HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 1993-07 Severance Pay NoticeALASKA ENERGY AU1HORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING October1,1993 RESOLUTION 1993-07 RESOLUTION OF Tim ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY AU1HORIZ1NG SEVERANCE PAY AND NOTICE FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF TilE AU1HORITY Recitals A The enactment of Chapter 18, SLA 1993 provided for the reorganization of the Alaska Energy Authority (ABA). According to the transition plan, some of the functions assigned to the ABA before reorganization are transferred to the Department of Community and Regional Affairs and some functions will no longer be perfonned by the ABA. The reorganization will make it possible to reduce the number of employees necessary to perfonn energy functions. . B. The legislature recognized that the transition to the new organization intended by Chapter 18, SLA 1993 would be time consuming and difficult. Chapter 18 allows the transition to continue for a period sufficient to permit an "orderly transition". The transition period allows the Department of Community and Regional Affairs and the AEA to gradually adjust to changes in staff and responsibility. During the transition period, it will be necessary to keep certain administrative units of the former organization of the ABA intact. This will ensure the continuation of essential services to the public. C. Each employee of the ABA was given notice of the prospects for continued employment with either the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AlDEA) or the Department of Community and Regional Affairs (DCRA). Employees who were not assured of continued employment might seek other employment before the transition can be completed which would hann the effectiveness of the agencies involved and may adversely affect the delivery of services to the public. D. The purpose of this resolution is to establish a severance policy designed to treat exempt employees of the ABA fairly, prevent litigation, and to induce ABA employees to remain employed throughout the transition period. NOW TIIEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY TilE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TilE ALASKA ENERGY AU1HORITY AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Personnel Policies and Procedures of the Alaska Energy Authority are amended to provide for the payment of reasonable severance pay to employees performing agency functions during the transition period necessary to accomplish the reorganization enacted in Chapter 18, SLA 1993. Employees offered permanent or regular positions with the Department of Community and Regional Affairs or AIDEA during the transition period are not eligible for severance pay under this resolution. Alaska Energy Authority Resolution 1993-07 Page Two Section 2. (a) An employee is entitled to receive 30 calendar days advance notice of tennination of employment. If the employee continues employment throughout the notice period with an acceptable performance rating, the employee is entitled to receive the equivalent of one month's salary at his or her pay range. If an employee wishes to tetminate employment before the expiration of the 30-day notice period, gives at least two weeks notice of the tennination date, and has an acceptable perfonnance rating, he or she is entitled to receive severance pay equal to 10 days (7 5 hours) of salary calculated at the employee's pay range. An employee giving less than a two week notice is not entitled to receive severance pay. (b) The fonner executive director is entitled to receive severance pay equal to one month's salary at his pay range notwithstanding the notice requirement set out in (a) of this section. Section 3. The executive director may expend amounts from sources legally available to finance the entitlement granted by this resolution. Section 4. The executive director shall adopt interim Persmmel Policies and Procedures consistent with this resolution. The authorization granted by this resolution expires on July 1, 1994. . Section 5. In this resolution, (a) "employee" means a person employed by the ABA under AS 44.83.045(c) before August 15, 1993; (b) "transition period" means a period beginning August 15, 1993 and ending June 30, 1994. Section 6. This resolution takes effect inunediately. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY .,11~4';- Chainnan By: Cili~tm. {2s;)J Secretary ALASKA ENERGY AUIHORTIY BOARDOFDrnECTORSNrnHTING October 1, 1993 RESOLUTION 1993-07 RESOLUTION OF THE ALASKA ENERGY AUIHORITY AUIHORJZING SEVERANCE PAY AND NOTICE FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF THE AUTIIORITY Recitals A. The enactment of Chapter 18, SLA 1993 provided for the reorganization of the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA). According to the transition plan, some of the functions assigned to the AEA before reorganization are transferred to the Department oL- Community and Regional Mfairs and some functions will no longer be performed by !he AEA. The reorganization will make it possible to reduce the number of employees necessary to perform energy functions . . B. The legislature recognized that the transition to the new organization intended by Chapter 18, SLA 1993 would be time consuming and difficult. Chapter 18 allows the transition to continue for a period sufficient to permit an "orderly transition". The transition period allows the Department of Community and Regional Affairs and the AEA to gradually adjust to changes in staff and responsibility. During the transition period, it will be necessary to keep certain administrative units of the former organization of the AEA intact. This will ensure the continuation of essential services to the public. C. Each employee of the AEA was given notice of the prospects for continued employment with either the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AlDEA) or the Department of Community and Regional Affairs (DCRA). Employees who were not assured of continued employment might seek other employment before the transition can be completed which would harm the effectiveness of the agencies involved and may adversely affect the delivery of services to the public. D. The purpose of this resolution is to establish a severance policy designed to treat exempt employees of the AEA fairly, prevent litigation, and to induce AEA employees to remain employed throughout the transition period. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DrnECTORS OF THE ALASKA ENERGY AuniORITY AS FOLLOWS: Section !. The Personnel Policies and Procedures of the Alaska Energy Authority are amended to provide for the payment of reasonable severance pay to employees perfonning agency functions during the transition period necessary to accomplish the reorganization enacted in Chapter 18, SLA 1993. Employees offered pennanent or regular positions with the Department of Community and Regional Affairs or AIDEA during the transition period are not eligible for severance pay under this resolution. Alaska Energy Authority Resolution 1993-07 Page Two Section 2. (a) An employee is entitled to receive 30 caleudar days advance notice of tennination of employment. If the employee continues employment throughout the notice period with an acceptable performance rating, the employee is entitled to receive the equivalent of one month's salary at his or her pay range. If an employee wishes to tenninate employment before the expiration of the 30-day notice period, gives at least two weeks notice of the tennination date, and has an acceptable performance rating, he or she is entitled to receive severance pay equal to 10 days (75 hours) of salary calculated at the employee's pay range. An employee giving less than a two week notice is not entitled to receive severance pay. (b) The former executive director is entitled to receive severance pay equal to one month's salary at his pay range notwithstanding the notice requirement set out in (a) of this section. Section 3. The executive director may expend amounts from sources legally available to finance the entitlement granted by this resolution. Section 4. The executive director shall adopt interim Personnel Policies and Procedures consistent with this resolution. The authorization granted by this resolution expires on July 1, 1994 . . Section 5. In this resolution, (a) "employee" means a person employed by the AEA under AS 44.83.045(c) before August 15, 1993; (b) "transition period" means a period beginning August 15, 1993 and ending June 30, 1994. Section 6. This resolution takes effect immediately. ALASKA ENERGY AUTIIORITY . I \ . A.TTE1ST. I •. I By:~~e£1 Secretary