HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPMC Meeting Thursday 09-27-2007 10.am 2TELECONFERENCE INSTRUCTIONS Thursday, September 27, 2007 — 10:00 a.m. To join the meeting, please do the following: Dial 1-800-315-6338 Enter 813# WK “IDEN /= ALASKA Tew @@® ENERGY AUTHORITY Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Thursday, September 27, 2007 — 10:00 a.m. (via electronic media at CEA’s Board Room - 5601 Minnesota Drive) 1. CALL TO ORDER Stewart 2. ROLL CALL (for Committee members) 3: PUBLIC ROLL CALL (for all others present) 4. PUBLIC COMMENT 5. AGENDA COMMENTS 6. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES February 23, 2007 June 26, 2007 7: NEW BUSINESS Fixed Wing Aircraft Services Insurance Legal Bilis/Service O&M Contract Anonymous Complaint Election of Officers 7M OO WD 8. COMMITTEE REPORTS / COMMENTS A. Operators Report B. Next Meeting Date Stewart 9. ADJOURNMENT 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard * Anchorage, Alaska 99503-2495 www.aidea.org * 907/269-3000 * FAX 907/269-3044 ® Toll Free (Alaska Only) 888/300-8534 * www.akenergyauthority.org BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES (Held @ CEA’s Board Room) Anchorage, Alaska Friday, February 23, 2007 — 10:00 a.m. 45 CALL TO ORDER Chair Stewart called the meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, February 23, 2007, from Chugach Electric Association’s Board Room, Anchorage, Alaska, to conduct the business of the Committee per the agenda and public notice. 2. ROLL CALL Roll was called by Shauna Howell. The following members were present: Bill Stewart Chugach Electric Association Steve Haagenson Golden Valley Electric Association (teleconference) Bradley Janorschke Homer Electric Association Wayne Carmony Matanuska Electric Association Jim Posey Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Tim Barnum City of Seward Bryan Carey Alaska Energy Authority 3. PUBLIC ROLL CALL John Cooley, Chugach Electric Association Burke Wick, Chugach Electric Association Bradley Evans, Chugach Electric Association Bob Price, Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Phil Steyer, Chugach Electric Association Suzanne Gibson, Chugach Electric Association Henri Dale, Golden Valley Electric Association Brian Hickey, Chugach Electric Association Charlie O’Hare, Homer Electric Association Rick Baldwin, Homer Electric Association Rick Miller, Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Linda MacMillan, Alaska Energy Authority Jenny Trieu, AterWynne Don Zoerb, Matanuska Electric Association Page 1 of 3 4. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no public comments. 5. AGENDA COMMENTS There were no agenda comments. 6. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES — December 15, 2006 Mr. Janorschke moved to approve the minutes of the December 15, 2006 meeting, seconded by Mr. Posey. The meeting minutes were unanimously approved as presented. 7. NEW BUSINESS 7A. FY 08 Operating and Capital Budget Linda MacMillan MOTION #07-01: Mr. Posey moved that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee approve the fiscal year 2008 Operating and Capital budget as presented. Seconded by Mr. Janorschke. MOTION #07-02: Mr. Carmony motioned to amend budget to remove $40,000 legal item labeled as Bradley Lake PMC Legal. Seconded by Mr. Janorschke for discussion. After discussion, a voice vote was taken and the motion to amend the budget to remove $40,000 for legal items failed. The Chair called the question for approval of the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee to approve the fiscal year 2008 Operating and Capital budget as presented. A voice vote was taken and the motion passed with one opposed vote from MEA. 7B. FY_07 Interim Budget Report Linda MacMillan Linda MacMillan presented the report stating that this was the first time in a couple of years that they weren't asking to amend the budget. This report is given quarterly to the Budget Subcommittee members and will now be added to the BPMC members as well. 7C. Homer O&M Agreement Brad Janorschke Mr. Janorschke handed out a new version of the Agreement and reviewed with the group the new language and other changes that were inserted. It was agreed that a smaller group (consisting of relevant attorneys and other participants) would get together to get issues resolved within 30 days, with an outside limit of 60 days. The group will use the version of this document that was emailed out by the Chair on February 20, 2007. 8. COMMITTEE REPORTS 8A. Operators Report / Update on Governor’s Modification Project— Charlie O’Hare Mr. O’Hare stated that the governor project is 95% complete. The revisions to the algorithms are going to take place next month. The running total is $5.2M, which excludes some costs from CEA prior to 2002, which were reported by Brian Hickey to be $776,000. Page 2 of 3 Mr. Cooley added that the governor functions much better than the old one, saying it’s in the high 90%. The change in algorithms will take place starting March 19". Overall, the operators are happy with the new governor. 8B. NEXT MEETING DATE The next meeting date will be.-May 18, 2007 at HEA or the Bradley Lake Project site. 9: ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m. BY: Bill Stewart, Chairman ATTEST: Alaska Energy Authority, Secretary Page 3 of 3 BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Special Meeting — Held Via Teleconference at AIDEA/AEA Board Room - Anchorage, Alaska Tuesday, June 26, 2007 — 10:00 a.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Stewart called the meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 26, 2007, via teleconference to conduct the business of the Committee per the public notice. 2. ROLL CALL Roll was called by Shauna Howell. The following members were present: Bill Stewart Chugach Electric Association (teleconference) Steve Haagenson Golden Valley Electric Association (teleconference) Bradley Janorschke Homer Electric Association (teleconference) Rick Miller Anchorage Municipal Light & Power (teleconference) Karl Reiche Alaska Energy Authority 3. PUBLIC ROLL CALL Linda MacMillan, Alaska Energy Authority Jenny Trieu, AterWynne (teleconference) Mike Cunningham, Chugach Electric Association (teleconference) Bob Day, Homer Electric Association (teleconference) Henri Dale, Golden Valley Electric Association (teleconference) 4. NEW BUSINESS 4A. FY07 Budget Amendment Linda MacMillan MOTION #07-03: Mr. Janorschke motioned the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee approve to reduce the FY07 budget by $548,000 and request the bond trustee to refund the surplus to the utilities by June 30, 2007. Seconded by Mr. Haagenson. A voice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. Page 1 of 2 5. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 a.m. BY: Bill Stewart, Chairman ATTEST: Alaska Energy Authority, Secretary Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item: 1E MOTION: Move to approve the following nominated individuals as Officers to the BPMC. CHAIRMAN Move: Second: VICE CHAIRMAN Move: Second: SECRETARY/TREASURER This position of Secretary/Treasurer remains with AEA. Chairman: Vice Chairman: Secretary/Treasurer: Bryan Carey BUDGET INFORMATION Final FY07 Bradley Budget Report iE) ENERGY AUTHORITY Fe 4 xs ADEX. [= ALASKA tk Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authorily FAX / ELECTRONIC TRANSFER TO: BRADLEY BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE : From: Shellie Helton, Accountant Kate Lamal (GVEA) Power Supply kklamal@gvea.com _— Phone: (907)269-3023 Be Michael Cunningham (CEA) = Mike_Cunningham@chugachelectric.com | FAX: (907)269-3044 Rick Miller (ML&P) MillerRE@ci.anchorage.ak.us Charlie O'Hare (HEA) COHare@HomerElectric.com Date: August 21, 2007 Rick Eckert (HEA) reckert@HomerElectric.com Henri Dale (GVEA) hfdale@gvea.com Pages: (6) six re: FY07 Bradley Lake O&M Status Report ce: Bryan Carey, AEA Linda MacMillan, AEA Attached is the Final FY07 Bradley O&M Expenditure Status Report for the period of 07/01/06 thru 06/30/07. FY07 Revenues currently exceed FY07 Expenditures by $295,943. This amount is due to . the following items: $161,827 underestimated interest income 5,656 unbudgeted surplus sales 367,181 overestimated O&M costs 34,862 overestimated R&C repayment (327,185) R&C interest retained in R&C Fund 27,700 overestimated culvert repairs 34,457 overestimated Helicopter Pad repairs (8,555) underestimated arbitrage costs $295,943 Notice: _ This facsimile may contain confidential information that is being transmitted to and is intended only for the use of the recipient named above. Reading, disclosure, discussion, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this information by anyone other than the named recipient or his or her employees or agents is strictly prohibited. If you have received this facsimile in error, please immediately destroy it and notify us by telephone, (907) 269-3000. H.\all\shelton\PJ220201-Bradley\O&M\F Y07\FAXbradleyOM.doc 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard * Anchorage, Alaska 99503-2495 www.aidea.org ¢ 907/269-3000 * FAX 907/269-3044 * Toll Free (Alaska Only) 888/300-8534 * www.akenergyauthority.org ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FY 2006 FY2007 FY 2007 ACTUALS AMENDED ACTUALS FINAL BUDGET AS OF 06-30-07 REVENUES, EXPENSES & CHANGES IN SURPLUS REVENUES UTILITY CONTRIBUTIONS 14,448,825 15,847,818 15,847,816 INTEREST INCOME 1,896,353 1,713,710 1,875,537 SALE OF SURPLUS - - 5,656 16,345,178 17,561,528 17,729,009 EXPENSES OPERATIONS 3,212,202 3,280,343 2,913,160 R&C REPAYMENTS 412,419 1,482,234 1,447,372 (a) R&C INTEREST APPLIED AS REPMT 202,517 327,185 PURCHASE OF VEHICLE - CULVERT REPAIRS 50,000 22,300 HELICOPTER PAD REPAIRS 200,000 165,543 TRANSFER TO OPERATING RESERVE 25,000 25,002 DEBT SERVICE (net of Capital Reserve Reduction) 12,276,325 12,273,950 12,273,950 TRANSFER TO ARBITRAGE 241,714 250,000 258,555 PRIOR YEAR SURPLUS (SHORTFALL) 704,801 17,049,979 17,561,527 17,433,067 CURRENT YEAR SURPLUS(DEFICIT) (704,801) 1 295,943 PRIOR YEAR SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 704,801 - BEGINNING SURPLUS (DEFICIT) 0 COMMITTED CY EXP & DEBT SVC ENDING SURPLUS (DEFICIT) {0) 1 295,943 BALANCE SHEET ASSETS REVENUE FUND 457,898 - 1,531,244 OPERATING FUND 534,188 821,997 DUE TO REV FUND (Ops Rsv interest in transit) - - PREPAID SCADA MAINT & D&O Insurance 20,525 17,929 RECEIVABLES - FY06 SHORTFALL 70,648 - 1,083,260 - 2,371,170 LIABILITIES & SURPLUS CURRENT LIABILITIES 670,840 - 627,856 DUE TO OP RESERVE - PREPAID REVENUE - - COMMITTED CY EXP & DEBT SVC - - - PAYABLE - FY07 R&C REPAYMENT 412,419 - 1,447,372 PAYABLE - FY07 SURPLUS - 295,943 1,083,260 - 2,371,170 (0) = (0) OTHER INFORMATION OPERATING RESERVE 661,402 686,400 MONTHLY CONTRIBUTIONS 1,204,069 1,320,652 Note (a) The annual R&C repayment Is processed at year end after all current year R&C expenditures have been processed. Total R&C Fund receivable at 06/30/07: $4,241,500 2007 Sum and Cash Bal 06-30-07final.xls - B-SUM Page 1 of 4 BRADLEY LAKE OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE B APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET ACTUALS OVER FY2007 YTD YTD (UNDER) BUDGET 06/30/07 06/30/07 BUDGET (b} SUMMARY {A) HEA Annual Operations & Maintenance 1,494,965.00 | 1,494,969.00 1,223,457.52 (271,511.48) (B) CEA Dispatch and Substation/SVC Maintenance 130,000.00 130,000.00 85,117.55 (44,882.45) (C) Other O&M and Maintenance Projects 444,521.00 444,522.00 425,763.45 (18,758.55); (D) insurance Costs 605,356.60 605,356.60 622,669.85 17,313.25 (E) Regulatory Costs 331,000.00 331,000.00 326,454.19 (4,545.81) (H) Contingencies - - 7 ® 3,005,842.60 | 3,005,847.60 | 2,683,462.56 (322,385.04) {F) Administrative Costs 274,500.00 274,500.00 229,697.50 (44,802.50) 3,280,342.60 | 3,280,347.60 2,913,160.06 (367,187.54) (G) Bond Refunding Costs - a a = 3,280,342.60 | 3,280,347.60 | 2,913,160.06 (367,187.54) FYO7BdgtStatusRptxis E1201 E1201 E1201 £1201 E1201 £1201 £1201 £1201 E1201 £1201 £1201 E1201 E1201 E1201 E1201 E1201 E1201 E1201 E1201 E1201 53700 54000 54100 54200 54200 54300 54300 $4300 54300 04270007 04270008 04270001 04270002 04270004 04270005 Page 2 of 4 24301 24301 24301 24301 24301 24303 24301 24302 24312 24301 24301 24301 24301 24301 24301 24301 220201 220201 220201 220201 220201 220201 220201 220201 220201 220201 220201 220201 220201 220201 220201 220201 220201 83ss 883 ssss ssse8s FERC 535 - Operation Supervision & Engineering (A) HEA O&M Contract (C) HEA On-Site Civil Project Manager (C) HEA Digitize & Control Project Drawings FERC 537 - Hydraulic Expenses (A) HEA O&M Contract FERC 538 - Electric Expenses (A) HEA O&M Contract (C) SOA BOILIER INSPECTION FERC 539 - Misc. Hydraulic Power Generation Exp (A) HEA O&M Contract (C) Replace Two Way Radios (C) HEA Circuits and Radio - To Bernice Lake (C) CEA Circuits -Bernice Lake to Anchorage FERC 540 - Rents (C) Bradley Lake FERC land use fees (5% increase bud: FERC 541 - Maint Supervision & Engineering (A) HEA O&M Contract FERC 542 - Maintenance of Structures (A) HEA O&M Contract (C) Other FERC 543 - Maint of Reservoirs, Dams & Waterways (A) HEA O&M Contract (C) Bradley Lake Dam Repair (C) Nuka Diversion (C) Middle Fork Diversion (C) Kachemak Creek Gauging Station (C) Other O&M APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET ACTUALS OVER FY2007 YTD YTD (UNDER) BUDGET 06/30/07 06/30/07 BUDGET (b) a 125,569.00 125,569.00 154,484.98 28,915.98 i 125,569.00 125,569.00 [ 154,484.98 28,915.98 49,200.00 49,201.00 71,710.78 22,509.78 49,200.00 49,201.00 71,710.78 22,509.78 222,000.00 222,000.00 178,085.09 (43,914.91) 222,000.00 222,000.00 178,085.09 (43,914.91) 331,625.00 331,625.00 274,885.36 (56,739.64) 3,000.00 3,000.00 (3,000.00) 90,000.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 - 28,740.00 28,740.00 28,746.00 6.00 453,365.00 [453,365.00 393,631.36 (59,733.64) 74,000.00 74,001.00 62,623.40 (11,377.60) 74,000.00 74,001.00 62,623.40 (11,377.60) 82,451.00 82,452.00 43,476.75 38,975.25) 82,451.00 82,452.00 43,476.75 (38,975.25) 90,400.00 90,400.00 96,272.67 5,872.67 90,400.00 90,400.00 96,272.67 $,872.67 10,440.00 10,441.00 4,906.62 (6,534.38) 10,440.00 10,441.00 4,906.62 (5,534.38) I FYO7BdgtStatusRptxis £1201 E1201 E1201 £1201 £1201 £1201 £1201 £1201 £1201 £1207 E1201 £1201 E1201 E1201 E1201 £1201 E1201 £1201 55601 $5604 56200 §7100 04270012 05270006 Page 3 of 4 24301 24301 24301 24312 24312 24301 220201 220201 220201 220201 220201 220201 220201 220201 220201 220201 220201 220201 220201 888888 88 388 33s 88 FERC 544 - Maintenance of Electric Plant (A) HEA O&M Contract (A) HEA O&M Contract-Runner Repairs FERC 545 - Maintenance of Misc. Hydraulic Plant (A) HEA O&M Contract {C) Penstock Drain Clean-out FERC 556 - System Control & Load Dispatching (A) HEA O&M Contract (C) NOAA Weather Service (C) SCS Snow Measurement (C) UAA Seismic monitoring and reporting (C) USGS Streamguaging (C) State of Alaska Permits FERC 562 - Station Expenses (B) CEA SVC/Substation Maintenance Contract {C) SVC Condition Assessment/Staff Training FERC 571 - Maintenance of Overhead Lines (A) HEA Overhead Line Maintenance {H) Contingencies FERC 920 - Administrative Expense (F) AEA Admin Fee AEA Administrative Costs PMC Costs {F) Bradley Lake Audit fees (F) Bradley Lake PMC Legal (F) Bradley Lake Arbitrage Report (F) Bradley Lake Trustee fees PMC Costs Bon nding Costs Reimburseable costs Refunding Costs: APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET ACTUALS OVER FY2007 YTD YTD (UNDER) BUDGET 06/30/07 06/30/07 BUDGET (b) 280,200.00 280,200.00 214,054.56 (66,145.44) 280,200.00 280,200.00 214,054.56 (66,145.44) 213,000.00 213,000.00 96,557.91 (116,442.09), 213,000.00 213,000.00 96,557.91 (116,442.09) 20,080.00 20,080.00 23,442.04 3,362.04 9,000.00 9,000.00 6,221.96 (2,778.04) 56,500.00 56,500.00 54,691.09 (1,808.91) 183,281.00 183,281.00 183,281.00 - - - 200.00 200.00 268,861.00 268,861.00 267,836.09 (1,024.91) 130,000.00 130,000.00 85,117.55 (44,882.45) 130,000.00 130,000.00 85,117.55 (44,882.45) 70,000.00 70,001.00 65,580.76 (4,420.24)| 70,000.00 70,001.00 65,580.76 (4,420.24) 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 - 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 - 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,298.00 (202.00) 40,000.00 40,000.00 (670.00) (40,670.00)|PY exp redux, FYO7 billings disputed 6,000.00 6,000.00 4,475.00 (1,525.00) 20,000.00 20,000.00 17,594.50 (2,405.50) 74,500.00 74,500.00 | 29,697.50 (44,802.50) FYO7BagtStatusRptxis £1201 £1201 1201 E1201 E1201 E1201 E1201 58401 58401 58801 $8801 04270020 03270010 Page 4 of 4 (24301 24312 220201 220201 220201 220201 220201 88 8 8838 FERC 924 - Property Insurance {D) Insurance Premiums (D) Homer Electric Insurance (D) Risk Assessment FERC 928 - Regulatory Commission Expenses (E) FERC administrative fees (E) FERC 5 Year inspection (E) Seismic Survey Spillway (E) Contractual Engineer - FERC license issues TOTAL BRADLEY LAKE BUDGET APPROVED AMENDED BUDGET ACTUALS OVER FY2007 YTD YTD (UNDER) BUDGET 06/30/07 06/30/07 BUDGET (b) TOTAL FERC 920 274,500.00] 27450000| 226,697.50] (44,602.50) 533,356.60} 533,356.60] 532,759.11 (597.49) 57,000.00 57,000.00 55,010.74 (1,989.26) 15,000.00 15,000.00 34,900.00 19,900.00 605,356.60 | 605,356.60 | 622,689.85 17,313.25 126,000.00] 126,000.00] 196,746.92 70,746.92 90,000.00 90,000.00 88,858.51 (1,141.49) 115,000.00} — 115,000.00 40,848.76 (74,151.24) 331,000.00 | 331,000.00 | 326,454.19 (4,545.61) {3,280,342.60 [_3,280,347.60 | 2,913,160.06 | _(367,187.54) FYO7BagtStatusRptxls