HomeMy WebLinkAboutAEA Bradley Lake Hydro. Project FERC P-8221-AK January 2012/= ALASKA > = ENERGY AUTHORITY ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC P-8221-AK BATTLE CREEK DIVERSION SUMMARY LEVEL SUPPLEMENT TO PRELIMINARY DESIGN REPORT Prepared by: Prepared by: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. HATCH ASSOCIATES CONSULTANTS, INC. 9101 Vanguard Drive 6 Nickerson Street Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Seattle, WA 98109 January 2012 BATTLE CREEK DIVERSION SUMMARY LEVEL SUPPLEMENT TO PRELIMINARY DESIGN REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page No. A INTRODUCTION ssccssscsseneveccenssossovsusvecaverssosovgrsoestasseswsssexesstxoTo¥9xsxsynes sass suscis ssvssuasoSes vas surevayeserasesscssstSTerrsed 4 7 SUMMARY secevcevescccsysnccererscnscenscrscsottatsaterteCcbasssasaccncsteaasessoseonccosccceneascasesescesencocescsesceseccecesessoecoveocennsccennsnsad 4 3 LOCATION Eiguine/S=24 General LOCATION Map) -:--.c--0.-0--<c-cecoce-cossaceccosecsensecvosvocvarssezevervess ssnceneec duavstcaceasocuscesestescsucswsvsese 5 4 PROJEGT: DESCRIPTION eesrcececeonececccersssececaserscarececnracerrartrosssasasteartesenrestactectteccccsecesacecacaccscoseaccccsaccosacaceceesors 6 AIG ONE AI-.......2..00.0-eseeesueenvocecsossprvseretoseean sususenbseuses suns sues seuss oaussswntvssau sues ogeas- Ses suns¥sTenstessTsesssesesuanssSoCsONSETIES 6 v2 PHYSIGAlSthU GUUNCS tereecrenescneccsetrccnacsenetscrenceaccecsacesscensesccncvacsanersersucuaccevercaresturcvavatesuccvoreyceccuecsssseseetsten? 6 4.3 Operation of Diversion... Figure 4-1 — PROJECT AREA MAB ..........c.sccccscssesesesseseseseescscseseecsesesesssesessssceessssssesasasscssvasaseseasacssaeeaeaseasas® 7 Be ences error ee sss crescent aN Tinh ennasnnmenenaemanenennncenamrenanenaes 9 Figure 5 - 1 — West Fork Upper Battle Creek and Conveyance Interception Basin Boundaries................ 9 Table 5 - 1- 2 Year Event Based on USGS and NRCS Analysis Methods ...........:cscessssessessesesseseeseeseseeeeeee 10 Figure 5 - 2 Avernge Monthly Raita onsccunn nnn nemnnanasannencsmmmmmnnnenmemmnacraniaaieit 10 6 GEOTECHNICAL FEE sesscnseenanceneseecrcmmas nese ia TL hn nanan 12 Figure’ 7-11 Upper GanaliGross S@GUOND :sscesscxsecsccsassqcoscusvecereonnsnserrecvossasecsossorostsasoscuseisatautTscesteasssrastotetsTeT 13) Riguiney7—r2\ Lower Canali Gross'Section jcceccscacccacsococonvss-orosdecscersvecevocssentoseirsoctacsst sever sctsreccereesenstcsse Seeacerer 14 Figcreiz, = 3 'Golltivitiim SCGtion rece cceceveccssncencocceacccces sursoceas coves ctsscncseceoosnoseconacnacaccacsscacnnceascesacscsnceecescoceccees a5 8 DIVERSION STRUCTURE AND STILLING BASIN QO NAGCCESS ooxiconcccnscceseeceresconceccescsaccareseonssoncavcacesseveccvccececeznedasovseous scorer svoccass srg sasrscewsusnerwuurw oes or suseveniverse--sesseeers 17 O73 (PhO POSE ROAGS vrecceccescsnceeceeccatarsccescensex cue ceszeascssncsesssassaastacsiesicccnesaccesesecsearcaossccceseseecesecosoonccacsrrsoscovacs 17 9.4 Borrow Sites for Access Road Construction Material ............csssscssssssssssssscsssssessessssssessessesessossseasaes 17 10 PROJECT CONSTRUCTION WORK PLAN AND COST ESTIMATE ...........cc:scesessesesesesseceseseseeseseseneeseeeseneesene 18 i Terk ne 18 R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 2 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report 10.2 Construction) Sequence) By SCaSOM s2escccccecencsssceszceceesceseccessssvessesevseesssece +n-svesceeasecsvesatsssssteesoeetsessaa 18 10.3 Rough Order of Magnitude Estimated Cost for Battle Creek Project ..........ccscsssesesesesesesesesesteeeeeees 19 MONS SUP re] CONSTRUCTION ee srectsecreccrererseseretceacsntcseeteetnae reece cence eee eae Re cee eee cere sea cen ted cnacetccctes 19 10.3.2 Construction... (ables1O=1-Sumimahy,—- ROMIGOst Estitmate eereereseerectcerteeccacetesesere steers ae sieeree sere ceer ata ceepere ce ter eireecete 19 Figure 10-1 Preliminary Construction Task Sequence/Schedule .............:..cccsseseseseeseseseseseseeeeeeseseeeeeeee 21 TD OWNERSHIP coscscsexencesevaconcecescstcunsysccesansastan sxazsstch otcassataccnnensanetarunsersuttstaseteanseecussndSanaecstiensussessnesassasezeasats 22 (APPENDIX Ar Prelirmiinaliyy Ua VO Un eeaceszcret ec serce se ecese cree etree acer ee racers ee sr cereeaen se sasenearane eet saeeccreeesecense ieee 25) APPENDIX(B 1 — and Ownership\RePOnts cesses sees sere tec cne cette ree sere see eae Race ae eae eE Rar eee Seng Ease 2 PAPPPEDIIIOR EER > Lane CRATING DI se ccssnsircccenncaiven exansasurncsnnsacacineinsnsaisiniic asics acini Sh tibuinih basin Sackauad 34 R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 3 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report BATTLE CREEK DIVERSION SUMMARY LEVEL SUPPLEMENT TO PRELIMINARY DESIGN REPORT 1 INTRODUCTION This document is a Supplement to the January 2012 Preliminary Design Report for the proposed Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project - Battle Creek Diversion Project. This Supplemental Report is intended to provide the essential elements of the Preliminary Design Report for agency review and management decision making. The results of the analysis and 65 percent level Preliminary Design are presented in the detailed report. It is anticipated that a Non-Capacity Amendment to the Bradley Lake Project License (FERC No. P-8221) will be filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) by the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) for the proposed diversion project. 2 SUMMARY This Supplement to the Preliminary Design Report for the proposed Battle Creek Diversion project summarizes the basis for the design of a diversion structure to be placed in the West Fork Upper Battle Creek, the associated conveyance structure(s) to conduct diverted flows to Bradley Lake and roads to support construction and maintenance. It is the intent of the Battle Creek Diversion Project to collect all surface drainage from precipitation draining from the intercepted slopes and drainages between the West Fork Upper Battle Creek and the existing Upper Battle Creek Diversion to Bradley Lake. The project will provide an additional water source for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project by diverting water from the adjacent Battle Creek watershed that presently drains to the central portion of the Battle Creek basin and flows west to Kachemak Bay. Specifically, the design capture area is the area drained by the West Fork Upper Battle Creek and the area intercepted by the proposed conveyance canals from the diversion site to the existing Upper Battle Creek Diversion to Bradley Lake. According to a report by Stone and Webster dated December 20, 1990, the average energy value of the additional water diverted to Bradley Lake is approximately 975 kW-hr / Acre-Foot of water. This value varies depending on many factors, one being the Bradley Lake surface elevation. Based on analysis using USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 93-4179, the rainfall specific to this basin ranges from 46,150 to 70,100 Acre-Feet per annum. Approximately 92% can be captured for power generation based on diversion operation from May through October each year. Assuming a value of $0.069/kW-hr, this yields an estimated value of the water diverted to Bradley Lake by the Battle Creek Diversion Project in the range of $2.9 to $4.3 million per year, depending on the weather cycle. 3 LOCATION The proposed Battle Creek Diversion Project is located on the south end of the Kenai Peninsula near the Bradley Lake Dam, which is the impoundment structure for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 4 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report Water flows from an intake at the Bradley Lake Dam through a power tunnel to the powerhouse located on the south shore near the head of Kachemak Bay. There are no roads connected to the local or State highway system, thus access to the facility is limited to aircraft or marine vessels. Personnel travel to the site is generally by air from Homer airport 21 miles away. 151°30,000'W__151°23,000'W__151°16,000'W__151°09,000'W _151°02.000'W __150°55,000'W _150°48.000'W _150°41.000' W__ WGS84 150°30.000' W 59°50.000' N 59°47,000' N 2 2 8 g 8 & a '59°35.000' N '59°35,000' N 151°30.000" . . .000" 151°02.000'W —-150°55.000'W —-150°48.000' W —150°41.000' W__ WGS84 150°30.000' W NATIONAL —— “= GEOGRAPHIC Re 1yayin Figure 3- 1 General Location Map R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 5 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report 4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 4.1 General The feasibility study/preliminary design identifies: e Anappropriate diversion point in the West Fork Battle Creek, The most efficient alignment for the conveyance canals, Appropriate access routes for construction/maintenance roads, and, Rough Order of Magnitude estimated cost of survey, geotechnical evaluation investigations, final design, construction management and construction of the proposed facilities. 4.2 Physical Structures The diversion dam and canal head works structure on the West Fork of Upper Battle Creek will be constructed of reinforced concrete and will include spill and control crest gates such as the commercially available Obermeyer Gate. This design has minimal moving parts and no mechanical operating systems. A jib crane will be provided on the crest of the dam for handling stoplogs and for use in maintenance/repair of the Obermeyer crest gate and general maintenance hoisting operations. A small service/utility building located just downstream from the dam at the left abutment area will house the air compressor, electric power and communications equipment appurtenant to the diversion dam , and canal head works gates and instrumentation. The total length of the canal is approximately 9,000 feet and comprises two sections; an upper canal and a lower canal. The upper and lower canals will be constructed at a relatively flat channel slope. The upper canal will discharge to a canal transition section comprised of an overland chute/cascade over a natural steep slope with a drop of approximately 350 feet from the upper canal to the lower canal. The energy of the flowing water will be dissipated and controlled at a stilling basin/control structure before it enters the lower canal to flow on to Bradley Lake. The canal transition section over the natural rock slope surface may require a minor amount of remedial rock excavation down the natural rock slope to ensure the water flows where intended. The canal sections will include strategically places stop-log structures to allow isolating areas within the canal sections for maintenance and repair. 4.3 Operation of Diversion Water will be diverted by the diversion dam into the upper canal. Stream flows at the diversion dam that exceed the canal capacity will be allowed to flow through the spillway by lowering the Obermeyer gate . Sluicing accumulated bedload from the forebay will be accomplished by opening the sluice gate from time to time during higher flows. The spillway may be operated to remove upper layers of accumulated bedload as well. Flow into the upper canal will be regulated by the canal inlet Obermeyer gate. At the Stilling Basin accumulated sediment will be sluiced from the Stilling Basin by opening the sluice gate. Opening the Stilling Basin Obermeyer gate will allow the released flow to remove upper layers of accumulated bedload. Bedload will be discharged into Battle Creek to allow continuation of natural stream fluvial processes as the main Battle Creek flows to Kachemak Bay. The water diverted from West Fork Upper Battle Creek is glacial melt water and lower temperature water than that in the lower Battle Creek. R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 6 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report Figure 4-1 — PROJECT AREA MAP R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report KEY TO PROJECT AREA MAP FIGURE 4-1 CANAL TRANSITION — Location where the UPPER CANAL dischargesdown a natural rock slope into the n existing gorge of the MIDDLE FORK UPPER BATTLE CREEK Then flows on to the STILLING BASIN. DIVERSION ACCESS ROAD - Begins midway along the OUTLET ACCESS ROAD and runs parallel to the LOWER CANAL until it ascends the escarpment to the DIVERSION STRUCTURE located in the WEST FORK UPPER BATTLE CREEK DIVERSION STRUCTURE -— Is the diversion dam and upper canal headworks structure located in The WEST FORK UPPER BATTLE CREEK to divert creek flows into the UPPER CANAL. EAST FORK UPPER BATTLE CREEK — Is the branch of the Upper Battle Creek system that is nearest to Bradley Lake and is diverted to Bradley Lake via an existing diversion structure and natural channel. This diversion point is where the LOWER CANAL will discharge into the existing Upper Battle Creek Diversion conveyance channel to Bradley Lake. EXISTING UPPER BATTLE CREEK DIVERSION STRUCTURE — Is a structure at the bottom of the falls of the EAST FORK UPPER BATTLE CREEK that is currently diverting flows into Bradley Lake by way of a conveyance channel. This structure is the intended location of the LOWER CANAL terminus. LOWER CANAL - This is the portion of the diversion system that conveys water from the STILLING BASIN located in the MIDDLE FORK UPPER BATTLE CREEK to the EXISTING UPPER BATTLE CREEK DIVERSION tailwater pool. MIDDLE FORK UPPER BATTLE CREEK — Is located near the center of the project and is the feature selected to convey flows from the UPPER CANAL to the LOWER CANAL. OUTLET ACCESS ROAD -— Provides access to the EXISTING UPPER BATTLE CREEK DIVERSION STRUCTURE. This is the location where the EAST FORK UPPER BATTLE CREEK is diverted to Bradley Lake and where the LOWER CANAL discharges into the existing Upper Battle Creek diversion conveyance channel to Bradley Lake. SECONDARY DIVERSION CANAL - Is a smaller canal/collection ditch that will collect water on the escarpment below the UPPER CANAL and just above the DIVERSION ACCESS ROAD. STILLING BASIN — This structure helps dissipate energy generated from the change in elevation from the UPPER CANAL to the LOWER CANAL and conveys water to the LOWER CANAL inlet. STILLING BASIN ACCESS ROAD — Begins midway along the DIVERSION ACCESS ROAD and continues to the STILLING BASIN located in the MIDDLE FORK UPPER BATTLE CREEK. UPPER CANAL — Conveys water from the DIVERSION STRUCTURE in the WEST FORK UPPER BATTLE CREEK to the CANAL TRANSITION located in the MIDDLE FORK UPPER BATTLE CREEK. WEST FORK UPPER BATTLE CREEK — Is the fork of the UPPER BATTLE CREEK system that conveys the majority of the flows that will be diverted to Bradley Lake by the Project. It is in this fork that the DIVERSION STRUCTURE is to be located that diverts flows to the UPPER CANAL. R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 8 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report 5 HYDROLOGY The Kenai Peninsula is known for heavy rainfall and dramatic variability in climate over short distances and small changes in elevation. Micro-climates are common and can cause one area to receive heavy rains and snows, while another adjacent basin with different characteristicsremains drier and un glaciated. Figure 5-1 — Basin Boundaries shows the boundaries of the basins from which flow will be diverted to Bradley Lake. Figure 5-2 - Average Monthly Rainfall is developed from the records of the National Weather Service. The blue-colored bars indicate the months during which the diversion will operate, with virtually all flow from the West Fork of Upper Battle Creek above the diversion location and along the conveyance route being routed to Bradley Lake. Table 5-1 shows the 2-year precipitation event based on analysis by the USGS method and NRCS method for the areas shown on Figure 5-1. Figure 5 - 1 — West Fork Upper Battle Creek and Conveyance Interception Basin Boundaries R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 9 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report Table 5 - 1-2 Year Event Based on USGS and NRCS Analysis Methods Two Year Event Area USGS NRCS #1 850 cfs 966 cfs #2 70 cfs 224 cfs #3 110 cfs 339 cfs Peak Flow 1,030 cfs* 891 cfs Note: * USGS method does not take into account watershed routing. e Area 1is the largest sub-basin area and incorporates approximately 7.52 square miles. Of Area 1, a little over half is covered by the Battle Creek Glacier. e = Area 2 is approximately 0.28 square miles and incorporates a small area and cliff face above the Upper Canal which drains into the Upper Canal. e Area 3 is approximately 0.52 square miles and include a natural drainage basin which drains into the Lower Canal. Average Monthly Rainfall in Inches 30.00 + aaa a —— — - 25.00 — ——————___— ——_—______________ 20.00 - 15.00 — — — —- 10.00 — ~ — — - | i ; ; q | | oo = = _f 2 Tess Apr May Jun ul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar J Figure 5 - 2 Average Monthly Rainfall R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 10 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report 6 GEOTECHNICAL The geotechnical conditions in the Battle Creek Diversion Project area are dominated by exposed bedrock. The geotechnical investigations and final report from the Bradley Lake Dam construction have been used for preliminary design of the diversion project. A thorough understanding of the rock properties and structure will be necessary for successful design and construction. The rock structure and the characteristics of discontinuities within the rock mass are expected to be primary factors in the analysis of seepage and slope stability. A detailed rock mapping program covering the entire project area, along with boreholes and test pits at specific locations will provide the data necessary for final geotechnical design recommendations. The project is located in an area of steep, mountainous terrain, and receives high snowfall. Avalanches are likely in the project area. The potential impact to the diversion project will need to be evaluated. It is recommended that a detailed avalanche hazard assessment be performed. The assessment should include: e Mapping of potential avalanche areas; e The potential for avalanches to impact the proposed structures; e The potential for late season avalanches to impact operations. R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 11 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report 7 CONVEYANCE Conveyance of the diverted water will be by a system of canals constructed to lead from the diversion dam location to the existing Upper Battle Creek Diversion. The proposed canals are anticipated to be primarily in bedrock and will be constructed by drilling and blasting the bedrock for excavation of the channel. The design of the canal cross section takes advantage of the bedrock by using 0.25 to 1 side slopes. In case the canal cross section is fully or partially constructed in colluvium, the cross section will be modified to accommodate the foundation conditions. The canals will be suitably lined for whatever distance is required in colluvium between bedrock excavation sections. Calculated design flows for canal hydraulic design were developed using the USGS linear regression method. It is estimated that 92% of the flows will be available for capture by opening the canal system in mid-May and continuing operation until the end of October (See Figure 5-2 Average Monthly Rainfall). The Upper Canal has a design flow of 850 cfs based on estimated flows at the diversion dam which, for a fixed top width of the canal, requires a depth of approximately 8 feet (Figure 7-1). The Lower Canal has a design flow rate of 1,000 cfs to carry the primary diversion flows plus accretion from overland flows and minor stream interceptions along the lower canal route. This requires a channel depth of approximately 9 feet if the top width is maintained as 20 feet (Figure 7-2). These depths result in a velocity just over 6 feet per second at the design channel slope. R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 12 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report NOTE: 1/4 MAX : 1 CHANNEL SLOPES DAYLIGHT ON ROAD UPPER CANAL SECTION — 850 cfs ‘STA 100+00 TO STA 134+53.83 NTS Figure 7 - 1 Upper Canal Cross Section R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 13 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report 2° BENCH(ES) CASE 1 GROUND / ~ - GUARDRAIL SYSTEM / AS SHOWN IN CASE 2 30° MAX BENCH HEIGHT 12” MIN DEPTH APPROX. 9° 40 NOTE: 1/4 MAX : 1 CHANNEL SLOPES DAYLIGHT ON ROAD Tl - 1 f STA 150+00 TO STA 202+79.80 NTS Figure 7 - 2 Lower Canal Cross Section R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 14 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report NOTE: 1/4 MAX : 1 CHANNEL SLOPES ON BED ROCK 11/2 : 1 CHANNEL SLOPES ON SHOT ROCK ‘COLLUVIUM SECTION NTS: Figure 7 - 3 Colluvium Section Approximately 550,000 cubic yards of unclassified excavation, primarily shot rock, will be produced as a result of canal construction. Access roads need to be constructed before the canals simply to gain construction access to the areas the canals will traverse. Some of the rock shot and excavated to construct the canals will be used to construct staging areas at the West Fork Upper Battle Creek Diversion Structure, Stilling Basin and Existing Upper Battle Creek Diversion sites. Most of the shot rock produced during canal excavation will be excess to the needs of the project. Where the slopes downhill of the canal are gradual enough for construction equipment to work safely, the excess shot rock will be consolidated directly downhill from the point at which it is excavated from the canal. On the steeper slopes, the excess shot rock will be dumped on the downhill side where it will come to rest on the existing talus slopes below exposed bedrock faces. R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 15 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report 8 DIVERSION STRUCTURE AND STILLING BASIN The West Fork Upper Battle Creek Diversion Structure consists of a concrete dam approximately 23-feet tall (maximum) with a 115-foot long crest at top elevation 1706 feet. The headworks structure includes a canal intake structure that will divert flows from West Fork Upper Battle Creek into the upper canal. The dam site was selected based on the canal horizontal and vertical alignment considering the minimum invert elevation for the canal profile, site topography to minimize excavation and concrete quantities, accessibility and flow diversion considerations during the construction period. Water control at the Diversion Structure is provided by a spillway with Obermeyer gate and a sluice gate for flushing sediment from the forebay of the dam. A separate bypass bay with stop logs is provided to allow for maintenance diversion of the stream flows away from the canal headworks and sluicing system. A jib crane is provided to use for maintenance and repair activities and to install and remove stoplogs. Flow into the upper canal at the headworks can be controlled by an Obermeyer gate located at the canal intake. The upper canal discharges into a confined channel (canyon-like) of the Middle Fork Upper Battle Creek, exits the confined channel into the canal transition area then flows on to the Stilling Basin. Before water reaches the stilling basin, it will flow through the canal transitiona area, a series of step-pools created by widening the channel cross section and lowering the channel invert. The steps will be created by leaving sections of the 6-foot wide incised channel and stacking boulders in the channel. Large shot rock will also be left in the pools as a means of creating additional turbulence and energy dissipation. The Stilling Basin diversion structure site was selected to balance the stilling basin excavation and diversion structure concrete volumes. After selection of the diversion structure location, the stilling basin was sized to contain the anticipated hydraulic jump that will be created by the flows passing down the confined channel of the Middle Fork Upper Battle Creek. R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 16 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report 9 ACCESS 9.1 General Road access to the Battle Creek Diversion Project will be from the existing Bradley lake Dam access road near the Bradley Lake Dam to a new access road system constructed to provide access to key locations in the diversion project. 9.2 Existing Roads The existing access road system at the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric project facility is open to pedestrian and non-motorized public access. Motorized access by personal vehicles and maintenance/construction equipment is restricted to facilities equipment operated by employees of HEA, or other authorized personnel. 9.3 Proposed Roads To allow for construction, maintenance and operations access to the diversion, 3.9 miles of new access roads will be constructed. The new access road begins at the existing Bradley Lake Dam Access road about 0.25 -mile west of the Bradley Lake Dam. The Project access comprises 3 road sections: e the Outlet Access Road begins at the existing Bradley Lake Dam access road about 0.25 mile from the dam and runs 1.0mile southeast to the existing Upper Battle Creek Diversion and the site of the lower canal outlet; e the Diversion Access Road begins at a point about 0.4-miles along the Outlet Access Road, for 2.5 miles southwest through the Battle Creek Valley, up the escarpment to end at the primary diversion site at elevation 1700 feet on the West Fork of Upper Battle Creek; e the Basin Access Road, a 0.34-mile long spur begins at a point about 1.5 miles along the Diversion Access Road and ends at the site of the Spilling Basin at the base of the transition from the upper canal to the lower canal. 9.4 Borrow Sites for Access Road Construction Material Approximately 20,000 cubic yards of shot rock will be needed to start construction on the Outlet Access Road. The old batch plant site approximately 0.5 mile west of Bradley Lake Dam will be designated, pending positive evaluation of the site by the geotechnical investigation, as the initial borrow site for road building material. As access road construction progresses, numerous cut sections in bedrock will be encountered. Again, pending positive geotechnical evaluation, each cut section in bedrock will be designated as a potential borrow site. The intent is that if suitable rock is present, the required minimum cut section for the access road can be enlarged to produce additional material for fill sections of the access road. R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 17 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report 10 PROJECT CONSTRUCTION WORK PLAN AND COST ESTIMATE 10.1 Work Plan Discussion In order to develop a sound cost estimate for the Battle Creek Diversion Project at the preliminary design level, work plans and operations sequencing were identified and evaluated to develop a plausible sequence of construction and construction equipment spread.. This sequence may not be the exact sequence any particular construction contractor develops or follows, however, the sequence presented herein is intended to illustrate a practical approach to accomplishing physical construction of the project in a reasonable time frame. Also, the means and methods assumed for the purposes of developing unit costs for the various work items may not be precisely the means and methods of any particular contractor. For purposes of work plan development and the preliminary construction estimate, means and methods were assumed that represent a plausible plan for accomplishing the work, based on the combined experience of the design team and construction engineers. The resulting preliminary cost estimate is considered to be within the range of costs that would be consistent with accepted modern construction practices. Based on historic experience obtained during the construction of the original Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, and operating and maintenance experience gained thereafter, the effective construction working season is assumed to begin by early June and run to the end of October. Additional working time in early summer may be gained by removing snow and opening the Bradley Lake Dam access road prior to early June; the costs vs. benefits of such activity are not included in this project work plan analysis and cost estimate. Likewise, the duration of the work season is dependent on the weather and a given contractor’s willingness to work into winter conditions, the onset of which can be estimated, but not predicted with certainty due to variable weather patterns. A major constraint on site clearing restrictions is the effect on migratory bird nesting habitat. For the Bradley Lake area, the “no clearing” window is generally May 1 through July 15, but could extend from as early as April 10 to as late as August 10, depending on habitat and species expected to be present. For the schedule presented in this report, the assumption is that required clearing will be done the season previous to the start of earthmoving activity, even if clearing is the only work done that previous season. 10.2 Construction Sequence By Season First season: e Construct access roads to Existing Upper Battle Creek Diversion, Stilling Basin Site, and new Diversion site. e Build access, pre-split and production blast and excavate Lower Canal. e Construct Stilling Basin and transition between Upper and Lower Canals. e Build access, pre-split and production blast and excavate Upper Canal. Second season: e Erect modular bridges (3). e Construct Diversion Dam and Headworks on West Fork Upper Battle Creek. e Complete blasting, excavation and grading to flowline grade on Lower and Upper Canals. e Install guardrail on access roads. e Produce and place sub-base on access roads. e Produce and place crushed surface course on access roads and along canals. R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 18 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report 10.3 Rough Order of Magnitude Estimated Cost for Battle Creek Project The Rough Order of Magnitude estimated cost for the Battle Creek Diversion Project is based on the 65 percent design developed using a digital terrain model from satellite imagery as the base for roads and the conveyance canals. The topography at the diversion site in the West Fork of Upper Battle Creek was further defined by ground survey methods. Geotechnical evaluation of the area is based on preliminary field evaluation of the geology and no definitive geotechnical program has been performed to date. Table 10-1 presents a summary of the ROM costs estimate. 10.3.1 Pre Construction A full geotechnical program including borings and further engineering geological evaluation is planned for the 2012 summer season and this will be done in concert with additional ground survey along road and canal routes and at structure sites to better define the topography. Final design documents will be completed to 100% for project license amendment process purposes and the cost estimate upgraded based on the definitive information available from the geotechnical, survey and final design results. Upon FERC approval of the application for amendment to the license for Bradley lake Hydroelectric Project, P-8221-AK, the construction documents would be prepared for solicitation of bids. 10.3.2 Construction Assuming FERC approval is received and the bid process can be completed for and award by about March 2013, construction could begin in 2013. Construction will require two seasons and Construction Management Support to AEA is planned to cover the two seasons. Table 10-1 Summary - ROM Cost Estimate Pence ORDER-OF-MAGNITUDE COSTESTIMATE | SUMMARY | PROJECT: 1158.24 - Bradley Lake HEP - BATTLE CREEK DIVERSION DRAFT CLIENT: Alaska Energy Authority DATE: 16 JAN 2012) OPTION: __ Diversion Dam & Canal Conveyance to Bradley Lk from West Fork Upper Battle Creek AREA[DIRECT COSTS: TOTAL COST 100 |MOBILIZATION/DEMOBILIZATION 2,602,000 200 [CLEARING AND SITE PREPARATION INCL PRESPLITTING 2,276,000 300 [EXCAVATION AND GRADING I TTT 19,926,000 | 400 |SAFETY/GUARDRAILS iit AL 835,000 500 |BRIDGES AND CULVERTS 1,346,000 600 |DIVERSION DAM 2,398,000 700 |CANAL STILLING BASIN 2,185,000 800 [INSTRUMENTATION LE 80,000 1100 ELECTRICAL AND POWER DISTRIBUTION FROM UTILITY —__ NOT INCLUDED TOTAL DIRECT COSTS: 31,648,000 INDIRECT COSTS: ] DETAIL DESIGN ENGINEERING AND LICENSING SUPPORT 380,000 | GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS 1,582,000 DESIGN SURVEY 1 Toto | ___-285,000 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT. 1,266,000 TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS: 3,513,000 TOTAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT COSTS: 35,161,000 [ESCALATION _(COSTBASISDECEMBER 2011) | NOT INCLUDED LE CONTINGENCY (25% ON CONSTRUCTION, 12% ON INDIRECTS) _ 8,330,000 | SS fe | R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 19 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report Figure 10-1 Preliminary Construction Task Sequence/Schedule R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 20 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report T 1D Task Name Start Finish Notes Duration __.May June July _ August | Septerr Octobe Novem Deceml January Februa March April May June July _ August _Septerr Octobe Novem, Decemt Janual ‘EBMEBMEBMEBMEBMEBMEBMEBMEBMEBMEBME BME BME BME BMEBMEBMEBME BME BME BM 1 Blast rock for road construction at old batch plant site. ‘Mon 6/3/13 Mon 6/17/13 stockpile ~20,000 c.y. 11 days Cond 2 DAR: Build DAR to OAR intersection Mon 6/17/13 Mon7/1/13_~2,100 ft., Ist road cre 11 days C J 1st Road Crew 3. DAR: Build DAR to sta. 427, SW shore Too Low Lake Mon 7/1/13 Mon 7/15/13 ~2,700ft., Istroadcre11days C J 1st Road Crew 4 OAR: Build OAR to Existing Diversion @ UBC Mon 7/1/13 Mon 7/15/13 ~3,000 ft., add 2ndroalidays Cg 2nd Road Crew 5 DAR: Pioneer access for equipment from DAR sta. 427 to 489 and to Lower Canal at sta. 179. Mon 7/15/13 Sun 7/21/13 ~6,200ft.,D9dozer 6 days | © D9 Dozer 6 ‘cul aeeens 8 pre-epefor Lower Gani fromoutie fre. 209°}00 Fitton (ate 379). | MOM TFIB/A3, Mom 8/38/18, Dri crew 2; ar wack d 26 days I ‘Gums Ist DrillCrew =” 7 i Ce oy 7 DAR: Build DAR from sta. 427 to SAR intersection @ sta. 480 Tue 7/16/13 Tue 7/30/13 ~5,300 ft., 1st & 2nd rc11 days CJ 1st Drill Crew,2nd Road Crew 8 Geman 2nd Drill Crew 10 DAR: Build access & pre-split for DAR sta. 489 ahead Mon 7/22/13 Sun 9/22/13 _ Drill crew 4 starts on D46 days G J 4th Drill Crew 11 DAR: Build access & pre-split for DAR sta. 535 back Mon 7/22/13 Sun 9/22/13 Drill crewSequipment46 days Comma Sth Orll Crew ESS TTI ee | LSA TRC, FAI NE, Pe RENE OR Sener 13 DAR: Build DAR from sta. 480 to 489 Thu 8/1/13 Wed 8/7/13 ~900 ft., 1st road crew 5 days Thi Gy Ast Drill Crew iit Ti Ti 14 ‘DAR: Build SAR from intersection to sta.618 Thu 8/1/13. Thu 8/15/13 ~1,800 ft., 2nd road cri11 days , "15. Construct stilling Basin $ Thu 8/15/13 Thu 10/31/13 Water works crew; STIS6 days 16 | ‘ iow rene 1 ‘ Thu 8/15/13 Mon 9/30/13 Water works crew. 33 days . Siares ar : ; a 18 a 19 Thy 20 21 LL 22 23 DAR: Production blasting from sta. 489 to sta. 512 Mon 9/23/13 Thu 10/31/13 Drill crew 4 changes to 29 days 24 DAR: Production blasting from sta. 539 to sta. 512 Mon 9/23/13 Thu 10/31/13 Drill crew 5 changes to 29 days * aE ORAS AE ERT OE RE RRR SE 26 WINTER SHUTDOWN Fri11/1/13_ Sat 5/31/14 152 days l 27 Diversion on West Fork Upper Battle Creek Sun 6/1/14 Fri 10/31/14 Water works crew; DIV111 days + : : ae st ) acne 29 5 i 31 1] T ian 7 Tit ] yl 1 32 DAR, OAR, SAR: Install guard rail on access roads Sun 6/1/14 Thu 7/31/14 45 days G a 33° TIT Tr Gag 1st Drill Crew Ti 34 j TT Geag 2nd Drill Crew 35 emmmaa 5th Drill Crew,6th Drill 36 faa Sth Drill Crew 37 DAR, OAR, SAR: Produce and place subbase on access roads Fri 8/1/14 Thu 8/21/14 15 days Genned 39 DAR, OAR, SAR: Produce and place crushed surface course on access roads Fri 8/22/14. Mon9/8/14 12 days Sand “i A RA 2S IOS OE iS SAS = Figure 10-1 Preliminary Construction Task Sequence/Schedule R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 21 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report 11 OWNERSHIP The Proposed Battle Creek Diversion Project is located in portions of Sections 6, 7, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20, T5S, RIW, SM. Ownership of the lands affected by the proposed Battle Creek Diversion Project was researched in the public records of the State of Alaska. An extract from those records reporting the ownership of lands directly affected by construction of diversion structures, conveyance canals and access roads for the proposed Project is set out in Table 11- 1, following. The conclusion of the Ownership research is that all lands affected are owned by the State of Alaska. Table 11-1 Extract from Land Ownership Reports for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, FERC P-8221-AK Lands Directly Affected by the Proposed Battle Creek Diversion Project Parcel Legal Description Owner Source of Title All of Sec. 8, T5S, ROW, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 NOTE-THIS IS SUBJECT TO INTERNAL REVIEW State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 9/7/95 under selection A-058738, recorded 11/8/95, Book 248, Page 337 Tracts C & E, Sec. 7, T5S, ROW, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 8.20/88 under selection A-050897, recorded 10/31/88, Book 186, Page 742 Tract D, Sec. 7, TSS, ROW, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska (See Note 1) Tentative Approval dated 9/7/95 under selection A-058738, recorded 11/8/95, Book 248, Page 336 Tracts A & B, Sec. 16, T5S, ROW, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 9/7/95 under selection A-058738, recorded 11/8/95, Book 248, Page 336 Tracts A & B, Sec. 17, T5S, ROW, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 9/7/95 under selection A-058738, recorded 11/8/95, Book 248, Page 336 Tract A, Sec. 18, TSS, ROW, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 9/7/95 under selection A-058738, recorded 11/8/95, Book 248, Page 336 All of Sec. 19, T5S, ROW, SM, ASLS_ | State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 9/7/95 under 91-38, Plat 92-46 selection A-058738, recorded 11/8/95, Book 248, Page 336 R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 22 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report All of Sec. 20, T5S, ROW, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska Patent 50-91-0088, recorded 12/21/90, Book 203, Page 640 Tracts A, C, and D, Sec. 16, T5S, ROW, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska (See Note 1) Tentative Approval dated 8.20/88 under selection A-050897, recorded 10/31/88, Book 186, Page 742, and Tentative Approval dated 9/7/95 under selection A-058738, recorded 11/8/95, Book 248, Page 336 (See Note 2) Tracts A, C, D, and E Sec. 17, T5S, ROW, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska (See Note 1) Tentative Approval dated 8.20/88 under selection A-050897, recorded 10/31/88, Book 186, Page 742, and Tentative Approval dated 9/7/95 under selection A-058738, recorded 11/8/95, Book 248, Page 336 (See Note 2) Tract B Sec. 18, T5S, ROW, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska (See Note 1) Tentative Approval dated 8.20/88 under selection A-050897, recorded 10/31/88, Book 186, Page 742, and Tentative Approval dated 9/7/95 under selection A-058738, recorded 11/8/95, Book 248, Page 336 (See Note 2) Note 1: See Ownership Reports dated May 18, 2011, August 8, 2011 and September 14, 2011 in Appendix B. Note 2: Ownership Reports covered the following Lands in reports issued on noted dates. A. The Ownership Report dated 05/18/2011 covers the following Lands: Sections 15 through 22 and Sections 27 through 34, T.5S., R. 9 W., S.M., And Sections 13, 24, 25, and 36, T.5S., R. 910 W., S.M., all within the State of Alaska, Third Judicial District, Homer Recording District. B. The Ownership Report dated 08/08/2011 covers the following Lands: The S% of Section 7, T.5S., R.9 W., S.M., And the S% of Sections 11 and 12, and all of Sections 14, and 23, T.5S., R. 10 W., S.M., all within the State of Alaska, Third Judicial District, Homer Recording District. C. The Ownership Report dated 09/14/2011 covers the following Lands: R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 23 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report Portions of Sections 16, 17, and 18, T. 5 S., R. 9 W., S.M., And portions of Sections 12 and 13, T.5S., R. 10 W., S.M., all within the State of Alaska, Third Judicial District, Homer Recording District. D. The Ownership Report needs record information for T. 5 S., R. 9 W., S.M. needs to be expanded to include Section 6. The associated research and report supplement are pending ROW staff availability; ROW staff available about February15, 2012. The subject lands were surveyed and “subdivided” in 1991 under Alaska State Land Survey (ASLS) 91-38, the plat of which was filed November 4, 1992 as Plat 92-46, and the Parcel Legal Descriptions used below are based on said plat. The subject lands have all been either patented to tentatively approved (TA’d) to the State of Alaska, and no significant encumbrances or third party interests in the lands was identified. Tentative Approval vests “all right, title, and interest” of the United States in the State. Patent normally follows federal survey of the lands. R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 24 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report APPENDIX A - Preliminary Layout Battle Creek Diversion Project R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 25 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report LEGEND: —— CAL ———= ROADWAYS —— — CONSTRUCTION ROADS MINOR CONTOUR (50') ———— MAJOR CONTOUR (250’) ts — CREEKS No fo © 200 400 800 1200 - SS ~ ’ GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET Xe. KP S 7 ee EAST FORK UPPER NS FON BES : “\% a. — Meas 4 IR eA | Lot Pk Ty : * DNERSION ACCESS RD EB ak V/A % &F | \ TN {7 ~. on ff ASS [ae 1750 St fi 3 ¢ ; ao nN: La | eh ~aT (77) COUPPER CANAL > £4, ‘i ’ on, \ CY , we J Ly * = 2 \ i) o 1? R LA 8 ox | STILLING BASI ! AN ; CANAL TRANSITION \. 7 - | & HEADWORKS fa NE Ae “SN . ger BATTLE CREEK DIVERSION PROJECT PRELIMINARY LAYOUT DIVERSION DAM re R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 26 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report APPENDIX B1 — Land Ownership Reports Battle Creek Diversion Project R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 2h Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report Bradley Lake Hydro Project Battle Creek Diversion Land Ownership Report Prepared by Charles L. Parr, SR/WA R&M Consultants, Inc. 1158.19 May 18, 2011 This report covers the following Lands: Sections 15 through 22 and Sections 27 through 34, T.5S., R. 9 W., S.M., And Sections 13, 24, 25, and 36, T.5S., R. 910 W., S.M., all within the State of Alaska, Third Judicial District, Homer Recording District. The subject lands were surveyed and “subdivided” in 1991 under Alaska State Land Survey (ASLS) 91-38, the plat of which was filed November 4, 1992 as Plat 92-46, and the Parcel Legal Descriptions used below are based on said plat. The subject lands have all been either patented to tentatively approved to the State of Alaska, and no significant encumbrances or third party interests in the lands was identified. Tentative Approval vests “all right, title, and interest” of the United States in the State. Patent normally follows federal survey of the lands. Parcel Legal Description Owner Source of Title Tracts A & B, Sec. 15, T5S, ROW, State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 9/7/95 under SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 selection A-058738, recorded 11/8/95, Book 248, Page 336 Tracts A & B, Sec. 16, T5S, ROW, State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 9/7/95 under SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 selection A-058738, recorded 11/8/95, Book 248, Page 336 Tracts A & B, Sec. 17, T5S, ROW, State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 9/7/95 under SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 selection A-058738, recorded 11/8/95, Book 248, Page 336 Tract A, Sec. 18, TSS, ROW, SM, State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 9/7/95 under ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 selection A-058738, recorded 11/8/95, Book 248, Page 336 All of Sec. 19, T5S, RIW, SM, ASLS_ | State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 9/7/95 under 91-38, Plat 92-46 selection A-058738, recorded 11/8/95, Book 248, Page 336 All of Sec. 20, T5S, RIW, SM, ASLS_ | State of Alaska Patent 50-91-0088, recorded 12/21/90, 91-38, Plat 92-46 Book 203, Page 640 All of Sec. 21, T5S, R9W, SM, ASLS_ | State of Alaska Patent 50-91-0088, recorded 12/21/90, 91-38, Plat 92-46 Book 203, Page 640 Tracts A & B, Sec. 22, T5S, ROW, State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 9/7/95 under SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 selection A-058738, recorded 11/8/95, Book 248, Page 336 All of Sec. 27, T5S, RIW, SM, ASLS_ | State of Alaska Patent 50-91-0088, recorded 12/21/90, R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 28 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report 91-38, Plat 92-46 Book 203, Page 640 All of Sec. 28, TSS, ROW, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska Patent 50-91-0088, recorded 12/21/90, Book 203, Page 640 All of Sec. 29, T5S, ROW, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska Patent 50-91-0088, recorded 12/21/90, Book 203, Page 640 All of Sec. 30, T5S, ROW, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska Patent 50-91-0088, recorded 12/21/90, Book 203, Page 640 All of Sec. 31, TSS, ROW, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska Patent 50-91-0088, recorded 12/21/90, Book 203, Page 640 All of Sec. 32, T5S, ROW, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska Patent 50-91-0088, recorded 12/21/90, Book 203, Page 640 All of Sec. 33, T5S, ROW, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska Patent 50-91-0088, recorded 12/21/90, Book 203, Page 640 All of Sec. 34, T5S, ROW, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska Patent 50-91-0088, recorded 12/21/90, Book 203, Page 640 Tract C, Sec. 13, T5S, R10W, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 8.20/88 under selection A-050897, recorded 10/31/88, Book 186, Page 742 N% of Sec. 24, T5S, R10W, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 8.20/88 under selection A-050897, recorded 10/31/88, Book 186, Page 742 Sv of Sec. 24, T5S, R1OW, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 8/11/83 under selection A-050897, recorded 8/30/83, Book 139, Page 285 All of Sec. 25, T5S, R10W, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 8/11/83 under selection A-050897, recorded 8/30/83, Book 139, Page 285 All of Sec. 36, T5S, R1OW, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 8/11/83 under selection A-050897, recorded 8/30/83, Book 139, Page 285 Copies of the above referenced documents are on file. Other Tracts shown on ASLS 91-38 have also been either patented or tentatively approved to the State which leased many of them to the Alaska Energy Authority under ADL 222656, for 55 years beginning in 1994 and expiring in 2049. The lease was recorded February 1, 1994, in Book 230 beginning at Page 163. A copy of the lease also accompanies this report. R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 29 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report Bradley Lake Hydro Project Battle Creek Diversion Land Ownership Report Prepared by Charles L. Parr, SR/WA R&M Consultants, Inc. 1158.24 August 8, 2011 This report covers the following Lands: The S% of Section 7, T.5S., R. 9 W., S.M., And the S% of Sections 11 and 12, and all of Sections 14, and 23, T.5S., R. 10 W., S.M., all within the State of Alaska, Third Judicial District, Homer Recording District. The subject lands were surveyed and “subdivided” in 1991 under Alaska State Land Survey (ASLS) 91-38, the plat of which was filed November 4, 1992 as Plat 92-46, and the Parcel Legal Descriptions used below are based on said plat. Parcel Legal Description Owner Source of Title Tracts C & E, Sec. 7, T5S, ROW, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 8.20/88 under selection A-050897, recorded 10/31/88, Book 186, Page 742 Tract D, Sec. 7, TSS, ROW, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska (See Note 1) Tentative Approval dated 9/7/95 under selection A-058738, recorded 11/8/95, Book 248, Page 336 Tracts A, C, & D, Sec. 11, T5S, R10W, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 8.20/88 under selection A-050897, recorded 10/31/88, Book 186, Page 742 Tract B, Sec. 11, T5S, R1OW, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska (See Note 1) Tentative Approval dated 9/7/95 under selection A-058738, recorded 11/8/95, Book 248, Page 336 Tracts A & C, Sec. 12, T5S, R10W, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 8.20/88 under selection A-050897, recorded 10/31/88, Book 186, Page 742 Tract B, Sec. 12, T5S, ROW, SM, State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 9/7/95 under ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 (See Note 1) selection A-058738, recorded 11/8/95, Book 248, Page 336 Tract A, Sec. 14, T5S, R10W, SM, State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 8.20/88 under ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 selection A-050897, recorded 10/31/88, Book 186, Page 742 Tract B, Sec. 14, TSS, R10W, SM, State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 9/7/95 under ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 (See Note 1) selection A-058738, recorded 11/8/95, Book 248, Page 336 All of Sec. 23, T5S, R1OW, SM, ASLS | State of Alaska Patent 50-90-0677, recorded 10/9/90, Book 91-38, Plat 92-46 201, Page 853 R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 30 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report Bradley Lake Hydro Project Battle Creek Diversion Land Ownership Report R&M Consultants, Inc. 1158.24 August 8, 2011 Page 2 Copies of the above referenced documents are on file. Note 1: This parcel under lease to the Alaska Energy Authority under ADL 222656, for 55 years beginning in 1994 and expiring in 2049. The lease was recorded February 1, 1994, in Book 230 beginning at Page 163. A copy of the lease also accompanies this report. R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 31 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report Bradley Lake Hydro Project Battle Creek Diversion Supplemental Land Ownership Report Prepared by Charles L. Parr, SR/WA R&M Consultants, Inc. 1158.24 September 14, 2011 This report covers the following Lands: Portions of Sections 16, 17, and 18, T.5 S., R.9 W., S.M., And portions of Sections 12 and 13, T.5S., R. 10 W., S.M., all within the State of Alaska, Third Judicial District, Homer Recording District. The subject lands were surveyed and “subdivided” in 1991 under Alaska State Land Survey (ASLS) 91-38, the plat of which was filed November 4, 1992 as Plat 92-46, and the Parcel Legal Descriptions used below are based on said plat. Parcel Legal Description Owner Source of Title Tracts A, C, and D, Sec. 16, T5S, State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 8.20/88 under ROW, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 (See Note 1) selection A-050897, recorded 10/31/88, Book 186, Page 742, and Tentative Approval dated 9/7/95 under selection A-058738, recorded 11/8/95, Book 248, Page 336 (See Note 2) Tracts A, C, D, and E Sec. 17, T5S, State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 8.20/88 under ROW, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 (See Note 1) selection A-050897, recorded 10/31/88, Book 186, Page 742, and Tentative Approval dated 9/7/95 under selection A-058738, recorded 11/8/95, Book 248, Page 336 (See Note 2) Tract B Sec. 18, T5S, ROW, SM, State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 8.20/88 under ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 (See Note 1) selection A-050897, recorded 10/31/88, Book 186, Page 742, and Tentative Approval dated 9/7/95 under selection A-058738, recorded 11/8/95, Book 248, Page 336 (See Note 2) Tract B Sec. 12, T5S, R10W, SM, State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 8.20/88 under ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 (See Note 1) selection A-050897, recorded 10/31/88, Book 186, Page 742, (See Note 2) R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 32 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report Bradley Lake Hydro Project Battle Creek Diversion Land Ownership Report R&M Consultants, Inc. 1158.24 September 14, 2011 Page 2 Parcel Legal Description Owner Source of Title Tracts A and C, Sec. 12, T5S, R10W, | State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 8.20/88 under SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 selection A-050897, recorded 10/31/88, Book 186, Page 742 Tract B Sec. 13, T5S, R10W, SM, State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 8.20/88 under ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 (See Note 1) selection A-050897, recorded 10/31/88, Book 186, Page 742, and Tentative Approval dated 9/7/95 under selection A-058738, recorded 11/8/95, Book 248, Page 336 (See Note 2) Tracts A and C, Sec. 13, T5S, R10W, SM, ASLS 91-38, Plat 92-46 State of Alaska Tentative Approval dated 8.20/88 under selection A-050897, recorded 10/31/88, Book 186, Page 742, and Tentative Approval dated 9/7/95 under selection A-058738, recorded 11/8/95, Book 248, Page 336 Note 1: This parcel under lease to the Alaska Energy Authority under ADL 222656, for 55 years beginning in 1994 and expiring in 2049. The lease was recorded February 1, 1994, in Book 230 beginning at Page 163. Note 2: Portions of these parcels may still be subject to the interests of Power Project 8221 (the Bradley Lake Project) under Bureau of Land Management case file AA-58747, the “Holding Agency for which is FERC, with parties of interest AIDEA and AEA. All project lands not yet TA’d to the State are subject to a 906(e) “top filing” selection by the State. This report supplements the information provided in the Land Ownership Reports dated May 18, 2011 and August 8, 2011. R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 33 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report APPENDIX B2 — Land Ownership Maps Battle Creek Diversion Project R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 34 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report = & T.2 Ss. =] ° Sunveve slg UNSURVEYED | T.3 8. 46 TRACT B TRACT B {CENTERLINE FRITZ 2, i-e—-CREEK-SOLOGTNA | TRANSMISSION LINE NOTES 2 FAIS SIREN ott ALCOMMLISEE Tu ACCORCAMCE alt OSC 62d 2 GS 01-38 2 To CCAR? OF IES SURES IS UAEAIEA Tmt 9 $009 2 Ay PARIEGS OF amd OWED BY tne STATE OF cute, OC23E0 “ALTE $9 00 FEET GF. GA BISECIED OY 4 SuMERED SECNIGY INE, ARE Sa@.ECI TO 4 50 FOI 150" CADEKEA, Eat SIOE OF THE SECTICN LINE, abICH 15 AESEALED 10 fr STATE OF WASKA FOR DUBLIL HIDWAAIS UNDER 2S 29 29 010) Mug SEARIWGS SHO ARE TAME BEAATIGS 2S ORICHICO TO ot BASIS OF GERI aU UISIEMES Suev ane REDUCED 10 OALLOWIAL FIELD DISTANCES. Taz TURAL WE aGEOS OF TNE LINE OF GBUIUARY aIGK TIDE FOR CACHEEX BEY 2D OF ODMR AIGH wETER FOR BALDLEY tan FORS THE TUE BOUWS OF TE SECLIONS THE, SPPHDIUATE LIMES OF GADIWRY IGM TICE om MAIER 25 Sede, 1S FOR REA COMPUTATIONS OLY, inl ME TRUE CORNERS BEING Cy WHE ExTCston OF Tt SIOE SIMES 290 THEIA TWIERSECTION alte THE nAtURAL KELIOEAS TESE MECOERS ame FeON THE AECOAD 1000 BL PLATS TAG TBE MuMQRED FORT COVTOUR LIVE sROUI BRADLEY wae Heat QETE®*TVES & PORTION OF THIS BOIWDAMY SURVEY, AAS orairizeD FAgK PWOIOGRATHY TAKEN OCI 4, :93% Gr azAouaP U S., Oh tHE PROJECT OLIN PROJECT AREA TABULATION TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 11 WEST TOTAL 218.75 acres TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST TOTAL TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST TOTAL 263.62 acres pe 279.61 acres TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH. TOTAL RANGE S WEST 240.93 acres TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, TOTAL RANGE 10 WEST 1552.47 acres TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, TOTAL RANGE 9 WEST 2633.80 acres TOWNSHIP S SOUTH, TOTAL RANGE 8 WEST 944.05 acres TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, TOTAL RANGE 8 WEST 240.00 acres IND SHEET 4------INDEX 2------T.3 3------T.3 4n-----T 4 Ae a OOod bt EX SHEET DESCRIPTION TRACT A A.14 W. A.40 W. R.40 Ww. R.9 W. R.10 W. A.G Ww. 8-12---MONUMENT & ACCESSORY DATA , A3-----T.5 S., 14- PLAT APPROVAL tas Scrougn Planning Commission Section Surdivicion Raguiations > x we, 4 “Boraugh Otrieia? Ww. Ww. R. 8 -T.6 S., A. SECOND GUIDE MERIDIAN WEST TOTAL PROVECT 8, 373.23 acres LEGEND D. - cove srar100 wecoverco @_ ~ Paiany vomseut set @ = Pavuny wowscnt accoverso © = Pamanr sownent wot ArcovERED oe = evan rouwent azcovenco WB - Giaso.0 vomsent nor necoveneo @® ~ sorwmens roenn re tcarz0N mUMBER + suevereo wont - meer RécoRD seeee UnSUVEYED ogg) mEASUFED FIRST STANDARD PARALLEL SOUTH True Merigten Mean Magnetic Bee ination 2s" EL eum ast BASIS OF COORDINATES NGS TAIANGULATION STATION “SHEEP, LaT. Se" 46° 32.7795" N. LONG. 450° 58° 43.4750" HW. 1923" {NAD 1927) the Keret Pensnsule in aceeraance with Peninsula @erougn eporeves by 070 Kenas fo-\e- date x 28 TRACT A J 33 ssl og >| 25] Bla] 34] 22] “le 7° 19) | * al a5] 23] ? a “]>]2 >| 9] a3] ae] we| 15] +4] a3] 24) 2 ‘a 27} asf ay 23] 3+] 23] 30 tele 2] ao} al fEEE a 20] 27 33] 34 . * a4 s]s[sfale tas s-llet|)el-leal-yay 7] e| =| os] asl azt >| ©] of eof va] ae] >] 8] of oe) ual ac ca} 7] 20 29] 2] 2a] 2 > | 4 a >| a 2] 29) a] vo] af 0 23] 22] 23 aa] 2°] 2 23] 24] a3] VICINITY 13] 37] aa} a c ala 35) 20] 29} 2] 2s] a9] 2 22} 22] 26] 33] 24] 35] 26] 3s] 22] a0] 24] asf 36], efsl-foleqe|'** sf-}>]?* MoT a] oof ssf ea] of of] af vel a5] sal aalfsa] caf 23] 24h v3] caf o>] 30} 25) 24] 3 DPEEEREOR za{ zr] 2a] 22} 39] 29] 24] 27] ea] 23} ‘3a] 32] 33] >4] 25] 26] 25] 32] 99] 24] 23] 29) , yg ‘Te)-lyel ids letl > al a] va] | #] =| ve] vy] aa] 33} 1 13) 98] 29] sa] 25) 94] «| ‘| 23] 23) 24 SEE ‘23] 23] a4f 35] 96) 24] v9] 20] an] 2 25| 20] 29} 28] 27] 26] ‘6{ 31] 2] 23] 24 25] 2] tele) «fole]s sal =] 9 ve] v3] sal 7f #| | se] a) ae sel a7] sof 25) v4] 3] suf a7] 98] 39] 34] oa] = 36] 20] a3] 22] 23] 20] x0] ze] 25] 22] 29] 26] = 22] 20 29] ze{ 27] 26] 25] a2} 2a] 20] 22] 20] ea} ‘36] ae} 33] 23] 3¢] 25] 25] 24] a2 23] 24] 23] 20, gy T3s MAP CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION 1, THE WWDEREICED, HEREBY CEATIFY TAT I 4m THE OIRECTOR, OivIS1ON OF LAND, AND THAT THE STATE OF MASA 18 THE GareA OF THE Lands, SURVEY a0 PLAT 45 ‘SHOWN REREON. 1 KEREBY APPROVE THIS FOA WE STATE GF ALASKA, AnD CEDICATE FOR FUALIC OF PRIVATE USE a5 HOTED, ALL EASEMENTS, PUDLIC UTILITY a DIRECTOR DIVISION CF LEO IY PUBLIC FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA HY COMMISSION EXPIRES CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL BY THE ALASKA OEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION rt race r x Ato wt: treatwene systeas must moet tne Oepartaent of Envirennental The Alaska Dapartwent of Environsantal Contarvation approves thie Supaivasion for platting f Pla J Lkent 4 Wes “SIGNATURE: Bi snitell tise iol TITLE Fo! ASLS 92-30): Approval of this Guucivision is based on the representation thet 70 wastewater y lat. Conditions might not be suitacle for onsita wastewater treatment and diepeea]. tewater treetmsnt or aisposal system must meet the regulatory requirements of tne Alaska Goparcment of Envirenaenta) Conservation any oncie Subject to eny noted restrs Environmental Mile. platting. Conservat LLL SIGNATURE oIsTAIcT NGS TRIANGULATION STATION “AURORA, 1923" LAT. 89° 42' 07.7069" N. LONG, 451° 06’ 26.5918" W. (NAD 1927) 14:48 PTs LEVEL ELEVATION OF 416.50 FT. “ SHEEP" = a « 1923". VERTICAL DATUM FOR THIS PROJECT WAS BASED ON THE PROJECT DATUM OF AT NGS TRIANGULATION STATION “SHEEP, BASED ON TIDAL OBSERVATIONS AT BEAR COVE IS THE MEAN SEA SHEET 1 OF 14 SHEETS 25 o530 1, cas $ METER = 3.2000993 U.S. BURVEY FEET ‘OaTE OF SUAVEY: Beginning Enging the AleaKa Departagnt of fon this subdivision for Loninue TA Scsi (7/9. SCALE 10.560 15.900 21120 FEET Te06 0 verens HOMER RECORDING DISTRICT 1 U.S. ACRE ® 0.4047 HECTARES WANE OF SURVEYOR: CRAZY MOUNTAIHS Jv. 4907 BUCKINGHAM WAY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99303 TATE OF ALASKA s DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES OIVISION OF LAND ANCHOAAGE, “aL ASie ALASKA STATE LAND SURVEY 91-38 WITHIN PORTIONS OF T.3S., As. 106 it W.. T.66.. 5, 9550. TSS. AS. 6 96 10N, AnD T.65., A.B W., oF On cea / 32-98 ‘SCALE SEWARD MERIDIAN, ALASKA aa ae tral Surveyat Bee ate = Shad? Casas Cate re in seco] | ASLS 940038 R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 35 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report FIRST STANDARD PARALLEL SOUTH 1.45. 35 Got ce'n. ser 36 R.40 W.[R.9 W. 34 (west 4659.02) ~~ (> -82"80"H. 8282.54) J \ 2 oN, ~ mess 5280) 77 WEST 2053.02 ~ 9° 89°S6-W. 5277.60 an ‘fe z27.01 \| w.e9"s7-20°H. s.as*se-2s-n, 7 S-09°S9°3S°H. 1319.45, 73) 2055.2: 3 t ray aaa 38 GF aS ei aa” s.as'ss°167H. } 626.24 $2.80 2c. POWER TUNNEL R.O.W. POWER TUNNEL. R.0.W.) AREA TABULATION (NORTH $0538, 70) H.0" 02" 2A"W. 20555, 42 SECTION 4 TRACT B 26.81 acres TOTAL 26.84 acres SECTION 2 TRACT B 419.81 TRACT O 8.02 TOTAL 126. SECTION 3 TRACT A 364.89 TOTAL 384. SECTION 9 Lot 4 127.87 TOTAL 127. TRACT A TRACT AL 139.39 acres TOTAL 439.39 acres a . BEAR ISLAND << : Seer re rRACT A 398.57 acres U.S.S.3356< 49 -U.S.S. 4727, L1 B41 TOTAL 398.57 acres ae 2 SECTION 14 U.S.S. ip Ss 2) = x TRACT B 222.79 acres %) 3 A 4728 of p-U.S.S.4727,L2 TOTAL 222.79 acres SECTION 42 TRACT B 64.44 acres TOTAL 64,41 acres 3375 Soy, U.S.S. U.S.S. 3023 U.S. manda 4727, L3 SECTION 13 TRACT B 41.59 acres TOTAL 41,59 acres 28 44°K, 32073.95. SECTION 14 TRACT B 1.56 acres TOTAL 1.56 acres (N.0°0S'#. 12075.38) — RACT A TOTAL PROVECT SCALE 4,536.74 acres AWOATH 10560.00) © sone 2090 000 $030 cor rent ———S 4 HOTER » 2.2900999 U.S. SURVEY FEET 10,5, ACHE = €.4067 HECTARES HOMER RECORDING DISTRICT Sisters Seams [Gate nna Baginning SEET. 23,3982 Jv. (O6T. "23,3985 | 4907 BUCKINGHAN WAY’ Ending Sets 24.2081 | Micronase. ALASKA, 99503 N.o"09'R1"¥, 10550, 40 STATE OF ALASKA 5.07 6F°20M. $200.19 : DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES: EST 5269.00) ~~ . DIVISION OF LAND 89° SO"EG™W, S0S61.64 ALASKA STATE LANO SURVEY 91~38 METHIN SECTIONS 3, 2, 3, 9, 10, 15, 42, 43, 44 AND TRACT A. True Nerdaien 7.5 S., R.40 W., SEWARD HERIOTAN, ALASKA ‘Gane BY 7 CATE — ca sien | Lae Aeemnan®? war re pd Rimini Magnetic Geclination ‘CHECKED | FILE NO. 2s" €, au 1908 ‘ aes ASLS 910038 R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 36 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report PROJECT BOUNDARY eo sec. 8 N_1/16 C-N 1/16 POWER TUNNEL ALIGNMENT SEC. 12 a i é a le PROJECT BOUNDARY ~ . BLM c C-E 1/16 a PROJECT BOUNDARY MATCH PLATE G-6 SW 1/16 M RECORD MEANo, Kee Fane BRADLEY LAKE MATCH PLATE G-8 L PROJECT BOUNDARY 1200° CONTOUR LINE SCALE ACCESS ROAD CORRTOOR AK SEC. 17 oso 500 1000 1590 2000 Feet — = C-E-NW 1/64 N 4/46 le os 100-208 SC«OOCNTERS PROJECT BOUNDARY 1 METER = 3,2006909 U.S. SURVEY FEET 1 U.S. ACRE = 0.047 HECTARES | eae CONTOUR LINE —————_» als ale Le UPPER BATTLE CREEK i Se ves ze DIVERSION els;-]>]*]*/el*s]-]s]e]:]¢]*]-]*]2]+/*]*]-]e]2]:]> | zh ef of of wah va] 2] of of ool asl al >| | of ol oe] oo] 7] o| | ool oe] oo sal | sol onl vel sal aol orf ae] os] 24] sal oo] 0] vol 9] of v9] ool | all ol ol 2| ‘20| as| 20] 23] 24] 39] 20] a1] aa] 23] ea] 2 ze} 28) 27 | 26| 25) 30 29) 20) 27] 26) 25) AK SEC. 13 7 SFCeCeeEeeoece 3 sl] al}2]sfels) «[alelsits® C-E-w 1/64 1/4 eee BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT = - =| = FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION PROJECT No. 8224 NOTES | Shee spear} pd hl ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY “ oot Cencoeceee * Ge teats of Lisuka, 'ece633 ond survey inetructione.” * fs fefof steppe" 5 PROJECT BOUNDARY - i 7| #] 8] 20] 23} sa] | 3 pianacian wel a] oo] | oe] 0} | 2 ACCESS ROAD §& DAM SITE 2. A11 improvenents, Dusiaings, and roads were digitize § tron aerial photography tenen Oct. 4. 1991 by Aeromap E23] 222 ae : — U's. Ine Poo z Caz WOUNTAING JV e 4807 BUCKINGHAM WAY EXHIBIT G PLATE 7 32} 39] 34] 95) 27.9 8. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 hel -telel: | * vf el ef wl alae ce vol of sof o0f ee wa Magnetic wf fesl oe wl sof | aif al a] oe] @ be taetien 2a] ashe] 2 el 2020] >| 20 a Y Wepeai uf =] 99] | 2] 2h H05-D-04-2206-R49 t FERC NO. 8221-107 R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. 37 Summary Level Supplement to Preliminary Design Report Se esas g i gn ¢ Seay rear epaeeeecaate © gheste lelegs | fz eras sessanaaane es 4 Tue j dé Hee + 5. do & 2 § ‘ jl eu §]. ¥ Bee Se" Sa & agit ls Bee 8S] i Be is 8 BS 855 /2eu2)?] oe 22 ea} 3 s83]* ul <a Ee fy S383) <] "a w ie ae (ees) 21 SS af... TE a eo aaa aa = wy BR 8S fur wey ol oll py Seeideddsteised isles tietilcscsscsie eeswemildcicidive séddeidillsiiec sell sceicilddsssiissselilseiecede cess di i 4 [esse] e as2g af [2°R 8 we} 2 sees: eee aesgusresaegcavansaragncaraceatavascegesecteans S Bi Sai Joes 1G] eo 28 Bl 5 seersarzaazs ar ; . a fest | 2 gs” 2) & Ren saSHaeais® per Spee ee LSTRS A * ‘be ; 8 mike | é [aase = < - : opeeey 8 Tle, - ane ESF g s q 28 as Q] © seiciceideinciiicte td ceiviiidvindzd cade jit iddddeddddddvddadcdsdsediddedddddiddedddsdeddddededs zz me * oa aes sauasaatanRASRIeIaE? aaagazeeszas Satadastaaettaagas shane anaehtehseatete 2 sehen z Q Pel o o o » o o no o » ” 2 a » o o 8 $ 3 8 3 : 8 H 3 3 3 3 8 o 8 8 8 ° °° c is & c & c c c G c co S c c G c c c ou ge wna ao oa oo oo o ao ob onan oo no ws oo ovo ooo wu Load on on eua en en vo oa on ao oavn eoovun eo ao on an ono eon on er 2 e 2? 2 i: 2 é 3 2 sos eee? 2 2 . 7 ee ee 2 b oo ur oun ao on og on cm og cocn buoow on on eo oo oun oon uo a < 20 oo ean oa on an oo ae am yea ranman an om au aco ano aao av w eo o ons y s o t oo ow uv sme I 300 ow aj} 88] 3°) Ses] sg] s) ag} 5°] m8] 88] vans] Sears] 5°] ag) af] sg] see] sae] esis, > ° o “ao a a o o ° a * SS OInN n o nm oO on ot o ou g ag ry a 7 o mn Oat “=O iro) st wo nt 7 “ ce 7 > 2 a a a oS aa a ca a a 2 2 Pr = 2 wy a J © 3 < <2 < < < < < a a =< < < < <= a = a =< =< a +{| O65 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 5 5 S 5 5 6 5 5 5 5|| 3 OF oF mor mor oF <F ar oF <F <ooFr a00ur or <r ar. or <0oF aor <P ll ie = kb bre re b b - br be BRE REEE r b bk kt RR kr bk 3 be Oo go a a oOo “Oo TO no wooVv mnooUoUg ao uo mo T0 ooo woo oo < <5 | Se | See [Se | Pe |e |TE [TE | Tae | “ese [reece | “Ee [SE [PE [ME [SEE [MEF | PE flew wiilza0 gr Zee ze Br Ze Zr Zr Ze ZeRREF 2ZRRERER Ze Zr Ze 2e 2fF ZeER ze io o oa oa So a °o °° °° So co o oO o o So o «|| 8 8 8 8 8 § 8 a 8 8 g 8 8 8 8 8 R fe E c rs E FE E E 5 e Ee E F E fg Fe FE 5 F <1 ig a g i Py a a re B u @ a G g B a i u io no uo a uo wo uo ao n on an a a a oa o Oo wo 1S3M NVYIGINSN SOIND GNODSS “AOU “A BY “7 o m —? a its) m a a <8m . x es x 3 ; @ a a3 i 5 3 7 ; w z x 3 2 2% Cc Ge z ER m g v 2 « o to} - < a a oo uw a 4 5 a 8 4 Mm = i \ i a | ; g ¥ 8 6 ae x8 w 88 ~go a : : nie fe 3 4 o se 0 3 ae a fo) a $2 3 Fg wu 82 5 8 ° o oO a a © m a 0otmes “y. 5 tS 80° ones FA loo" coast 3 aa ———"too-e0ag)— WMP iscsor -arezoow OO sorasser “S.t0.t0,0% 7 PY (04" 96508 Hivon foo" oss01 Hawon) an feoreaner mauan) 5223 Gatpraw onan 3588 Bu z ASLS 910038 SHEET 7 OF 14 SHEETS Summary Level Supplement 38 INC. R&M CONSULTANTS, to Preliminary Design Report