HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley Lake O&D Committee 01-22-2004organize its internal Bradley documents and cross-reference AEA's and HEA's drawing
Slip Rings
Timing: Immediately
Budget request: $50,000.00 Capital
Justification: These parts have a 6-7 month lead time for replacement necessitating the
need for an on-site spare.
Scope of Work: HEA will order and stock necessary spare parts.
f- | Review aeronautical charts and FAA documents to ensure the airstrip is
indicated as private, unattended.
g- Review and reissue policy for personnel transport by air and use and
operation of the Martin River Emergency Airstrip.
Martin River Road and Airstrip Transport Study
Timing: Spring 2003
Budget request: $10,000.00
Justification: The airstrip has not been used, maintenance costs are high, increasing, and
ongoing, it is difficult to maintain and monitor from the project, there is liability
associated with continued maintenance of an unmanned airstrip, and other lower cost
alternatives may be available for the project. See attached information describing the
advantages and disadvantages of removing or maintaining the Martin River Road. If the
study identifies suitable transport alternatives, an amendment to the FERC permit
requesting approval to remove airstrip and access road from the project will be
Scope of Work: Evaluate transport alternatives to the Martin River airstrip. Alternatives
include helicopter access, developing a written no-fly policy in certain wind and weather
conditions, vehicle/boat, and US Coast Guard in emergency conditions.
FEMA Funding: No
On-Site Civil Project Manager
Timing: Summer 2003
Budget request: $48,000.00
Justification: HEA staff will be focused on Needle repair job and other ongoing
maintenance activities. Additional temporary staffing is needed due to the large amount
of Civil work and activities.
FEMA Funding: No
Scope of Work: Manage Civil work and coordinate logistical related project activities.
Digitize and Control Project Drawings and Manuals
Timing: Ongoing
Budget request: $50,000.00
Justification: Drawings can be digitized for approximately $3-5/drawing. This effort will
ensure better records can be maintained, utilized, and managed during upcoming major
construction project on Governor.
Scope of Work: HEA will coordinate digitization effort and will extend existing
document control procedures to manuals. Under a separate budget line item, AEA will
Kachemak Creek Gauging Station
Timing: Spring/Summer 2003
Budget request: $26,000.00
Justification: Improve inflow forecasting.
FEMA Funding: No
Scope of Work:
A new precipitation gauge monitoring site at Kachemak Creek would allow for more
accurate flow predictions of water available for power generation. Kachemak Creek is the
largest flow input into the Bradley Lake. Additional upgrades would be made to sites to
allow real-time data monitoring.
Martin River Road and Airstrip Repairs
Timing: Summer 2003
Budget request: $100,000.00
Justification: Minimum FERC required work. Additional work is being deferred in
consideration of the possibility that the road will be removed.
FEMA Funding: Partial FEMA reimbursement possible for items a and b.
Scope of Work:
The Martin River road and Airstrip must be maintained, as it is a licensed project feature.
If policy changes take away the need for the Airstrip, it can be taken out of service and
abandoned contingent on FERC approval. If the decision is made to abandon the airstrip,
maintenance of the road and airstrip will be required until the FERC license is amended.
a- Perform remedial work to correct subsidence/sinkholes in roadbed at East
and West approaches to the Battle Creek Bridge and re-grade the approaches.
b- Perform erosion control work at left (West) abutment of Battle Creek
bridge; place rip rap and/or armor stone protection along left bank of
waterway approach area to prevent further erosion of embankment and to
improve the hydraulic conditions at entrance to bridge waterway.
c- Remove brush and trees within the aircraft operations safety area and safety
clearance surface limits along runway and at ends of runway.
d- Install signs indicating private airstrip.
e- _ Review and revise maintenance policy/procedures regarding the emergency
airstrip. Airstrip should be inspected regularly as part of the project features
inspection such as when project staff drive to the dam for the regular
inspection when the road to the dam is open. Aerial inspections of the
project should include a swing by the airstrip.
Battle Creek Repairs
Timing: Summer 2003
Budget request: $10,000.00
Justification: Economic benefit of additional water input to reservoir.
FEMA Funding: No
Scope of Work:
Battle Creek diverts to Bradley Lake just below the falls. The diversion dike has
deteriorated near the base of the falls and allows a large amount of water at high flows to
flow to the old channel away from Bradley Lake. Either repairing this dike or making a
modification in the bedrock channel near the base of the falls will ensure water is
diverted to Bradley Lake at all flow levels. The scope consists of the following:
a- Perform remedial work on Battle Creek Falls to train water into the diversion
channel. This is work that can be done by a crew of laborers in a few
Middle Fork Diversion
Timing: Summer 2003
Budget request: $20,000.00
Justification: FERC required.
FEMA Funding: No
Scope of Work:
The Middle Fork Diversion is experiencing erosion at the right bank of the channel below
the downstream (lower) drop structure stilling pool. The stream is confined in a channel
constructed through bedrock but the banks of the channel downstream from the lower
drop structure are composed of soil materials overlying bedrock. The soil materials are
being eroded at high stream stages. The erosion may or may not be a problem depending
on where bedrock is relative to the eroded bank surface. There is no immediate danger to
the diversion channel at this time but the erosion needs to be monitored. Also, the
bedrock surface needs to be located by use of seismic techniques. If the bedrock surface
is not close to the present limits of erosion, then erosion protection work will be required
in the near future. If the bedrock is hear the erosion limit then it would be practicable to
let the erosion advance to the bedrock. The scope consists of the following:
a- Continue to monitor the erosion situation by visual inspection on several
occasions in Summer 2003.
b- Perform seismic survey to locate bedrock in the erosion zone during summer
of 2003.
c- Evaluate erosion after observations and seismic information is in hand and
design erosion control program if needed.
flows over the bank to the downstream side of the dam. Divert this water
to the reservoir for power production.
h- Only if needed and based on results of prior work, consider relocating the
Stop-Log and Float storage to near the Gatehouse. This is optional and
will depend on what is done to grade and stabilize the embankment on the
reservoir side of the pad. If the embankment slope is not rip rapped and
the stable slope cuts into the safety margin of the pad, then the practicable
solution to stop-log storage would be to construct a new pad near the
gatehouse and move the stop-logs.
Nuka Diversion
Timing: Summer 2003
Budget request: $50,000.00
Justification: Based on last available data, if Nuka drainage flows were reduced so that
only the required minimum of 5 cfs were released to the Nuka River, an additional 2100
acre feet of additional water with a value of $63,000.00 to $126,000.00 could be diverted
to the project for power generation. Nuka repairs will be needed every 3-5 years and this
repair is part of normal maintenance activities.
FEMA Funding: Partial FEMA reimbursement possible items a-c.
Scope of Work:
The Nuka Glacier melt water pool moraine is constantly changing. This results in the
outlet channel to Bradley Lake having variation in flows from month to month and year
to year that is mainly due to how much the morainal deposits have shifted in a given time
period. Ice damage to the Nuka Diversion structure that controls flow to the NPS lands
to the East of the Nuka Pool has resulted in loss of gabion training walls and structure
downstream from the Nuka Diversion Structure. Also the operating handle on one of the
bypass valves (shear gate) has been either taken away by ice or dropped to the bottom of
the diversion forebay. Both bypass pipes are operating at higher than minimum required
flow so it is thought the valves are both full open. The scope consists of the following:
a- Repair Diversion Weir gabions and downstream training walls.
b- Recover the missing valve operating handle and check condition of shear
gates. Perform remedial maintenance if required.
c- Restore diversion channel to Bradley Lake from Nuka Pool. This will
require either a labor crew with shovels if the amount of material to move
is minimal, or a tracked excavator if the amount of material is large.
Bradley Lake Dam Left Abutment Area Repairs
Timing: Spring/summer 2003
Budget request: $100,000.00
Justification: Items a-f - FERC required work
Item g - Economic benefit of additional water input to reservoir
Item h - Will only be done if prior work indicates the need
FEMA Funding: Partial FEMA reimbursement possible items a-d.
Scope of Work:
Restore and re-grade the maintenance access bench along the left abutment
Grade embankment upper slopes in area affected by wave erosion during
high reservoir in November 2002. This is to remove dangerous steep
embankment section at the top of the slope where the embankment was
undercut by wave erosion during the high reservoir condition.
Armor the embankment above the maintenance bench with either rip rap or
the ENKA-mats from the old construction camp storage area or with
riprap to prevent further wave erosion. After grading the upper
embankment slope this may be found not to be required. A seismic survey
of the area will be done to determine where bedrock surface is relative to
the slope surface and stop-log storage pad. It may be practicable to simply
re-grade the slope and allow erosion to reach equilibrium rather than rip
rapping the slope.
Remedial grading of the slopes below the maintenance access bench as
required and place small riprap to fill any depressions and holes around
large riprap as required to reduce erosion and improve the surface for
equipment operation.
Continue annual trash removal efforts with modified removal procedures.
Remove “floating trash” using existing equipment, bulldozer and loader,
but do not run equipment on newly graded embankment. Instead remove
material using winch and/or additional summer staff as required.
Perform a seismic survey of the area adjacent to the stop-log storage area to
determine location of bedrock.
Using HEA staff and project equipment, grade the main access road to the
dam to create positive drainage collection and control for surface runoff in
the area West of the gatehouse. Runoff from the area above the rock cut
and from up grade on the road collects along the toe of the rock cut and
To: Bradley Lake BPMC
From: O&D Committee Date: 1-22-04
The Bradley Lake O&D Committee requests the following extraordinary
maintenance, operating, and capital expense for the 2004 budget:
Budget Item Budget Request | Timing
Bradley Lake Dam Left $100,000.00 Spring/Summer 2003
Abutment Area Repairs
Nuka Diversion Repairs $50,000.00 Summer 2003
Battle Creek Repairs $10,000.00 Summer 2003
Middle Fork Diversion $20,000.00 Summer 2003
Kachemak Creek Gauging | $26,000.00 Summer 2003
Martin River Road and $100,000.00 Summer 2003
Airstrip Repairs
Martin River Road and $10,000.00 Spring 2003
Airstrip Transport Study
On-Site Civil Project $48,000.00 Spring 2003
Digitize and Control Project | $50,000.00 Spring 2003
Drawings and Manuals
DSM Upgrade $50,000.00 Summer 2003
Slip Rings $50,000.00 Capital | Spring 2003
Total 2004 O&D $464,000.00
Committee O&M
Budget requests:
Total 2004 O&D $50,000.00
Committee Capital
Budget requests: