HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley Lake PMC Meeting-Tues., Oct. 21, 2003 1BRADLEY LakE PROJECT MANAGEMEN: COMMITTEE List of Representatives Representative Alternate Steve Haagenson Chairman Dave Calvert Vice Chairman =. ber . Le e (yur Joe Griffith Rick Eckert Don Stead Art Copoulos Karl Reiche Secretary/Treasurer Jim Posey Bob Day Wayne D. Carmony Don Zoerb Ronald L. Saxton Larry Hittle Legal Counsel Effective Date: 01/09/03 Revised Date: 09/17/03 Utility Golden Valley Electric Association P.O. Box 71249 (758 Illinois) Fairbanks, Alaska 99707 Phone: 452-1151 Fax: 458-5951 shh @gvea.com City of Seward P.O. Box 167 234 Fourth Avenue Seward, Alaska 99664 Phone: 224-4071 Fax: 224-4085 dcalvert @cityofseward.net Chugach Electric Association 5601 Minnesota Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99518 Phone: 563-7494 Fax: 562-6994 joe_griffith @ chugachelectric.com Homer Electric Association 3977 Lake Street Homer, Alaska 99603 Phone: 235-8167 Fax: 235-3323 reckert@homerelectric.com AIDEA/AEA 813 W. Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503-2495 Phone: 269-3000 Fax: 269-3044 acopoulos @ aidea.org Municipal Light & Power 1200 E. First Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Phone: 279-7671 Fax: 263-5204 PoseyJM @ci.anchorage.ak.us Matanuska Electric Association P.O. Box 2929 (163 Industrial Way) Palmer, Alaska 99645-2929 Phone: 689-9211 Fax: 689-9368 prworrell@matanuska.com AterWynne 222 S.W. Columbia, Suite 1800 Portland, Oregon 97201-6618 Ph: (503) 226-1191 Fax: 226-0079 rls@aterwynne.com TO: Steve Haagenson BPMC Chairman nV. } ew FROM: Shauna Howell) » A a AIDEA/AEA 9 DATE: October 14, 2003 SUBJECT: Minutes/Agenda for BPMC Meeting Steve, Attached are the draft meeting minutes for May 20, 2003, which have been revised to become just action item minutes, and draft meeting minutes for September 24, 2003, also just action item minutes. Both are being sent for you to look over before the packets are sent out. | have also attached a new draft agenda for the meeting on October 21, 2003, for review and approval. | have not received any documents from the subcommittees for inclusion into the packets (i.e., recommendations, motions, etc.). If you know of any that need to be included, please have them send them to me right away. | would like to get packets out by the end of today / early tomorrow morning. Thanks. = Wf 7 We BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, October 21, 2003 - 9:00 a.m. (Via electronic media at AIDEA/AEA - 813 W. Northern Lights Boulevard) (Corner of Arctic and Northern Lights Boulevard) CALL TO ORDER Haagenson ROLL CALL (for Committee members) PUBLIC ROLL CALL (for all others present) PUBLIC COMMENT AGENDA COMMENTS APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES May 20, 2003 September 24, 2003 NEW BUSINESS A. Election of Officers (Resolve Vice Chair Issue) Haagenson B. Briefing on Bradley Lake Meetings Saxton C. Response Regarding Inquiries on Bradley Transfer Copoulos COMMITTEE REPORTS / COMMENTS A. Next Meeting Date Haagenson ADJOURNMENT BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 813 W. Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska “y 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Steve Haagenson called the meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 20, 2003, from the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority’s Board Room, Anchorage, Alaska, to conduct the business of the Committee per the agenda and public notice. 2 ROLL CALL Roll was called by Shauna Dean. The following members were present: Steve Haagenson Golden Valley Electric Association Dave Calvert City of Seward (teleconference) Joe Griffith Chugach Electric Association Wayne Carmony Matanuska Electric Association (teleconference) Norm Story Homer Electric Association (teleconference) Ed Ruebling Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Art Copoulos Alaska Energy Authority 3. PUBLIC ROLL CALL Shauna Dean, Alaska Energy Authority Jim Walker, Matanuska Electric Association (teleconference) Don Stead, Homer Electric Association (teleconference) Ron Saxton, AterWynne Brian Hickey, Chugach Electric Association John Cooley, Chugach Electric Association 4. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no public comments. 5. AGENDA COMMENTS There were no agenda comments. 6. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES — March 24, 2003 MOTION: Mr. Griffith moved to approve the meeting minutes of March 24, 2003. Mr. Story seconded the motion. The minutes need to reflect a change on page 2, motion for item 7A, the second was Mr. Posey. A voice vote was taken, and the minutes were unanimously approved as amended. as NEW BUSINESS A. Risk Assessment Scope of Work Proposal Saxton Mr. Saxton stated that the risk assessment scope of work proposal includes both comments from himself and AIDEA/AEA and is ready to be acted on. MOTION: Mr. Griffith moved to approve the Risk Assessment Scope of Work for issuance, seconded by Mr. Story. Mr. Saxton noted that before it is approved, the dates on the last page need to be determined. Mr. Griffith stated that the changes looked appropriate but wondered if the changes hit the issues that the group is trying to reach on the insurance. Mr. Story felt that it did. Mr. Copoulos stated that the document has been reviewed, and was provided input on what the consultant should look at to get a comprehensive review and that has been incorporated in addition to the minor edits. Chair Haagenson wants this document to be sent back to the Finance Committee for issuance. A voice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. ie NEW BUSINESS B. Presentation from governor Subcommittee Stead Mr. Griffith withdrew his original motion and Mr. Story recommended the following: MOTION: Authorize HEA to go forward and negotiate a final contract and price with VA Tech Hydro. Seconded by Mr. Carmony. Correspondence will be provided to the BPMC of the two non-bidders for their review. A voice vote was taken and the motion unanimously passed. 7. NEW BUSINESS C. HEA Bradley Lake Transmission Losses at Bradley Lake Story Mr. Story expanded on the letter dated April 29, 2003, from HEA to Chair Haagenson. Chair Haagenson will send the letter on to the O&D committee for further action. i. NEW BUSINESS D. 0&D Committee Martin River Report Copoulos Mr. Copoulos stated that at the last meeting he was requested to provide some support information on the Martin River, including FERC license amendments. The plan is to do some minimal maintenance; the RFP has gone out. Mr. Saxton suggested that the fist step be a conversation with FERC. Another idea was to suggest to FERC to put up flags and abandon the strip and no longer maintain it. Mr. Saxton suggested that there needs to be a discussion with FERC stating the facts of costs to maintain, usefulness, safety issues and that we don’t want to open up the process that invites others in to discuss other unrelated items. MOTION: Mr. Griffith motioned to set up a dialogue with FERC about the Martin River airstrip and road before spending other monies on a study. Seconded by Mr. Carmony. A voice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. 7. NEW BUSINESS E; Incident Investigation Copoulos Mr. Copoulos noted that at the last meeting the O&D committee was asked to provide documentation on the incident that occurred at the Bradley project. Also provided is a restriction supplement to the flight operation guidelines (attachment). Mr. Copoulos noted that this information was provided at the PMC’s request from a prior meeting. Chair Haagenson asked that if other incidents happen, to promptly notify all members of the PMC. 8. COMMITTEE COMMENTS Chair Haagenson requested that the Finance committee look at the $1.2 million anticipated for the governor repair and figure where those monies will come from. Another request to the governor repair committee is to do a benefit analysis as to what the $5 million will be spent on. Mr. Stead also noted that when HEA talked to VA Tech Hydro they asked them for a proposal to fix some of the civil or mechanical problems inside the turbine pit. They will be giving HEA proposals at a later date to do some additional work inside the discharge chamber that will attempt to eliminate some of the splashing and some of the small signal instabilities that are seen on the unit. On their rough order of magnitude costs, it did not approach $1 million for that repair. A. Next Meeting Date Haagenson The next meeting of the Bradley Lake PMC will be at the call of the Chair after negotiations with VA Tech Hydro. 9. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m. BY: Steve Haagenson, Chairman ATTEST: Alaska Energy Authority, Secretary BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES \V 813 W. Northern Lights Boulevard C Anchorage, Alaska ; Wednesday, September 24, 2003 — 9:30 a.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Steve Haagenson called the meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, September 24, 2003, from the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority's Board Room, Anchorage, Alaska, to conduct the business of the Committee per the agenda and public notice. 2. ROLL CALL Roll was called by Shauna Howell. The following members were present: Steve Haagenson Golden Valley Electric Association Joe Griffith Chugach Electric Association Wayne Carmony Matanuska Electric Association (teleconference) Rick Eckert Homer Electric Association Jim Posey Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Art Copoulos Alaska Energy Authority 3. PUBLIC ROLL CALL Shauna Howell, Alaska Energy Authority Don Stead, Homer Electric Association Matt Bucek, Homer Electric Association Bob Day, Anchorage Municipal Light & Power (teleconference) Doug Hall, Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Bob Price, Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Ron Saxton, AterWynne Mike Cunningham, Chugach Electric Association (teleconference) Tuckerman Babcock, Matanuska Electric Association (teleconference) Don Zoerb, Matanuska Electric Association (teleconference) Mike Pauley, Matanuska Electric Association (teleconference) Brenda Applegate, Alaska Energy Authority Valorie Walker, Alaska Energy Authority Brian Bjorkquist, Department of Law Bradley Lake PMC Meeting Minutes September 24, 2003 Page 2 of 4 4. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no public comments. 5. AGENDA COMMENTS The addition of utilities cost being reimbursed on the governor project was added as Item B1. Also, the Bradley Lake Agreement Briefing was added as Item H. 6. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES — May 20, 2003 Minutes will be changed to action items and brought back at the next meeting for approval. W NEW BUSINESS A. B1. Election of Officers MOTION: Mr. Griffith moved to keep the current slate of officers (Steve Haagenson — Chair, Jim Posey - Vice Chair, and Secretary/Treasurer — AEA), seconded by Jim Posey. A voice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. Presentation from governor Subcommittee Matt Bucek Matt Bucek of HEA gave a presentation on the DCS replacement on the overhead projector (copies attached). MOTION: Don Stead moved for approval on the recommendation of governor, which authorizes HEA to enter into the contract with the VA Tech for the replacement of the governor at $1,529,692.00, and work with the budget subcommittee to budget for it in the FY05 budget, seconded by Joe Griffith. A voice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. Cost Reimbursement on the governor project Stead Discussion between HEA and CEA over an $8,000 invoice. CEA has been discussing this for quite some time. Mr. Griffith told Mr. Stead to send him the invoice and the group moved on. MOTION: Mr. Griffith motioned for the governor committee to optimize the RAS system in the interim to control system repair, seconded by Jim Posey. A voice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. Bradley Lake PMC Meeting Minutes September 24, 2003 Page 3 of 4 Martin River Road Recommendations Copoulos Mr. Copoulos gave a brief overview of a letter dated July 8, 2003, regarding this item. MOTION: Mr. Copoulos moved to begin discussions with FERC to remove the Martin River Road as described, which consists of stripping it to ground level, leaving dredges, bridge approaches, and dike in place, and closing the airstrip, seconded by Jim Posey. A voice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. Account 544 Budget Adjustment Copoulos O&D committee is recommending an $80,000 budget adjustment to account 544. $30,000 to repair a cracked runner, and $50,000 to replace failed transmission relays. The $30,000 for the cracked runner may end up being more than that, depending on what is found. A welding engineer will review and continue preliminary work that has been done to excavate the crack. It’s anticipated that the work can be done on-site, but won’t know until that work is completed and engineer has arrived. MOTION: Mr. Griffith to approve a budget adjustment of $80,000 for the runner repair, seconded by Jim Posey. A voice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. Water Use Permits Copoulos MOTION: Mr. Copoulos motioned to proceed in obtaining water rights permit, seconded by Mr. Griffith. A voice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. MOA Internal Audit Report 2003-6 dated June 17, 2003 ___ Copoulos No discussion of any of the findings in the letter from Ron Miller of AIDEA to Steve Haagenson of GVEA. Insurance Report Cunningham A site visit to Bradley Lake by a Warren-McVeigh-Griffith representative will take place next week. In terms of a report due date — December of this year to present their findings to the committee. MOTION: Mr. Griffith moved to proceed having Warren-McVeigh-Griffin deal with the risk management questions that have been before us, seconded by Wayne Carmony. Mr. Cunningham noted there is $25,000 in Bradley Lake PMC Meeting Minutes September 24, 2003 Page 4 of 4 budget for this. A voice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. H. Bradley Lake Agreement Briefing Saxton MOTION: Mr. Posey motioned to have Ron Saxton come to the next meeting to give a briefing on the rules of operation, who makes decisions, etc., and invite the subcommittees to attend as well, seconded by Mr. Griffith. Chair Haagenson requested that in future packets, if the subcommittees have a recommendation, present it as a draft motion for inclusion in the packets. 8. Committee Reports/Comments None to report at this time. A. Next Meeting Date Tuesday, October 21, 2003, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 9. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m. BY: Steve Haagenson, Chairman ATTEST: Alaska Energy Authority, Secretary PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Steve Haagenson Joe Griffith Rick Eckert Wayne Carmony Jim Posey Dave Calvert Ron Saxton Golden Valley Electric Association Chugach Electric Association Homer Electric Association Matanuska Electric Association Anchorage Municipal Light & Power City of Seward Ater Wynne LLP (907) 458-5951 (907) 562-6994 (907) 235-3323 (907) 689-9368 (907) 263-5204 (907) 224-4085 (503) 226-0079 Notification of Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting A regular meeting is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, October 21, 2003, at 9:00 a.m. at the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority’s Board Room. Packets for this meeting are scheduled to be sent out at a later date. Should you not be able to attend in person, directions for connecting to the meeting via phone will also be included in your packet. Please call Shauna at (907) 269-3028 with questions. h:\all\sdean\bradley\mtg notification fax cover.doc Pi. * * ¥* Transmissiun Result Report MemoryTX) ( Oct.14. 2003 10:06AM) * * * 1) AIDEA/AEA 2) Date/Time: Oct-14. 2003 9:50AM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 3232 Memory TX 919074564079 P. 2 OK 918004656129 OK 919074568599 Ok 95620956 OK 919075863083 OK 916034344210 OK 92437333 OK 92432143 OK 92432811 OK 92495190 OK Reason for error E.1) Hang up or line fail —.2) Busy E.3) No answer —.4) No facsimile connection Aus Incsral Development and Export Auhiny aan ‘October 14, 2003 TO DISTRIBUTION ‘2 page FAX SUBJECT Invitation to Bid Oversize Air Cargo Service Solicitation 2004-0800-4453 Amendment 3 Attached as an enclosure is Amendment 3 to the subject Invitation to Bid Due date for bids remains no later than 2 PM. Alaska local time, on October 17, 2003, at 813 West Northem Lights Boulevard Anchorage AK 89503 Ifyou have any questions concerning this solicitation, please call me at 907-269-3015 Oth Arthur D. Isham Procurement Manager DISTRIBUTION: FW Dodge Pians Room-Faitbanks FAX 907-456-4078 FW Dodge Pians Room-Anchorage FAX 800-405-6129 AGC Plans Room-Fairbarks FAX 907-456-8599 The Plans Room FAX 662-0956 Copy Express Plans RoorsJjuneau FAX 907-586-3083 Evergreen Intemational Artnes, FAX 503-434-4210 Everts Air Cargo FAX 243-7333, Lynden Air Cargo FAX 243-2143 Flight Alessia FAX 243-2811 Nosthem Air Cargo FAX 249-5190 ‘813 West Nosthem Lights Boulevard * Anchorage, Alaska 99503, 907 / 269-3000 + FAX 907 / 269-3044 * Toll Free (ALASKA ONLY) 888 / 300-8534 * wwwaidea.org, Pp. | Transmissiun Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Oct-14. 2003 8:17AM) * * * 1) AIDEA/ZAEA 2) * x x Date/Time: Oct-14. 2003 8:10AM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (3) Result Not Sent 3229 Memory TX 914585951 P. 10 E-93) 3) P.1-10 oo Reason for error. TTT E.1) Han& up or line fail —.2) Busy E.3) No answer E—E.4) No facsimile connection 10 pages total TO: Steve Haagenson BPMC Chairman Ase FROM: — Shauna sg AIDEA/AEA\ DATE: October 14, 2003 SUBJECT: Minutes/Agenda for BPMC Meeting Steve, Attached are the draft meeting minutes for May 20, 2003, which have been revised to become just action item minutes, and draft meeting minutes for September 24, 2003, also just action Rem minutes. Both are being sent for you to look over before the packets are sent out. | have also attached a new draft agenda for the meeting on October 21, 2003, for review and approval | have not received any documents from the subcommittees for inclusion into the packets (Le., recommendations, motions, etc.). If you know of any that need to be included, please have them send them to me right away. | would like to get packets out by the end of today / early tomorow morning. Thanks. Pe | Transmisc.ca Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Oct-.v. 2003 11:22AM) * * * 1) AIDEA/AEA z x * * Date/Time: Oct-15. 2003 11:20AM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 3236 Memory TX 919074585951 P. 10 OK Reason for error E.1) Hang up or line fail E. Busy 2) —E.3) No answer —.4) No facsimile connection 10 poses total TO: BeMC Chama ‘Chairman ‘now esas DATE: ‘October 14, 2003 SUBJECT: Minutes/Agenda for BPMC Meeting Steve, Attached are the draft meeting minutes for May 20, 2003, which have been revised to become just action item minutes, and draft meeting minutes tor September 24, 2003, also just action item minutes. Both are being sent for you to look over before the packets are sent out. | have also attached a new draft agenda for the meeting on October 21, 2008, for review and approval. | have not received any documents from the subcommittees for inclusion into the packets (i.¢., recommendations, motions, etc.). If you know of any that need to be included, please have them send them to me right away. | would like to get packets out by the end of today / early tomorow morning. Thanks. State of Alaska Public Notice Page 1 of 1 Home Go Back Edit Online Public Notice Public Notices Bradley Lake Project Management State of Alaska Online Committee Meeting Submitted by: Brenda Fuglestad/IDEA/DCED Date Submitted: 10/15/2003 04:04 PM Date Modified: Ak Admin Journal: [not printed] Attachments: No files attached Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting Category: Public Notices Department: Community & Economic Development Publish Date: 10/15/2003 Location: Anchorage Archive Date: 10/22/2003 Coastal District: N/A Body of Notice: ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY/ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY Regular Meeting Public Notice Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Notice is hereby given that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee will hold a regular meeting on Tuesday October 21, 2003, at 9:00 a.m. For additional information contact Steve Haagenson, Chairman. This meeting will be conducted by electronic media pursuant to AS 44.88.050(a) and AS 44.62.310 at the following location: Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority's Board Room, 813 W. Northern Lights Boulevard, Anchorage, Alaska; The public is invited to attend. The State of Alaska (AIDEA) complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Disabled persons requiring special modifications to participate should contact AIDEA staff at (907) 269-3000 to make arrangements. Revision History: 10/15/2003 04:04:45 PM by Brenda Fuglestad/IDEA/DCED/State/Alaska/US $$WebClient [Submitter] [Anon] Home Page Notices by: Department | Category | Publish Date http://notes3.state.ak.us/pn/pubnotic.nsf/cc52605f7c 156e7a8925672a0060a9 1 b/f0b10a74... 10/15/2003