HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPMC Meeting Dec 12 Continued Dec. 23, 2013 1i= = ALASKA. mm ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING NU AGENDA VY Thursday, December 12, 2013-— 1 p.m. \ Alaska Energy Authority’s Board Room 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard, Anchorage, AK CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL (for Committee members) PUBLIC ROLL CALL (for all others present) PUBLIC COMMENT AGENDA COMMENTS / MOTION FOR APPROVAL APPROVAL OF PRIOR MEETING MINUTES - July 9, 2013 NEW BUSINESS . 2013 financial audit — Action item Bradley SVC maintenance agreement — Action item Tetolest Z0I3— Homer Electric Association (HEA) transmission tariff filing — Action item Tiegta OZ Adoption of Reliability Standards — Action item Implementation of dynamic scheduling — Action item HEA proposed load balancing area — Action item HEA O & M operator status — Action item Battle Creek update # Fish water screen debris removal “4 } - orm water flows DL get w "9 Prod \ty a sp as K. Purchase or lease of Soldotna-Quartz Creek line L. Kenai outage in November 2013 Status of governor replacement project*3 y. RA “udget frend vrerst N. Dispute resolution process 8. ADJOURNMENT I. 2: 3. 4. Ds 6. Te TOmMmMOAW> To participate by teleconference, dial 1-800-315-6338 and use code 3074#. 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 T 907.771.3000 Toll Free (Alaska Only) 888.300.8534 F 907.771.3044 ATTENDANCE - BPMC REGULAR MEETING, Dec. 12, 2013 @ 1:00 pm (60~ COMMITTEE MEMBERS ALTERNATE -— Brad Evans, Chairman CEA Burke Wick i) Brad Janorschke, Vice Chairman HEA Harvey Ambrose _-tivan eey, Secretary/Treasurer AEA Sara Fisher-Goad Plhronz—Corey Borgeson GVEA Lynn Thompson i James Posey MLP Richard Miller John Foutz SEW Jeff Estes 7 Evan Joe Griffith MEA Gary Kuhn _~ Kirk Gibson, McDowell Rackner & Gibson PC Brian Bjorkquist, Dept of Law | AIDEA | AEA | AIDEAand AEAStaff | AIDEA | AEA | AIDEAandAEAStaff | AIDEA AEA | AIDEA and AEA Staff | | Webster, Teri | | fad el lett ee el + | | | Kelli Veech | | | t | | | | | | a _ i 12/12/2013 Bradley Dispatch BPMC Meeting December 12, 2013 Bob Day Homer Electric 12/12/2013 = (2 Atocton & Scheie Procedures Cp Adabe Acrobat ro fon View Document a Comments forms Took Adaned Window Hep Ss cree) Cousoore- fj Seare f Sign- Forma fg Manca tt Tarra aero ecommendatons for ch h Model provided to the PMC. The voir Operation Mode! shall be modified. if required, to reflect the changes to the permits and licenses that the Project is operated under. The PMC shall have the right to approve any changes made to the Reservoir Operation Mode. Section 5: Project Scheduling. (2) General Each Purchaser shall have the right to schedule during any month an amount of Project Generation not to its Net Allocation for that te ee Mle 400 hour on Teerday preliminary on t i ter on ya y SSL Sopeests shell be coeutbated se 0h ellvaes > baer an T4S8 hewts ca Wednesday for review: the schedule shall be confirmed by the dispatcher no later than 1400 hours on y: and i ae Saree. (The energy week is established to be Saturday thr riday.) Daily schedule changes shall be allowed, subject to procedures implemented by the O&D Subcommittee. See cat stn or s LO mW m any one 5 Purchasers shall be notified no later than 10;0 a.m. om the ing day. The Purchasers shall have unti] 5:00 p.m. of that day to revise their such that the combined Project Generation is to or greater than 10. mW. If such Bradley Time Line Bradley Dispatching The following slides demonstrate the variability and lack of a schedule that Bradley has been dispatched under These are random daily slides from the last year or more Special note to the slides for the time Bradley was in “Imminent spill” September 10" through November 15" The Dispatcher has specific requirements to the other participants during Imminent Spill conditions that they failed to execute. 12/12/2013 12/12/2013 Where is the schedule? 12/12/2013 M | Rage Mt: SA aay Pir Were em 12/12/2013 Why Losses Matter to HEA BPMC Dec 12, 2013 The Effect of Non-HEA Bradley Losses on HEA Transmission SoC ON ag are 80,000.00 100,000.00 [ ee 70,000.00 |——-—- Pai 12/12/2013 After the fact doesn't work » Non-HEA Bradley Losses have to be made up in real time e By the scheduled Non-HEA Bradley output at Quartz being lower than the plant Non-HEA output by the amount of the Non-HEA Bradley losses. ° By HEA Generation making these losses in real time where they appear as HEA native load. » If HEA load were 50 MW and Bradley ramps to 90 MW output, HEA load appears to be 58 MW, a 16% error. This messes up dispatch, unit commitment and gas nominations for HEA. Losses on the HEA system » Non HEA Bradley Losses have the potential to cost HEA a lot of money. » The problem is solved by pre-scheduling per the Bradley contracts. » Dynamic operation of Bradley can occur if dynamic scheduling is implemented for all participants. 12/12/2013 12/12/2013 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALLOCATION AND SCHEDULING PROCEDURES Losses on_the HEA System, Losses on the HEA transmission system various ions shall be determined by the PMC in accordance with load studies. The studies shall be formed with and without the Project, and a matrix of loss factors developed for various projects. HEA load levels and transmission syst ating coctticia’ The loss factor matrix shall be of a form and format a, suitabee tor hourly accounting of losses. If actual operating and dispatch experience indicates that the loss factors may need adjustment, further studies under the above conditions shall be done, taking into account any adjustments that experience may dictate. @) The Dispatcher shall maintain records adequate to determine the relevant HEA load levels and transmission conditions when particular deliveries of Project power are accomplished. Such records shall be made —asenestiianemenammeneeuaaaaieaatiammeae memes ™e ] ¥ a Zn a sw Losses on the HEA system >» Thank You > Questions: Bradley Lake BPMC Meeting July 9th, 2013 - Dec 12th, 2013 Operators Report Unit Statistics: Generation Unit 1 (MWhrs) Unit 2 (MWhrs) Total (MWhrs) August 2013 8,420 14,040 22,460 September 2013 8,510 5,046 13,556 October 2013 29,429 31,575 61,004 November 2013 23,157 23,693 45,850 Hydraulics Avg. Lake Level (ft) Usage (ac ft) Fishwater (ac ft) August 2013 1,156 23,033 6,345 September 2013 1,176 13,588 6,033 October 2013 1,176 60,757 1,979 November 2013 Life 46,329 1,861 Current Status: Inspections: e Nuka Diversion — July 11, Flow and condition normal. October 21*' — No erosion or flow issues noted. e Middle Fork — July 17", Flow and condition normal October 21*. Diversion and runoff flow normal. e Bradley Dam — July 13", Condition normal August 24", Condition normal September 23", No notable items found October 28", A small crack in the spillway gallery grout was noted. e FERC inspection - August 6", Noted that repair work on dam face seals, and parapet wall joints was complete. Recommended inspection of Dresser Couplings on Power Tunnel and Diversion Tunnel vents. Formal report pending. e Spillway Gallery Readings — Lake level 1155’ August 11", flow and pressure readings normal Lake level 1165’ August 30", flow and pressure readings normal Lake level 1175’ September 10", flow and pressure readings normal Lake level 1180’ September 13", flow and pressure readings normal Bradley Lake Operator Report Page 1 Maintenance: Wood and debris removal completed in August Enkamat shoring and rock rip-rap completed in August Dam seal inspection located two original joints that were beginning to fail and a hole in one seal cause by falling rocks. The three seals were treated with additional sealant and a rubber overlay was placed on top of the damaged material. Parapet wall joint seals were repaired or replaced to restore the original waterproof ability. Projects: Relay and meter replacement outage August 26"- September 28". Unit #1 was returned to service as scheduled. Unit #2 was returned to service 3 days early. Small issues outstanding, final drawings and revenue meter changes due to requested dispatch modifications. Overall the project is virtually complete and is $144,000 under budget. Power Tunnel and Diversion tunnel gate testing was completed on September 26" with Bryan Carey of AEA and John Magee of RM Consultants. A replacement video system was purchased as recommended by the O&D committee to complete the recommended inspection of the penstock drain system. The drains were clear and flowing as far as mechanical equipment can view due to unexpected 90° elbows in the drain construction. Partial discharge generator monitor bus couplers were installed in August. The monitoring equipment will be installed early in 2014. Accusonic flow systems replaced a failed penstock flow monitoring system on October 8". The system was ordered in 2012 and was designed to integrate with the existing flow transducers and cabinets. Emerson Control Systems was awarded the Governor Replacement contract. A preliminary kickoff meeting was held on October 29-31* with representatives from Emerson Pittsburgh, PA and Emerson St. Petersburg, Russia The engineered storage building for housing the Nuka tractor equipment arrived in Homer on October 11". The building will be erected in the spring by Polar Construction. Polar construction completed Residence and Crew Quarter general repair and replacement of worn flooring in October. They were on site for a two week period. Bradley Lake Operator Report Page 2 Projects continued: Fishwater screen debris removal project analysis and cost estimates are in the preliminary stages. The costs and concerns will be presented to the O&D and the BPMS on December 12". Arc flash analysis and plant labeling is scheduled to be completed in early 2014. This was prepared in conjunction with the relay and meter replacement project. Trips and Incidents: Bradley lake overflowed the spillway during the period of September 12-23". Spill was Caused in part due to the delay of the scheduled outage during the project re-bid to verify proposed costs from EPS and EPC. Several large rain storms and weather patterns passed through the Kachemak Bay area in September. September 22 — Unit #1 trip due to relay testing on Unit #2. Discovered undocumented cross wiring between units from original construction. Scheduled unit outages to reconfigure wiring to separate unit relay schemes. September 25- Unit #2 trip from contractor replacing meter covers following relay replacement. October 31* — Two wiring contractors were performing governor termination and wire verification. The wireman moved a cable in the governor actuator cabinet to read the label and it pulled loose from the connector causing a unit trip. Unit #2 was offline for 19 minutes. November 22" - 11:24am the peninsula experienced a large load shed. The Bradley Unit #1 and #2 governor control systems engaged the dividers to correct frequency. Frequency was stable until 11:27. Both units tripped at 11:27 on low frequency during a second frequency excursion. The investigation and analysis in not complete at this time. Bradley Lake Operator Report Page 3 Bradley Lake During Construction, 5-22-1990 2523 4 - Dam and lake. ae Bradley Lake Frozen 12-4-2013 Bradley Lake Operator Report Page 4 Cosrie ‘ey _ Them PucK lw WEA Cer eon Kik Jones MEW DD. Graves WEA ree: fe Lyne * mpson— GVEA AWS soreer, ders Vieyx Bob Day Posey WMioedia Westar sto. ee "doe - Whar Makethen nob approve pide rh * 2 Nlan-Owens “superintepent Beh © S- Fen win Ss Bryan NERC Chang Yn ic POLES , TAS Z aXe. pees a Soe Uneened glen? Bob Day- prema [Mowrtain a : Veh? — M- Man Owens 2:50 Posey - age 0% Fe. Governor Fails a rondo hoes fell Ht Bulge Prrenbauen —H0 relary | Gy Drirn Swag KAssoe, Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Thursday, Dec. 12, 2013 @ 1:00 P.M. **PLEASE WRITE LEGIBLY* ORGANIZATION Le a (eee? Qe) Fe WI Ban Hop Kank AGO Teri Webster From: Bryan Carey Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 11:29 AM To: Teri Webster Subject: FW: BPMC Agenda Item Not to be added at this time but will be at the meeting. No motion required. Bryan Carey, P.E. AEA & AIDEA (907) 771-3065 From: Brad Evans [mailto:Brad_Evans@chugachelectric.com] Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 9:57 AM To: Bryan Carey Cc: Sara Fisher-Goad; Kelli L. Veech Subject: RE: BPMC Agenda Item Thanks Bryan. No shortage of problems to address. Please just move to add it to the agenda during the agenda approval motion. From: Bryan Carey [mailto:bcarey@aidea.org] Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 4:11 PM To: Brad Evans Cc: Sara Fisher-Goad; Kelli L. Veech Subject: BPMC Agenda Item A brief explanation by AEA regarding the interest shortfall could be added to the BPMC agenda. Once the BPMC approves the fish water screen project then the budget subcommittee will need to be directed by the BPMC to prepare an amended budget. Amended budget will be required because e $410,000 Relay & Meter Replacement project e $717,000 Interest shortfall e¢ $500K-$1.250M Fish Water screens Budget subcommittee can prepare the amended budget for BPMC approval in January. Bryan Carey, P.E. AEA & AIDEA (907) 771-3065 Email secured by Check Point Teri Webster ae From: Brad Evans <Brad_Evans@chugachelectric.com> Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 3:28 PM To: Janorschke, Brad Ce: Teri Webster; Owens, Alan; Ambrose, Harvey; Bernie Smith; Brian Bjorkquist; Brian Hickey; Bryan Carey; Buckley, Carrie; Corey Borgeson; Dawn Baham; Day, Bob; Divina Portades; Foutz, John; Gamble, Teresa; Gary Dixon, Swalling & Assoc.; Gary Kuhn (gary.kuhn@mea.coop); Jeff Estes, City of Seward; Jeff Warner; Jody Wolfe; Joe Griffith, MEA; Kelli L. Veech; Kirk Gibson, McDowell Rackner & Gibson PC; Larry Jorgensen; Lynn Ragle, Swalling & Associates, CPA; Owens, Connie; Posey, Jim; Rick Miller, AML&P; Sara Fisher-Goad; Sherri McKay - Highers; Susan Redlin, Exec. Secretary, GVEA; TW Patch; Wick, Burke Subject: Re: BPMC Meeting documents for Dec 12 No objection here. Sent from my iPad On Dec 6, 2013, at 9:38 AM, "Janorschke, Brad" <bjanorschke@homerelectric.com<mailto:bjanorschke@homerelectric.com>> wrote: Good Morning Teri, With approval from the Chair, please add the topic of “Bradley Dispatching” under new business. Thank you. Brad Us be addeR wh Yhe Meet wey Bradley P. Janorschke 280 Airport Way Kenai, AK 99611 (907) 283-2312 bjanorschke@homerelectric.com<mailto:bjanorschke@homerelectric.com> www. homerelectric.com<http://www.homerelectric.com> From: Teri Webster [mailto:twebster@aidea.org] Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 1:52 PM To: Owens, Alan; Ambrose, Harvey; Bernie Smith; Brian Bjorkquist; Brian Hickey; Bryan Carey; Buckley, Carrie; Corey Borgeson; Dawn Baham; Day, Bob; Divina Portades, CEA; Evans, Brad; Foutz, John; Gamble, Teresa; Gary Dixon, Swalling & Assoc.; Gary Kuhn (gary.kuhn@mea.coop<mailto:gary.kuhn@mea.coop>); Janorschke, Brad; Jeff Estes, City of Seward; Jeff Warner; Jody Wolfe; Joe Griffith, MEA; Kelli L. Veech; Kirk Gibson, McDowell Rackner & Gibson PC; Jorgensen, Larry; Lynn Ragle, Swalling & Associates, CPA; Owens, Connie; Posey, Jim; Rick Miller, AML&P; Sara Fisher-Goad; Sherri McKay-Highers; Susan Redlin, Exec. Secretary, GVEA; Teri Webster; TW Patch; Wick, Burke Subject: BPMC Meeting documents for Dec 12 Attached is the agenda and a few of the supporting documents. More documents will be coming in the next few days once they have been reviewed. Thank you, Teri Bradley Lake Project Managemen* “>mmittee - Alaska Online Public Notic-- Page 1 of 1 STATUS: Active Bradley Lake Project Management Committee ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Regular Meeting Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Notice is hereby given that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee will hold a regular meeting on Thursday, December 12, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. For additional information contact Teri Webster at 907-771-3074. This meeting will be conducted by electronic media pursuant to AS 44.62.310 at the following location: Alaska Energy Authority Board Conference Room, 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard, Anchorage, Alaska; a teleconference line has been set up for those unable to attend in person. Dial 1-800-315-6338, Enter Code 3074#. The public is invited to attend. The State of Alaska (AEA) complies with Title Il of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Disabled persons requiring special modifications to participate should contact AEA staff at (907) 771-3074 to make arrangements. Attachments, History, Details Attachments Details acl Department: Eeonomia Devslaoment Revision History Category: Public Notices Created 12/4/2013 2:01:54 PM by Sub-Category: tawebster Location(s): Statewide Modified 12/4/2013 2:01:54 PM by 5 Project/Regulation #: tawebster (Details] Publish Date: 12/4/2013 Archive Date: 12/13/2013 Events/Deadlines: http://aws.state.ak.us/OnlinePublicNotices/Notices/View.aspx?id=170371 12/4/2013 Bradley Lake Project Managemer ~ »mmittee - Alaska Online Public Noti-s: Page 1 of 1 STATUS: Active Bradley Lake Project Management Committee ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Regular Meeting Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Notice is hereby given that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee will hold a regular meeting on Thursday, December 12, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. For additional information contact Teri Webster at 907-771-3074. This meeting will be conducted by electronic media pursuant to AS 44.62.310 at the following location: Alaska Energy Authority Board Conference Room, 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard, Anchorage, Alaska; a teleconference line has been set up for those unable to attend in person. Dial 1-800-315-6338, Enter Code 3074#. The public is invited to attend. The State of Alaska (AEA) complies with Title Il of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Disabled persons requiring special modifications to participate should contact AEA staff at (907) 771-3074 to make arrangements. Attachments, History, Details Attachments Details Agenda.pdf ' Commerce Community and Department: Economic Development Revision History Category: Public Notices Created 12/4/2013 2:01:54 PM by tawebster Sub-Category: Location(s): Statewide Project/Regulation #: Publish Date: 12/4/2013 Archive Date: 12/13/2013 Events/Deadlines: http://aws.state.ak.us/OnlinePublicNotices/Notices/View.aspx?id=170371 12/4/2013 CHECKLIST FOR BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETINGS Meeting Date/Time: ‘Dee 12 Meeting Location: “Boar J room |- 3 Task CONFIRMED/DATE Secure Meeting Date with Bryan Carey *3065 MAKE SURE IT’S NOT A STATE HOLIDAY Secure Meeting Date with Chairman, Brad Evans (call his Exec Assistant, Connie Owens @ 762-4747) Secure meeting room for use (block out 30 minutes prior to meeting to allow for set-up time \ Send email “SAVE THE DATE” to all Committee members, in Outllook Contacts “BPMC” with meeting date/time/location (ask for documents to be emailed for packet inclusion — including action items with their motions. Need five for quorum. Schedule a teleconference line with GCI (1-800-770-2121) provide them with a reference project (BPMC) and code (your phone extension number) \pm lolines uf Draft Agenda for Bryan Carey’s review. 3014 Podbww After Bryan approves, Send Draft Agenda by email to Chairman for review and approval, Brad_evans@chugachelectric.com always cc: Connie Owens connie_owens@chugachelectric.com Post to the State of Alaska’s Online Notice System 5 business days prior to the meeting. Attach agenda. iz\4 Gather documents from members. They rarely have any. One week prior to meeting, email packet to members (big group BPMC) including all attachments (teleconference information | _ /agenda /draft of previous meeting minutes/motions/general \2 5 handouts) (SEND IN PDF FORMAT!) Print 5 extra copies of the full packet of information and bring to the meeting for those who did not bring their copy ALSO BRING TO THE MEETING: State Calendar, List of Reps, Sign in Sheet, Bylaws, and Minutes in final form from the last meeting for Chair's signature if they are approved! TEST RECORDING EQUIPMENT BEFORE the meeting. Following the meeting: Make sure you disconnect the phone! Stop recording. Have Chair and BryarrG: sign approved minutes. Send a pdf of the signed minutes to the committee members. Type up a draft of the meeting minutes.& send it to B Carey for review and any other speaker for review. After their edits, prepare a final draft for the next meeting.