HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley Lake PMC Meeting March 25,1997 1ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT > 4 AND EXPORT AUTHORITY f= ALASKA @@—™ ENERGY AUT! HORITY 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907 / 269-3000 FAX 907 / 269-3044 BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, March 25, 1997 - 10:00 a.m. Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Commission Room - 1200 East 1st Avenue 4), CALL TO ORDER i Stahr 2. ROLLCALL L~ 3. PUBLIC COMMENT rt 40) 4. AGENDACOMMENTS -~ Che” 5. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES - Heel 1997 Val 6. BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT _// A. _ FY98 Budget Proposal and Approval ~~ Pease” 7. OPERATION AND DISPATCH SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Sieczkowski Wel Voted (00,00? to FY00,0@ sre nocae 8. OLD BUSINESS A. Spinning Reserves Kinde | Lovas B. Reimbursement for Transfer Trip Scheme ue Story/McCrohan i for HEA/CEA Late Invoices * O tho > C. Bradley Governor Stability Funding | i McCrohan j NEW BUSINESS Care 8 Frvk Raveden DVKAA A. Bond Refunding »% McCrohan ~ 40. COMMITTEE COMMENTS “ A. Next Meeting Date 4 Stahr ti: ADJOURNMENT vu wv Brie Nickey Ge pe Whead Evks ‘tee a ot Dew Ste od oh: Ne ee 7 7 oe PO BAK THD Crh 13, 21D 690 _ Ee eee So Ph cbbeeerbiast ce nial + Fash ithe, Fh 2D | - Died IP Conner E Rennel stone — Moreh “THe diel sen werk dalee, Mord ich aye hy [eg 1# ie clas Cleo pe porred Lawn Aad F fees pk Ae Wok AO™ — pho hire AEA sana aa. Ayte. a Aehfieh tpt. (2) » 6 ODb1)s. ped 3 Sree 4 foo, ee Red fe pent 2h Sparse aed 9 f- Bate pe x ¢, oa 3 ee ae 2 Ee oF Hi ea) aE La ctl se Oe an. poy ee ee =. Dy = Cored Combes LA phat be-mabped A phe £ BAC vill Apo HHH. Conrh LA needle So. be Aanevdadd tan PL. rf. Ss Mes Bais Hee Gee en oe 500, 008 uh to aysand) es lee DED~ Motins Veloed ay slg f Bases, bid csih hg nie ppc AEA will he ch ps as! : [sitesi thei meets oa rc — bee to eg ee i zi ; er Bol Evers — rote to Bet 2 | Cavan, Coan ae = HAT ete st Meh My pL MTPLT ay Ta xO aol Se a BD doe bai ioe wasted erie ee ; aE by Mile Vell, wr, wo = PREPARED BY DATE Suond Mea Chogede évEA LEP 4 * 7 . “iM y tui A : ; ‘ 17 Bi (0,000 tn. FYI2 huge 18 1, " , / ( y i / 3 7 | $835 C00 : “CEA dispatele PREPARED BY DATE fi PROJECT ACTION NUTES ab ead Gav. € jel op pale i L 1076.4 osaed KFG- Lbaptrait let | ae are eerie capil i in 3 Patong tdegeclitas Mary 250 nik bttrndes ODay ar Gul GE be inact ceitleccs PROJECT PLANNING NOTES /0&® ay Ef 1.Lo. +. =] [- ai} PROJECT ACTION NOTES \\ PROJECT PLANNING NOTES i . : Chain delat m wok We : Oa ~ daa fe = pet tnt aod 3 all WU pete OS 100K A 2 ® dow - 1 # 00 CFS Wien de abe talid ott x { PREPARED LY cr DaTE 2 PACE NU. (// PRUJECT ACTION NOTES PROJECT PLANNING NOTES et 4 My ; 35 bln B= bids # hug. mitin tr £5004 wre vasshta 4 7 ; ) : vy & . _ . PREPARED BY | a PAGE DaTE NO. % ai 7 Proje CT ACTION NOTES ik PROJECT PLANNING NOTES PREPARED BY PAGE DATE NO. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 54 PROJECT PLANNING NOTES Bradley Lake PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Macol 2&5, 1997 (Date) AML +? (Location) PLEASE SIGN IN No. NAME REPRESENTING um ber sa Deaw AEA | Dawis Me Cohan i 4 S |. i at KIEL: MM ; 7 a YL John S Coo en Chugach \ ( MLA fp STEYEN /f/AME Ise GVEA wl Dave CaaverRr cos wl Vin Aber Meér, W| Gere Byerns7aet Chugech 21 A ell | GvEer Bad Eoans Gveq Lu BoB AuFMAN AEGHT wt Dow os ( HEA wlZam Ae MOF mx+pP AEA : Ayan ae] Dove Groff) CoH oT Bian Hicken) CHAGA CH. Aioea |e |Broade Fire ex tel ~ tT wn whol 92Q2\IT9884 Miyo Ueno Tter~ & A. Many A pe ~ Dee? Bradley Lake Budget Subcommittee notes: The Bradley Lake Budget Subcommittee met by teleconference on March 5, 1997 to finalize the FY98 Budget. The budget was approved unanimously and the subcommittee recommends that the PMC formally adopt the attached FY98 budget to meet the trustee ’ requirement of receipt of an approved budget by April 1, 1997. The attached documents reflect the FY 98 budget for Bradley lake, the monthly utility contributions, a summary of the operations and maintenance budget and detailed FERC account information on the O&M portion of the budget. PMC action will approve the following: Debt Service $13,389,435 O&M budget $ 2,087,200 Renewals and Replacements $ 25,000 Total FY °98 $15,501,635 The FY98 contributions will total $13,210,680 and are broken out by Utility on page 2 of the budget report. Additionally it has come to the attention of the subcommittee that the opportunity exists for the refinancing of a portion of the Bradley Lake First Series Bonds. This refinancing would yield approximately 5% to 6.6% present value savings, which translates to $3 to $4 million in present value terms. It is the recommendation of the budget subcommittee that the PMC approve a motion to have the Authority take the necessary steps to be ready to access the market should interest rates remain favorable. - ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT REVENUES, EXPENSES & CHANGES IN SURPLUS REVENUES UTILITY CONTRIBUTIONS INTEREST INCOME FROM OPERATING RESERVE AEA SETTLEMENT PRIOR YEAR CORRECTIONS TRANSFER FROM ARBITRAGE EXPENSES OPERATIONS RENEWALS/REPLACEMENTS DEBT SERVICE RENEWALS/REPLACEMENTS, CURRENT YEAR SURPLUS (DEFICIT) BEGINNING SURPLUS ENDING SURPLUS BALANCE SHEET ASSETS REVENUE FUND OPERATING FUND LIABILITIES & SURPLUS UABILITIES SURPLUS FY94 ACTUALS FYS5 ACTUALS DATE: 03/06/97 TIME: 08:36 AM TO: Mary Ann Pease & 9-263-5888 FY96 ACTUALS 13,919,892 1,878,861 90,000 15,888,753 2,292,875 13,388,240 15,681,115 207,638 1,019,163 1,226,801 486,443 1,516,838 et 776,480 1,226,801 2,003,281 13,919,892 1,923,471 250,000 1,756 16,095,119 2,125,894 13,391,285 15,517,179 577,940 1,226,801 1,804,741 481,305 2,004,613 295,918 681,177 1,804,741 2,485,918 13,054,836 1,924,479 25.465 15,004,780 2,253,690 13,390,725 15,644,415 (639,635) 1,804,741 1,165,106 960,604 660,152 395,650 1,165,106 1,560,756 1,620,756 FY97 BUDGET 12,984,178 1,841,500 14,825,678 2,394,154 13,390,560 15,784,714 (959,036) 1,059,036 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 PAGE: 002-007 FY97 REVISED FORECAST 12,984,178} 13,210,680 1,893,000 1,799,998 14,877,178 | 15,010,678 2,060,767 2,087,200 25,000 13,390,560 | 13,389,435 15,451,327 J 15,501,635 (574,149)] (490,957) 1,165,106 590,957 coe 183,998 100,000 406,959 590,957 | 700,000, 590,957 100,000 500,967 | 100,000 | OTHER INFORMATION OPERATING RESERVE MONTHLY CONTRIBUTIONS i 535,000 1,159,991 1,159,991 535,000 1,087,903 Page 1 of 6 535,000 1,082,015 535,000 CO 535,000 1,082,015 1,100,890 3/6/97/8:28 AM, 98 Bradley Budget DATE: 03/06/97 TIME: 06:36 AM TO: Mary Ann Pease # 9-263-5888 PAGE: 003-007 BRADLEY LAKE FY98 BUDGET MONTHLY UTILITY CONTRIBUTION PERCENT FY96 FY97 FY98 Fyos8 POWER PURCHASER SHARE TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL INCREASE CHUGACH ELECTRIC 30.4% 3,968,670 3,947,190 4,016,052 68,862 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORA 25.9% 3,381,203 3,362,902 3,421,560 58,658 AEG&T 25.8% 3,368,148 3,349,918 3,408,360 58,442 GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC 16.9% 2,206,267 2,194,326 2,232,600 38,274 CITY OF SEWARD 1.0% 130,548 129,842 132,108 2,266 100.0% 13,054,836 12,984,178] 13,210,680 PERCENT FY96 FY97 FY98 FY98 POWER PURCHASER SHARE MONTHLY MONTHLY MONTHLY 2,087,200 CHUGACH ELECTRIC 30.4% 330,723 328,933 334,671 5,738 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORA 25.9% 281,767 280,242 285,130 4,888 AEG&T 25.8% 280,679 279,160 284,030 4,870 GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC 16.9% 183,856 182,861 186,050 3,189 CITY OF SEWARD 1.0% 10,879 10,820 11,009 189 1,100,890 1,087,904 1,082,016 COMPONENTS OF INCREASE IN CONTRIBUTIONS FY97 ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION 12,984,178 DECREASE IN BUDGETED INTEREST EARNINGS 41,502 —~ DECREASE IN BUDGETED O&M COSTS (306,954) / INCREASE IN BUDGEDTED RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENTS 25,000 ~ DECREASE IN DEBT SERVICE (1,125) DECREASE IN BUDGETED USE OF PRIOR YEAR SURPLUS / 468,073,“ FY98 ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION 13,210,680 (“SS tS Page 2 of 6 3/6/97/8:28 AM, 98 Bradley Budget DATE: 03/06/97 TIME: 08:36 AM TO: Mary Ann Pease @ 9-263-5868 BRADLEY LAKE OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE FY98 BUDGET SUMMARY HEA O&M Contract Total CEA Dispatch and Substation/SVC Maintenance Other O&M Insurance Costs Regulatory Costs Administrative Costs FY96 FY97 ACTUALS PROJECTED PROJECTED 796,034 693,100 212,060 85,000 413,997 453,492 323,605 318,396 142,747 197,400 1,888,443 1,747,388 365,248 313,379 2,253,691 2,060,767 Page 3 of 6 PAGE: 004-007 CHANGE FY98 FROM BUDGET PROPOSAL 142,500 835,600 “ 835,600 (47,500) 37,500 . 37,500 9,408 462,900 11,904 329,700 (42,900) 154,500 72,812 1,820,200 (46,379) 267,000 26433 2,087,200 JY 3/6/97/8:28 AM, 98 Bradley Budget DATE: 03/06/97 TIME: 08:36 AM TO: Mary Ann Pease ¢ 9-263-5868 BRADLEY LAKE OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE FYs8 BUDGET CHANGE Fys8 FY96 FY97 FROM BUDGET ACTUALS PROJECTED PROJECTED PROPOSAL FERC 535 - Operation Supervision & Engineering HEA O&M Contract 107,658 97,700 22,800 120,500 Other 107,658 97,700 22,800 120,500 FERC 537 - Hydraulic Expenses HEA O&M Contract 12,239 5,900 14,100 20,000 12.239 5,900 14,100 20,000 FERC 538 - Electric Expenses HEA O&M Contract 147,140 152,900 1,200 154,100 147,140 152,900 1,200 154,100 FERC 539 - Misc. Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses HEA O&M Contract 114,919 108,300 40,700 149,000 DIS Voice/Data Circuits - Bradley 95,599 107,400 1,800 109,200 DIS 2-way Radio Circuits - Bradley 29,624 40,800 (1,600) 39,200 Other (15) 240,127 256,500 40,900 297,400 FERC 540 - Rents Bradley Lake FERC land use fees 62,024 55.532 5,468 61,000 62,024 $5,532 5,468 61,000 FERC 542 - Maintenance of Structures HEA O&M Contract 17,606 7,600 7,400 15,000 17,606 7,600 7,400 15,000 FERC 543 - Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways HEA O&M Contract 2,033 200 7,800 8,000 Other '96 / Nuka Diversion Repairs '97 1,350 5,000 5,000 3,383 5.200 2.800 8.000 FERC 544 - Maintenance of Electric Plant HEA O&M Contract 283,734 228,100 32,900 261,000 283.734 228,100 32,900 261,000 FERC 545 - Maintenance of Misc. Hydraulic Plant HEA O&M Contract 95,205 86,700 12,300 99,000 Martin Airstrip Access Rebuild 0 0 0 95.205 86,700 12,300 99,000 FERC 556 - System Control & Load Dispatching HEA O&M Contract 15,500 5,700 3,300 9,000 CEA Dispatch & Softwar 103,157 NOAA Weather Service 5,741 6,000 0 6,000 SCS Snow Measurement 10,931 12,500 0 12,500 UAA Seismic monitoring 50,000 53,000 2,000 55,000 USGS Minimum Flow Study 38,000 38,000 QO 38,000 USGS Streamguaging 120,210 119,260 740 120,000 Northern Ecological Minimum Flow Study 0 0 343,539 234.460 6,040 240,500 i SS PAGE: 005-007 Page 4 of 6 3/6/97/8:28 AM, 98 Bradiey Budget DATE: 03/06/97 TIME: 08:36 AM TO: Mary Ann Pease ¢ 9-263-5688 PAGE: 006-007 BRADLEY LAKE OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE FYs8 BUDGET CHANGE Fyss FY96 FY97 FROM BUDGET ACTUALS PROJECTED PROJECTED PROPOSAL FERC 562 - Station Expenses CEA SVC/Substation Maintenance Contract 108,903 85,000 47,500) 37,500 108,903 85,000 47,500) 37,500 FERC 571 - Maintenance of Overhead Lines HEA Overhead Line Maintenance 533 16,000 6,000 22,000 533 16,000 6,000 22,000 FERC 920 - Administrative Expense AEA Admin Fee 275,000 212,079 (12,079) 200,000 Workers’ comp refund (24,600) AEA Administrative Costs 250,400 212,079 (12,079) 200,000 PMC Costs Bradley Lake Audit fees 22,602 15,000 0 15,000 Bradley Lake PMC Legal 65,470 62,500 (32,500) 30,000 Bradley Lake Arbitrage Report 3,000 1,800 200 2,000 Budget, recording, courier 5,464 0 Bradley Lake Trustee fees 18,312 22,000 (2,000) 20,000 PMC Costs 114,848 101,300 (34,300) 67,000 TOTAL FERC 920 365,248 313,379 (46,379) 267,000 FERC 924 - Property Insurance Bradley Lake PMC Insurance 7,808 7,800 700 8,500 Insurance Premiums 267,594 260,296 6,704 267,000 Homer Electric Insurance 29,112 31,100 3,900 35,000 RSA with Risk Management 19,091 19,200 oO 19,200 323,605 318,396 11,304 329,700 FERC 928 - Regulatory Commission Expenses FERC administrative fees 116,029 120,000 6,000 126,000 Contractual Engineer - Bradley FERC Licensing 27,098 28,500 0 28,500 Reimbursement from Const. Fund (airstrip, waterf (7,163) Contractual Engineer - Perform 5 year Inspection 6,783 28,900 (28,900) 0 Contractual Engineer - inspection follow-up 20,000 ‘20,000 0 142.747 197,400 ‘42,900 154,500 TOTAL BRADLEY LAKE BUDGET 2 691 2,060,767 26433 2,087,200 Page 5 of 6 3/6/97/8:28 AM, 98 Bradley Budget BRADLEY LAKE BUDGET ACTIVITY BY ACCOUNT Rev Fund O&M Fund Debt Fund Op Reserve Sch Maint R&C Cap Reserve Total Lae ees Balance 6/30/96 900,604 660,152 2 535,000 : 7,087,209 13,392,890 22,575,856 I LS ET FY97 Projection - Revenues 12,984,178 12,984,178 Interest 1,893,000 - 22,000 1,915,000 Transfers to O&M (2,203,224) 2,203,224 : Transfers to Debt Service —_ (13,390,560) 13,390,560 5 96 O&M Requisitions (395,650) (395,650) 97 O&M Reauisitions (2,060,767) (2,060,767) Debt Payment 1/1/97 (6,110,280) (5,110,280) Debt Payment 7/1/97 (8,280,280) (8,280,280) Projected Balance 6/30/97 183,998 406,959 2 535,000 - 7,109,209 13,392,890 21,628,057 FY98 Budget - Revenues 13,210,680 13,210,680 Interest 1,799,998 - 1,799,998 Transfers to O&M (1,705,241) 1,705,241 fe Transfers to Debt Service = (13,389,435) 13,389,435 98 O&M Requisitions (2,087,200) (2,087,200) 98 Renewals/Replacements (25,000) (25,000) Debt Payment 1/1/98 (6,004,718) (5,004,718) Debt Payment 7/1/98 (8,384,718) (8,384,718) Projected Balance 6/30/98 5% of Annual O&M Budget 26% of Annual O&M Budget Page 6 of 6 3/6/97/8:28 AM, 98 Bradley Budget 888S-£97-6 #2 Osweg UUy AZPH ‘OL WY 9:80 :SHIL 16/90/E€0 ‘alva L00-L00 ‘39vd 03/24/97 07:49 9073434370 MOA INT. AUDIT @oo1 Mow, nae Pease Aubih Horde Post-It™ brand fax transmiltal memo 7671 | # of pages > WORKING DRAFT Not Intended for Reproduction, Attribution or Distribution Internal Audit Report 97-xx Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Alaska Energy Authority Charges Municipal Light and Power Introduction. We were requested by Municipal Light & Power (ML&P) and the Bradley Lake Project Management Committcc to perform an audit of charges to the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project (Project) by the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) formerly known as the Alaska Power Authority (APA). According to APA’s Management Plan released in 1984, APA chosc to take a different approach to managing the Bradley Lake Project than it had for previous projects. This approach required providing more staff to manage and oversee the Project tor increased control over costs and increased coordination of scheduling tasks for the successful and timely completion of the Project. Scape. The objective of our audit was to determine whether costs charged to the Project by APA/AEA were within the scope of the Project. Specifically: 1. We reviewed the procedures used by APA/AEA to process Project expenditures. AEACOST1.WPD, March 20, 1997 (1:04pm) 03/24/97 Internal Audit 97-xx 07:49 9073434370 MOA INT. AUDIT aes ae i renitoae Lheiact WORKING DRAFT Alaska Energy Authority Charges . Municipal Light and Power Not Intended for Reproduction, March xx, 1997 Attribution or Distribution 2. We reviewed the list of contracts charged to the Project by APA/AEA to determine whether they were within the scope of the Project. . We sclectively reviewed the description and amount of expenditures charged to the Project by APA/AEA through June 30, 1996 for reasonableness and applicability to the Project. . We totaled APA/AEA’s charges by fiscal year and budget category to assist us in our analysis. Summary of Findings. Based on our limited tests and selective review of records, we found no instances where the costs charged to the Project by APA/AEA were outside the scope of the Project. Charges to the Project by APA/AEA were generally processed through the State of Alaska Statewide Accounting System. Costs were then reimbursed to APA/AEA by the Trustee from the Construction Fund after certification that the costs were proper. As of June 30, 1996, a total of $17,939,474 was charged by APA/AEA to the Project. This was 5.5% of total Project costs and approximately 20% of APA/AEA's agency costs during this period. The charges consisted of the following: Operating Costs: executive office, accounting and administration, Bradley Lake Project, operations and engineering, and program development (see Attachment A for a schedulc of costs by year). $12,389,467 Services Costs: consulting, legal serviccs, risk management, land rights, Automated Maintenance Management System, financial and economic analysis, insurance, auditing, AEACOSTI.WPD, March 20, 1997 (1:05pm) “Ze Qoo2 03/24/97 07:50 99073434370 MOA INT. AUDIT Qoo3 Internal Audit 97-xx Bradicy Lake Hydroclectric Project aie eee WORKING DRAFT Municipal Light and Power Not Intended for Reproduction, March xx, 1997 Attribution or Distribution bond counsel, Project Management Committee, turbine and governor tests, stream gauging and other. $2,208,953 Miscellaneous Contract: Bradley Lake Board of Consultants, Disputes Review Board, hydraulic data collection, legal services, seismic monitoring, stream gauging, various animal habitat studies and other. $3,341,054 Discussion With Responsible Officials. The results of this audit were discussed with responsible officials on March xx, 1997. Audit Staff: Amy McCollum AEACOST1.WPD, March 20, 1997 (1:04pm) -3- Operating Costs Charged To Bradley Lake Project By APA/AEA Personal Travel Contractual | Supplies & [Equipment &j Interest Paid] Sale of Bid TOTAL Services sera Machinery on Retention} Packages 8,659 2,223 4,500 $14,775 1,052 4,303 77,684 12,232 10,932 43,825 4,408 | 4,730 6,988 52,900 $27,683 “$191,371 201,270 20,590 14,5641 4,655 $243,394 646,201 48,392 ~ 133,532 24,290! $862, 163 744,122| 53,307 955,932| 70,992 2] 265,497 ~ at 211,528 9,463 14,509 2,315 al : 12,831 | 12,457] (17,625) $1,031,251 ~ $1,387,905 1,172,487 113,581 317,447 22,351) 110,556] (36,960) $1,699,462 1,037,883 139,584 1,242,974| 165,134) 264,536) i 4. — —_ 1,427,715 72,670 152,785 3,128 + 28,450 148 3,053 0 457,281! 46,537] 203,227 304,511 56,523 | 3,238 6,058 35,509 | LIS 36,726 48,212 67,526 46,641 | ; 22,612 2,973 | 208,770 ant | 2,405 =e 81,673), 98,785 (66,682 125,734 0 0 $1,414,547 $1,825,880 $2,635,829 $749,070 $333,784 $34,656 $40,967| $752,821 ~ $1,880,943 c:\officewabbinreports\reports\AEAATTCA.WK4 ~ $239,442 ~ $550,468 $753,059 ATTACHMENT A 26/F2/C0 ' 7 0S:L0 OLcrercLo6s LIGnv “INI VOK r00B . ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT =”, AND EXPORT AUTHORITY {= ALASKA im =ENERGY AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907 / 269-3000 FAX 907 / 269-3044 March 25, 1997 6D) Mr. Thomas R. Stahr, Chairman Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Anchorage Municipal Light and Power 1200 E. First Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SUBJECT: Construction Fund Residual Balance Bradley Lake Project Dear Mr. Stahr: Attached is a letter from Mr. Ken Vassar of Wohlforth, Argetsinger, Johnson, and Brecht concerning disposition of any Bradley residual construction funds. This issue was raised in the January 24, 1997, PMC meeting where AEA was requested to transfer $350,524 (an estimate of the residual Utility contribution to the Construction Fund balance) plus interest to the PMC. The purpose of the letter from Mr. Vassar is to provide a legal opinion on an acceptable method for distribution of the Construction Fund balance. | have provided a copy of this letter to Mr. Ron Saxton. We suggest that Mr. Saxton and Mr. Vassar discuss this matter. A final construction completion list including contingency was previously approved by the PMC. At the March 25, 1997, PMC meeting we will be prepared to address the Transfer Trip Scheme invoices and the Bradley Governor Stability supply study as potential additions to the construction completion list. This will require an amended construction completion list to be agreed and reduce the balance of construction funds. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, PUM GAA Dennis V. McCrohan, P.E. Deputy Director - Energy Attachment ce: Ken Vassar, Esq. Keith Laufer, Esq. Valorie Walker, Deputy Director - Finance Randy Simmons, Executive Director Ron Saxton/Ater Wynne EON WOHLFORTH, ARGETSINGER, JOHNSON & BRECHT A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION JULIUS J. BRECHT TELEPHONE CHERYL RAWLS BROOKING (907) 276-6401 CYNTHIA L. CARTLEDGE BARBARA J. DREYER ATTORNEYS ATLAW FACSIMILE ROBERT M. JOHNSON (907) 276-5093 BRADLEY E. MEYEN 900 WEST 5TH AVENUE, SUITE 600 KENNETH E. VASSAR E-MAIL ERIC E. WOHLFORTH ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501-2048 wajb@alaska.net OF COUNSEL PETER ARGETSINGER March 24, 1997 Dennis McCrohan Alaska Energy Authority 480 West Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 RE: Bradley Lake Construction Fund Residual Balance Our File No. 5379.0801 Dear Mr. McCrohan: You have asked that | prepare this letter for distribution to the members of the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee (the "PMC") regarding options for distribution of the remaining amounts in the Bradley Lake Construction Fund. As you know, | have previously written to Elaine McCambridge (letter dated August 5, 1996) on this subject, and this letter will reiterate the option mentioned previously in the letter to Ms. McCambridge. It is my understanding that the PMC and AEA have agreed on the construction completion list and an adequate budget, including contingency to complete the work. | understand that the PMC believes the residual amount in the Construction Fund should be used to redeem or purchase outstanding bonds that have been issued by the Alaska Energy Authority to finance the construction of the Bradley Lake project. However, the relevant provisions of the bond resolution clearly do not permit that use. While we cannot use the amount in the Construction Fund to pay principal of the bonds, the bond resolution does permit this amount to be used to pay interest on the bonds under certain circumstances. The resolution includes the following as a permissible "Cost of Acquisition and Construction" which may be paid from the Construction Fund: Interest accruing in whole or in part on Bonds prior to and during construction and for such additional period as the Authority may reasonably determine to be necessary for the placing of the Project . . . or any Dennis McCrohan March 24, 1997 Page 2 facility thereof in operation in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution. Thus, under this provision, if the Authority reasonably determines that it is necessary to do so for the placing of the Project in operation in accordance with the provisions of the bond resolution, the Authority could reach an agreement with the PMC that a portion of the remaining amount in the Construction Fund would be used to pay interest accruing on the outstanding bonds. If this money is so used, it would reduce the payment obligation of the utilities under the power sales agreement. Concurrently a payment will be remitted to the State for the residual balance. If the money in the Construction Fund is not used for this or another purpose authorized under the resolution, then the resolution requires that it be delivered to the State. | hope this has addressed your question. Please let me know if you would like further assistance. Sincerely, WOHLFORTH, ARGETSINGER, JOHNSON & BRE Kenneth E. Vassar cc: D. Randy Simmons Executive Director Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority Keith Laufer, Esq. Assistant Attorney General Attorney General's Office State of Alaska AFFO5683/5379.0801 ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT : > ¢ AND EXPORT AUTHORITY a> ALASKA @@— ENERGY AUTHORITY —_— 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907 / 269-3000 FAX 907 / 269-3044 March 14, 1997 Mr. Thomas Stahr Chairman Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Anchorage Municipal Light & Power 1200 E. First Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Stahr: The purpose of this letter is to pass along some information regarding a financial opportunity which may be of interest to members of the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee (“PMC”). Market interest rates are significantly lower today than they were when funding of the Bradley Lake First and Second Series Bonds (the “Bonds”) was completed. This, in combination with the ability included in the original financing documents to call the Bonds, creates an opportunity whereby the Alaska Energy Authority (“AEA”) could refund the Bonds and reduce debt service costs. As you know, “private activity bonds” such as the Bonds cannot be advance refunded. Instead, the most common technique is a “forward refunding” in which a buyer commits today to buy a series of current refunding bonds on the first legal date (basically 90 days before the first call date) at a yield level fixed today. Goldman, Sachs & Co., has for some time been monitoring the potential for such a forward refunding transaction. Their current analysis (see enclosed summary memorandum dated February 18, 1997) shows that savings levels associated with refinancing portions of the Bradley Lake First Series Bonds would yield approximately 5.0% to 6.6% present value savings as a percentage of refunded bonds. This would translate to $3.0 to $3.9 million dollars in present value terms. Since most issuers of tax exempt debt establish a savings target level of approximately 4% to 5%, the potential Bradley Lake forward refunding on February 18” was at a savings level which would make it worthwhile to pursue. The market has been quite volatile and many forecasters are concerned about rising rates; meanwhile with no transaction documents prepared we could not now access the market. If you are interested in having the Authority further investigate the potential of Mr. Thomas Stahr March 14, 1997 Page Two this transaction, the next step would be for us to explore the actual steps and work required to execute such a transaction. Essentially, the idea would be to figure out exactly what needs to be done and outline a plan for determining when and if a transaction should occur. Although the Authority is the issuer of the Bradley Bonds, the participating utilities are responsible for meeting debt service payments. The PMC will reap any benefits from the lowering of rates on the Bradley Bonds via a refunding. We are providing you with the enclosed information to determine the PMC’s interest in having the Authority proceed. The Authority is willing to explore, on your behalf, the forward refunding transaction if the PMC pays for the out-of-pocket costs, through a budget amendment, incurred on its behalf. The Authority will consider committing to such a financing that would result in reduced future payments to the participating utilities, assuming that any legal obstacles can be overcome and that details can be worked out between the Authority and the PMC, and provided that the Authority is not adverse'y affected in any way. Additionally, prior to proceeding in this vein, there are several open items that must be resolved between the Authority and the PMC, among which is the appropriate amount of outstanding bonds. If you have any questions, please contact either myself or Valorie Walker at (907) 269-3000. If you have questions you would like Goldman, Sachs to address directly, you may call either Jeff Brown or Paul Bloom at (415) 393-7765, but | would appreciate your keeping AIDEA/AEA staff informed of the substance of such discussions. We look forward to working with you on this. [ D. Randy Simmons Executive Director Sincerely, DRS bjf hiallibjfifinance\vfwibpmce bonds cc: Valorie F. Walker, Deputy Director - Development Dennis McCrotian, Deputy Director - Energy Mary Anne Pease, ML&P (w/attachmenit) BEES 2 LMCI Se Ee a eT Memorandum Date: February 18,1997 To: Randy Simmons Valorie Walker Keith Laufer From: Jeff Brown Paul Bloom Subject: Refunding Analysis of Bradiey Lake First and Second Series Bonds As we discussed on the phone with Valorie the other day, please find attached a refunding analysis of the Bradley Lake Bonds which reflects market conditions on Tuesday, February 18, 1997. As you know, these Bonds cannot be refunded using a traditional approach (current or advance refunding). However, they are worth watching as the current call date for the First Series is only two years away, and there are a number of techniques available for refunding bonds in advance of the call date when a traditional advance refunding is not an option. Two of the most straightforward are a Municipal Forward and a Forward Swap or “Hedge Swap”. Enclosed is our analysis applying each of these two approaches to the Bradley Lake Bonds. Both techniques achieve essentially the same end, that is locking in a rate today which will effectively be used to currently call the bonds on the call dates of July 1, 1999 for the First Series and July 1, 2000 for the Second Series. A Municipal Forward can be thought of just like a traditional refunding with a very long period between pricing and closing. You price today and settle the transaction just before the call date. In order to lock ina rate today for bonds that are delivered in the future, you pay investors a “forward premium” which is driven primarily by 1) the length of time between pricing and the call, and 2) the relationship at pricing between short term and long term yields. The longer the forward period, the higher the premium. Our analysis assumes a forward premium over today’s spot rates of roughly 75 basis points on the longest maturity for the First Series Bonds. A Hedge Swap locks in the long-term rate using a forward commitment by AIDEA/AEA to enter into a fixed payor swap at the time the bonds are called. Under such a swap, AIDEA/AEA receives a floating payment and makes a fixed payment based on today’s rates, again plus a forward premium. At the call date, AIDEA/AEA issues variable rate bonds, and the payment is essentially offset by the floating swap payment AIDEA/AEA receives from Goldman Sachs. The proceeds of the floating rate issues are used to call the Bradley Lake Bonds. AIDEA/AEA is left with the fixed payment under the swap contract based on today’s low rates. While all of this sounds rather complicated, there is another alternative under the Hedge Swap approach which gets rid of the swap and the need to issue variable rate bonds. When the call date is reached, rather than executing the swap and issuing variable rate debt, AIDEA/AEA can unwind the swap and simply current refund the Bonds with fixed rate bonds at then current rates. If rates have gone down, AIDEA/AEA pays Goldman Sachs to unwind the swap; however, the new refunding bonds are issued at then current lower rates. If rates have gone up, Goldman Sachs pays AIDEA/AEA to unwind the swap and the new bonds are issued at higher rates. In either case, the unwind receipt in (or payment out), in combination with new bonds issued at July 1, 1999 rates would have an effective cost of funds virtually equal to the fixed payor rate established today in the swap contract. Under this approach, although AIDEA/AEA unwinds the swap before it actually kicks in, by entering into the swap contract you have effectively hedged yourself against rates going up substantially by the time the Bonds become callable (thus the name “Hedge Swap”). When we first showed you refunding analyses of the Bradley Lake Bonds (in 1995 and again in early 1996), all of this was somewhat academic as under e’ther approach the savings levels were well below your target range of 4-5%. However, current savings levels are high enough that we wanted to alert you and begin discussions as to how to get ready to take advantage of this market opportunity should you decide it makes sense. The results are summarized below: Bradley Lake First and Second Series Bonds Refunding Analysis: Market Rates on February 18, 1996 PV $ Savings/PV % Savings (dollar in $1,000s) | Bonds | Forward | Hedge Swap $2,975/5.03% $3,904/6.60% $1,096/2.37% $2,325/5.03% *Hedge swap results are typically better due the lower underlying hedging costs relating to the forward period. As you can see, the First Series results are at a level which are well within a sensible target savings range. In addition, as we get closer to the call date, the forward premium will decrease.We will keep an eye on these bonds and let you know how the results look as market conditions change. Please call with any questions. cc: Ingrassia ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY f= ALASKA @E™ =ENERGY AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907 / 269-3000 FAX 907 / 269-3044 April 7, 1997 Ms. Cindy S. Carl, Owner Executary 626 Cordova, Suite 104 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Cindy: Please provide a summary from the enclosed tape for the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee (BPMC) meeting minutes (send a disc of the minutes too). The next meeting date is: May 20, 1997. If you have any questions, please call me. Sincerely, Y a Shauna M. Dean Enclosures _ Anchorage Daily News. Monday, March 17, 1997. )-% Public Notices 900 (ea ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY/ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOP- MENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY Public Notice Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Notice is hereby given thot the Bradley Lake Project Manage- ment Committee will hold a regular meeting to conduct the affairs of the Committee at the Anchorage Municipal Light & Power offices, 1200 East Ist Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska. This meeting will commence at 10:00 c.m. on Tuesday, March 25, 1997. For additional information, contact Thomas R. |Stahr, Chairman, Anchorage Municipal Light & Power, 1200 East Ist Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska 99501. The State of | Aloska (AIDEA), complies with Title 11 of the Americans with | Disabilities Act of 1990. Disobled | persons requiring special modi- fications to participate should contact AIDEA staff at (907) 269-3000 to make special orrangements. Alaska Energy Authority Proiect Management Committee |Pub.: March 17, 19, 1997