,400
School 68,000 75,100 83,000
Total 238,000 262,900 290,400
Peak Electric Power
Requirements (kW)
Village 65 70 80
*One barrel equals 55 gallons.
MM Chapter 3
Alternative sources of electricity available to the community
are identified and described in this chapter. The accuracy
of these descriptions is consistent with the amount of data
available from site investigations and research on the alter-
natives. Continued use of centralized or decentralized diesel
electric generation is included as an alternative. Near-term
alternative heat energy sources are also identified and
Specific alternative energy supply projects that were con-
sidered include:
Continued central diesel electric generation
Kempff Bay Creek hydropower
Induction wind generation
Unnamed creek No. 1 hydropower
Unnamed creek No. 2 hydropower
Peat combustion for generation
Coal combustion for generation
Decentralized solar-electric generation
Decentralized active solar heating
Heat conservation
Waste heat recovery at the existing City generating
Single wire ground return electricity transmission oo0000000000 fo} General descriptions of these energy sources are provided
Hydroelectric energy is generated when flowing water spins a
turbine, which drives a generator, producing electric energy.
Hydroelectric generation is considered a renewable resource
because the input energy source (falling water) is not de-
pleted over time. Operating small-scale hydroelectric plants
can also be relatively inexpensive. Use of the water is
often free and hydroelectric plants cost little to operate
and maintain. Also, the cost of the electricity produced by
a hydroelectric plant remains relatively constant over time.
Costs rise only when inflation increases operation and main-
tenance costs, which constitute only a small portion of total
plant costs. The major project cost is for initial construc-
tion, which can be financed and paid for in equal periodic
payments that will not increase with inflation.
Small hydroelectric projects can be practical in many Alaska
locations. The technology has been tested and proven in
Alaska and throughout the world, and the skills needed to
design and build plants are readily available. Rapid and
efficient construction is possible, which minimizes costs.
The environmental impacts of small hydroelectric plants are
usually slight and can often be easily mitigated. Most of
the small hydroelectric projects considered for this study
would require a small diversion dam to create a small reser-
voir, a penstock to transmit the water from the reservoir to
the powerhouse, and a small powerhouse.
Several kinds of wind-powered electric generators are com-
mercially available, but they all share the same operating
principle: the wind rotates the blades of a collector, which
drives a generator to produce electricity. To attain the
high speeds necessary for electrical generation, these wind
machines must have airfoil blades similar to those of an
airplane propeller. The axis of rotation for the collector
can be either horizontal (like a farm windmill) or vertical
(like an eggbeater). The electricity produced can either be
alternating current (induction generation, which was con-
sidered in this study, or synchronous generation) or direct
current (which can be stored in small quantities in electric
storage batteries).
Because the wind is intermittent, a wind generator must be
backed up by another generation source. In Alaska, this
usually will be a conventional diesel engine generator.
Wind generators also have a high initial cost and, because
they are a relatively new source of electricity and are ex-
posed to the elements, require more frequent maintenance
than conventional generators. However, their environmental
impact is minimal, except for some noise during operation.
The waste heat created by diesel engine generators can be
captured and used for space heating. Ordinarily, two-thirds
of the energy contained in the diesel fuel supplied to such
a generator becomes waste heat that enters the environment
via either the engine radiator or exhaust system. Almost
all the radiated heat and about half the exhaust heat can be
recovered. This means that up to half the energy content of
diesel fuel can be recovered and converted into space heat
for a building, if the building is within "economic proximity"
to the generator (that is, if the cost of capturing, trans-
porting, and using the heat is less than the cost of space
heating by other means).
The medium ordinarily used to recover and transport the waste
heat is water. A water-to-water heat exchanger captures
heat from the engine jacket water, and an air-to-water heat
exchanger captures exhaust stack heat. The heat is trans-
ferred to water that flows through a pipeline to a radiant
space heating system. Another pipeline carries the used
water back to the heat exchanger. One building or a build-
ing complex can be heated in this manner.
These systems can require a sizable initial investment, but
they are usually very reliable and make use of a source of
energy that would otherwise be wasted, so their fuel costs
Conservation of heat used in buildings is possible through
an increase in the buildings' thermal efficiency by addition
of wall, window, ceiling, and floor insulation. Three types
of buildings were considered in this study: school buildings,
housing built before 1964, and housng built after 1964.
No conservation options were assessed for school buildings
because, in general, schools are of recent construction and are equipped with adequate heat conservation devices.
In newer housing, existing building components such as roofs,
walls, windows, and floors provide adequate thermal effi-
ciency, although investigations of individual residences
would probably result in specific recommendations for par-
ticular dwellings. In older housing stock, existing struc-
tural components do not provide adequate thermal efficiency.
The major opportunity for heat conservation therefore lies
in developing insulation programs for older housing stock.
In newer housing that is presently heated with central forced
air furnaces using gun-type oil burners, replacement with
flame retention burners could reduce heating fuel consump-
tion considerably. Overall, average conversion efficiency
of the furnaces could be improved from about 73 percent to
85 percent with the use of these fuel-efficient burners.
Dried peat can be used as boiler fuel for steam turbine gener-
ation or piston engine generation, much the same way wood
can be. The peat must be cut, gathered, dried, and compressed
into briquettes before it can be burned. Peat may be con-
sidered a renewable energy resource, but the degree of renew-
ability depends on the rate of use, regrowth rate, and size
of the peat field dedicated as a fuel source. As with the
use of wood, a considerable amount of machinery and labor is
needed to harvest and process peat. The environmental costs
can also be high. Harvesting can affect the land, water,
and wildlife of the peat field, and peat combustion can cause
air pollution.
Coal can be burned in a boiler to produce steam, which can
be used to drive a steam piston engine generator or a steam
turbine generator. Coal is considered a nonrenewable resource
that is relatively abundant but must usually be obtained
from a distant supply source, much the same way diesel fuel
must be obtained. Coal combustion technology is proven and
reliable, but the burning of coal can have a significant
effect on air quality. This can be mitigated through the
use of pollution control equipment.
Much of the earth's energy is derived directly from the sun
through solar radiation. This radiation can be collected
and used for space heating or to produce electricity. Both
systems were considered in this study.
A solar space heating system typically consists of a solar
collection device and a fluid to transfer heat from the col-
lector to a space heating system in a building. The system
can also include a means for storing the heat when the demand
for space heating is low.
A system to produce electric energy typically consists of an
array of photovoltaic cells and a set of batteries that store
the electric energy produced by the cells. The photovoltaic
cells produce direct current. If alternating current is
needed, as is usually the case for a house, an inverter is
required. Additional electrical control systems are used to
regulate the system's operation.
Solar heating and photovoltaic systems can be designed for
use in Alaska, but they are ordinarily quite expensive.
They require a very large initial investment and often more
maintenance than alternative energy supply resources. The
systems also require some form of backup system that will
supply a user's needs during those times when demand is greater
than the solar system can supply.
Single wire ground return (SWGR) electricity transmission
operates in single phase and consists of a single overhead
line. The earth acts as the second or return wire. A-frame
pole construction eliminates hole augering and the associated
problems of pole jacketing in permafrost. In addition, local
timber can be used for the poles. Single wire ground return
transmission technology is relatively new, but it has been
used successfully between the villages of Bethel and Napakiak,
The alternative sources of energy identified at the beginning
of this chapter were each evaluated on the basis of economic,
environmental, and reliability and safety considerations,
and conformance with community energy-source preferences.
Out of this evaluation, summarized in Table 2, three prefer-
red or best alternatives were selected for further analysis.
These are described in detail in the appendix and considered
further as part of the alternative electricity supply plans
described in Chapter 4.
Table 2
Preferred Energy Sources (selected for further analysis)
Continued central diesel
electric generation
Kempff Bay Creek Hydropower
Induction wind generation
Other Energy Sources
(not considered further)
Unnamed creek No. 1 hydropower
Unnamed creek No. 2 hydropower
Peat combustion for generation
Coal combustion for generation
Decentralized solar-electric
Decentralized active solar
Heat energy conservation
Waste heat recovery at existing
city generating plant
project available
(October 1980).
No initial investment
No significant adverse
environmental impacts
High reliability
Proven technology
See note below
Low operating cost and no
fuel cost .
No significant adverse
environmental impacts
See note below
See note below
High initial investment
High operating cost
High fuel cost
Significant adverse
environmental impacts
Prohibitively high initial
investment requirement
Unproven technology
Not an electricity generation
resource and thus not
considered further
Not considered further
because few of the houses
have either a significant
heating requirement or
could conveniently be
retrofitted for hot water
Kempff Bay Creek hydropower is lowest cost oe ased on Corps of Engineers data
This chapter identifies and evaluates alternative electricity
supply plans. The plans were developed using the preferred
energy sources described in Chapter 3. Plans were developed
to meet both peak electrical requirements and annual energy
requirements. Continued use of existing diesel engine genera-
tion is considered an alternative supply plan and is identi-
fied as Plan A, Base Case. Supply plans to meet future space-
heating requirements were not developed.
Alternative supply plan descriptions are contained in Table 3,
and plan evaluations are summarized in Table 4.
Alternative electricity supply plans were evaluated on the
basis of total plan costs for installation, operation, and
fuel for both the next 20 and 50 years. Total plan costs
are shown in Table 4 in the columns headed "Present Value of
Plan Costs." In accordance with Alaska Power Authority guide-
lines, the present value of plan costs is the sum of all
costs (initial investment, operation and maintenance, and
fuel) associated with a plan during the 20-or 50-year plan-
ning period. To obtain the present value of these costs,
plan costs in their year of expected occurrence were dis-
counted back to January 1981 at 3 percent per year. The
rate of general inflation was assumed to be zero percent per
year, but diesel fuel prices were assumed to rise at an aver-
age annual rate of 3.5 percent.
This method of evaluation is fair to both the continued use
of diesel generation and the alternative development of new
generation sources that involve high initial costs and low
operating costs, such as hydropower projects. The 3.5 per-
cent annual rise in diesel fuel prices is significantly lower
than the actual rise in these prices is expected to be, but
the 3-percent amortization rate for high-initial-cost sources
such as hydropower projects is also significantly lower than
these rates are expected to be, so both types of sources
receive equal treatment.
Evaluations of the environmental impact(s) of alternative
electricity supply plans are based on assessments of the
following impacts:
vT Table 3
Plan Plan Description
A Continue use of central diesel generation.
(Base Case)
Service new school (to be constructed in 1981) with village electric system. To meet load growth, add one 80-kW engine generator unit in 1981 ($400/kW); place existing 55-kW unit
on standby.
Replace 80-kW unit in 1997 ($400/kW).
B Develop and operate Kempff Bay Creek hydropower plant.
Service new school (to be constructed in 1981) with village electric system. Plan and license hydropower project in 1981 and 1982. Total costs are approximately $50,000 for 1981
and $100,000 for 1982.
Install and construct hydropower plant 1983 and 1984.
Plant available in January 1985.
Backup generation from existing (55-kW) central diesel plant.
Minimum diesel backup plant operating, maintenance, and fuel cost is $10,000 per year.
c Develop and operate induction wind generation facility.
Maximum wind generation contribution to village electric load will be 25 percent.
Service new school (to be constructed 1981) with village electric system.
Plan wind generation project in 1981 and 1982; cost is approximately $50,000 per year.
Install and construct wind generation facility in 1983.
Facility available in January 1984.
Replace wind generation equipment in 1998 ($198,000).
Remaining generation from central diesel electric plant.
Diesel plant acquisition and replacement schedule same as Plan A.
Note: All costs are based on January 1981 price levels.
ST 20-Year Planning
Period Present
Value of Plan
Table 4
50-Year Planning
Period Present
Value of Plan
Plan Plan Description Costs ($)* Costs ($)* Energy Performance Environmental Impacts Reliability/Safety
A Continued central 0.93 million 1.95 million Sufficient to meet com No major impacts Highly reliable, minor
(Base Case) diesel-electric munity (village and safety concerns
generation school) electric require- ments
B Kempff Bay Creek 1.73 million 2.70 million Sufficient to meet com- Potentially prohibitive Highly reliable, backup
Hydropower project munity (village and environmental impacts. with central diesel gener-
school) electric Field investigation re- ation. Some safety con-
requirements vealed late summer pres- cerns regarding seismically
ence of spawning pink induced dam structural
salmon. Brown bears in- failure.
habit entire drainage
area. Salmon below dam-
site could be adversely
affected by streamflow
fluctuations and silta-
tion caused by project
construction and opera-
c Induction wind genera- 1.32 million 2.37 million Sufficient to meet com- Minor adverse environmen- Questionable reliability
tion (25%) with cen-
tral diesel generation
munity (village and
school) electric
tal impact. Some noise
during operation. Noise
can be mitigated by
remote location siting.
resulting from variations
in wind availability.
Backup with central diesel
generation. Minor safety
concerns with remote
“January 1981 costs.
Community infrastructure and employment
Other planned capital projects
° Air quality ° Water quality
° Fish and wildlife
° Land use
° Terrestrial
Detailed estimates of the magnitude of an impact were not
possible. However, major concerns are identified and in-
cluded in the evaluations. Alternative energy systems were
designed to be environmentally acceptable. In those in-
stances where additional equipment was required to make a
source acceptable, the costs of such equipment were included
in cost estimates. Detailed descriptions of possible environ-
mental impacts are contained in the appendix.
Alternative electricity supply plans were formulated to result
in generation systems of similar reliability and safety that
would be capable of meeting the complete electricity needs
of the community. Detailed descriptions of each alternative's
reliability and safety are contained in the appendix.
The Kempff Bay Creek hydropower project was assessed to deter-
mine whether it could provide economical electricity for
lighting, appliances, and other conventional uses, and for
new electric heating systems. The assessment indicated that
the Kempff Bay Creek hydropower project would not be an eco-
nomical generation source even when excess electric energy
available from the project (above that required to displace
diesel engine electric generation) is used for electric heat-
ing. Year 1990 estimated hydropower costs are approximately
$96,000, but the estimated total cost of the energy that
would be displaced is only $83,000.
Based on the information reported in Table 4, continued cen-
tral diesel engine generation for both village and school
use appears to be the least costly source of electricity.
Continued diesel generation, when evaluated over both 20-
and 50-year periods, will cost significantly less than develop-
ment and operation of alternative generation sources. The
present value of the 20-year cost for continued central diesel
electric generation is $0.93 million. The present value of
the next least expensive alternative is $1.32 million. In
addition, continued central diesel electric generation is a
reliable generation source (when adequate fuel supplies are
available) and involves relatively few environmental or safety
MM Appendix
Resource/Village: Continued central diesel generation/Akhiok
Energy Form: Electric energy
General Description: Contirued central diesel electric generation
Resource Location: Akhiok
Renewable or Nonrenewable: Nonrenewable
Resource Characteristics: Existing diesel generation plant consists of one 55-kW
engine generator set.
Energy Production: Estimated conversion efficiency is 10.5 kWh per gallon of fuel
Input Energy (fuel) Characteristics: NA
Resource Reliability: Engine generator unit(s) highly reliable; questionable avail-
ability of diesel fuel supply
Resource Cost (January 1981 price levels):
Construction and engineering ($/kW) 600
(additional units)
Replacement cost ($/kW) 400
Operating and maintenance cost (¢/kWh) 2.6
Current fuel cost ($/gal.) 1.40
Maintenance Requirements: Periodic maintenance required. Minor overhaul required
every 8,000 operating hours. Major overhaul required every 24,000 operating hours.
Operating activity requirement is 1 hour per day for one operator/maintenance
Resource Development Schedule: NA
Environmental Impacts: No major impacts
Institutional, Social, and Land-Use Considerations: No major considerations
Health and Safety Impacts: No major considerations
Energy Form: Electric energy
Hydropower plant on Kempff Bay Creek/Akhiok
General Description: A low concrete diversion dam diverts water from Kempff Bay
Creek into a penstock that runs parallel to the creek to a powerhouse located near
the mouth of the creek. An alternative could be a lake tap at the unnamed lake on
the headwaters of the Kempff Bay Creek. However, the diversion is probably cheaper,
and locating it downstream from the lake gives more drainage area and therefore a
more dependable flow.
50 feet NGVD.
Resource Location:
west of Akhiok
Renewable or Nonrenewable: Renewable
Resource Characteristics:
Type Height (ft)
Type Capacity (cfs)
Length (ft)
Diameter (in)
Type of machine
Number of units
Installed capacity (kW)
Transmission Facilities
Type Length (miles)
Installed capacity (kW)
Average annual energy (kWh)
Plant factor (%)
Dependable capacity (kW)
Annual energy, low-flow year (kWh)
Annual energy, high-flow year (kWh)
Input Energy (Fuel) Characteristics:
Drainage area (sq. mi.)
Average annual flow (cfs)
Low flow (cfs)
High flow (cfs),
Total head (ft)
Net head (ft) Maximum penstock flow (cfs)
Powerhouse located so that tailwater elevation is about
0.5 mile upstream from mouth of Kempff Bay Creek, about 2 miles
Concrete diversion
Concrete overflow
1,000 (500-year peak flow)
2,900 18
Single wire, ground return
Resource Reliability: The project is located on a stream with a small drainage
area, and it is sized to use most of the available flow.
of the plant is subject to natural fluctuations in runoff.
For this reason the output
The project has no
storage to carry over generation capability during dry periods.
Resource Cost (January 1981
Construction and engineering ($) Unit cost ($/kW)
Annual operating and maintenance ($)
ice levels):
Maintenance Requirements: Periodic maintenance will be required to overhaul or
replace worn-out or defective parts. The frequency should be minimal because the
technology for hydropower projects has been developed and proved. Hydropower proj-
ects of this size can be operated with very minimal manpower and/or can be operated
by remote telecommunications. Useful operating lifetime is 30 to 50 years.
Resource Development Schedule:
available in January 1985
Environmental Impacts:
spawning pink salmon.
to the lake outlet.
Installation and construction in 1983 and 1984,
The field investigation revealed late summer presence of
Salmon remains were found over the full length of the stream
Brown bears inhabit the entire drainage area, and their active presence was evident
from digs, tracks, and salmcn feeding remnants.
Institutional, Social, and Land-Use Considerations: Possible land-use conflicts
resulting from siting plant and transmission system.
Health and Safety Impacts: No significant impacts
Resource/Village: Wind generation/Akhiok
Energy Form: Electric energy
General Description: Installation and operation of horizontal axis wind induction
generator to provide approximately 10-kW average power output. System to consist of
one wind generator rated for 25 kW maximum output, with support tower, control
equipment, and transformation and transmission facilities to integrate into existing
community electric distribution system. Wind power to be backed by diesel genera-
tion to firm up power base and for system integrity and reliability. Approximate
maximum wind generation contribution to total system electric load is 25 percent.
Resource Location: In favorable location with respect to wind speed and direction,
as close to the central electric distribution system as practical
Renewable or Nonrenewable: Renewable
Resource Characteristics: One 25-kW peak wind generation machine
Energy Production: 25-kW peak output, 10.0-kW average output, 87,000-kWh-per-year
electric energy output
Input Energy (fuel) Characteristics: Average annual wind speed of approximately
17 mph. Wind speed and direction vary.
Resource Reliability: Downtime for system due to lack of wind estimated at 20 to
25 percent. Maintenance activity downtime estimtes at 5 percent.
Resource Cost (January 1981 price levels):
Construction and engineering ($) 396,000
Unit cost ($/kW) 15,840
Annual operating and maintenance ($) 8,400
Maintenance Requirements: Average operating activity requirement is one person
1 day per month. Average maintenance activity requirement is one person 1 week per
year per machine. Annual equipment replacement cost is $5,000 per machine. Approxi-
mate useful lifetime is 15 years.
Resource Development Schedule: Installation in 1983, available in January 1984
Environmental Impacts: Some noise emission during resource operation. Noise levels
can be mitigated by strategic and remote location siting.
Institutional, Social, and Land-Use Considerations: Possible land-use conflicts
resulting from siting plant and transmission system.
Health and Safety Impacts: No significant impacts