HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrandley Lake PMC Meeting @ CEA June 15, 1998 1BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Chugach Electric Association —- Board Room 5601 Minnesota Drive Anchorage, Alaska Regular Meeting Monday, June 15, 1998 — 10:00 a.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eugene Bjornstad called the meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, June 15, 1998, in the Board Room of Chugach Electric Association, Anchorage, Alaska, to conduct the business of the Committee per the agenda and public notice. 2 ROLL CALL Roll was called by Diane Hillemeyer. The following members were present, and a quorum was established: Eugene Bjornstad, Chairman Chugach Electric Association Dave Calvert City of Seward Ray Morgan Matanuska Electric Association Mike Kelly (teleconference) Golden Valley Electric Association Don Stead Homer Electric Association Dennis McCrohan Alaska Energy Authority Meera Kohler Anchorage Municipal Light & Power 3. PUBLIC ROLL CALL Others Present: Brian Hickey, Chugach Electric Association Lee Thibert, Chugach Electric Association Ron Saxton, Ater Wynne Hewitt Dodson & Skerritt Tim McConnell, Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Dora Gropp, Chugach Electric Association Mike Yerkes, AEG&T John Cooley, Chugach Electric Association Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting Meeting Minutes June 15, 1998 Page 2 Bob Hufman, AEG&T Stan Sieczkowski, Alaska Energy Authority 4. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no public comments. 5. AGENDA COMMENTS There being no additions or comments, the agenda was adopted by unanimous consent. 6. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES - Friday, March 20, 1998 Brian Hickey noted on page 3 in the fourth paragraph “speed records” should be changed to “speed reference...” and in the fifth paragraph “drives the governors” should be changed to read “drives the deflectors...”. MOTION: Mr. Story moved to approve the meeting minutes of March 20, 1998, as amended above. Mr. Calvert seconded the motion. A voice vote was taken and the minutes were unanimously approved as amended. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Status of Instability and Control Response Project — Hickey Brian Hickey stated that with the help of ML&P, Chugach, and Homer Electric, the data acquisition system has been designed. The parts arrived and it would be assembled in the next couple of weeks. The Woodward governor is up and data acquisition boards have been installed. We have received one deliverable from EPS defining the deflector power curves in the unit in the PSSE software and they are working on the other two deliverables. We believe they will be done by the July 31*' deadline. We do anticipate doing unit testing in late July and are developing a test plan. In response to Mr. Saxton, Mr. Hickey stated that the range of alternatives is between the wholesale replacement of the governors to modification. He noted that this would come back to the PMC in September with the testing results. Mr. Hickey also noted that the costs of those alternatives are still in the range of what was discussed before. B. Update — Construction Punchlist - McCrohan Mr. McCrohan stated that he had asked the O&D Committee to review and provide the PMC with a status report. 8. COMMITTEE COMMENTS Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting Meeting Minutes June 15, 1998 Page 3 There were no Committee member comments. A. Next Meeting Date It was the consensus of the Committee that the next meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee be at the call of the Chair. 9. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Ms. Kohler moved to adjourn. There being no objection and no further business of the Committee, the meeting was recessed at 10:15 a.m. BY: i pi Eugene-Bjornstad, Chairman ATTEST: Cem eC Khon Alaska Energy Authority, Secretary v : i ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY = ALASKA Ee =ENERGY AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907 / 269-3000 FAX 907 / 269-3044 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY/ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY Public Notice Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Notice is hereby given that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee will hold a regular meeting to conduct the affairs of the Committee at Chugach Electric Association’s Board Room, 5601 Minnesota Drive, Anchorage, Alaska. This meeting will commence at 10:00 a.m., Monday, June 15, 1998. Any public wishing to attend should report to the above stated address. For additional information, contact Eugene Bjornstad, Chairman, at Chugach Electric Association (907) 563-7494. The State of Alaska (AIDEA), complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Disabled persons requiring special modifications to participate should contact AIDEA staff at (907) 269-3000 to make special arrangements. /s/ Alaska Energy Authority Project Management Committee Publish: Monday, June 8, 1998 ee ee i iy T ANCHORAGE DAILY NEws ‘ PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD: We ask our advertisers to check their ad the first day.jt.runs, We regret we cannot be responsible for. more than ‘one incorrect insertion before you call-our attenfion fo the erro Adjustments ‘are based on how much the error materially affected the ad. In no case will the newspaper's liability exceed the value of the ad. The Dally’ News reserves the right to edit, classify, or reiect ahy advertiser Invitations Hee To Bid -910 Request for Proposals AE Firm_ Recreational», Vehicles | 861 ‘89 YAMAHA MOTO 4 100 CC, 900d cond, $900 OBO. panne Ty Heavy: Trucks & Equipment ~_ 880 ( ee Pats CAT 9808 Lor Q/C, New En- ‘SubvSupply bids gine $65,000. Cat 9888 Ldr, Exc 4 Requested for [Cond, $45,000. 338-8758 »* DALTON HWY MP. 144175) maha Wave Rider 760,|’82. Champion 740. Grader rolect No. STP-O65-4(6)6 19 ms collecting dust in go- Bids: June 16, 1998 5, 39k. PW, PL, 2, Emrid Grn, 98 €/242-6626 d CAMRY DX \Call 746-07; Aleutian . Housing “Authority (AHA) | seeks full scope A/E a ‘5S CHEVY Bel-Air, beoutiful cor. stereo. must see! Ist Services 1890 EEE purposes of any ogreement |s- sued ond maw ralart mms a= =" tion diate. See = to’ lwisnow wing, $22,500; 1990 Bob- i ; 300, 522-4772 3767574___|cat.'2400° Series, Articulating, - secant Nea tee vice fee Coe eres CAMRY. 1996 YAMAHA YZ125 DIRT eS See Docket, $22.00) 79 Public s Anchorage, Ak. 99507 George Islands, Ak. Fox to 3a, $500. |, BIKE Looks ond runs good. lock Truck, Cummins Enoine: Notices 900 fc eh Ph. (907) 522-9655 AHA, on your letterhead, 1562-9964 in ; Can be seen 2: |___13 800 trons $2,200. 330-0578 ease Fax (907) 522-9656 interest to. receive overview ry LE, bik @ Northland Credit. "48 DODGE 1 ton, flatbed, v8, AGENDA “NOTICE SEP aa Goodtellow Bros., Inc. isan Jincluding deadlines. Fax 3t Cart Book Coll 868-7900. ‘AT, 42K mi, exc cond, $8500] AD HOC SUBCOMMITTEE REGULATIONS OF TH Equal Opportunity Employer - |#563-3105. 3.1988 BO 561-1381/441 3340. Pa DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Seeking quotes ond 30 bids |Pub.: June 7-21, 1998 > irom all interes ry, runs exc, 862 9¢ FORD, 1 fon 12 flatbed) . RETIREMENT BOARD 7 subcontractors and suppliers.. |The’ Department of Public D, studed trs,|RV_Rentals peace Vee. Ale; ene Conds ‘Monday, June Notice is given that the Division| Pub.: June 5-12, 1998 Safety (DPS), Division of Ce, 344-4618 c $10,900 0363-3522 1:30 p.m. lof Mental Health and Develop- Administrative Services, Infor-} ¢ SA BEAUTIFUL 2% ‘96 CLASS 1974 FORD 3430 “A” East Tudor Road {mental Disabilities, under the Matanuska-Susitna mation Systems Section is Competitive rates, No smk/pet y Competitive rates. No smA/beS:|, ton flatbed, good cond, Suite 213.) lauthority of AS 47.30.660 and AS Convention & Visitors seeking "vendors interested in mia. 4-666) _ 157200, 373-6459 (242-4037 Anchorage, Alaska ee pene .ooaet ond Bereae | (uscye) i negotiating a. fixed price contract Y & 24 Cl » full " " e tontract programm! A a7) & 24 Class C M's, fully} 199 FORD MT, 4x4, WY IREQUESTS TO BE HEARD: |choPter 72, of the Alaska Reaves! tor Prewssgie oe Letee ne ee oe work) loaded, $125/doy, non smoking. support. of wor Free miles. 333-5989. nego utility bed. V8, AT.INone. DISCUSSION regarding eee 1 aes lneiedes the develooment ond : . 7850 OBO. 333-7260, |proposed Police & Fire Retire- |p on and Salting for ne” | The Mat-Su Convention & testing of 23 computer. to com- ri Adventure Alaska in a 32’ FORKLIFT. PROPANE. —_3|/ment System Plan IV. mental health patients who are|Visitors Bureau is interested|puter . interfoce transactions IPRA runsiClass A. Fully loaded. From|stage, side shift, hard rubber admitted under AS 47.20.670-|in contracting with a qualified | yetween the DPS and the ns Mal '$125/per doy. 522-1371. tires. $10,500. 338-7131 The next regularly scheduled |47.30.915 to a facility that has|graphic desigr/printing firm to|Anchoroge*. Police Deportment. — Bennett’s RV Rentals For Lease or Sale, ‘74 DXL 900 Retirement Board Meeting will|been designed as an evaluation|design ond print the: ~1999|December 18, 1998 is the sched- RCEL. AT,|(2) new 27’ Motorhomes, reorlCFM compressor, V8 Diesel (De, Thursday, July 8, 1998 atjor treatment facility by the|Mat-Su Visitors Guide. Work Is fuled completion date of this 2s. Clean &|bed will sip 6-7, $140 per day-lEng. $16,500 OBO. 563-8684 8:00 a.m. at the Public Trans-|Department and would require|to begin July 1, 1998 and to belproiect. 243-1188 | Free mileage. 729-3020. ae oy [pertetion, Department's Bull [ihe collection of certain patient completed by ‘Nov. 15, 1998. Fae " 4 ‘#4 GMC 17 Passenger Bus — jing, “kY East Tudor The Request for Proposal i ience ORE 0 Class A. s90iday. 90 Class, C, Chevy 350, 38K Miles. Road, Anchorage, Alaska, in|the department. These regulc-| (Rep) package is avaliable Like! sot be ender dilated jernet | secicy LOM at. Depeelt, Re: $500, 107-087 Conference Room Number 213.- |Gesigned evaluation ond treat-/May 20, 1998 and may belentorcement ond criminal Rent “WD, 5spd, "a6 "Int $1900 Tondem 8-10 rue FINANCE DISABILITY, |Ment, facilities and consumersjobtained in’ person | from)iustice . computer systems is GJang 5 . 58Pd,Iclass A fully loaded, sleeps 6.|Dump, DT456 Eng, I0sed, 26K “of in-patient mental health IMSCVB offices at the Mat-Su{requirement. Specifically, ee runs greatlsia) per day, free miles, $500|mi, $19,500. 2 avail 563-3522. JORDINANCE, AND BENEFITS services. Visitors Center, Mile - 35.5}technical knowledge ond i sec dep 562-9768 after 10am, BOARD SUBCOMMITTEES ____|Parks Hwy. Interested portieslexperience with National Crime]? ve" acai 466 KORING BACKHOE = |MAY_ MEET DURING THE! The proposed regulations|may also’ telephone (907) |tatermatian “Center (NCIC) ung | india Hie cose, |/91, 264 Class C Coachman Lor,|in Anchor Point, 900d cond, MONTH P CONTACT |would add. new sections to..7|74¢s000 for fax (907) 746-2688) Nonna Lent ond /Educi vim cots; fully equipped, $110/dy,_ $.10/mi, |$10,000 tokes it. Call 399-1700. AAC 72 and would include the ra National ~ : “Low. Enforcement ltnis p So Neocge [no smmkg, 344-«981/cell 242-4517. Inetal bed 8x16 wheadboare-& [EXACT TIMES, following: Rent by US, Moll. The REP Faconaie eens ae P| . hed . ransaction - progrom- 319 | (23° Class-C, fully-equipped — jramp, ideal for hauling~small ee criteria for reimburse-_°- |Will not be sent by facsimile or|ming is a necessity. Other sleeps 6, $100/day cat, $2500 272-8964 t by DMHDD to a facility }e-mail. Office hours ore 8 a.m. |technicol requirements a! r. Stick, 4 lent by DMHDD to a facility ical requirements ore Pub. AT, 4 Or. STE 28H ASNT OTT ALASKA ENERGY | Providing mental health - 5 p.m. Mon. - Fri. sp feurrent, practical, experience in} "94 26° Class- i AUTHORITY/AL: lent jate mainframe environ-|The | Gers S (See coer Heron Trailers INDUSTRIAL 2 billing procedures required |Proposals must conform to the|ment, ADABAS. direct coll ond|Affair Cp, oma, | Free milage, 376-3851/376-3086 DEVELOPMENT AND x coll RFP and must be received by|NATURAL 2.2 ___ programming |Office CD, amp, AIRPLANE / Trailer, Tai EXPORT AUTHORITY peatestion of eaten S p.m. on June 15, 1998. | expertise, ond TSO and MVSIRG., 4 sell now]’95 28’ Class C, Sleeps 6-8,/5¢coger, with Lights, Lik Public Notice erence rcatien: JCL proficiency. Qualified ven-|a neec 2 preat 03nd low, 08, sl1Siday, New, $795; 349- E porate Loke Project 4 ran natdiea services mscye: reserves bi right fe dors, interested in responding to|ment 4 1O/mi, 3 doy min. 333-7203 | anagement Committee r reiect any and all proposals|tnis ' solicitation, should contoct|Contra wrk. $3000 [19° Dolphin, sleens 4, fully[CARGO UYILITY BOX. new SMC dorsement of check of fond to not award a contract if|Williom -Lidster, Dota Process-[pants o wv loaded. "$100/doy free miles. |)701¥, tires,| drive on ramps & INotice is hereby given that the} acknowledgemeot that the» jin its best interest. MSCVB is|ing Monoger, by telephone at Vocatic Insurance binder req, 333-5537. _ |22@.d00r r Bradley Lake Project Manage-| claim is paid; lan Equal Opportunity Employ-|(997) 269-5701, by fox ot (97)|prograr sunroof, 5 COVERED UTILITY iment Committee will hold a] 6. appeals procedyre for ler. 269-5617, o e-mail ot mance ms, good|‘97 Dutchmen Class C, 31’, full TRAILER. $400 OBO. regular meeting to conduct the} denial of reimbursement; and |Pub.: 5/20, 31; &8, 1998 Williom Lidster@dps.state. three ( 2524 __leavipped $125/day-free miles. loffairs of the Committee at] 7. process for claii ck GA” batare’ cioan 108? baskasel Hosen '240-5518/ 275-8849 f0x274-2015. Chugach Electric Association's} hardship exemptio SUBCONTRACTOR AND rune, er, acre, aaa Suneceravaresame [ae seri Ailitory). | T, 23, ext clean, j ¢ . june will be i : fully" equiped," na SmKg. Drive, “Anchorage, "Alaska. |, d0ncdsen,7,AAG) 243]... REQUESTED FOR: it bei ¥ it i commence 4 cors &|$11O/day, free mi 274-4655 W FLATBED TRAILER ay oc00er., "Monday, June neded deinitions. BARROW AIRPORT SREB | 0tery Uep5) ons fo. retoin s tice July-August ONLY Avail 7000Ib cap. 15, 1998. Any public wishing tolTa comply with Administrative Borrow, Alcske vendor to assist with the devel-leach 9: $125/D. Free miles. Beautiful State DOT #AiP 3-02-0026-05/ 27" Class C's. 522-1598. ‘i 561-0215, attend should report to the|/Order 157 and make its) regula- “ries lopment of an information|in the IN _ et trail labove stated address. For ad-|tions easier to understand,’ systems strategic plan. DPS is|imated « zy MOTORHOMES VET Becioond woler, ditional information, contact |DH&SS also seeks comments on : seeking quolified vendors that |between EARLY SEASON DISCOUNT wired, wirack, $3,200, Eugene Biornstad, Chairman, |this chapter regarding |how it] Bid Opening June 9, 1998 —|2°8" interested in participating |Firm F ——|thru 65/98. Alaska Experi- ct Chugoch Electric Associa-|might be, improved, including 2:00 p.m. in this competitive procure-|onticipo —_ ence entails wi ncl rail- ition ) 4. ve State of iment. ailab! een orlando en te, Tae oe RY ere oe. "samt pcan a ee 26.068_—__Iwtn Tie ot te. Americans eontusina, or that rap betive| XM pca"aorgngy [Vendors | must demonstrate ie obo z reservations. railer, 30°|wi ra . Icould be improved, pjease send ed previous success in th fox to P & R RV Rentals, 27 & 24 class Syst. [Disabled | persons | reauirin@ |your comments by tWe deadline a migration of medium-to-terge ation Seca Surana 3 COE TT ran’ Ray OY pate should contact AIDEA|*7e% "Mis notice Fox: 907-265-7291 peered vrei hag genres News| ng now! 248-7707/345-09577230-7691__|hauler/flat boat or ton-|staff at (907) 269-3000 to make|Notice Is also gWen that any distributed orchitecture. |s831.. Ci - dem oxles, $2000 OBO. special arrangements. person interested may present ease In-depth experience with ceist of _———— Tv; hex vility ele, Alaska Energy Authority rien, comm oe recoding | Ngee wae ed| criminal justice informotion |4:30 p.r Classics 870_|exin tio har trie $800, Ae Commitee so the otenial osteo erivat Nan Nae paaren inden| 35001 tgnaive knetodse|aion Wt nes [210 HD flat trir, $800. 345-150. | Pip, June 8, 1998 of complying with the] raanizations 10 > Bid} : 1960 BUGEYE, excellent cond, UTILITY TRAILER posed action, by writing tol eprences will Fe cked|®t, Several of the following: Ineed to serious calls. only _ please. Heavy Duty Suspension. PROPO! he” following address, so that pide, criminal justice __ message |controct $5900 373-4559 9242. sosy : TwOOBO Meese __ [Alaska Depa ans-|they are received no later than) rcontraces | qae*|switches and applications. hot lity of fu oe : portation and Public Facilities |July 10, 1998. files, central criminal history |Pub.: Jv ‘56 Cadillac 60 series, 9d cond, 8x10 ATV tilt trailer proposes to lease Lot 8, Block (CCH) repositories, police re- tow | muon 1 $16,000 272-6863 pees tte aie fmt foanerne ot 1500, sawore Gino, Macdonald.,, fib cord = mangement salem. — jos Nor Gory $775. 688- féef on the Sewar irpor' I computer-cided i (72 Cadillac Stretch Limo, 2laxe ENCLOSED TILT BED|Under ADA-07524 (Applicant: Bear rent of eee NC RMTALON TORE (CAD) systems, the FBI's inte-| Inv sets of tires, 2 stereos, VCR,|utility Trailer. Excellent|Alaska Aerial Tours, LLC) for] Bociel rey et tal and Hi grated Automated Fingerprint S10 oe, BAG Gon black. |Condition $800, 337-3762 _|§ years. Annual rent: $1.035-00.) Heaitn and Developmental sealed bids will be received) identification System (IAF1S), rr = 8x20 HEAVY DUTY TANDEM|QwiMorte vee: eo tempo.| Gisabilities . _ }for furnishing all labor, the.. national remy: seses- katte. 37 CHEV BEL AIR, 2 dr,|3500# torsion axles witrailer|7or, Dulin to be used forl. ;cs Box 110620, 0420 materials, and equipment for|tive, NCIC 2000, NLETS, hoa Ne enpitrons. needs, {tol |brakes, 4 new tires wispare.|tiioht seeing tours, passenger Juneau, AK ‘remodeling areas within , eee bree ond national fea Chevelle Pro siren OBO. teria OS MM Iwating, Hohl school: aircrat} i you oreo, person with Ol fork Includes accomnmadcting| BS0TH390 ; tubed, E164. spool sWxi2, 4 placeM whir ‘trir,lond mobile fueling for. Permit: ia, ccommodation In order folfelacationexponsion of ae vee ert erage m cine, Sie less ‘than fogs, $ii9s sna bee ee reat ot eieereett w proposed capuictionse pieces removing wall partitions; re- oacemented evidence oe Mi Clow * os. $1195 345-2338 __ ‘Macdonald, Inent experience 17-o00, mi, all obtions, $25,000] "96 6'10"x10" utility trailer foperation. see 850 no Tater than June IS: cec lanes Sone lob ohety ae tica|tions fo Williom Ligster at the|30-600 | ; se oe a0 The Department reserves the|!998,J2 ,make ONY NECESSOrY lobbies: venting. elevator shofifoddressfox, number below by Poveme Ibo Tas. eee one we : right to correct technical x eneoner MaerTDinnnce nsa0. Yo wel ' BONEY BUIL MOD- . ‘ defects in the premises d@-|This action is not expected to \eter a. consider partial trode 337-2126|Parts & scription, lease term, or th€|require on increased oppropria-|EL PHASE 3 PROJECT Williaa 1 it i ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY {= ALASKA i =ENERGY AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907 / 269-3000 FAX 907 / 269-3044 June 5, 1998 FAXED: 06/05/98 2 PAGES Anchorage Daily News 1001 Northway Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99508 ATTENTION: Ms. Eva Kaufmann Legal Classified Subject: Public Notice Account # ALASO709 Enclosed is an advertisement for the Alaska Energy Authority which is to be published under “PUBLIC NOTICE” in the Legal Classified section in column format. This notice needs to be published for one day: Monday, June 8, 1998. After the publication date, please provide an Affidavit of Publication. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you, po Mm. Low Shauna M. Dean Admin. Assistant Attachment Shauna Dean From: Shauna Dean Sent: Friday, June 05, 1998 10:04 AM To: Admin Journal Subject: For publication in the Admin Journal. Thanks. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY/ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY Public Notice Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Notice is hereby given that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee will hold a regular meeting to conduct the affairs of the Committee at Chugach Electric Association’s Board Room, 5601 Minnesota Drive, Anchorage, Alaska. This meeting will commence at 10:00 a.m., Monday, June 15, 1998. Any public wishing to attend should report to the above stated address. For additional information, contact Eugene Bjornstad, Chairman, at Chugach Electric Association (907) 563-7494. The State of Alaska (AIDEA), complies with Title || of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Disabled persons requiring special modifications to participate should contact AIDEA staff at (907) 269-3000 to make special arrangements. /s/ Alaska Energy Authority Project Management Committee 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000N0000000N000 NOC NO CONC OC OKO OCCOK OOK OOK OOO OK OOK x P. 01 x x TRANSACTION REPORT x x a JUN-05-98 FRI 11:47 AM x k k x SEND (M) x K x x DATE START RECEIVER TX TIME PAGES TYPE NOTE M# DP x Ce X JUN-05 11:47 AM 92798170 XKKX" 0 SEND ( M) BUSY 106 x x x x x k TOTAL OS PAGES: 0 x x x OOOO OOOO OO OO OOOO OOO OOO OOO OOO OOOO OOO OOOO OO OOOO 0 00000000000 00000031 ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT > ¢ AND EXPORT AUTHORITY / «> ALASKA (@m = ENERGY AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907 / 269-3000 FAX 907 / 269-3044 June 5, 1998 FAXED: 06/05/98 2 PAGES Anchorage Daily News 1001 Northway Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99508 ATTENTION: Ms. Eva Kaufmann Legal Classified Subject: Public Notice Account # ALASO709 Enclosed is an advertisement for the Alaska Energy Authority which is to be published under 20100000000000000000000000 ONION 000O NCCC OC COCO COCO OOOO KOK AKA KKK KOK DS DS DK DE DME DE DE DME HE DME DME MWK OME ODE P, O1 TRANSACTION REPORT a a aT JUN-05-98 FRI 02:19 PM SEND (IM) DATE START RECEIVER TX TIME PAGES TYPE NOTE M# DP JUN-05 02:19 PM 92798170 36" 2s SEND (M) OK 111 TOTAL 36S PAGES: 2 JOO OK KK KK KK KK KOK KK KK KK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KK KK KK KKK KKK KK KKK KK KK KK KK KK ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT <> * AND EXPORT AUTHORITY => ALASKA MM ENERGY AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907 / 269-3000 FAX 907 / 269-3044 June 5, 1998 FAXED: 06/05/98 2 PAGES Anchorage Daily News 1001 Northway Drive Anchorage, Alaska: 99508 ATTENTION: Ms. Eva Kaufmann Legal Classified Subject) Public Notice Account # ALASO709 Enclosed is an advertisement for the Alaska Energy Authority which is to be published under “PUBLIC NOTICE” in the Legal Classified section in column format. This notice needs to be nithlichad far ana daw- Mandaw lina 8 1008 X x X x x X x X X X X X X X gp DRAFT BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA | Monday, June 15, 1998 — 10:00 a.m. Chugach Electric Association — Board Room 5601 Minnesota Drive \ 1. CALL TO ORDER Bjornstad 2. ROLL CALL (for Committee members) 3. PUBLIC ROLL CALL (for all others present) 4. PUBLIC COMMENT 5; AGENDA COMMENTS 6. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES— March 20, 1998 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Status of Instability and Control Response Project Hickey B. Update — Construction Punchlist McCrohan 8. COMMITTEE COMMENTS A. Next Meeting Date Bjornstad io: ADJOURNMENT ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT =~ * AND EXPORT AUTHORITY => ALASKA a iq =ENERGY AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907 / 269-3000 FAX 907 / 269-3044 Facsimile Transmittal TO: newe_ Lr to COMPANY: Chugach Elertric. Assoc iat i tm Fax #: ( )_ 562- 002 From: Wana od Date: Une a, 1998 Time: [EVO am. Number of pages including cover page: Be Transmittal Contents: Comments: | , | CR woke ¢ hranges / odd tions And fox back. piece / - — Notice: This facsimile may contain confidential information that is being transmitted to and is intended only for the use of the recipient named above. Reading, disclosure, discussion, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this information by anyone other than the named recipient or his or her employees or agents is strictly prohibited. If you have received this facsimile in error, please immediately destroy it and notify us by telephone, (907) 269-3000. 0010000000000 1001000000 0000000000 O0ONO OKO OOK OKC OK OOK OAK KKK KKK KKK KKK x Xx X X x x x X x x x x x x tt TRANSACTION REPORT SEND (IM) DATE START — RECEIVER TX TIME PAGES TYPE NOTE JUN-02 11:45 AM 95620027 36" 2 SEND (M) OK TOTAL 36S PAGES: 2 00000000000 COON OOK OK JUN-02-98 TUE 11:46 AM P. 01 M# DP x x x x x x x x 062. —x x x x x x ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT = * AND EXPORT AUTHORITY {= ALASKA ME =ENERGY AUTHORITY Facsimile Transmittal TO: Cnéwe. Djsractes! COMPANY: Chyqreh Eleotric, Association Fax#:( )5G2£- 002 From: are Date: ne. 1998 Time: [EO am Number of pages including cover page: aX Tra namittal Oanntanta: 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907 / 269-3000 FAX 907 / 269-3044 a yr tii = 4, Ve BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTE 1p? v MEETING MINUTES YA> Chugach Electric Association - Board Room 5601 Minnesota Drive Z) Anchorage, Alaska XC Regular Meeting / Friday, March 20, 1998 - 10:00 a.m. / i CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eugene Bjomstad called the meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectriq Project Management Committee to order at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, March 20, 1998, in the Board Room of ». Chugach Electric Association, Anchorage, Alaska, to conduct the business of the Committee per ° the agenda and public notice. 2. ROLL CALL Roll was called by Shauna Dean. The following members were present, and a quorum was established: Eugene Bjomstad, Chairman Chugach Electric Association Dave Calvert City of Seward Wayne Carmony Matanuska Electric Association Mike Kelly (arrived 10:10 a.m.) Golden Valley Electric Association Don Stead Homer Electric Association Dennis McCrohan Alaska Energy Authority Meera Kohler Municipal Light & Power 3. PUBLIC ROLL CALL Others Present: Shauna Dean, Alaska Energy Authority Jim Hall, Matanuska Electric Association Stan Sieczkowski, Alaska Energy Authority Brian Hickey, Chugach Electric Bob Hufman, AEG&T Elaine McCambridge, Alaska Energy Authority Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting Meeting Minutes March 20, 1998 Page 2 Larry Hembree, Municipal Light & Power Lee Thibert, Chugach Electric Association Dan Helmick, Municipal Light & Power Mike Yerkes, AEG&T Joe Griffith, Chugach Electric Association Tim McConnell, Municipal Light & Power 4. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no public comments. 5 AGENDA COMMENTS There being no additions or comments, the agenda was adopted by unanimous consent. 6. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES - December 9, 10, and 12, 1997 MOTION: Ms. Kohler moved to approve the meeting minutes of December 9, 10, and 12, 1997. Seconded by Mr. Stead. There being no changes or additions, a voice vote was taken, and the minutes were unanimously approved as presented. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Status of Instability and Control Response Project - Hickey B. Request to Increase Funding to Continue Studies Associated ail With Project - Hickey Using a slide presentation, Mr. Hickey provided an update on the status of Me of yh instability issue, including a recap of the history commencing with voltage problems in! Kenai‘in 1996. He noted that ever since Bradley had been commissioned, they xperienced electrical instability problems with the plant. He described various studies they had conducted and improvements that had been made in an attempt to correct the instability problems. Using various pieces of correspondence from years past, Mr. Hickey highlighted outages and load sheds that had occurred and the analyses and modeling programs that had been developed to study these events in order to determine the cause. He stated that on January 14, 1997, the PMC had approved funding for Items 1, 2, and 3 of the O&D Subcommittee's action plan for correction of the instability problems at Bradley Lake. Mr. Hickey said O&D Subcommittee was supposed to come before the PMC at the completion of Action Plan Items 1, 2, and 3, and the presentation he was giving today was the O&D Subcommittee's revised action plan. He noted that Item 1 had been completed. He said there remained additional work to be done on Item 2, and he gave the details regarding the deflector time delays addressed in Item 3. He said Items 3(d), (e), and (f) have not been completed. He said that the original completion date for Items 1, 2, and 3 had been July 31, 1997, but due to delays in awarding the RFP and the magnitude of the scope of the simulation had delayed the final report so that they are approximately six months behind schedule. He said that due to the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting Meeting Minutes March 20, 1998 Page 3 inconsistency of system instability events, they had to experiment with the model and stability factors until they were able to reproduce the oscillations that were present when the system lost stability, yh Lily Mr. Hickey said that on February 2, 1998, they had been given a pfésentatio by industry representatives on machine testing, and the next day they had held a‘roundtable meeting and brainstorming session. Mr. Hickey said to date, the PMC had approved two funding sources for work related to Bradley instability, one being Construction List Item 18, the system analysis equipment, and Items 1, 2, and 3 of the O&D Subcommittee's Instability Action Plan. Mr. Hickey briefly reported on the system analysis equipment budget and the Instability Action Plan budget. He said they would be asking the PMC to approve installation of the system analysis equipment at Bradley Lake instead of at Daves Creek in Soldotna, which was fhavioux\ seni approved by the PMC. Mr. Hickey said they had identified the 750-millisecond oscillation and determined that it is unique to Bradley Lake. They had benchmarked the events, evaluated the speed records and time delays, and developed an accurate model of the tunnel to determine if oscillations inside it had any impact on the instability problems. He also described a couple of quirks in the system, which limit the control response that had been discovered. He said they would be requesting funding to determine what the deflector position error was and how it was impacting the problem. He said they had verified that the PSSE settings are reasonable. Mr. Hickey said change in scope will be required because some of the work that is now needed was not anticipated in 1997. He said the change in scope of work consisted of accurately measuring the actual deflector positions and the hydraulic pressure that drives the governors. He also said that outside the Bradley plant, there are parts of the PSSE model which do not accurately reflect the railbelt power system, and they would need to address programming issues related to AGC control, capacity based on unit temperature, and overspeed. Mr. Hickey summarized by saying that work that still needs to be done includes correcting the PSSE, developing a formal machine testing plan to collect the parameterization data, and moving the system monitoring equipment originally destined for Daves Creek to Bradley Lake. He said the cost for these three items of additional work consisted of: $43,600 for the PSSE model work and $40,000 for machine testing assistance. So the total increase in funding required to complete Items 1, 2, 3, and 4 in their entirety would be approximately $83,600. He noted that this would increase the original anticipated budget from $299,000 to $382,000 for this phase of the work. He said they intended to complete the PSSE revisions by July 31, 1998, and they would like to have the machine testing plan completed by July 1st and perform the testing by July 31st. Mr. Hickey said they would review the data they had gathered in August and would come back before the PMC in September with the test results. He said at that time, if their current simulations are accurate, he believed they would be able to make recommendations for changes to the control system that will eliminate the instability problem. Based on their current knowledge, Mr. Hickey gave a range of recommendations and costs for completing them that may be presented to the PMC in September. Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting Meeting Minutes March 20, 1998 Page 4 Mr. Hickey responded to questions and discussion was heard. Mr. Hickey noted that additional items of the Instability Action Plan would probably have to be undertaken as they completed the projects he was currently proposing, potentially including reviewing the final operating study for Bradley and revisiting the system analyses that had been done with respect to the southern interties. MOTION: Ms. Kohler moved to approve Recommendation No. 1 to issue contracts in the amounts requested. Seconded by Mr. Kelly. There being no discussion, a voice vote was taken, and the motion was unanimously approved. MOTION: Mr. Kelly moved to approve Recommendation No. 2 for the system monitoring equipment that had originally been approved by the PMC to be installed in Soldotna at Daves Creek to be installed instead at Bradley Lake to facilitate machine testing and data collection. Seconded by Mr. Calvert. There being no discussion, a voice vote was taken, and the motion was unanimously approved. Mr. McCrohan recommended that the Chair direct the O&D Subcommittee to update the construction list to include the new projected costs for the items just approved by the PMC during Mr. Hickey's presentation. Mr. McCrohan also pointed out that they currently have in place an agreement with Homer Electric to allow HEA to implement construction items and to provide liability protection for everyone. He said as long as testing work takes place at the site, the HEA agreement applies. However, if Chugach was to install equipment or make any changes, they would need to have a separate agreement in place with CEA as well or, in the alternative, have HEA perform installation work. Brian concurred and said they would work with Mr. Stead on these types of issues. C. FY '99 Project Budget - Evans/McCembridg Ms. McCambridge said the Budget Subcommittee had reviewed and proposed for PMC approval the FY '99 budget. Referring to a handout from the meeting packet, Ms. McCambridge recapped the summary which compared the proposed FY '99 budget and FY '98 projected budget, and she highlighted individual large-ticket items, and explained how this would impact the various budget categories and increase the overall budget. Ms. McCambridge said the current year budget for O&M costs is $2,087,000, excluding the bond refunding; the proposed budget for FY '99 O&M costs is $2,246,947. Ms. McCambridge responded to questions regarding how the bond refunding impacted the budget. In response to Mr. Carmony's question, Ms. McCambridge stated that the proposed budget must be submitted to the Trustee for approval by April 1. Discussion was heard. MOTION: Ms. Kohler moved to approve the Budget Subcommittee's proposed FY '99 project budget as submitted. Seconded by Mr. Stead. Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting Meeting Minutes March 20, 1998 Page 5 Mr. Carmony noted that it would have been convenient to have received the proposed budget earlier since they had only received it on Monday, the 16th of March. There being no further discussion, a voice vote was taken, and the motion was unanimously approved. D. Revisions of the FY '98 Project Budget - Evans/McCambridge Referring to page 1 of the same handout, Ms. McCambridge reviewed the revised FY '98 budget as compared to the original budget. She said last fall, the Budget Subcommittee had been directed to revise the budget to reflect the approval of the PMC to fund the refunding costs out of this year’s budget, and the revised FY '98 Project Budget was being presented to the PMC for formal approval at this time. Ms. McCambridge said the funding sources they had determined could be tapped to pay for the $350,000 refunding expenditure were: (1) $100,000 from the revenue fund, (2) reduce the operating reserve to the mandatory 20-percent level for an additional $102,000, and (3) the possibility that additional contributions would be required from the utilities to pay the remaining $148,000 refunding cost. Ms. McCambridge said the revised budget needed to be approved by the PMC, but she advised that she did not feel any additional contribution from the utilities would be necessary as the project is currently running under budget, and HEA is under budget in operations expense. She said if this trend continued, they would be significantly under budget on O&M, and the $148,000 utility contribution would not be necessary. MOTION: Ms. Kelly moved to approve the revised FY '98 Project Budget as submitted. Seconded by Mr. Carmony. There being no discussion, a voice vote was taken, and the motion was unanimously approved. 8. COMMITTEE COMMENTS : Ms. McCambridge noted that Parisena Stromberg had completed their FY '97 Annual Report, and it was available in the meeting packets. Ms. McCambridge said the report had been reviewed by the Budget Subcommittee, and she recommended that the PMC review it and accept it at their next meeting. At Mr. Kelly's request, Ms. McCambridge reviewed Parisena Stromberg's FY '97 Annual Report with the Committee. MOTION: Mr. Carmony moved to accept Parisena Stromberg's FY '97 Annual Report as submitted. Seconded by Ms. Kohler. There being no discussion, a voice vote was taken, and the motion was unanimously approved. Mr. Sieczkowski advised that the O&D Subcommittee's next meeting was scheduled for April 22, 1998, at Bradley Lake. Mr. Carmony noted that this would be Mr. Hall's last meeting as a regular MEA employee. Mr. Hall was commended for his contributions, and several people expressed their appreciation. Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting Meeting Minutes March 20, 1998 Page 6 There were no other Committee member comments. A. Next Meeting Date It was the consensus of the Committee that the next meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee be at the call of the Chair. 9. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Ms. Kohler moved to adjourn. There being no objection and no further business of the Committee, the meeting was recessed at 11:20 a.m. BY: Eugene Bjornstad, Chairman ATTEST: Alaska Energy Authority, Secretary A »% BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE : MEETING MINUTES Chugach Electric Association - Board Room 5601 Minnesota Drive Anchorage, Alaska Xe: ey VM Cc Regular Meeting SES Friday, March 20, 1998 - 10:00 a.m. E M Cee as [ehecgss 1. CALLTO ORDER Please. — Chairman Eugene Bjornstad called the meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, March 20, 1998, in the Board Room of Chugach Electric Association, Anchorage, Alaska, to conduct the business of the Committee per the agenda and public notice. 2. ROLL CALL Roll was called by Shauna Dean. The following members were present, and a quorum was established: Eugene Bjornstad, Chairman Chugach Electric Association Dave Calvert City of Seward Wayne Carmony Matanuska Electric Association Mike Kelly (arrived 10:10 a.m.) Golden Valley Electric Association Don Stead Homer Electric Association Dennis McCrohan Alaska Energy Authority Meera Kohler Municipal Light & Power 3. PUBLIC ROLL CALL Others Present: Shauna Dean, Alaska Energy Authority Jim Hall, Matanuska Electric Association Stan Sieczkowski, Alaska Energy Authority Brian Hickey, Chugach Electric Bob Hufman, AEG&T Elaine McCambridge, Alaska Energy Authority Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting Meeting Minutes March 20, 1998 Page 2 Larry Hembree, Municipal Light & Power Lee Thibert, Chugach Electric Association Dan Helmick, Municipal Light & Power Mike Yerkes, AEG&T Joe Griffith, Chugach Electric Association Tim McConnell, Municipal Light & Power 4. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no public comments. 5: AGENDA COMMENTS There being no additions or comments, the agenda was adopted by unanimous consent. 6. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES - December 9, 10, and 12, 1997 MOTION: Ms. Kohler moved to approve the meeting minutes of December 9, 10, and 12, 1997. Seconded by Mr. Stead. There being no changes or additions, a voice vote was taken, and the minutes were unanimously approved as presented. Te NEW BUSINESS A. Status of Instability and Control Response Project - Hickey B. Request to Increase Funding to Continue Studies Associated With Project - Hickey Using a slide presentation, Mr. Hickey provided an update on the status of resolution of the instability issue, including a recap of the history commencing with voltage problems in Kenai in 1996. He noted that ever since Bradley had been commissioned, they had experienced electrical instability problems with the plant. He described various studies they had conducted and improvements that had been made in an attempt to correct the instability problems. Using various pieces of correspondence from years past, Mr. Hickey highlighted outages and load sheds that had occurred and the analyses and modeling programs that had been developed to study these events in order to determine the cause. He stated that on January 14, 1997, the PMC had approved funding for Items 1, 2, and 3 of the O&D Subcommittee's action plan for correction of the instability problems at Bradley Lake. Mr. Hickey said O&D Subcommittee was supposed to come before the PMC at the completion of Action Plan Items 1, 2, and 3, and the presentation he was giving today was the O&D Subcommittee's revised action plan. He noted that Item 1 had been completed. He said there remained additional work to be done on Item 2, and he gave the details regarding the deflector time delays addressed in Item 3. He said Items 3(d), (e), and (f) have not been completed. He said that the original completion date for Items 1, 2, and 3 had been July 31, 1997, but due to delays in awarding the RFP and the magnitude of the scope of the simulation had delayed the final report so that they are approximately six months behind schedule. He said that due to the ( Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting Meeting Minutes March 20, 1998 Page 3 inconsistency of system instability events, they had had to experiment with the model and stability factors until they were able to reproduce the oscillations that were present when the system lost stability. Mr. Hickey said that on February 2, 1998, they had been given a presentation by industry representatives on machine testing, and the next day they had held a roundtable meeting and brainstorming session. Mr. Hickey said to date, the PMC had approved two funding sources for work related to Bradley instability, one being Construction List Item 18, the system analysis equipment, and Items 1, 2, and 3 of the O&D Subcommittee's Instability Action Plan. Mr. Hickey briefly reported on the system analysis equipment budget and the Instability Action Plan budget. He said they would be asking the PMC to approve installation of the system analysis equipment at Bradley Lake instead of at Daves Creek in Soldotna, which was previously been approved by the PMC. Mr. Hickey said they had identified the 750-millisecond oscillation and determined that it is unique to Bradley Lake. They had benchmarked the events, evaluated the speed records and time delays, and developed an accurate model of the tunnel to determine if oscillations inside it had any impact on the instability problems. He also described a couple of quirks in the system, which limit the control response that had been discovered. He said they would be requesting funding to determine what the deflector position error was and how it was impacting the problem. He said they had verified that the PSSE settings are reasonable. Mr. Hickey said change in scope will be required because some of the work that is now needed was not anticipated in 1997. He said the change in scope of work consisted of accurately measuring the actual deflector positions and the hydraulic pressure that drives the governors. He also said that outside the Bradley plant, there are parts of the PSSE model which do not accurately reflect the railbelt power system, and they would need to address programming issues related to AGC control, capacity based on unit temperature, and overspeed. Mr. Hickey summarized by saying that work that still needs to be done includes correcting the PSSE, developing a formal machine testing plan to collect the parameterization data, and moving the system monitoring equipment originally destined for Daves Creek to Bradley Lake. He said the cost for these three items of additional work consisted of: $43,600 for the PSSE model work and $40,000 for machine testing assistance. So the total increase in funding required to complete Items 1, 2, 3, and 4 in their entirety would be approximately $83,600. He noted that this would increase the original anticipated budget from $299,000 to $382,000 for this phase of the work. He said they intended to complete the PSSE revisions by July 31, 1998, and they would like to have the machine testing plan completed by July 1st and perform the testing by July 31st. Mr. Hickey said they would review the data they had gathered in August and would come back before the PMC in September with the test results. He said at that time, if their current simulations are accurate, he believed they would be able to make recommendations for changes to the control system that will eliminate the instability problem. Based on their current knowledge, Mr. Hickey gave a range of recommendations and costs for completing them that may be presented to the PMC in September. Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting Meeting Minutes March 20, 1998 Page 4 Mr. Hickey responded to questions and discussion was heard. Mr. Hickey noted that additional items of the Instability Action Plan would probably have to be undertaken as they completed the projects he was currently proposing, potentially including reviewing the final operating study for Bradley and revisiting the system analyses that had been done with respect to the southern interties. MOTION: Ms. Kohler moved to approve Recommendation No. 1 to issue contracts in the amounts requested. Seconded by Mr. Kelly. There being no discussion, a voice vote was taken, and the motion was unanimously approved. MOTION: Mr. Kelly moved to approve Recommendation No. 2 for the system monitoring equipment that had originally been approved by the PMC to be installed in Soldotna at Daves Creek to be installed instead at Bradley Lake to facilitate machine testing and data collection. Seconded by Mr. Calvert. There being no discussion, a voice vote was taken, and the motion was unanimously approved. Mr. McCrohan recommended that the Chair direct the O&D Subcommittee to update the construction list to include the new projected costs for the items just approved by the PMC during Mr. Hickey's presentation. Mr. McCrohan also pointed out that they currently have in place an agreement with Homer Electric to allow HEA to implement construction items and to provide liability protection for everyone. He said as long as testing work takes place at the site, the HEA agreement applies. However, if Chugach was to install equipment or make any changes, they would need to have a separate agreement in place with CEA as well or, in the alternative, have HEA perform installation work. Brian concurred and said they would work with Mr. Stead on these types of issues. C. FY '99 Project Budget - Evans/McCambridge Ms. McCambridge said the Budget Subcommittee had reviewed and proposed for PMC approval the FY '99 budget. Referring to a handout from the meeting packet, Ms. McCambridge recapped the summary which compared the proposed FY '99 budget and FY '98 projected budget, and she highlighted individual large-ticket items, and explained how this would impact the various budget categories and increase the overall budget. Ms. McCambridge said the current year budget for O&M costs is $2,087,000, excluding the bond refunding; the proposed budget for FY '99 O&M costs is $2,246,947. Ms. McCambridge responded to questions regarding how the bond refunding impacted the budget. In response to Mr. Carmony's question, Ms. McCambridge stated that the proposed budget must be submitted to the Trustee for approval by April 1. Discussion was heard. MOTION: Ms. Kohler moved to approve the Budget Subcommittee's proposed FY '99 project budget as submitted. Seconded by Mr. Stead. Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting Meeting Minutes March 20, 1998 Page 5 Mr. Carmony noted that it would have been convenient to have received the proposed budget earlier since they had only received it on Monday, the 16th of March. There being no further discussion, a voice vote was taken, and the motion was unanimously approved. D. Revisions of the FY '98 Project Budget - Evans/McCambridge Referring to page 1 of the same handout, Ms. McCambridge reviewed the revised FY '98 budget as compared to the original budget. She said last fall, the Budget Subcommittee had been directed to revise the budget to reflect the approval of the PMC to fund the refunding costs out of this year's budget, and the revised FY '98 Project Budget was being presented to the PMC for formal approval at this time. Ms. McCambridge said the funding sources they had determined could be tapped to pay for the $350,000 refunding expenditure were: (1) $100,000 from the revenue fund, (2) reduce the operating reserve to the mandatory 20-percent level for an additional $102,000, and (3) the possibility that additional contributions would be required from the utilities to pay the remaining $148,000 refunding cost. Ms. McCambridge said the revised budget needed to be approved by the PMC, but she advised that she did not feel any additional contribution from the utilities would be necessary as the project is currently running under budget, and HEA is under budget in operations expense. She said if this trend continued, they would be significantly under budget on O&M, and the $148,000 utility contribution would not be necessary. MOTION: Ms. Kelly moved to approve the revised FY '98 Project Budget as submitted. Seconded by Mr. Carmony. There being no discussion, a voice vote was taken, and the motion was unanimously approved. 8. COMMITTEE COMMENTS Ms. McCambridge noted that Parisena Stromberg had completed their FY '97 Annual Report, and it was available in the meeting packets. Ms. McCambridge said the report had been reviewed by the Budget Subcommittee, and she recommended that the PMC review it and accept it at their next meeting. At Mr. Kelly's request, Ms. McCambridge reviewed Parisena Stromberg's FY '97 Annual Report with the Committee. MOTION: Mr. Carmony moved to accept Parisena Stromberg's FY '97 Annual Report as submitted. Seconded by Ms. Kohler. There being no discussion, a voice vote was taken, and the motion was unanimously approved. Mr. Sieczkowski advised that the O&D Subcommittee's next meeting was scheduled for April 22, 1998, at Bradley Lake. Mr. Carmony noted that this would be Mr. Hall's last meeting as a regular MEA employee. Mr. Hall was commended for his contributions, and several people expressed their appreciation. Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting Meeting Minutes March 20, 1998 Page 6 There were no other Committee member comments. A. Next Meeting Date It was the consensus of the Committee that the next meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee be at the call of the Chair. 9. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Ms. Kohler moved to adjourn. There being no objection and no further business of the Committee, the meeting was recessed at 11:20 a.m. BY: Eugene Bjornstad, Chairman ATTEST: Alaska Energy Authority, Secretary