HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPMC Meeting March 26, 1992 1RECORD VOPY FILE NO Pro 3-! mM ca tt z/Ac uw BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE March 26, 1992 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Kelly called the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 10:00 a.m. in the Training Room at Chugach Electric Association in Anchorage, Alaska to conduct the business of the Committee per the agenda and the public notice. ROLL CALL Alaska Energy Authority Charlie Bussell, Designated Representative Chugach Electric Association David L. Highers, Designated Representative Golden Valley Electric Association Mike Kelly, Designated Representative and Chairman City of Seward . Dave Calvert, Alternate Representative Homer Electric Association Norman L. Story, Designated Representative Matanuska Electric Association Ken Ritchey, Designated Representative Municipal Light & Power Hank Nikkels, Alternate Representative Others Present: Ron Saxton, Ater, Wynne, Hewitt, Dodson & Skerrit Tim McConnell, Municipal Light & Power Dave Fair, Homer Electric Association David Burlingame, Chugach Electric Association John Cooley, Chugach Electric Association Gene Bjornstad, Chugach Electric Association BPMC Meeting Minutes March 26, 1992 Page 2 of 7 Bradley Evans, Chugach Electric Association Joe Griffith, Chugach Electric Association Bob Hufman, AEG&T Bob Price, Municipal Light & Power Pete Fraser, Municipal Light & Power Allan Yost, Rural Electrification Administration Stanley E. Sieczkowski, Alaska Energy Authority David R. Eberle, Alaska Energy Authority Penny Haldane, Alaska Energy Authority 3. PUBLIC COMMENT There being no public comment, the meeting continued to the next agenda item. 4. AGENDA COMMENTS The meeting agenda was approved with the following additions: 13C. BPMC FISCAL YEAR 1993 BUDGET APPROVAL 13D. ALLOCATION AND SCHEDULING SCHEDULE "A" APPROVAL 13E. AUTHORIZATION FOR A TCS REPRESENTATIVE TO ACCOMPANY TUNNEL INSPECTORS 13F. APPROVAL OF BRADLEY LAKE TESTING CHARGES 55 APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the February 28, 1992 meeting were amended to show Hank Nikkels as the alternate representative for Municipal Light & Power. The minutes were approved as amended. 6. TECHNICAL COORDINATION SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Dave Burlingame reported that the Technical Coordination Subcommittee (TCS) had not met. All utilities have received the PTI studies for the expanded operation of Bradley Lake. This information will be discussed at an upcoming meeting. Mr. Burlingame addressed the recent trip at 90 megawatts. Some permitting problems with the Dave's Creek SVCS site have been encountered, however the completion date should not be affected. BPMC Meeting Minutes March 26, 1992 Page 3 of 7 Tim McConnell asked for specifics on the trip. Mr. Burlingame stated that a high tide contributed to the trip and a report will be forthcoming. Brad Evans related that the immediate feedback on the trip occurred verbally between control centers. Norm Story said they had enough information to issue a press release within the hour. Intertie reporting forms are filed by the tripping utility. Chairman Kelly would like the appropriate subcommittee to file a written report regarding all forced outages at Bradley. Te INSURANCE SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT The Insurance Subcommittee had nothing to report. 8. BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Budget Subcommittee Chairman Ken Ritchey passed around a narrative (Attachment A) as well as a copy of the proposed budget (Attachments B and C). Mr. Ritchey explained the budget proposal in terms of operator's costs and owner's costs. The budget subcommittee recommended approval. However, AEA did not concur with the budget being recommended. The primary budget dispute was related to AEA overhead costs. After discussion Chairman Keily asked Ron Saxton to give an opinion as to where the budget process could go from this point. Mr. Saxton related that the Power Sales Agreement and the Bond Resolution require an approved budget 90 days prior to the beginning of the fiscal year (April 2, 1992). If the BPMC fails to adopt a budget prior to April 2, 1992 then the Authority is able to unilaterally adopt a budget. The agreement then provides that the Authority budget is still subject to all the preservation of rights to dispute the contents. The first step is to ensure that there is not a breach of the bond resolution. In order to avoid a technical default the BPMC needs to be sure that some budget is in place by April 2, 1992. The options would include some compromise interim budget or the unilateral budget from the Authority. Under the Power Sales Agreement, these kinds of deadlocks are subject to dispute resolution procedures adopted by the BPMC. The procedures in place say that alternative forms of dispute resolution can be sought if three utilities and the Authority agree. This option is elective. The other alternative is to go to court. No payment obligations will be affected until July 1. BPMC Meeting Minutes = March 26, 1992 Page 4 of 7 At this time Chairman Kelly asked Charlie Bussell what position the Authority would take. Mr. Bussell passed out the Authority's proposed budget (Attachment D). Stan Sieczkowski stated that the only difference between the two budgets is on page 2 line 920 (b). Chairman Kelly adjourned the meeting for a 15 minute caucus among the utility managers. The BPMC reconvened at approximately 11:45 a.m. With the understanding that negotiations could continue at any time and that a budget would be adopted by the Authority prior to April 2, 1992, Chairman Kelly moved on to the next item. Approval of the budget would be formally addressed under New Business. 9. AGREEMENT SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Sieczkowski summarized the status of operating agreements: Allocation and Scheduling: Exhibit A will be addressed under New Business. Dispatch: Finalized and signed copies have been . distributed. Transmission Facility Maintenance: On agenda at meeting scheduled with HEA (Between AEA and AEG&) March 27, 1992. Facilities Interconnected Dispatch: On agenda at meeting scheduled with HEA (Between AEA and HEA) March 27, 1992. Communications MOU: Estimated completion date of April 10, 1992. SVCS Draft Agreement: CEA comments expected soon. Dave's Creek Substation: Signed March 13, 1992 (Right of Entry) Soldotna Substation: On agenda at meeting scheduled with HEA (Right of Entry) March 27, 1992. BPMC Meeting Minutes March 26, 1992 Page 5 of 7 10. 11. OPERATION & DISPATCH SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Stan Sieczkowski reported that the Operation and Dispatch Subcommittee met on March 4, 1992. Highlights of this meeting were given and a copy of the draft meeting minutes were distributed as part of the March 26, 1992 pre- meeting packet. The SCADA communications problem is being investigated and is expected to be resolved. A letter has been sent to the utilities outlining the 231,000 megawatt-hours delivered to the utilities as of February 1992. The forecast for next year is 403,000 megawatt-hours, an increase from 383,000 megawatt- hours. REVIEW OF PROJECT STATUS Dave Eberle reported that dewatering of the tunnel had begun the day before (March 25, 1992.) Currently the reservoir is at elevation 830, down about 300 feet. It was noted that higher than anticipated in-flows may slow the dewatering process. The tunnel should be accessible by March 31, 1992 at which time a walk through the penstock will be made to check for debris. Inspection is scheduled for April 3 - 4, 1992. All parties have been notified so they can be present and three different insurance carriers have been notified. Equipment has been mobilized for small repairs but other decisions will be required if major repairs are needed. P OLD BUSINESS A. ADOPTION OF THE BRADLEY LAKE DISPATCHER GUIDELINES SUMMARY The TCS has not met and therefore adoption of the Bradley Lake Dispatcher Guidelines Summary will be held over till the next BPMC meeting. B. SPINNING RESERVE/UNDERFREQUENCY LOAD SHEDDING - UPDATE John Cooley reported that the ASCC Reliability Criteria Committee is meeting March 31, 1992 to continue discussing the Spinning Reserves/Underfrequency Load Shedding. The load shed study is progressing and results are expected by the May Intertie Operating Committee meeting. BPMC Meeting Minutes March 26, 1992 Page 6 of 7 HEA ECONOMY SALES TO GVEA - UPDATE Chairman Kelly stated that a meeting had occurred regarding the HEA Bradley Economy Sales to GVEA, however more work is required on this item. 13. NEW BUSINESS A. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE EXPENSES Ron Saxton distributed a handout on Committee expenses (Attachment E). All expenses had been approved for payment by the Authority. Mr. Ritchey motioned nd Mr. he BPM' reimbursement of th tion 31 co: The motion was unanimousl approved by roll call vote. LETTER TO LB&A IN SUPPORT OF MICROWAVE UPGRADE Dave Eberle distributed a draft letter to LB&A in support of Microwave Upgrade (Attachment F). The letter was changed to read telephone carrier instead of telephone industry. —— Mr. letter mmen . The motion was aj ved without objection. The letter was transferred to Chugach letterhead and signed at the meeting. BPMC FISCAL YEAR 1993 BUDGET APPROVAL Ri moti: nded by Mr. S ve the BPMC Chairman Kelly stated that he expected the Authority to adopt a budget prior to the April 2, 1992 deadline and to notify the members of the BPMC. BPMC Meeting Minutes March 26, 1992 Page 7 of 7 ALLOCATION AND SCHEDULING SCHEDULE "A" APPROVAL Mr. Story motioned, seconded by Mr. Highers, approval of the Allocation and Scheduling Exhibit "A". The motion was unanimously approved by roll call vote. AUTHORIZATION FOR A TCS REPRESENTATIVE TO ACCOMPANY TUNNEL INSPECTORS Mr. Highers motioned, seconded by Mr. Ritchey, that the Technical rdinating Subcommittee appoint a representativ 1m) the tunnel inspectors. The motion was approved without objection. APPROVAL OF BRADLEY LAKE TESTING CHARGES Stan Sieczkowski reported that the Operation and Dispatch Subcommittee has reviewed and recommends approval of the Bradley Lake project start-up test charges (Attachment G). Mr. Highers motion nd Mr the BPMC approve reimbursement of ion w: i i Vv roll call vote. 14. COMMUNICATIONS A. SCHEDULE NEXT MEETING April 28, 1992 10:00 a.m. CEA Training Room 15. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the co Attest: Charlie Bussell, Secretary