HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 1993-06 Dissolve AEA to DCRADATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND REGIONAL AFFAIRS OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER MEMORANDUM . August 13, 1993 D I r i',o.""uA:O WALTERJ. HICKEL, GOVERNOR 0 P.O. BOX 112100 JUNEAU, ALASKA 99811·2100 PHONE: (907) 465-4700 FAX: (907) 465-2948 0 333 W. 4TH AVENUE, SUfT"E 220 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501-2341 PHONE: (907) 269-4500 FAX: (907) 269-4520 f.-(!\ ~\(:.(\-) t.~Jl\1\ . ' 8-16-~3 "-'"'"." \ \:Qw;,,,\.,\ ~i \' 0'-.. R L);<'" -,;,~ '6.:>\diP\0 Board of Directors of the Alaska Energy Authority W Edgar Blatchford, Commissioner (91-(l, ~ Department of Community and Regional Affairs Acceptance of the Alaska Energy Authority The reorganization of the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is provided for in Chapter 18, SLA 1993. Effective the close of business on August 18, 1993, the Department of Community and Regional Affairs (DCRA) accepts all power, duties and responsibilities of the AEA as provided in Chapter 18, SLA 1993, and further delegates those powers, duties and responsibilities to the Director of the Division of Energy, DCRA, as necessary to assure uninterrupted operations of the new Division. Those power, duties and responsibilities remaining with AEA under Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) and its Board of Directors generally relate to the issuance of revenue bonds for power transmission interties and those other responsibilities as are specifically provided in Chapter 18, SLA 1993 as follows, Amended Sections 44.83.030 44.83.040 44.83.070 44.83.080 44.83.090 44.83.110 44.83.384 Sections 29 through 38. 44.83.388 44.83.396 44.83.398 44.83.510 44.83.530 44.83.930 44.88.105 44.88.155 In the interests of promoting an orderly transition DCRA assures its cooperation in the division of assets, duties and responsibilities related to the powers and duties as provided in Chapter 18, SLA 1993. 21·P1LH '"' \68 rmn!ed on rccyciPd pc1pr,r by G f1. 21-P1LH ~ lfJ 0 C:U""~J rc r~ 1 [[~' ~~ n r~ ~ ~ 0 ~ u tJD ls lliJ 1 f,~\ lt~U\\ ~?) J\\ U\\ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND REGIONAL AFFAIRS OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER MEMORANDUM DATE: August 31, 1993 TO: Riley Snell, Executive Director Alaska Industrial D·~eve.lf~ment and Exp01t Authority FROM: Don Ranis, Directo · L ""-/! / /. .• lA Division of Energy· ~~,4?VVV SUBJECT: Memorandum of Understanding WALTERJ. HICKEL, GOVERNOR 0 P.O. BOX 112100 JUNEAU, ALASKA 99811·2100 PHONE: (907) 465-4700 FAX: (907) 465-2948 0 333 W. 4TH AVENUE, SUfTE 220 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501·2341 PHONE: {907} 2694500 FAX: (907) 269-4520 '{t-'. :s-\........_ ei'.\\J,__.,~~ ..... /"" ~9--&~03 ""t. R~ ~" d,:, ~ l(m VFuJ DVI-1 Enclosed please find two original revised Memorandmns of Understanding that address duties transfened to the Depattment of Community and Regional Affairs, Division of Energy, from the Alaska Energy Authority, by Chapter 18 SLA 1993. 93Q3/AH5327(1) If you are in agreement with this Memorandum of Understanding, please sign both, retain one original for your files and retum one original to me. Thank you. P.O. Box 190869, Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 Page I of! {/}) printed on recyclr:d paper 11 y C. I) MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Effective the close of business August 18, 1993, the Department of Community and Regional Affairs (DCRA), Division of Energy (DE) accepted responsibility for Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) duties transfened to that agency by Chapter 18 SLA 1993, as outlined in the August 13, 1993, letter to the AEA Board of Directors. The purpose of this Memorandum is to: o Designate persons responsible for overseeing the orderly transition of functions from AEA to DCRA. 0 Identify the staffmg requirements of AEA and DCRA to accomplish the transition. 0 Designate August 31, 1993, as the financial reporting cutoff date for the programs assumed by DCRA. Communications Steve Wells of DCRA and Dan Beardsley of AEA are designated as the persons responsible for overseeing the orderly transition of functions intended by Chapter 18 SLA 1993. These persons will receive and act on all interagency requests and communications necessary to accomplish the transition. Staff Requirements The positions that have been identified as required by AEA after transition are shown on Attachment I. The Attachment shows AEA permanent staff and transition staff. The transition staffs dmation of employment with AEA may be terminated with 30 days notice and is not expected to extend beyond December 31, 1993, except as deemed necessary by the AEA Executive Director. Persons employed by AEA before August 12, 1993, not identified on Attachment I will report to DCRA/DE effective August 19, 1993. Attachment II shows AEA employees who will be assigned to DCRA/DE but whose services may be required by AEA. The DCRA/DE staff identified on Attachment II may continue to perform AEA functions as assigned before August 12, 1993, ensuring that there is no intenuption in service while AEA and DCRA prepare for separate operations. There may be a realignment of duties of both AEA and DCRA/DE staff as AEA and DCRA/DE staff are reassigned. DCRA/DE will not remove an individual listed on Attachment II from supporting the reorganization of AEA without notifying 93Q3/AH5327(1) Page I of2 Dan Beardsley and will obtain the approval of the AEA Executive Director before the action is taken. Financial Cutoff All revenues and expenditures related to the programs assumed by DCRA will be included in AEA's financial reporting through August 31, 1993. All subsequent activity will be excluded from AEA financial statements. As a result of the transfers of functions, cettain setvices may require funding transfers to and between AEA and DCRA. These transfers may be accomplished using a Reimbursable Services Agreement (RSA). However, until that can be accomplished, operations will continue under the accounting system in effect before August 12, 1993. This Memorandum provides only for the temporaty delegation of supervismy power over AEA employees to DCRAIDE. The Memorandum does not delegate statutmy powers or duties exercised by the employees. Any non ministerial act by an AEA employee under the supervision of DCRA relating to an AEA function to be retained by AEA under the reorganization granted in Chapter 18 SLA 1993, must be reviewed and approved by AEA management. DCRA will notify Dan Beardsley of the action to be taken and Beardsley will obtain the necessaty review and approval by responsible AEA officers. Donald HaiTis, Director Dept. of Community & Regional Affairs, Division of Energy Date: ~~ ~ /993 William R. Snell, Executive Director Alaska Energy Authority 93Q3/AH5327(2) Page 2 of2 Permanent: Transition: ATTACHMENT I Stan Sieczkowski (PCN 425) Dave Eberle (PCN 402) DeAnna Scott (PCN 482) Larry Wolf (PCN 485) Tom Arminski (PGN 449) Bill Sobolesky (PCN 453) John Zidalis (PCN 487) Richard Turner (PCN 429) John Sherlock (PGN 430) Russ Hansen (PCN 431) Sharon Hansen (PCN 422) Remy Williams (PCN 428) \ A T T A C H M E N T II Department of Community & Regional Affairs -Staff to be shared with the Alaska Energy Authority Brent Petrie (PCN 405) Denise Burger (PCN 432) Afzal Khan (PCN 433) Richard Lammers (PCN 440) Gloria Manni (PCN 406) Han Choe (PGN 493) Bruce Holmes (PCN 437) Lisa Vaughn (PCN 454) Kristi Acuff (PGN 458) Joe Spears (PCN 415) Roger Waer (PCN 463) Janet Hansen (PCN 413) Suzi Bailey (PCN 459) Cheryl Jean Keylor (PCN 488) Cynthia Jones (PCN 474) Eric Marchegiani (PCN 443) Barbara Macy (PCN 412) Brett Wilbanks (PGN 424) ' Resolution 1984-3 RESOLUTION OF THE ALASKA POHER AUTHOR lTV A~1ENO I NG THE BY -LAWS OF THE AUTHORITY TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OR DESIGNEE TO ENTER INTO ANY CONTRACT OR EXECUTE AND DELIVER ANY INSTRUMENT IN THE NAME AND ON BEHALF OF THE POWER AUTHORITY. Whereas the State of Alaska Statutes d4.83.080 provide for the authority of the Alaska Power Authority to enter into Contracts; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: A. That Article VII Section I of the By-laws shall be amended to read as follows: Section 1. Contracts. The Board may authorize the Executive Director or designee to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name and on behalf of the Authority, and his authority to do so may be general or confined to specific instances. B. Subject to Board project and/or program approval and the funding limitations thereto, the Executive Director or designee is authorized to sign any instrument, change order and/or amendment thereto necessary to conduct the business of the Power Authority in conjunction with such project and/or program. THEREFORE, this resolution, having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon as follows: YEAS:Heath, McDowell, Arnold, Lyon NAYS: Allison ABSENT:Nunn, Hufman And the resolution was declared adopted on this, the 22nd day of February , 1984. /\ ---- ijfi ___ Cha i rrnan ATTEST: 1506/128 ALASKA ENERGY AU1HORITY RESOLUITON NO. 1993-06 RESOLUITON OF TilE ALASKA ENERGY AU1HORITY RELATING TO REORGANIZATION OF TilE AU1HORITY. Recitals A. The enactment of Chapter 18, SLA 1993 provided for the reorganization of the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA). Chapter 18, SLA 1993 took effect on August 11, 1993. Under the reorganization, the board of directors of the Alaska fudustrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) becomes the board of directors of AEA Under Chapter 18, SLA 1993, functions of AEA relating to rural areas of the state will be transferred to and exercised by the Department of Community and Regional Affairs (DCRA). The functions of the AEA remaining with AIDEA will be limited to operating and managing existing projects and facilities and to financing projects or facilities. B. Although Chapter 18, SLA 1993 became effective on August 11, 1993, AIDEA, AEA and DCRA are not ready to completely transfer and receive the various functions assigned by law to those agencies. The process of separating the functions of AEA and reassigning employees to other agencies is complex and time consuming. C. Section 38 of Chapter 18, SLA 1993 grants sufficient power to extend the operative effect of former law prescribing the powers and duties of AEA beyond August 11, 1993 if to do so would allow for an orderly transition of functions between agencies. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY TilE BOARD OF DIRECIORS OF TilE ALASKA ENERGY AU1HORITY AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The members of the board of directors of the Alaska Industrial Development and Expmt Authority (AIDEA) recognize the provisions of Chapter 18, SLA 1993 establishing them as members of the board of directors of the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) and accept office as the board of directors of AEA The chair and vice chair of AIDEA shall serve as chair and vice chair of the board of directors of AEA. Section 2. fu the interests of promoting an orderly transition of functions as required by Chapter 18, SLA 1993, AEA will, notwithstanding the effective date of that Act, retain authority over the AEA programs transferred to the Department of Community and Regional Affairs (DCRA) until DCRA certifies that it is ready to accept the programs, or December 31, 1993, whichever occurs first. Section 3. The AEA By-laws of January 1993 are continued in effect as the By-laws of AEA, except for Article II, Sections 1, 11 and 14 which are repealed. The executive Director shall review the By-laws of the AEA and, as soon as practicable, propose revisions to make them consistent with AIDEA By-laws and the provisions of Chapter 18, SLA 1993. Alaska Energy Authority Resolution 1993-06 Page Two Section 4. The executive Director of AlDEA is appointed as the executive director and secretary-treasurer of the Board and Valorie F. Walker is appointed assistant secretary of AEA. The AEA staff and the staff of the AlDEA will, subject to the requirements of maintaining an orderly transition and separate cotporate identities, be merged into a single staff for the cotporations. The executive director is authorized to execute all checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money necessary to conduct the usual and customary business of AEA. The executive director may, subject to board approval, select financial institutions for the safekeeping and deposits of AEA money. Section 5. The executive director is authorized to employ additional temporary or permanent staff necessary to prudently exercise the functions of AEA. Section 6. The executive director shall undertake a review of the functions of AEA as they relate to the functions of AIDEA and made recommendations to the board concerning: (a) the organization of AEA during and after the reorganization required by Chapter 18, SLA 1993; (b) action necessary to preserve the separate cotporate identities of AlDEA and AEA; (c) action necessary to comply with the changes in the mission of AEA required by the enactment of Chapter 18, SLA 1993; and (d) proposed legislation needed to cure any defects or omissions from the provisions of Chapter 18, SLA 1993. Section 7. This resolution takes effect immediately. ALASKA ENERGY AUIHORITY ATTEST By'&lmiZsJ Secretary