HomeMy WebLinkAboutRegional Data Summary, Alaska's Energy Plan 1986Regional Data Summary Alaska’s Energy Plan 1986 BILL SHEFFIELO GOVERNOR STATE OF ALASKA OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR JUNEAU Alaska’s Energy Policy, Past and Future by Governor Bill Sheffield Dear Alaskan: Energy programs have been a large and important part of Alaska’s public policy over the past decade. A lot has happened in that time, too. Ten years back, Alaskans were gazing across what looked like a limitless ocean of oil wealth. Now, we can see the other shore. Over the past 10 years, we Alaskans have modified our expectations to fit our income. In the same way, we have modified components in our energy programs to fit the fiscal realities. However, the basic policy behind those programs has not changed. There is acommon sense logic and persistent pattern to the State’s involvement in energy matters over the last 10 years. That logic continues to motivate our energy program planning. All of Alaska’s energy programs share this primary goal: to use our resources to reduce consumer expenditures on energy. Our programs can be broken down into these general categories: e Identify and assist in the construction of “optimum” electric generation systems, from hydroelec- tric dams to waste heat systems; e — Reduce individual consumption of energy, especially for home heating purposes; e¢ Hold down electric bills in high cost, rural areas. Optimum Generation By far, the State’s major initiative has been to find electric generation systems that would—over the long term—provide electricity at the lowest cost. The Alaska Legislature has pursued this objective primarily through the Energy Program for Alaska, administered by the Alaska Power Authority (APA). These are the major components of the program: ¢ Four hydroelectric dams that are providing power today in southeast and southcentral Alaska— Tyee Lake, for Wrangell and Petersburg; Swan Lake, for Ketchikan; Terror Lake, for Kodiak; and Solomon Gulch, for Valdez and Glennallen. ¢ The Bradley Lake hydro project, which will provide power to the Kenai Peninsula by 1990. Con- struction should start this spring. ¢ The Susitna River hydro project, which is in the planning stages. ¢ The Fairbanks-to-Anchorage intertie, a 170-mile 345 kilovolt transmission line connecting the power grids of our two largest cities. The Legislature has committed about $1.4 billion (including appropriations to the Power Develop- ment Fund, a savings account for future Railbelt power projects). That is a powerful commitment to providing the people of Alaska with long-term, dependable power at the lowest possible cost. On a smaller but still impressive scale, this commitment is reflected in other APA programs such as the waste heat recovery program, the Rural Electrification Revolving Loan Fund, and the Power Project Fund. Seventeen waste-heat recovery facilities have been built in rural Alaska since 1981. Numerous low- interest loans and cash grants (some administered by other State agencies) have helped expand and upgrade rural electric distribution systems. Direct grants and loans from the Department of Com- munity and Regional Affairs have allowed villages to purchase and store their diesel fuel in larger bulk quantities, reducing the overall cost to those consumers. Reduced Consumption Energy conservation programs have helped Alaskans reduce their energy costs by using less fuel. especially home heating fuel. State energy conservation measures include consumer education and outreach programs, weatheriza- tion, home energy audits, and better thermal efficiency standards for new buildings. Both federal and State money support our conservation efforts. The agencies include the APA, the University of Alaska, the Cooperative Extension Service, and the State Department of Community and Regional Affairs, which is the lead agency in energy conservation. Direct Energy Support The Power Cost Equalization Program (about $20 million in FY 86) is a major subsidy program. Through a statutory formula, it pays a part of the monthly electric bill of the residents in many high-cost rural communities. It was designed by the Legislature to assist rural communities in attaining some measure of equity in State spending for energy projects. Additionally, the federal Low Income Energy Assistance Program, administered through the State Department of Health and Social Services, helps qualifying households defray energy costs. Looking Ahead Alaska’s energy programs have entered a new phase. It is a time for consolidation and refinement. As times change, we need to ask ourselves which of our existing energy programs most effectively implement—or can be tailored to implement—our existing energy policy. We need to streamline the programs we have and make them work better. The State of Alaska remains committed to its primary goals of reducing energy costs for Alaskans. We can achieve this by continuing our hydroelectric program and encouraging conservation through coordinated State programs. We can adapt our programs to changing times and conditions, with the cooperation of the public, our Legislature, and local public officials. Sincerely, Bill Sheffield Governor ALASKA’S ENERGY PLAN 1986 VOLUME Ill — REGIONAL DATA SUMMARY Bill Sheffield, Governor State of Alaska Prepared by: Department of Commerce & Economic Development Loren H. Lounsbury, Commissioner Alaska Power Authority Robert D. Heath, Executive Director February 1, 1986 Special Thanks to Wanda Springsted, Carol Whelan, and Barbara Weiss for preparing the typed portions of this document for publication. For additional copies of this report write to: Alaska Power Authority Box 190869 Editor Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 Mark Miller Table of Contents Page Introductionimeracere citi ieieioeletreiee terior rete cletlerelers token tonedetetele ste deeletetetck Veneto cletcieereierste aie 1 Map of Alaska’s 23 Energy RegionS.......... 00. e cece eect e eet e ees 2 TR SUNMAIMAY ons open) role ote ev ear eater este Pte) te ay eyrotce ene ayeo” eo oro alle otro) cyto a)iss so ov@ sirepcnte cite lie our cicar=1e 3 Energy Regions Data ‘Table InveintOry «- oc 5566 0c 26 56 oc ee i cece ow ere rcne rey sett 6 Statewide Data (Listed by Letter)... 0.2... 0... eee eee i (A) Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984........... 0... cece eee eee 8 (B) Alaskan Employment By Sector, 19807864... 2... ccc cc ccs ccc ete eee cence 8 (C) Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977-1984 (MW).............0 cece eee eee 9 (D) Fuel Consumption For Generation of Electricity............ 0c cece 9 (E) Number of Roadway VehicleS........ 0... ccc cece eee eee eee eee 10 (F) Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP or Weatherization Support, STORER ORMO, sires sla aun a care eile se (ola 6) 6: ie BI Bire eye eyol es. afin) olf cllofOle elle. ene witinie ti leks agus emetena. see 11 (G) General Fund Appropriations To Alaskan Communities, 1974-1986............... 11 Mi). Gitar NoneGCiemitigd: Data..:. «Sac. oie oc. 0 ot PPE eo oc 's glayisnets 6 oat oysis ale maie ate 12 (l) Consumption of Energy By Sector and Fuel Type For Alaska, A9GO BING AGEO=1963 5 so ac eiige «caters ce 00 wie ol ofeje Die ielh oye 0) wlevend ae tMat peer e)'> sig 13 (J) Population Forecast For Alaska, 1981-2000......... 0.0... cece eee eee eee eee 14 (K) Projected Electrical Consumption, 1981-2000............... cece ee eee eee 15 (L) Annual Net Generation in Alaska, 1980-1984......... 0.0... eee eee eee eee 16 (M) Annual Net Generation, 1984....... 0.0.0... ccc ccc cece eee eee eee 17 (N) . Installad Capacity By Region, 1964............ 2... cc esc ec ccc es eee cen cecs 18 (O) Projected Oil Demand in Alaska, 1985-1999...... 0.0... ccc eee eee eee 19 (P) Projected Demand for Natural Gas, 1985-1999... ... 0... .. cee eee eee 20 (Q) Projected North Slope Crude Oil Production, 1985-1999.................0.00 0s 21 (R) Alaskan Transportation Fuel Cunsumed, 1982-1984........... 2.0 eee eee eee 22 (S) Number of Alaskan Roadway Vehicles, 1981-1984............. 0.000. cee eee eee 23 (T) Drivers Licenses and Operators, 1980-1984....... 0... 2... eee eee eee eee 24 Bistingrot, Alaskan Gommunitles <<... 3.0. ce deus oe oye ob opine die wie wieteile we wine 016 alereie nieve 25 Aipnemeticallyzrre neni crear chen erenstonsererercney eherer cr okeverseenel enensy crs) oushoreVensiersicvenes tees ok 25 Bye ROQION srerreretstcrenstorclotctere hotel aanetauedseieiereiersioretcvclerarretaileh otensue ceva lsucrsrarerelepelietctictey.ofeier: 28 Listing Gf ‘Ataskan) Utilities cert aco srrs eve aclateretelsiayenelclelciclersisiclons oeteisleicloie oie cle im eteeiel sicher « 31 Alptiabeticatly i eciccrc nc cla eielerevcte ctesieliele etelcie ce (ereva elas lot) sn ere ce creel ate oi Meye wis si 31 By Regione sie se oso wieicie re) 21s ce oe ee ele wh ee core exer ete mim simone oilers ai -oys etretrep cite ayre/ otra 34 Table of Contents Regional Data Tables (By Region Number)........... 0... cece cece ee eee ete eee 39 te NOmh- SIODGs. on occ0 oe none am wears te ce cee me ce om be ae ae ce geal @es an oem he Ol ot 41 O* KOOUK aa ac cue ae ye se oe ne wre Fae PS Rae Bae ee pe Se Se ws wee ee Se ke S Be Se 47 Be INOIMOG: 5a fe on oe oe oe cu oe isis bole oe Se Seed Reve gs Gee Bie ls Se ls od es wet Se Se 53 As. NUKOM=KOYURUK ss 6 scare ares bierc's Ge Ge ee Ge cee Sa ae Oe oe He le Ree om a we He Ae ee ae ee 61 5. Fairbanks... 2... cc ee eee e eee nett eee 73 6. Southeast Pall Danks 5p oir ere carte ereare tre RG Bn wT ae na Me Sl we ee we ee eee 79 7. Wade Hampton... .... 0... ccc eee eee teen eee enn 85 Bi TBC UNOl. oe pk on sok oe ng ged OS eT OS WE Gs SR ERG We ESS Wie ae He SE Be HORE He we ae © 91 9. Dillingham .. 0... et eee nett eee eee eens 101 10. Bristol Bay... .. 6... eee eee ee teen ene 109 11. Aleutian IslandS.... 0.0... ccc een tee eee 115 12. Matanuska-SuSitna... 2.0.0... e eee e eee e ees 123 13. ANChOrage .. 1... eee ee ee eee eee e eee eens 129 14. Kenai Peninsula...... 0.0... 0. cece ee eee eee eee 135 15s KOGIAKs: 05.2 cad ce amine cw oa cs coon ue we Rees oR we me ae deci we Oe Oe ae He we Ae oe one 143 16; -ValGOZCOMdOVa,. <6 a0 00 c2 dec cn ve s0tcRE Re tear te tap tet Gv ea we da we ae tee 149 17. SkagwayYakutat-ANgQOON ... 10... cee eee teen e eens 157 18.. WalWOS 23. cc00 a6 da Ge ws Ge we oe oe Oe oe ie ee eee ew eb meee toes see ee ws 163 19. JUNEAU en eee ee eee eee ee 167 p10 ame) | ee 173 21. Wrangell-Petersburg ... 6... ccc ee eee eee ee nee eens 177 22. Prince of Wales—Outer Ketchikan.......... 00.0 cee eee ee eee eee 183 20. “Ketehikan...0% aca as om au on oe om de Hed oa coe oe eae oe Ge we am oe we oe ae oe le oe Ge BE 189 Introduction “Alaska’s Energy Plan — 1986: Regional Data Summary” is the third of four documents com- pleted during the 1986 energy planning effort. It is designed to provide useful information to energy groups, utilities, and energy planners on a region by region basis. Twenty-three (23) regions, equal to U.S. Census districts were used. Each section begins with a map of the cen- sus district and the region’s location within Alaska. This introduction provides summary information and identification of region distribution across Alaska. Tables are identified by number and consistant in form throughout the regions. Where possible, state summaries are shown. Additional graphs from previous documents in this plan- ning series with backup tables are also shown. The introduction concludes with a regional and alphabetical list of communities and utilities throughout the state. Each region is composed of an identification map and up to 16 separate tables. Tables 1 — 2 highlight population and economic statistics. Tables 3-10 provide information on electrical generation parameters and other electrical utility data. Table 11 shows data on fuel costs in Alaska. Table 12 indicates the number of roadway vehicles. Table 13 illustrates data on Alaskan homes weatherized and receiving Low Income Housing Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) funds. Table 14 itemizes general fund appropriations received by communities since 1974. Table 15 illustrates the status of Alaska Power Authority projects statewide. Finally, Table 16 shows both Power Cost Assistance and Power Cost Equalization use and rates. All these tables are explained in further detail in the following section. Combined, this information should provide guidance to local, regional, state and federal plan- ners and researchers to assess Alaskan energy parameters as known today. Finally, one of the salient points to be acknowledged when analyzing community energy data is the prevalence of blanks or “data gaps.” Improvement of this Regional Data Summary can only come about as energy analysts decide how to fill those data gaps, and recognize the value of additional data needs. This reference document is a product of many independent collections of data from a variety of sources and should be used to focus future data collec- tion efforts in those areas presently untouched, and toward fulfillment of those informational areas needing further work. State of Alaska Chukchi Sea 1. North Star . Aleutian Map of Alaska’s 23 Energy Regions Arctic Ocean Barrow Kobuk Nome Yukon-Koyukuk Fairbanks North Star Southeast Fairbanks Wade Hampton Bethel Dillingham . Bristol Bay . Matanuska-Susitna . Anchorage . Kenai Peninsula . Kodiak . Valdez-Cordova . Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon . Haines . Juneau Bering Sea . Sitka . . Wrangell-Petersburg . . Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan . Ketchikan St. Lawrence Gulf of Alaska a Se Ketchikan sR 22-7Q 15 23 Bristol Ra qe Bere 11 ae ey Ca sas ar < Atka Island > ° 4 <r Unalaska Island TABLE SUMMARY The following is a short description of data type given in each table presented in this Regional Data Summary. There are a total of 16 tables. In some regions, a complete lack of data has precluded the incorporation of that individual table in the regional summary. COMMUNITY PROFILE TABLE 1 Communities and their Populations Community populations, utility(ies) servicing that community, and average annual population changes for 1970 and the years 1980-1984 are presented. Source is Alaska Department of Labor, Quarterly Statistics Reports. TABLE 2 Alaska Employment By Sector (DOL) 1980 to 1984 Data on employment for the years 1980 to 1984. This data is believed to represent historical employment capacities by region. Source is Alaska Department of Labor, Quarterly Statistics Report, 1980-1984. ENERGY USE AND COSTS TABLE 3 TABLE 4 TABLE 5 Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977-1984 (MWH) Utility net generation in megawatt hours and average annual generation change is provided for the years 1977 to 1984. Source is the Alaska Power Authority’s “Alaska Electric Power Statistics, 1960-1984,” published December, 1985. Generation Capacity Total installed generation capacity in kilowatts for individual utilities. Source is the Alaska Power Authority’s “Alaska Electric Power Statistics, 1960-1984,” published December, 1985. Peak Load By Utility Peak load in megawatts is shown for the years 1977 to 1984 by community utility, and the change in that peak load during the period 1977-1984 and 1983-1984 is shown as a percentage. Source is the Alaska Power Authority’s “Alaska Electric Power Statistics, 1960-1984,” published December, 1985. TABLE 6 TABLE 7 TABLE 8 TABLE 9 TABLE 10 TABLE 11 TABLE 12 Fuel Consumption for Generation of Electricity Amount of fuel consumed to produce electricity in each community is displayed for the years 1977 to 1984, and changes for the periods 1977 to 1984 and 1983-1984 are shown as percent of change. Source is the Alaska Power Authority’s “Alaska Electric Power Statistics, 1960-1984,” published December, 1985. Heat Rate by Utility, 1977-1984 The amount of heat used to generate each kilowatt-hour of electrical energy is shown in British thermal units (Btu’s) as a measure of thermal efficiencies. Source is the Alaska Power Authority’s “Alaska Electric Power Statistics, 1960-1984,” published December, 1985. Number of Customers By Utility, 1977-1984 Number of residential and commercial/industrial customers per com- munity utility is shown. Source is the Alaska Power Authority’s “Alaska Electric Power Statistics, 1960-1984,’ published December, 1985. NOTE: Does not include other miscellaneous customers which total about 3,600 additional customers statewide. Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1984 in Cents Per KWH Actual cost of electricity to consumers (average) in cents per kilowatt- hour is shown for each community utility providing service to the residen- tial or commercial/industrial user. Source is the Alaska Power Authority’s “Alaska Electric Power Statistics, 1960-1984,” published December, 1985. Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1984 in MWH Per Customer/Year Total megawatt-hours of electric consumption per year by residential and commercial/industrial users for each community utility. Source is the Alaska Power Authority’s “Alaska Electric Power Statistics, 1960-1984,” published December, 1985. Status of Fuel Costs in Alaska — 1983-1985 Commonly used forms of petroleum products used for energy purposes are identified in dollars per unit consumed. Source — State Fuel Survey conducted 8/15/83, LIHEAP fuel cost estimates, and personal cor- respondence. Numbers are current for the period 8/15/83 to 9/15/85. Number of Roadway Vehicles Number of licensed vehicles by community are shown. Source is the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, unpublished data summaries. LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS TABLE 13 TABLE 14 TABLE 15 TABLE 16 Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP or Weatherization Support, 1984-1985 Housing stock per community is compared to number of units receiving weatherization or financial support through the federal LIHEAP program (fuel and utility costs) and federal and state weatherization programs. Source is the Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs weatherization data, unpublished data, and the LIHEAP FY 85 program summary of support by community, unpublished data. General Fund Appropriations to Alaskan Communities, FY 1974-1986 The Department of Community and Regional Affairs provides grants to both incorporated communities and the Department of Administration provides grants to unincorporated communities, for statewide energy related projects. This table lists the type of grant and monetary appropria- tion included in the grants during Fiscal years 1974 to 1986. Alaska Power Authority Projects in Alaskan Communities — Through 1985 List of APA projects ongoing in communities statewide. This very abbrevi- ated table recognizes that various energy projects covering a host of topics is underway in an individual community and in most cases relates the stage of an activity based on the APA's 22 step development process. Source is the Alaska Power Authority’s project status report, 1/5/86. Power Cost Assistance and Power Cost Equalization Data, FY 82, FY 83, and FY 85-FY 86 Data on the amount of kilowatt-hour sales of electricity qualifying either for the PCA or PCE programs are shown. PCA data is not given for FY 84 or the first three months of FY 85 preceeding the commencement of PCE in October, 1984, due to incomplete data. PCA is shown for the July to June period and PCE is for the October to September period. PCE numbers are shown for the months of available data and many times are for less than 12 months per community. Due to these differences, across the board comparisons between PCA and PCE are therefore not recom- mended. Source of information is the Alaska Public Utilities Commission and Alaska Power Authority’s data files, unpublished data. Energy Regions Data Table Regions a ©M2NAA AWN . North Slope Kobuk Nome Yukon-Koyukuk Fairbanks North Star Southeast Fairbanks Wade Hampton Bethel Dillingham 10. Bristol Bay da: "2. 13. 14. 15. 16. AZ. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23 Aleutian Islands Matanuska-Susitna Anchorage Kenai Peninsula Kodiak Valdez-Cordova Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Haines Juneau Sitka Wrangell-Petersburg . Prince of Wales - Outer Ketchikan . Ketchikan Inventory Table Numbers 4.6585. 0+ B.. 9: 10°41 12 13 14 15 16 Statewide Data The following information is presented in tabular or graphic form in this section: A — Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984 (summarizes Regional Table 1) B — Alaskan Employment By Sector, 1980-1984 (summarizes Regional Table 2) C — Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977-1984 (MW) (summarizes Regional Table 3) D — Fuel Consumption For Generation of Electricity (summarizes Regional Table 6) E — Number of Roadway Vehicles (summarizes Regional Table 12) F — Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP or Weatherization Support, 1984-1985 (summarizes Regional Table 13) G — General Fund Appropriations To Alaskan Communities, 1974-1986 (summarizes Regional Table 14) H — Other Non-Classified Data (includes Regional Tables 3, 8, 9, & 10) | — Consumption of Energy By Sector and Fuel Type For Alaska, 1960 and 1980-1983 J — Population Forecast For Alaska, 1981-2000 K — Projected Electrical Consumption, 1981-2000 L — Annual Net Generation in Alaska, 1980-1984 M —Annual Net Generation, 1984 N — Installed Capacity By Region, 1984 O — Projected Oil Demand in Alaska, 1985-1999 P — Projected Demand for Natural Gas, 1985-1999 Q — Projected North Slope Crude Oil Production, 1985-1999 R — Alaskan Transportation Fuel Consumed, 1982-1984 S — Number of Alaskan Roadway Vehicles, 1981-1984 T — Drivers Licenses and Operators, 1980-1984 A — Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984 Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1970-1984 1980-1984 North Slope 3500 4600 4700 4800 5168 5367 34 3.9 Kobuk 4100 4900 5000 5100 5484 5684 2.4 3.8 Nome 5800 6900 7300 7500 7581 7888 2.2 3.4 Yukon-Koyukuk 7100 7700 7592 7900 8507 8519 1.3 26 Fairbanks 46500 57800 58300 59200 55706 56422 1.4 -0.6 Southeast Fairbanks 4300 5900 6000 6100 6105 6104 25 0.9 Wade Hampton 4000 4700 4800 4757 5203 5185 1.9 2.5 Bethel 8162 9921 9970 10496 11240 11446 7 1.0 Dillingham 3900 4700 4700 4700 5019 5125 2.0 2.4 Bristol Bay 1100 1200 1200 1300 1213 1187 0.2 1.4 Aleutian Islands 5900 8100 8300 8500 8048 8255 2.4 0.5 Matanuska-Susitna 6600 19400 23300 25200 24734 29836 11.4 11.4 Anchorage 130200 179000 184700 200500 227246 243829 46 8.0 Kenai Peninsula 16800 27600 29500 32500 35137 38285 61 8.5 Kodiak 9600 11000 11700 12700 12226 12381 34 7? Valdez-Cordova 5000 9100 9300 9500 8774 8730 41 1.0 Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon 2800 3400 3500 3600 3791 3716 2.0 22 Haines 1400 1700 1800 1900 1819 1939 2.0 2.0 Juneau 13800 19800 21100 22000 23009 23729 3.9 46 Sitka 6200 7803 8000 8223 7665 7611 15 0.6 Wrangell-Petersburg 5000 6300 7000 6700 6660 6625 2.0 1.3 Prince of Wales 3700 4300 4400 4400 4400 4652 5.6 16.5 Ketchikan 10200 12000 12200 12400 12584 12705 1.6 1.4 STATE TOTAL 306500 418903 435492 457238 487319 515220 3.9 5.7 B — Alaskan Employment By Sector, 1980-1984 Parameter 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Employment Private Mining Ss 7,637 9,300 8,181 8,702 Construction 10,696 12,152 11,241 20,766 20,335 Manufacturing 14,352 12,887 8,387 11,891 11,289 Transportation and Public Utilities 17,348 18,111 17,517 18,602 18,892 Wholesale Trade 5,428 5,866 6,699 8,001 8,673 Retail Trade 24,035 24,946 27,011 33,393 35,765 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 8,200 8,243 8,459 10,169 11,094 Services 32,439 33,224 33,116 37,872 40,836 Subtotal Private 112,498 123,066 121,730 148,875 155,586 Government Federal 17,840 17,762 17,012 17,731 18,075 State 15,820 16,258 17,386 18,860 19,304 Local 19,702 21,552 24,274 25,240 27,106 Subtotal Government 53,362 55,572 58,672 61,831 64,485 Miscellaneous S 428 1,399 2,120 2,415 TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 165,860 179,066 181,801 212,826 222,486 Note: Some Data For Less Than 12 Months or Has Some Suppressed Data, Proprietors Not Included S = Data for year is suppressed C — Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977-1984 (MW) Statewide Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 North Slope 324,930 531,149 530,988 699,295 789,186 861,247 956,184 1,237,490 Kobuk 15,756 16,944 17,110 17,299 18,508 20,159 21,710 22,631 Nome 37,454 38,026 39,102 40,527 41,884 38,614 38,635 39,994 Yukon-Koyukuk 194,450 188,619 193,483 177,383 179,169 171,940 36,294 104,493 Fairbanks North Star 558,549 539,537 521,131 503,140 499,780 560,050 590,091 631,637 Southeast Fairbanks 15,671 18,042 9,963 6,693 7,086 7,464 8,805 9,011 Wade Hampton 8,848 8,673 9,483 9,333 9,774 10,869 11,679 12,497 Bethel 37,619 39,871 41,362 45,216 47,183 49,148 49,638 50,783 Dillingham 6,345 7,854 8,591 9,496 10,915 12,443 14,688 18,672 Bristol Bay 12,360 12,271 12,858 19,476 14,444 19,908 14,420 18,464 Aleutian Islands 125,364 112,272 103,994 101,973 103,230 105,663 109,957 110,497 Anchorage 1,959,740 2,076,902 2,182,041 2,247,750 2,315,304 2,580,887 2,677,569 2,828,934 Kenai Peninsula 279,852 325,725 324,509 334,710 322,759 301,828 308,399 273,317 Kodiak 76,510 80,545 83,598 82,791 82,238 81,745 81,197 86,080 Valdez-Cordova 101,429 115,009 113,930 116,187 101,804 103,709 103,939 103,670 Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon 16,063 16,592 16,735 16,129 13,174 17,045 16,200 16,514 Haines 6,579 6,753 6,292 7,040 6,994 8,320 7,855 8,609 Juneau 119,426 128,315 139,652 151,282 175,752 211,170 231,346 248,568 Sitka 181,702 202,124 224,851 229,769 233,194 261,885 273,134 218,237 Wrangell-Petersburg 43,420 36,843 36,217 38,843 38,408 41,726 42,152 60,559 Prince of Wales 170,237 159,243 147,242 148,685 148,582 149,419 129,964 30,509 Ketchikan 73,659 78,736 79,004 84,227 93,498 104,208 101,840 155,104 Non-Classified 7,932 19,053 19,053 23,982 15,176 21,339 112,939 24,272 Subtotal Utility 2,902,914 3,041,504 3,167,412 3,175,036 3,283,644 3,718,055 3,862,253 4,098,691 Subtotal Industry 882,633 1,170,336 1,170,915 1,332,824 1,387,735 1,431,811 1,578,739 1,665,941 Subtotal Defense 570,602 526,758 497,662 500,530 493,827 489,920 464,643 509,359 Subtotal University 17,746 20,500 25,200 26,736 26,736 33,000 33,000 33,000 Subtotal Municipality 0 0 0 76,100 76,100 68,000 0 0 STATE TOTAL 4,373,895 4,759,098 4,861,189 5,111,226 5,268,042 5,740,786 5,938,635 6,306,991 D — Fuel Consumption For Generation of Electricity State Summary Fuel Consumption Utility Vicinity Fuel Units . “ 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Oil Gal. 41,142,097 42,320,329 42,458,521 41,733,338 40,070,337 42,753,653 46,772,771 45,244,047 Gas MCF 23,716,519 24,757,067 28,179,963 28,990,732 29,370,862 30,512,862 32,046,639 32,011,512 Coal Tons 250,918 268,556 264,694 268,358 320,524 336,325 319,019 314,393 E — Number of Roadway Vehicles 1981—1984 Statewide Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 North Slope 242 287 320 715 Kobuk 238 305 350 397 Nome 1085 1132 1282 1285 Yukon-Koyukuk 2507 2645 2859 3269 Fairbanks North Star 44286 49045 53397 58186 Southeast Fairbanks 2923 3025 3244 3606 Wade Hampton 80 93 100 132 Bethel 1091 1246 1493 1607 Dillingham 845 967 1162 1406 Bristol Bay 497 554 627 886 Aleutian Islands 200 287 325 400 Matanuska-Susitna 14925 17154 21400 26460 Anchorage 135130 151706 166319 175994 Kenai Peninsula 20003 22129 24535 27284 Kodiak 5514 6144 6662 7119 Valdez-Cordova 4819 4983 5224 5754 Skagway-Yakatat-Angoon 1087 1196 1230 1385 Haines 1169 1259 1295 1390 Juneau 13392 15013 16577 18054 Sitka 3677 3807 4019 4450 Wrangell-Petersburg 3406 3704 3974 3747 Prince of Wales 797 961 979 1138 Ketchikan 6818 7341 7802 8508 Total 264731 294983 325175 353172 10 F — Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP or Weatherization Support, 1984-1985 Statewide 1984 1985 Total Total Receiving Total Receiving Total Community Houses(#) Weatherized LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) LIHEAP. LIHEAP ($) North Slope 1,765 26 234 154,320 215 168,971 Kobuk 1,315 116 684 409,753 617 450,349 Nome 2,123 193 1,031 567,994 813 588,377 Yukon-Koyukuk 2,706 140 516 34,806 1,379 828,034 Fairbanks North Star 21,469 211 1,964 933,826 1,806 914,840 Southeast Fairbanks 1,051 80 167 88,971 431 224,759 Wade Hampton 1,202 106 344 0 647 344,851 Bethel 4,279 158 60 unknown 1,372 734,985 Dillingham 1,610 147 428 284,934 494 348,040 Bristol Bay 390 27 59 40,408 49 38,076 Aleutian 985 23 270 128,944 276 205,939 Matanuska-Susitna 0 190 gka 316,314 1,175 497,324 Anchorage 70,723 896 2,679 717,501 2,549 935,176 Kenai Peninsula 7,229 283 2,165 697,997 1,683 587,449 Kodiak 2,046 0 494 249,586 486 260,018 Valdez-Cordova 2,888 170 825 229,540 581 275,665 Skagway-Yakutat- Angoon 1,167 245 129 57,556 377 194,355 Haines 399 42 98 40,177 144 56,047 Juneau 7,663 108 434 59,809 807 50,788 Sitka 10,348 173 1,234 214,191 1,043 148,494 Wrangell-Petersburg 2472 158 392 74,281 364 156,712 Prince of Wales- Outer Ketchikan 902 93 1,486 102,078 397 187,428 Ketchikan 5,155 85 297 106,943 551 217,550 Totals 111,495 2,796 11,737 3,260,450 12,188 5,188,109 G — General Fund Appropriations To Alaskan Communities, 1974-1986 Statewide Region Total Expenditure North Slope lems oa $4,481,240 Yukon-Koyukuk $4,643,050 Fairbanks $7,693,700 Southeast Fairbanks $281,900 Wade Hampton $1,644,700 Bethel $6,755,250 Dillingham $6,764,821 Bristol Bay $300,000 Aleutians $2,370,900 Matanuska-Susitna $300,000 Kenai Peninsula $900,000 Kodiak $928,655 Valdez-Cordova $686,000 Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon $125,115 Haines $115,900 Wrangell-Petersburg $162,350 Prince Of Wales $504,850 Ketchikan $100,000 Total $42,493,371 AN H — Other Non-Classified Data 3 — Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977—1984 (MWH) Non-Classified Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 —-—-*1982 1983. ~—=—«-1984 Subtotal Industry a a7ee2 19053 19053 23982 15176 + «-20770~=Ss«*1i12870'—~st*=—i<«s« 78 Subtotal Defense 569 569 6396 Total Non-Classified 7932 19053 19053 23982 15176 21339 112939 24272 8 — Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1984 Other Residential Commercial/industrial 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 UTILITY PLACE AVEC 48 Villages 2474 2532 2616 2779 2953 3201 3441 3615 163 185 192 578 215 249 253 256 THREA 5 Villages 541 541 575 590 614 670 631 91 91 66 68 78 114 137 9 — Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1984 (Cents/KWH) Other Residential UTILITY PLACE Commercial/Industrial 1977, 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC 24 36 39 42 47 49 49 49 21 32 35 38 43 45 44 43 THREA 17 7 30 36 38 37 35 16 16 29 37 38 37 36 10 — Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1984 (MWH per customerlyear) Other Residential Commercial/industrial SE RACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC 48 Villages 2.0 24 2.4 25 26 7. 118: > 208". 123) 3s THREA 5 Villages 4.0 44 45 46 5.2 383 35.0 301 231 24.0 2) | — Consumption of Energy By Sector and Fuel Type For Alaska, 1960 and 1980-1983 (Trillions of Btu's) Bi 1960 1980 1981 1982 1983 Residential Coal 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Natural Gas G2 8.1 8.1 10.8 10.8 Petroleum 2/ $.2 7. 5.4 6.8 6.8 Electricity 3/ 2.3 19:32 19.6 21.2 20.7 Total 8.1 34.3 53.1 38.8 33,3. Commercial Coal 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Natural Gas 0.0 16.9 16.6 24.9 25.5 Petroleum 2/ Sc 4.8 4.4 4.8 4.3 Electricity 3/ 1.5 12.8 10.9 115 11.9 Total 1s 34.5 31.9 41.2 41.7 Industrial Coal 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Natural Gas 1.9 102.4 70.1 162 L738 Petroleum 2/ 9.5 22.9 are 36.3 36.2 Electricity 3/ 0.8 13.4 15.9 16.4 16.9 Total nye 138.7 109.2 228.9 230.9 Transportation Coal 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Natural Gas * 03k 0.3 0.3 0.3 Petroleum 2/ 27.5 89.3 100.7 102.0 107.8 Electwicity: 3/2) % * ot 0.1 O24 Total 27 6 89.4 OnE 102.4 108.2 All Sectors Combined Coal 673 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Natural Gas 2.1 127.5 95.1 242.2 214.4 Petroleum 2/ 47.4 124.0 13327 149.9 155.1 Electricity 3/ 4.6 45.4 46.5 49.2 49.6 Total 60.4 296.9 275.3 411.3 419.1 Information from U.S. Department of Energy, State Energy Data Report, Consumption Estimates 1960-1983. Includes Distillate Fuel, Kerosene, and LPG. Electric sales and electric energy losses due to transmission generation. Less than 0.1, not included in totals. 13 J — Population Forecast For Alaska, 1981-2000 > a 7° iS g a 3 ° e 2 o 2 E a C4 Years ZZ) Rallbelt (<Q) Southeast ZZ Rural Population Forecast For Alaska 1981 to 2000 (000’s) 1981 1983 1990 2000 Railbelt 313.8 356.6 410.2 447.5 Southeast 51.7 64.6 69.3 74.6 Rural 56.7 89.4 88.2 110.9 Total 422.2 510.6 567.7 632.9 14 K — Projected Electrical Consumption, 1981-2000 ROA AAA O44 LLL y Y Yj y Lj 1981 1983 1985 1990 1995 2000 Years Rallbelt (<NU Southeast Rural Projected Electrical Consumption For Alaska 1981 To 2000 (ASCC Forecast) 1981 1983 1985 1990 1995 2000 Railbelt 2611.1 3024.5 3672.7 4903.1 5612.7 6629.5 Southeast 403.1 514.3 542.0 676.2 781.3 898.9 Rural 182.2 210.3 254.3 354.9 478.8 631.6 Total 3196.4 3749.1 4469.0 5934.2 6872.8 8160.0 15 L — Annual Net Generation in Alaska, 1980-1984 1960 — 1984 42 a1 4 3.9 36 h 37 3.6 38 34 33 3.2 31 1980 1982 1983 1984 yeors Annual Net Generation By Region 1980 — 1984 (MWH) 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Southeast 365443 394724 475011 507253 567608 Arctic/NW 63936 71666 86813 94981 100906 Southcentral 2335091 2305525 2577871 2655641 2827848 Yukon 461612 449855 506404 520830 569931 Southwest 55402 59659 68178 77308 79846 Total 3181484 3281429 3714277 3856013 4146139 Source — APA Alaska Electric Power Statistics, 1960-1984, Alaska Power Authority, December, 1985 16 M — Annual Net Generation, 1984 By Region Southwest (1.9%) Yukon (13.7%) Southecst (13.7%) Arctic/NW (2.4%) Southcentral (68.2%) Net Generation In Alaska By Primary Fuel Type — 1984 (MWh) GAS HYDRO OIL COAL TOTAL Arctic/NW 25054 0 75844 8 100906 Southcentral 2494444 232397 101007 0 2827848 Yukon 0 0 150555 319376 569931 Southeast 0 497124 70484 0 567608 Southwest 0 0 79846 0 79846 TOTAL 2519498 729521 577736 319384 4146139 Source — APA Alaska Electric Power Statistics, 1960-1984, Alaska Power Authority, December, 1985 17 N — Installed Capacity By Region, 1984 Southwest (2.5%) Southeast (17.0%) Yukon (18.8%) Arctic/NW (2.7%) Southcentral (59.0%) Installed Capacity of Electrical Generation Units In Alaska — 1984 (KW) Hydro Diesel Steam Gas Total Southeast 145890 88702 0 37800 272392 Southcentral 77000 66800 104500 699608 947908 Arctic/NW 0 32159 30 11600 43789 Yukon 0 49396 53500 198616 301512 Southwest 100 39784 0 0 39884 TOTAL 222990 276841 158030 947624 1605485 Source — APA Alaska Electric Power Statistics, 1960-1984, Alaska Power Authority, December, 1985 18 “tarsaSanael®) O — Projected Oil Demand in Alaska, 1985-1999 Projected Oil Demand In Alaska Projected Oil Demand By Use 1 By Region, 1985 To 1999 (ONR) 21 1985 — 1999 (ONR) ws 2 Z 1 1.2 e 7 Vv 1.8 7 on Aaa YG ‘8 cg a ae Gl aa ia 0.9 y VA Y 4 4 4 Vy a = A A Aa ae Ae aA 13 a Ae Ae A ae e 12 a a oe ae ae i 0.7 4 Vv) VY Z 4 y y 1 Ae an Oeil wn BA owe ta on oth WN ANA AW Z 0.8 NWNAWNAWA A GZ 0.7 uIN NWA AW AW oe iN WNWDPann ap 7 oe os4N VY IN WNW A aN NAW A A GZ ss “~tIN N WW A A G . "WANA Aa a ws 0 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 x ZZ) Ralibeit ey Non—Rallbelt ZZ Venhicat (SY Sp.Heat ta Utll.Gen. Indus Projected Demand For Oil In Alaska 1985 — 1999 (Millions of Gallons) (DNR Forecast) USE 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 Vehicular 1228 1276 1314 1365 1414 1482 1543 1614 Space Heat 176 184 189 195 203 212 224 237 Utility Generation 37 33 34 36 39 41 45 49 Industrial 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 Total 1546 1598 1642 1700 1761 1840 1917 2005 Source — Historic and Projected Oil & Gas Consumption, Alaska Department of Natural Resources, January 1986 Projected Oil Demand — DNR Forecast (Millions of Gallons) 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 Railbelt 1018 1055 1091 1141 1182 1244 1292 1352 Non-Railbelt 528 543 551 559 579 596 307 318 State Total 1546 1598 1642 1700 1761 1840 1917 2005 Source — Historic and Projected Oil & Gas Consumption, Alaska Department of Natural Resources, January 1986 19 P — Projected Demand for Natural Gas, 1985-1999 KM SOs KA MMAVWOY * i TQS j eQRgebi | SIF KK MOOOOOi™W OY * KE SINNER #5 KK i a. ! OO WC‘, Ht I. RE ; | B.C! | PDH AM eee eee ee RM XAS ee SMO RX See er ewe 34.3 43.6 181.6 259.4 1999 163.9 95.5 259.4 1999 1997 32.2 41.7 181.6 255.4 1997 160.0 95.4 255.4 January 1986 30.4 40.0 181.6 251.9 1995 156.6 95.4 251.9 1995 s, January 1986 27.8 37.9 181.6 247.3 1993 152.0 95.3 247.3 1993 t) 1991 25.8 414 181.6 248.5 (BCF) 1991 153.2 95.3 "248.5 1985 To 1999 (BCF) 20 1985 To 1999 (DNR Forecas 23.7 39.4 181.6 234.3 1989 149.5 84.9 234.3 1989 Projected Demand For Natural Gas In Alaska Projected Demand For Natural Gas In Alaska 22.0 38.3 181.6 222.5 1987 146.7 75.8 222.5 1987 nd Projected Oil & Gas Consumption, Alaska Department of Natural Resource: 20.2 36.1 181.6 210.6 1985 142.8 67.9 210.6 1985 nd Projected Oil & Gas Consumption, Alaska Department of Natural Resources, — Historic a — Historic a Railbelt n-Railbelt State Total No Source State Total Source Utility Industrial Space Heat Q — Projected North Slope Crude Oil Production, 1985-1999 18 1.7 1.6 15 14 Ws 162 Wd o98 08 0.7 0.6 1985 1987 1989 1901 1993 1995 1997 1999 Projected North Slope Crude Oil Production 1985 To 1999 (MBBL/Day) 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 1680 1790 1670 1435 1170 965 800 Source — Historic and Projected Oil & Gas Consumption, Alaska Department of Natural Resources, January 1986 670 21 R — Alaskan Transportation Fuel Cunsumed, 1982-1984 ay, 385037.3 95179.5 1119056.4 S — Number of Alaskan Roadway Vehicles, 1981-1984 1984 7 9 y y y Z Y y Pure! (14.0%) y Y 7 YZ Y VY y Z 4 Y y 4 Y A i) 4 y yj Y Y Y y y y Z y y y y - phan Anchorage (49.2%) Z y Y Y : % y y A NK 4, A A_ SN A_N x) y S& NX Aw Ae AN AS y Nx y Nx ON Ns Nx Juneeu (5.1%) AN AW AN AS INNS COSCO NAS (LAYS ANZ\% LAYS whites Gaien Number of Alaskan Roadway Vehicles 1981 — 1984 1981 1982 1983 1984 Anchorage 135130 151706 166319 175394 Fairbanks 40177 44148 47759 48555 Juneau 13392 15013 16577 18054 Other Urban 45125 50123 57387 64639 Rural 44022 47766 51921 49712 Total 277846 308756 339963 356354 Source — Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Statistical Information (unpublished information) 23 410 400 390 380 370 360 350 340 330 320 310 300 290 280 270 260 250 240 2350 220 210 Numbers (Thousands) 1980 Valid Licenses Alaskan Operators T — Drivers Licenses and Operators, 1980-1984 ae oe a ae — o T on 2 a 1981 1982 1983 1984 Years Valid Licences + Operators Valid Alaskan Drivers Licenses And Operators 1980 To 1984 1980 1981 1982 1983 266413 279190 320750 349159 217040 228477 258061 288739 Source — Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Statistical Information (unpublished) 24 1984 409948 305000 Listing of Alaskan Communities Alphabetically Region Community Region Community Region Community Region Community A B (cont) C (cont) E (cont) 11. Adak 4 Bettles 12 Chulitna 9 Egegik (Pilot Point) 15 Afognak 5 Big Bend 4 Circle 5 Ejielson 5 Airport 6 Big Delta 14 Clam Gulch 13. Eklutna 8 Akaik 5 Big Horn 9 Clarks Point 9 Ekuk 8 Akalmiut/Nunapitchuk 12 Big Lake 4 Clear 9 Ekwok 15 Akhiok 4 Birch Creek 23 Clover Pass 17 Elfin Cove 8 Akiachak 12 Bodenburg Butte 22 Coffman Cove 3 Elim 8 Akiak 3 Brevig Mission 11. Cold Bay 13 Elmendorf 9 Akolmuit 19 Brotherhood Bridge 5 College 7 Emmonak 11. Akutan 1 Browerville 14 Cook Inlet 14 English Bay 7 Alakanuk 2 Buckland 14 Cooper Landing 5 Ester 4 Alatna 12 Butte 16 Copper Center 4 Evansvile 9 Aleknagik 16 Cordova 16 Eyak 12 Alexander Creek 22 Craig 4 Allakaket Cc 8 Crooked Creek Fe 2 Ambler 14 Anchor Point 4 Champion D 5 Fairbanks 13. Anchorage 4 Cantwell 11 False Pass 4 Anderson 15 Cape Chiniak 1 Deadhorse 5 Farmer's Loop 17 Angoon 1 Cape Lisburne 2 Deering 20 Favorite Bay 8 Aniak 8 Cape Newenham 6 Delta Junction 12. Fishhook 22 Annette 22 Cape Pole 4 Denali Park (McKinley) 15 Flats 4 Anvik 1 Castle Creek 14 Diamond Ridge 6 Fort Greely 4 Artic Village 12 Caswell Creek 9 Dillingham 13 Fort Richardson 11 Atka 4 Central 3 Diomede Island 5 Fort Wainwright 1 Atkasuk 4 Chalkyitsik 3 Diomede Village 4 Fort Yukon 8 Atmautluak 4 Chatanika 6 Dot Lake 7 Fortuna (Marshall) 11° Attu 8 Chefornak 19 Douglas 5: Fx 19 Auke Bay 5 Chena 4 Dunbar 19 Fritz Cove 5 Aurora 7 Chevak 11. Dutch Harbor 14 Fritz Creek 12. Chickaloon 6 Chicken E G B 9 Chignik 9 Chignik Lagoon 4 Eagle 16 Gakona 5 Badger 10 Chignik Lake 5 Eagle City 4 Galena 1 Barrow 21 Chilkai 13 Eagle River 3 Gambell 14 Bear Creek 16 Chistochina 6 Eagle village 17 Game Creek 4 Beaver 16 Chitina 17 Ecursion Inlet 6 Geist 11. Belkofsky 8 Chuathbaluk 22 Edna Bay/Naukati 9 Ghignik Lake 8 Bethel 12 Chugiak 8 Eek 14 Girdwood 25 Listing of Alaskan Communities Alphabetically (cont.) Alphabetical Listing Of Alaskan Communities And Energy Region Locations Statewide Region Community Region Community Region Community Region Community G (cont) K i N 16 Glennallen 14 Kachemak 22 Labouchere Bay 10 Naknek 17 Goat Creek 21 Kake 4 Lake Minchumina 8 Napakiak 4 Goldstream 1 Kaktovik 4 Lakeview 8 Napaskiak 3 > Golovin 14 Kalifonsky 15 Larsen Bay 11 Nelson Lagoon 8 Goodnews Bay 8 Kalskag, Lower 12 Lazy Mountain 4 Nenana 17 Granite Creek 4 Kaltag 5 Lemeta 16 New Chenaga 4 Grayling 15 Karluk 19 Lemon Creek 9 New Stuyahok 16 Gulkana 22 Kasaan 9 Levelock 9 Newhalen 17 Gustavus 8 Kasigluk 8 Lime Village 8 Newtok 14 Kasilof 4 Livengood 8 Nightmute H 14. Kenai 17 Loring 14 Nikishka 6 Kenny Lake 19 Lower Mendenhall 13 Nikiski 18 Haines 23 Ketchikan 19 Lynn Canal 4 Nikolai 14 Halibut Cove 23 Ketchikan East 11 Nikolski 14 Halibut Point 2 Kiana M 14 Ninilchik 5 Harding Lake 11. King Cove 2 Noatak 12 Hatchers Pass 10 King Salmon 18 Malaspina 3 Nome 4 Healy 8 Kipnuk 4 Manley Hot Springs 9 Nondalton 4 Healy Lake 2 Kivalina 9 Manokotak 2. Noorvik 23 Herring Cove 22 Klawock 12. Matanuska 19 North Douglas 4 Holikachuk 17 Klukwan 4 McGrath 5 North Pole 4 Holy Cross 12. Knik-Fairview 12 Meadow Lakes 23 North Tongass Highway 14 Homer 2 Kobuk 8 Mekoryuk 3 Northeast Cape 17 Hoonah 15 Kodiak 16 Mentasta 6 Northway 7 Hooper Bay 15 Kodiak Coast Guard 16 Mentasta Lake 6 Northway Village 14 Hope 9 Kokhanok Bay 22 Metlakatla 1 Nuiqsut 12 Houston 9 Koliganek 22 Meyers Chuck 4 Nulato 4 Hughes 8 Kongignak 4 Minto 8 Nunapitchuk 4 Huslia 7 Kotlik 15 Mission Road 22 Hydaburg 2 Kotzebue 12. Montana O° 22 Hyder 3 Koyuk 5 Moose Creek 4 Koyukuk 14. Moose Pass 15 Old Harbor | 21 Kupreanof 20 Mount Edgecumbe 8 Oscarville 8 Kwethluk 23 Mountain Point 15 Ouzinkie 9 Igiugig 8 Kwigillingok 7 Mountain Village 9 Iliamna-Newhalen 1 Mud Bay P 4 Indian Mountain 5 Murphy Dome 9 Ivanof Bay 12 Palmer 15 Ivanof-Perryville 10 Pavloff Harbor 16 Paxson J 9 Pedro Bay 17 Pelican 14 Jakalof Bay 18 Peninsula 20 Jamestown Bay 23 Pennock Island 19 Juneau 1 Pennock-Gravina 3 Perkinsville 26 . . ae Listing of Alaskan Communities Alphabetically (cont.) Region Community Region Community Region Community Region Community P (cont) Ss S (cont) Vv 9 Perryville 11. Saint George Island 14 Sunrise 16 Valdez 21 Petersburg 7 Saint Mary's 4 Suntrana 4 Venetie 5 Pike 3 Saint Michael 12 Susitna 9 Pilot Point 11. Saint Paul Island 12. Sutton Ww 7 Pilot Station 14 Salamatof 19 Switzer Creek 7 Pitkas Point 5 Salcha 1 Wacker 5 Plack 19 Salmon Creek T 1 Wainwright 8 Platinum 11 Sand Point 3 Wales 22 Point Baker 3 Savoonga 4 Takotna 21 + Ward Cove 1 Point Hope 23 Saxman 12 Talkeetna 12 Wasilla 1 Point Lay 23 Saxman East 6 Tanacross 21. Whale Pass 21 Port Alexander 7 Scammon Bay 4 Tanana 3 White Mountain 18 Port Alice 12 Schrock 4 Tatalina 16 Whittier 10 Port Alsworth 1 Scow Bay 16 Tatitlek 12 Willow 18 Port Chilkoot 2 Selawik 16 Tazlina 15 Woody Island 3 Port Clarence 14 Seldovia 4 Telida 21 Wrangell 14 Port Graham 14 Seward 3 Teller 9 Port Heiden 4 Shageluk 17 Tenakee Springs ¥ 15 Port Lions 3 Shaktoolik 6 Tetlin 10 Portage Creek 5 Shanly 22 Thorne Bay 17 Yakutat 14 Portlock 19 Sheep Creek 9 Togiak 1 Prudhoe Bay 12 Sheep Mountain 6 Tok 7 Sheldon Point 8 Toksook Bay Q 11. Shemya Air Force 16 Tonsina 3 Shishmaref 16 Tonsina, Lower 8 Quinhagak 2 Shungnak 12 Trapper Creek 20 Sitka 8 Tuluksak R 17 Skagway 8 Tuntutuliak 16 Slana 8 Tununak 4 Rampart 8 Sleetmute 14 Tustumena 8 Red Devil 14 Soldotna 9 Twin Hills 4 Richardson 10 South Naknek 23 Two Rivers 14 Ridgeway 8 Sparrevhon 14 Tyonek 4 Ruby 11. Squaw Harbor 7 Russian Mission 3 Stebbins U 4 Steele Creek 4 Steese East 3 Unalakleet 4 Steese West 11. -Unalaska 14 Sterling 5 University, Fairbanks 4 Stevens Village 8 Upper Kalskag 8 Stony River 19 Upper Mendenhall 14 Sunise 4 Usibelli 4 Suntrana 12 Susitna 12 Sutton 19 Switzer Creek 27 Listing of Alaskan Communities By Region Region 1 Region 3 (cont) Region 4 (cont) Region 5 (cont) Region 7 (cont) Atkasuk Perkinsville Huslia Fairbanks Russian Mission Barrow Port Clarence Indian Mountain Farmer's Loop Saint Mary's Browerville Saint Michael Kaltag Fort Wainwright Scammon Bay Cape Lisburne Savoonga Koyukuk Fox Sheldon Point Castle Creek Shaktoolik Lake Minchumina Harding Lake Deadhorse Shishmaref Lakeview Lemeta Region 8 Kaktovik Stebbins Livengood Moose Creek Mud Bay Teller Manley Hot Springs Murphy Dome Akaik Nuiqsut Unalakleet McGrath North Pole Akalmiut/Nunapitchuk Pennock-Gravina Wales Minto Pike Akiachak Point Hope White Mountain Nenana Plack Akiak Point Lay Nikolai Salcha Aniak Prudhoe Bay Region 4 Nulato Shanly Atmautluak Scow Bay Rampart University, Fairbanks Bethel Wacker Alatna Richardson Cape Newenham Wainwright Allakaket Ruby Region 6 Chefornak Anderson Shafeluk Chuatbaluk Region 2 Anvik Shageluk Big Delta Crooked Creek Artic Village Steele Creek Chicken Eek Ambler Beaver Steese East Delta Junction Goodnews Bay Buckland Bettles Steese West Dot Lake Kalskag, Lower Deering Birch Creek Stevens Village Eagle village Kasigluk Kiana Campion Suntrana Fort Greely Kipnuk Kivalina Cantwell Takotna Geist Kongignak Kobuk Central Tanana Kenny Lake Kwethluk Kotzebue Chalkyitsik Tatalina Northway Kwigillingok Noatak Chatanika Telida Northway Village Lime Village Noorvik Circle Usibelli Tanacross Mekoryuk Selawik Clear Venetie Tetlin Napakiak Shungnak Denali Park (McKinley) Tok Napaskiak Dunbar Region 5 Newtok Region 3 Eagle Region 7 Nightmute Evansvile Airport Nunapitchuk Brevig Mission Fort Yukon Aurora Alakanuk Oscarville Diomede Island Galena Badger Chevak Platinum Diomede Village Goldstream Big Bend Emmonak Quinhagak Elim Grayling Big Horn Fortuna (Marshall) Red Devil Gambell Healy Chena Hooper Bay Sleetmute Golovin Healy Lake College Kotlik Sparrevhon Koyuk Holikachuk Eagle City Mountain Village Stony River Nome Holy Cross Eielson Pilot Station Toksook Bay Northeast Cape Hughes Ester Pitkas Point Tuluksak 28 Listing of Alaskan Communities By Region (cont.) Region 8 Region 11 Region 13 Region 15 (cont) Region 18 Tuntutuliak Adak Anchorage Karluk Haines Tununak Akutan Eagle River Kodiak Malaspina Upper Kalskag Atka Eklutna Kodiak Coast Guard Peninsula Attu Elmendorf Larsen Bay Port Alice Region 9 Belkofsky Fort Richardson Mission Road Port Chilkoot Cold Bay Nikiski Old Harbor Akolmuit Dutch Harbor Ouzinkie Region 19 Aleknagik False Pass Region 14 Port Lions Chignik King Cove Woody Island Auke Bay Chignik Lagoon Nelson Lagoon Anchor Point Brotherhood Bridge Clarks Point Nikolski Bear Creek Region 16 Douglas Dillingham Saint George Island Clam Gulch Fritz Cove Egegik (Pilot Point) Saint Paul Island Cook Inlet Chistochina Juneau Ekuk Sand Point Cooper Landing Chitina Lemon Creek Ekwok Shemya Air Force Diamond Ridge Copper Center Lower Mendenhall Ghignik Lake Squaw Harbor English Bay Cordova Lynn Canal Igiugig Unalaska Fritz Creek Eyak North Douglas lliamna-Newhalen Girdwood Gakona Salmon Creek Ivanof Bay Region 12 Halibut Cove Glennallen Sheep Creek Kokhanok Bay Halibut Point Gulkana Switzer Creek Koliganek Alexander Creek Homer Mentasta Upper Mendenhall Levelock Big Lake Hope Mentasta Lake Manokotak Bodenburg Butte Jakalof Bay New Chenaga Region 20 New Stuyahok Butte Kachemak Paxson Newhalen Caswell Creek Kalifonsky Slana Favorite Bay Nondalton Chickaloon Kasilof Tatitlek Jamestown Bay Pedro Bay Chugiak Kenai Tazlina Mount Edgecumbe Perryville Chulitna Moose Pass Tonsina Sitka Pilot Point Fishhook Nikishka Tonsina, Lower Port Heiden Hatchers Pass Ninilchik Valdez Region 21 Togiak Houston Port Graham Whittier Twin Hills Knik-Fairview Portlock Chilkai Lazy Mountain Ridgeway Region 17 Kake Region 10 Matanuska Salamatof Kupreanof Meadow Lakes Seldovia Angoon Petersburg Chignik Lake Montana Seward Ecursion Inlet Port Alexander King Salmon Palmer Soldotna Elfin Cove Ward Cove Naknek Schrock Sterling Game Creek Whale Pass Pavioff Harbor Sheep Mountain Sunrise Goat Creek Wrangell Port Alsworth Susitna Tustumena Granite Creek Portage Creek Sutton Tyonek Gustavus South Naknek Talkeetna Hoonah Trapper Creek Region 15 Klukwan Wasilla Loring Willow Afognak Pelican Akhiok Skagway Cape Chiniak Tenakee Springs Flats Yakutat Ivanof-Perryville 29 Listing of Alaskan Communities By Region (cont.) Region 22 Region 23 Annette Clover Pass Cape Pole Herring Cove Coffman Cove Ketchikan Craig Ketchikan East Edna Bay/Naukati Mountain Point Hydaburg North Tongass Highway Hyder Pennock Island Kasaan Saxman Klawock Saxman East Labouchere Bay Two Rivers Metlakatla Meyers Chuck Point Baker Thorne Bay 30 Listing of Alaskan Utilities Alphabetically UTILITY ABBREVIATION REGION AMFAC Seafoods, Inc. AMF AC 11 Aleutian Islands Akiachak Limited AL 8 Bethel Akiak City Council AC 8 Bethel Alaska Electric Light and Power Company AEL&P 19 Juneau Alaska Power & Telephone Company AP&T 4 Various Alaska Power Administration - Eklutna APA-E 13 Anchorage Alaska Power Administration - Snettisham APA-S 19 Juneau Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. AVEC 4 48 Villages Allakaket City Energy Cooperative ACEC 4 Yukon-Koyukuk Anchorage Municipal Light and Power Department AML&P 13 Anchorage Andreanof Electric Corporation (ATKA) AEC 11 Aleutian Islands Aniak Power Company APC 8 Bethel Arctic Utilities, Inc. AUI 1 North Slope Atmautluak Joint Utilities AJU 8 Bethel Barrow Utilities (Now BU&EC) BAU 1 North Slope Barrow Utilities and Electric Cooperative, Inc. BU&EC 1 North Slope Beaver Electrical BE 4 Yukon-Koyukuk Bethel Utilities Corporation, Inc. BUC 8 Bethel Bettles Light and Power, Inc. BL&P 4 Yukon-Koyukuk Chalkyitsik Energy Systems CES 4 Yukon-Koyukuk Chefornak Light & Power CL&P 8 Bethel Chignik Electric CHE 9 Dillingham Chistochina Trading Post CTP 16 Valdez/Cordova Chitna Power Company CPC 16 Valdez/Cordova Chugach Electric Association CEA 13. Anchorage Circle Electric CE 4 Yukon-Koyukuk City of Manokotak COM 9 Dillingham City of Unalaska cou 11 Aleutian Islands Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. CVEA 16 Valdez/Cordova Cordova Electric Cooperative, Inc. CEG 16 Valdez/Cordova Cordova Public Utility (now CEC) CPU 16 Valdez/Cordova Diomede Power DP 3 Nome Dot Lake Electric, Inc. DLE 6 Southeast Fairbanks Eagle Power Company EPC 6 Southeast Fairbanks Eagle Village Energy Systems EVES 6 Southeast Fairbanks Egegik Light and Power EL&P 9 Dillingham Fairbanks Utilities System FMU 5 Fairbanks North Star False Pass Electric Association FPEA 11 Aleutian Islands Far North Utilities (Circle) FNU 4 Fort Yukon Utilities FYU 4 Yukon-Koyukuk G&K, Inc. (Cold Bay) G&K 11 Aleutian Islands Galena City G 4 Yukon-Koyukuk Glacier Highway Electric Association, Inc. GHEA 19 Juneau Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. GVEA 5 Fairbanks North Star Golovin Power Utilities GPU 3 Nome 31 Listing of Alaskan Utilities Alphabetically (cont.) UTILITY Gustavus Electric Company Gwitchyaa Zhee Utility Company (Ft. Yukon) Haines Light and Power Company, Inc. Homer Electric Association Hughes (Ester J. James) I-N-N Electric Cooperative, Inc. Igiugig Village Council Iliamna-Newhalen Electrical Cooperative, Inc. Ipnatchiag Electric (Deering) Ketchikan Public Utilities King Cove City Klukwan Electric Utility Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. Kokhanok Village Koliganek Village Council Kotlik City (Pending Utility) Kotzebue Electrical Association, Inc. Kwethluk, Inc. Kwig Power Company (Kwigillingok) Larson Bay (Electrical Services) Levelock Electric Company M&D Enterprises Manley Utility Company, Inc. Matanuska Electric Association, Inc. McGrath Light and Power Metlakatla Power and Light Middle Kuskokwim Electric Cooperative, Inc. Naknek Electric Association, Inc. Napakiak Corporation (SWGR Service from BUC) Napaskiak, Inc. Nelson Lagoon Electric Cooperative Nightmute Light Plant Nikolai City Nikolski Power and Light Co. Nome Joint Utilities Board (was NL&P) North Slope Borough Power and Light System Northern Power and Engineering Corporation, Inc. Northway Power and Light, Inc. Nushagak Electric Cooperative, Inc. Ouzinkie Utilities Paxson Lodge, Inc. Pedro Bay Village Council Pelican Utilities Co. Pelican Utilities Company Perryville City 32 GEC GZU HL&P HEA H INN IVC I-NEC IE KPU KCC KEU KDEA KV KVC KC KTEA KI KP LBES LEC M&D MUC MEA MGL&P MP&L MKEC NEA NAC NI NLEC NLP N NIP&L NJUB NSBP&L NP&E NP&L NEC OU BET PBVC PUC PUC PC ABBREVIATION pr ay a PORN ions sas ND: WOON—WNHowuwf —_ ad ry SH —wW—FWO-—-WDWDOANFNHFFHFOMNDANMNLYW el eels tod ONHODMNOD REGION Skagway/Yakutat/Angoon Yukon-Koyukuk Haines Borough Kenai Peninsula Yukon-Koyukuk Dillingham Dillingham Dillingham Kobuk Ketchikan Aleutian Islands Skagway/Yakutat/Angoon Kodiak Island Dillingham Dillingham Wade Hampton Kobuk Bethel Bethel Kodiak Island Dillingham Yukon-Koyukuk Yukon-Koyukuk Matanuska-Susitna Yukon-Koyukuk Prince of Wales Bethel Bristol Bay/Dillingham Bethel Bethel Aleutian Islands Bethel Yukon-Koyukuk Aleutian Islands Nome North Slope Aleutian Islands Southeast Fairbanks Dillingham Kodiak Island Valdez/Cordova Dillingham Aleutian Islands Skagway/Yakutat/Angoon Dillingham Listing of Alaskan Utilities Alphabetically (cont.) UTILITY ABBREVIATION REGION Petersburg Municipal Power and Light PMP&L 21 Wrangell/Petersburg Pilot Point Village Council PVC 7 Wade Hampton Port Heiden City PHC 9 Dillingham Puvurnaq Power Company (Kongiganak) PPC 8 Bethel Rampart Village Council RVC 4 Yukon-Koyukuk Ruby dba Electric Company RDBA 4 Yukon-Koyukuk Semloh Supply (Lake Minchumina) SS 4 Yukon-Koyukuk Seward Electric System SES 14 Kenai Peninsula Sheldon Point Electric Company SPEC 7 Wade Hampton Sitka Electric Department SED 20 Sitka St. George Municipal Electric Utility SGM 11 Aleutian Islands St. Paul Municipal Electric Utility SPM 11. Aleutian Islands Stevens Village Council SVC 4 Yukon-Koyukuk Takotna Community Association TCA 4 Yukon-Koyukuk Tanana Power Company TPC 4 Yukon-Koyukuk Tatitlek i 16 Valdez/Cordova Teller Power Company TEPC 3 Nome Tenakee Springs Utility TSU 17 Skagway/Yakutat/Angoor Tetlin Village Energy System TVES 6 Southeast Fairbanks Thorne Bay City TBC 22 Prince of Wales Tlingit-Haida Regional Electric Authority THREA 20 Various Tuntutuliak Community Services Association TCSA 8 Bethel Unalakleet Valley Electric Cooperative UVEC 3 Nome Unalaska Electric (was COU) UE 11. Aleutian Islands Ungusraq Power Company (Nootak) UPC 2 Kobuk Weisner Trading Co. WTC 4 Yukon-Koyukuk White Mountain Utilities WMU 3 Nome Wrangell Municipal Light and Power WML&P 21 Wrangell/Petersburg Yakutat Power, Inc. YPI 17. Skagway/Yakutat/Angoor Listing of Alaskan Utilities By Region UTILITY VARIOUS OR MULTIPLE REGIONS Alaska Power & Telephone Company Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. Far North Utilities (Circle) Tlingit-Haida Regional Electric Authority REGION 1 NORTH SLOPE Arctic Utilities, Inc. Barrow Utilities (Now BU&EC) Barrow Utilities and Electric Cooperative, Inc. North Slope Borough Power and Light System REGION 2 KOBUK Ipnatchiag Electric (Deering) Kotzebue Electrical Association, Inc. Ungusraq Power Company (Nootak) REGION 3 NOME Diomede Power Golovin Power Utilities Nome Joint Utilities Board (was NL&P) Teller Power Company Unalakleet Valley Electric Cooperative White Mountain Utilities REGION 4 YUKON-KOYUKUK Allakaket City Energy Cooperative Beaver Electrical Bettles Light and Power, Inc. Chalkyitsik Energy Systems Circle Electric Fort Yukon Utilities Hughes (Ester J. James) M&D Enterprises McGrath Light and Power Manley Utility Company, Inc. Semloh Supply (Lake Minchumina) Tanana Power Company Weisner Trading Co. 34 ABBREVIATION AP&T AVEC FNU THREA AUI BAU BU&EC NSBP&L LE KTEA UPC OP GPU NJUB TEPC UVEC WMU ACEC BE BL&P CES CE FYU M&D MGL&P MUC SS TPC WTC Listing of Alaskan Utilities By Region (cont.) UTILITY REGION 4 YUKON-KOYUKUK (Continued) Galena City Gwitchyaa Zhee Utility Company (Ft. Yukon) Nikolai City Rampart Village Council Ruby dba Electric Company Stevens Village Council Takotna Community Association REGION 5 FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR Fairbanks Utilities System Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. REGION 6 SOUTHEAST FAIRBANKS Dot Lake Electric, Inc. Eagle Power Company Eagle Village Energy Systems Northway Power and Light, Inc. Tetlin Village Energy System REGION 7 WADE HAMPTON Kotlik City (Pending Utility) Pilot Point Village Council Sheldon Point Electric Company REGION 8 BETHEL Akiachak Limited Akiak City Council Aniak Power Company Atmautluak Joint Utilities Bethel Utilities Corporation, Inc. Chefornak Light & Power Kwethluk, Inc. Kwig Power Company (Kwigillingok) Middle Kuskokwim Electric Cooperative, Inc. Napakiak Corporation (SWGR Service from BUC) Napaskiak, Inc. Nightmute Light Plant Puvurnaq Power Company (Kongiganak ) Tuntutuliak Community Services Association 35 ABBREVIATION GZU RVC RDBA SVC TCA FMU GVEA DLE EPC EVES NP&L TVES KC PVC SPEC AL AC APC AJU BUC CL&P KI KP MKEC NAC NI NLP PPC TCSA Listing of Alaskan Utilities By Region (cont.) UTILITY REGION 9 DILLINGHAM City of Manokotak Iliamna-Newhalen Electrical Cooperative, Inc. Chignik Electric Egegik Light and Power Igiugig Village Council I-N-N Electric Cooperative, Inc. Kokhanok Village Koliganek Village Council Levelock Electric Company Nushagak Electric Cooperative, Inc. Pedro Bay Village Council Perryville City Port Heiden City REGION 10 BRISTOL BAY/DILLINGHAM Naknek Electric Association, Inc. REGION 11 ALEUTIAN ISLANDS AMFAC Seafoods, Inc. Andreanof Electric Corporation (ATKA) City of Unalaska False Pass Electric Association G&K, Inc. (Cold Bay) King Cove City Nelson Lagoon Electric Cooperative Nikolski Power and Light Co. Northern Power and Engineering Corporation, Inc. Pelican Utilities Co. St. George Municipal Electric Utility St. Paul Municipal Electric Utility Unalaska Electric (was COU) REGION 12 MATANUSKA-SUSITNA Matanuska Electric Association, Inc. REGION 13 ANCHORAGE Alaska Power Administration - Eklutna Anchorage Municipal Light and Power Department Chugach Electric Association 36 ABBREVIATION COM I-NEC CHE EL&P IVC INN KV KVC LEC NEC PBVC PC PHC NEA AMF AC AEC COU FPEA G&K KCC NLEC NIP&L NP&E PUC SGM SPM UE MEA APA-E AML&P CEA Listing of Alaskan Utilities By Region (cont.) UTILITY REGION 14 KENAI PENINSULA Homer Electric Association Seward Electric System REGION 15 KODIAK ISLAND Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. Larson Bay (Electrical Services) QOuzinkie Utilities REGION 16 VALDEZ/CORDOVA Chistochina Trading Post Chitna Power Company Cordova Electric Cooperative, Inc. Cordova Public Utility (now CEC) Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. Paxson Lodge, Inc. Tatitlek REGION 17 SKAGWAY/YAKUTAT/ANGOON Gustavus Electric Company Klukwan Electric Utility Pelican Utilities Company Tenakee Springs Utility Yakutat Power, Inc. REGION 18 HAINES BOROUGH Haines Light and Power Company, Inc. REGION 19 JUNEAU Alaska Electric Light and Power Company Alaska Power Administration - Snettisham Glacier Highway Electric Association, Inc. REGION 20 SITKA Sitka Electric Department 37 ABBREVIATION HEA SES KDEA LBES OU CTP CPC CEC CPU CVEA PET GEC KEU PUC TSU YPI HL&P AEL&P APA-S GHEA SED Listing of Alaskan Utilities By Region (cont.) UTILITY ABBREVIATION REGION 21 WRANGELL/PETERSBURG Petersburg Municipal Power and Light PMP&L Wrangell Municipal Light and Power WML&P REGION 22 PRINCE OF WALES Metlakatla Power and Light MP&L Thorne Bay City TBC REGION 23 KETCHIKAN Ketchikan Public Utilities KPU 38 Regional Data Tables NORTH SLOPE 1. NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH Table 1 — Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984 North Slope Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1970-1984 1980-1984 Anaktuvuk Pass NSBP&L 99 203 235 250 228 233 6.3 3.5 Atkasuk NSBP&L 107 204 231 214 18.9 Barrow BU&EC 2104 2267 2539 2882 2938 2943 2.4 6.7 Cape Lisburne USAF 83 36 35 36 5.8 0.0 Deadhorse AUI 163 64 62 63 66 0.4 Kaktovik NSBP&L 123 165 201 214 203 207 3.8 5.8 Nuiqsut NSBP&L 208 270 287 324 305 10.0 Point Hope NSBP&L 386 464 §31 544 570 582 3.0 5.8 Point Lay NSBP&L 68 66 67 0.4 Prudhoe Bay INDUSTRY 49 50 48 49 0.0 0.5 Wainwright NSBP&L 315 405 410 436 483 507 3.5 5.8 Other 178 563 310 187 191 161 0.7 -26.9 REGION TOTAL 3500 4600 4700 4800 5168 5367 34 3.9 41 Table 2 — Alaskan Employment By Sector (DOL) 1980 to 1984 North Slope Parameter 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Employment Private Mining 2,619 3,352 3,564 3,324 3,605 Construction 701 776 2,414 3,242 2,188 Manufacturing s Transportation and Public Utilities 444 429 529 455 439 Wholesale Trade 83 37 Retail Trade 14 14 315 368 412 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate Ss Ss 128 139 145 Services 426 458 1,166 1,110 1,128 Subtotal Private 4,627 5,449 8,116 8,721 7,954 Government Federal 274 290 182 147 143 State 20 20 21 30 35 Local 1,220 1,265 1,284 1,427 1,454 Subtotal Government 1,514 1,575 1,487 1,604 1,632 Miscellaneous Ss Ss Ss Ss Ss TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 6,250 7,171 9,603 10,325 9,586 Note: Some Data For Less Than 12 Months or Has Some Suppressed Data, Proprietors Not Included S = Data for year is suppressed Table 3 — Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 19771984 (MWH) North Slope Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AUI Deadhorse 4956 4840 3953 9376 10381 15344 16116 18300 BU&EC Barrow 9361 10191 11693 13350 17476 22822 28500 25054 NSBP&L Anaktuvak 170 1000 1000 1100 1092 1092 NSBP&L Atkasook 140 400 400 489 1204 1204 NSBP&L Kaktovik 270 700 732 800 809 809 NSBP&L Nusiqsut 280 526 526 550 1194 1194 NSBP&L Point Hope 86 200 600 1590 1590 1625 1642 1642 NSBP&L Point Lay 150 408 408 450 825 825 NSBP&L Wainwright 700 1300 1300 1400 1528 1528 Subtotal Utilities 14403 15231 17956 28650 33813 44580 52910 51648 Defense 76013 68847 65961 84545, 85045 81045 93449 87868 Industry 384606 587071 574621 713650 797878 863172 909825 1097974 REGION TOTAL 324930 532249 530988 699295 789186 861247 956184 1237490 Table 4 — Installed Capacity, 1982-1984 North Slope 1982 1983 1984 Capacity Capacity Capacity Utility Vicinity (kw) (kw) (kw) AUI Deadhorse 6100 6070 6070 BU&EC Barrow 6950 6950 9000 NSBP&L Anaktuvuk Pass 930 930 930 NSBP&L Atkasook 300 695 695 NSBP&L Kaktovik 655 655 655 NSBP&L Nuiqsut 720 755 755 NSBP&L Point Hope 930 930 930 NSBP&L Point Lay 400 400 400 NSBP&L Wainwright 1060 1060 1060 TOTAL 18045 18445 20495 42 Table 5 — Peak Load By Utility North Slope Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AUI Deadhorse 24 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 31 3.5 BU&EC Barrow 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 3.6 4.0 5.3 5.0 NSBP&L Atkasuk 01 0.4 0.4 NSBP&L Anaktuvuk 01 0.4 0.4 0.4 NSBP&L Kaktovik 01 0.3 0.2 0.2 NSBP&L Nuiqsut 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 NSBP&L Point Hope 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 NSBP&L Point Lay 01 0.2 0.2 NSBP&L Wainwright 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 TOTAL ion 38, 4.0 42 64 89 10.8 109 TABLE 6 — FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY North Slope Fuel Consumption Utility Vicinity Fuel Units 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AUI Deadhorse Oil Gal. 966,342 945,000 772,185 729,245 941,377 1,421,871 1,500,000 1,660,000 BU&EC = Barrow Gas MCF 182,541 200,000 228,017 228,150 300,000 400,000 500,000 440,000 NSBP&L Anaktuvuk Pass Oil Gal. 16,000 16,000 16,000 98,000 93,000 93,000 NSBP&L Atkasook Oil Gal. 13,000 13,000 13,000 42,400 108,000 108,000 NSBP&L_ Kaktovik Oil Gal. 25,000 25,000 25,000 74,100 74,100 74,100 NSBP&L Nuigsut Oil Gal. 26,000 26,000 26,000 51,100 110,000 110,000 NSBP&L Point Hope Oil Gal. 12,214 25,000 85,710 75,000 75,000 170,000 150,000 150,000 NSBP&L Point Lay Oil Gal. 14,000 14,000 14,000 40,000 75,000 75,000 NSBP&L Wainwright Oil Gal. 64,000 64,000 64,000 128,000 140,000 140,000 Total Oil Gal. 978,556 970,000 1,015,895 962,245 1,174,377 2,025,471 2,250,100 2,410,100 Gas MCF 182,541 200,000 228,017 228,150 300,000 400,000 500,000 440,000 TABLE 7 — HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1984 North Slope Heat Rate (BTU/KWH) Utility Vicinity Fuel 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AUI Deadhorse Oil 27,042 27,079 27,092 10,772 12,577 12,852 12,909 12,581 BU&EC Barrow Gas 19,890 20,018 19,890 17,432 17,510 17,877 17,895 17,913 NSBP&L Anaktuvuk Pass Oil 13,053 12,356 11,812 11,812 NSBP&L Atkasook Oil 12,878 12,025 12,441 12,441 NSBP&L Kaktovik Oil 12,842 12,846 12,703 12,703 NSBP&L Nuiqsut Oil 12,878 12,886 12,777 12.777 NSBP&L Point Hope Oil 19,697 17,336 19,812 14,509 12,670 12,670 NSBP&L Point Lay Oil 12,944 12,328 12,608 NSBP&L Wainwright Oil 12,680 12,680 12,707 12,707 Table 8 — Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1984 North Slope UTILITY PLACE Residential Commercial/industrial 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AU! Deadhorse 7 9 " 14 16 23 27 27 BU&EC Barrow 461 553 670 711 758 790 827 890 88 97 104 123 137 175 207 242 NSPBL 755 43 Table 9 — Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1984 (Cents/KWH) North Slope Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY — PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AUI Deadhorse 25 23 35 25 28 27 25.9 BU&EC Barrow 13 13 13 13 13 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.6 9.6 9.3 9.5 NSPBL 21 Electricity costs are not adjusted for PCA or PCE programs. Table 10 — Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1984 (MWH per customer/year) North Slope Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AUI Deadhorse 618.0 480.0 326.0 605.0 615.0 574.0 615.0 BU&EC Barrow 3.3 3.3 3.8 44 5.0 51 58.0 58.0 60.0 54.0 69.0 73.0 65.6 NSPBL 95 Table 11 — Status of Fuel Costs In Alaska 1983-1985 North Slope Aviation Heating Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Sigal Sigal $gal Sigal S/bottle $/gal Sigal Anaktuvuk Pass $2.27 $85.00 $5.75 Atkasuk $2.65 $130.00 Barrow Browerville Cape Lisburne Castle Creek Deadhorse Kaktovik $2.17 125.40 75 Mud Bay : = Nuiqsut $2.65 $155.00 Pennock-Gravina Point Hope $2.75 $4.25 $2.00 $100.00 $4.25 $2.25 Point Lay $2.18 $120.00 $3.50 Prudhoe Bay Scow Bay Wacker Wainwright $2.88 $3.93 $2.88 $2.35 $115.00 $3.84 $4.68 44 Table 12 — Number of Roadway Vehicles By Community 1981—1984 North Slope Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 Anaktuvuk Pass 6 8 8 12 Atkasuk Barrow 209 242 244 291 Browerville Cape Lisburne Castle Creek Deadhorse 34 357 Kaktovik 17 20 18 oF Mud Bay Nuiqsut Pennock-Gravina Point Hope 4 4 4 13 Point Lay Prudhoe Bay Scow Bay Wacker Wainwright 6 13 12 15 Total 242 287 320 715 Table 13 — Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP Or Weatherization Support, 1984-1985 North Slope 1984 1985 Total Total Receiving Total Receiving Total Community Houses(#) Weatherized LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) Anaktuvuk Pass 69 25 17 13,168 20 17,688 Atkasuk 24 11 9,925 Barrow 1,289 134 80,801 79 485,916 Browerville Cape Lisburne Castle Creek Deadhorse Kaktovik 60 8 6,200 "1 9,700 Mud Bay Nuiqsut 60 Pennock-Gravina Point Hope 137 34 24,126 41 37,525 Point Lay 19 13 10,574 Prudhoe Bay Scow Bay Wacker Wainwright 107 41 30,025 40 34,643 Totals 1,765 25 234 154,320 215 168,971 45 Table 14 — General Fund Appropriations to Alaskan Communities, 1974-1986 North Slope Grant Agency Project Community Project Description Grant Year DOA/DCRA Cost Anaktuvuk Pass Atkasuk Barrow Electrification 1983 DOA $329,800 Browerville Cape Lisburne Castle Creek Deadhorse Kaktovik Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $100,000 Mud Bay Nuiqsut Pennock-Gravina Point Hope Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $100,000 Point Lay Electrification 1975 DCRA $19,000 (Point Lay) Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $100,000 Prudhoe Bay Scow Bay Wacker Wainwright Totals $648,800 Table 16 — Power Cost Assistance & Power Cost Equalization Programs By Alaskan Community, FY 82, FY 83, & FY 84-85 North Slope -------Power Cost Assistance------- seteceeteecetenseeseseee snes eeneen ---Power Cost Equalization-------------------------------------- 1982 1983 Months Rate 1984-85 1985-86 Community KWH Sold *IKWH KWH Sold */KWH PCE Pil KWH Sold *IKWH KWH Sold) = */KWH Anaktuvuk Pass 10 P 322,350 12.5 Atkasuk 10 P 257,638 13.5 Barrow Browerville Cape Lisburne Castle Creek Deadhorse Kaktovik 10 P 290,229 10.5 Mud Bay Nuiqsut 10 P 446,538 13.5 Pennock-Gravina Point Hope 10 P 793,807 10.5 Point Lay 10 P 158,144 12.5 Prudhoe Bay Scow Bay Wacker Wainwright 10 e 541,948 10.5 Total 1,006,508 * 2,810,654 Note: FY 82 (7/1/81-6/30/82), FY 83 (7/1/82-6/30/83), & FY 85-86 (10/1/84-9/30/85) not for comparative purposes due to differences in reporting periods. * Distribution by community not provided. FY 86 Data Pending Rate: P = permanent, | = interim * = cents 46 Table 1 — Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984 Kobuk Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1970-1984 1980-1984 Ambler AVEC 169 192 198 202 281 262 3.2 81 Buckland IRA COUNCIL 104 177 211 217 219 249 6.4 8.9 Deering IRA COUNCIL 85 150 155 158 166 150 41 0.0 Kiana AVEC 278 345 356 364 363 402 27 3.9 Kivalina AVEC 188 241 249 253 268 294 3.2 51 Kobuk PRIVATE 62 64 64 86 97 11.8 Kotzebue KTEA 1696 2054 2250 2470 2720 2345 23 3.4 Noatak AVEC 293 273 365 355 1.4 6.8 Noorvik AVEC 462 492 508 518 532 517 0.8 1.2 Selawik AVEC 429 535 600 635 28 44 Shungnak AVEC 165 202 208 214 241 238 27 4.2 Other 231 177 801 640 144 140 3.5 57 REGION TOTAL 4100 4900 5000 5100 5484 5684 2.4 3.8 Table 2 — Alaskan Employment By Sector (DOL) 1980 to 1984 Kobuk Parameter 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Employment Private Mining Ss Ss Ss Ss s Construction 75 78 64 36 14 Manufacturing Ss Transportation and Public Utilities 113 128 196 195 183 Wholesale Trade Retail Trade 121 119 202 206 180 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate Ss s 39 44 76 Services 166 163 207 258 237 Subtotal Private 502 500 708 739 690 Government Federal 196 191 141 110 122 State 56 58 61 82 89 Local 525 573 905 737 837 Subtotal Government 777 822 1,107 929 1,048 Miscellaneous Ss Ss Ss Ss s TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 1,420 1,462 1,815 1,668 1,738 Note: Some Data For Less Than 12 Months or Has Some Suppressed Data, Proprietors Not Included S = Data for year is suppressed 47 Table 3 — Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977—1984 (MWH) Kobuk Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC Ambler 180 244 268 190 348 412 427 586 AVEC Kiana 654 624 645 619 636 791 806 895 AVEC Kivalina 362 406 368 393 412 463 557 596 KTEA Kotzebue 8717 10033 10454 10627 11531 12249 13668 14703 AVEC Noatak 271 357 337 411 453 550 618 641 AVEC Noorvik 716 754 732 698 748 1023 998 1042 AVEC Selawik 682 655 647 679 693 810 898 921 AVEC Shungnak 389 371 367 390 395 569 668 674 Subtotal Utilities 11971 13444 13818 14007 15216 16867 18640 20058 Defense 3785 3500 3292 3292 3292 3292 3070 2573 REGION TOTAL 15756 16944 17110 17299 18508 20159 21710 22631 Table 4 — Installed Capacity, 1982-1984 Kobuk 1982 1983 1984 Capacity Capacity Capacity Utility Vicinity (kw) (kw) (kw) AVEC Ambler 420 420 420 AVEC Kiana 650 650 875 AVEC Kivalina 460 460 610 AVEC Noatak 350 275 275 AVEC Noorvik 600 600 775 AVEC Selawik 650 650 650 AVEC Shungnak 580 580 580 KTEA Kotzebue 4825 6625 6625 TOTAL 8535 10260 10810 Table 5 — Peak Load By Utility Kobuk Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC Ambler 01 O41 0.2 04 0.2 AVEC Kiana 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 AVEC Kivalina O41 O41 O41 01 0.2 AVEC Noatak 01 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 AVEC Noorvik 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 AVEC Selawik 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 AVEC Shungnak 01 0.1 01 0.1 01 KTEA Kotzebue 1.9 1.9 1.9 24 a2 2.2 2.3 2.7 TOTAL 1.9 1.9 1.9 34 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.9 TABLE 6 — FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Kobuk Fuel Consumption Utility Vicinity Fuel Units 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC Ambler Oil Gal. 27,216 30,733 43,596 44,646 42,126 46,368 52,836 59,934 AVEC Kiana Oil Gal. 76,734 78,588 72,618 69,342 74,508 75,348 82,866 83,160 AVEC Kivalina Oil Gal. 55,482 51,145 54,222 55,062 53,214 58,254 72,790 60,354 AVEC Noatak Oil Gal. 31,794 45,001 46,704 49,140 54,432 61,656 65,016 68,334 AVEC Noorvik Oil Gal. 80,094 94,933 73,752 72,408 75,516 80,136 91,224 88,788 AVEC Selawik Oil Gal. 76,482 82,555 71,820 75,768 71,358 81,522 88,914 90,678 AVEC Shungnak Oil Gal. 49,644 46,788 55,062 55,272 57,750 59,010 66,318 63,294 KTEA Kotzebue Oil Gal. 727,524 818,370 873,390 865,704 986,916 1,194,480 1,181,400 1,113,168 Total Oil Gal. 1,124,970 1,248,113 1,291,164 1,287,342 1,415,820 1,656,774 1,701,364 1,627,710 TABLE 7 — HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1984 Kobuk Heat Rate (BTU/KWH) Utility Vicinity Fuel 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC Ambler Oil 20,970 17,469 22,561 32,589 16,789 15,609 17,161 14,185 AVEC Kiana Oil 16,273 17,467 15,615 15,536 16,248 13,211 14,259 12,886 AVEC Kivalina Oil 21,256 17,471 20,435 19,431 17,913 17,450 18,124 14,044 AVEC Noatak Oil 16,271 17,482 19,221 16,582 16,665 15,547 14,591 14,785, AVEC Noorvik Oil 15,514 17,462 13,974 14,387 14,002 10,864 12,677 11,818 AVEC Selawik Oil 15,553 17,480 15,395 15,476 14,281 13,958 13,732 13,655 AVEC Shungnak Oil 17,700 17,491 20,808 19,656 20,277 14,383 13,769 13,024 KTEA Kotzebue Oil 11,575 11,313 11,587 11,298 11,870 17,237 13,943 10,500 Table 8 — Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1984 Kobuk Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 KTEA Kotzebue 438 462 455 471 522 557 675 722 78 89 97 97 132 139 154 152 Table 9 — Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1984 (Cents/KWH) Kobuk Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 KTEA Kotzebue 16 17 18 20 21 23 25 24 14 15 16 18 19 21 23 21 Electricity costs are not adjusted for PCA or PCE programs. 49 Table 10 — Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1984 (MWH per customer/year) Kobuk Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 KTEA Kotzebue 54 5.2 5.4 5.3 47 5.6 5.0 5.3 63.0 63.3 64.2 66.0 55.1 49.6 48.5 49.9 Table 11 — Status of Fuel Costs In Alaska 1983-1985 Kobuk Aviation Heating Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Sigal Sigal $gal $/gal $/bottle Sigal Sigal Ambler $2.95 $2.60 $150.00 Buckland $1.42 $2.59 $139.00 $2.15 Deering $3.23 $2.60 $117.00 Kiana $2.13 $127.00 $2.01 $5.99 Kivalina $2.89 $2.69 $95.00 Kobuk $2.20 Kotzebue $1.85 $1.83 $1.61 $74.50 Noatak $2.89 $2.85 $150.00 Noorvik $2.11 $2.28 $123.81 $6.58 Selawik $2.60 $140.00 Shungnak $2.63 $139.00 Table 12 — Number of Roadway Vehicles By Community 1981—1984 Kobuk Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 Ambler 6 12 11 16 Buckland 3 3 1 4 Deering 2 1 2 2 Kiana 1 1 5 7 Kivalina 1 2 3 5 Kobuk 3 1 2 6 Kotzebue 212 276 305 337 Noatak 2 2 5 Noorvik 1 2 8 4 Selawik 2 2 2 4 Shungnak 5 5 9 7 Total 238 305 350 397 50 Table 13 — Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP Or Weatherization Support, 1984-1985 Kobuk 1984 1985 Total Total Receiving Total Receiving Total Community Houses(#) Weatherized LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) Ambler 71 31 20,450 39 24,286 Buckland 45 15 108 24,870 41 30,614 Deering 47 16 29 22,050 21 17,774 Kiana 70 64 47,837 64 52,524 Kivalina 50 43 28,401 42 31,975 Kobuk 37 13 85,462 "1 7,879 Kotzebue 690 4 158 101,916 156 110,886 Noatak 78 21 45 28,792 53 33,848 Noorvik 80 23 72 44,519 67 47,928 Selawik 86 90 62,437 92 71,457 Shungnak 61 31 20,019 31 21,178 Totals 1,315 116 684 409,753 617 450,349 Table 14 — General Fund Appropriations to Alaskan Communities, 1974-1986 Kobuk Grant Agency Project Community Project Description Grant Year DOA/DCRA Cost Ambler Electrification 1983 DOA $40,000 Buckland Generator 1975 DOA $4,640 (Buckland) Bulk Storage 1981 DCRA $100,000 (Buckland) Electrification 1981 DCRA $96,000 Deering Electrification 1975 DCRA $9,500 (Deering) Electrification 1982 DCRA $180,000 Kiana Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $100,000 Kivalina Kobuk Electrification 1974 DOA $6,000 (Kobuk) Bulk Storage 1984 DCRA $100,000 (Kobuk) Electrification 1986 DOA $75,000 Kotzebue Electrification 1983 DOA $1,900,000 (Kotzebue) Electrification 1986 DOA $300,000 Noatak Electrification 1985 DCRA $75,000 Noorvik Selawik Bulk Storage 1983 DCRA $100,000 (Selawik) Electrification 1983 DOA $100,000 (Selawik) Electrification 1985 DOA $350,000 Shungnak Totals $3,461,140 51 Table 15 — Alaska Power Authority Projects in Alaskan Communities — Thru 1985 Kobuk PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND STATUS KOBUK-SHUNGNAK GROUND RETURN DISTRIBUTION LINE KOTZEBUE GEOTHERMAL KOTZEBUE COAL AND DISTRICT HEAT Operating Geothermal Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Eleven mile, 14 KV distribution line with two wire A-frame design. Built partially with Energy Program for Alaska funds. APA attempting to lease the facility to Kobuk. Not recommended as best alternative. Report complete 1981. See Kotzebue Coal and District Heat. Coal Fired Co-generation of heat and electricity. Report complete, 1982. DGGS is analyzing feasibility of utilizing coal mined at Chicago Creek. Table 16 — Power Cost Assistance & Power Cost Equalization Programs By Alaskan Community, FY 82, FY 83, & FY 84-85 Kobuk s-----Power Cost ASSIStaMC@------- — wsnsesessoeseseeeeeeeeseseeeeeeseseneeee Power Cost Equalization-------------------------------------- 1982 1983 Months Rate 1984-85 1985-86 Community KWH Sold */KWH KWH Sold */KWH PCE Pil KWH Sold *IKWH KWH Sold *IKWH Ambler 295,306 26.0 1 | 351,417 31.5 Buckland Deering 9 ! 172,246 19.0 Kiana 341,442 26.0 11 | 426,490 31.5 Kivalina 198,533 26.0 11 | 225,204 31.5 Kobuk 2 | 12,154 27.0 Kotzebue 3,791,041 7.3 5,086,091 91 12 P 5,571,038 11.3 Noatak 317,348 26.0 ab | 301,994 31.5 Noorvik 492,367 26.0 "1 | 495,772 31.5 Selawik 408,715 26.0 11 | 459,383 31.5 Shungnak 243,228 26.0 11 | 252,344 31.5 Total 3,791,041 7,383,030 8,268,042 Note: FY 82 (7/1/81-6 /30/82), FY 83 (7/1/82-6/30/83), & FY 85-86 (10/1/84-9/30/85) not for comparative purposes due to differences in reporting periods. FY 86 Data Pending Rate: P = permanent, | = * = cents interim 52 Table 1 — Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984 Nome Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1970-1984 1980-1984 Brevig Mission PRIVATE 123 138 149 134 146 151 1.5 2.3 Diomede Village BIA 84 139 189 134 139 153 4.4 2.4 Elim AVEC 174 211 228 205 198 248 26 41 Gambell AVEC 372 445 480 432 484 498 2A 2.9 Golovin PRIVATE, BIA 117 87 94 112 110 122 0.3 8.8 Koyuk AVEC 122 188 203 183 206 211 4.0 29 Nome NJUB 2301 2301 3039 3430 3102 3184 2.3 8.5 Perkinsville 33 23 25 6.7 Port Clarence 29 21 22 6.7 Saint Michael AVEC 207 239 258 295 274 279 2.2 3.9 Savoonga AVEC 364 491 530 477 438 470 18 Aa Shaktoolik AVEC 151 164 177 159 178 186 15 3.2 Shishmaref AVEC 267 394 394 425 446 493 45 5.8 Stebbins AVEC 231 331 357 321 321 327 25 0.3 Teller TEPC 220 212 229 206 267 257 11 49 Unalakleet MEA,UVEC 342 623 672 604 763 784 61 5.9 Wales AVEC 131 133 143 129 131 136 0.3 0.6 White Mountain SCHOOL 87 125 135 121 144 150 4.0 47 Other 507 617 23 133 180 193 6.7 -25.2 REGION TOTAL 5800 6900 7300 7500 7581 7888 2.2 3.4 53 Table 2 — Alaskan Employment By Sector (DOL) 1980 to 1984 Nome Parameter 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Employment Private Mining Ss 127 Ss Ss 102 Construction 33 Ss 65 88 86 Manufacturing 30 31 85 30 10 Transportation and Public Utilities 149 161 160 173 186 Wholesale Trade Retail Trade 278 303 303 294 303 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate Ss Ss 54 79 83 Services 729 685 470 512 536 Subtotal Private 1,437 1,459 1,137 1,176 1,306 Government Federal 161 151 132 157 134 State 98 100 120 244 243 Local 572 581 667 793 768 Subtotal Government 831 832 919 1,194 1,145 Miscellaneous Ss 10 TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 2,498 2,527 2,056 2,380 2,451 Note: Some Data For Less Than 12 Months or Has Some Suppressed Data, Proprietors Not Included S = Data for year is suppressed Table 3 — Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977—1984 (MWH) Nome Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC Elim 269 217 228 272 341 413 428 436 AVEC Gambell 436 562 663 799 821 821 937 974 AVEC Koyuk 176 153 196 289 289 370 403 430 AVEC Savoonga 575 642 674 757 835 890 964 1056 AVEC Shaktoolik 156 182 200 209 252 314 337 339 AVEC Shishmaref 465 538 539 546 587 689 841 922 AVEC Saint Michael 270 353 342 326 413 556 592 593 AVEC Stebbins 234 229 227 248 293 395 508 557 AVEC Wales 143 142 127 129 121 156 179 212 Mea Unalakleet 1868 1913 1977 2002 2166 2668 NJUB Nome 13772 13915 14501 15261 15935 17511 18682 19870 TL&P Teller 170 180 180 441 583 583 600 600 UVEC Unalakleet 3038 3211 Subtotal Utilities 18534 19026 19854 21279 22636 25366 27509 29200 Defense 7920 8000 8248 8248 8248 8248 6126 5794 Industry 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 5000 5000 5000 REGION TOTAL 37454 38026 39102 40527 41884 38614 38635 39994 Table 4 — Installed Capacity, 1982-1984 Nome 1982 1983 1984 Capacity Capacity Capacity Utility Vicinity (kw) (kw) (kw) AVEC Elim 231 231 231 AVEC Gambell 460 460 460 AVEC Koyuk 270 270 270 AVEC Saint Michael 340 340 340 AVEC Savoonga 650 650 650 AVEC Shaktoolik 200 200 200 AVEC Shismaref 705 600 600 AVEC Stebbins 220 220 275 AVEC Wales 155 155 155 MEA Unalakleet 1150 1860 1890 NJUB Nome 6968 6968 6969 TEPC Teller 445 445 445 TOTAL 11794 12399 12484 54 Table 5 — Peak Load By Utility Nome Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC Elim 01 01 01 01 0.1 AVEC Gambell 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 AVEC Koyuk 0.1 01 0.1 01 0.1 AVEC Saint Michael 0.1 0.2 01 01 01 AVEC Savoonga 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 AVEC Shaktoolik 01 01 01 01 0.1 AVEC Shismaref 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 AVEC Stebbins 0.1 01 01 01 0.1 AVEC Wales 01 0.1 0.1 01 01 NJUB Nome 27 28 29 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.2 4.0 TEPC Teller 01 01 01 01 01 O41 0.2 0.2 UVEC Unalakleet 0.6 0.6 TOTAL 28 29 3.0 43 44 4.3 6.2 6.0 TABLE 6 — FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Nome Fuel Consumption Utility Vicinity Fuel Units 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC Elim Oil Gal. 35,658 27,347 31,164 37,884 41,126 48,846 49,308 45,150 AVEC Gambell Oil Gal. 50,274 70,762 71,830 82,824 84,168 85,806 92,862 95,172 AVEC Koyuk Oil Gal. 32,088 19,290 25,284 32,466 33,894 41,706 43,092 44,688 AVEC Savoonga Oil Gal. 67,956 80,904 77,070 82,236 88,158 90,846 100,842 96,264 AVEC Shaktoolik Oil = Gal. 20,202 22,908 23,982 25,116 32,004 38,178 37,716 38,388 AVEC Shismaref Oil Gal. 60,690 67,801 65,898 66,234 69,216 75,600 88,914 93,744 AVEC Saint Michael Oil = Gal. 38,556 44,464 36,540 38,178 45,612 48,636 54,474 57,036 AVEC Stebbins Oil = Gal. 29,904 28,803 27,300 30,240 33,264 57,624 53,256 56,700 AVEC Wales Oil = Gal. 29,106 17,871 20,286 22,764 19,530 22,008 24,528 24,738 MEA Unalakleet Oil Gal. 166,488 175,925 184,380 189,000 203,784 234,528 226,128 227,850 NJUB Nome Oil = Gal. 1,087,128 1,077,846 1,156,764 1,164,534 1,236,228 1,371,762 1,473192 1,542,702 TEPC Teller Oil = Gal. 17,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 46,200 48,600 48,600 TOTAL Oil = Gal. 1,635,050 1,651,921 1,738,498 1,789,476 1,904,984 2,161,740 2,292,912 2,371,032 TABLE 7 — HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1984 Nome Heat Rate (BTU/KWH) Utility Vicinity Fuel 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC Elim Oil 18,384 17,478 18,957 19,317 17,133 16,403 15,978 14,362 AVEC Gambell Oil 15,992 17,463 15,024 14,377 14,218 14,495, 13,745 13,552 AVEC Koyuk Oil 25,286 17,486 17,891 15,580 16,266 15,633 14,830 14,413 AVEC Savoonga Oil 16,391 17,478 15,859 15,066 14,643 14,157 14,508 12,643 AVEC Shaktoolik Oil 17,960 17,457 16,630 16,667 17,614 16,863 15,522 15,705 AVEC Shismaref Oil 18,101 17,478 16,956 16,824 16,354 15,218 14,663 14,101 AVEC Saint Michael Oil 19,805 17,469 14,818 16,242 15,317 12,132 12,762 13,339 AVEC Stebbins Oil 17,724 17,444 16,679 16,911 15,745, 20,233 14,540 14,118 AVEC Wales Oil 28,229 17,454 22,153 24,474 22,385 19,566 19,004 16,184 MEA Unalakleet Oil 12,361 12,754 12,935, 13,093 13,048 12,191 UVEC Unalakleet Oil 9,866 NJUB Nome Oil 10,865 10,937 10,768 TEPC Teller Oil 13,869 13,869 13,869 10,991 11,234 11,234 55 Table 8 — Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1984 Nome UTILITY PLACE Residential Commercial/Industrial 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 MEA Unalakleet 125 29 UVEC Unalakleet 201 208 43 46 NJUB Nome 1164 295 Table 9 — Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1984 (Cents/KWH) Nome Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 UVEC Unalakleet 27 24 26 23 Electricity costs are not adjusted for PCA or PCE programs. Table 10 — Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1984 (MWH per customer/year) Nome Residential i i UTILITY PLACE Commercial/Industrial 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 NJUB Nome 55 36.5 UVEC Unaiakleet 4.0 51 39.6 Table 11 — Status of Fuel Costs In Alaska 1983-1985, Nome Aviation Heating Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community $/gal $/gal $gal Sigal $/bottle $/gal Sigal Brevig Mission $1.45 $2.30 $6.25 Diomede Island Diomede Village $2.35 Elim $2.79 $1.59 $107.75 $7.50 Gambell $2.01 $175.00 $5.98 Golovin $2.17 $125.00 $6.10 Koyuk $2.70 $2.35 $126.00 Nome $1.89 $2.07 $1.49 $79.50 $4.90 Northeast Cape Perkinsville Port Clarence Saint Michael $1.21 $4.38 Savoonga $2.01 $146.00 $8.60 Shaktoolik $2.46 $2.05 $1.85 $126.88 $6.50 Shishmaref $2.26 $156.50 $8.50 Stebbins $2.41 $2.15 $159.95 $7.19 Teller $1.85 $4.94 Unalakleet $1.67 $2.10 $1.43 $160.00 $8.35 Wales $2.86 $2.25 White Mountain $2.93 $2.14 $116.00 $6.75 56 Table 12 — Number of Roadway Vehicles By Community 1981—1984 Nome Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 Brevig Mission 2 1 Diomede Village Elim 1 1 1 3 Gambell 1 3 3 2 Golovin 1 Koyuk Nene 1037 1077 1216 1199 Northeast Cape Perkinsville Port Clarence 2 Saint Michael 1 1 1 4 Savoonga 4 4 3 Shaktoolik 4 1 1 : Shishmaref 5 4 4 4 Stebbins 1 1 Teller 10 8 13 us Unalakleet 21 30 34 ‘ Wales 2 2 4 White Mountain 1 1 Total 1085 1132 1282 1285 Table 13 — Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP Or Weatherization Support, 1984-1985 Nome 1984 1985 Total Total Receiving Total Receiving Total Community Houses(#) Weatherized LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) Brevig Mission 41 32 22,025 31 23,401 Diomede Island 33 11 180 Diomede Village Elim 48 34 21,681 36 21,998 Gambell 163 78 59,163 79 69,798 Golovin 37 8 186 104,536 159 101,932 Koyuk 48 31 20,573 35 25,464 Nome 917 49 Northeast Cape 4 2,362 Perkinsville 15 Port Clarence Saint Michael 73 51 36,100 47 33,826 Savoonga 158 77 59,550 88 78,899 Shaktoolik 56 28 24 15,549 20 12,304 Shishmaref 94 83 58,253 83 61,588 Stebbins 82 44 65 41,314 49 26,981 Teller 63 25 48 34,906 39 29,663 Unalakleet 200 16 82 54,943 86 64,000 Wales 54 25 17,350 28 21,600 White Mountain 41 12 31 19,689 33 16,923 Totals 2,123 193 1,031 567,994 813 588,377 57 Table 14 — General Fund Appropriations to Alaskan Communities, 1974-1986 Nome Grant Agency Project Community Project Description Grant Year DOA/DCRA Cost Brevig Mission Electrification 1975 DCRA $17,755 (Brevig Mission) Bulk Storage 1981 DCRA 181,000 (Brevig Mission) Electrification 1983 DOA $60,000 Diomede Island Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $90,000 Diomede Village Electrification 1982 DOA $106,000 (Diomede Village) Electrification 1984 DOA $100,000 Elim Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $80,000 (Elim) Electrification 1983 DOA $200,000 Gambell Golovin Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $100,000 (Golovin) Electrification 1982 DOA $225,200 (Golovin) Electrification 1984 DOA $70,000 Koyuk Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $85,500 Nome Electrification 1982 DOA $943,000 (Nome) Electrification 1983 DOA $425,000 Northeast Cape Perkinsville Port Clarence Saint Michael Generator Transport 1975 DCRA $6,485 Savoonga Bulk Storage 1983 DCRA $100,000 Shaktoolik Electrification 1982 DCRA $53,500 Shishmaref Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $100,000 Stebbins Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $100,000 Teller Unalakleet Electrification 1983 DOA $1,000,000 (Unalakleet) Electrification 1984 DOA $42,800 Wales White Mountain Electrification 1981 DCRA $65,000 (White Mountain) Electrification 1981 DOA $60,000 (White Mountain) Electrification 1983 DOA $170,000 (White Mountain) Bulk Storage 1983 DCRA $100,000 Totals $81,240 Table 15 — Alaska Power Authority Projects in Alaskan Communities — Thru 1985 Nome PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND STATUS ELIM Hydroelectric Reconnaissance investigation of a small hydroelectric Reconnaissance Study _ site. Stream studies complete. Findings and Recommenda- tions pending. 58 Table 16 — Power Cost Assistance & Power Cost Equalization Programs By Alaskan Community, FY 82, FY 83, & FY 84-85 Nome sseseeseseesesensensesensnseneeseeeeeesPQWEF Cost Equalization-- Months = Rate 1982 1983 1984-85 1985-86 Community KWH Sold *IKWH ~~ KWH Sold *IKWH PCE Pil KWH Sold *IKWH KWH Sold *IKWH Brevig Mission Diomede Village 2 P 29,302 9.4 Elim 203,638 26.0 11 ! 258,561 31.5 Gambell 391,768 26.0 11 | 418,557 31.5 Golovin 11 P 156,529 31.2 Koyuk 179,862 26.0 11 | 210,890 31.5 Nome 6,596,037 7.0 6,775,922 5.8 1 P 8,175,678 9.6 Northeast Cape Perkinsville Port Clarence Saint Michael 11.0 | 288,061 31.5 Savoonga 413,220 26.0 ab ! 462,231 31.5 Shaktoolik 185,567 26.0 11 | 230,872 31.5 Shishmaref 366,079 26.0 11 | 535,178 31.5 Stebbins 207,645 26.0 11 | 249,033 31.5 Teller 3 | 32,499 26.5 Unalakleet 1,009,306 12.0 1,298,037 11.0 12 & 1,552,289 11.5 Wales 109,597 26.0 11 I 158,647 31.5 White Mountain 3 I 26,019 33.5 Total 7,605,343 10,131,335 12,784,346 Note: FY 82 (7/1/81-6/30/82), FY 83 (7/1/82-6/30/83), & FY 85-86 (10/1/84-9/30/85) not for comparative purposes due to differences in reporting periods. FY 86 Data Pending Rate: P = permanent, | = interim = cents 59 YUKON-KOYUKUK t ! ef r! j ym pen J fore, ! i 2 MUUT0 see ur man gor” unset, ST omens remy . t “ANDERSON Desi ner iga } re ofRArung mcuneY PAR otto cunnue ___! 46 lara we cceanmO roe 61 Table 1 — Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984 Yukon-Koyukuk Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1970-1984 1980-1984 Alatna VILLAGE COUNCIL Allakaket SCHOOL, VILLAGE 174 163 158 169 175 175 0 1.8 Anderson GVEA 362 517 500 522 496 468 1.9 2.5 Anvik AVEC 83 114 110 115 95 82 0.1 7.9 Artic Village SCHOOL 85 11 110 109 1.8 0.5 Beaver SCHOOL 101 66 65 65 31 0.4 Bettles BL&P Birch Creek SCHOOL 32 32 31 0.8 Campion 62 61 61 0.4 Cantwell PRIVATE 62 89 88 87 2.4 0.6 Central PRIVATE 26 36 36 35 zi “Ory Chalkyitsik SCHOOL 130 100 99 98 -2.0 0.5 Circle CE 54 81 108 101 46 5.7 Dunbar 50 50 49 0.5 Evansville BLAP 57 94 93 92 3.5 0.5 Fort Yukon FYU, USAF 448 619 599 625 638 655 28 1.4 Galena M&DE 302 765 805 847 867 894 81 4.0 Grayling AVEC 139 209 202 211 217 220 3.3 1.3 Healy GVEA 79 334 331 327 10.7 0.5 Healy Lake PRIVATE 33 Holy Cross AVEC 199 241 233 243 206 191 0.3 5.6 Hughes H 85 73 71 74 91 97 0.9 7.4 Huslia AVEC 159 188 23 241 236 283 4.2 10.8 Indian Mountain USAF 27 27 26 0.9 Kaltag AVEC 206 247 239 246 257 262 1.7 15 Koyukuk SCHOOL, PRIVATE 124 98 95 99 99 98 17 0.0 Lake Minchumina ss Manley Hot Springs MUC. 34 61 99 99 79 12.9 McGrath MGL&P. 279 355 343 498 517 499 4.2 8.9 McKinley Park 32 60 59 16.5 Minto AVEC 168 153 168 153 0.7 0.0 Nenana GVEA 382 470 592 475 580 544 26 3.7 Nikolai CITY 112 91 88 110 114 109 0.2 46 Nulato AVEC 308 350 338 353 382 388 17 26 Rampart WTC 36 50 50 49 rie) 0.5 Ruby CITY 145 197 190 214 233 283 4.9 95 Shageluk AVEC 167 131 127 132 148 141 1.2 1.9 Stevens Village VILLAGE 74 96 95 94 ye 0.5 Suntrana GVEA 67 56 56 55 1.4 -0.4 Takotna CITY, SCHOOL 76 48 47 48 -3.2 0.0 Tanana TPC 406 388 462 486 447 444 0.6 3.4 Tatalina USAF 46 46 45 0.5 Telida SCHOOL 33 33 32 0.8 Usibelli GVEA 65 53 53 52 1.6 0.5 Venetie VILLAGE, BIA 112 132 131 129 1.0 0.6 Other 1794 609 2417 2240 779 773 5.8 61 REGION TOTAL 7100 7700 7592 7900 8507 8519 1.3 2.6 Table 2 — Alaskan Employment By Sector (DOL) 1980 to 1984 Yukon-Koyukuk Parameter 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Employment Private Mining 115 122 170 157 Ss Construction Ss 25 44 44 71 Manufacturing 22 22 14 Ss 10 Transportation and Public Utilities 767 757 808 753 698 Wholesale Trade Ss Ss 33 37 35 Retail Trade 167 201 202 194 203 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 23 20 41 51 49 Services 89 77 164 157 164 Subtotal Private 1,303 1,307 1,476 1,393 1,230 Government Federal 312 280 132 282 278 State 200 210 220 172 184 Local 603 669 667 1,009 a Subtotal Government 1,868 1,930 1,019 1,463 1,633 Miscellaneous Ss Ss 15 Ss Ss TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 3,003 3,378 2,510 2,856 2,863 Note: Some Data For Less Than 12 Months or Has Some Suppressed Data, Proprietors Not Included S = Data for year is suppressed 62 Table 3 — Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977—1984 (MWH) Yukon-Koyukuk Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC Anvik 139 131 154 160 174 192 193 203 AVEC Grayling 175 223 233 200 214 314 356 398 AVEC Holy Cross 345 330 381 306 204 346 415 406 AVEC Huslia 263 256 224 269 341 347 401 442 AVEC Kaltag 230 397 399 363 362 398 451 484 AVEC Minto 232 251 224 206 203 260 268 368 AVEC Nulato 531 524 543 496 568 680 623 669 AVEC Shageluk 169 176 178 191 220 223 260 251 BL&P Bettles 977 640 1070 1130 1134 1140 1150 1150 CE Circle 100 100 FYU Fort Yukon 1336 1404 1737 1979 2013 2129 2200 1838 H Hughes 81900 81900 81900 5500 5500 5500 5500 5500 HUP&L Hughes 120 160 M&D Galena 1000 1106 1200 1200 MGL&P McGrath 1985 2320 2614 2007 2635 2789 2881 3035 MUC Manley Hot Springs 182 200 145 131 150 150 200 . 220 ss Lake Minchumina 190 190 190 190 190 200 200 200 TPC Tanana 1707 1737 1740 1769 1775 1780 1900 1750 WTP Rampart 60 60 Subtotal Utilities 90361 90679 91732 14897 16987 17554 18478 18434 Defense 102789 96640 100451 85086 85086 85086 16516 84759 Industry 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 Municipality 76100 76100 68000 REGION TOTAL 194450 188619 193483 177383 179473 171940 36294 104493 Table 4 — Installed Capacity, 1982-1984 Yukon-Koyukuk 1982 1983 1984 Capacity Capacity Capacity Utility Vicinity (kw) (kw) (kw) AVEC Anvik 150 200 200 AVEC Grayling 200 200 250 AVEC Holy Cross 235 235 285 AVEC Huslia 285 285 285 AVEC Kaltag 180 285 285 AVEC Minto 215 235 235 AVEC Nulato 725 725 725 AVEC Shageluk 200 200 200 BL&P Bettles 600 600 600 CE Circle 250 250 FYU Fort Yukon 1350 1350 1350 HUP&L Hughes 150 25 M&D Galena 760 760 760 MGL&P McGrath 1250 1450 1450 MUC. Manley Hot Springs 185 185 185 ss Lake Minchumina 130 130 130 TPC Tanana 1950 1950 2000 WTC Rampart 150 150 TOTAL 8415 9340 9365 63 Table 5 — Peak Load By Utility Yukon-Koyukuk Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC Anvik 0.1 041 01 01 01 AVEC Grayling 01 01 01 01 01 AVEC Holy Cross 0.1 01 01 01 04 AVEC Huslia 01 O41 01 oA o1 AVEC Kaltag O41 01 0.2 01 01 AVEC Minto 0.4 01 04 01 01 AVEC Nulato o1 04 O41 01 01 AVEC Shageluk 0.1 01 0.5 0.1 01 BL&P Bettles 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 FYU Fort Yukon 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 HUP&L Hughes o4 M&D Galena 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 MGL&P McGrath 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 06 0.6 0.6 MUC Manley Hot Springs 01 0.1 0.1 041 ss Lake Minchumina 0.1 0.4 0.4 0.4 TPC Tanana 0.4 0.4 04 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 TOTAL 0.8 0.9 7 25 3.0 3.6 3.3 3.4 TABLE 6 — FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Yukon-Koyukuk Fuel Consumption Utility Vicinity Fuel Units 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC Chevik Oil Gal. 62,748 62,541 80,388 76,692 78,498 75,894 80,220 85,974 AVEC Grayling Oil = Gal. 25,452 28,146 31,458 29,484 32,844 36,162 40,950 43,806 AVEC Holy Cross Oil Gal. 36,918 41,612 43,344 48,048 45,108 46,242 49,476 52,374 AVEC Huslia Oil Gal. 40,488 32,246 28,392 31,692 44,142 45,948 45,402 48,090 AVEC Kaltag Oil Gal. 32,676 50,037 58,632 55,440 52,374 54,852 52,668 52,122 AVEC Minto Oil Gal. 31,920 31,570 28,602 26,418 27,510 36,120 30,786 37,170 AVEC Nulato Oil Gal. 74,424 65,988 70,392 68,628 74,382 80,850 73,794 70,224 AVEC Shageluk Oil Gal. 26,082 22,136 26,124 12,570 29,106 28,728 21,206 31,290 BL&P Bettles Oil Gal. 97,670 64,000 106,980 107,000 107,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 CE Circle Oil Gal. 10,000 10,000 FYU Fort Yukon Oil Gal. 166,342 180,000 216,222 216,580 220,300 200,000 250,000 204,000 HUP&L Hughes Oil = Gal. 16,000 17,000 M&D Galena Oil Gal. 116,850 117,000 128,000 139,000 133,000 MGL&P McGrath Oil Gal. 167,706 190,512 221,592 204,834 217,644 238,182 243,936 243,390 MUC Manley Hot Springs Oil Gal. 15,000 20,000 14,500 11,924 12,000 12,000 18,000 20,000 ss Lake Minchumina Oil Gal. 17,000 25,000 17,036 25,053 25,100 26,000 22,000 22,000 TPC Tanana Oil Gal. 148,952 280,000 151,869 151,869 152,000 152,000 184,000 178,000 WTC Rampart Oil Gal. 6,000 6,600 TOTAL Oil = Gal. 943,378 1,093,788 1,095,531 1,183,082 1,235,008 1,280,978 1,403,438 1,375,040 TABLE 7 — HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1984 Yukon-Koyukuk Heat Rate (BTU/KWH) Utility Vicinity Fuel 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC Anvik Oil 17,936 17,519 16,832 24,574 21,994 22,481 20,493 20,775 AVEC Grayling Oil 20,171 17,505 18,725 20,446 21,286 15,972 15,953 15,265 AVEC Holy Cross Oil 14,841 17,488 15,778 21,777 30,667 18,536 16,535 17,891 AVEC Huslia Oil 21,351 17,470 17,579 16,340 17,953 18,365 15,703 15,090 AVEC Kaltag Oil 19,704 17,480 20,380 21,182 20,066 19,114 16,196 14,935, AVEC Minto Oil 19,082 17,444 17,709 17,786 18,795 19,267 15,932 14,008 AVEC Nulato Oil 19,439 17,465 17,979 19,190 18,162 16,490 16,428 14,558 AVEC Shageluk Oil 21,404 17,443 20,355 17,841 18,349 17,867 16,646 17,289 BL&P Bettles Oil 13,865 13,869 13,866 13,133 13,086 14,599 14,472 14,472 CE Circle Oil 13,869 13,869 FYU Fort Yukon Oil 17,268 17,781 17,264 15,178 15,178 13,029 15,760 15,393 HUP&L Hughes Oil 18,492 14,736 M&D Galena Oil 16,227 16,051 16,065 15,371 MGL&P McGrath Oil 11,717 11,389 11,757 14,155 11,455 11,844 11,743 11,220 MUC Manley Hot Springs Oil 11,431 13,869 13,869 12,624 11,095 11,095 12,482 12,608 ss Lake Minchumina Oil 12,409 18,249 12,435 18,287 18,322 18,030 15,256 15,256 TPC Tanana Oil 12,102 22,356 12,105 11,907 11,877 11,874 13,431 14,107 WTC Rampart Oil 15,256 64 Table 8 — Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1984 Yukon-Koyukuk Residential Commercial/Industrial 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 UTILITY PLACE BL&P Bettles 10 12 13 17 13 13 18 20 FYU Fort Yukon 187 177 194 198 191 194 186 208 20 24 26 27 18 27 27 88 MGL&P McGrath 54 64 97 111 125 148 157 135 43 51 59 59 62 65 63 35 MUC Manley Hot Springs 19 21 178 6 8 7 TPC Tanana 136 132 132 132 178 3 3 3 3 10 Table 9 — Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1984 (Cents/KWH) Yukon-Koyukuk Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 BL&P Bettles 33 35 42 52 30 31 40 51 FYU Fort Yukon 20 20 25 31 24 33 55 16 16 19 25 2 28 43 MGL&P = McGrath 16 16 23 19 23 36 33 33 13 14 13 20 25 29 29 30 MUC Manley Hot Springs 24 24 40 22 24 40 TPC Tanana 16 27 27 27 34 n 21 21 21 33 Electricity costs are not adjusted for PCA or PCE programs. Table 10 — Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1984 (MWH per customer/year) Yukon-Koyukuk Residential Commercial/Industrial UTIL cae 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 BL&P Bettles 1.6 1.7 2.2 2.3 16.7 18.4 13.2 11.9 FYU Fort Yukon 16 1.8 1.7 1.7 18 1.9 09 48.9 43.0 52.3 49.4 74.7 54.7 11.0 MGL&P = McGrath 27 28 1.7 34 3.4 3.2 3.6 44 31.0 31.7 25.7 32.2 29.9 284 29.4 53.1 MUC Manley Hot Springs fd 1.5 2.9 47 6.3 9.4 TPC Tanana 5.2 6.0 6.0 6.0 47 343.3 291.7 291.7 291.7 84.5 65 Table 11 — Status of Fuel Costs In Alaska 1983-1985 Yukon-Koyukuk Community Gasoline $/gal Aviation Gasoline Sigal Heating Fuel Diesel $gal $S/gal Propane Kerosene $S/bottle $/gal Blazo S/gal Alatna Allakaket Anderson Anvik Artic Village Beaver Bettles Birch Creek Campion Cantwell Central Chalkyitsik Chatanika Circle Clear Denali Park (McKinley) Dunbar Eagle Evansvile Fort Yukon Galena Goldstream Grayling Healy Healy Lake Holikachuk Holy Cross Hughes Huslia Indian Mountain Kaltag Koyukuk Lake Minchumina Lakeview Livengood Manley Hot Springs McGrath Minto Nenana Nikolai Nulato Rampart Richardson Ruby Shafeluk Shageluk Steele Creek Steese East Steese West Stevens Village Suntrana Takotna Tanana Tatalina Telida Usibelli Venetie $1.88 $2.45 $2.80 $2.30 $2.57 $3.00 $1.69 $2.10 $2.80 $4.00 $3.40 $2.15 $3.00 $2.71 $2.64 $1.80 $4.25 $3.60 $1.64 $1.64 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $1.18 $1.83 $2.60 $1.16 $2.34 $2.80 $1.57 $1.57 $1.97 $1.97 $3.75 $3.75 $2.32 $128.00 $75.00 $3.30 $75.00 $82.00 $74.75 $55.00 $70.00 $5.20 $130.00 $100.00 $3.00 $5.00 66 Table 12 — Number of Roadway Vehicles By Community 1981—1984 Yukon-Koyukuk Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 Alatna Allakaket 2 1 1 Anderson Anvik 2 4 3 3 Artic Village 2 2 1 5 Beaver 5 3 1 2 Bettles 32 34 37 58 Birch Creek Campion Cantwell 166 179 190 229 Central 99 82 91 162 Chalkyitsik 3 A 1 1 Chatanika 3 1 3 Circle 35 33 26 28 Clear 561 575 614 502 Denali Park (McKinley) 182 227 249 308 Dunbar Eagle 94 88 97 121 Evansvile Fort Yukon 70 75 78 93 Galena 42 63 86 90 Goldstream Grayling 7 3 4 5 Healy 273 320 460 579 Healy Lake Holikachuk Holy Cross 3 6 6 1 Hughes 1 1 2 Huslia 4 3 3 5 Indian Mountain Kaltag 4 2 3 3 Koyukuk 4 1 3 Lake Minchumina 5 6 2 6 Lakeview Livengood Manley Hot Springs 69 83 77 101 McGrath 41 37 38 58 Minto 24 21 32 34 Nenana 23 546 583 712 Nikolai Nulato 9 4 9 12 Rampart 3 6 5 10 Richardson Ruby 12 15 23 22 Shafeluk Shageluk 2 4 Steele Creek Steese East Steese West Stevens Village 1 2 4 2 Suntrana Takotna 13 17 24 34 Tanana 31 39 42 43 Tatalina Telida Usibelli 183 160 63 17 Venetie 1 4 4 3 Total 2507 2645 2859 3269 67 Table 13 — Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP Or Weatherization Support, 1984-1985 Yukon-Koyukuk 1984 1985 Total Total Receiving Total Receiving Total Community Houses(#) Weatherized LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) LIHEAP. LIHEAP ($) Alatna 8 5,935 Allakaket 55 18 48 32,914 Anderson 142 1 472 Anvik 42 30 13,180 Arctic Village 40 52 26,289 Beaver 53 29 27 13,038 Bettles 1 2 1,478 Birch Creek 14 14 6,625 Campion Cantwell 37 10 5,850 15 7,676 Central 32 4 2,030 6 3,328 Chalkyitsik 41 15,006 Chatanika Circle 40 4 24 10,747 Clear 9 5,187 4 2,325 Denali Park (McKinley) 20 24 13,331 12 5,341 Dunbar Eagle 96 35 21,395 Evansvile 36 5 3,478 Fort Yukon 243 i 144 77,456 Galena 183 350 52 31,060 Goldstream Grayling 62 46 34,419 Healy 188 10 4,800 14 8,305 Healy Lake 39 30 1 523 Holikachuk 1 263 Holy Cross 80 22 46 32,348 Hughes 27 21 27 17,833 Huslia 86 59 43,663 Indian Mountain 7 2,839 Kaltag 66 47 36,485 Koyukuk 36 33 22,120 Lake Minchumina 34 4 1,520 Lakeview Livengood 15 Manley Hot Springs 56 1 19 8,908 McGrath 163 49 30,713 Minto 58 61 37,682 Nenana 198 19 50 84 48,129 Nikolai 28 28 14,357 Nulato 86 72 56,749 Rampart 24 18 9,565 Richardson Ruby 72 35 22,492 Shageluk 48 27 15,055 Steele Creek Steese East Steese West Stevens Village 35 25 33 17,530 Suntrana 23 Takotna 21 15 7,879 Tanana 146 81 53,191 Tatalina Telida 9 20 6 4,472 Usibelli 27 1 506 Venetie 45 54 26,353 Totals 2,706 140 516 34,806 1,379 828,034 68 Table 14 — General Fund Appropriations to Alaskan Communities, 1974-1986 Yukon-Koyukuk Grant Agency Project Community Project Description Grant Year DOA/DCRA Cost Alatna Generator 1982 DCRA $36,000 Allakaket Electrification 1980 DCRA $75,000 (Allalaket) Bulk Storage 1980 DCRA $70,000 (Allalaket) Electrification 1982 DOA $12,600 (Allalaket) Electrification 1984 DOA $67,500 Anderson Electrification 1983 DOA $50,000 Anvik Artic Village Generator 1982 DCRA $26,400 (Arctic Village) Electrification 1984 DCRA $250,000 Beaver Electrification 1984 DCRA $150,000 (Beaver) Electrification 1985 DCRA $180,000 (Beaver) Bulk Storage 1982 DOA $60,000 (Beaver) Electrification 1986 DCRA $40,000 Bettles Birch Creek Electrification 1980 DCRA $75,000 (Birch Creek) Bulk Storage 1981 DCRA $66,000 (Birch Creek) Electrification 1981 CRA $75,000 (Birch Creek) Electrification 1982 DCRA $32,000 (Birch Creek) Electrification 1985 DCRA $75,000 Campion Cantwell Electrification 1980 DCRA $75,000 Central Chalkyitsik Electrification 1981 DCRA $75,000 (Chalkyitsik) Electrification 1980 DCRA $75,000 (Chalkyitsik) Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $40,000 (Chalkyitsik) Electrification 1982 DCRA $103,000 (Chalkyitsik) Electrification 1984 DCRA $70,000 (Chalkyitsik) Electrification 1986 DCRA $45,000 Chatanika Circle Electrification 1982 DCRA $81,700 Clear Denali Park(McKinley) Dunbar Eagle Evansvile Fort Yukon Electrification 1981 DOA $200,000 (Fort Yukon) Electrification 1983 DOA $125,000 Galena Waste Heat 1986 DOA $510,000 Goldstream Generator 1977 DCRA $3,750 Grayling Healy Healy Lake Generator 1975 DCRA $15,000 (Healy Lake) Electrification 1980 DCRA $30,000 (Healy Lake) Electrification 1982 DCRA $25,000 (Healy Lake) Electrification 1985 DCRA $30,000 Holikachuk Holy Cross Hughes Electrification 1978 DCRA $25,000 (Hughes) Electrification 1980 DCRA $94,000 (Hughes) Electrification 1983 DOA $100,000 Huslia Bulk Storage 1975 DCRA $20,000 Indian Mountain Kaltag Koyukuk Electric. Study 1978 DCRA $3,500 (Koyukuk) Electrification 1981 DOA $50,000 (Koyukuk) Electrification 1982 DOA $50,000 (Koyukuk) Bulk Storage 1983 DCRA $90,000 Lake Minchumina Lakeview Livengood Manley Hot Springs McGrath Minto Generator House 1985 DCRA $100,000 Nenana Electrification 1982 DOA $59,500 (Nenana) Electrification 1983 DOA $24,600 Nikolai Electrification 1978 DCRA $45,000 (Nikolai) Electrification 1980 DCRA $70,000 (Nikolai) Electrification 1981 DCRA $70,000 (Nikolai) Electrification 1982 DOA $8,000 (Nikolai) Electrification 1983 DOA $30,000 Nulato Electrification 1981 DOA $50,000 Rampart Electrification 1983 DCRA $173,000 Richardson (Continued on Next Page) 69 Table 14 — General Fund Appropriations to Alaskan Communities, 1974-1986 (Continued) Yukon-Koyukuk Ruby (Ruby) (Ruby) (Ruby) (Ruby) (Ruby) (Ruby) (Ruby) Shafeluk Shageluk Steele Creek Steese East Steese West Stevens Village (Stevens Village) (Stevens Village) Suntrana Takotna (Takotna) (Takotna) (Takotna) (Takotna) Tanana Tatalina Telida (Telida) Usibelli Venetie (Venetie) Totals Electrification Electrification Electrification Electrification Electrification Generator Generator Generator Gen. House Relocate Generator Electrification Electrification Bulk Storage Bulk Storage Electrification Electrification Electrification Electrification Electrification 1977 DCRA $20,000 1978 DCRA $40,000 1979 DCRA $50,000 1981 DOA $75,000 1982 DOA $73,000 1986 DOA $200,000 1986 DOA $190,000 1986 DOA $75,000 1986 DOA $150,000 1976 DCRA $20,000 1981 DCRA $25,000 1983 DCRA $251,000 1980 DCRA $86,000 1982 DCRA $73,000 1981 DOA $120,000 1983 DOA $40,000 1986 DCRA $100,000 1983 DCRA $60,000 1985 DCRA $25,000 1982 DCRA $132,000 1983 DCRA $220,000 "$5,931,550 Table 15 — Alaska Power Authority Projects in Alaskan Communities — Thru 1985 Yukon-Koyukuk PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND STATUS CANTWELL GALENA WASTE HEAT TANANA CENTRAL NENANA CANYON NORTH NENANA AGRICULTURE Operating Construction Construction Power Project Loan Grant and Monitoring Distribution line Grant and Monitoring Distribution Line Design of distribution system completed using grant funds. Construction of distribution system and substations in progress as part of the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Project. Substation is 100% complete distribution is 99% complete. Transfer pending BIA permits. Design and construction management of federal/state Institutional Conservation Program grant for waste heat system at Galena school. Completion expected January 1986. Waste heat installation for district heating loop. Completed December 1984. One year in operation inspection due Jan. 1986 for contractor warranty. Central diesel electrification with distribution system. APA Board approved application for the loan; disbursement in the Interior of funds pending APUC certification. Approximately one mile powerline extension. Project complete. Transfer pending. Approximately 5 miles of powerline extension along Parks Highway. 30% complete. 70 Table 16 — Power Cost Assistance & Power Cost Equalization Programs By Alaskan Community, FY 82, FY 83, & FY 84-85 Yukon—Koyukuk Power Cost Assistance------ -Power Cost Equalization--- 1982 1983 Months Rate 1984-85 1985-86 Community KWH Sold */KWH KWH Sold = */KWH PCE Pil KWH Sold *IKWH KWH Sold = */KWH Alatna Allakaket 7 | 43,819 41.8 Anderson Anvik 95,501 26.0 11 ! 94,459 31.5 Artic Village Beaver T | 38,259 41.5 Bettles 97,419 31.0 143,587 30.0 12 P 232,027 35.6 Birch Creek Campion Cantwell Central Chalkyitsik 4 16,080 40.9 Chatanika Circle 2,324 48,230 16.0 Clear Denali Park (McKinley) Dunbar Eagle 4 Pil 151,276 23.4 Evansvile Fort Yukon 218,938 19.0 652,295 17.0 12 P 1,017,049 21.3 Galena 12 I 1,122,847 25.5 Goldstream Grayling 153,158 26.0 "1 | 206,574 31.5 Healy Healy Lake Holikachuk Holy Cross 265,306 26.0 11 | 284,394 31.5 Hughes 5,456 29.0 64,784 28.0 12 P 77,593 41.8 Huslia 200,728 53,629 abl | 249,875 31.5 Indian Mountain Kaltag 241,215 26.0 1 | 278,696 31.5 Koyukuk Lake Minchumina Lakeview Livengood Manley Hot Springs 91,675 20.0 97,404 18.0 6 ! 72,479 21.9 McGrath 709,978 13.0 867,368 14.0 12 I 998,941 25.6 Minto 144,687 26.0 ab) I 255,740 31.5 Nenana Nikolai 20,784 30.0 12 P 147,335 41.5 Nulato 277,104 26.0 1 | 359,638 31.5 Rampart 5 | 18,382 41.8 Richardson Ruby 100,935 32.0 215,289 30.0 10 | 335,756 31.8 Shageluk 104,644 26 1 | 112,229 31.5 Shageluk Steele Creek Steese East Steese West Stevens Village 9 P 38,224 41.8 Suntrana Takotna 90,970 10.0 78,253 12.0 12 P 157,070 13.5 Tanana 202,284 18.0 561,258 16.0 Tatalina Telida Usibelli Venetie (M&D Enter.) 455,147 21.0 832,209 20.0 Total 1,975,126 5,063,804 6,308,742 Note: FY 82 (7/1/81-6/30/82), FY 83 (7/1/82-6/30/83), & FY 85-86 (10/1/84-9/30/85) not for comparative purposes due to differences in reporting periods. FY 86 Data Pending Rate: P = permanent, | = interim * = cents 71 FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR TU lee Plier ne eel Ne ie eos Ulam °' FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR BOROUGH ‘ FAIRBANKS 5 ) aw aT { ; non 5 k, woos can 7 casas I ° me NN suou Ned ay maa Table 1 — Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984 Fairbanks North Star Borough Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1970-1984 1980-1984 Big Horn GVEA 360 402 401 2a College PRIVATE 3434 4043 4518 4498 1.9 27 Eagle City USAF 36 110 186 142 171 132 9.7 47 Eielson GVEA 6149 5232 7178 7837 1.7 10.6 Ester FMU, GVEA 264 149 167 166 3.3 au Fairbanks ARMY 14771 22645 25568 25967 26629 27103 44 46 Fort Wainwright Fox 123 137 137 27 Harding Lake 38 316 42 42 2.5 Moose Creek GVEA 510 570 567 27 Murphy Dome USAF 72 80 80 27 North Pole GVEA 265 724 928 942 979 1005 10.0 8.5 Salcha 319 356 355 mt Other 21581 23475 31618 31833 21591 21497 0.0 2.2 REGION TOTAL 46500 57800 58300 59200 55706 56422 1.4 0.6 Table 2 — Alaskan Employment By Sector (DOL) 1980 to 1984 Fairbanks North Star Borough Parameter 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Employment Private Mining 48 42 215 265 167 Construction 1,617 1,714 2,074 2,312 2,875 Manufacturing 579 386 464 536 537 Transportation and Public Utilities 2,656 2,745 2,903 2,858 2,835 Wholesale Trade 668 715 864 910 1,027 Retail Trade 3,227 3,207 3,974 4,317 4,775 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 703 643 871 906 949 Services 4,332 4,334 4,810 4,888 5,255 Subtotal Private 13,869 13,825 16,175 16,992 18,420 Government Federal 2,309 2,281 2,470 2,570 2,688 State 2,894 3,531 3,595 3,785 3,850 Local 2,190 2,200 2,255 2,300 2,565 Subtotal Government 7,393 8,012 8,320 8,655 9,103 Miscellaneous 39 39 155 95 139 TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 28,687 29,405 24,650 25,742 27,662 Note: Some Data For Less Than 12 Months or Has Some Suppressed Data, Proprietors Not Included S = Data for year is suppressed 73 Table 3 — Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977—1984 (MWH) Fairbanks North Star Borough Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 FMU Fairbanks 133480 128170 122028 112144 155810 163300 146898 140201 GVEA Fairbanks 348414 338387 326510 316867 269841 316357 346233 401060 Subtotal Utilities 481894 466557 448538 429011 425651 479657 493131 541261 Defense 61759 55480 50393 50393 50393 50393 66960 60376 University 14896 17500 22200 23736 23736 30000 30000 30000 REGION TOTAL 558549 539537 §21131 503140 499780 560050 590091 631637 Table 4 — Installed Capacity, 1982-1984 Fairbanks North Star 1982 1983 1984 Capacity Capacity Capacity Utility Vicinity (kw) (kw) (kw) FMU Fairbanks 67,850 67,850 65,100 GVEA Fairbanks 216,891 216,891 216,891 TOTAL 284,741 284,741 281,991 Table 5 — Peak Load By Utility Fairbanks North Star Borough Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC Tununak 04 oA OA 04 04 FMU Fairbanks 28.0 24.0 25.0 28.0 24.0 27.0 28.0 29.2 GVEA Fairbanks 90.0 72.0 77.0 73.0 69.0 68.0 72.0 775 TOTAL 118.0 96.0 102.0 10141 93.1 95.1 100.1 106.8 TABLE 6 — FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Fairbanks Fuel Consumption Utility Vicinity Fuel Units 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 FMU Fairbanks Coal Ton 116,719 121,830 119,766 120,802 165,302 172,424 161,541 154,617 FMU Fairbanks Oil Gal. 1,121,904 342,216 58,128 20,580 28,980 24,318 104,034 886,322 GVEA Fairbanks Coal Ton 134,199 146,726 144,928 147,556 155,222 163,901 157,478 159,776 GVEA Fairbanks Oil Gal. 17,240,286 15,264,933 15,890,616 15,090,432 9,513,924 13,154,064 14,843,010 19,480,566 TOTAL Coal Ton 250,918 268,556 264,694 268,358 320,524 336,325 319,019 314,393 Oil Gal. 18,362,190 15,607,149 15,948,744 15,111,012 9,542,904 13,178,382 14,947,044 20,366,888 74 TABLE 7 — HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1984 Fairbanks Heat Rate (BTU/KWH) Utility Vicinity Fuel 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 FMU Fairbanks Coal 9,077 7,904 8,011 8,834 8,703 8,653 9,048 9,427 FMU Fairbanks Oil 21,513 GVEA Fairbanks Coal 6,156 6,015 6,283 6,594 6,437 6,885 6,903 7,116 GVEA Fairbanks Oil 14,131 15,356 16,099 15,744 18,654 15,269 12,971 12,479 Table 8 — Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1984 Fairbanks Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 FMU Fairbanks 4754 4494 4416 4463 4636 4709 4719 4802 969 961 953 975 1008 1042 1169 1201 GVEA Fairbanks 11805 13030 136591 13920 14743 16176 17551 20275 1540 1675 1762 1820 1933 2092 2247 2503 Table 9 — Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1984 (Cents/KWH) Fairbanks Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 FMU Fairbanks 48 81 8.2 8.2 7.9 79 81 45 8.4 8.4 8.3 7.3 8.3 8.3 GVEA Fairbanks 5.5 6.7 75 9 ab) ab) "1 1 3.8 5.9 6.5 8 9.2 9.5 9.5 9.8 Electricity costs are not adjusted for PCA or PCE programs. Table 10 — Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1984 (MWH per customer/year) Fairbanks Residential Commercial/industrial TILITY =P oT cle 1977. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 FMU Fairbanks 6.2 6.0 5.9 5.8 5.5 5.9 5.9 61 64.7 64.5 62.2 64.8 64.4 74.5 62.0 67.3 GVEA Fairbanks 14.2 11.6 10.5 98 91 9.3 9.0 85 1009 939 882 836 825 825 77.5 74.8 75 Table 11 — Status of Fuel Costs In Alaska 1983-1985 Fairbanks Aviation Heating Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community $/gal Sigal $gal Sigal $/bottle Sigal Sigal Airport Aurora Badger Big Ben Chena College $1.12 Eagle City Eielson Ester Fairbanks $1.21 Farmer's Loop Fort Wainwright Fox Harding Lake Lemeta Moose Creek Murphy Dome North Pole $1.18 Pike Plack Saicha Shanly University, Fairbanks Table 12 — Number of Roadway Vehicles By Community 1981—1984 Fairbanks North Star Borough Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 Airport Aurora Badger Big Bend Big Horn Chena College Eagle City Eielson 2042 2415 2547 2504 Ester 159 194 235 270 Fairbanks 38262 41965 45532 46379 Farmer's Loop Fort Wainwright 1915 2183 2227 2176 Fox Harding Lake Lemeta Moose Creek 151 149 158 197 Murphy Dome North Pole 1757 2139 2698 6660 Pike Plack Salcha Shanly University, Fairbanks Total 44286 49045 53397 58186 76 Table 13 — Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP Or Weatherization Support, 1984-1985 Fairbanks Community Total Houses(#) 1984 Receiving LIHEAP. Total Weatherized Total LIHEAP ($) Receiving LIHEAP 1985 Total LIHEAP ($) Airport Aurora Badger Big Bend Big Horn Chena College Eagle City Eielson Ester Fairbanks Farmer's Loop Fort Wainwright Fox Harding Lake Lemeta Moose Creek Murphy Dome North Pole Pike Plack Salcha Shanly University, Fairbanks Totals 21,469 1 6,068 210 1,852 875,863 100 51,220 1 675 10 1,530 254 1,959 5,345 748,008 154,071 5,457 21,469 211 1,964 933,826 1,806 914,840 Table 14 — General Fund Appropriations to Alaskan Communities, 1974-1986 Fairbanks Community Project Description Grant Agency Grant Year DOA/DCRA Project Cost Airport Aurora Badger Big Bend Big Horn Chena College Eagle City Eielson Ester Fairbanks (Fairbanks) (Fairbanks) (Fairbanks) (Fairbanks) (Fairbanks) Farmer’s Loop Fort Wainwright Fox Harding Lake Lemeta Moose Creek Murphy Dome North Pole Pike Plack Salcha Shanly University, Fairbanks Totals Electrification 1981 Electrification Electrification 1982 1983 Electrification 1984 Electrification Electrification 1985 1986 DOA DOA DOA DOA DOA DOA $6,059,200 $439,500 $1,000,000 $420,000 $45,000 $4,300,000 $12,263,700 77 Table 15 — Alaska Power Authority Projects in Alaskan Communities — Thru 1985 Fairbanks North Star Borough PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND STATUS ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE MARY SIAH SOLAR PANEL DEMONSTRATION Operating Operating A 170 mile, 138 KV Transmission Line to connect electrical load center of Anchorage and Fairbanks. Construction began in spring of 1983. Project complete. APA technical agent to the Dept. of Commerce to complete project. 720 square feet of solar collectors evacuated tube type with parabolic cusp reflectors. Project serves domestic water needs. A recent redesign has the system on-line with thermisters and pyrometer tied into data collection. Project complete December 1985. 78 SOUTHEAST FAIRBANKS & ccemocemecats f ~! tat malt pe? SOuTHEAST | 7 s00 oauFAIRBANKS —j ‘DELTA JUNCTION ountne = t Cetire HEALY LAKE i 0! Une i TAACROSS @ POR i i ete yn nae: £ Moen ! ire ‘ ae \ i i ters .--4 Table 1 — Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984 Southeast Fairbanks Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1970-1984 1980-1984 Big Delta GVEA 285 294 292 0.6 Chicken 371 38 38 43.4 Delta Junction GVEA 703 945 945 1047 1121 1163 3.7 5.3 Dot Lake AP&T, DLE 42 67 69 69 3.6 0.7 Eagle Village 54 56 55 0.5 Fort Greely ARMY 1820 1635 1832 1894 0.3 3.7 Northway NP&L 40 73 75 75 46 0.7 Tanacross AP&T 84 117 148 148 44 61 Tetlin VILLAGE, BIA 114 107 110 110 0.3 07 Tok AP&T 214 589 604 608 els 0.8 Other 1283 1545 5055 5053 1555 1561 1.4 0.3 REGION TOTAL 4300 5900 6000 6100 6105 6104 25 0.9 Table 2 — Alaskan Employment By Sector (DOL) 1980 to 1984 Southeast Fairbanks Parameter 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Employment Private Mining 18 10 15 s s Construction Ss 17 20 39 53 Manufacturing 49 58 9 9 15 Transportation and Public Utilities Ss Ss 34 31 35 Wholesale Trade 102 125 157 Ss $s Retail Trade 21 23 13 185 183 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 239 255 154 12 16 Services 442 492 411 170 189 Subtotal Private 871 980 813 414 491 Government Federal 308 296 411 414 431 State 120 122 124 137 153 Local 230 229 278 257 269 Subtotal Government 658 647 813 808 853 Miscellaneous Ss s Ss 32 5 TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 1,529 1,627 1,626 1,254 1,349 Note: Some Data For Less Than 12 Months or Has Some Suppressed Data, Proprietors Not Included S = Data for year is suppressed 79 Table 3 — Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977—1984 (MWH) Southeast Fairbanks Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AP&T Dot Lake 190 200 200 283 293 300 AP&T Tok 5831 6222 6298 6387 6770 7139 7442 8030 Subtotal Utilities 6021 6422 6498 6670 7063 7439 7442 8030 Defense Fort Greely 9650 11620 3465 23 23 25 1363 981 REGION TOTAL 15671 18042 9963 6693 7086 7464 8805 9011 Table 4 — Installed Capacity, 1982-1984 Southeast Fairbanks : 1982 1983 1984 Capacity Capacity Capacity Utility Vicinity (kw) (kw) (kw) AP8&T Dot Lake 200 300 AP&T Tok 2275 3525 3525 NP&L Northway 920 920 920 TOTAL 3395 4745 4445 Table 5 — Peak Load By Utility Southeast Fairbanks Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AP&T Dot Lake 01 01 AP&T Tok 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.4 OLE Dot Lake 0.8 NP&L Northway 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 TOTAL 11 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.4 1.7 1.8 1.8 TABLE 6 — FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Southeast Fairbanks Fuel Consumption Utility Vicinity Fuel Units 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AP&T Dot Lake Oil Gal. 20,000 17,880 17,880 17,880 27,000 AP&T Tok Oil Gal. 607,690 648,415 656,331 656,509 700,000 573,100 694,816 747,664 DLE Dot Lake Oil Gal. 17,013 17,880 NP&L Northway Oil Gal. 117,949 150,000 122,174 122,175 110,000 100,000 140,000 133,000 TOTAL Oil Gal. 742,652 818,415 814,265 796,564 827,880 700,100 834,816 880,664 TABLE 7 — HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1984 Southeast Fairbanks Heat Rate (BTU/KWH) Utility Vicinity Fuel 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AP&T Dot Lake Oil 13,869 12,399 8,762 8,463 12,482 AP&T Tok Oil 14,454 14,453 14,453 14,256 14,340 11,134 12,949 12,913 OLE Dot Lake Oil 12,419 NP&L Northway Oil 12,099 15,387 12,103 14,120 14,205 10,587 14,383 14,200 80 Table 8 — Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1984 Southeast Fairbanks Residential Commercial/industrial 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 UTILITY PLACE AP&T Tok 276 317 224 251 349 388 395 70 67 NP&L Northway 65 65 77 76 83 3 3 Table 9 — Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1984 (Cents/KWH) Southeast Fairbanks Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977, 1978 1979 1980 = 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AP&T Tok 67 13 17 20 18 16.7 NP&L Northway 19 19 24 24 Electricity costs are not adjusted for PCA or PCE programs. Table 10 — Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1984 (MWH per customer/year) Southeast Fairbanks Residential Commercial/Industrial 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 UTILITY PLACE AP&T Tok 34 10.8 14.8 13.8 11.3 12.9 NP&L Northway 16.3 16.0 15.3 15.6 Table 11 — Status of Fuel Costs In Alaska 1983-1985 Southeast Fairbanks Aviation Heating Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Sigal $igal $gal Sigal $/bottle Sigal Sigal Big Delta Chicken Delta Junction $1.20 Dot Lake $1.45 $1.04 Eagle Village Fort Greely Geist Kenny Lake Northway Northway Village Tanacross Tetlin Tok $1.35 $2.13 $1.55 $1.12 $39.95 $5.00 81 Table 12 — Number of Roadway Vehicles By Community 1981—1984 Southeast Fairbanks Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 Big Delta Chicken 36 39 53 66 Delta Junction 2087 2144 2268 2473 Dot Lake Eagle Village Fort Greely Kenny Lake Northway 85 88 104 99 Northway Village Tanacross 13 5 20 14 Tetlin 8 11 8 16 Tok 694 728 791 938 Total 2923 3025 3244 3606 Table 13 — Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP Or Weatherization Support, 1984-1985 Southeast Fairbanks 1984 1985 Total Total Receiving Total Receiving Total Community Houses(#) Weatherized LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) Big Delta 118 2 982 Chicken 33 3 1,229 Delta Junction 473 85 43,980 165 77,165 Dot Lake 235 6 10 6,014 Eagle Village 9 5,384 Fort Greely Geist Kenny Lake 5 Northway 63 10 55 29,681 Northway Village Tanacross 49 16 30 16,925 Tetlin 38 14 35 22,780 Tok 252 29 82 44,991 122 64,599 Totals 1,051 80 167 88,971 431 224,759 82 Table 14 — General Fund Appropriations to Alaskan Communities, 1974-1986 Southeast Fairbanks Grant Agency Project Community Project Description Grant Year DOA/DCRA Cost Big Delta Chicken Delta Junction Dot Lake Generator 1982 DCRA $12,000 Eagle Village Electrification 1982 DCRA $27,000 (Eagle Village) Generator 1983 DCRA $30,900 Fort Greely Geist Kenny Lake Northway Northway Village Tanacross Tetlin Electrification 1975 DCRA $12,000 (Tetlin) Electrification 1980 DCRA 125,000 (Tetlin) Electrification 1982 DCRA $75,000 Tok Totals $281,900 Table 16 — Power Cost Assistance & Power Cost Equalization Programs By Alaskan Community, FY 82, FY 83, & FY 84-85 Southeast Fairbanks ooo --Power Cost Assistance------- srevsensencencsecscnenneensensenceneeneePQwer Cost Equalization--------—----—-———---—--——--— 1982 1983 Months = Rate 1984-85 1985-86 Community KWH Sold */KWH KWH Sold = */KWH PCE Pil KWH Sold *IKWH KWH Sold = */KWH Big Delta Chicken Delta Junction Dot Lake Eagle Village 25,143 22.0 Fort Greely Kenny Lake Northway 276,674 3.0 12 P 377,684 19.0 Northway Village Tanacross Tetlin Tok 12 | 2,147,916 4.5 Total 301,817 2,525,600 Note: FY 82 (7/1/81-6/30/82), FY 83 (7/1/82-6/30/83), & FY 85-86 (10/1/84-9/30/85) not for comparative purposes due to differences in reporting periods. FY 86 Data Pending Rate: P = permanent, | = interim * = cents 83 WADE HAMPTON ce ALAKANUK SHELDON S POINT - ! : MOUNTAIN st { v' Bene we VILLAGE @ @MARYS Fortuna x PIMAS POT Sy elfece ~" . HAY SiATION —-RUSSIAN® = - ee al Nneee a ni if Table 1 — Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984 Wade Hampton Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1970-1984 1980-1984 Alakanuk AVEC 414 522 534 546 494 461 0.8 3.1 Chevak AVEC 387 466 491 513 526 532 23 3.4 Emmonak AVEC 439 567 568 381 529 559 ae 0.4 Fortuna (Marshall) AVEC 262 243 260 276 281 1.8 Hooper Bay AVEC 490 627 624 651 678 666 a2 1.5 Kotlik KC 228 293 339 347 408 412 4.3 8.9 Mountain Village AVEC 419 583 580 601 667 610 27 11 Pilot Station AVEC 290 325 323 337 404 372 1.8 3.4 Pitkas Point AVEC 70 88 90 67 0.3 6.6 Russian Mission NATIVE CORPORATION 146 169 168 175 188 195 24 3.6 Saint Mary's AVEC 384 382 432 442 541 566 28 10.3 Scammon Bay AVEC 166 250 249 251 286 296 4.2 43 Sheldon Point PRIVATE, BIA 125 103 103 107 100 135 06 7.0 Other 442 63 146 146 29 21 19.6 24.6 REGION TOTAL 4000 4700 4800 4757 5203 5185 1.9 25 85 Table 2 — Alaskan Employment By Sector (DOL) 1980 to 1984 Wade Hampton Parameter 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Employment Private Mining Ss Ss Ss 13 Construction Ss Ss 25 25 15 Manufacturing Ss 61 105 132 143 Transportation and Public Utilities 33 40 34 30 45 Wholesale Trade Ss Ss Ss Ss S Retail Trade 143 164 163 150 164 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 47 34 34 50 37 Services 26 22 95 83 81 Subtotal Private 352 352 456 456 498 Government Federal 67 66 84 38 58 State 15 16 17 19 21 Local 442 512 593 625 786 Subtotal Government 524 593 694 682 865 Miscellaneous Ss Ss S TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 4,115 1,194 1,150 1,138 1,363 Note: Some Data For Less Than 12 Months or Has Some Suppressed Data, Proprietors Not Included S = Data for year is suppressed Table 3 — Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977—1984 (MWH) Wade Hampton Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC Alakanuk 612 449 555 484 631 752 711 772 AVEC Chevak 579 496 546 482 465 685 813 890 AVEC Emmonak 790 788 786 757 856 770 820 876 AVEC Hooper Bay 955 842 871 875 921 1025 1091 1159 AVEC Marshall 196 235 349 425 437 483 484 496 AVEC Mountain Village 927 932 1067 1111 1272 1390 1560 1685 AVEC Pilot Station 253 277 317 307 407 551 655 680 AVEC Scammon Bay 204 214 269 282 359 429 462 AVEC Saint Mary's 1519 1590 1841 1728 1599 1972 1961 1956 KC Kotlik 400 466 Subtotal Utilities 6035 5823 6601 6451 6588 7987 8924 9442 Defense Cape Romanzof 2813 2850 2882 2882 2882 2882 2755 3055 REGION TOTAL 8848 8673 9483 9333 9470 10869 11679 12497 Table 4 — Installed Capacity, 1982-1984 Wade Hampton 1982 1983 1984 Capacity Capacity Capacity Utility Vicinity (kw) (kw) (kw) AVEC Alakanuk 650 825 825 AVEC Chevak 810 810 810 AVEC Emmonak 475 775 775 AVEC Hooper Bay 775 775 775 AVEC Marshall 215 200 260 AVEC Mt. Village 650 1090 1090 AVEC Pilot Station 216 366 366 AVEC Saint Mary's 1500 1500 1500 AVEC Scammon Bay 185 290 290 KC Kotlik 500 470 TOTAL 5476 7131 7161 86 Table 5 — Peak Load By Utility Wade Hampton Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC Alakanuk 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 AVEC Chevak 0.2 01 0.2 0.2 0.2 AVEC Emmonak 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 AVEC Hooper Bay 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 AVEC Marshall 0.1 01 01 01 01 AVEC Mt. Village 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 AVEC Pilot Station 01 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 AVEC Pitkas Point AVEC Saint Mary's 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 AVEC Scammon Bay 01 01 01 01 01 TOTAL 1 19 19) 2.0, 23, TABLE 6 — FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Wade Hampton Fuel Consumption Utility Vicinity Fuel Units 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC Alakanuk Oil Gal. 73,752 56,533 75,726 78,204 75,306 74,172 76,818 83,244 AVEC Anvik Oil Gal. 17,976 16,548 18,690 28,350 27,594 31,122 28,518 30,408 AVEC Emmonak Oil Gal. 82,656 99,347 79,548 82,866 83,832 86,856 101,346 106,512 AVEC Hooper Bay Oil Gal. 95,340 106,064 80,934 80,136 83,916 85,386 98,280 106,512 AVEC Marshall Oil Gal. 29,022 29,606 39,186 44,646 47,166 51,072 49,560 50,736 AVEC Mt. Village Oil Gal. 81,858, 117,430 75,726 99,960 119,154 123,648 142,044 141,708 AVEC Pilot Station Oil Gal. 33,894 34,847 36,960 40,110 45,570 57,498 63,262 64,722 AVEC Scammon Bay Oil Gal. 24,150 27,027 29,400 36,330 41,916 42,630 47,838 52,542 AVEC Saint Mary's Oil Gal. 173,376 200,319 164,472 166,488 147,840 162,540 168,714 178,752 KCC Kotlik Oil Gal. 40,160 40,160 TOTAL Oil Gal. 612,024 687,721 600,642 657,090 672,294 714,924 816,540 855,296 TABLE 7 — HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1984 Wade Hampton Heat Rate (BTU/KWH) Utility Vicinity Fuel 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 ‘i 9 14,984 14,955, AVEC Alakanuk Oil 16,714 17,462 18,923 22,409 16,552 13,67! . ‘ AVEC Chevik Oil 15,030 17,488 20,419 22,067 23,413 15,366 13,685 ei rol AVEC Emmonak Oil 14,511 17,485 14,036 15,182 13,583 15,644 17,141 eae AVEC Hooper Bay Oil 13,846 17,470 12,887 12,702 12,637 11,553 12,494 ane? AVEC Marshall Oil 20,536 17,473 15,572 14,569 14,969 14,665 by itee, AVEC Mt. Village Oil 12,247 17,475, 9,843 12,478 12,992 12,337 | i 1800 AVEC Pilot Station Oil 18,580 17,447 16,170 18,120 15,529 14, ey cel i ee AVEC Scammon Bay Oil 16,418 17,516 15,158 17,867 19,123 16, 431 41932 121674 AVEC Saint Mary's Oil 15,830 17,473 12,390 13,362 12,823 1, bid KC Kotlik Oil ‘ 87 Table 11 — Status of Fuel Costs In Alaska 1983-1985, Wade Hampton Aviation Heating Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community S/gal Sigal $gal $/gal $/bottle $/gal Sigal Alakanuk Chevak $2.39 $2.21 $5.01 $5.54 Emmonak $2.25 $2.25 Fortuna (Marshall) Hooper Bay $2.51 $2.05 $115.95 $5.35 Kotlik $1.47 $1.55 Mountain Village Pilot Station Pitkas Point Russian Mission Saint Mary's Scammon Bay $2.55 $2.20 $89.00 Sheldon Point Table 12 — Number of Roadway Vehicles By Community 1981—1984 Wade Hampton Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 Alakanuk 6 4 4 8 Chevak 4 4 3 8 Emmonak 6 4 8 12 Fortuna (Marshall) 1 3 4 5 Hooper Bay 6 10 10 9 Kotlik 4 2 dl 1 Mountain Village 25 24 27 19 Pilot Station 1 4 2 7 Pitkas Point Russian Mission 1 2 1 Saint Mary’s 24 33 39 58 Scammon Bay it 1 1 1 Sheldon Point Al 2 1 3 Total 80 93 100 132 Table 13 — Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP Or Weatherization Support, 1984-1985 Wade Hampton 1984 1985 Total Total Receiving Total Receiving Total Community Houses(#) Weatherized LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) Alakanuk 107 62 33,046 Chevak 82 49 70 37,310 Emmonak 161 30 15,990 Fortuna (Marshall) 147 344 . 48 25,584 Hooper Bay 120 105 55,965 Kotlik 70 25 48 25,584 Mountain Village 165 1 60 31,980 Pilot Station 74 31 92 49,036 Pitkas Point 33 1 533 Russian Mission 41 42 22,386 Saint Mary’s 111 32 17,056 Scammon Bay 60 42 22,386 Sheldon Point 31 15 7,995 Totals 1,202 106 344 unknown 647 344,851 88 Table 14 — General Fund Appropriations to Alaskan Communities, 1974-1986 Wade Hampton Grant Agency Project Community Project Description Grant Year DOA/DCRA Cost Alakanuk Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $70,000 Chevak Emmonak Fortuna (Marshall) Hooper Bay Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $100,000 (Hooper Bay) Electrification 1982 DOA $34,000 (Hooper Bay) Electrification 1983 DOA $6,300 Kotlik Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $77,000 (Kotlik) Electrification 1982 DCRA 140,000 (Kotlik) Electrification 1982 DOA $65,000 Mountain Village Pilot Station Bulk Storage 1981 DCRA $53,400 (Pilot Station) Electrification 1981 DOA $150,000 (Pilot Station) Pitkas Point Electrification 1982 DCRA $450,000 Russian Mission Electrific. Study 1980 DCRA $13,000 (Russian Mission) Electrification 1981 DOA $50,000 (Russian Mission) Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $100,000 (Russian Mission) Electrification 1982 DOA $30,000 (Russian Mission) Electrification 1983 DOA $30,000 Saint Mary’s Electrification 1983 DOA $26,000 Scammon Bay Bulk Storage 1984 DCRA $25,000 Sheldon Point Electrification 1983 DOA $225,000 Totals $1,644,700 Table 16 — Power Cost Assistance & Power Cost Equalization Programs By Alaskan Community, FY 82, FY 83, & FY 84-85 Wade Hampton a Power Cost Assistance------- - --Power Cost Equalization- oso 1982 1983 Months Rate 1984-85 1985-86 Community KWH Sold */KWH KWH Sold = */KWH PCE Pil KWH Sold *IKWH KWH Sold = */KWH Alakanuk 312,430 26.0 1 | 385,340 31.5 Chevak 266,156 26.0 11 | 413,467 31.5 Emmonak 571,660 26.0 11 | 649,528 31.5 Fortuna (Marshall) 198,113 26.0 11 | 257,899 31.5 Hooper Bay 394,280 26.0 1 1 454,791 31.5 Kotlik 8,241 31.0 162,853 30.0 7 P 202,931 32.2 Mountain Village 632,131 26.0 1 | 848,720 31.5 Pilot Station 371,595 26.0 1 | 387,488 31.5 Pitkas Point 108,231 26.0 11 | 88,953 31.5 Russian Mission Saint Mary’s 568,808 26.0 1 | 629,092 31.5 Scammon Bay 170,719 26.0 11 ! 215,605 31.5 Sheldon Point Total 8,241 3,756,976 4,533,814 Note: FY 82 (7/1/81-6/30/82), FY 83 (7/1/82-6/30/83), & FY 85-86 (10/1/84-9/30/85) not for comparative purposes due to differences in reporting periods. FY 86 Data Pending Rate: P = permanent, | = interim * = cents 89 Table 1 — Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984 Bethel Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1970-1984 1980-1984 Akalmiut/Nunapitchuk AVEC 526 641 695 353 258 296 -4.0 17.6 Akiachak CITY 312 438 435 451 378 378 1.4 3.6 Akiak VILLAGE CORP. 171 198 197 229 254 277 3.5 8.8 Aniak APR 205 341 338 351 458 476 6.2 8.7 Atmautluak VILLAGE CORP. 219 226 236 237 261 45 Bethel BUC 2416 3576 3549 3683 3442 3681 34 0.7 Cape Newenham 43 15 15 23.1 Chefornak VILLAGE 146 230 230 234 266 268 44 3.9 Chuathbaluk MKEC 94 105 104 124 261 259 75 25.3 Crooked Creek MKEC. 59 108 89 75 1.7 87 Eek AVEC 186 228 226 235 261 259 2.4 3.2 Goodnews Bay AVEC 168 167 173 211 230 8.2 Kalskag, Lower AVEC 183 246 244 260 259 270 28 2.4 Kasigluk AVEC 397 355 Kipnuk VILLAGE 325 371 350 350 0.5 1.4 Kongignak PRIVATE 190 239 198 166 1.0 8.7 Kwethluk KI 408 454 451 467 503 509 1.6 29 Kwigillingok PRIVATE, BIA 148 354 293 246 3.7 8.7 Lime Village PRIVATE 25 48 40 33 Mekoryuk AVEC 249 160 176 178 192 182 2.2 3.3 Napakiak NAC 259 262 283 286 306 319 1.5 5.0 Napaskiak NAC 244 242 251 257 289 43 Newtok BIA, VILLAGE 114 131 175 175 170 3.6 9.3 Nightmute VILLAGE 127 119 135 141 144 134 0.4 3.0 Nunapitchuk AVEC 258 296 Oscarville BIA 41 56 46 39 Platinum CITY 55 55 55 57 59 64 11 3.9 Quinhagak AVEC 412 409 427 477 424 0.7 Red Devil 81 39 32 27 7.5 88 Sleetmute MKEC. 109 107 89 74 2.7 8.8 Sparrevhon 26 28 28 Stony River MKEC 74 62 51 43 3.8 8.7 Toksook Bay AVEC 257 333 331 357 365 365 25 23 Tuluksak BIA 195 236 234 243 272 272 2.4 3.6 Tuntutuliak PRIVATE, BIA 158 216 199 203 1.8 A5 Tununak AVEC 298 301 302 327 333 28 Upper Kalskag AVEC 129 128 133 139 145 3.0 Other 1887 108 1769 1954 88 74 -20.7 9.0 REGION TOTAL 8162 9921 9970 10496 11240 11446 2.4 3.6 91 Table 2 — Alaskan Employment By Sector (DOL) 1980 to 1984 Bethel Parameter 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Employment Private Mining Ss Ss 59 58 26 Construction 120 131 143 155 129 Manufacturing 56 Ss 10 41 23 Transportation and Public Utilities 231 247 234 242 255 Wholesale Trade Ss Ss 30 1 12 Retail Trade 409 459 372 386 373 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 125 112 152 179 173 Services 1,615 1,347 659 727 736 Subtotal Private 2,556 2,296 1,659 1,799 1,727 Government Federal 191 202 401 447 430 State 6 37 241 260 243 Local 1,098 1,160 1,237 1,399 1,440 Subtotal Government 1,295 1,399 1,879 2,106 2,113 Miscellaneous Ss Ss 55 Ss 16 TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 3,851 3,695 3,593 3,905 3,856 Note: Some Data For Less Than 12 Months or Has Some Suppressed Data, Proprietors Not Included S = Data for year is suppressed Table 3 — Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977—1984 (MWH) Bethel Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 APC Aniak 600 683 1038 1170 1096 1346 1400 1500 AVEC Eek 178 185 209 271 304 402 369 365 AVEC Goodnews Bay 207 198 225 284 299 367 417 387 AVEC Lower Kalskag 355 366 348 408 393 512 603 629 AVEC Mekoryuk 313 278 295 355 430 501 518 516 AVEC Nunapitchuk 591 638 689 765 798 1067 1175 1150 AVEC Quinhagak 257 297 347 419 622 677 669 663 AVEC Toksook Bay 427 397 437 423 429 41 573 582 AVEC Tununak 209 222 276 349 400 448 473 438 BUC Bethel 17000 18217 18745 20499 21649 22244 23160 24837 KI Kwethluk 390 400 400 400 NAC Napakiak 290 300 300 400 500 550 Subtotal Utilities 20137 21771 22909 25243 27210 28875 30307 31467 Defense 7082 7500 7853 7853 7853 8153 7211 7196 Industry 10400 10600 10600 12120 12120 12120 12120 12120 REGION TOTAL 37619 39871 41362 45216 47183 49148 49638 50783 Table 4 — Installed Capacity, 1982-1984 Bethel 1982 1983 1984 Capacity Capacity Capacity Utility Vicinity (kw) (kw) (kw) APC Aniak 1260 1260 1260 AVEC Eek 206 156 156 AVEC Goodnews Bay 150 175 175 AVEC Lower Kalskag 335 470 470 AVEC Mekoryuk 275 275 325 AVEC Nunapitchuk 350 613 613 AVEC Quinhagak 310 385 385 AVEC Toksook Bay 390 515 600 AVEC Tununak 125 200 300 BUC Bethel 8400 8200 9400 KI Kwethiuk 560 560 560 NAC Napakiak 300 300 300 TOTAL 12661 13109 14544 92 Table 5 — Peak Load By Utility Bethel Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 APC Aniak 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 03 0.4 04 AVEC Eek 01 01 01 0.1 O41 AVEC Goodnews Bay 01 01 O41 0.1 o1 AVEC Kasigluk 0.1 AVEC Lower Kalskag 01 01 0.2 0.2 0.2 AVEC Mekoryuk 01 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 AVEC Nunapitchuk 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 AVEC Quinhagak 0.2 01 04 0.2 0.2 AVEC Toksook Bay 01 01 01 0.1 0.2 BUC Bethel 41 4.0 4.0 4.2 4.2 4.0 4.2 4.3 KI Kwethluk 0.1 01 01 0.1 NAC Napakiak 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 TOTAL 43 4.2 4.2 5.4 5.6 5.5 61 62 TABLE 6 — FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Bethel Fuel Consumption Utility Vicinity Fuel Units 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 APC Aniak Oil Gal. 63,025 94,000 109,063 160,931 150,740 116,000 120,000 157,000 AVEC Eek Oil Gal. 23,310 23,390 27,174 41,034 42,000 48,930 44,772 45,360 AVEC Goodnews Bay Oil Gal. 28,434 24,883 29,652 33,264 35,322 38,136 43,764 45,108 AVEC Lower Kalskag Oil Gal. 41,664 46,107 42,546 48,216 46,956 56,154 61,572 67,074 AVEC Mekoryuk Oil Gal. 37,548 35,073 36,120 42,252 47,334 49,350 52,626 52,626 AVEC Nunapitchuk Oil Gal. 66,906 80,320 74,550 80,000 84,588 96,306 109,284 119,784 AVEC Quinhagak Oil Gal. 40,236 37,435 41,706 46,578 63,420 80,010 67,410 67,410 AVEC Toksook Bay Oil = Gal. 58,296 50,018 56,196 57,750 58,716 57,960 69,426 66,444 AVEC Tununak Oil = Gal. 29,778 27,973 35,322 40,950 47,166 50,526 50,988 51,408 BUC Bethel Oil = Gal. 767,340 1,557,821 1,269,384 1,681,134 909,258 1,812,342 1,903,692 2,030,280 KI Kwethluk Oil = Gal. 40,000 40,000 40,000 NAC Napakiak Oil Gal. 36,000 37,241 37,241 37,000 61,700 58,000 0 TOTAL Oil = Gal. 1,156,537 2,013,020 1,758,954 2,269,350 1,522,500 2,507,414 2,621,534 2,742,494 TABLE 7 — HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1984 Bethel Heat Rate (BTU/KWH) Utility Vicinity Fuel 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 APC Aniak Oil 14,568 19,088 14,572 19,077 19,075 11,952 11,888 14,516 AVEC Eek Oil 18,162 17,535 18,032 21,000 19,161 16,881 16,828 17,236 AVEC Goodnews Bay Oil 19,051 17,429 18,277 16,244 16,384 14,412 14,555 16,165 AVEC Lower Kalskag Oil 16,277 17,472 16,956 16,390 16,571 15,211 14,162 14,789 AVEC Mekoryuk Oil 16,637 17,497 16,981 16,507 15,267 13,661 14,090 14,145 AVEC Nunapitchuk Oil 15,701 17,460 15,006 14,504 14,701 12,518 12,899 14,474 AVEC Quinhagak Oil 21,713 17,481 16,669 15,417 14,141 16,391 13,975 14,101 AVEC Toksook Bay Oil 18,935 17,474 17,835 18,935 18,982 19,558 16,804 15,833 AVEC Tununak Oil 19,760 17,476 17,749 16,273 16,354 15,642 14,950 16,278 BUC Bethel Oil 11,860 9,392 11,374 11,300 11,400 11,337 KI Kwethluk Oil 13,869 13,869 13,869 NAC Napakiak Oil 17,217 17,217 17,217 17,829 17,114 14,625 93 Table 8 — Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1984 Bethel A i ; ; UTILITY PLACE Residential Commercial/Industrial 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 APC Aniak 77 77 87 76 98 123 168 127 20 45 45 45 26 BUC Bethel 848 1054 1216 1102 1144 1245 1360 1370 173 230 217 195 206 218 244 261 KI Kwethluk 115 NIPC Napakiak 62 7 Table 9 — Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1984 (Cents/KWH) Bethel Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 APC Aniak 21 21 22 29 35 36 35 43 38 BUC Bethel 12 13 15 18 20 19 19 9.5 9.9 12 15 7 7 17 KI Kwethluk 44 Electricity costs are not adjusted for PCA or PCE programs. Table 10 — Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1984 (MWH per customer/year) Bethel Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 APC Aniak 75 8.7 11.6 14.6 10.7 10.5 7.6 3.8 35.0 BUC Bethel 47 4.2 4.0 46 48 51 5.0 69.6 57.0 60.3 74.8 75.6 67.9 64.9 KI Kwethluk 3.5 94 Table 11 — Status of Fuel Costs In Alaska 1983-1985 Bethel Community Gasoline Sigal Aviation Gasoline Sigal Heating Fuel $gal Diesel $/gal Propane S/bottle Kerosene Sigal Blazo $/gal Akalmiut/Nunapitchuk Akiachak Akiak Aniak Atmautluak Bethel Cape Newenham Chefornak Chuathbaluk Crooked Creek Eek Goodnews Bay Kalskag, Lower Kasigluk Kipnuk Kongignak Kwethluk Kwigillingok Lime Village Mekoryuk Napakiak Napaskiak Newtok Nightmute Nunapitchuk Oscarville Platinum Quinhagak Red Devil Sleetmute Sparrevhon Stony River Toksook Bay Tuluksak Tuntutuliak Tununak Upper Kalskag $1.96 $1.56 $1.76 $2.02 $1.64 $2.25 $2.26 $2.07 $3.78 $1.65 $2.00 $2.05 $2.50 $1.95 $2.50 $1.82 $1.42 $1.38 $1.35 $1.58 $2.07 $2.02 $2.18 $3.20 $1.54 $1.99 $1.87 $1.38 $2.18 $1.45 $95.00 $85.00 $4.00 $8.00 $4.00 95 Table 12 — Number of Roadway Vehicles By Community 1981—1984 Bethel Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 Akaik Akalmiut/Nunapitchuk Akiachak Akiak Aniak Atmautluak Bethel Cape Newenham Chefornak Chuathbaluk Crooked Creek Eek Goodnews Bay Kalskag, Lower Kasigluk Kipnuk Kongignak Kwethluk Kwigillingok Lime Village Mekoryuk Napakiak Napaskiak Newtok Nightmute Nunapitchuk Oscarville Platinum Quinhagak Red Devil Sleetmute Sparrevhon Stony River Toksook Bay Tuluksak Tuntutuliak Tununak Upper Kalskag Total 23 978 oo-- Oo - ROO NAM Ys 1091 34 1110 Noan aR Ww ON MWoOWNNND S 5 | a 13 51 1292 = = OSG CGHwWHW OW NY aa DwWwoOnNNDS 1493 NN 1371 ny ad PR BCONNW= = an z - WRONNNY TDoNV= | g 96 Table 13 — Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP Or Weatherization Support, 1984-1985 Bethel 1984 1985 Total Total Receiving Total Receiving Total Community Houses(#) Weatherized LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) Akaik Akalmiut/Nunapitchuk Akiachak 62 69 36,377 Akiak 39 7 35 18,655 Aniak 156 60 31,980 Atmautluak 47 39 20,787 Bethel 1,289 70 221 121,902 Cape Newenham Chefornak 44 46 24,518 Chuathbaluk 24 15 7,995 Crooked Creek 29 28 14,924 Eek 82 53 28,249 Georgetown 1 533 Goodnews Bay 51 22 11,726 Kalskag, Lower 48 32 17,056 Kasigluk 23 55 29,315 Kipnuk 110 47 25,051 Kongignak 47 36 19,188 Kwethluk 125 43 22,919 Kwigillingok 46 6 35 18,655 Lime Village 15 13 6,929 Mekoryuk 61 29 15,457 Napakiak 60 62 33,046 Napaskiak 50 60 = 49 26,117 Newtok 30 20 10,660 Nightmute 22 26 13,858 Nunapitchuk 33 38 20,254 Oscarville 1 10 5,330 Platinum 18 16 8,528 Quinhagak 82 72 38,376 Red Devil 1,313 9 4,797 Sleetmute 43 34 18,122 Sparrevhon Stony River 84 9 17 9,061 Toksook Bay 71 42 22,386 Tuluksak 53 21 11,193 Tuntutuliak 54 33 17,589 Tununak 87 24 12,792 Upper Kalskag 26 20 10,660 Totals 4,279 158 60 unknown 1,372 734,985 97 Table 14 — General Fund Appropriations to Alaskan Communities, 1974-1986 Bethel Grant Agency Project Community Project Description Grant Year DOA/DCRA Cost Akaik Electrification 1986 DOA $57,000 Akalmiut/Nunapitchuk Akiachak Power Plant 1975 DCRA $14,000 (Akiachak) Electrification 1981 DOA $200,000 Akiak Electrification 1984 DOA $200,000 Aniak Bulk Storage 1981 DCRA $60,000 (Aniak) Electrification 1982 DCRA $1,000,000 Atmautluak Bulk Storage 1981 DCRA $70,200 (Atmautluak) Electrification 1982 DOA $625,000 (Atmautluak) Generators (2) 1983 DCRA $93,000 Bethel Electrification 1981 DOA $50,000 (Bethel) Electrification 1982 DOA $534,300 (Bethel) Energy Equipment 1986 DOA $259,300 Cape Newenham Chefornak Generator 975 DCRA $17,250 (Cherfornak) Electrification 1980 DCRA $60,000 (Cherfornak) Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $60,000 (Cherfornak) Electrification 1984 DOA $15,000 Chuathbaluk Generators 1981 DCRA $40,000 (Chauthbaluk) Bulk Storage 1981 DCRA $30,000 Crooked Creek Generator 1983 DCRA $15,000 (Crooked Creek) Utility Set-Up 1983 DCRA $62,500 Eek Goodnews Bay Bulk Storage 1981 DCRA $100,000 Kalskag, Lower Bulk Storage 1984 DCRA $100,000 Kasigluk Electrification 1986 DOA $89,400 Kipnuk Electrification 1974 DCRA $20,000 (Kipnuk) Generator 1978 DCRA $18,000 (Kipnuk) Bulk Storage 1981 DCRA $69,000 (Kipnuk) Electrification 1986 DCRA $300,500 Kongignak Electrification 1982 DCRA $135,000 (Kongignak) Electrification 1982 DCRA $100,000 Kwethluk Kwigillingok Electrification 1979 DCRA $88,000 (Kwigillingok) Electrification 1980 DCRA $82,000 (Kwigillingok) Electrification 1981 DCRA $40,000 (Kwigillingok) Electrification 1982 DCRA $120,000 (Kwigillingok) Generator 1985 DCRA $80,000 Lime Village Mekoryuk Napakiak Napaskiak Power House 1975 DCRA $8,000 (Napaskiak) Electrification 1982 DOA $215,000 Newtok Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $100,000 (Newtok) Electrification 1982 DOA $190,000 (Newtok) Electrification 1983 DOA $410,000 Nightmute Electrification 1979 DCRA $50,000 (Nightmute) Electrification 1981 DOA $140,000 (Nightmute) Electrification 1985 DOA $100,000 Nunapitchuk Oscarville Electrification 1984 DCRA $100,000 Platinum Electrification 1981 DOA $276,000 Quinhagak Electrification 1984 DOA $440,000 Red Devil Sleetmute Generator 1983 DCRA $15,000 (Sleetmute) Bulk Storage 1984 DCRA $50,000 (Sieetmute) Electrification 1986 DCRA $85,000 Sparrevhon Stony River Generator 1983 DCRA $15,000 (Stony River) Bulk Storage 1984 DCRA $50,000 Toksook Bay Tuluksak Electrification 1982 DOA $148,000 (Tuluksak) Bulk Storage/Gen 1986 DOA $130,000 Tuntutuliak Electrification 1982 DCRA $250,000 (Tuntutuliak) Bulk Storage 1984 DCRA $100,000 Tununak Upper Kalskag Totals $7,676,450 98 Table 15 — Alaska Power Authority Projects in Alaskan Communities — Thru 1985 Bethel PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND STATUS BETHEL-NAPAKIAK SINGLE WIRE GROUND RETURN BETHEL REGIONAL STUDY HOOPER BAY SCAMMON BAY Operating Regional Feasibility Assessment Design Feasibility Study Eight mile, 14 KV single wire A frame design. APA technical agent to Dept. of Commerce to modify design features and to transfer ownership to village corporation power company. Study of alternative sources of energy for region. Draft Feasibility released 1982. Findings and recommendations approved by APA Board December 1985. Short regional interties recommended. Includes: Akiachak, Akiak, Atmat- luak, Eek, Kasigluk, Kwethluk, Napakiak, Napaskiak, Nunapit- chuk, Oscarville, Tuluksak, Tuntutuliak, and Bethel. Waste heat system designed; waiting for appropriation to build. APA reconnaissance and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers feasibility completed. APA and COE reanalysis of economics of project complete. Findings & Recommendations approved by APA Board December 1985. No further action recommended. Table 16 — Power Cost Assistance & Power Cost Equalization Programs By Alaskan Community, FY 82, FY 83, & FY 84-85 Bethel -Power Cost Assistance------- Power Cost Equalization 1982 1983 Months Rate 1984-85 1985-86 Community KWH Sold */KWH KWH Sold = */KWH PCE Pil KWH Sold *IKWH KWH Sold = */KWH Akiak 6 | 97,549 18.1 Akalmiut/Nunapitch Akiachak ab P 302,064 17.5 Akiak 6 | 97,549 18.1 Aniak 12 P 849,448 22.3 Atmautluak 9 FE 182,093 38.3 Bethel 12 P 7,471,919 8.0 Cape Newenham Chefornak 12 P 231,852 17.2 Chuathbaluk 12 P 76,649 41.8 Crooked Creek 12 P 340,419 41.8 Eek 11 | 175,827 31.5 Goodnews Bay 11 | 160,696 31.5 Kalskag, Lower 12 | 218,166 31.5 Kasigluk Kipnuk Kongignak 12 P 191,619 32.3 Kwethluk 1 | 472,308 24.9 Kwigillingok 12 = =P 209,450 25.6 Lime Village Mekoryuk 175,431 26.0 11 | 193,945 31.5 Mid-Kuskokwim 100,578 11.0 Napakiak 306,688 16.0 433,475 16.0 12 | 241,194 38.5 Napaskiak 45,250 31.0 105,187 30.0 12 | 238,204 38.5 Newtok 12 P 92,739 22.5 Nightmute 7 | 65,805 16.5 Nunapitchuk 423,102 26.0 ab) l 482,217 31.5 Oscarville Platinum Povornaq 23,841 7.5 Quinhagak 310,055 25.0 11 | 337,311 31.5 Red Devil Sleetmute 12 P 63,480 41.8 Sparrevhon Stony River 12 P 34,672 41.8 Toksook Bay 222,106 26.0 "1 | 312,037 31.5 Tuluksak Tuntutuliak 12 P 190,882 34.8 Tununak 1 | 257,492 31.5 Upper Kalskag 89,940 26.0 11 | 127,598 31.5 Total 351,938 1,883,715 13,715,184 Note: FY 82 (7/1/81-6/30/82), FY 83 (7/1/82-6/30/83), & FY 85-86 (10/1/84-9/30/85) not for comparative purposes due to differences in reporting periods. FY 86 Data Pending Rate: P = permanent, | = interim * = cents 100 DILLINGHAM 9. ’ 5 i. Licemcencen tt f \ | ‘ | c : a eens “Ss Table 1 — Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984 Dillingham Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1970-1984 1980-1984 Aleknagik NEC 128 154 152 232 184 201 3.3 6.9 Chignik CANNERY 83 178 124 141 3.9 5.7 Chignik Lagoon PRIVATE, CANNERY 48 53 46 Aa Chignik Lake PRIVATE 117 138 153 153 19 26 Clarks Point PRIVATE, SCHOOL 95 79 78 80 67 75 17 13 Dillingham NEC 914 1563 1670 1791 1896 2004 5.8 6.4 Egegik NEA 148 75 83 72 5.0 1.0 Ekuk PRIVATE 51 Ekwok SCHOOL 103 77 76 78 80 73 2.4 13 Igiugig SCHOOL, PRIVATE 36 33 37 32 0.8 08 iliamna |-NEC 58 94 104 90 3.2 AA Ivanof Bay PRIVATE 48 40 44 38 A7 13 Kokhanok Bay PRIVATE 88 83 82 80 0.7 0.9 Koliganek SCHOOL, PRIVATE 142 117 130 112 17 aa Levelock PRIVATE 74 79 88 76 0.2 1.0 Manokotak COM 214 294 290 299 301 302 25 0.7 New Stuyahok AVEC 216 331 327 337 262 246 0.9 -7.2 Newhalen I-NEC 88 87 135 140 124 157 4.2 15.9 Nondalton I-NEC 184 173 171 176 200 231 1.6 75 Pedro Bay VILLAGE 65 33 37 32 4.9 0.8 Perryville VILLAGE 94 111 101 107 0.9 0.9 Pilot Point AVEC 68 66 63 73 0.5 26 Port Heiden PHC 66 92 91 94 93 87 2.0 14 Togiak AVEC 383 470 511 507 531 554 27 4.2 Twin Hills SCHOOL 67 70 67 78 11 an Other 370 215 1199 966 92 80 10.4 21.9 REGION TOTAL 3900 4700 4700 4700 5019 5125 2.0 2.4 101 Table 2 — Alaskan Employment By Sector (DOL) 1980 to 1984 Dillingham Parameter 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Employment Private Mining Ss Construction 38 74 59 75 51 Manufacturing 343 228 508 343 542 Transportation and Public Utilities 187 176 102 100 119 Wholesale Trade Ss 21 5 12 14 Retail Trade 93 141 98 113 131 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate Ss 27 28 33 47 Services 309 238 305 346 353 Subtotal Private 970 905 1,105 1,022 1,257 Government Federal 42 44 73 78 83 State 58 60 77 69 76 Local 280 267 409 437 478 Subtotal Government 380 371 559 584 637 Miscellaneous 24 Ss Ss TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 1,350 1,276 1,688 1,606 1,894 Note: Some Data For Less Than 12 Months or Has Some Suppressed Data, Proprietors Not Included S = Data for year is suppressed Table 3 — Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977—1984 (MWH) Dillingham Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC New Stuyahok 223 278 263 303 314 388 397 399 AVEC Togiak 565 640 658 571 687 877 892 1021 CHE Chignik 150 3550 COM Manokotak 200 198 200 257 275 300 325 325 EL&P Egegik 175 240 LEC Levelock 300 NEA Egegik 158 150 175 NEC \liamna 276 275 275 245 245 1260 1260 NEC Newhalen 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 NEC Nondalton 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 NEC Dillingham 5199 6262 6995 7890 9044 10258 11289 11377 REGION TOTAL 6345 7854 8591 9496 10915 12443 14688 18672 Table 4 — Installed Capacity, 1982-1984 Dillingham 1982 1983 1984 Capacity Capacity Capacity Utility Vicinity (kw) (kw) (kw) AVEC New Stuyahok 260 260 305 AVEC Togiak 460 460 460 CHE Chignik 250 2450 COM Manokotak 600 600 600 I-NEC \liamna 125 960 960 I-NEC Newhalen 150 150 150 1-NEC Nondalton 150 150 150 LEC Levelock 135 NEA Egegik 135 210 NEC Dillingham 3850 3850 3850 TOTAL 5730 6680 9270 102 Table 5 — Peak Load By Utility Dillingham Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC New Stuyahok 0.1 01 O41 01 01 AVEC Togiak 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 CHE Chignik 1.3 1.3 COM Manokotak 01 01 01 01 EL&P Egegik 01 0.1 |-NEC \liamna O14 0.1 0.5 0.5 Levelock 0.1 NEC Dillingham 12 1.2 1.6 2.0 18 1.9 2.2 23 TOTAL 42 12 16 23° 23 24 45, 48 TABLE 6 — FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Dillingham Fuel Consumption Utility Vicinity Fuel Units 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC New Stuyahok Oil Gal. 34,860 35,083 37,296 38,220 37,800 42,756 44,856 54,054 AVEC Togiak Oil Gal. 69,846 80,597 70,014 68,922 73,206 79,758 92,526 106,722 CHE Chignik Oil Gal. 364,500 364,500 COM Manokotak Oil Gal. 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 30,000 32,500 32,500 |-NEC lliamna Oil Gal. 30,000 29,891 29,891 30,000 26,700 126,000 126,000 |-NEC Newhalen Oil Gal. 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 I-NEC Nondalton Oil Gal. 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 LEC Levelock Oil Gas 33,000 NEC Dillingham Oil Gal. 410,130 488,544 552,888 621,642 679,266 757,218 860,202 827,820 TOTAL Oil Gal. 534,836 678,224 734,089 802,675 864,272 960,432 1,544,584 1,568,596 TABLE 7 — HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1984 Dillingham Heat Rate (BTU/KWH) Utility Vicinity Fuel 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC New Stuyahok Oil 21,680 17,502 19,668 17,494 16,696 15,283 15,670 18,789 AVEC Togiak Oil 17,145, 17,466 14,757 16,740 14,779 12,613 14,386 14,497 CHE Chignik Oil 14,240 COM Manokotak Oil 13,869 14,009 13,869 10,793 10,087 13,869 13,869 13,869 I-NEC liamna Oil 15,075 15,075 15,075 16,982 15,114 13,869 13,869 I-NEC Newhalen Oil 16,643 16,643 16,643 16,643 16,643 16,643 16,643 |-NEC Nondalton Oil 16,643 16,643 16,643 16,643 16,643 16,643 16,643 LEC Levelock Oil 15,256 NEC Dillingham Oil 10,941 10,820 10,962 10,927 10,417 10,238 10,568 10,091 Table 8 — Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1984 Dillingham Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1-NEC \liamna 93 54 NEA Egegik 21 29 41 6 7 9 NEC Dillingham 359 410 402 488 538 638 659 142 161 96 121 135 155 162 LEC Levelock 36 3 103 Table 9 — Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1984 (Cents/KWH) Dillingham UTILITY PLACE Residential Commercial/Industrial 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 LEC Levelock 57 52 NEA Egegik 36 38 41 37 37 40 NEC Dillingham 14 14 15 20 21 20 21 13 13 14 19 19 20 20 Electricity costs are not adjusted for PCA or PCE programs. Table 10 — Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1984 (MWH per customer/year) Dillingham Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 LEC Levelock 3.8 12.0 NEA Egegik ee 3.2 3.3 12.7 8.9 8.7 NEC Dillingham 4.4 4.5 5.0 5.1 5.6 5.5 5.4 22.3 23.0 33.0 33.4 38.6 34.8 35.7 Table 11 — Status of Fuel Costs In Alaska 1983-1985 Dillingham Aviation Heating Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community $/gal Sigal $gal Sigal $/bottle Sigal $/gal Akolmuit Aleknagik Chignik Chignik Lagoon Clarks Point $1.47 $1.43 $148.50 Dillingham $1.76 $1.96 $1.48 $1.26 $88.50 Egegik (Pilot Point) Ekuk Ekwok Ghignik Lake Igiugig \liamna-Newhalen Ivanof Bay $1.75 $1.37 $65.00 Kokhanok Bay Koliganek Levelock Manokotak $1.57 $1.95 $1.55 $1.55 $103.00 New Stuyahok Newhalen $2.10 $2.65 $2.25 $2.25 $100.00 Nondalton Pedro Bay $2.15 $2.00 $1.86 Perryville Pilot Point Port Heiden Togiak $1.82 $1.82 Twin Hills 104 Table 12 — Number of Roadway Vehicles By Community 1981—1984 Dillingham Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 Akolmuit Aleknagik 18 14 26 46 Chignik 9 6 15 29 Chignik Lagoon 3 8 8 abl Clarks Point 3 a 4 iz Dillingham 676 776 925 1106 Egegik (Pilot Point) 13 11 12 15 Ekuk Ekwok 2 2 3 2 Ghignik Lake Igiugig lliamna-Newhalen 56 82 96 112 lvanof Bay Kokhanok Bay Koliganek Levelock 2 2 5 10 Manokotak a 6 9 3 New Stuyahok 1 2 5 § Newhalen Nondalton 4 6 6 9 Pedro Bay 3 10 9 8 Perryville 2 2 3 4 Pilot Point 6 5 8 9 Port Heiden 15 12 10 19 Togiak 25 22 18 11 Twin Hills Total 845 967 1162 1406 Table 13 — Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP Or Weatherization Support, 1984-1985 Dillingham 1984 1985 Total Total Receiving Total Receiving Total Community Houses(#) Weatherized LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) Akolmuit 141 Aleknagik 75 12 18 12,362 16 10,482 Chignik 58 19 13,389 Chignik Lagoon 34 3 1,550 5 3,950 Clarks Point 28 9 13 9,725 1 8,775 Dillingham 569 18 79 46,625 92 61,047 Egegik (Pilot Point) 74 27 20,281 32 24,500 Ekuk 61 Ekwok 25 15 21 12,426 23 15,583 Ghignik Lake 8 6,163 Igiugig lliamna-Newhalen 22 2 24 15,433 34 21,210 Ivanof Bay 12 9 6,100 Kokhanok Bay Koliganek 40 17 Levelock 27 21 15,052 12 9,450 Manokotak 60 11 28 19,631 33 26,750 New Stuyahok 65 22 41 27,843 34 20,060 Newhalen 28 2 Nondalton 58 24 45 25,950 39 22,968 Pedro Bay 24 3 1,931 a 2,975 Perryville 31 15 11,425 14 11,100 Pilot Point 27 4 2,425 6 4,525 Port Heiden 30 22 16,450 34 24,325 Togiak 103 15 64 45,825 68 54,688 Twin Hills 18 Totals 1,610 147 428 284,934 494 348,040 105 Table 14 — General Fund Appropriations to Alaskan Communities, 1974-1986 Dillingham Grant Agency Project Community Project Description Grant Year DOA/DCRA Cost Akolmuit Aleknagik Chignik Generator 1981 DCRA $266,000 Chignik Lagoon Chignik Lake Clarks Point Dillingham Electrification 1983 DCRA $539,000 (Dillingham) Electrification 1985 DOA $703,500 Egegik (Pilot Point) Ekuk Ekwok Generator Housing 1980 DCRA $10,250 (Ekwok) Electrification 1981 DOA $25,000 (Ekwok) Electrification 1982 DOA $25,000 (Ekwok) Bulk Storage 1984 DOA $60,000 (Ekwok) Electrification 1985 DOA $300,000 Igiugig Bulk Storage 1981 DCRA $67,800 (Igiugig) Bulk Storage 1983 DCRA $33,400 (Igiugig) Electrification 1983 DCRA $205,000 (Igiugig) Electrification 1985 DCRA $167,000 lliamna-Newhalen Bulk Storage 1981 DCRA $100,000 lvanof Bay Bulk Storage 1983 DCRA $50,000 Kokhanok Bay Bulk Storage 1981 DCRA $82,400 (Kokhanok) Electrification 1985 DCRA $425,000 Koliganek Electrification 1978 DCRA $20,000 (Koliganek) Bulk Storage 1983 DCRA $100,00 Levelock Bulk Storage 1981 DCRA $111,200 (Levelock) Electrification 1982 DCRA $540,000 (Levelock) Electrification 1984 DCRA $43,000 Manokotak Electrification 1977 DCRA $20,000 (Manokotak) Electrification 1978 DCRA $20,000 (Manokotak) Electrification 1979 DCRA $20,000 (Manokotak) Bulk Storage 1981 DCRA $60,000 (Manokotak) Bulk Storage 1983 DCRA $40,000 New Stuyahok Newhalen Bulk Storage 1981 DCRA $60,000 (Newhalen) Electrification 1981 DCRA $730,000 Nondalton Bulk Storage 1981 $76,100 Pedro Bay Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $19,000 (Pedro Bay) Electrification 1984 DCRA $900,000 (Pedro Bay) Electrification 1985 DCRA $500,000 Perryville Generator 1978 DCRA $13,521 (Perryville) Electrification 1982 DCRA $145,000 Pilot Point Bulk Storage 1981 DCRA $100,000 Port Heiden Electrification 1974 DCRA $7,000 (Point Heiden) Electrification 1980 DCRA $35,000 (Point Heiden) Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $70,000 Togiak Electrification 1980 DCRA $250,000 (Togiak) Bulk Storage 1981 DCRA $100,000 Twin Hills Electrify. Study 1979 DCRA $11,000 (Twin Hills) Bulk Storage 1981 DCRA $47,800 (Twin Hills) Electrification 1981 DCRA $91,850 Totals $6,764,821 106 Table 15 — Alaska Power Authority Projects in Alaskan Communities — Thru 1985 Dillingham PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND STATUS BRISTOL BAY Regional Feasibility Energy alternatives to diese! generation. Phase | report distri- Assessment buted September 1983. Most attractive economic options pin- pointed. Newhalen River fisheries studies completed in July 1985. FERC Preliminary Permit application on Tazimina River submitted November 1985. Includes: Aleknagik, Clarks Point, Dillingham, Egegik, Ekuk, Ekwok, Igiugig, lliamna, King Salmon, Koliganek, Manokotak, Naknek, Newhalen, Levelock, New Stuyahok, Nondalton, Portage Creek, and South Naknek. NEWHALEN Preliminary Assessment Technical assistance request for feasibility assessment of waste heat system. Report forwarded to community September 1985. TOGIAK Hydroelectric and Report complete. Stream monitoring complete. APA feasibi- Waste Heat Feasibility lity and findings and recommendations approved by Board November 1985. Hydro project not feasible. Waste heat requires financing. Table 16 — Power Cost Assistance & Power Cost Equalization Programs By Alaskan Community, FY 82, FY 83, & FY 84-85 Dillingham -Power Cost Assistance------- _ Power Cost Equalization- 1982 1983 Months Rate 1984-85 1985- Community KWH Sold */KWH KWH Sold = */KWH PCE Pil KWH Sold *IKWH KWH Sold Akolmuit Aleknagik Chignik 12 | 212,671 17.5 Chignik Lagoon Clarks Point Dillingham ah) I 4,640,922 9.6 Egegik (Pilot Point) Ekuk Ekwok Ghignik Lake Igiugig 1 P 50,324 41.8 lliamna-Newhalen 119,060 26.0 12 I 1,241,250 29.9 Ivanof Bay Kokhanok Bay 5 I 18,011 23.3 Koliganek 9 P 79,895 21.3 Levelock 66,174 31.0 12 P 205,630 38.1 Manokotak 267,195 16.0 10 | 308,312 211 New Stuyahok 87,159 182,705 26.0 11 | 201,934 31.5 NEC Elec. 3,926,234 7A Newhalen 32,705 18.0 107,202 23.0 Nondalton 4 I 157,028 29.9 Pedro Bay 7 P 37,901 33.3 Perryville 8 I 62,822 27.0 Pilot Point 9 P 97,861 26.5 Port Heiden 6 P 84,566 11.5 Togiak 3,220,645 603.0 514,826 26.0 ah | 561,379 31.5 Twin Hills Total 3,340,509 5,183,396 7,960,506 Note: FY 82 (7/1/81-6/30/82), FY 83 (7/1/82-6/30/83), & FY 85-86 (10/1/84-9/30/85) not for comparative purposes due to differences in reporting periods. FY 86 Data Pending Rate: P = permanent, | = interim * = cents 107 BRISTOL BAY PORTAGE CREA oe —s— 4 NAKNEA j nc sumon | > LF SOUTH NARA 10. Oe eo Table 1 — Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984 Bristol Bay Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1970-1984 1980-1984 King Salmon USAF 202 545 494 434 5.6 5.5 Naknek NEA 318 318 390 405 1.7 6.2 Portage Creek 48 53 46 AA South Naknek NEA 154 145 178 185 1.3 6.3 Other 426 144 110 105 9.5 7.6 REGION TOTAL 1100 1200 1200 1300 1213 1187 0.5 0.3 Table 2 — Alaskan Employment By Sector (DOL) 1980 to 1984 Bristol Bay Parameter 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Employment Private Mining Ss Ss Ss Ss Ss Construction Ss 13 103 24 6 Manufacturing 289 296 295 357 244 Transportation and Public Utilities 43 45 107 116 108 Wholesale Trade Ss 14 14 3 33 Retail Trade 84 59 44 32 42 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate Ss Ss 10 Ss Ss Services 51 46 37 36 32 Subtotal Private 467 473 610 568 465 Government Federal 75 62 83 85 83 State 18 20 22 29 40 Local 218 221 246 282 369 Subtotal Government 311 303 351 396 492 Miscellaneous Ss Ss Ss TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 778 776 961 964 957 Note: Some Data For Less Than 12 Months or Has Some Suppressed Data, Proprietors Not Included S = Data for year is suppressed 109 Table 3 — Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977—1984 (MWH) Bristol Bay Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 NEA Naknek 5675 5971 6914 7588 8500 13964 14298 14755 Subtotal Utilities 5675 5971 6914 7588 8500 13964 14298 14755 Defense King Salmon 6685, 6300 5944 11888 5944 5944 122 158 Industry 18464 REGION TOTAL 12360 12271 12858 19476 14444 19908 14420 18464 Table 4 — Installed Capacity, 1982-1984 Bristol Bay 1982 1983 1984 Capacity Capacity Capacity Utility Vicinity (kw) (kw) (kw) NEA Naknek 6,170 6,305 6,070 Table 5 — Peak Load By Utility Bristol Bay Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977-1984 1983-1984 NEA Naknek 1.2 1.3 1.7 2.0 ray} 3.0 2.8 3.3 15.5% 8.6% TABLE 6 — FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Bristol Bay Average Fuel Consumption Annual Change (%) Utility Vicinity Fuel Units 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977-84 1980-1984 NEA Egegik Oil Gal. 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 25,000 48% 8.6% NEA Naknek Oil Gal. 543,018 418,782 566,118 603,162 646,800 1,006,782 1,085,700 1,167,768 11.6% 18.0% TOTAL Oil Gal. 561,018 436,782 584,118 621,162 664,800 1,024,782 1,103,700 1,192,768 11.4% 17.7% TABLE 7 — HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1984 Bristol Bay Heat Rate (BTU/KWH) Utility Vicinity Fuel 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 NEA Egegik Oil 15,800 16,643 14,265 14,447 NEA Naknek Oil 13,271 9,727 11,356 11,024 10,553 999 10,531 10,977 110 Table 8 — Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1984 Bristol Bay i : ial UTILITY PLACE Residential Commercial/Industrial 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 NEA Naknek 230 258 263 264 281 348 356 377 93 110 133 159 151 155 199 188 Table 9 — Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1984 (Cents/KWH) Bristol Bay Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 NEA Naknek 13 15 7 24 25 26 24 25 12 14 16 23 25 26 26 25 Electricity costs are not adjusted for PCA or PCE programs. Table 10 — Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1984 (MWH per customer/year) Bristol Bay Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 NEA Naknek 5.9 5.7 5.5 5.7 5.5 5.0 5.6 5.6 40.7 37.4 33.3 30.9 33.5 34.8 29.0 32.3 Table 11 — Status of Fuel Costs In Alaska 1983-1985 Bristol Bay Aviation Heating Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community $/gal Sigal $gal Sigal $/bottle $/gal $/gal Chignik Lake King Salmon Naknek Pavloff Harbor Port Alsworth Portage Creek South Naknek $1.75 $1.68 111 Table 12 — Number of Roadway Vehicles By Community 1981—1984 Bristol Bay Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 Chignik Lake King Salmon 232 269 288 364 Naknek 241 269 303 449 Pavioff Harbor Port Alsworth 9 7 10 19 Portage Creek South Naknek 15 9 26 54 Total 497 554 627 886 Table 13 — Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP Or Weatherization Support, 1984-1985 Bristol Bay 1984 1985 Total Total Receiving Total Receiving Total Community Houses(#) Weatherized LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) Chignik Lake 42 King Salmon 128 10 6,872 7 5,350 Naknek 142 14 33 22,461 25 19,538 Pavloff Harbor 1 275 Port Alsworth 1 650 Portage Creek 17 South Naknek 61 13 14 10,150 17 13,188 Totals 390 27 59 40,408 49 38,076 Table 14 — General Fund Appropriations to Alaskan Communities, 1974-1986 Bristol Bay Grant Agency Project Community Project Description Grant Year DOA/DCRA Cost Chignik Lake King Salmon Naknek Electrification 1981 DOA $150,000 Pavloff Harbor Port Alsworth Portage Creek Electrification 1981 DCRA $150,000 (Portage Creek) Electrification 1986 DCRA $100,000 South Naknek Totals $400,000 112 Table 16 — Power Cost Assistance & Power Cost Equalization Programs By Alaskan Community, FY 82, FY 83, & FY 84-85 Bristol Bay ------Power Cost Assistance------- srserosteseseneneeee ------Power Cost Equalization- — 1982 1983 Months Rate 1984-85 1985-86 Community KWH Sold *IKWH KWH Sold */KWH PCE Pil KWH Sold */IKWH KWH Sold *IKWH Chignik Lake King Salmon Naknek 1,789,604 11.0 2,190,028 10.0 10 P 2,430,833 13.1 Pavloff Harbor Port Alsworth Portage Creek South Naknek Total 1,789,604 2,190,028 2,430,833 Note: FY 82 (7/1/81-6/30/82), FY 83 (7/1/82-6/30/83), & FY 85-86 (10/1/84-9/30/85) not for comparative purposes due to differences in reporting periods. FY 86 Data Pending Rate: P = permanent, | = interim * = cents 113 ALEUTIAN ISLANDS ~~ ' > — a Soot same aa ee JI pS 5 mu Qe . 22? 3 Hi “ey Table 1 — Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984 Aleutian Islands Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1970-1984 1980-1984 Adak USN 249 3315 3050 3169 19.9 aa Akutan PRIVATE 101 169 189 188 177 185 4.4 2.3 Atka SCHOOL 88 93 77 80 0.7 3.7 Attu 29 24 29 0.0 Belkofsky 59 Cold Bay NP&E 256 228 250 237 246 0.3 1.9 False Pass PRIVATE, CANNERY 62 70 58 76 1.5 24 King Cove KCC 283 460 513 523 536 521 45 3.2 Nelson Lagoon VILLAGE 43 ‘59 49 64 29 21 Nikolski NIP&L 57 50 54 41 2.3 48 Saint George Island NMFS. 163 158 152 172 0.4 21 Saint Paul Island NMFS 450 551 591 595 528 541 1.3 0.5 Sand Point AMFAC, PUC 360 625 697 797 889 870 6.5 8.6 Shemya Air Force USAF 1131 600 521 576 4.7 1.0 Squaw Harbor PRIVATE 65 Unalaska UE 1301 1322 1944 1922 1677 1630 1.6 5.4 Other 1232 371 4366 4225 32 42 21.4 -42.0 REGION TOTAL 5900 8100 8300 8500 8048 8255 24 0.5 115 Table 2 — Alaskan Employment By Sector (DOL) 1980 to 1984 Aleutian Islands Parameter 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Employment Private Mining Ss Ss Construction 111 162 81 131 108 Manufacturing 1,742 1,557 1,255 1,269 870 Transportation and Public Utilities Ss 138 209 191 186 Wholesale Trade Ss Ss Ss Ss Ss Retail Trade Ss Ss 115 109 105 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 77 73 92 97 144 Services 152 146 162 307 367 Subtotal Private 2,082 2,076 1,914 2,104 1,780 Government Federal 677 682 723 729 720 State 72 74 76 72 74 Local 308 368 431 467 530 Subtotal Government 1,057 1,124 1,230 1,268 1,324 Miscellaneous 21 ie 4 TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 3,139 3,200 3,165 3,379 3,784 Note: Some Data For Less Than 12 Months or Has Some Suppressed Data, Proprietors Not Included S = Data for year is suppressed Table 3 — Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977—1984 (MWH) Aleutian Islands Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AEC Atka 120 120 AEU Dutch Harbor 200 200 AMFAC Sand Point 5100 5990 cou Unalaska 657 900 1500 1500 1800 1800 3101 3150 KCC King Cove 360 360 NIP&L Nikolski 150 150 150 150 161 170 170 NP&E Cold Bay 2544 2727 2889 2759 2785 2800 2268 2960 NP&L Northway 1352 1352 1400 1200 1074 1310 1350 1299 PPS Sand Point 4830 5643 PUC Sand Point 5870 6121 4957 4957 Subtotal Utilities 9383 10772 11039 11599 11679 12192 12526 13216 Defense 115981 101500 92955 90374 91551 93471 97431 97281 REGION TOTAL 125364 112272 103994 101973 103230 105663 109957 110497 Table 4 — Installed Capacity, 1982-1984 Aleutian Islands 1982 1983 1984 Capacity Capacity Capacity Utility Vicinity (kw) (kw) (kw) AEC Atka 150 115 AEU Dutch Harbor 275 AVEC Unalaska 1500 2100 2100 KCC King Cove 600 600 NIP&L Nikolski 110 110 110 NP&E Cold Bay 1525 2000 2000 PUC Sand Point 3250 4050 3350 TOTAL 6385 9010 8550 116 Table 5 — Peak Load By Utility Aleutian Islands Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AEU Dutch Harbor 01 01 AMFAC Sand Point 1.0 1.0 KCC King Cove 01 NIP&L Nikolski 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.1 01 01 NP&E Cold Bay 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 06 0.6 Puc Sand Point 1.6 UE Unalaska 1.4 0.7 07 TOTAL 13 13° 23, 16 41.3) 22, 15, aia TABLE 6 — FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Aleutian Islands Fuel Consumption Utility Vicinity Fuel Units 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AEC Atka Oil Gal. 12,000 12,000 AEU Dutch Harbor Oil Gal. 20,000 20,000 AMFAC _ Sand Point Oil Gal. 92,290 60,700 cou Unalaska Oil Gal. 65,700 120,000 150,000 199,500 200,000 180,000 282,000 282,000 KCC King Cove Oil = Gal. 36,000 36,000 NIP&L Nikolski Oil Gal. 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 19,890 21,000 21,000 NP&E Cold Bay Oil Gal. 254,720 273,000 289,182 289,307 289,300 218,400 218,400 269,000 PPS Sand Point Oil Gal. 371,580 435,878 PUC Sand Point Oil Gal. 51,600 70,900 381,300 381,300 TOTAL Oil Gal. 692,000 843,878 546,472 564,507 555,900 489,190 970,700 1,021,300 TABLE 7 — HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1984 Aleutian Islands Heat Rate (BTU/KWH) Utility Vicinity Fuel 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AEC Atka Oil 13,869 13,869 AEU Dutch Harbor Oil 13,869 cou Unalaska Oil 13,869 18,492 13,869 18,446 15,410 13,869 UE Unalaska Oil 12,416 KCC King Cove Oil 13,869 13,869 NIP&L Nikolski Oil 13,869 13,869 13,869 13,869 17,134 17,132 17,132 NP&E Cold Bay Oil 13,886 13,884 13,883 14,543 14,407 10,818 13,355, 12,604 PPS Sand Point Oil 10,670 10,713 PUC Sand Point Oil 10,668 10,668 117 Table 8 — Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1984 Aleutian Islands UTILITY PLACE Residential Commercial/Industrial 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AMFAC Sand Point 139 121 126 10 26 45 KCC King Cove 120 NP&E Cold Bay 15 26 29 29 31 1 28 27 32 33 PUC Sand Point 153 90 UE Unalaska 453 Table 9 — Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1984 (Cents/KWH) Aleutian Islands Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AMFAG Sand Point 14 1 14 13 ree} 75 7.4 14 KCC King Cove 43 NP&E Cold Bay 10 12 12 7 18 9.8 12 13 16 PUC Sand Point 23 16 UE Unalaska 29 Electricity costs are not adjusted for PCA or PCE programs. Table 10 — Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1984 (MWH per customer/year) Aleutian Islands Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977, 1978 1979 1980 1981 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AMFAC Sand Point 51 6.2 6.4 10.1 406.9 183.2 92.7 45.5 KCC King Cove 3.0 NP&E Cold Bay 26.3 18.9 17.5 19.0 16.1 185.4 75.4 74.5 $1.3 58.5 PUC Sand Point 6.8 52.2 UE Unalaska 6.6 Table 11 — Status of Fuel Costs In Alaska 1983-1985 Aleutian Aviation Heating Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community $/gal $/gal $gal Sigal $/bottle $/gal $/gal Adak $1.27 Akutan $1.22 Atka $2.10 Attu Belkofsky Cold Bay $1.36 Dutch Harbor $1.24 False Pass $1.43 $2.20 $1.34 $1.33 $80.00 King Cove $1.48 $1.36 $126.91 Nelson Lagoon $2.10 $2.10 Nikolski $1.60 $6.30 Saint George Island $1.45 Saint Paul Island $1.45 $80.00 Sand Point $1.20 $95.00 $3.32 $3.55 Shemya Air Force Squaw Harbor Unalaska $1.16 118 Table 12 — Number of Roadway Vehicles By Community 1981—1984 Aleutian Islands Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 Adak Akutan z Atka Attu Belkofsk Cold Bay, 42 60 53 a Dutch Harbor 8 False Pass 3 3 8 King Cove 48 37 45 55 Nelson Lagoon 2 Nikolski 2 2 1 Saint George Island Saint Paul Island 14 7 34 54 Sand Point 70 138 150 164 Shemya Air Force Squaw Harbor Unalaska 21 30 34 41 Total 200 287 325 400 Table 13 — Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP Or Weatherization Support, 1984-1985 Aleutians 1984 1985 Total Total Receiving Total Receiving Total Community Houses(#) Weatherized LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) Adak Akutan 22 17 10,725 19 13,200 Atka 22 23 16,250 Attu 5 Belkofsky 10 Cold Bay 50 7 5,800 Dutch Harbor 8 5,544 False Pass 20 5 3,100 10 7,350 King Cove 137 20 14,225 30 23,288 Nelson Lagoon 21 1 875 Nikolski 28 18 12,931 18 13,900 Saint George Island q 875 Saint Paul Island 137 23 95 13,400 53 45,975 Sand Point 139 63 41,375 59 41,419 Shemya Air Force Squaw Harbor 1 Unalaska 393 52 33,188 47 31,463 Totals 985 23 270 128,944 276 205,939 119 Table 14 — General Fund Appropriations to Alaskan Communities, 1974-1986 Aleutian Islands Grant Agency Project Community Project Description Grant Year DOA/DCRA Cost Adak Akutan Electrification 1980 DCRA $5,000 (Akutan) Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $60,000 Atka Electrification 1982 DCRA $100,000 Attu Belkofsky Cold Bay Dutch Harbor False Pass Electrification 1982 DCRA $63,000 King Cove Fuel Lines 1981 DCRA $33,700 (King Cove) Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $20,000 Nelson Lagoon Electrification 1980 DCRA $40,000 (Nelson Lagoon) Electrification 1977 DOA $20,000 Nikolski Bulk Storage 1976 DCRA $14,200 Saint George Island Bulk Storage 1984 DCRA $50,000 Saint Paul Island Bulk Storage 1983 DCRA $100,000 (Saint Paul Island) Electrification 1985 DOA $125,000 Sand Point Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $100,000 Shemya Air Force Squaw Harbor Unalaska Electrify. Study 1979 DCRA $40,000 (Unalaska) Electrification 1982 DOA $600,000 (Unalaska) Electrification 1983 DOA $1,000,000 Totals $2,370,900 120 Table 15 — Alaska Power Authority Projects in Alaskan Communities — Thru 1985 Aleutian Islands PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND STATUS AKUTAN ATKA CHIGNIK FALSE PASS KING COVE NIKOLSKI ST. GEORGE ST. PAUL WIND FARM UNALASKA GEOTHERMAL Diesel Electrification Grant Small Hydro Feasibility Study Preliminary Assessment Electrification Grant Small Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Diesel Electrification Grant Reconnaissance Study Update and Waste Heat Assessment Grant and Monitoring Feasibility Study Work complete; grant close out underway. Data report complete. Draft APA feasibility study on small hydro and waste heat released September 1985. Findings and recommendations pending. Technical Assistance request for feasibility assessment of potential waste heat system. Report forwarded to community October 1985. Diesel utility plan/construction—appropriation to village. Start-up and final inspection November 1984. Project complete. Transfer of project pending. Small Hydro Project, contractor’s report complete 1982; Findings and Recommendations pending. Feasibility update underway to be complete February 1986. Purchase and upgrade of diesel utility by village. Construction in progress. Completed December 1985. Report complete, 1982. Increased diesel efficiency through waste heat recovery or other improvements recommended. Waste heat design complete September 1985. Construction management task estimated complete 8/86. Initial system start up December 1985. APA is providing technical assistance and funding to acquire diesel interface. Draft agreement complete, October 1985. Exploratory Drilling. Field work completed September 1984. Final Phase Ill report and Executive Summary complete. Negotiations underway with Native Corporations for feasibi- lity and project rights-of-way and resource agreements. 121 Table 16 — Power Cost Assistance & Power Cost Equalization Programs By Alaskan Community, FY 82, FY 83, & FY 84-85 Aleutian Islands -----Power Cost Assistance------- Power Cost Equalization 1982 1983 Months Rate 1984-85 1985-86 Community KWH Sold) */KWH KWH Sold) */KWH PCE Pil KWH Sold */KWH KWH Sold = */KWH Adak Akutan 4 I 48,018 14.5 Andreanof 13,137 2.8 111,939 28.0 Atka 12 P 222,124 22.7 Attu Belkofsky Cold Bay 11 | 417,887 15.4 Dutch Harbor False Pass 3 P 18,427 18.7 King Cove 7 | 559,665 6.3 Nelson Lagoon 31,925 20.0 1 P 153,391 34.5 Nikolski 10 I 63,281 33.5 NP&E Northern 140,472 76 339,736 4.9 Saint George Island 3 | 85,614 22.6 Saint Paul Island 12 | 1,400,472 21.3 Sand Point "1 P 1,400,504 7.9 Shemya Air Force Squaw Harbor Unalaska 537,605 14.0 1,416,075 12.0 12 ! 3,129,222 201 Total 691,214 1,899,675 7,498,605 Note: FY 82 (7/1/81-6/30/82), FY 83 (7/1/82-6/30/83), & FY 85-86 (10/1/84-9/30/85) not for comparative purposes due to differences in reporting periods. FY 86 Data Pending Rate: P = permanent, | = interim * = cents 122 MATANUSKA-SUSITNA 12. ne oo no | MATANUSKA- 3 L “- \ \ \ —— _| 1 \ J Table 1 — Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984 Matanuska-Susitna Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1970-1984 1980-1984 Big Lake 36 410 556 684 23.4 13.6 Bodenburg Butte MEA 448 988 1341 1649 9.8 13.7 Houston VILLAGE 69 370 583 826 598 668 17.6 15.9 Montana MEA, CEA 40 54 67 13.8 Palmer MEA 1140 2141 2275 2542 2657 2772 6.6 6.7 Sutton MEA 76 182 247 304 10.4 13.7 Talkeetna MEA 182 264 358 441 65 13.7 Wasilla MEA 300 1559 1928 2403 2828 3459 19.1 22.0 Willow MEA 38 139 189 232 13.8 13.7 Other 4311 13307 18514 19429 15906 19560 11.4 10.1 REGION TOTAL 6600 19400 23300 25200 24734 29836 11.4 11.4 Table 2 — Alaskan Employment By Sector (DOL) 1980 to 1984 Matanuska-Susitna Parameter 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Employment Private Mining Ss 130 21 9 Construction 178 194 518 778 971 Manufacturing 44 40 70 67 111 Transportation and Public Utilities 332 334 381 525 595 Wholesale Trade Ss 43 54 64 97 Retail Trade 691 729 845 1,109 1,450 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 126 124 189 208 280 Services 486 466 604 793 991 Subtotal Private 1,857 1,930 2,791 3,565 4,504 Government Federal 112 133 101 232 112 State 520 530 545 596 651 Local 651 688 919 1,035 1,214 Subtotal Government 1,283 1,351 1,565 1,863 1,977 Miscellaneous Ss Ss 62 55 62 TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 3,140 3,281 4,418 5,483 6,543 Note: Some Data For Less Than 12 Months or Has Some Suppressed Data, Proprietors Not Included S = Data for year is suppressed 123 Table 5 — Peak Load By Utility Matanuska-Susitna Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 MEA Matanuska-Susitna 50.0 57.0 63.0 69.0 65.0 76.0 84.0 91.3 Table 8 — Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1984 Matanuska-Susitna Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977, 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 = 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 MEA Matanuska Valley 8355 10070 11164 11722 12618 14941 19388 21269 1191 1290 1347 1388 1412 1425 1644 1792 Table 9 — Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1984 (Cents/KWH) Matanuska-Susitna Residential UTILITY PLACE Commercial/Industrial 1977, 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 MEA Matanuska Valley 3.7 3.9 46 4.6 5.3 6.8 8.4 8.4 3.8 4.2 4.9 4.9 5.4 5.2 6.7 6.5 Electricity costs are not adjusted for PCA or PCE programs. Table 10 — Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1984 (MWH per customer/year) Matanuska-Susitna Residential Commercial/Industrial GHENheELAGE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 MEA Matanuska Valley 14.0 15.4 144 148 14.0 144 125 128 491 52.8 54.0 53.2 56.0 638 642 67.4 124 1983-1985 Matanuska-Susitna Aviation Heating Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Sigal Sigal $gal Sigal Sibottle Sigal Sigal Alexander Creek Big Lake $1.25 Bodenburg Butte Butte Caswell Creek Chickaloon Chugiak Chulitna Fishhook Hatchers Pass Houston $1.75 Knik-Fairview Lazy Mountain Matanuska Meadow Lakes Montana Palmer $1.14 $3.34 $3.37 Schrock Sheep Mountain Susitna Sutton Talkeetna $1.17 Trapper Creek Wasilla $1.18 $35.42 Willow $1.34 $37.50 Table 12 — Number of Roadway Vehicles By Community 1981—1984 Matanuska-Susitna Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 Alexander Creek Big Lake Bodenburg Butte Butte Caswell Creek Chickaloon Chugiak Chulitna 69 54 77 84 Fishhook Hatchers Pass Houston 28 335 Knik-Fairview Lazy Mountain Matanuska Meadow Lakes Montana Palmer 7520 8471 9444 9828 Schrock Sheep Mountain Susitna Sutton 319 327 357 497 Talkeetna 364 402 501 603 Trapper Creek Wasilla 5797 6998 9974 13947 Willow 856 902 1019 1166 Total 14925 17154 21400 26460 125 Table 13 — Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP Or Weatherization Support, 1984-1985 Matanuska-Susitna 1984 1985 Total Total Receiving Total Receiving Total Community Houses(#) Weatherized LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) Alexander Creek 7 6 1 313 Big Lake . 6 48 19,532 Bodenburg Butte . Butte . Caswell Creek . 7 Chickaloon . 2 Chugiak . 76 30,069 78 40,065 Chulitna . 7 Fishhook 7 Hatchers Pass . 2 Houston . 1 16 6,042 19 8,520 Knik-Fairview . Lazy Mountain . Matanuska . Meadow Lakes . Montana . Palmer . 57 297 119,445 513 200,073 Schrock . Sheep Mountain . 9 Susitna . 1 Sutton . 10 24 9,176 31 13,980 Talkeetna 7 23 47 19,121 43 16,988 Trapper Creek * ‘1 28 9,489 Wasilla 7 75 300 123,397 486 224,324 Willow * 11 94 39,133 55 23,950 Totals unavailable 190 777 316,314 1,175 497,324 Table 14 — General Fund Appropriations to Alaskan Communities, 1974-1986 Matanuska-Susitna Grant Agency Project Community Project Description Grant Year DOA/DCRA Cost Meadow Lakes Electrification 1981 DOA $300,000 Totals $300,000 Table 15 — Alaska Power Authority Projects in Alaskan Communities — Thru 1985 Matanuska-Susitna PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND STATUS POINT MACKENZIE Construction PALMER CORRECTIONAL Wood Heat CENTER Electrification Grant $3,057,000 FY85 appropriation for distribution system con- struction. Matanuska Electric Assoc. undertaking design and construction. Construction approximately 70% complete. Technical assistance to Department of Corrections. Feasibi- lity of installing a small commercial wood system as primary heating source for two greenhouses and a shop building. Distribution system design and equipment purchase planned for October 1985. 126 Table 16 — Power Cost Assistance & Power Cost Equalization Programs By Alaskan Community, FY 82, FY 83, & FY 84-85 Matanuska-Susitna ------Power Cost Assistance------- = --Power Cost Equalization-- 1982 1983 Months = Rate 1984-85, 1985- Community KWH Sold) ‘*/KWH KWH Sold = */KWH PCE Pil KWH Sold *IKWH KWH Sold = */KWH Alexander Creek Big Lake Bodenburg Butte Butte Caswell Creek Chickaloon Chugiak Chulitna Fishhook Hatchers Pass Houston Knik-Fairview Lazy Mountain Matanuska Meadow Lakes Montana Palmer 12 P 668,759 23.3 Schrock Sheep Mountain Susitna Sutton Talkeetna Trapper Creek Wasilla Willow Total 1,789,604 * 2,190,028 * 668,759 Note: FY 82 (7/1/81-6/30/82), FY 83 (7/1/82-6/30/83), & FY 85-86 (10/1/84-9/30/85) not for comparative purposes due to differences in reporting periods. ‘ Distribution by community not provided FY 86 Data Pending Rate: P = permanent, | = interim * = cents 127 ANCHORAGE Table 1 — Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984 13. Anchorage Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1970-1984 1980-1984 Anchorage AML&P, APA-E, CEA 126385 7: eigtne i) CEA, APA-E 174431 227246 243829 48 8.7 Elmendorf USAF Fort Richardson ARMY Other 3815 4569 REGION TOTAL 130200 179000 184700 200500 227246 243829 46 8.0 Table 2 — Alaskan Employment By Sector (DOL) 1980 to 1984 Anchorage Parameter 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Employment Private Mining 2,535 2,972 3,571 3,306 3,574 Construction 5,504 6,318 7,899 9,405 9,688 Manufacturing 1,942 1,911 2,275 2,278 2,429 Transportation and Public Utilities 8,342 8,742 8,290 8,718 9,134 Wholesale Trade 4,015 4,352 5,395 5,936 6,490 Retail Trade 12,956 13,492 17,419 19,405 20,421 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 5,212 5,392 5,940 6,820 7,448 Services 17,797 18,593 20,259 21,636 23,476 Subtotal Private 58,303 61,772 71,048 77,504 82,660 Government Federal 9,663 9,644 9,829 9,896 10,170 State 5,998 6,050 6,113 6,484 6,586 Local 6,005 6,707 7,290 7,861 7,860 Subtotal Government 21,666 22,401 23,232 24,241 24,616 Miscellaneous 100 91 801 961 1,180 TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 80,069 84,264 95,081 102,706 108,456 Note: Some Data For Less Than 12 Months or Has Some Suppressed Data, Proprietors Not Included S = Data for year is suppressed 129 Table 3 — Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977—1984 (MWH) Anchorage Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AML&P Anchorage 420277 443084 473063 493531 485301 579479 592546 654039 APA-E Eklutna 203623 180097 171052 184285, 222703 147851 149853 164581 CEA Anchorage 1179710 1308625 1401048 1434104 1472670 1718427 1781781 1873334 Subtotal Utilities 1803610 1931806 2045163 2111920 2180674 2445757 2524180 2691954 Defense 153280 142096 133878 132830 131630 132130 150389 133980 University 2850 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 REGION TOTAL 1959740 2076902 2182041 2247750 2315304 2580887 2677569 2828934 Table 4 — Installed Capacity, 1982-1984 Anchorage 1982 1983 1984 Capacity Capacity Capacity Utility Vicinity (kw) (kw) (kw) AML&P Anchorage 233444 233444 310744 APA-E Anchorage 30000 30000 30000 CEA Anchorage 507800 507800 493300 TOTAL 771244 771244 834044 Table 5 — Peak Load By Utility Anchorage Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AML&P Anchorage 102.0 99.0 105.0 107.0 114.0 121.0 123.0 150.0 APA-E Anchorage 36.0 36.0 33.0 31.0 34.0 CEA Anchorage 274.0 284.0 305.0 337.0 331.0 352.0 372.0 380.4 TOTAL 376.0 383.0 410.0 480.0 481.0 506.0 526.0 564.4 TABLE 6 — FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Anchorage Fuel Consumption Utility Vicinity Fuel Units 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AML&P Anchorage Gas MCF 6,632,499 6,980,519 7,623,023 7,849,600 7,255,262 5,861,918 7,536,840 7,457,345 APM&L Anchorage Oil Gal. 5,208 65,100 294,672 178,668 3,612 29,022 7,612 301,273 CEA Anchorage Gas MCF 16,901,479 17,576,548 20,328,923 20,912,982 21,815,600 24,250,944 24,009,799 24,114,167 CEA Anchorage Oil Gal. 15,624 TOTAL Oil Gal. 20,832 65,100 294,672 178,668 3,612 29,022 7,612 301,273 Gas MCF 23,533,978 24,557,067 27,951,946 28,762,582 29,070,862 30,112,862 31,546,639 31,571,512 130 TABLE 7 — HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1984 Anchorage Heat Rate (BTU/KWH) Utility Vicinity Fuel 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AML&P Anchorage Gas 16,097 16,090 16,436 16,223 15,249 10,318 12,974 11,630 AML&P Anchorage Oil 16,297 CEA Anchorage Gas 15,331 14,294 15,062 15,634 15,727 14,776 13,745 13,365 CEA Anchorage Oil Table 8 — Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1984 Anchorage Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AML&P Anchorage 13226 13710 13765 13744 13964 14745 15622 18007 2725 2821 2898 3049 3110 = 3230, 3420. 3921 CEA Anchorage 39164 42371 42814 42567 43807 46560 51018 55036 3875 4256 4414 4483 4603 4878 5339 5960 Table 9 — Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1984 (Cents/KWH) Anchorage Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AML&P Anchorage 3.2 3.3 3.7 3.8 5 51 5.8 6.5 2.6 26 2.9 2.9 3.9 44 51 5.7 CEA Anchorage 3 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.6 44 5.8 6.3 an 29 3 2.9 3.3 44 5.2 5.9 Electricity costs are not adjusted for PCA or PCE programs. Table 10 — Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1984 (MWH per customer/year) Anchorage Residential Commercial/Industrial TILITY PLACE an us 1977. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AML&P- Anchorage 8.9 8.4 8.4 91 8.6 8.7 8.2 7.7 1341 132 136.9 1396 1386 146.9 146.6 133.4 CEA Anchorage 11.0 114 WA 11.5 11.4 11.7 10.8 9.7 68.6 71.3 72.6 75.9 74.7 774 77.8 70.7 131 Table 11 — Status of Fuel Costs In Alaska 1983-1985 Anchorage Aviation Heating I Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Sigal Sigal $gal $/gal $/bottle $/gal $/gal Anchorage $1.20 $1.14 $4.48 Eagle River $1.23 Eklutna Elmendorf Fort Richardson Nikiski Table 12 — Number of Roadway Vehicles By Community 1981—1984 Anchorage Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 Anchorage 135130 151706 166319 175994 Eagle River Eklutna Elmendorf Fort Richardson Nikiski Total 135130 151706 166319 175994 Table 13 — Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP Or Weatherization Support, 1984-1985 Anchorage 1984 1985 Total Total Receiving Total Receiving Total Community Houses(#) Weatherized LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) Anchorage 70,292 896 2,575 680,089 2,381 859,432 Eagle River 104 37,412 120 54,504 Eklutna Elmendorf Fort Richardson Nikiski 431 48 21,240 Totals 70,723 896 2,679 717,501 2,549 935,176 132 Table 15 — Alaska Power Authority Projects in Alaskan Communities — Thru 1985 Anchorage PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND STATUS ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE CHARCOAL PLANT PROSPECTUS SUSITNA HYDRO VALLEY SAWMILL Operating Woodwaste Feasibility Licensing, Updated Feasibility Woodwaste Marketing A 170 mile, 138 KV Transmission Line to connect electrical load center of Anchorage and Fairbanks. Construction began in spring of 1983. Project complete. Federally-funded study of railbelt wastewood resources; identification of charcoal plant equipment costs, siting criteria and potential export and domestic charcoal markets. Completed mid-November, 1985. Development of two sites in three stages: Watana - Stage |, capacity 440 MW; Devil Canyon—Stage I!, capacity 680 MW; Watana—Stage Ill, capacity 1110 MW, including Stage | capacity. FERC license application currently being amend- ed to incorporate three stage development processed. Negotiations for Power Sales Agreements in progress with seven railbelt utilities. Project presently undergoing reevaluation. Federally-funded study of sawmill production economics & identification of potential railbelt woodwaste markets. Results targeted at statewide sawmill operations. Final report, December 1985. 133 14. KENAI PENINSULA hee Table 1 — Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984 Kenai Peninsula ~ ne el Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1970-1984 1980-1984 Anchor Point HEA 102 226 310 317 8.4 8.8 Clam Gulch HEA 47 50 122 141 8.2 29.6 Cooper Landing CEA 31 116 346 306 17.8 27.4 English Bay HEA 58 124 152 172 8.1 8.5 Halibut Cove HEA 44 47 52 52 1.2 26 Homer HEA, CEA 1083 2209 2588 2900 3114 3373 8.5 11.2 Hope CEA 51 103 166 195 10.1 17.3 Jakalof Bay 36 87 84 23.6 Kachemak HEA 76 403 425 288 302 320 10.8 5.6 Kasilof HEA a 201 491 567 16.0 29.6 Kenai HEA, CEA 3533 4324 4558 5261 5626 6072 3.9 8.9 Moose Pass CEA 53 76 226 143 7.3 17.41 Nikishka 1109 919 1009 2.3 Ninilchik HEA 134 331 403 427 8.6 6.6 Port Graham HEA 107 161 160 174 3.5 2.0 Portlock 31 0 0 Salamatof HEA 334 651 694 20.1 Seldovia HEA, CEA 437 479 505 578 435 0.0 2.4 Seward SES, CEA 1587 1843 1943 1839 1925 2038 1.8 25 Soldotna HEA 1202 2320 2445 3025 3258 3538 8.0 4 Sterling HEA 30 919 1328 1530 32.4 13.6 Tyonek CEA 232 239 335 302 1.9 6.0 Other 7922 12145 17036 19187 13151 14646 45 48 REGION TOTAL 16800 27600 29500 32500 35137 38285 61 8.5 135 Table 2 — Alaskan Employment By Sector (DOL) 1980 to 1984 Kenai Peninsula Parameter 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Employment Private Mining 715 743 848 694 761 Construction 611 798 795 1,005 1,326 Manufacturing 1,735 1,570 1,669 1,464 1,315 Transportation and Public Utilities 716 763 1,029 1,054 1,039 Wholesale Trade 252 230 301 314 381 Retail Trade 1,104 1,165 1,283 1,471 1,776 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 231 228 283 315 376 Services 1,188 1,259 1,324 1,747 1,657 Subtotal Private 6,552 6,756 7,532 8,064 8,631 Government Federal 179 181 169 192 210 State 1,638 1,746 646 700 779 Local 1,347 1,525 1,691 Subtotal Government 1,817 1,927 2,162 2,417 2 ,680 Miscellaneous 21 20 161 57 93 TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 8,390 8,703 9,855 10,538 11,404 Note: Some Data For Less Than 12 Months or Has Some Suppressed Data, Proprietors Not Included S = Data for year is suppressed Table 3 — Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977—1984 (MWH) Kenai Peninsula Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 HEA 643 1598 241 408 159 447 157 SES 783 522 663 1350 1500 0 Subtotal Utilities 1426 2120 904 1758 1659 447 157 Industry 278426 323605 323605 332952 321100 301381 308242 273317 REGION TOTAL 279852 325725 324509 334710 322759 301828 308399 273317 Table 4 — Installed Capacity, 1982-1984 Kenai Peninsula 1982 1983 1984 Capacity Capacity Capacity Utility Vicinity (kw) (kw) (kw) HEA Seldovia 2100 2100 2100 SES Seward 5500 5500 TOTAL 2100 7600 7600 Table 5 — Peak Load By Utility Kenai Peninsula Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 HEA Kenai Area 45.0 51.0 55.0 58.0 61.0 63.0 65.0 67.5 SES Seward 44 5.0 67 6.0 5.2 5.7 6.0 6.3 TOTAL 49.1 56.0 61.7 64.0 66.2 68.7 71.0 73.8 136 TABLE 6 — FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION Kenai Peninsula OF ELECTRICITY Fuel Consumption Utility Vicinity Fuel Units 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 HEA English Bay Oil Gal. 12,900 HEA Port Graham Oil Gal. 36,582 HEA Seldovia Oil Gal. 16,758 40,026 18,060 13,944 14,196 9,114 8.148 SES Seward Oil Gal. 61,320 39,564 53,214 71,904 72,000 TOTAL Oil Gal. 127,560 79,500 = 71,274 «71,904 85,944 14196 91168148. TABLE 7 — HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1984 Kenai Peninsula Heat Rate (BTU/KWH) Utility Vicinity Fuel 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 HEA English Bay Oil 13,869 HEA Port Graham Oil 15,905 HEA Seldovia Oil 11,919 11,469 10,393 12,163 17,803 13,140 SES Seward Oil 10,861 10,512 19,132 Table 8 — Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1984 Kenai Peninsula Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY PLACE unde 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 HEA Homer 6687 7904 8620 9016 9506 10307 11389 12694 1206 1382 1534 1793 1744 1655 1817 2146 SES Seward 944 1006 1090 1203 1240 1272 159 172 175 178 182 202 Table 9 — Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1984 (Cents/KWH) Kenai Peninsula Residential Commercial/Industrial TILITY PLACE blae 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 HEA Homer 3.9 3.6 3.6 42 51 5.6 74 8.4 27 27 29 3.5 3.9 4.3 5.8 6.3 SES Seward 5.4 7.2 86 9 3.6 5.2 we 8.2 Electricity costs are not adjusted for PCA or PCE programs. 137 Table 10 — Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1984 (MWH per customer/year) Kenai Peninsula UTILITY PLACE Residential Commercial/Industrial 1977. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 HEA Homer 10.6 12 12.6 13.3 12.3 12.8 11.2 10.5 99.1 91.7 88.1 81.2 99.5 115.5 111.3 100.2 SES Seward 64 6.8 6.7 8.0 8.0 8.3 45.5 42.7 49.4 53.5 43.7 42.9 Table 11 — Status of Fuel Costs In Alaska 1983-1985 Kenai Peninsula Aviation Heating Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Sigal Sigal $gal Sigal $/bottle $/gal Sigal Anchor Point $1.04 Bear Creek Clam Gulch $1.03 $6.05 Cook Inlet Cooper Landing Diamond Ridge English Bay $1.17 $1.17 1.79 Fritz Creek Girdwood Halibut Cove Halibut Point Homer $1.02 $3.40 Hope Jakalof Bay Kachemak Kalifonsky Kasilof Kenai $1.06 Moose Pass $1.12 Nikishka Ninilchik Port Graham $1.35 Portlock Ridgeway Salamatof Seldovia $1.12 Seward $1.12 $42.50 Soldotna $1.18 $1.57 $1.09 Sterling Sunrise Tustumena Tyonek $2.25 $1.50 $1.50 138 Table 12 — Number of Roadway Vehicles By Community 1981—1984 Kenai Peninsula Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 Anchor Point Bear Creek Clam Gulch Cook Inlet Cooper Landing Diamond Ridge English Bay Fritz Creek Girdwood Halibut Cove Halibut Point Homer Hope Jakalof Bay Kachemak Kalifonsky Kasilof Kenai Moose Pass Nikishka Ninilchik Port Graham Portlock Ridgeway Salamatof Seldovia Seward Soldotna Sterling Sunrise Tustumena Tyonek Total 807 193 203 3602 95 423 6640 355 278 1736 5640 31 20003 903 192 246 4017 100 495 7074 391 308 2026 6352 25 22129 1004 213 258 4543 115 551 7802 463 306 2087 7166 27 24535 1214 205 279 4908 148 746 590 538 303 2210 7604 31 27284 139 Table 13 — Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP Or Weatherization Support, 1984-1985 Kenai Peninsula 1984 1985 Total Total Receiving Total Receiving Total Community Houses(#) Weatherized LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) Anchor Point 125 34 149 59,570 144 60,933 Bear Creek Clam Gulch 39 39 16,940 28 10,207 Cook Inlet 9 Cooper Landing 90 5 5 2,368 8 4,032 Diamond Ridge English Bay 29 10 Fritz Creek 155 Girdwood 13 5,375 15 6,227 Halibut Cove 33 Halibut Point Homer 1,002 41 487 204,132 491 209,366 Hope 70 4 1,300 7 2,506 Indian L 3,084 Jakalof Bay 30 Kachemak 164 Kalifonsky 62 Kasilof 98 57 24,483 56 24,121 Kenai 2,319 5 392 152,734 355 15,446 Moose Pass 51 4 ant 4,824 9 3,964 Nikishka Ninilchik 173 6 32 12,700 48 21,480 Port Graham 60 17 8,873 2 1,225 Portlock 9 Ridgeway Salamatof 178 Seldovia 215 9 28 7,251 52 24,462 Seward 777 12 588 57,190 114 47,006 Soldotna 962 117 311 127,261 292 132,708 Sterling 471 7 32 12,996 36 15,185 Sunrise 22 3 Tustumena Tyonek 95 21 19 5,497 Totals 7,229 283 2,165 697,997 1,683 587,449 Table 14 — General Fund Appropriations to Alaskan Communities, 1974-1986 Kenai Peninsula Grant Agency Project Community Project Description Grant Year DOA/DCRA Cost Salamatof Electrification 1983 DOA $900,000 Totals $900,000 140 Table 15 — Alaska Power Authority Projects in Alaskan Communities — Thru 1985 Kenai Peninsula PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND STATUS SEWARD-DAVES CREEK BRADLEY LAKE HYDRO GRANT LAKE HYDRO Transmission Line Construction Licensing and Design Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Transmission line and system upgrade for Seward approxi- mately 90% complete. Right-of-way, procurement and con- struction underway by City of Seward. Hydroelectric project with installed capacity of 90 MW. FERC final supplemental EIS released September, 1985. Power sales agreements negotiated. Final design started July 1985. Bond financing for construction secured November 1985. FERC license issued December 1985. Hydroelectric Project with installed capacity of 7 MW. Draft feasibility report distributed March 1983. Release of final report and findings and recommendations pending. 141 KODIAK ISLAND 15. ~ ’ < 7 BS KODIAK * ISLAND} Nee eo OF ! . Table 1 — Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984 Kodiak Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1970-1984 1980-1984 Akhiok PRIVATE 115 105 103 103 105 107 0.5 05 Karluk PRIVATE 98 96 92 90 0.6 4.6 Kodiak KDEA 3798 4756 4678 5873 5964 6069 3.4 6.3 Kodiak Coast Guard USCG 3052 1370 2346 2420 1.6 15.3 Larsen Bay PRIVATE 109 168 167 180 190 214 4.9 6.2 Old Harbor AVEC 290 340 334 355 375 378 1.9 27 Ouzinkie VILLAGE 160 173 170 233 236 240 2.9 8.5 Port Lions KDEA 227 215 218 291 296 301 2.0 8.8 Woody Island KDEA 41 Other 1710 3777 6030 5665 2614 2535 2.9 9.5 REGION TOTAL 9600 11000 11700 12700 12226 12381 1.8 3.0 Table 2 — Alaskan Employment By Sector (DOL) 1980 to 1984 Kodiak Parameter 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Employment Private Mining Ss Ss Construction 100 84 304 582 342 Manufacturing 1,860 1,736 1,276 1,378 1,473 Transportation and Public Utilities 340 350 297 311 666 Wholesale Trade Ss 49 26 37 35 Retail Trade 595 536 690 687 715 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate Ss 108 102 105 103 Services 657 675 570 611 605 Subtotal Private 3,552 3,538 3,265 3,711 3,939 Government Federal 286 270 252 253 242 State 246 250 260 273 282 Local 497 475 533 588 643 Subtotal Government 1,029 995 1,045 1,114 1,167 Miscellaneous 50 51 76 44 57 TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 4,631 4,584 4,386 4,869 5,163 Note: Some Data For Less Than 12 Months or Has Some Suppressed Data, Proprietors Not Included S = Data for year is suppressed 143 Table 3 — Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977—1984 (MWH) Kodiak Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC Old Harbor 221 303 342 336 415 504 567 579 KDEA Kodiak 53444 57817 60916 59339 59943 62269 61648 66259 LBES Larsen Bay 290 300 300 Subtotal Utilities 53665 58120 61258 59675 60358 63063 62515, 67138 Defense 22845 22425 22340 23116 21880 18682 18682 18942 REGION TOTAL 76510 80545 83598 82791 82238 81745, 81197 86080 Table 4 — Installed Capacity, 1982-1984 Kodiak 1982 1983 1984 Capacity Capacity Capacity Utility Vicinity (kw) (kw) (kw) APATL Kodiak 20000 AVEC Old Harbor 310 310 310 KDEA Kodiak 29875 29875 28775 KDEA Point Lions 1100 LBES Larsen Bay 220 220 220 TOTAL 30405 30405 50405 Table 5 — Peak Load By Utility Kodiak Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC Old Harbor 01 O41 01 01 0.1 KDEA Kodiak 10.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.7 LBES Larsen Bay 04 O41 01 TOTAL 10.0 11.0 11.0 4 124 12.2 12.2 12.9 TABLE 6 — FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Kodiak Fuel Consumption Utility Vicinity Fuel Units 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC Old Harbor Oil Gal. 33,516 38,155 37,254 38,304 42,966 46,578 56,616 57,036 KDEA Kodiak Oil = Gal. 4,119,402 4,296,222 4,534,110 4,451,454 4,472,706 4,611,012 4,488,792 LBES Larsen Bay Oil Gal. 32,000 33,000 33,000 TOTAL Oil Gal. 4,152,918 4,334,377 4,571,364 4,489,758 4,515,672 4,689,590 4,578,408 90,036 TABLE 7 — HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1984 Kodiak Heat Rate (BTU/KWH) Utility Vicinity Fuel 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AVEC Old Harbor Oil 21,033 17,464 15,107 15,811 14,359 12,817 13,848 13,662 KDEA Kodiak Oil 10,690 10,306 10,323 10,404 10,348 10,270 10,098 LBES Larsen Bay Oil 15,304 15,256 15,256 144 Table 8 — Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1984 Kodiak Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 KDEA Kodiak 1962 2211 2459 2517 = 2529 2611 2773 2895 535 569 598 576 581 634 705 804 KDEA Port Lions 99 99 20 23 Table 9 — Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1984 (Cents/KWH) Kodiak Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 KDEA Kodiak 91 10 13 15 9.3 7 7 16.9 75 8.3 ah 14 15 15 15 15.2 KDEA Port Lions 50 39 43 34 Electricity costs are not adjusted for PCA or PCE programs. Table 10 — Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1984 (MWH per customer/year) Kodiak Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY — PLACE 1977. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 KDEA Kodiak 6.6 6.3 6.0 5.9 61 6.4 6.2 6.0 68.9 68.5 68.0 67.1 67.4 63.1 53.8 54.0 KDEA Port Lions 3.4 3.5 11.6 12.0 Table 11 — Status of Fuel Costs In Alaska 1983-1985 Kodiak Aviation Heating Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Sigal Sigal $gal Sigal $S/bottle Sigal $/gal Atognak Akhiok $1.43 Cape Chiniak Flats Ivanof-Perryville Karluk $1.64 $41.00 $4.00 Kodiak $1.18 Kodiak Coast Guard Larsen Bay $1.35, $1.45 $1.20 $60.00 Mission Road Old Harbor $1.70 $1.40 $5.00 Ouzinkie $1.22 $3.61 $3.62 Port Lions $1.75 $1.50 $1.30 $48.00 Woody Island 145 Table 12 — Number of Roadway Vehicles By Community 1981—1984 Kodiak Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 Afognak Akhiok Cape Chiniak Flats Ivanof-Perryville Karluk 4 2 2 3 Kodiak 5431 6063 6558 7014 Kodiak Coast Guard Larsen Bay 8 6 9 15 Mission Road Old Harbor 14 13 13 18 Ouzinkie 18 15 17 14 Port Lions 39 45 63 55 Woody Island Total 5514 6144 6662 7119 Table 13 — Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP Or Weatherization Support, 1984-1985 Kodiak 1984 1985 Total Total Receiving Total Receiving Total Community Houses(#) Weatherized LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) Afognak 9 Akhiok 34 Cape Chiniak Flats 2 Ivanof-Perryville 1 875 Karluk 22 21 13,225 20 14,275 Kodiak 1,683 275 115,675 273 120,766 Kodiak Coast Guard Larsen Bay 59 24 15,056 33 21,226 Mission Road Old Harbor 98 81 52,775 60 41,656 Ouzinkie 67 53 33,537 49 32,944 Port Lions 71 40 19,318 50 28,276 Woody Island 1 Totals 2,048 494 249,586 486 260,018 146 Table 14 — General Fund Appropriations to Alaskan Communities, 1974-1986 Kodiak Grant Agency Project Community Project Description Grant Year DOA/DCRA Cost Afognak Akhiok Bulk Storage 1983 DCRA $15,000 Cape Chiniak Flats Ivanof-Perryville Karluk Bulk Storage 1981 DCRA $100,000 (Karluk) Electrification 1985 DCRA $260,000 (Karluk) Electrification 1986 DCRA $100,000 Kodiak Electrification 1983 DOA $76,900 Kodiak Coast Guard Larsen Bay Electrification 1977 DCRA $20,000 (Larsen Bay) Bulk Storage 1983 DCRA $80,000 (Larsen Bay) Electrification 1984 DOA $148,000 Mission Road Old Harbor Ouzinkie Electrification 1975 DCRA $10,000 (Ouzinkie) Generator 1978 DCRA $18,755 (Ouzinkie) Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $100,000 (Ouzinkie) Electrification 1984 DOA $60,000 (Ouzinkie) Electrification 1986 DOA $200,000 Port Lions Electrification 1982 DCRA $40,000 Woody Island Totals $1,228,655 Table 15 — Alaska Power Authority Projects in Alaskan Communities — Thru 1985 Kodiak Island PROJECT NAME DESCRIPTION AND STATUS AND LOCATION CLASSIFICATION PORT LIONS Operating TERROR LAKE Operating LARSEN BAY Feasibility Study OLD HARBOR Feasibility Study Electrical distribution line from the Terror Lake Project to Port Lions. Project complete. Line energized May 24, 1985. Hydroelectric project with installed capacity of 20 MW (expandable to 30 MW). Construction complete March 1985. Commercial operation started April 1985. Small Hydro Project; report complete, 1982. Stream gaging in process. Small Hydro Project; report complete, 1982. Stream gaging in process. 147 Table 16 — Power Cost Assistance & Power Cost Equalization Programs By Alaskan Community, FY 82, FY 83, & FY 84-85 Kodiak =----Power Cost ASSIStAMCE------- ——— -nsneeenenneettessteeteeesetteteeneeee! Power Cost Equalization------------------------------------ 1982 1983 Months Rate 1984-85 1985-86 Community KWH Sold */KWH KWH Sold = */KWH PCE Pil KWH Sold *IKWH KWH Sold = */KWH Afognak Akhiok Cape Chiniak Flats Ivanof-Perryville Karluk Kodiak 19,787,836 2.3 19,253,948 24 Kodiak Coast Guard Larsen Bay 12 P 205,616 22.7 Mission Road Old Harbor 333,903 26.0 11 ! 395,743 31.5 Ouzinkie 263,579 15.0 12 p 236,417 14.4 Port Lions 422,224 30.0 Woody Island Total 19,787,836 20,273,654 837,776 Note: FY 82 (7/1/81-6/30/82), FY 83 (7/1/82-6/30/83), & FY 85-86 (10/1/84-9/30/85) not for comparative purposes due to differences in reporting periods. FY 86 Data Pending Rate: P = permanent, | = interim * = cents 148 VALDEZ-CORDOVA 16. Tate LOM CORDOVA | qm came 7 SIA © LOWER TONSA r—= comma Gell of Atooke Table 1 — Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984 Valdez-Cordova Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1970-1984 1980-1984 Chistochina cTP 33 55 45 43 19 6.0 Chitina 38 42 34 33 1.0 5.9 Copper Center CVEA 206 213 173 219 206 251 0.4 0.7 Cordova CEC 1164 1879 2223 2244 2166 2108 43 29 Eyak CEC 47 38 37 5.8 Gakona CVEA 88 87 87 70 1.6 5.3 Glennallen CVEA 363 511 457 477 2.0 A7 Gulkana CVEA 53 104 85 82 3.2 5.8 Mentasta Lake VILLAGE 68 59 76 72 0.4 51 Paxson PLI 30 24 24 5.4 Slana 49 40 39 5.5 Tatitlek t 111 68 55 54 5.0 5.6 Tazlina CVEA 31 25 24 6.2 Tonsina CVEA 135 110 106 5.9 Tonsina, Lower CVEA 40 Valdez CVEA 1005 3079 3279 3698 3665 3687 9.7 46 Whittier CEA 130 198 211 224 263 268 5.3 7.9 Other 1741 2473 3587 3334 1398 1355 18 14.0 REGION TOTAL 5000 9100 9300 9500 8774 8730 41 1.0 149 Table 2 — Alaskan Employment By Sector (DOL) 1980 to 1984 Valdez-Cordova Parameter 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Employment Private Mining Ss Ss 18 8 5 Construction 302 321 271 211 237 Manufacturing 301 560 349 381 347 Transportation and Public Utilities 627 665 812 778 595 Wholesale Trade Ss 10 70 71 72 Retail Trade 291 263 397 388 391 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 105 109 87 81 87 Services 606 666 571 532 564 Subtotal Private 2,232 2,594 2,575 2,450 2,298 Government Federal 76 66 75 68 87 State 498 504 513 504 527 Local 550 596 651 680 641 Subtotal Government 1,124 1,166 1,239 1,252 1,255 Miscellaneous 23 Ss 79 83 59 TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 3,379 3,760 3,893 3,785 3,612 Note: Some Data For Less Than 12 Months or Has Some Suppressed Data, Proprietors Not Included S = Data for year is suppressed Table 3 — Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977—1984 (MWH) Valdez-Cordova Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 APA-SS. Valdez-Cordova 34887 CEC Cordova 16494 16266 16869 17993 17434 16721 CPU Cordova 13420 15194 CTP Chistochina 432 450 450 450 450 475 500 500 CVEA Glennallen/Valdez 47388 43835 41499 43981 45075 49391 50155 15812 PLI Paxson Lodge 769 780 737 740 740 750 750 750 Subtotal Utilities 62009 60259 59180 61437 63134 68609 68839 68670 Industry 39420 54750 54750 54750 38670 35100 35100 35000 REGION TOTAL 101429 115009 113930 116187 101804 103709 103939 103670 Table 4 — Installed Capacity, 1982-1984 Valdez—Cordova 1982 1983 1984 Capacity Capacity Capacity Utility Vicinity (kw) (kw) (kw) APA-SG Valdez 12000 CEC Cordova 8450 8450 CEC Eyak 5900 CEC Orca 4903 CTP Chistochina 535 535 535 CVEA Glennallen 7642 7642 7642 CVEA Valdez 22104 22004 10004 PLI Paxson Lodge 375 375 375 TOTAL 39106 39006 41359 150 Table 5 — Peak Load By Utility Valdez-Cordova Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) ; 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 CEC Cordova 3.5 3.8 3.6 3.8 45 3.9 CPU Cordova 28 29 cTP Chistochina 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 CVEA Glennalien 91 88 ah 85 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.4 CVEA Valdez 47 5.4 6.0 5.0 PL Paxson Lodge 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 TOTAL 12.2 12.0 11.5 12.6 12.4 13.2 145 12.8 TABLE 6 — FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Valdez-Cordova Fuel Consumption Utility Vicinity Fuel Units 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 CEC Cordova Oil = Gal. 1,305,864 1,265,544 1,541,358 1,422,750 1,350,678 1,289,339 CPU Cordova Oil = Gal. 605,052 1,217,958 CTP Chistochina Oil = Gal. 37,601 45,000 39,130 39,130 39,130 41,200 50,000 50,000 CVEA Glennallen Oil = Gal. 1,556,814 1,504,472 1,363,000 1,455,594 1,481,004 953,778 884,562 1,097,089 CVEA Valdez Oil = Gal. 2,187,696 1,831,555 1,717,000 1,912,848 1,997,184 251,748 288,498 125,406 PLI Paxson Lodge Oil Gal. 67,002 78,000 54,194 64,477 64,500 65,900 65,900 65,900 TOTAL Oil = Gal. 4,454,165 4,676,985 4,479,188 4,737,593 5,123,176 2,735,376 2,639,638 2,627,734 TABLE 7 — HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1984 Valdez-Cordova Heat Rate (BTU/KWH) Utility Vicinity Fuel 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 CEC Cordova Oil 10,980 10,791 12,672 10,967 10,745 10,694 CPU Cordova Oil 11,117 CTP Chistochina Oil 12,071 13,869 12,060 12,060 12,060 12,030 13,869 13,869 CVEA Glennallen Oil 10,089 10,222 10,206 10,374 10,829 9,835 10,841 10,472 CVEA Valdez Oil 11,675 10,845 10,364 10,819 10,610 11,604 13,567 PLI Paxson Lodge Oil 12,084 13,869 10,198 12,084 12,089 12,186 12,186 12,186 Table 8 — Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1984 Valdez-Cordova Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 CEC Cordova 682 697 716 716 825 891 897 247 243 256 256 310 323 366 CVEA Glennallen 651 666 629 642 652 656 688 732 203 194 218 227 223 235 245 226 CVEA Glennallen-Valdez 1815 1821 396 375 CVEA Valdez 1040 892 959 1066 1160 1197 1127 1089 222 229 227 229 240 259 285 281 151 Table 9 — Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1984 (Cents/KWH) Valdez-Cordova Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 CEC Cordova 15 7 7 23 23 23 "1 14 14 19 20 20 CVEA Glennallen 12 14 18 22 19 18 18 9.8 12 13 16 18 14 14 14 CVEA Glennallen-Valdez 9.4 11 13 16 7 14 13 14 aa 9.3 "1 14 16 12 12 12 CVEA Valdez 12 12 Electricity costs are not adjusted for PCA or PCE programs. Table 10 — Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1984 (MWH per customer/year) Valdez-Cordova Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 CEC Cordova 61 5.9 5.9 5.7 5.4 5.2 419 399 399 360 339 28.0 CVEA Glennallen 51 46 47 45 44 48 48 5.0 753 708 552 555 554 55.4 56.1 611 CVEA Glennallen-Valdez 7.3 7.2 6.7 6.5 66 7.0 7.4 68 691 621 624 60.2 626 62.0 650 73.3 CVEA Valdez 8.0 70.0 Table 11 — Status of Fuel Costs In Alaska 1983-1985 Valdez-Cordova Aviation Heating Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community $/gal $/gal $gal Sigal $/bottle $/gal $/gal Chistochina Chitina $1.55 $40.00 Copper Center $1.12 Cordova $1.48 $2.22 $1.24 $1.27 Eyak Gakona Glennallen $1.13 $3.14 Gulkana Mentasta Mentasta Lake $1.20 New Chenaga Paxson Slana $1.10 Tatitlek $1.12 Tazlina Tonsina Tonsina, Lower Valdez $1.35 $1.78 $1.11 $1.35 $35.25 Whittier 152 Table 12 — Number of Roadway Vehicles By Community 1981—1984 Valdez-Cordova Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 Chistochina Chitina Copper Center 629 605 650 703 Cordova 1539 1660 1661 1708 Eyak Gakona 300 305 312 443 Glennallen Gulkana Mentasta Mentasta Lake New Chenaga Paxson Slana Tatitlek 3 2 3 Tazlina Tonsina Tonsina, Lower Valdez 2348 2411 2580 2704 Whittier 21 193 Total 4819 4983 5224 5754 Table 13 — Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP. Or Weather ization Support, 1984-1985 Valdez-Cordova 1984 1985 Total Total Receiving Total Receiving Total Community Houses(A) Weatherized LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) Chistochina 31 14 Chitina 25 5 261 8,543 29 11,048 Copper Center 129 52 97 52,327 89 48,381 Cordova 731 9 250 57,138 172 77,568 Ellamar 1 500 Eyak 16 Gakona 39 3 70 37,083 123 54,617 Glennallen 237 24 39 21,506 44 26,121 Gulkana 52 19 Mentasta Mentasta Lake 21 21 1 678 New Chenaga 9 4,738 Paxson 13 Slana 30 1 Tatitlek 30 8 35 22,363 31 17,932 Tazlina 30 1 Tonsina 77 9 Tonsina, Lower Valdez 1,145 4 73 30,580 78 32,239 Whittier 282 4 1,843 Totals 2,888 170 825 229,540 581 275,665 153 Table 14 — General Fund Appropriations to Alaskan Communities, 1974-1986 Valdez-Cordova Grant Agency Project Community Project Description Grant Year DOA/DCRA Cost Chistochina Generator 1975 DCRA $15,000 Chitina Copper Center Geothermal 1985 DCRA $100,000 Cordova Energy Program 1986 DOA $150,000 Eyak Gakona Glennallen Bulk Storage 1983 DCRA $45,000 Gulkana Mentasta Bulk Storage 1981 DCRA $60,000 (Mentasta) Electrification 1984 DCRA $38,000 Mentasta Lake Electrification 1975 DCRA $4,500 (Mentasta Lake) Electrification 1984 DCRA $38,000 New Chenaga Electrification 1983 DCRA $80,000 Paxson Slana Tatitlek Bulk Storage 1980 DCRA $41,500 (Tatitlek) Generator 1984 DCRA $54,000 Tazlina Tonsina Tonsina, Lower Valdez Whittier Electrification 1981 DOA $150,000 (Whittier) Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $60,000 Totals $836,000 Table 15 — Alaska Power Authority Projects in Alaskan Communities — Thru 1985 Valdez/Cordova PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND STATUS SOLOMON GULCH CHAKACHAMNA LAKE HYDRO CORDOVA POWER SUPPLY GLENNALLEN HUMPBACK CREEK POWER CREEK HYDRO SILVER LAKE HYDRO VALDEZ/CORDOVA TRANSMISSION LINE Operating Hydroelectric Feasibility Study Feasibility Study & Preliminary Permit Application Preliminary Assessment Reconnaissance Study Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Hydroelectric project constructed by Copper Valley Electric Association acquired by Alaska Power Authority. FERC License transfer completed. Capacity 12 MW. Construction and right-of-way claims in final litigation. December 1982 com- mercial operation. Hydroelectric Project. Project has been suspended. No additional funding. Interim Feasibility Report completed. Limited funding for FY 85 includes a re-evaluation of economic and financial parameters. Includes Power Creek, Silver Lake, Cordova-Valdez transmission line, Humpback Creek, and waste heat. Technical assistance request for feasibility assessment of waste heat system; site visit complete. Reconnaissance of run-of-river hydro project as part of Cordova Region Power Plan. Report complete August 1985. Findings and recommendations approved by Board Sept. 1985. Draft feasibility study completed by Cordova Electric Coop. Part of the Cordova Energy Supply Alternatives Feasibility Study. See Cordova Power Supply. See Cordova Power Supply Study. 154 Table 16 — Power Cost Assistance & Power Cost Equalization Programs By Alaskan Community, FY 82, FY 83, & FY 84-85 Valdez-Cordova ol Power Cost Assistance------- --Power Cost Equalization----------------------------- 1982 1983 Months Rate 1984-85 1985-86 Community KWH Sold *IKWH KWH Sold *IKWH PCE Pil KWH Sold *IKWH KWH Sold *IKWH Chistochina Chitina 12 P 108,989 36.5 Copper Center 888,460 41 Cordova 5,275,297 45 5,690,788 44 11 P 6,689,041 10.0 Eyak Gakona Glennallen Gulkana Mentasta Mentasta Lake New Chenaga Paxson Slana Tatitlek 11 eS 137,543 29.2 Tazlina Tonsina Tonsina, Lower Valdez Whittier Total 6,163,757 5,690,788 6,935,573 Note: FY 82 (7/1/81-6/30/82), FY 83 (7/1/82-6/30/83), & FY 85-86 (10/1/84-9/30/85) not for comparative purposes due to differences in reporting periods. FY 86 Data Pending Rate: P = permanent, | = interim * = cents 155 SKAGWAY-YAKUTAT-ANGOON 17. ut SKAGWAY-YAKUTAT-ANGOOM ~ as greene 2am wr —* 3 TENAKEE sermcs S - re, ‘aneoo . SKAGWAY-YAKUTAT- . ANGOON ay enor Table 1 — Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984 Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1970-1984 1980-1984 Angoon THREA 400 465 445 562 465 470 12 0.3 Elfin Cove PRIVATE 49 28 20 20 6.2 8.1 Gustavus PRIVATE 64 98 185 218 O41 22.1 Hoonah THREA 748 680 799 864 877 803 0.5 4.2 Klukwan KEU 103 135, 166 239 6.2 15.3 Pelican PUC 133 180 172 185 213 206 3.2 3.4 Skagway AP&T 675 768 819 790 811 761 0.9 0.2 Tenakee Springs TSU 138 132 141 144 156 34 Yakutat YPI 190 449 430 462 453 440 6.2 0.5 Other 438 459 703 596 470 390 0.8 -4.0 REGION TOTAL 2800 3400 3500 3600 3791 3716 2.0 2.2 Table 2 — Alaskan Employment By Sector (DOL) 1980 to 1984 Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Parameter 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Employment Private Mining Ss Ss Ss Construction Ss Ss 174 148 20 Manufacturing 366 260 371 391 403 Transportation and Public Utilities 120 122 232 143 142 Wholesale Trade Ss Ss 108 22 Ss Retail Trade 125 128 125 126 133 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 19 44 59 55 64 Services 138 139 186 198 216 Subtotal Private 768 693 1,255 1,083 978 Government Federal 64 68 94 100 112 State 26 28 29 32 36 Local 268 286 331 348 389 Subtotal Government 358 382 454 480 537 Miscellaneous Ss Ss 8 8 7 TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 1,126 1,075 1,717 1,571 1,522 Note: Some Data For Less Than 12 Months or Has Some Suppressed Data, Proprietors Not Included S = Data for year is suppressed 157 Table 3 — Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977—1984 (MWH) Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AP&T Skagway 5857 5986 5969 5677 2825 5975 4820 4706 KEU Klukwan 250 250 250 250 300 300 300 PUC Pelican 2291 2551 2653 2416 2711 2693 2655 2761 THREA Angoon 654 680 950 1050 1023 1125 1163 1264 THREA Hoonah 2562 2400 2627 2575 2268 2345 2426 2677 TSU Tenakee Springs 200 200 200 200 182 200 200 200 YPI Yakutat 4499 4525 4086 3961 3915 4407 4636 4606 REGION TOTAL 16063 16592 16735 16129 13174 17045 16200 16514 Table 4 — Installed Capacity, 1982-1984 Skagway—Yakutat—Angoon 1982 1983 1984 Capacity Capacity Capacity Utility Vicinity (kw) (kw) (kw) AP&T Skagway 4095 3795 3795 KEU Klukwan 685 685 685 PUC Pelican 1100 500 1010 THREA Angoon 950 900 950 THREA Hoonah 1700 1200 1200 TSU Tenakee Springs 180 300 300 YPI Yakutat 2025 2025 2025 TOTAL 10735 9405 9965 Table 5 — Peak Load By Utility Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AP&T Skagway 1.2 1.3 14 1.0 KEU Klukwan 041 041 04 O41 PUC Pelican 07 07 0.7 0.7 1.7 1.8 0.4 0.8 THREA Angoon 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 THREA Hoonah 0.6 06 0.6 0.6 0.5 TSU Tenakee Springs 01 01 01 YPI Yakutat 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 TOTAL 1.7 1.6 1.6 25 47 51 3.5 3.6 TABLE 6 — FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Fuel Consumption Utility Vicinity Fuel Units 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AP&T Skagway Oil Gal. 362,880 373,044 376,068 342,342 270,522 307,566 207,396 211,638 KEU Klukwan Oil Gal. 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 26,400 26,400 26,400 PUC Pelican Oil Gal. 79,464 89,712 78,960 126,672 50,904 97,566 226,052 133,140 THREA Angoon Oil = Gal. 64,972 67,526 74,299 74,299 86,000 107,000 110,000 118,000 THREA = Hoonah Oil Gal. 222,996 208,899 180,066 210,000 2,055,000 221,000 228,000 245,000 TSU Tenakee Springs Oil Gal. 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 25,516 28,600 28,600 28,600 YPI Yakutat Oil Gal. 364,434 356,916 362,544 329,154 311,892 358,008 385,266 344,400 TOTAL Oil = Gal. 1,147,746 1,138,097 1,113,937 1,124,467 2,821,834 1,146,140 1,211,714 1,107,178 TABLE 7 — HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1984 Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Heat Rate (BTU/KWH) Utility Vicinity Fuel 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AP&T Skagway Oil 12,130 11,536 11,803 11,930 12,897 11,554 12,727 13,257 KEU Klukwan Oil 12,205 12,205 12,205 12,205 12,205 12,205 12,205 PUC Pelican Oil 26,492 12,234 17,494 16,297 14,556 11,996 11,808 12,045 THREA Angoon Oil 13,778 13,772 10,847 9,814 11,659 13,191 13,118 12,947 THREA Hoonah Oil 12,072 12,072 9,506 11,311 125,665 13,087 13,034 12,693 TSU Tenakee Springs Oil 13,869 13,869 19,833 YPI Yakutat Oil 11,234 10,939 12,306 11,525 11,049 11,267 11,526 10,370 Table 8 — Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1984 Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Residential Cc ial/Industrial uTiuity place identi: ommerci: ustri 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AP&T Hydaburg 125 123 110 110 121 142 156 "1 13 14 AP&T Skagway 260 365 305 329 294 291 414 157 1 83 94 70 73 PUC Pelican 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 YPI Yakutat 167 169 169 184 203 212 223 230 18 7 7 16 45 48 46 43 Table 9 — Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1984 (Cents/KWH) Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AP&T Skagway 19 8.8 13 14 13 12 1 1 12 PUC Pelican 7.3 7.2 7.4 13 6.4 6.3 6.4 6.2 8.8 10 THREA Angoon 37 40 THREA Hoonah 36 37 YPI Yakutat 9.8 8.7 33 15 18 20 20 20 8.5 8.6 14 15 17 7 17 Electricity costs are not adjusted for PCA or PCE programs. Table 10 — Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1984 (MWH per customer/year) Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Residential Commercial/Industrial CE ee 1977. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AP&T Skagway 7A 14.3 5.9 5.5 75 10.0 18.2 33.1 29.6 21.4 PUC Pelican 2.8 3.3 8.2 7.8 9.6 99 428 446 91.6 101.9 90.7 85.4 1099 112.7 YPI Yakutat 6.9 7.7 7.7 72) 6.6 6.6 6.7 7.0 1628 1641 1641 136.6 48.9 54.4 58.4 60.0 159 Table 11 — Status of Fuel Costs In Alaska 1983-1985, Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Aviation Heating Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Sigal $/gal $gal Sigal $/bottle $/gal $/gal Angoon Ecursion Inlet Elfin Cove $1.32 Game Creek Goat Creek Granite Creek Gustavus $1.32 Hoonah Klukwan Loring Pelican Skagway $1.36 Tenakee Springs $1.45 $1.44 $143.00 $60.00 Yakutat $1.35 Table 12 — Number of Roadway Vehicles By Community 1981—1984 Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 Angoon 58 62 69 82 Ecursion Inlet Elfin Cove 2 4 6 9 Game Creek Goat Creek Granite Creek Gustavus 40 46 51 67 Hoonah 107 163 215 232 Klukwan Loring Pelican 18 24 24 29 Skagway 575 602 552 622 Tenakee Springs 13 15 18 15 Yakutat 274 280 295 329 Total 1087 1196 1230 1385 Table 13 — Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP Or Weatherization Support, 1984-1985 Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon 1984 1985 Total Total Receiving Total Receiving Total Community Houses(#) Weatherized LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) Angoon 132 51 83 44,438 Ecursion Inlet 1 Elfin Cove 25 3 3 1,425 9 4,693 Game Creek 27 22 Goat Creek 1 Granite Creek Gustavus 75 14 2 619 Hoonah 183 56 112 58,055 Klukwan 64 26 31 17,325 Loring 2 Pelican 81 7 15 7,019 10 5,475 Skagway 352 12 100 44,619 71 32,773 Tenakee Springs 105 23 1 4,493 9 4,063 Yakutat 120 30 50 26,914 Totals 1,168 244 129 57,556 377 194,355 160 Table 14 — General Fund Appropriations to Alaskan Communities, 1974-1986 Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Grant Agency Project Community Project Description Grant Year DOA/DCRA Cost Angoon Electrification 1975 DCRA $5,200 (Angoon) Electrification 1976 DCRA $9,200 Ecursion Inlet Elfin Cove Game Creek Goat Creek Granite Creek Gustavus Hoonah Utility Extension 1975 DCRA $19,590 (Hoonah) Electrification 1983 DOA $50,000 Klukwan Electrification 1974 DCRA $19,225 (Klukwan) Electrification 1975 DCRA $19,000 Loring Pelican Skagway Tenakee Springs Generator 1983 DOA $2,900 Yakutat Totals $125,115 Table 15 — Alaska Power Authority Projects in Alaskan Communities — Thru 1985 Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND STATUS ELFIN COVE Electrification Project Reconnaissance report complete spring 1984. Findings & Design and Construction Recommendation approved by APA Board February 1985. Electrification project underway summer 1985. Construction completed December 1985. WEST CREEK HYDRO Hydroelectric Feasibility Hydroelectric project with installed capacity of 4.5 to 6.0 Study megawatts. Feasibility study completed December 1982. Project on hold pending improvement in local economy and assessment of a Whitehorse/Juneau Intertie with terminals in Skagway and Haines. Land exchange is almost complete between state and National Park Service to resolve title to powerhouse site. 161 Table 16 — Power Cost Assistance & Power Cost Equalization Programs By Alaskan Community, FY 82, FY 83, & FY 84-85 Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon ------Power Cost Assistance------- Power Cost Equalization--------------------- 1982 1983 Months Rate 1984-85 1985-86 Community KWH Sold */KWH KWH Sold = */KWH PCE Pil KWH Sold */KWH KWH Sold = */KWH Angoon Ecursion Inlet Elfin Cove Game Creek Goat Creek Granite Creek Gustavus 12 P 275,363 38.5 Hoonah Klukwan Loring Pelican 393,132 5.2 1,228,262 3.6 5 P 246,901 3.0 Skagway 12 | 2,259,782 5.7 Tenakee Springs 1 P 186,751 32.5 T&L Elec. 3,317,173 19.0 1,228,262 20.0 Yakutat 590,361 45 1,478,473 3.6 12 P 1,753,336 7.2 Total 4,300,666 3,934,997 4,722,133 Note: FY 82 (7/1/81-6/30/82), FY 83 (7/1/82-6/30/83), & FY 85-86 (10/1/84-9/ 30/85) not for comparative purposes due to differences in reporting periods. FY 86 Data Pending Rate: P = permanent, | = interim * = cents 162 HAINES 18. ~ 2 “ see ° Table 1 — Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984 Haines Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1970-1984 1980-1984 Haines HL&P 463 993 1017 1078 1116 1154 6.7 3.8 Other 937 707 783 822 703 685 2.2 0.8 REGION TOTAL 1400 1700 1800 1900 1819 1939 2.4 3.3 Table 2 — Alaskan Employment By Sector (DOL) 1980 to 1984 Haines Parameter 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Employment Private Mining Ss Construction Ss 16 40 29 38 Manufacturing 77 87 119 65 133 Transportation and Public Utilities 141 152 74 101 95 Wholesale Trade S Ss Retail Trade 114 124 125 127 127 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 16 16 25 26 30 Services 51 52 51 51 52 Subtotal Private 399 447 434 399 475 Government Federal Ss Ss 8 6 6 State 41 42 44 47 43 Local 114 115 120 114 135 Subtotal Government 155 157 172 167 184 Miscellaneous 2 Ss Ss TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 554 604 608 566 659 Note: Some Data For Less Than 12 Months or Has Some Suppressed Data, Proprietors Not Included S = Data for year is suppressed 163 Table 3 — Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977—1984 (MWH) Haines Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 HL&P Haines 6579 6753 6292 7040 6994 8320 7855 8609 Table 4 — Installed Capacity, 1982-1984 Haines 1982 1983 1984 Capacity Capacity Capacity Utility Vicinity (kw) (kw) (kw) HL&P Haines 4120 4120 3920 Table 5 — Peak Load By Utility Haines Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 HL&P Haines 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.8 15 ee TABLE 6 — FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Haines Fuel Consumption Utility Vicinity Fuel Units 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 HL&P Haines Oil Gal. 606,564 581,700 575,148 591,654 522,648 664,062 665,868 696,402 TABLE 7 — HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1984 Haines Heat Rate (BTU/KWH) Utility Vicinity Fuel 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 HL&P Haines Oil 12,787 11,947 12,678 11,656 10,364 11,070 11,757 11,219 Table 8 — Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1984 Haines Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 HL&P Haines 579 408 419 432 435 483 473 500 2 150 147 148 150 161 170 178 164 UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 HL&P Haines 8.3 Table 9 — Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1984 (Cents/KWH) Haines Residential Commercial/Industrial 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 12 14 15 14 18 19 7.4 7.2 10 12 13 13 16 17 Electricity costs are not adjusted for PCA or PCE programs. Table 10 — Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1984 (MWH per customer/year) Haines Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 HL&P Haines 9.6 6.3 6.2 5.7 5.5 5.3 5.6 5.7 23.0 23.5 23.8 26.4 25.1 30.3 26.3 27.9 Table 11 — Status of Fuel Costs In Alaska 1983-1985, Haines Aviation Heating Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Sigal $gal Sigal $/bottle Sigal Sigal Haines $1.14 $4.25 Malaspina Peninsula Port Alice Port Chilkoot Table 12 — Number of Roadway Vehicles By Community 1981—1984 Haines Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 Haines 1169 1259 1295 1390 Malaspina Peninsula Port Alice Port Chilkoot Total 1169 1259 1295 1390 165 Table 13 — Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP Or Weatherization Support, 1984-1985 Haines 1984 1985 Total Total Receiving Total Receiving Total Community Houses(#) Weatherized LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) LIHEAP. LIHEAP ($) Haines 399 42 94 38,296 144 56,047 Malaspina Peninsula Port Alice Port Chilkoot 4 1,881 Totals 399 42 98 40,177 144 56,047 Table 14 — General Fund Appropriations to Alaskan Communities, 1974-1986 Haines Grant Agency Project Community Project Description Grant Year DOA/DCRA Cost Haines Electrification 1983 DCRA $115,900 Malaspina Peninsula Port Alice Port Chilkoot Totals $115,900 Table 15 — Alaska Power Authority Projects in Alaskan Communities — Thru 1985 Haines PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND STATUS KLUKWAN Reconnaissance Study In-house reconnaissance study begun October, 1984. Alter- natives include small hydro, improved diesel, improved utility accounting/pricing, intertie, and waste heat. Report expected Spring 1986. Table 16 — Power Cost Assistance & Power Cost Equalization Programs By Alaskan Community, FY 82, FY 83, & FY 84-85 Haines w----Power Cost ASSIStAMCO------ ---n--n-seneeereeeeeeeeeeneeeeeeeneeees Power Cost Equalization----------------------------------- 1982 1983 Months Rate 1984-85 1985-86 Community KWH Sold *IKWH KWH Sold = */KWH PCE Pil KWH Sold *IKWH KWH Sold *IKWH Haines 2,889,786 2.9 3,342,214 25 | 4,160,712 6.3 Malaspina Peninsula Port Alice Port Chilkoot Total 2,889,786 3,342,214 4,160,712 Note: FY 82 (7/1/81-6/30/82), FY 83 (7/1/82-6/30/83), & FY 85-86 (10/1/84-9/30/85) not for comparative purposes due to differences in reporting periods. FY 86 Data Pending Rate: P = permanent, | = interim * = cents 166 JUNEAU 19. r > We ee — Table 1 — Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984 Juneau Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1970-1984 1980-1984 Juneau AEL&P, APA-S, GHEA 13800 19800 21100 22000 23009 23729 3.9 46 167 Table 2 — Alaskan Employment By Sector (DOL) 1980 to 1984 Juneau Parameter 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Employment Private Mining 13 16 12 26 27 Construction 368 412 540 763 797 Manufacturing 91 89 151 152 130 Transportation and Public Utilities 788 809 916 794 775 Wholesale Trade 148 196 170 199 187 Retail Trade 1,411 1,432 1,704 1,767 1,760 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 444 458 512 533 572 Services 1,574 1,689 1,694 1,857 1,991 Subtotal Private 4,834 5,101 5,699 6,091 6,239 Government Federal 1,187 1,132 973 994 1,021 State 3,659 3,848 4,358 4,398 4,423 Local 1,058 1,100 1,102 1,175 1,323 Subtotal Government 5,904 6,080 6,433 6,567 6,767 Miscellaneous 7 18 65 94 129 TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 10,755 11,199 12,197 12,752 13,135 Note: Some Data For Less Than 12 Months or Has Some Suppressed Data, Proprietors Not Included S = Data for year is suppressed Table 3 — Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977—1984 (MWH) Juneau Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AEL&P Juneau 43052 51106 51789 50962 51435 48521 61554 65632 APA-S. Juneau 76340 77209 87599 100227 124302 160954 169744 182877 GHEA Juneau 34 0 264 93 15 1695 48 59 REGION TOTAL 119426 128315 139652 151282 175752 211170 231346 248568 Table 4 — Installed Capacity, 1982-1984 Juneau 1982 1983 1984 Capacity Capacity Capacity Utility Vicinity (kw) (kw) (kw) AEL&P. Juneau 41122 61122 75322 APA-S Juneau 47160 47160 47160 GHEA Juneau 2500 5575 5575 TOTAL 90782 113857 128057 Table 5 — Peak Load By Utility Juneau Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AEL&P JUNEAU 23.0 23.0 24.0 32.0 39.0 42.0 46.0 48.5 APA-S. JUNEAU 30.0 37.0 42.0 43.9 GHEA JUNEAU 1.9 18 24 27 3.3 3.4 41 48 TOTAL 24.9 24.8 26.1 34.7 72.3 82.4 92.1 97.2 168 TABLE 6 — FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Juneau Fuel Consumption Utility Vicinity Fuel Units 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AEL&P Juneau Oil Gal. 166,656 471,240 © 268,254 107,730 329,363 «987,516 1,170,120 1,683,906 GHEA Juneau Oil Gal. 2552 57,498 —-19,610 6,993 1177 128,258 9.569 4,467 TOTAL Oil Gal. 169,208» 528,738 += 287,864 «114,723 © 330,540 1,110,774 1,179,689 1,688,373 TABLE 7 — HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1984 Juneau Heat Rate (BTU/KWH) Utility Vicinity Fuel 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AEL&P Juneau oil 10,227 10,052 11,605 11,414 10,763 12,316 11,352 10,137 GHEA Juneau Oil 10,410 10,302 10,429 10,883 10,085 27,648 10,500 Table 8 — Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1984 Juneau Residential Commercial/Industrial 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 UTILITY PLACE AEL&P Juneau 5682 6099 6407 6670 7021 7487 98967822, 8477 920 976 1027 1055 1002 1072 1122 1247 GHEA Auke Bay 710 769 790 820 880 971 1054 1182 59 66 76 50 58 53 52 52 Table 9 — Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1984 (Cents/KWH) Juneau Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977, 1978 §=61979 | 1980 1981 1982 1983. 19841977, 1978 += 1979 1980): 1981 1982 1983 = 1984 AEL&P Juneau 46 47 47 46 47 5.5 5.6 6.5 51 5.3 5.2 5.2 5.4 6.3 6.3 72 GHEA Auke Bay 8.2 8.2 9.4 9.2 8.9 9.8 11.0 13.9 5.3 5.4 6.3 6.7 6.6 78 8.2 9.4 Electricity costs are not adjusted for PCA or PCE programs. Table 10 — Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1984 (MWH per customer/year) Juneau Residential Commercial/industrial 1977. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 UTILITY PLACE AEL&P Juneau 68 6.9 7.2 78 9.2 11.2 12.0 11.8 321 32.2 33.7 346 387 438 482 476 GHEA Auke Bay 6.0 6.4 6.8 78 9.0 10.8 11.7 10.9 33.1 31.2 327 264 274 34.7 36.6 45.1 169 Table 11 — Status of Fuel Costs In Alaska 1983-1985 Juneau Gasoline $/gal Community Aviation Gasoline $igal Heating Fuel $gal Diesel S/gal Propane $/bottle Kerosene Sigal Blazo Sigal Auke Bay Brotherhood Bridge Douglas Fritz Cove Juneau Lemon Creek Lower Mendenhall Lynn Canal North Douglas Salmon Creek Sheep Creek Switzer Creek Upper Mendenhall $1.21 $1.40 Table 12 — Number of Roadway Vehicles By Community 1981—1984 Juneau Community 1983 1981 1982 1984 Auke Bay Brotherhood Bridge Douglas Fritz Cove Juneau Lemon Creek Lower Mendenhall Lynn Canal North Douglas Salmon Creek Sheep Creek Switzer Creek Upper Mendenhall Total 13392 15013 16577 13392 15013 16577 18054 18054 Table 13 — Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP Or Weatherization Support, 1984-1985 Juneau Community 1984 Receiving LIHEAP Total LIHEAP (8) Total Weatherized Total Houses(#) 1985 Receiving LIHEAP Total LIHEAP ($) Auke Bay Brotherhood Bridge Douglas Fritz Cove Juneau Lemon Creek Lower Mendenhall Lynn Canal North Douglas Salmon Creek Sheep Creek Switzer Creek Upper Mendenhall Totals 27 11,006 25 8,958 7,663 108 382 139,845 28 35 744 11,180 12,429 27,179 7,663 108 434 159,809 807 50,788 170 Table 15 — Alaska Power Authority Projects in Alaskan Communities — Thru 1985 Juneau PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND STATUS JUNEAU ALTERNATIVES STUDY JUNEAU/SITKA WOODWASTE PLANS SOUTHEAST INTERTIE Reconnaissance Study Woodwaste Recovery and Use Preliminary Assessment 20 year energy resource plan for Juneau. Primarily funded by Alaska Electric Light and Power with GHEA and Alaska Power Administration. Power Authority provided analysis parameters and technical review. Findings and Recommendations ap- proved at APA Board meeting May 1985. Implementation by local utilities. Estimation of woodwaste volumes from municipal land- clearing over a 15 year planning period. Municipal solid waste (MSW) also considered for energy and other uses. Federally- funded study completed in May 85 suggested potential disposal markets and offered borough alternative strategies for long-term management. Assessments are underway to determine the desirability of detailed studies to assess interconnection of southeast load centers. Major elements include a Tyee-Swan Lake Intertie, Ketchikan to B.C. Hydro Intertie, and a Whitehorse/Juneau Intertie with terminals for Haines and Skagway. Whitehorse Intertie would connect with Northern Canada Power Commis- sion facilities. 171 20. Table 1 — Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984 Sitka Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1970-1984 1980-1984 Sitka SED 3370 7803 8223 7665 7611 6.0 0.6 Other 2830 8000 REGION TOTAL 6200 7803 8000 8223 7665 7611 1.5 0.6 173 Table 2 — Alaskan Employment By Sector (DOL) 1980 to 1984 Sitka Parameter 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Employment Private Mining Construction 239 208 275 221 196 Manufacturing 829 727 540 361 452 Transportation and Public Utilities 259 265 280 271 273 Wholesale Trade 34 28 36 29 34 Retail Trade 407 455 444 458 463 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate Ss 287 69 61 67 Services 646 634 512 593 612 Subtotal Private 2,414 2,604 2,156 1,994 2,097 Government Federal 602 612 514 463 362 State 220 228 231 240 254 Local 337 347 373 388 420 Subtotal Government 1,159 1,187 1,118 1,091 1,036 Miscellaneous Ss 35 Ss 29 20 TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 3,573 3,826 3,274 3,114 3,153 Note: Some Data For Less Than 12 Months or Has Some Suppressed Data, Proprietors Not Included S = Data for year is suppressed Table 3 — Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977—1984 (MWH) Sitka Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 SED Sitka Area 42153 42124 49620 50733 54158 82849 94098 101383 Industry 139549 160000 175231 179036 179036 179036 179036 116854 REGION TOTAL 181702 202124 224851 229769 233194 261885 273134 218237 Table 4 — Installed Capacity, 1982-1984 Sitka 1982 1983 1984 Capacity Capacity Capacity Utility Vicinity (kw) (kw) (kw) SED Sitka 32640 32640 32640 Table 5 — Peak Load By Utility Sitka Utility Vici- nity Peak Load (MW) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 SED Sitka 7.6 8.9 9.8 11.0 12.0 17.0 19.0 21.0 174 TABLE 6 — FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Sitka Fuel Consumption Utility Vicinity Fuel Units 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 SED Sitka Oil Gal. 39,144 475,159 570,574 623,868 872,382 254,394 9,978 16,434 TABLE 7 — HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1984 Sitka Heat Rate (BTU/KWH) Utility Vicinity Fuel 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 SED Sitka Oil 10,990 10,669 10,766 12,163 12,675 10,947 11,532 11,871 Table 8 — Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1984 Sitka Residential Commercial/industrial 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 UTILITY PLACE SED Sitka 1941 2064 2168 2232 «= 2368 2515 2513 = 2559 256 272 285 333 326 354 380 426 Table 9 — Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1984 (Cents/KWH) Sitka Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 SED Sitka 4 46 5 6 7.2 7.2 7.2 71 2.4 46 5.2 7 8 7A 81 8.2 Electricity costs are not adjusted for PCA or PCE programs. Table 10 — Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1984 (MWH per customer/year) Sitka Residential Commercial/industrial 1977. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 UTILITY PLACE SED Sitka 86 8.4 85 89 8.9 9.5 9.7 10.2 783 607 692 569 596 602 562 53.3 175 Table 11 — Status of Fuel Costs In Alaska 1983-1985 Sitka Aviation Heating Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Sigal $/gal $gal $/gal $/bottle $/gal Sigal Favorite Bay Jamestown Bay Mount Edgecumbe $1.01 Sitka $1.48 $2.00 $1.23 $1.24 $39.35 Table 12 — Number of Roadway Vehicles By Community 1981—1984 Sitka Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 Favorite Bay Jamestown Bay Mount Edgecumbe Sitka 3677 3807 4019 4450 Total 3677 3807 4019 4450 Table 13 — Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP Or Weatherization Support, 1984-1985 Sitka 1984 1985 Total Total Receiving Total Receiving Total Community Houses(#) Weatherized LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) Favorite Bay Jamestown Bay Mount Edgecumbe Sitka 2,685 65 800 54,382 236 97,706 Totals 10,348 173 1,234 214,191 1,043 148,494 176 WRANGELL-PETERSBURG 21. ~ » ~ eee oe ° gy”) WRANGELL- fa ZPETERSBURG \ i ‘ i a,. ail ow mS Cw ST \of FL RUPREANOF 2 PETERSBURG JPORT ALEXANDER Table 1 — Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984 Wrangell-Petersburg Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1970-1984 1980-1984 Kake THREA 448 555 583 631 574 574 1.8 0.8 Kupreanof PRIVATE 47 49 54 50 $1 21 Petersburg PMP&L 2042 2821 3001 3040 3013 3137 3.1 27 Port Alexander 36 86 90 98 96 162 11.3 17.2 Wrangell WML&P 2029 2184 2345 2376 2361 2376 11 21 Other 445 607 932 501 326 567 1.7 17 REGION TOTAL 5000 6300 7000 6700 6660 6625 2.0 1.3 177 Table 2 — Alaskan Employment By Sector (DOL) 1980 to 1984 Wrangell-Petersburg Parameter 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Employment Private Mining s Ss Ss Construction 161 205 221 2,352 265 Manufacturing 1,404 1,338 844 631 488 Transportation and Public Utilities 165 135 158 178 183 Wholesale Trade Ss Ss 4 10 9 Retail Trade 313 331 357 375 359 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 33 5 45 45 58 Services 200 208 198 213 210 Subtotal Private 2,276 2,222 1,827 3,804 1,572 Government Federal 222 256 215 207 186 State 92 94 96 106 106 Local 359 390 441 446 491 Subtotal Government 673 740 752 759 783 Miscellaneous 59 52 48 44 49 TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 3,008 3,014 2,627 4,607 2,404 Note: Some Data For Less Than 12 Months or Has Some Suppressed Data, Proprietors Not Included S = Data for year is suppressed Table 3 — Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977—1984 (MWH) Wrangell-Petersburg Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 APATY Petersburg/Wrangell 19758 PMP&L Petersburg 19343 19067 20488 20471 20082 21314 21958 22280 THREA Kake 2200 1690 1921 1940 1870 1956 2092 2239 WML&P Wrangell 11877 13129 13053 12398 12422 12896 12100 12282 Subtotal Utilities 33420 33886 35462 34809 34374 36166 36150 56559 Industry 10000 2957 755 4034 4034 5560 6002 4000 REGION TOTAL 43420 36843 36217 38843 38408 41726 42152 60559 Table 4 — Installed Capacity, 1982-1984 Wrangell-Petersburg 1982 1983 1984 Capacity Capacity Capacity Utility Vicinity (kw) (kw) (kw) APATY Petersburg-Wrangell 20000 PMP&L. Petersburg 7100 7100 6750 THREA Kake 1600 1600 1600 WML&P- Wrangell 7745 7745 7745 TOTAL 16445 16445 36095 178 Table 5 — Peak Load By Utility Wrangell-Petersburg Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 PMP&L Petersburg 38 4.0 4.2 4.2 4.2 43 47 48 THREA Kake 05 05 04 06 05 WML&P Wrangell 3.0 3.0 34 3.0 28 3.0 2.6 3.0 TOTAL 68 7.0, Fal TW 75 77 79 83 TABLE 6 — FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Wrangell-Petersburg Fuel Consumption Utility Vicinity Fuel Units 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 PMP&L__ Petersburg Oil Gal. 752,976 1,009,115 856,986 = 747,138 © 92,328 1,058,610 1,034,780 241,559 THREA Kake Oil Gal. 189,992 145,948 ~—-130,334 167,545 166,500 198,000 211,000 ~—«-215,800 WML&P Wrangell Oil Gal. 968,394 1,043,495 1,036,911 984,900 996,954 986,160 921,867 250,846 TOTAL Oil Gal. 1,911,362 2,198,558 2,024,231 1,899,583 1,855,782 2,242,770 2,167,647 708,205 TABLE 7 — HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1984 Wrangell-Petersburg Heat Rate (BTU/KWH) Utility Vicinity Fuel 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 PMP&L. Petersburg Oil 12,915 12,742 11,604 11,759 11,279 11,078 11,086 14,541 THREA Kake Oil 11,977 11,977 9,410 11,978 12,349 14,039 13,988 13,367 WML&P- Wrangell Oil 11,308 11,023 11,017 11,018 11,131 10,606 10,566 12,514 Table 8 — Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1984 Wrangell-Petersburg Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 = 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 PMP&L Petersburg 922 985 1096 1147 1155 1160 1206 1268 180 174 174 181 188 222 242 248 WML&P ~~ Wrangell 764 749 780 794 729 839 893 775 177 183 256 264 239 276 281 273 Table 9 — Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1984 (Cents/KWH) Wrangell-Petersburg Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 PMP&L Petersburg 5.7 61 7.3 10 1 ah) abl ah 49 5.4 6.2 9.5 1 10 10 9.9 THREA Kake 36 35 WML&P ~~ Wrangell 8.5 9.8 10 13 16 16 16 15.6 6.7 7.2 7.4 10 12 12 12 121 Electricity costs are not adjusted for PCA or PCE programs. 179 Table 10 — Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1984 (MWH per customer/year) Wrangell-Petersburg Residential Commercial/industrial entire Buse’ 1977. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 PMP&L Petersburg 7.2 72 64 «6.4 64 64 63 64 633 669 663 621 580 547 50.5 55.9 WML&P ~~ Wrangell 51 51 47 47 5.2 51 5.1 61 274 32.0 23.9 25.8 27.9 22.7 21.5 22.8 Table 11 — Status of Fuel Costs In Alaska 1983-1985 Wrangell-Petersburg Aviation Heating Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Sigal Sigal $gal Sigal $/bottle $/gal $/gal Chilkai Kake Kupreanof Petersburg . $1.15 Port Alexander $1.32 Ward Cove Whale Pass Wrangell $1.28 Table 12 — Number of Roadway Vehicles By Community 1981—1984 Wrangell-Petersburg Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 Chilkai Kake 150 145 148 235 Kupreanof Petersburg 1408 1492 1691 1796 Port Alexander 10 Ward Cove 697 778 821 95 Whale Pass Wrangell 1151 1289 1314 1611 Total 3406 3704 3974 3747 Table 13 — Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP Or Weatherization Support, 1984-1985 Wrangell-Petersburg 1984 1985 Total Total Receiving Total Receiving Total Community Houses(#) Weatherized LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) Chilkai Kake 181 53 196 88 45,750 Kupreanof 26 Petersburg 1,076 32 32 12,969 68 28,639 Port Alexander 51 1 263 Ward Cove 8 36 12,555 39 16,291 Whale Pass 31 Wrangell 807 65 127 48,494 169 66,032 Totals 2,172 158 392 74,281 364 156,712 180 Table 14 — General Fund Appropriations to Alaskan Communities, 1974-1986 Wrangell-Petersburg Grant Agency Project Community Project Description Grant Year DOA/DCRA Cost Chilkai Kake Electrification 1974 DCRA $17,450 (Kake) Electrification 1975 DCRA $19,900 Kupreanof Petersburg Port Alexander Thorne Bay Area Electrification 1980 DCRA $50,000 (Thorne Bay Area) Electrification 1983 DCRA $25,000 Ward Cove Whale Pass Wrangell Electrification 1980 DCRA $50,000 Totals $162,350 Table 15 — Alaska Power Authority Projects in Alaskan Communities — Thru 1985 Wrangell-Petersburg PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND STATUS TYEE LAKE HYDRO Operating Installed capacity of 20 MW (expandable to 30 MW); 73 miles (Wrangell-Petersburg) of 138 KV, overhead transmission line; 12 circuit miles of 138 KV, oil-filled, submarine cable; three substations, and one switchyard, all energized at 69 KV. Commercial operation since May 1984. WRANGELL FOREST Woodwaste/Municipal Examination of sawmill’s woodwaste and City municipal solid PRODUCTS Solid Waste Use waste in context of plant expansion at mill. Four cost an pro- ject scenarios presented to support planned development at the mill. 181 PRINCE OF WALES—OUTER KETCHIKAN 22. Table 1 — Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984 Prince of Wales—Outer Ketchikan Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1970-1984 1980-1984 Annette MP&L 195 139 139 143 2.2 0.7 Cape Pole 123 29 29 30 9.6 0.9 Coffman Cove 193 193 199 0.8 Craig AP&T 272 527 560 604 936 881 8.8 13.7 Edna Bay 112 Hydaburg AP&T 214 298 356 412 415 371 4.0 5.6 Hyder TBC 49 7 77 79 3.5 0.6 Kasaan THREA 30 25 64 70 70 70 6.2 29.4 Klawock THREA 218 318 389 433 527 532 6.6 13.7 Metlakatla MP&L 1050 1056 1057 1098 0.3 1.0 Meyers Chuck 37 50 50 52 25 1.0 Point Baker 90 90 93 08 Thorne Bay TBC 443 320 316 354 392 0.9 5.2 Other 957 1178 3031 2565 611 628 -3.0 14.6 REGION TOTAL 3700 4300 4400 4400 4638 4652 1.6 2.0 183 Table 2 — Alaskan Employment By Sector (DOL) 1980 to 1984 Prince of Wales Parameter 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Employment Private Mining Ss Ss Ss Ss Construction Ss 24 37 50 35 Manufacturing 448 372 589 554 63 Transportation and Public Utilities Ss Ss 80 50 52 Wholesale Trade Ss Ss 22 Ss Ss Retail Trade 67 64 102 118 150 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 17 28 37 67 45 Services 51 49 67 96 105 Subtotal Private 583 537 934 935 450 Government Federal 51 47 71 85 86 State 23 24 24 25 26 Local 393 412 452 455 515 Subtotal Government 467 483 547 565 627 Miscellaneous 12 10 26 25 15 TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 1,062 1,030 1,507 1,525 1,092 Note: Some Data For Less Than 12 Months or Has Some Suppressed Data, Proprietors Not Included S = Data for year is suppressed Table 3 — Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977—1984 (MWH) Prince of Wales — Outer Ketchikan Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AP8&T Craig 1628 1887 2037 2327 2715 3166 3774 3916 AP8&T Hydaburg 698 942 961 994 1093 1102 1327 1482 MP&L Metlakatla 15256 14944 15206 16189 15778 15484 16562 19666 TH Thorne Bay 1400 1092 THREA Kasaan 50 56 75 86 92 105 107 THREA Klawock 2188 1420 1432 1550 1360 1809 1796 1746 THREA Klukwan 375 Subtotal Utilities 20145 19243 19692 21135 21032 21653 24964 28009 Industry 150092 140000 127550 127550 127550 12766 105999 2500 REGION TOTAL 170237 159243 147242 148685 148582 149419 129964 30509 Table 4 — Installed Capacity, 1982-1984 Prince of Wales—Outer Ketchikan 1982 1983 1984 Capacity Capacity Capacity Utility Vicinity (kw) (kw) (kw) AP&T Craig 1050 1250 1850 AP&T Hydaburg 735 735 735 MP&L Metlakatla 6000 6000 6000 TBC Thorne Bay 1000 900 THREA Kasaan 180 180 180 THREA Klawock 1365 1365 1300 TOTAL 9330 10530 10965 184 Table 5 — Peak Load By Utility Prince of Wales Utility. Vicinity Peak Load (MW) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 APaT Craig 07 06 07 O77 AP&T Hydaburg 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 MP&L Metlakatla 45 40 4.0 4.0 4.2 3.6 3.9 5.7 TB Thorne Bay 0.4 THREA Klawock 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.4 TOTAL 45 4.0, 4.0 44 5.6 5.0 5.6 75 TABLE 6 — FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Prince of Wales Fuel Consumption Utility Vicinity Fuel Units 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AP&T Craig Oil Gal. 129,613 150,223 162,127 182,395 2,088,822 261,750 325,612 326,300 AP&T Hydaburg Oil = Gal. 78,222 105,549 107,729 108,127 121,422 103,400 102,237 148,200 MP&L Metlakatla Oil = Gal. 229,614 224,179 189,210 151,872 163,968 92,278 284,946 416,790 TB Thorne Bay Oil = Gal. 140,000 132,853 THREA Kasaan Oil Gal. 5,068 4,359 9,375 17,000 20,500 23,000 20,000 THREA = Klawock Oil Gal. 190,000 123,312 97,756 134,598 132,000 200,000 199,000 188,100 TOTAL Oil = Gal. 627,449 608,331 561,181 586,367 2,523,212 677,928 1,074,795 1,232,243 TABLE 7 — HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1984 Prince of Wales Heat Rate (BTU/KWH) Utility Vicinity Fuel 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AP&T Craig Oil 11,042 11,041 11,038, 10,871 106,7 03 11,466 11,966 11,556 AP&T Hydaburg Oil 15,542 15,540 15,547 15,087 15,407 13,013 10,685 13,869 MP&L. Metlakatla Oil 9,183 11,532 8,709 9,056 10,085 12,119 11,498 11,135 TBC Thorne Bay Oil 16,873 THREA Kasaan Oil 14,058 10,796 17,336 27,415 30,904 30,380 25,923 THREA Klawock Oil 12,043 12,044 9,468 12,043 13,461 15,333 15,367 14,941 Table 8 — Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1984 Prince of Wales Residential C ial/t UTILITY PLACE /ommercial/Industrial 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AP&T Craig 224 219 183 248 274 360 381 47 35 36 MP&L Metlakatla 363 355 359 369 388 397 430 467 70 62 62 69 63 67 66 67 185 Table 9 — Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1984 (Cents/KWH) Prince of Wales Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AP&T Craig 22 14 18 20 21 23 AP&T Hydaburg 22 14 19 22 21 20 MP&L Metlakatla 3.2 34 81 48 51 5.9 5.2 65 6.4 8.3 10 9 10 105 THREA Kasaan 37 36 THREA —Klawock 35 38 Electricity costs are not adjusted for PCA or PCE programs. Table 10 — Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1984 (MWH per customer/year) Prince of Wales Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 AP&T Craig 3.4 8.2 11.0 9.6 8.3 9.0 AP&T Hydaburg 3.5 ues 78 8.7 6.7 8.3 MP&L Metlakatla 17.4 18.0 15.2 17.6 16.0 7A 15.1 16.0 1087 1183 1026 109.6 100.0 86.5 98.5 142.2 Table 11 — Status of Fuel Costs In Alaska 1983-1985 Prince of Wales—Outer Ketchikan Aviation Heating Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Sigal Sigal $gal Sigal S/bottle $/gal $/gal Annette $1.23 Cape Pole Coffman Cove Craig Edna Bay/Naukati Hydaburg Hyder Kasaan Klawock Labouchere Bay Metlakatla $1.21 Meyers Chuck $1.65 Point Baker $1.55 Thorne Bay Table 12 — Number of Roadway Vehicles By Community 1981—1984 Prince of Wales — Outer Ketchikan Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 Annette Cape Pole Coffman Cove Craig 287 339 353 425 Edna Bay/Naukati Hydaburg 22 27 56 77 Hyder 38 47 50 53 Kasaan Klawock 176 220 212 267 Labouchere Bay Metlakatla 267 258 298 297 Meyers Chuck 4 3 3 7 Point Baker 3 7 iz 12 Thorne Bay Total 797 901 979 1138 186 Table 13 — Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP Or Weatherization Support, 1984-1985 Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan 1985 Total Receiving Total Receiving Total Community Houses(#) Weatherized LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) Annette 42 Cape Pole 10 Coffman Cove Craig 199 10 59 31,612 Edna Bay/Naukati 5 Hollis 13 5,356 Hydaburg 122 25 70 37,050 Hyder 41 20 7,802 12 4,058 Kasaan 18 8 7 3,800 Klawock 103 15 83 44,433 Labouchere Bay Metlakatla 281 "1 60 65,873 76 34,075 Meyers Chuck 27 19 8 2,962 9 2,834 Point Baker 54 5 33 13,811 32 11,278 Thorne Bay 1,365 11,630 36 12,932 Totals 902 93 1,486 102,078 397 187,428 Table 14 — General Fund Appropriations to Alaskan Communities, 1974-1986 Prince of Wales Grant Agency Project Community Project Description Grant Year DOA/DCRA Cost Annette Cape Pole Coffman Cove Craig Edna Bay/Naukati Hydaburg Hyder Kasaan Electrification 1975 DCRA $19,850 (Kasaan) Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $65,000 Klawock Electrification 1974 DCRA $20,000 Labouchere Bay Metlakatla Dam Repair 1985 DCRA $100,000 Meyers Chuck Point Baker Thorne Bay Power Lines 1983 DCRA $100,000 (Thorne Bay) Electrification 1983 DOA $200,000 (Thorne Bay) Utility Upgrade 1986 DOA $440,000 Totals $504,850 187 Table 15 — Alaska Power Authority Projects in Alaskan Communities — Thru 1985 Prince of Wales—Outer Ketchikan PROJECT NAME DESCRIPTION AND STATUS AND LOCATION CLASSIFICATION CHESTER LAKE HYDRO Hydroelectric Feasibility (Annette Island) Update and Construction BLACK BEAR LAKE HYDRO (Prince of Wales Island) CRAIG-KLAWOCK TRANSMISSION LINE (Prince of Wales Island) Feasibility Update & Licensing Design and Construct Hydroelectric project with installed capacity of 1.5 MW. Feasibility study complete in 1982. Legislative authorization received in 1983. Revised load forecast is pending. 1984 Legislature appropriated $3.3 million for construction of anew water supply dam. Construction of dam began July 1985, and is 95% complete as of December 1985. Two stage 6 MW hydro project and intertie of four com- munities. Initial stage is 3 MW. Revisions to feasibility study underway; completion expected fall 1986. Serves Craig, Klawock, Hydaburg, and Thorne Bay. Six mile long line to interconnect Craig and Klawock and utilize surplus wood-waste energy. Awaiting signed utilization agreements. Table 16 — Power Cost Assistance & Power Cost Equalization Programs By Alaskan Community, FY 82, FY 83, & FY 84-85 Prince of Wales — Outer Ketchikan -----Power Cost Assistance 1982 Community KWH Sold = */KWH 1983 anscsensssnnntensosenensseeeneeee Power Cost Equalization-------------------------------------- Months = Rate 1984-85 1985-86 KWH Sold = */KWH PCE Pil KWH Sold *IKWH KWH Sold) = */KWH Annette Cape Pole Coffman Cove Craig Edna Bay/Naukati Hydaburg Hyder Kasaan Klawock Labouchere Bay Metlakatla Meyers Chuck Point Baker Thorne Bay Total 39,724 39,724 15.0 12 | 2,271,827 76 12 I 693,199 14.9 9 P 700,499 16.2 3,665,525 Note: FY 82 (7/1/81-6/30/82), FY 83 (7/1/82-6/30/83), & FY 85-86 (10/1/84-9/30/85) not for comparative purposes due to differences in reporting periods. FY 86 Data Pending Rate: P = permanent, | = interim * = cents 188 KETCHIKAN 23. ~ OO We 1 ORTH TONGASS HiGHWAY 2 KETCHIKAN 3 PENNOCK AHO 4 REICHMAN EAST ‘5 SAXMAN 6 SATAUN EAST 7 MOUNTAIN FONT s ‘8 HERRING COE 3 ‘ . Table 1 — Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1984 Ketchikan Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1970-1984 1980-1984 Clover Pass KPU 261 451 552 561 5.6 5.6 Herring Cove KPU 114 99 121 123 0.5 5.6 Ketchikan KPU 6994 7198 7200 7778 7598 7633 0.6 1.5 Ketchikan East KPU 387 473 482 5.6 Mountain Point KPU 459 396 484 493 0.5 5.6 North Tongass Highway 1722 2106 2144 5.6 Pennock Island 78 90 110 112 2.6 5.6 Saxman KPU 135 273 276 303 284 285 5.5 11 Saxman East KPU 411 503 512 5.6 Two Rivers 359 Other 2159 614 4724 4319 353 360 12.0 12.5 REGION TOTAL 10200 12000 12200 12400 12584 12705 1.6 1.4 189 Table 2 — Alaskan Employment By Sector (DOL) 1980 to 1984 Ketchikan Parameter 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Employment Private Mining Ss Ss Ss Ss Ss Construction 389 449 270 424 442 Manufacturing 1,989 1,781 973 822 560 Transportation and Public Utilities 69 740 499 488 430 Wholesale Trade 113 125 96 192 150 Retail Trade 878 937 965 997 941 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 237 286 212 202 210 Services 954 962 1,036 1,094 1,146 Subtotal Private 5,229 5,280 4,051 4,219 3,879 Government Federal 359 385 342 309 313 State 500 520 531 561 587 Local 592 537 768 896 919 Subtotal Government 1,451 1,442 1,641 1,766 1,819 Miscellaneous 23 22 14 26 19 TOTAL EMPLOYMENT 6,703 6,744 5,706 6,011 5,717 Note: Some Data For Less Than 12 Months or Has Some Suppressed Data, Proprietors Not Included S = Data for year is suppressed Table 3 — Annual Net Generation of Electricity, 1977—1984 (MWH) Ketchikan Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 KPU Ketchikan 73659 78736 79004 84227 86077 96052 97096 55104 APA-SL Ketchikan 53038 Subtotal Utilities 108142 Industry 7421 8156 4744 100000 REGION TOTAL 73659 78736 79004 84227 93498 104208 101840 155104 Table 4 — Installed Capacity, 1982-1984 Ketchikan 1982 1983 1984 Capacity Capacity Capacity Utility Vicinity (kw) (kw) (kw) APA-SL Ketchikan 22000 KPU Ketchikan 28750 28750 28750 TOTAL 50750 Table 5 — Peak Load By Utility Ketchikan Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 KPU Ketchikan 16.0 15.0 16.0 18.0 17.0 19.0 21.0 21.6 190 TABLE 6 — FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Ketchikan Fuel Consumption Utility Vicinity Fuel Units 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 KPU Ketchikan Oil Gal. 574,938 1,584,683 1,780,716 1,270,248 1,034,796 2,489,214 2,741,576 446,169 TABLE 7 — HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1984 Ketchikan - Heat Rate (BTU/KWH) Utility Vicinity Fuel 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 KPU Ketchikan Oil 12,007 10,229 11,385, 10,759 9,998 9,839 10,050 12,109 Table 8 — Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1984 Ketchikan Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 KPU Ketchikan 4173 4312 4393 4469 4561 4769 5053 5149 672 663 641 674 750 803 806 785 Table 9 — Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1984 (Cents/KWH) Ketchikan Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 = 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 KPU Ketchikan 45 5.3 5.8 6.6 61 84 8.6 8.2 46 5.4 5.8 6.7 6.6 78 8.7 8.5 Table 10 — Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1984 (MWH per customer/year) Ketchikan Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 KPU Ketchikan 8.4 8.5 85 8.7 9.4 9.0 8.9 10.0 45.4 50.1 52.6 49.4 49.0 48.8 48.5 52.4 191 Table 11 — Status of Fuel Costs In Alaska 1983-1985 Ketchikan Aviation Heating Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community $/gal $igal $gal $/gal $/bottle Sigal Sigal Herring Cove Ketchikan $1.34 Ketchikan East Mountain Point North Tongass Highway Pennock Island Saxman Saxman East Two Rivers Table 12 — Number of Roadway Vehicles By Community 1981—1984 Ketchikan Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 Clover Pass Herring Cove Ketchikan 6818 7341 7802 8508 Ketchikan East Mountain Point North Tongass Highway Pennock Island Saxman Saxman East Two Rivers Total 6818 7341 7802 8508 Table 13 — Number of Housing Units Receiving LIHEAP Or Weatherization Support, 1984-1985 Ketchikan 1984 1985 Total Total Receiving Total Receiving Total Community Houses(#) Weatherized LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) LIHEAP LIHEAP ($) Clover Pass 69 Herring Cove 44 Ketchikan 4,039 72 297 106,943 516 199,106 Ketchikan East Mountain Point 140 North Tongass Hwy 670 1 Pennock Island 57 3 Saxman 136 9 35 18,444 Saxman East Two Rivers Totals 5,155 85 297 106,943 551 217,550 192 Table 14 — General Fund Appropriations to Alaskan Communities, 1974-1986 Ketchikan Grant Agency Project Community Project Description Grant Year DOA/DCRA Cost Clover Pass Herring Cove Ketchikan Ketchikan East Mountain Point North Tongass Highway Pennock Island Saxman Bulk Storage 1982 DCRA $100,000 Saxman East Two Rivers Totals $100,000 Table 15 — Alaska Power Authority Projects in Alaskan Communities — Thru 1985 Ketchikan PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND STATUS SWAN LAKE HYDRO Operating Hydroelectric project 22 MW capacity. Acquired by Alaska Power Authority in May 1982. Commercial operation began May 1984. KETCHIKAN ALTERNATIVES Preliminary Assessment Part of Southeast Intertie studies. TYEE/KAKE Feasibility Study Transmission Intertie between Kake and the Tyee transmis- TRANSMISSION LINE sion line. Feasibility report complete April 1984. On hold pend- ing results of a Southeast Intertie plan. 193