HomeMy WebLinkAboutAk-BC Intertie Feasibility Study SE Alaska Appendices 2007/= ALASKA @i_> ENERGY AUTHORITY " a? i ta AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study SE Alaska + ee ie ; Pes Appendices —_— S 7 Final Report HATCH ACHES Hatch Acres Corporation Septem ber 2007 Dryden and La Rue, Inc. Hardy Energy Consulting = ALASKA @=___ ENERGY AUTHORITY AK-BC Intertie Feasibility, 3 Study SE Alaska : Appendices — et et i Final Report HAT Nils September 2007 Hatch Acres Corporation Suite 101, 6 Nickerson Street Seattle, WA, USA 98109 Tel. 206 352 5730 ¢ Fax: 206 352 5734 * www.hatchenergy.com September 18, 2007 H-324582 Mr. James Strandberg Project Manager The Alaska Energy Authority 813 West Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99503 Dear Jim : Subject: Final Report - AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study SE Alaska We are pleased to submit our Final Report for this project. This report represents our fourth and final deliverable under Contract # AEA-07-008. Our contract with AEA calls for this report to have been submitted by April 30", 2007. As agreed with AEA, submission of the report was deferred to allow the AEA to assemble internal and stakeholder comments on our Draft Final Report dated April 5, 2007. In preparing this Final Report, we have incorporated our responses to the AEA’s comments of August 14" in our Draft Final Report. We would like to make specific note of the fact that in accordance with our scope of work we have not updated the Draft Final Report to reflect information on any new developments in the electricity sectors of SE Alaska , British Columbia or the Lower 48 States during the period April 6", 2007 to the present. The purpose of this report is to provide a detailed description of the analysis we carried out in the study. In accordance with our contract, this study focuses on the hydro projects that could be developed and the proposed electrical transmission system that would interconnect presently isolated load centers within Southeast Alaska and interconnect Southeast Alaska with Northwest British Columbia. These projects would provide the opportunity to reduce present and projected diesel generation, to coordinate the operations of the region’s hydro plants to make the most efficient use of the water resources, to increase system reliability and to receive revenue from the export of power, thus creating important enabling conditions for new economic development within the study area. In preparing this report we have described the information we have obtained and have outlined the results of the analyses that we have carried out in our work under the Contract based on this available information. We have indicated the areas where additional information or more refined analysis will be desirable during Phase Il of the study or as part of other subsequent work on the projects that have been considered as part of this study. We note that while the word “feasibility” is included in the name of the project, the cost estimates provided in this report are based on existing studies, documents and other available information which generally are not based on feasibility level investigations. If you have questions on any of the information or results included in this report, please give us a call and we will be pleased to assist. Yours very truly, Robert Griesbach, P. Eng., CMC Project Director Hatch Acres Corporation Cover Letter_ Final Report.Doc Hatch Acres Corporation HAT AGES Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G Appendix H Appendix | Alaska Energy Authority - AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study SE Alaska List of Appendices Maps Business Structures Markets and Market Structures Regulatory Transmission Power Generation Development Scenarios and Model Loads and Resources SEC Mid-Winter Meeting Presentation Final Report Hatch Acres Corporation AK-BC Alaska Final Report 18-09-07.Doc PR324582. Rev. 0, Page 12 BATU ACRES Alaska Energy Authority - AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study SE Alaska Final Report e Appendix A Maps Hatch Acres Corporation PR324582 AK-BC Alaska Final Report-App 18-09-07.doc APPENDIX A MAPS Figure 1.1-1 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Area.pdf Figure 1.1-2 Southeast Alaska and BC Transmission System.pdf Map — Appendix A - 1 Swan-Tyee Intertie - Commonwealth.pdf (2 maps) Map — Appendix A — 2 AK-BC Intertie Proposed Route.pdf Map — Appendix A - 3 BCTC System Map. pdf Map — Appendix A - 4 Proposed NTL Project Map.pdf Figure 1.1: AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Area s . ‘Sp Angoor \ o “ing a ‘e i , \ : fo thts Galore Creek 138 KV fama? Seen @Kake TW me, i Petersbur, <, de Green’Lake Proposed Generating Stations [7] Mahoney Lake - 9.6 MW (2010+) [2] Scenery Creek - 30 MW (2015+) Ruth Lake - 20 MW (2015+) [A] Cascade Creek - 45 MW (2015+) Swan Lake [E] whitman Lake - 4.6 Mw (2010+) a ‘o ' @Metlakatla [E] Reynolds Creek - 5.0 MW (2010+) Ketchikan Potential Future Generating Stations EJ ‘Scule River - 42 MW (2015+) B Wrangell Narrows Tidal - 10-100 MW (2018+) & Takatz - 20 MW (?) \ [a] Geothermal ‘ www Area of Study @ Cities and Load Centers “= BCTC Transmission Lines Major Hydroelectric Projects == Proposed Transmission Lines © Existing Substation === Proposed Intertie AA Proposed Substations Proposed Generating Stations [A] Forrest Kerr Power Project - 115 MW (2009) More Creek Power Project - 55 MW (2011+) McLymount Creek Power Project - 60 MW (2011+) [D] Anyox Power Project - 30 MW (2008) ea E] Kitsault and Homestake Power Projects - 26 MW (2008) Mount Hays Wind Farm - 25 MW (2008) A 4 Sitka i ) Substation Cm << ? 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SKEENA SUB i ’ . 2 é a ) 2 xo PROPOSED NORTHWEST TRANSMISSION LINE MAP 1.0 HATCH ACHES Alaska Energy Authority - AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study SE Alaska Final Report Appendix B Business Structure Hatch Acres Corporation PR324582 AK-BC Alaska Final Report-App 18-09-07.doc KEMPPEL, HUFFMAN AND ELLIS, P.C. MEMORANDUM 0: Dave Carlson Southeast Conference Intertie Coordinator FROM: Dean Thompson DATE: March 16, 2004 SUBJECT: Legal Entity Options for Southeast Alaska Intertie Project L Introduction. In response to the Southeast Conference’s January 23, 2004, RFP and the subsequent teleconferences with you and the legal entity formation subcommittee, below is my analysis of the viable legal entity options available for ownership and/or operation of segments of the Southeast Alaska Intertie Project. There are several legal entity options available under Alaska law. However, based on the entity requirements and characteristics that were identified in the RFP, during our teleconference, and in the prior comments and discussions regarding intertie ownership, I believe that there are four primary, potentially viable options that should be discussed and considered in detail: (1) an electric transmission cooperative, (2) a limited liability company (“LLC”), (3) a nonprofit corporation, and (4) a for profit corporation. As will be explained below, each have advantages and disadvantages, but it appears that a transmission cooperative best satisfies the requirements for the project. As requested in the RFP, I have also prepared a matrix, which is attached to this memorandum. That matrix summarizes various aspects of each of the four potentially viable entities and relates them to entity requirements and characteristics that are of greatest concern with respect to the intertie project. IL. Other Entity Options Not Addressed in Detail. As an initial matter, I would like to briefly address some of the other legal entities that have been discussed in previous comments. A. Joint Action Agency. As you recall, two years ago there was significant discussion of forming a joint action agency (“JAA”) pursuant to AS 42.45.300. As you indicated in the RFP, this met with considerable opposition for various reasons. Among the most significant was that in order for the JAA to be tax exempt under federal income tax law, investor owned utilities (““IOUs”) could fs\SEC\SE Xtie\3-16-04 TO: Dave Carlson FROM: Dean Thompson DATE: March 16, 2004 SUBJECT: — Legal Entity Options for Southeast Alaska Intertie Project PAGE: QD; not be members. In addition, AS 42.45.300 would have to be amended to ensure the requisite sovereign powers to obtain a federal income tax exemption. Finally, in contrast to AS 42.45.310 (the statute for special JAAs like the Four Dam Pool JAA), AS 42.45.300 is very brief and lacks any detailed provisions regarding the governance and operation, let alone limited liability, for such a JAA. For reasons such as these, this is not a viable option for this project. B. Nonprofit Cooperative. In previous comments, a nonprofit cooperative under AS 10.15 was raised as a potential legal entity for the project. However, AS 10.15.005 expressly prohibits such a cooperative to be organized under those statutes for furnishing electric utility services. CG Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Partnerships. Previous comments have raised the potential for use of a limited partnership or a limited liability partnership. Limited partnerships are often used in real estate developments and similar businesses. These entities have one or more general partners, who are primarily responsible for active management of the partnership, and one or more limited partners who are more “passively” involved and who have limited liability. However, for the intertie project, all interested parties will want to be more active in the legal entity and will want to maximize their limited liability and exemption from taxation. For these reasons, limited partnerships are not analyzed in further detail in this memorandum. Under Alaska law, a limited liability partnership provides more flexibility and greater overall limited liability for all partners. However, that same flexibility and liability protection exists with a LLC, and a LLC has the additional option of electing to be treated as a partnership or a corporation for purposes of federal income taxation without being subject to state law partnership rules. The LLC was discussed in detail in previous comments by one of the utilities that will participate in the intertie project, and it is addressed in detail below as well. Accordingly, limited liability partnerships are not analyzed further in this memorandum. D. Public Corporation. The RFP listed public corporations as a potential legal entity. Primary public corporations in Alaska include incorporated local governments and regional electrical authorities. However, public entities such as these do not allow for inclusion of other entities such as cooperatives and IOUs. fs\SEC\SE Xtie\3-16-04 iLO: Dave Carlson FROM: Dean Thompson DATE: March 16, 2004 SUBJECT: Legal Entity Options for Southeast Alaska Intertie Project PAGE: 5 E. Pooling Arrangements. Finally, the RFP contemplated consideration of a pooling arrangement to facilitate the intertie project. Any such arrangement, without new statutory provisions, would be based solely on contractual relations between the users of the intertie segments. This would not satisfy the limited liability, tax exemption, and organizational requirements identified for development of the intertie project in Southeast Alaska. Ill. Electric Transmission Cooperative. Based on the requirements listed in the RFP and our recent teleconference, it appears that the primary considerations for the choice of legal entity involve (1) inclusiveness of all utilities and power purchasers who are located near the future intertie segments; (2) protection of members from liability and undue risk; (3) exemption from income taxation; and (4) productive interface with the Southeast Conference regarding prioritization of future intertie segments. Of course, there are other considerations, but those four appear to be the most salient issues. Accordingly, much of this analysis will be concerned with those issues, particularly income tax issues. Regarding membership, nothing in AS 10.25 restricts utilities or power purchasers from being members of a cooperative for the purchase of transmission service. For decades electric cooperatives have had municipalities, private persons, and other utilities as members. Further, Alaska Statutes 10.25.010 and 10.25.020 provide electric and telephone cooperative utilities with broad powers to perform different types of activities. In several provisions, these statutes expressly allow a cooperative to construct, operate, and maintain “electric lines” and “transmission lines” and to “transmit electric energy.” AS 10.25.010(a)(4) and (a)(7); AS 10.25.020(1). AS 10.25.020(1) states, in relevant part: An electric cooperative may . . . generate, manufacture, purchase, acquire, accumulate, and transmit electric energy, and distribute, sell, supply, and dispose of electric energy to its members, to governmental agencies and political subdivisions, and to other persons not exceeding 10 percent of the number of its members .... (Emphasis added). fs\SEC\SE Xtie\3- 16-04 TO: Dave Carlson FROM: Dean Thompson DATE: March 16, 2004 SUBJECT: — Legal Entity Options for Southeast Alaska Intertie Project PAGE: 4 Specifically, generation and transmission cooperatives have operated for decades, and there are at least two transmission-only cooperatives currently operating in Georgia and the Southwestern United States. Accordingly, a transmission cooperative is well suited to serve the generation utilities and power purchasers in Southeast Alaska. You asked that I address when a utility or purchaser might become a member of the cooperative with respect to an intertie segment that will be constructed several years in the future. Alaska Statute 10.25 does not compel an absolute answer to that question. Instead, AS 10.25.080 simply requires that a person may not become a member unless he agrees to “use the services furnished by the cooperative when they are made available through its facilities.” However, it might be prudent to establish some standard in the articles or bylaws regarding how imminent the planning of a segment should be prior to having a future customer formally join as a member. Perhaps this standard could also incorporate when a specific segment recommendation or plan is recommended by the Southeast Conference. That would serve the dual purpose of facilitating interface between the planning and prioritization function of the Southeast Conference with the ownership and operation function of the transmission entity. Moreover, such a standard could also be included in the articles or bylaws of one of the other types of potential legal entities in the event a transmission cooperative entity is not pursued. With respect to limited liability, AS 10.25.410 expressly provides that a member of a cooperative is not liable or responsible for any debts of the corporation. Similarly, AS 10.25.141 provides that directors, officers, employees, and agents of a cooperative are not individually liable for conduct preformed within the scope of the person’s duties for the cooperative. Exemption from federal income taxation is an important benefit of a cooperative utility. Internal Revenue Code (“IRC”) Section S501(a) and (c)(12) exempt a mutual or cooperative electric company from federal income taxation if it derives at least 85 percent of its income from its members. The basic requirements for satisfying “cooperative principles” are (1) democratic control—one member-one vote; (2) operating at cost; and (3) subordination of capital. E.g., Puget Sound Plywood v. Commissioner, 44 T.C. 305, 307-08 (1965). Operating at cost means that the cooperative will not collect income from members greater or less than what is required to meet current losses and expenses. Of course, that does not mean that a cooperative cannot recover reasonable margins. In Revenue Ruling 72-36, the IRS held that operating at cost allows the cooperative to retain margins to fs\SEC\SE Xtie\3-16-04 702 Dave Carlson FROM: Dean Thompson DATE: March 16, 2004 SUBJECT: Legal Entity Options for Southeast Alaska Intertie Project PAGE: 5 expand the services of the cooperative and to maintain reserves for necessary purposes. The limit is that those funds cannot be accumulated beyond the “reasonable needs of the organization’s business.” /d. The IRS’ recognition of the need for a cooperative to earn and retain reasonable reserves for current and future operations fits well with the overall plan for the long-term development of the intertie project. Subordination of capital refers to the fact that cooperatives operate for the benefit of their member customers, not for equity investors. This means that over time, excess margins are returned to members and former members based on their patronage in the cooperative. Id. One issue that was raised in the RFP was whether different intertie segments could be operated on a stand-alone basis with respect to wheeling rates, O&M, and reserves. Neither AS 10.25 nor IRS rules prevent this. In fact, the general cooperative principle of serving members at cost implies that a cooperative should seek to charge different classes of members different rates based on differences in costs and allocations. See Unpublished TAM, Oct. 24, 1996. This supports the ability of a transmission cooperative to operate different segments based on the costs and circumstances of the service. One of the distinct benefits of a transmission cooperative over other potential legal entities is that the IRS has routinely granted tax exempt status to electric cooperatives under IRC 501(c)(12). In addition, the IRS has routinely granted those exemptions to G&T electric cooperatives, not just distribution cooperatives. In previous discussions, there was a question raised regarding whether a transmission-only cooperative would qualify for tax exemption under IRC 501(c)(12). There is nothing in the IRC or the IRS regulations that preclude that exemption, and the IRS granted Southwestern Transmission Electric Cooperative, Inc. a 501(c)(12) exemption as recently as January 4, 1999. Accordingly, it can be expected that a transmission cooperative formed to own and/or operate the Southeast Alaska Intertie Project would not draw undue scrutiny from the IRS. A related issue is whether plans to operate fiber optic facilities along the intertie segments would threaten the cooperative’s tax exempt status. This should not be a concern. So long as the cooperative satisfies the 85 percent member revenue test from wheeling income, this would not be a problem. In fact, another Alaska cooperative, Chugach Electric Association, Inc., owns and operates fiber optic facilities along its transmission facilities, and it has never presented an issue for its tax exempt status or authority under AS 10.25. Apart from federal income taxation, it has been asserted that a transmission cooperative would be required to pay the 0.25 mil per kWh cooperative gross revenue tax under fs\SEC\SE Xtie\3-16-04 TO: Dave Carlson FROM: Dean Thompson DATE: March 16, 2004 SUBJECT: Legal Entity Options for Southeast Alaska Intertie Project PAGE: 6 AS 10.25.540 and .555. However, despite the relatively small amount of that tax, it is doubtful that a transmission cooperative would be required to pay that tax since it applies only to kWh of “electricity sold at retail.” Providing transmission services for other utilities to sell either wholesale or retail power would not appear to be selling electricity at retail. Similarly, AS 10.25.580 provides that the inventory and fixtures of a business operated by a cooperative that is incidental to the furnishing of central station electric service, including “appliance stores or departments,” are not exempt from ad valorem taxes. However, it would appear that providing transmission service to a generating member is not “incidental” in the way that operating an appliance store would be. Accordingly, it appears doubtful that a transmission cooperative would be liable for these taxes. The primary disadvantages of a transmission cooperative legal entity are its 10 percent non-member service limit and the administrative burden of keeping records of member patronage and capital credits. The 10 percent non-member service limit is a state law requirement (AS 10.25.020(1)), not an IRS rule. It does impose a limitation on the ability of the cooperative to provide service to a large number of non-members. However, given that the participants appear to have decided that the entity should be as inclusive as possible with respect to the users of the interties that are allowed to become member, this likely will not be a significant impediment. The other primary disadvantage of a cooperative is that operating on cooperative principles requires careful record-keeping of past and current patronage capital. However, to the extent that any of the other potential entities seek to obtain their IRS tax exemption through IRC 501(c)(12), they would have the same type of record-keeping requirements. IV. Limited Liability Company. One of the participants advocated a LLC (AS 10.55) as a legal entity that might be preferable to a cooperative. As was noted by that participant, LLCs are very flexible entities, similar to a partnership, but with the benefit of having limited liability like a corporation or cooperative. Like a transmission cooperative, a LLC has no restrictions precluding it from having the participating utilities or power purchasers as members. Similarly, a LLC provides limited liability to its members in the same way that a corporation does. One potential drawback in that regard, however, is that LLCs are relatively new entities, and there is not a well-established body of law regarding the standards for piercing a LLC’s “corporate veil.” fs\SEC\SE Xtie\3-16-04 TO: Dave Carlson FROM: Dean Thompson DATE: March 16, 2004 SUBJECT: Legal Entity Options for Southeast Alaska Intertie Project PAGE: a) Also like an AS 10.25 cooperative, a LLC could arrange its articles and operating agreement to allow future users to become members as the planning for their segment becomes imminent. This could also incorporate a cooperative interface with the Southeast Conference, as was discussed above. The main disadvantage of a LLC, however, is the difficulty it will likely face in obtaining exemption from federal income taxation. It is true that there is nothing inherent about a LLC that precludes it from becoming exempt. However, I believe it would be much more difficult for a LLC to obtain such an exemption than it would be for an AS 10.25 cooperative. Under the Internal Revenue Code, there are not a lot of options for a transmission utility owned by IOUs and cooperatives to become exempt from federal income taxation. The only conceivable possibilities are IRC 501(c)(3) (charitable organizations), IRC 501(c)(4) (social welfare organizations, and IRC 501(c)(12) (electric cooperatives). I do not believe that the first two are applicable, as the purpose of the entity would not be what the IRS has traditionally granted exemptions for under IRC 501(c)(3) and (4). In his previous comments, the participant referenced above appeared to agree, but claimed that it may be possible for a LLC to qualify for an exemption under IRC 501(c)(12) by setting up its articles and operating agreement to satisfy the IRS’ cooperative principles requirements. There has been a recent trend at the IRS to allow LLCs certain beneficial tax treatments. For example, the IRS has held that a LLC that is wholly owned by a single, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization may be disregarded as an entity separate from its owner when numerous conditions are met. Ann. 99102, 1999-43 ILR.B. 545. Similarly, in a non-precedential private letter ruling, the IRS allowed a LLC to elect to be taxed as a taxable cooperative under Subchapter T where a taxable agricultural cooperative merged into the wholly-owned LLC in order to raise needed equity capital. PLR 200119016. However, to the best of my knowledge, the IRS has declined to extend this trend to granting a LLC tax exempt status under any other 501(c) exemptions. It may be that such an exemption will be possible in the future under the right circumstances, such as when the member of the LLC is otherwise exempt, but to the best of my knowledge, the IRS has not yet moved further in that direction. In any event, I believe the IRS would be much more willing to grant a 501(c)(12) exemption to an AS 10.25 cooperative than a multi-member LLC for purposes of operating a transmission utility. Moreover, even if a LLC fs\SEC\SE Xtie\3-16-04 TO? Dave Carlson FROM: Dean Thompson DATE: March 16, 2004 SUBJECT: — Legal Entity Options for Southeast Alaska Intertie Project PAGE: 8 obtained an exemption from income taxes, that does not necessarily mean that it would be exempt from state and local taxes. Another disadvantage of a LLC compared to a cooperative is that, although a LLC may technically be able to qualify for some types of grant funding, it is probably less politically attractive for a funding entity to issue such funds to a LLC. The perception, which is correct, is that most LLC’s are for-profit, taxable entities. In addition, although LLCs have significant flexibility, that flexibility exists at the cost of certainty and experience regarding what is required, allowed, and discretionary under AS 10.50. That adds a level of complexity in drafting, revising, and abiding by governing documents. For all of these reasons, I believe a cooperative is better suited than a LLC for ownership and operation of the Southeast Alaska Intertie Project. NV. Nonprofit Corporation. Another potential entity is a nonprofit corporation under AS 10.20. Like a cooperative and a LLC, a nonprofit corporation is able to have all of the potential participants as members, provides limited liability, can accommodate participants joining as members prior when planning for a segment is imminent, and can also provide for interface with the Southeast Conference. However, a nonprofit corporation would not be able to obtain a federal tax exemption, as it usually does, under IRC 501(c)(3) or (4). In addition, although it is possible that a nonprofit corporation might have a better chance than a LLC of persuading the IRS to grant it an exemption under 501(c)(12), the IRS would be less likely to grant it to a nonprofit corporation than to a cooperative. Beyond, the federal income tax issue, a nonprofit corporation would not enjoy the broad exemption from property taxes that a cooperative enjoys. The primary basis for a nonprofit corporation’s exemption from those taxes is Article IX, § 6, of the Alaska Constitution, which provides an exemption for property used exclusively for “non-profit religious, charitable, cemetery, or educational purposes.” Ownership and operation of a transmission project would not qualify for that exemption. By contrast, the ad valorem tax exemption for cooperatives in AS 10.25.540 is not dependent on such purposes. Although a nonprofit corporation has some potential advantages over a LLC, I believe a cooperative is preferable for ownership and operation of the intertie. fs\SEC\SE Xtie\3- 16-04 TO: Dave Carlson FROM: Dean Thompson DATE: March 16, 2004 SUBJECT: — Legal Entity Options for Southeast Alaska Intertie Project PAGE: 9 VI. ‘For Profit Corporation. There has not been significant discussion of using a for profit corporation for ownership of the intertie project. As was stated in the RFP, there is an obvious tax disadvantage associated with this option. In addition, AS 10.06.420 vests voting rights not on a one member-one vote basis, but based on the number of shares of stock that is owned. This is a significant departure from the democratic principles of a cooperative. In addition, AS 10.06.338 requires payment of consideration (contributions) for shares. Accordingly, under this statutory scheme, it would be difficult to retain equal voting rights within the entity. VII. Tax Ownership. One of the IOU participants expressed concern that a member performing contractual construction or operation and maintenance work for the cooperative might be deemed by the IRS to be a “tax owner” of the intertie facilities. I have discussed the issue with the IOU and have reviewed what I believe is the general basis for that concern. IRC 263-A and implementing Treasury Regulations at 1.263-A. However, I have not seen the precise tax accountant opinion that determined the “tax ownership” relating to the hydroelectric project. This is a complex, very fact-intensive area of federal income taxation, and more information would be needed regarding that prior situation to provide an exhaustive opinion on this issue as it relates to the intertie project. Nevertheless, it appears that there are substantial differences between the intertie project and the hydroelectric project that significantly reduce the likelihood that tax ownership would be imputed to a member of the intertie entity. First, a contract with the IOU or another member would, in form and substance, be nothing more than a services-type contract, presumably on a cost-plus or not-to-exceed amount basis. Second, there would be no implied or actual agreement that would give the contractor any expectation, however contingent, of obtaining direct ownership of the intertie. Third, the intertie entity, not the contractor, would have legal title to the facility as well as bear all risks of loss or damage to the property. Fourth, when the IOU purchases transmission service from the owning entity, it would be under traditional, per-unit-type wheeling rates. Under these circumstances, it appears that the instant situation is significantly different from the arrangements the IOU had regarding the hydroelectric facility. fs\SEC\SE Xtie\3- 16-04 TO: Dave Carlson FROM: Dean Thompson DATE: March 16, 2004 SUBJECT: Legal Entity Options for Southeast Alaska Intertie Project PAGE: 10 Therefore, balancing the benefits and burdens aspects discussed in Treasury Regulation 1.263A-2, as well as in various court decisions implementing that type of test, appears to reduce the risk of tax ownership with respect to this project. However, it would be prudent to carefully review this issue when forming the contractual arrangement between the intertie entity and a member contractor. In addition, all parties should ensure that the contract is negotiated at arms-length, at reasonably justifiable pricing, with the member abstaining from any entity vote on the contract. Finally, it would be advisable to obtain a more fact-specific tax analysis prior to finalizing that contract. It is also important to note that whatever risks may exist regarding this tax ownership issue, they do not appear to be significantly affected by the type of legal entity that is chosen to own the intertie. Instead, the material facts seem to be the relationship of the contracting member with the services to be performed and the terms and conditions under which that member obtains transmission services from the entity in the future. VIII. Conclusion. None of the potential legal entities discussed above are without advantages and disadvantages. However, based on the requirements and characteristics that most of the potential participants believe are important for the long term success of the Southeast Alaska Intertie Project, it appears that a nonprofit, electric transmission cooperative formed under AS 10.25 best satisfies those requirements. Specifically, a transmission cooperative has the greatest chance of obtaining an expeditious grant of a federal income taxation exemption under IRC S501(c)(12). The IRS is accustomed to granting such exemptions to electric cooperatives that are organized and operated under state electric cooperative statutes. In addition, a cooperative provides the same level of limited liability protection to its members as any of the other potential entities. Finally, the statutory scheme of AS 10.25 fits well with the general consensus that the intertie entity should be operated on an at-cost basis, under democratic, one member-one vote governance procedures, for the mutual benefit of all users of the intertie facilities. ‘tmg fs\SEC\SE Xtie\3- 16-04 PRIMARY ENTITY OPTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION For-Profit AS 10.06, et seq. Non-profit Corporation AS 10.20, et seq. Electric & Telephone Cooperative AS 10.25, et seq. Limited Liability Company AS 10.50, et seq. Purposes Any lawful purpose. Any lawful purpose Supplying electric energy | Any lawful purpose. including commercial | or telephone service and or industrial. extending the use of these services. Ownership Anyone who owns stock. | Members. Members. Members who own interests. Management Board of Directors Board of Directors Board of Directors. Manager, all members, or elected by shareholders. elected by members. Board of Directors. Voting Equal vote per share + One vote per + One member, one vote. | As per operating agreement. within class; Number of member, usually. shares based on - But can be varied in consideration paid in the articles or bylaws. money, other property, or services. - Could lead to unequal voting rights between stockholders; different people may own different amounts of stock. Limited Liability | Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. for Owners Proxies Allowed. Allowed. Not allowed. Allowed. Districts N/A. N/A. Allowed. N/A. Quorum 50% of shares is default 10% of votes eligible. | 5% of members. Not specified; as per rule; no less than 33% of shares allowed by law. Operating Agreement. fs\SEC\SE Xtie\3-15-04 For-Profit AS 10.06, et seq. Non-profit Corporation AS 10.20, et seq. Electric & Telephone Cooperative AS 10.25, et seq. Limited Liability Company AS 10.50, et seq. Profit Distribution Based on shares, but there can be different types of shares with different rights. Not allowed to issue stock or pay dividends to members or officers. Capital credits distributed based on patronage. As specified in Operating Agreement. Users of Interties Able to Become Members Yes. Yes, Yes. Yes. 10Us, JAAs, Cooperatives, & Municipal Utilities Able to Become Members Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Able to own and operate new and existing interties Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Shield members from liability and risk Limited liability. Limited liability. Limited liability. Limited liability. Capable of receiving grant funds - Less politically practical. + More politically practical. + More politically practical. - Less politically practical. Mission statement: own and operate intertie segment Can be put in articles and bylaws. Can be put in articles and bylaws. Can be put in articles and bylaws. Can be put it articles and operating agreement. PRIMARY ENTITY OPTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION Page 2 fs\SEC\SE Xtie\3-15-04 For-Profit Non-profit Corporation Electric & Telephone Limited Liability Company AS 10.06, et seq. AS 10.20, et seq. Cooperative AS 10.50, et seq. AS 10.25, et seq. Can be formed Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. without amending federal or state statute Members not considered “tax owners” of intertie segments by IRS True, but some risk for member who is contract- builder (regardless of type of entity formed). Risk can be reduced by clarifying the intent and nature of the service contract relationship. - Risk may increase if True, but some risk for member who is contract-builder (regardless of type of entity formed). Risk can be reduced by clarifying the intent and nature of the service contract True, but some risk for member who is contract- builder (regardless of type of entity formed). Risk can be reduced by clarifying the intent and nature of the service contract relationship To some extent, risk of tax True, but some risk for member who is contract- builder (regardless of type of entity formed). Risk can be reduced by clarifying the intent and nature of the service contract relationship - Risk may increase if member contractor-member has relationship owner determination may | has unequal control over unequal control over be less because of entity (but control can be entity (unequal voting statutory & IRS addressed in articles & based on shares). democratic control operating agreement). requirement. Legally mandated | No. No. No. No, unless “manager- minimum staffing managed” under statute. requirements Can “open Yes, in articles or bylaws. | Yes, in articles or Yes, in articles or bylaws. | Yes, in articles or operating access” be bylaws. agreement. ensured? PRIMARY ENTITY OPTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION Page 3 fs\SEC\SE Xtie\3-15-04 For-Profit AS 10.06, et seq. Non-profit Corporation AS 10.20, et seq. Electric & Telephone Cooperative AS 10.25, et seq. Limited Liability Company AS 10.50, et seq. Exempt from - Not generally. - More difficult. + Much easier, quicker. - Not generally. federal income Usually 501(c)(3) AS 10.25 cooperatives are | Can avoid “double taxation” taxation charitable or 501(c)(4) | commonly issued by electing to “pass-through” social welfare 501(c)(12) electric tax to owners. Possible to exemptions. More cooperative exemptions. reduce tax liability by being difficult to get treated as a taxable (not 501(c)(12) electric 501(c)(12)) cooperative. But, cooperative exemption. 501(c)(12) exemption would likely be difficult, time- consuming, and costly. Exempt from - No. - No, unless operating | + Yes, generally. - Not generally. state taxes solely for religious, charitable, etc. purposes. Not exempt from ad valorem taxes for property of business that is “incidental to central station electric service.” Coops must pay 0.25 mil/kWh gross revenue tax, but only on “electricity sold at retail.” Access to debt financing Yes, but taxable debt. Yes. Yes. Low-cost, low- margin, subsidized debt (RUS, CFC, CoBank). Yes, but taxable debt. Capable of operating intertie segments on stand-alone basis—no subsidization Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. PRIMARY ENTITY OPTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION Page 4 fs\SEC\SE Xtie\3-15-04 For-Profit Non-profit Corporation Electric & Telephone Limited Liability Company AS 10.06, et seq. AS 10.20, et seq. Cooperative AS 10.50, ef seq. AS 10.25, et seq. Capable of also Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. providing fiber optic service; possibly generation One person—one vote - No. Voting based on shares within a class. + Yes, but can be altered in bylaws. + Yes, required by statute and IRS. Yes, if required in articles or operating agreement. Time and cost to form entity, adopt bylaws, and get Simple articles to get entity formed: 3 weeks. Detailed bylaws: Up to 1 Simple articles to get entity formed: 3 weeks. Simple articles to get entity formed: 3 weeks. Detailed bylaws: Up to | Simple articles to get entity formed: 3 weeks. Detailed operating agreement: tax status month (depending on Detailed bylaws: Up to | month (depending on level | Up to 2 months (depending on level of negotiation). 1 month (depending on | of negotiation). level of negotiation). Tax exemption: 3-5 level of negotiation). Tax exemption: 3-5 Tax exemption: 3-5 months months (but retroactive). | Tax exemption: 3-5 months (but retroactive). (but retroactive). Estimated total cost: months (but Estimated total cost: Estimated total cost: $15,000+/- (depending on | retroactive). $15,000+/- (depending on | $20,000+/- (depending on level of negotiation & Estimated total cost: level of negotiation). level of negotiation and whether tax exemption is | $15,000+/- (depending whether tax exemption is attempted). on level of negotiation attempted). & whether tax exemption is attempted). Ability to Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. contract with member utilities for O&M, accounting functions, etc. PRIMARY ENTITY OPTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION Page 5 fs\SEC\SE Xtie\3-15-04 For-Profit AS 10.06, et seq. Non-profit Corporation AS 10.20, et seq. Electric & Telephone Cooperative AS 10.25, et seq. Limited Liability Company AS 10.50, et seq. When members can join with respect to future segments Anytime, but might want to structure articles or bylaws to have it coincide with when detailed planning for segment is imminent. Anytime, but might want to structure articles or bylaws to have it coincide with when detailed planning for segment is imminent. Once member agrees to use services when they become available. Might want to structure articles or bylaws to have it coincide with when detailed planning for segment is imminent. Anytime, but might want to structure articles or bylaws to have it coincide with when detailed planning for segment is imminent. Interface with S.E. Conference regarding prioritization of intertie segments Can be incorporated into the articles or bylaws. Can be incorporated into the articles or bylaws. Can be incorporated in the articles or bylaws. Can be incorporated into the articles or operating agreement. Subject to RCA jurisdiction. Yes, generally. But, exempt from economic regulation until it grosses $50,000 annually. If it does not gross $500,000 annually, customers can elect to be deregulated. Also, public interest exemption is possible. Yes, generally. But, exempt from economic regulation until it grosses $50,000 annually. If it does not gross $500,000 annually, customers can elect to be deregulated. Also, public interest exemption is possible. Yes, generally. But, exempt from economic regulation until it grosses $50,000 annually. +Regardless of revenue, a cooperative’s customers can always elect to be deregulated. Also, public interest exemption is possible. Yes, generally. But, exempt from economic regulation until it grosses $50,000 annually. If it does not gross $500,000 annually, customers can elect to be deregulated. Also, public interest exemption is possible. PRIMARY ENTITY OPTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION Page 6 fs\SEC\SE Xtie\3-15-04 For-Profit AS 10.06, et seq. Non-profit Corporation AS 10.20, et seq. Electric & Telephone Cooperative AS 10.25, et seq. Limited Liability Company AS 10.50, et seq. Generating utilities ability to have power sales agreements with power purchasers, and pay the entity wheeling charges to build a reserve for O&M and repairs Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Members have an active role in determining wheeling rates Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Simple governance procedures - By vesting voting power in relation to stock ownership and capital, member voting issues may be more complex. Relatively simple. + Relatively simple. Mandatory one member - one vote rule. - Requires regular tracking of patronage and capital accounts. - Although providing significant flexibility, requires more careful drafting and revision of governance procedures PRIMARY ENTITY OPTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION Page 7 fs\SEC\SE Xtie\3-15-04 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF KWAAN ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION INTERTIE COOPERATIVE, INC. These Articles of Incorporation are executed pursuant to Alaska Statutes, Title 10, Chapter 25, (AS 10.25) in order to incorporate Kwaan Electric Transmission Intertie Cooperative, Inc. (the Cooperative’). ARTICLE I NAME The name of the Cooperative shall be Kwaan Electric Transmission Intertie Cooperative, Inc. ARTICLE II DURATION The duration of the Cooperative shall be perpetual. ARTICLE III PURPOSES This Cooperative is formed for the following purposes: A. To extend the availability of low cost and reliable electricity in Southeast Alaska through the acquisition and construction of electric transmission interties between communities in Southeast Alaska, as was generally envisioned by the Southeast Conference, an Alaska nonprofit corporation, and its Intertie Committee, as part of the Southeast Conference’s Southeast Alaska Intertie Project; B. To acquire, construct, own, operate, and maintain plant, facilities, and equipment, including substation facilities (referred to herein collectively as “Intertie Segments’), for the transmission of electric power and energy, and to use the Intertie Segments to provide electric transmission and substation services in Southeast Alaska; Cc. To acquire, construct, own, operate, and maintain telecommunications plant, facilities, and equipment, including fiber optic cable, that is collocated with and incidental to its Intertie Segments, and to use such plant, facilities, and equipment to provide telecommunications services; D. To do and perform any other act and thing, and to have and exercise any and all powers, that may be necessary, convenient, or appropriate to accomplish any or all of the foregoing purposes; and fs\Formation\A&B\FINAL (7-6-04) E. Any other lawful purpose as may be permitted by the statutes under which the Cooperative is formed, as such statutes may be amended from time to time, including, but not limited to, becoming a member of other cooperatives or other legal entities and acquiring ownership interests in such entities. ARTICLE IV FUTURE INTERTIE SEGMENTS In furtherance of the purposes for which the Cooperative is formed, one of the basic functions of the Cooperative shall be to continue to acquire, construct, own, operate, and maintain additional Intertie Segments in Southeast Alaska in the future when it is reasonably determined that an additional Intertie Segment will be “economically feasible.” The Cooperative’s Bylaws shall set forth a uniform methodology to be used for determining whether and when an additional Intertie Segment will be economically feasible. The Cooperative’s Bylaws shall also provide for cooperation and consultation with the Southeast Conference regarding the timing, planning, and economic feasibility of future Intertie Segments to facilitate the build-out envisioned by the Southeast Conference’s Southeast Alaska Intertie Project and to advance the regional, public interest goals of reducing the cost of electricity in Southeast Alaska. ARTICLE V NONPROFIT OPERATION Section 1. The Cooperative is not organized for profit and shall not have the authority to issue capital stock. Section 2. The Cooperative shall provide services to members under the “operation at cost” principle, under which revenues from members will be used to meet current losses and expenses and maintain reserves to meet the reasonable business needs of the Cooperative. To the extent practicable, the operation at cost principle shall be applied uniformly to each individual Intertie Segment operated by the Cooperative, as shall be more particularly set forth in the Bylaws. ARTICLE VI PRINCIPAL OFFICE The principal office for the transaction of the business of the Cooperative shall be at Juneau, Alaska, and such business may be carried on in such city, and elsewhere within the state, at the discretion of the Board of Directors. The post office address of the present principal office is P.O. Box 35466, Juneau, Alaska, 99803. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF KWAAN ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION INTERTIE COOPERATIVE, INC. Page 2 of 12 fs\Formation\A&B\FINAL (7-6-04) ARTICLE VII REGISTERED AGENT The registered agent for the Cooperative shall be KH&G Service Company, Inc., with offices at 255 E. Fireweed Lane, Suite 200, Anchorage, Alaska 99503. ARTICLE VIII MEMBERSHIP Section 1. The Cooperative is formed without any purpose of pecuniary profit to itself and shall have no capital stock. However, membership may be evidenced by a certificate of membership as may be provided by the Bylaws. Membership shall be nontransferable. Section 2. Each member shall be entitled to one (1) vote and no more upon each matter submitted to a vote at a meeting of the members. At all meetings of the members at which a quorum is present, all questions shall be decided by a vote of a majority of the members voting thereon in person, except as otherwise authorized by law and provided in these Articles or the Bylaws. Section 3. The Cooperative may have one or more classes of members. The designation of such class or classes, the manner of election or appointment, the qualifications and rights of the members of each class, and any provisions for termination or forfeiture of membership and any allocations to members of capital credits shall be set forth in the Bylaws. Provisions relating to the imposition of membership fees, assessments, or other charges to members shall be set forth in the Bylaws. Section 4. The initial membership of the Cooperative shall be constituted of the following two (2) members, represented by a natural person designated thereby: Inside Passage Electric Cooperative, Inc. Alaska Electric Light and Power Company Section 5. In addition to satisfying other requirements and qualifications that may be set forth in the Bylaws, a person may become a member of the Cooperative only when the following requirements and qualifications are satisfied: A. the person is a public utility, as defined in AS 42.05.990(4); and either (1) has a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by the Regulatory Commission of Alaska for the provision of electric utility service, or (2) is a joint action agency established under AS 42.45.310; ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF KWAAN ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION INTERTIE COOPERATIVE, INC. Page 3 of 12 fs\Formation\A&B\FINAL (7-6-04) B. the person agrees to use, and has the legal and operational capacity to use, the electric transmission services of the Cooperative when they are made available through an Intertie Segment of the Cooperative; iC. it has been reasonably determined that the Intertie Segment through which that person will use the Cooperative’s electric transmission services will be economically feasible; and D. it has been reasonably determined that the acquisition of, or the commencement date for permitting and construction of, the Intertie Segment is “sufficiently imminent,” based on uniform criteria set forth in the Bylaws. Section 6. In addition to other events of termination of membership set forth in the Bylaws, a member’s membership in the Cooperative shall terminate if, and to the extent that, the Intertie Segment serving that member is decommissioned and taken out of service, or otherwise ceases to provide electric transmission service due to lack of demand for service or economic infeasibility. In the event a member’s membership in the Cooperative is terminated for any of the reasons set forth in this section, that person’s membership shall not be reinstated with respect to the Intertie Segment at issue until all of the requirements and qualifications set forth in Section 5 of this Article and the Bylaws are satisfied. Section 7. The private property of the members of the Cooperative shall be exempt from execution for the debts of the Cooperative and, in accordance with AS 10.25.410, no member shall be individually liable or responsible for any debts or liabilities of the Cooperative. ARTICLE IX BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1. The number of directors of the Cooperative shall in no event be less than five (5). In the event there is only one (1) member of the Cooperative, the Board of Directors shall consist of five (5) natural persons nominated by and representing the member of the Cooperative. During all such times as there are two (2) members of the Cooperative, the Board of Directors shall consist of three (3) natural persons nominated by and representing each member of the Cooperative. During all such times as there are three (3) or four (4) members of the Cooperative, the Board of Directors shall consist of two (2) natural persons nominated by and representing each member of the Cooperative. During all such times as there are at least five (5) members of the Cooperative, the Board of Directors shall consist of one (1) natural person nominated by and representing each member of the Cooperative. Section 2. Consistent with the provisions of these Articles, the Bylaws shall prescribe the number of directors, their qualifications other than those prescribed by law, the manner of holding meetings of the Board of Directors, and the manner of electing successors to directors who resign, die, or are otherwise incapable of acting. The Bylaws shall provide for the ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF KWAAN ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION INTERTIE COOPERATIVE, INC. Page 4 of 12 fs\Formation\A&B\FINAL (7-6-04) removal of directors from office for cause and for the election of their successors. At each annual meeting of the members, directors shall be elected by the members to fill the positions of directors whose terms have expired or are expiring, and to hold office for the term for which elected and until a successor is elected and qualifies. Section 3. The Bylaws may provide for the division of the territory served or to be served by this Cooperative into two or more districts for any purpose, including without limitation, the nomination and election of directors and the election and functioning of district delegates. Such delegates may nominate and elect directors if so provided in the Bylaws. The Bylaws shall prescribe the boundaries of the districts or the manner of establishing such boundaries, the manner of changing such boundaries, and the manner in which such districts shall function. No member at any district meeting and no district delegate at any meeting shall vote by proxy or by mail. Section 4. Directors shall not receive salaries for their services as directors of the Cooperative and, except in emergencies, may not receive salaries for their services on behalf of the Cooperative in any other capacity without the approval of the members. Section 5. The initial directors named below shall hold office until the next annual meeting of the members and until their successors are elected and qualify. The names and addresses of the initial directors of the Cooperative are as follows: Name Address Liv Gray P.O. Box 415, Hoonah, Alaska 99829-0415 Jodi Mitchell P.O. Box 210149, Juneau, Alaska 99801 Vern Rauscher P.O. Box 210149, Juneau, Alaska 99801 Corry Hildenbrand 5601 Tonsgard Court, Juneau, Alaska 99801 Tim McLeod 5601 Tonsgard Court, Juneau, Alaska 99801 Connie Hulbert 5601 Tonsgard Court, Juneau, Alaska 99801 ARTICLE X OFFICERS The officers of the Cooperative shall be those authorized by the Bylaws. The officers shall be elected annually by the Board of Directors from among its members. The first officers of the Cooperative shall be elected at the first organizational meeting of the Cooperative. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF KWAAN ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION INTERTIE COOPERATIVE, INC. Page 5 of 12 fs\Formation\A&B\FINAL (7-6-04) ARTICLE XI BYLAWS The Board of Directors shall adopt the first Bylaws of the Cooperative as soon as is practicable following incorporation of the Cooperative. The Bylaws shall set out the rights and duties of members, district delegates, if any, and directors and may contain other provisions for the regulation and management of the affairs of the Cooperative consistent with law and with these Articles of Incorporation. ARTICLE XII DISSOLUTION AND LIQUIDATION Upon dissolution of the Cooperative, the Board of Directors shall wind up and settle the affairs of the Cooperative, collect sums owing to it, liquidate its property and assets, pay and discharge its debts, obligations, and liabilities, other than those to members and former members arising by reason of their patronage, and do all other things required to wind up its business. After paying, discharging, or adequately providing for the payment or discharge of all of the Cooperative’s debts, obligations, and liabilities, other than those to members and former members arising by reason of their patronage, the Board of Directors shall distribute any remaining sums, first, to members and former members for the pro rata return of all amounts standing to their credit by reason of their patronage and, second, to members and former members for the pro rata repayment of membership fees, if any. Sums then remaining shall be distributed among the Cooperative’s members and former members in proportion to their patronage of services offered by the Cooperative, except to the extent participation in the distribution has been legally waived. In the event of the lawful liquidation, through transfer or sale, of all the property and assets of the Cooperative, the proceeds of such liquidation, transfer, or sale shall be distributed in the same manner as provided for herein with respect to distribution upon dissolution. ARTICLE XII AFFILIATES With respect to the Cooperative, there are at present no affiliate non-resident aliens or affiliate corporations incorporated outside of the United States of America. ARTICLE XIV SEVERANCE If any provision of these Articles of Incorporation is held void or illegal, it shall not impair or affect the remainder of these Articles of Incorporation, and the incorporators hereby declare that they would have signed and executed the remainder of these Articles of Incorporation without such void or illegal provision. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF KWAAN ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION INTERTIE COOPERATIVE, INC. Page 6 of 12 fs\Formation\A&B\FINAL (7-6-04) ARTICLE XV AMENDMENTS Section 1. Except as otherwise provided for in Section 2 of this Article, Amendments to these Articles of Incorporation may be adopted as follows: A. the proposed amendment shall be presented to the members or district delegates at a meeting or by written notice; if the proposed amendment is presented at a meeting, the notice of the meeting must set out or have attached to it the proposed amendment; and B. if the proposed amendment, with any changes, is approved by the affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the members or district delegates of the Cooperative, the presiding officer of the Board of Directors shall execute and acknowledge Articles of Amendment on behalf of the Cooperative, and the officer designated by the Board of Directors shall affix and attest to the seal of the Cooperative; if the Cooperative accepts ballots both at a meeting and by mail, a member may vote by mail or at the meeting. Section 2. Notwithstanding Section | of this Article, the Cooperative may, upon authorization of either the Board of Directors or the members of the Cooperative, change the location of its principal office in accordance with the procedures set forth in AS 10.25.230. ARTICLE XVI INCORPORATORS The names and addresses of the incorporators of the Cooperative are: Name Address Alaska Electric Light and Power Company 5601 Tonsgard Court, Juneau, Alaska 99801 Inside Passage Electric Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 210149, Juneau, Alaska 99801 Wilbur Brown P.O. Box 228, Kake, Alaska 99830-0228 Liv Gray P.O. Box 415, Hoonah, Alaska 99829-0415 Kimberley Strong P.O. Box 286, Haines, Alaska 99827-0286 DATED this___ day of July, 2004, at Juneau, Alaska. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF KWAAN ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION INTERTIE COOPERATIVE, INC. Page 7 of 12 fs\Formation\A&B\FINAL (7-6-04) ALASKA ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY, Incorporator By: Tim McLeod, President Date: STATE OF ALASKA ) 28S. FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Articles of Incorporation of Kwaan Electric Transmission Intertie Cooperative, Inc., were acknowledged before me this day of July, 2004, by Tim McLeod, President of ALASKA ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY, an Alaska corporation, on behalf of that corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Alaska My commission expires: ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF KWAAN ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION INTERTIE COOPERATIVE, INC. Page 8 of 12 fs\Formation\A&B\FINAL (7-6-04) INSIDE PASSAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC., Incorporator By: Vernon Rauscher, General Manager Date: STATE OF ALASKA ) 2 Ss. FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Articles of Incorporation of Kwaan Electric Transmission Intertie Cooperative, Inc., were acknowledged before me this day of July, 2004, by Vernon Rauscher, General Manager of INSIDE PASSAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC., an Alaska corporation, on behalf of that corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Alaska My commission expires: ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF KWAAN ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION INTERTIE COOPERATIVE, INC. Page 9 of 12 fs\Formation\A&B\FINAL (7-6-04) WILBUR BROWN, Incorporator Date: STATE OF ALASKA ) 2 SS. FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Articles of Incorporation of Kwaan Electric Transmission Intertie Cooperative, Inc., were acknowledged before me this day of July, 2004, by WILBUR BROWN. Notary Public in and for the State of Alaska My commission expires: ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF KWAAN ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION INTERTIE COOPERATIVE, INC. Page 10 of 12 fs\Formation\A&B\FINAL (7-6-04) LIV GRAY, Incorporator Date: STATE OF ALASKA ) 28s. FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Articles of Incorporation of Kwaan Electric Transmission Intertie Cooperative, Inc., were acknowledged before me this day of July, 2004, by LIV GRAY. Notary Public in and for the State of Alaska My commission expires: ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF KWAAN ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION INTERTIE COOPERATIVE, INC. Page 11 of 12 fs\Formation\A&B\FINAL (7-6-04) KIMBERLEY STRONG, Incorporator Date: STATE OF ALASKA ) 2 SS. FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Articles of Incorporation of Kwaan Electric Transmission Intertie Cooperative, Inc., were acknowledged before me this day of July, 2004, by KIMBERLEY STRONG. Notary Public in and for the State of Alaska My commission expires: ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF KWAAN ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION INTERTIE COOPERATIVE, INC. Page 12 of 12 fs\Formation\A&B\FINAL (7-6-04) HATCH ACHES Alaska Energy Authority - AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study SE Alaska Final Report Appendix C Markets and Market Structures Hatch Acres Corporation PR324582 AK-BC Alaska Final Report-App 18-09-07.doc The relevant information is provided in the main volume of the report. HATCH ACES Alaska Energy Authority - AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study SE Alaska Final Report Appendix D Regulatory Hatch Acres Corporation PR324582 AK-BC Alaska Final Report-App 18-09-07.doc Page 1ot4 STANDARD FORM 299 (6/99) Prescribed by DOI/USDA/DOT P.L. 96-487 and Federal APPLICATION FOR TRANSPORTATION AND Register Notice 5-22-95 UTILITY SYSTEMS AND FACILITIES ON FEDERAL LANDS FORM APPROVED OMB NO. 0596-0082 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY NOTE: Before completing and filing the application, the applicant should completely review this package Application Number and schedule a preapplication meeting with representatives of the agency responsible for processing the application. Each agency may have specific and unique requirements to be met in preparing and processing the application. Many times, with the help of the agency representative, the application can be completed at the preapplication meeting. Date Filed Name and address of applicant (include zip code) Name, title, and address of authorized agent if different from item 1 (include zip code) 3. Telephone (area code) Applicant Authorized Agent 4. As applicant are you? (check one) 5. Specify what application is for: (check one) a O Individual a; El New authorization b O Corporation* [ian | Renewing existing authorization No. eG Partnership/Association* c. 0 ~— Amend existing authorization No. dO State Government/State Agency OE] Assign existing authorization No. e 0 Local Government 65) Existing use for which no authorization has been received * f. 1 — Federal Agency f. O — Other* * If checked, complete supplemental page * If checked, provide details under item 7 6._Ifan individual, or partnership are you a citizen(s) of the United States? O) Yes O)_No 7. Project description (describe in detail): (a) Type of system or facility, (e.g., canal, pipeline, road); (b) related structures and facilities; (c) physical specifications (Length, width, grading, etc.); (d) term of years needed: (e) time of year of use or operation; (f) Volume or amount of product to be transported; (g) duration and timing of construction; and (h) temporary work areas needed for construction (Attach additional sheets, if additional space is needed.) 8. Attach a map covering area and show location of project proposal 9. State or Local government approval: __() Attached O) Applied for 0 _Not Required 10. Nonreturnable application fee: O Attached O)__Not required 11. Does project cross international boundary or affect international waterways? Yes O__No_(if "yes," indicate on map) 12. Give statement of your technical and financial capability to construct, operate, maintain, and terminate system for which authorization is being requested. Page 2 ot 4 13a. Describe other reasonable alternative routes and modes considered. b. Why were these alternatives not selected? c. Give explanation as to why it is necessary to cross Federal Lands. 14. List authorizations and pending applications filed for similar projects which may provide information to the authorizing agency. (Specify number, date, code, or name) 15. Provide statement of need for project, including the economic feasibility and items such as: (a) cost of proposal (construction, operation, and maintenance); (b) estimated cost of next best alternative; and (c) expected public benefits. 16. Describe probable effects on the population in the area, including the social and economic aspects, and the rural lifestyles. 17. Describe likely environmental effects that the proposed project will have on: (a) air quality; (b) visual impact; (c) surface and ground water quality and quantity; (d) the control or structural change on any stream or other body of water; (e) existing noise levels; and (f) the surface of the land, including vegetation, permafrost, soil, and soil stability. 18. Describe the probable effects that the proposed project will have on (a) populations of fish, plantlife, wildlife, and marine life, including threatened and endangered species; and (b) marine mammals, including hunting, capturing, collecting, or killing these animals. 19. State whether any hazardous material, as defined in this paragraph, will be used, produced, transported or stored on or within the right-of-way or any of the right-of-way facilities, or used in the construction, operation, maintenance or termination of the right-of-way or any of its facilities. “Hazardous material" means any substance, pollutant or contaminant that is listed as hazardous under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Camnaneatian and | iahility Art af 1Q8N ac amandad AQ11 GC QRN1 atecan and ite raniilatinne Tha dafinitinn af havardane enhetancac tindar Page 3 ot4 CERCLA includes any “hazardous waste" as defined in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA), as amended, 42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq., and its regulations. The term hazardous materials also includes any nuclear or byproduct material as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 2011 et seq. The term does not include petroleum, including crude oil or any fraction thereof that is not otherwise specifically listed or designated as a hazardous substance under CERCIA Section 101(14), 42 U.S.C. 9601(14), nor does the term include natural gas. 20. Name all the Department(s)/Agency(ies) where this application is being filed. | HEREBY CERTIFY, That! am of legal age and authorized to do business in the State and that | have personally examined the information contained in the application and believe that the information submitted is correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Applicant Date Title 18, U.S.C. Section 1001, makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willfully to make to any department or agency of the United States any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or representations as to any matter within its jurisdiction. GENERAL INFORMATION ALASKA NATIONAL INTEREST LANDS This application will be used when applying for a right-of-way, permit, license, lease, or certificate for the use of Federal lands which lie within conservation system units and National Recreation or Conservation Areas as defined in the Alaska National Interest lands Conservation Act. Conservation system units include the National Park System, National Wildlife Refuge System, National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, National Trails System, National Wilderness Preservation System, and National Forest Monuments. Transportation and utility systems and facility uses for which the application may be used are: 1. Canals, ditches, flumes, laterals, pipes, pipelines, tunnels, and other systems for the transportation of water. 2. Pipelines and other systems for the transportation of liquids other than water, including oil, natural gas, synthetic liquid and gaseous fuels, and any refined product produced therefrom. 3. Pipelines, slurry and emulsion systems, and conveyor belts for transportation of solid materials. 4. Systems for the transmission and distribution of electric energy. 5. Systems for transmission or reception of radio, television, telephone, telegraph, and other electronic signals, and other means of communications. 6. Improved right-of-way for snow machines, air cushion vehicles, and all- terrain vehicles. 7. Roads, highways, railroads, tunnels, tramways, airports, landing strips, docks, and other systems of general transportation. This application must be filed simultaneously with each Federal department or agency requiring authorization to establish and operate your proposal. In Alaska, the following agencies will help the applicant file an application and identify the other agencies the applicant should contact and possibly file with: Department of Agriculture Regional Forester, Forest Service (USFS) Federal Office Building, P.O. Box 21628 Juneau, Alaska 99802-1628 Telenhone: (907) 586-7847 for a local Forest Service Office) Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Alaska Region AAL-4, 222 West 7th Ave., Box 14 Anchorage, Alaska 99513-7587 Telephone: (907) 271-5285 NOTE - The Department of Transportation has established the above central filing point for agencies within that Department. Affected agencies are: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Coast Guard (USCG), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). OTHER THAN ALASKA NATIONAL INTEREST LANDS Use of this form is not limited to National Interest Conservation Lands of Alaska. Individual department/agencies may authorize the use of this form by applicants for transportation and utility systems and facilities on other Federal lands outside those areas described above. For proposals located outside of Alaska, applications will be filed at the local agency office or at a location specified by the responsible Federal agency. SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS (Items not listed are self-explanatory) 7 Attach preliminary site and facility construction plans. The responsible agency will provide instructions whenever specific plans are required. Generally, the map must show the section(s), township(s), and range(s) within which the project is to be located. Show the Proposed location of the project on the map as accurately as possible. Some agencies require detailed survey maps. The responsible agency will provide additional instructions. 9, 10, and 12 The responsible agency will provide additional instructions. 1Providing information on alternate routes and modes in as much detail as possible, discussing why certain routes or modes were rejected and why it is necessary to cross Federal lands will assist the agency(ies) in processing your application and reaching a final decision. Include only reasonable alternate routes and modes as related to current technology and economics. 14 The responsible agency will provide instructions. Department of the Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Juneau Area Office Federal Building Annex 9109 Mendenhall Mall Road, Suite 5 Juneau, Alaska 99802 Telephone: (907) 586-7177 Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management 222 West 7th Avenue P.O. Box 13 Anchorage, Alaska 99513-7599 Telephone: (907) 271-5477 (or a local BLM Office) U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) National Park Service (NPA) Office of the Regional Director Alaska Regional Office, 1011 East Tudor Road 2225 Gambell St., Rm. 107 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Anchorage, Alaska 99502-2892 Telephone: (907) 786-3440 Telephone: (907) 786-3440 Note - Filings with any Interior agency may be filed with any office noted above or with the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, Regional Environmental Office,r P.O. Box 120, 1675 C Street, Anchorage, Alaska 9513. Page 4014 15 Generally, a simple statement of the purpose of the proposal will be sufficient. However, major proposals located in critical or sensitive areas may require a full analysis with additional specific information. The responsible agency will provide additional instructions. 1@hrough 19 Providing this information is as much detail as possible will assist the Federal agency(ies) in processing the application and reaching a decision. When completing these items, you should use a sound judgment in furnishing relevant information. Fore example, if the project is not near a stream or other body of water, do not address this subject. The responsible agency will provide additional instructions. Application must be signed by the applicant or applicant's authorized representative. EFFECT OF NOT PROVIDING INFORMATION: Disclosure of the information is voluntary. If all the information is not provided, the application may be rejected. DATA COLLECTION STATEMENT The Federal agencies collect this information from applicants requesting right-of-way, permit, license, lease, or certification for the use of Federal lands. The Federal agencies use this information to evaluate the applicant's proposal. The public is obligated to submit this form if they wish to obtain permission to use Federal lands. SUPPLEMENTAL ITE: The responsible agency(ies) will provide instructions CHECK APPROPRIATE BLOCK | - PRIVATE CORPORATIONS ATTACHED FILED* Articles of Incorporation Corporation Bylaws A certification from the State showing the corporation is in good standing and is entitled to operate within the State Copy of resolution authorizing filing The name and address of each shareholder owning 3 percent or more of the shares, together with the number and »ercentage of any class of voting shares of the entity which such shareholder is authorized to vote and the name and address 'f each affiliate of the entity together with, in the case of an affiliate controlled by the entity, the number of shares and the ‘centage of any class of voting stock of that affiliate owned, directly or indirectly, by that entity, and in the case of an affiliate lich controls that entity, the number of shares and the percentage of any class of voting stock of that entity owned, directly indirectly, by the affiliate. If application is for an oil or gas pipeline, describe any related right-of-way or temporary use permit applications, and 2ntify previous applications. If application is for an oil and gas pipeline, identify all Federal lands by agency impacted by proposal. Il - PUBLIC CORPORATIONS Copy of law forming corporation Proof of organization Copy of Bylaws Copy of resolution authorizing filing If application is for an oil or gas pipeline, provide information required by item “I-f* and “I-g" above. Ill - PARTNERSHIP OR OTHER UNINCORPORATED ENTITY Articles of association, if any ‘If one partner is authorized to sign, resolution authorizing action is Name and address of each participant, partner, association, or other If application is for an oil or gas pipeline, provide information required by item "I-f" and "I-g" above. If the required information is already filed with the agency processing this application and is current, check block entitled “Filed tentification information (e.g., number, date, code, name). If not on file or current, attach the requested information. ." Provide the file Page 5 ot4 NOTICE Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0596-0082. This information is needed by the Forest Service to evaluate the requests to use National Forest System lands and manage those lands to protect natural resources, administer the use, and ensure public health and safety. This information is required to obtain or retain a benefit. The authority for that requirement is provided by the Organic Act of 1897 and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, which authorize the secretary of Agriculture to promulgate rules and regulations for authorizing and managing National Forest System lands. These statutes, along with the Term Permit Act, National Forest Ski Area Permit Act, Granger-Thye Act, Mineral Leasing Act, Alaska Term Permit Act , Act of September 3, 1954, Wilderness Act, National Forest Roads and Trails Act, Act of November 16, 1973, Archeological Resources Protection Act, and Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to issue authorizations or the use and occupancy of National Forest System lands. The Secretary of Agriculture's regulations at 36 CFR Part 251, Subpart B, establish procedures for issuing those authorizations. The Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a) and the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) govern the confidentiality to be provided for information received by the Forest Service. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 8 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. HATCH ACRES Alaska Energy Authority - AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study SE Alaska Final Report Appendix E Transmission Hatch Acres Corporation PR324582 AK-BC Alaska Final Report-App 18-09-07.doc APPENDIX E — TRANSMISSION Table E-1 Alaska AK-BC Intertie Segment - Estimated Cost of Construction (Energy Export Report) 138-kV ITEM 954 kcm MATERIALS Transmission Poles $ 1,399,680 Insulators & Hardware 622,080 (Polymer Post) Guys & Anchors 212,000 Conductor 1,393,206 w/Accessories Other 261,332 SUBTOTAL — MATERIALS $ 3,888,298 Labor Cost 3,400,000 Incidentals 5,455,000 Bond & Insurance — 272,750 5% , leari C earing/Access 1,952,000 Construction Tyee Switchyard 1,200,000 C a ommunications 200,000 System System Cut-Over 160,000 I/Maint Patrol/Maintenance 250,000 Repair SUBTOTAL $ 16,778,048 Contingency — 30% 5,033,414 Indirect Costs — 30% 5,033,414 (Permitting, Engineering, etc) TOTAL COSTS $ 26,844,876 WATCH ACRES Alaska Energy Authority - AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study SE Alaska AK-BC Alaska Final Report-App 18-09-07.doc Final Report Appendix F Power Generation Hatch Acres Corporation PR324582 L 2: I~ Is Mahoney Lake. The proposed project works would consist of: (1) a lake tap near the natural outlet of Upper Mahoney Lake about 75 feet below the normal water surface elevation; (2) a 1,700-foot-long upper tunnel; (3) a 300-square-foot, concrete valve house; (4) a buried, 12-inch-diameter bypass pipe from the valve house to Upper Mahoney Creek; (5) a 1, 370-foot-Iong, partially-lined vertical shaft; (6) an 8-foot-diameter, 3,350-foot-long horseshoe-shaped lower tunnel; (7) a semi-underground powerhouse with a single twin-jet horizontal Pelton turbine having a generating capacity of 9.6 MW and a flow capacity that would range from a minimum of 8 cfs to a maximum of 78 cfs; (8) a 200~foot-long tailrace channel to convey water back to Upper Mahoney Creek; (9) | mile of buried 13.2-kV transmission line, 0.5 mile of buried 34.5-kV transmission line, and 3.1 miles of 34.5-kV overhead transmission line; (10) a switchyard; and (11) 2.6 miles of new access road. Scenery Lake. The project would be located on the Scenery Lake and Scenery Creek, in Petersburg- Wrangell Borough, Alaska. The proposed project would consist of: (1) an existing natural lake having a storage capacity of 50,000 acre- feet and normal water surface elevation of 1,070 feet mean sea level, (2) a proposed lake tap structure, (3) a proposed 7,500-foot-long, 8-foot-diameter steel tunnel/penstock, (4) a proposed powerhouse containing two to four generating units with a total installed capacity form 40 to 80 megawatts, (5) a proposed 7- mile-long, 138~kilovolt transmission line, and (6) appurtenant facilities. The project would have an annual generation of 60 gigawatt hours, which would be sold to a local utility. Delta Creek. The project would be located on the Ruth Lake and Delta Creek, in Petersburg- Wrangell Borough, Alaska. The proposed project would consist of: (1) a existing natural lake having a storage capacity from 500 acre-feet to 17,000 acre-feet, (2) a proposed lake tap structure, (3) a proposed 10,000-foot-long, 8- foot-diameter steel tunnel/penstock, (4) a proposed powerhouse containing two generating units with a total installed capacity of 20 megawatts, (5) a proposed 20-mile-long, 138-kilovolt transmission line, and (6) appurtenant facilities. The project would have an annual generation of 60 gigawatt hours, which would be sold to a local utility. Cascade Creek. The project would be located on the Swan Lake and Cascade Creek, near the Town of Petersburg, Alaska. The project would be located within the Tongass National Forest on lands owned by the U.S. Forest Service. The proposed project would consist of; (1) a proposed 267-foot-Iong, 35-foot-high dam on Swan Lake, (2) the existing natural lake would have a surface area of 600 acres with a storage capacity of 97,500 acre-feet and normal water surface elevation of 1,550 feet mean sea level, (3) a proposed 13,000-foot-Iong, 10-foot- diameter steel penstock or tunnel, a proposed powerhouse containing four generating units having a total installed capacity of 80 megawatts, (4) a proposed 20-mile-Iong 138 kilovolt transmission line, and (5) appurtenant facilities. The project would have an annual generation of 300 gigawatt-hours that would be sold — Iv 6. to a local utility. Whitman Lake. Existing Whitman Dam. _ This 40-foot high concrete gravity- arch dam was constructed in 1927 at the outlet to Whitman Lake, and provides 2,500 acre™ feet of regulated storage capability. The volume of storage is equivalent to 17 days of average inflow to the lake with no releases from the dam. New 45-inch diameter penstock. The new steel penstock will be 2,220 feet in length and will generally follow the same alignment of the two existing water supply pipelines from the dam to the existing vacuum valve house. The penstock will need to be buried up to a maximum depth of about 20 feet near the valve house to ensure that the penstock has sufficient pressure head to convey the full design flow to the turbines. The natural drainage area into Whitman Lake is 4.1 square miles. A portion of the flow from two creeks that do not naturally flow into the lake will be diverted to the lake via small diameter pipelines in order to increase the amount of flow available for power generation. The two diversions combined will effectively augment the natural basin flow by 30 percent. A 2,800 square foot composite concrete and steel-framed powerhouse will be located immediately uphill from the existing PRV building. The powerhouse will contain a 3.9 MW unit and a 0.7 MW unit for a total installed capacity of 4.6 MW. The larger unit will operate within a flow range between 50 and 150 cfs, and the small unit will operate between 12 and 30 cfs. Both turbines will be horizontal Francis type machines, which are the most appropriate type unit with the given head and flow conditions. In order to suppress the magnitude of hydraulic transient pressures in the penstock when flow is abruptly changed, an 18-inch diameter synchronous bypass valve will be installed to automatically open if the turbine wicket gates suddenly close due to a line fault or other reasons. Tailwater level exiting the powerhouse will be maintained at about EI. 40 for the small unit, and at EI. 20 for the larger unit. Discharge from the small unit will be conveyed to the hatchery. The plant switchyard will be located adjacent to the powerhouse and will contain a power transformer, circuit breakers and disconnect switches. About 1,200 feet of existing distribution line will need to be reconductored. Connell Lake. ~'ERC-Generated PDF of 19980127-0440 Issued by FERC OSEC 01/22/1998 in Docket#: P-11393-001 Project No. 11393-001 -17 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS' Background information, analysis of impacts, support for related license articles, and the basis for a finding of no significant impact on the environment are contained in the final EA. Issuance of this license is not a major federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment. The design of this project is consistent with the engineering standards governing dam safety. Since the project doesn't include a dam or water retaining structure as part of the development, the Portland Regional Office classifies the project as low hazard. The project will be safe if constructed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the requirements of this license. I conclude that the project will not conflict with any planned or authorized development, and will be best adapted to a comprehensive plan for development of the waterway for beneficial public uses. The Director order~: (A) A license is issued to the City of Saxman, Alaska (licensee), for a period of 50 years, effective the first day of the month in which this order is issued, to construct, operate, and maintain the Mahoney Lake Project No. 11393. This license is subject to the terms and conditions of the Federal Power Act (FPA), which is incorporated by reference as part of this license, and to the regulations the Commission issues under the provisions of. the FPA. (B) The project consists of: (1) All lands, to the extent of the licensee's interests in those lands, enclosed by the project boundary shown by Exhibit G (page G-i of the license application): Exhibit G FERC No. 11393 Showing i 1 Project Works and Boundary (2) The proposed project works consisting of: (1) a lake tap near the natural outlet of Upper Mahoney Lake about 75 feet below the normal water surface elevation; (2) a 1,700-foot-long upper tunnel; (3) a 300-square-foot, concrete valve house; (4) a buried, 12-inch- diameter bypass pipe from the valve house to Upper Mahoney Creek; (5) a 1, 370-foot-Iong, partially-lined vertical shaft; (6) an 8-foot-diameter, 3,3S0-foot-long horseshoe-shaped lower tunnel; (7) a semi-underground powerhouse Exhibit Ww NO he = ry ica] D ao Zz ao hw w 5 b Bp bd oO) 7 9 8 10 j a 9 (3) All of the ope maintai portable property located n or outside th rights that are necessary o Of the | proyvyect. ~ (C) and made part of the license. Exhibit G i the general project location. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 114 FERC ~62,180 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Cascade Creek, LLC Project No. 12621-000 ORDER ISSUING PRELIMINARY PERMIT (Issued February 23, 2006) On October 11,2005, Cascade Creek, LLC (permittee) filed an application for a three-year preliminary permit under Section 4(f) of the Federal Power Act (FPA)I to study the proposed Scenery Creek Project No. 12621. The project would be located on the Scenery Lake and Scenery Creek, in Petersburg- Wrangell Borough, Alaska. The proposed project would consist of: (1) an existing natural lake having a storage capacity of50,000 acre-feet and normal water surface elevation of 1,070 feet mean sea level, (2) a proposed lake tap structure, (3) a proposed 7,500-foot-long, 8-foot-diameter steel tunnel/penstock, (4) a proposed powerhouse containing two to four generating units with a total installed capacity form 40 to 80 megawatts, (5) a proposed 7-mile-long, 138- kilovolt transmission line, and (6) appurtenant facilities. The project would have an annual generation of 60 gigawatt hours, which would be sold to a local utility. Public notice of the application was issued. Motions to intervene were filed by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), U.S. Department of Agriculture, the City of Petersburg, the Four Dam Pool Power Agency, and the Southeast Alaska Conservation Council to be parties to this proceeding. Comments were filed by the U.S. Department of the Interior (Interior), and U.S. Forest Service. Also filing comments and protests were Julie Hursey, Rick Fleischmen, Dennis Rogers, and the Boat Company. All the comments pertain to the construction of the project, which are not addressed in this proceeding. All the commenters included important information that is intended to be used as a planning aid should the permittee pursue a development application. They also requested that the permittee consult with them during the development of a license for this site, and stated that the project could affect a variety of environmental and economic resources. The U.S. Forest Service stated that since the proposed route of the transmission line will cross into Canada that the International Boundary Commission (IBC) should be consulted 116 U.S.C. § 797(f). Three years is the maximum term for a preliminary permit. See FPA Section 5, 16 U.S.C. § 798. 20060223-3022 Issued by FERC OSEC 02/23/2006 in Docket#: P-12619-000 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 114 FERC ,-]62,181 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULA TORY COMMISSION Cascade Creek, LLC Project No. 12619-000 ORDER ISSUING PRELIMINARY PERMIT (Issued February 23,2006) On October 12,2005, Cascade Creek, LLC (permittee) filed an application for a three-year preliminary permit under Section 4(f) of the Federal Power Act (FP A)I to study the proposed Ruth Lake Project No. 12619. The project would be located on the Ruth Lake and Delta Creek, in Petersburg- Wrangell Borough, Alaska. The proposed project would consist of: (1) a existing natural lake having a storage capacity from 500 acre-feet to 17,000 acre-feet, (2) a proposed lake tap structure, (3) a proposed 10,000foot-long, 8-foot- diameter steel tunnel/penstock, (4) a proposed powerhouse containing two generating units with a total installed capacity of 20 megawatts, (5) a proposed 20mile-long, 138-kilovolt transmission line, and (6) appurtenant facilities. The project would have an annual generation of 60 gigawatt hours, which would be sold to a local utility. Public notice of the application was issued. Motions to intervene were filed by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), U.S. Department of Agriculture, the City of Petersburg, the Four Dam Pool Power Agency, and the Southeast Alaska Conservation Council to be parties to this proceeding. Comments were filed by the U.S. Department of the Interior (Interior), and U.S. Forest Service. Also filing comments and protests were Julie Hursey, Rick Fleischmen, Dennis Rogers, and the Boat Company. All the comments pertain to the construction of the project, which are not addressed in this proceeding. All the commenters included important information that is intended to be used as a planning aid should the permittee pursue a development application. They also requested that the permittee consult with them during the development of a license for this site, and stated that the project could affect a variety of environmental and economic resources. The U.S. Forest Service stated that since the proposed route of the transmission line will cross into Canada that the International Boundary Commission (IBC) should be consulted 116 U.S.c. § 797(f). Three years is the maximum term for a preliminary permit. See FPA Section 5, 16 U.S.C. § 798. 20041008-3005 Issued by FERC OSEC 10/08/2004 in Docket#: P-12495-000 109 FERC ~62, 027 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Cascade Creek, LLC Project No. 12495-000 ORDER ISSUING PRELIMINARY PERMIT (Issued October 08, 2004) On May 3,2004, Cascade Creek, LLC (permittee) filed an application for a three-year preliminary permit under Section 4(f) of the Federal Power Act (FP A)! to study the proposed 80-megawatt (MW) Cascade Creek Project No. 12495. The project would be located on the Swan Lake and Cascade Creek, near the Town of Petersburg, Alaska. The project would be located within the Tongass National Forest on lands owned by the U.S. Forest Service. The proposed project would consist of; (1) a proposed 267-foot-Iong, 35-foot-high dam on Swan Lake, (2) the existing natural lake would have a surface area of 600 acres with a storage capacity of 97,500 acre-feet and normal water surface elevation of 1,550 feet mean sea level, (3) a proposed 13,000- foot-long, 10-foot- diameter steel penstock or tunnel, a proposed powerhouse containing four generating units having a total installed capacity of 80 megawatts, (4) a proposed 20-mile-long 138 kilovolt transmission line, and (5) appurtenant facilities. The project would have an annual generation of 300 gigawatt-hours that would be sold to a local utility. Public notice of the application was issued establishing August 4,2004, as the deadline for the filing of comments and motions to intervene. Motions to intervene were filed by the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Thomas Bay Power Authority, The Four Dam Pool Power Agency, and the Southeast Alaska Conservation Council.2 The United States Department of the Interior filed comments stating they had no comments at this time. Comments were also filed by the Alaska Passages, Inc., Beverly Richardson, and Namee Zaie opposing the construction of this project. Comments pertaining to the actual construction and operation of the proj ect, as opposed to issuance of a preliminary permit, are not discussed in this proceeding. 116 U.S.C. § 797(f). Three years is the maximum term for a preliminary permit. See FPA Section 5, 16 U.S.C. § 798. 2The interventions were timely and unopposed, and therefore were automatically granted pursuant to 18 CFR 385.214(c)(1). Iv.C. ALTERNATIVE DEVELOPMENT CONCEPTS A comparison is made of several possible developments utilizing the lakes in the three drainages (Cascade Creek, Delta Creek and Scenery Creek) separately and together. The heights above sea level of the several lakes within the area are shown on Exhibit IV-7, with portions of the stream profiles. The range of project configurations studied is comprehensive, and includes those proposed in previous reports by the USGS, USBR,R.W. Beck and the FERC. The alternatives considered can be grouped into four categories: 1. Projects utilizing Swan Lake only. 2. Projects utilizing Swan and Falls Lakes. 3 Projects involving Ruth Lake in combination with Falls Lake and/or Swan Lake. 4. Projects utilizing Scenery Lak~, with and without Swan Lake. The configurations studied are described briefly below, and in the accompanying exhibits. A summary of the features of each alternative is presented in Exhibit IV-18. Alternative 1-A (Swan Lake, without dam): A lake tap intake would be constructed 150 feet below the existing water surface of Swan Lake, allowing 66,000 acre-feet of active storage to be used for regulation. A tunnel and penstock would convey flow to a power plant at tidewater. Tunnel alignments either north or south of Cascade Creek could be considered, as shown. Construction of this alternative could be accomplished without requiring vehicle access beyond the power plant area (see Exhibit IV-8). Alternative 1-B (Swan Lake, with dam): A 125-foot high dam would raise the maximum water surface of Swan Lake, providing active storage between the elevations 1,540 and 1,620 (see Exhibit IV-8). This would allow construction of the power tunnel to take place "in the dry", and simplify the arrangements necessary to maintain instream flow in Cascade Creek, downstream of the lake. On the other hand, energy production would be only eight percent greater than Alternative 1-A. This would be insufficient to justify the additional costs associated with dam construction, including the provision of an access road to the dam site and tunnel inlet (see Exhibit IV-9). Alternative 2-A (Falls Lake): A 30-foot high dam would be built at the outlet of Falls Lake, to seal the pervious lake outlet (described in Section IV-5 —_—— III.D.1), and to raise the maximum water surface to elevation 1,180. A 'tunnel and penstock would lead from Falls Lake to a power plant at tidewater. Flow regulation would be provided by Swan Lake, from which a lake tap would feed a tunnel discharging through a control valve into Cascade Creek upstream of Falls Lake (see Exhibit IV-10). Total energy produced would be 12 percent less than from Alternative 1-A, due to the reduced hydraulic head on the generating plant. Alternative 2-B (Swan Lake/Falls Lake): This alternative' would be similar to Alternative 2-A, except for the addition of a power plant, located at the head of Falls Lake, fed by a pressure tunnel from the tapped intake at Swan Lake (see Exhibit IV- 10). Although there is additional construction cost for the additional conveyance, power plant, and transmission facilities, the benefits obtainable from the additional energy production, amounting to 22 percent of the output of Alternative 2-A, make this a more economical project. Alternative 2-C (Swan Lake/Falls Lake/Forebay): This also is similar to Alternative 2-A, but develops the drop from Falls Lake (elevation 1,180) to tidewater in two stages. The intermediate reservoir would be at elevation 580, in a natural depression (see Exhibit IV-11). This alternative was presented, in R.W. Beck's 1975 report, as the preferred approach for providing staged development to meet expected load growth of the municipal utilities in the project service area. It is neither appropriate nor economical as a means of serving a major regional load. Alternative 3-A (Swan Lake/Ruth Lake, with no dam): Without a dam to raise the water surface, Ruth Lake has insufficient volume to provide regulation of its outflow. In this alternative, which resembles Alternative 1-A, with the "alternate tunnel alignment", and the addition of a branch tunnel from a lake tap at Ruth Lake, additional storage is provided in Swan Lake in order to firm up the yield frbm Ruth (see Exhibit IV-12). The mode of operation would be to draw from Ruth when the water surface reaches 1,350, until the level is drawn down to 1,340. Then the flow would be cut off, to allow the lake contents to be replenished, and the project would continue to operate using flow from Swan Lake. Control valves in each tunnel branch would be provided to permit this type of operation. Alternative 3-B (Swan Lake/Ruth Lake, with dam): If Swan and Ruth Lakes were to be connected and operated within the same range of water surface elevations, it would be unnecessary to manage flows from each reservoir independently. Construction of a 180- foot high dam at Ruth Lake would allow this to be done, and would increase the energy output as a result of IV-6 the higher water surface in Ruth Lake (see Exhibit IV-12). However, th~ total energy production would be only 3.2 percent greater than that from Alternative 3-A, an amount insufficient to justify the additional cost of the dam at Ruth Lake. In addition, the access road required to reach the Ruth Lake dam site (see Exhibit IV-13) would be significant both in economic and en- vironmental terms. Alternative 3-C (Swan, Ruth and Falls Lakes): This alternative consists of the facilities of Alternative 2-B, with the addition of a valve-controlled feeder tunnel from Ruth Lake (see Exhibit IV-14). No energy would be generated from the Ruth Lake flow into Falls Lake, but the generation from the tidewater power plant would be augmented by the Ruth Lake contribution, which by the utilization of additional storage in Swan Lake, would constitute firm energy. The energy production would be increased 58 percent, as compared with Alternative 2- A, and would exceed that from Alternative 3-A by two percent. Alternative 4-A (Scenery Lake, without dam): Flows in Scenery Creek have not been gaged, but the size and elevation of the catchment area indicate that the amount and seasonal pattern of flows are similar to Swan Lake and .Cascade Creek (Johnson, 1962). As discussed in Section IV.B, drawdown without a dam should be limited, in order to ensure acceptable conditions for a lake tap. With a drawdown to elevation 865, usable storage of 44,000 acre-feet can be developed, sufficient to ensure a firm yield of 150 cfs (see Exhibit IV-3). A lake tap project, with a power plant at tidewater, is shown on Exhibit IV15. Energy output would be less than that from Swan Lake, due to the lower elevation of Scenery Lake. Firm energy would be 47 percent, and total energy 63 percent of that from Alternative 1-A. Alternative 4-B (Scenery Lake, with dam): This alternative would allow construction of a tunnel above the existing water level of Scenery Lake, and the provision of 66,000 acre- feet of storage by means of a dam. The dam would impound water up to a maximum surface elevation of 1,069, and would require in addition the construction of a saddle dam, approximately 60 feet high, to the north of the main dam site (see Exhibit IV-15). The access necessary to reach the dam site is shown on Exhibit IV-16. Provision of the dam would increase both the firm yield and the generating head. As compared with Alternative 4-A, the increase would be an additional 50 percent of firm energy, and 11 percent of total energy. Alternative 4-C (Swan and Scenery Lakes): In this alternative, 110,000 acre-feet of live storage is provided in Swan Lake, to firm up a yield of 350 cfs from the two drainages (before allowance for instream flow needs in both IV=7 ‘ creeks). ,Scenery Lake is operated at a constant water surface elevation as a forebay to a power plant at tidewater. Flow from Swan Lake entering Scenery Lake passes through a second power plant to yield additional, non-firm energy (see Exhibit IV-17). Although a dam would not be constructed, vehicle access for construction and operation would be required to the Scenery Lake power plant site. The alternative produces firm energy output 16 percent greater than Alternative 1-A, and total energy 57 percent greater. Other Combinations: Development at Scenery Lake could be combined with one of the alternatives involving Swan, Ruth and/or Falls Lake. If constructed concurrently, there would be some economies of scale in mobilizing for construction. Additionally, the projects would share joint transmission facilities over the route from Thomas Bay to Petersburg. Of the Scenery Lake alternatives, 4-A is somewhat more economical, and the costs and energy production of this alternative are combined with those of Alternatives 1-A, 2 B, 3-A and 3-C. The resulting figures for these four combinations are tabulated on Exhibit IV-1B. IV-B RECOMMENDED PROJECT ARRANGEMENT Four alternative project arrangements were analyzed with the principal difference bi3ing the method in which water is conveyed from Whitman Lake to a new powerhouse located at Herring Cove. The conveyance alternatives were: 1) A lake tap and tunnel arrangement, 2) A surface penstock following generally the same alignment as the existing water supply pip,elines from Whitman Dam to the hatchery. . 3) Utilizing the existing hatchery pipelines together with a new surface penstock paralleling the pipelines. 4) Aleast cost arrangement, with no integration of the hydro facilities with the existing hatchery. The first two project alternatives listed abpve were initially studied and described in the January 1998 draft report. The third and fourth alternatives were evaluated, at the request of KPU, after submitting the draft report. Based on detailed analysis of the four project arrangements, the third alternative listed above is recommended for development, . and is hereinafter referred to as the "Preferred Alternative". The project will consist of the following major elements: 1; Existing Whitman Dam. This 40-foot high concrete gravity dam was constructed in 1927 at the outlet to Whitman Lake, and provides 2,500 acrefeet of regulated storage capability. The volume of storage is equivalent to 17 days of average inflow to the lake with no releases from the dam. Some work will be needed to rehabilitate the existing dam to ensure its long- term stability and reliability. The recent dam safety inspection report identified, among other things, a concern with leakage though concrete joints, and measures to monitor or correct the problem. 2. New 45-inch diameter penstock. The new steel penstock will be 2,220 feet in length and will generally follow the same alignment of the two existing water supply pipelines from the dam to the existing vacuum valve house. The penstock will need to be buried up to a maximum depth of about 20 feet near .. the valve house to ensure that the penstock has sufficient pressure head to convey the full design flow to the turbines. 3. Two n~w diversion structures. The natural drainage area into Whitman Lake is 4.1 square miles. A portion of the flow from two creeks that do not naturally flow into the lake will be diverted to the lake via small diameter pipelines in order to increase the amount of flow available for power generation. The two diver~ions combined will effectively augment the nafural basin flow by 30 percent. 4.' Powerhouse. A 2,800 square foot composite concrete and steel-framed powerhouse will be located immediately uphill fr<?mthe existing PRY building. The powerhouse will contain a 3.9 MW unit and a 0.7 MW unit for a total installed capacity of 4.6 MW. The larger unit will operate within a flow range between 50 and 150 cfs, and the small unit will operate between 12 and 30 cfs. Both turbines will be horizontal Francis type machines, which are the most appropriate type unit with the given head and flow conditions. In order to suppress the magnitude of hydraulic transient pressures in the penstock when flow is abruptly changed, an 18-inch diameter synchronous bypass valve will be installed to automatically open if the turbine wicket gates suddenly close due to a line fault or other reasons. Tailwater level exiting the powerhouse will be controlled at about El. 40 for the small unit, and at El. 20 for the larger unit. Discharge from the small unit will be conveyed to the hatchery. 5. Switchyard and Transmission Line. The plant switchyard will be located adjacent to the powerhouse and will contain a power transformer, circuit breakers and disconnect switches. About 1,200 feet of existing distribution line will need to be reconductored. AVERAGE ANNUAL ENERGY The project will annually generate an average of 19,641,000 kWh. Average annual energy was determined based on synthesizing monthly streamflow records from actual USGS monthly and daily records on Beaver Falls Creek and Mahoney Creek because there do not exist any long-term actual streamflow records above the mouth of Whitman Creek. The Beaver Falls and Mahoney Creek basins are located immediately north of the Whitman Lake basin and are similar to the Whitman basin in size, terrain, average elevation and orientation to prevailing winds. The close similarities and proximity of these three basins provided an excellent basis from which to develop synthetic streamflow data for the Whitman Lake basin. Based on an installed plant capacity of 4.6 MW, the project will operate at a 49 percent plant factor. DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE Project development will occur in three major phases; licensing, final design/contract documents, and construction. The project will need to be licensed with FERC prior to beginning construction. KPU currently holds a Preliminary Permit, issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, to study the project. It is currently anticipated that an application for license could be submitted to FERC by May 2000, assuming no major issues arise durjng the licensing process requiring lengthy study. Assuming a normal licensing proces?, without any major surprises, the project could be place into service by December 2003. LAKE CONNELL HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT EXISTING FACILITIES Lake Connell is presently being used as a SOUIce of processing water for a pulp mill located about 5 miles north of the Oiy of KetcJ:ti.kqn. Because the pulp mill will be permanently closed, Lake Connell and its associated conveyance facilities could be retrofitted for hydroelectric generation. , Lake Connell has a normal maximum pool level at E1254, which provides 9.5 feet above the dam crest elevation 250. Minimum pool level is El208 and average pool is at El 254. The spillway crest is fitted with 4-foot-high Obermeyer gates. The reservoir reportedly has a storage capacity of 3.75 billion gallons (11,400 acre- feet). The total drainage area behind the dam is 12.4 square miles. From the dam, water is routed to a filter plant at the pulp mill via a 3.1 mile pipeline comprising of: . 2.4 miles of 60-inch wood stave pipe; . 0.3 miles of concrete lined tunnel; - 0.3 miles of 48-inch wood stave pipe; and . 0.1 mile of 48-inch steel pipe. The wood stave pipe is not cfuectly connected with Lake Connell. To minimize the pressure to the wood stave pipel water is released from the reservoir via two 3D-inch outlets into a fore bay with normal pool El. 206. To help limit transient pressuresl a surge chamber was constructed at the downstream end of the pipeline. The forebay channel is 18 feet wide by 40 feet long along its initial reach and 9 feet wide by 24 feet long in its second reach before the entrance with the 5-foot- diameter pipeline. Motor operated contlol valves control the discharge into the forebay pool. Slide gates at the upstream end of the 30-inch outlets provide for emergency closure or for maintenance of the operating valves. The valves are located in a building with floor El. 211. The surge chamber is a 16-foot diameter vertical shaft excavated above the last of four tunnels along the waterway conduit It's location is at station 142+70. The tunnel section is an 8-Eoot high by 7-foot-wide. horseshoe shaped section with invert El181.66 feet below the surge chamberi the surge chamber rises to a top elevation of 224 feet. .PROPOSED PROJECT The proposed hydroelectric project at Lake Connell will have an installed capacity of about 1,700 kW. The primary components of the project are as follows: . By refurbishing the wood stave pipe by adding additional steel bands, the pipeline can increase its hydraulic pressure by an additional 50 feet This additional pressure will result primarily from hydraulically connecting the piping to the Lake Connell, but also from raising the normal operating pool from E1254 to E1258; . Extend the height of the existing surge tank by about 50 feet; . Extend a new steel or ductile iron pressure pipeline from the existing the pipeline toward a new powerhouse alongside Ward Cove; . Construct a new powerhouse, which will house a single horizontal Francis turbine~generator unit with approximately 1,700 kW of generating capacity at a plant factor of about 73 percent; and . Cormect from the adjacent switchyard, which would house a 6.9~115 kV power transformer, to the existing 115 kV Swan Lake transmission line. The project would raise the nowal maximum pool elevation of Lake Connell by 4 feet by replacing the 4-foot-high Obermeyer gates with 8-foot high gates. Even though the two 3D-inch Lake Connell outlet pipes are small and would result in flow velocity of up to 13 £ps, the head losses would only be a couple of feet. Therefore, it is assumed that they would remain intact. A steel manifold would connect the two 3D-inch outlets to a 60-inch-diameter section that would extend to and connect with the existing 60-inch wood stave pipe. The wood stave pipers m excellent condition considering its age of over 40 years.5 The 2.5-inch nominal thickness of the wood stave should suffice when increasing the pressure of the pipeline with additional steel bands. At this time, it is assumed that no other improvements need to be made on the wood stave pipelinei however, upon further inspection by a wood stave pipe design engineer, additional improvements may be shown to be required. The existing surge tank will need to be raised by about 50 feet to accommodate the increased pressure head of 50 feet. Presently, a re:inforced concrete cylinder with a diameter of 16 feet is assumed, although alternative choices of materials, such as wood, may later be shown to be more appropriate for the site. The powerhouse will be located near the high tide level at Ward Cove. Presently, it is assumed that the tailrace discharge will be at E118.0 feet. The 48-inch pipeline connecting the existing pipeline at the water filtration plant with the new powerhouse would extend a distance of about 2;300 feet. The pipeline would likely be an above ground structure and is assumed to be supported by concrete piers every 40 feet and would have concrete anchor blocks about every 300 feet. It is .assumed that the powerhouse would be located adjacent to the Tongass Highway bridge that crosses Ward Creek. During construction of the dam, the power conduit, located near the stream channel along with a small cofferdam upstream, would be used to divert streamflows. It will extend from an intake structure at the toe of the upstream face of the dam to a surface powerhouse at tidewater south of the mouth of Mill'Creek on Eastern Passage. The conduit will consist of a 9-foot diameter steel penstock approximately 2,450 feet long connecting to an aboveground surge tank at El 100. From the surge tank the penstock will extend another 400 feet and will branch to each unit before entering the powerhouse. The surface powerhouse will contain three vertical shaft Francis turbines with a nominal total installed capacity of 12,000 kW corresponding to a discharge of 1,070 cfs under an average gross head of 163 feet. Approximately 46 miles of 69-kV single circuit transmission line will extend from the switchyard at the powerhouse to connect to existing distribution systems in Petersburg and Wrangell (see Fig. 1). The transmission line requires approximately 1.0 miles overland near the plant, 1.5 miles of underwater cable across Eastern Passage from the powerhouse, connecting to 7.0 miles of overhead transmission along the western side of Wrangell Island to the tip of the island. From there approximately 11.4 miles of underwater cable crossing is required between Wrangell Island and Mitkoff Island, connecting to approximately 25 miles of overhead transmission line constructed along Mitkoff Highway to the City of Petersburg. About 3.5 miles of construction access roads would be required to construct a portion of the overhead transmission line on Wrangell Island. Permanent access to the project site would be provided by port facilities constructed near the outlet of Mill Creek adjacent to the powerhouse on Eastern Passage, with approximately 0.8 miles of 'permanent access road from the port and powerhouse to the dam. 2. ANITA-KUNK LAKES PROJECT The Anita Lake and Kunk Lake drainage basins are located approximately 14 miles southwest of Wrangell on the northern tip of Etolin Island (Fig. 1 shows the general location). Two adjacent drainage basins are diverted and utilized with the proposed project arrangement to increase the usable runoff for power generation at this site, making a totai drainage area of 8 square miles. Development of a project at this site involves construction of two dams, two power conduits and powerhouses, plus diversion dams and ditches for interbasin transfers of water. The project arrangement is shown in, Fig. 6. A 60-foot high concrete-faced rockfill dam with crest at El 1430 is required at the outlet of Anita Lake in order to raise the normal water surface to El 1420, to regulate the 2;5 square mile drainage basin above the lake. An open channel spillway would be provided in the left ab~tment. The power conduit, a 3D-inch diameter surface steel penstock, would extend approximately 6,300-feet from the dam, along the left side of Anita Creek to a surface powerhouse on the southern shore of Kunk Lake. The powerhouse would contain a single generating unit with a nominal installed capacity of 4,300 kW, operating under a net head of 1~007 feet. Kunk Lake would be raised to a normal water surface of El 350 by a concrete-faced rockfill dam at its outlet. An open channel spillway would be excavated in rock on the left abutment. The power conduit would extend from an intake structure, approximately 2,750 feet to a surface powerhouse located at tidewater on Zimovia Strait. The conduit would consist of a 7-foot diameter concrete-lined tunnel approximately 1,600 feet long to a portal about 800 feet upstream of the powerhouse, and a 4-foot diameter steel penstock to the powerhouse. The powerhouse contains a single generating unit with a nominal installed capacity of 4,300 kW, op- erating ~nder a net head of 310 feet. In addition to the above project features, a small di- version dam is required about 1,200 feet upstream of the bend on Anita Creek and a 1,700-foot long ditch to divert streamflows into Kunk Lake. Another diversion ditch, approximately 2,500 feet long is required to divert streamflows from the basin to ~he north of Kunk Lake, to a point upstream of the dam at the lake outlet. It is estimated that this latter diversion will provide an additional 15 cfs of average annual inflow to the Kunk Lake Reservoir. An estimated 3.5 square miles of drainage area above the dam site drains directly into Kunk Lake, an additional 0.4 square miles from the diversion of Anita Creek flows, and 1.6 square miles by diversion of the basin to the north of Kunk Lake for a total of approximately 8 square miles of drainage area. Approximately 1.6 miles of 69-kV transmission line would connect the two powerhouses on this Project, and from the lower powerhouse an additional 52.8 miles would be required to connect with existing distribution systems at Petersburg and Wrangell. This transmission line includes approximately 1.1 miles of underwater cable from the lower powerhouse across Zimovia Strait, 3.6 miles (including access road) north along the eastern side 6f the Strait, to a point about 10.5 miles south of Wrangell, where it would follow the alignment of the existing road into Wrangell. The portion from Wrangell to Petersburg involves 37.6 miles total (same as for the Virginia Lake Project) including approximately 1.2 miles of overhead transmission from Wrangell to the tip of Wrangell Island, 11.4 miles of submarine cable and 25 miles of overhead transmission to Petersburg. Access to the project site would be provided by a per manent port facility constructed near the lower powerhouse on Zimovia Strait. Approximately 0.6 mile of access road would be constructed from the port to the dam on Kunk Lake, plus 2.5 miles of additional access road to the Anita Lake dam and powerhouse site. 3. THOMS LAKE PROJECT Thorns Lake is located on Wrangell Island approximately 17 miles south of Wrangell, situated withiri a drainage basin which drains to the southeast into Zimovia Strait (Fig. 1 shows the gen a eral location). Approximately 8.1 square miles of area surrounding Thorns Lake drains directly into the lake and additional drainages of 6.4 and 4.5 square miles would be diverted from basins lying to the north and east respectively. The Thorns Lake project arrangement is shown in Fig. 7. Three small concrete-faced rockfill darns would be required to raise thewat~r level of Thorns Lake to El 300. The reservoir level would be controlled by an open-channel spillway constructed on the right abutment of the east darn, which would discharge into Thorns Creek to the southeast. Diversion darns on creeks to the north and east of Thorns Lake along with ditches approximately 3.3 and 2.0 miles long would divert runoff from the two basins, to Thorns Lake. A power conduit would extend approximately 4,800 feet from an intake located on the right abutment of the south darn to a surface powerhouse near tidewater on Zimovia Strait. It would consist of approximately 4,200 fe~t of 7-foot diameter tunnel to a portal about 600-feet upstream of the powerhouse, where it connects to a 5-foot diameter surface steel penstock. A surge tank located approximately 1,700-feet upstream of the powerhouse is required. The powerhouse would cbntain two generating units with a total nominal installed capacity of 7,500 kW~ operating under a net head of 274 feet. The project would require approximately 57.7 miles of 69-kV transmission line to connect with the distribution systems in Petersbyrg and Wrangell. This would involve construction of approximately 9.6 miles (including access road) from the powerhouse north along Zimovia Strait, to a point about 10.5 miles south of From the powerhouse approximately 3.6 miles of new overhead transmission line would extend to the eastern shore of Woronkofski Island> connecting to 2.1 miles of underwater cable across Zimovia Strait to Wrangell Island. An additional 3.0 miles of overhead transmission line would follow the alignment of the existing road north to Wrangell. The portion from Wrangell to Petersburg (same as for Virginia Lake Project) would involve approximately 11.4 miles of underwater cable and 26.2 miles of overhead transmission line. Site access would be provided by port facilities constructed on the western side of the Island near the mouth of Sunrise Creek> and approximately 1.2 miles of permanent access road would be required from the port to the ppwerhouse location. ~-™o=> UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 93 FERC ~ 62,055 FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Haida Corporation Project No. 11480-001 ORDER ISSUING ORIGINAL LICENSE (Major Project) October 24, 2000 INTRODUCTION On November 25, 1997, Haida Corporation (Haida) filed, pursuant to Part | of the Federal Power Act (FPA), 1an application for a major license to construct, operate and maintain the 5.0-megawatt (MW) Reynolds Creek Hydroelectric Project No. 11480 (Reynolds Creek Project). The project would be located on Reynolds Creek, near the town of Hydaburg, on Prince of Wales Island, in southeast Alaska. Proposed project facilities include a 10.9-mile-long transmission line that would cross Hetta Inlet, a navigable waterway of the United States. The project would not occupy any federal lands. BACKGROUND The Commission issued notice of the application on February 11, 1998. Motions to intervene were filed by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) on April 1 0, 1998; American Rivers and Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) on April 15, 1998; and the U.S. Department of the Interior (Interior) on April 17, 1998. All motions were unopposed and granted, including Interior's late motion. The Commission staff issued a draft environmental assessment (draft EA) for the project on September 9, 1999. Comments on the draft EA were filed by the Haida Corporation, Alaska Power & Telephone Company, NMFS, ADF&G, Alaska Division of Governmental Coordination (ADGC) and Natural Heritage Institute. Their concerns were considered in preparing the final environmental assessment (final EA) for this project, which was issued hays a full frre ere all comments received from interested agencies and individuals Ma erent Ry whether, and under what conditions, to issue this license. PROJECT DESCRIPTION. The proposed project will consist of a 20-foot-long, 6-foot-high diversion dam; a 3,200 foot-long penstock; a 150-acre lake with 600 acre-feet of new storage capacity; a powerhouse with one 1 ,500-kilowatt (kW) horizontal impulse turbine/generator during phase 1; a second PROB tuinstgpnegaior to be added during phase 2; and an overhead 34.S-kilovolt (kV), Project No. 11480-001 2 10.9-mile-long transmission line. The total capacity of the project will be 5.0 MW. A detailed project description is contained in ordering paragraph B(2). NEED FOR POWER By producing hydroelectricity, the Reynolds Creek Project displaces the need for diesel generation, thereby avoiding some power plant emissions and creating an environmental benefit. Consequently, the operation of the Reynolds Creek Project would likely reduce annual carbon emissions in the region. The amount of greenhouse gases emissions that are avoided depends on the type of power displaced, which is region-specific. In southeast Alaska, the region where the Reynolds Creek Project is located, the alternative fuel is almost entirely diesel. SAFETY OF THE PROJECT Our Portland Regional Office determined that the project would have a low hazard classification, in that failure of the diversion dam would not pose a risk to life or property. Because of the low hazard classification, the project would not be subject to Part 12, Subpart 0, of the Commission's regulations. WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION Under Section 401 (a)(1) of the Clean Water Act, 2the Commission may not issue a license for a hydroelectric project unless the state certifying agency has either issued water quality certification for the project or has waived certification by failing to act on a request for certification within a reasonable period of time, not to exceed one year. 3 By agreement between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), application for a Department of the Army permit to discharge dredged or fill material into navigable waters under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act also serves as application for state water quality certification. On November 21, 1997, the ADEC received from Haida a completed Section 404 permit application. Because the ADEC did not act on the request within 1 year from the date of receipt, the water quality. certification is deemed to be waived under section 4.38(f)(7)(ii) of the Commission's regulations. By letter dated July 30, 1999, the ADEC, under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, issued a Certificate of Reasonable Assurance to construct and operate the Reynolds Creek Project. This certificate was superseded entirely by a revised Certificate of Reasonable Assurance issued by the ADEC on August 19, 1999. The ADEC included one condition for the 233 D.S.C. § 1341 (a)(1). 3 Section 401(a)(1) requires an applicant for a federal license or permit to conduct any activity which may result in any discharge into navigable waters to obtain from the state in which the discharge originates certification that any such discharge will comply with applicable water quality standards. HATCH ACHES Alaska Energy Authority - AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study SE Alaska Final Report Appendix G Development Scenarios and Model Hatch Acres Corporation PR324582 AK-BC Alaska Final Report-App 18-09-07.doc Complete information on the development scenarios is provided in the main volume of the report. The electronic file for the Regional Resource Planning Model has been provided separately. HATCH ACHES Alaska Energy Authority - AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study SE Alaska Final Report Appendix H Loads and Resources Hatch Acres Corporation PR324582 AK-BC Alaska Final Report-App 18-09-07.doc Table H-1 — Ketchikan — Annual Reference Forecast Ketchikan - Reference Sales | Net Generation Non- Electric Residential Full Partial Residential Spot Heating Total Net Peak Year Base Conversions Conversions Base Loads Conversions Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 1998 - - ol [= 7 - 1999 - - 7 - - - 2000 56,769,397 - - 102,635,997 - - 159,405,394 166,375,424 28,100 2001 58,008,912 - - 100,594,515 - - 158,603,427 166,133,715 27,400 2002 56,913,013 - - 87,226,943 - - 144,139,956 151,502,672 26,300 2003 56,723,524 - - 88,277,148 - - 145,000,672 153,472,585 25,900 2004 57,332,811 - - 88,063,078 - - 145,395,889 150,586,782 27,600 2005 56,815,618 - : 88,428,512 - - 145,244,130 153,306,333 27,000 2006 59,870,257 - - 92,289,675 - - 152,159,932 159,543,140 28,900 2007 60,769,268 396,081 1,285,000 92,731,018 - - 155,181,367 164,195,077 32,741 2008 61,689,191 811,023 2,510,000 93,172,361 1,992,900 - 160,175,474 169,479,267 33,795 2009 62,619,494 1,225,965 3,680,000 93,662,741 1,992,900 - 163,181,100 172,659,475 34,429 2010 63,560,282 1,640,907 4,795,000 94,153,122 2,989,350 1,125,660 168,264,321 178,037,955 35,502 2011 64,522,698 2,055,849 5,860,000 94,643,503 2,989,350 1,125,660 171,197,060 181,141,042 36,120 2012 65,495,975 2,470,791 6,880,000 95,133,884 2,989,350 8,002,260 180,972,260 191,484,034 38,183 2013 66,480,222 2,885,733 7,855,000 95,624,265 2,989,350 8,002,260 183,836,830 194,514,993 38,787 2014 67,475,548 3,300,675 8,785,000 96,114,646 2,989,350 13,753,200 192,418,419 203,595,043 40,598 2015 68,493,439 3,734,478 9,675,000 96,605,026 2,989,350 13,753,200 195,250,493 206,591,619 41,195 2016 69,522,803 4,168,281 10,525,000 97,095,407 2,989,350 13,753,200 198,054,041 209,558,011 41,787 2017 70,575,299 4,602,084 11,340,000 97,585,788 2,989,350 13,753,200 200,845,721 212,511,846 42,376 2018 71,639,672 5,035,887 12,120,000 98,076,169 2,989,350 13,753,200 203,614,278 215,441,214 42,960 2019 72,716,041 5,469,690 12,865,000 98,566,550 2,989,350 13,753,200 206,359,831 218,346,242 43,539 2020 73,816,333 5,922,354 13,580,000 99,056,931 2,989,350 13,753,200 209,118,167 221,264,797 44,121 2021 74,929,038 6,375,018 14,265,000 99,547,312 2,989,350 13,753,200 211,858,918 224,164,744 44,699 2022 76,054,282 6,827,682 14,920,000 100,037,692 2,989,350 13,753,200 214,582,207 227,046,215 45,274 2023 77,204,265 7,280,346 15,550,000 100,528,073 2,989,350 13,753,200 217,305,234 229,927,409 45,849 2024 78,367,219 7,733,010 16,155,000 101,018,454 2,989,350 13,753,200 220,016,233 232,795,877 46,420 2025 79,543,275 8,185,674 16,735,000 101,508,835 2,989,350 13,753,200 222,715,333 235,651,755 46,990 2026 80,744,911 8,657,199 17,290,000 101,999,216 2,989,350 13,753,200 225,433,876 238,528,204 47,564 2027 81,960,098 9,128,724 17,825,000 102,489,597 2,989,350 13,753,200 228,145,969 241,397,828 48,136 2028 83,188,971 9,600,249 18,340,000 102,979,977 2,989,350 13,753,200 230,851,747 244,260,772 48,707 2029 84,444,294 10,071,774 18,835,000 103,519,396 2,989,350 13,753,200 233,613,015 247,182,428 49,289 2030 85,713,769 10,543,299 19,310,000 104,058,815 2,989,350 13,753,200 236,368,433 250,097,894 49,871 2031 87,010,353 11,033,685 19,770,000 104,598,234 2,989,350 13,753,200 239,154,822 253,046,131 50,458 Growth 1.51% 0.50% 1.83% 1.86% Table H-2 — Petersburg — Annual Reference Forecast Petersburg - Reference Sales | Net Generation Non- Electric Residential Full Partial Residential Spot Heating Total Net Peak Year Base Conversions Conversions Base Loads Conversions Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) _ (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 1998 - - - - - 1999 - - - - - 2000 13,027,144 - - 22,229,387 - 35,256,531 39,120,307 6,860 2001 13,084,396 - - 23,661,263 : 36,745,659 40,841,874 9,080 2002 12,825,151 - - 22,529,651 - 35,354,802 39,442,490 8,180 2003 13,247,992 - - 22,814,913 - 36,062,905 39,627,828 8,010 2004 13,132,812 - - 23,470,133 - 36,602,945 39,929,252 8,380 2005 13,463,651 - - 24,131,183 - 37,594,834 41,708,013 7,880 2006 14,600,288 - - 24,348,294 - 38,948,582 44,843,573 8,810 2007 14,816,693 106,110 320,000 24,486,637 - 39,729,439 42,037,124 8,382 2008 15,035,522 212,220 625,000 24,624,979 - 40,497,721 42,850,032 8,544 2009 15,256,801 318,330 915,000 24,763,322 : 41,253,452 43,649,659 8,704 2010 15,491,485 445,662 1,195,000 24,901,664 - 42,033,812 44,475,346 8,869 2011 15,728,832 572,994 1,460,000 25,040,007 2,847,000 45,648,833 48,300,345 9,631 2012 15,968,867 700,326 1,715,000 25,178,349 2,847,000 46,409,543 49,105,241 9,792 2013 16,211,618 827,658 1,955,000 25,316,692 2,847,000 47,157,969 49,897,139 9,950 2014 16,457,113 954,990 2,185,000 25,455,035 2,847,000 47,899,137 50,681,359 10,106 2015 16,705,377 1,082,322 2,405,000 25,593,377 2,847,000 48,633,077 51,457,929 10,261 2016 16,956,440 1,209,654 2,615,000 25,731,720 2,847,000 49,359,814 52,226,879 10,414 2017 17,210,330 1,336,986 2,815,000 25,870,062 2,847,000 50,079,378 52,988,239 10,566 2018 17,467,073 1,464,318 3,010,000 26,008,405 2,847,000 50,796,796 53,747,329 10,717 2019 17,726,700 1,591,650 3,195,000 26,146,748 2,847,000 51,507,098 54,498,888 10,867 2020 17,989,239 1,718,982 3,370,000 26,285,090 2,847,000 52,210,311 55,242,947 11,016 2021 18,254,719 1,846,314 3,540,000 26,423,433 2,847,000 52,911,465 55,984,828 11,164 2022 18,535,127 1,973,646 3,705,000 26,561,775 2,847,000 53,622,548 56,737,214 11,314 2023 18,818,714 2,100,978 3,860,000 26,700,118 2,847,000 54,326,810 57,482,383 11,462 2024 19,105,513 2,228,310 4,010,000 26,838,460 2,847,000 55,029,283 58,225,660 11,610 2025 19,395,555 2,355,642 4,155,000 26,976,803 2,847,000 55,730,000 58,967,077 11,758 2026 19,688,873 2,482,974 4,295,000 27,115,146 2,847,000 56,428,993 59,706,671 11,906 2027 19,985,500 2,610,306 4,430,000 27,253,488 2,847,000 57,126,294 60,444,475 12,053 2028 20,285,469 2,737,638 4,560,000 27,391,831 2,847,000 57,821,937 61,180,525 12,200 2029 20,588,813 2,864,970 4,685,000 27,530,173 2,847,000 58,515,956 61,914,856 12,346 2030 20,895,566 2,992,302 4,805,000 27,668,516 2,847,000 59,208,384 62,647,503 12,492 2031 21,205,762 3,119,634 4,920,000 27,806,858 2,847,000 59,899,255 63,378,503 12,638 Growth 1.50% 0.53% 1.74% 1.39% Table H-3 — Wrangell — Annual Reference Forecast Wrangell - Reference Sales Net Generation Non- Electric Residential Full Partial Residential Spot Heating Total Net Peak Year Base Conversions Conversions Base Loads Conversions Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) _(kWh) (kW) 1998 - - - - - - 1999 : : E = 7 2000 8,059,451 - - 17,688,705 - : 25,748,156 21,211,028 2001 8,176,301 - - 12,323,052 - : 20,499,353 20,650,274 2002 7,454,245 - - 11,986,928 - : 19,441,173 20,691,304 2003 7,355,292 - - 11,943,332 - - 19,298,624 20,372,554 2004 7,384,010 - - 12,499,331 - - 19,883,341 21,079,459 2005 7,558,321 - - 13,109,814 - - 20,668,135 21,598,602 2006 7,935,625 - - 12,635,433 - - 20,571,058 22,382,718 2007 8,056,821 80,400 250,000 12,688,747 - : 21,075,968 22,300,166 4,447 2008 8,179,389 160,800 485,000 12,742,061 2,847,000 - 24,414,250 25,832,352 5,151 2009 8,303,342 241,200 710,000 12,795,375 2,847,000 : 24,896,917 26,343,055 5,253 2010 8,428,694 321,600 925,000 12,848,689 2,847,000 : 25,370,984 26,844,657 5,353 2011 8,555,460 402,000 1,130,000 12,902,003 2,847,000 1,686,300 27,522,763 29,121,423 5,807 2012 8,683,653 482,400 1,325,000 12,955,317 2,847,000 1,686,300 27,979,670 29,604,869 5,903 2013 8,813,287 562,800 1,515,000 13,008,631 2,847,000 1,686,300 28,433,019 30,084,551 5,999 2014 8,944,378 643,200 1,695,000 13,061,946 2,847,000 1,686,300 28,877,823 30,555,192 6,093 2015 9,076,939 723,600 1,865,000 13,115,260 2,847,000 1,686,300 29,314,099 31,016,808 6,185 2016 9,210,986 804,000 2,030,000 13,168,574 2,847,000 1,686,300 29,746,859 31,474,706 6,276 2017 9,346,532 884,400 2,185,000 13,221,888 2,847,000 1,686,300 30,171,120 31,923,610 6,366 2018 9,483,594 964,800 2,335,000 13,275,202 2,847,000 1,686,300 30,591,896 32,368,826 6,454 2019 9,622,186 1,045,200 2,480,000 13,328,516 2,847,000 1,686,300 31,009,202 32,810,371 6,543 2020 9,770,819 1,145,700 2,615,000 13,408,487 2,847,000 1,686,300 31,473,306 33,301,433 6,640 2021 9,921,141 1,246,200 2,745,000 13,488,458 2,847,000 1,686,300 31,934,099 33,788,992 6,738 2022 10,073,169 1,346,700 2,870,000 13,568,429 2,847,000 1,686,300 32,391,598 34,273,064 6,834 2023 10,226,918 1,447,200 2,990,000 13,648,400 2,847,000 1,686,300 32,845,818 34,753,668 6,930 2024 10,382,407 1,547,700 3,105,000 13,728,371 2,847,000 1,686,300 33,296,778 35,230,822 7,025 2025 10,539,653 1,648,200 3,215,000 13,808,342 2,847,000 1,686,300 33,744,496 35,704,545 7,120 2026 10,698,674 1,748,700 3,320,000 13,888,313 2,847,000 1,686,300 34,188,988 36,174,855 7,213 2027 10,859,488 1,849,200 3,420,000 13,968,285 2,847,000 1,686,300 34,630,272 36,641,772 7,307 2028 11,022,111 1,949,700 3,520,000 14,048,256 2,847,000 1,686,300 35,073,367 37,110,604 7,400 2029 11,186,564 2,050,200 3,615,000 14,128,227 2,847,000 1,686,300 35,513,290 37,576,080 7,493 2030 11,352,863 2,150,700 3,705,000 14,208,198 2,847,000 1,686,300 35,950,060 38,038,220 7,585 2031 11,521,027 2,251,200 3,790,000 14,288,169 2,847,000 1,686,300 36,383,696 38,497,043 7,676 Growth 1.50% 0.49% 2.31% 2.19% Table H-4 — Kake — Annual Reference Forecast Kake - Reference Net Sales Generation Non- Electric Residential Full Partial Residential Spot Heating Total Net Peak Year Base Conversions Conversions Base Loads Conversions Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW). 1998 - - - - - 1999 - - - - - 2000 1,599,883 - - 2,006,533 : 3,606,416 2001 1,588,409 - - 2,207,608 - 3,796,017 2002 1,498,186 - - 2,465,530 - 3,963,716 2003 1,486,738 : - 2,227,138 - 3,713,876 2004 7 7 7 A H 2005 - 7 - 7 : 2006 1,149,995 - - 1,824,006 - 2,974,001 2007 1,168,356 - - 1,824,006 - 2,992,362 3,166,174 631 2008 1,186,928 - - 1,824,006 - 3,010,934 3,185,824 635 2009 1,205,713 - : 1,824,006 : 3,029,719 3,205,700 639 2010 1,224,713 : : 1,824,006 - 3,048,719 3,225,804 643 2011 1,243,930 - : 1,824,006 - 3,067,936 3,246,137 647 2012 1,263,366 - - 1,824,006 - 3,087,372 3,266,702 651 2013 1,283,024 - - 1,824,006 - 3,107,030 3,287,502 656 2014 1,302,906 - - 1,824,006 - 3,126,912 3,308,539 660 2015 1,323,014 20,100 60,000 1,824,006 - 3,227,120 3,414,567 681 2016 1,343,350 40,200 120,000 1,824,006 - 3,327,556 3,520,837 702 2017 1,363,917 60,300 175,000 1,824,006 - 3,423,223 3,622,061 722 2018 1,384,717 80,400 230,000 1,824,006 - 3,519,123 3,723,531 742 2019 1,405,752 100,500 280,000 1,824,006 - 3,610,258 3,819,960 762 2020 1,427,024 120,600 330,000 1,824,006 - 3,701,630 3,916,640 781 2021 1,448,537 140,700 375,000 1,824,006 - 3,788,243 4,008,283 799 2022 1,470,292 160,800 420,000 1,824,006 - 3,875,098 4,100,183 818 2023 1,492,292 180,900 465,000 1,824,006 - 3,962,198 4,192,342 836 2024 1,514,539 201,000 505,000 1,824,006 - 4,044,545 4,279,473 853 2025 1,537,036 221,100 545,000 1,824,006 - 4,127,142 4,366,867 871 2026 1,559,786 241,200 585,000 1,824,006 - 4,209,992 4,454,529 888 2027 1,582,790 261,300 620,000 1,824,006 - 4,288,096 4,537,170 905 2028 1,606,051 281,400 655,000 1,824,006 - 4,366,457 4,620,083 921 2029 1,629,572 301,500 690,000 1,824,006 - 4,445,078 4,703,271 938 2030 1,653,356 321,600 720,000 1,824,006 - 4,518,962 4,781,446 953 2031 1,677,405 341,700 750,000 1,824,006 : 4,593,111 4,859,902 969 Growth 1.52% 0.00% 1.75% : Table H-5 — Metlakatla — Annual Reference Forecast Metlakatla - Reference Net Sales Generation Non- Electric Residential Full Partial Residential Spot Heating Total Net Peak Year Base Conversions Conversions Base Loads Conversions Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) _(kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 1998 - - - - - 1999 - - - - : 2000 5,673,097 : - 9,208,041 - 14,881,138 16,372,245 2001 5,608,302 : - 8,544,195 - 14,152,498 15,327,234 2002 5,602,555 - - 7,939,954 - 13,542,509 14,820,061 2003 5,608,157 - - 8,394,246 - 14,002,403 15,122,842 2004 5,672,531 - - 8,049,878 - 13,722,409 14,761,380 2005 5,809,401 - - 8,488,425 - 14,297,826 15,316,636 2006 5,809,401 - - 8,488,425 - 14,297,826 15,316,636 2007 5,895,155 40,200 130,000 8,521,713 - 14,587,068 15,434,358 3,078 2008 5,981,869 80,400 250,000 8,555,001 - 14,867,270 15,730,835 3,137 2009 6,069,551 120,600 365,000 8,588,289 - 15,143,440 16,023,047 3,195 2010 6,158,213 160,800 475,000 8,621,577 - 15,415,590 16,311,004 3,252 2011 6,247,863 201,000 580,000 8,654,865 - 15,683,728 16,594,717 3,309 2012 6,338,511 241,200 680,000 8,688,153 - 15,947,864 16,874,196 3,365 2013 6,430,168 281,400 775,000 8,721,441 - 16,208,008 17,149,451 3,420 2014 6,522,843 321,600 870,000 8,754,729 - 16,469,171 17,425,783 3,475 2015 6,616,546 361,800 960,000 8,788,016 - 16,726,363 17,697,913 3,529 2016 6,711,288 402,000 1,045,000 8,821,304 - 16,979,593 17,965,852 3,582 2017 6,807,079 442,200 1,125,000 8,854,592 - 17,228,871 18,229,611 3,635 2018 6,903,929 482,400 1,205,000 8,887,880 - 17,479,210 18,494,490 3,688 2019 7,013,385 542,700 1,280,000 8,921,168 - 17,757,253 18,788,683 3,747 2020 7,124,094 603,000 1,350,000 8,954,456 - 18,031,550 19,078,912 3,804 2021 7,236,068 663,300 1,420,000 8,987,744 - 18,307,113 19,370,481 3,863 2022 7,349,322 723,600 1,485,000 9,021,032 - 18,578,954 19,658,113 3,920 2023 7,463,868 783,900 1,550,000 9,054,320 - 18,852,088 19,947,112 3,978 2024 7,579,718 844,200 1,610,000 9,087,608 - 19,121,526 20,232,200 4,034 2025 7,696,887 904,500 1,670,000 9,120,896 - 19,392,283 20,518,683 4,092 2026 7,815,386 964,800 1,725,000 9,154,184 - 19,659,370 20,801,285 4,148 2027 7,935,230 1,025,100 1,780,000 9,187,472 - 19,927,802 21,085,308 4,205 2028 8,056,432 1,085,400 1,830,000 9,220,760 - 20,192,592 21,365,479 4,260 2029 8,179,006 1,145,700 1,880,000 9,254,048 - 20,458,754 21,647,100 4,317 2030 8,302,965 1,206,000 1,930,000 9,287,336 - 20,726,301 21,930,188 4,373 2031 8,428,324 1,266,300 1,975,000 9,320,624 -__ 20,990,247 22,209,466 4,429 Growth 1.50% 0.37% 1.55% 1.50% Table H-6 — Craig/Klawock/Thorne Bay/Hollis — Annual Reference Forecast Craig/Klawock/Thorne Bay/Hollis - Reference Net Sales Generation Non- Electric Residential Full Partial Residential Spot Heating Total Net Peak Year Base Conversions Conversions Base Loads Conversions Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 1998 7,548,198 - - 11,310,316 - 18,858,514 20,458,900 1999 8,696,778 - - 13,108,340 - 21,805,118 23,425,600 2000 9,074,803 - - 13,569,933 - 22,644,736 24,578,545 2001 8,714,074 - - 13,067,158 - 21,781,232 23,950,055 2002 8,761,265 - - 13,100,190 - 21,861,455 23,843,940 2003 8,847,406 - - 13,254,446 - 22,101,852 24,597,722 2004 8,866,519 - - 13,299,736 - 22,166,255 24,427,712 2005 8,859,241 - - 13,321,024 - 22,180,265 24,468,785 2006 9,026,688 - - 13,522,770 - 22,549,458 24,957,325 2007 9,164,648 - - 13,599,948 - 22,764,596 24,086,878 4,803 2008 9,305,828 - - 13,671,152 - 22,976,980 24,311,597 4,848 2009 9,448,609 - - 13,742,356 - 23,190,965 24,538,012 4,893 2010 9,593,009 - - 13,813,560 - 23,406,569 24,766,139 4,938 2011 9,739,044 - - 13,884,763 - 23,623,807 24,995,996 4,984 2012 9,886,729 - - 13,955,967 - 23,842,696 25,227,599 5,030 2013 10,036,082 - - 14,027,171 - 24,063,253 25,460,967 5,077 2014 10,187,118 - - 14,098,375 - 24,285,494 25,696,117 5,124 2015 10,339,856 - - 14,169,579 - 24,509,435 25,933,066 5,171 2016 10,494,312 - - 14,240,783 - 24,735,095 26,171,833 5,219 2017 10,650,503 - - 14,311,987 - 24,962,490 26,412,437 5,267 2018 10,808,447 - - 14,383,191 - 25,191,638 26,654,894 5,315 2019 10,968,161 - - 14,454,395 - 25,422,556 26,899,225 5,364 2020 11,136,866 120,600 375,000 14,525,599 - 26,158,065 27,677,456 5,519 2021 11,307,485 241,200 735,000 14,596,803 - 26,880,487 28,441,841 5,671 2022 11,480,037 361,800 1,075,000 14,668,007 - 27,584,843 29,187,109 5,820 2023 11,654,540 482,400 1,400,000 14,739,210 - 28,276,151 29,918,571 5,966 2024 11,831,016 603,000 1,710,000 14,810,414 - 28,954,430 30,636,249 6,109 2025 12,009,483 723,600 2,010,000 14,881,618 - 29,624,702 31,345,452 6,250 2026 12,189,962 844,200 2,295,000 14,952,822 - 30,281,984 32,040,913 6,389 2027 12,372,472 964,800 2,565,000 15,024,026 - 30,926,299 32,722,653 6,525 2028 12,557,035 1,085,400 2,825,000 15,095,230 - 31,562,665 33,395,982 6,659 2029 12,743,670 1,206,000 3,075,000 15,166,434 - 32,191,104 34,060,924 6,792 2030 12,932,398 1,326,600 3,310,000 15,237,638 - 32,806,636 34,712,209 6,922 2031 13,123,240 1,447,200 3,535,000 15,308,842 -__ 33,414,282 35,355,150 7,050 Growth 1.51% 0.50% 1.59% 1.40% Table H-7 — Hydaburg — Annual Reference Forecast Hydaburg - Reference Net \ Sales Generation Non- Electric Residential Full Partial Residential Spot Heating Total Net Peak Year Base Conversions Conversions Base Loads Conversions Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 1998 588,143 - : 869,613 : 1,457,756 1,549,400 1999 568,463 - : 832,791 : 1,401,254 1,491,200 2000 555,172 - - 818,029 - 1,373,201 1,458,400 2001 581,162 - - 856,560 - 1,437,722 1,506,582 2002 585,978 - - 863,240 - 1,449,218 1,540,853 2003 542,756 - - 800,883 - 1,343,639 1,413,800 2004 557,494 - - 824,393 - 1,381,887 1,450,734 2005 577,837 - - 858,523 : 1,436,360 1,503,515 2006 605,239 - - 894,199 - 1,499,438 1,588,843 2007 613,925 - - 896,935 - 1,510,860 1,598,619 319 2008 623,478 : - 896,935 - 1,520,413 1,608,726 321 2009 633,139 - - 896,935 - 1,530,075 1,618,949 323 2010 642,911 - - 896,935 - 1,539,846 1,629,288 325 2011 652,793 - - 896,935 - 1,549,728 1,639,744 327 2012 662,787 - - 896,935 - 1,559,722 1,650,319 329 2013 672,895 - - 896,935 - 1,569,830 1,661,014 331 2014 683,116 - - 896,935 - 1,580,052 1,671,829 333 2015 693,454 - - 896,935 - 1,590,389 1,682,767 336 2016 703,908 - : 896,935 - 1,600,843 1,693,828 338 2017 714,479 - : 896,935 - 1,611,415 1,705,014 340 2018 725,170 - - 896,935 - 1,622,105 1,716,325 342 2019 735,981 - - 896,935 - 1,632,916 1,727,764 345 2020 746,913 20,100 35,000 896,935 - 1,698,949 1,797,632 358 2021 757,968 40,200 70,000 896,935 - 1,765,104 1,867,630 372 2022 769,147 60,300 100,000 896,935 - 1,826,382 1,932,468 385 2023 780,451 80,400 130,000 896,935 - 1,887,786 1,997,438 398 2024 791,881 100,500 160,000 896,935 - 1,949,316 2,062,542 411 2025 803,438 120,600 185,000 896,935 - 2,005,973 2,122,490 423 2026 815,125 140,700 210,000 896,935 - 2,062,760 2,182,575 435 2027 826,941 160,800 235,000 896,935 - 2,119,676 2,242,798 447 2028 838,889 180,900 260,000 896,935 - 2,176,724 2,303,159 459 2029 850,969 201,000 285,000 896,935 - 2,233,905 2,363,661 471 2030 863,184 221,100 305,000 896,935 - 2,286,219 2,419,014 482 2031 875,534 241,200 325,000 896,935 - 2,338,669 2,474,511 493 Growth 1.49% 0.01% 1.79% 1.79% Table H-8 — Coffman Cove — Annual Reference Forecast Coffman Cove - Reference Net Sales Generation Non- Electric Residential Full Partial Residential Spot Heating Total Net Peak Year Base Conversions Conversions Base Loads Conversions Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 1998 453,441 - - 668,581 - 1,122,022 1,243,167 1999 446,162 - - 655,996 - 1,102,158 1,238,157 2000 333,802 - - 489,690 - 823,492 953,822 2001 266,636 - - 396,392 - 663,028 763,631 2002 269,339 - - 404,321 - 673,660 732,630 2003 281,279 - - 419,975 - 701,254 758,930 2004 291,989 - - 436,773 - 728,762 786,010 2005 288,254 - - 433,248 - 721,502 791,330 2006 330,576 - - 502,723 - 833,299 903,428 2007 336,899 - - 508,914 - 845,813 894,942 178 2008 342,207 - - 508,914 - 851,121 900,559 180 2009 347,577 - - 508,914 - 856,491 906,240 181 2010 353,008 - - 508,914 - 861,922 911,987 182 2011 358,501 - - 508,914 - 867,415 917,799 183 2012 364,056 - - 508,914 - 872,970 923,677 184 2013 369,675 - - 508,914 - 878,589 929,621 185 2014 375,357 - : 508,914 - 884,271 935,634 187 2015 381,104 - - 508,914 - 890,018 941,714 188 2016 386,915 - - 508,914 - 895,829 947,864 189 2017 392,793 - - 508,914 - 901,707 954,083 190 2018 398,737 - - 508,914 - 907,651 960,372 192 2019 404,748 - - 508,914 - 913,662 966,732 193 2020 410,827 20,100 35,000 508,914 - 974,841 1,031,464 206 2021 416,974 40,200 65,000 508,914 - 1,031,088 1,090,979 218 2022 423,190 60,300 95,000 508,914 - 1,087,404 1,150,566 229 2023 429,476 80,400 125,000 508,914 - 1,143,790 1,210,227 241 2024 435,833 100,500 155,000 508,914 - 1,200,247 1,269,963 253 2025 442,261 120,600 180,000 508,914 - 1,251,775 1,324,484 264 2026 448,760 140,700 205,000 508,914 - 1,303,374 1,379,081 275 2027 455,333 160,800 230,000 508,914 - 1,355,047 1,433,755 286 2028 461,978 180,900 255,000 508,914 - 1,406,792 1,488,506 297 2029 468,698 201,000 275,000 508,914 - 1,453,612 1,538,045 307 2030 475,492 221,100 295,000 508,914 - 1,500,506 1,587,663 317 2031 482,362 241,200 315,000 508,914 - 1,547,476 1,637,362 326 Growth 1.52% 0.05% 2.51% 2.41% Table H-9 — Naukati Bay — Annual Reference Forecast Naukati Bay - Reference Net Sales Generation | Non- Electric Residential Full Partial Residential Spot Heating Total Net Peak Year Base Conversions Conversions Base Loads Conversions Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) _ (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 1998 403,593 - - 589,909 - 993,502 1,019,440 1999 413,076 - - 601,579 - 1,014,655 1,085,040 2000 311,073 - - 450,063 - 761,136 836,928 2001 161,640 - - 237,046 : 398,686 455,904 2002 153,649 - - 227,852 - 381,501 455,748 2003 164,936 - - 243,494 - 408,430 462,886 2004 186,744 - - 275,798 - 462,542 517,593 2005 201,883 - - 299,296 - 501,179 568,255 2006 179,363 - - 264,490 - 443,853 501,608 2007 183,074 - - 270,258 - 453,332 479,663 96 2008 184,447 - - 270,258 - 454,705 481,116 96 2009 185,830 - - 270,258 - 456,088 482,580 96 2010 187,224 - - 270,258 - 457,482 484,055 97 2011 188,628 - - 270,258 - 458,886 485,540 97 2012 190,043 - - 270,258 - 460,301 487,037 97 2013 191,468 - - 270,258 - 461,726 488,545 97 2014 192,904 - - 270,258 - 463,162 490,065 98 2015 194,351 - - 270,258 - 464,609 491,596 98 2016 195,809 - - 270,258 - 466,067 493,138 98 2017 197,277 - - 270,258 - 467,535 494,692 99 2018 198,757 - - 270,258 - 469,015 496,257 99 2019 200,248 - - 270,258 - 470,505 497,835 99 2020 201,750 - 10,000 270,258 - 482,007 510,005 102 2021 203,263 - 20,000 270,258 - 493,520 522,186 104 2022 204,787 - 30,000 270,258 - 505,045 534,380 107 2023 206,323 - 40,000 270,258 - 516,581 546,586 109 2024 207,870 - 50,000 270,258 - 528,128 558,804 111 2025 209,429 - 60,000 270,258 - 539,687 571,035 114 2026 211,000 - 70,000 270,258 - 551,258 583,278 116 2027 212,583 - 80,000 270,258 - 562,840 595,533 119 2028 214,177 - 85,000 270,258 - 569,435 602,510 120 2029 215,783 - 90,000 270,258 - 576,041 609,500 122 2030 217,402 - 95,000 270,258 - 582,659 616,503 123 2031 219,032 - 100,000 270,258 : 589,290 623,519 124 Growth 0.80% 0.09% 1.14% 0.87% Table H-10 — Whale Pass — Annual Reference Forecast Whale Pass - Reference Net Sales Generation Non- Electric Residential Full Partial Residential Spot Heating Total Net Peak Year Base Conversions Conversions Base Loads Conversions Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) | _(kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 1998 95,061 : - 146,043 - 241,104 275,040 1999 108,355 - - 169,611 : 277,966 313,280 2000 100,386 - - 159,364 - 259,750 296,400 2001 71,317 - - 107,426 - 178,743 220,320 2002 84,904 - - 128,341 - 213,245 273,984 2003 92,701 - - 139,481 - 232,182 288,960 2004 121,332 - - 185,347 - 306,679 370,560 2005 121,010 - - 188,477 - 309,487 379,200 2006 108,681 - - 171,317 - 279,998 340,320 2007 110,862 - - 174,403 - 285,266 301,835 60 2008 111,694 - - 174,403 - 286,097 302,715 60 2009 112,531 - - 174,403 - 286,935 303,602 61 2010 113,375 - - 174,403 - 287,779 304,495 61 2011 114,226 - - 174,403 - 288,629 305,394 61 2012 115,082 - - 174,403 - 289,486 306,301 61 2013 115,946 - - 174,403 - 290,349 307,214 61 2014 116,815 - - 174,403 - 291,219 308,134 61 2015 117,691 - - 174,403 - 292,095 309,061 62 2016 118,574 - - 174,403 - 292,977 309,995 62 2017 119,463 - - 174,403 - 293,867 310,936 62 2018 120,359 - - 174,403 - 294,763 311,884 62 2019 121,262 - - 174,403 - 295,665 312,839 62 2020 122,171 - 15,000 174,403 - 311,575 329,673 66 2021 123,088 - 25,000 174,403 - 322,491 341,223 68 2022 124,011 - 35,000 174,403 - 333,414 352,781 70 2023 124,941 - 45,000 174,403 - 344,344 364,346 73 2024 125,878 : 55,000 174,403 : 355,281 375,918 75 2025 126,822 - 65,000 174,403 - 366,226 387,498 77 2026 127,773 - 75,000 174,403 - 377,177 399,085 80 2027 128,731 - 85,000 174,403 - 388,135 410,680 82 2028 129,697 - 95,000 174,403 - 399,100 422,282 84 2029 130,670 - 105,000 174,403 - 410,073 433,892 87 2030 131,650 - 115,000 174,403 - 421,053 445,510 89 2031 132,637 : 120,000 174,403 : 427,041 451,845 90 Growth 0.80% 0.07% 1.70% 1.14% =40e HATCH ACHES Alaska Energy Authority - AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study SE Alaska Final Report e Appendix H H1 Hatch Acres Corporation PR324582 AK-BC Alaska Final Report-App 18-09-07.doc Year Month January February March April May June July August 8661 October November December TOTAL January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 6661 2000 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 0002 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Ketchikan September Sales (kWh) Number of Customers Gross Generation Net Generation Peak Residential Non-Res Total Residential Non-Res Total Diesel Hydro Total Diesel Hydro Total (mw) 5,610,909 10,308,839 15,919,748 5,600 1,881 7,481 377,500 15,815,700 16,193,200 204,580 15,440,942 15,645,522 27.70 5,610,329 8,116,310 13,726,639 5,547 1,841 7,388 1,810,500 13,102,100 14,912,600 1,628,120 12,774,478 14,402,598 26.00 5,372,586 8,800,713 14,173,299 5,574 1,878 7,452 6,589,800 8,614,000 15,203,800 6,410,340 8,408,054 14,818,394 26.70 5,068,838 8,564,799 13,633,637 5,604 1,918 7,522 727,500 13,053,000 -—-13,780,500 541,420 12,800,341 13,341,761 24.20 4,568,880 8,374,663 12,943,543 5,578 1,978 7,556 96,900 13,583,100 — 13,680,000 -52,760 13,368,582 13,315,822 24.10 4,331,127 7,607,287 11,938,414 5,627 1,966 7,593 39,700 12,350,600 12,390,300 -117,380 12,086,189 11,968,809 22.40 4,171,088 8,226,101 12,397,189 5,616 1,940 7,556 75,300 13,779,200 — 13,854,500 -84,420 13,574,585 13,490,165 24.90 3,936,030 8,779,374 12,715,404 5,588 1,923 7.511 0 14,223,900 14,223,900 -168,040 13,882,163 13,714,123 25.70 4,047,196 9,078,883 13,126,079 5,599 1,872 7,471 209,500 12,743,100 12,952,600 43,140 12,482,066 12,525,206 =—=—.23.30 4,187,137 8,051,520 12,238,657 5,624 1,957 7,581 76,200 14,213,500 14,289,700 -80,940 13,954,284 13,873,344 24.90 4,764,812 8,694,105 13,458,917 5,657 1,940 7,597 0 14,339,200 14,339,200 -164,720 13,984,835 13,820,115 25.10 5,100,465 8,033,403 13,133,868 5,612 1,909 7,521 0 16,028,000 —- 16,028,000 -160,980 15,620,545 15,459,565 28.10 56,769,397 102,635,997 159,405,394 5,612 1,909 7,521 10,002,900 161,845,400 171,848,300 7,998,360 158,377,064 166,375,424 28.10 Historic Data - 1 of 3 Year Month 2001 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL b00z 2002 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL z002 2003 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL £002 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Ketchikan Sales (kWh Residential 5,831,568 5,626,318 5,169,644 5,063,172 4,607,508 4,652,422 4,224,018 4,040,809 4,065,060 4,419,211 4,830,897 5,478,285 58,008,912 5,942,386 5,714,880 5,486,239 5,147,363 4,701,206 4,295,756 4,184,356 3,794,534 4,143,385 4,286,522 4,476,971 4,739,415 56,913,013 5,649,157 5,480,208 5,120,476 5,144,871 4,792,429 4,229,013 4,342,324 3,846,106 4,232,894 4,308,491 4,560,591 5,016,964 56,723,524 Non-Res 8,557,103 9,975,291 7,928,917 7,827,625 7,928,684 8,153,208 8,066,585 8,859,301 8,909,342 8,232,244 7,892,602 8,263,613 100,594,515 8,311,950 7,650,139 7,405,486 7,370,904 6,999,667 6,281,908 7,061,582 7,010,359 8,060,666 7,330,904 6,966,558 6,776,820 87,226,943 7,303,128 7,665,958 7,298,406 7,080,756 7,328,921 6,873,539 7,390,668 7,440,116 8,449,113 7,272,078 6,949,853 7,224,612 88,277,148 [Number of Customers Total 14,388,671 15,601,609 13,098,561 12,890,797 12,536,192 12,805,630 12,290,603 12,900,110 12,974,402 12,651,455 12,723,499 13,741,898 158,603,427 14,254,336 13,365,019 12,891,725 12,518,267 11,700,873 10,577,664 11,245,938 10,804,893 12,204,051 11,617,426 11,443,529 11,516,235 144,139,956 12,952,285 13,146,166 12,418,882 12,225,627 12,121,350 11,102,552 11,732,992 11,286,222 12,682,007 11,580,569 11,510,444 12,241,576 145,000,672 Residential 5,571 5,599 5,605 5,569 5,601 5,605 5,686 5,630 5,612 5,664 5,663 5,662 5,662 5,659 5,617 5,646 5,655 5,628 5,624 5,642 5,529 5,552 5,672 5,637 5,643 5,643 5,601 5,622 5,602 5,614 5,612 5,645 5,613 5,624 5,661 5,660 5,629 5,577 5,577 Non-Res 1,937 1,952 2,031 2,025 2,106 2,029 1,962 1,917 1,853 1,890 1,858 1,846 1,846 1,862 1,855 1,846 1,833 1,907 1,954 1,937 1,839 1,883 1,926 1,884 1,828 1,828 1,803 1,622 1,787 1,902 1,890 1,943 1,932 1,849 1,897 1,901 1,880 1,914 1,914 aaa Total 7,508 7,551 7,636 7,594 7,707 7,634 7,648 7,547 7,465 7,554 7,521 7,508 7,508 7,521 7,472 7,492 7,488 7,535 7,578 7,579 7,368 7,435 7,598 7,521 7471 7,471 7,404 7,444 7,389 7,516 7,502 7,588 7,545 7,473 7,558 7,561 7,509 7,491 7,491 Gross Generation Diesel 107,800 0 3,488,800 3,835,200 95,500 1,584,200 49,300 oO 21,500 2,500 132,600 73,100 9,390,500 111,600 298,500 5,001,600 7,997,700 1,709,000 106,100 6,200 14,200 oO 88,800 27,600 68,300 15,429,600 18,700 33,300 118,600 10,500 oO 3,700 176,600 0 165,600 363,200 154,200 36,600 1,081,000 Historic Data - 2 of 3 Hydro 15,481,200 14,232,100 11,388,900 9,901,100 14,034,200 11,317,500 14,199,100 14,347,400 12,938,400 13,964,500 14,269,300 15,887,100 161,960,800 14,881,900 13,069,600 9,494,700 4,506,900 10,499,900 11,441,300 12,463,400 12,980,300 12,061,300 12,623,700 12,803,900 14,346,600 141,173,500 14,278,700 13,022,200 14,221,200 12,663,400 12,484,700 11,873,400 12,940,400 12,658,800 12,069,900 12,567,500 13,883,600 15,080,900 157,744,700 Total 15,589,000 14,232,100 14,877,700 13,736,300 14,129,700 12,901,700 14,248,400 14,347,400 12,959,900 13,967,000 14,401,900 15,960,200 171,351,300 14,993,500 13,368,100 14,496,300 12,504,600 12,208,900 11,547,400 12,469,600 12,994,500 12,061,300 12,712,500 12,831,500 14,414,900 156,603,100 14,297,400 13,055,500 14,339,800 12,673,900 12,484,700 11,877,100 13,117,000 12,658,800 12,235,500 12,930,700 14,037,800 15,117,500 158,825,700 Net Generation Diesel -75,980 -154,980 3,332,100 3,690,280 -71,120 1,432,360 126,000 -159,740 -146,000 -156,800 -22,780 -91,800 7,449,540 -76,780 136,400 4,814,040 7,828,140 1,626,260 -78,720 -158,820 -155,900 154,340 -81,040 133,000 85,220 13,481,020 -164,620 142,120 -35,920 -326,580 -187,980 152,820 21,200 181,820 10,800 201,260 6,640 -99,160 1,051,120 Hydro 15,184,118 13,959,025 11,170,571 9,713,933 13,757,350 11,122,134 13,924,400 14,038,611 12,651,705 13,667,644 13,962,358 15,532,326 158,684,175 14,573,071 12,816,102 9,354,616 4,416,911 10,201,541 11,118,312 12,166,869 12,715,862 11,786,257 12,346,442 12,514,973 14,010,696 138,021,652 13,922,845 12,724,992 13,842,292 12,376,430 12,219,777 11,786,055 12,842,055 12,419,089 11,862,198 12,252,276 13,572,045 14,703,651 154,523,705 Total 15,108,138 13,804,045 14,502,671 13,404,213 13,686,230 12,554,494 13,798,400 13,878,871 12,505,705 13,510,844 13,939,578 15,440,526 166,133,715 14,496,291 12,952,502 14,168,656, 12,245,051 11,827,801 11,039,592 12,008,049 12,559,962 11,631,917 12,265,402 12,381,973 13,925,476 151,502,672 13,758,225 12,582,872 13,806,372 12,049,850 12,031,797 11,633,235 12,863,255 12,237,269 11,872,998 12,453,536 13,578,685 14,604,491 153,472,585 26.40 26.00 25.90 24.50 24.90 23.10 24.80 25.60 24.30 23.80 27.10 27.40 27.40 26.30 25.80 24.80 22.20 21.50 20.70 22.50 22.70 21.10 22.10 22.70 24.20 26.30 24.30 24.40 25.30 22.70 21.30 20.50 21.90 22.10 22.70 22.20 24.80 25.90 25.90 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Ketchikan Sales (kWh) fe Number of Customers [| Gross Generation l Net Generation Peak Year Month —_ Residential __Non-Res Total Residential Non-Res Total Diesel Hydro Total Diesel Hydro Total (mw) 2004 = January 6,673,947 «8,332,735 15,006,682 5,619 1,877 7,496 73,500 15,304,500 —15,378,000 -75,440 14,977,502 ‘14,902,062 27.60 February 6,205,785 8,191,412 14,397,197 5,594 1,835 7,429 52,200 13,213,000 —13,265,200 -71,820 13,041,748 12,969,928 25.20 March 4,559,859 6,310,191 10,870,050 5,546 1,851 7,397 29,300 13,949,400 13,978,700 136,220 13,452,705 13,317,485 23.70 April 5,262,898 7,556,364 12,819,262 5,576 1,856 7,432 83,800 12,029,700 12,113,500 -83,340 11,763,602 11,680,262 —-20.90 May 4,877,296 «6,875,425 11,752,721 5,625 1,934 7,559 4,400 11,677,700 11,682,100 “145,540 11,403,321.» 11,257,781 ‘19.70 iN) June 3,846,382 5,981,756 9,828,138 5,614 1,928 7,542 460,100 10,790,400 11,250,500 310,740 10,584,244 10,894,984 20.10 S July 3,905,524 6,920,494 10,826,018 5,618 1,895 7,513 0 12,595,600 12,595,600 62,320 12,329,682 12,267,362 21.40 & August 3,784,656 8,020,229 11,804,885 5,624 1,857 7,481 27,100 12,765,200 12,792,300 -217,300 12,668,427 12,451,127 22.20 September 3,884,517 8,095,785 ‘11,980,302 5,591 1,822 7,413 54,600 12,039,400 12,094,000 “117,500 11,647,030 11,529,530 21.50 October 4,117,174 7,118,323 11,235,497 5,623 1,855 7,478 28,800 12,535,600 12,564,400 -140,420 12,281,859 12,141,439 22.40 November 4,357,535 «6,670,550 11,028,085 5,612 1,920 7,532 23,100 13,474,700 13,497,800 “119,740 13,124,084 13,004,344 23.70 December 5,857,238 7,989,814 ‘13,847,052 5,597 1,842 7,439 29,200 14,585,300 14,614,500 -110,100 14,280,578 14,170,478 26.70 TOTAL 57,332,811 88,063,078 145,395,889 5,597 1,842 7,439 866,100 154,960,500 155,826,600 -968,000 151,554,782 150,586,782 27.60 2005 = January 5,560,095 7,071,360 12,631,455 5,585 1,833 7,418 16,600 15,258,700 15,275,300 148,800 14,795,794 14,646,994 27.00 February 6,073,250 8,328,837 14,402,087 5611 1,866 7,477 600 13,347,600 —‘13,348,200 136,400 13,049,235 12,912,835 25.70 March 5,363,550 7,333,167 12,696,717 5,598 1,875 7,473 97,300 13,560,800 13,658,100 -50,340 13,279,210 13,228,870 23.70 April 4,786,732 «6,649,480 11,436,212 5,583 1,848 7,431 36,700 12,366,000 12,402,700 “112,820 12,106,122 -11,993,302--22.00 May 4,613,346 6,903,859 11,517,205 5,620 1,943 7,563 144,200 11,722,900 11,867,100 8,200 11,529,643 11,537,843 20.10 N June 4,071,167 6,486,171 10,557,338 5,632 1,951 7,583 841,100 10,209,400 11,050,500 697,500 10,028,169 10,725,669 20.20 Ss July 4,096,506 7,014,165 11,110,671 5,624 1,933 7,557 179,600 12,966,500 — 13,146,100 26,360 12,672,713 12,699,073 22.00, a August 4,115,185 8,290,412 ‘12,405,597 5,625 1,936 7,561 0 13,130,200 13,130,200 “141,720 12,868,262 12,726,542 22.00 September 3,588,461 7,907,332 11,495,793 5,621 1,900 7,521 0 12,001,500 12,001,500 “144,420 11,761,451 11,617,031 21.40, October 4,372,932 7,668,080 12,041,012 5,694 1,996 7,690 0 13,311,300 13,311,300 “146,720 12,973,973 12,827,253 -—-22.70 November 4,481,809 «6,846,334 11,328,143 5,617 1,918 7,535 8,400 14,037,500 14,045,900 “131,680 13,734,177 13,602,497 25.90 December 5,692,585 7,929,315 13,621,900 5,584 1,859 7,443 0 15,232,600 15,232,600 “145,100 14,933,524 14,788,424 26.30 TOTAL 56,815,618 88,428,512 145,244,130 5,584 1,859 7,443 1,324,500 157,145,000 158,469,500 425,940 153,732,273 153,306,333 27.00 2006 = January 5,979,437 7,907,411 13,886,848 5,637 1,856 7,493 36,300 15,148,300 15,184,600 “112,340 14,695,472 14,583,132 25.60 February 5,636,112 7,854,055 13,490,167 5.611 1,879 7,490 0 13,900,020 13,900,020 -138,500 13,553,092 13,414,592 25.70 March 5,487,205 «7,731,486 13,218,691 5,619 1,873 7,492 0 15,147,800 15,147,800 “144,860 14,787,241 14,642,381 26.60 April 5,524,340 7,676,383 13,200,723 5,636 1,927 7,563 132,500 13,118,500 13,251,000 “18,300 12,827,881 12,809,581 22.50 May 4,781,391 7,093,104 11,874,495 5,643 2,008 7,651 222,500 12,613,900 12,836,400 79,160 12,370,790 «12,449,950 22.90 Ny June 4,877,458 7,447,306 ~—‘12,324,764 5,663 1,966 7,629 0 11,714,600 11,714,600 “145,700 11,502,937 11,357,237 20.60 iS July 4,166,189 7,108,284 11,274,473 5,659 1,952 7,611 0 13,218,000 13,218,000 -150,000 12,979,708 12,829,708 22.80 oD August 3,856,839 8,140,731 11,997,570 5,664 1,918 7,582 23,000 12,728,600 12,751,600 125,980 12,531,791 12,405,811 22.20 September 4,144,810 7,645,871 —‘11,790,681 5,659 1,800 7,459 0 12,418,300 12,418,300 -152,700 12,080,604 11,927,904 21.80 October 4,779,360 «8,188,413 12,967,773 5,725 2,014 7,739 5,400 13,426,100 «13,431,500 -147,400 13,159,058 13,011,658 24.00 November 4,472,539 6,930,889 11,403,428 5,675 1,972 7,647 132,300 15,341,540 ‘15,473,840 “11,940 14,964,610 14,952,670 28.90 December 6,164,577 8,565,742 14,730,319 5,630 1,882 7.512 1,277,400 ~—«-14,599,290 15,876,690 1,124,000 «14,034,516 15,158,516 26.70 TOTAL 59,870,257 92,289,675 152,159,932 5,630 1,882 7,512 1,829,400 163,374,950 165,204,350 55,440 159,487,700 159,543,140 28.90 Hatch Energy Historic Data - 3 of 3 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Ketchikan - Monthly Residential Sales (kWh) Ketchikan - Monthly Residential Sales (kWh) 8,000 -—— 8,000 ;— Thousands Thousands 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 1998 1999 2000 Ketchikan - Annual Residential Sales (kWh) Thousands Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Hatch Energy Monthly Patterns AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Ketchikan - Monthly Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Ketchikan - Monthly Non-Residential Sales (kWh) 12,000 12,000 ~———— 10,000 Thousands Thousands 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Ketchikan - Annual Non-Residential Sales (kWh) 120,000 - — aeamaaoa 100,000 Thousands 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2000 = =2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Hatch Energy Monthly Patterns AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Ketchikan - Monthly Net Generation (kWh) Ketchikan - Monthly Net Generation (kWh) 18,000 —<—$—$ Se 18,000 16,000 14,000 Thousands Thousands 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 =2005 2006 Ketchikan - Annual Net Generation (kWh) 180,000 )— - ee 160,000 Thousands 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Hatch Energy Monthly Patterns C Interne» ewovility St, Ketchikan - Reference Forecast Annual Forecast Values Residential Customers and Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Customers and Sales (kWh) [Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Total Unit Residential Full Partial Total Unit Residential Spot Non- Total Net Peak Year Customers Consumption Base Conversions Conversions —_—Residential Customers Consumption Base Loads Conversions _—_—Residential Sales Generation Demand (#) (kWh) (kwh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (#) (kWh) (kwh) (kwh) (kWh) (kWh) (kwh) (kWh) (kw) 1998 - = : : z z 1999 : - - : 7 - 4 . 2 2000 5.612 10,1157 56,769,397 : : 56,769,397 1,909 53,764.3, 102,635,997 : 102,635,997 159,405,394 166,375,424 28,100 2001 5,662 10,245.3, 58,008,912 - : 58,008,912 1,846 54,493.2 100,594,515 : = 100,594,515] 158,603,427 166,133,715 27,400 2002 5,643 10,085.6 56,913,013 : : 56,913,013 1,828 ar7t74 87,226,943 : : 87,226,943] 144,139,956 181,602,672 26,300 2003 5,577 10,171.0 56,723,524 - : 56,723,524 1,914 46,121.68 88,277,148 : 88,277,148 145,000,672 183,472,585 25,900 2004 5,597 10,243.5, $7,332,811 : 57,332,811 1,842 47,8084 88,063,078 : 88,063,078 145,395,889 150,586,782 27,600 2005 5,584 10,1747 56,815,618 : : 56,815,618 1,859 47,5678 88,426,512 : 88,428,512 145,244,130 153,306,333 27,000 2006 5,630 10,634.1 59,870,257 59,870,257 1,882 49,036.1 92,289,675 : 92,289,675 152,159,932 159,543,140 28,900 2007 5,672 10,713.9 60,769,268 396,081 1,285,000 62,450,349 1,891 49,038.1 92,731,018 : 92,731,018 185,181,367 164,195,077 32,741 2008 5,715 10,794.3 61,689,191 811,023 2,510,000 65,010,214 1,900 49,038.1 93,172,361 1,992,900 : 95,165,261 160,175,474 169,479,267 33,795 2009 5,758 10,875.2 62,619,494 1,225,965 3,680,000 67,525,459 1,910 49,038.1 93,662,741 1,992,900 : 95,655,641 163,181,100 172,659,475, 34,429 2010 5,801 10,956.8 63,560,282 1,640,907 4,795,000 69,996,189 1,920 49,038.1 94,153,122 2,989,350 1,125,660 98,268,132 168,264,321 178,037,955 35,502 2011 5,845 1,039.0 64,522,698 2,055,849 5,860,000 72,438,547 1,930 49,038.1 94,643,503 2,989,350 1,125,660 98,758,513 171,197,060 181,141,042 36,120 2012 5,889 14,121.7 65,495,975 2,470,791 6,880,000 74,846,766 1,940 49,038.1 95,133,884 2,989,350 8,002,260 106,125,494 180,972,260 191,484,034 38,183 2013 5,933 11,205.2, 66,480,222 2,885,733, 7,855,000 77,220,955 1,950 49,036.1 95,624,265 2,989,350 8,002,260 106,615,875 183,836,830 194,514,993 38,787 2014 5,977 11,289.2 67,475,548 3,300,675 8,785,000 79,561,223 1,960 49,038.1 96,114,646 2,989,350 13,753,200 112,857,196 192,418,419 203,595,043 40,598 2015 6.022 11,373.9 68,493,439 3,734,478 9,675,000 81,902,917 1,970 49,038.1 96,605,026 2,989,350 13,753,200 113,347,576 195,250,493 206,591,619 41,195 2016 6,067 11,459.2 69,522,803 4,168,281 10,525,000 84,216,084 1,980 49,038.1 97,095,407 2,989,350 13,753,200 113,837,957 198,054,041 209,558,011 41,787 2017 6.113 11,545.1 70,575,299 4,602,084 11,340,000 86,517,383 1,990 49,038.1 97,585,788 2,989,350 13,753,200 114,328,338] 200,845,721 212,511,846 42,376 2018 6,159 11,6317 71,639,672 5,035,887 12,120,000 88,795,559 2,000 49,038.1 98,076,169 2,989,350 13,753,200 114,818,719] 203,614,278 215,441,214 42,960 2019 6,205 11,7189 72,716,041 5,469,690 12,865,000 91,050,731 2,010 49,038.1 98,566,550 2,989,350 13,753,200 115,309,100] 206,359,831 218,346,242 43,539 2020 6,252 11,806.8 73,816,333 5,922,354 13,580,000 93,318,687 2,020 49,038.1 99,056,931 2,989,350 13,753,200 119,799,481 209,118,167 221,264,797 44,121 2021 6,299 11,895.4 74,929,038 6,375,018 14,265,000 95,569,056 2,030 49,038.1 99,547,312 2,989,350 13,753,200 116,289,862 | 211,858,918 224,164,744 44,699 2022 6,346 11,9846 76,054,282 6,827,682 14,920,000 97,801,964 2,040 49,038.1 100,037,692 2,989,350 13,753,200 116,780,242 214,582,207 227,046,215 45,274 2023 6,394 12,0745 77,204,265 7,280,346 15,550,000 100,034,611 2,050 49,038.1 100,528,073 2,989,350 13,753,200 117,270,623 | 217,305,234 229,927,409 45,849 2024 6,442 12,165.0 78,367,219 7,733,010 16,185,000 102,255,229 2,060 49,036.1 101,018,454 2,989,350 13,753,200 117,761,004] 220,016,233 232,795,877 46,420 2025 6,490 12,256.3 79,543,275 8,185,674 16,735,000 104,463,949 2,070 49,038.1 101,508,835 2,989,350 13,753,200 118,251,385 | 222,715,333 235,651,755 46,990 2026 6,539 12,348.2 80,744,911 8,657,199 17,290,000 106,692,110 2,080 49,038.1 101,999,216 2,989,350 13,753,200 118,741,766 | 225,433,876 238,528,204 47,564 2027 6,588 12,440.8 81,960,098 9,128,724 17,825,000 108,913,822 2,090 49,038.1 102,489,597 2,989,350 13,753,200 119,232,147 | 228,145,969 241,397,828 48,136 2028 6.637 12,534.1 83,188,971 9,600,249 18,340,000 111,129,220 2,100 49,038 1 102,979,977 2,989,350 13,753,200 119,722,527] 230,851,747 244,260,772 48,707 2029 6.687 12,628.1 84,444,294 10,071,774 18,835,000 113,351,068 ant 49,038.1 103,519,396 2,989,350 13,753,200 120,261,946] 233,613,015 247,182,428 49,289 2030 6,737 12,7228 85,713,769 10,543,299 19,310,000 115,567,068 2,122 49,0381 104,058,815 2,989,350 13,753,200 120,801,365] 236,368,433 250,097,894 49,871 2031 6.788 12,8183 87,010,353 11,033,685 19,770,000 117,814,038 2.133 49,038.14 104,598,234 2,989,350 13,753,200 _121,340,784 | _239.154.822___253.046.131 50,458 Growth 0.75% 0.75% 151% 2.74% 0.50% 0.00% 0.50% 1.10% 1.83% 1.86% 1-5 0.75% 0.75% 1.51% 3.88% 0.50% 0.00% 0.50% 1.36% 2.30% 2.57% 20-25 0.75% 0.75% 1.51% 2.00% 0.50% 0.00% 0.50% 0.43% 1.19% 1.19% Monthly Patterns ‘Non- Electric Resultant Residential Full Partial Residential Spot He: Peak Distribution Month Base Conversions Conversions Base Loads Conversions 2007 2031 Jan 10.25% 13.50% 13.50% 8.93% 8.93% 13.50% 0.914 0.951 Feb 10.03% 11.17% 11.17% 8.92% 8.92% 11.17% 1.000 1.000 Mar 9.08% 11.29% 11.29% 8.16% 8.16% 11.29% 0.824 0.842 Apr 8.95% 9.17% 9.17% 8.14% 8.14% 9.17% 0.843 0.826 May 8.19% 7.13% 7.13% 7.95% 7.95% 7.13% 0774 0.731 Jun 7.53% 4.69% 4.69% 7.54% 7.54% 4.69% 0.747 o671 Jul 7.23% 3.16% 3.16% 8.00% 8.00% 3.16% 0.736 0.632 Aug 6.80% 3.01% 3.01% 8.73% 8.73% 3.01% 0.762 0.646 Sep 6.98% 4.97% 497% 8.98% 8.98% 4.97% ost 0.719 Oct 7.57% 8.28% 8.28% 8.32% 8.32% 8.28% 0.73 0.745 Nov 7.94% 10.91% 10.91% 7.87% 7.87% 10.91% 0.789 0.810 Dec 9.45% 12.71% 12.71% 8.46% 8.46% 12.71% 0.857 0.891 Hatch Energy Annual Forec: Hatch Energy Ketchikan - Reference Forecast AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) [Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2007 Jan 6,228,557 53,474 173,485 6,455,516 6,276,492 0 0 8,276,492 14,732,008 15,587,717 29,932 Feb 6,092,560 44,241 143,531 6,280,332 8,274,985 ° ° 8,274,985 14,555,316 15,400,762 32,741 Mar 5,520,657 44,736 145,135, 5,710,528 7,562,708 0 0 7,562,708 13,273,236 14,044,212 26,968 Apr 5,435,892 36,327 117,856 5,590,074 7,550,957 ° o 7,550,957 13,141,031 13,904,328 27,589 May 4,974,398 28,248 91,646 5,094,292 7,375,956 0 0 7,375,956 12,470,248 13,194,582 25,336 Jun 4,575,938 18,576 60,265, 4,654,779 6,993,133 0 0 6,993,133 11,647,912 12,324,481 24,454 Jul 4,392,721 12,530 40,652 4,445,904 7,416,564 0 0 7,416,564 11,862,467 12,551,499 24,102 Aug 4,133,621 11,926 38,691 4,184,237 8,097,192 0 0 8,097,192 12,281,429 12,994,796 24,953 Sep 4,244,181 19,675 63,831 4,327,687 8,327,255 0 0 8,327,255 12,654,942 13,390,004 26,569 Oct 4,601,232 32,810 106,444 4,740,486 7,713,537 0 0 7,713,537 12,454,023 13,177,414 25,303 Nov 4,823,862 43,197 140,143, 5,007,201 7,296,698 0 0 7,296,698 12,303,900 13,018,572 25,832 Dec 5,745,650 50,341 163,322 5,959,313 7,845,542 0 o 7,845,542 13,804,855 14,606,710 28,048 2008 (Jan 6,322,845 109,494 338,869 6,771,208 8,315,883 177,872 0 8,493,754 15,264,963 16,151,628 30,965 Feb 6,184,789 90,589 280,359 6,555,737 8,314,368 177,839 0 8,492,208 15,047,945 15,922,005 33,795 Mar 5,604,229 91,602 283,494 5,979,324 7,598,702 162,532 ° 7,761,234 13,740,558 14,538,678 27,872 Apr 5,518,180 74,384 230,208 5,822,772 7,586,895 162,279 0 7,749,174 13,571,946 14,360,273 28,448 May 5,049,700 57,842 179,012 5,286,554 7,411,061 158,518 0 7,569,579 12,856,133 13,602,882 26,078 Jun 4,645,208 38,036 117,716 4,800,960 7,026,416 150,291 0 7,176,707 11,977,667 12,673,390 25,106 Jul 4,459,218 25,657 79,406 4,564,282 7,451,862 159,391 0 7,611,253 12,175,534 12,882,750 24,698 ‘Aug 4,196,195 24,420 75,575 4,296,190 8,135,729 174,018 0 8,309,748 12,605,938 13,338,154 25,571 Sep 4,308,429 40,287 124,682 4,473,397 8,366,888 178,963, 0 8,545,850 13,019,248 13,775,471 27,290 Oct 4,670,885 67,182 207,919 4,945,985 7,750,248 165,773, 0 7,916,022 12,862,007 13,609,097 26,090 Nov 4,896,885 88,451 273,742 5,259,078 7,331,426 156,815, 0 7,488,241 12,747,319 13,487,747 26,720 Dec 5,832,627 103,080 319,018 6,254,724 7,882,882 168,610 0 8,051,492 14,306,216 15,137,193 29,020 2009 Jan 6,418,197 165,515 496,828 7,080,539 8,359,651 177,872 0 6,537,522 15,618,062 16,525,237 31,616 Feb 6,278,059 136,937 411,045 6,826,040 8,358,128 177,839 0 8,535,968 15,362,008 16,254,310 34,429 Mar 5,688,743 138,468, 415,640 6,242,851 7,638,695 162,532 0 7,801,227 14,044,078 14,859,828 28,429 Apr 5,601,397 112,441 337,516 6,051,354 7,626,826 162,279 0 7,789,105 13,840,459 14,644,382 28,951 May 5,125,852 87,435 262,456 5,475,744 7,450,066 158,518 ° 7,608,584 13,084,328 13,844,331 26,487 Jun 4,715,260 57,496 172,588 4,945,344 7,063,397 150,291 0 7,213,688 12,159,032 12,865,290 25,434 Jul 4,526,465 38,785 116,420 4,681,670 7,491,082 159,391 0 7,650,473 12,332,143 13,048,456 24,964 ‘Aug 4,259,476 36,913 110,803, 4,407,193 8,178,549 174,018 0 8,352,567 12,759,760 13,500,911 25,829 Sep 4,373,402 60,898 182,800 4,617,101 8,410,924 178,963, 0 8,589,887 13,206,987 13,974,115 27,626 Oct 4,741,324 101,554 304,837 5,147,715 7,791,039 165,773, 0 7,956,812 13,104,528 13,865,704 26,527 Nov 4,970,732 133,705 401,343 5,505,780 7,370,013 156,815 0 7,526,827 13,032,607 13,789,606 27,261 Dec 5,920,586 155,819 467,723 6,544,127 7,924,371 168,610 0 8,092,981 14,637,108 15,487,305 29,630 2010 Jan 6,514,623 221,535 647,362 7,383,519 8,403,418 266,807 151,973, 8,822,199 16,205,718 17,147,027 32,712 Feb 6,372,379 183,284 535,587 7,091,251 8,401,888 266,759 125,733 8,794,380 15,885,631 16,808,348 35,502 Mar 5,774,210 185,333 541,575 6,501,119 7,678,688 243,797 127,139 8,049,624 14,550,743 15,395,923 29,371 Apr 5,685,552 150,498 439,780 6,275,830 7,666,757 243,419 103,241 8,013,417 14,289,247 15,119,238 29,805 May 5,202,863 117,029 341,977 5,661,869 7,489,072 237,777 80,282 7,807,130 13,468,999 14,251,346 27,188 Jun 4,786,102 76,957 224,880 5,087,938 7,100,378 225,436 52,792 7,378,607 12,466,545 13,190,664 26,003 Jul 4,594,470 51,912 151,694 4,798,076 7,530,303 239,086 35,611 7,805,000 12,603,076 13,335,126 25,440 ‘Aug 4,323,470 49,407 144,376 4,517,253 8,221,369 261,027 33,893 8,516,289 13,033,542 13,790,595 26,309 Sep 4,439,108 81,510 238,186 4,758,805 8,454,960 268,444 55,916 8,779,320 13,538,125 14,324,487 28,238 Oct 4,812,557 135,926 397,199 5,345,683 7,831,830 248,660 93,245 8,173,735 13,519,418 14,304,693 27,290 Nov 5,045,412 178,958 522,946 5,747,316 7,408,599 235,222 122,765 7,766,586 13,513,903 14,298,858 28,188 Dec 6,009,536 208,557 609,438 6,827,531 7,965,860 252,915 143,070 8,361,845 15,189,376 16,071,651 30,660 Hatch Energy Ketchikan - Reference Forecast AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) ‘Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions dential Ba: Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2017 Jan 6,613,266 277,555 791,145 7,681,966 6,447,186 266,807 151,973 6,665,966 16,547,932 17,509,119 33,344 Feb 6,468,869 229,632 654,544 7,353,045 8,445,648 266,759 125,733 8,838,140 16,191,185 17,131,650 36,120 Mar 5,861,642 232,199 661,862 6,755,704 7,718,681 243,797 127,139 8,089,617 14,845,321 15,707,612 29,913 Apr 5,771,641 188,555 537,458 6,497,654 7,706,688 243,419 103,241 8,053,348 14,551,002 15,396,197 30,297 May 5,281,643 146,622 417,933 5,846,198 7,528,077 237,777 80,282 7,846,136 13,692,334 14,487,653 27,590 Jun 4,858,572 96,417 274,827 5,229,816 7,137,359 225,436 52,792 7,415,588 12,645,404 13,379,912 26,329 Jul 4,664,039 65,039 185,386 4,914,464 7,569,523 239,086 35,611 7,844,221 12,758,684 13,499,773 25,708 Aug 4,388,935 61,901 176,442 4,627,278 8,264,188 261,027 33,893 8,559,109 13,186,387 13,952,318 26,570 Sep 4,506,324 102,122 291,089 4,899,535 8,498,996 268,444 55,916 8,823,356 13,722,891 14,519,986 28,573 Oct 4,885,428 170,299 485,420 5,541,146 7,872,621 248,660 93,245 8,214,526 13,755,672 14,554,670 20,717 Nov 5,121,809 224,212 639,095 5,985,116 7,447,186 235,222 122,765 7,805,173 13,790,289 14,591,298 28,713 Dec 6,100,531 261,296 744,798 7,106,625 8,007,349 252,915 143,070 8,403,333 15,509,958 16,410,854 31,252 2012 Jan 6,713,022 333,576 928,853 7,975,450 8,490,954 266,807 1,080,366 9,838,128 17,813,578 18,848,280 35,592 Feb 6,566,447 275,980 768,475 7,610,902 8,489,408 266,759 893,828 9,649,995 17,260,897 18,263,496 38,183 Mar 5,950,061 279,065 777,067 7,006,193 7,758,675 243,797 903,821 8,906,293 15,912,486 16,836,763 31,793 Apr 5,858,702 226,612 631,009 6,716,323 7,746,619 243,419 733,938 8,723,976 15,440,299 16,337,149 31,878 May 5,361,313 176,216 490,679 6,028,207 7,567,083 237,777 570,718 8,375,578 14,403,785 15,240,429 28,779 Jun 4,931,860 115,877 322,664 5,370,401 7,174,341 225,436 375,297 7,775,073 13,145,475 13,909,030 27,140 Jul 4,734,392 78,166 217,655 5,030,213 7,608,743 239,086 253,159 8,100,988 13,131,201 13,893,927 26,236 ‘Aug 4,455,139 74,395 207,154 4,736,687 8,307,008 261,027 240,945 8,808,980 13,545,668 14,332,468 27,065 Sep 4,574,298 122,734 341,757 5,038,789 8,543,033 268,444 397,504 9,208,980 14,247,769 15,075,351 29,416 Oct 4,959,121 204,671 569,913 5,733,704 7,913,412 248,660 662,876 8,824,948 14,558,652 15,404,291 29,088 Nov 5,199,067 269,466 750,337 6,218,870 7,485,772 235,222 872,732 8,593,726 14,812,596 15,672,986 30,582 Dec 6,192,553 314,034 874,439 7,381,026 8,048,837 252,915 1,017,076 9,318,829 16,699,855 17,669,866 33,367 2013 Jan 6,813,903 389,596 1,060,485 8,263,984 8,534,722 266,807 1,080,366 9,881,895 18,145,879 19,199,882 36,205 Feb 6,665,125 322,328 877,380 7,864,832 8,533,168 266,759 893,828 9,693,755 17,558,587 18,578,477 38,787 Mar 6,039,476 325,931 887,189 7,252,596 7,798,668 243,797 903,821 8,946,286 16,198,882 17,139,795 32,321 Apr 5,946,744 264,669 720,432 6,931,845 7,786,550 243,419 733,938 8,763,907 15,695,752 16,607,440 32,361 May 5,441,880 205,809 860,215 6,207,905 7,606,089 237,777 570,718 8,414,583 14,622,488 15,471,835 29,175 Jun 5,005,974 135,338 368,390 5,509,702 7,211,322 225,436 375,297 7,812,055 13,321,757 14,095,551 27,466 Jul 4,805,539 91,293 248,500 5,145,332 7,647,964 239,086 253,159 8,140,209 13,285,540 14,057,231 26,508 Aug 4,522,089 86,888 236,511 4,845,488 8,349,828 261,027 240,945 8,851,800 13,697,288 14,492,895 27,329 Sep 4,643,039 143,346 390,189 5,176,573 8,587,069 268,444 397,504 9,253,017 14,429,590 15,267,733 29,750 Oct 5,033,645 239,043 650,678 5,923,365 7,954,202 248,660 662,876 8,865,738 14,789,104 15,648,129 29,508 Nov 5,277,197 314,720 856,671 6,448,588 7,524,358 235,222 872,732 8,632,312 15,080,900 15,956,874 31,093 Dec 6,285,612 366,773 998,360 7,650,745 8,090,326 252,915 1,017,076 9,360,318 17,011,063 17,999,150 33,941 2014 Jan 6,915,919 445,616 1,186,042 8,547,577 8,578,490 266,807 1,856,787 10,702,084 19,249,661 20,367,778 38,166 Feb 6,764,913 368,675 981,258 8,114,847 8,576,927 266,759 1,536,191 10,379,877 18,494,724 19,568,990 40,598 Mar 6,129,897 372,797 992,228 7,494,923 7,838,661 243,797 1,553,365 9,635,824 17,130,747 18,125,786 33,965 Apr 6,035,777 302,726 805,728 7,144,232 7,826,481 243,419 1,261,394 9,331,293 16,475,525 17,432,506 33,754 May 5,523,355 235,403 626,542 6,385,300 7,645,094 237,777 980,872 8,863,743 15,249,043, 16,134,784 30,234 Jun 5,080,922 154,798 412,006 5,647,726 7,248,303 225,436 645,009 8,118,748 13,766,475 14,566,100 28,204 Jul 4,877,486 104,420 277,921 5,259,828 7,687,184 239,086 435,095 8,361,365 13,621,193 14,412,380 27,006 Aug 4,589,792 99,382 264,513 4,953,687 8,392,647 261,027 414,104 9,067,778 14,021,466 14,835,903 27,800 Sep 4,712,554 163,957 436,385 5,312,896 8,631,105 268,444 683,175 9,582,725 14,895,621 15,760,833 30,518 Oct 5,109,007 273,415 727,715 6,110,138 7,994,993 248,660 1,139,262 9,382,915 15,493,052 16,392,966 30,718 Nov 5,356,206 359,974 958,098 6,674,277 7,562,945 235,222 1,499,933 9,298,100 15,972,377 16,900,132 32,724 Dec 6,379,719 419,511. 1,116,562 7,915,792 8,131,815 252,915 1,748,013 10,132,743 18,048,535 19,096,885 35,784 Monthly Forecast - 2/7 Hatch Energy Ketchikan - Reference Forecast AK-BC Intertie Feasi Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2015 Jan 7,020,248 504,183 1,306,199 8,830,630 8,622,257 266,807 1,856,787 10,745,852 19,576,481 20,713,581 38,769 Feb 6,866,964 417,130 1,080,668 8,364,762 8,620,687 266,759 1,536,191 10,423,637 18,788,399 19,879,723 41,195 Mar 6,222,369 421,793 1,092,750 7,736,912 7,878,654 243,797 1,553,365 9,675,817 17,412,730 18,424,148 34,484 Apr 6,126,829 342,513 887,356 7,356,698 7,866,412 243,419 1,261,394 9,371,225 16,727,922 17,699,564 34,232 May 5,606,677 266,341 690,017 6,563,035 7,684,100 237,777 980,872 8,902,749 15,465,783 16,364,114 30,628 Jun 5,157,570 175,143 453,746 5,786,459 7,285,284 225,436 645,009 8,155,729 13,942,188 14,752,020 28,532 Jul 4,951,065 118,144 306,077 5,375,286 7,726,404 239,086 435,095 8,400,586 13,775,871 14,576,043 27,282 ‘Aug 4,659,031 112,444 291,311 5,062,785 8,435,467 261,027 414,104 9,110,598 14,173,383 14,996,644 28,069 Sep 4,783,644 185,506 480,595 5,449,745 8,675,141 268,444 683,175 9,626,761 15,076,506 15,952,225 30,853 Oct 5,186,078 309,350 801,440 6,296,867 8,035,784 248,660 1,139,262 9,423,705 15,720,573 16,633,702 31,133 Nov 5,437,006 407,285 1,055,162 6,899,452 7,601,531 235,222 1,499,933 9,336,686 16,236,138 17,179,214 33,226 Dec 6,475,959 474,647 1,229,679 8,180,286 8,173,304 252,915 1,748,013 10,174,232 18,354,518 19,420,640 36,349 2016 Jan 7,125,752 562,750 1,420,955 9,109,458 8,666,025 266,807 1,856,787 10,789,620 19,899,077 21,054,915 39,366 Feb 6,970,165 465,584 1,175,611 8,611,360 8,664,447 266,759 1,536,191 10,467,397 19,078,757 20,186,947 41,787 Mar 6,315,883 470,790 1,188,754 7,975,426 7,918,647 243,797 1,553,365 9,715,810 17,691,237 18,718,832 34,998 Apr 6,218,907 382,300 965,315 7,566,522 7,906,343 243,419 1,261,394 9,411,156 16,977,677 17,963,826 34,706 May 5,690,937 297,280 750,638 6,738,856 7,723,105 237,777 980,872 8,941,754 15,680,610 16,591,418 31,020 Jun 5,235,081 195,488 493,610 5,924,179 7,322,265 225,436 645,009 8,192,710 14,116,889 14,936,869 28,858 Jul 5,025,473 131,867 332,968 5,490,308 7,765,625 239,086 435,095 8,439,806 13,930,114 14,739,244 27,587 ‘Aug 4,729,050 125,505 316,904 5,171,459 8,478,286 261,027 414,104 9,153,417 14,324,876 15,156,937 28,338 Sep 4,855,536 207,055 522,818 5,585,409 8,719,178 268,444 683,175 9,670,797 15,256,206 16,142,362 31,187 Oct 5,264,018 345,284 871,850 6,481,152 8,076,575 248,660 1,139,262 9,464,496 15,945,649 16,871,852 31,545 Nov 5,518,717 454,595 1,147,863 7,121,175 7,640,118 235,222 1,499,933 9,375,273 16,496,448 17,454,644 33,722 Dec 6,573,284 529,783 1,337,713 8,440,780 8,214,793 252,915 1,748,013 10,215,721 18,656,501 19,740,164 36,908 2017 Jan 7,233,628 621,316 1,530,987 9,385,931 8,709,793 266,807 1,856,787 10,833,387 20,219,319 21,393,758 39,958 Feb 7,075,686 514,039 1,266,644 8,856,368 8,708,207 266,759 1,536,191 10,511,157 19,367,525 20,492,488 42,376 Mar 6,411,498 519,786 1,280,805 8,212,089 7,958,641 243,797 1,553,365 9,755,803 17,967,892 19,011,557 35,509 Apr 6,313,054 422,087 1,040,064 7,775,205 7,946,274 243,419 1,261,394 9,451,087 17,226,291 18,226,880 35,178 May 5,777,092 328,219 808,764 6,914,074 7,762,111 237,777 980,872 8,980,760 15,894,834 16,818,086 31,412 Jun 5,314,334 215,832 531,833 6,061,999 7,359,246 225,436 645,009 8,229,692 14,291,691 15,121,824 29,185 Jul 5,101,553 145,591 358,751 5,605,895 7,804,845 239,086 435,095 8,479,026 14,084,921 14,903,044 27,835 ‘Aug 4,800,642 138,567 341,443 5,280,652 8,521,106 261,027 414,104 9,196,237 14,476,889 15,317,780 28,610 Sep 4,929,043 228,604 563,302 5,720,949 8,763,214 268,444 683,175 9,714,833 15,435,782 16,332,370 31,522 Oct 5,343,709 381,219 939,362 6,664,290 8,117,366 248,660 1,139,262 9,505,287 16,169,577 17,108,787 31,955 Nov 5,602,264 501,906 1,236,748 7,340,918 7,678,704 235,222 1,499,933 9,413,859 16,754,777 17,727,978 34,215 Dec 6,672,796 584,919 1,441,299 8,699,013 8,256,282 252,915 1,748,013, 10,257,210 18,956,223 20,057,296 37,462 2018 Jan 7,342,721 679,883 1,636,292 ‘9,658,897 8,753,561 266,807 1,856,787 10,877,155 20,536,052 21,728,889 40,545 Feb 7,182,397 562,493 1,353,767 9,098,657 8,751,967 266,759 1,536,191 10,554,916 19,653,574 20,795,152 42,960 Mar 6,508,192 568,782 1,368,902 8,445,877 7,998,634 243,797 1,553,365 9,795,797 18,241,673 19,301,241 36,015 Apr 6,408,264 461,873 4,111,603 7,981,740 7,986,205 243,419 1,261,394 9,491,018 17,472,757 18,487,663 35,647 May 5,864,218 359,157 864,393 7,087,768 7,801,116 237,777 980,872 9,019,766 16,107,534 17,043,140 31,801 Jun 5,394,482 236,177 568,414 6,199,073 7,396,227 225,436 645,009 8,266,673 14,465,746 15,305,989 29,512 Jul 5,178,491 159,315 383,427 5,721,233 7,844,065 239,086 435,095 8,518,247 14,239,480 15,066,580 28,113 Aug 4,873,043 151,629 364,929 5,389,600 8,563,926 261,027 414,104 9,239,057 14,628,657 15,478,362 28,882 Sep 5,003,380 250,152 602,048 5,855,580 8,807,250 268,444 683,175 9,758,870 15,614,450 16,521,415 31,856 Oct 5,424,300 417,153 1,003,974 6,845,427 8,158,156 248,660 1,139,262 9,546,078 16,391,505 17,343,605 32,362 Nov 5,686,754 549,217 1,321,815 7,557,786 7,717,291 235,222 1,499,933 9,452,446 17,010,231 17,998,270 34,703 Dec 6,773,431 640,054 1,540,436 8,953,921 8,297,770 252,915 1,748,013 10,298,699 19,252,620 20,370,908, 38,011 Monthly Forecast - 3/7 Hatch Energy Ketchikan - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot He: Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2019 Jan 7,453,044 738,450 1,736,873 9,928,367 8,797,329 266,807 1,856,787 10,920,923 20,849,290 22,060,321 41,125 Feb 7,290,311 610,948 1,436,981 9,338,240 8,795,727 266,759 1,536,191 10,598,676 19,936,916 21,094,952 43,539 Mar 6,605,976 617,778 1,453,047 8,676,802 8,038,627 243,797 1,553,365 9,835,790 18,512,591 19,587,895 36,516 Apr 6,504,546 501,660 1,179,931 8,186,138 8,026,136 243,419 1,261,394 9,530,949 17,717,087 18,746,184 36,112 May 5,952,327 390,096 917,526 7,259,949 7,840,122 237,777 980,872 9,058,771 16,318,720 17,266,593 32,189 Jun 5,475,532 256,522 603,354 6,335,408 7,433,208 225,436 645,009 8,303,654 14,639,062 15,489,372 29,838 Jul 5,256,297 173,039 406,996 5,836,331 7,883,286 239,086 435,095 8,557,467 14,393,798 15,229,862 28,392 ‘Aug 4,946,259 164,690 387,360 5,498,309 8,606,745 261,027 414,104 9,281,876 14,780,186 15,638,693 29,154 Sep 5,078,554 271,701 639,055 5,989,310 8,851,286 268,444 683,175 9,802,906 15,792,216 16,709,507 32,189 Oct 5,505,798 453,088 1,065,687 7,024,573 8,198,947 248,660 1,139,262 9,586,869 16,611,442 17,576,317 32,766 Nov 5,772,196 596,528 1,403,065 7,771,789 7,755,877 235,222 1,499,933 9,491,032 17,262,821 18,265,532 35,186 Dec 6,875,200 695,190 1,635,124 9,205,515 8,339,259 252,915 1,748,013 10,340,188 19,545,702 20,681,014 38,554 2020 Jan 7,565,819 799,563 7,833,404 10,198,785 6,841,096 266,807 1,856,787 10,964,691 21,163,476 22,392,757 41,708 Feb 7,400,623 661,509 1,516,845 9,578,977 8,839,486 266,759 1,536,191 10,642,436 20,221,413 21,395,974 44,121 Mar 6,705,934 668,905 1,533,803 8,908,642 8,078,620 243,797 1,553,365 9,875,783 18,784,424 19,875,518 37,019 Apr 6,602,969 543,177 1,245,509 8,391,654 8,066,067 243,419 1,261,394 9,570,880 17,962,534 19,005,888 36,580 May 6,042,394 422,380 968,519 7,433,293 7,879,128 237,777 980,872 9,097,777 16,531,069 17,491,277 32,579 Jun 5,558,385 277,752 636,886 6,473,022 7,470,190 225,436 645,009 8,340,635 14,813,657 15,674,109 30,167 Jul 5,335,831 187,359 429,616 5,952,806 7,922,506 239,086 435,095 8,596,687 14,549,493 15,394,601 28,673 ‘Aug 5,021,103 178,320 408,889 5,608,311 8,649,565 261,027 414,104 9,324,696 14,933,007 15,800,391 29,429 Sep 5,155,400 294,187 674,572 6,124,158 8,895,323 268,444 683,175 9,846,942 15,971,100 16,898,782 32,524 Oct 5,589,109 490,585 1,124,915 7,204,608 8,239,738 248,660 1,139,262 9,627,659 16,832,268 17,809,970 33,172 Nov 5,859,537 645,896 1,481,043 7,986,476 7,794,464 235,222 1,499,933 9,529,618 17,516,094 18,533,517 35,671 Dec 6,979,231 752,723 1,726,000 9,457,954 8,380,748 252,915 1,748,013 10,381,676 19,839,631 20,992,016 39,099 2021 Jan 7,679,866 860,676 1,925,884 10,466,426 6,884,864 266,807 1,856,787 17,008,459 21,474,884 22,722,253 42,286 Feb 7,512,180 712,070 1,593,357 9,817,607 8,883,246 266,759 1,536,191 10,686,196 20,503,803 21,694,766 44,699 Mar 6,807,019 720,031 1,611,171 9,138,221 8,118,613 243,797 1,553,365 9,915,776 19,053,997 20,160,749 37,519 Apr 6,702,502 584,694 1,308,334 8,595,530 8,105,998 243,419 1,261,394 9,610,811 18,206,341 19,263,856 37,045 May 6,133,476 454,663 1,017,373 7,605,513 7,918,133 237,777 980,872 9,136,782 16,742,296 17,714,772 32,967 Jun 5,642,171 298,981 669,012 6,610,165 7,507,171 225,436 645,009 8,377,616 14,987,781 15,858,346 30,496 Jul 5,416,264 201,679 451,286 6,069,229 7,961,726 239,086 435,095 8,635,907 14,705,137 15,559,285 28,956 Aug 5,096,791 191,949 429,514 5,718,254 8,692,385 261,027 414,104 9,367,516 15,085,769 15,962,026 29,705 Sep 5,233,112 316,672 708,599 6,258,383 8,939,359 268,444 683,175 9,890,978 16,149,361 17,087,397 32,859 Oct 5,673,359 528,082 1,181,657 7,383,098 8,280,529 248,660 1,139,262 9,668,450 17,051,548 18,041,987 33,576 Nov 5,947,863 695,264 1,555,750 8,198,877 7,833,050 235,222 1,499,933 9,568,205 17,767,082 18,799,083 36,151 Dec 7,084,436 810,256 1,813,062 9,707,755 8,422,237 252,915 1,748,013, 10,423,165 20,130,920 21,300,224 39,639 2022 Jan 7,795,198 921,789 2,014,314 10,731,301 8,928,632 266,807 1,856,787 14,052,227 21,783,527 23,048,823 42,859 Feb 7,624,994 762,631 1,666,519 10,054,144 8,927,006 266,759 1,536,191 10,729,956 20,784,099 21,991,344 45,274 Mar 6,909,243 771,158 1,685,151 9,365,551 8,158,606 243,797 1,553,365 9,955,769 19,321,320 20,443,599 38,015 Apr 6,803,157 626,210 1,368,408 8,797,775 8,145,929 243,419 1,261,394 9,650,742 18,448,517 19,520,099 37,507 May 6,225,586 486,947 1,064,088 7,776,621 7,957,139 237,777 980,872 9,175,788 16,952,408 17,937,089 33,354 Jun 5,726,903 320,210 699,731 6,746,844 7,544,152 225,436 645,009 8,414,597 15,161,441 16,042,093 30,824 Jul 5,497,602 216,000 472,008 6,185,610 8,000,947 239,086 435,095 8,675,128 14,860,738 15,723,924 29,238 ‘Aug 5,173,331 205,579 449,235 5,828,146 8,735,204 261,027 414,104 9,410,335 15,238,481 16,123,608 29,982 Sep 5,311,700 339,158 741,135 6,391,993 8,983,395 268,444 683,175 9,935,015 16,327,007 17,275,362 33,194 Oct 5,758,558 565,579 1,235,915 7,560,052 8,321,319 248,660 1,139,262 9,709,241 17,269,293, 18,272,380 33,977 Nov 6,037,185 744,631 1,627,185 8,409,001 7,871,637 235,222 1,499,933 9,606,791 18,015,793, 19,062,240 36,628 Dec. 7,190,826 867,789 1,896,312 9,954,927 8,463,726 252,915 1,748,013 10,464,654 20,419,582 21,605,653 40,175 Monthly Forecast - 4/7 Hatch Energy Ketchikan - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kwh) (kw) 2023 Jan 7,913,065 982,902 2,099,369 10,995,336 8,972,400 266,807 1,856,787 17,095,994 22,091,331 23,374,506 43,431 Feb 7,740,288 813,193 1,736,888 10,290,368 8,970,766 266,759 1,536,191 10,773,716 21,064,084 22,287,591 45,849 Mar 7,013,714 822,284 1,756,306 9,592,305 8,198,600 243,797 1,553,365 9,995,762 19,588,067 20,725,840 38,510 Apr 6,906,024 667,727 1,426,190 8,999,941 8,185,860 243,419 1,261,394 9,690,673 18,690,614 19,776,258 37,970 May 6,319,720 519,231 1,109,019 7,947,970 7,996,144 237,777 980,872 9,214,793 17,162,763 18,159,663 33,742 Jun 5,813,496 341,440 729,277 6,884,213 7,581,133 225,436 645,009 8,451,578 15,335,792 16,226,571 31,155 Jul 5,580,729 230,320 491,938 6,302,988 8,040,167 239,086 435,095 8,714,348 15,017,336 15,889,618 29,524 ‘Aug 5,251,555 219,208 468,205 5,938,968 8,778,024 261,027 414,104 9,453,155 15,392,123 16,286,174 30,261 Sep 5,392,016 361,643 772,430 6,526,089 9,027,431 268,444 683,175 9,979,051 16,505,140 17,463,841 33,530 Oct 5,845,631 603,076 1,288,102 7,736,808 8,362,110 248,660 1,139,262 9,750,032 17,486,840 18,502,563 34,379 Nov 6,128,471 793,999 1,695,893 8,618,363 7,910,223 235,222 1,499,933 9,645,378 18,263,741 19,324,590 37,103 Dec 7,299,556 925,322 1,976,384 10,201,262 8,505,215 252,915 1,748,013, 10,506,143 20,707,405 21,910,194 40,710 2024 Jan 8,032,263 1,044,015 2,181,048 11,257,326 9,016,168 266,807 1,856,787 17,139,762 22,397,088 23,698,023 44,000 Feb 7,856,882 863,754 1,804,464 10,525,101 9,014,526 266,759 1,536,191 10,817,475 21,342,576 22,582,260 46,420 Mar 7,119,364 873,411 1,824,639 9,817,414 8,238,593 243,797 1,553,365 10,035,756 19,853,169 21,006,340 39,002 Apr 7,010,052 709,244 1,481,678 9,200,974 8,225,791 243,419 1,261,394 9,730,604 18,931,578 20,031,218 38,431 May 6,414,916 551,515 1,152,167 8,118,598 8,035,150 237,777 980,872 9,253,799 17,372,397 18,381,473 34,129 Jun 5,901,067 362,669 757,651 7,021,387 7,618,114 225,436 645,009 8,488,560 15,509,947 16,410,842 31,485 Jul 5,664,793 244,641 511,078 6,420,512 8,079,387 239,086 435,095 8,753,568 15,174,081 16,055,467 29,810 Aug 5,330,661 232,838 486,421 6,049,920 8,820,843 261,027 414,104 9,495,974 15,545,894 16,448,878 30,540 Sep 5,473,238 384,129 802,482 6,659,849 9,071,468 268,444 683,175 10,023,087 16,682,936 17,651,964 33,867 Oct 5,933,685 640,573 1,338,218 7,912,476 8,402,901 248,660 1,139,262 9,790,823 17,703,298 18,731,594 34,779 Nov 6,220,786 843,367 1,761,875 8,826,028 7,948,809 235,222 1,499,933 9,683,964 18,509,992 19,585,145 37,576 Dec 7,409,511 982,855 2,053,279 10,445,645 8,546,704 252,915 1,748,013 10,547,632 20,993,277 22,212,672 41,242 2025 Jan 8,152,803 1,105,128 2,259,353 11,517,284 9,059,935 266,807 1,856,787 17,183,530 22,700,814 24,019,391 44,565 Feb 7,974,791 914,315 1,869,249 10,758,354 9,058,286 266,759 1,536,191 10,861,235 21,619,589 22,875,363 46,990 Mar 7,226,205 924,537 1,890,147 10,040,889 8,278,586 243,797 1,553,365 10,075,749 20,116,637 21,285,112 39,492 Apr 7,115,252 750,760 1,534,874 9,400,886 8,265,722 243,419 1,261,394 9,770,535 19,171,421 20,284,993 38,891 May 6,511,185 583,799 1,193,533 8,288,516 8,074,156 237,777 980,872 9,292,805 17,581,321 18,602,532 34,515 Jun 5,989,624 383,899 784,852 7,158,375 7,655,095 225,436 645,009 8,525,541 15,683,916 16,594,916 31,816 Jul 5,749,805 258,961 529,427 6,538,193 8,118,608 239,086 435,095 8,792,789 15,330,982 16,221,482 30,097 ‘Aug 5,410,658 246,467 503,884 6,161,010 8,863,663 261,027 414,104 9,538,794 15,699,804 16,611,727 30,821 Sep 5,555,374 406,615 831,293 6,793,282 9,115,504 268,444 683,175 10,067,123 16,860,406 17,839,742 34,203 Oct 6,022,732 678,070 1,386,263 8,087,064 8,443,692 248,660 1,139,262 9,831,613 17,918,678 18,959,484 35,177 Nov 6,314,141 892,735 1,825,130 9,032,006 7,987,396 235,222 1,499,933 9,722,551 18,754,556 19,843,915, 38,045 Dec 7,520,706 1,040,388 2,126,996 10,688,090 8,588,192 252,915 1,748,013 10,589,121 21,277,210 22,513,097 41,770 2026 Jan 8,275,965 1,168,788 2,334,282 11,779,034 9,103,703 266,807 1,856,787 11,227,298 23,006,332 24,342,655 45,134 Feb 8,095,263 966,983 1,931,240 10,993,487 9,102,045 266,759 1,536,191 10,904,995 21,898,482 23,170,455 47,564 Mar 7,335,369 977,794 1,952,832 10,265,995 8,318,579 243,797 1,553,365 10,115,742 20,381,736 21,565,610 39,985 Apr 7,222,740 794,007 1,585,776 9,602,523 8,305,653 243,419 1,261,394 9,810,466 19,412,989 20,540,592 39,354 May 6,609,547 617,428 1,233,115 8,460,090 8,113,161 237,777 980,872 9,331,810 17,791,900 18,825,342 34,904 Jun 6,080,108 406,013 810,881 7,297,002 7,692,076 225,436 645,009 8,562,522 15,859,523 16,780,724 32,150 Jul 5,836,665 273,878 546,985 6,657,529 8,157,828 239,086 435,095 8,832,009 15,489,538 16,389,248 30,387 ‘Aug 5,492,395 260,665 520,595 6,273,655 8,906,483 261,027 414,104 9,581,614 15,855,269 16,776,223 31,105 Sep 5,639,298 430,037 858,862 6,928,197 9,159,540 268,444 683,175 10,111,160 17,039,357 18,029,088 34,542 Oct 6,113,716 717,129 1,432,237 8,263,081 8,484,483 248,660 1,139,262 9,872,404 18,135,485 19,188,885 35,578 Nov 6,409,527 944,160 1,885,658 9,239,345 8,025,982 235,222 1,499,933 9,761,137 19,000,482 20,104,125 38,518 Dec 7,634,319 1,100,318, 2,197,536 10,932,173 8,629,681 252,915 1,748,013, 10,630,610 21,562,782 22,815,257 42,302 Monthly Forecast - 5/7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Ketchikan - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2027 Jan 8,400,515 1,232,447 2,406,511 12,039,474 9,147,471 266,807 1,856,787 11,271,066 23,310,539 24,664,532 45,701 Feb 8,217,095 1,019,651 1,990,998 11,227,744 9,145,805 266,759 1,536,191 10,948,755, 22,176,499 23,464,621 48,136 Mar 7,445,764 1,031,051 2,013,258 10,490,072 8,358,572 243,797 1,553,365 10,155,735 20,645,807 21,845,019 40,477 Apr 7,331,440 837,254 1,634,845 9,803,538 8,345,584 243,419 1,261,394 9,850,397 19,653,935 20,795,534 39,816 May 6,709,019 651,056 1,271,271 8,631,346 8,152,167 237,777 980,872 9,370,816 18,002,162 19,047,818 35,294 Jun 6,171,612 428,127 835,972 7,435,710 7,729,058 225,436 645,009 8,599,503 16,035,213 16,966,619 32,485 Jul 5,924,505 288,795, 563,910 6,777,211 8,197,048 239,086 435,095 8,871,229 15,648,440 16,557,380 30,679 Aug 5,575,054 274,862 536,704 6,386,620 8,949,302 261,027 414,104 9,624,433 16,011,054 16,941,056 31,390 Sep 5,724,168 453,460 885,438 7,063,065 9,203,576 268,444 683,175 10,155,196 17,218,261 18,218,383 34,882 Oct 6,205,725 756,188 1,476,554 8,438,468 8,525,273 248,660 1,139,262 9,913,195 18,351,662 19,417,619 35,979 Nov 6,505,989 995,584 1,944,006 9,445,579 8,064,569 235,222 1,499,933 9,799,724 19,245,302 20,363,166 38,988 Dec 7,749,213 1,160,249 2,265,534 11,174,995 8,671,170 252,915 1,748,013, 10,672,098 21,847,093 23,116,082 42,832 2028 Jan 8,526,469 1,296,107 2,476,040 12,298,616 9,191,239 266,807 1,856,787 11,314,833 23,613,449 24,985,036 46,265 Feb 8,340,298 1,072,319 2,048,522 11,461,139 9,189,565 266,759 1,536,191 10,992,515 22,453,654 23,757,874 48,707 Mar 7,557,402 1,084,307 2,071,425 10,713,135, 8,398,565 243,797 1,553,365 10,195,728 20,908,863 22,123,354 40,966 Apr 7,441,364 880,500 1,682,079 10,003,943 8,385,515 243,419 1,261,394 9,890,328 19,894,270 21,049,829 40,278 May 6,809,611 684,685 1,308,001 8,802,297 8,191,172 237,777 980,872 9,409,821 18,212,118 19,269,969 35,683 Jun 6,264,146 450,241 860,125 7,574,512 7,766,039 225,436 645,009 8,636,484 16,210,996 17,152,611 32,821 Jul 6,013,335, 303,713 580,203 6,897,250 8,236,269 239,086 435,095 8,910,450 15,807,700 16,725,890 30,972 Aug 5,658,644 289,060 552,210 6,499,914 8,992,122 261,027 414,104 9,667,253 16,167,167 17,106,237 31,676 Sep 5,809,993 476,882 911,020 7,197,895 9,247,613 268,444 683,175 10,199,232 17,397,127 18,407,639 35,222 Oct 6,298,771 795,247 1,519,215 8,613,233 8,566,064 248,660 1,139,262 9,953,986 18,567,219 19,645,696 36,378 Nov 6,603,536 1,047,009 2,000,172 9,650,718 8,103,155 235,222 1,499,933 9,838,310 19,489,028 20,621,048 39,457 Dec 7,865,401 1,220,179 2,330,989 11,416,569 8,712,659 252,915 1,748,013, 10,713,587 22,130,156 23,415,587 43,359 2029 Jan 8,655,134 1,359,766 2,542,869 12,557,769 9,239,383 266,807 1,856,787, 11,362,978 23,920,747 25,310,183 46,840 Feb 8,466,153 1,124,987 2,103,812 11,694,952 9,237,701 266,759 1,536,191 11,040,651 22,735,603 24,056,200 49,289 Mar 7,671,444 1,137,564 2,127,333 10,936,341 8,442,558 243,797 1,553,365 10,239,721 21,176,062 22,406,073 41,466 Apr 7,553,654 923,747 1,727,478 10,204,879 8,429,440 243,419 1,261,394 9,934,252 20,139,131 21,308,913 40,750 May 6,912,368 718,314 1,343,304 8,973,986 8,234,078 237,777 980,872 9,452,728 18,426,714 19,497,029 36,082 Jun 6,358,672 472,355 883,340 7,714,367 7,806,718 225,436 645,009 8,677,163 16,391,530 17,343,632 33,167 Jul 6,104,076 318,630 595,862 7,018,568 8,279,411 239,086 435,095 8,953,592 15,972,160 16,899,903 31,276 Aug 5,744,033 303,257 567,115 6,614,405 9,039,224 261,027 414,104 9,714,355 16,328,760 17,277,216 31,974 Sep 5,897,666 500,305 935,608 7,333,579 9,296,053 268,444 683,175 10,247,672 17,581,251 18,602,458 35,574 Oct 6,393,820 834,307 1,560,219 8,788,345 8,610,934 248,660 1,139,262 9,998,855 18,787,201 19,878,455, 36,788 Nov 6,703,184 1,098,434 2,054,157 9,855,775 8,145,600 235,222 1,499,933 9,880,755 19,736,530 20,882,927 39,935 Dec 7,984,090 1,280,109 2,393,903 11,658,102 8,758,297 252,915, 1,748,013 10,759,225 22,417,327 23,719,438 43,896 2030 Jan 8,785,249 1,423,426 2,606,997 12,815,672 9,287,528 266,807 1,856,787, 11,411,123 24,226,794 25,634,008 47,413 Feb 8,593,427 1,177,654 2,156,868 11,927,950 9,285,837 266,759 1,536,191 11,088,786 23,016,736 24,353,664 49,871 Mar 7,786,771 1,190,821 2,180,982 11,158,574 8,486,550 243,797 1,553,365 10,283,713 21,442,287 22,687,762 41,963 Apr 7,667,210 966,993 1,771,043 10,405,247 8,473,364 243,419 1,261,394 9,978,176 20,383,423 21,567,395 41,221 May 7,016,284 751,943 1,377,181 9,145,407 8,276,985 237,777 980,872 9,495,634 18,641,041 19,723,806 36,481 Jun 6,454,264 494,469 905,617 7,854,349 7,847,397 225,436 645,009 8,717,843 16,572,192 17,534,788 33,513 Jul 6,195,840 333,547 610,889 7,140,277 8,322,553 239,086 435,095, 8,996,734 16,137,011 17,074,330 31,581 Aug 5,830,385 317,455 581,417 6,729,256 9,086,325 261,027 414,104 9,761,456 16,490,712 17,448,575, 32,273 Sep 5,986,327 523,727 959,204 7,469,258 9,344,492 268,444 683,175 10,296,112 17,765,370 18,797,271 35,926 Oct 6,489,940 873,366 1,599,566 8,962,872 8,655,804 248,660 1,139,262 10,043,725, 19,006,597 20,110,595 37,196 Nov 6,803,955 1,149,859 2,105,961 10,059,775 8,188,045 235,222 1,499,933 9,923,200 19,982,975, 21,143,686 40,411 Dec 8,104,117, 1,340,039 2,454,275, 11,898,431 8,803,934 252,915 1,748,013 10,804,863 22,703,294 24,022,015 44,431 Monthly Forecast - 6 / 7 Hatch Energy Ketchikan - Reference Forecast AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2031 Jan 8,918,142 1,489,632 2,669,101 13,076,875 9,335,673 266,807 1,856,787 11,459,267 24,536,142 25,961,324 47,991 Feb 8,723,419 1,232,429 2,208,249 12,164,097 9,333,973 266,759 1,536,191 11,136,922 23,301,020 24,654,459 50,458 Mar 7,904,560 1,246,208 2,232,937 11,383,706 8,530,543 243,797 1,553,365 10,327,706 21,711,411 22,972,519 42,466 Apr 7,783,192 1,011,970 1,813,233 10,608,394 8,517,288 243,419 1,261,394 10,022,100 20,630,495 21,828,817 41,697 May 7,122,418 786,917 1,409,988 9,319,323 8,319,891 237,777 980,872 9,538,540 18,857,863 19,953,222 36,885 Jun 6,551,897 517,467 927,190 7,996,554 7,888,076 225,436 645,009 8,758,522 16,755,076 17,728,295 33,864 Jul 6,289,564 349,061 625,442 7,264,067 8,365,696 239,086 435,095 9,039,877 16,303,944 17,250,958 31,890 ‘Aug 5,918,580 332,220 595,267 6,846,068 9,133,427 261,027 414,104 9,808,558 16,654,625 17,622,009 32,575 Sep 6,076,882 548,086 982,054 7,607,022 9,392,932 268,444 683,175 10,344,552 17,951,574 18,994,291 36,283 Oct 6,588,113 913,988 1,637,670 9,139,771 8,700,674 248,660 1,139,262 10,088,595 19,228,366 20,345,246 37,610 Nov 6,906,878 1,203,341 2,156,129 10,266,347 8,230,491 235,222 1,499,933 9,965,645 20,231,992 21,407,168 40,892 Dec 8,226,708 1,402,367 2,512,740 12,141,814 8,849,572 252,915 1,748,013 10,850,500 22,992,315 24,327,824 44,972 Monthly Forecast - 7/7 HATCH ACRES Alaska Energy Authority - AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study SE Alaska Final Report e Appendix H H2 Hatch Acres Corporation PR324582 AK-BC Alaska Final Report-App 18-09-07.doc Year Month January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 866L January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 6661 2000 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 0002 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Petersburg Sales (kWh) Number of Customers Gross Generation Net Generation Peak Residential Non-Res Total Residential Non-Res Total Diesel Hydro Total Diesel Hydro Total (MW) 1,489,898 1,735,330 3,225,228 1,316 660 1,976 9,300 3,732,520 3,741,820 3,620,555 6.80 1,209,847 1,772,011 2,981,858 1,323 659 1,982 26,800 3,333,500 3,360,300 3,235,754 6.00 1,250,457 1,737,907 2,988,364 1,318 656 1,974 11,644 3,419,770 3,431,414 3,315,265 5.98 1,138,118 1,636,783 2,774,901 1,320 656 1,976 18,925 2,777,740 2,796,665 2,708,100 5.69 990,557 1,608,621 2,599,178 1,315 663 1,978 13,600 3,169,940 3,183,540 3,104,358 5.69 962,035 1,584,147 2,546,182 1,320 658 1,978 11,727 2,941,020 2,952,747 2,896,424 5.49 935,011 2,648,212 3,583,223 1,321 674 1,995 48,960 4,038,980 4,087,940 4,035,020 6.86 978,835 2,749,557 3,728,392 1,317 667 1,984 49,440 3,971,170 4,020,610 3,967,350 6.07 927,246 1,974,728 2,901,974 1,316 650 1,966 704,141 2,300,050 3,004,191 2,933,587 6.07 1,015,813 1,605,092 2,620,905 1,316 663 1,979 7,996 3,137,770 3,145,766 3,057,694 6.07 918,802 1,627,419 2,546,221 1,314 664 1,978 22,817 3,107,750 3,130,567 3,029,949 6.15 1,210,525 1,549,580 2,760,105 1,316 666 1,982 10,986 3,328,900 3,339,886 3,216,251 6.50 13,027,144 22,229,387 35,256,531 1,316 666 1,982 936,336 39,259,110 40,195,446 39,120,307 6.86 Historic Data - 1 of 3 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Petersburg Sales (kWh) __[Number of Customers I Gross Generation l Net Generation Peak Year Month Residential _—_ Non-Res Total Residential Non-Res Total Diesel Hydro Total Diesel Hydro Total MW) 2001 = January 1,352,026 1,775,832 3,127,858 1,313 668 1,981 15,130 3,481,900 3,497,030 3,378,145 6.57 February 1,218,947 1,629,471 2,848,418 1,317 669 1,986 16,883 3,200,850 3,217,733 3,095,991 6.86 March 1,098,429 1,616,997 2,715,426 1,316 664 1,980 17,368 3,415,950 3,433,318 3,313,785 6.80 April 1,060,129 2,076,156 3,136,285 1,316 664 1,980 21,937 3,375,580 3,397,517 3,294,431 6.42 May 1,055,126 1,782,699 2,837,825 1,323 669 1,992 829,753 2,395,060 3,224,813 3,124,476 6.75 nN June 963,782 1,809,238 2,773,020 1,330 678 2,008 8,252 3,003,470 3,011,722 2,947,437 6.43 s July 841,219 2,416,582 3,257,801 1,321 684 2,005 10,721 4,147,200 4,187,921 4,095,304 = 9.08 ca August 936,883 3,149,866 4,086,749 1,318 679 1,997 32,670 4,335,970 4,368,640 4,312,257 8.08 September 906,639 2,263,190 3,169,829 1,320 673 1,993 13,720 3,165,680 3,179,400 3,113,141 7.88 October 1,086,074 1,761,110 2,847,184 1,318 673 1,991 14,059 3,483,710 3,497,769 3,392,456 5.35 November 1,197,808 1,706,253 2,904,061 1,319 663 1,982 8,800 3,328,910 3,337,710 3,224,441 6.37 December 1,367,334 1,673,869 3,041,203 1,321 666 1,987 34,582 3,668,650 3,703,232 3,550,010 6.84 TOTAL 13,084,396 23,661,263 36,745,659 1,321 666 1,987 1,023,875 41,002,930 42,026,805 40,841,874 9.08 2002 January 1,352,041 1,726,454 3,078,495 1,327 665 1,992 16,949 3,427,450 3,444,399 3,327,172 7.24 February 1,259,087 1,776,307 3,035,394 1,322 667 1,989 12,369 3,218,390 3,230,749 3,105,098 6.60 March 1,230,756 1,705,854 2,936,610 1,326 667 1,993 15,000 3,329,670 3,344,670 3,210,815 6.60 April 1,151,084 1,839,546 2,990,630 1,319 662 1,981 16,212 3,458,000 3,474,212 3,359,260 6.64 May 993,621 1,676,372 2,669,993 1,321 659 1,980 25,866 3,099,260 3,125,126 3,043,284 6.08 N June 911,605 1,687,161 2,598,766 1,333 665 1,998 432,828 2,346,970 2,779,798 2,718,069 6.86 Ss July 927,349 2,459,277 «3,386,626 1,330 675 2,005 14,802 4,045,230 4,060,032 3,996,710 7.89 N August 831,616 2,796,015 3,627,631 1,333 675 2,008 6,935 3,963,190 3,970,125 3,912,536 8.18 September 941,833 2,090,272 3,032,105 1,336 670 2,006 10,527 3,486,260 3,496,787 3,424,017 6.83 October 1,097,715 1,748,614 2,846,329 1,329 673 2,002 24,935 3,128,150 3,153,085 3,064,402 5.86 November 1,008,801 1,588,944 2,597,745 1,328 653 1,981 11,057 2,971,190 2,982,247 2,883,695 6.55 December 1,119,643 1,434,835 2,554,478 1,327 651 1,978 25,227 3,496,550 3,521,777 3,397,432 6.44 TOTAL 12,825,151 22,529,651 35,354,802 1,327 651 1,978 612,697 39,970,310 40,583,007 39,442,490 8.18 [] 2003 January 1,488,221 1,677,953 3,166,174 1,326 654 1,980 17,384 3,316,380 3,333,764 3,210,385 6.47 February 1,249,065 1,629,942 2,879,007 1,330 654 1,984 21,347 3,221,140 3,242,487 3,127,658 6.67 March 1,094,116 1,544,704 2,638,820 1,332 652 1,984 15,496 3,267,460 3,282,956 3,147,194 6.83 April 1,341,848 1,929,556 3,271,404 1,325 654 1,979 14,167 3,226,090 3,240,257 3,143,477 6.16 May 844,030 1,525,585 2,369,615 1,328 662 1,990 8,402 2,910,210 2,918,612 2,840,095 6.12 Ny June 926,023, 1,690,093 2,616,116 1,332 659 1,991 546,642 2,473,610 3,020,252 2,948,672 6.31 3s July 953,698 2,701,246 3,654,944 1,342 668 2,010 41,188 4,248,410 4,289,598 4,236,518 8.01 o August 821,963 3,127,639 3,949,602 1,333 674 2,007 14,700 4,003,190 4,017,890 3,962,667 7.78 September 931,620 1,979,550 2,911,170 1,337 670 2,007 12,017 3,433,850 (3,445,867 3,367,610 5.98 October 1,124,257 1,699,045 2,823,302 1,331 667 1,998 240,437 2,801,450 3,041,887 2,949,842 6.55 November 1,139,314 1,700,973 2,840,287 1,337 666 2,003 63,713 3,080,130 3,143,843 3,017,969 7.27 December 1,333,837 1,608,627 2,942,464 1,347 655 2,002 31,449 3,793,690 3,825,139 3,675,741 7.34 TOTAL 13,247,992 22,814,913 36,062,905 1,347 655 2,002 1,026,942 39,775,610 40,802,552 39,627,828 8.01 Hatch Energy Historic Data - 2 of 3 y00z 7 $002 9002 Year 2004 2005 2006 Month January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL, Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Petersburg [Sales (kWh) Number of Customers I I Gross Generation Net Generation Peak Residential Non-Res Total Residential Non-Res Total Diesel Hydro Total Diesel Hydro. Total MW) 1,526,137 1,675,069 3,201,206 1,351 658 2,009 12,691 3,518,150 3,530,841 3,391,509 6.91 1,252,432 1,670,162 2,922,594 1,349 662 2,011 7,277 3,115,910 3,123,187 3,007,050 5.77 1,215,023 1,746,024 2,961,047 1,352 513 1,865 37,266 3,653,390 3,690,656 3,561,381 6.83 1,134,657 1,781,391 2,916,048 1,351 524 1,875 11,807 3,026,320 3,038,127 2,943,408 5.69 822,713 1,553,773 2,376,486 1,351 533 1,884 12,651 2,451,830 2,464,481 2,403,740 7.00 1,029,572 1,672,821 2,702,393 1,360 539 1,899 794,434 2,453,360 3,247,794 3,230,823 6.51 819,333 2,633,673 3,453,006 1,360 620 1,980 35,520 4,012,380 4,047,900 4,000,408 7.95 786,974 3,467,153 4,254,127 1,366 647 2,013 26,573 4,497,850 4,524,423 4,470,348 8.38 1,017,000 2,217,940 3,234,940 1,368 703 2,071 20,635 3,248,240 3,268,875 3,195,807 6.34 978,540 1,766,350 2,744,890 1,365 676 2,041 14,628 2,989,800 3,004,428 2,919,215 6.06 1,183,983 1,725,144 2,909,127 1,362 678 2,040 12,968 3,553,190 3,566,158 3,449,594 6.95 1,366,448 1,560,633 2,927,081 1,363 663 2,026 12,293 3,458,450 3,470,743 3,355,969 653 13,132,812 23,470,133 36,602,945 1,363 663 2,026 998,743 39,978,870 40,977,613 39,929,252 8.38 1,829,470 1,981,108 3,810,578 1,358 666 2,024 18,200 3,963,210 3,981,410 3,816,657 6.82 1,114,032 1,627,184 2,741,216 1,356 667 2,023 18,692 3,274,050 3,292,742 3,197,624 6.69 1,235,810 1,683,347 2,919,157 1,352 674 2,026 28,679 3,479,150 3,507,829 3,403,855 7.24 1,114,156 1,986,016 3,100,172 1,353 677 2,030 16,400 3,062,120 3,078,520 2,990,260 6.72 935,121 1,613,430 2,548,551 1,354 7 2,065 11,245 3,050,410 3,061,655 2,997,546 6.05 972,329 1,741,319 2,713,648 1,356 728 2,084 721,679 2,207,170 2,928,849 2,866,761 6.05 832,718 2,851,496 3,684,214 1,362 737 2,099 6,786 4,037,850 4,044,636 3,996,853 7.72 897,103 3,311,452 4,208,555 1,365 730 2,095 15,396 4,757,120 4,772,516 4,719,830 7.88 973,649 2,088,818 3,062,467 1,364 686 2,050 6,486 3,234,760 3,241,246 3,179,633 6.96 909,669 1,677,441 2,587,110 1,363 688 2,051 5,600 3,229,840 3,235,440 3,144,702 6.65 1,249,289 1,753,599 3,002,888 1,363 691 2,054 8,233 3,315,900 3,324,133 3,218,860 6.22 1,400,305 1,815,973 3,216,278 1,365 690 2,055 3,300 4,290,090 4,293,390 4,175,432 6.31 13,463,651 24,131,183 37,594,834 1,365 690 2,055 860,696 41,901,670 42,762,366 41,708,013 7.88 1,553,061 1,689,925 3,242,986 1,381 694 2,075 6,400 3,708,280 3,714,680 3,579,831 6.81 1,354,484 1,843,522 3,198,006 1,363 665 2,028 5,366 3,329,450 3,334,816 3,213,762 6.83 1,520,341 1,630,875 3,151,216 1,364 696 2,060 6,200 3,906,970 3,913,170 3,776,223 6.94 1,191,299 1,969,624 3,160,923 1,369 706 2,075 6,400 3,137,270 3,143,670 3,044,437 6.53 1,166,269 1,971,895 3,138,164 1,375 744 2,116 903,865 2,619,620 3,523,485 3,425,687 6.93 994,391 1,673,487 2,667,878 1,379 747 2,126 307 3,082,840 3,083,147 3,023,569 6.70 898,047 3,043,556 3,941,603 1,378 754 2,132 3,794 4,515,250 4,519,044 4,464,020 8.81 956,843 3,155,346 4,112,189 1,378 752 2,130 10,643 4,368,200 4,378,843 4,318,629 8.19 969,953 2,282,090 3,252,043 1,378 727 2,105 26,246 3,519,050 3,545,296 3,474,330 7.02 1,102,162 2,175,370 3,277,532 1,376 709 2,085 38,400 3,794,090 3,832,490 3,745,694 7.06 1,406,895 1,731,269 3,138,164 1,377 707 2,084 4,981 4,601,650 4,606,631 4,472,860 8.64 1,486,543 1,181,335 2,667,878 1,376 704 2,080 4,200 4,420,400 4,424,600 4,304,531 7.18 14,600,288 24,348,294 38,948,582 1,376 704 2,080 1,016,802 45,003,070 46,019,872 44,843,573 8.81 Historic Data - 3 of 3 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Petersburg - Monthly Residential Sales (kWh) | Petersburg - Monthly Residential Sales (kWh) 2,000 2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 Thousands Thousands 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Petersburg - Annual Residential Sales (kWh) Thousands 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec | Hatch Energy Monthly Patterns. AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Petersburg - Monthly Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Petersburg - Monthly Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Ce Thousands 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Petersburg - Annual Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Thousands Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Hatch Energy Monthly Patterns AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Petersburg - Monthly Net Generation (kWh) | Petersburg - Monthly Net Generation (kWh) 5,000 — - 7 — —— aaa Thousands 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Petersburg - Annual Net Generation (kWh) Thousands Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec | 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Hatch Energy Monthly Patterns C inter lity Str Petersburg - Reference Forecast Annual Forecast Values Residential Customers and Sales (kWh Non-Residential Customers and Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Total Unit Residential Full Partial Total Unit Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Year Customers Consumption Base Conversions Conversions —_—Residential Customers Consumption Base Loads Conversions —_—_—Residential Sales Generation Demand (#) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (#) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) | (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 1998 - - . - . . - 1999 - - - - - - - - 2000 1,316 9,899.0 13,027,144 13,027,144 666 33,377.5 22,229,387 : 22,229,387 36,256,531 39,120,307 6,860 2001 1,321 9,904.9 13,084,396 : 13,084,396 666 36,527.4 23,661,263 : 23,661,263 36,745,659 40,841,874 9,080 2002 1,327 9,664.8 12,825,151 : 12,825,151 651 34,607.8 22,529,651 : 22,529,651 36,354,802 39,442,490 8,180 2003 1,347 9,835.2 13,247,992 : 13,247,992 655 34,831.9 22,814,913 22,814,913 36,062,905 39,627,828 8,010 2004 1,363 9,635.2 13,132,812 : : 13,132,812 663 35,399.9 23,470,133 : 23,470,133 36,602,945 39,929,252 8,380 2005 1,365 9,863.5 13,463,651 : : 13,463,651 690 34,972.7 24,131,183 : 24,131,183 37,594,834 41,708,013 7,880 2006 1,376 10,6107 14,600,288 : : 14,600,288 704 34,585.6 24,348,294 : 24,348,294 38,948,582 44,843,573 8,810 2007 1,386 10,6903, 14,816,693 106,110 320,000 15,242,803 708 34,5856 24,486,637 : 24,486,637 39,729,439 42,037,124 8,382 2008 1,396 10,7704 15,035,522 212,220 625,000 15,872,742 72 34,5856 24,624,979 : 24,624,979 40,497,721 42,850,032 8.544 2009 1,406 10,851.2 15,256,801 318,330 915,000 16,490,131 716 (34,5856 24,763,322 - 24,763,322 41,253,452 43,649,659 8,704 2010 1,417 10,9326 15,491,485 445,662 1,185,000 17,132,147 720 34,585.6 24,901,664 : 24,901,664 42,033,812 44,475,346 8.869 2011 1,428 11,0146 15,728,832 572,994 1,460,000 17,761,826 724 34,5856 25,040,007 2,847,000 27,887,007 45,648,833 48,300,345 9.631 2012 1,439 11,097.2, 15,968,867 700,326 1,715,000 18,384,193 728 34,585.6 25,178,349 2,847,000 28,025,349 46,409,543 49,105,241 9,792 2013 1,450 11,180.4 16,211,618 827,658 1,955,000 18,994,276 732 34,585.6 25,316,692 2,847,000 28,163,692 47,157,969 49,897,139 9,950 2014 1,461 11,264.3 16,457,113 954,990 2,185,000 19,597,103 736 34,5856 25,455,035 2,847,000 28,302,035 47,899,137 50,681,359 10,106 2015 1,472 11,348.8 16,705,377 1,082,322 2,405,000 20,192,699 740 34,5856 25,593,377 2,847,000 28,440,377 48,633,077 51,457,929 10,261 2016 1,483 11,433.9 16,956,440 1,209,654 2,615,000 20,781,094 744 34,5856 25,731,720 2,847,000 28,578,720 49,359,814 52,226,879 10,414 2017 1,494 11,5196 17,210,330 1,336,986 2,815,000 21,362,316 748 34,5856 25,870,062 2,847,000 28,717,062 50,079,378 52,988,239 10,566 2018 1,505 11,606.0 17,467,073 1,464,318 3,010,000 21,941,391 752 34,5856 26,008,405 2,847,000 28,855,405 50,796,796 53,747,329 10,717 2019 1,516 11,693.1 17,726,700 1,591,650 3,195,000 22,513,350 756 34,5856 26,146,748 2,847,000 28,993,748 51,507,098 54,498,888 10,867 2020 1,527 11,7808 17,989,239 1,718,982 3,370,000 23,078,221 760 34,5856 26,285,090 2,847,000 29,132,090 2,210,311 95,242,947 11,016 2021 1,538 11,869.1 18,254,719 1,846,314 3,540,000 23,641,033 764 34,585.6 26,423,433 847,000 29,270,433 52,911,465 55,984,828 11,164 2022 1,550 11,958.1 18,535,127 1,973,646 3,705,000 24,213,773 768 34,5856 26,561,775 2,847,000 29,408,775 93,622,548 96,737,214 11,314 2023 1,962 12,047.8 18,818,714 2,100,978 3,860,000 24,779,692 772 34,585.6 26,700,118 2,847,000 29,547,118 54,326,810 97,482,383 11,462 2024 1,574 12,138.2 19,105,513 2,228,310 4,010,000 25,343,823 776 34,5856 26,838,460 2,847,000 29,685,460 55,029,283 58,225,660 11,610 2025 1,586 12,2292 19,395,555 2,355,642 4,155,000 25,906,197 780 34,5856 26,976,803 2,847,000 29,823,803 55,730,000 58,967,077 11,758 2026 1,598 12,3209 19,688,873 2,482,974 4,295,000 26,466,847 784 34,5856 27,115,146 847,000 29,962,146 56,428,993 59,706,671 11,906 2027 1,610 12,413.4 19,985,500 2,610,306 4,430,000 27,025,806 788 34,5856 27,253,488 2,847,000 30,100,488 57,126,294 60,444,475 12,053 2028 1,622 12,506.5 20,285,469 2,737,638 4,560,000 27,583,107 792 34,5856 27,391,831 2,847,000 30,238,831 57,821,937 61,180,525 12,200 2029 1,634 12,600.3 20,588,813 2,864,970 4,685,000 28,138,783 796 34,5856 27,530,173 2,847,000 30,377,173 58,515,956 61,914,856 12,346 2030 1,646 12,6948 20,895,566 2,992,302 4,805,000 28,692,868 800 34,5856 27,668,516 2,847,000 30,515,516 59,208,384 62,647,503 12,492 2031 1,658 12,790.0 21,205,762 3,119,634 4,920,000 29,245,396 804 34,5856 27,806,858 2,847,000 30,653,858 59.899.255 63,.378.503 12.638 Growth 0.75% 0.75% 1.50% 2.82% 0.53% 0.00% 0.53% 0.93% 1.74% 1.39% 1-5 0.74% 0.75% 1.50% 4.00% 0.56% 0.00% 0.56% 2.75% 323% 1.50% 20-25 0.74% 0.75% 1.50% 2.02% 0.51% 0.00% 0.51% 0.46% 1.20% 1.20% Monthly Patterns Non- Electric Resultant Residential Full Partial Residential Spot Heat Peak Distribution Month Base Conversions __ Conversions Base Loads Conversions 2007 2031 Jan 11.34% 13.59% 13.59% 751% 751% 13.59% 0.839 1.000 Feb 9.27% 11.08% 11.08% 7.32% 7.32% 11.08% 0.834 0.965 Mar 9.26% 10.81% 10.81% 7.15% 7.15% 10.81% 0.743 0.858 Apr 871% 8.41% 841% 8.10% 8.10% 841% 0.802 0.868 May 7.29% 6.48% 6.48% 7.19% 7.19% 6.48% 0672 0712 Jun 7.24% 4.28% 4.28% 7.27% 7.27% 4.28% 0.695 0.696 Jul 6.65% 3.44% 3.44% 11.49% 11.49% 3.44% 0.894 0.834 Aug 6.65% 3.89% 3.89% 13.33% 13.33% 3.89% 1.000 0.928 Sep 7.14% 5.71% 5.11% 9.13% 9.13% 5.71% 0.803 0.809 Oct 7.83% 851% 851% 7.62% 7.62% 851% 0.718 0.788 Nov 8.68% 10.97% 10.97% 7.25% 7.25% 10.97% 0.753 0.874 Dec 9.94% 12.82% 12.82% 6.63% 6.63% 12.82% 0.739 0.895 Hatch Energy Annual Forecast Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Fi Petersburg - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Ba: Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2007 Jan 1,680,435 14,419 43,483 1,738,337 7,839,920 0 0 1,839,920 3,578,258 3,786,101 7,030 Feb 1,373,735 11,758 35,460 1,420,953 1,792,942 0 0 1,792,942 3,213,896 3,400,575 6,991 Mar 1,371,678 11,473 34,599 1,417,750 1,750,493 0 0 1,750,493 3,168,243 3,352,271 6,224 Apr 1,290,180 8,929 26,928 1,326,036 1,983,583 0 0 1,983,583 3,309,619 3,501,858 6,719 May 1,080,126 6,878 20,744 1,107,748 1,760,497 0 0 1,760,497 2,868,245 3,034,847 5,635 Jun 1,072,557 4,542 13,699 1,090,798 1,779,388 0 0 1,779,388 2,870,186 3,036,901 5,827 Jul 984,915 3,647 10,998 999,560 2,814,131 0 0 2,814,131 3,813,690 4,035,209 7,492 Aug 985,366 4,127 12,446 1,001,939 3,264,743 0 0 3,264,743 4,266,682 4,514,512 8,382 Sep 1,057,992 6,061 18,278 1,082,331 2,235,302 0 0 2,235,302 3,317,633 3,510,337 6,735 Oct 1,160,538 9,033 27,241 1,196,812 1,865,632 0 0 1,865,632 3,062,444 3,240,326 6,017 Nov 1,285,991 11,641 35,108 1,332,740 1,775,686 0 0 1,775,686 3,108,427 3,288,980 6,310 Dec 1,473,179 13,601 41,018 1,527,798 1,624,319 0 0 1,624,319 3,152,117 3,335,208 6,193 2008 Jan 1,705,254 28,838 84,928 1,819,020 1,850,315 0 0 1,850,315 3,669,335 3,882,468 7,265 Feb 1,394,024 23,517 69,258 1,486,798 1,803,072 0 0 1,803,072 3,289,870 3,480,962 7.211 Mar 1,391,937 22,946 67,576 1,482,458 1,760,383 0 0 1,760,383 3,242,841 3,431,202 6,420 Apr 1,309,235 17,858 52,593 1,379,686 1,994,789 0 0 1,994,789 3,374,475 3,570,482 6,904 May 1,096,078 13,757 40,515 1,150,350 1,770,443 0 0 1,770,443 2,920,794 3,090,448 5,783 Jun 1,088,398 9,085 26,755 1,124,238 1,789,441 0 0 1,789,441 2,913,679 3,082,920 5,961 Jul 999,461 7,294 21,481 1,028,236 2,830,030 0 0 2,830,030 3,858,265 4,082,373 7,639 ‘Aug 999,919 8,254 24,309 1,032,482 3,283,187 0 0 3,283,187 4,315,669 4,566,345 8,544 Sep 1,073,618 12,122 35,699 1,121,438 2,247,931 0 0 2,247,931 3,369,369 3,565,079 6,893 Oct 1,177,678 18,066 53,205 1,248,948 1,876,173 0 0 1,876,173 3,125,121 3,306,644 6,187 Nov 1,304,984 23,283 68,570 1,396,837 1,785,719 0 0 1,785,719 3,182,555 3,367,414 6511 Dec 1,494,937 27,202 80,113 1,602,252 1,633,496 0 0 1,633,496 3,235,748 3,423,696 6,406 2009 Jan 1,730,350 43,256 124,335 1,897,942 1,860,710 0 0 7,860,710 3,758,652 3,976,973 7,496 Feb 1,414,540 35,275 101,393, 1,551,208 4,813,202 0 0 1,813,202 3,364,410 3,559,831 7,429 Mar 1,412,422 34,418 98,931 1,545,771 1,770,273, 0 0 1,770,273 3,316,044 3,508,657 6,613 Apr 1,328,503 26,787 76,996 1,432,286 2,005,996 0 0 2,005,996 3,438,282 3,637,995 7,086 May 1,112,209 20,635 59,314 1,192,159 1,780,390 0 0 1,780,390 2,972,548 3,145,209 5,928 Jun 1,104,416 13,627 39,170 1,187,213 1,799,494 0 0 1,799,494 2,956,706 3,128,447 6,093 Jul 1,014,170 10,941 31,448 1,056,559 2,845,929 0 0 2,845,929 3,902,487 4,129,163 7,783 Aug 1,014,635 12,381 35,588 1,062,604 3,301,632 0 0 3,301,632 4,364,237 4,617,733 8,704 Sep 1,089,418 18,182 52,263 1,159,864 2,260,559 0 0 2,260,559 3,420,423 3,619,099 7,049 Oct 1,195,010 27,099 77,891 1,300,000 1,886,713 0 0 1,886,713 3,186,713 3,371,813 6,356 Nov 1,324,190 34,924 100,386 1,459,500 1,795,751 0 0 1,795,751 3,255,251 3,444,332 6,709 Dec 1,516,938 40,804 117,285, 1,675,026 1,642,673 0 0 4,642,673 3,317,699 3,510,408 6,617 2010 Jan 1,756,967 60,559 162,383 1,979,909 1,871,105 0 0 1,871,105 3,851,014 4,074,700 7,737 Feb 1,436,299 49,385 132,420 1,618,104 1,823,331 0 0 1,823,331 3,441,435 3,641,331 7,655 Mar 1,434,148 48,186 129,205 1,611,539 1,780,163 0 0 1,780,163 3,391,702 3,588,709 6,814 Apr 1,348,938 37,502 100,558 1,486,998 2,017,203 0 0 2,017,203 3,504,201 3,707,742 7,275 May 1,129,318 28,890 77,465 1,235,672 1,790,336 0 0 1,790,336 3,026,008 3,201,773 6,080 Jun 1,121,405 19,078 51,156 1,191,638 1,809,547 0 0 1,809,547 3,001,185 3,175,509 6,231 Jul 1,029,771 15,317 41,071 1,086,158 2,861,828 0 0 2,861,828 3,947,986 4,177,305 7,932 ‘Aug 1,030,242 17,334 46,479 1,094,055 3,320,077 0 0 3,320,077 4,414,132 4,670,527 8,869 Sep 1,106,176 25,455 68,256 1,199,888 2,273,188 0 0 2,273,188 3,473,076 3,674,810 7,210 Oct 1,213,392 37,938 101,727 1,363,057 1,897,253 0 0 1,897,253 3,250,310 3,439,105 6,530 Nov 1,344,559 48,894 131,105 1,524,558 1,805,783 0 0 1,805,783 3,330,341 3,523,784 6,914 Dec 1,540,272 57,125 153,175, 1,750,572 1,651,850 0 0 1,651,850 3,402,422 3,600,051 6,836 Monthly Forecast - 1/7 Hatch Energy Petersburg - Reference Forecast AK-BC Intertie Fea: Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2011 Jan 1,783,685 77,862 198,393 2,060,140 1,881,500 0 386,866 2,268,367 4,328,506 4,579,928 9114 Feb 1,458,304 63,495 161,786 1,683,585 1,833,461 0 315,482 2,148,943 3,832,528 4,055,140 8,934 Mar 1,456,121 61,953 157,857 1,675,931 1,790,053 0 307,821 2,097,874 3,773,805 3,993,007 7,946 Apr 1,369,605 48,217 122,857 1,540,679 2,028,410 0 239,571 2,267,981 3,808,660 4,029,886 8,286 May 1,146,620 37,144 94,643 1,278,407 1,800,282 0 184,554 1,984,836 3,263,243 3,452,788 6,871 Jun 1,138,586 24,529 62,500 1,225,615 1,819,600 0 121,875 1,941,475 3,167,089 3,351,050 6,891 Jul 1,045,548 19,693 50,179 1,115,420 2,877,727 0 97,848 2,975,575 4,090,995 4,328,620 8,614 ‘Aug 1,046,027 22,286 56,786 1,125,098 3,338,522 0 110,732 3,449,254 4,574,353 4,840,054 9,631 Sep 1,123,124 32,728 83,393 1,239,245 2,285,817 0 162,616 2,448,433 3,687,678 3,901,877 8,023 Oct 1,231,983 48,777 124,286 1,405,046 1,907,794 0 242,357 2,150,151 3,555,196 3,761,700 7,485 Nov 1,365,159 62,864 160,179 1,588,201 1,815,815 0 312,348 2,128,163 3,716,364 3,932,230 8,086 Dec 1,563,870 73,446 187,143, 1,824,460 1,661,027 0 364,929 2,025,955 3,850,415 4,074,066 8,107 2012 Jan 1,811,109 95,164 233,044 2,139,317 1,891,896 0 386,866 2,278,762 4,418,078 4,674,702 9,356 Feb 1,480,559 77,605 190,043 1,748,207 1,843,591 0 315,482 2,159,073 3,907,280 4,134,234 9,161 Mar 1,478,343 75,720 185,428, 1,739,491 1,799,942 0 307,821 2,107,764 3,847,255 4,070,723 8,148 Apr 1,390,507 58,932 144,315 1,593,753 2,039,616 0 239,571 2,279,188 3,872,941 4,097,901 8,475 May 1,164,119 45,398 111,173 1,320,689 1,810,229 0 184,554 1,994,782 3,315,472 3,508,051 7,021 Jun 1,155,962 29,980 73,416 1,259,357 1,829,653 0 121,875 1,951,528 3,210,885 3,397,389 7,027 Jul 1,061,504 24,069 58,943 1,144,516 2,893,626 0 97,848 2,991,474 4,135,990 4,376,229 8,759 ‘Aug 1,061,990 27,239 66,704 1,155,932 3,356,967 0 110,732 3,467,699 4,623,631 4,892,195 9,792 Sep 1,140,264 40,001 97,958 1,278,223 2,298,446 0 162,616 2,461,062 3,739,285 3,956,482 8,183 Oct 1,250,784 59,617 145,993, 1,456,394 1,918,334 0 242,357 2,160,691 3,617,085 3,827,183 7,660 Nov 1,385,992 76,834 188,155 1,650,981 1,825,847 0 312,348 2,138,195 3,789,176 4,009,271 8,292 Dec 1,587,736 89,768 219,829 1,897,333 1,670,204 0 364,929 2,035,132 3,932,465 4,160,883 8,328 2013 Jan 1,838,640 112,467 265,656 2,216,763 1,902,291 0 386,866 2,289,157 4,505,920 4,767,646 9,595 Feb 1,503,066 91,715 216,638 1,811,418 1,853,720 0 315,482 2,169,202 3,980,621 4,211,835 9,385 Mar 1,500,816 89,487 211,377 1,801,681 1,809,832 0 307,821 2,117,654 3,919,334 4,146,989 8,346 Apr 1,411,644 69,646 164,511 1,645,802 2,050,823 0 239,571 2,290,394 3,936,196 4,164,830 8,661 May 1,181,815 53,652 126,731 1,362,198 1,820,175 0 184,554 2,004,728 3,366,926 3,562,494 7,170 Jun 1,173,534 35,431 83,690 1,292,655 1,839,706 0 121,875 1,961,581 3,254,235 3,443,258 7,161 Jul 1,077,640 28,446 67,191 4,173,277 2,909,525 0 97,848 3,007,373 4,180,650 4,423,483 8,902 Aug 1,078,134 32,191 76,038 1,186,363 3,375,412 0 110,732 3,486,144 4,672,507 4,943,910 9,950 Sep 1,157,597 47,274 111,666 1,316,538 2,311,075 0 162,616 2,473,691 3,790,229 4,010,385 8,340 Oct 1,269,797 70,456 166,424 1,506,677 1,928,874 0 242,357 2,171,231 3,677,909 3,891,540 7,832 Nov 1,407,061 90,803 214,486 1,712,351 1,835,879 0 312,348 2,148,227 3,860,578 4,084,820 8,495 Dec 1,611,872 106,089 250,592 1,968,554 1,679,381 0 364,929 2,044,309 4,012,863 4,245,950 8,545 2014 Jan 1,866,483 129,769 296,910 2,293,162 7,912,686 0 386,866 2,299,552 4,592,714 4,859,482 9,831 Feb 1,525,827 105,824 242,125 1,873,776 1,863,850 0 315,482 2,179,332 4,053,108 4,288,533 9,606 Mar 1,523,543 103,255 236,245 1,863,043 1,819,722 0 307,821 2,127,543 3,990,586 4,222,379 8,542 Apr 1,433,021 80,361 183,865 1,697,247 2,062,030 0 239,571 2,301,601 3,998,848 4,231,121 8,845 May 1,199,711 61,906 141,640 1,403,258 1,830,121 0 184,554 2,014,675 3,417,932 3,616,463 7,316 Jun 1,191,305 40,881 93,536 1,325,722 1,849,759 0 121,875 1,971,634 3,297,356 3,488,883 7,294 Jul 1,093,959 32,822 75,096 1,201,877 2,925,424 0 97,848 3,023,272 4,225,149 4,470,567 9,044 ‘Aug 1,094,460 37,144 84,984 1,216,588 3,393,857 0 110,732 3,504,589 4,721,177 4,995,406 10,106 Sep 1,175,127 54,547 124,804 1,354,478 2,323,704 0 162,616 2,486,320 3,840,798 4,063,891 8,496 Oct 1,289,026 81,296 186,003, 1,556,325 1,939,414 0 242,357 2,181,772 3,738,096 3,955,224 8,002 Nov 1,428,369 104,773, 239,719 1,772,861 1,845,911 0 312,348 2,158,260 3,931,121 4,159,460 8,695 Dec 1,636,281 122,411 280,073 2,038,765 1,688,558 0 364,929 2,053,486 4,092,251 4,329,950 8,760 Monthly Forecast - 2/7 Hatch Energy Petersburg - Reference Forecast AK-BC Intertie Fi Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) [Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot He: Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2015 Jan 1,894,640 147,072 326,805 2,368,517 1,923,081 0 386,866 2,309,947 4,678,463 4,950,212 10,065 Feb 1,548,845 119,934 266,503 1,935,283 1,873,979 0 315,482 2,189,462 4,124,744 4,364,330 9,824 Mar 1,546,526 117,022 260,032 1,923,580 1,829,612 0 307,821 2,137,433 4,061,013 4,296,897 8,736 Apr 1,454,639 91,076 202,378 1,748,093 2,073,236 0 239,571 2,312,808 4,060,901 4,296,778 9,027 May 1,217,810 70,160 155,901 1,443,871 1,840,068 0 184,554 2,024,621 3,468,492 3,669,960 7,462 Jun 1,209,276 46,332 102,954 1,358,562 1,859,812 0 121,875 1,981,687 3,340,249 3,534,268 7,425 Jul 1,110,462 37,198 82,657 1,230,317 2,941,323 0 97,848 3,039,171 4,269,489 4,517,482 9,185 Aug 1,110,971 42,096 93,541 1,246,608 3,412,302 0 110,732 3,523,034 4,769,641 5,046,686 10,261 Sep 1,192,854 61,820 137,370 1,392,045 2,336,332 0 162,616 2,498,948 3,890,993 4,117,001 8,650 Oct 1,308,472 92,135 204,731 1,605,338 1,949,955 0 242,367 2,192,312 3,797,650 4,018,236 8,170 Nov 1,449,916 118,743, 263,856 1,832,515 1,855,944 0 312,348 2,168,292 4,000,807 4,233,194 8,894 Dec 1,660,965, 138,732 308,273 2,107,970 1,697,735 0 364,929 2,062,663 4,170,634 4,412,885 8,972 2016 Jan 1,923,114 164,374 355,341 2,442,830 1,933,476 0 386,866 2,320,342 4,763,171 5,039,840 10,296 Feb 1,572,123 134,044 289,774 1,995,941 1,884,109 0 315,482 2,199,591 4,195,532 4,439,229 10,041 Mar 1,569,769 130,789 282,737 1,983,296 1,839,502 0 307,821 2,147,323 4,130,619 4,370,546 8,929 Apr 1,476,501 101,791 220,049 1,798,340 2,084,443 0 239,571 2,324,014 4,122,355 4,361,802 9,208 May 1,236,112 78,414 169,514 1,484,041 1,850,014 0 184,554 2,034,567 3,518,608 3,722,987 7,606 Jun 1,227,450 51,783 111,943 1,391,177 1,869,865 0 121,875 1,991,740 3,382,917 3,579,414 7,556 Jul 4,127,151 41,574 89,875 1,258,600 2,957,222 0 97,848 3,055,070 4,313,670 4,564,230 9,324 ‘Aug 1,127,667 47,049 101,709 1,276,424 3,430,746 0 110,732 3,541,479 4,817,903 5,097,751 10,414 Sep 1,210,782 69,093 149,365 1,429,240 2,348,961 0 162,616 2,511,577 3,940,817 4,169,719 8,802 Oct 1,328,137 102,974 222,608 1,653,719 1,960,495 0 242,357 2,202,852 3,856,571 4,080,580 8,336 Nov 1,471,707 132,713 286,895 1,891,315 1,865,976 0 312,348 2,178,324 4,069,639 4,306,024 9,090 Dec 1,685,928 155,053, 335,191 2,176,172 1,706,912 0 364,929 2,071,840 4,248,012 4,494,758 9,182 2017 Jan 1,951,909 181,677 382,518 2,516,104 1,943,871 0 386,866 2,330,737 4,846,841 5,128,370 10,525 Feb 1,595,662 148,154 311,936 2,055,752 1,894,239 0 315,482 2,209,721 4,265,473 4,513,233 10,255 Mar 1,593,273 144,557 304,362 2,042,191 1,849,391 0 307,821 2,157,213 4,199,404 4,443,327 9,119 Apr 1,498,608 112,506 236,879 1,847,993 2,095,650 0 239,571 2,335,221 4,183,214 4,426,196 9,386 May 1,254,620 86,669 182,479 1,523,768 1,859,960 0 184,554 2,044,514 3,568,282 3,775,545 7,748 Jun 1,245,829 57,234 120,505 1,423,568 1,879,918 0 121,875 2,001,793 3,425,361 3,624,323 7,686 Jul 1,144,028 45,951 96,748 1,286,727 2,973,121 0 97,848 3,070,969 4,357,696 4,610,813 9,462 ‘Aug 1,144,552 52,001 109,488 1,306,040 3,449,191 0 110,732 3,559,923 4,865,964 5,148,603 10,566 Sep 1,228,911 76,366 160,788 1,466,066 2,361,590 0 162,616 2,524,206 3,990,272 4,222,047 8,953 Oct 1,348,023 113,814 239,633 1,701,470 1,971,035 0 242,357 2,213,392 3,914,862 4,142,257 8,501 Nov 1,493,743 146,683, 308,837 1,949,263 1,876,008 0 312,348 2,188,356 4,137,619 4,377,953 9,284 Dec 4,741,171 171,375, 360,827 2,243,373 1,716,088 0 364,929 2,081,017 4,324,390 4,575,572 9,390 2018 Jan 1,981,028 198,980 409,015 2,589,023 1,954,266 0 386,866 2,341,132 4,930,155 5,216,523 10,717 Feb 1,619,466 162,264 333,545 2,115,275 1,904,368 0 315,482 2,219,850 4,335,125 4,586,931 10,434 Mar 1,617,042 158,324 325,445, 2,100,811 1,859,281 0 307,821 2,167,103 4,267,913 4,515,815 9,278 Apr 1,520,965 123,220 253,288 1,897,473 2,106,856 0 239,571 2,346,428 4,243,901 4,490,408 9,533 May 1,273,337 94,923 195,120 1,563,379 1,869,906 0 184,554 2,054,460 3,617,839 3,827,982 7,865 Jun 1,264,414 62,685 128,853 1,455,952 1,889,971 0 121,875 2,011,846 3,467,798 3,669,225 7,790 Jul 1,161,095 50,327 103,450 1,314,872 2,989,020 0 97,848 3,086,868 4,401,740 4,657,415 9,569 Aug 1,161,626 56,954 117,072 1,335,652 3,467,636 0 110,732 3,578,368 4,914,020 5,199,451 10,682 Sep 1,247,244 83,639 171,926 1,502,809 2,374,219 0 162,616 2,536,835 4,039,644 4,274,287 9,074 Oct 1,368,133 124,653, 256,233 1,749,019 1,981,576 0 242,357 2,223,933 3,972,952 4,203,721 8,637 Nov 1,516,027 160,652 330,231 2,006,910 1,886,040 0 312,348 2,198,388 4,205,298 4,449,563 9,446 Dec 1,736,699 187,696 385,822 2,310,217 1,725,265 0 364,929 2,090,194 4,400,411 4,656,009 9,566 Monthly Forecast - 3/7 Hatch Energy Petersburg - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2019 Jan 2,010,473 216,282 434,154 2,660,910 1,964,661 0 386,866 2,351,527 5,012,437 5,303,584 10,867 Feb 1,643,538 176,374 354,045 2,173,956 1,914,498 ° 315,482 2,229,980 4,403,936 4,659,739 10,571 Mar 1,641,077 172,091 345,448 2,158,616 1,869,171 0 307,821 2,176,992 4,335,608 4,587,442 9,400 Apr 1,543,572 133,935, 268,855 1,946,362 2,118,063 0 239,571 2,357,634 4,303,997 4,553,995 9,642 May 1,292,263 103,177 207,112 1,602,552 1,879,853 0 184,554 2,064,406 3,666,959 3,879,954 7,950 Jun 1,283,208 68,136 136,772 1,488,116 1,900,024 0 121,875 2,021,899 3,510,015 3,713,895 7,864 Jul 1,178,353 54,703 109,809 1,342,865 3,004,919 0 97,848 3,102,767 4,445,632 4,703,857 9,638 Aug 1,178,892 61,906 124,267 1,365,066 3,486,081 0 110,732 3,596,813 4,961,879 5,250,090 10,758 Sep 1,265,782 90,912 182,493, 1,539,188 2,386,848 0 162,616 2,549,464 4,088,652 4,326,141 9,160 Oct 1,388,468 135,493 271,981 1,795,942 1,992,116 0 242,357 2,234,473 4,030,416 4,264,522 8,738 Nov 1,538,561 174,622 350,528 2,063,710 1,896,072 0 312,348 2,208,420 4,272,131 4,520,277 9,571 Dec 1,762,512 204,018 409,535 2,376,065 4,734,442 0 364,929 2,099,371 4,475,436 4,735,392 9,703 2020 Jan 2,040,249 233,585 457,934 2,731,768 1,975,056 0 386,866 2,361,922 5,093,690 5,389,557 11,016 Feb 1,667,879 190,484 373,437 2,231,800 1,924,628 0 315,482 2,240,110 4,471,910 4,731,660 10,707 Mar 1,665,382 185,859 364,369 2,215,609 1,879,061 0 307,821 2,186,882 4,402,491 4,658,210 9,521 Apr 1,566,433 144,650 283,581 1,994,664 2,129,270 0 239,571 2,368,841 4,363,505 4,616,959 9,751 May 1,311,402 111,431 218,456 1,641,290 1,889,799 0 184,554 2,074,353 3,715,642 3,931,465 8,035 Jun 1,302,213 73,587 144,264 1,520,063 1,910,077 0 121,875 2,031,952 3,552,015 3,758,334 7,938 Jul 1,195,805 59,079 115,823 1,370,707 3,020,818 0 97,848 3,118,666 4,489,374 4,750,139 9,709 ‘Aug 1,196,352 66,859 131,074 1,394,285 3,504,526 0 110,732 3,615,258 5,009,543 5,300,522 10,834 Sep 1,284,529 98,185 192,489 1,575,204 2,399,477 0 162,616 2,562,093 4,137,296 4,377,611 9,246 Oct 1,409,032 146,332 286,879 1,842,243 2,002,656 0 242,357 2,245,013 4,087,256 4,324,664 8,839 Nov 1,561,347 188,592 369,727 2,119,666 1,906,104 0 312,348 2,218,452 4,338,119 4,590,098 9,694 Dec 1,788,616 220,339 431,967 2,440,922 1,743,619 o 364,929 2,108,548 4,549,470 4,813,726 9,839 2021 Jan 2,070,359 250,887 481,035 2,802,281 1,985,451 0 386,866 2,372,317 5,174,598 5,475,164 11,164 Feb 1,692,493 204,594 392,275 2,289,362 1,934,757 0 315,482 2,250,239 4,539,601 4,803,284 10,843 Mar 1,689,959 199,626 382,750 2,272,335 1,888,950 0 307,821 2,196,772 4,469,106 4,728,694 9,642 Apr 1,589,550 155,365 297,886 2,042,801 2,140,476 0 239,571 2,380,048 4,422,849 4,679,750 9,860 May 1,330,755 119,685, 229,477 1,679,917 1,899,745 0 184,554 2,084,299 3,764,216 3,982,861 8,121 Jun 1,321,431 79,037 151,541 1,552,009 1,920,130 0 121,875 2,042,005 3,594,014 3,802,773 8,012 Jul 1,213,452 63,456 121,666 1,398,574 3,036,717 0 97,848 3,134,565 4,533,139 4,796,446 9,780 Aug 1,214,008 71,811 137,686 1,423,505 3,522,971 0 110,732 3,633,703 5,057,207 5,350,955 10,910 Sep 1,303,486 105,458 202,199 1,611,143 2,412,105 0 162,616 2,574,721 4,185,865 4,429,001 9,332 Oct 1,429,826 157,172 301,350 1,888,348 2,013,197 0 242,357 2,255,554 4,143,902 4,384,600 8,940 Nov 1,584,389 202,562 388,378 2,175,329 1,916,136 0 312,348 2,228,484 4,403,813 4,659,609 9,817 Dec 1,815,012 236,661 453,757 2,505,430 4,752,796 0 364,929 2,417,725 4,623,155 4,891,690 9,974 2022 Jan 2,102,161 268,190 503,456 2,873,807 1,995,846 0 386,866 2,382,712 5,256,519 5,561,844 11,314 Feb 1,718,491 218,704 410,559 2,347,754 1,944,887 0 315,482 2,260,369 4,608,123 4,875,786 10,981 Mar 1,715,918 213,393 400,590 2,329,901 1,898,840 0 307,821 2,206,662 4,536,563 4,800,069 9,764 Apr 1,613,967 166,080 311,71 2,091,817 2,151,683 0 239,571 2,391,254 4,483,072 4,743,471 9,971 May 1,351,197 127,939 240,172 1,719,309 1,909,692 0 184,554 2,094,245 3,813,554 4,035,064 8,208 Jun 1,341,729 84,488 158,604 1,584,822 1,930,183 0 121,875 2,052,058 3,636,880 3,848,128 8,089 Jul 1,232,092 67,832 127,337 1,427,260 3,052,616 0 97,848 3,150,464 4,577,725 4,843,622 9,853 ‘Aug 1,232,656 76,764 144,103 1,453,523 3,541,416 0 110,732 3,652,148 5,105,671 5,402,234 10,989 Sep 1,323,508 112,731 211,624 1,647,864 2,424,734 0 162,616 2,587,350 4,235,214 4,481,216 9.419 Oct 1,451,789 168,011 315,396 1,935,197 2,023,737 0 242,357 2,266,094 4,201,291 4,445,323 9,042 Nov 1,608,727 216,531 406,481 2,231,739 1,926,168 0 312,348 2,238,517 4,470,255 4,729,910 9,942 Dec 1,842,892 252,982 474,907 2,570,781 1,761,973 0 364,929 2,126,902 4,697,683 4,970,548 10,111 Monthly Forecast - 4/7 Hatch Energy Petersburg - Reference Forecast AK-BC Intertie Fe: Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2023 Jan 2,134,324 285,492 524,518 2,944,335 2,006,241 0 386,866 2,393,107 5,337,442 5,647,467 17,462 Feb 1,744,784 232,814 427,735 2,405,333 1,955,016 0 315,482 2,270,499 4,675,831 4,947,427 14,117 Mar 1,742,172 227,161 417,348 2,386,681 1,908,730 0 307,821 2,216,551 4,603,232 4,870,611 9,886 Apr 1,638,660 176,795 324,814 2,140,269 2,162,890 0 239,571 2,402,461 4,542,730 4,806,595 10,081 May 1,371,870 136,194 250,220 1,758,284 1,919,638 0 184,554 2,104,192 3,862,476 4,086,827 8,295 Jun 1,362,258 89,939 165,240 1,617,436 1,940,236 0 121,875 2,062,111 3,679,548 3,893,274 8,165 Jul 1,250,943 72,208 132,664 1,455,815 3,068,515 0 97,848 3,166,364 4,622,178 4,890,658 9,926 Aug 1,251,515 81,716 150,132 1,483,364 3,559,861 0 110,732 3,670,593 5,153,956 5,453,324 11,068 Sep 1,343,758 120,004 220,477 1,684,240 2,437,363 0 162,616 2,599,979 4,284,219 4,533,068 9,507 Oct 1,474,002 178,850 328,591 1,981,443 2,034,277 0 242,357 2,276,634 4,258,077 4,505,408 9,144 Nov 1,633,340 230,501 423,486 2,287,327 1,936,201 0 312,348 2,248,549 4,535,876 4,799,342 10,066 Dec 1,871,088 269,303 494,775 2,635,167 1,771,150 0 364,929 2,136,079 4,771,245 5,048,383 10,246 2024 Jan 2,166,851 302,795 544,901 3,014,547 2,016,636 0 386,866 2,403,502 5,418,049 5,732,757 11,610 Feb 1,771,375 246,924 444,357 2,462,655 1,965,146 0 315,482 2,280,628 4,743,283 5,018,797 11,254 Mar 1,768,723 240,928 433,567 2,443,217 1,918,620 0 307,821 2,226,441 4,669,658 4,940,895 10,007 Apr 1,663,634 187,509 337,436 2,188,579 2,174,096 0 239,571 2,413,668 4,602,247 4,869,569 10,191 May 1,392,778 144,448 259,944 1,797,169 1,929,584 0 184,554 2,114,138 3,911,307 4,138,495 8,382 Jun 1,383,018 95,390 171,661 1,650,069 1,950,289 0 121,875 2,072,164 3,722,234 3,938,440 8,242 Jul 1,270,007 76,585 137,819 1,484,411 3,084,414 0 97,848 3,182,263 4,666,673 4,937,737 10,000 ‘Aug 1,270,589 86,669 155,966 1,513,223 3,578,305 0 110,732 3,689,038 5,202,261 5,504,434 11,148 Sep 1,364,237 127,277 229,045 1,720,559 2,449,992 0 162,616 2,612,608 4,333,167 4,584,859 9,595 Oct 1,496,466 189,690 341,360 2,027,516 2,044,817 0 242,357 2,287,175 4,314,690 4,565,309 9,246 Nov 1,658,232 244,471 439,943 2,342,646 1,946,233 0 312,348 2,258,581 4,601,227 4,868,489 10,189 Dec 1,899,604 285,625 514,002 2,699,230 1,780,327 0 364,929 2,145,256 4,844,486 5,125,878 10,381 2025 Jan 2,199,747 320,098 564,604 3,084,449 2,027,031 0 386,866 2,413,897 5,498,346 5,817,717 11,758 Feb 1,798,266 261,034 460,424 2,519,724 1,975,276 0 315,482 2,290,758 4,810,482 5,089,899 11,389 Mar 1,795,574 254,695 449,244 2,499,513 1,928,510 0 307,821 2,236,331 4,735,844 5,010,926 10,128 Apr 1,688,889 198,224 349,638 2,236,752 2,185,303 0 239,571 2,424,875 4,661,626 4,932,397 10,301 May 1,413,922 152,702 269,343 1,835,967 1,939,531 0 184,554 2,124,084 3,960,051 4,190,070 8,469 Jun 1,404,014 100,841 177,868 1,682,723 1,960,342 0 121,875 2,082,217 3,764,940 3,983,627 8,320 Jul 1,289,287 80,961 142,803 1,513,051 3,100,313 0 97,848 3,198,162 4,711,212 4,984,863 10,075 ‘Aug 1,289,877 91,621 161,606 1,543,104 3,596,750 0 110,732 3,707,482 5,250,587 5,555,567 11,228 Sep 1,384,948 134,550 237,327 1,756,825 2,462,621 0 162,616 2,625,237 4,382,062 4,636,594 9,683 Oct 1,519,184 200,529 353,704 2,073,416 2,055,358 0 242,357 2,297,715 4,371,131 4,625,028 9,348 Nov 1,683,406 258,441 455,851 2,397,697 1,956,265 0 312,348 2,268,613 4,666,310 4,937,353 10,312 Dec 1,928,442 301,946 532,588 2,762,976 1,789,504 0 364,929 2,154,433 4,917,409 5,203,036 10,516 2026 Jan 2,233,013 337,400 583,628 3,154,042 2,037,426 0 386,866 2,424,292 5,578,334 5,902,351 17,906 Feb 1,825,461 275,144 475,938 2,576,543 1,985,405 0 315,482 2,300,887 4,877,430 5,160,736 11,525 Mar 1,822,728 268,462 464,381 2,555,572 1,938,399 0 307,821 2,246,221 4,801,793 5,080,705 10,248 Apr 1,714,430 208,939 361,419 2,284,788 2,196,510 0 239,571 2,436,081 4,720,869 4,995,081 10,412 May 1,435,304 160,956 278,419 1,874,679 1,949,477 0 184,554 2,134,031 4,008,709 4,241,555 8,556 Jun 1,425,247 106,292 183,861 1,715,400 1,970,395 0 121,875 2,092,270 3,807,670 4,028,839 8,398 Jul 1,308,785 85,337 147,614 1,541,736 3,116,212 0 97,848 3,214,061 4,755,797 5,032,038 10,150 ‘Aug 1,309,384 96,574 167,051 1,573,009 3,615,195 0 110,732 3,725,927 5,298,936 5,606,725 11,309 Sep 1,405,892 141,823, 245,324 1,793,039 2,475,249 0 162,616 2,637,866 4,430,905 4,688,274 9,72 Oct 1,542,158 211,369 365,621 2,119,148 2,065,898 0 242,357 2,308,255 4,427,403 4,684,569 9,449 Nov 1,708,864 272,410 471,210 2,452,485 1,966,297 0 312,348 2,278,645 4,731,130 5,005,938 10,434 Dec 1,957,605 318,268 550,533 2,826,406 1,798,681 0 364,929 2,163,610 4,990,016 5,279,861 10,650 Monthly Forecast -5/ 7 Hatch Energy Petersburg - Reference Forecast AK-BC Intertie Fe: Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) [Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2027 Jan 2,266,655 354,703 601,973 3,223,331 2,047,821 0 386,866 2,434,687 5,658,018 5,986,664 12,053, Feb 1,852,963 289,254 490,898 2,633,114 1,995,535 0 315,482 2,311,017 4,944,131 5,231,311 11,661 Mar 1,850,189 282,230 478,977 2,611,396 1,948,289 0 307,821 2,256,111 4,867,507 5,150,236 10,369 Apr 1,740,259 219,654 372,779 2,332,692 2,207,716 0 239,571 2,447,288 4,779,980 5,057,625 10,522 May 1,456,928 169,210 287,170 1,913,308 1,959,423 0 184,554 2,143,977 4,057,285 4,292,952 8,643 Jun 1,446,719 111,743 189,640 1,748,102 1,980,448 0 121,875 2,102,323 3,850,426 4,074,078 8,476 Jul 1,328,503 89,713 152,254 1,570,470 3,132,111 0 97,848 3,229,960 4,800,430 5,079,263 10,226 Aug 1,329,111 101,526 172,302 1,602,939 3,633,640 0 110,732 3,744,372 5,347,311 5,657,910 11,391 Sep 1,427,073 149,096 253,034 1,829,204 2,487,878 0 162,616 2,650,494 4,479,698 4,739,902 9,861 Oct 1,565,392 222,208 377,114 2,164,713 2,076,438 0 242,357 2,318,795 4,483,509 4,743,934 9,551 Nov 1,734,609 286,380 486,021 2,507,011 1,976,329 0 312,348 2,288,677 4,795,688 5,074,246 10,556 Dec 1,987,098 334,589 567,838 2,889,525 1,807,858 0 364,929 2,172,786 5,062,311 5,356,356 10,784 2028 Jan 2,300,676 372,005 619,638 3,292,319 2,058,216 0 386,866 2,445,082 5,737,402 6,070,659 12,200 Feb 1,880,775 303,364 505,303 2,689,442 2,005,664 0 315,482 2,321,147 5,010,588 5,301,628 11,796 Mar 1,877,959 295,997 493,033 2,666,989 1,958,179 0 307,821 2,266,000 4,932,990 5,219,522 10,489 Apr 1,766,379 230,369 383,718 2,380,466 2,218,923 0 239,571 2,458,495 4,838,961 5,120,032 10,632 May 1,478,796 177,464 295,597 1,951,857 1,969,370 0 184,554 2,153,923 4,105,780 4,344,264 8,730 Jun 1,468,434 117,193 195,205 1,780,832 1,990,501 0 121,875 2,112,376 3,893,209 4,119,346 8,554 Jul 1,348,443 94,090 156,722 1,599,254 3,148,011 0 97,848 3,245,859 4,845,113 5,126,542 10,302 ‘Aug 1,349,060 106,479 177,358 1,632,897 3,652,085 0 110,732 3,762,817 5,395,714 5,709,124 11,473 Sep 1,448,492 156,369 260,460 1,865,322 2,500,507 0 162,616 2,663,123 4,528,445 4,791,480 9,950 Oct 1,588,887 233,047 388,180 2,210,115 2,086,979 0 242,357 2,329,336 4,539,451 4,803,125 9,652 Nov 1,760,645 300,350 500,284 2,561,278 1,986,361 0 312,348 2,298,709 4,859,988 5,142,280 10,678 Dec 2,016,923 350,911 584,501 2,952,335 1,817,035 0 364,929 2,181,963 5,134,298 5,432,524 10,917 2029 Jan 2,335,080 389,308 636,624 3,361,011 2,068,611 0 386,866 2,455,477 5,816,489 6,154,339 12,346 Feb 1,908,899 317,473 519,155 2,745,528 2,015,794 0 315,482 2,331,276 5,076,804 5,371,690 11,931 Mar 1,906,041 309,764 506,548 2,722,354 1,968,069 0 307,821 2,275,890 4,998,245 5,288,568 10,609 Apr 1,792,793 241,084 394,237 2,428,114 2,230,130 0 239,671 2,469,701 4,897,815 5,182,305 10,743 May 1,500,909 185,718 303,700 1,990,327 1,979,316 0 184,554 2,163,869 4,154,197 4,395,493 8,818 Jun 1,490,392 122,644 200,557 1,813,593 2,000,554 0 121,875 2,122,429 3,936,022 4,164,646 8,633 Jul 1,368,607 98,466 161,018 1,628,091 3,163,910 0 97,848 3,261,758 4,889,849 5,173,876 10,379 ‘Aug 1,369,234 111,431 182,220 1,662,885 3,670,530 0 110,732 3,781,262 5,444,146 5,760,370 11,556 Sep 1,470,153 163,642 267,600 1,901,395 2,513,136 0 162,616 2,675,752 4,877,147 4,843,011 10,039 Oct 1,612,647 243,887 398,821 2,255,355 2,097,519 0 242,357 2,339,876 4,595,231 4,862,145 9,754 Nov 1,786,973 314,320 513,998 2,615,290 1,996,393 0 312,348 2,308,741 4,924,032 5,210,044 10,800 Dec 2,047,084 367,232 600,523 3,014,839 1,826,212 0 364,929 2,191,140 5,205,980 5,508,369 11,050 2030 Jan 2,369,870 406,611 652,930 3,429,411 2,079,006 0 386,866 2,465,872 5,895,283 6,237,710 12,492 Feb 1,937,340 331,583 532,452 2,801,376 2,025,924 0 315,482 2,341,406 5,142,782 5,441,500 12,065 Mar 1,934,440 323,532 519,523 2,777,494 1,977,959 0 307,821 2,285,780 5,063,274 5,357,375 10,729 Apr 1,819,504 251,798 404,335 2,475,637 2,241,337 0 239,571 2,480,908 4,956,545 5,244,446 10,853 May 1,523,271 193,973 311,479 2,028,723 1,989,262 0 184,554 2,173,816 4,202,538 4,446,643 8,905 Jun 1,512,598 128,095 205,693 1,846,386 2,010,607 0 121,875 2,132,482 3,978,869 4,209,981 8,712 Jul 1,388,998 102,842 165,142 1,656,982 3,179,809 0 97,848 3,277,657 4,934,639 5,221,268 10,457 ‘Aug 1,389,634 116,384 186,887 1,692,905 3,688,975 0 110,732 3,799,707 5,492,611 5,811,650 11,639 Sep 1,492,057 170,915 274,454 1,937,426 2,525,765 0 162,616 2,688,381 4,625,807 4,894,497 10,129 Oct 1,636,674 254,726 409,036 2,300,437 2,108,059 0 242,357 2,350,416 4,650,853 4,920,998 9,855 Nov 1,813,597 328,289 527,163 2,669,050 2,006,425 0 312,348 2,318,774 4,987,823 5,277,541 10,922 Dec 2,077,583 383,553 615,905 3,077,042 1,835,389 0 364,929 2,200,317 5,277,359 5,583,894 11,183 Monthly Forecast - 6/7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Petersburg - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kwh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2031 Jan 2,405,051 423,913 668,557 3,497,521 2,089,401 0 386,866 2,476,267 5,973,788 6,320,776 12,638 Feb 1,966,100 345,693 545,196 2,856,989 2,036,053 0 315,482 2,351,535 5,208,524 5,511,062 12,200 Mar 1,963,157 337,299 531,957 2,832,412 1,987,848 0 307,821 2,295,670 5,128,082 5,425,947 10,849 Apr 1,846,515 262,513 414,012 2,523,040 2,252,543 0 239,571 2,492,115 5,015,155 5,306,460 10,964 May 1,545,884 202,227 318,933 2,067,044 1,999,209 0 184,554 2,183,762 4,250,807 4,497,715 8,993 Jun 1,535,052 133,546 210,616 1,879,215 2,020,660 0 121,875 2,142,535 4,021,750 4,255,353 8,792 Jul 1,409,618 107,218 169,095 1,685,931 3,195,708 0 97,848 3,293,556 4,979,487 5,268,720 10,534 Aug 1,410,263 121,336 191,360 1,722,959 3,707,420 0 110,732 3,818,152 5,541,111 5,862,966 11,723 Sep 1,514,206 178,188 281,023 1,973,417 2,538,394 0 162,616 2,701,010 4,674,427 4,945,941 10,219 Oct 1,660,971 265,566 418,826 2,345,362 2,118,599 0 242,357 2,360,957 4,706,319 4,979,685 9,957 Nov 1,840,520 342,259 539,780 2,722,559 2,016,458 0 312,348 2,328,806 5,051,365 5,344,774 11,043 Dec 2,108,425 399,875 630,646 3,138,946 1,844,566 oO 364,929 2,209,494 5,348,440 5,659,104 11,315 Monthly Forecast - 7 / 7 Alaska Energy Authority - AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study SE Alaska Final Report ° Appendix H H3 Hatch Acres Corporation PR324582 AK-BC Alaska Final Report-App 18-09-07.doc Year Month January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 8661 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 6661 2000. = January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 0002 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Wrangell Sales (kWh) Number of Customers Gross Generation Net Generation Peak Residential Non-Res Total Residential Non-Res Total Diesel Hydro. Total Diesel Hydro Total (MW) 843,433 1,329,761 2,173,194 0 0 0 0 2,044,640 2,044,640 2,044,640 814,721 1,679,697 2,494,418 0 0 0 0 1,810,420 1,810,420 1,810,420 597,963 1,498,793 2,096,756 0 0 0 0 1,857,830 1,857,830 1,857,830 651,551 1,599,126 2,250,677 0 0 0 0 1,579,980 1,579,980 1,579,980 582,710 1,407,737 1,990,447 0 0 0 0 1,789,830 1,789,830 1,789,830 601,550 1,667,013 2,268,563 0 0 0 0 1,560,330 1,560,330 1,560,330 516,554 1,346,739 1,863,293 0 0 0 10,985 1,744,540 1,755,525 1,755,525 512,030 1,486,457 1,998,487 0 0 0 5,457 1,766,860 1,772,317 1,772,317 678,351 1,552,478 2,230,829 0 0 0 637,066 947,350 1,584,416 1,584,416 698,901 1,277,078 1,975,979 0 0 0 20,100 1,811,520 1,831,620 1,831,620 628,376 1,362,780 1,991,156 0 0 0 0 1,777,960 1,777,960 1,777,960 933,311 1,481,046 2,414,357 1,049 486 1,535 0 1,846,160 1,846,160 1,846,160 8,059,451 17,688,705 25,748,156 1,049 486 1,535 673,608 20,537,420 21,211,028 21,211,028 Historic Data - 1 of 3 Year 2001 nN So So = 2002 nN So o ny 2003 nN co o wo Month January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Wrangell Sales (kWh) Number of Customers Gross Generation Net Generation Residential 758,257 1,064,812 669,445 666,522 547,367 620,830 491,632 755,406 558,481 569,509 717,462 756,578 8,176,301 709,538 802,184 644,770 605,936 589,438 580,135 496,696 538,379 574,005 566,012 602,957 744,195 7,454,245 804,937 671,522 624,486 608,211 548,317 563,580 496,767 553,660 524,162 534,788 701,076 723,786 7,355,292 Non-Res 1,029,618 1,021,616 986,135 992,006 822,841 1,088,168 1,025,165 1,214,237 1,011,918 1,022,629 1,117,354 991,365 12,323,052 918,215 1,164,923 937,837 1,035,744 936,756 992,754 1,001,620 1,065,353 1,092,710 892,373 970,573 978,070 11,986,928 1,033,105 926,678 972,346 859,051 836,797 952,513 964,465 1,301,451 1,030,064 942,975 1,159,151 964,736 11,943,332 Total 1,787,875 2,086,428 1,655,580 1,658,528 1,370,208 1,708,998 1,516,797 1,969,643 1,570,399 1,592,138 1,834,816 1,747,943 20,499,353 1,627,753 1,967,107 1,582,607 1,641,680 1,526,194 1,572,889 1,498,316 1,603,732 1,666,715 1,458,385 1,573,530 1,722,265 19,441,173 1,838,042 1,598,200 1,596,832 1,467,262 1,385,114 1,516,093 1,461,232 1,855,111 1,554,226 1,477,763 1,860,227 1,688,522 19,298,624 Residential Non-Res Total Diesel Hydro. Total 0 0 0 26,132 1,916,865 1,942,997 0 0 0 0 1,698,470 1,698,470 oO 0 0 0 1,770,430 1,770,430 0 0 0 23,777 1,642,460 1,666,237 0 0 0 606,527 957,910 1,564,437 0 0 0 4,803 1,462,860 1,467 663 0 0 0 9,269 1,665,070 1,674,339 0 0 0 26,606 1,718,140 1,744,746 0 0 0 2,923 1,491,180 1,494,103 0 0 0 3,058 1,869,570 1,872,628 0 0 0 2,053 1,742,560 1,744,613 1,050 487 1,537 5,701 2,003,910 2,009,611 1,050 487 1,537 710,849 19,939,425 20,650,274 0 0 0 3,840 1,871,340 1,875,180 0 0 0 0 1,678,090 1,678,090 0 0 0 0 1,718,890 1,718,890 0 0 0 0 1,771,610 1,771,610 0 0 0 22,132 1,597,100 1,619,232 0 0 0 586,607 873,540 1,460,147 0 0 0 0 1,877,980 1,877,980 0 0 0 0 1,687,660 1,687,660 0 0 0 O 1,670,340 1,670,340 0 0 0 24,550 1,697,330 1,721,880 0 0 0 0 1,654,600 1,654,600 1,055 474 1,529 255 1,955,440 1,955,695 1,055 474 1,529 637,384 20,053,920 20,691,304 0 0 0 0 1,829,300 1,829,300 0 0 O 0 1,614,750 1,614,750 0 0 oO 0 1,637,340 1,637,340 0 0 0 830 1,690,440 1,691,270 0 0 0 3,873 1,458,730 1,462,603 0 0 0 502,608 1,063,390 1,565,998 0 0 0 0 1,775,810 1,775,810 0 0 0 0 1,642,740 1,642,740 0 0 0 0 1,748,860 1,748,860 0 0 0 16,363 1,686,960 1,703,323 0 0 0 24,614 1,320,240 1,344,854 1,037 469 1,506 15,096 2,340,610 2,355,706 1,037 469 1,506 563,384 19,809,170 20,372,554 Historic Data - 2 of 3 Diesel Hydro Total Peak (MW) 1,942,997 1,698,470 1,770,430 1,666,237 1,564,437 1,467,663 1,674,339 1,744,746 1,494,103 1,872,628 1,744,613 2,009,611 20,650,274 1,875,180 1,678,090 1,718,890 1,771,610 1,619,232 1,460,147 1,877,980 1,687,660 1,670,340 1,721,880 1,654,600 1,955,695 20,691,304 1,829,300 1,614,750 1,637,340 1,691,270 1,462,603 1,565,998 1,775,810 1,642,740 1,748,860 1,703,323 1,344,854 2,355,706 20,372,554 Year Month 2004 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 002 2005 = January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL $002 2006 = January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 9002 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Wrangell Sales (kWh) Number of Customers Gross Generation Net Generation Peak Residential Non-Res Total Residential Non-Res Total Diesel Hydro Total Diesel Hydro Total (mw) 774,691 1,027,631 1,802,322 0 0 0 0 1,862,470 1,862,470 1,862,470 710,991 992,433 1,703,424 0 0 0 1,057 1,614,650 1,615,707 1,615,707 745,100 1,006,975 1,752,075 0 0 0 2,692 1,811,230 1,813,922 1,813,922 549,013 922,780 1,471,793 0 0 0 2,884 1,567,120 1,570,004 1,570,004 582,477 895,448 1,477,925 0 0 0 0 1,367,650 1,367,650 1,367,650 544,960 907,452 1,452,412 0 0 0 763,338 934,610 1,697,948 1,697,948 483,017 1,042,257 1,525,274 0 0 0 0 1,912,330 1,912,330 1,912,330 517,529 1,493,466 2,010,995 0 0 0 1,934 2,107,290 2,109,224 2,109,224 527,622 1,145,656 1,673,278 0 0 0 1,362 1,680,080 1,681,442 1,681,442 593,504 1,044,367 1,637,871 0 0 0 712 1,663,350 1,664,062 1,664,062 669,839 1,074,333 1,744,172 0 0 0 0 1,586,110 1,586,110 1,586,110 685,267 946,533, 1,631,800 1,033 468 1,501 0 2,198,590 2,198,590 2,198,590 7,384,010 12,499,331 19,883,341 1,033 468 1,501 773,979 20,305,480 21,079,459 21,079,459 1,009,118 1,263,909 2,273,027 0 0 0 602 2,159,010 2,159,612 2,159,612 532,373 819,710 1,352,083 0 0 0 805 1,706,660 1,707,465 1,707,465 659,548 978,597 1,638,145 0 0 0 2,641 1,830,000 1,832,641 1,832,641 656,216 1,148,885 1,805,101 0 0 0 0 1,539,530 1,539,530 1,539,530 640,562 1,119,151 1,759,713 0 0 0 673 1,615,060 1,615,733 1,615,733 441,041 821,573 1,262,614 0 0 0 687,109 879,280 1,566,389 1,566,389 467,702 1,170,274 1,637,976 0 0 0 0 1,904,000 1,904,000 1,904,000 513,640 1,450,144 1,963,784 0 0 0 1,939 2,163,630 2,165,569 2,165,569 576,617 1,257,645 1,834,262 0 0 0 270 1,662,530 1,662,800 1,662,800 600,038 1,002,031 1,602,069 0 0 0 622 1,758,670 1,759,292 1,759,292 646,143 970,100 1,616,243 0 0 0 0 1,776,000 1,776,000 1,776,000 815,323 1,107,795 1,923,118 1,039 477 1,516 571 1,909,000 1,909,571 1,909,571 7,558,321 13,109,814 20,668,135 1,039 477 1,516 695,232 20,903,370 21,598,602 21,598,602 753,783 929,625 1,683,408 0 0 0 778 1,981,000 1,981,778 1,981,778 734,700 1,012,839 1,747,539 0 0 0 645 1,714,000 1,714,645 1,714,645 686,750 903,066 1,589,816 0 0 0 1,512 1,946,000 1,947,512 1,947,512 715,266 1,140,674 1,855,940 0 0 0 0 1,563,000 1,563,000 1,563,000 592,773 883,893 1,476,666 0 0 0 464,622 1,295,000 1,759,622 1,759,622 541,913 880,545 1,422,458 0 0 0 0 1,574,000 1,574,000 1,574,000 579,775 1,276,724 1,856,499 0 0 0 0 2,170,000 2,170,000 2,170,000 524,377 1,393,930 1,918,307 0 0 0 0 2,136,000 2,136,000 2,136,000 644,336 1,251,476 1,895,812 0 0 0 15,674 1,603,000 1,618,674 1,618,674 574,791 904,906 1,479,697 0 0 0 508 1,836,000 1,836,508 1,836,508 727,210 1,022,643 1,749,853 0 0 0 493 2,076,000 2,076,493 2,076,493 859,951 1,035,112 1,895,063 1,037 474 1,511 486 2,004,000 2,004,486 2,004,486 7,935,625 12,635,433 20,571,058 1,037 474 1,511 484,718 21,898,000 22,382,718 22,382,718 Historic Data - 3 of 3 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Wrangell - Monthly Residential Sales (kWh) 1,200 -————________ See Wrangell - Monthly Residential Sales (kWh) 1,200 1,000 Thousands Thousands 800 600 400 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Thousands Dec 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Jan Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Hatch Energy Monthly Patterns AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Wrangell - Monthly Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Wrangell - Monthly Non-Residential Sales (kWh) 1,800 4 Thousands 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Thousands May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec | 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Jan Feb Mar Apr Hatch Energy Monthly Patterns AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Wrangell - Monthly Net Generation (kWh) Wrangell - Monthly Net Generation (kWh) 2,500 TT. 1. 7) 7 a 2,500 + Thousands N ° 3 o Thousands 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Wrangell - Annual Net Generation (kWh) Thousands Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec | 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Hatch Energy Monthly Patterns vee oC Intern lity Ste, Wrangell - Reference Forecast Annual Forecast Values Residential Customers and Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Customers and Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Total Unit Residential Full Partial Total Unit Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Customers Consumption Base Conversions Conversions —_—_—Residential Customers Consumption Base Loads Conversions _Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kwh) (kWh) (#) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 1998 > - - : : . = 1999 : : : - - - - - : - - 2000 1,049 7,683.0 8,059,451 - : 8,059,451 486 36,396.5 17,688,705 : : 17,688,705 25,748,156 21,211,028 2001 1,050 7,787.0 8,176,301 : 8,176,301 487 25,304.0 12,323,052 : : 12,323,052 20,499,353 20,650,274 2002 1,055 7,065.6 7,454,245 : - 7,454,245 474 25,288.9 11,986,928 : 11,986,928 19,441,173 20,691,304 2003 1,037 7,092.9 7,385,292 : 7,385,292 469 25,465.5 11,943,332 : 11,943,332 19,298,624 20,372,554 2004 1,033 7,148.1 7,384,010 : 7,384,010 468 26,708.0 12,499,331 - 12,499,331 19,883,341 21,079,459 2005 1,039 7,274.6 7,558,321 : - 7,558,321 477 27,483.9 13,109,814 : : 13,109,814 20,668,135 21,598,602 2006 1,037 7,652.5 7,935,625 : 7,935,625 474 26,657.0 12,635,433 : : 12,635,433 20,571,058 22,382,718 2007 1,045 7,709.9 8,056,821 80,400 250,000 8,387,221 476 26,657.0 12,688,747 : : 12,688,747 21,075,968 22,300,166 4.447 2008 1,053 7,767.7 8,179,389 160,800 485,000 8,825,189 478 26,657.0 12,742,061 2,847,000 : 15,589,061 24,414,250 25,832,352 5,151 2009 1,061 7,826.0 8,303,342 241,200 710,000 9,254,542 480 26,657.0 12,795,375 2,847,000 : 15,642,375 24,896,917 26,343,055 5,253 2010 1,069 7,884.7 8,428,694 321,600 925,000 9,675,294 482 26,657.0 12,848,689 2,847,000 : 15,695,689 25,370,984 26,844,657 5,353 2011 1,077 7,943.8 8,555,460 402,000 1,130,000 10,087,460 484 26,657.0 12,902,003 2,847,000 1,686,300 17,435,303 27,522,763 29,121,423 5,807 2012 1,085 8,003.4 8,683,653 482,400 1,325,000 10,491,053 486 26,657.0 12,955,317 2,847,000 1,686,300 17,488,617 27,979,670 29,604,869 5,903 2013 1,093, 8,063.4 8,813,287 562,800 1,515,000 10,891,087 488 26,657.0 13,008,631 2,847,000 1,686,300 17,541,931 28,433,019 30,084,551 5,999 2014 1,101 8,123.9 8,944,378 643,200 1,695,000 11,282,578 490 26,657.0 13,061,946 2,847,000 1,686,300 17,595,246 28,877,823 30,555,192 6,093 2015 1,109 8,184.8 9,076,939 723,600 1,865,000 11,665,539 492 26,657.0 13,115,260 2,847,000 1,686,300 17,648,560 29,314,099 31,016,808 6,185 2016 1417 8,246.2 9,210,986 804,000 2,030,000 12,044,986 494 26,657.0 13,168,574 2,847,000 1,686,300 17,701,874 29,746,659 31,474,706 6,276 2017 1,125 8,308.0 9,346,532 884,400 2,185,000 12,415,932 496 26,657.0 13,221,888 2,847,000 1,686,300 17,755,188 30,171,120 31,923,610 6,366 2018 1,133 8,370.3, 9,483,594 964,800 2,335,000 12,783,394 498 26,657.0 13,275,202 2,847,000 1,686,300 17,808,502 30,591,896 32,368,826 6,454 2019 4,141 8,433.1 9,622,186 1,045,200 2,480,000 13,147,386 500 26,657.0 13,328,516 2,847,000 1,686,300 17,861,816 31,009,202 32,810,371 6,543 2020 1,150 8,496.4 9,770,819 1,145,700 2,615,000 13,531,519 503 26,657.0 13,408,487 2,847,000 1,686,300 17,941,787 31,473,306 33,301,433 6.640 2021 1,159 8,560.1 9,921,141 1,246,200 2,745,000 13,912,341 506 26,657.0 13,488,458 2,847,000 1,686,300 18,021,758 31,934,099 33,788,992 6,738 2022 1,168 8,624.3, 10,073,169 1,346,700 2,870,000 14,289,869 509 26,657.0 13,568,429 2,847,000 1,686,300 18,101,729 32,391,598 34,273,064 6.834 2023 4,177 8,689.0 10,226,918 1,447,200 2,990,000 14,664,118 512 26,657.0 13,648,400 2,847,000 1,686,300 18,181,700 32,845,818 34,753,668 6,930 2024 1,186 8,754.1 10,382,407 1,547,700 3,105,000 15,035,107 515 26,657.0 13,728,371 2,847,000 1,686,300 18,261,671 33,296,778 35,230,822 7,025 2025 1,195 8.8198 10,539,653 1,648,200 3,215,000 15,402,853 518 26,657.0 13,808,342 2,847,000 1,686,300 18,341,642 33,744,496 35,704,545 7.120 2026 1,204 8,885.9 10,698,674 1,748,700 3,320,000 15,767,374 521 26,657.0 13,888,313 2,847,000 1,686,300 18,421,613 34,188,988 36,174,855 7,213 2027 1,213 8,952.6 10,859,488 1,849,200 3,420,000 16,128,688 524 26,657.0 13,968,285 2,847,000 1,686,300 18,501,585 34,630,272 36,641,772 7,307 2028 1,222 9,019.7 11,022,111 1,949,700 3,520,000 16,491,811 527 26,657.0 14,048,256 2,847,000 1,686,300 18,581,556 35,073,367 37,110,604 7,400 2029 1,231 9,087.4 11,186,564 2,050,200 3,615,000 16,851,764 530 26,657.0 14,128,227 2,847,000 1,686,300 18,661,527 36,513,290 37,576,080 7,493 2030 1,240 9,155.5 11,362,863 2,150,700 3,705,000 17,208,563 533 26,657.0 14,208,198 2,847,000 1,686,300 18,741,498 35,950,060 38,038,220 7,585 2031 1.249 9,224.2 11,521,027 2,251,200 3,790,000 17,562,227 536 26,6570 14,288,169 2.847.000 1,686,300 18,821,469 36,383,696 38,497,043 7.676 Growth 0.75% 0.75% 1.50% 3.23% 0.49% 0.00% 0.49% 1.61% 231% 2.19% 1-5 0.76% 0.75% 1.52% 4.92% 0.42% 0.00% 0.42% 6.65% 6.00% 5.40% 20-25 0.74% 0.75% 1.49% 2.18% 0.57% 0.00% 0.57% 0.43% 1.25% 1.25% Monthly Patterns Non- Electric Resultant Residential Full Partial Residential Spot Heat Peak Distribution Month Base Conversions __Conversions Base Loads Conversions 2007 2031 Jan 10.48% 14.14% 14.14% 8.17% 8.17% 14.14% 0.925 0.969 Feb 9.89% 11.60% 11.60% 8.26% 8.26% 11.60% 1,000 1.000 Mar 8.58% 11.13% 11.13% 7.90% 7.90% 11.13% 0.830 0.838 Apr 8.26% 8.64% 8.64% 8.35% 8.35% 8.64% 0.869 0.825 May 757% 6.46% 6.46% 7.49% 7.49% 6.46% 0.758 0.695 Jun 7.22% 4.19% 4.19% 7.93% 7.93% 4.19% 0.794 0.680 Jul 6.55% 3.09% 3.09% 8.49% 8.49% 3.09% 0.775 0.641 Aug 7.26% 3.24% 3.24% 10.20% 10.20% 3.24% 0.906 0.742 Sep 757% 5.05% 5.05% 9.05% 9.05% 5.05% 0.880 0.761 Oct 767% 8.18% 8.18% 7.69% 7.69% 8.18% 077 0741 Nov 8.70% 11.06% 11.06% 8.33% 8.33% 11.06% 0.889 0.888 Dec 10.23% 13.21% 13.21% 8.14% 8.14% 13.21% 0.912 0.941 Hatch Energy Annual Forecast Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Wrangell - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot He: Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2007 Jan 844,743 11,372 35,362 891,478 1,036,701 0 0 1,036,701 1,928,179 2,040,177 4112 Feb 796,565 9,327 29,003 834,896 1,048,542 0 0 1,048,542 1,883,438 1,992,838 4,447 Mar 691,492 8,952 27,835 728,279 1,002,550 0 0 1,002,550 1,730,829 1,831,364 3,691 Apr 665,292 6,949 21,607 693,848 1,059,605 0 0 1,059,605 1,753,452 1,855,302 3,864 May 610,149 5,196 16,156 631,501 950,091 0 0 950,091 1,581,591 1,673,458 3,373 Jun 581,815 3,370 10,479 595,664 1,006,165 0 0 1,006,165 1,601,829 1,694,871 3,530 Jul 527,747 2,483 7,721 537,952 1,077,357 0 0 1,077,357 1,615,309 1,709,134 3,445 Aug 584,954 2,608 8,111 595,673 1,294,528 0 0 1,294,528 1,890,201 1,999,994 4,031 Sep 610,138 4,059 12,620 626,817 1,148,202 0 0 1,148,202 1,775,019 1,878,121 3,911 Oct 618,202 6,573 20,439 645,213 975,381 0 0 975,381 1,620,594 1,714,726 3,456 Nov 701,204 8,889 27,641 737,734 1,056,669 0 0 1,056,669 1,794,402 1,898,630 3,954 Dec 824,521 10,621 33,026 868,168 1,032,956 0 0 1,032,956 1,901,124 2,011,551 4,054 2008 Jan 857,594 22,745 68,602 948,942 1,041,057 232,607 0 1,273,663 2,222,605 2,351,705 4,761 Feb 808,683 18,655, 56,267 883,604 1,052,948 235,264 0 1,288,212 2,171,816 2,297,966 5,151 Mar 702,011 17,904 54,001 773,916 1,006,762 224,944 0 4,231,706 2,005,622 2,122,119 4,297 Apr 675,414 13,897 41,917 731,228 1,064,057 237,746 0 1,301,802 2,033,030 2,151,119 4,500 May 619,431 10,392 31,343 661,165 954,083 213,174 0 1,167,257 1,828,422 1,934,626 3,917 Jun 590,666 6,740 20,329 617,735 1,010,393 225,755 0 1,236,148 1,853,883 1,961,566 4,104 Jul 535,776 4,966 14,979 555,721 1,081,884 241,729 0 1,323,613 1,879,334 1,988,496 4,026 Aug 593,853 5,217 15,734 614,804 1,299,967 290,456 0 1,590,423 2,205,228 2,333,318 4,724 Sep 619,420 8,117 24,483 652,020 1,153,027 257,624 0 1,410,651 2,062,671 2,182,482 4,566 Oct 627,606 13,146 39,651 680,403 979,479 218,848 0 1,198,327 1,878,730 1,987,856 4,025 Nov 711,871 17,779 53,623 783,273 1,061,108 237,087 0 1,298,195 2,081,468 2,202,370 4,608 Dec 837,064 21,242 64,071 922,378 1,037,296 231,766 0 1,269,063 2,191,440 2,318,730 4,695 2009 Jan 870,591 34,117 100,428 1,005,136 1,045,413 232,607 0 1,278,019 2,283,156 2,415,773 4,871 Feb 820,938 27,982 82,370 931,290 1,057,354 235,264 0 1,292,617 2,223,907 2,353,083 5,253 Mar 712,650 26,856 79,053 818,558 1,010,975 224,944 0 1,235,919 2,054,477 2,173,811 4,383 Apr 685,649 20,846 61,363 767,858 1,068,509 237,746 0 1,306,255 2,074,112 2,194,587 4,872 May 628,818 15,588 45,884 690,289 958,075 213,174 0 4,171,249 1,861,538 1,969,665 3,971 Jun 599,617 10,110 29,760 639,487 1,014,621 225,755 0 1,240,376 1,879,863 1,989,055 4,144 Jul 543,895 7,449 21,928 873,273 1,086,411 241,729 0 1,328,140 1,901,413 2,011,856 4,057 Aug 602,852 7,825 23,034 633,711 1,305,407 290,456 0 1,595,863 2,229,574 2,359,079 4,757 Sep 628,807 12,176 35,841 676,824 1,157,851 257,624 0 1,415,475 2,092,299 2,213,830 4,613 Oct 637,117 19,719 58,046 714,882 983,577 218,848 0 1,202,425 1,917,307 2,028,674 4,090 Nov 722,659 26,668 78,500 827,827 1,065,548 237,087 0 1,302,635 2,130,461 2,254,209 4,697 Dec 849,750 31,864 93,794 975,408 1,041,636 231,766 0 1,273,403 2,248,810 2,379,433 4,798 2010 Jan 883,734 45,490 130,840 1,060,063 1,049,768 232,607 0 1,282,375 2,342,438 2,478,499 4,978 Feb 833,331 37,310 107,312 977,954 1,061,759 235,264 ° 1,297,023 2,274,977 2,407,119 5,353 Mar 723,408 35,808 102,991 862,207 1,015,187 224,944 0 1,240,131 2,102,338 2,224,452 4,468 Apr 696,000 27,795 79,944 803,739 1,072,961 237,746 0 1,310,707 2,114,445 2,237,263 4,644 May 638,311 20,783 59,778 718,872 962,067 213,174 0 1,175,241 1,894,113 2,004,132 4,025 Jun 608,669 13,480 38,772 660,921 1,018,848 225,755 0 1,244,604 1,905,524 2,016,207 4,185 Jul 552,106 9,933 28,569 590,607 1,090,938 241,729 0 1,332,667 1,923,274 2,034,987 4,087 Aug 611,953 10,433 30,009 652,396 1,310,846 290,456 0 1,601,302 2,253,698 2,384,604 4,790 Sep 638,300 16,234 46,694 701,228 1,162,675 257,624 0 1,420,300 2,121,528 2,244,757 4,659 Oct 646,736 26,292 75,623 748,651 987,675 218,848 0 1,206,523 1,955,174 2,068,741 4,155 Nov 733,568 35,557 102,271 871,397 1,069,988 237,087 0 1,307,075 2,178,471 2,305,008 4,784 Dec 862,578 42,485 122,197 1,027,260 1,045,976 231,766 0 4,277,743 2,305,003 2,438,889 4,899 Monthly Forecast - 1/7 AK-BC Intertie Feasit Wrangell - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residen Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2011 Jan 897,025 56,862 159,836 1,113,724 1,054,124 232,607 238,524 1,525,255 2,638,979 2,792,264 5,491 Feb 845,864 46,637 131,095 1,023,597 1,066,165 235,264 195,634 1,497,062 2,520,659 2,667,072 5,807 Mar 734,288 44,759 125,816 904,864 1,019,399 224,944 187,756 1,432,099 2,336,963 2,472,705 4,863 Apr 706,468 34,743 97,662 838,872 1,077,413 237,746 145,740 1,460,899 2,299,772 2,433,354 4,945 May 647,911 25,979 73,026 746,916 966,059 213,174 108,977 1,288,210 2,035,126 2,153,336 4,235 Jun 617,823 16,850 47,364 682,038 1,023,076 225,755 70,682 1,319,513 2,001,551 2,117,811 4,304 Jul 560,410 12,416 34,900 607,726 1,095,464 241,729 52,081 1,389,275 1,997,000 2,112,996 4,155 Aug 621,157 13,042 36,660 670,859 1,316,285 290,456 54,707 1,661,448 2,332,307 2,467,779 4,853 Sep 647,900 20,293 57,043 725,235 1,167,500 257,624 85,125 1,510,249 2,235,484 2,365,332 4,807 Oct 656,462 32,865, 92,383 781,710 991,774 218,848 137,863 1,348,484 2,130,195 2,253,927 4,432 Nov 744,601 44,446 124,936 913,984 1,074,428 237,087 186,443 1,497,957 2,411,941 2,552,039 5,186 Dec. 875,551 53,106 149,278 1,077,936 1,050,317 231,766 222,768 1,504,851 2,582,787 2,732,808 5,374 2012 Jan 910,466 68,235 187,419 1,166,119 1,058,480 232,607 238,524 1,529,611 2,695,730 2,852,312 5,594 Feb 858,539 55,965 153,718 1,068,221 1,070,571 235,264 195,634 1,501,468 2,569,689 2,718,950 5,903 Mar 745,291 53,711 147,528 946,530 1,023,612 224,944 187,756 1,436,312 2,382,841 2,521,249 4,944 Apr 717,053 41,692 114,515 873,260 1,081,865 237,746 145,740 1,465,351 2,338,611 2,474,449 5,014 May 657,619 31,175 85,628 774,422 970,051 213,174 108,977 1,292,202 2,066,624 2,186,664 4,288 Jun 627,081 20,220 55,538 702,838 1,027,303 225,755 70,682 1,323,741 2,026,579 2,144,293 4,345 Jul 568,807 14,899 40,923 624,628 1,099,991 241,729 52,081 1,393,801 2,018,430 2,135,670 4,188 ‘Aug 630,464 15,650 42,986 689,100 1,321,724 290,456 54,707 1,666,887 2,355,988 2,492,836 4,889 Sep 657,608 24,352 66,886 748,845 1,172,324 257,624 85,125 1,515,073 2,263,919 2,395,418 4,854 Oct 666,299 39,438 108,325 814,062 995,872 218,848 137,863 1,352,583 2,166,644 2,292,494 4,496 Nov 755,758 53,336 146,496 955,590 1,078,867 237,087 186,443, 1,502,397 2,457,987 2,600,759 5,270 Dec 888,670 63,727, 175,039, 1,127,436 1,054,657 231,766 222,768 1,509,192 2,636,628 2,789,776 5,471 2013 Jan 924,058 79,607 214,294 1,217,959 1,062,836 232,607 238,524 1,533,967 2,751,926 2,911,771 5,695 Feb 871,355 65,292 175,760 1,112,408 1,074,976 235,264 195,634 1,505,873 2,618,282 2,770,364 5,999 Mar 756,417 62,663, 168,683 987,763 1,027,824 224,944 187,756 1,440,524 2,428,287 2,569,334 5,025 Apr 727,758 48,641 130,936 907,334 1,086,317 237,746 145,740 1,469,804 2,377,138 2,515,214 5,083 May 667,436 36,371 97,907 801,714 974,043 213,174 108,977 1,296,194 2,097,908 2,219,765 4,342 Jun 636,442 23,590 63,502 723,534 1,031,531 225,755 70,682 1,327,968 2,051,502 2,170,664 4,387 Jul 577,298 17,382 46,791 641,471 1,104,518 241,729 52,081 1,398,328 2,039,799 2,158,281 4,221 ‘Aug 639,876 18,258 49,150 707,285 1,327,163 290,456 54,707 1,672,327 2,379,611 2,517,831 4,925 Sep 667,425 28,410 76,477 772,312 1,177,149 257,624 85,125 1,519,898 2,292,210 2,425,353 4,902 Oct 676,246 46,011 123,858 846,115 999,970 218,848 137,863 1,356,681 2,202,796 2,330,745 4,559 Nov 767,040 62,225 167,503 996,769 1,083,307 237,087 186,443, 1,506,837 2,503,606 2,649,027 5,354 Dec. 901,936 74,349 200,139 1,176,424 1,058,997 231,766 222,768 1,513,532 2,689,956 2,846,202 5,567 2014 Jan 937,802 90,979 239,755 1,268,536 1,067,192 232,607 238,524 1,538,323 2,806,859 2,969,696 5,794 Feb 884,316 74,620 196,643 1,155,579 1,079,382 235,264 195,634 1,510,279 2,665,858 2,820,704 6,093 Mar 767,668 71,615 188,724 1,028,007 1,032,037 224,944 187,756 1,444,736 2,472,744 2,616,373 5,105 Apr 738,583 55,589 146,492 940,664 1,090,770 237,746 145,740 1,474,256 2,414,920 2,555,190 5,151 May 677,364 41,567 109,539 828,470 978,035 213,174 108,977 1,300,186 2,128,655 2,252,298 4,394 Jun 645,909 26,960 71,047 743,915 1,035,759 225,755 70,682 1,332,196 2,076,111 2,196,702 4,429 Jul 585,885 19,865 52,350 658,100 1,109,044 241,729 52,081 1,402,855 2,060,955 2,180,666 4,254 Aug 649,394 20,867 54,990 725,250 1,332,603 290,456 54,707 1,677,766 2,403,016 2,542,595 4,961 Sep 677,352 32,469 85,564 795,385 1,181,973 257,624 85,125 1,524,722 2,320,107 2,454,870 4,949 Oct 686,304 52,584 138,574 877,462 1,004,068 218,848 137,863 1,360,779 2,238,241 2,368,250 4,620 Nov 778,450 74,114 187,405 1,036,968 1,087,747 237,087 186,443 1,511,277 2,548,245 2,696,260 5,436 Dec 915,352 84,970 223,918 1,224,240 1,063,337 231,766 222,768 1,517,872 2,742,112 2,901,387 5,661 Hatch Energy Monthly Forecast - 2/7 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Wrangell - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2015 Jan 951,701 102,352 263,801 1,317,854 1,071,548 232,607 238,524 1,542,679 2,860,533 3,026,687 5,891 Feb 897,422 83,947 216,365 1,197,735 1,083,788 235,264 195,634 1,514,685 2,712,419 2,869,970 6,185 Mar 779,045 80,567 207,652 1,067,264 1,036,249 224,944 187,756 1,448,949 2,516,213 2,662,367 5,182 Apr 749,529 62,538 161,185 973,252 1,095,222 237,746 145,740 1,478,708 2,451,959 2,594,381 5,218 May 687,403 46,763 120,526 854,691 982,027 213,174 108,977 1,304,178 2,158,868 2,284,266 4,446 Jun 655,481 30,330 78,172 763,984 1,039,986 225,755 70,682 1,336,423 2,100,407 2,222,409 4,470 Jul 594,568 22,348 57,601 674,517 1,113,571 241,729 52,081 1,407,382 2,081,899 2,202,826 4,288 Aug 659,018 23,475 60,505 742,998 1,338,042 290,456 54,707 1,683,205 2,426,203 2,567,129 4,997 Sep 687,391 36,527 94,145 818,064 1,186,797 257,624 85,125 1,529,546 2,347,610 2,483,971 4,996 Oct 696,476 59,158 152,472 908,105 1,008,167 218,848 137,863 1,364,877 2,272,982 2,405,009 4,681 Nov 789,987 80,004 206,200 1,076,191 1,092,187 237,087 186,443 1,515,716 2,591,907 2,742,458 5,516 Dec 928,918 95,591 246,376 1,270,885, 1,067,677 231,766 222,768 1,522,212 2,793,097 2,955,334 5,753 2016 Jan 965,756 113,724 287,140 1,366,620 1,075,904 232,607 238,524 1,547,035 2,913,654 3,082,894 5,988 Feb 910,675 93,275 235,507 1,239,457 1,088,193 235,264 195,634 1,519,090 2,758,548 2,918,778 6,276 Mar 790,550 89,519 226,024 1,106,093 1,040,461 224,944 187,756 1,453,161 2,559,254 2,707,908 5,259 Apr 760,598 69,487 175,445 1,005,529 1,099,674 237,746 145,740 1,483,160 2,488,689 2,633,245 5,285 May 697,554 51,958 131,189 880,701 986,019 213,174 108,977 1,308,170 2,188,871 2,316,011 4,498 Jun 665,161 33,700 85,088 783,950 1,044,214 225,755 70,682 1,340,651 2,124,601 2,248,008 4,512 Jul 603,349 24,832 62,697 690,877 1,118,098 241,729 52,081 1,411,908 2,102,785 2,224,925 4,321 ‘Aug 668,751 26,084 65,858 760,692 1,343,481 290,456 54,707 1,688,644 2,449,336 2,591,606 5,033 Sep 697,542 40,586 102,475 840,603 1,191,622 257,624 85,125 1,534,371 2,374,974 2,512,924 5,043 Oct 706,761 65,731 165,962 938,453 1,012,265 218,848 137,863 1,368,975 2,307,429 2,441,456 4,742 Nov 801,653 88,893 224,443 1,114,989 1,096,627 237,087 186,443, 1,520,156 2,635,145 2,788,208 5,596 Dec 942,636 106,212 268,173 1,317,021 4,072,017 231,766 222,768 1,526,552 2,843,574 3,008,743 5,844 2017 van 979,967 125,097 309,064 1,414,129 1,080,260 232,607 238,524 1,551,390 2,965,519 3,137,771 6,082 Feb 924,076 102,602 253,489 1,280,168 1,092,599 235,264 195,634 1,523,496 2,803,664 2,966,515 6,366 Mar 802,183 98,471 243,282 1,143,936 1,044,674 224,944 187,756 1,457,374 2,601,309 2,752,407 5,335 Apr 771,790 76,435 188,841 1,037,067 1,104,126 237,746 145,740 1,487,612 2,524,679 2,671,325 5,350 May 707,819 57,154 141,206 906,179 990,011 213,174 108,977 1,312,161 2,218,341 2,347,193 4,549 Jun 674,950 37,070 91,585 803,605 1,048,441 225,755 70,682 1,344,879 2,148,484 2,273,278 4,553 Jul 612,227 27,315 67,484 707,026 1,122,625 241,729 52,081 1,416,435 2,123,461 2,246,802 4,355 Aug 678,592 28,692 70,886 778,170 1,348,920 290,456 54,707 1,694,083 2,472,253 2,615,854 5,070 Sep 707,807 44,645 110,299 862,751 1,196,446 257,624 85,125 1,539,195 2,401,946 2,541,463 5,090 Oct 717,162 72,304 178,634 968,099 1,016,363 218,848 137,863 1,373,074 2,341,172 2,477,159 4,801 Nov 813,450 97,782 241,581 1,152,813 1,101,066 237,087 186,443 1,524,596 2,677,409 2,832,926 5,674 Dec 956,508 116,834 288,649 1,361,990 1,076,357 231,766 222,768 1,530,892 2,892,883 3,060,916 5,933 2018 Jan 994,338 136,469 330,282 1,461,089 1,084,616 232,607 238,524 1,555,746 3,016,835 3,192,068 6,175 Feb 937,627 111,930 270,892 1,320,449 1,097,004 235,264 195,634 1,527,902 2,848,350 3,013,797 6,454 Mar 813,947 107,423 259,983 1,181,353 1,048,886 224,944 187,756 1,461,586 2,642,939 2,796,454 5,409 Apr 783,108 83,384 201,805 1,068,297 1,108,578 237,746 145,740 1,492,064 2,560,361 2,709,080 5,415 May 718,199 62,350 150,899 931,448 994,003 213,174 108,977 1,316,153 2,247,602 2,378,154 4,600 Jun 684,848 40,440 97,872 823,160 1,052,669 225,755 70,682 1,349,106 2,172,266 2,298,442 4,594 Jul 621,205 29,798 72,117 723,120 4,127,151 241,729 52,081 1,420,962 2,144,081 2,268,620 4,388 ‘Aug 688,543 31,300 75,753 795,596 1,364,359 290,456 54,707 1,699,523 2,495,119 2,640,048 5,107 Sep 718,187 48,703, 117,871 884,761 1,201,270 257,624 85,125 1,544,020 2,428,781 2,569,856 5,137 Oct 727,678 78,877 190,897 997,452 1,020,461 218,848 137,863 1,377,172 2,374,624 2,512,554 4,860 Nov 825,379 106,671 258,165 1,190,215 1,105,506 237,087 186,443, 1,529,036 2,719,251 2,877,199 5,751 Dec 970,534 127,455 308,465 1,406,454 1,080,698 231,766 222,768 1,535,232 2,941,687 3,112,554 6,021 Hatch Energy Monthly Forecast - 3/7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasi Wrangell - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Spot Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Loads Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2019 Jan 7,008,869 147,842 350,792 7,507,502 7,088,971 232,607 238,524 1,560,102 3,067,605 3,245,787 6,267 Feb 951,330 121,257 287,713 1,360,301 1,101,410 235,264 195,634 1,532,307 2,892,608 3,060,625 6,543 Mar 825,842 116,374 276,128 1,218,344 1,053,098 224,944 187,756 1,465,798 2,684,142 2,840,051 5,484 Apr 794,553 90,333 214,337 1,099,222 1,113,030 237.746 145,740 1,496,516 2,595,738 2,746,512 5,480 May 728,695 67,546 160,270 956,511 997,995 213,174 108,977 1,320,145 2,276,656 2,408,896 4,651 Jun 694,856 43,810 103,950 842,616 1,056,897 225,755 70,682 1,353,334 2,195,950 2,323,501 4,636 Jul 630,284 32,281 76,595 739,159 1,131,678 241,729 52,081 1,425,488 2,164,648 2,290,381 4,422 Aug 698,605 33,909 80,457 812,971 1,359,799 290,456 54,707 1,704,962 2,517,932 2,664,187 5,144 Sep 728,682 52,762 125,191 906,635 1,206,095 257,624 85,125, 1,548,844 2,455,479 2,598,105 5,184 Oct 738,313 85,450 202,751 1,026,513 1,024,559 218,848 137,863, 1,381,270 2,407,784 2,547,640 4,919 Nov 837,441 115,561 274,197 1,227,198 1,109,946 237,087 186,443, 1,533,476 2,760,674 2,921,027 5,828 Dec. 984,718 138,076 327,620 1,450,414 1,085,038 231,766 222,768 1,539,573 2,989,986 3,163,660 6,108 2020 Jan 1,024,453 162,057 369,887 1,556,397 7,095,505 232,607 238,524 1,566,636 3,123,034 3,304,435 6,369 Feb 966,025 132,917 303,375 1,402,317 1,108,019 235,264 195,634 1,538,916 2,941,233 3,112,074 6,640 Mar 838,599 127,564 291,159 1,257,322 1,059,417 224,944 187,756 1,472,117 2,729,439 2,887,978 5,566 Apr 806,826 99,018 226,004 1,131,849 1,119,708 237,746 145,740 1,503,194 2,635,043 2,788,100 5,553 May 739,951 74,041 168,994 982,986 1,003,983 213,174 108,977 1,326,133 2,309,119 2,443,245 4,709 Jun 705,589 48,022 109,609 863,220 1,063,238 225,755 70,682 1,359,675 2,222,896 2,352,013 4,684 Jul 640,020 35,385, 80,764 756,169 1,138,468 241,729 52,081 1,432,278 2,188,447 2,315,563 4,463 ‘Aug 709,397 37,169 84,836 831,402 1,367,957 290,456 54,707 1,713,121 2,544,523 2,692,321 5,189 Sep 739,938 57,835 132,006 929,779 1,213,331 257,624 85,125 1,556,081 2,485,859 2,630,250 5,238 Oct 749,717 93,666 213,788 1,057,171 1,030,707 218,848 137,863 1,387,418 2,444,589 2,586,583 4,985 Nov 850,377 126,672 289,123 1,266,172 1,116,606 237,087 186,443 1,540,135 2,806,307 2,969,311 5,913 Dec 999,929 151,353 345,454 1,496,735 1,091,548 231,766 222,768 1,546,083 3,042,818 3,219,560 6,205 2021 Jan 1,040,214 176,273 388,275 1,604,762 1,102,039 232,607 238,524 1,573,170 3,177,932 3,362,522 6,469 Feb 980,887 144,576 318,457 1,443,920 1,114,627 235,264 195,634 1,545,524 2,989,444 3,163,086 6,738 Mar 851,500 138,754 305,633 1,295,888 1,065,736 224,944 187,756 1,478,435 2,774,323 2,935,470 5,648 Apr 819,239 107,704 237,240 1,164,183 1,126,387 237,746 145,740 1,509,873 2,674,056 2,829,378 5,625 May 751,335 80,536 177,396 1,009,266 1,009,970 213,174 108,977 1,332,121 2,341,387 2,477,387 4,766 Jun 716,445 $2,235 115,058 883,737 1,069,579 225,755 70,682 1,366,017 2,249,754 2,380,431 4,733 Jul 649,866 38,489 84,779 773,134 1,145,258 241,729 52,081 1,439,068 2,212,203 2,340,699 4,503 ‘Aug 720,310 40,430 89,054 849,794 1,376,116 290,456 54,707 4,721,279 2,571,073 2,720,414 5,234 Sep 751,322 62,908 138,568 952,798 1,220,568 257,624 85,125 1,563,317 2,516,115 2,662,264 5,293 Oct 761,251 101,882 224,416 1,087,550 1,036,854 218,848 137,863 1,393,565 2,481,115 2,625,230 5,051 Nov 863,460 137,784 303,496 1,304,739 1,123,265 237,087 186,443 1,546,795 2,851,534 3,017,166 5,998 Dec 1,015,312 164,629 362,628 1,542,569 1,098,058 231,766 222,768 1,552,593 3,095,162 3,274,945 6,301 2022 Jan 7,056,154 190,488 405,956 1,652,599 1,108,573 232,607 238,524 1,579,704 3,232,302 3,420,051 6,569 Feb 995,918 156,235 332,959 1,485,112 1,121,235 235,264 195,634 1,552,133, 3,037,244 3,213,663 6,834 Mar 864,548 149,944 319,551 1,334,043 1,072,054 224,944 187,756 1,484,754 2,818,797 2,982,527 5,729 Apr 831,792 116,390 248,043 1,196,226 1,133,065 237,746 145,740 1,516,551 2,712,776 2,870,348 5,697 May 762,848 87,030 185,474 1,035,352 1,015,958 213,174 108,977 1,338,109 2,373,461 2,511,324 4,824 Jun 727,423 56,447 120,297 904,168 1,075,921 225,755 70,682 1,372,358 2,276,526 2,408,758 4,781 Jul 659,824 41,593, 88,640 790,057 1,152,048 241,729 52,081 1,445,859 2,235,916 2,365,789 4,544 ‘Aug 731,348 43,690 93,109 868,147 1,384,275 290,456 54,707 1,729,438 2,597,586 2,748,466 5,279 Sep 762,835 67,982 144,878 975,694 1,227,805 257,624 85,125 1,570,554 2,546,248 2,694,147 5,347 Oct 772,917 110,099 234,635 1,117,651 1,043,002 218,848 137,863, 1,399,712 2,517,363 2,663,584 5,116 Nov 876,691 148,895 317,316 1,342,903 1,129,925 237,087 186,443, 1,553,455 2,896,357 3,064,592 6,083 Dec 1,030,871 177,906 379,141 1,587,917 1,104,568 231,766 222,768 1,559,103 3,147,020 3,329,815 6,396 Monthly Forecast - 4/7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Wrangell - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Electric Residential Full Partial Total Spot Heat Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Loads Conversions Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2023 Jan 1,072,274 204,704 422,930 7,699,908 1,115,107 232,607 238,524 1,586,238 3,286,146 3,477,022 6,668 Feb 1,011,119 167,895 346,880 1,525,894 1,127,844 235,264 195,634 1,558,741 3,084,635 3,263,806 6,930 Mar 877,744 161,134 332,912 1,371,790 1,078,373 224,944 187,756 4,491,073 2,862,863 3,029,152 5,809 Apr 844,488 125,076 258,414 1,227,978 1,139,743 237,746 145,740 1,523,229 2,751,207 2,911,011 5,769 May 774,491 93,525 193,229 1,061,245 1,021,946 213,174 108,977 1,344,097 2,405,343 2,545,057 4,881 Jun 738,526 60,660 125,327 924,513 1,082,262 225,755 70,682 1,378,699 2,303,212 2,436,994 4,829 Jul 669,895 44,697 92,346 806,938 1,158,838 241,729 52,081 1,452,649 2,259,587 2,390,835 4,585 ‘Aug 742,511 46,950 97,002 886,464 1,392,434 290,456 54,707 1,737,597 2,624,061 2,776,479 5,325 Sep 774,478 73,055 150,936 998,469 1,235,041 257,624 85,125 1,577,790 2,576,259 2,725,901 5,402 Oct 784,714 118,315, 244,446 1,147,475 1,049,149 218,848 137,863 1,405,860 2,553,334 2,701,645 5,181 Nov 890,072 160,007 330,584 1,380,663 1,136,585 237,087 186,443, 1,560,114 2,940,777 3,111,592 6,166 Dec 1,046,605 191,182 394,994 1,632,781 4,111,079 231,766 222,768 1,565,614 3,198,394 3,384,173 6,490 2024 Jan 1,088,577 218,919 439,197 1,746,693, 1,121,641 232,607 238,524 1,592,771 3,339,465 3,533,437 6,766 Feb 1,026,492 179,554 360,222 1,566,268 1,134,452 235,264 195,634 1,565,350 3,131,617 3,313,517 7,025 Mar 891,089 172,324 345,716 1,409,129 1,084,691 224,944 187,756 1,497,391 2,906,521 3,075,346 5,889 Apr 857,328 133,762 268,353 1,259,443 1,146,421 237,746 145,740 1,529,907 2,789,350 2,951,369 5,840 May 786,267 100,020 200,661 1,086,947 1,027,934 213,174 108,977 1,350,085 2,437,033 2,578,588 4,938 Jun 749,754 64,872 130,147 944,774 1,088,603 225,755 70,682 1,385,041 2,329,815 2,465,142 4,878 Jul 680,080 47,801 95,898 823,779 1,165,628 241,729 52,081 1,459,439 2,283,218 2,415,839 4,626 ‘Aug 753,800 50,211 100,733, 904,744 1,400,593 290,456 54,707 1,745,756 2,650,500 2,804,454 5,370 Sep 786,253 78,128 156,741 1,021,122 1,242,278 257,624 85,125 1,585,027 2,606,149 2,757,527 5,457 Oct 796,644 126,531 253,848 1,177,024 1,055,296 218,848 137,863, 1,412,007 2,589,030 2,739,414 5,246 Nov 903,605 171,119 343,299 1,418,022 1,143,244 237,087 186,443 1,566,774 2,984,796 3,158,168 6,249 Dec 1,062,517 204,459 410,186 1,677,162 4,117,589 231,766 222,768 1,572,124 3,249,285 3,438,020 6,584 2025 Jan 1,105,064 233,135 454,756 1,792,955 1,128,174 232,607 238,524 1,599,305 3,392,260 3,589,300 6,864 Feb 1,042,038 191,213, 372,983 1,606,235 1,141,061 235,264 195,634 1,571,958 3,178,193 3,362,799 7,120 Mar 904,585 183,514 357,964 1,446,063 1,091,010 224,944 187,756 1,503,710 2,949,773 3,121,110 5,968 Apr 870,312 142,448, 277,860 1,290,620 1,153,099 237,746 145,740 1,536,585 2,827,206 2,991,424 5,911 May 798,175 106,515 207,769 1,112,459 1,033,922 213,174 108,977 1,356,073 2,468,533 2,611,917 4,995 Jun 761,110 69,085 134,758 964,953 1,094,945 225,755 70,682 1,391,382 2,356,335 2,493,202 4,927 Jul 690,381 50,905 99,295 840,581 4,172,418 241,729 52,081 1,466,229 2,306,809 2,440,800 4,668 ‘Aug 765,217 53,471 104,302 922,990 1,408,751 290,456 54,707 1,753,915 2,676,904 2,832,392 5,416 Sep 798,161 83,201 162,294 1,043,656 1,249,514 257,624 85,125 1,592,263 2,635,920 2,789,027 5,511 Oct 808,710 134,748 262,841 1,206,298 1,061,444 218,848 137,863 1,418,154 2,624,453 2,776,894 5,310 Nov 917,290 182,230 355,461 1,454,981 1,149,904 237,087 186,443, 1,573,434 3,028,415 3,204,320 6,332 Dec 1,078,610 217,735 424,717 1,721,062 1,124,099 231,766 222,768 1,578,634 3,299,696 3,491,359 6,676 2026 Jan 1,121,737 247,351 469,608 1,838,696 1,134,708 232,607 238,524 1,605,839 3,444,535 3,644,611 6,960 Feb 1,057,760 202,873 385,165 1,645,798 1,147,669 235,264 195,634 1,578,566 3,224,365 3,411,652 7,213 Mar 918,233 194,703 369,655 1,482,592 1,097,329 224,944 187,756 1,510,028 2,992,620 3,166,447 6,047 Apr 883,444 151,133, 286,935 1,321,512 1,159,777 237,746 145,740 1,543,264 2,864,775 3,031,176 5,982 May 810,218 113,010 214,555 1,137,782 1,039,910 213,174 108,977 1,362,061 2,499,844 2,645,047 5,051 Jun 772,593 73,297 139,159 985,050 1,101,286 225,755 70,682 1,397,723 2,382,773 2,821,177 4,975 Jul 700,797 54,009 102,538 857,344 1,179,209 241,729 52,081 1,473,019 2,330,363 2,465,722 4,709 Aug 776,762 56,732 107,708 941,202 1,416,910 290,456 54,707 1,762,073 2,703,276 2,860,295 5,462 Sep 810,204 88,275 167,594 1,066,073 1,256,751 257,624 85,125 1,599,500 2,665,573 2,820,402 5,566 Oct 820,912 142,964 271,425 1,235,301 1,067,591 218,848 137,863 1,424,302 2,659,602 2,814,085 5,374 Nov 931,130 193,342 367,070 1,491,542 1,156,564 237,087 186,443, 1,580,093 3,071,635 3,250,051 6414 Dec 1,094,884 231,012 438,588 1,764,484 1,130,609 231,766 222,768 1,585,144 3,349,628 3,544,191 6,768 Monthly Forecast - 5/7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Wrangell - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions —_ Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2027 Jan 1,138,598 261,566 483,753 1,883,917 1,141,242 232,607 238,524 1,612,373 3,496,290 3,699,372 7,056 Feb 1,073,660 214,532 396,766 1,684,958 1,154,278 235,264 195,634 1,585,175 3,270,133 3,460,079 7,307 Mar 932,036 205,893 380,789 1,518,718 1,103,647 224,944 187,756 1,516,347 3,035,065 3,211,357 6,125 Apr 896,723 159,819 295,577 1,362,120 1,166,456 237,746 145,740 1,549,942 2,902,061 3,070,627 6,052 May 822,396 119,504 221,017 1,162,918 1,045,898 213,174 108,977 1,368,049 2,530,967 2,677,979 5,108 Jun 784,206 77,510 143,351 1,005,067 1,107,628 225,755 70,682 1,404,065 2,409,132 2,549,066 5,024 Jul 711,331 87,113 105,627 874,070 1,185,999 241,729 52,081 1,479,809 2,353,879 2,490,604 4,750 ‘Aug 788,438 59,992 110,953, 959,382 1,425,069 290,456 54,707 1,770,232 2,729,615 2,888,164 5,509 Sep 822,382 93,348 172,642 1,088,372 1,263,987 257,624 85,125 1,606,736 2,695,109 2,851,654 5,620 Oct 833,251 151,180 279,600 1,264,032 1,073,738 218,848 137,863, 1,430,449 2,694,481 2,850,990 5,438 Nov 945,126 204,453 378,126 1,527,706 1,163,223 237,087 186,443 1,586,753 3,114,458 3,295,362 6,495 Dec 4,111,341 244,288 451,799 1,807,428 4,137,120 231,766 222,768 1,591,654 3,399,082 3,596,518 6,860 2028 Jan 1,155,649 275,782 497,898 1,929,328 1,147,776 232,607 238,524 7,618,907 3,548,235 3,754,334 7,152 Feb 1,089,738 226,192 408,368 1,724,297 1,160,886 235,264 195,634 1,591,783 3,316,081 3,508,695 7,400 Mar 945,993 217,083 391,923 1,554,999 1,109,966 224,944 187,756 1,522,666 3,077,665 3,256,431 6,203 Apr 910,151 168,505 304,220 1,382,877 4,173,134 237,746 145,740 1,556,620 2,939,497 3,110,237 6,122 May 834,712 125,999 227,480 1,188,191 1,051,886 213,174 108,977 1,374,037 2,562,228 2,711,055 5,164 Jun 795,950 81,722 147,542 1,025,214 1,113,969 225,755 70,682 1,410,406 2,435,621 2,577,094 5,073 Jul 721,983 60,217 108,715 890,915 1,192,789 241,729 52,081 1,486,599 2,377,514 2,515,612 4,792 ‘Aug 800,245 63,253 114,197 97,694 1,433,228 290,456 54,707 1,778,391 2,756,085 2,916,172 5,555 Sep 834,698 98,421 177,690 1,110,809 4,271,224 257,624 85,125 1,613,973 2,724,782 2,883,051 5,675 Oct 845,729 159,397 287,776 1,292,902 1,079,886 218,848 137,863 1,436,596 2,729,498 2,888,041 5,502 Nov 959,279 215,565 389,182 1,564,027 1,169,883, 237,087 186,443 1,593,413 3,157,440 3,340,840 6,576 Dec 1,127,984 257,565 465,009 1,850,558 1,143,630 231,766 222,768 1,598,165 3,448,722 3,649,041 6,951 2029 Jan 1,172,891 289,997 511,335 1,974,224 1,154,310 232,607 238,524 1,625,441 3,599,664 3,808,751 7,247 Feb 1,105,997 237,851 419,389 1,763,237 1,167,495 235,264 195,634 1,598,392 3,361,629 3,556,889 7,493 Mar 960,107 228,273 402,501 1,590,881 1,116,284 224,944 187,756 1,528,984 3,119,865 3,301,083 6,281 Apr 923,731 177,191 312,431 1,413,353 1,179,812 237,746 145,740 1,563,298 2,976,651 3,149,549 6,192 May 847,166 132,494 233,619 1,213,279 1,057,874 213,174 108,977 1,380,025 2,593,305 2,743,937 5,221 Jun 807,826 85,935 151,524 1,045,285 1,120,310 225,755 70,682 1,416,748 2,462,032 2,605,039 5,122 Jul 732,755 63,320 111,649 907,725 1,199,579 241,729 52,081 1,493,389 2,401,114 2,540,583 4,834 ‘Aug 812,185 66,513 117,279 995,976 1,441,386 290,456 54,707 1,786,550 2,782,526 2,944,149 5,602 Sep 847,152 103,494 182,486 1,133,132 1,278,460 257,624 85,125 1,621,210 2,754,341 2,914,327 5,730 Oct 858,348 167,613, 295,542 1,321,503 1,086,033 218,848 137,863 1,442,744 2,764,247 2,924,808 5,565 Nov 973,592 226,677 399,686 1,599,955 1,176,543 237,087 186,443 1,600,072 3,200,027 3,385,901 6,657 Dec 1,144,813 270,841 477,559 1,893,214 1,150,140 231,766 222,768 1,604,675 3,497,889 3,701,064 7,042 2030 Jan 1,190,328 304,213 524,066 2,018,606 1,160,844 232,607 238,524 1,631,974 3,650,580 3,862,624 7,341 Feb 1,122,439 249,510 429,830 1,801,779 1,174,103 235,264 195,634 1,605,000 3,406,780 3,604,662 7,585 Mar 974,380 239,463 412,521 1,626,365 1,122,603 224,944 187,756 1,535,303 3,161,667 3,345,313 6,358 Apr 937,463 185,877 320,209 1,443,549 1,186,490 237,746 145,740 1,569,976 3,013,525 3,188,566 6,262 May 859,760 138,989 239,436 1,238,184 1,063,862 213,174 108,977 1,386,013 2,624,198 2,776,624 5,277 Jun 819,835 90,147 155,297 1,065,279 1,126,652 225,755 70,682 1,423,089 2,488,368 2,632,905 5,171 Jul 743,648 66,424 114,429 924,502 1,206,369 241,729 52,081 1,500,179 2,424,681 2,565,519 4,876 ‘Aug 824,259 69,774 120,199 1,014,231 1,449,545 290,456 54,707 1,794,709 2,808,939 2,972,096 5,649 Sep 859,745 108,568 187,029 1,155,342 1,285,697 257,624 85,125 1,628,446 2,783,788 2,945,484 5,785 Oct 871,108 175,829 302,900 1,349,837 1,092,180 218,848 137,863 1,448,891 2,798,729 2,961,293 5,628 Nov 988,066 237,788 409,637 1,635,490 1,183,202 237,087 186,443, 1,606,732 3,242,222 3,430,547 6,737 Dec 1,161,832 284,118 489,448 1,935,399 1,156,650 231,766 222,768 1,611,185 3,546,584 3,752,587 7,132 Monthly Forecast - 6/7 AK-BC Intertie Fea: Wrangell - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Ba Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2031 Jan 1,207,959 318,428 536,089 2,062,476 1,167,377 232,607 238,524 1,638,508 3,700,985 3,915,956 7,435 Feb 1,139,065 261,170 439,691 1,839,926 1,180,712 235,264 195,634 1,611,609 3,451,535 3,652,017 7,676 Mar 988,813 250,653 421,985 1,661,452 1,128,922 224,944 187,756 1,541,621 3,203,073 3,389,123 6,434 Apr 951,349 194,563 327,555 1,473,467 1,193,168 237,746 145,740 1,576,654 3,050,122 3,227,288 6,331 May 872,495 145,484 244,929 1,262,908 1,069,850 213,174 108,977 1,392,001 2,654,909 2,809,119 5,333 Jun 831,979 94,360 158,859 1,085,198 1,132,993 225,755 70,682 1,429,430 2,514,628 2,660,690 5,220 Jul 754,664 69,528 117,054 941,246 1,213,159 241,729 52,081 1,506,969 2,448,215 2,590,420 4,918 Aug 836,468 73,034 122,956 1,032,458 1,457,704 290,456 54,707 1,802,867 2,835,325 3,000,015 5,696 Sep 872,480 113,641 191,320 1,177,441 1,292,934 257,624 85,125 1,635,683 2,813,124 2,976,524 5,839 Oct 884,011 184,046 309,849 1,377,906 1,098,328 218,848 137,863, 1,455,038 2,832,945 2,997,496 5,691 Nov 1,002,701 248,900 419,035 1,670,636 1,189,862 237,087 186,443, 1,613,392 3,284,027 3,474,780 6,817 Dec 1,179,042 297,394 500,677 1,977,114 1,163,161 231,766 222,768 1,617,695 3,594,809 3,803,614 7,221 Hatch Energy Monthly Forecast - 7/7 HATGH ACHES Alaska Energy Authority - AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study SE Alaska Final Report e Appendix H H4 Hatch Acres Corporation PR324582 AK-BC Alaska Final Report-App 18-09-07.doc 8661 6661 _] 0002 Year 2000 Month January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Kake Sales (kWh) Number of Customers Gross Generation Net Generation Residential 158,722 139,637 123,768 127,357 128,888 132,891 126,996 119,526 125,806 128,749 135,335 152,208 1,599,883 Non-Res 94,312 126,099 107,962 100,433 115,404 161,694 278,603 238,214 225,228 178,397 186,338 193,849 2,006,533 Total 253,034 265,736 231,730 227,790 244,292 294,585 405,599 357,740 351,034 307,146 321,673 346,057 3,606,416 Residential Non-Res 279 280 278 277 279 285 285 292 289 285 293 287 287 72 75 76 76 76 76 75 7 7 78 81 79 79 Total 351 355 354 353 355 361 360 369 366 363 374 366 366 Diesel Hydro 269,185 282,698 246,521 242,330 259,885 313,388 431,488 380,574 373,440 326,751 342,205 368,146 3,836,613 Historic Data - 1 of 3 Total 269,185 282,698 246,521 242,330 259,885 313,388 431,488 380,574 373,440 326,751 342,205 368,146 3,836,613 Diesel Hydro Total Peak (MW) Year Month 2001 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 100Z 2002 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 7002 2003 © January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL £002 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Kake Sales (kWh) Number of Customers Gross Generation Net Generation Peak Residential Non-Res Total Residential Non-Res Total Diesel Hydro Total Diesel Hydro Total (mw) 160,043. 179,694 339,737 282 81 363 361,422 361,422 135,075 153,499 288,574 287 81 368 306,994 306,994 150,127 178,856 328,983 285 76 361 349,982 349,982 133,561 147,393 280,954 285 78 363 298,887 298,887 123,539 88,656 212,195, 282 79 361 225,739 225,739 121,353. 152,203 273,556 291 80 371 291,017 291,017 117,854 284,974 402,828 283 7 360 428,540 428,540 111,918 264,165 376,083 283 7 360 400,088 400,088 126,643 294,925 421,568 280 7 357 448,477 448,477 126,965 166,933 293,898 284 7 361 312,657 312,657 137,684 142,866 280,550 288 7 365 298,457 298,457 143,647 153,444 297,091 284 74 358 316,054 316,054 1,588,409 2,207,608 3,796,017 284 74 358 4,038,316 4,038,316 143,138 109,909 253,047 283 72 355 269,199 269,199 141,948 168,610 310,558 280 72 352 330,381 330,381 130,327 124,129 254,456 284 72 356 270,698 270,698 116,260 143,772 260,032 286 71 357 276,630 276,630 117,724 147,227 264,951 281 71 352 281,863 281,863 118,374 157,618 275,992 282 72 354 293,609 293,609 114,788 302,913 417,701 278 69 347 444,363 444,363 106,354 347,076 453,430 279 69 348 482,372 482,372 125,834 358,798 484,632 275 70 345 515,566 515,566 123,918 295,264 419,182 275 71 346 445,938 445,938 134,661 176,067 310,728 279 71 350 330,562 330,562 124,860 134,147 259,007 272 71 343 275,539 275,539 1,498,186 2,465,530 3,963,716 272 val 343 4,216,719 4,216,719 143,275 129,890 273,165 276 71 347 290,601 290,601 135,876 126,930 262,806 281 mt 352 279,581 279,581 121,842 138,800 260,642 277 7 348 277,279 277,279 122,419 156,847 279,266 277 71 348 297,091 297,091 109,119 127,622 236,741 275 72 347 251,852 251,852 118,361 133,424 251,785 274 72 346 267,856 267,856 109,410 258,745 368,155 277 72 349 391,654 391,654 109,196 375,088 484,284 282 72 354 515,196 515,196 126,767 325,981 452,748 279 72 351 481,647 481,647 117,641 143,800 261,441 276 72 348 278,129 278,129 136,434 159,089 295,523 276 73 349 314,386 314,386 136,398 150,922 287,320 276 73 349 305,660 305,660 1,486,738 2,227,138 3,713,876 276 73 349 3,950,932 3,950,932 Historic Data - 2 of 3 Year Month 2004 ~— January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL y00z 2005 January February March. April May June July August September October November December TOTAL S002 2006 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 9002 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Kake Sales (kWh) Number of Customers Gross Generation Net Generation Peak Residential Non-Res Total Residential Non-Res Total Diesel Hydro Total Diesel Hydro Total (mw) #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! 116,889 85,535, 202,424 245 65 310 215,345 215,345 92,395 77,329 169,724 245 66 311 180,557 180,557 95,093, 74,972 170,065 244 66 310 180,920 180,920 91,047 79,159 170,206 254 69 323 181,070 181,070 87,166 94,773 181,939 247 72 319 193,552 193,552 87,316 117,289 204,605 252 73 325 217,665 217,665 82,523 268,503 351,026 247 76 323 373,432 373,432 99,260 382,653 481,913 250 80 330 512,673 512,673 92,515 220,788 313,303 246 7 323 333,301 333,301 93,836 187,996 281,832 241 76 317 299,821 299,821 103,568 136,873 240,441 241 75 316 255,788 255,788 108,387 98,136 206,523 238 72 310 219,705 219,705 1,149,995 1,824,006 2,974,001 238 72 310 3,163,831 3,163,831 Historic Data - 3 of 3 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Kake - Monthly Residential Sales (kWh) Kake - Monthly Residential Sales (kWh) 180 Thousands a o Thousands z o ny o 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Kake - Annual Residential Sales (kWh) Thousands | spy Jan Feb Mar Apr May + Jun Jul t Aug Sep Oct Nov 2003 2004 2005 2006 Dec | 2000 2001 2002 Hatch Energy Monthly Patterns 2003 2004 2005 2006 Kake - Monthly Non-Residential Sales (kWh) AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study 450 Thousands r | | | Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Hatch Energy Jul Aug Sep Oct Monthly Patterns Nov Dec Kake - Monthly Non-Residential Sales (kWh) 450 | 400 j- ———_- Thousands 350 300 | 250 | 200 150 100 2000 1998 1999 2001 2002 2003 2004 Kake - Annual Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Thousands 2006 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2006 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Kake - Monthly Net Generation (kWh) Kake - Monthly Net Generation (kWh) Thousands Thousands 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Kake - Annual Net Generation (kWh) Thousands eeooooococjoe Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Hatch Energy Monthly Patterns nn-vC Interue reaswlity Stuuy Kake - Reference Forecast Annual Forecast Values Residential Customers and Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Customers and Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation ‘Non- Electric Total Total Unit Residential Full Partial Total Unit Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Customers Consumption Ba: Conversions Conversions —_—Residential Customers Consumption Base Loads Conversions —_—Residential Sales Generation Demand (4) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (#) (kWh) (kwh) (kwh) (kWh) (kwh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2000 287 5,574.5 1,599,883 - 1,599,883 79 25,399.2 2,006,533 2,006,533 3,606,416 2001 284 5,593.0 1,588,409 : - 1,588,409 74 29,832.5 2,207,608 2,207,608 3,796,017 2002 272 5,508.0 1,498, 186 - 1,498,186 1 34,7258 2,465,530 2,465,530 3,963,716 2003 276 5,386.7 1,486,738 - 1,486,738 73 30,508.7 2,227,138 2,227,138 3,713,876 2004 : = : : 2006 238 4,831.9 1,149,995 - : 1,149,995 72 25,333.4 1,824,006 1,824,006 2,974,001 2007 240 4,868.2 1,168,356 - - 1,168,356 72 25,333.4 1,824,006 1,824,006 2,992,362 3,166,174 631 2008 242 4,904.7 1,186,928 - - 1,186,928 72 25,333.4 1,824,006 1,824,006 3,010,934 3,185,824 635 2009 244 4941.4 1,205,713 - - 1,205,713 72 25,333.4 1,824,006 1,824,006 3,029,719 3,205,700 639 2010 246 4,978.5 1,224,713 - 1,224,713 72 25,333.4 1,824,006 1,824,006 3,048,719 3,225,804 643 2011 248 5,015.8 1,243,930 - 1,243,930 72 25,333.4 1,824,006 1,824,006 3,067,936 3,246,137 647 2012 250 5,053.5 1,263,366 : - 1,263,366 72 25,333.4 1,824,006 1,824,006 3,087,372 3,266,702 651 2013 252 5,091.4 1,283,024 - - 1,283,024 72 25,333.4 1,824,006 1,824,006 3,107,030 3,287,502 656 2014 254 5,129.6 1,302,906 - - 1,302,906 72 25,333.4 1,824,006 1,824,006 3,126,912 3,308,539 660 2015 256 5,168.0 1,323,014 20,100 60,000 1,403,114 72 25,333.4 1,824,006 1,824,006 3,227,120 3,414,567 681 2016 258 5,206.8 1,343,350 40,200 120,000 1,503,550 72 25,333.4 1,824,006 1,824,006 3,327,556 3,520,837 702 2017 260 5,245.8 1,363,917 60,300 175,000 1,599,217 72 25,333.4 1,824,006 1,824,006 3,423,223 3,622,061 722 2018 262 5,285.2 1,384,717 80,400 230,000 1,695,117 72 25,333.4 1,824,006 1,824,006 3,519,123 3,723,531 742 2019 264 5,324.8 1,405,752 100,500 280,000 1,786,252 72 25,333.4 1,824,006 1,824,006 3,610,258 3,819,960 762 2020 266 5,364.8 1,427,024 120,600 330,000 1,877,624 72 25,3334 1,824,006 1,824,006 3,701,630 3,916,640 781 2021 268 5,405.0 1,448,537 140,700 375,000 1,964,237 72 25,333.4 1,824,006 1,824,006 3,788,243 4,008,283 799 2022 270 5,445.5 1,470,292 160,800 420,000 2,051,092 72 25,333.4 1,824,006 1,824,006 3,875,098 4,100,183 818 2023 272 5,486.4 1,492,292 180,900 465,000 2,138,192 72 25,333.4 1,824,006 1,824,006 3,962,198 4,192,342 836 2024 274 5,527.5 1,514,539 201,000 505,000 2,220,539 72 25,333.4 1,824,006 1,824,006 4,044,545 4,279,473 853 2025 276 5,569.0 1,537,036 221,100 545,000 2,303,136 72 25,333.4 1,824,006 1,824,006 4,127,142 4,366,867 871 2026 278 5,610.7 1,559,786 241,200 585,000 2,385,986 72 25,333.4 1,824,006 1,824,006 4,209,992 4,454,529 888 2027 280 5,652.8 1,582,790 261,300 620,000 2,464,090 72 25,333.4 1,824,006 1,824,006 4,288,096 4,537,170 905 2028 282 5,695.2 1,606,051 281,400 655,000 2,542,451 72 25,333.4 1,824,006 1,824,006 4,366,457 4,620,083 921 2029 284 5,737.9 1,629,572 301,500 690,000 2,621,072 72 25,333.4 1,824,006 1,824,006 4,445,078 4,703,271 938 2030 286 5,781.0 1,653,356 321,600 720,000 2,694,956 72 25,333.4 1,824,006 1,824,006 4,518,962 4,781,446 953 2031 288 5,824.3 1,677,405 341,700 750,000 2,769,105, 72 25,333.4 1,824,006 1,824,006 4.593.111 4,859,902 969 Growth 0.77% 0.75% 1.52% 3.58% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.75% ‘#VALUE! 1-5 0.83% 0.75% 1.58% 1.58% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.62% #VALUE! 20-25 0.71% 0.75% 1.46% 3.02% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.76% 1.76% Monthly Patterns Non- Electric Resultant Residential Full Partial Residential Spot Heat Peak Distribution Month Base Conversions __ Conversions Base Loads Conversions 2007 2031 Jan 9.86% 13.59% 13.59% 5.59% 5.59% 13.59% 0.602 0.911 Feb 8.81% 11.08% 11.08% 6.08% 6.08% 11.08% 0.657 0.921 Mar 8.48% 10.81% 10.81% 5.82% 582% 10.81% 0.570 0.803 Apr 8.07% 8.41% 8.41% 5.85% 5.85% 8.41% 0.576 0.756 May 7.73% 6.48% 6.48% 5.35% 5.35% 6.48% 0.521 0.653 Jun 7.90% 4.28% 4.28% 6.73% 6.73% 4.28% 0.617 0.684 Jul 7.53% 3.44% 3.44% 12.99% 12.99% 3.44% 0.902 0.878 Aug 7.46% 3.89% 3.89% 14.98% 14.98% 3.89% 1.000 0.966 Sep 8.16% 5.71% 5.71% 13.29% 13.29% 5.71% 0.968 1.000 Oct 8.07% 8.51% 851% 9.06% 9.06% 851% 0.720 0.863 Nov 8.84% 10.97% 10.97% 7.47% 747% 10.97% 0.687 0.916 Dec 9.09% 12.82% 12.82% 6.81% 6.81% 12.82% 0.639 0.913 Hatch Energy Annual Forecast Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Kake - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions Conversions _—Residential Base Loads Conversions —_Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kwh) (kWh) (kwh) (kwh) (kwh) (kWh) (kwh) (kw) 2007 Jan 115,200 0 0 115,200 101,875 0 0 101,875 217,074 229,683 380 Feb 102,893 0 0 102,893 110,905 0 0 110,905 213,799 226,217 415 Mar 99,100 0 0 99,100 106,189 0 0 106,189 205,289 217,213 360 Apr 94,232 0 0 94,232 106,679 0 0 106,679 200,911 212,581 364 May 90,370 0 0 90,370 97,514 0 0 97,514 187,884 198,797 329 Jun 92,262 0 0 92,262 122,763 0 0 122,763 215,025 227,515 389 Jul 87,998 0 0 87,998 236,905 0 0 236,905 324,904 343,776 569 Aug 87,150 0 0 87,150 273,188 0 0 273,188 360,339 381,269 631 Sep 95,336 0 0 95,336 242,342 0 0 242,342 337,678 357,292 611 Oct 94,306 0 0 94,306 165,285 0 0 165,285 259,592 274,670 455 Nov 103,332 0 0 103,332 136,192 oO 0 136,192 239,524 253,437 434 Dec 106,175 0 0 106,175 124,169 0 0 124,169 230,344 243,723, 404 2008 Jan 117,031 0 0 117,031 101,875 0 0 101,875 218,906, 231,621 384 Feb 104,529 0 0 104,529 110,905 0 0 110,905, 215,434 227,948 419 Mar 100,676 0 0 100,676 106,189 0 0 106,189 206,864 218,880 363 Apr 95,730 0 0 95,730 106,679 0 0 106,679 202,409 214,166 367 May 91,807 0 0 91,807 97,514 0 0 97,514 189,320 200,317 332 Jun 93,729 0 0 93,729 122,763 0 0 122,763 216,492 229,067 393 Jul 89,397 0 0 89,397 236,905 0 0 236,905 326,303 345,256 573 Aug 88,536 0 0 88,536 273,188 0 0 273,188 361,724 382,735 635 Sep 96,852 0 0 96,852 242,342 0 0 242,342 339,193 358,895 616 Oct 95,806 0 0 95,806 165,285 0 0 165,285 261,091 276,256 459 Nov 104,975, 0 0 104,975, 136,192 0 0 136,192 241,167 255,175 438 Dec 107,863 0 0 107,863 124,169 0 0 124,169 232,031 245,509 407 2009 Jan 116,883 0 0 118,883, 101,875 0 0 101,875 220,758 233,581 389 Feb 106,183, 0 0 106,183 110,905 0 0 110,905 217,088 229,698 423 Mar 102,269 0 0 102,269 106,189 0 0 106,189 208,458 220,566 367 Apr 97,245 0 0 97,245 106,679 0 0 106,679 203,924 215,769 371 May 93,260 0 0 93,260 97,514 0 0 97,514 190,773 201,854 336 Jun 95,212 Oo 0 95,212 122,763 oO 0 122,763 217,975 230,636 397 Jul 90,812 o 0 90,812 236,905 oO oO 236,905 327,717 346,753 577 ‘Aug 89,937 0 0 89,937 273,188 0 0 273,188 363,125 384,217 639 Sep 98,385 0 0 98,385 242,342 oO 0 242,342 340,726 360,517 620 Oct 97,322 0 0 97,322 165,285 0 0 165,285 262,607 277,861 462 Nov 106,636 oO 0 106,636 136,192 oO 0 136,192 242,828 256,933 442 Dec 109,570 0 0 109,570 124,169, 0 0 124,169 233,739 247,315 4u 2010 Jan 120,756 0 0 120,756 101,875 0 0 101,875 222,631 235,563 393 Feb 107,856 0 0 107,856 110,905 0 0 110,905 218,762 231,468, 427 Mar 103,881 0 0 103,881 106,189 0 0 106,189 210,069 222,271 371 Apr 98,778 0 0 98,778 106,679 0 0 106,679 205,457 217,391 375 May 94,729 0 oO 94,729 97,514 0 0 97,514 192,243 203,409 339 Jun 96,712 0 0 96,712 122,763 0 0 122,763 219,476 232,224 400 Jul 92,243 Oo 0 92,243 236,905, 0 0 236,905 329,148 348,267 581 Aug 91,354 0 0 91,354 273,188 0 0 273,188 364,542 385,717 643 Sep 99,935 0 0 99,935 242,342 0 0 242,342 342,277 362,158 624 Oct 98,855 0 0 98,855 165,285 0 0 165,285 264,141 279,483 466 Nov 108,316 0 0 108,316 136,192 0 0 136,192 244,509 258,711 446 Dec 111,296 0 oO 111,296 124,169 0 0 124,169 235,465 249,142 415 Monthly Forecast - 1/7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Kake - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2011 Jan 122,651 0 0 122,651 101,875 0 0 101,875 224,526 237,568 397 Feb 109,549 0 0 109,549 110,905 0 0 110,905 220,454 233,259 432 Mar 105,511 0 0 105,511 106,189 0 0 106,189 211,699 223,996 374 Apr 100,328 0 0 100,328 106,679 0 0 106,679 207,007 219,031 378 May 96,216 0 0 96,216 97,514 0 0 97,514 193,729 204,982 343 Jun 98,230 0 0 98,230 122,763, 0 0 122,763 220,993 233,829 404 Jul 93,691 0 0 93,691 236,905 0 0 236,905 330,596 349,798 585 ‘Aug 92,787 0 0 92,787 273,188 0 0 273,188 365,976 387,234 647 Sep 101,503 0 0 101,503 242,342 0 0 242,342 343,845 363,817 628 Oct 100,407 0 0 100,407 165,285 0 0 165,285 265,692 281,124 470 Nov 110,016 0 0 110,016 136,192 0 0 136,192 246,208 260,509 450 Dec 113,043, 0 0 113,043, 124,169 0 0 124,169 237,212 250,990 420 2012 Jan 124,568 0 0 124,568 101,875 0 0 101,875 226,442 239,595 401 Feb 111,261 0 0 111,261 110,905 0 0 110,905 222,166 235,070 436 Mar 107,159 0 0 107,159 106,189 0 0 106,189 213,348 225,740 378 Apr 101,895 0 0 101,895 106,679 0 0 106,679 208,574 220,689 382 May 97,719 0 0 97,719 97,514 0 0 97,514 195,232 206,572 346 Jun 99,765 0 0 99,765 122,763, 0 0 122,763 222,528 235,453 408 Jul 95,154 0 0 95,154 236,905 0 0 236,905 332,060 351,347 589 ‘Aug 94,237 0 0 94,237 273,188 0 0 273,188 367,426 388,768 651 Sep 103,089 0 0 103,089 242,342 0 0 242,342 345,431 365,495 633 Oct 101,975 0 0 101,975 165,285 0 0 165,285 267,261 282,784 474 Nov 111,735 0 0 111,735 136,192 0 0 136,192 247,927 262,328 454 Dec 114,809 0 0 114,809 124,169 0 0 124,169 238,978 252,859 424 2013 Jan 126,506 0 0 126,506 101,875 0 0 101,875 228,381 241,646 406 Feb 112,992 0 0 112,992 110,905 0 0 110,905 223,897 236,902 441 Mar 108,827 0 0 108,827 106,189 0 0 106,189 215,015 227,504 382 Apr 103,481 0 0 103,481 106,679 0 0 106,679 210,160 222,367 386 May 99,239 0 0 99,239 97,514 0 0 97,514 196,753 208,181 350 Jun 101,317 0 0 101,317 122,763 0 0 122,763 224,080 237,096 a Jul 96,635 0 0 96,635 236,905 0 0 236,905 333,540 352,914 593 ‘Aug 95,704 0 0 95,704 273,188 0 0 273,188 368,892 390,319 656 Sep 104,693, 0 0 104,693 242,342 0 0 242,342 347,035 367,192 637 Oct 103,562 0 0 103,562 165,285 0 0 165,285 268,847 284,463 478 Nov 113,474 0 0 113,474 136,192 0 0 136,192 249,666 264,168 458 Dec 116,595, 0 0 116,595 124,169 0 0 124,169 240,764 254,749 428 2014 Jan 128,466 0 0 128,466 101,875 0 0 101,875 230,341 243,720 410 Feb 114,743 0 0 114,743, 110,905 0 0 110,905 225,648 238,755 445 Mar 110,513 0 0 110,513 106,189 0 0 106,189 216,702 229,289 386 Apr 105,084 0 0 105,084 106,679 0 0 106,679 211,763 224,064 390 May 100,777 0 0 100,777 97,514 0 0 97,514 198,291 209,808 353 Jun 102,887 0 0 102,887 122,763 0 0 122,763, 225,650 238,757 415 Jul 98,133 0 0 98,133 236,905 0 0 236,905 335,038 354,498 597 Aug 97,187 0 0 97,187 273,188 0 0 273,188 370,375 391,888 660 Sep 106,316 0 0 106,316 242,342 0 0 242,342 348,657 368,909 642 Oct 105,167 0 0 105,167 165,285 0 0 165,285 270,452 286,161 482 Nov 115,232 0 0 115,232 136,192 0 0 136,192 251,424 266,028 463 Dec 118,402 0 o 118,402 124,169 0 0 124,169 242,571 256,661 432 Monthly Forecast - 2/7 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Kake - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) [Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Bi Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2015 Jan 130,449 2,731 8,153 141,333 101,875 0 0 101,875 243,208 257,335 442 Feb 116,513 2,227 6,649 125,390 110,905 0 0 110,905 236,295 250,020 475 Mar 112,218 2,173 6,487 120,879 106,189 0 0 106,189 227,068 240,257 412 Apr 106,706 1,691 5,049 113,446 106,679 ° ° 106,679 220,125 232,911 413 May 102,333 1,303 3,889 107,525 97,514 0 0 97,514 205,038 216,948 372 Jun 104,475 860 2,568 107,904 122,763 0 0 122,763 230,667 244,065 433 Jul 99,647 691 2,062 102,400 236,905 0 ° 236,905 339,305 359,014 616 Aug 98,686 782 2,334 101,802 273,188 0 0 273,188 374,990 396,772 681 Sep 107,956 1,148 3,427 112,532 242,342 0 0 242,342 354,873 375,486 666 Oct 106,790 4,711 5,108 113,609 165,285 0 0 165,285 278,894 295,093 506 Nov 117,010 2,205 6,583 125,798 136,192 0 0 136,192 261,991 277,208 492 Dec 120,229 2,576 7,691 130,497 124,169 0 0 124,169 254,666 269,458 462 2016 Jan 132,454 5,463 16,306 154,223 101,875 0 0 101,875 256,098 270,973 474 Feb 118,304 4,455 13,297 136,057 110,905 0 0 110,905 246,962 261,307 506 Mar 113,943 4,346 12,975 131,264 106,189 0 0 106,189 237,453 251,246 439 Apr 108,346 3,383 10,098 121,827 106,679 0 0 106,679 228,506 241,779 437 May 103,906 2,606 7,779 114,290 97,514 o 0 97,514 211,804 224,106 392 Jun 106,081 1,721 5,137 112,939 122,763 0 0 122,763 235,702 249,393 450 Jul 101,179 1,382 4,124 106,685 236,905 0 0 236,905 343,590 363,547 635 ‘Aug 100,203 1,564 4,667 106,434 273,188 0 0 273,188 379,623 401,673 702 Sep 109,616 2,296 6,854 118,766 242,342 0 0 242,342 361,108 382,083 690 Oct 108,431 3,422 10,215 122,069 165,285 0 0 165,285 287,354 304,045 531 Nov 118,809 4,410 13,165 136,385 136,192 0 0 136,192 272,577 288,410 521 Dec 122,078 5,153 15,382 142,612 124,169 0 0 124,169 266,781 282,277 493 2017 Jan 134,482 8,194 23,780 166,456 101,875 0 0 101,875 268,331 283,917 505 Feb 120,116 6,682 19,392 146,190 110,905 0 0 110,905 257,095 272,028 535 Mar 115,688 6,520 18,921 141,129 106,189 ° 0 106,189 247,317 261,683 465 Apr 110,005 5,074 14,726 129,805 106,679 0 0 106,679 236,484 250,220 460 May 105,496 3,909 11,344 120,749 97,514 ° 0 97,514 218,263 230,941 410 Jun 107,705 2,581 7,491 117,778 122,763 0 0 122,763 240,541 254,513 467 Jul 102,728 2,072 6,015 110,815 236,905 ° o 236,905 347,720 367,917 654 ‘Aug 101,737 2,345 6,807 110,889 273,188 0 0 273,188 384,078 406,387 722 Sep 111,294 3,444 9,996 124,734 242,342 0 0 242,342 367,075 388,397 713 Oct 110,092 5,133 14,897 130,122 165,285 0 0 165,285 295,407 312,566 556 Nov 120,628 6,616 19,199 146,443 136,192 0 0 136,192 282,635 299,052 549 Dec 123,947 7,729 22,432 154,107 124,169 0 o 124,169 278,276 294,440 523 2018 Jan 136,533 10,925 31,254 178,712 101,875 0 0 101,875 280,586 296,884 536 Feb 121,947 8,909 25,487 156,344 110,905 0 0 110,905 267,249 282,772 565 Mar 117,452 8,693 24,868 151,013 106,189 0 ° 106,189 257,202 272,141 491 Apr 111,683 6,766 19,354 137,802 106,679 ° 0 106,679 244,481 258,682 483 May 107,105 5,212 14,909 127,226 97,514 0 0 97,514 224,740 237,794 429 Jun 109,347 3,442 9,846 122,635 122,763 ° 0 122,763 245,398 259,652 485 Jul 104,294 2,763 7,905 114,962 236,905 0 0 236,905 351,868 372,306 672 ‘Aug 103,289 3,127 8,946 115,362 273,188 0 0 273,188 388,550 411,119 742 Sep 112,991 4,592 13,137 130,721 242,342 0 0 242,342 373,062 394,732 737 Oct 111,770 6,844 19,579 138,194 165,285 0 0 165,285 303,479 321,107 580 Nov 122,468 8,821 25,234 156,522 136,192 0 0 136,192 292,714 309,717 578 Dec 125,837 10,306 29,481 165,624 124,169 0 0 124,169 289,793 306,625 554 Hatch Energy Monthly Forecast - 3/7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feas' Kake - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) [Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year = Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2019 Jan 138,607 13,656 38,048 190,311 101,875 0 0 101,875 292,186 309,158 567 Feb 123,800 11,137, 31,027 165,964 110,905, 0 0 110,905, 276,869 292,951 594 Mar 119,236 10,866 30,274 160,376 106,189 0 0 106,189 266,565 282,049 517 Apr 113,379 8,457 23,562 145,398 106,679 0 0 106,679 252,077 266,719 505 May 108,732 6,515, 18,151 133,398 97,514 0 0 97,514 230,911 244,324 448 Jun 111,009 4,302 11,986 127,297 122,763 0 0 122,763 250,060 264,585, 501 Jul 105,879 3,454 9,623 118,956 236,905 0 0 236,905 355,861 376,531 690 Aug 104,858 3,909 10,890 119,657 273,188 0 0 273,188 392,846 415,664 762 Sep 114,708 5,740 15,993 136,441 242,342 0 0 242,342 378,783 400,784 759 Oct 113,468 8,555 23,836 145,859 165,285 0 0 165,285 311,144 329,217 603 Nov 124,328 11,026 30,719 166,073 136,192 0 0 136,192 302,265 319,822 606 Dec 127,748 12,882 35,890 176,521 124,169 0 0 124,169 300,690 318,155, 583, 2020 Jan 140,704 16,388. 44,842 201,934 101,875 0 0 101,875 303,809 321,456 597 Feb 125,673 13,364 36,568 175,605 110,905 0 0 110,905 286,511 303,152 623 Mar 121,041 13,039 35,680 169,760 106,189 0 0 106,189 275,949 291,977 542 Apr 115,095 10,148 27,769 153,012 106,679 0 0 106,679 259,691 274,775 527 May 110,378 7,818 21,392 139,587 97,514 0 0 97,514 237,101 250,873 466 Jun 112,688 5,163 14,127 131,978 122,763 0 0 122,763 254,741 269,538 517 Jul 107,481 4,145 11,342 122,968 236,905 0 0 236,905, 359,873 380,776 707 Aug 106,445 4,691 12,835 123,971 273,188 0 0 273,188 397,159 420,228 781 Sep 116,443 6,888 18,849 142,181 242,342 0 0 242,342 384,522 406,857 781 Oct 115,185 10,266 28,092 153,544 165,285 0 0 165,285 318,829 337,348 627 Nov 126,209 13,231 36,205 175,645 136,192 0 0 136,192 311,838 329,951 633 Dec 129,681 15,459 42,299 187,439 124,169 0 0 124,169 311,608 329,708 612 2021 Jan 142,825 19,119 50,957 212,902 101,875 0 0 101,875 314,776 333,060 624 Feb 127,568 15,591 41,555 184,714 110,905 0 0 110,905 295,619 312,790 649 Mar 122,865 15,213, 40,545 178,624 106,189 0 0 106,189 284,812 301,356 565 Apr 116,830 11,840 31,556 160,225 106,679 0 0 106,679 266,904 282,408 547 May 112,041 9,121 24,309 145,471 97,514 0 0 97,514 242,985 257,098 482 Jun 114,387 6,023 16,053 136,463 122,763 0 0 122,763 259,227 274,284 531 Jul 109,101 4,836 12,888 126,825 236,905 0 0 236,905 363,730 384,858 721 Aug 108,049 5,472 14,585 128,107 273,188 0 0 273,188 401,296 424,605, 796 Sep 118,199 8,037 21,419 147,655 242,342 0 0 242,342 389,996 412,649 799 Oct 116,922 11,977 31,923 160,822 165,285 0 0 165,285 326,107 345,049 647 Nov 128,112 15,436 41,142 184,690 136,192 0 0 136,192 320,882 339,521 658 Dec 131,636, 18,035 48,068 197,739 124,169 0 0 124,169 321,908 340,606, 638 2022 Jan 144,970 21,850 57,072 223,893 101,875 0 0 101,875 325,768 344,690 652 Feb 129,484 17,819 46,541 193,843 110,905 0 0 110,905 304,749 322,450 675 Mar 124,711 17,386 45,411 187,507 106,189 0 0 106,189 293,696 310,756 588 Apr 118,584 13,531 35,342 167,458 106,679 0 0 106,679 274,137 290,060 567 May 113,724 10,424 27,226 151,374 97,514 0 0 97,514 248,887 263,344 498 Jun 116,105 6,884 17,979 140,968 122,763 0 0 122,763 263,731 279,050 545 Jul 110,740 5,527 14,435 130,701 236,905 0 0 236,905 367,606 388,959 735 Aug 109,672 6,254 16,336 132,262 273,188 0 0 273,188 405,451 429,001 811 Sep 119,974 9,185, 23,990 153,148 242,342 0 0 242,342 395,490 418,462 818 Oct 118,678 13,688 35,753 168,120 165,285 0 0 165,285 333,405 352,771 667 Nov 130,036 17,642 46,079 193,756 136,192 0 0 136,192 329,949 349,114 682 Dec 133,613 20,611 53,836 208,060 124,169 0 0 124,169 332,229 351,527 665 Monthly Forecast - 4/7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Kake - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2023 Jan 147,140 24,582 63,187 234,908 101,875 0 0 101,875 336,783 356,345 679 Feb 131,421 20,046 51,528 202,995 110,905 0 0 110,905 313,900 332,133 701 Mar 126,577 19,559 50,276 196,412 106,189 0 0 106,189 302,601 320,178 610 Apr 120,359 15,223 39,129 174,711 106,679 0 0 106,679 281,390 297,734 587 May 115,426 11,727 30,143 157,296 97,514 0 0 97,514 254,809 269,610 514 Jun 117,842 7,744 19,906 145,492 122,763, 0 0 122,763 268,255 283,837 559 Jul 112,397 6,217 15,982 134,596 236,905 0 0 236,905 371,501 393,079 749 Aug 111,313 7,036 18,086 136,435 273,188 0 0 273,188 409,624 433,417 826 Sep 121,769 10,333 26,560 158,662 242,342 0 0 242,342 401,003 424,296 836 Oct 120,454 15,400 39,584 175,437 165,285 0 0 165,285 340,723 360,513 687 Nov 131,982 19,847 51,016 202,844 136,192 0 0 136,192 339,037 358,730 707 Dec 135,613 23,188 59,604 218,404 124,169 0 o 124,169 342,573 362,471 691 2024 «Jan 149,333 27,313 68,622 245,268 101,875 0 0 101,875 347,143 367,307 706 Feb 133,380 22,273 55,960 211,614 110,905 0 0 110,905 322,519 341,253 726 Mar 128,464 21,732 54,601 204,797 106,189 0 0 106,189 310,986 329,050 632 Apr 122,153 16,914 42,495 181,562 106,679 0 0 106,679 288,241 304,984 605 May 117,147 13,030 32,736 162,912 97,514 0 0 97,514 260,426 275,553 529 Jun 119,599 8,604 21,618 149,822 122,763 0 0 122,763 272,585 288,418 573 Jul 114,072 6,908 17,356 138,337 236,905 0 0 236,905 375,242 397,038 763 ‘Aug 112,973, 7,818 19,642 140,432 273,188 0 0 273,188 413,621 437,646 3841 Sep 123,585 11,481 28,845 163,910 242,342 0 0 242,342 406,252 429,849 853 Oct 122,249 17,111 42,989 182,349 165,285 0 0 165,285, 347,634 367,827 707 Nov 133,949 22,052 55,404 211,406 136,192 0 0 136,192 347,598 367,788 730 Dec 137,634 25,764 64,731 228,130 124,169 0 0 124,169 352,298 372,762 716 2025 Jan 151,551 30,044 74,058 255,653 101,875 0 0 101,875 357,528 378,295 732 Feb 135,362 24,501 60,393, 220,255 110,905 0 0 110,905 331,160 350,396 751 Mar 130,372 23,906 58,926 213,204 106,189 0 0 106,189 319,392 337,944 654 Apr 123,968 18,605 45,861 188,434 106,679 0 0 106,679 295,113 312,255 624 May 118,887 14,333 35,329 168,548 97,514 0 0 97,514 266,062 281,516 545 Jun 121,376 9,465 23,330 154,171 122,763 0 0 122,763, 276,934 293,020 586 Jul 115,767 7,599 18,731 142,097 236,905 0 oO 236,905 379,002 401,016 776 ‘Aug 114,651 8,600 21,197 144,448 273,188 0 0 273,188 417,636 441,895 855 Sep 125,420 12,629 31,130 169,179 242,342 0 0 242,342 411,520 435,423 871 Oct 124,065 18,822 46,394 189,281 165,285, 0 0 165,285 354,566 375,161 726 Nov 135,939 24,257 59,793 219,989 136,192 0 0 136,192 356,181 376,870 754 Dec 139,679 28,341 69,858 237,878 124,169 0 o 124,169 362,046 383,076 741 2026 Jan 153,795 32,776 79,493 266,063 101,875 0 0 101,875 367,938 389,310 759 Feb 137,365 26,728 64,825 228,918 110,905 0 0 110,905 339,823 359,562 776 Mar 132,301 26,079 63,251 221,631 106,189 0 0 106,189 327,820 346,861 676 Apr 125,802 20,297 49,227 195,326 106,679 0 0 106,679 302,005 319,547 644 May 120,646 15,636 37,922 174,204 97,514 0 0 97,514 271,717 287,500 560 Jun 123,172 10,325 25,043 158,540 122,763, 0 0 122,763 281,303 297,643 599 Jul 117,480 8,290 20,106 145,876 236,905 0 0 236,905 382,781 405,015 789 Aug 116,348 9,381 22,753 148,482 273,188 0 0 273,188 421,671 446,163 870 Sep 127,277 13,777 33,414 174,468 242,342 0 0 242,342 416,809 441,020 888 Oct 125,902 20,533 49,799 196,234 165,285 0 0 165,285 361,519 382,518 746 Nov 137,951 26,462 64,181 228,595 136,192 0 0 136,192 364,787 385,976 77 Dec 141,746 30,917 74,985 247,649 124,169 0 0 124,169 371,817 393,414 767 Monthly Forecast - 5/7 Hatch Energy AK-BC intertie Feasibility Study Kake - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions —_ Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2027 Jan 156,063 35,507 84,249 275,819 101,875 0 0 101,875 377,693 399,632 784 Feb 139,391 28,955 68,704 237,050 110,905 0 0 110,905 347,955 368,166 800 Mar 134,253 28,252 67,035, 229,540 106,189 0 0 106,189 335,729 355,230 697 Apr 127,658 21,988 82,172 201,818 106,679 0 0 106,679 308,497 326,416 662 May 122,426 16,938 40,191 179,555 97,514 0 0 97,514 277,068 293,162 875 Jun 124,989 11,186 26,541 162,716 122,763 0 0 122,763 285,479 302,061 612 Jul 119,213 8,981 21,309 149,502 236,905 0 0 236,905 386,407 408,852 802 ‘Aug 118,064 10,163 24,114 152,341 273,188 0 0 273,188 425,530 450,247 883 Sep 129,154 14,925, 35,413 179,492 242,342 0 0 242,342 421,834 446,336 905 Oct 127,758 22,244 52,779 202,781 165,285 0 0 165,285, 368,066 389,445 764 Nov 139,986 28,668 68,021 236,674 136,192 0 0 136,192 372,866 394,524 800 Dec 143,837 33,493 79,472 256,802 124,169 0 0 124,169 380,971 403,099 791 2028 Jan 158,356 38,238 89,005 285,599 101,875 0 0 101,875 387,474 409,981 809 Feb 141,440 31,183 72,582 245,204 110,905 0 0 110,905 356,109 376,794 823 Mar 136,226 30,425 70,819 237,471 106,189 0 0 106,189 343,659 363,621 718 Apr 129,534 23,679 55,117 208,331 106,679 0 0 106,679 315,010 333,307 680 May 124,225 18,241 42,460 184,926 97,514 0 0 97,514 282,439 298,845 590 Jun 126,826 12,046 28,039 166,911 122,763 0 0 122,763, 289,674 306,500 625 Jul 120,965 9,671 22,512 153,148 236,905 0 0 236,905 390,053 412,709 815 Aug 119,799 10,945 25,476 156,219 273,188 0 0 273,188 429,408 454,350 897 Sep 131,052 16,073 37,413 184,537 242,342 0 0 242,342 426,879 451,674 921 Oct 129,636 23,955 55,758 209,349 165,285 0 0 165,285 374,634 396,395 782 Nov 142,043, 30,873 71,861 244,777 136,192 0 0 136,192 380,969 403,097 822 Dec 145,951 36,070 83,958 265,978 124,169 0 0 124,169 390,147 412,809 815 2029 Jan 160,675 40,969 93,761 295,406 101,875 0 0 101,875 397,281 420,357 835 Feb 143,511 33,410 76,460 253,381 110,905 0 0 110,905 364,287 385,446 847 Mar 138,221 32,599 74,604 245,423 106,189 0 0 106,189 351,612 372,035 739 Apr 131,431 25,371 58,063 214,864 106,679 0 0 106,679 321,544 340,220 698 May 126,044 19,544 44,728 190,317 97,514 0 0 97,514 287,831 304,549 605 Jun 128,683 12,907 29,538 171,127 122,763 0 0 122,763 293,891 310,961 638 Jul 122,736 10,362 23,715 156,813 236,905 ° 0 236,905 393,718 416,588 827 ‘Aug 121,553 11,727 26,837 160,117 273,188 0 0 273,188 433,305 458,474 910 Sep 132,971 17,221 39,412 189,604 242,342 0 0 242,342 431,945 457,035 938 Oct 131,534 25,666 58,738 215,938 165,285, 0 0 165,285, 381,223 403,367 801 Nov 144,123, 33,078 75,701 252,902 136,192 0 0 136,192 389,094 411,695 845 Dec 148,088 38,646 88,444 275,179 124,169 0 o 124,169 399,347 422,544 839 2030 Jan 163,021 43,701 97,838 304,559 101,875 0 0 101,875 406,434 430,047 859 Feb 145,606 35,637 79,785 261,028 110,905 0 0 110,905 371,933 393,536 870 Mar 140,238 34,772 77,847 252,857 106,189 0 0 106,189 359,046 379,901 759 Apr 133,349 27,062 60,587 220,999 106,679 0 0 106,679 327,678 346,711 715 May 127,884 20,847 46,673 195,404 97,514 0 0 97,514 292,918 309,932 619 Jun 130,561 13,767 30,822 175,150 122,763 0 0 122,763 297,913 315,218 650 Jul 124,528 11,053 24,746 160,326 236,905 0 0 236,905 397,232 420,305 839 ‘Aug 123,327 12,508 28,004 163,840 273,188 0 0 273,188 437,028 462,413 923 Sep 134,912 18,369 41,125 194,406 242,342 0 0 242,342 436,748 462,116 953 Oct 133,454 27,377 61,292 222,123 165,285 0 0 165,285, 387,408 409,911 818 Nov 146,227 35,283 78,992 260,502 136,192 0 0 136,192 396,694 419,736 866 Dec 150,249 41,223 92,290 283,762 124,169 0 0 124,169 407,931 431,625 862 Monthly Forecast - 6 / 7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Kake - Reference Forecast “7 Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2031 Jan 165,392 46,432 101,914 313,738 101,875 0 0 101,875 415,613 439,754 883 Feb 147,723 37,865 83,109 268,697 110,905 0 0 110,905 379,602 401,652 893 Mar 142,278 36,945 81,091 260,314 106,189 0 0 106,189 366,503, 387,791 778 Apr 135,289 28,754 63,112 227,154 106,679 0 0 106,679 333,833 353,224 733 May 129,744 22,150 48,618 200,512 97,514 0 0 97,514 298,026 315,337 633 Jun 132,460 14,628 32,106 179,194 122,763, 0 0 122,763, 301,957 319,496 663 Jul 126,339 11,744 25,777 163,860 236,905 0 0 236,905 400,765 424,043 851 ‘Aug 125,121 13,290 29,171 167,582 273,188 0 0 273,188 440,771 466,373 936 Sep 136,874 19,517 42,839 199,230 242,342 0 0 242,342 441,572 467,221 969 Oct 135,395 29,088 63,845 228,329 165,285 0 0 165,285 393,614 416,477 836 Nov 148,354 37,488 82,284 268,125 136,192 0 0 136,192 404,318 427,803 887 Dec 152,435, 43,799 96,135 292,369 124,169 0 0 124,169 416,538 440,732 885 Monthly Forecast - 7/7 HATO ACRES Alaska Energy Authority - AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study SE Alaska AK-BC Alaska Final Report-App 18-09-07.doc Final Report e Appendix H H5 Hatch Acres Corporation PR324582 Year Month January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 8661 January February March. April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 6661 2000 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 0002 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Metlakatla Historic Data - 1 of 3 [Sales (kWh) Number of Customers Gross Generation Net Generation Peak Residential Non-Res Total Residential Non-Res Total Diesel Hydro Total Diesel Hydro Total (MW) 674,648 1,127,975 1,802,623 572 280 852 191,869 1,800,983 1,992,852 171,435 1,772,601 1,921,008 532,133 969,646 1,501,779 572 279 851 128,018 1,553,817 1,681,835 110,300 1,528,388 1,615,802 520,075 924,786 1,444,861 573 278 851 63,512 1,604,624 1,668,136 44,541 1,578,575 1,600,430 453,226 791,590 1,244,816 574 278 852 14,681 1,433,444 1,448,125 -3,787 1,409,280 1,386,403 497,875 768,945 1,266,820 568 278 846 29,923 1,358,400 1,388,323 10,321 1,331,652 1,319,826 373,849 488,642 862,491 557 279 836 14,959 1,066,000 1,080,959 -869 1,042,403 1,024,948 380,805 696,038 1,076,843 563 282 845 15,057 1,301,600 1,316,657 4,620 1,278,040 1,272,925 370,950 679,868 1,050,818 563 287 850 67,263 1,206,321 1,273,584 56,089 1,181,501 1,227,304 365,529 619,876 985,405 548 289 837 1,495 1,106,247 1,107,742 -8,175 1,084,363 1,064,086 494,584 806,839 1,301,423 562 288 850 3,294 1,394,315 1,397,609 -14,024 1,358,717 1,321,429 479,105 645,945 1,125,050 555 289 844 33,834 1,302,670 1,336,504 16,600 1,290,211 1,284,727 530,318 687,891 1,218,209 549 275 824 114,984 1,284,419 1,399,403 98,127 1,261,825 1,333,357 5,673,097 9,208,041 14,881,138 549 275 824 678,889 16,412,840 17,091,729 485,178 16,117,556 16,372,245 400z J z00z £002 Year 2001 Month January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 2002 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 2003 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL Hatch Energy Sales (kWh) Residential 604,151 491,881 476,402 514,379 438,314 383,560 396,169 397,489 356,855 514,647 428,939 605,516 5,608,302 614,234 517,271 504,144 526,573 416,470 361,840 400,741 354,606 422,675 452,193 424,915 606,893 5,602,555 572,156 489,931 512,027 540,376 425,730 348,331 406,850 343,386 419,591 445,525 549,931 554,323 5,608,157 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Metlakatla Non-Res. 837,893 703,605 694,367 813,842 634,920 630,905 745,655 684,069 637,213 778,422 601,111 782,193 8,544,195 756,873 621,514 704,327 702,718 569,282 518,971 684,423 618,915, 742,284 736,666 565,682 718,299 7,939,954 702,152 637,515 700,848 766,471 685,722 611,719 774,457 634,940 755,496 724,553 703,251 697,122 8,394,246 Total 1,442,044 1,195,486 1,170,769 1,328,221 1,073,234 1,014,465 1,141,824 1,081,558 994,068 1,293,069 1,030,050 1,387,709 14,152,498 1,371,107 1,138,785 1,208,471 1,229,291 985,752 880,811 1,085,164 973,521 1,164,959 1,188,859 990,597 1,325,192 13,542,509 1,274,308 1,127,446 1,212,875 1,306,847 1,111,452 960,050 1,181,307 978,326 1,175,087 1,170,078 1,253,182 1,251,445 14,002,403 Number of Customers Residential 554 561 557 558 552 554 556 557 565 562 558 556 556 558 565 560 561 561 564 563 564 565 568 563 569 569 571 $71 570 572 569 573 572 579 573 534 528 528 528 Non-Res 272 269 270 266 264 268 273 275 275 268 265 264 264 267 263 261 261 263 265 269 267 263 263 265 263 263 262 263 259 260 260 263 269 272 270 265 267 261 261 Total 826 830 827 824 816 822 829 832 840 830 823 820 820 825 828 821 822 824 829 832 831 828 831 828 832 832 833 834 829 832 829 836 841 851 843 799 795 789 789 Gross Generation | Diesel 66,348 77,752 18,423 4,318 20,977 508 0 1,910 0 4,772 28,376 35,074 258,458 19,817 25,836 11,947 0 6,642 2,119 1,402 31,567 13,508 15,991 0 11,014 139,843 46,720 0 0 0 0 53,572 789 19,253 12,545 263,088 92,763 48,728 537,458 Historic Data - 2 of 3 Hydro 1,499,784 1,242,546 1,293,502 1,487,202 1,199,210 1,164,870 1,307,015 1,273,662 1,113,323 1,460,912 1,120,837 1,546,873 15,709,736 1,546,826 1,321,003 1,283,624 1,452,023 1,120,475 1,017,865 1,314,699 1,150,148 1,307,839 1,324,458 1,115,534 1,465,939 15,420,433 1,399,092 1,238,062 1,346,297 1,518,081 1,265,287 1,021,616 1,371,275 1,077,759 1,320,267 1,035,507 1,320,829 1,337,536 15,251,608 Total 1,566,132 1,320,298 1,311,925 1,491,520 1,220,187 1,165,378 1,307,015 1,275,572 1,113,323 1,465,684 1,149,213 1,581,947 15,968,194 1,566,643 1,346,839 1,295,571 1,452,023 1,127,117 1,019,984 1,316,101 1,181,715, 1,321,347 1,340,449 1,115,534 1,476,953 15,560,276 1,445,812 1,238,062 1,346,297 1,518,081 1,265,287 1,075,188 1,372,064 1,097,012 1,332,812 1,298,595 1,413,592 1,386,264 15,789,066 Net Generation Diesel 49,594 65,117 6,333 -9,204 8,995, -10,509 11,359 -8,889 -9,659 -9,982 13,960 16,781 101,178 1,037 9,610 -4,530 18,238 -9,587 -11,569 -9,909 20,144 -1,737 -2,643 17,655 -7,787 -52,864 28,056 -15,993 15,234 -16,969 -13,394 43,630 -10,617 9,565 1,372 249,429 75,809 33,584 369,238 Hydro 1,471,976 1,222,616 1,271,472 1,461,220 1,175,142 1,140,939 1,285,666 1,253,060 1,093,647 1,435,510 1,099,233, 1,517,957 15,428,438 1,515,908 1,294,111 1,260,366 1,425,121 1,095,464 993,607 1,287,269 1,128,987 1,281,167 1,300,670 1,093,977 1,437,084 15,113,731 1,367,622 1,214,217 1,314,426 1,477,739 1,227,978 1,000,713 1,368,585 1,075,456 1,298,162 1,012,047 1,296,701 1,315,625, 14,969,271 Total 1,494,956 1,270,764 1,260,560 1,426,478 1,164,005 1,117,038 1,261,234 1,230,935 1,072,755 1,407,582 1,101,016 1,519,911 15,327,234 1,503,608 1,288,018 1,236,264 1,386,194 1,063,396 959,074 1,255,980 1,131,909 1,258,059 1,278,692 1,055,872 1,402,995 14,820,061 1,374,053 1,179,039 1,282,526 1,445,945 1,201,377 1,029,140 1,341,599 1,068,307 1,279,931 1,240,898 1,350,747 1,329,280 15,122,842 MW) Year Month 2004 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL y00z 2005 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL s$00z 2006 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 9002 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Metlakatla Sales (kWh | [Number of Customers Gross Generation Net Generation k Residential __Non-Res Total Residential Non-Res Total Diesel Hydro Total Diesel Hydro Total 609,334 784,440 1,393,774 528 264 792 65,159 1,481,321 1,546,480 49,034 1,461,130 1,488,103 508,698 674,470 1,183,168 534 260 794 1,810 1,327,110 1,328,920 -12,990 1,305,642 1,270,710 565,512 783,461 1,348,973 538 255 793 46,926 1,442,213 1,489,139 28,533 1,414,408 1,418,770 461,048 663,558 1,124,606 535 253 788 22,536 1,224,638 1,247,174 4,695 1,198,430 1,184,286 369,801 483,895, 853,696 535 253 788 1,702 1,011,893 1,013,595 “11,828 990,312 967,459 406,766 562,465 969,231 538 257 795 96 1,189,627 1,189,723 -14,997 1,165,910 1,150,356 354,863 653,051 1,007,914 542 260 802 14,816 1,016,400 1,031,216 -2,008 1,007,821 1,007,606 377,005 691,442 1,068,447 541 257 798 10,777 1,211,523 1,222,300 1,598 1,182,512 1,184,000 398,897 679,446 1,078,343 550 257 807 1,660 1,201,077 1,202,737 “11,317 1,179,350 1,164,720 455,423 647,500 1,102,923 546 253 799 36 1,322,518 1,322,554 -15,593 1,300,116 1,280,620 564,870 697,653 1,262,523 552 254 806 46,973 1,256,377 1,303,350 29,647 1,230,629 1,252,634 600,314 728,497 1,328,811 556 261 817 1,641 1,444,925 ‘1,446,566 “19,415 1,419,257 1,392,116 5,672,531 8,049,878 13,722,409 556 261 817 214,132 15,129,622 15,343,754 25,359 © 14,855,517 14,761,380 670,821 829,424 1,500,245 587 265 822 37,622 1,613,885 1,651,507 21,143 1,586,026 1,593,609 525,100 685,198 1,210,298 561 263 824 0 1,331,071 1,331,071 -14,069 1,307,494 1,280,558 545,940 697,840 1,243,780 564 263 827 9,951 1,398,787 1,408,738 -4,027 1,374,209 1,354,261 461,755 687,943 1,149,698 552 263 815 5,223 1,257,733 1,262,956 4,778 1,233,908 1,214,856 426,543 661,254 1,087,797 547 265 812 9,933 1,182,286 1,192,219 6 1,158,239 1,141,123 365,660 587,651 953,311 546 263 809 4,074 1,091,988 1,096,062 4,786 1,072,410 1,058,712 370,876 695,322 1,066,198 545 268 813 302 1,198,304 1,198,606 -8,467 1,178,351 1,164,527 412,619 785,382 1,198,001 554 265 819 1,374 1,348,378 1,349,752 8171 1,335,179 1,320,917 405,621 702,343 1,107,964 558 259 817 0 1,237,521 1,237,521 “10,117 1,201,738 1,187,106 499,978 728,992 1,228,970 587 255 812 0 1,358,836 1,358,836 -18,975 1,334,219 1,310,634 535,051 656,380 1,191,431 559 255 814 732 1,352,203 1,352,935 26,466 1,327,713 1,295,763 589,437 770,696 1,360,133 555 255 810 0 1,446,260 1,446,260 -23,143 1,422,104 1,394,570 5,809,401 8,488,425 14,297,826 555 255 810 69,211 15,817,252 15,886,463. -101,862 15,531,590 15,316,636 670,821 829,424 1,500,245 587 265 822 37,622 1,613,885 1,651,507 21,143 1,586,026 1,593,609 525,100 685,198 1,210,298 561 263 824 0 1,331,071 1,331,071 -14,069 1,307,494 1,280,558 545,940 697,840 1,243,780 564 263 827 9,951 1,398,787 1,408,738 -4,027 1,374,209 1,354,261 461,755 687,943 1,149,698 552 263 815 5,223 1,257,733 1,262,956 4,778 1,233,908 1,214,856 426,543 661,254 1,087,797 547 265 812 9,933 1,182,286 1,192,219 6 1,158,239 1,141,123 365,660 587,651 953,311 546 263 809 4,074 1,091,988 1,096,062 -4,786 1,072,410 1,058,712 370,876 695,322 1,066,198 545 268 813 302 1,198,304 1,198,606 8,467 1,178,351 1,164,527 412,619 785,382 1,198,001 554 265 819 1,374 1,348,378 1,349,752 8,171 1,335,179 1,320,917 405,621 702,343 1,107,964 558 259 817 0 4,237,521 4,237,521 -10,117 1,201,738 1,187,106 499,978 728,992 1,228,970 557 255 812 0 1,358,836 1,358,836 -18,975 1,334,219 1,310,634 535,051 656,380 1,191,431 559 255 814 732 1,352,203 1,352,935 -26,466 1,327,713 1,295,763 589,437 770,696 1,360,133 555 255 810 0 1,446,260 «1,446,260 -23,143 1,422,104 1,394,570 5,809,401 8,488,425 14,297,826 555 255 810 69,211 15,817,252 15,886,463 -101,862 15,531,590 15,316,636 Historic Data - 3 of 3 Thousands Hatch Energy Jan Feb Mar Apr Metlakatla - Monthly Residential Sales (kWh) May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Monthly Patterns AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study [ | | | | | | | Metiakatla - Monthly Residential Sales (kWh) 800 ;— Thousands 1999 2000 2001 2002 Metiakatla - Annual Residential Sales (kWh) Thousands 2003 2004 2005 2006 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Metlakatia - Monthly Non-Residential Sales (kWh) 1,200 Thousands 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec | Hatch Energy Monthly Patterns AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Metlakatia - Monthly Non-Residential Sales (kWh) 1,200. _——_$_ $$$ sen | | | } | | | | | | Thousands 3 Ss Ss 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Metlakatla - Annual Non-Residential Sales (kWh) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study ———— | Metlakatla - Monthly Net Generation (kWh) | 2,500 Metlakatla - Monthly Net Generation (kWh) 2,500 + 2,000 ;——_+ Thousands Thousands 1,500 1,000 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 = =2005 2006 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Hatch Energy Monthly Patterns IC Inter... Metlakatla - Reference Forecast Annual Forecast Values Residential Customers and Sales (kWh Non-Residential Customers and Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation ‘Non- Electric Total Total Unit Residential Full Partial Total Unit Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Customer Consumption Base Conversions Conversions _—_—Residential Customers Consumption Base Loads Conversions _—_—Residential si Generation Demand (#) (kwh) (kwh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) #) (kWh) (kWh) (kwh) (kWh) (kWh) (kwh) (kwh) (kw) 1998 - - > : > - é 2000 549 10,333.5 5,673,097 : : 5,673,097 275 33,483.8 9,208,041 9,208,041 14,881,138 16,372,245 2001 556 10,086.9 5,608,302 : : 5,608,302 264 32,364.4 8,544,195 8,544,195 14,152,498 15,327,234 2002 569 9,846.3, 5,602,555 : : 5,602,555 263 30,189.9 7,939,954 7,939,954 13,542,509 14,820,061 2003 528 10,621.5 5,608,157 : : 5,608,157 261 32,161.9 8,394,246 8,394,246 14,002,403 15,122,842 2004 556 10,202.4 5,672,531 : : 5,672,531 261 30,842.4 8,049,878 8,049,678 13,722,409 14,761,380 2005 555 10,467.4 5,809,401 : : 5,809,401 255 3,287.9 8,488,425 8,488,425 14,297,826 15,316,636 2006 555 10,467.4 5,809,401 : : 5,809,401 255 3,287.9 8,488,425, 8,488,425 14,297,826 15,316,636 2007 559 10,5459 5,895,155 40,200 130,000 6,065,355 256 33,287.9 8,521,713, 8,521,713 14,587,068 15,434,358 3,078 2008 563 10,625.0 5,981,869 80,400 250,000 6,312,269 257 33,287.9 8,555,001 8,555,001 14,867,270 15,730,835 3,137 2009 567 10,704.7 6,069,551 120,600 365,000 6,555,151 258 33,287.9 8,588,289 8,588,289 15,143,440 16,023,047 3,195 2010 571 10,785.0 6,158,213 160,800 475,000 6,794,013 259 33,287.9 8,621,577 8,621,577 15,415,590 16,311,004 3,252 2011 575 10,865.8 6,247,863 201,000 580,000 7,028,863, 260 33,287.9 8,654,865 8,654,865 15,683,728 16,594,717 3,309 2012 579 10,947.3 6,338,511 241,200 680,000 7,259,711 261 3,287.9 8,688,153 8,688,153 15,947,864 16,874,196 3,365 2013 583 11,029.4 6,430,168 281,400 775,000 7,486,568 262 33,287.9 8,721,441 8,721,441 16,208,008 17,149,451 3,420 2014 587 14,112.2 6,522,843, 321,600 870,000 7,714,443 263 33,287.9 8,754,729 8,754,729 16,469,171 17,425,783 3,475 2015 591 11,1955 6,616,546 361,800 ‘960,000 7,938,346 264 33,2879 8,788,016 8,788,016 16,726,363 17,697,913 3,529 2016 595 11,2795 6,711,288 402,000 1,045,000 8,158,288, 265 33,287.9 8,821,304 8,821,304 16,979,593 17,965,852 3,582 2017 599 11,3641 6,807,079 442,200 1,125,000 8,374,279 266 33,287.9 8,854,592 8,854,592 17,228,871 18,229,611 3,635 2018 603 11,4493 6,903,929 482,400 1,208,000 8,591,329 267 33,287.9 8,887,880 8,887,880 17,479,210 18,494,490 3,688 2019 608 11,535.2, 7,013,385 542,700 1,280,000 8,836,085 268 33,287.9 8,921,168 8,921,168 17,757,253 18,788,683 3,747 2020 613 11,621.7 7,124,094 603,000 1,350,000 9,077,094 269 33,287.9 8,954,456 8,954,456 18,031,550 19,078,912 3,804 2021 618 11,7088 7,236,068 663,300 1,420,000 9,319,368 270 33,287.9 8,987,744 8,987,744 18,307,113 19,370,481 3,863 2022 623 1,796.7 7,349,322 723,600 1,485,000 9,587,922 2m 33,287.9 9,021,032 9,021,032 18,578,954 19,658,113 3,920 2023 628 11,885.1 7,463,868, 783,900 1,550,000 9,797,768 272 33,287.9 9,054,320 9,054,320 18,852,088 19,947,112 3.978 2024 633 11,9743 7,579,718 844,200 1,610,000 10,033,918 273 33,287.9 9,087,608 9,087,608 19,121,526 20,232,200 4,034 2025 638 12,064.1 7,696,887 904,500 1,670,000 10,271,387 274 33,287.9 9,120,896 9,120,896 19,392,283 20,518,683 4,092 2026 643 12,154.6 7,815,386 964,800 1,725,000 10,505,186 275 3,287.9 9,154,184 9,154,184 19,659,370 20,801,285 4,148 2027 648 12,2457 7,935,230 1,025,100 1,780,000 10,740,330 276 3,287.9 9,187,472 9,187,472 19,927,802 21,085,308 4,205 2028 653 12,3376 8,056,432 1,085,400 1,830,000 10,971,832 277 33,287.9 9,220,760 9,220,760 20,192,592 21,365,479 4,260 2029 658 12,430.41 8,179,006 1,145,700 1,880,000 11,204,706 278 33,2879 9,254,048, 9,254,048 20,458,754 21,647,100 4317 2030 663 12,523.3 8,302,965 1,206,000 1,930,000 11,438,965 279 3,287.9 9,287,336 9,287,336 20,726,301 21,930,188 4,373 2031 668 12,617.3 8,428,324 1,266,300 1,975,000 11,669,624 280 3,287.9 9,320,624 9,320,624 20,990,247 22,209,466 4,429 Growth 0.74% 0.75% 1.50% 2.83% 037% 0.00% 0.37% 0.37% 1.55% 1.50% 1-5 0.71% 0.75% 1.47% 3.88% 0.39% 0.00% 0.39% 0.39% 1.87% 1.62% 20-25 0.77% 0.75% 1.52% 2.12% 0.36% 0.00% 0.36% 0.36% 1.32% 1.32% Monthly Patterns Non- Electric Resultant Residential Full Partial Residential Spot Heat Peak Distribution Month Ba: Conversions __Conversions Base Loads Conversions 2007 2031 Jan 11.10% 13.50% 13.50% 9.93% 9.93% 13.50% 7.000 7.000 Feb 9.02% 11.17% 11.17% 8.42% 8.42% 11.17% 0.922 0.919 Mar 9.23% 11.29% 11.29% 8.80% 8.80% 11.29% 0.862 0.855 Apr 8.59% 9.17% 9.17% 8.65% 8.65% 9.17% 0.854 0.822 May 7.54% 7.13% 7.13% 7.55% 7.55% 7.13% 0.722 0.684 Jun 6.55% 4.69% 4.69% 6.75% 6.75% 4.69% 0.657 0.599 Jul 6.74% 3.16% 3.16% 8.36% 8.36% 3.16% 0.732 0.631 Aug 6.71% 3.01% 3.01% 8.26% 8.26% 3.01% 0.725 0.623 Sep 6.97% 497% 4.97% 8.19% 8.19% 4.97% 0.758 0.680 Oct 8.45% 8.28% 8.28% 8.72% 8.72% 8.28% 0.824 0.780 Nov 8.84% 10.91% 10.91% 7.66% 7.66% 10.91% 0.809 0.815 Dec 10.25% 12.71% 12.71% 8.72% 8.72% 12.71% 0.899 0.909 Hatch Energy Annual Forecast Hatch Energy Metlakatla - Reference Forecast AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2007 Jan 654,392 5,427 17,551 677,371 845,953 0 0 845,953 1,523,323 7,611,606 3,078 Feb 531,987 4,490 14,521 550,998 717,502 0 0 717,502 1,268,500 1,342,181 2,837 Mar 543,831 4,540 14,683 563,054 750,128 0 0 750,128 1,313,182 1,389,459 2,653 Apr 506,648 3,687 11,923 522,258 737,240 0 0 737,240 1,259,498 1,332,656 2,629 May 444,732 2,867 9,272 456,871 643,711 0 0 643,711 1,100,582 1,164,509 2,224 Jun 386,110 1,885 6,097 394,093 574,908 0 0 574,908 969,001 1,025,285 2,023 Jul 397,300 1,272 4,113 402,685 712,762 0 0 712,762 1,115,447 1,180,238 2,254 Aug 395,447 1,210 3,914 400,572 703,497 0 0 703,497 1,104,069 1,168,199 2,231 Sep 411,171 1,997 6,458 419,626 697,587 0 0 697,587 4,117,213 1,182,106 2,332 Oct 498,234 3,330 10,769 512,332 742,704 0 0 742,704 1,255,036 1,327,935 2,536 Nov 521,281 4,384 14,178 539,843 652,523 0 0 652,523 1,192,366 1,261,624 2,489 Dec 604,021, 5,109 16,523 625,654 743,198 0 0 743,198 1,368,852 1,448,361 2,766 2008 Jan 664,018 10,855 33,752 708,624 649,257 0 0 849,257 1,557,882 1,648,371 3,137 Feb 539,812 8,980 27,924 576,717 720,305 0 0 720,305 1,297,022 1,372,359 2,891 Mar 551,830 9,081 28,236 589,147 753,059 0 0 753,059 1,342,206 1,420,168 2,703 Apr 514,100 7,374 22,929 544,403 740,120 0 0 740,120 1,284,523 1,359,135 2,673 May 451,274 5,734 17,830 474,838 646,225 0 0 646,225 1,121,063 1,186,180 2,257 Jun 391,790 3771 14,725 407,285 577,154 0 0 877,154 984,439 1,041,620 2,048 Jul 403,144 2,544 7,909 413,597 715,547 0 0 715,547 1,129,143 1,194,730 2,274 Aug 401,264 2,421 7,527 411,212 706,245 0 0 706,245 1,117,457 1,182,365 2,250 Sep 417,219 3,994 12,418 433,632 700,312 ° 0 700,312 1,133,944 1,199,809 2,359 Oct 505,562 6,660 20,709 532,931 745,605 0 0 745,605 1,278,536 1,352,800 2,574 Nov 528,948 8,768 27,265 564,982 655,072 0 0 655,072 1,220,054 1,290,921 2,538 Dec 612,906 10,219 31,775 654,900 746,101 0 o 746,101 1,401,001 1,482,378 2,821 2009 Jan 673,751 16,282 49,278 739,311 852,562 0 0 852,562 1,591,873 1,684,337 3,195 Feb 547,725 13,471 40,769 601,965 723,107 0 0 723,107 1,325,072 1,402,039 2,945 Mar 559,919 13,621 41,225 614,765 755,989 0 0 755,989 1,370,754 1,450,374 2,751 Apr 521,636 11,061 33,476 566,174 743,000 0 0 743,000 1,309,173 1,385,217 2,715 May 457,889 8,601 26,032 492,522 648,740 0 0 648,740 1,141,261 1,207,551 2,291 Jun 397,533 5,656 17,118 420,307 579,399 0 0 579,399 999,706 1,057,774 2,073 Jul 409,054 3,815 11,547 424,416 718,331 0 0 718,331 1,142,747 1,209,123 2,294 ‘Aug 407,146 3,631 10,990 421,767 708,993 0 0 708,993 1,130,760 1,196,440 2,270 Sep 423,335 5,991 18,131 447,457 703,037 0 0 703,037 1,150,494 1,217,320 2,386 Oct 512,973 9,990 30,235 553,198 748,506 0 0 748,506 1,301,704 1,377,313 2,613 Nov 536,702 13,153 39,807 589,662 657,621 0 0 657,621 1,247,282 1,319,731 2,587 Dec 621,890 15,328 46,391 683,609 749,004 0 0 749,004 1,432,614 1,515,827 2,875 2010 Jan 683,593 21,709 64,129 769,431 855,866 0 0 855,866 1,625,297 1,719,703 3,252 Feb 555,726 17,961 53,056 626,743 725,910 0 0 725,910 1,352,653 1,431,222 2,997 Mar 568,098 18,162 53,649 639,909 758,919 0 0 758,919 1,398,828 1,480,079 2,799 Apr 529,256 14,748 43,565 587,569 745,880 0 0 745,880 1,333,449 1,410,902 2,757 May 464,578 11,468 33,877 509,923 651,254 0 0 651,254 1,161,177 1,228,624 2,324 Jun 403,340 7,541 22,277 433,158 581,645 0 0 581,645 1,014,803 1,073,748 2,098 Jul 415,029 5,087 15,027 435,143 721,115 0 0 721,115 1,156,258 1,223,419 2,314 ‘Aug 413,093 4,842 14,302 432,237 714,741 0 0 711,741 1,143,978 1,210,426 2,289 Sep 429,519 7,988 23,595 461,102 705,762 0 0 705,762 1,166,863, 1,234,641 2,413 Oct 520,466 13,320 39,347 573,133 751,407 0 0 751,407 1,324,540 1,401,476 2,651 Nov 544,542 17,537 51,804 613,882 660,170 0 0 660,170 1,274,052 1,348,055 2,635 Dec 630,975 20,437, 60,372 711,784 751,907 0 0 751,907 1,463,691 1,548,710 2,929 Monthly Forecast - 1/7 Hatch Energy Metlakatla - Reference Forecast AK-BC Intertie Fea: Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kwh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2011 Jan 693,545 27,137 78,304 798,986 859,171 0 0 859,171 1,658,156 1,754,470 3,309 Feb 563,816 22,451 64,784 651,051 728,713 0 0 728,713 1,379,764 1,459,908 3,049 Mar 576,368 22,702 65,509 664,579 761,849 0 0 761,849 1,426,428 1,509,282 2,847 Apr 536,961 18,435 53,196 608,591 748,759 0 0 748,759 1,357,351 1,436,192 2,799 May 471,341 14,335 41,365 527,041 653,769 0 0 653,769 1,180,810 1,249,397 2,356 Jun 409,212 9,427 27,201 445,840 583,891 0 0 583,891 1,029,730 1,089,542 2,123 Jul 421,071 6,359 18,349 445,778 723,899 0 0 723,899 1,169,678 1,237,618 2,334 ‘Aug 419,107 6,052 17,464 442,622 714,489 0 0 714,489 4,157,112 1,224,322 2,309 Sep 435,772 9,984 28,811 474,567 708,487 0 0 708,487 1,183,054 1,251,772 2,440 Oct 528,043 16,650 48,045 592,738 754,308 0 0 754,308 1,347,046 1,425,289 2,688 Nov 552,469 21,921 63,255, 637,645 662,719 0 0 662,719 1,300,364 1,375,896 2,682 Dec 640,160 25,547 73,717. 739,424 754,811 0 0 754,811 1,494,235 1,581,027 2,982 2012 Jan 703,607 32,564 91,805 827,976 862,475 0 0 862,475 1,690,451 1,788,641 3,365 Feb 571,996 26,941 75,954 674,891 731,516 0 0 731,516 1,406,407 1,488,098 3,099 Mar 584,730 27,243 76,803 688,776 764,779 0 0 764,779 1,453,555 1,537,985 2,893 Apr 544,751 22,122 62,367 629,240 751,639 0 0 751,639 1,380,880 1,461,088 2,840 May 478,179 17,202 48,497 543,879 656,283 0 0 656,283 1,200,162 1,269,873, 2,389 Jun 415,149 11,312 31,891 458,352 586,137 0 0 586,137 1,044,488 1,105,158 2,148 Jul 427,180 7,631 21,512 456,323 726,683 0 0 726,683 1,183,006 1,251,721 2,355 Aug 425,187 7,262 20,475 452,924 717,237 0 0 717,237 1,170,162 1,238,131 2,329 Sep 442,094 11,981 33,778 487,854 711,212 0 0 714,212 1,199,066 1,268,713 2,466 Oct 535,704 19,980 56,329 612,013 757,210 0 0 757,210 1,369,222 1,448,754 2,725 Nov 560,485 26,305, 74,161 660,951 665,268 0 0 665,268 1,326,219 1,403,252 2,728 Dec 649,448 30,656 86,427 766,531 757,714 0 0 757,714 1,524,245 1,612,781 3,034 2013 Jan 713,781 37,991 104,631 856,403 865,760 0 0 865,780 1,722,183 1,822,216 3,420 Feb 580,267 31,432 86,565 698,264 734,318 0 0 734,318 1,432,582 1,515,794 3,149 Mar 593,186 31,783 87,533 712,502 767,710 0 0 767,710 1,480,211 1,566,189 2,939 Apr 552,629 25,809 71,080 649,518 754,519 0 0 754,519 1,404,037 1,485,590 2,881 May 485,094 20,069 55,273 560,436 658,797 0 0 658,797 1,219,233 1,290,053 2,421 Jun 421,152 13,197 36,347 470,696 588,382 0 0 588,382 1,059,078 1,120,595 2,173 Jul 433,357 8,902 24,518 466,777 729,468 0 0 729,468 1,196,245 1,265,729 2,375 ‘Aug 431,336 8,473 23,335 463,144 719,985 0 0 719,985 1,183,129 1,251,851 2,349 Sep 448,487 13,978 38,497 500,963 713,937 0 0 713,937 1,214,899 1,285,467 2,493 Oct 543,451 23,310 64,198 630,959 760,111 0 0 760,111 1,391,069 1,471,870 2,762 Nov 568,589 30,690 84,522 683,801 667,816 0 0 667,816 1,351,618 1,430,126 2,773 Dec 658,839 35,766 98,501 793,106 760,617 0 0 760,617 1,553,723 1,643,971 3,085 2014 Jan 724,069 43,418 117,457 884,944 869,084 0 0 869,084 1,754,028 1,855,911 3,475 Feb 588,631 35,922 97,176 721,729 737,121 0 0 737,121 1,458,850 1,543,587 3,200 Mar 601,735 36,323 98,263 736,321 770,640 0 0 770,640 1,506,961 1,594,493 2,985 Apr 560,593 29,496 79,793 669,883 757,399 0 0 757,399 1,427,282 1,510,185 2,922 May 492,085 22,936 62,048 577,070 661,312 0 0 661,312 1,238,382 1,310,313 2,453 Jun 427,222 15,083 40,802 483,106 590,628 0 0 590,628 1,073,734 1,136,102 2,198 Jul 439,603 10,174 27,523 477,300 732,252 0 0 732,252 1,209,552 1,279,809 2,396 ‘Aug 437,552 9,683 26,195 473,431 722,733 0 0 722,733 1,196,164 1,265,644 2,370 Sep 454,951 15,975 43,216 514,142 716,662 0 0 716,662 1,230,804 1,302,295 2,520 Oct 551,283 26,640 72,067 649,991 763,012 0 0 763,012 1,413,002 1,495,077 2,799 Nov 576,784 35,074 94,883 706,741 670,365 0 0 670,365 1,377,106 1,457,095 2,819 Dec 668,335 40,875 110,576 819,786 763,520 0 0 763,520 1,583,305 1,675,272 3,137 Monthly Forecast - 2/7 Hatch Energy Metlakatla - Reference Forecast AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2015 Jan 734,470 48,846 129,607 912,923 872,389 0 0 872,389 1,785,312 1,889,012 3,529 Feb 597,086 40,412 107,229 744,727 739,924 0 0 739,924 1,484,651 1,570,887 3,249 Mar 610,379 40,864 108,428 759,671 773,570 0 0 773,570 1,533,241 1,622,299 3,031 Apr 568,646 33,183 88,048 689,877 760,279 0 0 760,279 1,450,156 1,534,388 2,962 May 499,154 25,803 68,467 593,425 663,826 0 0 663,826 1,257,251 1,330,279 2,485 Jun 433,359 16,968 45,023 495,350 592,874 0 0 592,874 1,088,224 1,151,433 2,223 Jul 445,918 11,446 30,370 487,734 735,036 0 0 735,036 1,222,770 1,293,795 2,417 ‘Aug 443,838 10,894 28,905 483,637 725,481 0 0 725,481 1,209,118 1,279,350 2,390 Sep 461,486 17,972 47,687 527,145 719,387 0 0 719,387 1,246,532 1,318,937 2,546 Oct 559,202 29,970 79,523 668,695 765,913 0 0 765,913 1,434,608 1,517,938 2,836 Nov 585,070 39,458 104,698 729,226 672,914 0 0 672,914 1,402,141 1,483,584 2,864 Dec 677,936 45,984 122,015, 845,935 766,423 0 0 766,423 1,612,358 1,706,011 3,187 2016 Jan 744,987 54,273, 141,083 (940,343 875,693 0 0 875,693 7,816,037 1,921,521 3,582 Feb 605,636 44,902 116,723, 767,262 742,727 0 0 742,727 1,509,988 1,597,696 3,298 Mar 619,119 45,404 118,028, 782,552 776,500 0 0 776,500 1,559,052 1,649,609 3,076 Apr 576,789 36,870 95,844 709,503 763,159 0 0 763,159 1,472,661 1,558,201 3,002 May 506,302 28,670 74,529 609,501 666,341 0 0 666,341 1,275,842 1,349,950 2,517 Jun 439,564 18,853 49,009 507,427 595,120 0 0 595,120 1,102,546 1,166,588 2,247 Jul 452,303 12,718 33,060 498,080 737,820 0 0 737,820 1,235,900 1,307,688 2,438 ‘Aug 450,193, 12,104 31,465 493,762 728,229 0 0 728,229 1,221,991 1,292,971 2411 Sep 468,094 19,969 51,909 539,973 722,112 0 0 722,112 1,262,084 1,335,392 2,573 Oct 567,210 33,300 86,564 687,073 768,814 0 0 768,814 1,455,888 1,540,453 2,872 Nov 593,448 43,842 113,968 751,258 675,463 0 0 675,463 1,426,721 1,509,593 2,908 Dec 687,643 51,094 132,818 871,555 769,326 0 0 769,326 1,640,881 1,736,191 3,237 2017 Jan 755,620 59,700 151,884 967,204 678,998 0 0 878,998 1,846,202 1,953,439 3,635 Feb 614,280 49,392 125,659 789,332 745,529 0 0 745,529 1,534,861 1,624,014 3,346 Mar 627,956 49,945 127,064 804,965 779,430 0 0 779,430 1,584,395 1,676,425 3,120 Apr 585,021 40,557 103,181 728,759 766,039 0 0 766,039 1,494,798 1,581,623 3,041 May 513,528 31,538 80,234 625,300 668,855 0 0 668,855 1,294,156 1,369,327 2,548 Jun 445,838 20,739 52,761 519,338 597,365 0 0 597,365 1,116,703 1,181,567 2,272 Jul 458,759 13,989 35,590 508,339 740,605 0 0 740,605 1,248,943 1,321,488 2,459 Aug 456,619 13,314 33,873 503,807 730,977 0 0 730,977 1,234,784 1,306,507 2,431 Sep 474,776 21,966 55,883 552,625 724,837 0 0 724,837 1,277,461 1,351,662 2,599 Oct 575,305 36,630 93,191 705,126 771,715 0 0 T1715 1,476,842 1,562,624 2,908 Nov 601,918 48,227 122,693, 772,838 678,012 0 0 678,012 1,450,850 1,535,122 2,952 Dec 697,458 56,203 142,986 896,647 772,229 0 0 772,229 1,668,876 1,765,813 3,286 2018 Jan 766,371 65,128, 162,684 994,183 882,302 0 0 882,302 1,876,486 1,985,481 3,688 Feb 623,020 53,883 134,595 811,498 748,332 0 0 748,332 1,559,830 1,650,433 3,394 Mar 636,890 54,485 136,100 827,475 782,361 0 0 782,361 1,609,836 1,703,343 3,164 Apr 593,345 44,244 110,518 748,107 768,918 0 0 768,918 1,517,026 1,605,142 3,081 May 520,835 34,405 85,940 641,179 671,370 0 0 671,370 1,312,549 1,388,789 2,580 Jun 452,181 22,624 56,513 531,319 599,611 0 0 599,611 1,130,930 1,196,620 2,297 Jul 465,286 15,261 38,121 518,668 743,389 0 0 743,389 1,262,057 1,335,364 2,480 Aug 463,116 14,525 36,282 513,923 733,726 0 0 733,726 1,247,648 1,320,118 2,452 Sep 481,531 23,963 59,857 565,350 727,561 0 0 727,561 1,292,912 1,368,011 2,626 Oct 583,491 39,960 99,818 723,269 774,617 0 0 774,617 1,497,885 1,584,890 2,944 Nov 610,482 52,611 131,418 794,511 680,561 0 0 680,561 1,475,072 1,560,751 2,996 Dec 707,381 61,312 153,154 921,847 775,132 o o 775,132 1,696,980 1,795,549 3,335 Monthly Forecast - 3/7 Hatch Energy Metlakatla - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Residential Full Pai Total Residential Spot Heat Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions —_ Conversions Residential Bai Loads Conversions Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2019 Jan 778,521 73,269 172,810 7,024,600 885,607 0 0 885,607 1,910,207 2,021,161 3,747 Feb 632,898 60,618 142,972 836,488 751,135 0 0 751,135 1,587,623 1,679,840 3,447 Mar 646,988 61,296 144,571 852,854 785,291 0 0 785,291 1,638,145 1,733,296 3,213 Apr 602,752 49,774 117,397 769,923 771,798 0 0 771,798 1,541,722 1,631,273 3,125 May 529,092 38,705 91,289 659,086 673,884 0 0 673,884 1,332,971 1,410,396 2,614 Jun 459,350 25,452 60,031 544,833 601,857 0 0 601,857 1,146,690 1,213,295 2,324 Jul 472,663 17,169 40,494 530,325 746,173 0 0 746,173 1,276,498 1,350,644 2,504 ‘Aug 470,458 16,340 38,540 525,339 736,474 0 0 736,474 1,261,812 1,335,105 2,475 Sep 489,165 26,958 63,583 579,706 730,286 0 0 730,286 1,309,992 1,386,083 2,655 Oct 592,742 44,955 106,030 743,727 777,518 0 0 777,518 1,521,245 1,609,606 2,984 Nov 620,160 59,187 139,598 818,945 683,110 0 0 683,110 1,502,055 1,589,302 3,044 Dec 718,596 68,976 162,686 950,259 778,035 0 0 778,035 1,728,294 1,828,682 3,390 2020 Jan 790,811 81,410 182,260 1,054,481 888,911 0 0 688,911 1,943,392 2,056,274 3,804 Feb 642,888 67,353 150,791 861,032 753,938 0 0 753,938 1,614,970 1,708,776 3,500 Mar 657,201 68,106 152,477 877,784 788,221 0 0 788,221 1,666,005 4,762,775 3,261 Apr 612,267 55,305 123,817 791,389 774,678 0 0 774,678 1,566,067 1,657,032 3,168 May 537,444 43,006 96,281 676,731 676,399 0 0 676,399 1,353,130 4,431,727 2,649 Jun 466,601 28,280 63,313, 558,195 604,102 0 0 604,102 1,162,297 1,229,809 2,351 Jul 480,124 19,076 42,708 541,909 748,957 0 0 748,957 1,290,866 1,365,846 2,527 ‘Aug 477,884 18,156 40,648 536,688 739,222 0 0 739,222 1,275,910 1,350,021 2,498 Sep 496,887 29,953 67,060 593,900 733,011 0 0 733,011 1,326,911 1,403,985 2,684 Oct 602,098 49,950 111,829 763,877 780,419 0 0 780,419 1,544,296 1,633,997 3,023 Nov 629,950 65,764 147,232 842,945 685,659 0 0 685,659 1,528,604 1,617,393 3,092 Dec 729,939 76,640 171,583, 978,163 780,939 0 0 780,939 1,759,102 1,861,279 3,444 2021 Jan 803,240 89,551 191,711 1,084,502 892,216 0 0 892,216 1,976,718 2,091,535 3,863 Feb 652,993 74,089 158,610 885,691 756,740 0 0 756,740 1,642,432 1,737,832 3,553 Mar 667,530 74,917 160,383, 902,830 791,151 0 0 791,151 1,693,981 1,792,376 3,310 Apr 621,890 60,835 130,237 812,963 777,558 0 0 777,558 1,590,521 1,682,906 3,212 May 545,891 47,306 101,274 694,471 678,913 0 0 678,913 1,373,385 1,453,158 2,684 Jun 473,935 31,108 66,596 571,640 606,348 0 0 606,348 1,177,988 1,246,411 2,379 Jul 487,670 20,984 44,923, 553,577 751,741 0 0 751,741 1,305,319 1,381,138 2,551 ‘Aug 485,396 19,972 42,756 548,123 741,970 0 0 741,970 1,290,093 1,365,028 2,521 Sep 504,696 32,949 70,537 608,182 735,736 0 0 735,736 1,343,918 1,421,980 2,714 Oct 611,562 54,945, 117,627 784,134 783,320 0 0 783,320 1,567,455 1,658,500 3,063 Nov 639,851 72,340 154,866 867,057 688,208 0 0 688,208 1,555,265 1,645,603 3,140 Dec 741,412 84,305 180,480 1,006,197 783,842 o 0 783,842 1,790,039 1,894,013, 3,498 2022 Jan 615,812 97,692 200,486 1,113,990 895,520 0 0 895,520 2,009,511 2,126,233 3,920 Feb 663,213 80,824 165,870 909,907 759,543 0 0 759,543 1,669,450 1,766,420 3,605 Mar 677,978 81,728 167,724 927,430 794,081 0 0 794,081 4,721,511 1,821,505 3,358 Apr 631,624 66,366 136,199 834,188 780,438 0 0 780,438 1,614,626 1,708,412 3,255 May 554,435 51,607 105,910 711,952 681,428 0 0 681,428 1,393,380 1,474,314 2,718 Jun 481,353 33,936 69,645 584,934 608,594 0 0 608,594 1,193,528 1,262,854 2,406 Jul 495,303 22,892 46,979 565,174 754,526 0 0 754,526 1,319,700 1,396,354 2,574 Aug 492,993 21,787 44,713 559,493 744,718 0 0 744,718 1,304,210 1,379,965 2,544 Sep 512,596 35,944 73,766 622,305 738,461 0 0 738,461 1,360,767 1,439,807 2,743 Oct 621,134 59,940 123,012 804,085 786,221 0 0 786,221 1,590,307 1,682,680 3,102 Nov 649,866 78,916 161,955 890,737 690,757 0 0 690,757 1,581,494 1,673,355 3,188 Dec 753,016 91,969 188,742 1,033,727 786,745 0 o 786,745 1,820,471 1,926,213 3,551 Monthly Forecast - 4/7 Metlakatla - Reference Forecast AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Month Base Conversions —_ Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2023 Jan 828,527 105,832 209,262 1,143,622 898,825 0 0 898,825 2,042,447 2,161,082 3,978 Feb 673,550 87,559 173,130 934,239 762,346 0 0 762,346 1,696,585 1,795,131 3,658 Mar 688,545 88,538 175,066 952,149 797,012 0 0 797,012 1,749,161 1,850,761 3,406 Apr 641,468 71,896 142,160 855,525 783,318 0 0 783,318 1,638,842 1,734,035 3,298 May 563,077 55,907 110,545 729,529 683,942 0 0 683,942 1,413,472 1,495,573 2,753 Jun 488,855 36,764 72,693 598,313 610,840 0 0 610,840 1,209,152 1,279,386 2,433 Jul 503,023 24,799 49,036 576,858 757,310 0 0 757,310 1,334,168 1,411,663 2,598 ‘Aug 500,676 23,603, 46,670 570,949 747,466 0 0 747,466 1,318,415 1,394,995 2,568 Sep 520,585 38,939 76,995 636,519 741,186 0 0 741,186 1,377,705 1,457,729 2,772 Oct 630,814 64,935 128,396 824,146 789,123 0 0 789,123 1,613,268 1,706,975 3,142 Nov 659,995 85,493 169,044 914,531 693,306 0 0 693,306 1,607,837 1,701,228 3,236 Dec 764,753 99,633 197,003 1,061,388, 789,648 0 0 789,648 1,851,036 1,958,554 3,605 2024 ~~ «Jan 841,367 113,973, 217,362 1,172,723 902,129 0 0 902,129 2,074,853 2,195,370 4,034 Feb 684,004 94,295 179,832 958,131 765,149 0 0 765,149 1,723,280 1,823,376 3,710 Mar 699,232 95,349 181,843 976,424 799,942 0 0 799,942 1,776,365 1,879,546 3,454 Apr 651,424 77,427 147,663, 876,515 786,197 0 0 786,197 1,662,712 1,759,291 3,341 May 571,817 60,208 114,824 746,849 686,457 0 0 686,457 1,433,306 1,516,559 2,787 Jun 496,443 39,592 75,507 611,542 613,085 0 0 613,085 1,224,628 1,295,760 2,461 Jul 510,830 26,707 50,934 588,471 760,094 0 0 760,094 1,348,565 1,426,897 2,622 ‘Aug 508,448 25,419 48,476 582,343 750,214 0 0 750,214 1,332,556 1,409,958 2,591 Sep 528,665 41,935 79,975 650,575 743,911 0 0 743,911 1,394,486 1,475,485 2,802 Oct 640,606 69,930 133,366 843,902 792,024 0 0 792,024 1,635,926 1,730,949 3,181 Nov 670,239 92,069 175,588 937,895 695,855 0 0 695,855 1,633,750 1,728,646 3,283 Dec 776,623 107,297, 204,629 1,088,548 792,551 0 0 792,551 1,881,100 1,990,363 3,658 2025 Jan 854,394 122,114 225,463 1,201,971 905,434 0 0 905,434 2,107,405 2,229,813 4,092 Feb 694,578 101,030 186,534 982,142 767,951 0 0 767,951 1,750,093 1,851,747 3,762 Mar 710,041 102,159 188,619 1,000,820 802,872 0 0 802,872 1,803,692 1,908,459 3,502 Apr 661,494 82,957 153,166 897,618 789,077 0 0 789,077 1,686,695 1,784,667 3,384 May 580,656 64,509 119,104 764,268 688,971 0 0 688,971 1,453,239 1,537,651 2,821 Jun 504,117 42,420 78,321 624,858 615,331 0 0 615,331 1,240,189 1,312,226 2,488 Jul 518,727 28,615 52,832 600,173 762,878 0 0 762,878 1,363,052 1,442,225 2,646 Aug 516,307 27,234 50,283 593,824 752,962 0 0 752,962 1,346,786 1,425,014 2,615 Sep 536,837 44,930 82,955 664,723 746,636 0 0 746,636 1,411,359 1,493,338 2,831 Oct 650,508 74,925 138,336 863,770 794,925 0 0 794,925 1,658,695 1,755,040 3,220 Nov 680,599 98,645 182,131 961,376 698,404 0 0 698,404 1,659,779 1,756,188 3,330 Dec 788,628 114,961 212,255 1,115,844 795,454 0 0 795,454 1,911,298 2,022,315 3711 2026 Jan 867,548 130,255 232,888 1,230,691 908,738 0 0 908,738 2,139,430 2,263,698 4,148 Feb 705,271 107,765 192,677 1,005,714 770,754 0 0 770,754 1,776,468 1,879,654 3,813 Mar 720,973 108,970 194,831 1,024,774 805,802 0 0 805,802 1,830,576 1,936,905 3,549 Apr 671,679 88,488 158,211 918,377 791,957 0 0 791,957 1,710,334 1,809,679 3,426 May 589,595 68,809 123,026 781,431 691,486 0 0 691,486 1,472,917 1,558,471 2,856 Jun 511,878 45,248 80,901 638,027 617,577 0 0 617,577 1,255,604 1,328,536 2,515 Jul 526,713 30,522 54,572 611,807 765,663 ° 0 765,663 1,377,470 1,457,480 2,671 Aug 524,256 29,050 51,939 605,245 755,710 0 0 755,710 1,360,955 1,440,006 2,639 Sep 545,102 47,925 85,688 678,715 749,361 0 0 749,361 1,428,076 1,511,026 2,861 Oct 660,523 79,920 142,892 883,336 797,826 0 0 797,826 1,681,162 1,778,812 3,259 Nov 691,078 105,222 188,130 984,429 700,952 0 0 700,952 1,685,381 1,783,277 3,376 Dec. 800,770 122,625 219,245 1,142,640 798,357 0 0 798,357 1,940,997, 2,053,740 3,763 Hatch Energy Monthly Forecast - 5/7 Hatch Energy Metlakatla - Reference Forecast AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) [Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2027 Jan 680,851 138,396 240,314 7,259,561 912,043 0 0 912,043 2,171,604 2,297,741 4,205 Feb 716,086 114,501 198,821 1,029,407 773,557 0 0 773,587 1,802,964 1,907,689 3,865 Mar 732,028 115,781 201,043 1,048,853 808,732 0 0 808,732 1,857,585 1,965,483 3,597 Apr 681,978 94,018 163,255 939,252 794,837 0 0 794,837 1,734,089 1,834,813 3,469 May 598,636 73,110 126,949 798,695 694,000 0 0 694,000 1,492,695 1,579,399 2,890 Jun 519,728 48,076 83,480 651,284 619,823 0 0 619,823 1,271,106 1,344,938 2,543 Jul 534,790 32,430 56,312 623,532 768,447 0 0 768,447 1,391,978 1,472,832 2,695 ‘Aug 532,295 30,865 53,595 616,756 758,458 0 0 758,458 1,375,214 1,455,093 2,663 Sep 553,461 50,921 88,420 692,801 752,086 0 0 752,086 1,444,887 1,528,814 2,891 Oct 670,652 84,915 147,448 903,016 800,727 0 0 800,727 1,703,743 1,802,705 3,299 Nov 701,675 111,798 194,128 1,007,601 703,501 0 0 703,501 4,711,102 1,810,492 3,423 Dec 813,049 130,289, 226,236 1,169,573 801,260 0 0 801,260 1,970,834 2,085,310 3,816 2028 Jan 894,305 146,537 247,064 1,287,906 915,348 0 0 915,348 2,203,254 2,331,230 4,260 Feb 727,024 121,236 204,405 1,052,665 776,360 0 0 776,360 1,829,025 1,935,264 3,916 Mar 743,209 122,591 206,691 1,072,491 811,662 0 0 811,662 1,884,154 1,993,595 3,643 Apr 692,395 99,549 167,841 959,785 797,717 0 0 797,717 1,757,502 1,859,586 3,512 May 607,780 77,410 130,515 815,705 696,515 0 0 696,515 1,512,220 1,600,057 2,924 Jun 527,666 50,904 85,825 664,395 622,068 0 0 622,068 1,286,463, 1,361,187 2,871 Jul 542,958 34,338 57,894 635,189 771,231 0 0 771,231 1,406,420 1,488,112 2,720 ‘Aug 540,426 32,681 55,101 628,207 761,206 0 0 761,206 1,389,413 1,470,117 2,687 Sep 561,915 53,916 90,903 706,734 754,811 0 0 754,811 1,461,545 1,546,439 2,920 Oct 680,895 89,910 151,590 922,396 803,628 0 0 803,628 1,726,024 1,826,281 3,338 Nov 712,392 118,374 199,581 1,030,348 706,050 0 0 706,050 1,736,398 1,837,257 3,470 Dec 825,467 137,953, 232,591 1,196,011 804,164 0 o 804,164 2,000,174 2,116,354 3,868 2029 Jan 907,911 154,678 253,814 1,316,404 918,652 0 0 918,652 2,235,056 2,364,879 4,317 Feb 738,085 127,971 209,990 1,076,047 779,162 0 0 779,162 1,855,209 1,962,969 3,967 Mar 754,517 129,402 212,338 1,096,257 814,593 0 0 814,593 1,910,849 2,021,841 3,690 Apr 702,929 105,079 172,427 980,435 800,597 0 0 800,597 1,781,032 1,884,483 3,554 May 617,027 81,711 134,081 832,819 699,029 0 0 699,029 1,531,848 1,620,825 2,958 Jun 535,694 53,732 88,170 677,596 624,314 0 0 624,314 1,301,910 1,377,531 2,598 Jul 551,219 36,245 59,476 646,940 774,015 0 0 774,015 1,420,955 1,503,491 2,744 ‘Aug 548,648 34,497 56,606 639,751 763,954 0 0 763,954 1,403,704 1,485,239 2711 Sep 570,464 56,911 93,387 720,762 757,536 0 0 757,536 1,478,298 1,564,165 2,950 Oct 691,255 94,905 155,732, 941,892 806,530 0 0 806,530 1,748,422 1,849,979 3,377 Nov 723,231 124,951 205,034 1,053,216 708,599 0 0 708,599 1,761,815 1,864,150 3,516 Dec 838,026 145,617 238,945 1,222,589 807,067 0 0 807,067 2,029,655 2,147,548 3,920 2030 Jan 921,671 162,819 260,565 1,345,055 921,957 0 0 921,957 2,267,012 2,398,691 4,373 Feb 749,271 134,707 215,575 1,099,553 781,965 0 0 781,965 1,881,518 1,990,806 4,018 Mar 765,952 136,213, 217,985 1,120,150 817,523 0 0 817,523 1,937,673 2,050,223 3,738 Apr 713,583 110,610 177,013, 1,001,205 803,476 0 0 803,476 1,804,682 1,909,507 3,597 May 626,378 86,011 137,647 850,037 701,544 0 0 701,544 1,551,580 1,641,704 2,993 Jun 543,813 56,560 90,515 690,888 626,560 0 0 626,560 1,317,448 1,393,972 2,626 Jul 559,573 38,153, 61,057 658,783 776,800 0 0 776,800 1,435,583 1,518,969 2,769 Aug 556,963 36,312 58,112 651,387 766,702 0 0 766,702 1,418,089 1,500,458 2,735 Sep 579,110 59,907 95,871 734,887 760,261 0 0 760,261 1,495,148 1,581,994 2,980 Oct 701,731 99,900 159,874 961,506 809,431 0 0 809,431 1,770,936 1,873,801 3,416 Nov 734,192 131,527 210,487 1,076,206 711,148 0 0 711,148 1,787,354 1,891,173 3,563 Dec 850,727 153,281 245,300 1,249,309 809,970 0 0 809,970 2,059,278 2,178,892 3,972 Monthly Forecast - 6 / 7 Hatch Energy Metlakatla - Reference Forecast AK-BC intertie Feasibility Study Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions —_ Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2031 Jan 935,587 170,960 266,640 1,373,187 925,261 0 0 925,261 2,298,448 2,431,953 4,429 Feb 760,584 141,442 220,601 1,122,627 784,768 0 0 784,768 1,907,395 2,018,186 4,069 Mar 777,517 143,023, 223,068 1,143,608 820,453 0 0 820,453 1,964,061 2,078,143 3,784 Apr 724,356 116,140 181,140 1,021,637 806,356 0 0 806,356 1,827,993, 1,934,172 3,640 May 635,836 90,312 140,856 867,004 704,058 0 0 704,058 1,571,062 1,662,317 3,027 Jun 552,024 59,388 92,625 704,037 628,806 0 0 628,806 1,332,842 1,410,260 2,654 Jul 568,021 40,061 62,481 670,563 779,584 0 0 779,584 1,450,147 1,534,378 2,794 Aug 565,372 38,128 59,466 662,966 769,450 0 0 769,450 1,432,416 1,515,618 2,760 Sep 587,853 62,902 98,106 748,861 762,986 0 0 762,986 1,511,847 1,599,663 3,010 Oct 712,326 104,895 163,601 980,823 812,332 0 0 812,332 1,793,155 1,897,310 3,455 Nov 745,277 138,103 215,395 1,098,775 713,697 0 0 713,697 1,812,472 1,917,750 3,609 Dec 863,572 160,945, 251,020 1,275,536 812,873 0 0 812,873 2,088,409 2,209,715 4,024 Monthly Forecast -7/7 HATCH ARES Alaska Energy Authority - AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study SE Alaska Final Report ° Appendix H H6 Hatch Acres Corporation PR324582 AK-BC Alaska Final Report-App 18-09-07.doc Year Month 1998 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 8661 1999 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 6661 2000 = January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 0002 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Craig/Klawock/Thorne Bay/Hollis Sales (kWh) Number of Customers Gross Generation Net Generation Peak Residential Non-Res Total Residential Non-Res Total Diesel Hydro Total Diesel Hydro Total (MW) 703,379 892,546 1,595,925 768 314 1,082 50,960 1,696,800 1,747,760 1,747,760 698,857 938,287 1,637,144 777 314 1,091 43,920 1,736,000 1,779,920 1,779,920 597,385 837,216 1,434,601 783 316 1,099 38,160 1,540,000 1,578,160 1,578,160 635,320 908,207 1,543,527 780 313 1,093 36,800 1,568,900 1,605,700 1,605,700 607,824 843,094 1,450,918 788 319 1,107 37,520 1,534,400 1,571,920 1,571,920 583,710 848,542 1,432,252 798 325 1,123 32,800 1,517,600 1,550,400 1,550,400 525,151 1,029,083 1,554,234 795 326 1,121 38,480 1,680,000 1,718,480 1,718,480 539,413 1,082,689 1,622,102 795 326 1,121 34,560 1,719,200 1,753,760 1,753,760 572,799 1,090,702 1,663,501 801 331 1,132 40,800 1,769,600 1,810,400 1,810,400 592,861 943,565 1,536,426 795 328 1,123 76,160 1,568,000 1,644,160 1,644,160 733,356 962,028 1,695,384 793 330 1,123 73,600 1,758,400 1,832,000 1,832,000 758,143 934,357 1,692,500 790 323 1,113 68,640 1,797,600 1,866,240 1,866,240 7,548,198 11,310,316 18,858,514 790 323 1,113 572,400 19,886,500 20,458,900 20,458,900 702,271 891,142 1,593,413 791 323 1,114 56,640 1,640,800 1,697,440 1,697,440 719,734 966,316 1,686,050 793 321 1,114 87,920 1,786,400 1,844,320 1,844,320 702,281 984,225 1,686,506 799 322 1,121 209,440 1,590,400 1,799,840 1,799,840 738,109 1,055,146 1,793,255 806 324 1,130 948,240 991,200 1,939,440 1,939,440 741,871 1,029,028 1,770,899 812 329 1,141 378,400 1,489,600 1,868,000 1,868,000 726,252 1,055,754 1,782,006 822 334 1,156 139,120 1,724,800 1,863,920 1,863,920 617,865 1,210,764 1,828,629 818 335 1,153 145,120 1,848,000 1,993,120 1,993,120 664,540 1,333,838 1,998,378 1,124 462 1,586 136,800 1,999,200 2,136,000 2,136,000 677,471 1,290,016 1,967,487 1,147 474 1,621 129,760 1,999,200 2,128,960 2,128,960 719,138 1,144,538 1,863,676 1,118 462 1,580 109,280 1,870,400 1,979,680 1,979,680 858,582 1,126,301 1,984,883 1,114 463 1,577 134,480 1,954,400 2,088,880 2,088,880 828,665 1,021,271 1,849,936 1,120 458 1,578 58,800 2,027,200 2,086,000 2,086,000 8,696,778 13,108,340 21,805,118 1,120 458 1,578 2,504,000 20,921,600 23,425,600 23,425,600 784,731 995,777 1,780,508 1,121 458 1,579 172,880 1,758,400 1,931,280 1,931,280 785,864 1,055,102 1,840,966 1,122 453 1,575 52,160 1,932,000 1,984,160 1,984,160 758,277 1,062,701 1,820,978 1,122 452 1,574 476,560 1,601,600 2,078,160 2,078,160 803,946 1,149,262 1,953,208 1,140 457 1,597 650,400 1,422,400 2,072,800 2,072,800 759,525 1,053,515 1,813,040 1,140 462 1,602 491,040 1,388,800 1,879,840 1,879,840 752,382 1,093,741 1,846,123 1,143 465 1,608 189,280 1,876,000 2,065,280 2,065,280 607,160 1,189,787 1,796,947 1,153 473 1,626 108,880 1,842,400 1,951,280 1,951,280 646,949 1,298,532 1,945,481 1,162 477 1,639 143,114 1,976,800 2,119,914 2,119,914 607,553 1,156,880 1,764,433 1,162 479 1,641 182,631 1,780,800 1,963,431 1,963,431 780,190 1,241,706 2,021,896 1,173 485 1,658 146,720 1,932,000 2,078,720 2,078,720 870,026 1,141,315 2,011,341 4,171 486 1,657 178,080 2,044,000 2,222,080 2,222,080 918,200 1,131,615 2,049,815 1,180 483 1,663 165,200 2,066,400 2,231,600 2,231,600 9,074,803 13,569,933 22,644,736 1,180 483 1,663 2,956,945 21,621,600 24,578,545 24,578,545 Historic Data - 1 of 3 Year Month 2001 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 4002 2002 = January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 7002 2003 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL £002 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Craig/Klawock/Thorne Bay/Hollis Sales (kWh) Number of Customers Gross Generation I Net Generation Peak Residential Non-Res Total Residential _Non-Res Total Diesel Hydro Total Total (mw) 813,767 1,032,622 1,846,389 1,177 480 1,657 87,840 1,864,800 1,952,640 1,952,640 809,948 1,087,438 1,897,386 1,190 481 1,671 54,560 2,161,600 2,216,160 2,216,160 704,925 987,929 1,692,854 1,186 478 1,664 73,840 1,730,400 1,804,240 1,804,240 796,701 1,138,906 1,935,607 1,199 481 1,680 113,360 1,943,200 2,056,560 2,056,560 705,241 978,219 1,683,460 1,195 484 1,679 166,240 1,825,600 1,991,840 1,991,840 734,275 1,067,419 1,801,694 1,199 487 1,686 72,080 1,808,800 1,880,880 1,880,880 636,410 1,247,104 1,883,514 1,201 493 1,694 119,446 1,808,800 1,928,246 1,928,246 596,994 1,198,264 1,795,258 1,204 495 1,699 137,040 1,836,800 1,973,840 1,973,840 631,680 1,202,821 1,834,501 1,217 502 1,719 102,648 1,904,000 2,006,648 2,006,648 695,689 1,107,218 1,802,907 1,198 494 1,692 89,760 1,848,000 1,937,760 1,937,760 775,591 1,017,433 1,793,024 1,190 495 1,685 50,530 2,038,400 2,088,930 2,088,930 812,854 1,001,784 1,814,638 1,202 492 1,694 57,111 2,055,200 2,112,311 2,112,311 8,714,074 13,067,158 21,781,232 1,202 492 1,694 1,124,455 22,825,600 23,950,055 23,950,055 814,354 1,033,367 1,847,721 1,204 491 1,695 276,815 1,730,400 2,007,215 2,007,215 852,755 1,144,910 1,997,665 1,214 491 1,705 168,900 1,892,800 2,061,700 2,061,700 741,988 1,039,871 1,781,859 1,196 481 1,677 646,640 1,327,200 1,973,840 1,973,840 775,129 1,108,068 1,883,197 1,202 483 1,685 1,402,640 593,600 1,996,240 1,996,240 695,658 964,926 1,660,584 1,197 484 1,681 854,800 985,600 1,840,400 1,840,400 709,608 1,031,560 1,741,168 1,380 561 1,941 131,850 1,786,400 1,918,250 1,918,250 606,387 1,188,273 1,794,660 1,377 565 1,942 60,201 1,786,400 1,846,601 1,846,601 591,671 1,187,579 1,779,250 1,365 561 1,926 45,120 2,032,800 2,077,920 2,077,920 657,875 1,252,701 1,910,576 1,370 566 1,936 82,515 1,915,200 1,997,715 1,997,715 647,549 1,030,601 1,678,150 1,362 562 1,924 68,080 1,780,800 1,848,880 1,848,880 784,517 1,029,142 1,813,659 1,359 564 1,923 55,120 2,133,600 2,188,720 2,188,720 883,776 1,089,190 1,972,966 1,350 553 1,903 59,259 2,027,200 2,086,459 2,086,459 8,761,265 13,100,190 21,861,455 1,350 553 1,903 3,851,940 19,992,000 23,843,940 23,843,940 749,188 950,676 1,699,864 1,352 552 1,904 60,168 1,937,600 1,997,768 1,997,768 773,479 1,038,474 1,811,953 1,358 549 1,907 59,152 2,016,000 2,075,152 2,075,152 717,644 1,005,755 1,723,399 1,357 546 1,903 79,992 1,870,400 1,950,392 1,950,392 812,375 1,161,312 1,973,687 1,374 551 1,925 195,587 1,786,400 1,981,987 1,981,987 733,792 1,017,821 1,751,613 1,365 553 1,918 42,400 2,072,000 2,114,400 2,114,400 772,442 1,122,901 1,895,343 1,391 566 1,957 82,784 1,948,800 2,031,584 2,031,584 592,305 1,160,676 1,752,981 1,373 563 1,936 40,800 1,808,800 1,849,600 1,849,600 637,258 1,279,079 1,916,337 1,372 564 1,936 1,018,840 1,142,400 2,161,240 2,161,240 650,329 1,238,332 1,888,661 1,375 567 1,942 682,174 1,316,000 1,998,174 1,998,174 678,719 1,080,211 1,758,930 1,367 564 1,931 46,400 2,010,400 2,056,800 2,056,800 847,231 4,111,411 1,958,642 1,363 566 1,929 218,331 1,976,800 2,195,131 2,195,131 882,645 1,087,797 1,970,442 1,366 559 1,925 91,094 2,094,400 2,185,494 2,185,494 8,847,406 13,254,446 22,101,852 1,366 559 1,925 2,617,722 21,980,000 24,597,722 24,597,722 Historic Data - 2 of 3 Year Month 2004 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL v00z 2005 = January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL $002 2006 = January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 9002 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Craig/Klawock/Thorne Bay/Hollis Sales (kWh) [Number of Customers Gross Generation Net Generation Peak Residential Non-Res Total Residential Non-Res Total Diesel Hydro Total Diesel Hydro Total (mw) 822,913 1,044,228 1,867,141 1,372 560 1,932 85,817 2,012,500 2,098,317 2,098,317 888,738 1,193,220 2,081,958 1,372 555 1,927 76,466 2,163,000 2,239,466 2,239,466 716,989 1,004,838 1,721,827 1,376 554 1,930 4,068 1,837,018 1,841,086 1,841,086 738,005 1,054,998 1,793,003 1,374 551 1,925 4,751 2,062,130 2,066,881 2,066,881 673,594 934,322 1,607,916 1,389 562 1,951 34,421 1,742,930 1,777,351 1,777,351 685,603 996,664 1,682,267 1,380 561 1,941 18,493 1,816,080 1,834,573 1,834,573 636,768 1,247,806 1,884,574 1,380 567 1,947 3,560 2,118,760 2,122,320 2,122,320 662,385 1,329,513 1,991,898 1,382 567 1,949 163,881 1,990,170 2,154,051 2,154,051 637,180 1,213,295 1,850,475 1,381 570 1,951 689,997 1,295,490 1,985,487 1,985,487 688,996 1,096,568 1,785,564 1,389 574 1,963 38,492 1,950,270 1,988,762 1,988,762 884,778 1,160,665 2,045,443 1,378 573 1,951 2,652 2,179,730 2,182,382 2,182,382 830,570 1,023,619 1,854,189 1,371 561 1,932 2,596 2,134,440 2,137,036 2,137,036 8,866,519 13,299,736 22,166,255 1,371 561 1,932 1,125,194 23,302,518 24,427,712 24,427,712 805,907 1,022,650 1,828,557 1,374 560 1,934 7,879 2,028,180 2,036,059 2,036,059 750,526 1,007,657 1,758,183 1,380 557 1,937 28,927 1,949,920 1,978,847 1,978,847 749,028 1,049,739 1,798,767 1,384 558 1,942 24,490 1,944,250 1,968,740 1,968,740 828,210 1,183,948 2,012,158 1,389 557 1,946 160 2,212,770 2,212,930 2,212,930 709,017 983,458 1,692,475 1,375 556 1,931 0 1,866,620 1,866,620 1,866,620 698,012 1,014,702 1,712,714 1,381 562 1,943 132,275 1,816,290 1,948,565 1,948,565 634,727 1,243,808 1,878,535 1,382 567 1,949 262,996 1,721,230 1,984,226 1,984,226 669,503 1,343,802 2,013,305 1,395 573 1,968 351,291 1,794,240 2,145,531 2,145,531 651,612 1,240,777 1,892,389 1,380 569 1,949 206,978 1,961,890 2,168,868 2,168,868 706,705 1,124,751 1,831,456 1,382 571 1,953 52,475 1,900,080 1,952,555 1,952,555 816,759 1,071,437 1,888,196 1,397 580 1,977 30,014 2,157,470 2,187,484 2,187,484 839,234 1,034,296 1,873,530 1,390 569 1,959 29,349 1,989,011 2,018,360 2,018,360 8,859,241 13,321,024 22,180,265 1,390 569 1,959 1,126,834 23,341,951 24,468,785 24,468,785 894,285 1,134,795 2,029,080 1,388 566 1,954 15,511 2,168,773 2,184,284 2,184,284 800,766 1,075,108 1,875,874 1,387 561 1,948 22,307 2,124,925 2,147,232 2,147,232 714,985 1,002,029 1,717,014 1,401 564 1,965 96,998 1,855,647 1,952,645 1,952,645 743,945 1,063,489 1,807,434 1,406 565 1,971 1,295,933 618,997 1,914,930 1,914,930 756,151 1,048,835 1,804,986 1,407 569 1,976 424,797 1,546,424 1,971,221 1,971,221 708,298 1,029,656 1,737,954 1,405 571 1,976 433 2,001,765 2,002,198 2,002,198 641,967 1,257,995 1,899,962 1,400 575 1,975 0 2,059,528 2,059,528 2,059,528 678,028 1,360,911 2,038,939 1,406 577 1,983 0 2,274,184 2,274,184 2,274,184 620,797 1,182,098 1,802,895 1,403 579 1,982 20,003 2,005,288 2,025,291 2,025,291 726,881 1,156,863 1,883,744 1,403 580 1,983 989 1,997,324 1,998,313 1,998,313 829,370 1,087,982 1,917,352 1,388 577 1,965 92,616 2,065,722 2,158,338 2,158,338 911,216 1,123,008 2,034,224 1,391 570 1,961 14,717 2,254,444 2,269,161 2,269,161 9,026,688 13,522,770 22,549,458 1,391 570 1,961 1,984,304 22,973,021 24,957,325 24,957,325 Historic Data - 3 of 3 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Craig/Klawock/Thorne Bay/Hollis - Monthly Residential Sales (kWh) 1,000 Thousands Jan Feb Mar Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Thousands Craig/Klawock/Thorne Bay/Hollis - Monthly Residential Sales (kWh) 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 =. 2005 Craig/Klawock/Thorne Bay/Hollis - Annual Residential Sales (kWh) 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 + 2006 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Hatch Energy Monthly Patterns 2006 Craig/Klawock/Thorne Bay/Hollis - Monthly Non-Residential Sales (kWh) AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study 1,600 Thousands Thousands Craig/Klawock/Thorne Bay/Hollis - Monthly Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Reins Thousands Hatch Energy Jan Feb Mar Apr May Aug Sep Oct Monthly Patterns Nov Dec 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Craig/Klawock/Thorne Bay/Hollis - Annual Non-Residential Sales (kWh) 2006 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 «2003 2004 = 2005 2006 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Craig/Klawock/Thorne Bay/Hollis - Monthly Net Generation (kWh) Craig/Klawock/Thorne Bay/Hollis - Monthly Net Generation (kWh) 2,500 Thousands N ° Ss Ss Thousands 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Craig/Klawock/Thorne Bay/Hollis - Annual Net Generation (kWh) ll 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Thousands Jan Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1998 Hatch Energy Monthly Patterns cans C Interwe » ewewility St, Craig/Klawock/Thorne Bay/Hollis - Reference Forecast Annual Forecast Values ‘Non Electric Total Total Unit Residential Full Partial Total Unit Residential Spot Heat Non- Net Peak Year Customers Consumption B Conversions Conversions —_—Residential Customers Consumption Base Loads Conversions —_—Residential Generation Demand (#) (kWh) (kwh) (kwh) (kWh) (kWh) (#) (kwh) (kWh) _ (kwh) (kwh) (kwh) (kWh) (kw) 1998 790 9,559.2 7,548,198 ~ - 7,548,198 323 34,976.3 11,310,316 - 11,310,316 18,858,514 20,458,900 1999 1,120 7,768.3 8,696,778 - - 8,696,778 458 28,591.4 13,108,340 13,108,340 21,805,118 23,425,600 2000 1,180 7,691.6 9,074,803 - - 9,074,803 483 28,085.4 13,569,933 - 13,569,933 22,644,736 24,578,545 2001 1,202 7,250.7 8,714,074 - - 8,714,074 492 26,549.9 13,067,158 - 13,067,158 21,781,232 23,950,055 2002 1,350 6,489.3, 8,761,265 : - 8,761,265 553 23,693.7 13,100,190 13,100,190 21,861,455 23,843,940 2003 1,366 6,478.2 8,847,406 - 8,847,406 559 23,698.7 13,254,446 13,254,446 22,101,852 24,597,722 2004 1,371 6,468.7 8,866,519 - 8,866,519 561 23,693.6 13,299,736 - 13,299,736 22,166,255 24,427,712 2005 1,390 6,374.3 8,859,241 : 8,859,241 569 23,404.4 13,321,024 - 13,321,024 22,180,265 24,468,785 2006 1,391 6,488.2 9,026,688, - 9,026,688 570 23,7346 13,522,770 : 13,522,770 22,549,458 24,957,325 2007 1,402 6,536.8 9,164,648, - - 9,164,648 573 23,7346 13,599,948 - 13,599,948 22,764,596 24,086,878 4,803 2008 1,413 6,585.9 9,305,828 : - 9,305,828 576 23,7346 13,671,152 13,671,152 22,976,980 24,311,597 4,848 2009 1,424 6,635.3 9,448,609 - - 9,448,609 579 23,734.6 13,742,356 13,742,356 23,190,965 24,538,012 4,893 2010 1,435 6,685.0 9,593,009 - - 9,593,009 582 23,7346 13,813,560 13,813,560 23,406,569 24,766,139 4,938 2011 1,446 6,735.2 9,739,044 - : 9,739,044 585 23,7346 13,884,763 - 13,884,763 23,623,807 24,995,996 4,984 2012 1,457 6,785.7 9,886,729 - - 9,886,729 588 23,734.6 13,955,967 13,955,967 23,842,696 25,227,599 5,030 2013 1,468 6,836.6 10,036,082 - - 10,036,082 591 23,7346 14,027,171 14,027,171 24,063,253 25,460,967 5,077 2014 1,479 6,887.8 10,187,118 - - 10,187,118 594 23,7346 14,098,375 - 14,098,375 24,285,494 25,696,117 5,124 2015 1,490 6,939.5 10,339,856 - - 10,339,856 597 23,7346 14,169,579 - 14,169,579 24,509,435 25,933,066 5.171 2016 1,501 6,991.5 10,494,312 - - 10,494,312 600 23,7346 14,240,783 - 14,240,783, 24,735,095 26,171,833 5,219 2017 1,512 7,044.0 10,650,503 - - 10,650,503 603 23,734.6 14,311,987 : 14,311,987 24,962,490 26,412,437 5,267 2018 1,523 7,096.8 10,808,447 - - 10,808,447 606 23,7346 14,383,191 - 14,383,191 25,191,638 26,654,894 5,315 2019 1,534 7,150.0 10,968,161 - - 10,968,161 609 23,7346 14,454,395 - 14,454,395 25,422,556 26,899,225 5,364 2020 1,546 7,203.7 11,136,866 120,600 375,000 11,632,466 612 23,7346 14,525,599 : 14,525,599 26,158,065 27,677,456 5,519 2021 1,558 7,257.7 11,307,485 241,200 735,000 12,283,685 615 23,734.6 14,596,803, - 14,596,803, 26,880,487 28,441,841 5671 2022 1,570 7,312.4 11,480,037 361,800 1,075,000 12,916,837 618 23,734.68 14,668,007 : 14,668,007 27,584,843 29,187,109 5,820 2023 1,582 7,367.0 11,654,540 482,400 1,400,000 13,536,940 621 23,734.6 14,739,210 - 14,739,210 28,276,151 29,918,571 5,966 2024 1,594 7,422.2 11,831,016 603,000 1,710,000 14,144,016 624 23,734.6 14,810,414 - 14,810,414 28,954,430 30,636,249 6,109 2025 1,606 7,477.9 12,009,483 723,600 2,010,000 14,743,083 627 23,7346 14,881,618 - 14,881,618 29,624,702 31,345,452 6,250 2026 1,618 7,534.0 12,189,962 844,200 2,295,000 15,329,162 630 23,734.6 14,952,822 - 14,952,822 30,281,984 32,040,913 6,389 2027 1,630 7,590.5 12,372,472 964,800 2,565,000 15,902,272 633 23,7346 15,024,026 : 15,024,026 30,926,299 32,722,653 6,525 2028 1,642 7,647.4 12,557,035 1,085,400 2,825,000 16,467,435 636 23,734.6 15,095,230 - 15,095,230 31,562,665 33,395,982 6,659 2029 1,654 7,704.8 12,743,670 1,206,000 3,075,000 17,024,670 639 23,734.6 15,166,434 : 15,166,434 32,191,104 34,060,924 6,792 2030 1,666 7,762.5 12,932,398 1,326,600 3,310,000 17,568,998 642 23,7346 15,237,638, : 15,237,638 32,806,636 34,712,209 6,922 2031 1,678 7,820.8 13,123,240 1,447,200 3,535,000 18,105,440 645 23,7346 15,308,842 : 15,308,842 33,414,282 35,355,150 7,050 Growth 0.75% 0.75% 1.51% 2.82% 0.50% 0.00% 0.50% 0.50% 159% 1.40% 1-5 0.77% 0.75% 1.53% 1.53% 0.53% 0.00% 0.53% 0.53% 0.94% 0.03% 20-25 0.73% 0.75% 1.49% 3.39% 0.47% 0.00% 0.47% 0.47% 1.99% 1.99% Monthly Patterns Non- Electric Resultant Residential Full Partial Spot Heat Peak Distri Month Base Conversions Conversions Base Loads Conversions 2007 Jan 9.04% 13.75% 13.75% 7.65% 7.65% 13.75% 0.876 Feb 9.03% 11.28% 11.28% 8.09% 8.09% 11.28% 1.000 Mar 8.17% 11.07% 11.07% 7.63% 7.63% 11.07% 0.837 Apr 877% 8.73% 8.73% 8.36% 8.36% 8.73% 0.939 May 8.14% 6.68% 6.68% 7.53% 7.53% 6.68% 0.830 Jun 8.13% 4.38% 4.38% 7.88% 7.88% 4.38% 879 Jul 7.01% 3.24% 3.24% 9.17% 9.17% 3.24% 0.885 Aug 7.25% 3.40% 3.40% 9.71% 9.71% 3.40% 0.930 Sep 7.28% 5.26% 5.26% 9.24% 9.24% 5.26% 0.932 Oct 7.96% 8.33% 8.33% 8.44% 8.44% 8.33% 0.880 Nov 9.44% 10.98% 10.98% 8.26% 8.26% 10.98% 0.963 Dec 9.78% 12.91% 12.91% 8.04% 8.04% 12.91% 0.932 Hatch Energy Annual Forecast Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Craig/Klawock/Thorne Bay/Hollis - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Conversions Conversions Residential Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2007 Jan 828,939 0 0 828,939 1,040,966 0 0 1,040,966 1,869,905 1,978,519 4,208 Feb 827,755 0 0 827,755 1,099,819 0 0 1,099,819 1,927,574 2,039,537 4,803 Mar 748,592 0 0 748,592 1,038,247 0 0 1,038,247 1,786,839 1,890,628 4,021 Apr 803,330 0 0 803,330 1,136,473 0 0 1,136,473 1,939,804 2,052,477 4511 May 746,157 0 0 746,157 1,024,239 0 0 1,024,239 1,770,396 1,873,229 3,984 Jun 744,744 0 0 744,744 1,071,409 0 0 1,071,409 1,816,152 1,921,643 4,224 Jul 642,822 0 0 642,822 1,246,607 0 0 1,246,607 1,889,429 1,999,176 4,252 ‘Aug 664,800 0 0 664,800 1,320,523 0 0 1,320,523 1,985,323 2,100,640 4,468 Sep 667,203 0 0 667,203 1,257,288 0 0 1,257,288 1,924,491 2,036,275 4,476 Oct 729,095 0 0 729,095 1,148,353 0 0 1,148,353 1,877,448 1,986,500 4,225 Nov 865,111 0 0 865,111 1,123,097 0 0 1,123,097 1,988,207 2,103,692 4,624 Dec 896,101 0 0 896,101 1,092,927 0 0 1,092,927 1,989,028 2,104,561 4,477 2008 Jan 841,708 0 0 841,708 1,046,416 0 0 7,046,416 1,888,125 1,997,797 4,248 Feb 840,506 0 0 840,506 1,105,577 0 0 1,105,577 1,946,084 2,059,122 4,848 Mar 760,124 0 0 760,124 1,043,683 0 0 1,043,683 1,803,807 1,908,581 4,059 Apr 815,705 0 0 815,705 1,142,423 0 0 1,142,423 4,958,129 2,071,867 4,553 May 757,651 0 0 757,651 1,029,602 0 0 1,029,602 1,787,253 1,891,065 4,021 Jun 756,216 0 ° 756,216 1,077,018 0 0 1,077,018 1,833,234 1,939,718 4,262 Jul 652,725 0 0 652,725 1,253,133 0 0 1,253,133 1,905,858 2,016,560 4,288 Aug 675,041 0 0 675,041 1,327,437 0 0 1,327,437 2,002,478 2,118,792 4,506 Sep 677,481 0 0 677,481 1,263,870 0 0 1,263,870 1,941,352 2,054,115 4,514 Oct 740,327 0 0 740,327 1,154,365 0 0 1,154,365 1,894,692 2,004,745 4,263 Nov 878,437 0 0 878,437 1,128,977 0 0 1,128,977 2,007,414 2,124,015 4,667 Dec 909,905 0 0 909,905 1,098,649 0 0 1,098,649 2,008,554 2,125,221 4,519 2009 Jan 854,623 0 0 854,623 1,051,867 0 0 7,051,867 1,906,489 2,017,228 4,288 Feb 853,402 0 0 853,402 4,111,336 0 0 4,111,336 1,964,738 2,078,860 4,893 Mar 771,787 0 0 771,787 1,049,119 0 0 1,049,119 1,820,906 1,926,673 4,096 Apr 828,221 0 0 828,221 1,148,374 0 0 1,148,374 1,976,595 2,091,405 4,594 May 769,276 0 0 769,276 1,034,964 0 0 1,034,964 1,804,240 1,909,039 4,058 Jun 767,819 0 0 767,819 1,082,627 0 0 1,082,627 1,850,447 1,957,930 4,301 Jul 662,739 0 0 662,739 1,259,660 0 0 1,259,660 1,922,399 2,034,062 4,324 Aug 685,398 0 0 685,398 1,334,350 0 0 1,334,350 2,019,749 2,137,066 4,543 Sep 687,876 0 0 687,876 1,270,453 0 0 1,270,453 1,958,329 2,072,078 4,552 Oct 751,686 0 0 751,686 1,160,378 0 0 1,160,378 1,912,064 2,023,126 4,301 Nov 891,915 0 0 891,915 1,134,857 0 0 1,134,857 2,026,772 2,144,497 4711 Dec 923,866 o 0 923,866 1,104,371 0 0 4,104,374 2,028,237 2,146,048 4,562 2010 Jan 867,684 0 0 867,684 1,057,317 0 0 1,087,317 1,925,000 2,036,814 4,329 Feb 866,445 0 0 866,445 1,117,094 0 0 1,117,094 1,983,539 2,098,752 4,938 Mar 783,582 0 0 783,582 1,054,555 0 0 1,054,555 1,838,137 1,944,905 4,134 Apr 840,878 0 0 840,878 1,154,324 0 0 1,154,324 1,995,202 2,111,093 4,636 May 781,033 0 0 781,033 1,040,327 0 0 1,040,327 1,821,359 1,927,153 4,096 Jun 779,553 0 0 779,553 1,088,237 0 0 1,088,237 1,867,790 1,976,281 4,340 Jul 672,868 0 0 672,868 1,266,187 0 0 1,266,187 1,939,055 2,051,685 4,361 ‘Aug 695,873 0 0 695,873 1,341,264 0 0 1,341,264 2,037,137 2,155,464 4,581 Sep 698,388 0 0 698,388 1,277,036 0 0 1,277,036 1,975,424 2,090,167 4,590 Oct 763,174 0 0 763,174 1,166,390 0 0 1,166,390 1,929,564 2,041,642 4,339 Nov 905,546 0 0 905,546 1,140,737 0 0 1,140,737 2,046,283 2,165,142 4,755 Dec 937,985 0 0 937,985 1,110,093 o 0 1,110,093 2,048,079 2,167,041 4,606 Monthly Forecast - 1/7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Craig/Klawock/Thorne Bay/Hollis - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot He: Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2011 Jan 880,893 0 0 880,893 1,062,767 0 0 1,062,767 1,943,659 2,056,557 4,370 Feb 879,635 0 0 879,635 1,122,852 0 0 1,122,852 2,002,487 2,118,801 4,984 Mar 795,510 0 0 795,510 1,059,991 0 0 1,059,991 1,855,501 1,963,278 4,172 Apr 853,679 0 ° 853,679 1,160,274 0 0 1,160,274 2,013,953 2,130,933 4,679 May 792,922 0 0 792,922 1,045,689 0 0 1,045,689 1,838,611 1,945,407 4,134 Jun 791,421 0 0 791,421 1,093,846 0 0 1,093,846 1,885,267 1,994,773 4,380 Jul 683,111 0 0 683,111 1,272,713 0 0 1,272,713 1,955,824 2,069,428 4,397 ‘Aug 706,466 0 0 706,466 1,348,178 0 0 1,348,178 2,054,644 2,173,988 4,619 Sep 709,020 0 0 709,020 1,283,618 0 0 1,283,618 1,992,638 2,108,381 4,629 Oct 774,792 0 0 774,792 1,172,402 0 0 4,172,402 1,947,194 2,060,296 4,378 Nov 919,331 0 0 919,331 1,146,617 0 0 1,146,617 2,065,948 2,185,949 4,799 Dec 952,264 o o 952,264 1,115,816 0 0 1,115,816 2,068,080 2,188,204 4,649 2012 Jan 694,251 0 0 894,251 1,068,217 0 0 1,068,217 1,962,467 2,076,457 4ait Feb 892,974 0 0 892,974 1,128,610 0 0 1,128,610 2,021,584 2,139,008 5,030 Mar 807,573 0 0 807,573 1,065,427 0 0 1,065,427 1,873,000 1,981,793 4,210 Apr 866,625 0 0 866,625 1,166,224 0 0 1,166,224 2,032,848 2,150,927 4,721 May 804,946 0 0 804,946 1,051,052 0 0 1,051,052 1,855,998 1,963,804 4,172 Jun 803,422 0 0 803,422 1,099,456 0 0 1,099,456 1,902,878 2,013,406 4,419 Jul 693,470 0 0 693,470 1,279,240 0 0 1,279,240 1,972,710 2,087,295 4,434 ‘Aug 717,179 0 0 717,179 1,355,092 0 0 1,355,092 2,072,271 2,192,639 4,658 Sep 719,772 0 0 719,772 1,290,201 0 0 1,290,201 2,009,973 2,126,722 4,668 Oct 786,541 0 0 786,541 1,178,414 0 0 1,178,414 1,964,955 2,079,090 4,416 Nov 933,272 0 0 933,272 1,152,497 0 0 1,152,497 2,085,770 2,206,921 4,844 Dec 966,704 0 o 966,704 1,121,538 0 0 1,121,538 2,088,242 2,209,538 4,693 2013 Jan 907,760 0 0 907,760 1,073,667 0 0 1,073,667 1,981,426 2,096,518 4,452 Feb 906,463 0 0 906,463 1,134,369 0 0 1,134,369 2,040,832 2,159,373 5,07 Mar 819,773 0 0 819,773 1,070,862 0 0 1,070,862 1,890,635 2,000,453 4,248 Apr 879,716 0 0 879,716 4,172,174 0 0 1,172,174 2,051,890 2,171,074 4,764 May 817,106 0 0 817,106 1,056,414 0 0 1,056,414 1,873,520 1,982,344 4,210 Jun 815,559 0 0 815,559 1,105,065 0 0 1,105,065 1,920,624 2,032,183 4,459 Jul 703,946 0 0 703,946 1,285,767 0 0 1,285,767 1,989,713 2,105,285 4471 Aug 728,013 0 0 728,013 1,362,005 0 0 1,362,005 2,090,019 2,211,417 4,696 Sep 730,645 0 0 730,645 1,296,784 0 0 1,296,784 2,027,429 2,145,192 4,707 Oct 798,422 0 0 798,422 1,184,427 0 0 1,184,427 1,982,849 2,098,023 4,455 Nov 947,371 0 0 947,371 1,158,377 0 0 1,158,377 2,105,748 2,228,060 4,889 Dec 981,308 0 0 981,308 1,127,260 o o 1,127,260 2,108,568 2,231,044 4,738 2014 «Jan 921,421 0 0 921,421 1,079,117 0 0 1,079,117 2,000,538 2,116,739 4,494 Feb 920,105 0 0 920,105 1,140,127 0 0 1,140,127 2,060,232 2,179,900 5,124 Mar 832,110 0 0 832,110 1,076,298 0 0 1,076,298 1,908,408 2,019,258 4,287 Apr 892,955 0 0 892,955 1,178,124 0 0 1,178,124 2,071,079 2,191,378 4,808 May 829,403 0 0 829,403 4,061,777 0 0 1,061,777 1,891,180 2,001,029 4,248 Jun 827,832 0 0 827,832 1,110,675 0 0 1,110,675 1,938,507 2,051,105 4,500 Jul 714,540 0 0 714,540 1,292,294 0 0 1,292,294 2,006,833 2,123,400 4,508 ‘Aug 738,970 0 0 738,970 1,368,919 0 0 1,368,919 2,107,889 2,230,325 4,735 Sep 741,641 0 0 741,641 1,303,366 0 0 1,303,366 2,045,007 2,163,791 4,747 Oct 810,438 0 0 810,438 1,190,439 0 0 1,190,439 2,000,877 2,117,098 4,495 Nov 961,628 0 0 961,628 1,164,257 0 0 1,164,257 2,125,885 2,249,367 4,935 Dec 996,076 0 0 996,076 1,132,982 0 0 1,132,982 2,129,058 2,252,724 4,783 Monthly Forecast - 2/7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Craig/Klawock/Thorne Bay/Hollis - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions idential Base Loads Conversions _—Residential Sales Generation Demand (kwh) (kwh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kwh) (kWh) (kw) 2015 Jan 935,236 0 0 935,236 7,084,567 0 0 7,084,567 2,019,803 2,137,123 4,536 Feb 933,900 0 0 933,900 1,145,885 0 0 1,145,885 2,079,785 2,200,590 5,171 Mar 844,586 0 0 844,586 1,081,734 0 0 1,081,734 1,926,320 2,038,211 4,326 Apr 906,344 9 0 906,344 1,184,074 0 0 1,184,074 2,090,418 2,211,840 4,851 May 841,839 0 0 841,839 1,067,139 0 0 1,087,139 1,908,978 2,019,861 4,287 Jun 840,244 0 0 840,244 1,116,284 0 0 1,116,284 1,956,528 2,070,173 4,540 Jul 725,253 0 0 725,253, 1,298,820 0 0 1,298,820 2,024,073 2,141,642 4,546 Aug 750,049 oO 0 750,049 1,375,833 0 oO 1,375,833 2,125,882 2,249,364 4,774 Sep 752,760 0 0 752,760 1,309,949 0 0 1,309,949 2,062,709 2,182,522 4,787 Oct 822,589 0 0 822,589 1,196,451 0 0 1,196,451 2,019,041 2,136,317 4,534 Nov 976,046 0 0 976,046 1,170,137, 0 0 1,170,137, 2,146,183 2,270,845 4,981 Dec 1,011,010 oO 0 1,011,010 1,138,704 0 oO 1,138,704 2,149,714 2,274,581 4,828 2016 Jan 949,206 0 0 949,206 1,090,017 0 0 7,090,017 2,039,223 2,157,672 4,578 Feb 947,851 0 0 947,851 1,151,643, 0 0 1,151,643, 2,099,494 2,221,443 5,219 Mar 857,202 0 0 857,202 4,087,170 0 0 1,087,170 1,944,372 2,057,311 4,365 Apr 919,882 0 0 919,882 1,190,024 0 0 1,190,024 2,109,907 2,232,461 4,895 May 854,414 0 0 854,414 1,072,502 0 0 1,072,502 1,926,916 2,038,840 4,326 Jun 852,796 0 0 852,796 1,121,894 0 0 1,121,894 1,974,689 2,089,389 4,581 Jul 736,087 oO oO 736,087 1,305,347 0 0 1,305,347 2,041,434 2,160,010 4,583 Aug 761,253 0 0 761,253 1,382,746 0 0 1,382,746 2,144,000 2,268,534 4,814 Sep 764,005 0 0 764,005 1,316,532 0 0 1,316,532 2,080,537 2,201,385 4,827 Oct 834,877 0 0 834,877 1,202,464 0 0 1,202,464 2,037,341 2,155,680 4,574 Nov 990,626 9 0 990,626 1,176,017 0 oO 1,176,017 2,166,644 2,292,493 5,027 Dec 1,026,113 0 0 1,026,113, 1,144,426 0 0 1,144,426 2,170,539 2,296,615 4,873 2017 Jan 963,334 0 0 963,334 1,095,467 0 oO 1,095,467 2,058,801 2,178,386 4,621 Feb 961,958, 0 0 961,958 1,157,401 0 0 1,157,401 2,119,359 2,242,462 5,267 Mar 869,960 0 0 869,960 1,092,606 0 0 1,092,606 1,962,566 2,076,562 4,405 Apr 933,573 0 0 933,573 1,195,975, 0 0 1,195,975 2,129,548 2,253,243 4,939 May 867,130 0 0 867,130 1,077,864 0 0 1,077,864 1,944,995 2,057,970 4,366 Jun 865,488 0 0 865,488 4,127,503 0 0 4,127,503 1,992,991 2,108,754 4,623 Jul 747,042 0 0 747,042 1,311,874 o oO 1,311,874 2,058,916 2,178,508 4,621 ‘Aug 772,583 0 0 772,583 1,389,660 0 0 1,389,660 2,162,243 2,287,837 4,853 Sep 775,376 oO 0 775,376 1,323,114 0 oO 1,323,114 2,098,490 2,220,381 4,867 Oct 847,303 0 0 847,303 1,208,476 0 0 1,208,476 2,055,779 2,175,189 4,614 Nov 1,005,370 0 0 1,005,370 1,181,898 0 0 1,181,898 2,187,268 2,314,315, 5,073 Dec 1,041,385 0 0 1,041,385 4,150,148 0 0 1,150,148 2,191,533 2,318,828 4,919 2018 Jan 977,620 o to) 977,620 1,100,917 0 0 1,100,917 2,078,537 2,199,269 4,664 Feb 976,224 0 0 976,224 1,163,160 0 0 1,163,160 2,139,383 2,263,649 5,315 Mar 882,862 0 0 882,862 1,098,042 0 0 1,098,042 1,980,903 2,095,964 4,445 Apr 947,418 0 0 947,418 1,201,925 0 0 1,201,925 2,149,343 2,274,187 4,984 May 879,990 0 0 879,990 1,083,227 0 0 1,083,227 1,963,216 2,077,250 4,405 Jun 878,323 0 0 878,323 4,133,113 0 0 1,133,113 2,011,436 2,128,270 4,664 Jul 758,120 0 0 758,120 1,318,401 0 0 1,318,401 2,076,521 2,197,136 4,660 Aug 784,040 0 0 784,040 1,396,574 0 0 1,396,574 2,180,614 2,307,275 4,893 Sep 786,874 0 0 786,874 1,329,697 0 0 1,329,697 2,116,571 2,239,513 4,908 Oct 859,868 0 0 859,868 1,214,488 0 0 1,214,488 2,074,357 2,194,846 4,655 Nov 1,020,279 0 0 1,020,279 1,187,778 0 0 1,187,778 2,208,057 2,336,312 5,120 Dec 1,056,828 0 0 1,056,828 1,155,871 0 0 1,155,871 2,212,699 2,341,223 4,965 Monthly Forecast - 3/7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Craig/Klawock/Thorne Bay/Hollis - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residen Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions —_ Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2019 Jan 992,066 0 0 992,066 1,106,367 0 0 1,106,367 2,098,433 2,220,321 4,708 Feb 990,649 0 0 990,649 1,168,918 0 0 1,168,918 2,159,567 2,285,005 5,364 Mar 895,908 0 0 895,908 1,103,478 0 0 1,103,478 1,999,385 2,115,519 4,485 Apr 961,418 0 0 961,418 1,207,875 0 0 1,207,875 2,169,293 2,295,296 5,029 May 892,993 0 0 892,993 1,088,589 0 0 1,088,589 1,981,582 2,096,683 4,445 Jun 891,302 0 0 891,302 1,138,722 0 0 1,138,722 2,030,024 2,147,938 4,706 Jul 769,323 0 0 769,323 1,324,927 0 0 1,324,927 2,094,250 2,215,895 4,698 ‘Aug 795,626 0 0 795,626 1,403,488 0 0 1,403,488 2,199,114 2,326,849 4,933 Sep 798,502 0 0 798,502 1,336,280 0 0 1,336,280 2,134,782 2,258,780 4,949 Oct 872,574 0 0 872,574 1,220,501 0 0 1,220,501 2,093,075 2,214,651 4,696 Nov 1,035,356 0 0 1,035,356 1,193,658 0 0 1,193,658 2,229,014 2,358,486 5,167 Dec 1,072,445 0 0 1,072,445 1,161,593 0 0 1,161,593 2,234,037 2,363,801 5,012 2020 Jan 1,007,325 16,577 51,546 1,075,448 1,117,817 0 0 1,111,817 2,187,266 2,314,313 4,875 Feb 1,005,887 13,600 42,289 1,061,776 1,174,676 0 0 1,174,676 2,236,452 2,366,356 5,519 Mar 909,688 13,350 41,510 964,547 1,108,913 0 0 1,108,913 2,073,460 2,193,897 4,622 Apr 976,206 10,529 32,740 1,019,475 1,213,825 0 0 1,213,825 2,233,300 2,363,021 5,144 May 906,729 8,054 25,042 939,824 1,093,952 0 0 1,093,952 2,033,776 2,151,908 4,533 Jun 905,011 5,280 16,419 926,710 1,144,332 0 0 1,144,332 2,071,042 2,191,338 4,770 Jul 781,156 3,901 12,131 797,189 1,331,454 0 0 1,331,454 2,128,643 2,252,285 4,745 ‘Aug 807,864 4,105 12,765 824,734 1,410,401 0 0 1,410,401 2,235,135 2,364,963 4,982 Sep 810,784 6,346 19,732 836,861 1,342,862 0 0 1,342,862 2,179,724 2,306,333 5,020 Oct 885,996 10,043 31,230 927,269 1,226,513 0 0 1,226,513 2,153,782 2,278,884 4,801 Nov 1,051,281 13,240 41,169 1,105,689 1,199,538 0 0 1,199,538 2,305,227 2,439,126 5,309 Dec 1,088,940 15,574 48,428 1,152,943 1,167,315 o 0 1,167,315 2,320,258 2,455,030 5,172 2021 Jan 1,022,757 33,154 101,030 1,156,942 1,117,268 0 0 1,117,268 2,274,210 2,406,307 5,039 Feb 1,021,297 27,200 82,887 1,131,384 1,180,434 0 0 1,180,434 2,311,818 2,446,100 5,671 Mar 923,624 26,699 81,359 1,031,682 1,114,349 0 0 1,114,349 2,146,032 2,270,684 4,755 Apr 991,161 21,058 64,170 1,076,390 1,219,775 0 0 1,219,775 2,296,165 2,429,538 5,257 May 920,620 16,107 49,083 985,810 1,099,314 0 0 1,099,314 2,085,124 2,206,238 4,620 Jun 918,876 10,561 32,181 961,618 1,149,941 0 0 1,149,941 2,111,559 2,234,208 4,835 Jul 793,124 7,803 23,777 824,704 1,337,981 0 0 1,337,981 2,162,685 2,288,304 4,792 ‘Aug 820,240 8,210 25,019 853,470 1,417,315 0 0 1,417,315 2,270,785 2,402,683 5,032 Sep 823,205 12,691 38,674 874,571 1,349,445 0 0 1,349,445 2,224,016 2,353,198 5,092 Oct 899,569 20,087 61,210 980,866 1,232,525 0 0 1,232,525 2,213,392 2,341,957 4,904 Nov 1,067,387 26,480 80,691 1,174,557 1,205,418 ° 0 1,205,418 2,379,975 2,518,216 5,449 Dec 1,105,623 31,149 94,919 1,231,691 1,173,037 0 0 1,173,037 2,404,728 2,544,406 5,328 2022 Jan 1,038,365 49,732 147,765 1,235,862 1,122,718 0 0 1,122,718 2,358,579 2,495,577 5,198 Feb 1,036,882 40,801 121,229 1,198,912 1,186,192 0 0 1,186,192 2,385,104 2,523,643 5,820 Mar 937,719 40,049 118,994 1,096,762 1,119,785 0 0 1,119,785 2,216,547 2,345,295 4,885 Apr 1,006,286 31,588 93,855 1,131,729 1,225,725 0 0 1,225,725 2,357,454 2,494,387 5,369 May 934,668 24,161 71,788 1,030,617 1,104,677 0 0 1,104,677 2,135,294 2,259,322 4,706 Jun 932,898 15,841 47,067 995,806 1,155,551 0 0 1,155,551 2,151,357 2,276,318 4,900 Jul 805,227 11,704 34,777 851,708 1,344,508 0 0 1,344,508 2,196,215 2,323,782 4,840 ‘Aug 832,757 12,315 36,592 881,665 1,424,229 0 0 1,424,229 2,305,894 2,439,832 5,082 Sep 835,767 19,037 56,564 911,369 1,356,028 0 0 1,356,028 2,267,396 2,399,098 5,164 Oct 913,297 30,130 89,525 1,032,952 1,238,538 0 0 1,238,538 2,271,490 2,403,429 5,006 Nov 1,083,675 39,720 118,017 1,241,411 1,211,298 0 0 1,211,298 2,452,709 2,595,175 5,586 Dec 1,122,495 46,723 138,827 1,308,045 1,178,759 0 0 1,178,759 2,486,804 2,631,250 5,481 Monthly Forecast - 4/7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Craig/Klawock/Thorne Bay/Hollis - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2023 Jan 1,054,149 66,309 192,439 1,312,896 1,128, 168 0 0 1,128,168 2,441,064 2,582,853 5,354 Feb 1,052,643 54,401 157,880 1,264,924 1,191,951 0 0 1,191,951 2,456,874 2,599,582 5,966 Mar 951,973 53,398 154,969 1,160,340 1,125,221 0 0 1,125,221 2,285,561 2,418,318 5,013 Apr 1,021,583 42,117 122,229 1,185,929 1,231,675 0 0 1,231,675 2,417,604 2,558,031 5,479 May 948,876 32,214 93,491 1,074,581 1,110,039 0 0 1,110,039 2,184,621 2,311,514 4,791 Jun 947,079 21,121 61,297 1,029,497 1,161,160 0 0 1,161,160 2,190,657 2,317,901 4,965 Jul 817,467 15,606 45,290 878,363 1,351,034 0 0 1,351,034 2,229,397 2,358,892 4,890 ‘Aug 845,416 16,421 47,655 909,491 1,431,143 0 0 1,431,143 2,340,634 2,476,590 5,134 Sep 848,472 25,383 73,665 947,519 1,362,610 0 0 1,362,610 2,310,130 2,444,314 5,236 Oct 927,179 40,174 116,591 1,083,944 1,244,550 0 0 1,244,550 2,328,494 2,463,745 5,107 Nov 1,100,148 52,959 153,696 1,306,803 1,217,178 0 0 1,217,178 2,523,981 2,670,587 5,720 Dec 1,139,558 62,298 180,798 1,382,653 1,184,481 o 0 1,184,481 2,567,134 2,716,246 5,630 2024 Jan 7,070,111 82,886 235,050 1,388,047 1,133,618 0 0 1,133,618 2,521,665 2,668,135 5,506 Feb 1,068,582 68,001 192,839 1,329,422 1,197,709 0 0 1,197,709 2,527,131 2,673,920 6,109 Mar 966,388 66,748 189,284 1,222,420 1,130,657 0 0 1,130,657 2,353,076 2,489,755 5,138 Apr 1,037,052 52,646 149,295 1,238,992 1,237,625 0 0 1,237,625 2,476,618 2,620,472 5,588 May 963,244 40,268 114,193 4,117,705 1,115,402 0 0 4,115,402 2,233,106 2,362,816 4,876 Jun 961,420 26,401 74,869 1,062,691 1,166,769 0 0 1,166,769 2,229,460 2,358,958 5,030 Jul 829,845 19,507 55,319 904,671 1,367,561 0 0 1,357,561 2,262,232 2,393,634 4,939 ‘Aug 858,217 20,526 58,207 936,950 1,438,056 0 0 1,438,056 2,375,006 2,512,959 5,186 Sep 861,319 31,729 89,977 983,024 1,369,193 0 ° 1,369,193 2,352,218 2,488,846 5,307 Oct 941,219 50,217 142,407 1,133,844 1,250,562 0 0 1,250,562 2,384,406 2,522,904 5,206 Nov 1,116,806 66,199 187,729 1,370,734 1,223,058 0 0 1,223,058 2,593,793 2,744,453 5,852 Dec 1,156,813 77,872 220,831 1,455,517 1,190,203 0 o 1,190,203 2,645,720 2,799,397 5,777 2025 Jan 1,086,253 99,463 276,287 1,462,003 7,139,068 0 0 7,139,068 2,601,071 2,752,154 5,656 Feb 1,084,702 81,601 226,670 1,392,973 1,203,467 0 0 1,203,467 2,596,440 2,747,254 6,250 Mar 980,965 80,097 222,492 1,283,554 1,136,093 0 0 1,136,093 2,419,647 2,560,192 5,261 Apr 1,052,695 63,175 175,487 1,291,357 1,243,576 0 0 1,243,576 2,534,933 2,682,174 5,696 May 977,774 48,321 134,226 1,160,322 1,120,764 0 0 1,120,764 2,281,086 2,413,583 4,960 Jun 975,923 31,682 88,004 1,095,609 1,172,379 0 0 1,172,379 2,267,987 2,399,724 5,096 Jul 842,363 23,409 65,024 930,796 1,364,088 0 0 1,364,088 2,294,883 2,428,182 4,990 ‘Aug 871,163 24,631 68,419 964,213 1,444,970 0 0 1,444,970 2,409,183 2,549,120 5,238 Sep 874,312 38,074 105,762 1,018,148 1,375,776 0 0 1,375,776 2,393,924 2,532,975 5,379 Oct 955,417 60,261 167,391 1,183,069 1,256,575 0 0 1,256,575 2,439,643 2,581,350 5,305 Nov 1,133,653 79,439 220,664 1,433,756 1,228,938 0 0 1,228,938 2,662,694 2,817,357 5,983 Dec 1,174,263 93,447 259,574 1,527,284 1,195,925 o 0 1,195,925 2,723,209 2,881,387 5,921 2026 Jan 1,102,577 116,040 315,462 1,534,080 1,144,518 0 0 1,144,518 2,678,598 2,834,184 5,802 Feb 1,101,003 95,201 258,810 1,455,014 1,209,225 0 0 1,209,225 2,664,239 2,818,992 6,389 Mar 995,707 93,447 254,039 1,343,193 1,141,529 0 0 1,141,529 2,484,722 2,629,047 5,382 Apr 1,068,515 73,704 200,369 1,342,589 1,249,526 0 0 1,249,526 2,592,114 2,742,677 5,802 May 992,468 56,375 153,258 1,202,102 1,126,127 0 0 1,126,127 2,328,229 2,463,464 5,043 Jun 990,589 36,962 100,483 1,128,033 1,177,988 0 0 1,177,988 2,306,022 2,439,967 5,161 Jul 855,022 27,310 74,244 956,576 1,370,615 0 0 1,370,615 2,327,190 2,462,365 5,041 ‘Aug 884,255 28,736 78,120 991,111 1,451,884 0 0 1,451,884 2,442,995 2,584,896 5,292 Sep 887,451 44,420 120,758 1,052,629 1,382,358 0 0 1,382,358 2,434,988 2,576,424 5,450 Oct 969,775 70,304 191,126 1,231,205 1,262,587 0 0 1,262,587 2,493,792 2,638,644 5,402 Nov 1,150,690 92,679 251,952 1,495,320 1,234,818 0 0 1,234,818 2,730,139 2,888,719 6,111 Dec 1,191,910 109,021 296,379 1,597,310 1,201,648 0 0 1,201,648 2,798,958 2,961,535 6,063 Monthly Forecast - 5/7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Craig/Klawock/Thorne Bay/Hollis - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2027 Jan 1,119,085 132,618 352,575 1,604,278 1,149,968 0 0 1,149,968 2,754,246 2,914,226 5,945 Feb 1,117,487 108,802 289,258 1,515,547 1,214,984 0 0 1,214,984 2,730,530 2,889,133 6,525 Mar 1,010,615 106,796 283,926 1,401,338 1,146,964 ° 0 1,146,964 2,548,302 2,696,320 5,500 Apr 1,084,513 84,234 223,942 1,392,689 1,255,476 0 0 1,255,476 2,648,164 2,801,983 5,906 May 1,007,328 64,429 171,289 1,243,045 1,131,489 0 0 1,131,489 2,374,535 2,512,459 5,125 Jun 1,005,420 42,242 112,304 1,159,966 1,183,598 0 0 1,183,598 2,343,564 2,479,690 5,227 Jul 867,823 31,212 82,978 982,013 1,377,141 0 0 1,377,141 2,359,155 2,496,186 5,092 Aug 897,494 32,841 87,311 1,017,646 1,458,797 0 0 1,458,797 2,476,443 2,620,288 5,345 Sep 900,738 50,766 134,965 1,086,469 1,388,941 0 0 1,388,941 2,475,410 2,619,194 5,521 Oct 984,295 80,348 213,611 1,278,253 1,268,599 0 0 1,268,599 2,546,853 2,694,787 5,497 Nov 1,167,918 105,919 281,593 1,555,430 1,240,698 0 0 1,240,698 2,796,128 2,958,542 6,236 Dec 1,209,755 124,595 331,247 1,665,598 1,207,370 0 0 1,207,370 2,872,968 3,039,844 6,201 2028 Jan 1,135,779 149,195 388,314 1,673,287 1,155,418 0 0 1,155,418 2,828,705 2,993,011 6,085 Feb 1,134,157 122,402 318,579 1,575,137 1,220,742 0 0 1,220,742 2,795,879 2,958,278 6,659 Mar 1,025,691 120,146 312,706 1,458,543 1,152,400 0 0 1,152,400 2,610,943 2,762,600 5,617 Apr 1,100,691 94,763 246,642 1,442,095 1,261,426 0 0 1,261,426 2,703,521 2,860,555 6,010 May 1,022,354 72,482 188,651 1,283,488 1,136,852 0 0 1,136,852 2,420,340 2,560,925 5,207 Jun 1,020,418 47,522 123,688 1,191,628 1,189,207 0 0 1,189,207 2,380,836 2,519,126 5,293 Jul 880,769 35,113 91,390 1,007,271 1,383,668 0 0 1,383,668 2,390,939 2,529,817 5,144 ‘Aug 910,882 36,946 96,161 1,043,989 1,465,711 0 ° 1,465,711 2,509,701 2,655,477 5,399 Sep 914,175 97,111 148,646 1,119,932 1,395,524 ° 0 1,395,524 2,515,455 2,661,566 5,592 Oct 998,977 90,391 235,264 1,324,632 1,274,612 0 0 1,274,612 2,599,244 2,750,221 5,592 Nov 1,185,340 119,159 310,137 1,614,635 1,246,579 ° o 1,246,579 2,861,214 3,027,408 6,361 Dec 1,227,802 140,170 364,824 1,732,795 1,213,092 o 0 1,213,092 2,945,887 3,116,999 6,338 2029 Jan 1,152,660 165,772 422,678 1,741,110 1,160,868 0 0 1,160,868 2,901,978 3,070,539 6,224 Feb 1,151,014 136,002 346,771 1,633,787 1,226,500 0 0 1,226,500 2,860,287 3,026,427 6,792 Mar 1,040,936 133,495 340,379 1,514,810 1,157,836 0 0 1,157,836 2,672,646 2,827,887 5,732 Apr 1,117,051 105,292 268,468 1,490,811 1,267,376 0 0 1,267,376 2,758,187 2,918,396 6,113 May 1,037,549 80,536 205,346 1,323,432 1,142,214 0 0 1,142,214 2,465,646 2,608,863 5,288 Jun 1,035,584 52,803 134,634 1,223,021 1,194,817 0 0 1,194,817 2,417,838 2,558,278 5,359 Jul 893,860 39,014 99,477 1,032,351 1,390,195 ° 0 1,390,195 2,422,546 2,563,260 5,196 Aug 924,421 41,051 104,671 1,070,143 1,472,625 0 0 1,472,625 2,542,768 2,690,464 5,454 Sep 927,762 63,457 161,800 1,153,019 1,402,106 0 0 1,402,106 2,555,126 2,703,540 5,663 Oct 1,013,825 100,435 256,084 1,370,343 1,280,624 0 0 1,280,624 2,650,967 2,804,949 5,686 Nov 1,202,958 132,398 337,583 1,672,939 1,252,459 0 0 1,252,459 2,925,397 3,095,319 6,483 Dec 1,246,050 155,744 397,109 1,798,904 1,218,814 0 0 1,218,814 3,017,718 3,193,002 6,472 2030 Jan 1,169,730 182,349 454,980 1,807,059 1,166,318 0 0 1,166,318 2,973,378 3,146,086 6,359 Feb 1,168,060 149,602 373,273 1,690,935 1,232,258 0 0 1,232,258 2,923,193 3,092,987 6,922 Mar 1,056,351 146,845 366,392 1,569,588 4,163,272 0 0 1,163,272 2,732,860 2,891,598 5,845 Apr 1,133,594 115,821 288,985 1,538,400 1,273,326 0 0 1,273,326 2,811,726 2,975,045 6,214 May 1,052,915 88,589 221,039 1,362,544 1,147,577 0 0 1,147,577 2,510,121 2,655,921 5,368 Jun 1,050,921 58,083 144,923 1,253,927 1,200,426 0 0 1,200,426 2,454,353 2,596,914 5,424 Jul 907,097 42,916 107,079 1,057,093 1,396,721 0 0 1,396,721 2,453,814 2,596,344 5,248 ‘Aug 938,111 45,156 112,670 1,095,937 1,479,539 ° 0 1,479,539 2,575,476 2,725,073 5,508 Sep 941,502 69,803 174,165 1,185,470 1,408,689 0 0 1,408,689 2,594,159 2,744,841 5,733 Oct 1,028,839 110,478 275,654 1,414,972 1,286,636 0 0 1,286,636 2,701,608 2,858,531 5,778 Nov 1,220,773 145,638 363,382 1,729,793 1,258,339 0 0 1,258,339 2,988,132 3,161,697 6,604 Dec 1,264,504 171,319 427,457 1,863,280 1,224,536 0 0 1,224,536 3,087,816 3,267,172 6,604 Monthly Forecast - 6/7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Craig/Klawock/Thorne Bay/Hollis - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kwh) (kw) 2034 Jan 1,186,992 198,927 485,907 1,871,826 1,171,768 0 0 1,171,768 3,043,594 3,220,387 6,492 Feb 1,185,297 163,202 398,646 1,747,145 1,238,016 0 0 1,238,016 2,985,162 3,158,555 7,050 Mar 1,071,940 160,194 391,298 1,623,432 1,168,708 0 0 1,168,708 2,792,140 2,954,321 5,956 Apr 1,150,322 126,350 308,629 1,585,302 1,279,276 0 0 1,279,276 2,864,578 3,030,967 6,314 May 1,068,453 96,643 236,065 1,401,161 1,152,939 0 0 1,152,939 2,554,100 2,702,455 5,448 Jun 1,066,429 63,363 154,774 1,284,566 1,206,036 0 0 1,206,036 2,490,602 2,635,269 5,490 Jul 920,483 46,817 114,358 1,081,659 1,403,248 0 0 1,403,248 2,484,907 2,629,243 5,301 Aug 951,955 49,262 120,329 1,121,545 1,486,452 0 0 1,486,452 2,607,997 2,759,483 5,563 Sep 955,396 76,149 186,004 1,217,548 1,415,272 0 0 1,415,272 2,632,820 2,785,747 5,803 Oct 1,044,022 120,522 294,392 1,458,936 1,292,649 0 0 1,292,649 2,751,584 2,911,410 5,869 Nov 1,238,788 158,878 388,083 1,785,749 1,264,219 0 0 1,264,219 3,049,967 3,227,125 6,723 Dec 1,283,164 186,893 456,514 1,926,571 1,230,258 o 0 4,230,258 3,156,830 3,340,194 6,734 Monthly Forecast - 7/7 HATCH ACRES Alaska Energy Authority - AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study SE Alaska Final Report e Appendix H H7 Hatch Acres Corporation PR324582 AK-BC Alaska Final Report-App 18-09-07.doc Year Month 1998 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 866L 1999 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 6661 2000 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 0002 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Hydaburg Sales (kWh) [Number of Customers Gross Generation Net Generation Peak Residential Non-Res Total Residential Non-Res Total Diesel Hydro Total Hydro Total (Mw) 60,877 77,250 138,127 134 54 188 149,000 0 149,000 149,000 59,117 79,371 138,488 133 54 187 148,800 0 148,800 148,800 51,368 71,990 123,358 134 54 188 127,800 0 127,800 127,800 47,405 67,767 115,172 136 54 190 122,600 0 122,600 122,600 53,891 74,750 128,641 135 54 189 131,600 0 131,600 131,600 45,966 66,820 112,786 135, 55 190 120,200 0 120,200 120,200 34,007 66,641 100,648 133 55 188 109,400 0 109,400 109,400 35,531 71,317 106,848 134 55 189 116,200 0 116,200 116,200 40,454 77,030 117,484 133 55 188 124,200 0 124,200 124,200 43,668 69,500 113,168 134 56 190 120,400 0 120,400 120,400 55,301 72,544 127,845 134 55 189 138,000 0 138,000 138,000 60,558 74,633 135,191 143, 58 201 141,200 0 141,200 141,200 588,143 869,613 1,457,756 143 58 201 1,549,400 0 1,549,400 1,549,400 60,409 76,656 137,065 138 56 194 142,600 0 142,600 142,600 63,899 85,790 149,689 140 56 196 155,800 0 155,800 155,800 50,702 71,057 121,759 138 56 194 127,200 0 127,200 127,200 49,297 70,472 119,769 139 56 195 129,200 0 129,200 129,200 49,238 68,296 117,534 137 56 193 120,800 0 120,800 120,800 45,496 66,138 111,634 134 55 189 119,600 0 119,600 119,600 30,040 58,866 88,906 133 55 188 96,600 0 96,600 96,600 30,688 61,595 92,283 133 55 188 99,000 0 99,000 99,000 32,268 61,444 93,712 135 56 191 108,200 0 108,200 108,200 42,304 67,329 109,633 136 56 192 123,200 0 123,200 123,200 56,682 74,356 131,038 138 58 196 134,600 0 134,600 134,600 57,441 70,791 128,232 138 56 194 134,400 0 134,400 134,400 568,463 832,791 1,401,254 138 56 194 1,491,200 0 1,491,200 1,491,200 56,525 71,727 128,252 137 56 193 140,200 0 140,200 140,200 60,789 81,615, 142,404 137 56 193 147,600 0 147,600 147,600 51,771 72,555 124,326 137 55 192 129,000 0 129,000 129,000 50,935 72,813 123,748 138 56 194 132,000 0 132,000 132,000 48,626 67,447 116,073, 137 56 193 122,800 0 122,800 122,800 43,589 63,366 106,955 138 56 194 113,200 0 113,200 113,200 29,231 57,281 86,512 135 55 190 95,000 0 95,000 95,000 32,825 65,886 98,711 136 56 192 102,800 0 102,800 102,800 35,264 67,148 102,412 135 56 191 110,600 0 110,600 110,600 40,590 64,601 105,191 134 55 189 112,400 0 112,400 112,400 52,296 68,603 120,899 134 56 190 122,600 0 122,600 122,600 52,731 64,987 117,718 134 55 189 130,200 0 130,200 130,200 555,172 818,029 1,373,201 134 55 189 1,458,400 0 1,458,400 1,458,400 Historic Data - 1 of 3 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Hydaburg Sales (kWh) Number of Customers I Gross Generation | Net Generation Year Month Residential Non-Res Total Residential Non-Res Total Diesel Hydro. Total Diesel Hydro. Total MW) [—] 2001 January 61,363 77,865 139,228 133 54 187 144,000 0 144,000 144,000 February 58,123 78,036 136,159 132 53 185 140,400 0 140,400 140,400 March 48,965 68,623 117,588 133 54 187 128,600 0 128,600 128,600 April 50,231 71,807 122,038 132 53 185 130,800 0 130,800 130,800 May 48,194 66,849 115,043, 132 54 186 119,600 0 119,600 119,600 nN June 44,415 64,567 108,982 134 54 188 108,982 0 108,982 108,982 3 July 32,654 63,989 96,643 131 54 185 99,600 0 99,600 99,600 =) August 35,953 72,164 108,117 133 54 187 110,800 0 110,800 110,800 September 35,779 68,128 103,907 132 55 187 118,400 0 118,400 118,400 October 45,457 72,346 117,803 131 54 185 124,400 0 124,400 124,400 November 53,657 70,388 124,045 132 55 187 129,200 0 129,200 129,200 December 66,371 81,798 148,169 133 55 188 151,800 0 151,800 151,800 TOTAL 581,162 856,560 1,437,722 133 55 188 1,506,582 oO 1,506,582 1,506,582 2002 January 65,767 83,454 149,221 134 54 188 167,200 0 167,200 167,200 February 62,558 83,990 146,548 135 54 189 150,453 0 150,453 150,453, March 52,574 73,680 126,254 134 54 188 138,600 0 138,600 138,600 April 53,996 77,189 131,185. 133 54 187 131,600 0 131,600 131,600 May 49,997 69,349 119,346 135 54 189 121,200 0 121,200 121,200 Nn June 43,194 62,792 105,986 134 54 188 116,000 0 116,000 116,000 Ss July 32,596 63,876 96,472 130 53 183 104,800 0 104,800 104,800 Nn August 34,446 69,139 103,585 130 53 183 107,400 0 107,400 107,400 September 35,966 68,486 104,452 130 54 184 115,600 0 115,600 115,600 October 44,967 71,566 116,533 128 53 181 120,400 0 120,400 120,400 November 53,599 70,312 123,911 131 55 186 130,800 0 130,800 130,800 December 56,318 69,407 125,725 130 53 183 136,800 0 136,800 136,800 TOTAL 585,978 863,240 1,449,218 130 53 183 1,540,853 0 1,540,853 1,540,853 2003 January 60,880 77,254 138,134 131 54 185 143,400 0 143,400 143,400 February 51,879 69,653 121,532 135 54 189 132,200 0 132,200 132,200 March 46,280 64,860 111,140 133 53 186 117,600 0 117,600 117,600 April 50,543 72,252 122,795 133 53 186 121,600 0 121,600 121,600 May 46,560 64,581 111,141 133 54 187 115,800 0 115,800 115,800 Nn June 41,759 60,706 102,465 134 54 188 108,400 0 108,400 108,400 s July 31,082 60,909 91,991 131 54 185 98,800 0 98,800 98,800 w August 31,396 63,016 94,412 133 55 188 101,400 0 101,400 101,400 September 35,846 68,256 104,102 133 55 188 108,800 0 108,800 108,800 October 41,801 66,529 108,330 130 54 184 113,400 0 113,400 113,400 November 47,811 62,719 110,530 130 54 184 120,400 0 120,400 120,400 December 56,919 70,148 127,067 133 55 188 132,000 0 132,000 132,000 TOTAL 542,756 800,883 1,343,639 133 55 188 1,413,800 0 1,413,800 1,413,800 Hatch Energy Historic Data - 2 of 3 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Hydaburg [Sales (kWh) Number of Customers Gross Generation Net Generation Year Month Residential 2004 = January 60,788 February 55,887 March 49,923 April 48,243 May 43,689 nN June 42,936 S July 33,377 5 August 33,583 September 38,537 October 39,589 November 54,792 December 56,151 TOTAL 557,494 2005 January 56,654 February 55,773 March 54,037 April 57,135 May 45,098 Nn June 41,401 Ss July 34,685 a August 35,893 September 41,640 October 45,525 November 54,013 December 55,984 TOTAL 577,837 2006 January 62,819 February 56,612 March 45,569 April 50,209 May 60,067 nN June 44,691 Ss July 34,269 a August 37,603 September 39,816 October 49,538 November 55,318 December 68,727 TOTAL, 605,239 Hatch Energy Non-Res 77,136 75,033 69,966 68,964 60,599 62,417 65,404 67,406 73,380 63,008 71,876 69,203 824,393 71,890 74,881 75,730 81,676 62,555 60,185 67,968 72,042 79,289 72,455 70,855 68,996 858,523 79,714 76,008 63,863 71,774 83,318 64,968 67,152 75,476 75,815 78,843 72,568 84,701 894,199 Total 137,924 130,920 119,889 117,207 104,288 105,353 98,781 100,989 111,917 102,597 126,668 125,354 1,381,887 128,544 130,654 129,767 138,811 107,653 101,586 102,653 107,935 120,929 117,980 124,868 124,980 1,436,360 142,533 132,620 109,432 121,983 143,385, 109,659 101,421 113,079 115,631 128,381 127,886 153,428 1,499,438 Residential Non-Res 134 54 134 54 134 54 131 52 131 53 128 52 130 53 130 54 130 54 129 53 128 53 128 53 128 53 129 52 130 52 128 52 128 52 128 52 127 52 128 52 125 52 124 51 124 51 122 51 123 50 123 50 123 50 124 50 123 49 121 49 122 50 123 50 123 50 122 50 122 51 125 51 124 51 124 51 124 51 Total 188 188 188 183 184 180 183 184 184 182 181 181 181 181 182 180 180 180 179 180 177 175 175 173 173 173 173 174 172 170 172 173 173 172 173 176 175 175 175 Diesel Hydro Total 142,000 0 142,000 142,800 0 142,800 122,800 0 122,800 120,400 0 120,400 113,200 0 113,200 111,000 0 111,000 103,400 0 103,400 103,550 0 103,550 117,492 0 117,492 117,773 0 117,773 128,828 0 128,828 127,491 0 127,491 1,450,734 0 1,450,734 133,105 0 133,105 135,296 0 135,296 137,359 0 137,359 141,099 0 141,099 111,638 0 111,638. 111,740 0 111,740 104,974 0 104,974 110,069 0 110,069 126,068 0 126,068 125,261 0 125,261 131,185 0 131,185 135,721 0 135,721 1,503,515 0 1,503,515 3,581 138,000 141,581 2,446 138,000 140,446 215 116,610 116,825 267 130,790 131,057 0 152,680 152,680 0 117,725 117,725 0 108,810 108,810 36 121,504 121,540 47 123,570 123,617 0 137,140 137,140 12,800 132,166 144,966 4,545 147,911 152,456 23,937 1,564,906 1,588,843 Historic Data - 3 of 3 Diesel Hydro Total Peak (MW) 142,000 142,800 122,800 120,400 113,200 111,000 103,400 103,550 117,492 117,773 128,828 127,491 1,450,734 133,105 135,296 137,359 141,099 111,638 111,740 104,974 110,069 126,068 125,261 131,185 135,721 1,503,515, 141,581 140,446 116,825 131,057 152,680 117,725 108,810 121,540 123,617 137,140 144,966 152,456 1,588,843 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Hydaburg - Monthly Residential Sales (kWh) 80 70 Thousands 60 Thousands 50 40 30 20 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Hydaburg - Annual Residential Sales (kWh) Thousands Sep Oct Nov Dec 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Hatch Energy Monthly Patterns Hydaburg - Monthly Non-Residential Sales (kWh) AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Thousands Thousands Thousands Feb Mar May Jun Jul Jan Apr Hatch Energy Aug Oct Monthly Patterns Hydaburg - Monthly Non-Residential Sales (kWh) 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Hydaburg - Annual Non-Residential Sales (kWh) i 2006 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Vw Hydaburg - Monthly Net Generation (kWh) Thousands Thousands <= a oc 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Hydaburg - Annual Net Generation (kWh) Thousands Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Hatch Energy Monthly Patterns C inter... ity Ste, Hydaburg - Reference Forecast Hatch Energy Annual Forecast Annual Forecast Values Total Sales and Non tric Total Total Unit Residential Full Partial Total Unit Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Customers Consumption Base Conversions Conversions —_—Residential Customers Consumption Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand () (kWh) (kwh) (kwh) (kWh) (kwh) (#) (kWh) (kWh) (kwh) (kwh) (kWh) (kwh) (kWh) (kW) 1998 143 4124.4 588,143 > ~ 588,143 38 14,891.0 869,613 > 869,613 1,457,756 1,549,400 1999 138 4,130.2 568,463 - - 568,463, 56 14,7750 832,791 - 832,791 1,401,254 1,491,200 2000 134 4,140.4 555,172 : - 555,172 55 14,897.1 818,029 - 818,029 1,373,201 1,458,400 2001 133 4,357.2 581,162 : - 581,162 55 15,681.7 856,560 - 856,560 1,437,722 1,506,582 2002 130 4513.4 585,978 - - 585,978 53 16,2359 863,240 - 863,240 1,449,218 1,540,853 2003 133 4,069.3 542,756 - 542,756 55 14,6624 800,883 - 800,883 1,343,639 1,413,800 2004 128 4341.4 557,494 : : 957,494 53 15,676.6 824,393 - 824,393 1,381,887 1,450,734 2005 123 4,707.9 577,837 : - 577,837 50 17,080.5 858,523 - 858,523 1,436,360 1,503,515 2006 124 48748 605,239 : - 605,239 51 17,587.0 894,199 - 894,199 1,499,438 1,588,843 2007 125 49114 613,925 : : 613,925 51 17,587.0 896,935 - 896,935 1,510,860 1,598,619 319 2008 126 4,948.2 623,478 - - 623,478 51 17,587.0 896,935 - 896,935 1,520,413, 1,608,726 321 2009 127 4,985.3 633,139, : 633,139 51 17,587.0 896,935 - 896,935 1,530,075 1,618,949 323 2010 128 5,022.7 642,911 : - 642,911 51 17,587.0 896,935 - 896,935 1,539,846 1,629,288 325 2011 129 5,060.4 652,793 - - 652,793 51 17,587.0 896,935, - 896,935 1,549,728 1,639,744 327 2012 130 5,098.4 662,787 : - 662,787 51 17,587.0 896,935 - 896,935 1,559,722 1,650,319 329 2013 131 5,136.6 672,895 : - 672,895 51 17,587.0 896,935 - 896,935 1,569,830 1,661,014 331 2014 132 5,175.1 683,116 - - 683,116 51 17,587.0 896,935 - 896,935 1,580,052 1,671,829 333 2015 133 5,213.9 693,454 - : 693,454 51 17,587.0 896,935 - 896,935 1,590,389 1,682,767 336 2016 134 5,253.0 703,908 : - 703,908 51 17,587.0 896,935 - 896,935 1,600,843 1,693,828 338 2017 135 5,292.4 714,479 : - 714,479 51 17,587.0 896,935 - 896,935 1,611,415 1,705,014 340 2018 136 5,332.1 725,170 : - 725,170 51 17,587.0 896,935 - 896,935 1,622,105 1,716,325 342 2019 137 5,372.1 735,981 : : 735,981 51 17,587.0 896,935 - 896,935 1,632,916 1,727,764 345 2020 138 54124 746,913 20,100 35,000 802,013, 51 17,587.0 896,935 - 896,935 1,698,949 1,797,632 358 2021 139 5,453.0 757,968 40,200 70,000 868,168 51 17,587.0 896,935 - 896,935 1,765,104 1,867,630 372 2022 140 5,493.9 769,147 60,300 100,000 929,447 51 17,587.0 896,935 - 896,935 1,826,382 1,932,468 385 2023 141 5,535.1 780,451 80,400 130,000 990,851 51 17,587.0 896,935 - 896,935 1,887,786 1,997,438 398 2024 142 5,576.6 791,881 100,500 160,000 1,052,381 51 17,587.0 896,935 - 896,935 1,949,316 2,062,542 au 2025 143 5,618.4 803,438 120,600 185,000 1,109,038 51 17,587.0 896,935 - 896,935 2,005,973 2,122,490 423 2026 144 5,660.6 815,125 140,700 210,000 1,165,825 51 17,587.0 896,935 - 896,935 2,062,760 2,182,575 435 2027 145 5,703.0 826,941 160,800 235,000 1,222,741 51 17,587.0 896,935 - 896,935 2,119,676 2,242,798 447 2028 146 5,745.8 838,889 180,900 260,000 1,279,789 51 17,587.0 896,935 - 896,935 2,176,724 2,303,159 459 2029 147 5,788.9 850,969 201,000 285,000 1,336,969 51 17,587.0 896,935 - £896,935 2,233,905 2,363,661 4m 2030 148 5,832.3, 863,184 221,100 305,000 1,389,284 51 17,587.0 896,935 - 896,935 2,286,219 2,419,014 482 2031 149 5,876.1 875,534 241,200 325,000 1,441,734 51 17,587.0 896,935 - 896,935 2,338,669 2,474,511 493 Growth 0.73% 0.75% 1.49% 3.53% 0.01% 0.00% 0.01% 0.01% 1.79% 1.79% 1-5 0.77% 0.75% 1.52% 1.52% 0.06% 0.00% 0.06% 0.06% 0.66% 0.63% 20-25 0.68% 0.75% 1.44% 4.34% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.54% 2.54% Monthly Patterns Non- Electric Resultant Residential Full Partial Residential Spot Heat Peak Distribution Month Base Conversions __Conversions Base Loads Conversions 2007 2031 Jan 10.58% 13.75% 13.75% 9.10% 9.10% 13.75% 0911 0.966 Feb 10.16% 11.28% 11.28% 9.25% 9.25% 11.28% 1.000 1.000 Mar 8.74% 11.07% 11.07% 8.30% 8.30% 11.07% 0.796 0.818 Apr 8.87% 8.73% 8.73% 8.59% 8.59% 8.73% 0.845 0.808 May 8.63% 6.68% 6.68% 8.11% 8.11% 6.68% 0.781 0.713 Jun 7.62% 4.38% 4.38% 7.51% 7.51% 4.38% 0.733 0.629 Jul 5.66% 3.24% 3.24% 7.51% 7.51% 3.24% 0.634 0.518 Aug 5.96% 3.40% 3.40% 8.11% 8.11% 3.40% 0.680 0.553 Sep 6.50% 5.26% 5.26% 8.39% 8.39% 5.26% 0.739 0.641 Oct 7.62% 8.33% 8.33% 8.22% 8.22% 8.33% 0.749 0719 Nov 9.37% 10.98% 10.98% 8.33% 8.33% 10.98% 0.849 0.866 Dec 10.29% 12.91% 12.91% 8.59% 8.59% 12.91% 0.872 0.921 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Hydaburg - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Month Base Conversions —_ Conversions Residential Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) i) 2007 Jan 64,943 0 0 64,943 81,584 0 0 81,584 146,528, 155,039 290 Feb 62,393 0 0 62,393 82,930 0 0 82,930 145,323, 153,764 319 Mar 53,658 0 0 53,658 74,447 0 0 74,447 128,105 135,546 254 Apr 54,467 0 0 54,467 77,083 0 0 77,083 131,550 139,192 269 May 52,965 0 0 52,965 72,730 0 0 72,730 125,695 132,996 249 Jun 46,791 0 0 46,791 67,340 0 0 67,340 114,131 120,760 234 Jul 34,719 0 0 34,719 67,355 0 0 67,355 102,074 108,003 202 ‘Aug 36,619 0 0 36,619 72,765 0 0 72,765 109,385, 115,738 217 Sep 39,908 0 0 39,908 75,230 0 0 75,230 115,138 121,826 236 Oct 46,790 0 0 46,790 73,723, 0 0 73,723 120,513, 127,513 239 Nov 57,497 0 0 57,497 74,670 0 0 74,670 132,167 139,844 an Dec 63,173 0 0 63,173 77,077, 0 0 77,077 140,251 148,397 278 2008 Jan 65,954 0 0 65,954 81,584 0 0 81,584 147,538 156,108 292 Feb 63,364 0 0 63,364 82,930 0 0 82,930 146,294 154,791 321 Mar 54,493 0 0 54,493 74,447 0 0 74,447 128,940 136,429 255 Apr 55,315 0 0 55,315 77,083 0 0 77,083 132,398 140,088, an May 53,789 0 0 53,789 72,730 0 0 72,730 126,519 133,868 251 Jun 47,519 ° 0 47,519 67,340 0 0 67,340 114,859 121,531 235 Jul 35,260 0 0 35,260 67,355 0 0 67,355 102,614 108,575 203 ‘Aug 37,189 0 0 37,189 72,765 0 0 72,765 109,955 116,341 218 Sep 40,529 0 0 40,529 75,230 0 0 75,230 115,759 122,483 237 Oct 47,518 0 0 47,518 73,723 0 0 73,723 121,241 128,284 240 Nov 58,392 0 0 58,392 74,670 0 0 74,670 133,062 140,791 272 Dec 64,156 0 0 64,156 77,077 0 o 77,077 141,234 149,437 280 2009 Jan 66,976 0 0 66,976 81,584 0 0 81,584 148,560 157,189 294 Feb 64,346 0 0 64,346 82,930 0 0 82,930 147,276 155,830 323 Mar 55,337 0 0 55,337 74,447 0 0 74,447 129,784 137,323 257 Apr 56,172 0 0 56,172 77,083 0 0 77,083 133,255 140,995 273 May 54,622 0 0 54,622 72,730 0 0 72,730 127,353, 134,750 252 Jun 48,256 0 0 48,256 67,340 0 0 67,340 115,595 122,310 236 Jul 35,806 0 0 35,806 67,355 0 0 67,355 103,161 109,153 204 Aug 37,766 ° 0 37,766 72,765 0 0 72,765 110,531 116,951 219 Sep 41,157 0 0 41,187 75,230 0 0 75,230 116,387 123,147 238 Oct 48,255 0 0 48,255 73,723 0 0 73,723 121,978 129,063 241 Nov 59,296 0 0 59,296 74,670 0 0 74,670 133,967 141,748 274 Dec 65,151 0 0 65,151 77,077 0 0 77,077 142,228, 150,489 282 2010 Jan 68,010 0 0 68,010 81,584 0 0 81,584 149,594 158,283 296 Feb 65,339 0 0 65,339 82,930 0 0 82,930 148,269 156,881 325 Mar 56,191 0 0 56,191 74,447 0 0 74,447 130,638 138,227 259 Apr 57,039 0 0 57,039 77,083 0 0 77,083 134,122 141,912 274 May 55,465 0 0 55,465 72,730 0 0 72,730 128,196 135,642 254 Jun 49,000 0 0 49,000 67,340 0 0 67,340 116,340 123,098 238 Jul 36,359 0 0 36,359 67,355 0 0 67,355 103,713 109,738 205 Aug 38,348 0 0 38,348 72,765 0 0 72,765 114,114 117,568 220 Sep 41,792 0 0 41,792 75,230 0 0 75,230 117,022 123,819 239 Oct 48,999 0 0 48,999 73,723 0 0 73,723 122,722 129,851 243 Nov 60,212 0 0 60,212 74,670 0 0 74,670 134,882 142,717 276 Dec 66,156 0 0 66,156 77,077 0 0 77,077 143,233 151,553 283 Hatch Energy Monthly Forecast - 1/7 Hatch Energy Hydaburg - Reference Forecast AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) [Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Year Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2011 Jan 69,055 0 0 69,055 81,584 0 0 81,584 150,639 159,389 298 Feb 66,343 0 0 66,343, 82,930 0 0 82,930 149,273 187,944 327 Mar 57,055 0 0 57,055 74,447 0 0 74,447 131,502 139,140 260 Apr 57,916 0 0 57,916 77,083 0 0 77,083, 134,999 142,840 276 May 56,318 0 0 56,318 72,730 0 0 72,730 129,048 136,544 255 Jun 49,754 0 0 49,754 67,340 0 0 67,340 117,093, 123,895 239 Jul 36,917 0 0 36,917 67,355 0 0 67,355 104,272 110,329 206 Aug 38,938 0 0 38,938 72,765 0 0 72,765 111,703 118,191 221 Sep 42,434 0 0 42,434 75,230 0 0 75,230 117,665 124,499 241 Oct 49,753, 0 0 49,753 73,723, 0 0 73,723 123,476 130,648, 244 Nov 61,137 0 0 61,137 74,670 0 0 74,670 135,807 143,696 278 Dec 67,173, 0 o 67,173, 77,077 0 o 77,077 144,250 152,629 285 2012 Jan 70,112 0 0 70,112 61,584 0 0 81,584 151,696 160,508 300 Feb 67,359 0 0 67,359 82,930 0 0 82,930 150,289 159,018 329 Mar 57,929 0 0 57,929 74,447 0 0 74,447 132,376 140,065 262 Apr 58,802 0 0 58,802 77,083 0 0 77,083 135,885 143,778 278 May 57,180 0 0 57,180 72,730 0 0 72,730 129,911 137,457 257 Jun 50,515 0 0 50,515 67,340 0 0 67,340 117,855 124,701 241 Jul 37,483 0 0 37,483 67,355 0 0 67,355 104,837 110,927 207 Aug 39,534 0 0 39,534 72,765 0 0 72,765 112,299 118,822 222 Sep 43,084 0 0 43,084 75,230 0 0 75,230 118,314 125,187 242 Oct 50,514 0 0 50,514 73,723 0 0 73,723 124,237 131,454 246 Nov 62,073 0 0 62,073 74,670 0 0 74,670 136,743 144,686 279 Dec 68,201 0 o 68,201 77,077 0 0 77,077 145,279 153,717, 287 2013 Jan 71,181 0 0 71,181 81,584 0 0 81,584 152,766 161,639 302 Feb 68,386 0 ° 68,386 82,930 0 0 82,930 151,316 160,105 331 Mar 58,812 0 0 58,812 74,447 0 0 74,447 133,259 140,999 263 Apr 59,699 0 0 59,699 77,083 0 0 77,083 136,782 144,727 279 May 58,052 0 0 58,052 72,730 0 0 72,730 130,783, 138,379 259 Jun 51,286 0 0 51,286 67,340 0 0 67,340 118,625 125,516 242 Jul 38,054 ° 0 38,054 67,355 ° ° 67,355 105,409 111,532 208 Aug 40,137 0 0 40,137 72,765 0 0 72,765 112,902 119,460 223 Sep 43,741 ° 0 43,741 75,230 0 0 75,230 118,971 125,882 243 Oct 51,285 0 0 51,285 73,723 0 0 73,723 125,008 132,269 247 Nov 63,020 0 0 63,020 74,670 0 0 74,670 137,690 145,688 281 Dec 69,241 oO 0 69,241 77,077, 0 o 77,077 146,319 154,818 289 2014 Jan 72,263 0 0 72,263 81,584 0 0 81,584 153,847 162,783 304 Feb 69,425 0 0 69,425 82,930 0 0 82,930 152,355 161,205 333 Mar 59,705 0 0 59,705 74,447 0 0 74,447 134,152 141,945 265 Apr 60,606 0 0 60,606 77,083 0 0 77,083 137,689 145,687 281 May 58,934 0 0 58,934 72,730 0 0 72,730 131,665 139,312 260 Jun 52,065 0 0 52,065 67,340 0 0 67,340 119,404 126,340 244 Jul 38,632 0 0 38,632 67,355 0 0 67,355 105,987 112,143 209 ‘Aug 40,747 0 0 40,747 72,765 0 0 72,765 113,512 120,105 224 Sep 44,406 0 0 44,406 75,230 0 0 75,230 119,636 126,585 244 Oct 52,064 0 0 52,064 73,723 0 0 73,723 125,787 133,093 249 Nov 63,977 0 0 63,977 74,670 0 0 74,670 138,647 146,701 283 Dec 70,293 0 0 70,293 77,077 0 0 77,077, 147,370 155,930 291 Monthly Forecast - 2/7 Hatch Energy Hydaburg - Reference Forecast AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2015 Jan 73,356 0 0 73,356 81,584 0 0 81,584 154,940 163,940 306 Feb 70,475 0 0 70,475 82,930 0 0 82,930 153,406 162,316 336 Mar 60,609 0 0 60,609 74,447 0 0 74,447 135,056 142,901 267 Apr 61,523 0 0 61,523 77,083 0 0 77,083 138,606 146,657 283 May 59,826 0 0 59,826 72,730 0 0 72,730 132,556 140,256 262 Jun 52,853 0 0 52,853 67,340 0 0 67,340 120,192 127,174 245 Jul 39,217 0 0 39,217 67,355 0 0 67,355 106,572 112,762 211 ‘Aug 41,363 0 0 41,363 72,765 0 0 72,765 114,128 120,758 225 Sep 45,078 0 0 45,078 75,230 0 0 75,230 120,308 127,296 246 Oct 52,852 0 0 52,852 73,723 0 0 73,723 126,575, 133,927 250 Nov 64,945, 0 0 64,945 74,670 0 0 74,670 139,616 147,725 285 Dec 71,367 0 0 71,357 77,077 0 0 77,077 148,434 157,056 293 2016 Jan 74,462 0 0 74,462 81,584 0 0 81,584 156,046 165,110 308 Feb 71,538 0 0 71,538 82,930 0 0 82,930 154,468 163,440 338 Mar 61,523 0 0 61,523 74,447 0 0 74,447 135,970 143,867 269 Apr 62,451 0 0 62,451 77,083 0 0 77,083 139,534 147,638 285 May 60,728 0 0 60,728 72,730 0 0 72,730 133,458 141,210 264 Jun 53,649 0 0 53,649 67,340 0 0 67,340 120,989 128,017 247 Jul 39,808 0 0 39,808 67,355 0 0 67,355 107,163, 113,387 212 Aug 41,987 0 0 41,987 72,765 0 0 72,765 114,752 121,417 227 Sep 45,757 0 0 45,757 75,230 0 0 75,230 120,987 128,015, 247 Oct 53,648 0 0 53,648 73,723 0 0 73,723 127,371 134,770 252 Nov 65,924 0 0 65,924 74,670 0 0 74,670 140,595 148,761 287 Dec 72,433 0 0 72,433 77,077 0 0 77,077 149,510 158,194 295 2017 Jan 75,580 0 0 75,580 81,584 0 0 81,584 157,165 166,294 310 Feb 72,612 0 0 72,612 82,930 0 0 82,930 155,542 164,577 340 Mar 62,447 0 0 62,447 74,447 0 0 74,447 136,894 144,845 270 Apr 63,389 0 0 63,389 77,083 0 0 77,083 140,472 148,631 287 May 61,640 0 0 61,640 72,730 0 0 72,730 134,370 142,175 265 Jun 54,455 0 0 54,455 67,340 0 0 67,340 121,795 128,869 248 Jul 40,406 0 0 40,406 67,355 0 0 67,355 107,761 114,020 213 ‘Aug 42,617 0 0 42,617 72,765 0 0 72,765 115,383 122,085 228 Sep 46,444 0 0 46,444 75,230 0 0 75,230 121,675 128,742 248 Oct 54,454 0 0 54,454 73,723 0 0 73,723 128,177 135,622 253 Nov 66,914 0 0 66,914 74,670 0 0 74,670 141,585 149,809 289 Dec 73,521 0 0 73,521 77,077 0 0 77,077 150,598 159,345 297 2018 Jan 76,711 0 0 76,711 81,584 0 0 81,584 158,296 167,490 312 Feb 73,699 0 0 73,699 82,930 0 0 82,930 156,629 165,727 342 Mar 63,381 0 0 63,381 74,447 0 0 74,447 137,828 145,834 272 Apr 64,337 0 0 64,337 77,083 0 0 77,083 141,420 149,634 288 May 62,562 0 0 62,562 72,730 0 0 72,730 135,293, 143,151 267 Jun 55,270 0 0 55,270 67,340 0 0 67,340 122,610 129,731 250 Jul 41,011 0 0 41,011 67,355 0 0 67,355 108,365 114,660 214 ‘Aug 43,255 0 0 43,255 72,765 0 0 72,765 116,020 122,759 229 Sep 47,139 0 0 47,139 75,230 0 0 75,230 122,370 129,477 250 Oct 55,269 0 0 55,269 73,723 0 0 73,723 128,992 136,484 255 Nov 67,916 0 0 67,916 74,670 0 0 74,670 142,586 150,868, 291 Dec 74,621 oO 0 74,621 77,077 0 0 77,077 151,698 160,509 299 Monthly Forecast - 3/7 Hatch Energy Hydaburg - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Bi Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2019 Jan 77,855 0 0 77,855 81,584 0 0 81,584 159,439 168,700 315 Feb 74,797 0 0 74,797 82,930 0 0 82,930 157,728 166,889 345 Mar 64,326 0 0 64,326 74,447 0 0 74,447 138,773 146,834 274 Apr 65,296 0 0 65,296 77,083 0 0 77,083 142,379 150,649 290 May 63,495 0 0 63,495 72,730 0 0 72,730 136,225 144,138 269 Jun 56,094 0 0 56,094 67,340 0 0 67,340 123,434 130,603 252 Jul 41,622 0 0 41,622 67,355 0 0 67,355 108,977 115,307 215 ‘Aug 43,900 0 0 43,900 72,765 0 0 72,765 116,665 123,442 230 Sep 47,842 0 0 47,842 75,230 0 0 75,230 123,072 130,221 251 Oct 56,093 0 0 56,093 73,723 0 o 73,723 129,816 137,356 256 Nov 68,928 0 0 68,928 74,670 0 0 74,670 143,598 151,939 293 Dec 75,733 0 0 75,733 77,077 0 0 77,077 152,810 161,686 301 2020 Jan 79,011 2,763 4811 86,585 81,584 0 0 81,584 168,169 177,938 330 Feb 75,908 2,267 3,947 82,122 82,930 0 0 82,930 165,052 174,639 358 Mar 65,281 2,225 3,874 71,381 74,447 0 0 74,447 145,828 154,298 286 Apr 66,266 1,755 3,056 71,077 77,083 0 0 77,083 148,160 156,766 300 May 64,438, 1,342 2,337 68,118 72,730 0 0 72,730 140,848, 149,029 276 Jun 56,927 880 1,532 59,340 67,340 0 0 67,340 126,679 134,037 257 Jul 42,240 650 1,132 44,023 67,355 0 0 67,355 111,378 117,847 218 Aug 44,552 684 1,191 46,428 72,765 0 0 72,765 119,193, 126,116 234 Sep 48,553 1,058 1,842 51,452 75,230 0 0 75,230 126,682 134,040 257 Oct 56,926 1,674 2,915 61,515 73,723 0 0 73,723 135,238 143,093 265 Nov 69,952 2,207 3,842 76,001 74,670 0 0 74,670 150,671 159,423 305 Dec 76,858 2,596 4,520 83,974 77,077 0 0 77,077 161,051 170,406 316 2021 Jan 80,181 5,526 9,622 95,328 81,584 0 0 81,584 176,913 187,189 345 Feb 77,032 4,533 7,894 89,459 82,930 0 0 82,930 172,390 182,403 372 Mar 66,248 4,450 7,748 78,446 74,447 0 0 74,447 152,893, 161,774 298 Apr 67,247 3,510 6,111 76,868 77,083 0 0 77,083 153,951 162,893 310 May 65,392 2,685 4,675 72,751 72,730 0 0 72,730 145,481 153,932 284 Jun 87,770 1,760 3,065 62,595 67,340 0 0 67,340 129,934 137,482 262 Jul 42,865 1,300 2,265 46,430 67,355 0 0 67,355 113,785 120,394 222 Aug 45,211 1,368 2,383 48,962 72,765 0 0 72,765 121,728 128,798 238 Sep 49,271 2,115 3,683 55,070 75,230 0 0 75,230 130,300 137,868 263 Oct 57,768 3,348 5,830 66,946 73,723 0 0 73,723 140,669 148,840 274 Nov 70,987 4,413 7,685 83,085 74,670 0 0 74,670 157,756 166,919 318 Dec 77,996 5,191 9,040 92,227 77,077 0 0 77,077 169,304 179,138 330 2022 Jan 81,363 8,289 13,746 103,398 81,584 0 0 81,584 184,982 195,726 359 Feb 78,168 6,800 11,277 96,245, 82,930 0 0 82,930 179,175 189,583 385 Mar 67,225 6,675 11,069 84,969 74,447 0 0 74,447 159,416 168,675 310 Apr 68,239 5,265 8,731 82,234 77,083 0 0 77,083 159,317 168,571 320 May 66,356 4,027 6,678 77,061 72,730 0 0 72,730 149,791 158,492 291 Jun 58,622 2,640 4,378 65,640 67,340 0 0 67,340 132,980 140,704 267 Jul 43,498 1,951 3,235 48,683 67,355 0 0 67,355 116,038 122,778 225 Aug 45,878 2,053 3,404 51,335 72,765 0 0 72,765 124,100 131,308 241 Sep 49,998 3,173 5,262 58,433 75,230 0 0 75,230 133,663 141,427 268 Oct 58,620 5,022 8,328 71,970 73,723 0 0 73,723 145,693, 154,156 283 Nov 72,034 6,620 10,978 89,632 74,670 0 0 74,670 164,303, 173,846 330 Dec 79,146 7,787 12,914 99,847 77,077 0 0 77,077, 176,924 187,201 344 Monthly Forecast - 4/7 Hatch Energy Hydaburg - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2023. («Jan 82,559 11,051 17,869 117,480 81,584 0 0 81,584 193,064 204,278 373 Feb 79,317 9,067 14,660 103,044 82,930 0 0 82,930 185,974 196,776 398 Mar 68,213 8,900 14,390 91,502 74,447 0 0 74,447 165,949 175,588 321 Apr 69,241 7,019 11,350 87,611 77,083 0 0 77,083 164,694 174,260 329 May 67,331 5,369 8,681 81,382 72,730 0 0 72,730 154,112 163,064 298 Jun 59,483 3,520 5,692 68,695 67,340 0 0 67,340 136,035, 143,936 272 Jul 44,137 2,601 4,206 50,943 67,355 0 0 67,355 118,298 125,170 229 ‘Aug 46,552 2,737 4,425 53,714 72,765 0 0 72,765 126,480 133,826 245 Sep 50,733 4,230 6,840 61,804 75,230 0 0 75,230 137,034 144,993 274 Oct 59,482 6,696 10,826 77,004 73,723 0 0 73,723 150,727 159,482 292 Nov 73,093 8,827 14,272 96,191 74,670 0 0 74,670 170,862 180,786 342 Dec 80,309 10,383, 16,788 107,480 77,077 0 0 77,077 184,558 195,278 357 2024 Jan 83,768 13,814 21,993 119,576 61,584 0 0 81,584 201,160 212,844 388 Feb 80,478 11,334 18,043 109,855 82,930 0 0 82,930 192,786 203,983 at Mar 69,212 11,125 17711 98,047 74,447 0 0 74,447 172,494 182,513, 332 Apr 70,256 8,774 13,969 92,999 77,083 0 0 77,083 170,082 179,961 339 May 68,317 6711 10,685 85,713 72,730 0 0 72,730 158,444 167,647 305 Jun 60,354 4,400 7,005 71,760 67,340 0 0 67,340 139,100 147,179 217 Jul 44,783 3,251 5,176 53,211 67,355 0 0 67,355 120,565, 127,568 232 ‘Aug 47,234 3,421 5,446 56,101 72,765 0 0 72,765 128,867 136,352 248 Sep 51,476 5,288 8,419 65,183 75,230 0 0 75,230 140,413 148,569 280 Oct 60,353 8,370 13,325 82,047 73,723 0 0 73,723 155,770 164,818 300 Nov 74,163 11,033 17,565 102,762 74,670 0 0 74,670 177,432 187,738 353 Dec 81,485 12,979 20,663 115,126 77,077 0 0 77,077 192,204 203,368 370 2025 Jan 84,991 16,577 25,429 126,997 81,584 0 0 81,584 208,582 220,697 401 Feb 81,653 13,600 20,863, 116,116 82,930 0 0 82,930 199,046 210,608 423 Mar 70,222 13,350 20,478 104,049 74,447 0 0 74,447 178,496 188,864 343 Apr 71,281 10,529 16,152 97,962 77,083 0 0 77,083 175,045 185,212 347 May 69,315 8,054 12,354 89,722 72,730 0 0 72,730 162,453 171,889 312 Jun 61,235 5,280 8,100 74,616 67,340 0 0 67,340 141,955 150,201 282 Jul 45,437 3,901 5,985 55,323, 67,355, 0 0 67,355 122,678 129,804 236 ‘Aug 47,924 4,105 6,297 58,326 72,765 0 0 72,765 131,091 138,706 252 Sep 52,227 6,346 9,734 68,307 75,230 0 0 75,230 143,537 151,875 285 Oct 61,234 10,043 15,407 86,684 73,723 0 0 73,723 160,407 169,724 308 Nov 75,246 13,240 20,310 108,795 74,670 0 0 74,670 183,466 194,122 364 Dec 82,674 15,574 23,891 122,140 77,077 0 0 77,077 199,217, 210,789 383 2026 Jan 86,227 19,340 28,866 134,433 81,584 0 0 81,584 216,017 228,564 414 Feb 82,841 15,867 23,682 122,390 82,930 0 0 82,930 205,320 217,246 435 Mar 71,243 15,574 23,245 110,063, 74,447 0 0 74,447 184,510 195,227 363 Apr 72,318 12,284 18,334 102,936 77,083 0 0 77,083 180,019 190,476 356 May 70,323 9,396 14,024 93,742 72,730 0 0 72,730 166,473, 176,142 319 Jun 62,126 6,160 9,194 77,481 67,340 0 0 67,340 144,820 153,232 287 Jul 46,098 4,552 6,794 57,443 67,355 0 0 67,355 124,798 132,047 239 ‘Aug 48,621 4,789 7,148 60,558 72,765 0 0 72,765 133,323, 141,068 255 Sep 52,987 7,403 11,050 71,440 75,230 0 0 75,230 146,670 155,189 290 Oct 62,125 14,717 17,489 91,331 73,723 0 0 73,723 165,054 174,641 316 Nov 76,340 15,446 23,054 114,841 74,670 0 0 74,670 189,511 200,519 375 Dec 83,877 18,170 27,120 129,167 77,077 0 0 77,077 206,244 218,224 395 Monthly Forecast - 5/7 Hatch Energy Hydaburg - Reference Forecast AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2027 Jan 87,477 22,103 32,302 141,882 81,584 0 0 81,584 223,466 236,446 427 Feb 84,042 18,134 26,501 128,677 82,930 0 0 82,930 211,607 223,898 447 Mar 72,276 17,799 26,013 116,088 74,447 0 0 74,447 190,535 201,602 364 Apr 73,366 14,039 20,517 107,922 77,083 0 0 77,083 185,005 195,751 365 May 71,342 10,738 15,693 97,773 72,730 0 0 72,730 170,504 180,408 325 Jun 63,027 7,040 10,289 80,356 67,340 0 0 67,340 147,696 156,275 291 Jul 46,766 5,202 7,602 59,570 67,355 0 0 67,355 126,925 134,298 242 ‘Aug 49,325 5,474 7,999 62,798 72,765 0 0 72,765 135,563 143,438 259 Sep 53,755 8,461 12,365 74,581 75,230 0 0 75,230 149,811 158,513 296 Oct 63,025 13,391 19,571 95,987 73,723 0 0 73,723 169,710 179,568 324 Nov 77,447 17,653 25,799 120,899 74,670 0 0 74,670 195,569 206,929 386 Dec 85,093 20,766 30,348 136,207, 77,077 0 0 77,077 213,284 225,673 407 2028 Jan 88,741 24,866 35,739 149,345 81,584 0 0 81,584 230,930 244,343 440 Feb 85,256 20,400 29,321 134,977 82,930 0 0 82,930 217,907 230,564 459 Mar 73,320 20,024 28,780 122,124 74,447 0 0 74,447 196,572 207,989 374 Apr 74,426 15,794 22,700 112,920 77,083 0 0 77,083 190,003, 201,039 374 May 72,373 12,080 17,363 101,816 72,730 0 0 72,730 174,546 184,685 332 Jun 63,937 7,920 11,384 83,241 67,340 0 0 67,340 150,581 159,327 296 Jul 47,442 5,852 8411 61,705 67,355 0 0 67,355 129,060 136,556 246 ‘Aug 50,038 6,158 8,850 65,046 72,765 0 0 72,765 137,811 145,816 262 Sep 54,531 9,519 13,681 77,731 75,230 0 0 75,230 152,961 161,846 301 Oct 63,936 15,065, 21,653 100,654 73,723 0 0 73,723 174,377 184,505 332 Nov 78,566 19,860 28,544 126,969 74,670 0 0 74,670 201,640 213,352 397 Dec 86,322 23,362 33,577 143,261 77,077 0 0 77,077 220,338 233,136 419 2029 Jan 90,019 27,629 39,175 156,823 81,584 0 0 81,584 238,407 252,255 453 Feb 86,484 22,667 32,140 141,290 82,930 0 0 82,930 224,221 237,244 47 Mar 74,376 22,249 31,547 128,173, 74,447 0 0 74,447 202,620 214,389 385 Apr 75,498 17,549 24,882 117,929 77,083 0 0 77,083 195,012 206,339 383 May 73,415 13,423 19,032 105,870 72,730 0 0 72,730 178,600 188,974 339 Jun 64,858 8,800 12,478 86,137 67,340 0 0 67,340 153,476 162,391 301 Jul 48,125, 6,502 9,220 63,847 67,355 0 0 67,355 131,202 138,823, 249 ‘Aug 50,759 6,842 9,701 67,302 72,765 0 0 72,765 140,067 148,203, 266 Sep 55,317 10,576 14,996 80,889 75,230 0 0 75,230 156,119 165,188 306 Oct 64,857 16,739 23,735 105,330 73,723 0 0 73,723 179,053, 189,454 340 Nov 79,697 22,066 31,288 133,052 74,670 0 0 74,670 207,722 219,788 408 Dec 87,565 25,957 36,805 150,328 77,077 0 0 77,077 227,405 240,614 432 2030 Jan 91,311 30,392 41,924 163,627 81,584 0 0 81,584 245,211 259,454 465 Feb 87,725 24,934 34,395 147,054 82,930 0 0 82,930 229,984 243,343 482 Mar 75,444 24,474 33,761 133,679 74,447 0 0 74,447 208,126 220,215 394 Apr 76,582 19,304 26,629 122,514 77,083 0 0 77,083 199,597 211,190 391 May 74,469 14,765 20,368 109,602 72,730 0 0 72,730 182,332 192,923, 345 Jun 65,789 9,680 13,354 88,823 67,340 0 0 67,340 156,163, 165,234 306 Jul 48,816 7,153 9,867 65,835 67,355 0 0 67,355 133,190 140,926 252 ‘Aug 51,487 7,526 10,382 69,395 72,765 0 0 72,765 142,161 150,418 269 Sep 56,111 11,634 16,048 83,793 75,230 0 0 75,230 159,023, 168,260 31 Oct 65,787 18,413 25,400 109,601 73,723 0 0 73,723 183,324 193,972 347 Nov 80,841 24,273 33,484 138,598 74,670 0 0 74,670 213,268 225,656 417 Dec 88,822 28,553 39,388 156,764 77,077 o 0 77,077 233,841 247,423 443 Monthly Forecast - 6 / 7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Hydaburg - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2031 Jan 92,617 33,154 44,673 170,445 81,584 0 0 81,584 252,029 266,668 476 Feb 88,980 27,200 36,651 152,831 82,930 0 0 82,930 235,761 249,456 493 Mar 76,523 26,699 35,975 139,197 74,447 0 0 74,447 213,644 226,054 404 Apr 77,677 21,058 28,375 127,110 77,083 0 0 77,083 204,193 216,054 399 May 75,534 16,107 21,703 113,345, 72,730 0 0 72,730 186,075 196,883 352 Jun 66,730 10,561 14,230 91,520 67,340 0 0 67,340 158,860 168,087 310 Jul 49,514 7,803 10,514 67,831 67,355 0 0 67,355 135,186 143,038 256 ‘Aug 52,224 8,210 11,063 71,497 72,765 0 0 72,765 144,262 152,642 273 Sep 56,914 12,691 17,101 86,706 75,230 0 0 75,230 161,936 171,342 316 Oct 66,729 20,087 27,066 113,881 73,723 0 0 73,723 187,604 198,502 355 Nov 81,998 26,480 35,679 144,157 74,670 0 0 74,670 218,827 231,538 427 Dec 90,093 31,149 41,971 163,213, 77,077 0 0 77,077, 240,290 254,247 454 Monthly Forecast -7/7 HATCH ACRES Alaska Energy Authority - AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study SE Alaska Final Report e Appendix H H8 Hatch Acres Corporation PR324582 AK-BC Alaska Final Report-App 18-09-07.doc Year Month 1998 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 8661 1999 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 6661 2000 ~~ January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 0002 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Coffman Cove Sales (kWh) Number of Customers [| Gross Generation Net Generation Peak Residential Non-Res Total Residential Non-Res Total Diesel Hydro Total Diesel Hydro Total (mw) 53,518 67,912 121,430 104 43 147 133,187 0 133,187 133,187 42,610 57,209 99,819 105 42 147 108,638 0 108,638 108,638 36,213 50,751 86,964 106 42 148 94,999 0 94,999 94,999 34,660 49,548 84,208 108 43 151 91,725 0 91,725 91,725 38,201 52,988 91,189 109 44 153 101,647 0 101,647 101,647 33,024 48,006 81,030 109 45 154 92,579 0 92,579 92,579 25,998 50,945, 76,943 109 45 154 84,498 0 84,498 84,498 27,531 55,259 82,790 111 46 157 92,493 0 92,493, 92,493 30,426 57,937 88,363 110 45 155 96,969 0 96,969 96,969 35,040 55,768 90,808 110 45 155 101,839 0 101,839 101,839 46,294 60,730 107,024 111 46 157 122,369 0 122,369 122,369 49,925 61,529 111,454 111 46 157 122,224 0 122,224 122,224 453,441 668,581 4,122,022 114 46 157 1,243,167 0 1,243,167 1,243,167 45,385, 57,592 102,977 112 46 158 121,583 0 121,583 121,583 47,611 63,923 111,534 112 45 157 125,094 0 125,094 125,094 36,974 51,817 88,791 111 44 155 100,729 0 100,729 100,729 40,127 57,362 97,489 113 46 159 108,903 0 108,903 108,903 40,640 56,371 97,011 112 46 158 108,982 0 108,982 108,982 38,748 56,327 95,075 117 47 164 106,657 0 106,657 106,657 26,725 52,371 79,096 117 48 165 88,022 0 88,022 88,022 24,813 49,803 74,616 117 48 165 88,256 0 88,256 88,256 25,877 49,275 75,152 117 48 165 81,829 0 81,829 81,829 29,569 47,061 76,630 118 49 167 89,905 0 89,905 89,905 44,770 58,731 103,501 122 50 172 105,182 0 105,182 105,182 44,922 55,364 100,286 118 49 167 113,015 0 113,015 113,015, 446,162 655,996 1,102,158 118 49 167 1,238,157 0 1,238,157 4,238,157 43,854 55,649 99,503, 116 48 164 113,015 0 113,015 113,015, 43,440 58,323, 101,763 117 47 164 124,177 0 124,177 124,177 38,517 53,981 92,498 116 47 163 97,521 0 97,521 97,521 29,956 42,824 72,780 116 46 162 86,070 0 86,070 86,070 24,946 34,603 59,549 114 46 160 69,144 0 69,144 69,144 22,634 32,902 55,536 110 45 155 63,500 0 63,500 63,500 17,093 33,494 50,587 112 46 158 62,170 0 62,170 62,170 18,671 37,476 56,147 110 45 155 66,954 0 66,954 66,954 20,118 38,309 58,427 112 46 158 68,190 0 68,190 68,190 22,272 35,446 57,718 107 44 151 64,138 0 64,138 64,138 28,050 36,796 64,846 110 46 156 69,228 0 69,228 69,228 24,251 29,887 54,138 106 43 149 69,715 0 69,715 69,715 333,802 489,690 823,492 106 43 149 953,822 0 953,822 953,822 Historic Data - 1 of 3 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Coffman Cove Sales (kWh) Number of Customers Gross Generation Net Generation Year Month Residential Non-Res Total Residential Non-Res Total Diesel Hydro Total Diesel Hydro Total 2001 January 29,519 37,457 66,976 105 43 148 90,019 0 90,019 90,019 February 26,760 35,928 62,688 105 42 147 73,850 0 73,850 73,850 March 23,245 32,577 55,822 105 42 147 62,517 0 62,517 62,517 April 22,763 32,541 55,304 105 42 147 69,155 0 69,155 69,155 May 20,898 28,986 49,884 105 42 147 63,360 0 63,360 63,360 nN June 20,178 29,332 49,510 109 44 153 53,120 0 53,120 53,120 s July 16,649 32,624 49,273 106 43 149 53,760 0 53,760 53,760 — August 19,288 38,714 58,002 106 43 149 61,440 0 61,440 61,440 September 18,041 34,354 52,395 105 44 149 57,850 0 57,850 57,850 October 18,700 29,762 48,462 105 44 149 52,480 0 52,480 52,480 November 22,168 29,080 51,248 105 44 149 55,680 0 55,680 55,680 December 28,428 35,036 63,464 105 43 148 70,400 0 70,400 70,400 |__| TOTAL 266,636 396,392 663,028 105 43 148 763,631 0 763,631 763,631 2002 January 26,247 33,306 59,553 104 42 146 65,650 0 65,650 65,650 February 23,881 32,062 55,943 105 42 147 61,440 0 61,440 61,440 March 21,446 30,055 51,501 106 42 148 55,680 0 55,680 55,680 April 22,832 32,640 55,472 108 43 151 60,800 0 60,800 60,800 May 21,463 29,770 51,233 108 44 152 56,210 0 56,210 56,210 nN June 20,033 29,123 49,156 107 44 151 52,480 0 52,480 52,480 Ss July 16,715 32,754 49,469 106 43 149 55,250 0 55,250 55,250 Nn August 21,177 42,507 63,684 107 44 151 65,280 0 65,280 65,280 September 21,390 40,729 62,119 109 45 154 69,120 0 69,120 69,120 October 22,255 35,419 57,674 108 45 153 60,800 0 60,800 60,800 November 25,082 32,903 57,985 110 45 155 64,640 0 64,640 64,640 December 26,819 33,052 59,871 109 45 154 65,280 0 65,280 65,280 TOTAL 269,339 404,321 673,660 109 45 154 732,630 0 732,630 732,630 ] 2003 January 28,359 35,985 64,344 anal 45 156 67,200 0 67,200 67,200 February 25,490 34,223 59,713 110 45 155 65,280 0 65,280 65,280 March 23,098 32,371 55,469 113 45 158 56,960 0 56,960 56,960 April 25,497 36,449 61,946 113 45 158 60,140 0 60,140 60,140 May 22,924 31,797 54,721 114 46 160 58,120 0 58,120 58,120 nN June 21,563 31,347 52,910 113 46 159 61,110 0 61,110 61,110 s July 19,065 37,361 56,426 113 47 160 63,800 0 63,800 63,800 wo August 20,561 41,269 61,830 113 47 160 66,320 0 66,320 66,320 September 19,301 36,752 56,053 114 47 161 61,750 0 61,750 61,750 October 20,605 32,793 53,398 112 46 158 59,800 0 59,800 59,800 November 26,086 34,221 60,307 112 47 159 67,600 0 67,600 67,600 December 28,730 35,407 64,137 Ww 46 157 70,850 0 70,850 70,850 = TOTAL 281,279 419,975 701,254 111 46 157 758,930 0 758,930 758,930 Hatch Energy Historic Data - 2 of 3 Year Month 2004 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL v00z 2005 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL $002 2006 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 9002 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Coffman Cove Sales (kWh) Number of Customers Gross Generation Net Generation Peak Residential Non-Res Total Residential Non-Res Total Diesel Hydro Total Diesel Hydro Total (mw) 29,672 37,653 67,325 112 45 157 68,250 0 68,250 68,250 25,925 34,806 60,731 114 46 160 68,480 0 68,480 68,480 23,337 32,706 56,043 113 46 159 63,040 0 63,040 63,040 24,782 35,427 60,209 115 46 161 64,000 0 64,000 64,000 21,802 30,241 52,043 116 47 163 58,240 0 58,240 58,240 22,190 32,257 54,447 114 47 161 58,880 0 58,880 58,880 20,792 40,745 61,537 115 47 162 62,080 0 62,080 62,080 21,060 42,271 63,331 116 47 163 69,120 0 69,120 69,120 21,157 40,285 61,442 116 48 164 66,560 0 66,560 66,560 22,067 35,121 57,188 115 48 163 64,640 0 64,640 64,640 28,899 37,911 66,810 115 48 163 71,040 0 71,040 71,040 30,306 37,350 67,656 116 47 163 71,680 0 71,680 71,680 291,989 436,773 728,762 116 47 163 786,010 0 786,010 786,010 27,775 35,244 63,019 116 47 163 71,680 0 71,680 71,680 26,913 36,134 63,047 115 47 162 67,200 0 67,200 67,200 22,965 32,184 55,149 114 46 160 60,160 0 60,160 60,160 23,428 33,490 56,918 115 46 161 62,720 0 62,720 62,720 23,767 32,966 56,733 115 47 162 60,160 0 60,160 60,160 22,874 33,251 56,125, 115 47 162 60,160 0 60,160 60,160 19,882 38,962 58,844 114 47 161 64,640 0 64,640 64,640 22,812 45,788 68,600 113 47 160 74,880 0 74,880 74,880 22,531 42,903 65,434 114 47 161 71,970 0 71,970 71,970 21,018 33,451 54,469 114 47 161 60,800 0 60,800 60,800 24,763 32,484 57,247 115 48 163 65,280 0 65,280 65,280 29,527 36,390 65,917 115 47 162 71,680 0 71,680 71,680 288,254 433,248 721,502 115 47 162 791,330 0 791,330 791,330 29,920 37,966 67,886 114 47 161 72,320 0 72,320 72,320 27,106 36,392 63,498 115 46 161 69,120 0 69,120 69,120 23,150 32,443 55,593 113 46 159 62,080 0 62,080 62,080 25,112 35,899 61,011 114 46 160 69,120 0 69,120 69,120 25,064 34,765 59,829 121 49 170 65,280 0 65,280 65,280 28,867 41,964 70,831 119 49 168 76,160 0 76,160 76,160 26,915 52,741 79,656 122 50 172 86,400 0 86,400 86,400 27,708 55,613 83,321 122 50 172 90,240 0 90,240 90,240 29,073 55,359 84,432 123 51 174 88,960 0 88,960 88,960 25,484 40,559 66,043 122 50 172 70,881 0 70,881 70,881 30,089 39,471 69,560 121 50 171 73,273, 0 73,273 73,273 32,090 39,549 71,639 121 49 170 79,594 0 79,594 79,594 330,576 502,723 833,299 121 49 170 903,428 0 903,428 903,428 Historic Data - 3 of 3 Coffman Cove - Monthly Residential Sales (kWh) AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Coffman Cove - Monthly Residential Sales (kWh) a o Thousands Thousands ao > gq o o o ny So | | | \/ = o p> -S oa oo Thousands w a o 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Coffman Cove - Annual Residential Sales (kWh) 2006 ee Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Aug Sep Oct Nov 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Hatch Energy Monthly Patterns sé. AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Coffman Cove - Monthly Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Coffman Cove - Monthly Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Thousands Thousands + | | | | Indien! 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Coffman Cove - Annual Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Thousands x =) So Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Hatch Energy Monthly Patterns AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Coffman Cove - Monthly Net Generation (kWh) 140 Thousands i Coffman Cove - Monthly Net Generation (kWh) 140 T 120 Thousands 100 80 60 40 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Jan Feb Mar Apr Hatch Energy Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Monthly Patterns Coffman Cove - Annual Net Generation (kWh) Thousands 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 nn Inter Coffman Cove - Reference Forecast Annual Forecast Values ‘Non- Electric Total Unit Residential Full Partial Total Unit Residential Spot Heat Total Net Peak Year Customers Consumption Base Conversions Conversions _—Residential Customers Consumption Base Loads Conversions Sales Generation Demand #) (kWh) (kWh) (kwh) (kwh) (kWh), #) (kwh) (kWh) (kwh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 1998 111 4,070.9 453,441 > - 453,441 46 14,657.1 668,581 668,581 1,122,022 1,243,167 1999 118 3,765.7 446,162 - - 446,162 49 13,520.1 655,996 655,996 1,102,158 1,238,157 2000 106 3,187.7 333,802 : : 333,802 43 14,311.7 489,690 489,690 823,492 953,822 2001 105 2,539.4 266,636 - - 266,636 43 9,218.4 396,392 396,392 663,028, 763,631 2002 109 2,465.2, 269,339 - : 269,339 45 9,036.5 404,321 404,321 673,660 732,630 2003 Wt 2,525.3, 281,279 - - 281,279 46 9,207.0 419,975 419,975 701,254 758,930 2004 116 2,524.9 291,989 : : 291,989 47 9,222.8 436,773 436,773 728,762 786,010 2005 115 2,508.0 288,254 : : 288,254 47 9,204.8 433,248 433,248 721,502 791,330 2006 121 2,740.9 330,576 : : 330,576 49 10,178.3 502,723 502,723 833,299 903,428 2007 122 2,761.5 336,899 : : 336,899 50 10,178.3 508,914 508,914 845,813 894,942 178 2008 123 2,782.2 342,207 : : 342,207 50 10,1783 508,914 508,914 851,121 900,559 180 2009 124 2,803.0 347,577 : : 347,577 50 10,178.3 508,914 508,914 856,491 906,240 181 2010 125 2,824.1 353,008 : : 353,008 50 10,178.3 508,914 508,914 861,922 911,987 182 2011 126 2,845.2 358,501 - - 358,501 50 10,178.3, 508,914 508,914 867,415, 917,799 183 2012 127 2,866.6 364,056 - : 364,056 50 10,178.3 508,914 508,914 872,970 923,677 184 2013 128 2,888.1 369,675 - - 369,675 50 10,178.3 508,914 508,914 878,589 929,621 185 2014 129 2,909.7 375,357 - - 375,357 50 10,178.3 508,914 508,914 884,271 935,634 187 2015 130 2,931.6 381,104 : - 381,104 50 10,178.3 508,914 508,914 890,018 941,714 188 2016 131 2,953.6 386,915 : - 386,915 50 10,178.3 508,914 508,914 895,829 947,864 189 2017 132 2,975.7 392,793 - - 392,793 50 10,178.3 508,914 508,914 901,707 954,083 190 2018 133 2,998.0 398,737 - - 398,737 50 10,178.3 508,914 508,914 907,651 960,372 192 2019 134 3,020.5 404,748 - - 404,748 50 10,178.3 508,914 508,914 913,662 966,732 193 2020 135 3,043.2 410,827 20,100 35,000 465,927 50 10,178.3 508,914 508,914 974,841 1,031,464 206 2021 136 3,066.0 416,974 40,200 65,000 522,174 50 10,178.3 508,914 508,914 1,031,088 1,090,979 218 2022 137 3,089.0 423,190 60,300 95,000 578,490 50 10,178.3 508,914 508,914 1,087,404 1,150,566 229 2023 138 3112.4 429,476 80,400 125,000 634,876 50 10,178.3 508,914 508,914 1,143,790 1,210,227 241 2024 139 3,135.5 435,833 100,500 155,000 691,333, 50 10,178.3 508,914 508,914 1,200,247 1,269,963 253 2025 140 3,159.0 442,261 120,600 180,000 742,861 50 10,178.3 508,914 508,914 1,251,775 1,324,484 264 2026 141 3,182.7 448,760 140,700 205,000 794,460 50 10,178.3 508,914 508,914 1,303,374 1,379,081 275 2027 142 3,206.6 455,333 160,800 230,000 846,133, 50 10,178.3, 508,914 508,914 1,355,047 1,433,755 286 2028 143 3,230.6 461,978 180,900 255,000 897,878 50 10,178.3 508,914 508,914 1,406,792 1,488,506 297 2029 144 3,254.8 468,698 201,000 275,000 944,698 50 10,178.3 508,914 508,914 1,453,612 1,538,045 307 2030 145 3,279.3 475,492 221,100 295,000 991,592 50 10,1783 508,914 508,914 1,500,506 1,587,663 u7 2031 146 3,303.9 482,362 241,200 315,000 1,038,562 50 10,178.3 508,914 508,914 1,547,476 1,637,362 326 Growth 0.77% 0.75% 1.52% 4.69% 0.05% 0.00% 0.05% 0.05% 251% 241% 1-5 0.88% 0.75% 1.64% 1.64% 0.25% 0.00% 0.25% 0.25% 0.81% 0.32% 20-25 0.70% 0.75% 1.45% 5.50% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 3.49% 3.49% Monthly Patterns Non- Electric Resultant Residential Full Partial Residential Spot Heat Peak Distribution Month, Base Conversions __ Conversions Base Loads Conversions 2007 2031 Jan 10.61% 13.75% 13.75% 9.05% 9.05% 13.75% 0.949 7.000 Feb 9.78% 11.28% 11.28% 8.83% 8.83% 11.28% 1.000 0.987 Mar 8.41% 11.07% 11.07% 7.92% 7.92% 11.07% 0.796 0.820 Apr 8.41% 8.73% 8.73% 8.08% 8.08% 8.73% 0.833 0.75 May 8.09% 6.68% 6.68% 7.54% 7.54% 6.68% 0.762 0.660 Jun 7.17% 4.38% 4.38% 7.59% 7.59% 4.38% 077 0.598 Jul 6.41% 3.24% 3.24% 8.44% 8.44% 3.24% 0.749 0.529 Aug 6.88% 3.40% 3.40% 9.27% 9.27% 3.40% 0.816 0572 Sep 7.02% 5.26% 5.26% 8.98% 8.98% 5.26% 0.831 0.648 Oct 7.33% 8.33% 8.33% 7.84% 7.84% 8.33% 0.749 0.700 Nov 9.33% 10.98% 10.98% 8.22% 8.22% 10.98% 0.878 0.880 Dec 9.96% 12.91% 12.91% 8.25% 8.25% 12.91% 0.876 0.932 Hatch Energy Annual Forecast Hatch Energy Coffman Cove - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) [Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions —_ Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (Kw) 2007 Jan 35,749 0 0 35,749 46,041 0 0 46,041 81,790 86,541 169 Feb 32,960 0 0 32,960 44,914 0 0 44,914 77,874 82,398 178 Mar 28,320 0 0 28,320 40,283 0 0 40,283 68,602 72,587 142 Apr 28,344 0 0 28,344 41,124 0 0 41,124 69,469 73,504 149 May 27,269 0 0 27,269 38,389 0 0 38,389 65,658 69,472 136 Jun 26,177 0 0 26,177 38,623 0 0 38,623 64,800 68,564 139 Jul 21,596 0 0 21,596 42,951 0 0 42,951 64,546 68,296 134 ‘Aug 23,164 0 0 23,164 47,189 0 0 47,189 70,353 74,439 146 Sep 23,652 0 0 23,652 45,711 0 0 45,711 69,363 73,392 148 Oct 24,687 0 0 24,687 39,878 0 0 39,878 64,565, 68,315 134 Nov 31,421 0 0 31,421 41,834 0 0 41,834 73,255 77,510 157 Dec 33,559 0 0 33,559 41,977 0 0 41,977 75,536 79,924 156 2008 Jan 36,312 0 0 36,312 46,047 0 0 46,041 82,354 87,137 170 Feb 33,480 0 0 33,480 44,914 0 0 44,914 78,394 82,947 180 Mar 28,766 0 0 28,766 40,283 0 0 40,283 69,049 73,059 143 Apr 28,791 0 0 28,791 41,124 0 0 41,124 69,915 73,976 149 May 27,699 0 0 27,699 38,389 0 0 38,389 66,088 69,926 137 Jun 26,590 0 0 26,590 38,623 0 0 38,623, 65,212 69,000 139 Jul 21,936 0 0 21,936 42,951 0 0 42,951 64,887 68,656 134 ‘Aug 23,529 0 0 23,529 47,189 0 0 47,189 70,718 74,825 146 Sep 24,025 0 0 24,025 45,711 0 0 45,711 69,736 73,787 149 Oct 25,076 0 0 25,076 39,878 0 0 39,878 64,954 68,727 134 Nov 31,916 0 0 31,916 41,834 0 0 41,834 73,750 78,034 158 Dec 34,088 0 0 34,088 41,977 0 0 41,977 76,065 80,483 157 2009 Jan 36,882 0 0 36,882 46,041 0 0 46,041 82,924 87,740 172 Feb 34,005 0 0 34,005 44,914 0 0 44,914 78,919 83,503 181 Mar 29,218 0 0 29,218 40,283 0 0 40,283 69,500 73,537 144 Apr 29,243 0 0 29,243 41,124 0 0 41,124 70,367 74,454 150 May 28,133 0 0 28,133 38,389 0 0 38,389 66,522 70,386 138 Jun 27,007 0 0 27,007 38,623 0 0 38,623 65,630 69,442 140 Jul 22,280 0 ° 22,280 42,951 0 0 42,951 65,231 69,020 135 ‘Aug 23,898 0 0 23,898 47,189 0 0 47,189 71,087 75,216 147 Sep 24,402 0 0 24,402 45,711 0 0 45,711 70,113 74,186 150 Oct 25,470 0 0 25,470 39,878 0 0 39,878 65,347 69,143 135 Nov 32,417 0 0 32,417 41,834 0 0 41,834 74,251 78,564 159 Dec 34,623 0 0 34,623 41,977 0 0 41,977 76,600 81,049 158 2010 Jan 37,458 0 0 37,458 46,041 0 0 46,041 83,500 88,350 173 Feb 34,536 0 0 34,536 44,914 0 0 44,914 79,451 84,065 182 Mar 29,674 0 0 29,674 40,283 0 0 40,283 69,957 74,020 145 Apr 29,700 0 0 29,700 41,124 0 0 41,124 70,824 74,938 151 May 28,573 0 0 28,573 38,389 0 0 38,389 66,962 70,851 138 Jun 27,429 0 0 27,429 38,623 0 0 38,623 66,052 69,888 141 Jul 22,628 0 0 22,628 42,951 0 0 42,951 65,579 69,388 136 Aug 24,272 0 0 24,272 47,189 0 0 47,189 71,460 75,611 148 Sep 24,783 0 0 24,783 45,711 0 0 45,711 70,494 74,589 151 Oct 25,868 0 0 25,868 39,878 0 0 39,878 65,745, 69,564 136 Nov 32,923 0 0 32,923 41,834 0 0 41,834 74,758 79,100 160 Dec 35,164 0 0 35,164 41,977 0 0 41,977 77,141 81,622 159 Monthly Forecast - 1/7 bility Study Coffman Cove - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Bi Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2011 Jan 38,041 0 0 38,041 46,041 0 0 46,041 84,083 88,967 174 Feb 35,074 0 0 35,074 44,914 0 0 44,914 79,988 84,634 183 Mar 30,136 0 0 30,136 40,283, 0 0 40,283 70,418 74,509 146 Apr 30,162 0 0 30,162 41,124 0 0 41,124 71,286 75,427 152 May 29,017 0 0 29,017 38,389 0 0 38,389 67,406 71,322 139 Jun 27,856 0 0 27,856 38,623 0 0 38,623 66,478 70,340 142 Jul 22,980 0 0 22,980 42,951 0 0 42,951 65,931 69,761 136 ‘Aug 24,649 0 0 24,649 47,189 0 0 47,189 71,838 76,011 148 Sep 25,169 0 0 25,169 45,711 0 0 45,711 70,880 74,997 151 Oct 26,270 0 0 26,270 39,878 0 0 39,878 66,148 69,990 137 Nov 33,436 0 0 33,436 41,834 0 0 41,834 75,270 79,642 161 Dec 35,711 0 0 35,711 41,977, 0 o 41,977 77,688 82,201 161 2012 Jan 38,631 0 0 38,631 46,041 0 0 46,041 84,672 89,590 175 Feb 35,617 0 0 35,617 44,914 0 0 44,914 80,531 85,209 184 Mar 30,603 0 0 30,603 40,283 0 0 40,283 70,885 75,003 146 Apr 30,629 0 0 30,629 41,124 0 0 41,124 71,754 75,921 153 May 29,467 0 0 29,467 38,389 0 0 38,389 67,856 71,798 140 Jun 28,287 0 0 28,287 38,623, 0 0 38,623 66,910 70,797 143 Jul 23,336 0 0 23,336 42,951 0 0 42,951 66,287 70,138 137 ‘Aug 25,031 0 0 25,031 47,189 0 0 47,189 72,220 76,415 149 Sep 25,559 0 0 25,559 45,711 0 0 45,711 71,270 75,410 152 Oct 26,677 0 0 26,677 39,878 0 0 39,878 66,555 70,421 137 Nov 33,954 0 0 33,954 41,834 0 0 41,834 75,788 80,190 162 Dec 36,264 0 0 36,264 41,977 0 o 41,977 78,241 82,786 162 2013 Jan 39,227 0 0 39,227 46,041 0 0 46,041 85,268 90,221 176 Feb 36,167 0 0 36,167 44,914 0 0 44,914 81,081 85,791 185 Mar 31,075, 0 0 31,075 40,283 0 0 40,283 71,358 75,502 147 Apr 31,102 0 0 31,102 41,124 0 0 41,124 72,226 76,422 154 May 29,922 0 0 29,922 38,389 0 0 38,389 68,311 72,279 141 Jun 28,724 0 0 28,724 38,623 0 0 38,623 67,347 71,259 144 Jul 23,697 0 0 23,697 42,951 0 0 42,951 66,647 70,519 138 ‘Aug 25,418 0 0 25,418 47,189 0 0 47,189 72,606 76,823 150 Sep 25,953, 0 0 25,953 45,711 0 0 45,711 71,664 75,827 153 Oct 27,089 0 0 27,089 39,878 0 0 39,878 66,967 70,856 138 Nov 34,478 0 0 34,478 41,834 0 0 41,834 76,312 80,744 163 Dec 36,824 0 0 36,824 41,977 0 0 41,977 78,801 83,378 163 2014 Jan 39,830 0 0 39,830 46,041 0 0 46,041 85,871 90,859 177 Feb 36,723, 0 0 36,723, 44,914 0 0 44,914 81,637 86,379 187 Mar 31,553 0 0 31,553 40,283 0 0 40,283 71,835 76,008 148 Apr 31,580 0 0 31,580 41,124 0 0 41,124 72,704 76,927 155 May 30,382 0 0 30,382 38,389 0 0 38,389 68,771 72,765 142 Jun 29,166 0 0 29,166 38,623 0 0 38,623 67,788 71,726 145 Jul 24,061 0 0 24,061 42,951 0 0 42,951 67,012 70,904 138 ‘Aug 25,808 ° 0 25,808 47,189 0 0 47,189 72,997 77,237 151 Sep 26,352 0 0 26,352 45,711 0 0 45,711 72,063 76,249 154 Oct 27,505 0 0 27,505 39,878 0 0 39,878 67,383 71,297 139 Nov 35,008 0 0 35,008 41,834 0 0 41,834 76,842 81,305 164 Dec 37,390 0 0 37,390 41,977 0 0 41,977 79,367 83,977 164 Hatch Energy Monthly Forecast - 2/7 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Coffman Cove - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Month Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residen Sal Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2015 Jan 40,440 0 0 40,440 46,041 0 0 46,041 86,481 91,504 178 Feb 37,285 0 0 37,285 44,914 0 0 44,914 82,199 86,974 188 Mar 32,036 0 0 32,036 40,283 0 0 40,283, 72,318 76,519 149 Apr 32,063 0 0 32,063 41,124 0 0 41,124 73,188 77,439 156 May 30,847 0 0 30,847 38,389 0 0 38,389 69,236 73,258 143 Jun 29,612 0 0 29,612 38,623 0 0 38,623 68,235, 72,198 145 Jul 24,429 0 0 24,429 42,951 0 0 42,951 67,380 71,294 139 ‘Aug 26,203, 0 0 26,203 47,189 0 0 47,189 73,392 77,655 151 Sep 26,756 0 0 26,756 45,711 0 0 45,711 72,467 76,676 155 Oct 27,926 0 0 27,926 39,878 0 0 39,878 67,804 71,742 140 Nov 35,544 0 0 35,544 41,834 0 0 41,834 77,378 81,872 165 Dec 37,962 0 0 37,962 41,977 0 0 41,977 79,940 84,583 165 2016 Jan 41,056 0 0 41,056 46,047 0 0 46,041 87,098 92,157 180 Feb 37,854 0 0 37,854 44,914 0 0 44,914 82,768 87,575 189 Mar 32,524 0 0 32,524 40,283, 0 0 40,283 72,807 77,036 150 Apr 32,552 0 0 32,552 41,124 0 0 41,124 73,677 77,956 157 May 31,317 0 0 31,317 38,389 0 0 38,389 69,706 73,755 144 Jun 30,064 0 0 30,064 38,623, 0 ° 38,623 68,686 72,676 146 Jul 24,802 0 0 24,802 42,951 0 0 42,951 67,753 71,688 140 ‘Aug 26,603 0 0 26,603 47,189 0 0 47,189 73,792 78,078 152 Sep 27,164 0 0 27,164 45,711 0 0 45,711 72,875 77,108 155 Oct 28,352 0 0 28,352 39,878 0 0 39,878 68,230 72,193 141 Nov 36,086 0 0 36,086 41,834 0 0 41,834 77,920 82,446 166 Dec 38,541 o 0 38,541 41,977 0 0 41,977 80,519 85,195 166 2017 Jan 41,680 0 0 41,680 46,041 0 0 46,041 87,722 92,817 181 Feb 38,429 0 0 38,429 44,914 0 0 44,914 83,343 88,184 190 Mar 33,018 0 0 33,018 40,283 0 0 40,283 73,301 77,559 151 Apr 33,047 0 0 33,047 41,124 0 0 41,124 74,171 78,480 158 May 31,793 0 0 31,793 38,389 0 0 38,389 70,182 74,259 145 Jun 30,520 0 0 30,520 38,623 0 0 38,623 69,143 73,159 147 Jul 25,178 0 0 25,178 42,951 0 o 42,951 68,129 72,087 140 ‘Aug 27,007 0 0 27,007 47,189 0 0 47,189 74,196 78,505 153 Sep 27,577 0 0 27,577 45,711 0 0 45,711 73,288 77,544 156 Oct 28,783 0 0 28,783 39,878 0 0 39,878 68,661 72,649 142 Nov 36,634 0 0 36,634 41,834 0 0 41,834 78,468 83,026 167 Dec. 39,127 0 0 39,127 41,977 0 0 41,977 81,104 85,815 167 2018 Jan 42,311 0 0 42,311 46,041 0 0 46,041 88,352 93,484 182 Feb 39,010 0 0 39,010 44,914 0 0 44,914 83,924 88,799 192 Mar 33,518 0 0 33,518 40,283 0 0 40,283 73,801 78,087 152 Apr 33,547 0 0 33,547 41,124 0 0 41,124 74,671 79,009 159 May 32,274 0 0 32,274 38,389 0 0 38,389 70,663 74,768 146 Jun 30,982 0 0 30,982 38,623 0 0 38,623 69,605 73,648 148 Jul 25,559 0 0 25,559 42,951 0 0 42,951 68,510 72,490 141 Aug 27,416 0 0 27,416 47,189 0 0 47,189 74,604 78,938 154 Sep 27,994 0 0 27,994 45,711 0 0 45,711 73,705 77,986 157 Oct 29,218 0 0 29,218 39,878 0 0 39,878 69,096 73,110 142 Nov 37,188 0 0 37,188 41,834 0 0 41,834 79,022 83,612 168 Dec 39,719 0 0 39,719 41,977 0 0 41,977 81,696 86,441 168 Hatch Energy Monthly Forecast - 3/7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Coffman Cove - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Ba: Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2019 van 42,949 0 0 42,949 46,041 0 0 46,041 88,990 94,159 183 Feb 39,598 0 0 39,598 44,914 0 0 44,914 84,513 89,421 193 Mar 34,023, 0 0 34,023 40,283 0 0 40,283 74,306 78,622 153 Apr 34,053, 0 0 34,053 41,124 0 0 41,124 75,177 79,544 160 May 32,761 0 0 32,761 38,389 0 0 38,389 71,150 75,282 147 Jun 31,449 0 0 31,449 38,623 0 0 38,623 70,072 74,142 149 Jul 25,945 0 0 25,945 42,951 0 0 42,951 68,896 72,897 142 ‘Aug 27,829 0 0 27,829 47,189 0 0 47,189 75,018 79,375 155 Sep 28,416 0 0 28,416 45,711 0 0 45,711 74,127 78,433 158 Oct 29,659 0 0 29,659 39,878 0 0 39,878 69,537 73,576 143 Nov 37,749 0 0 37,749 41,834 0 0 41,834 79,583 84,206 169 Dec 40,318 0 0 40,318 41,977 0 0 41,977 82,295 87,075 170 2020 Jan 43,594 2,763 4,811 51,168, 46,041 0 0 46,041 97,209 102,855 198 Feb 40,193 2,267 3,947 46,407 44,914 0 0 44,914 91,321 96,625 206 Mar 34,534 2,225 3,874 40,633, 40,283, 0 0 40,283 80,916 85,616 165 Apr 34,564 1,755 3,056 39,375 41,124 0 0 41,124 80,499 85,175 169 May 33,253 1,342 2,337 36,932 38,389 0 0 38,389 75,321 79,696 153 Jun 31,922 880 1,532 34,334 38,623 0 0 38,623 72,987 77,194 153 Jul 26,334 650 4,132 28,117 42,951 0 0 42,951 71,068 75,196 145 ‘Aug 28,247 684 1,191 30,123 47,189 0 0 47,189 77,311 81,802 157 Sep 28,843 1,058 1,842 31,742 45,711 0 0 45,711 77,453 81,952 163 Oct 30,104 1,674 2,915 34,693 39,878 0 0 39,878 74,571 78,902 152 Nov 38,316 2,207 3,842 44,365, 41,834 0 0 41,834 86,199 91,206 181 Dec 40,923 2,596 4,520 48,039 41,977 0 0 41,977 90,016 95,245, 183 2021 Jan 44,246 5,526 8,935 58,706 46,041 0 0 46,041 104,748 110,832 211 Feb 40,795 4,533 7,330 52,658 44,914 0 0 44,914 97,572 103,240 218 Mar 35,051 4,450 7,195 46,696 40,283 0 0 40,283 86,978 92,031 175 Apr 35,081 3,510 5,675 44,266 41,124 0 0 41,124 85,390 90,350 178 May 33,750 2,685 4,341 40,775 38,389 0 0 38,389 79,164 83,763 159 Jun 32,399 1,760 2,846 37,005 38,623 0 0 38,623 75,628 80,021 157 Jul 26,728 1,300 2,103 30,132 42,951 0 ° 42,951 73,083 77,328 147 Aug 28,670 1,368 2,213 32,251 47,189 0 0 47,189 79,439 84,053 160 Sep 29,274 2,115 3,420 34,810 45,711 0 0 45,711 80,521 85,198 168 Oct 30,555 3,348 5,413 39,316 39,878 0 0 39,878 79,193 83,793 159 Nov 38,889 4,413 7,136 50,438 41,834 0 0 41,834 92,272 97,632 192 Dec 41,535 5,191 8,394 55,121 41,977, 0 0 41,977, 97,098 102,738 196 2022 Jan 44,906 8,289 13,058 66,253 46,041 0 0 46,041 112,294 118,817 224 Feb 41,403 6,800 10,713 58,916 44,914 0 0 44,914 103,830 109,861 229 Mar 35,574 6,675 10,516 52,764 40,283, 0 0 40,283 93,047 98,451 186 Apr 35,604 5,265 8,294 49,163 41,124 0 0 41,124 90,288 95,532 186 May 34,253, 4,027 6,344 44,624 38,389 0 0 38,389 83,013 87,835 166 Jun 32,882 2,640 4,159 39,682 38,623 0 0 38,623 78,304 82,853, 161 Jul 27,127 1,951 3,073 32,151 42,951 0 0 42,951 75,102 79,464 150 ‘Aug 29,097 2,053 3,234 34,383, 47,189 0 0 47,189 81,572 86,310 163 Sep 29,711 3,173 4,999 37,882 45,711 0 0 45,711 83,593, 88,449 172 Oct 31,010 5,022 7,912 43,944 39,878 0 0 39,878 83,821 88,690 167 Nov 39,469 6,620 10,429 56,518 41,834 0 0 41,834 98,352 104,065 203 Dec 42,155 7,787 12,268 62,210 41,977, 0 0 41,977 104,188 110,239 208 Monthly Forecast - 4/7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Coffman Cove - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2023 Jan 45,573 11,051 17,182 73,806 46,041 0 0 46,041 119,848 126,809 237 Feb 42,018 9,067 14,096 65,181 44,914 0 0 44,914 110,095 116,490 241 Mar 36,102 8,900 13,837 58,838 40,283 0 0 40,283, 99,121 104,878 196 Apr 36,133 7,019 10,913 54,066 41,124 0 0 41,124 95,190 100,720 195 May 34,762 5,369 8,347 48,479 38,389 0 0 38,389 86,868 91,913, 172 Jun 33,371 3,520 5,473 42,364 38,623 0 0 38,623 80,986 85,691 166 Jul 27,530 2,601 4,044 34,175 42,951 0 0 42,951 77,126 81,605 153 Aug 29,529 2,737 4,255 36,521 47,189 0 0 47,189 83,710 88,572 166 Sep 30,152 4,230 6,577 40,960 45,711 0 0 45,711 86,671 91,705 177 Oct 31,471 6,696 10,410 48,576 39,878 0 0 39,878 88,454 93,592 175 Nov 40,055 8,827 13,723 62,604 41,834 0 0 41,834 104,439 110,505 214 Dec 42,781 10,383 16,143 69,306 41,977 0 0 41,977 111,284 117,748 220 2024 Jan 46,247 13,814 21,306 81,367 46,041 0 0 46,041 127,409 134,809 250 Feb 42,640 11,334 17,480 71,453 44,914 0 0 44,914 116,367 123,126 253 Mar 36,636 11,125 17,157 64,918 40,283, 0 0 40,283 105,201 111,311 207 Apr 36,668 8,774 13,533 58,975 41,124 0 0 41,124 100,099 105,914 203 May 35,277 6711 10,351 52,339 38,389 0 0 38,389 90,728 95,998 178 Jun 33,865 4,400 6,786 45,051 38,623 0 0 38,623 83,674 88,534 170 Jul 27,937 3,251 5,014 36,203 42,951 0 0 42,951 79,154 83,751 156 Aug 29,966 3,421 5,276 38,663 47,189 0 0 47,189 85,852 90,839 169 Sep 30,598 5,288 8,156 44,042 45,711 0 0 45,711 89,753 94,966 182 Oct 31,937 8,370 12,908 53,215 39,878 0 0 39,878 93,092 98,500 183 Nov 40,648 11,033 17,016 68,697 41,834 0 0 41,834 110,532 116,952 225 Dec. 43,414 42,979 20,017 76,410 41,977 0 0 41,977 118,387, 125,263 233 2025 Jan 46,929 16,577 24,742 88,249 46,041 0 0 46,041 134,290 142,090 262 Feb 43,269 13,600 20,299 77,168 44,914 0 0 44,914 122,082 129,173 264 Mar 37,177 13,350 19,925 70,451 40,283 0 0 40,283 110,733, 117,165 216 Apr 37,209 10,529 15,715 63,453 41,124 0 0 41,124 104,578 110,652 2 May 35,797 8,054 12,020 55,871 38,389 0 0 38,389 94,260 99,735 184 Jun 34,364 5,280 7,881 47,525 38,623 0 0 38,623 86,148 91,152 174 Jul 28,349 3,901 5,823 38,074 42,951 0 0 42,951 81,025 85,731 158 ‘Aug 30,408 4,105 6,127 40,640 47,189 0 0 47,189 87,829 92,931 172 Sep 31,049 6,346 9471 46,866 45,711 0 0 45,711 92,577 97,955 187 Oct 32,408 10,043 14,990 87,441 39,878 0 0 39,878 97,319 102,972 190 Nov 41,247 13,240 19,761 74,248 41,834 0 0 41,834 116,082 122,825 234 Dec 44,054 15,574 23,245 82,874 41,977 0 0 41,977 124,851 132,103 244 2026 Jan 47,619 19,340 28,179 95,138 46,041 0 0 46,041 141,179) 149,379 274 Feb 43,904 15,867 23,118 82,889 44,914 0 0 44,914 127,803, 135,227 275 Mar 37,723 15,574 22,692 75,989 40,283 0 0 40,283 116,272 123,026 226 Apr 37,756 12,284 17,898 67,938 41,124 0 0 41,124 109,062 115,397 219 May 36,323 9,396 13,690 59,409 38,389 0 0 38,389 97,798 103,478 190 Jun 34,869 6,160 8,976 50,005 38,623 0 0 38,623 88,628 93,776 178 Jul 28,766 4,552 6,632 39,949 42,951 0 0 42,951 82,900 87,716 161 Aug 30,855 4,789 6,978 42,623 47,189 0 0 47,189 89,811 95,028 175 Sep 31,506 7,403 10,787 49,696 45,711 0 0 45,711 95,407 100,949 192 Oct 32,884 14,717 17,072 61,674 39,878 0 0 39,878 101,551 107,450 197 Nov 41,854 15,446 22,506 79,806 41,834 0 0 41,834 121,640 128,705 244 Dec 44,702 18,170 26,474 89,346 41,977 0 o 41,977 131,323 138,951 255 Monthly Forecast - 5/7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Coffman Cove - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot He Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2027 Jan 48,316 22,103 31,615 102,034 46,041 0 0 46,041 148,076 156,677 286 Feb 44,547 18,134 25,937 88,618 44,914 0 0 44,914 133,532 141,289 285 Mar 38,276 17,799 25,459 81,534 40,283 0 0 40,283 121,817 128,892 235 Apr 38,309 14,039 20,081 72,428 41,124 0 0 41,124 113,552 120,148 227 May 36,855 10,738 15,359 62,952 38,389 0 0 38,389 101,341 107,228 196 Jun 35,380 7,040 10,070 52,490 38,623 0 0 38,623 91,113 96,405 182 Jul 29,187 5,202 7,441 41,830 42,951 0 0 42,951 84,781 89,705 164 Aug 31,307 5,474 7,829 44,610 47,189 0 0 47,189 91,798 97,130 177 Sep 31,967 8,461 12,102 52,530 45,711 0 0 45,711 98,241 103,948 196 Oct 33,366 13,391 19,154 65,911 39,878 0 0 39,878 105,789 111,934 204 Nov 42,467 17,653 25,250 85,370 41,834 0 0 41,834 127,204 134,593 254 Dec 45,356, 20,766 29,702 95,825 41,977, 0 o 41,977 137,802 145,806 266 2028 Jan 49,022 24,866 35,051 108,939 46,041 0 0 46,041 154,980 163,982 297 Feb 45,198 20,400 28,757 94,355 44,914 0 0 44,914 139,269 147,358 295 Mar 38,834 20,024 28,227 87,085 40,283 0 0 40,283 127,368 134,766 244 Apr 38,868 15,794 22,263 76,925 41,124 0 0 41,124 118,049 124,906 234 May 37,393 12,080 17,029 66,502 38,389 0 0 38,389 104,891 110,984 201 Jun 35,896 7,920 11,165 54,981 38,623 0 0 38,623 93,604 99,041 185, Jul 29,613 5,852 8,249 43,715 42,951 oO 0 42,951 86,666 91,700 166 Aug 31,764 6,158 8,680 46,602 47,189 0 0 47,189 93,790 99,238 180 Sep 32,434 9,519 13,418 55,370 45,711 0 0 45,711 101,081 106,952 200 Oct 33,853 15,065 21,236 70,154 39,878 0 0 39,878 110,032 116,423 211 Nov 43,086 19,860 27,995 90,941 41,834 0 O 41,834 132,775 140,487 263 Dec 46,018 23,362 32,931 102,311 41,977, o 0 41,977 144,288 152,669 276 2029 Jan 49,735 27,629 37,800 115,164 46,041 0 0 46,041 161,205 170,569 307 Feb 45,855 22,667 31,012 99,534 44,914 0 0 44,914 144,448 152,838 304 Mar 39,399 22,249 30,440 92,089 40,283, 0 0 40,283 132,371 140,060 252 Apr 39,433 17,549 24,009 80,991 41,124 0 oO 41,124 122,115 129,209 240 May 37,937 13,423 18,364 69,724 38,389 0 0 38,389 108,113 114,393 206 Jun 36,418 8,800 12,040 57,259 38,623 0 0 38,623 95,882 101,451 188 Jul 30,044 6,502 8,896 45,443 42,951 0 0 42,951 88,394 93,528 168 Aug 32,226 6,842 9,361 48,429 47,189 0 0 47,189 95,617 101,171 182 Sep 32,906 10,576 14,470 57,952 45,711 0 0 45,711 103,663 109,684 204 Oct 34,345 16,739 22,902 73,986 39,878 0 0 39,878 113,864 120,477 217 Nov 43,713 22,066 30,190 95,970 41,834 0 0 41,834 137,804 145,808 21 Dec 46,688 25,957 35,514 108,159 41,977, 0 0 41,977 150,136 158,857 286 2030 Jan 50,456 30,392 40,550 121,397 46,041 0 0 46,041 167,438 177,164 317 Feb 46,520 24,934 33,268 104,721 44,914 0 0 44,914 149,635, 158,327 313 Mar 39,970 24,474 32,654 97,099 40,283, 0 0 40,283 137,381 145,361 260 Apr 40,005 19,304 25,755 85,064 41,124 0 0 41,124 126,188 133,518 247 May 38,487 14,765, 19,700 72,952 38,389 0 0 38,389 111,341 117,808 211 Jun 36,946 9,680 12,916 59,543 38,623 0 O 38,623 98,165 103,867 192 Jul 30,480 7,153, 9,543 47,176 42,951 ° 0 42,951 90,126 95,361 170 Aug 32,693 7,526 10,042 50,261 47,189 0 0 47,189 97,449 103,110 184 Sep 33,383 11,634 15,522 60,539 45,711 0 0 45,711 106,250 112,421 208 Oct 34,843 18,413 (24,567 77,823 39,878 0 0 39,878 117,701 124,538 223 Nov 44,347 24,273 32,386 101,006 41,834 0 0 41,834 142,840 151,137 279 Dec 47,365, 28,553 38,097 114,014 41,977 o o 41,977 155,992 165,052 295 Monthly Forecast - 6/7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Coffman Cove - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Spot He: Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2031 Jan 51,185 33,154 43,299 127,638 46,041 0 0 46,041 173,679 183,767 326 Feb 47,192 27,200 35,523 109,915 44,914 0 0 44,914 154,829 163,823 322 Mar 40,548 26,699 34,868 102,115 40,283 0 0 40,283 142,397 150,668, 268 Apr 40,583 21,058 27,502 89,143 41,124 0 0 41,124 130,267 137,834 253 May 39,043 16,107 21,035 76,185 38,389 0 0 38,389 114,575 121,230 215 Jun 37,480 10,561 13,792 61,832 38,623 0 0 38,623 100,455 106,290 195 Jul 30,920 7,803 10,190 48,913 42,951 0 0 42,951 91,864 97,200 173 ‘Aug 33,166 8,210 10,722 52,098 47,189 0 0 47,189 99,287 105,054 187 Sep 33,865 12,691 16,575, 63,131 45,711 0 0 45,711 108,842 115,164 au Oct 35,346 20,087 26,233 81,666 39,878 0 0 39,878 121,544 128,604 228 Nov 44,987 26,480 34,582 106,049 41,834 0 0 41,834 147,883 156,473 287 Dec 48,049 31,149 40,679 119,877 41,977 0 0 41,977 161,854 171,256 304 Monthly Forecast - 7/7 HATCH ACRES Alaska Energy Authority - AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study SE Alaska AK-BC Alaska Final Report-App 18-09-07.doc Final Report . Appendix H H9 Hatch Acres Corporation PR324582 8661 6661 0002 Year 1998 1999 2000 Month January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Naukati Bay Sales (kWh) Number of Customers _| | Gross Generation Net Generation Peak Residential Non-Res Total Residential Non-Res Total Diesel Hydro Total Diesel Hydro Total (MW) 35,038 44,461 79,499 16 6 22 80,080 0 80,080 80,080 47,326 63,541 110,867 18 7 25 111,840 0 111,840 111,840 39,703 55,643 95,346 a 9 30 96,320 0 96,320 96,320 37,200 53,178 90,378 21 8 29 90,320 0 90,320 90,320 38,337 53,177 91,514 22 9 31 93,360 0 93,360 93,360 26,767 38,911 65,678 23 10 33 68,400 0 68,400 68,400 19,560 38,331 57,891 26 10 36 60,160 0 60,160 60,160 20,381 40,909 61,290 27 1" 38 64,320 0 64,320 64,320 24,446 46,549 70,995 27 1" 38 74,000 0 74,000 74,000 28,948 46,073 75,021 28 12 40 77,440 0 77,440 77,440 41,440 54,361 95,801 28 12 40 99,680 0 99,680 99,680 44,446 54,776 99,222 27 1" 38 103,520 0 103,520 103,520 403,593 589,909 993,502 27 1 38 1,019,440 0 1,019,440 1,019,440 46,233, 58,668 104,901 27 4 38 114,880 0 114,880 114,880 47,998 64,443 112,441 27 cs 38 123,152 0 123,152 123,152 37,178 52,104 89,282 29 W 40 96,480 0 96,480 96,480 41,499 59,325 100,824 29 12 4 103,680 0 103,680 103,680 36,297 50,346 86,643 31 12 43 93,600 0 93,600 93,600 30,884 44,896 75,780 31 13 44 81,216 0 81,216 81,216 21,185 41,513 62,698 30 12 42 69,408 0 69,408 69,408 22,409 44,979 67,388 33 13 46 69,120 0 69,120 69,120 18,993, 36,166 55,159 33 13 46 58,752 0 58,752 58,752 27,540 43,832 71,372 33 14 47 77,184 0 77,184 77,184 40,202 52,738 92,940 33 14 47 95,040 0 95,040 95,040 42,656 52,571 95,227 34 14 48 102,528 0 102,528 102,528 413,076 601,579 1,014,655 34 14 48 1,085,040 0 1,085,040 1,085,040 43,730 55,491 99,221 33 14 47 105,408 0 105,408 105,408 44,821 60,177 104,998 32 13 45 116,352 0 116,352 116,352 41,912 58,739 100,651 32 13 45 103,392 0 103,392 103,392 33,757 48,256 82,013 34 13 47 92,160 0 92,160 92,160 27,382 37,980 65,362 35 14 49 69,984 0 69,984 69,984 22,527 32,747 55,274 36 14 50 61,056 0 61,056 61,056 13,298 26,059 39,357 37 15 52 47,520 0 47,520 47,520 12,662 25,416 38,078 34 14 48 48,384 0 48,384 48,384 15,152 28,851 44,003 36 15 51 49,248 0 49,248 49,248 16,222 25,818 42,040 38 15 53 51,552 0 51,552 51,552 21,565 28,290 49,855 42 18 60 52,128 0 52,128 52,128 18,045 22,239 40,284 42 17 59 39,744 0 39,744 39,744 311,073 450,063 761,136 42 17 59 836,928 0 836,928 836,928 Historic Data - 1 of 3 Year Month 2001 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 4002 2002 = January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL z002 2003 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL £002 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Naukati Bay Sales (kWh) Number of Customers Gross Generation Net Generation Peak Residential Non-Res Total Residential Non-Res Total Diesel Hydro Total Diesel Hydro Total (mw) 17,720 22,486 40,206 42 17 59 46,656 0 46,656 46,656 18,293 24,560 42,853 43 7 60 45,216 0 45,216 45,216 16,681 23,379 40,060 44 18 62 46,368 0 46,368 46,368 12,794 18,290 31,084 46 18 64 36,576 0 36,576 36,576 14,938 20,720 35,658 45 18 63 40,896 0 40,896 40,896 11,993 17,434 29,427 45 19 64 35,424 0 35,424 35,424 8,720 17,089 25,809 43 18 61 29,664 0 29,664 29,664 8,676 17,415 26,091 44 18 62 30,528 0 30,528 30,528 9,651 18,376 28,027 45 18 63 32,544 0 32,544 32,544 11,855 18,868 30,723 40 7 57 35,136 0 35,136 35,136 13,418 17,602 31,020 42 18 60 34,560 0 34,560 34,560 16,900 20,828 37,728 42 17 59 42,336 0 42,336 42,336 161,640 237,046 398,686 42 17 59 455,904 0 455,904 455,904 15,561 19,745 35,306 4 17 58 39,168 0 39,168 39,168 15,587 20,927 36,514 4 17 58 40,896 0 40,896 40,896 13,139 18,414 31,553 4 17 58 35,136 0 35,136 35,136 13,811 19,742 33,553 42 17 59 44,139 0 44,139 44,139 12,257 17,001 29,258 42 17 59 34,794 0 34,794 34,794 11,870 17,255 29,125 43 17 60 37,182 0 37,182 37,182 8,596 16,845 25,441 43 18 61 33,317 0 33,317 33,317 9,951 19,973 29,924 43 17 60 33,696 0 33,696 33,696 10,708 20,391 31,099 43 18 61 37,558 0 37,558 37,558 12,324 19,613 31,937 40 16 56 37,969 0 37,969 37,969 14,630 19,193 33,823 42 17 59 40,557 0 40,557 40,557 15,216 18,752 33,968 43 18 61 41,336 0 41,336 41,336 153,649 227,852 381,501 43 18 61 455,748 0 455,748 455,748 17,011 21,585 38,596 42 17 59 46,422 0 46,422 46,422 15,246 20,470 35,716 43 18 61 41,929 0 41,929 41,929 14,265 19,992 34,257 44 18 62 40,710 0 40,710 40,710 16,307 23,311 39,618 43 17 60 42,624 0 42,624 42,624 12,755 17,691 30,446 47 19 66 32,544 0 32,544 32,544 11,812 17,172 28,984 45 19 64 32,832 0 32,832 32,832 9,958 19,514 29,472 45 18 63 30,816 0 30,816 30,816 9,794 19,659 29,453 45 18 63 32,544 0 32,544 32,544 10,101 19,233 29,334 44 18 62 33,120 0 33,120 33,120 13,458 21,418 34,876 44 18 62 38,879 0 38,879 38,879 15,913 20,876 36,789 46 19 65 43,892 0 43,892 43,892 18,316 22,573 40,889 46 19 65 46,574 0 46,574 46,574 164,936 243,494 408,430 46 19 65 462,886 0 462,886 462,886 Historic Data - 2 of 3 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Naukati Bay [Sales (kWh) I Number of Customers Gross Generation Net Generation Peak Year Month Residential _—_ Non-Res Total Residential Non-Res Total Diesel Hydro Total Diesel Hydro Total (mw) 2004 = January 20,456 25,958 46,414 45 19 64 53,628 0 53,628 53,628 February 19,247 25,841 45,088 46 18 64 50,983 0 50,983 50,983 March 16,004 22,430 38,434 46 19 65 42,494 0 42,494 42,494 April 15,909 22,742 38,651 47 19 66 41,751 0 41,751 41,751 May 13,294 18,439 31,733 49 20 69 40,088 0 40,088 40,088 i) June 15,192 22,085 37,277 48 20 68 39,473 0 39,473 39,473 Ss July 11,233 22,011 33,244 46 19 65 36,383 0 36,383 36,383 + August 11,091 22,261 33,362 47 19 66 38,436 0 38,436 36,436 September 12,525 23,849 36,374 47 20 67 36,558 0 36,558 36,558 October 13,806 21,973 35,779 47 20 67 41,610 0 41,610 41,610 November 17,519 22,982 40,501 48 20 68 47,526 0 47,526 47,526 December 20,469 25,226 45,695 49 20 69 48,663 0 48,663 48,663 [eee TOTAL 186,744 275,798 462,542 49 20 69 517,593, 0 517,593 517,593 2005 = January 21,670 27,499 49,169 49 20 69 60,577 0 60,577 60,577 February 21,750 29,201 50,951 49 20 69 57,291 0 57,291 57,291 March 18,077 25,334 43,411 49 20 69 50,070 0 50,070 50,070 April 19,177 27,415 46,592 49 20 69 52,715 0 52,715 52,715 May 17,889 24,813 42,702 51 21 72 46,859 0 46,859 46,859 N June 16,657 24,215 40,872 50 21 m1 45,571 0 45,571 45,571 = July 12,129 23,769 35,898 50 20 70 40,943 0 40,943 40,943 a August 12,745 25,580 38,325 50 21 1 43,175 0 43,175 43,175 September 13,524 25,752 39,276 48 20 68 42,570 0 42,570 42,570 October 13,625 21,686 35,311 49 20 69 39,642 0 39,642 39,642 November 16,924 22,201 39,125 47 20 67 44,009 0 44,009 44,009 December 17,715 21,832 39,547 46 19 65 44,833 0 44,833 44,833 TOTAL 201,883 299,296 501,179 46 19 65 568,255 0 568,255, 568,255 2006 = January 17,585 22,315 39,900 46 19 65 44,009 0 44,009 44,009 February 18,377 24,672 43,049 43 18 61 48,656 0 48,656 48,656 March 15,100 21,162 36,262 43 17 60 41,264 0 41,264 41,264 April 16,704 23,879 40,583 43 17 60 46,223 0 46,223 46,223 May 14,735 20,439 35,174 44 18 62 40,953 0 40,953 40,953 i) June 14,999 21,805 36,804 44 18 62 39,466 0 39,466 39,466 s July 9,374 18,369 27,743 45 19 64 32,100 0 32,100 32,100 a August 10,645 21,365 32,010 47 19 66 35,976 0 35,976 35,976 September 12,177 23,187 35,364 47 20 67 38,908 0 38,908 38,908 October 13,247 21,084 34,331 47 20 67 38,459 0 38,459 38,459 November 16,745 21,967 38,712 46 19 65 43,709 0 43,709 43,709 December 19,674 24,247 43,921 45 19 64 51,885 0 51,885 51,885 TOTAL 179,363 264,490 443,853 45 19 64 501,608 0 501,608 501,608 Hatch Energy Historic Data - 3 of 3 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Naukati Bay - Monthly Residential Sales (kWh) a So Thousands Thousands Naukati Bay - Monthly Residential Sales (kWh) 60 a So > os we Ss 2002 2003 1998 1999 2000 2001 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Thousands Naukati Bay - Annual Residential Sales (kWh) 2004 2005 wo a oc 2006 2001 2002 2003 1999 2000 2004 2005 2006 Hatch Energy Monthly Patterns AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Naukati Bay - Monthly Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Thousands Hatch Energy Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Nov Aug Sep Oct Monthly Patterns Dec Thousands Thousands Naukati Bay - Monthly Non-Residential Sales (kWh) | 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Naukati Bay - Annual Non-Residential Sales (kWh) 2005 2006 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Naukati Bay - Monthly Net Generation (kWh) Naukati Bay - Monthly Net Generation (kWh) 140 5 Thousands A NS 6 Thousands ary So So | t yen 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Thousands Nov Dec 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Hatch Energy Monthly Patterns C Inter lity Sti Naukati Bay - Reference Forecast Hatch Energy Annual Forecast Annual Forecast Values Residential Customers and Sal Non- Electric Tot Total Unit Residential Full Partial Total Unit Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Customers Consumption Base Conversions Conversions —_—Residential Customers Consumption Base Loads Conversions —_—_—Residential Sales Generation Demand (#) (kWh) (kwh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (#) (kwh) (kWh) (kWh) (kwh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 1998 27 14,9704 403,593 - 403,593 1 3,431.3 589,909 : 589,909 993,502 1,019,440, 1999 34 12,130.0 413,076 - 413,076 14 43,136.6 601,579 : 601,579 1,014,655 1,085,040 2000 42 7,431.6 311,073 : : 311,073 7 26,255.2 450,063 : 450,063, 761,136 836,928 2001 42 3,861.6 161,640 : 161,640 7 13,6285 237,046 - 237,046 398,686 455,904 2002 43 3,550.4 153,649 - : 153,649 18 12,856.4 227,852 : 227,852 381,501 455,748 2003 46 3,576.6 164,936 : - 164,936 19 12,8935 243,494 : 243,494 408,430 462,886 2004 49 3,814.8 186,744 - : 186,744 20 13,757.4 275,798 : 275,798 462,542 517,593 2005 46 43778 201,883 - : 201,883 19 15,8483 299,296 : 299,296 501,179 568,255 2006 45 3,950.2 179,363 : 179,363 19 14,2241 264,490 - 264,490 443,853 501,608 2007 46 3,979.9 183,074 : : 183,074 19 14,2241 270,258 - 270,258 453,332 479,663 96 2008 46 4,009.7 184,447 - : 184,447 19 14,224.41 270,258 : 270,258 454,705 481,116 96 2009 46 4,039.8 185,830 - 185,830 19 14,2241 270,258 : 270,258 456,088 482,580 96 2010 46 4,070.1 187,224 : : 187,224 19 14,2241 270,258 : 270,258 457,482 484,055 97 2011 46 4,100.6 188,628 - : 188,628 19 14,2241 270,258 : 270,258 458,886 485,540 97 2012 46 4,131.4 190,043 - : 190,043 19 14,2241 270,258 : 270,258 460,301 487,037 97 2013 46 4,162.4 191,468 - - 191,468 19 14,224.1 270,258 - 270,258 461,726 488,545 97 2014 46 4,193.6 192,904 - : 192,904 19 14,2241 270,258 : 270,258 463,162 490,065 98 2015 46 4,225.0 194,351 - : 194,351 19 14,2241 270,258 : 270,258 464,609 491,596 98 2016 46 4,256.7 195,809 : : 195,809 19 14,2241 270,258 : 270,258 466,067 493,138 98 2017 46 4,288.6 197,277 : : 197,277 19 14,2241 270,258 : 270,258 467,535 494,692 99 2018 46 4,320.8 198,757 : : 198,757 19 14,224.41 270,258 - 270,258 469,015 496,257 99 2019 46 4,363.2 200,248 - : 200,248, 19 14,224.41 270,258 : 270,258 470,505 497,835 99 2020 46 4,385.9 201,750 - 10,000 211,750 19 14,224.1 270,258 : 270,258 482,007 510,005 102 2021 46 4,418.8 203,263, - 20,000 223,263 19 14,2241 270,258 : 270,258 493,520 522,186 104 2022 46 4,451.9 204,787 - 30,000 234,787 19 14,2241 270,258 : 270,258 505,045 534,380 107 2023 46 4,485.3 206,323 : 40,000 246,323 19 14,2241 270,258 - 270,258 516,581 546,586 109 2024 46 4,518.9 207,870 : 50,000 257,870 19 14,2241 270,258 : 270,258 528,128 558,804 11 2025 46 4,552.8 209,429 60,000 269,429 19 14,2241 270,258 : 270,258 539,687 571,035 114 2026 46 4,587.0 211,000 - 70,000 281,000 19 14,2241 270,258 - 270,258 551,258 583,278 116 2027 46 46214 212,583 : 80,000 292,583 19 14,2241 270,258 : 270,258 562,840 595,533 119 2028 46 4,656.0 214,177 - 85,000 299,177 19 14,2241 270,258 - 270,258 569,435 602,510 120 2029 46 4,6909 215,783 - 90,000 305,783 19 14,2241 270,258 - 270,258 576,041 609,500 122 2030 46 4,726.1 217,402 - 95,000 312,402 19 14,2241 270,258 : 270,258 582,659 616,503 123 2031 46 4,761.6 219,032 - 100,000 319,032 19 14,2241 270,258 : 270,258 589.290 623,519 124 Growth 0.05% 0.75% 0.80% 2.33% 0.09% 0.00% 0.09% 0.09% 1.14% 0.87% 1-5 0.26% 0.75% 1.01% 1.01% 0.43% 0.00% 0.43% 0.43% 0.67% -0.65% 20-25 0.00% 0.75% 0.75% 2.57% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.34% 1.34% Monthly Patterns Non- Electric Resultant Residential Full Partial Residential Spot Heat Peak Distribution Month Base Conversions __Conversions Base Loads Conversions 2007 2031 Jan 10.80% 13.75% 13.75% 9.35% 9.35% 13.75% 0.827 0.876 Feb 11.43% 11.28% 11.28% 10.47% 10.47% 11.28% 1.000 1.000 Mar 9.75% 11.07% 11.07% 9.32% 9.32% 11.07% 0.790 0.805 Apr 9.52% 8.73% 8.73% 9.28% 9.28% 8.73% 0.807 0.790 May 8.63% 6.68% 6.68% 8.17% 8.17% 6.68% 0.695 0.667 Jun 7.48% 4.38% 4.38% 7.42% 7.42% 4.38% 0.640 0.589 Jul 5.24% 3.24% 3.24% 7.01% 7.01% 3.24% 0.824 0.471 ‘Aug 5.44% 3.40% 3.40% 7.45% 7.45% 3.40% 0.552 0.496 Sep 5.85% 5.26% 5.26% 7.60% 7.60% 5.26% 0.593 0.558 Oct 6.94% 8.33% 8.33% 7.54% 7.54% 8.33% 0.607 0.614 Nov 9.12% 10.98% 10.98% 8.16% 8.16% 10.98% 0.735 0.766 Dec 9.81% 12.91% 12.91% 8.25% 8.25% 12.91% 0.739 0.793 - AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Naukati Bay - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions jidential Sales Generation Demand (kwh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) 0) 2007 Jan 19,772 0 0 19,772 25,268 0 0 25,268 45,040 47,656, 79 Feb 20,920 0 0 20,920 28,286 0 0 28,286 49,206 52,064 96 Mar 17,842 0 0 17,842 25,182 0 0 25,182 43,024 45,523, 76 Apr 17,429 0 0 17,429 25,093 0 0 25,093 42,522 44,992 7 May 15,808 0 0 15,808 22,082 0 0 22,082 37,889 40,090 67 Jun 13,689 0 0 13,689 20,041 0 0 20,041 33,730 35,689 61 Jul 9,596 0 0 9,596 18,938 0 0 18,938 28,534 30,191 50 ‘Aug 9,958 o 0 9,958 20,129 0 0 20,129 30,087 31,834 53 Sep 10,708 0 0 10,708 20,535 0 0 20,535 31,244 33,059 57 Oct 12,707 0 0 12,707 20,367 0 0 20,367 33,073 34,994 58 Nov 16,689 0 0 16,689 22,048 0 0 22,048 38,737 40,987 70 Dec 17,957 ° 0 17,957 22,289 0 0 22,289 40,246, 42,584 71 2008 Jan 19,920 0 0 19,920 25,268 0 0 25,268 45,188 47,813 79 Feb 21,077 0 0 21,077 28,286 0 0 28,286 49,363 52,230 96 Mar 17,976 0 0 17,976 25,182 0 0 25,182 43,158 45,665 76 Apr 17,560 0 0 17,560 25,093 0 0 25,093 42,653 45,130 7 May 15,926 0 0 15,926 22,082 0 0 22,082 38,008 40,216 67 Jun 13,792 0 0 13,792 20,041 0 0 20,041 33,833 35,798 61 Jul 9,668 0 0 9,668 18,938 0 0 18,938 28,606 30,267 50 Aug 10,032 0 0 10,032 20,129 0 0 20,129 30,161 31,913 53 Sep 10,789 0 0 10,789 20,535 0 0 20,535 31,324 33,144 87 Oct 12,802 0 0 12,802 20,367 0 0 20,367 33,169 35,095 58 Nov 16,814 0 0 16,814 22,048 0 0 22,048 38,862 41,119 70 Dec 18,092 0 0 18,092 22,289 0 0 22,289 40,381 42,726 71 2009 Jan 20,070 0 0 20,070 25,268 0 0 25,268 45,338 47,971 80 Feb 21,235 0 0 21,235 28,286 0 ° 28,286 49,521 52,398 96 Mar 18,110 0 0 18,110 25,182 0 0 25,182 43,293 45,807 76 Apr 17,692 0 0 17,692 25,093 0 0 25,093 42,784 45,269 78 May 16,046 0 0 16,046 22,082 0 0 22,082 38,128 40,342 67 Jun 13,895 0 0 13,895 20,041 0 0 20,041 33,936 35,907 62 Jul 9,740 0 0 9,740 18,938 0 0 18,938 28,678 30,344 50 Aug 10,108 0 0 10,108 20,129 0 0 20,129 30,237 31,993 53 Sep 10,870 0 0 10,870 20,535 0 0 20,535 31,405 33,229 57 Oct 12,898 0 0 12,898 20,367 0 0 20,367 33,265 35,197 58 Nov 16,940 0 0 16,940 22,048 0 0 22,048 38,988 41,253 1 Dec 18,228 0 0 18,228 22,289 0 0 22,289 40,516 42,870 ial 2010 Jan 20,220 0 0 20,220 25,268 0 0 25,268 45,488 48,130 80 Feb 21,394 0 0 21,394 28,286 0 0 28,286 49,681 52,566 97 Mar 18,246 0 0 18,246 25,182 0 0 25,182 43,428 45,951 76 Apr 17,824 0 0 17,824 25,093 0 0 25,093, 42,917 45,410 78 May 16,166 0 0 16,166 22,082 0 0 22,082 38,248 40,469 67 Jun 13,999 0 0 13,999 20,041 0 0 20,041 34,040 36,017 62 Jul 9,813 0 0 9,813 18,938 0 0 18,938 28,751 30,421 50 Aug 10,183 0 0 10,183 20,129 0 0 20,129 30,312 32,073 53 Sep 10,951 0 0 10,951 20,535 0 0 20,535 31,487 33,315 57 Oct 12,995 0 0 12,995 20,367 0 0 20,367 33,361 35,299 59 Nov 17,067 0 0 17,067 22,048 0 0 22,048 39,115 41,387 71 Dec 18,365 0 0 18,365 22,289 0 0 22,289 40,653, 43,014 71 Hatch Energy Monthly Forecast - 1/7 Hatch Energy Naukati Bay - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) ‘Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2011 Jan 20,372 0 0 20,372 25,268 0 0 25,268 45,640 48,291 80 Feb 21,554 0 0 21,554 28,286 0 0 28,286 49,841 52,736 97 Mar 18,383 0 0 18,383, 25,182 0 0 25,182 43,565 46,096 76 Apr 17,958 0 0 17,958 25,093 0 0 25,093 43,051 45,551 78 May 16,287 0 0 16,287 22,082 0 0 22,082 38,369 40,598 67 Jun 14,104 0 0 14,104 20,041 0 0 20,041 34,145 36,128 62 Jul 9,887 0 0 9,887 18,938 0 0 18,938 28,825 30,499 51 ‘Aug 10,260 0 0 10,260 20,129 0 0 20,129 30,389 32,154 53 Sep 11,033 0 0 11,033 20,535 0 0 20,535 31,569 33,402 87 Oct 13,092 0 0 13,092 20,367 0 0 20,367 33,459 35,402 59 Nov 17,195 0 0 17,195 22,048 0 0 22,048 39,243 41,523 71 Dec 18,502 0 0 18,502 22,289 0 0 22,289 40,791 43,160 72 2012 Jan 20,525 0 0 20,525 25,268 0 0 25,268 45,793 48,453 80 Feb 21,716 0 0 21,716 28,286 0 0 28,286 50,003 52,907 97 Mar 18,521 0 0 18,521 25,182 0 0 25,182 43,703 46,242 7 Apr 18,093, 0 0 18,093, 25,093 0 0 25,093 43,185 45,694 78 May 16,409 0 0 16,409 22,082 0 0 22,082 38,491 40,727 68 Jun 14,210 0 0 14,210 20,041 0 0 20,041 34,251 36,240 62 Jul 9,961 0 0 9,961 18,938 0 0 18,938 28,899 30,578 51 ‘Aug 10,337 0 0 10,337 20,129 0 0 20,129 30,466 32,235 53 Sep 11,116 0 o 14,116 20,535 0 0 20,535 31,651 33,490 57 Oct 13,190 0 0 13,190 20,367 0 0 20,367 33,557 35,506 59 Nov 17,324 0 ° 17,324 22,048 0 0 22,048 39,372 41,659 m1 Dec 18,641 0 0 18,641 22,289 0 0 22,289 40,930 43,307 72 2013 Jan 20,679 0 0 20,679 25,268 0 0 25,268 45,947 48,615 81 Feb 21,879 0 0 21,879 28,286 0 0 28,286 50,165 53,079 97 Mar 18,660 0 0 18,660 25,182 0 0 25,182 43,842 46,389 7 Apr 18,228 0 0 18,228 25,093 0 0 25,093 43,321 45,837 79 May 16,532 0 0 16,532 22,082 0 0 22,082 38,614 40,857 68 Jun 14,317 0 0 14,317 20,041 0 0 20,041 34,358 36,353 62 Jul 10,036 0 0 10,036 18,938 0 0 18,938 28,974 30,657 51 ‘Aug 10,414 0 0 10,414 20,129 0 0 20,129 30,543 32,317 54 Sep 11,199 0 0 11,199 20,535 0 0 20,535 31,735 33,578 58 Oct 13,289 0 0 13,289 20,367 0 0 20,367 33,656 35,611 59 Nov 17,454 0 0 17,454 22,048 0 0 22,048 39,502 41,797 72 Dec 18,781 0 0 18,781 22,289 0 0 22,289 41,069 43,455 72 2014 Jan 20,834 0 0 20,834 25,268 0 0 25,268 46,102 48,780 81 Feb 22,043 0 0 22,043 28,286 0 0 28,286 50,330 53,253 98 Mar 18,800 0 0 18,800 25,182 0 0 25,182 43,982 46,537 7 Apr 18,365 0 0 18,365 25,093 0 0 25,093 43,458 45,982 79 May 16,656 0 0 16,656 22,082 0 0 22,082 38,738 40,988 68 Jun 14,424 0 0 14,424 20,041 0 0 20,041 34,465 36,467 62 Jul 10,111 0 0 10,111 18,938 0 0 18,938 29,049 30,736 51 Aug 10,492 0 0 10,492 20,129 0 0 20,129 30,621 32,400 54 Sep 11,283 0 0 11,283 20,535 0 0 20,535 31,819 33,667 58 Oct 13,389 0 0 13,389 20,367 0 0 20,367 33,756 35,716 59 Nov 17,585 0 0 17,585 22,048 0 0 22,048 39,633 41,935 72 Dec 18,922 0 0 18,922 22,289 0 0 22,289 41,210 43,604 72 Monthly Forecast -2/7 Hatch Energy Naukati Bay - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions Conversions _—Residential Base Loads Conversions _Residential Sales Generation Demand (kwh) (kwh) (kWh) (kWh) (kwh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kwh) (kWh) (kw) 2015 Jan 20,990 0 0 20,990 25,268 0 0 25,268 46,258 48,945 81 Feb 22,208 0 0 22,208 28,286 0 0 28,286 50,495 53,428 98 Mar 18,941 0 0 18,941 25,182 0 0 25,182 44,123 46,686 7 Apr 18,503 0 0 18,503 25,093 0 0 25,093 43,595 46,128 79 May 16,781 0 0 16,781 22,082 0 0 22,082 38,863 41,121 68 Jun 14,532 0 0 14,532 20,041 0 0 20,041 34,573 36,581 63 Jul 10,187 0 0 10,187 18,938 0 0 18,938 29,125 30,816 51 ‘Aug 10,571 0 0 10,571 20,129 0 0 20,129 30,700 32,483 54 Sep 11,368 0 0 11,368 20,535 0 0 20,535 31,903 33,757 58 Oct 13,489 0 0 13,489 20,367 0 0 20,367 33,856 35,823 59 Nov 17,717 0 0 17,717 22,048 0 0 22,048 39,765 42,075 72 Dec 19,064 0 oO 19,064 22,289 o o 22,289 41,352 43,754 73 2016 Jan 21,147 0 0 21,147 25,268 0 0 25,268 46,415 49,111 81 Feb 22,375 0 0 22,375 28,286 0 0 28,286 50,661 53,604 98 Mar 19,083 0 0 19,083 25,182 0 0 25,182 44,265 46,836 78 Apr 18,642 0 0 18,642 25,093 0 0 25,093 43,734 46,275 79 May 16,907 O 0 16,907 22,082 0 oO 22,082 38,989 41,254 68 Jun 14,641 0 0 14,641 20,041 0 0 20,041 34,682 36,697 63 Jul 10,263 0 0 10,263 18,938 0 0 18,938 29,201 30,897 51 ‘Aug 10,650 0 0 10,650 20,129 0 0 20,129 30,779 32,567 54 Sep 11,453 0 0 11,453 20,535 0 0 20,535 31,989 33,847 58 Oct 13,590 0 0 13,590 20,367 0 0 20,367 33,957 35,930 60 Nov 17,850 0 0 17,850 22,048 0 0 22,048 39,898 42,215 72 Dec 19,207 0 0 19,207, 22,289 0 0 22,289 41,495 43,905 73. 2017 Jan 21,306, 0 0 21,306 25,268 0 0 25,268 46,574 49,279 82 Feb 22,543 0 0 22,543 28,286 0 0 28,286 50,829 53,782 99 Mar 19,226 0 0 19,226 25,182 0 0 25,182 44,408 46,988 78 Apr 18,781 0 0 18,781 25,093 0 0 25,093 43,874 46,422 79 May 17,034 0 0 17,034 22,082 0 0 22,082 39,116 41,388 69 Jun 14,751 Oo oO 14,751 20,041 0 0 20,041 34,792 36,813 63 Jul 10,340 oO 0 10,340 18,938 oO oO 18,938 29,278 30,979 51 ‘Aug 10,730 0 0 10,730 20,129 0 0 20,129 30,859 32,652 54 Sep 11,539 0 0 11,539 20,535 0 0 20,535 32,075 33,938 58 Oct 13,692 0 0 13,692 20,367 0 0 20,367 34,059 36,037 60 Nov 17,984 0 0 17,984 22,048 0 0 22,048 40,032 42,357 73 Dec 19,351 oO oO 19,351 22,289 0 oO 22,289 41,639 44,058 73 2018 Jan 21,466 0 0 21,466 25,268 0 0 25,268 46,734 49,448 82 Feb 22,712 0 0 22,712 28,286 0 0 28,286 50,998 53,961 99 Mar 19,370 0 0 19,370 25,182 0 0 25,182 44,552 47,140 78 Apr 18,922 0 0 18,922 25,093 0 0 25,093 44,015 46,572 80 May 17,162 0 0 17,162 22,082 0 0 22,082 39,244 41,523 69 Jun 14,862 0 0 14,862 20,041 0 0 20,041 34,903 36,930 63 Jul 10,418 0 0 10,418 18,938 0 0 18,938 29,366 31,061 51 ‘Aug 10,811 0 0 10,811 20,129 0 0 20,129 30,940 32,737 54 Sep 11,626 0 0 11,626 20,535 0 0 20,535 32,161 34,029 58 Oct 13,795 0 0 13,795 20,367 0 0 20,367 34,162 36,146 60 Nov 18,118 0 0 18,118 22,048 0 0 22,048 40,167 42,500 73 Dec 19,496 oO 0 19,496 22,289 oO 0 22,289 41,784 44,211 73 Monthly Forecast - 3/7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Naukati Bay - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2019 Jan 21,627 0 0 21,627 25,268 0 0 25,268 46,895, 49,619 82 Feb 22,882 0 0 22,882 28,286 0 0 28,286 51,169 54,141 99 Mar 19,515 0 0 19,515 25,182 0 0 25,182 44,698 47,294 78 Apr 19,064 0 0 19,064 25,093, 0 0 25,093 44,157 46,722 80 May 17,290 0 0 17,290 22,082 0 0 22,082 39,372 41,659 69 Jun 14,973 0 0 14,973 20,041 0 0 20,041 35,014 37,048 63 Jul 10,496 0 0 10,496 18,938 0 0 18,938 29,434 31,143 52 ‘Aug 10,892 0 0 10,892 20,129 0 0 20,129 31,021 32,823 54 Sep 11,713 0 0 11,713 20,535 0 0 20,535 32,248 34,121 58 Oct 13,899 0 0 13,899 20,367 0 0 20,367 34,265 36,256 60 Nov 18,254 0 0 18,254 22,048 0 0 22,048 40,303 42,644 73 Dec 19,642 o 0 19,642 22,289 o 0 22,289 41,931 44,366 73 2020 Jan 21,789 0 1,375 23,164 25,268 0 0 25,268 48,432 51,245 85 Feb 23,054 0 1,128 24,182 28,286 0 0 28,286 52,468 55,516 102 Mar 19,662 0 1,107 20,769 25,182 0 0 25,182 45,951 48,620 80 Apr 19,207 0 873 20,080 25,093 0 0 25,093 45,173 47,797 82 May 17,420 0 668 18,088 22,082 0 0 22,082 40,170 42,503 70 Jun 15,085 0 438 15,523 20,041 0 0 20,041 35,564 37,630 64 Jul 10,575 0 324 10,898 18,938 0 0 18,938 29,836 31,569 52 ‘Aug 10,974 0 340 11,314 20,129 0 0 20,129 31,443 33,269 55 Sep 11,801 0 526 12,327 20,535 0 0 20,535 32,862 34,771 59 Oct 14,003 0 833 14,836 20,367 0 0 20,367 35,202 37,247 62 Nov 18,391 0 1,098 19,489 22,048 0 0 22,048 41,537 43,950 75 Dec 19,789 0 1,291 21,081 22,289 0 0 22,289 43,369 45,888 76 2021 Jan 21,952 0 2,749 24,702 25,268 0 0 25,268 49,970 52,872 87 Feb 23,227 0 2,255 25,482 28,286 0 0 28,286 53,769 56,892 104 Mar 19,809 0 2,214 22,023, 25,182 0 0 25,182 47,205 49,947 83 Apr 19,351 0 1,746 21,097 25,093 0 0 25,093 46,190 48,873 83 May 17,551 0 1,336 18,886 22,082 0 0 22,082 40,968 43,348 72 Jun 15,198 0 876 16,074 20,041 0 0 20,041 36,115 38,213 65 Jul 10,654 0 647 14,301 18,938 0 ° 18,938 30,239 31,995 53 Aug 11,056 0 681 11,737 20,129 0 0 20,129 31,865, 33,716 56 Sep 11,889 0 1,052 12,942 20,535 0 0 20,535 33,477 35,422 61 Oct 14,108 0 1,666 15,773 20,367 0 0 20,367 36,140 38,239 63 Nov 18,529 0 2,196 20,725 22,048 0 0 22,048 42,773 45,258 7 Dec 19,938 0 2,583 22,521 22,289 0 0 22,289 44,809 47,412 78 2022 Jan 22,117 0 4,124 26,241 25,268 0 0 25,268 51,509 54,501 90 Feb 23,401 0 3,383 26,784 28,286 0 0 28,286 55,071 58,269 107 Mar 19,958 0 3,321 23,279 25,182 0 0 25,182 48,461 51,276 85 Apr 19,496 0 2,619 22,116 25,093 0 0 25,093 47,208 49,950 85 May 17,682 0 2,003 19,686 22,082 0 0 22,082 41,768 44,194 73 Jun 15,312 0 1,313 16,626 20,041 ° 0 20,041 36,667 38,797 66 Jul 10,734 0 971 11,705 18,938 0 0 18,938 30,642 32,422 54 ‘Aug 11,139 0 1,021 12,160 20,129 0 0 20,129 32,289 34,164 56 Sep 11,978 0 1,579 13,557 20,535 0 0 20,535 34,092 36,073 62 Oct 14,214 0 2,498 16,712 20,367 0 0 20,367 37,079 39,232 65 Nov 18,668 o 3,293 21,962 22,048 0 0 22,048 44,010 46,566 79 Dec 20,087 0 3,874 23,961 22,289 o 0 22,289 46,250 48,936 81 Monthly Forecast - 4/7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Naukati Bay - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2023 Jan 22,283 0 5,498 27,781 25,268 0 0 25,268 53,049 56,131 93 Feb 23,576 0 4,511 28,087 28,286 0 0 28,286 56,374 59,648 109 Mar 20,107 0 4,428 24,535 25,182 0 0 25,182 49,717 52,605 87 Apr 19,643 0 3,492 23,135 25,093 0 0 25,093 48,227 51,029 87 May 17,815 0 2,671 20,486 22,082 0 0 22,082 42,568 45,041 74 Jun 15,427 0 4,751 17,179 20,041 0 0 20,041 37,220 39,381 67 Jul 10,815 0 1,294 12,109 18,938 0 0 18,938 31,046 32,850 54 ‘Aug 11,222 0 1,362 12,584 20,129 0 0 20,129 32,713 34,613 87 Sep 12,068 0 2,105 14,173, 20,535 0 0 20,535 34,708 36,724 63 Oct 14,320 0 3,331 17,651 20,367 0 0 20,367 38,018 40,226 66 Nov 18,808 0 4,391 23,199 22,048 0 0 22,048 45,248 47,876 82 Dec 20,238 0 5,166 25,404 22,289 0 0 22,289 47,692 50,462 83 2024 Jan 22,450 0 6,873 29,323 25,268 0 0 25,268 54,591 57,762 95 Feb 23,753 0 5,639 29,392 28,286 0 0 28,286 57,678 61,029 1 Mar 20,258 0 5,535 25,793 25,182 0 0 25,182 50,975 53,936 89 Apr 19,790 0 4,365 24,155 25,093 0 0 25,093 49,248 52,108 89 May 17,949 0 3,339 21,288 22,082 0 0 22,082 43,370 45,889 76 Jun 15,543 0 2,189 17,732 20,041 0 0 20,041 37,773 39,967 68 Jul 10,896 0 1,618 12,513 18,938 0 0 18,938 31,451 33,278 55 ‘Aug 11,306 ° 1,702 13,008 20,129 0 0 20,129 33,137 35,062 58 Sep 12,159 0 2,631 14,790 20,535 0 0 20,535 35,325 37,377 64 Oct 14,428 0 4,164 18,592 20,367 0 0 20,367 38,958 41,221 68 Nov 18,949 0 5,489 24,438 22,048 0 0 22,048 46,487 49,187 84 Dec 20,390 o 6,457 26,847 22,289 0 0 22,289 49,135 51,989 86 2025 Jan 22,619 0 8,247 30,866 25,268 0 0 25,268 56,134 59,394 98 Feb 23,931 0 6,766 30,698 28,286 0 0 28,286 58,984 62,410 114 Mar 20,410 0 6,642 27,052 25,182 0 0 25,182 52,234 55,268 1 Apr 19,938 0 5,238 25,177 25,093 0 0 25,093 50,269 53,189 1 May 18,083 0 4,007 22,090 22,082 0 0 22,082 44,172 46,738 7 Jun 15,660 0 2,627 18,287 20,041 0 0 20,041 38,328 40,554 69 Jul 10,977 0 1,941 12,918 18,938 0 0 18,938 31,856 33,706 56 ‘Aug 11,391 0 2,042 13,434 20,129 0 0 20,129 33,562 35,512 59 Sep 12,250 0 3,157 15,407 20,535 0 0 20,535 35,942 38,030 65 Oct 14,536 0 4,997 19,533, 20,367 0 0 20,367 39,899 42,217 70 Nov 19,091 0 6,587 25,678 22,048 0 0 22,048 47,727 50,499 86 Dec 20,543 0 7,748 28,291 22,289 0 o 22,289 50,580 53,518 88 2026 Jan 22,788 0 9,622 32,410 25,268 0 0 25,268 57,678 61,028 100 Feb 24,111 0 7,894 32,005 28,286 0 0 28,286 60,291 63,793 116 Mar 20,563 0 7,748 28,312 25,182 0 0 25,182 53,494 56,601 93 Apr 20,088 0 6,111 26,199 25,093 0 0 25,093, 51,292 54,271 92 May 18,219 0 4,675 22,893 22,082 0 0 22,082 44,975 47,588 78 Jun 15,777 0 3,065 18,842 20,041 0 0 20,041 38,883 41,141 70 Jul 11,060 0 2,265 13,324 18,938 0 0 18,938 32,262 34,136 56 ‘Aug 11,477 0 2,383 13,859 20,129 0 0 20,129 33,988 35,962 59 Sep 12,342 0 3,683 16,025 20,535 0 0 20,535 36,560 38,684 66 Oct 14,645 0 5,830 20,474 20,367 0 0 20,367 40,841 43,213 1 Nov 19,235 0 7,685 26,919 22,048 0 0 22,048 48,968 51,812 88 Dec 20,697 0 9,040 29,737 22,289 0 0 22,289 52,025 55,047 1 Monthly Forecast - 5/7 Hatch Energy Naukati Bay - Reference Forecast bility Study Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 72027 Jan 22,959 0 10,996 33,956 25,268 0 0 25,268, 59,224 62,664 103 Feb 24,292 0 9,022 33,313 28,286 0 0 28,286 61,600 65,178 119 Mar 20,717 0 8,855 29,573 25,182 0 0 25,182 54,755 57,936 95 Apr 20,239 0 6,985 27,223 25,093 0 0 25,093 52,316 55,354 94 May 18,355 0 5,342 23,698 22,082 0 0 22,082 45,780 48,439 80 Jun 15,895, 0 3,503 19,398 20,041 0 0 20,041 39,439 41,730 7 Jul 11,143 0 2,588 13,731 18,938 0 0 18,938 32,668 34,566 57 ‘Aug 11,563 0 2,723 14,286 20,129 0 0 20,129 34,415 36,414 60 Sep 12,434 0 4,209 16,644 20,535 ° 0 20,535 37,179 39,339, 67 Oct 14,755 0 6,662 21,417 20,367 0 0 20,367 41,784 44,211 73 Nov 19,379 0 8,783 28,161 22,048 0 0 22,048 50,210 53,126 90 Dec 20,852 0 10,331 31,183 22,289 o o 22,289 53,472 56,578 93, 2028 Jan 23,131 0 11,684 34,815 25,268 0 0 25,268 60,083, 63,573 105 Feb 24,474 0 9,586 34,059 28,286 0 0 28,286 62,346 65,967 120 Mar 20,873 0 9,409 30,282 25,182 0 0 25,182 55,464 58,686 97 Apr 20,390 0 7,421 27,811 25,093 0 0 25,093 52,904 55,977 95 May 18,493 0 5,676 24,169 22,082 0 0 22,082 46,251 48,938 81 Jun 16,015 0 3,722 19,736 20,041 0 0 20,041 39,777 42,088 72 Jul 11,226 0 2,750 13,976 18,938 0 0 18,938 32,914 34,825 87 Aug 11,650 0 2,893 14,543 20,129 0 0 20,129 34,672 36,686 60 Sep 12,528 0 4,473 17,000 20,535 0 0 20,535 37,536 39,716 68 Oct 14,865 0 7,079 21,944 20,367 0 0 20,367 42,311 44,768 74 Nov 19,524 0 9,332 28,856 22,048 0 0 22,048 50,904 53,861 92 Dec 21,008 0 10,977 31,985 22,289 0 0 22,289 54,274 57,426 94 2029 Jan 23,305 0 12,371 35,676 25,268 0 0 25,268 60,944 64,484 106 Feb 24,657 0 10,149 34,807 28,286 0 0 28,286 63,093 66,758 122 Mar 21,029 0 9,962 30,992 25,182 0 0 25,182 56,174 59,437 98 Apr 20,543 0 7,858 28,401 25,093 0 0 25,093, 53,493, 56,601 96 May 18,632 0 6,010 24,642 22,082 0 0 22,082 46,724 49,438 81 Jun 16,135, 0 3,940 20,075 20,041 0 0 20,041 40,116 42,446 72 Jul 11,310 0 2,912 14,222 18,938 0 0 18,938 33,160 35,086 58 Aug 41,737 0 3,064 14,800 20,129 0 0 20,129 34,929 36,958 61 Sep 12,622 0 4,736 17,357 20,535, 0 0 20,535 37,893 40,094 68 Oct 14,977 0 7,495 22,472 20,367 0 0 20,367 42,839 45,327 75 Nov 19,671 0 9,880 29,551 22,048 0 0 22,048 51,599 54,596 93 Dec 21,166 0 11,623 32,789 22,289 0 o 22,289 55,077 58,276 96 2030 Jan 23,480 0 13,058 36,538 25,268 0 0 25,268 61,806 65,396 107 Feb 24,842 0 10,713 35,556 28,286 0 0 28,286 63,842 67,550 123 Mar 21,187 0 10,516 31,703 25,182 0 0 25,182 56,885 60,189 99 Apr 20,697 0 8,294 28,991 25,093 0 0 25,093 54,084 97,226 97 May 18,772 0 6,344 25,116 22,082 0 0 22,082 47,198 49,939 82 Jun 16,256 0 4,159 20,415 20,041 0 0 20,041 40,456 42,806 73 Jul 11,395 0 3,073 14,468 18,938 0 0 18,938 33,406 35,347 58 ‘Aug 11,825 0 3,234 15,059 20,129 0 0 20,129 35,187 37,231 61 Sep 12,716 0 4,999 17,715 20,535 0 0 20,535 38,250 40,472 69 Oct 15,089 0 7,912 23,001 20,367 0 0 20,367 43,367 45,886 75 Nov 19,818 0 10,429 30,247 22,048 0 0 22,048 52,296 55,333 94 Dec 21,325 0 12,268 33,593 22,289 0 0 22,289 55,882 59,127 97 Monthly Forecast - 6 / 7 Hatch Energy Naukati Bay - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) [Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Fu Parti Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2031 Jan 23,656 0 13,746 37,401 25,268 0 0 25,268 62,669 66,309 109 Feb 25,029 0 11,277 36,306 28,286 0 0 28,286 64,592 68,344 124 Mar 21,346 0 11,069 32,415 25,182 0 0 25,182 57,598 60,943 100 Apr 20,853 0 8,731 29,583 25,093 0 0 25,093 54,676 57,852 98 May 18,912 0 6,678 25,590 22,082 0 0 22,082 47,672 50,441 83 Jun 16,378 ° 4,378 20,756 20,041 0 0 20,041 40,797 43,167 73 Jul 11,481 0 3,235 14,716 18,938 0 0 18,938 33,653 35,608 59 Aug 11,914 0 3,404 15,318 20,129 0 0 20,129 35,446 37,505 62 Sep 12,812 0 5,262 18,073 20,535 0 0 20,535 38,609 40,851 69 Oct 15,202 0 8,328 23,530 20,367 0 0 20,367 43,897 46,447 76 Nov 19,967 0 10,978 30,945 22,048 0 0 22,048 52,993 56,071 95 Dec. 21,485 0 12,914 34,399 22,289 0 o 22,289 56,687 59,980 99 Monthly Forecast - 7/7 HATCH ACRES Alaska Energy Authority - AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study SE Alaska Final Report e Appendix H H10 Hatch Acres Corporation PR324582 AK-BC Alaska Final Report-App 18-09-07.doc Year Month 1998 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 866L 1999 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 6661 2000 = January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 0002 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Whale Pass Sales (kWh) Number of Customers _| Gross Generation Net Generation Peak Residential —_ Non-Res Total Residential Non-Res Total Diesel Hydro Total Diesel Hydro Total (mw) 9,898 12,559 22,457 31 13 44 23,520 0 23,520 23,520 8,399 11,276 19,675 30 12 42 22,560 0 22,560 22,560 7,631 10,695 18,326 30 12 42 19,920 0 19,920 19,920 5,962 8,523 14,485 29 12 4 17,280 0 17,280 17,280 12,424 17,233 29,657 31 12 43 32,400 0 32,400 32,400 10,632 15,456 26,088 33 13 46 27,840 0 27,840 27,840 9,086 17,804 26,890 30 13 43 30,480 0 30,480 30,480 10,166 20,404 30,570 30 12 42 34,080 0 34,080 34,080 6,914 13,166 20,080 27 1" 38 24,000 0 24,000 24,000 3,681 5,858 9,539 26 "1 37 12,960 0 12,960 12,960 5,207 6,830 12,037 27 "1 38 15,360 0 15,360 15,360 5,062 6,238 11,300 26 "1 37 14,640 0 14,640 14,640 95,061 146,043, 241,104 26 1" 37 275,040 0 275,040 275,040 7,089 8,996 16,085 26 4 37 16,080 0 16,080 16,080 5,118 6,872 11,990 26 10 36 15,360 0 15,360 15,360 4,558 6,389 10,947 27 "1 38 13,680 0 13,680 13,680 7,255 10,371 17,626 29 "1 40 20,400 0 20,400 20,400 15,034 20,853 35,887 29 12 4 38,640 0 38,640 38,640 15,981 23,232 39,213 33 13 46 44,640 0 44,640 44,640 13,127 25,725 38,852 34 14 48 42,000 0 42,000 42,000 11,479 23,039 34,518 34 14 48 39,600 0 39,600 39,600 9,256 17,626 26,882 35 14 49 25,680 0 25,680 25,680 5,381 8,565 13,946 35 14 49 16,640 0 16,640 16,640 7,528 9,876 17,404 35 14 49 19,200 0 19,200 19,200 6,547 8,069 14,616 32 13 45 21,360 0 21,360 21,360 108,355 169,611 277,966 32 13 45 313,280 0 313,280 313,280 5,491 6,967 12,458 31 12 43 17,040 0 17,040 17,040 7,866 10,560 18,426 30 12 42 19,440 0 19,440 19,440 5,865 8,220 14,085 29 12 44 15,120 0 15,120 15,120 4,903 7,010 11,913 30 12 42 14,640 0 14,640 14,640 8,708 12,079 20,787 31 13 44 24,000 0 24,000 24,000 16,056 23,341 39,397 35 14 49 41,760 0 41,760 41,760 11,740 23,005 34,745 35 14 49 40,560 0 40,560 40,560 13,536 27,168 40,704 34 14 48 43,440 0 43,440 43,440 9,785 18,632 28,417 36 15 51 31,200 0 31,200 31,200 4,558 7,254 11,812 35 15 50 14,400 0 14,400 14,400 6,140 8,054 14,194 36 15 50 16,800 0 16,800 16,800 5,739 7,073 12,812 36 15 51 18,000 0 18,000 18,000 100,386 159,364 259,750 36 15 51 296,400 0 296,400 296,400 Historic Data - 1 of 3 Year Month 2001 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL L002 2002 = January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL z002 2003 == January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL £002 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Whale Pass Sales (kWh) I Number of Customers Gross Generation Net Generation Residential Non-Res Total Residential Non-Res Total Diesel Hydro Total Diesel Hydro Total 6,146 7,800 13,946 36 15 51 16,800 0 16,800 16,800 5,904 7,926 13,830 37 15 52 15,600 0 15,600 15,600 5,547 7,775 13,322 37 15 52 13,920 0 13,920 13,920 5,087 7,272 12,359 37 15 52 15,600 0 15,600 15,600 5,921 8,214 14,135 37 15 52 18,720 0 18,720 18,720 6,987 10,157 17,144 38 15 53 21,360 0 21,360 21,360 5,239 10,266 15,505 38 15 53 19,680 0 19,680 19,680 5,856 11,753 17,609 38 15 53 21,840 0 21,840 21,840 5,453 10,384 15,837 38 16 54 19,440 0 19,440 19,440 5,045 8,030 13,075 38 15 53 16,800 0 16,800 16,800 5,474 7,182 12,656 37 16 53 16,560 0 16,560 16,560 8,656 10,669 19,325 37 15 52 24,000 0 24,000 24,000 71,317 107,426 178,743 37 15 52 220,320 0 220,320 220,320 7,325 9,295 16,620 38 15 53 21,360 0 21,360 21,360 6,370 8,553 14,923 37 15 52 19,440 0 19,440 19,440 5,185 7,267 12,452 35 14 49 14,160 0 14,160 14,160 6,148 8,789 14,937 36 14 50 20,880 0 20,880 20,880 6,319 8,766 15,085 36 15, 51 19,920 0 19,920 19,920 7,289 10,597 17,886 37 15 52 23,280 0 23,280 23,280 6,382 12,505 18,887 38 16 54 24,960 0 24,960 24,960 7,867 15,789 23,656 39 16 55 28,320 0 28,320 28,320 6,018 11,460 17,478 38 16 54 22,560 0 22,560 22,560 7,075 11,261 18,336 42 18 60 22,800 0 22,800 22,800 9,278 12,172 21,450 40 16 56 31,104 0 31,104 31,104 9,646 11,889 21,535 40 17 57 25,200 0 25,200 25,200 84,904 128,341 213,245 40 17 57 273,984 0 273,984 273,984 8,056 10,222 18,278 37 15 52 24,000 0 24,000 24,000 6,795 9,124 15,919 37 15 52 19,680 0 19,680 19,680 6,441 9,026 15,467 37 15 52 20,400 0 20,400 20,400 7,533 10,768 18,301 37 15 52 23,520 0 23,520 23,520 6,592 9,143 15,735 ry 17 58 19,440 0 19,440 19,440 7,286 10,592 17,878 42 7 59 23,520 0 23,520 23,520 5,857 11,478 17,335 43 17 60 22,560 0 22,560 22,560 8,109 16,275 24,384 44 18 62 29,040 0 29,040 29,040 7,179 13,669 20,848 44 18 62 25,200 0 25,200 25,200 7,769 12,365 20,134 44 18 62 23,520 0 23,520 23,520 10,495 13,768 24,263 43 18 61 30,240 0 30,240 30,240 10,589 13,051 23,640 45 19 64 27,840 0 27,840 27,840 92,701 139,481 232,182 45 19 64 288,960 0 288,960 288,960 Historic Data - 2 of 3 Peak MW) Year Month 2004 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL v00z 2005 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL $002 2006 = January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 9002 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Historic Data - Whale Pass Sales (kWh) I Number of Customers | Gross Generation Net Generation Peak Residential Non-Res Total Residential __Non-Res Total el Hydro Total Diesel Hydro Total (Mw) 9,785 12,416 22,201 44 18 62 27,120 0 27,120 27,120 8,894 11,942 20,836 45 18 63 27,360 0 27,360 27,360 8,574 12,016 20,590 46 19 65 25,920 0 25,920 25,920 10,060 14,381 24,441 46 19 65 29,520 0 29,520 29,520 11,705 16,236 27,941 49 20 69 33,840 0 33,840 33,840 12,515 18,194 30,709 50 20 70 36,000 0 36,000 36,000 10,075 19,743 29,818 50 20 70 35,280 0 35,280 35,280 10,784 21,646 32,430 50 20 70 38,640 0 38,640 38,640 10,060 19,156 29,216 50 20 70 33,600 0 33,600 33,600 9,066 14,429 23,495 48 20 68 29,280 0 29,280 29,280 9,701 12,725 22,426 47 20 67 26,640 0 26,640 26,640 10,113 12,463 22,576 48 19 67 27,360 0 27,360 27,360 121,332 185,347 306,679 48 19 67 370,560 0 370,560 370,560 9,805 12,443 22,248 48 20 68 30,960 0 30,960 30,960 10,072 13,522 23,594 48 20 68 25,680 0 25,680 25,680 7,913 11,090 19,003 47 19 66 23,760 0 23,760 23,760 8,494 12,142 20,636 48 19 67 24,960 0 24,960 24,960 10,538 14,617 25,155 48 19 67 31,920 0 31,920 31,920 12,267 17,832 30,099 48 19 67 36,960 0 36,960 36,960 12,231 23,968 36,199 47 19 66 40,320 0 40,320 40,320 13,612 27,320 40,932 47 20 67 48,960 0 48,960 48,960 11,484 21,866 33,350 49 20 69 40,800 0 40,800 40,800 7,545 12,009 19,554 48 20 68 23,040 0 23,040 23,040 8,237 10,805 19,042 47 20 67 25,440 0 25,440 25,440 8,813 10,862 19,675 48 19 67 26,400 0 26,400 26,400 121,010 188,477 309,487 48 19 67 379,200 0 379,200 379,200 7,381 9,366 16,747 47 19 66 23,520 0 23,520 23,520 7,167 9,622 16,789 47 19 66 21,360 0 21,360 21,360 6,234 8,737 14,971 46 19 65 19,440 0 19,440, 19,440 6,593 9,426 16,019 46 19 65 20,880 0 20,880 20,880 7,601 10,542 18,143 48 19 67 22,560 0 22,560 22,560 12,743 18,525 31,268 48 19 67 34,320 0 34,320 34,320 11,670 22,869 34,539 49 20 69 40,080 0 40,080 40,080 13,461 27,018 40,479 50 20 70 46,800 0 46,800 46,800 11,857 22,579 34,436 51 24 72 40,080 0 40,080 40,080 7,024 11,178 18,202 50 21 71 23,040 0 23,040 23,040 7,118 9,337 16,455 50 21 1 22,080 0 22,080 22,080 9,832 12,118 21,950 50 24 1 26,160 0 26,160 26,160 108,681 171,317 279,998 50 24 1 340,320 0 340,320 340,320 Historic Data - 3 of 3 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Whale Pass - Monthly Residential Sales (kWh) Thousands = ao = a Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Hatch Energy Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Monthly Patterns Dec Whale Pass - Monthly Residential Sales (kWh) 18 = a Thousands ail || Fas! || a, oo N OR tel fh 2006 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Whale Pass - Annual Residential Sales (kWh) Thousands 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Whale Pass - Monthly Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Whale Pass - Monthly Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Thousands Thousands nN oS a JV 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Whale Pass - Annual Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Nn So o Thousands e ° May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Jan Feb Mar Apr Hatch Energy Monthly Patterns AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Whale Pass - Monthly Net Generation (kWh) Whale Pass - Monthly Net Generation (kWh) 60 Thousands Q o Thousands S Ss wo Ss 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Whale Pass - Annual Net Generation (kWh) Thousands | | Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Hatch Energy Monthly Patterns vee eC Inter... Whale Pass - Reference Forecast Annual Forecast Values Residential Customers and Sales (kWh) Non-Re: | Customers and Sales (kWh Non- Electric Total Total Unit Residential Full Partial Total Unit Residential Spot Heat Non- Net Peak Year Customers Consumption Base Conversions Conversions —_—_—Residential Customers Consumption Base Loads Conversions _—_—Residential Generation Demand (@) (kWh) (kwh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (#) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kwh) (kwh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 1998 26 3,621.4 95,061 - - 95,061 1 13,585.5 146,043, 146,043 241,104 275,040, 1999 32 3,994.0 108,355 - : 108,355 13 12,972.9 169,611 169,611 277,966 313,280 2000 36 2.7744 100,386 : : 100,386 15 10,755.1 159,364 159,364 259,750 296,400 2001 37 1,933.1 71,317 : : 71,317 15 7,110.5 107,426 107,426 178,743 220,320 2002 40 2,099.5 84,904 : : 84,904 17 7,749.7 128,341 128,341 213,245 273,984 2003 45 2,041.6 92,701 : : 92,701 19 7,501.2 139,481 139,481 232,182 288,960 2004 48 2,552.5 121,332 : : 121,332 19 9,521.5 185,347 185,347 306,679 370,560 2005 48 2,545.8 121,010 - : 121,010 19 9,682.3 188,477 188,477 309,487 379,200 2006 50 2,187.6 108,681 : : 108,681 2 8,304.9 171,317 171,317 279,998 340,320 2007 51 2,173.8 110,862 : 110,662 21 8,304.9 174,403 174,403 285,266 301,835 60 2008 51 2,190.1 111,694 : : 111,694 2 8,304.9 174,403 174,403 286,097 302,715 60 2009 51 2,206.5 112,531 : : 112,531 2 8,304.9 174,403, 174,403 286,935 303,602 61 2010 st 2,223.0 113,375 : 113,375 2 8,304.9 174,403 174,403, 287,779 304,495 61 2011 51 2,239.7 114,226 - - 114,226 21 8,304.9 174,403 174,403 288,629 305,394 61 2012 51 2,256.5 115,082 : : 115,082 24 8,304.9 174,403 174,403 289,486 306,301 61 2013 51 2,273.4 115,946 - : 115,946 2 8,304.9 174,403 174,403 290,349 307,214 61 2014 st 2,290.5 116,815 - : 116,815 a 8,304.9 174,403 174,403 291,219 308,134 61 2015 51 2,307.7 117,691 : : 117,691 2 8,304.9 174,403 174,403 292,095 309,061 62 2016 51 2,325.0 118,574 : : 118,574 2 8,304.9 174,403, 174,403 292,977 309,995 62 2017 51 2,342.4 119,463 : : 119,463 2 8,304.9 174,403, 174,403 293,867 310,936 62 2018 51 2,360.0 120,359 : : 120,359 2 8,304.9 174,403, 174,403 294,763 311,884 62 2019 51 2,377.7 121,262 - : 121,262 2 8,304.9 174,403, 174,403 295,665 312,839 62 2020 51 2,395.5 122,171 : 15,000 137,171 2 8,304.9, 174,403, 174,403 311,575 329,673 66 2021 51 2,413.5 123,088 : 25,000 148,088 24 8,304.9 174,403, 174,403, 322,491 341,223 68 2022 51 2,431.6 124,011 : 36,000 159,011 21 8,304.9 174,403 174,403 333,414 362,781 70 2023 51 2,449.8 124,941 : 45,000 169,941 2 8,304.9 174,403, 174,403 344,344 364,346 73 2024 51 2,468.2 125,878 : 55,000 180,878 2 8,304.9 174,403 174,403 355,281 375,918 75 2025 51 2,486.7 126,822 : 65,000 191,822 2 8,304.9 174,403 174,403 366,226 387,498 7 2026 st 2,505.4 127,73 : 75,000 202,773 2 8,304.9 174,403 174,403 377,177 399,085 80 2027 51 2,824.1 128,731 : 85,000 213,731 a 8,304.9 174,403, 174,403 388,135 410,680 82 2028 51 2,543.1 129,697 : 95,000 224,697 2 8,304.9 174,403 174,403, 399,100 422,282 84 2029 51 2,562.2 130,670 : 105,000 235,670 24 8,304.9 174,403 174,403 410,073 433,892 87 2030 51 2,581.4 131,650 : 115,000 246,650 2 8,304.9 174,403 174,403 421,053 445,510 89 2031 51 2,600.7 132,637 - 120,000 252.637 21 8,304.9 174,403 174,403 427,041 451,845 90 Growth 0.05% 0.75% 0.80% 343% 0.07% 0.00% 0.07% 0.07% 1.70% 1.14% 1-5 0.25% 0.75% 1.00% 1.00% 0.36% 0.00% 0.36% 0.36% 0.61% 2.14% 20-25 0.00% 0.75% 0.75% 4.50% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 251% 2.51% Monthly Patterns Non- Electric Resultant Residential Full Partial Residential Spot Heat Peak Distribution Month Base Conversions __Conversions Loads Conversions 2007 2031 Jan 7.85% 13.75% 13.75% 6.45% 13.75% 0.563 0.913 Feb 7.37% 11.28% 11.28% 6.41% 11.28% 0.604 0.913 Mar 6.41% 11.07% 11.07% 5.82% 11.07% 0.487 0.764 Apr 6.86% 8.73% 8.73% 6.36% 8.73% 0.545 0.758 May 9.39% 6.68% 6.68% 8.43% 6.68% 0.709 0.841 Jun 11.26% 4.38% 4.38% 10.60% 10.60% 4.38% 0.903 0.956 Jul 9.45% 3.24% 3.24% 11.99% 11.99% 3.24% 0.886 0.893 Aug 10.50% 3.40% 3.40% 13.65% 13.65% 3.40% 1.000 1.000 Sep 8.63% 5.26% 5.26% 10.64% 10.64% 5.26% 0.820 0.898 Oct 6.32% 8.33% 8.33% 6.52% 6.52% 8.33% 0519 0.712 Nov 7.65% 10.98% 10.98% 6.50% 6.50% 10.98% 0.578 0.857 Dec 8.30% 12.91% 12.91% 6.62% 6.62% 12.91% 0.586 0.910 Hatch Energy Annual Forecast Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Whale Pass - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2007 Jan 8,707 0 0 8,707 11,257 0 0 11,257 19,963 21,123 34 Feb 8,168 0 0 8,168 11,173 0 0 11,173 19,341 20,465 36 Mar 7,109 0 0 7,109 10,150 0 0 10,150 17,259 18,262 29 Apr 7,610 0 0 7,610 11,084 0 0 11,084 18,694 19,779 33 May 10,408 0 0 10,408 14,708 0 0 14,708 25,116 26,575 43 Jun 12,483 0 0 12,483 18,488 0 0 18,488 30,971 32,770 54 Jul 10,477 0 0 10,477 20,918 0 0 20,918 31,395 33,218 53 Aug 11,637 0 0 11,637 23,799 0 0 23,799 35,436 37,494 60 Sep 9,569 0 0 9,569 18,565 0 0 18,565 28,134 29,768 49 Oct 7,010 0 0 7,010 11,367 0 0 11,367 18,377 19,444 31 Nov 8,486 0 0 8,486 11,342 0 0 11,342 19,828 20,980 35 Dec. 9,200 0 0 9,200 11,552 0 0 11,552 20,752 21,958 35 2008 Jan 8,772 0 0 8,772 11,257 0 0 11,257 20,028 21,192 34 Feb 8,229 0 0 8,229 14,173 0 0 11,173 19,402 20,529 37 Mar 7,162 0 0 7,162 10,150 0 0 10,150 17,312 18,318 29 Apr 7,667 0 0 7,667 11,084 0 0 11,084 18,751 19,840 33 May 10,486 0 0 10,486 14,708 0 0 14,708 25,194 26,657 43 Jun 12,576 0 0 12,576 18,488 0 0 18,488 31,064 32,869 55 Jul 10,555 0 0 10,555 20,918 0 0 20,918 31,473 33,301 53 ‘Aug 11,725 0 0 11,725 23,799 0 0 23,799 35,523 37,587 60 Sep 9,641 0 0 9,641 18,565, 0 0 18,565 28,206 29,844 50 Oct 7,062 0 0 7,062 11,367 0 0 11,367 18,430 19,500 31 Nov 8,550 0 0 8,550 11,342 0 0 11,342 19,892 21,047 35 Dec. 9,269 0 0 9,269 11,552 0 0 11,552 20,821 22,031 35 2009 Jan 6,838 0 0 6,838 11,257 0 0 11,257 20,094 21,261 34 Feb 8,291 0 0 8,291 14,173 0 0 11,173 19,464 20,595, 37 Mar 7,216 0 0 7,216 10,150 0 0 10,150 17,366 18,375 30 Apr 7,724 0 0 7,724 11,084 0 0 11,084 18,808 19,901 33 May 10,564 0 0 10,564 14,708 0 0 14,708 25,273 26,741 43 Jun 12,670 0 0 12,670 18,488 0 0 18,488 31,159 32,969 55 Jul 10,635 0 o 10,635 20,918 0 0 20,918 31,552 33,385 54 Aug 11,813 0 0 11,813 23,799 0 0 23,799 35,611 37,680 61 Sep 9,713 0 0 9,713 18,565 0 0 18,565 28,278 29,920 50 Oct 7,115 0 0 7115 11,367 0 0 11,367 18,483 19,556 31 Nov 8,614 0 0 8,614 11,342 0 0 11,342 19,956 21,115 35 Dec 9,339 0 0 9,339 11,552 0 0 11,552 20,891 22,104 36 2010 Jan 8,904 0 0 8,904 11,257 0 0 11,257 20,161 21,332 34 Feb 8,353 0 0 8,353 11,173 0 0 14,173 19,526 20,660 37 Mar 7,270 0 0 7,270 10,150 0 0 10,150 17,420 18,432 30 Apr 7,782 0 0 7,782 11,084 0 0 11,084 18,866 19,962 33 May 10,644 0 0 10,644 14,708 0 0 14,708 25,352 26,825 43 Jun 12,765 0 0 12,765 18,488 0 0 18,488 31,254 33,069 55 Jul 10,714 0 0 10,714 20,918 0 0 20,918 31,632 33,469 54 ‘Aug 11,901 0 0 11,901 23,799 0 0 23,799 35,700 37,774 61 Sep 9,786 0 0 9,786 18,565 0 0 18,565 28,351 29,998 50 Oct 7,169 0 0 7,169 11,367 0 0 11,367 18,536 19,613 32 Nov 8,678 0 0 8,678 11,342 0 0 11,342 20,021 21,183, 35 Dec 9,409 o 0 9,409 11,552 0 0 11,552 20,961 22,178 36 Monthly Forecast - 1/7 Hatch Energy Whale Pass - Reference Forecast AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions idential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2011 Jan 8,971 0 0 8,971 11,257, 0 0 11,257 20,227 21,402 34 Feb 8,416 0 0 8,416 11,173 0 0 11,173 19,589 20,727 37 Mar 7,324 0 0 7,324 10,150. 0 0 10,150 17,475 18,490 30 Apr 7,841 0 0 7,841 11,084 0 0 11,084 18,925 20,024 33 May 10,723 0 0 10,723 14,708 0 0 14,708 25,432 26,909 43 Jun 12,861 0 0 12,861 18,488 0 oO 18,488 31,349 33,170 55 Jul 10,795, 0 0 10,795 20,918 0 0 20,918 31,712 33,554 54 Aug 11,990 0 0 11,990 23,799 0 0 23,799 35,789 37,868 61 Sep 9,859 0 0 9,859 18,565, 0 0 18,565, 28,424 30,075 50 Oct 7,223 0 0 7,223 11,367, 0 0 11,367 18,590 19,669 32 Nov 8,743 0 0 8,743 11,342 0 0 11,342 20,086 21,252 35 Dec 9,479 oO 0 9,479 11,552 0 o 11,552 21,031 22,253 36 2012 Jan 9,038 0 0 9,038 11,257, 0 0 11,257 20,295, 21,473 35 Feb 8,479 0 0 8,479 11,173, 0 0 11,173 19,652 20,794 37 Mar 7,379 0 0 7,379 10,150. 0 0 10,150 17,530 18,548 30 Apr 7,900 0 0 7,900 11,084 0 0 11,084 18,983 20,086 33 May 10,804 0 0 10,804 14,708. 0 0 14,708 25,512 26,994 43 Jun 12,958 0 0 12,958 18,488 0 0 18,488 31,446 33,272 55 Jul 10,876 0 0 10,876 20,918 0 0 20,918 31,793 33,640 54 Aug 12,080 0 0 12,080 23,799 0 0 23,799 35,879 37,963 61 Sep 9,933 0 0 9,933 18,565, 0 0 18,565 28,498 30,153 50 Oct 7,277 0 0 7,277 11,367 0 0 11,367 18,644 19,727 32 Nov 8,809 0 0 8,809 11,342 0 0 11,342 20,151 21,322 35 Dec 9,550 oO 0 9,550 11,552 oO 0 11,552 21,103 22,328 36 2013 Jan 9,106 0 0 9,106 11,257 0 0 11,257 20,362 21,545 35 Feb 8,542 0 0 8,542 11,173 0 0 11,173 19,716 20,861 37 Mar 7,435 0 0 7,435 10,150 0 0 10,150 17,585 18,606 30 Apr 7,959 0 0 7,959 11,084, 0 0 11,084 19,043 20,149 34 May 10,885 0 0 10,885 14,708 0 0 14,708 25,593 27,080 44 Jun 13,055, 0 0 13,055 18,488. 0 0 18,488 31,543 33,375 56 Jul 10,957 0 0 10,957 20,918 0 0 20,918 31,875 33,726 54 Aug 12,171 0 0 12,171 23,799 0 0 23,799 35,970 38,059 61 Sep 10,008 0 0 10,008 18,565, oO 0 18,565, 28,573 30,232 50 Oct 7,331 0 0 7,331 11,367 0 0 11,367 18,698 19,785 32 Nov 8,875 0 0 8,875 11,342 0 0 11,342 20,217 21,392 36 Dec 9,622 0 0 9,622 11,552 oO oO 11,552 21,174 22,404 36 2014 Jan 9,174 0 0 9,174 11,257 0 0 11,257 20,431 21,617 35 Feb 8,607 0 0 8,607 11,173 0 0 11,173 19,780 20,929 37 Mar 7,490 0 0 7,490 10,150 0 oO 10,150 17,641 18,665 30 Apr 8,018 0 0 8,018 11,084 0 0 11,084 19,102 20,212 34 May 10,966 0 0 10,966 14,708 0 0 14,708 25,675 27,166 44 Jun 13,153, 0 0 13,153, 18,488. 0 0 18,488, 31,641 33,479 56 Jul 11,039 0 0 11,039 20,918 0 0 20,918 31,957 33,813 54 Aug 12,262 0 0 12,262 23,799 0 0 23,799 36,061 38,156 61 Sep 10,083 0 0 10,083, 18,565, 0 0 18,565, 28,648 30,312 50 Oct 7,386 0 0 7,386 11,367, 0 0 11,367 18,753. 19,843 32 Nov 8,942 0 0 8,942 11,342 0 0 11,342 20,284 21,462 3 Dec 9,694 oO 0 9,694 11,552 0 oO 11,552 21,246 22,480 36 Monthly Forecast - 2/7 Hatch Energy Whale Pass - Reference Forecast AK-BC Intertie Fi Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Total Residential Full Partial Total Spot Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2015 Jan 9,243 0 0 9,243 11,257 0 0 11,257 20,499 27,690 35 Feb 8,671 0 0 8,671 11,173 0 0 11,173 19,844 20,997 37 Mar 7,546 0 0 7,546 10,150 0 0 10,150 17,697 18,725 30 Apr 8,079 0 0 8,079 11,084 0 0 11,084 19,162 20,275 34 May 11,049 0 0 11,049 14,708 0 0 14,708 25,757 27,253 44 Jun 13,251 0 0 13,251 18,488 0 0 18,488 31,740 33,583 56 Jul 11,122 0 0 11,122 20,918 0 0 20,918 32,040 33,901 55 Aug 12,354 0 0 12,354 23,799 0 0 23,799 36,153 38,253 62 Sep 10,158 0 0 10,158 18,565, 0 ° 18,565 28,723 30,392 51 Oct 7,442 0 0 7,442 11,367 0 0 11,367 18,809 19,901 32 Nov 9,009 0 0 9,009 11,342 0 0 11,342 20,351 21,533 36 Dec 9,767 0 0 9,767 11,552 0 0 11,552 21,319 22,557 36 2016 Jan 9,312 0 0 9,312 11,257 0 0 11,257 20,569 21,764 35 Feb 8,736 0 0 8,736 14,173 0 0 14,173 19,909 21,066 38 Mar 7,603 0 0 7,603 10,150 0 0 10,150 17,754 18,785, 30 Apr 8,139 0 0 8,139 11,084 0 0 11,084 19,223 20,340 34 May 11,132 0 0 14,132 14,708 0 0 14,708 25,840 27,341 44 Jun 13,351 0 0 13,351 18,488 0 0 18,488 31,839 33,688 56 Jul 11,206 0 0 11,206 20,918 0 0 20,918 32,123 33,989 55 ‘Aug 12,447 0 0 12,447 23,799 0 0 23,799 36,246 38,351 62 Sep 10,235 0 0 10,235 18,565 0 0 18,565 28,799 30,472 51 Oct 7,498 0 0 7,498 11,367 0 0 11,367 18,865, 19,960 32 Nov 9,076 0 0 9,076 11,342 0 0 11,342 20,418 21,605 36 Dec 9,840 0 o 9,840 11,552 0 0 11,552 21,392 22,635 36 2017 Jan 9,382 0 0 9,382 11,257 0 0 11,257 20,639 21,837 35 Feb 8,802 0 0 8,802 11,173 0 0 11,173 19,975, 21,135 38 Mar 7,660 0 0 7,660 10,150 0 0 10,150 17,811 18,845 30 Apr 8,200 0 0 8,200 11,084 0 0 11,084 19,284 20,404 34 May 11,215 0 0 11,215 14,708 0 0 14,708 25,923 27,429 44 Jun 13,451 0 0 13,451 18,488 0 0 18,488 31,939 33,794 56 Jul 11,290 0 ° 11,290 20,918 0 0 20,918 32,207 34,078 55 ‘Aug 12,540 0 0 12,540 23,799 0 0 23,799 36,339, 38,450 62 Sep 10,311 0 0 10,311 18,565 0 0 18,565 28,876 30,553 51 Oct 7,554 0 0 7,554 11,367 0 0 11,367 18,921 20,020 32 Nov 9,144 0 0 9,144 11,342 0 0 11,342 20,487 21,677 36 Dec 9,914 0 o 9,914 11,552 0 0 11,552 21,466 22,713 37 2018 Jan 9,452 0 0 9,452 11,257 0 0 11,257 20,709 21,912 35 Feb 8,868 0 0 8,868 14,173 0 0 11,173 20,041 21,205 38 Mar 7,718 0 0 7,718 10,150 0 0 10,150 17,868 18,906 31 Apr 8,262 0 0 8,262 11,084 0 0 11,084 19,346 20,469 34 May 11,299 0 0 11,299 14,708 0 0 14,708 26,008 27,518 44 Jun 13,552 0 0 13,552 18,488 0 0 18,488 32,040 33,901 57 Jul 11,374 0 0 11,374 20,918 0 0 20,918 32,292 34,168 55 Aug 12,634 0 0 12,634 23,799 0 0 23,799 36,433 38,549 62 Sep 10,389 0 0 10,389 18,565 0 0 18,565 28,954 30,635 51 Oct 7,610 0 0 7,610 11,367 0 0 11,367 18,977 20,080 32 Nov 9,213 0 0 9,213 11,342 0 0 11,342 20,555 21,749 36 Dec 9,988 0 0 9,988 11,552 0 0 11,552 21,540 22,792 37 Monthly Forecast - 3/7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Whale Pass - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) ‘Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions Conversions Residential Bai Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2019 Jan 9,523 0 0 9,523 11,257 0 0 11,257 20,780 21,987 35 Feb 8,934 0 0 8,934 11,173 0 0 11,173 20,107 21,275 38 Mar 7,775 0 0 7,775 10,150 0 0 10,150 17,926 18,967 31 Apr 8,324 0 0 8,324 11,084 0 0 11,084 19,407 20,535 34 May 11,384 0 0 11,384 14,708 0 0 14,708 26,092 27,608 45 Jun 13,653 0 0 13,653 18,488 0 0 18,488 32,142 34,009 57 Jul 11,460 0 0 11,460 20,918 0 0 20,918 32,377 34,258 55 ‘Aug 12,729 0 0 12,729 23,799 0 0 23,799 36,528 38,649 62 Sep 10,467 0 0 10,467 18,565 0 0 18,565 29,031 30,718 51 Oct 7,667 0 0 7,667 11,367 0 0 11,367 19,035 20,140 33 Nov 9,282 0 0 9,282 11,342 0 0 11,342 20,624 21,822 36 Dec 10,063 o 0 10,063, 11,552 0 0 11,552 21,615 22,871 37 2020 Jan 9,595 0 2,062 11,657 11,257 0 0 11,257 22,913 24,244 a Feb 9,001 0 1,692 10,693 11,173 0 0 14,173 21,866 23,136 43 Mar 7,834 0 1,660 9,494 10,150 0 0 10,150 19,645 20,786 35 Apr 8,386 0 1,310 9,696 11,084 0 0 11,084 20,780 21,986 38 May 11,469 0 1,002 12,471 14,708 0 0 14,708 27,179 28,758 48 Jun 13,756 0 657 14,413 18,488 0 0 18,488 32,901 34,812 60 Jul 11,546 0 485 12,031 20,918 0 0 20,918 32,949 34,862 58 ‘Aug 12,824 0 511 13,335 23,799 0 0 23,799 37,134 39,291 66 Sep 10,545 0 789 11,334 18,565 0 0 18,565 29,899 31,636 55 Oct 7,725 0 1,249 8,974 11,367 0 0 11,367 20,341 21,523 36 Nov 9,352 0 1,647 10,998 11,342 ° 0 11,342 22,341 23,638 41 Dec 10,139 0 1,937 12,076 11,552 0 0 11,552 23,628 25,000 42 2021 Jan 9,667 0 3,436 13,103 11,257 0 0 11,257 24,360 25,775 44 Feb 9,069 0 2,819 11,888 11,173 0 0 11,173 23,061 24,401 46 Mar 7,892 0 2,767 10,660 10,150 0 0 10,150 20,810 22,019 38 Apr 8,449 0 2,183 10,632 11,084 0 0 11,084 21,715 22,977 41 May 11,555 0 1,669 13,225 14,708 0 0 14,708 27,933 29,556 51 Jun 13,859 ° 1,095 14,954 18,488 0 0 18,488 33,442 35,384 63 Jul 11,632 0 809 12,441 20,918 0 0 20,918 33,359 35,296 60 ‘Aug 12,921 0 851 13,772 23,799 0 0 23,799 37,570 39,753 68 Sep 10,624 0 1,315 11,940 18,565, ° 0 18,565, 30,505 32,276 87 Oct 7,783 0 2,082 9,865 11,367 0 0 11,367 21,232 22,465 38 Nov 9,422 0 2,745 12,166 11,342 0 0 11,342 23,509 24,874 44 Dec 10,215 0 3,229 13,443 11,552 0 oO 11,552 24,995 26,447 45 2022 Jan 9,739 0 4,811 14,550 11,257 0 0 11,257 25,807 27,306 48 Feb 9,137 0 3,947 13,084 11,173 0 0 11,173 24,257 25,666 50 Mar 7,952 0 3,874 11,826 10,150 0 0 10,150 21,976 23,253 at Apr 8,512 0 3,056 11,568 11,084 0 0 11,084 22,652 23,968 43 May 11,642 0 2,337 13,979 14,708 0 0 14,708 28,688 30,354 53 Jun 13,963 0 1,532 15,495 18,488 0 0 18,488 33,984 35,958 65 Jul 11,719 0 1,132 12,852 20,918 0 0 20,918 33,769 35,731 63 ‘Aug 13,018 0 1,191 14,209 23,799 0 0 23,799 38,008 40,215 70 Sep 10,704 0 1,842 12,546 18,565, 0 0 18,565 31,110 32,917 59 Oct 7,841 0 2,915 10,756 11,367 0 0 11,367 22,123 23,408 a1 Nov 9,493 0 3,842 13,335 11,342 0 0 11,342 24,677 26,110 47 Dec. 10,291 0 4,520 14,811 11,552 0 0 11,552 26,363 27,895 49 Monthly Forecast - 4/7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Whale Pass - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Conversions Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2023 Jan 0 6,186 15,998 11,257 0 0 11,257 27,254 28,837 52 Feb 0 5,075 14,280 11,173 0 0 11,173 25,453 26,932 53 Mar 0 4,981 12,992 10,150 0 0 10,150 23,143 24,487 44 Apr 0 3,929 12,505 11,084 0 0 11,084 23,589 24,959 46 May 0 3,005 14,734 14,708 0 0 14,708 29,443 31,153 56 Jun 0 1,970 16,038 18,488 0 0 18,488 34,526 36,532 67 Jul 0 1,456 13,263 20,918 0 0 20,918 34,181 36,166 65 ‘Aug 0 1,532 14,647 23,799 0 0 23,799 38,446 40,679 73 Sep 0 2,368 13,152 18,565 0 0 18,565, 31,717 33,559 62 Oct 0 3,748 11,648 11,367 0 0 11,367 23,015 24,352 43 Nov 0 4,940 14,504 11,342 0 0 11,342 25,846 27,347 50 Dec f 0 5,811 16,180 11,552 0 0 11,552 27,732 29,343 52 2024 Jan 9,886 0 7,560 17,446 11,257 0 0 11,257 28,702 30,370 55 Feb 9,274 0 6,202 15,477 11,173 0 0 14,173 26,650 28,198 57 Mar 8,071 0 6,088 14,159 10,150 0 0 10,150 24,310 25,722 47 Apr 8,641 0 4,802 13,442 11,084 0 0 11,084 24,526 25,951 49 May 11,817 0 3,673 15,490 14,708 0 0 14,708 30,199 31,953 58 Jun 14,173 0 2,408 16,581 18,488 0 0 18,488 35,070 37,107 70 Jul 11,896 0 1,779 13,675 20,918 0 0 20,918 34,593 36,602 67 Aug 13,214 0 1,872 15,086 23,799 0 0 23,799 38,884 41,143 75 Sep 10,865, 0 2,894 13,759 18,565, 0 0 18,565 32,324 34,201 64 Oct 7,959 0 4,580 12,540 11,367 0 0 11,367 23,907 25,295 46 Nov 9,635 0 6,038 15,673 11,342 0 0 11,342 27,016 28,585 54 Dec 10,446 0 7,103 17,549 11,552 0 0 11,552 29,101 30,792 56 2025 Jan 9,960 0 8,935 18,895 11,257 0 0 11,257 30,151 31,903 59 Feb 9,344 0 7,330 16,674 11,173 0 0 11,173 27,847 29,465 61 Mar 8,132 0 7,195 15,327 10,150 0 0 10,150 25,477 26,957 50 Apr 8,705 0 5,675 14,380 11,084 0 0 11,084 25,464 26,943 52 May 11,906 0 4,341 16,247 14,708 0 0 14,708 30,955 32,753 61 Jun 14,279 0 2,846 17,125 18,488 0 0 18,488 35,614 37,682 72 Jul 11,985 0 2,103 14,088 20,918 0 ° 20,918 35,006 37,039 69 ‘Aug 13,313, 0 2,213 15,525 23,799 0 0 23,799 39,324 41,608 7 Sep 10,947 0 3,420 14,367 18,565, ° 0 18,565 32,932 34,844 67 Oct 8,019 0 5,413 13,432 11,367 0 0 11,367 24,799 26,240 49 Nov 9,708 0 7,136 16,844 11,342 0 ° 11,342 28,186 29,823 87 Dec 10,524 0 8,394 18,919 11,552 0 o 11,552 30,471 32,241 60 2026 Jan 10,035 0 10,309 20,344 17,257 0 0 11,257 31,600 33,436 63 Feb 9,414 0 8,458 17,872 11,173 0 0 11,173 29,045 30,732 64 Mar 8,193 0 8,302 16,495 10,150 0 0 10,150 26,645 28,193 53 Apr 8,771 0 6,548 15,319 11,084 0 0 11,084 26,402 27,936 55 May 11,995 0 5,008 17,004 14,708 0 0 14,708 31,712 33,554 63 Jun 14,387 0 3,284 17,670 18,488 0 0 18,488 36,159 38,259 75 Jul 12,075 0 2,426 14,501 20,918 0 0 20,918 35,419 37,476 7 ‘Aug 13,413 0 2,553 15,965 23,799 0 0 23,799 39,764 42,074 80 Sep 11,029 0 3,946 14,975 18,565 0 0 18,565 33,540 35,488 69 Oct 8,079 0 6,246 14,325 11,367 0 0 11,367 25,692 27,185 51 Nov 9,780 0 8,234 18,014 11,342 0 0 11,342 29,356 31,062 61 Dec 10,603 0 9,686 20,289 11,552 0 0 11,552 31,841 33,691 64 Monthly Forecast - 5/7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Whale Pass - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Residential Full Partial Total Residential Spot Heat Non- Total Net Peak Year — Month Base Conversions —_ Conversions Residential Base Loads Conversions Residential Sal Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kw) 2027 Jan 10,110 0 17,684 21,794 11,257 0 0 11,257 33,050 34,970 67 Feb 9,484 0 9,586 19,070 14,173 0 0 11,173 30,243 32,000 68 Mar 8,254 0 9,409 17,663 10,150 0 0 10,150 27,814 29,429 87 Apr 8,836 0 7,421 16,258 11,084 0 0 11,084 27,341 28,929 58 May 12,085 0 5,676 17,761 14,708 0 0 14,708 32,470 34,356 66 Jun 14,494 0 3,722 18,216 18,488 0 0 18,488 36,704 38,836 7 Jul 12,166 0 2,750 14,915 20,918 0 0 20,918 35,833 37,914 73 Aug 13,513 0 2,893 16,406 23,799 0 0 23,799 40,205 42,541 82 Sep 14,111 0 4,473 15,584 18,565, 0 0 18,565 34,149 36,132 72 Oct 8,140 0 7,079 15,219 11,367 0 0 11,367 26,586 28,130 54 Nov 9,854 0 9,332 19,185 11,342 0 0 11,342 30,528 32,301 64 Dec 10,683 o 10,97 21,660 11,552 0 0 11,552 33,212 35,141 68 2028 Jan 10,186 0 13,058 23,244 11,257 0 0 11,257 34,501 36,505 71 Feb 9,556 0 10,713 20,269 14,173 0 0 14,173 31,442 33,268 72 Mar 8,316 0 10,516 18,832 10,150 0 0 10,150 28,983 30,666 60 Apr 8,903 0 8,294 17,197 11,084 0 0 11,084 28,281 29,923 61 May 12,176 0 6,344 18,520 14,708 0 0 14,708 33,228 35,158 69 Jun 14,603 0 4,159 18,763 18,488 0 0 18,488 37,251 39,415 80 Jul 12,257 0 3,073 15,330 20,918 0 0 20,918 36,248 38,353 75 ‘Aug 13,614 0 3,234 16,848 23,799 0 0 23,799 40,647 43,008 84 Sep 11,195 0 4,999 16,193 18,565 0 0 18,565 34,758 36,777 74 Oct 8,201 0 7,912 16,112 11,367 0 0 11,367 27,479 29,076 57 Nov 9,928 0 10,429 20,357 11,342 0 0 11,342 31,699 33,541 68 Dec 10,763 o 12,268 23,031 11,552 0 0 11,552 34,584 36,593 72 2029 Jan 10,262 0 14,433 24,695 11,257 0 0 11,257 35,952 38,040 76 Feb 9,627 0 11,841 21,468 11,173 0 0 11,173 32,641 34,537 76 Mar 8,379 0 11,623 20,001 10,150 0 0 10,150 30,152 31,903 63 Apr 8,969 0 9,167 18,137 11,084 0 0 11,084 29,220 30,918 64 May 12,267 0 7,012 19,279 14,708 0 0 14,708 33,987 35,961 72 Jun 14,713 0 4,597 19,310 18,488 0 0 18,488 37,798 39,994 82 Jul 12,349 0 3,397 15,745 20,918 0 0 20,918 36,663 38,793 7 Aug 13,717 0 3,574 17,291 23,799 0 0 23,799 41,089 43,476 87 Sep 11,279 0 5,525 16,804 18,565 0 0 18,565 35,368 37,423 7 Oct 8,262 0 8,744 17,007 11,367 0 0 11,367 28,374 30,022 60 Nov 10,002 0 11,527 21,529 11,342 0 0 11,342 32,872 34,781 72 Dec 10,844 0 13,560 24,404 11,552 0 o 11,552 35,956 38,044 76 2030 Jan 10,339 0 15,807 26,147 11,257 0 0 11,257 37,403 39,576 80 Feb 9,699 0 12,969 22,668 11,173 0 0 11,173 33,841 35,807 80 Mar 8,442 0 12,730 21,171 10,150 0 0 10,150 31,322 33,141 67 Apr 9,037 0 10,040 19,077 11,084 0 0 11,084 30,161 31,913 67 May 12,359 0 7,680 20,039 14,708 0 0 14,708 34,747 36,765 74 Jun 14,823 0 5,035 19,858 18,488 0 0 18,488 38,346 40,574 85 Jul 12,441 0 3,720 16,162 20,918 0 0 20,918 37,079 39,233 79 Aug 13,819 0 3,915 17,734 23,799 0 0 23,799 41,533 43,945 89 Sep 11,363 0 6,051 17,414 18,565 0 0 18,565 35,979 38,069 80 Oct 8,324 0 9,577 17,901 11,367 0 0 11,367 29,269 30,969 63 Nov 10,077 0 12,625 22,702 11,342 0 0 11,342 34,044 36,022 75 Dec 10,925 0 14,851 25,776 11,552 0 0 11,552 37,329 39,497 80 Monthly Forecast - 6/7 Hatch Energy AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study Whale Pass - Reference Forecast Monthly Forecast Values Residential Sales (kWh) Non-Residential Sales (kWh) Total Sales and Net Generation Non- Electric Total Full Partial jential Spot He: Non- Total Net Peak Year Month Conversions —_ Conversions Ba: Loads Conversions Residential Sales Generation Demand (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kWh) (kW) 2031 Jan 0 16,495 26,911 11,257 0 0 11,257 38,168 40,385 82 Feb 0 13,533 23,305 11,173 0 0 114,173 34,478 36,481 82 Mar 0 13,283 21,788 10,150 0 0 10,150 31,938 33,793 69 Apr 0 10,477 19,581 11,084 0 0 11,084 30,665 32,446 68 May 0 8,014 20,465 14,708 0 0 14,708 35,174 37,217 76 Jun 0 5,254 20,188 18,488 0 0 18,488 38,676 40,923 86 Jul 0 3,882 16,417 20,918 0 0 20,918 37,334 39,503 80 Aug 0 4,085 18,008 23,799 0 0 23,799 41,807 44,235 90 Sep 0 6,314 17,763 18,565 0 0 18,565 36,327 38,438 81 Oct 0 9,994 18,380 11,367 0 0 11,367 29,747 31,475 64 Nov 0 13,174 23,327 11,342 0 0 11,342 34,669 36,683 7 Dec 0 15,497 26,504 11,552 0 0 11,552 38,056 40,267 82 Monthly Forecast - 7/7 BATU ACRES Alaska Energy Authority - AK-BC Intertie Feasibility Study SE Alaska Final Report Appendix | SEC Mid-Winter Meeting Presentation Hatch Acres Corporation PR324582 AK-BC Alaska Final Report-App 18-09-07.doc * * + Southeast ccd = - Conference * Alaska - British Columbia Intertie Feasibility Study March 28, 2007 Juneau, Alaska Centennial Hall Ballroom 3 HATCH ACHES Introductions (in order of initial appearance) Jim Strandberg Alaska Energy Authority Nan Nalder Hatch Acres Randy Hardy Hardy Energy Consulting Del La Rue Dryden & La Rue Consultants Bob Griesbach Hatch Acres Dick Griffith Hatch Acres HATH ARES Overview Nan Nalder — Hatch Acres ¢ AK — BC Intertie Feasibility Study —Purpose and scope of the study —Issues shaping the study ¢ Outline for Today’s Presentation HATCH AGHES AK - BC Intertie < Feasibility Study Area AK-BC INTERTIE FEASIBILITY STUDY: Purpose & Scope Conduct investigations and prepare a report for use by decision-makers in reviewing and evaluating proposals for funding and related state action on proposed transmission segments and related issues. HATCH ACRES el AK-BC INTERTIE FEASIBILITY STUDY: Purpose & Scope e Swan Tyee Intertie ¢ AK-BC Intertie e Future Generation Projects e Future Management - Business Structure e Market for Sale of Alaskan-generated Power e Future Least-Cost Plans — SE Alaska at Export to BC e Potential Development Scenarios HATCH AEHES Issues Shaping the Study “lf the State of Alaska provides funds to construct new transmission segments, will the private sector invest in new generation, including associated infrastructure to connect with the transmission grid; and Will the new generation projects use of the state- funded transmission, including the proposed AK-BC Intertie, result in revenues sufficient to cover O&M costs to maintain the transmission system over the long term?” AAT | Conclusions — Swan-Tyee Intertie e The Swan-Tyee Intertie (STI) is technically feasible and fully permitted. e The STI provides a significant opportunity to support commercial & residential conversions to electric heating with clean, renewable hydro power. e The STI as currently proposed demonstrates strong economic value to the rate payers of Southern Southeast Alaska. HATCH ACRES Conclusions — AK-BC Intertie ¢ The AK-BC Intertie would provide a further opportunity to secure the energy future for Southeast Alaska. e The technical feasibility and market potential of the proposed future hydro facilities et related transmission features look promising but cannot be definitively determined at this time. e The permitting of the proposed hydro facilities and transmission features face significant, but not necessarily insurmountable, environmental & institutional challenges. HATCH AGRES Today’s Presentation Future Management - Business Structures Markets Outside SE Alaska & Market Opportunities Regulatory Issues Transmission Line Costs & Issues Load Forecasts Power Generation Costs & Issues Potential Development Scenarios — With/Without Export Summary HATCH ACHES Business Structure Nan Nalder — Hatch Acres HATCH ACHES Potential Future Business Structures e Transmission Cooperative (TC) e Unified System Operator ¢ Power Marketing Oversight HAT ACHES Recommendations for Further Analysis e Decision-making by AEA and potential future members of the 3 Functional Business Structure Elements — Transmission Cooperative — Unified System Operator — Power Marketing Oversight e Clarify regulatory regime for export sales — Address issue of whether interstate commerce results from operation of the AK-BC Intertie — Prepare and file request for Declaratory Order with the FERC — Requires legal counsel e Develop and propose tariff for use of the AK- BC Intertie and related line segments HATCH ASLES Power Market Considerations Randy Hardy — Hardy Energy Consulting HATCH ACHES Principal Markets for SE Alaska Hydro e BC Hydro or Powerex (the wholesale marketing arm of BC Hydro) e PNW investor owned and/or publicly owned utilities. e All these entities will need power to meet their load growth in the post — 2011 timeframe HATCH AGES Transmission Interconnections — Export of SE Alaska Hydro e AK-BC Intertie System e BCTC Backbone Extension HATCH ACHES Market Opportunities e SE Alaska hydro projects need to produce electricity for a price of $60/megawatt hour (MWh) or less to be economically viable for export. ¢ If project prices exceed $60/MWh they may be economic to export, but competitiveness will depend on greenhouse gas restrictions increasing future BC/PNW market prices. HATCH AES Market Oversight e If the State can be assured that the projects are constructed so they will produce power for 50 years (the term of their FERC license), it may be possible to evaluate their economics over that longer timeframe, substantially increasing their marketability. e Long term project operation would probably require more direct involvement by the State. HATCH ACHES | Recommendation for Further Analysis e Monitor implementation of BC Energy Plan Policies to identify potential for Alaskan sales to BC ¢ Monitor and advise AEA of emerging market opportunities in BC at PNW HATCH ACRES Regulatory Requirements Nan Nalder — Hatch Acres HATCH ACHES 10 Regulatory Requirements ¢ BC interconnection and export — United States ¢ BC interconnection and export — British Columbia e Transmission siting — SE Alaska e FERC licensing — new hydro projects HATCH ACRES Recommendation for Further Analysis ¢ Consult with RCA et FERC regarding regulatory structure for AK-BC intertie and determination whether interstate would commerce apply. ¢ Monitor progress of RCA rulemaking to adapt State Small Hydro Licensing Program (5 MW or less). HATCH ACHES 11 Transmission Line Costs and Issues Del La Rue — Dryden & La Rue, Inc. ¢ Swan — Tyee Intertie (STI) e AK - BC Intertie Ye? Dryclon ¢ LaRue, F ka ryden t LaRue, Fn Overview of Transmission Lines Reviewed in this Study Swan-Tyee Intertie AK-BC Intertie Other Segments - Export Lines — Thomas Bay to Petersburg — Upgrade FDPPA Petersburg to Tyee Lake ~ AK/BC Border to BCTC System Other Segments — SE Alaska System — Petersburg — Kake — Metlakatla —- Ketchikan ~ te Sayden : Sakue, Ine 12 Swan-Tyee Intertie — Present Status Construction permits Clearing — approx. 2 miles + helipads % of micropile foundations installed All foundation material on site Pile caps on site Tower design essentially complete v kha Yoyo! Jakue, In 73 Sik TC wean AK-BC Intertie 26 miles 138kV Overhead Wood H-Structures Riverbed routing 2,350’ Elevation Pass 13 Other Segments - Export Lines ¢ Thomas Bay to Petersburg — No feasibility studies — Approx. 22 Miles (13 OH & 9 submarine in 3 crossings) — Expect extreme side-slopes — Frederick Sound ¢ Upgrade FDPPA Petersburg to Tyee Lake — No feasibility studies — System analysis — Compensation v hha Zoyder ts Sakue, Ine Other Segments - Export Lines ¢ AK/BC Border to BCTC System — No feasibility study — Assumed similar construction as AK-BC — Approx. 30 miles to Forrest Kerr Diyden : Lakue, In 14 Other Segments — SE Alaska System ¢ Petersburg — Kake — Definitive Report — 2005 D Hittle (Center-South) ~ Existing and New road — 69kV — 52 miles (50 OH, 2 mile submarine in 2 crossings) ¢ Metlakatla — Ketchikan No feasibility study Existing new road 34.5kV 15 miles (14 OH, 1 submarine) ids Siyden? Sakue, Fn Transmission Line Costs Transmission Segments with Estimated Costs Estimated Capital Segment Cost Estimated O&M Cost 1 AK-BC Intertie Alaska’ $31,950,000 $360,000 2 Swan-Tyee Intertie! $57,000,000 $500,000 Transmission Segments with Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) Costs - Basis in Studies/Reports ROM Capital Segment Costs ROM O&M Cost 3 Petersburg to Kake” $31,350,000 $210,000 v7 tha Zoydon ¢ LaRue, Fr 15 Transmission Line Costs (continued) Transmission Segments with Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) Costs - Limited or No Studies/Reports ROM Capital Segment Costs ROM O&M Cost 4 AK-BC Intertie British Columbia! $36,000,000 $450,000 5 Thomas Bay to Petersburg $66,000,000 $810,000 6 Metlakatla to Ketchikan $14,900,000 $125,000 7 Coffman Cove to Wrangell (HVDC) —_$170,000,000 $1,300,000 8 Kake to Takatz (HVDC) $160,000,000 $1,200,000 ' Capital costs for this project include indirect costs such as permitting, engineering, etc. 2 Capital costs for this project include indirect costs such as permitting, engineering, etc. Capital and O&M costs are based upon using road access entire length of the line. 3 Costs for all submarine cables are based upon 30 year service life and no cable replacement. Ni hha Zoydon * Vahu0, Ind Load Forecasts Bob Griesbach — Hatch Acres HATH ABIES 16 Load Forecast Considerations ¢ Historic sales, customers and generation data. ¢ Historic population figures. e Growth in number of residential customers. ¢ Growth in consumption per residential customer. ¢ Growth in number of non-residential customers. e¢ Growth in consumption per non-residential customer. HATGH ACRES Load Forecast Considerations ¢ Spot load information. ¢ Commercial heat conversions. e Residential heat conversions. e Losses to determine net generation. e Load factor to determine peak demand. ¢ Monthly load forecast. HATCH ACHES Load Forecast Factors e Currently approximately 3 % of the electricity is supplied from diesel (2006). [2002 was 8.9%] ¢ No economic measure (eg GDP) for the communities in SE Alaska. e Historic population growth in region is very low. [Avg. 0.77% from 1970 to 2005] ¢ Population forecasts are at State level. ¢ Annual electricity forecasts based on assumed growth rates plus spot loads and conversion to electric heating. HATCH ASHES | Load Growth Factors ¢ Spot Loads: — Ship and Dry Dock Facility in Ketchikan — Kiln in Wrangell ¢ Commercial Heat Conversions — State & City Buildings in Ketchikan — Municipal Buildings in Petersburg — Municipal Buildings in Wrangell e Residential Heat Conversions HATCH ACHES 18 Load Forecast Assumptions ¢ Total sales converted to net generation using an estimated loss rate of 5.5 percent. ¢ Loss rate calculated from observed data at Ketchikan, Petersburg, Wrangell and Metlakatla. e Net generation converted to peak demand using a load factor of 57.2 percent. e Load factor calculated from observed values at Petersburg. HATER ACHES Load Forecast Assumptions (continued) ¢ Generation planning requires monthly forecast for each community. e Annual Forecast of existing loads converted to monthly based on: — Existing residential load used observed residential seasonal sales pattern. — Existing non-residential load and spot loads used observed non-residential seasonal sales pattern. HATCH ACHES 19 Seasonal HDD Pattern 1200 wo 1000 ee > \ Petersburg (8,176dd) Jaa 2 300. So Wrangell (7,706dd) 2 Ketchikan (7,207dd) 4 2 ty Q 600 i) & tS 400 ev p= 200 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec HATCH ACHES Reference, Low & High Load Cases: Sensitivity Basis e Residential and non-residential customer growth rates. e Residential and non-residential consumption per customer growth rates. e Pace of new residential conversions. e Pace of new commercial conversions. e Spot loads unchanged between sensitivity cases. HATH ADRES 20 Load Forecast Results -_-_ = = Oo ~ 23 = o £ 2 = > ® a a =z 2005 2015 2020 2025 2030 HATCH AGHES Average Annual Growth Rates: Reference Case 2005 - 2031 Ketchikan ________ iene ee 1.9% Petersburg. _- Eanes are 1.4% e Wrangell === pees 2.1% Kake eee $25. 158% Metlakatla. : ROO a 1.5% e Craig/Klawock/Thorne Bay/Hollis === == 1.4% e Hydaburg -__- See oe 1.8% Coffman Cove ___ ee pas 2.4% Naukati Bay. Ses Sees _..0.9% @) Whale Pass 19 HATDH ABIES 21 Generation Resources [1] tanoney Lake - 9.6 new (2010) [2] Scenery Lake - 30 Mew (2015) Dota Creek (Ruth Lake) - 20 NW (2015) [E) Cascade Lake (Swan Late) - 45 MW (2015) (5) wintman Lake - 4.6 mv (2010) [B) Conmes Lake - 1.7 Mw (2016) (B) Cortanna Lake - 0.6 Mw (2016) [8] Trangia (Hassler ake - 3 MW (2016) (5) Toratz Lane - 20 Mw (2016) [2] Virginia Lake - 12 mw (2006) (5) Thoms Lake - 7:5 naw (2018) (BD) suneise Lake - 4 mew (2016) (3 Ants & Kerk Lakes -8.6 Mw (2016) (5) Tyee Lake -24.0 Mew (ner) [5] Reynotas Creek - 5 MWY (2012) Dick Griffith — Hatch Acres Naukat@” Klawock| Craig HATCH AE @ L000 Center — Ensing Tronemston Le Propane Tantmssion Une Bh Excstng Projects D1 Proposed Projects, B Other Features v 22 Existing Projects — Capacity 8 Energy Potential Installed Average Firm Capacity Energy Energy Project Name Nearest Load Center Licensee (MW) (GWh) (GWh) A South Fork Prince of Wales APT 2.0 6.7 as5 B_ Black Bear Lake Prince of Wales APT 4.5 21.4 19:2 C Swan Lake Ketchikan FDPPA 22.5 72.0 59.0 D_ Tyee Lake Wrangell/Petersburg § FDPPA 22:5, 116.8 67.2 E Silvis Ketchikan KPU 2.1 11.4 9.6 F Ketchikan Lakes Ketchikan KPU 4.2 19.8 15.0 G_ Beaver Falls Ketchikan KPu 6.0 38.4 33.0 H_ Purple Lake Metlakatla MPa&L Se 12.6 10.7 | Chester Lake Metlakatla MP&L 1.0 3.5 Zou J Blind Slough Petersburg PMPa&xL 2.0 10.4 10.0 HATCH AGES Unconstructed Projects — Capacity & Energy Potential Installed Average Firm Capacity Energy Energy Project Name Nearest Load Center Licensee (MW) (GWh) (GWh) Mahoney Lake Ketchikan Saxman 9.6 39.6 34.3 Scenery Lake Export CC, LLC 30.0 128.7 102.8 Delta Creek (Ruth | Export CC, LLC 20.0 70.7 57.6 Cascade Creek (Sw. Export CC, LLC 45.0 202.3 159.1 Whitman Lake Ketchikan KPu 4.6 19.6 17.0 Connell Lake Ketchikan None 12 10.8 9.3 Carlanna Lake Ketchikan None 0.8 4.2 3.6 Triangle (Hassler) L Metlakatla None 3.5 ASA 11.4 Takatz Lake Sitka / Export None 20.0 106.9 97.1 Virginia Lake Wrangell None 12.0 43.8 37.9 Thoms Lake Wrangell None 7.5 24.2 20.9 Sunrise Lake Wrangell None 4.0 13.5 11.7 Anita & Kunk Lake Wrangell None 8.6 28.1 24.3 Tyee - 34.0 MW (i Wrgl/Ptsbg None 11.5 20.3 6.0 Reynolds Creek POW Haida Corp 5.0 6.1 5.5 HATCH ACHES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9: 10 11 12 13 14 15 Unconstructed Projects — Order of Magnitude Costs Order of M: Costs - 2007 Dollars Year of Base Capital Cost —-Varlable Cost Cost of Power ee eee Estimate ($1,000) ($1,000) ($ 7 Mwn) Mahoney Lake 1998 $34,073 $553 $85 Scenery Lake 2006 $84,442 $1,695 $67 Delta Creek (Ruth Lake) 2006 $60,517 $1,135 $86 Cascade Creek (Swan Lake) 2006 $144,959 $2,535 $71 Cascade Creek (Swan Lake) $255,082 $2,255 $i4t Whitman Lake $9,738 $273 sss Connell Lake $7,779 $110 $69 Carlanna Lake $3,735 $60 $87 Triangle (Hassler) Lake $15,613 $211 sii4 Takatz Lake $134,204 $1,566 $117 Takatz Lake $198,438 $1,135 $163 Virginia Lake $127,575 $687 $255 Thoms Lake $136,108 $435 $481 Sunrise Lake $16,252 $239 S117 Anita 8x Kunk Lakes $111,922 $497 $345 Tyee - 34.0 MW (incr.) $10,114 $659 $73 Reynolds Creek $19,166 $295 $307 HATCH ACE Development Scenarios Bob Grieshbach — Hatch Acres HATCH ACHES Economic Analysis Methodology ¢ Southeast Alaska Divided into 3 regions: — Tyee Region: Wrangell, Petersburg & Kake — Swan Region: Ketchikan & Metlakatla — Prince of Wales: Load centers in POW except Whale Pass ¢ Presently regions are isolated from each other and some load centers within a region are not connected to each other. HATCH ACRES Economic Analysis Methodology (continued) e Key objective of analysis is to determine best way to supply Southeast Alaska demand in view of available resources. e First determine least cost plan to supply demand without power exports. ¢ Then determine plan considering possible exports of power. HATCH ACHES 25 Economic Analysis Methodology (continued) e Several tasks undertaken to define study parameters including: — Review of existing studies — Review of existing system — Definition of candidate generation resources — Capacity and energy balances — Formulation of generation expansion plans — Modeling and evaluation of generation plans HATCH ACRES Economic Analysis Methodology (continued) e For no export alternative considered: — Development of generation requirements without future connection between regions — Development of generation requirements with the future connection between regions e Special purpose model developed to develop and analyze the generation developments. HATCH ACHES 26 Economic Analysis Methodology (continued) e To capture annual variations in demand and hydro capability, model carries out its calculations on a monthly basis ¢ Model capable of simulating maintenance period of power plants and transmission lines ¢ Model assumes local power supply for backup HAT | Economic Analysis Methodology (continued) e Evaluation of supply alternatives carried out by comparing the present value (PV) of total annual supply costs ¢ Comparison of PV of costs of different alternatives allows determination of best timing for projects and supply modes e Alternatives considering power exports followed similar methodology HATCH ACHES 27 Economic Analysis Methodology (continued) e In export cases, SE Alaska requirements were always met first, surplus was considered for export e All transmission facilities were considered grant funded at this stage ¢ O&M cost of transmission facilities were part of overall costs HATER ACRES Economic Analysis Methodology (continued) e To test robustness of generation plans sensitivity was carried out on: — Load Growth — Capital cost of candidate generation — O&M costs of transmission — Fuel costs — Discount rate HATCH ACHES 28 Average Annual Energy - GWh é & & 3 Q & g Load / Resource Balance w/o PLL 450.0 a Total System Load a Heat Conversion. 400.0 350.0 250.0 200.0 150.0 100.0 50.0 | 0.0 FFI SESS STS SKS r Tet tet He. ' Spill Se ee hee Hi eo Tyee Diesel Blind Slough Swan Beaver Falls s PS SP FPS IPS SPS SPS HATCH ACHES Load / Dah coe w/ ALD 450.0 + 400.0 } Total Sytem Load w/ Hest, Comersion r i T C v ' ree ee bes HATER ACHES 29 Economic Analysis Results: No Export Cumulative Present Value of Costs @ January 2007 $1,000,000 Discount Rate (Period = 2007-2046) Transmission Connection 6% 8% 10% Petersburg to Kake Reference Case 7.5 5.2 3.8 Low Case 6.5 4.6 aS Ketchikan to Metlakatla Reference Case 3.2 1.8 0.8 Low Case 3.1 24 1.4 Swan to Tyee Reference Case aS.m 27.0 22.8 Low Case 35.0 29.7 26.0 POW South to Coffman Cove & Naukati Reference Case 2.5 1.8 1.4 Low Case 3.0 2.2 1.6 HATCH ACHES Export Energy Under Average Hydrologic Condition 300, ae oe 02015 #2020 ©2030 Jan Feb Mar Apr May = jun Jul Aug ‘Ba ae Economic Analysis Results: Cumulative Present Value of Costs to January 2007 ($1,000,000) Export Price Capital Cost Increase ($MWh) 0% 10% 20% 60 13.0 -9.8 -32.6 70 45.9 23.1 0.3 80 78.8 56.0 55.2 Assuumptions: Project Financing period = 20 years Discount rate = 6% Analysis period = 40 years (2007-2046) HATCH ACRES Un-quantified Benefits e Reduction of GHG from Diesel generation e More heat conversions — reduced GHG e Reduced spinning reserve requirements e Gains in energy through complementary operation of hydro plants e Assistance during maintenance outages ¢ More economic development HATH AGES 31 Summary Nan Nalder — Hatch Acres HATER AGES Conclusions — Swan-Tyee Intertie e The Swan-Tyee Intertie (STI) is technically feasible and fully permitted. e The STI provides a significant opportunity to support commercial & residential conversions to electric heating with clean, renewable hydro power. e The STI as currently proposed demonstrates strong economic value to the rate payers of Southern Southeast Alaska. ATEN ASHES 32 Conclusions — AK-BC Intertie e The AK-BC Intertie would provide a further opportunity to secure the energy future for Southeast Alaska. e The technical feasibility and market potential of the proposed future hydro facilities 8t related transmission features cannot reliably be determined at this time. e The permitting of the proposed hydro facilities and transmission features face significant, while not necessarily insurmountable, environmental & institutional challenges. ae | Phase Il — Ongoing Tasks e Overarching issues ¢ Business structure e Markets & market structure e Regulatory issues e Transmission costs & issues e Power generation costs & issues HATCH AGLES 33 Actions for AEA & AK-BC Work Group e Transmission Cooperative (TC) e Uniform System Operator (USO) ¢ Power Marketing Oversight Unit e Level of State / Federal Jurisdiction HATCH ACHES Monitoring of 3 Party Actions e Market developments in BC at PNW e FERC applications ¢ Decisions relating to stayed by Congressional Action (Mahoney Lake & Reynolds Creek) e BCTC decision regarding NTL e Technical improvements to transmission construction e Hydro construction costs HATCH ACHES 34 + Southeast smd - Conference * * Alaska - British Columbia Intertie Feasibility Study March 29, 2007 Governor's Conference Room Juneau, Alaska HATCH ACHES Introductions (in order of initial appearance) Jim Strandberg Alaska Energy Authority Nan Nalder Hatch Acres Randy Hardy Hardy Energy Consulting Del La Rue Dryden & La Rue Consultants Bob Griesbach Hatch Acres Dick Griffith Hatch Acres HATCH ACHES Overview Nan Nalder — Hatch Acres ¢ AK — BC Intertie Feasibility Study —Purpose and scope of the study —Issues shaping the study e Outline for Today’s Presentation HATCH ARES { AK - BC Intertie /¢ Feasibility Study Area “ATG ARES BRITISH COLUMBIA HATGH ACRES AK-BC INTERTIE FEASIBILITY STUDY: Purpose & Scope Conduct investigations and prepare a report for use by decision-makers in reviewing and evaluating proposals for funding and related state action on proposed transmission segments and related issues. a AK-BC INTERTIE FEASIBILITY STUDY: Purpose & Scope e Swan Tyee Intertie e AK-BC Intertie e Future Generation Projects e Future Management - Business Structure e¢ Market for Sale of Alaskan-generated Power e Future Least-Cost Plans — SE Alaska &t Export to BC ¢ Potential Development Scenarios HATCH ACHES Issues Shaping the Study “\f the State of Alaska provides funds to construct new transmission segments, will the private sector invest in new generation, including associated infrastructure to connect with the transmission grid; and Will the new generation projects use of the state- funded transmission, including the proposed AK-BC Intertie, result in revenues sufficient to cover O&M costs to maintain the transmission system over the long term?” HATCH ASHES Conclusions — Swan-Tyee Intertie e The Swan-Tyee Intertie (STI) is technically feasible and fully permitted. ¢ The STI provides a significant opportunity to support commercial & residential conversions to electric heating with clean, renewable hydro power. ¢ The STI as currently proposed demonstrates strong economic value to the rate payers of Southern Southeast Alaska. HATCH ACHES Condlusions — AK-BC Intertie e The AK-BC Intertie would provide a further opportunity to secure the energy future for Southeast Alaska. e The technical feasibility and market potential of the proposed future hydro facilities & related transmission features look promising but cannot be definitively determined at this time. e The permitting of the proposed hydro facilities and transmission features face significant, but not necessarily insurmountable, environmental & institutional challenges. HATCH ARLES Today’s Presentation e Future Management - Business Structures ¢ Markets Outside SE Alaska 8&€ Market Opportunities ¢ Regulatory Issues ¢ Transmission Line Costs & Issues ¢ Load Forecasts ¢ Power Generation Costs & Issues e Potential Development Scenarios — With/Without Export e Summary HATGH AGRES Business Structure Nan Nalder — Hatch Acres ue Potential Future Business Structures e Transmission Cooperative (TC) ¢ Unified System Operator ¢ Power Marketing Oversight HATCH ACRES Recommendations for Further Analysis ¢ Decision-making by AEA and potential future members of the 3 Functional Business Structure Elements — Transmission Cooperative — Unified System Operator — Power Marketing Oversight e Clarify regulatory regime for export sales — Address issue of whether interstate commerce results from operation of the AK-BC Intertie — Prepare and file request for Declaratory Order with the FERC — Requires legal counsel e Develop and propose tariff for use of the AK- BC Intertie and related line segments HATCH ASHES ae a aa Power Market Considerations Randy Hardy — Hardy Energy Consulting HATCH ACHES Principal Markets for SE Alaska Hydro BC Hydro or Powerex (the wholesale marketing arm of BC Hydro) PNW investor owned and/or publicly owned utilities. All these entities will need power to meet their load growth in the post — 2011 timeframe HATCH ACHES Transmission Interconnections — Export of SE Alaska Hydro e AK-BC Intertie System e BCTC Backbone Extension HATCH AGREE Market Opportunities e SE Alaska hydro projects need to produce electricity for a price of $60/megawatt hour (MWh) or less to be economically viable for export. e If project prices exceed $60/MWh they may be economic to export, but competitiveness will depend on greenhouse gas restrictions increasing future BC/PNW market prices. AAT ACHES Market Oversight e If the State can be assured that the projects are constructed so they will produce power for 50 years (the term of their FERC license), it may be possible to evaluate their economics over that longer timeframe, substantially increasing their marketability. e Long term project operation would probably require more direct involvement by the State. HATCH ACRES Recommendation for Further Analysis e Monitor implementation of BC Energy Plan Policies to identify potential for Alaskan sales to BC e Monitor and advise AEA of emerging market opportunities in BC & PNW HATEH ASHES 10 Regulatory Requirements Nan Nalder -— Hatch Acres HATCH ACRES Regulatory Requirements e BC interconnection and export — United States e BC interconnection and export — British Columbia e Transmission siting — SE Alaska e FERC licensing — new hydro projects HATCH ACHES 11 Recommendation for Further Analysis ¢ Consult with RCA et FERC regarding regulatory structure for AK-BC intertie and determination whether interstate would commerce apply. e Monitor progress of RCA rulemaking to adapt State Small Hydro Licensing Program (5 MW or less). HATCH ACRES Transmission Line Costs and Issues Del La Rue — Dryden & La Rue, Inc. e Swan — Tyee Intertie (STI) e AK - BC Intertie 7 Kha Yiyden ¢ LaRue, Ind 12 Swan-Tyee Intertie — Present Status * Construction permits * Clearing — approx. 2 miles + helipads ¢ 4 of micropile foundations installed ¢ All foundation material on site * Pile caps on site * Tower design essentially complete Y kw Diyden? Lakue, Fred a NEYLTING ENGINELY AK-BC Intertie 26 miles 138kV Overhead Wood H-Structures Riverbed routing 2,350’ Elevation Pass v7 hha Ziyden LaRue, In 13 Other Segments - Export Lines ¢ Thomas Bay to Petersburg ¢ Upgrade FDPPA Petersburg to Tyee Lake ¢ AK-BC @ border to BCTC system kha Prydon ¢ Sa hue, Ing .S = WG LONE Le Transmission Line Costs Transmission Segments with Estimated Costs Estimated Capital Segment Cost Estimated O&M Cost 1 AK-BC Intertie Alaska’ $31,950,000 $360,000 2 Swan-Tyee Intertie! $57,000,000 $500,000 Transmission Segments with Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) Costs - Basis in Studies/Reports ROM Capital Segment Costs ROM O&M Cost 3 Petersburg to Kake” $31,350,000 $210,000 v hha Zoyden ( LaRue, In 14 Transmission Line Costs (continued) Transmission Segments with Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) Costs - Limited or No Studies/Reports ROM Capital Segment Costs ROM O&M Cost AK-BC Intertie British Columbia! $36,000,000 Thomas Bay to Petersburg $66,000,000 Metlakatla to Ketchikan $14,900,000 Coffman Cove to Wrangell (HVDC) —$170,000,000 $1,300,000 $450,000 $810,000 $125,000 Kake to Takatz (HVDC) $160,000,000 $1,200,000 ' Capital costs for this project include indirect costs such as permitting, engineering, etc. 2 Capital costs for this project include indirect costs such as permitting, engineering, etc. Capital and O&M costs are based upon using road access entire length of the line. 5 Costs for all submarine cables are based upon 30 year service life and no cable replacement. y x hha Ziyden ! Saku, Fre Load Forecasts Bob Griesbach — Hatch Acres HATCH ASHES 15 Key Factors e Consultations with utilities e Prepared at the community level and aggregated e Historic trends in consumers, usage per consumer and in total e Projections of consumers and usage e Loads for specific planned projects ¢ Conversions to electric heating ¢ Monthly usage patterns HATCH ACHES Reference, Low & High Load Cases: Sensitivity Basis e Residential and non-residential customer growth rates. e Residential and non-residential consumption per customer growth rates. e Pace of new residential conversions. e Pace of new commercial conversions. ¢ Spot loads unchanged between sensitivity cases. HATH AGES 16 Load Forecast Results 480. $$$ ¢ i 3 A 5 350 aad pereren® 5 Low ‘5 300 s vu az @ 250 z 200 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 HATCH ACHES Average Annual Growth Rates: Reference Case 2005 - 2031 e Ketchikan ..-____- eee ee ee 9% © Petersburg. 4% e Wrangell 21% © Kake. a 178% e Metlakatla. oe 5% © Craig/Klawock/Thorne Bay/Hollis_ ===. 1.4% © Hydaburg.. 8% Coffman Gove) 2 24 Naukati Bay... 0.9% ©: WhalePass.. = 151% HATH AGES 17 Generation Resources Dick Griffith — Hatch Acres [Mahoney Lake - 9.6 mw (2010) LE) Scenery Lake - 20 vv (2015) By Ruth Lake -20 aww (2015) [2] Cascade Lake - 45 mw (2015) [5] wntman Lake - 46 ne 2010) [Ey Reynolds Creek -§ Mw (2012) [E Cartanna Lake -0.8 MW (2016) [By Teangie Lake -3.5 Mw (2016) Tokatz Lake - 20 MW (2016) [15] virginia Lane - 12 new (2016) [8] Thoms Lake ~7.5 mw (2016) [3] Seerise Lake - 4 MW (2016) [Ey Arita & Kirk Lakes - 8.6 MW (2016) [5] Tyee take (3c unit) - 11.5 WY (2016) Kiawock\ craig Thorne Bay Kasaan Hollis Hydaburg @ Koco ‘SG) (3) ONMetiakatis HATCH ACRES EY South Fock - 2 ew Tl Bleck Bear Lake -4.5 ve Gy Swan take - 225 uw Gh Tyee Late - 22s ew BB sivs -2.1 sw Gi Ketenican Lanes -4.2 MW EG Beaver Fats 60 Cl Purple Lake -3.9 uw Oh chester Lake 1 My EF Bind Seugh- 2 sew @ Low Center — Bosting Transmasion Line 777 Propossd Transmission Line BE Exsting Projects 1 Proposed Projects BH Other Features 18 Existing Projects — Capacity & Energy Potential Installed Average Firm Capacity Energy Energy Project Name Nearest Load Center Licensee (MW) (GWh) (GWh) A South Fork Prince of Wales APT 2.0 6.7 5:5: B_ Black Bear Lake Prince of Wales APT 4.5 21.4 19.2 C Swan Lake Ketchikan FDPPA 22.5 72.0 59.0 D_ Tyee Lake Wrangell/Petersburg § FDPPA 22:5 116.8 67.2 E Silvis Ketchikan KPU 2.1 LA 9.6 F Ketchikan Lakes Ketchikan KPU 4.2 19.8 15.0 G_ Beaver Falls Ketchikan KPu 6.0 38.4 33.0 H_ Purple Lake Metlakatla MPaxL 39 12.6 10.7 1 Chester Lake Metlakatla MP&L 1.0 3.5 2.1 J Blind Slough Petersburg PMP&L 2.0 10.4 10.0 HATCH AGRES Unconstructed Projects — Capacity & Energy Potential Installed Average Firm Capacity Energy Energy Project Name Nearest Load Center Licensee (MW) (GWh) (GWh) Mahoney Lake Ketchikan Saxman 9.6 39.6 34.3 Scenery Lake Export CC, LLC 30.0 128.7 102.8 Delta Creek (Ruth I Export GCSELE 20.0 70.7 57.6 Cascade Creek (Sw. Export CGZLEC 45.0 202.3 159.1 Whitman Lake Ketchikan KPU 4.6 19.6 17.0 Connell Lake Ketchikan None 1.7 10.8 9:3 Carlanna Lake Ketchikan None 0.8 4.2 3.6 Triangle (Hassler) L Metlakatla None 3.5 13.1 11.4 Takatz Lake Sitka / Export None 20.0 106.9 97.1 Virginia Lake Wrangell None 12.0 43.8 37.9 Thoms Lake Wrangell None 7:5 24.2 20.9 Sunrise Lake Wrangell None 4.0 13:5: 11.7 Anita & Kunk Lake Wrangell None 8.6 28.1 24.3 Tyee - 34.0 MW (i Wregl/Ptsbg None 11.5 20.3 6.0 Reynolds Creek POW Haida Corp 5.0 6.1 5.5 HATCH ACHES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Unconstructed Projects — Order of Magnitude Costs Order of Magnitude Costs - 2007 Dollars Proyeceinianna Year of Base Capital Cost ——-Varlable Cost Cost of Power Estimate ($1,000) ($1,000) ($ 7 Mwh) 1 Mahoney Lake 1998 $34,073 $553 $85 2 Scenery Lake 2006 $84,442 $1,695 $67 3 Delta Creek (Ruth Lake) 2006 $60,517 $1,135 $86 4 Cascade Creek (Swan Lake) 2006 $144,959 $2,535 $71 4b. Cascade Creek (Swan Lake) 1984 $255,082 $2,255 $i4t S Whitman Lake 2006 $9,738 $273 $55 6 Connell Lake 1996 $7,779 $110 $69 7 Carlanna Lake 1996 $3,735 $60 $87 8 Triangle (Hassler) Lake 2007 $15,613 $211 $14 9 Takatz Lake 1974 $134,204 $1,566 $117 9b Takatz Lake 1968 $198,438 $1,135 $163 10 Virginia Lake 1977 $127,575 $687 $255 11 Thoms Lake 1977 $136,108 $435 $481 12 Sunrise Lake 1988 $16,252 $239 $117 13 Anita sx Kunk Lakes 1997 $111,922 $497 $345 14 Tyee - 34.0 MW (incr.) 1966 $10,114 $659 $73 15 Reynolds Creek 2000 $19,166 $295 $307 HATCH ACh Development Scenarios Bob Griesbach — Hatch Acres AATDH AGES Summary of Approach Followed e Economic analysis versus financial e Indirect benefits not yet quantified e Reflects time value of money e SE Alaska requirements and exports e Step wise process to develop scenarios e¢ Computer model prepared HATCH AGRES Key Inputs to the Analysis e Existing generation and transmission systems e Load forecast cases e Economic parameters ¢ Generation addition options — costs and monthly capabilities e Transmission segments - O&M costs e Market prices for exports HATCH AGES 21 Key Assumptions e SE Alaska load met first e Centralized dispatch of generation e Transmission segments grant funded ¢ Local generation as backup ¢ Operating life of 50 years for hydro plants, 20 year repayment of financing for export projects HATER ACHES aoe a oe Cova wo — 400.0 + 350.0 300.0 § i 3 Z & i aia oes Sa aR oePe SKS SK SKS SS SEP PPPPPPPPPP = HATH AGES 22 Load / Resource Balance w/ ST! 450.0 -—— Total System Load w/ Heat Conversion Ine Diesel 400.01 | (et ee CS 350.0 1 1 : g , 300.0 Spill Whitman & : ‘250.0 = “Tyee on ae 5 pear Purple / Cheste: 5 150.0 3 ni hées Blind Slough Swan 50.0 Beaver Falls 0.0 iN SS 4S SS Se 8 > os ’ ° > PFET ESS ESSESESIPEPEEPEECSR Economic Analysis Results: No Export Cumulative Present Value of Costs @ January 2007 $1,000,000) Discount Rate (Period = 2007-2046) Transmission Connection 6% 8% 10% Petersburg to Kake Reference Case Low Case 5.2 4.6 Ketchikan to Metlakatla Reference Case Low Case Swan to Tyee Reference Case Low Case 26.0 POW South to Coffman Cove & Naukati Reference Case Low Case 1.4 MA 23 Export Energy Under Average Hydrologic Condition BOQ pny 45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May = Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Economic Analysis Results: With Export @ 2015 Cumulative Present Value of Costs to January 2007 ($1,000,000) Export Price Capital Cost Increase ($MWh) 0% 10% 20% 60 13.0 -9.8 -32.6 70 45.9 s 0.3 80 78.8 33.2 Assuumptions: Project Financing period = 20 years Discount rate = 6% Analysis period = 40 years (2007-2046) HATCH ASHES 24 Un-quantified Benefits e Reduction of GHG from Diesel generation ¢ More heat conversions — reduced GHG ¢ Reduced spinning reserve requirements e Gains in energy through complementary operation of hydro plants e Assistance during maintenance outages e More economic development HATGH ACHES Summary Nan Nalder — Hatch Acres HATCH ASHES 25 Condlusions — Swan-Tyee Intertie e The Swan-Tyee Intertie (STI) is technically feasible and fully permitted. e The STI provides a significant opportunity to support commercial & residential conversions to electric heating with clean, renewable hydro power. e The STI as currently proposed demonstrates strong economic value to the rate payers of Southern Southeast Alaska. HATCH ACRES Conclusions — AK-BC Intertie e The AK-BC Intertie would provide a further opportunity to secure the energy future for Southeast Alaska. e The technical feasibility and market potential of the proposed future hydro facilities & related transmission features cannot reliably be determined at this time. e The permitting of the proposed hydro facilities and transmission features face significant, while not necessarily insurmountable, environmental & institutional challenges. HATGH ACRES 26 | Phase Il — Ongoing Tasks e Overarching issues e Business structure e Markets & market structure e Regulatory issues e Transmission costs & issues e Power generation costs & issues HATCH AGRES Actions for AEA & AK-BC Work Group e Transmission Cooperative (TC) e¢ Uniform System Operator (USO) ¢ Power Marketing Oversight Unit e Level of State / Federal Jurisdiction HATCH AES 27 Monitoring of #4 Party Actions e Market developments in BC & PNW e FERC applications e Decisions relating to stayed by Congressional Action (Mahoney Lake & Reynolds Creek) e BCTC decision regarding NTL ¢ Technical improvements to transmission construction H tructi t ¢ Hydro construction costs HEN ARIS 28