HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPMC Meeting October 9, 1992 2BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE July 23, 1992 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Kelly called the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 10:05 a.m. in the Training Room at Chugach Electric Association in Anchorage, Alaska to conduct the business of the Committee per the agenda and the public notice. 2. ROLL CALL Alaska Energy Authority Brent Petrie, Designated Representative Chugach Electric Association David L. Highers, Designated Representative Golden Valley Electric Association Mike Kelly, Designated Representative and Chairman City of Seward Paul Diener, Designated Representative Homer Electric Association Norm Story, Designated Representative Matanuska Electric Association Ken Ritchey, Designated Representative Municipal Light & Power Tom Stahr, Designated Representative Others Present: Ron Saxton, Ater, Wynne, Hewitt, Dodson & Skerrit David Burlingame, Chugach Electric Association Tom Lovas, Chugach Electric Association ¢:\dburger\word\mimutes \pmo\7-92 BPMC Meeting Minutes July 23, 1992 page 2 of 15 John Cooley, Chugach Electric Association Joe Griffith, Chugach Electric Association Gene Bjornstad, Chugach Electric Association Bob Hufman, AEG&T Dave Fair, Homer Electric Association Dave Calvert, City of Seward Tim McConnell, Municipal Light & Power Bob Price, Municipal Light & Power Dave Hutchens, ARECA Ron Garzini, Alaska Energy Authority Stanley E. Sieczkowski, Alaska Energy Authority Larry Wolf, Alaska Energy Authority Denise Burger, Alaska Energy Authority 3s PUBLIC COMMENT There being no public comment, the meeting continued to the next agenda item. 4, AGENDA COMMENTS No changes were made to the meeting agenda at this time. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the June 16, 1992 meeting were approved as submitted. 6. TECHNICAL COORDINATION SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Dave Burlingame distributed a summary of the July 7, 1992 TCS meeting (Attachment 1). Mr Burlingame stated that the SVC contract work was progressing. The dirt and foundation work have been completed and actual building erection has begun. The contractor is approximatedly ten days behind their original proposed schedule, however progress remains well ahead of the contract completion date. The transformer tests are scheduled to begin July 28, 1992. The SVC simulator test began July 20, 1992 and are expected to take up to three weeks. Mr. Burlingame reported that no significant events had occurred a Bradley and no outages were projected. Mr. Burlingame noted that more water was projected to be available this year than average. e:\dburger\word \mimutes \pmo\7-92 BPMC Meeting Minutes July 23, 1992 page 3 of 15 The SVC simulator test cases have been determined and ABB has informally proposed the field tests they wish to perfom during SVC commissioning. Mr. Burlingame noted that some of the proposed tests were extensive. Mr. Burlingame noted problems with the Bradley Lake governor that occurred June 3 and July 8, 1992 when the Kenai Peninsual islanded. Each time, the Kenai was exporting 20 to 30 megawatts of power. Previous studies by PTI indicated that during islanding there would have been an over frequency condition and the frequency should have settled out, allowing restoration of power to the Anchorage area. Mr. Burlingame stated that, in fact, what happened was that the Kenai, following islanding, went into severe frequency oscillation (from roughly 56.6 to 63 hertz.) The Kenai shed all three stages of load shed during both events, even though previous studies indicated no load shed would occur. As a result of the load shed, the voltages went over 115% for about fifteen minutes. Dave Highers expressed concern over the frequency oscillations, stating that the railblet system may be below the original expected standards because of Bradley Lake. Mr. Highers recommended that the TCS be actively involved in the assessment of the problem and the determination of a solution and presented a prepared motion to the PMC for consideration (Attachment 2). Chairman Kelly recommended that the issue be added to the agenda under New Business, Item 13. C. 7. INSURANCE SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Petrie stated that there was nothing new to report and recommended that, unless a new issue developed, this report be deleted as an agenda item in the future. 8. BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Ritchey stated that the Budget Subcommittee activity centered around the Bradley Lake construction cost audit and would be discussed under Old Business, Item 12 E., Bradley Lake Construction Cost Review. Chairman Kelly noted plans to discuss the construction fund balance legislative re-appropriation at that time. Mr. Petrie informed the PMC that Governor Hickel had vetoed the re-appropriation request and the funds remained available. e:\dburger\word \mimutes \pme\7-92 BPMC Meeting Minutes July 23, 1992 page 4 of 15 10. AGREEMENT SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Sieczkowski reported that the subcommittee met on July 21, 1992. Drafts of the Soldotna Substation Agreement, Transmission Facilities Maintenance Agreement, and Soldotna SVC Facilities Maintenance Agreement were sent out to the subcommittee for review prior to the meeting. The subcommittee discussed at length the Transmission Facilities Maintenance Agreement. In order to assure compatibility with existing agreements, consistency with other agreements and legal clarity, the subcommittee developed the following proposal: August 6, 1992 Complete a new draft August 10, 1992 Send out the new draft to the subcommittee August 18, 1992 Agreement Subcommittee meeting Mr. Sieczkowski stated that the Agreement Subcommittee expected to present these agreements at the next PMC meeting for approval. Chairman Kelly clarified that although some utility agreements were now ready, all agreements would be presented for approval to the PMC concurrently. OPERATION AND DISPATCH SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Sieczkowski reported the O&D Subcommittee met on July 15, 1992. At the meeting, the utilities agreed that in the future only an approved summary of the meeting minutes be provided to the PMC (rather than draft meeting minutes). Mr. Sieczkowski noted that the subcommittee was informed of modifications made to the tunnel gate closure control circuits to provide additional tunnel protection, and of progress made towards resolving communications system problems to the weather stations. Project Operating Criteria, Exhibit B of the Allocation and Scheduling Procedures, is being developed. Mr. Sieczkowski informed the PMC that the O&D Subcommittee had approved the following two motions pertaining to the operation of the project: 1. When the Bradley Lake schedules drop below 30 megawatts, the Bradley Lake dispatcher will contact the affected scheduling utilities to determine if they would be harmed by one unit operation until the Bradley schedule goes back above 30 megawatts, with a minimum unit down time of four hours. ¢:\dburger\word\minutes \pmo\7-92 BPMC Meeting Minutes July 23, 1992 page 5 of 15 2. If the schedule reaches minimum load level to shut down a unit, the schedule shall be modified as necessary to provide a minimum down time of four hours. The affected scheduling utilities shall be given the opportunity to modify their schedule to prevent the above action. Mr. Sieczkowski stated that, previously, if the schedule dropped below 20 megawatts, the project automatically went to one unit operation. Prior to approving the motions the O&D Subcommittee discussed its ramifications in regards to efficiency, effect on maintenance, and effect on the scheduling utilities. In response to inquiry by Chairman Kelly, Mr. Sieczkowski confirmed that the scheduling utilities would be contacted in advance, and under this scenario, had the power to veto dropping to one unit operation. After questioning whether there was a need to have the PMC approve changes in operation procedures, Chairman Kelly recommended further discussion of the issue under New Business, adding agenda Item 13 D., Bradley One Generator Operation and Item 13 E., Bradley Minimum Unit Down Time. Mr. McConnell commented that the motions made and approved at the O&D Subcommittee meeting were not controversial, however there was a risk involved if changes were made in operating procedures without coordinating them throughout the utilities prior to PMC approval. Chairman Kelly stated that opportunity would be given for discussion of this issue under New Business and that any committee member could move to table a PMC motion. Mr. Sieczkowski reported that spinning reserve requirements and scheduling capability had also been discussed at the O&D meeting, but that no action was taken on the issue. It was decided however that CEA would send the spinning reserve calculations to the utilities for review and further discussion would take place at the next O&D Subcommittee meeting. Mr. Stahr commented that the Alaska Intertie Agreement definition of spinning reserve was at variance with how it was being treated by the O&D Subcommittee, and that the Intertie Agreement would have to be amended in order to change the definition of spinning reserve. Mr. Sieczkowski stated that the O&D Subcommittee was reviewing the Draft Amendment for Storing Water Criteria and it would be discussed at the next meeting. ¢:\dburger\word\mimutes \pmo\7-92 BPMC Meeting Minutes July 23, 1992 page 6 of 15 11. In response to inquiry by Bob Hufman, Mr. Sieczkowski confirmed that the IBEW was attempting to establish representation of the Bradley operators. Voting ballots have been mailed to the operators by the Alaska Labor Relations Agency and are required to be returned by August 14, 1992. Chairman Kelly noted the assumption that, at some point in time after the warranty period, the responsibility for the operation of Bradley Lake would transfer from AEA to HEA. Chairman Kelly suggested that HEA may want to be included in possible union contract negotiations. In response to inquiry by Chairman Kelly, Mr. Garzini stated that the Energy Authority would discuss options with the operators, however, timing would be within legal requirements and was yet to be determined. Mr. Garzini further stated that the operators felt they were not being well represented, thus precipitating this situation, and Mr. Garzini hoped to address this problem. REVIEW OF PROJECT STATUS Larry Wolf stated that the seismic monitoring equipment installed by the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) was either inoperable or inadequate for operations reporting requirements and that the Energy Authority was installing new equipment. The new equipment will alarm the dispatcher and the powerhouse of a seismic event of 5.0 or larger at the dam site. A report and inspection are required (by FERC) if a 5.0 or larger seismic event occurs (and the epicenter is within a 50 mile radius). Mr. Wolf reported that an automatic transfer switch had been installed on the 15 kV cable from the powerhouse to the dam and microwave tower. Mr. Wolf recounted that because of a failure of the cable almost two years ago, a temporary standby generator was installed, and subsequently a second, backup cable was run parallel to the first cable. The standby generator at the dam will now be able to automatically transfer from one leg of the cable to the other in case of a cable failure, or if power is lost from the powerhouse, it will switch on the appropriate cable to power the microwave site near the dam. Referring to the gate closure event that caused partial de-watering of the power tunnel, Mr. Wolf stated that a snap table had been installed to effect gate closure. Failure of the spherical valve on an emergency closure on one unit will trip the other unit. The gate will then close preventing loss of water in the tunnel. The units will also trip if the gate comes off the closed position switch (which requires 5% travel), or when the gate reaches the 80% open position indicator. ¢:\dburger\word\minutes \pmo\7-92 BPMC Meeting Minutes July 23, 1992 page 7 of 15 Mr. Wolf noted that Landis & Gyr factory testing of the DECnet and Micro- VAX was scheduled July 31, 1992 and field installation was anticipated mid- August. Mr. Wolf informed the PMC that Stone & Webster was in the process of preparing specifications for grouting repair work on the spillway diversion tunnel. It is expected that the repair work will be done this fall. Regarding the contaminated soil stock-piled at the project site, Mr. Wolf noted that preparation of soil remediation contract bid documents is underway. Mr. Petrie stated that the cost of the soil clean-up would initially be covered by remaining project funds, however the Energy Authority was pursuing recovery of some costs from the construction contractors. Because the determination of responsibility for the soil contamination is not a clear issue, Mr. Petrie anticipates litigation may result. Chairman Kelly, directing his comments to Mr. Garzini, stated that the head of the UAF Geophysical Institute had requested Chairman Kelly's intervention concerning the Energy Authority's termination of the Bradley Lake seismic monitoring Reimbursable Services Agreement. Chairman Kelly noted it was the position of the Geophysical Institute that the Energy Authority did not have the expertise to continue the monitoring on its own and that the Geophysical Institute could continue their seismic monitoring program for $30,000 - $40,000/year. Mr. Garzini responded that the Energy Authority staff was committed to getting the job done without any loss in quality and that, as it had been presented to him, a substantial financial savings could be realized. Mr. Garzini stated he would be very willing to meet with Dr. Syun Akasofu, Director of the Geophysical Institute to provide an opportunity to discuss the Institute's service and substantiate their costs. Mr. Garzini confirmed that he would contact Dr. Akasofu to discuss the matter. Tom Stahr expressed concern that the saving of some money in this situation may not be worth the loss in expertise and suggested that a motion be made requiring the Energy Authority not to change the current seismic monitoring program until the options had been investigated and reported to the PMC. Chairman Kelly noted that the PMC paid 100% of the cost of the program. The Chairman recommended further discussion of the issue under New Business, Item F., Bradley Seismic Measurement (Monitoring). ¢:\dburger\word\mimutes \pme\7-92 BPMC Meeting Minutes July 23, 1992 page 8 of 15 12. OLD BUSINESS A. SPINNING RESERVES/UNDER FREQUENCY LOAD SHEDDING - UPDATE Tom Lovas noted that the whole issue of spinning reserve and load shedding was currently being discussed on several fronts (within the Bradley O&D Subcommittee, the IOC and the ASCC.) The consultant recommended by NERC (North America Electric Reliability Council) has submitted a proposed scope of work which will be considered at the August 6, 1992 ASCC meeting. The IOC Under Frequency Load Shedding Study is in its final stages. At the request of ML&P and CEA, the IOC is reviewing methods of accounting for spinning reserve and methods of identifying reserve responsibility with regard to the Bradley Lake Project. Mr. Lovas informed the PMC that the IOC held a special meeting on July 14, 1992 to review these issues. Five motions were made and either approved or denied at the meeting, three of which were appealed by ML&P within the allotted five day period. It is ML&P's view that the contested motions are in violation of the Alaska Intertie Agreement and not within the province of the IOC. Mr. Lovas is preparing background material on the issues for distribution. It was noted that in the case of an appeal of a motion, unanimous agreement was required among the utilities and AEA within twenty working days. If agreement cannot be reached, the issue must then be resolved through binding arbitration. Mr. McConnell stated that this was a "friendly appeal" meant to clarify the Intertie Agreement, noting that improvements in the railbelt system (including Bradley) may effect the interpretation of the contract and the application of current studies. Mr. Lovas will continue to update the Bradley PMC on this issue. HEA BRADLEY ECONOMY SALES TO GVEA - UPDATE At the suggestion of Chairman Kelly, and with the implied consensus of the PMC, this item will be dropped from future meeting agendas. DIVISION OF INFORMATION SERVICES Mr. Sieczkowski reported that the Energy Authority was in the process of preparing information requested by Kay Brown and the Legislative ¢:\dburger\word \minutes \pmo\7-92 BPMC Meeting Minutes July 23, 1992 page 9 of 15 Budget and Audit Committee (LB&A) outlining the comparative costs and requirements of the Bradley communications system. RING-DOWN CIRCUIT Mr. Sieczkowski stated the O&D Subcommittee had passed a motion recommending the PMC approve funding for a utility common ring- down circuit. An estimate of just under $30,000 was obtained which included the common ring-down circuit and single lines for utilities without them. Brent Petrie moved that the PMC approve a $30,000 appropriation for the ring-down circuit as a project cost. Seconded by Paul Diener, the motion passed by unanimous roll call vote. BRADLEY LAKE CONSTRUCTION COST REVIEW Ken Ritchey informed the PMC that representatives of the Budget Subcommittee met with AEA on July 23, 1992 to review Energy Authority Bradley construction audit records. Mr. Ritchey noted that the Energy Authority had done a considerable amount of audit work and provided the subcommittee an unexpected, large volume of material. However, it was decided the audit process, the audit summaries, and further details, if deemed necessary, should be reviewed. Noting that the major construction contracts had been audited by AEA, Mr. Ritchey recommend the audit of one of the construction contracts. Other items the Budget Subcommittee recommended for review included AEA's bidding and contract award procedures and the $17,000,000 Energy Authority costs. Mr. Ritchey suggested that John Parisena be recruited to write an RFP within the suggested range of $20,000. Tom Stahr moved that the PMC direct the Budget Subcommittee to develop an RFP for conducting a Bradley construction cost audit at a cost not to exceed 2 authorizes the aw f the contract as a project cost. The motion. mn Dave Highers, was aj ved by unanimous roll call vote. 14. COMMUNICATIONS A. RON GARZINI, INTERIM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Chairman Kelly introduced Ron Garzini, newly appointed Interim Executive Director of the Alaska Energy Authority. Mr. Garzini ¢:\dburger\word\minutes \pmo\7-92 BPMC Meeting Minutes July 23, 1992 page 10 of 15 explained that the Energy Authority was currently recruiting for a permanent executive director, but in the mean time, he felt it necessary to begin some new initiatives now. Mr. Garzini stated that the role of the Energy Authority needed to be defined. In part, questions needed to be addressed regarding its role in the planning and development of the state's rural energy needs and in the future development of energy technology. Soliciting the help of the utilities, Mr. Garzini recommended that by January 1993 a comprehensive energy program be prepared and submitted to the Legislature. The AEA Board of Directors has supported this initiative with the approval of $100,000 for the retention of a consultant. Mr. Garzini asked the PMC for its assistance in the development of the RFP and in the review and selection process of the consultant. Additionally, once the consultant is selected, Mr. Garzini asked that members of the PMC, as a part of a steering committee, assist the consultant in the development of this program. Chairman Kelly noted concern that January might be too late to present such a plan to the legislature. However, Chairman Kelly pointed out that the PMC had fully supported similar efforts by the previous executive director and that support would likely continue. In response to a discussion over the short time frame to accomplish the goal, Mr. Garzini committed his efforts to streamline the process, where possible, and encouraged the utilities to begin gathering their information now. Mr. Garzini also requested the utility managers provide input for development projects qualifying for various federal funding opportunities and a strategy to obtain the funding. Mr. Garzini further stated that potential for federal funding could increase with the creation of "an alliance" with other states such as Hawaii and Washington. In an effort to resolve the law suit regarding the Bradley Lake operating budget and AEA administrative costs, Mr. Garzini indicated his availability to either receive or make a proposal. Mr. Garzini noted that at the time of the Bradley Power Sales Agreement he was on the "other side of the table" and offered the utilities the opportunity for new dialog on the issue. Chairman Kelly stated that Mr. Garzini was welcome to discuss the issue later at the Manager's Meeting. Mr. Garzini reiterated his willingness to work with the PMC and his desire to resolve the issue without litigation. ¢:\dburger\word\minutes\pmc\7-92 BPMC Meeting Minutes July 23, 1992 page 11 of 15 12. OLD BUSINESS (continued) F. SEPARATION OF OFFICE OF SECRETARY/TREASURER Dave Highers reported that the Nominating Committee recommended the position of Secretary/Treasurer be divided into two positions. According to Bradley PMC bylaws, the position of Secretary would remain held by AEA. The Treasurer would assume chairmanship of the Budget and Finance Subcommittees. Dave Highers motioned, seconded by Norm Story, that the position of Secretary/Treasurer be separated. With her discussi he motion w: unani 1 call vote. 13. NEW BUSINESS A. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Dave High ent he following Nominati mimi for action: Chairman Dave Highers Vii i Norm Sto: AEA, as i PMC bylaws Treasurer Ken Ritchey Chairman Kelly inquired if there was any need to hold a separate vote for each office. None was oa, The motion, a ded a Ken Ritch Paul Di S: u i Mr. Kelly was applauded by the committee members in recognition of his efforts as chairman of the PMC. The remaining business of the meeting was conducted by the newly elected chairman. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE EXPENSES A chart of Bradley Lake related utility expenses and Section 31 Costs for May 15 through June 30, 1992 was distributed to the committee (Attachment 3). No utility expenses were indicated. Mr. Petrie noted that the $23,537.01 submitted as Section 31 Costs nearly depleted the ¢:\dburger\word\mimutes \pme\7-92 BPMC Meeting Minutes July 23, 1992 page 12 of 15 bond funds. Mr. Saxton noted that future committee expenses would be treated as an operating cost and paid out of the PMC O&M budget. Mr. Kelly motioned, seconded by Mr. Diener to approve reimbursement of the submitted utility Section 31 Costs. The motion was approved unanimously without comment or discussion. FREQUENCY GOVERNOR OSCILLATIONS Chairman Highers referred to the prepared motion previously distributed (Attachment 2). Tom Stahr moved that the motion read as prepared with the addition of one last sentence. In its entirety the motion then read: Move that the PMC direct the TCS in conjunction with the Dispatch and Operations Subcommittee to investigate the frequency oscillations associated with the islanding of the Bradley Lake System. The TCS hould, within the next 30 days, identifi hort term solutions which may be viable for implementation for up to a 90 day period. The solutions should be brought to the PMC with a discussion on the benefits and operating restrictions imposed by each of the proposed solutions to allow for implementation by the PMC. The TCS should also identify proposed long term solutions and within the next 45 days bring forward to the PMC proposed long term solutions with a di ion on each sible solution and a schedule on implementation. Energy storage and retrieval systems including h lic, pneumatic, mi tic, and electrochemical shall be considered as enhancements for control load acceptance. The motion was seconded by Norm Story. Brent Petrie noted that Dave Eberle was currently out of state and requested that the TCS be given 15 days additional time to investigate the problem and present a solution to the PMC. With the consent of Mr. Stahr, the motion was amended to reflect the additional time. Mr. Burlingame noted that Mr. Eberle had already taken measures to address the problem and e:\dburger\word\minutes\pme\7-92 BPMC Meeting Minutes July 23, 1992 page 13 of 15 further expressed concern that the present situation posed a significant risk to the southern Kenai system. Norm Story, noting the recent outages, concurred with Mr. Burlingame's concern. Mr. Petrie assured the PMC that the issue would be addressed by AFA as soon as possible. Mr. Burlingame clarified that the TCS does not have any proposals to resolve the problem at this time, although, as long as the Kenai is exporting power, CEA has implemented what they believe to be a solution. Because of discussion concerning the suggested time frame of the motion, Mr. Kelly moved that the motion be divided, allowing consideration of the first paragraph of the original proposal made by Mr. Highers and then_consideration of the second paragraph of the original proposal,together with the additional statement by Mr. Stahr, and the 15 day time extension requested by Mr. Petrie. The motion, seconded by Mr. Petrie was approved by a unanimous roll call vote. Mr. Kelly called for the vote on the first part of the "original" motion: Move that the PMC direct the TCS in conjunction with the Dispatch and Operations Subcommittee to investigate the frequency oscillations associated with the islanding of the Bradley Lake System. The TCS should, within the next 30 days, identify all short term solutions which may be viable for implementation for up to a 90 day period. The solutions should be brought to the PMC with a discussion on the benefits and operating restrictions imposed by each of the proposed solutions to allow for implementation by the PMC. The motion was approved by unanimous roll call vote. Chairman Highers called for the vote on the second part: The T hould also identify proposed long term solutions and within the next 60 days bring forward to the PMC proposed long term solutions with a di ion on each possible solution and hedule on implementation. Energy storage and retrieval systems including hydraulic, pneumatic, magnetic, and electrochemical ¢:\dburger\word \minutes\pme\7-92 BPMC Meeting Minutes July 23, 1992 page 14 of 15 shall be considered as enhancements for control and load acceptance. Mr. Kelly interjected that if the "surge tank issue" was resurrected and became a solution to the problem that it would be a project cost issue. Noting past discussions on the surge tank, Mr. Kelly suggested that if the need for the system was handled as a new item of construction, it be made clear that the intent was to identify a means of faster response. Tom Stahr stated his belief that the issues were closely related and that the problem should be addressed while project construction funds were still available. Dave Burlingame expressed concern over the perception of the problem, clarifying that the problem was the way in which the Bradley Lake governor interacts with the islanded system. Mr. Burlingame further stated that it was a design problem and the tunnel design and Kenai islanding system were factors. It was noted that the two related outages occurred while the Kenai was exporting power, and that, in those instances, Bradley Lake responded faster than any gas turbine. Stating that neither the problem nor the solution could be determined at this time, Mr. Petrie called for the vote. The motion was approved by unanimous roll call vote. BRADLEY ONE GENERATOR OPERATION BRADLEY MINIMUM UNIT DOWN TIME mo Chairman Highers, having conferred with Ron Saxton, stated that because these were matters related specifically to scheduling (and which did not result in changing a utility's project share), PMC approval of these motions was not necessary. It was clarified that issues related to operation and scheduling procedures would be handled at the Operations & Dispatch Subcommittee level. F. BRADLEY SEISMIC MEASUREMENT ISSUES Mr. Garzini assured the PMC that he would make arrangements to meet with Dr. Akasofu and would report back to the PMC. ¢:\dburger\word\minutes \pmo\7-92 BPMC Meeting Minutes July 23, 1992 page 15 of 15 14. . COMMUNICATIONS (continuted) B. SCHEDULE NEXT MEETING August 24, 1992 10:00 a.m. CEA Training Room 15. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the committee adjourned at 12:20 p.m. soo at Mbp Brent N. Petrie, Secretary ¢:\dburger\word \minutes \pmec\7-92 ATTACHMENT 1 CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Anchorage, Alaska July 21, 1992 TO: Bradley Lake Project Management Committee FROM: David W. Burlingame, TCS Secretary 72 Li 7 SUBJECT: TCS Meeting - July 7, 1992 The following is a synopsis of the previous TCS meeting: svc Project status - The Contractor has begun construction of the foundations, conduit, ground grid and building erection. Work is proceeding smoothly although it is approximately 2 weeks behind ABB's original schedule. Transformer tests are scheduled for July 28, 1992. svc simulator tests are scheduled for July 20, 1992. Bradley Lake Status - The project is operating normally without any planned outages. Water projections indicate this will be an above average year. DECNET Status - The VAX computer was shipped back to Landys & Gyr for correction. Tests are scheduled for July 24, 1992. Simulator studies - The proposed simulator studies were reviewed and comments requested. The studies outline what parameters will be tested in ABB's simulator lab and also what tests ABB would like to see repeated in the field. Filed testing may begin as early as October. Bradley Lake Governor Problems - The TCS reviewed a letter from the Bradley Lake Dispatcher concerning the unacceptable performance of Bradley Lake following islanding conditions. The committee was briefed on the June 3, 1992 outage of the Kenai. Following islanding conditions, the Bradley Lake governor begins oscillations which have resulted in the Kenai shedding all three stages of loadshedding. PTI's studies to date had indicated there should have been no loadshedding for this event or the event of July 8, 1992. Chugach has implemented some control changes in conjunction with SWEC which should prevent loadshedding for the conditions where the Kenai is exporting over a certain amount of power. The solution for those times when the Kenai is importing or exporting a small amount of power was to be addressed by SWEC. ATTACHMENT 2 Cwotion)- Move that the PMC direct the TCS in conjunction with the Dispatch & Operations Subcommittee to investigate the frequency oscillations associated with the islanding of the Bradley Lake system. The TCS should, within the next 30 days identify all short term solutions which may be viable for implementation for up to a 90 day period. The solutions should be brought to the PMC with a discussion on the benefits and operating restrictions imposed by each of the proposed solutions to allow for implementation by the PMC. The TCS should also identify proposed long term solutions and within the next 453 days bring forward to the PMC proposed long term solutions with a discussion on each possible solution and a schedule on implementation. ATTACHMENT 3 ATER WYNNE menicaane HEWITT Portland, Oregon 97201-6618 (503) 226-1191 DODSON Fax (503) 226.0079 & SKERRITT ATTORNEYS AT LAW July 21, 1992 VIA_ FEDERAL EXPRESS RECEIVED Brent Petrie JUL 22 1992 Alaska Energy Authority . 701 East Tudor Road yiaska Energy Authority Anchorage, AK 99510-0869 Re: Bradley Lake Utility Expenses Through June 1992 Dear Brent: Enclosed is the chart of unreimbursed Bradley Lake costs from the period May 15, 1992 through June 30, 1992. Let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, a G. Westby, Eli Legal Assistant Encl. EGW\077egw.let Seattle, Washington Washington, D.C. San Francisco, California Affiliated offices in (206) 623-4711 (202) 785-0303 (415) 421-4143 Anchorage, Fairbanks Fax (206) 467-8406 Fax (202) 785-8676 Fax (415) 989-1263 and Juneau, Alaska UNREIMBURSED BRADLEY LAKE COSTS COSTS INCURRED May through June, 1992 As Submitted to Ater Wynne PROJECT COSTS i HH 1: ee eloas Hn Te 1 a A2 BPMC LEGAL AND FINANCE OPINION LETTERS SECTION 31 COSTS some | ome | 2(b) BPMC LEGAL a ee ee ee 79 Cow / ° APPROVED AT BPMC MEETING Sel 23/972 SIGNED: _, AL Ah, l; U IF I l CHUGACH: No costs submitted. GVEA: Includes cost information from February through April, 1992. HOMER: Includes cost information from February through April, 1992. MATANUSKA: Cost form claims zero expenses from December 15, 1991 through May 15, 1992. ML&P: No costs submitted. SEWARD: Includes cost information from January through April, 1992. ATER WYNNE: Includes legal fees and costs from May 15, through June 30, 1992. EGW\BPMC Forward completed chart to: Ron Saxton Ater Wynne 222 SW Columbia, Ste. 1800 Portland, OR 97201 UNREIMBURSED BRADLEY LAKE COSTS UTILITY _Ater Wynne MONTH May 15 - June 30, 1992 RETURN NO LATER THAN PROJECT COSTS 1990 FINANCE TEAM PARTICIPATION All travel-related expenses for members of the Finance Team for trip and meetings associated with the second financing. LEGAL EXPENSES FOR FINANCING EFFORTS Legal fees of the Committee attorney relating to the second financing effort. OPINIONS OF COUNSEL Scope of work on 1990 second financing effort to be determined later. TCC EXPENSES Travel and meeting expenses associated with your utility's participation on the Technical Coordinating Committee. Do not include amounts for staff time. SECTION 31 COSTS B2 BPMC ORGANIZATION (a) BPMC-approved costs for conducting Committee meetings and general business. IN ACCOUNT WITH ATER WYNNE HEWITT DODSON & SKERRITT Lawyers Suite 1800 222 S.W. Columbia Portland, Oregon 97201-6618 Bradley Lake Project Management Committee/Utilities Group Attn: Michael P. Kelly Box 1249 Fairbanks, Alaska 99707 July 13, 1992 For professional services and expenses May 15 through May 31, 1992: General $ 1,680.56 Dispute Regarding AEA Administrative Costs 3,342.40 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE PER THIS STATEMENT $ 5,022.96 der088.inv IN ACCOUNT WITH ATER WYNNE HEWITT DODSON & SKERRITT Lawyers Suite 1800 222 S.W. Columbia Portland, Oregon 97201-6618 Bradley Lake Project Management Committee/Utilities Group Attn: Michael P. Kelly Box 1249 Fairbanks, Alaska 99707 July 13, 1992 For professional services and expenses in June 1992: General $ 10,925.39 Dispute Regarding AEA Administrative Costs 7 -66 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE PER THIS STATEMENT $ 18,514.05 der088.inv DRAFT BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE August 24, 1992 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Highers called the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 10:30 a.m. in the Training Room at Chugach Electric Association in Anchorage, Alaska to conduct the business of the Committee per the agenda and the public notice. 2. ROLL CALL Alaska Energy Authority Brent Petrie, Designated Representative Chugach Electric Association David L. Highers, Designated Representative and Chairman Golden Valley Electric Association Mike Kelly, Designated Representative City of Seward Paul Diener, Designated Representative Homer Electric Association Norm Story, Designated Representative Matanuska Electric Association Ken Ritchey, Designated Representative Municipal Light & Power Tom Stahr, Designated Representative Others Present: Ron Saxton, Ater, Wynne, Hewitt, Dodson & Skerrit David Burlingame, Chugach Electric Association Tom Lovas, Chugach Electric Association ¢:\dburger\word\minutes\pmo\8-92 BPMC Meeting Minutes August 24, 1992 Page 2 of 8 John Cooley, Chugach Electric Association Gene Bjornstad, Chugach Electric Association Bob Hufman, AEG&T Dave Fair, Homer Electric Association Mike Yerkes, Homer Electric Association Dave Calvert, City of Seward Tim McConnell, Municipal Light & Power Bob Price, Municipal Light & Power Moe Aslam, Municipal Light & Power Hank Nikkels, Municipal Light & Power Dave Hutchens, ARECA Ron Garzini, Alaska Energy Authority David R. Eberle, Alaska Energy Authority Stanley E. Sieczkowski, Alaska Energy Authority Larry Wolf, Alaska Energy Authority Denise Burger, Alaska Energy Authority 3. PUBLIC COMMENT There being no public comment, the meeting continued to the next agenda item. 4, AGENDA COMMENTS OLD BUSINESS, Item 11. C., Update on Seismic Measurement Issues, was deleted. Discussion of seismic measurement issues was incorporated into Item 7. A., Consideration of Budget Amendment to Fund Seismic Monitoring by UAF. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the July 23, 1992 meeting were approved as submitted. 6. TECHNICAL COORDINATION SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Burlingame reported that the TCS had not met since the last Bradley PMC meeting. Currently, the TCS and Stone & Webster are reviewing proposals to resolve the frequency oscillation problem. Mr. Burlingame noted that there were some discrepancies between the results of the actual SVC simulator tests and PTI's predictions. A third party analysis will be performed to determine the cause of the discrepancies. ¢:\dburger\word\minutes\pmo\8-92 BPMC Meeting Minutes August 24, 1992 Page 3 of 8 T. BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT It was reported that the Budget Subcommittee had not met. Mr. Ritchey noted the subcommittee's plans to confer with Mr. Saxton regarding Mr. Garzini's proposal to resolve the issue of the Energy Authority's administrative costs in the Bradley FY93 O&M budget. Mr. Saxton informed the PMC that John Parasena had crafted a rough draft RFP for performing the Bradley construction cost audit and expects the final RFP to follow soon. A. CONSIDERATION OF BUDGET AMENDMENT TO FUND SEISMIC MONITORING BY UAF Mr. Petrie reported that Mr. Garzini and Mr. Wolf of AEA met with representatives of the University of Fairbanks Geophysical Institute on August 6, 1992 to discuss the University's proposal for continued seismic monitoring at Bradley Lake. Stating that the University's study would monitor any reservoir induced seismic movements, Mr. Petrie added that the information could be useful in fulfilling the FERC requirement to report seismic events greater than 5.0 on the Richter Scale. Mr. Garzini noted that the University had established a statewide seismic monitoring program. From the University's perspective, an integral part of that program was the study of possible induced seismic activity due to the development of Bradley Lake. Mr. Garzini clarified that the University was only providing research and it was not their intent to provide the required operation system alarm. Mr. Garzini recommended that the Bradley PMC review the continued need for this study on a yearly basis. Mr. Petrie explained that to continue the University's program would require the addition of $30,000 to the existing O&M budget. It was anticipated that the additional expense could be fully funded by the FY92 carryover. Mr. Kelly moved, seconded by Mr. Petrie, the Bradley PMC approve the proposed budget amendment. The motion passed by the following roll call vote: City of Seward Yes Matanuska Electric Association No Chugach Electric Association Yes Homer Electric Association Yes ¢:\dburger\word\minutes\pmo\8-92 BPMC Meeting Minutcs August 24, 1992 Page 4 of 8 Golden Valley Electric Association Yes Municipal Light & Power ny Al En Authorit Yes Expressing reservations concerning the utilities' role supporting the University's seismic research program, Mr. Diener requested that the record clearly show the approval of this expenditure was limited to one year. Mr. Kelly recommended that the Bradley PMC invite the Geophysical Institute to make a presentation next year, when considering the subject again. Mr. Garzini noted that the remaining issue for the Bradley PMC to determine was how long the University's study should continue (i.e. its usefulness versus cost to the project.) Mr. Petrie clarified that the $30,000 appropriation for seismic monitoring was in addition to the $20,000 allotted in the FY93 budget to meet operation alarm requirements (Attachment 1). The total FY93 budgeted amount for seismic monitoring, as amended, is $50,000. 8. AGREEMENT SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Sieczkowski reported the Transmission Facilities Maintenance and Soldotna Substation Agreements were discussed at a meeting held between Alaska Energy Authority, Homer Electric Association and Ron Saxton on August 18, 1992. A draft of both agreements was sent to HEA on August 21, 1992. Drafts of the Soldotna Substation Agreement and the Soldotna and Daves Creek SVC Maintenance Agreements have been sent to CEA. An Agreements Subcommittee meeting will be scheduled pending receipt of comments on the SVC Agreements, which are expected by September 18, 1992. Mr. Sieczkowski stated the Interconnected Agreement is still under discussion. Noting the lengthiness of the agreements process, Chairman Highers urged the utilities to return their comments quickly. Mr. Sieczkowski stated that the Transmission Facilities and Soldotna Substation Agreements were very close to signing and that it was hoped all agreements would be ready for signing at the next Bradley PMC meeting. 9. OPERATION AND DISPATCH SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT A summary of the August 18, 1992 O&D Subcommittee meeting was distributed (Attachment 2). Mr. Sieczkowski stated that the cause of the August 13, 1992 outage was being investigated. It was noted that scheduling procedures were discussed at length and that differences existed among the ¢:\dburger\word\minutes\pmo\8-92 BPMC Meeting Minutcs August 24, 1992 Page 5 of 8 subcommittee members. Referring to the O&D meeting summary, Mr. Sieczkowski reported that two motions related to scheduling were approved. A method of calculating spinning reserve was also approved at the meeting. Tim McConnell asked for clarification on the first motion where it stated, "Under normal load changes, the approved schedule will not be allowed to change," stating that he understood this did not apply to changes of generation on the system, only to utility load changes (i.e. five or ten megawatts.) Mr. Burlingame noted that "schedule" in this statement should be defined as "confirmed," rather than "approved." Mr. Burlingame explained that a utility could change its schedule only as long as that capacity had not been confirmed to another utility. However, if a system problem (rather than scheduling problem) occurred, the confirmed schedules could be changed to accommodate the need. It was noted that this was an interim procedure and would change when the declared project capability changed to 120 megawatts. Chairman Highers asked Mr. Sieczkowski to continue to keep the Bradley PMC informed on discussions of the issue. Mr. Kelly asked if the motions approved by the O&D Subcommittee needed to be approved by the Bradley PMC. Mr. Sieczkowski noted that, in part, the O&D Subcommittee was bringing the scheduling practices into compliance with the Allocation and Scheduling Procedures. Mr. Story questioned whether the PMC subcommittees had the authority to change procedures approved by the Bradley PMC. Mr. Burlingame added that, during this past year, the O&D Subcommittee had been operating by procedures not approved by the Bradley PMC and that it had been the cause of some conflict. Mr. Burlingame further noted that, with the exception of one issue, the utilities were in agreement regarding the current issues being discussed at the subcommittee level. Mr. Saxton commented that the Bradley Power Sales Agreement provided all authority to the Bradley PMC, and further stated that the Bradley PMC had the power to delegate authority to others. Mr. Saxton noted that, if the distinction between the authority delegated to the subcommittees and the authority reserved by the PMC had become unclear, a review of what the PMC had established would be helpful. Mr. Saxton added that, if the O&D Subcommittee was unable to function within the present system, changes could be made to the Allocation and Scheduling Procedures, or to the authority delegated to the subcommittee, or to both. Mr. Kelly suggested that the subcommittee chairmen and Mr. Saxton search the Bradley PMC meeting minutes to establish the directions that had been given in past meetings. Chairman Highers, concurring with the suggestion, asked Mr. Saxton and the subcommittee chairmen to ¢:\dburger\word\minutes\pme\8-92 BPMC Meeting Minutes August 24, 1992 Page 6 of 8 11. provide a summary list of Committee actions. Mr. Cooley noted that this issue was discussed at the last Bradley PMC meeting and that the PMC had determined it was not necessary to become involved in O&D Subcommittee matters. Mr. Burlingame clarified that the PMC did not need to be involved in matters of operational procedures unless the procedures directly changed the PMC approved Allocation and Scheduling Procedures. Mr. Burlingame stated that it was the intent of the O&D Subcommittee to keep the Bradley PMC informed of its decisions and that the subcommittee was not looking for PMC approval on all issues. Mr. Sieczkowski noted that the O&D Subcommittee would be seeking PMC approval of the changes made to the Allocation and Scheduling Procedures at the last subcommittee meeting. REVIEW OF PROJECT STATUS Mr. Eberle informed the committee that the SVC simulator testing was conducted in Switzerland during the last two weeks of July. Programming changes were made by ABB which successfully corrected minor controller problems. Although the SVC controller performed as specified, based on ABB's analog model, the overall Kenai transmission system did not respond as anticipated in four of the test cases. At AEA's request, ABB is performing additional digital studies and analog simulator studies on the four cases to determine if there is a problem. The TCS will meet to discuss the test results as soon as the results are available. Mr. Eberle reported that construction work on the SVC sites is proceeding on schedule and that a lot of the major equipment has been delivered to the sites. Installation of the equipment is anticipated shortly. Component testing is expected to begin in October and the first on-line test is scheduled for mid- December. Mr. Burlingame noted that the SVC would be tested to the full operating limits of its design. The DECnet had been installed, however Mr. Eberle noted that problems in the hard drive occurred during testing. The DECnet has been returned to Landis and Gyr for repairs which are expected to take about two weeks. AEA is preparing a contract for clean-up of the contaminated soil to be bid this fall and awarded this winter. Mr. Eberle stated the Energy Authority was required by the Department of Environmental Conservation to clean-up the contaminated soil within two years of discovery. In order to meet this schedule, the Energy Authority plans to proceed with the clean-up while the issue of liability for the clean-up is being determined. ¢:\dburger\word\minutes \pme\8-92 BPMC Meeting Minutes August 24, 1992 Page 7 of 8 12. 13. In response to inquiry about the condition of the tunnel by Chairman Highers, Mr. Eberle stated that the turbine discharge pit would be checked for debris during the maintenance scheduled for October. Only minor amounts of debris, if any, are anticipated. OLD BUSINESS A. SPINNING RESERVES/UNDER FREQUENCY LOAD SHEDDING - UPDATE Mr. Lovas reported that the Intertie Operating Committee utility managers met on August 10, 1992 and unanimously decided to suspend action on the appeal by ML&P. The earlier decisions made by the IOC remain unchanged. The IOC has received PTI's final report on load shedding. A load shedding schedule, based on PTI's analysis, has been recommended and is being tested by CEA and ML&P. A final schedule recommendation will be made to the IOC after completion of the testing. Mr. Lovas stated that the Alaska Systems Coordinating Council (ASCC) Reliability Criteria Committee met on August 6, 1992. Currently the draft philosophy and report outline crafted by the committee are being reviewed by the utilities. The Reliability Criteria Committee has selected a consultant to assist with this work. The committee has also formulated its 1993 budget to include specific technical work and consultant costs. The budget recommendation will be presented at the September 23, 1992 ASCC meeting. B. BRADLEY LAKE CONSTRUCTION COST REVIEW This item was previously discussed under Item 7., Budget Subcommittee Report. No additional comments were made. NEW BUSINESS A. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE EXPENSES No committee expenses were submitted for approval. B. APPROVAL OF UTILITY AGREEMENTS Deferred to the next committee meeting. ¢:\dburger\word\minutes\pmeo\8-92 BPMC Meeting Minutcs August 24, 1992 Page 8 of 8 14. COMMUNICATIONS A. RONALD A. GARZINI, INTERIM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 15. Attest: ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Mr. Garzini stated that the Energy Authority had been working on the development of a "politically sellable" plan for the Railbelt Energy Fund (Senate Bill 5) and requested an opportunity to meet with urban and rural utility managers. Mr. Garzini added that the Energy Authority wanted the input of all of the utilities on the plan before it was finalized. Chairman Highers noted that ARECA would be the most likely forum to facilitate such a meeting. At Mr. Kelly's suggestion, a special meeting including all utilities was scheduled for 10:00 a.m., September 3, 1992 at ARECA. B. SCHEDULE NEXT MEETING Friday, October 9, 1992 10:00 a.m. CEA Training Room Mr. Burlingame noted that the TCS would be meeting soon and questioned whether the TCS could implement a solution to the frequency oscillation problem. After some discussion, it was concluded that the TCS was authorized to implement a solution, provided it did not impose any operating restrictions beyond those previously approved by the PMC. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the committee, the meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m. David L. Highers, Chairman Brent N. Petrie, Secretary e:\dburger\word \minutes\pmo\8-92. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE October 9, 1992 Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Training Room 10:00 a.m. CALL TO ORDER 10:00 a.m. Highers ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENT AGENDA COMMENTS APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES - August 24, 1992 TECHNICAL COORDINATING SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Burlingame BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Ritchey A. Bradley Lake Construction Cost Review - Update B. FY93 Budget, AEA Administrative Costs - Update AGREEMENTS SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Sieczkowski OPERATION AND DISPATCH SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Sieczkowski A. Bradley Scheduling vs. Spin Requirements Kelly REVIEW OF PROJECT STATUS Eberle OLD BUSINESS A. Spinning Reserves/Under Frequency Load Shedding Update Lovas NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of Committee Expenses Petrie B. Approval of Utility Agreements Sieczkowski Cc. Approval of Amended Allocation & Scheduling Procedures Sieczkowski D. Historical Review of PMC Actions Saxton COMMUNICATIONS A. Schedule Next Meeting ADJOURNMENT 10788792 18127 & 503 226 0079 ATER WCTE at ATER WYNNE HEWITT DODSON & SKERRITT ATTORNEYS AT LAW Suhe 180 222 SW. Columbia Portland, Oregon 97201-6618 (303) 226-119) Fax (503) 226-0079 RECORU VOPY FILE NO FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL - NOTICE; This facsimile contains confidential information that is being transmitted to and is intended only for the use of the recipient named below. Reading, disclosure, discussion, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this information by anyone other than the named recipient or his or her employees or agents is strictly prohibited. If you have received this facsimile in error, please immediately destroy it and notify us by telephone, (503) 226-1191. DATE: TO: CITY/STATE: FAX NUMBER; rc 92 - D gs Office Anchorage, AK 907/562-0027 OFFICE NUMBER: _907/563-7494 FROM: —Ron Saxton DOCUMENT: Bradl Co PAGES (INCL. COVER) 5 USAGE TIME CLIENT NUMBER: _53844-0000 Ron: I faxed the documentation to Brent. Attached is the summary sheets for the BPMC meeting. R=91% Liz 503 226 0079 10-08-92 05:35PM ~__ TRO Sct min 10/4) 42. PGO1 #23 ATTACHMENT 1 CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. RECORD opy Anchorage, Alaska FILE NO October 8, 1992 Pro 2 Tate r9/9]qa TO: Bradley Lake PMC Zs FROM: David W. Burlingame, TCS Secretary SUBJECT: TCS Meeting Report The following is a synopsis of the TCS meeting held on October 8, 1992. SCADA SubCommittee has reviewed the DECNET installation at Bradley Lake. SWEC is waiting for the final points list to be received from Golden Valley and AML&P prior to implementing. SWEC has requested Landys & Gyr investigate alternative methods of supplying HEA with requested information other than the present design. Svc Project Status - The transformers at both sites are installed, reactors installed, switches and buswork installed and the valves are on-site. The Daves Creek SVC is tentatively scheduled to be connected to the power system October 16, 1992. The svc is not scheduled to begin any testing until November. Bradley Lake Water Elevation - The water elevation is down significantly and project allocations are expected to be adjusted downward. SWEC/AEA found an error in the field survey which resulted in the water elevation at the dam being reported 2' lower than it actually is. svc Simulator Studies - SWEC presented an analysis of the analog and digital simulator studies ABB performed at AEA's request. The studies were performed due to the apparent discrepancy between the stability numbers found by ABB in their initial tests and the PTI numbers we are operating under. The utilities objected to the SWEC conclusion as SWEC was using numbers from a superseded PTI study and the not the numbers currently in use. SWEC will investigate further. SWEC was requested to run an additional case to ascertain the stability limit after the SVC's are installed as this now appears to be in question. Kenai Oscillations - SWEC presented its findings an the cause of the Kenai oscillations and the recommended short term solutions. The committee accepted two of the recommendations with motions as follows: Motion 1 - Move to put one Bradley Lake unit in deflector automatically as soon as possible via Chugach's SCADA control upon detection of islanding to prevent or mitigate Kenai frequency oscillations. The above action has previously been implemented by Chugach and according to the SWEC studies, should prevent oscillation during those times when the Kenai is exporting more than 10 MW of power. Motion 2 - Move to disable the gain acceleration function within the Bradley governor to allow more time before the needle valve and deflectors equalize and begin the Kenai system frequency oscillations. The above action will be implemented by SWEC as soon as possible. The only detriment to the above is a small amount of water that is wasted on overfrequency conditions since it slows down the time it takes for the needles to close and match the deflectors, ie the units are running on their deflectors for a slightly longer period of time. The committee has not been able to identify any short term solutions which mitigate the Kenai loadshedding during import conditions. SWEC estimates that any import more than 5 MW will result in total Kenai loadshedding. SWEC was asked to investigate the possibility of automatically tripping a unit to deflector control on overfrequency as opposed to waiting for SCADA control. This may help the Kenai avoid further loadshedding during import conditions. SWEC recommended disabling AGC control for Bradley Lake during transient period immediately after islanding. Chugach will investigate and implement if possible. SWEC will investigate the possible long term solutions including the installation of a new governor control mode at Bradley Lake, new intertie, batteries, surge tanks etc. ATTACHMENT 2 RECOR BRADLEY LAKE AGREEMENTS SUBCOMMITTEE FILE NO Ie} AGREEMENT LIST AND ASSIGNMENT SCHEDULE -P - UPDATED: October 8, 1992 alee et ae ep SS 14192 / COMPLETION Organiz- AGREEMENTS DRAFT DATE DATE RESPONSIBILITY ation Dispatch Agreement 36-91 2-19-92 Tom Lovas CEA between AEA and CEA 6-19-91 S. Sieczkowski AEA 9-4-91 Maintenance S. Sieczkowski AEA Agreement between Sam Mathews HEA AEA and Maintenance Contractor Transmission Facilities 04/05/89 Sam Mathews HEA Maintenance 08/06/89 S. Sieczkowski AEA Agreement between 09/13/91 AEA and HEA 11/08/91 03/03/92 05/15/92 08/21/92 10/05/92 Allocation and 09/15/89 7/2/91 S. Sieczkowski AEA Scheduling Procedures 10/90 O&D Members Utilities Exhibit A 12/91 3/92 Exhibit B 10/92 12/91 Exhibit C 11/91 12/91 Exhibit D 11/91 Deleted Transmission 06/21/91 Sam Mathews HEA Interconnect 11/08/91 Stan Sieczkowski AEA Agreement between 03/02/92 AEA and HEA 05/18/92 Communications 9/92 Afzal Khan AEA Equipment MOU between AEA and Div of Infor Soldotna #1 Dispatch Done * Sam Mathews HEA Agreement between CEA and HEA Transmission 3/7/89 Sam Mathews HEA Capability Agreement between HEA and CEA, ML&P, AEG&T, GVEA a Dare nct avai hole bradagre/ds9/91 10. NE 12. iki 14, 15; AGREEMENTS Power Sales Agreement between AEA, & CEA, GVEA, ML&P, AEG&T, HEA, City of Seward Wheeling of Electric Power (Services Agreement) between CEA & HEA, GVEA, MEA ML&P, AEG&T, Seward Static Var Compensator Systems at Daves Creek and Soldotna Maintenance Agreement between AEA and CEA Daves Creek Substation Soldotna Substation Right of Entry Agreement between AEA and HEA Power Revenue Bond Resolution DRAFT DATE 1/92 2/92 8/91 11/8/91 3/2/92 8/91 11/08/91 03/02/92 03/27/92 05/18/92 08/06/92 08/21/92 10/02/92 COMPLETION DATE 12/8/87 12/8/87 3/92 9/7/89 RESPONSIBILITY Afzal Khan D. Burlingame S.Sieczkowski D. Burlingame S. Sieczkowski Sam Mathews D. Burlingame ORGANI ZATION AEA AEA CEA AEA CEA AEA HEA CEA AEA ATTACHMENT 3 RECORD COPY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FILE NO OPERATION AND DISPATCH SUBCOMMITTEE ml OCTOBER 2, 1992 MEETING ~— fee 3a!) so / §/142 SUMMARY . BRADLEY PR TOP I N The Chugach Electric Association (CEA) dispatcher was requested to provide the generation schedule to the plant maintenance personnel. This will assist in maintenance scheduling to reduce conflicts and enable maintenance to be coordinated with dispatchers. Additional KWH metering on the station service system is desired for Bradley energy accountability. The weather station communications are still being put into service because new crystals were required. Deflector mode operating tests are scheduled for November 7 and 8, 1992. This is part of the investigation to determine why the oscillation occurred after islanding on the Kenai. Annual maintenance of the project units is scheduled for November 9-19, 1992. The fish releases require close monitoring. A software revision is necessary to prevent dropping below minimum required flows, Because of the four hour time lag from release at the dam and the recording of the flow at the lower Bradley River Gaging Station. Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) utilities and Division of Information Services (DIS) are working to complete installation of project communications. There is still a gap in direct communications from the dispatcher's with personnel in the field. This needs to be resolved so the switchmen can be contacted directly by the dispatchers. Homer Electric Association (HEA), CEA, AEA and DIS are working to correct this problem. COMMITTEE DISCUSSION AND ACTIONS The committee took action to recommend "Approval of the Allocation and Scheduling Procedures, Exhibit B Language, Presented in the CEA September 12, 1992 Memo as Modified." (Copy attached) The "Storing Water Criteria" proposal was presented and discussed. A discrepancy arose when the generation projections were presented. There was a substantial acre-foot storage accounting error in addition to a two foot transducer level indication error detected this past week. This discrepancy will be resolved and the projections updated for the dispatchers. The committee is to review the Storing Water Criteria proposal and discuss at the next meeting. Operating the Bradley Lake units in condenser mode was discussed. The consensus of the committee was to continue operating the system without running the unit in condenser mode unless requested by a utility. The project will continue to be operated according to established procedures and approved criteria. CEA and HEA have formalized an agreement for CEA to purchase HEA capacity and water allocation. Discussion followed and it was noted that clarification was needed from the Bradley Project Management Committee (BPMC) regarding HEA's spinning reserve obligation. 92Q4\NK3718(1) Page | of 2 mind Summary of October 2, 1992 Operation & Dispatch Subcommittee Meeting October 8, 1992 Another issue arose when this was discussed. "Since CEA has HEA's capacity and water allocation, and is therefore no longer a scheduling utility, does HEA have the right to vote on issues within the Operation and Dispatch subcommittee." This issue needs clarification from BPMC. SS:nk Attachment as Stated. 92Q4\NK3718(2) Page 2 of 2 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: ATTACHMENT 4 Alaska Energy Authority w_PRO3- I Min MEMORANDUM °F Jeo October 8, 1992 Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Project Management Committee Stanley E. Sieczkowski py, Director Facilities Operation and Engineering Alaska Energy Authority Revised Allocation and Scheduling Procedure The following revision to the Bradley Lake Allocation and Scheduling Procedure was approved for recommendation to the Bradley PMC at the August 18, 1992 Operations and Dispatch Subcommittee meeting: "In the interim, Section 5, Project Scheduling, (b), Hourly Schedules of the Allocation and Scheduling Procedures, revised November 19, 1991 shall be changed to: The utilities' weekly schedule shall be submitted to the dispatcher no later than 1400 hours on Tuesday; a preliminary summary of schedule requests shall be distributed to all utilities no later than 1400 hours on Wednesday for review; the schedule shall be confirmed by the dispatcher no later than 1400 hours on Thursday; and implemented at 0001 hours on Saturday. (The energy week is established to be Saturday to Friday.)" The motion passed by unanimous roll call vote. DB:SES:db ce: Ronald A. Garzini, Alaska Energy Authority Brent N. Petrie, Alaska Energy Authority DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Alaska Energy Authority MEMORANDUM October 8, 1992 Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Project Management Committee Stanley E. Sieczkowski ial Director Facilities Operation and Engineering Alaska Energy Authority Exhibit B - Allocation and Scheduling Procedure Exhibit B of the Bradley Lake Allocation and Scheduling Procedure was approved for recommendation to the Bradley PMC at the October 2, 1992 Operations and Dispatch Subcommittee meeting. Attached is a copy of the approved Exhibit B for your consideration. DB:SES:db cc: Ronald A. Garzini, Alaska Energy Authority Brent N. Petrie, Alaska Energy Authority ATTACHMENT 5 RECORD UOPY FILE NO al fre Zahid min 70/9 14a / 10/06/92 16:55 9077624540 CEA DISPATCH CTR Booz Exhibit B The following sections are intended to replace the existing schedule B in the Allocations and Scheduling Procedures Turbine Operation The following schedule shall be used to determine the operation of the Bradley Lake generators, assuming both units are available for operation: Plant Schedule (MW) Speed Mode Condense Mode Notes Schedule< 10 MW no units none, one or both units #1 10 MW<schedule <20 MW one unit one unit #2 20 MW <schedule < 30 one unit one unit/no unit #3 Schedule > 30 MW both units no units Notes #1 - If any participant could utilize the spinning reserve from a unit or a second unit in the condense mode, one or both units will be operated in condense. If no utility requests the additional spinning reserve, only one unit will be operated in condense if required for voltage control unless a unit is changed to condense to avoid a shutdown. Notes #2 - depending on spin requirements, either one unit will be operated alone in the speed mode or both units will be operated, one in speed and one in the condense mode. A utility can request the unit be operated in the condense mode as opposed to altering its schedule if in conflict with the minimum 4 hour down time. Note #3 - any scheduling utility can require both units to he Placed on-line between 20 and 30 MW if desired by that utility, although it would be possible to operate one unit in speed and one unit in condense mode at these levels to obtain the entire spinning reserve allocation for the plant, the more efficient operation would be for both units to be operated above 10 MW each in speed mode. 10/06/92 16:55 739077624540 CEA DISPATCH CTR Hoos Minimum Unit Shut Down Each unit scheduled for shutdown shall be shut down for a minimum of 4 hours. Operation of a unit in the condense mode will not constitute a shut down and does not have a 4 hour minimum time associated with it. The following criteria shall generally govern the operation of the plant during islanded and non-islanded conditions: Islanded Operation Unscheduled Islanding If the Kenai is operating with only Bradley Lake or Bradley Lake and Cooper Lake prior to islanding, one Bradley Lake unit will automatically be placed in deflector by the Chugach scada system upon detection of islanding. The unit will remain in deflector until a Kenai area gas turbine has been synchronized with the islanded Kenai system. After a gas turbine has been synchronized with the Kenai system the unit will be changed to the speed mode from the deflector mode. During load restoration on the Kenai, one unit may be placed in deflector control to aid the gas turbine in load pickup and frequency restoration. The unit will be returned to speed mode after restoration has been completed. Scheduled Islanding Prior to scheduled islanding a Kenai area gas fired generator will be synchronized with the Kenai system. Bradley generation will remain in the speed mode. Islanded Operation - Steady State While running islanded, a gas-fired generator shall be operated in conjunction with Bradley Lake. The Bradley Lake units shall he operated in the speed mode. If an on-line gas-fired turbine suffers a forced outage and it is the only gas-fired unit on-line in the islanded system , one Bradley Lake unit shall be placed in deflector mode and operated in deflector until a gas-fired generator is placed on-line in the islanded area. 10/06/92 16:56 9077624540 CEA DISPATCH CTR @oo4 Interconnected Operation - Steady State While Bradley Lake is interconnected to the Anchorage system, its normal mode of operation shall be the speed mode for both units. During times of system load restoration, one Bradley Lake unit may be placed in the deflector mode if the amount of load to be restored will not exceed the export or operating limits of the Kenai systen. ATER WYNNE HEWITT DODSON & SKERRITT ATTORNEYS AT LAW TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM Bradley PMC Representatives Ron Saxton October 6, 1992 Duties Assigned to Subcommittees ATTACHMENT 6 Suite 1800 222 S.W. Columbia Portland, Oregon 97201-6618 (503) 226-1191 Fax (503) 226-0079 RECORD UOPY FILE NO TRO 3-hi Min 10/4 14a Vv In response to a request at our last BPMC meeting to outline the assignments delegated to the various subcommittees, I had my legal assistant (Liz Westby) review the BPMC meeting minutes from 1989 to present and prepare the attached list of tasks. Note that some of the tasks have been completed, but are included on the list for your reference. Distribution: BPMC Utility Managers Paul Diener, City of Seward Ken Ritchey, MEA Dave Highers, CEA Norm Story, HEA Mike Kelly, GVEA Tom Stahr, ML&P ACA Gea! ||| 12 Ren { Sed Seattle, Washington Washington, D.C. San Francisco, California (206) 623-4711 (202) 785-0303 (415) 421-4143 Fax (206) 467-8406 Fax (202) 785-8676 Fax (415) 989-1263 Affiliated offices in Anchorage, Fairbanks and Juneau, Alaska TO! Ron Saxton FROM: Liz Westby DATE: October 6, 1992 RE: Duties Assigned to the Bradley Lake PMC Subcommittees The following are tasks assigned to the Bradley Lake PMC Subcommittees (as referenced in the meeting minutes). AGREEMENTS SUBCOMMITTEE Tasks: e Look at other agreements for consolidation and coverage. (Minutes 7/2/91, p. 4) 3 Review Dispatch Agreement. (Minutes 11/19/91, p. 3) e Update Allocation and Scheduling Agreement Exhibits C and D. (Minutes 1/13/92, p. 3) e Work on Maintenance and Right of Way Agreements with Homer. (Minutes 1/13/92, p. 3) e Review and follow-up on: - Allocation and Scheduling Agreement Exhibit A - Dispatch Agreement - Transmission Facility Maintenance - Facilities Interconnected Dispatch - Communications MOU - SVCS Draft Agreement - Daves Creek Substation - Soldotna Substation (Minutes 3/26/92, p. 4) BUDGET (AND FINANCE) SUBCOMMITTEE Tasks: Develop draft definitions of Project (construction) costs versus utility costs. (Minutes 7/28/89, p. 4) Establish uniform accounting procedures for utility cost reimbursement. (Minutes 7/28/89, p. 4) Review issues: - cash flow timing; - budget revisions subsequent to budget adoption; - reserve accounting; = AEA staffing and overhead costs; - transmission costs; - environmental studies costs; - Intertie budget component. (Minutes 2/27/90, p. 3-4) Review issues: - HEA Transmission Line Maintenance; = AEA Costs; - CEA Software; = Dispatching labor costs. (Minutes 5/17/90, p. 4-5) Review of CEA and HEA Wheeling Agreement costs, and insurance. (Minutes 5/17/90, p. 6) Address the sinking fund payment that SWEC came up with for the scheduled maintenance and replacement of equipment. (Minutes 7/17/90, p. 8) Look at Homer Electric O&M expenses for the transmission line. (Minutes 7/2/91, p. 3) Analysis and discussion of (1) payments to the trustee to eliminate the cashflow problem, and (2) timing of payments. (Minutes 7/2/91, p.4) Prepare FY93 budget. (Minutes 11/19/91, p. 2) Resolve wheeling issue with HEA. (Minutes 1/13/92, p. 2) INSURANCE SUBCOMMITTEE Tasks: Review need for formal risk assessment of Bradley Lake Project required by insurers in order to develop quotes for property insurance. (Minutes 5/4/89, p. 3) Inventory types of insurance required, such as business interruption Insurance. (Minutes 6/8/89, p. 5) Review of possibility of pooled insurance coverage with the Alaska Intertie and/or Four Dam Pool. (Minutes 10/19/89, p. 5) Prepare insurance alternatives for the budget. (Minutes 11/30/89, p. 3) Consideration of errors and omissions insurance for SWEC. (Minutes 11/30/89, p. 3) Review Stone & Webster Risk Management Report. (Minutes 4/6/90, p. 3) Review property insurance premium quotes from the Division of Risk Management. (Minutes 11/28/90, p. 2) Look (to Corroon & Black) for a provider interested In providing boiler and machinery as well as business interruption insurance. (Minutes 6/6/91, p. 5) Look at coverage of debt service payment and operation and maintenance debt service for at least one year. (Minutes 6/6/91, p. 5-6) Request quotes on insurance premiums. (Minutes 10/25/91, p. 3) Review shop and crew facilities insurance coverage. (Minutes 4/28/92, p. 2) Review options and present recommendations for the level and types of insurance, including an option of not renewing the insurance (self-insurance), extra insurance, and not increasing the contingency fund. (Minutes 4/28/92, p. 3) OPERATING AND DISPATCH AGREEMENT SUBCOMMITTEE Engage services of a consultant to assist with drafting language for the Allocation and Scheduling Agreement. (Minutes 5/4/89, p. 6) Draft Bradley Lake Allocation and Scheduling Agreement. (Minutes 10/19/89, p. 5) Develop agreements and distribute to members. Agreements include: ~ Dispatch Agreement between AEA and CEA - Maintenance Agreement between AEA and Maintenance Contractor - Transmission Facilities Maintenance Agreement between AEA and HEA - Participants Allocation & Scheduling Agreement - Substation Maintenance Agreement between AEA and HEA - Joint Operations Agreement between CEA and HEA - Communications Equipment Agreement between AEA and Division of Telecommunications ~ Soldotna #1 Dispatch Agreement between CEA and AEG&T (Minutes 7/28/89, p. 4) Select a representative to review and provide comments on the Four Dam Pool draft technical standards. (Minutes 7/28/89, p. 6) Review of presentations on project hydrology, turbine efficiencies and reservoir model for forecasting reservoir inflow and utility demands. (Minutes 1/18/90, p. 5) Review of draft Dispatch Agreement. Work on 2 Issues: (1) spinning reserve, and (2) losses on the Homer transmission system. (Minutes 2/27/90, p. 4) Review results of SWEC model on spill allocation. (Minutes 4/6/90, p. 5) Discuss the Allocation and Scheduling Draft Agreement, the operation of the transmission line after Homer Electric has completed their construction. (Minutes 3/5/91, p. 5) Determine the allocation method to be used for Bradley Lake power prior to commercial operation. (Minutes 3/5/91, p. 6) -4- TECHNICAL COORDINATING SUBCOMMITTEE Develop a method for tracking and accounting for costs associated with dispatching during generation tests from Bradley Lake. (Minutes 6/6/91, p. 2) Discuss load restoration procedures, loss and billing procedures. (Minutes 6/6/91, p. 4) Develop procedures to allow the Bradley participants to readily note or record Chugach's service needs for Kenai area combustion turbine versus those conditions of providing combustion turbine to support the operation of Bradley Lake. (Minutes 7/2/91, p. 3) Review comments on Dispatch Agreement and reservoir model. (Minutes 11/19/91, p. 3) Meet and discuss maintenance and outage schedule with dispatchers. (Minutes 11/19/91, p. 3) Continue work on Allocation and Scheduling Agreement, Dispatch Agreement, Transmission Maintenance Agreement, Facilities Interconnected Agreement. (Minutes 2/28/92, p. 3) Participate in National Weather Service demonstration (to aid in allocation). (Minutes 2/28/92, p. 4) Review of SCADA communications problem. (Minutes 3/26/92, p. 5) Review and make recommendations on Bradley Lake project start-up charges. (Minutes 3/26/92 p. 7) Discussion of common ring-down circuit and communications problems. (Minutes 6/16/92, p. 5) Develop draft operation and maintenance definitions and responsibilities. (Minutes 8/29/88, p. 4) Appoint a member to serve on the Power Authority Configuration Control Board. (Minutes 9/27/88, p. 2) Het Meet with SEI regarding their assessment of reliability of the Bradley Junction to Fritz Creek transmission line. (Minutes 1/20/89, p. 2) PTI presentation on Phase II Stability and Reliability. (Minutes 3/3/89, p. 2) Review bids for SCADA system. (Minutes 3/3/89, p. 2) Make presentation to PMC regarding proposed PTI 115 kv additions. (Minutes 4/6/89, p. 2) Review scope of work for system stability studies prepared by SWEC and proposal from PTI to complete additional stability work. (Minutes 6/8/89, p. 3) Review of software program DECNET. (Minutes 6/8/89, p. 3) Continue review of stability issues (Woodward governor). (Minutes 7/28/89, p. 2) Work on surge tank analysis, (Minutes 7/28/89, p. 3) Review and presentation of Load Acceptance Analysis report prepared by SWEC. (Minutes 1/18/90, p. 2) Prepare testing procedures prior to commercial operation. (Minutes 1/18/90, p. 3) Study of microwave link between Divcom and CEA main headquarters. (Minutes 1/18/90, p. 8) Provide an opinion on test period power agreement, Interim operational period. (Minutes 7/17/90, p. 7) Approve SCADA point list. (Minutes 9/21/90, p. 2) Review, approve SWEC's recommendation on the installation of the braking resistor, installation of digital stabilizers on the units, Installation of one SVS at the Daves Creek side and in Soldotna. (Minutes, 11/28/90, p. 2) Review how the project should be operated under different scenarios and define certain operation constraints. (Minutes 11/28/90, p.2 ) =6= Review overfrequency tripping for Cooper Lake to try and control the frequency during times of high Kenai energy export. (Minutes 3/5/91, p. 2) Determine the maximum Kenai import (i.e. minimum Bradley Lake operating limit without a gas turbine on-line, assuming that any single contingency event will not result in more than a reasonable loss of load (and define "reasonable."). (Minutes 3/5/91, p. 3) Review of PTI study of operating restraints for the testing and commissioning phase. (Minutes 6/6/91, p. 2) TCS work with SWEC to gather all operating restrictions and recommendations relating to Bradley Lake within the past 2-3 years into one document for reference. (Minutes 6/6/91, p. 3) Develop operating scenarios with 80 MW and 90 MW caps. (Minutes 6/6/91, p. 7) Set the operating criteria for Bradley based on Homer Electric and Seward being subject to no more than stage two load shedding for any single contingency event, using interim operating criteria until such time as the final operating conditions are adopted by the PMC. (Minutes 7/2/91, p. 3) Oversee SWEC sponsored tests and other utility required tests. (Minutes 8/23/91, p. 3) Review Bradley Lake Operating Manuals, (Minutes 8/23/91, p. 3) Review of PTI Bradley Lake/Kenai Operating Guidelines. (Minutes 11/19/91, p. 2) Review of Bradley Lake Dispatcher Guidelines Summary. (Minutes 1/13/92, p. 4) Report on results of exciter tests. (Minutes 2/28/92, p. 2) Appoint a representative to accompany the tunnel inspectors. (Minutes 3/26/92 p. 7) Expansion of Bradley Lake Operating Conditions, interim operating levels. (Minutes 4/28/92, Attachment A, p. 2) i ws curse bees GVER ADMINISTRATION 987 451-5633 001 RECORD LOPY FILE NO ~_ GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. P. O. Box 71249 Fairbanks, Alaska 99707-1249 FAX; 907-451-5633 PHONE: 907-452-1151 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET DATE: September 28, 1992 PLEASE DELIVER TO: NAME: Dave Highers ORGANIZATION:___ CCEA FAX # PHONE # FROM: ee em Dy i NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET: i Please call (907)452-1151, Ext. 236 if you do not receive the number of pages listed. COMMENTS /SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Dave, Please add "Bradley Scheduling vs. Spin Requirements” to the agenda for the October 9, 1992 BPMC meeting. Mike cc: Denise Burger, AEA NSITISS Ty PL Ler eee —xSVERTsina GROER NO. 7) MUSERE TURVERTE SOMES ADEA Be \ s s ‘NITH ATTACHED COPY OF ADVE! AOQO- 08-9138 iM: SUsmMittaD WITH INVOICS. Tw Alaska erensy, Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 ROA (907) 261-7240 CR URSEMENT Fi October 1, 1992 Anchorage reps ¢ News 5 | Re cpor onan 99814-9001 SRSA ERAS UERRUSEN THe POUMCE Lincme MUST ee RINTED IN Te ENTIRETY 5 FAX: 279-8170 For AEA Internal Accounting: 2 Charge to 81072526 Type of Advertisement: eK Lega © Diepiay OC Classified © Other (Specify): ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY STATE OF ALASKA FILE NO _ NOTICE ( Notice is hereby given that the Bradiey Lake Project Management Commit _ will hold a regular meeting to conduct the affairs of the Committee «t—-“"" Chugach Electric Association in Anchorage, Alaska. The acne wi ? commence at 10:00 a.m., on October 9, 1992. For additional information, contact David L. Higners Chaitrm ° Sin teen Electric Association, Inc., P.O. Box 196300, Anchorage, Alas 99519. Alaska Energy Authority, Secretary l Project Management Committe: NOTE: Sending via fax 9/28/92. Please do not duplicate thts original when it arrives via regular mail. Paas 1 or] TOTAL OF paess| ALL PAGES rer | Tres NUMBER AMOUNT DATS COMMENTS 7 | ven | 2 —— 2 ; = TiN | AMOUNT ‘ey cs Pam Lo acct ry a ————— f KK — ee = 02-607 (Rev. 6-65) TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT *%& COUNT *& # 2 *eeK SEND ex — NO| REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME DURATION #PAGES COMMENT 907 2798170 8-28-92 13:16 TOTAL 0:01'23" 2 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 STATE OF ALASKA ADVERTISING ORDER SEE BOTTOM FOR INVOICE ADDRESS IN 3E MUST BE IN TRIPLICATE SHOWING ADVE _ING ORDER NO., CERTIFIED AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION (PART 2 OF THIS FORM) WITH ATTACHED COPY OF ADVERTISE: A0- 08-9138 MENT MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH INVOICE. NOTICE TO PUBLISHER ADVERTISING ORDER NO. DATE OF A.0. AGENCY CONTACT Alaska Energy Authority Irene Tomory September 28, 1992 R| P.O. Box 190869 aionE ° Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 (907) 261-7240 M DATES ADVERTISEMENT REQUIRED: Irene Tomory, Admin. Coordinator T October 1, 1992 ° Anchorage Daily News P P.0. Box 149001 ; Anchorage, AK 99514-9001 Te AT enn te OOuen eee UeT BE PRINTED IN ITS ENTIRETY q FAX: 279-8170 ‘SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: s For AEA Internal Accounting: Li Charge to 81072526 R Type of Advertisement: xX Legal O Display O Classified O Other (Specify): - ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY STATE OF ALASKA NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee will hold a regular meeting to conduct the affairs of the Committee at Chugach Electric Association in Anchorage, Alaska. The meeting will commence at 10:00 a.m., on October 9, 1992. For additional information, contact David L. Highers, Chairman, Chugach Electric Association, Inc., P.0. Box 196300, Anchorage, Alaska 99519. Alaska Energy Authority, Secretary Project Management Committee NOTE: Sending via fax 9/28/92. Please do not duplicate this original when it arrives via regular mail. SEND INVOICE IN PAGE 1 0F| TOTAL OF TRIPLICATE TO PAGES| ALL PAGES s| REF | TYPE NUMBER AMOUNT | DATE COMMENTS 1 | ven | | 2_| | 3 a FIN | AMOUNT sy cc PGM | Lc ACCT FY boa“ z ~~ 2 | 3 | | 4 | | | REQUISITIONED BY: DIVISION APPROVAL 02-901 (Rev. 6-85) PUBLISHER STATE OF ALASKA k ADVERTISING ORDER ADVERTISING ORDER NO. A0- 08-9138 Aaaska Energy Authority P.0. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 =oxwn AGENCY CONTACT Irene Tomory DATE OF A.O. September 28, 1992 PHONE (907) 261-7240 DATES ADVERTISEMENT REQUIRED: Anchorage Daily News P.O. Box 149001 Anchorage, AK 99514-9001 FAX: 279-8170 zwmriwo—-roacv o4 October 1, 1992 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: For AEA Internal Accounting: Charge to 81072526 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ss DIVISION. BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED, A NOTARY PUBLIC THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED SSC, BEING FIRST DULY SWORN, ACCORDING TO LAW, SAYS THAT HE/SHE IS THE OF PUBLISHED AT____ CIN SAID DIVISION AND STATE OF _________ AND THAT THE ADVERTISEMENT, OF WHICH THE ANNEXED IS A TRUE COPY, WAS PUBLISHED IN SAID PUBLICATION ON THE ________ DAY OF 19___, AND THEREAFTER FOR CONSECUTIVE DAYS; THE LAST PUBLICATION APPEARING ON THE DAY OF 19. , AND THAT THE RATE CHARGED THEREON IS NOT IN EXCESS OF THE RATE CHARGED PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF 9 = REMINDER— INVOICE MUST BE IN TRIPLICATE AND MUST REFERENCE THE ADVERTISING ORDER NUMBER. A CERTIFIED COPY OF THIS AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH THE INVOICE. NOTARY PUBLIC FOR STATE OF MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ATTACH PROOF OF PUBLICATION HERE. 02-901 (Rev. 6-85) PUBLISHER ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY LETTER OE TRANSMITTAL 701 East Tudor Road P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 ary JOB NO. (907) 561-7877 Phone Bh Re (907) 561-8584 Fax David L. Highers RE Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project TO Chugach Electric Association E [ V FD , t Nye n P.0. Box 196300 DEC. 1 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6300 askd Hnerby Auttiority Aldeor- 2S uy nu turity GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU {® Attached O Under separate cover via___._._-_=~==~=~=~—~=~—~=SSSSCSTtte@ following items: O Shop drawings O Prints O Plans O Samples O Specifications O Copy of letter O Change order 0 COPIES DATE . DESCRIPTION z 10/9/92 Approved Bradley Lake PMC Meeting Minutes - October 9, 1992 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval O Approved as submitted O Resubmit______ copies for approval O For your use O Approved as noted O Submit_____copies for distribution O As requested O Returned for corrections O Return______corrected prints O For review andcomment O O FOR BIDS DUE____—SSSSCSsS<—‘19__ SSO «~ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS. The October 9, 1992 Bradley Lake PMC Meeting Minutes relflect the changes made at the November 20, 1992 meeting. "Oscillation problem" has been changed to "unstable oscillation problem" and an explanatory footnote authored by Dave Burlingame has been add to: Denise Burger Alaska Energy Authority P.0. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519- 0869 COPY TO. ie SIGNED: Cesar Carryes) enise Burger, Operations Assistant ° If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us PP