HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 2011-04 Execution of the Amended and Restated Alaska Intertie Agreement -11-9-2011MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Directors FROM : Alaska Energy Aut~h~rity Sara Fisher Goa a:= · · Executive Director DATE: November 9, 2011 SUBJECT: Alaska lntertie Agreement Efforts to amend the Alaska lntertie Agreement were undertaken after AEA issued notice of termination of the Original Agreement on October 16, 2006 . Th is notice could lead to actual termination after four years (termination has been extended to November 15, 2011 ). The Authority and Participating Utilities, individually and collectively, identified defects in the Alaska lntertie Agreement. If not cured , these defects were likely to eventually disrupt the safe, reliable and efficient operation of the Alaska lntertie. A number of major repairs to the intertie were needed and not being undertaken . The Orig inal Agreement lacked viable mechanisms fo r funding major repairs and capital improvements . Additionally, the parties were not following a number of provisions in the contract. The Authority and Participating Utilities therefore exerted considerable efforts to address these concerns. Amendments to the Agreement were first brought to the Board at its June 9 , 2011 meeting. The AEA Board identified some additional concerns and desired improvements to the Agreement. Following the June 9, 2011 AEA Board meeting , the deadline for terminat ion of the Alaska lntertie Agreement ("Agreement") has been extended to November 15, 2011 . This extension enabled AEA and the Railbelt utilities to successfully negotiate amendments to the Agreement to address concerns raised by the AEA Board , as described more fully below. After resolving AEA's concerns , the United States Army ("Army") raised additional concerns , described below. With the resolution of these issues, the Amendment to the Alaska lntertie Agreement is ready for execution . I. Background. A memorandum dated June 9, 2011, provided background on the Alaska lntertie and efforts to amend the Alaska intertie Agreement. A copy of that memorandum is being provided . akenergyauthority.org 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 T 907.771 .3000 Toll Free (Alaska Only) 888 .300.8534 F 907 .771 .3044 Board of Directors November 9, 2011 Page 2 of 3 II. Resolution of AEA Board Concerns. The three concerns about the Agreement raised by the AEA Board after the June 9, 2011 meeting have been resolved , including : 1. Section 6.4 now provides AEA with the same rights it has under the current Agreement to make improvements to the intertie that AEA 'deems beneficial and reasonable'. Improvements include add ing taps . Improvements wou ld be made at AEA's expense unless the IMC determ ines the improvements d irectly benefit Partici pants and Users . See attached. 2. Section 13.4 will expressly allow Partic ipants, Users and AEA, at their own expense, to require testing of the accuracy of equipment by qualified third parties . The IMC w ill be responsible to take appropriate act ion if inaccuracies are discovered . The language is intended to give the IMC flexibility in respond ing --ranging from re -testing the metering equipment, to f ixing or replacing equipment. This concept was probably already covered in Section 8.8 with AEA having step-in rights , but the express provision will eliminate doubt. And, by giving authority to Participants and Users , each entity can protect the ir own interests without AEA always having to step-in. See attached . 3. Section will change how "System Demand" will be used under Section 16 .3.4 to ensure that Users (e.g ., IPPs) gain MITCR rights if acceptable open access rules are not adopted by Ju ly 1, 2013. The approach taken is to clarify that the User's MITCR calculation will include all wholesa le power sold to utilities (unless the User agrees otherwise), and that the power will be removed from the purchasing Utilities' MITCR calculat ion . This ensures the IPP of fa ir , substantially equal treatment to Participant utilities . An IPP w ill obtain MITCR rights calculated w ith all power sales (including wholesale power sold to utilities). The purchasing utility (if a participant), could not refuse to provide the IPP with a portion of the Part icipant's MITCR, and then use the IPP 's inability to obtain MITCR rights as an excuse for not purchasing power. This approach would only become applicable if the IMC fails to develop acceptable open access rules . Ill. Resolution of United States Army Concerns. The proposed amendments to the Agreement we re negotiated to enable the United States Army to immed iately become a Participant and thereby gain access to the Alaska lntertie . In August 2011 , the Army reported that it was legally prohib ited from becoming a Participant because federa l agenc ies may not assume any management responsibilities/funct ions over non -federal entities . A fundamental concept of the amended Agreement is that Participants on the lntertie Management Committee assume management responsib ilities regarding the intertie . The Army a lso reported that it is Board of Directors November 9, 2011 Page 3 of 3 required to use Federal Acquisition Regulations ("FAR" which includes forms and rules) for acquiring services, including transmission services. The Army in September 2011 requested the Agreement be further amended to enable the Army to become a User with special rights , rather than a Participant. The concept is to enable the Army to gain more access while accommodating legal restrictions on the Army becoming a Participant. Amendments have been incorporated to accommodate the Army's requests, including : 1. The Army may become an intertie User with (3) months notice to the IMC and AEA after July 2013, so long as the available lntertie Capacity is not fully subscribed (e .g ., Section 5.2, ); 2 . Upon execution of the lntertie Agreement, the Army would be allowed to immediately attend aiiiMC meetings (e .g ., Sections 8.1 and 9.2.1 ); 3 . The Army would receive a 30-day advance copy of the Annual lntertie Budget (e .g., Sections 7.1 .2 and 8.6.5); 4 . The agreement clarifies that the Army will be treated as an entity eligible to become a User -specifically it will be treated as an "other person authorized by law to engage in the distribution of electricity" (e .g ., 16.3.2); and, 5. The Agreement clarifies that a user agreement may differ from the standard lntertie User Agreement to accommodate the Army's obligat ions to use Part 49 of the FAR. This may include allowing (a) the Army the right to terminate the contract upon advance notice of three (3) months , and (b) federal claims procedures to apply for dispute resolution, rather than provisions in the Alaska lntertie Agreement (e .g ., Sections 8 .6.2 , 16 .3.2, and 16.3.5). IV. Recommendation. Staff of the Authority recommends that the Board authorize and empower the Executive Director to execute the Amended and Restated Alaska lntertie Agreement dated November 2011, with such non-material changes that the Executive Director finds appropriate and prudent. Attachments ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 2011-04 RESOLUTION OF THE ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RELATING TO THE ALASKA INTERTIE; APPROVING EXECUTION OF THE AMENDED AND RESTATED ALASKA INTERTIE AGREEEMENT: AND RELATED MATTERS WHEREAS , the Alaska Energy Authorit y (the "Authority") owns the Alaska lntertie; WHEREAS, the Alaska lntertie Agreement is an agreement re lated to the Alaska lntertie among the Authority and the Municipality of Anchorage d/b/a Municipal Light and Power; Chugach Electric Association , Inc .; Golden Valley Electric Associat ion , Inc.; and Alaska Electric Generation and Transmission Cooperative , Inc. (collectively the "Part icipating Utilities); WHEREAS , the Authority and Participating Utilities have certain rights and responsibilities under the Alaska lntertie Agreement for the use , operation and maintenance of the Alaska lntertie, with many duties addressed collectively by the Authority and Participating Utilities within the lntertie Operating Committee ("IOC"); WHEREAS , the Alaska lntertie is an integral component of the Railbelt energy transmission grid , and is essential for the transm ission of electric energy between Fairbanks and Anchorage, enables the systems of various Participating Utilities to provide economical electric energy to Railbelt customer ratepayers , and enables the systems of various IOC Utilities to sell economy energy to other Railbelt and Participating Util ities for the ir systems to provide economical electric energy to Rail belt customer ratepayers; WHEREAS, the Authority, Participating Utilities, and IOC individually and collectively identified defects in the Alaska lntertie Agreement that, if not cured , were considered to be likely to eventually disrupt the safe, reliable and efficient operation of the Alaska lntertie and the transmission of economical electric energy for the benefit of various Railbelt and Participating Utility systems and their customer ratepayers ; WHEREAS, the Authority, Participating Utilities , IOC , and other interested partie s have individually and collectively negotiated Amendments to the Alaska lntertie Agreement, identified as the Amended and Restated Alaska lntertie Agreement and more specifically described in the Memorandum accompanying this Reso lution ; '. ' ' ,... .. ' WHEREAS , Amended and Restated Alaska lntertie Agreement, if adopted , will cure the identified defects in the A laska lntertie Agreement, a nd will help ensu re the cont inued safe , re liable and efficient operat ion of the Alaska ln tertie and the transmiss ion of economical electric energy for the benefit of various Railbelt and Part icipating Utility systems and their customer ratepayers ; WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Authority, the State , and the people of Alaska for the Authority to enter Amended and Restated Alaska lntertie Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE A LASKA ENERGY AU TH ORITY AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The A utho ri ty finds and determ ines that, for the reasons more fully described and documented and in the Memorandum with Attachments accompany ing th is Resolut ion 2011-04 , that it is in the best interests of the Authority , the Stat e, and the people of Alaska for the Authority to enter the Amended and Restated Alaska lntertie Agreement. Section 2 . The Executive Director of the Authority is author ized, directed , and empowe red to execute the Amended and Restated Alaska lntertie Agreement, with such non- material changes that the Executive Director f inds appropriate and prudent. Section 3. The Executive Di recto r of the Authority is autho r ized and empowered to take any and all act ions appropriate and cons istent with t his Resolution . Section 4 . This Resolut ion shall become effective immed iately upon its passage and approval. ··--··~:·DATED at Anchorage, Alaska , this 9th day of November 20 11. · ... ~~_,; ... ~.::;l~~--~-~ / - ~ ........ 1 .. ~ c::::------ ~ . --~~--------------------------~ Chair ·.'.'ATTES·l . [S:EAL] ~ ! ... . ,, Secretary A m ended and Restated Alaska lntertie Agreement Res olu t ion No. 2011-04 Page 2 of 2