HomeMy WebLinkAboutPreliminary Evaluation of Generation Equipment and Underground Distribution Line Design 1983‘ UNA J 006 2 { PRELIMINARY EVALUATION OF { GENERATION EQUIPMENT AND UNDERGROUND DISTRIBUTION LINE DESIGN Wie aa, ROBERT W. RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS A DIVISION OF INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING CO,, INC, 7 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction and Purpose 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Purpose w Recommendations a. Evaluation and Considerations 3.1 Generation Equipment Evaluation 3.2 Plant Location Evaluation APPENDIX A. Engineering Calculations B: Diesel Engine and Gas Turbine Manufacturers C. Cable Data : : LIST OF FIGURES 3.1 1981 Underground System Feeder 3.2 1995 Distribution System Map nus ame a ee eae Cora decrony una02/n2 Deph ok werten cheuel/ EVALUATION AND CONSIDERATIONS a Generation Equipment Evaluation Two basic generation technologies were explored for supplying electrical and waste heat energy to Unalaska. These are diesel generation and gas-turbine generation. A. Manufacturers Estimates Budgetary price estimates, delivery dates and performance data for both diesel and gas turbine power generation were solicited from various manufacturers. Criteria set forth to manufacturers was as follows: (1) kW size - 1600 to 2500 (2) Generator voltage - 4160 V, 38, 60 HZ (3) 720-900 rpm (except for turbine) (4) delivery date - within 8-12 months The list of manufacturers contacted and their replies can be found in Appendix B. Response from manufacturers indicated the desired equipment could be obtained within 8-12 months after placement of a formal order. Budgetary price estimates ranged from a low of $200/kW to a high of $534/kW. It should be remembered, however, that the price estimates supplied by manufacturers were based upon minimum criteria and information. wom noaenen, una02/n3 Once a detailed specification is written, it will be necessary to return to the manufacturers to obtain a formal bid for their product. The initial solicitation did serve the purpose of determining those manufacturers which could not meet minimum criteria or delivery dates. Prime Mover Selection (Diesel Versus Gas Turbine) The use of a gas turbine simple cycle unit with or without heat recovery equipment is not recommended for installation at Unalaska. (Combined cycle units in the sizes desired are not presently-available.) The reasons gas turbines are not recom- mended are (1) how efficiency of gas turbine simple cycle units and (2) it is not possible for Unalaska to make use of the estimated 20 million BTU/hr of recoverable waste heat available from a simple cycle gas turbine. The result is a low overall efficiency for the gas turbine when compared to diesel. Although the installed cost of a gas turbine is less than that of a correspondingly sized diesel the lower efficiency of gas turbine makes it uneconomical from a production cost (fuel cost) standpoint. Calculations in Appendix A show that the use of a gas turbine for supplying the electrical and waste heat energy requirements at Unalaska, results in an annual operating fuel cost which is $477,000 in excess of that which is required if diesel generation is employed. Diesel genera- una02/n4 tion which can provide both higher generation efficiency plus sufficient quantities of easily coverable heat should prove the most economical choice. Equipment Sizing Calculations in Appendix A indicate a unit size of approxi- mately 1500 kW. Two such units equipped with jacket water waste heat recovery systems should be purchased as a minimum system. Including the presently existing units of 2 x 300 kW and 2 x 600 kW, firm capacity would be 3300 kW (total less largest unit). This would allow the utility to provide 92% of the total required capacity and 99.8% of the energy requirements should one 1500 kW units be out of service. An additional 1500 kW unit should be purchased as soon as finances permit. This unit would provide sufficient firm power to meet peak demands and increase system reliability. Waste Heat Recovery Waste heat recovery calculations supplied in Appendix A indi- cate there is in excess of 6 million BTU/hr of recoverable waste heat available from a diese) engine and over 20 million BTU/hr of recoverable waste heat available from a gas turbine when used to provide electrical generation for Unalaska Additional calculations show that only one million BTU's/hr una02/n5 are necessary for heating of the municipal buildings and school in Unalaska. Because of the excessive waste heat which is recoverable versus the space heating requirements of the municipality and school, a rather simple waste heat recovery system can be installed. This system could consist of a jacket water heat exchanger and a closed loop circulation hot water system interconnecting all the buildings to be heated. The system would operate similar to a baseboard water heating system, with the diesel engine representing the boiler and providing the heat to the heat exchanger for the operation. una02/n6 3.2 Plant Location Evaluation A. System Voltage A study was performed to determine and adequate system voltage with which to serve the community. The results of the study indicate, that a distribution system voltage of 25 kV must be used to adequately service 1981 loads and future estimated load conditions. The results of the voltage drop and line loss calculations listed in Appendix A, clearly indicate that a distribution voltage of 4160 volts is not adequate. In addition the use of the 4160 voltage results in extremely high line loss. In fact line losses at 4160 volts will be 36 times the losses at 25 kV for a given conductor. The following table summarizes the results of the calculations for the 1981 loads on the new underground distribution feeder shown in Figure 3.1. Voltage Drop kWh losses Cost of losses/yr System Voltage 120 v Base _per year @ 15¢/kWh 25kV 4. 16kV 0.15 7,621 $ 1,143 5.14 274,344 $41,152 The use of a 25 kV distribution voltage will also eliminate the need of a substation on Dutch Harbor, at least for the near future. Dutch Harbor loads can be fed directly from the main substation located adjacent to the powerplant. una02/n7 The present system voltage of 4160 volts can, however, continue to be used to serve the Unalaska Creek Valley and Agnes Beach underground feeders. The 4.16 kV voltage will provide adequate service to these feeders for the near future. These feeders should, however, be upgraded to 25 kV when economics dictate. All additional construction, including extensions or alterations to the above underground feeders, should be built to 25 kV specifications. Figures 3.1 and 3.2 illustrate the 1981 system and the 1995 system respectively. As can be seen on the 1995 system drawing, Dutch Habor is to be fed by a looped arrangement. Voltage drops ,at various locations for the 1995 forecast load are as shown on the voltage drop sheet in Appendix A. Underground Cable B.1 Sizing Conductor size for the primary distribution feeder was determined to be 250 kcmil copper or 350 kcmil aluminum. The load carrying capacity of these cables is in excess of 10 megawatts. This capacity should adequate service the loads in the community through the year 1995. ete al an ail New primary underground distribution g (1981 installation) Figure 3.1 eo reorosco ee wYore ote Nf — una02/n10 B.2 B.S. Base Conductor Material Because of the salt water environment in which the cable will be installed, it is highly recommended that copper conductors be used. Copper is much less susceptible to corrosion caused by saltwater and saltwater spray than aluminum. The problem is not the corrosion of the insulated conductor, but corrosion whereever the conductor is exposed to the atmosphere such as trans- former lugs, j-boxes, etc. From an economic viewpoint 250 kmil conductor is only slightly more expensive than 350 KCmil Aluminum ($2700/1000 ft. for copper vesus $2400/1000 ft. for Aluminum). Cable Installation Two types of cable installations will be required. These are direct burial on land and a submarine crossing between Unalaska and Dutch Harbor. Direct Burial In excess of 50% of all cable installations in the U.S. are installed in PVC conduit or equivalent. Due to the lack of adequate bedding material at Unalaska for back- filling direct burial cable, it is recommended that all underground cables be installed in PVC conduit. Seared una02/nl1l Bo3.2 Installation of the primary feeder cable (less submarine crossing)’ should consists of three single phase URD concentric neutral cables with copper conductors. Installation of the primary feeder will require 11,400 feet of such cable. Recommended cable insulation is XLP or HMW Polyethelyne. It is further recommended that such cable be manufactured using the nitrogen cure process (See Appendix C for additional information). Submarine Cable An armored wire wrapped submarine cable should be used for the channel crossing between Unalaska and Dutch Harbor. Installation should consist of four (3 phases plus spare) 250 kcmil copper conductor single phase, armored wire wrapped cables. Cables should be separated by approximately 20 feet. Separating the cables increases survivability and hence reliability should a boat anchor be dragged across the cable channel A budgetary pricing for such cable is $14/foot. It is estimated four, 1100 foot cables will be needed for a total cost of $61,600. The exact length will depend upon the location of the shore termination points and depth of the channel una02/12 1.1 Introduction A study for the development of the Unalaska electric system has been prepared in 1978. The City of Unalaska has retained the firm of Robert W. Retherford Associates, Division of International Engineering Company Inc., to determine whether the construction of an electrical power plant close to the townsite of Unalaska is economically and technically desir- able and compatible with the long range system plan. This location requires longer distribution lines to serve future industrial consumers but offers the advantage of waste heat utilization for space heating of municipal buildings and the community school. ‘ 1.2 Purpose The purpose of this report is as follows: (1) Determine if adequate electrical service can be provided to future consumers if the new power plant is located near the townsite. (2) Determine the size of new primary distribution feeders to adequately service future load requirements. (3) Determine an appropriate system operating voltage. (4) Determine if waste heat utilization is economically and tech- nically feasible. una02/13 (5) Review diesel and gas turbine manufacturers’ budgetary estimates, delivery dates and performance data and evaluate in regard to compatibility with the long range system plan. (6) Offer general recommendations on type of construction for distribution feeders. ramen oun verme mia wre, wom, wana uo una02/n12 B.4 Cable Warranty To insure a warranty is received on the cable purchased, it is recommended that the City of Unalaska — cable directly from the manufacturer and not purchase through a distributor. Furthermore, the City should request the manufacturer certify in writing the test results for the cable and any warranty implied or expressed. In addition, the City should describe to the manufacturer the use and installation for which the cable in intended. This is to insure there is no misunderstanding by the manufacturer as to the intended use of the cable which might void the warranty should a repair or replacement be required. Gs Transformers Transformer sizes for the seafood processor and the main substation at the powerhouse are recommended below. Each seafood processor should be served by an individual trans- former. The transformer should be placed as close as practi- cable to the load. Location Tfv.. Size Type Voltage Powerhouse Substation 10 MVA, 34 Medium Power Pan Alaska 1.5 MVA, 36 Pad Mount APL. 1.0 MVA, 36 Pad Mount Whitney Fidalgo 1.0 MVA, 36 Pad Mount East Point 1.0 MVA, 32 Pad Mount i oC Bh § Spee a wophentin una02/n13 To minimize possible ferroresonance problems al] three phase transformers should (1) whereever practicable be ground wye- ground wye connect or (2) Ground wye-delta connected trans- formers should employ three phase switching schemes (i.e. no single phase switching). SECTION 2 RECOMMENDATIONS una02/m2 RECOMMENDATIONS A. Distribution System The system operating voltage should be upgraded to 25 kV. It jis not possible to adequately serve the power requirements of the seafood processing industry using a 4160 volt system. The Unalaska Creek Valley feeder can remain at 4160 volts. This feeder can be upgraded to 25 kV at some future date. The Ounalaska Corporation should be encouraged to upgrade their new distribution system voltage to 25 kV. The primary distribution feeder should consist of three single phase URD cables, with concentric neutrals except for the submarine crossing of Dutch Harbor Bay. Insulation material should be XLP or HMW polyethelyne. Cable conductor should be 250 kcmil copper. Cables should be placed in PVC conduit or equivalent to provide additional protection. The submarine crossing of Dutch Harbor Bay should consist of four single phase (3 phases plus one spare) armor protected cables. una02/m3 EB: Seafood processor should be served by individual transformers. Transformers should be located as close as practicable to the load. Whenever possible, all three phase transformers should be grounded wye - grounded wye connected to minimize ferroresonance problems. When using ground wye - delta connected transformers, three phase switching schemes should be employed. A substation is not required on Dutch Harbor when using a 25 kV system voltage. Generating Plant The power plant should be located at the planned location in the city. Waste heat should be utilized to heat the municipal buildings, the school, etc. The City should purchase a minimum of two 1500 kW diesel driven generator sets with switchgear and jacket water heat recovery equipment. Specifications for the above engine-generator sets and switchgear should be written. una02/m4 by Formal bids should be solicited from manufacturers listed in Appendix B for diesel generator sets and switchgear which conform to the above specifications. ca Ua ciety a 4 ( penis SECTION 3 EVALUATION AND CONSIDERATIONS vero _ AN Samar era eee oe ‘eet ware nee enone neem una02/ol APPENDIX A CALCULATIONS —198/ Lond ted Fomgy Fee ast jtaainhehmainaseitieatie' — whe - een Seed ae ee pwek City of Unalasta, 00 0 oe i Pos Wine ka ee eo | _ Stieded Or) 2 BO 7 Rorues A lea tras as ae 20 Pt Se se Whites, Fidelgs 00 7E% f eat Point : —— Dhak au : Metis Cruperericr eS Joo Toteh BTS 8 Fo vase Comet el App Bi BD delovere lM! lojineidend (iets. ign 3 / P50. = 3EIC KO lomercbetyoni _ of Aes) a 0:80 bond (retin ths eparndes Yo fo Yate, ty ne gt sage_ets cone Neh [yr 2 MLE YC Kee corns ceed pant 8760 beefy. j Se = (SY 3590)( 8760) eh Jape FS) 7245200 ewok a ee ee ee er ee a Baa, Nees, {bio a eect wear agit vba ue sans Neue toma wana ate UNA001/H VOLTAGE DROP AND LINE LOSS CALCULATIONS Voltage drop calculations were made in accordance with REA Bulletin 45-1 with the exception that an equivalent kW (kWe) line loading and not the peak sending end kW loading is used to determine voltage drop over line segments with known differences in sending and receiving end kilowatts. The equation for calculating voltage drop on a 120 volt base thus becomes: (kW equiv.) (RCos8+Sin8) (S) (120) *o-> (kV)2 (Cos 6) (P) (1000) Where R = Resistance in ohm per phase per mile X = Reactance in ohms per phase per mile S = Line distance in miles iz = Number of phases 8 = Power factor angle and the kW equivalent (kWe) is calculated using the following equation as found in REA Bulletin 60-9: kWe = (kW Sending End) (d) , Where d is the distribution factor and is equal to: q d = {1/3 (b2 + b + 1))? kW_ Receiving End And b = KW Sending End Line losses were calculated also as outlined in REA Bulletin 60-9 with kWe subsituted for peak kW end or: Rarwnscee Boece UNAO01/H s (kWe)? (Loss Factor) (8760) WhetOsse kW)? (PF)Z (P) (1000 Where: Loss factor (LF) is from an empriical formula equal to .84 (Load Factor)? + .16 (Load Factor) Pf = Power factor and other symbols as described previously. Constant used for voltage and line loss calculations are as follows: (38 construction): Conductor Constants Ampre fy ZEO RCre ty R= 00263 ohme J “ 2 BO Are ns oper HEE Vos" Oo 19 Ohne ‘ Hee fra PL = 0090 0.£6 a la os we Gees EK Newest: «EK eames PROT w wade wate ans asus Wowie sas Wethstn wate, j System Designation VOLTAGE DROP SHEET Plant Location City at Goshle le LL IKE custom Vo Hage 1 / 1981 Loads Section Source Load ‘ly Length Voltage Drop kWh_Losses/Year Source Load End End Power Conductor of This This j End End KW KW Factor Size g kV Section Section Total Section Total il 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ne ls NN Aas es 3040 De 2S? Kewl 3¢ 4le ©. 38 2.1 Site 202724 262724 Pours Plast Alas¥s => * coupes | : LU ec 1.473 Sey FIbis 274244 Pav Tijurctinn 1990 1890 oe 250reml 3% a Alaice Dieleh Heber rapa a \ ys DAGAT pein! bad (een aeener 18il hoe avined at thes vo eee Level, we, a a i eh oli System Designation VOLTAGE DROP SHEET Plant Location 198! Loads Section Source Load Length Voltage Drop kWh_Losses/Year Source Load End End Power Conductor of This ij This sy End End KW KW Factor Size g kV Section Section Total Section © Total i TOO cee AT STE Oa eed ne ||) YI sam cnagwers | geese || eel cee: » LT 2h eames 3 Pro Ps asso gogo ey PSAEEWT 2g SEY get mel Sey Sty Pimst A lnvie Ghana Pre Fay erctine. [340 1840 0-4 2S O¥Cmi 4 eee ede Aine: Bais EQe Tee. ! Vere i Aine awe i Copptn q ‘ oo 2 ee oe a ee ee ee VOLTAGE DROP SHEET ah Stew suet om Vallige / System Designation Plant Location Ci th, e < (iw i fas ie 1995 Loads Section Source Load Length Voltage Drop kWh Losses/Year Source Load End End Power Conductor of This This __End End KW KW Factor Size g kV Section Section Total Section Total . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 t2 13 ae pain 2z3e 233 Ong ae Yomi 3 2SEV 2.7 0.3 23 SHS 4DIS o¥se wee le Ue fey oy oe / ve 2 h2bt3 Voie 96 ' h uv o.4f ad 963 Fois% N 2232 0-9 m1 ue y 7 O+7 oe aN ae bon 0G , HW Z 22 on ee eyue7 (198 223 gas Bis y u v 7 ae a4 ! Gare? ? 4 o.4 5 c 195 bor yeo O-% fn a i ae o? cen 7750 4 Ms ame q eet a5 oe ap 7 Pomt A 9950 F257 964 " “ ‘ a - is ” ” be? ond 1 Ro s ty Dist A- Eect fot 8373 IN8E FF 12 5 ” “ 4 0.8 Del Tae 2S Oe% a : epee Se aL coe Diesel = Gre Trbe fuel Cost cumpaettin 2bo> ko Ceutaur Gre Turbos Unit CSirple Spe Ie) : r ‘ a 6 - i Fal loner Satpal BTW shy ~ 38-77 ki” & we Ne Fueloil B7u fa al = 138,000 &74 ipl (echo!) baste hont Papuan? s = 70 8 Te jhe ge i Jae > 38.77% 0" BTU/hr ~ n x >! we S 3 z = = Roh {onl = 2670 la. Koni lasle 27375 Al) he Pott hag curuf = 18.42 10" BTH)he Fucleil BT/gal = 128,000 BTK/gat ( fz dies) once beat re geste mands = 1 10° BT Jhy C Heal Cvel if) get fhe > 18.52 e%sTujhe ~ 110° RT Jhr 138 xvo3 BT /Gp} Fa 13.39 kWh /qal 108.12 Kwh/¢ ) Assume Wa peak iGo bond Igy etre ods of lu Ww “ Q rm e ee) 26 0:50 GIS, 724,200 Koh Jy err 874 se pee 7 ra ied Teal ts gallons NS Hee bene = IS 724 200 2404 = Pasar fecal gn nee Cheacelere we, 2: pS 24, 200 13h rae ft Di-flermce in. feel Intgu tr enenhs = 477,492 9 Is fuel cost of Sty Ane? [Ga c GAS ter bra'e Cel HIB 36BF gal 161, 086 on/ v : i Sits (ost Fee _ LZ, GR Pe year greats: Tthrw cliesel ongu'e fuel costs palette Exerc i ! ; Uorte reauieed / a { 2 Ko Fe regal: Kwe /4r LF. TTotnl Ase tyned rpg % ot lend Crp’y Unit Cnply Assigned Broaegy fe + dime on hae. To fal assrg ned enees 4 Go of bende rsteg y ' 1 i > a a wa ee Soa yak 2p. Se wren Veen. Pe et Crladatins ALSumes(!) peak ky lend of ILI ia AXIStoKw, 1X boo KY + ENE ¥ed eee ed wat eye wee 4 A stigwmewt T°? Gewns 7 104 Unids S) 15,724,290 ke nagu reg aire Ment Beye ee [X1F09 kW, 2X bd9 AK Z00Kw wee 40 HAN yd we aon Hae eee hae ey FAR ets yee ett ¥RE tae ae *ER EY +54 xx- aed ane ee Xed DER 7H + EN et ay AED ¥t% wey wee ADD 2e7 wey Ticailaciaiijeaiinimil | ! Frank Buf atu . tee ee HAP UE ge Un Unaleso e q § g” i 4 Three Bi numbers wmuyn (un Q bre _ kama 4 4 saituation AN “fone ng fer our 1 Sloeuato a Auguyl 28: | a The heat demand ws on $Re “$ 4 | malin Bh, 2. Radvaror oe heat nai x dl a 4 d g A lo million bhuh*, and 8. Echos hath onl (om a | 2860 Ly” aoe AL ON the Order 20 million Shue a PR ape 4 Cluny, he 2x. wesle tat above. dum $y “gure Te. demand ! | ; For a cost gorse , comrder “hu: wide 5 haat pp alone , cauld tun *300,000 or ro a LAF cal leh (con 8 " E a ace sis : Hee (8 a dg. Y a Meo, Ah (or Prod al a. A, UF agnor on il (ooh fe ee T “UN VALESYVA - Ulegr uel : i pes: ASMOULE G1 Serre torte 0. 43 E acd Se dey I Proudere: c= (Had Qealle py) Sole (ve NL or known & “usin d= BTS lor a Cy pry *% A= lh -3L= Q oe ~*~ dome) Y= 190,000 Bh] Non : a 0.15 Any Cy= 0.67 (ore te | aN Ce = 1.$lo (10% ous ne) GC => th = €(2\()0 om) fe Yu). eal st) me HO (E om gallery dued, 4 m nahh) Di ste ie snr a umes ema ver = (iM A lll ity Ln oe a HL, Bh x USS i 12.4b cf U Nall ~ & ¥ Cihira S\eb G ve Che hs, is a | Coste calcu" y MOK i WW] Fur loner: —_— a= Ne LA +H septa) oF g OL Oy Qher VD a cry 28! ow a 1 oe G:Lw Ve se Qx_ Qe | Qe! 2OCd - 45 10,600 Bee 34,500 | Oe 2000 3 32,00 oe ANNO |} 64.342 L000 ba 31,00 U4064 WG nD! g36r STO eo 470 4b BED 13,938 1S6D 3B 2,690 442 UFO! 38,01) 38,180 144 310,249 180,336 WIQNG! B$,43 1 ano 33° 45 lt ed eps eens We Seas sare we ‘Dumeuay ORS Fre, WR CO ean Re eai. vem teas HTT FMEA PH Hi sane . — \ 0) | Assume heat trate fe ee woke MiGVthy i One Uh “E }O(s00) = soo tub mm Ure Coun {) nybr on (een LAF alt leo coleulefb. J) toe i 1 t ' So, _ Sula ~Q,biuh ayn” | Ofd tall —-&O, 00d 10 Nae Hull soe 28 | fc. Conk eomo w | Pobue 16,000 3 mone owe & | School 810,000 ; 7d el Ld wot We ore PS add “8040 pr hactor OEP ; d . WO 3200 000 : © ae on Alec | ‘ eb on 1400 A ig Pend, = Pine u* | lo, 118 we 2 11,250 We L 11, ®60 ude | Wo, 016 We | Jv ,119 4 14, 880 7 \ cay = 228,150 and pe and iong Hondheck 5 forth ngs. ond Cufbebeo a tame al ia enc Maori I $a | PERAIRE (yes MN (Pe me ‘eee una02/o2 APPENDIX B DIESEL ENGINE AND GAS TURBINE MANUFACTURES a ‘eee una02/03 - The manufacturers listed below were contacted concerning power generation equipment. Their replies can be found immediately following this page. Alco Power Inc Auburn Works 100 Orchard Street Auburn, N.Y. 13021 Tel. 315-253-3241 Cooper Energy Services 1401 Sheridan Ave. P.O. Box 540 Springfield, Ohio 45501 Tel. 513-327-4200 TransAmerica Delaval Inc. 1840-130th N.E. P.O. Box 3187 Bellevue, Wash. 98009 Tel. 206-885-9777 M.A.N. Corporation 1114 Avenue of the Americans New York, N.Y. 10036 Tel. 212-221-3340 Cummins Northwest-Alaska Inc.? 2618 Commerical Drive Anchorage, AK 99501 Tel. 907-279-7594 Mitsubishi. International 875 North Michigan Ave. Suite 2100 Chicago, I11 60611 Telex 254-152 Lawless Detroit Diesels 13644 East Nelson Ave. City of Industry, Calif 91746 Tel. 213-333-1243 International Power Machinery Co. 833-835 Terminal Tower Cleveland, Ohio 4413 Tel. 216-621-9514 Emerson-GM Diesel, Inc. of Alaska! 6161 Rosewood St. Anchorage, Ak 99502 Tel. 907-349-1561 Solar Turbines International 524 West International Airport Rd. Anchorage, AK 99502 Tel. 907-276-7424 1 Does not meet minimum kW size criteria Manufactures ALCO Cooper Energy Services TransAmerica Delaval Inc. M.A.N. Corporation Mitsubishi International Lawless Detroit Diesel International Power Company Solar Turbines International Cummins Northwest-Alaska Inc. Emerson - GM Diesel, Inc. of Alaska MANUFACTURERS RESPONSE Budgetary Price Per/kWh $530 460-500 $200 TABULATION Engine rpm 450 900 720 Comments no reply Letter reply no pricing Includes heat recovery Includes heat recovery Letter reply no pricing Used Equipment dealer See enclosed list Includes heat recovery Does not meet minimum kW size criteria Does not meet minimum kW size criteria a wo Ze oe. & we & BB iB 1073;~ [Pwd «fhe tant AMERICAN A&N.A.Nz CORPORATION 1114 AVENUE OF THE AMERICA L New a ew YERK 10036 - TELEPHONE (212) 221-3340 B REN September 3, 1980 &. a “o> ROBERT W. RETHERFORD ASSGCTRAYS~ Consulting Engineers P.O. Box 6410 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Att.: Mr. Frank Bettine 2x 2,400 KW, alt ..g+3-1,600. KW for Total Energy Plant, Alaska Gentlemen: : Confirming our price for the referenced generator sets and accessories as given over the telephone today, we offer, according to the enclosed "General Conditions of Delivery AL 76e": 1. Two (2) Generator sets, with M.A.N. Diesel engines type 12 ASV 25/30, each rated 2,400 kW mechanical at 900 Rpm, consisting of engine - generator set {including 4,160 V, 60 Hz generator) mounted on a foundation frame with accessories, including heat exchanger for waste heat recovery in a hot water system of 60/90°C. Control and regulating equipment also included. The thermal rating of the system at M.C.R.= 2,450 kw for each engine - gen. set. A non-binding budgetary price for 2 gen.sets with engines type 12 ASV 25/30 in the above scope of supply for delivery, including seaworthy packing, f.o.b. German sea port by the latest August 1981, excluding duty DEUTSCHE MARK 3,920,000.-- yw i 107,4 0a fF sot wy Milo} JR By An wre CAKE AcriAg etal eka dire |e BW: Encl. AMERICAN M.A.N. CORPORATION Alternative: A non binding budgetary price for 3 engine-gen.sets with M.A.N. engines type 8 ASL 25/30, each rated 1,600 kW at 900 Rpm, with the same scope of supply as for 1. and to the same commercial terms DEUTSCHE MARK 4,230,000.-- 47. 96,650 [set We have assumed that progress payments will be made or 448 [ew up until the time of delivery. The delivery time for both versions, including accessories, is presently 12 months ex works after clarification of all technical and commercial details. We trust this proposal meets with your present requirements, we are,of course, willing to submit to you a detailed quotation upon receipt of further necessary data. We look forward to working on this project with you in the future. Yours sincerely, AMERICAN M.A.N. CQRPORATION L 7 1Ho~ hf ryan Wilson Excherge rite 4/4/8e 1.77 macks pe Us dolla, m,. Wwjisen estim Waa th eons fret 4 ROYo GL US rane Lnelee fo subate fur eth rahne fer p79 See Ln Mareen meany TL TAT MT + RURA AHF" “ETSUB1SaT" ‘coo. Bu ATTN: “FRANK SETTING PETHSRFORD ASSOCLATES. ae ANCHORAGE, ALASKA/P.0-. BOX 641% DEAR NR. BETTINE, Bt deseee . . MITSUBISHI INTERNATIONAL CORP/CHICAGD 13 PLEASED TO ENCLOSE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR YOUR RESEARCH AND BUDGETARY ANALYSIS. "WE OF COURSE LOOK FORWARD TO RECELVING YOUR REQUEST FOR BID SHORTLY. PLEASE ACCEPT THE FOLLOWING: . . : -1- UNIT PRICE FOR JAPAN IN JAPANSSE YEN: C1) 153dKY CL37SKVA) DIESEL GENERATING SST 3160V 63HZ 723 RPM WITH GENERATOR CONTROL PANEL AND STANDARD ACCESSORIES . F793 JAPAN YEN 73,,498,992(73, 423, BIB/UNIT 3% 293,209 2. 45 Jew C2) (Dis 1 BUT 2520KW (318sKva) : ia FOB JAPAN YEN 126,283,929 (126,908, 992)/UNIT B S04,000 or “292 Ji Wd =2- SHIPMENT: 6 MONTHS AFTER UR RCPT OF FORMAL ORDER -3- PAYMENT: IRREVOCABLE AT SIGHT L/C <4- VALIDITY:- UP TO DEC 3, 1932 S5- INSPECTION: OUR MANUFACTURER'S SHOP INSPECTION PRIOR TO BIPNENT SHALL BS FINAL THANK YOU FOR YOUR INQUIRY AND WE LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU 3599N. 5 1NCERELY> ROBE2T K. FOLEY - INTERNATIONAL | MICHIGAN AVENUE ILL. 63611 —— 4-152 oe cue" Exchange pede 9/4/2° uae 2SOYOe po lu Ra dollar Transamerica Delaval Inc. iransamernca 1840-130th N. E. Delaval P.O. Box 3187 Bellevue, Wash. 98009 Tr a QUOTATION NO. September 24, 1980 R. W. Retherford Assoc. P. 0. Box 6410 Anchorage, AK 99502 Attn: Mr. Frank Bettine, Electrical Engineer Re: Unalaska Power Plant Expansion Dear Mr. Bettine: I am pleased to submit for your consideration our preliminary proposal on furnishing two Delaval-Enterprise Model DSR-46 medium speed, contin- uous duty, diesel generating units. Each unit will be rated 2620 KW at 450 rpm and 225 BMEP. The approximate price per unit is One Million Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,400,000),F.0.B. Factory. Estimated price includes non-skided engine with 4160 volt generator, waste heat recovery system, intake air equipment, air start equipment, cooling equipment, and control panel. Please refer to attached pages ED 1203-1 P. 1, 2, and 3 for a more detail- ed breakdown on equipment normally provided and included in this estimate. Price estimate also includes standard spare parts and special tools as defined on attached sheets. (Fs24 /iw) Price estimate is based on current costs and would be subject to escalation which has been running 12 to 17% per year. Fuel rates are indicated below: ENGINE LOAD BMEP EXPECTED GUARANTEED 4/4 225 -355 #/HP .360 #/HP-HR 3/4 180 -350 #/HP-HR .357 #/HP-HR 1/2 135 .360 #/HP-HR NONE THIS QUOTATION CONSTITUTES AN OFFER TO SELL ONLY, IS NOT AN ACCEPTANCE OR CONFIRMATION; AND SHALL BE VOID UNLESS ACCEPTED WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM DATE OF QUOTATION SHOWN ABOVE; MEANWHILE BEING SUBJECT TO CHANGE OR WITHDRAWAL UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED ABOVE. ALL ORDERS RECEIVED ARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE BY OUR HOME OFFICE. ACCEPTANCE OF THIS QUOTATION 1S LIMITED TO THE STANDARD CONDI- TIONS OF SALE SET FORTH ON THE REVERSE HEREOF, AND ISSUANCE OF A PURPOSE ORDER WILL BE CONSIDERED AN ACCEPTANCE IF YOUR PURCHASE ORDER AGREES WITH THE DESCRIPTION OF Tt: “AS OFFERED, THE PRICE, AND THE DELIVERY SCHEDULE. ‘eats mw wrateg Hidlisdilitiibd Delaval Ee “Tr one Neath Page 2 R. W. Retherford Assoc. For estimating purposes you can assume that generator will have an efficiency of 96% at full load and 95% at 3/4 load. Information on lube oil consumption and estimated maintenance cost will be forwarded shortly. The opportunity of submitting this preliminary information is appre- ciated. I look forward to the opportunity of working with you as this project develops. Your very truly, TRANSAMERICA DELAVAL INC. ~~ ao (PC A herria oe D. Thomsen District Manager DT/io Attachment cc: D. Henderson - TDI C. D. Wright - TDI mm Sh ww ze eB es ee e #4 Hei MEE “Low Ine. COOPER ENERGY SERVICES AJAX COOPER-BESSEMER PENN PUMP SUPERIOR September 2, 1980 Robert W. Retherford Associates P.O. Box 6410 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Attn: Mr. Frank Bethine Subj: Naknek Outline Drawings Dear Mr. Bethine: Please find attached. copies of outline drawings on the Naknek Electric Association job and of our engine/generator set bulletin. I hope these will assist you on your next job. If additional information is required, please feel free to let me know. Very truly yours, / i, / C. (Cc-2 “¢ a HEN fs i & Cheng Hu Application Engineer CH:sn Attach. Mote . OCopics o ¢ dy Wire or etnruad by Ret fate i As. 96 64 Tos / y 1401 SHERIDAN AVENUE _ P.O. BOX 540 + SPRINGFIELD, OHIO 45501 = 513/327-4200 29 August 1980 Robert W. Retherford Associates Box 6410 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Attention: Mr. Frank Bettine Dear Frank: Enclosed is some preliminary information on the 1500-2500 KW Generator sets you were inquiring about. I think that the engines of the Electro-Motive design that we are considering for your application are the 12, and 20 cylinder turbocharged versions. I am working on your quotation for the 1500-2500 KW machines at 4160 volts, and 900 RPM. I should have seperate prices for both the engine-generator sets, and the switchgear for them soon. Thank you for your inquiry. coe 421 Mont [oe Sales Bia dey oe OP Me np oe Detroit Diesel Engines /Allison Transmissions and Turbines / Electro-Motive Engines Cable Address: INTERPOWER Telephone: 216/621-9514 : ‘ TWX: 810-8170 INTL POWER CLV shila Aa: ugar ph TURBINES * ENGINES * GENERATORS © BOILERS * TRANSFOR POWER PLANTS * ENGINEERS *® DISMANTLING ESTABLISHED 1915 September 16, 1980 AIR MAIL Robert W. Retherford Associates P. 0. Box 6410 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Attention: Mr. Frank Bettine, Staff Engineer Dear Mr. Bettine: Confirming phone conversation today, we understand you have interest in the purchase of a number of engine generator units. For your consideration we wish to call to your attention the following units: 3 - 1000 KW 80% PF 1250 KVA Elliott generators, 3 phase, 60 cycle, 2100/4160 volts, 720 RPM, direct connected to 3 - 1440 HP General Motors diesel engines, Model 16-567B, 720 RPM. Units ecuipped with auxiliaries. New 1948, put on line in 1959. 2 - 1250 KW 80% PF 1563 KVA Fairbanks Morse generators, 3 phase, 60 cycle, 4160 volts, 900 RPM, direct connected to 2 - 1250 KW Fairbanks Morse dual fuel engines, Model 38TDD8 1/8, Type OP, 6 cylinder, all installed on a skid. New 1956 & 1971. 1 - 1550 KW 80% PF 1937 KVA Fairbanks Morse generator, 3 phase, 60 cycle, 2400 volts, 720 RPM, direct connected to 1 - 2160 HP Fairbanks Morse diesel engine, Model 38TDD8 1/8, 9 cyl- inder, opposed piston, 720 RPM. The above unit is skid mounted. New 1955. 1 - 2100 KW 80% PF 2812 KVA Westinghouse generator, 3 phase, 60 cycle, 480 volts, 225 RPM, direct connected to 1 - 3010 HP Nordberg dual fuel engine, 7 cylinder, 225 RPM. New 1953. 3 - 2200 KW 80% PF 2750 KVA Ideal generator, 3 phase, 60 cycle, 160 volts, 51) RPM, direct connected to 3 - 3088 HP Worthington dual fuel engines, Type SWBGO-8, l cycles, 8 cylinders, turbocharges, 13" bore x 18" stroke, 51) RPM. Generator equipped with exciter and auxiliaries. _ Engine equipped with auxiliaries. New 1968. ea ~ , = Cummins Northwest-Alaska, Inc. Sees 2618 Commercial Drive, Anchorage, Alaska 99501, Telephone (907) 279-7594 el 1 August 26, 1980 Eves Frank Bettine Robert W. Rutherford Consulting Engineers Box 6410 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 a f Dear Mr Bettine: In regards to our telephone conversation on 8/25/80, | am en- closing general information on Cummins Packaged Generator Sets. In particular, are 1000 KW/3067 engine - generator set package. | have, also, included Cummins Literature for utility code gener- ation utilizing engine waste heat. If | can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, CUMMINS NORTHWEST ALASKA, INC. gk MW alba joj John M. Walls Manager JMW; ck Enclosures Seattle Spokane Tacoma Aberdeen Pasco Yakima Chehalis Missoula Fairbanks A 4 ~ a ss Rs ex aes 83 te dias a SOLAR TURBINES INTERMATIONAL September 3, 1980 Department of Public Works P. O. Box 89 Unalaska, AK 99685 Attention Mr. Sanders Gentlemen: It is our pleasure to provide you with information on gas turbine generation equipment, which we understand is under consideration for installation at your power plant in Un- alaska. : The following information and budgetary pricing includes three alternatives utilizing the industrial Centaur 2800 KW and the Saturn 800 KW continuous duty generator sets. ALTERNATIVE I - “SIMPLE CYCLE CENTAUR continuous duty generator set rated at 2755 KW at 59 deg. F, sea level, with no inlet or exhaust losses. The set includes: On-Skid Electrical System 1800 rpm Gearbox 4160 Vac Generator Titan Gas Turbine Start (black-start capability) Basic Fuel System - Liquid 24 Vdc Liquid Boost Pump Lube Oil Filter System - Duplex Multi-element Pre/Post Lube System 24 Vdc Lube Oil Tank Heater System Lube Oil Cooler System Electrical Metering Panel Synchroscope Automatic Control System - Auto Standby Start to a Hot Bus Nicad Battery System - Controls Ancillary Equipment - Air/Exhaust Handling Switchgear - 4160 Vac TOTAL BUDGETARY COST / Unit Basis. . 5 524 West International Airport Road, Anchorage, AK 99502 ah An Operating Group of rnational Harvester - (907) 276-7424 ~ - - §$ 885,000.00 Mie Nr. Sanders 9/3/80 Page Two ALTERNATIVE I - Continued SATURN continuous duty generator set rated at 800 KW at 59 deg. F, sea level, with no inlet or exhaust losses. The set includes: On-Skid Electrical System 1800 rpm Gearbox 4160 Vac Generator Shear-type Coupling Generator Space Heaters 24 Vdc Start System Liguid Fuel System Liquid Fuel Filter - Multi-element Lube Oi1 Filter System - Multi-element Lube Oil Tank Heater System Lube Oil Cooler System Governor Control EGB-2C/EG-A Electrical Metering Panel Synchroscope. “Automatic Control System - Auto Start to a Hot Bus Nicad Start and Control Batteries Ancillary Equipment - Air/Exhaust Handling Switchgear - 4160 Vac TOTAL BUDGETARY COST / Unit Basis . ..... $ 365,000.00 ALTERNATIVE II - SIMPLE CYCLE WITH EXHAUST HEAT RECOVERY EQUIPMENT Reference: Solar catalogue "Cogeneration Systems" CENTAUR Heat Recovery Unit. Maxim Model GTS-150 P5H-125D PK6. 5 - 125 spig (low pressure steam) ESTIMATED COST OF HEAT RECOVERY UNIT .... $ 153,998.00 SATURN Heat Recovery Unit. Maxim Model GTS-65 P5H-125D PK6. 5 - 125 psig (low pressure steam) _ ESTIMATED COST OF HEAT RECOVERY UNIT .... $ 93,252.00 | Mr. Sanders - 9/3/80 Page Three ALTERNATIVE III -CENTAUR combined cycle system, including steam generator, water condensing unit, steam turbine, main feedwater pump, and de-ionizer tank. Combined Cycle System .......,..,..2.2.., $1,400,000.00 Centaur Simple Cycle Turbine (sne@ference Alternative I)... .......4.. § 885,000.00 TOTAL BUDGETARY COST / Unit Basis ........ $2,285,000.00 SS SYSTEM PERFORMANCE DESCRIPTION ALTERNATIVE I A. Simple cycle GSC-4000 Centaur based on continuous duty operation. 59 deg. F ambient Elevation: 100 feet Inlet losses: 2 inches Exhaust losses: 2 inches Kilowatts available: 2267 Fuel flow (WF): 39.77 mm Btu/hr Exhaust gas flow (WEX): 139,172 lb/hr Exhaust gas temperature (EGT): 839 Assumed fuel available: #2 diesel (130,000 net Btu/gal) LHV Full load: 39.77 x 106 Btu/hr = 305.9 gal/hr 130 x 103 Btu/gal 2627 Kilowatts available = 8.59 Kwh/gal 305.9 gal/hr B. Simple cycle GSC-1200 Saturn based on continuous auty operation. 59 deg. F ambient Elevation: 100 feet Inlet losses: 2 inches Exhaust losses: 2 inches Kilowatts available: 800 Fuel flow (WF): 13.00 mm Btu/hr Exhaust gas flow (WEX): 49,064 lb/hr Exhaust gasS temperature (EGT): 834 Assumed fuel available: #2 diesel (130,000 net Btu/gal) LHV r A e é | Mr. Sanders 9/3/80 Page Four ALTERNATIVE I, B. - Continued Full load: 13 x 106 Btu/hr = 100 gal/hr 130 x 103 Btu/gal 800 Kilowatts available = 8 Kwh/gal 100 gal/hr ALTERNATIVE II Refer to the brochure on Cogeneration Systems, Electrical Application. A. Simple cycle Centaur with Maxim GTS-150 heat recovery unit. Stack temperature (deg. F): 260 Steam output (lb/hr): 19,387 Exhaust temperature (deg. F): 838 Fuel input (mm Btu/hr): 38.77 Electrical output (KW): 2670 Air mass flow (thousand lb/hr): 143.6 Net heat rate (Btu/hr): 4805 Exhaust heat available (QEX): 18.83 mm Btu/hr Full load: (Heat Credit) woe A 38.77 x 106 Btu/hr -(18.83 x 106 Btu/hr) = 153.4 gal/hr 130 x 103 Btu/gal 2670 Kilowatts available = 17.41 Kwh/gal 153.4. gal/nr B. Simple cycle Saturn with Maxim GTS-65 heat recovery unit. Stack temperature (deg. F): 260 Steam output (lb/hr): 6795 Exhaust temperature (deg. F): 822 Fuel input (mm Btu/hr): 12.95 Electrical output (KW): 800 Air mass flow (thousand lb/hr): 51.76 Net heat rate (Btu/hr): 4825 Exhaust heat available (QEX): 6.55 mm Btu/hr Full load: (Heat Credit) 13 x 106 Btu/hr -(6.55 x 106 Btu/hr) = 49 gal/hr 130 x 103 Btu/gal i f L E ' e 800 Kilowatts available = 16.3 Kwh/gal 49 gal/hr Mr. Sanders 9/3/80 Page Five ALTERNATIVE III Simple cycle Centaur with combined cycle system. A. B. Combined cycle power, 59 deg. F: 5428 HP Overall combined specific fuel consumption: 6408 Btu/HP/hr Thermal efficiency: 39.7 percent Full load: 39.77 x 106 Btu/hr = 305.9 gal/hr So 130 “x 10° Btu/gal 4049 Kilowatts available = 13.2 Kwh/gal 305.9 gal/hr EQUIPMENT AVAILABILITY Based on an immediate commitment by Unalaska to Solar, the following GSE-4000 Centaur liquid fueled package GSC-1200 Saturn liquid fueled package leadtimes on equipment are available. Shipment February, 1981 February, 1981 Heat recovery equipment - Centaur, Maxim GTB<-250 ‘se: > © + es 6 fe ws . 2 Tune 721981 Heat recovery equipment - Saturn, Maxim GTS-65 . . 2. « « + © © «© « « «0 » « OWS, L981 Centaur combined cycle unit, liquid fueled ........-.. - «+ - . - Mid, 1984 Please note: Solar's delivery is dependent upon manufacturing space available at the time of order. We will update out pricing and delivery capability at your request. Has Egey ay ee ee & BY ae Mr. Sancers 9/3/80 Page Six All pricing, this proposal, is based upon freight F. 0. B San Diego, California. = If there are any questions or comments, please contact me at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, fay lL qtdetl Gary L. Mitchell Sales Engineer cj Enclosures (2) cc Retherford Associates una02/04 APPENDIX C CABLE DATA sper ae IR — Mee i Potsan Evac ble Contra City of Gn Alaska 7/%3/Ro () Chble deg th eshmate_ Saari » i Cwkln 4 Hoo t4 = YYoo t+ aie = URD : Concarileie meutent Benble X 380044 = I}, 400 <4 ag URD Direct Burra l Orble Cost sia 4 a _ Sh boulachue - fina cond s Cora Yt fe of OS {3d Dwi bleed EPR Type mP~ & « (mise Cable) i Cry 4 = / <p nfs} ese 25s ky Copper Corvsduar tere , ag conble levi: gitulVAL 250K omii wh, ¥Ib /po02 tt <2 i vi aot ji 7 IH BU pyesodd (i tsa fneture me Soweth wire Comp “y ns et 8 / 5 /8 ° SURE wb Cable, Comtontrin preut ale a so ve ne 22700 /]00 $F 4 len furten Con cle: een Si 25° ¥cemi! — 4/800] 1000 ¢+ 360 Kemi) a # 2400) }o2o ft | = * Recommen cle : Submarine | Crile Manelue bine nel Cost Fst; Tins ete Kerte Company 44 Day Sireet Seymour, Conn, O48 ee Toons Te 1 2 O8- 9R8- 2541 Pe iy . Crble dhes.c rip jen —2S¢V > Sine Ie phnse s BE OC me} Coppgiay Ganeeicve: ipicecperte witli Alimtuim Arr tice Cems ie VR acta (ER Pe La. jm hols patnticure® Mette IUEY Licvaule ee Synethe dee fesulation . Coit: Fetiarnte # yy) tt : “Dyche,, ny Dla m ation oot ee eree CL Calle: Type checir nd Shoe race _@s tery th ef cnhble et ee ee Size. rinck Conch eter Materypl rt eee A) zinC nble_ oprrnting Voltas e i @) UNF mate Lend en 'CAS/e oo Ch) MM tt mm LpultCurrand ow cnble = es Peenoe erie =) __ Clete time Len Cea dt : —= “ie” ee amy ANACONDA UniShield EP DATA SECTION 5 19 Medium Voltage Power Cable Shielded Power Cable Type MVS0 Copper Conductor 25000 Volts 30C Description CONDUCTOR Bare, annealed copper Class B strand; Anapact® compact conductor; Sizes: 10 AWG— 1000 MCM EXTRUDED STRAND SHIELD “Extruded semiconducting stress con- trol layer over conductor. INSULATION EP (ethylene propylene) insulation, colored for contrast with black con- ducting layers, has very stable electrical and physical properties through a broad range of temperatures and provides ex- cellent resistance to heal, moisture, chemicals and radiation. EP meets’ or exceeds IPCEA S-68-516 and AEIC #6. INSULATION SHIELD AND JACKET Corrugated copper drain wires embedded in an extruded, conducting chiorinated polyethylene (CPE-130) jacket. This combination insulation shield and jacket is moisture, chemical, and fieme resistant. Application UniShield EP power cables are ideally suited for use in a broad range of commercial, industrial and utility applications where reliability is the majo: concern, where maximum per- formance will be demanded, and where space is limited. UniSnield EP may be installed in tree air, any raceway, or used in direct burial. Singié conductor 250 MCM and larger mzy be used in cable trays in ac- corcance with 1978 NEC ARTICLE 318. UniSheid EP has a proven record of relieble performance through extensive tuse in. these applications: Pulp and payer mills, petrochemical plants, reatment facilities, steel mills, lex mills, both fossil and nuclear generating stations, scrubbers and other environmental protection sysiems, railroad and mining facilities and water treatment plants Features and Benefits Accepted for use in OSHA regulated installations. UL listed as Type MV90 for use in ac- cordance with the National Electrical Code. Meets IEEE standard 383 qualification requirements for use in nuclear (Class 1£) and non-nuclear generating stations. Temperature ratings: Norma! Continuous © 90C Emergency , 130C Short Circuit 250C Anapact compact conductor provides cable with reduced dimensions for more Capacity per duct. Extruded strand shield forms a virtually perfect electrode. Stress is equalized, corona-producing voids and air-pockets are eliminated. EP insulation possesses superior electrical, thermal and physical properties. Shield System — Combination of drain wires and extruded conducting jackel provides these benefits: Higher short-circuit’ capability. Embedded wire design out-performs conventional tape and wire shield constructions under fault conditions. Uniform shield impedence — drain wires sealed in jacket won't bunch up or move. No tapes to wrinkle or separate from insulation. Corrosion resistance — embedded wires are protected. No other jacket is needed, CPE-130 conducting jacket adheres lightly to assure high corona extinction levels, yet strips easily without special tools or effort. CPE-130 jacket has superior flame resistance. Completed cable meets IEEE standard 383 flame test re- quirements. 1-78 EP insulation is cclored for contrast with black conducting layers to simplify cable preparation for more reliable splices and terminations. Rip-cord drain wires eliminate longitudinal cutting of the jacket — no insulation damage. By actual test UniShield EP can be prepared for splicing and terminating 43% taster than tape shielded cables. Wide Temperature Capability — Uni- Shield EP insulation and jacket rated 90C normal, 130C emergency; also meets IPCEA Cold Bend test require- ments down to minus 65C. How to Specify Specify by AP number (Anaconda Product Number), product name, size, stranding, number of conductors, copper, insulation, jacket, voltage. AP numbers are shown at the top of all construction data lables. A complete detailed guide for devel- oping a specification to meet your specific needs is available from your Anaconda Representative. How to Order Order by Anaconda AP number, product name, quantity required, size, strand- ing number of conductors, copper, in- sulation, jacket, vollage. Number of specific lengihs required and packaging. EXAMPLE Anaconda AP 19201, UniShield EP, 8000 feet, 2/0, 19 strand, single con- ducior, copper, EP (ethylene propylene) insulation, CPE-130 (chlorinated polyethylene) jacket, 25000 Volls. 8— 1000 foot lengths on non-returnabie reels. The Anaconda Company Wire and Cable Division Greenwich, Connecticut 06830 pata SECTION 5 20 Medium Voltage Power Cable ths ANACONDA . a@JniShield EP “Shielded Power Cable Type MV90 ffopper Conductor 25000 Volts 90C cp Ethylene Propylene Insulation CPE-130 Chlorinated Polyethylene Jacket Diameter Drain Size . iG Number Conductor Insulation Over Wire Jacket Overall AWG F or of Diameter Thickness Insulation Size Thickness Diameter Net Weight or CM Strands Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm AWG _ Inch mm Inch mm = Lbs/MFT kg/km - MCM a+ 25000 Volts 100% Insulation Level Grounded AP 19201 v0 19 34 8.7 -260 6.6 83 23 18 .200..*. 25 1.10 28 870 1295 1/0 . 2/0 19 38 9.8 -260 66 .94 24 18 100; . 25 1.15 30 975 1450 = 2/0 tan 19 48-12 -260 6.6 1,04 26 17 Ae 27 1,26 5/92 1395 1960 = 4/0 50 37 By 4 13 260 «66.6 1.08 2? Tr .105 ze 1.30 33 1465 2180 250 350 37 62. 46 -260 6.6 1.18 30 17 ae 2p 1.40 36 1840 2740 350 500 37 74: ||| -260 66 1.30 33 %6.2.-.120. 36 1.55 39 2450 3645 500 750 61 291 23 -260 66 1,47 37 16 .120 3.0 1.73. @4° ‘3366 4995 750 z 61 1:06) 5/23 -260 6.6 1,63 41 15 120 3.0 1.88 48 4265 6350 1000 & MATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE Specified cut lengths are subject to a Dimensions and. weights shown are tolerance of plus 5% minus 0%. nominal, subject to standard industry Sa APCITY REFERENCES tolerances. j ampacities: ae BIO 38 Extruded strand shield is nominally .008 sble Trays: shag inch thick (.2 mm). 3 Sounoins REFERENCES — = Conductor Sizes: Article 250-95 Be ‘sTALLATION REFERENCES jring Methods: Article 300-A ? Article 300-B Bending Radius: Article 300-34 able Trays: Article 318 ie MV Article 326 a ' a - : The Anaconda Company Wire and Cable Division Greenwich, Connecticut 06830 2 ER ence Oa ONIT e ANACONDA /\ UniBlend EP Type MP-GC Mine Power Feeder Cable with Ground Check Three Copper Conductors 15000 and 25000 Volts 90C Description POV/ER CONDUCTORS Annealed copper, Class B slrand per ASTM BB; Sizes: 2 AWG—500 MCM Grounding Conductors: Coated cop- per, Class B strand per ASTM B8. Two conductors, one laid in each of the.two remaining ‘interstices formed by the power conductors, adjacent to and in contact with the copper tape shield. Grounding Check Conductor: No. 8 AWG or larger, annealed copper, Class B strand per ASTM BB. Insulated with high strength yellow polypropylene. The ground check conductor is placed in the interstice between the black and white coded power conductors. EXTRUDED STRAND SHIELD Extruded semiconducting stress con- trol layer. INSULATION EP (ethylene propylene) insulation, col- cred for contrast with black conducting layers, has very stable electrical and physical properties through a broad range of temperatures and provides ex- cellent resistance to heat, moisture, chemicals and radiation. EP meets or exceeds IPCEA S-68-516 and AEIC #6. INSULATION SHIELD Semiconducting tape covered by an overlapped copper tape. A color coded (Dlack, white and red) marker strip is pieced under the copper tape. JACKET Reinforced heavy-duty lead-cured neoprene. Exgellent physical toughness ‘4 special resistance to compression Application High voltage distribution intended for permanent installations. Suitable for underground mining and _ boreholes. Can be used in aerial installations, ducts or direct burial. For a specilic recommendation for your application, please call your Anaconda Representative. Features and Benefits Meets Mining Enforcement and Safety Administration Flame Test require- ments. Temperature Ratings: Normal Continuous 390C Emergency 130C Short Circuit 250C EP (ethylene propylene) insulation offers these advantages — Excellent heat-resistance. Outstanding corona-resistance. Flexibility for easy handling. High dielectric strength. Low moisture absorption. Superior ozone-resistance. Electrical stability under stress. Low dielectric loss. Metallic shield affords symmetrical tadial-stress distribution within the in- sulation to provide high service reli- ability. Simultaneous extrusion and vulcaniza- tion of both strand shield and insulation forms a virtually perfect electrode eliminating unequal electrical stresses. Neoprene jacket is especially com- pounded for mining service. Tough and reliable, offering a high degree of resistance to tearing, punctures, abra- sion, oil, and flame. EP insulation is colored for contrast with black conducting layers to simplify cable preparation for more reliable splices and terminations. DATA SECTION 5 135 Medium Voltage Power Cable 1-78 How to Specify Specify by AP number (Anaconda Pro- duct Number), product name, size, stranding, number c! conductors, cop- per, number of gre. ding conductors, ground check conductor, insulation, jacket, voltage. AP numbers are shown at the top of all construction data tables. A complete, detailed guide for develop- ing a specification to meet your specific needs is available from your Anaconda Representative, How to Order Order by Anaconda AP number, product name, quantity required, size, stranding, numberof conductors, copper, number of grounding conductors, ground check conductor, insulation, jacket, voltage. Number of specific lengths required, and packaging. EXAMPLE Anaconda AP’ 16335 UniBlend EP Type MP-GC 5000 feet, 4/0, 19 strand, three con- ductors copper, two grounding con- ductors, one ground check conductor, EP Insulation, neoprene jacket, 15000 . Volts. 5— 1000 foot lengths on non-returnable reels. The Anaconda Company Wire and Cable Division Greenwich, Connecticut 06830 DATA SECTION 5 136 4edium Voltage Power Cable mn | ANACONDA {4 n- YniBlend EP Type MP-GC - Mine Power Feeder Cable with Ground Check Three Copper Conductors 15000 and 25000 Volts 90C ‘ =p f€thyiene Propylene Insulation Neoprene Jacket Grounding Conductor Size Size Ground Size AWG Number Insulation AWG Number Check Jacket Overall AWG or of Thickness or of Size Thickness Diameter Net Weight or nicha Strands mils mm MCM Strands AWG mils mm Inch mm Lbs./MFT kg/km MCM 5000 Volts 100% Insulation Level Grounded AP 16335 26 7 175 4.44 6 7 8 140 3.56 1.88 47.75 2374 3533 2 1 19 175 4.44 5 7 8 140 3.56 1.98 50.29 2677 3984 1 19 175 4.44 4 7 8 140 3.56 2.05 52.07 3069 4567 1/0 ig 175 4.44 3 7 8 140 3.56 245 54.61 3556 5292 2/0 19 175 4.44 *f 7 8 140 3.56 2.26 57.40 4144 6167 3/0 12 175 4.44 1 19 8 140 3.56 2.40 60.96 4872 7250 4/0 50 37 175 4.44 1/0 19 & 140 3.56 2.50 63.50 5527 * 8225 250 oo 37 175 4.44 V0 19 8 140 3.56 2.64 67.05 6222 9259 300 3D 37. 175 4.44 2/0 19 8 140 3.56 2.75 69.85 7050 10491 =350 3 37 15 4.44 4/0 Le 8 170 4.32 3.10 78.74 10750 14510 500 5000 Volis 100% InsulationLevel Grounded AP 16337 i 19 260 6.37 5 cA & 140 3.56 2.33 59.20 3332 4959 1 10 19 260 6.37 4 7 8 140 3.56 2.42 61.47 3727 5346 1/0 19 260 6.37 3 7 8 140 3.56 2.53 64.26 4260 6340 2/0 O° 19 260 6.37 Z 7 8 140 3.56 2.64 67.06 4889 7276 3/0 0 19 260 6.37 1 19 8 140 3.56 ase 70.36 5650 8408 4/0 30 37 260 6.37 1/0 19 8 170 4.32 2.94 74.68 6353 9454 250 D 37 260 6.37 2/0 19 8 170 4.32 3.30 83.82 8140 12114 350 wn 37 260 6.37 4/0 19 8 170 4.32 3.50 88.90 10726 15962 500 “PACITIES , © AUTHORIZED STOCK ITEMS Dimensions and weights shown are oasult “Power Cable Ampacities.” stock items are available in long nominal, subject 1o standard industry CEA Publication No. P-46-426 (IEEE — fengths for cutting to your specifica- sol ree epdlication No. S-135), Vol. 1. tions. MP-GC also available with low temperature PVC jackel on a make Specified cul lengths ai bject to a 5 : P . oe me Sue manufacturing basis. tolerance of plus 5% minus 0%. The Anaconda Company Wire and Cable Division Greenwich, Connecticut 06830 SOUTHWIRE — COMPANY : 100% INSULATION LEVEL (GROUNDED NEUTRAL) 20 ee 260 MIL HIGH MOLECULAR WEIGHT POLYETHYLENE INSULATION fr ee ten ar PHASE. = | =. “2 “1 °8 piameters. * Nominat wr. | AMPaciTY®* COND. NEURO sivang’ | Mine 2pm - (MILs) - PER 1000 FT. _" (AMPS) Cénper | Snicie | Tick. | SPS [~ Gare : = ire Si ‘ie | -«Mits), an Over fc t i ' wires | taway | (amiss [AMNS). | amniisy | oa | insur [obte | “Wires! [Caer] Burst | over : *|:'20 “902 | 1110 | 266.1 206.0 | 194 | 157 Y V4 pd. 20. 942>{ 1150 | 332.6 | 957.1 | “223 178 V2" {20 “986 | 1228 | 422.9'|1151.3 | 252 205 2°15 20 ‘1036 |.1318-}.528.6 |1420.1] 280 | 229 10. =} .20, 1092.].1416 | 672.6 |1725.0| 320 | 264- 10 =| -25 1158°|.1482 | 807.1 }2016.3 |: 360 | 294. 21. 25 |e “Y261-4:1543 |380.6 |1947.8 | 432<,| 351 i306 | 1588 | 422.9 2165.4] 475 | 392, 1388 | 1671 | 549.7 |2640.4 | ‘518 | 428 “133% INSULATION | LEVEL (UNGROUNDED NEUTRAL) os fstie 345 Mit HIGH MOLECULAR, WEIGHT POLYETHYLENE INSULATION _ 362 1112 1360 1143.5 Haydn-345 222 Srahms-345 2/0 | 19 40s | 1156 | 1438 | 422.9 [1313.8 | 251 Pavel-345, 3/0 | .19 “ass | 1206 | 1428 | 5286 1555.1 | 380 Chopin-345 4jo | 19 512 | 1262 | 1586 | 672.6 |1866.0 |. 325 Dufay-345 - 250 37 558 1334 1658 807.1 {2169.9 359 661 1437 | 1719 | 380.6 |2112.7 | 427 70s | 1482 | 1764 | 422.9 |2335.21 473 789 | 1565 | 1887 | 549.7 [2871.1 | 514 Schuetz-345 | 350] 37>] 18:|/12* Telemah-345 | 400 | 37 | 20 | ‘12* ully-345 = | 500 | 37 | 26 | 12* +373 Neutral : vai igen ie ent -*Ampacty: Three conductor cables in triplex configuration, sheaths pondea isctor, 75°C conductor temp., 25°C ambient temp., ang burial depth of three feet, sVIP is a registered trademark of Southwire Company for Cross: Linked Polyetnytene, 3 giLunded to the system's neutral RHO factor of 90, 100% load Supersedes Sneet Dated September We 1972. 2 | uN bel : e.\ 7 ithwire concepts and contributions as told is people and the press. New process reciuces XLP-insulation voic Reprinted by permission from: ELECTRICAL WORLD November 15, 1978 VE ET PRAME, 3F= New process reduces XLP-insulation voids A new trend periodically appears in response to an industry problem. Electromechanical treeing in cross-linked polyethylene cable is a definite problem that is expected to worsen with time. The virtual elimination of insulation voids by a completely dry curing and cooling (CDCC) process could relieve the problem. Southwire has produced a description of the process along with the rationale for its expected success. The industry is watching this development. ' i | j The advent of cross-linked polyethylene (XLP) for URD cable insulation ap- peared to be one of those perfect solu- lions — inexpensive, casy to handle, and possessed of high electrical integrity. Recently, however, there has been a growing incidence of insulation failures, which on examination have shown the presence of dendritic tracking, er “tree- ing™ that often leads to failure. This phenomenon appears to be associated with the presence of voids and water in the insulation, which are consequences of the curing process during manufacture. A new dry cure may be the answer. Cross-linking of polyethylene ta place as the cable pi s through a vulcanizing tube after extrusion, where it is exposed to saturated steam under pres- sure, and finally is cooled by water. During this curing process, water molecules tually penetrate the insula- tion until the equilibrium solubility asso- ciated with the high curing temperature and pressure is reached. The equilibrium solubility of water in XLP is some 10 times lower at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. therefore, the in- sulation is left supersaturated with water. The excess water molecules eventually cluster and form voids in the insulation, This water is retained throughout the amorphous region of the polyethylene. The amount of water retitined is 2,000- 3,000 ppm. The adverse elfect of water cannot be overestimated. Water contains impurities most of which are polaric components. Ht contains quantities of Fett and Fe'* ions that behave eatialytic- ally in oxidizing reactions. Laboratory studies by X-ray microan- akyzer’s have shown that all the sta points of the trees observed contained iron, and that the concentration of iron is much greater at the initiation point of the tree than it is at any point on the periphery. The water and ions migrate with the assistance of the electric field when the cable is energized. Trees produced in tests were bigger in insula- tion that contained water than they were in dry insulation. Anew process, developed by the Finnish Cable Works of Oy Nokia AB, uses a dry-curing and cooling process that avoids the introduction of water into the cable insulation. The proc s used in the US by Southwire, of Carrollton, Ga, subjects the freshly extruded cat’ cs View through cross section (Fig 1) of steam-cured cable at 1400 x indicates voids throughout cable Dry-cured and cooled-cable cross section (Fig 2) viewed at 1400 x indicates voidless insulation to dry nitrogen under pressure, rather than to saturated steam. In the com- pletely dry curing and cooling process (CDCC), the cable, immediately after it leaves the extruder, passes into a vulcan- izing tube pressurized with dry nitrogen instead of steam. Using radiant heat, the cable is heated to about 300C —the high- est temperature at which the polyethyl- enc remains stable. The pipe itself is designed to withstand heating and cool- ing cycles of up to SOC at 218 psi. To avoid contamination and melt smears, a stable catenary-control system and sens- ing devices ensure that the cable will not touch the surface of the vulcanizing tube. During the heating process. the cable is pressurized with hot, dry nitrogen, Primarily to prevent the volatile products of the curing agent from re asing and forming voids. The positive pressure also ensures the removal of the volatile elements produced during the curing Process. Unlike the conditions with pres- ent methods, temperature and pressure are independent, and therefore very high temperatures can be used to clfect more complete curing. Without leaving the pressurized nitro- gen environment, the cable passes direct: ly into the cooling zone. Initially, heat is radiated from the cable to the cooler pipe. Further cooling is achieved through convection, by circulating pressurized nitrogen through the cooling zone. Heat is removed from the nitrogen by a heat exchanger, and the gas is recirculated at high-turbulent flow velocities to maxi- mize the convection effect. One of the immediate benefits of a dry-cured and dry-cooled cable can be seen in the cable manufactured by Southwire Company (Fig 2). Photo- graphs of a perpendicular cross-section were made with a scanning electron microscope ata magnification of 1400X. The comparative pictures show a distinct absence of voids in the dry-cured and dry-cooled samples. By reducing the number and size of these microvoids, potential trecing-initia- tion points are reduced. The reduction in voids is so dramatic that the surface is absolutcly smooth and appears to be polished when compared to the rougher steam-cured cable surface. The long-term effects of dry curing cannot, of course, be assessed in real situations. However, Nokia has com- pared test results of cable manufactured under these dry conditions to those produced by cable made by steam curing. A length of 20kV cable was manufactured by the CDCC method," and an identical length was made on the same equipment, but water was intro- duced into the cooling zone only. This made a dry-cured, but water-cooled sample. These two samples were ener- gized at 29kV in dry conditions. Every 200 hours, a sample of cach was removed and tested for trees. The first three pairs of samples were devoid of trees. However, at the conclu- sion of the tests, the samples from the water-cooled cable revealed clear tree- ing, while those from the CDCC-treated sample were free of trees. This new technology is expected to reduce problems associated with dendrit- ic trecing by reducing both the number and size of microvoids and by climinat- ing the entrained moisture resulting from current steam-cured water-cooled production lines. "Gis { i \ J o NL oe C.. ee oe 4 i is any os ~-TROUBLEMAKERS eee BY IN Sere i ~ eoite at CABLE pies 35 <.This photomicrograph ; bend at 1400 magnification ‘clearly shows the nu- = merous micro-voids °° (circled) inan ¥ ordinary steam-cured * UD cable insulation. When underground distribution cable fails, more often than not it is caused by voids, moistureand foreign particles in the insulation. Trouble-making trees usually have their origins in these contaminants. Moisture is probably the worst offender, and it finds its way into the cable at the time of manufacture. Until now, all UD cable in the United States has been cured with steam which creates microscopic cavities called water voids. It is well-nigh impossible for mois- ture or foreign particles to get into Hi-Dri Cable. The most exacting me RE wet Southwire Mear cured to minimize voids andi lina _ HI-DRI CABLE IS VIRTUALLY VOID-FREE In striking contrast, this photo of Hi-Dri Cable insulation at the same magnification shows a uniform texture and no voids whatsoever. standards of cleanliness are maintained in the production area. The cross-linked polyethyl- ene insulation material is thoroughly dried before going to the extruder, and radiant heat in a nitrogen gas atmosphere, instead of steam, is used to cure the insulation after extrusion. Cir- culating nitrogen, instead of water, cools the cable. ‘The Hi-Dri curing process truly minimizes the chance for the troubles that grow from moisture micro-voids and foreign particles. primary UD cable The most important advance since cable went underground