HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley Lake PMC Meeting January 14, 1997 2BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Commission Room Anchorage Municipal Light & Power 1200 East 1st Avenue Anchorage, Alaska Tuesday, January 14, 1997 10:00 a.m. 4. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Tom Stahr called the meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 10:05 a.m. in the Commission Room of Anchorage Municipal Light & Power, 1200 East 1st Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska, to conduct the business of the Committee per the agenda and public notice. 2. ROLL CALL Roll was called by Shauna Dean. The following members were present, and a quorum was established: Tom Stahr, Chairman Municipal Light & Power Eugene Bjornstad, Vice Chairman Chugach Electric Association Dave Calvert City of Seward Norm Story Homer Electric Association Dennis McCrohan Alaska Energy Authority Wayne Carmony Matanuska Electric Association Mike Kelly Golden Valley Electric Association Others Present: Stan Sieczkowski, Alaska Energy Authority Shauna Dean, Alaska Energy Authority John Cooley, Chugach Electric Association Lee Thibert, Chugach Electric Association Brian Hickey, Chugach Electric Association Bradley Lake Project Mana‘ = ent Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 14, 1997 Page 2 of 9 Don Stead, Homer Electric Association Bob Price, Municipal Light & Power Mary Ann Pease, Municipal Light & Power Jim Hall, Matanuska Electric Association Brad Evans, Golden Valley Electric Association Bob Hufman, AEG&T Mike Yerkes, AEG&T Ron Saxton, Ater, Wynne, Hewitt, Dodson & Skerritt Steve Haagenson, Golden Valley Electric Association 3. PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. Hufman introduced Mike Yerkes, Planning Engineer, who was hired by AEG&T and came on board January 8, 1997. There were no other public comments. 4. AGENDA COMMENTS Mr. Bjornstad requested that Item 9.B., Bradley Lake Instability and Control Problems, be added under New Business for discussion and action. Mr. McCrohan asked that Item 9.C., AIDEA/AEA Management Changes, be added under New Business as an informational item. There being no further additions or corrections to the agenda, it was adopted by unanimous consent. 5. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 19, 1996 MOTION: Mr. Bjornstad moved, seconded by Mr. Story, to approve the meeting minutes of November 19, 1996. There being no additions or corrections, a roll call vote was taken, and the minutes were unanimously approved as presented. 6. BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Ms. Pease reported that the Budget Subcommittee had met twice since the last PMC meeting: on December 4, 1996, and on January 13, 1997. Ms. Pease summarized the content of the January 14, 1997, memo contained in the Committee members' packets. She said after lengthy discussion on the disposition and status of Bradley Lake bonds, a motion was made and passed unanimously approving Pete Raiskums to immediately proceed with an audit of the administrative costs incurred by the power administration and to reconcile the debt service schedules with AEA. Referencing Mr. Raiskums’ memo to the Budget Subcommittee, dated January 13, 1997, Ms. Pease stated that an adjustment of $350,524 needed to be made to reflect the actual recoverable construction costs of the project. Ms. Pease noted that Mr. Saxton would distribute copies of a subsequent memo on that issue. Bradley Lake Project Mana: ent Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 14, 1997 Page 3 of 9 Budget Subcommittee recommendations submitted for PMC approval: » That Mr. Raiskums be authorized to perform the preliminary audit of the Bradley Lake Project Funds as of June 30, 1996, in conjunction with Parisena, Stromberg. » That Mr. Saxton’s invoices for legal services, in the amounts of $3,045.82 and $2,739.01, be approved and forwarded to AIDEA for payment. » That Mr. Raiskums be authorized to conduct a feasibility analysis on the ability to perform an audit of AIDEA’s and AEA’s charges to the Bradley Lake Construction Fund. » That Mr. Saxton be directed to issue a memo to the Bradley Lake Managers requesting that the excess debt service payments be remitted back to the participants. Ms. Pease reported that the Subcommittee had reviewed the FY ’98 budget. She said several changes needed to be made by the Subcommittee, and it would be finalized and submitted to the PMC for approval at the February meeting. Ms. Pease said there had been a consensus that the budget for the Bradley Lake Transmission Line Junction to the Soldotna portion of the line needed to be submitted to the Budget Subcommittee for review. She said Mr. Stead would provide that within the next two weeks. Referencing the summary of financial condition as of January 7, 1997, contained in the Subcommittee’s memo, Ms. Pease said the PMC was under budget at this time by approximately $340,000, and at year-end close-out, they would be under by approximately $300,000. With respect to the last recommendation, Mr. Saxton said he had been requested by the Budget Subcommittee to draft a letter to Mr. Randy Simmons requesting that AEA transfer funds to the Bradley PMC in the amount of $350,524. Due to AEA’s failure to make the required adjustment at the date of Commercial Operation, the Utilities had overpaid debt service, principal, and interest in excess of their contractual obligations under the Section 8 (a) (i) limitation. Mr. Saxton noted a typographical error in the last three lines of the first paragraph of the letter. Ms. Pease clarified that the $350,524 did not include interest. Mr. Saxton said interest would have to be calculated and added to that amount for the total amount due the PMC. MOTION: Mr. Bjornstad moved, and it was seconded by Mr. Calvert, that the Budget Subcommittee report and all recommendations be approved. Mr. McCrohan stated that AEA had not had an opportunity to review the request that AEA reimburse the PMC in the amount of $350,524. He noted his no vote for the record at this time. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion passed with one nay. Bradley Lake Project Manai ent Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 14, 1997 Page 4 of 9 f. OPERATION AND DISPATCH SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Sieczkowski reported that the O&D Subcommittee had met the previous day and had discussed the following topics: Homer Electric was making the necessary preparations to have the fish water bypass intake and the diversion facility cleaned out this spring. The lake will be drawn down below elevation 1,065; some water may have to be pumped to bypass the area in order to supply the required fish water releases. Chugach and Homer Electric are scheduling the draw-down rate and energy deliveries to accommodate the work. The governor studies are progressing. Chugach Electric has developed the historical data and is prepared to submit for PMC approval its proposal that the O&D Subcommittee continue the project. The O&D Subcommittee has scheduled a teleconference following the PMC’s action on this item to discuss and schedule the necessary procedures to carry out the work. Mr. Hickey reported that operations are a little anead of schedule for the May 1, 1997, draw-down. He noted that some of the information that had come to light through the historical data on the governor problems had led them to believe that the instability problem was caused by the transition from speed to deflector mode, causing them to be unable to put the units in deflector mode. At the present time, the Kenai turbine is being operated to meet load. He said the turbine would have been operated 24 hours a day regardless; however, at some point in the spring, they would be forced to continue to operate the turbine because they do not have the ability to control frequency on the Kenai without the deflector mode of the Bradley units should the transmission line open. Mr. Stead reported that maintenance on the units is current with one exception: The dam survey had not been performed in 1996 due to a clerical error. He said the 1996 survey was being performed this week, and another survey (1997 survey) would be conducted in August 1997. There were no other maintenance problems. Mr. Sieczkowski reported that the O&D Subcommittee continued its work on the renewal and replacement list, and that information would be presented to the PMC upon completion. MOTION: Mr. Story moved, seconded by Mr. Bjornstad, to accept the report of the O&D Subcommittee. There being no discussion, a roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. There was a consensus of the PMC that Item 8.A. be deferred until Mr. Lovas was in attendance to give the report. Agenda Item 9.A. was taken up next out of order. 9. NEW BUSINESS A. Reimbursement for Transfer Trip Scheme - Mr. Story Mr. Story distributed backup documentation to support the billing request for reimbursement for transfer trip scheme costs dating back to 1991. Referring to HEA's letter to Tom Stahr dated August 28, 1996, Mr. Story provided the history and sequence of events relating to the request. Bradley Lake Project Mana _— ent Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 14, 1997 Page 5 of 9 HEA requested PMC approval for reimbursement to HEA in the total amount of $173,853.28 for the Diamond Ridge to Soldotna and the Soldotna to Quartz Creek transfer trip schemes. Mr. Story also reviewed the HEA and CEA invoices attached to the August 28th letter. He noted that reimbursements in the amount of $35,000 for CEA and $62,000 for HEA for the Soldotna to Quartz Creek scheme had been approved by the BPMC at its August 23rd, 1991 meeting. Mr. Kelly asked if there were any time constraints on the request that would preclude Budget Subcommittee review. Mr. Story said there was not, and he would provide the documentation to the Subcommittee for review. Chair Stahr referred the matter to the Budget Subcommittee for review and recommendation to the PMC. Discussion was heard regarding what percentage of the requested amount would be allocable to construction expense. B. Bradley Lake Instability and Control Problems - Mr. Bjornstad Mr. Bjornstad distributed and explained a motion with attached Action Plan to correct the instability and control problems of the Bradley Lake Project. MOTION: Mr. Bjornstad moved, seconded by Mr. Story, that: (1) The Bradley Lake O&D Subcommittee be authorized to request proposals from consulting engineers to perform Phases I, Il, and Ill of the action plan entitled "Action Plan for Correction of Bradley Lake Project Instability and Control Problems." (2) Funds in an amount not to exceed $145,000 be allocated to Phases |, Il, and Ill of the plan from the remaining Bradley Lake Construction Funds, and that the O&D Subcommittee provide regular interim reports to the BPMC of progress in completing the action plan. (3) That the O&D Subcommittee, after technical evaluation of the proposals, be authorized to award task order contracts in an amount not to exceed $145,000 in the aggregate to consulting firms, based on qualifications and costs, to complete Phases I, Il, and Ill of the action plan, and that final reports be submitted to the BPMC no later than July 31, 1997. (4) And that upon completion of Phases |, Il, and Ill, the O&D Subcommittee will return to the BPMC with findings and a revised action plan detailing the steps required to complete the remaining tasks. Mr. Bjornstad reviewed the action plan with the PMC. Discussion was heard, and it was agreed by unanimous consent that Item II on page 1 of the Action Plan be revised to read: "/i Resolve the instability problem." Bradley Lake Project Mana: ent Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 14, 1997 Page 6 of 9 Further discussion was heard regarding the impact on the Construction Funds. Mr. McCrohan stated that although AEA would support the concept of the study, he would have to register his no vote at this time as AEA would have to review whether usage of the Construction Funds was allowable. He pointed out that there was currently only about $700,000 available in the Construction Fund. Homer Electric Association’s current request for reimbursement of late construction invoices, and the PMC’s request for reimbursement of the $350,000 directly to the PMC for the Utility portion of the Construction Fund Balance would exceed the available funds. He suggested that the $2.3 million set-aside for construction items that had been approved by the PMC about a year ago could be reassessed and reprioritized in order to obtain additional funds for the instability project. Mr. Saxton advised that Mr. McCrohan's no vote would effectively veto the motion because the construction process is under the State's control. He explained that the remedy on the construction items is not a voting right, it is that the State is obligated to pay 50 percent of construction costs. In other words, the BPMC does not have the right to spend construction funds without AEA agreement. Discussion was heard regarding whether the BPMC could approve the engineering phase to proceed at this time, as time was of the essence in correcting the instability and control problems of the project. Mr. Saxton advised that the BPMC would run the risk of having to pay 100 percent of the costs as utility costs instead of the 50 percent as construction costs. Mr. Kelly suggested that the BPMC vote on the motion contingent upon receiving approval from AEA. Mr. Bjornstad said if AEA declined to provide approval, the BPMC could fund the project with O&M funds. Further discussion was heard regarding alternative solutions. The question was called, and a roll call vote was taken. The amended motion passed with one nay. MOTION: Mr. Kelly moved, seconded by Mr. Story, that AEA be requested to make the determination whether the study should be deemed Construction Funds, and further, regardless of AEA's determination, that the study proceed with the understanding that should AEA determine that it is not a construction fund expense, the BPMC will fund the study from FY '97 O&M budget funds. In response to Mr. Calvert, Mr. Kelly said if AEA declined the usage of the Construction Fund, the project would still be pursued. Mr. McCrohan said he would expect to have a decision within a week and a half. He reminded the Committee that there were currently three separate actions requesting reimbursement from the Construction Funds. (These were the HEA billing, the instability study and repairs, and the Utility request for remittance of the Construction Fund balance.) Discussion was heard regarding the funding priority that would be given to the study. To ensure that the record was clear, Mr. Saxton advised that if the BPMC proceeded to fund the project with FY ‘97 budget funds, the BPMC was doing so under protest. They considered this an emergency need, but they would preserve their rights to pursue the matter of funding with AEA. In other words, the BPMC does not concede any legal issues; they have only agreed to advance Bradley Lake Project Mana _— ent Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 14, 1997 Page 7 of 9 funds from the O&M budget so that the project would not be delayed and the work could proceed on an interim basis. MOTION: Mr. Kelly moved to amend his motion to include that should AEA determine that it is not a construction fund expense, the BPMC would fund the study from FY ‘97 O&M budget funds under protest. There being no further discussion, the question was called and a roll call vote was taken. The amended motion passed unanimously. With respect to Agenda Item No. 6, Mr. Calvert asked for clarification of the Committee's earlier action regarding Mr. Saxton's letter to the Bradley Lake managers requesting that the excess debt service payment be remitted back to the participants. Chair Stahr responded that the Board had approved the letter being sent to Mr. Simmons, not that the matter should be referred to the Budget Subcommittee. Mr. Calvert felt that a letter to AEA should also be drafted requesting a refund in the amount of $350,524. MOTION: Mr. Calvert moved to reconsider the motion to accept the report of the Budget Subcommittee. Seconded by Mr. Story. Discussion was heard regarding the form of the motion and Mr. McCrohan's options with respect to the reimbursement matter. There being no further discussion, the question was called on the motion to reconsider, and a roll call vote was taken. The motion passed unanimously. (Item 6 was revisited at this time.) 6. BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT (On Reconsideration) Agenda Item No. 6 was back on the floor for reconsideration at this time with respect to the following Budget Subcommittee recommendation: » That Mr. Saxton be directed to issue a memo to the Bradley Lake managers requesting that the excess debt service payment be remitted back to the participants. MOTION: Mr. Bjornstad moved, seconded by Mr. Kelly, to amend the motion that the Budget Subcommittee's report be accepted by the BPMC with the exclusion of the above-mentioned recommendation to send the memo. Mr. McCrohan said he would still have to vote no as the Committee's meeting notes state that it would be recoverable construction costs. At Chair Stahr’s request, Mr. Saxton advised that this was not a veto-able vote. Bradley Lake Project Mana: ent Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 14, 1997 Page 8 of 9 There being no further discussion, the question was called, and a roll call vote was taken on the motion to amend. The motion passed with one nay. The question was called on the main motion to approve the Budget Subcommittee's report as amended, and a roll call vote was taken. The main motion as amended passed with one nay. 9. NEW BUSINESS (CONTINUED) C. AIDEA/AEA Management Changes - Mr. McCrohan Mr. McCrohan reported that at its December Board meeting, Mr. Randy Simmons, was appointed Executive Director of AIDEA. Mr. McCrohan advised that Mr. Dan Beardsley, who had handled the Authority's insurance matters and contract agreement work with the Bradley group, had resigned from the Authority. However, he would continue working with the Authority on a contract basis for six to nine months and would be available to work on the Bradley matters and would continue to be the focal point for agreements and insurance issues. 8. OLD BUSINESS A. Spinning Reserves Update Mr. Lovas reported that the ASCC Reliability Criteria Committee was continuing its work on the economic evaluation of the 70-percent response to spin requirement. He said they expected to have the initial results on the impact to the Railbelt to the BPMC for review by mid-February. Mr. Lovas said the ASCC/RCC had completed the draft scope of engineering services required to evaluate the specifications, requirements, and method of installation of a demand dynamic system monitor throughout the Railbelt. He added that the monitor would provide verification of unit responsiveness. Mr. Lovas said Mr. Stahr had requested the ASCC and the individual Utilities to do a review of an economic dispatch of a system using a frequency-based reserve policy. The ASCC/RCC had reviewed the request and had some questions regarding the implementation and methodology. Mr. McConnell had agreed to forward the ASCC/RCC's questions to the authors of the policy for clarification on some aspects of the operation of the system model that is used to predict the frequency response impact of various contingencies. Mr. Lovas said once the ASCC/RCC received the feedback, they would consider the matter as a potential alternative during a full session of the ASCC. Mr. Lovas advised that CEA had been requested by Mr. Stahr of ML&P to investigate Siemans, the manufacturer and provider of the new SCADA system being installed, and to look at the availability and applicability of a system model. The ASCC had taken this request under advisement, and no action has yet been taken. Mr. Lovas reported that proposed bylaw changes had been submitted to the NAERC that would impact the various regions' involvement in the Regional Coordination Councils. The suggested revisions to the bylaws included mandatory membership in regional councils and mandatory Bradley Lake Project Mana = ent Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 14, 1997 Page 9 of 9 adoption of and compliance with operating and reliability standards. The suggested revisions had been approved by the NAERC Board. Mr. Lovas said the RCC was tasked with evaluating the approved bylaw changes and reporting back to the ASCC with a recommendation. The RCC had scheduled an all-day meeting on Friday, January 17th, to evaluate the NAERC bylaw changes and the potential impacts to reliability standards and operating criteria in the Railbelt. He said the RCC would prepare a report and provide its recommendations to the ASCC at the March 3rd meeting in Juneau. 10. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS Mr. Saxton advised Ms. Pease that she needed to act on approving the budget prior to April 2, 1997. Chair Stahr advised that a brief RUG meeting would be held before the IPG commenced. There were no other comments. A. Next Meeting Date The next regular meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee was scheduled for Tuesday, March 25, 1997, at 10:00 a.m. in the Commission Room of ML&P. 11. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Mr. Calvert moved, seconded by Mr. Story, to adjourn. There being no objection and no further business of the Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m. BY. a Tom Stahr, Chairman ATTEST: SM C (al Alaska Energy Authority, Secretary ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT = > AND EXPORT AUTHORITY = ALASKA @™ =ENERGY AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907 / 269-3000 FAX 907 / 269-3044 BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, January 14, 1997 - 10:00 a.m. Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Commission Room - 1200 East 1st Avenue 1 CALLTOORDER 1-~ Stahr 2. ROLL CALLL~ 3. PUBLIC COMMENT’ 4. AGENDA COMMENTS “ 5. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES - November 19, 1996 Y 6. BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT ,~~ Pease iy. Sato Ts OPERATION AND DISPATCH SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT 4 Sieczkowski OLD BUSINESS A. Spinning Reserves Update Lovas 9. i BUSINESS A. Reimbursement for Transfer Trip Scheme Story , BAK Tnstab; lity Problens ts OME FTES COMMENTS ” — Cbve B A. Next Meeting Date Stahr 11. ADJOURNMENT h:all\eva\bradley\agenda Agenda Item No. CITY OF SEWARD MATANUSKA ELEC ASSOC CHUGACH ELEC ASSOC HOMER ELEC ASSOC GOLDEN VAL ELEC ASSOC MUNI LIGHT & POWER ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY A=4+ OVER 51% B= AEA CONCUR With A BRADLEY PMC VOTING ore DATE: (- a 01% el a = - 14% (AT a 1 30% D7] Z] 71 1% (TE wae 1% OZ Real A 26% We ae Ww 1A i a D = MAJORITY VOTING METHOD A: Requiring four yeas with 51% of utilities, with no AEA vote: 1) Procedures for scheduling, production and dispatch of project power. 2) Establishment of procedures for use of each purchaser's water allocation (AEA assent required for license requirements). 3) Selection among alternative methods that do not involve AEA for funding required project work. VOTING METHOD B: Requiring 4 yeas with 51% of utilities and AEA concurrence: 1) Arranging operation and maintenance of project. 2) Adoption of budget of annual project costs. VOTE(93Q3/BC5272) 3) Establishment of FY estimated annual payment obligation and schedule of each purchaser. 4) Determination of annual project costs after each FY. 5) Evaluation of necessity for and scheduling of required project work. 6) Determination of appropriate amount of insurance. 7) Adoption of additional minimum funding amounts for renewal and contingency reserve fund above that required by bond resolution. 8) Selection among alternate methods that involve AEA for funding required project work. 9) Adoption or amendment of procedural committee rules (except dispute resolution). 10) Adoption of project maintenance schedules. 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) Determination of rules, procedures and accounts necessary to manage project when no bonds outstanding. Evaluation and approval of optional project work and compensation for such work. Application of insurance claims proceeds not governed by bond resolution. Approval of procedures and any individual utility agreements relating to electric power reserves for project. Approval of consultants. VOTING METHOD C: Unanimous vote by all (including AEA) VOTING METHOD D: Majority vote (including AEA) Election of Officers Agenda Item No. BRADLEY PMC VOTING DATE: Etim‘! lm Ad: Thea O+D Tpad Apap chopacl — Arended Maor YES NO ABS 01% SL | CITY OF SEWARD YL_I ZT MATANUSKA ELEC ASSOC. 14% (ZT ve 71 CHUGACH ELEC ASSOC 30% [7T 1 V1 HOMER ELEC ASSOC 12% tT ZL ZT GOLDEN VAL ELEC ASSOC 17% CL L 71 AE MUNI LIGHT & POWER 26% | ri ml ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Wo 7 v7] A=4+ OVER 51% B= AEA CONCUR With A C = UNANIMOUS D= MAJORITY VOTING METHOD A: Requiring four yeas with 51% of utilities, with no AEA vote: 1) Procedures for scheduling, production and dispatch of project power. 2) Establishment of procedures for use of each purchaser's water allocation (AEA assent required for license requirements). 3) Selection among alternative methods that do not involve AEA for funding required project work. VOTING METHOD B: Requiring 4 yeas with 51% of utilities and AEA concurrence: 1) Arranging operation and maintenance of project. 2) Adoption of budget of annual project costs. VOTE(93Q3/BC5272) 3) Establishment of FY estimated annual payment obligation and schedule of each purchaser. 4) Determination of annual project costs after each FY. 5) Evaluation of necessity for and scheduling of required project work. 6) Determination of appropriate amount of insurance. 7) Adoption of additional minimum funding amounts for renewal and contingency reserve fund above that required by bond resolution. 8) Selection among alternate methods that involve AEA for funding required project work. 9) Adoption or amendment of procedural committee rules (except dispute resolution). 10) Adoption of project maintenance schedules. 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) Determination of rules, procedures and accounts necessary to manage project when no bonds outstanding. Evaluation and approval of optional project work and compensation for such work. Application of insurance claims proceeds not governed by bond resolution. Approval of procedures and any individual utility agreements relating to electric power reserves for project. Approval of consultants. VOTING METHOD C: Unanimous vote by all (including AEA) VOTING METHOD D: Majority vote (including AEA) Election of Officers BRADLEY PMC VOTING Agenda Item No. Vrte FeLovside vote DATE: AS ite aa ABS yo YES fo Aas YES No CITY OF SEWARD 01% ai Al MATANUSKA ELEC ASSOC 14% AT EA wal CHUGACH ELEC ASSOC 30% [71 AL a HOMER ELEC ASSOC 12% aa val GOLDEN VAL ELEC ASSOC 17% Ais it al MUNI LIGHT & POWER 26% all A ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY rales ai | a A=4+ OVER 51% B=AEA CONCUR With A C = UNANIMOUS D = MAJORITY VOTING METHOD A: 3) Establishment of FY estimated annual 11) Requiring four yeas with 51% of utilities, with no AEA vote: 1) Procedures for scheduling, production and dispatch of project power. 2) Establishment of procedures for use of each purchaser's water allocation (AEA assent required for license requirements). 3) Selection among alternative methods that do not involve AEA for funding required project work. VOTING METHOD B: Requiring 4 yeas with 51% of utilities and AEA concurrence: 1) Arranging operation and maintenance of project. 2) Adoption of budget of annual project costs. VOTE(93Q3/BC5272) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) payment obligation and schedule of each purchaser. Determination of annual project costs after each FY. Evaluation of necessity for and scheduling of required project work. Determination of appropriate amount of insurance. Adoption of additional minimum funding amounts for renewal and contingency reserve fund above that required by bond resolution. Selection among alternate methods that involve AEA for funding required project work, Adoption or amendment of procedural committee rules (except dispute resolution). 10) Adoption of project maintenance schedules. 12) 13) 14) 15) Determination of rules, procedures and accounts necessary to manage project when no bonds outstanding. Evaluation and approval of optional project work and compensation for such work. Application of insurance claims proceeds not governed by bond resolution. Approval of procedures and any individual utility agreements relating to electric power reserves for project. Approval of consultants. VOTING METHOD C: Unanimous vote by all (including AEA) VOTING METHOD D: Majority vote (including AEA) Election of Officers Bradley Lake PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING S779 (Date) pee (Location) PLEASE SIGN IN No. NAME REPRESENTING ! Shauna oe Aiea 2 | ews AG Go LEA 3 ade Siecebousde AEA. AU Ee ULL MLS s| Bo® HvEMAN AECLT Ls| Wot Fery LER 1 | Brad! ad Give 3 Hall Meh- 9 Ane Cormon MER 0 | SD Avs eves Sie Sid ul Bob Poicé AIL E P 12 | ” Dos Tae HEA 13 | Yeny Wier CHUGH 16 | “Ten wi he ole AEA I ) , AEA 16 | ) olan Coote, en 17 LEE THIGEGET CHUGH 18 19 20 D1 22 92Q2\IT9884 Peeler MOTION Move to authorize the Bradley Lake O&D Committee to request proposals from consulting engineers to perform phases I, II and III of the attached action plan entitled "Correction of Bradley Lake Project Instability and Control Problems." Funds in an amount not to exceed $145,000 are allocated to these phases of the plan from the remaining Bradley Lake Construction Funds. The O&D Committee will provide regular interim reports to the BPMC of progress in completing this plan. The O&D Committee after technical evaluation of the proposals is authorized to award task order contracts in amounts not exceeding $145,000 in the aggregate to consulting firms based on qualifications and costs to complete phases I, II and III of the action plan. Final reports will be submitted to the BPMC no later than July 31, 1997. Upon completion of phases I, II and III, the Bradley O&D Committee will return to the BPMC with findings and a revised action plan detailing the steps required to complete the remaining tasks. For C son of The Bradley Lake Project Instability and Control Probh Since its initial operation the Bradley Project has participated in numerous system disturbances in which the project has displayed unstable control action. Furthermore, during several system disturbances the project has not responded, in any measurable way, severe underfrequency conditions. The specifics of these events are detailed in the attached Bradley Governor Documentation Report. The following is an action plan to systematically isolate and resolve Bradley Project control problems. I. Analyze all data from the historical instability events and categorize by Mode of Oscillation, Governor Control Mode, and System Configuration.. il. Resolve the geverno instability problem, Without resolution of the Project instability — improvemen a. Obtain or develop an accurate Bradley Governor Model, bench mark the model against both known instability cases and steady state boundary cases. b. Evaluate the effect of speed reference changes and Deflector delay times on the model. C. Verify the ability of these specific problems to create instability in the unit. d. Contract with Woodward to make changes to the Governor to correct the unstable control parameters. e. Recreate the instability conditions and confirm that the unit is no longer unstable. £ Optimize existing Governor control settings, and verify against benchmarked model. III. Resolve the exciter model discrepancies. Fuji model verses standard SCRX model. a. Research PTI and SWEC records for documentation of exciter model. b. Forward documentation to FUJI with request for verification of model. IV VII. VIII. Review coordination of the Power System Stabilizer Settings and the Power Oscillation Damper settings. a. Research and Document PTI’s PSS settings methodology. b. Research and Document ABB’s POD settings methodology CE Verify the POD/PSS Models, bench mark against actual events. Investigate and perform a proof of concept study on each of the following governor control improvements. a. Automatic trip to six needle mode on under frequency. b. Underfrequency trip to Deflector mode with increased bias. c. Over frequency trip to Deflector mode with increased bias. d. Suspension of the 32 second AGC time delay, and increased AGC control Bradley during disturbances both islanded and interconnected. e: External control of Bradley during system disturbances both islanded and interconnected either by the new Joint SCADA system or a local PLC based device. f The ability to change PID control constants based on external system conditions, for example islanding, unit trips, BES/SMES on or off line. Rate of Change underfrequency loadshed for the Kenai. h. SCADA armed underfrequency loadshed, based on actual Kenai Import/Export and Generation status. Implement Viable/ cost effective control improvements. Review the limiting cases of the various operating studies to determine the effect of governor/exciter modifications on prescribed plant limitations. a. Kenai Underfrequency loadshed study, minimum generation levels. b. Kenai Import/Export Limits and Load shedding. Cc Load Acceptance Study. d. Bradley Final Operating Study. Performance test and document the Project January 13, 1997 Randy Simmons Executive Director Alaska Energy Authority Re: _ Bradley Debt Service Dear Randy: in acti Cable Section 8 (a)(i) of the Bradley Tae | Power Sales Agreement (PSA) establishes a ceiling on the utilities obligation for debt service payments: "... an aggregate principal amount up to but not exceeding The Recoverable Construction Cost.". PSA Section 6(b) allowed the Authority to estimate Recoverable Construction Costs and issue bonds based on that estimate, but obligated the Authority to adjust the debt hi charged to the utilities to avoid charging more then the "ceiling" amount: "as soon as \praetieat after the Date of Commercial Operation, the Authority shall adjust (and re-adjust when necessary). Annual project costs reflect actual Recoverable Construction Cost." The Authority did issue bonds based on estimated costs. Based on figures provided to us, it is apparent that the required adjustment was not made at the date of Commercial Operation, or any time since. The result of the Authority's failure to make this adjustment is that the utilities have paid debt service, principal and interest, in excess of their contractural obligation in an amount of $350,524. By this letter we ask that this amount be transferred to the Bradley PMC immediately, and that all the future debt service payments be adjusted to reflect the Section 8(a)(i) limitation. Thank you for your cooperation. Ron Saxton Attorney PMC RS:MAP: bi FINC_GEN\BDS_SAX 01/13/97 16:25 9073434370 MOA INT. AUDIT Mooi Municipality of Anchorage MEMORANDUM DATE: January 13, 1997 TO: Manager, Financial et ~ML&P FROM: Director, Internal Audit ( rae ( ace SUBJECT: Bradley Lake Bond Debt Service We have completed a review of the annual project costs paid by the participating Utilities for the Bradley Lake Bond debt service to determine whether any required adjustments have been made to reflect the actual recoverable construction costs for the project. The Bradley Lake Project Power Sales Agreement states that “Annual Project Costs include Debt Service on Bonds issued to pay the Cost of Acquisition and Construction in an aggregate principal amount up to but not exceeding the Recoverable Construction Cost.” The Agreement also states “As soon as practicable after the Date of Commercial Operation, the Authority shall adjust (and re- adjust when necessary) Annual Project Costs to reflect actual Recoverable Construction Cost.” Our computation revealed the following: Bonds Issued $165,260,157 Recoverable Construction Costs $164,909,633 Amount of Required Adjustment $ 350,524 Based on our review of the records provided to us, it is our opinion that the required adjustment has not been madc. MUNICIPAL LIGHT & POWER MEMORANDUM DATE: January 14, 1997 TO: Bradley Lake Project Management Committee FROM: Bradley Lake Budget Subcommittee Meeting Notes Two meetings of the Bradley Lake Budget Subcommittee have been held since the last PM C meeting (Dec. 4 and Jan. 13). After a lengthy discussion on the disposition and status of Bradley Lake Bonds, Ron Saxton and the Budget Subcommittee recommended the following: It was moved by Brad Evans that Pete Raiskums immediately proceed with an audit of the administrative costs incurred by the power administration and reconcile the debt service schedules with AIDEA. This motion was seconded by Don Stead and passed unanimously. In a memo dated January 13, 1997, from Pete Raiskums on the Debt Service related to Bradley Lake Bonds, it was noted that an adjustment of $350,524 needs to be made to reflect the actual recoverable construction costs of the project. A motion was made by Brad Evans to have Pete Raiskums perform the preliminary audit of the Bradley Lake Project Funds as of June 30, 1996, and the related statements of operation and fund balance for the year then ended. Motion was seconded by Don Stead and passed unanimously. It was further noted that having Pete Raiskums do the preliminary audit would reduce charges from Parisena, Stromberg and Co. by approximately $8,000. The Bradley Lake Budget Subcommittee recommends that Parisena, Stromberg and Co. be engaged to perform the audit of the balance sheet as of June 30, 1996, and the related statements of operation and fund balance for the year ended June 30, 1996. A motion was made by Brad Evans and seconded by Don Stead that Ron Saxton's legal services bills for $3,045.82 and $2,739.01 be approved and forwarded to AIDEA for payment. Bradley Lake Project Management Committee January 14, 1997 Page 2 e The fiscal year '98 budget was reviewed at the January 13, 1997, Budget Subcommittee meeting. Several changes need to be made and will be finalized at the next Subcommittee meeting. It is anticipated that the Subcommittee will forward the budget to the PMC for approval at the February meeting. e A motion was made at the January 13, 1997, meeting by Don Stead to have Pete Raiskums conduct a feasibility analysis of being able to perform an audit of AIDEA/AEA's charges to the construction fund of Bradley Lake. This motion was seconded by Mike Cunningham. e A motion was also made requesting Ron Saxton to issue a memo to the Bradley Lake managers requesting the excess debt service payment be remitted back to the participants. This motion passed unanimously and the memo from Ron Saxton will be discussed at this meeting. e Finally, it was decided the Subcommittee needs to review the budget for the Junction to Soldotna portion of the line. Don Stead will forward this to us in the next couple of weeks. e Asasummary of the financial condition through January 7, 1997: - The HEA O&M contract is under budget by $104,807. - CEA dispatch and substation/SVC maintenance is under budget by $6,024. - Other O&M costs are under budget by $88,147. - Insurance costs are under budget by $45,748. - Regulatory are under budget by $107,825. - Administrative costs are over budget by $8,378. The major reason that administrative costs are over budget has to do with the 5 year inspection and follow-up required. This totals through January 7, 1997, a $344,874. under budget position. After examining the fiscal year '97 projections, we can safely assume the budget should come under at year end in excess of $300,000. Her Electric pee ee Inc. CORPORATE OFFICE Centyal Peninsuin Service Center 3977 Luke Street 280 Airport Way Homer, Alaska : Phone (907 YYGOR FESO FAY 1907) + August 28, 1996 Mr. Tom Stahr Anchorage Municipal Light & Power 1200 East First Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501 Dear Tom: RE: Reimbursement of Expenses Associated with Installing Transfer Trip Scheme in Support of Bradley Lake Project HEA has received several invoices from CEA regarding transfer trip schemes installed in HEA’s system as part of the Bradley Lake Project. The relaying is associated with the Diamond Ridge to Soldotna 115 kV line and the Soldotna to Quartz Creek 69 kV line. The installation of these relay circuits has been previously approved by the BPMC. The Diamond Ridge to Soldotna transfer trip scheme installation was completed in 1992. The original costs associated with that installation were presented to the BPMC and approved at the May 13, 1993 meeting. HEA has since received an invoice from CEA for services provided in this transfer trip installation in the amount of $70,494.75. The invoice is dated November 30, 1995. The Soldotna-Quartz Creek scheme was approved at the BPMC meeting of August 23, 1991. The amounts approved for reimbursement at that meeting were $35,000 for CEA and $62,000 for HEA. HEA has been billed by CEA $21,732.87 for this project. HEA has charged $81,625.66 to this task. The installation was completed in late 1995. HEA is now requesting reimbursement for the entire amount on both jobs. Diamond Ridge to Soldotna transfer trip scheme for $70,494.75 and the Soldotna to Quartz Creek transfer trip scheme for $103,358.53. This is a total of $173,853.28. HEA regrets the inconvenience and delays in the billing. We can only attribute this to other late billings and delays in the project construction. We appreciate your attention to this matter. Sincerely, HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Ln General Manager TRANSTRP.NLS/js Bradley Lake Pri ' mmittee Meeting Minutes August 23, 1991 Page 5 10. REVIEW OF PROJECT STATUS 11. Dave Eberle reported that all testing is now completed and the plant is in the utility's control for firm power. Commercial operation is set for September 1 and the dedication will be on September 6. The water levels are doing well. Current level is 1,162 feet with 18 feet before spill. Estimated water levels are above the historical average. Dispatchers have been told that 63 GWH's must be used between now and December 1 or spill will occur. The utilities are scheduling accordingly. Dave Eberle reported that the SVS bids were opened (low bid ASEA Brown Boveri $14.2 million) and that all bidders were considerably higher than the engineer's estimate of $9.2 million or the budget amount of $9.3 million. The notice of intent to award was issued to determine if there would be a protest (none were received). Options for revising the scope of work have been discussed, but no substantial changes have been identified. Chairman Kelly asked Dave Eberle if the contingency funds would be adequate to cover the cost overruns. Dave replied that after allowing for the $5 million for SVS, $2-2.5 million would remain. Two possible needs for these remaining funds would be site rehabilitation costs not quantified yet and any additional SVS costs. SVS is expected to be on line for commercial operation in January 1993. OLD BUSINESS Dave Burlingame requested that the previous tabled motions requesting funds for transfer tripping be considered. Installation of transfer tripping will prevent the need to take the tieline out of service when output of Bradley Lake reaches 65 MW. Chugach does not want to take the line out of service. Motion - Approval of costs to install transfer tripping not to exceed $35,000 for Chugach Electric and $62,000 for Homer Electric. Motion by Dave Highers, second by Tom Stahr. Both Homer and Chugach assured that all costs are strictly related to Bradley Lake. The motion passed unanimously. 91Q3/JD1475(5) BPMC Meeting Minutes May 13, 1993 Page 8 of 9 12. E. BPMC Control Over O&M Decisions and Agreements - Master Agreement Mr. Saxton noted Mr. Garzini's recommendation to postpone action related to the master agreement until plans for the operation and maintenance of Bradley Lake could be developed. Mr. Saxton requested to be kept informed of the direction AEA was taking regarding the master agreement. NEW BUSINESS A. Operations Budget Contingency Fund Resolution Discussion of this item was deferred to the next Committee meeting. B. Diamond Ridge Relaying Costs Mr. Eberle noted that a memorandum had been distributed in the BPMC meeting packet outlining the Diamond Ridge relaying cost. Mr. Eberle explained that the cost had been approved by the Technical Coordinating Subcommittee (TCS) but, due to an oversight, had not been formally presented to the BPMC for approval. Funds for the cost were included in the original project construction budget. Mr. Story motioned that $107,115.45 be approved as a construction cost for Diamond Ridge laying. Secon Mr. Kelly, th ion us roll call vote (Action 93-162). CS Approval of Legal Expenses (added to the agenda) Mr. Ritchey noted the BPMC had incurred $45,803.76 legal expenses for February, March and April 1993. Mr. Ritchey moved that the 4 76 legal ex) Vv. The moti b ‘Ory, W: ved by unanim LI vo ion 93-163). COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Sieczkowski noted that since Bob Hufman's accident, John Sorrel of Homer Electric Association was assisting with the Bradley Lake labor negotiations. Mr. Sieczkowski advised the Committee that progress was slow. dburger\word\minutes\pmc\05-93 5601 MINNESOTA DRIVE ¢ P.O. BOX 196300 Sam Matthews PHONE 563-7494 * ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6300 CEA FORM 7 November 30, 1995 TOR Homer Electric Association ae Major Projects Engineer INVOICE NO. 203 1 1 3977 Lake Street Homer, Alaska 99603 ACCT. NO 14300000002101 CUSTOMER ; Folio 14206 Past Due: January 5, 1996 a DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT To invoice you for design services for the protective at the Dimond Ridge Substation in Bradley Lake. Labor $ 3,980.66 ILCD 1,447.00 Contractor's Invoices 48,783.02 Contractor's Overhead 13,925.78 Miscellaneous Charges 357.81 Interest During Construction 2,000.48 To ensure proper credit, please return a copy of this invoice with your payment. 000152101/20037 m a\\2 CRA/C NO. gd 1 relayi ce INVOICE CEA FORM7 PHONE 563-7494 * ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6300 5601 MINNESOTA DRIVE * P.O, BOX 196300 * Den S bead Bob etton October 14, 1996 2 omer Electric Association DATE 3977 Lake Street 2 1 1 1 9 Homer, Alaska 99603 eT acct.No 143000000002101 Past Due: November 14, 1996 CUSTOMER Folio 14206 ACCT NO. DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT To invoice you for technical support to install transfer trip relaying on Breaker 146 and 246 at Soldotna Substation for the period August 1, 1996 to August 31, 1996. - Direct Labor $ 439.11 - Indirect Labor 219.35 TOTAL DUE $ 658. 46 Attachments To ensure proper credit, please return a copy of this invoice with your payment. 18620000152101/E9490072 MISC/3 CR A/C NO. INVOICE CEA FORM 7 5601 MINNESOTA DRIVE * P.O. BOX 196300 © PHONE 563-7494 * ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6300 Cisne ASSOCIATION, #C Bob Ditton April 18, 1996 To. Homer Electric Association DATE 9 0670 INVOICE NO. 3977 Lake Street Homer, Alaska 99603 acct.NO 143000000002101 Past Due: May 17, 1996 CUSTOMER Folio 14206 ACCT NO. DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT To invoice you for technical support to install transfer trip relaying on Breaker 146 and 246 at Soldotna Substation for the period December 1, 1995 to February 29, 1996. - Direct Labor $ 170.92 - Indirect Labor 81.51 - MarkAir Tickets #3254460001951&2 140.00 TOTAL DUE $ S92ne8 Attachments To ensure proper credit, please return a copy of this invoice with your payment. For Que ions Call: 18620000152101/E9490072 Claud Sv MISC/3 (907) 62-4535 CRA/C NO. ia] [e INVOICE @ CEA FORM 7 I\ lectric 5601 MINNESOTA DRIVE * P.0.BOX 196300 * PHONE563-7494 * ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6300 i Bob Ditton _ November 30, 1995 . Homer Electric Association 3977 Lake Street INVOICE NO. 20277 Homer, Akaska 99603 acct.NO 143000000002101 Past Due: January 5, 1996 yess Folio 14206 DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT To invoice you for technicak support to instake transfer trip nekaying on Breaker 146 and 246 at Soldotna Substation for the period September 1, 1995 to September 30, 1995. - Dinect Labor $ 6,259.03 - Indinect Labor 2 Gelinas - Electric Power System Inv. #1012 150.00 - Harokd Poulsen’s Meal Reimbursement 12055 - Harold Poutsen’s Parking 18.00 - Uptown Mote Aug. °95 Statement 640.90 TOTAL DUE $ 9,462.41 For Questions Call: Attachments ’ Claudia Svihl (207) 762-4535 To ensure proper credit, please rzetumm a copy of this dnvoice with your payment. \. 18620000152101/E9490072 a MISC/3 na \ov ok, __——__ INVOICE CEA FORM 7 ris \ Niki SS —————— 5601 MINNESOTA DRIVE ¢ P.O. BOX 196300 © PHONE 563-7494 * ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6300 o Bob Ditton pare CCtObER 24, 1995 c Homer Electric Association 3977 Lake Street mens ed. Homer, Akaska 99603 acct.NO 143000000002101 : CUSTOMER ; Past Due: November 24, 1995 ECTS, Folio 14206 DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT To invoice you for technical support to instakl transfer trip aekaying on Breaker 146 and 246 at Soldotna Substation fora the period August 1, 1995 to August 31, 1995. - Dinect Labor $ 5,504.91 - Indinect Labor 1,864.81 - Ekectric Power System Inv. #1011 1,875.00 - Soldotna Inn June ’95 Statement 356.29 TOTAL DUE $ 9,601.01 Attachments To ensure proper credit, please return a copy of this dnvoice with your payment. 18620000152101/E9490072 MISC/3 CR A/C NO. Car} lectric 5601 MINNESOTA DRIVE * P.O.BOX 196300 © PHONE 563-7494 * ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6300 Bob Ditton January 29, 1996 Toile Homer Electric Association DATE 3977 Lake Street INVOICE NO. 2 0 4 0 4 Homer, Alaska 99603 acct.No 143000000002101 Past Due: February 29, 1996 CUSTOMER Folio 14206 ACCT NO. DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT To invoice you for technical support to install transfer trip relaying on Breaker 146 and 246 at Soldotna Substation for the period November 1, 1995 to November 30, 1995. - Direct Labor $711) 268.93 - Indirect Labor 148.35 - Arctic Cad Inv. #7237 1,081.00 - Uptown Motel 694.40 TOTAL DUE $)/27192.68 Attachments To ensure proper credit, please return a copy of this invoice with your payment. 18620000152101/E9490072 MISC/3 CRA/C NO. IID @ 5601 MINNESOTA DRIVE * P.O.BOX 196300 ¢ CEA FORM 7 PHONE 563-7494 * ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6300 i” Bob Ditton December 14, 1995 ' Homer Electric Association DME 3377 Lake Street INVOICE NO. 20337 Homer, Alaska 99603 aAccT.NO 143000000002101 nee nie eaapaie a el 4 CUSTOMER pay: 44nne Past Due Ja 1uUalry 15, 1396 ACCT NO. Folio 14206 DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT To invoice you for technical support to install transfer trip relaying on Breaker 146 and 246 at Soldotna Substation for the period October 1, 1995 to October 31, 1995. - Soldotna Inn September '95 Statemen $ 56.61 - Soldotna Inn October '95 Statement ait ure proper credit, please return a copy of this th your payment. a 0000152101/E9490072 * ¥ For Ques Claud (907) 7: CRA/C NO. Ue i oc Atm I~ [1-76 56t.00 ions Call: Svihl 2-4535 JAN 14 79 13:19AM HEA E AND © HOMER Alaska Energy Authority, AIDEA 480 W. Tudor Rd. Anchorage, AK 99503-6690 January 14, 1997 Billing 3 69kV Transfer Trip Relays at Soldotna Substation Labor Labor overhead Transportation Materials Outside Services Other TRANBILL.DPS/js Jan.14 °97 9:27 Received from 13,315.09 18,963.79 1,377.74 43,092.99 4,830.14 79.91 81,659.66 —= ms Charges Authorized By ! on Stead 987 235 3305 Homer Electric Association, Inc. Bol, hokkes P Me Meeting Notes. pate Dial Seley alicia, Sass RE ibe oie ae Gee Agenden Added Uti Fat +4 ee trae Ge se aa Md age Pgs 3 b Stan i : on ae) a es er ee pee ee: ae — 6 Cee Db Sew yee 1-13-92 tee. eae Wg = eS ie ot ee Se Ditto” Daren of voce Lhd ie bs, Sarde = description ot dee. eS psa om ed Sia lay Nia Salers, eapicky ied it ge ee Ge i, Net talsig » obencd Gv, “Shuster igag del weealc As Bae attr Schedude Ma JP i aid o.oo tis albdlen vito ee | ae Ngee Se We bee hele che 4 ee Oe 2 x Copley v eee : See bie oe Roll / ae e . ated jee Qasaee Be bee oie. eaegue eg Se tig iives V lees tg : enh ese t SA ie Baht et ee pe Fe” Viele Si aie a nth AS 2 ee ee ae es ) ae ~ Medtigusk oT eas 2b er ep ier ree — Pees at ps ee ae Sere 103, 352.5 Oy ‘ = : a rolling 13 See ies * eae ee aime ; Uo, $53, a8 ‘ 2 = u 2 yj 36, + 6400 which, PMc how oe 2 Sa Ds aa el oR: e es ‘ fe ot pp Ae cia es # ae fe ae se eate n iS 4 ; = kT Cake a phen Be ate 4 See is ae sha ee ob Lew! 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