HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley Lake PMC Meeting April 13, 1995 1BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority 480 West Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska Thursday, April 13, 1995 10:00 a.m. Ai. L IRDER Chairman Norm Story called the meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 10:07 a.m. to conduct the business of the Management Committee. The following members were present: 2. ROLL CALL Alaska Energy Authority Dennis McCrohan, Designated Representative City of Seward Dave Calvert, Designated Representative Homer Electric Association Norm Story, Designated Representative Matanuska Electric Association Wayne Carmony, Designated Representative Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Tom Stahr, Designated Representative Chugach Electric Association Eugene Bjornstad, Designated Representative Golden Valley Electric Association Brad Evans, Designated Alternate Representative Others Present: Stan Sieczkowski, AEA Brenda J. Fuglestad, AEA Dan Beardsley, AEA Ron Saxton, Ater, Wynne, Hewitt, Dodson & Skerritt Myles Yerkes, Homer Electric Association Mary Ann Pease, Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Tom Lovas, Chugach Electric Association John Cooley, Chugach Electric Association Rick Eckert, Homer Electric Association June Finkbiner, Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Bob Hufman, AEG&T Tim McConnell, Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Bradley Lake P :+ct Management Committee Meeting Minutes -- Thursday, April 13, 1995 Page 2 of 7 Steve Hammons, Chugach Electric Association Lee Thibert, Chugach Electric Association Jim Hall, Matanuska Electric Association Roger Kemppel, AEG&T 3. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. 4. AGENDA COMMENTS There were no changes or additions to the agenda. 5. P VAL MEETING MINUTES: February 21, 1995 March 28, 1995 Mr. Lovas stated that Mr. Bjornstad was not present at the March 28, 1995, meeting and that he was the Designated Alternate Representative at the meeting. Chairman Story stated that the March 28, 1995, minutes would be changed to reflect that. MOTION: Mr. Bjornstad moved to approve the February 21, 1995, minutes as provided and the March 28, 1995, meeting minutes as amended. Seconded by Mr. Calvert. A voice vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously. 6. BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Lovas briefed the Committee as to the finalization of the FY96 budget that was approved by the BPMC on March 28, 1995. All deadlines were met and the budget is in place at this time. The Budget Subcommittee plans to take no further action on the budget at this point, but will observe year end results for an actual surplus versus anticipated surplus. Mr. Lovas stated that the Subcommittee has been working with Parisena and Stromberg on the final report of the FY94 O&M Audit. The issues of accounting for certain credits associated with workman's compensation has been clarified and taken care of. The Representation Letter has been signed by Tom Lovas (Chugach Electric Association), Dennis McCrohan and Elaine McCambridge (Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority). The Subcommittee expects to bring a recommendation to the BPMC at the next scheduled meeting. The Subcommittee is looking at an audit for review of the charges and overview of the procedures for the contractors to perform the O&M for the project. This audit would include Homer Electric Association's O&M activity, Chugach Electric Association's dispatch function, and any other functional area Bradley Lake P ‘ct Management Committee Meeting Minutes -- Thursday, April 13, 1995 Page 3 of 7 of O&M activity that comes back to the PMC. The Subcommittee will bring the statement of work to the PMC for authorization. Mr. Lovas reviewed the energy accounting and cash-flow treatment stating that regardless of the energy flows of the project, the payments made each month are the same. This causes a problem for some utilities in that the gas cost swings as a result of the changes in the energy distribution throughout the year which drives the surcharge into an oscillation type of a mode. The Subcommittee is currently discussing the possibility of treating the fixed payments internally in terms of energy value for the period of time in which energy is taken. Mr. Lovas stated that it is not expected to change the payment framework under the bond resolution, it would be a matter of how the energy accounting is dealt with. Mr. Saxton stated that the problem is not from the Bradley dollars, the problem is from other purchases or adjustments having to overlay on a flat Bradley cost. Mr. Lovas confirmed Mr. Saxton's statement. is OPERATION AND DISPATCH SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Sieczkowski stated that the O&D Subcommittee met on March 2, and is scheduled to meet on April 14, 1995. He stated that the O&D Subcommittee has no actions or recommendations to bring before the BPMC. Mr. Hammon briefed the Committee on operations, stating that the operations have been fairly routine to date. There was one forced outage on March 27 to the Bradley Lake Unit #1. It tripped off with a fire alarm malfunction. Mr. Yerkes briefed the Committee on the maintenance of Bradley Lake. He stated that there are some requests for items that need to be addressed. During a cold snap there was a problem with one of the machines. The discharge chamber level was rising without the benefit of tides forcing it to rise. A fan was manually started which resolved the problem of the discharge chamber level. Mr. Yerkes stated that glaciation was found around the entry bulkhead. Approximately 5-8 feet of the penstock is not insulated. The penstock was wrapped and heated for about 30 days during the cold snap. The Energy Authority was notified of the situation and the issue will be taken up at the next O&D Subcommittee meeting. Mr. Yerkes stated that control changes have been made to the software so that the fan engages whenever the water is seven feet above sea level. Mr. Saxton asked if this was an unanticipated problem. Bradley Lake P ‘ct Management Committee Meeting Minutes -- Thursday, April 13, 1995 Page 4 of 7 Mr. Yerkes stated that he was unsure and would like to have an engineer review the design. Mr. Yerkes also stated that there was a forced outage with the fire system. Snow and ice fell from the roof of the building and landed on the main step-up transformer. The ice damaged the fire water system, which when repaired, knocked one of the machines off-line. Mr. Yerkes stated that there is a need to modify the roof structure or provide barriers. 8. IN: E IMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Beardsley stated that the policies are out for annual renewal. ARECA is looking strongly at taking some of the coverage, they have been working with Willis Corroon. 9. ILD BUSINESS A. Spinning Reserve Update Mr. Lovas stated that the first quarter of the reporting and accounting proposal should be available shortly. It will be addressed to the Managers from the IOC. He also stated that the ASCC is continuing its work on the reliability criteria committee. It was discussed that a spinning reserve policy be put together to recommend to the managers for submittal to the IOC. The consideration was that the ASCC has made its findings that the largest unit spinning contingency should still be considered, however, of the spin that is carried, 70% should be either combustion turbine or responsive spin, and 30% could be carried as nonresponsive spin. This is for both the winter and summer period based upon the analyses that have been run to date. Mr. Lovas suggested that the evaluation of the economic activity more properly belongs in the operating group through the intertie operating committee. He stated that the committee is in the process of preparing a recommendation to implement that criteria for the IOC. Mr. Lovas stated that an investigation is ensuing as to why during an outage the Bradley governor was operating in a fashion different than it was designed for. Mr. Yerkes stated that there was a problem during an outage where one of the machines was placed in deflector mode and the other in normal mode. It was interconnected with the system and as it was being loaded up to try to displace generation in Anchorage, the machine in deflector mode went unstable and started swinging + 40 megawatts before it knocked itself off-line. He stated they have experienced other problems with the governor and have requested Stone & Webster, PTI, and Bradley Lake P ‘ct Management Committee Meeting Minutes -- Thursday, April 13, 1995 Page 5 of 7 10. Woodward governor to take another look at it. Their proposal is in the order of $22,000. We recently completed a modification to the governor which is digital and we will have to go back and exchange some memory cards and test the machine again. The total dollar amount for this issue could be $40-$50,000 before it is complete. We will discuss this in the Subcommittee on April 14, 1995. B. Status Update of Agreements Mr. Beardsley stated that due to scheduling conflicts nothing much _ has happened with the Agreements. There are essentially three (3) agreements left to be resolved. Mr. Beardsley stated that there should be something to report by the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS A. Bradley M Mitigation Mr. Beardsley stated that as part of the license obligations, when it was issued in 1985, AEA had to undertake certain types of mitigation for waterfowl, fisheries, and mammals. He stated that under the terms of the license obligation the fisheries studies will be completed this year and the waterfowl mitigation should be completed by 1996. Mr. Beardsley reviewed for the Committee the history of obligation regarding the Moose Mitigation. Stating that as a result of the project there was an obligation to mitigate for loss of moose habitat based on the flooding of 3,600 acres of land. He stated that there was no formal action by the AEA, but there was a discussion of $150,000 dollars to fund the endowment. Mr. Beardsley stated that he could find no specific action regarding this issue, but it was stated that funds were set aside under mitigation to accommodate $150,000. One of the major concerns was that because of the activities they were undertaking what liability would the AEA and or the PMC have. Mr. Beardsley stated that a non-profit corporation document currently in draft will add another layer of insulation for liability against AEA. The preparation of studies and annual reports is an obligation in the various agreements. There were earlier recommendations that the funding for the reports would be paid out of operational funds. The Authority has taken the position that it would be more appropriate to have a lump sum come out of construction funds which would resolve the obligation. This would also stop any further drain on the PMC and/or the operating funds over the years. We have not reached a final conclusion on this issue. Mr. Story asked if the state can enter into a non-profit corporation. Bradley Lake P -+ct Management Committee Meeting Minutes -- Thursday, April 13, 1995 Page 6 of 7 Mr. Beardsley stated that an Assistant Attorney General opinion is forthcoming on that issue. Mr. Saxton stated that he has reviewed some of the documents, but has not engaged in any discussions with the state. He said the state holds the license for these projects. The PMC (the utilities collectively) have agreed to undertake the financial obligations. He stated that the PMC needs to support the effort to try to shift this off to a trust, but it needs to be effective. If the obligations were to change at some point or if the trustees of this group decided they need a lot more money, there is some risk. I request that some utility person be assigned to work with myself and Dan to follow what is happening. Mr. Story asked for any objections from the participants to have Ron work with Dan and then call upon staff from one of the organizations to assist as Ron sees fit. Mr. Story stated that this body would consist of AEA, Alaska Department of Fish & Game, and a member of the Homer Advisory Committee. AEA will stay injected into the process so AEA would be part of the decision making body of this organization. Mr. Beardsley confirmed Mr. Story's statement and also stated that provisions in the drafting of the documents have made very specific corporate obligations which cannot be changed as part of the legal corporate existence. They can change some of their day-to-day operation, but they cannot change their purposes and some of the obligations they have as a corporation. As long as there is a license obligation the project is represented. Discussions ensued as to the fish mitigation studies. It was stated that concerns would be addressed in the Subcommittees and report back to the PMC. Mr. Sieczkowski stated that we are required to submit a report to FERC whereupon they could come back to us with additional requirements or comments. This report will close-out the initial fisheries studies contract due to expire December 31, 1995. B. Approval of Legal Expenses & Other Expenses Mr. Bjornstad reported a bill had been received from Ater, Wynne, Hewitt, Dodson & Skerritt in the amount of $10,094.72 for the month of February 1-28, 1995. Mr. Beardsley stated that some of these expenses are for the moose mitigation and would be construction funds; it may be appropriate to Bradley Lake P sct Management Committee Meeting Minutes -- Thursday, April 13, 1995 Page 7 of 7 1: defer some of the expenses to the construction account if they relate to the expenses of moose mitigation. Mr. Bjornstad stated that this could be arranged. MOTION: Mr. Bjornstad moved to approve payment of the above-mentioned legal expenses in the amount of $10,094.72 for February 1-28, 1995. Seconded by Mr. Calvert. A voice vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously. COMMITTEE COMMENTS Chairman Story stated that the next meeting date would be scheduled for June 1, 1995, 10:00 a.m. at the Municipal Light & Power offices. Mr. Stahr commented that before getting too deep into the governor we should look at the interaction of the governor with the AGC services. Mr. Yerkes stated that this is a major problem and it will be covered. 12, ADJOURNMENT There being no further business of the Committee and hearing no objections, Chairman Story adjourned the meeting at 10:44 a.m. Norm Story, Chairman ATTEST: Oe ee Dennis V. McCrohan, Secretary a = i Wee esi ee Ss ik a Woy SS ay. 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Muligalin Cate Wawadkiel—an & wat iH Mew Lisuak sigh rf _#OKs 6 ‘a ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT =~ AND EXPORT AUTHORITY f= ALASKA @@m— ENERGY AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 907 / 561-8050 FAX 907 /561-8998 BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Thursday, April 13, 1995 - 10:00 A.M. Chugach Electric Association Offices 5601 Minnesota Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99503 1. CALL TOORDER ~— !0°.07a~ Story 2. ROLLCALL 3. PUBLIC COMMENT ~ ncn, 4. AGENDA COMMENTS 5. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES: - February 21, 1995s, moved. Eocent Biornstad - March 28, 1995 ZH S2cond. Owe Calects 6. BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Lovas ils OPERATION AND DISPATCH SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Sieczkowski 8. INSURANCE SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT —- On McCrohan 9: OLD BUSINESS A. Spinning Reserves Update Lovas B. Status Update of Agreements McCrohan 10. NEW BUSINESS A. Bradley Moose Mitigation Beardsley NOLL - Sjor nctad B. Approval of Legal Expenses & other Expenses o Bjornstad Sttond- Calvect 1 COMMITTEE COMMENTS A. Next Meeting Date - Sung \,\995 - \0o1cO am. Story Ze ADJOURNMENT = \©.44 are h:all\eva\bradley\blpme Bradley Lake PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING a —Chycach Zleciere Aesoe— = Anehore (Location) ve PLEASE SIGN IN REPRESENTING Mi DEA mere AEG LT Des aa Soe, o> KeePew 92Q2\IT9884 Agenda Item No. CITY OF SEWARD MATANUSKA ELEC ASSOC CHUGACH ELEC ASSOC HOMER ELEC ASSOC GOLDEN VAL ELEC ASSOC MUNI LIGHT & POWER ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY A=4+ OVER 51% DATE: 2c 13 LATS BRADLEY PMC VOTING eae 08 Ror Cay hee YES NO ABS YES NO ABS YES NO ABS «Ver el Ele w% (ZI LEI Fs 36 EV] ES) Geb 12% [¥[__] 7] [EE J 1% EAE] ) Gebel 26% [7 PT ao ee] oe) Ee T=E ] B = AEA CONCUR With A C = UNANIMOUS D = MAJORITY VOTING METHOD A: Requiring four yeas with 51% of utilities, with no AEA vote: 1) Procedures for scheduling, production and dispatch of project power. 2) Establishment of procedures for use of each purchaser's water allocation (AEA assent required for license requirements). 3) Selection among alternative methods that do not involve AEA for funding required project work. VOTING METHOD B: Requiring 4 yeas with 51% of utilities and AEA concurrence: 1) Arranging operation and maintenance of project. 3) Establishment of FY estimated annual 11) payment obligation and schedule of each purchaser. 4) Determination of annual project costs after 12) each FY. 5) Evaluation of necessity for and scheduling of 13) required project work. 6) Determination of appropriate amount of 14) insurance. 7) Adoption of additional minimum funding amounts for renewal and contingency reserve 15) fund above that required by bond resolution. Determination of rules, procedures and accounts necessary to manage project when no bonds outstanding. Evaluation and approval of optional project work and compensation for such work. Application of insurance claims proceeds not governed by bond resolution. Approval of procedures and any individual utility agreements relating to electric power reserves for project. Approval of consultants. VOTING METHOD C: 8) Selection among alternate methods that involve AEA for funding required project work. Unanimous vote by all (including AEA) VOTING METHOD D: 9) Adoption or amendment of procedural 2) Adoption of budget of annual project costs. VOTE(93Q3/BC5272) committee rules (except dispute resolution). 10) Adoption of project maintenance schedules. Majority vote (including AEA) Election of Officers Ls Chairman Norm Story called the meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydro- electric Project Management Committee to order at 10:05 a.m. in the Commission Room of Anchorage Municipal Light & Power, 1200 East list Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska, to conduct the business of the Committee per the agenda and public notice. oo BRADLE} AKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT CC (fTfTEE MEETING MINUTES Commission Room Anchorage Municipal Light & Power 1200 East 1st Avenue Anchorage, Alaska Tuesday, February 21, 1995 10:00 a.m. CALL TO ORDER present: Ze ROLL CALL Alaska Energy Authority Dennis McCrohan, Designated Representative City of Seward Dave Calvert, Designated Representative Homer Electric Association Norm Story, Designated Representative Matanuska Electric Association Wayne Carmony, Designated Representative Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Tom Stahr, Designated Representative Chugach Electric Association Tom Lovas (10:10 a.m.), Alternate Representative Golden Valley Electric Association Mike Kelly (10:15 a.m.), Designated Representative Others Present: Stan Sieczkowski, AEA Eva Carpenter, AEA Ron Saxton, Ater, Wynne, Hewitt, Dodson & Skerritt Bob Hufman, AEG&T Lee D. Thibert, Chugach Electric Association Brian Hickey, Chugach Electric Association John S. Cooley, Chugach Electric Association Bradley Evans, Golden Valley Electric Association Steve Haagenson, Golden Valley Electric Association Myles Yerkes, Homer Electric Association Jim Hall, Matanuska Electric Association Doug Hall, Municipal Light & Power June Finkbiner, Municipal Light & Power The following members were Im * Bradley Lake Projec fanagement Committee a Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, February 21, 1995 Page 2 of 5 3. PUBLIC COMMENT None. 4. AGENDA COMMENTS There were no changes or additions to the agenda. 5. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES - NOVEMBER 10, 1994 MOTION: Mr. Stahr moved to approve the January 12, 1995 minutes. Seconded by Mr. Calvert. Mr. Story stated "$100,000,000 aggregate" in the third line, last paragraph on page 4 of 7, should be "$1,000,000 aggregate." A voice vote was taken, and the minutes were approved as amended. 6. BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Lovas reported the Budget Subcommittee had met twice since the last PMC meeting. The following items were discussed: A. FY _'96 Budget Mr. Lovas reported the Budget Subcommittee had begun preparation of the FY ‘96 budget, which needs to be approved by the PMC no later than March 30th and submitted to the Trustee by AEA no later than March 31st. He said quite a bit of work had been done on the Work Plan for the O&M component and the developing surpluses had been discussed. Mr. Lovas said the preliminary budget, which was available at this time, reflected some overall reductions from the 1995 budget. Mr. Lovas reported the classification and characterization of items in the O&M component will be finalized at the next Subcommittee meeting. The Budget Subcommittee anticipates presenting the FY '96 budget to the PMC at its next meeting in order to ensure timely submission to the Trustee by AEA before March 31. Mr. Lovas reported the Subcommittee had noted a condition which developed over the past year which required adjustments to the budget to allow for costs associated with septic system rework for the crews’ quarters and plant. Mr. Lovas reported the Subcommittee has not yet received the draft report on the ongoing FY ‘94 O&M audit. There is a single outstanding issue dealing with workers’ compensation collections and back credit. The Subcommittee is in the process of verifying the status of this issue and hopes to get the draft report for finalization prior to its next meeting. " Bradley Lake Projec fanagement Committee Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, February 21, 1995 Page 3 of 5 Mr. Lovas stated the Budget Subcommittee had also reviewed the self-insurance reserves issue. A mail survey had been sent to project participants requesting input on whether self-insurance would be acceptable. All respondents had agreed to self-insure at either the $1,000,000 or $2,000,000 level. Seward Electric had not yet responded. This would indicate there will be no need for a Bradley Lake budget item for an additional reserve to accommodate the deductible. The Budget Subcommittee will next meet on March 2, 1995, to finalize the FY ‘96 budget to present at the March meeting of the PMC. Mr. Lovas clarified the Subcommittee’s recommended FY ‘96 budget would be completed within a week following its March 2nd meeting. 7. OPERATION AND DISPATCH SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Sieczkowski reported the O&D Subcommittee had not met since the last PMC meeting. A meeting is scheduled for March 2, 1995. Mr. Sieczkowski stated all operations and maintenance have been routine to date, with no unusual incidents. 8. INSURANCE SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT A. Insurance Subcommittee Report Mr. McCrohan reported he had no further information since the last PMC meeting. Mr. Story asked regarding the status of the officers insurance. Mr. McCrohan responded Mr. Beardsley had placed the officers insurance. Mr. Saxton asked if the Insurance Committee had dealt with the airplane crash claims reimbursements. Mr. McCrohan responded the information had been gathered, but he had no information regarding what has been done in Juneau with respect to this issue. 9. OLD BUSINESS A. Spinning Reserves Update Mr. Lovas reported the ASCC is continuing to work on the analysis of the amount of responsive reserve to retain on the system. The analysis of the winter period has been completed, and the summer months are currently being evaluated. Recommendations regarding actual spinning reserves to be maintained on the system are being formulated. Mr. Lovas said the system operators are being asked to continue to track actual operating reserves, in both responsive and non-responsive categories, so trends can be measured and evaluated. Mr. Lovas stated the same conditions appear to be true for the “ent Bradley Lake Projec Management Committee Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, February 21, 1995 Page 4 of 5 summer months as the winter period, and 70 percent of spin needs to be carried by responsive units. Mr. Lovas reported the issues of response characteristics of battery energy storage systems and shed in lieu of spin responsive- ness and how it contributes will be dealt with in more detail over the next few months. B. Status Update of Agreements Mr. McCrohan reported closure has been reached on three of the five agreements. However, in the process of reviewing the last two agreements, which relate to the SVC facilities, other issues were raised that need to be considered in the context of all five agreements. Mr. McCrohan added he felt the issues could be easily resolved. Mr. Saxton gave an overview of the issues mentioned by Mr. McCrohan, which deal with transmission rights and maintenance arrangements. Mr. Saxton stated two larger, but non-controversial issues were: (1) All agreements have been treated as between the State, acting as agent for the PMC, and the service providers. Mr. Beardsley had questioned whether it was appropriate for the State to act as the agent for the PMC. (2) With respect to the intercon- nect between the State line and the Homer system, HEA’s attorney, Rick Baldwin had raised several questions regarding how the Homer system is to be used. With respect to the latter, Mr. Saxton stated the technically correct way to address these issues is in the Homer Transmission Agreement as opposed to in the Interconnect Agreement. 10. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of Legal Expenses and Other Expenses Mr. Lovas reported bills had been received from Ater, Wynne, Hewitt, Dodson & Skerritt in the amount of $7,163.57 for the month of December 1994 and $9,407.37 for the month of January 1995. MOTION: Mr. Calvert moved to approve payment of the above- mentioned legal expenses in the amount of $7,163.57 for December 1994 and $9,407.37 for January 1995. Seconded by Mr. Kelly. A voice vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously. 11. COMMITTEE COMMENTS A. Next Meeting Date The next regular meeting of the PMC was scheduled for Tuesday, March 28, 1995, at 10:00 a.m., in the Commission Room of ML&P. Bradley Lake Projec Management Committee Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, February 21, 1995 Page 5 of 5 12. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Mr. Kelly moved to adjourn. Seconded by Mr. Calvert. There being no further business of the Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 10:25 a.m. Lo Norm Story, C man ooese, ROU LD Dennis V. McCrohan,\ Secretary