HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPMC Meeting, April 29, 1994 1BRADLE: wAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COruiITTEE
Commission Room
Anchorage Municipal Light & Power
1200 East lst Avenue
Anchorage, Alaska
Friday, April 29, 1994
10:00 a.m.
Vice Chairman Norm Story called the meeting of the Bradley
Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at
10:03 a.m. in the Commission Room of Anchorage Municipal Light
& Power, 1200 East lst Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska, to conduct
the business of the Committee per the agenda and public
notice. A quorum was established.
Alaska Energy Authority
Dennis McCrohan, Designated Representative
Golden Valley Electric Association
Brad Evans, Alternate
City of Seward
Dave Calvert, Designated Representative
Matanuska Electric Association
Jim Woodcock, Designated Representative
Municipal Light & Power
Tom Stahr, Designated Representative
Homer Electric Association
Norm Story, Designated Representative
Chugach Electric Association
Eugene Bjornstad, Designated Representative
Others Present:
Stan Sieczkowski, AEA/AIDEA
Sharron Sigafoos, AIDEA
Dan Bloomer, Chugach Electric Association
John S. Cooley, Chugach Electric Association
Tom Lovas, Chugach Electric Association
David Burlingame, Chugach Electric Association
Ron Saxton, Ater, Wynne, Hewitt, Dodson & Skerritt
Tim McConnell, Anchorage Municipal Light & Power
Bob Price, Anchorage Municipal Light & Power
Myles Yerkes, Homer Electric Association
Bob Hufman, Utilities Consulting Services
Vince Mottola, Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System
Allan Yost, REA
Dave Hutchen, ARECA
Robert Mau, Matanuska Electric Association
Jim Hall, Matanuska Electric Association
Mike Kelly, Golden Valley Electric Association
Roger Kemppel, Public
Bradley Lake Projecc Management Committee
Meeting Minutes - April 29, 1994
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There were no public comments.
Mr. Story stated that budget line item adjustments for Bradley
O&M would be addressed during the Budget Subcommittee Report,
but no modification to the agenda was required. Capital
Project Work at Bradley was added as Item No. 10.C.
MOTION: Mr. Bjornstad moved to approve the March 31, 1994
minutes. Seconded by Mr. Evans. Hearing no objection, the
minutes were approved as presented.
Mr. Lovas reported that the Budget Subcommittee had met April
27th to undertake the tasks assigned to it at the last PMC meeting.
Mr. Lovas reported that the Parisena Stromberg audit report
for FY ‘93 operating and maintenance expenses had been
finalized and distributed at the last meeting. Parisena
Stromberg had not given a formal presentation to the Committee
or the Budget Subcommittee at that time, but three outstanding
items need to be resolved:
(1) An allocation of administrative and general overhead
expenses with respect to personnel involved in an aircraft
accident. The overhead charges associated with the personnel
expenses are intended to be part of the settlement with the
insurance company in regard to the expenses associated with the accident itself. The expenses were included and charged
to the Bradley Lake project and are subject to potential reim-
bursement from the insurance proceeds, the Budget Subcom- mittee’s recommendation is to accept the charges pending the
outcome of the insurance process.
(2) Four thousand five hundred dollars ($4,500) was charged to the Bradley Lake project that was associated with the remodel- ing of an AEA person’s office who directly charged the Bradley Lake Project for 80% of his time. Parisena Stromberg identi-
fied these as administrative and general charges and recom-
mended that they be removed or reimbursed to the project. Given that a lawsuit is under way and a motion for summary judgment has been filed on the matter of administrative and general expenses, it was the Budget Committee’s recommendation
that they accept those charges and forego any action at this
Bradley Lake Projecc Management Committee
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time. It was noted that those types of charges would be
involved in any potential settlement under the lawsuit.
(3) Project funds were fronted from the Bradley Lake project
to pay expenses for which the project has been reimbursed and
the dollars properly accounted for; however, the project has
not been compensated for interest on the funds. The Budget
Subcommittee recommended that the PMC accept reimbursement of
the actual charges and not require interest to be paid because
the advance was in part due to clerical error for which
internal controls are now in place to minimize the likelihood
of this type of error reoccurring.
The Budget Subcommittee recommended that the audit report be
accepted in completion of the contract for the O&M audit with
the proposed resolutions to the outstanding items included in
the report. Mr. Lovas said the proposed resolutions had been
adopted by the Budget Subcommittee and were generally agreed
to by AIDEA and Parisena Stromberg.
MOTION: Mr. Bjornstad moved that the Parisena Stromberg audit
report be accepted with the recommended resolutions to the
three outstanding issues as stated by Mr. Lovas. Seconded by
Brad Evans. Motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Lovas reported that the Subcommittee had also reviewed the
charges for wheeling services by Chugach provided under the
Transmission Services Agreement. Per the contract, the
wheeling rate is updated once per year effective for billings
on or after July 1. Chugach submitted a new calculation of
the wheeling rate that increased the transmission services
rate from 2.2 mills to 2.6 mills per kwh. The increase is due
solely to the change in the phase-in factor applied to each
calendar year per the Transmission Services Agreement.
Mr. Lovas reported that the computation had been reviewed by
the Subcommittee, and concern had been expressed with respect
to the range of account numbers used to derive the calcula-
tion. However, it is the Budget Subcommittee’s view that the
computation is acceptable as presented subject to further
review and discussion with Chugach about the account numbers.
The rate would apply for service on or after July 1, 1994.
There was also a question regarding how reimbursable expenses
were accounted for and tracked in the account totals used in
the computation of the rate. Chugach will verify and report
back to the Budget Subcommittee.
At the last PMC meeting, the Budget Subcommittee had been
directed to review the cash flows and the anticipated carry-
over from the prior period operating error and make a recom-
mendation on the appropriate utility payments for FY '95. At
Bradley Lake Project Management Committee
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this time, the estimated deficit on the total FY '94 budget (through June 30) is about $308,000, with a beginning surplus
forecast of $1,000,000, for a projected ending surplus of
approximately $706,000.
Assuming a carry-over of the $706,000 and the expected deficit
built into the budget computations, the surplus at the end of
FY ‘95 is projected at approximately $355,000. The operating
reserve level is roughly 20 percent of the operating budget.
Because the surplus is declining over time and it appears
there is an adequate operating reserve, the Budget Subcom-
mittee recommends that the utilities continue the existing
monthly payments of $1,159,991 at this time and that the
Budget Subcommittee will review and consider a mid-year change
after the completion of the year-end accounting of actual
expenses accrued through June 1994 if the actual ending
surplus is significantly different than the forecast surplus
at this time.
MOTION: Mr. Woodcock moved to approve the allocation process
for the FY ‘95 monthly utility contributions. Seconded by Mr.
Bjornstad. Motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Lovas stated that the Budget Subcommittee had considered
how to routinely audit and report the maintenance activities
and expenses, on an ongoing basis, of the Bradley Lake project
as they occur. He advised that AIDEA anticipates providing
quarterly status information on the flow of funds and expenses
as they occur; however, this does not ameliorate the Budget
Subcommittee’s concern with regard to having ongoing monitor-
ing and reviews. Mr. Lovas said Mr. Sieczkowski would address
this issue during the Operations and Dispatch (O&D) Subcommit-
tee report.
Mr. Lovas said another issue of concern is how the budget is
established with regard to line items and activities within
certain FERC accounting categories. He explained that the
FERC accounting structure has traditionally been the basis for
the O&M activities, but changes have routinely been made to
line items, including how activities are identified and
accounted for. The Budget Subcommittee’s position is that it
should review the basis for modifications within the func- tional categories and approve major categories, allowing
movement of funds within the categories as long as the tasks
are retained. If there is a change in tasks, the Budget
Subcommittee should have an opportunity to review that upon
analysis provided by the O&D Subcommittee.
Upon Mr. Story’s request, Mr. Yerkes gave the Committee an
overview of the Budget Subcommittee’s position on the issues
of (1) line item discrepancies, and (2) whether like kinds of
work should be contract or force account. Discussion was heard.
Bradley Lake Projecc Management Committee
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MOTION: Mr. Bjornstad moved that the Committee allow Homer
Electric Association to shift funds as proposed between the
personnel budget categories for FY '94, with the understanding
that HEA will prepare a more detailed work plan for FY ‘95 and
a process will be established to notify the Budget and O&D
Subcommittees of proposed transfers. Seconded by Mr. Wood-
cock. The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Sieczkowski reported that the O&D Subcommittee had met
prior to the PMC meeting on March 31, and the next O&D meeting
is scheduled for May 11. The project FY ‘94 maintenance
schedule for the remainder of the year, the established
budget, and the FY '95 operation and maintenance schedule will
be discussed at the May 11th meeting. The allocations agreed
to by the utilities will also be discussed and finalized. The
maintenance standards have been provided to all the utilities,
and the O&D Subcommittee will discuss a schedule of review as
directed by the PMC at the last meeting.
Mr. McCrohan reported that the Insurance Subcommittee has met
with HEA several times, and two issues are still outstanding:
(1) HEA’s liability for errors in performance (negligence of
operator), and (2) Whether the Authority’s insurer could take action against HEA in the event that HEA’s liability associ-
ated with a loss exceeds the deductible.
Mr. McCrohan said the Insurance Subcommittee’s position on the
latter issue is that HEA should be added to AIDEA’s coverage
and indemnified if a loss exceeds the deductible because HEA
is acting on AIDEA’s behalf. Mr. Story advised that HEA had
recently been added as an additional insured on the State’s
policy, and HEA is awaiting confirmation from the insurance
company. In addition, HEA has obtained additional coverage
for the deductible. Discussion was heard.
A. Spinning Reserves Update - Mr. Lovas said he had received
the meeting minutes from the last ASCC meeting, and it was
still not clear to him what the ASCC’s directive was to the
Reliability Criteria Committee (RCC). He said there had been
a suggestion at the meeting to hold an executive committee
meeting to refine the directive to the RCC. However, the
motion that was passed tabled the operating reserve criteria
until a report on the issue could be provided. Mr. Lovas said
he would like to get clarification from the ASCC representa-
tives so that the RCC could undertake the modified assignment
at its next meeting scheduled for May 5. In the absence of
Bradley Lake Project Management Committee
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that, the RCC would try to bring something forward for more
detailed consideration.
Mr. Story stated that he had chaired the meeting at which
there had been discussion on this issue, and it was felt the
executive committee should address it; however, Mr. Stahr had
made a motion to redirect the RCC to its original task. Mr.
Story asked Mr. Stahr to elaborate. Mr. Stahr said the ASCC
wanted to know what the recommended operating reserve require-
ments for the Railbelt were to meet some range of reliability.
He explained that when the original intertie operating
agreement was entered into, tentative decisions were made with
regard to how much spin and reserve were required to operate
the system, but the intent was to refine these issues in the
future. Mr. Stahr said this is what he felt the directive
from the ASCC to the RCC entailed.
Mr. Lovas responded that one of the difficulties the RCC has
had in completing that assignment was that Committee members
routinely assess the modification to the determination of the
numbers based upon the financial impact to the utility as a
result of the allocation agreement. Mr. Stahr concurred that
this has been a problem. Discussion was heard.
Mr. Story stated that the RCC should suspend its activities
with regard to this issue, and it will be an agenda item for
the next PMC meeting. In the interim, the managers and
technical people could refine it with regard to the degree of
reliability management expects. Mr. Bjornstad suggested that
the utilities provide a position statement on reliability
parameters at the next meeting.
A. Nominations Subcommittee Report/Recommendations - The
Nominations Subcommittee’s nominations were as follows:
Mr. Norm Story Chairman
Mr. Tom Stahr Vice Chairman
Mr. Gene Bjornstad Treasurer
MOTION: Mr. Kelly moved that nominations be closed;
seconded by Mr. Calvert. Motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Mr. Calvert moved to approve the recommendations
of the Nominations Subcommittee as listed above. Seconded
by Mr. Kelly. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Approval of Legal Expenses and Other Payments - Mr. Hall
requested that, in light of the fact the Committee now has
a new Treasurer, this item be tabled until the next PMC
meeting. There was no opposition.
Bradley Lake Project Management Committee
Meeting Minutes - April 29, 1994
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Capital Project Work at Bradley - Mr. Sieczkowski reported that he had met with Dave Eberle and Larry Wolf and
drafted a list of 28 items, some construction and some
O&M, and would be prepared to make a recommendation to the
Committee at the next meeting. In the meantime, they
would work with Homer Electric to identify the construc-
tion versus O&M items and, based upon the budgetary
decision made previously, would be prepared to proceed on
the O&M items that were within the budget. Those O&D
items which are outside the budget would be presented to
the O&D and Budget Subcommittees for review on an expe-
dited basis. Discussion was heard.
A. Next Meeting Date - The next PMC meeting was scheduled for
Friday, June 10, 1994, at 10:00 a.m., in the Commission
Room of ML&P.
Treasurer’s Duties - Mr. Lovas advised that the Treasurer
has traditionally acted as the Budget Subcommittee
Chairman. Mr. Saxton stated that this is not required by
the bylaws. Mr. Bjornstad suggested that since Mr. Lovas
had been very active in the Budget Subcommittee, he act as
Chairman. The Committee concurred.
Supreme Court Decision RE: Healy - Mr. Kelly advised that
the Supreme Court had affirmed AIDEA’s, Golden Valley's,
and the APUC’s position, and the stay on Healy was
vacated. They had also settled with the Trustees for
Alaska ten days ago, and the Healy project will proceed.
There being no further business of the Committee, the meeting
was adjourned at 11:30 a.m. Ze
Norm Story, Chairma
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Dennis V. McCrohan, Secretary
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Agenda Item No.
A=4+ OVER 51% B = AEA CONCUR With A
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Requiring four yeas with 51% of utilities, with no
AEA vote:
1) Procedures for scheduling, production and
dispatch of project power.
2) Establishment of procedures for use of each
purchaser's water allocation (AEA assent
required for license requirements).
3) Selection among alternative methods that do
not involve AEA for funding required project
Requiring 4 yeas with 51% of utilities and AEA
1) Arranging operation and maintenance of
2) Adoption of budget of annual project costs.
3) Establishment of FY estimated annual
payment obligation and schedule of each
4) Determination of annual project costs after
each FY.
5) Evaluation of necessity for and scheduling of
required project work.
6) Determination of appropriate amount of
7) Adoption of additional minimum funding
amounts for renewal and contingency reserve
fund above that required by bond resolution.
8) Sclection among alternate methods that
involve AEA for funding required project
9) Adoption or amendment of procedural
committee rules (except dispute resolution).
10) Adoption of project maintenance schedules.
Determination of rules, procedures and
accounts necessary to manage project when
no bonds outstanding.
12) Evaluation and approval of optional project
work and compensation for such work.
13) Application of insurance claims proceeds not
governed by bond resolution.
14) Approval of procedures and any individual
utility agreements relating to electric power
reserves for project.
15) Approval of consultants.
Unanimous vote by all (including AEA)
Majority vote (including AEA)
Election of Officers