HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPMC Meeting - January 20, 1989 2Lv jn a j 7) SISOS EE OTA SECT L, NFSOuNl—sZSt~-Sor Cb8-! . ££02-b08 (2008) O98O-o1S00 EmsOIw WSosGulCw S2SC-soP (200) Reo sO eos FOL bbBOS CONEDIY “NEeuUnr <2 @S6r4ouduy-OvZeZL—-TaZ Pde» SIIWO BSwWatd APOIZ WL -SIHL JO Wiw BAIBIBW iON CC MOA SI 2S-G I Z39vd BRAD SIHL BNIGNTONI Leer CeO +2005 3SuvHD LZLEL-19S APLOI”G oP Sees 7S Ts ll-zse To AS TOD UGAND "ITI FXO ISNOILINULISNI Wiosds '4NBS ZivG 7LNZS S398Vd JO BIGWNN SZEWNN BNOHKAS 131 ?UBONIS TMBSWNN BNONG ADODIISL iSSzZvaawv ANWaWOD TANVGWOD 20 BWYN 701 4NBS AdODBIAL (292E-S9~ (2406) *ON BUSug AdO>8,e, AVENNT) (PBSE-T9S (£06) -ON BUCUGg ACODe1a1 EBVUOHSNY) WAS SENT ** COUNT # 16 agozadzasargzcag DxBDi~ 1 @LDis AIIOUIN GY IBMOg ENSAY TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT KK (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) eK SEND 2K | NO REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME DURATION ] #PAGES COMMENT | CCITT G3 1- 9-89 13:55 9°03" 16 TOTAL 0:09'03" 16 XEROX TELECOPIER 7026 \ Alaska Power Authority State of Alaska TELECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: _|/)) ke Ke Hu NAME OF COMPANY: GVEA COMPANY ADDRESS: icb dk TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: 9 > 2/15) ext S33 SENDER: Julie Becker _ TELEPHONE NUMBER: 90) 70 // CHARGE CODE: © 2” NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: IG INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE pare set; «1 9-89 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: ?/¢ase_provid. Fy 0 Mc _12-8-88 = PO Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99844 (907) 465-3575 x 253 G91 WRP8+9 704 East Tudor Road = Anchorage. Alaska 99519-0869 = (907) 561-7877 BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE December ?, 1988 AGENDA Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Training Room 5601 Minnesota Drive Anchorage, Alaska 1. CALL TO ORDER Kelly 10:00 a.m. 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC COMMENT 4. MODIFICATION OF AGENDA , Kelly 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Kelly November 30, 1988 6. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT LeResche 7. REVIEW OF PROJECT STATUS Kelly a. Status Report on Rural Electrification Administration Approvals b. Discussion of Fritz Creek Transmission Line c. Discussion of HEA Transmission Services Agreement 8. TECHNICAL COORDINATING COMMITTEE REPORT Yerkes Report on Configuration Control Committee 9. OTHER BUSINESS Kelly Schedule Next Meeting L Date a Location Ill. Time 10. COMMUNICATIONS 11, ADJOURNMENT Kelly ; we Le Alaska Power Authority MEMORANDUM TO: Bradley Lake Project ee eee @ BM) Vetoes FROM: Robert E. LeResche pr Secretary, PMC ; DATE: December 8, 1988 SUBJECT: Meeting Minutes Enclosed for your use are the following documents: 1) Draft minutes of the November 30, 1988 PMC meeting for your review, 2) Executed minutes of the October 21, 1988 PMC meeting for your record, and 3) Bradley Lake PMC Mailing List, as revised December 7, 1988. The draft agenda for the next PMC meeting will be distributed once the next meeting date has been set. Enclosures: as stated BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE November 30, 1988 1. CALL TO ORDER Robert E. LeResche called the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee to order at 10:40 a.m. in the Training Room of Chugach Electric Association, to conduct the business of the Committee per the agenda and public notice. 2. ROLL CALL The roll call was taken and a quorum established. In attendance were the following: Designated Representative Designated Alternate Representing HEMI Robert E. LeResche Brent N. Petrie Alaska Power Authority E. Paul Diener City of Seward James F. Palin Myles C. Yerkes Matanuska Electric Association Dave Highers Tom Lovas Chugach Electric Association Kent Wick Sam Mathews Homer Electric Association Michael Kelly Robert Hansen Golden Valley Electric Association John Cooley Municipal Light and Power Representatives Absent Alternates Absent Representing Bob Peirson City of Seward Thomas R. Stahr Municipal Light and Power Others Present Representing : Marcey Rawitscher Alaska Power Authority Julie Becker Alaska Power Authority Dave Eberle Alaska Power Authority Ron Saxton Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. Marnie Isaacs Alaska Power Authority Ron Zellar Anchorage Times (present for part of session) 3. PUBLIC COMMENT There being no public comment, Mr. LeResche proceeded to agenda item 4. 4. MODIFICATION OF AGENDA Discussion of HEA Transmission Services Agreement was added as agenda item 7.d. PMC Meeting Minutes (BRADNOV) Page 2 of 6 November 30, 1988 Agenda item 8., Status Report on Rural Electric Association Approvals, was corrected to Status Report on Rural Electrification Administration Approvals and became agenda item 7.c.1. Election of Officers was added as agenda item 5.b. 5.a. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Highers motioned, seconded by Mr. Cooley, that the minutes of the October 21, 1988 PMC meeting be approved as corrected. The motion passed without objection. 5.b. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Mr. Highers nominated Mr. Kelly for the position of Chairman of the PMC. There were no further nominations and the election was unanimous. Mr. Saxton noted that the Bradley Project Management Committee Bylaws, which were adopted via Resolution 88-1 at the October 21, 1988 meeting provide that the Power Authority serve as the permanent Secretary of the Committee (reference Article 3 of the Bylaws). Mr. Palin nominated Mr. LeResche as the Secretary with Mr. Petrie to serve as the Alternate Secretary. The election passed unanimously. Mr. Palin nominated Mr. Highers to serve as Vice-Chairman of the Committee. The election passed unanimously. 6. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT a. Review of Report on Meetings with Rating Agencies and Bond Insurance Com- panies Mr. LeResche noted the two reports which had been distributed by Ms. Rawitscher to the Committee members (reference Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Project Finance Team Newsletter Volume 1 and Number 2 - November 23, 1988). It was determined that Ms. Rawitscher would check with Messrs. Shira and Emerman, Alaska Power Authority, to deter- mine what information has previously been provided by the utilities in order to minimize any duplication of effort in the submittals to R.W. Beck, Consulting Engineer. It was noted that Ms. Rawitscher would coordinate the information flow to R.W. Beck. Mr. LeResche said that the work effort with R..W. Beck was proceeding slowly, pending receipt of the REA approvals. Mr. Palin requested that a summary of fees paid to date to John Nuveen and Company, lead underwriter, associated with the Bradley Lake Project be provided by the Power Authority to the PMC participants. Information requested included the year, amount, purpose, and net interest associated with any bond issuances. It was determined that Ms. Rawitscher would provide a summary of this information. 6.b. Consideration of Finance Team Mr. LeResche recommended that the PMC appoint two members to serve on the Finance Team in the interest of efficien- cy. These members would provide continuing advice to the Power Authority on the finance issue. Mr. Highers asked what the responsibilities and authority of the Finance Team would be. Mr. LeResche responded that the Finance Team would: work with the underwriters, assist in the selection of the co-manager; work with the Consulting Engineer, R.W. Beck, and PMC Meeting Minutes (BRADNOV) Page 3 of 6 November 30, 1988 the rating agencies; decide on the bond timing, sizing and pricing; provide document review (i.e., of the official statements); and report back to the PMC. Mr. LeResche noted that he would not take action relative to the bond issuance without dis- cussing the matter with the PMC. Mr. Cooley motioned, seconded by Mr. Wick, that Messrs. Palin and Kelly be appointed to serve on the Finance Team. Mr. Palin amended his motion to add a third member, Mr. Highers; the amendment was seconded by Mr. Cooley. The amendment to the main motion and the main motion carried without objection appointing Messrs, Palin, Kelly and Highers to serve on the Finance Team. It was noted in the intent of the motion that the primary players (i.e., Messrs. Palin, Kelly and Highers) participate; however, in the event that any of them were unable to participate, that alternates be present. Mr. Palin asked what legal right the PMC has in the Bradley Lake bond issuance. Mr. Saxton responded that in theory the PMC has no legal right; however, the PMC does have practical power in that the bonds will not be sold without utility con- sent. Mr. Highers suggested that the PMC establish through charter or other form of formally adopted direction, the tasks, duties and responsibilities of the Finance Subcommittee. Mr. LeResche clarified that the Finance Team is a working group, which provides input into the decision making process relative to the bond issuance. This is distinct from the Finance Sub- committee of the PMC (a policy group), which provides recommendations to the PMC relative to issues which the PMC has directed to the Subcommittee. Mr. Kelly suggested that it be a standard procedure that future PMC meetings be held in the Training Room of Chugach Electric Association and that CEA arrange for lunch to be brought in to these meetings for the participants. It was noted that the Anchorage area members did not incur travel expenses associated with attendance at the meetings as did the majority of the other members. There was no objection expressed. 7, REVIEW OF PROJECT STATUS Discussion on Independent Review of Stability Issue Mr. Eberle noted that most members of the TCC met yesterday (i.e., November 29, 1988) with Mr. Harrison Clark of Power Technologies, Inc. (PTI) to review the Power Authority’s planned approach to review of the stability studies. Mr. Cooley noted that PTI was not actually providing an independent review of the stability studies (i.e., by SEI), but rather a review of the stability issue. Mr. Cooley noted that PTI was directed to identify alternative resolutions (i.e., other than intertie), and the design for the alternative resolution to the stability issue. Mr. Eberle advised that as a result of the meeting, PTI’s scope was expanded to address; 1) intertie option, 2) non-intertie option, and 3) "band- aid" solution. The report by PTI will show the impact of not having the Bradley Junction to Fritz Creek section of the transmission line. The draft report is scheduled for January 30, 1989. PTI will develop alternative solutions and compare and contrast these methods and iden- tify three optimum solutions. At that time, utility feedback will be solicited and a final report issued one week (i.e., February 7, 1989) thereafter, assuming the Power Authority proceeds with Phase II of PTI’s contract. PTI would optimize the sizing and equipment specifications by June of 1989. 7.b. Consideration of Resolution Regarding Capitalizing the Cost of Stability Studies It was noted that CEA had paid SEI for their work relative to the Bradley Lake stability study, which has been completed, and was seeking reimbursement from Bradley Lake Project funds. It was further noted that the cost of the SEI was original- ly estimated at $60,000; however, the cost billed to date has been $45,000. Mr. Saxton read the draft resolution prepared by CEA which provides that the cost of the SEI Stability Study be capital- ized as a part of the Bradley Lake Project cost. Mr. LeResche noted that the draft resolution as written, provides that the Power Authority would thus pay 50% of the cost of this study and suggested that the cost of the PTI study also be capital- PMC Meeting Minutes (BRADNOV) Page 4 of 6 November 30, 1988 ized. Mr. Yerkes suggested that it is appropriate for the cost of Phase I of the PTI study to be funded from the Railbelt Energy Fund, since Phase I addressed alternatives to an intertie and was undertaken by the Power Authority without utility involvement. Mr. Yerkes further suggested that to the extent that the additional PTI scope (i.e., Phases II and III)will op- timize the Bradley Lake Project, the cost of Phases II-III could be capitalized as a part of the Bradley Lake Project. Mr. Yerkes noted that the utility representatives (i.e., TCC) had been asked to participate in the November 29, 1988 meeting with PTI and the Power Authority. Mr. Palin motioned, seconded by Mr. Highers, that the PMC adopt the subject resolution approving capitalizing the cost of the SEI stability study at an amount Not to Exceed $60,000. The motion passed without objection, with Messrs. Le- Resche, Diener, Palin, Highers, Wick, Kelly, and Cooley voting yes, adopting this as BPMC Resolution 88-2. 7.c.1. Status Report on Rural Electrification Administration Approvals. Mr. Saxton referenced his November 18, 1988 memorandum to the BPMC regarding Status Report. Mr. Saxton noted that he had met with REA twice during the past month, including one meeting which Mr. Petrie also attended. Mr. Saxton noted that once the following issues are addressed, REA will require two months to approve the submittal and March 1, 1989 is the earliest date at which Mr. Saxton anticipates receiving REA approval. Mr. LeResche cautioned the Committee that the Alaska Legislature reconvenes in January of 1989 and the PSA is not yet enforceable. 1) The PSA and CEA Services Agreement remain acceptable to REA; however, the position of REA is that they will ap- prove the entire Bradley Lake package at one time, as opposed to approving individual documents/agreements. 2) The HEA Agreement was submitted to REA approximately one year ago; however, this agreement has been reworked. The status of theFritz Creek to Bradley Junction segment of the transmission needs to be determined; at that time the Agree- ment will need to go back before the requisite Boards of Directors for approval and then resubmitted to REA for approval. 3) REA sent letters to GVEA, HEA and CEA asking for additional information. The response by GVEA has been sub- mitted and the response by CEA will be mailed within the next few days. HEA has provided their response in draft form at the request of REA and they are awaiting any comments by REA. Mr. Saxton summarized the status of the required items as follows: Document/Utility Approval REA Informal Approval = REAFormal Approval 1) PSA/Done Informally Approved None 2) CEA Services Agreement/Done Informally Approved None 3) Letter Agreement/All but Seward, CEA, ML&P None None 4) HEA Transmission as Amended/Not final None None 7.c.2.Discussion of Fritz Creek Transmission Line Mr. Mathews distributed copies of Mr. Wick’s November 28, 1988 memorandum to the Bradley Lake Participants, Sub- ject: Bradley Junction-Fritz Creek Transmission with an attached October 28, 1988 report from Commonwealth Associates, Inc. (CAI), Subject: Feasibiltiy of Bradley Junction-Fritz Creek 115 kV Line. Mr. Mathews noted that CAI had reviewed the data from existing studies and concluded that the savings to the purchasing utilities from the potential system losses if PMC Meeting Minutes (BRADNOV) Page 5 of 6 November 30, 1988 the Bradley Junction-Fritz Creek line is not constructed are high enough to pay for the cost of constructing the line. Mr. Mathews said that HEA is looking for comments from the PMC on this issue and HEA’s proposal as contained in Mr. Wick’s letter. It was noted that a decision is required prior to HEA letting the transmission line contract February, 1989. Mr. Mathews said that HEA does not feel that the absence of this segment will affect stability. Mr. Yerkes said that he dis- agreed completely and that this line segment affects system viability. It was noted that CAI in their cover letter to HEA states, "from the engineering perspective, we would recommend that HEA build the line anyway for the loss savings and improvement in system reliability.". Mr. Mathews responded that HEA would defer building this segment at this time due to the cost. Mr. Yerkes suggested that the second transmission line out of the project, as well as other project features, should also be eliminated if this segment is not constructed. Mr. Kelly noted that the CAI report shows that with a 40 MW Bradley Lake Project (i.e., base loaded project) the $323,000 in annual savings to HEA from loss reduction exceeds the $308,000 annual fixed charges and O & M for the Bradley Junc- tion-Fritz Creek segment (reference pages 3 and 4 of CAI 10-28-88 report). Mr. Kelly also noted that according to the CAI report, the annual savings from loss reduction from the Bradley Lake Project operated in a peaking mode are $137,000 directly to HEA and that HEA will recover an additional 12% of $847,000 Bradley Owners Displacement benefits for an underrecovery by HEA of approximately $70,000 (or $308,000 debt service net $137,000 direct benefits to HEA net $101,640 HEA share of project benefits) per year during the first three years (i.e., until load growth south of Soldotna increases). With the understanding that the numbers are preliminary, Mr. Kelly asked Mr. Wick for his response to this philosophy. Mr. Wick responded that he had not had time to thoroughly review the report and was unprepared to respond at this time. Mr. Kelly suggested that Mr. Wick ask the HEA Board of Directors if the $70,000 additional cost per year 1-3 of the Brad- ley Lake Project is good reliability insurance. Mr. Wick said that he will develop a proposal or amendment to the HEA Transmission Sharing Agreement for the PMC to respond to by next week (i.e., December 5, 1988). Mr. Kelly said that an amendment is premature, since the refined num- bers will affect the response of the PMC. It was noted that this issue is on the critical path relative to secure REA approvals. Mr. Kelly asked that Mr. Wick notify him when he is ready to address this issue; at that time Mr. Kelly will call a PMC meet- ing or workshop to address this issue. Both expressed the expectation that this occur within two weeks. 7.4. Discussion of HEA Transmission Services Agreement Mr. Saxton said that the agreement developed by Mr. Baldwin has previously been distributed; however, an amendment is required to explain whether there is a construction obligation on the part of HEA once item 7.c.2. (i.e., Fritz Creek trans- mission line) is resolved (reference draft Transmission Services Agreement distributed via Mr. Baldwin’s 10/17/88 memorandum and Mr. Baldwin’s 11/23/88 memorandum, subject: Amended Agreement). Mr. Kelly suggested that the par- ticipants consider that their respective Boards of Directors will need to address this issue at the end of December, 1988 or early January, 1989. Mr. Palin distributed copies of the October 31, 1988 memorandum from Mr. Yerkes to Messrs. Palin and Ritchey, Subject: Outstanding AEG&T/HEA Issues and Concerns. There was discussion as to whether these issues would be more ap- propriately addressed in an operating agreement. The consensus was for the TCC members to come to their next meeting prepared to deal with these items and report back to the PMC. It was noted that major changes to the HEA Transmission Services Agreement were not contemplated. 8. TECHNICAL COORDINATING COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Eberle reported that the Configuration Control Board has not met since the last PMC meeting nor have there been any major change orders. Mr. Yerkes, as the TCC’s representative to the Configuration Control Board did visit the site several weeks ago. Mr. Eberle noted that the major excavation for the dam has been completed and that excavation for the manifold system will be complete by January of 1989. PMC Meeting Minutes (BRADNOV) Page 6 of 6 November 30, 1988 9. OTHER BUSINESS Schedule Next Meeting Mr. Kelly said that he would call the next meeting after he hears from Mr. Wick relative to the Bradley Junction-Fritz Creek Transmission segment. Mr. Kelly asked Mr. Wick to distribute to the PMC any information relative to this issue. Mr. Kelly anticipated that the next meeting would occur in December of 1988. 10. COMMUNICATIONS There were no further communications or business. 11. ADJOURNMENT The Committee adjourned at 1:45 p.m. CHAIRMAN ATTEST: SECRETARY APPROVED AT PMC MEETING HELD BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE October 21, 1988 1. CALL TO ORDER Robert E. LeResche called the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee meeting to order at 1:55 p.m. in the Train- ing Room of Chugach Electric Association, to conduct the business of the Committee per the agenda. 2. ROLL CALL In attendance were the following: Designated Representative Designated Alternate Representing i t_ Robert E. LeResche Brent N. Petrie Alaska Power Authority E. Paul Diener City of Seward James F, Palin Myles C. Yerkes Matanuska Electric Assoc., Inc. Dave Highers Tom Lovas Chugach Electric Assoc., Inc. Kent Wick Sam Mathews Homer Electric Assoc., Inc. Michael Kelly Robert Hansen Golden Valley Electric Assoc., Inc. Thomas R. Stahr John Cooley Municipal Light and Power Representatives Absent i Alternates Absent Representing —_ Bob Peirson City of Seward Others Present Representing = Ron Rainey Homer Electric Assoc., Inc. Ron Saxton Golden Valley Electric Assoc., Inc. Dave Hutchens Alaska Rural Electric Cooperative Assoc. Kurt S. Dzinich Senate Advisory Council Donald L. Shira Alaska Power Authority Julie Becker Alaska Power Authority 3. PUBLIC COMMENT There being no public comment, Mr. LeResche proceeded to agenda item 4. 4. MODIFICATION OF AGENDA Discussion of Rural Electric Association Approvals was added as agenda item 6.a. Discussion of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Hydroelectric Fees was added as agenda item 8.a. BRADLEY LAKE PMC Page 2 of 5 October 21, 1988 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Palin motioned, seconded by Mr. Highers, that the minutes of the September 27, 1988 Bradley Lake Project Manage- ment Committee meeting be approved as distributed. The motion passed without objection. 6.a. DISCUSSION OF RURAL ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION APPROVALS Mr. Saxton explained that there are two issues related to REA approvals: 1) REA approval that the PSA is acceptable for any party to enter into; and 2) REA approval that it is acceptable for the individual utilities to participate in or sign the PSA. Mr. Saxton said that a letter agreement has been developed and distributed to the signatories to the PSA stating that the parties agree to an interpretation to the PSA and Chugach Electric Association agreements. Mr. Saxton noted that the at- torneys for each party have reviewed and have no objection to the letter agreement. Mr. Saxton said that the letter agree- ment has been set up for the utility managers to sign and that REA stated that they will accept this letter when it is signed by the managers. This letter agreement was executed at the meeting. Mr. Saxton said that REA asked for a summary of documents two weeks ago (i.e., near October 7, 1988) and this summary has been submitted to REA. Mr. Saxton said that the HEA transmission agreement, which has been revised and the revisions verbally approved by ML&P, will require reapproval by each participant prior to REA approval. Mr. Saxton recounted that on October 11, 1988, REA sent letters to CEA, GVEA and HEA asking for additional informa- tion; however, no information has been submitted in response to this request to date. It was noted that REA is raising ad- ditional issues at this time and that REA will not approve utility participation in the PSA until their information requests are satisfied. The individual utilities (ic, CEA, GVEA and HeA)anticipated no problem in responding to the informa- tion requests and said that responses will be forthcoming within 10 days. Mr. Saxton will determine if the documentation is satisfactory to REA during his trip to Washington, D.C. on Four Dam Pool business in two weeks (i.e., near October 4, 1988). 6.b. DISCUSSION OF INDEPENDENT REVIEW OF STABILITY STUDIES Mr. Yerkes said that a final stability studies report is to be issued within a few weeks. In regard to the independent review of the stability studies which had previously been suggested by Mr. Dzinich, Mr. Yerkes noted that he and Afzal Khan, Alas- ka Power Authority, agree that current contractors to the Alaska Power Authority are not appropriate to do the inde- pendent review. Mr. LeResche said that due to the State of Alaska procurement process, retainage of a contractor to do the independent review will take a few months. Mr. LeResche commented that the intent is to utilize Railbelt Alternatives Study funds for this scope of work. Mr. Palin motioned, seconded by Mr. Kelly, that the BPMC authorize release of the Draft Press Release-Southern Inter- tie as redrafted (reference Draft No. 4). The motion passed without objection. 6. c. STATUS OF FRITZ CREEK TRANSMISSION LINE Mr. Mathews said that Homer Electric Association has been building the first ten mile section of the transmission line. En- gineering is complete and material is on order for the next twelve mile section, with a start date anticipated for late Novem- ber of 1988. Mr. Mathews noted that a November 18, 1988 prequalification date and January 21, 1989 bid date have been set for the segment to be contracted out, Tustumena Road to Bradley Junction. It was noted that the Invitation for Bids BRADLEY LAKE PMC Page 3 of S October 21, 1988 requires that this work be bid two ways; Kasilof to Bradley Junction and Kasilof to Fritz Creek. Mr. Wick noted that the intent of this was to enable HEA to delay their decision to construct one or both segments until the February, 1989 HEA Board of Director’s meeting when this contract is scheduled to be awarded. It was noted that neither bid will allow com- pletion of an intertie to Fritz Creek concurrent with the Bradley Lake Project coming on-line. Mr. Wick said that the com- pletion date can be changed to correspond with completion of the Bradley Lake Project (i.e., 1991) during the prebid conferences. Mr. Wick said that load growth for the southern Kenai Peninsula has been less than originally anticipated and that the voltage problem is not as severe as originally thought; therefore, HEA anticipates delaying construction of the Fritz Creek to Bradley Junction segment for two to five years. It was noted that construction of the other segments is well ahead of schedule and that construction of the Fritz Creek to Bradley Junction segment is estimated at $3,000,000 for an annual carrying cost of $400,000 - $500,000. Mr. Wick said that HEA will not build this segment until it is absolutely needed. Mr. Kelly noted that the absence of this segment will reduce stability and cause outages on the Kenai Peninsula. Mr. Palin suggested that HEA and the Technical Coordinating Committee discuss the impact of the lack of this segment and that the BPMC consider that HEA should not have to bear the total cost of this segment. Mr. Palin suggested that the Committee might want to include this segment as part of the Bradley Lake Project. Mr. LeResche said that this segment is not required for the operation of the Bradley Lake Project; however, utility line problems will be minimized by its inclusion. Mr. Cooley said that without this segment, transmission line problems will black- out the Kenai Peninsula. Mr. Yerkes added that while the major risk is to the southern system, the northern system could also be affected. Mr. Yerkes said that with a fault in the new line, the Bradley Project will go off-line and with the 60 MW decrease, the Kenai Peninsula will go black. Mr. Yerkes also noted that in addition to the stability problem, the Brad- ley Lake Project output will be restricted for the Project can not be operated at full capacity without great risk without the second line. Mr. Saxton noted that the transmission agreement only defines the Bradley Junction to Soldotna Substation segment of the line. Mr. Kelly noted that there had been a change in the original understanding that this segment would be completed coinci- dent with the Bradley Lake Project and that this issue needs to be addressed as a policy issue before the PMC. Mr. Wick said that the original intent was that this segment would be completed at the same time as the Bradley Lake Project. Mr. Wick said that revisions need to be made to the HEA contract if this line segment is in fact delayed. Mr. Wick said that he will work with Mr. Baldwin to add language to the contract in the event this line segment is delayed. Mr. Kelly said that HEA needs to inform the parties of their determination as to whether or not HEA is willing to absorb the impact of not having this segment constructed, then each of the other parties can assess the relative risk or problem to each of their systems. Mr. Wick responded that HEA members are not willing to absorb the cost of $3,000,000 ($400,000 - $500,000 per year) at this time and that they are unwilling to assume any risk. Mr. Wick said that the stability problem at this time is unquantifiable and he expects that the line will be very reliable, since there areno mountain crossings or avalanche areas. Mr. Kelly said that it is then up to the other parties to determine if they are willing to accept the risk to their lines. Mr. Saxton interpreted this to mean that the attorneys should not do any further work with regard to the transmission agree- ment until this issue is resolved, since the agreement does not address that segment and some of the Boards of Directors might vote not to approve the agreement in absence of this issue being addressed in the agreement. Mr. LeResche noted that the Power Authority Selection Committee for the Consulting Engineer for Bradley Lake clearly recommended R.W. Beck; therefore, interviews were not scheduled with R.W. Beck and CH2M Hill. Mr. LeResche left the meeting at this time to meet his airline reservation. Mr. Petrie nominated Mr. Kelly to serve as Ac- ting Chairman for the remainder of this meeting. The motion passed without objection. BRADLEY LAKE PMC Page 4 of 5 October 21, 1988 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Consideration of Draft By-laws Mr. Saxton distributed copies of Bradley Project Management Committee Bylaws, as dated October 19, 1988, which incor- porated comments discussed at the September 27, 1988 meeting on the previous draft and comments received after that meeting from CEA, MEA, and HEA. Mr. Saxton noted that it is a simple process to amend the Bylaws subsequent to their adoption. Mr. Saxton reviewed each of the Bylaw Articles presented and noted that as presented the quorum is constituted of five members. Mr. Saxton also noted that Committee actions may be taken by any reasonable voting method; however, all ac- tions taken via teleconferencing shall be by roll call vote (reference Article 5.10.1). Mr. Saxton discussed the provisions of Article 5.10.4, which require the affirmative vote of at least four representatives of the Purchasers whose percentage shares of Project capacity are greater than 51% and which do not require action by the Power Authority. Such actions include: adopting of procedures for scheduling, production and dispatch of Project power; selection among alternative methods that do not involve the Power Authority for funding required project work; and establishment of procedures for the use of each Purchaser’s water allocation, except that the Power Authority’s affirmative vote shall be required for any water alloca- tion decision which affects performance of the Power Authority’s obligation under its FERC license. Mr. Yerkes expressed concern that Article 5.10.4 may conflict with the PSA and the Power Authority’s entitlement to vote. Mr. Saxton responded that he does not see a problem if the Power Authority approves the Bylaws. Mr. Saxton reviewed Article 5.10.5 which sets out the mattters which shall require the affirmative vote of at least four rep- resentatives of the Purchasers, whose percentage share of Project capacity are greater than 51% plus the affirmative vote of the Power Authority representative. Such matters include: arranging for the operation and maintenance of the Project; adoption of budget of annual project costs; establishing for each Fiscal Year the estimated annual payment obligation and schedule of each Purchaser; determining the actual annual project costs; evaluation of the necessity for and scheduling of required project work, determining the appropriate amount of and obtaining Project insurance, adopting additional mini- mum funding amounts for the Renewal and Contingency Reserve Fund; selection among alternative methods that involve the Power Authority for funding required project work; adoption or amendment of procedural rules of the Committee ex- cept for dispute resolution procedures; adoption of maintenance schedules for the Project; determination of rules, proce- dures and accounts necessary to manage the Project when no bonds are outstanding; evaluation and approval of optional project work and associated compensation; application of insurance claims proceeds not governed by the bond resolution; approval of procedures and any individual utility agreements relating to electric power reserves for the Project; and the ap- proval of consultants. Dispute resolution procedures require unanimous concurrence of all Committee members and election of officers requires a majority of Committee votes, with each member receiving an equal vote including the Power Authority. Mr. Saxton noted that the Committee in adopting these rules of procedure is making a policy decision that they will operate in the open. Mr. Saxton said that the Attorney General’s Office has said that the BPMC is not formally subject to the State of Alaska’s open meetings law. The motion was made and seconded to adopt A Resolution of the Bradley Project Management Committee, established pursuant to Section 13 of the Bradley Agreement for the Sales and Purchase of Electric Power ("the Power Sales Agree- ment") establishing Bylaws for the operation of the Committee. This motion was passed without objection adopting this as Resolution 88-1. The motion was made and seconded to amend Article 13.1.1.(b), such that reimbursement will not exceed $35.00 per day, plus the actual expense for lodging and travel. This motion was withdrawn leaving the reimbursement not to exceed $150.000 per day for a maximum of two days travel and actual meeting days for each duly convened meeting of the Com- mittee. BRADLEY LAKE PMC Page 5 of 5 October 21, 1988 8. OTHER BUSINESS a. Discussion of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Hydroelectric Fees Mr. Petrie advised the BPMC that the Power Authority had requested exemption from the payment of annual FERC fees for the Four Dam Pool projects. It was noted that the FERC has granted a conditional exemption for the Terror Lake and Solomon Gulch projects; however, FERC perceives that the municipalities (i.¢., the Cities of Petersburg, Wrangell and Ketchikan) accrue a profit and as such are not eligible for exemption from administrative and land use fees. It was noted that the past fees in question have been paid in protest and that the Power Authority and Four Dam Pool Purchasing Utilities will be meeting with the FERC staff on November 9, 1988 to address the area of dispute. Update on Stability Studies It was noted that $60,000 has been spent to date on the Bradley Lake stability studies by Southern Company Services, Inc. (SEI). Discussion ensued regarding the allocation of this $60,000 plus future costs related to this work to be shared by the Committee members. There was no objection to allocating this cost to all of the members as part of the capital cost of the Project. It was determined that a draft resolution on this issue would be presented to the members by Mr. Saxton prior to the next meeting. 8.b. Schedule Next Meeting It was determined that the next meeting of the BPMC would convene November 30, 1988 at 10:00 a.m. in the Training Room of Chugach Electric Association. 9. COMMUNICATIONS There being no further business before the Committee, a motion was made to adjourn. 10. ADJOURNMENT Acting Chairman Kelly adjourned the meeting at 4:00 p.m. abe ACTING CHAIRMAN APPROVED AT BPMC MEETING HELD November 30, 1988. DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE Bradley Lake Project Management Committee (Dec. 7, 1988) DESIGNATED ALTERNATE REPRESENTI Everett Paul Diener Robert E. LeResche James F. Palin David L. Highers B. Kent Wick Michael P. Kelly Thomas R. Stahr Bob Peirson City of Seward P. O. Box 167 Seward, AK 99664 224-3331 224-3248 (Fax) Brent N. Petrie Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 561-7877 (Anchorage) 465-3575 (Juneau) 561-8584 (Fax) Myles C. Yerkes Matanuska Electric Assoc., Inc. 163 Industrial Way P.O. Box 2929 Palmer, AK 99645-2929 745-3231 745-9328 (Fax) Tom Lovas Chugach Electric Assoc., Inc. 5601 Minnesota Drive P.O. Box 196300 Anchorage, AK 99519-6300 563-7494 562-0027 (Fax) S.C. Mathews Homer Electric Assoc., Inc. P.O. Box 429 3977 Lake Street Homer, AK 99603 235-8167 235-8496 (Fax) Bob Hansen Golden Valley Electric Assoc., Inc. P.O. Box 1249 Fairbanks, AK 99707 452-1151 451-0556 (Fax) John Cooley Municipal Light and Power Municipality of Anchorage 1200 East 1st Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501-1685 279-7671 276-2961 (Fax) OTHERS ON BRADLEY LAKE PMC MAILING LIST (December 7, 1988) NAME REPRESENTING Fee Kurt Dzinich Senate Advisory Council Goldstein Building, Room 208 P.O. Box V Juneau, AK 99811 Ron Saxton Golden Valley Electric Assoc. Lindsay, Hart, Neil & Weigler 225 S. W. Columbia, Suite 1800 Portland, OR 97201-6618 OFFICERS CHAIRMAN Michael P. Kelly VICE-CHAIRMAN David L. Highers SECRETARY Robert E. LeResche (Brent N. Petrie, Alternate) SUBCOMMITTEES TECHNICAL COORDINATING COMMITTEE FINANCE Myles C. Yerkes, MEA Tom Lovas, CEA Tom Lovas, CEA Robert E.. LeResche, Power Authority Sam Mathews, HEA Kathleen Jacobs, ML&P Steve Haaganson, GVEA T.H. Keffer, HEA John Cooley, ML&P Bob Hansen, GVEA David Eberle, APA Bob Peirson, Seward Afzal Khan, APA Mike Yerkes, MEA OK Alaska Power Authority aan RECORD UOPY nae PC FILE NO (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) RO S-blo wewW 7/20 “TELECOPY SENT TO: NAME OF COMPANY: Senate Advisory Council . COMPANY ADDRESS: FERS Ao AS TELECOPY PHONE MUMBER: 465-3700 SENDER: Julie Becker TELEPHONE NUMBER: 561-7877 CHARGE CODE: 2. oO a NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: de INCLUOING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: I1— )) - 3897. : IF YOU OO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: ead, Saaseseraesnacse SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: => 9O Box am Juneau. Alaska 990414 (907) 466-3578 KK ous ern seo 704 fas? Tucer Roo ANororage Acre ©9319-0869 (PO7) 501-7677 TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT *%* COUNT ** # 2 SEND x NO | REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME CERATZ ONT] #PAGES COMMENT | 9075869548 1-11-89 13:71 Cy 2 | TOTAL 0d eh 2 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 04 eee ene Alaska Power Authority Stare of Aiaana THEtLEBECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (QUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: Ron Saxton NAME OF COMPANY: Lindsay, Hart, Neil & Weigler oR COMPANY ADORESS: Portland, TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: : (503) 226-0079 SENDER: Jul Bec = TELEPHONE NUMBER: 561-7877 CHARGE CODE: 817220301 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: Zz INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE OATE SENT: \—-\\1- 89 If YOU OC NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: 907) 261~7240-Anch ¢ @3d75 465-3878-Juneau” SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Box ams Juneau. Aicsxa 99814 (907) 405-3575 704 Gast TWcor Rood ANSNCrage Alcs 90519-0869 (907) S@t-7877 TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT **K COUNT ** # 2 *wKK SEND eke 71 no] REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME DURATION RPAGES COMMENT | H i | i | 503 226 0079 | 1-11-89 13:12 | 1°39 2 a ba TOTAL 0:01'39" 2 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 Alaska Power Authority Stare cf Aiaska TELECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-3584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 4685-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: Robert E. LeResche NAME OF COMPANY: Alaska Power Authorit COMPANY ADORESS: Juneau, AK TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: 465-3767 SENDER: Julie Becker TELEPHONE NUMBER: $61-7877 CHARGE CODE: 817202303 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: Zz INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: J~j}jJ-89 IF YOU DQ NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) 261-7240-Ancnhora: (2075 465-3878-duneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: = 9O Box am June@au. Aisne 90814 (GO7) 496-3575 RK ema eri cesce 704 Gost T.aer Rood ANncnerage Aicsuc 99519-0880 (907) Set-7877 TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT ** COUNT ** # 2 *kK SEND kK T 7 [no] REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME | puRATION | #paces | COMMENT 1 = | if 4653767 1-11-89 13:14 477 2 | J TOTAL 0:01'17" 2 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 eK SEND eek = PO box am KK 2m eri cwece Alaska Power Authority State of Alaska TEtCECOoORP Y (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (S07) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 455-3757) TELECOPY SENT TO: EBverett Paul Diener NAME OF COMPANY: Sity of Seward COMPANY AOORESS: Seward, AK TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: : ai SENDER: Jwilic Beckez TELEPHONE NUMBER: 561-7877 CHARGE CODE: B127220301 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: Z INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: j—//-39 — IF YOU OO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: ae 261-7240-Anch (923377 465-3575-Juneac” SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Please _coic. Bob Peiraon Junecu. Alaska 99814 (907) 465-3575 704 Bae? T.ceor Roo ANCKOTAGe A\asna 99819-0809 (907) Sa1-7877 TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT ** COUNT ** # 2 NO | REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME DURATION #PAGES COMMENT ; J {1 l 907 224 3248 | 1-11-89 13:17 1°11" 2 TOTAL 0:01'11" Z XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 Alaska Power Authority State ct Aigsxa TELtLecoprpyrv (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) $61-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: James F. Palin NAME OF COMPANY: Matanuska EBlectric Assoc., Inc. COMPANY ADDRESS: Paimer, AK TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: 725-9328. SENDER: ————______s hiss ke TELEPHONE NUMBER: 561-7877 CHARGE CODE: 81720301 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: = INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE OATE SENT: J-))I-39 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: iz =~7240-Anch ‘ 2337 5835523878 *Suneea” SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: => FO Box aN Juneau. Aiaska 99844 (907) 468-3575 KK cma sri cower 704 fast Tuaer Road ANSRorage Alas $2619-0840 (907) 509-7377 TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT ** COUNT %&x # 2 KK SEND x ino] REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME DURATION #PAGES COMMENT t T T | 9077459328 l= 1i=S3 13:19 1°22" 7 TOTAL 0:01'°22° z XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 Alaska Power Authority Save ct Aiasna TELECcCOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Prone No. (Q2UNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) (907) $61-a8584) TELECOPY SENT TO: Davia L. Hignhers C—O NAME OF COMPANY: cShugach Blectric Assoc., Inc. COMPANY ADDRESS: Anchorage, AK TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: S6é2-090027 SENDER: LS BOCK SE TELEPHONE NUMBER: 361-7877 CHARGE COOE: 81729301. NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: ie INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: J-/)/-89 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) _ 261-7240~Anchorage C307 2 ) 465~3575-Juneseu Please c.c. Tom Lovas SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Junesu. Alaska 99814 (907) 405-3873 . (907) $0°-7877 Bou AM 704 East Tucer React ANSNCTSSe Alcens 99S19-0809 OP CRP SS? $3 x TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT **K COUNT ** # 2 KK SEND %kx . NO REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME DURATION #PAGES COMMENT 1] 640 907 564 0632 | 1-11-89 13:21 1°29" 2 j at ij . TOTAL 0:01°20" 2 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Prone No. (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone Ho. TELECOPY SENT TO: NAME OF COMPANY: COMPANY ADORESS: SENOER: Alaska Power Authority State of Aamo reeecopery B. Kent Wick (907) S61-asaa) (907) 465-3757) Homer EBlectric Agssoc., a ne. Homer, AK —_————— TELECOPY PHOME NUMBER: 235-8496 —— ie Becker TELEPHONE NUMBER: S61=-272877 CHARGE CODE: NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: OATE SENT: J—~J/- 89 Zz —A1iz202301.. INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: 7235 SPECIAL IMSTRUCTIONS: 1-7240-Anchorage 465-3575-Juneau —Elea8e oo Met => PO Bon am Juneau. Aicsea SOStt . KK 268 Sri aepsce 70% fas? fuaer Foon Arcnerage Aiasua 99519-0869 (9O7) 465-3575 (9O7) $01-7877 TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT WAS SENT *%* COUNT ** # 2 eK SEND kK (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) | ae ] 1 |No REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME | DURATION #PAGES COMMENT | \ 1 2358496 1=11=88 13:23 | 7 7 2 | | TOTAL 0:01'07" 2 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 Mlasxa Power Authority Sore of Aas TeEercecorery (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone Mo. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: Thomas R. Stahr NAME OF COMPANY: Municipal Light & Power COMPANY ADORESS: Anchorage, AK — TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: 276-2961 SENDER: Julie Becker TELEPHONE NUMBER: 561-7877 CHARGE CODE: 81720301 MUMBER OF PAGES SENT: Zz IMCLUOING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: )-l)- 89 IF YOU 00 NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: CUR FbszeSraTSONCSE™ SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: I) SL i ee nSen nnn = ®©O Box AM Juneau. Ataska 99844 (907) 465-3575 . KK 2waericepssc 704 East Tuder Roo ANSNorage Alasna 9OS19-CfOe (907) 564-7877 TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT ** COUNT x # 2 eK SEND eK NO REMOT OTE STATION I. D. START TIME | DURATION #PAGES | COMMENT “| 1 9072762961 1=11=68 13:25 12. 2 j TOTAL 0:01'12" 2 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 Alaska Power ‘Authority State of Aiamka - Tevwcecoryr (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) $61-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (9907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: Michael P. Kelly NAME OF COMPANY: Golden valley Electric Agsscoc., Inc. COMPANY ADORESS: Fairbanks, AK Spo anne nn _ Seren nnN rE nu EEE EE Eee nae a eee eee TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: OU 452-1351 ext- 533 SENDER: Julie Besckex TELEPHONE NUMBER: 3Si1—-7877 CHARGE CODE: BiZ202302, NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: 2 INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: }-jJ}/- 89 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Junesu SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Please csc. Bok Hansen UU ann U NESE a => => fox am Juneau, Atasiecs 90814 (907) 445-3575 K 25aern aoe 70+ East Tuaer Asad ANerorage Aicisinm 09519-0869 (907) Sa2-7877 | TRANSMISSION REPORT | THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT **k COUNT ** # 2 RK SEND oka | No REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME | DURATION | #PAGES COMMENT _| \ | {1 CCITT G3 1-11-89 13:29 0'54" 2 | J TOTAL 0:00'54" 2 XEROX TELECOPIER BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE JANUARY 20, 1989 AGENDA Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Training Room 5601 Minnesota Drive Anchorage, Alaska 1. CALL TO ORDER Kelly 1:30 p..m. 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC COMMENT 4. MODIFICATION OF AGENDA Kelly 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Kelly November 30, 1988 6. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT LeResche 7. REVIEW OF PROJECT STATUS Kelly a. Status Report on Rural Electrification Administration Approvals b. Discussion of Fritz Creek Transmission Line c. Discussion of HEA Transmission Services Agreement 8. OTHER BUSINESS Kelly Schedule Next Meeting 15 Date Il. Location Ill. Time 9. COMMUNICATIONS 10. ADJOURNMENT Kelly