HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPMC Meeting - January 13, 1992 210. LTS 12) 13. 14. RECORD VOPY FILE NO are RO = a BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE January 13, 1992 Chugach Electric Association, Inc Training Room - 10:00 A.M. CALL TO ORDER 10:00 A.M. ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENT AGENDA COMMENTS APPROVAL OF MINUTES November 19, 1991 TECHNICAL COORDINATING SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT INSURANCE SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT OPERATION AND DISPATCH SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT REVIEW OF PROJECT STATUS OLD BUSINESS A. Adoption of the Bradley Lakes Dispatcher Guidelines Summary B. Proposed Motion Regarding Risk/Benefit Analysis NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of Committee Expenses COMMUNICATIONS a. Schedule Next Meeting ADJOURNMENT 91Q4/JD1991(1) Kelly Burlingame Petrie Ritchey Sieczkowski Eberle Burlingame Stahr Saxton Min) GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION INC. Box 71249, Fairbanks, Alaske 99707-1249, R=94% 81/18/92 DATE: TELECOPIER NUMBER: PLEASE DELIVER TO: COMPANY : TELEPHONE NUMBER: hs t ACCOUNT NUMBER? PAGES TO FOLLOW: 14:45 GVEA ENGINEERING 987 “=‘-5638 @a1 i . 7 TELE COPY TRANSMITTAL RECORD COPY FILE NO January 10, 1992 “- ge2-0027) Dave Highers CEA Mika Kally . - 107.21 34 (INCLUDES THIS COVER SHEET) TR ik iii hk aii ia Ee ie a ik i ke Kk ee tee IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TRANSMITTAL, PLEASE CALL: MELANIE FERGUSON, 452-1151, BXTENSION 241 PH IEEE RAKE EKER EEK EKER EHEC EERE KEK EKA KNEE Eh eee SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: PLEASE REPLY TO: ENGINEERING TELECOPIER (907) (451- 5638 OR (907) 452-1151, EXTENSION 638. flcarl ems 907 451 5638 01-10-92 02:47PM POO1 #36 “9 , 61718/92 14:45 GVEA ENGINEERING 987 +=1-5638 aa2 CEA'S TRAINING ROOM JANUARY 13, 1992 - 6:30 A.M. 1. Expenses for Bernice Turbine Operation | i weeds Jest. Increased Voltage Swings/Export Limits a ) me Dict —— “to LAC ve E P Dd ley Ta tome Bradley Output vs. Risk of Damage to HEA System a jrobl w~ — HEA System Reliability | bapa fat. Bradley Spinning Reserves 4 <cc “re lo} e— Minimum Bradley Operating Levels deen Je ya A, > peo ylan Underfrequency Loadshedding Study sc ~ © — HEA Sales of Economy Bradley to Golden Valley “Rayeet Cost ive” yO Orn OD EV2QV me X bor pe a ude 4 hard Shwhe This agenda incorporates discussion items received from AML&P, CEA, and GVEA. R=95% 907 451 5638 01-10-92 02:47PM POO2 #36 61/18/92 14:45 GVEA ENGINEERING 987 4=‘-5638 a3 Bern ( o Fax to K/ aye 2 my. bussell GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION INC. Box 71248, Fairbanks, Alaska 88707-1249, Phone 907-452-1151 : R=94% January 8, 1992 Mr. John Doudna Power Technologies Inc. One Sierragate Plaza Suite 340B Roseville CA 956786 Re: Verification of voltage levels on Bradley Lake Dear Johnt As discussed on the phone January 8, 1992, Golden Valley would like to request that Power Technologies inc. (PTI) provide verification of the expected voltage levels resulting from loss of a transmission line while operating Bradley Lake at a 90 MW level. Features such as power supervised croess-tripping of the Quartz Creek 69kV line, and transfer tripping the Capacitor banks for loss of the Daves Creek to University line, should be activated. Mike Kelly will be discussing payment for these services with Charles Bussell of AEA. If ABA agrees to pay for the reaiges your bill can be sent to ABA. If AEA does not agree to payment, Golden Valley will pay directly for this Study will negate any risk of none payment to PTI. These studies have never been specifically addressed in previous studies. The original pe 2onogey was to limit the output of Bradley Lake to stay within voltage limits. This approach will allow for fiestl fication of the potential swing voltage levels which can be expected for operation of Bradley Lake at the 90 MW level. Once the level is identified a choice can be made as to whether this voltage ig acceptable during the interim operation period until the SVC's can be constructed. 907 451 5638 01-10-92 02:47PM POO3 #36 1718/92 14:46 GVEA ENGINEERING 987 451-5638 a4 GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC AGSOCIATION INC. R=95% Mr. John Doudna Verification of voltage levels on Bradley Lake January 8, 1992 Page 2 There is a meeting of the PMC which is scheduled for January 13, 1992. Study results will need to be faxed to Golden Valley by Friday 5:00 P.M. AST to allow for the results to be carried to Anchorage for the meeting. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If your have any questions please call me at (907) 452-1151 extension 247. Sincerely, a Steven Hdagenson Manager of Engineering Services cc: Michael Kelly - GVEA Robert Hansen - GVEA Marvin Riddle - GVEA 907 451 5638 01-10-92 02:47PM P0O4 #36 R=95% 1718/92 14:46 GVEA ENGINEERING 987 451-5638 a) e-v2a THY as | re mr. @4 POWER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION One Sierragate Plaza - Suite 340B Total Pages: 5 Roseville, CA 95678 Fax #; (916) 783-2086 Tel #: (916) 783-3566 TO ; Steve Haagenson FROM: John Doudna DATE: January 9, 1992 SUBJECT: Supplemental Bradley Casos The response files to run tho subject cases are set up to run tonight. Provided all goes OK, I should be able to fax you the stability plots by mid-morning my time tomorrow, I will follow up later in the day with a written summary, 1 am forwarding at this time the plots for the four initial condition loadflow cases [ will be using. in .the.dynamio-¢imulationg, - Those-are-for interim. oporating-Scenaries-A,-B, D- - & B with Bradley at 90 MW. Please advise if yuu have any questions. 907 451 5638 01-10-92 02:47PM POOS #36 R=95% CASE Al. WINTER PEAK LOAD, 2SMNW EXPORT @ DAVES CREEK, IKENAL GEN: 45/450 @ PRADLEY a 16m @ COOFBR. THO, JAN 09 1992 13:12 907 451 5638 KV1469 ,€138 ,€730 01-10-92 02:47PM POO6 #36 1718/92 14:47 . hoe ir 42.491. ¢ wrrng0ee it KENAI GEN: 45/45MW @ BRADLEY. THY, JAN R=95% CASE Bl. WINTER PEAK LOAD. SMW EXPORT @ DAVES CREEK. GVEA ENGINEERING 987 451-5638 a7 907 451 5638 01-10-92 02:47PM ‘eu MV ps0, 6120 6720 | eae sa POO? #36 CASE El. R=94% 1718/92 Po sete are WINTER OFF-PEAK IKENAL GEN: 45/4ShW @ BRAD THU, JAN 09 19 2135221" 14:47 GVEA ENGINEERING 987 451-5638 228 mee wm praoria (1) ha ee ™ 907 451 5638 01-10-92 02:47PM POO8 #36 R=95% CASE D1, WINTER OFF-PEAK LOAD, 31MW EXPORT @ DAVES CREEK. 81/18/32 14:47 IKENAI GEN: 45/4SMW @ BRADLEY. THU, JAN 09 1992 L3t19 GVEA ENGINEERING 907 451 5638 907 451-5638 eas KV» 469 4290 , 8730 01-10-92 02:47PM POOS #36 Jur teo-ea mes = o rr: R=95% 1718/92 14:48 GVEA ENGINEERING 987 451-5638 218 POWER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION One Sierragate Plaza si Suite 340B Total Pages: 2S Roseville, CA 95678 Fax #: (916) 783-2086 Tel #: (916) 783-3566 TO : Steve Haagenson FROM: John Doudna DATE: January 10, 1992 SUBJECT; Supplomontal Bradicy Cases Attached are the stability simulation plots for the Kenai load rejection outage situations you requested us to study. These simutations were ran on the four initial condition loadflow cases I faxed you plots for yesterday. Brief review of these stability results indicates that Kenai voltages will not exceed 125% for any of the conditions studied. The exception to this occurs only in situations where the Kenai gocs out-of-step (i.c., intentional cross tripping is not used) across the Saldotna-Quartz Creek 69 kV line following loss of the Soldotna-Quartz Creek 115 kV line, Cross tripping avoids the low & high voltages which result from out-of-step conditions, You should have 24 pages of stability plots if they all “make the trip". Please review and let me know if any are missing. I will begin preparing a bricf report of tho results und fax to you later today. Please advise if you have any questions, fA 907 451 5638 01-10-92 02:47PM em. ee PO10 #36 S€# TTO0d WdLv:20 26-01-10 8€9G ISh LO6 KVE=a SBOVLIOA IVNGN NUGHLUON Bee e ees tie ter asad ore a WS i we eoon't vy Sanna moons roan 52... 3088 1.3008 SZOVLIOA IVNAW NYAHLNOS Ceisn zaat ot mec ‘rms . | (aan DuL == 110 BE9S-TSP 406 SNISSSNISNS UaND =| —sCBhtbT zea 10 9E# 210d WINTER FLAK LOAD. 758 EXPORT § DAVES CHEEK. CEMA] GEB: 45/13 @ BRADLEY & léer ¢ CoCPER, ose Al. Wdlv:20 26-01-10 i segs ISbh LOG Bv6=$a ei @ re Sarg, Be. 45) Bi & | s; . 7 i «| © Bs ORNS “hens AQNANOISS ey ocreo 62661 OT MES fra 4C/W FAULT @ DAVES CREEZ, TRIP OBIVERSITY 115K0 Live. TRIP SOLDOTMA CAPS. UNSOCCESSPUL 85 RECLOSE PRON \EO{VERS ITY. zeeuw PILe: 2$B96a45.comr ® oS SWISNW YOLOU YOLWUANGS bCied 2661 Of MYC ‘IM $4. 000 a ——) === sS> G08 8.000 8.008 SSS SS eee (938) WIL cones le 7 2 2 at ™4 o rau ee eof fer, 218 8E9S-TSp 286 SNIASSNISNS van 6P:PT 76/8T/T8 Q9E# ETOd WdLb:20 26-01-10 8€9S 1S LO6 KS6=a MRBt. KR te on ; Protea OM NL aI: SSOVLIOA TYNAN NUAHLUON 2t'e0 «866T OF NWS ‘TEZ y PEPE ii | “ '; * =_=--—s i, i ° F a g 8 Peres 4 ae i SZOWLIOA IVNAN NUSHLOOS £00 2661 OL AW ‘IM Cee) mz 2 RRHTTE yet ars iisev FROM =—== - SxPorT @ CAVES - GHIVERSITY °1) BS RECLOSE cm = £18 B8E9S-TSp 406 ONINSSNISNS and : 6b ibt Z6/Ot/T8 9e# FIOd WdLv:20 26-01-10 8€9S ISb LO06 %S6=a . : | |i) | mea fe reali. > zl 2 nis OMB E24 2 ee ee ! : is PP BOTY A remte'n emmet AUNENOATS Cerso 2661 Of MVE Ima (338) Wis one enters nee ee ee * ----> ==----—s we i re ee we ee . ” e | f 2 RATONY NOLAN WOLWAANAN a) SuIZ enna Gereo 2661 OL WWE “IEE . eagne-n 7198.8 ----— vTa 8£9S-TSp 226 SNIYSSNIONS yand QS:¢T 76/BT/TO 9E# GSTO0d 1 mine we hewmen wer TePEO ZEGT Ol MME “Ted WdLv:20 26-01-10 8€9G ISb L06 Mee me BR Bee Fe . . SIOWLIOA IWNAN NUGHLUON 16900 266% Of AVE “Ud SAOWLIOA IVNAN NYANLOOS sta B8E9S-TSp 486 SNIASSNISNS vand ee tL ttlebebeietet tet Td 7? *. 40. aa | KG6=a SE# 910d WdL:20 26-01-10 8€9S 1S LO6 KvVE—a | AABN 2. os Wasps ee a : o ; Sw let rec EA ed ; [wants TESGR ESGt CE MMe “rus eae onose ae event vorens ER bE iver EXPORY @ DAVES CREEK. CREEK, RIP UMIVERSTTY 1355 LD. cfOsS === —S=F « OMSOCCESSFUL SS ABCLOSE FROM OWIVERSITY. FIL: 31390045.CmN OPY-PYAX LAD. ROLE: S@IONW YOLOW YOLWUSNaD ; (cag) gir TE00 Zeek OT MVE TNE MOU Neves 1100 Neves (178 Dewee « Wt dows v ee le Pari ae PR) TRIP SOLDOTR.. CAFS. USSLECES FUL BS SECLOSE FROM USIVERSITY. = FIZ: 313DS0D4S.cey “4/32 INRT | TUNES GELs, TRIP RIVERSITY 11Sev Loe. 9€# LIOd WdL¥:Z0 26-01-10 8€9S IS L06 KS6—a Le i2ecee eds ae , . a + FF eaN gt NE tome S2OVII0A INNAN NOAAHIYON 62800 «8661 OF Mur ’rua ->--- loar @ CooPEn. S CRRIA, CRIP OWITERSITY 11SRW Line. - 16908 EXPORT @ DAVES CREFE. CAPS. GISUCUESSTUL MS AECLOGE FROM GHIVERSITT s cou PILE: 46300E**.C088 SAOVLIOA IYNEN NYAHLNOS €3'00 2661 OT MVE fIVZ naan ; (sae) SHIL mee te Ee ny MBE on a sista @ ORVES CRERK. @ oxcEs. i LI. (Te 1isKv TILE: 4 peer nner es eww a wer scent” CASE El. VIMTER OFP-PEAR LOND. P KEMAI GEN: 45/4508 @ BRADLEY 6 TRIP SOLDOTWA CAPS. URSOCCSSSTG JS REX OE FROM UNIVERSITY. 4C/3 FAUT @ DAVES CREEK, 218 8E9S-TSP 2486 SNISSSNISNS vand os TS:bT - 26/81/10 SE# 810d WdLv:Z20 26-01-10 8€9S ISb LO6 KG6=a : BMA 8A. es contol’ - Fer : sets ee MA alle ZINANOAUT USL CE EHSL OT NW a (043) UL . weer be faonest enhat; 3 gre prnere i 7 7 a: SAIONV BOLO WOLWHENGO GUIEO Z66T OT avr | ‘Ra . . en at © 8 vie aie mr ReneS MTT TA === = oS a 106.03 106.00 i sie esters faome oo me re amra Tot Bt o# Tay Teo mM tonee sta 829S-1s7 406 SNIASSNISNS and TS: pT 76/8T/18 9€# 610d Wdly:Z0 26-01-10 8€9S I1Sh LOG %S6=% SQ9VL1IOA IWNIN NUYAHLYON Gtted zest Of MVE ‘TUR > ———— >) S@OVLIOA IYNAN NUAHLNOS @trec 2660 OF mur fruz +-----= 610 8E9S-1ur 226 SNISSSNISNS wan ZS:bT z6/8T/TO SE# O2Z0d WdLy:20 26-01-10 8€9S ISb LO6 BvV6—a XONANOIWA 61360 2667 O1 NW '3ua (oms) wus aoen'e ' were = QUARTZ CREEX 11SKV LIME. ! - WIATER PEAK LOAD. 2SM@ EIPORT @ DAVES CRERK. 15/4Sii? @ BRADLEY & 16iae @ COOPER. al cea: L. YADLT @ SOLDOTHA, TRIP RECLOSE oR REMEDIAL ACTICUS. ee I @ DAVES CREEK. COOPER. CREXK 1:SKV iT. -_--- er aie ere mlb SS pe owe wa -H. aza 8E9S-1syv 2486 SNISSSNISNS van 2S:>T c6/OT/T8 9E# 120d WdLv:20 26-01-10 8€9S 1S% L06 *v6=4a eo SAOWLTOA IWNGX NUSHLYON 02800 caer OF Wr “rEs oaap mize ----~-. =sss---6 ---- > re SAOVLIOA IYNAN NUZHLOOS BEIe0 Ret Ot NYO / THE ee ------ ae ay | eae tea 8E9S-tsp 486 SNIASSNISNS ¥3an9 £S:pt 76/81/18 9E# 220d Wdlv:20 26-01-10 . 8€9S ISP L06 KS6=a 1 : : i Pei ae RONTNOSYS W590 geet OL MWD “tus =Ssoo ee TILE: O9D900:10.Crme KEKAY GEM: 45/4598 @ BRADLEY. 4/2 FAULT § SOLDOTMA, TAIP QUWITE CREEK | 1SKV Lome. WO RECLOSE OR REPEDIAL ACTIONS.” case Bi. 3 It s i SSIONY HOLON YOLWEANAO ‘yas ! OZ'80 «6ce6t OF NYE Ty PE EF ' ! ! is aeauwer PILE: 0989033) Cine SOMDOTWA, TRIP QUARTZ CREEK 11SEV LI‘E. REXEDIAL ACTIONS. Q9E# E€Z0d WdLy:z20 26-01-10 8€9S IGSb L06 KI6=a SBDVLIOA IVNAM iedaaaaon 32700 . B61. OT MUO ‘TOA leeatt -------——* 2. ee a SOLDOTHA, TRIP QCARTZ CAREX 11SKV LIME. FILE: R3e0D38.cHy 45/4388 @ BRADIZY. » WIWTER CFT-PEAK IOA0. 3ltsr EXPORT ¢ ONVES CREEK. Os FA See ee $HDVIIOA INNAN NUGHINOS W190 «2661 OL OD PEM is ie (338) mite ener’ i I" eee —— 9E# ¥Z0d WdLy:zZ0 26-01-10 8€9S ISh LO6 *S6=4 Bie Sub oe Tv db a ree 22:00 266T Of MUD ‘Tua . . coesi sens wag tes et FP FS > S52 FILE: 31890038.cm ———————— eS SBIONY YOLOW YOLWUaNAD 20100 2667 OT Nur ‘IM 9€# SZ0d WdlLy:20 26-01-10 re nr a a go HEED SGOVLIOA IVNEY NUAHLNOS ~ ~ i: SR9VL10A IVNEN NYRHINO! 62:00 7661 OF mur /ivs - (2. 18) ree “sss a ------ ofa 35 aR & #2 if at 8e9g 1st 206 a> Z2e0 = 266T OT NWP ‘THs See 8E9S-isp 486 SNIASSNISNS ¥and *%S6=a 9€# 920d WdLe:20 26-01-10 8€9S ISb LO6 KVE=a 2 tees per. > te = AONENOaUa F2rg0 2660 OF MVE ‘fed an EE ? SAIONW WOLON BHOLWHANES €2100 2eeT Ot MVC /rea i . (oae) wus wes a i ¢ i fi : 7 7 PT T i ; , ih ft Y nfl ae rere eae eT et reeeniaies e E ig 8 a is 9E# LZ20d WdLb:Z0 26-01-10 8€9S ISh LOG *S6=a —_—_——— — S2OVLICA IVNEN NYAHLIUON (pas) ani 61:60 266 OL NYE frond aa ; cea S2OVLIOA IVNN NUAHLNOS GUIGD «7061 OF NW “ius emmen a Pater a--5-. oom 3 ares. PeFIEIS SSE mrs tie ©; mn? Ts +t ree RT Kr 228 8E9S-isr 406 SNIASSNISNS Yand SS:¢T 76/8T/18 9E# 820d WdL:20 26-01-10 8€9G ISh LO6 *S6=a XONEOOGTA 61260 2661 Of NWS fm me = woesi meine os ne I RR re Rr Re oe PB nt ye = SUIONY YOLON MOLWaENaS Gt'ao 265 OT mer fru ae cs SE# 620d Wdlv:20 26-01-10 8€9G ISh LO6 ; *S6=a SAOVLIOA IVNAN NUAHDEON OZ'60 zest Ot RWS ‘IMs (246) NID ooes's _-—-—- =~ = os n+ —----SHOKLION -IVNGY NYAHLNOS Osteo eest ot Mur ‘red 628 8E9S-to7 426 SNIYSSNISNA Yang 9S:¢T c6/8T/T8 9e# O€0da PILE: 09890937.caN CASE Bl. WINTER PEIK LOAD. Swi EXPORT § DAVES CREEK. NO RECLOSE. CROSS~“RI? SOLDOTHA-QUART2 69KV & SOLDOTMA CAPS. EMMI CEB: 45/450 @ BRADLEY. 4C/3P FMET @ SOLDCTMA, TAIF QUARTZ CREEK 1/5KV LIWE. WdL¥:20 26-01-10 8€9S ISb L06 “yonanbas Fe = 12160 2661 01 NUM /IMZ BE s fs = SS >-_-----. ——s S2IONY VOLO WOLWHANAN T2060 266T OT MVD ‘IME FRE a =-----—- BE9S-1sv 4@6 SNIAASNISNS Yan9 (oas) wire enon's 2S:PT Bv6=a SE# TEOd WdLv:20 26-01-10 8€9S IS LOG : KVE—a 2 mpm Smet ee 8 ROT . : . . * . wy —_— SZOVLIOA IVNIN NYAHLHON . $0460 TOOT OF MES *mud ot a) et i oneet euene's 6.3 o. SBOWLIOA IWNAN NAAHLNOS bes00 2O60 Ot Mur *aus : Ta 8E9G-r=r 406 SNISTSNISNS van 2S:PT 76/81/18 oct Z€O0d WdLv:20 26-01-10 ; 8€9S IS L06 BvE—a oF ' ~~" Yonahogug 62100 ret OF Mur ‘Tua if ER (vae) ais one Ge TEER SRIONV WOLOU LOLWaaNad (938) amis, $2100 266 OF MUP "Twa Poors . : eee . Teme ee . . ecto “Big et Pres naee Tae i A; © ol cea 8E9S-isy 486 SNIASSNISNS vand 8S:pT 26/81/78 J ge# E€€0d WdlLv:20 26-01-10 8€9S ISh L06 KVE=a SZOVLIOA IVNIN RuZHLYON 02:00 e6et Of AWS “IMZ e SAVES CREE. , Lim. cars estes 7 SSS aaa aS 65D SZOVLIOA IVNAN NYAHLNOS a 98190 2661 OT WED ‘Tua a —— =————<* 0.300 o-----— (vas) enas's we LE# 100d. WdZ0:€0 26-01-10 8€9S IS LO6 KS6=a =e er ONanNoaws 9z'20 2660 OT MVE ‘us SRIONV YOLOW WOLWUaNEO BE1e80 CEG OL Mr ‘Tus SK -E-K ec MED wine ge -[— Fe er ney, tea BE9S-1uy 286 SNINSSNION] Yan 6S:bT z6/Ot/T@ . GVER ADMINISTRATION 9@7 451-5633 @01 wlvus7s2 16:27 RECORD VOPY \ FILE NO Ly A ; Peo 32d gn ew VD V 1/13/94 GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION INC. Box 1249, Fairbanks, Alaska 99707-1249, Phone 907-462-11: TELECOPY COVER LETTER DATE: = -~7A PLEASE DELIVER. TO: = NAME + a Ve epee sleet _ FIRM: — LO CITY/TELEPHONE NUMBER: TELECOPIER NUMBER: PROM: ) } ihe, Raha, L PAGES TO FOLLOW POSSE ERETERHHEEHEEHERETEAHEHE EERE HESEEAAREHEAAHEREWRENEE EERE If yeu did not receive the number of pages listed above, please call the following person/number as scon as possible, NAME: beth NUMBER! 907-452-1151, ext. 7-3 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Transmitted from Telecopier 907-451-5633 GUEA ADMINISTRATION 987 451-5633 ae2 @1/89792 16:27 : mr a ogo WE 102 tS RD FAK NO, 22432¢ P.O! . CITY OF SEWARD © Main Office (907) 224-3331 © Police (907) 224-3338 © Harbor (907) 224-3138 @ Fire (907) 224-3445 @ Telecopier (907) 224-3246 1G, BOK (kT SEWARD, ALASKA 99664 oy : % January 6, 1992 92-01-601-01 To: ¢ Kelly, Chairman, BPMG From: . Paul Diener, Mgr. Engincering & Utilities City of Seward Ween a nem en ee peta enn nnnnempneetideensenaenessumenteee 1 will be unable to attend the mecting of the BLPMC on January 18th. We have an important City Council meeting that date. Neither myself or Dave Calvert can risk being away that day. 701 East Tudor Road P.O. Box 190869 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY LEVER Mie eA Sih MTT AL A a Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 a 7 es SoB NS (907) 561-7877 Phone a) Zit A (907) 561-8584 Fax Ut he Belt. RENO / 3 LS ee, ; aclt.~ PMC pra snp mn) f Poe a, f Ff J top Aiden (iG Chee ( L, Cpl se *EA 2 A é } / L a / Peat, $y—, $+ 7 7O7/ GENTLEMEN: \ WE ARE SENDING YOU {Attache © Under separate cover via. sth following items: O Shop drawings O Prints O Plans O Samples O Specifications O Copy of letter O Change order a get COPIES i DESCRIPTION / THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval Approved as submitted O Resubmit__*__ -_ copies for approval O For your use OO Approved as noted O Submit_____ copies for distribution O As requested 0 Returned for corrections O Return______ corrected prints O For review andcomment 0 0 FOR BIDS DUE. = = 19 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS__/ ), ~ / Fe { PSG st Aah 7 ty UD Dir fe $f face > AA T f 1 dine Po “eH. Aur CL < Za ; é COPY TO. fj / ‘ Ae SIGNED: If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. FROM: Haldane, Penny TO: Ganthner, Terri | do DATE: 11-19-91 = TIME: 4:13 PM cc: Haldane, Penny RECORD SUBJECT: Bradley Lake meeting 1/6/91 = YT FILE NO vLOPy PRIORITY: 3 ~ E = ATTACHMENTS: eden nd) oc ai Hi Terri, On 1/6/91 there is a meeting at Chugach Electric 10 a.m to discuss the mechanics of scheduling Bradley power. This meeting will consist of the Bradley PMC utility General Managers and their dispatch people. Charlie will also be attending with Stan and maybe others. The BPMC has requested that minutes be taken at this meeting. Prior to the meeting each utlity will distribute to all other utlilities a list of issues that they wish to address. A copy of these lists will also be sent to me. I will be out of the office so you might want to check my mail for these lists in case Charlie doesn't receive his own copy. Thank you for being there to pass the baton. Penny P.S. for the record the next BPMC meeting is 1/15/9}-at Chugach 10 a.m. ane VCH HUMINISIRHILUN Yor 451-5633 @a2 rtCORD VOPY FILE NO PR 3-1.) mind January 3, 1992 TO: Bradley Participants: Norm Story, Homer Electric Association Dave Highers, Chugach Electric Association Tom Stahr, Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Ken Ritchey, Matanuska Electric Association Paul Diener, Seward Electric Utility Bob Hufman, AEG&T FROM! Mike Kelly, Chairman, BPMC Gy RE: Changes in Meeting Date The Bradley meetings scheduled for January 15 have been rescheduled for January 13. The technical support folks and managers will meet at 6:30 a.m. on January 13 at CEA to identify the Bradley issues needing resolution and to resolve those issues that we can. Also at that meeting, we will schedule another session to resolve the remaining issues. The BPMC meeting will begin at 10:00 a.m. and should be concluded by noon. ccs Charles Bussell Brent Petrie Dave Hutchens Ron Saxton KC. CB Sten S aia) eee S —= Gee ae 12/18/91 16:32 GVER ADMINISTRATION 987 451-5633 ae@2 RECORD UOPY FILE NO = -heemans , PRO 3-15) min ° —_— P fis dae \ GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION INC. Box 71249, Fairbanks, Alaska 99707-1249, Phone 907-452-1161 December 18, 1991 TO: ~ Bradley Participants; a Norm Story, Homer Electric Association Dave Highers, Chugach Electric Association Tom Stahr, Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Ken Ritchey, Matanuska Electric Association Paul Diener, Seward Electric Utility FROM: Mike Kelly, Chairman, BPMC A . RE: January 6 and January 15 Suggested Meeting Changes Norm Story has asked that the January 6 meeting of managers and technical support folks be cancelled. He feels he will not have enough time to prepare to make the required decisions for Homer by that date. After discussion with him, I suggest we meet at 8:30 a.m. on January 15 with the same group to clearly identify the Bradley issues which need resolution and to attempt to resolve any issues that we can. We will then schedule for a later meeting for the managers and techs to resolve the remaining issues. The 10 a.m, January 15 Bradley meeting remains unchanged. Both meetings (8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m.) will be at CEA, If you have any questions, suggestions, or gripes, please call me. ect Charles Bussell Dave Hutchens oe