HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPMC Meeting February 27, 1990 1FILE COPY Ro LT BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE February 27,1990 AGENDA Chugach Electric Association Revised: February 21, 1990 Anchorage, Alaska 1. CALLTO ORDER — 9:30.a.m. Kelly 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC COMMENT 4. MODIFICATION OF AGENDA a 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES January 18, 1990 6. BOND FINANCE TEAM REPORT Petrie 7. TECHNICAL COORDINATING SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Yerkes 8. INSURANCE SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Saxton 9. BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Saxton Review of Draft FY O&M “Dry-Run" Budget Petrie 10. OPERATING AND DISPATCH AGREEMENT SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Shira il. REVIEW OF PROJECT STATUS Eberle 12. OLD BUSINESS a. Discussion of Test Period Power Sales Agreement Petrie b. Interties Discussion Saxton 13. NEW BUSINESS a. Fritz Creek Agreement b. Select Decknet Option Saxton c. Schedule Next Meeting Date, Location, Time 14. COMMUNICATIONS mn . ADJOURNMENT RECORD COPY 7 FILE NO PRO 3-1,/ Min Linpsay, HART, NEIL & WEIGLER To — oe LAWYERS 2/27 ¢ 9 1001 FourTH AVENUE PLAZA SvuITE 1800 JEFFERSON PLACE (Szarirst BipG,), SuiTE 3200 222 S.W. CoLuMBIA 850 N. OTH, SUITE 400 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98154 PORTLAND, OREGON 97201-6618 Borse, IDAHO 83702 (206) 623-47 TELEPHONE (508) 226-1101 (208) 336-8844 ,TELECOPIER (503) 226-0079 = TELEX 494-7032 845 CALIFORNIA STREET SurrE 2200 San FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94104 5 4 0 (415) 984-5858 FEB O? 199 February 2, 1990 1225 19TH STRE: aN SurrEe 200 Wasuincrton, D. (202) 393-44 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY. Julie Becker Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Re: Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Unreimbursed Costs Dear Julie: Enclosed is a copy of one of the letters sent to the utility managers of the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee along with the appropriate attachments. As you will note in the letter, the managers are instructed to send their completed forms to you, and that you will be coordinating all future monthly submissions with them. The forms themselves were created on our WordPerfect system, so if you find that multiple revisions are necessary, I would be happy to send you a diskette with a copy of the form. Let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, oor Elizabeth G. Westby Legal Assistant Encl. EGW\egwi26. let February 2, 1990 Dave Highers Chugach Electric Association, Inc. P.O. Box 196300 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6300 Re: Submittal of Bradley Lake Project Costs Dear Dave: To streamline the process of reimbursement of each utility’s Project and Section 31 Costs, the enclosed form has been approved by the AEA to keep track of on-going utility expenses associated with the Bradley Lake Project. The instructions for completing the form are fairly straightforward. The categories are the same ones you have seen in preparation of the "Unreimbursed Bradley Lake Costs" chart approved by the BPMC November 30, 1989. A brief description of each category is listed on the form. That approved chart included costs up to the end of October 1989. I have enclosed forms for your November, December and January unreimbursed expenses. Even if you have no expenses for those particular months please forward a copy of the form showing zero expenses. Once the chart is prepared, send the original to Julie Becker at the AEA. Julie has been designated the official record-keeper to track each utility’s submissions and send out new forms each month. I would also ask that you send a copy of the form to me, as well as keep a copy for yourself in your files. Let me know if you have any questions. Very truly yours, Ronald L. Saxton Encls. EGW\egw118.mem Forward completed chart to. Send cor_ ”B Julie Becker Ron Saxton Alaska Energy Authority Lindsay, Hart et. al. P.O. Box 190869 222 SW Columbia, Ste. 1800 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Portland, OR 97201 UNREIMBURSED BRADLEY LAKE COSTS UTILITY fh MONTH November, 1989 RETURN NO LATER THAN PROJECT COSTS TOTAL AMOUNT Al 1990 FINANCE TEAM PARTICIPATION All travel-related expenses for members of the Finance Team for trips and meetings associated with the second financing. 1990 LEGAL EXPENSES FOR FINANCING EFFORTS Legal fees of the Committee attorney Saxton will provide relating to the second financing to AEA effort. wh A3 1990 OPINIONS OF COUNSEL Scope of work on 1990 second financing None until requested effort to be determined later. by AEA 1990 TCC EXPENSES Travel and meeting expenses associated with your utility’s participation on the Technical Coordinating Committee. Do not include amounts for staff time. SECTION 31 COSTS B2 BPMC ORGANIZATION (a) BPMC-approved costs for conducting Committee meetings and general business. (b) Legal expenses for representation Saxton will provide of Committee. to AEA PREPARED BY APPROVED BY Forward completed chart to. Send cop, ->: Julie Becker Ron Saxton Alaska Energy Authority Lindsay, Hart et. al. P.O. Box 190869 222 SW Columbia, Ste. 1800 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Portland, OR 97201 UNREIMBURSED BRADLEY LAKE COSTS UTILITY s MONTH December, 1989 RETURN NO LATER THAN PROJECT COSTS TOTAL AMOUNT Al 1990 FINANCE TEAM PARTICIPATION All travel-related expenses for members of the Finance Team for trips and meetings associated with the second financing. LEGAL EXPENSES FOR FINANCING EFFORTS Legal fees of the Committee attorney Saxton will provide relating to the second financing to AEA effort. OPINIONS OF COUNSEL Scope of work on 1990 second financing None until requested effort to be determined later. by AEA TCC EXPENSES Travel and meeting expenses associated with your utility’s participation on the Technical Coordinating Committee. Do not include amounts for staff time. SECTION 31 COSTS CATEGORY TOTAL AMOUNT B2 BPMC ORGANIZATION (a) BPMC-approved costs for conducting Committee meetings and general business. (b) Legal expenses for representation Saxton will provide of Committee. to AEA PREPARED BY APPROVED BY Forward completed chart to. Send cop, >% Julie Becker Ron Saxton Alaska Energy Authority Lindsay, Hart et. al. P.O. Box 190869 222 SW Columbia, Ste. 1800 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Portland, OR 97201 UNREIMBURSED BRADLEY LAKE COSTS UTILITY : MONTH January, 1990 RETURN NO LATER THAN PROJECT COSTS CATEGORY TOTAL AMOUNT Al 1990 FINANCE TEAM PARTICIPATION All travel-related expenses for members of the Finance Team for trips and meetings associated with the second financing. A2 1990 LEGAL EXPENSES FOR FINANCING EFFORTS Legal fees of the Committee attorney Saxton will provide relating to the second financing to AEA effort. A3 1990 OPINIONS OF COUNSEL Scope of work on 1990 second financing None until requested effort to be determined later. by AEA AS 1990 TCC EXPENSES Travel and meeting expenses associated with your utility’s participation on the Technical Coordinating Committee. Do not include amounts for staff time. SECTION 31 COSTS TOTAL AMOUNT B2 BPMC ORGANIZATION (a) BPMC-approved costs for conducting Committee meetings and general business. (b) Legal expenses for representation Saxton will provide of Committee. to AEA PREPARED BY APPROVED BY Forward completed chart to: Send copy to: Julie Becker Ron Saxton Alaska Energy Authority Lindsay, Hart et. al. P.O. Box 190869 222 SW Columbia, Ste. 1800 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Portland, OR 97201 UNREIMBURSED BRADLEY LAKE COSTS UTILITY i MONTH RETURN NO LATER THAN PROJECT COSTS CATEGORY TOTAL AMOUNT Al 1990 FINANCE TEAM PARTICIPATION All travel-related expenses for members of the Finance Team for trips and meetings associated with the second financing. A2 1990 LEGAL EXPENSES FOR FINANCING EFFORTS Legal fees of the Committee attorney Saxton will provide relating to the second financing to AEA effort. A3 1990 OPINIONS OF COUNSEL Scope of work on 1990 second financing None until requested effort to be determined later. by AEA A5 1990 TCC EXPENSES Travel and meeting expenses associated with your utility’s participation on the Technical Coordinating Committee. Do not include amounts for staff time. SECTION 31 COSTS amen SSSCSCSCSCS~*C*d B2 BPMC ORGANIZATION (a) BPMC-approved costs for conducting Committee meetings and general business. (b) Legal expenses for representation Saxton will provide of Committee. to AEA PREPARED BY APPROVED BY Forward completed chart to: Send copy to: Ky V Sea it Lindsay, Bart et. al. y H iE G (cats meee 222 sw Columbia, Ste. 1800 J Se ; a 99519-0869 Portland, OR 97201 FEBO® 1951 ALASKA ENERGY UNREIMBURSED BRADLEY LAKE costs UTILITY erry OF SEWARD MONTH December, 1989 RETURN NO LATER THAN PROJECT COSTS CATEGORY TOTAL AMOUNT Al 1990 FINANCE TEAM PARTICIPATION N/A All travel-related expenses for members of the Finance Team for trips and meetings associated with the second financing. A2 1990 LEGAL EXPENSES FOR FINANCING EFFORTS Legal fees of the Committee attorney Saxton will provide relating to the second financing to AEA effort. —— EE —————— jas 1990 OPINIONS OF COUNSEL Scope of work on 1990 second financing None until requested effort to be determined later. by AEA ———e A5 1990 TCC EXPENSES Travel and meeting expenses associated N / A with your utility’s participation on . the Technical Coordinating Committee. Do not include amounts for staff time. SECTION 31 COSTS CATEGORY TOTAL AMOUNT BPMC ORGANIZATION (a) BPMC-approved costs for conducting Committee meetings and general business. (b) Legal expenses for representation Saxton will provide of Committee. to AEA PREPARED BY Daache dopylida remove eA . ST Manrikynh A. Reynodds Wickt P. Diener Administrative Assistant ‘Manager of Eng. & Utilities | i eee ae chart to Send coy_ 3: Ron Saxton 0: I Lindsay, Hart et. al. 222 SW Columbia, Ste. 1800 “Ane het I 9-0869 Portland, OR 97201 FE SE ALASKA E UNREIMBURSED BRADLEY LAKE COSTS UTHOBITY, UTILITY _ City of Seward MONTH November, 1989 RETURN NO LATER THAN PROJECT COSTS Al 1990 FINANCE TEAM PARTICIPATION All travel-related expenses for members of the Finance Team for trips and meetings associated with the second financing. N/A LEGAL EXPENSES FOR FINANCING EFFORTS Legal fees of the Committee attorney Saxton will provide relating to the second financing to AEA effort. OPINIONS OF COUNSEL Scope of work on 1990 second financing None until requested effort to be determined later. by AEA TCC EXPENSES Travel and meeting expenses associated N/A with your utility’s participation on the Technical Coordinating Committee. Do not include amounts for staff time. SECTION 31 COSTS BPMC ORGANIZATION (a) BPMC-approved costs for conducting Committee meetings and general business. PREPARED By ‘7/2 APPROVED , ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Yipee. “ENG. IES City oF SEWARD aoe es »RAVEL AUTHORIZATI \ POSITION DIVISION =< Le Cc PURPOSE OF TRIP GV ~ec Ay, SYZ ee e are eo Gigs Lies ORIGIN =e een hf. She Si Kha MODE OF TRAVEL [_ arr ee PRIVATE VEHICLE [oar RENTAL [_JotHer: (DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE) TRANSPORTATION LODGING $ PER DIEM $ Go a REGISTRATIONFEES AE DEED se UNEMCUMBERED AMOUNT BUDGETED CAR RENTAL $ AFTER THIS ENCUMBRANCE OTHER $ FUNDS VERIFIED Ow: (FINANCE) TOTAL $ Se e eon FUND DEPARTMENT EXP. CODE AMOUNT ADVANCE REQUIRED. $ | | | | | | | | | | | | SUBMIT CHECK REQUEST FOR ADVANCE COMPLETE TRAVEL AND OTHER EXPENSE VOUCHERS; ATTACH SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS AND SUBMIT TO FINANCE WITHIN 30 DAYS OF YOUR RETURN TO SEWARD, OR ALL MONIES ADVANCED TO YOU WILL BE DEDUCTED FROM YOUR NEXT PAYROLL CHECK. EMPLOYEE'S SIGNATURE CITY MANAGER ~ fi FINANCE COPY DEPARTMENT HEAD @s | EM 09.111299 5 Forward completed chart to Send coy ” f Julie Becker Ron Saxton , Alaska Energy Authority Lindsay, Hart et. al. 222 SW Columbia, Ste. 1800 EGETTE FFRO? 1990 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY. UTILITY CITY OF SEWARD MONTH January, 1990 RETURN NO LATER THAN 99519-0869 Portland, OR 97201 a REIMBURSED BRADLEY LAKE COSTS PROJECT COSTS TOTAL AMOUNT Al 1990 FINANCE TEAM PARTICIPATION All travel-related expenses for members of the Finance Team for trips and meetings associated with the second financing. N/A LEGAL EXPENSES FOR FINANCING EFFORTS Legal fees of the Committee attorney Saxton will provide relating to the second financing to AEA effort. OPINIONS OF COUNSEL Scope of work on 1990 second financing None until requested effort to be determined later. by AEA 1990 TCC EXPENSES Travel and meeting expenses associated with your utility’s participation on N/A the Technical Coordinating Committee. Do not include amounts for staff time. SECTION 31 COSTS BPMC ORGANIZATION (a) BPMC-approved costs for conducting Committee meetings and general business. PREPARED BY fa fe APPROVED BY MARILYN A. REYNOLDS EREAWIP. DIENER Administrative Assistant ye Vs Eng. & Utibities , CITY OF SiWARD TRAVEL & OTHER EXPENSE VOUCHER a Date DESCRIPTION Amounts Claimed | of INCLUDE ALL PERTINENT INFORMATION, WHERE TRAVELED TO | No. of Mileage} Sud- | Npense AND FOR WHAT PURPOSE Miles/@ .35 |sistence| Orher | hy lo | BaraneF - Brea h hed oy /eypCe (fe ) : 27 2 21/9 Brnenet- . Ahoke/ Cre) és Lye AUR n1we Tiske | — Mvah = ie aL. Ze 53> Best Wesfern —Lorret Lan ~Opch (AD eet . vee o 7 nucher Nos Vendor No: TOTALS 334 “| 292 bay A Accounts: to be Charged: ad |_ Department Exp. Code Ainount se an ST TOTAL CLAIM 3 $3 S37 LESS ADVANCE FuxDS(33 37 (if any) nial) |! | | BALANCE DUE (or) § Dp | REFUND DUE CITY $ g hedule of Expenses and amounts claimed for Travel and other duties performed in connection th City of Seward business. I certify that the above.expenses were incurred by me, as cr the City of Seward and that paymene has not been aim for these expenses has been made. +279 te Approved by City ‘CEIPTS ATTACHED Manager CITY OF SEWARD TRAVEL _& OTHER EXPENSE VOUCHER DESCRIPTION INCLUDE ALL PERTINENT INFORMATION, WHERE TRAVELED TO | No. of ot AND FOR WHAT PURPOSE Cole hate BP Latog | “ | | aks (Mon lh, He) | Meal (Cddim -Cly He) | | | | Amounts Claimed Mileage Sub- Miles|@ .35 |sistence Other \ S wv 8 | <8 | Liclosg, 270m GAs UL wi}\t20 | BE Voucher No: Vendor No: : TOTALS — | | { Accounts to be Charged: - a Fund] Department Exp. Code TOTAL CLAIM sf/G2z fe 1s = = LESS Apvaxce Fuxos( /@Z2 Ye | (if any) = = = | Se BALANCE DUE (or) § D i Sl | : | REFUND DUE CITY § g Schedule of Expenses and amounts claimed for Travel and other ducies performed in connectioa Amount vith City of Seward business. I certify that the above expenses were incutred by me, as stat for the City of Seward and that paymene has not b i is teceived by me and no praviar slaim for these expenses has been made. ae Signatute“of claimanc /[ 20f 90 Jace Approved by City Manager é hay ” br RECEIPTS ATTACHED Ds wry f2 BL lie leg 22 a 1 | : . ; PO NOE ABOVE THIS LINE eae 06/90 i“ €iTy 9 WARG , EVERETT P DIENER raerphag QUAN [CLASS ' CHECKED : MOTEL oF <5 9AL > VruUrVecds LCOS60046 AK wCKKe QLL790 E EES PAYCAKE & Fie ota GA CUSTOMER: RETAIN THIS COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS EVERETT P. Dy ener Rresao ee aa Eas subject to and in bth tpeeorygt Dov ch card. eC ALES SLIP.) sa uu 2 10 '-o> NAME ; % (PLEASE PRINT) Cy of Sewazyp jez 126 = ppcnomacy | 2 BEST A S|M Zz DAYS OCCUPIED 3 ® Same Ak CITY STATE ZIP DATE TIWITIFIS i 4 | = CI fer nee BANKCARD SALES SLIP CUSTOMER COPY ; CITY OF SEWARD f . ne = ore oe sae f ( VEL & OTHER EXPENSE VOUCHER VEL & OTHER ED & VOUCHER jj (ov) Date DESCRIPTION | | ourts Clained | . of INCLUDE ALL PERTINENT INFORMATION, WHERE TRAVELED TO ok of \Mileage sae | ixpense, __._AND FOR WHAT PURPOSE Miles|@ 35 Isistence orhee Best Wesfern -Llervet Inn ~Gnch 52 | Beronet - raklad 3 7 22 €2| Lau hrvare t . Alohe/ (ne) 1 rps else L7/4 AI? wee AS wed gay 4 Ufa a a = igueher No: Vendor No: TOTALS 33 ~| 292 p27 7 Accounts: to be Charged: und | Department _—xp. Code Ainount 7 TOTAL CLALN $ §3 3 37. = | Lr | => | | | LESS ADVANCE Fuxns( 533 37 Lf (if any) BALANCE DUE (or) $§ PD j REFUND DUE CITY s_ Gf chedule of Expenses and amounts claimed for Travel and other duties performed in connectioa 2? = iz = ith City of Seward business. I certify that the above.expenses were incucsred by me, as scacte oc the City of Seward and that paymenc has aot a) laim for these expenses has been made. (ihe [2.79 ite ECELPTS ATTACHED sly received dy me and no praviou: ct Approved by City Manager ‘ Homer Electric Association, Inc. CENTRAL OFFICE: 3977 LAKE STREET @ HOMER, ALASKA 99603 @ (907) 235-8167 arsgEl & February 13, 1990 Va) 4990 SKA ES Aut HOF TY. Ms. Julie Becker Alaska Energy Authority P. O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Dear Julie: REF: UNREIMBURSED BRADLEY LAKE COSTS Enclosed are the forms necessary for us to claim our Unreimbursed Bradley Lake costs for the months of November and December, 1989, and January, 1990. Should additional information be necessary, please let us know. Sincerely yours, HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. t Wick General Manager BKW:em Attachments ce: Ron Saxton Forward completed chart to: Send copy to: Julie Becker Ron Saxton Alaska Energy Authority Lindsay, Hart et. al. P.O. Box 190869 222 SW Columbia, Ste. 1800 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Portland, OR 97201 UNREIMBURSED BRADLEY LAKE COSTS UTILITY Homer Electric Association, Inc. MONTH November, 1989 RETURN NO LATER THAN PROJECT COSTS EGORY TOTAL AMOUNT Al 1990 FINANCE TEAM PARTICIPATION All travel-related expenses for =0= members of the Finance Team for trips and meetings associated with the second financing. A2 1990 LEGAL EXPENSES FOR FINANCING EFFORTS Legal fees of the Committee attorney Saxton will provide relating to the second financing to AERA effort. A3 1990 OPINIONS OF COUNSEL Scope of work on 1990 second financing None until requested effort to be determined later. by AEA AS $414.41* 1990 TCC EXPENSES (includes $44.74 Travel and meeting expenses associated October expenses not with your utility’s participation on previously reported) the Technical Coordinating Committee. Do not include amounts for staff time. SECTION 31 COSTS B2 BPMC ORGANIZATION $141.20* (a) BPMC-approved costs for conducting (includes $44.80 Committee meetings and general business. October expenses not DIrevlo eporied (b) Legal expenses for representation Saxton will provide of Committee. to AEA PREPARED BY CoC Z Mamba 4 APPROVED BY Carol A. Humbyrd Forward completed chart to: Send copy to: Julie Becker Ron Saxton Alaska Energy Authority Lindsay, Hart et. al. P.O. Box 190869 222 SW Columbia, Ste. 1800 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Portland, OR 97201 UNREIMBURSED BRADLEY LAKE COSTS UTILITY Homer Electric Association, Inc.MONTH December, 1989 RETURN NO LATER THAN PROJECT COSTS 'EGORY TOTAL AM Al 1990 FINANCE TEAM PARTICIPATION All travel-related expenses for members of the Finance Team for trips =0= and meetings associated with the second financing. A2 1990 LEGAL EXPENSES FOR FINANCING EFFORTS Legal fees of the Committee attorney Saxton will provide relating to the second financing to AEA effort. A3 1990 OPINIONS OF COUNSEL Scope of work on 1990 second financing None until requested effort to be determined later. by AEA A5 1990 TCC EXPENSES Travel and meeting expenses associated $923.39 with your utility’s participation on the Technical Coordinating Committee. Do not include amounts for staff time. SECTION 31 COSTS CATEGORY TOTAL AMOUNT B2 BPMC ORGANIZATION (a) BPMC-approved costs for conducting Committee meetings and general business. (b) Legal expenses for representation Saxton will provide of Committee. to AEA PREPARED BY Cz6A. Wambo APPROVED BY arol A. Humbyrd Forward completed chart to: Send copy to: Julie Becker Ron Saxton Alaska Energy Authority Lindsay, Hart et. al. P.O. Box 190869 222 SW Columbia, Ste. 1800 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Portland, OR 97201 UNREIMBURSED BRADLEY LAKE COSTS UTILITY Homer Electric Association, Inc.MONTH January, 1990 RETURN NO LATER THAN PROJECT COSTS CATEGORY TOTAL AMOUNT Al 1990 FINANCE TEAM PARTICIPATION All travel-related expenses for =0= members of the Finance Team for trips and meetings associated with the second financing. LEGAL EXPENSES FOR FINANCING EFFORTS Legal fees of the Committee attorney Saxton will provide relating to the second financing to AEA effort. OPINIONS OF COUNSEL Scope of work on 1990 second financing None until requested effort to be determined later. by AEA TCC EXPENSES Travel and meeting expenses associated -0- with your utility’s participation on the Technical Coordinating Committee. Do not include amounts for staff time. SECTION 31 COSTS CATEGORY TOTAL AMOUNT B2 BPMC ORGANIZATION $165.42 (a) BPMC-approved costs for conducting Committee meetings and general business. (b) Legal expenses for representation Saxton will provide of Committee. to AEA PREPARED BY (Zce07/ Weoetigud APPROVED BY Carol A. Humbyrd ALASKA ELECTRIC” GENERATION AND TRANSMISSION, INC. EGEIVE February 13, 1990 Ms. Julie Becker Alaska Energy Authority P. O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Dear Julie: REF: UNREIMBURSED BRADLEY LAKE COSTS Enclosed are the forms necessary for the Unreimbursed Bradley Lake costs incurred by AEG&T for the period November, 1989, through January, 1990. Please note, AEG&T has no costs for reimbursement. All Bradley Lake costs have been incurred by AEG&T member systems, Homer Electric and Matanuska Electric. Sincerely yours, ALASKA ELECTRIC GENERATION AND TRANSMISSI NY OPERATIVE, INC. — Ken ck Executive Vice President BKW:em Attachments cc: Ron Saxton PHONE: (907) 745-3231 ® P.O.BOX 2929 "8 PALMER, ALASKA 99645 PHONE: (907) 235-8167 = P.O.BOX169 =" HOMER, ALASKA 99603 Forward completed chart to: Send copy to: Julie Becker Ron Saxton Alaska Energy Authority Lindsay, Hart et. al. P.O. Box 190869 222 SW Columbia, Ste. 1800 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Portland, OR 97201 UNREIMBURSED BRADLEY LAKE COSTS Alaska Electric Generation and UTILITY Transmission Cooperative, Inc. MONTH November, 1989 RETURN NO LATER THAN PROJECT COSTS Al 19$0 FINANCE TEAM PARTICIPATION All travel-related expenses for -0- members of the Finance Team for trips and meetings associated with the second financing. LEGAL EXPENSES FOR FINANCING EFFORTS Legal fees of the Committee attorney Saxton will provide relating to the second financing to AEA effort. OPINIONS OF COUNSEL Scope of work on 1990 second financing None until requested effort to be determined later. by AEA TCC EXPENSES Travel and meeting expenses associated with your utility’s participation on the Technical Coordinating Committee. Do not include amounts for staff time. SECTION 31 COSTS BPMC ORGANIZATION (a) BPMC-approved costs for conducting Committee meetings and general business. (b) Legal expenses for representation Saxton will provide to AEA PREPARED BY MA APPROVED BY maar Kent-Wick, Exec. Vice President Forward completed chart to: Send copy wv: Julie Becker Ron Saxton Alaska Energy Authority Lindsay, Hart et. al. P.O. Box 190869 222 SW Columbia, Ste. 1800 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Portland, OR 97201 UNREIMBURSED BRADLEY LAKE COSTS Alaska Electric Generation and UTILITY Transmission Cooperative, Inc. MONTH December, 1989 RETURN NO LATER THAN PROJECT COSTS TEGORY TOTAL AMOUNT Al 1990 FINANCE TEAM PARTICIPATION All travel-related expenses for -Q- members of the Finance Team for trips and meetings associated with the second financing. A2 1990 LEGAL EXPENSES FOR FINANCING EFFORTS Legal fees of the Committee attorney Saxton will provide relating to the second financing to AEA effort. [ A3 1990 OPINIONS OF COUNSEL Scope of work on 1990 second financing None until requested effort to be determined later. by AEA A5 1990 TCC EXPENSES Travel and meeting expenses associated =0- with your utility’s participation on : the Technical Coordinating Committee. Do not include amounts for staff time. SECTION 31 COSTS CATEGORY TOTAL AMOUNT B2 BPMC ORGANIZATION (a) BPMC-approved costs for conducting Committee meetings and general business. (b) Legal expenses for representation Saxton will provide of Committee. to AEA PREPARED BY APPROVED BY Ke ck, Exec. Vice President Forward completed chart to: Send cop, 5 Julie Becker Ron Saxton Alaska Energy Authority Lindsay, Hart et. al. P.O. Box 190869 222 SW Columbia, Ste. 1800 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Portland, OR 97201 UNREIMBURSED BRADLEY LAKE COSTS Alaska Electric Generation and UTILITY Transmission Cooperative, Inc. ywonTH January, 1990 RETURN NO LATER THAN PROJECT COSTS TOTAL AMOUNT Al 1990 FINANCE TEAM PARTICIPATION All travel-related expenses for members of the Finance Team for trips and meetings associated with the second financing. LEGAL EXPENSES FOR FINANCING EFFORTS Legal fees of the Committee attorney Saxton will provide relating to the second financing to AEA effort. OPINIONS OF COUNSEL Scope of work on 1990 second financing None until requested effort to be determined later. by AEA TCC EXPENSES Travel and meeting expenses associated -—— with your utility’s participation on the Technical Coordinating Committee. Do not include amounts for staff time. SECTION 31 COSTS B2 BPMC ORGANIZATION (a) BPMC-approved costs for conducting Committee meetings and general business. Legal expenses for representation Saxton will provide of Committee. to AEA PREPARED BY APPROVED BY i€k, Exec. Vice President c:UBLC al..i50 Category Participant A1 FINANCE TEAM City of Seward AEA MEA CEA HEA VEA L&P AEG&T (ref HEA, MEA) A2 LEGAL EXPENSES- financing Saxton A3 OPINIONS OF COUNSEL A5 TCS EXPENSES City of Seward AEA MEA CEA HEA GVEA ML&P AEG&T (ref HEA, MEA) B2(a) BPMC ORGAN/GEN BUS city of Seward EA EA CEA HEA GVEA ML&P AEG&T (ref HEA, MEA) (b) BPMC LEGAL EXPENSES Saxton 1989 Nov UNREIMBURSED BRADLEY LAKE COSTS Dec Revised: February 15, 1990 1990 Jan Feb Mar SUBTOTAL TOTAL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 414.41 0.00 88.00 141.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 923.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 695.77 165 42 0.00 ecoooeoeoDe eoooeoeeoso ecososcsoocga 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,337.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 783.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 306.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,337.80 1,090.39 0.00 $2,428.19 " Forward completed chart to: Send cop_ 3 Julie Becker Ron Saxton Alaska Energy Authority Lindsay, Hart et. al. P.O. Box 190869 222 SW Columbia, Ste. 1800 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Portland, OR 97201 UNREIMBURSED BRADLEY LAKE COSTS UTILITY : MONTH February, 1990 RETURN NO LATER THAN PROJECT COSTS CATEGORY TOTAL AM iT Al 1990 FINANCE TEAM PARTICIPATION All travel-related expenses for members of the Finance Team for trips and meetings associated with the second financing. A2 1990 LEGAL EXPENSES FOR FINANCING EFFORTS Legal fees of the Committee attorney Saxton will provide relating to the second financing to AERA effort. A3 1990 OPINIONS OF COUNSEL Scope of work on 1990 second financing None until requested effort to be determined later. by AEA AS 1990 TCC EXPENSES Travel and meeting expenses associated with your utility’s participation on the Technical Coordinating Committee. Do not include amounts for staff time. SECTION 31 COSTS BPMC ORGANIZATION (a) BPMC-approved costs for conducting Committee meetings and general business. (b) Legal expenses for representation Saxton will provide of Committee. to AEA PREPARED BY APPROVED BY HAT costs Bore oy THE PureHnnscie— POLER AST TS Savion (2 (a) ae THE ZRVEX_ SAED MoCEENMETT[SHOL BE Weta: tes THEOL \SSUDN CE OF ADDITIONAL BOWS, WITH THE COSTS OF DEBT Sea ice_ OS THOkE ABSITIONAL Bares TO ZE ADDED TO ANNUAL FCOMT WoSTS ; Wo THAT WSTS INUULCED BY Cig OD IVIDUAL PURCHASERS IN Lorca) USES: THE POWER SMEL Ma EEMEOT TUM TO THE DATE OF LOMMEL OAL OP LET, AS Ser sanTH W EXHISry ___ » SHALL BE UPTALITED AND | TEUMBULEED THRASH ISMUNCE OF ABDITOUAL Gaus, ANDTHE COLTS OF DEST SERVILE CHOU BE ADDEATOD ANNUAL FZBISERT COSTS ANA RIIDCATEA AMANO PLC DERE epee Seaneer the |) EFS ome ae, esvear NE (J ACR ORBAN CE WIP HEIR (Perle rtTaARe SHAZER . re pe Lyedlig J) a bun ifo. 7 BRADLEY LAKE OPERATION AND DISPATCH COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES NO February 21, 1990 eae PR, 2 - 3 oper PRO The Operating and Dispatch Committee met on February 21, 1990, at the Alaska Energy Authority to continue discussions on the Bradley Lake Allocation and Scheduling Agreement. Present at the A meeting were: Don Shira (Chairman) - AEA Norm Bishop - SWEC John Cooley - AML&P Henry Dale - CEA Brad Evans - CEA Dave Fair - CEA Doug Hall - AML&P Mike Hubbard - FMAA Sam Matthews - HEA (via telephone) Ray Olson - CEA Marvin Riddle - GVEA John Zidalis - AEA Norm Bishop started his presentation with a discussion on the amount of time required to fill the Project reservoir. Filling should start sometime this summer in the June - August time period, depending on when the high pressure gates are delivered and installed. The Nuka Diversion will probably be installed by the end of June, but the Middle Fork Diversion is not scheduled to be completed until August. Filling could take as little as 2 1/2 months under wet-year conditions or 6 months under average runoff conditions. Under dry conditions, the reservoir would not fill until the following year. These lengths of time are based on not having the Middle Fork Diversion during the period of fill. As the start date of reservoir filling shifts later, so does expected date of having the reservoir full. With wet-year conditions, the reservoir is still expected to fill this year; however under average water conditions, the reservoir might not completely fill until next year if filling starts too late. If the Middle Fork Diversion is operational during the fill time, the length of reservoir filling can be shortened significantly as the diversion can contribute up to 20-25 percent of the water. Because the tunnel and other Project components have been completed ahead of schedule, the diversion is not expected to be operational during filling. Norm then handed out and discussed several charts and tables. (See Attachments A-N.) Attachment A As discussed in the last meeting, the period of record for the Project is from 1958 to the present. During this time, 1977 was the year with the maximum flow, 1974 had the minimum flow, and 1971 was approximately the average. The chart on Attachment A shows the flows during these three years that would be available for generation without any water regulation. Since the flow in the summer months is dependent on snowpack accumulated during the winter, snowpack measurement is critical in knowing in advance what runoff conditions to expect. Snowpack won't be known with any degree of certainty Attachment B Attachment C Attachments D-G Attachments H-K Attachments L-N until at least February, which is nearly half way through the hydrological water year. Therefore, the Committee may want to consider having a different water year in the Agreement than the typical October - September cycle. This table shows the targets that were used in the latest reservoir simulation tuns. The first set is based on the utility data recently supplied to AEA. The second set is based on generating at 90 megawatts with the water as it is available. The chart shows the annual average, maximum and minimum energy produced during the 1958-1987 time period using the utility targets. On the average, the Project could generate fairly close to the utility targets. However during dry- year conditions, the generation was significantly less than the targets during the January-June period. These tables and charts are based on generating 90 megawatts of power as the water is available. Attachment D shows the reservoir elevation for the simulation period. (Minimum reservoir elevation is 1,080 feet, and maximum elevation is 1,180 feet.) Attachment E is the summary of monthly energy. The amount shown for 1958 is relatively high as the model assumes the reservoir is full at the beginning of the simulation study. Attachment F charts the data from the previous attachment for the years 197 . 1974, and 1977; and Attachment G vats the average reservoir Genie from Attachment D for the same three years. These attachments are the same as the previous set but with operating the Project to meet the utility targets of generation. The computer run did not strive for refill at the end of each year but simply attempted to meet utility targets. Attachment K shows that during 1977 runoff conditions, there was a small amount of spill; but for the most part, spill was not a factor. Conversely however, the reservoir dips fairly low during May - July, and there is significant efficiency loss. As discussed at the last meeting, output is a function of efficiency, discharge, and head: kw = eQH!5 11.8 To maintain the highest levels of output per volume of water released, the reservoir level should be kept as high as possible (without significantly increasing the risk for spill later), and head losses should be kept as low as possible. Head loss = ky’ g where k represents the head loss coefficient and V = Q/A. By reducing discharge (Q), the amount of the head loss can be reduced. These runs are based on substituting 1971, 1974, and 1977 flows for the first three years of the simulation period. The purpose of these runs were to see what would happen to generation under average, minimum, and maximum flows with a full reservoir at the beginning of the year. The runs showed that by generating to meet utility targets, the problem is loss of efficiency and not spill. Therefore, Norm suggested that a base operating curve be established on flows 20 - 25 percent less than the average. As the amount of runoff for the year becomes known with greater certainty, the operating curve can be updated. In this manner, low reservoir levels can be mii The utilities agreed to provide the Energy Authority with Bradley requirements on an hourly basis, and Norm Bishop will run a simulation study with a base operating curve as described above with updates as the year progresses. Norm was provided with the Project Percentage Shares of 12.0, 16.9, orn and 45.2 percent for HEA, GVEA, ML&P, and CEA (including MEA and SES), respectively. Mike Hubbard stated that while we still need to go through the draft agreement on a page by page basis, there still remained three major areas that reed to be addressed. These include: minimum scheduling, spinning reserves, and losses on the Homer system. Sam Matthews stated that he is not prepared to provide anything definitive yet on transmission losses, and Chugach offered their assistance. Several different concepts were discussed on the spinning reserve issue. These included: 1.) available spin would first be allocated to those scheduling energy up to their respective Project shares with any remaining being allocated on a pro rata basis to those not scheduling energy, 2.) whoever schedules energy should get as much spin as they want regardless of their Project share, and 3.) spin should be scheduled just like energy. No conclusions were made because it was not certain whether the Power Sales Agreement would allow for a Participant to have more than its Percentage Share of the output (energy and spin combined) at any one time. It was agreed that the Power Sales Agreement concern would be discussed with Ron Saxton to see if any of the options could be narrowed down. Mike Hubbard reminded everyone that he had at one time written a discussion paper on spinning reserves and had put down a few of the multitude of options available. It was agreed that the utilities would have their hourly Bradley requirements to the Energy Authority by February 28. SWEC will then make the simulation run based on a reduced base operating curve and will try and have the runs complete by March 14. The next meeting was tentatively scheduled for March 16, 9:30 a.m., at the ic Authority. PAZ Don Shira, Chairman GENERATION © a1 451 Qt 217 Slt bil > 8 ¥ INF iow AVALAELE Fok E Beaviey cave sO ATTACH Men7T A INFLOWS AVAILABLE FOR GENERATION - ACTUAL WATER Years Jeo 328 350 330 /90 123 BOG =/722 8 269/ 3/43 «12/17 424 85 So Y 35 35 /2/ 937 1974 /848 FIZ 183 Sb 36 2b 2/ 27 237 308 564 WW 13/9 /977 MAXIMUM Flow YEAL 197/ AVERAGE Flow VEAL eee 1974 MINIMUM Flow YEAZ CFS MAX CFS AVE CFS MIN . ’ JO 15800. ocT nov DEC JAR FEB Mak APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEP 52 POWER LOADING CURVES 31717 32994 35098 395470 32806 31891 16308 35100 27890 29349 26351 20778 ATrTAcHMen,r 8 BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT POWER STUDY a FILE: BLPE9O/TOL SUMMARY OF ENERGY (MW-HRS) AVE 31717 32994 35098 34664 30926 29345 13736 29044 27466 29349 26351 20778 31717 32994 35098 12095 2060 1673 1321 4357 16706 29349 26351 20778 TARGET 31737 33010 35060 35475 31710 31921 16286 35116 27864 29349 26346 20775 DEC JAN MAY JULY SEP MAX 66960 64800 66960 66960 60480 $5170 16380 46080 64800 66960 66960 64800 BASE LOAD CURVES aVE 52333 31332 15467 9962 6464 4965 3072 16464 48891 62258 63878 60858 11340 4410 2430 1600 990 390 990 4500 17010 32130 35910 23670 ON © ATTACHMENT C_ unility RE@VESTED TARGETS — RUN 1158 —-1987 WU INTUHI | T 50 | | ! | MAXIMUM | TR a | AVERA | —— _} Minimum aH | : 40 | i ™>~ | Q | 9 = SS 30 uv x \ 3 = 20 BASE UPON 1958-1987 / Flow RECORDS lo \ \ L : | | \ / i i \ / \ / | \ Ye TL BLE oy | | ! Pe | | | oO N D0 Ji F “ A “ ri Ti A s TAGE BITIT 32,994 «= 35,098) 35,470 $2,806 31,891 16) 308 = BS,100 = 27,690 29,394 «26,35! 20,778 Mw-He , MonTH JO 15800. 52 FILE: BLFE90/TO3 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1963 1984 1985 1986 AVE MIN BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT POWER STUDY: Arrathmenr OD SUMMARY OF AVERAGE MONTHLY RES. LEVEL (FT) ocT 1176.2 1126.5 1080 1080.1 1098.2 1080.1 1080.2 1091.8 1104.7 1103.3 1090.3 1082.7 1099.3 1081.6 1107.2 1060.1 1085.3 1082.2 1109.4 1083.1 1171.4 1080.2 1112.4 1140. 1128. 1087. 1101. 1126. 1115. 1176. 1103. 108 coon ReCervues Nov 1173.5 1103.5 1080 1080 1080.2 1060.1 1080 1060 1084 1081.9 1080.1 1080 1094.9 1080.1 1064 1080 1080 1080.1 1086 1080.1 1156 1080 1102 1129.4 1110.4 1080 1081.4 1105.7 1068.7 1173.5 1092.5 1080 1160.7 1080.9 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1060.1 1136.1 1080 1081.5 1105.8 1085.4 1080 1080 1081.6 1080 1160.7 1085.9 1080 JAR 1141.9 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 10860 1080.1 1111.4 1080 1080 1061.7 1080 1080 1080 1080 10860 1141.9 1083.3 1080 FEB 1120.7 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1060 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080.1 1084 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1120.7 1081.5 1080 BASE LOAD CURVES 1092.6 1080 1080 1080 1080 1060 1080 1080 1060 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1060 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1092.6 1080.4 1080 APR 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1060 1080 1080.1 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080 1080.1 1080.0 1080 MaY 1080.1 1080.1 1080.2 1080.1 1060 1080 1080 10860 1080 1080.1 1080.1 1080.1 1080.1 1080 1080 1060 1080.1 1080.1 1080 1080.1 1060.1 1080.1 1080.1 1080.4 1080 1080.1 1080.1 1080 1080.1 1080.4 1080.1 1080 JUNE 1068.4 1080.9 1080.3 1080.6 1081.3 1080.1 1080.2 1060.3 1080.2 1080.2 1080.4 1083.7 1080.3 1080.5 1080.1 1080.4 1080.1 1082.5 1060.3 1087.5 1080.2 1080.1 1084.4 1081.4 1080.2 1084.9 1082.1 1081.1 1080.3 1088.4 1081.5 1080.1 JULY 1110.4 1080.6 1084.3 1088.2 1088 .6 1082.7 1081 1082 1080.2 1080.3 1086.2 1092.3 1084.9 1092.7 1080.7 1083.1 1080.2 1099.6 1081 1115 1060.6 1080.5 1105 1095.9 1080. 1102. 1100. 1094. 1085. en wwu 1115 1088.9 1080.2 AUG 1132.6 1080.5 1097.2 1102.2 1091.8 1081.9 1093 1068.8 1091 1084. 1100. 1085. 1096. 1116. 1082. 1089. 1080. 1110. 1080. 1158. 1082. L094. 1130. 1125. 1080. 1116. 1118. 1113. 1095. NY SOW SYN WNYNSORPWYURAWALAeY 1158. 1100. 1080. we @ SEPT 1138.8 1080.1 1090.4 1105.7 1083.9 1085 1099.7 1098 1099.8 1092.9 1099.6 1080.1 1098 1120.9 1088.5 1091.3 1066.8 1113.6 1083.7 1L74.6 1083 1101.4 1139.9 1137 1089.8 1115.9 1130 1120.3 1103.3 1174.6 1104.6 1080.1 Tz 20 Qe Ss wo w rac w oo i w o gateeesessasssn Eats paEnaee Sasa a seca SEPT TOTAL AUG 375946. tn ATTACHMENT E& JUNE = UL Fes A APR may SUMMARY FOR MONTHLY ENERGY (HW-WRS) Jan BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT POWER STUDY (MAX BASE LOAD,NO MIMIMEZING SPILL) nov EC oct sere teers eres EST Sogacdssdeetaat tom ta e ss e esses 233s scesss nidauan aber em Res ee eee ees seen Ce ee aah teak chctete teal RSSRLSF eas = P ows so ROS Ce Ce ee PEE aoe 3 2s B2angs Ss 2 RAE a BO NO Oe OEE OG ig = a = Sse sese St het RS: acaes § : ea afhieet saci aee By 4600. 17010. 32130. 35910. 23670. 990. 3072. 16464. 48891. 62256. 63878. 60658. 4965. ANNUAL AVERAGE ENERGY (MW-HRS) = AVERAGE $2333. 31332. 15467. ¢ ATTACHMENT FF V7) GomMW- Z UNIT GENERATION CASE — 199% - 1987 10d FoMW PLANT OUTPUT .. 24 Hours pel DAY 1977 MAXIMUM ~FLOW YEAR Ey 426,598 mw-Hes \ cossnun WITL AVERAGE Flow YEAR Exs 320,397 mw- nes 1974 Minimum Flow YEA E,> 229,679 mMw-Hes PLANT GENERATION (K/000 Mu-HeRS) Zo Se AVERAGE MoNTHLy ZESERVOI2 LEVELS CFr) 1199 1180 110 = 115d 5 1120 1120 lo ATTACHNENT G Jo MW- 2UNIT GENERATION CASE — 1955-1987 RESERVOIR LEVELS =“— i e aq3am @6-1 9 62 tPL zoe T29e2 £6"d 4) JO 15800 .52 FILE: BLFE90/TO2 ATTACHME NT of BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT POWER STUDY: POWER LOADING CURVES SUMMARY OF AVERAGE MONTHLY RES. LEVEL (FT) YEAR oct NOV DEC JAK FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT 1958 1179.9 1160.3 1176 «1167.6 1158.9 1149.9 1242.6 1138.4 1148.2 1172.9 1162.1 1180.6 1959 1178.9 =61173,2 1165.1 1155-6 1145.5 1135 «1126.9 = 1119.2 1126 0=«-1137.2) 1149.8 =1156.7 1960 1153.7 1146.4 1136.7 1125.5 1112.1 1097.8 1084.3 108L 1092.9 1113) 1136.7 =—1147.4 1961 1147.2 1160.8 1132.6 1124.1 1114.5 1102.2 1069.6 1081.6 1090 «1113.3. 1136.5 1154.6 1962 1162.3 1156.6 1148.4 1137.7 1126.9 1114.3 1106.3 1093.7 1094.1 1116.5 1133.8 1143 1963 1142.5 1138.8 1131.2 1121 «1109.2 1096.3 1084 1080 §=1080.6 1095 1111.7 1129.9 1964 1135.9 1131.1 1120.7 1108.5 1093.6 1080.6 1080 1080 §=61083.6 §=1099.5 1124.9 1144.3 1965 1153.1 1148.8 1140 «1129.6 «1117.1 1104.5 1094.1 1083.4 1062.8 1097.3 1120.2 1141.9 1966 1159 «1155.8 1167.5 1136.5 1125.1 1112.46 1102.4 1090.5 1082.1 1085.6 1107.1 1131.2 1967) «1147.6 =1141.4 1131 «1118.4 1104.6 1086.2 1080 §=1080.1 1082.5 1094.2 1114.5 1136.7 1968 1148.7 1142.8 1135.3 1125.5 1113.5 1102 1091.1 1081.5 1086.8 1108.8 1134.6 1148.5 1969 1149 1141 «1130.8 1117.7 1103.4 1087 1080 «1080.4 1092.6 1116.7 1127.4 1127.7 1970 =61146.7 1155 1148.2 1146L) «1131.6 1122.6 1215.1 1108.7 1221.1 1127-1 1146 =1162.1 197L 1162.2 1158.9 1152.6 1142.3 1131.4 1119.9 1109.9 1099 1096.6 1120.3 1151.8 1167.8 1172 1170 1165 1156.6 1146.7 1135.5 1124.2 1114 «1103.6 1095.1 1101.5 1119.7 1139.3 1973 1140.5 1135.9 1125.7 1112.4 1097.7 1082.1 1080 1060 «1084.5 1105.4 1126.6 1142.8 1974 =1152.4 1149.2 1139.6 1128 «=61114.6 1100.5 1087.5 1060.3 1080.1 1081.5 1083.4 1101.5 1975 1111.4 1106.2 1094.3 1080.8 1080 1080 1080 §=«1080.L 1093.3 1123.8 1145.9 1161.6 1976 1170.5 1165.8 1157.6 1147.6 1136.5 1125.5 1116 «=: 1107.9 =1106.2 1116.8 1131.6 1146 1977 1156.8 1154.5 1152.8 1247.3 1143.2 1137.2 1131.4 1126.8 1136.4 1266.4 1182.7 1161.3 1978 1179.5 «1173.5 1164.6 1156.9 1144.9 1134.7 1127.4 1120.6 1120.4 1130.9 1145.1 1158.8 1979 1164.3 1161.8 1154.6 1145.3 1134.7 1123.8 1114.3 1106.8 1105.3 1110.3 1131.9 1150.5 1980 =1170.4 = =1173.7 1168 1159.3 1150.7 1141.5 1134.4 1128.6 1136.4 1161.4 1181.3 1161.4 1961 1180.7 1177.3 1170 116 1157.2 1150.4 1146.1 1149.5 1158.1 1175.7 1182.1 1181.3 1982) 1178.6 «1175.7 1169.2 1160.7 115 1142.6 1134.9 1126.8 1122. «1127.1 =61134.8 1148.8 1983 -1159.6 «1253.6 1145.7 1137.1 1126.7 1114.7 1105.2 1098.4 1108.6 1135.9 1159 =—-:1171.3 1984 1173.7 1169.9 1166.3 1157.8 1148.6 1139.5 1133.4 1127.7 1133.2 1156.7 1177.7 1181.3 1965 1179.9 1174.8 1166.9 1259.2 2152.3 1142.6 1134.7 1126.9 1130.5 1150.3 1174 =-1181.3 1986 1179.4 1172.8 1164.2 1155.5 1146.5 1136.8 1129.2 1123.8 1126.3 1139.2 1158.2 1175.4 MAX 1180.7 1180.3 1176 1167.6 1158.9 1150.4 1146.1 1149.5 1158.1 1175.7 1182.7 1181.4 AVE 1159.8 1155.9 1148.0 1138.2 1127.9 1116.9 1208.7 1102.9 1106.4 1123.5 1241.8 1154.3 MIN 1111.4 1106.2 1094.3 1080.8 1080 1060 1080 1080 1080.1 1081.5 1083.4 1101.5 ( — ATTACH MEapy 1 G) AUG SEPT «TOTAL POWER LOADING Cueve RADLEY LAKE PROJECT POMER STUDY £2@-S8.65—MW , DAILY Ftow ,NO MINIMIZING SPL) JUNE 8=JULY FEB WAR APR WAY SUMMARY FOR MONTHLY ENERGY (HW-HRS) JAn nov DEC YEAR oct 2-21-96 WED xy ~ \S SOAASASSSSSS eee eee eee seme eens oe ee eee eto oe ewes ° eee ee eee eeeee FP Fe Pe PP Pe ee Pe fen in Pn en em rs RRR R ARCA T RR CRC ET see ee eee res eemeeeree dee ereseees hot eh at ot on ead eh ont ak en ea nd wad end a od ek etd ad tod aawnanewone CARED LD AEP 06? A 8 AD SY 3 Md e p pe peeped GOCCe Ces Ce ee DOP AAD re err err es oa Pen? PD GED EMD ES CM) Re canis the hats hada teed eee epenen Ue ° . i eet ee eee 2ERs + ae: ; weSees , SSESS--099MOHS90NO—5 000500006 pep we 967) Gu 7) Od Deter Pere) ope) OPED? CI SSVI Set St tetet _ | nhenaeeienhenhenl rit ree ee edeccccvces gzeez ne LnpengandSanp chard oad ont ome ot ot ot ot 3" a SSSSSESB a Doms tnt tt aamenan MAM AMM wasbiepee 8 10.0 0.0) 9 aide elas 6) ha 66 6 0: Seem eee PeSR eee ees ~~ eee ewes pre Or atat- IS p> > wh a7 A ot ad BN ot NA ote tO oer amen dkononennl oe eevee verre tod ic ie wore ~ 6 ws OOOO 00% 0 ee ee tee ce de SSS SSO SS See SSeS SS SoCo SSS SS Bo OOOO SS + +++ + + $4 +e Pe Pan Fe Pee Fen Fen Pee Pee Fn Fe Pee | SES SS SSeS ae Lesental SSSeugENTS TSE SREE Str aT koe Oo oe ont oe oR TL me eee ~ 6:31 303 741 36100. 27690. 28349. 26351. 20778. / 31717. 32994. 36096. 36470. 32806. 31891. 16308. 31717. 32994. 35096. 12096. 4357. 16706. 20349. 26361. 20778. 29345. 13736. 29044. 27466. 29349. 26351. 20778. 1321. 1673. 1.000 1.008 1.000 -) 17230. 954. 12690. 17794, 20594. 0.0. 0.828 1.600 0.0 34493. $1911. 50285. 50285. 46065. 31717. 32994. 35096. 34664. 30926. 6.0 EXCEEDENCE 0.0 TARGET 7671 12 ~*t ANNUAL “ee EWERGY (MW-HRS) = 341468. 38471. 24775 GL 460 Joo v > n i) ATTACHMENT </ UTILITY TAIGET GENERATION ~ 1958-1987 100 iii. : 147] Flow YEAR spice I 3 Juy 3 248. cS — 15,267.5 ACLE-FT 3 Mug ai 2788 ces 171,427.4 acee-Fr S bo Septa VIDS cfs 54,59S acee-FT 3 NO SPALL W 1471 OR 1974 N 119.5 mw 8 aa 4.6 Hours 1132, $ ep @los Mu 3 10.8 Hovues a /977 MAXIMUM) FLOW DAY 20 YEAR E,- 354, 62] Mu-Hes 197/ AVERAGE FloW —— \4----- > - : YEAR E,= 354, 621 mu-nes _-----. 1974 MINIMUM FLOW YEAR Ep,= 327,202 mw-nes v7 wT T eT RTT INT ai T T o N D zy F mM A M J J Py w (K ) UTILITY TARGET —- 19S8 -1937 ATTACHMENT K RESE?RVOIIe LEVELS Spit. Zone 7 = — = — = € = 6 4 So > S 9 = 1080 AVERAGE monmiLy RESERVoI2 Levers (FT) = =b-=0= = levint se Ie) sey lo: 086, Sig. wis0TIe 0 0 6 i ose sees ORO On sgdsicssissys ss = - 25 aeceeineitn See tees erst ove Ceubstbhiteed fer s¢,s9,60 ) AUG «SEPT «TOTAL ane sain 1 me wu Z Pewee benoivnG “iRvE aia RSSESSEaEEEEE 4747. 11270. 26360. 26351. 20778. a SSScSosssa5sss88 16308. 36100. 27800. 094. ATTACH MERIT iene 755. tee eres er esossneseosesroses caren Sdsuucccocenosesasssessssesse 8 SUMMARY FOR MONTHLY EMERGY (PM-HRS) fEB MAR apn” MAY 2214. 1219. RADLEY LAKE PROJECT POWER STUBY {2-6-20-tM, DAILY FLOW, MINIMIZING SPILL) June [ Nill : es. 8 : 27090. BA7LT. 32904. 17501. PPA MAMMEAMMAAAFAMM MAM MAMA MAME EEDA SIASSSSES ES SSA SITA ES vem «86@CtT) = ONsiCé«iKECCi‘«CANN 728 wana ISS SA:tT 3A717. 32904. 34054. 30067. 26807. 23636. 11822. 28006. 26093. 29201. 26351. 20778. 17794. 20594. 000 1.080 1.000 0.8 0.0 6.621 1.608 1 39493. 429011. 50205. 56286. 45066. 38472. 24775. 27230. 6054. 12690 ARMUAL AVERAGE EWERGY (M-HRS}] = 320305. mM BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT POWER STUDY (MAK GASE LOAD,NO MIWINIZING SPILL) - AMEN T ATTAC Substibited (or (s€.59,60) 74, ume UL SUMMART FOR MONTHLY ENERGY (Mi- HRS) a s 3 3 ee ee ee: ee ee WEAR = OCT nw SE re ssgss Ssh. sees SEgse a OS Pe OS ieeeveasas geotce OS teveoe Fee ete eee e er ee os camer li SHARURDSLAERTE ° 990. 4590. 16920. 32136. 36650. 3065. 2030. 15216. 44512. 58738. 60731. 61550. ms eee eee eee ser eeseseseeess essere i ceca p e e s t n i t c e s n e n n e y en i = | 1800. 1060. 990. $940. 6421. ee pant 15040. 4800. 2340. MUERMBE =: $627. 29566. 14957. a a 361264. AMNBAL AVERAGE ENERGY (Hd-HRS) = we 17/8 -—" aeeRHe ATTACHMENT A yeas ORADLEY LAKE PROJECT POWER STUDY (MAX BASE LOAD,NO MINIMIZING SPILL) 4 SUMMARY FOR MONTHLY EMERGY (tei-HRS) ue SuesTITUTEO FoR (Se. 59.60) 1 YEAR oct nov EC Jn Fes MAR APA may JUNE (OLY AUG «SEPT «TOTAL ' ee - eaeee eeeee es: ore a a - eeeee et a ee a ee waeeeeee . 4 7 oe otreteoreer er tee SScErEEnCnUNaRecaanEE cana veeercererer st pes Teeter ose rete tense lt et ee ee a a ee a4 SESSSeseeccese ; : 356848 ties $888. 647918. i Sones. S6060. : iBihee: ; 66960. 66060. 2 574558. - 2020. 40050: ° 372238: f : 66060. : 3 : 38. i S$560. Ssa00. 442708. . 16380. 66960. 66960. 64800. 8 990. 998. 17010. 32130. 35910. 23940. 4 3697. 2889. 48423. 62335. 63971. 62212. ANNUAL AVERAGE ENERGY (WM-HRS) = 377523. e ¥ 8