HomeMy WebLinkAboutRural Alaska Electric Power Quality 1984Rural Alaska Electric Power Quality a: i 3 Mi ws —_ eC SS — SS= » SSS oO == — ” =o c= 5S = Cc >= —<$<——= 5 5 =za 2. ]>S== OO eS | at a SSS <q —_ _ ae o = eS ~ —— = a ~~ = E QO Saaz PRINTED IN U.S.A. ° e 2 w | a a 7m RURAL ALASKA ELECTRIC POWER QUALITY FINAL REPORT by J.D. Aspnes, R.P. Merritt and B.W. Evans Engineering Experiment Station School of Engineering University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 March 1984 Prepared for: STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES DIVISION OF PLANNING AND PROGRAMMING RESEARCH SECTION 2301 Peger Road Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors who are responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. This report does not constitute a standard, specification or regulation. PROPERTY OF: Alaska Power Authority, 334 W. 5th Ave. ‘ Anchorage, Alaska 9950T ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION TABLE OF CONTENTS SITE IDENTIFICATION. ... DESCRIPTION OF DISTURBANCE ANALYZER MEASUREMENT CAPABILITIES POWER SYSTEM DISTURBANCE DATA SUMMARY . ESTABLISHED LIMITS OF ACCEPTABLE POWER QUALITY METHODS FOR IMPROVING POWER QUALITY .. . EFFECT OF LOW VOLTAGE ON MOTOR OPERATION ..... EFFECT OF LOW FREQUENCY ON MOTOR OPERATION CONCLUSIONS . . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS REFERENCES FIGURE CAPTIONS PIGURES ... = . == 14 15 16 18 19 22 23 24 27 29 ABSTRACT Poor quality electric power has traditionally been blamed for electrical and electronic equipment malfunctions and failures in rural Alaskan communities. This report presents results of a _ recently completed project in which power system disturbance analyzers provide the first comprehensive power quality data from Alaskan villages. Power systems of four widely separated communities were studied for a total of 1,010 days. These results are important because of the trend in rural Alaska toward more sophisticated equipment that is sensitive to power system disturbances. These data represent a first step in developing appropriate countermeasures to protect electrical systems connected to isolated rural 60 Hz power generator facilities. INTRODUCTION Increasingly sophisticated electrical and electronic equipment are being utilized in small Alaskan villages at state owned and operated public facilities. They range from communications satellite earth stations, computers and office equipment to controllers and circulating pump motors. The isolated electric power systems which serve these communities may be owned and/or operated by public or private entities but they are almost universally supplied by diesel engine-driven generators in the 100 to 1,000 kVA range and are often characterized by | small distribution transformers with long secondaries. The failures and maintenance problems now being experienced by operators of public facilities of various types is not a new phenomenon. For many years the communications users in Alaska's isolated villages if complained about the quality and availability of electric power. I Whenever a radio system would fail the usual comment was "the electric power system caused the failure." In many cases, the power system did i cause the problem with power surges followed by long periods of operation at below normal voltage and wide variations in operating frequency. Vacuum tube equipment, used for many years, could stand some variation in power quality. New solid state electronic components, now used in so many more applications than just radio communication, cannot cis survive in the presence of power surges and are especially sensitive to short pulse high voltage transients. Because of the history of problems in the communications area most of the data on rural power quality results from experience with communications equipment. It seems i reasonable therefore to use these data as a foundation on which to build a database for other types of equipment. | In 1975, the State of Alaska purchased 120 satellite earth stations for use in the most remote villages. The complete station consisted of a 4.5 meter antenna and the electronics for at least two channels of "single channel per carrier" transmitting and receiving equipment. The only vacuum tube was the traveling-wave tube in the 40 watt high power amplifier. The remainder of the electronics were solid state ~ transistors and integrated circuits. The satellite system equipment was purchased by the State and, at the directive of the Federal Communication Commission (FCC), installed 5 and operated by RCA Alascom. In order to protect the electronics system and provide emergency operation of the satellite earth stations during short power outages, a battery capable of operating the system for six to eight hours was installed. The battery was trickle-charged from the village power system. Even with this large battery acting as a huge filter, the village power system was identified as the cause of most of the system failures and the unavailability of the two-way communications system. The Governor's Office of Telecommunications was concerned by the frequent equipment failures and inadequate maintenance provided for the system. The manufacturers were required to improve the reliability of their components and RCA Alascom was required to increase technicians' training and improve their maintenance practices. System operation was monitored and detailed failure records were tabulated. As component and subsystem reliability was improved, and maintenance and response time following a failure were brought to reasonable levels, the village power system became the limiting factor in providing reliable communication for a village. Detailed records maintained by Alascom for several years clearly show that in a village with good quality, reliable power, the availability of the satellite communication system is 98% or better. In villages with less reliable power, availability of communications cannot BOs reach the minimum agreed value of 95% for remote villages. At the present time, Alascom records do not readily provide a separate tabulation for power-related failures. Alascom has provided a tabulation of the 1981 calendar year trouble ticket data at our request. We would like to express our appreciation to Alascom and Mr. Gary Christopherson, Network Coordinator, for the data listed in reference [28]. The tabulated data list Alaska villages and the percent of time satellite earth stations were unavailable for communication due to power-related failures. Included in this list are villages such as Akhoik where the power was turned off because money was unavailable for buying fuel and Chalkysik where the power was turned off when the school shut down in the spring and was not turned on again until the fall semester began in September. Much of the electronics in the earth stations are computer-like integrated circuits as are most of the modern data and control system Tm devices in common use. Personal computers and word processors appearing in nearly every school and office use the same type of semiconductor i chips. All these devices are most vulnerable to short duration, high voltage transient pulses. These impulse signals are detected by the Dranetz power line analyzer monitors used on this project. The pulses are measured in height and the time of occurrence is recorded. Most electronic systems do not have adequate filtering in the power supply to remove these high voltage pulses. The pulses travel along the power line and pass through the power transformers directly into the regulated DC supply in the system. An example of this problem will be presented from the earth station records. Even though the earth station was operating from a battery, the following problem still required a solution. In one of the switching circuits an integrated circuit chip with A four NAND gate circuits was used to perform several functions. It is standard practice to use a NAND gate as an inverter by connecting one of the two input gates to the +5V power bus. Dozens of these devices failed in the system and the manufacturer took the failed chips to a special laboratory where the integrated circuits were cut open and inspected under a microscope. All of the units failed at the gate connected to the +5V bus. The voltage on the 5 volt bus was measured by 23 using a special high speed oscilloscope. Short high-voltage transients were observed. This particular failure mode was totally eliminated by the addition of a 1000 ohm resistor between the NAND input gate and the 5 volt bus. The 1000 ohm resistor and the gate input capacitance of 20pF constituted a low-pass filter that dissipated the pulse energy and protected the integrated circuit. This example shows that problems can be documented, analyzed, and a solution found in a specific case. However, when the myriad of electrical and electronic equipment and applications used in modern rural facilities is considered, electric power-related problems and their solutions can be very complex. This is particularly true when assessing the real economic impact of these problems to the state. All commercial electronic devices should be designed to be as immune as possible to the usually occasional impulses found on power systems. Reduction or elimination of excessive power surges, outages S and high voltage pulses are often considered the responsibility of the power supplier. However, some of these problems can be cuased by } equipment owned and operated by the electric power consumer. It is unrealistic to expect electronic equipment manufacturers to provide a special product line for use with Alaska rural power systems. The market would be too small and the expense too great. Transient suppression equipment that can provide some protection to sensitive equipment is commercially available. This study is intended to investigate the severity of alleged power quality problems at specific locations. With these data we can perhaps begin to estimate the magnitude of this problem for state facilities and | be in a better position to identify apprpriate solutions. i SITE IDENTIFICATION The process of choosing villages was determined by several considerations: (a) reviewing power availability for small earth stations [2]; (b) Public Health Service (PHS) circuit availability; (c) Federal Avaiation Administration (FAA) facility and service outage reports; (d) accessibility to candidate villages; and (e) state - -4- facilities availability for placement of equipment. The power availability for earth stations and PHS circuit availability were categorized into four breakdown causes: (1) outages caused by power; (2) environmental; (3) equipment; and (4) unknown. Two separate lists of candidate villages were made; one from the earth station data and the other from PHS circuit availability. The resulting lists included villages that reported the most outages. All four breakdown categories were weighted equally in the process of selection. Hence, a village with a high number of outages in one category and low numbers in the other three would not lend itself to candidacy. Finally, a single list was made by choosing villages from each list that matched in data reported from the two sources, thereby reducing the possibility of erroneous data. The FAA reports were coded as follows: (1) scheduled maintenance; (2) line outages; (3) improve- ments; (4) power failure; (5) power failure standby; (6) propagation conditions; (7) weather effects; (8) software; (9) unknown; and (10) other. The list of candidate villages resulting from FAA reports was determined in a similar fashion as that used for the earth station and PHS circuit availability list. The final selection of Ambler, Fort Yukon, Kotzebue and St. Marys utilized data from all above sources. This study was primarily concerned with measuring electric power quality at user locations likely to receive sensitive office automation and computer equipment. Therefore, in three of the four villages the data collecting site was an office in a public building. In the fourth site, Ambler, data were recorded at the service entrance of the public school. In all cases a single phase 120V line to neutral, 60 Hz source was monitored, supplied by a four wire grounded wye system. All four data collecting sites were in relatively modern buildings following National Electrical Code requirements for wire size and distribution. Overvoltage protection was not present at any site. The power generating plants and data collecting sites were centrally located in all communities. Type and character of electrical loads at each site were standard office equipment, fluorescent and incandescent lighting, small refrigerators and freezers, circulating pumps and air handling i ii equipment. The probable maximum individual motor rating at any location was less than 10 hp. DESCRIPTION OF DISTURBANCE ANALYZER MEASUREMENT CAPABILITIES The power line disturbance analyzers utilized in all cases for data collecting were Dranetz Model 606-3 units with option 101 (over/under frequency monitoring). They provided the following information [24]. 1. Over/under frequency monitoring to 0.25 Hz accuracy. 2. RMS voltage level based on a 10 second moving average of the Measured voltage to an accuracy of +1% of reading +1% of nominal input at 60 Hz. This is also referred to as slow-average voltage in the heading of Table II. 3. RMS value of each AC cycle compared with the 10 second moving average of measured voltage to an accuracy of +1% of reading +1% of nominal input at 60 Hz. A single-cycle measurement lower than the slow average is a sag. A higher single-cycle measurement is a surge. 4. Transient impulses with duration between 0.5 and 800 microseconds are recorded to an accuracy of +5% of reading +1% of nominal input +6 dB over the entire range of impulse width. 5. Outages, defined as loss of line voltage for periods greater than 0.5 second, are recorded. The disturbance analyzer returns to normal operating mode 10 seconds after line voltage is restored. Sag/surge duration and timing of all events including power outages are also recorded. The Dranetz 606-3 power line disturbance analyzer has isolated circuits for three individual phase inputs. These inputs are isolated from each other, the internal power supply and ground. In all but one =6e of the data sites the only power source available was a single phase branch circuit feeding a single duplex outlet. For uniformity, the disturbance analyzers were in all cases powered by the same single-phase circuit that was being monitored. There has been concern that the disturbance analyzer power supply might affect impulse measurements. The units which provided data for this report have power supplies which present a 0.01 uF capacitance across the power line regardless of whether the unit is turned on or off. This low-pass filter type of input circuit is common in household and office appliances. For microsecond pulses (1 MHz), this capacitance represents 16 Q reactive impedance. This impedance would have a small effect on transients generated in low impedance sources such as a power system having 100 kVA or greater capacity as determined by our own laboratory measurements. POWER SYSTEM DISTURBANCE DATA SUMMARY The following tables and figures present data taken during a total of 1,010 days in four remote Alaskan communities. The data categories are: frequency deviations from 60 Hz, 10 second moving average, surge/sag, impulses and known outages. Table I shows the number and percentage of days in which the maximum power system frequency deviation occurred within various ranges for each village and for the overall project. A +0.5 Hz threshold for frequency monitoring was used at all sites except at Kotzebue where the threshold was set at +1.0 Hz. In an effort to be consistent with computer manufacturers' power system performance specifications, we have reported only worst-case frequency deviation data when line voltage was within a useable range. Precise frequency excursion duration information is not available. Table II gives the number and percentage of days in which the smallest and largest 10 second moving average rms system voltage occurred within specified ranges for each village and for the total project. Reference value is taken to be 120V rms. Thus, the +6% to +10% range corresponds with 127V to 132V; the -13% to +6% range a7 Table I. Number and Percentage of Days With Worst-case Frequency Deviation Within Specified Ranges (60 Hz reference) Deviation range Af (hz) Location _ (total days) [ af 5 0.5 0.5 <af = 1.0 1.0 <af = 2.0 2 <af = 10 Af >10 | Ambler (147) 13 days 100 23 7 4 8.8% 68.0% 15.7% 4.8% 2.7% 4 Fort Yukon (310) 271 days 7 12 19 1 87.4% 2.3% 3.9% 6.1% 0.3% + | T Kotzebue (222) 31 days 146 20 10 15 14.0% 65.8% 9.0% 4.5% 6.8% St. Marys (331) 187 days 89 12 lr 25 18 56.5% 26.9% 3.6% 7.6% 5.4% Project Total (1,010) 502 days 342 67 61 38 49.7% 33.9% 6.6% 6.0% 3.8% WE | | | In Table II. Number and Percentage of Days with Worst-Case Slow Average Voltages Within Specified Ranges in Percent Above and Below 120V Reference. Voltage Ranges (%) Location (total days) -100% + -40.1% | -40% + -20.1% -20% + -13.1% -13% + +6% +6.1% + +10% Ambler (147) 8 16 113 10 days 5.4% 10.9% 76.9% 6.8% Fort Yukon (310) 11 32 262 0 days 3.6% 10.3% 84.5% 0% Kotzebue (222) 3 5 0 221 days 1.4% 253% 1.4% 99.5% St. Marys (331) 54 180 93 3 days 16.3% 54.4% 28.1% 0.9% = 9 Project Total (1,010) 76 233 468 234 days 7.5% 23.1% 23.2% [ 46.3% corresponds with 104V to 127V; the -20% to -13% range corresponds with 96V to 104V; the -40% to -20% range corresponds with 72V to 96V; and the final -100% to -40% category corresponds with OV to 72V. The slow average threshold voltage setting for all disturbance analyzers was 3V except for the unit at Ambler, for which the threshold was set at 5V. In the case of Kotzebue, there were days in which the 10 second moving average both rose into the 6.1% to 10% range above 120V and dropped below the -13% threshold. Both events were counted independently, giving percentages that do not total 100% and days which do not sum to the total number of measurement days at that site. This was done to provide a clearer picture of system disturbances. Duration of slow average deviations are not reported here in detail but typically range between one and ten minutes. Table III provides number and percentage of days in which the worst case sag and surge occurred within specified ranges. These ranges are: 6% to 10%, 10% to 20% and >20% above a 120V reference and -20% to -13%, -40% to -20% and -100% to -40% below the 120V reference. Sag/surge threshold settings were as follows. Ambler: 10V; Fort Yukon: 3V for 40 days, then 5V for the project duration; Kotzebue: 5V; St. Marys: 3V for the first 146 days, then 5V for the remainder. The maximum surge duration measured during the entire project for a daily worst-case surge was 231 cycles. Maximum sag duration measured for a daily worst-case sag was 115 cycles. Typical sag/surge duration was observed to be less than 40 cycles. Table IV shows the number and percentage of days in which the maximum impulse occurred within a 50V to 99V range or had an amplitude greater than 99V. The number of impulses in each category is given as well as the average of the monthly maximum impulse magnitudes recorded at each location. The maximum impulse measured at each site is also included. Impulse voltage threshold at all sites was 50V. Table V gives a summary of outage data. Included is the total number of known duration outages at each data collection site, total number of outages, total known duration outage time, average outage duration and average number of days between outages. Figures 1 through 41 on pages 29 to 69 provide more detailed information than is possible to show in Tables I through V. The “105 Table III. Number and Percentage of Days with Worst-Case Sag/Surge Voltages Within Specified Ranges in Percent Above and Below 120V reference. Voltage Ranges % Location (total days) [-200% + -40.1% | -40% + -20.1% | -20% > -13.1% | 6% + 9.9% | 10% + 20% >20% Ambler (147) 0 1 69 13 4 1 day 0% 0.7% 46. 8.8% 2.7% 0.7% Fort Yukon 14 35 248 0 0 0 day 4.5% 13% 80.0% 0% 0% 0% ™ Kotzebue (222) 2 4 25 36 50 2 days 1 0.9% 1.8% Hust 16.2% 22.5% 0.9% St. Marys (331) 5 32 247 2 2 0 day 1.5% 9.7% 74.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0% ‘Project Total (1,010) 21 72 589 51 56 3 days 221% ale 58.3% 5.0% 5.5% 0.3% -2I- Table IV. Impulse Disturbance Data Summary f a 1 7 wo ov °o uvc> 7 <e ss or nD sao Es ao ees sew Lou £ Ec = S cwTSse+ > ws ou saws = nw xn a Eoo = s& 7 » 7 oo +o iS eK ad He -— D e orn e cE, oEecEe — ox ox on ourc ou, 7 ocvuv ooo orm Ore ts vonwe eo a SS Eno -+nso0 +n esa Oe-n su vo —- 3 vo = von ew Or Ew oor es ase Ss aes c¢ aan wn asaurw +s —- & Location (total days) Sto sites SE sas SEeae 2se2 so 2 zrH a a) Zrouonf ZruEenD aqter-r mae (Ss Ambler (147) 66 days 81 days 4,489 5,210 120V 188V 44.9% 55.1% 68 per day 64 per day average average Fort Yukon (310) 106 days 200 755 2442 143V 168V 34.2% 64.5% 7.1 per day 12.2 per day average average Kotzebue (222) 122 days 98 12,098 10,533 163V 168V 55.0% 44.1% 99 per day 107 per day average average | eee +} St. Marys (331) 66 days 264 5,796 28,278 262V 368V 19.9% 79.8% 88 per day 107 per day average average + Project Total (1,010) 360 643 23,138 46 ,463 172V 368V 35.6% 63.7% 64 per day 72 per day average average hes Rita =f -€I- Table V. Outage Summary r 4 Total known Average Known duration outage Average duration Total outage time duration number of days Location (total days) outages outages (hours ) (minutes ) between outages Ambler (147) 13 35 2.39 11.0 4.2 Fort Yukon (310) 15 17 45.8 183.0) | 18.2 Kotzebue (222) 12 13 1.15 5.8 | 17.1 St. Marys (331) 95 99 11.4 Pue Jad _| Project Total (1,010) 135 164 60.7 51.8 6.2 following data are shown on a daily basis for each community included in the study: maximum and minimum frequency, maximum and minimum average voltage, maximum sag and surge voltages, maximum impulse voltage and total number of impulses (50V threshold), number of sags and sag duration and number of surges and surge duration (3 to 5V threshold). ESTABLISHED LIMITS OF ACCEPTABLE POWER QUALITY Several references define acceptable power quality limits for computer systems [14, 19, 20, 22 for example] and at least one addresses communications systems [22]. General agreements exists that +6% and -13% rated voltage steady-state limits are necessary, although at least one computer manufacturer is reported to require +4% tolerance [20]. Opinions about acceptable power quality differ for transients lasting less than 2 seconds. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard C84.1 requires +15% and -20% voltage tolerance for transients between 0.05s and 0.5s duration and +20% and -30% voltage tolerance for transients between 0.008s and 0.05s duration as reported in [20]. A different tolerance envelope is suggested in [19] resulting from U.S. Navy tests and computer manufacturer's information. It is generally more restrictive than the C84.1 standard for voltage surges and impulses with the tolerance boundary rising smoothly from +6% rated voltage for a 2s disturbance to +30% for 8.33 ms, +100% for 1 ms and +200% rated voltage limit on a 100 us disturbance. The undervoltage limits of this tolerance envelope include -13% rated voltage for a 2s disturbance, -30% for 0.5s, -42% for 0.1s, -70% for 16.7ms and -100% for an 8.33ms disturbance. Frequency tolerance for a 60 Hz source is reported to be +0.5 Hz in some instances [20], although at least one major computer company specifies +1.0 Hz. Voltage and frequency fluctuations are known to cause detrimental effects in electric motors, but the authors have not found an electric motor manufacturer or supplier who is willing or able to provide information relating such power anomalies to motor damage or reduced -14- service life. Some users of motors in small communities have devised protective schemes utilizing voltage and frequency relays. METHODS OF IMPROVING POWER QUALITY Electric power in remote Alaskan villages is almost a luxury with energy costs from 50 cents to 90 cents per kilowatt hour. On the other hand, most consumer products such as calculators, typewriters, word processors, and modern telephones are dependent on computer technology- based microcircuit digital devices. Building services such as heating, ventilating and lighting control are becoming totally dependent on solid state microcircuit electronics. Operation of these systems will require that village power quality be greatly improved. This will require a complete reevaluation of the present power generation and distribution services in rural Alaskan villages. More modern power generating units can provide improved voltage regulation and frequency control at the power station. Upgrading of power distribution facilities will be required before users receive satisfactory service. Observers familiar with rural power systems report that undersized transformers and long secondary conductors contribute to unsatisfactory power delivered to customers' premises. Inadequate wiring by the consumer can also degrade power quality at the point of end use. Selection of electric motor type and size can seriously affect power quality on the user's premises and also for a number of other consumers in the surrounding area. A motor starting controller to reduce surge may greatly improve the stability of voltage on the feeder elreult. Substantial system improvement may be obtained by increased training of plant operators and maintenance personnel. Preventative maintenance can reduce power outages and extended down time. Attention to detail such as oil temperature and proper lubrication can save money and improve power quality. A program of improved training, perhaps through the community college system, should be instituted. First the supervisor of the power system must be made aware of the extent of the power quality problem. The dependence of the modern electronic control -15- and operation systems on a stable and reliable power system should be made clear. In addition to education of utility supervisors, the general public needs to know how important the power system is to the operation of most modern consumer products. Operator training is a critical factor in good power system quality. The position of power plant operator needs to be upgraded in the eyes of the community. Additional training and rewards for excellence must be provided. Investment in better generation, transmission and _ distribution facilities will greatly improve the quality of power delivered. The reduction of long, inadequate, secondary conductors has been mentioned elsewhere as a way to reduce voltage sag and transient problems. A radio paging system with coded signaling can be connected to the generating system to monitor such critical items as load limit, oil temperature, fuel level and cooling water. An alarm condition results in a radio transmission with a tone code received by the operator on duty and the supervisor indicates the type of emergency condition that may exist. See report by Strandberg and Merritt [26]. EFFECT OF LOW VOLTAGE ON MOTOR OPERATION It has been difficult to obtain definitive data from manufacturers of electric motors concerning the economic impact of changing motor voltage and power system frequency. Many years ago it was considered "good engineering practice" to operate motors over a voltage range not to exceed 5% lower and 10% higher than the nameplate stated voltage. In reference [27], relationships are derived for power, torque and current as a function of line voltage. If we use these relationships, assuming for the moment that the torque output is constant, we may use Eq. 5.73, pg. 399, to derive induction motor slip(s) as a function of line voltage and other parameters. Fee Vv, (Eq. 5.73) aS r mI6= where w. = power system angular frequency (2nf.), isen,| lat foi 60 Hz, |= 377 radians/sec. P = number of poles in the motor, i.e., 2, 4, 6, etc. Ss = slip of the induction motor, i.e., 0.03 Ri. = equivalent rotor resistance in ohms Ve = applied line voltage to neutral T = motor output torque (Newton-meters ) so that s = a ite 2 3. P Ve This equation shows that reduced line voltage, vo will result in greatly increased slip (s). The increase in slip by a _ fraction proportional to (/v,?) lends support to the practice of not operating motors at less than 95% of rated voltage. It may be shown that I, = $s V amperes If we solve for the component of this line current (Ip) that provides torque and substitute the equation for slip, we obtain: = To 2 tu, 2 1 amperes “3 PP “® Pee From this equation we see the major component of line current is proportion to V/V, if we maintain a constant torque. The resistive (heat) loss at any speed are given by Prag = 3(R, + Rt)(14)* watts -17- If we substitute in the equation for I, above we see the heat loss in the motor will be proportional to vv,?. T2w.2 2 2 s + (+) (47) watts a P = 3(R s +R) where R. is the motor stator winding resistance. The above equations are based on the assumption that the magnetic circuit is relatively linear and not operating close to magnetic saturation. Within this linear region, increasing the line voltage A results in a reduction of both In and hence the heat loss eracs This condition no longer holds as magnetic saturation begins. Under saturation conditions, the input current to the motor shoots up during the saturation peaks and results in a very nonlinear increase in energy losses. This value refers to the upper limit of allowed line voltage suggested earlier as 110% above the nameplate rated value. EFFECT OF LOW FREQUENCY ON MOTOR OPERATION Momentary changes in the power line frequency will not change the speed of large motors due to the energy storage in the large moment of inertia. The current and voltage, however, will make substantial rapid changes as line frequency varies. If frequency rapidly decreases, energy will flow out of the rotating machine and into the power system causing a voltage surge on the customer's premises and back into the distribution system. If the reduced frequency condition persists for a longer time, Eq. 5.73 given on page 16 indicates that reducing the line frequency Fo (w, = anf.) will result in an increase in torque required to maintain power output and an increase in line current (Ip). A motor equivalent circuit is often considered as a transformer with a rotating secondary winding. A similar relation can. be derived relating to operation at lower than normal frequency. To utilize the iron efficiently, frequency, the number of winding turns on the stator coils and other factors such as maximum flux and the area of the magnetic Higs circuit must be related appropriately. As frequency is decreased, excitation current will also increase resulting in further heating of the motor windings. Again, manufacturers are reluctant to provide data about their products relating to operation at lower than normal frequencies. Textbooks and technical papers also ignore the low frequency problem, apparently assuming everyone is receiving their power from a gigawatt-size interconnected system operating at precisely 60.0 Hz. CONCLUSIONS The following conclusions may be drawn from data presented in this report. 1. As shown in Table I, power system frequency deviations measured in four isolated Alaskan locations for a total of 1,010 days exceeded +0.5 Hz during 50.3% of those days, exceeded +1.0 Hz during 16.4% of the days, exceeded +2.0 Hz during 9.8% of the days and exceeded +10 Hz during 3.8% of the total project days. This particular type of power system anomaly is not usually considered a problem in large interconnected systems. In fact, a very extensive monitoring program reported in 1974 did not even mention frequency deviations [1]. Clearly, users of frequency sensitive equipment cannot assume the continuous availability of 60 Hz electric power frequency in isolated systems. 2. The data given in Table II show that the 10 second moving average voltage monitored throughout the project stayed within -13% to +6% of nominal 120V limits for only 44.3% of the 1,010 days. The worst case daily average voltage variations were within the +6% to +10% range for 23.2% of total days, within -20% to -13% below 120V for 23.1% of total days and fell below -20% of 120V 8.2% of the total days during which data were taken. Results were strongly site dependent. One community had a consistent overvoltage problem; another a persistent undervoltage condition. -19- 3. Worst case sag/surge data presented in Table III show that, during 78.3% of the total monitor days, per cycle rms voltage exceeded the +6% and -13% of 120V limits. Daily worst case sags between -20% and -13% occurred 58.3% of days monitored. Sags below -20% and/or surges above +10% of nominal 120V occurred during 15.0% of all days monitored. 4. As Table IV indicates, 0.5 to 800 us duration impulses greater than 50V magnitude occurred durin 1,003 out of 1,010 days of system monitoring. Impulses with magnitude greater than 99V occurred during 643 days or 63.7% of the total. 23,138 impulses in the 50V to 99V range were recorded during 360 days for an average of 64 impulses per day. 46,463 impulses were recorded during 643 days for an average of 72 impulses per day during those days in which the daily maximum impulse exceeded 99V. For comparison, reference [1] recorded an average of 50.7 voltage spikes per month at a 25% (30V)threshold during a total of 109 monitor months at 29 locations in the contiguous United States. Table IV shows 69,601 impulses recorded in 1,010 days for 68.9 impulses per day or 2097 impulses per month at a 41.7% (50V) threshold. In spite of a 67% higher threshold, the number of impulses recorded in the Alskan communities is 41.4 times that recorded in reference [1] study. The maximum impulses recorded at the four Alaskan sites ranged from 168V to 368V. The average of monthly maximum impulse magnitudes over the entire project was 172V. 5. The project outage summary in Table V shows 164 known outages recorded during 1,010 days with 135 of them having a known duration totalling 60.7 hours or an average outage duration of 51.8 minutes. However, two of the outages account for 36.5 hours. Neglecting these reduces the average outage duration to 10.9 minutes. The \ average number of days between known outages is 6.2. This is equivalent to an average of 4.9 outages per month. In comparison, reference [1] reported 0.6 outages per month with a 1.0 minute mean outage time. -20- Data in Tables I through V and in Figures 1 through 41 make comprehensive electric power quality information available on isolated Alaskan generation and distribution systems. For the first time, a comparison of such data has become possible with that from much larger, interconnected systems. These results, coupled with power quality requirements specified by electrical and electronic equipment manufacturers, will aid in the design or specification of appropriate power conditions to protect equipment connected to isolated 60 Hz power generation facilities. It should be noted that some of the disturbance listed may be user generated. For example, impulses may be produced by local load switching over which the utility has no control. Of course, a high system impedance would accentuate these problems. An agency charged with the responsibility of design, construction and utilization of equipment in remote Alaskan villages, and in some urban areas as well, must be aware of the difficulties that will arise with unreliable electric power service. Motors and controls have for many years been subjected to excessive voltage and frequency deviation from the prescribed values. These devices have on occasion failed even though they are very rugged and relatively insensitive to these excesses. With the introduction of computers and computer-like digital microcircuit devices in an ever increasing number of consumer products and control systems, an order-of-magnitude increase in component sensitivity to power disturbances has occurred in the last several years. Where the agency has control over the design of a system or can write specifications to require manufacturers to meet certain standards, protective steps can be incorporated into the circuit devices and systems. As an example, electronic components can be selected to be most reliable and insensitive to voltage transients. Circuits can be designed to provide increased protection to the microcircuit devices. Systems that utilize volatile memory can be operated from storage batteries so that power failures from several seconds to several hours will not result in a loss of data, instructions to perform tasks or internal clock time. If specialized equipment and system design such as the Satellite Earth Station electronics are not affordable, special efforts can be applied to a separate power circuit in a building -2l- reserved for sensitive electronic loads. If large local electrical loads are switched off and on many times during the day, it may be necessary to install separate distribution transformers as well as separate feeder and power panels to reduce local effects on the protected service. Power conditioning may require only the installation of transient suppressors or may include shielded isolation transformers. Additional improvement may require voltage regulation in addition to shielding and transient protection. Motor-generator sets and magnetic synthesizers provide ‘further isolation and improvement. The ultimate power conditioning is provided by what is called the Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS). In this system the local utility power is rectified, filtered and used to charge a large bank of storage batteries. The DC from the batteries is then converted into single phase AC power for small loads or three-phase AC power for large loads. Two types of AC generation are available using highly reliable solid state devices. In one system the inverter (DC to AC) uses pulse width modulation techniques to obtain a close approximation of a regulated sine wave output. The second system, usually employed in very large protected three-phase power systems (i.e., greater than 1O0kVA) uses a synthesized or stepped waveform [20, 22]. In writing the specification for a UPS system, one must stipulate the amount of radio interference that can be tolerated in the output and radiated from the inverter due to fast rise time pulses inherent in this type of generator. Selection of the proper power conditioning equipment for a specific application will require an analysis of the local power service and the specific requirements of the electronic equipment to be used. The cost of outages must be compared with cost of the power conditioning installation and the power loss in the conditioning equipment. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors greatly appreciate the cooperation and invaluable assistance of Sam Towark of Kotzebue, Tim Dorin of St. Marys, Roy Nowlin -22- of Fort Yukon, and Paul Weisner of Shungnak. The work described in this paper was supported by a grant from the State of Alaska, Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Division of Planning and Programming, Research Section. IMPLEMENTATION STATEMENT It was beyond the scope of this project to determine a quantitative figure that poor power quality is now costing the State. In fact, it could also be argued that four isolated power systems is a minuscule data base on which to base conclusions about the hundreds of isolated diesel-electric systems which are out there in use and right now supplying power. It could also be said that the variation in power quality parameters shown in the data would produce enormous standard deviations if any attempt to derive statistical significance from the findings was made. So what have we proven and what is the significance to DOTPF? This project has been a beginning step, the first attempt to document a problem which for years has been a complaint of maintenance personnel from several State agencies. Perhaps there was a time when the physical plants at State facilities were simple enough that concern over power quality was not warranted. But today, with almost every device which consumes electricity becoming integrated with solid state electronics and with the high degree of sophistication in the physical plants of our rural facilities, we can only expect the potential for excessive repair and operation costs to increase. After all the cost of a service call to replace an integrated circuit chip in a copy machine at Fairbanks or Anchorage might be less than fifty dollars. But the same call to Kiana might cost fifteen hundred when travel, per diem, and personnel costs are added in. At this stage in the research effort no specific recommendation can be made to implement the findings of this project. The Research Section will continue to investigate the problem in more quantitative terms. We will also work with the Division of Standards and Technical Services to plan a strategy with which to deal with the problem for future -23- construction. We will also discuss the implications of this project with staff from the Maintenance and Operations Division concerning existing facilities. Leroy E. Leonard Facilities Research Manager REFERENCES [1] G.W. Allen and D. Segall, “Monitoring of Computer Installations for Power Line Disturbances," IEEE Paper No. C-74-199-6, presented at the IEEE PES Winter meeting, New York, January 27-February 1, 1974. [2] Governors Task Force on Telecommunication, Lt. Governor Terry Miller, Chairman, Availability of Satellite Earth Stations Report, 1978 to 1979. [3] Lt. T.S. Key, "Diagnosing Power Quality - Related Computer Problems," presented at IEEE Industrial Applications Society Conference in Cincinnati, June 5-8, 1978. [4] P.K. Hallinan, "Power Conditions Cut System Costs," Digital Design, pp. 68-71, January 1982. [5] R. Odenberg and J. Meeker, “Overvoltage Protection," Measurements and Control, pp. 124-129, June 1980. [6] S.J. Tharp, “Evaluating Power Line and Power Supply Performance in Computer Systems," Digital Design, pp. 28-36, February 1980. [7] F. Cathell, "Low Cost Power Transient Protection," Computer Design, pp. 87-91, May 1981. (8] J.J. Waterman, Jr., "Uninterruptable Power Systems Provide Computer System 'Insurance'," Digital Design, pp. 38-48, February 1980. -24- [9] R. Tucker, "The Glitch Stops Here," omputer Design, pp. 149-154, February 1982. [10] C.J. Burkitt, "Lightning Protection," Measurements and Control, pp. 128-132, October 1980. 5 [11] W. Karpowski, "Solid State Transient Suppressor Evaluation," Digital Equipment Co., Interoffice Memorandum, 7 pages, October 10, 1979. [12] W. Nilsen and N. Gloer, "Safeguards Against High-Speed Transients," Telecommunications, pp. 93-94, September 1978. [13] J. McPhee, "The Effect of Electrical Power Variations Upon Computers: An Overview," Reprint of U.S. Dept. of Commerce Publication by IBM Corporation. [14] M.J. Kania et al., “Protected Power for Computer Systems," The Western Electric Engineer, pp. 41-47, Spring/Summer 1980. [15] M. Coyle, "Effective Protection Schemes Soothe Transient Pains," Electronic Products Magazine, pp. 41-47, May 1976. [16] D.M. Hothern, "How to Handle Power Line Transients," Instruments and Control Systems, pp. 23-26, December 1978. [17] A.W. Duell and W. Roland, “Power Line Disturbances and Their Effect on Computer Design and Performance, August 1981. Hewlett-Packard Journal, [18] F.P. Martzloff and G. Hahn, "Surge Voltages in Residential and Industrial Power Circuits," IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-89, No. 6, pp. 1049-1056, July/August 1970. [19] Lt. T.S. Key, "Effect of Power Disturbances on Computer Operation," Electrical Construction and Maintenance, September 1978. -25- [20] A. Kesterson and P. Maher, "Computer Power -- Problems and Solutions," Electrical Construction and Maintenance, pp. 67-72, December 1982. [21] R.J. Lawrie, ed., Design and Installation of Computer Electrical Systems, a book published by Electrical Construction and Maintenance, McGraw-Hill, 121 pages, 1981. (22] J.J. Waterman, Jr., "A Comparison of High-Rise UPS System Requirements," Specifying Engineer, 5 pages, February 1980. [23] E.D. Cooper, "Power Measurements Part 4 -- AC Power for Electronic Equipment," Measurements and Control, pp. 136-139, June 1982. (24] "Operator's Manual TM-102700, Volume 1, Power Line Disturbance Analyzer Series 606," Dranetz Engineering Labs, Inc., April 1980. [25] IEEE Committee Report, "Bibliography on Surge Voltages in AC Power Circuits Rated 600 Volts and Less," IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-89, No. 6, pp. 1056-1061, July/August 1970. [26] J. Strandberg and R.P. Merritt, "Test Report: Building Freeze Alarm System," State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Report F 15661.4, December 1982. [27] G.R. Slemon and A. Straughen, Electric Machines, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1980. [28] Alascom Planning and Analysis Division, "Small Earth Station Availability Report," 1981. -26- FIGURE wo On DO FP WHY WWWNHN NNN NN NN DD KM PRP RP RP RP RPP Pe yor CO WO WON DN FP WNHeR OW WON DOT FP WNHY FY CO FIGURE CAPTIONS September 1982 disturbance data taken at Ambler, Alaska. October 1982 disturbance data taken at Ambler, Alaska. November 1982 disturbance data taken at Ambler, Alaska. December 1982 disturbance data taken at Ambler, Alaska. January 1983 disturbance data taken at Ambler, Alaska. February 1983 disturbance data taken at Ambler, Alaska. October 1982 disturbance data taken at Fort Yukon, Alaska. December 1982 disturbance data taken at Fort Yukon, Alaska. January 1983 disturbance data taken at Fort Yukon, Alaska. February 1983 disturbance data taken at Fort Yukon, Alaska. March 1983 disturbance data taken at Fort Yukon, Alaska. April 1983 disturbance data taken at Fort Yukon, Alaska. May 1983 disturbance data taken at Fort Yukon, Alaska. June 1983 disturbance data taken at Fort Yukon, Alaska. July 1983 disturbance data taken at Fort Yukon, Alaska. August 1983 disturbance data taken at Fort Yukon, Alaska. September 1983 disturbance data taken at Fort Yukon, Alaska. October 1983 disturbance data taken at Fort Yukon, Alaska. November 1982 disturbance data taken at Kotzebue, Alaska. December 1982 disturbance data taken at Kotzebue, Alaska. January 1983 disturbance data taken at Kotzebue, Alaska. February 1983 disturbance data taken at Kotzebue, Alaska. March 1983 disturbance data taken at Kotzebue, Alaska. April 1983 disturbance data taken at Kotzebue, Alaska. May 1983 disturbance data taken at Kotzebue, Alaska. June 1983 disturbance data taken at Kotzebue, Alaska. July 1983 disturbance data taken at Kotzebue, Alaska. August 1983 disturbance data taken at Kotzebue, Alaska. August 1982 disturbance data taken at St. Marys, Alaska. September 1982 disturbance data taken at St. Marys, Alaska. October 1982 disturbance data taken at St. Marys, Alaska. November 1982 disturbance data taken at St. Marys, Alaska. nO7e 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 FIGURE CAPTIONS (Continued) December 1982 disturbance data taken at St. Marys, Alaska. January 1983 disturbance data taken at St. Marys, Alaska. February 1983 disturbance data taken at St. Marys, Alaska. March 1983 disturbance data taken at St. Marys, Alaska. April 1983 disturbance data taken at St. Marys, Alaska. May 1983 disturbance data taken at St. Marys, Alaska. June 1983 disturbance data taken at St. Marys, Alaska. July 1983 disturbance data taken at St. Marys, Alaska. August 1983 disturbance data taken at St. Marys, Alaska. -28- FIGURE 1 AMBLER FREQUENCY SEPTEMBER 1982 s vs Ba Ha Ua oF) fa maxinaunt ts, Es we A pee, oa hE ve i = =F ts saininaune eae * « Y is et ia rat 2° 92 @ s * e = oJ r23es6769 DO Te nn ean AMBLER AVG VOLTAGE SEPTEMBER 1982 is. ALLA Pdp tipi ys 2 me E2 We 48: 8a ie i a 3 12 t ae e Ew é te 3 ba i s u s . L2dese7 es MUNBIUMETUDAIZANAAT ADH AMBLER NUMBER OF SACS SEPTEMBER 1982 = six. “ fiz 1 y us ws? ow a7 8 is - t 206 Ens 70 § .@ zac ts i ® le 163 R 197 a 7 u * L2ITETAMMRDNTETULBIZANBATADBR AMBLER NUMBER OF SURGES SEPTEMBER 1982 = $13 £ riz 2h fue at ¥ - - os ‘Rio 5 os. aus F in ze bw 216k .% 19 fa 103 § a a a 7 un ‘ r23ese76 9 1011121310186 1710198 AOHAATRD BR erewoesaneesaae ware< mosare< osu ere waessaensscas ewre< ans«re< anne eERwSsesaRres seas -29- AMBLER NUMBER OF IMPULSES SEPTEMBER 1982 i i omercwas oe smearce 12345 67 © 9 101112131615 1617 18192921 27324252677 2029 WH Devs AMBLER SURGE/SAG SEPTEMBER 1982 1234567 @ 9 WNIZITISIS G7 WIAA NDABsTADwU ‘avs AMBLER SAG AND DURATION SEPTEMBER 1982 lz23ese676@ 9 0918121301806 17 9A RINASTASBR AMBLER SURGE AND DURATION SEPTEMBER 1982 2234367 © 9 1011 121314151617 8192971 2B AD WU mvs, FIGURE 2 AMBLER FREQUENCY OCTOBER 1982 eatarteerauseeseaa 12345676 9 wiizisisisis 7 WIBARBABw7ADwU Devs AMBLER AVG VOLTAGE OCTOBER 1982 eee oe a MAXIMUM ¥ BI Pa nog negli Rus 10 § ee *— 3% v MINIMUM ¥ 3 —% : a4 at aan -«“ 7 & #— a a5 -3 y y ozs rRmo tb t Ta T s s ewre< masiree mnnen ecknHasesaRenS seas 12345678 9WUIZITFISGI7 WIMARBABwTADwH avs AMBLER NUMBER OF SACS OCTOBER 1982 19 08 gs alt cw in y ue a3 f 0 wer 37 8 + 96 2219 ad zac Ens 20 § vo 214 c ts ary ® ta 163 R To a m1 12.345 67 © 9 1011 121316151617 18192021 227326232627 2829 WH ers AMBLER NUMBER OF SURGES OCTOBER 1982 1:23-4:56 7 @ 9 1111213161516 17 18192821 222324252627 DT Dars -30- AMBLER NUMBER OF IMPULSES OCTOBER 1982 so ie : P 436 " i E sm e é mm Q be : bas NUMBER OF IMPULSES r n2a ; Sau t 7 ; O16 s 5 us Se 2 e4re< mozare< mozcu 1234567 © 9 1011121316151617 18192821 ABW AD WH ‘Days AMBLER SURGE/SAG OCTOBER 1982 ec kHSSTaARR 12.3.4 5:67 @ 9 1911 1213161516 17 18192021 227324252627 88 mays, AMBLER SAG AND DURATION OCTOBER 1982 emra<n z0-422ce nse ec RHGLTARK 12:34:35.6 7 © 9 1111213161516 17 16192821 222324 252627 28293831 mys, AMBLER SURGE AND DURATION OCTOBER 1982 1234567 6 9 1911121319151617 eidz2 ABAD WU bars eetarsseeurnescaa § ware< mosar FIGURE 3 AMBLER FREQUENCY NOVEMBER 1982 MAXIMUM MINIMUM 12.3436 7 @ 9 1011121316151617 18192021 227324252627 8 WT mays, AMBLER AVG VOLTAGE NOVEMBER 1982 1234567 @ 9 1911121316151617 8192 RBABwT7ADwH DAYS, AMBLER NUMBER OF SAGS NOVEMBER 1982 1234567 @ 9 1011121316151617 18192821 22627 Devs AMBLER NUMBER OF SURGES NOVEMBER 1982 123456789 WiLIZI3NIS 617 MIMARBABw7ADBwU mys, -31- AMBLER MUVBER OF IMPULSES NOVEMBER 1982 = i = P06 657 t 404 706 8 fm ne ® ns é 43 0 ou 3 sn F bas 3 z tse 82a 32 Les ? Eau 72 a7 vn ij =i 9 64 §3 ae § at \ 13 Se 71 2 e T i T 12.3436 7 @ 9 101112131615 1617 18192021 227326252627 2829 831 Das, AMBLER SURGE/SAG NOVEMBER 1982 wollte Ase sip 4 ris #2 MAXIMUM SURGE L129 6 § ue eee i ee Te E118 y ye pe 0 ee er ae 5 64 be ¢ tnd axisun $80 on — «#4 ev _— ad 2 aH rs § TR +32 * a4 fat u4 esp STATA tT r® 22343967 69 WiLiZITVISIGI7T CISMANMMBAwIABwU ays AMBLER SAG AND DURATION NOVEMBER 1982 ware< mosare< anu SAG DURATION 22.3436 7 @ 9 101112131615 1617 18 192021 227326252627 7829 DAYS, AMBLER ‘ MAXIMUM SURGE ¢ é SURGE AND DURATION NOVEMBER 1982 e4re< mosare< 12:34:35.6 7 G 9 191112131613 16 17 18 19.2021 227324 252627 28293831 Das, FIGURE 4 AMBLER FREQUENCY DECEMBER 1982 s . - 1 ss fa ar Es 1 E ie 3 is =i cs ‘BC te ay = = sd ak 2° 492 a 7 s <s “ 2 « az23eser7e9 haben idiay —(sicvmnirminvcndiacn vers miancia laa AMBLER AVG VOLTAGE DECEMBER 1982 ie go 198 ew Ie fuse 8 i= é = v ts o Lo + ae a ts é Y a Y oz 3 ha + ee s ® H2sese7 es MUZE TEBAAZBNART ADH AMBLER § NUMBER OF SACS DECEMBER 1982 = — so * ew on y us a? oie ak 5 s ‘io & os ae F En 28 § .«@ 24S oo an le 10 R 107 a 7m u s L23es676 oe eee AMBLER NUMBER OF SURCES DECEMBER 1982 ie sis ri2 § us +e a 6 5 x 3 Be : x“ 13 Sa un . 1z234s678 9 WUBI USBARDNESTAS OR -32- AMBLER NUMBER OF IMPULSES DECEMBER 1982 omercwa~ 30 smezcz 1234567 6 9 wUiZITIeISI617 ITAA NDABBIABwWU avs AMBLER SURGE/SAG DECEMBER 1982 ware< masare< mozcu erkwarsaned 22346567 @ 9 1911 1213141516 17 18192821 22732925267 WU avs AMBLER SAG AND DURATION DECEMBER 1982 erenaesaResssae 2236567 89 wi ZIT 1S6 7 BIMANRBABw7ADwU ers AMBLER SURGE AND DURATION DECEMBER 1982 1 sam 16S iia mn fus wwf v aa 2 os 123u ad & ae 1 ¢ i ca : : R c bie é nu * 1234567 © 9 1011 121316151617 18192021 BIA wU ‘bers e4re< moeare< mance eatacseeurenuesecan FIGURE 5 AMBLER FREQUENCY JANUARY 1983 123456769 wWiuizissisis 7UIMUIRBABsTABwU avs, eatarsseuseeeecan AMBLER © NUMBER OF IMPULSES JANUARY 1983 = 1 - ~~ ae 1 see 323 " P46 357 io AS ~ i” m4 m 43 j= 7 bas sao ams 429 fa 7 yi IMPULSE VOLTAGE 206 os 26 7 ue 13 Se n = a ZIVSE TAMU TUIBARBABT ADH bas AMBLER SURGE/SAG JANUARY 1983 ‘= sis nz gue a a 5 os $73 bw 4 ‘3 San 12I4SE7 ST WUIZITVSCI7UIAAIRBABTADwU mrs AMBLER SAG AND DURATION JANUARY 1983 PECL EEEEe e AMBLER AVG VOLTAGE JANUARY 1983 1s 4 me 2 Ie us ue} iw wr ¢ * «5 nm} ak 4 E ay 20 af u § L234S67 SSMU TEDMIRBNBST ABH mers AMBLER NUMBER OF SAGS JANUARY 1983 woot gy IRBs roe iw Lek uss 4 L2ZIASE7 SS WUIZITVIS CTA RBABSTABwU rs, AMBLER NUMBER OF SURGES JANUARY 1983 NUMBER OF SURGES 1234567 @ 9 1011121316151617 BAND ABw7ABwU ers, B39 ware< mosare< ose L2I4ASE7 ST WNIT ITIIAARBABSTADwU rs, AMBLER SURGE AND DURATION JANUARY 1983 F23¢S67 OSU NDEAZNBST ADD w4re< movare< ape e4re< maearo< mance FIGURE 6 AMBLER FRESUEHCY TEBPLARY 1983 6 s MAXIMUM 2 wert eters esete es a Teeter eee eee eg, = winineom “ * 3 a ° @ 6 “ 2 « L2I4SE7 ST WUIZTWISCITIBARDABBTABwWU mers AMBLER AVG VOLTAGE FEBRUARY 1983 123456769 wUi2iseISI7UIBMINRBABsSTADwU ys AMBLER NUMBER OF SAGS FEBRUARY 1983 1234567 @ 9 1911213191916 17 WISMIA RAAB ABwU ys PERK ast aRRS eare< moearo< mea: AMBLER NUMBER OF SURGES FEBRUARY 1963 ry i t soe Pe) 464 6 12 Le x ue asa 2 rd Lasr ® * 321 0 “ Laas ns Lew § “ 21a k ” Line a bis § R tad a br u +36 « -e 12346967 e2uURDVEETUDMIRDNBET ADEN -34- AMBLER NUMBER OF IMPULSES FEBRUARY 1983 a 1 ——- 1080 Fr = me on tao 76 Sam 3 nak os 3 «3 9 jw 3 sn f bas $ soo} on § 2? §an 3 wt mn ; mm 0 146 } 24 § 4 une “3 Se 7 » e L2IASE7 SS WUTC TEDAARBAABTADwH Devs AMBLER SURGE/SAG FEBRUARY 1983 10 1 —-- ‘se gis 198 aia 1296 gus busy ad wo 0% 6 7 5 « f an a ¢ fe oy v wt he 2! 8 a 2 u u ‘ 12.345 67 © 9 1011 1213141516 1718192821 27324232627 9D 83 avs AMBLER SAG AND DURATION FEBRUARY 1983 y a t 7 a ¢ £ v 0 t t s 12.345 67 @ 9 1011121314151617 18192021 227324232677 282991 mays, AMBLER SURGE AND DURATION FEBRUARY 1983 sot LLLit tt ogy f2- [10s § a1 eae Le a eee L171 R § us— bas? , a MAXIMUM SURGE Lies 3 6- bi29 8 $ — bie § ia Lie $ f a- bes 3 1. 4— iy, * ta Es ¢ 1 e- hac Sa- 29 § us ‘¢_ SURGE OURATION morse * ep 12:34:36 7 © 9 1011 1213161516 17 18 192021 2223.24 252627 2029 8 DavS FIGURE 7 ware< mosare< anu “4re< mosaro< mosam«< 1234567 @ 9 101112131615 1617 18192021 227326252677 2829 8H Days FT. YUKON AVG VOLTAGE OCTOBER 1982 1s8 1 ise 3 Fins 12 129 & us oe 118 § 167 saan fuer ¢ * +96 « es 5 3 brs t a“ ee a ” Ls § a be R bs 0 2 Fat u bu § ‘ -< 1234367 6 9 11i21316151617 WIA RBABw7ADwH avs FT. YUKON NUMBER OF SACS OCTOBER 1982 123.456 7 @ 9 1011121316151617 18192021 22232825267 BDH Days FT. YUKON NUMBER OF SURGES OCTOBER 1982 130 sw 9 mr 129 429 us 33 P 167 357 * 3210 * aes f 7s 2s § “ zien “ 796 a 1a § 2 17 a 71 12.3436 7 & 9 911213141516 17 10192821 222324 7526.77 282931 bars B35 Le ? 37 p26 § cl 4 + 7 jae A o yp MPULSE VOLTAGE L214 5 bus V p NUMBER OF IMPULSES|_>, hee ete EPLEY T T TTT T 22.3656 7 @ 9 1911 121316151617 18 19 2021 2223262526 27 2829 3831 mays FT. YUKON SURGE/SAG OCTOBER 1982 b139s a Pizc MAXIMUM SURGE bus, 12.363 67 @ 9 1911 121314151617 18192021 222326252677 282938 Days, FT. YUKON SAG AND DURATION OCTOBER 1982 12.345 67 @ 9 191112131415 161718192021 222324 25.2627 28293031 ays, FT. YUKON SURGE AND DURATION OCTOBER 1982 12:36:56 7 @ 9 1911121314131617 18192021 227326 2526 27 28293831 Days FIGURE 8 FT. YUKON FREQUENCY DECEMBER 1982 FT. YUKON NUMBER OF IMPULSES DECEMBER 1982 esti sot tit tag ae MAXIMUM: ree heer] pe Fas lus? ° ao L7—6 Sam 74 D res } wr 1 ts ‘as see fa = Ls & Aes Las le Las} ee Las e4 Le 3-4 nse vouraae pews son res 016 | —214 “4 La yu Pa Phy nT M3 Se NUMBER OF IMPULSES: Kj J @ 12.345 67 @ 9 1011 121314191647 10192021 2223242826277 70293031 12.3456 7 8 9 1011121314151617 10192021 2225242526 7720293831 ars tvs FT. YUKON AVG VOLTAGE DECEMBER 1982 FT. YUKON SURGE/SAG DECEMBER 1982 womb Ab DAA) soot Li LL ite me {2 3 IgE R12 MAXIMUM SURGE w@ ue Sie - 118 17 ¢ ye mee 6 0% ° eT rare 6 wonnaune at ta i at Le maximum SAG 7 “an tw “ we ys * ay oa “3 20 Tz .2 t 3 a} a 2 us " wa sku . STTTTTTTTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT 12.3456 7 © 9 1911 1213161516417 18192021 222326 25 262720293031 Days FT. YUKON NUMBER OF SACS DECEMBER 1982 FT. YUKON SAG AND DURATION DECEMBER 1982 peated sips f 186 A ¢ 124 MAXIMUM SAG ri y ue 1s? 9 er a png Pe 7 *4 wt te 12 Sw bu & a4 bee Gel SAG Ea t 4-4 DURATION ra le Ls z4 bas at fos oY 2 a no wn shia T STTTTTTTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT 12.345 6 7 8 9 1011 121314151617 18192021 222324252627 2029031 Days FT. YUKON NUMBER OF SURGES DECEMBER 1982 FT. YUKON SURGE AND DURATION DECEMBER 1982 180 | seo 10 §= og ss re MAXIMUM SURGE ae id __g MAXIMUM SURGE Sie L-3sa 8 a) —— v ie }-3s7 & v le 0% r-3210 o% 5 8 zac F 5 ¢ 7 ras ¢ 7 Ew Lise Ew .s Li79E ,s oa Lia § oa 12 187 12 3 § a rat a n wt sha u : TITTTTTTT TT TTT TTT ttt ; 12.345 67 8 9 1011121316153617 16192021 222324 2526272079390, Days -36- DAYS umen<n z0-4peee apy FIGURE 9 FT. YUKON FREQUENCY JANUARY 1983 s 6S f a MAXIMUM 63 $ fa at te af is =f ce 6c el “S gs at fst sf 19 49} @ @ 6 “8 “ “ e @ ” +. ware< mozare< ane 12.3456 7 @ 9 101112131615 1617 18192021 222326252677 20293931 Days FT. YUKON AVG VOLTAGE JANUARY 1983 ware< mosure< 12.3456 7 @ 9 1011121314151617 18192821 72232023267 BIW Davs FT. YUKON NUMBER OF SAGS JANUARY 1983 1s sao ws " 1 axiom saa bad ues 33? we 57 8 “4 3210 «4 zee ao 250 § «4 ae e “4 179 a 3 R> NUMBER OF SAGs va as 71 ns eM td e+ ° 1:23.45 67 @ 9 1011 121314151617 1819 2021 222324 32677 2823 Days FT. YUKON NUMBER OF SURGES JANUARY 1983 ” u " 10-4] 2 MAXIMUM SURGE asa? 187 4 7k 4 210 «4 200 4 s as 250 § «4 214k c «4 179 ¢ a4 uaa § R4 —107 as a nd wre ol ag eo fo __NUMBER OF SURGES omer 12.345 6 7 B 9 1011 1213141516 17 18192021 222324 25.26.27 2829 WI) DAYS, vure< moeare< -37- FT. YUKON NUMBER OF IMPULSES JANUARY 1983 se 1098 468 9298 7 0s? ® @ 7? m nek m 43 0 @ sa f - eal 23 fw P a IMPULSE VOLTAGE a! v9 ae § 6 24s ue pee MN/™~ 13 2 NUMBER OF IMPULSES 1 = ° Leese Tes MN ZINE TUDAIRBABSTADwH FT. YUKON SURGE/SAG JANUARY 1983 18 18 m 19s 12 we ne 118 y i 17 % 6 T “ of s vs «“ oy » on rE « al z R a at u u ° @ L2T¢se7erwnIMIereDAIZAABETADwH FT. YUKON SAG AND DURATION JANUARY 1983 ise 208 Ip— 186 S 13- im¢ ue — 1S? p 1? 4 ws “- 13a ua} a4 10 9 ao 8% “4 a § a4 7 f R4 SAG DURATION ae as 23 us 4 e+ ° 5 67 @ 9 1011121314131617 18192021 222324252677 28293831 Days: FT. YUKON SURGE AND DURATION JANUARY 1983 ue] MAXUM SURGE is? | 13) 4 123U «| ua a4 1! «4 6 “4 1 7 a sf Ra aac t acs ae n4 we gtie “TTTTITTTITITTTITIITTTTIritiiriitrt * 1234567 8 9181 iZ13141SI617 Wisz2IzeZIZ4 2677 OWI Days FIGURE 10 FT. YUKON FREQUENCY FEBRUARY 1983 6 fe fa fe fs — “ 3 3 270° ° ° “ 2 « P2345 67 OP WINIZITINISCITBNIAMNRBMBATADwH Das FT. YUKON AVG VOLTAGE FEBRUARY 1983 130 aw m8 Ei. we ae 105 gw 17 § * b% ‘ 7 1 aw a is é 32 : ta 5 $n s . 123¢s6769 ee ee ee FT. YUKON NUMBER OF SAGS FEBRUARY 1983 130 siz G1 ye oer i 9% ta tn ,«@ ? « $4 z a nu ® 6 7 @ 9 1011 1213141516 17 10192021 227324 252677 2029 83 Devs FT. YUKON NUMBER OF SURGES FEBRUARY 1983 ware< mopare< moze: 123436709 WIDMER ANRINASTAD wR FT. YUKON NUMBER OF IMPULSES FEBRUARY 1983 2I8ESSHee w4re< mazare< murces~ estea 12-345 67 © 9 1041 121314131617 18192021 227326252677 202981 ‘DAYS FT. YUKON SURGE/SAG FEBRUARY 1983 vare< masare< mazeu H2FdS C7 OM MNADMBKTEDANRINBATADwH FT. YUKON SAG AND DURATION FEBRUARY 1983 ware< mazar. e=BnaesaRe 12.345 67 @ 9 1011 121314151617 18192021 22232423 2677 28293831 Days FT. YUKON SURGE AND DURATION FEBRUARY 1983 e=rewaossaaensd Talat aR Eealantal 12-345 6 7 8 9101112131419 1617 18192021 222326 26.77 B93 DAYS, FIGURE 11 FT. YUKON FREQUENCY MARCH 1983 FT. YUKON NUMBER OF IMPULSES MARCH 1983 ae Lee PEE sf ge EEE EEE EEE Eee EEE (o] wmwe ces i“ =f £6 bee P 36 7 je ) of v cos 76 8 fs pose E Sam nak x hoa 66-4 bsec me Lea o ‘(wun ima iaeel ieee 73] re phan | Bead ti si & Aaa f° tes Las} fad bar ¢ es Le ya pe § s4 bes owt y NUMBER OF PULSES Law § ] t “ “ fue \ y 1 bie = et THAN wif « “ 12.34.56 7 @ 9 1011121314151617 19192021 222324 252677 28293083) Sh Hy perenee wei? 12.3.4 5 6 7 © 9 101112131415 1617 18192021 222324 2526.77 20293831 mays: mers FT. YUKON AVG VOLTAGE MARCH 1983 FT. YUKON SURGE/SAG MARCH 1983 wo fit sy politi LLL LILY ing am we sia rips ¥ sac ‘ é a Ei IDE aiz rigc fue ue % fue 5 MAXIMUM SURGE fue, t - me ¥ pt MAXIMUM SAG ww? ° 6 7 He —, «| 5 0 “2 tn i has | nt aw an fw “y & #4 “ E .s a: ae ay oa al oz mo IR R t t s ta a} 2 21 Siu Zshen § " a "THT TLr Tht lial ltr "Thinline nnn TT . 12.3456 7 @ 9 1011121314131617 10192021 2732452677 70293031 12.3456 7 @ 9 101112131415 1617 18192021 222326 252627 282939031 Das Das FT. YUKON NUMBER OF SACS MARCH 1983 FT. YUKON SAG AND DURATION MARCH 1983 psf ELLILU ERIE LIE politi iti og s “a S19 ~106 $ a a a é 42 C12 me ’ 333 ye 157» e sw oir oe ManneuN $00 al 1 1 9% 1398 : 8 os ust E fn 10 9 ¥ Y 6 6 t to n§ i le of R at a 2 , 3 meee te SAG DURATION “4 : 12.3456 7 @ 9 1011 121314151617 18192021 222524 2526.27 20293831 12.3456 7 0 9 1011 121314151617 18192021 2IABw7 BWI bars Das FT. YUKON NUMBER OF SURGES MARCH 1983 FT. YUKON SURGE AND DURATION MARCH 1983 po flit i ttt ogy spf LLLP IIE EPL LI IIL sis ar $194 bes s ot u u Q riz Aan 213 Pitta f us 2 MAXIMUM SURGE fas 2 £118, maumum sunae jus? £ ve wk yas fia, x4 La 0 34 at | fam f $ «4 Five & 4 j-2se § | fee | E 214 ao Los o ie ret vx bs : oad 14 § oa af {2 te = ot ed a Sa n Sad 2 § u NUMBER OF SURGE: — be sana * s = i | Tae a 12345 67 6 9 1011121314151617 18192021 ZIAD wWH Devs sd non-@ tt Pet crest seu siewianaiiasanaam I we Sawnni7igiay -39- FIGURE 12 ~ FT. YUKON FREQUENCY APRIL 1983 +1. YUKON NUMBER OF IMPULSES APRIL 1983 s 1 — . a - 6s see 4 + tae ser maximum Pee 1 aes }-se0 4 fas Let ee Les? # Sa-foy atte teeesreceeeeeees [ai bm # v L Ese f bse & sm Ls e cx | Esc “35 fea o “4 Lise \ ar bsa F £34 \ Ps? | 734 f-see J a | bs & hea Lee ped — be} faut }-as7 e4 Le \179-] PULSE vourAcE , pews 0 164 aia s A se bss I 24 mite TTT rrr tit 1234567 6 9191 izi3isisei7 WIS VAMBBTABBU ster ttt tty « 12.345 © 7 @ 9 101112131419 1617 18192021 22237877 7829 WI i Devs: Days FT. YUKON AVG VOLTAGE APRIL 1983 FT. YUKON SURGE/SAG APRIL 1983 eI SPE aed Pie) 1 1 im emt Lise si : Lins E124 woe wt nia fie fe peeeeeccetteesttete ete ee tee ees 118! fies MAxiMUM SAG 18 y an $ wer ; ww ¢ _ a bier 0 s- 6 Ss peste st te el ned | ta sana, “ } 5 a | | Lot on my gay || | psf aw 8 Bw ey faq ad | | tse? , a4 be | o a4 | ba! oz Zo b= | \ }32 ia ay a4 ! 21 Siu on * us = ei “TTTTTTTTITITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT* “TTTTTTTTTTI ITT reer ot 12.345 6 7 8 9 10112131415 1617 18192821 227326 2526 27 20293831 12.345 67 8 9 1915121314151617 18192021 227324252677 2879 WII bers ars FT. YUKON NUMBER OF SAGS APRIL 1983 FT. YUKON SAG AND DURATION APRIL 1983 fee EL ee ee ee soft ay sip An siz r a u a [ cia 42m c 12 r ye MaxiMUM SAG Lass? ye MaxiMUM SAG } ° Lasr® ° wer | ge weeee Neer rg | Pw abey Peeeeeety poerteeetees [ 8 p20! ow Es Lees Ens vw 2c Y 6 os» i* ts le ores eta la R 7 bis R 900 ounanon a wey ete! "\ oe F7 a u Nee ap n Read Vans coerce ns tue ~ TUTTTIT ITT rrrttrritrinn* : TTITTTTTTITTITTTTTTTTT1 P2345 67 6 SW IZITIAIS IT OI ZAAMBAVABwH 123.45 © 7 & F 1011 121314151617 8ITMZI IMB w7wBwH Days nays FT. YUKON NUMBER OF SURGES APRIL 1983 FT. YUKON SURGE AND DURATION APRIL 1983 po fLLitL iti gy so PL iy re) $13 fim 3 2 w= bine ue ne sv 16? ws t's, % ss bizu “4 Huak ® a 12.345 07 @ 9 1911121314191617 wIS29ZI ZIABWMWI WU Devs 1234567 6 9 1w1l12131413 1817 WISH RIMDAT AB WH Bars -40- e4re< mazare< ma: eX BHA PTaRKR Nammz <ozmceman eatassvearnescaan FIGURE 13 FT. YUKON FREQUENCY MAY 1983 123456789 001412131615 161719192821 NIN BT NWA FT. YUKON AVG VOLTAGE MAY 1983 138 rs) Y ie eee Rus 12.345 6 7 @ 9 101112131415 1617 18192021 227326252627 28293031 ‘Days, FT. YUKON NUMBER OF SAGS MAY 1983 12349670 senzIMECTUsANZDNASTZ ADDN FT. YUKON NUMBER OF SURGES MAY 1983 Nammz <oxmcemas eatarseeaseeseaa SSRN OSSIARRG eare< mosarec moaames 12.345 6 7 B 9 1911 121314151617 18192821 222324 25.2627 28293831 Days: -4]- PUOOYEION ’ pee op Let SES MAY 19RS STR aes net an de tH en c ae F E a c 5 a : i V8 (BER OF IMPULSES a 1 IMPULSE VOLTAGE ware< mazare< ope 1. 2.3.43 6 7 @ 9 1011121314131617 18197021 22232425 26277 28293831 Days: FT. YUKON SURGE/SAG MAY 1983 12:34:56 7 @ 9 101112131415.1617 18192021 2223 26-25 2627 2829 3831 ‘DAYS, FT. YUKON SAG AND DURATION MAY 1983 waesaRred ese 12.3456 7 @ 9 191112131415 1617 18 192821 222324 25 26 27 2829 3031 DAYS, FT. YUKON SURGE AND DURATION MAY 1983 ATTA 1234567 es wuniIMise wre Dez 02wT pedi tbs iitid toea 929 057 786 74 643, 371 S08 423 337 286 214 M43 7 @ 171 157 M3 129 114 amra<o = a gas 4 amarceae Oo mmexzcz I 0 FT. YUKON FREQUENCY JUNE 1983 Namwmz <ozmceman eatrarsevruseessrcaa 12.3456 7 @ 9 1011121314151617 18192021 22232625 2627 2829 831 ‘Bars, FT. YUKON AVG VOLTAGE JUNE 1983 ecenaessaresseas 12.3456 7 @ 9 10111213141516 17 18 192021 222324 25 26 27 2829 HL Days: FT. YUKON NUMBER OF SAGS JUNE 1983 ware< mazar er BHGStaReK 4 1:2:3.45.6 7 @ 9 1011121316151617 18192021 222326252627 2829 DAYS, FT. YUKON NUMBER OF SURGES JUNE 1983 ware< morare< mozcu 12.345 6 7 B 9 1811121314156 17 18192021 2223.24 25 2627 2829 3831 DAYS, FIGURE 14 PHOSTARR SS RTE PEER ELSES | onse ne amame= 214 6 179 143 107 m1 enzeateaeuseees FT. YUKON NUMBER OF IMPULSES JUNE 1983 i a 3 § i amurcwas no amexcz 12.345 67 G 9 1911 1213141516 17 18192021 222324252627 2829 HL DAYS, FT. YUKON SURGE/SAG JUNE 1983 RPweotT ARR 12.3.4:5 6 7 © 9 1011121314131617 18192021 222324 25.2627 2829 HL Days: FT. YUKON SAG AND DURATION JUNE 1983 130 200 $139 L106 s 129 Lin ¢ vue MaxIMUM SAG Lis? 0 167 F143 U ‘ R T 6 129. f bus | tn [100 ¢ vo % ts Ln § pa Ls? £ R ‘SAG DURATION ras a 29 n shi ® Le ware< movare< mozcu -42- 12.3456 7 @ 9 191112131415.16 17 18192021 22232425 2627 2829 931 Das, FT. YUKON SURGE AND DURATION JUNE 1983 a Rg ‘ $ I a " ¢ § ¢ t t u waste § e e a TT 123.45 6 7 B 9 10111213 14151617 18192821 22 2324 25 2627 2829 WL Days: FIGURE 15 FT. YUKON FREQUENCY JULY 1983 FT. YUKON NUMBER OF IMPULSES JULY 1983 s 1 ‘Ss se £4 ax ar 1 468 4 fe “men se P 436 ' G3 a 406 8 £ se sa E gm 3 ria Rk c 36 36 C m9 3 3 43 0 ey “nos t wy jw Z : sma F ps4 psy fs 3 3 bse fa si as 3 § Les ? 204 492 fan & 3 bssr ¢ 4 7 yi i 7 tee § s+ 3 0 146 | fas § t “ Tue 143 42 Se 7 “ 2 * 2234567 @ 9 WILIZITIGISICI7 WISAAUWAABwVABB MBN 12:34:35.6 7 @ 9 101512131415 16 17 18192021 222324252627 2829 Days Days FT. YUKON AVG VOLTAGE JULY 1983 FT. YUKON SURGE/SAG JULY 1983 po fLLELi tt PAP gy so LLL ttitiiiiiiiitt is js 139s Riz 129 ¢ fue cmb uy ,@ 197 0 0 6 oo 6 F . “tt i saunas Ars nt E 6 “ay 7) os fa at Tz a $ a 71 u westu TTT TTT TTT STITT TTT TTT TTT? 12:34:56 7 @ 9 10181213191516 17 18192021 22232425 2627 28D 22:34:35.6 7 @ 9 101012131415 16 17 18192021 222324252627 2829 Days Days: FT. YUKON NUMBER OF SACS JULY 1983 FT. YUKON SAG AND DURATION JULY 1983 je EL ELU OIE EE politi titi t itt P LILI IIT ogy sis ae @ 129 429 4 y ue MAXIMUM SAG 33 fF 9 ie? a7 k + 96 mio & zac F Eas 250 § Y 6 216 ¢ tn 179* $a 143 az 107 a | 71 u % e @ 223.45 6 7 G9 1h 1213141516 17 18192021 222324 252627 BAU 12.3.4 5 6 7 G 9 1O41 1213141516 17 18 192021 222324 252627 2829 Days Days FT. YUKON NUMBER OF SURGES JULY 1983 FT. YUKON SURGE AND DURATION JULY 1983 sot Li ogy et CLE LIE LE et eee 200 S194 }-46e 8 gs» 1s § | L429 R129 1k Sue Lass 8 Sue is7$ yes j-3s7 ® yr cae 0 #4 Pwo o #4 fi2u | p26 * $ 6 buses & 4 230 § Ss imal & “- 2k & “4 re o y 44 179 £ v5 fn ™ 9 4 bias § 2 a4 bs § tT er 167 tT w24 bac s $ t as 71 aq He € u4 ths ng mee eu. “TTTTTTTTTTTT TTT TT TTT TTT tT ttt THPPEE LUPE ELE P irre err ie eeorrs 223.45 6 7 B 9 18111213 141516 17 18192021 222326 25 2627 2829 123456769 Re eC eanney Days 5 -43- FT. YUKON FREQUENCY AUGUST 1983 wee ee ee £8 acm Les e+ mite TUTTI TT TTT TTT TTT TTT 123456769 WUIZITINISITIIBMARBABA7ABBH mers FT. YUKON AVG VOLTAGE AUGUST 1983 is aw ise E12 129 Rus us f Sur ¢ iS é So 3 is ‘ aw a es é 32 ; ha 5 s u s e LETTE TO PMNs TMDANZANBTAD eI FT. YUKON NUMBER OF SAGS AUGUST 1983 is ae si 64 4 © 129 4298 vue 333 8 0 er 7k T 36 Rio £ os. a6 F Es oe § vo zec - 179 § $a 143 R 167 a 71 u 6 ® ° 1234567 ¢swuzsHseTesnRONBAZAD ER FT. YUKON NUMBER OF SURGES AUGUST 1983 12-345 6 7 B 9 10111213141516 17 18192021 22252625 2627 2829 931 ‘DAYS, FIGURE 16 FT. YUKON NUMBER OF IMPULSES AUGUST 1983 see 1900 i@ 29 4 P46 7 ba mt gm nie ® me 43 0 ed oa ta = Aas 42 P fan av yi 26 § 9 146 nae § Tue 143 Se n ” * L2a¢se7esmuZMseTevANZaABST AD RT FT. YUKON SURGE/SAG AUGUST 1983 12 138 $139 139 $ ni we § us 118 y ye? 17 0% 6 T 5% of 3 7st ba oy v4 “et ia 5 ts = a 2 $274¢567 0 suNaUNEKTMDRARANBATADRN FT. YUKON SAG AND DURATION AUGUST 1983 eresassaneSsGes 6 7 © 9 1111213161516 17 16192021 222324252627 2029 831 DAYS, FT. YUKON SURGE AND DURATION AUGUST 1983 PULTE LATE P ELIA A TTP T PTTL LILY ogy +186 bar bis? 4 Lis § 64 bu e s+ +198 Ew os y 44 br 2 a ts? 1 e- bas : a4 ed no Sethe STOTT TTT TTT TTT 12:34:56 7 @ 9 1010121314151617 18192021 22232425 2627 2629 Days -44- FIGURE 17 FT. YUKON FREQUENCY SEPTEMBER 1983 s cs fe ar fa at je cas is 4 £36 6 E ey aw is 3H iS =i 20 02 @ a s s “ “ a 2 « « L2dese7 es MUA TUDAIZBAAATADRT FT. YUKON AVG VOLTAGE SEPTEMBER 1983 = aus 198 is = que a iw i a 3 4% t an iy He t 2 3 Fa ¥ s u s . r23sese76 a a atl FT. YUKON NUMBER OF SAGS SEPTEMBER 1983 1” sw ’ fis “on y 18 me 0 wr a7 8 ig ty 2 fn 28 § vo 26d t “ ba z a nu e r23es6709 SE —————————— FT. YUKON NUMBER OF SURGES SEPTEMBER 1983 18 oo sis “on fiz 42 gus af ye? mk os Rio § os 26 * is mi cw ee v4 179 6 ae 1a § t2 187 a 7 a % e * 1:2.3.45 6 7 @ 9 10101213161516 17 18192021 222326252627 20829 Days FT. YUKON NUMBER OF IMPULSES SEPTEMBER 1983 ad oad i =| P46 ‘on ‘a me 3 27 me ® nm ‘3 0 >= maf im =) ams we fau av yi 26 § 9 146. 216 § fue 18 Sz 7 » . L2T4S C7 es MUA ENAIZANAST AD RT FT. YUKON SURGE/SAG SEPTEMBER 1983 i = {2 1s aie 129 e § us 18 y ye wr 0 Oo eT Fe =? ts 7 E ce « oy .% «eo ia ot 3 z z a 2 u u . . E2T4SE7 OY Wis 2134151617 IAA NBIMBwzBwBwH mars, FT. YUKON SAG AND DURATION SEPTEMBER 1983 = call si 196 $ biz me vue 197 y ow 1a yu Tt 123 a 8 ust Ens 100 2 Y «@ oS ts a § fo 2 ¢ R 43 : a 2 nu 4 > e L2I¢S eT es wnAIMETEVAAZDADATAD BH FT. YUKON SURGE AND DURATION SEPTEMBER 1983 1 200 su 106 $ a2 mk fue 1s § ’ « 1, os 13u 5 a 14 Qn 108 | a) 0 vs na fa 7 § TR aac Sa Be u epi § ° 2 12.345 67 G9 1010121316151617 18192021 222324252627 2829 Days, -45- FIGURE 18 FT. YUKON FREQUENCY OCTOBER 1983 FT. YUKON NUMBER OF IMPULSES OCTOBER 1983 s ss a 5s ree i ” ee MAXIMUM él e P 436 " ie tes ¥ ao 3 ‘= er = . cs sé c nm o te cay ae ts st tas I ta = Lf Aas , 0 Las 3 San : ° Le a7 : s 0 146 s « tue mamasn vournee a2 Se NUMBER OF IMPULSES * = DZIASE7 SIM WUIZIIMISbITBVAIZBABsSTABBU LZIASE7T SS MINIZIIMISKITLVAUARBMBATADBU ‘Days bars FT. YUKON AVG VOLTAGE OCTOBER 1983 FT. YUKON SURGE/SAG OCTOBER 1983 = po LLL gy se §2- p39 § aaa 12 € R124 MAXIMUM SURGE fiz ¢ E18 & gue E18 y rie ye pie 0 sauna 36 0% MAXIMUM SAG. +36 T re 0 + 64 re ¢ Pst ¢ 3- brs & re a8 a ie | rey Ls £ y #4 Ls 2 has y & a rast rm 0 TR ed ba F Sas La ween § n4 west r° TTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 1234567 8 SWINLIZITINISCI7TONUAUINRBABAVADwH 1234567 6 9 WILIZITIVISIGI7TLIAANBABAMABwH ws Days: FT. YUKON NUMBER OF SAGS OCTOBER 1983 FT. YUKON SAG AND DURATION OCTOBER 1983 19 | 290 sis § pies S ci2 c Pit g » ye ’ +157 » oie : pias ¥ T 6 T MAXIMUM SAG_ Pia fo § Lief E 2s. : f100 2 vo v Les os t Ln § le t Ls € R rs 5 a re " wre sts ° te 2234567 8 9 WIL IZITIVISICI7TIBIMANBABAsVAwBwH 123.45 6 7 @ 9 1111213141516 1718192821 22227 ww ays DRYS FT. YUKON NUMBER OF SURGES OCTOBER 1983 FT. YUKON SURGE AND DURATION OCTOBER 1983 po PLL PIAL gy pL ee $13 464 8 sin 186 S ¥ i294 MAXIMUM SURGE L429 Riz MAXIMUM SURGE Ling € us +393 £84 bas7 § w- j-3s7 & 167 4 143 y y 2 0 64 310 0 *4 129 u | bac F 64 rus § & 34 jee § & 3- j188 | — “4 P2er & “#4 Pes 0 v #4 Lars v 44 Ly» * oa 143 § o a bsr 5 7 r4 167 Te bas C : as ra . as 2 E 4 wuwaen of sunaes oro a iors *“TTTTTT TTTTTTITITITITT TTT TTT J TITITITITIT 12:34:35 6 7 @ 9 101112131615 16 17 18192821 22232425 2627 2829 123436769 BURBVSK TT CNEREBHSSTAHWR ‘bays -46- FIGURE 19 KOTZEBUE FREQUENCY NOVEMBER 1982 LLLLEL tri titi tid eatasseruseescaa 12.3456 7 @ 9 101112131615 1617 18 192021 222324252627 28291 Davs, KOTZEBUE AVG VOLTAGE NOVEMBER 1982 130 au 1398 y ¥ id a9 am ue = é ro y tz : ‘ Ea) } i : ex € 32 ; z ta t ia 8 a 123.4567 @ 9 101112131615 1617 18 192021 22232625267 2829 DAYS, KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF SAGS NOVEMBER 1982 eeagsaresseae 12:34:56 7 @ 9 1011121316151617 18192021 227326252677 83 Das KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF SURGES NOVEMBER 1982 L2T¢S 67 eS MUTI TUNAARBADT ADH Agi KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF IMPULSES NOVEMBER 1982 soo ft Ld Lh 1088 i“ ‘929 s P46 eS? 4 Yee le 76 2 27 L a rig ® a 3 2 643 0 our 52 Tt . pay 3 = aus 2 3 429 P € = 5 3 37 t u 286 bed | ass Tue 193 $ n 2 ° 123.45 6 7 8 9 101112131615 16 17 18192021 22232425 26.27 2829 931 Das, KOTZEBUE SURGE/SAG NOVEMBER 1982 18 $139 R129 § us ye 0 6 5 a6 $3 E . te Tm Sa un . 12345 67 8 9 1011 121314151617 18192021 22232425 2627 2829 931 Das KOTZEBUE SAG AND DURATION NOVEMBER 1982 18 200 gu 106 § G12 img vue 137 Ouer 143 t % 1294 t «6 14] tn 100 0 vw 86 os n § fs a: z af a 2 ac a etal ; . 2 1234567 @ 9 1011 121314151617 18192021 222326252627 2829381 Days, KOTZEBUE SURGE AND DURATION NOVEMBER 1982 1s 200 siz 106 $ ni2 mk Sie] Maxmum sunce oa ,@ 18 o 96 123U $s ue a 1 ta 100 7 bw wo vw 7 # e] sn omaron af Zz ac Sa ae u w § ‘ a 12345 67 © 9 1911 121316151617 18192921 27324252677 BH YS, FIGURE 20 KOTZEBUE FREQUENCY DECEMBER 1982 s ,s “63 F £61 oe pe cag fs sa & gs 6 Ys at = 4 as si 8 70 92 « “7 6 43 “ “ a2 42 a - L23es67e9 a KOTZEBUE AVG VOLTAGE DECEMBER 1982 is is ed 1 ¢ £129 IE us us Ser 17 © € s 6 € a ~ 5 in nt ae aa ps mE 32 23 ta t s u s e LIAS ETAT MNAIMISETENAIAAABAT AD eT KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF SACS DECEMBER 1982 is — gu peed cle 429 4 vue a3 oe me 5 * Rio ed zac F Es 20 § 3 « es ls 179 pa 1463 R 7 a ca u /\ 6 ‘ . L2IASET OT MNAIMMETMNAIZANBET ANN KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF SURGES DECEMBER 1982 ia | R124 MAXIMUM SURGE, gues v we 0 64 5 64 tn & “4 v4 oo ae Sad nd NUMBER OF SURGES eo 12.3456 7 8 9 1011121316151617 18192021 222324252627 2829 DAYS -48- KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF IMPULSES DECEMBER 1982 so i ‘ P 436 ® is 7 3 e 7 ns 3 i ° ba a2 : 4a gs H a2 3 § Pe fan 22 ¢ 22 $ y € O16 s Tue Se s rz2yeser7e ee KOTZEBUE SURGE/SAG DECEMBER 1982 is ise {2 139 § R12 1296 § us ney v - 107 0 os 6 T + 6 e is 4s Eo ay yo 4 t L ph TR z a 2 u u . ° 123456789 wiizi3isisi6i7 BIMARBABw7wBwH DAYS, KOTZEBUE SAG AND DURATION DECEMBER 1982 ware< moeare< ou - eEewsssaned 12:34:56 7 © 9 19101213141516 17 18192821 222324252677 2829 DAYS, KOTZEBUE SURGE AND DURATION DECEMBER 1982 1-2-3456 7 @ 9 1911213141516 17 18 192021 222324 25 2627 2829 3931 ‘Days: FIGURE 21 KOTZEBUE FREQUENCY JANUARY 1983 s Fes a F Eo «ae hd ay i = cs 6 C Pa at = = a3 a 70 492 ad “7 s +s “ 2 e Lz23es567869 WU RDN EET RASRRE NRE eeEA KOTZEBUE AVG VOLTAGE JANUARY 1983 130 138 413. 18 E12 129 ¢ & us 18 f iw wi 6 3 } is on an ‘a8 es mE 2 2 3 ha q s u s . Leaese Tes wnATTETERAIRBNARTAD RT KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF SAGS JANUARY 1983 ise ‘a $139 on biz 42 8 y ue wat over a7 Rk t 36 R10 ga a F Ens 2 § Yo 24S Da a9 § la 143 R 167 a 7 u 6 e e 7 © 9 1011121316151617 18192921 227326232677 8S ‘avs KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF SURGES JANUARY 1983 5 6 7 @ 9 1011121316151617 18192021 22232425 26 27 2829 3831 Days, -49- KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF IMPULSES JANUARY 1983 1008 29 4 7 Ls $ 76 E Sm 3 ® ' r oo 9 35 3 mf Las § saat Aas 2 i “oP fa 22 at y i794 | 26 § 016 ae § ues 1463 Se a7 s+ a 22:34:56 7 © 9 10111213161516 17 18192021 222326252627 2829931 bars KOTZEBUE SURGE/SAG JANUARY 1983 19 18 gus 139 § R 129 1296 gue 118 y 7 197 9 0 6 7 5 a « t Qs 7 & Ew ay . we . a as ts : a 2 n uu . . Hrd ese Te smuADMDeTEDAAZBABET AD wT KOTZEBUE SAG AND DURATION JANUARY 1983 18 28 go 108 Sas MAXIMUM SAG an & y ue 157 p oe 1a yt T 6 1298 £ 14} fas 100 ¢ vw °s e “ n§ fe at z af a 2 u SAG DURATION 14 ‘ Visi" hia pe 12.3456 7 @ 9 10111213141516 17 18192021 222324252627 28293931 mars KOTZEBUE SURGE AND DURATION JANUARY 1983 ise | 290 gm MAXIMUM SURGE [+186 Riz Line Sue bus? ¢ wr 143, 3 «4 Liz $ «4 buss 4s F188 | Ea bas o | En * 2 e Es § Tr fac Sad Le € un sunaeouraion wr | ig § e+ a 5 6 7 6 9 1011213141516 17 18192921 222324252627 28293931 FIGURE 22 KOTZEBUE FREQUENCY FEBRUARY 1983 KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF IMPULSES FEBRUARY 1983 ta 1908 a oF 1a oN r a u £6 Maxim Pee P64 7 18 sana ay twee g me 3 i 33 nak C36 ns a2 re 2 "se $a as Ls f is 74 a5 ri a3 Aas 24 4? 248 fan 7 # es : ” § E 6 § “ | @ « L2345S 67S 9 WIUIZITMISITIBNVANRBABAs7wDwH 1234567 OS WUIZITZVISI7TBNMUIRBABAZADwH Das Das KOTZEBUE AVG VOLTAGE FEBRUARY 1983 KOTZEBUE SURGE/SAG FEBRUARY 1983 SARITA eI Lise $139 waxiauM SURGE ag ) . ¥ L129 f fiz 129 ¢ Diet ue ae a waximum Sac : 3 s 3 } 0 + ¢” a tc“ é a) 5 tS 5 . a s u . 1234567 6 9 WILIZITMISICI7TCNAMANRBAMBSVABwi 2234567 69 Wi iZITISIGI7T CISWANRBABAwZADwH Days: Days KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF SAGS FEBRUARY 1983 KOTZEBUE SAG AND DURATION FEBRUARY 1983 i is sx gu ¢ 129 ¢ 12s y ue y us 0 sr our Ts Ts ad ad Es tn v 6 Y 6 os os» 4 $a R R a a un u . . L234SEC7 SM MIUNIZITIVISICITBNAIRBABATADwH 12.34.56 7 © 9 1015 1213161516 17 18192021 22232425 2627282 ‘Days Days: KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF SURGES FEBRUARY 1983 KOTZEBUE SURGE AND DURATION FEBRUARY 1983 18 + al i + 208 py NT Sp pp NN me Lins R 1a 429 Riz Pitta § ue] a? Saw Lise € w a7 ,@ bias, 3 *- 10 o pizau + 4 206 a) Lue & ¢ 35 saat ¢% et — «4 214 8 E 6 9 y 44 179 a) oo ws 2a § Tt 24 197 TR e s as 7 s a é us 6 u s + NUMBER OF SURGES : : 123.45 6 7 @ 9 101112131415 16 17 16192821 222324252627 2829 OT 123.45 6 7 @ 9 WAL 1213141516 17 16 192921 2223 246252627 ZW Days: Days -50- FIGURE 23 KOTZEBUE FREQUENCY MARCH 1983 s ee LitLiititititiit Fe Ler & r fa waximun Lag 6 eee tet eet MINIMUM 123.456 7 @ 9 101112131615 1617 18192921 22232425 2627 2829831 ‘avs KOTZEBUE AVG VOLTAGE MARCH 1983 LALIT ITLL T EPP LL gg Lu 8 a 5 1 wares mezare< mo L 2345.67 © 9 191112131615 16 17 18192021 22.25.24 25.2627 2029 OSI Days, KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF SAGS MARCH 1983 oft titi ttt ogy six aes ¥ C124 L429 § yes MAXIMUM SAG Pree NT ow asr T *4 +321 0 ¢ «4 Laas’ Es Lose § vw Leis ow Luvs § $34 bis LY \ enh a- P71 n4 NUMBER OF SAGs Prt a6 STITT TT TTT TTT L2IdS CTA MMNADNINETEBAAZBAAST ANT KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF SURGES MARCH 1983 19-4 soa $ 139-4 6a ii waxiaun sunas u Sues 33? yes a7 FR a *4 Rio 5 «4 = 84 20 § Ee Laer va 179¢ 2 a4 143 tz 107 Sa NUMBER OF SURGES \y~ 7 us tran = 3 [36 STITT TTT TIT TTT TTT rr 6 7 6 91011121314151617 1819202122 232425 2627 28293831 DAYS -51- 8 u R c € KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF IMPULSES MARCH 1983 1 IMPULSE VOLTAGE a, NUMBER OF IMPULSES 12:34:56 7 @ 9 10111213141516 1718192821 227324252677 BDI DAYS, KOTZEBUE SURGE/SAG MARCH 1983 ebb ADI) IB 1234 us we x «4 a «4 x4 a4 rz as us e+ 12.345 67 © 9 10111213141536 1718192021 22232423 2627 28293831 ‘avs, KOTZEBUE SAG AND DURATION MARCH 1983 :5 67 @ 9 10111213141516 17 16192021 222324252627 2829931 Days | KOTZEBUE SURGE AND DURATION MARCH 1983 g 193 soph LLt Ltt oy 9-4 L196 2-4 MAXIMUM SURGE Oooo ered | U 184 Hasz § ws pias 2 *4 129 u Ben buss § 3 F190 | “4 es 0 “4 Ln " as hs ‘ R4 b43 sd suns curation te o* Let n4 we shies § STHTTTTITITTIT ITT TT ITI TTI TTT TTT * 3678 1234 9 111 1213 1415 16 17 18 192021 22 23.24 25.26 27 2829 3831 Days, FIGURE 24 KOTZEBUE FREQUENCY APRIL 1983 eH iii iii ‘ ras SE EI ai ei #4] \ ro ¢3-| | wniun Liss 12343678 9 wuiziswisis TU IBIRBABsTADwH mys, KOTZEBUE AVG VOLTAGE APRIL 1983 1 1 ise awe acmum bi 8 £12 eters Lif Rue Eue % cw Tu ¢ y SY sane i, a ° t t + t a a c c E é ¥ ¥ 9 3 t Fr t t s s 12.3456 7 © 9 19111213161516 1718192021 2BMAW7ADwIU Days, KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF SACS APRIL 1983 e4re< moeare< apu ert Bees tare 223.4567 © 9 10111213161516 1718192871 ZI MBATABwU Das, KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF SURGES APRIL 1983 18 +-s08 m oe 129 AL Les ue MAXIMUM SURGE ws w4re< mapare< mazcn 123436789 WIIZITNISITUIAIRBABSTABwU Devs, 2525 ware< moxare< ape eare< maeare< moacu e583 : Ss mruise vorrace Ps sg lv 2 ee fee Tern ht © mrtotes 6 7 © 9 1011121316131617 1019282127232625 262728793831 Devs KOTZEBUE SURGE/SAG APRIL 1983 ue 12.3456 7 @ 9 1911121316131617 18192021 22732673 267728 29 BU bars KOTZEBUE SAG AND DURATION APRIL 1983 123.4567 8 9 1911121316151617 18192921 AABw7ABwU Bays KOTZEBUE SURGE AND DURATION APRIL 1983 1s os MAxiMuM SURGE 129 eg ue ww * SURGE DURATION « a « “ Pe soe - TTTTTI 1234567 8 ssenizisieisei7ws~azANB67 ee Bars FIGURE 25 KOTZEBUE FREQUENCY MAY 1983 ena DEP an rey ea pee woteeena tal \ns6 6 bs’ El eataseruregsscaan fen - 6 L 12:34:96 7 © 9 101112131415 1617 18192021 227326252627 28293831 Drs KOTZEBUE AVG VOLTAGE MAY 1983 iue ware< mapare< movemes SCPHSELARKG 7 @ 9 101112131615 26 17 18192921 222324 252627 2829 3 Dars KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF SACS MAY 1983 > oe aman se bet LL see 9 roi rae! aes aie é ary ® fies 7 7 REE - Tl MURINE TNVANZIAART ADH er twaetae KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF SURGES MAY 1983 sn Ure fiz 129% o fd 7 3 mo $ os Los an ree Ew raen co Lie ia ria § te ue7 “a NUMBER OF SURGES gy. pn nu non . l trririvrr 123696709 snRDMESTMNAARaNAALA: 293831 -53- YOTZEBUE NUMBER OF IMPULSES MAY 1983 eT EUET CGT E GPEC EEUU UTA CGE E EE LLL yea i a— se 8 ® u Pe —s pm —76 2 sm— —7e ® é m9 3 43 0 ’ r } ar ¢ —7 Los— 3 8 —se ! I % & n a2a— § «2 ga z 3 -wf <n —76 3 ee ja. ae io 18 2 aS 1 * oie IPTELELLLT ETE LLL TI 67 © 9 10111213141536 17 10 192021 22.2526 252627 28293831 KOTZEBUE SURGE/SAG MAY 1983 1” LAS LLI LL pe le wr ei lHae tare une Cr TEPTTEGe eT ttt rr res WNRONEKT NIAAA ADBN T lz234s6 KOTZEBUE SAG AND DURATION MAY 1983 19 LAJLL LL Litt = 2 186 § E129. seaximum 840 mG 0 197 5 6 t « ney tn 100 0 v 6 [86 o ! c 4 ray 7 c 334 2 f R= boat as ‘SAG DURATION 2 n= seh Smarr rat in tee: 12365 By © 9 1911 1213141516 17 18192021 222324 2526.27 2829 3831 ‘Bars KOTZEBUE SURGE AND DURATION MAY 1983 e4re< mosare< mazcu searssages 2 on - of 24 A ria oie ree 1:2: 7 © 9 1011121316151617 18192021 222324 25.26 2778793831 Dars FIGURE 26 KOTZEBUE FREQUENCY JUNE 1983 s - 5s acum at je beg hea \/ VY | ts 66 ¥s4 sanenaune ? 4s 3H | E aa a8 + 1 204 302 e4 be o4 bes “ 2 « eat . L1LZI4¢SC7 SS WNIZIUISCTEDBAIRBABSTADBN ers, KOTZEBUE AVG VOLTAGE JUNE 1983 1234567 8 9 1911 121316151617 819A NBNBB7ADWH ‘ers KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF SACS JUNE 1983 Sua ware< moxare< ope nwagtaRed 1234567 8 9 101112131¢151617 181981 ZBABST7ADBU ‘oars, KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF SURCES JUNE 1983 12345 67 © 9 101112131615 1617 1819 VBABBTAIWU ers EcA= ware< mavare< apy e4re< moxare< mance ecenaessaRnKssoae KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF IMPULSES JUNE 1983 = 1 1 ie -< sa Les? & res 2 ™ g re ® @w a | reso = 2 é Con = 33 rm ih = 3 § ae a 3 3 a i) a2 2 al 1s ze S$ ue 13 2 71 s ‘ 1234567 6 9 19111213 16131617 181A NBABW’7AD BH ers, KOTZEBUE SURGE/SAG JUNE 1983 bau eeoetaRreds 123436769 WUIZITVISG IT IBISAARBABBTAD WH ers, KOTZEBUE SAG AND DURATION JUNE 1983 1234567 6 9 1011 121314151617 18197821 ZBABSTIADwU ers, KOTZEBUE SURGE AND DURATION JUNE 1983 1234567 6 9 1011121316151617 18192871 2DABBTABBU mays, FIGURE 27 KOTZEBLE JULY 1983 FREQUENCY KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF IMPLLSES JULY 1983 Z5rewe ou. ~eassewe Hegeesaesonese - shy $38 1Naw! 4O waEHAN 30v170n astnaw —_. SSBSRARERHESSER HEass0w >osreuw sosre wewaswzu> Zwern BQSBRRFRaSSeTEF BESBRRFERBZSESETES eewesuZu> Zuern 12343678 9Ui2isisisisi7BIBAIRBABs7ADwH 1234567 89 WU iZIT WISI I7TIBIAARBABB7ADwH vas sosreuw >ouru BANSSeerssenss JULY 1983 KOTZEBUE SURCE/SAG BARSRRBLTEOHTZS wreuw sosreuw >oure <>waeuw sosreow >oure JULY 1983 KOTZEBUE AVG VOLTAGE BARSERSKTSIATS <>weeuw >osraow >oure 123456789 wiizisisisisi7 eM ABw7ABwH 123456769 UI2I3 415617 MIMI RBABB7 ABW JULY 1983 KOTZEBUE SAG AND DURATION JULY 1983 KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF SACS Wau areernoe Urviwn RANSERBLSEIAAS “au >oureuw soure Zarewx o« wave SFORRARREESE Kw BARSERBL TECHS wae sosreuw >oure 1234396789 WiUizidsiS6I7BIBIRBABSTADWH 123436769 WUIZIIVISCITEIAIRBABsTADwH KOTZEBUE SURGE AND DURATION JULY 1983 JULY 1983 KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF SURGES w>2eGw adeernoz Urosue RSESSRSS ee neas BAHLEREKSEOHETE w2euW >o4reuw sosre E>kawe ou wseuus SJORBABRSESS ow RAHSRREKTEOHEAS w2eew >oureuw sour 2234567 69 1011121319151617 II RBABw7 ADH 123456789 wiizisisisisi7 8 IAALBABBVIABwU -55- FIGURE 28 KOTZEBUE FREQUENCY AUGUST 1983 a ! fs 5 fa t i@ i is at cs 36 C va at | bad et is af 20 oz ° * “ 2 “ l23ese7e9 MURDU EST RNNNATNASTSER KOTZEBUE AVG VOLTAGE AUGUST 1983 e4re< mosare< movem<s ert noassaRrnssGae 123ese7e 9 WU PIN ET NEEARDNSSTSS ER KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF SACS AUGUST 1983 erknassanessiae ease 3e ameses R25gcF BREESE 123465670: euzDNEKrENENZBNaRTABA KOTZEBUE NUMBER OF SURGES AUGUST 1983 So Sd = 206 Te 24 179 13 rd 1m ech wees aRKse sage 123456769 wWUiZITVIS6I7TIIAARBABA7ABwN ars, -56- KOTZEBLE NUMBER OF IMPULSES AUGUST 1983 = 1088 i= = pa 7 oo —s fm nia ® Bw ‘43 0 end a’ c bas seat aaa <P Eau ar yi ze § pas. ae S ue 1g 2 = 123456769 wiuizisieisisi7UIMIRBABwTADwU avs KOTZEBUE SURCGE/SAG AUGUST 1983 ern oecaRessiae ewres ensarad nea 1 123456769 WULIZITISCI7TIIAURBABSTADwH ‘Bars KOTZEBUE SAG AND DURATION AUGUST 1983 eure< ans~re< nee ertwsesaRretsiae SRSRSEE enrnen sendDnee. aoe PPP ET TE 1234567 © 9 0111213161516 17 8192 ROMBBTAD BH ‘ars KOTZEBUE SURGE AND DURATION AUGUST 1983 SUGuSRE BSSsRy enrn<n macubnee anaes mar - of * erNwossanei saad 1234567 © 9 1011 1213191516 17 81971 VBAMBw7ADWHU ‘Bays FIGURE 29 ST. MARYS FREQUENCY ALIGUST 1982 ST. MARYS NUMBER OF IMPULSES AUGUST 1982 LI Liu ! l i l 6s soopttit tit ggg ,e- MAXIMUM AK 7 res el fs 8 £614 / / 61E P36 Les? i eed bee te $@5 S Say 8 Yow 4 hires 8 ‘2 \ \/ see sm re ® c+ \ | V se nm mrnsevoursa? 9 7 Lew #4 \ | sa $74 ) 1 sa f E34 33H 4 as see | gsi | 318 ama azo P 294 \| 492 fa Las 2 en \ 7 yin | b2es § s+ | 45 0 1464 ! | ate 5 MINIMUM t } A “4 “4 Tue “ at Age 143 . s a as @ wr shee ee] MuMaen oF meuises 7 al « < 5 6 7 @ 91011 1213141516 17 1819 2021 222324 25.26 27 2829 3831 Days ST. MARYS AVG VOLTAGE AUGUST 1982 SSSR ESLARRS ware< mopare< mo: 12.345 6 7 @ 9:10111213141516 17 18192021 222324 25 26 27 282930831 Days ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SAGS AUGUST 1982 eare< mazare< anu NUMBER OF SAGS 12.345 6 7 9101112131415 16 17 18192021 222324 25.26 27 2829 3831 Days ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SURGES AUGUST 1982 s " § 4 t 5 ze wos Aa, LEE 3 64 m0 5 «4 206 F in a ted aae vx 179 E oe va 8 1 e4 197 ‘ as a aa NuMBER OF SURGES wr E36 SST TT TT ttt 12.34.56 7B 9 191112131415 1617 18 19.2821 22252425 76 27 2829 3831 Days > . T TITiTrittey 12.34.56 7 B 9 1011 121314151617 181970271 22.2326 2326 27 2829 30931 Days ST MARYS SURGE/SAG AUGUST 1982 12.34.56 7 B 9 10111213141516 17 18192021 22.2326 2526 27 2829 3031 Days, ST ware< mazare< ope MARYS SAG AND DURATION AUGUST 1982 STTTTTTTTTTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TT 6 7 @ 9101112131415 1617 18192021 22.2326 25 26 27 28293831 DAYS, ST MARYS SURGE AND DURATION AUGUST 1982 200 s 106 S t mk t 1s7¢ ; Maaximun SURGE a, al ae 1S maimine . Vite 8a f100 | fad bes o vu rr e 2 43 7 S te at Sad ae 7 wt shia THITEL EP EEE er ree er raat rrr 17 $45 6 6M 1 NUTE A 1341S 1617 1619 2021 227324 7576.27 2829 5031 257 mars FIGURE 30 ST. MARYS FREQUENCY SEPTEMBER 1982 esfitititiiiiiii itis i iitiiiiii iy ra Lee rad A on es ee) ton easy PER pee Ld E se 1 \ \ | \ E \ \ | / see ix \ | \ 36 € “ \] \ 3 is * £35 | / rs # sa / | SiR ie \ y | Le o4 _ Ce s+ bas “ hee wr. s 2 a « 1 “@ TT T T 12.345 6 7 @ 9 1011121316151617 18192021 222324 25.26 27 28293031 DAYS ST. MARYS AVG VOLTAGE SEPTEMBER 1982 ts .2 Liss : : ela Prize i i ii Lite t Ld ire 7 * : 5 : : 7° T 3 : cs € y # v : ; 12 T e 5 6 7 @ 9 1011121314151617 18192021 222324 25.26 27 2629 3931 DAYS ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SAGS SEPTEMBER 1982 12.345 67 @ 9 101112131615 1617 18192021 222324 2526 27 2829 3831 DAYS, SEPTEMBER 1982 ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SURGES 10 soo si aN u u a 12 = ¢ fue 333 8 ye 357 ® 0% =? 5 od 206 A s t as 28 v fo ae am 19 oa 1a § TR wuween oF sunces w 2 -n ® = a -8 TIT 12.345 6 7 @ 9 1911121314191617 18192021 22.23 26 25 26 27 28293831 Days ST. MARYS NUMBER OF IMPULSES SEPTEMBER 1982 cro LLP Iggy 16a be Pa Les ¥ aoe 4 bre6 im ee bea 4 . 3 Leas 43074 $e | tw L 2754 35 I\ Lsee Aaa ss |\ be fm 33 sr via § 2 L2es 9 146 4 7 eee rl eb i T arr 12.34.56 7 @ 9 101112131615 1617 18192021 222324 252627 28293831 DAS, SEPTEMBER 1982 ST. MARYS SURGE/SAG 1 1 §= > aia 12 Sue Lue ‘we ie ox x ya : i c ba MAXIMUM SAG 7 fa “ vs 4 ; iz ° R $ 3 a a on 7 tiga - af! r TTT TTT | ° 1224367 es wnaaiesiemeraraeaaazazws Days ST. MARYS SAG AND DURATION SEPTEMBER 1982 MAXIMUM SAG Lis 6 7 @ 9 101112131415 1617 18192021 222326 25 26 27 28293831 Days, ST. MARYS SURGE AND DURATION SEPTEMBER 1982 _ = s 186 | feed ‘MAXIMUM SURGE giz 71 : ie : ’ 1 — 3 0% 129 toe Lue is 2 & «4 6 vs nm o 7 is MT ic f esp : PEEPE Lettre ttt? 111213 1415 16 17 18 19.221 222324 25 26 27 28293031 Days -58- FIGURE 31 ST MARYS FREQUENCY OCTOBER 1982 ‘6 65 2 et £6 aH a a} i =i c36 S6C vs ae a =a ss suf 270° 432 ° “7 6 43 “ “4 2 42 « 0 12.345 6 7 6 9 1011121314151617 18192021 22324677 Days, ST. MARYS AVG VOLTAGE OCTOBER 1982 1 ai1D me E12 Ie gue 118 ce? ¢ ae é 36 , ia ‘ ao 4 fs t 32 3 R 2 } Siu s e 1234967 sow TMIMEEDAIRBABAT ADH ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SAGS OCTOBER 1982 ise — g 4 cw . v8 33 f 0 187 7k 5 6 m0 fw. anc F Ens 20 § 3 o as ts 179 +a 143 R we a mn nu i . 12343676 ee rer ee ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SURGES OCTOBER 1982 18 ‘se sip * u uv RZ oh fue 3 f 1 ah b 310 5 ze * in aa ct“ 214k ys 179 § ia 13 § : 2 1 a 71 nu % ee ‘ 1:23.45 6 7B 9 101112131415 1617 18192821 222326252677 28 Bays, ware< massro< morc ST. MARYS NUMBER OF IMPULSES OCTOBER 1982 see “6s ” 36 r “oe e m ® ns ° - F * : 20 - a t 179 é 16 s 6 2 7 = i ar 12.345 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617 18192021 22232675 26.27 28293031 ‘Days ST. MARYS SURGE/SAG OCTOBER 1982 ware< mosare< on wsre< mapare< mozce -59- 1234567890112 17 18192021 2223262326 27 28293831 ST. MARYS SAG AND DURATION OCTOBER 1982 130 28 1D 196 § 129 me ne 177» 107 13 x 1238 « 14] Bs 100 8 “« io. ™ ny a af R af a 23 nu 4 . « 1:2:-3.45 6 7 © 9 1012121316151617 18192021 222324252627 28293831 Devs ST. MARYS SURGE AND DURATION OCTOBER 1982 130 1 123 ue ie * “ s “ “ a R a u e 12346567 0 sunzawseiresenRaNsAZ NaBH FIGURE 32 ST. MARYS FREQUENCY NOVEMBER 1982 ST. MARYS NUMBER OF IMPULSES NOVEMBER 1982 sfiitiitiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiisisiit ;, soopttitititi ti iti titi ti titi t titi | iggy ce a ‘stinans Lor 1 ae @ or rea t g 4 fe P46 w 2 8S7 on co a a Yao ¥ as 2% a6 8 fe] | | mane Sam 8s vie ® i a) ¢ 36 | I} | | V ns a § 3 9 * \i\y | | \ 37 73 mf ts \}\] \ | bas z 2 a! eo \P \] | ams 42 P be Vy \f | fan av ws 1 | \ \ 4 yi79 +206 § hs 0 16 | pee s “ yu 13 a2 42 Sa 7 TTT at ? 1 4 1234367 ew TUBAARANBAT ADH 12.3656 7 © 9 1911121319 191647 18192021 222526252627 28293031 bars ST. MARYS AVG VOLTAGE NOVEMBER 1982 ST MARYS SURGE/SAG NOVEMBER 1982 moot EL ILIA ee LL 150 De gs ress bie axmun SURGE [if ne week hue td pe cag ete . bao ri A tf MAXIMUM SAG Es s bs rey ae or a al 5 cS: 5 a a Su tor n tor opt . TITITTTI TTTITIVTTETITIT TTT 12.3456 7 8 9 101112131415 161710192021 222326 252627 28293031 1234567 0 9 srt tet t4 19 i647 18197021 272324252627 70793031 ars oars ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SACS NOVEMBER 1982 ST. MARYS SAG AND DURATION NOVEMBER 1982 1s0 130 sis six i i cia ci2 vue vue 067 er ¥ 3 ¥ 96 g % fw Es Ens v6 vo os . ta le R R a a u nu Y \ west 4 bao “THITTITIIIT ITE uit ida tiltt 123-456 7 w 9 101412 1314151617 18192821 222324 252677 28293031 12.3456 7 © 9 19s i213s41s1617 18192021 222324282627 28728 8 Days Days ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SURGES NOVEMBER 1982 ST MARYS SURGE AND DURATION NOVEMBER 1982 ssofLli tit ogg 150 ERR REaE See eae eer Ae ee es six 46a sip 106 R12 ores 1-429 R124 a ink $ $ 7 § 13 5 3 1294 t ‘ ue A 100 ¢ i 3 ¥ v 71 3 o 34 vf 1 TR aac s Sad 7 § us w § STTTTTT ITT ITITTTT TTT TTT mT? 1 7 B 9101112131415 1617 18192021 22.23.26 23 26 27 28.9 3831 Days -60- 6 7 @ 9 101112131415 1617 18192021 27.23.24 25.26.77 2879 3031 Days eetacserureesrcnan ware< mosare< mozam<> eH PHSSTARKRISBES FIGURE 33 ST. MARYS FREQUENCY DECEMBER 1982 MiNiMUM 123.4567 @ 9 101112131415 1617 18192021 222324 2526.27 2829 3831 DAYS, ST. MARYS AVG VOLTAGE DECEMBER 1982 12.3456 7 @ 9 1011 1213141516 17 18192021 222324 2526 27 2829 3831 Days ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SAGS DECEMBER 1982 12.345 6 7 @ 9 1011 121316151617 18192021 222326252627 28293831 ‘avs ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SURGES DECEMBER 1982 NUMBER OF SURGES 12.345 6 7 B 9 191112131615 16 17 18 19 2021 222324 25.26 27 26293031 DAYS, -61- ST. MARYS NUMBER OF IMPULSES DECEMBER 1982 NUMBER OF IMPULSES 2 1 IMPULSE VOLTAGE 1 6 7 8 9 1111213141516 17 18192021 222326 25 26 27 28293831 DAYS, ST. MARYS SURGE/SAG 12.3456 7 @ 9 10111213161516 1718192021 222324 25.26 27 2829 3931 Days, ST. MARYS SAG AND DURATION 1998 923 °s7 796 714 DECEMBER 1982 DECEMBER 1982 10 200 sis 196 $ a a G12 m6 yue 17 5 9 u oer ua T 9% 1298 £ os us] Ens tea g yo 06 ts 1 § c fae ot R 3 a a’ u " . @ 1234567 8 9 1011121314131617 16192021 222324 2526 27 28293031 bars ST. MARYS SURGE AND DURATION DECEMBER 1982 1 t 290 gi snc sun [10s s R12 a7 e ¢ c fue Lis: ¢ a bie 0 36 1234 5 a Luis & a lie? an 100! Ew Les 0 x vs Ln 8a SURGE DURATION Ls ¢ t TR bas ¢ t Sa r2 & " 8 ° @ 123.45 6 7B 9 191112131415 1617 18192021 222324 25 26 27 2829 3831 Days FIGURE 34 ST. MARYS — FREQUENCY JANUARY 1983 ST. MARYS NUMBER OF IMPULSES JANUARY 1983 * see 1008 ar ite pa ot | P 436 7 ai 4 os ; a6 8 women SK i 37 me ‘ < soe 35 af ee ei se az |\ 33 423° 92 fan \ a2 asx? * yi a6 5 8 9 196 [\ baw § = t - I eee ett? 0 = ‘ 1234567 8 oui wsaa nazz a29—N 12.3456 7 8 9 104112131415161716192021 227324252627 78293031 ‘Days ST. MARYS AVG VOLTAGE JANUARY 1983 ST. MARYS SURGE/SAG JANUARY 1983 ged LEE LEE LI Ie 1se aia 139 A S194 Piss Ss , : axon sunce : £134 129 € aia Pi2¢ Rus 116 8 Sus 118 y PS ee 3 bss $ 3 3 5 64 MaximuM Sac res ¢ ‘ $f be i t Ew Lew v i é y 44 bse 2 ’ y t a res ¢ o Ra P32 5 5 Sa Las s . us fon = 3-1 STOTT 1234567 @ 9 ILIZIZIGISIGI7ISISAAVBIMBW7ABBwWH 223.65 .6 7 @ 9 10111213 1415 161718192821 22232425 2627 2829 OH Days Days ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SAGS JANUARY 1983 ST. MARYS SAG AND DURATION JANUARY 1983 12.3456 7 G 9 1011121314151617 18192021 222324252627 28.29 3831 12.3456 7 8 9 10111213141516 1718192021 22232425 2627 2829 831 Davs bars ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SURGES JANUARY 1983 ST. MARYS SURGE AND DURATION JANUARY 1983 as Laie sot 200 $139 L464 jm ros ¥ 129 MAXIMUM SURGE 129 R12 MAxiMUM SURGE 1R ¢ 8 £ us 1s7 £ us }-393 8 E E iw Ls & yw 13, 0% f-321 0 | od foe Ls F + a 4g ars bese § i) 108 | E 6 2ier fa =. a bee oy ae ts cae § oa] sunas cunanon ot 42 83 Pog 7 1 ae i NUMBER OF SURGES u ws a e e 129.45 6 7 @ 9 sw1dsZ 131695 16 17 1B 192021 27:25 74.75 26.27 2829 SD 12.345 6 7 @ 9 1011 1213141516 17 18 192021 22232425 26 27 28293931 Days, Devs -62- FIGURE 35 ST. MARYS FREQUENCY FEBRUARY 1983 ST. MARYS NUMBER OF IMPULSES FEBRUARY 1983 os fllLli i soo tltt tt iggy £85 wane Far 1 468 L329 Ee rei € P 436 Les je Leo 4 oe L706 Ese se E Sm 3 714 MINIMUM: x € s = 36 ms 3 3 643 “ tse * $7 52 371 3 Psst ‘as $6 58 fs si & ce) 3 $ Pe he 49 3 fa 23 357 a a? yi 7 P2868 s rss e 16 | p-2i¢ “ 44 Tue ad @ Laz Se 7 « + 2 te 12.3456 7 @ 9 1011213141516 1718192021 227324252627 2829 8H Days ST. MARYS AVG VOLTAGE FEBRUARY 1983 MAXIMUM T Bs eare< mosare< 12.3456 7 @ 9 1011 1213141516 1718192021 22232425 2627 2829 3931 Days ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SAGS FEBRUARY 1983 ss » iw ue. Ld % ss “ “ a zz a u e 12:34:56 7 @ 9 101112131405 16 17 18192021 222324 252627 IH as ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SURGES FEBRUARY 1983 is soe 1B one 13 429 iH us MAXIMUM SURGE Mw, a3? wr 4 a7 *-4 321.0 *- 206 F 34 250 § “4 214 #4 v9 E a4 3 § Ro wr a4 7h u4 % am NUMBER OF SURGES : 12.3456 7 @ 9 1011121314151617 18192021 222326 2526 27 282939031 Days ° -63- ware< masare< osu 12.345 6 7B 9 1011 1213141516 1718192021 222326 25.26 27 28293831 Days ST. MARYS SURGE/SAG FEBRUARY 1983 is 12.345 6 7 @ 9 1011 1213141516 1718192021 222326 2526 27 28293831 Days ST. MARYS SAG AND DURATION FEBRUARY 1983 seb REIL E A Bn Iw te] ane se we Bre * a4 al a as a as Hol ssa ounsnon z NEE EPRRERE ERE oe 12.345 6 7 @ 9 1111213161516 17 18192021 222324 2526 27 28293831 Days ST. MARYS SURGE AND DURATION FEBRUARY 1983 ise PEPE P PLATTE TPP T PTT ogy Ina f- 186 S 13 Ling ao west A Lis’ ¢ Ps Lies 2 % Lizs$ « Lise ce] t188 | “ res 0 wo en * a bs? 5 x Eo & a4 Lz — ae SURGE DURATION « weste t STOTT TT TT TTT 1234567 @ 9 1011121314 151617 18192021 222324 2526 2728293031 Days +150 139s MAXIMUM SURGE L129 @ et lie y FIGURE 36 ST. MARYS FREQUENCY MARCH 1983 s és Fe ar Es 1e fe ag fs see 3 6 “ a“ is st a3 uf 20 z a s « 2 « L2IeS6 7AM MUABETELAIADNaATADRT ST. MARYS AVG VOLTAGE MARCH 1983 1 2 194 E12 IE gue 10% Sie S é é * bs 3 a ; aw a ts é 32 3 ba i a 8 e LZIATE TO MNLDNNETEDBAZIANBAT ADH ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SACS MARCH 1983 10 ‘sae $19. " 129 2 y ue af over aR t 6 10 to zee * eas 20S ye 216 ¢ ts 179 fa 163 R 17 a 7 u % ‘ o I2IASE TOS MNAIMSETUDANADNBeT ART ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SURGES MARCH 1983 18 sea 2 : R12 3H gus 33 f 167 357 8 3 m1 9 5 86 26 F 2 = Ea 2168 . 3% 179 1s 14a § tr 17 Sa 7 n 6 ® 12:34:35.6 7 @ 9 1111213141516 17 18192021 222326 25 26 27 282931 Days, ST. MARYS NUMBER OF IMPULSES MARCH 1983 ZINES Sees w4re< mosare< marcva— ease 12.3456 7 @ 9 w911 121316151617 18192021 222324 2526.27 2829 OT Avs, ST MARYS SURGE/SAG MARCH 1983 eare< moeare< mozcu 1: 7 @ 9 1011 121316151617 18192021 222326252627 8TH ‘Days ST. MARYS SAG AND DURATION MARCH 1983 eare< masare< ane sRae ercewaesarnd 6 7 @ 9 101112131615 16 17 18192021 222326252627 28293831 evs, ST. MARYS SURGE AND DURATION MARCH 1983 e«re« mazqe< mune HaogtaRresd 1234-56 7 B 9 1011 1213141516 17 18192021 222324 25 26 27 2829 3831 Days, -64- > R9GESE FIGURE 37 ST. MARYS FREQUENCY APRIL 1983 : ifs c S— maximum rss . i cae ia La § sain 123.45 67 @ 9 161112131415 1617 18192021 222324 25 2627 2829381 bas ST. MARYS AVG VOLTAGE APRIL 1983 sa + ise $2 saan bes E12 L129 Rue Lue ® ¢ 17 Tier ¢ % 3) smn 3 ‘3 ‘ a 6 a He E 18 ¥ oz 0 ta t Siu =. s ® 123-4567 @ 9 10111213141S16 17 18192021 22232425 26 27 2829 3831 Das ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SAGS APRIL 1983 pee IL ee ee ges se 8 6129] waxmum saa 429 x y uss [383 2 eek 357 ® T *4 So NA ere eee 8 «4 b-2es F Es bese § v fais c a L-i79 § {a4 cl z- 187 21] NUMBER OF SAGS rn us = TERT TTT TTT 12.3456 7 @ 9 1011 1213161516 17 18192021 22 2324 2526 27 28293031 DAYS, ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SURGES APRIL 1983 softly gi ree R134 1-429 # $ 1e] MAKMuM sunae Lass 8 ya je3s7 & 0% }-321 0 + 64 L2es F 4 ns- p28 § «4 Laie ® v #4 rive ° a pias § | }187 Sad L7 11] NUMBER OF SURGES = STITTTTTT TT TTT TTT ttt tr 1. 2.3.45 6 7 B 9 1011121314156 17 1819 2021 222324 25.26 27 28293831 Days $s u R s a c e4re< mosare< s u R ¢ € ’ 0 . t a S € v 0 b t 8 -65- ST. MARYS NUMBER OF IMPULSES APRIL 1983 sea “ g 936 te ® ca wi i mi 32 R 5 2 = $3 ws 363 t au | t v7 § “6 s ue Cy * 12:36:56 7 @ 9 101112131415 161718192021 222324252627 28293831 DaYs ST. MARYS SURGE/SAG APRIL 1983 wef LUA 13-4 j139S 129-] MAXIMUM SURGE Lizs uss us y 167 4 Fis 9 %*4 Los T 6 MAXIMUM SAG Los & B- 7s & “a ts v uo tse 0 «4 be } R4 32 a fat u4 we shu e o TTTTTTTTTTTT TTT TT Tr rit rrirrrt 12-345 67 B 9 101112131415 16 17 18192021 222324 25 2627 28293831 Days ST. MARYS SAG AND DURATION APRIL 1983 pot EP, iw fi96 § ao MAXIMUM SAG Fic us +157 » 1? 4 Pies wal NO Aree tee, cag nen Lise | 2 : “4 = “4 En § «4 Ls ¢ a SAG DURATION ‘weed “4 ws 4 12.3456 7B 9 101112131415 1617 18 192021 222326 25 26 27 2829 3831 Days ST. MARYS SURGE AND DURATION APRIL 1983 ssofLlLi tit ogy Ins iss 1294 Lint ues sis i Lis? 1? 4 Fis, | bi29 4 = b116 § a3 p88 T “4 Les 3 “— 7 , o Ls? ¢ Rr- Pas cc 214 sunae ouRnaTion 23 — 4 eae § : TITTTITTITITITIITITITIIIT 789 1911 12 13.14 15 16 17 18 192021 222326 25 26 27 2829 3031 Days, FIGURE 38 ST. MARYS FREQUENCY MAY 1983 ST. MARYS NUMBER OF IMPULSES MAY 1983 es fitlititiisi titi tit ii ii itis i iiiit .. soot tt iggy 5a ‘MAXIMUM oF je 29 8 esl iE P46 es? on ve af i 76 f 52 acne i = me bs so ns “43 0 s a’ 4 sar si F £3 oH bas soo | fst | a As a P ta \ 49} San a7 ° | 7 79 mPULse VOLTAGE 26 s “3 0 146 Fae Ss “ “4 Tue 143 24 be Se "a gen “TITTTTTTTT TTT TTT TTT Tit ttt ttt ttt ttt 123-4567 @ 9 1911 121314151617 18192021 223265 2627 2829 12:34:35 6 7 @ 9 10101213 141516 17 18192021 2223245 2677 BA Days bays: ST. MARYS AVG VOLTAGE MAY 1983 ST. MARYS SURGE/SAG MAY 1983 see ssopLLit iti gy a he a sis Pe s i=] “a List diay] asm sunae List Rus Lue & Sue Lue, Sier ier © 7 p67 0 t y t “ bse 3x bse § bs saan Les ¥ + Meehan Loc & ta rs $ a) 7s & Ao Le & Hey Lew v fs Ls & .% Eso y% rs y fa bes f e R p32 e : R p32 Tt 2 2 t a r-2t Siu Sse § u Sse STTTTTTT TTT TTT TTT STITTTTTTT TTT TTT TTT tr 123.45 6 7 @ 9 101112131415 16 17 18192821 2223245 2627 8TH 123.45 6 7 B 9 1112131415 16 17 18192021 222324 25 26 27 2829 3831 Days days: ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SAGS MAY 1983 ST. MARYS SAG AND DURATION MAY 1983 v4re< mosare< ose 223.4567 6 9 WiILiZIF1915 1617 BISWA NBABwwADwH 12:34:35 6 7 © 9 1911 1Z131415.16 17 18192021 222324 252627 28293 Devs mays - ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SURGES MAY 1983 ST. MARYS SURGE AND DURATION MAY 1983 is ed s a gm b106 § $129 MAXIMUM SURGE . 12 fir s Sue f us Maximum SURGE fus7 § _@ yo 0 6 el 5 os + i is ay co“ v4 ,% 9 43 oa SURGE DURATION $x TR Sa a u NUMBER OF SURGES u e e 67 @ 9 101112131415 1617 18192021 22232425 2627 28293931 123.456 7 @ 9 1011121314156 17 18192021 222324 25 26 27 28293831 ie Days -66- FIGURE 39 JUNE 1983 ST. MARYS NUMBER OF IMPULSES JUNE 1983 JitiLitiiiiiiies LADLGL EDAD LE LEELA TY ggg - it res SLE P 87 on ‘awa EES bee y nec 8 i 714 +63 0 ‘ bsn F f ce a bas # é bas v sol 9 IMPULSE VOLTAGE ze § t NUMBER OF IMPULSES 143 2 n = ° 12.3456 7 @ 9 1011121316151617 18192021 222324232627 28293031 123-6567 8 9 1911iz1316154617 18192021 222326 252627 78293031 bays Days ST. MARYS AVG VOLTAGE JUNE 1983 ST. MARYS SURGE/SAG JUNE 1983 rofl fgg soot gy sis pin sis 9s : ‘ i E13a- Prigve R13 1w3e¢ Russ MAXIMUM peg [118 § fuss ue y $i wna 9 Lar C a Maximum sag ge [7107 2 *- 36 o 64 3&4 re 5 5 64 + 34 ret ¢ 35 aa rea &€ «#4 | bss § a , a4 bas, | e Ra Piz ‘ : za $a La $ a4 Su eegeu § nu “CRT rtd TTTTITTTIT11111I1111 = 12.3.4 5 6 7 @ 9 1012131415 16 17 18192021 22232425 2627 ZI 12:34:56 7 @ 9 101112131615 1617 18192021 2223246252627 2829 OH Days Days ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SACS JUNE 1983 ST. MARYS SAG AND DURATION JUNE 1983 19 SES SE SSSR SSeS eee esses ESSERE Eeeee eee eee eee 20 sip s 186 S A & 6134 c iti yes v F157 » ,w- : maximum sag ye [8 o + 4 § bias & 8 8 Li! € a4 € fie 0 v w- v Les ts e kn § 3 85 3 ref Rr 43 € $ as 2 wr ciel ‘d MuMBEA OF sacs : sso ounanon Mrs ITTTTTTTITT TTT TTT TT Tit itiittts TITTTTTITITITITITITITITT TTT TTT 12:34:56 7 @ 9 1011 121314151617 18192021 222324252627 2829 22:34:56 7 @ 9 111 1213 1415 16 17 18192021 222324 25 26 27 282938 Days Days ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SURGES JUNE 1983 ST. MARYS SURGE AND DURATION JUNE 1983 ise + see ise LEER sip +64 N $139 [ries § Ria 429 8 R129 Link oie af Sie Liss $ wa 37 & ’ 107 ris, b 4 Rio 0% bi29 + bens F 4 as bine ® an 250 § ans 100 | tw 20 tw Lec 3 ¢ " v #4 ie . 4 Ln | 143 § oa Ls? S te 167 i rac a4 7 a P29 € u4 wha u See F “TTT ATT tit e TTT TIT T TIT IT TTT ITT TTT 123.456 7 @ 9 10111213141516 17 18192021 22 252425 26 27 2829 Days 12 34:56 7 B 9 181112131415 1617 198 19 2921 2223.24 25.26 27 282938 Days FIGURE ST. MARYS — FREQUENCY JULY 1983 ® “ te ar t i fa at je a 5] mma ai bs st ¥ “5 ys at is at ' ' be 0} ° ” 6 “ “ “ e «2 « “ 12.3456 7 B 9 1011 121314151617 18192021 22232425 26 27 2829 3831 ‘DAYS, ST. MARYS AVG VOLTAGE JULY 1983 PELE PEL ttt titi ti tit ititiii sy 10 18 819 1394 E12 we Rus 118 § Sw? Ps % 3 “ “ s R a n e L2T4S67 a sMUZIWSETUNAARBABET ADH Soe wassaRRy ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SAGS JULY 1983 12.345 6 7 @ 9 1011121316151617 18192021 22232425 26 27 28293031 bars ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SURGES JULY 1983 DULLALALILELLIL ELLE MAXIMUM SURGE 7. 1‘ six Riz fuss ea ] a a at x o 2 as 11] sunsen oF sunces TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT TTT 12345676 aca aaa ac 40 ST. MARYS NUMBER UF IMPULSES JULY 1983 soo fLL LLP PE LIL ILL gay i 929 Pa Les to 3 786 i™ 4 3 2 ras mo Ss 2 j-6s3 \ wr] h 33 L sr ts I\ 3 § L r- | fe - aU 23 Hes c 2 2 fan a Lssr s || : 0 196 beta 214 Fue 13 s 2 7a = e 123.456 7 @ 9 101112131415 16 17 18192021 222324 25 26 27 2829 3831 Days ST. MARYS SURGE/SAG ome fl LD ok JULY 1983 Pe et 12.345 6 7 @ 9 10111215161516 17 18192021 22.2326 25 26 27 2829 3831 Days ST. MARYS SAG AND DURATION JULY 1983 12.3456 7 @ 9 101112131415 16 17 18192021 22.2326 25 26 27 2829 30831 Days ST. MARYS SURGE AND DURATION JULY 1983 DELL LELE LITT TTT 7 a £ IDs MAXIMUM SURGE pes fo a Si Lis ‘f lei ‘ea es taal ane fm ce ea Bs oa Ls? 12] soe omron Es us —___, ee “TTT 123456 7 8 9 101112131415 16 17 18192021 222324 25.2627 2829 3831 Days FIGURE 41 ST. MARYS FREQUENCY AUGUST 1983 ST. MARYS NUMBER OF IMPULSES AUGUST 1983 os flit soopltiititititititiitsisis BEE ae fs; pws | bee A} coe | 4 5 u - 786 ai im 3 1] Fre § BC ms we 3 | ea o «! tar 2 § bs stom 23s Ee 4 be eas 1 3 = re 5 2 zu 3 3 | 22 ae : { BARTELS 1234367 8 9191 i2i314151617 BISMARBABsTwDwH ers, ST. MARYS AVG VOLTAGE AUGUST 1983 12345676 9 wiuizisisissi7 IAA RBAMBsTwBwU Days ST. MARYS SURGE/SAG AUGUST 1983 so-AISALELAALIAS ELI wo flititiititiiiiiiitiiisiiiiiiiiiy ai ime sina ' i ei IDE aiz cus oH us = ¢ ,@ s os 3 3 5 ws +3 t ¢ 7 aw a fw is E 7) 2 - _— on o Tz $a 5 Sa Sy : u ® ’ L234S 67 SMMUIZITIVISKITBIAURBABATABBH £23.45 6 7 S 9 100112131415 1617 18192021 27327 ww mys: mays: ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SACS AUGUST 1983 ST. MARYS SAG AND DURATION AUGUST 1983 m= s si 16S i : c cw imc v vue 1S? 5 . ou ae § + 36 1298 t fw 16] E Es 8 y 7) t a) § $ s@¢ t 2 € a : u . P2I4SE7 SI MUIZIINISITBNIBANZBABATADwU 2234567 G9 wis iZi3isisi6I7 WISMANMBABwz7 ww bers: mrs ST. MARYS NUMBER OF SURGES AUGUST 1983 ST. MARYS SURGE AND DURATION AUGUST 1983 = 18 PEEP EPET ELIT sip sine i i ria Ria us fuss ——— ye ye o #84 o #%- 5 «4 b «4 ce] ¢ 34 & #4 & “7 y #4 ¥ 44 oa oa ¥ x + x : as £ as n4 u4 ore =] 7 Gunner ela 123.6367 6 9 1011121314151617 18192021 IAB BDH ‘oars -69- TT 111 1213 1415 16 17 18 192021 222326252627 2829381