HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley Lake PMC Meeting-Teleconf. Monday, March 22, 1999 1BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE List of Representatives Representative Alternate Eugene N. Bjornstad Chairman Norman L. Story Myles C. Yerkes Vice Chairman Dennis V. McCrohan Stan Sieczkowski Secretary/Treasurer Meera Kohler Hank Nikkels Dave Calvert Michael P. Kelly Bradley Evans Wayne D. Carmony Bob Mau Ronald L. Saxton Legal Counsel Effective Date: 09/22/97 Revised Date: 11/01/98 h/all/sdean/bradley lake pme meeting/members listing.doc Utility Chugach Electric Association 5601 Minnesota Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99518 Phone: 563-7494 Fax: 562-6994 Homer Electric Association 3877 Lake Street Homer, Alaska 99603 Phone: 235-8167 Fax: 235-3323 AIDEA/AEA 480 West Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503-6690 Phone: 269-3000 Fax: 269-3044 Municipal Light & Power 1200 E. First Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Phone: 279-7671 Fax: 263-5204 City of Seward P.O. Box 167 (5th and Adams) Seward, Alaska 99664 Phone: 224-4071 Fax: 224-4085 Golden Valley Electric Association P.O. Box 71249 (758 Illinois) Fairbanks, Alaska 99707 Phone: 452-1151 Fax: 458-5951 Matanuska Electric Association P.O. Box 2929 (163 Industrial Way) Palmer, Alaska 99645-2929 Phone: 745-9211 Fax: 745-9368 Ater Wynne Hewitt Dodson Skerritt 222 S.W. Columbia, Suite 1800 Portland, Oregon 97201-6618 Ph: (503) 226-1191 Fax: 226-0079 ie F8 Wednesday, March 17, 1999 ‘ Recreational Utility Public Public Invitations Invitations = - Invitations T Vehicles 861 | Trailers 885% | Notices” 900 | Notices 900 | To Bid 910 | To Bid 910 | To Bid 910-11 en | | SN | eee | tease everson | 2 29 ft Vanguard, '96, ‘97 16ft INSULATED Anchorage, . Alaska. Any | 1-907-263-2111. Teleconfer-| The Alaska State Profes-| INVITATION To BID Invitation to Bi il : | jo Bid (ITB) | AM., A.S.T., April 5, 1999, | 7 Sth wheel, sleeps 6, cargo trailer wextras. _ | public wishing to attend| ence con be arranged if| sional Teaching Practices DOE-99-G-013 Bid Opening’ at: 9:00'A.M., | 4 = xtra storage, all immeni- Best offer. 245-2284. should report to the above| requested in advance of | Commission (PTPC) will | Sealed Bids for the City of A.S.T., April 13,1999. | ¢ ties, $27,000'37: Custom Sports “Treil ee eae oee Foe ade poneddleg “(meetine, st ledse| meet in regular session in| Unalaska Wastewater Purchase of Bulk Fuel c eine ianeee at enteritis nent jon, erren| Anchorage, M h . -bi i n ALASKA ATV SALVAGE | Suit ven, Tonge ox¢h| Evaere" Sloss, crate| of 190" zeatt. van wil | Gana Taare dae | dream! Plan Urarads| Tonks feria 8 wre cantecnce wi! Wanted: Dead or alive -3 or] exc cond, $1700. 279-4400 |_| man, at Chugach Electric | need a special accommoda- | conference room of the| he City of Unalaske, will Fuel Project Gffice ‘as ‘scheduled above, | € Vv 4 whirs. Parts & repairs! Association (907) 563-7494. tion such as_an American | Alaska State Library Talk- | be received at the following Bids must be received by | 696-7725 | New 18ff & 20ft car haulers, | The State of Alaska (AID-| Sign Language ‘Interpreter aa Aree eae | , - . Fl ing Book Center, 344 West | location: The State of Alaska, De-|the Purchasing Officer | c 7000 # 10000 # GVW. Brakes | EA), complies with Title IT }in order to participate at a| 3rq Avenue, Sulte. 127, ariment core c ity | prior to the scheduled bid | { DUTCHMAN '96, & ramps. Also 9-ton eq of the Americans with Dis-| meeting, please call Ms. | anchorage. The Commis, City of Unalosk DTA RESTOAGE Fate sled: aBanINg? “riche oe racer | h 27' 5th wheel w/slide-out. | ment trailer. Call for info.| abilities Act of 1990. Dis-|McPherren at the above | “' ee Ci alaska and Regional Affairs, Divi. | oBening. Time. af receipt | | | tring -907-276- | Sion plans to discuss gen-| Office of the City Clerk | sion of Energy, on behalf of | will be determined by the $19,500 obo 694-9582 Dave, Terry or John af|abled persons requiring | number or TTY 1-907-276 fella i i is ne fime stamia in the Burchon 7 r 561-2311. special modifications t9| 4533 at least 72 hours prior | &a! business items an Or Box 610 the Chetornak: Traditional.) ide at Ge | participate should contact | to the meeting to make the |™Y conduct hearings and 43 Raven Way Council, Lower Kuskokwim | ing Office. Bids will be te ~ MAX ATV's ~ Snowmobile/Utility tilt || AIDEA staff at (907) 269:| necessary arrangements. | Promulgate regulations. | Unalaska, Alaska 99685 | School District, and the | opened publicly and read at | + The ontytrue &wheel Fraller Tvs enclosed O00 tar mine Seer : nee Individuals with disabilities | Tel: 907-581-1251 Chefarnmute | Inc., is | !he above indicated time. n drive ATV. 14-25 hp, 3side $450, 357-8979 rrangerents. | NOTE: Subscription to the | who may need auxiliary Fax 907-581-1417 requesting bids from inter- t Amphibious, 21"-26" tires. - a conn nea ions Tunic Cae aid, service, or assistance ested firms for providing | Bid ee ro Tracks avail. UTILITY TRAILER wallable | may contact the PTPC | Bids will be received until|up to five (5) bulk fuel| Gre available at fhe Pur- p ~ MOTORSMITHS ~ SYtDC lat aluer deck” S500 Haske, Everay Alrthor ty at Go cost of $25 per year. | prior ta the meeting at 269-| 2:00 p.m., local time on| tanks totaling approxi- | Shasing Office, 632 W. éth | 1300 E 80th 349-1421 Ib axle, $1,995. 338:0878 | Cornmities ledee contac elane Huot | 6579. The public is wel-/ March 30, 1999, and then | mately 64,000 gallons for | Avenue, Suite 520, (907) f. ee _ per ee nator er | come. (FOF, more informa: | will be publicly opened ond | the Chefornak Bulk Fuel eee ‘ — ———"| Se On nae ion call 269-6579. read. Any bids received | Upgrade Proiect. ; POLARIS Sportsman 500| Parts A 2 March 17, after the time and date Pub.: March 17, 1999 38 ax, jialke. new. AT. Service 890 RAGS GATE MATANUSKA-SUSITNA = Sone Green specified will not be] Bid documents are avail-| REQUEST FOR BIDS Ti W/HD | <—sssesssssss i i : BS, - BOROUGH xecutive Director considered. able during normal work: KODIAK HARBORS - oO winch $5,599. 522-1222 | 87.92 Ford Frnt Clip,S-10 ie ASSESSMENT NOTICES . Ing hours beginning March PHASE I t Skidoo, Cheyanne’s9 like | Fibralss Cmor Shell 4:10- MAILED Pub.: March 16-18, 1999 The work will Include, but| 15, 1999, at the following | one | Id, | 4:56 Erni/Rr end wibig tire —————= | nat be limited to, furnishing | address: Division of Ener-| notice is hereby given th bt Be ee tes ane icattoay agi se ioun0 RUE HERG Notices of assessed value of] a viacuax mative — |Sbpelcnts Jaber, tools, | gy, 333 West 4th Avenue, | the City of Kodiak, Alaska, a Wider. ‘newslaccmis ca es real property in the Mata- Ceo oeee eavipment, and materials | Suite 220, Anchorage, | will receive sealed bids for $3500firm;snomch freight | (4) 31x10.5x15 BF Goodrich |THE ALASKA STATE |NUSka-Susitna Borough oO gnd performing all opera.) Aloska 99501-2341, Phone | the KODIAK HARBORS - r Sied,IK. new.sl000firm 296 | All Terrain Tiresonalum |COMMISSION FOR |have been mailed by the P.O. BOX 70 tions in connection with | (907) 269-4896, Fax (907) | pHaASE 1 PROJECT. until 40hp,Evnrd,OB.engs.vry_lo| Mags, 6 lug. Looks shore | HUMAN RIGHTS will hold | Assessor's Office. If you do| AKIACHAK, AK 99551 | construction of the Waste. | 269-4645, Attn: Sharon | 9:90 p.m. local prevailing € mi,wiet units,w/orop Iwr | _ 90 4WD Chevy! Great | g public hearing in the case |MOf receive a notice by water Treatment Plant | Keenan. | fime, March 31, 1999, at the units,w/2 hyd.lift. kits & | tread. $500 OBO. 345-4984 | of DARLENE MORGAN v. | March 10, 1999, please con- A eee ae ss aaieci con Sealed bids (faxed copies | “fice of the City Manager, | 354. ee ee ‘|tact the Assessment ts ei ids (faxed copies | 719 Mi , Kodiak, | I Gatriss84K for both 354-9954 | «studded snows P195 75R 1 eee NE GIE MUN” | Division. RFP Number: 0082501 | existing 1,800 S.F. metal | will not be accepted) must | placa 95615, of hiss tiene | Yamaha Kodiak 400 '96, 4] Uniroyal $100.Delta toolbox | jas, Holmes alleges that x se building and construction of | be received by the Division | the bids will be publicly WDA nee navn Sen ordi fiw ee itka | It after receiving your| The Akiachak Native Com-|a new 7,400 square foot] of. Energy at the above | Srened and read alocd \ rane ae | slevision; Sitka a munity intends to enter into| Wastewater Treatment | address not later than 2:00 | aed winch, rks $4,100 376-4025 | News Bureau discriminated | @5sessment notice, you feel i a i | a 5 tires | against her by maintaining | that your property is ap- |, negotiated agreement for | Plant Facility. pm. Anchorage time on| the project has been esti- c alder Winnie, $500 obo. 6H maintaining | Sroised ot more than its | Professional consultants to March 25, 1999. Late bids | mated ot bet 16" Bud whls. off Chey | 4 sexually hostile, intimi- ! I PRBER mocter [ale Drail lone fl mated at between $5,000,000 t RV Rental 862 | dati d off Fel full and true value as of | Prepare an airport master . Project Location: will not be accepted. and $10,000,000 and consists | dooly, $200 obo, 688-5588 ating and a nee ee INS | January 1, 1999, or that the | Plan for the community of Northwest corner of Air- of the following: t r qo eee Pe ae property is not equitably | Akiachak, Alaska, The port Beach Road and The State of Alaska com- | qi Arctic Man Adventurer AAAI Subarus Dopasing. Sex digcrcning, [assessed with like. sur-| Study will be prepared in Gilman Road, in plies with Title I! of the|@ Construction of Q&R c Special Any Sz RV, $119 0 Wanted peposing, sex. discrimina: | rounding property, please | ree phases: | Airport) Unalaska, Alaska. | Americans with Disabilities | floats which consist cf a \ day.Call for details 373-2107_ New dnd used pariow: investigated the complaint | contact the Assessment Di- | Sponsorship Issues, I] Air-| 2, Owner: City of Unafas- Act. Individuals with dis- | new float system, approach RV Winter Special repair. Free pre-buy | and found substantial evi- | vision. If you desire to dis- | Port Master, Plan, III Air.) ka, Department of Pub- | abilities who may need | dock, ganoway, utilities ( 5 nights/thousand free inspect. 562-3919 dence of discrimination, | CUSs the value of your prop- | Pert Operations and Man-| — lic Utilities quxiligry gids, services, | and other items for large miles, inc insurance, $375. | ——__——-—-—— | The case is scheduled for q | erty with the appraiser who | agement Plan. and/or special modifica-| vessel mooring at St. Her- I 347.0499. «| «| AUTOBODY WORK & Eile heGring ee valued it, please call (907) : fions to respond to this | man Harbor ‘ | PAINT SS PER HOUR, | PUAUS Reorina on: 745-9642 or visit the Assess- | & complete description of | Contract Documents, dated | Invitation to Bid should | @ Demolition of the original é ALL WORK GUARAN. Bae: MOreN Gu ies Tapa Division: services is contained in the | March 1, 1999 were pre-| contact Sharon Keenan at | §} Paul Horber fasts and 1 Cloceicé 870 TEED 563-5309 Time: Oe Fy EEE a uskoge, Estinuted pared for the Praject by | 269-4696, or 269-4555 TTY,| reconstruction of new i ict 2 9:30 gm. i ue | Period for performance. of | Regan Engineering. or 1-800-930-4555 no later a Benter’'s Custom Engines | bocetlon: The Alaska tutta aberaiceteee vosn the Agreement is July 1999 then March 22, 1999 to| goats. approach. docks, Chevy ‘85. 4x4, SB, good} & Machine Shop Services. | pymegcomumission for dissatisfaction with any | through June 2000. The Work includes thejmake the necessary | associated items. cond, alum wheels, needs 800 A Street, Suite #205 | adiustments “made, youl... o¢ these professional following: arrangements. A motor, $2700. 337-867. See A have until thirty days of the pote ae ‘ Project Manuals for_ thi ‘ Sa aenE Brand New Studs, All 4, Anchorage AK 99501 | mailing of an assessment | services is expected to be| 1. Demolition of the exist- | Pub.: 3/15-17, 1999 project are available for a ] DODGE CHARGER “68, 3110R15's, Brand New, itfonal i jon, | Rotice to file an appeal to| in the range of$250,000 to} —_ ing metal building, a | non-refundable $75.00 fee at ; For additional information, | ed! to | oa 000 Reope ela ' e $75.09 fee a ] § project cr $500 Firm 242-4558 interpreter services or the Board of Equalization. Ont. ealspeeal oF ifenetocl | the following address: 3,000 OBO 278-3744 SS eee i Appeal forms must be CAN DO SAME DAY ther accommodations call The ‘Request for Proposals structure, insulated wall | LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS ‘ is 800) 478-4692, TTY/TDD | requested of the Assess- ' ee - Peratrovich, Nottingham & Rested” Must Stl, Waite | Light Truse tee Special: | G00) ajeaian. | ment vison, ration of | CREE) Paccess wlll us| panels interiny rari . | AGENCY ITB 2st | Decie ine i ing state. $20Kobo 522-0058 _| ist, Viso/MC. 561-3090 Pub.: March 17, 21, 1999__| [hs Boroush Building, 350E | ond may be obtained in| tems, electrical sys. The State of Alaska, Leais- | 811 Firs! Avenue 1 epee oes Sh Cue OTST ee - x : * [person by calling Lynn| — tems, portions of the llive (Aiuls Agency 1s | cries washinatan 98tGd | | rait 240, aT, Ps, PB, new! CASH 4 CARS |Invitations 5 | ottice hours during march | Chambers at (907) 2428212, | concrete foundation, | #7 aIns ae ae ana | ; fires rust free $1850 242-2992 | Running or not aav-sn10 | LO. Bid 710 pe Foe on’ erigay |orave. Persons residing | required by the draw. install various types of Greens shall be made pave | & 5 ee -| outside the Municipality af | ings and for proper exe- | flooring in Capital School | 9 ‘ Ford Mustang ‘66, errs Saar er en eee The request: to COPED) a chordae may obtuln on| © ccuilomor ine Work located at 5th and Main|tinsham & Drage, Inc. . 289 runs reat, in| > 7 s ‘ ‘i RAGE bef the e | x es ] i much better shape than me | ing chassis w/cab, 3.73 posi, 2200 GAMBELL Ration reuse be “filed ao | REP package through the | 2. Construction of tempo- | Street, Juneau, Alaska. The uel ® rney conibes. ine 1 after 33 yrs. $8500 333-5016 | tanks, $300, 337-8674. MARCH 8TH 1999 ‘than § PM T mail_by telephoning (907)| rary treatment facili- | Agency has chosen the type e yrs. $ S later uesday, 4 ue id col * fh to be | (907) 486-8065 or PN&D at ; a ee il 243-8212, Telephone service ties, which include a Sng Color et flooring to) be - iti 5 = ; Chevy 350 SB, W/T! March 30, 1999. Hearings i x (206) 624-1387 for additional | Lincoln Continental ‘65, | Chevy , WiTranny. i i is available during the jemporary pump sta- installed, in Capital School. | - i ‘ 4door Convertible, $6000 | _375hp, race ready, just BUS TON NOTICE wee pela in the DOrOUaI | ours ch9:00AM fa ADORM, | tion, forse mone No. substitutions will be | information. OBO, 224-3742 or 441-0762, | "bite $3500, Sean, 345-0780 | 4 untic auction will be|Aloska beginning May 4, | Monday throuah Friday. relocation of one of the | allowed. The Project Manuol_ may 7 1, 70. D ims w/205/50R15 | held at 2200 Gambell Anch., | 1999. If appeal is filed, you | existing rotary screens, in | be reviewed at the Office of Cor, rune I's, $4500 rolling | fires, ISK? aasraeas, | AK on March 20th at TTAN. | will be notified by mail of Fronssals musticonform to/ . electrical uillifies, and [oy inmiy G conY or ire aay [ihe Cllv. Engineer at 2410 or $8,500 complete. 698-2221 | Numerical pager 231-3542 | The goods and belongings | the date your appeal will be | the RFP and shall be sub-| — construction of a tempo- | S2°0 ject | Mill Bay Road, Kodiak, 500 compl jumerice or 7 jould contact the Project a i eshenoliowind tenddtsiwill| heard, mitted with specified rary enclosure. i fee ask for Bobby. of the following tenants wi eard. Sar z Director’s Office is located | Alaska. The following plan Ford 2.8, 300-6, 351W, 460] be sold unless their out- Joris 2 Burling foundation: in the State Capitol, 120 din | Centers have also received Porsche 911, ‘71. Good | engines, GM 2.8, 4.3, 305, | standing accounts are paid | KARL BORGLUM 5 which includes struc | Street, Room 12, Juneau,|oples of the Project| cond, runs strong, $6,300. ° |.350 engines. 4.2 & mare. | prior to this time. BOROUGH ASSESSOR Sublniiialé must bere tural excavation, place: | ae PH. (907), 465-3708, | Manual: 2 232-3377. 727-6193. ADDRESS: oter tl t I, oot : oa 350 EAST DAHLIA AVE 4:00PM, prevailing time, construction of concrete | COPY of the 100 percent! a. ointed General Con- Name/Unit#/Property Steven Smith 122 Household Susan Maddock 278 Furni- ture dim Heathman 209 Elec- tronics/Bicycles Damon Raynard 411 Roof. complete plans and specifi- cations may be picked up at the Project Director's also. footings, foundation walls, concrete slab, and associated work: |. Installation of Owner provided ultraviolet dis- infection equipment and controls. March 31, 1999. . tractors, Anchorage, AK Anchor- PALMER, ALASKA 99645 FORD 460, 400+HP, KB Pub.: March 3, 17, 1999 Pistons, Roller Rockers, Comp. Cam, new, never run, wlextras. $2000. 242- 2992. LIGHT truck 2 + 4wD. On A Budget? Check out the Freebies Everything under ‘100. The Plans Roo! age, AK F.W. Dodge Seattle, WA Akiachak Native Commu- nity reserves the right to reject anv and all submit- tals and to not award a con- tract if in its best interest. www.adn.com The Alaska State Legisla- ture complies with Title II Heavy Trucks & Equipment A Bid Bond in the amount of 10% of the total bid price Notice is hereby given that ing Material the following vessel has | Disadvanta i i of the Americans with Dis- i i i i io - iged Business . Miscellaneous improve- eiees, . i 753 BOBCAT '92, Cee Tens, ee g | Ter! Osheim C336 Furni- | apparently been abandoned | Enterprises are encourased| ments tothe existing [abilities Act of 1990. Indi- The Sta: pond mee nee $13,000 OBO. i nS for more than 12 months on | 49 submit proposals. Aki- treatment equipment, viduals with disabilities - 3000 OB Diff. VIJMC 561-3090. Ann Bickford B227 Furni- | the property of: Thomas R. | psphmit, rgpesals. Aki | treatment equips who may need auxiliary | te form of a certified WUD Ease Be Ey | Parting 84-92 $-10 4x#s PUs & | Anaeia Hace 437 Appli- Elledge, 22369 Mirror Lok /an Equal Opportunity| improvements, addition | Sids. services, and/or spe- | check made payable to an 83.12" Eager Beever brush| ‘Blazers. Le parts selection, | ANS! Dre Chugick, AK 99567,| Employer and complies| of valves, flow meter, | <ial modifications to supmit | Sit, of Kodiak or a Bi chipper, é5hp engine art} new sheet metal. 745-2274 | Gebra Shehan 517 House. | C22-5542: with Title 11 of the Ameri replacement of the Genta shoula contact, Jon!) ocean to dan pucinesecin cond. $7500. 746-2133 Rela | cans with Disabilities Act| rotary screen motors Price, Supply Officer, Les- | ACorer ; 3 Soo VE | sys PREMERA rome ouacisan of wear: |aatiad ttn | eauterspamans | BO ed tat |r i, 8. trait, el aeen Fels | hold | i eet 5c in’ i 3 Agee eT eA Tilers. S10 Repair spec: | Ot Cheistenssh as47 beet ot reer! Tose ‘Hear, | hearing impaired, who may | screen spray wash sys- | 465-4980 - TDD within eats PANE SerocaL sere gate, propane furn, 373-2451 | 561-3070 Household/Furniture Tass, white & blue | Reed auxiliory Gicts, servic-| fem. Also included are_ | Senable | time, as, deter | eee march 17, 1999 af Se | PED MNGreH 1999 Slese-wiite: Ee DIVE es, and/or special mo- difi renovotions to the exist- | mined by the Agency, | v0.09 “aim. at the. Kodiak AC HD19 Dozer,Detroit 6-71 PARTING OUT ae ~ Application for Certificate | Catiens_ te submit a pro-| ing influent pump sta- SAE es re ede | Harbormasters Office, St exe undercarrioge, cable) 1] Cars & P.U.'s ALL Run | 1p. f Ae ication for Certificate | posal should contact the tion, which include See a ee Ne eee ee Oyo eouIsHOrbor, =] le Board of Directors of | of Number (registration) | (997) 243-8219 via RELAY- construction of a valve | arrangements. : the Alaska Exchange Carri- | will be made in accordance ers Association will conduct | with policies of the 17th ;a meeting Thursda Coast Guard, ais! rack Offles, Seer Staoe E | areal base ne ei clatrned ona germs vault, new pumps, mix- er, access hatches, inte- rior coatings, piping and valves. 4 - Construction of a pre- alaska TTD number: 1 800 770-8973, M-F, 9AM - 4 PM, no.leter. than one week prior te the subre Prin teens submittal date 8: orranseres et ws 10, ¥7 sys nds wk $6k obo 744-4981 230-5066 or 223-1537 DODGE Cummins 92 4x4 Pu pe fee AT overdrive CC/tilt. BS. Tnstatlation: Avail. sa: a8 Bids must be received by| The City of Kodiak re- the Supply Officer no later | Serves the right to reiect thatn 1:30°PM March 18,/@ny and all bids and to 1999. Late bids cannot be| Waive informalities in the bidding, YB, 17, 26,1999 ‘On A Budget? Check out the 5 bles Bote. HE. rEG STATE! DEPARTMENT OF INTE- y h = AVENUE, SUITE 305 SMENT OF Eiont: nears truela Course begins March 291 DEPAR “TRANSPORTATION AND OSHA construction sofety, ANCHORAGE, Ak 99501 j pi, ds. wil Z ! i, enechioorciect “atioat : MANAGEMENT CLM)" | mr Fabans tor cecre | memeeeai mer | PUBLIC FACILITIES Teenie erelect,” staking, “Tuesday PROVIDING PUBLIC NO-| {lon of a new courthouse.| Elbersioss Reinforced | LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS | INViterON cee oN: ' na. Prefpast operation March 18, 1999 = TICE OF PLANS TO| The prolect site includes o Plastic doors, com- AGENCY ITB 340 ee fralning or ree 1:00 PAM. REMOVE WASTE MATE. | Portion of Block 4 and ail of | | Pressed air system, Sealed bids In singl ining on dozer and exca- a RIALS AND TO CONDUCT | Block 5 Oricinal Fairbanks | Power spray-wash svs- | The State of Alasko, Lesis. | see/*e mugs, In, single, copy | wat Natori For more informo- Men. Doct Elie; ADDITIONAL SAMPLING | Townsite in the vicinity of | em, overhead sectional |!Stive Affairs Agency, is | materiale ane ieee” | mer flon, “call Center for 1 = $B 10: Fiscal |g ME, RED DEVIL | the intersection of Wendell | 900rs. plumbing, heat. | soliciting bids for a Con-| and pertorming Cimon | Meo! _ Employment Education Note and Con@ee! | MINE NEAR-RED DEVIL, | Ave. ond. Lacey St. The ing and ventilation, tractor” to provide ond | Scammon Bay Solid Waste ae 2 mission position | ALASKA. base bid is a 4 story, 104,000}. serinklers and fire pro- | Install ceramic wall and | Site, Access Road ana ane | TNS WOW FEB Cum? 310 Wis eines sa. ft. building with mech-| fection, back-up power | flaor- tile in the Mens and | port Culvert ‘Replocemern, | et * $10,900, Inspection at amendments to | BLM has monitored the site | Ontcul’ penthouse. Building generator, electrical Womens restrooms in Capi- | Project No. IHS-AN-96-L sa) | °°" 1701 E Ist Ave. $07-272.5700 AS 42.05 381 to and removed waste materi. | Structural fill has already systems, lighting anda | fa! School located at Sth | 59862, stP-0001(113)/52211 s Noti odd provisions als on numerous occasions | been installed. Work communication/alorm- and Main Street, Juneau, 51944, described herein, will All KW "89 7-600. Dayeab, 25 | Notices Fesuising boll since the Red Devil Mine | includes site work, concrete signal system. Alaska, Be Tecelcee echt ee ee ins Cat, 9spd, air ride, 170° wb, PUB ity that provi Closed in 1971, but addi- | foundation, structural steel | 7. Site improvements es Prevailing time, March 24, Gite ever $13,008 candies Lic NOTICE services ina Fonal sampling ond waste | frame, cast-in-place con-| including utilities and | All parties interested in| i999, by the’ contracrs | or 242-7333-cell " cae municipality with |femoval is. necessary. | crete floors, exterior enve.| site surfacing. obtaining a copy of ITB 340 | Administration offies, Wits | PO! a fe Alaska Commission for @ population of Waste materials will be | !oPe which. includes . both | = should contact the Project | aviation need oe tie: KW "98 W-900L, 5.25 Cum- Chemical Dependency Pr. more then 100,000 | transported via aircraft or | Curtain wall ond standard; The work will be con-| Director's Office is located | age, Alaska Pe ADEnOE ide. mings, 72" Aerocab sleep- | fessionals Certification will fo have an ongo- | barge and will be disposed | Stee! stud construction, | Structed under a single | in the State Capitol, 120 4th ee fir er, 18-spd trans, 46,000 | be Meeting March 18 & 19, ing Program of | of at licensed recycling or | roofing, architectural fin- | Prime lump sum contract. | Street, Roam 12, Juneau,| This federal 8D) rears wilockers, 244" wheel- | @t 3335 Arctic Blvd. Suite Placing existing | disposal facilities. ishes, elevators, mechani-| The estimated construction | AK.. PH. (907) 485-3708. A| project will conetet eed | BL! poser sa bon caaieai9) #201. Public testimony. is | overhead utility Cal, electrical, and security | Cost is between $1.3 and | COPY of the 100 percent | frructing a cools! Of con. | Di Bart oui Mac amp.irkciva | (cneduled fer March 19 at lines under- A copy of the Administra. | Systems. $1.8 million. complete plans and specifi- | Gnd a ied key once! | En bx, 9d fires, rearend, ram, | motion call so-eeog infor: | Palate eeitee | {ive Retord is avallaplevat| : | Cations may be nicked up| gravel surfaced roadwas | Of a, ae ee rend, ram j : gtorates | the Red Devil School, in the | Estimated Value of Con-| Technical auestions shalt |! the Project Director's | itv layout! Y | sut tranny. 345-2136 or 242-1307 | for recovering | cammunity of Red Devil, | tract: Over $18,000,000. be directed to Francis | also. Snore Teemallis., als PROFESSIONAL TRUCK | PUe-: March 17, 18, 199 the cost of plac- | Alaska. A copy of the Ad. Engle, P.E., City Engineer. noe Conetway section oil [he DRIVER TRAINING AND | ares ie extsringl over | ministtativs Record is also| Bids must be delivered to| Drawings and specification | The Alaska State Lesista- | ypiande. hue ooated in | nat TESTING CLASS A,B,OR C ALASKA ENERGY underoranga®® | Qvailable at the BLM|the Alaska Court System, | May be examined at the | ture complies with Title 11 | SUiands. There are no cor six.week nationally ‘cert.| AUTHORITY/ALASKA | posted: ytingeTsroune- Anchorage Field Office | $04 Barnette St., Rm 202, | Unalaska Department of | of the Americans with Dis-| s/%0™. Crossings. Also fied Class A driving | INDUSTRIAL. : Public room, 6881 Abbott | Fairbanks, Alaska 997801, | Public Works. A copy of the | Abilities Act of 1990. Indi- | replacers oo be the! pic course: Next training | DEVELOPMENT AND Loop Road, Anchorage, |Qnd arrive on or before | Bidding Documents may be | Viduais with disabilities | Urdecne nme” Culvert | oth course starts April 12th.) EXPORT AUTHORITY | note: the commission | A2SK% 29507 from 8:00 am | APril 14, 1999, at 2:00 p.m, | 2tained from the Unataska | who may need auxiliary pene: ma Other driving programs | lic Notice will meet. daily, We neeees to 4:00 om Monday through | Bids will be publicly | Department of Public] aids. services, and/or spe- The Engineer's Esti .. | din available. Call 279-8451 or e sory, at 9 a.m. to respond | Friday. opened shortly after bid| Works at the address | cial modifications to submit between $1 00,0 Imote is | eas (800}478-42 | fo-matters for which fines S deadline in the First Floor | below, for a non-refundable | 9 bid should contact Jan | §7,500,000, e000 9G | 686 Gea eae constraints. prohibit pravier | 4, Public meeting for_ this Jury Assembly, Rm #162, | cost of $190.00 made pay. | Price, Suply Officer, Leg- | °° 0. dun eaasareen) (oe ; Sone) ain ie S not been sched. | _. 9 the City of Unals-| islative | Affairs Agency, zh contnr, d-decks, box truks, police is Nereby slven that nclucing sine ees vled. BLM will hold a pub. | Bid Documents will be | ka Plus $25.00 per set for | (907) 465-6705 - Voice, (905 (ora oH Sanpleled | ass. fractors & excvtrs. 337-7771 | Management Commifrec | Proposed legislation for | lic Meeting if written re. | available on or after March | USPS Express Mail if so | 465-4980 - TDD within a rea- piays: ber WANTED | will hold a meeting VIA When the legislature | Wests are received. Be oe St., Rm | requested. ae aime: Gs | deter-| The Department of Trans cad é TELE requires a 24-hour re- ; , Fairbanks, (907) 452- 5 mined by the Agency, i af Trans clue 2déck Fartubie screening: | TELECON ER EN Bon by dela oiisibnr | Qlieetions” or cormmienns | 22017 or Oh Re Ace Drone City of Unalaska before bids are due, t0| Hes (GT De ESCH: | mai = __Plants. 5671020 19:09 a.m. to conducr He | See 3 AAC 48.19%c) and 3 | May be directed to Mike | Office, 821 W. 4th Ave. | Department of make any necessary | notifies all bidders nraey | RUT Water well drill ria & sup-| affairs of the Committee, | AAC 48.183(d) re noticing | Alcorn, BLM Environmen- | Anchoroge, (907) 258.9533, Public Works arrangements. Si offemenie that it | with Port truck, tools & etc. Seri-| This tneeting will be con.| 29d agenda of emergency | ta! Protection Specialist, at | A $200 non-refundable fee is P.O. Box 610 ee that Faevely assure ous inquires. 892-7950. ducted by electronic media | PUblic meetings. the above address, by|fredvired. Payment should Unalaska, AK 99685 Bids must be received by | entered int y contract | Dot Treen ap at the following location: | NOTE: Information on pub- | Pail: Malcorn@ak.bIm. | be in the form of a check Tel. 907-581-1260 the Supply Officer no later | this Invitation’ eet | YOU WESTERN Star, ‘85 Alaska Industrial Develop: | lic meeting schedules and | 29% ,05 by Phone: (907) | made out to the “Alaska Fax 907-581-2187 than 1:30 PM March 17,/ taged Busimess Eo eoavam: | refu 3406 Gat, 15 spd, 290"w/B | ment and Export Authority, | agenda moy bs eoeited he | 267-1442. Court System”. No partial | 1999. Late. bids cannot be | (DBE) and: tycr eer PEIses | $100 $14,900 OBO. 373-2916 480 West Tudor Road, | calling a” recone OY set of documents shall be | Each Bid must be submit- | Accepted. ese Batero ee tre; porde a 9 ON} Pub.: March 17, 1999 issued. fed on the prescribed form | Pub.: 2/28; 3/3, 17, 1999 Will bet cHanded uneteoee and accompanied b' i ee ae er { f ; + OPPOr- | Bid 1 : Particular note should be | Security os prescribed “tn tunity go submit bids and | able taken of ‘the requirement | the instruction to Bidders, | agalnst on the sreeeted | the for. security system manu-|P0voble to the City of | Municipality of Anchorage | G9aiNst on the grounds of | resui or focturer and installer quali- | Unalaska, Alaska, in on} Purchasing Department | or sex tr content Origin | callir . fication, and approval dur: gmeunt not tess than § per. Invitation to Bid 998020 | on award, eration for Bae i eriad. ie ‘otal id - i : amount. The successful bid- Sealed bids will .. | avail ‘ Bid Documents will be| der will be required to fur- | feceived at the Purchasing Be renee Fone Ws these qd or gd e Gvailable for inspection af /Mish the necessary | Office, 632 W. éth Avenue, | "”ol*ct '° 5. Percent. Depa @ following locations: | 9ddifional bond(s) for faith- | S¥ite- 520, or mailin tion a AGC and The Plans Room | ful performance of the Gon. | address, P/O. Box. 196650, AND BIDOIRG IKONS btrice (Anchorage and Fairbanks | tract, as prescribed in the | Anchorage, AK 99519 for! TION MAY BE SBT eRe | bank: ' ° locations), AGC-Soldotne. | Biddine Documents: FURNISHING 35KV) BETWEEN CHO TED | Assoc rojfessiona Soe TERE alee HITCHED AND FAULT | Or Wp ral. f OURS | Gree ecttle, and at OOT/PF | A Prebid conference will ICATORS to the Muni fee 230 A.M.) Anch [Technica Services: titra | held: on MCE ecto oe Finatity coe ae Muni: | AND <12:30° To 4:00. Pian arc ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT x AND EXPORT AUTHORITY f= ALASKA @™ =ENERGY AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907 / 269-3000 FAX 907 / 269-3044 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY/ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY Public Notice Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Notice is hereby given that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee will hold a meeting VIA TELECONFERENCE on Monday, March 22, 1999, at 10:00 a.m., to conduct the affairs of the Committee. This meeting will be conducted by electronic media at the following location: Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority, 480 West Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska. Any public wishing to attend should report to the above stated address. For additional information, contact Eugene Bjornstad, Chairman, at Chugach Electric Association (907) 563-7494. The State of Alaska (AIDEA), complies with Title Il of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Disabled persons requiring special modifications to participate should contact AIDEA staff at (907) 269-3000 to make special arrangements. /s/ Alaska Energy Authority Project Management Committee Publish: Wednesday, March 17, 1999 / © ‘ ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY f= ALASKA i = ENERGY AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907 / 269-3000 FAX 907 / 269-3044 March 16, 1999 FAXED: 03/16/99 2 PAGES Anchorage Daily News 1001 Northway Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99508 ATTENTION: Ms. Eva Kaufmann Legal Classified Subject: Public Notice Account # ALASO709 Enclosed is an advertisement for the Alaska Energy Authority which is to be published under “PUBLIC NOTICE” in the Legal Classified section in column format. This notice needs to be published for one day: Wednesday, March 17, 1999. After the publication date, please provide an Affidavit of Publication. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you, \ Ye y YY, ay Yom JM. phir Shauna M. Dean Admin. Assistant Attachment 20101001010010100010000C000000 O00 NO0OC0OKONC OCCT COCONINO C CCC COCR C OCC KK x P, 01 x x TRANSACTION REPORT x x ag re MAR-16-99 TUE 12:10 PM x oe: x x SEND (iM) : x x DATE START RECEIVER TX TIME PAGES TYPE NOTE Mt DP x x x x MAR-16 12:10 PM 92798170 31° 2 SEND ( M) OK 034 x Xs x x x TOTAL 37S PAGES: 2 x x x OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOO OOOO IU OOOO OOS OU OO OOOO OO OOOO OKI KK ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT * AND EXPORT AUTHORITY = ALASKA ME = ENERGY AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907 / 269-3000 FAX 907 / 269-3044 March 16, 1999 FAXED: 03/16/99 2 PAGES Anchorage Daily News 1001 Northway Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99508 ATTENTION: Ms. Eva Kaufmann Legal Classified Subject: Public Notice Account # ALASO709 Enclosed is an advertisement for the Alaska Energy Authority which is to be published under “PUBLIC NOTICE” in the Legal Classified section in column format. This notice needs to be nmuhliahad far ana Alar VWindnaneda: Marnh 47 1000 (AH SO, —— tf 5 Se Sees ees KS Pe fe 2S -Cssf