HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2014-02 Haida Energy-ReynoldCreekLoanTO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Board of Directors Alaska Energy Authority Sara Fisher-Goa~~ Executive Director -PtJV April24, 2014 Resolution No. 2014-02 Haida Energy Inc, Reynolds C reek, Power Project Fund Loan Resolution 2014-02 proposes action on the Power Project Fund (PPF) loan application from Haida Energy, Inc. for the proposed Reynolds Creek run of river hydro project located on Prince of Wales Island approximately 10 miles east of Hydaburg. Additional information about the project is available in the attached document "PPF Loan Committee Recommendation" attached as Exhibit A. The PPF Loan Committee recommends the loan terms proposed by Haida Energy be turned down as unacceptable and that the Counterproposal Loan terms proposed by the AEA Loan Committee, Exhibit B, be approved. Ownership The facility will be owned by Haida Energy, Inc., a Joint Venture of the Haida Corporation and Alaska Power and Telephone (AP&T). Alaska Power Company, a subsidiary of AP&T and the local electric utility provider, will construct and operate the plant on behalf ofHaida Energy, Inc. Land that the project infrastructure will occupy is owned by Haida Corp. and Sealaska Corp. Background and Purpose The proposed Reynolds Creek hydro facility will feed power into the interconnected Prince of Wales power transmission system that serve the majority of residents on the island. The total electric demand for the island is supplied by diesel fired generation and the following two existing hydro facilities: Black Bear Lake 4.5 MW with storage capability South Fork 2.3 MW run-of-river Completion of the Reynolds Creek project is intended to allow the communities on the interconnected Prince of Wales electric system to meet all oftheir yearly electric needs with hydroelectric power. a kene rgya u t hority .org 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 T 907.771.3000 Toll Free (Alaska Only) 888.300.8534 F 907 .771 .3044 Res 2014-02 - Board Memorandum April 24, 2014 Page 2 of 4 The Loan Request Haida Energy is requesting a loan from the Power Project Fund in the amount of $20,000,000 that will be used in conjunction with grant funds and limited equity contributions to finalize the design and construct the project and associated transmission connection. Application History Haida Energy, Inc. originally received AEA Board approval for a $9 million loan to construct Reynolds Creek on August 11, 2010. However, due to an increase in the projected project cost, that loan was never finalized. After receiving legislative authorization to apply for an increased loan amount in 2011, Haida Energy, Inc. submitted a new loan PPF loan application and has been discussing possible terms with AEA. On March 13, 2014, the AEA Loan Committee met and forwarded proposed loan terms that it felt comfortable taking to the AEA Board of Directors for consideration. Haida Energy, Inc. determined the Loan Committee offer to be unacceptable and instead requested consideration of terms based on a term sheet sent to AEA in January of 2013. Both sets of terms are addressed in the attached PPF Loan Committee Recommendation, Exhibit A. Project Information The Reynolds Creek project is a 5 MW run of river hydro-electric project located 10 miles east of Hydaburg. Haida Energy, Inc. has FERC authorization to construct the project at the selected site through the FERC license issued to the Haida Corporation. The topography at the project site is ideal for a hydro storage project but the present projected demand does not justify the additional expense of constructing the project with this capability at this time. The project proponent has agreed to evaluate the cost and benefit of constructing the project in such a way that storage can be added in a cost effective manner in the future. Financial Feasibility As part of the loan analysis, AEA examined the applicant’s ability to repay the loan. AEA has determined that the project has a positive net present value and the ability to repay the AEA Power Project Fund Loan based on the applicant’s projected sales and savings associated with displaced diesel generation. Although there is risk associated with electric load growth on Prince of Wales Island, assuming either the Black and Veatch Southeast Integrated Resource Plan reference load growth projections or projections based on historic sales and trends, the expected use of the proposed infrastructure will generate adequate savings to cover the cost of repaying the loan principal and associated interest. Economic Viability Reynolds Creek is an economic project because the projected benefit of the project could far outweigh the estimated cost. The alternative to the project is continued diesel generation to meet growing demand. AEA analysis uses the Black and Veatch diesel price projections which result in cost savings per kWh in the first year of generation when comparing new Reynolds Creek hydro power to diesel power. This analysis assumes Reynolds Creek is financed using the terms recommended by the Loan Committee. Res 2014-02 - Board Memorandum April 24, 2014 Page 3 of 4 Technical Feasibility AIDEA staff member, Doug Ott, previously reviewed the technical aspects of the project when he held the position of AEA hydro engineer. Mr. Ott agrees that the future addition of storage capability needs to be evaluated now and taken into consideration as the final project design is completed. Doug’s assessment is that the project is technically feasible. Findings As required by 3 AAC 106.110, the Alaska Energy Authority hereby makes the following determinations: 1. Both the project and the application meet the program’s eligibility criteria. 2. The project meets the needs of the area and the area will benefit from the project. 3. All necessary permits or certificates have been applied for or awarded. 4. The applicant has sufficient revenue from all sources to repay the loan. 5. Sufficient funds are available in the Power Project Fund to make the loan. 6. The project is technically and economically viable and financially feasible. 7. There are no alternatives to the project at a different site, by a different method, or by another applicant that could be expected to provide comparable volumes of power at lower cost which meets the needs of the area, that could be built within comparable timeframe, that is economically viable and financially feasible. 8. That the project benefits the area by providing power from a renewable source at a stable rate acceptable to Alaska Power Company and its customers. Legislative approval  SLA 10, Ch. 70, Sec. 6, Page 3, Lines 17-21 legislative authorization for loan up to $9,000,000 o Sec. 6. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to read: LEGISLATIVE APPROVAL OF LOAN FROM THE POWER PROJECT FUND. Provided the Alaska Energy Authority approves a loan for the Reynolds Creek hydroelectric project, the legislature authorizes the Alaska Energy Authority to loan $9,000,000 from the power project fund (AS 42.45.010) for the Reynolds Creek hydroelectric project. This section constitutes legislative approval under AS 42.45.010(j) for a loan from the fund that exceeds $5,000,000.  FSSLA 11, Ch. 6, Sec. 6, Page 4, Lines 23 – 28 legislative authorization for additional loan amount of $11,000,000 o Sec. 6. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to read: LEGISLATIVE APPROVAL OF LOANS FROM THE POWER PROJECT FUND. (a) Provided the Alaska Energy Authority approves a loan for the Haida Energy, Inc., Reynolds Creek hydroelectric project, the legislature authorizes the Alaska Energy Authority to loan an amount not to exceed $11,000,000 from the power project fund (AS 42.45.010) for the Haida Energy, Inc., Reynolds Creek hydroelectric project in addition to the loan authorized by sec. 6, ch. 70, SLA 2010. Res 2014-02 - Board Memorandum April 24, 2014 Page 4 of 4 Conclusion  The consortium of Haida Corporation, Alaska Power and Telephone and Alaska Power Company possess the technical expertise to move forward with the final design and construction of the Reynolds Creek hydro project.  The Alaska Power Company is a financially sound, well run utility that serves the electric customers on the interconnected Prince of Wales Island electric system. Recommendation and Conditions  The AEA Loan Committee and staff recommend the AEA Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 2014-02 in effect declining the loan terms requested by Haida Energy, Inc. and approving the loan terms recommended by the Loan Committee and conveyed to Haida Energy, Inc. by letter on March 13, 2014.  Recommended conditions are included in the Counterproposal Loan document Exhibit B. Attachment 1. Exhibit A: PPF Loan Committee Recommendation 2. Exhibit B: Counterproposal Loan Term Sheet ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 2014-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY REGARDING A LOAN BY THE AUTHORITY TO HAIDA ENERGY, INC. WHEREAS, Haida Energy, Inc. has applied to the Alaska Energy Authority (“Authority”) for a loan in the amount up to $20,000,000 with a term of 50 years under the Authority’s power project fund program (AS 42.45.010) at a variable rate of interest under AS 42.45.010(f)(2)(B) (the “Loan Application”) and the PPF Loan Committee has recommended approval of a loan with different terms under AS 42.45.010(f)(2)(A) (the “Counterproposal Loan”); WHEREAS, the nature, purpose and terms of the Loan Application and the Counterproposal Loan are described in the PPF Loan Committee Recommendation, attached as Exhibit “A”; WHEREAS, the PPF Loan Committee has recommended that the Authority disapprove the Loan Application, as described in the PPF Loan Committee Recommendation; WHEREAS, the PPF Loan Committee has recommended that the Authority approve the Counterproposal Loan, as described in the PPF Loan Committee Recommendation and in the Term Sheet attached as Exhibit B; WHEREAS, 3 AAC 106.110(d) requires that a loan from the power project fund be approved by the Authority’s Board if the subject loan will exceed $2,000,000; WHEREAS, 3 AAC 106.110(d) requires that the approval or disapproval of a power project fund loan be in the form of a written determination that contains the findings required by 3 AAC 106.110; WHEREAS, the PPF Loan Committee has recommended findings required by 3 AAC 106.110(d) in the PPF Loan Committee Recommendation, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Authority to disapprove the Loan Application; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Authority to approve the Counterproposal Loan amended to include a one hundred percent (100%) performance and payment bond in favor of the Authority; and WHEREAS, in the event Haida Energy, Inc. rejects the proposed Counterproposal Loan with the amendment, it is in the best interest of the Authority to pursue further negotiations to attempt to develop terms and conditions of a PPF Loan for the Reynolds Creek hydroelectric project that is acceptable to both Haida Energy, Inc. and the Authority, with the best and final terms and conditions re-submitted to the Board no later than thirty (30) days from April 24, 2014 to be ready for a June board meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The written findings recommended by the PPF Loan Committee , required by 3 AAC 1 06.110(d), and contained in the PPF Loan Committee Recommendation, attached as Exhibit A, are adopted and incorporated by reference as part of this Resolution. Section 2 . The Term Sheet attached as Exhibit 8, is adopted and incorporated by reference as part of this Resolution. Section 3. The recommendation of the PPF Loan Committee to disapprove the Loan Application by Haida Energy, Inc. for the Reynolds Creek hydroelectric project, is accepted and adopted. Section 4. The PPF Loan Committee's recommendation to approve the Counterproposal Loan as amended for the Reynolds Creek hydroelectric project, as described in the Term Sheet attached as Exhibit B, is accepted, adopted and approved. Section 5. This Resolution is the final decision of the Authority regarding the Loan Application and the Counterproposal Loan for the Reynolds Creek hydroelectric project. Section 6. The Executive Director of the Authority is authorized to take such actions as may be necessary or convenient to consummate the Counterproposal Loan as amended including, without limitation, issuing a commitment with respect to the Loan. The Executive Director is authorized to approve non-material changes in the terms and conditions of the counterproposal to the Loan as amended as the Executive Director, in her discretion , determines appropriate. Section 7. If Haida Energy, Inc. rejects the Counterproposal Loan as amended for the Reynolds Creek hydroelectric project, as described in the Term Sheet attached as Exhibit B, the Executive Director is authorized, in consultation with the Board, to attempt to negotiate material changes in the terms and conditions of the Counterproposal Loan as amended , to obtain best and final proposed terms and conditions for re-submission to the Board no later than thirty (30) days from April 24 , 2014 . DATED at Anchorage , Alaska on this 24th day of April, 2014 . ,,, .. " .,,,, ,,,,X:.~GY -4 ,,,, ,'~-~ ······ ... ul:t~',, ,' v .· ·· . ..-~ , ... ~. . 0 .. ~ ~ .... 0~~0R41'~\ ~ \ : s: v ··~ t ~~: ~ &. :. SEJ-U-~ } ~ ~ ·. .. ~ (s E ~J) ·· .... tg~/ l ~ ······· ,, ATTES,J: * ,,,, ,,,,,.,"''"''' ~~ Secretary AEA Resolution No . 2014-02 Haida Energy Vice Chair Page 2 of 2