HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPMC Meeting - November 19, 1991 1FILE COPY FRIST Mn ” BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE November 19, 1991 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Kelly called the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee to order at 10:00 a.m. in the Training Room at Chugach Electric Association, Inc. in Anchorage, Alaska to conduct the business of the Committee per the agenda and the public notice. ROLL CALL Alaska Energy Authority Charlie Bussell, Designated Representative Chugach Electric Association David L. Highers, Designated Representative Golden Valley Electric Association Mike Kelly, Designated Representative and Chairman City of Seward E. Paul Diener, Designated Representative Homer Electric Association Norman L. Story, Designated Representative Matanuska Electric Association Ken Ritchey, Designated Representative Municipal Light and Power Thomas Stahr, Designated Representative Others Present: Ron Saxton, Ater, Wynne, Hewitt, Dodson & Skerrit Robert Hufman, Utilities Consulting Services Brad Evans, Chugach Electric Association, Inc. David Eberle, Alaska Energy Authority Tom Lovas, Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Stanley E. Sieczkowski, Alaska Energy Authority Tim McConnell, Anchorage Municipal Light and Power Moe Aslam, Anchorage Municipal Light and Power Dave Fair, Homer Electric Association, Inc. John Cooley, Chugach Electric Association, Inc. David Burlingame, Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Penny Haldane, Alaska Energy Authority Joe Griffith, Chugach Electric Association, Inc. 9104\JD1989(1) Bradley Lake Projec ommittee Meeting Minutes November 19, 1991 Page 2 of 6 3. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. AGENDA COMMENTS Hearing no objection, the agenda was approved. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Hearing no objection, the minutes from October 25, 1991 were approved. TECHNICAL COORDINATING SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Dave Burlingame distributed a written synopsis of the October 31, 1991 Technical Coordinating Subcommittee (TCS) meeting. At this meeting the TCS adopted the interim operating study prepared by PTI (Bradley Lake/Kenai Operating Guidelines). These new guidelines increased the interim operating guidelines by approximately 10-15 megawatts in all cases. These new guidelines are to be used by the Operating and Dispatch subcommittee until finalized. The Bradley Lake Project Management Committee (BPMC) concurred. Mr. Burlingame reported that the Bradley Lake Dispatcher Guidelines Summary is expected to be complete by the next BPMC meeting. The BPMC will be asked to adopt this Summary at the next BPMC meeting. INSURANCE SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Ron Saxton reported for Brent Petrie. Insurance for this year is in effect. Preliminary work is underway for next year. BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Ken Ritchey held a Budget Subcommittee meeting immediately preceding the BPMC meeting. Mr. Ritchey reported that the issue of Homer's O&M costs will be resolved as soon as Ken gets the necessary information from Homer. The Fiscal Year 1993 budget was discussed at the morning meeting. The FY93 budget must be approved by April 1, 1992. The Budget Subcommittee intends to distribute the draft budget and cash flow in February so that approval could be accomplished at the March BPMC meeting. In anticipation of a past issue, the budget committee will be proposing a Memorandum of Understanding regarding AEA's overhead costs and fluctuations from year to year. 91Q4\JD1989(2) Bradley Lake Projec mmittee Meeting Minutes November 19, 1991 Page 3 of 6 9. 10. 11. OPERATION AND DISPATCH SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Stanley Sieczkowski reported that the Agreements Subcommittee met on November Sth. Six major agreements are outstanding. On November 4th AEA met with HEA and Chugach to discuss the maintenance agreement, the interconnected agreement between AEA and HEA, and the right-of-way agreement for Daves Creek and Soldotna substation. Four agreements dealing with HEA and Chugach are currently being drafted. Review of these 4 drafts will begin in December. The static var compensation system draft will be available in January 1992. The Operation and Dispatch (O&D) Subcommittee met on November 5. Comments on the Dispatch agreement and the reservoir model were received. The next meeting of the O&D Subcommittee is scheduled for December 3, 1992. On November 20 the utility Chief Dispatchers were scheduled to meet and discuss the maintenance and outage schedule. Allocations will be incorporated into the maintenance schedules for the remainder of the year. The operating criteria information was supplied to the O&D Subcommittee by the TCS Subcommittee. The Dispatch Agreement was developed and reviewed by the Agreements Subcommittee and the Operations and Dispatch Subcommittee. These two committees recommend that the Dispatch Agreement be accepted and forwarded on to Chugach and AEA for signatures. This agreement was a modification that addressed the utility's concerns and was developed into a resolution and the Dispatch agreement. Under Old Business a formal recommendation will be made. Review of Project Status Dave Eberle provided a report on project status. The work on the rehabilitation contract is almost complete and Bechtel is expected to be finished in January 1992. Stone and Webster will remain to work on the SVS contract. Seeding and revegetation will continue in the spring. Debris from the reservoir will be cleared, contaminated gravel will be disposed, and the exciter problem will be followed up by Fuji. Mr. Eberle reported that the Battle Creek diversion was complete and would begin functining this Spring. Ron Saxton asked Dave where the final projects costs stood. Dave estimates about $310 million which does not include the reserves set aside for the contaminated gravel disposal and the utility operating costs during testing. Bob Hufman had a question on resolution of the turbine efficiency problem. Dave stated that the losses related to the turbine efficiency problem are estimated to have an annual value of $8,000-$12,000. It is anticipated that monetary compensation will be offered by Fuji in lieu of attempting to modify the turbines. OLD BUSINESS A. Dispatch Agreement The Dispatch Agreement has been agreed to at the Subcommittee level. The Dispatch Agreement, and the Resolution proposing new Exhibits "C" and "D" were 91Q4\JD1989(3) Bradley Lake Project mmittee Meeting Minutes November 19, 1991 Page 4 of 6 distributed with the agendas and extra copies were available at the meeting. 9104\JD1989(4) Bradley Lake Project mmittee Meeting Minutes November 19, 1991 Page 5 of 6 Motion - The Bradley Lake Project Management Committee (BPMC) approves the execution of the Dispatch Agreement between Chugach and the Alaska Energy Authority. Motion by Norm Story, second by Tom Stahr. Tim McConnell proposed the motion be amended _to specify the November 5 draft_and to clarify that amendments to the agreement _must_also_be approved by the BPMC. The amendment was accepted and the motion passed unanimously. Resolution Amending Allocation and Scheduling Procedures Motion - The BPMC approves Resolution 91-10 amending the Allocation and Scheduling Procedures adopted by the BPMC. Chairman Kelly read the resolution. Motion by Norm Story, second by Paul Diener. Norm Story clarified Exhibit C, Item 5 by interpreting the Bradley Lake System as including HEA and thus would include coordination with HEA. Mr. Story also requested that Exhibit C, Item 11 include Homer _when_the switching procedures _are finalized. _The motion passed unanimously. 12. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of Committee Expenses Ron Saxton reported that there were not any committee expenses to approve at this time. Kenai Peninsula Export Limit This issue was addressed by Dave Burlingame and will come back to the BPMC as part of the Operating Guidelines. For now this item is deferred. Under New Business Dave Highers asked for discussion of the potential agreement between Golden Valley and Homer Electric regarding sale of Homer's Bradley Lake shares. After discussion it was agreed that there are several outstanding issues that need to be discussed in relation to the scheduling of Bradley. Burlingame provided some explanation of the issues being discussed and agreed to prepare some typical cases and restrictions for discussion purposes. A meeting of the General Managers and up to three representatives of each utility will be held on January 6, 1992, at 10:00 a.m. Each utility should list issues and distribute to others. This list will be compiled and used for discussion items at the January 6 meeting. This will not be an official BPMC meeting. 13. COMMUNICATIONS A. 91Q4\JD1989(5) Schedule Next Meeting January 15, 1992 10:00 a.m. Chugach Electric Association Training Room Bradley Lake Project mmittee Meeting Minutes November 19, 1991 Page 6 of 6 14. ADJOURNMENT There A el. further business the committee adjourned at 11:45 p.m. Chairman Va Charlie Bussell, Secretary 9104\JD1989(6)