HomeMy WebLinkAboutAEA Board Meeting May 2013 Alaska Energy Authority BOARD MEETING MINUTES Thursday, May 30, 2013 Anchorage, Alaska 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Hugh Short called the meeting of the Alaska Energy Authority to order on May 30, 2013 at 1p.m. A quorum was established. 2. ROLL CALL: BOARD Members present: Chair Hugh Short (Public Member); Vice Chair Commissioner Susan Bell (Commissioner, Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development) Commissioner Bryan Butcher (Commissioner, Department of Revenue); Wilson Hughes (Public Member); Ron Arvin (Public Member); Robert Sheldon (Public Member); Gary Wilken (Public Member). 3. AGENDA APPROVAL The agenda was approved. 4. ROLL CALL: STAFF, PUBLIC Staff present: Sara Fisher-Goad (AEA Executive Director); Valorie Walker (Deputy Director- Finance); Michael Lamb (Deputy Director-Finance and Assistant Secretary/Treasurer); Gene Therriault (Deputy Director-Energy Policy Development); Kirk Warren (AEA Project Manager, Energy Infrastructure, Railbelt); Emily Ford (Public Outreach Liaison); Teri Webster (AEA Executive Assistant); Sherrie Siverson (AIDEA Executive Assistant); and Krin Kemppainen (AIDEA Administrative Assistant). Others present: Brian Bjorkquist (Department of Law); David Mayberry (Crowell & Moring); Scott Broussard (LINC Energy); Gerry Agranoff (LINC Energy); Tim Bradner (Alaska Journal of Commerce); Whitney Wolff (Talkeetna Community Council (phone)); and Sunny Morrison (Accu-Type Depositions). 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS Whitney Wolff expressed the Talkeetna Community Council’s support for the concept of the Stephan Lake man-camp as it alleviates congestion at the busy airports during the summer. Ms. Wolff stated there have been a number of concerned citizen comments regarding the issuance of the camp contract because they feel the timing resulted in a late issuance of the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR) permit. The concerns included potential violations the land would incur due to hauling. There has been one loss of life and a bulldozer at the bottom of the lake. She wanted to note their concerns with AEA and will also note their concerns with Chase Community Council. AEA Board Meeting Minutes May 30, 2013 2 6. PRIOR MINUTES The April 25, 2013 AEA Board meeting minutes were adopted. 7. NEW BUSINESS 7A. Resolution 2013-03 Appointment of Officers Ms. Fisher-Goad stated this resolution appoints Mr. Michael Lamb as the deputy director of finance and assistant secretary/treasurer. Mr. Lamb introduced himself to the board members and stated his background. Mr. Lamb thanked Ms. Walker for her time in providing as much information as she could to him before she left. Mr. Wilken commented he had the pleasure of working with Mr. Lamb at the Fairbanks North Star Borough level and the legislative level. He has worked with Mrs. Lamb at a utility. Mr. Wilken is sorry to see him leave Fairbanks and believes he will be a wonderful addition to Anchorage. MOTION: A motion was made by Mr. Wilken to adopt Resolution No. 2013-03, Ap pointment of Officers. Motion seconded by Mr. Sheldon. Motion passed unanimously. 8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COMMENTS Ms. Fisher-Goad is pleased to welcome Mr. Lamb to the team. Ms. Fisher-Goad welcomed Ms. Walker's staff into the meeting and presented Ms. Walker with a certificate that has travelled the state and includes signatures of all the board members. Ms. Fisher-Goad stated Ms. Walker has been a fantastic role model and has built a great team. Ms. Fisher-Goad is sad Ms. Walker is leaving, but is proud to have known her and appreciates all of her hard work and strong leadership. Chair Short provided an opportunity for board members to add any comments. Mr. Sheldon thanked Ms. Walker for all of her efforts and stated she will be missed. Mr. Hughes thanked Ms. Walker and was reflective of the institutional history she takes with her. Ms. Walker hopes she has taught people well. Mr. Wilken thanked Ms. Walker for her service and bid her Godspeed. Chair Short thanked Ms. Walker for all her years of service and appreciates her level of knowledge. He stated it has been a pleasure working with Ms. Walker and she will be greatly missed. 8A. Next regularly scheduled meeting - Tuesday, June 25, 2013 9. BOARD COMMENTS Mr. Arvin stated it is becoming increasingly difficult for him to navigate the potential conflicts he faces as an elected assemblyman in the Valley and as a board member. Mr. Arvin, with great