HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley Lake PMC Meeeting-Tues., June 21, 2005 3. Beme - & fay ) A006 Woe pod UL slp eens ue
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Message Page 1 of 2
Brenda Fuglestad
From: — Linda MacMillan
Sent: — Friday, June 17, 2005 9:33 AM
To: Mike Cunningham
Ce: hfdale @ gvea.com; MillerRE @ci.anchorage.ak.us; Brenda Fuglestad; Shellie M. Helton; Art
Subject: RE: Draft of budget resolution with explanation for June 21 BPMC meeting
Mike, Henry, and Richard
If we transfer the amount budgeted, $1,581,725, | estimate the R&C Fund balance will be $5,995,000 at June 30,
2005. So the carry over is $995,000. The governor project will have $2,355,000 available from the R&C fund
($995,000 carry over plus $1,360,000 FY06 budget). The amount available is $108,000 higher than needed
based on estimated governor project cost. So there is some cushion in the R&C fund for any of the projects that
go over the budget estimates. Do you want to have that cushion? If no, we can either reduce the transfer by
that much or take it into account if we do a mid year FY06 budget amendment (which will probably happen).
Below is addition of wording to add amount of carry over, if we do the amount budgeted. | bolded what | added.
Mike, thank you for the suggestion.
Approve June, 2005 transfer from the Revenue Fund to the R&C Fund in the amount equal to the amount
budgeted in the FY 2005 project budget of $1,581,725.00 and for the R&C fund balance to be greater than
$5,000,000 after the transfer, estimated to be $5,994,000. This is allowed for in sections 506.1(4) and 509.3 of
the “Bond Resolution”. This super cedes the motion made at the March 31, 2005 meeting, item 7C.
Also, Shellie is currently preparing a budget report updated through May 31, 2005. We will forward it to you by
this afternoon.
AEA Finance
From: Mike Cunningham [mailto:Mike_Cunningham@chugachelectric.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 10:59 AM
To: Linda MacMillan
Subject: RE: Draft of budget resolution with explanation for June 21 BPMC meeting
Is the amount of "surplus" we are reserving $1,581,775.00? Might be god to include the amount of surplus we
want to carry over in the resolution. Thoughts?
Mike Cunningham
Senior Vice President,
Chief Financial Officer
Chugach Electric Association, inc.
907-762-4778 (office) 907-762-4514 (fax)
907-240-4778 (cell)
mike_cunningham @chugachelectric.com
From: Linda MacMillan [mailto:lmacmillan@aidea.org]
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 2:16 PM
To: Mike Cunningham; MillerRE@ci.anchorage.ak.us; hfdale@gvea.com
Cc: Brenda Fuglestad; Art Copoulos; Brian Bjorkquist
Subject: Draft of budget resolution with explanation for June 21 BPMC meeting
Importance: High
Attached is a motion, regarding June 2005 R&C transfer with justification for presentation to the BPMC
during the June 21 meeting. Please confirm that the budget subcommittee wants this motion to be
presented. The purpose of the motion is to avoid a FY2006 budget increase for R&C transfer offset by a
2005 Revenue fund surplus refund because certain payments on the governor project will not be made as
soon as originally projected.
Linda MacMillan
AEA Finance
June 21, 2005 — 10:00 a.m.
(Via electronic media at AIDEA and AEA — 813 W. Northern Lights Boulevard)
(Corner of Arctic and Northern Lights Boulevard)
qd: CALL TO ORDER Haagenson
2. ROLL CALL (for Committee members)
3. PUBLIC ROLL CALL (for all others present)
6. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES March 31, 2005 bA- old Bosicoan
AY Replacement for Don Stead’s Position Janorschke
5 Detuning the Rotor Janorschke/Dale
c. Bradley Lake Project Transition Plan Janorschke
D. Revised R&C Fund Transfer - eed PEA terevrcone Cunningham
A. Operators Report
> Update on Status of the Governor Project Governor Committee
B. Next Meeting Date Haagenson
Bradley Lake Project Manager _, Committee Meeting Page | of 1
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: ‘ : Public Notices Online Publ IC Notice Bradley Lake Project Management State of Alaska Committee Meeting
Submitted by: bjmontbriand_fuglestad/08
Date Submitted: 06/15/2005 02:24 PM
Date Modified:
Ak Admin Journal: [not printed]
Attachments: No files attached
Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting
Category: Public Notices Department: Commerce Community & Economic
Publish Date: 06/15/2005 Location: Anchorage
Archive Date: 06/22/2005 Coastal District: N/A
Body of Notice:
Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee will hold a regular meeting on
Tuesday, June 21, 2005, at 10:00 a.m. For additional information contact Steve Haagenson, Chairman.
This meeting will be conducted by electronic media pursuant to AS 44.88.050(a) and AS 44.62.310 at the
following location:
Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority’s Board Room, 813 W. Northern Lights Boulevard,
Anchorage, Alaska;
The public is invited to attend. The State of Alaska (AIDEA) complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities
Act of 1990. Disabled persons requiring special modifications to participate should contact AIDEA staff at (907)
269-3000 to make arrangements.
Revision History:
06/15/2005 02:24:14 PM by bjmontbriand_fuglestad/08/State/Alaska/US
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813 W. Northern Lights Boulevard
Anchorage, Alaska
Thursday, March 31, 2005 — 10:00 a.m.
Chair Haagenson called the meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management
Committee to order at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 31, 2005, from the Alaska Industrial
Development and Export Authorityss Board Room,,Anchorage, Alaska, to conduct the
business of the Committee per the agenda and public notice.
Roll was called by Shauna Howell. The following members were present:
Steve Haagenson
Golden Valley Electric Association
Joe Griffith
Chugach Electric Association
Bradley Janorschke
Homer Electric Association
Wayne Carmony
Matanuska Electric Association (teleconference)
Jim Posey
Anchorage Municipal Light & Power
Dave Calvert
City of Seward
Art Copoulos
Alaska Energy Authority
Mike Cunningham, Chugach Electric Association (teleconference)
Don Stead, Homer Electric Association
Linda MacMillan, AEA and AIDEA
Karl Reiche, AEA and AIDEA
Ron Saxton, AterWynne
Rick Miller, Anchorage Municipal Light & Power
John Cooley, Chugach Electric Association
Doug Hall, Anchorage Municipal Light & Power
Bob Price, Anchorage Municipal Light & Power
Ed Ruebling, Anchorage Municipal Light & Power
Brian Hickey, Chugach Electric Association
Lee Thibert, Chugach Electric Association
Don Zoerb, Matanuska Electric Association (teleconference)
Bradley Lake PMC Meei
March 31, 2005
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Henri Dale, Golden Valley Electric Association
Rick Eckert, Homer Electric Association
Brad Janorschke, Homer Electric Association
Kate Lamal, Golden Valley Electric Association
Gary Stomberg, Parisena, Stromberg & Company
Brian Bjorkquist, Department of Law
Tim Barman, City of Seward
Bob Day, Anchorage Municipal Light & Power
Brad Evens, Chugach Electric Association
Louis Agi, Anchorage Municipal Light & Power
There were no public comments.
Hearing no objection, an additional item was added to Item 7B of the agenda to include a
discussion of the monies needed for the formation of the Joint Action Agency.
6. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES — November 18, 2004
The meeting minutes of November 18, 2004 were. approved as presented with the addition
of Don Stead to the attendance record.
7A. Approve Utilities FY04 Deficit Repayment to the Project.
Mr. Stromberg gave a brief overview of the audit. He stated this is a standard opinion
special purpose financial statement audit. A clean opinion was issued and the statements
presented to the BPMC are signed and bound. He noted that in the balance sheet the total
assets are reduced from approximately $2.4 million to approximately $368,000. The
Revenues are off budget by $364,000 and that variance is in interest, $73,492 of which is
the deficit due back from the participants. He referred the committee to their packets for
detail information.
In response to committee member questions, Mr. Stromberg stated that the revenues are
set by budget and the difference in the revenues was interest expenses and excess. The
$73,492 is a receivable from participants this year. Ms. MacMillan stated that this amount
has not yet been billed as the Committee needs to approve the billing amount. If the
Committee approves staff would like to bill in April.
Mr. Jim Posey (ML&P) joined the meeting at this time.
MOTION: Mr. Griffith moved to approve the utilities’ FY04 deficit repayment to the
project in the amount of $73,492.00. Seconded by Mr. Posey. There being no further discussion, the question was called. A voice vote was taken and the motion passed
Bradley Lake PMC Meeting
March 31, 2005
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7B Approve FY05 Budget Changes to Increase Expenses for the Property
Valuation and R&C Fund Repayment and to add $150,000 for the purpose of
the formation of the Joint Action Agency
MOTION: Mr. Griffith moved to approve the FY05 budget changes to increase
expenses for the property valuation and increase for Renewal and Contingency Fund
and to add $150,000 for the purpose of the formation of the Joint Action Agency.
Seconded by Mr. Posey.
Mr. Carmony read into the record the motion that was approved at the previous meeting.
Motion: The Bradley Lake Budget Committee be instructed to identify the costs and
the scope of the effort on the activity to undertake the transfer of the Bradley Lake
Project ownership to the utilities.
He said that the motion does not in any way solidify the form of the transfer to an
organization such as the JAA. This is not something that we have all agreed to in spite of
what we have done. We have not even approved the concept of taking ownership, and now
we are talking about a study just to look at what is involved in taking ownership. Until the
concept is approved and a decision hasbeen made to take ownership then there should be
no discussion about in what form it would. be transferred and in what form the new
organization would be deemed appropriate. The BPMC is jumping over several stages in
assuming that the action already taken is an action that.in fact was not.
Mr. Cunningham stated that the Budget Subcommittee has discussed this issue but nothing
has been resolved at this point, therefore no recommendation is forthcoming.
In response to Committee member questions, Mr. Bjorkquist stated the concern is that if
adding this into the budget in effect adds it.to the rates that will be chargeable to Bradley
Lake, then. it is an.inappropriate expenditure because it is an expenditure that is not related
to the operation of Bradley Lake, it is related to a possible divestiture in forming an
organization that could obtain the Bradley facility and other facilities. It is the Alaska Energy
Authority's view that this would be an inappropriate expenditure if added to the Bradley
budget that would get passed through to rate payers.
Mr. Bjorkquist stated the committee could amend the motion by going back to the original
budget document and deleting the proposed addition of the $150,000 until such time as
there has been additional discussion about how that might be funded and to also have a
better definition and scope. He said that while AEA is concerned about the appropriateness
of funding it through the project, we are also concerned about the scope of the project being
one that has never been agreed to by the participants.
MOTION: Mr. Carmony moved to table the motion on the floor and moved the original
FY05 budget proposal that did not include the additional $150,000. Seconded by Mr.
Janorschke. There being no further discussion, the question was called. A voice
vote was taken with three yeas, three opposed, and Mr. Tim Barnum abstained.
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March 31, 2005
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Mr. Barnum stated that he is not up to speed on the subject matter and does not feel
comfortable voting.
Mr. Bjorkquist stated that the BPMC By-laws provision states that a party is deemed a yes
vote unless they make it clear that they have voted no. Section 5.10.3 of the By-laws state
“A representative who is present at a meeting of the committee at which action on a
committee matter is taken shall be presumed to have assented (voted yes) to such action
unless the representative’s dissent is both indicated and recorded at the time of the action.”
There is no provision for abstaining, you vote yes unless you vote no. Mr. Bjorkquist
informed the committee that unless Mr. Barnum casts a definitive vote then his vote is
deemed a yes vote.
Mr. Barnum stated that he would change his vote to yes on the motion.
Chairman Haagenson reiterated that the motion on the table is an amended motion that
moves to approve the FY05 budget changes to increase expenditures for the property
valuation and increases to the renewable and contingency fund.
For further clarification Chairman Haagenson reviewed the budget changes stating $75,000
will be added for the project appraisal contract; $540,000 will be added to replenish the R&C
Fund to the $5 million dollar level, which is in anticipation of the Runner Replacement in
subsequent fiscal years. There will also be an increase to the operating reserve to $15,000
in accordance with the covenant by adjusting debt service and the arbiter’s transfer to
actuals. Other points, which have already been discussed, are the FYO4 deficit repayments
of $73,492. There is a schedule that shows the additional collection over the remaining two
months of the fiscal year. Participant payments will total 1,647,000 over May and June of
FYOS5, and then in FYO6 they drop back down.
In response to committee member questions, Ms. MacMillan stated that in April AEA will bill
$73,000 for the deficit. If this budget is approved, the monthly contribution will need to
change to reflect the new rate for May and June of FY05 to ensure the replenishment of the
R&C fund.
For clarification, Chair Haagenson stated the motion on the table to approve the FY05
budget changes to increase expenditures for the property valuation and increase the R&C
Fund does not include the $150,000.
Hearing no further discussion the question was called a second time to confirm the
vote. Upon voice vote the motion passed.
7C. Approve the June 2005 Transfer From the Revenue Fund to the R&C Fund
Mr. Cunningham stated this motion is an administrative request to grant Linda MacMillan
authorization to transfer funds in June in the event that he is not available.
MOTION: Mr. Cunningham moved to approve the June 2005 transfer from the
Revenue Fund to the R&C Fund in the amount equal to the lesser of amount budgeted
or amount required to bring the balance to $5 million dollars. Seconded by Mr.
Bradley Lake PMC Meetuiy
March 31, 2005
Page 5 of 10
Chair Haagenson stated that the amount actually transferred to the BPMC will be reported
back to the committee.
There being no further discussion, the question was called. A voice vote was taken
and the motion passed.
7D. Approval of the FY06 Budget
MOTION: Mr. Janorschke moved to approve the FY06 Budget. Seconded by Mr.
Mr. Cunningham briefed the committee on the FY06 budget stating there is a $274,000
increase in operating expenses which is primarily due to non recurring costs for SEC
Training Project Valuations. Also, there is an increase of $549,000 in the R&C Fund for
anticipated expenditures in FY06. There was a decrease of $200,000 in transmission relay
replacements, and a $15,000 decrease for operating fund transfers as we have no operating
budget increase. The budget is being decreased from $1,627,000 per month to»$1,344,000
which results in a drop in monthly contributions beginning in FY06. He thanked the
members of the Budget Subcommittee; Henry Dale; Don Stead, Rick Miller, and Linda
MacMillan, for their efforts in pulling the numbers together to produce the budget.
AMENDED MOTION: Mr. Griffith moved to amend the FY06 budget to reflect, under
Item 920 Administrative Expenses, an additional $150,000 for activities related to the
Joint Action Agency Assumption Project.
Discussions ensued with regard to the legality of bringing the same amendment to a motion
back a second time in the same meeting. Mr. Cunningham stated this motion is not the
same as this is for the FY06 budget and the previous motion was for the FY05 budget.
Mr. Saxton stated a defeated motion could not be brought back to the table at the same
meeting; however, this motion was removed, not defeated.
Mr. Carmony stated there was no vote at the last BPMC meeting that a Joint Action Agency
would be the vehicle to assume the Bradley Project. There was no specific Motion made at
the last meeting of a Joint Action Agency being the vehicle for taking ownership. He
advised the committee members to reread the minutes of the previous meeting and the
motion that passed as there is an assumption being made today that is inaccurate. There
has never been an action by the Management Committee to assert that the JAA was a
vehicle for taking ownership of Bradley Lake.
AMENDED MOTION: Seconded by Mr. Posey.
Chair Haagenson reiterated that the amended motion is to amend the FY06 budget to add a line under Administrative Expenses of $150,000 for activities related to the transfer of the
Projects to the JAA.
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March 31, 2005
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In response to committee member questions, Mr. Bjorkquist stated that AEA would have the
same concerns if this was part of a budget that would be included within rates. AEA
believes this would be an inappropriate addition to the budget.
Discussions ensued as to how The Four Dam Pool was formed. > Cscs SS=¢C w/ J
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Mr. Bjorkquist stated that whether something was done improperly in the past does not
provide justification for continuing something that might be improper. The concern that AEA
has is that the Bradley Lake contract and the rates that are set under Bradley Lake
Hydropower Project are not regulated by the RCA. They are exempt from regulation, and
therefore it is AEA’s role and responsibility to oversee what is included in the budget to
make sure it is properly included in a budget that is not regulated. He said that it was his
understanding that this was being discussed at the Budget Subcommittee meetings. Mr.
Bjorkquist reiterated that AEA believes that it is inappropriate to add to a budget that is
included within the rates that would then be chargeable from Bradley.
Mr. Carmony stated he is becoming increasingly concerned that issues of such importance
and of such magnitude are being brought to this body on.the day of the meeting on the
morning of the meeting with no advance notice. This late notice does not allow the
participants to conduct an analysis or seek advice from council. He requested that the
members vote against this change and that the committee bring important issues before the
body in advance of the meeting to allow the members to absorb the information and provide
time for due diligence.
There being no further discussion, the question was called. Upon voice vote the
motion failed with four yeas and three against (State of Alaska voted against the
Discussions ensued with regard to the affect the State’s vote has on the outcome of
motions. It was noted that, for budget matters, it requires the affirmative vote of the State of
Chairman Haagenson stated that the amended motion failed as the State voted against it.
Mr. Bjorkquist stated AEA has the responsibility, because this is not regulated by the RCA,
to make sure that items in the Budget are appropriate. If the committee submits a Budget
that has an item that we believe is inappropriate it is our duty to vote no.
MOTION: Mr. Griffith moved to rescind the prior amendment to the FY06 Budget.
Seconded by Mr. Janorschke.
Discussions ensued with regard to AEA’s ability to exercise their veto power.
Hearing no further discussion, the question was called. Upon voice vote the motion
to rescind the amendment to the FY06 Budget passed unanimously.
Chairman Haagenson, hearing no objection, supplanted the original Schedule C with the
new Schedule C that is dated 3/31/2005 8:44a.m.
P* in
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Bradley Lake PMC Meeting
March 31, 2005
Page 7 of 10
In response to committee member questions, Ms. MacMillan reviewed the schedule stating
there is a technical correction on the top of the form; the numbers carrying FY05 to FY06
were the wrong numbers for FY05. The rest of the budget remains unchanged.
MOTION: The FY06 Budget with the amended Schedule C, which was previously
moved and seconded by Mr. Janorschke and Mr. Posey respectively, is back on the
table. Hearing no further discussion, the question was called. Upon voice vote the
motion passed unanimously.
7E. HEA O&M Contract Extension Term
MOTION: Mr. Carmony moved to approve Item 7E HEA O&M Contract Extension
Term. Seconded by Mr. Copoulos.
Mr. Stead stated that the VA Tech has completed the construction of the new governor with
the exception of the alga rhythm and its model in PSSE. They have one contractor that is
holding them up, and they have not been able to get the model completed.in PSSE. It
works but it does not perform in the way that it. performed in another simulation. Three
different software systems have been built in. The first software is their software and it
works fine. The second is a software system called Naplab Simulink and it functioned
similarly to their logic cad model. The third is being built in the PSSE and is not currently
working. This is the last hold-up. All of the manufacturing has been completed and all of
the parts are in shipment or stored at Homer Electric for VA Tech. Once we start receiving
material that is in transit we become liable for a million. dollar payment, which is why Homer
Electric has not accepted receipt of this material and is being held for VA Tech. Once the
running model is delivered to Homer Electric it is then given to another contractor who runs
the 10 base cases against it. We verify that the 10 base cases are improved by the
governor alga rhythm that is proposed to be used. We recommend that the outage be
moved back to the first of May, this will ensure the model is complete and can be evaluated.
In response to committee member questions, Mr. Stead stated we believe the PSSE
simulation because the PSSE model that is currently being worked on is the one that we all
use in the railbelt to model the generation and transmission sets. He said they have been
working on the PSSE model for over four months. He said that in his report with regard to
discussions while in Ravensburg was that this may have to be pushed to October.
Mr. Stead stated that there are no additional costs in connection with these delays.
Discussions ensued with regard to who hired the PSSE modeler and whose data they are
using. Mr. Stead stated that they are using the current railbelt model and they are
constructing the Bradley governor inside of it.
Mr. Stead also noted for the committee that the spare runner has been repaired and heat
treated and has been returned to the Bradley Lake Project. On the 18" of April a detuning
process will be performed to alleviate the ringing concerns and excess stresses that might
be in the runner. It will then be rebalance and ready in case a swap is necessary.
Mr. Cooley said maintenance was planned for April; therefore people have planned out how
they want to use their water for the year. If we change the April date people will need to
Bradley Lake PMC Meeting
March 31, 2005
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adjust how they want to use their water throughout the year, which may have an impact on
the various users.
Mr. Stead commented about the risks involved and stated the committee should have a
legal review of the agreements to ensure the BPMC’s interests are protected.
In response to committee member questions, Mr. Saxton stated he has not seen the
contract. Mr. Stead said they are trying to locate the original FUJI contract but will send the
VA Teck contract to Mr. Saxton.
Mr. Copoulos stated he is not aware of any details related to the FUJI contract, and he is
under the understanding that the contract is approximately fifteen plus years old.
Chairman Haagenson stated the contract that is in place continues year to year absent
either Homer quitting or AEA terminating it. The reason it is in front of the committee today
is that you are requesting the contract be amended to enable a commitment of a five year
term instead of a year to year.
Mr. Copoulos stated that AEA’s view is that there is benefit in having the stability you
receive with a five year contract: benefit of retaining a)skilled knowledgeable workforce and
planning for future repairs, etc. AEA supports the idea of a five year extension.
MOTION: Mr. Griffith moved to table Item 7E pending results of a legal review of the
contracts for VA Tech and FUJI. Seconded by Mr. Copoulos. Hearing no further
discussion, the question was called. Upon voice vote the motion passed with four
yeas and three opposed.
7F. Turbine Runner Replacement — Risk Analysis, FUJI Contracts, & Replacement
Mr. Stead said that at the request of the BPMC, the O&D Committee has evaluated runner
replacement at Bradley Lake and the O&D Committee recommends the replacement of the
three runners that are currently atthe facility.
He further stated that the risk analysis adjusted the estimate of avoided cost for the Bradley
Lake runner replacement. The risk analysis was performed by Mr. Hickey in coordination
with me and under the review of the O&D Committee. We looked at what would happen if a
runner cracked, failed, and threw parts around and what the maximum damage to the facility
would be (e.g. a bucket falls off, it might hit a needle and do a little bit of damage but
everything would shut down; the bucket would fall off and it would do a lot of damage inside the discharge chamber; or in the worst case scenario, actual tunnel failures).
Copies of the detailed analysis were handed out to the committee for further review.
Mr. Stead said that the O&D Committee also recommends that VA Tech be held responsible
for the replacement of the runners.
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March 31, 2005
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In response to committee member questions, Ms. MacMillan stated the replacement of the
three Runners is in the FY06 and FY07 because it is an eighteen month replacement to
manufacture. It does run through the R&C Fund.
The committee suggested that this should be funded, to the degree possible, out of the R&C
Fund, and to then make a motion to replenish that with long term debt at the earliest
MOTION: Mr. Griffith moved to have the Finance Committee define long term debt
and a funding profile for runner replacement and other activities at Bradley as well as
consider the needs of the Alaska Intertie when they are defined.
Mr. Carmony stated that any motion would be out of order if it included anything beyond the
current scope of the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee. Certainly anything to
do with the Alaska Intertie is not within the scope of our activities and should not be funded
by us; therefore, it is not appropriate for us to undertake it in this fashion.
Mr. Griffith said the reason it would make sense to have the Alaska Intertie included in the
motion is that we know that there are fixes that are going to be required for the Alaska
Intertie. They should be considered at the same time simply in the interest of saving money.
It is not being suggested that the Bradley Project Management Committee pay the bill, the
Alaska Intertie portion should be billed under the |OC Agreement for whatever the 1OC
bonds end up being. It makes sense to bring them up together as in essence the IOC and
Bradley PMC are the same people.
Mr. Carmony said it is his understanding that AIDEA has already put into motion a plan to
address issues around the Intertie and it seems completely inappropriate for this committee
to undertake or to usurp the actions that they intend to proceed with.
Mr. Griffith withdrew his language in the motion with regard to the Alaska Intertie.
AMENDED MOTION: Mr. Griffith moved to have the Finance Committee make a long
term plan for the use of the R&C funds to replace the three runners for Bradley Lake
and then with a longer term plan using some other vehicle. Seconded by Mr. Posey.
There being no further discussion, the question was called. Upon voice vote the
motion passed unanimously.
Upon reviewing the Analysis System Report it was noted that the worst possible failure case
would result in an approximate cost of $289 million. It was also noted that the insurance
would not cover this loss.
7G. Audit Approval
MOTION: Mr. Griffith moved to approve the FY04 Parisena Stromberg audit as
presented. Seconded by Mr. Janorschke. There being no discussion, the question
was Called. Upon voice vote the motion passed.
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March 31, 2005
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8. Committee Report / Comments
Mr. Cunningham gave a brief update on the Budget Committee Report/Appraisal Audit
Update stating he has been advised by the consultant performing the appraisal that it should
be completed by May 1°; no later than June 1*. The power plant tunnel will be appraised at
full replacement cost plus debris removal. We have a July 1 property insurance renewal so
we will be able to fold the results of the appraisal into the renewal.
He said there is some disagreement in terms of additional insured and waiver of subrogation
issues and listing of additional insured on the policies.
In response to committee member questions, Mr. Cunningham said the Stone & Webster
report should be available by May 1, no later than June 1. There will be another report
issued around June/July that will incorporate the Stone & Webster recommendation with the
Warren McVey report, which will be issued in final forum after the appraisal is complete.
There is a July 1* insurance renewal on the property.
8B. Next Meeting Date
The next meeting date will be at the call of the chair.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m.
Steve Haagenson, Chairman
Alaska Energy Authority, Secretary
May-1 7-05 08:55am = From-GVEA Administration 9074585951 T-933 = P.002/007
Interoffice Memorandum
May 9, 2005
TO: Steve Haagenson, Ron Saxton
FROM: Henri Dale
RE: — Highlights of Jast months BLH O&D mtg.
A meeting of the BLH O&D Committee was held on May 5".
1) The tuning for the old runner.hit a small snag. The “tuner” told us how
much weight needed to be removed from each bucket, but then told us that the
metal removal was something we had to do. How do you remove 3 kg of metal?
Weigh the floor sweepings?. Apparently they estimate removal by measuring the
reduction in diameter of the grinding wheel. After some discussion with VA Teck,
they well send another person with experience and some profile drawings to
supervise the grinding.
2) Unit one will be down for about 3 weeks to repair a low voltage buss that
was damaged during a fault due to water leakage near a penetration. The other
penetrations will be checked,
8) EPS finally got the governor model from VA Teck to run simulations
against the rail belt system. They noted that the model did not have a divider
mode, documentation, synchronous condenser mode and needle scheduling.
They say initial runs show the governor responding poorly in the system. They
will need a week to verify the base case and do tuning. EPS says it’s possible to
be ready in time for the governor change out, but it’s not likely due to the
incompleteness of the package. Originally we were to have this model last
August so that we could do testing before they built the governor. The committee
does not want to accept the hardware until we have success with the simulations.
May-1 5205 08:56am From-GVEA Administration 9074585951 7-933 = P.003/007
4) Discussed postponing the governor change out until Nov 1. We don’t
want to take a chance installing (and accepting) new govermors until they can
show that the model works in the interconnected system. Another month delay
up front will cause the tail of the project to encroach into our “spill” season when
we need both units to control the rising water. Spill after Nov 1 isn't likely (storms
more likely to dump snow which is held in the mountains than rain which runs
into the pond).
5) Don Stead relayed to us that his last day is May 13” (next week) when he
will take a position in Minnesota. This was the first any of us heard about this.
HEA is apparently recruiting for his position. In the mean time, he had Jerry
Winkler who will be doing Don’s job on an interim bases on the teleconference.
Jerry has been the Nikiski (Soldotna) operator for 15 years. In his job duties as a
bargaining operator, he has been involved the governor upgrade for that
combustion turbine. He has operated a few times at Bradley but claims about a
50% knowledge level of the plant (whatever that means, and why was he allowed
to operate it). He has no project management experience. The committee
expressed reservations on getting a new person up to speed if VA Tech insists
on changing govemors this month. It is likely that VA Tech won't be ready if the
modeling issue is any indication. We also discussed an interim project manager.
Brian Hickey says he’s just started his busy season and would not have time.
Don says he would not be able to continue to do this on the side at his new job.
A consultant (like Dave Burlingame of EPS) who has been following this project
and has much of the historical back ground) is a possibility. The committee
asked Don to have HEA formally respond with a transition plan. We also asked
Don to put into writing as much as possible on the status of the project for the
new person when he comes on board. Don was informed that the utilities are
watching HEA's performance on this project as a reflection of their ability to
perform under their Operations and Maintenance Agreement.
6) There will be another meeting Tuesday to get an update on the model, the
transition plan, and whether or not to postpone to Nov 1.
May-17-05 = 08:56am = From-GVEA Administration 9074585951 T-933 P.004/007. F~490 ~ Message Lagesua
Steve Haagenson
From: Joe Griffith [(Joe_Griffith@ chugachelectric.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 10:24 AM
To: posey @ muni.org; shhaagenson @gvea.COM
Subject: FW: Bradley Lake Project Transition Plan
Are we happy with this effort and plan?
-----Original Message—--
From: John Cooley
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 9:24 AM
To: Brad Evans
Ce: Brlan Hickey
Subject: FW: Bradley Lake Project Transition Plan
For your info, HEA's input on Bradley.
John S. Cooley, PE
Director Power Control
-----Original Message-----
From: Saxton, Susan [mailto:ssaxton@HomerElectric.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 9:17 AM
To: Tom Kelly; Art Copoulos; Brad Janorschke; Don Stead; Doug Hall; Henri Dale; John
Subject: Bradley Lake Project Transition Plan
From the desk of Brad Janorschke, General Manager of Homer Electric Association, attached
please find a memo to the Bradley Lake O & D Committee and a tentative schedule for the
Governor Project to be discussed at this afternoon's
O & D Committee meeting.
Susan Saxton
Homer Electric Association, Inc.
May-17-05 08:56am = From-GVEA Adminis*r>tion 9074585951 7-933 P.005/007 F-490
DATE: May 10, 2005
TO: Bradley Lake O&D Committee
FROM: Brad Janorschke, General Manager
As the O&D Committee and the BPMC are aware, Homer Electric Association’s
current manager of the Bradley Lake Hydro Plant, Mr. Don Stead, will be leaving
the employment of Homer Electric Association with a final date of employment
being May 13, 2005. At the present time, HEA is actively engaged in negotiating
an employment agreement with an experienced generation manager. We anticipate
being able to fill this position in the near future,
In the interim, we intend to utilize Mr. Gerry Winkler in a temporary management
capacity to supervise the ongoing, daily work activity at Bradley Lake.
The contractor presently on-site performing the detuning of the buckets/runners
from both units 1 and 2 has been progressing well since VA Tech brought a
grinding expert to the site. We do not expect any major obstacles in finishing the
detuning work and placing the runners back in the units. Mr. Winkler has been
fully informed on the project, the expected performance by the contractor, and we
have every confidence in his supervisory capability.
As of the date of this report, the ability to proceed with the Governor Project is still
hampered by continued efforts to resolve the algorithm problems that have
persisted for the past year and a half. VA Tech has retained the services of Dr. Jim
Cote to assist their controls engineer to resolve the problems. The latest report is
the algorithm and modeling information is expected to be completed by this
Friday, May 13, 2005, and available for review.
Based on our evaluation of prior expectations of the modeling data, other time line
performance issues with the contractor, and the transition of management
personnel for Bradley Lake, HEA recommends the Governor Project be
rescheduled for November 2005. If, however, the O&D Committee desires to
recommend beginning the Governor Project as soon as an acceptable review of the
May-17-05 = 08:57am = From-GVEA Administrotion 9074585951 7-933 P.006/007 F490 ————_ >
Memo to Bradley O&D Committee
May 10, 2005
Page 2
modeling data is completed, the onsite management of the project will be
contracted to David Burlingame and EPS. EPS has committed Dr. Cote to provide
technical management. Mr. Burlingame will provide management oversight to the
project manager and the technical manager for this project. The HEA Contracts
Administrator will continue to monitor contract compliance. HEA will provide
overall supervision to EPS during this project.
The last ongoing maintenance project is the replacement of a 15 kV bus panel.
The panel is scheduled to be received and installed May 23 — 27, 2005. HEA’s in-
house operations and maintenance staff will be performing this installation with the
supervision of Mr. Winkler. HEA management staff will continue to oversee this
If there are additional questions, I will be available to address them at the O&D
Meeting scheduled for May 10, 2005.
F:\GM\BRAD\2005\05 1005, bradley O&D.doc
Ce: Reading File
May-17-05 = 08:57am = From-GVEA Administr2tion 9074585951
5-16 — 5-28
5-31 >
1-933 P.007/007 F490
Bradley Governor Project
Tentative Schedule
Present transition plan to O & D Committee.
Contract EPS to provide on-site project management.
EPS will utilize Dr. Jim Cote for technical management. Dr. Cote will
be present on site for testing and commissioning of each unit.
Algorithm report is scheduled to be completed, modeled and available for
R.W. Beck Controls Engineer wil] be retained to provide additional
review of algorithm and modeling results.
If the review is positive, VA Tech will be given approval to commence
with the project.
Expected duration of the project from commencement of work is two
months per unit, totaling four months.
HEA is presently engaged in interviewing for the Manager of G & T, In the interim,
Gerry Winkler will oversee daily work activity with HEA staff providing managerial
CADocuments and Senings\shh\Local Sertings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK57A\Bradley Governor Project.doc
Approve June 2005 transfer from the Revenue Fund to the R&C Fund in the amount
equal to the amount budgeted in the FY2005 project budget of $1,581,725.00 and for the
R&C fund balance to be greater than $5,000,000 after the transfer,as allowed for in
sections 506.1(4) and 509.3 of the “Bond Resolution.” This motion\supersedes the
motion made at the March 31, 2005 meeting, Item 7C.
Btamcked ty bo
Justification: 54 44; o0G. 00 -
This ls
The BPMC approved, on March 31, 2005, a June 2005 transfer from the Revenue fund
to the R&C fund an amount equal to the lesser of the amount budgeted or amount
required to bring the R&C fund balance to $5,000,000. This was based on the
assumption that payment for certain governor project milestones would occur by June
30, 2005. Payment is now projected to occur during FY06.
The participating utilities have paid into the Revenue fund, as part of the FY05 budget,
the amount necessary to pay for those milestones. In order for the money to be
reserved for payment when it becomes due during FY06, the money needs to be
transferred from the Revenue fund to the R&C fund by June 30, 2005.
If this resolution is not approved, there will be a FY2006 budget increase for a larger
transfer to the R&C fund. The budget increase will be offset by a FY2005 surplus in the
Revenue fund to be refunded to the utilities during FY2006.