HomeMy WebLinkAboutAEA Board Meeting Feb 2 2012Alaska Energy Authority
February 2, 2012
Loussac Library, Public Conference Room
Anchorage, Alaska
Chairman Short called the meeting of the Alaska Energy Authority to order on February 2, 2012, at
3:45 p.m.
Members present: Gary Wilken (Public Member - phone); Robert Sheldon (Public Member);
Ron Arvin (Public Member - phone); Wilson Hughes (Public Member); Hugh Short (Chair, Public
Member), Susan Bell (Commissioner Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic
Development - phone).
A quorum was established.
MOTION: Mr. Hughes moved to approve the agenda.
The agenda was approved as amended. Under Item 7, New Business, the order was changed
to: Item A, Southeast Alaska Integrated Resource Plan (SEIRP) Overview; Item B, Susitna-
Watana Project Update; and Item C, Round V Renewable Energy Fund Grant
Recommendations. Seconded by Mr. Sheldon. The motion passed unanimously.
Participants present: Sara Fisher -Goad (AEA Executive Director); Brian Bjorkquist (Department
of Law); Sandra Moller (AEA Deputy Director - Rural Energy Group); Peter Crimp (AEA, Deputy
Director - AEEE); Wayne Dyok (AEA, Susitna-Watana Project Manager); Karsten Rodvik (AEA
External Affairs Manager); Bryan Carey (AEA, Susitna-Watana Lead Engineer); Emily Ford
(AEA, Susitna-Watana Public Outreach Liaison); James Strandberg (AEA, Project Manager);
Shauna Howell (AEA Executive Assistant); Teri Webster (AIDEA Administrative Assistant); Rick
Harris (SEIRP Advisory Work Group (AWG) Chairman); Kevin Harper, Myron Rollins and Arlin
Mire (Black & Veatch); Robert Venables (Energy Coordinator, Southeast Conference) and Lara
Brekken (Kiewit);
Mr. Harris said the SEIRP AWG consists of 21 members, who are representatives from local
utilities, tribes, Native corporations, conservationists, and anyone else interested in energy
issues in Southeast Alaska. Meetings were held in most of the major communities in Southeast,
with an extensive amount of coverage and an aggressive effort to include public involvement.
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Alaska Energy Authority Board February 2, 2012
Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 6
Mr. Venables said he was pleased to participate in the planning process and was thankful for
the extended comment period. AEA and its staff should be commended for the public process
used to create the draft SEIRP as it allowed interested citizens an opportunity to observe the
project and to provide input, ask questions, suggest emerging technology, and critique the
findings as the SEIRP developed. The SEIRP can provide us with the technical insights to make
the correct choices in the future.
6. PRIOR MINUTES - November 10, 2011, and December 13, 2011
MOTION: Mr. Hughes moved to approve the November 10, 2011, and December 13, 2011,
meeting minutes. Seconded by Mr. Sheldon. The motion passed unanimously.
A. SEIRP Overview
Ms. Fisher -Goad thanked the participants for their efforts in developing the SEIRP. The public
comment period closes March 19, 2012. On February 9, there will be a House Energy hearing
to review the Plan. During the Southeast Conference's Mid -Session Summit in March, a
technical session will be held in Juneau to receive additional comments and meetings with
Southeast legislators.
Mr. Strandberg said the SEIRP is a regional energy plan that considers heating and energy
issues, electrical supply, as well as the potential for electrical transportation for Southeast
Alaska. The executive summary is available on AEA's website. Staff will not take a position on
the findings until all public comments are received.
Mr. Harper presented a PowerPoint presentation. (A printed version was distributed to the
participants). He said the electric capacity needs of the Southeast region are about one -fifth the
size of the Railbelt, which is considered a small utility by national industry standards. Eighty
percent of the monthly energy costs in the region are due to space heating. Loads are uncertain
due to the potential population increase or decrease. There is uncertainty and issues with
regard to resources, transmission additions, and the level of state funding and assistance. We
believe it is appropriate for the region to develop multiple options to maintain a balanced
portfolio of resources and maintain the flexibility to develop different approaches in long-term
energy. The Southeast region was divided into eight specific sub -regions for modeling
purposes, based on existing and potential resources, as well as varying cost of power. There is
a shortage of storage for hydropower. Space heating conversions from diesel to electric is
occurring in the regions with low-cost electricity. While converting to electric space heating can
be a rational and economical decision, it is causing significant issues for the utilities as it uses
up low-cost hydropower. Of the hydro projects reviewed, 24 projects warrant consideration, but
the majority of those projects do not have the analyses and information needed to estimate what
the cost of power would be or whether the projects were buildable from an environmental
standpoint. Many of the projects lacked information and had capital cost and output estimates
that were plus or minus 50 percent. Therefore, the quality of information was not available to
perform a definitive selection of projects for the region. That led us to consider two integrated
pieces: adding more hydro and transmission exclusively and energy efficiency in biomass. We
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propose a two -phased approach: Phase I would occur within the next four years, with the
advancement of seven committed resources, energy efficiency, and biomass projects. The
AWG approved seven committed resources, five hydro projects and two transmission projects
by Resolution. There would also be significant effort aimed at improving the quality of
information of potential hydro projects. Phase 2 would include a continuation of energy
efficiency and biomass, as well as the addition of the next increments of hydro and other
renewable projects.
In the economic case, we assumed the utilities and their customers would pay for the capital
costs and the ongoing operating costs of the transmission line. In the public benefit case, it's
assumed the State would pay 100 percent of the upfront capital costs and the local utility and
customers would pay for the ongoing operating costs. In the economic case, the cost of
transmission was greater than the cost of diesel in every segment. In the public benefit case, we
looked at a sub-region's total savings over a 50-year period compared to the upfront capital cost
and the cost -benefit ratios ranged from .1 to .3 - if the State made an investment in
transmission, the savings would range from 10 to 32 cents per dollar invested based on the
amount of electricity in the region.
Two analyses were done on importing and exporting of power within Alaska via transmission
line through Canada. Based on market analysis and cost projections, we concluded that neither
scenario passed our economic screen nor warranted an investment. Therefore, the AK -BC line
should not move forward, but it is possible that a transmission line through Canada could
possibly occur within the next 50 years. The State must continue to provide financial assistance
and encourage private development of resources. To make the Southeast region more
attractive to private development of power, we recommend maintaining open access to
transmission and the development of standardized power sales agreements used as a starting
point for discussion.
Based on our analysis, this will require a $2 billion investment over a 50-year period and hydro
projects are a significant part of this plan. The five hydro -based committed resources would
produce about 19 megawatts. Other hydro projects in our recommended portfolio would
produce another 50 megawatts. The current total megawatt capacity in the region is about 175.
However, many of the hydro projects would not occur in the next four years, but that will have to
be analyzed.
Three scenarios were reviewed: continue burning diesel, meeting future needs with new hydro
projects, and initially focusing on energy efficiency and space heating conversions to biomass;
then adding hydro or other renewable resources in the future. With the third scenario, compared
to continuing to burn diesel, the total savings on an energy bill would be about 45 percent;
whereas compared to a pure hydro future, the incremental savings is about 17 percent. A 45
percent savings in energy cost would be a significant benefit to existing residents and
businesses in terms of economics and keeping people in the region. It would also free up
existing hydro resources to attract new businesses. Since the future envisioned by this Plan is
significantly different than what people of the region originally thought, a public outreach
program is vital in the decision -making process. If the energy efficiency in biomass is going to
be successful, it will require a significant commitment by the region, utilities, and the State in
terms of funding and working to adopt the programs. The report also includes the dollars
associated with each of the recommendations and more details on each.
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In response to Mr. Wilken, Mr. Harper said the AWG recommended updating the SEIRP after
four years. The study cost was discussed.
Commissioner Bell noted that there was a lot of confusion, misinformation and concern about
this issue, which might be resolved as people become more familiar with the SEIRP. The Board
should be aware there are public concerns.
In response to Mr. Arvin, Mr. Harper said there was an opportunity for cord -wood in the biomass
plan, especially for larger projects that can withstand the greater O&M associated with the use
of cord -wood for space heating, but that is a detail of the biomass plan implementation. Mr.
Sheldon said that he would also like to know about pellet applications in the biomass plan.
B. Susitna-Watana Project Update
Mr. Short thanked Mr. Dyok and Ms. Fisher -Goad for their work in preparing for the meeting with
the Governor and Chief of Staff on the Susitna-Watana project.
Mr. Dyok gave a PowerPoint presentation on the Susitna-Watana project. (A printed version
was distributed to the participants.)
The 2011 activities and accomplishments were reviewed. In October/November, the project
office was opened and staff members hired. The data gap analysis and a detailed LiDAR
mapping of the Susitna River drainage area were completed. Geotechnical drilling was done in
July and August. In October, the preliminary permit was filed with FERC. Public outreach was
done with stakeholder consultation, public meetings, agency workshops, site visits, and
presentation. At the end of December, the Notice of Intent and Pre -Application Document was
filed with FERC. Public scoping meetings are tentatively scheduled as follows: Anchorage and
Wasilla, March 27; Talkeetna, March 28, Fairbanks, March 29, and Glennallen, March 30. The
primary goal in 2012 is to develop study plans on geomorphology/sediment transport, ice,
project operation, water quality, fisheries, wildlife, botanical, cultural resources, and recreation.
The 2012 engineering studies will include hydrology and power operations, load and resources
modeling, feature layouts and optimization, transmission system reliability and stability
modeling, geotechnical investigations, formation of Board of Consultants, update of construction
cost estimates, and the feasibility report. The Susitna-Watana schedule, which was presented to
the House Energy Committee in Juneau was reviewed. The Board will be updated on the
progress of the project throughout the year. In January 2013, we anticipate requesting
Legislative funding to complete licensing and final design. Assuming we continue on this path,
we will be looking to AEA and the State for an appropriation early next year. We anticipate
having the project online by 2023.
Mr. Carey discussed the project engineering. Several maps of the project were reviewed. Each
of the corridors could have either road or transmission access, or both.
In response to Mr. Short, Mr. Dyok said AEA would need to work with the Governor's office in
requesting appropriation to begin work on the highway access route. Meetings have been held
with some of the landowners and more meetings will be required to reach an agreement on
project use of their lands. An agreement will likely take until the end of the year or longer. The
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Department of Transportation and Public Facilities is in the process of costing out the Gold
Creek route and that information should be available in March. While we favor access road
acceleration, we need to have other things lined up first. Mr. Short asked if it would be a good
idea to request an appropriation for the feasibility and planning process for the access route to
bank some dollars for that portion of the project. Ms. Fisher -Goad noted that a request from the
Governor's office might not be looked upon favorably since the exact access route has not been
established. However, a general appropriation that would provide access without a specific
route might be possible. Mr. Dyok noted that more information, such as caribou migration
information, needs to be gathered to hone in on an access route. All site access this year will be
by helicopter.
In reviewing the project site map, Mr. Carey said the land on the south side of the river is owned
by Alaska Native corporations, and the land on the north side is mostly owned by the State and
partially by Alaska Native corporations. The conceptual site plan was reviewed. The primary
operating objective is to maximize firm power generation from November through April,
generate power while meeting minimum flows, and maximize power generation from May
through October. The daily project operation chart was reviewed and discussed in terms of daily
operational needs, as well as providing a safety net should a utility go offline.
Mr. Dyok said the most probable program cost is $4.3 B, with a cost range from $3.0 to $6.5 B.
This is a class four cost estimate. We plan to reduce the cost range by the end of the year
through refinement of the construction cost estimate. A construction firm will be hired to
independently review the cost estimate. We will also hire a Board of Consultants to assist in
guiding the design.
In response to Mr. Hughes, Mr. Dyok said the project costs are in 2012 dollars and based on
today's market conditions. Ms. Fisher -Goad reviewed outreach efforts that will be occurring
soon. The Governor's office is supportive of and happy with the project progress.
C. Round V Renewable Energy Fund Grant Recommendations
Ms. Fisher -Goad said AEA would be testifying before the House Energy Committee on Tuesday
on House Bill 250, which reauthorizes the Renewable Energy Program for another five years.
The legislature appears to be very supportive of the program.
Mr. Crimp gave a PowerPoint presentation on the Renewable Energy Fund grant
recommendations. He said we are currently in our fifth round of projects and in rounds one
through four, $177 million has been appropriated. AEA has recommended more than $43
million in appropriation for Round V. The program sunsets after this round, but we are working
with the Legislature to extend the program. 208 projects are being funded with 165 grants in
place. If projects have not moved forward, grants are cancelled and the funds reallocated. The
total appropriation is about $177 million, with $70 million disbursed to date. He said
approximately 80 percent of the funding is in final design and construction projects. We are
closely tracking the performance of projects that have been completed, as well as those under
construction. As noted in the project status report included in the Board packet, in the 2009-11
period, projects supported by the Renewable Energy Fund displaced 3.38 million gallons of
diesel and naphtha with a value of $11.2 million. About 1.7 million gallons of diesel were
displaced by projects during 2011. By 2016, we are estimating 11.6 million gallons of diesel
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displacement per year. The Project Performance table tracks the amount of fuel being
displaced, savings, the amount of funds going toward projects, payback schedules, and the
projects performance toward their goals. In response to Mr. Short, Mr. Crimp agreed that a line
entitled "Projects Completed" could be added to the Renewable Energy Fund Grant Status
In response to Mr. Sheldon, Mr. Crimp discussed hydrokinetic projects. Prior to the Emerging
Energy Technology Fund, there was legislative direction for demonstration projects. Several
AEA -funded hydrokinetic projects were discussed. There has been a lot of interest in
hydrokinetic projects within the Emerging Energy Technology Fund and we expect to see many
of those projects funded in the future.
Ms. Fisher -Goad said the Renewable Energy Fund Advisory Committee and the Emerging
Energy Technology Fund Advisory Committee would like to schedule a joint meeting with the
Board of Directors to discuss policy and energy issues.
AEA's 2011 Annual Report was discussed. AEA has not officially produced an annual report for
about 10 years as financial statements have served as a statutory equivalent; however, they will
be produced more frequently in the future.
A. Next regularly scheduled meeting
The next meeting will be scheduled at a later date.
Mr. Arvin said the meeting was very informative and he thanked everyone for their
presentations. Mr. Wilken, who participated in the meeting telephonically, thanked everyone for
their patience. Commissioner Bell thanked Ms. Fisher -Goad for her efforts in communicating
with the Governor's office. Mr. Sheldon said the meeting was very informative and he is looking
forward to reviewing the SEIRP in detail. Mr. Hughes agreed that it was a good meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 5:48 p.m.
Sara Fisher -Goad, Executive Director/Secretary
Alaska Energy Authority