HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPMC Meeting - June 16, 1992 2TO; FROM: DATE: Alaska Energy Authority = como vory FILE NO FRO 3-b] Mi MEMORANDUM w}i@|92 Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Charlie Bussell Secretary, PMC \ May 20, 1992 This is to inform you that the Bradley Lake PMC meeting scheduled for May 27, 1992 has been changed to June 16, 1992. The meeting will take place at Chugach Electric Association at 10:00 a.m. in the Training Room. If there is a conflict in your schedule, please contact Penny Haldane of my staff at 561-7877. DS/CB/ds State ot Alaska o™ | Werers nicke Governor Ae rr erie RECORD LOPY A Fuolic Corporctan FILE NO rTELECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) —«__»— (JUNEAU Tetecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: een ae YMc_ Mentors Norre , bo AlAwse— , Cte 7-Ooss me NAME OF COMPANY: meee 2 ee. Gatti. Cam Sea =o 7 , Wwe , ioe =~ RZ COMPANY ADDRESS: eer Sy, : * ea = ss < E' Le s as e0 a 5 TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: SENDER: Oetwne Seo TELEPHONE NUMBER: Sle (-T7RIZTZ CHARGE CODE: NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: oi INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: $-30 FG = IF YOU 00 NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: Aackcrage: $3833 561-7877 Juneau: 907) 465-3575 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: S RO. BOK AM Juneau. Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3675 m= PO 190869 704 East TucorRoad Anchorage Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT **K COUNT *x a eh # T | acai 7 [No REMOTE STATION I. 0D. START TIME | DURATION #PAGES | F | 1 907 451 0556 5-20-92 12:46 | 1°42" i 2 | | see SEND 2x TOTAL 0:01°42" 2 a XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 Stare of Alaska walters HicKe!, Goverso: ae Alaska Energy Authority A PuBlic Corporation TELBecoaorpry ( ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) pric WMermheas TELECOPY SENT TO: he -c Ott 7—~ ASS Co NAME OF COMPANY: >on. DEI coe oes = —a s .. . > Martie COMPANY ADDRESS: as S =F = 2, 4 re oy rs be E 7 TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: SENDER: oudinne Sear TELEPHONE NUMBER: f—2 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: ae INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: S30 Za NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: Armpckorage: 907 561-7877 Juneau: 907) 465-3575 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: ee ——_—“—-- $$$ = PO 60x AM Juneau. Alaska 99814 (907) 465-3575 704 East Tudor Road ) = Anchorage Alaska 99619-0869 (907) 561-7877 ME PO. Box 190869 CHARGE CODE: IF you po a TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT ** COUNT *%* # 2 #2 SEND eK f nl as NO REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME 1 907 562 0027 5-20-92 13:02 TOTAL 0:01'14" 2 . XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 1 DURATION #PAGES PAGES | COMMENT 4 | 1°14" | 2 Stare of Aios«c TS waiters Sue! Severncr Alaska Energy Authority & Public Corperation TELeECOoO ry (ANCHORAGE Teleccpy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (QUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: YOrnc Wlemtiaeis NAME OF COMPANY: COMPANY ADDRESS: TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: SENDER: etinne Seok TELEPHONE NUMBER: Ste i- 7 mae CHARGE CODE: NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: ae INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: S080 F = IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: Aschorage: $383 561-7877 Juneau: 907) 465-3575 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: = PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99814 (907) 465-3575 SE PO. Box 190869 869701 East TuderRoaa )=ANchorage® Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 | TRANSMISSION REPORT | ee — el THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT **& COUNT *%* # 2 KK SEND aokk p= T T 1 [nol REMOTE STATION I. 0D. START TIME DURATION | RPAGES COMMENT oat t 1 | 1 9077459328 | 5-20-92 13:09 | 1°31" 2 | eI ee L i TOTAL 0:01'°31" 2 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 State of Alaska We ters =oKe! Scversor a | Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corperation TRErecaey (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. - é- Onn Mem bes (907) 561-8584) (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: NAME OF COMPANY: COMPANY ADDRESS: TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: Senper; ethnwne Ses TELEPHONE NUMBER: i=? NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: seaik INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: $36 F7o IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: Anchorage: S3o7 561-7877 Juneau: 907) 465-3575 CHARGE CODE: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: re FO. Box AM Juneau. Alaska 99811 PS (907) 465-3575 Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road (907) 561-7877) o = Anchorage Alaska 99519-0869 | TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT *%* COUNT *x* # 2 eR SEND kK NO| REMOTE STATION I.D. | START TIME DURATION #PAGES | COMMENT 907 235 3313 5-20-92 13:26 | 1°19" 2 | TOTAL 0:01'°19" 2 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 —s State of AlcsKe ye | walters. Hieke!. @overner ] Alaska Energy Authority A Puslic Cerperarion TEUEBECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: ric Members NAME OF COMPANY: COMPANY ADDRESS: TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: SENDER: Oatinnwe Ses TELEPHONE NUMBER: See f= 7. SZ z CHARGE CODE: NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: me INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: $-3e F 2 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: Amchkorage: $397 561-7877 Juneau: 907) 465-3575 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: gf S PO Box AM Juneau. Alaska 99811 (907) 468-3575 ME PO. Box 190869 869701 EastTuderRoad 9 Anchorage Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 | TRANSMISSION REPORT | THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT **K COUNT ** # 2 **K SEND kx ee | ere ne | nr nn cape oa nae aT | T T |No| REMOTE STATION I.D. START TIME | een #PAGES | COMMENT | i 1 | 1 9072635204 5-20-92 13:30 1°35" | 2 | | 4 1 1 i TOTAL 0:01'35" 2 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 Stereo: Alaska waiter 4 a™ | Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation Tk g cio Ff ¥ (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: NAME OF COMPANY: COMPANY ADDRESS: TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: SenperR; Cadinns Ses TELEPHONE NUMBER: See (- FRITZ CHARGE CODE: NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: Rj INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: 3-0 F = IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: Apchorage: $397 561-7877 Juneau: 907) 465-3575 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: —— Eee ee SSeeSeSeSSFFFFFSSSSSFFFssssseF Box AM June@ecoy, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 Box 190869 704 East Tudor Roaci Anchorage Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 TRANSMISSION REPORT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) Ss ee. mr PO. THIS DOCUMENT WAS SENT *%* COUNT *x # 2 Hicxe! Governor wk SEND KK OTE STATION I. D. START TIME T DURATION #PAGES COMMENT | [No| REM ia : all ! 1 | 9072243248 | 5-20-92 13:42 | 2°07 | 2 | | 02°07" 2 TT ar XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 State of Aisha PS Watters Sst Cowernor Alaska Energy Authority AP ablic Corporation rTrTELEcOorPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Pnone No. (907) 561~8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: NAME OF COMPANY: a Crafter. ume Sees 7 COMPANY ADDRESS: = FEL ALS 3e2-oR 4 me eas? Satie ise eae Sas eeee TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: SENDER: Se Sea TELEPHONE NUMBER: Sle l- 7XPZ CHARGE CODE: NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: een INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: 6-20-97 2 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: Amckorage: 907 561-7877 Juneau: 907 465-3575 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: PO. Box A! June\ecu. Aicska S811 (907) 465-3575 PO Box Wodaee 704 East Tucior Road =Anchorage Alaska 99619-0869 (907) 661-7877 TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT WAS CONFIRMED (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE - SEE DETAILS BELOW) oa = *%* COUNT ** TOTAL PAGES SCANNED TOTAL PAGES CONFIRMED ee ee % SEND 4k No. REMOTE STATION START TIME DURATION | #PAGES MODE RESULTS 1 503 226 0079| 5-20-92 13:50 0°51" 2/ 2\EC COMPLETED 9600 | 1 TOTAL 0:00°51" = NOTE: No. : OPERATION NUMBER 48 : 4800BPS SELECTED EC : ERROR CORRECT G2 : G2 COMMUNICATION PD : POLLED BY REMOTE SF : STORE & FORWARD RI : RELAY INITIATE RS +: RELAY STATION MB : SEND TO MAILBOX PG : POLLING A REMOTE MP : MULTI -POLLING RM : RECEIVE TO MEMORY Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation Tee LetGsOsPpay, (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) ; ) TELECOPY SENT TO: ew: [Whe kK j GNU) 5/-O8S5C NAME OF COMPANY: Dovestha hess, Joe Ciara, CE 52-0097 (oe hee, Ames Ball ‘ > < f COMPANY ADDRESS: TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: SENDER: ata Seow TELEPHONE NUMBER: Sle 1-737 / CHARGE CODE: DATE SENT: 52042 IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: Anchorage: (907) 561-7877 Juneau: (907) 465-3575 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: OC PO.BoxAM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 SE PO. Box 190869 704 EastTudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 RECORD UOPY FILE NO pre Zs). | min cee LALA - Alaska Energy Authority b Me /4a “ MEMORANDUM TO: Bradley Lake Project Managefhenpt Committee FROM: Charlie Bussell Secretary, PMC DATE: June 2, 1992 SUBJECT: June 16, 1992 Bradley Lake PMC Meeting Enclosed you will find a copy of the June 16, 1992 agenda for the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee meeting. Please provide any comments to Chairman Kelly. The meeting place will be at Chugach Electric Association in the Training Room at 10:00 a.m. For your review is a copy of the draft minutes of the April 28, 1992 1992 meeting, An executed copy of the March 28, 1992 is enclosed for your records. DS/CB/ds BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE June 16, 1992 Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Training Room - 10:00 a.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 10:00 A.M. Kelly 2h ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC COMMENT 4. AGENDA COMMENTS = APPROVAL OF MINUTES April 28, 1992 6. TECHNICAL COORDINATING SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Burlingame ik INSURANCE SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Petrie 8. BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Ritchey 9. AGREEMENTS SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Sieczkowski A. Transmission Facility Maintenance Agreement Between AEA and AEG&T B. Facilities Interconnected Dispatch Agreement Between AEA and HEA C! Soldotna Substation Right of Entry Agreement 10. OPERATION AND DISPATCH SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Sieczkowski 11. REVIEW OF PROJECT STATUS Eberle 12. OLD BUSINESS A. Spinning Reserves/Under frequency Load Shedding - Update Lovas B. HEA Bradley Economy Sales to GVEA - Update 13. | NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of Committee Expenses Saxton 14. |. COMMUNICATIONS A. Schedule Next Meeting 15. | ADJOURNMENT 92Q2\TJ2895(1) Page 1 of 1 DRAFT BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE April 28, 1992 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Kelly called the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 10:20 a.m. in the Training Room at Chugach Electric Association in Anchorage, Alaska to conduct the business of the Committee per the agenda and the public notice. ROLL CALL Alaska Energy Authority Charlie Bussell, Designated Representative Chugach Electric Association David L. Highers, Designated Representative Golden Valley Electric Association Mike Kelly, Designated Representative and Chairman City of Seward E. Paul Diener, Designated Representative Homer Electric Association Norman L. Story, Designated Representative Matanuska Electric Association Ken Ritchey, Designated Representative Municipal Light & Power Thomas R. Stahr, Designated Representative Others Present: Ron Saxton, Ater, Wynne, Hewitt, Dodson & Skerrit Tim McConnell, Municipal Light & Power Dave Fair, Homer Electric Association David Burlingame, Chugach Electric Association John Cooley, Chugach Electric Association BPMC Meeting April 28, 1992 Page 2 of 6 Gene Bjornstad, Chugach Electric Association Bradley Evans, Chugach Electric Association Joe Griffith, Chugach Electric Association Dan Bloomer, Chugach Electric Association Tom Lovas, Chugach Electric Association Burke Wick, Chugach Electric Association Dave Calvert, City of Seward Brent Petrie, Alaska Energy Authority Stanley E. Sieczkowski, Alaska Energy Authority David R. Eberle, Alaska Energy Authority Penny Haldane, Alaska Energy Authority 3. PUBLIC COMMENT There being no public comment, the meeting continued to the next agenda item. 4. AGENDA COMMENTS The meeting agenda was approved as submitted. A. REPORT ON TUNNEL At this time, to facilitate Mr. Wick's busy schedule, Burke Wick, a Civil Engineer with Chugach Electric, provided a report on the Bradley Lake tunnel. Inspections on April 9, 1992 and April 11, 1992 revealed no severe problems. Most material found was only grout which is brittle, light, and unlikely to cause damage. The loose grout came from areas that were repaired during construction of the liner (because high inflows of water were present.) Large pieces of grout that could still possibly break loose were not expected to travel the length of the tunnel and reach the units. Mr. Wick noted that the problems with the liner would not affect the structural nature of the tunnel and that the project appeared to be in fine condition. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the March 26, 1992 meeting were approved as corrected. 6. TECHNICAL COORDINATION SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Dave Burlingame distributed a synopsis of the last TCS meeting held April 13, 1992 (Attachment A). 7. INSURANCE SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Brent Petrie reported that the Insurance Subcommittee was reviewing the shop and crew facilities insurance coverage. In May 1991 construction funds were BPMC Meeting April 28, 1992 Page 3 of 6 used to purchase $2,900,000 of coverage for a $26,000 premium. The 1992 value is $3,000,000 and a $24,000 premium. The deductible on this policy is $10,000. These facilities are covered under the project's umbrella policy. However, this policy has a deductible of $1,000,000 with 5% for earthquake and flood. The premium is available to be paid from the current year budget. The effect would be $24,000 less in carryover. Without this additional coverage any loss up to $1,000,000 would be covered by a renewal and contingency fund established for such purposes. Ron Saxton reviewed the options available to the committee. The BPMC could choose not to renew the policy and thus acknowledge that they would be self- insuring up to $1,000,000. The alternative is to pay the renewal premium and thus lower the deductible on the shop and crew facilities to $10,000 ($50,000 for earthquake and flood). Chairman Kelly entertained a motion by Mr. Norm Story and seconded by Mr. Paul Diener. This motion ed for approval of the expenditure of $24 for the insurance premium. Tom Stahr stated that he thought the BPMC should not pay for the extra insurance. Chairman Kelly expressed his concern that the Insurance Subcommittee had not reviewed this issue. Dave Eberle suggested that in the interest of self-insurance this $24,000 annual premium could be paid directly into the renewal and contingency fund. Chairman Kelly made a motion to table this discussion and to assign this item to the Insurance Subcommittee for review of options and a recommendation for the BPMC at the next meeting. Tom Stahr seconded the motion and asked that the option of not renewing the insurance and not increasing the contingency fund also be reviewed. Mr. Petrie said that he would call a meeting within the next two weeks. If the Insurance Subcommittee feels strongly that the insurance should not lapse, Chairman Kelly will call a special BPMC meeting to address the issue. Brent Petrie reported that business interruption insurance was now an option since the project has gathered the required six months of operating history. Risk Management will have to contact London to obtain a quote for this insurance. There was no further discussion regarding this item. 8. BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Ken Ritchey reported that the Authority prepared budget has been implemented and notice was sent to the utilities. The budget is the one previously proposed by Alaska Energy Authority with the addition of $25,000 for possible court costs. Ken and Ron Saxton met briefly with Authority representatives the morning of April 28, 1992 to discuss the issue of overhead costs, but as yet no agreement has been reached. Future talks are planned. BPMC Meeting April 28, 1992 Page 4 of 6 10. 11. At Chairman Kelly's request Ron Saxton outlined the options regarding the budget. Ron reported that the initial hurdle of the bond requirements has been satisfied. One option is for the BPMC to do nothing further and the Authority's budget will be used. If the utilities wish to have a different budget they can reach one through negotiation or one can be arrived at through the courts. The Power Sales Agreement outlines what items can be included in the budget and this would be the framework for the courts. Arbitration is an option only if three utilities and the Authority agree to arbitration. They would also have to agree if it will be binding or not. If the budget disagreement is not settled by July 1, 1992 the Authority's budget will take effect and billings will be based on that budget. However, if at any later time binding arbitration or a court decides that the budget was not appropriate, adjustments in payments would then be made to reflect the changes. AGREEMENT SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Stan Sieczkowski reported that Alaska Energy Authority met with Homer Electric on March 27, 1992 and drafts of the three agreements were exchanged. Homer has comments on the Transmission Facility Maintenance Agreement between AEA and AEG&T, the Facilities Interconnected Dispatch Agreement between AEA and HEA, and the Soldotna Substation Right-of-Entry Agreement. A meeting is planned the week of May 4, 1992. These agreements should be available for review at the next BPMC meeting. The Communications MOU between the Authority and the State of Alaska Division of Communications is moving forward. Chairman Kelly requested that final copies of the three agreements between Alaska Energy Authority and Homer Electric be included in the mail-out for the next BPMC meeting in order to allow all parties sufficient review time. OPERATIONS & DISPATCH SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Stan Sieczkowski reported that the Operations and Dispatch (O&D) Subcommittee met April 2, 1992. (Draft meeting minutes will be distributed in the May BPMC meeting packet.) Discussion is continuing on allocation and scheduling procedure modifications and include ponding water, accounting of water carried over and methods to use for power allocations. Forecasting of the power allocations for FY93 is currently underway. The next O&D meeting is scheduled for May 14, 1992. REVIEW OF PROJECT STATUS Dave Eberle reported the project was back on line April 25, 1992. Costs are being totaled and back charges will be made to Enserch. The de-watering process yielded considerable information. Re-watering the tunnel required ten BPMC Meeting April 28, 1992 Page 5 of 6 12. days; twice the time anticipated. A full report is being written by Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation, and the re-watering procedures will be incorporated into the O&M manuals. In answer to a question from Ron Saxton, Dave Eberle estimated $200,000 in total costs for de-watering. Some equipment was purchased for the process and some rented. Rental fees and temporary labor will likely be recovered. The costs not recovered will be charged to construction. The DECnet has been installed and work is proceeding on minor glitches in the software. A meeting to discuss the efficiency issue is scheduled with Fuji. Current estimates of lost energy range to a high of about $200,000. Fuji proposes more tests, however AEA hopes to reach a settlement without additional testing. ASEA Brown Boveri (ABB) has completed the Soldotna site work for the SVC. Work is still on hold at Dave's Creek pending receipt of the Forest Service permit. Ata recent meeting with ABB the goal of finishing work prior to December 31, 1992 was discussed. This end of year date is three months before the March 1993 contractual date. Simulator tests are scheduled in Switzerland in July. OLD BUSINESS A. ADOPTION OF DISPATCHER GUIDELINES SUMMARY Dave Burlingame distributed the Dispatch Operations Summary. The Technical Coordinating Subcommittee unanimously recommended adoption. Mr. Dave Highers motioned, seconded by Mr. Ken Ritchey, to approve the Dispatch rations Summ The motion wa: unanimously aj ved LI vote. B. SPINNING RESERVE/UNDERFREQUENCY LOAD SHEDDING Tom Lovas reported that the ASCC Reliability Criteria Committee had met twice since the last BPMC meeting. The task has been clarified and philosophy discussed. The March 31, 1992 meeting developed a framework outline for the overall analysis. Historical as well as target expectations were also identified. The follow-up meeting April 21, 1992 provided further clarification of the philosophy, criteria, and underlying parameters of any standards. The load shedding study being completed by Power Technology, Inc. is progressing well. Results are expected by the third week in May. The Intertie Operating Committee has added ten cases to evaluate certain post-Bradley installations on the load shedding framework. The next meeting is scheduled for the third week in May. Cc HEA ECONOMY SALES TO GVEA Norm Story stated that the issue of Homer sales to Golden Valley is being addressed by a handshake agreement between HEA and GVEA. Homer is also reviewing a proposal submitted by Chugach Electric. BPMC Meeting April 28, 1992 Page 6 of 6 13. 14. 15. MODIFICATION OF MINIMUM OPERATING LEVELS Mr. Story thanked the BPMC for their patience while the issue of Bradley minimum operating levels was addressed.! At this time Norm Story motioned, seconded by Mr. Highers, to lift the existing operating limits of the Bradley project. Brad Evans clarified that those are the restrictions set by the TCS. There are minimum operating levels set by the Dispatch and Operations Committee of ten megawatts per unit. These levels would remain under the motion. The motion was unanimously approved by roll call vote. NEW BUSINESS A. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE EXPENSES Brent Petrie distributed a handout on Committee expenses (Attachment B). The only expenses approved at this time for payment are the Ater Wynne charges of $9,734.79. Other expenses will be reviewed and submitted at the next meeting. Mr. Ritchey motioned, seconded by Mr. Highers, to approve BPMC expenses of $9,734.79 to Ater Wynne. The motion was unanimously approved by roll call vote. COMMUNICATIONS A. SCHEDULE NEXT MEETING May 27, 1992 10:00 a.m. CEA Training Room ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the committee adjourned at 11:00 a.m. Mike Kelly, Chairman Attest: Charlie Bussell, Secretary | BPMC Meeting July 2, 1991. ATTACHMENT 'A' CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Anchorage, Alaska April 28, 1992 TO: PMC Members FROM: David W. Burlingame, TCS secretary JT SUBJECT: April 13, 1992 PMC Meeting Notes The following is a synopsis of the TCS meeting held April 13, 1992: Bradley Lake Tunnel Dave Eberle - Alaska Energy Authority (AEA), presented a video tape of the tunnel inspection and repair along with a video tape of the vertical shaft inspection. Dave gave a presentation to the Technical Coordinating SubCommittee (TCS) on the damage found and the repairs done to those areas. AEA found that penstock #3 which was believed to have been filled with rocks was virtually empty as was the rock trap pond immediately prior to the penstock entrance. The damage was considered minor by AEA, Stone and Webster Engineering Corporation (SWEC) and the FERC Board of Directors member who reviewed the video tape. AEA removed approximately 30-35 five gallon buckets from the tunnel of loose concrete. The majority of the damage was where the surface concrete of the liner had been forced inward, resulting in cracks or faults with the concrete. The deepest of these cracks appears to have gone 3-4" deep into the 12" concrete liner. The loose portions of the concrete were pried out of place and removed. Svc Project Status Permits for Daves Creek Substation will be obtained by May 21, 1992. This delay is not expected to delay completion of the total project. Soldotna is proceeding on schedule. The SVC's are scheduled to be operational sometime in November for testing with commercial operation scheduled for March, 1993. Microwave Link Status AEA has not heard any new developments since the General Managers sent a joint letter at the last PMC meeting in an attempt to gain approval for the funding transfer from AEA to DIVCOM. Exciter Tests John Doudna - PTI (Power Technologies, Inc.), gave an explanation of the exciter tests performed at Bradley Lake. The tests originally indicated the Fuji exciter did not meet specification, but it was learned the actual problem was the measuring device used by PTI during the tests. PMC Members April 13, 1992 Meeting Notes April 28, 1992 Page 2 The Dispatcher Guidelines were approved unanimously and are included as an action item for the PMC approval. Expanded Bradley Lake Operating Conditions The TCS considered expanding the operation of Bradley Lake to essentially allow for operation at 90 MW during any load conditions. Due to concerns with overvoltages and system reliability the TcS did not recommend the operating procedures be expanded. The TCS unanimously adopted the following motion: Move to recommend to the PMC that the interim operating levels previously adopted by the PMC not be changed. This considers the outcome of additional studies on Kenai operating conditions requested by the PMC at their last meeting. Bradley Lake Unit Trips The committee discussed the Bradley Lake unit trips and requested AEA prepare a report to the Operating & Dispatch Committee. DWB/pna DWB7-apr92pmc cc: TCS Members File 409 WMuve es -UNREIMBURSED BRADLEY LAKE COSTS | COSTS INCURRED February through March, 1992 As Submitted to Ater Wynne PROJECT COSTS jem [emene [ovat [wcour_ [rome [wee [mae [ewer | me | \ fee | | _ a Es ee ee A3 1990 UTWITY : OPINION LETTERS INAWHOVLLV Gs MUUS ee : 3 } 20x 1,260.06 S608 SAatI9 | BPC | ORGANI- | ZATION B20) Pa” me 9,784.79 je |— a WY 42 Li ey J ca A a Pode” Koran | Tire] APPROVED AT BPMC MEETING Pra SIGNED: f i] | CHUGACH: No ooets submitted. GVEA: Includes cost information from December, 1991, January, 1992. HOMER: Includes cost Information from september through Decembor, 1991 and January, 1992, MATANUSKA: No costs submitted, ML&P: No costs submitted. SEWARD: Includes cost Information from August through December, 1991. ATER WYNNE: Includes legal fees and costs from February 21, 199? through March 20, 1992. Towyerc a oe Meee yeas were “ede AL EL Ba, good Forward completed chart ' Ron Saxton | | Ater Wynne ' i 222 SW Cokmuhia. Ste. 1800 : Portland. OR 97201 ' | | UNREIMBURSED BRADLEY LAKE COSTS UTILITY _Ater Wypne ‘MONTE February - March 20, 1992 RETURN | NO LATER — PROJECT! COSTS ———_—— ———_—. | CATEGORY a1 i | 1990 FINANCE TEAM PARTICIPATION — All travel-related expenses for ' members of the Finance Team for trips i and meetings associated with the ! second financing. \ A2 1990 LEGAL EXPENSES FOR FINANCING EFFORTS Legal fees of the Committee attorney | relating to the second financing ! effort. j ood OPINIONS OF COUNSEL ' : Scope of work on 1990 second financing | effort to be determined later. ' j TCC EXPENSES with your utility's participation on ! the Technical Coordinating Committee. Do not inciude amounts for staff time. B2 BPMC ORGANIZATION (a) Sik-meproved cnbthccrbaling 9,734.79 = ‘ seep WAI “EU an goos IN ACCOURP WITH ATER WYHNE HEWITT DODSON & SKERRITT Lawyers Suite [1800 222 S.W. Columbia Portland, Oregan 97201-6618 Bradley Lake Project Management Committee/Utilities Group Attn: Michael P. Kelly Box 1249 Fairbanks, Alaska 99707 March 20, 1992 For professional services and expenses from February 22, 1992 through February 28, 1992: ' TOTAL AMOUNT DUE PER THIS STATEMENT | | § 4,610.79 ewe a) VU IN ACCOUNT WITH mf ATER WYNNE HEWITT DODSON & SKERRTTT Lawyars . Suite 1800 222 S.W. Columbia Portland, Oregon 97201-6618 Bradley Lake Project Management Committee/Utilities Group ‘ Attn: Michael P. Kelly Box 1249 Pairbanks, Alaska 99707 March 20, 1992 For professional services and expenses from March 1, 1992 through March 20, 1992: TOTAL AMOUNT DUE PER THIS STATEMENT $ 5,124.00 Bradley Operation and Dispatch Subcommittee Meeting April 2, 1992 The committee met in the Alaska Energy Authority Conference Room at 10:00 a.m. In attendance were: Committee Members: Stanley E. Sieczkowski, Alaska Energy Authority Brad Evans, Chugach Electric Association Doug Hall, Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Marvin Riddle, Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. Sam Matthews, Homer Electric Association Participating Utility Representatives and visitors: Eric Marchegiani, Alaska Energy Authority Brian Kingle, Chugach Electric Association DeAnna Scott, Alaska Energy Authority Tim McConnell, Municipal Light and Power Bob Price, Municipal Light and Power Mike Yerkes, Homer Electric Association Representative 1.0 Adoption of Meeting Minutes The meeting minutes of March 4, 1992 were approved. 2.0 Approval of Agenda The agenda was approved as submitted. 3.0 Committee Correspondence Distributed at the meeting: il Dratt letter dated April 2, 1992 - Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project, Snow Course Information. Draft Amendment to Bradley Lake Allocation and Scheduling Procedures proposing modifications to Borrowing Water, End of Water Year Procedures and Scheduling to Avoid Spill. Draft Bradley Lake Allocation and Scheduling Language memo proposing language modification to Section 4, Project Allocation (c) Initial Allocation. 3.1 Bradley Lake Activity A. Tunnel Dewatering The project was shutdown on March 25, 1992 to unwater the tunnel. There is an estimated 5,000 to 6,000 GPM water seepage. A video camera was used to inspect vertical section of the tunnel. No problems in this section was observed. A thorough tunnel inspection will be made. Communications The radios have been ordered for the remote stations to provide the data for flows and the NWS. AEA staff was at the project working on the LAN system. Currently, the remote sites are not able to communicate to the SCADA equipment at the powerplant. The Utility General Managers have sent letters to the Legislative Budget and Audit Committee expressing support for the transfer of funds from AEA to the Division of Information Services so the radio system from Anchorage to Bradley can be improved and provide for a secure back-up system. 4.0 Work Session 4.1 Project Operating Limit Criteria The project operating minimum level is 10 MW per unit. The PMC will consider the recommendations from the Technical Coordinating Subcommittee. 5.0 6.0 4.4 4.4 Project Energy Allocation A. Energy Available Due April 15, 1992 Stan Sieczkowski stated that AEA is responsible for transmitting to the purchasers a preliminary estimate of the amount of capacity and preliminary Initial project energy available for the upcoming project water year. This requirement has been met. Monthly Use Forecast Due May 1, 1992 From Utilities Stan Sieczkowski stated that AEA will need the utilities forecasted monthly percentage share of the projects energy May 1, 1992. Reservoir Operation Model Results due May 15, 1992 Stan Sieczkowski stated that after receipt of the monthly energy requirements from the purchasers, the Authority shall run the Reservoir Operation Model as outlined in Exhibit A. This will be compared to the preliminary Initial Project Energy estimates. The Authority will transmit this information to the purchasers by May 15, 1992. Operation Test Charges All of the invoices were submitted to the utilities for review and discussion. The total for the test charges comes to $210,162.64 for the period of July 1991 to October 1991. Committee Action and Recommendation No action or recommendation to the PMC from this meeting. The next meeting will be at the Alaska Energy Authority office in Anchorage on May 14, 1992 at 10:00 a.m. 4.2 4.3 Project Operating Criteria A. Brad Evans distributed a proposed amendment to the Bradley Lake Allocation and Scheduling Procedures with the intent to clarify the present procedures. Specifically addressed was the issues of borrowing water, end of water year accounting procedures, scheduling to avoid spill and spilling of project water. Each participant is to review this proposal and provide comments to Chugach. Bradley Lake Maximum and Minimum Operating Levels Power allocations are defined within an operating range. After discussion it was decided that the operating range of the Bradley Lake level for the 1992-93 water year would be from 1178 feet to 1080 feet. Inflow Allocation Criteria It was recommended by Eric Marcheginai to eliminate the 50% requirement and be more generic in the Allocation and Scheduling Procedure. The committee was asked to review this suggestion and bring recommendations to the committee on the new proposal. Snow Course Eric Marcheginai distributed a draft memo addressing the Snow Course information. From the information he received from the Soil Conservation Service, the 403,000 MWH is still valid for the 1992-93 period. Maintenance Schedules Stan Sieczkowski stated that according to the Allocation and Scheduling Procedures the Maintenance Schedules from the utilities were due to the Alaska Energy Authority on or before March 1, 1992. He requested that these be submitted as soon as possible so the appropriate monthly allocation schedules can be coordinated. DRAFT Bradley Operation and Dispatch Subcommittee Meeting May 14, 1992 The committee met in the Alaska Energy Authority Conference Room at 10:00 a.m. In attendance were: Committee Members: Stanley E. Sieczkowski, Alaska Energy Authority Brad Evans, Chugach Electric Association Doug Hall, Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Marvin Riddle, Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. Mike Yerkes, Homer Electric Association Representative Participating Utility Representatives and Visitors: Eric Marchegiani, Alaska Energy Authority Brian Kingle, Chugach Electric Association DeAnna Scott, Alaska Energy Authority (Part-time) LarryWolf, Alaska Energy Authority 1.0 Adoption of Meeting Minutes The meeting minutes of April 2, 1992 were approved. 2.0 Approval of Agenda The agenda was modified to included item 4.4, GVEA Spinning Reserve Requirement. 3.0 Committee Correspondence Distributed at the meeting: A: Memo from Doug Hall to Marvin Riddle and Brad Evans addressing the Spinning Reserve for the utilities. Sel Load Forecasting for water year 1992-93 from Eric Marchegiani April 9, 1992, Memo from Eric Marchegiani addressing the Project Allocation (c) Initial Allocation language with recommendation to change. May 8, 1992, Memo from Eric Marchegiani addressing the Snow Course Information. May 5, 1992 letter from Dave Burlingame, CEA addressing Dispatcher Guidelines Summary. Letter from Division of Information Services addressing microwave communications system for Bradley Lake. Bradley Project Update A. Operations The lake is at elevation 1,111 feet. A site visit to the dam was made and observed low snow conditions there. However, the water content remains 15% to 20% above normal. Still have a UPS problem at the dam that is being worked on. Tunnel Condition The tunnel was watered up and project was put on line April 25, 1992. A final report will be submitted by SWEC. No changes in the status from previous reports. Communications The transfer of funds to install the communications will be addressed at the next Legislative Budget and Affairs meeting. The utilities have sent a letter in support of this transfer. The SCADA radios should be installed by end of May. The Data link between Bradley and Golden Valley is complete. AEA is resolving the Local Area Network (LAN) problems to enable AEA to establish the data link to Bradley. 4.0 Work Session 4.1 Operating Limit Criteria The Bradley PMC approved lower operating limits of 1OMW for a single and 90 MW plant. This criteria is documented in the Dispatch Operations Summary. Each member is asked to review the Operations Summary and be prepared to address Section V at the next meeting. 4.2 Allocation and Scheduling Procedures A. B. Storing Water Criteria No comments were received. Eric Marchegiani and Brian Kingle have been working on the year end accounting. CEA will draft of the language that will be submitted in the Allocations and Scheduling Procedures. Brian and Eric proceeded with examples on how this procedure would take place. It was stated and stressed that ponded water is the first and foremost at risk in the case of a spill. Eric distributed to the committee the Load Forecasting sheet for the 1992-93 water year. Eric stated that after the end of the water year (May 31, 1992) a memo will be distributed to the utilities declaring the amount of ponded water each has and what their minimum energy takes should be. Inflow Allocation Requirement Eric Marcheginai recommended a modification to the Allocation and Scheduling Procedures Section 4, (c) Project Allocation. This should be changed to read: "The Initial Project Energy Shall be determined prior to the beginning of each Project Water year based on known operating limitations, forecasted estimates of runoff available from snowpack, precipitation by the National Weather Service (NWS) for the 50% exceedence probability and/or the mean monthly discharge (depending upon availability of the information), and other pertinent factors, and in a manner consistent with the following:". The committee discussed this proposal at length. 5.0 6.0 4.3 Energy Allocations A. Reservoir Operation Model Results due May 15, 1992 Eric Marchegiani stated that all the energy usage reports were received from the utilities. Based on that information he ran the model. CEA stated that they did not take into consideration their ponded water and would like to resubmit their numbers to reflect their schedule and be consistent with others to eliminate misunderstanding. All conditions remaining as assumed, the project should not spill water. 4.4 GVEA Spinning Reserve Marvin Riddle stated that GVEA will be shutting down the Healy Plant and Bradley Lake would be their on line source of energy. Doug Hall distributed a proposal for the reserve requirement during this period. The committee discussed the technical aspects of this shutdown. CEA will write up a procedure to follow for these situations. It was stated that this is not an item for the Operations and Dispatch Committee but for the Utilities to know what to tell their dispatchers. This procedure will be issued as an Operation Bulletin. Committee Action and Recommendation 4.2 (b) Inflow Allocation Requirement The committee recommends to the Bradley Lake PMC the approval of the language change in the Allocation and Scheduling Procedures Section 4(c) Project Allocation. It will read as follows: "The Initial Project Energy shall be determined prior to the beginning of each Project Water year based on known operating limitations, forecasted estimates of runoff available from snowpack, precipitation by the National Weather Service (NWS) for the 50% exceedence probability and/or the mean monthly discharge (depending upon availability of the information), and other pertinent factors, and in a manner consistent with the following." It was moved by Doug Hall and seconded by Marvin Riddle. This passed to committee unanimously. The next meeting will be at the Alaska Energy Authority office in Anchorage on June 10, 1992 at 10:00 a.m. BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE March 26, 1992 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Kelly called the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 10:00 a.m. in the Training Room at Chugach Electric Association in Anchorage, Alaska to conduct the business of the Committee per the agenda and the public notice. ROLL CALL Alaska Energy Authority Charlie Bussell, Designated Representative Chugach Electric Association David L. Highers, Designated Representative Golden Valley Electric Association Mike Kelly, Designated Representative and Chairman City of Seward : Dave Calvert, Alternate Representative Homer Electric Association Norman L. Story, Designated Representative Matanuska Electric Association Ken Ritchey, Designated Representative Municipal Light & Power Hank Nikkels, Alternate Representative Others Present: Ron Saxton, Ater, Wynne, Hewitt, Dodson & Skerrit Tim McConnell, Municipal Light & Power Dave Fair, Homer Electric Association David Burlingame, Chugach Electric Association John Cooley, Chugach Electric Association Gene Bjornstad, Chugach Electric Association BPMC Meeting Minutes March 26, 1992 Page 2 of 7 Bradley Evans, Chugach Electric Association Joe Griffith, Chugach Electric Association Bob Hufman, AEG&T Bob Price, Municipal Light & Power Pete Fraser, Municipal Light & Power Allan Yost, Rural Electrification Administration Stanley E. Sieczkowski, Alaska Energy Authority David R. Eberle, Alaska Energy Authority Penny Haldane, Alaska Energy Authority 3. PUBLIC COMMENT There being no public comment, the meeting continued to the next agenda item. 4. AGENDA COMMENTS The meeting agenda was approved with the following additions: 13C. BPMC FISCAL YEAR 1993 BUDGET APPROVAL 13D. ALLOCATION AND SCHEDULING SCHEDULE "A" APPROVAL 13E. AUTHORIZATION FOR A TCS REPRESENTATIVE TO ACCOMPANY TUNNEL INSPECTORS 13F. APPROVAL OF BRADLEY LAKE TESTING CHARGES 55 APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the February 28, 1992 meeting were amended to show Hank Nikkels as the alternate representative for Municipal Light & Power. The minutes were approved as amended. 6. TECHNICAL COORDINATION SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Dave Burlingame reported that the Technical Coordination Subcommittee (TCS) had not met. All utilities have received the PTI studies for the expanded operation of Bradley Lake. This information will be discussed at an upcoming meeting. Mr. Burlingame addressed the recent trip at 90 megawatts. Some permitting problems with the Dave's Creek SVCS site have been encountered, however the completion date should not be affected. BPMC Meeting Minutes March 26, 1992 Page 3 of 7 Tim McConnell asked for specifics on the trip. Mr. Burlingame stated that a high tide contributed to the trip and a report will be forthcoming. Brad Evans related that the immediate feedback on the trip occurred verbally between control centers. Norm Story said they had enough information to issue a press release within the hour. Intertie reporting forms are filed by the tripping utility. Chairman Kelly would like the appropriate subcommittee to file a written report regarding all forced outages at Bradley. de INSURANCE SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT The Insurance Subcommittee had nothing to report. 8. BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Budget Subcommittee Chairman Ken Ritchey passed around a narrative (Attachment A) as well as a copy of the proposed budget (Attachments B and C). Mr. Ritchey explained the budget proposal in terms of operator's costs and owner's costs. The budget subcommittee recommended approval. However, AEA did not concur with the budget being recommended. The primary budget dispute was related to AEA overhead costs. After discussion Chairman Kelly asked Ron Saxton to give an opinion as to where the budget process could go from this point. Mr. Saxton related that the Power Sales Agreement and the Bond Resolution require an approved budget 90 days prior to the beginning of the fiscal year (April 2, 1992). If the BPMC fails to adopt a budget prior to April 2, 1992 then the Authority is able to unilaterally adopt a budget. The agreement then provides that the Authority budget is still subject to all the preservation of rights to dispute the contents. The first step is to ensure that there is not a breach of the bond resolution. In order to avoid a technical default the BPMC needs to be sure that some budget is in place by April 2, 1992. The options would include some compromise interim budget or the unilateral budget from the Authority. Under the Power Sales Agreement, these kinds of deadlocks are subject to dispute resolution procedures adopted by the BPMC. The procedures in place say that alternative forms of dispute resolution can be sought if three utilities and the Authority agree. This option is elective. The other alternative is to go to court. No payment obligations will be affected until July 1. BPMC Meeting Minutes March 26, 1992 Page 4 of 7 At this time Chairman Kelly asked Charlie Bussell what position the Authority would take. Mr. Bussell passed out the Authority's proposed budget (Attachment D). Stan Sieczkowski stated that the only difference between the two budgets is on page 2 line 920 (b). Chairman Kelly adjourned the meeting for a 15 minute caucus among the utility managers. The BPMC reconvened at approximately 11:45 a.m. With the understanding that negotiations could continue at any time and that a budget would be adopted by the Authority prior to April 2, 1992, Chairman Kelly moved on to the next item. Approval of the budget would be formally addressed under New Business. 9. AGREEMENT SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Sieczkowski summarized the status of operating agreements: Allocation and Scheduling: Exhibit A will be addressed under New Business. Dispatch: Finalized and signed copies have been : distributed. Transmission Facility Maintenance: On agenda at meeting scheduled with HEA (Between AEA and AEG&) March 27, 1992. Facilities Interconnected Dispatch: On agenda at meeting scheduled with HEA (Between AEA and HEA) March 27, 1992. Communications MOU: Estimated completion date of April 10, 1992. SVCS Draft Agreement: CEA comments expected soon. Dave's Creek Substation: Signed March 13, 1992 (Right of Entry) Soldotna Substation: On agenda at meeting scheduled with HEA (Right of Entry) March 27, 1992. BPMC Meeting Minutes March 26, 1992 Page 5 of 7 10. 11. 12. OPERATION & DISPATCH SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Stan Sieczkowski reported that the Operation and Dispatch Subcommittee met on March 4, 1992. Highlights of this meeting were given and a copy of the draft meeting minutes were distributed as part of the March 26, 1992 pre- meeting packet. The SCADA communications problem is being investigated and is expected to be resolved. A letter has been sent to the utilities outlining the 231,000 megawatt-hours delivered to the utilities as of February 1992. The forecast for next year is 403,000 megawatt-hours, an increase from 383,000 megawatt- hours. REVIEW OF PROJECT STATUS Dave Eberle reported that dewatering of the tunnel had begun the day before (March 25, 1992.) Currently the reservoir is at elevation 830, down about 300 feet. It was noted that higher than anticipated in-flows may slow the dewatering process. The tunnel should be accessible by March 31, 1992 at which time a walk through the penstock will be made to check for debris. Inspection is scheduled for April 3 - 4, 1992. All parties have been notified so they can be present and three different insurance carriers have been notified. Equipment has been mobilized for small repairs but other decisions will be required if major repairs are needed. : OLD BUSINESS A. ADOPTION OF THE BRADLEY LAKE DISPATCHER GUIDELINES SUMMARY The TCS has not met and therefore adoption of the Bradley Lake Dispatcher Guidelines Summary will be held over till the next BPMC meeting. B. SPINNING RESERVE/UNDERFREQUENCY LOAD SHEDDING - UPDATE John Cooley reported that the ASCC Reliability Criteria Committee is meeting March 31, 1992 to continue discussing the Spinning Reserves/Underfrequency Load Shedding. The load shed study is progressing and results are expected by the May Intertie Operating Committee meeting. BPMC Meeting Minutes March 26, 1992 Page 6 of 7 Cc HEA ECONOMY SALES TO GVEA - UPDATE Chairman Kelly stated that a meeting had occurred regarding the HEA Bradley Economy Sales to GVEA, however more work is required on this item. 13. | NEW BUSINESS A. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE EXPENSES Ron Saxton distributed a handout on Committee expenses (Attachment E). All expenses had been approved for payment by the Authority. Mr. Ritchey motion nded by Mr the BPM ve reimbursement of the Section 31 costs. The motion was unanimously approved by roll vote. B. LETTER TO LB&A IN SUPPORT OF MICROWAVE UPGRADE Dave Eberle distributed a draft letter to LB&A in support of Microwave Upgrade (Attachment F). The letter was changed to read telephone carrier instead of telephone industry. Dave Highers motioned, seconded Mr. S he letter mmend si The motion was approved without objection. The letter was transferred to Chugach letterhead and signed at the meeting. Cc. BPMC FISCAL YEAR 1993 BUDGET APPROVAL Chairman Kelly stated that he expected the Authority to adopt a budget prior to the April 2, 1992 deadline and to notify the members of the BPMC. BPMC Meeting Minutes March 26, 1992 Page 7 of 7 ALLOCATION AND SCHEDULING SCHEDULE "A" APPROVAL Mr. Story motioned, seconded by Mr. Highers, approval of the Allocation and Scheduling Exhibit "A". The motion was unanimously TOV LL vote. AUTHORIZATION FOR A TCS REPRESENTATIVE TO ACCOMPANY TUNNEL INSPECTORS Mr. Highers motioned, seconded by Mr. Ritchey, that the Technical Ss mimi in ntative t om, the tunnel inspectors. The motion was approved without objection. APPROVAL OF BRADLEY LAKE TESTING CHARGES Stan Sieczkowski reported that the Operation and Dispatch Subcommittee has reviewed and recommends approval of the Bradley Lake project start-up test charges (Attachment G). Mr. Highers motion mn Mr. the BPM rove reimbursement of he te: e: ion w: i vi 11 vote. 14. COMMUNICATIONS A. SCHEDULE NEXT MEETING April 28, 1992 10:00 a.m. CEA Training Room 15. ADJOURNMENT Attest: There being no further business, the copimittee adjourned at 12:15 p.m. Charlie Bussell, Secretary