HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPMC August 23, 1991 2OBER 10. 12. 13. 14. RECORD VOPY FILE NO je © oa { mind So BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE gare! August 23, 1991 CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION TRAINING ROOM - 10:00 A.M. CALL TO ORDER 10:00 A.M. Kelly ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENT AGENDA COMMENTS APPROVAL OF MINUTES July 2, 1991 TECHNICAL COORDINATING SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Burlingame INSURANCE SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Petrie BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Ritchey OPERATION AND DISPATCH SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Sieczkowski REVIEW OF PROJECT STATUS Eberle NEW BUSINESS a. Dispatch Agreement Sieczkowski b. Approval of Committee Expenses Saxton COMMUNICATIONS a. Schedule Meeting ADJOURNMENT FILE COPY UARE|NGURSED BRPOLEY LAKE COSTS COSTS 1MCURRED dune 1 - July 31, 1991 As Subaitted to Ater Wyre SECTION 31 COSTS PROJECT COSTS mee? wa® ue” sua? 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 ¢.00 1990 UTILITY OPimiom LETTERS 0.08 0.00 2B? 46 0.00 0.60 8.00 0.00 71.50 0.00 0.00 29.46 71.50 ys Apprevedl poymer v3 eesaha 197 ey Doe lySiGnss te Altec i tems he le] Ove one acdle. / eh a areata tress ho PANG anes tine \ AE rk, 8°45 4) 4700 a77 cor © in 3NNA® 4 ze | | @8722791 16:45 & 503 226 0679 ATER WYNNE @1 RECOF ,OPY FILE Nu ATER WYNNE | ae ee —-— a HEWITT Mas}a, oes) ane Al DODSON Fax, (303) 226-0079 & SKERRITT ATTORNEYS AT LAW FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL NOTICE: This facsimile contains confidential information that is being transmitted to and is intended only for the use of the recipient named below. Reading, disclosure, discussion, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this information by anyone other than the named recipient or his or her employees or agents is strictly prohibited. If you have received this facsimile in error, please immediately destroy it and notify us by telephone, (503) 226-1191. DATE: July 22, 1991 TO: CITY/STATE: Anchorage, Alaska FAX NUMBER: 907/561-8584 2 nD OFFICE NUMBER: _907/561-7877 IASC 3 FROM: Liz Westby — ; DOCUMENT: PAGES (INCL. COVER) CLIENT NUMBER: _ 53844-0000 Brent - As we discussed earlier this week, attached is the chart of unreimbursed Bradley Lake Costs for the various utilities, along with their Costs forms. I have extensive documentation from Golden Valley, Seward and Ater Wynne which would tie up our fax lines for some time. Therefore, i ly federal express the final complete package to you today. Liz RLB\ARA. fax MBURSED Costs COSTS INCURRED dune 1 - July 31, 1991 AS Submitted to Ater Wyme mune? sewanp® 0.00 0.00 6.60 ¢.00 1990 UTILITY OPIMIOM LETTERS q 289 46 0.00 py Tec EXPENSES ‘ 0.00 74.50 289.46 71.50 SECTION 31 COSTS T CATEGORY CUGACH GVEA AEGET | WEA mip ‘SEMARD TOTAL B2¢a) BPHC ORGANIZATION 0.00 2,020.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 638.49 2,459.39 a2cb) BPHC LEGAL 0.00 0.00 0,00 -- --- 3,562.51 0,00 21,042.84 |rovat 0.00 | 2,020.90 9.00 0.00 | 0.00 5562-51 | 438.49 23,502.23 6200 97z ces @ 3NNAM 4310 16727788 Grist 78 @8722791 16:46 8 583 226 0879 ATER WYNNE Forward completed chart tot Send copy to: Deanna Scott Ron Saxton Alaska Energy Authority Ater Wynne P.O. Box 190869 222 SW Columbia, Ste. 1800 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0669 Portland, OR 97201 UNREIMBURSED BRADLEY LAKE COSTS UTILITY _Ater Wynne CC:sCMONNTH «=. June 1 - July 31, 1991 RETURN NO LATER THAN —_—_— PROJECT COSTS 1990 FINANCE TEAM PARTICIPATION All travel-related expenses for members of the Pinance Team for trips and meetings aswoolated with the second financing. LEGAL EXPENSES FOR FINANCING EFFORTS Legal fees of the Committee attornay relating to the second financing effort. OPINIONS OF COUNSEL Seope of work on 1990 second financing effort to be determined later. TCC EXPENSES Travel and meeting expenses associated with your utility’s participation on the Technical Coordinating Committee. Do not include amounts for staff time. SECTION 31 COSTS BPMC ORGANIZATION (a) BPNC-approved costs for conducting Committee meetings and general business. (b) Legal expenses for representation of Committees. 17,480.33 ‘ PREPARED BY 2 bth APPROVED BY es & 08722791 16846 58 26 8079 ATER WYNN a4 ¢ 8 3 2 E E 22791 Wy Municipality of Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Tom Fink, Mayor 1200 East First Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501-1885 (907) 270-7671, Telecoplers; (807) 876-2061, 277-9272 August 20, 1991 Attention Liz Westby Ater Wynne Hewitt Dodsen & Skerritt Attorneys at Law 222 S.W. Columbia, Sulte 1600 Portland, Oregon 97201-6618 Ra: Reimbursemant of Bradley Laka Costs Oear Ms. Westby, The following ls a summary of unreimbursed costs incurred by ML&P on the Bradley Lake Project per your request dated August 19, 1991. 8-08-80 GVEA - Legal Services $2,659.80 828-90 GVEA - Lagal Services 2,657.42 3-18-91 Opinion Letter - Estimated $8,362.38 Opinion Letter - Actual 289.48 3-18-91 Preston - PMC 677,60 4-08-91 Preston - PMC 1,662.38 8-12-81 Preston - PMC 1322.63 $2,180,032 Please contact us If you require further information. Backup documentation is belng mailed under seperate cover. Very tru youre, oe Thomas f. Stahr General Manager ah 68722791 16347 & 503 226 0079 : z ATER WYNNE 65 HUGELY L Lub 12'U6 UP DRWARL tha NU. 9U 2248 ft. US Porward completed chart to: Bend Gopy tor Jolie Gecker Ron Gaz’ Alaska Energy Authority Lindsay, Hart et. ale P.O. Bax 190869 222 SW Columbia, Ste. 1860 Ancherage, Alaska 99519-0869 Portland, OR $7201 UNREIMBURSED BRADLEY LAKE COSTS UTILITY Seward . MONTH APRIL-JULY, 1991 RETORN NO LATER THAN PROJECT COSTS 1990 FINANCE TEAM PARTICIPATION All travel-reloted expenses for members of the Finance Team for trips and meetings aseociated with the second financing. A2 1950 LEGAL EXPENSES FOR FINANCING EFFORTS Legal fees of the Committes attorney kelating to the second finaneing effort. AB 1990 OPINIONS OF COUNSEL Scopa of work on 1990 second Einansing Wone until requested effort to be determined later. by ama AS 1990 TCC EXPENSES Travel and wseeting expenses associated 71.58 with your utility’s participation on the Technica) Coordinating Comittee. De pot include amounts for staff tine. SECTION 31 COSTS B2 BPMC ORGANIZATION (4) BPAC-approved costs for conducting Committee meatings and generel business, {b) Tagal expenses for repraenntation of Committee. PREPARED BY miv. Assistant Ing. Dept. 68722791 16:47 6 583 226 8679 ATER WYNNE 66 7orwerd completed ™% tas tee toe Judie seukar : Aleea auupesaty tigers wee ake >.0. Gem 19 122 ow o Ate. 1600 ARBRE AMO, 99529-0060 Portland, OR 97201 UNREIMBURSED BRADLEY LAKE COSTS UPILITY GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOC] |= MONTH | _NAY 1791 NO LATER THAN | PROJECT COSTS CATRAnRY Sa ensananereeeneser aes teee se N 70: BIRR, Cay WNE L M M NO, OF PAGES mone WoL — FAX # Postet *brund fax tranenulia) mamo 7671 ee 1990 LEGAL EXPENSES FOR FINANCING EFFORTS’ Leghs nes of the Committee attorney Tolating to tne sscond financing stfart. OPINIONS OF COUNSEL Scope of work on 1990 seeend financing effort to be determined later. TCC EXPENSES Travel) ané Booting expenses apnouiated WACK YOUR UtLIiby’s pasBieipation en the Weenalees Coordinating Committas. be not inulude saouate for stesf tims. SECTION 31 COSTS (a> beWG-eppreved costs for condusting Committee meetings aad general business, ‘ite waar tee sartea O@8722791 16:48 @ S583 226 Be79 ATER WYNNE e7 Ne Bess GA LS tbadeap, Hesh ot, oie DOr bow 100860 ” 121 Bw Columbia, ste. 1800 ADEROTOPS, ALASER 99019-0069 Pertiond, 68 97203 UNREIMBURSED BRADLEY LAKE COSTS UTILITY cOLPEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOC = MONT JUNE 1991 TER THAN PROVECT COSTS 1990 FINANCE TEAM PARTICIPATION AL2 travel-related expenses for members of the Finange Tem tor trips and neatioge asacaiates with the sownad finascing. LEGAL IXPENSBE FOR FINANCING EFFORTS Legal fees of the cogmittes attorney iB Felating to the secusd Cinancing OPINIONS OF COUNSEL Scope of work on 1390 segend financing @ffort te be determined later. TCC EXPENSES Travel and seeting expenses assceiated With your utility's participation on the ®eekaisal Cosrdisating Committes. do uot inslude smmente for staff tims. SECTION 31 COSTS PREPARED BY—\. APPROVED BY 8722791 16:48 @ 583 226 0879 ATER WYNNE . 68 mn ——— —$—_———__ _———_—_——_—__—_—— + ‘ b eee aed tse eercoa ee cceser je Rare ate al. Fake ate. 1208 Alaska 9961920060 rte. UNREIMBURSED. BRADLEY LAKE COSTS UTILITY GOLBEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOC MONTH: SULY 1991 — RETURN NO LATER THAN PROJECT COSTS 1990 FINANCE TEAM PARTICIPATION All traves-related expensag tor munbare of the Finanee foam tot tripe and meetings aspeciated with the spoend fLnaneing, LEGAL EXVENSES FOR FINANCING om Layal fees of thu Committee attorney TOLOTLNg to the second Sinensiag ottert. OPINIONS OF COUNSEL Soope of work Om 1990 seennm finanging ettert to be datammined iater. TCC EXPENSES Travel and mowing expences ansouiated with your ubsiity’® participation on “he Techmisal Oourdinatiag Comttes. bo not issiude ameunte for stati time, SECTION 31 COSTS