HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2012-06 Agreement AIDEA-AEA working capital loansMEMORANDUM TO: Board of Directors Alaska Energy Authority FROM : Sara Fisher-Goad ~,.A"' \ Executive Director (fJJ ~ DATE : December 6, 2012 SUBJECT: Resolution No . 20 12-06 Agreement between AEA and AIDEA related to AEA project work ing capita l loans and personnel services . The attached Resolution No. 2012-06 (Resolution) accomplishes two primary goals . First, it authorizes AEA to borrow up to $7.5 million from the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) for working capital needs arising from AEA projects . Many of AEA's project expenditures are made on a reimbursement basis -amounts must be pa id in order to collect funds from the f inal payment source (State, Federal or other). Amounts AEA borrows from AIDEA must be repaid after AEA receives reimbursement funds , and within one year. Second , the Resolution authorizes AEA to obtain from AIDEA personnel services , overhead expenses , administrative support, and other related services AIDEA provides to AEA , and to enter appropriate financial arrangements for AEA to reimburse AIDEA for those serv ices . Resolution No . 2012-06 also repeals and will replace Resolut ion No. 2001-03 which authorizes AIDEA to lend of up to $2 .5 million to AEA for expenses arising from AEA owned, operated and maintained power projects , and from power project and bulk fuel fac ilities to wh ich AEA participates in development or construction . Resolution No. 2001-03 also authorizes AIDEA to provide administrat ive and overhead support and services to AEA and for AEA to reimburse AIDEA for those services . Adopting Resolution No . 2012-06 is appropriate and desirable because the number and size of AEA's grant, energy development, and energy conservation programs , and AEA's other statutory authorities and responsibilities have significantly expanded after Resolut ion 2001-03 was approved in 2001 . The e xpansion in AEA's program activity has increased AEA's working capital needs for projects. The availab le borrowing amount of $2 .5 m illion from AIDEA is no longer adequate for AEA to efficiently manage its programs . The expansion in AEA 's program activity has also increased the types of projects for which AEA has working cap ital needs. The Resolution increases the maximum aggregate amount AIDEA may lend to AEA to $7 .5 million. Staff anticipates that $5 million w ill generally be the maximum amount required , but occas ionally one or m.ore large project bills must be paid which w ill increase the amount borrowed over $5 million . Amounts borrowed from AIDEA are repa id regu larly by AEA , typ ically within one month . l J t.-' 1 ' • 1 J y ( J ~.~ t h ~, I I t, J ...,-r J 813 West Northern Lig hts Bou levard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 T 907 .77 1.3 000 Toll Free (Alaska Only) 888 .300 .8534 F 907.771 .3044 The Resolution also expands the types of projects for which AIDEA may lend amounts to AEA. The Resolution provides working capital for all AEA project needs, and is not limited to power projects AEA owns, operates and maintains, or from power projects and bulk fuel facilities to which AEA participates in development or construction. The additional types of projects may include rural power system upgrades, alternative energy and efficiency, conservation, transmission line extensions and interties, and other similar projects. Loans for the Susitna- Watana Hydro Electric project are not expected to be obtained under the Resolution. The Resolution also repeals Resolution No. 2001-03. Staff recommends approval of Resolution No. 2012-06. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 2012-06 RESOLUTION OF THE ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY AUTHORIZING BORROWING FROM THE ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY RELATED TO WORKING CAPITAL FOR PROJECTS, AUTHORIZING AGREEMENTS RELATED TO PERSONNEL SERVICES, , REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 2001-03, AND PROVIDING FOR RELATED MATTERS WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2001-03 authorizes the Alaska Energy Authority (“AEA”) to borrow amounts from, and arrange for repayment to, the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (“AIDEA”) related to working capital for power projects owned, operated, or maintained by AEA or for power projects or bulk fuel facilities to which AEA participates in development or construction, subject to certain restrictions, including that the unpaid balance of loans at any time may not exceed, in the aggregate, $2,500,000; WHEREAS, Resolution No. 2001-03 also authorizes AEA to enter into appropriate financial arrangements with AIDEA for the payment for personnel services, overhead expenses, administrative support, and other related services AIDEA provides to AEA, and provides for related matters; WHEREAS, the number and size of AEA’s energy development, conservation and grant programs, and AEA’s statutory authorities and responsibilities have expanded since adoption of Resolution No. 2001-03, including AEA programs regarding rural power systems, bulk fuel facilities, waste heat, energy grants, energy development, energy conservation, energy efficiency, and energy audits; WHEREAS, the expansion of AEA programs, statutory authorities and responsibilities has increased the scope of the types of projects and the amounts for which AEA has working capital needs; WHEREAS, AIDEA has the authority to make loans, and AEA has the authority to accept loans, to finance AEA’s working capital needs related to projects; WHEREAS, AEA continues to need, and AIDEA continues to provide to AEA, personnel services, overhead, administrative support, and other related services, which require the continuation of appropriate financial arrangements between AEA and AIDEA; and WHEREAS, it is appropriate and necessary or desirable to repeal and replace Resolution No. 2001-03 with this Resolution No. 2012-06 to increase the maximum aggregate Resolution No. 2012-06 Page 2 loan amount available from AIDEA to AEA related to working capital needs for projects, and to continue to authorize agreements to establish appropriate financial arrangements between AEA and AIDEA related to personnel services, overhead, administrative support, and other related services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Executive Director of AEA and any Deputy Director of AEA designated by the Executive Director are authorized to enter into commitments, agreements, and financial arrangements on behalf of AEA to obtain and provide for the repayment of loans made by AIDEA to AEA for the purpose of paying working capital or other expenses of AEA relating to projects, subject to limitations established in Section 3 of this Resolution. Section 2. The Executive Director of AEA and any Deputy Director of AEA designated by the Executive Director are authorized to enter into appropriate financial arrangements on behalf of AEA to reimburse AIDEA for personnel services, overhead expenses, administrative support, and other related services AIDEA provides to AEA. Section 3. The unpaid balance of loans described in Section 1 of this Resolution shall not at any time exceed, in the aggregate, $7,500,000. A loan described in Section 1 of this Resolution shall not bear interest. AEA shall identify for each loan described in Section 1 of this Resolution, any designated sources of repayment of the loan from amounts to be received by AEA from the State of Alaska or from other sources that, in the opinion of the Executive Director or designated Deputy Director, will provide adequate assurance of repayment of the loan. Each loan described in Section 1 of this Resolution shall mature and be payable in full no later than the earlier to occur of (a) twelve months after the date of disbursement of the amount loaned, or (b) as soon as practicable after sufficient amounts from the identified sources of repayment described in the preceding sentence are available to repay the loan. Section 4. All loans, commitments, agreements, and financial arrangements between AIDEA and AEA that comply with the terms of this Resolution are hereby ratified, affirmed, and approved, including all outstanding loans, commitments, agreements, and financial arrangements between AIDEA and AEA made under Resolution No. 2001-03. Section 5. Resolution No. 2001-03 is repealed effective when this Resolution No. 2012-06 becomes effective. Dated at Anchorage, Alaska this 61h day of December, 2012 . ' '· Secretary 1 Resolution No . 2012-06 Page3