HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley Lake PMC Meeting December 17, 2008 1PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Brad Evans Brian Newton Bradley Janorschke Wayne Carmony Jim Posey Tim Barnum Kirk Gibson Chugach Electric Association Golden Valley Electric Association Homer Electric Association Matanuska Electric Association Anchorage Municipal Light & Power City of Seward AterWynne Number of pages including cover sheet: [Noxce Miey Agen # (907) 762-4514 (907) 458-5951 (907) 335-6224 (907) 689-9368 (907) 263-5204 (907) 224-4085 (503) 226-0079 N (AL Shauna Howell From: Shauna Howell Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 11:10 AM To: ‘Aaron Remer'; 'Bob Day, HEA’; 'Brad Evans, CEA’; 'Bradley Janorschke, HEA’; ‘Brenda Applegate, AEA’; 'Brenda Fuglestad, AEA’; 'Brian Bjorkquist, Dept. of Law; 'Brian Newton, GVEA’; 'Bryan Carey, AEA’; 'Charlie O'Hare, HEA’; Christa Caldwell; Connie Owens, Exec. Secretary @ CEA; 'Gary Stromberg’; 'Henri Dale, GVEA'; ‘James Hemsath, AEA’; ‘Jean Schroeder, HEA Secretary’; ‘Jim Posey, AML&P'; 'Karl Reiche, AEA’; 'Kirk Gibson, AterWynne'’; ‘Linda MacMillan, AEA’; 'Mike Cunningham, CEA’; 'Rick Eckert, HEA’; 'Rick Miller, AML&P'; ‘Sara Fisher-Goad, AEA’; 'Susan Redlin, Exec. Secretary @ GVEA’; 'Teresa Gamble, HEA’; 'Tim Barnum, City of Seward’; 'Wayne Carmony, MEA’; 'Wayne Carmony, MEA' Subject: Bradley Lake PMC Meeting -- Teleconference Instructions and Meeting Documents Attachments: TELECONFERENCE INSTRUCTIONS.doc; 12-17-08 Meeting Agenda.pdf; June 19, 2008 Draft Minutes.doc; Wheeling Rate Motion.doc; FY08 Refund by Utility.xls; Motion to Approve Audit Report & Refund FY08 Surplus.doc Importance: High As a reminder, there is a Bradley Lake PMC meeting this Wednesday, December 17" at 10:30 a.m. via teleconference. Attached are the teleconference instructions as well as the meeting documents to be presented for approval. | will also be sending these documents out via fax. Please contact me with any questions. Thank you. Shauna Howell Administrative Assistant Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority and Alaska Energy Authority 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 (907) 771-3028 Phone (907) 771-3044 Fax showell@aidea.org TELECONFERENCE INSTRUCTIONS Wednesday, December 17, 2008 — 10:30 a.m. To join the meeting, please do the following: Dial 1-800-315-6338 Enter 3028# Alaska Industrial Development We as Export Authority Fe ye x IBEX. f= AAS BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING VIA TELECONFERENCE AGENDA Wednesday, December 17, 2008 — 10:30 a.m. (via electronic media at the AIDEA/AEA Board Room — 813 W. Northern Lights Blvd.) CALL TO ORDER Evans ROLL CALL (for Committee members) PUBLIC ROLL CALL (for all others present) PUBLIC COMMENT AGENDA COMMENTS (changes/additions/deletions) APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES June 19, 2008 NEW BUSINESS A. Wheeling Rate Approval (Action Item) Cunningham B. . FY08 Audit for Approval Present Financials for Approval to Issue Refund (Action Item) MacMillan COMMITTEE REPORTS / COMMENTS A. Operators Report B. Next Meeting Date Evans ADJOURNMENT 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard * Anchorage, Alaska 99503-2495 www.aidea.org * 907/771-3000 * FAX 907/771-3044 ® Toll Free (Alaska Only) 888/300-8534 * www.akenergyauthority.org Rick Baldwin, HEA Brian Bjorkquist, Dept. of Law Rick Miller, AML&P Burke Wick, CEA Doug Hall, AML&P Bob Price, AML&P Mike Cunningham, CEA (teleconference) Charlie O’Hare, HEA (teleconference) Don Zoerb, MEA (teleconference) Kirk Gibson (teleconference) 4. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no public comments. 5. AGENDA COMMENTS There were no agenda comments. — 4 y < 6. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES — May 14, 2008 MOTION: Mr. Posey moved to approve the minutes of the May 14, 2008 meeting. Seconded by Mr. Barnum. The meeting minutes were unanimously approved. 7. NEW BUSINESS & MOTION: Mr. Carmony moved that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee approve the, Operations & Management Agreement for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project between Homer Electric Association, Inc. and Alaska Energy Authority, effective July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2013 with an automatic renewal for a successive five-year term unless proper.notice of termination is given by either party. Seconded by Mr. Carey. . Mr. Janorschke stated that HEA went back and addressed the concerns from the previous PMC meeting. Mr. Baldwin added that the first issue of significance is the issue of termination provision that the BPMC was concerned about. The question was raised — what happens if the UPP or some REGA organization comes about and AEA wants to transfer the contract over to the new organization. Section 2D of the Agreement states that the Agreement may be terminated upon no less than six (6) months notice if the termination is approved by the Authority and the majority of the members of the BPMC constituting not less than 75% of project capacity and the Authority contracts to transfer operation and maintenance responsibility over the project to an entity organized to operate generation assets in the railbelt. He went on to Page 2 of 5 state that would allow the rest of the utilities to out-vote HEA if HEA didn’t want to surrender the reigns. The O&D Committee has been working on a new set of work rules that are updated. Those rules are referred to under operator’s specific duties in section 5B of the Agreement, which obligates HEA to operate, maintain and repair the project in accordance with the operation and maintenance standards and work rules. The work rules are integrated into this Agreement with the O&D Committee being responsible for developing the work rules. Another issue of concern was the issue of oversight of subcontracts. Section 5Q provides for the operator to agree to comply with any written procedures adopted by the BPMC and approved by the Authority concerning the administration of any subcontracts. The work will be done at the committee level and more detailed procedures can be more.easily developed and more easily changed. Mr. Bjorkquist added that in the Agreement under section 12, were procedures for modification of the work rules and that procedure stays in place — modification of work rules require approval of the Authority and the BPMC and that provision was not changed, so you still have the ability to change the work rules in the future, A roll call vote was taken: City of Seward: Yes Matanuska Electric Association: Yes Chugach Electric Association: Yes Homer Electric Association: Yes Golden Valley Electric Association: ===. ----- Anchorage Municipal Light & Power: Yes Alaska Energy Authority: Yes } Naz : The motion unanimously passed. 7B. oe... lacement ~~ Mr. O'Hare Stated that the facilities transformer at Bradley Lake catastrophically failed. This is the same tr ormer that failed in 1999. They are rapidly getting a replacement for this transformer an ve come up with an estimate of costs totaling $110,000. They are looking into a reduced p _ transformer that may reduce that cost. In the meantime, a back-up generator (125 kW) to power the shop, warehouse, crews quarters, duplexes and the dam. The dam itself has a back-up generator, but they opted to get a generator the size that would power the dam and leave the back-up generator and the dam off as a back-up to that. There is a timeframe of four weeks for the transformer to arrive and get replaced. They will be removing the old transformer and sending it out for recause analysis to find out why it failed and significantly right after an earlier transformer failure less than ten years ago. Once they determine what the root cause of the failures are, an active plan to eliminate the cause of this and determine what is needed to be done on an ongoing basis will take place. An authorization of $110,000 is being requested for the replacement of the transformer and the analysis. Page 3 of 5 Mr. Posey asked if there was a spare or if a spare was part of the $110,000 or a part of the replacement plus to get a spare? Mr. O'Hare replied that they do not have a spare and what they would like to do first is get the root cause analysis completed to determine what the cause was before getting a spare or a back-up generator. The manufacturer of the one that failed was not the manufacturer of the previous one that failed. Mr. Posey also inquired as to the $110,000 being the quote for the replacement — do you think there is a cheaper alternative or a different manufacturer that will make one that will meet our needs? Mr. O’Hare gave a breakdown of the costs: Transformer: $70,000 Shipping: $10,000 Misc. Connectors: $ 5,000 Back-up Generator Rental: $ 5,000 Root Cause Analysis: $10,000 Additional Labor: $10,000 MOTION: This is what is known as an extraordinary expenditure and per the O&M Agreement, section 8E, BPMC authorization is needed for these expenditures. Move by Mr. Posey, seconded by Mr. Newton. This will authorize them to replace with the $70,000 plus spending all the connectors and the»root cause analysis, afterwards determining if we should look at buying a spare. A roll call vote was taken: City of Seward: Yes Matanuska Electric Association: Yes Chugach Eleétrié’Association: Yes Yes Golden Valley Electric Association: Yes Anchorage M nicipal Light & Power: Yes Alaska Energy i Yes The motion unanimously passed. 7C. Budget Report Ms. MacMillan gave an overview of the budget report, including a projected surplus in the budget of approximately $480,000. The Budget Finance Sub-committee decided to hold off amending the budget and wait until the final audit and will refund monies to the utilities at that time. Mr. Carey added that insurance quotes for next year have been received from ARECA and Willis and we are seeing a reduction by about $50,000 in the cost of insurance for next year. Page 40f 5 8A. Operators Report Mr. O’Hare reiterated the transformer failure and added that they are preparing for the annual outage, which starts on July 18, 2008 and ends on August 7, 2008, with a combined unit outage on July 29, 30, and August 1°, 2008. Lake level is at 1,091. The lake level is coming up, but not as fast as anticipated. The snowpack is estimated to be 25-30 percent above average. It is anticipated to have more inflow at the project this year than last year. 8B. Next Meeting Date The next meeting will be Thursday, September 25, 2008, at 10:00 a.m. at AEA. 9. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m. Page 5 of 5 Shauna Howell From: Shauna Howell Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 12:30 PM To: ‘jestes@cityofseward.net'; 'kshipe@cityofseward.net' Subject: FW: Bradley Lake PMC Meeting - via teleconference Importance: High This email is being sent to you as was stated in a reply email from Tim Barnum. Please see the below noted meeting notice. Thank you. From: Shauna Howell Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 12:28 PM To: 'Bob Day, HEA’; 'Brad Evans, CEA’; 'Bradley Janorschke, HEA'; ‘Brenda Applegate, AEA’; 'Brenda Fuglestad, AEA’; ‘Brian Bjorkquist, Dept. of Law’; 'Brian Newton, GVEA’; 'Bryan Carey, AEA'; 'Charlie O'Hare, HEA'; Christa Caldwell; Connie Owens, Exec. Secretary @ CEA; 'Gary Stromberg’; 'Henri Dale, GVEA’; ‘James Hemsath, AEA’; 'Jean Schroeder, HEA Secretary’; ‘Jim Posey, AML&P'; 'Karl Reiche, AEA’; 'Kirk Gibson, AterWynne'; ‘Linda MacMillan, AEA'; ‘Mike Cunningham, CEA’; 'Rick Eckert, HEA’; 'Rick Miller, AML&P'; ‘Sara Fisher-Goad, AEA’; ‘Susan Redlin, Exec. Secretary @ GVEA’; 'Teresa Gamble, HEA'; 'Tim Barnum, City of Seward’; 'Wayne Carmony, MEA’; 'Wayne Carmony, MEA' Subject: Bradley Lake PMC Meeting - via teleconference Importance: High Please mark your calendars — there will be a regular meeting of the Bradley Lake PMC via teleconference on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 at 10:30 a.m. Agenda items and teleconference information will be sent out shortly. Please call me with questions at (907) 771-3028. Thank you. --Shauna Howell S 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 9 16 23 30 13 20 27 JANUARY M TWTES @) 23.4 5 7 8 9 10 fi 12 14 15 16°17 18 19 Ql) 22 23 24 25 26 28 29) 30 31 FEBRUARY M TWTFS 1 2 4 5 6789 11 7 13 14 15 16 (18) 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 G8 29 MARCH M T W TF S 10 11 fi 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 BB 29 APRIL M T W S ! 5 7 8 Ww 1415 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 MAY M TWTFES 12 3 5 6 78 910 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 BB 29 30 31 JUNE 2008 State Calendar State Holidays: January | New Year’s Day 21 Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Day February 18 Presidents’ Day March 31 Seward’s Day May 26 Memorial Day July 4 Independence Day September | Labor Day October 17 Alaska Day November 11 Veterans’ Day 27 Thanksgiving Day December 25 Christmas Day _ Warrant Distribution QO Holiday AIDEA and AEA BOARD MEETINGS Jan 25,2008 Feb 14,2008 Aug 14, 2008 Apr 10,2008 Oct 9, 2008 June 12,2008 Dec 11, 2008 www.state.ak.us/admin 14 21 28 12 19 26 16 23 30 14 21 28 1415 161 21 22 23 24 25 26 B8 29 3031 AUGUST M TWTFES 1 2 4 5 6789 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 BF 28 29 30 SEPTEMBER M T WTF S G2 345 6 8 9 10 11 213 15 16 17.18 19 20 22 23 2 26 27 29 30 OCTOBER M TWTFS 12.3 4 6 7 8 980 11 13 14 15 16 (17) 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 NOVEMBER M TW TFS l 3 4 567 8 10 (it) 12 hia 1s 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 267) BB 29 DECEMBER M TW TFS 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 fi 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 @5) BB 27 29 30 31 BRADLI -AKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT '!MMITTEE List of Representatives Representative Alternate Brad Evans Burke Wick Chairman Brad Janorschke Charlie O’Hare Vice Chairman Bryan Carey James Hemsath Secretary/Treasurer Brian Newton Kate Lamal Jim Posey Rick Miller Tim Barnum Rick Gifford Wayne D. Carmony Don Zoerb Kirk Gibson Effective Date: 01/09/03 Revised Date: Utility Chugach Electric Association 5601 Minnesota Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99518 Phone: 563-7494 Fax: 762-4514 Brad_evans@chugachelectric.com Burke _Wick@chugachelectric.com Homer Electric Association 3977 Lake Street Homer, Alaska 99603 Phone: 235-8167 Fax: 235-3323 bjanorschke@homerelectric.com cohere@homerelectric.com AIDEA/AEA 813 W. Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Phone: 269-3000 Fax: 269-3044 bcarey@aidea.or jhemsath@aidea.org Golden Valley Electric Association P.O. Box 71249 (758 Illinois) Fairbanks, Alaska 99707 Phone: 452-1151 Fax: 458-5951 bIn@qvea.com Municipal Light & Power 1200 E. First Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Phone: 279-7671 Fax: 263-5204 PoseyJM@muni.org millerre@muni.org City of Seward P.O. Box 167 (234 Fourth Avenue) Seward, Alaska 99664 Phone: 224-4071 Fax: 224-4085 tbarnum@cityofseward.net Matanuska Electric Association P.O. Box 2929 (163 Industrial Way) Palmer, Alaska 99645-2929 Phone: 689-9211 Fax: 689-9368 prworrell@matanuska.com dwzoerb@matanuska.com AterWynne 222 S.W. Columbia, Suite 1800 Portland, Oregon 97201-6618 Phone: (503) 226-1191 Fax: (503) 226-0079 khg@aterwynne.com 03/11/08 * * ¥* Transmission Result Report (MemoryTX) ( Dev-iv- 2008 12:43PM) * * * 1) AIDEA/AEA 2) Date/Time: Dec-15. 2008 12:11PM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 7801 Memory TX 97624514 Parrl2 OK 919074585951 OK 919073356224 OK 96899368 OK 92635204 OK 919072244085 OK 915032260079 OK Reason for error E.1) Hangs up or line fail —.2) E.3) No answer E.4) PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Brad Evans Chugach Electric Association (907) 762-4514 Brian Newton Golden Valley Electric Association (907) 458-5951 Bradley Janorschke — Homer Electric Association (907) 335-6224 Wayne Carmony Matenuska Electric Association © (907) 689-9368 vim Posey Anchorage Municipal Light & Power (907) 263-5204 Tim Barnum City of Seward (907) 224-4085 Kirk Gibson AterWynne (503) 226-0079 fel. Number of pages including cover sheet: i Shauna Howell From: Shauna Howell Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 12:28 PM To: ‘Bob Day, HEA’; 'Brad Evans, CEA’; 'Bradley Janorschke, HEA’; 'Brenda Applegate, AEA’; ‘Brenda Fuglestad, AEA’; ‘Brian Bjorkquist, Dept. of Law; 'Brian Newton, GVEA’; 'Bryan Carey, AEA’; 'Charlie O'Hare, HEA’; Christa Caldwell; Connie Owens, Exec. Secretary @ CEA; 'Gary Stromberg’; 'Henri Dale, GVEA"; ‘James Hemsath, AEA’; ‘Jean Schroeder, HEA Secretary’; ‘Jim Posey, AML&P'; 'Karl Reiche, AEA’; 'Kirk Gibson, AterWynne’; 'Linda MacMillan, AEA’; ‘Mike Cunningham, CEA’; 'Rick Eckert, HEA’; 'Rick Miller, AML&P'; 'Sara Fisher-Goad, AEA’; ‘Susan Redlin, Exec. Secretary @ GVEA’; 'Teresa Gamble, HEA’; 'Tim Barnum, City of Seward’; 'Wayne Carmony, MEA’; 'Wayne Carmony, MEA' Subject: Bradley Lake PMC Meeting - via teleconference Importance: High Please mark your calendars — there will be a regular meeting of the Bradley Lake PMC via teleconference on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 at 10:30 a.m. Agenda items and teleconference information will be sent out shortly. Please call me with questions at (907) 771-3028. Thank you. --Shauna Howell * * * Transmic...n Result Report (MemoryTX) (Dec . 2008 2:10PM) * * * 1) AIDEA/AEA 2) Date/Time: Dec-1l. 2008 2:04PM File Page No. Mode Destination Pg (s) Result Not Sent 7196 Memory TX 97624514 Pra! (2 Ok 919074585951 Ok 96899368 OK 92635204 OK 919072244085 OK 915032260079 OK Reason for error E.1) Hang up or line fail —.2) B E.3) No answer —.4) N PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Brad Evans Chugach Electric Association (907) 762-4514 Brian Newton Golden Valley Electric Association (907) 458-5951 Bradley Janorschke Homer Electric Association (907) 335-6224 Wayne Carmony Matanuska Electric Association (907) 689-9368 Jim Posey Anchorage Municipal Light & Power (907) 263-5204 Tim Barnum City of Seward (907) 224-4085 Kirk Gibson AterWynne (503) 226-0079 Number of pages including cover sheet: a PLEASE DELIVER TO THE FOLLOWING: Brad Evans Brian Newton Bradley Janorschke Wayne Carmony Jim Posey Tim Barnum Kirk Gibson Chugach Electric Association Golden Valley Electric Association Homer Electric Association Matanuska Electric Association Anchorage Municipal Light & Power City of Seward AterWynne Number of pages including cover sheet: (907) 762-4514 (907) 458-5951 (907) 335-6224 (907) 689-9368 (907) 263-5204 (907) 224-4085 (503) 226-0079 a Notification of Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting TELECONFERENCE A regular meeting is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, December 17, 2008, at 10:30 a.m. For additional information contact Brad Evans, Chairman. This meeting will be conducted by electronic media at the following location: Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority Board Room, 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard, Anchorage, Alaska. Teleconference Instructions: Dial: 1-800-315-6338 Code: 3028# Meeting agenda and information will be sent out in an email tomorrow. Please call Shauna at (907) 771-3028 with questions. Bradley Lake Project Manag~"~ -nt Committee Meeting : Page 1 of 1 Home Go Back : : : Public Notices Online Public Notice Bradley Lake Project Management State of Alaska Committee Meeting Submitted by: bjfuglestad/08 Date Submitted: 12/11/2008 12:38 PM Date Modified: Ak Admin Journal: [not printed] Attachments: No files attached Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting Category: Public Notices Department: Commerce Community & Economic Development Publish Date: 12/11/2008 Location: Anchorage Coastal District: N/A Body of Notice: ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Regular Meeting Public Notice Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Notice is hereby given that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee will hold a regular meeting via teleconference on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 at 10:30 a.m. For additional information contact Brad Evans, Chairman. This meeting will be conducted by electronic media pursuant to AS 44.88.050(a) and AS 44.62.310 at the following location: Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority's Board Room, 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard, Anchorage, Alaska; The public is invited to attend. The State of Alaska (AIDEA) complies with Title Il of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Disabled persons requiring special modifications to participate should contact AIDEA staff at (907) 771-3000 to make arrangements. Revision History: 12/11/2008 12:38:04 PM by bjfuglestad/08/State/Alaska/US Home Page Notices by: Department | Category | Publish Date http://notes4.state.ak.us/pn/pubnotic.nsf/cc52605f7c1 56e7a8925672a0060a9 1b/450d2800... 12/11/2008 Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Regular Meeting Public Notice Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Notice is hereby given that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee will hold a regular meeting via teleconference on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 at 10:30 a.m. For additional information contact Brad Evans, Chairman. This meeting will be conducted by electronic media pursuant to AS 44.88.050(a) and AS 44.62.310 at the following location: Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority’s Board Room, 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard, Anchorage, Alaska; The public is invited to attend. The State of Alaska (AIDEA) complies with Title Il of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Disabled persons requiring special modifications to participate should contact AIDEA staff at (907) 771-3000 to make arrangements. Attachments, History, Details Attachments Details None Department: Commerce, Community and Economic Development Revision History Category: Public Notices Created 12/11/2008 3:38:04 AM by bjfuglestad Sub-Category: Modified 12/11/2008 12:38:04 PM by bjfuglestad Le Anchorage Project/Regulation #: Publish Date: 12/11/2008 Archive Date: 12/18/2008 Events/Deadlines: THINGS TO DO TODAY Bene “hleconf. Mts. | Post te online. Stoke webs te aa Sched le eelocerfouree ~~ Pi?) jie! |b oU malo “Oar Code: 30,84 (0:30 - [2:0 on. (20 Fe be ae [ Senb oA uel w/ogrla |W + He le conf mL als Hyctiows 7 eyrail dacowercts fy yeview ~~ irelicivge motrons ~~ Schedile eof vor m National Association of Purchasing Management NAPM-Alaska, Inc. PO Box 93047 * Anchorage, AK 99509-3047 www.napm.org/sites/alaska