HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley Lake PMC Meeting February 26, 2009 1-* * ¥ Transmi.. on Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Fe. -.. 2009 11:42AM) * * * 1) AIDEA/AEA 2) Date/Time: Feb.25. 2009 10:49AM File it Page No» Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 7916 Memory TX 97624514 P. 2I Ok 919074585951 OK 919073356224 OK 96899368 OK 92636204 OK ~ 919072244038 mak 916032260079 ; OK Resin for error E.1) Hang up or line fail —.2) Busy —.3) No answer: E.4) No facsimile connection PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Chugach Electric Association (907) 762-4514 Golden Valley Electric Association (907) 458-5951 Homer Electric Association (907) 335-6224 Matanuska Electric Association (907) 689-9368 Anchorage Municipal Light & Power (907) 263-5204 City of Seward (907) 224-4038 AterWynne (503) 226-0079 ‘Number of pages including cover sheet: Al PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Brad Evans Brian Newton Bradley Janorschke Wayne Carmony Jim Posey Jeff Estes Kirk Gibson Chugach Electric Association Golden Valley Electric Association Homer Electric Association Matanuska Electric Association Anchorage Municipal Light & Power City of Seward AterWynne Number of pages including cover sheet: (907) 762-4514 (907) 458-5951 (907) 335-6224 (907) 689-9368 (907) 263-5204 (907) 224-4038 (503) 226-0079 Al Shauna Howell From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Importance: Shauna Howell Wednesday, February 25, 2009 9:46 AM ‘Aaron Remer'; ‘Bob Day, HEA’; 'Brad Evans, CEA’; 'Bradley Janorschke, HEA’; ‘Brenda Applegate, AEA’; 'Brenda Fuglestad, AEA’; 'Brian Bjorkquist, Dept. of Law’; ‘Brian Newton, GVEA’; 'Bryan Carey, AEA’; 'Charlie O'Hare, HEA’; 'Christa Caldwell, AEA’; ‘Connie Owens, CEA’; 'Divina Portades, CEA'; 'Don Zoerb'; 'Gary Dixon’; 'Henri Dale, GVEA’; 'James Hemsath, AEA’; 'Jean Schroeder, HEA Secretary’; ‘Jeff Estes, City of Seward’; ‘Jim Posey, AML&P’; 'Karl Reiche, AEA’; 'Kirk Gibson, AterWynne'; ‘Linda MacMillan, AEA’; 'Lynn Ragle'; 'Mike Cunningham, CEA’; 'Rick Eckert, HEA’; 'Rick Miller, AML&P'; 'Sara Fisher-Goad, AEA’; 'Susan Redlin, Exec. Secretary @ GVEA’; 'Teresa Gamble, HEA’; 'Wayne Carmony, MEA’; 'Wayne Carmony, MEA' Bradley Lake PMC Meeting Documents TELECONFERENCE INSTRUCTIONS.doc; Agenda.pdf; DRAFT December 17, 2008 meeting minutes.doc; FY09-BPMC Budget Update.xls; Item 7B Motion.doc; 2010BradleyBdgt- original2-send.xls High Attached are the documents needed for the Bradley Lake PMC meeting tomorrow, February 26" at 10:00 a.m. This meeting will be held at Chugach Electric Association’s boardroom. A teleconference line has also been set up for those who will not be able to attend in person. Please see attached documents. Thank you. Shauna Howell From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Importance: Shauna Howell Wednesday, February 25, 2009 9:46 AM ‘Aaron Remer'; 'Bob Day, HEA’; 'Brad Evans, CEA’; 'Bradley Janorschke, HEA’; ‘Brenda Applegate, AEA’; 'Brenda Fuglestad, AEA’; 'Brian Bjorkquist, Dept. of Law; 'Brian Newton, GVEA’; 'Bryan Carey, AEA’; 'Charlie O'Hare, HEA’; ‘Christa Caldwell, AEA’; ‘Connie Owens, CEA’; ‘Divina Portades, CEA’; 'Don Zoerb'; ‘Gary Dixon’; 'Henri Dale, GVEA’; ‘James Hemsath, AEA’; ‘Jean Schroeder, HEA Secretary’; ‘Jeff Estes, City of Seward’; ‘Jim Posey, AML&P’; 'Karl Reiche, AEA’; 'Kirk Gibson, AterWynne’; ‘Linda MacMillan, AEA’; 'Lynn Ragle’; 'Mike Cunningham, CEA’; 'Rick Eckert, HEA’; 'Rick Miller, AML&P'; 'Sara Fisher-Goad, AEA’; 'Susan Redlin, Exec. Secretary @ GVEA’; 'Teresa Gamble, HEA’; 'Wayne Carmony, MEA’; 'Wayne Carmony, MEA' Bradley Lake PMC Meeting Documents TELECONFERENCE INSTRUCTIONS.doc; Agenda.pdf; DRAFT December 17, 2008 meeting minutes.doc; FY09-BPMC Budget Update.xls; Item 7B Motion.doc; 2010BradleyBdgt- original2-send.xls High Attached are the documents needed for the Bradley Lake PMC meeting tomorrow, February 26" at 10:00 a.m. This meeting will be held at Chugach Electric Association’s boardroom. A teleconference line has also been set up for those who will not be able to attend in person. Please see attached documents. Thank you. TELECONFERENCE INSTRUCTIONS Thursday, February 26, 2009 — 10:00 a.m. To join the meeting, please do the following: Dial 1-800-315-6338 Enter 3028# va “YIDEN {=e Py Alssia Industrial Development Ms Export Authority BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Thursday, February 26, 2009 — 10:00 a.m. (via electronic media at Chugach Electric Association’s Board Room — 5601 Electron Drive) 1. CALL TO ORDER Evans 2: ROLL CALL (for Committee members) 3. PUBLIC ROLL CALL (for all others present) 4. PUBLIC COMMENT 5. AGENDA COMMENTS (changes/additions/deletions) 6. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES December 17, 2008 te NEW BUSINESS A. Update of FY’09 Budget MacMillan B. Approval of FY'10 Budget (Action Item) MacMillan 8. COMMITTEE REPORTS / COMMENTS A. Operators Report B. Next Meeting Date Evans 9. ADJOURNMENT 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard * Anchorage, Alaska 99503-2495 www.aidea.org * 907/771-3000 * FAX 907/771-3044 ® Toll Free (Alaska Only) 888/300-8534 * www.akenergyauthority.org BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES TELECONFERENCE (via teleconference in the AIDEA/AEA Board Room) Anchorage, Alaska Wednesday, December 17, 2008 —10:30 a.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Evans called the regular meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, December 17, 2008, via teleconference to conduct the business of the Committee per the agenda and public notice. 2. ROLL CALL Roll was called by Shauna Howell. The followi embers were present: Brad Evans Chugach Ele trie \ Bradley Janorschke Homer Electric As Brian Newton Golden Valley Electric Wayne.Carmony Matanuska Electric Associa Jim Posey Anchorage Municipal Light and P Bryan Carey Alaska Energy Authority Jeff Estes City of Seward (teleconference) (teleconfere r(teleconference) 3. PUBLIC ROLL CALL Shauna Howell, AEA Christa Caldwell, AEA Linda MacMillan, AEA Shellie Helton, AEA Rick Baldwin, HEA (teleconference) Gary Dixon, Swalling and Associates (teleconference) Page 1o0f 4 Bonnie Godfried, Swalling and Associates (teleconference) Aaron Remer, HEA (teleconference) Henri Dale, GVEA (teleconference) Rick Miller, AML&P (teleconference) Burke Wick, CEA (teleconference) Mike Cunningham, CEA (teleconference) Don Zoerb, MEA (teleconference) Kirk Gibson, AterWynne (teleconference) 4. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no public comments. 5. AGENDA COMMENTS Chair Evans asked that Insurance Claims to bé dded as Item 8B, and move Next Meeting Date to Item 8C. The group unanimously approved this change. 6. | APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES - June 19, 20 ites of the June 19, 2008 meeting. Seconded imously approved MOTION: Mr. Posey moved to appro’ by Mr. Newton. The meeting minutes t. NEW BUSINES effective, retroactively, to July 1, 2008. Chugach Electric Association: ; Yes Homer Electric Association” > Yes Golden Valley Electric Association: Yes Anchorage Municipal Light & Power: Yes Alaska Energy Authority: Yes The motion unanimously passed. Page 2 of 4 7B. FY08 Audit for Approval — Present Financials for Approval to Issue Refund MOTION: Mr. Posey moved that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee accept the FY08 audit report and request AEA to refund the FY08 surplus to the utilities by December 31, 2008. Seconded by Mr. Newton. Ms. Godfried gave a brief overview of the audit, noting that this was a clean opinion and had no exceptions and had no unadjusted differences as a result of the audit. Because they made no adjustments to the management financial statement, the refund stands as had been reported previously at $740,267. A roll call vote was taken: CityofSeward: ween Matanuska Electric Association: Chugach Electric Association: Homer Electric Association: Golden Valley Electric Association: Anchorage Municipal Light & Power: Alaska Energy Authority: The motion unanimously passed. 8A. Operator Repor Mr. Day stated that th been to the site and expres: a trip of thesUnit during that tir and the. inverter failed to pick u tripped the unit out on low penstock pressure for'aday. Ultimately, they were unaware of the gate closing due to the corrosion of one of the Staff switches on the gate in the gate shaft. anual outage had been taken care of as well as the gate testing. FERC had ‘o the continuing corrosion. Part of the corrosion resulted in Whe! the facilities transformer failed, power was lost to the dam He also noted that,Nuka Glacier work ae ‘Middle Fork reports had been sent out. The transformer serving the camp facilities failed unexpectedly (photos were included in the report). It is the second time the transformer has failed in 10 years. It looks like a late manufacturing defect. Aaron Reemer joined as the Bradley Lake Superintendent. 8B. Insurance Update Mr. Gibson spoke on the processing of the claim with the respect to the helicopter accident. HEA has prepared an invoice with support and presented that to AEA for processing to the insurance company for the work that was done as a result of the accident. They are working together to prepare an additional report to be filed by AEA to the insurance company. The amount is approximately $75,000. The utilities will be invoiced, and the insurance proceeds will be refunded to the utilities when they arrive. Page 3 of 4 He also noted the plan to handle future claims. Rick Baldwin, Brian Bjorkquist, Bryan Carey and Mr. Gibson met to talk about aligning the incentives with respect to these claims and having the claims processed more efficiently through HEA as opposed to AEA filling the information out and sending them in. They discussed a process in which HEA would prepare and prosecute all claims on behalf of AEA and the BPMC. Any litigational claims would have to go through AEA and BPMC oversight. BPMC and AEA will be responsible for pursuit of any litigation, should any occur. An issue came up that there needs to be a policy in place that goes hand-in-hand with the recent O&M Agreement. The policy would need some input from the members on one area — and if you necessarily agree that HEA should prepare and prosecute all claims — up to what amount do you want them to process them and go forward vs. that being a claim big enough that the BPMC wa iOhave oversight? last five years, there was a runner 000. Mr. Carmony asked if Mr. Historically, this helicopter accident is roughly $75,000. (something to do with runner insurance) that was approxit Gibson had a suggestion of the amount that woul @ reasonable f. Gibson stated that it comes down to the comfort level of the BPMC and wh would want to et at these meetings. Chair Evans wanted to be sure that all claim work will € ocessed without dela Mr. Gibson, along with Rick Baldwin, Brian Bjorkqui rey will meet ai prepare a draft policy which will be presented to the at the next me 8C. Next Meeting Date The next meeting will be insFeb 9. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 11:00: Brad Evans, Chair Alaska Energy Authority, Secretary Page 4 of 4 OVERVIEW OF BUDGET CHANGES BETWEEN FY09 AND FY09 PROJECTED Net Utility Contribution Increase Per Below 106,598 FY09 ORIGINAL 16,881,542 DECREASES SCHEDULE A Increase in projected interest earnings 174,398 Decrease in projected R&C repayment 109,562 283,960 INCREASES SCHEDULE A Increase in arbitrage transfer 50,577 SCHEDULE A1 Increase for Battery Replacement 100,000 Decrease for Mower Replacement moved to FY10 (53,000) Other Change in Investment (11) 46,989 SCHEDULE B 539-Communication Circuits omitted in original budget 120,000 543-Nuka Repair 97,977 543-Equipment for power tunnel maintenance 20,000 544-Transformer replacement 179,000 544-SF 6 Inspecition work moved forward one year 21,000 571-Revised estimate for overhead line maintenance (47,101) Insurance adjusted to actual amount (32,700) Other revised cost estimates (65,184) 292,992 390,558 16,988,140 Agenda Item: 7B MOTION: Move that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee approve the fiscal year 2010 Operating and Capital budget as presented. Move: Second: Agenda Item: 7c MOTION: Move: Second: Resolved, that pursuant to section 13(c)(ii(A) of the Bradley Lake Agreement for the Sale and Purchase of Electric Power, the Committee approves the execution of the Agreement Amending and Extending the Term of the Operation and Maintenance Agreement for Bradley Lake Project - Amendment No. 3 in the form presented to the Committee. OVERVIEW OF BUDGET CHANGES BETWEEN FY09 AND FY10 FY09 Utility Contributions DECREASES Schedule A Increase in projected interest earnings Decrease in R&C Fund Repayment TOTAL DECREASES INCREASES Schedule A Increase in Non R&C Capital - See A1 for detail Increase in Operating Reserve due to increased operating budget Increase in debt service Increase in projected arbitrage transfer Schedule B 535-Exciter stability study 538-Clean generators #1 & #2 539-Communication circuits missed in FYO9 budget 542-Replace Haylon w/ FM-200 in oil separator room 545-Fish water design improvements 545-Middle fork equipment shack improvements 556-New powerhouse PCs & electronic operations logs Other increases off set by decreases TOTAL INCREASES FY10 Utility Contributions 16,881,542 93,592 62,203 155,795 455,196 61,000 1,200 75,000 40,000 50,000 120,000 30,000 35,000 20,000 20,000 11,963 919,359 17,645,106 17,645,106 0 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Schedule A FY07 FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 INC(DEC) ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET BUDGET FROM PY REVENUES, EXPENSES & CHANGES IN SURPLUS REVENUES UTILITY CONTRIBUTIONS 15,567,526 15,649,321 16,881,542 17,645,106 763,564 INTEREST INCOME 1,875,539 1,776,916 1,559,024 1,652,616 93,592 OTHER MISC INCOME 5,656 0 0 0 0 0 oO 0 oO 0 17,448,721 17,426,237 18,440,566 19,297,722 857,156 EXPENSES OPERATIONS 2,928,813 3,259,328 3,697,149 4,024,112 326,963 RENEWALS/REPLACEMENTS (R&C FUND REPAYMENTS) 1,774,558 1,456,372 1,974,468 1,912,265 (62,203) NON R&C FUND CAPITAL PURCHASES-SEE A1 187,843 117,728 220,000 675,196 455,196 TRANSFER TO (FROM) OPERATING RESERVE 25,002 48,000 5,000 66,000 61,000 DEBT SERVICE (net of Capital Reserve Reductions) 12,273,950 12,269,850 12,268,950 12,270,150 1,200 ARBITRAGE TRANSFER 258,555 274,959 275,000 350,000 75,000 0 0 0 0 0 17,448,721 17,426,237 18,440,567 19,297,722 857,155 CURRENT YEAR SUI 0 1 1 BEt 0 oO oO ENL 0 1 1 BALANCE SHEET ASSETS REVENUE FUND 1,531,244 1,851,848 0 OPERATING FUND 821,997 447,324 0 RECEIVABLE FROM UTILITIES : 0 0 OTHER RECEIVABLES - 15,077 0 PREPAID EXPENSES 17,929 9,132 0 2,371,170 2,323,381 0 LIABILITIES & SURPLUS LIABILITIES 643,508 260,757 0 PREPAID UTILITY CONTRIBUTION - 0 0 PAYABLE TO UTILITIES 280,290 740,267 0 R&C REPAYMENT 1,447,372 1,322,357 0 2,371,170 2,323,381 0 OTHER INFORMATION OPERATING RESERVE * 686,400 734,406 739,400 805,406 MONTHLY CONTRIBUTIONS 1,320,652 1,304,110 1,406,795 1,470,426 Required to be 20% of budgeted operating expense 2/25/200911:03 AMC:\Documents and Settings\showell\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\WROOVAGB\2010BradleyBdgt-original2-send.xisSchedule A-Budget Summary ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Schedule A-1 CAPITAL PURCHASES NOT FUNDED BY R&C FUND CULVERT REPAIRS HELICOPTER PAD REPAIRS AMBULANCE TRUCK, MOWER ATTACH, MILLING MACHINE FIRE WATER CONTROL VALVE REPLACEMENT CATHODIC PROTECTION REPLACEMENT HALCON FIRE SYSTEM REPLACEMENT. MAN-LIFT, TRUCK & PLOW ATTACHMENT. Purchase FW relief valve RV-8*** Grating in Transformer pits Acquire, develop Work Management System Procure spare facilities transformer Purchase small forklift w/ outside capability Modify Camp Residencies--add efficiency apartments Excavator w/ mower attachment Vehicle Lift FY07 FY2008 FY2009 FY10 ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET BUDGET Fe EEN a | a ee et) a re.) Current valve is leaking by because of problems the control which will be replaced shortly. E The set point has been raised from the original 135psi to 170psi as a work around due to 12,196) 7 ; . control valve. Operation of a firewater system at these pressures is outside current code requirements = improvement in work control, scheduling, PM optimization, materials inventory & ‘component database A need based on the movement of smaller items into and out of the warehouse and Power House which cannot be performed with the big loader. This will effectively modify the two duplexes from a 2 dwelling unit to a 4 dwelling unit; this will 30,000) 225,000} help support space availability for an apprentice position. Needed for tail race repair, ditch and riprap maintenance, brush removal at the dam and other] Current lift original design and placement does not-allows vehicles to be serviced unless roll up door is open--this is a problem in winter and fowl weather 187,843 117,728 220,000 675,196 BRADLEY LAKE OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE B SUMMARY (A) HEA Annual Operations & Maintenance (B) CEA Dispatch and Substation/SVC Maintenance (C) Other O&M and Maintenance Projects (D) Insurance Costs (E) Regulatory Costs (H) Contingencies (F) Administrative Costs (G) BUDGET ADJUST ESTIMATE 31-Dec-08 FY2008 FY2008 FY2009 FY2009 FY2010 BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 1,750,709 1,696,285 54,424 1,932,339 971,917 1,968,817 103,356 74,517 28,839 70,500 80,257 80,000 453,740 443,707 10,033 437,540 218,070 735,242 648,481 545,268 103,213 642,270 569,770 644,203 340,000 244,001 95,999 355,000 27,381 329,900 100,000 250 99,750 ) 0 0 3,396,286 3,004,028 392,258 3,437,649 1,867,395 3,758,162 274,500 255,299 19,201 259,500 228,187 265,950 3,670,786 3,259,327 411,459 3,697,149 2,095,582 4,024,112 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,670,786 3,259,327 411,459 3,697,149 2,095,582 4,024,112 2/25/2009 11:03 AM C:\Documents and Settings\showell\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\WROOVAGB\2010BradleyBdgt-original2-send.xlsSchedule B-Budget Page 1 of 4 Detail BRADLEY LAKE OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE B FERC 535 - Operation Supervision & Engineering (A) HEA O&M Contract (C) HEA Perform Exciter Stability Study (C) HEA Digitize & Control Project Drawings FERC 537 - Hydraulic Expenses (A) HEA O&M Contract FERC 538 - Electric Expenses (A) HEA O&M Contract (C) HEA Clean Generators #1 & #2 FERC 539 - Misc. Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses (A) HEA O&M Contract (C) Replace Two Way Radios (C) HEA Circuits and Radio - To Bernice Lake (C) CEA Circuits -Bernice Lake to Anchorage FERC 540 - Rents (C) Bradley Lake FERC land use fees (5% increase bu FERC 541 - Maintenance Supervision & Engineering (A) HEA O&M Contract FERC 542 - Maintenance of Structures (A) HEA O&M Contract (C) Architect Review of Buildings (C) Replace Haylon w/ FM-200 in Oil Separator RM FERC 543 - Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways (A) HEA O&M Contract | 31-Dec-08 FY2008 FY2008 FY2009 FY2009 FY2010 BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 140,357 196,966 (56,609) 226,274 111,965 237,941 0 40,000 0 140,357 226,274 111,965 277,941 54,037 71,159 33,269 75,698 54,037 73,827 (19,790) 71,159 33,269 75,698 235,672 184,265 51,407 191,122 87,587 193,733 0 0 0 0 50,000 235,672 184,265 51,407 191,122 87,587 243,733 393,785 339,946 53,839 382,016 175,916 420,059 0 0 0 0 0 90,000 90,000 0 0 45,000 90,000 28,740 28,746 6 0 14,373 30,000 512,525 458,692 53,833 382,016 235,289 540,059 65,000 62,623 2,377 65,000 0 65,000 65,000 62,623 2,377 65,000 0 65,000 | 63,204 112,317 (49,113)] 125,283 72,840 120,000 63,204 112,317 (49,113) 125,283 72,840 120,000 93,347 46,308 47,039 45,809 15,601 113,641 0 0 0 30,000 1,669 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 93,347 46,308 47,039 75,809 17,270 143,641 14,202 6,523 7,679 29,023 91,618 | 3/25/2008498R IAM C:\Documents and Settings\showell\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\WROOVAGB\2010BradleyBdgt-original2-send.xlsSchedule B-Budget Page 2 of 4 Detail BRADLEY LAKE OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE B 31-Dec-08 FY2008 FY2008 FY2009 FY2009 FY2010 BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET (C) Repiars, Cleaning & Inspections 0 0 0 30,000 48,960 90,000 (C) 0 0 0 0 0 (C) 0 0 0 0 0 (C) 0 0 0 0 0 (C) 0 0 0 0 0 14,202 6,523 7,679 59,023 140,578 117,095 FERC 544 - Maintenance of Electric Plant (A) HEA O&M Contract 247,020 349,854 (102,834) 285,004 265,341 296,763 (C) Long Range Maintenance Study i} 0 0 40,000 0 0 247,020 349,854 (102,834) 325,004 265,341 296,763 | FERC 545 - Maintenance of Misc. Hydraulic Plant (A) HEA O&M Contract 184,455 103,403 81,052 178,019 44,408 110,000 (C) Fish Water Design & Middle Fork Equip Shack Imp} 0 0 0 0 0 55,000 184,455 103,403 81,052 178,019 44,408 165,000 FERC 556 - System Control & Load Dispatching (A) HEA O&M Contract 21,896 41,699 (19,803) 49,195 42,765 51,237 (A) HEA-Power House PCs & Develop Electronic Ops 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 (C) SCS Snow Measurement 10,000 18,990 (8,990) 9,000 5,761 9,000 (C) UAA Seismic monitoring and reporting 60,000 51,057 8,943 56,500 0 56,500 (C) USGS Streamguaging 200,000 192,191 7,809 207,040 102,207 219,642 (C) State of Alaska Permits 0 100 (100) 0 100 100 291,896 304,037 (12,141) 321,735 150,833 356,479 FERC 562 - Station Expenses (B) CEA SVC/Substation Maintenance Contract 103,356 74,517 28,839 70,500 80,257 80,000 (C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 103,356 74,517 28,839 70,500 80,257 80,000 FERC 571 - Maintenance of Overhead Lines (A) HEA Overhead Line Maintenance 302,734 241,177 61,557 349,435 30,607 302,650 L 302,734 241, val 61,557 349,435 30,607 302,650 | (H) Contingencies 100,000 sal 99,750 0 0 | 3125/2008 11:03'AM C:\Documents and Settings\showell\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\WROOVAGB\2010BradleyBdgt-original2-send.xlsSchedule B-Budget Page 3 of 4 Detail BRADLEY LAKE OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE B FERC 920 - Administrative Expense (F) AEA Admin Fee AEA Administrative Costs PMC Costs (F) Bradley Lake Audit fees (F) Bradley Lake PMC Legal (F) Bradley Lake Arbitrage Report (F) Bradley Lake Trustee fees (F) PMC Costs Bond Refunding Costs Reimburseable costs Refunding Costs TOTAL FERC 920 FERC Insurance Premiums (D) Homer Electric Insurance (D) Risk Assessment FERC FERC administrative fees (E) FERC 5 Year Inspection (E) (E) Contractual Engineer - FERC license issues TOTAL BRADLEY LAKE BUDGET 31-Dec-08 FY2008 FY2008 FY2009 FY2009 FY2010 BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 200,000 200,000 0 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 0 200,000 200,000 | | 200,000 8,500 8,601 (101) 9,500 12,750 15,950 40,000 24,629 15,371 25,000 1,465 25,000 6,000 4,475 1,525 5,000 5,175 5,000 20,000 17,594 2,406 20,000 8,797 20,000 74,500 55,299 19,201 59,500 28,187 65,950 0 0 0 0 0 0 274,500 255,299 19,201 259,500 228,187 265,950 578,500 494,347 84,153 578,000 545,300 572,565 54,981 49,035 5,946 49,270 24,470 56,638 15,000 1,886 13,114 15,000 0 15,000 648,481 545,268 | 103,213 642,270 569,770 644,203 200,000 208,732 (8,732) 200,000 0 229,900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 140,000 35,269 104,731 155,000 27,381 100,000 340,000 244,001 95,999 355,000 27,381 L 329,900 L 3,670,786 3,259,327 411,459 3,697,149 2,095,582 4,024,112 2/25/2009 11:03 AM C:\Documents and Settings\showell\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\WROOVAGB\2010BradleyBdgt-original2-send.xisSchedule B-Budget Page 4 of 4 Detail BRADLEY LAKE MONTHLY UTILITY CONTRIBUTION SCHEDULE C ORIGINAL ACTUAL BUDGET PERCENT FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2010 POWER PURCHASER SHARE TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL INCREASE CHUGACH ELECTRIC 30.4% 4,757,388 5,131,992 5,364,108 232,116 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE 25.9% 4,053,180 4,372,320 4,570,080 197,760 AEG&T-HEA 12.0% 1,877,916 2,025,780 2,117,412 91,632 AEG&T-MEA 13.8% 2,159,604 2,329,656 2,435,028 105,372 GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC 16.9% 2,644,740 2,852,976 2,982,024 129,048 CITY OF SEWARD 1.0% 156,492 168,816 176,448 7,632 Rounding 2 2 2 100.0% 15,649,322 16,881,542 763,560 ACTUAL BUDGET FY2008 FY2009 PERCENT MONTHLY MONTHLY FY2010 FY2010 POWER PURCHASER SHARE AVERAGE AVERAGE MONTHLY INCREASE CHUGACH ELECTRIC 30.4% 396,449 427,666 447,009 19,343 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE 25.9% 337,765 364,360 380,840 16,480 AEG&T-HEA 12.0% 156,493 168,815 176,451 7,636 AEG&T-MEA 13.8% 179,967 194,138 202,919 8,781 GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC 16.9% 220,395 237,748 248,502 10,754 CITY OF SEWARD 1.0% 13,041 14,068 14,704 636 100.0% 1,304,110 1,406,795 1,470,425 63,630 2/25/20091 1:03 AM C:\Documents and Settings\showell\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\WROOVAGB\2010BradleyBdgt-original2-send.xlsSchedule C Utility Contrib BRADLEY LAKE R&C FUND DISBURSEMENTS AND REPAYMENTS SCHEDULE D Description R&C FUND PROJECTS Governor Replace RFLS Replace Runners Replace cable from dam to power house Replace power system stabilizer Replace two RTUs Culvert Repairs Other to equal FYO9 Budget Trans Towers Frost Jacking Repairs Actual TO REPAY at 06/30/07 2,569,028.83 22,957.82 1,464,626.17 1,727,727.96 0.00 5,146.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Actual Disburse 46,563.90 228,134.87 324,898.82 621,664.60 40,986.30 Actual TO REPAY at 06/30/08 2,615,592.73 251,092.69 1,789,524.99 2,349,392.56 0.00 46,132.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Projected Disburse 0.00 0.00 157,000.00 0.00 200,000.00 50,000.00 500,000.00 379,134.63 PROJECTED TO REPAY at 06/30/09 2,615,592.73 251,092.69 1,946,524.99 2,349,392.56 200,000.00 96,132.84 500,000.00 379,134.63 0.00 0.00 PROJECTED Disburse 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 150,000.00 50,000.00 300,000.00 (379,134.63) 1,200,000.00 0.00 PROJECTED TO REPAY at 06/30/10 2,615,592.73 251,092.69 1,946,524.99 2,349,392.56 350,000.00 146,132.84 800,000.00 0.00 1,200,000.00 0.00 5,789,487.32 —— Current Year R&C Repayment Adjust for Current Year Budget Less Interest in Fund Applied to Repayment Net Transfer from Revenue Fund [Cumulative Prior Years R&C Repayments R&C Cumulative Interest (Retained) Applied As Part of Repayment NET DUE TO R&C FUND R&C FUND CASH FLOW PROJECTION Beginning Investment Balance Disbursements-current year Disbursements-prior year accrued Utilities’ R&C Repayment Current year interest earnings Accrued R&C Payable at year end Ending Investment Balance PROJECTED NET DUE + ENDING INVESTMENT BALANCE IREPAYMENT AMOUNT $1,649,677 X 25% $4,139,810 X 25% 1$1,262,248.49 X 25% $1,286,134 X 25% $1,320,865 X 25% 1,262,248.49 7,051,735.81 (1,762,933.96)) 0.00 134,015.39 1,628,918.57 (1,859,791.27) 355,168.35 1,504,622.92: 3,918,194.33 1,734,273.63 (971,606.75) 1,447,371.89 134,015.39 0.00 1,081,805.67 5,000,000.00_ 412,419.38 1,034,952.45 315,562.12 1,762,933.96 1,286, 134.63 8,337,870.44 (3,488, 709.84) 643,471.70 1,628,918.57 0.00 1,481,835.31 5,000,000.00 412,419.38 1,034,952.45 315,562.12 321,533.66 0.00 2,084,467.61 1,320,865.37 9,658,735.81 2,084,467.61 90,000.00 1,034,952.45 315,562.12 321,533.66 330,216.34 2,002,264.57 2/25/200911:03 AM C:\Documents and Settings\showell\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\WROOVAGB\2010BradleyBdgt-original2-send.xlsSchedule D R&C Disb & Repay BRADLEY LAKE BUDGET PROJECTED CASH FLOW BY FUND SCHEDULE G Rev Fund O&M Fund Debt Fund Op Reserve R&C Cap Reserve Total FY2009 Budget Revenues 16,881,542 - 16,881,542 Interest 1,449,024 110,000 1,559,024 Transfer back interest - ~ Transfers to O&M (3,697,149) 3,697,149 - - Transfers to Debt Service (12,268,950.00) 12,268,950 - Payback of R&C Fund (1,628,919) 1,447,372 (181,547) 2008 Payables (657,929) (447,323) (255,455) (1,360,707) 2009 O&M Requisitions (3,697,149) (3,697,149) 2009 Capital Requistions (220,000) 169,489 - (50,511 Renewals/Replacements (169,489) - (901,888) - (1,071,377 To Excess Earnings fund (275,000) (275,000) Payment of Prior Year Deficit - - Debt Payments (12,268,950) (12,268,950) Increase Op Reserve (5,000) 5,000 = 6/30/2009 Projected Balance 1,429,467 0 : 739,406 1,481,835 12,834,000 16,484,708 A FY2010 Budget = Revenues 17,645,106 - 17,645,106 Interest 1,562,616 90,000 1,652,616 Transfer back interest - - Transfers to O&M (4,024,112) 4,024,112 - - Transfers to Debt Service (12,270,150) 12,270,150 - Payback of R&C Fund (2,084,468) 2,084,468 - O&M Requisitions (4,024,112) (4,024,112) Capital Requistions (675,196) 675,196 - - - Renewals/Replacements (675,196) - (1,320,865) - (1,996,061) To Excess Earnings fund (350,000) (350,000 Payment of Prior Year Deficit - - Debt Payments (12,270,150) (12,270,150) Increase Op Reserve 66,000 66,000 : 6/30/2010 Projected Balance 1,167,263 0 : 805,406 2,335,437 12,834,000 17,142,107 Assumption: should be 20.00% For purpose of budget cash flows, July 01 debt service projected 20.01% is assumed to be disbursed on June 30 2/25/200911:03 AM C:\Documents and Settings\showell\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\W ROOVAGB\2010BradleyBdgt-original2-send.xlsSchedule G-Cash balances BRADLEY LAKE BUDGET PROJECTED INTEREST INCOME SCHEDULE | Beginning Balance Receipts Utility Contributions Interest Income Received Equipment Sale Repay Prior Year Deficit Disbursements Prior year accrued expenses 0 & MExpenses R&C Fund Disbursement-Sch D Debt Service Payment SCH A Capital Excess Eamings Transfer Other Adjustment-Equal Sch G Adjust to Actual Ending Balance Interest Income Projection Estimated Accrued Interest Adjust to Actual Received CHK TP SCH G TOTAL, Jul-o9 A Sop-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 Jan-10 Fob-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 OTHER ADJ 16,484,707.91 16,484,707.91 _17,939,333.16 18,934,264.44 20,011,937.44 21,036,473.44 22,327,824.18 23,356,795.18 22,307,730.94 23,218,155.94 23,928,580.94 24,599,537.20 25,209,962.20 25,847,374.20 17,645,106.13 1,470,425.00 _1,470,425.00 —1,470,425.00 —1,470,425.00 —1,470,425.00 —_1,470,425.00—1,470,425.00 —1,470,425.00 —1,470,425.00 —1,470,425.00—1,470,425.00—_1,470,429.00 2.13 ADJ INTEREST 1,652,615.51 334,200.25 567.28 248.00 111.00 3.00 0.00 760,180.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (URNEBS7IS052229 TO ACCRUAL BASIS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19,207,721.64 _1,804,625.25 _1,470,992.28 _1,470,673.00__1,470,536.00 __1,470,428.00___1,470,425.00__2,230,605.76 _1,470,425.00___1,470,425.00__1,470,425.00_ _1,470,425.00__1,470,429.00_ 557,307.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (4,024,112.00) 0.00 (340,000.00) (233,000.00) (336,000.00) (50,000.00) (380,000.00) (212,095.00) (500,000.00) (500,000.00) (500,000.00) (500,000.00) (473,017.00) (1,320,865.00) 0.00 (60,865.00) (100,000.00) (50,000.00) (69,077.26) (1,454.00) 0.00 0.00 (200,000.00) (239,468.74) (300,000.00) (300,000.00) (12,270,150.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (3,007,575.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (9,262,575.00) ASSUME DEBT (675,196.00) 0.00 (75,196.00) (60,000.00) (60,000.00) (60,000.00) (60,000.00) (60,000.00) (60,000.00) (60,000.00) (60,000.00) (60,000.00) —_—_ (60,000.00) 0.00 (350,000.00) (350,000.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (18,640,323.00) (350,000.00) (476,061.00) (393,000.00) (446,000.00) ___(179,077.26) (441,454.00) _(3,279,670.00) (960,000.00) (760,000.00) (799,468.74) (860,000.00) (833,017.00) _(9,262,575.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,142,106.55__17,939,333.16 _ 18,934,264.44 _20,011,937.44 _21,036,473.44 _22,327,824.18 _23,356,795.18 _22,307,730.94 _23,218,155.94 _23,928,580.94 _24,599,537.20 _25,209,962.20 _25,847,374.20 _17,142,106.55 1,652,615.51 110,326.90 116,445.73 123,073.42 129,374.31 137,316.12 143,644.29 137,192.55 142,791.66 147,160.77 151,287.15 155,041.27 158,961.35 7,652,615.51 710,326.90 716,445.73 123,073.42 129,374.31 737,316.12 743,644.29 137,192.55 742,797,66___147,160.77 151,287.15 155,041.27 158,961.35 0.00 Payment of Accrued Interest 760,180.76 0.00 2/25/200911:03 AM C:\Documents and Settings\showell\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\WROOVAGB\2010BradleyBdgt-original2-send.xisSchedule |-Interest Inc Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting Page 1 of 1 Home Go Back ‘ 5 : Public Notices Online Public Notice Bradley Lake Project Management State of Alaska Committee Meeting Submitted by: bjfuglestad/08 Date Submitted: 02/25/2009 10:57 AM Date Modified: Ak Admin Journal: [not printed] Attachments: No files attached Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting Category: Public Notices Department: Commerce Community & Economic Development Publish Date: 02/25/2009 Location: Anchorage Coastal District: N/A Body of Notice: ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Regular Meeting Public Notice Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Notice is hereby given that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee will hold a regular meeting on Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. For additional information contact Brad Evans, Chairman. This meeting will be conducted by electronic media pursuant to AS 44.88.050(a) and AS 44.62.310 at the following location: Chugach Electric Association's Board Room, 5601 Electron Drive, Anchorage, Alaska; The public is invited to attend. The State of Alaska (AIDEA) complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Disabled persons requiring special modifications to participate should contact AIDEA staff at (907) 771-3000 to make arrangements. Revision History: 02/25/2009 10:57:27 AM by bjfuglestad/08/State/Alaska/US $$WebClient [Anon] Home Page Notices by: Department | Category | Publish Date http://notes4.state.ak.us/pn/pubnotic.nsf/cc52605f7¢156e7a8925672a0060a9 1 b/544bf3874... 2/25/2009 Shauna Howell From: Shauna Howell Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 10:50 AM To: ‘Bob Day, HEA’; 'Brad Evans, CEA’; 'Bradley Janorschke, HEA’; ‘Brenda Applegate, AEA’; ‘Brenda Fuglestad, AEA’; 'Brian Bjorkquist, Dept. of Law’; 'Brian Newton, GVEA’; 'Bryan Carey, AEA’; 'Charlie O'Hare, HEA’; 'Christa Caldwell, AEA’; 'Don Zoerb'; 'Gary Dixon’; 'Henri Dale, GVEA’; ‘James Hemsath, AEA’; ‘Jean Schroeder, HEA Secretary’; 'Jim Posey, AML&P’; 'Karl Reiche, AEA’; 'Kirk Gibson, AterWynne’; 'Linda MacMillan, AEA’; ‘Lynn Ragle’; 'Mike Cunningham, CEA’; 'Rick Eckert, HEA’; 'Rick Miller, AML&P'; 'Sara Fisher-Goad, AEA’; ‘Susan Redlin, Exec. Secretary @ GVEA’; 'Teresa Gamble, HEA’; 'Tim Barnum, City of Seward’; ‘Wayne Carmony, MEA’; ‘Wayne Carmony, MEA' Subject: Bradley Lake PMC Meeting Notification Importance: High Please mark your calendar for a Bradley Lake PMC meeting Thursday, February 26, 2009, at 10:00 a.m. at Chugach Electric Association’s board room. Any agenda items you have need to be emailed to me next week for inclusion on the agenda. If these items require action, please email me your motion(s) as well. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you. Shauna Howell Administrative Assistant Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority and Alaska Energy Authority 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 (907) 771-3028 Phone (907) 771-3044 Fax showell@aidea.org