HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix-RED Model User's Manual Vol 8, Nov 1982Appendix - RED Model User’s Manual Volume VIII EP A ea A AE ES aR tte EE OEE AID eR alta November 1982 Prepared for the Office of the Governor State of Alaska Division of Policy Development and Planning and the Governor’s Policy Review Committee under Contract 2311204417 #Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared by Battelle as an account of sponsored research activities. Neither Sponsor nor Battelle nor any person acting on behalf of either: MAKES ANY WARRANTY OR _ REPRESENTATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any informa- tion, apparatus, process, or composition disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages result- ing from the use of, any information, apparatus, process, or composition disclosed in this report. APPENDIX - RED MODEL USER'S MANUAL Volume VIII AUS Tavich M. J. King Meda scott November 1982 Prepared for the Office of the Governor State of Alaska Division of Policy Development and Planning and the Governor's Policy Review Committee under Contract 2311204417 BATTELLE Pacific Northwest Laboratories Richland, Washington 99352 SUMMARY The Alaska Railbelt Electric Power Alternatives Study is an electric power planning study for the State of Alaska, Office of the Governor and the Governor's Policy Review Committee. Begun in October 1980, and extending into April 1982, the study's objectives are to forecast the demand for electric power through the year 2010 for the Railbelt region of Alaska and to estimate the monetary, socioeconomic, and environmental costs of all options (including conservation) that could be used to supply this power. This document, Volume VIII (Appendix), is one in a series of 17 reports listed below. It describes how researchers can utilize the Railbelt Electricity Demand (RED) Model on the Alaska Department of Administration Anchorage Data Center main frame computer. Included in the document are chapters on input and output files and model operations. Appendices provide a glossary of model parameters and a listing of the model code. RAILBELT ELECTRIC POWER ALTERNATIVES STUDY Volume I - Railbelt Electric Power Alternatives Study: Evaluation of Railbelt Electric Energy Plans Volume II - Selection of Electric Energy Generation Alternatives for Consideration in Rallbelt Ree Energy Plans Volume III - Executive Summary - Candidate Electric Energy Technologies for Future Applicaiton in the Railbelt Region oF Alaska Volume IV - Candidate Electric Energy Technologies for Future Application n the Railbelt Region o aska Volume V - Preliminary Railbelt Electric Energy Plans Volume VI - Existing Generating Facilities and Planned Additions for the Railbelt Region of Alaska Volume VII - Fossil Fuel Availability and Price Forecasts for the Railbelt Region of Alaska Volume VIII - Railbelt Electricity Demand (RED) Model Specifications itd Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume Volume VIII - Appendix - Red Model User's Manual IX - Alaska Economic Projections for Estimating Electricity equirements for the Railbelt X - Community Meeting Public Input for the Railbelt Electric Power Alternatives Study XI - Over/Under (AREEP Version) Model User's Manual XII = Coal-Fired Steam-Electric Power Plant Alternatives for the RaiTbelt Region of Alaska XIII - Natural Gas-Fired Combined-Cycle Power Plant Alternative for the Railbelt Region of Alaska XIV. = Chakachamna Hydroelectric Alternative for the Railbelt Region of Alaska ——E—E—E Err XV - Browne Hydroelectric Alternative for the Railbelt Region of Alaska XVI - Wind Energy Alternative for the Railbelt Region of Alaska XVII - Coal-Gasification Combined-Cycle Power Plant Alternative for the Railbelt egion 0 aska iv TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY el tall fell [Hel Mei ell LeHIFSIIIIHeMIIT bee TILE UITIIe THe TIS HITE TT Lem I Mea HIT sti) Teettl feet 1] aa iii TO) || ENTRODUCT LON Felli | al Mell [Heli eHHIltelli [ees HII] cell HESIIIIeHTKeT TPStTIRSI IAS IMS! [Heer | [ae 1.1 Ree Oe en Leal ieli Mell ITFep Il sii SHIM SUNT ee IIT(taiiIMestl) [esl I leseiHI=stlIIksHtT || set || ee 2.1 UNCERTATNGY | MOBUEE HI eM CIM SIM ellos. (sei sali st] Hes) (ati 2.3 TIMELIHOUSTNGH MODULE III UII Mel fl Me MILeel Hes Med (toe Mee Melt | lh 2.4 RESIDENTIAL CONSUMPTION MODULE . . . 1. 1 ee ee ele 2.4 BUSINESS CONSUMPTION MODULE BENIN SITIES ISHII SST | Teli imsall| 2.5 CONSERVATION MODULE ens MNT FSI MHI LISI SHIM | [te 2.6 MISCELLANEOUS CONSUMPTION MODULE . . . . 1. ee ew eh es 2a PEAK DEMAND MODULE STEMS MASH tell HISH HMI WISH TIIstIT ts Il lisHili set | [ls 2.7 S20 | OUT UT Lan He Ital HI sbHIT eels) Wet Niet ITHGHIT teat AesIII MGs II sal] West estll (ieee hse 3.1 REDIPRT j=|(THe IREDIREPORT |i (N21 Wiellllietl||ail Mil lite || | orl |i rele t] lie HIlls | oe Soll. HOuseholids|Servedi ee rl) eT Mel Tite Tee} |lier Il es HINES INI Peh (is) |i Sa Housing Viacaneres ||| sii ei ieylliioli|ltes| leas || sat] [lett vant lit heel || Sell Housing Demand Coefficents . . . «© 2. «© © «© «© « 3.1 Residential Appliance Saturations . . . . . «© -« « « 3.) Gusiness Uses Parameters oie) x) |e) el) ie) lim) lel) el) lel || lll 3.6 System |oad) Factors! |l4!lll|lil |lieilll{ies|| les) || etl Il te lli eal HerHlli= (1 Iter liseli) [oe 3.6 Fuel Price Forecasts Employed . . . . «© © «© 2 « « 3.6 Peak! Correction: Factors) ||||\!0!||| 151 ||| lerl||| loll II cell ienl||l eril(tsct1 | Ferl||behl [isi ||| 3.6 Weighted Peak Correction Factors . . . . + « « «= - oak Residential Use Per Household (kWh). . . 2. . « « « Sul Business Use Per Employee /kWh) . . 2. . 2. 2 2 ew ee Seid Total Electric Requirements (GWh) - Every Iteration . . . 3311 Total Electric Requirements (GWh) . . . . 1. ee. ee 3.11 Peak (Electric Requirements || |||5,))/\/5)/\/ 0) )/\s)||| |r l{ilellli ell lrelli lle |i l'sl|| he yj Breakdown of Electricity Requirements (GWh). . . . . . 3.17 Frequency of Total Electricity Requirements (GWh) . 3.17 Frequency of Peak Demand (MW) . . . 2. 1 we ee ele 3.17 Total Electricity Requirements (GWh) (Net of Conservation) . 3.17 Peak Electric Requirements (MW) (Net of Conservation) . . sau REDRATE DAT Lines RED DAT Delivered Electricity Load Management and Conservation 4.0 INPUT CONSER DAT PARAMETR SEQ . RATE DAT RDDATA xxx 5.0 PROGRAM OPERATION PROGRAM RED Data Files Running the Program . Program Dialog PROGRAM CONSER Running the Program . Program Dialog PROGRAM RATE . Running the Program . Program Dialog 7 RED IN TANDEM WITH AREEP . APPENDIX A: VARIABLE GLOSSARY. APPENDIX B: PROGRAM LISTINGS . vi 3.23 3.23 3.25 3.25 3.25 4.1 4.1 4.6 4.9 4.10 Da Sut 5.1 5.3 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.1] 5.11 5.16 5.18 5.18 A.l B.1 2.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 30) 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12a 3.12b 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 5.1 5o2 FIGURES Information Flows in the RED Model Model Output - Households Served . ° Model Output - Housing Vacancies . . Model Output - Housing Demand Coefficients ‘ Model Output - Residential Appliance Saturations . Model Output - Business Usage Parameters Model Output - System Load Factors . . . Model Output - Fuel Price Forecasts Employed fe Model Output - Peak Correction Factors . . . Model Output - Weighted Peak Correction Factors . Model Output - Residential Use Per Household : Model Output - Business Use Per Employee ‘ ‘ Model Output - Total Electric Requirements Model Output - Total Electric Requirements . . Model Output - Peak Electricity Requirements Without Large Industrial Use . . . ° e Model Output - Breakdown of Electricity Requirements Model Output - Frequency of Total Electricity Requirements Model Output - Frequency of Peak Demand a Model Output - Total Electricity Requirements . Model Output - Peak Electric Requirements . 5 Example RED DAT File 5 . . . RED File Assignments ° . . ° RED EXEC 2 Command File . . . vii 2.2 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.24 3.26 5.2 5.4 5.3 Sample RED Dialog . : . . . . . . . . 5.7 5.4 CONSER File Assignments . . . a . * . . ° 5.9 5.5 CONSER EXEC 2 Command File . 7 7 z 7 7 . - 5.10 5.6 Sample CONSER Dialog Q . : z * ‘ 7. i . Sele 5.7 RATE File Assignments . . . . . . . . . 5.16 5.8 RATE EXEC 2 Command File : ° . . . . . = —5.17 5.9 Sample RATE Dialog . . . . . . . . : . 5.19 5.10 Sample RATE Dialog . : : A . . . . : . 5.21 5.11 Data Flow and Execution Sequence Among RED, RATE, and AREEP 7 5.22 viii 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Railbelt Electricity Demand (RED) model is a partial end-use/ econometric model, which forecasts electricity consumption (kWh) and peak demand (kW) in three Railbelt load centers (Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Fairbanks- Tanana Valley, and Glennallen-Valdez). RED has several unique features that make it particularly suited for forecasting electricity demand: e It recognizes both economic (regional economic activity, fuel prices) and technical factors (energy used per appliance) in deriving energy forecasts. e@ It has an internal mechanism that allows the impacts of key Parameters on demand to be tested. e@ It can explicitly examine the effects of subsidized conservation. The purpose of this document is to describe how to use the RED model -- what the outputs and inputs are and how to actually produce a forecast. The technical details of the model's structure and parameter values can be found in Volume VIII of the Alaska Railbelt Electric Power Alternatives Study-- RED:+ The Railbelt Electricity Demand Model Specification Report. Section 2 of this report gives a brief overview of the model's structure. The outputs are described in Section 3, while Section 4 identifies the inputs that are required to produce a forecast. Section 5 explains how the model is run, including a brief description of running in tandem with AREEP--The Alaska Railbelt Electric Energy Planning Model--to converge on an equilibrium rate and demand forecast. Appendix A gives a variable glossary that links variable names described in Volume VIII with the variable names in Volume VIII with the variable names in the FORTRAN computer code. Appendix B provides listings of the computer programs that comprise the RED model. 1.1 2.0 OVERVIEW The Railbelt Electricity Demand (RED) Model is a simulation model designed to forecast annual electricity consumption for the residential, commercial-industrial-government, and miscellaneous end-use sectors of Alaska's Railbelt region. The model also takes into account government intervention in the energy markets in Alaska and produces forecasts of system annual peak demand. The forecasts of consumption by sector and system peak demand are produced in five-year steps for three Railbelt load centers: e@ Anchorage and vicinity (including Anchorage, Matanuska-Susitna Borough and Kenai Peninsula) e Fairbanks and vicinity (including the Fairbanks-North Star Borough) e@ Glennallen/Valdez (including settlements along the Richardson Highway). When run in Monte Carlo mode, the model produces a sample probability distribution of forecasts of electricity consumption by end-use sector and peak demand for each load center for each forecast year: 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010. This distribution of forecasts can be used for planning electric power generating capacity. The RED model is accordingly designed to be run in tandem with a separate electric capacity planning and dispatching model entitled Alaska Railbelt Electric Energy Planning (AREEP) model. Separate documentation of this model will be available in a report to be issued in September 1982. Figure 2.1 shows the basic relationships among the seven modules that comprise the RED model. The model begins a simulation with the Uncertainty Module, selecting a trial set of model parameters, which are sent to the other modules. These parameters include price elasticities, appliance saturations, and regional load factors. Exogenous forecasts of population, economic activity, and retail prices for fuel oi], gas, and electricity are used with the trial parameters to produce forecasts of electricity consumption in the Residential Consumption and Business Consumption Modules. These forecasts, along with additional trial parameters, are used in the Conservation Module to model the effects on electricity sales of subsidized conservation and 2.1 ECONOMIC FORECAST UNCERTAINTY MODULE HOUSING STOCK RESIDENTIAL | = amar ("7 CONSERVATION INDUSTRIAL | MISC. ANNUAL SALES | PEAK DEMAND FIGURE 2.1. Information Flows in the RED Model dispersed generating options such as windmills or microhydro installations. The revised consumption forecasts of residential and business (commercial, small industrial, and government) consumption are used to estimate future miscellaneous consumption and total sales of electricity. Finally, the unrevised and revised consumption forecasts are used along with a trial system load factor forecast to estimate peak demand. The model then returns to start the next Monte Carlo trial. When the model is run in certainty-equivalent mode, a specific "default" set of parameters is used, and only one trial is run. 2.2 The RED model produces an output file of trial values for consumption by sector and system peak demand by year and load center. This information can be used by the AREEP model to plan and dispatch electric generating capacity for each load center and year. The AREEP model produces an estimate of the cost of electricity, which is converted to electricity prices used to run the RED model. If the demand level changes by more than 5%, the RED model can be rerun in tandem with AREEP, using new prices until consistency is achieved. Convergence (consistency or near-equality of two successive demand forecasts) is usually achieved in two to three passes. The remainder of this section presents brief descriptions of each module. UNCERTAINTY MODULE The purpose of the Uncertainty Module is to randomly select values for individual model parameters that are considered subject to forecasting uncertainty. These parameters include the market saturations for major appliances in the residential sector; the price elasticity and cross-price elasticities of demand for electricity in the residential and business sector; the market penetration of conservation and dispersed generating technologies; the intensity of electricity use per square foot of floor space in the business sector; and the electric system load factors for each load center. These parameters are generated by a Monte Carlo routine, which uses information on the distribution of each parameter (such as its expected value and range) and the computer's random number generator to produce sets of parameter values. Each set of generated parameters represents a "trial." By running each successive trial set of generated parameters through the rest of the modules, the model builds distributions of annual electricity consumption and peak demand. The end points of the distributions reflect the probable range of annual electric consumption and peak demand, given the level of uncertainty. 2.3 The Uncertainty Module need not be run every time RED is run. The parameter file contains "default" values of the parameters that may be used to conserve computation time. THE HOUSING MODULE The Housing Module calculates the number of households and the stock of housing by dwelling type in each load center for each forecast year in which the model is run. Using exogenous state-wide forecasts of the number of households, household headship rates by age, the age distribution of Alaska's population, and regional forecasts of total population, the housing stock module first derives a forecast of the number of households in each load center. Next, it estimates the distribution of households by age of head and size of household for each load center. Finally, it forecasts the demand for four types of housing stock: single family, mobile homes, duplexes, and multifamily units. The supply of housing is calculated in two steps. First, the supply of each type of housing from the previous period is adjusted for demolition and compared to the demand. If demand exceeds supply, construction of additional housing begins immediately. If excess supply of a given type of housing exists, the model examines the vacancy rate in all types of houses. Each type is assumed to have a maximum vacancy rate. If this rate is exceeded, demand is first reallocated from the closest substitute housing type, then from other types. The end result is a forecast of occupied housing stock for each load center for each housing type in each forecast year. This forecast is passed to the Residential Consumption Module. RESIDENTIAL CONSUMPTION MODULE The Residential Consumption Module forecasts the annual consumption of electricity in the residential sector for each load center in each forecast year. It does not, in general, take into account explicit government intervention to promote residential electric energy conservation or self-sufficiency. Such intervention is covered in the Conservation Module. The Residential Consumption Module employs an end-use approach that recognizes 2.4 nine major end uses of electricity, and a "small appliances" category that encompasses a large group of other end uses. For a given forecast of occupied housing, the Residential Consumption Module first adjusts the housing stock to net out housing units not served by an electric utility for each type. It then forecasts the residential appliance stock and the portion using electricity, stratified by the type of dwelling and vintage of the appliance. Appliance efficiency standards and average electric consumption rates are applied to that portion of the stock of each appliance using electricity. The stock of each electric appliance is then multiplied by its corresponding consumption rate to derive a preliminary consumption forecast for the residential sector. Finally, the Residential Consumption Module receives exogenous forecasts of residential fuel oi], natural gas, and electricity prices, along with "trial" values of price elasticities and cross-price elasticities of demand from the Uncertainty Module. It adjusts the preliminary consumption forecast for both short- and long-run price effects on appliance use and fuel switching. The adjusted forecast is passed to the Conservation and Peak Demand Modules. BUSINESS CONSUMPTION MODULE The Business Consumption Module forecasts the consumption of electricity by load center in commercial, small industrial, and government uses for each forecast year (1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010). Direct promotion of conservation in this sector is covered in the Conservation Module. Because the end uses of electricity in the commercial, small industrial and government sectors are more diverse and less known than in the residential sector, the Business Consumption Module forecasts electrical use on an aggregate basis rather than by end use. RED uses a proxy (the stock of commercial and industrial floor space) for the stock of capital equipment to forecast the derived demand for electricity. Using exogenous forecasts of regional income, regional population, the rate of inflation, and interest rates, the module forecasts the regional stock of floor space. Next, econometric equations are used to predict the intensity of electricity use for a given level of floor space in 2.5 the absence of any relative price changes. Finally, a price adjustment similar to that in the Residential Consumption Module is applied to derive a forecast of business electricity consumption (excluding large industrial demand, which must be exogenously determined). The Business Consumption Module forecasts are passed to the Conservation and Peak Demand Modules. CONSERVATION MODULE Because of the potential importance of government intervention in the market place to encourage conservation of energy and substitution of other forms of energy for electricity, the RED model includes a module that permits explicit treatment of technologies and programs that are designed to reduce the demand for utility-generated electricity. The module structure is designed to incorporate assumptions on the technical performance, costs, and market penetration of electricity-saving innovations in each end use, load center, and forecast year. The module forecasts the aggregate electricity savings by end use, the costs associated with of these savings, and adjusted consumption in the residential and business sectors. The Conservation Module requires a set of off-line calculations by a nested computer program called CONSER. These calculations are more complex in the residential than the commercial sector, since more data are available on residential sector conservation options. In the residential sector, the model user supplies information to CONSER on the technical efficiency (electricity savings), electricity price, and costs of installation. Government market intervention in the form of capital subsidies or low-interest loans is incorporated in lowered installed cost to the consumer. CONSER then calculates the internal rate of return on the option to the consumer. That rate of return must exceed the passbook savings interest rate if the option is to gain assumed market acceptance. The Conservation Module then calculates the option's payback period for technologies considered "acceptable" by the user, and a payback decision rule links the payback period to a range of market saturations for the technologies. The savings per installation and market saturation of each option are used to calculate residential sector electricity savings and costs. In the business sector, the 2.6 model user must specify the technical potential for new and retrofit energy-saving technologies. The user must also specify the range of conservation saturation as a percent of total potential conservation. The Conservation Module then calculates total electricity savings due to market intervention in new and retrofit applications and adjusts residential and business consumption for each load center and forecast year. MISCELLANEOUS CONSUMPTION MODULE The Miscellaneous Consumption Module forecasts total miscellaneous consumption for second (recreation) homes, vacant houses, and other miscellaneous uses such as street lighting. The module uses the forecast of residential consumption (adjusted for conservation impacts) to predict electricity demand in second homes and vacant housing units. The sum of residential and business consumption is used to forecast street lighting requirements. Finally, all three are summed together to estimate miscellaneous demand. PEAK DEMAND MODULE The Peak Demand Module forecasts the annual peak hour demand for electricity. A two-stage approach using load factors is used. The unadjusted residential and business consumption, miscellaneous consumption, and load center load factors generated by the Uncertainty Module are first used to forecast preliminary peak demand. Next, displaced consumption (electricity savings) calculated by the Conservation Module is multiplied by a peak correction factor supplied by the Uncertainty Module to allocate a portion of electricity savings from conservation to peak demand periods. The allocated consumption savings are then multiplied by the load factor to forecast peak demand savings, and the savings are subtracted from peak demand to forecast revised peak demand. 2.7 3.0 OUTPUT The RED program produces three output files. One output (RED PRT) is a report listing and the remaining two outputs (RED DAT and REDRATE DAT) are data files utilized by the programs AREEP and RATE. The following is a description of each of these output files. RED PRT - THE RED REPORT RED PRT contains various tables generated by the RED program. The following is a brief description of each table in the order in which it appears in the RED report. Households Served This table (Figure 3.1) is produced once for each region (Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Greater Fairbanks, and Glennallen-Valdez). For each forecast year (1980, 1985, ..., 2010) and each type of housing (single family, multifamily, mobile home, and duplex), the mean number of units and the standard deviation, based on the number of program iterations, are given. Housing Vacancies The format of this table (Figure 3.2) is the same as the format for the HOUSEHOLDS SERVED table. Housing Demand Coefficients This table (Figure 3.3) is produced once for each housing type (single family, multifamily and mobile home). For each forecast year (1980, 1985, +++, 2010) the mean housing demand coefficient for the particular housing type and the standard deviation, based on the number of program iterations, are given. Residential Appliance Saturations This table (Figure 3.4) is produced once for each region (Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Greater Fairbanks, and Glennallen-Valdez) and for each housing type (single family, multifamily, mobile home and duplex). For each forecast year 3.1 Ze SCENARIOS MED 3) PLAN 1A ON THE MEDLUM SCENARIO wl fHUUL SUSTTNA AND WITHOUT LNCKEMENTAL CUONSERVAT ITERATIONS = HOUSEHOLDS SEKVED ANCHORAGE = COOK In YEAR SUNGLE FAMILY MULTIFAMILY MOBILE HOMES DUPLEXES TUTAL 1980 40309, 19532. 9299, 4774. 73910, ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0,00u) ( 0,000) ¢ 0,000) ( 0.000) 1985 4ugiy. 25091, 11822, $952. 92282. ¢ 0,000) 4 0,000) ¢ 0.000) ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0.000) 1990 58108, 30ulv, 14311, 7052. 110281, ¢ 0,000) C 0,000) ¢ 0,000) C 0,000) ¢ 0.000) 1995 64660, , 35050, 10252. 7819. 123782. ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0.000) ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0.000) ¢ 0.000) 2000 72704, 41689, 19044, 9010, 142446, ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0.000) 2005 719073, 49277. 21963, 10235. 161147, ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0.000) ( 0.900) ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0.000) 2010 77097, 68268, 25972. 12071. 163406. ¢ 0.000) ( 0,000) ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0.000) ¢ 0,000) FIGURE 3.1. Model Output - Households Served Cac SCENAKIUs MED 3) PLAN 1A ON THE MEDIUM SCENAKIO WITHOUL SUSITNA AND wi THOUT LNCREMENTAL CONSERVAT ITERATIONS 3 HOUSING VACANCIES ANCHORAGE = COOK INLET YEAR SINGLE FAMILY MULTIFAMILY MOBLLE HOMES DUPLEXES TOTAL 1980 -2007. “471. “bo, 1097, -2317. C 0,000) C 0,000) ¢ 0.000) ¢ 0.000) ¢ 0,000) 1985 537. 1387, 130, 196, 2251. ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0,000) ( 0,000) ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0.000) 1990 639, 1664, 157. 233. 2693, ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0,000) C 0,000) ¢ 0,000) ( 0,000) 1995 Wie 1893, 179, 258. 3041, C 0,000) ¢ 0,000) ( 0,000) ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0,000) 2000 yoo, 2251. 210. 297. 3556. ¢ 0,000) ( 0,000) ¢ 0.000) ( 0,000) C 0,000) 2005 876, 2001, 242. 338. 4117. ¢ 0.000) ( 0,000) ¢ 0.000) ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0.000) 2010 1641, 3087, 2¥6, 398. 6011, ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0,000) ( 0,000) FIGURE 3.2. Model Output - Housing Vacancies ve SCENARIOS MED 3 PLAN 1A ON THE MEDIUM SCENAKIU WITHUUT SUSETNA AND WEPHOUT INCREMENTAL CONSERVAT ITERATIONS = HOUSING DEMAND COREFFICIENTS SINGLE FAMILY YEAR BAL BA2 baa B25 63S bas 1980 -0,303 -0.175 0.080 0,182 0.317 0.380 ( 0.00000) ( 0.00000) ( 0,00000) € 0.00000) ( 0.00000) ( 0.00000) 1985 ~0.3503 -0.175 0.080 0.182 0.317 0.380 € 0.00000) ( 0.00000) ( 0.00000) ( 0,00000) ( 0.00000) ( 0.00000) 1990 70.303 “0.175 0.080 0,182 0.317 0.380 ( 0,00000) ( 0.00000) € 0,00000) € 0.00000) ( 0.00000) ( 0.00000) 1995 -0.303 ~0.175 0,080 0.182 0.317 0.380 ( 0,00000) ( 0.00000) € 0.00000) € 0,00000) € 0.00000) ( 0.00000) 2000 * 20,303 70.175 0.080 0,182 O37 0.380 ( 0.00000) ( 0.00000) ( 0.00000) ( 0.00000) ( 0,00000) € 0.00000) 2005 -0.303 “0.175 0.080 0.182 0.317 0.380 ( 0,00000) ( 0,00000) ( 0.00000) ( 0.00000) ( 0.00000) (€ 0.00000) 2010 -0.303 “0.175 0.080 0,182 0.317 0.380 ( 0.00000) ( 0.00000) ( 0.00000) ( 0.00000) ( 0,00000) ( 0.00000) FIGURE 3.3. Model Output - Housing Demand Coefficients Sic SCENARIO: MED 3 SINGLE FAMILY: YEAR 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 WATER HEATERS 98,60 ¢ 0,000) 98,60 ¢ 0.000) 98.60 ( 0,000) 98.60 ( 0,000) 98.60 ¢ 0.000) 98,60 ( 0,000) 98.60 ( 0,000) PLAN 1A UN THE MEDIUM SCENARLU al rnouT SUSLINA AND al fivult RESIDENTIAL APPLIANCE SATURATIUNS (%) COOKING 99,00 sé 0,000) 99.60 ¢ 0,000) 99,60 ¢ 0.000) 99,60 ( 0,000) 99.60 ¢ 0,000) 99.60 C 0.000) 99,60 ¢ 0,000) FIGURE 3.4. ANCHORAGE € CLUTHES DRYERS 90.20 0.000) 90.20 0,000) 90,20 0.000) 90.20 0.000) 90.20 0,000) 90.20 0,000) 90,20 0.000) = COOK INL KEFKIG, 100,00 ¢ 0,000) 100,00 ¢ 0,000) 100,00 ¢ 0.000) 100,00 ¢ 0,000) 100,00 ¢ 0,000) 100,00 ¢ 0,000) 100,00 ¢ 0,000) ( FREEZERS 86.30 0.000) 88.30 0,000) 66.30 0.000) 68.30 0.000) 88.30 0.000) 68.30 0.000) 88.30 0,000) DISH WASHERS 78.20 ( 0,000) 78.20 ¢ 0.000) 78,20 ( 0,000) 78.20 ¢ 0.000) 78.20 ¢ 0.000) 78.20 ( 0.000) 78.20 ( 0.000) ( INCREMENTAL CONSERVAT CLOTHES WASHERS 91.70 0.000) 91.70 0.000) 91.70 0.000) 91.70 0.000) 91.70 0.000) 91.70 0.000) 91.70 0,000) Model Output - Residential Appliance Saturations (%) ITERATIONS = SAUNA~ JACUZZIS 14.10 c 0.000) 14.10 ¢ 0.000) 14.10 ¢ 0,000) 14.10 ( 0.000) 14.10 c 0.000) 14.10 ¢ 0.000) 14.10 ( 0.000) SPACE HEAT 100.00 C 0.000) 100.00 ( 0.000) 100.00 c 0.000) 100,00 ¢ 0.000) 100,00 ( 0.000) 100,00 c 0.000) 100.00 ( 0.000) (1980, 1985, ..., 2010) and appliance (water heater, range, clothes dryer, refrigerator, freezer, dishwasher, clothes washer, sauna-jacuzzi and space heat), the mean percent saturation and the standard deviation, based on the number of program iterations, are given. Business Usage Parameters This table (Figure 3.5) gives the mean floor space elasticities (standard deviations) for each of the three regions Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Greater Fairbanks, and Glennallen-Valdez. The mean short run and long run elasticities (standard deviations) in the residential and business sectors for electricity, fuel oil and natural gas are also given. The means and standard deviations are based on the number of program iterations. System Load Factors For each forecast year (1980, 1985, ..., 2010) and each region (Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Greater Fairbanks, and Glennallen-Valdez) this table (Figure 3.6) gives the mean system load factor and the standard deviation. Means and standard deviations are based on the number of program iterations. Fuel Price Forecasts Employed This table (Figure 3.7) is produced once for each type of fuel (electricity, natural gas, and oil). For each forecast year (1980, 1985, ..., 2010), each region (Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Greater Fairbanks, and Glennallen- Valdez) and each sector (residential and business) the price of the particular fuel is given. Peak Correction Factors This table (Figure 3.8) gives the peak correction factor for each of the residential conservation options in the three regions: Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Greater Fairbanks, and Glennallen-Valdez. In the business sector, the peak correction factors for conservation in new and existing buildings are also given for the three regions. 3.6 L’€ SCENARIO; MED = PLAN 1A Od THE MEDIUM SCENARIO wt THOUE SUSITTNA AND wITHOUT LNCREMENTAL CONSERVAT ITERATIONS = BUSINESS USAGE PARAMETERS ANCHORAGE = COOK INLET GREATER FAIRBANKS GLENNALLEN = VALDEZ FLOOR SPACE STUCK FLOOK SPACE STOCK FLOOR SPACE STOCK ELASTICITY ELASTICITY ELASTICITY 1.4286 0.9526 0.1977 ¢ 0.000000) ¢ 0,000000) ¢ 0.000000) ELASTICITIES = SHORT KUN RESIDENTIAL BUSINESS ELECTRICITY -0,15000 -0.30000 ( 0.000000) € 0.000000) OIL 0,01000 0.03000 € 0.000000) € 0.000000) GAS 0.05000 0.05000 € 0.000000) ( 0.000000) ELASTICITIES - LONG RUN RESIDENTIAL BUSINESS ELECTRICITY -1,50000 =1.00000 € 0.000000) € 0.000000) OL 0,13000 0.20000 ( 0.000000) € 0,000000) GAS 0,50000 0.30000 € 0,000000) € 0.000000) FIGURE 3.5. Model Output - Business Usage Parameters 8°e SCENARIU3 MED 3 PLAN TA ON THE MEDIUM SCRENAKIUO WETHOUT SUSEPNA AND wh PHU TNCREMENTAL CONSERVAT YEAR 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 SYSTEA LOAD FACTUKS ANCHOKAGE = COOK LULET GREATER FALRBANKS GLENGALLEN = VALDEZ 0.55730 0.40990 0.52160 ( 0.00000) ( 0,00N00) ( 0.00000) 0.55730 0.48990 0.92100 € 0,00000) € 0,00000) € 0.00000) 0.55730 0.40990 0.52160 ( 0,00000) ( 0.00000) ( 0.00000) 0.55730 0.40990 0.52100 € 0,00000) € 0.00000) € 0.00000) 0.55730 0.48990 0.52160 ( 0.00000) € 0,00000) € 0.00000) 0.55730 0,48990 0.52160 ( 0,00000) ( 0,00000) € 0.00000) 0.55730 0.48990 0.52100 ( 0.00000) € 0,00000) € 0.00000) FIGURE 3.6. Model Output - System Load Factors APERATIONS = Ge SCENARLOS MED 2 PLAN 1A UN THE MEDIUM SCKNAKLU WETHOUT SUSITNA AND awl thOUT TNCREMENTAL CONSERVAT LTERATIONS = 1 FUEL PRICK FURECASTS EMPLOYED ELECTRICITY (S$ 7 Kwtl) ANCHOKAGE = COUK INLET GREATER FALRBANKS GLENNALLEN - VALDEZ YEAR RESIDENTIAL BUSINESS RESIDENTIAL BUSINESS RESIDENTIAL BUSINESS 1980 0,031 0,037 0.074 0,082 0.128 0.131 1985 0.036 0.040 0,038 0.042 0.128 0.131 1990 0,040 0.044 0,041 0.046 0.128 0.131 1995 0,058 0.0604 0.059 0,065 0,128 0.131 2000 0,068 0.075 0.068 0.075 0.128 0.131 2005 0.071 0,079 0.072 0.079 0,126 0.131 2010 0,074 0.082 0.074 0,082 0.128 0.131 FIGURE 3.7. Model Output - Fuel Price Forecasts Employed OL’e SCENAKLOS MED & CONSERVATION OPTIUN SUPERINSULATION WEwW BUILDINGS KETROFITTS PLAN 1A Ud THE SEULUM SCENARIO wIifhOUT SUSTTNA AND without PEAK CORKECHION FACPURS ANCHORAGE = COOK INLET 1.0000 0.8000 0.8500 FIGURE 3.8. Model GREATER FALRBAAKS 1,0000 0.8000 0.8500 InCREMENTAL CUNSERVAT GLENNALLEN = VALDEZ 1.0000 0.8000 0.8500 Output - Peak Correction Factors ALTERATIONS = Weighted Peak Correction Factors This table (Figure 3.9) gives the mean weighted peak correction factor and the standard deviation for each forecast year (1980, 1985, ..., 2010) and each region (Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Greater Fairbanks, and Glennallen- Valdez). Means and standard deviations are based on the number of program iterations. Residential Use Per Household (kWh) This table (Figure 3.10) is produced once for each region (Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Greater Fairbanks, and Glennallen-Valdez). For each forecast year (1980, 1985, ..., 2010) and each appliance category (small appliance, large appliance, and space heat), the mean kilowatt hours of household consumption and the standard deviation, based on the number of program iterations, are given. Business Use Per Employee (kWh) This table (Figure 3.11) gives the mean kilowatt hours of employee consumption and the standard deviation for each forecast year (1980, 1985, «++, 2010) and each region (Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Greater Fairbanks, and Glennallen-Valdez). The means and standard deviations are based on the number of program iterations. Total Electric Requirements (Gwh) - Every Iteration This table (Figure 3.12a) gives the electric requirement in gigawatt hours for each forecast year (1980, 1985, ..., 2010) and each region (Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Greater Fairbanks, and Glennallen-Valdez) computed for each program iteration. This table is only available when there is more than one program iteration. Total Electric Requirements (GWh) This table (Figure 3.12b) gives the mean electric requirement in gigawatt hours and the standard deviation for each forecast year (1980, 1985, ..., 3.11 CLE SCENARIO: MED ¢ PLAN 1A ON THE MEDLUM SCENAKLO wh tHuUT SUSI TNA AND wifduut YEAR 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 WEIGHUPED PEAK CORKECTIUN FACTOKS ANCHORAGE = COOK INLET 0.00000 € 0,00000) 0.00000 ( 0.00000) 0,00000 ( 0.00000) 0.00000 € 0,00000) 0.00000 ( 0.00000) 0.00000 ( 0.00000) 0,00000 ( 0,00000) FIGURE 3.9. GREATER FALKBANKS GLENNALLEN = VALDEZ 0.00000 0,v0000 € 0.00000) ( 0.00000) 0.00000 0.00000 € 0.00000) € 0.00000) 0.00000 0.00000 C 0.00000) € 0.00000) 0.00000 0.00000 ( 0.00000) € 0.00000) 0.00000 0.00000 ( 0,00000) ( 0.00000) 0.00000 0.00000 ( 0,00000) ( 0.00000) 0.00000 0.00000 ( 0,00000) ( 0.00000) Model Output - Weighted Peak Correction Factors INCKEMENTAL CONSERVAT ITERATIONS = eL’e SCENARIO’ YEAR 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2 PLAN 1A ON THE MEDLUM SCENARIO ALTHUUT SUSITTNA AND WEThOUT SMALL APPLIANCES 2110.00 ¢ 0.000) 2300.00 ( 0.000) 2610.00 ( 0,000) 2860,00 ¢ 0.000) 3110,00 ¢ 0.000) 3300,00 ¢ 0.000) 3610.00 ( 0.000) RESIDENTIAL USE PEK HOUSEHOLD ChwH) (WITHOUL ADJUSTBRENT FOR PRICE) ANCHURAGE = CUOK LARGE SPACE APPLIANCES HEAT 6334.55 5014.05 © 0.0009 © 0,000) 6568.60 5609.45 ( 0,000) (0,000) 6756.81 6049.09 (0,000) (0,000) 6981.05 6593.11 € 0,000) © 0,000) 7208.63 7346.88 ( 0,000) © 0,000) 7340.73 7855.82 (0,000) (0,000) 7442.42 8591.77 (0,000) ( 0.000) FIGURE 3.10. INLeT TOTAL ( 13459.20 0.000) 14538.05 0,000) 19415.91 0,000) 16434.17 0,000) 17065.52 0,000) 18556.55 0,000) 19644,19 0.000) INCREMENTAL CONSERVAT Model Output - Residential Use Per Household (kWh) (without adjustment price) LTERATIONS = vL'e SCENAKLUS MED ¢) PLAN 1A ON THE MEDIUM SCENAKIU ALTHOUR SUSTTNWA AND aL PHUUL LNCREMENTAL CONSERVAT ITERATIONS = BUSINESS USE PERK EMPLUYEE (Ki) CWETHOUT LARGE INDUSTRIAL) CHLLTHOUT ADJUSTMENT FORK PRICE) YEAR ANCHORAGE = CUOK INLET GREATER FALRBANKS GLENNALLEN = VALDEZ 1980 10751,22 12112,30 H9HO,42 ¢ 0,000) € 0.000) ( 0.000) 1985 11014,90 9211.97 6416.11 ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0.000) ¢ 0.000) 1990 13157.76 9504.75 7176.81 ¢ 9,000) ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0.000) 1995 15610,77 9373.50 1796.24 ¢ 0,000) C 0,000) € 0.000) 2000 17921.33 6754.31 7913.61 ¢ 0.000) ¢ 0.000) ( 0.000) 2005 20688,01 8360.30 6364.73 ¢ 0,000) C 0.000) ¢ 0.000) 2010 23492.32 7850.27 8734.42 ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0.000) ¢ 0,000) FIGURE 3.11. Model Output - Business Use Per Employee (kWh) (without large industrial, without adjustment for price) SL°E SCENAKIO3 MED 3 PLAN 1A ON THE “eDLUA SCENAKLU wt Thout SUSETHA AND wi tHUUT LVCREMENTAL CONSEKVAT TOTAL ELECTRIC KRGUIKEMENTS (GwH) (WITHOUT LARGER LNDUSLKTAL USE) ITeKS 1 2 3 4 ANCH FAIR GLEN ANCH FAIR GLEN ANCH FAIR ANCH FAIR GLEN 1980 2026. 4e7, 39. 2026. 467. 39. 2026, 487. 39. 2026. 407. 39. 1985 2423. 665. 47. 2423. 605, 4). 2423. bos. 4). 2423. 665, 47. 1990 3008, 1154, 60, 3008, 1154, ou, 3008, 1154, 60. 3008, 1154, 60. 1995 3489, 1157, 77. 3469, 1157. 77. 3469, 1157, 77. 3489, 1157. 77. 2000 3893, 893. 97. 3693. 893, 97. 3893, 693. 97. 3893, 693, 97. 2005 4462. 802, 120, 4462. 602. 120, 4462. 602. 120, 4462. 02. 120. 2010 5400, 820, 149, 5400. 820, 149, 5460, 826. 14s. 5460, 826, 149, FIGURE 3.12a. Model Output - Total Electric Requirements (GWh) (without large industrial use) ITERATIONS = 5 ANCH FAIR 2026. 487. 2423. 665. 3008, 1154, 3489, 1157. 3893, 893. 4462. 802. 5460. 826. 5 GLEN 39. 47. 60, 77. 97. 120, 149, OLE SCEWARIUS MED ¢ PLAN TA UA THE MEDIUM SCENARIU wLPHOUP SUSITNA AND WITHOUT LNCKEMENTAL CONSERVAT ITERATIONS = TOPAL ELECTRIC KEQUIKEMENTS (GWH) CALTHOUT LARGE INDUSTKIAL USE) YEAR ANCHURAGE = COOK INLET GREATER FALKBANKS GLENWALLEN = VALDEZ 1980 2025.07 446.64 38.63 ¢ 0,000) ( 0,000) ¢ 0.000) 1985 2423.49 665.12 47.19 ¢ 0.000) ¢ 0,u00) ¢ 0,000) 1990 3008.48 1154.50 59.55 ¢ 0.000) C 0,000) ¢ 0.000) 1995 3489,31 1156.75 77.32 ¢ 0,000) . ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0,000) 2000 3892.85 692,53 96.73 ¢ 0,000) ( 0.000) ¢ 0.000) 2005 4462.02 402.16 120.00 ¢ 0,000) € 0.000) ¢ 0,000) 2010 5460.18 $20.21 149.30 ¢ 0.000) ¢ 0.000) ¢ 0.000) FIGURE 3.12b. Model Output - Total Electric Requirements (GWh) (without large industrial use) 2010) and each region (Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Greater Fairbanks, and Glennallen-Valdez). The means and standard deviations are based on the number of program iterations. Peak Electric Requirements This table (Figure 3.13) gives the mean peak electricity requirement in megawatts and the standard deviation for each forecast year (1980, 1985, ..., 2010) and each region (Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Greater Fairbanks, and Glennallen-Valdez). Means and standard deviations are based on the number of Programs iterations. Breakdown of Electricity Requirements (GWh This table (Figure 3.14) is produced once for each probability level (PR = .75, low; PR = .5, medium; and PR = .25, high) and for each region (Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Greater Fairbanks, and Glennallen-Valdez). For each year in the forecast period (1980-2010) and for each category of consumption (residential, business, miscellaneous, incremental conservation savings and the total which includes large industrial projects) the electricity required is given in gigawatt hours. Frequency of Total Electrical Requirements (GWh This table (Figure 3.15) gives the minumum, maximum, 25, 50, and 75 percentiles, and the mean and standard deviation of the electricity requirements for each forecast year (1980, 1985, ..., 2010) and each region (Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Greater Fairbanks, and Glennallen-Valdez). The statistics are based on the number of program iterations. Frequency of Peak Demand (MW The format of this table (Figure 3.16) is the same as the format of the FREQUENCY OF TOTAL ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS table. Total Electricity Requirements (GWH) (Net of Conservation This table (Figure 3.17) is produced once for each probability level (PR = .75, low; PR = .5, medium; and PR = .25, high). For each year in the 3.17 BLE SCENARIO: MED ¢) PLAN 1A UN THE MEDIUM SCENAREU @ITHOUT SUSIETWA AND wi THOUT LaCKEMENTAL CONSERVAT ITERATIONS = PEAK ELECTRICLISY REQUIREMENTS WITHOUT LARGE INDUSTRIAL USE YEAR ANCHORAGE = COOK INLET GREATER FAIKBANKS GLENNALLEN = VALDEZ 1980 414,93 113,40 8.45 ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0,000) ( 0,000) 1985 496.42 154.98 10.33 ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0,000) 1990 b16,25 209.02 13.03 ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0,000) C 0.000) 1995 714.74 269.54 16.92 ¢ 0.000) c 0,000) C 0,000) 2000 797,40 207.97 21.17 ¢ 0,000) ¢ 0,000) ( 0.000) 2005 913.98 186.92 20.26 ¢ 0.000) ¢ 0.000) ( 0.000) 2010 1118.44 192.52 32.67 C 0,000) C 0,000) ¢ 0.000) FIGURE 3.13. Model Output - Peak Electricity Requirements Without Large Industrial Use 6L°€ SCENARLU: MED : PLAN 2A ON THE MEDIUM SCENARIO AT THOUT SUSITWA AND WITHOUT INCREMENTAL CONSERVAT ITERATIONS = 1 BREAKDOWN OF ELECTRICITY REQUIREMENTS (GWH) CTOTAL TNCLUDES LARGE FNDUSTRIAL CONSUMPTION) ANCHURAGE = COOK INE MEDIUM RANGE (PH=.5) RESTORNTIAL BUSINESS MISCELLANEOUS INCR, CONSERVATION YEAR HEQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS SAVINGS TOTAL 1980 994,77 1009.93 20.97 0.00 2025.67 1981 1009.69 1073.61 21.94 0.00 2105.23 1982 1024.61 1137.29 22.90 0.00 2184.80 1983 1039.54 1200.96 23.87 0.00 2264.36 1984 1054.45 1264.64 24.84 0.00 2343.93 1985 1069.36 1328.32 25.81 0.00 2423.49 1986 1994.92 1416.54 27.03 0.00 2540.49 1907 1120.47 1508.75 28.26 0.00 2657.49 1988 1140.03 1598.96 29.49 0.00 217 8 1989 1171.58 1689.17 30.72 0.00 289 8 1999 1197.14 1779.39 31.95 0.00 3008.48 1991 1225.80 1845.88 32.96 0.00 3104.64 1992 1254.47 $912.37 33.96 0.00 3200.81 1993 1283.14 1978.87 34.97 0.00 3296.97 1994 1311.80 2045.36 35.98 0.00 3393.14 1995 1340.47 2111.86 36.98 0,00 3607.56 1996 1344.54 2187.61 37.86 0.00 3688.26 1997 1348.62 2263.37 38.73 0.00 3768.97 1998 1352.70 2339.12 39.61 0.00 3849.68 1999 1356.77 2414.88 40.49 0.00 3930.39 2000 1360.85 2490.64 41.36 0,00 4011.10 2001 1370.37 2587.75 42.57 0.00 4124.93 2002 1391.89 2684.86 43.78 0.00 4238.77 2003 1407.40 2761.97 44,98 0.00 4352.60 2004 1422.92 2879.08 46.19 0.00 4466.44 2005 1438.44 2976.19 47.40 0,00 4580.27 2006 1449.05 3122.27 49.54 0.00 4779.90 2007 1541.25 3208.35 51.68 0.00 4979.54 2008 1592.66 3414.43 53.83 0.00 5179.17 2009 1644.06 3560.51 55.97 0.00 5378.80 2010 1695,47 3706.59 58.12 0.00 5578.43 FIGURE 3.14. Model Output - Breakdown of Electricity Requirements (GWh) (total includes large industrial consumption) 02°€ SCENARIOS YEARS MAXIMUM 25% GE MEAN 50% GE 715% GE MINLMUM STD DEV YEARS MAXIMUM 25% GE MEAN 50% GE 75% GE MINCMUM STD DEV YEARS MAXIMUM 25% GE MEAN 50% GE 75% GE MINIMUM STD DEV MED 3 PLAN 1A ON THE MEDIUM FREQUENCY UF 1980 ANCHORAGE = COUK INLET 2025,07 2025.67 2025.07 2025.67 2025.67 2025.67 0,000 1980 1985 1990 2423.49 3008.48 2423.49 3008.48 2423.49 3008.48 2423.49 3008.48 2423.49 3008.48 2423.49 3008.48 0.000 0,000 349,31 3489.31 3489.31 3489.31 3489.31 3489.31 0,000 GREATER FAIRBANKS ee www www ween nee n een kee 406,04 486.64 486.64 4860.04 406.64 4860.64 0,000 1980 1985 1990 665,12 1154.50 605.12 1154.50 665,12 1154.50 665.12 1154.50 665.12 1154,50 665.12 1154.50 0,000 0,000 1156.75 1156.75 1156.75 1156.75 1156.75 1156.75 0.000 GLENNALLEN = VALDEZ 34.63 38.63 38.63 46,63 38.63 38.63 0,000 FIGURE 3,15. 1985 1990 47.19 59.55 47.19 59.55 47.19 59.55 47,19 59.55 47.19 59.55 47.19 $9.55 0,000 0,000 1995 17,32 717.32 17.32 717.32 77.32 17.232 0,000 SCENARTU WETHUUT SUSLEENA AND wl THOUL TOYAL ELECTRICITY KEUUEREMENTS (CGWH) CWEITHOUT LARGE LaDUSTRIAL PROJECTS) 3892.05 3892.85 3892.85 3092.05 3892.85 3892.85 0.000 2000 90,73 96.73 96.73 96.73 90.73 90,73 0.000 INCREMENTAL CONSERVATL 2005 4402.02 4462.02 4462.02 4462.02 4462.02 4462.02 0.000 2005 802,16 802.16 802.16 802.16 802.16 802.16 0.000 2005 120.00 120.00 120.00 120,00 120.00 120.00 0.000 2010 5460.18 5400.18 5460.18 $460.18 5460.18 5460.18 0.000 2010 826.21 626.21 826.21 626.21 626.21 826.21 0.000 2010 149,30 149.30 149.30 149.30 149.30 149.30 0.000 ITERATIONS = Model Output - Frequency of Total Electricity Requirements (GWh) (without large industrial projects) L2°€ SCENARTUS YEARS MAXIMUM 25% GE MEAN 50% GE 75% GE MINIMUM STD DEV YEARS MAXIMUM 25% GE MEAN Sut GE 75% GE MINIMUM b1TD DEV YEARS MAXIMUM 25% Ge MEAN 90% GE 75% GE MINIMUM 5TD DEV MED s PLAN TA ON. THE MEDLUd SCRNARTU wi tTiOUT SUSLPNA 1980 FREQUENCY OF PEAK UeEMAND (Mw) (WITHOUT LARGE INDUSTRIAL USE) ANCHORAGE = COUK INLET 414.93 414.93 414.93 414.93 414,93 414.93 0,000 1980 113.40 113.40 113.40 113.40 113.40 113.40 0,000 1980 8.45 8.45 8.45 8.45 8.45 8.45 0,000 1yy0 616,25 6160.25 616,25 616,25 616.25 616.25 0,000 1995 714.74 714.74 714.74 714.74 714,74 714,74 0,000 GREATER FALRBANKS 1965 154,98 154.98 154,98 154,98 154.98 154.98 0,000 1990 269,02 209.02 209.02 269.02 269,02 269.02 0,000 1995 269,54 269.54 209,54 209.54 269.54 209,54 0,000 GLENNALLEN = VALDEZ 1985 10,33 10,33 10,33 10,33 10,33 10,33 0,000 FIGURE 3.16. 1990 13.03 13.03 13,03 13,03 13.03 13.03 0,000 1995 16.92 16,92 10,92 16.92 16.92 16,92 0,000 AWD witHUUt 2000 207,97 207.97 207.97 207.97 207.97 207.97 0.000 2000 21.17 21.17 21.17 21.17 21,17 22.17 0,000 INCREMENTAL CONSERVAT 2005 186,92 186.92 186,92 186.92 186,92 186.92 0.000 2005 26.26 26.26 26.26 26.26 26,26 26.26 0,000 2010 1116.44 1118.44 1118.44 1116.44 1118.44 1116.44 0.000 2010 192.52 192.52 192,52 192.52 192.52 192.52 0.000 2010 32.67 32.07 32.67 32.67 32.67 32.67 0,000 Model Output - Frequency of Peak Demand (MW) (without large industrial use) ITERATIONS = 22°€ SCENARIO: MED : PLAN 1A ON THE MEDIUM SCENARLO WITHOUT SUSITNA AND WITHOUT LNCREMENTAL CONSERVAT ITERATIONS = TOTAL ELECTRICITY REQUIREMENTS (GHH) CNET OF CONSERVATION) CINCLUDES LARGE INDUSTRIAL CONSUMPTLON) MEDLUM RANGE (PR 5) YEAR ANCHYRAGE = COOK INLET GREATER FAIRBANKS GLENNALLEN ~ VALDEZ TOTAL 1980 2025.67 486.64 38.63 2550.93 1981 2105.23 522.33 40.34 2667.91 1982 2184.80 558.03 42.05 2784.68 1983 2264.36 593.73 43.76 2901.85 1984 234d 9S 629.42 45.47 3018.83 1985 242349 665.12 47.19 3135.80 1986 2540.49 762.99 56.27 3359.75 1987 2057.49 860.87 65.35 3583.71 198A 2774.48 958.74 74,44 3807.66 1989 2891.48 1056.62 83.52 4031.62 1990 JOOK L4H 1154.50 92.60 4255.57 1991 3128.29 1154.95 96.16 4379.40 1992 3248.11 1155.40 99.71 4503.22 1993 3367.92 1155.85 103.26 4627.04 1994 3497.74 1156.30 106.62 4750.86 1995 3607.56 1156.75 110.37 4874.68 1996 36HR. 26 1103.91 114,25 4906.42 1997 3768.97 1051.06 118.13 4930.17 199R 3R49,68 998.22 122,02 4969.91 1999 3930.39 945.37 125.90 5001.66 2000 4011.10 892.53 129.78 5033.40 2001 4124.93 874.45 134.43 5133.82 2002 4238.77 856.38 139.09 5234.23 2003 4352.60 CEL Pea 143.74 5334.65 2004 4466.44 820,23 148.39 5435.07 2005 AS58027 fO2.16 153.05 5535.48 2006 4779.90 BUb,97 158.91 5745.78 2007 4919.53 Alt.76 164.77 5956.08 2008 S179,17 816.99 170.63 6166.39 2009 SIIH.BO 621.40 176.49 6376.69 2010 S57H.43 PHL) 182.35 6586.99 FIGURE 3.17. Model Output - Total Electricity Requirements (GWh) (net of conservation, includes large industrial consumption) forecast period (1980-2010) and for each region (Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Greater Fairbanks, and Glennallen-Valdez), the electricity requirements in gigawatt hours are given. Peak Electric Requirements (MW) (Net of Conservation) The format of this table (Figure 3.18) is the same as the format of the TOTAL ELECTRICITY REQUIREMENTS (GWH) (NET OF CONSERVATION) table. REDRATE DAT The program. forecast The Lines 1-7 8-14 15-21 REDRATE DAT file is created by the RED program for input to the RATE This file contains the electrical demand for each sector, area, and interval. file format is as follows: Residential Sector Demand: The program writes three entries per line. Each line's entries are interpreted as Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Greater Fairbanks, and Glennallen-Valdez demand. Each line is interpreted as a five year forecast period 1980, 1985, ..., 2010. Entries are up to 15 digits with no implied decimal. Values are in megawatts. The FORTRAN format is (3F15.0). Business Sector Demand: The format for these lines is the same as for the residential sector demand. Total Demand: These lines contain the sum of the corresponding fields on the lines for the residential and business sectors' demand. 3.23 v2°e SCENARIOS YEAR 1980 1981 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 19868 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 MED : PLAN TA ON THE MEDIUM SCFNARIU WITHOUT SUSTTNA AND ATTHOUT ANCHORAGE = COUK 414.93 431.23 447.53 463.82 480.12 496.42 520,38 544.35 568.31 592.28 616,25 b3R.O4 661.94 oH3.44 705.84 728.24 744,77 761.30 777.83 794,36 810,90 A34.20 057.53 BAUS 904,17 927,48 Ine 1009.27 1050.14 1091.05 1idi.e4 PaLet FIGURE 3.18. PEAK ELECTRIC Rhutiketarars Caw) CNET OF CONSERVATIOG) CINCLUDES LARGE INDUSTRIAL DEMAND) MEDIUM RANGE (re GREATER FATRBANKS 113.40 121.71 130,03 138.35 146.67 154,98 177.79 200.60 223.40 246.21 269.02 269.12 269.23 269.33 269.44 269.54 257.23 244.92 232.60 220,29 207,97 203.16 199.55 195.34 191,03 166.97 186.04 19,16 190,2f 191,46 192.52 8.45 8.83 9.20 9.58 9.95 10.33 12.42 14.51 16.60 18.69 20.78 21.56 22.34 23.12 23.89 24.67 25.52 26.37 27.22 28.07 28.92 29.94 30.96 31.98 32.99 34.01 35.29 36.58 37.86 39,14 40,42 INCREMENTAL CONSERVAT ITERATIONS = TOTAL 536.78 561.77 586.76 611.75 636.74 661.73 710.59 759.46 808.32 857.18 906.05 929.33 952.61 975.89 999.17 1022.45 1027.52 1032.59 1037.65 1042.72 1047.79 1067.91 1088.04 1108.16 1128.29 1148.41 1191.71 1235.00 1278.30 1321.59 1364.89 Model Output - Peak Electric Requirements (MW) (net of conservation, includes large industrial demand) RED DAT The RED DAT file is created by the RED program for input to the AREEP program. It contains peak demand, and annual energy information for each demand level, region, and forecast interval. In addition, the file contains load management and conservation information. Figure 3.19 gives an example of a RED DAT file. The file structure is described below. Delivered Electricity For each region (Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Greater Fairbanks, and Glennallen- Valdez) and for each forecast year (1980, 1985, ..., 2010), the required peak demand and annual energy in gigawatt hours are given for each demand level (low, medium, and high) as follows: Columns Value Type YEAR 2-5 Integer LOW - (Low demand path) PEAK (MW) 8 - 16 Decimal ANN (GWH) 17 - 25 Decimal MED - (Medium demand path) PEAK (MW) 27 - 35 Decimal ANN (GWH) 36 - 44 Decimal HIGH - (High demand path) PEAK (MW) 46 - 54 Decimal ANN (GWH) 55 - 63 Decimal Load Management _and Conservation For each region (Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Greater Fairbanks and Glennallen- Valdez), for each demand level (low, medium, and high) and for each year of the forecast period (1980-2010), the annual energy savings in gigawatt hours, the peak demand savings in megawatts, the total cost in thousands of 1980 dollars, and the power cost in mills per kilowatt hour resulting from load management and conservation activities are given as follows: 3.25 Columns Value Type YEAR 2-5 Integer ANN (GWH) 7 - 16 Decimal PEAK (MW) 17 - 26 Decimal T-COST 39 - 48 Decimal (1980$ X1000) P-COST (M/KWH) 54 - 63 Decimal Reee RRA RR RRERRRREEE DEMAND AND ANNUAL ENERGY ******ee ete ee eRe * ----- DELIVERED ELECTRICITY - - = - - * PATHS: Low MED HIGH YEAR PEAK(MW) ANN(GWH) PEAK(MW) ANN(GWH) PEAK(MW) ANN(GWH) * ANCHORAGE: 1980 414.9 2025.7 414.9 2025.7 414.9 2025.7 1985 496.4 2423.5 496.4 2423.5 496.4 2423.5 1990 616.2 3008.5 616.2 3008.5 616.2 3008.5 1995 719.7 3533.1 728.2 3607.6 736.7 3686.0 2000 802.4 3936.6 810.9 4011.1 819.4 4089.5 2005 897.8 4402.4 906.3 4476.9 914.8 4555.3 2010 1064.0 5213.7 1072.5 5288.1 1081.0 5366.6 * FAIRBANKS: 1980 113.4 486.6 113.4 486.6 113.4 486.6 1985 155.0 665.1 155.0 665.1 155.0 665.1 1990 269.0 1154.5 269.0 1154.5 269.0 1154.5 1995 269.5 1156.8 269.5 1156.8 269.5 1156.8 2000 208.0 892.5 208.0 892.5 208.0 892.5 2005 184.9 793.3 184.9 793.3 184.9 793.3 2010 185.1 794.4 185.1 794.4 185.1 794.4 * GLENNALLEN : 1980 8.5 38.6 8.5 38.6 8.5 38.6 1985 10.3 47.2 10.3 47.2 10.3 47.2 1990 13.0 59.6 20.8 92.6 28.5 125.7 1995 16.9 77.3 24.7 110.4 32.4 143.4 2000 21.2 96.7 28.9 129.8 36.7 162.8 2005 25.7 117.6 33.5 150.7 41.2 183.7 2010 31.1 142.1 38.8 175.2 46.6 208.2 * Figure 3.19. Example RED DAT File 3.26 eececacecC COC CCC COC COCO CCOCC ACO OOCO0O CSODDDDDDDCDDD DDC CCDC OCOCOCOOCOCCOCCOO CPeCeCDDDDCOCOCOCC OC OO CCC OCC ACCC COD SOCOCDDDDDCDCDC COC CC OCOCOCOCCOCCCOO eeVQDDDDRCOCOCDDOCODCCOCOCCOCCOOCOCOCO eoCDC CC OO CCDC COC OC OCOC COCO CeCOOCe CPQADDDDDCDDDDDDDDGCOOCOCCOCCOCOOCCOR COCOCTDDDSCDDOCODDDCOCOCCDCC OC OCOOCO OOO HIGH: 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 * FAIRBANKS: * LOW: 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 e00DDDRFCCCCCC COC ACOOOCOOCOGCOCO00 CoDDSCDCDCCOCDC COC OCCOC COCO OCOCCCOCoOCOCOD ecceecDCC CO ACC OCOD COCO OCDCOCCOOAGOOO00 ecocccpcecC COCO COCO CCC OCC OCC COC C00 ecrcccceCACC OCC CCC O COC COC OCC OCOCOCOO eccDcPeCeCC COCO CC OCC OCC OC OOO COC CODO eeQoDDDDADACCC OCC OCCOCOCOO COCO CCCCGCAG COCOSCDDDDODDDD COCO OCCCOCC CCC COCOCCDO 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 contd Figure 3.19. 3.28 LOAD MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION - - - - - * P-COST (M/KWH) T-COST(1980$ X 1000) PEAK (MW) YEAR ANN(GWH) * ANCHORAGE: * CPLPQPCCODDDDDOCOODOCCOCOACCOOO OGO00000 SCOSCDTCCCDDODOCOCCOCOCCOOCCO00 COCO 00O eceeeceeecee eee eee AAD RDO OOC8900eo SoccoccccocKGcCoCCGSCCSGCSCCGSCCCS SSSCCODDDDCOCOOCODCO0CG0000 COOG00o CPOCSCSCTCDDDQDDDCODCOCCOCCOC DC OOO OCCOCCOO eeeeccCC DDC OOO COCO OOOO OCC OCOO OC COOCOCO eeCeCDCC ODOC COCO OCC OCC COCO OOO COC eCCCO LOW: 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 CPECARDADCOCGCDDDDDCCOOCOOCCOOOOCCO0O SEODDDPODSCSCSCSCCOCCOCCOCOCO COCO OCC OCOCOODOD eeooeceeeecceecND GOO OOO CCA COOC00o SocceocccccccoccccosScoSScccccscscS PQVQDDDQCCDCDCDDDDADDGCCOCOCOCOCOOC OOOO CSOCCDDPDCDCCOCOCOCC ODDO ODOC COCO OC ODDO eeecDDD OCOD OC OOO OOOO OOOO OCOOOCCOD eecocce COC CCC COCO OOO OC CCC COCO OCOO 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 MED: contd Figure 3.19. Beeh PePCCCDDDDDODCOCO000000 CGCAGCCO0O SCCDDDCOCOCOCCOCDC ODO O0O000 COGCCCOOCCDO ecaeececcoce cece e999 9000 GQ0000000 ScooccccccccccccccccoceccocccccS ececececC CDC O OCC OCC OOOO OOO OCC OCOOCCO ececceeco CCC CC OCC COCO CO OOO OOOO CCOCO CPEOCOCBDDCOCCOCCOCOCOCCOCOGO0 CCOOBOCDO SCCDDDD COD ODOCOC COC OOO CeCe OCODCCOCOCO 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 HIGH: 1980 1981 ececacanDcCeCC CCC CCC CCC COCO OO DCeCOOCCO eccecececoeC CCC CCC OCC COC OCC CCOCOCODO ececceaceaeeac ecco e CeCe OCC eCCeeSe ScoooccccocccccocccoccccccccccSccS eee22DQDDDDD OCC OCOOCOCOO OOOO OOCCOCOCA SCCDSTDCD CODD COO COC CCC COC COC OCOC COCO SPePDDDDDDCOCOCOCOC COCA OCOC COCO COCO BGC C0o cet eceeceeeeeooeoeoee eee eee eee eee eee SCSDSDDDDDDCD OCC CCC COO OOO COCO CDD000 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 contd Figure 3.19. 3.29 GLENNALLEN: * LOW: SPOKDDDDDDDQGDDCDCADOQCOODDCOCOCOCOOGCG000 CSOCODDDCODDDCODDOOCODCCOOCC COCO OO ePL2ePQODDODCOOCDOCOCC ACCC ACACACCOCeCAOOCOGOOORG SPCCCOCODCOCD DCO COOCCOOC OCC OOO OO00D0 eceecoo COCO COC OCCA CC OCCA CCOOCCOO SeSCDDDDOC CCDC COCO OC OCOD COCO OOCO0DO PPDDDDDDDCDCDDD GOD COO COBO OCO0000 SODDSCDDDDDDODCOCDCOCODCOO COCO COCO CO00 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 MED: CPECAPCDQCODCOADGCCOOOCODCOOOOCOCOOCCO0DO COCCCODDDCDDCCOCODDD COCO OCCOCCCOOO ecQgDeDDCeCA OOOO OCC OOO CCC OCA CGCO0DO CSCCCCDDDCDCDO DCO OCOD CODCOD DOOD COCO CCCOCDO ecccDeC GCC CC ACCC CCC OCC C OOOO OOO GCGoDe CPOCDDDDDCDDOCOCOCODOC ODOC COCO OCOCOC COC COCO eercDcDD DDC OCC COCO COCA C COCO eC OCC eCGGGaG ececcceC COFCO COCO COCO OCC COCO COO OCC 0D 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 contd Figure 3.19. 3.30 CPAPCDDDDOCCOCCOCOCOOGQ000 COGDCCAODCCGCG CPOCOCCOCCOCDDDDDDCOOC00 CODCOD OCCCCO ©PSPCADDDDT0D00G0000000 COD0RDCCOCOO SPOCOCCCDDDCDDDDDCOGDCOO COODCOCCOCS PQCCODCODDDDGDOGOCGOSCD GCOCCDDCCCCCO CPOCOCDSCDDDDDDDODDOCDCO0SD COCO DCOCCO0O CPEOCKDDDDDDDODGDDDDO0O00 COD00000000 SCESCSCDDSCOCCDCODDCOCCO COORD COCOOCCOD ROAAMPNOLDHOHAAMNTNOLOACHANTMNOM DONO VUMDDDDDDDDDAAAHDADAAANAGOOCOCCOOOOCOr A ANAAAAAAADAAAAAAAAAAHAASCOCOCCOSCOSOCCO DAA AAA AHA MMA contd Figure 3.19. 3.31 4.0 INPUT There are five input data files to the RED program. These five files are called CONSER DAT, EXTRA DAT, PARAMETR SEQ, RATE DAT, and RDDATA xxx. This chapter describes the content and format of each these data files. CONSER_DAT This file contains information on the technical and market characteristics of conservation options and consumer-operated electrical generating options, both for subsidized and unsubsidized cases. Up to 10 residential conservation options may be specified. Business sector conservation is handled as a single unit. The technical features for each residential option that must be specified are: e@ Initial cost per installation (COSTO) Operating cost per installation per year (OPCOST) Electricity saved per installation (TECH) Electrical device saturation rate (ESAT) Conservation device saturation rate (CSATIN) Conservation device saturation range (CSATRN) Peak demand correction factor (RDCF) The data that are covered for business conservation are: e@ Potential proportion of electricity saved, existing buildings (BPPESE) e@ Potential proportion of electricity saved, new buildings (BPPESN) e@ Saturation of conservation in existing buildings (BSATE) ©@ Saturation of conservation in new buildings (BSATN) @ Peak demand correction factor, existing buildings (BDCFE) @ Peak demand correction factor, new buildings (BDCFN) e@ Cost of conservation in existing buildings (BCOSTE) e@ Cost of conservation in new buildings (BCOSTN) 4.1 The file format is as follows: (Note: Lines 1 Residential option data appears in groups of 14 lines each.) Comments Name_of option: The program reads one line, one alphanumeric entry per line. The line's entry is interpreted as the option's name. Any set of letters or numbers may be used, up to 20 characters. The FORTRAN format is (1X,5A4). Initial cost per installation: The program reads one line, 6 entries per line. Each line's entries are interpreted as the 1982 dollar installed cost of the energy conservation option in Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Glennallen-Valdez, respectively. The subsidized cost is listed first for each load center, followed by unsubsidized costs in the three load centers. Each entry is interpreted as the dollar cost of a single installation, and may be up to 12 digits with 4 implied decimal places, e.g. ($4678.2134). The FORTRAN format is (1X,6F12.4). Operating cost per installation: The program reads one line, 3 entries per line. Each line's entries are interpreted as the 1982 dollar cost of operating the device for one year (net of capital cost), in Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Fairbanks-Tanana Valley, and Glennallen-Valdez, respectively. No subsidized cost is entered. Each entry may be up to 12 digits, with 4 implied decimal places. Each entry is interpreted in 1982 dollars, e.g. $136.4500. The FORTRAN format is (1X,3F12.4). Electricity saved per installation: The program reads one line, three entries per line. Each line's entries are interpreted as the electricity saved per year per installation in Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Fairbanks-Tanana Valley, and Glennallen-Valdez, respectively. Each entry may be up to a 12 digit number with 4 implied decimal places. Each entry is interpreted as kWh per year saved per installation. The FORTRAN format is (1X,3F12.4). 4.2 Lines 5-11 12 13 14 Comments Electrical device saturation rate: The program reads seven lines, three entries per line. Each line's entries are interpreted as the proportion of households in Anchorage -Cook Inlet, Fairbanks-Tanana Valley, and Glennallen-Valdez having the electrical device displaced or improved by the conservation option in line 1. Each line is interpreted as the year beginning a five-year forecast period, 1 = 1980, 2 = 1985, ..., 7 = 2010. Each entry may be up to 4 decimal places, and is interpreted as a Proportion. The FORTRAN format is (1X,3F12.4). Conservation device saturation rate: The program reads one line, six entries per line. Each line's entries are interpreted as the Proportion of total electrical devices that are forecast to be displaced in Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Fairbanks-Tanana Valley, and Glennallen-Valdez. The three subsidized rates are read first, then the three unsubsidized rates. Each entry may be up to four decimal places, and is interpreted as a proportion. The Proportions entered in this line are usually obtained by running the program CONSER. The FORTRAN format is (1X,6F12.4). Conservation device saturation range: The program reads one line, six entries per line. Each line's entries are interpreted as the upper bound on the saturation of conservation devices in Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Fairbanks-Tanana Valley, and Glennallen- Valdez, respectively, followed by the lower bound estimates. Each entry may be up to four decimal places, and is interpreted as a proportion. The FORTRAN format is (1X,6F12.4). Peak demand correction factor: The program reads one line, three entries per line. Each line's entries are interpreted as the proportion of the conservation device's capacity that is avail- able at peak demand in Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Fairbanks-Tanana Valley, and Glennallen-Valdez, respectively. Each entry may be up to four decimal places. The FORTRAN format is (1X,3F12.4). 4.3 Lines fa 14n+2-14n+8 Comments xxxx: This delimiter tells the program that this is the end of the residential options. If it does not apper, line 15 is read as the next option name. Up to ten residential options can be handled by RED, so this delimiter can appear in line 1 or 15, 29, 43, etc., up to 141. Only the first 10 residential options will be used. (Note: The n below denotes the total number of residential options entered in the file.) Potential proportion of electricty saved, existing buildings: The program reads seven lines, three entries per line. Each line's entries are interpreted as the potental proportion of sales of electricity to existing buildings that could be saved by conservation in Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Fairbanks-Tanana Valley, and Glennallen-Valdez, respectively. Each line is interpreted as the first year of a five-year forecast period 1 = 1980, 2 = 1985, ..., 7 = 2010. Each entry may be up to 4 decimal places and is interpreted as a proportion. The FORTRAN format is (1X,3F12.4). 14n+9-14n+15 Potential proportion of electricity saved, new buildings: Same format as for existing buildings. 14n+16-14n+22 Saturation of conservation in existing buildings: The program reads seven lines, six entries per line. Each line's entries are interpreted as the expected proportion of potential electricity savings that would actually be realized with subsidy in Anchorage- Cook Inlet, Fairbanks-Tanana Valley, and Glennallen-Valdez, respectively, followed by the estimates for the unsubsidized case. Each line is interpreted as the first year of a five-year forecast period 1 = 1980, 2 = 1985, ..., 7 = 2010. Each entry may be up to four decimal places and is interpreted as proportion. The FORTRAN format is (1X,6F12.4). 4.4 Lines Comments a ———SSSSSFSFSFSFSFeFe 14n+23-14n+29 Saturation of conservation in new buildings: Same format as for existing buildings. 14n+30 Peak demand correction factor, existing buildings: The program reads one line of three entries. The entries are interpreted as the proportion of conservation savings which could be achieved at peak demand in Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Fairbanks-Tanana Valley, and Glennallen-Valdez, respectively. Each entry may be up to four decimal places and is interpreted as a proportion. the FORTRAN format is (1X,3F12.4). 14n+31 Peak demand correction factor, new buildings: Same format as for existing buildings. 14n+32 Cost_of conservation in existing buildings: The program reads one line of six entries. The entries are interpreted as the 1982 dollar cost to the consumer per MWh of conservation with subsidy in Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Fairbanks-Tanana Valley, and Glennallen-Valdez, respectively, followed by the unsub- sidized costs in the three load centers. Each entry may be up to 12 digits with four implied decimal places, and is interpreted as dollars per MWh. The FORTRAN format is (1X,6F12.4). 14n+33 Cost_of conservation in new buildings: Same format as for existing buildings. EXTRA DAT This file contains information on the annual electrical consumption and peak demand of large industrial projects, which are for the most part a portion of Alaska's export base. Examples include refineries, fish processing plants, and mining operations. These data are specified outside the RED model and included only in the total requirements calculations. The data that must be specified include e@ Annual consumption 4.5 @ Peak demand both by region, scenario, and probability of occurrence. The file format is as follows: The program reads the file in seven groups of 18 lines of 9 entries, each group representing one forecast period: 1 = 1980, 2 = 1985, ..., 7 = 2010. Within each group of 18 lines, the top nine represent GWh of annual consumption and the bottom nine represent MW of peak demand for the same year, Probability and region. Each group of nine lines is read in the following manner. The first three lines are interpreted as GWh of annual electricity consumption for 1980 in Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Fairbanks-Tanana Valley, and Glennallen-Valdez, respectively for .25 probability (the subjective probability is .25 that consumption will be greater than this amount). Each entry in a line corresponds to a different scenario. The second three lines in the group of nine display the corresponding GWh of consumption at .5 probability. The third three lines display corresponding data for .75 Probability. The program then reads the next 9 lines, which represent MW of peak demand in the same fashion: three lines for .25, three lines for .5, three lines for .75. Having read the data in 18 lines for 1980, it then passes to 1985 and repeats the process. Each entry may be up to an 8-digit number with two implied decimal places. The FORTRAN format is (9F8.2). PARAMETR_ SEQ This file contains the numerical values that describe the distributions of the parameters varied in the Uncertainty Module. Variables (and names read) in this file foljiow. e@ Range of housing demand coefficients (RNG) e@ Variance of housing demand coefficients (VAR) @ Expected value of housing demand coefficients (HDCOEF) @ Saturation rates for electrical appliances (SAT) © Range of saturation rates for electrical appliances (SATRNG) 4.6 e@ Business building floor space elasticity (BBETA2, RGMIN, RGMAX, VVAR) e@ Price elasticities for electricity price (ESR, ELR), fuel oil price (CEOSR, CEOLR), and gas price (CEGSR, CEGLR) as they affect the demand for electricity, together with their minimum (PMIN) and maximum (PMAX) values. e@ Regional load factors (PLOAD), with minimum (PMIN) and maximum (PMAX) values. The file format is as follows: Lines Comments 1-9 Range, variance, expected value of housing demand coefficients: The program reads 3 sequences of three lines, 6 entries per line. The first line is interpreted as the range of parameter values, the second line the variance, and the third as the expected value. The three groups of three correspond to the equations for single family, multifamily, and mobile home housing, respectively. The individual entries are taken in the order listed in Table 4.6 of the documentation report. Entries may be up to 5 digit numbers with three implied decimal places. The FORTRAN format is (6(1X,F5.3)). 10-135 Saturation rates and range of saturation rates for electrical appliances: The program reads 126 lines, each line corresponding to four housing types--single family, multifamily, mobile homes, and duplexes, in that order--for Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Fairbanks- Tanana Valley, and Glennallen-Valdez, respectively. The lines are read in groups of 14, each group of 14 representing one of 9 appliance types. Within each group of 14 are seven 2-line pairs. The first line of the first pair is interpreted as the expected saturation rate for 1980, while the second line is interpreted as the range. The seven pairs of lines correspond to 4.7 Lines 136-138 139-156 Comments the beginning years of the seven forecast periods 1980, 1985, ..., 2010. The nine sets of lines correspond to the following appliances: 10-23 Water heaters 24-37 Cooking 38-51 Clothes dryers 52-65 Refrigerators 66-79 Freezers 80-93 Dishwashers 94-107 Clothes washers 108-121 Saunas-Jacuzzis 122-135 Space heat These are market saturations, not fuel mode splits. Consequently, space heat is shown as 100.0 in all cases. Entries for saturation rates are up to three-place decimals, and are interpreted as proportion of the housing stock of the given type having the appliance. The range is also a decimal, e.g. 0.020 is two percent (plus or minus 1 percent). The FORTRAN format is (12(1X,F5.3)). Business building floor space elasticity: The program reads three lines, four entries per line. The entries are interpreted as the expected value, minimum of the range, maximum of the range, and variance, respectively. Each line is interpreted as a load center: Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Fairbanks-Tanana Valley, and Glennallen-Valdez, respectively. Each entry may be up to a 15 digit number with 6 implied decimal places. the FORTRAN format is (4F15.6). Price elasticities for electricity, fuel oil, and gas: The program reads 18 lines, 2 entries per line. Each entry in a line is interpreted as an end-use sector: residential and business are divided into two groups of 9 each, corresponding to short run 4.8 Lines 157-159 RATE DAT Comments (1 year) and long run (7 years), respectively. Each group of 9 lines begins with the minimum, expected, and maximum value for the price elasticity of electricity, followed on the next three lines with the minimum, expected, and maximum for fuel oil cross- price elasticity, and finally the minimum, expected, and maximum values for gas cross-price elasticity. Each entry is interpreted as an elasticity and can be either negative or positive (own-price elasticities are assumed negative). They may be up to 5 digit numbers with 2 implied decimal places. The FORTRAN format is (2(1X,F5.2)). Load factors: The program reads three lines, three entries per line. Each entry is interpreted as the load factor for Anchorage- Cook Inlet, Fairbanks-Tanana Valley, and Glennallen-Valdez, respectively. The lines correspond to the minimum, expected, and maximum values, respectively. Each entry may be up to 4 decimal places, and is interpreted as a proportion. The FORTRAN format is (3CUXSF654)) This file contains the prices for electricity by load center and end-use sectors. The RED program array name for this data is PE. This file can be Prepared by running the program RATE. The file format is as follows: 1-21 Regional energy prices-electricity: The program reads two entries per line. Each line's entries are interpreted as electricity prices for the residential and business sectors in Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Fairbanks-Tanana Valley, or Glennallen-Valdez. Each line is interpreted as a single year at the beginning of a forecast period, 1980, 1985, 1990, ..., 2010. The lines are read in three groups of these seven time periods. The first group represents Anchorage-Cook Inlet, the second group represents Fairbanks-Tanana 4.9 Lines Comments Valley, and the third group represents Glennallen-Valdez. Each entry is a number up to 12 digits with four implied decimal places. Entries are interpreted as 1982 dollars per kWh (e.g., $0.031). The FORTRAN format is (2F12.4). RDDATA xxx This file contains the major data that varies by economic scenario, but would ordinarily not change for different electrical supply plans. Variables (and names) read in this file are read in the following order: e@ Load center populations (POP) @ Alaska households, by age group and total (ALSHH and TALSHH) @ Alaska employment (TEMPL) @ Alaska average wage (SWAGE) @ Alaska relative price index (RPI) @ Prices for distillate fuel oi] and natural gas, by load center and end-use sector (P0,PG) 1-31 32-38 The file format is as follows: Regional populations: The program reads 3 entries to a line. Each line's entries are interpreted as Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Fairbanks- Tanana Valley, and Glennallen-Valdez populations, respectively. Each entry is interpreted as a year in the forecast period, years 1 to 31, corresponding to 1980, 1981, ..., 2010. Data are up to 8 digit numbers, with no decimal. Thus, entries are in terms of number of people. The FORTRAN format is (3F8.0). Alaska households by age group: The program reads 4 entries to a line. Each line's entries are interpreted as the number of households in Alaska whose head is <25 years, 25-29, 30-54, or 55- plus. Each line is interpretd as a five-year forecast period: 4.10 Lines 39-45 46-76 77-107 108-138 139-159 1 = 1980, 2 = 1985, ..., 7 = 2010. Data are up to 8 digit numbers, with no decimal. Thus entries are numbers of households. The FORTRAN format is (4F8.0). Comments Alaska total households: The program reads one entry to a line. Each line's entry is the total number of households in Alaska for a five-year forecast period 1 = 1980, 2 = 1985, ..., 7 = 2010. Entries are up to 8-digit numbers, with no decimal. Thus, entries are numbers of households. The FORTRAN format is (1F8.0). Total employment: The program reads three entries to a line. Each line's entry is interpreted as total employment in Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Fairbanks-Tanana Valley, Glennallen-Valdez, respectively. Each line is a forecast year from 1980 to 2010. Entries are up to 10 digits with three implied decimal places. Thus entries are thousands of employees. The FORTRAN format is (3F10.3). Alaska average wage: The program reads one entry per line. Each line's entry is interpreted as the annual average wage in Alaska in nominal terms for a single year 1980, 1981, ..., 2010. Entries are up to 10-digit numbers with one implied decimal place and are interpreted as dollars (e.g. $9,416.8). The FORTRAN format is (F10.1). Alaska relative price index: The program reads one entry per line. Each line's entry is interpreted as an index of the average Alaska price level in 1967 “lower 48" doliars for a single year 1980, 1981, ..., 2010. Entries are up to 10-digit numbers with 3 implied decimal places, and are interpreted as an index, U.S. 1967 = 100 (e.g. 340.929). The FORTRAN format is (F10.3). Regional energy prices - oil: The program reads two entries per line. Each line's entries are interpreted as distillate fuel oi] prices for the residential and business sectors in Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Fairbanks-Tanana Valley or Glennallen-Valdez. Each line is 4.11 Lines 160-180 Note: Comments interpreted as a single year at the beginning of a forecast period, 1980, 1985, 1990, ..., 2010. The lines are read in three groups of these seven time periods. The first group respresents Anchorage- Cook Inlet. The second group represents Fairbanks-Tanana Valley, and the third group represents Glennallen-Valdez. Each entry is a number up to 6 digits in length with two implied decimal places. Entries are interpreted as 1982 dollars per million Btu (e.g. $8.96). The FORTRAN format is (2F6.2). Regional energy prices - gas: The program reads two entries per line. Each line's entries are interpreted as natural gas prices for the residential and business sectors in Anchorage-Cook Inlet, Fairbanks-Tanana Valley or Glennallen-Valdez. Each line is interpreted as a single year at the beginning of a forecast period, 1980, 1985, 1990, ..., 2010. The lines are read in three groups of these seven time periods. The first group represents Anchorage- Cook Inlet, the second group represents Fairbanks-Tanana Valley and the third group represents Glennallen-Valdez. Each entry is a number up to 6 digits in length with two implied decimal places. Entries are interpreted as 1982 dollars per million Btu. The FORTRAN format is (2F6.2). Prices of distillate and natural gas to utilities are handled in AREEP, a companion model. 4.12 5.0 PROGRAM OPERATION This chapter first describes how to run the RED program and its auxiliary programs, CONSER and RATE, on the Anchorage Data Center's IBM computer. It then describes how to run the RED program in tandem with the AREEP program. The AREEP program is described in detail in Volume XI of the study series. This chapter assumes that the user is familiar with CMS (Conversational Monitor System) file manipulation commands and text editing procedures on the computer system. PROGRAM RED The RED program has been installed to run from a user's terminal. the user prepares the input data files by text editing and/or by running the auxiliary programs CONSER and RATE. When the program is invoked, the user is prompted for additional input. After execution of RED, a report file and various output data files are available for further processing. Data Files Input data files to and output data files from the RED program are predetermined by the file assignments made when the program was installed. Figure 5.1 gives the current file assignments for the RED program. Thus before the program is run, the input files (those files with an access of “read" only) must already exist in the user's disk directory and they must have the same filenames and filetypes as specified in Figure 5.1. After execution of the program the output files (those files with an access of "write" only) are available in the user's disk directory. These output files have the filenames and filetypes listed in Figure 5.1. The RED program requires five input files. These input files can be prepared by text editing, using the supplied files as templates. Note that there are nine files with the filename of RDDATA and with filetypes of LOW, MED, HIG, SUP, IND, BUS, LLS, MMS, and HHS, respectively. These correspond to nine different economic scenarios and only one version is used in a given 5.1 FORTRAN Type of Filename Filetype File Description Unit # Access RDDATA XXX data input (xxx= LOW, MED, L read HIG, SUP, IND, BUS, LLS, MMS, or HHS) RATE DAT data input (available from 2 read program RATE) RED PRT report 3) write SCRATCH TMP intermediate scratch file 4 read/write ~e a terminal 5 read ao come! terminal 6 write PARAMETR SEQ data input 7 read CONSER DAT data input (available from 8 read program CONSER) EXTRA DAT data input 9 read RED DAT data output 10 write REDRATE DAT data output aed write FIGURE 5.1. RED File Assignments 5.2 Program execution. The usual procedure in text editing a given input file is to copy the file to a new file with a different filename and/or filetype (e.g. COPYFILE CONSER DAT * CONSER OLD =) and edit the original file (e.g. CONSER DAT). In this manner the contents of the original file are perserved under a different filename and/or filetype. In past usage, only the RATE DAT and CONSER DAT input file have required modifications. The files CONSER DAT and RATE DAT can also be generated by running the programs CONSER and RATE, respectively. The three output files are created when the program is run. An execution of RED will erase any previously created files of the same filenames and filetypes. Thus, to save results from a run, it is necessary to copy the output files to new files with different filenames or filetypes (e.g. COPYFILE RED PRT * RED OLD =). j Running the Program The RED program is run interactively from the user's terminal. It is executed by invoking what is called an "exec" file. An annotated listing of the EXEC 2 command file currently used to invoke RED is given in Figure 5.2. The steps in running RED are as follows: 1) Log on to the system. 2) If necessary, prepare the input files making sure that the resulting files conform to the filename and filetype conventions given in Figure 5.1. 3) Invoke the RED program "exec" file. The command for this is "RED". 4) Type in the responses to the program prompts (RED program prompts are described in the following section). 5) After processing, one of the following two messages will appear. "SUCCESSFUL FINISH" - This means that the program has terminated normally. The report file is printed at the central site and the temporary "scratch" file is erased. 5.3 &TRACE OFF &IF X&l = X? &GOTO -INFO -TOP CLRSCRN &BEGPRINT 18 RED -~ R AILBELT E LECTRICAL D EMAND MODEL ECONOMIC SCENARIO DESIRED: &IF &IF &IF &IF &IF «IF &IF &IF &IF &IF * er * eT * FI * FI * FI * et 1=LOW 2=MEDIUM 3=HIGH 4=SUPER HIGH 5=sINDUSTRIALIZATION 6=FISCAL CRISIS 7=LOW WITH SUSITNA 8=MEDIUM WITH SUSITNA 9=HIGH WITH SUSITNA &READ VARS &ANS &IF XSANS EQ XHX &EXIT &IF X&ANS EQ X SANS = 0 & = &TRANS OF &ANS 1234567890 &IF X& NE X &GOTO -TOP GANS = 0 &FT GANS = 1 &FT SANS = 2 GFT &ANS = 3 &FT &ANS = 4 &FT GANS = 5 &FT &ANS = 6 &FT SANS = 7 &FT &ANS = 8 &FT &ANS = 9 &FT INPUT FILE FTO1FOO1 DISK INPUT FILE FTO2F001 DISK DAT LOW MED HIG SUP IND BUS LLS MMS HHS RDDATA &FT Al RATE DAT Al OUTPUT FILE (PRINT WITH CARRIAGE CONTROL) FPTO3F001 DISK RED PRT Al(RECFM FM LRECL 132 BLOCK 132) INPUT/OUTPUT FILE (TEMPORARY) FTO4F001 DISK INPUT FILE FPTO7FOO1 DISK INPUT FILE PTO8FOO1l DISK SCRATCH TMP Al PARAMETR SEQ Al CONSER DAT Al FIGURE 5.2. RED EXEC 2 Command File 5.4 Display greeting Request scenario choice Make file assignments * INPUT FILE FI FTO9FO0O1 DISK EXTRA DAT Al * OUTPUT FILE (DATA) FI FT1OFOO1 DISK RED DAT Al * OUTPUT FILE (DATA) FI FT11F001 DISK REDRATE DAT Al * UNIT 5 (INPUT) AND UNIT 6 (OUTPUT) ARE ATTACHED TO THE TERMINAL CLRSCRN ee Execute RED RED &IF &RETCODE NE 0 &GOTO -DONE roceoeeo=— Successful run - Delete scratch file Print report at central site ERASE SCRATCH TMP Al CP SPOOL PRT SYSTEM PRINT RED PRT Al (CC CP SPOOL PRT * CLOSE &TYPE RED -- SUCCESSFUL FINISH &EXIT 0 soono----- Type error message -DONE &TYPE &RETCODE &TYPE RED -- !! UNSUCCESSFUL FINISH &EXIT an asacaeaneraeae we Display the following when user types "RED ?" -INFO CLRSCRN &BEGPRINT 15 THIS EXEC RUNS THE RED PROGRAM. THE EXEC ITSELF ASKS A QUESTION ABOUT THE SCENARIO THE CUSTOMER WISHES TO RUN IN ORDER TO SUPPLY THE APPROPRIATE 'RDDATA XXX' FILE. IF THE CUSTOMER RESPONDS WITH A '0', THEN THERE MUST BE A 'RDDATA DAT' FILE IN THE CUSTOMER'S A-DISK. ALL FILE ASSIGNMENTS ARE MADE AND THE RED PROGRAM IS CALLED BY THIS EXEC. THE RED PROGRAM ITSELF REQUIRES CUSTOMER RESPONSES FROM THE TERMINAL. AFTER EXECUTION OF RED, THE STATUS OF THE RUN IS TYPED. IF THE STATUS IS SUCCESS, THEN THIS EXEC SPOOLS THE REPORT FILE 'RED PRT' TO THE LINE PRINTER AND ERASES A SCRATCH FILE ('SCRATCH TMP') THAT RED USES. TO TERMINATE THIS EXEC USE 'HX' IN RESPONSE TO THE FIRST QUESTION ABOUT THE SCENARIO TYPE. &EXIT 0 FIGURE 5.2. contd 5.5 "Tl UNSUCCESSFUL FINISH" - This means that something has caused the program to abort. The report file is not printed. The temporary "scratch" file (SCRATCH TMP), which contains intermediate results, is not erased and can be examined for clues to problems. 6) The output files are available in the user's disk directory and they may be listed or edited from the terminal. 7) Rename or copy any output files which should be saved before the next RED run. Program Dialog When the RED program is executed, the user is requested to supply information from the terminal. At the minimum, the program prompts the user to give the economic scenario desired and a run title. If Monte Carlo simulation is desired, then the user must supply the number of program iterations, a random number seed and the parameters which will be varied. Figure 5.3 gives an annotated example of a RED program dialog. In this figure, user responses are underlined and comments, indicating valid responses, appear in lower case and to the right. PROGRAM CONSER The CONSER program is used to generate a CONSER DAT file for program RED. The program is run interactively from the user's terminal. The discussion on data files for program RED concerning file manipulation and text editing also applies to program CONSER. Figure 5.4 gives the file assignments currently used for program CONSER. Note that the input file, RATE DAT, can be generated by running program RATE. Running the Program The CONSER program is executed by invoking the CONSER "exec" file. Figure 5.5 gives an annotated listing of the EXEC 2 command file currently used to run CONSER. 5.6 RED R AILBELT E LECTRICAL D EMAND MODEL ECONOMIC SCENARIO DESIRED: 1=LOW 2=MEDIUM 3=HIGH 4=SUPER HIGH 5=INDUSTRIALIZATION 6=FISCAL CRISIS 7=LOW WITH SUSITNA 8=MEDIUM WITH SUSITNA 9=HIGH WITH SUSITNA TITLE FOR THIS RUN: > TEST ECONOMIC SCENARIO DESIRED: 1=LOW 2=MEDIUM 3=HIGH 4=SUPER HIGH 5=INDUSTRIALIZATION 6=FISCAL CRISIS 7=LOW WITH SUSITNA 8=MEDIUM WITH SUSITNA 9=HIGH WITH SUSITNA NT TO GENERATE RANDOM VALUES FOR ANY PARAMETERS? (0=NO, rz Jnv ENTER THE INITIAL RANDOM NUMBER> a 12345 NUMBER OF TIMES TO RUN THE MODEL> ia, 4 CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS FOR REPORTING THE TOTAL ELECTRIC REQUIREMENTS: 1 - ENUMERATE EVERY ITERATION 2 - MEANS AND STANDARD DEVIATIONS 3 - BOTH (1) AND (2) Jew FIGURE 5.3. Sample RED Dialog Sei) 1=YES)> enter a number between 1 & 9 up to 80 characters enter the same number as above the dialog stops here if the response is 0 (NO) up to 9 digits, odd, integer the limit is 100 iterations this refers to the 2 versions of the "TOTAL ELECTRIC REQUIREMENTS" table YOU CAN GENERATE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING GROUPS OF PARAMETERS: 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 40 50 60 70 80 ln IAwv @ouy ‘0 HOUSING DEMANDS ALL APPLIANCE SATURATION RATES WATER HEATING SATURATIONS COOKING SATURATIONS CLOTHES DRYING SATURATIONS REFRIGERATOR SATURATIONS PREEZER SATURATIONS DISH WASHER SATURATIONS CLOTHES DRYER SATURATIONS SAUNA SATURATIONS SPACE HEATING SATURATIONS BUSINESS USAGE PARAMETERS ELASTICITIES SATURATION RATE FOR CONSERVATION OPTION: REGIONAL LOAD FACTORS PEAK CORRECTION FACTORS NONE RED -- SUCCESSFUL FINISH FIGURE 5.3. 5.8 SUPERINSULATION (contd) codes 50 - 59 refer to the conservation options from file CONSER DAT up to 10 parameters can be varied terminate prompting with an "80" (NONE) FORTRAN Type of Filename Filetype File Description Unit # Access CONSER DAT data output 1 write RATE DAT data input (available from 2 read program RATE) ae mee terminal 5 read --- tad terminal § write FIGURE 5.4. CONSER File Assignments 5.9 &TRACE OFF &IF X&l = X? &GOTO -INFO -TOP CLRSCRN &BEGPRINT 3 PROGRAM CONSER -- . OUTPUT FILE (DATA) FI FTO1FOO1 DISK CONSER DAT Al * INPUT FILE FI FTO2FO01 DISK RATE DAT Al Display greeting Make file assignments 7 UNIT 5 (INPUT) AND UNIT 6 (OUTPUT) ARE ATTACHED TO THE TERMINAL CONSER &IF &RETCODE NE 0 &GOTO -DONE &TYPE CONSER -- SUCCESSFUL FINISH &EXIT 0 -DONE &TYPE &RETCODE &TYPE CONSER -- !! UNSUCCESSFUL FINISH &EXIT ~INFO CLRSCRN &BEGPRINT 6 Execute CONSER Successful run Type error message Display the following when user types "CONSER ?" THIS EXEC RUNS THE CONSER PROGRAM. ALL FILE ASSIGNMENTS ARE MADE AND THE CONSER PROGRAM IS CALLED BY THIS EXEC. INTERACTIVE PROGRAM. AFTER EXECUTION OF CONSER, IS TYPED. &EXIT 0 FIGURE 5.5. CONSER EXEC 2 Command File 5.10 THE CONSER PROGRAM IS AN THE STATUS OF THE RUN The steps in running CONSER are as follows: 1) Log on to the system. 2) If necessary prepare the input file. The resulting file must be named RATE DAT. 3) Invoke the CONSER program "exec" file. The command for this is "CONSER". 4) Type in the responses to the program prompts (the CONSER program prompts are described below). 5) After successful processing, the output data file (CONSER DAT) will be in the user's disk directory. This file can be listed, edited or read by program RED. 6) Rename or copy CONSER DAT to another filename or filetype if it should be saved before the next CONSER run. Program Dialog CONSER is a highly interactive program. The user is requested from the terminal to supply information on up to 10 residential conservation options as well as information on conservation in new and existing buildings in the business sector. Figure 5.6 gives an annotated example of a CONSER program dialog. In this figure, user responses are underlined and comments, indicating valid responses, appear in lower case and to the right. PROGRAM RATE The RATE program is used to generate a RATE DAT file for program RED. The program is run interactively from the user's terminal. The discussion on data file manipulation and text editing for program RED also applies to program RATE. Figure 5.7 gives the file assignments currently used for program RATE.. Note that the input files, AREEP DAT and REDRATE DAT can be generated by running programs AREEP and RED, respectively. 5.11 PROGRAM CONSE: R RESIDENTIAL SECTOR: FOR EACH OF THE FOLLOWING PROMPTS YOU MUST ENTER VALUES FOR THE 3 REGIONS ANCHORAGE, FAIRBANKS AND VALDEZ SEPARATED BY COMMAS. ‘ENTER THE NAME OF THE CONSERVATION OPTION> SUPERINSULATION SUBSIDIZED INSTALLATION COST FOR CONS. OPTION ? 3908,4144,4948 OPERATING COSTS FOR CONS. OPTION 2 0,0,0 EXPECTED LIFETIME(YRS) FOR DEVICE ? 20,20,20 KWH SAVED PER YEAR FOR DEVICE ? 17000,22000,200 00 ENTER ELECTRIC USE SATURATION IN 1980> ? -17,.08,.01 ENTER ELECTRIC IN 1985> ? +17,.08,.01 ENTER ELECTRIC IN 1990> ? -17,.08,.01 ENTER ELECTRIC IN 1995> es -17,.08,.01 ENTER ELECTRIC IN 2000> 2 +17, .08,.01 ENTER ELECTRIC IN 2005> ? .17,.08,.01 ENTER ELECTRIC IN 2010> ? -17,.08,.01 USE USE USE USE USE USE SATURATION SATURATION SATURATION SATURATION SATURATION SATURATION RATE RATE RATE RATE RATE FIGURE 5.6. 1l> 1> 1> POR POR POR FOR FOR POR FOR THE THE THE DEVICE DEVICE DEVICE DEVICE DEVICE DEVICE DEVICE ---- up to 20 characters ---- enter costs in dollars ---- enter costs in $/yr ---- enter numbers equal to or greater than 0 Sample CONSER Dialog 5.12 ENTER PEAK DEMAND CORRECTION FACTOR> ? 1,1,1 INTERNAL RATE-OF-RETURN IS 0.14377 NO. OF ITERATIONS IS 3 INTERNAL RATE-OF-RETURN IS 0.33647 NO. OF ITERATIONS IS a INTERNAL RATE-OF-RETURN IS 0.94124 NO. OF ITERATIONS IS 7, WANT TO USE THIS OPTION? (1=YES,0=NO) ie 1 ENTER THE NONSUBSIDIZED INSTALLATION COST ? 3908, 4144,4948 ENTER THE NAME OF THE CONSERVATION OPTION> eee SUBSIDIZED INSTALLATION COST FOR CONS. OPTION 2> ? 0079 e 7-9 BUSINESS SECTOR: FOR EACH OF THE FOLLOWING PROMPTS YOU MUST ENTER VALUES FOR THE 3 REGIONS ANCHORAGE, FAIRBANKS AND VALDEZ SEPARATED BY COMMAS. 1980: POTENTIAL PROPORTION OF ELECTRICITY DISPLACED BY CONSERVATION IN EXISTING BUILDINGS> 2 a judeea POTENTIAL PROPORTION OF ELECTRICITY DISPLACED BY CONSERVATION IN NEW BUILDINGS> i Laps hued NONSUBSIDIZED CONSERVATION SATURATION RATE FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS> 2 4,4, 4 NONSUBSIDIZED SATURATION RATE FOR NEW BUILDINGS> ? 34,.4,24 FIGURE 5.6. (contd) 5.13 enter numbers between 0 6 1 inclusive: 0 -> no peak savings 1 -> exactly offsets peak demand enter costs in dollars up to 10 residential options can be entered: to stop the Prompting for options, enter -9.'s for the next option's installation costs enter numbers between 0 & 1 inclusive enter numbers equal to or greater than 0 SUBSIDIZED CONSERVATION SATURATION RATE FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS> 2 oe 05705705 SUBSIDIZED CONSERVATION SATURATION RATE FOR NEW BUILDINGS> e 05705705 1980: PROPORTION ELECTRICITY DISPLACED BY EXISTING BLDGS: 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 PROPORTION ELECTRICITY DISPLACED BY NEW BLDGS: 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 SUBSIDIZED SATURATION RATE FOR EXISTING BLDGS: 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 SUBSIDIZED SATURATION RATE FOR NEW BLDGS: 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 NONSUBSIDIZED SATURATION RATE FOR EXISTING BLDGS: 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 NONSUBSIDIZED SATURATION RATE FOR NEW BLDGS: 0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 OK? (1=YES,0=NO)> ? 1 PEAK DEMAND CORRECTION FACTOR FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS> 2, -85,.85,.85 PEAK DEMAND CORRECTION FACTOR FOR NEW BUILDINGS> ? -~80,.80,.80 SUBSIDIZED ANNUAL COST PER MWH (1981 $) OF CONSERVATION IN EXISTING BUILDINGS> 2 42,42, 42 SUBSIDIZED ANNUAL COST PER MWH (1981 $) OF CONSERVATION IN NEW BUILDINGS> ? : 38,38,38 FIGURE 5.6. (contd) 5.14 numbers must be greater than corresponding nonsubsidized values the above BUSINESS SECTOR prompts are repeated for each of the forecast years: 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 NONSUBSIDIZED ANNUAL COST PER MWH (1981 $) OF CONSERVATION IN EXISTING BUILDINGS> ? 42,42, 42 NONSUBSIDIZED ANNUAL COST PER MWH (1981 $) OF CONSERVATION IN NEW BUILDINGS> ? 47,47,47 feg8t 8} CORRECTION FACTORS FOR EXISTING BLDGS: 0.8500 0.8500 0.8500 CORRECTION FACTORS FOR NEW BLDGS: 0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 SUBSIDIZED COST FOR EXISTING BLDGS: 42.0000 42.0000 42.0000 SUBSIDIZED COST FOR NEW BLDGS: 38.0000 38.0000 38.0000 NONSUBSIDIZED COST FOR EXISTING BLDGS: 42.0000 42.0000 42.0000 NONSUBSIDIZED COST FOR NEW BLDGS: 47.0000 47.0000 47.0000 OK? (1=YES,0=NO)> ? 1 CONSER -- SUCCESSFUL FINISH FIGURE 5.6. (contd) 5.15 FORTRAN Type of Filename Filetype File Description Unit # Access AREEP DAT data input (available from a read program AREEP) REDRATE DAT data input (available from 2 read program RED) RATE DAT data output 3 write -- <= terminal 5 read ———— -—- terminal 6 write FIGURE 5.7. RATE File Assignments Running the Program The RATE program is executed by invoking the RATE "exec" file. Figure 5.8 gives an annotated listing of the EXEC 2 command file currently used to run RATE. 6) The steps in running RATE are as follows: Log on to the system. If necessary, prepare the input files. The resulting files must be named AREEP DAT and REDRATE DAT. Invoke the RATE program "exec" file. The command for this is "RATE", Type in the responses to the program prompts (the RATE program prompts are described below). After successful processing, the output data file (RATE DAT) will be in the user's disk directory. This file can be listed, edited, or read by programs RED and CONSER. Rename or copy RATE DAT to another filename or filetype if it should be saved before the next RATE run. Seli6 &TRACE OFF &IF X&l = X? &GOTO -INFO ame eae amen Display greeting -TOP CLRSCRN &BEGPRINT 3 PROGRAM RATE -- DSSS Make file assignments * INPUT FILE FI FTOLFOO1 DISK AREEP DAT Al - INPUT FILE FI FTO2F001 DISK REDRATE DAT Al a OUTPUT FILE (DATA) FI FTO3F001 DISK RATE DAT Al = UNIT 5 (INPUT) AND UNIT 6 (OUTPUT) ARE ATTACHED TO THE TERMINAL oe Execute RATE RATE &IF &RETCODE NE 0 &GOTO -DONE coeceroe== Successful run &TYPE RATE -- SUCCESSFUL FINISH &EXIT 0 a Type error message -DONE &TYPE &RETCODE &TYPE RATE -- !! UNSUCCESSFUL FINISH &EXIT * cooeecoo--— Display the following when user types "RATE ?° -INFO CLRSCRN &BEGPRINT 6 THIS EXEC RUNS THE RATE PROGRAM. ALL FILE ASSIGNMENTS ARE MADE AND THE RATE PROGRAM IS CALLED BY THIS EXEC. THE RATE PROGRAM IS AN INTERACTIVE PROGRAM. AFTER EXECUTION OF RATE, THE STATUS OF THE RUN IS TYPED. &EXIT 0 FIGURE 5.8. RATE EXEC 2 Command File Seiliz, Program Dialog The RATE program requests information on the price of electricity. The user can either specify the price forecasts in the residential or business sector or the user can specify the price weight for the business sector. Figure 5.9 gives an example of a RATE program dialog in which the first approach was taken and Figure 5.10 gives an example of the dialog in which the second approach was taken. In the figures, user responses are underlined and comments, indicating valid responses, appear in lower case and to the right. RED IN TANDEM WITH AREEP Programs RED, AREEP, and RATE can be run in sequence iteratively until the electrical demand forecasts output from program RED converge. In past usage, the criteria for convergence has been that the demand forecasted in the latest RED DAT file (output from the most recent RED run) be within five percent of the demand forecasted in the previous RED DAT file (output from the next to the last RED run). Figure 5.11 graphically depicts the data flow and execution sequence among the three programs when in this mode. The operating steps in running RED and AREEP in tandem are outlined below. 1) Run RED with an initial RATE DAT file. This file should contain initial guesses of electrical rates. Available in the user's disk directory is the file RATE ORG, which can be copied to RATE DAT for this purpose. 2) Run AREEP. 3) Run RATE. 4) Rename RED DAT to REDn DAT where n is the number of times RED has been executed (e.g. RENAME RED DAT * RED1 DAT =). 5) Run RED. 6) Compare RED DAT to REDn DAT. This can be done by editing or listing the two files at the terminal. 5.18 PROGRAM RATE -- ENTER ANCHORAGE'S PROPORTION OF THE INTERTIE COST> 4 7 ENTER FAIRBANKS'S PROPORTION OF THE INTERTIE COST> 2 x3 CHOOSE AN OPTION FOR DETERMINING RATES BY CUSTOMER CLASS: 1 - - SPECIFY PRICE FORECASTS FOR A CUSTOMER CLASS 2 <- - SPECIFY PRICE WEIGHTS FOR THE BUSINESS CLASS (ie INDICATE THE CUSTOMER CLASS FOR WHICH PRICE FORECASTS WILL BE SUPPLIED: 1=BUSINESS, 2=RESIDENTIAL> ¢ i FOR EACH FORECAST YEAR ENTER THE PRICES FOR ANCHORAGE AND FAIRBANKS> nie 1985: ? -05,.05 == 1990: a -05,.05 1995: e -05 .05 2000: tf 0S .05 2005: a 05 .05 2010: ? -05,.05 FIGURE 5.9. Sample RATE Dialog 59) a number between 0 & 1 inclusive a number between 0 & 1 inclusive enter prices in $ / kWh entries on a line are separated by a blank or a comma PRICES FOR: ANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS GLENNALLEN 0.0370 0.0820 0.1310 0.0500 0.0500 0.1310 0.0500 0.0500 0.1310 0.0500 0.0500 0.1310 0.0500 0.0500 0.1310 0.0500 0.0500 0.1310 0.0500 0.0500 0.1310 OK? (1=YES,0=NO) > ? al ---- if the response — is 0 (NO), the user will be asked for the prices again PRICES FOR 1985 = 2010: ---- prices are given for Anchorage, Fairbanks and Glennallen RESIDENTIAL: in 0.0290 0.0314 0.1280 1985 0.0297 0.0266 0.1280 1990 0.0737 0.0843 0.1280 1995 0.0790 0.0919 0.1280 2000 0.0844 0.1011 0.1280 2005 0.0699 0.0818 0.1280 2010 for the residential sector BUSINESS: and in 0.0500 0.0500 0.1310 1985 0.0500 0.0500 0.1310 1990 0.0500 0.0500 0.1310 1995 0.0500 0.0500 0.1310 2000 0.0500 0.0500 0.1310 2005 0.0500 0.0500 0.1310 2010 for the business sector RATE -- SUCCESSFUL FINISH FIGURE 5.9. (contd) 5.20 PROGRAM RATE ENTER ANCHORAGE'S PROPORTION OF THE INTERTIE COST> 2 1 ENTER FAIRBANKS'S PROPORTION OF THE INTERTIE COST> 2 =a CHOOSE AN OPTION FOR DETERMINING RATES BY CUSTOMER CLASS: Yen es Jvev 7 fe) ? a EI @ 1.2 PRICES FOR 1985 RESIDENTIAL: 0.0346 0.0388 0.0564 0.0656 0.0696 0.0715 BUSINESS: 0.0415 0.0465 0.0677 0.0787 0.0836 0.0858 RATE -- SPECIFY PRICE FORECASTS FOR A CUSTOMER CLASS SPECIFY PRICE WEIGHTS FOR THE BUSINESS CLASS HE DEFAULT PRICE WEIGHT FOR BUSINESS IS 1.108 K? (1=YES,0=NO)> NNTER PRICE WEIGHT FOR BUSINESS> - 2010: —_——- 0.0354 0.1280 0.0386 0.1280 0.0553 0.1280 0.0640 0.1280 0.0676 0.1280 0.0690 0.1280 0.0425 0.1310 0.0463 0.1310 0.0663 0.1310 0.0768 0.1310 0.0811 0.1310 0.0828 0.1310 SUCCESSFUL FINISH FIGURE 5.10. Sample RATE Dialog 5.21 a number between 0 & 1 inclusive a number between 0 & 1 inclusive if the response is 0 (NO) then enter a number greater than 0 prices are given for Anchorage, Pairbanks and Glennallen in 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 for the residential sector and in 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 for the business sector RATE DAT (INITIAL GUESS) Key: —$————— 3 EXECUTION SEQUENCE —-—-—®> DATA FLOW ONLY FIGURE 5.11. Data Flow and Execution Sequence Among RED, RATE, and AREEP 5.22 7) If the forecasted demand in the RED DAT is within five percent of that in the REDn DAT file, then the process has converged. Otherwise, go to step 2. In past usage, convergence has been attained in 2-3 executions of RED. Sie3 APPENDIX A VARIABLE GLOSSARY APPENDIX A VARIABLE GLOSSARY Variable Variable Variable Name ~ Name in FORTRAN Code Description UNCERTAINTY MODULE N IPARIN Number of values to be generated. N IRUN Number of times model is to be run. based HDCOEF(I,J,1) Housing demand coefficients. Cag oC ee a I = parameter index died HOCOEF (1,J,3 ae AES as as as > as . DaPwn ont wen rm uw i) a " ast period index 1980 1985 1990 995 2000 2005 » 2010 orec onunnw nnd Gaoaaaaanr NOOPWNMH . wwe SAT SAT(I,J,K,L) Saturation rate of appliances. I = type of dwelling index I = Single Family Dwelling 2, Multifamily Dwelling Mobile Homes 4, Duplexes u ry . I I I ouwa w . J= region index Anchorage 2, Fairbanks 3, -Glennallen coun oun -_ . orecast period index = 1, 1980 = 2, 1985 = 3, 1990 Fe a a tom. | A.l Variable Variable Variable Name Name in FORTRAN Code Description 1995 2000 2005 2010 . NOMS . liance index Water Heaters Ranges Clothes Dryers Refrigerators Freezers Dishwashers Clothes Washers >» Saunas/Jacuzzis 9, Space Heat 10, Dishwasher Water 11, Clothes Washer Water u p e . ve OO) OV OT TO) Hnhnunt ant pb yw ro a L a L L L L L L L L L Base ESR(1) Short run price elasticity of SR se electricity. I = sector index I 1, Residential I 2, Business CEgspsCE CEOSR(1) Short run fuel oi] cross-price elasticity. I = sector index I = 1, Residential I 2, Business "ou CEgcps CE CEGSR(1) Short run gas cross-price elasticity. I = sector index I = 1, Residential I = 2, Business ELR(1I) Long run price elasticity of electricity. I = sector index I = 1, Residential I = 2, Business ELpee CEg ps CE CEOLR(1) Long run fuel oi] cross-price elasticity. I = sector index I = 1, Residential I = 2, Business A.2 Variable Variable Name Name in FORTRAN Code CEgipsCE CEGLR(I) BBETA BBETA2(I) CONSAT CSAT(I,K,d) LF PLOAD(I,K) HOUSING MODULE POP POP(I,K) A.3 Variable Description Long run gas cross-price elasticity. I = sector index I = 1, Residential I 2, Business "ou Electricity consumption floor space elasticity. I = region index I 1, Anchorage I 2, Fairbanks r 3, Glennallen Conservation technology saturation. I = region index I = 1, Anchorage I = 2, Fairbanks I 3, Glennallen conservation option index, Kemilieeeeailo J = case index J = 1, Subsidized J = 2, Nonsubsidized wa " Load factor. I = region index I = 1, Anchorage I = 2, Fairbanks I 3, Glennallen K = forecast period index > 1980 » 1985 » 1990 1995 > 2000 2005 > 2010 RRRRARA Hunt nt nu NMOOPWNH . Population forecast. I = region index I = 1, Anchorage I Fairbanks I 3, Glennallen nou rm . Variable Name HHata POP AHS BHH Variable Name in FORTRAN Code ALSHH(J,K) FPOP(I,K) PPODU(I,K) BHH(I) A.4 Variable Description = year index K = 1, 1980 K = 2, 1981 K = 31, 2010 Households by age of head. J = age index = 1, <25 years J = 2, 25-30 years J 3, 31-55 years J = 4, >55 years K =forecast period index K = 1, 1980 K = 2, 1985 K = 3, 1990 K = 4, 1995 K = 5, 2000 K = 6, 2005 K = 7, 2010 Population. I = region index I 1, Anchorage I 2, Fairbanks I 3 Glennallen = forecast period index K K 1, 1980 2, 1985 7, 2010 K Average household size. I = region index I 1, Anchorage I 2, Fairbanks I 3, Glennallen = forecast period index K K “oon 1, 1980 2, 1985 eee 7, 2010 K Military households residing on base. I = region index Variable Variable Variable Name Name in FORTRAN Code Description I I I 1, Anchorage 2, Fairbanks 3, Glennallen THH HH(K,1) Households served. K = forecast period index k = 1, 1980 k = 2, 1985 kaa? 2010 I = region index I = 1, Anchorage I = 2, Fairbanks I = 3, Glennallen HHs tg AHH(1I,J,K) Households served by age of head. I = region index I = 1, Anchorage I Fairbanks I 3, Glennallen J = age index woul nm . J = 1, <25 years J = 2, 25-30 years J = 3, 31-55 years J = 4, >55 years K = forecast period index K = 1, 1980, Kes 19855 Kee 27,2010 HHits SHH(I,J,K) Households served by size. I = region index I = 1, Anchorage I = 2, Fairbanks I = 3, Glenallen J = size index J = 1, 1 or 2 members J = 2, 3 members J = 3, 4-5 members J = 4, >5 members K = forecast period index Kia 960 Ke=725:1985 K = 7, 2010 A.5 Variable Name THHata Pits ja HDTYs 4 HHSrya¢ HD HOrit HDMi t DPit Variable TALSHH(K) SRAT(I,J,K) PRAT(I,J) TOTHH(1 TOTHH(2 TOTHH(3 TOTHH(4 Name in FORTRAN Code A.6 Variable Description Total households. = forecast period index K = 1, 1980 K = 2, 1985 = 7, 2010 Regional household size probability I = region index I = 1, Anchorage 2, Fairbanks 3, Glennallen e index ne 1 or 2 members 2, 3 members 3, 4-5 members 4, 4, >5 members recast period index 1, 1980 2, 1985 7, 2010 i “ouwu x won I I s J J J J fo K K K Ratio of regional to state relative frequency of age of household head. I = region index 1, Anchorage 2, Fairbanks 3, Glennallen index 1, <25 years 2, 25-30 years 3, 31-55 years 4, >55 years oho a " a oO GGG DW ea rte Demand for type of housing. Single Family Multifamily Mobile Home Duplex = forecast period index K = 1, 1980 K = 2, 1985 K = 7, 2010 I = region index onuhow n~a~AOVUZ=MN sai" wT Variable Variable Variable Name Name in FORTRAN Code Description I I I 1, Anchorage 2, Fairbanks 3, Glennallen HStyit STOCK(J,K, I) Housing stock. J= type of housing index 1, Single Family 2, Multifamily 3, Mobile Home 4, Duplex orecast period index 1, 1980 2, 1985 7, 2010 ii region index 1, Anchorage RAKRmDAOawuwa ono n~ " — ut I = 2, Fairbanks I = 3, Glennallen rt REMOV(K) Period specific removal rate. K = time period index 1, 1981-1985 2, 1986-1990 3, 1991-1995 4, 1996-2000 5 6 » 2001-2005 » 2006-2010 RRRARA NDryjt RND(J,K,1) Net demand for type of dwellings. J = type of housing index J = 1, Single Family J = 2, Multifamily J = 3, Mobile Home J = 4, Duplex K = forecast period index K = 1, 1980 K = 2, 1985 K = 7, 2010 I = region index I = 1, Anchorage I = 2, Fairbanks I = 3, Glennallen VTy VAC(J) Normal vacancy rate. J = type of housing index A.7 Variable Variable Variable Name Name in FORTRAN Code Description 1, Single Family 2, Multifamily 3, Mobile Home 4, Duplex ecunwn -- VAXMAX(J) Maximum vacancy rate. J = type of housing index J = 1, Single Family J = 2, Multifamily J = 3, Mobile Home J = 4, Duplex NCryit RNC(J,K,1) New construction. J = type of housing index J = 1, Single Family Jd = 2, Multifamily J = 3, Mobile Home J = 4, Duplex K = forecast period index K = 1, 1980 K = 2, 1985 K = 7, 2010 region index I = 1, Anchorage I = 2, Fairbanks I = 3, Glennallen AV AVAC(J) Actual vacancy rate. TY J = type of housing index J = 1, Single Family J = 2, Multifamily J = 3, Mobile Home J = 4, Duplex SEit SERVHH(K, I) Proportion served by an electric utility. = forecast period index K = 1, 1980 K = 2, 1985 K = 7, 2010 I = region index I = 1, Anchorage I = 2, Fairbanks I = 3, Glennallen A.8 Variable Variable Name Name in FORTRAN Code RESIDENTIAL MODULE AD NA ENA TOTAPP(J,L,K,1) RNAPP(J,L,K, 1) SCRAP(J,L) SCPNW(J',L) ENAPP(J,L,K,1) A.9 Variable Description Appliance demand. I = region index I = 1, Anchorage I 2, Fairbanks I 3, Glennallen L = appliance index L = 1, Water Heaters L = 2, Ranges L = 3, Clothes Dryers L = 4, Refrigerators L = 5, Freezers L = 6, Dishwashers L = 7, Clothes Washers L = 8, Saunas/Jacuzzis L = 9, Space Heat L = 10, Dishwasher Water L = 11, Clothes Washer Water K = forecast period index K = 1, 1980 K = 2, 1985 K = 7, 2010 J = type of housing index J = 1, Single Family J = 2, Multifamily J = 3, Mobile Home J = 4, Duplex New appliances. I = region index, I = 1-3 L = appliance index, L = 1-11 K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 J = type of housing index, J = 1-4 Scrap rate. SCRAP = 1980 stock SCPNW = new L = appliance index, L = 1-11 J = forecast period index, J = 1-6 J'= forecast period index, J*= 1-5 Additions to the electric appliance stock. I = region index, I = 1-3 L = appliance index, L = 1-11 Variable Name EAD FMS AC cs CONS; 4p CONS; 455 ACiosa Variable Name in FORTRAN Code EAPP(J,L,K, I) FMS(J,L,K,1) AVKWH(J,L,K; I) AKWHG(L) CS(L) TOTKWH(1,L,K, I) STOTKW(K, I) SAKWH( I) A.10 Variable Description K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 J = type of housing index, J = 1-4 Total electic appliance stock. I = region index, I = 1-3 L = appliance index, L = 1-ll K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 J = type of housing index, J = 1-4 Fuel mode split. I = region index, I = 1-3 L = appliance index, L = 1-11 K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 J = type of housing index, J = 1-4 Average annual electricity consumption. I = region index, I = 1-3 L = appliance index, L = 1-11 K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 J = type of housing index, J = 1-4 Growth rate of appliance consumption. L = appliance index, L = 1-11 Conservation standards target consumption reduction. L = appliance index, L = 1-11 Preliminary consumption of electricity (major appliances). L = appliance index, L = 1-11 K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 Consumption of electricity (small appliances). K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 Initial electricity consumption (small appliances). I = region index, I = 1-3 Variable Name ACG; ca RESPRE;¢ Pite itd PitG OPA: + CPAs RESCON Variable Name_in FORTRAN Code SAKWHG(1) RESREQ(K, 1) PE(K, 1,0) PO(K, 1,0) PG(K, I,J) OPA(K, I) CPA(K, 1) RESREQ(K, I) BUSINESS CONSUMPTION MODULE TEMP TEMPL (I,K) A.1l Variable Description Growth rate of small appliance consumption. I = region index, I = 1-3 Total preliminary residential electricity consumption. K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 Price of electricity. forecast period index, K = 1-7 region index, I = 1-3 sector index J = 1, Residential J = 2, Business K I J Price of fuel oil. K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 J = sector index, J = 1,2 Price of gas. K = forecast period, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 J = sector index, J = 1,2 Own-price adjustment. K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 Cross-price adjustment. K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 Consumption of electricity in the residential sector. K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 Total regional employment. I - region index I = 1, Anchorage I 2, Fairbanks I 3, Glennallen Variable Name CPI WR99 81-8 INC STOCK PRECON; + BETA Variable Name in FORTRAN Code RPI SWAGE(K) BETA(J) INC(I,K) FSTOCK(I,K) BUSCON(K, I) BETA1(J) A.12 Variable Description K ear index = 1, 1980 2, 1981 31, 2010 = Y. K K K Consumer price index. K = year index K = 1, 1980 K = 2, 1981 K = 31, 2010 State average wage rate. K = year index kK = 1, 1980 kK = 2, 1981 kK = 31, 2010 Floor space equation parameters. J = 1-9 Income. I = region index, I = 1-3 K = year index K = 1, 1980 kK = 2, 1981 kK = 31, 2010 loor space stock. region index, I = 1-3 forecast period index K = 1, 1980 K = 2, 1985 7, 2010 F I K K Nonprice adjusted business consumption. K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 Parameter equal to regression equation intercept. J = 1-3 Variable Variable Name Name in FORTRAN Code BUSCON BUSREQ(K, 1) CONSERVATION MODULE THHS HH(K, I) TECH TECH(IZ EL) COSTI COSTOCIS Esc) costo OPCOST(I,L) RCSAT CSAT(I,L,J) ESAT ESAT(I,L,d) A.13 Variable Description Price-adjusted business requirement (MWh). K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I region index, I = 1-3 Total households served. K = forecast pecig eas K = 1-7 I = region index, = 1-3 Total energy savings. I region index, I = 1-3 L = conservation option index, L = 1-10 Installation and purchase cost of the residential conservation device. I = region index, I = 1-3 L = conservation option index, L = 1-10 J = case index J = 1, Subsidized J = 2, Nonsubsidized Operation and maintenance costs of the residential conservation device. I region index, I = 1-3 L conservation option index, L = 1-10 Residential saturation of the conservation device. I = region index, I = 1-3 L = conservation option index, L = 1-10 J = case index J = 1, Subsidized J= 2, Nonsubsidized Residential electric use saturation of the conservation device. I region index, I = 1-3 L = conservation option index L = 1-10 Variable Name CF PPES BCSAT COST CONSAV RCONSAV Variable ROCF (I,L) BPPESN(K,1) (new) Name _in FORTRAN Code BPPESE(K,I) (existing) BSATN(K,I,J) (new) I BSATE(K, BCOSTN(I,J) (new) J »J) (existing) BCOSTE(I,J) (existing) CONSAV(K,I,L,J) RCONS(K, I,d) A.14 Variable Description J = case index J 1, Subsidized J 2, Nonsubsidized Peak correction factor for conservation device. I = region index, I = 1-3 L = conservation option index, L = 1-10 Potential proportion of electricity saved in business with conservation in new and existing buildings. K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 Business conservation saturation rate for new and existing buildings. K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 J = case index J = 1, Subsidized J = 2, Nonsubsidized Cost per megawatt hour saved in business for conservation. I region index, I = 1-3 J = case index J = 1, Subsidized J = 2, Nonsubsidized Electricity saved with residential conservation. K forecas* period index, K = 1-7 region index, I = 1-3 conservation option index, 1-10 case index J = 1, Subsidized J = 2, Nonsubsidized I 1 [uy J Residential electricity conserved (kWh). K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 Variable Name ADRESCON CONCOST RCONCOST SALNB SALEX BCONSAV; + 1; BCONSAV; t Ej Variable Name in FORTRAN Code ADJRES(K, I) CONCST(K,I,L,J) RCONC(K, I,J) BSALN(K, I) BSALE(K, I) BCONSN(K, I,J) BCONSE(K,I,U) A.15 Variable Description J Subsidized ase index = 1, = 2, Nonsubsidized c J J Final electricity requirements of residential consumers. K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 Residential conservation option total annual cost. forecast period index, K = 1-7 region index, I = 1-3 conservation option index, 1-10 case index J = 1, Subsidized J 2, Nonsubsidized arr Hx “nu wu Present value of the total costs of the set of residential conservation options. K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 J = case index J = 1, Subsidized J = 2, Nonsubsidized Electricity sales to new buildings. K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 Electricity sales to existing buildings. ; K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 Electricity savings from new buildings conservation. K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 J = case index J J 1, Subsidized 2, Nonsubsidized Electricity savings from existing building conservation. Variable Variable Name Name in FORTRAN Code ADBUSCON ADJBUS(K, I) BCONCOST BCONC(K, I,J) ACF PDCF(K, 1) CFE BOCFE(I) Cy BDCFN(I) TCONSAV TOTCON(J,K, 1) TCONCOST CSTCON(J,K, 1) MISCELLANEOUS CONSUMPTION MODULE VACHG VACHH A.16 Variable Description —— K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 J = case index J = 1, Subsidized J = 2, Nonsubsidized Adjusted business consumption. K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 Business conservation costs. K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 J = case index J = 1, Subsidized J = 2, Nonsubsidized Aggregate peak correction factor. K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 Peak correction factor for existing building conservation. I = region index, I = 1-3 Peak correction factor for new building conservation. I = region index, I = 1-3 Total electricity saved (business and residential). J = iteration index, J = 1-100 K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 Total cost of conservation (business and residential). J = iteration index, J = 1-100 K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 Vacant housing. Variable Variable Variable Name Name in FORTRAN Code Description SR SR(K,1) Street lighting requirements. K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 S] SL Street lighting parameter. SHR SECHR(K, I) Second home requirements. K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 sh SH Proportion of total households having a second home. shkWh SHKWH Consumption factor. VHR VHREQ(K, I) Vacant housing requirements. K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 vh VHKWH Assumed consumption per vacant dwelling unit. MISCON AMSREQ(K, 1) Miscellaneous electricity consumption. K = forecast i index, K = 1-7 I = region index, = 1-3 PEAK DEMAND MODULE FPD PDFIN(K, 1) Peak demand. K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 PS PKSAVE(K,1) Incremental peak savings. K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 TOTREQB TOTREQ(K, 1) Total electricity requirements before conservation adjustment (MWh). K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 PEAK(K, 1) Preliminary peak demand. K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I region index, I = 1-3 PD A.17 Variable Variable Variable Name Name in FORTRAN Code Description TOTREQS TOTCON(J,K,1I) Incremental megawatt hours saved by subsidized conservation investments. J = iteration index, J = 1-100 K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 ACP ASE(K) AREEP cost of power. K = year index K = 1, 1980 K = 2, 1981 K = 31, 2010 TS TS(K,1, 3) Total electricity sales. BS TS(K,1,2) Business electricity sales. RS TS(K,1I,1) Residential electricity sales. K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 BR PRICES(K,1I,1) Business electrical rates. RR ee a) Residential electrical rates. K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 GT TCI Total intertie cost. ARIC - ARIC Average intertie cost. ARSC ARSC(K,1) Average region system cost. K = forecast period index, K = 1-7 I = region index, I = 1-3 AF AF(1) Allocation factor. I = region index, I = 1-3 wf WB Price weight for business. A.18 APPENDIX B PROGRAM LISTINGS PROGRAM LISTINGS RED, RANDU ananana ao 9 aaan aoan anano ana ooan PROGRAM RED THIS IS THE PRUGKAM KEN USED TO COMPUTE THE RAILBELT ELECTRICAL DEMAND REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PERIOD 1980-2010 DIMENSION KDATE(7),AMSI(11,4,3) pANKWH(S,4511,2), CS(11),AKWHG (11) ¢ SCRAP (C6611) /SCPNW(S,11)/RET(4,3,11)¢ TUTAPP(4,11,7,3) @KNAPP(4,11,7,3) sENAPP(4,11,7,3)¢ EAPP (4,111,743) eFMS(4,11,775) -AVKWHC 41167, 3)¢ AHH (7, 3) ,ANS(11,7,3) ¢SAKWH(3) , SANWHG(3), STOTKW(7,3) -BTOTKW(7,3) ,ELKWHO3S)¢ OPA(7,3),CPA(7T,3),TOTKWH(4,11,7,5)¢ PKSAVE (7,3) PDF IN(7,3) eADJREG(7, 3) /RNSUB (7,3) ee ee DIMENSION XJKPRT(7,3) DIMENSION TITLE(20) INCLUDE (CNSDATC) CUNSERVATION RELATED COMMON COMMUN /CNSDAT/ OFCOST(3,10),COSTU(3,10,2),TECH(3,10), ESAT(7,3-10) ¢CSAT(3,10,2) , ROCF (3,10) ,OPNAME(S,10), CSATR(3,10,2) ,CSATIN(3,10,2) ,CSATRN(3,10,2), BPPESE (7, 3) ,BPPESN(7,3) -BSATE(7,3,2) ,BSATN(743,2), BCOSTN(3,2),BCOSTE (3,2) ,BDCFE (3) ,BUCFN(3),NOPT x eK OK INCLUDE (CUOMDATC) COMMON /COMDAT/ HUCOEF (6¢753) STOCK (4,7,3) 2SAT(4e3eTe1l)y ESKk(2),CEOSR(2),CEGSR(2) ,ELR(2) ,CEOLR(2),CEGLR(2), CONSER (6-3) pPLOAD(3¢7) PEAK( 773) e TOTHH (4s 76 3) HHT 3) 6 IPAK(10),IPARIN, ISCEN, I1STRM, IRUN, PPODU(3,7) -POP(3,31), PE(7) 302) eHOCT 1 302) ¢PGLT, 302)e BBETA2(3),ALSHH(4,7), TALSHH(7),TEMPL(5, 51), SWAGE (31) -RPT (31) ,-BUSREQ(7,3) /AMSREU(7, 3), TOTREU(7,3), RESREQ(7,3),RCONS(7,3,2),RCONC(7,3,¢2) ,BCONS(7,3,2), BCONC (7, 3¢2) p POCF (773) e ADJBUS (773) ,ANIRES(7,3) MK KOK KO INCLUDE (FINVALC) FINAL VALUES COMMUN COMMON /FINVAL/ TOTADS(100,7,3),/TOTPK(100,7,3) s-TOTBUS(100,7,3)% * TUTRES (100,773), TOTHIS(100¢743),TOTCON(100,7,5), * SAVPK(100-7-3) /CSTCUN(100,7,3) REAL #4 APPL(11) B.3 wEDOOULO ReEDOUV2D KEDOUO30 REDOOU4Y REDOOUSO REDO0060 REDO00TO REDOOUSO REDOVO9O REDOO1O00 REDOUVIIO REDOULeO REDOO130 REDO0140 wEDOULSO REDU0160 REO00170 REDOO160 REDOV190 REDOO200 REDOO21O REDOO220 RED00230 REDOO24O RED00250 REDOO260 RED00270 REDOO28U REDOO290 REDOOS00 REDOO310 REDO0320 REDVO0330 REDOU340 ReD00350 REDOO3600 REDOU370 REDO0360 RED00390 REDOO4OO REDOOG1O REDO0420 RED00430 REDOO44aO REDOO4SU REDO0460 REDO0470 REDOOGSO REDO0490 REDOOSOU REDOOSIU REDOOS20 RED00530 REDOOS4U REVOOSSO REDOOS6U REDO00S7O 20 oon DATA mK KKK OK OK OO DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA > DATA AMSI cs AK WHG KOATE APPL AHS 43056 oT3by B43, LeolorleVshoe 95540164. 365,, 3569, 26094 ,862, 866, 4e1 64.818, 2.444, .609, 609, 2904, .232, 881,581.65 .007,.504,,504, 244 B52 4 8134481446937 4.228, .44, 44, 25514 079, 9962, 4k1 646618, .097,.551,.551, GT IT Lp ORL oe 1484 47 AT, 07131 6482, IGG, SHL ep Vee e713, .715, 07187 695, 6944, 414, 6008, .117,.718,.718, 1716 3915 S98, IRN oy 895, 007, ATL, oT hy 210766714, 6857, 4164 909, 0074 167, 6167, 202596 6159, 662, 5816, 2007, 6259, 6259, 01, 5067, 875, 4a 66 0775, . 007, dy ell 411%0.0/ 4600520.0,0,0,,01,.01,.005,20.0,.01,2%0,0/ 41980,1985,1990,1995,2000,2005,2010/ JWI Ch, TCO', RY, TF, "OW", "C's "SAUNT, HEAT", ‘Oww', "CwW's 723181,0/ SAKWH /1110,¢1966,,1333,/ SAKWHG /50,,70,,70./ ELKWH RET ANKWH SCRAP 41000.,1000,,1000./ 1904100, 0S, 340607 04 32060, 03,320,024 80,0/ 412%3475,,1241200.,12%1052,,12%1250,,1281342,, 12%230.,12%70,,12%300,,32650,,43380,.,29970,, 15390,,19080,,13140,,24570,,33210,,22860,, 21780,,28710.,19710,,128700,,12%1050., 1985 12%3050,,1221250.,12*1032,,12%1560,,1241550,, 12%230,,12270,,12%1309.,40100.,53000.,36600., 266000,,35100.,24100,, 30000.,40600,,27900., 18600,,23300,,16100.,12"740.,1281050,/ WH TBL S.14 FeGn ele oF 341.0, c Geel ee 5*1 60% co . teed ee etal eel ede Rk te deel ee Gel eVel ede Fe ede ete edn ele e912, Ow Mel eGe3H1,0, Cw 9G4e eT e o9e 3*1,0, SAUNA er Fee Te Ie lool, 0, SPACt HEAT ele ctr deel ee Pele Oe Uw eG eeFe S51 Uy B.4 mREDUOSBO ®KEL005S90 REVOOEOU KEDOQUGLU REDO0G20 REDODe SU REDOO64O KED006S0 REDOODGGO REDOQOG70 REDOOO60 nt 0006090 REDOOTOO REDOO710 reD00720 REDOO730 ®ED00740 REDOO7S0 REDOO7TOU REDOO770 8ED0007460 KEDOUT9U REDOOK00 REDOOb1YU REDOO82uU RED00830 REDO0840 RED00850 REDOO660 REDOO870 REO00880 REDO0890 RED000900 REDOOSIY kED00920 REDOO9SO REDOO940 RED009S0 RED00960 ne000970 REDO00980 REDOOD9U REDOLOOO REDO1010 REDOLU20 REDOLO30 REVOLO4O REDOLUSO XEDOLO60 REDO1070 REDUIUB80 REDO1090 REDOLI00 REDO1I1I0 REDOL120 REDU1130 REDOLI40 a anannaanomAaANAAAO anmaan0 ao 390 DATA SCPNW FILES: Cww eM ol eo De 581,07 WH 10254 e654 eI, 1 Velie c 0255 0654691. 0e1,0, co UU 5 0254 2065,.9051.0, K 0604 6254 50540907160, F 9.060504 6257 2650590, ow 2254 0654. F0e Lo Oe le Oe Cw 0257 0654690, 1 051 e0y SAUNA Ver elSs 065,.9051,0, SPACE HEAT od 0 h7 6 e440 5b TU, Own 0257 065769001 .0¢1 40% Cn 025, 665-.90,1.0,1,0/ UNIT 3 IS THE LISTING (PRINTOUT) FILE UNIT 4 IS A SCRATCH (TEMPORARY) FILE CALL CONSRD CALL OTALOG (TITLE, ITMU,LITOA,ITYR, IF) CALL RDDATA RUN THE MOVEL LkUN TIMES OO 1400 NRUNZ1,1TRUN CALL UNCERT CALL HOUSE REDOLISO REDU1160 REDULI70 REDU1180 REDO1190 REDO1200 REDO1210 kEOUL220 REDOL230 REDUL240 REDU1250 REDOL260 REDO1270 RE001280 REDO1290 RED01300 REDO1310 REDO1320 REDO1330 REDU1340 KEDO1350 REDO1360 RED01370 RED01380 REDO1390 RED01400 REDO1410 REDO1420 REDO143u REDOL440 REDOL4SuU RED01460 REDO1470 REDO1480 REDO1490 REDO1S00 rEDO1510 REDO1S20 REDO1S30 REDO1S40 REDO1SSO REDO1S00 REDOIS7O REDU1S80 RED01S90 RED01600 REDO1610 REDO1620 RED01630 REDO1640 ete ee ee ee er ree ee ee eee we we ee ee = REDOILESY WRITE VALUES CALCULATED IN HOUSE TU SCRATCH FILE FUR THIS ITERATIUREDU1660 WRITE (4,590) (CCTOTHHCI,K, 1) ¢JS=1,4) K5167),1E1,35) WRITE (4,390) (CCSTUCK (I,K, 1) ¢JS21,4) K21,7), 151,35) FORMAT (4F1U,1) B.5 REDU1670 REDO1680 REDOLE90 REDOL700 REDO1710 20 500 Sou * 00 500 L=1,11 Du 500 K1,7 DO 500 J=1,3 bu S00) I=1,4 TUTAPP (Tel eked) = TOTHHCL Ke J) *SATCIAS Kel) CONTINUE CALCULATE NE DQ Seu 51,3 DO 560 Mel,11 DO 560 NB1,4 RNAPP(N,M,1,1) RNAPP(N,M,2,1) CONTINUE 00 e©10 Ts1,3 DO 610 K=3,7 DU 6010 Msi,11 LO 610 N=1,4 SuM = 0,0 KMIsK = 1 w DO 600 KK=2,KM1 SUM = SUM * RNAPPCN Me KK, 1) ® C1 =SCPNW(K@KK,M)) CONTINUE RNAPP(N«M,KeT) €,7 APPLIANCES FOR EACH PERIOD TOTAPP(N,M, 1,1) TUTAPP(N,M,2,1) = TUTAPP(N,M,1, 1) e(1-SCRAP(1,M)) TOTAPP(NsMeKe lI) = SUM = RNAPPONe My 1,1) ® (1*SCRAP(K=1,M)) CONTINUE CALCULATE NEW ELECTRIC APPLIANCE UNITS bo 650 #1 bO e650 K bO 650 ™M™ DO 650 N E.o ENAPP(N,M,Ke TI) CONTINUE 1 Sey te 1, ls 1, RNAPP(NsMeKe I) RAMSI(MeNeT) CALCULATE TOTAL APPLIANCES IN 1980 & 1965 DO 660 T=1,3 00 660 M=1,11 DO 660 N=1,4 EAPP(Ny»Mel, 1) EAPP(N,M,2,1) CONTINUE ENAPP(N;M, 1,1) ENAPP(N,M, 1,1) *(1*SCRAP(1,M)) + ENAPP(N,M,2,1) CALCULATE TOTAL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES FOR 1990-2010 0O 710) [21-3 vO Tlu K=5,7 OO 710 MSleil B.6 KEDOL72u REDO1730 REDOLT40 REDOL7SU REDUV1760 REDOL770 REDO1L780 REDOL790 REDOLB00 REDOLS10 REDOLS20 ReEDO1E30 REDUL64O REDU1850 KEDO186U REDO1870 REDO1660 REDUL890 REDO1900 REDO1910 KED01920 REDO1930 RED01940 REDO01950 REDOLIOO REDO1970 REDO1980 REDO1990 REDO2000 REDO2010 KEDO2020 REDO2030 REDU2046 REDO2050 HEDV2060 REDO2070 REDO2080 REDD2090 REDO2100 REDO2110 REDO2120 RED02130 REDO214U REDO2150 RED02160 REDO2Z170 REDO218U0 REDG2190 REDO220U0 KEDO2210 KED02220 kEDO2230 REDU224U REDO225u KEDO02260 REDO2270 REDO2280 700 anana0eNn 00 anananoe 850 900 * * * * * dO SUM 710 = 0. NS1e4 0 KMISK = 1 dO 700 KKS2,KM1 SUM = SUM + ENAPPOUN)M, KK, 1) *(1L@SCPNW(K=KK,M)) CONTINUE EAPP(NeMeKel) = SUM*ENAPP(NyM,K,1) FE APP(N,M, 1,1) ®(L°SCRAP(K=1,M)) CONTINUE CALCULATE FUEL MODE SPLIT DO 8600 51,3 00 800 K=1,7 DU 8U0 M=1,11 DG 800 Ns1i.4 IF (TOTAPP(N,;M,K,1),E9.0.0) GO TO 800 €.3 FMS(N,M,K,1I) = EAPPCN,M,K,I) ¢ TOTAPP(N,M,K,1) CONTINUE CALCULATE AVERAGE KWH —.8 . dO 900 121,35 DO 900 Ms1,11 bo 900 No1,4 AVKWH(N,M,1,1) = ANKWH(T,N,M,1) IF (EAPP(Ne Meee 1).EG.0.0) GO TO 850 AVKWH(N,M,2,1) = ANKWHCI,N,M, 1) REAPP(N,M,1,T)*(1=SCRAP(1,h))/ EAPP(N»Me2eI) + (1=CS(M)) RANKWH(T Ne Mee) RENAPP Cie Meee LDS EAPP(N,M,2,1) AVKWHON Ms 3eT) = ANKWHCI (Ne Mp lL) REAPP ON Mele DT) *CL@SCRAP CCM) )/ EAPP (Nyy 5,1) + (1=CS(M))RANKwH(L,NYM,2) MENAPP(N,M,2,1)% (C1=SCPNW(1,M))/EAPP(NS My 3e1) + (1-CS(M)) RANKWHO( I, Nome 2)® COL AR WHG (M) ) #5) RENAPP(N,M, 3,1) /EAPP(N,M, 3,1) GU Tu 900 AVKWH(N,M,1,1)=0,0 AVKWH(N,M,2,1)=0,0 AVKWH(N,M, 3,1) 20,0 CONTINUE Do 1250 121,3 vO 1250 K=4,7 vo 1250 M=1,11 vO 1250 N=1,4 gum = 0,0 KMI=K = 1 DU 1220 KK=3,KM1 IF (EAPP(N,M,8,1).EQ,0,0) GO TU 1220 = SUM + (1=CS(M)) *ANKWHO TN, M,2)* (1 +ARWHG(M) ) ®* (58 (KKK) )* SUM ENAPP(N,M,KK,1) *(1*SCPNWW(K@KK,M)) /EAPP(N,M,K,1) B.7 REDU2290 REDVO2300 ne002310 REDO2320 RED02330 KEDO2340 REDO2350 REDU2560 REDU2370 REDU2360 REDO2390 REDO2400 REDU!|41U REDV?|420 REDO2430 REDO2440 RED02450 REDD2460 wEDO2470 REDO2460 REDO2490 RED02500 REOO2510 REDO2S20 REDO2S30 REDV2S40 KED02550 KEDO2500 REDO2ST7O RED02580 nED02590 REDU2600 REDO2610 REDO262U KEDO263u REDO2640 REDO26SU KEDO2660 RED02670 REDUV2660 REDO2690 REDO2700 RED02710 REDO27T20 RED02730 REDO2740 REDO2750 REDO2760 REVO2TTV REDG2780 RED02790 REDO2600 REDU2610 REDG2620 REOV2830 REDO2840 REDU2650 1220 1230 1250 annen 1410 w4it 1415 1420 1430 aaaann eee CONTINUE IF (EAPP(NeM,Ke1)6EQ.0.0) Gi Tu 12350 AVKWHO(N,M,ReT) = ANKWHC(T,N,My 1) REAPP (iy Mole TD) *(1L@SCRAP(K=1,51) 7 EAPP(N,M,KeT) + (1°CS(M)) taNKwH( 1, ip Mee) RENRPP(Ne MZ 2,1)* C1leSCPNW(K-2,M))/EAPP(N,M,R,1) + SUM + (1-2CS(M))«& ANKVIH (CL, NeM, 2) * (LAK WHG(M) ) © * (5% (K=2)) KENAPE (Ne Mey 1)/ EAPP(N,M,K, 1) Go TO 1250 AVKWH(N,M,K,I) = 0,0 CONTINUE bo 1310 121,35 OO 1310 K=1,7 AHH(K,I) = PPUDUCI,K)/PPUDU(I,1) AHS(7,K,1) = AHH(K,I) AHS(3,K,1) = .25 * ,75*AHH(K,1) AHS(1,K,1) = 651 + ,@9eAHH(K,I) AHS(11,KeT) = 25 + .7TSkAHH(K, I) CONTINUE . oo 1410 T= 00 1410 K= OO 1410 M= DO 1410 Ne=1,4 TOTKWH(N,M,K,I) = TOTHH(N,K,1)*SAT(N,1,K,M) eFMS(N,M,K,I)® AVKWHON,M,KeT) tAHS(M,/ Ke I) CONTINUE OO 1411 121,35 DO 1411 K=1,7 DO 1411) MB1,11 TOTKWH( 1 My Ke L)STOTKWH( LSM, Kp IT) +TOTKWH(2eMeKeL)+TOTKWH(S,h,K, 1) + TOTKWH(4,M,K,1) CONTINUE bu 1430) [21 vO 1420) KEL sum = 0,0 0O 1415 M=1,11 SUM = SUM + TUTKWH(1SMeKe 1) CONTINUE BTUTKWwik,I) = SUM CONTINUE CONTINUE CALCULATt THE Katt SALES IN USES wlTH NO SUBSTITUTION POSSIBILITIES (RNSUd) B.8 REDO266U REDO2870 REDU2660 RED02690 REDO29U0 wEDO2910 REDv2920 REOO29SU0 REDU2940 REDO29SU REDU2960 KEDO29TO REDO2980 REDU2990 KEDO3000 ReEDO3010 REDO3U20 REDO3030 REDOSO4U REDU305U REDO3U60 REDOS070 REDOS080 REDOS09U REDO3100 wEDOS110 KEDO3120 KEDO3130 REDO3140 REDO3150 REDO3160 REDO3170 REDO3160 REDO3190 KEDO3200 REDO3210 REVO3220 RED03230 REOOS240 REDOSeSU REDO3260 REDOS270 KEDU3280 REDOS290 RED03300 REDO3310 REDOS320 REDO3330 REDO3S340 RE003350 REVOS36U RED03370 REOO3360 REDO3390 REDO3400 KEDO3410 REDO3420 c REDO5450 OU 1440 K=1,7 KEDOS44U 00 1440 121,3 REDO34SU RNSUB(K,T)=0, RKED03460 DO 1440 M=4,7 KED03470 RNSUB(K,I)SRNSUB(K, IT) +TOTKWH(1,M,K,1)/1000, REDO34860 1440 CONTINUE REDO S490 c REDO3S00 ( REDO3510 00 1450 [51,3 REDO SS2u 00 1450 K=1,7 REDO3530 HH(K 1) = TUTHHCI eK, L)*TOTHH(CA Ky IT) FTUTHH(S,K,T)t1OTHN(4,K, 1) REDO3540 1450 CONTINUE REDO3550 c REDO 3560 c REDO3S7U oO 1500 121,35 REDUSS6U vu 1500 K=1,7 ~ REDO3590 STOTKW(K,1) = HiNCnh, T) #(SAKWHC(IT) *SAKWHG (I) «Sa(Ke1)) + REDO 36000 * HH (mK, 1) SELKAH(T) REDU3610 1500 CONTINUE REDO S620 c REDO 3630 c REDO 3640 DO 1610 [51,3 REDO3ES0 DO 1600 K=1,7 REDO 3660 c STUTKW(K,/I) = STOTKW(K,I1) 7/1000, REDO3670 c BTOTKW(K,1) = BTOTKW(K,1)/1000, REDOS680 RESREQ(Ks TIS CSTUTKW (Kel) +H TOTKW(Ke 1) 9/1000, RED03690 XJKPRT(K,L)=BTOTKA(K, I) = TOTKWH(1,9,K,1) REDO3700 1600 CONTINUE REDO3710 1610 CONTINUE REDO3720 c cece rer seer eee eee ee ee tr ee ee eee ee ee = = = REDOSTSO c WRITE VALUES TO SCRATCH FILE FOR THIS ITERATION REDO03740 WRITE (4,1611) (CSTOTKW(K,1),1=1,3)-K=1,7) RED03750 WRITE (4,1611) (CXJKPRT(K,1),151,3),K=1,7) REDO3760 WRITE (4,1611) (CTOTKWH(1,9-KeI)¢ 13153) ,K=1,7) RED03770 loli FORMAT (3F15,2) RED03780 c ete et te et et tt te ee ee ee te eee ee =e = = = REDOITIO DO 1620 [51,3 REDO3800 00 1615 K=1,7 REDO3610 STOTKW(K,I)=STUTKW(K,1)/1000, RkED05820 BTOTKW(K, I) =SBTUTKW(K,I)/1000, RED03830 1015 CONTINUE a RED03840 1020 CONTINUE KEDO3850 c REDO3660 c REDO3870 c CALCULATE UwN PRICE AND CROSS PRICE ELASTICITIES RED0 3880 c REDO3690 c REDO3900 tL=1 KEDO3910 OO 1730 121,35 REDO3S920 oPpA(1,1)=1,0 RKEDU3930 CPAC(1,1)=1,0 REDU3940 OPAC], 1)S(PEC2eleLL)/PECI,I-LL) )**ESRILL) kED03950 CPAL2],TI=C(FPOC]+T LLI/JPOCL eo ToL LL) **CENSRILL)) *#CUPGC2eT LL) RED03960 x PG(1,1,LL)) REDO3970 x w*eCEGSR(LL) ) &(1°RNSU (261) /RESREW(2,1)) HEDO S960 c REDU3990 B.9 730 1 c c c c c 1750 aaa 1765 diil aoo0 1780 1790 c OO 1730 K=5,7 K1l=Kel Keske2 OPACK, T)SCC(PE (Ke Te LL) /PE (Kis TeLL) )**ESR(LL))*C (PE CRI eT et LD JPE(K2,T,LL) dae (CESROILL) + (9*(ELR(LLIMESR(LLI)D/7)) OC ChE (Kee TLL) PE(1,1,LL)) *#eELK(LL)) “x KK CPA(K,1)S((PUCK,1,LL)/PO(K1,1,LL))**CEUSR(LL))*((PO(K1,1,LL) 7PO(K2,1,LL)) wee (CEOSR(LL) #(S*(CEOLR (LL) -CEOSK(LL))/7)))* CCPO(K2, 1, LL) /PUC1, 1,LL)) eCEOLR (LL) ) a ((PG(K,I,LL)/ PG(K1I,1,LLI)** CEGSK(LL))*((PG(K1,1,LL)/PG(K2,1,LL)) **(CEGSR(LL) + (S# (CEGLRILLI = CEGSK(LL))/7.))) eC (PECKS, Leth) /PG (1 eT eLL)) **CEGLR(LL)) & CL“RNSUB (CK, T) /RESREG (Ke 1)) CONTINUE eK KO OK OK OK CALCULATE TOTAL RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENT OU 1750 121,53 00 1750 K=1,7 RESREQ(K, 1) =RESKEQ(K,/ I) *UPA(K, 1) *CPA(K,I) CONTINUE CALL BUSINS CALL CONS WRITE VALUES CALCULATED IN CONS TO THE SCRATCH FILE FOR THIS ITERAIIUN WRITE (4,1765) (CPDCF(K,1),151,3),K=1,7) FORMAT (3F15,5) CALL MISC CALCULATE PEAK VEMAND bu 1780) 151,73 DO 1780 K=1,-7 ol) = RESREQ(K,T) # BUSREU(K,T) *& AMSREQ(KsI) ) TUTKEQ(K,I) / (PLOAU(I,K)*67600,) TOTREQ(K PEAK (K,I CONTINUE 1 1 ) PEAK SAVINGS OO 1790 1=1,3 vO 1790 K=1,7 PKSAVE(K, LIS(BCUNS(Ke Tel) = BCONS(K,I,2) + * KCUNS(K,I,1) = RCONS(K,1,2))/ * (PLUAU (I,K) ®8760,) *POCF (K,I) CONTINUE B.10 REDO4VOO wEDOGUILO REDU4U2U REDO4USU REDU4U4GO REDO4OSU REDG4O6O REDO4GUT0 RED04O80 REDO4090 RKEDO4100 REDO4110 REDOGLeU REDOGI30 REDO4140 RED04150 RED04160 REDOGI70 REDO4160 RED04190 REDO4200 RED04210 REDO4220 REDG4230 REDO4e4U REDO4250 RKEDO4200 RKED04270 RED04280 REDO4290 REDO4300 REDO4310 REDU4320 KED04330 REDO4340 REDO43S0 RED04360 REDU4S370 REDU4380 REDO4390 REDO4400 RED04410 REDO4420 REDO4430 REDU4440 REDU4aSU REDU4S46O0 REDO4470 REDO4460 REDUG490 REDO4S00 REDO4S1O REDO4S520 REDO4530 REDO4S4O REDO45Su REDO4S60 c ADJUSTED REWUIREMENTS, FIWAL PEAK DEMAND REDO4STO vO 1795 1=1,3 REDO4580 00 1795 K=1,7 KED04590 ADJREQ(Ke/ IT) SALJBUS(KeI) + AUIRES (Ke I) + AMSRED(K, 1) REDO4o00 PDFIN(K,T)=PEAK(K,T) = PKSAVE(K, I) REOU461U 1795 CONTINUE RKEDU4620 c RED04630 DO 1799 121.3 REDO4e4U DUO 1799 K21,7 REDU4650 TOTADJS (NRUN, Ke I) =ADJREU(K, 1) 71000, REDU4660 TOTPK (NRUN,K, 1) SPUFIN(K, 1) REDO467O TOTBUS(NRUN,K,I)=ADJBUS(K,1)/1000. RKEDU4660 TOTRES(NRUN,K,I)=ADJRES(K,1)/1000, RED04690 TOTMIS (WRUN, Ke I) SAMSREQ(K,1)/1000, RkEDO04700 TUTCON(NRUN,K,I)=((BUSREU(K, 1) = ADJUUS(K,1)) + RED04710 * (RESREU(K,I) = ADJRES(K,1)))/1000, REDO4T2U SAVPK (NRUN,K,1)SPKSAVE(K, I) REDO4730 CSTCUNC(NRUN;KeT)SU(BCONC (Ke I,2) = BCUNC(K,1,1)) + RED04740 * (RCONC(K, 1,2) = RCONC(K,1,1)))/10000. REDO47SU 1799 CONTINUE REDO4760 c RKEDO4TT0 c REDO4780 1800 CONTINUE KED04790 c RED04800 c RED04610 CALL RPTGEN (TITLE, I TMU, ITDA,ITYR, IRUN, IF) RED04620 c RED04830 STOP REDO4840 END REO00485S0 B.1] aon0 aoa00ca¢ ooo ano BLUCK VATA INCLUDE (COMDATC) CUMMUN /COMDAT/ HUCOEF (6,7,3),STUCK(4,7,5)¢SAT(4,S5e7 11) 6 ESR (2), CEOSR(2) ,CEGSR (2) ,ELR (2) (CEOLK (2) -CFGLR(2)¢ CONSER (6,3),PLOAD (3,7), PEAK (7,3), TOTHH(4,7,3) -HH(7,5), IPAR(1U),IPARIN, ISCEN, LSTRM, LRUN,PPUDU( 3,7) PUP (3,31), PE(7,352),P0(7,3,2) /PG(7,312), BBETA2(3) ,ALSHH(4,7),TALSHH(7),TEMPL (3,31), SwAGE (31),RPI( 31) ,WUSREU(7,5) ,AMSREU(7,3),TUTREU(7, 5), RESREQ(7,3),RCONS (75342) ,RCUNC(7, 35,2) -BCONS(7,5,2), BCONC (7,3,2),POCF (7,3) ,AUJBUS(7,3) ,ANJRES(7,3) KK KO KO ARRAYS PPOQUU AND STOCK ARE USED IN SUBROUTINE HOUSE DATA PPOQODU/2,634,2,812,2.443, 2,769,2,.751,2.776, 2.704,2.689,2.710, 2,.636,2,628,2,643, 2.575,2,566,2.576, 2.906,2,505,2.510, 26445,2,443,2,445/ mK OK KOK TABLE 4,9 DATA STOCK /57422,,19061.,9239,,5671,,24x0,0, * 9900,,9265.,24759.,1597 2480.04 * 665.,266.,904,,270.,24%0.0/ END B.12 REDO4b6U REDO4S7TO REDO466U REDU4B9U REDO49N0 REDO4910 KED04G2U REDU4930 WREDO494O REDO495S0 REDO4I60 KEDO4970 KEDU4980 REDO4990 KEDOSO00 REDOSOLO KEDOS020 RED05030 KEDOSO4O REDOSOSO REDOSO000 REDOUSO7O REDOSU60 KEDOSU90 REDOS1I0O0 REDOSILO REDOS120 REDOS130 REDOS140 REDOS1S0 REO0OS160 KEDOS170 REDOS180 REDUSI9U REDOS200 REDOS210 REDOS220 aoa aoa0 nanan anon 100 anae SUBROUTINE 8USINS THIS SUBROUTINE CALCULATES Trt ELECTRICITY REQUIREMENTS FUR THE GUVERNMENT & SUPPORT SECTORS AND THE INUUSTRIAL SECTOR, REAL INC OIMENSION INC(3,31),PCP(3,31)/PCG(S1),FCV( 5,31), DPCY (3,50) ,0PCP(3,30),0PCG(50),0K(51),0DK(30), DKPCG2( 50) ,ORPCP2(3, 30) ,URPLY2(3, 30) »PCHYCG2(3, 50), PCPCP2(3,30) ,DPCFS(3,39),PCFS(3,31),FS(3,32), FSTUCK (5-7) ,O0PAC7T, 3) ¢CPA(T, 3) ,HETAC9) -BETAIL3), BUSCON(7,3) mK KOK INCLUDE (COMDATC) COMMUN /CUOMUAT/ HUCOEF (6¢7¢3)¢STUCK (4,745) eSATC4s 5e7e11)y ESk (2) ,CEUSR(2),CEGSR (2) -ELR (2) ,CEGLR(2),CEGLR(2), CONSER (6,3) ,PLOA0(3,7) -PEAK (7,3), TOTHH(4,7,5) -HH(7, 5) 6 IPAR(10),IPARIN, ISCEN, LSTRM, LRKIIN, PPODU(3,7) POP (3,31), PE(7,322),P0(7,3,2),PG(7,3,2), BBE TA2(3),ALSHH(4,7),TALSHH(7), TEMPL (3,31), SWAGE (31) /RPI(31)-BUSREQ(7, 5), AMSREU(7,3) /TUTREG(7,3). RESREQ(7,3),RCONS(7,3,2),RCONC (7, 5,2) ,BCUNS(7,3,2), BCONC (7, 4,2),PDCF (7.3), AUJbUS(7,-3) ,ADJRES (7,3) mK OKO DATA BETA/=,01291,21,2753, .39525,-.01131,.19295,=, 0946605, x =.007847,-,011575,=,041164/ DATA BETAL /#4,796028,1.43937¢8.20462/ DATA PCY /,116,.0841,4179,9080,/ DATA PCP /=,052937,.0042431,-,15467,9080,/ DATA PCG /,069998,30%0,/ DATA DR /3180,/ DATA DDR /3080,/ DATA PCFS /,018545, 010884, .097727,9080,/ DATA FS /13.0149,11,6528,9.4574,93580,/ FORMAT (1X, 3F15,0) CALCULATE NOMINAL [NCOME IN EACH REGIUN (1) FUR YEAR YeAk (K) DU 100 T=1,5 DO 100 K=1,31 INC(I¢K) = TEMPLOI,K) #SWAGE (K) CONTINUE CALCULATE THE PERCENTAGE CHANGE IN INCOME (PCY), POPULATION (PCP), AND PRICE DEFLATOR (PCG) DU 110 K=2,$1 PCG (K) SAL0G (RPT (K)) -ALUG (RPI (Ko1)) OR(K)=(PCG(K)=PCG(K=1)) OO 110 1L=1,3 PCY(C I,K) SALUGCINC (I,K) )-ALUGCINC (I,K =1)) PCR (1, K)SALUG (PUP (I,K) )-ALOG (PUP (I,K=1)) B.13 REDUSeS0 KEDOS240 RED0Se50 REDUS26U #EDUS270 REDOS280 kED0S290 KEDOS300 REDOSS10 REDLS S20 KEDOS330 REDOS340 REDOS35u REDOS3600 REDOS370 REDOS 580 REDOS390 REDOS40O REDOSGIO REDOS420 REDUS430 REDOS44U REDOS4SO KED05460 REDOS470 kEDOS46U REDOS490 REDOSSOO REDOSSIO RED0SS20 REDO5530 REDUSS4O REDOSSSO REDOSS60 REDOSS7O RED05580 REDUSS9U RED0S600 REDOSOLO RED0S620 REDOS630 REDOS640 REDUSeSO RED0S660 nED0S670 REDOSOBO REDOS690 KED0S700 REDOS710 RED0S720 KED05730 NEDOS740 REDOS7SO REDOST60 KEDOS770 REDUS78O RED0S790 ao00e 120 w e aang KnAMe 200 ees 223 220 CONTINUE CALCULATE JHE DIFFERENCES IN Tit PERCENTAGE CHANGES DO 120 K=1,30 DPCG(K) =PCG(K+1)-PCu(K) DDR (K)=OR(K4+1) -DRIK) DO 120 [21,5 DPCY(I,K)SPCY(I,K*1)-PCY(1,K) DPCP(I,K)SPCP(I,Kt1)-PCP(I,K) CONTINUE CALCULATE THE CROSS PRUDUCT TERMS DO 130 K=1,30 DRPCG2(K)=OR(K+1)*PCG(K) #2, x x x ORPCP2(TsK)SOR(KF1) *PCP(I,Ke1) #2. ORPCY2(1I,K)SOR(K+1) #PCY(I,Kel) ae. PCPCG2(I-K)=PCY(TeK+l) *PCG(Kel) ee, PCPCP2(I,K)SPCY(IeK+1) aPCP(I,Kel)ee. CONTINUE CALCULATE FLUUR SPACE FIRST, CALCULATE THE DIFFERENCE IN THE PERCENTAGE CHANGE UF THE STOCK OF FLOOR SPACE (RE. STALUFF AND ADAMS) DUO 200 [21,3 DO 200 K=1,30 OPCFS(1,K)=BETA(1) OUR (K) +BETA(2) A0PCG(K) toE TAC3) *DRCP (IK) + BETA(4) «DPCY (I,K) #BETA(S) tUKPCG2(K) + BEJA(6) *DRPCP2(T,K) #BE TAT) AORPCY2(1,K)+ BETA(8) xPCPCG2(1,K) +BETA(9) sPCPCP2(1,K) CONTINUE UNDIFFERENCE TU GET THE PERCENTAGE CHANGES OO 210 121,35 DO 210 K=2,31 PCFS(I¢K)SPCFSC(I,K=1) tDPCFS(I,K-1) CONTINUE CALCULATE THE STOCK CIN LOG) OF FLOUK SPACE vO 220 [21,3 DO 225 Ks2,32 FS(I,K)SFSCL,K-1)+PCFS(I,K-1) CONTINUE DO 223 K=2,32 FSC1,K)SEXPCFSC(I,N)) CONTINUE CONTINUE PULL OUT EVERY FIFTH YEAK B.14 REDOS60U REDOSS10 REDUSB20 HED0S530 REDOSS4U REDOS8S0 REDOS8OU REDOSb7U REDOS&8O REDUS69U REDUS9UO REDOSSIO R—ED0S920 REDUS930 REDOS940 RED05S950 REDUS96U RED0S970 REDUS960 RED0S990 RED06000 REDU6010 KEDO6020 RED06030 REDO6040 RED060S0 RED06060 RED06070 RED06080 RED06090 RED06100 REDO6110 RED06120 RED06130 REDOG14O REDO61S0 RED06160 RED06170 REDO6180 REDU6190 REDOG200 REDU6210 REDU6220 RED06230 REDOG240 REDVE2SU REDO6260 RED06270 REDO6280 RKEVOG29U RED06300 KEDO6310 REDV6320 REDU6330 REDO6340 RED06350 RED06360 230 n000 300 301 175 176 aaoo 160 c c c eed » KOKO KO OK vu 230 151,35 DO 230 K=2,32.5 FSTOCK (1, (K*3)/5)=FS(IeK) CONTINUE CALCULATE THE CONSUMPTION IN THE BUSINESS SECTUR BEFORE ADJUSTMENT FOR THE PRICE OF FUELS. OO 301 151,35 DO 300 K=1,7 BUSCON(K L)SEXPCBETAICI) tBKHE TACT) *ALUG(FSTUCK (1,8) )) CONTINUE CONTINUE WRITE VALUES [0 SCRATCH FILE FUR THIS ITERATIUN DO 175 KS1,7 XXBLSBUSCON(K,1)*1000, XXB2=SBUSCON(K,2)%1000, XXB3=BUSCON(K, 5)*#1000, WRITE (4,176) XXB1,XxB2,Xx63 CONTINUE FORMAT (3F15,2) DU THE UWN PRICE AND CROSS PRICE CALCULATIONS 00 180) [31.3 OPA(1,1)=1,0 CPA(1,1)=1,0 OPA(2,T)S(PE (2, 1,2) /PE(1,1,2)) xxESR(2) CPA(2,1)=((POC2,1,2)/P0(1,1,2)) exCEOSR(2))a((PGl(2,1,2)/ PG(1,1,2)) a*CEGSR(2)) DO 180) K=3,7 KisKe1 K2sK-2 OPA(K, IT) S((PE(Ks1,2)/PE(K1,1,2)) #xESR(2))e((PE(K1,1,2) /PE(K2¢ 142) ) 8% CESR (2) +(5* (ELR(2)-ESR(2))/7)) eC (PE(K2¢1¢2)/ PE(1,12)) #eELR(2)) CPAC(K, TSC (PO(KeT,2)/PO(K1,1,2)) eeCEUSR(2) Je ((PUC(KI,1,2) /PUCK2+T,2)) we (CEOSR (2) +(5* (CEOLR (2) -CEUSR(2))7/)))* COPULK 2 Teed /POCL 4 1,2)) **#CEULR (2) * (CPG Ke Te 2)7/ PG(K1,1,2))a* CEGSK (2) ) #0 (PG(n1,1,2)/PG (Ke, 1,2) ) **(CEGSR(2) + (5*(CEGLR (2) = CEGSK(2))/7.) II RCUPG(KSp Te2)/PG Cle Tee) )**CEGLR(2)) CONTINUE CALCULATE THE PRICE ADJUSTED BUSINESS REWUIKEMENIS bu 190) 151,3 B.15 REDO6370 REDO638U RED06390 KEDO640U KED06410 REDO6420 REDU6430 REDO644O REDOG4SY RED06460 RED064TU RED06460 RED06490 REDG6S00 REDO6SIU REDO6S20 REDGO53u0 REDVES40 RED06550 REDO6S60 RED06S70 REDO6S8O RED06S90 RED06600 REDOG6O10 RKEDO6620 REDO6630 REDOG640 REDV66S0 RED06600 REDO6670 REDO666U REDO06690 REDO6700 REDU67TIVU REDO06720 RED06730 REDO6740 REDV6750 RED06760 ReDO6770 RED06780 RED06790 REDU6600 RED06810 REDO6820 REDU6830 REDOGK4U nEDU6850 REDO6bKOU RED06870 RED068B80 REDO089U RED06900 REDOGILU wKEDU0920 RED06930 bO 190 K=1,7 REDOOY40 BUSREQ(K,1) = BUSCON(K,1) 8OPA(K,I)*CPA(K,T) REDUGYS0 190 CONTINUE REVU6960 c REDV6970 RETURN KEDUO96U0 END REDU6990 B.16 aaaan MOONNM ANAeAN aoane aon00 an000 x OM OK OO OK x SUBRUUTINE CONS THIS ROUTINE CALCULATES SAVINGS FROM CONSERVATION Liv THE RESIDENTIAL AND HUSINESS SECTORS OIMENSTON CUNCST(7,3,10,2) ,CUNSAV(7,5,10,2),3UM(2) DIMENSION BSALN(7,3),BSALE (7,3) DIMENSION BCONSE (7,3,2),BCUNSN(7,3,2) ,BCUNCE (7, 5,2) ,BCUNCK«(7, 3,2) INCLUDE (CNSDATC) CONSERVATION KELAITED COMMON COMMON /CNSDAT/ OPCOST(3,10),COSTO(S,10,2),TECH(3,10), ESA1(7,35,10) ,CSAT(3,106,2) ,- ROCF (3,10) ,-OPNAME (5,10), CSATR(3, 10,2) ,CSATIN(3,10,2) ,-CSATRN(5,10,2), BPPESE (773) ,BPPESN(7,+3),BSATE(7,3,2) /BSATN(74 302), BCOSTN($,2) -BCUSTE (3,2) -BDCFE(3) ,B0CFN(3),NUPT INCLUDE (COMDATC) COMMON /COMDAT/ HUCOEF (or7+3)eSTUCK (447,35) ¢SAT(4e 307011), ESR (2),CEOSR(2),CEGSR(2),ELR(2),CEOLR(2),CEGLR(2), CONSER(6,3),PLOA0(3,7),PEAK(7,3),TOTHH(4,7, 35) eHH(7,3)¢ IPAR(10),IPARIN, ISCEN, 1STRM, IRUN,PPUDU(3,7),POP(3,31), PE(7T,372)¢P0(7, 35,2) -PG(T,3,2)6 BBETA2(3),ALSHH(4,7),TALSHH(7),TEMPL(3,31), SWAGE (31), KPI (51) ¢6USREQ(7, 3), AMSREU(7,5),TUTREQ(7, 35), RESREQ(7,3),RCONS(7,3,2),KCONC(7,3,2),4CONS(7,3,2), BCONC (7,3,¢),PUCF (7,3) ,ADJ0US(7,3),ANJRES(7,3) THE OTSCOUNT KATE IS 3 PERCENT DATA R /,u3/ CALCULATIONS FUR RESIDENTIAL DO 15 J=1,NOPT 00 14 [21,3 SUM(1)=0,0 Sum(2)=0 00 13 Ks2,7 LLSKel L DENOTES THE SUBSTDIZED (L=1) OR NUNSUBSIDIZED (L=2) CASE bO 12 Lelee CONSAV (Ke Te deh SCAT (Le de LI ATECH CT, JI (ESAT (Ke ded) tHH(K, I) = ESAT(LL»1,J) *HH(LL,1)) B.17 REDOTUOO REDOTOLU REDOTO20 REDOTO30 REDOT04O KEDOTUSO REDO7T060 REDO7O7U REDOTOBO REDO7T090 REDOTI0N REDO71I10 REDOTI20 REOO7130 REDOTIGN WEDO7150 REDO7160 REDUTI70 REDO7160 REDOTIYO REDOT200 REDOT210 REDUT220 REDO7230 REDU7T240 REDUT250 REDO7260 REOOT270 REDO7260 REDOT290 REDO7300 REDO7T31I0 REDOT320 REDUT330 REDO7340 REDO73S0 REDO7 300 REDO7T370 REDO7 380 wEDU73590 REDO7T400 REDO7T410 REDO7420 REDO7T430 REDOT440 REDO7T4SO REDO7460 REDOT47TO REDO7T460 REDO7490 REDO7TS5S00 REDOTSILO REDOTS20 REDU7SSu REDO7S40 REDO7S50 REDO7560 aananne anao anon noocae le 13 14 is 30 40 44 CONCST (Ke Lede LSCOAT( Ie deol) a (COSTUCLsdolL de x CESATUKe I,J) eHH(K, IT) -ESATC(LL, I,J) eHH(LL,I))/5, + x UPCOST C1, J) * (SUM(LIFESAT (Ke Te J) tH Ke TL) -ESAT(LL, I,J) x sHH(LL,1))) SUM(L)=SSUM(L) FESAT (Ke Te J) *HHC Ke DL) -ESATO(LLE 1,0) *HHCLEST) CUNTINUE CONTINUE CONTINUE CONTINUE vo 30 I=1,3 DU 30 Ks1,7 DO 30 L=1,2 RCUNS(K,T,L)=0, RCONWC (K,1,L)=0, DOU 30 J=1,NOPT RCONS(K,I,L)SKCUNS(K,1,L) * CUNSAV(K,I,Jel) RCONC (K,T,LISKCONC(KeTeL) + CONCST(KyIe Jel) CONTINUE BUSINESS CALCULATIONS bO 40 121,3 DU 40 K=2,7 BSALN(K, 1) =BUSREQ(K,I) = bUSREQ(K=1,1) BSALE(K, 1) =8USREG(Ke1,1) OO 40 L21,2 BCUNSN(K,T,L) =BSALN(K,1) tHPPESN(K,1) *6SATN(K,I,L) BCONSE (K,I,/L) SBSALE (Ke 1) *BPPESE (Ks 1) *8SATE (Ke T/L) BCONCW(K,1I,L)=BCONSN(K,1,1)*BCOSIN(I,L) BCONCE (Kye T/L) SBCONSE (Ke 1,1) *B8COSTECI+L) CONTINUE nO 44 La1,2 00 44 1T=1,3 DO 44 K=1,7 BSCONS (Ke T,L)=4UCUNSE (Ke 1,L) + BCUNSN(K,I,L) BCONC(K,I,L)=sCUNCE(K,T,L) + SCONCIN(K,I,L) CONTINUE PEAK DEMAND CUKRECTION FACTOR pO Su T=t,3 )O 50 K=2,7 POCF (K,1)=0. vO 49 J=1,N0PI B.18 REDO7TS70 REDO7S80 RE007590 REDUTO00 REDOT6lU REDO7620 REDU7T630 REDUT640 REDUTOSO REDOT660 REDUTO70 REDO7680 REDO76090 REDOT70U0 REDO771uU REDOT720 HEDO7730 REDO7740 REDOTTSU REDO7760 REDO7770 REDO7T760 KEDO7790 REDO7S800 REDOTB10 REDOTB20 REDO7830 REDOTS40 RED078S0 REDO7860 REDO7870 REDO7880 REDO7890 RED07900 REDOTILO REDO7920 REDO7930 REDO7940 REDO79SU RED07960 REDO7970 REDO7980 REDOT990 REDO8000 REDOBU1U WEDO8U20 REDOBU30 REDOS8O4N REDO8OSU REDO8060 REDO8U70 REDO8080 REDOBU9U RED08100 REDOB11LU REDOB120 REDO813u0 aanan ano POCF (Ke IT) SPOCK (Ke 1) +t ROCF (Le J) *(CUNSAV(K, Lede ld) CUNSAV(Ke 1 ede2)) REDUBIGU 49 CONTINUE REDO815U Z=BCONS(K, 1,1) #KCUNS (Ky 1,1) -dCUNS(K,1,2)-RLUNS(K,1,2) RED06160 IF (Z .LE. 1) GO TO SO REDOb170 POCF (K,I)SPOCF (Kel) + BDCFE(T) *(BCUNSE (Ke Te 1) -BCONSE (Ke lee)) + RED08180 * BOCFN(T) *(BCONSN(K, 1,1) -BCONSN(K,1,2)) REDOB190 POCF (K, 1) =PUCF (Ke 4) /(RCONS (Ke Te 1) -KCUNS (Ky 1,2) *8CONS (Ke lel) = RED08200 x BCONS(K,I,2)) REVOB210 50 CONTINUE RE0U6220 REDOS250 RED0B240 REDO6250 CALCULATE AUJUSTED REQUIREMENTS RED06260 RED08270 DO 60 151,3 REDVB2KU DO 60 K=1,7 REDO290 ADJBUS (K, 1) SBUSREU(K, 1) = (HCONS (Ke de) -BCUNS (Ke 1,2)) RED08300 ADJRES (K, I) SRESKEU(K, I) -(RKCONS (K, 1,1) -kCUWD(K,1,2)) REDO8310 60 CONTINUE REDOS3S20 RED0833u RED08340 REDO8350 RETURN REDOS 360 END REDO8370 B.19 anaanono aoaa0 anano a0 10 300 301 302 nanaaanan > KO OK OK KOKO SUBRUUTINE CONSRD THIS ROUTINE REapS THE CONSERVATION DATA FUR THE RESIDENTLAL AND BUSINESS SECTORS GENERATED tY PRUGRAM CUNSER INCLUDE (CNSOATC) CONSERVATION RELATED COMMON COMMUN /CNSVAT/ OPCOST(3,10),CUS10(5,10,2),TECH(5,10), ESAI(7,3,10),CSAT(3,10,2), ROCF (3,10) ,GPNAME (5,10), CSATR(3,10,2),CSATING3,10,2) ¢CSATRN( 35,1072), BPPESE (7,3), BPPESN(7,5),BSATE(7,3,2),BSATN(7,3,2),5 BCOUSTN(3¢2) ,BCOSTE (3,2) -BUCFE (5) sBDCFN(3),NUPT INCLUDE (COMDATC) COMMON /CUMDAT/ HUCOEF (6,7,3),STOCK(4,7,5),SAT (4,347,111), ESR(2),CEOSR(2) -CEGSR(2),ELR (2) -CEULR(2) -CEGLR(2), CONSER (6,3) ¢PLOAD(3,7),PEAK (7,3), TOTHH(4,7,3),HH(7,5)¢ ITPAR (10), IPARIN¢ ISCEN, TSTRM, IKUN, PRUNU( 3,7) ,POP (3,51) ¢ PE(7,342),P0(7,3,2) ePG(7,3,2), BBETA2(3) ,ALSHH(4¢7),TALSHH(7),TEMPL (3,51) 6 SWAGE (31), KPI(31) ,HUSREQ(7,3),AMSKEW(7,3),TUTREN(7, 5), RESREQ(7,3) ¢RCONS (74342) ¢RCUNC (7, 542) BCONS(7¢ 302), BCONC(7,3,2),POCF (7,3), A0JBUS (7,3) ,ADJKES(7,3) CONSERVATION DATA IS ON UNIT 8 DATA STARS /teawnt/ RESIDENTIAL DATA NOPT= NOPT= 0 NOPT + 1 IF (NOPT ,GE. 11) GU TO 97 READ (8,300) (OPNAME(I,NOPT),I151,5) ‘eaee' SIGNALS END OF RESIDENTIAL UVATA IF (UPNAME(1,NOPT) .€G, STARS) GO TU 99 FORMAT (1X,9A4) FORMAT (1%,3F 12.4) FORMAT (1x%,0F 12.4) REDOS36U KED08390 REDOS4O0U REDUB410 REDOB420 kKED08430 KED08440 REDOB4SYU REDO8460 REDOB470 RED08480 REDO6490 KED08500 REDOSS1O REDO8S20 REDUSS3U wEDO6S40 REDO8SSU RED08560 KED08S70 REDO8S80O REDUS5S9IO RED06600 REDOGO10 REDOBb2U RED06630 RED08640 REDO086S0 REDUB660 REDU8670 RED08680 RED086090 REDUS7TOO REDOS71O REDO8720 RED08730 RED08740 REDU87S0 RED08760 REDOS8770 REDO8760 HEDU8790 REDUBBOO REDOB610 REDOBK20 REDO8830 REDOBB40 REDOS6SU I DENOTES REGLON, NOPT THE UPTIUN, J WHETHER TT 1S THE SUBSTUIZED REDUS860 (J=1) OR NONSUBSILIZED (J=2) CASE AND K VENUTES THE FURECAST PER LOKEDO8870 READ READ READ KEAD READ (8,302) ((COSTOCT,NOPT,J)¢T=1,5),J=1,2) (6,301) (OPCUST(I,NOPT),151,3) (8,301) (TECHCL/NOPT),1=1,3) (8,301) CCESAT(K,I,NOPT),1=1,3),K=1-7) (8,302) COCSATIN(I,NOPI1, J), 11,5) ,J35102) B.20 RED06880 REDU8S9IO REDO8900 REDU8910 RELDOBI2U REDU89S0 KEDO0B940 an 97 20u 98 on 99 anon READ (8,302) ((CSATRN(TeNUPTs J) ¢15165) ¢5=1¢2) READ (8,301) (ROCK (I,NOPT),1=1,3) GO TO WRITE (3,200) FORMAT ("0 GREATER THAN 10 RESIDENTIAL CONSERVATION UPTIUNS',/, 10 ONLY THE FIRST 10 WILL wbE USED',/,1X) READ (8,300) DUMMY IF (DUMMY NOPTSNOPT = 1 BUSINESS DATA READ READ READ READ READ READ READ READ (6,301) (8,301) (8,302) (8,302) (8,301) (8,301) (8,302) (8,302) RETURN END oNE. STARS) GO TO 96 CCbPRESE (K, 1), 1=1,3),K=1,7) C(BPPESN(K,1),151,3)-K=1,7) CCCBSATE (Ke 1,5) 11,3) ¢d51,2) KEL GT) COCBSATN(K, Ted) ¢ 12103) ¢SE102) KR107) (BOCFE(I),1=1,3) (BOCFN(T),1=1,3) (CBCUSTE (I,J), 121-3),J=1,2) (CBCUSTN(I,J),151,3),J51,2) B.21 REDU69SU RKEDOBY60 RED08970 REDOBY8U REDOB990 REDO9000 REDO901LO NEDO9U20 REDOYOS0 REDU9U4GO REDO90S0 REDOYO6U REDOGUTO REDU9O6O REDO9090 REDOI100 REDODI1LO REDO9120 REDV9130 KEDO9140 REDO91S0 REDO9160 REDO9170 REDO9160 RED09190 REDOI200 REDO9I21O REDO9220 mann AONAGA emaaone QL Oa oo 12 14 15 17 18 19 20 SUBROUTINE DIALOG (TITLE, 1IMU,ITOA,ITYR, IF) THIS SUBKGUTINE ASKS THE USER THE VAKIOUS QUESTIONS REGUIRED TO RUN THE PROGRAM INCLUDE (CNSDATC) CONSERVATION RELAIED COMMON CUMMON /CNSDAT/ OPCOST(3,10),COSTU(5,10,2),/TECH(3,10), ESAT(7,3,10) -CSAT(3,10,2) ROCF (3,10), OPNAME (5,10), CSATR(35,10,2),CSATIN(5,10,2) ,CSATRN(3,10-2), BPPLSE (7,3) ,-BPPESN(7,3) sBSATE(7,3,2) -BSATIV(7 se 352)e BCOSTN(3,2) ,dCOSTE (3,2) ,WNCFE(3),BUCFN(3),NUPT x KK INCLULE (COMDATC) COMMON /CUMDAT/ HUCOEF (o¢773),STOCK (4,763) sSAT(4s3e7e11)e ESR(2),CEOSR(2),CEGSR(2),ELR(2),CE0LK (2) ,CEGLR(2), CONSER(6,3),PLOAD(3,7),PEAK (7,3), TOTHH(4,7,3) ¢HH(7,3)¢ IPAR(10),IPARIN, ISCEN, ISTRM, LRUN, PPUDU(3,7)¢POP(3,31)¢ PE(7,342),"0(7,3,2),PG(7,3,2), BBETA2(3) ,ALSHH(4,7),TALSHH(7),TEMPL(3,31)¢ SWAGE (51) ,-KP1(31),BUSREU(7,3) ,AMSKEU(7,35),TUTREU(7, 5), RESREQ(7, 3) -RCONS (77 3¢2) ¢RCONC(7, 3-2) ¢HCONS (76542), BCONC (7,342) /POCF (773) eADJbUS (7,3) ,ADJRES(7-3) OK KOK OK OK DIMENSION TITLE (20), 1OPTNU(10) DATA IOPTNU /50,51,52,53454,55, 56,57 ,56,59/ FORMAT (*OTITLE FUR THIS RUNS',/,' > ') FORMAT (2044) FORMAT ("' ECONOMIC SCENARIO DESIRED?',130,'1=LUW',/,T30, "2=MEDIUM',/,130,'S=HIGH',/,130,'4=SUPER HIGH',/,150, *"SSINDUSTRIALIZATIUN',/,T3U, "O=FISCAL CRISIS',/,130, *7=LOW WITH SUSITTNA',/,130,'H=MEDIUM wlTH SUSITNA',/, T30,'GSHIGH WITH SUSITTINA',/,* > *) FORMAT (T1) Bwue FORMAT(' wANT TO GENERATE RANDOM VALUES FOR ANY PARAMETERS? (USNU, Xx LEYES)>") FORHMAT(' ENTER THt INITIAL RANDOM NUMBER> ') FORMAT(' NUMBER OF TIMES TO RUN THE MUDEL>') FURMAI(I6) FURMAT(13) FORMAT (' CHOUSE UNE UF THE FOLLOWING UPTIUNS FORK ',/, " REPORTING THE TOTAL ELECTRIC REQUIKEMENTS:',/, " "ase S 1 = ENUMERATE EVERY ITERATIUN',/, . 2 = MEANS AND STANUARD DEVIATLONS',/, 0 3° BOTH (1) AND (2)") FORMAT(" YOU CAN GENERATE UWE OR MURE OF Tne FOLLOWING GRUUPS OF ewe B.22 REDO9230 kKeEDUI24U REDO9250 REDO9260 REDU927U REDUY2B0 REDOY290 REDV9300 REDO9310 REDO9320 REDO9330 REDO9S40 RED09350 REDUI360 KED09370 REDO9380 nEDU9390 REDO9400 REDOI410 KEDOG420 REDO94G30 REDO9440 REDO9450 REDO9460 RED09470 REDO9480 REDU949U REDO9500 REDOISIO REDU9S20 RED09530 REDO9S4O REDO9SSO REDO9S60 REDO095S70 REDOIS80 REDVIS90 RED09600 REDO9610 REDO9620 REDU9630 RELVO9E4U0 REDU9650 REDO966U REDO9670 RELVUICBO REDOI69U KEDO9TUO REOO9710 REOO9720 RED09730 REDO9T40 REDO97S0 RED09760 REDODT70 REDOYTSO REDO9790 X PARAMETERS? ',/, RED09800 X ' 10 HOUSING DEMANDS',7,' 20 ALL APPLIANCE SATURATION RATES',/, REDO9610 xX " 21 WATER HEATING SATURATIUONS',/," 22 COUKING SATURATIUNS',/, RED09620 X "23 CLOTHES DRYING SATURATIONS',/,' 24 REFRIGERATOR SATURATIUNS *REDOGS 30 X /," 25 FREEZER SATURATIONS',/,' 26 UISH WASHER SATURATLUNS',/, REDO9840 X ' 27 CLUTHES DKYER SATURATIUONS',/,' 26 SAUNA SATURATIUNS',/, REDUI6SU X " 29 SPACE HEATING SATURATIONS',/,' 30 BUSINESS USAGF FAKAMETERS'REDO966U X /," 40 ELASTICITIES',/, RED09870 X 10(' ", 12," SATURATION RATE FOR CUNSERVATLUN OPTION: ',5A4,/)) REDUY8BU al FORMAT(* 60 REGIONAL LOAD FACTURS',/," 70 PEAK CURRECTION FACTORS 'RED09890 X 4, * 60 NONE") RED09900 22 FukmMar(* > ') REDOOSLY 24 FORMAT(* SORRY, YUU HAVE REACHED THE LIMIT FUR THE NUMBER UF ',/ REDU9920 x "PARAMETERS THAT CAN bE GENEXATED BY THE UNCERTAINTY MUDULE') RED09930 c RED09940 Cc RED09950 c REDO9960 WRITE (6,5) RED09970 READ (5,6) TIILE REDUI980 Cc IDATE IS A SYSTEM ROUTINE FOR TODAY'S DATE RED09990 c CALL IDATE (IIMU,ITOA,ITYR) RED10000 Z RED10010 c RED10020 c RED10030 c POPULATION SCENARLO wED10040 WRITE (6,10) RED10050 READ(S,12) ISCEN REO10060 c GENERATE RANDUM VALUES RED10070 WRITE (6,14) RED10080 READ(S,12) LANS ®KED10090 IRUN=1 RED10100 IPAR(1)=80 RED10110 IF=2 RED1I0120 IF(TANS,EQ.U) GO TO 200 REO10130 ( GET RANDOM NUMBER SEED RED10140 WRITE (6,15) RED10150 READ(S,#) ISTRM REO10160 c MAKE SURE SEED IS 00D REO10170 IF (MUD(ISTRM,2) .E0, 0) ISTRMSISTRM + 1 RED10180 c NO, OF TIMES 10 RUN MUDEL kED10190 WRITE (6,16) REDLO20U READ(S,*) TRUN 3 RED10210 WRITE (6,19) REDL0220 WRITE (6,22) RED1O230 READ (S,*) IF REDL0e4U If CIF LT. 1 UR. IF «GT. 3) IFS3 REDLO2SO WRITE (6,20) (LOPTWO(I), (OPNAME (J,1),J=1,5),141,NUPT) REDIV260 G MENUE OF VAKTABLES TU GENERATE RED10270 WRITE (6,21) RED1U280 IPARIN=0 RED10290 100 CONTINUE REOLO300 IPARINSIPARINGL RED10310 IF (IPARIN,EU,11) GO TO 210 RKED10320 WRITE (6,22) REDI0O3350 READ(S,*) IPAK(IPARIN) NED10340 IF CIPARCIPAKIN) .NE,80) GO TO 100 RED10350 200 CONTINUE RED10560 Be23) elu RETURN 10 VARIABLE LIMIT WRITE (6,24) RETURN END B.24 KEDIOS70 RED1O36U RELD1U0390 KEDIO400 REDLO4LO aaa anoo aan000 ° anaoaca onan ao i) ee ° SUBROUTINE HOUSE OLMENSION BHH(S$),PRAT($,4),SKAT(5,4,7), RNU(4,7,3)/RNC(4,7,3), KEMOV(0),VAC(4) ,-VACMAX(4), AHH (3,4,7),SHH(3,4,7) ,AVAC(4), KDATE (7), SERVHH(7,3),FPUP(3,7) INCLUDE (CUMDATC) COMMON /COMVAT/ HUCOEF (6,7, 5),STUCK (4,7, 5) ¢SAT(4,3¢7,11), Mu KK KOK ESR (2) CEOSR(2),CEGSR(2) -tLK(2),-CEOLR(2),CEGLR(2), CONSER (6,3) ,PLOAD (3,7) ,PEAK (7,3), TOTHH(4,7,3) ,HIN(7, 5) IPAR(10),TPARIN, ISCENs ISTRM, [RUN,PPUNUC3,7) ,POR (3,31), PE(7,3,2),P0(7,3,2)-PG(7,35,2)5 BRETA2(3),ALSHH(4,7),TALSHH(7),TEMPL (3,31), SWAGE (31), KP1(31),BUSREQ(7,3) ,AMSREU(7,35),TOTREO(7, 5), RESREQ(7, 3) ¢RCONS(7¢ 5,2) ¢RCUNC (7, 3,2) -BCONS( 77362), BCONC (7,542), POCF (7,3) sAUJBUS(7,3),ADJRES(7, 3) TABLE FROM M, KING DATA » PRAT /1,07,1445,0,56, TABLE 4,5 1,02,1.12,0,76, 1,02,0.97,1,0e, 0,8070.6941,49/ ARRAY PPODU [5S INITIALIZED IN THE BLUCK DATA RUUTINE TABLE FROM M, KING DATA * * DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA SERVHH /7#1,0, 2919 934 96,441 40, 0714280, ,90,4a1,0/ TABLES C,13-14 BHH 432126,3062.,0,0/ TABLE BAG REMUV /.01¢60125,.0150,.0175,.020, .ve22d/ TABLE 6.5 vac 4001142054, .011,,0335/ TABLE 8.5 VACMAX /.0334416,.035,,10/ TABLE FROM M, KING Skal 44704 e495, 2426, 6190,.210,,190, 1980 02917 6267, .541, 042,048, 043, B.25 RED1 0420 RED10430 REDIO440 RED104S0 RED10400 REDI04TU RED10G60 RED10490 RED10S00 RED10510 RED10520 RED10530 RED10540 RED10550 RED10500 RED10S7u HED10580 RED10590 RED10600 RED10610 RED10620 RED10630 RED10640 RED100S0 RED10660 REO10670 RED10680 RED10690 RED10700 RED10710 RED10720 RED10730 RED10740 RED10750 RED10760 RED10770 RED10780 RED10790 RED10600 RED10810 RED108620 RED10830 KREDI 0840 RED108650 KED10860 REDLU87U RED10660 RED10890 RED10900 REDIU9ILO REDIOG92u RED10930 RED10940 RED10950 REDI0960 RED10970 RED10980 c 1989 - ©5154 5154 6465, LBC el b2y 1 HSy x 0262, .262,.309,.041,.041, 042, c 1990 x S556 S55 SUL LY IG, IS, x 02336 .233,.277,.040,,.040,.042, c 1995 x 391 S91, 6558, 5105,.165,.176, x £2056 6205, 6245, 6059, 039, 041, c 2000 x 26296 O29, STD LST IST eA Thy x 21764 LT Oy 21355 00594 059, U4, c 2005 x 26077 666077 612, 6149,.149,,166, x 214776147, 6182, 00358, 2055, .040, c 2010 x 270546705, 6650, 140,140, ,161¢ x o11Be 118, 0150, 0057, 6037, 0597 c c c DATA KDATE / 198U,1965,1990,1995,2000,2005,e010/ c c c ARRAY STOCK (TABLE 4,9) IS INITIALIZEL IN THE BLOCK DATA KUUTINE c c c c c c 130 =CONTINUE c c c PULL OUT EVERY FIFTH YEAR OF THE PUPULATION FORECAST c c OO 101 131-5 OU 101 K=1,7 FPUP(I,K)=PUP(T, (K#5=4)) 191 CONTINUE c . c c c c CALCULATE # OF HUUSEHOLOS EW, H.17 ANU B16 c Cc vO 220 Ks1,7 DO 22u) 121,43 HH(K,T) = (FPUPCI,K)/PPUDU(T,K)) = KHHCI) 220 CUNTINUE Cc c AVJUST HOUSEHULDS TO HOUSEHOLDS SERVED = c DO 2e5 Tsle3 OU 225° K51,7 B.26 REDLOY9U RED11000 KEDLI010 KEOL1020 REDI105u REDI1040 RED11050 KEDI1060 REDI1U070 RED11080 RED11090 RED11100 REDI1110 REDLI120 REVI1130 REDI1140 RED11150 REDI1160 REDI1170 REDI1160 RED11190 REDI1200 REDLI210 REDI 1220 REDI1230 wED11240 RED11250 REDI1260 REO11270 REDI126u RED11290 RED11300 RED11310 KED11320 RED11330 RED11340 RED11350 RED11560 RED11370 RED11380 RED11390 REDI1400 REDLII4IO REDI1420 REO11430 REDI1440 KED11450 RED11460 REOLL470 KED11480 REOD11490 REO11500 RED11S10 RED11520 REO11550 REDLIS40 RED11550 HN(Kel) = SERVHIV(N, TD) HH (Ky 1) CONTINUE n wu CALCULATE NUMBER OF HOUSEHULDS WITH HULSEHOLD HEADS IN EACH AGE GRUUP ANU THE NUMBER UF HUUSEHULOS BASED Ow FAMILY SIZE anmanaAMON DO 230 K31.7 DU 230 J21,4 dO 230 31,3 AHH(I,J,K) = HHUKs IT) ®ALSHH( J eK) #PRATCL eS) /TALSHH(K) SHH(I,J,K) = MAH(K,I) #SRAT(1,J,%) 230 CONTINUE 270 CONTINUE c c c CALCULATE HOUSING PREFERENCES USING THE c EQUATIONS IN TABLE 8,6 c c 00 300 K=1,7 DO 300) 151,3 TUTHH(1 eK, 1) = .Go.eHH(K, 1) +HUCOEF (1,K,1) *®SHHC(I,1,K) * +HOCOEF (2,K,1) sSHH(1,2,K) * +HOCOEF (5-H eo 1) *SHH(1e 45K) #HOCUEF (4,%,1) *AHH( I, 20K) * +HOCUEF (5,4, 1) eAHH(I,3,K) #HDCUEF (6,K,1) *AHH(1,4,K) TOTHH(2,K,1) = .S03eHH(Ke 1) tHDCOEF (1¢K 2) *SHH( Ie 1K) * +HOCUEF (2,K 2) #SHH(I,2,K) * +HOCUEF (3,442) *SHH( 1) 4eK) #HUCUEF (4,4,2) *AHH(I22,K) * +HOCUEF (5,4 ,2) *AHH (1, 3,K) #HOCOEF (6,K,2) *ANH(1,4,K) TOTHH(3,K,I) = .O97#HH(Ks 1) HOCUEF (1,K,3) #SHM( Ted eK) * +HOCUEF (2,4,3) *SHH(1,2,K) * +HOCUEF (35,3) *SHIN( IT, 4eK) *HOCUEF (4,K,5) *AHH( IT, 20K) * +HOCUEF (5,4, 3) eAHH(1, 3,K) eHUCUEF (6,4%,3) RAHH(IT,4,K) TOTHH(4,K,T) = HH(Ke IT) = (TOTHHCIA Ke I) +TOTHH(eeKe I) *TOTHH(3S,Ke1)) $00 CONTINUE c c c c Cc CALCULATE HOUSING SIOCK c c DU 620 121,3 vO 610 K=2,7 KK=Ke1 ITMP=0 DU 400 ME1,4 AVAC(M)=0,0 c tQ. 8,20 : STUCK (M,K,1) = STUCK(M KK eT) a(1 = REMOV(KK)) c bQ. 6.21 RND(M,K, I) = TOTHHOMeK,1) = STUCK(M,K,1) B.27 REOL1560 REDLIS70 REDI1560 REDIIS90 RED11600 REOLLolY RED11620 KEO11030 REDI1640 KED11650 RED11660 REDI1070 REDI 1680 RED11690 kEO11700 REDII710 REO11720 RED11730 RED11740 RED11750 RED11760 REDL1770 RED117860 REO11790 REVI1800 REDI1810 REDI1620 RED11830 REOL1840 RED11650 RED11800 REDI1870 RED11860 RED11890 REDI1900 REO11910 REDI1920 RED11930 RED11940 REDIL9SU RED119600 RED11970 REO11960 RED11990 KED12000 NED12010 RED12020 REO12030 REDI2040 REO12050 RED12060 RED12070 RED12080 RED12090 RED12100 REDI2110 REDI2120 AmaANMAAN.E > c o Boone 406 40T 408 IF CRNO(M,K, 1) oLT.9.0) AVAC(MJSL = CTUTHN(M,n,L)/STUCK (Meh, 1)) IF CAVAC(M) CGT. VACHAX (4) ) LIMPSITMPT1 RNC (M,K,1) 50,0 CONTINUE ADJUST NET DEMAND AND STOCK FUR UNITS WITH NEGATIVE NET DEMAND IF CITMP,E8.0) GO IFCITMP,Eu.4) GU IF CIIMP.EQ.1) GU IF CITMP,EQ.2) GU IF (ITMP,Eu,3) GU GO TO 610 to TO to To 10 UNE NET LEMAND CONTINUE NET DEMANDS ARE PUSITIVE sso NET DEMANDS ARE NEGATIVE 610 1 NET DEMAND IS NEGATIVE 40s 2 NET DEMANDS ARE NEGATIVE 420 3 NET DEMANDS ARE NEGATIVE soo IS NEGATIVE IF CAVAC(1) .6T.VACHAX(1)) GU TO 406 IF (AVAC(2).GT.VACMAX(2)) GO TO 407 IF CAVAC(3).GT.VACMAX(3)) GO TO 406 Jist J2=2 J3=3 3454 GO TO 410 Jise Jez5 J3=4 J4e1 GO TO 410 Jisi J2=4 J353 J4z2 GO Tu 410 Jise J2s1 J5=4 J4=5 CONTINUE NU, AVAILABLE TU FILL ASRNU (J2,Ke1) *VACLJ2) #STUCK (J2eKe1) NU, REQUIRED BESTUCK (S4e he lL =TUTHH(S4 eK L) VAC (J4) *STOCK (JO, Ke 1) IF(B.GT.A) GU TU 412 NEED TO GET DEMAND FROM UTHER 2 GRUUPS TUTHH(J2,K,1)=TUTHH(J2,K,1) = 8 B.28 REDI21 350 REDI2140 REOL2190 REV12160 REUL2170 REDI216uU HEDL2190 REDL2200 REOL2210 KEDI2220 KED12230 REDI2240 WE012250 REDL2260 REOL2270 REDI2260 REDI2290 RED12300 reDL2310 RED12320 KED12330 REDL2340 RED12350 REVI23600 REDL2370 RED12360 RED12390 RKEDL12400 REDL12410 REDI2420 REDI24Su KEDLI2440 RED12450 REDL2460 RED12470 RED12480 REDL2490 RED12500 REOD12510 NEO12520 REO12530 REOL254u REO12550 REDI2560 RED12570 KED12580 RED12590 KEOL2000 REDI12610 REDL2620 RED126030 wED12640 RED12650 REDI2660 KED1L2670 KEDL2660 REVI 2690 412 413 oo eaoaan e ao0 KND(JS2,K,L)=kND(Je,K,1) = 6 TOTHH(J4,K,L)STUTHH(J4,K,1) + & RND(J4,K,TIERWO(S4,Kel) + 8 GO TU 55U CONTINUE TOTHH(S2,K,1)=TUTHM(J2,K,1) = A RND(J2eKe L)SRND(JSeeKe I) = A TOTHH(J4,K,1)=TUTMH(J4,Ke1) # A RKND(J4¢K,T)SRNOCS4¢KeT) + A AMOUNT TU FILL FROM UTHER e GROUPS =bu-A amooa sver+e DEMANL IN OTHER GROUPS HOT HIGH ENQUGH IF(C.GT.F) GO TO 413 RNUOCJL,K, 1) VAC (JL) eSTUCK (J1,K,1) RND(S3eKe L)VAC(I3)*STOCK (J35/K,1) TOTHHC Ste Ke LISTOTHHC SL eK eT) = (C*O/F) RND(J1,K,T)=RNO(JS1,K,1) = (CxO/F) TOTHH (SS eK e LISTUTHM( SS sKe1) = (CREF) RND(J3,K,T)SRWO(J5,K,1) = (CHE/F) TOTHH( JG, Ke L)STOTHH(S4GKe 1) * C RND(J4,K,1T)=RND(J4,K,I) + C Go To 550 CONTINUE TOTHH(J1 eK T)STUTHH(S1eKe 1) = RND(J1¢K,T)SRNDO(J1,K,1) = 0 TOTHH(SSeK,L)STUTHH(I3Ke1) = RND(J3,K,1)=RND(J5,K,1) = E TOTHH(J4-Ke LT) STOTHH(S4,K, 1) RND(J4,K,1)SRND(J4,K,I) + DO + GO TO 550 + mo mo TwO NET DEMANDS ARE NEGATIVE CONTINUE IF (AVAC(1) .GT.VACMAX(1) JAND, AVAC(2).6T.VACMAX(2)) IF CAVAC(1) .GTeVACNAX(1) AND. AVAC(S) .GT.VACMAX(S)) IF CAVAC(1).GT.VACMAX(1) .AND, AVAC(4) .GT.VACMAX(4)) IF CAVAC (2) GT eVACMAX(2) AND. AVAC(S).GT.VACMAX(3)) IF (CAVAC (2) .GT.VACMAX(2) AND, AVAC(4) GT. VACMAX(4)) HOUSING TYPES 3 & 4 HAVE NEGATIVE DEMANDS J1=1 Jes2 J353 J4s4 60 Tu 430 HOUSING TYPES 1 & 2 HAVE NEGATIVE B.29 WET DEMANUS 60 60 GU 6O GU tu TO TO TO 10 421 422 425 424 421 REDI2700 REDI2710 REDI2720 REDI273u REDL2740 RED12750 KEDL2760 REDI2770 REO12780 KEDI2790 REDI2000 REDI2610 REU12620 RED12630 wED12640 RED12650 RED126600 KE012870 NED12660 RED12690 REDI2900 RED12910 ReEDL2920 KED129350 REDI12940 RED12950 REDL2960 RED12970 REVI2960 RED12990 RED13000 REO13010 RED1 3020 RED13030 RED13040 kED13050 RED13060 RED13070 REDI3060 RED13090 REDI3100 REDI3110 REDI3120 RED13130 RED13140 KED13150 RED13160 RED13170 REOL3160U RED13190 REDIS200 reO13210 REO15220 RED13230 REDI3240 RED13250 REDI 3260 421 J1s3 Je=4 Jse1 3452 GO TU 430 HOUSING TYPES 1 & 3 HAVE NEGATIVE NET DEMANDS Jis4 Je=2 J353 J4s2 GU TU 430 HUUSING TYPES 1 & 4 HAVE NEGATIVE NET DEMANDS J1=3 J2ee2 J3=1 J4s4 GO TO 430 HOUSING TYPES 2 & 3 HAVE NEGATIVE NET DEMANDS Jit Jes4 J353 J4as2 GO TU 430 HOUSING TYPES 2 & 4 HAVE NEGATIVE NET DEMANDS CONTINUE Cc = 0,0 D> 0.0 7 NO, AVAILABLE TO FILL RND (Ji ehe lL) +VAC (JL) *STUCK (J1eKe 1) NO, REQUIRED B = (CL*VAC(I3)) *STOCK (SS, Ke1L)-TOTHH(U3,K eT) NEED TU GeT DEMAND FROM UTHER 2 GROUPS IF (4,.GT,A) GO TO 434 TUTHH(J1,KeT)=TOTHH(JI-K,I) = B RNOCJI,Ke LISRND(J1,K,1) = B TOTHH(J3,Ke1L)STUTHH(J3,K,1) + B RND(J3,Ke TIERND(SSeK,1) + B CUNTINUE A NU. AVAILABLE TU FILL A2 = RND(J2,K,1) VAC (J2) s5TOCK (J2,K,1) NO. MEWUTRED B2 = (LeVAC(J4)) ®STOCK(J4,K,1)-TOTHHN(I4,K,1) NEED TO GET DEMAND FROM UTHER 2 GROUPS B. 30 REDI3eT0 REDI 3200 RED13290 RED13300 NED13310 REDI S520 RED13350 RED1 5540 RED13350 RED13360 RED13570 RED13380 RED13390 RED13400 REDI S410 RED13420 RED13430 wED13440 RED13450 RED134600 RED13470 RED13480 RED13490 RED13500 REDI35S1uU RED1 3520 RED1353u RED13540 RED13550 RED13560 RED13570 RED13560 RED13590 KEDL 3600 RED136010 REDI3620 RED13630 RED1 3640 RED13650 RED1 3660 REO13670 RKED1 36080 RED136090 REDLIS700 REDI3710 RED13720 RED13730 REDI3740 KED13750 REDI3760 RED13770 RED13760 RED13790 REOL3600 RED13810 RED1 3620 HED13630 434 436 ano 2000 0) eoranaanan 1F (d2.G6T,A2) GO Tu 436 D = A2 = 82 TUTHH(J2,K,1L)STUTHH(S2,K,1) = 82 RND(J2,KeTERNU(JeeKeI) = B2 TOTHHC JG, Ky T)STOTHH(S4,K,1) + D2 RND(J4,K,T)FRND(J4,K,1) + 82 BOTH NEG, DEMANDS ARE FILLED IF (A,GT.B) GO Tu 550 FILL FIRST FROM SECUND IF(C.61,0) GO Tu 438 TUTHHCJ2,K,1)STOTHH(J2,K,1) = C RND(J2,K,1)=KND(J2,K,1) = C TUTHHCS3 eK LI STOTHH(I3SeKe 1) © C RND(J5,K,1)ERND(JS,K,T) + C Gu TO 550 CONTINUE TOTHH(J1,K,/L)STUTHH(J1,K eT) © A RNU(JSieKe TIERND(JI,KeT) = A TUOTHH(J3-K,/T)STOTHH(S3,KeI) & A RND(S3eKe LI SRND(IS,KeT) + A Czb-A GO TU 432 CUNTINUE TOTHH(S2,K 1 )=TOTHH(J2eKe1) = Ae RND(J2,K,T)FRND(J2,KeI) = AS TOTHH(S4eKe LISTUTHHC(J4e Kel) % AS RND(J4,K,T)SRNO(J4,K,1) + A2 BOTH NEGATIVE DEMANDS > POS. DEMANDS 1F(6,GT,A) GO TO 950 FILL SECOND NEG.OEMAND FROM DEMAND LEFT OVER FROM FIKST NEG, Dv = b2 = A2 TOTHH( Jie Ke LPSTUTHH(J1-K,1) = O RND(J1,K,T)=RND(J1,K,1) - O TOTHH(J4eKeL)STOTHH(J4eKel) * D RND(J4,K,1T)=RND(J4,K,1) + D 60 TO 550 FIKST NEG. DEMAND » WHAT IS LEFT UVER FRUM SECUND NEG. DEMAND CuNnTINUE . TOTHH(J2,K,1)STUTHH(J2,K,1) = Uv RND(J2,KeT) SRNDIJe,K,T) = O TOTHH(J3,K,1)=TUTHH(J3,K,1) * O RND(J3eK,T)SRND(J3,K,1) + D GO TO 550 3 HOUSING TYPES HAVE NEG. NET DENANUS CONTINUE NET DEMANDS ARE ALL ADJUSTED = CALCULATE NEW CONSTRUCTION B.31 REVI 3640 RED13650 REDI380u RED1 35670 RED1 38660 RED1 3690 RED13900 RED13910 RED1 35920 KED13930 RED1 5940 RED13950 KED13960 RED1L3970 RED13980 REO13990 RED1 4000 REDI4O10 RED14020 RED14030 RED14040 RED14050 REDI406u RED14070 REO14080 REO14090 RED14100 RED14110 REDI4120 KEDI4130 DEAREDI4140 RED14150 RED14160 RED14170 RED14180 RED14190 REDI4200 REDI4210 RED14220 RED14230 RED14240 REO14250 RED14260 RED14270 REDI4280 RED14290 RED14300 REDI4310 RED14320 REDI4330 RED14340 RED14350 RED14360 REOL4370 RED1L4360 RED14390 RED14400 c REDL44SIO 550 CONTINUE RED1442u DU 552 MS1,4 RED14430 IF (RND(M,Ke1)eLE.Y.) GU TU 551 REDI444U c EQ. tye2 RED14450 KNC (Me Ky T)SRNU (hehe TL) VAC (M) ATOTHH Cite) KED144600 STOCK (M,K,1)=STUCK (M,K,1)+RNC(M,K,1) REDI4470 551 CUNTINUE RED14460 952 CONTINUE HED14490 c KEO14500 610 CONTINUE REDI4SS10 c RED14520 620 CONTINUE RED14530 c KEDL4S4u c RED14550 RETURN REDL4560 END RED14570 B.32 anon aoa no aanoeanann KKK KOK SUBROUTINE MISC CALCULATES THe MISCELLANEUUS ELECTRICITY REWUIKEMENTS THAT HAVE NUT BEEN CALCULATED IW ANY UF THE OTHER MOUULES, DIMENSION SR(7,3),SECHR(7,3),ViREU(7,3) INCLUDE (COMDATC) COMMON /COMUAT/ HUCOEF (6,7,3)¢STOCK (4,753) ¢SAT( 4p 3e/ 511), ESR(2),CEOSR(2),CEGSR(2) ELK (2) -CEOLR(2) -CEGLR(2), CONSER (6,3) ,PLOAD (3,7) pPEAK (7,3), TOTHH(G,7,3) ¢HN( 7,5) IPAR(10),TPARIN, ISCENs ISTRM, IRIN, PPUDUCS,7),POP (3,31), PE(7,3,2),0(7,3,2),PG(7,3,2), BBRETA](3) -ALSHH(4,7) ¢TALSHH(7),TEMPL(3,31), SWAGE (31), KPI (31) ,BUSREQ(7, 5), AMSREU(7T,3),TUTREG(7, 5), RESREGCT, 3) -RCONS (74342) ,RCUNC(7,35,2) ¢BCONS(74342)6 BCUNC(7,3,2),PDCF(7,3),A0JIUS(7,3),ADJRES(7,3) DATA SL 4.01/ DATA SH 7.025/ DATA SHKWH /,5/ DATA VHKWH /,3/ CALCULATE STREET LIGHTING 00 210 151,3 00 210 K1e7 SR(KeT) = SL * (ADJBUS(K,I) + AUJKES(K,I)) CONTINUE CALCULATE SECOND HUME USAGE OO 220) 121.3 00 220 K=1,7 - THH = TOTHHOL, Ke L)+TOTHH (Ke L)+TOTHH( 3,4, 1) +TUTHH (Gs Ke 1) SECHK(K,1) = SH # THH * SHKwH CONTINUE CALCULATE ELECTRICITY USED LN VACANT HOUSES 00 250 [21,3 vU 230 Ke1,7 TSTK = STOCK(A,Ke I) STOCK (2,Ke 1) +STOCK (3en eT) +STUCK(4,K,1) THH = TOTHH(1, Ke 1) *TOTHH(2,K,1) +TUTHH(3,/K,1) +1UTHH(4,K, 1) VACHH = TSTK = THH IF CVACHH,LT.U,) VACHH=0.0 VHREU(K,1) = VACHH * VHKWH B.33 WEDI4580 RED14590 REDI4000 REDI4GOL0 REDI 4620 HED14630 KEDI4o4u RED1L4650 RED1 4660 RED14670 RED14660 RED14090 RED14700 KEDL4710 REDI4720 REDI4730 RED14740 RED14750 RED14760 REDIG770 REO14780 REDL4790 RED14800 REDI4610 REDI4620 RED14630 RED14840 RED14850 RED14660 RED14870 RED14660 KED14890 RED14900 REDL4910 RED14920 RED14930 REDI494u wEDL4950 REDL49600 REDI4970 RED14960 RED14990 RED15000 REDISO10 RED1S020 HED1S030 RED1S040 RED1S0S0 REO15060 RED15S070 RED1S060 REDIS090 REDIS100 REOIS110 wEOLS120 REDIS130 REDIS140 oOnaNnMAN 250 CONTINUE TOTAL UP THE MISCELLANEGUS KENUIKEME WT Du esu 151,3 vu 250 K=1,7 AMSREU(K, 1) CONTINUE RETURN ENU SK(K, 1) +SECHRK(K, 1) +VHREG (KT) B.34 REDIS150 nEDIS16U REDISI7U REDIS180 wEO1S190 RED1IS200 RED15210 KEDISeeu KED1S230 RED1S240 KEDI5250 KEDIS260 oannoanaane ° ac OK OK SUBKOUTINE KDUDATA THIS SUBROUTINE REAUS VATA THAT CA VARY BY ECONOMIC SCENARIO BUT IS OTHERWISE KATHER STATIC. CHANGES TU THIS DATA SHUULU BE MADE WITH THE SYSTEM EDITOR, THE LivPul FILES ARE NAMED RDDATA.#e@ (LOW MEDS HIG, SUP, IND BIS). (READ UN UNIT 1), DIMENSION DIFF (3) INCLUDE (CUMDATC) COMMON /COMLAI/ HUCOEF (64745) ¢STOCK(4,7,5)¢SAT(4e3e7e11), ESR(2),CEUSR(2),CEGSR(2),ELRK(2),CEOLR(2),CEGLR(2), CONSER (6,3) ,PLOAD (3,7) ,PEAK(7,3),TOTHH(4,7,3),HH(7,5), TPAR (10), IPARIN, ISCENs ISTRM, IRUN, PPUDU( 3,7) POP (3,31), PE (7,32) ,¥0(7,3,2),PG(7,3,2)5 BBETA2(3) -ALSHH(4,7),TALSHH(7),TEMPL( 3,351), SWAGE (51), KPI (31) ,BUSREG(7,3) ,AMSREU(7,3),TUTREU(7,5), RESREQ(7, 3) -RCONS (7, 3,2) -RCUNC (7, 5,2) +BCONS(7¢5e2)e BCONC (7, 5,2) ,POCF (743) ,ADJUUS(T, 3), ADJRES(7, 3) FORMAT (4F 8,0) FORMAT (3F10.3) FORMAT(F10,1) FORMAT (3F6,2) READ THE REGIONAL POPULATION vO 110° K31,31 READ(1,10) (PUPCI,K), 1=1,3) CUNTINUE READ THE ALASKAN HOYSEHOLDS BY AGE GKUUP DU 120 Ke1,7 READ(1,10) CALSHH(JSeK), J=1e4) CONTINUE READ THE TUTAL ALASKAN HOUSHULDS DO 130 K=1,7 READ(1,10) TALSHH(K) CUNTINUE READ TOTAL EMPLOYMENT FROM 1960 TO 2010 DU 140) K21,32 REAN(1,20) CTEMPL(IsK), 151.3) B.35 WEDIS27U REU1S280 REV1S290 KEVI1S300 REDIS310 NED1S3520 REO1S330 REDIS34u REDIS350 REO15360 RED15S370 RED1S380 RED1S390 RED1S400 REOIS41U REDIS420 REO1S430 REVIS440 RED1S450 REDIS460 RED1S470 REOLS480 REO1S490 RED1S500 REDISS10 REOLSS20 RED1S530 REDISS40 RED15550 NE015S560 kEO15570 REDIS580 RED15590 RED15600 NEDISoOlU REO15620 REO15630 RED1S040 mED15650 REDIS600 RED1S670 REDIS680 RED156090 RED1S700 REO1S710 RED1S720 REDIS730 REDIS740 REO1S750 REOLS760 KEDIS770 RED15760 REDIS790 RED15800 REO1S610 REDIS82u RED15630 140 200 210 220 221 CUNTINUE READ THE STATE WAGE RATE DO 180 K51,31 REAU(1,50) SwaGe (K) CONTINUE Ss READ THE STATE RELATIVE PRICE INDEX DO 190 K1,31 KEAD(1,20) RPI(K) CONTINUE READ THE SECTOR (REST,,GUV/SUPP) PRICES UF UIL, GAS AND ELECTRICITY (K=YEAR, [L=AREA, J=SECTOR) vo 200 21,3 D0 200 K31,7 READ(1,40) (PU(K,IeJd), CONTINUE 00 210 121,3 DO 210 K=1-7 READ(1,-40) (PECK Teddy CONTIAUE PRICES OF ELECTRICITY Fux 19460-2010 ARE OUTPUT FROM PRUGKAM RATE READ HERE ON UNIT 2 Ov 220 151,3 bu 220 Ks1,7 READ(2,221) (PECK, IeJ)y CONTINUE FORMAT (2F12,4) RETURW END JF1,2) JF1,2) Je1,2) B.36 (RPT) REDIS04U RED1S8Su KED15660 REDISO7O RED15860 RED1S690 RED1S900 REDIS910 RED1S920 REDIS930 RED1S940 RED1S950 RED1590U REDIS97U RED15960 RED15990 RED16000 RED16010 REDI16020 RED16030 RED10040 REOL60SU RED16060 KED160070 KED16U060 REDI160090 KED16100 ReED16110 RED16120 KED10130 KED16140 RED16150 REDI610OU REO16170 RED16160 RED160190 SUBROUTINE RNUKM (PARAM, HUMIN, HUMAK, HDVAK, ISTRKM) REDIo200 c RAN IS THE SYSTEM RANUUM NUMBER GENERATOR RED16210 SUM=0,0 RED 16220 bU 101) [styie RED16230 CALL RANDU CISTRM,IJUNK, RAN) REDL6240 SUM = SUM + RAN RKEDLe250 101 ISTRMZI JUNK RED16200 Vv = SUM = 6,0 REDL0270 PARAM = V*HUVAR + PARAM RED16260 IF (PARAM*HDMIN) 102,105,103 RED16290 lu2 PARAMSHUMIN RED16300 GO TU 105 REDIOSIO 104 IF (PARAM=HDMAX) 105,105,104 KEOLO320 104 PARAMSHDMAX RED16330 105) RETURN NED10340 END RED10350 B.37 aonaanae nano aannoa nod ° aananan oa SUBRUUTINE KPTGEN (TITLE, 1TMU,1IDA,ITYR,WITER, IF) INCLUDE (CNSDATC) CONSERVATION RELATED COMMON CUMMON /CNSUAT/ OFCOST(3,10),CUSTU(3,10,2),TECH(3,10), x «KX ES cs BP. BC ANC7s 5,10) ,CSAT(3, 10,2) ROCF (5-10) ,UPNAME (5,10), ATR(3,10,2) -CSATIN(3,10,2) ¢CSATRN(3,10,2), PESE (7,3) ¢8PPESN(7, 3) ,BSATE (7302) ¢BSAIN(7 1 Seedy USTN(3,2),CUSTE (3,2) ,bNCFE (3), HDCFN(3),NOPT INCLUDE (COMDATC) CUMMON /COMDAT/ HUCDEF (6e7e3)eSTOCK (44743) ¢ SAT (Oe 3e7 ell )e uO KK KOK OK ESK(2),CE CONSER(6, IPAR(10), PE(7/3,2) BBETA2(3) SWAGE (31) RESKEQ(T, BCONC (7,3 OSR(2),CEGSR(2),ELR(2) ,CEULR(2),CEGLR(2), 5) ,PLOAD (357) PEAK (7,3), TOTHH(4, 7,3) ¢HH(7,5)- IPARIN, ISCEN, ISTRM, LRUN,PPUDU(5,7),POP( 35,31), ePOLTs 5,2) ePGU7r3,2)6 *ALSHH(4,7),TALSHH(7), TEMPL (3,31), oXPT (31) ,5USREQ(7,3) -AMSKEU(7,5) /TUTREG(7,3)¢ 3), RCONS(7,3,2),KCUNC(7,45,2),8CONS(7,3,2), 02) ¢POCF (743) -AVJ6US(7,3) ,ADJRES (7+ 3) INCLUDE (FINVALC) FINAL VALUES COMMUN COMMON /FINVAL/ TUTADJ(100,7,35)-¢TOVPK(100,7,5),TOTBUS(1L00,7,5), * * TUTRES(100,7,3),TOTMIS(100,7,3),TUTCON(10U,7, 3), SAVPK(100,7,3)/CSTCUN(100,7,3) VIMENSION TITLE (20) DIMENSION IS0%(100),1TTROX(S,3,7) THE ARRAY EXTRA CUNTAINS THE EXTRA PEAK ANU ENERGY REQUIREMENTS OF LARGE INDUSTRIAL PRUJECTS. THE FIRST INDEX 15 FOR THE YEAR, THE SECUND FOR THe SCENARIO, THE THIRO FOR THE REGION, THE FUURTHRED16790 THE CASE, AND TH € FIFTH FOR ENERGY (1) OK PEAK (2), UVIMENSLUN EXTRA(7,9,3,5,2) DOUBLE PRECIS1ON TEMP DOUBLE OUUBLE DOUBLE DOUBLE OUUBLE DOUBLE DOUULE PRECISION PRECISION PRECISLON PRECIS1UN PRECISION PRECISION PRECISLON HOCOS (6,7,45) ,HOCUSS (64743) ,SATS(4, 357,11) PATSS(4e 3,7 LL) oe THHS(4,7, 5) e THHSS (4,7, 3) VACS (4,7, 35) VACSS(4,7,3), tT (7,3) ¢VACT (7,3) HHTS(7,3) HHTSS(7¢ 5) /VACTS(7,3) ,VACTSS(7,5) wET25(3),HET2SS(3) ESHS(2) -OSRS(2) ¢GSKS (2) -ELRS (2) -ULRS(2) -GLRS(2) ESRSS(2) ,USRSS(2),65KSS5 (2) ,ELRSS(2) pOLKSS(2) B. 38 REUL6300 RED16570 RED16360 KED160390 RED16400 KED16410 mEDLO420 RED16430 RED16440 ReED1O450 REVLO400 REVIO4TU KEDI0460 KED16490 RED16500 RED160510 RED16520 RED16O530 RED16540 RED160550 RED160560 RED1OS70 RED16580 RED16590 RED16600 REDL6610 RED 16620 REDI6650 KED16040 REU16050 RED16660 REDLOO7TU RED1666U RED166090 REO16700 RED16710 RED16720 REDI6730 REDI6740 RED16750 REDL6760 RED16770 kED167460 RED16800 RED16610 REDI682u REVIO65U KED16840 RED1665U nED166600 RED16870 RED 10660 RED16690 RED16900 KEDIL6910 RED16920 ooc ean ona aa aan 10 oaa DOUBLE PRECISION ULRSS(2) VUUBLE PRECISION PLUS(3,7),PLUS5(3,7) DOUBLE PRECISION ASML(7,3),ALRG(7,5),AHT(7,3),ATUTS(7,5$) DOUBLE PRECISION ATOTSS(7,3) DOUBLE PRECISIUN ASMLS(7,3),ALKGS(7,3),AHTS(7,5) DOUBLE PRECISION ASMLSS(7,3),ALKGSS(7,3),AnTSS(7,3) DOUBLE PRECISION BSRUC7,3),PEMPS(7,35),PEMPOS(7,3) DOUBLE PRECISLUN POCFS(7,3), POCFSS(7,35)+TAVIS(7,3),TADISS(7, 3) DOUBLE PRECISION [PKS(7,3),TPKSS(7,3) DIMENSION KDATE(7),SCEN(9),JIIPRT(5) DATA HDCOS,HDCOSS,SATS,SATSS / 12680,,12680,,924%0,,924R0./ DATA THHS,THHSS,VACS;VACSS / 84%0,,54%0,,8480,,548U,/ DATA HHTS,HHTSS / 2120.,2180./ DATA VACTSeVACTSS / 21%0.,21%0,/ DATA ESRS,OSRS,GSKS / 240,,280,,2%0./ DATA ESRSS,USKSS,GSRSS / 2#0.,280.,280,/ DATA ELRS,OLRS,GLRS / 220,,280,,2%0,/ DATA ELRSSsULKSS,OLRSS / 280.,280.,2806/ DATA BET2S,bET2SS /¢ 320.,380,/ DATA PLUS,PLOSS /2180,,2120,/ DATA ASMLS,ALKGS,AHTS / 21k05,2180,,21806/ DATA ASMLSS,ALRGSS,AHTSS /21%0,,2120,,21%0,/ DATA ATOTS,ATUTSS /2120,,2180,/ DATA PEMPS,PEMPSS /21%0,,21%0,/ DATA POCFS,FDCFSS,TADJS,TADJISS /21%0,,2140.,2180,,21806/ DATA TPKS,TPKSS /2180,,21%0,/ DATA KDATE 7 1980,1985,1990,1995,2000,2005,2010/ DATA SCEN /*LOw', *MED', 'HIGH', *SUPH', *INOU', "BUST", "LLS',"MMS',"HHS'/ SCENAR=SCENCISCEN) REWIND SCRATCH FILE CONTAIWING VALUES OF EACH ITERATION REWIND 4 DO 500 ITER=1,NITER HOUSING DEMAND COEFFICIENTS READ (4,400) CCCHUCOEF (I,J¢K)¢T=1,0)¢J=167),K=1,3) bu 10 IT=1,6 DU 10 J=1,7 vO 10 K31,3 HUCUS(L JK) SnPECOS(T eek) + HOCOEF (1,54) HOCUSS(I,J,K)SHUCUSS(I,J,8) * DBLE(HUCOEF (1,J,K)) #2 CONTINUE APPLIANCE SATURATION KATES B.39 reD16950 KED10940 RED1695U REDL6460 RED16970 RED16980 RED10990 REDI7000 REDI7010 kED17020 REDI7030 REDI7040 RED17050 REDI7U6U KEDITO70 REDI7080 REDL7090 RED17100 REDI71I1L0 RED17120 WEDI7130 REDI7140 REDI7150 RED17160 RED17170 REDI7160 REO17190 REDI7200 REDI7210 REDIT220 REDI7250 REDI7240 RED17250 REDI7260 REDI7T270 RED17280 REO17290 RED17300 WEDI7310 wEDI7320 RED17330 REO17340 mED17350 KEDI7 S00 REDI7370 KED17 380 RED17390 REDI7400 RED17410 REDI7420 RED174350 RED17440 REDI7450 RED17460 REO17470 RED17460 RED17490 READ (4,401) COCCSAT CT J eQeb) oe LSle 4) eJE0e 5) NHL, 7) LE1411) REDI7500 bo 20 121,4 REDITSLU DO 20 J=1,3 REDI7Se0 DU 20 K=1,7 RED17530 00 20 L=1,11 KEDITS4U SATSCLe Se Ke LISSATSCI ede Keb) & SATCL sede Kel) REDI7550 SATSS(I,J,K,LISSATSS(I,S,KeL) & DOLE (SAT(T JK yh) ) eae NE017560 20° CUNTINUE REUI7570 c REDI7560 C RED17590 c BUSINESS USAGE PAKAMETEKS RED17600 c RKEDI7010 READ (4,402) (BKEIA2(1),1=1,3) REL17620 c REDI763u c ELASTICITIES REO17640 Cc RED17650 READ (4,421) (ESK(1),151,2) REUVI7o6U READ (4,421) (CEOSR(I),121,2) RED17670 READ (4,421) (CEGOR(1),1=1,2) RED17680 READ (4,421) (ELRUI), 11,2) REDI7690 READ (4,421) (CEOLR(1I),1=1,2) REDI7700 READ (4,421) (CEGLR(I)- 11,2) REDIT710 00 30 1=1,3 RED17720 BET2S(I)SBET25(1) * BRETA2(1) REDI7730 BET2SS(I)SBET2SS(I) + DBLE(KHBETA2(1))e2 REDI7740 30 CONTINUE RED17750 DO 31 I21,2 KEO17760 ESRSCLISESRS(I) + ESR(T) RED17770 ESRSSCI)SESKSS(1) + DBLE(ESK(I))**2 REO17780 OSRS(1)SUSRS(1) + CEUSR(L) REDI7790 OSRSS(T)SUSKSS(T) + OBLE(CEOSR(1)) «x2 RED17800 GSRS(1)=GSkS(1) + CEGSR(I) REDI7610 GSRSS(T)SGSKSS(1) + DBLE(CEGSR(1)) «x2 REDI7820 ELRS(I)SELRS(1) + ELR(T) REDI7850 ELRSS(T)=ELKSS(I) + DBLECELR(I)) ee RED17840 OLRSCT)SOLRS(I) + CEULR(T) REVI7650 OLRSS(1T)SOLRSS(1T) + UBLE(CEOLR(1)) «#2 RED17660 GLRSCI)SGLRS(1) + CEGLR(I) RED17870 GLRSSCI)SGLRSSC(I) + OBLE(CEGLR(I1)) **2 REDI7880 31 CONTINUE RED17890 c REDI7900 c LOAD FACTORS . REO17910 c REOI7920 READ (4,403) (CPLUAD(1,K),121,5),K=1,7) NED17930 bu 35 121,35 nE017940 DO 35 K=1,7 REDI79S0 PLUS(CI,K)SPLUS(Ien) + PLUAD(I,K) RED179600 PLDSS(1,K)SPLUSS(1,K) + DSLE(PLUAD(I,N)) *%e REDI7970 $5 CONTINUE RKED17980 c REDIT799U Cc NOUSEHULDS SERVED AND VACANCIES RED18000 c CONSUMPTIUN = SMALL AND LARGE APPLIANCES aNWi SPACE HEAT REDI8010 Cc RED16020 READ (4,404) COCTUTHH (dee Lf) ¢ dete 4) RELVT) L105) REO18030 HEAD (4,404) (CUSIOCK(S,K,1L),J=1/4) -K=1,7)-151,3) RED18040 READ (4,405) CCASML(K,1),T31,3),K21,7) REO160SU READ (4,405) (CALRG(K,1),151,3),K=1e7) RED16060 B.40 49 50 aon ss a00 ry c eanosanna eo READ (4,405) CCAHI(K,1),121,3),K=1,7) DO SO K=1,7 OU 50 11,3 HHT(K, 1) 50, VACT(K,1)=0. 00 49 Js1,4 THHS (Je Ke LISTHHS (Je Kel) & VUTHH( Ie Ked) THHSS(J,K,1)STHHSS(J,K,1) * OBLE(TUTHH(J,K,1)) ae VACS( Jee LSVACS(JeKeT) + (STUCK (UeKe1) = TUTHH(JeKe1)) VACSS(J,K, I) SVACSS(S,K,1) + DBLE(STOCK(J,K,I) = TUTHHC eK eT) Dee HHT(K,L)SHHT (KT) # TOTHH(J,K,1) VACT(CKeT)SVACT (Kel) + (STOCK(SeKe 1) = TUTHH(JeK,1)) CONTINUE HHTS(K/T)SHHTS(K,1) + HHT(K, 1) HHTSS(K,T)SHHISS(K,1) * HHT(K,1) sHHT(K,1) VACTS(K,I)SVACTS(K,I) + VACT(K,1) VACTSS(K,I)=VACTSS(K,I) + VACT(K,1)*VACT(K,I) ASML (RK, T) SA9ML (Ke LT) /HHT(K, 1) ALRG(K, 1) SALRG(K, 1) /HHT(K, IT) AHT(K, IT) SAHT (KT) /HHT(K, I) ASMLS(K,I)=ASMLS(K,1) + ASML(K,1) ASMLSS (Ky T)SASMLSS(K,E) + ASML (Ke IT) *ASML (Ke I) ALRGS(K,I)SALKGS(K,I) + ALRG(K,I) ALRGSS (Ke T)SALRGSS(KeT) + ALRG(Ke 1) *ALKG (Ke) AHTS(K,I)SAHTS(K,1) * ANT(K,I) AHTSS(K,L)SAHTSS(KeT) + ANT (Ke T) RANT( Ke) ATUTS(K,1L)SATUTS(K,1) + (ASML(K,1) + ALRG(K,1) * AHT(K,1)) ATOTSS (Ke T)SATOTSS(Ke TL) + CASML( Ket) + ALRG( KEL) + AHT (Ke 1)) #82 CONTINUE GOVT AND SUPPURT AND BASIC REGUIREMENTS READ (4,405) ((USKO(K,1),151,35),K21,7) vO 55 1=1,3 00 5S K=1,7 TEMP=BSRO(Ke 1) /(TEMPL OI, (K1) 8541) *1000,) PEMPS(K,I)=PEMPS(K,1) + TEMP PEMPSS(K,1)=PEMPSS(KeI) + TEMP*TEMP CONTINUE WEIGHTED PEAK DEMAND CORRECTIUN FaCTUR READ (4,406) (CPOLCF(K,1),151,5),K=1,7) DU oO 151,3 DU 60 K=1,7 PONCFS(K,I)SPOCFS(K,1) + POCE(KeI) POCFSS(K,1)SPUCKSO(K,I) + OBLE(PDCF (K,1)) a2 CONTINUE CONTINUE HOUSING DEMAND COEFFICIENTS B.4] RED 6U7TU REOL8U8U KED18090 REDI6B100 RED18110 REV18120 RKEO18130 RED16140 REDI8150 RED18160 RED18170 REDI8160 REDI8190 REDLb200 REDIBC1LO XED18220 REV16230 REDI8240 RED16250 RED16260 REO18270 RED16280 RED16290 REO18500 RED16310 RED16320 RED186330 REDIB340 REDI8350 RED18360 RED18370 RED16380 RED16390 KED18400 RED16410 RED18420 REO18430 RED16440 REDI6450 WED1 8460 REDI8470 RED16480 RED16490 RED16500 KEDI8510 RED16520 RED18530 RED18540 REO18S50 RED16560 RED18570 RED16560 REDI6S90 nED18600 REDIB61O RED1B8620 KED18630 $50 c c c 539 Sod * bO S50 Is1,6 bO 550 J21,7 DO 550 KS1,3 HDCUS(I,J,K)=SHDCOS(I,J,K) /NITER IF (NITER ,LE. 1) HDCUSS(I,J,x)=0, IF (NITER ,LE, 1) GO TOU 550 HDCOSS( Is JeK)SCHOLOSS (Ted eK) = NITERRHDCUSC Ie Je K) ®HDCUS(I,5,K)) /(NITER = 1.) IF (HOCOSS(1eJeh) LE. Us) HUCUSS(1,J,4)=0, IF (HUCUSS(1,J,K) LE. 0.) GU TO 5 HUCOSS (I,J eK) =DSQRT(HOCOSS(TeJeh)) CONTINUE APPLIANCE SATURATION RATES (x 100) DO Seu I31,4 vO 560 J=1,3 DU S60 K=1,7 DO 560 L=1,11 SATS( Ie Je Ke LJHSATS(Is J eK el) /NITER Su IF (NITER ,LE. 1) SATSS(1,J,K,L) 50. IF (NITER LE. 1) GO TO 559 SATSS(T,J,K,LIS(SATSS(T,J,K,L) © NITERRSATS(1,0,K,L)* SATS(IeJeKeLII/CNITER = 1.) IF (SATSS(I,d,K,L)d ,LE. 0.) SATSS(I,J,K,L)=0, IF (SATSS(I,J,K,L) ,LE. 0.) Gu TO SATSS(Ied/Ke lL) SVSURT(SATSS( Te deKel SATSC 1+ JeKeLSSATSC Ie Je K el) 100, SATSS(I,J,K,L)=SATSS(I,J,K,L) e100, CONTINUE BUSINESS USAGE PARAMETERS ANv ELASTICITIES vO 565 I=1,5 BET2S(I)SHET2S(L)/NITER IF (NITER .GT.1) GO TO Se2 BET2SS(I)=0, GO Tu 56S BET2SS(1)=(KET25S(1) = NITEReBET2S(1) #bET25(1))/(NITERHW1.) IF (BET2SS(T) .LE. 0.) BET2SS(1)=0 IF (KET2SS(1) .GT. 0.) BET2SS(1)S0SGKT(KETeSS(1)) CONTINUE DU S66 121,2 ESRS(I)SESRS(L)/NITER OSRS(T)S0SRS(1)/NITER GSRS(1)=GSRS(1)/NITER ELRS(L)SELRS(I)/NITER OLRS CI) S0LRSCI)/NITER GLAS(T)=GLRSCI)/NITER IF (NITER .GT. 1 ) GO TN 561 ESKSS(1)=0, OSRSS(1)=0, GSRSS(I)=0, ELRSS(I)50, OLRSS(I)=0, GLRSS(1)=0, GO TU S66 5s9 ) B.42 REDIB04U kED16650 RED16660 REDI6670 KEDIS08U RED16690 RED18700 REDI6710 REO18720 RED18730 RED18740 REDI8750 RED187600 REDIS770 REO1878U RED1879U REDIS800 RED16610 wEDI18820 REDL8830 RED18640 RED188S0 WED18660 RED18670 RED14680 RED18890 REDI8900 RED18910 RED1L8920 REO18930 RED18940 RED18950 RED18960 RED18970 RED18980 RED18990 RED19000 REO19010 REDI9020 RED19030 RED1904U REO190S0 RED19060 kKED19070 RED19080 KED19090 KEDIYIOU KEDI9110 REDIDI2u wEDI19130 REDI9140 RED19150 REDI91600 REDI9I7U RED19160 REDI9190 REDI9200 Sel S66 368 509 S70 CONTINUE ESRSSCT)SCESROS( I) © wITERMESRSC( ID *ESKSCIDIZONITER = 1.) IF CESRSS(L) «LE. 0.) ESRSS(1)=0, TF (ESRSS(1) .61, 0.) ESRSS(L)SUSQKIT(ESRSS(I)) OSRSSCT)S(COSRSS(L) = NITER®USKS(T) ®OSKSCTII/UNITER = 1.) IF (USRSS(I) .LE, 0,) OSRSS(1)50, IF (OSKSS(I) .6T. 0.) OSRSS(1)SDSuURT(USKSS(1)) GSKSSCLIS(GORSS(T) = NITER®GSRS(I) *GSRSCI)I/Z(NITER © 1.) 1F (GSRSS(1) .LE. 0.) GSRSS(T)S0. IF (GSKSS(I) .6GT, 0.) GSRSS(T)SUSUR1(GSRSS(1)) ELRSSCI)S(CELRSS(I) = NITERSELRS(I)®ELRS(I)I/(NITER = 1.) IF CELRSS(T) welt. 0.) ELRSS(T)50, IF (ELRSS(I) .6T, 0.) ELRSS(1)S0SUKT(ELRSS(1)) OLRSSCTISCOLRSS(T) = NITEK*OLRS(T)*OLRS(I)I/(NITER = 1.) IF (OLRSS(I) .LE, 0.) ULRSS(I)=0. IF (OLRSS(I) .GT. 0.) OLRSS( I) S0SunTCOLRSS(1)) GLRSS(L)=S(GLRSS(T) © NITERSGLRS(T)eGLRS(I))/(NITER = 1.) IF (GLRSS(I) .LE, 0.) GLRSS(I)=0, IF (GLRSS(T) .GT,. 0,) GLRSS( 1) S0SURT(GLRSS(1)) CUNT IAUE LOAD FACTURS 00 S08 151,35 DO S68 K51,7 PLDS(T,K)SPLOS(1,K) /NITER IF (UNITER LE. 1) PLUSS(I,K)=0, IF (NITE ,LE. 1) GO TO Seu PLOSS(I,K)S(PLOSS(I,K) = NITER®PLOS(I,K) *PLDS(I,K)) * /UNITER = 1.) IF (PLUSS(I-K) LE. 0.) PLUSS(I,K)s0, IF (PLOSS(I,K) .GT, 0.) PLDSS(I,K)=USOR1 (PLDSS(I,K)) CONTINUE HOUSEHOLDS SERVED AND VACANCIES 00 $70 J=1,4 DO $70 K=1,7 ou S70 [51,3 THHS (J, ,T)STHHS(J,K,1)/NITER VACS( Je Ke LISVACS (Ue Ke T)/NITER IF (NITER ,LE. 1) THHSS(J,K,1)=0, IF (NITER LE. 1) VACSS(J,K,1)=0. IF (NITER LE. 1) GO TO 570 THHSS(J,K, TSC THHSS(SeKe 1) = NITER*THHS(J,K, 1) *THHS(J,K,1)) * 7(NTIER © 16) IF (THHSS(SeKel) LE. 0.) THHSS( JK, 150, IF (THHSS(J,K,1) .LE. 0.) GU TO S69 THHSS (J ¢K,T)=USGRTCTHHSS (J eK e1)) CONTINUE VACSS(J,Ke TISCVACSS(JeKeT) = NITERAVACS(J,K, 1) *VACS(J,K,1)) * /(NITER = 1.) IF (VACSS(JeKel) oLE. 0.) VACSS(J+Ke1)=0. IF (VACSS(J,K,T) .LE. 0.) GU TO S70 VACSS(J,K, 1) 2USGRT(VACSS(J eK, 1)) CONTINUE bO 5860 121,35 B.43 KEDI9210 REDI9220 REDI19230 KEDI9e4U REVIGeSO KELI9260 REDI9270 REDI9280 KEDI9290 RED19500 REVIYS1U RED19320 NEDIY35U0 REDI9S40 REDI95S0 REDI9S00U REDI9570 REDI9380 RED19390 RED19400 REDI9410 RED19420 RED19430 RED19440 RED19450 RED19460 RED19470 RED19460 RED19490 RED19500 KEDIOSIO REV19S20 RED19530 REDI9S4O RED19950 RED19560 REVI9S70O WED19580 REDIY9S9O RED19600 REDI9610 REDIY¥Y620 REDI9O30 RKEDI9640 REDI96S0 RKEDI9000 KED19670 RED196080 RED19690 REOL9T7TOO wEDI9710 RED19720 RED19730 REDIIT4U REDI97S0 REDLYTOU RED19770 $79 S44 * * vO 580 KF1,7 HHTS(K, TL) SHHTS(K,LI/NITER VACTS(K,1L)SVACTS(8, 1) /NITER IF (NITER .LE. 1) HHTSS(K,I)Su. IF (NITER ,LE. 1) VACTSS(K,1)=0, IF (WITER ,LE. 1) GO TO S8U HHTSS(K,T)S(HATSS(K,1) = NITERRHHIS(K, 1) eHnTS(K,1)) JOUNITER = 1.) IF (HNTSS(K,1) ,Le. 0.) HHTSS(K,I) su, IF (HHTSS(K,/T) LE. 0.) GO TO 579 HHTSS(K,1)=USuRT(HHTSS(K,I)) CONTINUE VACTSS(K,I)=(VACTSS(K,1) = NITERRVACTS(K, IT) eVACTS(K,1)) J(NITER = 1.) IF (VACTSS(K,1) LE, uv.) VACTSS(K,I)=0, IF (VACTSS(K,1) .LE. 0.) GO Tu 580 VACTSS (KI) =0SQGRT(VACTSS (Ke 1)) CONTINUE RESIDENTIAL USE DO S585 Is1,5 DO 585 KS1,7 ASMLS (hy, I) SASMLS(K, TL) /NITER ALRGS(K,1)SALKGS(K,I)/NITER AHTS(K, T)SAHTS (Ke L)/NITER ATOTS(K,1)SATUTS(K, 1) /NITER IF (NITER .GT. 1) GO TO 584 ASMLSS(K,1I)=0. ALRGSS(K,1)=0. AHTSS(K,1)=0, ATOTSS(K,1) 50. GO 10 585 CONTINUE ASMLSS(K,1)S(ASMLSS(K,T) = NITER®ASMLS (Ke 1) ASMLS(K,1)) /(NITER = 1.2) IF (ASMLSS(K,1) .LE, 0.) ASMLSS(K,I) =u, IF CASMLSS(Ke1) .6T. 0.) ASMLSS(nK,1)=0SURTCASMLSS(K,1)) ALKGSS(K,I)S(ALRGSS(K,1) = NITERSALRGS(K,I) eALRGS(K,I)) ‘ /(NTTER = 1.) IF CALRGSS(K,I) LE. 0.) ALRGSS(K,1I)=0, IF (ALRGSS(K,1) GT. 0.) ALRGSS(K,1)=0SORT(ALROSS(K,1)) AHTSS(K, TI SCANTSS(K,1) = NITERSAHTS(K,I) *AHTS(K,1)) JUNITER = 1.) IF (AHTSS(KeI) .LE. 0.) AHTSS(K,1)=0, IF (AHTSS(K,I) .GI, 0.) AHTSS(K,1)SUSART(ARNTSS(K,1)) ATOTSS (Ke TI SCATOTSS (Ke 1) = NITERRATOTS (Ke DT) eATUTS(K,1)) J(NITER = 1.) IF (ATOTSS(K,1) .LE. 0.) ATOTSS(K,1)=0. IF (ATOTSS(K,1) GT, 0.) ATUTSS(K,1)S0SURT(ATOTSS(K,1)) CUNTINUE BUSINESS USAGE vO 590 121,53 DO $90 K=1,7 PEMPS(K,I)SPEMPS(K,/ I) /NITER B.44 KEDIY76U REDLYTYU KEDI9800 REDIGA1U RED19620 REDI9850 REDI9640 hEDI9650 REDIY6600 RED19870 REDL98b0 RED19890 RKED19900 KEDI99IO REDI9920 REDI9930 REDI9940 RED199S0 REDI9960 REDI9970 REDI9960 RED19990 RED20000 RED20010 RED20020 RED20030 RED20040 RED20050 RED20060 RED20070 RED20080 RED20090 RED20100 RED20110 RED20120 RED20130 RED20140 RED20150 RED20160 RED20170 RED20180 KED20190 RED20200 RED20210 RED20220 RED20230 RED20240 RED20250 RED20260 RED20270 RED20260 RED20290 RED20300 RED20310 RED20320 RED20350 RED20340 590 soa aaano 6u0 615 IF (NITER ,LE. 1) PEMPSS(K,1)=0, IF (NITER ,LE. 1) GO TO S90 PEMPSS(K,1)SCPEMPOS(K,1) = NITERAPEMPS(K, 1) *PEMPS(K,1)) * JONTIER © 1.) IF (PEMPSS(n,1) LE. 0.) PEMPSS(K,1)=0, IF (PEMPSS(K,1) .6T, 0.) PEMPSS(K,1) =USUKT(PEMPSS(K,1)) CONTINUE WEIGHTED PEAK DEMAND CURRECTION FACTURS bo $95 [21,3 DO 595 K=1,7 POCFS(K,1L)SPDCFS(K,/T)/NITER IF (NITER LE. 1) PNCFSS(K,1)50, IF (NITER .LE. 1) GO TO 595 PUCFSS(K,1)=(PDCFSS(K,1) = NITER®PDCFS(K,1)*POCFS(K,I)) * JUNITER = 1.) IF (POCFSS(K,1) ,LE, 0.) PUCFSS(K,I)=u, IF (PUCFSS(K,1) .GT. 0.) POCFSS(K,1)=0SURT(POCFSS(K,1)) CONTINUE TUTAL ADJUSTED REWUTREMENTS DO 600 J=1,NLTER DO 600 51,3 DO 600 K=1,7 TADJS(K, T)STAVIS(KeT) & TUTADI (I,K, 1) TADJSS(K,T)STADISO(K I) + VUBLE(TOTADJ(J,K,1)) axe CUNTINUE 00 605 I=1,3 DO 605 K=1,7 TADIS(K, L)STAVIS(K, TI/NITER IF (NITER LE. 1) TADJSS(K,1)50, IF (NITER LE. 1) GO TO 605 TADJSS(K IT) SC(TADJSS(K,1) = NITER®TAUIS(K, 1) eTADJS(K,1)) ® /UNITER © 1.) IF (TAOJSS(K,1) LE, 0.) TADJSS(K,1)50, IF (TADJSS(Ke 1) .GT, 06) TADISS(K, 1) SNSQKT(TADISS(K,1)) CONTINUE CONTINUE TOTAL PEAK DEMAND DO 615 J=t,NITER DO 615 I21,3 DO 615 K51,7 TPKS(K,IT)=TPKS(K,1) * TUTPK(S,K, 1) TPKSS(K,TISTPKSS(K,1) * VRLECTUOTPK (Joke l) ere CONTINUE DO 620 151,35 DO 620 n21,7 TPKS(K,T)=TPKS(K,1)/NITER B.45 ReO20550 RED2036u RED20370 RED20580 RED20390 RED20400 RED20410 RED20420 RED20430 RED2044U RED20450 KED20460 RED20470 RED20460 REV20490 RED20500 RED20510 RED20S20 RED20S30 RED20540 RED20550 RED20560 RED20570 RED20560 RED20590 RED206000 RED206010 RED20620 RED20030 wKED20640 RED20650 RED20660 RED20670 RED200860 RED20090 RED20700 RED20710 RED20720 RED20730 RED2074u RED20750 RED20760 RED20770 RED20780 RED20790 RED20800 RED20610 RED20820 RED20830 RED20840 REV20850 RED20860 RED20870 RED20680 RED20690 KED20900 RED20910 620 aaao 650 od1 635 045 640 IF CNITER ,LE. 1) TPKSS(K,1)50, IF (NITER ,LE. 1) GU TO 620 TPKSS(K,LISCTHKSS(K,I1) = NITERRTPKS(K,L)*TPKS(K,1)) * J(NITER © 12) IF (TPKSS(K,1T) LE. 0.) TPKSS(K,T)50, IF (VPKSS(KeT) .G1. 06) TRKSS(K, IT) S0SURTCTRKOS(K,1)) CONTINUE % LEVELS, MAX AND MIN FUR YEAR 2000 L25SNITER/4 IF (LeS .EU. ¥) LeS=) LSOSFLOAT(NITER)/2, + 25 IF (MOD(NITERS4) EQ. 0) L7SSNITERS3/4 TF (MOD(NITER,4) «NE. Q) L7SSFLOAT(NITER)®.75 + 1. DO 641 K=1,7 00 655 1=1,5 IMIN=1 IMAX=1 DO 630 JeL,NITER IF (TOTPK( JS ¢KeT) oLT. TOTPKCIMIN,K,1)) IMINEU IF CTOTPK(JSe Kel) .GT. TOTPKCIMAX¢K,1)) IMAKSJ TSOxX(J)sJ CONTINUE OO 631 J1=1,/NITER 00 631 J2=J1,NITER IF (TOTPK(ISOX(J1),K,T) .GE. TOFPK(ISUX(J2),K,1)) GO TO 631 Le(sox(J1) ISDxX(J1) S1SVX(J2) Ispx(J2)2t CONTINUE ITROX(1,1,K)=1MIN ITROX(2,1,K)=1S0x(L25) ITROX(3,1,K) S1SDX(L50) ITRDX(4,1,K)=1S0X(L75) ITRUX(S,1,K) =1MAX CONTINUE IF(NITER .NE, 1) GOTO 640 DO 645 J52,4 vO 649 1=1,3 TTROX(J,1,K) S91 TOTADICTTRDX (Se Leh) eK L)STOTADS (1K, 1) TOTPK CITRUX (Se TK) Ke LISTOTPK(1,K,1) TOTCONCLTROX (de Teh) Ke L)FTOTCON(1 (Ke 1) SAVPKCITROX (Se Te K) Ke LI SSAVPK CL Kel) CSTCONCTFROX(J,1,%),K,L)=CSTCUN(1,K,1) TOTRESCITROX (Se Teh) Ke TI STUTRES(I,K,1) TOTHUSCITRDX (J, 1,8) ,K,T)=10TBUS(1,K,1) TOTMISCIERDX (Je Te) Ke LISTOTMIS(1, Ke I) ConTINue CUNTINUE DU 641 Jsee4 DU o41 131,35 IF (TOTCONCETRDACJe TK) eho) eLE. 1) CSTCUNCTTRUXCSs IK) Ke TSU, B.46 RED209eU KED20930 RED20940 RED20950 KED2096U RED20970 RED20980 RED20990 wKED21000 REV2L0LU kKED21u20 wED21U30 RED21040 RED21050 RED21060 KED21070 KED21080 KED21090 RED21100 REb21110 RED21120 RED21150 keEv21140 RED21150 RED21160 RED21170 RED21160 KED21190 RED21200 kEDe1210 RED21220 RED212350 REVe12490 kED21250 kED21260 kEO21270 KED21260 RED21290 RED21500 RED21310 KED21320 RED21530 wED21340 KED21350 REV21360 keED21370 RED21360 ReD21390 RED21400 RED21410 REDeld2u RED21430 RED21440 REDeL450 RED2146U RED21470 RED21480 41 aanane 729 710 711 712 W113 714 ms 716 7Te0 721 aoae 740 maaan CONTINUE WRITE FIRST REPORT = = HOUSENOLDS SEkVED bu 725 WRITE WRITE WRITE IF (1 IF (1 IF (1 WRITE WRITE WRITE vo 7e5 WRITE WRITE I=1,5 (3, 3000 (3,710) (3,710) EQ, 1) eEU. 2) Eu. 3) (3,714) (3,719) (3,716) K=1,7 (3,720) (3,721) CONTINUE FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT wre FURMAT FOKMAT FORMAT WRITE SECOND REPOKT = = HOUSING VACANCIES vO 730 WRITE WRITE WRITE iF (1 IF (I IF (1 wRITE WRITE WRITE DO 730 WRITE FORMAT 2 SCENAR,TIILE,NITER WRITE (3,711) WRITE (3,712) WRITE (3,715) KDATE(K), (CTHHS(JsKe 1), J=1e4) ,HHISCKe I) (THHSS (dK e1),J51/-4) -HHTSS(K,1) ('0',35X,' HUUSEHOLDS SERVED ') ('U",39X, "ANCHORAGE + COOK INLET") ('0', 35x," GREATER FAIRBANKS ©) ('0',35xX,' GLENNALLEN. = VALDEZ ') (Sox, 22('=')) C10", "YEAR', 5X,'SINGLE FAMILY',3x,! 3X," MOBILE HOMES', 3X," DUPLEXES 1x40 ay) TOTAL "ate fet) sSx,SUL3C%9 4), 3x)) C10", 14,5Xs5(F13.0,3x)) (LOK, SCONCE 11.569)", 3K)) I=1,5 (3,5000) SCENAR, TITLE, NITER (4,731) (3,716) 2EQ. 1) eEQ. 2) 2EQ. 3) (3,714) (3,715) (3,716) K=1,7 (3,720) WkITE (3,711) WRITE (3,712) WRITE (5,713) MULTIFAMILY ",3Xe KDATE(K), CVACS(JSeKe 1), 35144), VACTS(K, 1) WRITE (3,721) (VACSS(JsKe1),J=1,4) ,VACTSS(K,1) CONTINUE ('0",35X," HUUSING VACANCIES ') WRITE THIRD REPURI © = HOUSING DEMAND COEFFICIENTS B.47 RED21490 KED21500 KED21510 RED21520 RKED21530 RED21S4U KED21550 RED215600 neED21570 RED21580 RED21590 RED21600 RED21LOL0 REV21620 RED21630 RED216040 REV216050 RED21600 RED21670 keED21660 RED21690 RED21700 RED21710 RED2172e0 RED21730 RED21740 nED21750 REO21760 RED21770 RED21780 RED21790 RED21600 RED21610 RED21820 RED21830 RED21640 RED21650 RED21660 nED21670 ReEv21880 NED21890 RED21900 RED21910 RED21920 RED21950 wED21940 RED21950 RED21960 RED21970 RED21960 RED21990 KED22000 RED22010 RED22020 RED22050 RED22040 RED22050 iss 746 737 738 739 740 741 M42 743 744 m5 746 nanan N00 735 WRITE wRITE WRITE cE CE AF CE TE VCE WRITE 1F (1 IF (1 TE Cr WRITE WRITE vo 735 ARITE WRITE CONTIN! FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT FORMAT ue FORMAT 1 2 FORMAT 1 e FORMAT FORMAT FURMAT I=1,35 (35,3000) SCENAR, TITLE ,NITER (5,736) (3,710) EQ, 1) eEu. 2) EQ. 3) (3,740) 2£Q, 1) EW, 2) EU, 3) (3,744) (3,716) K=1,7 (3,745) (3,740) UE WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE (3,757) (3,738) (3,739) (3,741) (3,742) (3,743) KDATE(K), (HOCOS(J,K,1),J51,6) (HDCUSS(J,Ke 1), J51,6) C0", 25x," C'0",39X, "SINGLE FAMILY") Cho", 39%," MULTIFAMILY ('0",35x,! ($0X,13C8=')) ChO', TYEAR' (SX, C'O', SYEAR', SX, ChOt, "YEAR', SX, HOUSING DEMAND CUEFFICLENTS') 7 BAL . BAG Md B3S si cal . Cag e c3s ' VAL e DA4 : 0358 ) MOBILE HUMES") 23k, CLK, ACH) SK pO C1008), 5K)) C'0",14,5xX,6(F10.5,5x)) (LOX, 608 ("F865 e') "4 5K)) BAe bes 04S Cae ces Las Dae bes vas ', 3k, ',3X, ) ",3ke ',3X, 13h, 3ke WRITE FOURTH REPORT bo 750 00 750 WRITE WRITE WRITE IF (J IF (J IF (J WRITE IF (I LEC TE Ct IF (1 WRITE WRITE bO 750 Js1,3 T=1,4 (3,5000) SCENAR, TITLE, NITER (3,751) (3,716) EG, 1) 2EU. 2) «Eu, 3) (3,714) oEQ, 1) EW. 2) EQ, 3) -E0. 4) (3,7551) (3,756) K=1,7 WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE WRITE wkIVE WRITE = > APPLIANCE SATURATIONS (3,711) (3,712) (3,715) (3,752) (3,753) (3,754) (3,755) WRITE (3,757) KDAIE(K) e (CSATSCI sd eKot) Lal, 9) B.48 KED22000 RED2207T0 RED22080 RED2209U ReD22el0u RED22110 RED22120 wED22130 RED22140 kKED2215U RED22160 RED22170 RED22180 KED22190 RED2220U RED22210 RKED2222u RED22230 RED22240 RED22250 RED22260 RED22270 RED22260 RED22290 RED22300 RED22310 RED223e0 RED22330 RED22340 ReED22350 RED22360 RED22370 KED22360 KED22390 kED22400 RED22410 RED22420 RED2243u0 wED22440 RED22450 RED22460 RED22470 RED22480 RED22490 REDv22500 RED22510 repdee2sed RED22530 reED22540 KED22550 KED225600 RED22570 RED22580 RED22590 RED22bu0 RED22610 RED22620 750 751 752 753 754 795 7551 756 7s7 758 anoo WRITE (3,756) (SATSS(I,J,K,L),L=1,9) CUNTINNE FORMAT ('0',26X,'RESIDENTIAL APPLIANCE SATURATIONS (2)') FURMAT ('0', "SINGLE FAMILY3') FORMAT ('0'," MULTIFAMILY FURMAT ('o',* MUBILE HUMES FORMAT ('o',! OUPLEXES:' FURMAT (1x,14('=")) FURMAT ('0',4X,5X," WATER *,3X,10X, 5x," CLUIHES ',3x, 10X,5x,1UX,3X," vISH ", 3x," CLOTHES ',3x, " SAUNA= ',3K,! SPACE ',/, 1X,"YEAR', SX," HEATERS ',5X,' CUUKING ', 5X, ' URYERS ',3X, " REFRIG. ',3X,' FREEZERS ', 3x," WASHERS ', 3x, ' WASHERS ', 3x, " Jacuzzis ',3x,' HEAT wate UX, 4h"), SkK,I(LUC*=9),3K)) FORMAT ('0',14,5%,9(F 10.2, 3X)) FORMAT (10X,90'(',F8.3,')', 3X)) ee THE SHUR RED22050 RED2264u RED22050 RED22660 KED22070 RED2208U KED22090 RED22700 wED22710 KED22720 RED22730 KED22740 RED22750 RED22ToU RED22770 RED22780 RED22790 KED22600 RED22610 KED22820 RED22830 REV22640 WRITE FIFTH REPORT = = BUSINESS USAGE PARAMETERS AND ELASTICITIERED22650 WRITE (3,3000) SCENAR,TITLE,NITER WRITE (3,760) WRITE (3,710) WRITE (3,761) WRITE (3,762) (HEIN2S(I),1=1,3) WRITE (3,763) (BET2SS(1),151,3) WRITE (3,716) WRITE (3,716) WRITE (3,716) WRITE (3,765) WRITE (4,716) WRITE (3,766) WRITE (3,716) WRITE (3,767) (&SKS(1),I=1,2) WRITE (3,768) (&SRSS(1),1=1,2) WRITE (3,769) (OSKS(1T),I=1,2) WRITE (3,708) (OSKSS$(1),1=1,2) WRITE (3,770) (GSRS(I),1=1,2) WRITE (3,708) (GSKSS(1I),1=1,2) WRITE (3,716) WRITE (3,716) WRITE (3,771) WRITE (4,710) WRITE (3,760) | WRITE (3,716) wRITE (3,767) (eLNS(1),1=1,2) WRITE (3,706) (ELKSS(1),1=1,2) WRITE (3,769) (OLRS(1),1=1,2) WRITE (3,708) (ULRSS(1),1=1,2) WRITE (3,770) (GLNS(T),1=1,2) WRITE (3,706) (OLNSS(I),1=1,2) B.49 RED22860 RED22670 REV22680 RED22890 RED22900 RED22910 mrEO22920 RED22930 RED22940 RED22950 RED22960 RED22970 RED22960 RED22990 RED23000 KED23010 nED23020 RED235030 REV23040 RED]?]5050 REO23060 ne023070 RED23080 RED23090 RED23100 ReED23110 RED23120 RED23130 RED23140 RED23150 RED23160 REOD23170 RED25160 RED23190 760 FORMAT (* *, 42%, *OUSTWESS USAGE PARAMETERS',/, ReD2eseuu 1 "O',5%,"ANCHURAGE = COUK INLETS, 6x, kEv2eSs210 2 SX,5X," GREATER FALKBANKS ",0x, REDe3eeu 3 Ske5%_' GLENNALLEN = VALDEZ ',7/, kED25250 4 1X, S530, SK,33C 8H), OK, 35('-')) RED23240 Tol FURMAT (1%,3(8X,"FLOOR SPACE STUCK, OX, 9K) 6/4 kEDe S250 1 1%, 35(OX, 3X, "ELASTICIIY', 4k,5%,54),7, REVe S260 e UX, 3(BK, Pre wm w nn nnn nnn nnn, 5X ,5K)) RED23270 Toe FORMAT (80%, 3010XeF15,49,10x%,5%)) REV23260 763 FURMAT (1X%,3(6X,'(',F14.6,'°)',9K,5K)) RED252e9u 7o5 FORMAT ('0',30X,*ELASTICITIES = SHORT RiIW') REV23300 Tob FORMAT (T19," RESLUVENTIAL',SX,2X,'BUSINESS',/, RED25310 i Ti9,20120'="),5K)) nED23320 ToT? FORMAT ('O', *ELECIRICITY '/5X,2F12.5,54)) REO023330 Tos FORMAT (156xX,20'('/F10,6,')',5xK)) RED2334uU a) FORMAT ('0', ‘OIL . he 9k, e(F12.5,5%)) REV!]3550 770 FORMAT ('0','GAS ",5K,2(F12.5,5X)) RED23300 7m71 FORMAT ('O0',30X,*ELASTICITIES = LU kUN') wED23370 c ee RED23360 c WRITE SIXTH REPORT = = SYSTEM LUAD FACTORS RED23390 c reED23400 WRITE (3,5000) SCENAR,TITLE,NITER RED!]3410 WRITE (3,775) RED23420 WRITE (4,7751) NED23430 wRITE (3,716) RED23440 NO 774 K21¢7 RED23450 WRITE (3,776) KODAIE(K),(PLUS(I,K),1=1,3) RED23460 WRITE (3,777) (PLOSS(I,K), 11,3) RED23470 774 CONTINUE RED23480 c KED23490 775° FURMAT ('0',38xX,'SYSTEM LUAD FACTORS") RED23500 7751 FORMAT ( 'O',"YEAK',SX,"ANCHOKAGE = COUK INLET", SX, REO2?3510 2 * GREATER FAIRBANKS ",SX, RED2352u 4 " GLENNALLEN = VALUEZ 'y/y KEUV2])3530 4 UX, 48H") SK pS(22C'="),5x)) RED23540 776, FORMAT (90%, 14,9X¢ 3(OXsF10.5,6K,5%)) REV235550 777 FORMAT (10X%,3(6X,'(',F8.5,')',0x%,5X)) RED235600 c errrereeerer2ree22e2e2 2822222 2 ee © RED23570 c RED23580 c WRITE SEVENTH REPURT = = FUEL PRICE FORECASTS RED25390 Cc RED23560U c ELECTRICITY Z RED23010 WRITE (3,5000) SCEWAR, TITLE, NITER REU2)35620 WRITE (3,780) RED25630 WRITE (35,781) KED2 5040 WRITE (5,762) RED23050 WRITE (3,783) RED23660 VO 778 K51,7 RED23070 WRITE (3,784) KDATE(K),((PE(K, 1,3) ,J=1,2),151,3) RED23680 778 CONTINUE RED236090 G KED23700 c GAS ReD23710 WRITE (3,5000) SCENAR, TITLE, NITER RED23720 WRITE (3,78u) RED23750 WRITE (3,765) RED23740 WRITE (5,762) RED23750 WRITE (3,783) RED237T6uU B.50 7719 7791 760 TAL THe 783 764 74s 746 annan 788 7691 749 790 m1 792 795 DO 779 K=1,7 WRITE (3,784) KRUATE(K), ((PG(K, I,J) ,J=1,2),1=1,3) CONTINUE OIL WRITE (5-35000) SCENAR, TITLE, NITER WRITE (3,760) WRITE (3,780) WRITE (3,762) WRITE (3,763) DO 7791 K31s7 WRITE (3,784) KUVATE(K),( (PUCK, 1,4) ,J=1,2),121,3) CONTINUE FORMAT ('0',45X,"FUEL PRICE FORECASTS EMPLUYED') FORMAT ('0',48x,*ELECTRICITY (% / Kwh)') FORMAT ('0',10X,7%,"ANCHORAGE = COUK INLET',8X,5Xy 1 10X,"GREATER FAIRGANKS',10%,5X,8x, 2 "GLENNALLEN = VALDEZ", 8X,/¢ s Sk,305xX,57('='))) FOokMaT (0 1 1x on" 3(SK,5K, one FORMAT (10's 14, 30SK, SXF ile 3e9XeF 11 65/9%)) FORMAT ('0',49X,"NATURAL GAS (a/MMUTU)") FORMAT ('0',S0x,*FUEL O1L (3/MMBTU)') were Sx, ton emt 9K)) WRITE EIGHTH REPONT = = 2 REPURTS = = PEAK CORRECTION FACTORS AND WEIGHTED PEAK CORRECTION FACTORS WRITE (3,5000) SCENAR, TITLE, NITER WRITE (3,789) WRITE (3,790) DU 788 K=1,NOPT WRITE (3,791) (UPNAME (JeK) pJ51¢5)¢ (ROCF (J,K) Jet, 3) CONTINUE WRITE (3,716) WRITE (3,792) (BOCFN(J),J=1,3), (BDCFE(J),J51,3) WRITE (3,3000) SCENAR,TITLE,NITER WRITE (3,795) WRITE (3,7751) OO 7691 K=1,7 WRITE (3,770) KVAIE(K),(PUCFS(K,1),1=51,3) WRITE (3,777) (POCFSS(K,1),1=1,3) CUNTINUE FORMAT ('0',G0X,"PEAK CURRECTION FACIUKS') FORMAT ('0',*CuNSERVATIUN OPTION ',9X, 1 "ANCHURAGE = CUUK INLET',5K,' GREATER FAIRBANKS 2 SX," GLENNALLEN = VALDEZ ',/, 3 1X,200'='),5X,35(22("="),5x)) FORMAT ('0',SA4,5X_3(6X,F10.4,60%,5X)) FURMAT ('0', "NEW BUILOINGS',7X,5X,3(OXeF1064,6%,9X) o/, 1 "OO", "RETRUPFITTS' » 10X,5X_ 500%, F1064764,5X)) FORMAT ('u',32X,'WEITGHIEO PEAK CORRECTIUN FACTORS") B.51 YEAR" 305X¢SX,"RESIDENTIAL'» SX,1X, "BUSINESS", 2X,5K)/ wED2S770 RED25760 WED25790 REVe S600 RED2S610 wEV23820 RED2383u REV23640 REV23650 RED23b0u RED23870 RED23880 RED23690 RED23900 ReEDe3S910 RED2e5920 RED25930 RED25940 KED23950 RED23960 KED23970 REO23980 RED23990 RED24000 REV24010 KED24020 REL24030 RED24040 RED24050 RED240600 RED24070 RED24080 RED24090 RED24100 RED24110 REO24120 RED24130 RED24140 RED24150 RELV24160 RED24170 RED24160 RED24190 RED2420u kED24210 RED24220 RED24230 RED24240 RED24250 REV24260 mE024270 RED242860 RKED24290 HED24300 RED24310 KED24520 RED24330 aoc 400 401 a02 609 610 611 sie aonoa o 1 Pune PwVe Kx WRITE NINTH REPURI = © RESIDENTIAL USE DO 600 151,35 WRITE (3,3000) SCENAR, TITLE, NITER WRITE (3,601) WRITE (3,716) IF (1 ,£Q, 1) wRITE (3,711) IF (I .€0. 2) WRITE (3,712) IF (I EQ, 3) WRITE (3,713) WRITE (3,714) WRITE (3,602) WRITE (3,716) DU 800 K=1,7 WRITE (3,803) KUATE(K) ,ASMLS (Ke 1) pALRGS(K, 1) c ANTS (R/T) pATUTS(K 1) WRITE (3,804) ASMLSS(K,1),ALRGSS(K,I),AHTSS(K,1) ,ATOTSS(K,1) CONTINUE FURMAT ('0', 5eX,"RESIDENTIAL USE PER HUUSEHULD (KWH) ',/, 33x," (WITHOUT ADJUSTMENT FUR PRICE) ') FORMAT ('0",4x,10X%," SMALL ",9K—" LAkKGE ",9X, ' SPACE "ale 1X,"YEAR',10X,"APPLIANCES', 5X, "APPLIANCES', 5X, , HEAT ",5x%," TOTAL "We Ux 4 Ch") LOX, ACLU 8=") 6 9K)) FURMAT ('0',14,10X%,4(F10.2,5X)) FORMAT (1SKs4C'C' F550") 's5K)) WRITE TENTH REPURT © © #USINESS USE WRITE (3,3000) SCENAR,TITLE,NITER WRITE (3,810) WRITE (3,716) Du 609 K=1,7 WRITE (3,811) KUATE(K), (PEMPS(K,1),1=1,3) WRITE (3,812) (PEMPSS(K,1),/1=1,3) CONTINUE FORMAT ('0',35X,'SUSINESS USE PER EMPLUYEE (KWH)!,/, Sox," (WITHOUT LARGE INDUSTRIAL) '/, 3oX," (WITHOUT ADJUSTMENT FOR PRICE) 'y/, "O's "YEAR',SX,"ANCHURAGE = CUOK INLET', Sx, * GREATER FAIRBANKS ",9X, " GLENNALLEN = VALUEL 'e/, 1X,40'="),5X,3(220'="),5X)) FORMAT ('0',14,5xX,3(5xX,F12.2,5%,5%)) FORMAT. (1L0XK¢305Ke "C4 F100 504) "eS, 5X)) WRITE ELEVENTH REPORTS = = FOTAL ELECTRIC REGUIREMENTS (2 FORMATS) IF (IF .Nt, 1 ANU, IF NE, 3) GU TU 825 JITER=0 JROWSS B.52 RED2434U RED2435u RED24300 KED24S70 MED24360 RED24390 RED244U0 RED24410 REDe44euU RED24430 RED24440 KED2445U KED24460 RED24470 REV24480 keED24490 REV24S00 RED24510 RED24520 RED24530 REDe4S4U RED24550 RED24560 RED24570 RED24580 RED24590 RED2460U ReEv24010 RED24620 RED24630 RED24640 RED246S0 RED246600 RED24670 RED24680 RED246090 RED24T7U0 REO24710 RED24720 RED24730 REO24740 RED24750 RED24760 RED24770 RED24780 RED24790 RED2460U RED2461u RED24H820 RED24830 RED24b40 RED24850 RED24600 RED24670 RED24880 RED24690 RED24900 615 8151 Blo 817 620 del be2 623 624 625 e31 3352 JENDES IF (JITER ,t£G, NIIER) GU 10 8e5 WRITE (5/5000) SCENAR, TITLE, NITER WRITE (3,820) IF (NITER = JITER LT. 25) JROWS(NITEK -JITER = 1)/5 + 1 DO 617 L31,JRUW IF (NITER = JITER .LT, 5) JENDSNIIER © JITER bO 8151 J=1,JEND JITPRI(J)SJITER + J CONTINUE WRITE (3,621) (JTIPRT(J),J51,JEND) WRITE (3,422) WRITE (5,823) OU B16 K=1,7 WRITE (3,824) KUATE(K), ((CTOTAOJ(JITER+S,K,1),1=1,3),J=1,JEND) CONTINUE JITERSJITER + JEND CONTINUE GO TO 415 FORMAT ('0',35X,'TOTAL ELECTRIC REWULREMENTS (GWH)',/, 3oX,' (WITHOUT LARGE INUVUSTRIAL USE)') FORMAT ('0', "LITERS", 3X,506X,14,8X,5X)) FORMAT (9X,5(20('="),3x)) FORMAT (9X,5(' ANCH ',1X," FAIR ',1X," GLEN ',3X),/,1X) FORMAT (1X¢14,4K,9(FO.0,1XeFO.U,1X,F 6.0, 35xK)) CUNTINUE IF CIF .NE, 2 .ANU, IF NE, 3) GO TO 830 WRITE (3/3000) SCENAR,TITLE,NITER WRITE (3,820) WRITE (3,7751) DO 627 K=1,7 WRITE (3,826) KDATE(K),(TADJS(K,1),151,3) WRITE (3,829) (TAUJSS(K,1I),1=1,3) CONTINUE FORMAT ('0',14,5X¢3(6X¢F10.276%,5X)) FORMAT (10X,300X,"(',FB.3,°)',6X,5K)) CONTINUE WRITE TWELFTH REPURT = = PEAK ELECTRICITY KEWUIRENENTS WRITE (3,3000) SCENAR,TITLE,NITER WRITE (5,832) WRITE (35,7751) OO 631 K51,7 WRITE (3,826) KUATE(K), (TRKS(K,1),151,3) wkITE (3,429) (TPKSS(K,1),1=1,3) CONTINUE FORMAT ('0',39X,'PEAK ELECTRICITY REGUIRKEMENTS' » /, B.53 RED2491LU ReDeayeu RED24950 RED24940 RED249950 RED24960 RED24970 RED24980 kKED24990 ®ED25000 REDe25010 RED25020 RtED25050 KED2S040 RED25050 REV25060 RED2507U KED250860 REDeSU90 RKED25100 REV25110 REO25120 KED25130 RED25140 wED29150 REV2S160 REO2S1I70 RED2S180 RED25190 RED25200 reED25210 RED2S2e0 RED2S250 REV25240 RED2525u nED25260 REDeSe7yU wED2S280 RED25290 RED25300 REO25510 kED25320 wED29330 RED25340 RED2S350 RED2S 560 RED25370 REDeSS6u RED25390 RED29400 REDe5S410 RED25420 RED25430 RED25440 REO2545u KED25400 RED25470 x 3OX,'WITHOUT LARGE TNDUSTRTIAL Use") RED25400 fe eect te ttt et et tt et te et tt ee eee REV2ES49U c READ IN EXTRA ARRAY FRUM UNIT 9 kEve5SS00 READ (9-21) COCCCEXTRACL de Kobo) Sale 9) oKS1e 3) ,LE1, 3) ¢ME1,2), nEveSs10 x 131,7) RED255S20 11 FORMAT (9F6.2) RKED25550 c RED25540 c RED25550 c BREAKDOWN OF ELECIRICITY REQUIREMENTS RED25560 c REO25570 00 850 1=1,3 RED25580 vO 849 JJ=2,4 RED25590 Jeo-JJ KED25600 WRITE (3,5000) SCENAR,TITLE,NITER REveSolU WRITE (3,851) RED2Se62u IF (1 EQ. 1) wRITE (3,711) RED25630 IF (I .€G, 2) wrRITE (3,712) RED25640 IF (I .€0. 3) WRITE (3,713) RED25650 WRITE (3,714) ; RED250600 IF (J EG, 4) WRITE (3,852) RED25670 IF (J WRITE (3,853) RED25686 IF (J. WRITE (3,654) RED256490 WRITE (3,855) RED2S70U WRITE (3,856) Re 025710 DO 849 K=1,7 RED25720 TEMPSTOTRESCIIRDXUSs Lek) eke) + TOTBUSCITRUX(SeTeK) Kel) + RED257 30 * TOTMIS(ITROXCJS,1T,K) eke 1) + EXTRA(K,ISCEN,I1,J=1,1) ReD25740 WRITE (3,857) KDATECK) ,TOTRES(ITROX(J+T eK) oKeT)e redp2s7Su * TUTBUSCITRUX (Se T eK) (Ke TL) ¢TOTMISCITRUX(S,1,K),4,1), KED25S700 * TOTCONCITROX (Se T eK) Kel), TEMP REDeS770 WRITE (3,716) RED25780 IF (K .E0, 7) GU TO 849 KED25790 c REV25800 DO 848 L=1,4 RED25810 TRETOTRES(ITROX(Je I,K) Kel) # FLUAT(L)* REO2S6eU * CCTOTRESCITROX (Se TeKtl) Ktle1) = TOTRESCITROXCJeT eK) eke 1) 75.) RED25630 THSTOTBUS(ITROX(J/T,K),K,1T) + FLOAT(L)® RED25840 * CCTOTBUSCITROX( Ss LeKtl) eKeleT) = TOTBUS(TTRUXCJe Te K) eK, I))/5.) RED2SSSU TMSTOTMIS(LIRUX(JeI eK) eKel) + FLOAT(L)« RED25860 * COTOTMISCTTRDXUS, TeK tl) eKtle Tl) = TOTMISCITRUXCJS, Tek) eke 1II/5.) RED2SK70 TCSTOTCONCITRUX(Js1,K)sKel) + FLOAT(L)® REO29680 * CCTOTCONCLEROX (Se TeKtl) Keb, 1) = TOTCUNCITROXCSe Tek) sKe1))79.) RED25890 JEMPSTR + TB + TM + EXTRA(K,ISCEN,I,J-1,1) REV]5900 KLTMP=RDATE(K) # L RED25910 1 WRITE (3,858) KLTMP,TR,TH,IM,1C, TEMP RED2592U 648 CONTINUE Re025930 649 CONTINUE RED23940 850° CONTINUE RED25950 c REU2590U Bol FORMAT ('0',25X,"HREAKDUWN UF ELECTRICITY REQUIREMENTS ', RED25970 1 " (GWA, RED2S980 1 26X," (TOTAL INCLUDES LARGE INDUSTRIAL CONSUMPITUN)') RED25996 852. FORMAT ('0',' LOW RANGE (PRE,75)"') RED26000 353 FORMAT ('0', "MEDIUM KANGE (PR=.5)') KEDeOULO 854 FORMAT ('0',* HIGH RANGE (PR=,25)") RED26020 495 FORMAT (1k,20('=')) RED26030 056 FORMAT ('0',4x,5%e 4X, "RESIDENTIAL, $X,9X0° bUSINESS ', KED2604U B.54 1 SX, 5X, "MISCELLANEUUS',2X,5X,"INCR, CONSERVATION',/, KEv2605u 2 Xe VEAK' SKp 303K, *REGULREMENTS', 34,9) ,6X,'SAVINGS', RED26000 3 SX,9k,7X,'TOTAL',/, RED26070 4 UX, 4C 8") S(SK- 1H '="))) RED2606U 857 FORMAT (*u",14,5(9%,4X,F10.2e,4X)) KED20090 858 FORMAT (1%¢14,5(5%,4K,F10,2,4x)) KED26100 c ett rt tt tet tee ee ee eee ee ee ee REV20110 G RED2o120 c TUTAL REQUIREMENTS AND PEAK REQUIREMENTS MATRICES nED26130 ic nED26140 WRITE (3,300) SCENAR, TITLE, NITER keD26150 WRITE (3,910) RED26160 DO 906 1=1,3 RED20170 IF (I EW, 1) WRITE (3,711) RED261460 IF (1 ,€Q. 2) wkITE (3,712) RKED20190 TF (1 bu. 3) WRITE (3,713) RED26200 WRITE (3,714) REV26210 WRITE (3,911) (KOATE(K),K=1,7) RED26220 WRITE (3,912) RED26230 WRITE (3-913) (TOTADJCITROX(S/ 14K) eK el) ,KE1,7) RED26e4u WRITE (3,914) (JOTADJ(ITROK(2,1,K),K,1),KE1,7) RED26250 WRITE (3,915) (TADJS(K,1),K=1,7) RED26260 WRITE (3,916) (TOTADICITROX(3,1,K) -Ke 1), KE1,7) RED26270 WRITE (3,917) (TOTADJICITROX(4, 14K) eK eT) eKehe?) RED20260 WRITE (3,916) (TOTADJCITROX(1,1,K) ¢K,1),K21,7) RED26290 WRITE (3,919) (TADJSS(Ke 1) -K51,7) wrED26300 906 CONTINUE RED26510 c RED26320 910 FORMAT (*U',22X,"FREQUENCY OF TOTAL ELECTRICITY REQUIREMENTS ", RED26530 1 "(GWH)', /7¢36X,/"(WITHUUT LARGE INDUSTRIAL PROJECTS) ") KEDe6340 vil FORMAT (10%, "YEARS", 4X_5X_7( 3X14, 5K, 3X)) RED20550 gle FORMAT (1X,9%¢3xX,7(10('@"),3x)) RED26360 913 FURMAT (1X, "MAXIMUM", 2X, 3X%,7(F10,2,3%)) RED26370 914 FORMAT (1x,'29% Gt ',2X,3x%,7(F10.2,5x)) KED26380 915 FORMAT (1X, 'MEAN ,2X,3X,7(F10.2,3x)) RED26390 916 FORMAT (1X%,'5U% GE ',2X,35X,7(F10.2,5K)) nED26400 G17 FORMAT (1X,'°FS% GE ',2X,3K,7(F10.2, 3X)) RED26410 918 FORMAT (1X¢ "MINIMUM, 2X, 3X¢7(F 10,2, 5xk)) KED26420 919 FORMAT (1X,'SID DEV',2X,3xX,7(F10.3,3%)) RED26430 C nED20440 WRITE (3,3000) SCENAR, TITLE, WITER RED26450 WRITE (3,925) i RED26460 D0 924 11,3 RED26470 IF (1 .E€U. 1) wrIle (3,711) NED26480 IF (I £0. 2) WRITE (3,712) RED26490 IF (I seu. 3) wkRITE (35,713) Re 026500 WRITE (3,714) RED20510 WRITE (5,911) (KDATE(K),K=1,7) neED26520 wRITE (3,912) RED26530 WRITE (5,913) CTOTPKCTTROX (Se Tek) eKe Ll) eKale7) RED2654U WRITE (3,914) (TOIPK(LIROX(2,1,K)¢K,1),K5147) kKED26550 WRITE (3,915) (TPRS(K,L),K51,7) RED20560 WRITE (4,916) (TOIPKCETRUX(3,10K)¢Ke1),K=107) REDe6570 ARITE (3,917) (TOTPKCLIRDX (4, T eK) phe lL) Ket 97) RED26560 WRITE (3,918) (TOUPK(LIROX (Le 1 ,K) Kel) ,KE1,7) RED26590 WRITE (3,919) (TPRSS(KsT) sKE1,7) RE026600 924 CONTINUE RED26610 B.55 2a nu vu mnanaaae 936 953. v3 935 yaa 941 942 943 944 945 x x * FURMAT C'0', 32x%,"FREGUENCY UF PEAK DEMANL (hw) ', 7, 32x%,"(WITHOUT LARGE INDUSTRIAL USED") TOTAL ELECTRICITY REQUIREMENTS (NET UF CONSERVATLUN) ADD IN EXTRA LAKGE INDUSTRIAL USE ANDO PEAK REWUIREMENTS DU 936 DO 936 Jeo-dJ/ 00 936 CONTIN 121,35 JJz204 Ks2-7 TOTAUJS(LTROX (de 1,8) Ke L)STUTADI(LTROX (J, 1,8) Kel) + EXTRACK,ISCtN, 1s Je1,1) TOTPKCITROX(Se TK) Ke TISTOTPK(LIROX(S,1,K)eK,1) + EXTRA(K,1LSCEN,I,J=1,2) UE v0 935 JJ=2,4 J=o-JJ WRITE WRITE IF (J 1F (J IF (J ARITe WRITE IF (K (3, 3000) SCENAR,TITLE,NITER (3,940) £0, ofG, oEQ, 4) WRITE (5,941) 3) WRITE (3,942) 2) WRITE (3,943) (3,944) (3,945) DO 934 K1,7 TEMPSTOTADSCITROX CJ ele kK) eked) + TOTADICTTRUXCJ72rh)ekee) + TOTADSCLIERDX (J ¢3¢K) 4K 53) WRITE (3,946) KDATE(K) ¢ (CTOTADICITRUX (Je Lek) Ke Le Tste 3d) e TEMP WRITe (3,716) 2EQ. 7) GU 10 934 vO 935 L21.4 TA=TOTADJSCIIRUX(Se1,K),K,1) * FLOAT(L)® ® (CTOTADICITROXC Je Le Kel) eK+tel) = TOTADSCITRUXISel eK) eK e))750) TFSTUTAUSCLITRUX(Se2,K) eKee2) + FLOAT(L)® COTOTADSCITROXCS 2K tl) eKede2) = TOTADSCIIRUX (Ieee K) phe 2))/5.) FGSTOTADICITRUX(Je3,K)eKe3) ¢ FLOAT(L)® CCTOTADI CI TROX (J, 5, K 42) KH1,3) = TOTADSCITROX (Je Sek) phe 500756) TEMPSTA + TF + 16 WRITE (3,947) KDATECK) +L, TA, TF, TG, TEMP CONTINUE CONTINUE CONTINUE FORMAT ('0',28k,*1OTAL ELECTRICITY KEUUIREMENTS (GW) ty /, 1%, 56X,"CHET OF CONSERVATIUN) '4/, 1X,28X%,"(LNCLUDES LARGE INDUSTRIAL CONSUMPTION) ") C10", 35k," LOW RANGE (PR = .75)') ('0',35X,"MENLUM KANGE (PR 29)') ('0", 39%," HIGH KANGE (PR = .25)') FORMAT FURMAT FORMAT FOKMAT FORMAT (1x, Cut 35x, 22U'=')) YEAR', SX, "ANCHORAGE = CUOK INLEI'?SXe B.56 kKED26m2u REV26030 RED2664U0 kKED 266050 RED26660 REV266070 RED26680 RED2069U RED2o700 RED2671LU RED26720 RED26730 RED26740 RED26750 REV26760 RED2677u KED26780 RED26790 RED26600 REV26810 REV2o620 RED26830 keD20640 RED260850 RED2666u RED268/0 RED26680 RED26690 RED26900 RED260910 RED26920 RED26930 RED26940 RED26950 neD26960 RED26970 RED26960 ReED2699uU RED2TO0U0 KED27010 nede7020 REV27U30 RED27040 REDe7US0 kED27060 RED27070 RED2TUBO RED27TU90 neDe710U REDe71 LU REDe7T 120 RED2T130 REDe7T1I40 RED27150 RED2T1O0 RED27170 ReDe716u 946 947 948 949 950 got aanaanan wre * * * * 1 1 " GREATER FATRBANKS "yp Dke " GLENNALLEN = VALDEZ ')5X,9X,'TOTAL', 8X, 7, Uk,4( 8"), AC 9K,220'="))) FORMAT ('0',14,4(9X,6X,FL10.2,6K)) FORMAT (1xX,14,/4(5X,6X,F10,2,0%)) PEAK ELECTRIC REQUIREMENTS (NET OF CUNSERVATIUN) 00 950 JJ=204 JsonJdJ WRITE (3,5000) SCENAR, TITLE, NITER WRITE (3,951) IF (J .EQ, 4) wkITE (3,941) IF (J .€, 3) WRITE (3,942) IF (J -EU. 2) WRITE (5,943) WRITE (3,944) WRITE (3,945) 00 949 K51,7 TEMPSTOTPKCITRDX (dete K) shel) + TOTPKCTIRUX(S¢2eK),K,2) + TOTPKCITROX(J,3,K),8, 35) WRITE (34946) KDATE(K) -(TOTPKCITROX(CJe1eK) eKe TD eo T5143) 6 TEMP WRITE (3,710) IF (K .EQ. 7) GO TO 949 DO 948 L=1,4 TASTOTPKCITROX(S,1-K)eKe1) + FLOATI(LI® COTOTPK CATROX (Se be Kl) sKebel) = TUTPKCTIRUXC Se lend e Kel) ) 79.) TFSTUOTPKC(ITRDX(J,eeK) oKs,2) *& FLUAT(L)® CCTOTPK CLTROX (de 2eK tt) Kel, 2) = TOTPKCTIRDX(Se2eK) eK e2))/5~) TGSTOTPKCIUROA(S, 5K) eK,3) + FLOAT(L)® COTOTPR CITROX (de SeK 41) Kd 63) = TUTPKCITRUX (CS) 50K) 0K, 3))/50) TEMPSTA + TF + TG KLTMPSKDATE(K) # L WRITE (3,947) KLTMP,TA,TF, 1G, TEMP CONTINUE CONTINUE CONTINUE FORMAT ('0',31X,*PEAK ELECTRIC REGUINEMENTS (mw)',/, 1%,360X%,'(NET OF CONSERVATLON)',/, 1X%,31%,'CINCLUVES LARGE INDUSTRIAL DEMAND) ') WRITE FILE FOR AREEP OW UNIT 10 WRITE (10,1101) bO 1010 1=1,3 wRITE (10,110¢) IF (CI EU, 1) WRITE (10,1103) IF (1 JEQQ, 2) wkITE (10,1104) IF (1 .EU, 3) WRITE (10,1105) vO 1005 K21-7 WRITE (10,1100) KUATE(K), B.57 RED2719U weO27200 Rev2Te1U KED2722u RED27230 REDe7e4u nev27250 KED27260 weDeT2Tu RED2]7260 REO2T290 ReEDe7 Suu RED27 S10 RED2T S20 KED27 530 Rev27340 nED27350 RED27360 REV27 S70 RED27360 RED27590 RED2T4U0 mED27410 RED2T420 nED27450 RED27440 r£027450 RED27460 mED27470 RED27480 nre027490 wED27500 ReD27510 RrED27520 eeEv27530 RED27540 kED2755S0 RED27560 neED27570 RED27980 RED27590 RED27600 RED27O10 RED27620 RED276$0 RED27640 KED27650 RED27T66U RED27oO7U RED27680 REO27690 RED27700 RED27710 ReveTI2u REO27730 Red027740 wEv27750 * TOPPKCITROXC4e Le Wee TD) TOTADICITROX C4 LK) eRe De REDeTTo0 * TOTPKCLERDXCS¢L eK) ¢ Kel) -TUTADSCITRUX(3,1,K)¢6,1), REV2TTTO * TOTPKCITROX(2r Te KWo DT) TUTADICITROX (A, TK) eke TD) REuU2T7TBU 1005 CONTINUE REVeT79U 1010 CONTINUE REV2TSUO Cc Re027810 WRITE (10,1107) RED27820 c REVETESU ZEROZ0, RED27840 bo 1050 [51,3 RED27850 WRITE (10,1102) RED27 866 IF (1 EQ. 1) write (10,1103) REO27TS7U IF (1 .EQ@, 2) wRITE (10,1104) RED27880 IF (1 60. 3) wRITE (10,1105) RED27890 vO 1045 JJ=2,4 RED27900 J=oedd RED27910 WRITE (10,1102) RED27920 IF (J .EQ. 4) WRITE (10,1106) RED27930 IF (J .EG, 3) WRITE (10,1109) RED27940 IF (J .E€Q. 2) WRITE (10,1110) RED27950 DO 1040 K=1,7 RED27960 IF (CTUTCONCLTROX(JeT eK) Ke) ole. 21) REDET97TU X WRITE (10,1111) KDATE(K),TOTCON(ITROX(J,1,K) eKel), RED27980 * SAVPKCITRUX (Je Le K) ode 1) eCSTCONCATROX(Je TK) ete), RED27990 * ZERO RED28000 IF (TUTCONCITROX(JeTeK)sKe1) 261. 21) RED2B010 * CTDTTSCSICUNCITROX (Se 1 eK) Ke D)STOTCUNCLFRUXC Se Tek) Ke 1) REV25U20 IF (TOTCUNCITROX(J,1,K)/Ke1) .GT. 21) RED28050 X WRITE (10,1111) KOATE(K),TOTCONCITROX(J,1,K),K,1), RED26U40 * SAVPKCITROX (Se Tek) eKe LI ,CSTCONCITROX (des K)eKe 1), RED28US0 CTettT RED28060 IF (kh EQ. 7) GO 10 1040 RED28070 c RED28080 DO 1035 L=1,4 RED28090 TCNSTOTCONCITRDX(JSeTeK)eKe I) + FLOAT(L)® RED28100 * COTOTCONCITROX CS, Te Kel) Ket, = TOTCONCITROX(J,T,K)eKe1))75.) RED26110 TP=SAVPK CITROX(J,1,K),K,1) + FLOAT(L)® RED28120 ® CUSAVPK CITRDX (J, Te Ke) Ketel) © SAVPR(LIRUX(JS¢1/K) ¢K,1))/96) RED28130 TCSSCSTCONCITROXCJ,T eK) eheL) + FLOAT(L)® RED26140 * COCSTCONCTTROX(S,1,K+1) ¢Kei, 1) = CSTCUNCTIRUX(J,1,K),%,1))75,) RED26150 KLTIMPSKDATE(K) # L RED28160 TF CTCN ,LE, 61) WRITE (10,1111) KLIMP,TCN,TP,ICS, ZERO nED28170 IF (TCN .6T. 21) ISOTNSTICS/TCN KED28180 IF (TCN .GT. 61) WRITE (10,1111) KLIMP,TCN,TH,TCS,TSDIN RED28190 1055) CONTINUE nE028200 1040) CONTINUE RED2B210 1045) CONTINUE rev2b22u 1050 CONTINUE nED26250 c RED26240 c REV2B250 A101 FORMAT (1X,20C'e"),1X%, "DEMAND AND ANNUAL ENERGY ', 160 '#"),/, HED28260 1 Yoa'y/,13%,'= © = = © DELIVERED ELECTRICITY ', RED28e70 2 Yee mem Gly! Bly RED28280 3 " PATHS3',5X¢'LOW', 16X,'MED', 16K, HIGH", /, REDe8290 4 " YEAR ',3(2X,'PEAK (MW) ANN(GWH)')) RED28 S500 1102 FURMAT (8 *") RED26510 1103 FORMAT (* ANCHORAGE: ') rED26520 B.58 1104 1105 1llu6 1107 1106 1109 1130 iii aoannano 4000 sill 400 4o1 402 405 404 405 406 421 3000 FORMAT (' FAIRBANKS‘) FORMAT (" GLEWNALLENS') FORMAT (1%,14,2x,5(2F9,1,1x)) FORMAT (' &'y/¢6Xe'= = = = = LUAD MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATIUN', ' - ee ee sy! wale " YEAK', 3X, "ANN(GWH) PEAK(MW) TeCUST(19509 * 1000) "P-COST(M/KWH)') FORMAT (' LOW:') FURMAT (' MEDS") FURMAT (' HIGH:') FORMAT (1%,14,1X,eF10,1,12X,F10.1,9x,F 10.1) wun WRITE RESIDENTIAL», BUSINESS, AND TUTAL KEGUIRKEMENTS ON UNIT 11 ADJUST TOTRES AND TOT8US TO ADD UP TU TOTALS vO 4000 1=1,3 00 4000 K=1,7 TOTBUS(TTROX(S$,1,8) KIT )=TOTBUS(TIKUX(3,1,K) Kel) + x EXTRACK,ISCEN,I,2,1) DELTASTOTADJC(ITROX(3,1,K),K, LT) =(TOTHUSC(CITRUX(5,1,K),Ke1) + x TOTRESC(ITROX(3,1¢K),K,1)) SUSTOTBUS (TTROX(3,1,K),K,L)/( TOTALS CLTRUX(5,1,8),K,T)-DELTA) SRSTOTRESCITRUX( 3+ Dek) eRe LT) /CTOTAOICITRUX (S/T eK) eK eT) VUELTA) TOTRES(ITROX(3,1,K),K,1) STOTRES (CITRIX (35,1,K) Ke 1) *VELTARSK TOTBUSCITRDACS¢ 14K) Kel STOTBUS(ITROX(3,1,K) kel) FOELTA®SHS CONTINUE WRITECL1,3221) (CCTOTRESCITROXC3S,1 eK) eke 1), L=1,35)-K5167) WRITE CLD, S121) (CFOTBUSCITROX(3,1,K),K,1),1=1,3),h=1,7) WRITE C12, 5121) CCTOTADICITROXC3, Len) eKe Tl), Lele 5) eKE1,7) FORMAT (3F 15.0) FURMAT (6F10,5) FORMAT (4F10,5) FORMAT (3F15,6) FURMAT (3F9.7) FORMAT (4F10,1) FORMAT (3F15.2) FORMAT (3F15,3) FURMAT (2F 15,5) FORMAT ('1","SCENARIUS ',A4,'3',2X,2UA4, 5X," LTERATIONS = ', 14, 1 3X,1XeT2,'/',12,'/', 12) RETURN END B.59 KED26SSU ReD2bs4u KED28350 RED2b 300 RED28370 RED26S8uU RED28390 RED26400 RED26410 REv2s42eu RED26450 RED26440 mEV284SU ReO26400 RED28470 RED26460 REVeEH49U RED26SU0U RED286510 RED28S20 RED26550 REV26540 RED26550 RED26560 RED28570 RED2856U HED28590 REDV28000 RED266010 RED26020 RED2665u RED28640 RED26050 RED28660 RED28670 RED2b680 KED28690 RED28700 RED28710 RED26720 RED287 50 RED28740 wKED2875U RED28760 RED26770 ReD26780 RED28790 RED28800 RED2b610 meoanaa oaana aaan Aono 10 $0 4u 4. ov bo lie SUBROUTINE UNCERT THIS SUdROUTINE READS IW FHE PAKAMETERS AND GENERATES RANDOM VALUES FOR THE VARIAGLES THAT Thit USER SPECIFIES DIMENSION RNG(12),PMIN(12),PMAX(12),VAK(12),SATRNG (4,5) INCLUDE (CNSDATC) CONSERVATION RELATED COMMUN COMMON /CNSDAT/ OPCOST(5,10),CUSTO(3,10,2),TECH(3,10), ESA1(7,3,10) /CSAT(3,10,2),ROCE (3,10) ,UPNAME (S10), CSAIR($,10,2),CSATIN(5,10,2),CSATRN(S,10,2),4 BPPESE (7,3), HPPESN(7,5) ,BSATE (7,552) ¢HSATN(IT 4 $42), BCOSTN(3,2),BCUSTE (5,2) -BUCFE (3), BOCFN(3),NOFT x «KO OK INCLUDE (COMDATC) COMMON /COMDAT/ HOCOEF (60743) ¢STUCK (447,35) ¢SAT(C4e3e7411)4 ESK (2) -CEOSR(2),CEGSR(2),ELR(2),CEOLR(2),CEGLR(2), CONSER (6-3) /PLOAD (367) ,PEAK C765) /TOTHM (4s 76 5) eHH( 74 S)e IPAR(10), IPARIN, ISCEN,ISTRM, IRIN, PPUDU( 3,7) ¢PUR(S,31), PECTe 302) oP UCT e352) ePG(Te302)e BBETA2(3),ALSHH(4,7),TALSHH(7), TEMPL (3,51), SWAGE (31) ,XPI(31) -HUSREG(7,5) -AMSREU (7,5), TOTREG(7,3), RESREQ(7,3),RCONS(7,3,2) ,RCUNC(7,3,2),HCONS(7,3,2), BCUNC (77342), PDCF (743) eAUJGUS(7 43) sADIRES( 7. 3) OK OK OO FURMAT (6 (1X%,F5.5)) FORMAT (12(1X,F5,3)) FURMAT(4F 15.6) FORMAT (2(1%-/F5.2)) FORMAT (2F15.5) FORMAT (3(1X,F0.4)) FORMAT (7(1X,F7,3)) PARAMETER WATA IS ON UNIT 7 REWIND 7 IPARINS1 DO 120 K=1,3 kKEAD(7,10) (RNGCI), L=1,6) READ(7,10) (VARCI), 1=1,6) READ(7,10) (HDCUEF (I-1,K),1=1,6) Ov 120 J=1,7 vO ile 151,6 HUCOEF (I1,J,K) = HOCOEF(I,1,K) CONTINUE IF (LPARCIPARKIN) .GT,10) GU TO 120 DO NOT GEWERATE VALUES FOkK 1960 B.60 REV26820 RED28830 RED28840 REL26030 RED2bA6U RED268TU RED28660 HED28690 RED28900 RKED264910 RED28920 RED26930 RED28940 KED28950 RED26960 RED26970 ReD289b0 RED28990 RED29000 RED29010 RED2902U RED29030 REO29040 ReD29050 RKED29000 RED29070 RED29080 RED29090 Re—v29100 RED29110 RED29120 RED29150 REDe914U RED29150 RED29160 RED29170 REDV29180 RKED29190 RED29200 RED29210 RED29220 RED29250 RED29240 RED29250 RED29260 RED29270 RED29280 RED29290 KED29300 RED29310 RED29320 RED2YSSU RED29340 RED29350 RED29360 RED29570 nED29580 ann idS leu 125 ano 240 250 250 265 nena 269 IF(J.EU.1) GU TU 120 GENERATE KANDUM CUEFFICIENTS DO 115 151,6 HUMIN = HDCOEF(I,J¢K) = RNG(I) Ze. HOMAX = HUCUEF(I,J,K) + RNG(L) Ze, CALL RNURM(HDCUEF (1,J/K) pHOMIN, HOMAX,VAR(1),1STKM) CUNTINUE CONT IiWWeE WRITE VALUES 10 SCRATCH UNIT FOR THIS ITERATION WRITE (4/125) (CCHOCOEF (ie 5¢K) ¢ 13166) ¢JS21,7) eKE1, 5) FORMAT (6F10.5) TF CIPAR(IPARIN) ,EU,10) IPARIN = IPAKINGL READ THE SATUKATION RATES DO 250 L219 00 250 K=1,7 READ(7¢20) (CCSATCIsJeKeb),1=1,4),321,3) READ(7,20) (COATRNG(I,J),151,4),J=1,3) LI=S=t + 20 IF CIPARCIPARIN) «NE.20 .AND, IPAK(IPARIN) -LT.LI) IPARIN = IPARIN+1 IFCIPAR(TPAKIN).GT.LI) GO TO 250 DO NUT GENERATE VALUES FOR 1960 IF(K.EQ,1) GO TU 250 00 240 J5103 Dv 240) 1=1,4 CALL UNFRACSAT (Te de Kel) pSATRNG(I6J5),ISIRM) CUNTINUE CONTINUE CALCULATE SATURATION RATES FOR OWW 6 CHK DO 260 K=1,7 DU 260 J=1,3 00 200 21,4 SAT(I,JS,K,1U)SSAT(1T eS ,K, 1) *SAT(I,JS,K,6) SATCLs Se Kel LI SSAT (Lede Ke lL) ®SAT (Lede Ke 7) CONTINUE WRITE VALUES TO SCRATCH UNIT FOR THIS ITERATION WRITE (4,263) COCUSAT CE ede Keb) eo 13144), JS=1,5)¢h51-7),LE1,11) FORMAT (4F10,9) READ BUSINESS USAGE PARAMETERS IlmMP = 0 IF CIPAR(IPARIN) LT, 30) IPARINZIPARINGL IF CIPAR(IPARIN) .GT.30) ITfmP = 1 FORMAT (3F15,6) 00 335) Tste3 READ(7,30) BBETA2(1),RGMIN, RGMAX,VVAK B.61 RED29390 RED29400 KED2941u nED29420 RED29450 REV29440 KED29450 RED2940U RED29470 RED29480 RED29490 Red29500 RED29510 RED29520 KED29530 nED29540 RED29550 wED29560 RED29570 RED29580 RED29590 KED29600 RED29610 RED2]9620 RED29630 RED29640 ReED29650 RED29060 RED29670 RED29680 RED29690 RED29700 RED29710 RED29720 RED29730 RED29740 RED29750 RED29760 RED29770 RED29760 Rev29790 KED29800 RED29810 RED29620 RED298350 neOe9b40 REDe98SU RED29660 RED298T7U RED29660 RED296090 RED29900 RED2991O RED29920 RED29I9S0 RED29940 RED29950 355 noaao 41s 420 aa 445 IFCIT™MP,EU,1) GU TO $35 CALL RNORM (BBE TASC1) sRGMIN RGMAXe VVAR,ISTRA) CONTINUE WRITE VALUES [0 SCRATCH FILE FOR THIS TItraflon WRITE (4,209) (HBETA2(1),151, 3) KEAD THE ELASTICITIES READ(7,40) C(PMIN(L),I51,2) RKEAD(7,40) (CESR(T),131,2) READ(7,40) (PHAX(L),1=1,2) TF CIPARCIPARIN) .L1.40) I[PARINSIPARINGL IF (IPAR(IPAKIN),GT,40) GO TO 420 bu 415) Letee CALL UNFRMS(ESR(1),PMINC(L) ¢PMAX(T) ,1STRM) CONTINUE CONTINUE WRITE VALUES 10 SCRATCH FILE FOR THIS ITERATION WRITE (4,41) (ESR(I),T21,2) READ(7,40) (PMIN(L),1=1,2) READ(7,40) (CEOSR(I),151,2) READ(7,40) (PMAX(I),1=1,2) LF CIPARCIPARIN).GI.40) GO TO 4su DO 425 Le1lee CALL UNFRMS(CEOSR(I),PMIN(1),PMAX(I),1STRM) CONTINUE CONTINUE WRITE VALHES 10 SCRATCH FILE FOR JHIS ITERATION WRITE (4,41) (CEOSR(1),1=1,2) REAU(7,40) (PMIN(L),151,2) READ(7,40) (CEGSR(II), 121-2) REAU(7,40) (PMAX(1),1=1,2) IF CIPARCIPARIN) 661,40) GO TU 440 bu 435) 11,2 - CALL UNFRMS(CEGSR(I),PMIN(T) »PMAX(1)¢TSTRM) CONTINUE CONTINUE WRITE VALUES 10 SCRATCH FILt FOR THIS ITERATION WRITE (4,41) (CEGSR(L),151,2) READ(7,40) (PMINCI),1=1,2) READ(7,40) (ELR(I),151,2) REAV(7,40) (PMAX(I),1=1,2) IF CIPAR(LPARIN) .GT.40) GO TO 450 bO 445) Lslr2 CALL UNFRHS(ELR(I),PMIN(T) »-PMAX(1T),ISTRM) CONTINUE B.62 RED2996U mED299T7U RED29960 ReD29990 RED S000 REOSV01LU ReEvVZ00e0 RED30050 REDS0040 RED30050 RED30060 RED3Z00T70 RED30080 nED30090 RED30100 Rev3s01lU REDSU120 KED30130 REDSO140 RED3S01SO0 RED3G160 RED30170 RED30160 REVZ0190 REDS0200 ReD30210 RED30220 RED 50230 RED3024U KED3025u RED30260 KED30270 RED30260 RED30290 RED S0300 RED30310 REO30320 KED 305350 KED30540 RED30350 RED30360 KEDS0370 KED30380 RED30590 RED3Z04GUU REDSO4LU KED30420 RED3U430 neED30440 RED30450 RED30460 RED3047u REGS0480 RED3Z0490 RED 50500 REDS0510 REDS05S20 450 a0 455 460 oo 469 470 mean * 490 * 495 500 CONTINUE WRITE VALUES TO SCRATCH FILE FOR THIS ITERATION WRITE (4,41) CELR(I), 151.2) READ(7,40) (PMIN(1),1=1,2) REAU(7,40) (CEOLR(I),151,2) READ(7,40) (PMAX(1),1=1,-2) IF CIPARCIPARKIN),G1,40) GO Tu 4ou bO 45S Ts1,2 CALL UNFRMS(CEOLK (I) -PMIN(T),PMAK(1),ISTRM) CONTINUE CUNTINUE WRITE VALUES 10 SCRATCH FILE FOR THIS ITERATION WRITE (4,41) (CEOLR(I),I=1,2) READ(7,40) (PMIN(1),1=1,2) REAO(7,40) (CEGLRIT),Is1,2) READ(7,40) (PMAX(1),1=1,2) IF CIPARCIPARIN).GT,.40) GO Tu 470 DO 465 [21,2 CALL UNFRMS(CEGLROI) -PMIN(T) ¢PMAX(I) , TSTRM) CONTINUE CONTINUE WRITE VALUES TO SCRATCH FILE FOR THIS ITERATION WRITE (4,41) (CEGLR(I), 121-2) CONSERVATION OPTIONS LIsso 00 500 K=1,NOPT DO 495 131,35 00 490 Jz1r2 CSATC(I,K,J)=CSATIN(I,K,J) CSATRCI,K, JISLSATANCI, Ke Jd) IF (IPARCIPARIN) ,€@, LI .AND, CSAT(I,K,J) ,EU. CSATC(I,KsJ)=.025 | 1F (IPARCIPARIN) .EQ, LI) CALL UNFRM (CSAT(IsKeJ) ¢CSATRUTe he J), ISTHM) CUNTINUE TF CIPARCIPARIN) 2EQ. LI .AND. CSAT(I,K,2) .GT. CSAT(IeKe1)) CSAT(I,K,2)=CSAI(I,K,1) CUNTINUE IF (IPARC(IPARIN) ,LE, LI) IPARINSIPARIN + 1 LISLI + 1 CONTINUE REGIONAL LUAD FACTORS READ(7,00) (PMIN(1),151,3) READ(7T,60) (PLOAD(I,1),151,3) READ(7,60) (PHAK(I),1=1,3) B.63 0.0) RED30S30 REDS0540 RED305SU KED 30560 RED30570 REVZ0SbU REO30590 RED30000 RED30610 RED Su620 RED S0050 RED30640 RED 50050 RED30660 wED30670 RED $0080 RED30690 kKED30700 REO3Z0710 REDS0720 REDS0750 RED30740 REDS0750 RED30760 REO30770 RED30760 RED30790 RED 50600 RED SO610 RED3Z0820 RED308350 KED 50640 RED3065U RED 30660 RED50670 RED 30660 RED 30890 RED30900 wED30910 RED3ZU¥20 RED30930 RED 50940 RED30950 RED SUG60 RED30970 RED30960 RED30990 REDS1000 REDS1010 RED31020 RED 51030 ReEDS1040 RED31050 REDSLUO0 RED31070 wed 51080 RED31090 615 620 bes aoan DO 620 KF2,7 vO 620) 151,3 PLUAU(I,K) = PLUAU(T,1) IF CIPAR(LPARIN) .LT.600) LPARINZEIPARI NGL IF CIPAR(IPARIN),GT.60) GU TU 615 CALL UNFRMS(PLOAD(I,K),PMINCI) -PMAK(L), LST RM) CONTINUE CONTINUE WRITE VALUES TO SCRATCH FILE FUR INIS ITERATION WRITE (4,625) (CPLOAD(1,K),1T=1,3),K=1,7) FORMAT (3F9,7) RETURN END B.64 RED3LIVU weOS11I10 REUSLI2u RED3SLI30 REDS1140 WEDS1150 KEDS1160 RED31170 wEUSL180 WEDS1190 RED31200 RED3S51210 REDS1220 RED31230 RED31240 RKEDS1250 RED31260 wED31270 SUBRUUTINE UNFRM(PARAM/ RNG, LST RM) RANDU IS THt SYSTEM RANDOM NUMBER GENEKATOR ULO = PARAM = (KNG/2.) UHL = PARAM + (KNG/2.) CALL RaWDU CISTRM, TLJUNK, KAN) PARAM = ULU + (KNG&KAN) ISTRMSIJUNK RETURN END B.65 KEDSI26U RED31290 neusi30u REDSI31LU RED3S1320 KEN31330 KEDS1340 REDS135uU REDS1300 SUBRUUTINE UNF RNS CPARKAM,ULU,/UHIT, ISITRM) REDS1370 RANDU TS THE SYSTEM RANDON NUMBER GENEKATOR REDS1 380 CALL RANDU ULSTRM, ILJUNK, RAN) RED31590 PARAM = ULO + ((UNT=ULO)*#RAN) KEDS14u00 ISTRMSIJUNK REDSI410 RETURN RED31420 END RED31430 B.66 OHOMNNAAANANAN AMMAN AMAANANANAMAAOAANNAOAAAOAOAO COE EEE HOOF EE EEEE EME EE EEE EE EEEE EEE EEE OE EEE COE Bet Cure treree SUBROUTINE RANDU PURPOSE THIS SUBROUTINE COMPUTES UNIFORMLY OISTRIBUTED REAL NUMBERS BETWEEN 0 AND 1,0 AND RANDUM INTEGERS BETWEEN ZERO ANDO 2ee31, EACH ENIRY USES AS INPUT AW INTEGER RANDOM NUMBER AND PRODUCES A NEw INTEGER AND REAL RANDOM NUMBER USAGE CALL RANDUCIX,1Y,YFL) DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS Ix = FOR THE FIRST ENTRY THIS MUST CUNTAIN ANY UDL INTEGER NUMBER WITH NIWt OR LESS OIGITS, AFTEW HE FIRST ENTRY. IX SHOULD BE THE PREVIOUS VALUE OF IY CUMPUTED BY THIS SUBROUTINE, ly * A RESULTANT INTEGER RANDOM NUMBER REQUIRED FUR THE NEXT ENTRY TO THIS SUBROUTINE. THE RANGE UF THIS NUMBER IS BETWEEN ZERO ANU 2e*31 AS INDICATED ABUVE REMARKS SUBROUTINE RANDUCIX,IY,YFL) REMARKS THIS SUBROUTINE IS SPECIFIC TO SYSTEM/360 AND WILL PRODUCE 2an29 TERMS BEFORE REPEATING SUBROUTINES AND FUNCTIONS REQUIRED NONE METHOD POWER RESIDUE METHOD DISCUSSED IN [BM MANUAL C20-8011, KANDOM NUMBER GENERATION AND TESTING TYS1X*05539 IF(TY) 5,56 5 TYSIT¥*2147483647¢41 6 YFLSIY YFLSYFL*,465661E99 RETURN END B.67 RKANOUOLO wranuvdedd KAWOU030 KANUUOGO HKANOUOSO RANDO0600 wAWOU07TO RANOOO8O RAno0U9U RANVOLOY RANOOLLO kAWOUL2O RANOUISO wANOO1LGO KANGUISO rANWO0LOO wANOULTO HANOO1L60 RANODO19U KAWOU200 RANOO2Z1O Wandd2e0 nANQUe3S0 RANOV240 WANOO250 RANOO260 wKANOG2TU wANOQU280 KANOO290 RKANO0300 RANGUSLO wAN00320 KANOOSS0 wANOUS40 RANOUSSO RANOU S60 KANGO370 RANDUSBO RANUU390 RANOO4OU RANOUGLO RANOU42O KANOO4 SU RANOO44O wKANOO4SO PROGRAM LISTINGS CONSER oanananan oo sc anone~ annanaane-o annoo x x MOV Een PROGRAM C THIS PRU NECESSAR TS WRITT OIMENSTUN DIMENSION DIMENSLUN OIMENSION DIMENSION Data cSaT DaTa CSaT DATA IyR FORMAT(20 THE OUTPU UNIT 2 CO REALC2,0) 00 7 Kel, bO 7 Isl, DELTag(PR bo 7 LBl, PRICE((K@ CONTINUE FORMAT(FI WRITE Coe FORMATO! ' RIS THE Re,0525 Lso UNSER GRAM QUERTES THE USER FOR THE INFORMATION Y TU RUN THE UNCERTAINTY MODULE. THIS INFORMATION en To UNIT 4, COSTO(3,2),SaVNGS(30,3),EXLIFE C3) ,UPCOST(3),GAMMA(3), CONKWHC3),ESAT(7, 5), CSATE3,2),CSATR(3,2),CSATMN(H), CSATRG(B),RHO(3) Fe YRS( 3,2), SUMNU( 3) ,SUMDEN(3) TYR(7) ,BSATNE 7,302), B8SATE(7, 3,2) ,HPPESN(7,3) BPPESE (7,3), ROCFN($),80CFE(3),8COSTE(3,2),8COSTN( 3,2) PRICE(30,3),ROCF(5),PRICES(3,7) OPNaME (20) : MN £4B75 4 6754 0294 S009 63754 e254 125, 009/ RG /78,075,,050/ 4198y,1985,1990,1995,2000,2005,20104 al) T vata FILE Ig UNIT 1, NTAINS PRICE OF ELECTRICITY pata CCPRICESCI,K) Kale 7), Tel,3) o 3 ICES( I, K41)ePRICES(I,K)I/5 a VSL, 1) sPRICES(T eK +L RDELTA 2.4) ta) KESIDENTIAL SECTURII,s, ‘444 FOR GACH OF THE FULLUWING PROMPTS YOU MUSTI,y, ENTER VALUES FUR The 3 REGIUNS AwCHORAGE,', 7, FAIRBANKS AND VaLOt7 SEPARATED BY COMMAS,',7/, ',/ ! PASSBOUK RaTE OF INTEREST we USE TO TEST THE TRR AGAINST B.71 CONONO10 CoNono20 caNan030 CoNo004o CoNnon0S0 CoNO0080 CON00070 coNon080 CONQ0U90 CoN00100 CONOO110 CoNoo0120 canoot3o CONoo140 CoNQo1S0 CON00160 CONOO170 CONo0180 CONO0190 CoNO0200 coNoo210 CONQ0220 CON00230 Cono0240 CoNoo250 CONOn260 CcoNon270 Cono0280 CON00290 CON00300 coNnon310 CoN00320 CON00330 CON00340 conan350 CUN00360 CON00370 CoN00380 CoNnon390 CONON400 CONOn4to CoN0n420 CONUO4S0 CoNon44o CoNoo4so CON00460 CONN047O CoNo0480 coNon49o cononsao CON00510 CON00S20 COoN00S30 CoNo0Ss40 CON00SSO CON0N560 CON00S70 IFYRsO CON00SA0 1u0 CONTINUE CON00S90 c CON00690 ce M SERVES AS THE INDEX FOR SUBSIDIZED (Ms1) AND CoNone10 c NONSUBSIDIZED (M32) CASES, CON00620 Gc CON0N630 Mal CONO00640 c CONOo6SO Lec+l CON00660 WRITE (6,1008) CONOn670 1903 FORMaT (* ENTER THE Name OF THE CONSERVATJUN UPTIUN>!) CON00680 READ (5,10) UPNAME CON00690 WRITE (6/1002) L CON00700 1002 FORMAT ¢¢ SUBSIDIZED INSTALLATION CoST FOR CONS, UPTION !,175,'»') CONOO7IO READ (5,8) (CoSTO(K,1), Kal,3) coNo0720 TF CCOSTO(1,1),ER.#9,) GO TO 300 CON00730 WRITE (6,1003) | CON00740 1003 FORMaT ¢' OPERATING COSTS FUR CONS, OPTION 'yIS, '>!) CON00750 READ (5,#) (OPCOST(K), Kat,3) cCoNnon760 WRITE (06,1004) L CON00770 1004 FORMaT (* EXPECTED LIFETIME(YRS) FOR DEVICE 'elSe ba!) CoN00780 REAO (5,8) CEXLIFECK), Kat,3) CON00790 c CONO0g800 NYRSSMAXCINTCEXLIFE CL) ye INTCEXLIFEC2)) sINTOCEXLIFE(3))) CaNo0810 IF (NYRS ,LE, IFYR) GO TO 107 CoNo0820 IFYReIFyk ¢ 1 CONOon630 IF YRanyRS coNog84o 107 CUNTINUE CON0N8S0 c CONODB60 WRITE (o,1071) L CON00870 1971 FORMAT (*# KWH SAVED PER YEAR FOR DEVICE ',15, '>!') CONON8AU READ (S,%) (CONKWH(K), Kal,3) CON00890 OO 110 Kel,7 coNnong00 WRITE (06,1072) IYREK) CON00910 1072 FORMaT ¢(' ENTER ELECTRIC USE SATURATION RATE FUK THE DEVICE, 4, CoNnon920 e 1 IN 1,74,%>0) CONON930 READ (S5,#) CESATC(K,I), Iet,5) caonongdo 110 CONTINUE CoN00950 WRITE (o,1101) CON00960 1101 FORMAT ¢* ',4, CON00970 2 ' ENTER PEAK DEMAND CORRECTION FACTURD!) CON00980 READ (5,8) (ROCK (K),Ke4,3) CON00990 c CON01000 c CONO1010 OO 275 Ket,d CON01020 IT @ INTCEALIFE(K)) CoNno1030 ITEReO CON01040 RHO(K)£, 000 CON01050 YRS(K,1)20,0 CoNo1060 YRS(K,2)30,9 €ON01070 150 CONTINUE CONO1080 SUMNUM(K) 50,0 CONO1090 SUMDEN(K)30,0 CON01100 c cCoNui110 c Cono1t20 Cc THIS SECTION CALCULATES THE VALUE OF ELECTRICITY SAVNGS IN CON0S130 € NOMINAL DULLARS(SAVNGS) AND THE INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN CoNo1140 B.72 USING THE NEMTON®KAPHSON TTERATIVE PROCEDURE. ano IF (COSTOCK~M) LT, .1 gANDe UPCOST(K) LT, SAVNGS(1,K)) x GO TO 1411 Op 2o0 «Tali, It SAVNGS (1,8) SCUNKAH(K) @PRICE(T,K) SAVESAVNGS( 10K) © OPCUST(K) TE CL, EQ,1) SUMNUM(K) & SUMNUM(K a ((SAVeCOSTO(R,N))Z(LeRHO(K))) TF CLLEG.1) SUMDEN(K) mw SUMLEN(K) + (et ge (SAVSCOSTO(K,M))/ x COLPRMOCK) )ea2)) IF(I,EQ,1) GU TO 200 Jalet SUMNUM(K) & SUMNUM(K) 6 (COAV/(L¢RHOCK) Deez) SUMDEN(K) © SUMDEN(K) ¢ (I®SAV/( 1 ¢RHO(K) Deed) 200 CONTINUE GaMMa(K) 3 SUPNUM(K)/S5UMOENCK) TF (GAMMA(K) GT 0,01 ,AND, GAMMA(K).LT,,01) GO TO 250 RHO(K) 3 RHOCK) +GAMMA(K) ITERSITERG! TFECITER,GT,100) Gu TO 220 Go TN 1$0 220 WRITE (602201) KeGAMMA(K),RHO(K) 2201 FORMAT ¢*# NO, OF ITERATIONS EXCEEDED 100 FOK REGION & 1,156/, é ' GAMMA a ', F10,5, ¢ RHO = ', F10,5) Go To 27s 250 CONTINUE TFCRHUCK),GT,R) GO TO 260 WRITE (60,2501) RHO(K) 2591 FURMAT (* INTERNAL RATESOFSKETURN IS 4, F105) %, 2 # SINCE THIS 18 LESS THAN 9,0525, THIS OPTION 1Ste/, 3 * NOT MARKETARLE,') WRITE (06,2502) ITER 2502 FORMAT (' NO. OF ITERATIONS IS ',110) GO TO 275 W111 WRITE (6,112) 1112 FORMAT (¢ INTERNAL RaTReOFeRETURN IS INFINITE*) Gu TO 275 CALCULATE THE PaYoaCK PERIOD 60 CONTINUE WRITE (6,2601) RHOEK) 2691 FORMAT (' INTERNAL RATFSOFPRETURN Ig t, FI0,5) WRITE (0,26002) ITER 2o0u2 FURMAT (* NO. OF ITERATIONS IS ',I10) 27s CONTINUE OU 27% 131,35 SUMDENCIT)BSAVNGS(I,1) Sumnum( Tr scusroci,™) 27e CONTINUE bo 277 181,35 Du 276 nei,s TF CYRSCLe")0NE.O) GO TH 277 B.73 cano1150 CoNort60 CON01170 CON01180 CON01190 CONO1200 CoNo1210 CONO1220 CONO1230 CONO1240 CoNnos250 CON01260 CONO1270 CON01260 CON01290 CON01300 CON01310 CON01320 CON01330 CONo1340 CoN01350 CON01360 CON01370 CON01380 CONOs390 CON01400 CONO1410 CoNo14en CoNo143o0 CONO1440 CuN01450 CONO1460 CONO14TYU CON01480 CON01490 CON01500 CONO1510 Conu1$20 CON01S30 cono1540 CoNno1sSo0 CON01560 CON01570 CON01580 CON01590 CON01600 CONO1610 CONO1620 CUNO1630 CON01640 CON016050 CON01660 CON01670 CON01680 CUN01690 Cono1700 Conoi710 ZSSUMNUMOL)/ZSUMDENCT) CoNo1720 IF(Z,LE.1.) YRS(1,4) 2K CONU1730 SUMNUN OEY SSUMNUM(T) ¢OPCUST(L) CON01740 SUMDENC TI SSUMDEN(T) +SavNGS(1,K) CON01750 278 CONTINUE CON01 760 IF CYRS( Te) oEU,0.) YRS(L»MIFA, CONO1770 277) CONTINUE CON01780 TFCM,EQ,2) GO TO 279 CON01790 WRITE (60,2771) CON01600 2771 FORMAT (ft 'y/, CON01810 2 1 WANT TO USE THIS OPTION? (48YES,03N0)') CoNo18620 READ (5,*#) IANS CON01830 IF (IANS,EU,0) LeLeot CONO1840 IF (TANS,E9,0) GO TO 100 coNno18S0 WRITE (6/2772) CON01 860 2772 FoRMaT (' ENTER THE NUNSUBSIDIZED INSTALLATION CUST!) CON01870 READ (5,4) (COSTO(K,2), Kel,3) CON01880 Ms2 CoON01890 Go TO 2758 CON01900 c CONoLgtoO c CON01920 279 = WRITE( 1,490) OPNAME CON01930 WRITEC1,501) CCCOSTO(K,1), Sol,3), 81,2) conoi94o WRITE(1,500) (OPCOST¢K), K81,3) CoN01950 DO 2791 Tat, CON01960 CONKWH( I) ®CONKWH(T) 1000, CON01970 2791 CONTINUE CON01980 WRITE (1,500) (CONKWH(K),KB1,3) CON01990 WRITE(1,500) (LESAT(K,T)—¢ L34,3),K3147) CoNo2000 c CONO2010 c CON02020 Ov 280 131,35 CON02030 NO 284 K31,2 : CON02040 TYRS 8 INTCYRS(1eK)) CON02050 CSAT(I,K) = CSATMNETYRS) CON02060 261 CSATR(T,%) & CSATRG(TYRS) CON02070 280 CONTINUE CON02080 WRITEC1, SUL) COCSATCI,K), Lat,3)—5 Kzt,2) CON02090 WRITE (1,S5Ut) (¢CSATR(T,K), Lat,3), K81,2) CON02100 c CoNO2t10 WRITE (1,500) ROCF CON02120 Go To too CON02130 490 FORMAT(Ix,2044) CONO2140 aot FURMAT (1%, !eeen!) CONO21S0 S00 FORMATC(IN, SFL2,4) CoNo2160 Sot FORMAT (1X, 6F 12,4) CONO2170 c CON02180 Cc CoNn2190 300 CONTINUE CuNo2200 c CONO2210 ARITE (1,491) CON02220 ¢ CON02230 WRITE (6,301) CONO2240 Sor FORMAT (8 ty4, CON02250 2 § BUSINESS SECTORS 's/, CON02260 3 tts, CONO2270 4 | FOR GACH OF THE FOLLUWING PROMPTS YOU MUSTI,,, CON02280 B.74 5 " ENTER VALUES FOR THE % REGFONS ANCHURAGE,', 4, ° | FALRRAUKS AND VALOEZ StPARATED By COMMAS,',/, 7 © tele 8 ty) Do 350 Kal,7 319 WRITE Coe 3191) LYK EK) 3491 FORMAT (¢ "Td, tgt) WRITE (6,3192) 3192 FORMaT (* POTENTI aL PROPORTION OF ELECTRICITY DISPLACED BY 1,7, 2 # CONSERVATION IN EXISTING RUILOINGS?') READ (5,#) (BPPESE(K,1),T2!73) WRITE (6,3193) 3193 FORMaT (* PUTENTIAL PROPORTION OF ELECTRICITY DISPLACED BY 'y/y 2 © CUNSERVATION IN NEW BUILDINGS!) READ (5,%) (COPPESN(K,1),I al, 3) WRITE (06,3194) S194 FORMAT (* NONSUBISIDTZED CONSERVATION RATE 'o4y 2 ' FUR EXISTING BUILVINGS>!) REAL (5,#) (BSATE(K,1,2),131,3) WRITE (623195) 3195 FORMAT (* NONSUBSIDIZEn SATURATION RATE ',7/, 2 | FOR NEW BUILDTNGS>') READ (5,%) (BSATN(K,1,2),181,3) HRITE (6,319) 3196 FORMAT (*' SUBISIDIZED CONSERVATION SATURATION RATE FOR',/, 2 1 EXISTING BUILDINGS?!) READ (S,#) (BSATE(K,1,4),121,3) WRITE (6/3197) 3197 FORMAT ¢? SUBSIDIZED CONSERVATION SATURATION RATE',s, 2 * FUR NEW BUILDINGS?) READ (5,*) (BSATN(K,1,1),181,3) WRITE (6,320) IYR(K), (APPESE(K,1),1n1,3),(8PPESN(K,1),181,3), * CBSATE CK, Ty 1) eo 481,32, CBSATNOK,1,1),181,3), * CASATE(K, Te2)elal,3)_(BSATNCKsT,2),181,3) 320 FORMAT ('0',1a,t8',s, * PROPORTION ELECTRICITY DISPLACED BY EXISTING BLNGSt', 4e1ke3F12,4,7, ' PROPORTION ELECTRICITY DISPLACED BY NEW BLOGS, ', 4y1h,3F12,40,7, ' SUBSIDIZED SaTURATION RATE FOR EXISTING BLOGS; 4e1%,3F12,4,7, * SUBSIDIZED SaTURATION RATE FOR NEW BLOGSS A)1K,3F12,4,4, " NONSURTSTOIZEn SATURATION RATE FOR EXISTING BLOGS! 41K, 3F12,4,4, § NONSUBSIDIZED SATURATTUN RaTE FOR NEW BLDGS? 4y1Xe3F 12,4) WRITE (6,321) 321 FORMAT (1 ty4, 2 ' OK? (1sYES,02N0)>') READ ¢(S,#) LANS IF (TANS ,E4, 0) GO TO 319 350 CONTINUE c 325 CONTINUE “RITE €6,3251) 3251 FuRMAT ¢!' 8,4, e2@erncovyvrewuen~ Baas CON02290 CON02300 CoNo2310 COND2320 CON02330 CUN02340 CONQ2350 CoNo2360 Cono2370 CON02380 CON02390 CONQ2400 CON02410 CONO2420 CONQ2430 CoNo2440 CON024S0 CONO2460 CON02470 CoNO24R0 CoN02490 CaNo2s00 cono2si0 CONo2520 CON02530 CoNo2s4o CON02550 CON02560 CoNo2s70 cono2s8o CON02590 CON02600 CONO2610 CON02620 CON02630 CON02640 CoNu2650 CON02660 CONO2670 CON026480 CON02690 CON02700 CoNo2T10 CON02720 CON02730 Cono2740 CoNo2750 CON02760 CON02770 CON02780 cCaN02790 CaNo2600 cono2aio CONU2620 CON02830 coNno2840 CON02850 no 2 1 PEAK DEMAND CORRECTIUN FACTORS FOK EXISTING BUILDINGS?!) READ (5,8) (BOCFE(T),Isi,45) WRITE (06,3252) 3252 FURHMAT (¢ PEAK DEMAND CORRECTION FACTORS FOR NEw BUILDINGS?!) READ (5,8) (SULCRFN(1),I21,3) WRITE (6,3253) 3253 FORMAT (* SUBSIDIZED ANNUAL CUST PER MWH (1981 5) OF ',y7, e * CONSERVATION IN EATSTING BUILOINGS>1) READ (5,*) CBCOSTECI,1),Taled) WRITE (60,3294) 3254 FORMAT (' SUBSTDIZED ANNUAL CUST PER MWH (1981 4) UF '4/, 2 " CONSERVATION IN NEW BUILDINGS?!) READ (5,#) (BCOSTNET, 19, 18193) WRITE (6/3255) 3255 FORMaT ¢' NUNSUBSIDIZED ANNUAL COST PER MWH (198) %) OF',7, e § CUNSERVATION IN EXISTING BUILVINGS>!) READ (5,%) (BCOSTECT,2),12143) WRITE (6,3256) 3256 FORMAT ¢* NONSUBIDIZED ANNUAL CUST PER MWH (1981 5) OF I,7/, 2 § CONSERVATION IN NEW BUILDINGS?!) READ (S,#) (BCOSTN(T,2),T103) WRITE CoeS3U0) CODCFECT Ys Tale 3),(RDCEN(T) + Iely3), * CBHCOSTE (1,1), 431,39, 0RCOSTN(I,1),181,3), (BCUSTE (1,2) ¢131,5),(BCOSTIN(T,2)5121,5) 30) FORMAT ('OCURRECTION FaCTORS FOR EXISTING BLUGSs ',3F12,407, 1 * CURRECTION FACTURS FOR NEw BLOGSS ",3FI24es, 2 * SUBSIDIZED COST FUR EXISTING BLNGS3 ',3F12,4,7, 3 § SUBSIDIZED CoST FUR NEW BLOGS 1,3F12,4,7, 4 ' NONSUBSINIZEN CUST FOR EXISTING BLOGS 1,3F12,4,7, S § NONSUBSIDIZEnN COSI FOR NEw BLOGS ",3F12,4) WRITE (65331) 351 FORMAT (¢# t,4, 2 © OK? (1SYES, 0aN0)>!) READ (5,*#) TANS IF CIANS .EU, 9) GO TO 325 WRITE (16500) ((BPPESE(K,1)¢Ial,3),ka1,7) WRITE (1,500) ((BPPESN(K,1),Ta1,3),K31,7) WRITE (1,501) (CCBSATE( Ke Tod) pTaly 3) eJels2),Kaly7) WRITE (1,501) (CCCBSATNCK, 1,9), 0at,3),031,2),K1,7) WRITE (1,500) (BUCFE¢I),I=1,3) WRITE (14500) (BOCFN(T), 15103) WRITE (1,501) (CRCOSTECT,J),121,3),021,2) WRITE ¢1,501) ¢(B8COSTN¢I,J),Ta1,3),531,2) sroP END B.76 CON02860 CON02870 CoNo2880 CoN02890 CoN02900 cono29to CON02920 CON02930 COND2940 CON02950 CoN02960 CON02970 CaN02980 CON02990 CON03000 CON03010 CON03020 C0N03030 CONO3040 CON03050 CON03000 CON03070 CoN03080 CON03090 CON03100 CoNO3i10 CON03120 CON03130 CuN03140 CON03150 CON03160 CON03170 CoN03180 CON03190 CON03200 CoNo3210 coNo3220 CON03230 coNo324o CoNno32S0 CON03260 CON03270 CON03280 CON03290 CON03300 CONO3310 CON03320 CON03330 CON03340 PROGRAM LISTINGS RATE PROGRAM LISTINGS RATE naan ao a a anan aaane 100 10 oan en) 1002 is manna PROGRAM RATE OIMENSTON ASE(31), AF 039, TC(35), ATCC 3), TS(7, 3,3) DIMENSION TS¥(31,3),ARFACS,5) DIMENSION 4KSC(7,3),1YR(7),/RICES(7, 3,2) ALLOCATION FACTORS © » ANCHURAGE AND FAIRBANKS ARE INPUT DATA aFs320,/ ToTaL cost OF INTERTIE © © (FROM GILBERT COMMUNWEALTH) DATA 101/4130800000,7 196u PRICES RESTOENTTAL DATA PRICES 4,037, 600,,,082,600,,78 131, BUSINESS x 031,080, ,,074,600,,78 1287 DEFAULT PRICE WEIGHTS DATA wA 41,1087 OATA [YR £1980,1985,1990,1995,2000,2005, 20107 DATA AREA /'ANCH!, tORAG!,'E', + "FAIR, (BANKI,IS', + "GLENT, INALL EZ FENOs INDsO OBTAIN THE AVERAGE SYSTEM CUST FOR DELIVERED ENERGY (ade) FROM AREEP (ON UNIT 4) READ (1,5) REC Format (FS,3) FoRMaT (F10,0) OO 10 Ket,3t READ (1,100) ASE(K) CONTINUE PROMPT FOR ANCHORAGE AND FAIRBANKS glLLOCATION FACTOKS WRITE (06,1001) FoRMaT (8 ',/, 2 | ENTER ANCHORAGE! *S PROPORTION OF THE INTERTIE CuST>!) Read (5,%) AF(1) WRITE (6,1002) ; FORMAT (' ENTER FAIRBANKS! 'S PRUPORTION OF THE INTERTIE CuST>!) READ (5,4) AF(2) DO 15 Tat,3 TCCTysTCIaaF (Ty CONTINUE OBTAIN DEMAND FOR Each SECTUR, AREA, AND FURECAST INTERVAL FROM REO (UN UNIT 2) B.79 RaTooolo RATO0020 RaToooso RATO0040 RaT0005S0 RaTon0e0 RaT00070 RaTO0080 RATO00N90 RaTo0100 RaTOo110 RaTO0120 RATO0130 RaToo140 RaTOO1SO RaTo0160 RaTO0170 RAT00180 RaT00190 RaT00200 RaT00210 RaTon220 RaTon23o0 RaToo240 RaTon250 RAT00260 RaTO0270 RaTO0280 RATO0290 RaT00300 RATOOSIO RATON320 RATO00330 RaT00340 RaT00350 RAT00360 RAT00370 RaTO0380 RaT00390 RATOOUOO RaToouio RATOO420 RATON430 RaToo44o RATO045O RATOOU60 RaTona7o RATOOUBO RaTON490 RaTunsoo RaTooSio RaTonS20 RATO00S30 RATONS4O RATONSSO RaTonseo RaT00570 110 aane 16 19 20 anan a4 25 359 oo ana 37 40 aa So Sot FokmayT (3FI9.0) READ (2,110) COCTOCK, TL, 141,3),K84,7),b51,3) Ou 1o1 tat,s OO 194 Kal,7 00 Fo Lat,3d TSCK,1,LIFSTSCK TL iat onondo, CONTINUE INTERPOLATE TOTAL DEMAND FUR YEARS IN BETWEEN OO en Tel, OU 19 Kst,6 OELTAwCTS(Kt1,1,3) = TS(Kp 1030175, La(Key)aS On 18 Jet,S Lat +1 TSY(L»LISTSCK, 1,3) ¢ Coot) ADELTA CONTINUE CONTINUE TSY(34,12275(7,1,3) CONTINUE COMPUTE AVERAGE INTERTTE CUST © @ aye AIC(3)a0, DO 25 Iel,e2 SumMso, OO 24 KeS,33 SumMssum ¢ TSY(K,1) CONTINUE AICCT)sTC(T) 750m CONTINUE SumMso, DU 30 Is1,2 DO 30 KaS,31 SuMBSUM # TSY(K,1) CUNTINUE AVERAGE SYSTEM COST FOR INTERTIE 4RICsTCL/9uM CALCULATE AVERAGE REGION SYSTEM CUST FOR EACH FORECAST YEAR ba 4n 121,38 DO 37 Ket,7 ARSCOwW,LISASE(Sa(Kelde1) © ARIC # AIC(T) CONTINUE CONTINUE REQUEST PRICES WRITE (0,501) FoRMaT ¢' t 4s, ' CHOUSE AN OPTION FOR DETERMINING KATES B.80 fe RATOOS8O RaT00S90 RATODEDO RaTooelo RATOMG20 RATOMe30 RAT00640 RATUNESO RAT00660 RATO0670 RATO00686 RAT00690 RaT00700 RATOO7TIO RaTon720 RATOOT30 RaT00740 RaToOn7SO RaTON760 RATON770 RATON780 RATON790 RATONBNO RaTone10 RaTON820 RATO0830 RATONR4O RaTONBSO RATONB40 RAT00870 RaT00880 RATV0B9D RAT00900 RATO0910 RaTo0920 RAT00930 RaTON940 RAT009S0 RATON960 RATO09TO RATON9B80 RaT00990 RATO1000 RATO1010 RaTO1020 RaTo1N30 RaTO1040 RATO10S0 RATO1060 RaTO1070 RATUINBO RaT01090 RaTo1100 RATOVII0 RaTo1120 RATO1130 RaTO1140 3 4 BY CUSTOMER CLASSE!',7, RaTv1150 4 1 05%, RATO1160 S § 4 © @ SPECIFY PRICE FORECASTS FOR A CUSTUMER CL4SS',/, RATOLINTO 6 8 2 © @ SPECIFY FRICKE WEIGHTS FOR THE BUSINESS CLASS',/, RATO1180 7 "ate RATOII9VO 8 tort) RaTO1200 Rean (5,8) Tans RaTo1210 IF (TANS oNE, 1 .AND, TANS oNE, 2) GU Tu 50 RAT01220 IF (IANS ,€4, 2) GO To 90 RATO1230 c RaTO1240 c RaTOV250 S20 WRITE (6,521) RATO1260 S21 FuRMatT ct 4) RaT01270 61 WRITE (0,011) RaTO1280 bit FORMAT ¢(! INDICATE THE CUSTUMER CLASS FUR WHICH PRICE ',s, RaT01290 2 ' FORECASTS WILL BE SUPPLIEDS',/, RaT01300 3 ' LEHUSINESS, 2eRESIDENTIALS') RATO1310 READ (5,8) 1NO RAT01320 IF (IND JME. 1 AND, IND NEL 2) GO Tu 52 RATO1330 c RATO1340 54 FORMAT (24,344,881) RATO1350 WRITE (6,941) RATO1360 541 FORMAT (' FOR @aCH FORECAST YEAR ENTER THE PRICES FUR ',/, RATO1370 2 1 ANCHORAGE aNn FAIRBANKSaty) RaTO1380 DO 55 ks2,7 RATO1390 WRITE (0,542) TyYR¢K) RaTo14oo S42 FORMAT ( ' "p14, ' ety RaTO1410 READ (S,#) (PRICES (K, 1, INO), fet, 2 RaTo1420 SS) CuNTINUE RaTo1430 c RaTO1440 c Rato1uso WRITE (6,02) RaTO1460 * CCAREACI, 1), Sat, 3), 151,35), ¢(PRICES(K,I1,1ND),T81,3),K21,7) RATO1470 o2 FORMAT ('OPRICES FOR, ',505A4¢2X) 57, (8%, 30F12.4,2x))) RaTO1480 c RaTO1490 WRITE (6,621) RATO1590 621 FORMAT (* OK? (4 BYES, geN0)>') RATOISI0 READ (5,#) TANS RaTu1§20 IF (TANS .E4, 0) GO TU ot RaTO1S30 60 CONTINUE RaTO1540 c RaT01550 c RaTO1560 DO 5 Tsl,2 RATO1S70 DU 65 Ks2,7 RATO1580 c RaT01590 IF CIND EM. 1) Lae RATO16000 IF (IND ,£0, 2) Lat RATO16O10 PRICES(Kel el) 2 (TS(Ky re 3) *ARSCUK A LIS(PRICES (Re Te INDI HTS(Ke Te INL) RATUL020 * YI“TSCK,T,L) RATO1630 65 CONTINUE RATO1640 Go To 95 RATO1650 ¢ RATO1660 c RATO1670 90 WRITE (6691) WH RATO1680 1 FORMAT (* THE NEFAULT PRICE WEIGHT FOR BUSINESS IS 1,F5,3) RATO1690 WRITE (oe911) RATO1700 911 FuRMar ¢' OK? (13YES,02N0)> *) RATOITLO B.81 oo ona ao-- 9 9g 9 vw 912 4 5 q -> ke Aad (5,*) Langs IF (TANS .E%, 1) GO TH 94 WRITE (6,912) FoRMAT (' ENTER PRICE WEIGHT FOR BUSINESS2') READ (5,9) 4B CONTINUE Pu 95 Tate2 00 95 Ka2,7 PRICES(K,1,2)8(TS(K,1,3) #4RSC(K,1) 07 x CTSCK,1,2) + “RATS(K, T4612) PRICES(K,1,1)8PRICES(K, 1,2) 848 CONTINUE WRITE (0099) (CPRICES (Ke 1,2) ,181,3),Ke2e7)o aC(PRICESCR, 154), 021,3),K32,7) FORMAT ('OPRICES FOR 1985 © 20103'ys, HORESIDENTIAL SIA, o(3FI2,4,7), "OBUSINESS3!,7, 6(3F12,45/9) fune PRICES AKE OUTPUT TO A FILE (UNIT 3) WRITE (3,351) (COPRICES( Ks] 02) ePRICES(Ke Tp 1) Kelle 7) ¢Tei, 3) FURMAT (3F 12,4) FORMAT (2F12,4) sTnp Eno B.82 RATO1T720 RaT01730 RaTOI7T4O RaTO1750 RATO1760 RATOI770 RATO1780 RATONT90 RaTO1800 RATO1810 RaTo1e20 RATO1A30 RaTO1840 RaTO1ASO RATO1660 RATO1870 RATO18RO RaTO1890 RATO1900 RaTO1910 RAT01920 RaTo1930 RATO1940 RaT01950 RAT01960 RATO1970 RaT01980 RaT01990 RATO2000 RaTO2010 RaTo2020 RaT02030 RaToO2040