HomeMy WebLinkAboutU.S. Department of Energy Alaska fossil Energy Workship, Oct 28-29, 1997 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ALASKA FOSSIL ENERGY WORKSHOP October 28-29, 1997 OCT-15-97 WED 09:38 AN que’ eo tee Ped Ay] Post-it” Fax Note 7671 Ee Seager é OKLAHOMA A BOM Federal Company FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET 220 N. VIRGINIA AVENUE (74003) P.O. BOX 2565 BARTLESVILLE, OK 74005 PH. (918) 336-2400 FAX (918) 337-4365 TO: Th FAX NO: JO 7-J69- YOY LOCATION: & FROM: Ls ee Suber tel FAX NO: ye 2224s 6s” LOCATION: PH NO: 7/£:537- eis NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVERSHEET:5_ DATE:_0//4/77 MESSAGES om eee 102d 900'0N 61:97 26.01 130 SSfvelsstot: dr ASN eee " 00T-15-97 WED 09:39 AN P, 02 ALASKA FOSSIL ENERGY WORKSHOP “One Decade Later; What’s Alaska’s Future?” Anchorage, Alaska Topical Agenda “What does the future hold for these valuable domestic energy resources?” a October 28, 1997 - Tuesday rr rr A em 7:00 - 8:00 a.m, Registration 8:00 - 9:00 a.m, Perspectives for Alaska - R.A. (Bob) Kripowicz Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Office of Fossil Energy - David T, Perkins, President, AOQGA Alaska Region Manager Marathon Oil Company 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. State of Alaska | fforts Kenneth A, Boyd State of Alaska Division of Oil and Gas Percy Frisby Central and Distributed Powet State Division of Energy 9:30 - 9:50 a.m. Congressional Perspectives Brian Malnak Senate Energy Committce 9:50 - 10:10 a.m, Break 10:10 - Noon Set the Stage for Breakout Sessions (All sessions will address R&D, Regulatory, Policy, and Financial {nvestment Needs.) - Access and Exploration Issues Marilyn Crockett Alaska Oil and Gas Association - Resource Development (Coal John FM. Sims Vice President, Marketing Usibelli Coal Min - Resource Development (Oil & Gas) Kevin O. Meyers Senior Vice President, ARCO Alaska Energy Infobank (AEI) Erik Dahl ARCO ZN" 4 ANN’ ON AF aT Jf te tA COCBLOCO LE Tat SED Bil ak SES bk ce ee WED 09:39 AM Noon - 1:96 p.m. 1:00 - 1:10 p.m. 1:10 - 3:00 p.m, $:00 p.m, 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:45 £0'd 9OO°ON O02: 9T 26. Lunch Focus of Breakout Groups Sandra Waisley Deputy Assistant Secretary (Acting), and Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Natural Gas and Oil Technology ~ Goals - {dentification of Barriers and Issues (Including Environmental Considerations) - Identification of who should be involved to work on the barriers - Prospective solution paths, strategics and activities - Recommended Next Steps Breakout Sessions Adjourri October 29, 1997 - Wednesday Reconvene Breakout Sessions Group Reports - 20 minutes each Lunch Discussion of Commonalties: Facilitator Consolidation into Broad Categories ~ Prioritization of Concerns ~ Possible Solutions ~ Actions to be Taken/Timeline — Who has Responsibility for Action Items ~ Final Discussion (Next Steps) Sammary: - Rita A. Bajura Director, Federal Energy Technology Center - Thomas C. Wesson Director, National Petroleum Technology Office Adjourn 30 S9EVére3Tor: TI] «te a 4a aod ALASKA FOSSIL ENERGY WORKSHOP “One Decade Later: What’s Alaska’s Future?” Anchorage, Alaska Topical Agenda “What does the future hold for these valuable domestic energy resources?” October 28, 1997 - Tuesday 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. Registration 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Perspectives for Alaska - R.A. (Bob) Kripowicz Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Office of Fossil Energy - David T. Perkins, President, AOGA Alaska Region Manager Marathon Oil Company 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. State of Alaska Efforts Kenneth A. Boyd State of Alaska Division of Oil and Gas Percy Frisby Central and Distributed Power State Division of Energy 9:30 - 9:50 a.m. Congressional Perspectives Brian Malnak Senate Energy Committee 9:50 - 10:10 a.m. Break 10:10 - Noon Set the Stage for Breakout Sessions (All sessions will address R&D, Regulatory, Policy, and Financial Investment Needs.) - Access and Exploration Issues Marilyn Crockett Alaska Oil and Gas Association - Resource Development (Coal) John F.M. Sims Vice President, Marketing Usibelli Coal Mine, Inc. - Resource Development (Oil & Gas) Kevin O. Meyers Senior Vice President, ARCO - Alaska Energy Infobank (AEI) Erik Dahl ARCO Noon - 1:00 p.m. 1:00 - 1:10 p.m. 1:10 - 5:00 p.m. 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:45 Lunch Focus of Breakout Groups Sandra Waisley Deputy Assistant Secretary (Acting), and Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Natural Gas and Oil Technology - Goals - Identification of Barriers and Issues (Including Environmental Considerations) - Prospective solution paths, strategies and activities - Identification of who should be involved to work on the barriers - Recommended Next Steps Breakout Sessions Reception Sponsored by ARCO Alaska and BP Exploration October 29, 1997 - Wednesday Reconvene Breakout Sessions Group Reports - 20 minutes each Lunch Discussion of Commonalties: Facilitator Consolidation into Broad Categories — Prioritization of Concerns — Possible Solutions — Actions to be Taken/Timeline — Who has Responsibility for Action Items — Final Discussion (Next Steps) Summary: - Leonard E. Graham Associate Director, Fuels and Specialty Markets - Alex Crawley Associate Director Program Managment National Petroleum Technology Office Adjourn = PERSPECTIVES FOR ALASKA R.A. (Bob) Kripowicz Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Office of Fossil Energy NOTES: PERSPECTIVES FOR ALASKA David T. Perkins, President, AOGA Alaska Region Manager Marathon Oil Company NOTES: STATE OF ALASKA EFFORTS Kenneth A. Boyd State of Alaska Division of Oil and Gas 10. He 12. 13" 14. 155 16. Me Alaska Oil & Gas Activities October 1997 List of Illustrations . Alaska Oil and Gas Activities - Cover Alaska Ownership Pie Chart . Alaska Oil and Gas Basins Where Our Money Comes From . Cook Inlet Exploration Activity Northern Alaska Activity . Primary Producing Oil Fields . Undeveloped Oil Accumulations Alaska Oil Production - Historical & Projected Projects Under Development Alaska Oil & Gas Leasing Program Five-Year Oil and Gas Leasing Program - Public Notification Schedule Decreasing Development Footprint Minimizes Environment Impact (Smaller Pad Size and Greater Distances Between Well Pads) Well "Reach" vs Time (In Alaska) 3-D View of North Slope Development Pad National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska North Slope Natural Gas ivision of Oil and Gas" October 1997 Alaska Department of Natural Resources Private Federal Government Majority of known petroleum reserves are on state-owned lands About 25% of proven U.S. oil reserves are located in Alaska DO&G 2/97 Gulf of Alaska A OIL PRODUCTION @G OIL AND GAS BASINS Lh dt) Where Our Money Comes From Sources (FY96): Bonus & Rents: $31.3 Million Non-Fetroleum (19.2%) Royalties: $884.2 Million Taxes: $1.02 Billion Fetroleum (80.8%) Source: Table 19 Fall 1996 Revenue Sources Book, Division of Oil & Gas DO&G 6/97 Map Legend @- Pool Boundaries Oil Field / Accumulation Gas Field / Accumulation Selected Wells / Discoveries Proposed / Active Wells Platform ~ Pipelines Production Facility National “35 . , 1 %, Nuigqsuig- / i Kuparuk River Unit: Sandpiper Unit & Units Map Legend @ Oil Field/Accumulation @ Selected Wells /Discoveries O Proposed /Active Wells Beaufort Sea ‘Hammerhead Unit Ann Unit Kuvium Pt. Thomson Unit @ Stinson Camden Bay Unit. ARCO} Warthag 1002 Area Wen eechbewne t Arctic National Wildlife Refage Endicott 1978 Point McIntyre Area? 193 1988 Milne Point 4 56 1969 1 Includes Satellites 2 Includes West Sak 3 Includes Pt. McIntyre, Lisburne, Niakuk, Note: Primary means greater than 50 Mbbls/d projected West Beach, North Prudhoe Bay & Larch Numbers reflect Oil + NGL’s - Injectant 4 Includes Schrader Bluff & Sag River Northstar * 1984 Alpine * 1994 Colville Delta 1985 o Fiord 1992 Two Intervals at 1245 BOPD Kalubik 1992 Two Intervals at 1610 BOPD Hammerhead 1986 ? OCS Waters North of Pt. Thomson Badami * 1990 120 MMBO Tested at 4250 BOPD Kuvlum 1992 325 MMBO East Beaufort OCS, Tested at 3400 BOPD Prudhoe Bay* _ Satellites 241 MMBO At least 5 Separate Accumulations * Development Planned in the Near Term ** West Sak “Core Area” Cook Inlet North Slope Total State OA 18d Sja4eg JO SUOIHIW Northstar** Alpine Prudhoe Bay Satellites Kuparuk River Satellites West Sak Schrader Bluff Final Design and EIS Underway Final Design and Permitting Underway Exploration / Delineation Underway Exploration / Delineation Underway Final Design and Development Underway Design for Expansion Work Underway * Various Facility Sharing Agreements Needed Prior to Start-Up ** Construction of modules halted, moving forward with permitting. ALASKA \ DEPARTMENT OF \ NATURAL RESOURCES “| DIVISION OF OIL AND GAS KENNETH A. BOYD, DIRECTOR REVISED 1/97 North Slope Sales ii 87: Areawide June 1998 | Areawide 1999 Feb 1999 Areawide 2000 Feb 2000 |. Areawide 2001 Feb 2001 Foothills Areawide Apr 2001 Beaufort Sea Sales - 86 Central Sept 1997 \ Areawide 1999 Oct 1999 Areawide 2000 Oct 2000 Areawide 2001 Oct 2001 Cook Inlet Sales Fe 85A-W Feb 1998 85: Areawide Apr 1999 }, Areawide 2000 Aug 2000 Areawide 2001 Aug 2001 9 100 200 MILES eer ‘Base Map: Transposed from AK, DNR, LRI: . Albers Equal Ares Projection. Redrawn by M. Pritchard & 0.0. Smith in CorelDraw. 1996 Proposed Sale Area & Date JIAISIONIDIJ 86 Central Beaufort Sea Bak e 85A-W Cook Inlet Reoffer 2/98 Al North Slope Foothills - Areawide 2001 Aprilig -1E A =Sale Added to Schedule. C =Call for Comments: 1 = New Sales and 5-Year Program Revisions. P = Preliminary Best Interest Finding / eae ACMP Consistency Analysis. (If required.) - N = Notice of Intent to Issue Final / Supplement to Finding. 2 = Request for General Information. F = Final Finding and Notice of Sale and Terms. 3 = Request for Socioeconomic and Environmental Information. E 4 = Request for New Information Made Available Since Last Finding. | R = Supplement to Final Finding and/or Notice of Sale and Terms. Public Meetings may be held at any time. ] E = End of Comment Period. Best Interest Finding Process Prudhoe Drillsite 1 65 Acres Kuparuk Drilisite 2B 24 Acres ~B oF Kuparuk Drillsite 3H 11 Acres Kuparuk Drillsite 2M 8.7 Acres Milne Pt. K Pad Drillsite | 6.4 Acres * Well Spacing 1996 DO&G 7/97 rhe ED tal at ors 0" 15,000! 20,000' 5000" ~ 40,00 Total Horizontal Departure * Current North American Record held by ARCO NK-28 (West Niakuk #2) at 18,098 feet. Well reaches greater than 20,000 feet are planned for the North Slope. Graphic Not To Scale DO&G 6/97 Permafrost Layer : Oil Zone co a 34 Miles Drawing is not to scale DO&G 1/97 CHUKCHI SEA Overthrust Belt Play BEARD BAY Cretaceous Brookian Trend (north to coast) BEAUFORT SEA CAPE HALKETT LEGEND (J Proposed NPR-A planning area [22] NPR-A tacts in sales 1-4, 1982-1984 [J NPR-A tracts in sales 1-4 receiving bids Ne Regional Comp, lease J.’ Federal OCS leasos Stale leases NPR-A Boundary Oil fields CD Gas fields Geologic Trends. is used for fuel in the ic m Natural gas liquids are separated from the produced gas stream. = Some of the more stable natural gas liquids are blended with the oil and sent down TAPS. -@ Produced natural gas is injected back into the oil reservoirs. This helps maintain reservoir pressure, push oil and liquids-rich natural gas towards the production wells and vaporize residual oil. m= Some of the more volatile natural gas liquids are used for enhanced oil recovery operations in fields where they are produced. Natural gas liquids that could be sent down TAPS are used for enhanced oil recovery operations in some fields that do not have their own adequate supply of NGLs. STATE OF ALASKA EFFORTS Percy Frisby Central and Distributed Power State Division of Energy A. Bulk Fuel B. Rural Power Systems Upgrades C. PCE, Loans, and Grants D. Alternative Energy We define alternative energy systems as those which conserve or displace diesel oil in conventional IC systems or use local energy resources. In addition to biomass, wind, hydroelectric the Division is actively looking at local fossil fuel alternatives for small-scale energy production. IV. Fossil Energy Development Activities A. CRADA With US DOE B. — Small gas feasibility C. Small coal-fired system analysis D. Fuel Cells |. Introduction A. Overall focus of the Division of Energy with regard to fossil fuel alternatives is in assistance to off-grid communities in rue's portions of Alaska. Presentation will describe the energy issues facing these communities and alternatives for pursuing the Division's mission: ll. Energy issues A B D. Them are 214 communities in Alaska with stand alone power systems Sizes of systems range from 25 kW to several hundred kilowatts. Average cost of power production is 32cents/kWh. Because of high costs of power in rural areas, the state currently pays $17 million per year in the PCE to bring down costs to consumer. Operating and maintaining energy systems in rural Alaska communities presents unique challenges. Fuel must be transported long distances within narrow windows of time, and stored for a season’s use. Some Systems have fallen into disrepair and need to be upgraded. Electricity is only part of energy consumption in a community. Space heating requirements are also Significant Ill. Division of Energy Programs and Activities The Division conducts a number of programs aimed at fostering reliable, self-sustaining energy systems in rural areas. CONGRESSIONAL PERSPECTIVES Brian Malnak Senate Energy Committee Notes: ACCESS AND EXPLORATION ISSUES Marilyn Crockett Alaska Oil and Gas Association RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (COAL) John F.M. Sims Vice President, Marketing Usibelli Coal Mine, Inc. “Alaska Coal - Its Development Prospects” Distribution and characteristics of Alaska coal. Brief project descriptions. Past and present impediments - future prospects in relation to changing market and technologic conditions. Growing acceptance of low-rank coals in Pacific Rim countries. In spotlighting South Central Alaska (Beluga-Susitna Railbelt) it is reasoned that the future can replicate the historic emergence of the Powder River Basin (US) or more recently East Kalimantan (Indonesia) in terms of dynamic expansion? Are the conditions present to realistically expect significant expansion as we enter the new millennium? The influence of changing market conditions, environmental regulations in market countries, commercialization and deployment of new clean coal technologies, price competitiveness and reliability of supply, diversified sourcing by consumer countries: collectively these are some of the factors which could create dramatic interest in Alaska coal. ARCTIC OCEAN Alaska’s Coal Project Sites - wee wae ews ~~ Major basin margins Isolated coal occurence 4 pe of unknown extent e Alaska’s Coal Distribution Isetated ceal occurence %*”k TOTAL PAGE.@Q1 ** RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (OIL AND GAS) Kevin O. Meyers Senior Vice President ARCO ALASKA ENERGY INFOBANK (AEl) Erik Dahl ARCO * About the AEl Where have we Been? Where are we Going? Where we are today " Some of the next steps The Alaska Energy Infobank An energy industry and government initiative to improve competitiveness and reduce operating costs. What is the AEl about? The AEIl Mission: The Alaska Energy Infobank will become a data repository for all members of the petroleum industry and related federal, state, and local government in Alaska. Through it members and the State will benefit through: ® 1. Making the state more competitive and attractive in the global market; © 2. Creating a greater sense of partnership in the energy community of interest; ® 3. Cost reductionin energy information gathering, management, exchange, and retrieval; © 4. Creation of energy industry/government collective business process re-engineering In achieving these goals the Alaska Energy Infobank will protect the proprietary, legal, and confidentiality interests of its members. Who is Involved? ”» ARCO Alaska, Inc. ” BP Exploration » AK Oil & Gas Conservation Commission “ UNOCAL Corporation “ BLM » Marathon Oil Company » Alyeska Pipeline Services Company ” Mineral Management Services » Alaska Department of Natural Resources » Exxon The Alaska Energy Infobank Attribut Relationships Implementation = ¢ Brings people together ¢ Simple * Centralized ¢ Breaks down barriers ¢ Flexible © Neutral © Computerized e Trusted © More cooperation User friendly Improved communication Data oriented Standards Data vendors involved Enables Competitive advantage Success AK more attractive to Cost savings investors Higher quality, single source Business data delivered faster improvements Large number of users Access to expertise & Fewer report filings technology Expansion to energy related companies Government more accessible Shift from paper to electronic media AEI Participants Members of the Alaska Energy Infobank agree to: » Reducing redundancy of information and process _ Achieving consensus within AE] membership » Adhering to industry standards » Sustaining long-term cost savings _ Making Alaska attractive for investment Where have we Been? 1995 © Initial Alaska Energy Infobank Conference ~ Formation of the AEI Steering Board ee ~ Examination of other national and regional data repositories. _ Issuance of an industry wide Request for Information (RFI). ~ Kick-off of Infobank Prototype project for log data delivery. © In depth examination of costs, options and imple- mentation criteria. Where have we Been? #1997 ~ Development of operating principals and streamlined organization model. Completion of log data prototype. Developing plans for deploying Internet based collaboration tools (Shared database, web and file sharing). Where are we Going? ~ Areas of Strong Interest » Well Header | Well Logs = Production, Injection & Testing Data © Other Reservoir Information Areas of Interest » Deviation Surveys © Well Documents ~ Permits » Areas Needing further study © Seismic Data » Asbuilts & Engineering Docs «= Marker Picks © Maintenance Data Where are we Today? * The General Business Model Alaska Energy Infobank Steeringé Business Direction Technical Com ect Teams . . . Technical Direction ~ Customers and Users Where are we Today? Web site Communications Sel ublic updates Press releases Priorities VGC Seat proseslunas ntegration plans Vendors & products Hw, Sw and Network Data Exchange Standard Data Access Quality Assurance Infobank Project Responsibilities Project coordination & management Cost benefit analysis Identification of funding and resource requirements vendor contact and product evaluations communication and/or coorfination with AEI Technical Committees Log Data Delivery Prototype * Log Data distribution - Low hanging Fruit * Cash benefits: $400/job * 400 jobs = $160M/ Year ' Process Benefits: faster delivery, fewer mistakes, less administration - Development costs approx. $200M - Currently running and ready for deployment in December 1997. Log Data Delivery Prototype Log Data Delivery Prototype Database Server Test/Admin Server Log Vendors Other Business Partners Log Data Delivery Prototype ' Deployment Costs: » <$300M 1st Year " $75M/year for 2nd year forward ~ Cost Sharing » Prudhoe, Kuparuk, Milne Pt., Alpine, etc. ' AAI, BP, AOGCC, Exxon, Marathon - Proposed Cost Split, 1st 12 Months " 50% AAI, 50% BP Where are we Today? ' Current Projects and Plans ' Log Data Delivery Prototype (80%) ~ Prudhoe Bay Reservoir Description (10%) ~ Electronic Production Reporting (20%) ~ Shallow Sands knowledge Capture (10%) ~ Shared Services Aviation (90%) ~ Streamline Permitting processes (5%) - GIS interfaces to data (1%) CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE LIST Frank Abegg Mgr, Power Production Golden Valley Electric 758 Illinois Street Fairbanks, AK 99701 Phone: 907-451-5659 Fax: 907-451-5682 E-Mail: Greg Bidwell Special Assistant to Commissioner of Revenue Department of Revenue Bank of America Center, 550 W. 7th Ave., #570 Anchorage, AK 99501-3556 Phone: 907-343-9287 Fax: 907-278-5026 E-Mail: Greg_Bidwell@revenue.state.ak.us Darrel W. Bose Mgr. Prudhoe Bay Reservoir Development ARCO Alaska, Inc. 700 G. Street Anchorage, AK 99501 Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Jim Buskley Chugach Electric 5601 Minnesota Dr, P.O. Box 196300 Anchorage, AK 99519 Phone: 907-762-4532 Fax: E-Mail: Rod Cason Refinery Manager Tesoro Alaska Petroleum Co. P.O. Box 3369 Kenai, AK 99611 Phone: 907-776-8191 Fax: 907-776-5383 E-Mail: Marie Becker Government Relations Rep./Environmental Alaska Village Cooperative, Inc. 4831 Eagle St. Anchorage, AK 99503 Phone: 907-561-7972 Fax: 907-561-2388 E-Mail: Donald L. Bonk Fluidized Bed Combustion Product Mgr. Federal Energy Technology Center 3610 Collins Ferry Road, PO Box 880 Morgantown, WV 26505-0880 Phone: 304-285-4889 Fax: 304-285-4469 E-Mail: dbonk@fetc.doe.gov Kenneth A. Boyd Alaska Div. of Oil and Gas 3601 C. Street, Ste. 1380 Anchorage, AK 99503 Phone: 907-269-8800 Fax: 907-562-3852 E-Mail: kab@dnr.state.ak.us Gary Carlson ForcEnergy 310 K Street, #700 Anchorage, AK 99501 Phone: Fax: E-Mail: David Chacon Manager, Planning & Economics Tesoro Alaska Petroleum Co. P.O. Box 196272 Anchorage, AK 99519-6272 Phone: 907-561-5521 Fax: 907-561-3887 E-Mail: { , SW ; an Pahwntly Robert E. Chaney a | Technology Administrator Alaska Science & Trechnology Foundation 4500 Diplomacy Drive, Ste. 515 Anchorage, AK 99501 Phone: 907-272-4333 Fax: 907-274-6228 E-Mail: bchaney@astf.org ‘Godwin A. Chukwu Professor 5 University of Alaska Fairbanks P.O. Box 755960 Fairbanks, AK 99775-5900 Phone: 907-474-5912 Fax: 907-474-5912 E-Mail: ffgac@aurora.alaska.edu James G. Clough Geologist Alaska Div of Geol. & Geological Surveys 794 University Ave., Ste 200 Fairbanks, AK 99709-3654 Phone: 907-451-5030 Fax: 907-451-5050 E-Mail: jim@dnr.state.ak.us Robert P. Crandall Sr. Petroleum Geologist AK Oil & Gas Conservation Commission 3001 Porcupine Drive Anchorage, AK 99501 Phone: 907-279-1433 Fax: 907-276-7542 E-Mail: Bob_Crandall@admin.state.ak.us Peter Crimp Dev Spec. II, Dept of Comm & Reg. Affairs Division of Energy 333 W. 4th Avenue, Ste 220 Anchorage, AK 99501-2341 Phone: 907-269-4631 Fax: 907-269-4645 E-Mail: Robert N. Christenson Commissioner Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission 3001 Porcupine Drive Anchorage, AK 99501 Phone: 907-279-1433 Fax: 907-276-7542 E-Mail: Les Clark Vice President 1OPA 4600 American Ave. West, Ste. 201 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 805-833-3989 Fax: 805-833-4013 E-Mail: SS572-56-5998 Karen Cowart General Manager Alaska Support Industry Alliance 4220 B St, Ste. 200 Anchorage, AK 99503 Phone: 907-563-2226 Fax: 907-561-8870 E-Mail: Alex B. Crawley Assoc. Director, Program Management National Petroleum Technology Office P.O. Box 3628, One West 3rd Street, 14th Floor Tulsa, OK 74101 Phone: 918-699-2055 Fax: 918-699-2055 E-Mail: Marilyn Crockett Asst. Exec. Director Alaska Oil & Gas Association 121 W. Firewood Lane, Ste 207 Anchorage, AK 99503-2035 Phone: 907-272-1481 Fax: 907-279-8114 E-Mail: crockett@alaska.net Sal V. Cuccarese Director ENRI/UAA 707 A. Street Anchorage, AK 99501 Phone: 907-257-2701 Fax: 907-276-6847 E-Mail: Joe Dygas Energy & Minerals Team Leader Federal BLM 6881 Abbott Loop road Anchorage, AK 99507 Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Mark Flagg Marathon Oil Company P.O. Box 196168 Anchorage, AK 99519-0168 Phone: 907-564-6310 Fax: 907-564-6489 E-Mail: Percy Frisby Director, Div. of Energy aN Dept. of Community & Regional Affairs 333 W. 4th Ave., Ste 220 Anchorage, AK 99501 Phone: 907-269-4640 Fax: 907-269-4645 E-Mail: pfrisby@comregaf.state.ak.us Terri Ganthner Project Assistant Division of Energy 333 W. 4th Avenue, Ste 220 Anchorage, AK 99501-2341 Phone: 907-269-4640 Fax: 907-269-4645 E-Mail: tganthner@comregaf.state.ak.us Erik Dahl Supervisor, Technology Planning & Info. Resources ARCO Alaska Inc. P.O. Box 100360 Anchorage, AK 99510-0360 Phone: 907-263-4461 Fax: 907-265-1155 E-Mail: lasedd@aai.arco.com Ted Eschenbach Professor of Engineering Management University of Alaska Anchorage 3211 Providence Drive Anchorage, AK 99508 Phone: 907-786-1900 Fax: 907-786-1079 E-Mail: aftge@uaa.alaska.edu Stanley Foo State Manager, Alaska Placer Dome U.S. Inc./Beluga Coal Company 2000 W. International Airport Road, Suite C-1 Anchorage, AK 99502 Phone: 907-243-1957 Fax: 907-243-6628 E-Mail: stan_foo@placerdome.com Brad Fristoe Department of Environmenal Conservation 610 University Avenue Fairbanks, AK 99709-3643 Phone: 907-451-2159 Fax: E-Mail: bfristoe@envircon.state.ak.us Billy Gilman, Sr. Manager Atmautluak Tribal Utilities General Delivery Atmautluak, AK 99559 Phone: 907-553-5429 Fax: 907-553-5429 E-Mail: / Michael Gondouin Exec. Vice President S-CAL Research Corp. 32 San Marino Dr. San Rafael, CA 94901 Phone: 415-456-8237 Fax: 415-456-8237 E-Mail: Glenn Gray Division of Governmental Coordination Office of the Governor P.O. Box 110030 Juneau, AK 99811 Phone: 907-465-8792 Fax: 907-465-3075 E-Mail: Glenn_Gray@gov.state.ak.us Ken Griffin Reservoir/Evaluation Engineer ForcEnergy 310 K Street, #700 Anchorage, AK 99501 Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Hugh D. Guthrie Senior Technical Advisor, Fuels & Specialty Markets Federal Energy Technology Center P.O. Box 880 Morgantown, WV 26507-0880 Phone: 304-285-4632 Fax: 304-285-4292 E-Mail: hguthr@fetc.doe.gov Al Hastings Director, Oil & Gas Cook Inlet Region Inc. P.O. Box 93330 Anchorage, AK 99509-3330 Phone: 907-274-8630 Fax: 907-263-5183 E-Mail: ahastings@ciri.com Leonard E. Graham Associate Director, Fuels & Specialty Markets Federal Energy Technology Center P.O. Box 880 Morgantown, WV 26507-0880 Phone: 304-285-4714 Fax: 304-285-4292 E-Mail: Igraha@fetc.doe.gov Joe Green Alaska State Representative 716 W. 4th Ave., Ste 350 Anchorage, AK 99501 Phone: 907-258-8198 Fax: 907-258-8171 E-Mail: Uwe Gross Chief Executive Officer Koniag, Inc. 4300 B. Street, Ste. 407 Anchorage, AK 99503 Phone: 907-561-2668 Fax: 907-562-5258 E-Mail: ugross@koniag.com Art M. Hartstein Environmental Scientist, Office of Oil & Gas Processing ‘Department of Energy 1000 Independence Ave. SW, FE-32 Washington, DC 20585 Phone: 301-903-2760 Fax: 301-903-9482 E-Mail: arthur.hartstein@hq.doe.gov Joe Hegna Manager, Environment, Health & Safety ARCO Alaska Inc. P.O. Box 100360 Anchorage, AK 99510-0360 Phone: 907-263-4576 Fax: 907-265-6216 E-Mail: jhegna@aai.arco.com Jack Hirschenhofer Project Manager Parsons Power Group, Inc. 2675 Morgantown Road Reading, PA 19607 Phone: 610-855-2871 Fax: 610-855-2384 E-Mail: Theresa Imm Resource Development Manager Arctic Slope Regional Corp. 301 Arctic Slope Ave, Ste 300 Anchorage, AK 99518-3036 Phone: 907-267-6372 Fax: 907-344-5642 E-Mail: timm@asrc.com Annie H. Jacob Manager Napaskiak Utility Box 6078 Napaskiak, AK 99559 Phone: 907-737-7432 Fax: 907-737-7989 E-Mail: H. W. Johnson Prudhoe Bay Field Manager ARCO Alaska, Inc. 700 G. Street Anchorage, AK 99501 Phone: 907-659-5221 Fax: 907-659-5061 E-Mail: Michael L. Jones Assoc. Dir., Ind. Relations & Tech. Commercialization Energy & Environmental Research Center P.O. Box 9018 Grand Forks, ND 58202-9018 Phone: 701-777-4142 Fax: 701-777-5181 E-Mail: Randy Hobbs President Hobbs Industries, Inc. 229 Whitney Rd. Anchorage, AK 99501 Phone: 907-278-7283 Fax: 907-278-7448 E-Mail: John Ingram 3200 Three Rivers Drive Austin, TX 78746 Phone: 512-329-8611 Fax: 512-329-8640 E-Mail: ingram@austin.sics.SLB.com J. Scott Jepsen Kuparuk Development Manager ARCO Alaska, Inc. 700 G. Street Anchorage, AK 99501 Phone: 907-263-4348 Fax: 907-265-6133 E-Mail: jsjepsen@mailaai.arco.com David W. Johnston Chairman/Commissioner Alaska Oil & Gas Conserv. Comm 3001 Porcupine Dr. Anchorage, AK 99501 Phone: 907-279-1433 Fax: 907-276-7542 E-Mail: Joe Killins Director, Regulatory Affairs ARCO Alaska Pipeline P.O. Box 100360 Anchorage, AK 99510 Phone: 907-263-3711 Fax: 907-263-3748 E-Mail: killins@alaska.net Meera Kohler General Manager Naknek Electric Association P.O. Box 118 Naknek, AK 99633 Phone: 907-246-4261 Fax: 907-246-6242 E-Mail: mkohler@bristolbay.com E. J. LaFlure Manager New Oil & Gas Ventures Shell Continental Companies Phone: 281-544-3238 Fax: E-Mail: ejlaflure@shellus.com Cat Larrea Business Information Manager BP Exploration 900 E. Benson Blvd., MB12-3 Anchorage, AK 99508 Phone: 907-564-4834 Fax: 907-564-5949 E-Mail: larreac@bp.com George Lauer Sr. Consultant, Environment, Health & Safety ARCO 444 S. Flower Los Angeles, CA 90071 Phone: 213-486-0777 Fax: 213-486-2021 E-Mail: glauer@mail.arco.com Rhonda Lindsey Program Manager, DCS & Field Demo. National Petroleum Technology Office P.O. Box 3628, One West 3rd Street, 14th Floor Tulsa, OK 74101 Phone: 918-699-2037 Fax: 918-699-2055 E-Mail: Robert S. Kripowicz Principle Deputy Assistant Secretary Department of Energy 1000 Independence Ave. SW, FE-1 Washington, DC 20585 Phone: 202-586-4695 Fax: E-Mail: Ryan M. Lance Dir., Exploration Enegineering & Evaluation ARCO 700 G. Street Anchorage, AK 99501 Phone: 907-2634414 Fax: 907-265-1515 E-Mail: Francis H. Larson Chairman Napaskiak Utility P.O. Box 6078 Napaskiak, AK 99559 Phone: 907-737-7432 Fax: 907-737-7989 E-Mail: David M. Lawrence Manager, Gas Commercialization & Marketing ARCO Alaska, Inc. P.O. Box 10360 Anchorage, AK 99501 Phone: 907-263-4778 Fax: 907-265-1555 E-Mail: Mike Madden BDM-Oklahoma, Inc. Bartlesville, OK 74005 Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Brian Malnak Professional Staff Member Senate Energy Committee 364 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510-6150 Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Dennis Meiners Spec. Asst., Dept of Comm & Reg Dev. Division of Energy P.O. Box 112100 Juneau, AK 99811-2100 Phone: 907-465-4632 Fax: 907-465-2948 E-Mail: al Daniel W. Mowrey Manager, International Natural Gas Marathon Oil Company P.O. Box 3128 Houston, TX 77253 Phone: 713-296-3723 Fax: 713-296-4497 E-Mail: dwmowrey@marathonoil.com P. H. Noah Director LNG Sales & Marketing Phillips Petroleum Company 1090B Plaza Office Building Bartlesville, OK 74004 Phone: 918-661-0518 Fax: 918-661-4057 E-Mail: phnoah@bvemx.ppco.com Chuck O'Donnell Manager, Business Development Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. 1835 S. Bragaw St, MS#530-B Anchorage, AK 99512 Phone: 907-265-8120 Fax: 907-264-7594 E-Mail: Alan Mankofsky Science Applications International Corporation 1710 Goodridge Drive, MS 2-5-2 McLean, VA 22102 Phone: 703-734-5596 Fax: 703-821-1134 E-Mail: alan@apo.saic.com pyle’ Vb Kevin O. Meyers ° Sr. Vice President for Prudhoe Bay Unit ARCO Alaska 700 G. Street Anchorage, AK 99501 Phone: 907-265-6421 Fax: 907-263-4438 E-Mail: meyers#m#_kevin_o@msmail.aai.arco.com Mark Nelson Manager, Retail Sales Tesoro Alaska Petroleum Co. P.O. Box 196272 Anchorage, AK 99519-6272 Phone: 907-561-5521 Fax: 907-561-3887 E-Mail: Ron Noel Assistant General Counsel Tesoro Alaska Petroleum Co. P.O. Box 196272 Anchorage, AK 99519-6272 Phone: 907-561-5521 Fax: 907-561-3887 E-Mail: Camille Oechsli Commissioner Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission 3001 Porcupine Drive Anchorage, AK 99501 Phone: 907-279-1433 Fax: 907-276-7542 E-Mail: David O. Ogbe Professor, Petroleum Engineering Dept. University of Alaska Fairbanks P.O. Box 755880 Fairbanks, AK 99775-5880 Phone: 907-474-7698 Fax: 907-474-5912 E-Mail: ffdoo@uaf.edu David T. Perkins Marathon Oil Co. P.O. Box 196168 Anchorage, AK 99519-6168 Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Norman L. Phillips, Jr. Engineering Geologist Doyon, Limited 201 First Avenue Fairbanks, AK 99701 Phone: 907-459-2000 Fax: 907-459-2060 E-Mail: phillipp@Doyon.com Ted Rockwell EPA 222 W. 7th Ave., #19 Anchorage, AK 99513-7588 Phone: 907-271-3689 Fax: 907-271-3424 E-Mail: rockwell.theodore@epamail.epa.gov Jerry Simmons Principle Environmental Engineer BDM Petroleum Technologies, Inc. P.O. Box 2543 Bartlesville, OK 74005 Phone: 918-3384488 Fax: 918-338-4411 E-Mail: William R. Owens Washington Operations Manager Parsons Power Group, Inc. 19644 Club House Road, #820 Gaithersburg, MD 20879 Phone: 301-869-9191 Fax: 301-977-7507 E-Mail: william_r_owens@parsons.com Robert O. Petkus Business Development Specialist M-C Power Corporation 8100 S. Madison St. Burr Ridge, IL 60521 Phone: 630-986-8040 Fax: 630-986-8153 E-Mail: G. M. Schuppert, Jr. Manager LNG Sales & Marketing Phillips Petroleum Company 1000B Plaza Office Building Bartlesville, OK 74004 Phone: 918-661-4118 Fax: 918-661-4057 E-Mail: gmschupp@bvemx.ppco.com John F.M. Sims Vice President Marketing Usibelli Coal Mine Inc. 100 Cushman Street, Ste. 210 Fairbanks, AK 99701 Phone: 907-452-2625 Fax: 907-451-6543 E-Mail: Bernie Smith Manager Government Affairs Tesoro Alaska Petroleum Company P.O. Box 196272 Anchorage, AK 99519-6272 Phone: 907-561-5521 Fax: 907-561-3887 E-Mail: BernieSmith@tesoropetroleum.com R. B. Stiles President Dryan Corporation 711 H Street, Ste 600 Anchorage, AK 99501 Phone: 907-276-6868 Fax: 907-276-2395 E-Mail: rbstiles@alaska.net Dutch Van Blaricom Comico American 15918 E. Euclid Ave. Spokane, WA 99216-1815 Phone: 509-922-8787 Fax: E-Mail: Greg H. Caza Product Manager Ballard Generation Systems Unit C 4242 Phillips Ave. Bumaby, BC CANADA Phone: 604-421-2451 Fax: 604-444-2400 E-Mail: Virgil Spurgeon Director, Laws & Regulations Phillips Petroleum Company 6330 West Loop South Bellaire, TX 77401 Phone: 713-669-7993 Fax: 713-669-3595 E-Mail: vrspurg@ppco.com Dexter Sutterfield Director, Program Dev. and Special Programs BDM-Oklahoma, Inc. P.O. Box 2565 Bartlesville, OK 74005-2565 Phone: 918-3374251 Fax: 918-3374465 E-Mail: Robert H. Trent Director, School of Mineral Engineering University of Alaska Fairbanks P.O. Box 755960 Fairbanks, AK 99775-5960 Phone: 907-474-7366 Fax: 907-474-6994 E-Mail: ffirht@uaf.edu Sandra L. Waisley Deputy Assistant Secretary (Acting), Office of Gas & Oil Department of Energy 1000 Independence Ave. SW, FE-30, 3E-028/FORS Washington, DC 20585 Phone: 202-586-5600 Fax: E-Mail: Frank L. Williams Director Institute of Northern Engineering 910 Yukon Drive, Suite 106, PO Bos 756020 Fairbanks, AK 99775-6020 Phone: 907-474-1106 Fax: 907-474-5494 E-Mail: williams@arsc.edu Warrack Willson 4 Coal-water Fuel Services POB 82488 Fairbanks, AK 99708 Phone: 907-455-6480 Fax: 907-474-5400 E-Mail: ffww@aurora.alaska.edu Steve Wormington President Tesoro Alaska Petroleum Co. P.O. Box 196272 Anchorage, AK 99519-6272 Phone: 907-561-5521 Fax: 907-561-3887 E-Mail: Peter Zseleczky Land Manager - Alaska BP Exploration (AK) Inc. P.O. Box 196612 Anchorage, AK 99519-6612 Phone: Fax: 907-564-5132 E-Mail: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Milton A. Wiltse Director and State Geologist Alaska Div. of Geol. & Geophysical Surveys 794 University Ave, Ste 200 Fairbanks, AK 99709-3645 Phone: 907-451-5010 Fax: 907-451-5050 E-Mail: milt@dnr.state.ak.us Mir Yousufuddin Staff Engineer DOE/EIA/Dallas Field Office 1119 Bryan St., Ste 1110 Dallas, TX 75301-6801 Phone: 214-720-6186 Fax: 214-720-6155 E-Mail: miryousufuddin@eia.doe.gov Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: