HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlaska's Energy Plan 1985 Regional Data Summarymee Re JUN 251985 0 Alaska’s Energy Plan 1985 Regional Data Summary STATE OF ALASKA [= DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE & 7TH FLOOR FRONTIER BLDG. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT aecee oe ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 OFFICE OF ENERGY PHONE: (907) 563-2989 RECEIVED JUN 2 5 1985 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY June 15, 1985 Dear Alaskan: Please accept a copy of Alaska's Energy Plan - 1985 Regional : Data Summary with my compliments. I hope you find this last of three documents - Executive Summary, 1985 Energy Plan, Regional Data Summary - for Alaska's 1985 Energy Plan infor- mative and useful. If you need further information, please contact the Alaska Power Authority after June 30, 1985. Sincerely, Jack Roderick Director 08-H19LH REGIONAL DATA SUMMARY Alaska’s Energy Plan 1985 Governor Bill Sheffield Prepared by: State of Alaska Department of Commerce & Economic Development Office of Energy Loren Lounsbury Jack Roderick Commissioner Director February 15, 1985 For additional copies of this report write to: Department of Commerce and Economic Development Office of Energy Pouch D Juneau, Alaska 99811 Table of Contents Page IMRPOGUCTION . 5.5.0 50 oo ace oes ne oe nea 6% ve me tems ies Sa om Oa see ae GE se saver ie 56 s | Table SUMMA. «5... 5. oc5c5cn cava sven erica ede ae era ee ge vena es oo dk se ss Il Statewide: Data... oe css ne ne oe seen su canes Hs Hs 06 Hs Wows ee OE Hs Beas oe os Vil Map of Alaska Energy Regions........ Ms gu ae ee bad we ee cess see ee ae Vil Economic Paramenters................ cesses Fe oe ss sewiewes sess sass pee Vill Listing of Utilities... 0.0... ccc cece ete e tenes IX TECHHOIOGY OPtONS as «xcs os we ow we ce seis oa ce oe ws oe, cee os we asisicies we as xX Energy Regions Data Table Inventory............ 66 cece cece cee eee eeee Xl Statistical Summary of Economic and Energy Forecasts................ XII List CF BOBS. 6 on. one neice ns ca ese Os 26 e6 06s Hew ss Dew ae 5s OOS XIII Regional Data Tables... .... icc ccc cece eee eee teen e eee ne eens 2 Region . 41. North Slope... ..... cece ccc ee cece ence eee e eee ee eeeee 2 2. KODUK 2... cece ene teen eee e eee eee e ee eees 10 SD: NGUNG o6 oc neu we we cee is sewies ae oe sies Sw se He Heme fois oe eb os 966 Oe om os 18 4. YORONIROYUKUK 65.5.5 ccc oi ea sees 90 os oe ae ts cae oe oe le 09s vies os te en 28 5. FaliWanke North Star. cies cscs iw ieee os vans ween owes ones eens oa 40 6. Southeast Fairbanks... .......... ccc cece cece cere rece cece ee eeenee 46 7. Wade Hampton........... cee cece eee eee ence eee e teens 52 8. Bethel... 2... ccc eee eee eee tence eee eneeeeee 58 9. Dillingham... 0... ee cee teen e teen eee eee e ene 68 10. Bristol Bay....... Oasis ci sls Seis HONG 6m Ha Wiet.6 W Ele We oe ew iaieeMeime se ere ear 78 11: BROMOM cos esac wat oe ne aoe oe Doeetasi culos va ee vin ee ue cs de eee ss 84 12. Matarnuska-SuSitna.. « o6 sion es ee we we ccawaals ws os cas 005 ye oa ee Os s 92 13. ANCNOWAGS 6.0). biceu tem se ga oe some os Ona DEMON TSO Be eR Ome wR sl 98 14. Kenai Peninsula...... 2.0... 0. cece eee eee eee feared Heyes 104 15. KOdiaK. 2... ccc cece eee cece een eee e eee teen eens 110 16. Valdez-Cordova ...... ccc ccc cece eee eee eee e eee e eens 118 17. Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon ........ 6. cee cece eee eee ete eee eee 126 WR PIGNPIOG on 5.5 oc 9 05050.06 oe oe cose aw ae A Om Je oe ee ween Ou oe He oo ose 132 Me MNNGGU o.oo sc soe es Be oes aes we es ee Se oe ce wey ob as Se os Bw t's so 136 MR, MEG oie os ras oy ce ehs O45 Ba oO Nee es aa DUN Beis Ore AG Us an ee oe 26 a8 140 21. Wrangell-Petersburg .......... cece cee cece ee eee teen eens 144 22. Prince of Wales - Outer Ketchikan............ cee cece ee eee ee eee 148 23. Ketchikan... .. 0... ccc cece eee eee eee teen nee e eens 154 Bibliography... . 1... cece cee nent e eee eee e tee ee te ene 158 GR Gr TONS. os oes sos ae ee Se is Be as Sate cee ua es Sue Shae we Ue we oe 164 INTRODUCTION Alaska’s Energy Plan—1985: Regional Data Summary is the third and final Section of Alaska’s Energy planning efforts. Those three sections include: 1) Alaska’s Energy Plan—1985. Snapshot of Alaska’s energy picture in the first half of this decade and outlines potential solutions to energy problems. 2) Alaska’s Energy Plan—1985:Executive Summary. Summarizes salient parts of the main plan and highlights program options available to resolve energy programs. ~ 3) Alaska’s Energy Plan—1985: Regional Data Summary. Community Energy Data. Combined, these documents present the status of energy programs and information as currently documented in Alaska. The Regional Data Summary is designed to provide pertinent information useful to energy planners on a region by region basis. Twenty-three (23) regions, equal to U.S. Census districts, were used. Information on electrical production and consumption was provided by the federal Alaska Power Administration, and all other data was pro- vided by State agencies and private non-profit groups statewide. A resource bibliography and glossary of terms found in Alaska’s Energy Plan—1985 appendices is reproduced at the close of this summary as a general reference. Data is presented in 23 tables under four broad headings. Socioeconomic data is presented in the Community Profile section. This beginning section in each region consists of two tables and a regional map of communities reviewed. The Energy Use and Cost section provides information on electrical production and consumption by individual utility and customer use categories. Fuel prices, where known, are also shown. This section includes Tables 3 to 11. Section three, Local Energy Projects, sum- marizes recent subsidy type grant and project descriptions used to resolve energy shortfalls in Alaska. Weatherization grants, large scale power production research, and energy project grants are listed in Tables 12 to 15. The concluding Section, Usefu/ Energy Data Not Updated In 1985 Plan, presents information displayed in Alaska’s Long Term Energy Report—1984, but not updated or revised in this Regional Data Summary. This section, Tables 16 to 23, provides useful long term information, or base inventory data, useful without change or modification at this time. Combined, this information should provide guidance to local, regional, state and federal planners and reseachers to assess Alaskan energy parameters as known today. Finally, one of the salient points to be acknowledged when analyzing community energy data is the prevalence of blanks or “data gaps.” Improvement of this Regional Data Summary can only come about as energy analysts decide how to fill those data gaps, and recognize the value of additional data needs. This reference document is a pro- duct of many independent collections of data from a variety of sources and should be used to focus future data collection efforts in those areas presently untouched, and toward fulfillment of those informational areas needing further work. TABLE SUMMARY The following is a short description of data type given in each table presented in this Regional Data Summary. There are a total of 23 tables. In some regions, a complete lack of data has precluded the incorporation of that individual table in the regional summary. COMMUNITY PROFILE TABLE 1 Economic Parameters Data on personal income and employment for the years 1976 to 1981. This data is the same as used in the 1984 Long Term Energy Plan and is believed to represent historical employment capacities by region. Incomes can be adjusted by average levels of inflation to calculate approximate yearly increases through 1984. TABLE 2. Communities and their Populations Community populations, utility(s) servicing that community, and average annual population changes for 1970 and the years 1980-1983 are presented. ENERGY USE AND COSTS TABLE 3 TABLE 4 TABLE 5 TABLE 6 Annual Net Generation of Electricity Utility net generation in megawatt hours and average annual generation change is provided for the years 1977 to 1983. Capacity and Load Factor Total generation capacity in kilowatts for individual utilities and percent load factor. Peak Load Peak load in megawatts is shown for the years 1977 to 1983 by community utility, and the change in that peak load during the period 1977-1983 and 1980-1983 is shown as a percentage. Fuel Consumption for Generation of Electricity How many units of fuel have been consumed to produce electricity in each community is displayed for the years 1977 to 1983, and changes for the periods 1977 to 1983 and 1980-1983 are shown as percent of change. IV TABLE 7 TABLE 8 TABLE 9 TABLE 10 TABLE 11 Heat Rate by Utility, 1977-1983 The amount of heat used to generate each kilowatt-hour of electrical energy is shown in British thermal units (Btu’s) as a measure of thermal efficiencies. Number of Customers By Utility, 1977-1983 Number of residential and commercial/industrial customers per com- munity utility is shown. Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1983 in Cents Per KWH Actual cost of electricity to consumers (average) in cents per kilowatt- hour is shown for each community utility providing service to the residen- tial or commercial/industrial user. Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1983 in MWH Per Customer/Year Total megawatt-hours of electric consumption per year by residential and commercial/industrial users for each community utility. Status of Fuel Costs and Needs in Alaska — State Fuel Survey 8/15/83 Based on most recent price comparisons, commonly used forms of petroleum products used for energy purposes are identified in dollars per unit consumed. LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS TABLE 12 TABLE 13 TABLE 14 Housing Numbers For Assistance — Housing Units Weatherized Housing stock per community is compared to number of units receiving weatherization or financial assistance through the federal LIHEAP pro- gram for energy assistance (fuel and utility costs) and federal and state weatherization programs. Alaska Power Projects in Alaskan Communities — 1984 List of APA projects ongoing in communities statewide and APA's pro- posed or operational waste heat projects. This very abbreviated table recognizes that various energy projects covering a host of topics is under- way in an individual community and in most cases relates the stage of an activity based on the APA’s 22 step development process. Grants to Communities — DCRA The Department of Community and Regional Affairs provides grants to incorporated communities statewide for energy related projects. This table lists the type of grant and monetary appropriation included in the grants during the years 1977 to 1985. TABLE 15 Grants to Communities — DCRA and DOA The Department of Community and Regional Affairs’ bulk fuel storage tank grant program expenditures are shown for the period 1981 to 1984, and the Department of Administration’s grant administration of legislative appropriations is illustrated. USEFUL ENERGY INFORMATION NOT UPDATED IN 1985 PLAN TABLE 16 TABLE 17 TABLE 18 TABLE 19 TABLE 20 TABLE 21 TABLE 22 TABLE 23 Power Cost Assistance, FY 81-FY 83 Power cost assistance awards to each community and participating communities are shown. The Power Cost Assistance program expired in October, 1984, and was replaced by a more expansive Power Cost Equaliza- tion program, for which data has not yet been compiled. Wind Generator Inventory Size, make, and status of wind generators of electricity known to exist in Alaska in 1982-83. Energy Balance Data From APA Reconnaissance Studies Amount of energy used by communities on an annual basis estimated from data collected by Alaska Power Authority studies. Summary of Recommendations From APA Reconnaissance Studies Expanded version of Table 13 with information current through 1983. Activities completed or new studies begun may not be duplicative when comparing Table 23 to Table 13. ; Population Projections From APA Reconnaissance Studies, 1985-2000 From base study years, community populations are projected through the year 2000. Electricity Demand Projections From APA Reconnaissance Studies Community electrical demand needs are projected from 1985 to the year 2000. Peak Load Projections From APA Reconnaissance Studies (kw) Peak load demands are projected for communities from 1985 to the year 2000. Electricity Demand and Power Forecasts Projected demand in kilowatt-hours and peak power requirements in kilowatts are projected for communities through the years 1985 to 2000. STATEWIDE DATA MAP OF ALASKA ENERGY REGIONS Vi Vill ECONOMIC PARAMETERS Parameter 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 INCOME Total Personal Income ($000's) 4,216,311 4,358,273 4,406,833 4,577,393 5,081,675 5,660,652 Per Capital Personal Income 10,725 10,968 10,957 11,344 12,618 13,749 EMPLOYMENT Proprietors 12,042 14,187 15,301 16,371 17,044 17,235 Private Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries 1,365 546 378 396 Ss 428 Mining 3,902 4,417 5,560 5,730 Ss 7,637 Construction 30,240 19,579 12,264 10,113 10,696 12,152 Manufacturing 10,328 10,840 11,594 12,834 14,352 12,887 Transportation and Public Utilities 15,663, 15,423 16,614 16,762 17,348 18,111 Wholesale Trade 6,089 5,901 5,722 5,513 5,428 5,866 Retail Trade 21,480 22,594 23,187 24,035 24,035 24,946 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 7,526 8,156 8,650 8,484 8,200 8,243 Services 32,167 32,116 31,708 32,222 32,439 33,224 Subtotal Private 128,760 119,572 1145,677 116,089 119,264 123,494 Government Federal Civilian 18,420 18,074 18,080 17,863 17,840 17,762 Federal Military 29,447 28,707 28,216 27,911 26,862 26,910 State and Local 30,754 31,977 33,888 35,396 35,522 37,810 Subtotal Government 78,621 78,758 80,184 81,170 80,224 82,482 Total Employment 219,637 212,731 211,476 213,944 216,847 223,526 S = Date for the year is suppressed. LISTING OF UTILITIES Utility Abbreviation Region Alaska Power & Telephone Company AP&T Various Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. AVEC 48 villages Tlingit-Haida Regional Electric Authority THREA Various Arctic Utilities, Inc. AUI 1 North Slope Barrow Utilities (Now BU&EC) BAU 1 North Slope Barrow Utilities and Electric Cooperative, Inc. BU&EC 1 North Slope North Slope Borough Power and Light System NSBP&L 1 North Slope Kotzebue Electrical Association, Inc. KTEA 2 Kobuk Nome Joint Utilities Board (was NL&P) NJUB 3 Nome Teller Power Company TEPC 3 Nome Unalakleet Valley Electric Cooperative UVEC 3 Nome Bettles Light and Power, Inc. BL&P 4 Yukon-Koyukuk Circle Electric CE 4 Yukon-Koyukuk Fort Yukon Utilities FYU 4 Yukon Koyukuk Hughes (Ester J. James) H 4 Yukon-Koyukuk M&D Enterprises M&D 4 Yukon-Koyukuk McGrath Light and Power MGL&P 4 Yukon-Koyukuk Manley Utility Company, Inc. MUC 4 Yukon-Koyukuk Semloh Supply (Lake Minchumina) ss 4 Yukon-Koyukuk Tanana Power Company TPC 4 Yukon-Koyukuk Weisner Trading Co. wTc 4 Yukon-Koyukuk Fairbanks Utilities System FMU 5 Fairbanks North Star Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. GVEA 5 Fairbanks North Star Dot Lake Electric, Inc. DLE 6 Southeast Fairbanks Northway Power and Light, Inc. NP&L 6 Southeast Fairbanks Kotlik City (Pending Utility) KC 7 Wade Hampton Aniak Power Company APC 8 Bethel Bethel Utilities Corporation, Inc. BUC 8 Bethel Kwethluk, Inc. KI 8 Bethel Middle Kuskokwim Electric Cooperative, Inc. MKEC 8 Bethel Napakiak Corporation (SWGR Service from BUC) NAC 8 Bethel City of Manokotak COM 9 Dillingham iliamna-Newhalen Electrical Cooperative, Inc. I-NEC 9 Dillingham Nushagak Electric Cooperative, Inc. NEC 9 Dillingham Naknek Electric Association, Inc. NEA 10 Bristol Bay/Dillingham AMFAC Seafoods, Inc. AMFAC 11 Aleutian Islands City of Unalaska cou 11 Aleutian Islands King Cove City KCC 11 Aleutian Islands Nikolski Power and Light Co. NIP&L 11 Aleutian Islands Northern Power and Engineering Corporation, Inc. NP&E 11 Aleutian Islands Pelican Utilities Co. PUC 11 Aleutian Islands Unalaska Electric (was COU) UE 11 Aleutian Islands Matanuska Electric Association, Inc. MEA 12. Matanuska-Susitna Anchorage Municipal Light and Power Department AML&P 13. Anchorage Alaska Power Administration - Eklutna APA-E 13. Anchorage Chugach Electric Association CEA 13. Anchorage Homer Electric Association HEA 14 Kenai Peninsula Seward Electric System SES 14 Kenai Peninsula Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. KDEA 15 Kodiak Island Larson Bay (Electrical Services) LBES 15 Kodiak Island Cordova Electric Cooperative, Inc. CEC 16 Vaidez/Cordova Cordova Public Utility (now CEC) CPU 16 Valdez/Cordova Chistochina Trading Post CTP 16 Valdez/Cordova Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. CVEA 16 Valdez/Cordova Paxson Lodge, Inc. PLI 16 Valdez/Cordova Klukwan Electric Utility KEU 17 Skagway/Yakutat/Angoon Pelican Utilities Company PUC 17 Skagway/Yakutat/Angoon Tenakee Springs Utility TSU 17 Skagway/Yakutat/Angoon Yakutat Power, Inc. YPI 17. Skagway/Yakutat/Angoon Haines Light and Power Company, Inc. HL&P 18 Haines Borough Alaska Electric Light and Power Company AEL&P 19 Juneau Alaska Power Adiministration - Snettisham APA-S 19 Juneau Glacier Highway Electric Association, Inc. GHEA 19 Juneau Sitka Electric Department SED 20 Sitka Petersburg Municipal Power and Light PMP&L 21 + Wrangell/Petersburg Wrangell Municipal Light and Power WML&P 21° ~Wrangell/Petersburg Metlakatla Power and Light MP&L. 22 ~=~Prince of Whales Ketchikan Public Utilities KPU 23 Ketchikan IX TECHNOLOGY OPTIONS Anchorage Capital Annual Life Estimated Construction Total Capital Operating Total Annuai Life Technology Useful Life Period Investment $ Costs $ Output Cycle Cost Photovoltaics 25 years 4 days 6,900 o44 (260 kWh $ 3.25/kWh Electric Heat Pumps 12 years: 2 days 2,300 756 76 motu $ 9.95/mbtu Condensing Furnace for Residential Use 20 years 2,500 435 76 mbtu $ 5.72mbtu Conventional Furnace for Residential Use 20 years 1,400 368 76 motu $ 4.86/mbtu District Heat 20 years 10 years 75,000,000 10,443,000 1,990,000,000 motu $ 5.25/mptu Thermal Storage for Electric Space Heating 20 years: 6,000 1,249 22,280 kWh $ 16.43/mbtu Passive Soiar Heating 20 years 5 months 7,500 862 8.3 mbtu $103.92/motu ‘Solid Fuel Stoves 20 years Imed. Prehs 8380 943 76 motu $ 12.42/motu ‘Solar Domestic Hot Water 15 years 1 week 4,776 648 (2,450 kWh 0.26/kWh Avd. Turbo. Lean-burn Engine with Low Speed Propeller 7 years 1 month 50,000 9,450 200 hours: ‘$ 47.25/nr Automotive Compressed Natural Gas Conversion 10 years 1 week 2,000 562 12,000 mi. 4.7 cents/mi. Capital Annual Life Estimated Construction Total Capital Operating Total Annual Life Technology Useful Life Period Investment $ Costs $ Output Cycie Cost (cents) Rankine Bottoming Cycie Engine 20 years 9 months 300,000 42,500 219,000 kWh 19.4/kWh Diese! Generator Set 1 100,000 hours 3 days 8,800 104,400, (394,200 kwh 26.5/KWh Diese! Generator Set 2 10 years 15 days 72,600 104,400 394,200 kWh 26.4/kWh Diese! Generator Set 3 10 years 15 days 132,000 104,400 394,200 kwh 26.5/KWh Wind Turbine Generators: 15 years 1 month (24,000 3,960 8,760 kWh (45.0/kWh ‘Smail Scale Hydro 30 years ‘3 years 3,000,000 335,000 5,256,000 kWh 6.8/kWh Biomass Fired Hot Air Stirling Engine 50,000 hours: 3 days 11,220 3,810 16,000 kWh 24.0/kWh Methano! Fueied, Phos. Acid Fuel Cell Pressurized Stack 20 years 6 months 239 117,000, 630,000 kWh 18.6/kWh : Railbelt Capital Annual Life Estimated Construction Total Capital Operating Total Annual Life Technology Useful Life Period Investment $ Costs $ Output Cycle Cost Coai/Water Slurry Pipeline 30 years 3 years 493,700,000 98,700,000 5 mtoniyr $19.75/ton coal Railroad Electrification 30 years 5 years 326,000,000 29,600,000 400 mton/mile 7.4 cents/ton mile ; ; Railbelt Outside Anchorage Capital Annual Life Estimated Construction Total Capital Operating Total Annual Lite Technology Useful Life Period Investment $ Costs $ Output Cycle Cost Natoral Gas Fires Packaged Boiler 20 years 6 months 1,193,000 2,210,000 703,000 mbtu $3.14/motu Pulverized Coal Fired Boiler 20 years 18 months 14,360,000 4,950,000 703,000 mbtu ‘$7.04/mbtu Fluidized Bed Combustion Boiler—Smail 20 years 8 months 7,570,000 2,550,000 283,000 mbtu ‘$9.01/mbtu Fluidized Bed Combustion Boiler—Medium 20 years 18 months 15,250,000 5,310,000 703,000 mbtu $7.55/motu Fludized Bed Combustion Boiler—Large ‘35 years 30 months: 50,680,000 20,640,000 3,510,000 mbtu ‘$5.88/mbtu Combined Cycie Power Plant 30 years 2 months 246,000,000 56,900,000 1,424,000 kWh 4 cents/kWh ICI Low Pressure High Efficiency 20 years 4 years 225,400,000 83,170,000 853,000 tons 28 cents/gal. Coal Gasification 20 years 4 years 2,150,000,000 559,700,000 2.235 mton $240.70/ton Methanol From Coai 20 years 4 years 1,$81,000,000 439,700,000 ‘$7.44 x 10 mbtu $ 7.65/motu Capital Annual Life Estimated Construction Total Capital Operating Total Annual Life Technology Usetul Life Period Investment $ Costs $ Output Cycle Cost Smail Scale Gasification 15 years 3 months 659,000 225,000 720,000 kWh $31.3/kWh Source: Arthur D. Little, Inc., Assessment of Energy Technologies, A Report to the Department of Commerce and Economic Development, Reference No. 88376. State of Alaska, June 1983. ENERGY REGIONS DATA TABLE INVENTORY Regions North Slope Kobuk Nome Yukon-Koyukuk Fairbanks North Star Southeast Fairbanks Wade Hampton 8 | 0 | cat) | > || (Pe | a |e Me || tee) | aaa | |e | |e ble | ag] I | ell || ed BX®SseaerNraaroanas 23. Bethel Dillingham . Bristol Bay . Aleutian . Matanuska-Susitna . Anchorage . Kenai Peninsula . Kodiak . Valdez-Cordova . Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon . Haines . Juneau . Sitka . Wrangell-Petersburg Prince of Wales - Outer Ketchikan Ketchikan Table Numbers 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 x x x x x x x xX KX KX XK X KX K KX XK K XK x x x x xX xX KX KX KX KX KX KX K XK XK x x x xX xX xX XK KX K K KX KX K K K K KX K XK x—x— x _ xX x _ xX et Xll Population ‘000 Annual Growth Rate % Employment Agriculture Oil & Gas Extract. Coal Mining Nonfuel Mineral Food Products Lumber Pulp & Paper Petro & Chem. Construction Other Manufacturing Pipeline Total Nonmilitary Households ‘000 Income/Capita Heating Degree Days Consumption Elec. (millions kWh) MW at 60% LF 20% Res” MW at 50% LF 30% Res” Fuel Oil (millions gal) Natural Gas (BCF) STATISTICAL SUMMARY OF ECONOMIC AND ENERGY FORECASTS Railbelt North Slope Southeast Bush Total Alaska 1981 1990 2000 1981 1990 2000 1981 1990 2000 1981 1990 2000 1981 1990 2000 313.8 410.2 4475 13.7 51.7 69.3 74.6 53.4 78.6 97.2 422.2 567.7 632.9 3.0 09 3.6 33 07 44 24 3.3 Ww 637.0 968.0 1,078.0 : - 3.0 5.0 5.0 56.0 82.0 87.0 696.0 1,054.0 1,169.0 3,858.0 5,989.0 7,796.0 2,986.0 3,203.0 5,703.0 - : : 132.0 665.0 1,315.0 6,976.0 9,857.0 14,815.0 109.0 209.0 237.0 : : > 2 : . : - : 109.0 209.0 237.0 140.0 154.0 163.0 : : 26.0 33.0 41.0 176.0 194.0 203.0 346.0 381.0 407.0 1,687.0 1,488.0 1,586.0 - : 1,469.0 1,832.0 1,852.0 4,008.0 3,759.0 3,959.0 7,164.0 7,079.0 7,397.0 388.0 483.0 658.0 : - - 1,309.0 2,111.0 2,666.0 252.0 316.0 419.0 1,949.0 2,910.0 3,742.0 : : : : - 946.0 1,296.0 1,513.0 : : a 946.0 1,296.0 1,513 607.0 1,491.0 2,503.0 e G = : : : : : : 607.0 1,491.0 2,503.0 4126.0 1,040.0 8,787.0 278.0 1,988.0 1,798.0 560.0 1,449.0 1,323.0 2,093.0 4,705.0 4,729.0 7,057.0 21,181.0 16,636.0 2,061.0 3,554.0 4,269.0 : 86.0 176.0 206.0 23.0 55.0 81.0 2,169.0 3,785.0 4,555.0 1,037.0 1,518.0 1,859.0 104.0 362.0 407.0 : f= : 83.0 121.0 143.0 1,224.0 1,991.0 2,409.0 122,976.0 194,669.0 219,667.0 6,007.0 9,995.0 14,615.0 26,809.0 39,914.0 43,980.0 24,914.0 37,830.0 47,356.0 180,706.0 282,409.0 325,617.0 110.4 145.2 159.4 ag 37 17.9 24.0 26.0 15.0 21.9 26.9 144.1 193.8 216.0 2,829.8 4,727.5 6,226.9 . : : 761.3 1,032.8 1,156.6 764.7 «1,151.3 1,478.9 4,355.8 6,911.6 8,862.4 893.0 1,079.0 1,422.0 : : : 174.0 236.0 264.0 175.0 263.0 338.0 994.0 1,578.0 2,023.0 1,160.0 1,403.0 "1,848.0 es : . 226.0 307.0 343.0 227.0 342.0 439.0 1,293.0 2,051.0 2,630.0 175.9 264.7 307.8 : - 52.3 63.6 70.1 132.4 167.2 388.9 360.6 495.5 766.8 46.0 90.9 120.0 : : : = & 1.2 4.2 63 47.2 95.1 126.3 Note: “Estimated capacity requirements in MW assuming annual load factor and capacity reserve margin. Source: Arthur D. Little, Inc., forecasts, Alaska's Long Term Energy Plan, 1983. LIST OF EXHIBITS REGIONAL DATA TABLES COMMUNITY PROFILE 1. Economic Parameters 2. Communities and Their Populations 1970-1983 ENERGY USE AND COSTS Annual Net Generation of Electricity 1977-1982 (MWH) Capacity and Load Factor for 1982 and 1983 . Peak Load by Utility, 1977-1983 Fuel Consumption for Generation of Electricity, 1977-1983 Heat rate by Utility, 1977-1983 Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1983 Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1983 10. Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1983 11. Status of Fuel Costs and Needs in "alaska WONOAhH Ww LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS 12. Housing Numbers For Assistance 13. Alaska Power Authority Projects in Alaskan Communities — 1984 14. Grants To Communities — DCRA 15. Grants to Communities —DCRA & DOA USEFUL ENERGY INFORMATION NOT UPDATED IN 1985 PLAN 16. Power Cost Assistance, FY 1981 - FY 1983 17. Wind Generator Inventory 18. Energy Balance Data From APA Reconnaissance Studies 19. Summary of Recommendations From APA Reconnaissance Studies 20. Population Projections From APA Reconnaissance Studies, 1985-2000 21. Electricity Demand Projections From APA Reconnaissance Studies 22. Peak Load Projections From APA Reconnaissance Studies (kw) 23. Electricity Demand & Power Forecasts Xlll 1 NORTH SLOPE ~ »' A ° Sen NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH \ z \ 3 , > \ a. nn | i \ ek ANAKTUVUK \ TN enti OPS een” 1. Economic Parameters PARAMETER 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 INCOME Total Personal Income ($000's) 46,970 50,747 $3,792 $7,861 68,294 79,468 Per Capital Personal Income 10,598 1,450 12,137 13,085 15,409 17,930 EMPLOYMENT P Proprietors 16 23 aT 3 u u Private Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries s s Mining 1,243¢ 1,930° 2,396" 2,553° 2,619° 3,352° Construction 3,660° 1,474¢ 1,285° 420° Tole 716° Manufacturing s s s s s Transportation and Public Utilities 329 401 387 m 444 429 Wholesale Trade $ s Retail Trade 164 137 lee le lee le Finance, Insurance, Real Estate . ljee use 2 fe s s Services 498 86° a4ge 46° 426 458 Subtotal Private 6,040 4,691 4,845 4,129 4,627 5.449 Government Federal Civilian 323 275 289 28 a 290 Federal Military 169 3 89 75 4 ne State and Local 787 1,068 1,125 1,320 1,242 1,285 Subtote! Government 1,278 1,455 1,802 1,673 1,589 1,690 Total Employment 7,335 6,174 6,382 5,835 6,250 17 S = Data for the year is suppressed * = Data for the year is partially suppressed Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1983 North Slope Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1970-1983 1980-1983 Anaktuvuk Pass NSBP&L 99 203 235 250 228 6.6 3.9 Atkasuk NSBP&L 107 204 231 29.2 Barrow BU&EC 2104 2267 2539 2882 2938 26 9.0 Cape Lisburne USAF 83 36 Deadhorse AUI 163 64 Kaktovik NSBP&L 123 165 201 214 203 3.9 72 Nuiqsut NSBP&L 208 270 287 324 15.9 Point Hope NSBP&L 386 464 531 544 §70 3.0 va Point Lay NSBP&L 68 Prudhoe Bay INDUSTRY 49 50 Wainwright NSBP&L 315 405 410 436 483 3.3 6.0 Other 178 563 310 187 191 0.5 -30.3 REGION TOTAL 3500 4600 4700 4800 5168 3.0 4.0 nN ENERGY USE AND COSTS Annual Net Generation of Electricity 1977-1982, (MWH) North Slope Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Average Annual Change 1977-1983 1979-1983 (%) AUI Deadhorse 4956 4840 3953 9376 10381 15344 16116 22 42 BU&EC Barrow 9361 10191 11693 13350 17476 22822 28500 20 25 NSBP&L Anaktuvak 170 1000 1000 1100 1092 59 NSBP&L Atkasook 140 400 400 489 1204 71 NSBP&L Kaktovik 270 700 732 800 809 32 NSBP&L Nusiqsut 280 526 526 550 1194 44 NSBP&L Point Hope 86 200 600 1590 1590 1625 1642 63 29 NSBP&L Point Lay 150 408 408 450 825 53 NSBP&L Wainwright 700 1300 1300 1400 1528 22 Subtotal Utilities 14403 15231 17956 28650 33813 44580 52910 24 3 Defense 76013 68847 65961 84545 85045 81045 93449 4 9 Industry 384606 587071 574621 713650 797878 863172 909825 15 12 REGION TOTAL 475022 671149 658538 826845 916736 988797 1056184 14 13 4 CAPACITY AND LOAD FACTOR FOR 1982 AND 1983 North Slope 1982 1982 1983 1983 Capacity Load Capacity Load Factor Factor Utility Vicinity (kw) (*) (kw) (*) AUI Deadhorse 6100 2 6070 30 BU&EC Barrow 6950 37 6950 47 NSBP&L Anaktuvuk Pass . 930 14 930 13 NSBP&L Atkasook 300 19 695 20 NSBP&L Kaktovik 655 14 655 14 NSBP&L Nuiqsut 720 9 755 18 NSBP&L Point Hope 930 20 930 20 NSBP&L Point Lay 400 13 400 24 NSBP&L Wainwright 1060 15 1060 89 TOTAL 18045 28 18445 37 PEAK LOAD BY UTILITY North Slope Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE « 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 AUI Deadhorse 24 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 34 6.7¢ 15.7¢ BU&EC Barrow 1.6 18 2.0 22 3.6 4.0 5.3 221° 34.10 NSBP&L Atkasuk 04 0.4 NSBP&L Anaktuvuk 01 0.4 0.4 NSBP&L Kaktovik 04 0.3 0.2 NSBP&L Nuiqsut O41 0.2 0.3 NSBP&L Point Hope 0.2 0.3 0.4 NSBP&L Point Lay oA 0.2 NSBP&L Wainwright 0.3 0.5 0.5 TOTAL 3.7 3.8 40 4.2 6.4 8.9 10.8 19.5¢ 37.0¢ FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY North Slope Utility Vicinity Fuel Units Fuel Consumption Average Annual Change% 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-83 1980-1983 AUI Deadhorse Oil Gal. 966,342 945,000 772,185 729,245 941,377 1,421,871 1,500,000 7.6% 27.2% BU&EC Barrow Gas MCF 182,541 200,000 228,017 228,150 300,000 400,000 500,000 18.3% 29.9% NSBP&L = Anaktuvuk Pass Oil Gal. 16,000 16,000 16,000 98,000 93,000 79.8% NSBP&L = Atkasook oil Gal. 13,000 13,000 13,000 42,400 108,000 102.5% NSBP&L = Kaktovik Oil Gal. 25,000 25,000 25,000 74,100 74,100 43.6% NSBP&L = Nuiqsut Oil Gal. 26,000 26,000 26,000 51,100 110,000 61.7% NSBP&L = Point Hope Oil Gal. 12,214 25,000 85,710 75,000 75,000 170,000 150,000 51.9% 26.0% NSBP&L = Point Lay Oil Gal. 14,000 14,000 14,000 40,000 7,500 18.8% NSBP&L = Wainwright Oil Gal. 64,000 64,000 64,000 128,000 140,000 29.8% Total Oil Gal. 978,556 970,000 1,015,895 962,245 1,174,377 = 2,025,471 2,182,600 14.3% 31.4% Gas MCF 182,541 200,000 228,017 228,150 300,000 400,000 500,000 18.3% 29.9% HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1983 North Slope Utility Vicinity Fuel Heat Rate (BTU/KWH) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Deadhorse 27, 27,079 27,092 10,772 12,577 12,852 12,909 BUsEC Barrow ons seo 20,018 19,890 17,432 17,510 17,877 17,895 NSBP&L Anaktuvuk Pass ol 13,053 12,356 11,812 NSBP&L Atkasook oll 12,878 12,025 12,441 NSBP&L Kaktovik pe 12,842 seeee are P&L Nuiqsut 12,878 NSBPAL Point Hope Oil 19,697 17,336 19,812 14,509 12,670 NSBP&L Point Lay oll 12,944 12,328 NSBP&L Wainwright oil 12,680 12,680 12,707 8 Number of customers by Utility, 19771983 North Slope Residential jial/Industrial UTITTVPIACE siden’ Commercial/Industrial 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 z 9 11 14 16 23 27 AUI Deadhorse 88 97 104 123 137 175 BU&EC Barrow 461 553 670 7m 758 790 NSPBL 755 Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1983 (Cents/KWH) North Slope Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 AUI Deadhorse 25 23 35 25 28 27 BU&EC Barrow 13 13 13 13 13 13 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.6 9.6 9.3 NSPBL 21 10 Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1983 (MWH per customer/year) North Slope UTILITY PLACE Residential Commercial/industrial 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 AUI BU&EC NSPBL Deadhorse Barrow 3.3 3.3 618 3.8 44 5 5.5 58 58 9.5 326 605 615 574 60 54 69 73 11 status of Fuet Costs & Needs In Alaska State Fuel Survey 8/15/63 Community OHSS Fuel Oil S/gal Aviation Gasoline Sigal Heating Fuel $gal Gasoline Sigal Diesel Sigal Propane $/bottle Kerosene Sigal Blazo $igal Anaktuvuk Pass Atkasuk Barrow Browerville Cape Lisburne Castle Creek Deadhorse Kaktovik Mud Bay Nuiqsut Pennock-Gravina Point Hope Point Lay Prudhoe Bay Scow Bay Wacker Wainwright $2.27 $2.97 $1.92 $2.57 $2.00 $2.70 2.75 4.25 2.00 2.85 3.93 2.35 2.35 100.00 4.25 2.25 112.47 3.84 2.89 LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS 12 Housing Numbers For Assistance HOUSING UNITS WEATHERIZED Community Census Region Total Done Before Houses (4) 1980 After 1980 Households Receiving H&SS Energy Assistance Anaktuvuk Pass Atkasuk Barrow Browerville Cape Lisburne Castle Creek Deadhorse Kaktovik Mud Bay Nuiqsut Pennock-Gravina Point Hope Point Lay Prudhoe Bay Scow Bay Wacker Wainwright cheater) at ak ak 6 heheh ck 69 25 x 24 1289 137 19 107 7 $13,168 134 $80,801 8 $6,200 34 $24,126 41 $30,025 13 Alaska Power Authority Projects In Alaskan Communities—1984 Community APA Projects APA WASTE HEAT PROJECTS In Place Ready Other Anaktuvuk Pass Atkasuk Barrow Browerville Cape Lisburne Castle Creek Deadhorse Kaktovik Mud Bay Nuigsut Pennock-Gravina Point Hope Point Lay Prudhoe Bay Scow Bay Wacker Wainwright Reconnaissance Study 14 Grants To Communities — DCRA Community DCR&A Administered Grants 1974-85 Year Cost Project Year Project Cost 1977 DCRA Electrification Grants 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Anaktuvuk Pass Atkasuk Barrow Browerville Cape Lisburne Castle Creek Deadhorse Kaktovik Mud Bay Nuiqsut Pennock-Gravina Point Hope Point Lay Prudhoe Bay Scow Bay Wacker Wainwright 1975 $19,000 15 Grants To Communities — DCRA & DOA Community Anaktuvuk Pass Atkasuk Barrow Browerville Cape Lisburne Castle Creek Deadhorse Kaktovik Mud Bay Nuiqsut Pennock-Gravina Point Hope Point Lay Prudhoe Bay Scow Bay Wacker Wainwright DCRA Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Grants 1981 1982 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 1983 1984 Legislative Grants Administered By Dept. of Administration 1981 1982 1983 $329,800 1984 1985 USEFUL ENERGY INFORMATION NOT UPDATED IN 1985 PLAN 46 POWER COST ASSISTANCE, FY81-FY83 -——- —- fy ig : Fy 1982 Fr 1903 Peles sTuLITy _pLace___| Sola (3) (g/ewn)| Sola eset Sola s kwhn)| ‘TOTAL 1,006,508 92,900 9.2 17 “WIND GENERATOR INVENTORY SIZE SITE (kw) MAKE STATUS Barrow 1.8 Enertech 1800 Working Barrow 4.0 Enertech 4000 Working Kaktovik 1.8 Enertech 1800 Working Kaktovik 1.8 Enertech 1800 Not Working Point Lay 4.0 Enertech 4000 Not Working ENERGY BALANCE DATA FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES i Tuy FUEL AVIATION EneRcy PLACE YEAR one Sasou ne PROPANE WOOD GAS BLAZO___USED/YEAR Atkasuk 1982 20,700 400 200 21,300 19 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES STUDY PLACE YEAR RECOMMENDATIONS Atkasuk 1982 Construct electric transmission line to Barrow. Consider use of nearby coal mines to replace dependence on fuel oil. 20 POPULATION PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES, 1985-2000 Aktasuk 8 327 457 482 589 3.6 aH ELECTRICITY DEMAND PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES stuoy ELECTRICITY DEMAND (MWH) AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (=) PLACE YEAR TS T99T 1395 2000. —TyS= ZU Aktasuk az Wu 1,878 2.491 3,265 24 PEAK LOAD PROJECTIONS FROM 22 APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES (kw) stuoy FEAR LOND (eu) AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (3) PLACE YEAR TE 2006 T 385-2000 Aktasuk 82 3 560 738 956 1 23 ELECTRICITY DEMAND & POWER FORECASTS YEAR AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (%) PLACE /PARAMETER Toes T3990 1995 2000 = Point Hope Demand (mwh/year) 1,614 1,907 2,200 = 2,493 2.9 Power (kw) 461 544 629 14 3.0 Source: Assessment of Power Generation Alternatives for Kotzebue, APA oo \ _ KOTZEBUE ae Ts ! 1. Economic Parameters PARAMETER 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 INCOME Total Personal Income ($000's) 22,637 27,086 27,679 76,984 n,763 34,843 Per Capital Personal Income 5,161 6,176 6,31 6,152 7,242 7,944 EMPLOYMENT Proprietors a3 60 ” mm” 7 ” Private Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries s s Mining s s s s s s Construction s $s s 3% 7s 18 Manufacturing s s s s s Transportation and Public Utilities 73 142 M0. w4é 3 128 Wholesale Trade s s Retail Trade wa 123 Fa) eg vat neg Finance, Insurance, Real Estate s s s s s s Services 190 s s s 166 163 Subtotal Private 434 565 465 398 S02 $00 Government Federal Civiltan 256 249 253 222 196 19 Federal Military 120 vg 99 67 65 63 State and Local 365 500 S27 $53 sel 631 Subtotal Government ma 868 884 842 eal 88s Total Employment 1,238 1,494 1,423 1,340 1,420 1,462 2 Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1983 Kobuk Name Utility Population Average Annual Change @ 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1970-1983 1980-1983 Ambler AVEC 169 192 198 202 281 4.0 13.5 Buckland IRA COUNCIL 104 177 211 217 219 5.9 7.4 Deering IRA COUNCIL 85 150 155 158 166 5.3 3.4 Kiana AVEC 278 345 356 364 363 24 1.7 Kivalina AVEC 188 241 249 253 268 28 3.6 Kobuk PRIVATE 62 64 64 86 11.5 Kotzebue KTEA 1696 2054 2250 2470 2720 3.7 9.8 Noatak AVEC 293 273 Noorvik AVEC 462 492 508 518 532 1 26 Selawik AVEC 429 535 600 26 3.9 Shungnak AVEC 165 202 208 214 24 13.8 50.8 Other 231 77 801 640 500 61 41.4 REGION TOTAL 4100 4900 5000 5100 5759 26 55 10 ENERGY USE AND COSTS 3 Annual Net Generation of Electricity 1977-1982, (MWH) Kobuk Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Average Annual Change 1977-1983 1979-1983 (%) AVEC Ambler 180 244 268 190 348 412 427 15 12 AVEC Kiana 654 624 645 619 636 791 806 4 6 AVEC Kivalina 362 406 368 393 412 463 557 iv 1 KTEA Kotzebue 8717 10033 10454 10627 11531 12249 13668 8 7 AVEC Noatak 271 357 337 411 453 550 618 15 16 AVEC Noorvik 716 754 732 698 748 1023 998 6 8 AVEC Selawik 682 655 647 679 693 810 898 5 9 AVEC Shungnak 389 371 367 390 395 569 668 9 16 Subtotal Utilities 11971 13444 13818 14007 15216 16867 18640 8 8 Defense 3785 3500 3292 3292 3292 3292 3070 3 2 REGION TOTAL 15756 16944 17110 17299 18508 20159 21710 5 6 4 CAPACITY AND LOAD FACTOR FOR 1982 AND 1983 Kobuk Utility Vicinity 1982 1982 1983 1983 Capacity Load Capacity Load Factor Factor (kw) (%) (kw) (%) AVEC Ambler 420 1 420 12 AVEC Kiana 650 14 650 14 AVEC Kivalina 460 1 460 14 AVEC Noatak 350 18 275 26 AVEC Noorvik 600 19 600 19 AVEC Selawik 650 14 650 16 AVEC Shungnak 580 " 3635 13 KTEA Kotzebue 4825 29 6625 24 TOTAL 8535 22 13315 19 B PEAK Loao By UTILITY Kobuk Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 AVEC Ambler O41 01 0.2 04 0.0% AVEC Kiana 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0% AVEC Kivalina 01 01 0.1 0.1 0.0% AVEC Noatak 0.1 O41 01 041 0.0% AVEC Noorvik 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 14.5% AVEC Selawik 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0% AVEC Shungnak 0.1 01 01 04 0.0% KTEA Kotzebue 1.9 19 1.9 24 2.2 2.2 2.3 3.2% 3.1% TOTAL 1.9 1.9 1.9 34 3.2 3.3 3.4 6 FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Kobuk Utility Vicinity Fuel Units Fuel Consumption Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 AVEC Ambier Oil Gal. * 27,216 30,733 43,596 44,646 42,126 46,368 52,836 11.7% 5.8% AVEC Kiana oil Gal. 76,734 78,588 72,618 69,342 74,508 75,348 82,866 1.3% 6.1% AVEC Kivalina Oil Gal. 55,482 51,145 $4,222 55,062 53,214 58,254 72,790 46% 9.8% AVEC Noatak Oil - Gal. ° 31,794 45,001 46,704 49,140 54,432 61,656 65,016 12.7% 9.8% AVEC Noorvik Oil Gal. 80,094 94,933 73,752 72,408 75,516 80,136 91,224 2.2% 8.0% AVEC Selawik Oil Gal. 76,482 82,555 71,820 75,768 71,358 81,522 88,914 2.5% 5.5% AVEC Shungnak Oil Gal. 49,644 46,788 $5,062 55,272 57,750 59,010 66,318 4.9% 6.3% KTEA Kotzebue Oil Gal. 727,524 818,370 873,390 865,704 986,916 1,194,480 1,181,400 8.4% 10.9% Total Oil Gal. 1,124,970 1,248,113 1,291,164 1,287,342 1,415,820 1,656,774 1,701,364 71% 9.7% 7 ‘HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1983 Kobuk Utility Vicinity Fuel HEAT RATE (BTU/KWH) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 AVEC Ambler Oil 20,970 17,469 22,561 32,589 16,789 15,609 17,161 AVEC Kiana Oil 16,273 17,467 15,615 15,536 16,248 * 13,211 14,259 AVEC Kivalina Oil 21,256 17,471 20,435 19,431 17,913 17,450 18,124 AVEC Noatak Oil 16,271 17,482 19,221 16,582 16,665 15,547 14,591 AVEC Noorvik Oil 15,514 17,462 13,974 14,387 14,002 10,864 12,677 AVEC Selawik Oil 15,553, 17,480 15,395, 15,476 14,281 13,958 13,732 AVEC Shungnak Oil 17,700 17,491 20,808 19,656 20,277 14,383 13,769 KTEA Kotzebue Oil 11,575 11,313 11,587 11,298 11,870 17,237 13,943 8 Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1983 Kobuk Residential Commercial/Industrial Utility Place 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 KTEA Kotzebue 438 462 455 471 522 557 675 78 89 97 97 132 139 154 Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1983 (Cents/KWH) Kobuk Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 KTEA Kotzebue 16 7 18 20 21 23 25 14 15 16 18 19 21 23 49 13 10 Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1983 (MWH per customer/year) Kobuk Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE : 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 KTEA - Kotzebue 51 5.2 5.4 5.3 47 5.6 5 63 63.3 64.2 66 55.1 49.6 48.5 11 Status of Fuel Costs & Needs In Alaska State Fuel Survey 8/15/83 Aviation Heating OHSS. Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Fuel Oil $/gal Sigal Sigal $gal Sigal $/bottle $/gal Sigal Ambler $2.55 2.95 2.55 150.00 Buckland $2.59 1.42 1.39 126.00 Deering $2.60 3.23 1.92 117.00 Kiana $2.40 Kivalina $1.93 2.89 2.69 95.00 Kobuk $2.20 Kotzebue $1.52 1.85 1.83 1.61 74.50 Noatak $1.51 Noorvik $2.35 Selawik $2.60 Shungnak $2.72 LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS 1 2 Housing Numbers For Assistance HOUSING UNITS WEATHERIZED Total Before After Households Receiving Community Census Region Houses(#) Done 1980 1980 H&SS Energy Assistance Ambier 2 71 31 $20,450 Buckland 2 45 15 x 108 $24,870 Deering 2 47 16 x 29 $22,050 Kiana 2 70 64 $47,837 Kivalina 2 50 43 $28,401 Kobuk 2 37 13 $8,462 Kotzebue 2 690 41 x 158 $101,916 Noatak 2 78 21 x 45 $28,792 Noorvik 2 80 23 x 72 $44,519 Selawik 2 86 90 $62,437 Shungnak 2 61 3 $20,019 Alaska Power Authority Projects 1 3 In Alaskan Communities—1984 APA WASTE HEAT PROJECTS Community APA Projects In Place Ready Other Ambler x Buckland Deering Kiana Feasibility / Design x Kivalina Kobuk Trans.Line To Shungnak Kotzebue Feasibility Study Noatak Noorvik Selawik Shungnak Feasibility / Design x 14 Grants To Communities — DCRA DCR&A Administered Grants 1974-85 OCRA Electrification Grants Community Project Year Cost Project Year Cost 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Ambler Buckland Bulk Storage 1975 $104,640 Storage Tank 1983 $100,000 $96,000 $12,000 Deering Electrification 1975 $9,500 Electrification 1982 $180,000 $180,000 Kiana Kivalina Kobuk Electrification 1974 $6,000 Kotzebue Noatak Electrification 1985 $75,000 $75,000 Noorvik Selawik Shungnak 4 5 Grants To Communities — DCRA & DOA DCRA Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Grants Legislative Grants Administered By Dept. of See ee el 1983 1984 1981 1982 1983 1984 Community 1981 1982 imi 40,000 mbier $100,000 Buckland $100,000 Deering $200,000 Kiana $100,000 Kivalina Kobuk ome $1,900,000 Kotzebue Noatak Noorvik $100,000 $350,000 Selawik $100,000 Shungnak USEFUL ENERGY INFORMATION NOT UPDATED IN 1985 PLAN 16 POWER COST ASSISTANCE, FY81-FY83 Current (10/83) FY 1981 FY 1982 it FY 1983 Me Tu PCR vox} — aH PK PK Tur rr 5 UTILITY PLACE Soid {$)___(¢/ewh)| Sold (3) tgpeom)| Sold ($)___(¢/kwn) AVEC Ambler 295,306 75,516 26.0 AVEC Kiana 341,442 87,406 26.0 AVEC Kivalina 198,533, 50,801 26.0 KTER. Kotzebue 2,129,793 98,385 4.6 275,449 7.3 5,086,091 465,283 9.11.23 AVEC. Noatak 317,348 81,355 26.0 AVEC | Noorvik 492,367 126,000 26.0 AVEC Selawik 408,715 104,722 26.0 AVEC Shungnak 243,228 © _»62,284 26.0 TOTAL 2,129,793 98,385 4.6 3,791,041 275,449 7.3 7,383,020 1,083,367 14.3 17 WIND GENERATOR INVENTORY SIZE SITE _(kw) MAKE STATUS Ambler 3.0 Jacobs Working Kivalina 4.0 Enertech 4000 Working Kotzebue 2.0 Dunlite Working Kotzebue 1.8 Enertech 1800 Not Working Sel awik 1.5 Enertech 1500 Occas. Working Selawik 1.8 Enertech 1800 Unknown 14 TA 18 ENERGY BALANCE DATA FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES sTuoy FUEL TOTAL AVIATION ENERGY PLACE YEAR OL GASOLINE PROPANE W000 GAS BLAZO USED/ YEAR TO BTS eS Aabler Buckland Kiana Shungnak 13,700 14,946 24,700 15,700 ‘= 200 3,200 x a3 18,223 3,800 300 3,100 2,800 200 3,000 19 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES STUDY PLACE YEAR RECOMMENDATIONS Ambler 1981 Renovate diesel systems. Resize generators, modernize switchgear, improve distribu- tion. Implement conservation measures. Consider installation of wind generators. Buckland 1979 Continued use of diesel generators supplemented with waste heat recovery. Kiana 1981 Renovate diesel systems. Resize generators, modernize switchgear, improve distribu- tion. Implement conservation measures. Consider installation of wind generators. Shungnak 1981 Renovate diesel systems. 20 Resize generators, modernize switchgear, improve distribu- tion. Implement conservation measures. Consider installation of wind generators. POPULATION PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES, 1985-2000 sTuoy POPULATION AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (x) PLACE YEAR WS. TO ws 2000, = Ambler a 27 296 328 364 1.8 Buckland 79 199 221 m0 3.0 Kiana 8 370 393 430 473 17 ‘Shungnak a 2a 258 27 a 14 ELECTRICITY DEMAND PROJECTIONS FRO APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES stuoy ELECTRICITY DEMAND (MWH) AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (2) PLACE YEAR T3950 TH 2000, T985-Z000 mn faoier 81 6 335 350 385 1.3 Buck land 79 452 609 1,178 6.6 Kiana 81 559 526 579 626 0.8 al 363 32 397 425 Mw 22 eae PEAK LOAD PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES (kw) stuoy PEAK LOAD (kw AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (3) PLACE YEAR Ts T390 2000, T 985-2000 Ambler al 100 No 120 130 1.8 Buckland 79 129 155 269 5.0 Kiana al 160 160 170 180 og ‘Shungnak al 100 100 120 140 2.3 23 ELECTRICITY DEMAND & POWER FORECASTS YEAR AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (%) PLACE /PARAMETER 985 990 995 2000. a Kotzebue Demand (mwh/year) 20,750 32,250 51,050 80,750 9.5 Power (kw) 4,100 6,400 10,200 16,200 9.6 Candle Demand (mwh/year) 298 416 534 652 5.4 Power (kw) 84 14 144 174 5.0 Deering Demand (mwh/year) $80 698 816 934 3.2 Power (kw) 168 198 228 258 2.9 Kivalina Demand (mwh/year) 556 629 702 775 2.2 Power (kw) 166 188 218 232 2.3 Kobuk Demand (mwh/year) 298 416 534 652 5.4 Power (kw) 84 14 144 174 5.0 Noatak Demand (mwh/year) 510 634 758 882 3.7 Power (kw) 141 177 213 249 3.9 Noorvik Demand (mwh/year) 1,140 1,312 1,484 1,656 2.5 Power (kw) 294 339 384 429 2.6 Selawick Demand (mwh/year) 935 1,131 1,327 1,523 3.3 Power (kw) 255 308 361 414 3.3 Source: Assessment of Power Generation Alternatives for Kotzebue, APA COMMUNITY PROFILE 1. Economic Parameters PARAMETER 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 198) INCOME 7 Total Personal Incame ($000's) 43,220 42,186 44,448 46,793 52,905 $8,583 Per Capital Personal Income 6,376 6,293 6,626 7,081 8,104 9,066 EAPLOVNENT ors 78 8s Ss 99 102 104 Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries Mining 105 s Ss Ss War Construction 192 WW s 3 s Manufacturing 3 4“ 39 30 au Trans, tion and Public Utilities 176 126 149 149 161 e Trade Retail Trade a 24 an a 278 303 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 201 s 126 142 Ss s Services 392 3 690 650 729 68s Subtotal Private 1,30 1,165, 1,398 1,394 1,437 1,459 Government Federal Civilian Val 182 190 tal 161 1st Federal Military 213 142 136 130 128 132 State and Local 553 598 632 674 670 68 Subtotal Government 947 922 958 985 959 964 Total Employment 2,335 2,172 2,451 2,478 2,498 2,527 S = Data for the year 1s suppressed 18 Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1983 Nome Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1970-1983 1980-1983 Brevig Mission PRIVATE 123 138 149 134 132 0.5 15 Diomede Village BIA 84 139 189 134 121 28 4.5 Elim AVEC 174 211 228 205 202 1.2 1.4 Gambell > AVEC 372 445 480 432 426 1.0 1.4 Golovin PRIVATE, BIA 117 87 94 112 110 0.5 81 Koyuk AVEC 122 188 203 183 185 3.3 0.5 Nome NJUB 2301 2301 3039 3430 3590 3.5 16.0 Perkinsville 33 Port Clarence 29 Saint Michael AVEC 207 239 258 295 312 3.2 9.3 Savoonga AVEC 364 491 530 477 472 2.0 AB Shaktoolik AVEC 151 164 177 159 157 0.3 1.4 Shishmaret AVEC 267 394 394 425 436 3.8 3.4 Stebbins AVEC 231 331 357 321 316 2.4 AS Teller . TEPC 220 212 229 206 207 0.5 0.8 Unalakieet MEA,UVEC 342 623 672 604 654 51 1.6 Wales AVEC 131 133 143 129 124 0.4 2.3 White Mountain SCHOOL 87 125 135 121 122 2.6 0.8 Other 507 617 23 133 95 424 46.4 REGION TOTAL 5800 6900 7300 7500 7661 2.2 3.5 ENERGY USE AND COSTS 3 Annual Net Generation of Electricity 1977-1982, (MWH) Nome Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Average Annual Change 1977-1983 1979-1983 %) AVEC Elim 269 217 228 272 341 413 428 8 7 AVEC Gambell 436 562 663 799 821 821 937 14 9 AVEC Koyuk 176 153 196 289 289 370 403 15 20 AVEC Savoonga 575 642 674 757 835 890 964 9 9 AVEC Shaktoolik 156 182 200 209 252 314 337 14 14 AVEC Shishmaref 465 538 539 546 587 689 841 10 12 AVEC Saint Michael 270 353 342 326 413 556 592 14 16 AVEC Stebbins 234 229 227 248 293 395 508 14 22 AVEC. Wales 143 142 127 129 121 156 179 4 9 Mea Unalakleet 1868 1913 1977 2002 2166 2668 NJUB Nome 13772 13915 14501 15261 15935 17511 18682 5 7 TL&P Teller 170 180 180 441 583 583 600 23 35 UVEC Unalakleet 3038 Subtotal Utilities 18534 19026 19854 21279 22636 25366 27509 i 8 Defense 7920 8000 8248 8248 8248 8248 6126 4 7 Industry 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 5000 5000 12 18 REGION TOTAL 37454 38026 39102 40527 41884 38614 38635 1 QO CAPACITY AND LOAD FACTOR FOR 1982 AND 1983 Nome Utility Vicinity 1982 1982 1983 1983 Capacity Load Capacity Load Factor Factor (kw) (%) (kw) (%) AVEC Elim 231 20 231 21 AVEC Gambell 460 20 460 23 AVEC Koyuk 270 16 270 17 AVEC Saint Michael 340 19 340 20 AVEC Savoonga 650 16 650 7 AVEC Shaktoolik 200 18 200 19 AVEC Shismaret 705 abl 600 16 AVEC Stebbins 220 20 220 26 AVEC Wales 155 11 3126 13 MEA Unalakieet 1150 26 1860 19 NJUB Nome 6968 29 6968 31 TEPC Teller 445 15 445 15 TOTAL 11794 2 15370 23 PEAK LOAD BY UTILITY Nome Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 AVEC Elim 01 01 01 01 AVEC Gambell 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 AVEC Koyuk 01 01 01 0.1 AVEC Saint Michael 01 0.2 01 O41 AVEC Savoonga 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 AVEC Shaktoolik O41 01 01 01 AVEC Shismaref 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 AVEC Stebbins 01 01 01 01 AVEC Wales 01 01 01 01 NJUB Nome 27 28 29 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.2 7.6% TEPC Teller 01 01 01 On O41 01 0.2 12.2% UVEC Unalakleet 0.6 TOTAL 28 2.9 3.0 4.3 44 4.3 6.2 14.2% 13.0% 20 6 FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Nome Utility Vicinity Fuel Units Fuel Consumption Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 AVEC Elim Oil Gal. 35,658 27,347 31,164 37,884 41,126 48,846 49,308 9.2% AVEC Gambell Oil Gal. 50,274 70,762 71,830 82,824 84,168 85,806 92,862 3.9% AVEC Koyuk Oil Gal. 32,088 19,290 25,284 32,466 33,894 41,706 43,092 9.9% AVEC Savoonga Oil Gal. 67,956 80,904 77,070 82,236 88,158 90,846 100,842 7.0% AVEC Shaktoolik Oil Gal. 20,202 22,908 23,982 25,116 32,004 38,178 37,716 14.5% AVEC Shismaref Oil Gal. 60,690 ~ 67,801 65,898 66,234 69,216 75,600 88,914 10.3% AVEC Saint Michael Oil Gal. 38,556 44,464 36,540 38,178 45,612 48,636 54,474 12.6% AVEC Stebbins Oil Gal. 29,904 28,803 27,300 30,240 33,264 57,624 53,256 20.8% AVEC Wales Oil Gal. 29,106 17,871 20,286 22,764 19,530 22,008 24,528 2.5% MEA Unalakleet Oil Gal. 166,488 175,925 184,380 189,000 203,784 234,528 226,128 6.2% TEPC Teller Oil Gal. 17,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 46,200 48,600 39.2% TOTAL Oil Gal. 547,922 574,075 581,734 624,942 668,756 789,978 819,720 8.9% 1 HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1983 Nome Utility Vicinity Fuel HEAT RATE (BTU/KWH) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 AVEC Elim Oil 18,384 17,478 18,957 19,317 17,133 16,403 15,978 AVEC Gambell Oil 15,992 17,463 15,024 14,377 14,218 14,495 13,745 AVEC Koyuk Oil 25,286 17,486 17,891 15,580 16,266 15,633 14,830 AVEC Savoonga Oil 16,391 17,478 15,859 15,066 14,643 14,157 14,508 AVEC Shaktoolik Oil 17,960 17,457 16,630 16,667 17,614 16,863 15,522 AVEC Shismaref Oil 18,101 17,478 16,956 16,824 16,354 15,218 14,663 AVEC Saint Michael Oil 19,805 17,469 14,818 16,232 15,317 12,132 12,762 AVEC Stebbins Oil 17,724 17,444 16,679 16,911 15,745 20,233 14,540 AVEC Wales Oil 28,229 17,454 22,153 24,474 22,385 19,566 19,004 MEA Unalakleet Oil 12,361 12,754 12,935 13,093 13,048 12,191 NJUB Nome Oil 10,865, 10,937 TEPC Teller Oil 13,869 13,869 13,869 10,991 11,234 8 Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1983 Nome Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 MEA Unalakleet 125 . 29 UVEC Unalakleet 201 43 Q Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1983 (Cents/KWH) Nome Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 UVEC Unalakleet 27 26 10 Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1983 (MWH per customer/year) Nome Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 UVEC Unalakleet 4 40 11 Status of Fuel Costs & Needs In Alaska State Fuel Survey 8/15/83 Aviation Heating DHSS Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Fuel Oil S/gal Sigal Sigal $gal Sigal $/bottle Sigal Sigal Brevig Mission $2.31 1.45 3.25 Diomede Island Diomede Village $2.35 Elim $2.05 2.79 2.05 132.00 Gambell $2.08 Golovin $2.35 Koyuk $2.20 2.70 2.35 126.00 Nome $1.63 1.89 2.07 1.72 79.50 Northeast Cape Perkinsville Port Clarence Saint Michael $1.27 Savoonga $2.05 Shaktoolik $2.35 2.46 2.05 99.00 Shishmaref $2.09 Stebbins $2.15 2.41 2.15 115.00 Teller $2.27 Unalakleet $1.98 1.67 1.49 1.43 Wales $2.10 2.86 2.53 White Mountain $2.14 2.93 24 116.00 6.75 LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS 1 Housing Numbers For Assistance HOUSING UNITS WEATHERIZED Total Before After Households Receiving Community Census Region Houses(#) Done 1980 1980 H&SS Energy Assistance Brevig Mission 3 41 32 $22,025 Diomede Island 3 33 "1 x 180 Diomede Village 3 Elim 3 48 34 $21,681 Gambell 3 163 78 $59,163 Golovin 3 37 8 x 186 $104,536 Koyuk 3 48 31 $20,573 Nome 3 917 49 x Northeast Cape 3 4 2362 Perkinsville 3 15 Port Clarence 3 Saint Michael 3 73 51 $36,100 Savoonga 3 158 77 $59,550 Shaktoolik 3 56 28 x 24 $15,549 Shishmaref 3 94 83 $58,253 Stebbins 3 82 44 x 65 $41,314 Teller 3 63 25 x 48 $34,906 Unalakleet 3 200 16 x 82 $54,943 Wales 3 54 25 $17,350 White Mountain 3 41 12 x 31 $19,689 Ze 23 1 3 Alaska Power Authority Projects In Alaskan Communities—1984 APA WASTE HEAT PROJECTS Community APA Projects In Place Ready Other Brevig Mission Reconnaissance Study Diomede Island Reconnaissance Study Diomede Village Elim Feasible. & Recon. Study x Gambell Golovin Reconnaissance Study Koyuk Reconnaissance Study Nome Feasibility Study Northeast Cape Perkinsville Port Clarence Saint Michael Reconnaissance Study Savoonga Feasibility Study x Shaktoolik Shishmaref Reconnaissance Study Stebbins Reconnaissance Study Teller Reconnaissance Study Unalakleet Reconnaissance Study x Wales White Mountain 14 Grants To Communities — DCRA DCR&A Administered Grants 1974-85 DCRA Electrification Grants Community Project Year Cost Project Year Cost 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Brevig Mission Diomede Island Diomede Village Electrification 1975 = $17,755 Elim Gambell Golovin Koyuk Nome Northeast Cape Perkinsville Port Clarence Saint Michael Generator 1975 $6,465 Savoonga Shaktoolik Shishmaref Stebbins Teller Unalakleet Wales : White Mountain Electrification 1981 $65,000 $60,000 15 Grants To Communities — DCRA & DOA OCRA Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Grants Legislative Grants Administered By Dept. of Administration Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Brevig Mission $181,000 $60,000 Diomede Island $90,000 Diomede Village $106,000 $100,000 Elim $80,000 $200,000 Gambell Golovin $100,000 $225,200 $70,000 Koyuk $85,000 Nome $943,000 $425,000 Northeast Cape Perkinsville Port Clarence Saint Michael Savoonga $100,000 Shaktoolik $53,500 Shishmaref $100,000 Stebbins $100,000 Teller $1,000,000 $42,800 $100,000 White Mountain $100,000 $170,000 USEFUL ENERGY INFORMATION NOT UPDATED IN 1985 PLAN 16 POWER COST ASSISTANCE, FY81-FY83 UTILITY _ PLACE AVEC Elim 203,638 = 52,143 26.0 AVEC Gambell 391,768 100,421 26.0 AVEC Koyuk 179,862 | 26.0 MSP home 2,274,944 72,811 362 6,596,037 463,302 7.0 6,775,922 118 AVEC Savoonga 413,220 AVEC ‘Snaktoolik 186,567 AVEC Shismaref 366,079 AVEC ‘St. Michael 224,134 AVEC Stebbins 207,645 AVEC = Unalakleet 560,483 $0,798 911,009,306 = 118,867 12.0 1,298,037 1.36 AVEC Males 109,597 TOTAL 2,835,427 123,309 437,605,343 $82,169 7.7 10,356,469 1,118,104 10.8 24 25 17 WIND GENERATOR INVENTORY SIZE SITE (kw) MAKE STATUS Council 1.0 Aeropower SL1000 Occas. Working Elim 2.0 Aeropower Planned Gambel! 4.0 IES Skyhawk 4 Not Working Gambel] 4.0 IES Skyhawk 4 Not Working Gambel] 4.0 IES Skyhawk 4 Not Working Gambel] 4.0 IES Skyhawk 4 Not Working Gambel 10.0 Jacobs Not Working Gambel1 10.0 Jacobs Working Gambel 1 10.0 Jacobs Working Golovin 1.8 Enertech 1800 Not Working Nome 2.0 Aeropower SL2000 Not Working Nome 1.0 Bergey BWC1000 Occas. Working Nome 10.0 Jacobs Working Shishmaref 1.8 Enertech 1800 Working Shishmaref 1.8 Enertech 1800 Working Teller 1.8 Enertech 1800 Working Unalakleet 10.0 Jacobs Working Unalakleet 10.0 Jacobs Working Unalakleet 10.0 Jacobs Working Unalakleet 15.0 Jacobs Working - 1.8 White Mountain Enertech 1800 Not Working 18 ENERGY BALANCE DATA FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES sTuoy FUEL TOTAL ENERGY PLACE YEAR ot GASOLINE PROPANE W000 BLAZO KEROSENE USED/YEAR ——S ne OO ee ore Brevig Mission 1982 Dt omede 1982 Golovin 1962 Koyuk 1982 Shismaref 1982 St. Michael = 1982 Stebbins 1982 Teller 1982 Unalakleet 1982 13,000 7,100 7,200 13,100 24,400 24,000 18,700 17,900 53,400 1,900 so 2,400 400 40 1,250 3,600 3,100 4,300 3,000 590 2,700 1,200 200 1,800 2,900 100 1,800 2,100 8,400 3,750 1,100 300 200 18,450 8,040 12,050 20,500 30,690 27,200 23,500 28,400 57,150 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES PLACE Diomede Elim Golovin Koyuk Savoonga Shishmaref Saint Michael Stebbins Teller Unalakleet White Mountain Brevig Mission STUDY YEAR 1982 1979 1982 1982 1979 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1979 1982 RECOMMENDATIONS Establish a sophisticated anemometry site to gather wind data. Continue diesel generation unless wind proves more economical. Improved diesel generation. Conservation. Waste heat recovery. ° Use of wood. Undertake aggressive energy audit program and implement recommendations. Continue use of Bering Straits REAA diesel generators. Undertake aggressive energy audit program. Install water jacket waste heat recovery system and sel] captured heat to REAA school. Improved diesel generation. Wind power. Conservation. Waste heat recovery. Use of coal. Improve new home construction to minimize space heating requirements. Undertake aggressive energy audit program and implement recommendations. Install] waste heat recovery system. Undertake aggressive energy audit program and implement recommendations. Install water jacket waste heat recovery system. Undertake aggressive energy audit program and implement recommendations. Install water jacket waste heat recovery system and relocate generators near school. Wait and see if Mary's Igloo will be constructed. Install anemometry system and study economic viability of wind. Undertake aggressive energy audit program and implement recommendations. Install water jacket waste heat recovery system on generators and sell heat to nearby buildings. Continue study of economic viability of wind systems. Improved diesel generation. Conservation. Waste heat recovery. Increased use of wood. Improve fuel efficiency of federally-funded houses. Improve reliability of REAA electric service. Further study of wind systems. 26 20 POPULATION PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES, 1985-2000 stuoy POPULATION AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (%) PLACE YEAR as. 30 ws. 2000 & Brevig 4 146 153 160 168 a9 Diomede 82 180 200 220 230 1.6 Elia 79 263 321 Golovin 82 CI lot 100 nn? 1s Koyuk a 200 ar 222 233 1.0 Savoonga 79 610 744 ‘Snismaref 82 482 $58 586 6s 1.6 82 27 u3 334 400 2.5 82 361 388 a7 44g 15 82 22 22 22 212 0.0 Unalak leet 82 652 68s ng 755 1.0 white Mountain 79 185 189 2{ ELECTRICITY DEMAND PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES - stuoy ELECTRICITY DEMAND (Mu. AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (x) PLACE YEAR 1585-2000 Brevig 8 193 224 240 246 1.6 Diomede a2 231 302 322 339 2.6 Elim 79 303 427 540 654 5.3 Golovin 82 268 303 328 350 18 Koyuk 82 231 290 mu 320 0.9 Savoonga 79 758 1,027 1,276 1,517 4.7 Shismaref 82 661 720 768 849 17 St. Michael 82 400 438 478 498 1.5 Stebbins 82 333 37 394 408 1.4 Teller a2 320 330 330 330 0.2 Unalakleet a2 2,187 2,356 2,512 2,654 1.3 wnite Mountain 79 Ey No 124 138 2.6 22 PEAK LOAD PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES (kw) sTuoy PEAK LOAD (kw. AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (%. PLACE YEAR as 5 at} — aos ee Brevig 82 39 a 86 93 3.1 Diomede 82 a 8 123 130 24 Elim 79 15 7 19 2 2.3 Golovin 82 1 mm n6 126 2.2 Koyuk 8 99 106 no 17 Mt Savoonga - 79 4 54 59 65 2.6 Shi smaref 82 29 238 253 290 1.9 St. Michael 82 12 192 210 219 1.6 Stebbins 82 126 156 165 173 2.1 Teller az 135 135 135 135 0.0 Unalak leet a2 610 700 750 alo 1.9 white Mountain 79 " 14 15 7 2.9 @OUN MOUNTAIN ELA (ARUTNA Ag STEVENS YALAGE S YUKON-KOYUKUK COMMUNITY PROFILE 1 Economic Parameters PARAMETER 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 19a INCOME Total Personal Income ($000's) 82,414 69,780 76,671 81,807 86,051 94,916 Per Capital Personal Income 10,212 8,646 9,501 10,137 10,663 11,762 EMPLOYMENT Proprietors 108 7 131 134 139 140 Private Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries s s Mining laze 1378 s 103° lise 1220 Construct ion 3,076¢ s s s s 25° Manut acturing ie S s 29° 22° 22° Transportation and Public Utilities 1929 452 800 801 767 757 Wholesale Trade 17° 3 $ s s $ Retail Trade 103 122 143 161 167 201 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 4i* sae 15* 7 23 20 Services 282 372 186 198° ag 77° Subtotal Private 2,950 1,373 1,406 1,487 1,303 1,307 Government ; Federal Civilian 390 354 340 335 2 280 Military 1,132 749 789 762 754 172 Local 578 603 637 802 803 879 Subtotal Government 2,099 1,707 1,767 2,093 1,868 1,930 Total Employment 6,161 3,197 3,306 3,489 3,003 3,378 S = Data for the year is suppressed © = Data for the year is partially suppressed 28 29 Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1983 Yukon-Koyukuk Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1970-1983 1980-1983 Alatna VILLAGE COUNCIL Allakaket SCHOLL VILLAGE 174 163 158 169 175 0 2.4 Anderson GVEA 362 517 500 522 538 341 1.3 Anvik AVEC 83 114 110 116 119 2.8 1.4 Artic Village SCHOOL 85 111 Beaver SCHOOL 101 66 Bettles BL&aP Birch Creek SCHOOL 32 Campion 62 Cantwell PRIVATE 62 Central PRIVATE 26 36 Chalkyitsik SCHOOL 130 100 Circle CE 54 81 Dunbar 50 Evansville BLAP 57 94 Fort Yukon FYU, USAF 448 619 599 625 641 2.8 1.2 Galena M&DE 302 765 805 847 876 8.5 46 Grayling AVEC 139 209 202 2u 217 3.5 1.3 Healy GVEA 79 334 Healy Lake PRIVATE 33 i Holy Cross AVEC 199 241 233 243 250 1.8 liz. Hughes H 85 73 71 74 74 AA 0.5 Huslia AVEC 159 188 23 241 248 3.5 9.7 Indian Mountain USAF 27 Kaltag AVEC 206 247 239 246 257 1.7 1.3 Koyukuk SCHOOL, PRIVATE 124 98 95 99 99 A7 0.3 Lake Minchumina ss Manley Hot Springs MUC 34 61 McGrath MGL&P 279 355 343 498 535 51 14.7 McKinley Park 32 Minto AVEC 168 153 Nenana GVEA 382 470 $92 475 586 3.3 7.6 Nikolai CITY 112 91 88 110 112 0.0 7.2 Nulato AVEC 308 350 338 353 382 1.7 3.0 Rampart WTC 36 50 Ruby CITY 145 197 190 214 233 3.7 5.8 Shafeluk AVEC 167 131 127 132 142 1.2 CAL Stevens Village VILLAGE 74 96 Suntrana GVEA 67 56 Takotna CITY, SCHOOL 76 48 Tanana TPC 406 388 462 486 454 0.9 5.4 Tatalina USAF 46 Telida SCHOOL 33 Usibelli GVEA 65 53 Venetie VILLAGE, BIA 112 132 Other 1794 609 2417 2240 2697 3.2 64.2 REGION TOTAL 7100 7700 7592 7900 8635 1.5 3.9 ENERGY USE AND COSTS Annual Net Generation of Electricity 1977-1982, (MWH) : Yukon-Koyukuk Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Average Annual Change 1977-1983 1979-1983 (%) AVEC Anvik 139 131 154 160 174 192 193 6 6 AVEC Grayling 175 223 233 200 214 314 356 13 1 AVEC Holy Cross 345 330 381 306 204 346 415 3 rd AVEC Huslia 263 256 224 269 341 347 401 7 16 AVEC Kaltag 230 397 399 363 362 398 451 12 3 AVEC Minto 232 251 224 206 203 260 268 2 5 AVEC Nulato 531 524 543 496 568 680 623 3 3 AVEC Scammon Bay 304 AVEC Shageluk 169 176 178 191 220 223 260 7 10 BL&P Bettles 977 640 1070 1130 1134 1140 1150 3 2 CE Circle 100 FYU Fort Yukon 1336 1404 1737 1979 2013 2129 2200 9 6 H Hughes 81900 81900 81900 5500 5500 5500 5500 36 -49 HUP&L Hughes 120 M&D Galena 1000 1106 1200 MGL&P McGrath 1985 2320 2614 2007 2635 2789 2881 6 2 MUC Manley Hot Springs 182 200 145 131 150 150 200 2 8 ss Lake Minchumina 190 190 190 190 190 200 200 1 1 TPC Tanana 1707 1737 1740 1769 1775 1780 1900 2 2 WTP Rampart 60 Subtotal Utilities 90361 90679 91732 14897 16987 17554 18478 -23 33 Defense 102789 96640 100451 85086 85086 85086 16516 -26 36 Industry 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 0 0 Municipality 76100 76100 68000 REGION TOTAL 194450 188619 193483 177383 179473 171940 36294 24 34 4 CAPACITY AND LOAD FACTOR FOR 1982 AND 1983 Yukon-Koyukuk Utility Vicinity 1982 1982 1983 1983 Capacity Load Capacity Load Factor Factor (kw) (%) (kw) (%) AVEC Anvik 150 15 200 1 AVEC Grayling 200 18 200 20 AVEC Holy Cross 235 7 235 20 AVEC Huslia 285 14 285 16 AVEC Kaltag 180 25 285 18 AVEC Minto 215 14 235 13 AVEC Nulato 725 "1 725 10 AVEC Shageluk 200 13 2365 15 BL&P Bettles 600 22 600 22 CE Circle 250 5 FYU Fort Yukon 1350 18 1350 19 HUP&L Hughes 150 9 M&D Galena 760 7 760 19 MGL&P MeGrath 1250 25 1450 23 MUC Manley Hot Springs 185 9 185 12 ss Lake Minchumina 130 18 130 17 TPC Tanana 1950 10 1950 WW WTC Rampart 150 5 TOTAL 8415 16 11505 16 30 PEAK LOAD BY UTILITY Yukon-Koyukuk Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 AVEC Anvik O41 01 0.1 01 0.0% AVEC Grayling 01 O41 01 O41 0.0% AVEC Holy Cross O41 01 01 O14 AVEC Huslia O41 O41 01 O14 AVEC Kaltag 01 O41 0.2 0.1 AVEC Minto 01 O41 0.1 0.1 . AVEC Nulato 01 01 01 01 . AVEC Shageluk 01 01 0.5 01 i BL&P Bettles 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0% FYU Fort Yukon 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 6.3% M&D Galena 0.3 0.3 0.4 MGL&P McGrath 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 06 0.6 0.6 7.0% 0.0% MUG Manley Hot Springs O41 01 01 ss Lake Minchumina 0.1 O41 01 TPC Tanana 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 3.8% 7.7% TOTAL 08 0.9 17 25 3.0 3.6 3.3 26.6% 9.7% 6 FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Yukon-Koyukuk Utility Vicinity Fuel Units Fuel Consumption Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 AVEC Chevik Oil Gal. 62,748 62,541 80,388 76,692 78,498 75,894 80,220 4.2% 15% AVEC Grayling Oil Gal. 25,452 28,146 31,458 29,484 32,844 36,162 40,950 8.2% 11.6% AVEC Holy Cross Oil Gal. 36,918 41,612 43,344 48,048 45,108 46,242 49,476 5.0% 1.0% AVEC Huslia Oil Gal. 40,488 32,246 28,392 31,692 44,142 45,948 45,402 1.9% 12.7% AVEC Kaltag Oil = Gal. 32,676 50,037 58,632 55,440 52,374 54,852 52,668 1.7% AVEC Minto Oil Gal. 31,920 31,570 28,602 26,418 27,510 36,120 30,786 5.2% AVEC Nulato Oil Gal. 74,424 65,988 70,392 68,628 74,382 80,850 73,794 2.4% AVEC Shageluk Oil Gal. 26,082 22,136 26,124 12,570 29,106 28,728 21,206 19.0% BL&P Bettles Oil Gal. 97,670 64,000 106,980 107,000 107,000 120,000 120,000 3.9% CE Circle Oil = Gal. 10,000 FYU Fort Yukon Oil Gal. 166,342 180,000 216,222 216,580 220,300 200,000 250,000 4.9% HUP&L Hughes Oil Gal. 16,000 M&D Galena Oil Gal. 116,850 117,000 128,000 139,000 6.0% MGL&P McGrath Oil Gal. 167,706 190,512 221,592 204,834 217,644 238,182 243,936 6.4% 6.0% MUC Manley Hot Springs Oil Gal. 15,000 20,000 14,500 11,924 12,000 12,000 18,000 3.1% 14.7% ss Lake Minchumina Oil Gal. 17,000 25,000 17,036 25,053 25,100 26,000 22,000 4.4% 4.2% TPC Tanana Oil Gal. 148,952 280,000 151,869 151,869 152,000 152,000 184,000 3.6% 6.6% WTC Rampart Oil Gal. 6,000 TOTAL Oil Gal. 943,378 1,093,788 1,095,531 1,183,082 1,235,008 += 1,280,978 += 1,403,438 6.8% 5.9% 3] HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1983 Yukon-Koyukuk Utility Vicinity Fuel HEAT RATE (BTU/KWH) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 AVEC Anvik Oil 17,936 17,519 16,832 24,574 21,994 22,481 20,493 AVEC Grayling Oil 20,171 17,505 18,725 20,446 21,286 1,972 15,953 AVEC Holy Cross Oil 14,841 17,488 15,778 21,777 30,667 18,536 16,535 AVEC Huslia Oil 21,351 17,470 17,579 16,340 17,953 18,365 15,703 AVEC Kaltag Oil 19,704 17,480 20,380 21,182 20,066 19,114 16,196 AVEC Minto Oil 19,082 17,444 17,709 17,786 18,795 19,267 15,932 AVEC Nulato Oil 19,439 17,465 17,979 19,190 18,162 16,490 16,428 AVEC Shageluk Oil 21,404 17,443 20,355 17,841 18,349 17,867 16,646 BLaP Bettles Oil 13,865, 13,869 13,866 13,133 13,086 14,599 14,472 CE Circle Oil 13,869 FYU Fort Yukon Oil 17,268 17,781 17,264 15,178 15,178 13,029 15,760 HUP&L Hughes Oil 18,492 M&D Galena Oil 16,227 16,051 16,065 MGL&P McGrath Oil 11,717 11,389 11,757 14,155 11,455 11,844 11,743 MUC Manley Hot Springs Oil 11,431 13,869 13,869 12,624 11,095 11,095 12,482 ss Lake Minchumina Oil 12,409 18,249 12,435 18,287 18,322 18,030 15,256 TPC Tanana Oil 12,102 22,356 12,105 11,907 11,877 11,874 13,431 8 Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1983 Yukon-Koyukuk Residential i uTIuTY e Commerciai/Industrial 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 BLaP Bettles 10 12 13 7 13 13 18, 20 FYU Fort Yukon 187 77 194 198 191 194 20 24 26 27 18 27 MGL&P McGrath 54 64 97 WW 125 148 187 43 51 59 59 62 65 63 MUC Manley Hot Springs 19 21 6 8 TPC Tanana 136 132 132 132 3 3 3 3 Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1983 9 (Cents/KWH) Yukon-Koyukuk Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 BL&aP Bettles 33 35 42 52 30 31 40 $1 FYU Fort Yukon 20 20 2 31 24 33 16 16 19 25 21 28 MGL&P McGrath 16 16 23 19 23 36 33 13 14 13 20 2 29 29 MUC Manley Hot Springs 24 24 22 24 TPC Tanana 16 27 27 27 11 21 21 21 Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1983 10 (MWH per customer/year) Yukon-Koyukuk Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 BL&P Bettles 1.6 ae 22 23 16.7 18.4 13.2 11.9 FYU Fort Yukon 1.6 1.8 1.7 ihe! 1.8 1.9 48.9 43 52.3 49.4 74.7 54.7 MGL&P McGrath 27 28 1.7 31 3.4 3.2 3.6 nM 31.7 25.7 32.2 29.9 28.4 29.4 MUC Manley Hot Springs 1.7 15 47 6.3 TPC Tanana 5.2 6 6 6 343.3 291.7 291.7 291.7 32 11 Status of Fuel Costs & Needs In Alaska State Fuel Survey 8/15/83 Community DHSS Fuel Oil S/gal Gasoline Sigal Aviation Heating Gasoline Fuel Sigal $gal Diesel Sigal Propane Kerosene S/bottle Sigal Blazo Sigal Alatna Allakaket Anderson Anvik Artic Village Beaver Bettles Birch Creek Campion Cantwell Central Chatkyitsik Chatanika Circle Clear Denali Park(McKinly) Dunbar Eagle Evansvile Fort Yukon Galena Goldstream Grayling Healy Healy Lake Holikachuk Holy Cross Hughes Huslia Indian Mountain Kaltag Koyukuk Lake Minchumina Lakeview Livengood Manley Hot Springs McGrath Minto Nenana Nikolai Nulato Rampart Richardson Ruby Shafeluk Shageluk Steele Creek Steese East Steese West Stevens Village Suntrana Takotna Tanana Tatalina Telida Usibelli Venetie $1.18 $1.16 1.88 2.45 2.80 2.30 2.57 3.00 1.69 2.10 2.80 4.00 3.40 2.15 1.64 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.83 2.71 2.34 2.64 2.80 1.80 1.57 1.97 4.25 3.75 3.60 2.32 1.64 2.00 2.00 2.60 1.57 1.97 3.75 128.00 75.00 3.30 75.00 82.00 74.75 55.00 70.00 5.20 130.00 100.00 3.00 5.00 33 12 LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS Housing Numbers For Assistance HOUSING UNITS WEATHERIZED Community Census Region Houses(#) Total Done Before 1980 After 1980 Households Receiving H&SS Energy Assistance Alatna Allakaket Anderson Anvik Artic Village Beaver Bettles Birch Creek Campion Cantwell Central Chalkyitsik Chatanika Circle Clear Denali Park(McKinley) Dunbar Eagle Evansvile Fort Yukon Galena Goidstream Grayling © Healy Healy Lake Holikachuk Holy Cross Hughes - Huslia Indian Mountain Kaltag Koyukuk Lake Minchumina Lakeview Livengood Manley Hot Springs McGrath Minto Nenana Nikolai Nulato Rampart Richardson Ruby Shafeluk Shageluk Steele Creek Steese East Steese West Stevens Village Suntrana Takotna Tanana Tatalina Telida Usibelli Venetie PRADA AELHLADAADAADLAADADAAALDADADAADADEAAADADADAAHLADARAARARA RARE 55 142 a #88 eye ee Bes gs Rexeees &N 18 19 x 10 $5,850 4 $2,030 9 $5,187 24 $13,331 1 $263 7 $2,839 34 1 Alaska Power Authority Projects In Alaskan Communities—1984 Community APA Projects In Place APA WASTE HEAT PROJECTS Ready Other Alatna Allakaket Anderson Anvik Artic Village Beaver Bettles Birch Creek Campion Cantwell Central Chalkyitsik Chatanika Circle Clear Denali Park (McKinley) Dunbar Eagle Evansvile Fort Yukon Galena Goldstream Grayling Healy Healy Lake Holikachuk Holy Cross Hughes Huslia Indian Mountain Kaltag Koyukuk Lake Minchumina Lakeview Livengood Manley Hot Springs McGrath Minto Nenana Nikolai Nulato Rampart Richardson Ruby Shafeluk Shageluk Steele Creek Steese East Steese West Stevens Village Suntrana Takotna Tanana Tatalina Telida Usibelli Venetie Reconnaissance Study Grant Grant Loan Reconnaissance Study Feasibility Study x Feasibility Study x Grant Reconnaissance Study Reconnaissance Study 35 14 Grants To Communities — DCRA DCR&A Administered Grants 1974-85 Community Project Year Cost Project Year Cost 1977 DCRA Electrification Grants 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Generator Electrification Alatna Allakaket Anderson Anvik Artic Village Beaver Bettles Birch Creek Campion Cantwell Central Chalkyitsik Chatanika Circle Clear Denali Park (McKinley) Dunbar Eagle Evansvile Fort Yukon Galena Goldstream Grayling Healy Healy Lake Holikachuk Holy Cross Hughes Huslia Indian Mountain Kaltag Koyukuk Lake Minchumina Lakeview Livengood Manley Hot Springs McGrath Minto Nenana Nikolai Nulato Rampart Richardson Ruby Shafeluk ~ Shageluk Steele Creek Steese East Steese West Stevens Village Suntrana Takotna Tanana Tatalina Telida Usibelli Venetie Generator Electrification Electrification Electrification Electrification Electrification Generator Electrification Bulk Fuel Electrification Electrification Electrification Electrification Generator Electrification Electrification Electrification Generator House 1982 36,000 1974 20,000 Electrification 1982 26,400 Electrification 1984 150,000 Electrification 1980 75,000 Electrification 1980 75,000 1980-82 293,000 Electrification 1982 81,700 1980 75,000 1984 250,000 1985 180,000 1981 75,000 1984 70,000 1975 15,000 Electrification 1975-82 85,000 1978-80 119,000 1975 20,000 1978 3,500 1985 100,000 1975-81 185,000 Generator 1983 173,000 1978 40,000 Electrification 1984 35,500 3,750 75,000 26,400 75,000 32,000 75,000 75,000 40,000 103,000 81,700 30,000 25,000 25,000 3,500 45,000 70,000 1979 50,000 20,000 40,000 50,000 1976 20,000 Electrification 1981-83 203,000 1980 86,000 Electrification 1983 60,000 Electrification 1982 73,000 1985 25,000 1982 132,000 Gener. & Dis. 1983-85 220,000 25,000 73,000 100,000 150,000 150,000 180,000 75,000 70,000 30,000 100,000 173,000 251,000 60,000 25,000 132,000 220,000 (as 83) 36 37 15 Grants To Communities — DCRA & DOA Community DCRA Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Grants 1981 1982 1983 Legislative Grants Administered By Dept. of Administration 1984 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Alatna Allakaket Anderson Anvik Artic Village Beaver Bettles Birch Creek Campion Cantwell Central Chalkyitsik Chatanika Circle Clear Denali Park (McKinley) Dunbar Eagle Evansvile Fort Yukon Galena Goldstream Grayling Healy Healy Lake Holikachuk Holy Cross Hughes Huslia Indian Mountain Kaltag Koyukuk Lake Minchumina Lakeview Livengood Manley Hot Springs McGrath Minto Nenana Nikolai Nulato Rampart Richardson Ruby Shafeluk Shageluk Steele Creek Steese East Steese West Stevens Village Suntrana Takotna Tanana Tatalina Telida Usibelli Venetie $70,000 $60,000 $66,000 $40,000 $90,000 $120,000 $40,000 $200,000 $50,000 $30,000 $50,000 $75,000 $12,600 $21,500 $50,000 $59,500 $73,000 $50,000 $125,000 $100,000 $24,600 $8,000 $67,500 USEFUL ENERGY INFORMATION NOT UPDATED IN 1985 PLAN 16 POWER cost ASSISTANCE, FY81-FY83 Current (10/83) Fuel O41 FY 1983 Price POR PUK PCR PK : urtuity wh)|_ Sold (3) (£/kwn) AVEC = Anvik 24,435 26.0 BLEA. —-Bettles 97,419 30,494 31.0 43,434 30.0 1.75 ce Circle Elec. 2,324 7,784 16.0 1.04 fru Fort Yukon 218,938 41,953 19.0 652,295 11,201 17.0 1.80 AVEC Grayling 153,158 39,177 26.0 AVEC Holy Cross 265, 306 67,842 26.0 5,456 1,591 29.0 64,784 18,222 28.0 1.95 200,728 $3,629 27.0 241,215 61,805 26.0 455,147 95,126 21.0 832,209 166,441 20.0 1.75 9,506 2,139 23.0 9,675 18,306 20.0 . 17,178 18.0 1.38 386,503 33,932 9.5 709,978 90,604 13.0 124,207 14.0 1.56 144,687 37,018 26.0 20,784 6,318 30.0 1.95 277,104 70,828 26.0 100, 935 3,869 32.0 215,289 65,222 30.0 1.69 104,644 26,749 26.0 4,965 7.6 90,970 9,363 10.0 78,253 9,076 12.0 1.59 202,284 35,824 18.0 561,258 90,138 16.0 1.66 8 370,974 36,449 9.8 = 1,975,126 355,130 18.0 5,063,806 1,040,70F 20.6 17 WIND GENERATOR INVENTORY SIZE i SITE (kw) MAKE STATUS Cantwell 4.0 Dakota Wind & Sun Working Cantwell 1.0 Bergey BWC 1000 Unknown McKinley Park 1.0 Aeropower SL 1000 Unknown 18 ENERGY BALANCE DATA FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES TOTAL a a ee ee ik cL USED/’ TIO BTUs) Alatna 1962 5,800 2,760 220 9,380 18,160 Galena 1982 46,200 22,800 800 13,500 47,500 130,800 Nikolat i981 6,037 1,536 230 3,366 11,169 Ruby 1982 11,600 3,500 300 12,700 1,300 29,400 Shageluk 1982 10,000 1,500 100 10,200 21,800 Telida 1981 1,750 3a a7 1,105 27 Bed 3,442 19 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES STUDY PLACE YEAR RECOMMENDATIONS Alatna 1982 Establish an ambitious energy conservation program including installation of more efficient stoves. . Galena 1982 Continued development of the central diesel power system. Establish an ambitious energy conservation program. Grayling 1981 Install a waste heat recovery system. Determine extent of coal deposits. Hughes 1979 Continue diesel generation and install a waste heat recovery system. Kaltag 1979 Establish an energy conservation program. Koyukuk 1979 Continued diesel generation and install a waste heat recovery system. Ruby 1982 Attempt to use school power plant to generate power for village. Establish an ambitious energy conservation program. Shageluk 1982 Install water jacket waste heat recovery system on generators and heat nearby building. Telida 1981 Continued use of diesel generation supplemented with a waste heat recovery system. 20 POPULATION PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES, 1985-2000 sTuoy POPULATION AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (2) PLACE YEAR TE T3950 13 2000 = Alatna 82 184 193 203 a3 1.0 Galena 82 945 1,123 1,20 1,384 24 Grayling 79 204 230 Hughes 79 107 13 12 1.0 Kaltag 79 304 a Koyukuk 79 qa ver 140 1.0 Nikolat 79 101 106 129 1.6 Ruby 82 278 323 MT 374 2.0 Shageluk 82 139 146 183 160 0.9 Takotna 79 96 106 le 2.0 Teliga ” 36 B “0 a 1.0 21 j|ELECTRICITY DEMAND PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES stuoy ELECTRICITY DEMAND (WH) AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (3) PLACE YEAR Tes TI TSS O00, T385-ZU00 Alatna 82 80 10 126 140 3.8 Galena 82 1,242 1,516 1,816 2,038 4 Grayling 79 27 206 240 255 iw Hugnes 79 193 2st 455 5.9 Kaltag 79 285 396 502 609 5.2 Koyukuk 79 248 316 553 5.5 Nikolai 79 237 298 ams 4.7 Ruby 82 391 453 490 sal 19 Shage luk 82 273 3 343 374 2.1 Takotna 9 270 331 548 4.8 Telia 79 65 3 7 5.1 APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES (kw) sTuoy PEAK LOAD fh AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (2) PLACE YEAR TES T ZOO, 385-2000 82 22 u 36 a 4.2 82 379 si? 677 8i7 5.3 Grayling 9 66 70 s 18 Md Mughes 19 49 64 los 5.1 Kaltag 79 22 2 2a 3 2.5 Koyuxuk 9 63 80 126 47 Nikolai 79 60 16 109 al Ruby 82 126 144 is¢ 163 7 Shage luk 82 109 126 138 154 +29 Takotna 79 69 a4 125 4.0 Telida 9 "7 23 8 4.9 5 FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR 9 € -L wr °( FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR BOROUGH € { \~cxason are —? A COMMUNITY PROFILE 1 Economic Parameters PARAMETER 1976 1977 1978 19791980 1981 INCOME Total Personal Income ($000's) 793,293 663,265 674,974 ~—716,186 770,585 Per Capital Personal Income 14,170 11,989 12,292 13,284 14,079 EMPLOYMENT Proprietors 1,138 1,413 1,487 1,597 1,660 1,680 Private Agriculture, Forestry, Fishertes 30 20 3 23 9 9 Mining 142 8s 54 i 8 42 Construction 5,619 4,321 1,963 1,938 1,617 1,714 Manufacturing 348 329 563 721 579 386 Transportation and Public Utilities 3,494 2,947 2,830 2,660 2,656 2,745 Wholesale Trade 967 893 797 9 668 5 Retail Trade 3,708 3,458 3,282 3,168 3,227 3,207 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 1,034 980 1,036 843 703 643 Services 5,513 4,684 4,349 4,597 4,332 4,334 Subtotal Private 20,851 17,677 14,907 14,400 13,869 13,825 Government Federal Civilian 2,397 2,400 2,399 2,313 2,309 2,281 5,753 5,898 5,960 6,022 5,688 5,856 4,232 4,549 4,834 4,953 5,084 5,731 Subtotal Government Total Employment 34,423 31,989 29,664 29,362 29,405 40 2 Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1983 Fairbanks North Star Borough Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1970-1983 1980-1983 Big Horn GVEA 360 College PRIVATE 3434 4043 Eagle City USAF 36 110 186 142 Eielson GVEA 6149 5232 Ester FMU, GVEA 264 149 Fairbanks ARMY 14771 22645 25568 25967 26629 46 5.6 Fort Wainwright Fox 123 Harding Lake 38 316 Moose Creek GVEA 510 Murphy Dome USAF 72 North Pole GVEA 265 724 928 942 957 10.4 9.7 Saicha 319 Other 21581 23475 31618 31833 37224 43 16.6 REGION TOTAL 46500 57800 58300 59200 64810 26 3.9 ENERGY USE AND COSTS 3 Annual Net Generation of Electricity 1977-1982, (MWH) Fairbanks North Star Borough Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Average Annual Change 1977-1983 1979-1983 (%) FMU Fairbanks 133480 128170 122028 112144 155810 163300 146898 2 5 GVEA Fairbanks 348414 338387 326510 316867 269841 316357 346233 0 1 Subtotal Utilities 481894 466557 448538 429011 425651 479657 493131 0 2 Defense 61759 55480 50393 50393 50393 50393 66960 1 iz University 14896 17500 22200 23736 23736 30000 30000 12 8 REGION TOTAL 558549 539537 §21131 503140 499780 560050 590091 1 3 4 CAPACITY AND LOAD FACTOR FOR 1982 AND 1983 Fairbanks North Star Borough Utility Vicinity 1982 1982 1983 1983 Capacity Load Capacity Load Factor Factor (kw) (%) (kw) (%) FMU Fairbanks 67850 27 67850 25 GVEA Fairbanks 216891 7 216891 18 TOTAL 284741 19 284741 20 PEAK LOAD BY UTILITY Fairbanks North Star Borough 5 Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 AVEC Tununak 01 01 0.1 01 0.0% FMU Fairbanks 28 24 25 28 24 27 28 0.0% 0.0% GVEA Fairbanks 90 72 77 73 69 68 72 3.7% 0.5% TOTAL 118 96 102 101.1 93.1 95.1 100.1 2.7% 0.3% 6 FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Fairbanks Utility Vicinity Fuel Units Fuel Consumption AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 FMU Fairbanks Coal ‘Ton 116,719 121,830 119,766 120,802 165,302 172,424 161,541 10.2% FMU Fairbanks Oil Gal. 1,121,904 342,216 58,128 20,580 28,980 24,318 104,034 71.6% GVEA Fairbanks Coal ‘Ton 134,199 146,726 144,928 147,556 185,222 163,901 157,478 2.2% GVEA Fairbanks Oil Gal. 17,240,286 15,264,933 15,890,616 15,090,432 9,513,924 13,154,064 14,843,010 0.5% TOTAL Coal Ton 250,918 268,556 264,694 268,358 320,524 336,325 319,019 5.9% Oil Gal. 18,362,190 15,607,149 15,948,744 15,111,012 9,542,904 = 13,178,382 = 14,947,044 0.4% 7 HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1983 Fairbanks Utility Vicinity Fuel HEAT RATE (BTU/KWH) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 FMU Fairbanks Coal 9,077 7,904 8,011 8,834 8,703 8,653 9,048 GVEA Fairbanks Coal 6,156 6,015 6,283 6,594 6,437 6,885 6,903 GVEA Fairbanks Oil 14,131 15,356 16,099 15,744 18,654 15,269 12,971 8 Number of Customers by Utility, 19771983 Fairbanks Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 FMU Fairbanks 4754 4494 4416 4463 4636 4709 4719 969 961 953 975 1008 1042 1169 GVEA Fairbanks 11805 13030 13591 13920 14743 16176 17551 1540 1675 1762 1820 1933 2092 2247 42 9 Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1983 (Cents/KWH) Fairbanks Residential Commercial/industrial vy Cae 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 i 7.9 45 8.4 8.4 8.3 7.3 8.3 FMU Fairbanks 48 8.1 8.2 8.2 79 3 GVEA Fairbanks 5.5 6.7 75 9 1 1 11 3.8 5.9 6.5 8 9.2 9.5 9. 10 Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1983 (MWH per customer/year) Fairbanks Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 FMU Fairbanks 6.2 6 5.9 5.8 5.5 5.9 5.9 64.7 64.5 62.2 64.8 64.4 74.5 62 GVEA Fairbanks 14.2 11.6 10.5 9.8 94 9.3 9 100.9 93.9 88.2 83.6 82.5 82.5 77.5 11 Status of Fuel Costs & Needs In Alaska State Fuel Survey 8/15/83 Aviation Heating ; DHSS Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Fuel Oil $/gal Sigal Sigal $gal Sigal S/bottle Sigal Sigal College $1.12 Fairbanks $1.13 North Pole $1.19 43 LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS 12 Housing Numbers For Assistance HOUSING UNITS WEATHERIZED Total Before After Households Receiving Community Census Region Houses(#) Done 1980 1980 H&SS Energy Assistance Airport Aurora Badger Big Bend Big Horn Chena College : Eagle City Eielson Ester Fairbanks Farmer's Loop Fort Wainwright Fox Harding Lake Lemeta ° Moose Creek Murphy Dome North Pole Pike Plack Saicha Shanly University, Fairbanks 11 $6,068 21469 210 x x 1,852 $875,863 100 $51,220 1 $675 DIAAAAATGAIA TAHA GO GO OG 1 3 Alaska Power Authority Projects In Alaskan Communities—1984 APA WASTE HEAT PROJECTS Community APA Projects In Place Ready Other Fairbanks Feasibility Study 14 Grants To Communities — DCRA DCR&A Administered Grants 1974-85 OCRA Electrification Grants Community Project Year Cost Project Year Cost 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Fairbanks 15 Grants To Communities — DCRA & DOA , OCRA Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Grants Legislative Grants Administered By Dept. of Administration Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Fairbanks $6,059,200 $439,500 $1,000,000 $420,000 $45,000 45 USEFUL ENERGY INFORMATION NOT UPDATED IN 1985 PLAN 16 WIND GENERATOR INVENTORY SIZE SITE (kw) MAKE STATUS Fox Bay 1.8 Jacobs Unknown SOUTH EAST FAIRBANKS 6 a ERE pw 7 SOUTHEAST 7 e FAIRBANKS 8G DELTA \ DELTA JUNCTION cute | FOR! GReeLye HEALY LAKE i fl IME TARACRUSS@ @0K ETN NORTHIVAY He, iat V7 i | > e } Zz Northway ! \ i i-4 COMMUNITY PROFILE 1 Economic Parameters PARAMETER 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 INCOME Total Personal Income ($000's) 61,860 38,087 37,332 42,635 42,782 49,337 Per Capital Personal Income 10,695 6,584 6,454 7,371 7,397 8,530 EMPLOYMENT Proprietors 7 n6 ng 180 185 187 Private Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries Mining 4 1 s s s s Construction 1,681 s 14e s ia" toe : Manutacturing Ss s Ss s s 7 Transportation and Public Utilities a 2s 27 32 49 58 Wholesale Trade s s s s s $ Retail Trade 78 al 88 66 102 125 | Finance, Insurance, Real Esta a 2 1" 19 2 23 Services 278 190 163 24 239 235 Subtotal Private 2,093 390 34 358 442 492 Government Federal Civilian 245 265 292 337 308 296 Federal Military 848 1,100 1,108 1,208 1,082 1,050 State and Local 340 284 300 465 350 381 Subtotal Government 1,433 1,649 1,701 2,009 1,739 1,697 Total Employment 3,623 2,155 2,134 2,517 2,336 2,346 S = Vata for the year is suppressed * = Data for the year ts partially suppressed 46 2 Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1983 Southeast Fairbanks Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 19701983. —-1980.1983 Big Delta GVEA 285 Chicken 371 Delta Junction GVEA 703 945 945 1047 1141 3.8 6.5 pat Lake AP&qT, DLE 42 67 ° gle village 54 163 Fort Greely ARMY 1820 1635 ss Northway NP&L 40 73 Northway Village NP&L 112 Tanacross AP&T 84 117 Tetlin VILLAGE, BIA 114 107 Tok AP&T 214 589 Other 1283 1545 5055 5053 5212 11.4 50.0 REGION TOTAL 4300 5900 6000 6100 6516 3.2 3.4 ENERGY USE AND COSTS 3 Annual Net Generation of Electricity 1977-1982, (MWH) Southeast Fairbanks Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Average Annual Change 1977-1983 1979-1983 (%) AP&T Dot Lake 190 200 200 283 293 300 AP&T Tok 5831 6222 6298 6387 6770 7139 7442 4 4 Subtotal Utilities 6021 6422 6498 6670 7063 7439 7442 4 3 Defense Fort Greely 9650 11620 3465 23 23 25 1363 -28 -21 REGION TOTAL 15671 18042 9963 6693 7086 7464 8805 9 3 4 CAPACITY AND LOAD FACTOR FOR 1982 AND 1983 Southeast Fairbanks Utility Vicinity 1982 1982 1983 1983 Capacity Load Capacity Load Factor Factor (kw) (%) (kw) (%) AP&T Dot Lake 200 7 300 8 AP&T Tok 2275 K) 3525 24 NP&L Northway 920 16 920 17 TOTAL 3395 2 4745 22 47 5 PEAK LOAD BY UTILITY Southeast Fairbanks Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 AP&T Dot Lake O41 01 AP&T Tok 1.0 1.2 1.4 DLE Dot Lake 08 NP&L Northway 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 4.9% 10.1% TOTAL 1 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.4 1.7 1.8 8.6% 81.7% 6 FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Southeast Fairbanks Utility Vicinity Fuel Units Fuel Consumption AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 AP&T Dot Lake Oil Gal. 20,000 17,880 17,880 17,880 27,000 AP&T Tok Oil Gal. 607,690 648,415 656,331 656,509 700,000 573,100 694,816 2.3% 19% DLE Dot Lake Oil Gal. 17,013 17,880 NP&L Northway Oil Gal. 117,949 150,000 122,174 122,175 110,000 100,000 140,000 2.9% 46% TOTAL Oil Gal. 742,652 818,415 814,265 796,564 827,880 700,100 834,816 2.0% 1.6% 7-~—_-HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1983 Southeast Fairbanks Utility Vicinity Fuel HEAT RATE (BTU/KWH) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 AP&T Dot Lake Oil 13,869 12,399 8,762 8,463 12,482 AP&T Tok Oil 14,454 14,453 14,453 14,256 14,340 11,134 12,949 DLE Dot Lake Oil 12,419 NP&L Northway Oil 12099 15387 12103 14120 14205 10587 14383 8 Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1983 Southeast Fairbanks Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 AP&T Tok 276 317 224 251 349 70 67 NP&L Northway 65 65 7 3 Q Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1983 (Cents/KWH) Southeast Fairbanks Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 AP&T Tok 67 13 7 20 18 NP&L Northway 19 19 24 48 10 Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1983 (MWH per customer/year) Southeast Fairbanks Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 AP&T Tok 10.8 14.8 13.8 11.3 NP&L Northway 16.3 16 15.3 11 Status of Fuel Costs & Needs In Alaska State Fuel Survey 8/15/83 Aviation Heating Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Fuel Oil S/gal Sigal Sigal $gal Sigal $/bottle Sigal $/gal Big Delta Chicken Delta Junction Dot Lake 1.45 1.04 Eagle Village Fort Greely Geist Kenny Lake Northway Northway Village Tanacross Tetlin Tok 1.35 213 112 1.12 LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS 12 Housing Numbers For Assistance HOUSING UNITS WEATHERIZED Total Before After Households Receiving Community Census Region Houses(#) Done 1980 1980 H&SS Energy Assistance Big Delta 6 118 Chicken 6 33 Delta Junction 6 473 85 $43,980 Dot Lake 6 25 6 x Eagle Village 6 Fort Greely 6 Geist 6 Kenny Lake 6 5 x Northway 6 63 10 x Northway Village 6 Tanacross 6 49 16 x Tetlin 6 38 14 x Tok 6 252 29 x 82 $44,991 1 Alaska Power Authority Projects In Alaskan Communities—1984 APA WASTE HEAT PROJECTS Community APA Projects In Place Ready Other Big Delta Chicken Delta Junction Dot Lake Eagle Village Grant Fort Greely Geist . Kenny Lake Northway Northway Village Tanacross Tetlin Grant x Tok AQ 14 Grants To Communities — DCRA Community OCR&A Administered Grants 1974-85 Project DCRA Electrification Grants Year Cost Project Year Cost 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Big Delta Chicken Delta Junction Dot Lake Eagle Village Fort Greely Geist Kenny Lake Northway Northway Village Tanacross Tetlin Tok Generator Generator Electrification 1982 $12,000 $12,000 1983 $30,900 $27,000 1975 $12,000 Electrification $125,000 $75,000 15 Grants To Communities — DCRA & DOA Community DCRA Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Grants 1981 1982 1983 1984 1981 1982 1983 1984 Legislative Grants Administered By Dept. of Administration 1985 Big Delta Chicken Delta Junction Dot Lake Eagle Village Fort Greely Geist Kenny Lake Northway Northway Village Tanacross Tetlin Tok USEFUL ENERGY INFORMATION NOT UPDATED IN 1985 PLAN 16 POWER COST ASSISTANCE, FY81-FY83 UTILIty Current (10/83) Fuel O11 Price PLACE —($)__(£/kwn) | Eagle Power 25,143 $,496 22.0 1.19 Pau Northway 7 . 276,674 35,453 13.0 95 TOTAL ° ° o oO 301,817 40,949 13.6 17 WIND GENERATOR INVENTORY SIZE SITE . (kw) MAKE STATUS Delta Junction 6.0 Electro Not Working Delta Junction 10.0 Jacobs Unknown Delta Junction 1.5 Aeropower SL1500 Unknown 7 WADE HAMPTON 1 Herne Sou COMMUNITY PROFILE Economic Parameters VILLAGE @ PITKAS POINT ‘Pini ore BAY STATION PARAMETER 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 INCOME Total Personal Income ($000's) 18,277 14,914 16,143 16,999 20,410 23,712 Per Capital Personal Income 3,917 3,203 3,467 3,628 4,364 5.116 EMPLOYMENT Proprietors 539 7 a4 90 4 ey Private Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries s Mining s Construction Ss s s 4 s s Manufacturing 76 a7 4 Ss $s 61 Transportation and Public Utilities 22 WV s 24 33 40 Wholesale Trade s s s s Retail Trade a4 8 84 106 143 164 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 27 33 3 38 47 34 Services 100 s s s 26 22 Subtotal Private 320 276 284 291 352 382 Government Federal Civilian 75 133 128 134 45 1s4 Federal Military 228 a4 78 68 67 66 State and Local 254 350 369 399 457 $27 Subtotal Government 657 367 $75 60r 669 747 Total Employment 1,036 900 943 982 10S. 1.194 Data for the year is suppressed 52 29 2 Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1983 Wade Hampton Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1970-1983 1980-1983 Alakanuk AVEC 414 522 534 546 564 24 2.6 Chevak AVEC 387 466 491 513 528 24 4.3 Emmonak AVEC 439 567 568 381 601 2.4 2.0 Fortuna (Marshall) AVEC 262 243 260 276 1.8 Hooper Bay AVEC 490 627 624 651 673 2.5 2.4 Kotlik KC 228 293 339 347 413 47 124 Mountain Village AVEC 419 583 580 601 667 3.6 46 Pilot Station AVEC 290 325 323 337 404 26 75 Pitkas Point AVEC 70 88 Russian Mission NATIVE CORPORATION 146 169 168 175 175 1.4 1.2 Saint Mary's AVEC 384 382 432 442 563 3.0 13.8 Scammon Bay AVEC 166 250 249 251 253 3.3 0.4 Sheldon Point PRIVATE, BIA 125 103 103 107 11 0.9 25 Other 442 63 146 146 66 13.6 1.6 REGION TOTAL 4000 4700 4800 4757 5294 2.2 4.0 ENERGY USE AND COSTS 3 Annual Net Generation of Electricity 1977-1982, (MWH) Wade Hampton Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Average Annual Change - 1977-1983 1979-1983 (%) AVEC Alakanuk 612 449 555 484 631 752 711 3 6 AVEC Chevak 579 496 546 482 465 685 813 6 10 AVEC Emmonak 790 788 786 757 856 770 820 1 1 AVEC Hooper Bay 955 842 871 875 921 1025 1091 2 6 AVEC Marshail 196 235 349 425 437 483 484 16 9 AVEC Mountain Village 927 932 1067 1111 1272 1390 1560 9 10 AVEC Pilot Station 253 277 317 307 407 551 655 7 20 AVEC Scammon Bay 204 214 269 282 359 429 13 12 AVEC Saint Mary's 1519 1590 1841 1728 1599 1972 1961 4 2 KC Kotlik 400 Subtotal Utilities 6035 5823 6601 6451 6588 7987 8924 7 8 Defense Cape Romanzof 2813 2850 2882 2882 2882 2882 2755 0 A REGION TOTAL 8848 8673 9483 9333 9470 10869 11679 4 CAPACITY AND LOAD FACTOR FOR 1982 AND 1983 Wade Hampton Utility Vicinity 1982 1982 1983 1983 Capacity Load Capacity Load Factor Factor (kw) (%) (kw) (%) AVEC Alakanuk 650 13 825 10 AVEC Chevak 810 10 810 1 AVEC Emmonak 475 19 775 12 AVEC Hooper Bay 775 15 775 16 AVEC Marshall 215 26 200 28 AVEC Mt. Village 650 24 1090 16 AVEC Pilot Station 216 29 366 20 AVEC Saint Mary's 1500 15 1500 15 AVEC Scammon Bay 185 22 290 ag KC Kotlik 500 9 TOTAL 5476 17 7131 14 5 PEAK LOAD BY UTILITY Wade Hampton Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 AVEC Alakanuk 0.2 0.2 02 0.2 AVEC Chevak 0.2 01 02 0.2 AVEC Emmonak 0.2 0.3 02 0.2 AVEC Hooper Bay 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 AVEC Marshall O14 O41 01 O14 AVEC Mt. Village 0.4 0.3 03 0.3 AVEC Pilot Station 01 02 0.2 0.2 AVEC Pitkas Point s AVEC Saint Mary's 0.4 04 0.4 0.4 AVEC Scammon Bay 0.1 0.1 01 0.1 TOTAL 19 “19 “19 “2.0 17% 6 FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Wade Hampton Utility Vicinity Fuel Units Fuel Consumption AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 AVEC Alakanuk Oil Gal. 73,752 56,533 75,726 78,204 75,306 74,172 76,818 0.7% AVEC Anvik Oil Gal. 17,976 16,548 18,690 28,350 27,594 31,122 28,518 8.0% AVEC Emmonak Oil Gal. 82,656 99,347 79,548 82,866 83,832 86,856 101,346 3.5% AVEC Hooper Bay Oil Gal. 95,340 106,064 80,934 80,136 83,916 85,386 98,280 0.5% AVEC Marshall Oil Gal. 29,022 29,606 39,186 44,646 47,166 51,072 49,560 9.3% AVEC Mt. Village Oil Gal. 81,858 117,430 75,726 99,960 119,154 123,648 142,044 9.6% AVEC Pilot Station Oil Gal. 33,894 34,847 36,960 40,110 45,570 57,498 63,262 11.0% AVEC Scammon Bay Oil Gal. 24,150 27,027 29,400 36,330 41,916 42,630 47,838 121% AVEC Saint Mary’s Oil Gal. 173,376 200,319 164,472 166,488 147,840 162,540 168,714 0.5% KCC Kotlik Oil Gal. 40,160 TOTAL Oil Gal. 612,024 687,721 600,642 657,090 672,294 714,924 816,540 4.9% 7.5% 7 HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1983 Wade Hampton Utility Vicinity Fuel HEAT RATE (BTU/KWH) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 AVEC Alakanuk Oil 16,714 17,462 18,923 22,409 16,552 13,679 14,984 AVEC Chevik Oil 15,030 17,488 20,419 22,067 23,413 15,366 13,685 AVEC Emmonak Oil 14,511 17,485 14,036 15,182 13,583 15,644 17,141 AVEC Hooper Bay Oil 13,846 17,470 12,887 12,702 12,637 11,553, 12,494 AVEC Marshall Oil 20,536 17,473 15,572 14,569 14,969 14,665 14,201 AVEC Mt. Village Oil 12,247 17,475 9,843 12,478 12,992 12,337 12,628 AVEC Pilot Station Oil 18,580 17,447 16,170 18,120 15,529 14,473 13,395 AVEC Scammon Bay Oil 16,418 17,516 15,158 17,867 19,123 16,469 15,465 AVEC Saint Mary's Oil 15,830 17,473 12,390 13,362 12,823 11,431 11,932 Sa 55 11 Status of Fuel Costs & Needs In Alaska State Fuel Survey 8/15/83 Aviation Heating DHSS Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Fuel Oil S/gal Sigal S/gal $gal Sigal S/bottle Sigal Sigal kK kK Chevak. 2.39 2.21 5.01 5.54 Emmonak 2.25 2.25 Fortuna (Marshall) Hooper oy 2.51 2.05 115.95 5.35 Kotlik 1.47 1.88 Mountain Village Pilot Station Pitkas Point Russian Mission Saint Mary's Scammon Bay 2.55 2.20 89.00 Sheldon Point LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS 12 Housing Numbers For Assistance HOUSING UNITS WEATHERIZED Total Before After Households Receiving Community Census Region Houses(-) Done 1980 1980 H&SS Energy Assistance Alakanuk 7 107 Chevak 7 82 49 x Emmonak 7 161 Fortuna (Marshall) 7 147 344 Hooper Bay 7 120 Kotlik 7 70 25 x Mountain Village 7 165 1 x Pilot Station 7 74 3 x Pitkas Point 7 33 Russian Mission 7 41 Saint Mary's 7 111 Scammon Bay 7 60 Sheldon Point 7 31 13 Alaska Power Authority Projects In Alaskan Communities—1984 APA WASTE HEAT PROJECTS Community APA Projects In Place Ready Other Alakanuk Chevak Emmonak Fortuna (Marshall) Hooper Bay Reconnaissance Study x Kotlik Reconnaissance Study Mountain Village Pilot Station Pitkas Point Russian Mission Saint Mary's Recon Study/Dist.Heat Feas. x Scammon Bay Financial Analysis Sheldon Point Community Alakanuk Chevak Emmonak Fortuna (Marshall) Hooper Bay Kotlik Mountain Village Pilot Station Pitkas Point Russian Mission Saint Mary's Scammon Bay Sheldon Point DCR&A Administered Grants 1974-85 it Project Project Bulk Fuel Electrification Electrification 14 Year Cos! 1982 1982 1980 Grants To Communities — DCRA $70,000 $140,000 $13,000 Year Cost OCRA Electrification Grants 1977. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 $60,000 $450,000 15 Grants To Communities — DCRA & DOA Community DCRA Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Grants 1981 1982 1983 1984 Legislative Grants Administered By Dept. of Administration 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Alakanuk Chevak Emmonak Fortuna (Marshall) Hooper Bay Kotlik Mountain Village Pilot Station Pitkas Point Russian Mission Saint Mary's Scammon Bay Sheldon Point $53,400 $70,000 $100,000 $77,000 $100,000 $25,000 $34,000 $65,000 $150,000 $50,000 $30,000 $6,300 $30,000 $26,000 $225,000 16 UTILITY AVEC AVEC AVEG AVEC AVEC AVEC ‘AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC TOTAL a7 USEFUL ENERGY INFORMATION NOT UPDATED IN 1985 PLAN POWER COST ASSISTANCE, FY 81-FY83 PLACE Alakanuk 312,430 79,899 26.0 Chevak 266,156 68,039 26.0 Emmon ax $71,660 146,354 26.0 Hooper Bay 394,280 100,836 26.0 Kotlik City 820 2,583 31.0 162,853, 49,517 30.0 Marshall 198,113 $0,730 26.0 Mt. Village 632,131 161,359 26.0 Pilot Station 371,595, 95.218 26.0 Pitkas Point 108,231 27,669 26.0 Scammon Bay 170,719 43,657 26.0 St Mary's - = — a — £40.08 108097, 28.0 ° o 8,241 2,583 31.0 3,756,976 968,775 25.8 SIZE SITE (kw) MAKE STATUS Alakanuk 1.8 Enertech 1800 Not Working Chevak 1.8 Enertech 1800 Working Hooper Bay 10.0 Jacobs Working Hooper Bay 10.0 Jacobs Planned Pilot Station 10.0 Jacobs Working Sheldon Point 2.0 Aeropower SL2000 Unknown Sheldon Point 2.0 Aeropower SL2000 Unknown Sheldon Point 2.0 Northwind HR2 Unknown Sheldon Point 2.0 Northwind HR2 Unknown Sheldon Point 2.0 Northwind HR2 Unkwown Sheldon Point 2.0 Northwind HR2 Unknown Sheldon Point 2.0 Northwind HR2 Unknown 56 18 ENERGY BALANCE DATA FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES sTuoy FUEL AVIATION tnency PLACE YEAR OIL. 1 cpsou ne PROPANE __ WOOD FUEL BLAZO__USED/YEAR Hooper Bay 1982 31,360 5,125 a $,000 41,569 Kot! ik 1982 16,884 4375 1,500 18,384 Russian Mission 1981 9, 001 2,540 121 4,420 29 16,361 Sheldon Point 1981 7,809 1,612 140 2,601 762 222 13,146 Saint Mary's 1982 $3,480 17,700 7,800 78,680 19 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES STUDY PLACE YEAR RECOMMENDATIONS Hooper Bay 1982 Install a waste heat recovery system. Kotlik 1982 Install a central diesel electric power station with waste heat recovery system. Russian Mission 1981 Continued use of diesel generation supplemented with a waste heat recovery. Scammon Bay 1981 Capture waste heat from school generators. Further study of hydro potential. Sheldon Point 1981 Continued use of diesel generation supplemented with waste heat recovery. | Saint Mary's 1982 Install a waste heat recovery system. 20 POPULATION PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES, 1985-2000 sTuoy POPULATION AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (3 PLACE YEAR 919390 1595 20800 MAE A ce Hooper Bay 82 675 745 822 907 2.0 Kotl tk a2 35 348 34 424 2.0 Russian Mission 79 191 210 257 2.0 Scammon Bay 79 242 27 Sheldon Point 79 162 79 218 2.0 St. Marys 82 456 $03 555 62 2.0 21 ELECTRICITY DEMAND PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES stuoy ELECTRICITY DEMAND (MWH) AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (2) PLACE YEAR Tes 99 T9935 2000, T985~ 2000 Hooper Bay 82 1,020 1,185 1,350 1,510 2.6 Kotlik 82 480 $50 610 685 24 Russian Mission 79 447 486 958 7.0 Scammon Bay 79 258 272 292 310 1.3 Sheldon Point 79 298 407 a2 mw St. Marys 82 2,750 3,080 3,410 3,750 at 22 PEAK LOAD PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES (kw) stuoy PEAK LOAD (kw) AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (2) PLACE YEAR TS T9W, 133 2000, TS85-2000 hooper Bay 82 180 216 282 290 3.2 Kotlik 82 185 210 235 260 2.3 Russian Mission 79 88 123 219 6.3 Scammon Bay 79 1 83 a9 94 ras Sheldon Point 79 66 75 190 1.3 St. Marys a2 450 $50 650 750 2.5 6 BETHEL COMMUNITY PROFILE 1 Economic Parameters PARAMETER 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 Income Total Personal Income ($000's) 47,938 50,185 56,582 65,156 75,069 83,960 Per Capital Personal Income 4,332 4,535 5.114 5,888 6,792 7,588 EMPLOYMENT Proprietors ” 105 M4 134 139 140 Private Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries s $ $ Mining $ s s s s Construction sve 40° ne toa* 120° Manufacturing ar sie 64° 92° 56° Transportation and Public Utilities 27° 220 at 204 231 Wholesale Trade 20° s s s s Retail Trade 216 206 296 369 409 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate Too* ioie 99° 127 125 Services 866 950 1,582 1,814" 1,615° Subtotal Private 1,628 1,775 2,388 2,765 2,833 Government Federal Civilian 482 44g 455 448 455 468 Federal Mili 359 226 199 8 191 202 State and | 649 780 824 390 1,104 1,197 Subtotal Government 1,490 1,485 1,478 1,636 13749 1,867 Total Employment 3,210 3,334 3,981 4,535 4,420 4,450 S = Data for the year is suppressed * = Data for the year is partially suppressed 58 2 Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1983 Bethel Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1970-1983 1980-1983 Akaimiut/Nunapitch AVEC 526 641 695 353 Akiachak CITY 312 438 435 451 474 3.3 2.7 Akiak VILLAGE CORP. 171 198 197 229 250 3.0 8.1 Aniak APR 205 341 338 351 459 6.4 10.4 Atmautluak VILLAGE CORP. 219 226 236 239 3.0 Bethel BUC 2416 3576 3549 3683 3869 3.7 27 Cape Newenham 43 Chefornak VILLAGE 146 230 230 234 268 48 5.2 Chuathbaluk MKEC. 94 105 104 124 130 25 74 Crooked Creek MKEC. 59 108 Eek AVEC 186 228 226 235 265 28 51 Goodnews Bay AVEC 168 167 173 215 8.6 Kalskag, Lower AVEC 183 246 244 260 261 28 2.0 Kasigluk AVEC 394 Kipnuk VILLAGE 325 371 Kongignak PRIVATE 190 239 Kwethiuk KI 408 454 451 467 507 1.7 3.7 Kwigillingok PRIVATE, BIA 148 354 Lime Village PRIVATE 25 48 Mekoryuk AVEC 249 160 176 178 192 “2.0 6.3 Napakiak NAC 259 262 283 286 306 1.3 5.3 Napaskiak NAC 244 242 251 260 24 Newtok BIA, VILLAGE 14 131 175 175 181 3.6 11.4 Nightmute VILLAGE 127 119 135 141 145 1.0 6.8 Nunapitchuk AVEC 344 Oscarville BIA 41 56 Platinum CITY 55 55 55 57 59 0.5 24 Quinhagak AVEC 412 409 427 477 5.0 Red Devil 81 39 Sleetmute MKEC 109 107 Sparrevhon 2 Stony River MKEC. 74 62 Toksook Bay AVEC 257 333 331 357 358 26 2.4 Tuluksak _BIA 195 236 234 243 272 26 48 Tuntutuliak PRIVATE, BIA 158 216 Tununak AVEC 298 301 302 327 34 Upper Kalskag AVEC 129 128 133 140 28 Other 1887 108 1769 1954 1840 0.2 187.3 REGION TOTAL 9000 11000 11100 11300 12232 24 3.6 ENERGY USE AND COSTS 3 Annual Net Generation of Electricity 1977-1982, (MWH) Bethel Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Average Annual Change 1977-1983 1979-1983 (%) APC Aniak 600 683 1038 1170 1096 1346 1400 15 8 AVEC Eek 178 185 209 271 304 402 369 13 15 AVEC Goodnews Bay 207 198 225 284 299 367 417 12 7 AVEC Lower Kalskag 355 366 348 408 393 512 603 9 15 AVEC Mekoryuk 313 278 295 355 430 501 518 9 15 AVEC Nunapitchuk 591 638 689 765 798 1067 1175 12 14 AVEC Quinhagak 257 297 347 419 622 677 669 7 18 AVEC Toksook Bay 427 397 437 423 429 411 573 5 7 AVEC Tununak 209 222 276 349 400 448 473 15 14 BUC Bethel 17000 18217 18745 20499 21649 22244 23160 5 5 KI Kwethiuk 390 400 400 NAC Napakiak 290 300 300 400 500 550 16 Subtotal Utilities 20137 21771 22909 25243 27210 28875 30307 7 it Defense 7082 7500 7853 7853 7853 8153 7211 0 2 Industry 10400 10600 10600 12120 12120 12120 12120 3 3 REGION TOTAL 37619 39871 41362 45216 47183 49148 49638 5 5 ca 4 CAPACITY AND LOAD FACTOR FOR 1982 AND 1983 Bethel Utility Vicinity 1982 1982 1983 1983 Capacity Load Capacity Load Factor Factor (kw) (%) (kw) (%) APC Aniak 1260 12 1260 13 AVEC Eek 206 22 156 27 AVEC Goodnews Bay 150 28 175 27 AVEC Lower Kalskag 335 7 470 15 AVEC Mekoryuk 275 21 275 22 AVEC Nunapitchuk 350 35 613 22 AVEC Quinhagak 310 25 385 20 AVEC Toksook Bay 390 12 515 13 AVEC Tununak 125 41 200 27 BUC Bethel 8400 30 8200 32 KI Kwethiuk 560 8 560 8 NAC Napakiak 300 19 300 21 TOTAL 12661 26 13109 26 5 PEAK LOAD BY UTILITY Bethel Utility Vicinity . : Peak Load (MW) Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 APC Aniak 0.2 0.2 02 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 12.2' AVEC Eek 01 O41 O14 01 22% AVEC Goodnews Bay 04 01 04 01 AVEC Kasigluk 0.1 AVEC Lower Kalskag O41 O14 0.2 0.2 AVEC Mekoryuk O41 O71 01 0.2 AVEC Nunapitchuk 0.2 01 0.2 0.3 AVEC Quinhagak 0.2 01 01 0.2 AVEC Toksook Bay 01 01 O41 01 Buc Bethel 41 4 4 42 4.2 4 42 0.4% KI Kwethluk O41 01 01 NAC Napakiak 0.2 0.2 0.2 TOTAL 43 4.2 42 5.4 5.6 5.5 61 6.0% 41% 6 FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Bethel Utility Vicinity Fuel Units Fuel Consumption Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983. 1977-1983 1980-1983 APC Aniak Oil 63,025 94,000 109,063 160,931 150,740 116,000 120,000 11.3% AVEC Eek Oil 23,310 23,390 27,174 41,034 42,000 48,930 44,772 11.5% AVEC Goodnews Bay Oil 28,434 24,883 29,652 33,264 35,322 38,136 43,764 75% AVEC Lower Kalskag Oil . 41,664 46,107 42,546 48,216 46,956 56,154 61,572 6.7% AVEC Mekoryuk Oil Gal. 37,548 35,073 36,120 42,252 47,334 49,350 52,626 5.8% AVEC Nunapitchuk Oil Gal. 66,906 80,320 74,550 80,000 84,588 96,306 109,284 8.5% AVEC Quinhagak Oil 40,236 37,435 41,706 46,578 63,420 80,010 67,410 9.0% AVEC Toksook Bay Oil 58,296 50,018 56,196 57,750 58,716 57,960 69,426 3.0% AVEC = Tununak Oil 29,778 27,973 35,322 40,950 47,166 50,526 50,988 9.4% BUC Bethel Oil 767,340 1,557,821 1,269,384 1,681,134 909,258 1,812,342 1,903,692 16.4% KI Kwethiuk Oil 40,000 40,000 NAC Napakiak oil 36,000 37,241 37,241 37,000 61,700 58,000 TOTAL Oil = Gal. 1,156,537 2,013,020 1,758,954 2,269,350 1,522,500 2,507,414 2,621,534 14.6% i HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1983 Bethel Utility Vicinity Fuel HEAT RATE (BTU/KWH) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 APC Aniak Oil 14,568 19,088 14,572 19,077 19,075 11,952 11,888 AVEC Eek Oil 18,162 17,535 18,032 21,000 19,161 16,881 16,828 AVEC Goodnews Bay Oil 19,051 17,429 18,277 16,244 16,384 14,412 14,555 AVEC Lower Kalskag Oil 16,277 17,472 16,956 16,390 16,571 15,211 14,162 AVEC Mekoryuk Oil 16,637 17,497 16,981 16,507 15,267 13,661 14,090 AVEC Nunapitchuk Oil 15,701 17,460 15,006 14,504 14,701 12,518 12,899 AVEC Quinhagak Oil 21,713 17,481 16,669 15,417 14,141 16,391 13,975 AVEC Toksook Bay Oil 18,935 17,474 17,835 18,935, 18,982 19,558 16,804 AVEC Tununak Oil 19,760 17,476 17,749 16,273 16,354 15,642 14,950 BUC Bethel Oil 11,860 9,392 11,374 11,300 11,400 KI Kwethluk oil 13,869 13,869 NAC Napakiak Oil 17,217 17,217 17,217 17,829 17,114 14,625 8 Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1983 Bethel Residential Commercial/industrial Utility PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 APC Aniak 77 7 87 76 98 123 168 20 45 45 BUC Bethel 848 1054 1216 1102 1144 1245 173 230 217 195 206 218 KI Kwethluk 115 9 Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1983 (Cents/KWH) Bethel Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY — PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 APC Aniak 21 21 22 29 35 36 3s BUC Bethel 12 13 15 18 20 19 95 9.9 12 15 7 17 KI Kwethluk 44 10 Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1983 (MWH per customeri/year) Bethel Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 APC Aniak 75 8.7 11.6 14.6 10.7 10.5 76 BUC Bethel 47 42 4 46 48 51 69.6 57 60.3 74.8 75.6 67.9 KI Kwethiuk 3.5 61 11 Status of Fuel Costs & Needs In Alaska State Fuel Survey 8/15/83 Community DHSS Fuel Oil S/gal Gasoline Sigal Aviation Gasoline Sigal Heating Fuel $gal Diesel Propane Sigal S/bottle Kerosene Sigal Blazo Sigal Akaik Akalmiut/Nunapitchuk Akiachak Akiak Aniak Atmautluak Bethel Cape Newenham Chefornak Chuathbaluk Crooked Creek Eek Goodnews Bay Kalskag, Lower Kasigiuk Kipnuk Kongignak Kwethluk Kwigillingok Lime Village Mekoryuk Napakiak Napaskiak Newtok Nightmute Nunapitchuk Oscarville Platinum Quinhagak Red Devil Sleetmute Sparrevhon Stony River Toksook Bay Tuluksak Tuntutuliak Tununak Upper Kalskag 1.96 2.02 1.64 2.25 2.26 2.07 3.78 1.65 2.00 2.05 2.50 1.95 2.50 1.82 1.35 1.58 2.07 2.02 2.18 3.20 1.54 1.99 1.87 1.38 2.18 95.00 1.45 85.00 4.00 8.00 4.00 62 G2 12 LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS Housing Numbers For Assistance HOUSING UNITS WEATHERIZED Total Before After Households Receiving Community Census Region Houses(#) Done 1980 1980 H&SS Energy Assistance Akaik 8 Akalimiut/Nunapitchuk 8 Akiachak 8 62 Akiak 8 39 7 x Aniak 8 156 Atmautluak 8 47 Bethel 8 1289 70 x x Cape Newenham 8 Chefornak 8 44 Chuathbaluk 8 24 Crooked Creek 8 29 Eek 8 82 Goodnews Bay 8 51 Kalskag, Lower 8 48 Kasigluk 8 23 x Kipnuk 8 110 Kongignak 8 47 Kwethiuk 8 125 Kwigillingok 8 46 6 x Lime Village 8 1§ Mekoryuk 8 61 Napakiak 8 60 Napaskiak 8 50 60 Newtok 8 30 Nightmute 8 22 Nunapitchuk 8 33 x Oscarville 8 W Platinum 8 18 Quinhagak 8 82 Red Devil 8 1313 Sleetmute 8 43 Sparrevhon 8 Stony River 8 84 9 x Toksook Bay 8 71 Tuluksak 8 53 Tuntutuliak 8 54 Tununak 8 87 Upper Kalskag 8 26 13 Alaska Power Authority Projects In Alaskan Communities—1984 APA WASTE HEAT PROJECTS Community APA Projects In Place Ready Other Akaik Akalmiut/Nunapitchuk Akiachak Feasibility Assessment Akiak Feasibility Assessment Aniak Reconnaissance Study Atmautluak Feasibility Assessment Bethel Feasibility Assessment x Cape Newenham Chefornak Reconnaissance Study Chuathbaluk Crooked Creek Eek Feasibility Study Goodnews Bay Feasibility/Design x Kalskag, Lower Reconnaissance Study Kasigiuk Kipnuk Kongignak Kwethluk Feasibility Assessment Kwigillingok Lime Village Mekoryuk Reconnaissance Study Napakiak Feasibility Assessment Napaskiak Feasibility Assessment Newtok Feasibility Study Nightmute Reconnaissance Study Nunapitchuk Oscarville Feasibility Study Platinum Quinhagak Red Devil Sleetmute Sparrevhon Stony River Toksook Bay Reconnaissance Study Tuluksak Feasibility Assessment Tuntutuliak Feasibility Assessment Tununak Reconnaissance Study Upper Kalskag Reconnaissance Study 14 Grants To Communities — DCRA DCR&A Administered Grants 1974-85 DCRA Electrification Grants Community Project Year Cost Project Year Cost 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Akaik 5 Akaimiut/Nunapitch Akiachak Power Plant 1975 $14,000 Akiak . Aniak Electrification 1982 $400,000 Electrification 1982 $700,000 $1,000,000 Atmautluak Generator (2) 1983 $93,000 ? Bethel Cape Newenham Chefornak 1975 $17,250 Electrification 1980 $60,000 Chuathbaluk 1981 $40,000 Crooked Creek Generator 1983 $15,000 System Up 1983 $62,500 $62,500 Eek Goodnews Bay Kalskag, Lower Kasigluk Kipnuk Electrification 1974 $20,000 Generator 1978 $18,000 $2,277 Kongignak Electrification 1982 $135,000 $374,000 Kwethluk Kwigillingok Electrification 1979-81 $210,000 Generator 1985 $80,000 $88,000 $40,000 $120,000 $80,000 Lime Village Mekoryuk Napakiak Napaskiak Generator Housing 1975 $8,000 Newtok Nightmute Electrification 1979 $50,000 $50,000 Nunapitchuk Oscarville Electrification 1984 $100,000 $100,000 Platinum Quinhagak Red Devil Sleetmute Generator 1983 $15,000 Sprrevhon Stony River Generator 1983 $15,000 Toksook Bay Tuluksak Tuntutuliak Electrification 1982 $250,000 Bulk Fuel 1984 $100,000 $250,000 Tununak Upper Kalskag 64 15 Grants To Communities — DCRA & DOA DCRA Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Grants Legislative Grants Administered By Dept. of Administration Community 1981 1982 1984 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Akaik $200,000 Akalmiut/Nunapitch Akiachak $200,000 Akiak Aniak $60,000 Atmautluak $70,200 $625,000 Bethel $50,000 $534,300 Cape Newenham Chefornak $60,000 Chuathbaluk $30,000 $15,000 Crooked Creek Eek _Goodnews Bay $100,000 Kalskag, Lower Kasigluk $100,000 Kipnuk $69,000 Kongignak $100,000 Kwethluk Kwigillingok Lime Village Mekoryuk Napakiak Napaskiak $215,000 Newtok $100,000 $190,000 $410,000 Nightmute $140,000 ——_ Nunapitchuk Oscarville Platinum $276,000 Quinhagak $440,000 Red Devil Sleetmute $50,000. Sprrevhon Stony River $50,000 Toksook Bay Tuluksak $148,000 Tuntutuliak $100,000 Tununak Upper Kalskag USEFUL ENERGY INFORMATION NOT UPDATED IN 1985 PLAN 16 POWER COST ASSISTANCE, FY81-FY83 T Current uel on FY 1981 Fy 1982 FY 1983 Pri KW PEK PCR KW PC UTILITY PLACE Sold ($3) (¢/kwn)| Sola ($)___(¢/ewn) Sota ih (£/ewn ) : - Mie 17,263 2,296 13.0 329,409 40,682 12.0 1.89 Atmaut|uak suc Bethel 3,309,028 143,602 4.3 6.17839 ain $8 iy 7 7 12.0 1.56 AEC Goodnews Bay 1ssti78 s:0 AVEC —kalskag (Upper) 89,940, seo re Pathe 3,791,041 307,258 16.0 1.85 imc mooaoes 190,799 26.0 Meee Ma. Kustotin 100.578 io tse 306,688 48,138 16.0 433,475 201 we Sei dete toe ee wornag fe i AVEC Quinnagak afa‘oss ao nee 197,727 26.0 o 222,106 26.0 TOTAL 0 0 7,469,270 208,222, 2.8 = 9,469,132 9.7 65 17 WIND GENERATOR INVENTORY Z SITE Bethel Bethel Bethel Bethel Bethel Newtok Platinum SIZE (kw) MAKE “STATUS 2.0 Dunlite Not Working 1.8 Enertech 1800 Not Working 4.0 Enertech 4000 Occas. Working 1.5 Aeropower SL1500 Planned 10.0 Jacobs Planned 1.8 Enertech 1800 Planned 1.0 Bergey 1000-S Working 18 ENERGY BALANCE DATA FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES Antak Chauthbaluk Chefornak Crooked Creek Mekoryuk Newt ok Nightaute Red Devil Sleetmute Stony River Tanunak TOTAL sTupy FUEL f AVIATION ENERGY PLACE YEAR___ OL GASOLINE PROPANE WOOD FUEL __BLAZO__USED/YEAR 5 1982 46,230 26,250 19,000 91,480 get 5,783 2,165 70 3,672 6 206 11,890 isn aes ites 12.786 jo 165 co 3.961 Lh 12,7! 1982 14,118 2,000 1,900 oT es Bors 1982 16,$03 3,040 3,000 1982 8,429 1,750 1982 7,861 1,250 3,000 198 4,905 03 107 408 3 le ie cn 2.688 500 3.128 1,372 191 13,461 5 23 1,632 1 ’ \e 1982 16,073 $5,000 3,000 i 1 273 1982 21,496 3,875 3,000 28,371 Tooksok Bay 19 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES PLACE Aniak Chefornak Chuathbaluk Crooked Creek Goodnews Bay Kalskag Mekoryuk Newtok Nightmute Red Devil Sleetmute Stony River Toksook Bay Tununak sTUoY YEAR RECOMMENDATIONS 1982 Install a waste heat recovery system. 1982 Install a central diesel electric power plant with waste heat recovery system. 1981 Continued diesel generation supplemented with waste heat recovery. ~ : 1981 Continued use of diesel generation supplemented with waste heat recovery. 1979 Establish an energy conservation program. Install a waste heat recovery system. 1982 Install a waste heat. recovery system. 1982 Install a waste heat recovery system. 1982 Install a central diesel electric power station with a waste heat recovery system. 1982 Install a central diesel electric power station with a waste heat recovery system. 1981 Continued use of diesel generation supplemented with waste heat recovery. 1981 Continued use of diesel generation supplemented with waste heat recovery. 1981 Continued use of diesel geneation supplemented with waste heat recovery. 1982 Install a waste heat recovery system. 1982 Install a waste heat recovery system. 66 20 POPULATION PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES, 1985-2000 sTuoy POPULATION AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (3) PLACE, YEAR T_T TS 20 A Antak 82 a7 460 508 561 2.0 Chauthbaluk 79 146 169 228 3.0 Chefornak 82 249 275 304 336 2.0 Crooked Creek 79 144 167 224 3.0 Goodnews Bay 79 6 369 kalsag 82 447 482 59 $59 LS Mekoryuk 82 183 192 201 al 1.0 Newtok 82 136 143 150 158 1.0 Nightmute 82 131 145 160 W777 2.0 Red Devil 79 56 59 65 1.0 Sleetmute 79 6 122 134 1.0 Stony River 79 70 4 78 0.7 Tanunak 82 36 348 424 2.0 Took sok 82 383 390 an 476 2.0 2{ PEAK LOAD PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES (kw) Tuy PEAK LOAD (kw AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (3) PLACE YEAR TE T3950 T — 2000, T385-Z000 Aniak 82 420 470 520 590 2.3 Chauthbaluk 79 69 96 182 6.7 Chefornak a2 125 145 165 185 2.6 Crooked Creek 79 76 Mm 194 6.4 Goodnews Bay 79 90 99 uz ng 1.8 Kalsag 82 95 105, Ms 125 1.8 Mekoryuk 82 Ns 123 130 138 1.2 Newtok 82 76 al 86 92 1.3 Nightmute 82 64 69 4 78 1.3 Red Devil 79 43 50 76 2.9 Sleetmute 79 57 73 125 5.4 Stony River 719 46 53 a3 4.0 Tanunak 82 80 95 120 2.7 Took sok 82 120 145 165 175 2.5 22 ELECTRICITY DEMAND PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES sTuoy ELECTRICITY DEMAND (MWH) AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (%) PLACE YEAR ToS T3990. THIS 2000 TSuS-Z000_ Aniak 82 1,500 1,680 1,860 2,080 21 Chauthbaluk 79 272 377 798 7.4 Chefornak a2 360 420 480 $40 2.7 Crooked Creek 79 301 436 B49 7.2 Gooanews Bay 79 an 300 325, 352 1.8 kalsag 82 490 550 610 675 2.2 Mekoryuk a2 400 423 446 470 a] Newtok 82 220 233 246 260 Ml Nigntmute a2 185 198 a 225 1.3 Red Devil 79 170 198 333 4.6 Sleetmute 79 223 286 548 6.2 Stony River 79 179 209 362 4.8 Tanunak 82 425 500 600 2.3 Took sox 82 500 580 650 720 2.5 DILLINGHAM 9 COMMUNITY PROFILE 1 Economic Parameters PARAMETER 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 198 Income Total Personal Income ($000's) 19,026 22,021 28,319 0,937 33,233 Per Capital Personal Income 4,618 5,292 5,860 6,757 7,809 8,004 EMPLOYMENT Proprietors 158 4 170 187 194 196 Private s s Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries s Mining Construction s 2 19 3 3 ny Manufacturing 122 16 182 s 343 228 Transportation and Public Utilities 134 170 187 178 187 176 Wholesale Trade 5 s s 2 Retail Trade 52 55 63 72 3 rT) Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 3 47 s s s 27 Services 130 208 28 456 309 238 Subtotal Private 45 623 769 1,256 1,010 907 Government Fi ral Civilian s tol 126 120 No 104 Federal Military $1 45 45 “4 42 44 State and Local 326 16 331 341 333 327 Subtotal Government 472 460 $02 505 485 ars Total Employment 1,105 1,287 1,441 1,948 1,689 1,578 S = Data for the year is suppressed 8 69 Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1983 Dillingham Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1970-1983 1980-1983 Aleknagik NEC 128 154 152 232 243 51 16.4 Chignik CANNERY 83 178 124 34 11.4 Chignik Lagoon PRIVATE, CANNERY 48 Chignik Lake PRIVATE 117 138 Clarks Point PRIVATE, SCHOOL 95 79 78 80 81 12 08 Dillingham NEC 914 1563 1670 1791 1896 5.8 6.6 Egegik NEA 148 75 Ekuk PRIVATE 51 Ekwok SCHOOL 103 7 76 78 79 -2.0 0.9 Igiugig SCHOOL, PRIVATE 36 33 Nliamna |-NEC 58 94 Ivanof Bay PRIVATE 48 40 Kokhanok Bay PRIVATE 88 83 Koliganek SCHOOL, PRIVATE 142 117 Levelock PRIVATE 74 79 Manokotak COM 214 294 290 299 302 27 0.9 New Stuyahok AVEC 216 331 327 337 359 40 27 Newhalen I-NEC 88 87 135 140 124 27 12.5 Nondalton |-NEC 184 173 171 176 200 06 5.0 Pedro Bay VILLAGE 65 33 Perryville VILLAGE 94 111 Pilot Point AVEC 68 66 Port Heiden 66 92 91 94 97 3.0 1.8 Togiak AVEC 383 470 511 507 526 25 3.8 Twin Hills SCHOOL 67 70 Other 370 215 1199 966 1592 11.9 94.9 REGION TOTAL 3900 4700 4700 4700 5623 29 6.2 ENERGY USE AND COSTS 3 Annual Net Generation of Electricity 1977-1982, (MWH) Dillingham Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Average Annual Change 1977-1983 1979-1983 (%) AVEC New Stuyahok 223 278 263 303 314 388 397 10 " AVEC Togiak 565 640 658 571 687 877 892 8 8 CHE Chignik 150 COM Manokotak 200 198 200 257 275 300 325 8 13 ELaP Egegik 175 NEA Egegik 158 150 175 NEC ltiamna 276 275 275 245 245 1260 46 NEC Newhalen 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 NEC Nondaiton 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 NEC Dillingham 5199 6262 6995 7890 9044 10258 11289 14 13 REGION TOTAL 6345 7854 8591 9496 10915 12443 14688 15 14 4 CAPACITY AND LOAD FACTOR FOR 1982 AND 1983 Dillingham Utility Vicinity 1982 1982 1983 1983 Capacity _ load Capacity Load Factor Factor (kw) (%) (kw) (%) AVEC New Stuyahok 260 7 260 7 AVEC Togiak 460 22 460 22 CHE Chignik 250 t COM Manokotak 600 6 600 6 |-NEC lliamna 125 22 960 15 |-NEC Newhalen 150 8 150 8 1-NEC Nondalton 150 8 150 8 NEA Egegik 135 18 NEC Dillingham 3850 30 3850 33 5730 25 6680 24 5 PEAK LOAD BY UTILITY Dillingham Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 01 0.1 0.1 01 0.0% AVEC we 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0% CHE Chignik ; . COM Manokotak 04 0. iy EL&P Chignik on on 05 |-NEC Iliamna . > NEC Dillingham 1.2 1.2 1.6 2 1.8 1.9 2.2 10.6% 3.2% TOTAL 1.2 he 1.6 2.3 2.3 24 45 24.6% 25.1% 70 6 FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Dillingham Utility Vicinity Fuel Units Fuel Consumption Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 19771983 1980-1983 AVEC New Stuyahok Oil Gal. 34,860 35,083 37,296 38,220 37,800 42,756 44,856 4.3% % AVEC Togiak Oil ~~ Gal. 69,846 80,597 70,014 68,922 73,206 79,758 92,526 48% 103% CHE —Chignik Oil Gal. 364,500 COM — Manokotak Oil Gal. 20,000 20,000 -~—=—.20,000 20,000 20,000 30,000 32,500 8.4% 17.6% NEC Iliamna Oil Gal. 30,000 29,891 29,891 30,000 26,700 126,000 61. NEC Newhalen Oil Gal. 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 0. NEC — Nondalton Oil Gal. 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 0.0% NEC Dillingham Oil Gal. 410,130 488,544 = 552,888 «= 621,642. «679.266 §= 757.218 ~—-860,202 13.1% 11.4% TOTAL Oil Gal. 534,836 678,224 + 734,089 += 802,675 864,272 «980,432 ««*1,544,584 19.3% 24.4% 7 HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1983 Dillingham Utility Vicinity Fuel HEAT RATE (BTU/KWH) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 AVEG New Stuyahok Oil 21,680 17,502 19,668 17,494 16,696 18,283 15,670 AVEC Togiak Oil 17,145 17,466 14,757 16,740 14,779 12,613 14,386 com Manokotak Oil 13,869 14,009 13,869 10,793 10,087 13,869 13,869 I-NEC Hliamna Oil 15,075 15,075, 15,075 16,982 15,114 13,869 I-NEC Newhaien Oil 16,643 16,643 16,643 16,643 16,643 16,643 I-NEC Nondaiton Oil 16,643 16,643 16,643 16,643 16,643 16,643 NEC Dillingham Oil 10,941 10,820 10,962 10,927 10,417 10,238 10,568 8 Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1983 Dillingham « Residential Commercial/industrial Utility Place 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1-NEC liamna 93 . 54 NEA Egegik 21 29 6 7, NEC Dillingham 369 410 402 488 538 638 142 161 96 121 135 155 9 Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1983 (Cents/KWH) Dillingham Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 NEA Egegik 36 38 37 37 NEC Dillingham 14 14 15 20 21 20 13 13 14 19 19 20 v4 10 (MWH per customer/year) Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1983 Dillingham Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 NEA Egegik 27 32 12.7 89 NEC Dillingham 44 5 51 5.6 5.5 22.3 23 33 33.4 38.6 34.8 11 Status of Fuel Costs & Needs In Alaska State Fuel Survey 8/15/83 Aviation Heating DHSS Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Fuel Oil $/gai Sigal Sigal $gal Sigal $S/bottle Sigal Sigal Akolmuit Aleknagik Chignik Chignik Lagoon Gunes pone 1.47 1.43 148.50 Dillingham $1.46 1.76 1.96 1.48 1.26 88.50 a Egegik (Pilot Point) Ekuk Ekwok Ghignik Lake Igiugig \liamna-Newhalen Ivanof Bay 1.75 1.37 65.00 Kokhanok Bay Koliganek Levelock Manokotak 1.57 1.95 1.55 1.55 103.00 New Stuyahok Newhalen 2.10 2.65 2.25 2.25 100.00 Nondalton . Pedro Bay 2.15 2.00 1.86 Perryville Pilot Point Port Heiden Togiak 1.82 1.82 Twin Hills 72 LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS 12 Housing Numbers For Assistance HOUSING UNITS WEATHERIZED Total Before After Households Receiving Community Census Region Houses(#) Done 1980 1980 H&SS Energy Assistance Akolmuit 9 141 Aleknagik 9 75 12 x 18 $12,362 Chignik 9 58 Chignik Lagoon 9 “4 3 $1,550 Clarks Point 9 28 9 x 13 $9,725 Dillingham 9 569 18 x x 79 $46,625 Egegik (Pilot Point) 9 74 27 $20,281 Ekuk 9 61 Ekwok 9 2 15 x 21 $12,426 Chignik Lake 9 Igiugig 9 iliamna-Newhalen 9 22 2 x 24 $15,433 Ivanof Bay 9 12 Kokhanok Bay 9 Koliganek 9 40 7 x Levelock 9 27 21 $15,052 Manokotak 9 60 n x 28 $19,631 New Stuyahok 9 65 22 x 4 $27,843 Newhaien 9 28 2 x Nondaiton 9 58 24 x 45 $25,950 Pedro Bay 9 24 3 $1,931 Perryville 9 31 15 $11,425 Pilot Point 9 27 4 $2,425 Port Heiden 9 30 22 $16,450 Togiak 9 103 15 x 64 $45,825 Twin Hills 9 18 1 3 Alaska Power Authority Projects In Alaskan Communities—1984 APA WASTE HEAT PROJECTS Community APA Projects In Place Ready Other Akolmuit Feasibility Assessment Aleknagik Feasibility Study Chignik Chignik Lagoon Electrification Study Clarks Point Feasibility Study Dillingham Feasibility Study x Egegik (Pilot Point) Ekuk Ekwok Chignik Lake Igiugig \liamna-Newhalen \vanof Bay Kokhanok Bay Koliganek Levelock Manokotak New Stuyahok Newhalen Nondalton Pedro Bay Perryville Pilot Point Port Heiden Togiak Twin Hills Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Feasibility Study & Grant Reconnaissance Study Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Feasibility Study & Grant Reconnaissance Study a3 14 Grants To Communities — DCRA DCR&A Administered Grants 1974-85 DCRA Electrification Grants Community Project Year Cost Project Year Cost 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Akolmuit Aleknagik Chignik Generator 1981 266,000 266,000 Chignik Lagoon Clarks Point Dillingham Nushagak 1983 539,000 539,000 Egegik (Pilot Point) Ekuk Ekwok Generator Housing 1980 10,250 Chignik Lake Igiugig Electrification 1983 205,000 Electrification 1985 167,000 205,000 167,000 lliamna-Newhalen Bulk Fuel 1981 100,000 Ivanof Bay Kokhanok Bay Electrification 1985 425,000 425,000 Koliganek Electrification 1978 20,000 Bulk Fuel = 1983 274,800 20,000 224,800 Levelock Electrification 1982 540,000 Electrification 1984 43,000 540,000 43,000 Manokotak Electrification 1977-79 60,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 New Stuyahok Electrification 1984 900,000 Electrification 1985 500,000 900,000 500,000 Perryville Generator 1978 13,521 Electrification 1982 145,000 13,521 145,000 Pilot Point Bulk Fuel 1981 100,000 Port Heiden Electrification 1974 7,000 Electrification 1980 35,000 Togiak Electrification 1980 250,000 Bulk Fuel 1981 100,000 250,000 Twin Hills Electrification 1979 11,000 Electrification 1980-82 91,850 11,000 60,000 15 Grants To Communities — DCRA & DOA ! OCRA Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Grants Legislative Grants Administered By Dept. of Administration Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Akoimuit Aleknagik Chignik Chignik Lagoon Clarks Point Dillingham Egegik (Pilot Point) S70S 500 Ekuk 7 Ekwok ,000 ; Chignik Lake ah ao sono eer Igiugig $67,800 $33,400 \liamna-Newhalen $100,000 Ivanof Bay $50,000 Kokhanok Bay $82,400 Koliganek $50,000 Levelock $111,200 Manokotak $60,000 $40,000 New Stuyahok Newhalen $60,000 $730,000 Nondalton $76,100 Pedro Bay $19,000 Perryville Pilot Point $100,000 Port Heiden $70,000 Togiak $100,000 Twin Hills $47,800 74 USEFUL ENERGY INFORMATION NOT UPDATED IN 1985 PLAN 16 | POWER COST ASSISTANCE, FY81-FY83 Current (10/83) FY 1981 FY 1962 FY 1983 price rr PCR PCR co PCR WH PEK PRT JTILITY _ PLACE Sold wh)|__ Sold (3) wwh)| Sold (3) ___(¢/ewn) I-NEC I] famna/Newhalen 119,060 30,400 26.0 1.70 Level ock 66,174 20,281 31.0 1.39 Manokotak 267,195 42,772 16.0 1.44 Naknek 32,705 5,812 18.0 107,202 23.0 1.35 AVEC New Stuyanok 21,813 4,421 20.0 87,159 182,705 26.0 NEC fushagak 3,926,234 278,769 7.11.17 AVEC = Togiak 1,391,261 80,622 5.8 3,220,645 202,745 6.3 514,826 = 1131,559 26.0 TOTAL 1,413,074 85,053 6.0 3,340,509 208,557 6.2 5,183,396 $74,991 11.1 17 WIND GENERATOR INVENTORY SIZE SITE (kw) MAKE STATUS Chignik 2.0 Aeropower SL2000 Unknown Dillingham 10.0 Jacobs Working Dillingham 4.0 IES Skyhawk 4 Unknown Egegik 1.5 Aeropower SL1500 Working . Lliamna 1.8 Jacobs Working Iliamna 4.0 Dakota Wind & Sun Not Working Tliamna 4.0 Dakota Wind & Sun Not Working Lake Clark 4.0 Dakota Wind & Sun Working Lake Clark 3.0 Jacobs Working Levelock 2.0 Northwind HR2 Unknown Newhalen 8.0 Stormmaster Not Working - Nondalton 1.0 Bergey Unknown Port Alsworth 1.8 Jacobs Working Port Heiden 2.0 Aeropower SL2000 Unknown Togink 2.0 Aeropower SL2000 Not Working 18 ENERGY BALANCE DATA FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES TOTAL stuoy FUEL AVIATION ENERGY ° PLACE YEAR ___ Oi. GASOLINE PROPANE __ WOOD FUEL __BLAZO_USED/YEAR 5 Chignik Lake 1982 10,966 1,728 160 12,851 Ivanof Bay 19823, S2t 500 168 4,189 19 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS FROM , APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES STUDY PLACE YEAR RECOMMENDATIONS Chignik Lake 1982 Install a central diesel electric power station. Install a hydroelectric facility. Further study of a waste heat recovery system. Ivanof Bay 1982 Install a hydroelectric facility. Install a central diesel electric power station. Togiak 1979 Establish an energy conservation program. Install waste heat recovery system. Study use of hydroelectric from Quiamy River. 20 POPULATION PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES, 1985-2000 sTuoy POPULATION AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (2) PLACE YEAR T9519 1995 2080 Me Chignik Lake = 82 162 79 198 ag 2.0 Ivanof Bay 82 42 “4 6 43 0.9 Togiak 79 672 80s 7c 21 ELECTRICITY DEMAND PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES ‘sTuoy ELECTRICITY DEMAND (MWH AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (3 PLACE YEAR ra gs ro A eS TO Chignik Lake 82 32s 365 405 450 2.2 Ivanof Bay 82 89 ” 9 106 1.2 Togtak 9 680 750 20 882 nN 22 PEAK LOAD PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES (kw) stuoy PEAK LOAD {ts } AVERAGE ANNUAL CHAI ane a ow ERAGE oa CHANGE (3 Chigntk Lake = 82 90 100 Ns 125 2.2 Ivanof Bay a EI) 33 3s 7 12 Togiak 9 202 228 24s 265 1.8 23 ELECTRICITY DEMAND & POWER FORECASTS YEAR AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (%) PLACE /PARAMETER 987 992 T9397 2002 = Dillingham Demand (mwh/year) 11,500 15,800 21,000 28,100 6.1 Power (kw) 2,571 3,445 4,555 6,095 5.9 Clarks Point Demand (mwh/year) 700 775 880 1,030 2.6 Power (kw) 216 243 276 323 2.7 Egegik Demand (mwh/year) 1,400 1,500 1,620 1,790 1.6 Power (kw) 639 599 697 75 7 Ekuk Demand (mwh/year) 800 800 800 800 0 Power (kw) 913 767 593 457 4.5 Ekwok Demand (mwh/year) 210 245 285 370 3.8 Power (kw) 60 68 70 80 1.9 Igiugig Demand (mwh/year) 255 385 500 700 7.0 Power (kw) 74 108 131 149 4.8 Koliganek Demand (mwh/year) 310 390 465 580 4.3 Power (kw) 90 107 15 127 2.3 Levelock Demand (mwh/year) 245 340 470 670 6.9 Power (kw) 70 91 Ws 145 5.0 Manokotak Demand (mwh/year) 560 720 930 1,220 5.3 Power (kw) 162 197 230 258 3.2 New Stuyahok Demand (mwh/year) 720 930 1,210 1,625 5.6 Power (kw) 234 260 297 347 257 Portage Creek Demand (mwh/year) 120 140 180 215 4.0 Power (kw) 35 39 41 44 1.5 Ti amna/Newhal en/Nondal ton 1,935 2,615 3,570 4,480 6.3 Demand (mwh/year) 442 $97 795 1,055 6.0 Power (kw) Source: Bristol Bay Interim Feasibility Assessment, APA 10 BRISTOL BAY PORIAGE CREEK . AAAAEA 1 ~ @ 4c sumon | — Deh oe ig ead , SOUTH NAKAER o We or COMMUNITY PROFILE 1 Economic Parameters PARAMETER 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 INCOME Total Personal Incone ($000's) 9,984 10,119 10,171 10,605 11,902 12,929 Per Capital Personal Income 8,612 9,374 HZ 10,840 11,262 EMPLOYMENT Proprietors 60 6 89 ™ 8 8 Private Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries s Mining | s s Construction 33 13 s s 13 Manufacturing 165 133 204 197 239 296 Transportation and Public Utilities 78 45 47 4s a 45 Wholesale Trade s s 10 s 4 Retail Trade 40 2 38 158 a4 59 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 2 s 5 s s s Services 102 69 72 49 31 46 Subtotal Private 435 297 385 478 499 484 Governaent Federal Civilian 107 96 80 84 75 62 Federal Military 461 423 387 381 379 381 State and Local 157 203 a4 230 236 2a Subtotal Government 125 72 68 695 690 684 Total Employment 1,220 1,086 1,155 1,247 Ven 1,250 S = Vata for the year is suppressed 72 72 Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1983 Bristol Bay Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1970-1983 1980-1983 King Salmon USAF 202 545 Naknek NEA 318 318 Portage Creek 48 South Naknek NEA 154 145 Other 426 144 REGION TOTAL 1100 1200 1200 1300 1275 1 2.0 ENERGY USE AND COSTS 3 Annual Net Generation of Electricity 1977-1982, (MWH) Bristol Bay Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Average Annual Change 1977-1983 1979-1983 (%) NEA Naknek 5675 5971 6914 7588 8500 13964 14298 7 20 Subtotal Utilities 5675 5971 6914 7588 8500 13964 14298 17 20 Defense King Salmon 6685 6300 5944 11888 5944 5944 122 -49 62 REGION TOTAL 12360 12271 12858 19476 14444 19908 14420 3 3 4 CAPACITY AND LOAD FACTOR FOR 1982 AND 1983 Dillingham Utility Vicinity 1982 1982 1983 1983 Capacity Load Capacity Load Factor Factor (kw) (%) (kw) (%) NEA Naknek 6170 26 6305 26 5 PEAK LOAD BY UTILITY Bristol Bay Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 NEA Naknek 1.2 1.3 1.7 2 24 3 2.8 15.2% 11.9% 79 6 FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Bristol Bay Utility Vicinity Fuel Units Fuel Consumption Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 NEA Egegik oil Gal. 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 0.0% 0.0% NEA Naknek Oil Gal. 543,018 418,782 566,118 603,162 646,800 1,006,782 1,085,700 12.2% 21.6% TOTAL Oil Gal. 561,018 436,782 584,118 621,162 664,800 1,024,782 1,103,700 11.9% 211% a HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1983 Bristol Bay Utility Vicinity Fuel HEAT RATE (BTU/KWH) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 NEA Egegik Oil 15,800 16,643 14,265 NEA Naknek Oil 13,271 9,727 11,356 11,024 10,553 999 10,531 8 Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1983 Bristol Bay Residential Commerciai/industrial Utility Place 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 NEA Naknek 230 258 263 264 281 348 356 93 110 133 189 151 155 199 Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1983 9 (Cents/KWH) Bristol Bay Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 NEA Naknek 13 16 7 24 25 26 24 12 14 16 23 25 26 26 10 Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1983 (MWH per customer/year) Bristol Bay Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 NEA Naknek 5.9 5.7 5.5 5.7 5.5 5 5.6 40.7 37.4 33.3 30.9 33.5 34.8 29 80 11 Status of Fuel Costs & Needs In Alaska State Fuel Survey 8/15/83 Community Chignik Lake King Salmon Naknek Pavloff Harbor Port Alsworth Portage Creek South Naknek DHSS Fuel Oil S/gal Aviation Heating Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Sigal Sigal $gal Sigal 1.75 1.68 LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS 1 2 Housing Numbers For Assistance HOUSING UNITS WEATHERIZED Propane S/bottle Kerosene Sigal Blazo Sigal Community Census Region Total Before Houses(#) Done 1980 After 1980 Households Receiving H&SS Energy Assistance Chignik Lake King Salmon Naknek Pavioff Harbor Port Alsworth Portage Creek South Naknek 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 42 128 142 14 7 61 13 a386 14 $6,872 $22,461 $275 $650 $10,150 In Alaskan Communities—1984 1 3 Alaska Power Authority Projects Community APA WASTE HEAT PROJECTS. APA Projects In Place Ready Other Chignik Lake King Salmon Naknek Pavioff Harbor Port Aisworth Portage Creek South Naknek Reconnaissance Study Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Feasibility Study Feasibility Study 14 Grants To Communities — DCRA Community DCR&A Administered Grants 1974-85 Project Year OCRA Electrification Grants Cost Project Year Cost 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Chignik Lake King Salmon Naknek Pavloff Harbor Port Alsworth Portage Creek South Naknek Electrification 1981 $150,000 $150,000 15 Grants To Communities — CRA &DOA Community DCRA Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Grants 1981 1982 1983 1984 1981 1982 1983 1984 Legislative Grants Administered By Dept. of Administration 1985 Chignik Lake King Salmon Naknek Pavloff Harbor Port Alsworth Portage Creek South Naknek $150,000 81 USEFUL ENERGY INFORMATION NOT UPDATED IN 1985 PLAN 16 POWER COST ASSISTANCE, FY81-FY83 UTILITY PLACE ‘MEA, Naknek 650,426 43,418 6.7 1,789,604 196,000 11.0 2,190,028 224,697 10.0 N/A 17 | WIND GENERATOR INVENTORY SIZE SITE (kw) MAKE STATUS King Salmon 1.5 Enertech 1500 Working King Salmon 4.0 Enertech 4000 Occas. Working King Salmon 4.0 Enertech 4000 Planned King Salmon 10.0 Jacobs Working Naknek 12.5 Jacobs Working Naknek 12.5 Jacobs Planned Naknek 10.0 Bergey BBWC-EXCEL Planned Naknek 1.0 Bergey 1000-5 Planned Naknek 12.5 Jacobs Planned Naknek 1.5 Enertech 1500 Not Working Naknek 1.5 Enertech 1500 Occas. Working 18 ELECTRICITY DEMAND & POWER FORECASTS YEAR AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (% PLACE /PARAMETER To87_1992 9ST 00 = é Naknek/King Salmon Demand (mwh/year) 16,370 18,650 21,650 25,800 3.0 Power (kw) 3,327 3,370 4,400 5,242 3.1 Portage Creek Demand (mwh/year) 120 140 180 215 4.0 Power (kw) 35 39 4 44 1.5 Source: Bristol Bay Interim Feasibility Assessment, APA ALEUTIAN ISLANDS 11 tet er \. . ‘. aj tmz «ALEUTIAN ISLANDS \ a _ COMMUNITY PROFILE 1 Economic Parameters PARAMETER 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 INCOME Total Personal Income ($000's) 78,493 64,981 7,625 73,006 79,891 93,050 Per Capital Personal Income 9,128 7,683 8,879 9,325 9,587 114193 EMPLOYMENT 2 Proprietors 183 an 24 266 276 230 Priva Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries 10a 1s s 12 16 Mining s Construction an 6 140 37 m 162 Manufacturing 951 1,110 1,620 1,761 1,742 1,557 Transportation and Public utilities s 8 s s s 138 Wholesale Trade s s s 13 s s Retail Trade 67 n s s s s Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 35 7 s 48 ” 73 Services s s 201 210 152 146 Subtotal Private 1,648 1,628 2,137 2,283 2,298 2,233 Government Federal Civilian $62 580 678 686 677 682 Feaeral Military 3,801 3,087 2,926 2,457 2,554 2,42 State and Local 298 324 342 348 380 442 Subtotal Government 4,661 3,991 3,944 3,491 3,611 3,466 Total Employment 6,507 5,865 6,317 6,062 6,207 6,001 S = Data for the year is suppressed OA 2 Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1983 Aleutian Islands Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 19701983 1980-1983 Adak USN 249 3315 Akutan PRIVATE 101 169 189 188 189 49 3.8 Atka SCHOOL 88 93 Attu 5 29 Belkofsky Cold Bay NP&E ase ze 250 252 0.1 3.4 False Pass PRIVATE, CANNERY King Cove KCC 283 460 513 523 536 5.0 5.2 Nelson Lagoon VILLAGE 43 59 Nikolski NIP&L 57 50 Saint George Island NMFS. 163 158 162 0 0.8 Saint Paul Isaind NMFS 450 $51 591 595 610 2.4 3.4 Sand Point AMFAC, PUC 360 625 697 797 889 7.2 12.5 Shemya Air Force USAF ae 600 jaw Harbor nase UE 1301 1322 1944 1922 1992 3.3 14.6 Other 1232 371 4366 4225 3866 9.2 118.4 REGION TOTAL 5900 8100 8300 8500 8496 28 1.6 : ENERGY USE AND COSTS 3 Annual Net Generation of Electricity 1977-1982, (MWH) Aleutian Islands Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Average Annual Change 1977-1983 1979-1983 (%) AEC Atka 120 AEU Dutch Harbor 200 AMFAG Sand Point 5100 5990 cou Unalaska 657 900 1500 1500 1800 1800 3101 30 20 KCC King Cove 360 NIP&L Nikolski 150 150 150 150 161 170 3 NP&E Cold Bay 2544 2727 2889 2759 2785 2800 2268 2 6 NP&L Northway 1352 1352 1400 1200 1074 1310 1350 0 A PPS Sand Point 4830 5643 Puc Sand Point 5870 6121 4957 Subtotal Utilities 9383 10772 11039, 11599 11679 12192 12526 5 3 Defense 115981 101500 92955 90374 91551 93471 97431 3 1 REGION TOTAL 125364 112272 103994 101973 103230 105663 109957 2 1 CAPACITY AND LOAD FACTOR FOR 1982 AND 1983 4 Aleutian Islands Utility Vicinity 1982 1982 1983 1983 Capacity Load Capacity Load Factor Factor (kw) (%) (kw) (%) AEC Atka 150 9 AVEC Unalaska 1500 14 KCC King Cove 600 7 NIP&L Nikolski 110 17 110 18 NP&E Cold Bay 1525 21 2000 13 PUC Sand Point 3250 21 4050 21 TOTAL 6385 19 6910 7 aa PEAK LOAD BY UTILITY Aleutian Islands Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 AEU Dutch Harbor 01 AMFAC Sand Point 1 1 KCC King Cove NIP&L Nikolski 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 01 0.1 -27.7% NP&E Cold Bay 0.6 06 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.0% 0.0% UE Sand Point 1.4 0.7 TOTAL 1.3 1.3 23 1.6 1.3 on 1.5 2.4% 2.1% 6 FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Aleutian Islands Utility Vicinity Fuel Units Fuel Consumption Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 AEC Atka Oil Gal. 12,000 AEU Dutch Harbor Oil Gal. 20,000 AMFAC Sand Point Oil Gal. 92,290 60,700 cou Unalaska Oil Gal. 65,700 120,000 150,000 199,500 200,000 180,000 28,200 13.1% -47.9% KCC King Cove Oil Gal. 36,000 NIP&L Nikolski Oil Gal. 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 19,890 21,000 11.9% NP&E Cold Bay Oil Gal. 254,720 273,000 289,182 289,307 289,300 218,400 218,400 2.5% 8.9% PPS Sand Point Oil Gal. 371,580 435,878 . Puc Sand Point Oil Gal. 51,600 70,900 381,300 TOTAL Oil Gal. 692,000 843,878 546,472 564,507 555,900 489,190 716,900 0.6% 8.3% 7 HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1983 Aleutian islands Utility Vicinity Fuel HEAT RATE (BTU/KWH) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 AEC Atka Oil 13,869 cou Unalaska oil 13,869 18,492 13,869 18,446 15,410 13,869 KCC King Cove Oil 13,869 NIP&L Nikolski Oil 13,869 13,869 13,869 13,869 17,134 17,132 NP&E Cold Bay Oil 13,886 13,884 13,883 14,543 14,407 10,818 13,355 PPS Sand Point Oil 10,670 10,713 ae Puc Sand Point Oil f 8 Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1983 Aleutian Islands Residential Commercial/industrial Utility Place 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 AMFAC Sand Point 139 121 126 10 26 45 KCC King Cove 120 NP&E Cold Bay 15 26 29 1 28 27 32 PUC Sand Point 153 90 UE Unalaska 453 Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1983 (Cents/KWH) Aleutian Islands Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 AMFAC Sand Point 14 1 14 13 eS 75 7.4 14 KCC King Cove 43 NP&E Cold Bay 10 12 12 17 9.8 12 13 PUC Sand Point 23 7 16 UE Unalaska 29 Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1983 10 (MWH per customeriyear) Aleutian Islands Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 AMFAC Sand Point 51 6.2 6.4 10.1 406.9 183.2 92.7 45.5 KCC King Cove 3 NP&E Cold Bay 26.3 18.9 17.5 19 185.4 75.4 74.5 51.3 PUC Sand Point 6.8 52.2 UE Unalaska 66 Status of Fuel Costs & Needs In Alaska 11 State Fuel Survey 8/15/83 Aviation Heating DHSS. Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Fuel Oil $/gal Sigal Sigal $gal Sigal $S/bottle Sigal S/gal Adak $1.27 Akutan $1.17 Atka $2.10 Attu Belkofsky Cold Bay $1.36 Dutch Harbor 117 False Pass $1.34 1.43 2.20 1.33 1.33 80.00 King Cove 1.48 1.36 126.91 Nelson Lagoon 2.10 2.10 Nikolski $1.60 Saint George Island Saint Paul Island $1.45 Sand Point Shemya Air Force Squaw Harbor Unalaska $1.17 87 LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS 1 2 Housing Numbers For Assistance HOUSING UNITS WEATHERIZED Total Before After Households Receiving Community Census Region Houses(#) Done 1980 1980 H&SS Energy Assistance Adak W Akutan " 22 7 $10,725 Atka " 22 Attu n 5 Belkofsky " 10 Cold Bay 1 50 Dutch Harbor 11 False Pass 1 20 5 $3,100 King Cove 1 137 20 $14,225 Nelson Lagoon 1 21 Nikolski nN 28 1% $12,931 Saint George Island " Saint Paul Island " 137 23 x 95 $13,400 Sand Point " 139 63 $41,375 Shemya Air Force " Squaw Harbor ah] 1 Unalaska 1 393 52 $33,188 1 3 Alaska Power Authority Projects In Alaskan Communities—1984 APA WASTE HEAT PROJECTS Community APA Projects In Place Ready Other Adak Akutan Grant Atka Feasibility Study Attu Belkofsky Cold Bay Reconnaissance Study Dutch Harbor False Pass Reconnaissance Study & Grant King Cove Feasibility Study Nelson Lagoon Nikolski Reconnaissance Study & Grant Saint George Island Reconnaissance Study Saint Paul Island Reconnaissance Study Sand Point Shemya Air Force Squaw Harbor Unalaska Recon Study/Waste Heat Asst x Community Adak Akutan Atka Attu Belkofsky Cold Bay Dutch Harbor False Pass King Cove Nelson Lagoon Nikolski Saint George Island Saint Paul Island Sand Point Shemya Air Force Squaw Harbor Unalaska Community Adak . Akutan Atka Attu Belkofsky Cold Bay Dutch Harbor False Pass King Cove Nelson Lagoon Nikolski Saint George Island Saint Paul Island Sand Point Shemya Air Force Squaw Harbor Unalaska 89 14 Grants To Communities — DCRA DCR&A Administered Grants 1974-85 Project Electrification Electrification Fuel Line Electrification Bulk Fuel Electrification Year Cost Project Year Cost 1980 $5,000 1982 $100,000 1981 $33,700 1980 $40,000 1976 $14,200 1979 $40,000 15 Grants To Communities — DCRA & DOA DCRA Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Grants 1981 1982 1983 1984 $60,000 $20,000 $55,000 $100,000 $100,000 1977 $20,000 Legislative Grants Administered By Dept. of Administration 1981 DCRA Electrification Grants 1979 $100,000 1982 $600,000 1980 1981 $5,000 1983 $1,000,000 1982 $100,000 $63,000 1984 1983 1984 1985 $125,000 USEFUL ENERGY INFORMATION NOT UPDATED IN 1985 PLAN 16 POWER COST ASSISTANCE, FY81-FY83 Current (10/83) Fuel O11 FY 1981 FY 1982 FY 1983 Price —— ta PK ar POR POR |S 7eaT-y UTILITY PLACE Sold (3)__(¢/ewn)|__Soig__($)___(¢/twn)|__ Sol ($)___(¢/ewn)) ‘Andreanot 13,137 3,67 2.8 111,939 30,917 28.0 1.50 Nelson Lagoon 1925 6,522 20.0 2.10 xPSE = orthern 140,472 10,659 7.6 339,736 16,518 4.9 1.15 Unalaska ue y $37,605 73,060 14.0 1,416,075 163,899 12.01.11 TOTAL o ° 691,214 87,347 12.2 1,899,675 217,886 11.7 17 WIND GENERATOR INVENTORY SIZE SITE _(kw) MAKE STATUS Adak 1.8 Enertech 1800 Occas. Working False Pass 2.0 Ounlite Unknown Nelson Lagoon 20.0 Grumman Windstrm Occas. Working Nikolski 2.0 Aeropower SL2000 Unknown St. Paul 1.8 Enertech 1800 Planned Sand Point 10.0 Jacobs Occas. Working Sand Point 10.0 Jacobs Occas. Working Sand Point 15.0 Jacobs Planned Sand Point 15.0 Jacobs Planned Unalaska 4.0 Unknown Unknown Unalaska 4.0 Unknown Unknown Unalaska 4.0 Unknown Unknown 18 ENERGY BALANCE DATA FROM APA TOTAL sTuoy FUEL AVIATION ENERGY PLACE YEAR ote GASOLINE PROPANE W000 FUEL___BLAZO__USED/ YEAR Atka 1982 7,020 1,350 8,370 Cold Bay 1982 65,786 6,787 420 72,993 False Pass 1980 5,024 750 2,000 7774 King Cove 198) 121,241 8,379 Nikolskt 19826, 901 1,250 Sand Point 198) 123,274 8,780 19,308 Saint George 1982 17,770 1,244 294 78,655 Saint Paul 1982 71,340 7,170 145 8,151 an 91 19 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES STUDY PLACE YEAR RECOMMENDATIONS Atka 1982 Install a central diesel electric power station with waste heat recovery. Hydroelectric power is economically viable. Cold Bay 1982 Install a waste heat recovery system. False Pass 1982 Install a central diesel elecrric power station with waste heat recovery. King Cove 1981 Further study of Delta Creek hydro project. Further study of economics of weatherproofing and insulation. Nikolski 1982 Improve efficiency of existing central power plant. Sand Point 1981 Continued diesel generation. Install an induction wind generator. Study feasibility of waste heat recovery system. Study feasibility of weatherproofing and insulation. Saint George 1982 Install a waste heat recovery system. Saint Paul 1982 Install an automatic control system to match on-line capacity to peak demand. 20 POPULATION PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES, 1985-2000 stuoy POPULATION AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE PLACE YEAR TS T_T 2000 en SO Atk 82 u7 129 142 157 2.0 Cole Bay az 208 29 230 242 1.0 False Pass 82 70° 5 8) 88 LS King Cove 79 slo $60 620 680 19 Nikolski 8 53 56 59 62 1 Sand Point 79 710 820 950 1,110 3.0 St. George 182 191 200 210 1.0 St. Paul 8 626 691 763 az 2.0 21 ELECTRICITY DEMAND PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES stuoy ELECTRICITY DEMAND (MWH) AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (1%. PLACE YEAR T385-ZOU0. Atk, a 275 300 328 350 1.6 Cold Bay 82 2,800 3,000 3,200 3,400 13 Fal a2 Ms 127 143 160 2.2 king Cove 79 5,131 5,401 Nikolski 8 170 180 190 200 Vt Sand Point 79 6,313 8,126 St. George 485 520 555 595 4 St. Paul a2 2,775 3,050 3,325 3,600 1.8 22 PEAK LOAD PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES (kw) stuoy PEAK LOAD (bw A moe le AVERAGE eA CHANGE (2) Atka 82 95 103 m 120 1.6 Cold Bay ez 700 740 780 820 wl False Pass 82 “ 50 7 64 2.5 King Cove 9 280 40 Nikolskt a2 “a SI ca 37 1.2 Sand Point 9 660 1,072 St. George 10 18 126 135 4 St. Paul 82 600 675 750 830 22 12 MATANUSKA-SUSITNA et | ee t \ \ MATANUSKA- | ——— | r 4 vst — | nee > Se wa 1 Economic Parameters PARAMETER 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 198) INCOME Total Personal Income ($000's) 15,611 132,924 149,970 163,914 191,028 225,321 Per Capital Personal Income 9,940 10,485, 10,391 10,114 10,415 12,068 EMPLOYMENT 795 859 976 1,017 1,037 Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries s s s s s Mining $s s s s Construction a9 236 185 vs 194 Manufacturing a 40 40 “ 40 Transportation and Public Utilities 22 nz 324 332 334 Wholesale Trade s $2 50 $s 43 Retail Trade 504 589 699 691 729 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 109 m 5 126 lee Services m7 an 508 486 466 Subtotal Private 1,570 1,808 1,955 1,941 1,975, Government Federal Civilian ri no s 100 M2 133 Federal Military 180 138 184 170 183 193 Stat nd Local 957 1,080 1,143 1,078 107 1,218 otal Government 1,248 1,328 1,392 1,348 1,466 1,544 Total Employment: 3,337 3,83) 4,261 4,48) 4,627 4,789 S = Data for the year is suppressed 93 Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1983 Matunuska-Susitna Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1970-1983 1980-1983 Big Lake 36 410 Bodenburg Butte MEA 448 988 Houston VILLAGE 69 370 583 826 606 18.2 17.9 Montana MEA, CEA 40 Paimer MEA 1140 2141 2275 2542 2672 68 7.7 Sutton MEA 76 182 Talkeetna MEA 182 264 Wasilla MEA 300 1559 1928 2403 2873 19.0 22.6 Willow MEA 38 139 Other 4311 13307 18514 19429 23698 14.0 21.2 REGION TOTAL 6600 19400 23300 25200 29849 12.3 15.4 ENERGY USE AND COSTS 5 PEAK LOAD BY UTILITY Matanuska-Susitna Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 MEA Matanuska-Susitna 50 57 63 69 65 76 84 9.0% 6.8% 8 Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1983 Matanuska/Susitna Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 MEA Matanuska Valley 8355 10070 11164 11722 12618 14941 19388 1191 1290 1347 1388 1412 1425 1644 9 Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1983 (Cents/KWH) Matanuska/Susitna uTiuity PLACE Residential Commerciai/industrial 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 MEA Matanuska Val . ley 37 3.9 46 46 5.3 68 8.4 3.8 4.2 49 49 5.4 5.2 67 10 Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1983 (MWH per customer/year) Matanuska/Susitna Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 MEA Matanuska Valley 14 15.4 14.4 14.8 14 14.4 12.5 49.1 52.8 54 53.2 56 63.8 64.2 94 11 Status of Fuel Costs & Needs In Alaska State Fuel Survey 8/15/83 Aviation Heating DHSS Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Fuel Oil S/gal Sigal Sigal $gal Sigal S/bottle Sigal Sigal Alexander Creek Big Lake $1.17 Bodenburg Butte Butte Caswell Creek Chickaloon Chugiak Chulitna Fishhook Hatchers Pass Houston $1.75 Knik-Fairview Lazy Mountain Matanuska Meadow Lakes Montana Paimer $1.06 Schrock Sheep Mountain Susitna Sutton Talkeetna 117 Trapper Creek Wasilla $1.10 Willow $1.34 LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS 12 Housing Numbers For Assistance HOUSING UNITS WEATHERIZED Total Before After Households Receiving Community Census Region Houses(#) Done 1980 1980 H&SS Energy Assistance Alexander Creek 12 6 x Big Lake 12 6 x Bodenburg Butte 12 Butte 12 Caswell Creek 12 7 x Chickaloon 12 2 x Chugiak 12 76 $30,069 Chulitna 12 t x Fishhook 12 Hatchers Pass 12 2 x Houston 12 1 x 15 $6,042 Knik-Fairview 12 Lazy Mountain 12 Matanuska 12 Meadow Lakes 12 Montana 12 Palmer 12 57 x x 297 $119,445 Schrock 12 Sheep Mountain 12 9 x Susitna 12 1 x Sutton 12 10 x x 24 $9,176 Talkeetna 12 23 x 47 $19,121 Trapper Creek 12 1 x Wasilla 12 75 x x 300 $123,397 Willow 12 1 x 94 $39,133 95 Community Meadow Lakes Community Meadow Lakes 14 Grants To Communities — DCRA OCR&A Administered Grants 1974-85 Project Year Cost Project Year DCRA Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Grants 15 Grants To Communities — DCRA & DOA Legislative Grants Administered By Dept. of Administration “1981 1982 1983 Cost 1984 1977 1978 1981 $300,000 OCRA Electrification Grants 1979 1980 1982 USEFUL ENERGY INFORMATION NOT UPDATED IN 1985 PLAN 17 wind GENERATOR INVENTORY SIZE SITE (kw) MAKE STATUS Matanuska 2.0 Aeropower SL2000 Not Working Palmer 1.0 Bergey BWC1000 Working Palmer 1.0 Bergey 1000-S Working Palmer 1.5 Aeropower 1500 Unknown Palmer 10.0 Jacobs Working Palmer 4.0 Enertech 4000 Working Palmer 10.0 Jacobs Unknown Wasilla 10.0 Jacobs Not Working Wasilla 10.0 Bergey BWC-Exce] Planned Wasilla 5.0 Dunlite Unknown 1981 1983 1982 1984 1983 1984 1985 9€ 13 ANCHORAGE COMMUNITY PROFILE 1 Economic Parameters PARAMETER 1976 1977 1978 1979 -1980 i981 INCOME. Total Personal income ($000's) 1,956,807 2,204,542 2,186,082 2,232,547 2,767,638 Per Capital Personal Income m2 12,455 12,169 12,485 15,563 EHPLOMMENT Proprietors 5,219 7,407. Private Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries % a Mining 1,374 2,972 Construction 7,590 6,318 Manufacturing 1,628 1,911 Transportation and Public Utilities 7,470 8,742 wholesale Trade 4,229 4,382 Retail Trade 72h Finance Insurance, Real Estate 4,471 Services 18,016 Subtotal Private $6,595 61,863 Government Feceral Civilian 10,524 10,249 9,784 9,627 9,663 9,644 Federal Military 13,594 13,806 13,540 13,713 13,045 12,592 State and Local 11,040 10,972 11,621 12,024 12,003 12,757 Subtotal Government: 35,158 35,027 4,945 35,364 4m 34,993 Total Employment 96,972 100,237 99,616 99,529 100,457 104,273 S = Data for the year is suppressed 98 2 Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1983 Anchorage Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1970-1983 1980-1983 Anchorage AML&P, APA-E, CEA 126385 174431 Eklutna CEA, APA-E Elmendorf USAF Fort Richardson ARMY Other 3815 4569 REGION TOTAL 130200 179000 184700 200500 227070 44 8.3 ENERGY USE AND COSTS 3 Annual Net Generation of Electricity 1977-1982, (MWH) Anchorage Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Average Annual Change 1977-1983 1979-1983 (%) AML&P Anchorage 420277 443084 473063 493531 485301 579479 592546 6 6 APA-E Eklutna 203623 180097 171052 184285 222703 147851 149853 5 3 CEA Anchorage 1179710 1308625 1401048 1434104 1472670 1718427 1781781 ie 6 Subtotal Utilities 1803610 1931806 2045163 2111920 2180674 2445757 2524180 6 5 Defense 153280 142096 133878 132830 131630 132130 150389 oO 3 University 2850 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 1 0 REGION TOTAL 1959740 2076902 2182041 * 2247750 2315304 2580887 2677569 5 5 4 CAPACITY AND LOAD FACTOR FOR 1982 AND 1983 Anchorage Utility Vicinity 1982 1982 1983 1983 Capacity Load Capacity Load Factor Factor (kw) (%) (kw) (%) AML&P Anchorage 233444 28 233444 29 APA-E Anchorage 30000 56 30000 57 CEA Anchorage 507800 39 507800 40 TOTAL 771244 36 771244 37 5 PEAK LOAD BY UTILITY Anchorage Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 AML&P Anchorage 102 99 105 107 114 121 123 3.2% 4.8% APA-E Anchorage 36 36 3 31 4.9% CEA Anchorage 274 284 305 337 331 362 372 5.2% 3.3% TOTAL 376 383 410 480 481 506 526 5.8% 3.1% 99 6 FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Anchorage Utility Vicinity Fuel Units Fuel Consumption Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 AML&P Anchorage Gas MCF 6,632,499 6,980,519 7,623,023 7,849,600 7,255,262 5,861,918 7,536,840 2.2% 1.3% APM&L Anchorage Oil Gal. 5,208 65,100 294,672 178,668 3,612 29,022 7,612 6.5% 65.1% CEA Anchorage Gas MCF 16,901,479 17,576,548 20,328,923 20,912,982 21,815,600 24,250,944 24,009,799 6.0% 4.7% CEA Anchorage Oil Gal. 15,624 TOTAL Oil Gal. 20,832 65,100 294,672 178,668 3,612 29,022 7,612 15.4% 65.1% Gas MCF 23,533,978 24,557,067 27,951,946 28,762,582 29,070,862 30,112,862 31,546,639 5.0% 3.1% if HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1983 Anchorage Utility Vicinity Fuel HEAT RATE (BTU/KWH) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 AML&P Anchorage Gas 16,097 16,090 16,436 16,223 15,249 10,318 12,974 APM&L Anchorage Oil 16,297 CEA Anchorage Gas 15,331 14,294 15,062 15,634 15,727 14,776 13,745 CEA Anchorage Oil Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1983 8 Anchorage Residential Commercial/industrial Sanna 777 -1978~=~C~S~SCTD~*~«‘ S*«~‘ SC‘ SSC«éSC77«~=«187B «C1979 «= 1980) 1981 | 19821983 AML&P Anchorage 13226 13710 13765 13744 13964 14745 18622 2725 «2821 2898 )§=— 3049-3110 3230 = 3420 CEA Anchorage 39164 42371 «42814 «42567 «43807 46560 «= 51018 3875 4256 4414 4483 4603 4878 5339 Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1983 9 (Cents/KWH) Anchorage Residential Cor (i fis pies immercial/Industrial 1977, 1978 1979 1980-1981 1982. 1983 «1977 “1978 ~=—«1979-~S«1980+~=«1981+~=S=C«1982~—~=«1083 AML&P — Anchorage 32 33 37 3.8 5 51 5.8 26 26 29 29 3.9 44 51 CEA Anchorage 3 33 34 34 36 44 5.8 27 29 3 29 3.3 44 5.2 100 10 Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1983 (MWH per customeriyear) Anchorage Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 AML&P Anchorage 8.9 8.4 8.4 91 8.6 8.7 8.2 1341 132 136.9 139.6 138.6 146.9 146.6 CEA Anchorage 1 11.4 14 11.5 11.4 11.7 10.8 68.6 71.3 72.6 75.9 74.7 774 77.8 11 Status of Fuel Costs & Needs In Alaska State Fuel Survey 8/15/83 Aviation Heating DHSS Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Fuel Oil S/gal Sigal Sigal $gal Sigal S/bottle Sigal Sigal Anchorage $1.21 Eagle River $1.23 LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS 12 Housing Numbers For Assistance HOUSING UNITS WEATHERIZED Total Before After Households Receiving Community Census Region Houses(#) Done 1980 1980 H&SS Energy Assistance Anchorage 13 70292 896 x x 2,575 $680,089 Eagle River 13 104 $37,412 Nikiski 13 431 101 14 Grants To Communities — DCRA DCR&A Administered Grants 1974-85 OCRA Electrification Grants Community Project Year Cost Project Year Cost 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Anchorage Systems 1982 $1,528,000 $1,528,000 15 Grants To Communities — DCRA & DOA DCRA Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Grants Legislative Grants Administered By Dept. of Administration Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Anchorage USEFUL ENERGY INFORMATION NOT UPDATED IN 1985 PLAN 17 . WIND GENERATOR INVENTORY “SIZE SITE (kw) MAKE STATUS Anchorage 1.8 Jacobs Working 102 KENAI PENINSULA 14 a... ——— 4 ~ ocioosiae COMMUNITY PROFILE 1. Economic Parameters PARAMETER 1976 1977 1978 1979 --_1980 1981 INCOME Total Personal Income ($000's) lem7e —-zig.7eR S.ene 205.878 e,atk 288,799 Per Capital Personal Income 9,443 9.81 9,524 10,209 10,792 nA? EMPLOYMENT | Proprietors m3 1,163 1,288 1,388 1,442 1,459 Private i Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries 12s 24 12 ue 2 20 Hining 728° Tlow 861° 791° 75° 743° Construct ton 1,093 1,810° 496 419° sie 798° Manufacturing 1,300 1,339 1,437 1,680 1,738 1,570 Transportation and Public Utilities 628 631 629 620 16 763 Wholesale Trade zie 220° 240" $ 2520 230° Retail Trade 884 1,009 1,155 1,135 1,108 1,165 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 175 207 223 224 231 228 Services 1,017 1,041 1,108 1,156 1,188 1,259 Subtotal Private 6,224 7,034 6,195 6,430 6,620 6,819 Government Federal Civilian 160 133 160 173 79 181 Federal Military 35 239 247 251 264 278 State and Local 1,409 1,449 1,533 1,562 1,638 1,746 Subtotal Government 1,920 1,821 1,940 1,986 2,081 2.208 Total Employment = 9,096 10,027 9,436 9,817 10,186 10,496 S = Data for the year 1s suppressed * = Data for the year is partially suppressed 104 105 2 Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1983 Kenai Peninsula Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1970-1983 1980-1983 Anchor Point HEA 102 Clam Gulch HEA 47 50 Cooper Landing CEA 31 116 English Bay HEA 58 124 Halibut Cove HEA 44 47 Homer HEA, CEA 1083 2209 2588 2900 3237 88 13.6 Hope CEA 51 103 Jakalof Bay 36 Kachemak HEA 76 403 425 288 289 10.8 10.5 Kasilof HEA 71 201 Kenai HEA, CEA 3533 4224 4558 5261 5774 3.9 101 Moose Pass CEA 53 76 Nikishka 1109 Ninilchik HEA 134 331 Port Graham HEA 107 161 Portlock 31 Salamatof HEA 334 Seldovia HEA, CEA 437 479 505 513 1.2 23 Seward SES, CEA 1587 1843 1943 1839 1883 1.3 0.7 Soldotna HEA 1202 2320 2445 3025 3252 8.0 11.9 Sterling HEA 30 919 Tyonek CEA 232 239 Other 7922 12145 17036 19187 19942 7.4 18.0 REGION TOTAL 16800 27600 29500 32500 34890 5.8 81 ENERGY USE AND COSTS 3 Annual Net Generation of Electricity 1977-1982, (MWH) Kenai Peninsula Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Average Annual Change 1977-1983 1979-1983 HEA 643 1598 241 408 159 7 a 44 71 31 “ SES 783 522 663 1350 1500 O a Subtotal Utilities 1426 2120 904 1758 1659 447 71 39 -47 Industry 278426 323605 323605 332952 321100 301381 308242 - 2 A REGION TOTAL 279852 325725 324509 334710 322759 301828 308313 2 A 4 CAPACITY AND LOAD FACTOR FOR 1982 AND 1983 Kenai Peninsula Utility Vicinity 1982 1982 1983 1983 Capacity Load Capacity Load Factor Factor (kw) (%) (kw) (%) HEA Soldovia 2100 2 2100 03 5 PEAK LOAD BY UTILITY Kenai Peninsula Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 19771983 1980-1983 HEA Kenai area 45 51 55 58 61 63 65 6.3% % SES Seward 4a 5 67 6 5.2 57 6 6.6% aon TOTAL 491 56 617 “64 66.2 687 7 6.3% 3.5% 6 FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Kenai Peninsula Utility Vicinity Fuel = Units Fuel Consumption Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 HEA English Bay Oil Gal. 12,900 HEA Port Graham Oil Gal. 36,582 HEA Seldovia oil Gal. 16,758 40,026 18,060 13,944 14,196 9,114 9.7% SES Seward Oil Gal. 61,320 39,564 53,214 71,904 72,000 TOTAL oil Gal. 127,560 © 79,500 «71,274 71,904 85,944 14,196 9,114 35.6% -49.8% HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1983 7 Kenai Peninsula Utility Vicinity Fuel HEAT RATE (BTU/KWH) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 HEA English Bay Oil 13,869 oil 15,905 HEA Seoristen ol 11,919 11,469 10,393 12,163 17,803 SES Seward Oil 10,861 10,512 11,132 Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1983 8 Kenai Peninsula Residential Commercial/industrial tiity ) \eisce ja e787 980”~CeeT~«Ce2~=~«*SSSCHO77~=SC1978=S1079 = 1980 1981 19821983 jomer 7904 8620 9506 10307 11389 1206 1382 1534 1793 1744 1655 1817 SES Seeerd oe 1006 1090 r 208 1240 159 172 175 178 182 10€ UTILITY PLACE HEA Homer SES Seward Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1983 9 (Cents/KWH) Kenai Peninsula Residential 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 3.9 3.6 3.6 4.2 54 5.6 7.4 27 27 5.4 7.2 86 Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1983 10 (MWH per customer/year) Kenai Peninsula Commercial/industrial 1979 1980 1981 1982 29 3.5 3.9 43 3.6 5.2 1983 5.8 7.2 UTILITY PLACE HEA Homer SES Seward Residential Commercial/industrial “1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 10.6 12 12.6 13.3 12.3 12.8 11.2 99.1 6.4 6.8 6.7 8 8 45.5 Status of Fuel Costs & Needs In Alaska 11 State Fuel Survey 8/15/83 1978 91.7 42.7 1979 1980 1981 1982 88.1 81.2 99.5 115.5 49.4 53.5 1983 111.3 43.7 Community ‘Aviation Heating OHSS Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Fuel Oil Sigal Sigal Sigal $gal Diesei Sigal Propane Kerosene S/bottle Sigal Blazo Sigal Anchor Point Bear Creek Clam Gulch Cook Inlet Cooper Landing Diamond Ridge English Bay Fritz Creek Girdwood Halibut Cove Halibut Point Homer Hope Jakalof Bay Kachemak Kalifonsky Kasilof Kenai Moose Pass Nikishka Ninilchik Port Graham Portlock Ridgeway Salamatof Seldovia Seward Soldotna Sterling Sunrise Tustumena Tyonek $1.04 $1.03 117 117 $1.04 $1.06 $1.12 $1.35 $1.12 $1.11 1.18 1.57 1.09 2.25 1.50 1.79 1.50 107 12 LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS Housing Numbers For Assistance HOUSING UNITS WEATHERIZED Total Before After Households Receiving Community Census Region Houses(#) Done 1980 1980 H&SS Energy Assistance Anchor Point 14 125 4 x 149 $59,570 Bear Creek 14 Clam Gulch 14 39 39 $16,940 Cook Inlet 14 9 x Cooper Landing 14 90 5 x 5 $2,368 Diamond Ridge 14 English Bay 14 29 10 x Fritz Creek 14 155 Girdwood 14 13 $5,375 Halibut Cove 14 33 Halibut Point 14 Homer 14 1002 41 x x 487 $204,132 Hope 14 70 4 $1,300 Jakalof Bay 14 30 Kachemak 14 164 Kalifonsky 14 62 Kasilof 14 98 57 $24,483 Kenai 14 2319 5 x x 392 $152,734 Moose Pass 14 51 4 x "1 $4,824 Nikishka 14 5 Ninilchik 14 173 6 x 32 $12,700 Port Graham 4 60 7 $8,873 Portlock 14 9 Ridgeway 14 Salamatof 14 178 Seldovia 14 215 9 x 28 $7,251 Seward 14 77 12 x 587.5 $57,190 Soldotna 14 962 117 x x 311 $127,261 Sterling 14 471 7 x 32 $12,996 Sunrise 14 22 3 x Tustumena 14 Tyonek 14 J 21 x 14 Grants To Communities — DCRA DCR&A Administered Grants 1974-85 DCRA Electrification Grants Community Project Year Cost Project Year Cost 1977 1978 1979 1980 . 1981 1982 1983 1984 Salamatof 15 Grants To Communities — DCRA & DOA : OCRA Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Grants i oe Communit Legislative Grants Administered By Dept. of ini ly 1981 1982 1983 1984 1981 1982 fea ly Dept. o' fe aes Salamatof $900,000 10€ 109 USEFUL ENERGY INFORMATION NOT UPDATED IN 1985 PLAN 16 POWER COST ASSISTANCE, FY81-FY83 Current (10/83) Fuel O81 Er ae Fy 192 _ Fy, 1909 Htee, , kw ar PCK PK . UTILITY PLACE Sold ($) (£/kwn)| Sold (s) {¢/ewh)| Sold (3) (¢/ewny | KDEA Kodiak Elec. 14,952,581 231,570 1.5 19,787,836 448,838 «2.3 19,253,948 403,090 2.1 1.38 Port Lions 196,410 32,209 16.0 “411,253 422,224 = 128,356 30.091 AVEC Old Harbor 333,903 85,465 26.0 Ouzinkie 263,579 40,143 15.0 1.20 TOTAL 15,148,991 263,779 1.7 20,199,089 448,838 2.2 20,273,654 657,054 3.2 17 WIND GENERATOR INVENTORY SIZE SITE (kw) MAKE STATUS Homer 5 Paris Dunn Occas. Working Homer 2.0 Jacobs Planned Homer 1.8 Enertech 1800 Planned Homer 4.0 Enertech 4000 Working Homer 3.0 Jacobs Unknown Homer 11.0 Composite Not Working Kasilof 1.0 Sencenbaugh Working Ninilchik 1.0 Bergey BWC1000 Unknown Seward 1.5 Aeropower SL2000 Working 15 KODIAK ISLAND COMMUNITY PROFILE 1. Economic Parameters PARAMETER 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 UNCOME Total Personal Income ($000's) 84,416 89,086 103,632 120, 408 127,951 Per Capital Personal Income 9,138 9,686 W316 11,880 11,952 12,651 expuoment Proprietors 320 300 322 360 6 380 Private Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries sia ist a 40 so st Mining Construction 2a 22 230 49 100 a Manufacturing 1,540 1,599 1,813 1,836 1,860 1,736 Transportation and Public Utilities 23 203 245 ne 340 350 Wholesale Trade 2 s s s s a9 Retail Trade sos $29 su 648 595 536 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 2 s s Ss $s los | Services 468 483 680 700 657 67s Subtotal Private 3,621 3,315 3,782 3,819 3,742 3,589 Government Federal Civilian 273 255 283 2s 286 270 Feder Military 525 1,087 1,029 972 973 1,372 State and Local 693 693 7322 eas 743 7258 Subtotal Government 1,491 2,035 2,044 2,102 2,002 2.367 Total Employment 5,432 5,650 6,149 6,281 6,120 6.336 S = Data for the year is suppressed 11¢ 2 Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1983 Kodiak Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1970-1983 1980-1983 Akhiok PRIVATE 115 105 103 103 104 0.8 0.3 Karluk PRIVATE 98 96 Kodiak KDEA 3798 4756 4678 5873 6030 3.6 8.2 Kodiak Coast Guard USCG 3052 1370 Larsen Bay PRIVATE 109 168 167 180 190 44 42 Old Harbor AVEC 290 340 334 355 375 2.0 3.3 Ouzinkie VILLAGE 160 173 170 233 246 3.4 12.5 Port Lions KDEA 227 215 218 291 320 27 14.2 Woody Island KDEA “1 Other” 1710 3777 6030 5665 5631 9.6 14.2 REGION TOTAL 9600 11000 11700 12700 12896 23 5.4 ENERGY USE AND COSTS 3 . Annual Net Generation of Electricity 1977-1982, (MWH) Kodiak Island Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Average Annual Change 1977-1983 1979-1983 AVEC Old Harbor 221 303 342 336 KDEA Kodiak 53444 57817 60916 59339 50048 62289 eres 3 9 LBES Larsen Bay 290 300 Subtotal Utilities 53665 58120 61258 59675 60358 63063 62515 3 1 Defense 22845 22425 22340 23116 21880 18682 18682 3 4 REGION TOTAL 76510 80545 83598 82791 82238 81745 81197 1 4 4 CAPACITY AND LOAD FACTOR FOR 1982 AND 1983 Kodiak Island Utility Vicinity 1982 1982 1983 1983 Capacity Load Capacity Load Factor Factor (kw) (%) (kw) (%) AVEC Old Harbor 310 1 KDEA Kodiak 29875 Mi mars 3 LBES Larsen Bay 220 15 220 16 TOTAL 30405 24 30405 23 WW PEAK LOAD BY UTILITY 5 Kodiak Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 AVEC Old Harbor o1 01 o1 01 KDEA Kodiak 10 nN 1 n 12 12 12 3.1% LBES Larsen Bay o1 O14 TOTAL 10 " nN WA 121 12.2 12.2 3.4% 3.2% FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION oF ELECTRICITY 6 Kodiak Utility Vicinity Fuel Units Fuel Consumption Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 AVEC Old Harbor Oil Gal. 33,516 38,155 37,254 38,304 42,966 46,578 56,616 91% 13.9% KDEA Kodiak Oil Gal. 4,119,402 4,296,222 4,534,110 4,451,454 4,472,706 4,611,012 4,488,792 1.4% 0.3% LBES LarsenBay Oil Gal. 32,000 33,000 TOTAL Oil Gal. 4,152,918 4,334,377 4,571,364 4,489,758 4,515,672 4,689,590 4,578,408 1.6% 0.7% HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1983 7 Kodiak Utility Vicinity Fuel HEAT RATE (BTU/KWH) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 AVEC Old Harbor Oil 21,033 17,464 15,107 15,811 14,359 12,817 13,848 KDEA Kodiak Oil 10,690 10,306 10,323 10,404 10,348 10,270 10,098 LBES Larsen Bay Oil 15,304 15,256 Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1983 8 Kodiak Residential Commercial/industrial Utility Place 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 KDEA Kodiak 1962 2211 2459 2517 2529 2611 2773 535 569 598 576 581 634 705 KDEA Port Lions 99 20 Utz Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1983 9 (Cents/KWH) Kodiak Residential Commercial/industrial Utility Place 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 KDEA Kodiak o1 10 13 15 9.3 17 17 75 8.3 1 14 15 15 15 KDEA Port Lions 50 43 Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1983 (MWH per customer/year) 10 Kodiak Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE ‘ 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 KDEA Kodiak 66 6.3 6 5.9 61 6.4 6.2 68.9 68.5 68 67.1 67.4 63.1 53.8 KDEA Port Lions 3.4 11.6 Status of Fuel Costs & Needs In Alaska 11 State Fuel Survey 8/15/83 Aviation Heating DHSS Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Fuel Oil $/gal Sigal Sigal $gal Sigal S/bottle Sigal Sigal Afognak Akhiok $1.43 Cape Chiniak Flats Ivanof-Perryville Karluk $1.79 Kodiak $1.18 Kodiak Coast Guard Larsen Bay $1.45 1.35 1.20 60.00 Mission Road Old Harbor $1.55 1.70 1.60 Ouzinkie $1.22 Port Lions $1.60 1.75 1.30 1.30 48.00 Woody Island 1S) LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS 12 Housing Numbers For Assistance HOUSING UNITS WEATHERIZED Total Before After Households Receiving Community Census Region Houses(#) Done 1980 1980 H&SS Energy Assistance Afognak 15 9 Akhiok 15 34 Cape Chiniak 15 Flats 15 2 Ivanof-Perryville 15 Karluk 1S 22 21 $13,225 Kodiak 15 1683 275 $115,675 Kodiak Coast Guard 15 Larsen Bay 15 59 24 $15,056 Mission Road 15 Old Harbor 15 98 81 $52,775 Ouzinkie 15 67 53 $33,537 Port Lions 15 71 40 $19,318 Woody Isiand 15 1 Alaska Power Authority Projects 13 In Alaskan Communities—1984 APA WASTE HEAT PROJECTS Community APA Projects In Place Ready a Afognak Akhiok Cape Chiniak Fiats Ivanof-Perryville Karluk Reconnaissance Study Kodiak Feasibility Study Kodiak Coast Guard Larsen Bay Feasibility Study Mission Road Old Harbor Feasibility Study Ouzinkie Monitoring x Port Lions Construction Woody Island 14 Grants To Communities — DCRA OCR&A Administered Grants 1974-85 DCRA Electrification Grants Community Project Year Cost Project Year Cost 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Afognak Akhiok Cape Chiniak Flats \vanof-Perryville Karluk Electrification 1985 $260,000 Kodiak $265,000 Kodiak Coast Guard Larsen Bay Electrification 1977 $20,000 Fuel Tank 1983 $60,000 $20,000 Mission Road Old Harbor Ouzinkie Electrification 1975 $10,000 Generator 1978 $18,755 $18,755 Port Lions Electrification 1982 $40,000 $40,000 Woody Island " TS 15 OCRA Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Grants Legislative Grants Administered By Dept. of Administration Grants To Communities — DCRA & DOA Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Afognak Akhiok $15,000 Cape Chiniak Flats Ivanof-Perryville Karluk $100,000 Kodiak $76,900 Kodiak Coast Guard Larsen Bay $80,000 $148,000 Mission Road Old Harbor Ouzinkie $100,000 $60,000 Port Lions Woody Island USEFUL ENERGY INFORMATION NOT UPDATED IN 1985 PLAN 17 WIND GENERATOR INVENTORY SIZE SITE (kw) MAKE STATUS Afognak 2.0 Aeropower SL2000 Working Kodi ak 1.5 Aeropower SL1500 Working Kodiak 10.0 Jacobs Working ENERGY BALANCE DATA FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES TOTAL Stupy FUEL ENERGY PLACE YEAR ___ OIL. GASOLINE PROPANE ___WOOD_BLAZO__USED/ YEAR. . Akhiok 1981 9,599 500 10,099 Karluk 1982 3,490 210 8 2,700 30 6,438 Larsen Bay 198) 16,758 3,375 20,133 Old Harbor 1981 15,902 2,125 18,027 Ouzinkie 1981 «8,330 2,500 10,830 19 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES STUDY PLACE YEAR RECOMMENDATIONS Akhiok 1981 Install a new 80/kw diesel generator. Further study of waste heat and energy conservation. Karluk 1982 Institute weatherization program to reduce fuel oi! conservation for space heat. Increase use of wood for home heating. Continue decentralized electric power system. Larsen Bay 1981 Install a central electric distribution system using Humpy Creek hydro plant. Old Harbor 1981 Further feasibility study of Ohiouzuh Creek hydro project. Further study of conservation measures. Ouzinkie 1981 Continued central diesel generation with waste heat recovery. More detailed investigation of energy conservation. POPULATION PROJECTIONS FROM APA 20 RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES, 1985-2000 e PLACE Akhiok Karluk Larsen Bay Old Harbor Ouzinkte stvor YEAR 9 82 79 79 79 POPULATION AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (3) 105 no 116 122 1.0 103 No 8 127 14 180 us 200 230 2.9 36S 380 400 420 0.9 25 262 264 272 a4 21 ELECTRICITY DEMAND PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES stuoy ELECTRICITY DEMAND (MMH, AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (% PLACE YEAR oa aps an ~__T385-2000 a Akhiok 79 263 - 290 Kar luk az 9 4 140 158 47 Larsen Bay 79 1,092 1,363 Ola Harbor 79 7 459 Ouzinkie 79 227 276 PEAK LOAD PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES (kw) stuoy PEAK LOAD (kw AVERAGE Al Hi ¢ PLACE YEAR eas re AO he AS tbo ‘Axniok 79 70 80 Karluk a2 56 14 a 1 3.3 Larsen Bay 79 25 320 Old Harbor 79 140 us Ouzinkte 79 tai 150 11¢ 16 VALDEZ-CORDOVA ae aueseamtoants semecemeoaies Gull of Alaska 1 Economic Parameters PARAMETER 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 INCOME, Total Personal Income ($000's) 145,554 112,357 77,689 84,851 101,251 113,550 Per Capital Personal Income 17,619 13,601 9,404 10,271 12,287 13,745 EMPLOYMENT Proprietors 512 580 641 666 673 Private Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries s 42e s 23° s Mining 57° 97° s s s Construction 5,441 1,gue 96 302 321 Manufacturing 305 30) 382 30! 560 Transportation and Public utilities us 27 584 627 665 Wholesale Trade age s 18 s lo* Retail Trade 396 420 329 291 263 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate F) 92 100 105 109 Services 923° 726 570 620 606 666 Subtotal Private 7,886 3,903 2,023 2,202 2,386 2,436 Government Federal Civilian 7 92 102 82 76 66 Federal Military 161 187 178 169 169 State and Loca’ 16 1,001 1,061 1,068 1,100 Subtotal Government: 1,184 1,280 1,341 1,293 1,335 Total Employment 9,552 5,763 4,000 4,177 4,5 4,444 S = Data for the year is suppressed * = Data for the year is partially suppressed 11g 2 Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1983 Valdez-Cordova Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1970-1983 1980-1983 Chistochina CTP 33 55 Chitina 38 42 Copper Center CVEA 206 213 Cordova CEC 1164 1879 2223 2244 2282 5.3 6.7 Eyak CEC 47 Gakona CVEA 88 87 Glennallen CVEA 363 511 Gulkana CVEA 53 104 Mentasta Lake VILLAGE 68 59 Paxson PL 30 Slana 49 Tatitlek 11 68 Tazlina CVEA 31 Tonsina CVEA 135 Tonsina, Lower CVEA 40 Valdez CVEA 1005 3079 3279 3698 3687 10.5 6.2 Whittier CEA 130 198 211 224 263 5.6 9.9 Other 1741 2473 3587 3334 3490 5.5 12.2 REGION TOTAL 5000 9100 9300 9500 9722 5.2 2.2 ENERGY USE AND COSTS 3 Annuai Net Generation of Electricity 1977-1982, (MWH) Valdez-Cordova Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Average Annual Change 1977-1983 1979-1983 (%) CEC Cordova 16494 16266 16869 17993 17434 1 CPU Cordova 13420 15194 cTP Chistochina 432 450 450 450 450 475 500 2 3 CVEA Glennallen/Vald 47388 43835, 41499 43981 45075 49391 50155 1 5 PL Paxson Lodge 769 780 737 740 740 750 750 0 0 Subtotal Utilities 62009 60259 59180 61437 63134 68609 68839 Industry 39420 54750 54750 54750 38670 35100 35100 2 aww REGION TOTAL 101429 115009 113930 116187 101804 103709 103939 0 2 CAPACITY AND LOAD FACTOR FOR 1982 AND 1983 4 Valdez-Cordova Utility Vicinity 1982 1982 1983 1983 Capacity Load Capacity Load Factor Factor (kw) (%) (kw) (%) CEC Cordova 8450 24 8450 23 CTP Chistochina 535 10 535 abl CVEA Glennallen 7642 20 7642 7 CVEA Valdez 22104 19 22004 20 Pu Paxson Lodge 375 23 375 23 TOTAL 39106 20 39006 20 119 5 PEAK LOAD BY UTILITY Valdez-Cordova Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 CEC Cordova 3.5 3.8 3.6 3.8 45 5.8% CPU Cordova 28 29 cTP Chistochina 0.2 0.2 0.2 : CVEA Glennalien 91 8.8 77 8.5 3.6 3.5 oo 14.7% -25.6% CVEA Valdez 47 5.4 PL Paxson Lodge 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.0% 0.0% TOTAL 12.2 12.0 11.5 126 12.4 13.2 145 2.9% 48% 6 FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Valdez-Cordova Utility Vicinity Fuel Units Fuel Consumption Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 CEC Cordova Oil Gal. 1,305,864 1,265,544 1,541,358 1,422,750 1,350,678 2.2% CPU Cordova Oil Gal. 605,052 = 1,217,958 CTP Chistochina Oil Gal. 37,601 45,000 39,130 39,130 39,130 41,200 50,000 8.5% CVEA_ Glennallen Oil Gal. 1,556,814 1,504,472 — 1,363,000 1,455,594 = 1,481,004 953,778 884,562 + 15.3% CVEA Valdez Oil Gal. 2,187,696 1,831,555 1,717,000 1,912,848 1,997,184 251,748 288,498 -28.7% -46.8% PL Paxson Lodge Oil Gal. 67,002 78,000 54,194 64,477 64,500 65,900 65,900 0.3% 0.7% TOTAL Oil Gal. 4,454,165 4,676,985 4,479,188 4,737,593 5,123,176 2,735,376 2,639,638 8.4% 17.7% HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1983 7 Vaidez-Cordova Utility Vicinity Fuel HEAT RATE (BTU/KWH) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 CEC Cordova Oil 10,980 10,791 12,672 10,967 10,745 CPU Cordova Oil 14,117 cTP Chistochina Oil 12,071 13,869 12,060 12,060 12,060 12,030 13,869 CVEA Glennallen Oil 10,089. 10,222 10,206 10,374 10,829 9,835 10,841 CVEA Valdez Oil 11,675 10,845 10,364 10,819 10,610 11,604 PLI Paxson Lodge Oil 12,084 13,869 10,198 12,084 12,089 12,186 12,186 8 Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1983 Vaidez-Cordova Residential Commercial/industrial Utility Place 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 CEC Cordova 682 697 716 716 825 891 247 243 256 256 310 323 CVEA Glennalien 651 666 629 642 652 656 688 203 194 218 227 223 235 245 CVEA Valdez 1040 892 959 1066 1160 1197 1127 222 229 227 229 240 259 285 Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1983 (Cents/KWH) Valdez-Cordova Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 CEC Cordova 15 7 7 23 23 "1 14 14 19 20 CVEA Glennailen 11 12 14 18 22 19 18 9.8 12 13 16 18 14 14 CVEA Valdez 9.4 " 13 16 7 14 13 77 9.3 1 14 16 12 12 10 Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1983 (MWH per customeriyear) Vaidez-Cordova Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 CEC Cordova 61. 5.9 5.9 5.7 5.4 41.9 39.9 39.9 36 33.9 CVEA Glennallen 51 46 47 45 44 48 48 75.3 70.8 55.2 55.5 55.4 55.4 56.1 CVEA Valdez 7.3 7.2 6.7 6.5 6.6 iv 7.4 69.1 62.1 62.4 60.2 62.6 62 65 11 Status of Fuel Costs & Needs In Alaska State Fuel Survey 8/15/83 Aviation Heating DHSS Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo ~ Community Fuel Oil S/gal Sigal Sigal $gal Sigal $/bottle Sigal Sigal Chistochina Chitina $1.50 Copper Center $1.12 Cordova $1.24 1.48 2.22 1.33 1.27 Eyak Gakona Glennallen $1.12 Gulkana Mentasta Mentasta Lake $1.20 New Chenaga Paxson Slana $1.10 Tatitlek $1.12 Tazlina Tonsina Tonsina, Lower Valdez $1.14 1.35 1.78 1.09 1.35 Whittier 121 LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS 12 Housing Numbers For Assistance HOUSING UNITS WEATHERIZED Total Before After Households Receiving Community Census Region Houses(#) Done 1980 1980 H&SS Energy Assistance Chistochina 16 31 14 x x Chitina 16 25 5 x x 261 $8,543 Copper Center 6 129 52 x x 97 $52,327 Cordova 16 731 9 x 250 $57,138 Eyak 16 16 Gakona 16 39 3 x x 70 $37,083 Glennallen 16 237 24 x x 39 $21,506 Gulkana 16 52 19 x x Mentasta 16 Mentasta Lake 16 21 21 x New Chenaga 16 Paxson 16 13 Slana 16 30 1 x Tatitiek 16 30 8 x 36 $22,363 Tazlina 16 30 1 x Tonsina 16 7 9 x Tonsina, Lower 16 Valdez 16 1145 4 x 73 $30,580 Whittier 16 282 1 3 Alaska Power Authority Projects In Alaskan Communities—1984 APA WASTE HEAT PROJECTS Community APA Projects In Place Ready Other Chistochina Chitina Copper Center Cordova Feasibility Study Eyak Gakona Glennailen Gulkana Mentasta Mentasta Lake New Chenaga Reconnaissance Study Paxson Slana Tatitlek Taziina Tonsina Tonsina, Lower Valdez Hydro Project Whittier 12 ‘“ 14 Grants To Communities — DCRA Community DCR&A Administered Grants 1974-85 Project Year Cost Project Year Cost 1977 DCRA Electrification Grants 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Chistochina Chitina Copper Center Cordova Eyak Gakona Glennallen Gulkana Mentasta Mentasta Lake New Chenaga Paxson Slana Tatitlek Tazlina Tonsina Tonsina, Lower Vaidez Whittier Generator Geothermal Bulk Fuel Electrification Bulk Fuel 1975 1985 $100,000 1983 1974-75 1978-80 $45,000 $15,000 $4,500 Electrification 1984 $41,500 Generator 1984 $38,000 $54,000 $38,000 15 Grants To Communities — OCRA & DOA Community DCRA Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Grants 1981 1982 1983 1984 Legislative Grants Administered By Dept. of Administration 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Chistochina Chitina Copper Center Cordova Eyak Gakona Glennallen Gulkana Mentasta Mentasta Lake New Chenaga Paxson Slana Tatitlek Tazlina Tonsina Tonsina, Lower Valdez Whittier $60,000 $60,000 $80,000 $150,000 123 16 17 18 19 20 USEFUL ENERGY INFORMATION NOT UPDATED IN 1985 PLAN POWER COST ASSISTANCE, FY81-FY83 Current (10/83) FY 1981 Fy 1982 FY 1983 ae Ly OR PUK | ar eK PCR Lou mx PK UTILITY PLACE Sold {$)__(g/kwn)}__ Sola ($)___{¢/kwn)|__ Sota ($)__(¢ wn} CVEA Copper Valley 5,495,349 138,284 2.5 8,888,460 364,367 4.1 CEC Cordova 3,024,525 97,896 3.2 5,275,297 236,409 4.5 © 5,690,788 = 247,759 4.4.93 Tatities 86,265 = _1,570 1.8 1.10 TOTAL 8,519,874 236,178 += 2.8 14,163,757 600,776 4.2 5,777,053 249,329 4.3 WIND GENERATOR INVENTORY SIZE SITE (kw) MAKE STATUS Cordova 1.5 Aeropower SL1500 Unknown Gakona 1.0 Aeropower SL1000 Unknown Slana 2.0 Aeropower SL2000 Unknown ENERGY BALANCE DATA FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES TOTAL sTuor FUEL ENERGY PLACE YEAR__ ot caso ne PROPANE WOOD USEO/YEAR TOs BTUs New Chenaga 1982 10,160 1,800 2,070 14,110 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES STUDY PLACE YEAR RECOMMENDATIONS New Chenega 1982 Commitment to energy conservation for new structure. Diesel generators with waste heat. More detailed analysis of San Juan hydro potential. Study of wind potential. POPULATION PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES, 1985-2000 stuor POPULATION AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (1: PLACE YEAR T5135 1595 2000 ee New Chenaga 82 79 n 106 122 2.9 12: ELECTRICITY DEMAND PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES s stuoy ELECTRICITY DEMAND (MWH AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (%. PLACE YEAR a oe ERA ee Cordova 22,400 = 29,600 41,500 $3,900 6 New Chenaga 82 240 260 320 340 2.3 22 PEAK LOAD PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES (kw) stuoy PEAK LOAD (kw AVERAGE ANNUAL CHAN( PLACE YEAR Tas —— 96 hs} $a AS SUSU a sets Cordova 4,900 6,650 9,200 12,250 6.3 New Chenaga 82 as 4 107 ns 2.0 N25 17 SKAGWAY-YAKUTAT-ANGOON Prt 7 SKAGWAY-YAKUTAT-ANGOOM a 1 HOONAH 2 PELICAN 2 TENAKEE SPRINGS J 7 4 ANGOON . SKAGWAY-YAKUTAT- ANGOON . COMMUNITY PROFILE 1 Economic Parameters PARAMETER 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 INCOME Total Personal Income ($000's) 21,390 22,682 24,048 26,503 30,165 3,271 Per Capital Personal Income 6,157 12,711 6,355 7,232 7,595 9,584 EMPLOYMENT Proprietors an 216 259 282 293 296 Private Agriculture, Forestry, Fishertes a” s s s s s Mining s s s s Construction 51 a3 12 s $ s Manufacturing 203° 262 243 354 366 260 Transportation and Public utilities 83 82 100 M5 120 122 Wholesale Trade s s s s s s Retail Trade 1og* 128° ie var 125 128 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 138 s lee 14s 19° “a Services 67 93° 1oz* 12ae 138° 139° Subtotal Private 798 646 634 780 820 m Government Federal Civilian sse eae 6s 78° eae 68 Federal Military 57° 28° 30° 29° 28° 30° State and Local 250 279 294 286 294 34 Subtotal Government 375 384 408 407 402 420 Total Employment 1,384 1,246 1,297 1,469 1,515 1,487 S = Data for the year fs suppressed * = Data for the year 1s partially suppressed 126 Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1983 Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1970-1983 1980-1983 Angoon THREA 400 465 445 562 512 1.9 3.3 Elfin Cove PRIVATE 49 28 Gustavus PRIVATE 64 98 Hoonah THREA 748 680 799 864 865 Ww 8.4 Klukwan KEU 103 135 Pelican PUC 133 180 172 185 213 3.7 5.8 Skagway AP&T 675 768 819 790 782 Ww 0.6 Tenakee Springs TSU 138 132 141 144 1.4 Yakutat YPI 190 449 430 462 469 7.2 15 Other 438 459 703 596 726 4.0 16.5 REGION TOTAL 2800 3400 Ps 3500 3600 3711 2.2 3.0 ENERGY USE AND COSTS 3 Annual Net Generation of Electricity 1977-1982, (MWH) Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Average Annual Change 1977-1983 1979-1983 (%) AP&T Skagway 5857 5986 5969 5677 2825 5975 4820 3 5 KEU Klukwan 250 250 250 250 300 300 5 Puc Pelican 2291 2551 2653 2416 2711 2693 2655 2 0 THREA Angoon 654 680 950 1050 1023 1125 1163 10 5 THREA Hoonah 2562 2400 2627 2575 2268 2345 2426 A 2 TSU Tenakee Springs 200 200 200 200 182 200 200 oO 0 YPI Yakutat 4499 4525 4086 3961 3915 4407 4636 1 3 REGION TOTAL 16063 16592 16735, 16129 13174 17045 16200 0 4 4 CAPACITY AND LOAD FACTOR FOR 1982 AND 1983 Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Utility Vicinity 1982 1982 1983 1983 Capacity Load Capacity Load Factor Factor (kw) (%) (kw) (%) AP&T Skagway 4095 17 3795 14 KEU Klukwan 685 5 685 § PUC Pelican 1100 28 500 61 THREA Angoon 950 14 900 15 THREA Hoonah 1700 16 1200 23 TSU Tenakee Springs 180 13 300 8 YPI Yakutat 2025 25 2025 26 TOTAL 10735 18 9405 19 5 PEAK LOAD BY UTILITY Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 AP&T Skagway 1.2 1.3 11 KEU Klukwan 01 01 01 PUC Pelican 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 tA 1.8 0.4 8.9% 17.0% THREA Angoon 03 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.0% THREA Hoonah 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.0% TSU Tenakee Springs 01 0.1 YPI Yakutat 1 0.9 0.9 09 0.8 0.9 0.9 A7% 0.0% TOTAL 1.7 1.6 1.6 25 47 51 3.5 12.8% 11.9% FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Utility Vicinity Fuel Units Fuel Consumption Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 AP&T Skagway Oil Gal. 362,880 373,044 376,068 342,342 270,522 307,566 207,396 8.9% 15.4% KEU Klukwan Oil Gal. 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 26,400 26,400 6.3% PUG Pelican Oil Gal. 79,464 89,712 78,960 126,672 50,904 97,566 226,052 19.0% 21.3% THREA Angoon Oil Gal. 64,972 67,526 74,299 74,299 86,000 107,000 110,000 9.2% 14.0% THREA Hoonah Oil Gal. 222,996 208,899 180,066 210,000 2,055,000 221,000 228,000 0.4% 2.8% THREA Klukwan Oil Gal. 33,000 TSU Tenakee Springs Oil Gal. 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 25,516 28,600 28,600 6.1% 12.7% YPI Yakutat Oil Gal. 364,434 356,916 362,544 329,154 311,892 358,008 385,266 0.9% 5.4% TOTAL Oil Gal. 1,147,746 1,138,097 1,113,937 1,124,467 2,821,834 1,146,140 1,211,714 0.9% 2.5% 7 HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1983 Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Utility Vicinity Fuel HEAT RATE (BTU/KWH) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 AP&T Skagway Oil 12,130 11,536 11,803 11,930 12,897 11,554 12,727 KEU Klukwan Oil 12,205 12,205 12,205 12,205 12,205 12,205 PUC Pelican Oil 26,492 12,234 17,494 16,297 14,556 11,996 11,808 THREA Angoon Oil 13,778 13,772 10,847 9,814 11,659 13,191 13,118 THREA - Hoonah Oil 12,072 12,072 9,506 11,311 125,665 13,087 13,034 TSU Tenakee Springs Oil 13,869 13,869 YPI Yakutat Oil 11,234 10,939 12,306 11,525 11,049 11,267 11,526 8 Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1983 Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon * Residential Commercial/Industrial Utility Place 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 983 AP&T Hydaburg 125 123 110 110 144 1 13 AP&T Skagway 260 365 305 329 294 157 1 83 94 70 Puc Pelican 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 YPI Yakutat 167 169 169 184 203 212 223 18 17 7 16 45 48 46 9 Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1983 (Cents/KWH) Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Residential Commercial/Industrial Utility Place 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 AP&T Skagway 19 8.8 13 14 13 " 1 12 Puc Pelican 7.3 7.2 7.4 13 6.4 6.3 6.4 6.2 8.8 10 THREA Angoon 37 40 THREA Hoonah 3 37 YP Yakutat 9.8 8.7 33 15 18 20 20 8.5 8.6 14 15 17 17 1 Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1983 (MWH per customer/year) Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 AP&T Skagway ied 14.3 5.9 5.5 75 18.2 33.1 29.6 21.4 PUC Pelican 28 3.3 8.2 78 9.6 99 42.8 91.6 101.9 90.7 85.4 109.9 112.7 YP Yakutat 6.9 Te Ce 7.2 6.6 66 6.7 162.8 164.1 164.1 136.6 48.9 $4.4 58.4 12: 11 Status of Fuel Costs & Needs In Alaska State Fuel Survey 8/15/83 Aviation Heating DHSS Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Fuel Oil Sigal Sigal Sigal $gal Sigal $S/bottle Sigal Sigal Angoon Ecursion Inlet Elfin Cove $1.32 Game Creek Goat Creek Granite Creek Gustavus $1.32 Hoonah Klukwan Loring Pelican Skagway $1.22 Tenakee Springs $1.43 1.45 151.00 143.00 60.00 Yakutat $1.35 LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS 12 Housing Numbers For Assistance HOUSING UNITS WEATHERIZED Total Before After Households Receiving Community Census Region Houses(# Done 1980 1980 H&SS Energy Assistance Angoon 7 132 51 x x coureron Inlet 7 1 in Cove 7 25 3 x Game Creek 7 27 22 x 3 oe Goat Creek 7 1 x Granite Creek 7 Gustavus 17 75 14 me Hoonah 7 183 56 x x Klukwan 17 64 26 x x Loring 7 2 Pelican 7 81 7 x 15 $7,019 Skagway 7 352 12 x x 100 $44,619 Tenakee Springs 17 105 23 x x 1 $4,493 Yakutat 7 120 30 x 13 Alaska Power Authority Projects In Alaskan Communities—1984 APA WASTE HEAT PROJECTS Community APA Projects In Place Ready Other Angoon Reconnaissance Study x Ecursion Inlet Elfin Cove Reconnaissance Study Game Creek Goat Creek Granite Creek Gustavus Reconnaissance Study Hoonah Feasibility Study Klukwan Loring Pelican Feasibility Study Skagway 129 Tenakee Springs Yakutat Grant Reconnaissance Study 14 Grants To Communities — DCRA Community DCR&A Administered Grants 1974-85 Project Year Cost Project Year Cost 1977 OCRA Electrification Grants 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Angoon Ecursion Inlet Elfin Cove Game Creek Goat Creek Granite Creek Gustavus Hoonah Klukwan Loring Pelican Skagway Tenakee Springs Yakutat Electrification 1975 $5,200 = Electrification 1975 1974 $19,590 $19,225 Electrification Electrification Electrification 1976 1975 $9,200 $19,000 15 Grants To Communities — DCRA & DOA DCRA Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Grants Legislative Grants Administered By Dept. of Administration Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Angoon Ecursion Inlet Etfin Cove Game Creek Goat Creek Granite Creek Gustavus Hoonah $50,000 Klukwan Loring Pelican Skagway $2,900 Tenakee Springs Yakutat USEFUL ENERGY INFORMATION NOT UPDATED"IN 1985 PLAN 16 POWER COST ASSISTANCE, FY81-FY83 | | Current 10/83) uel O11 FY \g01 Fr ige2 Fr 1983 vrei ree UTILITY PLACE Sold (£/iwn 1 Sora (3) (aren on) Sold ($)___(¢/ewn) Puc Pelican 393,132 20,501 5.2 1,228,262 44,753 3.6 1.02 THEA Tiingtts | Vee3ted00 292,166 12.7 3,517,173 642,062 18.0 4,488,379 896,517 20.0 ver vanueat 590, 361 26,655 4.5 1,478,473 $2,762 3.6 1.08 TOTAL 1,831,400 232,166 12.7 4,300,666 690,018 16.0 7,195,114 994,032 13.8 17 WIND GENERATOR INVENTORY SIZE SITE (kw) MAKE STATUS Skagway 10.0 Jacobs Working 13 4 131 ENERGY BALANCE DATA FROM APA 18 RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES 5 TOTAL sTupy FUEL AVIATION ENERGY PLACE YEAR__ OIL GASOLINE PROPANE ___ WOOD FUEL ___BLAZO__USED/YEAR TOS BUTS Gustavus 1982 9,400 2,500 200 5,000 17,100 Yakutat 1982 127,500 23,400 8,500 27,700 187,100 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS FROM 19 APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES STUDY PLACE YEAR RECOMMENDATIONS Gustavus 1982 Falls Creek hydro project may be attractive. Yakutat 1982 Install a water jacket waste heat recovery system. POPULATION PROJECTIONS FROM APA 20 RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES, 1985-2000 sTuoy POPULATION AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (3. PLACE YEAR A Ek Yakutat a S2t 603 650 700 2.0 ELECTRICITY DEMAND PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES stuoy ELECTRICITY DEMAND (MWH) AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE a PLACE YEAR THES T3590 1355 2000, T385-Z000. Gustavus 82 288 301 34 328 0.9 Yakutat 82 3,827 4,436 4,849 5,226 2.1 PEAK LOAD PROJECTIONS FROM APA RECONNAISSANCE STUDIES (kw) TEAR Tass} — 20900 AEA gC PLACE YEAR or Gustavus 82 N6 122 128 134 1.0 Yakutat 82 o2 1,087 1,155 1,245 2.1 18 HAINES" ~ » ee calli 1 Economic Parameters PARAMETER 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 iget INCOME. Total Personal Income ($000's) 13,430 13,016 13,389 15,020 17,290 20,320 Per Capital Personal incom 7,013 7,472 8,017 8.919 10,261 10,872 EMPLOYMENT Proprietors 126 132 m2 wa 136 37 Private s s Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries s s Mining s . Construction s s s s s 16 Manufacturing 68 ” 30 so ” 87 Transportation and Public Utilities 9 chy 7 chy 4 182 Wholesale Trade s s s Retail Trade 80 a 102 109 m4 l2e Finance, Insurance, Real Estate “4 ir 10 16 16 16 Services 48 “4 43 42 s $2 Subtotal Private ag 262 250 295 406 4g Government: Federal Civilian 3 is 3 nN s s Federal Military uu 9 18 8 W 18 State and Li mus 126 mM 160 155 187 Subtotal Government 192 160 165 189 te 183 Total Employment 637 se $27 6s 723 768 S = Data for the year ts suppressed 2 Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1983 Haines Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1970-1983 1980-1983 Haines HL&P 463 993 1017 1078 1124 74 4.2 Other 937 707 783 822 791 13 3.8 REGION TOTAL 1400 1700 1800 1900 1915 24 aT AO. 13% ENERGY USE AND COSTS 3 Annual Net Generation of Electricity 1977-1982, (MWH) Haines Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Average Annual Change 1977-1983 1979-1983 (%) HL&P Haines 6579 6753 6292 7040 6994 8320 7855 3 6 4 CAPACITY AND LOAD FACTOR FOR 1982 AND 1983 : Haines Utility Vicinity 1982 1982 1983 1983 Capacity Load Capacity Load Factor Factor (kw) (%) (kw) (%) HL&P Haines 4120 23 4120 22 5 PEAK LOAD BY UTILITY Haines Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 HL&P “Haines 2 2 2 2 2 18 15 4.7% 91% 6 FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Haines Utility Vicinity Fuel Units Fuel Consumption Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 HL&P Haines Oil Gal. 606,564 581,700 575,148 591,654 522,648 664,062 665,868 1.6% 4.0% 7 HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1983 Haines Utility Vicinity Fuel HEAT RATE (BTU/KWH) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 HL&P Haines Oil 12,787 11,947 12,678 11,656 10,364 11,070 11,757 8 Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1983 Haines Residential Commercial/industrial Utility Place 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 HL&P Haines 579 408 419 432 435, 483 473 2 150 147 148 150 161 170 dan 9 Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1983 (Cents/KWH) Haines Utility Place Residential Commercial/Industrial 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 HL&P Haines 8.3 8.7 12 14 15 14 18 7.4 7.2 10 12 13 13 16 10 Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1983 (MWH per customer/year) Haines Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 HL&P Haines 9.6 63 6.2 5.7 5.5 5.3 5.6 519 23.5 23.8 26.4 25.1 30.3 26.3 11 Status of Fuel Costs & Needs In Alaska State Fuel Survey 8/15/83 Aviation Heating DHSS Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Fuel Oil $/gal Sigal Sigal $gal Sigal S/bottle Sigal $/gal $1.13 Port Chilkoot . LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS 1 2 Housing Numbers For Assistance HOUSING UNITS WEATHERIZED Total Before After Households Receiving Community Census Region Houses(#) Done 1980 1980 H&SS Energy Assistance Haines 18 399 42 x x 94 $38,296 Malaspina 18 Peninsula 18 Port Alice 18 Port Chilkoot 18 4 1881 13 Alaska Power Authority Projects In Alaskan Communities—1984 APA WASTE HEAT PROJECTS Community APA Projects In Place Ready Other Port Alice Port Chilkoot Reconnaissance Study 13. 14 Grants To Communities — OCRA DCR&A Administered Grants 1974-85 OCRA Electrification Grants Community Project Year Cost Project Year Cost 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Haines 15 Grants To Communities — DCRA & DOA DCRA Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Grants Legislative Grants Administered By Dept. of Administration Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Haines $115,900 USEFUL ENERGY INFORMATION NOT UPDATED IN 1985 PLAN 16 POWER COST ASSISTANCE, FY81-FY83 UTILITY PLACE ne Maines 1,809,454 37,703 2.1 2,889,786 84,729 2.9 3,342,214 84,094 «2.5 1.00 17 WIND GENERATOR INVENTORY SIZE SITE (kw) MAKE STATUS Haines 1.0 Ounlite * Unknown Haines 7.0 Electro Unknown 135 19 JUNEAU COMMUNITY PROFILE 1 Economic Parameters PARAMETER 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 INCOME Total Personal Income ($000's) 213,193 233,316 257,277 270,526 305, 924 Per Capital Personal Income 11,449 12,188 13,243 13,618 15,619 SxeLOWmENT Proprietors 700 882 907 1,011 1,054 1,06 Private Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries 2 n s 12 v7 u Mining 5 n 20 13 1" Construct ion 405 372 ae 34 368 a Manufacturing 156 j08 94 96 3 8 Transportation*and Public Utilities 640 582 ns 764 788 20 le Trade 133 138 121 tat 14g 19 1,195 1,235 1,286 1,373 1a 1,43; Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 48 496 513 517 aa 56 Services 1,333 1,428 1,517 1,518 1,874 1 ,6a¢ Subtotal Private 4,375 4,370 4,680 45751 4,851 Sins Governaent Federal Civilian 1,108 ine 1,237 1,153 1,187 1,132 Federal Military 456 S01 436 467 457 534 State and Local 4,218 4,417 4,708 4,738 4,717 4,948 Subtotal Government 5,775 6,032 6,429 6,358 6,361 6.614 Total Employment 10,850 11,284 12,016 12,120 12,266 12,798 S = Data for the year 1s suppressed Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1983 Juneau Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1980 1981 1982 1983 1970-1983 1980-1983 Juneau AEL&P, APA-S, GHEA 19800 21100 22000 25964 5.0 9.5 is 3 ENERGY USE AND COSTS Annual Net Generation of Electricity 1977-1982, (MWH) Juneau i 1982 1983 Average Annual Change Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1977-1983 1979-1983 (%) 50962 51435 48521 61554 6 4 AEL&P Juneau 43052 51106 51789 44 14 18 APAS Juneau 76340 77209 87590 near br vas 6 -35 0 264 93 15 1695 GHEA Juneau 34 13 REGION TOTAL 119426 128315 139652 151282 175752 211170 231346 12 4 CAPACITY AND LOAD FACTOR FOR 1982 AND 1983 Juneau ili Vicinit 1982 1982 1983 1983 Utility y Capacity Load Capacity Load Factor Factor (kw) (%) (kw) (%) AEL&P JUNEAU 41122 13 61122 n APA-S JUNEAU 47160 39 47160 41 GHEA JUNEAU 2500 8 5575 01 TOTAL 90782 26 113857 23 B) PEAK LOAD BY UTILITY Juneau Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 . 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 AEL&P JUNEAU 23 23 24 32 39 42 46 12.2% 12.9% APA-S. JUNEAU 30 37 42 GHEA JUNEAU 1.9 1.8 24 27 3.3 3.4 41 13.7% 14.9% TOTAL 24.9 24.8 26.1 34.7 72.3 82.4 9241 24.4% 38.5% 6 FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Juneau Utility Vicinity Fuel = Units. Fuel Consumption Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 AEL&P JUNEAU Oil Gal. 166,656 471,240 268,254 107,730 329,363 987,516 1,170,120 38.4% 121.%F GHEA JUNEAU Oil Gal. 2,552 57,498 19,610 6,993 1,177 123,258 9,569 24.6% 11.0% TOTAL Oil Gal. 169,208 528,738 287,864 114,723 330,540 1,110,774 1,179,689 38.2% 117.5% 7 HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1983 Juneau Utility Vicinity Fuel HEAT RATE (BTU/KWH) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 AEL&P JUNEAU Oil 10,227 10,052 11,605 11,414 10,763 12,316 11,352 GHEA JUNEAU Oil 10,410 10,302 10,429 10,883 10,085 27,648 8 Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1983 Juneau Residential Commercial/Industrial Utility Place 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 AEL&P Juneau 5682 6099 6407 6670 7021 7487 7822 920 976 1027 1055 1002 1072 1122 GHEA Auke Bay 710 769 790 820 880 971 1054 59 66 76 50 58 53 52 137 9 Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1983 (Cents/KWH) Juneau Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 AEL&P Juneau 46 47 47 46 47 5.5 5.6 51 5.3 5.2 5.2 5.4 6.3 6.3 GHEA Auke Bay 8.2 8.2 9.4 9.2 8.9 98 nN 5.3 5.4 6.3 6.7 6.6 78 8.2 410 Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1983 (MWH per customer/year) Juneau Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY — PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 AEL&P Juneau 68 6.9 7.2 7.8 9.2 11.2 12 32.1 32.2 33.7 34.6 38.7 43.8 48.2 GHEA Auke Bay 6 6.4 6.8 78 9 10.8 17 33.1 31.2 32.7 26.4 274 34.7 36.6 +1 Status of Fuel Costs & Needs In Alaska State Fuel Survey 8/15/83 Aviation Heating ; DHSS Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Fuel Oil S/gal Sigal Sigal $gal Sigal S/bottle Sigal Sigal Auke Bay $1.21 Brotherhood Bridge Douglas Fritz Cove Juneau $1.21 Lemon Creek Lower Mendenhall Lynn Canal North Douglas Salmon Creek Sheep Creek Switzer Creek Upper Mendenhall LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS 1 2 Housing Numbers For Assistance HOUSING UNITS WEATHERIZED . ‘ + Total Before After Households Receiving Community Census Region Houses(# Done 1980 1980 H&SS Energy Assistance Auke Bay 19 27 $11,006 oe Bridge 19 glas 19 25 $8,958 Fritz Cove 19 Juneau 19 7663 108 x x 382 $139,845 13 Alaska Power Authority Projects In Alaskan Communities—1984 APA WASTE HEAT PROJECTS Community APA Projects In Place Ready Other Juneau Reconnaissance Study 13€ 1 Economic Parameters COMMUNITY PROFILE | PARAMETER 1976 1977 1978 1979 1960 1981 ' 4 INCOME Total Personal Income ($000's) 64,378 1,326 79,689 88, 182 94,084 99, 54 Per Capital Personal Income 8,897 9,425 10,109 11,524 12,007 12,43: EMPLOYMENT 36 328 387 397 4s 420 Private « Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries 8 “4 s 16 s 38 Mining Construction 1% 4 135 203 239 208 Manufacturing 1,045 1,022 909 962 829 727 Transportation and Public Utilities 238 238 254 262 259 265 Wholesale Trade 19 20 28 28 34 28 Retail Trade 275 328 337 382 407 455 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate M5 281 s 514 s 287 eServices 534 $06 609 647 646 634 Subtotal Private 2,338 2,503 2,705 3,016 2,814 2,639 Government i Federal Civilian 455 500 $58 613 602 612 Federal Military 251 282 286 284 284 280 State and Local 573 $32 563 563° $37 575 jbtotal Government 1,279 1,314 1,407 1,465 1,443 1,467 Total Employment 3,933 4,142 4,469 4,876 4,672 4,526 S = Data for the year is suppressed Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1983 Sitka Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1970-1983 1980-1983 Sitka SED 3370 7803 8223 8194 7A 1.6 Other 2830 8000 REGION TOTAL 6200 7803 8000 8223 8194 2.2 1.6 14( ENERGY USE AND COSTS 3 Annual Net Generation of Electricity 1977-1982, (MWH) Sitka Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Average Annual Change 1977-1983 1979-1983 (%) SED Sitka Area 42153 42124 49620 50733 54158 82849 94098 14 7 Industry 139549 160000 175231 179036 179036 179036 179036 4 1 REGION TOTAL 181702 202124 224851 229769 233194 261885 273134 7 5 4 CAPACITY AND LOAD FACTOR FOR 1982 AND 1983 Sitka Utility Vicinity 1982 1982 1983 1983 Capacity Load Capacity Load Factor Factor (kw) (%) (kw) (%) SED Sitka 32640 29 32640 33 5 PEAK LOAD BY UTILITY Sitka Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) Average Annvai Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 "3980-1983 SED Sitka 7.6 8.9 9.8 n 12 7 19 16.5% 20.0% 6 FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Sitka Utility Vicinity Fuel Units Fuel Consumption Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 SED Sitka Oil Gal. 39144 475159 570574 623868 872382 254394 9978 -20.4% -74.8% 7 HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1983 Sitka Utility Vicinity Fuel HEAT RATE (BTU/KWH) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 SED Sitka Oil 10,990 10,669 10,766 12,163 12,675 10,947 11,532 8 Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1983 Sitka Residential Commercial/Industrial Utility Place 1977 1978 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 SED Sitka 1941 2064 2232 2368 2515 2513 256 372 +285 333 326 354 380 141 9 Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1983 (Cents/KWH) Sitka Residential Commercial/industrial Utility Place 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 SED Sitka 4 46 5 6 7.2 7.2 7.2 24 46 5.2 7 8 71 8.1 10 Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1983 (MWH per customer/year) Sitka Residential Commerciai/industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 SED Sitka 8.6 8.4 8.5 89 8.9 9.5 9.7 78.3 60.7 69.2 56.9 59.6 60.2 56.2 11 Status of Fuel Costs & Needs In Alaska State Fuel Survey 8/15/83 Aviation Heating DHSS Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Fuel Oil $/gal Sigal Sigal $gal Sigal Sigal Sigal Favorite Bay “Jamestown Bay Mount Edgecumbe $1.01 Sitka $1.01 1.48 2.00 1.23 1.24 LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS 12 Housing Numbers For Assistance HOUSING UNITS WEATHERIZED Total Before After Households Receiving Community Census Region Houses(#) Done . 1980 1980 H&SS Energy Assistance Favorite Bay 20 Jamestown Bay a Mount Edgecumbe Sitka 7 20 2685 65 x x 800 $54,382 1 Alaska Power Authority Projects In Alaskan Communities—1984 APA WASTE HEAT PROJECTS Community APA Projects In Place Ready Other Favorite Bay Feasibility Study Jamestown Bay Mount Edgecumbe Sitka Reconnaissance Study 14e 21 WRANGELL-PETERSBURG ~ NAN way”) WRANGELL- An, PETERSBURG > As RANGEL. - ? = A = 1 || KUPREANOF Vinee em 2 PETERSBURG = SPORT ALEXANDER NS 1 Economic Parameters PARAMETER 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 INCOME Total Personal Incane ($000's) 42,837 45,002 49,789 53,773 66,655 73,213 ; Per Capital Personal Income 6,652 7215 7,882 8,749 10,821 1,520, EMPLOYMENT ~ Proprietors 405 376 405 464 436 491 Private Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries N6 83 70 78 59 82 Mining s 10 s 10 s s Construction 146 122 ne 13 161 205 Manufacturing 562 696 723 7a 1,408 1,338 ation and Public Utilities 233 we 208 ae 165 135 s 266 300 297 305 33 31 urance, Real Estate 2 2 26 25 3 5 137 161 208 206 200 208 Subtotal Private 1,510 1,624 1,657 1,701 2,348 2,317 Government Federal Civilian 6 19 188 202 222 256 Feaeral Military 130 68 68 64 63 67 State and Local 47 423 447 450 45) 484 Subtotal Government 663 640 703 76 16 $07 Total Employment 2,578 2,640 2,765 2,881 3,570 3.615 S = Data for the year 1s suppressed 2 Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1983 Wrangell-Petersburg Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1970-1983 1980-1983 Kake T-HREA 448 555 583 631 674 3.2 6.7 Kupreanof PRIVATE 47 49 54 50 21 Petersburg PMP&L 2042 2821 3001 3040 3046 3.1 2.6 Port Alexander 36 86 90 98 101 8.3 5.5 Wrangell WML&P 2029 2184 2345 2376 2468 1.5 4.2 Other 445 607 932 501 530 1.4 4.4 REGION TOTAL 5000 6300 ° 7000 6700 6869 25 29 1é 3 ENERGY USE AND COSTS Wrangell-Petersburg Annual Net Generation of Electricity 1977-1982, (MWH) Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 nes Annual pauenges (%) Petersbur, 19343 19067 20488 20471 20082 21314 21958 2 2 PHREA kake , 2200 1690 1921 1940 1870 1956 2092 of 3 WML&P Wrangell 11877 13129 13053 12398 12422 12896 12100 0 “ Subtotal Utilities 33420 33886 35462 34809 34374 36166 36150 1 0 Industry 10000 2957 755 4034 4034 5560 6002 8 68 REGION TOTAL 43420 36843 36217 38843 38408 41726 42152 0 4 4 CAPACITY AND LOAD FACTOR FOR 1982 AND 1983 Wrangell-Petersburg Utility Vicinity 1982 1982 1983 1983 Capacity Load Capacity Load Factor Factor (kw) (%) (kw) (%) PMP&L. Petersburg 7100 34 7100 35 THREA Kake 1600 14 1600 1§ WML&P Wrangell 7745 19 7745 18 TOTAL 16445 25 16445 25 5 Peak Loa By UTILITY Wrangell-Petersburg Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 PMP&L Petersburg 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.3 47 3.6% 3.8% THREA Kake 05 05 0.4 0.6 6.3% WML&P Wrangell 3.0 3.0 34 3.0 28 3.0 26 2.4% 4.7% TOTAL 6.8 7.0 7.3 77 75 te 7.9 2.5% 0.9% FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Wrangell-Petersburg Utility Vicinity Fuel Units Fuel Consumption Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 PMP&L Petersburg Oil Gal. 752,976 1,009,115 856,986 747,138 692,328 1,058,610 1,034,780 5.4% 11.5% THREA Kake Oil Gal. 189,992 145,948 130,334 167,545 166,500 198,000 211,000 1.8% 8.0% WML&P Wrangell Oil Gal. 968,394 1,043,495 1,036,911 984,900 996,954 986,160 921,867 0.8% 2.2% TOTAL Oil Gal. 1,911,362 2,198,558 2,024,231 1,899,583 1,855,782 2,242,770 2,167,647 21% 45% 7 HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1983 Wrangell-Petersburg Utility Vicinity Fuel HEAT RATE (BTU/KWH) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 PMP&L Petersburg Oil 12,915 12,742 11,604 11,759 11,279 11,078 11,086 THREA Kake Oil 11,977 11,977 9,410 11,978 12,349 14,039 13,988 WML&P- Wrangell Oil 11,308 11,023 11,017 11,018 11,131 10,606 10,566 145 Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1983 Wrangell/Petersburg 8 Residential Commercial/industrial Utility Place 7 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 PMP&L Petersbur: 922 985 1096 1147 1155, 1160 1206 180 174 174 181 188 222 242 WML&P Wrangell : 764 749 780 794 729 839 893 177 183 256 264 239 276 281 9 Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1983 (Cents/KWH) Wrangell/Petersburg Residential Comm Mt trial Utility Place ercial/industria 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 PMP&L Petersburg 8.7 61 7.3 10 1 "1 n 49 5.4 6.2 9.5 1 10 10 THREA Kake 36 36 WML&P Wrangell a5 9.8 10 13 16 16 16 67 7.2 7.4 10 12 12 12 10 Electricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1983 (MWH per customer/year) Wrangell/Petersburg Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 PMP&L Petersburg 7.2 7.2 6.4 6.4 61 6.4 63 63.3 66.9 66.3 621 58 54.7 50.5 WML&P Wrangell 51 51 47 47 5.2 51 51 271 32 23.9 25.8 27.9 22.7 21.5 11 Status of Fuel Costs & Needs In Alaska State Fuel Survey 8/15/83 Aviation Heating OHSS Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Fuel Oil $/gal Sigal Sigal $gal Sigal S/bottle Sigal Sigal Chilkai Kake Kupreanof Petersburg $1.14 7 Port Alexander $1.32 Ward Cove $1.18 Whale Pass Wrangell $1.28 LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS 12 Housing Numbers For Assistance HOUSING UNITS WEATHERIZED Total Before After Households Receiving Community Census Region Houses(# Done 1980 1980 H&SS Energy Assistance Chilkai 21 Kake 21 181 53 x x 196 Kupreanof 21 26 Petersburg 21 1076 32 x x 32 $12,969 Port Alexander 21 51 1 $263 Ward Cove 21 8 x 36 $12,555 Whale Pass 21 31 Wrangell 21 807 65 x x 127 $48,494 14€ 13 Alaska Power Authority Projects In Alaskan Communities—1984 APA WASTE HEAT PROJECTS Community APA Projects In Place Ready Other Chilkai Kake Trans. Line Fr. Tyee Kupreanof Petersburg Port Alexander Ward Cove Whale Pass Wrangell 14 Grants To Communities — DCRA = = DCR&A Administered Grants 1974-85 OCRA Electrification Grants Community Project Year Cost Project Year Cost 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Chilkai Kake Electrification 1974 $17,450 Electrification 1975 $19,900 Kupreanof Petersburg Port Alexander Ward Cove Whale Pass Wrangell Thorne Bay 1980 $50,000 Stikine H 1983 $25,000 15 Grants To Communities — DCRA & DOA DCRA Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Grants Legislative Grants Administered By Dept. of Administration Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Chilkai Kake Kupreanof Petersburg Port Alexander Ward Cove Whale Pass Wrangell USEFUL ENERGY INFORMATION NOT UPDATED IN 1985 PLAN 17 WIND GENERATOR INVENTORY SIZE SITE (kw) MAKE STATUS Petersburg 1.8 Jacobs Planned Petersburg 4.0 Dakota Wind & Sun Planned 147 PRINCE OF WALES-OUTER KETCHIKAN 2: COMMUNITY PROFILE 1 Economic Parameters PARAMETER 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 INCOME Total Personal Incowe ($000's) 32,221 35,645 36,547 37,656 46,977 47,176 Per Capital Personal Income 7,674 8,451 9,483 9,769 12,288 11,485 EMPLOYMENT Proprietors 149 180 27s 284 263 266 Private Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries 30° s u 4 lee loe Mining s s s $ $ s Construct ton 2re s $ s s 24 Manufacturing 283° 503° 430° 4220 44g* see Transportation and Public Utilities 3° s 6 50° $ s Wholesale Trade s $ s s s s Retail Trade 50 “4 $5 63 67 64 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate $ $ lor lo* VW 2ae Services 10 s 16* 2 st “9 Subtotal Private 509 781 728 755 836 766 Government Federal Civilian 7 78 7 86 st 47 Federal Military 225 61 60 58 $5 56 State and Local 405 423 446 369 416 436 Subtotal Government rer 562 583 513 S22 $39 Total Employment 1,385 1,523 1,586 1,522 1,621 1,571 S = Data for the year is suppressed * = Data for the year 1s partially suppressed 148 2 Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1983 Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1970-1983 1980-1983 Annette MP&L 195 139 Cape Pole 123 29 Coffman Cove 193 Craig AP&T 272 527 560 604 907 9.7 19.8 Edna Bay 112 Hydaburg AP&T 214 298 356 412 429 5.5 12.9 Hyder BC 49 77 Kasaan THREA 30 25 64 70 72 7.0 42.3 Klawock THREA 218 318 389 433 508 6.7 16.9 Metlakatla MP7L 1050 1056 Meyers Chuck 37 50 Point Baker 90 Thorne Bay 443 320. 316 324 2.4 0.4 Other 957 1178 3031 2565 REGION TOTAL 3700 4300 4400 4400 5293 28 7.2 ENERGY USE AND COSTS . 3 Annual Net Generation of Electricity 1977-1982, (MWH) Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Average Annual Change 1977-1983 1979-1983 (%) AP&T Craig 1628 1887 2037 2327 2715 3166 3774 15 7 AP&T Hydaburg 698 942 961 994 1093 1102 1327 al 8 MP&L Metlakatla 15256 14944 15206 16189 15778 15484 16562 1 2 TH Thorne Bay 1400 THREA Kasaan 50 56 75 86 92 105 17 THREA Klawock 2188 1420 1432 1550 1360 1809 1796 3 . 6 THREA Klukwan 375 Subtotal Utilities 20145 19243 19692 21135 21032 21653 24964 4 6 Industry 216 5000 REGION TOTAL 20145 19243 19692 21135 21032 21869 29964 7 1 4 CAPACITY AND LOAD FACTOR FOR 1982 AND 1983 Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Utility Vicinity 1982 1982 1983 1983 Capacity Load Capacity Load Factor Factor (kw) (%) (kw) (%) AP&T Craig 1050 34 1250 34 AP&T Hydaburg 735 7 735 21 MP&L Metlakatla 6000 29 6000 31 THREA Kasaan 180 6 180 ie THREA Klawock 1365 15 1365 15 TOTAL 9330 26 9530 28 5 PEAK LOAD BY UTILITY Prince of Wales Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 AP&T Craig 0.7 0.6 0.7 AP&T Hydaburg 0.3 0.3 0.3 MP&L Metlakatla 45 4.0 40 4.0 4.2 3.6 3.9 2.4% 0.8% THREA Klawock 0.4 0.4 05 0.7 20.5% TOTAL 45 4.0 4.0 44 5.6 5.0 5.6 3.7% 8.4% 149 FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Prince of Wales y Utility Vicinity Fuel Units Fuel Consumption Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 129,613 150,223 162,127 182,395 2,088,822 261,750 325,612 16.6% APET faa ol 78,222 105,549 107,729 108,127 121,422 103,400 102,237 AP&T Hydaburg Oil , 3.7% MP&L —- Metlakatla_—(Oil 229.614 224,179 ~—*189,210 151,872 163,968 a 720,000 18 Thome Bay Oil 9,375 17,000 20,500 ~—=—23,000 Kazaa Oil i 5,068 4,359 , ’ . oa THREA Kicwock —Oil,_~=«Gal,-=«=«*190,000-«=«128,312-«=«97,786 © 194,588 132,000 200,000 199,000 j y .4%e TOTAL oil Gal. 627449 608,331 867,181 986,67 2,523,212 «677,928 1,074,795 9.4% 22.4% 7 HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 1977-1983 Prince of Wales Utility Vicinity Fuel HEAT RATE (BTU/KWH) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 11, APar Fiydebu oi 13 5e2 ioe? 1807 "e.07 ors joss Al rg ; s = lakatl 11, 8,709 9,056 10,085 12,119 11,4 THREA oa oi oT 14088 10,796 17,336 27,415 30,904 30.380 THREA Klawock Oil 12,043 12,044 9,468 12,043 13,461 15,333 15,36 8 Number of Customers by Utility, 1977-1983 Prince of Wales Residential Utility mon Commerciai/Industrial 1977 19781979 1980 1981 1982«1983.-«Ss«1977.~=«1978 +~=«079+~«1080~«B1~St9e2 1008 APaT Craig re a) : a7 35 MP&L = Metlakatia «= 3630 385 389s 6Q—i38BCs—(tiCTs a8 70 62 62 69 63 67 66 9 Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1983 (Cents/KWH) Prince of Wales Residential Commerciai/Industrial Utility Place 1977-1978 1979 1980s «1981 1982,=S«983.'=«é=‘w977”~=C*«C«*SU97B~S~C~«S~=~C«BO~=«9BY~«1982~«N98S AP&T Craig 22 4 18 20 21 AP&T Hydaburg 22 14 19 22 21 MP&L Metlakatla 3.2 34 81 48 61 59 65 6.4 a3 10 9 10 THREA Kasaan 37 36 THREA —Klawock 35 38 10 — Etectricity Use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1983 (MWH per customer/year) Prince of Wales Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 «1979 1980-s«1981«««1982.=S«1983'«Ss«1977+=~S:*C«<U7B~=~=~«a9~=~*«aOS~«aeY~=C«B2~~=«CBS AP&T Craig 34..~«(OG2 11 96 83 AP&T Hydaburg SSM ra I Tei a7 7 MP&L Metlakatla 17.4 18 «15202176 16 «171 «15.1 108.7 118.3 1026 = 109.6 100 86.5 98.5 us) 11 Status of Fuel Costs & Needs In Alaska State Fuel Survey 8/15/83 Community DHSS Gasoline Fuel Oil S/gal Sigal Aviation Gasoline Sigal Heating Fuel $gal Diesel Sigal Propane $/bottle Kerosene Blazo Sigal Sigal Annette Cape Pole Coffman Cove Craig Edna Bay/Naukati Hydaburg Hyder Kasaan Klawock Labouchere Bay Metlakatla Meyers Chuck Point Baker Thorne Bay $1.23 $1.23 $1.65 $1.45 LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS 12 Housing Numbers For Assistance HOUSING UNITS WEATHERIZED Community Census Region Houses(#) Total Done Before 1980 After 1980 Households Receiving H&SS Energy Assistance Annette Cape Pole Coffman Cove Craig Edna Bay/Naukati Hydaburg Hyder Kasaan Klawock Labouchere Bay Metlakatla Meyers Chuck Point Baker Thorne Bay SBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 42 10 199 5 122 41 18 103 281 27 54 10 15 n 19 oe 3 130 8 $7,802 $65,873 $2,962 $13,811 $11,630 B8a08 1 Alaska Power Authority Projects In Alaskan Communities—1984 Community APA Projects APA WASTE HEAT PROJECTS In Place Ready Other Annette Cape Pole Coffman Cove Craig Edna Bay/Naukati Hydaburg Hyder Kasaan Klawock Labouchere Bay Metlakatia Meyers Chuck Point Baker Thorne Bay Trans. Line To Klawock 151 14 Grants To Communities — DCRA Community DCR&A Administered Grants 1974-85 Year Cost Project DCRA Electrification Grants Project Year Cost 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Annette Cape Pole Coffman Cove Craig Edna Bay/Naukati Hydaburg Hyder Kasaan Klawock Labouchere Bay Metlakatla Meyers Chuck Point Baker Thorne Bay $26,100 1975 1974 $19,850 $20,000 $100,000 Electrification Electrification Dam Fix 1985 $100,000 Power Lines 1983 $100,000 $100,000 45 Grants To Communities — DCRA & DOA Community OCRA Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Grants 1981 1982 1983 Legislative Grants Administered By Dept. of Administration 1984 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Annette Cape Pole Coffman Cove Craig Edna Bay/Naukati Hydaburg Hyder Kasaan Klawock Labouchere Bay Metlakatla Meyers Chuck Point Baker Thorne Bay $65,000 $200,000 16 USEFUL ENERGY INFORMATION NOT UPDATED IN 1985 PLAN POWER COST ASSISTANCE, FY81-FY83 10/83) uel O41 UTILITY PLACE Thorne Bay . = . 39,724 5,978 15.0 1.30 TOTAL ° 0 0 0 39,724 5,974 15.0 17 WIND GENERATOR INVENTORY SIZE SITE (kw) MAKE STATUS Metlakatla 10.0 Jacobs Occas. Working 18 ELECTRICITY DEMAND & POWER FORECASTS YEAR AVERAGE ANNUAL CHANGE (% PLACE /PARAMETER 5 Metlakatla & Annette Demand (mwh/year) 19,140 20,360 23,370 1.3 Power (kw) 5,580 5,940 6,820 1.3 Source: Chester Lake Project Feasibility Report, APA 23 KETCHIKAN 1 WORTH TONGASS HIGHWAY 2 KETCHIKAN 3 PENNOCH ISLAND 4 KETCHIKAN EAST 5 SAXMAN 6 SAXMAN EAST 7 MOUNTAIN POINT 8 HERRING COVE : COMMUNITY PROFILE 1. Economic Parameters ~ } | PARAMETER 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 . INCOME bs) Total Personal Income ($000's) 2,569 119, 488 127,467 138,253 169, 292 179, 91% f Per Capital Personal Income 9,873 10,537 M292 12,422 14,921 15,181 % EMPLOYMENT Proprietors 495 510 516 579 603 60 Ie, i Private x r Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries s 29 Fe) s 23 zi MA | Mining S$ $ s s s s | Construct ton 268 mm 287 285 389 44 Manufacturing 1,219 1,242 1,019 1,067 1,989 1,781 Transportation and Public Utilities S14 584 585 $89 669 74 Wholesale Trade 243 163 137 131 3 lat Retail Trade 794 85 838 aig 878 93% Finance, Insurance, Real Estate 187 207 213 221 237 28 Services 721 778 880 92 954 96; Subtotal Private 4,042 4Mr2 3,996 4,037 5,258 5,30: Government Federal Civilian 210 224 281 306 389 38! Federal Military 370 298 296 295 294 29, State and Local 1,172 1,009 1,069 1,163 1,092 1,05; Subtotal Government 1,782 1,531 1,646 1,764 1,745 1,73! Total Employment 6,289 6,213 6,158 6,380 7,603 7,64; S = Data for the year 1s suppressed 2 Communities and Their Populations, 1970-1983 Ketchikan Name Utility Population Average Annual Change (%) 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1970-1983 1980-1983 Clover Pass KPU 261 451 Herring Cove KPU 114 99 Ketchikan KPU, LPC 6994 7198 7200 Ketchikan East KPU 387 ee oe i fe Mountain Point KPU 459 396 North Tongass Highway 1722 Pennock Isiand 78 90 Saxman KPU 135 273 276 Saxman East KPU 4it cot oe ca bes Two Rivers 359 Other 2159 614 4724 4319 4738 6.2 97.6 REGION TOTAL 10200 12000 12200 12400 12712 17 ; 1.9 ENERGY USE AND COSTS 3 Annual Net Generation of Electricity 1977-1982, (MWH) Ketchikan Utility Community 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 Average Annual Change 1977-1983 1979-1983 (%) KPU Ketchikan 73659 78736 79004 84227 86077 96052 97096 5 5 Industry 7421 8156 4744 REGION TOTAL 73659 78736 79004 84227 93498 104208 101840 6 7 4 CAPACITY AND LOAD FACTOR FOR 1982 AND 1983 Ketchikan Utility Vicinity 1982 1982 1983 1983 Capacity Load Capacity Load Factor Factor (kw) (%) (kw) (%) KPU Ketchikan 28750 38 28750 38 5 PEAK LOAD BY UTILITY Ketchikan Utility Vicinity Peak Load (MW) Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 KPU Ketchikan 16.0 15.0 16.0 18.0 17.0 19.0 21 4.6% 5.3% FUEL CONSUMPTION FOR GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY Ketchikan Utility Vicinity Fuel Units Fuel Consumption Average Annual Change % 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-1983 1980-1983 KPU Ketchikan Oil Gal. 574,938 1,584,683 1,780,716 1,270,248 1,034,796 2,489,214 2,741,576 29.7% 29.2% 7 =~ HEAT RATE BY UTILITY, 197741983 Ketchikan Utility Vicinity Fuel HEAT RATE (BTU/KWH) 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 KPU Ketchikan Oil 12,007 10,229 11,385 “10,759 9,998 9,839 10,050 GB _ Number of Customers by utility, 197-1983 Ketchikan Residential Commercial/Industrial Utility Place 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 KPU Ketchikan 4173 4312 4393 4469 4561 4769 5053 672 663 641 674 750 803 806 Q Electricity Cost Per KWH, 1977-1983. (Cents/KWH) Ketchikan Residential Commercial/industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 KPU Ketchikan 45 5.3 5.8 6.6 61 81 8.6 46 5.4 5.8 6.7 6.6 7.8 8.7 155 10 Etectricity use Per Utility Customer, 1977-1983 (MWH per customer/year) Ketchikan Residential Commercial/Industrial UTILITY PLACE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 KPU Ketchikan 8.4 8.5 8.5 8.7 9.4 9 8.9 45.4 50.1 52.6 49.4 49 48.8 48.5 11 Status of Fuel Costs & Needs In Alaska State Fuel Survey 8/15/83 Aviation Heating DHSS Gasoline Gasoline Fuel Diesel Propane Kerosene Blazo Community Fuel Oil $/gal Sigal Sigal $gal Sigal $S/bottle Sigal $/gal Herring Cove Ketchikan $1.18 Ketchikan East Mountain Point North Tongass Highway Pennock Island Saxman Saxman East Two Rivers LOCAL ENERGY PROJECTS 12 Housing Numbers For Assistance HOUSING UNITS WEATHERIZED Total Before After Households Receiving Community Census Region Houses(# Done 1980 1980 H&SS Energy Assistance Clover Pass 2 i Ketchivan 23 4039 72 x x 297 $106,943 Ketchikan East 23 Mountain Point 23 140 North Tongass Highway 23 670 1 x Pennock Island 23 57 3 x Saxman 23 136 9 x Saxman East 23 Two Rivers 23 13 Alaska Power Authority Projects In Alaskan Communities—1984 : APA WASTE HEAT PROJECTS Community APA Projects In Place Ready Other Clover Pass Herring Cove Ketchikan Preliminary Assessment Ketchikan East Mountain Point North Tongass Highway Pennock Island Saxman Saxman East Two Rivers 14 Grants To Communities — DCRA DCR&A Administered Grants 1974-85 OCRA Electrification Grants Community Project Year Cost Project Year Cost 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Clover Pass Herring Cove Ketchikan Ketchikan East Mountain Point North Tongass Highway Pennock Island Saxman Saxman East Two Rivers 15 Grants To Communities — DCRA & DOA DCRA Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Grants Legislative Grants Administered By Dept. of Administration Community 1981 1982 1983 1984 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Clover Pass Herring Cove Ketchikan Ketchikan East Mountain Point North Tongass Highway Pennock Island Saxman $100,000 Saxman East Two Rivers USEFUL ENERGY INFORMATION NOT UPDATED IN 1985 PLAN 47 WIND GENERATOR INVENTORY SIZE SITE (kw) MAKE STATUS Ketchikan 10.0 Jacobs Planned Ketchikan 10.0 Jacobs Working Ketchikan 10.0 Jacobs Working Ketchikan 1.5 Aeropower 54500 Unknown 157 BIBLIOGRAPHY “Alaska Forest Service Market Report,” U.S. Forest Service, Volume 6, March 1984. “Alaska Historical and Projected Oil and Gas Consumption,” Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of Alaska; and Division of Minerals and Energy Management, Depart- ment of Natural Resources, January, 1981. “Alaskan North Slope Operators Push Projects to Recover Third-Generation Oil,’ Oil and Gas Journal, June 25, 1984. “Alaska’s Energy Resources — Oil,’ Gene Rutledge, Alaska’s Energy Resources, Alaska Journal of Commerce, May 25, 1984. “Alaska’s Energy Resources — Wind,” Gene Rutledge, Alaska’s Energy Resources, Alaska Journal of Commerce, March 19, 1984. “Biomass to Electricity for 50-500 KW Systems,” Systems Engineering & Manufacturing, 1983. “Conservative Fluorescent Light Regulating System Test Report,” Longstaff, TW., PE, Longstaff Engineering, June 1981. Davis, Neal, “Energy Alaska,” University of Alaska Press, 1984. Department of Community and Regional Affairs, “Capital Improvements Planning Guidebook for Rural Alaskan Communities,’ September, 1984. Department of Commerce and Economic Development, “A Delphi Forecast of Alaska’s Develop- ment; The Year 2000 and Beyond,” June, 1983. Department of Commerce and Economic Development, Alaska Energy Technology Series, 31 Volume Set, 1983. Department of Commerce and Economic Development, “Assessment of Energy Technologies,” June, 1983. Department of Commerce and Economic Development, Division of Energy and Power Develop- ment, “Hydroelectric Commercialization Kit,’ September, 1981. Department of Commerce and Economic Development, Division of Energy and Power Develop- ment, “Technical Energy Audit Manual,” 1982. Department of Commerce and Economic Development, Division of Energy and Power Develop- ment, “Wind — a Technical Assessment,” February, 1984. Department of Commerce and Economic Development, “Evaluation of Ice Problems Associated with Hydroelectric Power Generation in Alaska: Final Report to the State of Alaska,” 1981. Department of Commerce and Economic Development, Office of Mineral Development, Depart- ment of Natural Resources, Division of Geological and Geophysical Survey, “Alaska’s Mineral Industry — 1983,” June, 1984. a of Commerce and Economic Development, “1981 Long Term Energy Plan,” April, 1981. 159 Department of Commerce and Economic Development, “1982 Long Term Energy Plan,” May, 1982. Department of Commerce and Economic Development, “1983 Energy Report,” May, 1983. Department of Commerce and Economic Development, “1983 Long Term Energy Plan,” May, 1983. Department of Commerce and Economic Development, “1984 Long Term Energy Plan,” May, 1984. Department of Commerce and Economic Development, “Peat Commercial Feasibility Analysis, Volumes | and Il,” June, 1983. Department of Natural Resources, “Division of Forestry 1983 Annual Report,” 1983. Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry, “Outlook for Supplying Wood for Personal Use in Southeast Alaska,” 1982. Department of Natural Resources, Division of Minerals and Energy Management, “Historical and Projected Oil and Gas Consumption,” January, 1984. Department of Natural Resources, “Five Year Oil and Gas Leasing Program,” January, 1985. Department of Revenue, “Petroleum Production Revenue Forecast,” January, 1985. Department of Revenue, “Quarterly Revenue Sources, FY 1984 to FY 1986,” June, 1984. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, “A Solar Design Manual for Alaska,” Report 81-01, 1982. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, “A Thermal Performance Design Optimiza- tion Study for Small Alaskan Rural Schools,’ Report 81-21, 1981. : Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, “A Thermal Performance Design Optimiza- tion Study for Small Alaskan Rural Schools,” Report 83-02, 1983. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, “Air Flow in Fairbanks, Memorial Hospital Intensive Care Unit,’ Report 83-33, 1983. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, “Air-Tlo-Air Heat Recovery Devices for Small Buildings,’ Report 81-12, 1981. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. “AirTo-Air Heat Recovery Devices for Small Buildings,” Report 82-23, 1982. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, “An Analytical Study of Passive Solar Energy and Mass Storage: Observations from a Test Building in Fairbanks, Alaska,” Report 83-29, in publication process, 1984. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, “Passive Solar Alaskan School, Phase |,” Report 81-10, 1981. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, “Passive Solar Fire Station Demonstra- tion Project,’ Report 81-11, 1981. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, “Passive Solar Heating in Alaska,” Report 81-15, 1980. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, “Public Facilities Building Codes,’ Report 84-03, 1984. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, “Report Supplement: Thermal and Cost Analysis of Thermal Envelopes for a Small Rural School,” Report 83-03, 1983. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, “Thermal Standards for Small Rural Schools,” Report 83-04, 1983. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, “Two Rivers Passive Solar Design Analysis,” Report 82-18, 1982. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, U.S. Department of Agriculture — U.S. Forest Service, “Alaska Forest Resource, U.S. Forest Service Bulletin PNW-19,” 1967. - Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, “Use of Passive Solar Additions in the Alaska Climate,” Report 82-25, 1982. Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, “Ventilation Study of State Courthouse at Fairbanks, Alaska,” Report 83-32, 1983. “Direct Conversion of Peat to Liquid Fuel: Alaska’s Resource and Opportunity,’ Peter Moulton, Alex Fassbender, and Michael Brown, The Northern Engineer Vol. 16, No. 1, pg. 14-19. “Drilling and Reservoir Engineering Analysis of Pilgrim Hot Springs, Alaska,’ UAF/Petroleum Engineering, DEPD Report 83-514-2, December, 1982. 7 “Environmental Assessment Report: Proposed Nulato Wood Energy Project,’ Environmental Services Limited, August 30, 1980. “Final Report: Wood Gasification/Power Generation Development Project,” Marenco, Inc. for AVEC, March, 1982. “480 Volt Distribution System, Nikolai, Alaska,” Robert W. Retherford Associates, Consulting Engineers, 1983. Forbes, Gedney, VanWormer & Hook, “A Geophysical Reconnaissance of Pilgrim Springs, Alaska,’ UAF Geophysical Institute for U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, February, 1975. “Fuel Consumption and Pricing in Alaska,’ House Research Agency, Report 83-C, January, 1984. “Fuel Oil Metering and Energy Audits,” 1981. Gosink, J.P. and Osterkamp, T.E., “A Theoretical Investigation of the Potential Modifications of Ice Formation in Kachemak Bay by the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Power Project,” Final Report of research performed under contract #DACA 89-81-K-0001 for the U.S. Army, 1981. H.GW. Marshall, R.P.F. Reid, Collins Alaska, Inc., “Use of Wood Energy in Remote Interior Alaska,” September, 1981. Hawkins, Daniel B. and Mueller, George S., “A Zeolite, Energy Storage Unit,” Institute of Water Resources, UAF, April 1983. 160 161 Humphrey, T.D., “Kobuk-Shungnak Transmission Line, Service Manual,” February 1, 1984. Hutchison, O.K., “Alaska Forest Resource, U.S. Forest Service Resource Bulletin PNW 19,” 1967. Kamp, D. Lagen; Nelson, J.; Englund, T.; “Geophysical Report: Electrical Resistivity Survey for Geothermal Resources,” Pilgrim Springs, Alaska, Harding-Lawson Associated For R.F. Stefano & Associates, 1983. Konkel, Steve, “Alaska’s Wind Energy Systems,” February, 1984. “Lower Kuskokwim Single Wire Return Transmission System Phase II Report,” International Engineering Co., Inc., 1983. Markle, Don, Editor; Rawlinson, Stu, “Peat Resource Assessment Program Summary Report,” Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, State of Alaska, November, 1982. Nebesky, Wm., “Alternatives in Greenhouse Design For the Pilgrim Springs Demonstration Project,’ September 20, 1979. Nielson, H.C., (Geophysical Institute UAF) and Zarling, John, (Department of Mechanical Engineering), “Ground Source Heat Pump Demonstration,” 1983. Osterkamp, Kawasaki, Gosink, “Shallow Magnetic Induction Measurements for Delineating Near-Surface Hot Groundwater Sources in Alaska Geothermal Areas,’ UAF Geophysical Institute, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, June, 1983. “Peat Commercial Feasibility Analysis, Volume |,’ Wheelabrator-Frye, Inc., DEPD Report 83-08-73-7-526-R5. “Peat Commercial Feasibility Analysis, Volume II,” Wheelabrator-Frye, Inc., DEPD Report 83-08-73-7-526-R6. “Peat Commercial Feasibility Analysis, Executive Summary,’ Wheelabrator-Frye, Inc., DEPD Report 83-08-73-7-526-R5. “Peat Resource Estimation in Alaska, Final Report, Volume |,” Northern Technical Services and EKONO, Inc., August, 1980. Power Administration, U.S. Department of Energy, “Alaska Electric Power Statistics, 1960-1982,” August, 1983. “Qualitative Assessment of Marenco Wood Gasification System,” Analysis of Reported Data Project 40905 Topical Report, IGT October, 1982. “Qualitative Assessment of Marenco Wood Gasification System,” Project 40904, Institute of Gas Technology, Topical Report, March, 1982. Reid, Collins, “Use of Wood Energy in Remote Interior Alaska,’ September, 1981. Rollinson, Stu (Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys) and Markle, Don (Alaska Divi- sion of Energy & Power Development), Editors, “State of Alaska Peat Resource Assessment Program, Summary Report,’ November, 1982. Rural Alaska Community Action Program/Energy Department, “Report to the Governor and the Alaska State Legislature, Results of the $1.5 Million Appropriation for Emergency Fuel Loans to Alaska Villages,” 1983. Sampson, George R.; Ruppert, Forrest A.; and McBeath, Jenifer H.; “Densified Fuel from Land Clearing Biomass; and Long-Term Chip Storage for Fuel—Interior Alaska;” Proposed for pro- ceedings 36th Alaska Science Conference, Energy from Forest Biomass Symposium, Whitehorse, Yukon, September 28 - October 1, 1983. “Sheldon Point Wind Project,” Final Report, Phase |, 4 Winds of Alaska (Under contract to DCED/DEPD). “Single Wire Ground Return Transmission Line Demonstration Project, Phase |,” Ray Bhargava Associates and Environmental Services Limited, 1984. “Single Wire Ground Return Transmission Line Demonstration Project, Supplement to Phase |” Ray Bhargava Associates and Environmental Services Limited, 1984. “Single Wire Power in Alaska,” RW. Retherford Associates, Division of International Engineering Co., Inc., February, 1982. “State Energy Data Report, Consumption Estimates, 1960-1982,” Energy Information Administra- tion, Washington, D.C., May, 1984. Turner, D.L. and Forbes, R.B., Eds., “A Geological & Geophysical Study of the Geothermal Energy Potential of Pilgrim Springs, Alaska,” DEPD and U.S. DOE, January, 1980. Wescott, E. and Turner, D., Eds., “Geothermal Reconnaissance Survey of the Central Seward Peninsula, Alaska,’ UAF Geophysical Institute to Division of Geothermal Energy, U.S. DOE, July, 1981. i 162 GLOSSARY OF TERMS 1. Btu energy equivalents: ENERGY FORM A. Electricity ¢ Capacity ¢ Generation B. Oil ¢ Crude Oil e Diesel Fuel ¢ Distillate Fuel Oil ¢ Motor Gasoline e Aviation Gasoline e Jet Fuel e Kersone ¢ LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) e Lubricants e Resid. (residual fuel oil) STANDARDS UNITS kW (Kilowatt) MW (Megawatt) kWh (kilowatt hour) MWh (Megawatt hour) bbl (barrel) gal (gallon) bbl gal bbl gal bbl gal bbl gal bbl gal bbl gal bbl gal bbl gal bbl gal BTU EQUIVALENT . 3,412 3,412,000 5,800,000 138,095 5,825,000 138,690 5,825,000 138,690 5,253,000 125,070 5,048,000 120,190 5,355,000 127,500 5,670,000 149,690 4,011,000 95,500 6,065,000 144,400 5,287,000 149,690 16: Glossary of Terms (cont.) 1. Btu energy equivalents (cont.) ENERGY FORM Cc. Coal e Alaskan Coal ¢ Domestic anthracite ¢ Domestic bituminous e Coke D. Natural Gas E. Peat e Alaskan Peat F. Wood e Sitka Spruce ' 2. Measurement Equivalents: 1 ton 1 bbl (barrel) 1 MCF 1 therm 1 quad 1 MW (Megawatt) 1 KW (kilowatt) 1 GWh 1 Btu STANDARD UNITS Short ton (2000 Ibs) Ib Short ton Ib Short ton Ib Short ton SCF (Standard cubic foot) MCF (Thousand cubic feet) 1 therm 1 gallon of liquefied petroleum gas Ib cord 2,000 pounds 42 gallons 1,000 cubic feet 100,000 Btu one quadrillion Btu 1,000,000 kilowatts 1,000 watts 1,000,000 kilowatts BTU EQUIVALENT 16,440,000 8,220 23,250,000 11,760 22,430,000 11,215 26,000,000 1,020 1,020,000 100,000 95,475 6,00 - 9,000 17,100,000 The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit.