HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnalysis of the Existing System for the Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Dept., July 1985ANALYSIS OF THE EXISTING SYSTEM FOR THE ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL LIGHT & POWER DEPARTMENT ANCHORAGE, ALASKA CHMHILL ANCHORAGE, ALASKA JULY 1985 PRINTED IN U.S.A. ISSUED TO A HIGHSMITH 42.225 TE = a ~ “pegond COPY 4, ~ . . | unicipal Light & Power @, 1200 EAST FIRST AVENUE — ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501-1685 & TELEPHONE (907) 279-7671 Tony Knowles, Mayor August 7, 1985 RECEIVE) AUG 1 2 1985 Mr. Robert Heath ALASKA POWER Executive Director AUTHORITY Alaska Power Authority 334 West 5th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Heath: Enclosed is a courtesy copy of our recently completed Long Range Plan. The plan was done by CH2M Hill and is documented in two volumes. One volume presents the results of an analysis of our existing system and the other details the plan for additions and modifications to our system for the next 10 years. It is based on our 1984 load forecast and we intend to keep the plan up-to-date on a continuing basis based on new load forecasts as they are developed. We felt the plan might be of interest to you; if you have questions or comments, please feel free to call me or Toby Lesniak. Sincerely, Thomas R. Stahr YC General Manager Municipal Light & Power TRS/slg Encls. cc: T. Lesniak DATE REC'D: DATE DUE: PROVIDE FOR TOMORROW, SAVE ENERGY TODAY. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANALYSIS OF THE EXISTING TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Prepared for: Anchorage Municipal Light and Power SARA SS OAL, FAS “ehh a %, +, NO. EE6 oS ae Ry Fen toes cceee ae Ua er0Fess RARE Prepared by: CH2M HILL July 1985 PDR986.046.1 CONTENTS Section 1 2 10 11 12 13 14 INTRODUCTION SCOPE OF WORK SYSTEM DATA FINDINGS SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Service Area System Statistics Generation Agreements with Other Utilities Fuel Supply Transmission and Distribution Substations One-Line Diagram Substation Feeder Maps SYSTEM ENERGY LOSSES SYSTEM OUTAGES SUBSTATION TRANSFORMER LOADING SYSTEM UNDERGROUNDING SCADA SYSTEM VOLTAGE DROP ANALYSIS Introduction Findings Discussion SUBSTATION VOLTAGE REGULATOR LINE DROP COMPENSATOR SETTINGS SECTIONALIZING STUDY Introduction Findings Short Circuit Analysis Protective Device Coordination Feeder Switching Analysis GENERAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES General Engineering Design and Construction Practices General System Design Concepts Types of Cable Used on 12.5-kV Distri- bution System Cable Installation Practices PDR986.047.1 i | | OVO UUS BRR aonnoon oo ur 1 11-1 11-1 11-1 11-4 CONTENTS (continued) Front Versus Rear Lot Line Construction in Residential Subdivision 14-8 Overhead Transmission and Distribution Line Criteria 14-8 Staffing Levels 14-10 Appendix A. Substation Feeder Maps Appendix B. CADPAD Documentation PDR986.047.2 ii 13 —5e 13-5f 13-6 TABLES ML&P Generating Capacity Data Substation Transformer Capacity Summary Historical Total System Energy and Losses ML&P Outage History 1979-1983 ML&P Outage Cause 1979-1983 4-kv System Voltage Drop Analysis 12.5-kV System Voltage Drop Analysis Breaker Ratings and Available Fault Comparison 4-kV System Fault Current Summary 12.5-kV System Fault Current Summary Substation Protective Device Summary Maximum Short Circuit Current "K" Type versus "T" Type Maximum Short Circuit Current "E" Type versus "K" Type Maximum Short Circuit Current "E" Type versus "K" Type Maximum Short Circuit Current "K" Type versus "K" Type Maximum Short Circuit Current "E" Type versus "T" Type Maximum Short Circuit Current "K" Type versus "E" Type in in in in in in RMS AMPS: AMPS: AMPS: AMPS: AMPS: AMPS: Recommended 1985 12.5-kV System Switching PDR986.047.3 iii 13-11 13-12 13-13 13-14 FIGURES Service Area Geographic Areas 115-kV Transmission System 34.5-kV Transmission System 12.47-kV Distribution System One-Line Diagram Positive Sequence Impedance Diagram: ML&P Alaska Railbelt Transmission System Substation 7: 12.47-kV Relay and Fuse Coordination Substations 6, 15, 16: 12.47-kV Relay and Fuse Coordination Substation 14: 12.47-kV Relay and Fuse Coordination Minimum Melting Time, Type K Fuses Total Clearing Time, Type K Fuses Total Clearing Time, Type E Standard Speed Fuses Minimum Melting Time, Type E Standard Speed Fuses Minimum Melting Time, Type E Slo Speed Fuses : Total Clearing Time, Type E Slow Speed Fuses Minimum Melting Time, Type T Fuses Total Clearing Time, Type T Fuses 12.5-kV System: CMF Optimization PDR986.047.4 iv 13-25 13-26 13-27 13-28 13-30 Section 1 INTRODUCTION As part of the 10-year system plan, we made an analysis of the existing Municipal Light and Power (ML&P) transmission and distribution system. The historical analyses of energy losses and outages are based on records of the system before the service area exchange with the Chugach Electric Associa- tion (CEA). The voltage drop, short circuit and feeder switching models and analyses include facilities acquired from CEA. PDR986.042.1 1-1 Section 2 SCOPE OF WORK The analysis of the existing system includes the following: Review the status of service area arrangements, the SCADA system, fuel supply arrangements, and undergrounding requirements. Interview various agencies with areas of responsi- bility that can affect the 10-year plan. Examine system losses. Review the loading of substation transformers. Review system practices including conductor siz- ing, underground construction and material stan- dards, standard assemblies for overhead construc- tion, and 115-kV insulator systems. Develop databases for the transmission and distri- bution systems for use of the Westinghouse WESTCAT and CADPAD system analysis programs. Perform power flow studies to determine the load- ing of the transmission and distribution lines. Perform a sectionalizing study based on the re- sults of a distribution system fault study. This includes protective device coordination. PDR986.042.2 2—1 Section 3 SYSTEM DATA It should be noted that there have been revisions in the manner in which the historical system data are collected and reported. Because of this, some of the data are not consis- tent over all of the years presented. However, for the pur- poses of this analysis, the data are adequately representa- tive of system conditions. PDR986.042.3 So Section 4 FINDINGS From our analysis of the existing system we find: The system has experienced a high degree of growth over the last 10 years. ML&P has successfully accomplished the service area exchange with CEA with the exception of a few loads yet to be transferred to the ML&P system. The existing system provides generally reliable service to ML&P customers. In the past, wide- spread outages occurring from time to time on the system were most often caused by the loss of gene- ration in south-central Alaska and the relatively weak intertie between ML&P and CEA. These prob- lems have been identified and practical measures have been taken to limit the extent of such out- ages. The recent 230-kV intertie with CEA at Plant 2 considerably strengthens the interconnec- tion between the two systems. System reliability is an ML&P priority. A municipal ordinance requires that ML&P construct its distribution system and all new or relocated construction underground with certain limitations on cost differential. Other facilities will be located underground in compliance with the Depart- ment of Community Planning's plan. System losses are at reasonable levels. The calculated available fault currents do not exceed the ratings of the circuit breakers on the system. Substation transformer loading levels are well within acceptable levels. System maintenance is conscientious and timely. System construction and materials practices are generally appropriate and cost-effective. It is recommended, and we understand it is under way, that the materials, construction standards, and engineering manuals be updated. In light of the service area exchange and the in- creased workload, staffing levels for engineering and operations staff should be reviewed. PDR986.042.4 4-1 Section 5 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION SERVICE AREA In June of 1984, the Alaska Public Utilities Commission (APUC) accepted a plan for an exchange of service areas be- tween ML&P and CEA. This exchange eliminated the overlap- ping and duplication of facilities that existed for many years when the two utilities were in competition. The new service area for ML&P is shown in Figure 5-1. The exchange of service territories will be completed in 1985. As a result of the exchange, ML&P's loads increased by about 38 MW during the winter of 1984-85. Three entire CEA sub- station areas were acquired: Blueberry, renamed Substation 19; Mountain View, renamed Substation 17; and Fairview, renamed Substation 18. Portions of four other CEA substa- tion areas were also acquired. ML&P's Substation 11 at the International Airport was transferred to CEA. In addition to the CEA distribution facilities, ML&P acquired certain CEA 35-kV subtransmission lines within its service area. These lines provide ML&P with additional rights-of-way and transmission paths for serving its loads. The ML&P service area is now approximately 20 square miles. Figure 5-2 shows the ML&P service area subdivided into geo- graphical areas, which are referred to throughout the study. The downtown area, known as the Central Business District (CBD), is dominated by large commercial office buildings and hotels. The area south of downtown is a mixture of commer- cial development and high density residential development. The other areas tend to be commercial and residential. SYSTEM STATISTICS Following the exchange with CEA, the ML&P system, at the end of 1984, had approximately: e $40,900,484 annual sales revenues e 28,692 customers e 692,088,169 kWh annual sales e 147.5-MW annual system peak PDR986.042.5 Soa FI, RICHAROSON wiuaey etservarions 1 == MUNICIPAL | LIGHT AND POWER . SERVICE AREA FIGURE 5-1 SERVICE AREA -OGN;T 1500 3000 _4500 SCALE 1°=1500' ELMENDORF AFB GOVERNMENT HILL Were + a use) 1 | SHIP. CREEK INDUSTRIA —- | | V | fe CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT fT BOOTLEGGER COVE 1428) Ge 1431 t CHESTER MERRILL FIELD MOUNTAIN VIEW | ____ 1235 | a 12401 241 | CENTENNIAL | EAST END 24) MATCH LINE BELOW CITY VIEW. a JACK 1337 RUSSIAN I CHESTER CREEK GREENBELT —-—_— 1631 | EAST |HIGH MIDTOWN BUSINESS DISTRICT 1631 6 a DISTRICT | BONIFACE WEST MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE —E__ MATCH LINE ABOVE | | I us| 1146 | SHIP CREEK VALLEY 1245) 1246 COMPUTER AIDED GRAPHICS SYSTEM DRAWING FIGURE 5-2 MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER DEPARTMENT ANCHORAGE, ALASKA GEOGRAPHIC AREAS 20-MAY~-85/QS3:(.33,234]234F1 Ants one wor on BAR IS ONE INCH ON pra BORON | ORIGINAL DRAWING, — 1" IF NOT ONE INCH ON APVD GL BAGNALL THIS SHEET, ADJUST Arve | CL GAGNALL | DATE REVISION BY ‘SCALES ACCORDINGLY. GENERATION ML&P has a generating capacity of approximately 323,770 kw as shown in Table 5-1. Table 5-1 ML&P GENERATING CAPACITY DATA Date Unit No. Capacity (MW) Installed Type 30°F 90°F 1 16.24 11.60 1962 Gas-fired turbine 2 16.24 11.60 1964 Gas-fired turbine 3 19.44 15.60 1968 Gas-fired turbine 4 S30 27.70 1972 Gas-fired turbine 5 37.37 30.10 1974 Gas-fired turbine 6 33.00 30.00 1978-81 Heat recovery steam turbine 7 81.84 66.20 1979 Gas-fired turbine 8 86.49 75.00 1984 Gas-fired turbine Units 1 through 4 comprise Power Plant 1; Units 5 throuah 7, a combined cycle system, which along with Unit 8 comprise Power Plant 2, the George M. Sullivan Plant. Unit 8 was recently placed in service. Because ML&P does not expect to need the full capacity of the unit to meet its own loads for several years, a portion of the capacity and production of Unit 8 has been sold to CEA on a declining basis over the next 5 years. The sale of capacity to CEA is on a take-or-pay basis for the fixed costs so CEA will pay for its contractual portion of the unit whether or not it uses the capacity. The variable costs (fuel, etc.) are paid on the basis of energy purchased from Unit 8. In addition to its own generating capacity, ML&P has a take- or-pay contract for 16,000 kW from the Alaska Power Adminis- tration's Eklutna hydroelectric project. This contract ex- pires in 1988 and there is no assurance the contract will be renewed or, if renewed, under what terms. However, for the purposes of this study, it is assumed that it will be renewed under similar terms and conditions. AGREEMENTS WITH OTHER UTILITIES ML&P has an interconnection agreement with CEA. This agree- ment, signed December 2, 1983, has a term of 2 years and provides for power and economy energy sales (when such power is available), emergency backup, planned maintenance backup, PDR986.042.8 5-4 and a sharing of spinning reserves. The recently completed 230-kV interconnection has an autotransformer nameplate capacity of 100/133/167 MVA. ML&P is also participating in the contract negotiations among the Railbelt Intertie utilities (ML&P, CEA, Fairbanks Municipal Utility System, and Golden Valley Electric Associ- ation), which will result in the development of an intercon- nection agreement among those utilities. This agreement will provide for power and economy energy sales, reserve sharing, and emergency and maintenance backup. FUEL SUPPLY ML&P purchases natural gas for its gas-fired generating units from the ENSTAR Natural Gas System under a contract signed in January 1980. ENSTAR is a regulated public utility and also sells gas to residential and wholesale customers in the Anchorage area. The contract has no expiration date but can be terminated by either party upon 12 months' notice. The prices paid for the gas are determined by a tariff schedule that must be approved by the APUC. Under the contract, ENSTAR agrees to use its best efforts to deliver the quantities of natural gas that ML&P requires. Because ENSTAR is regulated, ML&P believes that its purchases of gas may not be discontinued by ENSTAR without due process and a showing by ENSTAR that it would be in the public inter- est to do so. TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION ML&P operates a 115-kV transmission system, a 34.5-kV sub- transmission system, and 34.5-kV, 12.5-kV, and 4-kV distribu- tion systems. Figures 5-3 and 5-4 show the 115-kV system and most of the 34.5-kV. system, respectively. Figure 5-5 shows the main 12.5-kV system. The 4-kV system is primarily in the CBD and the Port and Government Hill areas. The 115-kV transmission system interconnects Plant 1 and Plant 2, transmits power to Substations 6, 7, 8, 12, 14, 15, and 16, and provides an interconnection to CEA at the APA Anchorage substation. ML&P has also recently constructed a 230-kV switchyard at Plant 2 which provides a 230-kV inter- connection with CEA. The 34.5-kV subtransmission system is used to serve the 4-kV CBD system and to directly serve the larger customers in the CBD and the Port. New loads in the CBD are added to the 34.5-kV system. It is ML&P's policy that further investment in the 4-kV system will be minimized. We concur with this policy. PDR986.042.9 Dao 1500 3000 SCALE 1°=1500° MATCH LINE BELOW _E —_—— LEGEND —— 116KV TRANSMISSION LINE 4 TRANSFORMER(S) @ SWITCH CABINET, JUNCTION BOX, VAULT, OR JUNCTION POINT AS NOTED zotrr 7; JUNCTION POINT OR GRID CROSSING —*— AIR BREAK SWITCH F(x) FEEDER NUMBER A\ SUBSTATION F1 AND FB: FUTURE, ADDITIONS MATCH LINE ABOVE -OGN;T COMPUTER AIDED GRAPHICS SYSTEM DRAWING (lame BAR IS ONE INCH ON MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE FIGURE 5-3 ORIGINAL DRAWING. MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER RE NOTOne MICH cal DEPARTMENT 115 kV TRANSMISSION SYSTEM THIS SHEET, ADJUST fH ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 20-MAY-85 /QS3:(33,234)234F1 1500 3000 SCALE 1"=1500' MATCH LINE BELOW LEGEND —— 34.6KV TRANSMISSION LINE 4& TRANSFORMER(S) SWITCH CABINET, JUNCTION BOX, VAULT, OR JUNCTION POINT AS NOTED JUNCTION POINT OR GRID CROSSING AIR BREAK SWITCH F(X) FEEDER NUMBER AX SUBSTATION MATCH LINE ABOVE -OGN;T" COMPUTER AIDED GRAPHICS SYSTEM DRAWING (oni BAR IS ONE INCH ON MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE FIGURE 5-4 ORSSINAL DRAWING: MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER a IF NOT ONE INCH ON DEPARTMENT 34.5 kV TRANSMISSION SYSTEM THIS SHEET, ADJUST BATE SCALES AGEORONGEY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 20-MAY-85 /QS3:133,234]234F1 1500 3000 SCALE 1°=1500° aS -OGN;T" 20-MAY-85/QS3:(33,234]234F1 F1 AND F@: FUTURE ADOIT IONS VERIFY SCALES BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING. a IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST ‘SCALES ACCORDINGLY. LEGEND MATCH LINE BELOW : —— 12.47KV DISTRIBUTION LINE-UNDERGROUND —— 12.47KV DISTRIBUTION LINE~-OVERHEAD & TRANSFORMER(S) @ SWITCH CABINET, JUNCTION BOX, VAULT, OR JUNCTION POINT AS NOTED JUNCTION POINT OR GRID CROSSING AIR BREAK SWITCH F(x) FEEDER NUMBER AX SUBSTATION MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER DEPARTMENT ANCHORAGE, ALASKA MATCH LINE ABOVE COMPUTER AIDED GRAPHICS SYSTEM DRAWING FIGURE 5-5 12.47 kV DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 600 AMPERE INTERCONNECTIONS SUBSTATIONS ML&P has 18 distribution substations with a total nameplate rating of 222.2 MVA (see Table 5-2). As a result of the service area exchange with CEA, ML&P acquired three addi- tional substations having a total nameplate capacity of 27.8 MVA. ML&P has removed one of these substations from service and will remove the other two in the relatively near future. In conjunction with the other south-central Alaska utili- ties, ML&P is a participant in a 138/115/69/34.5/24.9/ 12.5-kV portable substation, stored in the ML&P yard. This unit is available to each of the four participating utili- ties on an emergency basis. At Plant 1, there are two 115-34.5-kV, 46.7-MVA transformers operating in parallel between the 34.5-kV ring bus and the 115-kV ring bus. At Plant 2, there is a 115/230-kV, 100/133/ 167-MVA autotransformer interconnecting the 115-kV bus with the 230-kV switchyard. Each generation unit has a step-up transformer associated with it and sized accordingly. Refer also to "Substation Transformer Loading." ONF-LINE DTAGRAM Figure 5-6 is a one-line diagram of the January 1985 system. SUBSTATION FEEDER MAPS Maps of the 1985 ML&P distribution system substation feeder maps are included in Appendix A. PDR986.042.13 5-9 Table 5-2 SUBSTATION TRANSFORMER CAPACITY SUMMARY Transformer Nameplate Rating (MVA) Substation 55°C Rise 65°C Rise ANSI _MVA Voltage (KV) No. OA FA FA OA FA FA Winter Summer Primary Secondary 1 5.0 6.3 8.8 6.3 33.5 4.16/2.4 2 5.0 6.3 5.6 8.8 6.3 33.5 4.16/2.4 3 5.0 7.0 5.6 9.8 7.1 33.5 4.16/2.4 4 5.0 7.0 5.6 9.8 7.1 32.8 4.16/2.4 5 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 33.0 4.16/2.4 6 15.0 20.0 25.0 28.0 36.4 30.2 110.6 12.47/7.2 6A 2.5 2.8 3.5 4.7 3.5 33.0 4.16/2.4 7 15.0 20.0 25.0 28.0 36.4 30.2 109.3 12.47/7.2 8 15.0 16.8 22.4 28.0 36.4 30.2) 112.1 12.47/7.2 9 3.0 4.4 3.0 33.0 4.16/2.4 9A 5.0 5.6 7.0 9.3 7.1 33.0 12.47/7.2 10 1.5 1.9 2.6 1.9 33.0 4.16/2.4 12 5.0 6.3 5.6 7.0 8.8 6.3 115.0 12.47/7.2 13 1.5 1.9 2.6 1.9 33.0 4,16/2.4 13A 2.0 3.0 2.0 33.0 4.16/2.4 14 15.0 16.8 22.4 28.0 36.4 30.2 112.1 12.47/7.2 15 15.0 20.0 25.0 28.0 36.4 30.2 110.6 12.47/7.2 16 15.0 20.0 25.0 28.0 36.4 30.2 110.6 12.47/7.2 Mt. View 17 10.0 14.0 19.6 14.1 34.4 12.47/7.2 Blueberry 18 10.0 14.0 10.1 34.4 12.47/7.2 Fairview 19 3.8 5.6 3.8 34.4 4.16/2.4 Plant 1 2 ea. 28.0 37.3 46.7 65.4 47.2 115.0 34.5 Plant 2 100.0 133.0 167.0 217.1 180.4 230.0 115 ®Reflects tap setting. Note: Transformer ratings based on ANSI/IEEE C57.92-1981, Guide for Loading Mineral-Oil- Immersed Power Transformers. PDR986.135.3 5-10 2026 Y} aor 2 ¢ TO CER SIX MILE TORUMA (238 KV) To mnecon somvice pees ee 1 1 SO 1 ' ' : \ ' \ : 1 \ ' QB Q an g S YO CEM UNIVERSITY SUBSTATION (230 KV? ' ami 1 OI 1 1 ma. uum nor Leech ' @ sata ; @ FUSED DISCONNECT | fa circuit suitor ; 0 menar 2 oy 1 lh crown " ' > RISER 1 ne 10 —— UNDER GROUND CABLE 1 * CONNECTION POINT 1 ees 238 KV mn ' —iisK 1 nh Bee ; —_ 4K ' ' sus wO.14 ; e \ [1] see] [pects] [4] == os—— B—>— q © ' QO 8&8 © () 1 GENERATION PLANT NO.1 a ve ——_ ne 1 1 a 1 xg \ 9 2 ' ni ' ' ' ! —Tteete + $77 — | ate scl, caesae: ee eee oe 7 R zn ! ‘ OFS Bo BE e -F, 8hS ag ne q 8 ey ID i IQrr6 10 mec 1 SHS SF 1 ls wt + = + L + ' 3 7 1 = = = + = Bf 2 ' i ; i ; | : [ts 1 sua 60.7 Qin \ ; “aan i sus wO.18 42 0s es gle ae: se ip se cae, Siero ! L CO Ro Se ees ea a ees ' SOT TS ! ie a eee 4 Figue 5-6 TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION NOTE: ONE LINE DIAGRAM DRAWING PROVIDED BY ML & P CHMHILL Section 6 SYSTEM ENERGY LOSSES Table 6-1 summarizes the historical system energy losses for the ML&P system prior to the CEA exchange. The information was taken from computerized utility records. Sales to Mata- nuska Electric are included in years 1970 through 1974. The conversion of portions of the 34.5-kV system to 115-kV in 1979 and 1980 resulted in a dramatic decrease in system losses, from 9.71 percent to 4.55 percent. Since then loss- es have increased as load growth has resulted in more heavi- ly loaded facilities. The increase in losses for 1984 is believed to be a result of the service area exchange with CEA. Because of the changeover in billing cycles and addi- tional sales to former CEA customers, the sales figures are believed to be understated. As a result, the computed losses are higher than actual. For a system such as ML&P, losses in the range of 3.5 to 7 percent are typical. Based on historical data, system losses are at reasonable levels. PDR986.042.16 6-1 Table 6-1 HISTORICAL TOTAL SYSTEM ENERGY AND LOSSES System Energy System Require- Energy System Percent ments Sales Losses System Year (MWh ) (MWh ) (MWh ) Losses 1970 267,766 Zo LOL. 16,245 6.07% 1971 321,139 292,734 28,405 8.85% 1972 363,176 340,859 22,417. 6.14% 1973 411,964 389,050 22,914 5.56% 1974 461,112 434,855 26,257 5.69% 1975 436,784 405,366 31,418 7.19% 1976 500,633 470,358 30,275 6.05% 1977 535,446 492,432 43,014 8.03% 1978 550,210 498,452 51,758 9.41% 1979 578,884 522,655 56,229 9.71% 1980 585,794 559,159 26,635 4.55% 1981 590,922 559,138 31,784 5.38% 1982 650,642 611,017 39,625 6.09% 1983 692,709 652,788 39,921 5.76% 1984 752,843 692,088 60,755 8.07% Recause of hilling cycles and the additional sales to former CEA customers, the sales figure is believed to be understated. As a result, the computed losses are greater than actual. Source: From Burns and McDonnell Load Forecast (years 1970 through 1982); ML&P Operating Records (1983 and 1984). Includes sales to Chugach and Ft. Richardson. PDR986.135.1 6-2 Section 7 SYSTEM OUTAGES A review of system outage records for the years 1980 through 1984 was done to determine if there are particular causes of outages that, if corrected, would result in significant improvements in reliability. Because of the harsh winter weather in the Anchorage area, service reliability and restoration of service are major concerns of ML&P. Under normal circumstances, ML&P tries to restore service in not more than 4 hours. If the outage is on the distribution system, there is flexibility to open and close switches to isolate the problem and restore service to all but the customers fed directly by the failed component. Table 7-1 summarizes the customer hours of outage over the 5-year period. Service continuity exceeded 99.88 percent in all years on a customer hour basis. Table 7-2 shows the number of outage hours by cause for each year, arranged in the order of decreasing number of hours. The categories of "generation loss," "component failure," "inadvertent con- tact," and "loss of generation by others" are the four most significant causes of outages, accounting for over 68 per- cent of the reported outage hours over the period. ML&P has been well aware of the generation-related outages and in i198U commissioned General Electric's Electric Utiiity Systems Engineering Department to review their causes. GE's report concluded that many of the generation-related outages "became so, or became more extensive, because of one or more of the following reasons: (1) insufficient connected genera- tion on ML&P and the interconnection; (2) insufficient in- tertie-number and capacity; (3) unresponsiveness of ML&P Units 4 and 5; (4) ML&P's relatively gross load shedding scheme." The report went on. to suggest an increase in the Anchorage area spinning reserve to help limit the extent of generation-related outages, refinement of the load shedding scheme, improvement of the responsiveness of Units 4 and 5, and closer coordination of reserve margins, contingency transfers, and emergency operation of the interties. A re- liable black start capability at Plant 2 was also suggested. Studies for the Alaska Power Authority on the stability of the Anchorage area and the interconnected systems came to similar conclusions. The interties between the utilities were not strong enough to hold under many possible system disturbances. As a result, unless the interties are streng- thened, the interties will open and each utility system (ML&P, CEA, GVEA, Fairbanks) will form an "island" in the event of many types of disturbances. PDR986.042.18 7-1 Total Customers Hours Out No. of Outages Average Customer Hours per Outage Average No. of Customers Outage Hours per Customer Total Customer Hours Continuity PDR986.135.2 Table 7-1 ML&P OUTAGE HISTORY 1979-1983 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 167,743 40,955 85,395 36,950 84,796 137 72 112 146 157 1,224 569 762 253 540 16,400 16,630 17,976 19,045 21,931 10.23 2.46 4.75 1.94 3.87 143,664,000 145,674,420 157,469,760 166,834,200 192,115,560 99.8832% 99.9719% 99.9458% 99.9778% 99.9559% 7-2 Gen. Loss Comp. Failure Inadv. Contact Other Gen. Loss Other Vehicle Vandalism Dig In Overload Operator Error Storm or Wind Planned Outage Protective Relay Fire Customer Equipment Total Average Number of Customers Hours Per Customer PDR976.063.2 Table 7-2 ML&P OUVYAGE CAUSE 1979-1983 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Total 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Average 77,995 7,656 11,440 13,309 401 110,801 46.50% 18.69% 13.40% 36.02% 0.47% 26.65% 34,535 12,867 14,706 6,287 5,401 73,796 20.59% 31.42% 17.22% 17.01% 6.37% 17.75% 0 0 7,280 1,419 43,975 52,674 0.00% 0.00% 8.53% 3.84% 51.86% 12.67% 32,886 120 9,350. 1,245 4,326 »=— 47,927 19.60% 0.29% 10.95% 3.37% 5.10% 11.53% 2,303 1,463 «2,125 1,554 817 29, 698 1.37% 3.57% 2.49% 4.21% 26.24% 7.14% 8,946 5,065 7,820 5,250 0 = .27,898 5.33% 12.37% 9.16% 14.21% 0.96% 6.71% 0 36 27,032 53 6,436 27,121. 0.00% 0.09% 31.66% 0.14% 0.00% 6.52% 3,797 4,542 2,560 «= 6, 711 22,253 24, 046 2.26% 11.09% 3.00% 18.16% 7.59% 5.78% 744 7,818 276 326 157 9,321 0.44% 19.09% 0.32% 0.88% 0.19% 2.24% 4,274 1,376 0 303 118 6,071 2.55% 3. 36% 0.00% 0.82% 0.14% 1.46% 1,776 0 = 2,806 94 281 4,957 1.06% 0.00% 3.29% 0.25% 0.33% 1.19% 324 12 0 398 525 1,259 0.19% 0.03% 0.00% 1.08% 0.62% 0.30% 160 0 0 0 4 164 0.10% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.04% 0 0 0 0 98 98 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.12% 0.02% 3 0 0 1 0 4 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 167,743 40,955 85,395 36,950 84,792 415,835 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 16,400 16,630 17,976 19,045 21,931 91,982 10.23 2.46 4.75 1.94 3.87 4.52 Depending on the generation-load balance of each island, the outage may continue to spread. If ML&P is exporting power and islands occur, it must shed generation. If it is impor- ting power, it must shed load until load matches generation. The APA studies developed recommendations on a load shedding scheme that have been implemented by ML&P. The service area exchange agreement with CEA resulted in stronger interconnections with CEA through the addition of a 230-kV intertie at Plant 2. This will help to reduce the system's exposure to transmission line disturbances. Also, as part of the planning for the operation of the Alaska Railbelt Intertie, the interconnected utilities (ML&P, CEA, FMUS, GVEA) are increasing the level of interutility coordi- nation to provide for reliable operation of their systems when the Railbelt Intertie is in service. Since a major benefit of the Railbelt Intertie is the ability to wheel economy energy from the Anchorage area to the Fairbanks area, coordinated operation is necessary to prevent Intertie outages from resulting in widespread outages. The most recent outage data indicate an improvement in sys- tem reliability. The total number of customer hours out appears to be decreasing. In 1984, two categories of out- ages--inadvertent contact and other--were much greater than would be expected based on past historv. These two catedor- ies represented over 78 percent of the customer hours out. The number of dig-ins appears to be increasing, probably as a result of more of the system being underground. At the distribution level, over the last few years ML&P has instituted a program of non-destructive inspection (X-raying and infrared viewing) of cable splices, terminations, and connections to identify potentially troublesome components. At the system's substations, there has been a general cleanup and reworking of the terminations. These programs have resulted in the identification and replacement of a number of components of the system. These efforts have resulted in a definite decrease in the number of customer hours out attributed to component failure. PDR986.042.21 7-4 Section 8 SUBSTATION TRANSFORMER LOADING Because of the service area exchange with CEA, and the fre- quent switching of the distribution system feeders to accom- modate construction and system changes, consistent informat- ion about the peak loads being placed on the distribution substation transformers was not available. ML&P staff regu- larly monitor the loads on a given feeder and, if they appear to be too high, switch the system accordingly. Our review did not indicate any evidence of substation transformer over- loading. Table 5-2 listed the substation transformers presently on the ML&P system, their nameplate ratings, their capacities based on "ANSI/IEEE C57.92-1981, Guide for Loading Mineral- Oil-Immersed Power Transformers," the ratio of the summer to winter ANSI capacity, and the primary and secondary voltage tap settings of the transformers. In determining the ANSI loading capacities based on ambient temperatures and trans- former loading prior to the occurrence of the peak, the following assumptions were made: e Wintertime ambient temperature of 0°C ° Sunuwertime ambient cemperature of 30°C ‘ e Peak load duration of 8 hours and the load preced- ing the peak equivalent to 100 percent of the name- plate rating. Based on these assumptions, the tables used from the ANSI standard were: Loading Multiplier Substation Table Winter Summer Mee ail Olesl Gho) 5 (h) 1.40 Aye0 5,9,13A,18 5 (d) 1.48 1.00 6,7,14,15,16 3 (q) 1.30 1.08 6a,9a 3 (h) eto Ts On Use of the ANSI ratings requires that auxiliary equipment (LTC, regulators, etc.) be able to carry the increased loads. Generally, this will be the case because the capacity adjust- ment is based on ambient temperatures, which will allow the auxiliary equipment to carry higher loadings. A prior study by ML&P of the 4-kV system developed loadings based on 70 percent preceding peak equivalent load. The use of 100 percent preceding peak reflects a conservative approach, that is, one that results in a lower transformer capacity. Based on these transformer loading capacities, a review of PDR986.042.22 8-1 the historical loadings of the transformers did not indicate any continuing overloading situations. A brief review of the loading of distribution service trans- formers (those transformers used to step down the voltage to the customer's premises) indicates a systemwide average load- ing of about 55 percent of the transformer nameplate rating. This review was done on the basis of connected transformer kVA per grid and the 1984 grid peak demand as estimated by Burns and McDonnell in its load forecast for ML&P. PDR986.042.23 8-2 Section 9 SYSTEM UNDERGROUNDING Anchorage Municipal Code requires that ML&P, along with other utilities within the Municipality, conform with the requirement to underground its distribution facilities that are operated at or below 69-kV. All newly installed or relocated distribution lines shall be placed underground except in areas zoned I-2 or I-3 or considered rural. Existing overhead distribution lines will also be under- grounded to comply with the 10-year undergrounding plan developed by the Department of Community Planning. However, during any one fiscal year, ML&P is not required to spend more than 4 percent of its gross revenues from retail sales within the Municipality during the previous fiscal year on conversion of overhead to underground. Based on 1984 revenues, this would be approximately $1.6 million for 1985. Exceptions to the undergrounding requirement are allowed if undergrounding would cause excessive adverse environmental impact, or threaten public health and safety, or if the cost is more than three times the cost of placing the line over- head. In addition, new conductors may be added to an existing overhead line except in the target areas listed below. The first Department of Community Planning 10-year plan in- cludes the following priority target areas for underground- ing: the Central Business District, the Park Strip area, municipal street light improvement projects, and overhead facilities in park settings or recreational areas. A draft 2-year "Underground Utilities Implementation Plan" for 1984 and 1985 has been prepared by the Department of Community Planning to implement the 10-year plan. In addi- tion to the priority areas included in the 10-year plan, the 2-year plan includes the midtown area (Old Seward Highway to Minnesota/Tudor Road to Fireweed Lane), Arctic Boulevard between Fireweed Lane and Tudor Road, Dimond Boulevard between Hartzell Road to Sand Lake, and East Anchorage (Glenn Highway to Tudor Road/Military Reservation to Pine Street). PDR986.042.24 9-1 Section 10 SCADA SYSTEM ML&P is expanding its Supervisory Control and Data Acqui- sition (SCADA) system to allow it to monitor and centrally control its system. This SCADA development is based on detailed recommendations made in an engineering report prepared by independent consultants. The system includes the following capabilities: e Monitoring system loads, generation, and imports/- exports e Monitoring the status of circuit breakers and switches e Monitoring substation and feeder loadings and re- cording their hourly demands e Monitoring the status of fault indicators on the system e Switching the system from the dispatch center to quickly return the system to service during out- ages e Controiling generation levels and import/export flows over the interconnections A new ML&P dispatch center is being constructed in the Opera- tions Center. Provisions are made to ensure that new facil- ities added to the power system are compatible with the SCADA. Implementation of the SCADA system has meant a major stride forward in the economic and reliable operation of the system. PDR986.042.25 10-1 Section 11 VOLTAGE DROP ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION Voltage drop analysis of the existing 12.5-kV and 4-kV dis- tribution system feeders, including the facilities acquired or to be acquired from CEA, was performed using the FEEDER- DESIGN module of the Westinghouse CADPAD family of power system analysis programs. The system modeled is the system, based on information provided by ML&P staff, as it was ope- rated in January 1985. The analyses also indicated the de- gree of loading of the system facilities. Voltage drop analysis was not performed on the 34.5-kV dis- tribution system because it is a compact system with rela- tively large conductor. As a result, only slight voltage drop would be expected. The FEEDERDESIGN database represents each feeder's three phases to allow analysis on a phase-by-phase basis. As with any utility system, certain assumptions had to be made about conductor sizes, phasing of loads, and distances at various locations in the system. In addition, certain simplifying assumptions were made so that the database would be manage- able. This results in a database that properly represents the teeders for analysis purposes but which does not approach the level of detail typically shown on system maps or needed for property record management. FINDINGS Tables 11-1 and 11-2 summarize the results of the computer voltage drop analyses for the 4-kV and 12.5-kV feeders. A planning criteria of a maximum of 3 percent drop on a feeder under normal circumstances was used. It can be seen that the criteria is not met by the 4-kV system. Review of the 4-kV system analysis indicates that excessive voltage drop may occur on several feeders on the overhead portions of the 4-kV system. The results have not been field verified. (Refer to Tables 11-1 and 11-2 and the feeder maps of Appendix A.) The underground portions have acceptable levels of voltage drop. As discussed in greater detail in the 10-year plan, our recommended solution to the excessive voltage drop on the overhead portions of the 4-kV system is conversion to 12.5-kV except in the Port area, where 4-kV loads are to be transferred to the 34.5-kV system. Most of the 12.5-kV feeders have acceptable voltage drop. The exception to this is Substation 6, Feeder 7. This situ- ation can be corrected when Substation 8 is in service. Those portions of Feeder 7 experiencing low voltage will be shifted to Substation 14, and portions of Substation 14 will PDR986.042.26 11-1 Table 11-1 4-KV SYSTEM VOLTAGE DROP ANALYSIS Segment Loadings Substation Lowest Bus Voltage >90% Capacity From/To Lowest P.F. Feeder Per Unit Location (% Capacity) Busses Lagging Leading 1/1 0.9692 1117 --- --- 0.898 --- 1/2 1.0000 : --- --- 0.899 --- 1/3 0.9776 1312 --- -—- 0.900 --- 2/1 0.9979 2115 -—— === 0.900 -—- 2/2 0.9979 2212 --- ——— 0.900 —- 2/3 0.9961 2322 --- --- 0.900 ——— 3/1 0.9495 3148 108 3127/3128 0.748 -0.274 3/2 0.9252 3219 101 3213/3215 0.890 --- 94 3215/3216 3/3 0.9978 3324 95 3301/3302 0.900 --- 95 3301/3330 4/1 0.9966 4106 91 4107/4115 0.900 --- 4/2 0.9999 4211 a --- 0.900 === 4/3 0.9986 4306 -—— --- 0.900 --- 5/1 0.9349 5131 ——= == 0.801 -0.773 6A/4 0.9856 6405 --- “<= 0.899 --- 9/1 0.9999 9108 ciel —= 0.898 --- 9/2 1.0000 il = == 0.900 --- 10/1 0.9290 10114 iia ate 0.898 --- 13a/1 0.9218 +=: 13116 --- “-- 0.495" -0.187 13/2 0.9815 13248 --- --- 0.898 --- * Several buses with the same voltage. *substation power factor assumed to be 90 percent. On those feeders with capacitors, some buses have low computed power factors, as would be expected. Note: The bus numbers used above refer to the assigned bus numbers used in the Westinghouse "FEEDERDESIGN" analysis. PDR976.066.1 11-2 Table 11-2 12.5-kV SYSTEM VOLTAGE DROP ANALYSIS Segment Loadings Substation Lowest Bus Voltage >90% Capacity From/To Lowest P.F. Feeder Per Unit Location (% Capacity) Buses Lagging Leading 6/2 0.9972 6222 --- --- 0.900 == 6/5 0.9736 6536 --- --- 0.710 -0.354 6/6 0.9974 6606 —— --- 0.900 --- 6/7 0.9460 6788 112 6701/6702 0.853 -0.975 114 6702/6703 114 6703/6710 112 6710/6723 6/8 1.0000 6819 === <= 0.900 === 7/2 0.9994 19103 --- --- 0.900 --- 7/5 0.9999 7505 <= --- 0.901 --- 7/6 0.9926 19184 --- --- 0.668" --- 7/7 0.9942 7740 --- = 0.827 -0.001 98/364 0.9918 9318 --- --- 0.561° -0.979 14/1 0.9347 14185 ==- -—- 0.847 --- 14/2 0.9836 14959 --- --- 0.831 --- 15/1 0.9959 15133 a = 0.900 --- 15/2 0.9972 15228 --- --- 0.847 -0.001 15/5 0.9899 15531 <= --- 0.688" --- 15/6 0.9713 15633 --- --- 0.814 -0.170 15/7 0.9926 15740 —== --- 0.834 --- 15/8 0.9818 15823 --- --- 0.900 --- 16/1 1.0000 * - --- 0.900 --- 16/2 1.0000 * -—- --- 0.900 === 16/5 0.9751 16558 --- --- 0.806 --- 16/6 1.0000 * --- --- 0.900 --- 16/7 0.9881 16768 108 16702/16703 0.790 -0.204 108 16703/16704 106 16704/16709 137 16709/16737 98 16737/16736 16/8 1.0000 * 0.900 ==— 17/182 0.9675 17121 —— -—— 0.900 --- 17/202 0.9707 17251 --- -—- 0.900 —— 17/222 0.9910 17252 -—-- --- 0.900 --- 19/142 0.9823 19153 --- --- 0.900 -—- 19/152 0.9582 19138 106 19101/19107 0.899 --- 106 19185/19101 95 19107/19108 94 19111/19118 94 19118/19119 * Several buses with the same voltage. @substation power factor assumed to be 90 percent. On those feeders with capacitors, some busses have low computed power factors, as would be expected. Note: The bus numbers used above refer to the assigned bus numbers used in the Westinghouse "FEEDERDESIGN" analysis. PDR976.066.2 11-3 be shifted to Substation 8. This will reduce the loading of the remaining portions of Feeder 7 and the voltage profile will be acceptable. Tables 11-1 and 11-2 also indicate the feeder segments that are loaded to over 90 percent of the conductors' normal rat- ings. The conductor ratings used are conservative in that they are lower than might be used under other reasonable assumptions. For analysis purposes, feeder power factors were assumed to be 90 percent at the substation, including those feeders having capacitors. FEEDERDESIGN calculates a power factor at each feeder bus modeled. As a result, on those feeders with capacitors, some buses have low computed power factors, as would be expected if, with correction, the feeder substation power factor is 90 percent. The FEEDERDESIGN output tables for voltage drop analyses were provided to ML&P separately. The voltage drop output is in the format used by the Rural Electrification Adminis- tration (REA). FEEDERDESIGN has the ability to provide out- put in other formats, but we believe the REA format is the most informative. DISCUSSION The existing distribution system was analyzed to determine feeder voltage drop and the short circuit current availabil- ity along each feeder. As mentioned above, the Westinghouse CADPAD FEEDERDESIGN system analysis program was used for these analyses. The database that was created for FEEDERDESIGN is based on the ML&P grid maps and photographs taken of the system oper- ations board in January 1984. In developing the database, feeder maps, which did not previously exist, were created. The facilities acquired from CEA were included in the database. Because of the large amount of construction taking place on the ML&P system and the acquisition of the CEA facilities, the system switching configuration changes frequently. The system modeled is representative of the January 1985 system switched in a "typical" fashion. The frequent reconfiguring of the system makes it difficult to match substation meter readings to the feeder configuration at the time of the read- ing. December 1984 substation meter readings, adjusted to reflect January 1985 system switching were used for the feeder loading. The database represents the system on a phase-by-phase basis and allows each phase to be analyzed. This permits the fu- ture modeling of single-phase taps on the system if desired. No single-phase taps are presently included in the model. PDR986.042.29 11-4 FEEDERDESIGN allows each feeder to be analyzed separately. An entire substation was not modeled at once. Feeder-con- nected and bus-connected kVA were used to determine the load distribution along the feeders. Using substation feeder meter readings for feeder loading, FEEDERDESIGN prorates load to each bus on the basis of bus-connected kVA to feeder- connected KVA. However, FEEDERDESIGN allows individual or spot loads to be used in lieu of the prorated connected KVA. Spot loads of greater than 300 KVA were modeled explicitly for the FEEDERDESIGN analyses. There are a number of additional analyses that can be done using FEEDERDESIGN and a number of ways in which the results can be output. We believe the output formats we used are the most useful. It should be noted that a number of the feeders experience small (less than 0.08 percent) voltage rise over various sections. In most cases, the rise is less than 0.008 volts on a 120-volt base. The CADPAD program was used to calcu- late line section impedances. A review of those sections experiencing voltage rises indicates the sections are gen- erally lightly loaded and involve larger underground conduc- tor sizes. This would indicate that the rise is generally attributable to underground cable capacitance. Appendix R is.a listing of the case study files used for the analysis. It includes the cable and conductor data and pro- tective devices modeled for our analysis. These files are on the Westinghouse PRIME computer and can be accessed by ML&P through its arrangements with Westinghouse. The input files have not been provided because of the volume of mate- rial involved. Table B-1 is the development of the feeder loading data as used for the FEEDERDESIGN analysis. This feeder: loading data is based on actual feeder ampere readings, adjusted to the 1985 load forecast of ML&P. These loads are generally higher than those experienced during the winter of 1984-85. PDR986.042.30 dic. Section 12 SUBSTATION VOLTAGE REGULATOR LINE DROP COMPENSATOR SETTINGS As part of the scope of work, we were to recommend settings on up to 12 substation voltage regulators. Subsequent dis- cussions with ML&P staff indicated that the regulators are set to provide a constant substation bus voltage of 5 percent above nominal voltage. Our voltage drop analysis indicated that this practice does not produce high voltages on the feeders during light loads and, in fact, provides for end user voltages closer to nominal than would otherwise be the case. On the ML&P system, we find most feeders to be relatively short, 3 to 4 miles long or less. Maximum voltage drops, as shown on Tables 11-1 and 11-2, are generally less than 3 per- cent and feeder loads are found in the immediate vicinity of the substations. For these reasons, line drop compensation for substation regulators is not necessary. We recommend continuation of the present practice of holding flat substa- tion regulation at 105 percent of nominal voltage. PDR986.042.31 L2—1) Section 13 SECTIONALIZING STUDY INTRODUCTION A study was made to determine appropriate sectionalizing of the ML&P distribution system. This study consisted of four elements: Review of system outage data (Section 7) Short-circuit analysis Protective device coordination review and analysis System feeder switching analysis FINDINGS Our review concludes that distribution system outages tend to be limited in extent. The available faults are within the ratings of the protective devices on the system. The present distribution system protective schemes are providing suitable system protection and are generally selectively coordinated. No additional system protection is recommended. SHORT CIRCUIT ANALYSIS Short circuit or fault analyses were performed for the ML&P system. The analyses for the 115-kV and 34.5-kV systems were done using Westinghouse's WESTCAT program. The 12.5-kV and 4-kV system analyses were done using Westinghouse's CADPAD program. Table 13-1 summarizes the calculated available transient and subtransient fault availabilities on the 115-kV and 34.5-kV systems and the circuit breaker interrupting ratings. All of the breakers have interrupting capacities greater than the available faults. Tables 13-2 and 13-3 summarize the calculated symmetrical short-circuit available currents on the 4-kV and 12.5-kV distribution system substation feeders. The available symme- trical short-circuit current on each feeder is highest at the substation bus. For all feeders, the available fault currents are within the ratings of the distribution system devices (circuit breakers, fuses, etc.). DISCUSSION Studies were done for 1985 and 1994 generation levels. For both years, we assumed no generation at Plant 1. This assump- tion was used because Plant 2 will often be carrying system PDR986.042.32 La Table 13-1 BREAKER RATINGS AND AVAILABLE FAULT COMPARISON Maximum H.V. Available Breaker 3 @ Voltage Rating Bus Bus Fault Location (kv) (MVA) No. ID (MVA) Comments PLANT 1 34.5-kV Ring Bus 34.5 1,500 100 MLGENP1L 913 115-kV Bus 115 8,000 101 MLPGENP1 2073 PLANT 2 115-kV Bus 115 8,000 110 MLPGENP2 2489 230-kV Switchyard 230 15,000 112 MLP230TP 2331 SUBSTATIONS Low Voltage Breaker Rating (MVA) 1 34.5 Fuse 45 MLPSUBO1 881 150 2 34.5 Fuse 43 MLPSUBO2 805 150 3 34.5 Fuse 47 MLPSUBO3 775 150 4 34.5 Fuse 34 MLPSUBO4 803 500 5 34.5 Fuse 27 MLPSUBO5 653 50 6 115 8,000 41 MLPSUBO6 720 500 6A 34.5 Fuse 41 MLPSUBO6 720 150 7 115 8,000 40(109) MLPSUBO7 1,854 500 8 115 8,000 19(111) MLPSUBO8& 2,007 500 9 34.5 Fuse 29 MLPSUBO9 856 250 9A 34.5 Fuse 29 MLPSUBO9 856 -- 10 115 8,000 68 MLPSUB10 704 500 12 15 Fuse 6(108) MLFSUBO6 2,165 1,200 13 34.5 Fuse 28 MLPSUB13 665 50 13A 34.5 Fuse 64 MLISUB13A 665 50 14 115 8,000 23(102) MLPSUB14 2,127 500 15 115 8,000 21(107) MLFSUB15 2,166 500 16 115 “8,000 37(106) MLiSUB16 1,860 500 17 34.5 Fuse 80 MLPMTVWS 640 -- 4,000 A O.C.R. 18 34.5 Fuse 77: MUkFVSUB 854 -- 7 19 34.5 Fuse 60 MLIBLSUB 507 = i PDRO76.063.1 Table 13-2 4-kV SYSTEM FAULT CURRENT SUMMARY Highest Symmetrical Fault Currents Substation 3-Phase S-L-G Feeder (amps) (amps) Li /es 8,719 8,936 Lf 8,722 8,938 1/3 8 121 8,938 Zia 9,748 10,033 22) 9,746 10,032 2/3 9,748 10/7033 3/1 9,596 9,878 37.2 9,590 9,880 3/3 9,593 9,883 4/1 9,497 TAD 4/2 9,498 9,775 4/3 9,498 716 5/1 3,380 3422 6A/4 57,030 Sy Lo) 9/1 S407 5,489 9/2 5,407 5,489 10/1_ Zyl ne 2,796 13A/1 270105 2,790 13/2 21,705 Qiao PDR976.068.2 3 3) Table 13-3 12.5-kV SYSTEM FAULT CURRENT SUMMARY Highest Symmetrical Fault Currents Substation 3-Phase S-L-G Feeder (amps) (amps) 6/2 7,859 10,348 6/5 7,859 10,348 6/6 7,859 10,348 6/7 7,861 10,350 6/8 7,859 10,347 7/2 7,834 8,098 WS) 7,833 8,098 7/6 TAosy, 8,101 7/7 7,876 Se 13sl 9A/3&4 <iAabe7) Sica 14/1 Tipgo4 8,186 14/2 7,949 8,182 15/1 S313) SOL 5/2 &,324 8,575 15/5 8,313 8,571 15/6 Soo 8,590 15/7 8,184 7,596 15/8 8,314 S/o 2 16/1 8,249 8,526 16/2 8,209 8,497 16/5 8,228 8,512 16/6 8,218 8,504 16/7 8,233 8,517 16/8 8.212 8,499 17/182 3,396 Syo2e 17/202 3,395 3,523 17/222 Soo S723 19/142 5,427 5,872 19/152 5,426 Sy, Ole. PDR976.068.1 13-4 load. This assumption results in slightly higher fault avail- ability at buses near Plant 2 and slightly lower fault avail- ability for buses near Plant 1 than if there were generation at Plant 1. However, the differences will be slight because the stepdown transformers provide the bulk of the system impedance. The machine characteristics at both plants are similar, and the impedance differences represented by the transmission lines are slight, resulting in fault availabili- ties that would be only slightly different. The 1994 study assumed the addition of one 80-MW turbine generator, similar to Unit 8, at Plant 2. Figure 13-1 is a diagram of the ML&P system as modeled for the 115-kV and 34.5-kV fault analyses. The Alaska Railbelt transmission system modeled is shown in Figure 13-2. The system model is based on the Alaska Railbelt Interconnected System Databook and system impedance information provided by ML&P. For the substation feeders on the 12.5-kV and 4-kV systems, the available short circuit current was output for only the five highest values on the feeder. As expected, the highest value is typically for a line-to-ground fault at the sub- station bus. PROTECTIVE DEVICE COORDINATION Using the results of the short circuit analysis, a protec- tive device coordination study was made for the distribution system. We reviewed the settings of the protective devices on the system to determine the degree of selectivity for the computed fault currents. Distribution system protection on the ML&P system consists of substation circuit breakers and fuses on the distribution lines; line reclosers and sectional- izers are not used. This makes selective coordination of protective devices a relatively straightforward process for normal system configurations. Table 13-4 lists the settings and other pertinent data for the substation circuit breaker relays on the system. 4-kV_ SYSTEM A prior 4-kV system protective coordination study done by ML&P was reviewed and it was determined, based on the infor- mation available, that the settings of the substation cir- cuit breakers had not changed since the study was conducted. The selectivity of the device settings was reviewed and de- termined to still be good. 12.5-kV_ SYSTEM For the 12.5-kV system, a review of the substation low side protective relay settings and the fuses being applied on the PDR986.042.36 13-5: MLPPORTD MLPPRTTP 0073 + j 0154 MLPSBI3A =MLPSI3AL @) j 3-60 MLPSUBI3- MLPSI3LV ——__}—_____4 0072 + j.0174 | baw ape MLPELMTP .0099 + j.0246 To MLPNTHTP © 10165 + }.0410 © MLPSI3TP 6) 012C + j.0298 MLPALASM Fp © MLPSUBOS: 0152 + j0392 MLPSUBOS 29) UJ i224 MLPSO4TP @ 0070+).0164 0005 + j.0015 iB=O901 0005 "+ j 001 iB = 0016 MLPSOSLV MLPSOSLV ELMENDORF 0156 +), 0384 MLPSSALV al 83)MLPSTHTP MLPSUBO4 @ MLPSO4LV j 1.34 MW j8 =.0001 -0033 + j-0083 MLPSUBO2 8 <—wn+ MLPSO2LV MLPS6ATP © j1.30 -0041 + j,0110 MLPSUBO3 0076 + j0189 j1.32 OM ne MLPSO3LV 0090 + j.0233 0016 + MLP3GMTP MLPSUBIO 0038 +j.0099 jB= j.0016 ee a GASTWRBS or o., 6 @ MLGENPIL 0039 + j.0108 j8 = .0004 } 0035 +j.0091 MLPSIOLV MLPSIZTP i psupi2 MLPSI2LV .000! +0001 MLPII2TP MLPI4NTP MLPSI4TP 0077 MLPSUBI4 (@e) MLPF VWTP jB= .0015 0039 + | 0097 MLP8GMTP j.0041 54 __.0132 + j.0340 iB = .0003 0020 + j.0051 j B= 0004 0045 +j.0135 MLPSUBG6A MLPSOG6LV 2.8... | j8 = 0009 MLPSUBO7 MLPSO7LV © 0017+ j.0044 j 548 C) MLPSUBO6 + MLPSO6LV 0245 + j.0439 jB=.0004 j148 ) MLPSUBO! G8) MLPSOILV MLPSEWTP [1500 __ | j8 = | 0002 0870 + MLPMTVAL Gs) T 0032 + j.cos3 } | iben | JB = .0014 LAT Nw 0058 + j.0165 0444 + j.c699 jB = 0001 MLPMTV WS MLPMTVBL Q @ MLPFVSUB MLPFVSLV ‘0001 0306 + j.0528 = = & oO = 5 3 __.0239 + j.0685 i8 =z o @ 0147 +j0254 0055 + j.0145 MLPAPA35 0643 + j 1109 j8= 0001 0019 + j.0051 MLPSI6LV 0039 + j.0099 {8 = 0017 j8 = .0002 0020 + j.0053 jB=.0008 j -520 e @® MLPSUBOS MLPSUBIS MLPSO8LV X¢ xa Xd Ta Ta T'do 1.52 2.43 1.60 | 0.020 | 1.30 | 7.50 1.52 2.43 1.60 | 0.020 | 1.30 7.50 LEGEND 14.43 2.43 1.59 | 0.020 | 1.30 | 7.50 34.5 KV 5.67 O717 5.22 0704] 0.411] 0.035 | os: 6.57 0.409] 0.035 | 081 6.57 1S Kv 230 KV 4.124 0.567 0.284| 0.040 | 080 | 6.50 2.244 0.344 024i] 0.023 | osi | 3-34 2.095 0.190 5.234 0.124 | 0.023 000! + 5.0002 _| .0003+j.0L08 j8=.0000 | jB=-0001 NLITESTP APAANCSS ! MLPSISLV ' 0014 + j.0063~ jB= .0008 LINES NOT OWNED MLPSIS4LV TO EAST TERMINAL 0029 +).0180 Z MLP230TP | 0032 +j.0084 +i.0203 j8 = .cO33 TO EKLUTNA MLPGENP2 0108 + j.C303 0013 + j.0081 UNIVI38 UNIV230 UNIV34KV —ALL IMPEDANCES ARE ON 100 MVA BASE —SYSTEM CONFIGURATION INCLUDES WORK TO BE COMPLETED, WINTER 1984 LEC 03 084 MUNICIPAL LIGHT & MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE POSITIVE SEQUENCE IMPEDANCE DIAGRAM DRAWN BY SF ENGINEER «bee CHECKED EHS APPROVED DATE APPROVED FIGURE 13-1 sneet_! 1,098+j6.57 Mi. 916) 4.20+ j10.52 (0.20) 1.714 4.28 18MW 18MW 3MW SMW G 3.004 j7.56 : (s (0.140) AIRPORT ZEHNDER 13.00 A : Ger) 2428Ku 2 2 [ese pont GREELY b~3,78+/6.72 | —84.50+/74.03 4.15+j19.63 ——4 GOLD HILL (0.11) 662) ++— (3.000/ (4.75) why 113.00 OT NENANA we 175.0 |~0.47+/0.83 aa 7 ~4:98+ 128.49 (0.01) 663) 24K jarvis GAEER 69 em ate WAINWRIGHT 69kV b—~43.72+ 193.91 (2.61) 4.314) 11.09 FORT — I38kV. HIGHWAY PK (0.208) WAINWRIGHT FS 0,75+)4.89 —0.57+/3.21 GEN ———— 30) (0.07) Pp ~ 4.94+j55.79 ees0) 11.15+/19.78 15+) 19.78 ——W RAILBELT (0.32) J14. a == 114.80 120.90 INTERTIE NOTE: 13.8kV. FOR THIS AREA ONLY, 618) NORTH POLE MOST VALUES OF LINE CHARGING MVAR ARE DOUGLAS (00) +—wiLLow) ANDERSON (08) ——zeLie 1,85+/3.58 L~0.86+/2.15 2.300] 10.554 (0.41) (6.30) 1,39+/4.22 0.85+/2.59 0.76+/2.29 0.38+/1.28 0.38+/1.28 0.10+/0.33 0.80+)2.78 $~0.32+ j0.66 [svs 1,824 ]2.93 (0.60) (0.37) (0.33) (0.15) (0.15) (0.04) (0.32) (0.08) [28,22 (0.33) e wlallel el ttelelelet-~ HERNING SHAW ONEIL LUCAS PALMER J18.00 —— [18.00 36MW 33MW 74MW 78MW 604 —- TEELAND 16éMW 16) 19MW 32MW g gg © FF 115kV. 1.76+/ 10.66 ~d Te ¢23 BRIGGS (2.64) 0.32+j0.84 |@sta.2 b—1.124)3.75 (0.14) (0.48) 0.12+J0.34 0.57+j2.49 0.89+j3.00 1.13+/3.84 1.07+j3.60 (0.06) (0.23) (0.35) (0.48) (0.42) 1SMW~EKLUTNA 1s 0.90+J2.37 (6.38) b—1,584/4.33 (0.50) NOISIASY 0.317+/0.828 AMLP TAP BRIGGS TAP PIPPEL PARKS REED (0.136) . 08) 0.35+/0. + 0.52+/1.36 (0.22) 0.2+j0.51 194 JO. 0.04+j0.10 0.99+/2.79 (0.09) . 0.39+j0.99 (0.02) (0.39) 0.17+j0.44 (ores) .17+J0.. (0.07) STA_15 APA ANCHORAGE 0.64+)1.71 r (or) I6 i b—0.14+)0.63 (0.08) BELUGA PT_WORONZOF. 16MW 16MW S3MW S8MW 68MW 68MW S4MW SSSSSSS 9 ASN ‘133HS SIHL NO HONI 3NO LON di TT ‘ONIMVYG TWNIDINO NO HONI 3NO SI Hve. FMONIGYOOOW SITS {3.04 a et (5.38) ~_4 0.35+j0.45 —F INTERNATIONAL 1.114]7.38 (10.34) (14.34)—-4 0.86+ j0.34 —|— (28.00) Pp P—~2.6+ J 17.4 (4.38) 138kV PT MACKENZIE 2 UNIVERSITY [3.04 Pom /? Xa 48+J1.89 0.54, u 1.30+/0.05 ee —— Zz) (59.34) 2) p~4.4+ [2.86 WEST EAST TERMINAL TERMINAL $30 P—~2,10+9.41 (1.220) INDIAN 1.36+/6.10 (0.790) — >, GIRODWOOD 2.48+ j 11.10 6.25+J27.80 1.84+J8.27 b—~6.05+J27.15 (1.44) (3.63) (1.08) (3.530) HSKV _| nav | sea 115kV, e+ “5 Lusi] owes SOLDOTNA QUARTZ CREEK J14.88 OREEK iss04 a 25.50] 46.58 BERNICE (5.24) €11) €”) 25kV LAKE 2.18+ j8.63 09) = SEWARD DIAMOND RIDGE L1a981IV¥ VaSV1V é-€L SYHNDIlA WALSAS NOISSINSNVHL ‘TRANSFORMER PROTECTION---- Table 13-4 SUBSTATION PROTECTIVE DEVICE SUMMARY DIFF. HV LV HV LV (05640) |) (66! 0.Cc, TIME 0.Cc.0 0.¢. O2c: TIME RECLOSE TIME SUBSTATION FUSE RELAY CIR CIR TAP TAP RELAY = RELAY CIR TAP DIAL INST. RELAY — RELAY CIR TAP DIAL INST. RELAY (SEC) 1 SMD-1A - - - - - " - 2 - - - _-TAC5S1B 400:5 (1) 12A L 10 0-20-40 125E 400:5 (2&3)12A 1 10 IAC51B 400:5 (1) 3A 2 10 400:5 (2&3) 3A 2 10 2 DBA-1 - - - - - * = - - = Gs 400:5 12 1 BLOCK 150E CO-9 ©400:5 3 2 BLOCK 3 DBA-1 - - - - - od - - r - - co-9 400:5 (1&2) 12 7 10 150E 400:5 (3) 12 1 BLOCK CO-9 400:5 (1&2) 3 2 10 400:5 (3) 3 2 ~=BLOCK 4 SMD-1A - - - - - - - - - - - _‘ IAC51B 400:5 (1&2) 12 1 BLOCK 125E 400:5 (3) 12 1 10 IAC51B 400:5 (1&2) 3 2 BLOCK 400:5 (3) 3 2 10 5 EG-1 - - - - - - - - - - - —-TAC51B 300:5 16 2 10 80E IAC51B 300:5 6 3 10 6 - —_‘-BDDIS 600:5 2000:5 3.2 8.7 IAC53B 1200:5 - 2 BLOCK IAC53B 600:5 10 1 10 ACR 0-5-15 300:5 (1,2,5)1 2 15 IAC53B.=—s«-1200:5 3 10 BLOCK IAC53B 600:5 3 10 4 300:5 (1,2,5)4 10 5 6A -EG-1 - - - - - - - - - - - —_‘IAC53B 400:5 10 1 10 65E IAC53B 400:5 ee 10 7 - -BU-1 300:5 2000:5 3.5 4.6 CO-9 1200:5 6 6 BLOCK CO-11 800:5 5 2 BLOCK DRC = O-2-15 BLOCKED co-9 1200:5 4 4 BLOCK cO-11 800:5 5 11/2 BLOCK ON F.7 8 - -HU-1 2 2 2 2 c0-9 2000:5 2 2 BLOCK CO-11 1200:5 ? 2 BLOCK DRC 1200:5 co-9 co-11 1200:5 1200:5 9 EG-1 - - - - - - - - - - - —-TACS1B 400:5 16 1 BLOCK ACR 0-5 80E IAC51B 400:5 5 2 BLOCK 9A —s—DBA-5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 150E 10 SMD-1A - - - - - - - - - - - _‘IAC51B 300:5 16 a 10 50E 12 - HU 50:5 200:5 3.5 5.0 IAC77._—‘IAC77 200:5 4 4 BLOCK - - - - = be LC eS 200:5 2 7 20 - - - - - - PDR976.064.1 Table 13-4 (Continued) DIFF. HV LV HV LW 0.C. O 0.C. TIME 0.c. 0 0.C. 9.C. TIME RECLOSE TIME SUBSTATION FUSE RELAY CIR CIR TAP TAP RELAY RELAY TAP DIAL INST. RELAY RELAY CIR TAP DIAL INST. RELAY (SEC) 13 SMD-1A - - S = = = = - - - IACS1B 300:5 16 aL 10 50E IAC5S1B 300:5 4 2 10 13A EG-1 = & c os - - - a al a = IACS1B 400:5 8 11/2 10 65E IAC51B 400:5 5 2 10 14 = HU-1 200:5 2000:5 3.5 3.8 CO-8 1200:5 10 3. BLOCK CO-11 400:5 10 2 BLOCK RC 5-10 co-8 1200:5 7 8 BLOCK co-11 400:5 3 2 22.5 15 = BDD1S5 400:5 1600:5 3.8 8.7 IAC53B 1200:5 i: 2 BLOCK IAC53B 600:5 10 1 BLOCK ACR 0-5-10 IACS3B 1200:5 3 10 BLOCK IAC53B 600:5 5 10 BLOCK 16 = BDD1S 400:5 1600:5 3.8 8.7 IAC53B 1200:5 7 2 BLOCK IAC53B 600:5 10 1 BLOCK ACR 0-8-16 TAC53B 1200:5 3 10 BLOCK IACS3B 600:5 3 10 BLOCK PDR976.064.2 system determined that, with care in the selection of the fuse sizes and types, selective coordination is not a prob- lem. It is recognized that the use of different types of fuses on the ML&P system sometimes results in fuse applica- tion problems. The relay settings for the transformers, main circuit break- er, feeder breakers, and downstream fuses were reviewed for proper sensitivity, speed, and selectivity. The settings for the transformer differential relays were found to provide proper sensitivity and speed. The settings for the main and feeder circuit breakers were found to provide proper coordination at Substation No. 7. With the following exceptions, the settings for the relays at the remaining substations provided proper coordination: e Substations 6, 15, and 16 Change the feeder breaker ground relay time dial setting to "9" to achieve proper selectivity with the main breaker (time dial was "10"). e Substation 14 Change the feeder breaker ground relay time dial setting to "1" and the tap to "10" to achieve proper coordination with main breaker (time dial was "2" and tap was "3"). . Since the feeder lines are rated for 600 amps normal capacity, the current transformers' ratio of 400/5 is too low. A CT ratio of 800/5 would prevent CT saturation at maximum normal feeder capacity and is recommended in this situation. With CT ratios of 800/5, the relay settings would be identical to those at Substation 7. Refer to Figures 13-3, 13-4, and 13-5 for the time-current curves for the 115/12.5-kV substations. The coordination between the fuses protecting the distribu- tion system is a complex matter requiring careful applica- tion of fuses. The overhead distribution system utilizes Type K fuses, the underground system utilizes Type E, and the facilities acquired from CEA have Type T fuses. This results in possible lack of coordination between dissimilar fuse types. To assist in the application of fuses to the system, Tables 13-5a through 13-5f were developed. They show the maximum short-circuit current for fuse coordination for two fuse combinations involving K and E upstream fuses and K, E, or T downstream fuses. Figures 13-6 through 13-13 PDR986.042.41 13-10 AND FUSE COORDINATION n> 2s = 9 OW ok - <> w ex cOn 3 83 = N L Oe SLIOA ol Hal LV S3YuadWV NI LNAYYND 300001 68 4 9s ee z ooomr68i9S » € z w6ésrc9as v € z ON68L9 S » € z or6s29 Lo" E | | \ i : tit : | ; \ Ty (4 at | ty ~ +4 —— + 4}. 7 eed ree i : | | at | \ zo FY} -++- = t + ++ = este E 420 etek wd : | Bel et | {| | i Hee co +++-++- be {€0" ey lee +—+—— tty} | foe v0" 4 t =] f—}——} mti-- deo igs es 4 + Peay i +—+ a so" t er “¢ 0 | | he 40° iaaaiaal silesinni tai Aiiegest 40° v 80° t cc = aa ee 60° ++ - + r t oo eer 3 Ss Gn! 60° C rot 1-1 | | A 1 { | — | | | $ + : =e L ~+— b-4 ry ea Ppa a t+ oe 7 _ | - | T t —+ +a T ae z ela igi. tt tO 7 +t 4 hea ++ 4 + iG hess! Eee Eas —+——— $44. | sack een t pps +} $—} 44 1 iol jt... 4 = : i» + p=} +--+ | 4 af tf om nal Zi ; s niet g” a + ~ tp pop ; eg) fk +. tt + ++ t aks sh + f+ i i. l et t — Sales ok TT g eee lal a | { at tite dg \ ’ ale s | ! j | i r | i +E 4 1. | | WF ' | jf oh j GES EEE’ 4 z T 1 @ 4 }--+—4—_4 + 1 + + +—- = m £ t= op 2 ; rg HE g s fed z t 38 6 + 16 OL oO | | | i | | ' -+-~i—+ + bt t.. 4 | | 7 \ } i oz 1 | rt 1 S WUE | e i | of ~S. 4 oe Wi beh fn { Ov Ov os . 2. i os 09 + 7 1 1 08 OL } +-py= . ~ on 08 ia} + z ' 08 06 esha ak +++. eta: —--4+-4 4 06 001 . 001 00z tafacfene 4 oo > ] oe + a} + i 00p 4 ~ 1 { | ——$- +: 00s 4 = bef feen sd | j 009 +4 + bot pete fe ped | 002 : eee | put 008 a ape ol Eee Serene) he SEE jf $ 006 t v t Z oy (et ot eet a4 CYCLES AT 60 Hz 1000 © 6 7891 2 3°45 6 78.91 2 2 ter) a2 Spee Pag reaad 29 as4)) 15) 16) 7.8 811999 900 t i iJ 200 ~ | i | aatlaneat 700 et eee a Hehe 600 600 1 il ue 500 i i a 400 ac 300 300 } 200 200 4 | Fuse plOoTAl CLEARWS ~ han 90 80 : a 70 ) Time-2 TAP-7 E cK, teas 50 B TIME- wo TAP-3 ha 1AG- 53. Tn S35. Time- 1 TAP-10 a 20 20 ” K pean 10 10 I 1 9 ; R SooR D1 TAF aA. 8 5 ‘S-L+G Faeut 7 a 6 i 55 5 a 4 4 a” en 3 w 2 = 2 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 © 69 5/708 ia 1.07 06 3 05 04 2 03 02 1 9 mA 8 os Se a TORK | MAMRASR ROS Cal Linn PAS SRG RRaNAaR ESSE Set pa phi Ati? & ABIBEEL | 75 5 678910 2 3 4 5 6789100 2 3 4 5 67891900 2 3 4 5678910900 2 aris 5 6 789 10900 CURRENT IN AMPERES AT_/2,47O _vo.ts Pan 7 eos 9 ¢ SNAG D axa im S<>s moots of Obs S<o So at 29 a 3 z CYCLES AT 60 Hz hoool® (6) 7/8910 2 34 567891 2 3..4..5.6.2891. ~ 2 32. 4§ 61891... eae h a ¥5 | 9) 61-7 $181 G90 900 > ‘ { \ | ae 800 i { i ‘ in 700 ; fee | 600 i tole | Yide:3 400 1 ~ TAP= 0, INST. - HecK. ,.,, NS/2.5KV 2 Hs (3kt, 3M Pekin ita BSE i B- TIME -~8 300 7 Seitatd fae F T, INST ‘Buocn 7 - COlll . TIME il K-LinK, 5 bee, | F Tate’ 1a, ash + Bueck™ Klink war | ID- con, TIME =i2 ToTAt CLEARWG == TAP-3, INST-22.5 i ‘30 ie ‘€- Con Time -[ go 4 TAP 10 NST. 70 60 rf 60 50 4 ; + fe fn at settee t 50 ao . ond at 40 ht en: SVEED |\ 30 ‘20 20 ue so X 4 20 \ { { | ! i ! 19 eT el ‘9 8 a t 8 Fs 7 + i a oO 6 + i 6 55 AN + 5 a 4 N Y 4 : i "D>" (E) | \ = 3 + } <b at 3 w : j = 3 | \ Fo f caf 2 = | ZI. or ~~ } shv-24 eo 7 | Ok! \ | ee i | 3 Se eee MA F cr me 3 : 8 TAN rs " 6 { 4 dees +4 TH 6 5 | oth — 5 4 ‘ i 4 ue He A) ‘4 ! | eialdl i \ ht | 2 : | t r+ ont seta 2 ‘ 1 lee Ld | \ € - KEse TE é\ F | ae Recomm enpatins + Re nk 1 _ Ebel aoe es Sh Serene acre Ty Vi oo j oe BRERKER - DEVIC et con as a et ie 5 rae ott tte! SKA 1D) ©) aa Ve _ Titosd ertah! met KA UC tas aa Rabie EN mis: | rae a DSN NK 5 — 04 " 03 Ly 6s et ore nid i | at 1 { 7 : 03 Tt Cy 1 4 mA el 02 . AC LIE | | “7 , Max! ef Facet : 02 3 pees) D ner ai Fak 7 ! ' a Pes 678910 moms 5 789100 2 3 4 5 67891000 2 3 i rane WIT als eas le NOILVNIGHOOS 3SN4 GNV AV14UY AX Leeh bl NOILVLSENS S-€b 3YNDIS CURRENT IN AMPERES at_ 4 YO _vorts are the time current curves (minimum melting time and total clearing time) for the following fuse types: Positrol "K" speed SMU standard speed SMD and SMU slow speed Positrol "T" speed The use of Tables 13-5a through 13-5f will provide a guide to fuse application. Our review of distribution system protective coordination indicated that the feeder breakers coordinate with down- stream fuses 200 amps and smaller. As previously mentioned, the ML&P 12.5-kV distribution system has many possible switching configurations which provides a great deal of flexibility in isolating portions of the system for construction or because of outages. The large amount of construction taking place on the system has necessitated frequent switching changes. Protective device coordination was not reviewed for these various configura- tions. Use of Tables 13-5a through 13-5f will allow indi- vidual situations to be checked for coordination. The time-current curves for the substations include fuse curves for the following S&C type fuses: e Positrol K-link, 200 amp and 140 amp e SMU-20 K type 200 amp e SMU-20 slow speed 200 amp We did not identify a need for additional protective devices. 34.5-kV_ SYSTEM The protective relaying for the 34.5-kV ring bus at Plant No. 1 consists of: e Under-frequency load shedding relays with very inverse phase and ground relays on the feeder breakers e Over-voltage relays with extremely inverse phase and ground relays on the main breakers to the 115/34.5-kV transformers e Bus and transformer differential relays A review of the ML&P relay coordination study revealed proper coordination between the feeder breaker at Plant No. 1 and the primary side fuse of each substation transformer. Also PDR986.042.45 13-14 MAXIMUM SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT IN RMS AMPS FOR FUSE COORDINATION 200 140 mnay 100 MuKH nw 80 65 50 4 EREPmwmHnaz2ez00 Q2AHHADDW nv ep 40 30 25 20 Type 200 1300 6500 8000 8800 9100 9300 9400 9500 9600 Table 13-5a "K" Speed - Upstream Fuse Rating - RMS AMPS 140 750 2500 4700 5500 6000 6300 6500 6600 Type "K" Speed S&C Positrol Fuse Type "T" Speed S&C Positrol Fuse Link 100 220 320 1500 2800 3500 3800 4000 Link 80 65 50 180 220 130 950 190 100 2300 1000 150 2800 1700 800 3000 2200 1500 40 30 25 120 65 520 90 50 The maximum current values contained in this table represent the intersec- tion of the total clearing time-current curve of the load side fuse link with the minimum melting time-current curve without adjustment for preload- ing the fuse links to their ampere rating. PDR986.135.4 13-15 Table 13-5b MAXIMUM SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT IN RMS AMPS FOR FUSE COORDINATION Type "E" Speed - Upstream Fuse Rating - RMS AMPS *200 175 150 125 100 80 65 50 40 30 25 *200 F T U 175 ** Y s R P E M 150 7500 900 E s 125 8100 3200 2000 E 100 8800 4600 3800 2100 80 9100 5100 4400 3000 1400 ZErPmywWmHnzzonvd Q2HHA PY Ww nv 65 9200 5800 4800 3500 2100 900 50 9300 6200 5100 4000 2800 1900 1200 40 9400 6500 5200 4100 3000 2200 1600 600 30 9500 6600 5300 4150 3100 2300 1800 1000 600 25 9600 6700 5350 4200 3200 2400 1900 1200 850 270 20 9700 6800 5400 4250 3300 2500 2000 1350 1000 650 350 * Type "E" Slow Speed S&C SMU-20 Fuse Link. All others are Type "E" Standard Speed S&C SMU-290 Fuse Link. ** Coordinates between 400 and 6500 amps. The maximum current values contained in this table represent the intersection of the total clearing time-current curve of the load side fuse link with the minimum melting time-current curve without adjustment for preloading the fuse links to their ampere rating. PDR986.135.5 13-16 Table 13-5c MAXIMUM SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT IN RMS AMPS FOR FUSE COORDINATION Type "E" Speed - Upstream Fuse Rating - RMS AMPS *200 175 150 125 100 80 65 50 40 30 25 200 F T D U 140 is 370 YO SR P W E M 100 4600 2800 E N s s R 80 5500 4000 2000 K T AA R T M 65 5900 4500 3000 1600 E) |X| ||P A N S 50 6100 4800 3500 2300 1400 M G 40 6200 5100 3700 2700 2000 600 30 6300 5200 3900 2000 2300 1300 850 25 6300 5300 4000 3100 2500 1600 1200 650 20 6300 5300 4100 3200 2600 1700 1400 940 600 * Type "E" Slow Speed S&C SMU-20 Fuse Link. All others are Type "E" Standard Speed S&C SMU-20 Fuse Link, Type "K" Speed S&C Positrol Fuse Link. : ** Coordinates below 430 and above 650 amps. The maximum current values contained in this table represent the intersection of the total clearing time-current curve of the load side fuse link with the minimum melting time-current curve without adjustment for preloading the fuse links to their ampere rating. PDR986.135.6 13-17 200 140 manda 100 muKH Os w 80 65 50 na ERPrPrmwWwHnzzows QAHHAD DW HUE YP 40 30 25 20 Type 200 6100 8900 9100 9300 9500 9500 9500 9500 9500 Table 13-5d MAXIMUM SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT IN RMS AMPS FOR FUSE COORDINATION "K" Speed - Upstream Fuse Rating - RMS AMPS 140 4900 5700 6000 6300 6500 6600 6600 6600 100 2100 3100 3600 3900 4100 4200 4200 Type "K" Speed S&C Positrol Fuse Link 80 1700 2400 2800 3100 3200 3300 65 1100 1900 2300 2400 2500 50 40 30 25 1000 1600 850 1800 1200 400 1900 1400 700 400 The maximum current values contained in this table represent the intersec- tion of the total clearing time-current curve of the load side fuse link with the minimum melting time-current curve without adjustment for preload- ing the fuse links to their ampere rating. PDR986.135.7 13-18 Table 13-5e MAXIMUM SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT IN RMS AMPS FOR FUSE COORDINATION Type "E" Speed - Upstream Fuse Rating - RMS AMPS *200 175 150 125 100 80 65 50 40 30 *200 F T D U 140 Y O S R P WE M 100 600 410 270 E N s s R 80 4000 2200 330 200 T T AA R T M 65 5400 4400 2200 260 170 S| || 2 AN S 50 6100 5200 3700 1300 210 130 M G 40 6600 5800 4300 2700 780 170 100 30 7000 6100 4900 3400 2200 1200 130 80 25 7100 6300 5100 3700 2700 1900 400 95 20 7200 6400 5200 4000 3000 2300 1300 6U0 75 50 Type "K" Speed S&C Positrol Fuse Link Type "T" Speed S&C Positrol Fuse Link The maximum current values contained in this table represent the intersection of the total clearing time-current curve of the load side fuse link with the minimum melting time-current curve without adjustment for preloading the fuse links to their ampere rating. PDR986.135.8 13-19 25 *200 175 munca 150 MuKH Oz Dw 125 100 80 fe) RrPmwHAnzstovd aZHADD Hv zy 65 50 40 30 25 20 Type 200 4500 5000 6100 6800 7100 7300 7400 7500 7600 7600 7600 Table 13-5f MAXIMUM SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT IN RMS AMPS FOR FUSE COORDINATION "K" Speed - Upstream Fuse Rating - RMS AMPS 140 ak 3400 3900 4500 4800 5000 5100 5100 5100 100 950 1800 2600 2800 2900 3000 3100 80 400 1700 2000 2150 2300 2400 * Type "E" Slow Speed S&C SMU-20 Fuse Link. Standard Speed S&C SMU-20 Fuse Link. © Type "K" Speed S&C Positrol Fuse Link. 65 50 650 1300 500 1500 1050 1700 1200 1800 1300 All others ** Coordinates below 300 amperes and above 1500 amperes. 40 30 25 350 700 150 950 480 100 are Type "E" The maximum current values contained in this table represent the intersection of the total clearing time-current curve of the load side fuse link with the minimum melting time-current curve without adjustment for preloading the fuse links to their ampere rating. PDR986.135.9 13-20 Sasnd y AdAL AWIL ONILISZW WOWININ 9-€L 3YHNDIA aS CU RKESS MEt ist CURRENT IN AMPERES MINIMUM MELTING TIME-CURRENT CHARACTERISTIC CURVES POSITROL® FUSE LINKS—S&C “K” SPEED BASIS —These fuse links are tested in accordance win the proce- dures described in ANS! Standard C37.41-1981, to comply with ANS! Standard C37,42-1981. As required by these standards, the minimum melting current is not less than 200% of fuse-link ampere rating, and the minimum melting curves are based on tests starting with the fuse link at an ambient temperature of 25°C and no initial load CONSTRUCTION—F for tuse tink: K through 100K amper re silve lly Coiled, fusible elements tor fuse links rated 140K and 200K amperes are silver-tin. All are of solderless construction TOLERANCES—Curves are plotted to minimum test points. Maxi- mum variations within the coordinating range (melting times less than 10 seconds) expressed in current valu' Plus 10% for links 1d 6K throug! mperes, Plus 20% for fuse links rated 140K and 200K amp - APPLICATION—Like all nigh-voltage fuses, these fuse links are ntended to accommodate overloads, not to interrupt them. Accordingly, they feature fusible elements which are designed with a minimum melting current of 200% of the tuse-link ampere rating (lor fuse links rated 100K amperes or less) or 220% of the As a result, these fuse links have cons: Capabilities, Nowever, they should never be exposed to loading sn excess of the peak-load capabilities listed in S&C Data Bulletin 350-190 ) Since fuse links having silver ment construction are not sub- ject to damage by aging or transient overcurrents, it is unnec- wssaty to replace undlown fuse links of such construction in single-phase or three-phase installations when one or more fuse links have blown. However, it is advi to replace unblown silver-tin element fuse links under the same conditions, since— while not subject to aging—they may be damaged by transient overcurrents. COORDINATION—Any preloading reduces melting time. While this phenomenon is especially pronounced in fuse links by these curves and adjustments to these curves must be made: 1. When close coordination is required, 2. When automatic circuit reclosers or three-shot cutouts are involved; 3. When, regardiess of the preciseness of coordination, the fuse link jubjected to temporary ov if close coordination is to be achieved, overloading must be avoided since it causes a significant shift in time-current istic ‘ use of the damageability of silv nt fuse s (rated 140K and 200K amperes), setback allowances must be used in coordinating these fuse links as “protected” devices. These are applied by reducing the current value in the above curves by 10%. On the other hand, silver-element fuse links (rated 6K through 100K amperes) are nondamageable, and no such setback allowances are necessary. The exclusive use of S&C Positrol Fuse Links—because of their inherently narrower tolerance band and because of their nondam- ageability—will expand the scope of coordination as follows: 1. Coordination of preterred with adjacent intermediate ratings, giving twice as many sectionalizing points. This is true for the sequence operation of fuse links alone, of for the sequence operation of fuse links coordinated with automatic circuit reclosers. 2. Coordination of a larger number of fuse-link ratings with a given automatic circuit recloser between the fast and re! id curves. 3. Coordination through a greater range, and to higher levels of fault current, with respect to automatic circuit reciosers. 4. Coordination to higher levels of fault current with respect to sequence operation of fuse links. The breadth of coordination described above can be obtained only by the use of S&C Positrol Fuse Links. No fuse link of low- temperatur ent construction (tin, lap-joint) can provide sim- ilar perform MOTE-A coordination scheme designed to take full advantage of the nondamageability and the superior coordination capabil of S&C Positro! Fuse Links may not function sa! links of the speed bul of other mi However, S&C “K” Speed Positro! Fuse Lin! &@ one-for-one basis, other manufacturers’ “K” speed tus in existing coordi jon schemes. Such replacements, unlike tin- element fuse lin re Not subject to nuisance fuse operations ("sneakouts”) due to damage from surge currents, load cycling, vibration, and aging FUSE LINKS AVAILABLE— ...6K through 200K .6K through 200K Extra-Pertormance 20 Hwht NI SCGNOOF SaSNd M AdAL AWIL SNIYV3ST9 WLOL 2-€4 SYNDId 2 i 4 » 6 7 8900 2 5 4 $$ 6 7 890 CURRENT IN AMPERES 2 » «6 $0 0 00S Med. 200 300 rored 1F Hs 1+} 1 so 0 Wms CURRENT IN AMPERES 200 300 6K, 10K, 15K, 25K, 40K, 65K, 100K, 140K, AND 200K ARE PREFERRED RATINGS; 8K, 12K, 20K, . 30K, SOK, AND 80K ARE INTERMEDIATE RATINGS. fi E TOTAL CLEARING TIME-CURRENT CHARACTERISTIC CURVES BASIS—These fuse links are tested in accordance with the proce- dures described in ANSI indard C37.41-1981, to comply with ANSI SI 1d C37.42-1981. As required by thi indards, the jum melting Zurrent is not less than 200% of tus: ampere rating, and the minimum melting and total clearing curves are based on tests starting with the fuse link at an ambient temperature of 25°C and no initial load CONSTRUCTION—Fusibie elements tor use links rated 6K through 100K amperes are silver, Nelically coiled; fusible elements for fuse links rated 140K and 200K amperes are silver-tin. All are of solderiess construction TOLERANCES—Curves are plotted to maximum test points. All variations are minus APPUCATION—Like all nigh-voltage fuses, these fuse links are intended to accommodate overloads, not to interrupt them. Accordingly, they feature fusible ments which are desi with a minimum melting current of 200% of the fuse-link ampere rating (for fuse links rated 100K amperes or less) or 220% of the fuse-link ampere rating (for fuse links rated over 100K-emperes). As @ resull, these fuse links Nave considerable peak-load Capabilities, howe: they should never be exposed to loading in excess of the pi -load Capabilities listed in S&C Data Bulletin 350-190 Since fuse links Nnaving silver element Construction are not sdb- ject to damage by aging or transient overcurrents, it is unnec- essary to replace unblown fuse links of such construction in more fuse iks have blown. However, it is advisable to replace unblown silver-tin element fuse links under the same conditions, since— while not subject to aging—they may be damaged by transient overcurrents. COORDINATION—These curves represent the total time required for a fuse link to melt and interrupt It current, lollowed in coordination problems where fuse links ‘protecting” devices. Any preloading reduces melting time. With respect to the “pro- tected” fuse, the effect of preloading must be determined and adjustments made to its minimum melting curve: 1. When close coordination is required; 2. When automatic circuit reclosers or three-shot cutouts are involved: 3. When, regardiess of the preciseness of coordination, the pro- tected fuse is subjected to temporary overloads. 1 close coordination is to be achieved, overloading must be avoided since it causes a significant shift in time-current characteristics. of S&C Positrol Fuse Link: tolerance band and becau: ‘because of their of their non- 1 Coordination of prelerred with adjacent intermediate ratings, giving twice as many sectionalizing points. This is true for the sequence op jon of fuse links alone, or for the sequence o; circuit reciosers. 2. Coordination of a larger number of fuse-link ratings with a given automatic circuit recioser between the fast and retarded curves. 3. Coordination through a greater range, and to higher levels of fault current, with respect to automatic circuit reciosers. 4. Coordination to higher levels of fault current with respect to sequence operation of fuse links ion of fuse links Coordinated with automatic The breadth of coordination described above can be obtained only by the use of S&C Positrol Fuse Links. No fuse link of low- temperature element construction (tin, lap-joint) can provide sim- War performance. WNOTE—A coordination scheme designed to take full advantage of the nondamageability and the superior coordination capabiliti of S&C Positrol Fuse Links may not function satisfactorily it fuse links of the same speed bi substituted er, S&C Speed Positrol Fuse Links can replace. on a one-for-one basis, other manufacturers’ “K” speed fuse links i iting Coordination schemes. Such replacements, unlike tin- element fuse links, are not subject to nuisance fu: perations kouts") due to damage from surge currents, load cycling, vibration, and aging FUSE LINKS AVAILABLE— Ampere Ratings .6K through 200K 6K through 200K Uni WB sesee Extra-Performance 000 900 toe 100 400 $00 % ov ry) 0 cr) 0s o 02 0? 0 SGNODAS NI JWLL SASNJ G3aadS GUYVGNVLS 3 AdAL AWIL ONILTSW WaWiININ 8-1 3YNDIS =seins CURRENT IN AMPERES MINIMUM MELTING TIME-CURRENT CHARACTERISTIC CURVES BASIS—These fuse units a: dures described in ANSI Standard C37.41-1981, and they are rated to comply with ANSI Standard C37.46-1981. As required by these standards, the minimum melting current is not less than 200% of fuse-unit ampere rating, and the minimum melting curves are based On tests starting with the fuse unit al an ambient temperature of 25°C and no initial load CONSTRUCTION —Fusibie elements for fuse units rated 3E through 7E amperes are nickel-chrome, under controlled tension; fusible elements for fuse units rated 10€ through 300E amperes are silver, Nelically coiled. All are of solderiess construction TOLERANCES—Curves are plotted to minimum test points. Maxi- mum variations expressed in current vali e: Plus 10% for 10E through 300E ampe: ings Plus 15% for SE through 7E ampere ratings Plus 20% for 3E ampere rating APPLICATION—Like all high-voltage fuses, these fuse units are intended to accommodate overloads, not to interrupt them. Accordingly, they feature fusible elements which are designed with a minimum melting current of 200% of the fuse-unit ampere rating (for fuse units rated 100 amperes or less) or 220% of the fuse-unit amper AS a result, t! considerable pi 8; however, they should never be sed to loading s of the peak-load capabilities listed in S&C Data Bulletin 210-190 for SMO Fuse Units, of S&C Data Buj- letin 240-190 tor SMU Fuse Units. Since fuse units having nickel-chrome or silver element con- struction are not subject to damage by aging oF rents, it is unnecessary to rey unblown fuse units of either of these constructions in single-phase or three-phase installations when one or more fuse units have blown. COORDINATION—Any preloading reduces melting time. While this phenomenon is especially pronounced in other makes of fuses having minimum melting currents appreciably rating, the effect of preloadin, it nonethel: for the S&C fuse units represented by t Bulletin 210-195 for SMD Fu made: coordination is required; jardiess of the preciseness of coordination, the fuse jubjected to temporary overloads. @ cases where the Coordination requirements may be ing, for examy coordinating a ti mer primary fuse with a secondary bre ind a source-side breaker. The time interval between the operating characteristics of the two breakers may be yery narrow. Under these circumstances there must be an extremely short time interval between the minimum melting and the total clearing characteristics of the fuse. The tus time interval ment of pre 1. Aslittle as 10% total tolerance in melting current—compared to the 20% tolerance of many fuses (20% and 40% respectively in terms of time). 2. No “safety-zone” or setback allowances. This narrow time band normally will provide the desired coordi- nation. If the selected S&C Standard Speed fuse unit does not meet the coordination requirements, check to see if the same ampere rating in the S&C Slow Speed or S&C Very Slow Speed will satisty. Sometimes a selected ampere rating will fail to meet the coordi- nation requirements in any available speed. In this case the selec- tion of another ampere rating for either the protecting or protected fuse usually will satisfy all requirements Do not assume that other fuses that do not employ S&C’s silver helically coiled fusible element construction can bi coordination impa: of another ampere 11 of the S&C speed options. Su i speeds, “super-siow” speeds, and of “salety-zone™ or set! FUSE UNITS AVAILABLE— Type Kv Nom. Ratings Ampere Ratings SMD-1A* . .34.5 through 69 . 3E through 200E SMD-1A.. 115/138 . 10E through 100E SMD-2B* »- 69. . 3E through 300E SMD-2B* 115 and 138 . 3E through 250E SMD-2C* 34.5 and 46 . 3€ through 300E SMD-3 Lids lo . 3E through 300E SMU-20 - 14.4 through 34.5. . SE through 200E SMD-50.. . .345 through 69... . SE through 100€ * These. curve: Iso applicable lo previous designs desig- nated SMO-1, SMO-2, SMO-2A, and SMO-28. tone NI SING? S3aSN4 G33adS GUYVGNVLS 3 AdAL AWIL DNIYV319 1VWLOL 6-€b SYNDIS brio 20 0 0 $0 60 20 0 0 30 0 0 mms won mnms CURRENT IN AMPERES 2322328 i 3 CTIRRENT IN AMPERES raft bELE roi TOTAL CLEARING TIME-CURRENT CHARACTERISTIC CURVES SMU FUSE UNITS—S&C STANDARD SPEED BASIS—These fuse units are tested in accordance with the proce- dures described in ANS! Standard C37.41-1981, and they are rated to comply with ANSI Standard C37.46-1961. As required by these standards, the minimum melting current is not less than 200% of fuse-unit ampere rating, and the minimum melting and total clear- ing curves are based on tests starting with the fuse unit at an ambient temperature of 25°C and no initial load CONSTRUCTION —Fusible elements for fuse units rated SE and 7E amperes are nickel-chrome, under controlled tension; fusil ments for fuse units rated 10E through 200E amperes ai helically coiled All are of solderless construction silver, TOLERANCES —Curves are plotted to maximum test points. All vari- ations are minus APPLICATION—Like all high-voltage fuses, these fuse units are intended to accommodate overloads, not to interrupt them. Accord- ingly, they feature fusible elements which are designed with a minimum melting current of 200% of the fuse-unit ampere rating (for fuse units rated 100 amperes or less) or 220% of the fuse-unit ampere rating (for fuse units 5 over 100 amperes). As a result, these fuse units nave considerable peak-load capabilities, however, they should never be exposed to loading in excess of the peak-load capabilities listed in S&C Data Bulletin 240-190. Since fuse units having nickel-chrome or silver element con- struction are Not subject to damage by aging or transient overcur- rents, it is unnecessary to replace unblown fuse units of eithegot these constructions in single-phase or three-phase installations when one or more fuse units have blown COORDINATION—These curves represent the total time required for a fuse unit to melt and interrupt a fault current, and should be followed in coordination problems where fuses are applied as “pro- tecting” devices. Any preloading reduces melting time. With respect to the “pro- tected” fuse, the effect of preloading must be determined and adjustments made to Its minimum melting curve: 1. When close coordination is required; 2. When, regardiess of the preciseness of coordination, the pro- tected fuse is subjected to temporary overloads. There are ci where the coordination requirements. may be very exacting, for example, in coordinating a transformer primary fuse with a secondary breaker and a source-side breaker. The time interval between the operating characteristics of t! very narrow. Uni extremely short time interval between the minimum melting andthe total clearing characteristics of the fuse. The fuse units represented by these curves possess this short ince—having a nondamageable fusible ele- hey require: 10% fotal tolerance in melting current—compared to the 20% tolerance of many fuses (20% and 40% respectively in terms of time). 2. No “safety zone” or setback allowances This narrow time band normally will provide the desired coordi- lected S&C Standard Speed fuse unit does not m ion requirements, the selection of another ampere rating for either the protecting or protected fuse usually will satisty Do not assume that other fuses that do not employ S&C's silver, helically coiled fusible element construction can better resolv coordination impasse than the use of another ampere rating in one of the S&C speed options. Such o! cluding “time-lag” Speeds, “super-siow” speeds, and h-surge” speeds, require the use of “safety-zone” or setback allowances and, in addition, they have larger construction tolerances (plus 20% in current: plus 40% In terms of time). The application of these two factors will give a time interval between justed mini: melting curve and the total clearing curve gr: r than in the case of S&C speed options FUSE UNITS AVAILABLE— Type Ky Nom. Rating Ampere Ratings SMU-20 .. 44 SE through 200E 1000 100 700 400 500 400 300 200 100 0 4 1) 50 «0 20 o oo 0 o os 0 02 02 aS NI 3WIL SGNO>D: S3SN4 Ga3adS MONS 3 AdAL SWIL SNILISW WnWiINIW OL-€b SYHNDIS 15E sep ae We per Se neeaes Bales + i peels i NUNES NN eB ACN WANA : CANNES OA AAA AT NL SAANTACN Gy WEN N WANA NTEN NEN NANI NUONS ENUM ENES AN AK \N NEE : 3 32233 MINIMUM MELTING TIME-CURRENT CHARACTERISTIC CURVES SMD AND SMU FUSE UNITS—S&C SLOW SPEED BASIS—These fuse units are tested in accordance with the proce- dures described in ANS! Standard C37.41-1961, and they are rated to comply with ANSI! Standard C37.46-1981. As required by these is, the minimum melting current is not less than 200% of nit ampere rating, and the minimum melting curves are based sts starting with the fuse unit at an ambient temperature of 25°C and no initial load CONSTRUCTION —Fusible elements are silver, nelically coiled, and of solderiess construction TOLERANCES—Curves are plotted to minimum test points. Maxi- mum variations expressed in current values are plus 10%. APPLICATION—Like ali high-voltage fuses, these fuse units are intended to accommodate overloads, not to interrupt them. Accordingly, they feature fusible elements which are designed with a minimum melting current of 200% of the fuse-unit ampere (for fuse units rated 100 amperes or tess) of 220% of the nit ampere rating (for fuse units rated over 100 amperes). As a result, these fuse units have considerable peak-load Capabilities; however, they should never be exposed te loading in excess of the peak-load capabilities listed in S&C Data Bulletin 210-190 for SMO Fuse Units, or S&C Data Bul- letin 240-190 for SMU Fuse Units. Since these fuse units Nave silver element construction whichis Not subject to damage by aging or transient overcurrents, itis unnecessary to replace unblown fuse units in single-phase or three-phase installations when one or more fuse units have blown. COORDINATION—Any preloading reduces melting time. While this phenomenon Is especially pronounced in other makes of fuses having minimum melting currents appreciably less than 200% of rating, the effect of preloading must nonetheless be determined for the S&C fuse units represented by these curves (see S&C Data Bulletin 210-195 for SMD Fuse Units, or S&C Data Bul- letin 240-195 for SMU Fuse Units) and adjustments to these curves must be made: 1. When close coordination is required; 2. When, regardless of the preciseness of coordination, the fuse unit Is subjected to temporary overloads. There are cases where the coordination requirements may be very exacting, for example, in coordinating a transformer primary fuse with a secondary breaker and a source-side breaker. The time interval between the operating characteristics of the two breakers may be very narrow. Under these circumstances there must be an extremely short time interval between the minimum melting and the total Claaring characteristics of the fuse. The fuse units represented by these curves possess this short time interv: ire, since—having a nondamageabie fusible ele- ment of precise construction—they require: 1, Aslittle as 10% fota/ tolerance in melting current—compared to the 20% tolerance of many fuses (20% and 40% respectively in terms of time). 2. No “salety-zone” or setback allowances. This narrow time band normally will provide the desired coordi- nation. If the selected S&C Slow Speed fuse unit does not meet the coordination requirements, check to see if the same ampere rating in the S&C Very Slow Speed will satisty. Sometimes a selected ampere rating will fail to meet the coordi- nation requirements in any available speed. in this case the selec- tion of another ampere rating for either the protecting or protected fuse usually will satisfy all requirements. Do not assume that other fuses that do not employ S&C's silver, helically coiled fusible element construction can better resolve a coordination impasse than the use of another ampere rating in one of the S&C speed options. Such other fuses, including “time-lag” speeds, “super-siow” speeds, and “high-surge” speeds, require the use of “safety-zone” or setback allowances and, in addition, they have larger construction tolerances (plus 20% in current; plus 40% in terms of time). The application of these two factors will give a time interval between the adjusted minimum melting curve and the total clearing curve greater than in the case of S&C speed options. FUSE UNITS AVAILABLE— Type Kv Nom. Ratings Ampere Ratings SMO-1A* . A 1SE through 200E SMO-1A .. 1SE through 100E SMO-2B SMO-2B SMD-2C: SMO-3* SMU-20* . SE through 300E SE through 2S0E SE through 300E SE through 300E SE through 200 SMD-5O .. 1SE through 100E * These curves are also applicable to previous designs desig- mated SMD-1, SMD-2, SMD-2A, SMD-2B, SMO-2C, and SMD-20. of oe oe oe 02 intl sep NO) De 23 U5 m> mo ° wo o> =z OZ mo ma ee | c™ a m o bb-€b SYHNDIS a) » » o $0 so 00 1 0 08 a) 20 30 4 it! ee CURRENT IN AMPERES 2 & § 882832 g ye Rtn red ll ATT perafoseifet ‘ + tetcit if init onus i + z 2 § FRB g CURRENT IN AMPERRS 1000 $000 6000 }000 8000 9000 10000 20000 30000 40000 $0000 40000 TOTAL CLEARING TIME-CURRENT CHARACTERISTIC CURVES SMU FUSE UNITS—S&C SLOW SPEED BASIS—These fuse units are tested in accordance with the proce- dures described in ANS! Standard C37.41-1961, and they are rated to comply with ANS! Standard C37.46-1981. As required by these ling current is not than 200% of ing, and the minimum melting and total cl ing curves s starting with the fuse unit at an ambient temperature of 25°C and no initial load CONSTRUCTION—Fusible elements ar of solderiess construction iver, helically coiled, and TOLERANCES —Curves are plotted to maximum test points. All vari- ations are minus APPLICATION—Like all high-voltage fuses, these fuse ur intended to accommodate overlo: jupt them. Accor ingly, they feature fusible elements which are designed with a minimum melting current of 200% of the fuse-unit ampere rating (lor tuse units rated 100 amperes or less) or 220% of the fuse-unit ampere rating (for fuse units rated over 100 amp: these fuse u 8). As a result, Capabilities listed in S&C Data Bulletin 240-190. Since these fuse units Nave silver element construction which is Not subject to lage by aging or transient overcurrents, it is unnecessary to replace unblown fuse units in single-phasb or three-phase installations when one or more fuse units have blown. COORDINATION—These curves represent the total time required for a fuse unit to melt and interrupt a fault current, and should be followed in coordination problems where fuses are applied as “pro- tecting” devices. Any preloading reduces melting time. With respect to the “pro- tected” fuse, the effect of preloading must be determined and adjustments made to its minimum melting curve: 1. When close coordination is required; 2. When, regardiess of the preciseness of coordination, the pro- tected fuse is subjected to temporary overloads. There are cases where the coordination requirements may be xacting, for example, in coordinating a transformer primary with @ secondary breaker and a source-side breaker. The time interval between the operating characteristics of the two breakers may be very narrow. Under these circumstances there must be an remely short time interval between the minimum melting and the total clearing characteristics of the fuse. The fuse units represented by these curves possess this short time interval feature, since—naving a nondamageabie fusible ele- ment of precise construction—they requir 1. Aslittle as 10% total tolerance in melting current—compared to the 20% tolerance of many fuses (20% and 40% respectively in terms of time). 2. No“s ty zone” or setback allowances. This narrow time band normally will provide the desired coordi- nation. If the selected S&C Slow Speed fuse unit does not meet the coordination requirements, check to see if the same amper ing in the S&C Standard Speed will satisty Sometimes a selected ampere rating will {ail to meet the coordi- nation requirements in any available speed. In this case the selec- tion of another ampere rating for either the protecting or protected fuse usually will satisty all requirements. Do not assume that other fuses that do not employ S&C's silver, helically coiled fusible element construction can better resolve coordination impasse than the use of another ampere rating in one of the S&C speed options. Such other tuses, including “time-! and, in addition, they nces (plus 20% in current; plus 40% gives time interval between the adjusted minimum melting curve and the total cl have in terms of time). The application of these two factors wi ger construction tol FUSE UNITS AVAILABLE— Type SMU-20 Kv Nom. Ratings . 72and 144 Ampere Ratings 15E through 200€ 900 800 10% e0e ae 0 20 09 08 07 06 os o« 02 o6e AW NI SGNODAS CURRENT IN AMPERES 0 0 0 00 2 8 3 892832 g ee 2 3 es 6 7 89 n » #822254! Sasnd 1 3dAL Zt-eL AHNDIA SWIL ONILISW WOWINIW eofenggfea n » ' a“ CURRENT IN AMPERES so enum z z i 6T, 10T, 15T, 25T, 40T, T, 100T, 140T, AND 200T ARE PREFERRED RATINGS; 8T, 12T, 20T, 30T, SOT, AND SOT ARE INTERMEDIATE RATINGS, + tin: f EE EREEQ MINIMUM MELTING TIME-CURRENT CHARACTERISTIC CURVES POSITROL® FUSE LINKS—S&C “‘T” SPEED BASIS—These fuse links ar d In accordance with the proce- dures described jn ANS! Standard C37.41-1981, to comply with ANSI Standard C37.42-1981. As required by these standards, the minimum melting current is not less than 200% of fuse-link ampere rating, and the minimum melting curves are based on tests starting with the fuse link at an ambient temperature of 25°C 4nd no initial load. CONSTRUCTION—F: ents for fuse lint ted 6T through 100T amperes are silver-copper eutectic, helically coiled; fusible elements for fuse links rated 140T and 200T amperes are Cast tin. All are of solderiess construction. TOLERANCES—Curves are plotted to minimum test points. Maxis mum variations within the coordinating range (melting time: nan 10 seconds) expressed in current values ar “Plus 10% for fuse links rated 6T through 100T ampe: Plus 20% for fuse links rated 140T and 200T amper APPLICATION—Like ali high-voltage fuses, these fuse links are intended to accommodate overloads, not to interrupt them. Accordingly, they feature fusible elements which arg designed with a minimum melting current of 200% of the fuse-link ampere rated 100T amperes or less) or 220% of in excess of the peak-load capabilities listed in S&C Qata Bulletin 350-190. Since fuse links having silver-copper eutectic element construc- tlon are not subject to damage by aging or transient overcurrents, itis unnecessary to replace unblown fuse links of such construc- tion in ‘single-phase or three-phase installations when one or more fuse links have blown. However, it is advisable to replace unblown cast-tin element fuse links under the same conditions, since they may be damaged by transient overcurrents. COORDINATION—Any preloading reduces melting time. While this phenomenon is especially pronounced in fuse links having min- imum melting currents appreciably less than 200% of rating, the effect of preloading (: ribed in S&C Data Bulletin 350-195) must nonetheless be determined for the fuse links represented by these curves and adjustments to these curves must be made: 1, When close coordination is required; 2. When automatic circult reclosers or three-shot cutouts are involved; 3. When, regardless of the preciseness of coordination, the fuse link jubjected to temporary over s. If close coordination is to be achieved, overloading must be avoided since it caus significant it in time-current charagteristics. Because of the dai (rated 140T and 200T ampe: itback allowances must be used in coordinating these fuse links as “protected” devices. These are applied by reducing the current value in the above curves by 10%. On the other hand, silver-copper eutectic e! links (rated 6T through 100T ampers @ nondama No such setback allowances are nec: ent fuse ible, and The exclusive use of S&C Positrol Fuse Lint ecause of their inherently narrower tolerance band and because of their nondam- ageability—will expand the scope of coordination as follows: 1. Coordination of prelerred with adjacent intermediate ratings, giving twice as many sectionalizing points. This is true for the sequence operation of fuse links alone, or for the sequence operation of fuse links coordinated with automatic circult reclosers. 2. Coordination of a larger number of fuse-link ratings with a given automatic circuit recioser between the fast and retarded curves. 3. Coordination through a greater range, and to higher levels of fault current, with respect to automatic circuit reclosers. 4. Coordination to higher levels of fault current with respect to sequence operation of fuse links. The breadth of coordination described above can be obtained only by the use of S&C Positro! Fuse Links. No fuse link of low- temperature element construction (tin, lap-joint) can provide sim- ilar pertormance. WMOTE—A coordination scheme designed to take full advanta; of the nondamageability and the superior coordination capabilities of S&C Positrol Fuse Links may not function satisfactorily If fuse links of the same speed but of other makes are substituted. However, S&C “T” Speed Positro! Fuse Links can replace, on & one-for-one basis, other manufactur “T" speed fuse links in existing coordination schemes. Such replacements, unlike tin- it fuse link: Not subject to nuisance fuse operations (“sneakouts") due to damage from surge currents, load cycling, vibration, and aging. FUSE LINKS AVAILABLE— through 200T qAWEL NI SGNOD3S CURRENT IN AMPERES ’ ; < 27 09 % wm 4 «$0 60 0 HE g ¢ £32288 g 3 ae ages . T 7 v 7 7 4 1005 Seiht + ig n00 700 6T, 10T, 187, 25T, 40T, 65T, 100T, 140T, AND ses 200T ARE PREFERRED $00 RATINGS; 8ST, 12T, 20T, 30T, SOT, AND 80T ARE ro INTERMEDIATE RATINGS. ; 00 100 100 % “ ty wo so “ » ” 10 ' ‘ 7 ‘ 5 4 } 1 1 y 4 ? ‘ 5 4 a 1 Mbnrated ttt pe: eae 1 “ ot “7 4s “ ay) Ta hh sees 2 mt pedeey Deere s ri ttitt Sorte af “ u— , eee ee TOTAL CLEARING TIME-CURRENT CHARACTERISTIC CURVES POSITROL® FUSE LINKS—S&C “‘T” SPEED “ SGNOD8S NI FW S4SN4 L AdAL €l-eL aUNDIS AWIL SNIYV319 WLOL BASS—These fuse links ested in accordance with the proce- dures described in ANS! Standard C37.41-1981, to comply with ANSI Standard C37.42-1981. As required by these standards, the minimum melting current is not less than 200% of fuse-link ampere rating, and the minimum melting and total clearing curves are based on tests starting with the fuse link at an ambient temperature of 25°C and no initial load. CONSTRUCTION—Fusibi ments for fuse | rated 6T through 100T amper: r-copper eutectic, helically coiled; fusible elements for fuse links rated 140T and 200T amperes are Cast tin. All are of solderiess construction TOLERANCES—Curves are plotted to maximum test points. All variations are minus APPLICATION—Like all high-voltage | intended to accommodate ov Accordingly, they feature fusibl with a minimum meiting current of 200% of the fuse-link ampere rating (for tuse links rated 100T amperes or less) or 220% of the fuse-link ampere rating (lor fuse links rated over 100T amperes). As @ result, th fuse links have considerable-peak-load capabilities; how should er be exposed to loading in excess of the peak-load capa’ listed in S&C Bulletin 350-190. more fuse links have blown. However, it is advisable to replace unblown cast-tin element fuse links under the @ conditions, since they may be damaged by transient overcurrents. COORDINATION—These curv: the total time required for a fuse link to melt and interrupt @ fault current, and should be followed in coordination problems where fuse links are applied as “protecting” devices. Any preloading reduces melting time. With respect to the “pro- tected” fuse, the effect of preloading must be determined and adjustments made to its minimum melting curve: 1. When close coordination is required; 2. When automatic circuit reclosers or three-shot cutouts are Involved; 3. When, regardiess of the preciseness of coordination, the pro- tected fuse is subjected to temporary overloads. if close coordination is to be achier avolddd since it cau: jgniti characteristics. overloading must be shift in time-current The exclusive use of S&C Positrol Fuse Links—because of their inherently narrower tolerance band and because of thelr non- geability—will expand the scope of coordination as follows: 2. Coordination of a larger number of fuse-link ratings with « given automatic circull recioser between the fast and retarded curves. 3. Coordination through a greater range, and to higher levels of fault current, with respect to automatic circult reclosers. 4. Coordination to higher levels of fault current with respect to sequence operation of fuse links. The breadth of coordination described above can be obtained of S&C Positrol Fuse Links. No fuse link of low- ment construction (tin, lap-joint) can provide sim- ilar performance. MOTE—A coordination scheme designed to take full advantage of the nondamageability and the superior coordination capabilities of S&C Positrol Fuse Links may not function satisfactorily if fuse links of the same speed but of other makes are substituted. However, S&C “T" Speed Positrol Fuse Links can replace, on & one-for-one basis, other manufacturers’ “T” speed fuse links ling coordination schemes. Such replacements, unlike tin- it fuse links, are not subject to nuisance fuse operations ) due to damage from surge currents, load cycling, vibration, and aging 1. Coordination of preferred with adjacent intermediate ratings, FUSE LINKS AVAILABLE— Since fuse links Naving silver-copper eutectic element constryc- giving twice many sectionalizing points. This is true for Styl lion are not subject to damage by aging or transient overcurreats, * the sequence operation of fuse links alone, or for the oe itis unnecessary to replace unblown fuse links of such construc- sequence operation of fuse links coordinated with automatic Universal........... 6T.through 200T tion In single-pha or three-phase installations when one or circuit reclosers. Extra-Performance . . .6T through 200T the primary side fuse was found to clear prior to incurring transformer damage. 115-kV_ SYSTEM ML&P's ongoing addition of pilot wire relaying for all 115-kv transmission lines will provide the optimum means of protec- tion. The existing protection consists of two-zone impedance relays for 115-kV lines within the ML&P system. Three-zone impedance relays used on lines leaving the ML&P system will remain the primary means for protection. With the planned pilot wire system as the primary relay, the impedance relays would be used for backup protection result- ing in a more secure system of protection. The substations fed by the 115-kV system have bus differen- tial and transformer differential relays and sudden gas pres- sure relays to protect against substation faults. FEEDER SWITCHING ANALYSIS An analysis was made of the 12.5-kV distribution system feeder switching using the Constrained Multi-Feeder (CMF) module of CADPAD to determine the lowest loss switching con- figuration of the system. ML&P operating policies regarding feeder loading limits normal feeder loading to 50 percent of the feeder rating. The switching configuration determined by CMF does not necessarily meet this criteria. The CMF database used is considerably simpler than the FEEDERDESIGN database; the CMF analysis is much broader in scope and lacks the level of detail of FEEDERDESIGN. The CMF analysis was used to determine the areas that should be served by each 12.5-kV substation in order to minimize the cost of losses for the system costs. The analysis of the system switching configuration done with CMF utilized a 1985 grid-by-grid load representation of the service area, existing 12.5-kV substation locations, and the interconnecting feeders. The program then assigned sub- station areas to minimize the losses and cost of operation of the system. The grids assigned to each substation utili- zing the CMF analysis on system switching are shown in Figure 13-14. Under normal circumstances, switching the distribu- tion feeders to reflect these substation areas will minimize system costs. The smallest geographical unit modeled in the CMF database is a mapping grid. Therefore, each substation area is defined by grid boundaries. PDR986.042.60 13-29 1500 3000 4500 SCALE 1*=1500' MATCH LINE BELOW MATCH LINE ABOVE -OGN;T COMPUTER AIDED GRAPHICS SYSTEM DRAWING rear BAR IS ONE INCH ON MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE FIGURE 16-14 ORIGINAL DRAWING. MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER — 5 DEPARTMENT 1985 12.5kV SYSTEM IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST ANCHORAGE, ALASKA CMF OPTIMIZATION REVISION BY |APVO SCALES ACCORDINGLY. 20-MAY-85 /QS3: 33 ,234]234F1 Table 13-6 details the recommended switching locations. It is recognized, however, that other system constraints (construction, switch locations, reliability) may result in other switching configurations being used. This analysis did not identify the need for additional protective devices. PDR986.042.62 13-31 PAGE 1 SUB. NO. FDR. NO, SUB/FDR 6 an oa @ © © 9A 9A 14 PDR976.072.2 a wn an Vn Table 13-6 RECOMMENDED 1985 12.5KV SYSTEM SWITCHING OPTIMIZED SYSTEM TIES----- = TO DEVICE -----CLOSE----------- ~---+---OPEN- - D GRID _—BUS NOS. DEVICE BUS NO. DEVICE BUS _NO. SOAF4 N/A 1229 9415/6221 N/A 9415/6221 N/A 6208 S9AF3 N/A 1229 9320/6521 N/A 9320/6521 N/A 6506 S7F6 $C213. 1530 7602/6606 $¢213 7602/6606 SUB 6 6601 S14F2 scl2l1. 1333 14915/6752. 0 --=---------' NO CHANGE------------------------ S14F2 Sc210 1332 14283/6734 9 ------------ NO CHANGE------------------------ $17F222 NOTE 1 1532 17252/6792/ ------------ NO CHANGE------------------------ 6786 S16F8 SCl65 1531 = 16823/6822. ------------ NO CHANGE------------------------ S7F6 $c127 1430 7639/6812 $C127 7639/6812 SC167 6808 NO CHANGES ------------------------------ 2-222-022-2222 22-2222 n nnn n enna nena nnn n nnn S16F5 ABS122 1630 16557/7505 ABS122 16557/7505 SC231 16556 $17F222 ABS128. ~=—:1532 17252/7633/ 9 ------------ NO CHANGE------------------------ $16F7 $c117 (SC117) 16754 S6F8 $c127. 1430 6812/7639 $C127 6812/7639 SC167 6808 S6F6 $C213. 1530 ©: 6606/7602 $C213 6606/7602 SUB 6 FRD 6 NO CHANGES ---------------------------------------- 2-00-2222 22n nnn n nena nena nnn n neon NEW SUBSTATION---------------------- $C147 15115 GRID 1635 NEW SUBSTATION---------------------- $C248 16108 GRID 1634 NEW SUBSTATION---------------------- sc117 16754 GRID 1632 NEW SUBSTATION---------------------- $C235 15725 GRID 1634 PICK UP S15F7 LOADS WEST AND SOUTH OF SC235 NEW SUBSTATION---- $238 15721/15757 GRID 1634 $248 16108 PICK UP LOADS BETWEEN SC248 & SC238 NEW SUBSTATION---------------------- $¢299 15609 SUB 15 FDR 6 AT THE SUB $C301 15610 S6F5 N/A 1229 9320/6521 N/A 9320/6521 N/A 6506 S6F2 N/A 1229 9415/6221 N/A 9415/6221 N/A 6208 S15F2 SC143. 1336 15209/14194 SC143 15209/14194 SC288 N/A S15F5 ABS127. 1337 15520/14174 | NO CHANGE---SUB 17 PICKS UP LOAD ON S15F5 13-52) Table 13-6 (continued) ceeeneeeen--- PRESENT SYSTEM TIES------------- -----------OPTIMIZED SYSTEM TIES------------ TO DEVICE 2----CLOSE----------- 0 -==----- OPEN-------- SUB. NO. FDR. NO. SUB/FDR ID GRID BUS NOS. DEVICE BUS NO. DEVICE BUS NO. 14 2 S15F6 $c182 1334 15632/14932 SC182 14932/15632 AT SUB 15 FDR 6 S6F7 SC121 1333 6752/14915 9 ~=---------- NO CHANGE------------------------ S6F7 SC210 1332 6734/14283 9 ------------ NO CHANGE------------------------ 14 3 $17F182 $C293 1235 N/A $293 N/A sc3 N/A ALSO CLOSE TIE BETWEEN S17F182 & S17F202 AT SW1224 AND OPEN SW1202 IN S17F202 15 a S16F1 SC241 1635 16125/15116 S8F1 PICKS UP LOAD SC147 15115 /S8F1 15 2 S14F1 $C143 1336 14194/15209 SC143 14194/15209 SC188 15206 15 5 S14F1 ABS127 1337 14174/15520 SUB 17 PICKS UP LOAD AT SUB 15 FDR 6 15 6 S14F2 $c182 1334 14932/15632 SC182 14932/15632 AT SUB 15 S8F8 NEW SC 1534 N/A NEW SC N/A $C299 & 15609 Sc301 15610 SUB 17 PICKS UP LOAD IN GRID 1634 15 7 S16F1 SC228 1634 16113/15760 SC228 16113/15760 SC238 15721/15757 SC248 16108 S8F7 PICKS UP LOAD BETWEEN 16108 AND 15721/15757 15 8 NO TIES TO OTHER SUBSTATION FEEDERS 16 1 S15F1 SC241 1635 15116/16125 = SC241 15116/16125 SC248 16108 S8F1 PICKS UP LOAD S15F7 $C228 1634 15760/16113 $C228 15760/16113 S8F2 PICKS UP LOAD BETWEEN SC248 & SC241/SC228 16 2 NO TIES TO OTHER SUBSTATION FEEDERS 16 5 S7F5 ABS122—- 1630 7505/16557 ABS122 7505/16557 SC231 16556 16 6 NO DIRECT TIES TO: OTHER SUBSTATIONS 16 7 S7F6 $C312 1532 17252/7633/ 0 ------------ NO CHANGE------------------------ S17F222 ABS128 (SC117) 16754 16 8 S6F8 Sc165 1531 6822/16823 9 ------------ NO CHANGE------------------------ 17 182 S14F3 $C293 1235 N/A $c293 N/A SC3 N/A ALSO CLOSE TIE BETWEEN S17F182 & S17F202 AT $W1224 AND OPEN SW1202 IN S17F202 17 202 S17F182 $W1224 1236 17123 SW1224 17123 $W1202 17153 17 222 S7F6 ABS128 =: 1532 17252/7633/ S16F7 Sc117 1532 (SC117) 16754 S6F7 NOTE 1 1532 17252/6792/ 6786 NOTE 1: DEVICE IDs---SW1204, SC97(6792), MSC8(6786) PDR976.072.3 13-33 Section 14 GENERAL. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES Based on discussions with members of ML&P's engineering and construction staff, a broad survey of ML&P's general trans- mission and distribution system design standards and construc- tion practices was made. General commentary on these design and construction practices and a comparison to the practices of other electric utilities in similar situations follows. Discussions with ML&P staff focused primarily on the following general areas: e Overhead and underground conductor types and sizes, taking into account practical conductor inventory considerations and the need to minimize energy losses e Underground 34.5-kV and 12.5-kV design and material standards and construction practices. Specific items addressed included: - Conductor insulation and construction type - Feeder layout and switching configurations - Use of direct burial cables versus cables installed in conduits or ducts, including "cable-in-conduit" installations - Other materials used in underground distri- bution construction e Standard assemblies for overhead distribution con- struction e Design of insulator systems for 115-kV trans- mission lines e Staffing levels GENERAL ENGINEERING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES The design and construction of the ML&P transmission and distribution system is performed in a manner quite similar to that of other publicly-owned electric utilities about the same size as ML&P. For all practical purposes, all trans- mission, distribution, and substation design work is per- formed in-house by ML&P's engineering design staff. Almost all system improvements are built by the ML&P's own construc-— tion crews. On occasion, due to heavy workloads or specialized construction requirements, ML&P will retain an outside con- tractor to construct needed facilities. PDR986.042.65 14-1 ML&P has a Material and Construction Standards Committee, which is made up of certain members of the design and con- struction staff. The Committee generally meets on a monthly basis to discuss design and construction "problems," and to develop and recommend appropriate solutions. ML&P has adopted certain design, material, and construction standards, which are summarized in three notebooks, entitled: i, Material Specifications Manual . Construction Standards Manual 3. Engineering Manual These manuals were initially prepared by ML&P engineering staff several years ago and have been kept current with varying degrees of success. According to ML&P staff, much of the material contained in the Material Specifications and Construction Standards Manuals is relatively old and in need of review and updating. Additions and updates are made as engineering time is available. Most of the material contained in the Engineering Manual is several years old, and there are many areas that it does not cover. ML&P has an effort underway to update these manuals. It has obtained standards being used by other utilities for review and possible incorporation into its standards. CONCLUSIONS i Material and Construction standards that are included in the manuals generally conform to standard electric utility practice in the United States. However, many recent new product developments and trends in utility construction are not reflected in the manuals. As mentioned above, ML&P has an effort underway to review the standards of other utilities, to update the manuals, and to put materials specifications into standard formats. 26 Some items not covered in the manuals, if included, could help improve construction practices, especially in the area of standard construction configurations in underground residential and commercial distribution systems. As an example, the Construction Standards Manual should contain drawings that show standard re- quirements for the installation of underground dis- tribution vaults, including the racking/routing of cables within the vault, and provisions for vault grounding, drainage, and ventilation. PDR986.042.66 14-2 Da The Engineering Manual should be updated to include current information, charts, tables, etc., which could help improve ML&P engineering staff's ability to quickly and efficiently prepare and review the designs for sys- tem improvements. As an example, design standards for overhead transmission and distribution lines should be assembled into appropriate sections of the manual. Engineering application data for materials now being used by ML&P should be included in the manual. 4, According to the ML&P staff members interviewed, the Material and Construction Standards Committee could be more effective in developing and implementing new stan- dards if resources were available to perform its func- tions. There appears to be a lack of follow-through from engineering through construction. Field modifi- cations to engineering designs occur and are not passed back through to the engineering staff. Site visits by engineering staff to inspect installation would help to correct this situation. In general, we suggest that the engineering role in the setting of construction practices be strengthened. This has been addressed by ML&P since our interviews. The role of the Committee has been strengthened with formal channels provided for feedback to engineering staff, including from vendors on material standards and applications. GENERAL SYSTEM DESIGN CONCEPTS CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (CBD) 34.5-kV SYSTEM According to ML&P staff, 34.5 kV has been an excellent volt- age for serving the major loads in the CBD, considering overall economics and system reliability. In designing services to CBD customers, ML&P's standard prac- tice is to provide for loadbreak switches on both sides of each customer's transformer, so that elbows on transformers can be pulled by operating personnel in a deenergized con- dition. ML&P operating personnel prefer not-to operate 34.5-kV switchgear or other switching devices from inside vaults, but rather to operate this equipment remotely from outside transformer vaults. 12.5-kV DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Most of ML&P's residential and commercial loads outside the CBD are served either overhead or underground from the 12.5-V system, depending on the specific location on the system. In general, the 12.5-kV system consists of loop-fed 600-amp trunk feeders, which supply 200-amp sub-feeders, which, in PDR986.042.67 14-3 turn, supply individual distribution transformers. To a major extent, the 200-amp subfeeders are also loop-fed. 4-kV_ SYSTEM The 4-kV system is, for the most part, limited to serving some loads in the CBD. The 4-kV system is relatively old, but is considered to be quite reliable. Because new loads are generally served from the 34.5-kV system in the CBD, and because larger loads (in excess of 150 to 300 kVA) are nor- mally supplied from the 34.5-kV system, the 4-kV system load has not grown in recent years. The 4-kV system will even- tually be eliminated. 34.5-kV SUBTRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM CABLE TYPE The CBD is generally served from the 34.5-kV system. The main backbone of the 34.5-kV system is constructed with either 1,000 KCM or 750 KCM aluminum-shielded, jacketed power cable, with cross-linked polyethylene insulation (XLPE). No direct loads are served from this portion of the 34.5-kV system. In the CBD the 34.5-kV cable used for distribution is, for the most part, Anaconda Ericsson UniShield EP type MV-90, 35,000-volt, 90-degree C, compact copper conductor, 100% insulation level, #1/0 AWG; installed with a single #2 bare-stranded soft-drawn copper neutral conductor. UniShield- type cable was selected over conventional shielded, jacketed power cable several years ago because of the need to utilize existing 3-1/2-inch ducts previously installed in the CBD. To date, ML&P has experienced no major operating/maintenance problems with the UniShield cable in the CBD. CONCLUSIONS 1. Because of existing duct space limitations in the CBD, and ML&P's favorable experience with the UniShield cable, no specific changes in the application of UniShield cable appear to be needed. 2. For new construction, where duct size is not usually a limitation, ML&P's present standard practice of using shielded, jacketed, aluminum, 100 percent insulated power cable for 34.5-kV distribution should be con- tinued. Use of Unishield in these circumstances is not recommended. TYPES OF CABLE USED ON 12.5-kV DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 600-AMP THREE-PHASE FEEDERS The 600-amp three-phase underground feeders are generally constructed in a loop-fed configuration with 1,000 KCM or PDR986.042.68 14-4 750 KCM aluminum, shielded, jacketed power cables with XLPE insulation. These feeders supply 200-amp subfeeders, which are generally fed from S&C pad-mounted switch/fuse cabinets. It appears that no distribution transformers are supplied directly from the 600-amp circuits. Where practical and where long-range planning provides for multiple circuits along the same route, attempts are made to share underground trenches with multiple electric circuits. This means that, on occasion, when a #1/0 AWG or #4/0 AWG circuit is needed to serve new loads in a residential or commercial subdivision, three 1,000 KCM or 750 KCM cables will be installed in the same trench and used initially as an express feeder. Later, these "heavy" cables will become part of a backbone feeder loop in the system. Recently, ML&P has experienced some burning of shield wires contained in 750 KCM aluminum, shielded, jacketed power cables, which apparently occurred during a fault condition. A detailed review of this situation is beyond our scope of work. 200-AMP THREE-PHASE COMMERCIAL CIRCUITS Present practice is to use #4/0 AWG aluminum, shielded, jacketed power cable, with XLPE insulation to serve three- phase commercial loads. As with single-phase URD cables, 200-amp three-phase circuits are directly buried, except at pavement crossings, where the cables are either installed in conduit, or alongside an empty conduit. 200-AMP RESIDENTIAL CIRCUITS Presently, for 200-amp single-phase residential applica- tions, ML&P is generally using #1/0 AWG, aluminum, bare con- centric neutral, 100 percent XLPE insulated, URD cable. Normally, the cable is directly buried, except at pavement crossings where the cable is either installed in a Schedule 40 PVC or galvanized steel conduit section, or directly bur- ied alongside a section of conduit in the same trench. On occasion, #4/0 AWG, aluminum, bare concentric neutral, 100 percent XLPE insulated, URD cable is used for 200-amp distribution, in lieu of #1/0 AWG aluminum cable. According to ML&P staff, this larger cable is being used for the pur- poses of reducing energy losses and voltage drops along the distribution lines. ML&P staff is unaware of any significant problems on the system with respect to concentric neutral corrosion. Prob- lems could exist that are presently not known, especially in areas where concentric neutral cables enter and leave under- ground conduit or duct sections. PDR986.042.69 14-5 In the discussion of the use of this type of cable, it was pointed out that bare-concentric URD cable was originally designed for rural, single-phase direct burial applications. Often, installing this type of cable in conduit has resulted in reduced cable life due to concentric neutral corrosion and mechanical stresses on the semiconducting jacket under- neath the neutral wires. To date, failures of this type of cable have not been a problem at ML&P. Nevertheless, recognizing the difficulties that many util- ities have experienced with directly buried bare-concentric cables installed in urban applications, we recommend that ML&P conduct investigations to determine whether or not there is any significant amount of cable damage on the system due to bare-concentric neutral corrosion or mechanical damage to the cables. We also recommend that ML&P begin to use shielded, jacketed XLPE cable in these applications. CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS ales ML&P's general practices of cable selection and instal- lation appear to coincide with the practices of many other electric utilities. are ML&P should determine if there is any significant amount of deterioration of the directly buried bare-concentric neutral URD cables due to corrosion of the neutral wires or mechanical damage to the cables. ML&P should change its system practice of using the bare-concentric neutral cables and begin to use shielded, jacketed cable. Ie The question whether three-phase feeders should be di- rectly buried as’ is present practice, or whether these feeders should be installed in direct buried conduits or encased duct systems deserves further evaluation. Factors which should be considered include long-term system reliability, operating flexibility, and overall economics. ar We recommend that, whenever ML&P is working with in place underground cable, samples be taken, if possible, from the existing cable, tagged, and the condition noted and logged for future reference. This will provide information on cable conditions throughout the system on a regular basis. CABLE INSTALLATION PRACTICES DIRECT-BURIED VERSUS INSTALLATION IN DUCTS AND VAULTS To the maximum extent practical, ML&P directly buries new underground cables rather than installing them in conduit/ duct systems. In residential subdivisions, practically all PDR986.042.70 14-6 new cables are directly buried, except at pavement cross- ings, where the cables are either placed in a conduit or laid alongside an empty conduit. The general exception to directly burying underground cables is in the CBD, where duct systems are constructed utilizing a combination of 6-inch, 4-inch, and 2-inch conduits. Generally, the ducts are installed with conventional plastic spacers and are encased in steel-reinforced concrete. At splice and switch- ing locations, precast concrete vaults are installed. ML&P has attempted to standardize on 8'x14' and 8'x18' vaults whenever possible. No standard drawings or proce- dures have been formally adopted with respect to the installation of precast concrete vaults, including the racking of cables or the placement of specific equipment items within a vault. The lack of such standard drawings has, on occasion, resulted in some miscommunication between design and construction personnel, and has created some confusion during construction. CONCLUSIONS iS ML&P's practices with respect to both directly burying underground cables and installing them in duct systems are consistent with the practices of many electric util- ities in the United States. However, because of the susceptibility of directly buried cable systems to damage and reduced operating life due to dig-ins, concentric neutral corrosion, faults due to insulation deterioration, and other forms of cable damage, many utilities have moved away from their previous practice of directly burying new cable systems in favor of installing new cables in ducts. Any decision to do this should be made based on long- term economics, and can only be properly made following a more comprehensive evaluation of the variables which include the projected costs of installing, operating, and maintaining directly buried cables (including re- placing them when required) versus the projected costs of installing, operating, and maintaining these same cables if installed in duct systems. ML&P should further evaluate this question, and develop a clear policy which establishes criteria and rules for installing new cable systems in directly buried versus conduct/duct environ- ments. y ML&P should further develop its standard construction drawings and specifications to include standard instal- lation requirements for duct systems and precast con- crete vaults. PDR986.042.71 14-7 FRONT VERSUS REAR LOT LINE CONSTRUCTION IN RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS ML&P currently installs a considerable amount of underground cable in residential subdivisions along rear property lines. To date, this practice has generally been satisfactory, but many problems with respect to easement access have occurred recently. ML&P staff is aware that property improvements at or near rear property lines, such as fences, patios, exten- sive landscaping, and hot tubs, can present substantial problems--especially during emergency outage periods when quick ingress/ egress along utility easements is needed. CONCLUSION Many utilities have abandoned the policy of rear lot line construction because of poor and expensive access to the easement during periods of need. ML&P should review the policy of rear lot line construction and carefully evaluate the merits of continuing this practice versus constructing new underground distribution lines in public rights-of-way in the front of residences in new subdivisions. OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION LINE CRITERIA ML&P's practices with respect to overhead distribution line design and construction appear to he generally consistent., with those of other utilities. There are a few areas where some differences in practice appear to exist, and which merit further evaluation. With the exception of occasional special projects, new over- head lines are designed by ML&P's in-house engineering staff. According to ML&P's staff, many of the design procedures and specific criteria followed in the design are based on prac- tices and procedures followed in the past. No recent update to the design criteria has been made. With the passage of time, many factors change, affecting the specific criteria that should be followed in designing overhead lines. Some of these factors are material and labor costs, new materials that become available, applicable construction and safety code requirements, safety and reliability criteria followed by the ML&P and operating and maintenance practices followed by ML&P crews. Based on these factors, design considerations such as pole heights, span lengths, sag and tension, insu- lation, and framing requirements may be affected. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ML&P's overhead line design criteria and practices should be carefully reviewed and updated based on recent product de- velopments that can affect the design of overhead lines. This review should include the practices of other utilities PDR986.042.72 14-8 in the design of overhead transmission and distribution lines. The manual updating discussed earlier may accomplish most if not all of this. GROUNDING PRACTICES IN OVERHEAD DISTRIBUTION CONSTRUCTION According to ML&P staff, all poles that support an overhead transformer are grounded. The pole ground wire connects the overhead neutral conductor to the transformer neutral bushing and earth. Transformer tanks and other hardware are not specifically grounded to the pole ground or system neutral. Down guys generally are insulated near the pole top. ML&P's practice is to treat all hardware at pole tops, including transformer tanks, as "hot." This practice is significantly different than that followed by CEA, which constructs overhead distribution facilities in accordance with Rural Electrification Administration (REA) standard practices. The distribution facilities acquired from CEA are "solidly" grounded: pole ground wires connect all hardware, including transformer tanks, down guys, through- bolts, and other hardware. This difference in construction practice raises the question whether ML&P should change its practice, and construct all overhead facilities following one uniform practice. This could require that changes be made to either ML&P's overhead facilities, or the lines ML&P acquired from CEA. Modifying the grounding on either the ML&P or CEA overhead facilities may be desirable. This question should be further reviewed and appropriate action taken. ML&P manuals dealing with overhead distribution construction, and maintenance should clearly note the differences in ground- ing practices between ML&P facilities and those acquired : from CEA. Line crews should also be made aware of the dif- ferences between the facilities. It is our understanding that this is being done. PHASE RELATIONSHIP OF OVERHEAD DISTRIBUTION CONDUCTORS ML&P installs overhead distribution lines following the con- vention of placing phase A and the neutral conductor on the north and east sides of poles. The ML&P facilities recently acquired from CEA apparently were not constructed following this convention. This is a concern to ML&P staff with respect to personnel safety and standard construction methods. Be- cause it appears that, eventually, most of the overhead lines installed in the area previously owned by CEA will be converted to underground, ML&P staff has not planned to modify phase connections in the field so that the facilities acquired from CEA conform to those of ML&P. PDR986.042.73 14-9 It may or may not be desirable to modify the phase relation- ships of the CEA overhead lines to conform with ML&P stan- dard phase relationships. ML&P manuals and maps should clear- ly identify where the differences exist. Line crews should also be made aware of the differences. As with the differ- ences in the ML&P and CEA grounding practices discussed above, this question should be further reviewed and appropriate action taken. STAFFING LEVELS It should be noted that the integration and continued opera- tion and modification of the CEA facilities acquired in the service area exchange has been done without an increase in engineering or operations staff. Staffing levels should be reviewed in light of the service area exchange and the in- creased requirements on the present staff. Some efforts, such as updating standards, have been delayed as a result of this. PDR986.042.74 14-10 Appendix A SUBSTATION FEEDER MAPS PDR986.042.75 .DGN;1 27-DEC-84/QS3:(33,234]234E1 500 1000 SCALE 1°=500' 1500 1434 BAR IS ONE INCH ON. ORIGINAL DRAWING. a 1° IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER DEPARTMENT ANCHORAGE, ALASKA LEGEND 4 TRANSFORMER(S) @ SWITCH CABINET, JUNCTION BOX, VAULT, OR JUNCTION POINT AS NOTED JUNCTION POINT OR GRID CROSSING ——- ISOLATION POINT — — UNDERGROUND CIRCUIT - 36 — OVERHEAD CIRCUIT - 30 OVERHEAD CIRCUIT - —* AIR BREAK SWITCH AEX Bus NO (PARTIAL) (COMPLETE BUS NO. CONTAINS THE SUB- STATION NO. FOLLOWED BY THE BUS NO.) i.e. 16101 {[teus NO. FEEDER NO. SUBSTATION NO. COMPUTER AIDED GRAPHICS SYSTEM DRAWING SUBSTATION NO. 1 34.5kV/4.16kV FEEDER DIAGRAM et No, _K.17871.00 .DGN:1 27-DEC-84 /QS3:133,234)234E2 LEGEND & TRANSFORMER(S) @ SWITCH CABINET, JUNCTION BOX, VAULT, OR JUNCTION POINT AS NOTED JUNCTION POINT OR GRID CROSSING —*— ISOLATION POINT — — UNDERGROUND CIRCUIT - 39 —— OVERHEAD CIRCUIT - 3) sees OVERHEAD CIRCUIT - 6 —— AIR BREAK SWITCH AXXX 1134 | ~TBUS NO.(PARTIAL) 4 (COMPLETE BUS NO. CONTAINS THE SUB: STATION NO. FOLLOWED BY THE BUS NO.) i.e. 16101 pILoI “BUS NO. “—FEEDER NO. “SUBSTATION NO. 320. (9215/30 <p SUB 9 22 «TO SUB 3 FOR 2 (3110) FOR 1A ane 19 TO SUB 3 @ (3924)/ FOR 3 ara | dha “a11 “S10 309 308 207 TO SUB 915 Ans oe 1 1 197, FOR == 2 (9109) “373 nq_'2 a= Seo sue 1 404_FOR 3 (4212) 1434 | COMPUTER AIDED GRAPHICS SYSTEM DRAWING MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE pr FE BROWN JrtaiNAL CRAWING, MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER SUBSTATION NO. 2 ghey ae eon DEPARTMENT Satin ler aN THIS SHEET, ADUST ANCHORAGE, ALASKA FEEDER DIAGRAM PROD DATE REVISION By [aro 7 SCALES ACCOPDINGL .K17871.00 LEGEND & TRANSFORMER(S) ™® SWITCH CABINET, JUNCTION BOX, VAULT, OR JUNCTION POINT AS NOTED e JUNCTION POINT OR GRID CROSSING —— ISOLATION POINT — — UNDERGROUND CIRCUIT - 30 rane OVERHEAD x) —*— AIR BREAK SWITCH AXXX ~TBUS NO.(PARTIAL) (COMPLETE BUS NO. CONTAINS THE SUB- STATION NO. FOLLOWED BY THE BUS NO.) i.e. 16101 F[ teus no. FEEDER NO. “——SUBSTATION NO. wh ed in Nig | 103,164, 301,207 ni ee os ae" 1 102,16: ” 0g gg tes.106gh 9216 (2322) I 393 322 324 a TO 307,204 ep he- 3m sua 10 a1 FOR + = (22m) One, 1230 .OGN;1 [ 434 COMPUTER AIDED GRAPHICS SYSTEM ORAWING MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE pee oT — omvainc GRAWING. MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER SUBSTATION NO. 3 }—_____] PALE KINCER | ara DEPARTMENT 34.5kV/4. 16kV pate 08 NOV 64 BEET, ANUS Al PVD CL BAGNALL mas rT ANCHORAGE, ALASKA FEEDER DIAGRAM 27-DEC-84/0S3:(33,234]234E3 SCALES ACCORDINGLY. No. K17871.00 LEGEND & ~TRANSFORMER(S) @ SWITCH CABINET, JUNCTION BOX, VAULT, OR JUNCTION POINT AS NOTED e JUNCTION POINT OR GRID CROSSING —*- ISOLATION POINT — — UNDERGROUND CIRCUIT - 39 —— OVERHEAD CIRCUIT - 39 -- OVERHEAD CIRCUIT - —*— AIR BREAK SWITCH 1000 1500 ‘500° XX 1133 | ASous NO (PARTIAL) eee (COMPLETE BUS NO. CONTAINS THE SUB- STATION NO. FOLLOWED BY THE BUS NO.) i.e. 16 1 [tous NO. FEEDER NO. SUBSTATION NO. .DGN;1 1433 COMPUTER AIDED GRAPHICS SYSTEM DRAWING pen SCALES —_{ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE pa RE BRO Oriana" ERAWiN. MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER SUBSTATION NO. 4 me P| eRe ie z cron ronal DEPARTMENT DEC Aw pATzOS NOW Ba ula SHEET, ADWUST po —— — THIS SET. ADAST ANCHORAGE, ALASKA FOS «7671.00 24-DEC-84/QS3:133,234)234E4 LEGEND ‘& TRANSFORMER(S) @ SWITCH CABINET, JUNCTION BOX, VAULT, OR JUNCTION POINT AS NOTED JUNCTION POINT OR GRID CROSSING —- ISOLATION POINT — — UNDERGROUND CIRCUIT - 36 —— OVERHEAD | CIRCUIT - 36 0 500 1000 1500 | OVERHEAD ee CIRCUIT - 1% SCALE 1"=500' ~~ AIR BREAK SWITCH AXXX “BUS NO.(PARTIAL) (COMPLETE BUS NO. CONTAINS THE SUB- | STATION NO. FOLLOWED BY THE (13202) BUS NO.) Ie. 16101 T ‘BUS NO. FEEDER NO. SUBSTATION NO. .DGN;1 1336 COMPUTER AIDED GRAPHICS SYSTEM DRAWING Poco mani netnciion MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE pet pre ie One MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER SUBSTATION NO. 5 we | 5 ne 5 NO. CHK LE KINCER aaron niarion DEPARTMENT 34.5kV/4. 16KV DATE OS NOV 84 fTuis SHEET, ADUST FEEDER DIAGRAM ANCHORAGE, ALAS! [Reo BANAL oot [rer Te pees sear —— oo 7671.00 14-DEC-84/QS3:(33,234]234E5 .DGN;1 ° 500 1000 1500 a SCALE 1*=500’ 18012 18011 726 LEGEND 4& TRANSFORMER(S) @ SWITCH CABINET, JUNCTION BOX, VAULT, OR JUNCTION POINT AS NOTED ¢ JUNCTION POINT OR GRID CROSSING —%- ISOLATION POINT — — UNDERGROUND CIRCUIT - 3 —— OVERHEAD CIRCUIT - 39 OVERHEAD CIRCUIT - 19 —— AIR BREAK SWITCH | x | AB aus NO (PARTIAL) (COMPLETE BUS NO. (14283) (SC210) + 18005 18071 752 (14915) 1 ¢scra1) CONTAINS THE SUB- STATION NO. FOLLOWED BY THE BUS NO.) Le. jUS_NO. EEDER NO. SUBSTATION NO. NOTE: SUB, 18 FEEDERS ARE MODELED AS PART OF} SUB. 6 TO REPRESENT 1985 CONFIGURATION. ___ 1633 COMPUTER AIDED GRAPHICS SYSTEM DRAWING BAA 1S ONE INCH Ow MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Sa ent e SUBSTATION NO.6 115kV/12.47kV OR DPR MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND P\ — (EPARTENT SUBSTATION NO.6A 34.5kV/4, 16kV FEEDER DIAGRAM SHEET. C eee ANCHORAGE, ALASKA DATE 05 NOV 84 NO. ~_K17871.00 27~DEC-84'OS3:(33,73.4)234E6 -OGN;1 11-FEB-85 /QS3:133,234)234E7 1000 1500 (sce) 737 i. 7oell PSGN LE KINCER HK LE KINCER PVD CL BAGNALL an 210 rscg6) (SC202) 704 ‘505 | (18557) (ABS 122) 639 (6812) j (Serer) 638/051) LEGEND A TRANSFORMER(S) @ SWITCH CABINET, JUNCTION BOX, VAULT, OR JUNCTION POINT AS NOTED JUNCTION POINT OR GRID CROSSING —%*— ISOLATION POINT — — UNDERGROUND CIRCUIT - 30 — OVERHEAD CIRCUIT 30 -- OVERHEAD CIRCUIT ® —— AIR BREAK SWITCH AXXX JUS NO.(PARTIAL) (COMPLETE BUS NO. CONTAINS THE SUB STATION NO. FOLLOWED BY THE BUS NO.) i.e. 16.191 BUS_NO. te -FEEDER NO. —SUBSTATION NO. TO MT. VIEW SUB 17 19169 62% — 4 gop 19170 {ea7 (sc 312) (sc165) (16754) (scn7) [verry scales] MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE OmraiNAL DRAWING, SUBSTATION NO. 7 owe ame MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER i Ie NOT One INCH on DEPARTMENT N8KV/12.47kV DATE 05 NOV 84 ae Seer. OAST ANCHORAGE, ALASKA FEEDER DIAGRAM DATE REVISION BY _JAPVD SCALES ACCORDINGLY. 7 156347 = 7 - = E (server ] 7265 (FOR 182) : LEGEND dN ees aa oe t 4& TRANSFORMER(S) OVERHEAD SWITCH CABINET, cnet “El Z F JUNCTION BOX, —* AIR BREAK SWITCH plz Ai7et0 : VAULT, OR JUNCTION a xxx i POINT 'AS NOTED “Eeus NOPARTIAL) a COMPLETE BUS NO. ailenoeenie CONTAINS THE SUB- STATION NO. —%- ISOLATION POINT FOLLOWED BY THE 1s216 i — — UNDERGROUND BUS NO.) i.e. ve7e a CIRCUIT - 36 rif, 1564: + (SC138) i 172083 4 15716% == BUS NO. wen 17208, 7207 || 17204 (80138) CIR 39 EEDER NO. ZO 15778 aes SUBSTATION NO. dl “Aisre THIS DRAWING IS A COMPOSITE —— BI 7) OF PORTIONS OF SUBSTATIONS 15, 16 AND 17. 15715 15711 15709 es) 15707(SC214) - 15745 i 4 480103) FOR 222 i i : 3 We r2e7 alli 4 oA 2 Wea, Wee4 ese Tee4 Tees SSS 1561 = 5708 15706 15515 t (sc 299}. I | (Sera) I I I bea 15704(MSC10) | 15703 15761 (SC133) 500 1000 1500 SCALE 1°=500' \ \ > | 1636 15702 15701 4 15601 ¥ me 6753 SO 167. 16751 ea 167524-—| / = 1 lisces) i " ! i 15625 ret” 7 lf 1572078 A i i 15626 I \ aaa , z. 2 pysersay 14sce) | te7ze_ \ \1 6 B Z 15727 || \ rar 20 w= (S259) a 2 3 sree — i mY 167: 16735 ¢ i = : \ aie \ a 5 f-==_ NW te722W\ \y 16784 — — 1 sate 18726 I 16126 { (SC193) (SC86) or ! rc | 16128(SC111) 1 | | ! Lyerrme \ 15735 \ 18129(SC17 4) 15734 === Abies 18733 =—— 7 ree 15116 1 “ | (gr25)\ SS pos 1634 | 1635 Pisies 15115 a2. = (sc2ai)\, S 16121, : ‘ \ \ Sasa — 75122] 5 — — — — — [75114 16119 «msors) (SCT .DGN;1 1334 632 (14932) (Sc1e2) esa] (Sc 208) ‘ BAR Is ONE Ines ON MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE SUBSTATION NO. 8 ser | MUNICIP, iT Now : 2 UI ‘AL LIGHT AND POWER TEkV/12.47kV nz DEPARTMENT IF NOT ONE INCH ON pate 05 NOV 64 Teas SHEET, ADLST ANCHORAGE, ALASKA FEEDER DIAGRAM 11-FEB-85/QS3:(33,234)234E8 .DGN;1 20-DEC-84/0S3:133,234]234E9 (2915) (2315) LEGEND 4& TRANSFORMER(S) @ SWITCH CABINET, JUNCTION BOX, VAULT, OR JUNCTION POINT AS NOTED JUNCTION POINT OR GRID CROSSING —*— ISOLATION POINT — — UNDERGROUND CIRCUIT - 39 — OVERHEAD CIRCUIT - 30 mie OVERHEAD CIRCUIT - 16 —*— AIR BREAK SWITCH AXXX ~T BUS NO.(PARTIAL) (COMPLETE BUS NO. CONTAINS THE SUB- STATION NO, FOLLOWED BY THE BUS NO.) i.e. 16101 ‘Usus NO. —FEEDER NO. “——SUBSTATION NO. SUB 9 - FORS 1 & 2 SUB 9A FORS 3 & 4 SGN LE KINCER CHS LE KINCER REVISION BY JAPVD BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING, oe IF NOT ONE INCH ON, THIS SHEET, ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY, MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER DEPARTMENT ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 1433 COMPUTER AIDED GRAPHICS SYSTEM DRAWING SUBSTATION NO.9 34.5kV/4. 16kV SUBSTATION NO.9A 34.5kV/12.5kV 2 FEEDER DIAGRAM Ne” K17871.00 LEGEND 4& TRANSFORMER(S) | @ > SWITCH CABINET, | JUNCTION BOX, VAULT, OR JUNCTION POINT AS NOTED JUNCTION POINT OR GRID CROSSING — ISOLATION POINT — — UNDERGROUND CIRCUIT - 39 | —— OVERHEAD 0 500 1000 _ 1500 | CIRCUIT - 36 =| fi) ft) te ee tae SCALE 1"=500' | | | CIRCUIT - 9 7 —— AIR BREAK SWITCH AXXX ™BUS NO.(PARTIAL) (COMPLETE BUS NO. CONTAINS THE SUB- STATION NO. FOLLOWED BY THE BUS NO.) Le. 16101 AT BUS NO. —FEEDER NO. ‘SUBSTATION NO. -DGN;1 1336 COMPUTER AIDED GRAPHICS SYSTEM DRAWING MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE sect nel MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER SUBSTATION NO. 10 ae DEPARTMENT ee te ANCHORAGE, ALASKA FEEDER DIAGRAM pO 7871.00 14-DEO-84/QS3:(33,234]234E10 DNs 27-DEC-84/OS3x33,.234)294€13 NOTE: SUB 13 FOR 1 IS SHOWN ON GRID MAPS AS 132Xx. SUB 13A_FOR_1 IS SHOWN ON GRID MAPS AS 131XX. 1000 1500 ee | IDR RE BROWN C4 LE KINCER 1236 PVD CL BAGNALL MOTT DATE — BAR IS ONE INCH ON ORIGINAL DRAWING, a 1° IF NOT ONE INCH ON THIS SHEET, ADJUST SCALES ACCORDINGLY, MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER DEPARTMENT ANCHORAGE, ALASKA SUBSTATION NO. LEGEND 4 TRANSFORMER(S) @ SWITCH CABINET, JUNCTION BOX, VAULT, OR JUNCTION POINT AS NOTED e JUNCTION POINT OR GRID CROSSING —*- ISOLATION POINT — — UNDERGROUND CIRCUIT - 3 — OVERHEAD CIRCUIT - 39 OVERHEAD CIRCUIT - 16 —* AIR BREAK SWITCH B00 BUS NO.(PARTIAL) (COMPLETE BUS NO. CONTAINS THE SUB: STATION NO. FOLLOWED BY THE BUS NO.) i.e. 16191 | leus no. | [FEEDER NO. —SUBSTATION NO. COMPUTER AIDED GRAPHICS SYSTEM ORAWING 34.5kV/4. 16kV FEEDER DIAGRAM 13 AND 138A T Roe | DATE OS NOV 84 NO.” K 1787 1.00 .OGN1 27-DEC-84/QS3:(33,234)234E14 0 1000 1500 a SCALE 1°=500° (6752) (scr21) 925 924 Pee Rah —& (Sone) J = 123 122 103 = ere nf 16 104 fe 0807 113 1 tosh 108 (15523) (15522) LEGEND & TRANSFORMER(S) @® SWITCH CABINET, JUNCTION BOX, VAULT, OR JUNCTION POINT AS NOTED JUNCTION POINT OR GRID CROSSING —%*- ISOLATION POINT — — UNDERGROUND CIRCUIT - 3 —— OVERHEAD CIRCUIT - 39 o--- OVERHEAD CIRCUIT - —*— AIR BREAK SWITCH BK BUS NO.(PARTIAL) __ (COMPLETE BUS NO “CONTAINS THE SUB- STATION NO. FOLLOWED BY THE BUS NO.) i.e. 16101 1 NO. FEEDER NO. ‘SUBSTATION NO. NOTE: SUB 14 FOR 2 BUSSES SHOWN AS 142XX & 149XX. 194 (15209) 8 isc143) 958 (sores? #14169 TO ABS 127 (BUS #14174) CONNECTS TO BUS NOTE: CONTINUED ON GRID 1237 TO BUS 163 1242 DARE BROWN HK LE KINCER PSGN LE KINCER i PVD CL BAGNALL no .] DATE COMPUTER AIDED GRAPHICS SYSTEM DRAWING MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE SUBSTATION NO. 14 sect MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER DEPARTMENT 116KV /12.47kV = ANCHORAGE, ALASKA FEEDER DIAGRAM 13(SC142) aiserd2l a =) (sc189) (SC190) LEGEND 4& ~TRANSFORMER(S) ssseee= OVERHEAD @ SWITCH CABINET, cinco = Ce ON OO —— AIR BREAK SWITCH VAULT, OR JUNCTION axxx POINT AS NOTED “Hous NO (PARTIAL) iT COMPLETE BUS NO. ae teen OR CONTAINS THE SUB- STATION NO. —*- ISOLATION POINT FOLLOWED BY THE 518 ft — — UNDERGROUND ee We tales 778 519, =. CIRCUIT - 30 6 G ‘Arn 57 $16 — OVERHEAD BUS NO. CIRCUIT - 39 FEEDER NO. —SUBSTATION NO. 709 r TOM Lee = 1436 707(SC214) a oa (80126), (sc200) 509 507 \ 505 ) (SC124)(SC125) (sci29) a Se) af /_ f 7 15 (0134) ba 704(MSC10) | | 703 l 761 A (80133) S 500 1000 1500 [en ee ee SCALE 1"=500° 1633 606 = ‘ (SC 282) ‘S€233) 804 805 jl (se19s) I 1 622 i ne ree ia (SC194) | (MSC9) 1 St vl {I a\I 1 7394 7374 1 209 1628 TA, | ; (14194) 208 207 ysors2) Wrary79® | z (scree) (sc187) veel) a = S (16125) \ ($0241) Sa— > m ! ! | ro, | I I | ja ! 819 | 1334 || f ! 133 Ta I | | 1738 t (scr) 1737 | ee || 108 107 (14932) | L Seen aX (Sc1e2) | — eal (SO 298) bor COMPUTER AIDED GRAPHICS SYSTEM DRAWING MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE eee MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER SUBSTATION NO. 15 [xo] a i .DGN;1 rsp ees DEPARTMENT gS ey DATE REVISION SCALES ACCORDINGLY, 27-DEC-84/QS3:133,234)234E15 THIS SHEET, ADJUST ANCHORAGE, ALASKA FEEDER DIAGRAM LEGEND 4 TRANSFORMER(S) @ SWITCH CABINET, JUNCTION BOX, VAULT, OR JUNCTION POINT AS NOTED * JUNCTION POINT OR GRID CROSSING —%*— ISOLATION POINT — — UNDERGROUND CIRCUIT - 30 — OVERHEAD CIRCUIT - 39 ~--- OVERHEAD CIRCUIT - —— AIR BREAK SWITCH BXXX “BUS NO.(PARTIAL) (COMPLETE BUS NO. CONTAINS THE SUB- STATION NO. FOLLOWED BY THE BUS NO.) i.e. %101 Ugus NO. EEDER NO. SUBSTATION NO. MERAICLFIELO- OFF TO MT VIEW HORTHROP_PL gi --- 44h FAIRBARKS- DENAL S 8 Sy 8 | Le (Panag .OGNi1 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER SUBSTATION NO. 16 DEPARTMENT 115kV /12.47kV ANCHORAGE, ALASKA FEEDER DIAGRAM 27~DEC-84/QS3:033,234)234E16 rimeeratefarenesifjeenevenes a & 0 500 1000 1500 SE SCALE 1°=500° TO suB 14/ FoR 3 1206 LEGEND TRANSFORMER(S) SWITCH CABINET, JUNCTION BOX, VAULT, OR JUNCTION POINT ‘AS=NOTEO JUNCTION POINT OR 1336 | } GRID CROSSING nd (sco) EDA 162 SEN ACO IN ese ee TEE TT TT IT TTT TT aT eee CSCC Cc) eh cic CELE CLL LI EOL CCCI Tf ieemamen] eR CT LITT TT LL [te ee oe ee rare 17255 (FOR 182) — — UNDERGROUND 17256 (FOR 202) CIRCUIT - 3p 17257 (FOR 222) — OVERHEAD {CIRCUIT - 3p _— *S OVERHEAD | CIRCUIT ~ 2a —~*— AIR BREAK SWITCH AXE aus NO.(PARTIAL) (COMPLETE BUS NO. CONTAINS THE SUB= STATION NO. FOLLOWED BY THE BUS NO.) i.e. [Reus NO. FEEDER NO. SUBSTATION NO. -DGN;1 TO SUB 19 FOR 152 (9728) 1837, COMPUTER AIDED GRAPHICS SYSTEM DRAWING Saar race SUBSTATION NO. 17 (MT VIEW) ---— | MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER 34.5KV/12.47KV - DEPARTMENT foate 05 NOV 84] ANCHORAGE, ALASKA FEEDER DIAGRAM 20-DEC-84/QS3:33,23.4)23.4E 17 LEGEND 4 ~TRANSFORMER(S) @ SWITCH CABINET, JUNCTION BOX, VAULT, OR JUNCTION POINT AS NOTED " | JUNCTION POINT OR GRID CROSSING —*- ISOLATION POINT 500 — — UNDERGROUND: CIRCUIT - 30 — OVERHEAD | CIRCUIT - 36 7000 = OVERHEAD CIRCUIT - 10 —*— AIR BREAK SWITCH Anh, S NO.(PAR’ “BUS NO.(PARTIAL) 1234 COMPLETE BUS NO. CONTAINS THE SUB- STATION NO. FOLLOWED BY THE BUS NO.) Le. 16101 BUS NO FEEDER NO. SUBSTATION NO. (FOR 222) 18068 {FOR 232) 18069 ig, FOR 242) 18070 FOR 242 FDR Te) OF i I | i { i i i i ose i t b~FOR 232 \ (19028) .OGN1 1634 COMPUTER AIDED GRAPHICS SYSTEM DRAWING Rae Sacco | MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWE SUBSTATION NO. 18 (FAIRVIEW) MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER a E — 34.5kV/12.47kV (after conversion) tint ial : nen! Talo SHEET. ADUST ANCHORAGE, ALASKA FEEDER DIAGRAM 20-DEC-84/QS3:(33,234)]234E18 LEGEND & TRANSFORMER(S) @ SWITCH CABINET, JUNCTION BOX, VAULT, OR JUNCTIO? POINT AS NOTED JUNCTION POINT OR GRID CROSSING —%- ISOLATION POINT — — UNDERGROUND CIRCUIT - 30 —— OVERHEAD CIRCUIT - 36 OVERHEAD CIRCUIT - 19 —— AIR BREAK SWITCH 3 | “sus No.(PARTIAL) 1431 1432 | (COMPLETE BUS NO. scone TO MI VIEW SUB 17 CONTAINS THE SUB ‘DF C STATION NO. FOLLOWED BY THE BUS NO.) Le. 16) i tes W0, | | | | | FEEDER _NO. —SUBSTATION NO. 127 bred’ 4126 SC" 372), NOTE: FDRS 162 AND 172 ARE JUMPERED TOGETHER AT THE TOP PT BY NORTHERN LIGHTS AND BLUEBERRY. THEY ARE BOTH TIED TO SUB 7 FEEDER 6 AND NORMALLY CARRIED BY SUB 7. .DGN;1 1S ONE INCH MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Ee tai Sei MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER eee ee ee ee DEPARTMENT : : PATE Kincer | frais SECT, ASST ANCHORAGE, ALASKA FEEDER DIAGRAM an Ft} Sa 11-FEB-85 /QS3:(33,234)234E19 Appendix B CADPAD Documentation PDR986.042.76 APPENDIX “B” The Westinghouse program “FEEDERDESIGN” was used for analysis of both 3-phase unbalanced load flows and short circuit. Feeder- design is a module of Westinghouse’s CADPAD family of programs. The data used for input to feederdesign was obtained from the following sources: ‘~-grid maps....100’ and 50’ scale -ML&P personnel -ML&P switch cabinet data book -ML&P list of transformers -CH2M HILL analysis of the transmission system using the Westinghouse program WESTCAT to obtain source node impedances The data was assembled and input to feederdesign to form CASE STUDY FILES. The Case Study Files were used for analysis of the 4kV and 12.5kV distribution systems. Each CSF contains the following common data: -feeder types -ovarhead -underground -protective devices -relays ~fuses -conductor spacing data -overhead the overhead data used a phase configuration of C, B, neutral, A looking north or west along a overhead line ; -underground Each CSF contains the following unique data: -program constants -maximum no. of load flow iterations -mismatch criteria -system power base (MVA per phase) -earth resistivity -distance conversion factor for feeder segments -default values for max. and min. voltage -default values for max. leading and lagging power factor -bus (node) data -connected kva and power factor -spot load kva and power factor -capacitor bank kvar APPENDIX "“B" -feeder segment data -from and to bus numbers -phase positions -feeder type -status code....open or close -source node data -nominal substation voltage -substation mva capacity -positive sequence resistance and reactance -zero sequence resistance and reactance APPENDIX “B" Listed below are the CASE STUDY FILES residing in Feederdesign: DESCRIPTION OF CURRENT FEEDERDESIGN MASTER FILE See e aS SPACE UTILIZATION ( CURRENT/MAXIMUM ) -------- CASE STUDY FILES: 17/100 SYMBOLS: O/ 6 FEEDER TYPES: - 52/100 SPACING TABLES: 26/100 TRANSFORMER TYPES: 0/100 CAPACITOR TYPES: 0/100 PROTECTIVE DEVICES: 11/100 RESPONSE CURVES: 0/100 ------- PERIPHERIAL EQUIPMENT LOGICAL UNITS --------- CARD READER: 1 TAPE DRIVE: 1 DIGITIZER: 1 PRINTER: 6 PUNCH: 1 PLOTTER: 1 DIRECTORY OF FEEDERDESIGN CASE STUDY FILES wo 2 -2------------- FILE DESCRIPTION ----------------- NAME: SUBST1 CREATION DATE: FRI, JAN 04 1985 --.12:22:07 LAST CHANGE: MON, JAN 14 1985 -- 13:15:32 --------------- TOPOLOGICAL INFORMATION ------------- BUSES: 35/500 SEGMENTS: 32/ S01 STATIONS: 3/ 4 o 2-22-2222 ---- GRAPHICS INFORNATION --------------- SYMBOLS: O/ 21 LABELS: O/ 8 STRINGS: o/ 21 COORDINATE WINDOW - X ( MIN/MAX ): 0.0/ 0.0 : Y ( MIN/MAX ): 0.0/ 0.0 APPENDIX "B" wo ---------------- FILE DESCRIPTION ------------- NAME: SUBST2 CREATION DATE: TUE, JAN 08 1985 -- 13:14:40 LAST CHANGE: ERI, JAN 11 (1985)--717°33358 oo eo nn nn ------- TOPOLOGICAL INFORMATION --------- BUSES: 53/ SOO SEGMENTS: SO/ STATIONS: 3/ 8 o--2------------ GRAPHICS INFORMATION ----------- SYMBOLS: o/ 21 LABELS: ov STRINGS: O/ 21 COORDINATE WINDOW - X ( MIN/MAX ): 9.0/ Y ( MIN/MAX ): 0.0/ wo 2-2 2------------ FILE DESCRIPTION ------------- NAME: SUBST3 CREATION DATE: FRI, JAN 04 1985 -- 12:30:23 LAST CHANGE: FRI, JAN 11 1985 -- 18:10:28 o-oo eee -n------ TOPOLOGICAL INFORMATION --------- BUSES: 94/ S00 SEGMENTS: 93/ STATIONS: 37 4 ---------------- GRAPHICS INFORMATION ----------- SYMBOLS: o/ 2a LABELS: o/ STRINGS: o/ 21 COORDINATE WINDOW - X ( MIN/MAX ): 0.0/ Y ( MIN/MAX ): 0.0/ NAME: SUBST4 CREATION DATE: FRI, JAN 04 1985 -- 12:36:32 LAST CHANGE: FRI, JAN 11 1985 -- 19:54:49 one ----------- TOPOLOGICAL INFORMATION --------- BUSES: 36/ S00 SEGMENTS: 34/ STATIONS: 3/ 4 ---------------- GRAPHICS INFORMATION ----------- SYMBOLS: o/ Zak LABELS: o/ STRINGS: o/ Zak a COORDINATE WINDOW - X ( MIN/MAX ): 0.0/ Y ( MIN/MAX ): 0.0/ NAME: SUBSTS CREATION DATE: LAST CHANGE: BUSES: 33/ STATIONS: 7 SYMBOLS: o/ STRINGS: o/ COORDINATE WINDOW - X ( MIN/MAX ): NAME: SUBST6 CREATION DATE: LAST CHANGE: BUSES: 233/ STATIONS: S/ SYMBOLS: o/ STRINGS: o/ COORDINATE WINDOW - X ( MIN/MAX ): NAME: SBST6A CREATION DATE: LAST CHANGE: BUSES: ad STATIONS: 1/ SYMBOLS: o/ STRINGS: O/ COORDINATE WINDOW - X ¢ MIN/MAX 3 APPENDIX “B" FILE DESCRIPTION ERI, JAN {04-1985 --=- 1254413 FRI, JAN 11 1985 -- 20:09:18 TOPOLOGICAL INFORMATION 500 SEGMENTS: 32/ S01 4 ~~ GRAPHICS INEORNATION =a = aS 21 LABELS: o/ 8 2 0.0/ 0. Y (© MIN/MAX ): 0.0/ QO. fet OSG RE ek ON te TUE, JAN 08 1985 -- 14:50:10 FRI, FEB 08 1985 -- 19:08:24 TOPOLOGICAL INFORMATION ------------- 1000 SEGMENTS: 231/ 1002 8 =1 GRAPHIGS GINEORNATLON 21 LABELS: os 8 2A, 0.0/ 0.0 Y © MIN/MAX ): 0.0/ 0.0 ee ee ES DESCRIPIY ON toe ea TUE, JAN 08 1985 -- 13:19:19 SAT, JAN 12 1985 -- 13:08:23 TOROLOGICALTINEORNATIONS = ——— a= a 300 SEGMENTS: 6/ 303 8 =] GRAPHTCGS INFORMATION ao oie ine 21 ~ LABELS: o/ 8 74h 0.0/ 0.0 Y ( MIN/MAX ): 0.0/ 0.0 NAME: SUBST7 CREATION DATE: LAST CHANGE: BUSES: 140/ STATIONS: 4/ SYMBOLS: o/ STRINGS: o/ COORDINATE WINDOW - X ( MIN/MAX ): NAME: SUBST9 CREATION DATE: LAST CHANGE: BUSES: 33/ STATIONS: 2/ SYMBOLS: os STRINGS: os COORDINATE WINDOW - X ( MIN/MAX ): NAME: SBSTSA CREATION DATE: LAST CHANGE: BUSES: S77. STATIONS: 2h SYMBOLS: o/ STRINGS: os COORDINATE WINDOW - X ( MIN/MAX ): APPENDIX “B" TUE, JAN 08 1985 -- 16:38:35 SAT, JAN 12 1985 -- 13:30:07 TOPOLOGICAL INFORMATION 1000 SEGMENTS: 139/ 1002 8 =— GRAPHICS -LNEORNAT TON = <=> >= = — 21 LABELS: O/ an: 0.0/ 0.0 Y ( MIN/MAX ): 0.0/ 0.0 MON, JAN 07 1985 -- 19:44:10 SAT, JAN 12 1985 -- 13:39:08 TOPOLOGICAL INFORMATION S500 SEGMENTS: 32/ Sol 8 == GRAPHICS ENE ORMNATION, 2==——— = 21 LABELS: os 8 21 0.0/ 0.0 Y ( MIN/MAX ): 0.0/ 0.0 = BEE. DESCRIP) LONS=—— eee TUE, JAN 08 1985 -- 13:33:36 SUN, JAN 13 1985 -- 13:43:19 TOPOLOGICAL INEORNATION=— = — = 200 SEGMENTS: 37/ 201 4 - GRAPHICS INFORNATION --------------- 21 LABELS: ov 8 21 0.0/ 0.0 Y ( MIN/MAX ): 0.0/ 0.0 APPENDIX “B" ------------------ FILE DESCRIPTION ------------- NAME: SBST10 CREATION DATE: MON, JAN 07 1985 -- 19:52:40 LAST CHANGE: SUN, JAN 13 1985 -- 13:50:53 BCS Es TOPOLOGICAL INFORMATION ------------- BUSES: 20/ S00 SEGMENTS: 19/ S01 STATIONS: 7 8 ae GRAPHICS =INEORNA TION -—————————— ————— SYMBOLS: o/ 21 LABELS: ov STRINGS: o/ aA COORDINATE WINDOW - X ( MIN/MAX ): 0.0/ 0.0 Y ( MIN/MAX ): 0.0/ 0.0 SSDS S96 SG SISOS FIRE DESCRIPTION =—————— = NAME: SBST13 CREATION DATE: MON, JAN 07 1985 -- 19:56:32 LAST CHANGE: THU, JAN 17 1985 -- 13:51:39 SUBSTATIONS 13 AND 13A BOI OS TOPOLOGICAL INFORMATION ------------- BUSES: 38/ S00 SEGMENTS: 37/ SOL STATIONS: 2/ 8 aa GRAPHICS (INFORMATION ----———----———— SYMBOLS: os 21 LABELS: o/ 8 STRINGS: os 21 COORDINATE WINDOW - X ( MIN/MAX ): 0.0/ 0.0 Y ( MIN/MAX ): 0.0/ | 0.0 a PILE DESCRIPTION NAME: SBST14 CREATION DATE: TUE, JAN 08 1985 -- 13:38:37 LAST CHANGE: SUN, JAN 13 1985 -- 14:20:03 OE TOPOLOGICAL INFORMATION ------------- BUSES: 212/ 1000 SEGMENTS: 221/ 1002 STATIONS: Zi 8 SOS SS GRAPHICS TINEORNATION ——————————— = —— SYMBOLS: O/ 21 ., LABELS: o/ 8 STRINGS: O/ 21 COORDINATE WINDOW - X ( MIN/MAX ): 0.0/ 0.0 Y ( MIN/MAX ): 0.0/ 0.0 NAME: SBST1S CREATION DATE: LAST CHANGE: BUSES: 208/ STATIONS: 6/ SYMBOLS: ov STRINGS: o/ COORDINATE WINDOW - X ( MIN/MAX ): NAME: SBST16 CREATION DATE: LAST CHANGE: APPENDIX “B" MON, JAN 07 1985 -- 20:06:54 FRI, _FEB.08 1985 |-= 19:42:47. TOPOLOGICAL INFORMATION 1000 SEGMENTS: 207/ 1002 8 —s GRAPHICS) -INEORNATION ~~ 21 LABELS: o/ ca 0.0/ 0.0 Y ( MIN/MAX ): 0.0/ 0.0 TUE, JAN 08 1985 -- 17:28:32 SUN, JAN 13 1985 -- 15:24:36 SUBSTATION NO.16 ALL DATA BUSES: 222/ STATIONS: 6/ SYMBOLS: o/ STRINGS: os COORDINATE WINDOW - X ( MIN/MAX ): NAME: SBST17 CREATION DATE: LAST CHANGE: BUSES: 150/ STATIONS: 3/ SYMBOLS: o/ STRINGS: ov COORDINATE WINDOW - X ( MIN/MAX ): TOPOLOGICAL INFORMATION 750 SEGMENTS: 226/ 753 8 - GRAPHICS INFORMATION --------------- 21 LABELS: o/ 8 2a 0.0/ 0.0 Y ( MIN/MAX ): 0.0/ 0.0 = PEE ba DESCRTP TON MON, JAN 07 1985 -- 20:18:22 THU, JAN 17 1985 -- 17:45:39 TOPOLOGICAL INFORMATION ------------- 500 SEGMENTS: 150/501 8 SHGRAPH TGS. UNEORMAT-L ON pcm ire 21 LABELS: O/ 8 21 0.0/ 0.0 Y ( MIN/MAX ): 0.0/ 0.0 APPENDIX “B" o----------------- FILE DESCRIPTION ----------------- NAME: SBST19 CREATION DATE: MON, JAN 07 1985 -- 20:29:21 LAST CHANGE: THU, JAN 17 1985 -- 18:07:35 = TOPOLOGICAL INFORMATION ------------- BUSES: S2/ S00 SEGMENTS: S3/ S01 STATIONS: 2/ 8 SSNS SS 53935 325255 GRAPHICS INFORMATION ---------=----- SYMBOLS: o/ 21 LABELS: Os 8 STRINGS: O/ 21 . COORDINATE WINDOW - X ( MIN/MAX ): 0.0/ 0.0 Y ( MIN/MAX ): 0.0/ 0.0 APPENDIX “B" Listed below is the data base for the master files in feederdesign. The data base contains the following: -cable and conductor data used in calculating load flows and short circuits -protective devices---relays and fuses SS pL LNPUT =) FEEDER | TYPE IMPEDANCE CHARAGTERTS TLCS) iets i betical - POSITIVE SEQUENCE - ZERO SEQUENCE NUMBER RESIS REACT CHARGE RESIS REACT CONDUCTOR WIDGIT Se VE aaa OF ----(OHMS)---- (KVAR) ----(OHMS)--- SPACING SYMBOL NUMBER NAME PHASES eo BERD PHASE |)/ MIRE) poe a CODE CODE 31 397.5 AL 3 0.2595 0.5212 0.032 0.8470 1.7186 L 0 1 397 ACSR 3 0.2595 0.5212 0.291 0.8470 1.7186 a 9 2 336 ACSR 3 0.3065 0.6248 0.351 0.8940 1.8222 2 9 3 4/0 ACSR 3 0.5927 0.7636 0.334 1.3568 2.1661 3 9 4 2/0 ACSR 3 0.8957 0.8204 0.320 1.6598 2.2229 4 a0 Ss 1/0 ACSR 3 1.1207 0.8369 0.314 2.0040 2.5338 Ss QO 6 #2 ACSR 3 1.6907 0.8448 0.303 2.5740 2.5417 6 ° a #4 ACSR 3 2.5707 0.8353 0.289 3.4540 2.5322 7 0 8 #6 ACSR 3 3.9807 0.8520 0.279 4.8640 2.5488 8 9 3 #4/0 CU 3 0.3037 0.6835 0.330 1.1870 2.3804 3 0 10 #2/0 CU 3 0.4817 0.7117 0.316 1.3650 2.4085 10 0 11 #1/0 CU 3 0.6077 0.7259 0.309 1.4910 2.4228 Ae ° a2 #2 CU 3 0.9647 0.7540 0.297 1.8480 2.4509 12 0 13 #4 CU 3 1.5187 0.7793 0.290 2.4020 2.4762 13 0 14 #6 CU 3 2.3906 0.8172 0.275 3.2710 2.8375 14 9 15. #2-7X AL 3 1.6914 -0.0557 2.851 3.8068 2.2615 15 0 16 #1-S AL 3 1.3118 -0.0668 2.851 3.4252 1.7366 16 0 LZ #1-19X AL 3 1.3418 -0.0709 3.042 3.4479 1.7315 17 0 18 #1/0 S AL 3 1.0422 -0.0754 2.975 3.0863 1.3217 18 0 19. #4/0-19X A 3 0.6030 0.2022 7.840 0.4567 0.1533 0 0 20 7SOMCM 61X 3 0.1964 0.1647 12.653 0.1489 0.1250 0 ° 21 1000MCM-61 3 0.1397 -0.1371 7.603 0.4748-0.1867 21 ° 22 #1/0-19XA 3 1.1769 0.2244 6.188 0.8916 0.1700 0 0 32 336 AL 3 0.3065 0.6248 0.039 0.8940 1.8222 2 0 33 4/0 AL 3 0.5927 0.7636 0.037 1.3568 2.1661 3 0 34 2/0 AL 3. 0.8957 0.8204 0.036 1.6598 2.2229 4 0 35 1/0 AL 3 1.1207 0.8369 0.035 2.0040 2.5338 Ss 0 36 #2 AL 3 1.6907 0.8448 0.034 2.5740 2.5417 6 0 S7 #4 AL 3 2.5707 0.8353 0.032 3.4540 2.5322 7 0 38 #6 AL 3 3.9807 0.8520 0.031 4.8640 2.5488 8 0 39 4/0 CU 3 0.3037 0.6835 0.037 1.1870 2.3804 b) 0 40 2/0 CU 3 0.4817 0.7117 0.035 1.3650 2.4085 10 9 41 1/0 CU 3 0.6077 0.7259 0.034 1.4910 2.4228 11 9 42 #2 CU 3 0.9647 0.7540 0.033 1.8480 2.4509 12 9 43 #4 CU 3 1.5187 0.7793 0.032 2.4020 2.4762 13 0 44 #6 CU 3 2.3906 0.8172 0.031 3.2710 2.8375 14 0 45 #2-7XAL 3 1.6914 -0.0557 0.317 3.8068 2.2615 15 0 10 - - - - INPUT - FEEDER TYPE IMPEDANCE CHARACTERISTICS ---- TYPE ---- NUMBER NAME 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 23 24 25 53 54 55 28 58 #1-SOL AL #1-19X AL 750 AL 1000 AL 4/0 CONC 730 CONC 1/0 CONC 4/0 CONC 730 CONC 1/0 CONC 250 CU 250 CU - - - - INPUT - ---- TYPE ---- NUMBER NAME Ww WONDUNABRWNR 397.5 AL 397 .ACSR 2/0 ACSR #2 ACSR #4 ACSR #6 ACSR #4/0 CU #2/0 CU #1/0 CU #2 CU #4 CU #6 CU #2-7X AL 1/0-SOL AL 4/0-19X AL 1/0-19X AL 336 ACSR 4/0 ACSR 1/0 ACSR NUMBER OF PHASES WWWWWWWWW WWW WW Ww APPENDIX “Be - POSITIVE SEQUENCE - RESIS REACT CHARGE Sr ONS) | I CKVARD) ie PER PHASE / 1.3118 -0.0668 0.317 1.3418 -0.0709 0.338 1.0422 -0.0754 0.331 0.6029 0.1663 1.094 0.1964 0.1642 1.795 651397 )|-On1370 0.845 1.1769 0.1827 0.835 0.5645 -0.1003 4.147 0.1906 -0.1309 6.517 1.0625 -0.0731 3.259 0.5645 -0.1003 0.461 0.1906 -0.1309 0.724 1.0625 -0.0731 0.362 0.2872 0.2175 7.965 0.2878 0.1843 1.033 ZERO SEQUENCE RESIS REACT ---- (OHMS) --- MILE --------- 3.4252 1.7366 3.4479 1.7315 3.0863 1.3217 0.4568 0.1262 0.1488 0.1243 0.4748-0.1867 0.8916 0.1384 1.9687 0.3661 0.6540-0.1558 3.0697 1.3273 1.9687 0.3661 0.6540-0.1558 3.0697 1.3273 0.2176 0.1648 0.2180 0.1396 FEEDER TYPE CAPACITY, RELIABILITY AND COSTS NUMBER OF PHASES WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Ww ---- CAPACITY ---- NOMINAL RESTORE FAILURES NORMAL EMERG FAULT VOLTAGE TIME aS GAHPS) oe (KVLN) (HR/F) 600. QO. QO. 2.40 0.00 600. QO. oO. 7.20 0.00 530. oO. QO. 7.20 0.00 340. oO. oO. 7.20 0.00 270. QO. QO. 7.20 0.00 230. oO. QO. 7.20 0.00 180. oO. QO. 7.20 0.00 140. QO. QO. 7.20 0.00 100. oO. oO. 7.20 0.00 480. oO. QO. 7.20 0.00 360. QO. oO. 7.20 0.00 310. QO. QO. 7.20 0.00 240. oO. QO. 7.20 0.00 180. QO. QO. 7.20 0.00 130. QO. QO. 7.20 0.00 180. oO. oO. 7.20 0.00 aha CONDUCTOR WIDGIT SPACING SYMBOL CODE 16 17, 18 0 0 oa 9 19 20 22 19 20 22 (F/YR) ao ek 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 9.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 CODE e°cooo0oooo0o0C CoCo °0 COST (S/YR) oo ES APPENDIX “Be - - - - INPUT - FEEDER TYPE CAPACITY, RELIABILITY AND COSTS ---- TYPE ---- NUMBER NAME 16 AZ) 18 19 20 21 22 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4S 46 47 48 49 So Sl S2 23 24 25 53 54 SS 28 58 #1-S AL #1-19X AL #1/0 S AL #4/0-19X A 7SOMCM 61X 1OOOMCN-61 #1/0-19XA 336 AL 4/0 AL 2/0 AL 1/0 AL #2 AL #4 AL #6 AL 4/0 CU 2/0 CU 1/0 CU #2 CU #4 CU #6 CU #2-7XAL #1-SOL AL #1-19X AL 1/0-SOL AL 4/0-19X AL 750 AL 1000 AL 1/0-19X AL 4/0 CONC 750 CONC 1/0 CONC 4/0 CONC 750 CONC 1/0 CONC 250 CU 250 CU NUMBER OF PHASES WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWW WWW Ww NOMINAL RESTORE FAILURES NORMAL EMERG FAULT VOLTAGE =—=— CAPACITY —--— ea CAMPS) 205. oO. 205. QO. 235. oO. 307. QO. 539. QO. 598. QO. 235. QO. 530. oO. 340. QO. 270. °. 230. oO. 180. QO. 140. QO. 100. QO. 480. QO. 360. QO. 310. Oo. 240. QO. 180. oO. 130. oO. 80. QO. 205. oO. 205. QO. 235. QO. 307. QO. 539. oO. 598. QO. 235. QO. 307. oy 600. QO. 235. QO. 307. oO. 600. QO. 235. oO. 255. QO. 315. QO. ae eof90OCOCOOOoOOC0OO0 (KVLN) 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 7.20 7.20 7.20 2.40 2.40 2.40 7.20 2.40 TIME CHR/F) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 eooooo0o°o eooggoogogo eooogooogo oO CF/YR) =—— PER 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.9000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 COST (S/YR) MILE --- PPC DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD OOOO OOOOOOOD OOO oSO CODE WONDUAWNPKR NNRP RPP PR DU BRWNPrPO 27 SPACING CODE WONDUNDWNH APPENDIX "B” INPUT - OVERHEAD SPACING - CONDUCTOR PARAMETERS - - o--2---- CONDUCTOR 1 ---------- ------- CONDUCTOR 2 ----------- AC GEOMETRIC ac GEOMETRIC SPACING RESISTANCE DIAMETER MEAN RADIUS RESISTANCE DIAMETER MEAN RADIUS (OHMS/MI) CINCHES) (FEET) (OHNS/MI) (INCHES) (FEET) 0.25900 0.7830 0.02780 0.25900 0.0278 0.27800 0.30600 0.7200 0.02550 0.30600 0.7200 0.02550 0.59200 0.5630 0.00814 0.59200 0.5630 0.00814 0.89500 0.4470 0.00510 0.89500 0.4470 0.00510 1.12000 0.3980 0.00446 1.12000 0.3980 0.00446 1.69000 0.3250 0.00418 1.69000 0.3250 0.00418 2.57000 0.2500 0.00452 2.57000 + 0.2500 0.00452 3.98000 0.1980 0.00394 3.98000 0.1980 0.00394 0.30300 0.5220 0.01579 0.30300 0.5220 0.01579 0.48100 0.4140 0.01252 0.48100 0.4140 0.01252 0.60700 0.3680 0.01113 0.60700 0.3680 0.01113 0.96400 0.2920 0.00883 0.96400 0.2920 0.00883 1.51800 0.2540 0.00717 1.51800 0.2540 0.00717 2.39000 0.1840 0.00526 2.39000 0.1840 0.00526 2.10000 0.2576 0.00308 2.10000 0.2576 0.00308 3.35000 0.2043 0.00245 3.35000 0.2043. 9.00245 5.32000 0.1620 0.00194 5.32000 0.1620 0.00194 INPUT - OVERHEAD SPACING - CONDUCTOR PARAMETERS - - - - - - - - -------- CONDUCTOR 3 ---------- --------- CONDUCTOR 4 --------- AC GEOMETRIC AC GEOMETRIC RESISTANCE DIAMETER MEAN RADIUS RESISTANCE DIAMETER MEAN RADIUS (OHMS/MI) CINCHES) (FEET) (OHMS/MI) (INCHES) (FEET) 0.25900 0.7830 0.02780 0.60700 0.3680 . 0.01113 0.30600 0.7200 0.02550 0.60700 0.3680 0.01113 0.59200 0.5630 0.00814 0.96400 0.2920 0.00883 0.89500 0.4470 0.00510 0.96400 0.2920 0.00883 1.12000 0.3980 0.00446 1.51800 0.2540 0.00717 1.69000 0.3250 0.00418 1.51800 0.2540 0.00717 2.57000 0.2500 0.00452 1.51800 0.2540 0.00717 3.98000 0.1980 0.00394 1.51800 0.2540 0.00717 0.30300 0.5220 0.01579 1.51800 0.2540 0.00717 0.48100 0.4140 0.01252 1.51800 0.2540 0.00717 0.60700 0.3680 0.01113 1.51800 0.2540 0.00717 0.96400 0.2920 0.00883 1.51800 0.2540 0.00717 1.51800 0.2540 0.00717 1.51800 0.2540 0.00717 13 APPENDIX “B” Sie INPUT - OVERHEAD SPACING - CONDUCTOR PARAMETERS - - - - - - - - al CONDUCTOR 3) oe CONDUCTOR 4) AC GEOMETRIC AC GEOMETRIC SPACING RESISTANCE DIAMETER MEAN RADIUS RESISTANCE DIAMETER MEAN RADIUS CODE COHMS/MI) CINCHES) (FEET) COHMS/MI) (INCHES) CFEET) 14 2.39000 0.1840 0.00526 2.39000 0.1840 0.00526 25 2.10000 0.2576 0.00308 2.10000 0.2576 0.00308 26 3.35000 0.2043 0.00245 3.35000 0.2043 0.00245 27, 5.32000 0.1620 0.00194 5.32000 0.1620 0.00194 tal alia INPUT - OVERHEAD SPACING - INTERPHASE SPACING - - - - - - SPACING ie, Le i Zs) 4 2-4 3 514 COD Eis: ciao RGGLE ee CREE) a iaicericial a ania cine aL iat a 2.4200 7.3400 4.9200 4.9200 2.5000 2.4200 2 2.4200 7.3400 4.9200 4.9200 2.5000 2.4200 3 2.4200 7.3400 4.9200 4.9200 2.5000 2.4200 4 2.4200 7.3400 4.9200 4.9200 2.5000 2.4200 S 2.4200 7.3400 4.3200 4.9200 2.5000 2.4200 6 2.4200 7.3400 4.9200 4.9200 2.5000 2.4200 7 2.4200 7.3400 4.9200 4.9200 2.5000 2.4200 8 2.4200 7.3400 4.9200 4.9200 2.5000 2.4200 io 2.4200 7.3400 4.9200 4.9200 2.5000 2.4200 10 2.4200 7.3400 4.9200 4.9200 2.5000 2.4200 11 2.4200 7.3400 4.9200 4.9200 2.5000 2.4200 a2) 2.4200 7.3400 4.9200 4.9200 2.5000 2.4200 13 2.4200 7.3400 4.9200 4.9200 2.5000 2.4200 14 2.4200 7.3400 4.9200 4.9200 2.5000 2.4200 25 2.4200 7.3400 4.9200 4.9200 - 2.5000 2.4200 26 2.4200 7.3400 4.9200 4.9200 2.5000 . 2.4200 ae 2.4200 7.3400 4.9200 4.9200 2.5000 2.4200 - - INPUT - OVERHEAD SPACING - VERTICAL HEIGHT - SPACING LG 2G SEG 4 = 1G CODE Se ee ee ee a a 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 2 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 3 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 4 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 s 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 14 APPENDIX " Bt - - INPUT - OVERHEAD SPACING - VERTICAL HEIGHT - SPACING CODE Wwonn ay 12 13 14 25 26 27 SPACING CODE 16 a7 18 te) 20 21 22 15 SPACING CODE 16 LZ 18 19 20 21 22 15 BENG ET ) ----- 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 2 = 1G 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 - INPUT - UNDERGROUND SPACING - CABLE 1 NEUTRAL G RESIS. ME 4.04000 4.04000 3.28000 1.67000 0.49000 0.36000 3.28000 5.24000 EOMETRIC AN RADIUS CUEEES )D) 0.11265 0.12194 0.12650 0.19389 0.37368 0.43149 0.13693 0.10280 - INPUT - UNDERGROUND SPACING - CABLE 2 ac 2)\=)\G BS GEE 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 40.0000 AC CAP. RESIS. REACT. SS ( OHMS/MI >) 1.31000 9090.0 1.34000 8522.0 1.04000 8712.0 0.56000 6250.0 0.17560 3977.0 0.12000 3409.0 1.06000 7954.0 1.69000 9090.0 AC CAP. RESIS. REACT. ea ( OHMS/MI > 1.31000 9090.0 1.34000 8522.0 1.04000 8712.0 0.56000 6250.0 0.17560 3977.0 0.12000 3403.0 1.06000 7954.0 1.69000 9090.0 NEUTRAL GEOMETRIC RESIS. MEAN RADIUS Rein CiBEET 2) 4.04000 0.11265 4.04000 0.12194 3.28000 0.12650 1.67000 0.19389 0.49000 0.37368 0.36000 0.43149 . 3.28000 0.13693 5.24000 0.10280 15 NUMBER OF NEUTRAL CONDUCTORS 6 6 6 11 15 20 CABLE NEUTRAL ~~ —) DIAMETER) == = LNCHES))) 5 0.7800 0.0640 0.8100 0.0640 0.8150 0.6400 1.0000 0.0640 1.5200 0.1020 1.7050 0.1020 0.8500 0.0640 0.7750 0.0640 CABLE NEUTRAL =——) DIAMETER | — =—GeENCHES) ic 0.7800 0.0640 0.8100 0.0640 0.8150 0.6400 1.0000 0.0640 1.5200 0.1020 1.7050 0.1020 0.8500 0.0640 0.7750 0.0640 NUMBER OF NEUTRAL CONDUCTORS APPENDIX "B" Se INPUT - UNDERGROUND SPACING - CABLE 3 - - ------------- AC CAP. NEUTRAL GEOMETRIC CABLE NEUTRAL NUMBER OF SPACING RESIS. REACT. RESIS. MEAN RADIUS --- DIAMETER -- NEUTRAL CODE, ==—=——- CIQHMS/.Mi,)) ------— ( FEET ) -- ( INCHES ) - CONDUCTORS 16 1.31000 9090.0 4.04000 0.11265 0.7800 0.0640 6 17 1.34000 8522.0 4.04000 0.12194 0.8100 0.0640 6 18 1.04000 8712.0 3.28000 0.12650 0.8150 0.6400 6 19 0.56000 6250.0 1.67000 0.19389 1.0000 0.0640 a1 20 0.17560 3977.0 0.49000 0.37368 1.5200 0.1020 is 2a 0.12000 _ 3409.0 0.36000 0.43149 1.7050 0.1020 20 22; 1.06000 7954.0 3.28000 0.13693 0.8500 0.0640 6 is 1.69000 9090.0 5.24000 0.10280 0.7750 0.0640 6 - - - INPUT - UNDERGROUND SPACING - - SPACING 2: = 3 23) CODEN oS ao QC EEED 16 0.0650 0.0650 0.0650 a7, 0.0680 0.0680 0.0680 18 0.0680 0.0680 0.0680 19 0.0850 0.0850 0.0850 20 0.1300 0.1300 0.1300 24: 0.1450 0.1450 0.1450 22) 0.0750 0.0750 0.0750 15 0.0650 0.0650 0.0650 => SINPUT RELAY DATA Soe 9 --- PROTECTIVE DEVICE --- WIDGIT NUMERIC ALPHANUMERIC TIME/CURRENT SYMBOL IDENTIFIER =~ NANE --— CURVE FANILY CODE 108 cos 9 0 53 TACS3 20 9 77 IAC77 21 0 109 cog 10 ° sale co-11 13 0 Se NEU RU See DATA Nise S& = --- PROTECTIVE DEVICE --- EXPULSION (1) VOLATGE WIDGIT NUMERIC ALPHANUMERIC | TIME/CURRENT OR CURRENT RATING SYMBOL IDENTIFIER NAN CURVE FAMILY LIMITING (2) « KV ) CODE 1 WKE 74 1 7.200 ° 2. WKE 2 z 2.400 0 APPENDIX B The load flows run on Feederdesign required input of substation feeder loadings. The December 1984 substation meter readings were used as the source for the loading data. Due to the volatile mature of switching on the distribution system, we requested ard received from ML&P a “preferred" switching scheme for the December readings. The effects of CEA transferred laads and differences in the scheme for the December readings and the preferred scheme were considered and factored inta the final substation feeder loadings. Table Bl lists the substation ampere and demand KW readings for December 1984 and the KW and KVAR amounts derived for use in the load flow analysis. 17 1984 LOADING DATA Ri ‘ | LOAD LOAD REMAINING SUBSTA. | PEAK PERK PEAK | TOT | TOT | SUBSTA. | *0F X0F x PEAK «PERK PEAK | PEAK PEAK PEAK TOTAL TRANSFER TRANSFER CONNECTED CONNECTED | LOAD LOAD LOAD 1 LOAD | SUBSTA. | PEAK | SUBSTA. SUBSTA. SUBSTA. LOAD = LOAD. LOAD} | LOAD LOAD LOAD SUB. FDR.CONNECTED TO CEA TO MEP LOAD LOAD =| A PHASE B PHASE C PHASE | FEEDER | | LOAD 83/84 | PEAK PEAK PEAK =| A PHASE B PHASE C PHASE | POWER | A PHASE B PHASE C PHASE NO. NO. LOAD-KVA = KVA KVA KVA KVA | AAPG AAPG AMPS | APS} AMPS KW 1 A PHASE B PHASE C PHASE 1 = KW KW KW | FACTOR | KVAR KVAR KVAR . -_- 1 1 | 1 aa eemmennes | eamnweenewemnmmee. wenn | mannan = | enn anne een n nnn 1 1 6220.5 6220.5 9783.8 | 228 228 210 | 658 | 1795 | 380 | 12.26% 12.26% 11.788 | 451 451 431 1 89 | 2184 2184 208.5 1 2 247.5 247.5 9783.8 | 45 45 68 1 17 1 1785 I 82 1 SIX 25x 4.46% 1 ES x 164 | 0.9 44.7 44.7 79.4 1 3 B58 BIiS.e = 9783.8 | 185 288 19 1 375 1 175 1 3688} 1O.31K 114k 18.58% | 379 ae se 1 89 183.7 198.6 = 188.7 2 1 R35 3231.5 7441.0 1 ® M8 105 1 35) 1135 1 372 1 7.93% 9.69% 9.25% | 244 298 284 1 89 118.0 144.2 137.6 2 2 1893.5 1893.5 7441.8 1 415 155 bo 358 | M135 i O72 i 18.13% 13.66% 7.85% | 3ut 428 a7 | 89 158.7 203.2 184.9 2 3 2316.8 2316.8 7441.0 | 178 158 160.1 488 1 1135 1 3e72 1 14.98% 13.22k 14.10% 1 468 406 43 1 69 222.8 6196.6 209.7 31 5088.5 0.8 3008.5 15438.5 | 198 175 218 | 75 | = (1678 J 4736 1 11.38% 18.48% 12.57% | 539 4% 5% | 09 261.8 248.4 = 288.4 3.2 4783.5 4783.5 154385 | 148 158 148 | 4301 = 1678 I 47% | 8.38% 8.98% 8. 38x 1 37 425 397 1 0.9 192.3 206.8 192.3 303 (5638.5 0.8 5638.5 154385 1 2 210 ees 665 | 1678 | 4736 1 13.77% 12.57% 13.47% | 652 5% 63 1 89 315.9 288.4 309.8 4 1 1209.8 1209.8 = 3637.8 1 248 168 168 | 568 1 1278 | 3264 1 18.98% 12.68% 12.68% | 617 ail 41 6.9 298.7 199.2 199.2 4 2 1038.5 1038.5 3637.8 | 6 7 eI 2e | (127 1 R64 1 472k S.S1k 7.09% | 154 168 a1 89 47 e741 112.8 4 3 1389.5 1389.5 3637.8 | 128 228 158 | 49% | 1278 1 3264 | 945K 17.32% 11.814 | 308 565 1 89 149.4 273.8 = 186.7 S14 4122.8 ee 0.8 (4122.8 4122.8 | 173 168 215 | 57 | 615 1 1744 | 28.46% 29.27% 34.96% | 4% 18 618 ft 89 248.3 247.2 © 295.3 5225.8 0.8 5225.8 39926.5 108 1e2 108 318 e592 16858 417K BGK 417K Te 663 72 6.9 340.0 0 321.1 348.8 8969.5 0.8 8969.5 39926.5 192 192 188 564 2592 16978 TALK TAK 6,948 125812581179 09 609.1 689.1 = S718 | ' ! | | | ' | | ' | | ' 1 2049.5 6.8 0.8 2049.5 39926.5 1 3s 1S ot MH 1 e259 | 16978 | = 1.35% @.58% = 8.96% | 229 98 164 | @9 ' 1 | | ' 1 ' ! 1 ' | ! | ' AAAMAM eu Hp ‘ 1 I ! ' 1 1 | 1 ' 1 ! ' ' ' ! ! ' | 1 | ' | 1945.8 0.8 08 1945.0 = 1945.8 1 148 118 110 1 368 | 380 | 968 | 36.84% 28.95% 26.95% | 354 278 278 | 9 1 1713 1346 134.6 | ! ' 1 1 ' 1 ' ' 1 | ! ! ! ' ! ' ' ' | ! ' ' . 111.08 47.6 79.3 14955. 5 0.8 0.8 =14955.5 399265 588 568 578 1726 2592 16978 22.69% 21.91% 21.99% 51 8 TK 0.9 1865.4 1881.9 1888.3 8727.8 08 @.0 = §©8727.8 = 39926.5 1 154.432 181.164 196.992 | 532.608 e592 16978 5.96% 6.99% 7.60% 101211871298 0.9 489.9 574.8 = 624.9 6A 1 7 2 1108.0 = 508.8 3381.5 21367.5 | 88 Cr) 68 1 228 | 1642.02 | 11592 | 4.87% 4.87% = 3.65% | 565 565 seo) 09 273.5 273.5 205.1 7 5 3897.8 = 1855.0 1242.8 2137.5 | 31.9 31.9 26.6 | 924 | 2389.62 | 11592 1) 1.3% 1.33% 1,208 | 155 155 139 | 89 rm] 4.9 67.2 7 6 109925 427.5 10565.6 21367.5 | 178.02 154.8 154.8 | 487.62 | 2389.62 | 11592 1 (7.45% 6.48% 6.48% 1 864 Tl TH 1 69 418.2 363.7 363.7 7 7 «6453.5 2359.8 6179.8 21367.5 | 292 275 275 | B42 | 2389.62 1 M1592 | 12.22% ALSIe 115i 1 1416 | 13384 134 1 686.0 646.1 646.1 9 1 2259.8 0.8 2259.0 6069.0 | ) % 4a) 216 | 928 i 800 || B.62k 18.34K 4.310 | 69 83 4H 1 09 33.4 40.1 16.7 9 2 3618.8 6.8 3810.8 6869.8 | 176 176 168 | Set 928 | 1392 1 18.97% 18.97% 17.24% | 264 264 ae | 6.9 127.9 127.9 116.2 WR 3 4925.0 0.8 0.0 4925.8 4925.8 1 112 104 128 | a4 wt 2477 1 7K 28.57% 35. 16% | 762 708 e711) 8.9 1” 36%1 ©3428 = 421.9 18 1 (4491.8 0.8 6.8 4491.8 4491.0 | 135 168 168 | 455 | 455 1 1208 | 29.67% 35.16% 35. 16x | 356 422 sez) 09 172.4 204.4 204.4 13° 1 1393.8 0.8 88 1393.8 1393.8 | 55 re) a 19 1 1% 1 660 | 28.95% 39.47% 31.58% | 191 261 en 9.5 126.2 = 108.9 1A 1 9710.8 0.8 08 9710.8 © 9718.8 1 178 178 178 1 St S18 i 1936 1 33.334 33.33% 33.33% 1 645 645 645 | 09 B25 325 | a5 1401 12531.5 56.8 485.8 12958.5 27982.8 | 225 235 288 | 48 1 1236 1 13392 1 18.28% 19.01% 22.65% | 2438 2546 84D 1180.7 1233.2 1469.3 142 14943.5 0.8 0.8 149435 2792.8 | 255 25e 248 TS 1 1238 i 13392 | 20.63% 20.23% 19.42% 1 2763 2789 688 | 1338.1 1311.9 1259.4 15 1 2375.8 2654.8 = 5829.8 © 47123.8 1 128 168 % | 384 1 KB 19584 1 3.58% 5.@2k 2.87% | 702 983 Set 09 340.8 475.9 272.8 15 2 329.5 6.8 §32%.5 47123.8 | 128 128 120 1 we | 3348 1954 1 3.58% 3.58% 3.S8x 1 782 782 72 | 69 HOG Oe 340.8 15° 5 8382.5 2512.5 10895.8 47123.8 | 156 128 156 | 432 1 3B tf 19564 | 4.66% 3.584 4.66% | 913 782 93 1 69 MAF HO.8 441.9 TORE RI nner + ! 1984 LOADING DATA ADJUSTED 1985 LOADING DATA ' 1 1 TOT =| SUBSTA. | *OF Xx O0F XOF | PEAK PEAK PERK ' ' ' LOAD —-LOAD.-«-REMAINING SUBSTA. 1 PEAK PEAK PEAK «1 TOTAL I 1 1 PEAK OER OER TOTAL TRANSFER TRANSFER CONNECTED CONNECTED 1 LOAD LOAD LOAD | LOAD | SUBSTA. | PEAK | SUBSTA. SUBST, SUBSTA. | LOAD LOAD LOAD | ) LOAD = LOAD=S«LOAD SUB. FOR.COMNECTED TO CEA TO MAP LOAD «LOAD.» A PHASE B PHASE C PHASE 1 FEEDER | | LOAD 83/84 1 PEAK = PEAK = PEAK «A PHASE B PHAGE C PHAGE 1 POMER 1 A PHASE B PHASE C PHASE NO. NO. LOAD-KVA KVR KR CKVA KVA | AMPS > AMPS AMES APS |S | KW A PARSE B PHASE C PHASE KWo KW oKMW oT FACTOR «1 KVAR=OKVAR) KAR — ——— 7 — |----—-—---- =| 1 1 |--—-—---—---—-- {$$ ——_) -—_____- —______ 15 6 5591.5 @ BMS 8726.0 471230 | 318 365.04 381.84 1 1064.88 | 33KB | 19584 | 9.SRK 10.90% 1.4K 1 18682135 203h || 908.9 1834.2 108.8 15 7 9505.5 0.8 9585.5 47123.8 | 162 174.96 110.16 1 447.12 1 38 1 (19586 1 484k 523K 2K) | 8182S) 48497 15 8 126438 7267.8 4295.8 %671.0 471230 1 166 = 216 S76 1 3KB | 19584 14 BOX BMSK BASE) | B42 12631263 18 tA INI : 2 ' 16 1 11627.8 0.0 116270 6857.5 | 32h 32h 8B |S HB T3352 1 STA | 9G7K 967K B95 1 2762 = 262-OSST_ “10.9 | «1337.7 1337.7 1238.6 16 2 S64ee 6447.8 7897.8 6857.5 | © 188 28h 18S SHA T3352 1 BST IL S.37K 609K 5.3701 151739 SBA | 1A BH TABLL 16 5 9164.8 1961.5 11145.5 685785 1 258 258 «23st A782 | STA 1778x7708 «6.89% 1 21992199 19HKH9 1) OF | (1865.2 «1065.2 952.7 16 6 7088.8 4671.5 10627.5 605725 | 188 188 188 | «540 | 3352 | | RSTA LS S37K SL3TK S371 15H SHH 53K 189 743.1 16 7 14123.5 0.8 14123.5 6857.5 1 248 252 2h | 6% | 3352 1 «= BSTA 176K 752k 6.09% 1 «28462188 1739':«sC 842.2 16 8 5159.8 6.8 5158.8 685705 | 10) 7st27 tA S882 | BSTH LS 298X 49K 379K) = Sek | 524.3 ! 17 1€2 1008.8 €.0 1088.8 7222.5 1 OPEN OPEN OPEN «1 OPEN ee: et ' 1 ' 17 182 6222.5 0.68 6222.5 7222.5 1 10 12 10 | 35 | 651 | SN 1 16.98% 19.20% 16.98% 1 875 995 BH SLCC | AN ABRARML 17 202 4618.5 0.0 4618.5 7965.5 1 136 6h CBW | 8S | | HAT SRK BSR 18.19 1 | S61 AWE ATL 127.9 159.9 17 222 3355.8 6.0 3355.0 79655 1 52 6 681 168 1 785 | «A 1B BRX 7B BAK) = tS OH TS E1889 119.9 \ 18 222 3385.8 0.8 3385.8 6372.5 | SEE SUB 6 FDR 7 1 e1 ' 1 eg) 18 232 1457.5 0.8 1457.5 6372.5 1 SEE SURG FDRT 0 en \ et I 1 a9 18 242 1530.@ 8.8 8.8 1538.8 6372.5 | SEE SUB 6 FDR B ———-! et I 1 094 ' 0.0 6788.5 1938.8 | 9178175 6S | SHO 12) 7H LAB. NBX 137K 12.79% 1 1825185 9S Ft 496.3 518.9 8.7 6 6880.0 193898 | 260 «188178 |S G18 | 1298 «| 77TH | REX 13.95% 13.181 1567 1085 18S | | TSH.L (525.5 | 496.3 0.0 @.@ 19389.8 1 OPEN OPEN OPEN e1 et er \ 1 09) 0.8 0.0 193892 1 OPEN OPEN OPEN 8 et e1 ' 1 a9 NOTES:SUB. 17---MT. VIEW, TRANSFERRED FROM CEA SUB. 18-—-FAIRVIEW, TRANSFERRED FORM CEA SUB. 19---BLUEBERRY, TRANSFERRED FROM CEA SUB. 17 USES THE PEAK KW DEMAND OF EACH TRANSFORMER-— TRANSFORMER NO. 1-—-FEEDERS 282 AND 222 TRANSFORMER N@.2-—FEEDERS 162 AND 182 POWER FACTOR OF 8.9 IS SELECTED TO CORRELATE WITH THE POMER FACTOR OF @.9 USED IN BUS LOADING DATA ON FEEDERDESIGN DATA BASE. THE FOLLOWING FORMULAE WERE USING IN DERIVING THE KW AND KVAR LOADING DATA: REMAINING CONN. KVA = (TOTAL CONN. KVA)+(LOAD TO MLEP KVA)-(LOAD 70 CEA KVAD TOTAL FEEDER AMPS = SUM OF A,B, AND C PHAGE PEAK LOAD AMPS % SUB. PERK LOAD PER PHASE = PEAK PHASE AMPS / TOTAL SUBST. AMPS PERK KW LOAD PER PHAGE = (x SUB. PEAK PER PHASE) # (SUBST. PEAK KW LOAD) PERK KVAR LOAD PER PHASE = (PEAK KW LOAD PER PHASE) # (SIN 25.8/C0S 25.8) THE VALUES USED FOR FEEDER ANPS AND SUBST. PEAK KW WERE OBTAINED FROM MLEP's DECEMBER 1984 SUBST. DEMAND REPORT TABLE BI PAGE 2