HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley Lake PMC Meeting Tuesday 03-05-2002 2THe Yr ED) : Bradley Lake Quarterly Report Bradley Lake Operations Report | Bradley Lake WY 01-02 Inflows | 120,000 - - - | 100,000 | | 80,000 —— a | "$60,000 pa : | < | | 40,000 20,000 . — . | ao fl em | Jun- Jul-O1 Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- | 01 01 01 Of Of 01 02 02 02 02 02 Projected @ Actual —= Bradley Lake | WY 01-02 Generation | | 70,000 + _ | 60,000 | - - | 50,000 - |e 40,000 ne - - - | = 30,000 + | | | 20,000 — - | 10,000 | . | Le Ue : | Jun- Jul-O1 Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- | 01 01 01 Of Of Of 02 02 02 02° 02 Projected @ Actual Bradley Lake WY 01-02 Lake Level 1,200.0 1,180.0 1,160.0 + 1,140.0 -- | 11200 | | 1,100.0 | 1,080.0 — 1,060.0 +——_-_— ae es . so Jun- Jul-O1 Aug- Sep- Oct-01 Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr-02 May- 01 01 01 o1 01 02 02 02 02 | —+—Projected —a~ Actual Spill ——=Min Ops Book2.xlsReports02/26/2002 FEET 1190 1180 + 1170 1160 + 1150 1140 1130 1120 1110 1100 1090 + 1080 | 1070 1060 + BRADLEY LAKE LEVEL June 1995 - February 2002 01- 16- 01- 16- 31- 15- 30- 14- 29- 14- 29- 13- 28- 13- 28- 12- 27- 11- 26- 13- 28- 12- 27- 12- 27- Jun Jun Jul Jul Jul Aug Aug Sep Sep Oct Oct Nov Nov Dec Dec Jan Jan Feb Feb Mar Mar Apr Apr May May — 95-96 —— 96-97 97-98 —— 98-99 ——99-00 ——00-01 ——01-02 . 02/11/02 MON 10:55 FAX 907 7624540 CEA DISPATCH 22+ STAN S 002 January 2002 [DATE cea gvea_| aml&p | TOTAL] METER 1/1/02! 194] 80] —S««348 619 635 1/2/02 483 104 363 950 cn _ 4113/02) 811] _80 350| 941 964 | afo2]_— 374 90/365; 829 851 _ 116702 444 50; 364] —s«B55| «8G 16/02 529) 75| 323 927/950 _TI02 704| 100} 320] 1,124) 7,153 118/02; 527 75| 266 868; 890 1/9/02 300| 65] ss 163 528] 839 1/10/02 417; 100 350 867 889 1/11/02| «292 100] 380| 772 790 1/1202 637] 70; —«289) 990| 4,015 1/13/02; 458] 45 238 741 760 1/14/02| «386 85! 297! 768) 786 f 16/02) «346 106! 350) 802 823 1/16/02 337| ~ 70 _ 320 727 _ 744 117102} 290] 90 358) 738 756 1/18102; 304 a) 345] 740 758 | 4Ag2| 379 64 321, 664 679 120/021 «882 60} 260| 1,202, 1,233 121102) «514 91] 250! 855) «875 1/22/02) 433, OO _300 733|_ 7494 1/23/02; 346 95 231 672 686 | __ 1/24/02 469) 105 239 813/830 1125102, §93| 106 196 895 916 1/26/02 745 95 338|" «1,178 1,207 P1/27/02| «6 14] “90/"300|—1,004[__—7,029 4/28/02 407 109} 300); —Ss 816 836 1/29/02 411) 108 259 778 796 1/30/02 278 102! 259, = 30) «5B 1131102 368 102| 110 580] 593 TOTALS] 13,860 2,603| ~—=—«9,152! 25,615) 26,236 Mtr Adjst -621! © = CEATOT! 14,481 - l i —_] 2/11/02 9:15AM May-02 . 02/11/02 MON 10:55 FAX 907 7624540 CEA DISPATCH +++ STAN S Blwy0102 METERO102 DATE cea gvea aml&p TOTAL METER Jun-01 12,693 9,068 10,988 32,749 32,744 Jul-01 17,763 12,212 6,964 36,939 36,942 Aug-01 22,662 6,278 8,132 37,072 37,068 Sep-01 37,013 10,326 12,329 59,668 59,666 Oct-01 28,415 5,942 12,596 46,953 47,625 Nov-01 16,744 566 5,484 21,794 22,315 Dec-01 18,244 2,698 9,400 30,342 31,224 Jan-02 13,860 2,603 9,152 25,615 26,236 Feb-02 0 0 0 0 0 Mar-02 0 0 0 0 0 Apr-02 0 0 0 0 0 May-02 0 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 166,393 49,693 75,045 291,131 293,820 Mtr Adjst -2,691 CEA TOT 169,084 cea gvea aml&p % Take of 57.55 16.91 | _25.54 YTD Meter cea gvea aml&p % Take of 336,103 75,486 107,536 Allocation 50.31 65.83 69.79 443,639 | cea gvea ami&p 443,639 167,019 25,793 32,491 MW Avail BRADLEY LAKE PLANT PEAK MONTH DATE _ HOURENDING DAY OF WEEK NET Jun-01 6/20/01 1400 Wednesday 92.60 Ju-o1 7/16/04 1100 Monday 96.20 Aug-01 8/30/01 2200 Thursday 94.80 Sep-01 9/23/01 1700 Sunday 107,20 Oct-01 10/31/01 1200 Wednesday 107.82 Nov-01 11/21/01 1800 Wednesday 95.63 Dec-01 12/19/01 1100 Tuesday 98.05 Jan-02 1/16/02 1800 Wednesday 89.83 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 Qoo3 . 02/11/02 MON 10:55 FAX 907 7624540 CEA DISPATCH 22+ STAN S 004 Bhwy0102 ALLOC0102 443,638 Sched Remainder GV BL Bank Adjustment GVEA 76,486 49,693 28,372 2,579 45.2% AML&P 107,536 75,045 32,491 0 HEA 54,370 35,472 18,898 0 CEA 141,266 89,862 49,669 -1,735 30.4% MEA 60,982 40,792 19,403 ~787 13.8% SES 3,999 2,956 986 57 1.0% Totals 443,639 293,820 149,819 DATE GVEA AML&P HEA CEA MEA SES Jun-01 9,068 10,988 2,662 6,743 3,061 222 Jul-01 12,212 6,964 3,727 9,442 4,286 311 Aug-01 6,278 8,132 4,754 12,042 5,467 396 Sep-01 10,326 12,329 7,765 19,670 8,929 647 Oct-01 5,942 12,596 6,102 15,458 7,018 §09 Nov-01 566 5,484 3,412 8,646 3,924 284 Dec-01 2,698 9,400 4,012 10,166 4,614 334 Jan-02 2,603 9,152 3,038 7,695 3,493 253 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Totals 49,693 75,045 36,472 89,862 40,792 2,956 443,638 75,486 107,536 54,370 141,266 60,982 3,999 Remainder 25,793 32,491 18,898 61,404 20,190 1,043 Se ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT > 4 AND EXPORT AUTHORITY {= ALASKA iE =ENERGY AUTHORITY 813 WEST NORTHERN LIGHTS BLVD. # ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503. # 907/269-3000 © FAX 907 / 269-3044 TOLL FREE (ALASKA ONLY) 888 / 300-8534 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY/ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY Regular Meeting Public Notice Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Notice is hereby given that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee will hold a regular meeting on Tuesday, March 5, 2002, at 10:00 a.m. For additional information contact Steve Haagenson, Chairman. This meeting will be conducted by electronic media pursuant to AS 44.88.050(a) and AS 44.62.310 at the following location: Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority, Third Floor Board Room, 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard, Anchorage, Alaska. The public is invited to attend. The State of Alaska (AIDEA) complies with Title Il of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Disabled persons requiring special modifications to participate should contact AIDEA staff at (907) 269-3000 to make arrangements. /s/ Alaska Energy Authority Project Management Committee Publish: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, January 15, 2002 — 10:00 a.m. (Via electronic media at AIDEA/AEA — 813 W. Northern Lights Boulevard) (Corner of Arctic and Northern Lights Boulevard) CALL TO ORDER Haagenson ROLL CALL (for Committee members) PUBLIC ROLL CALL (for all others present) PUBLIC COMMENT AGENDA COMMENTS APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES October 16, 2001 NEW BUSINESS COMMITTEE COMMENTS A. Next Meeting Date Haagenson ADJOURNMENT * @ ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT —_ y 4 ih AND EXPORT AUTHORITY = ALASKA = ENERGY AUTHORITY xk 813 WEST NORTHERN LIGHTS BLVD. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907 / 269-3000 FAX 907 / 269-3044 Facsimile Transmittal oO ya bel Sten Hoag tnson COMPANY: QVEA . Fax #: (902 )_1S0-— S$ 75/7 FROM: oe Mean DATE: 7-53-02 TIME: EY ars JO Number of pages including cover page: - Transmittal Contents: Comments: < Kevt- ee Zire eee Oo draft LR nh x aaa fy tte tes et Ph Lhe Bp ee firerXS jp aft alse, 7 —— CH pre PUBS of Chavet: add, Lying, a Baie ates Zi ii tl gt ove Bry Lek weed. —- Ke? Notice: This facsimile may contain confidential information that is being transmitted to and is intended only for the use of the recipient named above. Reading, disclosure, discussion, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this information by anyone other than the named recipient or his or her employees or agents is strictly prohibited. If you have received this facsimile in error, please immediately destroy it and notify us by telephone at (907) 269-3000. H:\ALLIERYN\Facsimile Transmittal Cover Pagé.doc : Pp. * * * Transmission Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Jan. 4. 2002 11:06AM) * * * 1) AIDEA/ZAEA 2) Date/Time: Jan. 4. 2002 11:03AM File No» Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 0315 Memory TX 919074585951 P. 10 OK Reason for error E.1) Hang up or line fail E. —.3) No answer * x, @ x IB ‘AND EXPORT AUTHORITY = ALASKA kK * ($13 WEST NORTHERN UGHTS BLVQ. ANCHORAGE ALASKA 99503 (07 / 209.200) FAX 007 / 269-3084 Facsimile Transmittal To: Steve boas epson TF COMPANY: QVEA Fat: (FOR \1S0- SPSL. . FROW: ¢ Shacne- Dean, ; : DATE: £-3-o TIME: (0: Pap : le Number of pages including cover page: Transmittal Contents: Comments: - Sheve- Dive wthecled a Sve) agente ¥ phe myles 7 x ‘s [2 IE a fo et as ee ee — ee eae Notice: This facsimile may contain confidential information that is being transmitted to and is. dissemination, distribution, or copying of this Information by anyone other than the named reciplent or his or her employees or agents is strictly prohibited. if you have received this facsimile in error, please immediately destroy it and netify us by telephone at (907) 269-3000. MOALLIERYNVFacdnae Teansmial Cover Page. doo PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Steve Haagenson Eugene Bjornstad Norm Story Wayne Carmony Michael Scott Dave Calvert Ron Saxton Golden Valley Electric Association Chugach Electric Association Homer Electric Association Matanuska Electric Association Anchorage Municipal Light & Power City of Seward Ater Wynne LLP (907) 458-5951 (907) 562-6994 (907) 235-3323 (907) 689-9368 (907) 263-5204 (907) 224-4085 (503) 226-0079 Notification of Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting A regular meeting is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, January 15, 2002, at 10:00 a.m. at the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority’s Board Room (813 W. Northern Lights Boulevard). Packets for this meeting are scheduled to be sent out this week. Should you not be able to attend in person, directions for connecting to the meeting via phone will also be included. Please call Shauna at (907) 269-3028 with questions. h:\all\sdean\bradley\mtg notification fax cover.doc P. | * * * Transmission Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Jan. 7. 2002 10:13AM) * * * 1) AIDEA/ZAEA 2) Date/Time: Jan. 7. 2002 10:12AM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 0318 Memory TX 919074585951 P.-2 OK Reason for error —E-1) Hangs up or line fail E.2) Busy E.3) No answer E.4) No facsimile connection PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Steve Haagenson Golden Valley Electric Association (907) 458-5951 Eugene Bjornsiad Chugach Electric Association (907) 562-6994 Norm Story Homer Electric Association (907) 235-3323 Wayne Carmony — Matanuska Electric Association (907) 689-9368 Michael Scott Anchorage Municipal Light & Power (907) 263-5204 Dave Calvert City of Seward (907) 224-4085 Ron Saxton Ater Wynne LLP (503) 226-0079 | * * * Transmission Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Jan. 7. 2002 10:14AM) * * * 1) AIDEA/AEA 2) Date/Time: Jan. 7. 2002 10:12AM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 0319 Memory TX 95626994 P. 2 OK iioal Basie Nei mri ss ren ere ee Re ee E.1) Hangs up or line fail —.2) Busy E.3) No answer —.4) No facsimile connection PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Steve Haagenson Golden Valley Electric Association (907) 458-5951 Eugene Bjomstad Chugach Electric Association (907) 562-6994 Norm Story Homer Electric Association (907) 235-3323 Wayne Carmony Matanuska Electric Association (907) 689-9368 Michael Scott Anchorage Municipal Light & Power (907) 263-5204 Dave Calvert City of Seward (907) 224-4085 Ron Saxton Ater Wynne LLP (803) 226-0079 Pol x * * Transmission Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Jan. ¢. 2002 10:15AM) * * * 1) AIDEAZAEA 2) Date/Time: Jan. 7. 2002 10:13AM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 0320 Memory TX 919072353328 Pisiane OK anna eee ear MRE ee ee eee —.1) Hangs up or line fail —E.2) Busy —.3) No answer —E.4) No facsimile connection PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Steve Haagenson _—_ Golden Valley Electric Association (907) 458-5951 Eugene Bjomstad Chugach Electric Association (907) 562-6994 Norm Story Homer Electric Association (907) 235-3323 Wayne Carmony — Matanuska Electric Association (907) 689-9368 Michael Scott Anchorage Municipal Light & Power (907) 263-6204 Dave Calvert City of Seward (907) 224-4085 Ron Saxton Ater Wynne LLP (503) 226-0079 P. | * * * Transmission Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Jan. ¢. 2002 10:16AM) * * * 1) AIDEA/ZAEA 2) Date/Time: Jan. 7. 2002 10:13AM File Page No. Mode Destination Pe (s) Result Not Sent 0321 Memory TX 96899368 Pp. 2 Ok se Beata aes ant att fleece E.1) Hangs up or line fail —.2) Busy E.3) No answer E.4) No facsimile connection PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Steve Haagenson Golden Valley Electric Association (907) 458-5951 Eugene Bjomstad © Chugach Electric Association (907) 562-6994 Norm Story Homer Electric Association (907) 235-3323 Wayne Carmony Matanuska Electric Association (907) 689-9368 Michael Scott Anchorage Municipal Light & Power — (907) 263-5204 Dave Calvert City of Seward (907) 224-4085 Ron Saxton Ater Wynne LLP (503) 226-0079 P. | * * * Transmission Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Jan. /. 2002 10:17AM) * * * 1) AIDEA/ZAEA 2) Date/Time: Jan. 7. 2002 10:13AM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 0322 Memory TX 92635204 Pe OK Reason for error —-1) Hang up or line fail —E.2) Busy E.3) No answer E.4) No facsimile connection PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Steve Haagenson Golden Valley Electric Association (907) 458-5951 Eugene Bjomstad Chugach Electric Association (907) 562-6994 Norm Story Homer Electric Association (907) 235-3323 Wayne Carmony —_ Matanuska Electric Association (907) 689-9368 Michael Scott Anchorage Municipal Light & Power (907) 263-5204 Dave Calvert City of Seward (907) 224-4085 Ron Saxton Ater Wynne LLP (503) 226-0079 | * * * * * Transmission Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Jan. /. 2002 10:18AM) * 1) AILDEA/AEA 2) Date/Time: Jan. 7. 2002 10:14AM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 0323 Memory TX 919072244086 a Ok PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Steve Haagenson Golden Valley Electric Association (907) 458-5951 Eugene Bjomstad Chugach Electric Association (907) 562-6994 Norm Story Homer Electric Association (907) 236-3323 Wayne Carmony Matanuska Electric Association (907) 689-9368 Michael Scott Anchorage Municipal Light & Power (907) 263-5204 Dave Calvert City of Seward (907) 224-4085 Ron Saxton Ater Wynne LLP (503) 226-0079 P. | x * * * * Transmission Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Jan. 7. 2002 10:19AM) * 1) AIDEA/AEA 2) Date/Time: Jan. 7. 2002 10:14AM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 0324 Memory TX 915032260079 P. 2 OK oo Fhsayaninc— ft yer mg ae nn a —E.1) Hang up or tine fail —.2) Busy —E.3) No answer —.4) No facsimile connection PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Steve Haagenson Golden Valley Electric Association (907) 458-5951 Eugene Bjornstad Chugach Electric Association (907) 562-6994 Norm Story Homer Electric Association (907) 235-3323 Wayne Carmony Matanuska Electric Association (907) 689-9368 Michael Scott Anchorage Municipal Light & Power (907) 263-5204 Dave Calvert City of Seward (907) 224-4085 Ron Saxton Ater Wynne LLP (503) 226-0079 CANCELLATION OF MEETING Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting The regular meeting scheduled to be held on Tuesday, January 15, 2002, at 10:00 a.m. has been CANCELLED. The new meeting date is Tuesday, February 26, 2002 at 10:00 a.m. Please call Shauna at (907) 269-3028 with questions. h:\all\sdean\bradley\mtg notification fax cover.doc PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Steve Haagenson Eugene Bjornstad Norm Story Wayne Carmony Michael Scott Dave Calvert Ron Saxton Golden Valley Electric Association Chugach Electric Association Homer Electric Association Matanuska Electric Association Anchorage Municipal Light & Power City of Seward Ater Wynne LLP (907) 458-5951 (907) 562-6994 (907) 235-3323 (907) 689-9368 (907) 263-5204 (907) 224-4085 (503) 226-0079 P. | * * * Transmissiun Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Jan. 7. 2002 4:12PM) * * * 1) AIDEA/AEA 2) Date/Time: Jan. 7. 2002 4:08PM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 0331 Memory TX 919072244085 P. 2 OK PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Steve Haagenson Golden Valley Electric Association (907) 458-5951 Eugene Bjomstad Chugach Electric Association (907) 562-6994 Norm Story Homer Electric Association (907) 235-3323 Wayne Carmony —_Matanuska Electric Association (907) 689-9368 Michael Scott Anchorage Municipal Light & Power (907) 263-5204 Dave Calvert City of Seward (907) 224-4085 Ron Saxton Ater Wynne LLP (803) 226-0079 | e * * * Transmissiun Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Jan. 7. 2002 4:12PM) * * * 1) AIDEA/ZAEA 2) Date/Time: Jan. 7. 2002 4:07PM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 0330 Memory TX 92635204 Peo? OK = Se a ge a eee E.1) Hangs up or line fail —.2) Busy E.3) No answer —.4) No facsimile connection PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Steve Haagenson Golden Valley Electric Association (907) 458-5951 Eugene Bjomstad Chugach Eleciric Association (907) 562-6994 Norm Story Homer Electric Association (907) 235-3323 Wayne Carmony Matanuska Electric Association (907) 689-8368 Michael Scott Anchorage Municipal Light & Power (907) 263-5204 Dave Calvert City of Seward (907) 224-4085 Ron Saxton Ater Wynne LLP (503) 226-0079 Perel * * ¥* Transmissiun Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Jan. 7. 2002 4:11PM) * * * 1) AIDEAZAEA 2) Date/Time: Jan. 7. 2002 4:07PM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 0329 Memory TX 96899368 Pree OK PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Steve Haagenson Golden Valley Electric Association (907) 458-5951 Eugene Bjornsiad Chugach Electric Association (907) 562-6994 Norm Story Homer Electric Association (907) 235-3323 Wayne Carmony Matanuska Electric Association (907) 689-9368 Michael Scott Anchorage Municipal Light & Power (907) 263-5204 Dave Calvert City of Seward (907) 224-4085 Ron Saxton Ater Wynne LLP (503) 226-0079 Po | . * * ¥* Transmission Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Jan. 7. 2002 4:10PM) * * * 1) AIDEA/AEA 2) Date/Time: Jan. 7. 2002 4:07PM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 0328 Memory TX 919072353323 P. 2 OK Reason for error —E-1) Hangs up or line fail —.2) —E.3) No answer E—.4) s Busy No facsimile connection PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Steve Haagenson Golden Valley Electric Association (907) 458-5951 Eugene Bjomstad + Chugach Electric Association (907) 562-6994 Norm Story Homer Electric Association (907) 235-3323 Wayne Carmony Matanuska Electric Association (907) 689-9368 Michael Scott Anchorage Municipal Light & Power (907) 263-5204 Dave Calvert City of Seward (907) 224-4085 Ron Saxton Ater Wynne LLP (503) 226-0079 Poet * * * Transmissiun Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Jan. 7. 2002 4:09PM) * * * 1) AIDEA/AEA 2) Date/Time: Jan. 7. 2002 4:08PM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 0332 Memory TX 915032260079 Pra OK Reason for error —-1) Hane up or line fail —.2) Busy —E.3) No answer —E.4) No facsimile connection PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Steve Haagenson Golden Valley Electric Association (907) 458-5951 Eugene Bjomstad Chugach Eleciric Association (907) 562-6994 Norm Story Homer Electric Association (907) 235-3323 Wayne Carmony Matanuska Electric Association (907) 689-9368 Michael Scott Anchorage Municipal Light & Power (907) 263-5204 Dave Calvert City of Seward (907) 224-4085 Ron Saxton Ater Wynne LLP (503) 226-0079 P. | * * ¥ Transmissiun Result Report (MemoryTX) (Jan. 7. 2002 4:08PM) * * * MY AIDEA/ZAEA 2 Date/Time: Jan. 7. 2002 4:06PM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 0327 Memory TX 95626994 P. 2 OK Reason for error E.1) Hang up or line fail E.2) Busy E.3) No answer E.4) No facsimile connection PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Steve Haagenson Golden Valley Electric Assodiation (907) 458-5951 Eugene Bjomstad Chugach Electric Association (907) 562-6994 Norm Story Homer Electric Association (907) 235-3323 Wayne Carmony Matanuska Electric Association (907) 689-9368 Michael Scott Anchorage Municipal Light & Power (907) 263-5204 Dave Calvert City of Seward (907) 224-4085 Ron Saxton Ater Wynne LLP (503) 226-0079 Pp. | * x ace * * * Transmission Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Jan. 7. 2002 4:07PM) * 1) AIDEA/AEA 2) Date/Time: Jan. 7. 2002 4:06PM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 0326 Memory TX 919074585951 Denier? OK Reason for error —E.-1) Hangs up or line fail Ee 2) —E.3) No answer —.4) PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Steve Haagenson Golden Valley Electric Association (907) 458-5951 Eugene Bjomstad Chugach Electric Association (907) 562-6994 Norm Story Homer Electric Association (907) 235-3323 Wayne Carmony —- Matanuska Electric Association (907) 689-9368 Michael Scott Anchorage Municipal Light & Power (907) 263-5204 Dave Calvert City of Seward (907) 224-4085 Ron Saxton Ater Wynne LLP (503) 226-0079 CANCELLATION OF MEETING Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting The regular meeting scheduled to be held on Tuesday, January 15, 2002, at 10:00 a.m. has been CANCELLED. NEW MEETING DATE The new meeting date is Tuesday, March 5, 2002 at 10:00 a.m. Please call Shauna at (907) 269-3028 with questions. h:\all\sdean\bradley\mtg notification fax cover.doc PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Steve Haagenson Eugene Bjornstad Norm Story Wayne Carmony Michael Scott Dave Calvert Ron Saxton Golden Valley Electric Association Chugach Electric Association Homer Electric Association Matanuska Electric Association Anchorage Municipal Light & Power City of Seward Ater Wynne LLP (907) 458-5951 (907) 562-6994 (907) 235-3323 (907) 689-9368 (907) 263-5204 (907) 224-4085 (503) 226-0079 Peel * * * Transmis..on Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Jan. v- 2002 11:37AM) * * * 1) AIDEAZAEA 2) Date/Time: Jan. 8. 2002 11:36AM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 0334 Memory TX 919074585951 Panic OK PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Steve Haagenson Golden Valley Electric Association (907) 458-5951 Eugene Bjornstad Chugach Eleciric Association (907) 562-6994 Norm Story Homer Electric Association (907) 235-3323 Wayne Carmony _ Matanuska Electric Association (907) 689-9368 Michael Scott Anchorage Municipal Light & Power (907) 263-5204 Dave Calvert City of Seward (907) 224-4085 Ron Saxton Ater Wynne LLP (503) 226-0079 P. | * * ¥* Transmis..cn Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Jan. u. 2002 11:38AM) * * * 1) AIDEAZAEA 2) Date/Time: Jan. 8. 2002 11:37AM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 0335 Memory TX 95626994 Pree OK iT feuded Newer) UL LULL OU ee CSO) ete) E.1) Hang up or line fail —.2) Busy —E.3) No answer E.4) No facsimile connection PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Steve Haagenson Golden Valley Electric Association (907) 458-5951 Eugene Bjomstad Chugach Electric Association (907) 562-6994 Norm Story Homer Electric Association (907) 235-3323 Wayne Carmory Mattanuska Electric Association (907) 689-9368 Michael Scott Anchorage Municipal Light & Power (907) 263-5204 Dave Calvert City of Seward (907) 224-4085 Ron Saxton Ater Wynne LLP (503) 226-0079 Pe | * * * Transmis..cn Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Jan. uv» 2002 11:39AM) * * * 1) AIDEAZAEA 2) Date/Time: Jan. 8. 2002 11:37AM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 0337 Memory TX 96899368 P. 2 OK Reason for err E.1) Hangs oa or line fail —.2) Busy E.3) N r —E.4) No facsimile connection PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Steve Haagenson Golden Valley Electric Association (907) 458-5951 Eugene Bjomstad Chugach Electric Association (907) 562-6994 Norm Story Homer Electric Association (907) 235-3323 Wayne Carmony Matanuska Electric Association (807) 689-9368 Michael Scott Anchorage Municipal Light & Power (907) 263-5204 Dave Calvert City of Seward (907) 224-4085 Ron Saxton Ater Wynne LLP (603) 226-0079 Peal * * F Transmisoron Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Jan. o- 2002 11:40AM) * * * 1) AIDEA/ZAEA 2) Date/Time: Jan. 8. 2002 11:37AM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 0336 Memory TX 919072353323 Pile? OK Wy. Fae) hel seree UL OU el EC E.1) Hang up or line fail —.2) Busy E—E.3) No answer E—E.4) No facsimile connection PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Steve Haagenson Golden Valley Electric Association (907) 458-5951 Eugene Bjornstad Chugach Electric Association (907) 562-6994 Norm Story Homer Electric Association (907) 235-3323 Wayne Carmony Matanuska Electric Association (907) 689-9368 Michael Scott Anchorage Municipal Light & Power — (907) 263-5204 Dave Calvert City of Seward (907) 224-4085 Ron Saxton Ater Wynne LLP (503) 226-0079 Pecan * * ¥ Transmiss. cd Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Jan. v- 2002 11:41AM) * * * 1) AIDEAZAEA 2) Date/Time: Jan. 8. 2002 11:38AM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 0338 Memory TX 92635204 Pele? OK Reason for error E.1) Hang up or line fail —E.2) B —E.3) No answer —.4) N PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Steve Haagenson Golden Valley Electric Association (907) 458-5951 Eugene Bjomstad Chugach Electric Association (907) 562-6994 Norm Story Homer Electric Association (907) 235-3323 Wayne Carmony Matanuska Electric Association (907) 689-9368 Michael Scott Anchorage Municipal Light & Power (907) 263-5204 | Dave Calvert City of Seward (907) 224-4085 Ron Saxton Ater Wynne LLP (503) 226-0079 Pp. | ° x * * Transmisc..d Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Jan. uv» 2002 11:42AM) * * * 1) AIDEA/AEA 2) Date/Time: Jan. 8. 2002 11:38AM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 0339 Memory TX 919072244085 Prune OK a Newnan Morceedere = sce weer he ee a —E.1) Hang up or tine fail —E.2) Busy —.3) No answer —E.4) No facsimile connection PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Steve Haagenson Golden Valley Electric Association (907) 458-5951 Eugene Bjomstad Chugach Electric Association (907) 562-6994 Norm Story Homer Electric Association (907) 235-3323 Wayne Carmony Matanuska Electric Association (907) 689-9368 Michael Scott Anchorage Municipal Light & Power — (907) 263-5204 Dave Calvert City of Seward (907) 224-4085 Ron Saxton Ater Wynne LLP (603) 226-0079 P. | eee * * © Transmise.ca Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Jan. vu» 2002 11:43AM) * * * 1) AIDEAZAEA 2) Date/Time: Jan. 8. 2002 11:38AM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 0340 Memory TX 915032260079 Pee? OK Reason for error —.1) Hangs up or line fail Ee 2) E.3) No answer E.4) PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Steve Haagenson Golden Valley Electric Association (907) 458-5951 Eugene Bjomstad Chugach Electric Association (907) 562-6994 Norm Story Homer Electric Association (907) 235-3323 Wayne Carmony Matanuska Electric Association (907) 689-9368 Michael Scott Anchorage Municipal Light & Power (907) 263-5204 Dave Calvert City of Seward (907) 224-4085 Ron Saxton Ater Wynne LLP (503) 226-0079 TELECONFERENCE INSTRUCTIONS Tuesday, March 5, 2002 — 10:00 a.m. To join the meeting, please do the following: Dial 1-800-315-6338 Enter 5555# ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT * AND EXPORT AUTHORITY f= ALASKA @@E™ =ENERGY AUTHORITY 813 WEST NORTHERN LIGHTS BLVD. © ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 © 907/269-3000 ¢ FAX 907 / 269-3044 TOLL FREE (ALASKA ONLY) 888 / 300-8534 February 25, 2002 FAXED: 02/25/02 2 PAGES Anchorage Daily News 1001 Northway Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99508 ATTENTION: Ms. Lorene Solivan Legal Classified Subject: Public Notice Account # ALASO709 Enclosed is an advertisement for the Alaska Energy Authority, which is to be published under “PUBLIC NOTICE” in the Legal Classified section in column format. This notice needs to be published for one day: Tuesday, February 26, 2002. After the publication date, please provide an Affidavit of Publication. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you, LA cr Aa Linn Ga Shauna Dean Admin. Assistant Attachment . P. * * © Transmiooion Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Feb.z5. 2002 12:22PM) * * * 1) AIDEA/ZAEA 2) Date/Time: Feb.25. 2002 12:21PM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 0496 Memory TX 92798170 P. 2 OK Reason for error E-1) Hang up or line fail —.2) Busy —E.3) No answer E.4) No facsimile connection ~ an Te oe 2 % EXPORT AUTHORITY y SS (EASA 813 WEST NORTHERN LIGHTS BLVD. + ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 © 907/269-3000 + FAX 907/269-3044 ‘TOU, FREE (ALASKA ONLY) 888 / 300-8534 February 25, 2002 FAXED: 02/25/02 2 PAGES ‘Anchorage Dally News 1001 Northway Drive Anchorege, Alaska 99508 ATTENTION: Ms. Lorene Solivan Legal Classified Subject Public Notice Account # ALASO709 “PUBLIC NOTICE” in the Lega! Clessified section in column format. This notice needs Published for one day: Tuesday, February 26, 2002. After the publication date, please provide an Affidavit of Publication. you have any questions, please do not hesitate to cal! me. Thank you, Bhim Qa ‘Shauna Dean Admin. Assistant Laan rm pl mcegponaptoned rary tenant Herne Deere lhe aan dered Attachment BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE List of Representatives Representative Steve Haagenson Chairman Dave Calvert Vice Chairman Eugene N. Bjornstad Norman L. Story Stan Sieczkowski Secretary/Treasurer Michael Scott Wayne D. Carmony re Ronald L. Saxton Legal Counsel Effective Date: 09/22/97 Revised Date: 02/27/02 Alternate Don Stead Bob Day Don Zoerb h/all/sdean/bradley lake pmc meeting/members listing.doc Utility Golden Valley Electric Association P.O. Box 71249 (758 Illinois) Fairbanks, Alaska 99707 Phone: 452-1151 Fax: 458-5951 City of Seward P.O. Box 167 234 Fourth Avenue Seward, Alaska 99664 Phone: 224-4071 Fax: 224-4085 Chugach Electric Association 5601 Minnesota Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99518 Phone: 563-7494 Fax: 562-6994 Homer Electric Association 3977 Lake Street Homer, Alaska 99603 Phone: 235-8167 Fax: 235-3323 AIDEA/AEA 813 W. Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503-2495 Phone: 269-3000 Fax: 269-3044 Municipal Light & Power 1200 E. First Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Phone: 279-7671 Fax: 263-5204 Matanuska Electric Association P.O. Box 2929 (163 Industrial Way) Palmer, Alaska 99645-2929 Phone: 689-9211 Fax: 689-9368 AterWynne 222 S.W. Columbia, Suite 1800 Portland, Oregon 97201-6618 Ph: (503) 226-1191 Fax: 226-0079 BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE List of Representatives Representative Alternate Steve Haagenson Chaipman . Re pairs 2 “76 Dave\Calvert NE ‘ia ° Vice Qhairman ) Eugene \\ Bjornstad —? Cgnsul-tards Peper i \ 7 ao cond iG Stan Siegzkowski @ ab Zo host Secreta reasurer ? Bu ales mec Wayne armony mao Ronald L. Saxton Legal Counsel Effective Date: 09/22/97 Revised Date: 11/07/01 h/all/sdean/bradley lake pme meeting/members listing.doc Utility Golden Valley Electric Association P.O. Box 71249 (758 Illinois) Fairbanks, Alaska 99707 5 Phone: 452-1151 Fax: 458-5951 40 u > - City of Seward A, 6 P-O Box AGF BunandoAcart 5s) all Seward, Alaska 99664 Phone: 224-4071 Fax: 224-4085 Chugach Electric Association 5601 Minnesota Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99518 Phone: 563-7494 Fax: 562-6994 Homer Electric Association 3977 Lake Street Homer, Alaska 99603 Phone: 235-8167 Fax: 235-3323 AIDEA/AEA 813 W. Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503-2495 Phone: 269-3000 Fax: 269-3044 Municipal Light & Power 1200 E. First Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Phone: 279-7671 Fax: 263-5204 Matanuska Electric Association P.O. Box 2929 (163 Industrial Way) ///, ry Palmer, Alaska 99645-2929 Phone: 689-9211 Fax: 689-9368 Ater Wynne Hewitt Dodson Skerritt 222 S.W. Columbia, Suite 1800 Portland, Oregon 97201-6618 Ph: (503) 226-1191 Fax: 226-0079 6 13 20 21 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 8 9 10 SM 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 31 FEBRUARY 18 19 20 21 22 23 @5) 26 27 BH 29 30 APRIL M TWTFS 12° 3 5 6 8 9 2 13 15 16 19 20 22 23 24 25 B@ 27 29 30 6 7 1 B 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 @) BY 29 30°31 JUNE M TWTFS 1 3.4 5678 10 11 fH 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 BB 27 28 29 2002 State Calendar State Holidays: January 1 New Year’s Day 21 Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday February 18 Presidents’ Day March 25 Seward’s Day May 27 Memorial Day July 4 Independence Day September 2 Labor Day October 18 Alaska Day November 11 Veterans’ Day © 28 Thanksgiving Day December 25 Christmas Day Hl Warrant Distribution () Holiday Maintained by DOA-IT Division of Administrative Services Department of Administration http://www.state.ak.us/admin/ JULY SM T WTF S§ 1 2 3 56 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BB 27 28 29 30 31 AUGUST SM T WT 1 4 5 678 11 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 BH 28 29 30 31 SEPTEMBER S M T WTF §S 1 @3 4567 8 9 10 ff 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BB 27 28 29 30 OCTOBER SM T WTF S 123 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17(08)19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 BB 30 31 NOVEMBER “S$ M TWiT 3.4 5 67 10 (@i) 12 fH 14 15 1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 fs) 29 30 DECEMBER SM T WTF S§ 1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 M12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 @5) 26 i 28 29 30 31 FS 1-2 8229) 5 16