HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrad Project Tran Transfer of Operation & Maintenance 1993 1FILE COPY TRO S-t} O _ TRAW Fito G-ll Of HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. v BRADLEY LAKE O&M SERVICES APPLICATION APPLICATION TO THE ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY AND BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE JULY 22, 1993 IV. Vi. Vil. Vill. "A" "Cc" en” "Ee oy "G6" HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O&M SERVICES APPLICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SCOPE OF O&M WORK O&M PERFORMANCE APPROACH O&M PROJECT ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT O&M PROJECT ADMINISTRATION AND CONTROLS O&M PROJECT BUDGET O&M CONTRACT EXHIBITS HEA ORGANIZATION CHART INCLUDING BRADLEY LAKE O&M FUNCTION O&M PROJECT MANAGER POSITION DESCRIPTION CONFIRMATION OF PROJECT SUPPORT - AEG&T, CONTRACT ENGINEER AND MEA HEA CONTRACT ENGINEER QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT HEA AND MEA PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION STATEMENTS MODIFIED BRADLEY LAKE FY94 BUDGET HEA QUALIFICATIONS DOCUMENTATION PAGE 10 12 16 17 18 HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O&M SERVICES APPLICATION INTRODUCTION Homer Electric Association, Inc. (HEA) is pleased to present to the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) this application to provide services as the Bradley Lake Project Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Team. We will show here that HEA is qualified to provide these services. Our proposed project team includes existing AEA on-site personnel, plus qualified HEA employees, all of whom will be supported as required by consultants and/or subcontractors. HEA is a public utility cooperative, formed in accordance ~ with AS 10.25, and is regulated by the Alaska Public Utilities Commission (APUC). This application is submitted in the spirit of recently approved enacted amendments to AS 44.83 which significantly reduces the operational ability of AEA. The legislature has directed that "The department shall, to the maximum extent feasible, carry out its powers and duties under this chapter by entering into contracts with appropriate entities in the private sector." Additionally, the AEA, under prior legislation and administrative code (3 AAC 94.160. Operation of Power Projects), , is allowed to contract with qualified local utilities to provide O&M services for AEA facilities. Transfer of project O&M responsibilities to a participating utility is also in accordance with the Bradley Lake bond covenants. AEA has agreed and publicly stated during various Bradley Lake Project functions (including, at the May 13, 1993 Bradley Lake Project Management Committee [BPMC] meeting) an intent to transfer project O&M services to a participating utility following completion of the project warranty period. 2 Each of the Bradley Lake Project purchasing utilities have agreed in writing* that HEA and/or AEG&T is the appropriate entity to provide project O&M services. Accordingly, HEA is the appropriate local utility to assume Bradley Lake Project O&M responsibilities from the AEA. In summary, HEA is a qualified Alaska utility with able resources, and is available immediately to begin discussions necessary to complete required O&M contract agreements and budgets. HEA requests a positive finding by AEA of HEA’s qualifications to perform as the O&M contractor. HEA also requests that formal contract and budget discussions begin with the AEA as soon as possible. Paragraph 12(j) of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Agreement for the Wheeling of Electric Power and Related Services dated June 29, 1989, states: “The Parties recognize and agree that the appropriate entity to operate and maintain the Project upon its completion is AEG&T and/or HEA. The Parties agree to support and assist any reasonable efforts by AEG&T and/or HEA to obtain from the Authority the right to operate and maintain the Project in accordance with applicable standards governing such operation and maintenance." EXECUTIVE SUMMARY HEA will assemble an eminently qualified team to perform O&M services under the direction of the AEA and BPMC. This application is designed to provide a detailed discussion of all key areas from scope of work to contract and budget. HEA is ready to immediately work with AEA to complete required agreements, finalize budgets, and secure the required BPMC approvals. This will be followed by a clear and defined transition program to finalize all arrangements, train HEA personnel, and transfer O&M responsibilities to the HEA team in an efficient and timely manner. HEA assumes the ultimate responsibility for O&M contract performance. The Alaska Electric Generation and Transmission Association (AEG&T) participation will provide for access to Matanuska Electric Association (MEA) resources, as well as the involvement of Mr. Robert Hufman, AEG&T Executive Manager. A complete project-oriented HEA organization is offered, which will be responsive to any changing project needs. The HEA Project Manager (PM) will have responsibility for all day-to-day O&M requirements and will report directly to Mr. David L. Fair, HEA’s Executive Manager of Engineering and Operations. Both the PM and Mr. Fair will be readily available to AEA and the utility participants to achieve ongoing coordination and rapid problem resolution. The O&M project organization plan assumes retention of existing key AEA on-site staff, who will become HEA staff. These individuals have been with the project since prior to start up and they possess the best experience 4 and training available. HEA will support their work and provide all other contract O&M services with locally available HEA and MEA resources such Professional Engineers Reservoir and Power Operation Specialists Electronic and SCADA Technicians Vehicle and Heavy Equipment Mechanics and Machinists Relay and Control Technicians Power Plant Specialists from Soldotna #1 Power Plant Safety Experts Environmental or Hazardous Waste Professionals Land Use, Permits, and Rights-of-Way Specialists In addition, the HEA administrative group will provide long-established services and controls in the areas of: Accounting and Audit Budgeting Reporting Purchasing, Procurement, and Warehousing Information System Management Personnel Travel and Other Support Functions We propose to retain the specialized services of current project subcontractors including: State Division of Telecommunications (DIVCOM) to provide radio, telephone, and telemetry services. 5 . National Weather Services (NWS) to provide hydrological analysis and projections. . US Geological Survey (USGS) for stream gaging and related FERC required services . Various State Agencies - To complete on-going wildlife and other studies. ° Stone & Webster Engineering - To provide technical assistance during the final warranty period, and afterwards as appropriate. The above-described O&M project approach, combined with the efficiencies of shared local project support and administration, should result in improved O&M services and management response at a reduced cost. As a starting point and guide for developing an O&M agreement jointly with the AEA, the existing AEA/4-Dam Pool Generic O&M Agreement is generally acceptable to HEA. It is proposed that model be revised to reflect adjustments in minor areas and to add some HEA O&M functions necessitated by the reduced future role of the AEA in ongoing O&M activities. In conclusion, this document provides a comprehensive, complete application demonstrating HEA’s ability to provide full and competent services in all contract O&M areas. HEA is ready to immediately begin the contracting process with the AEA, and to provide for an efficient transition of O&M responsibilities from the AEA to HEA. Ul. SCOPE OF O&M WORK Under the direction of the BPMC, HEA will act as the.sole project O&M contractor, exclusive of Chugach Electric Association's role as Project Dispatcher. HEA will provide all approved and budgeted O&M services directly to the project, or by subcontracts administered by HEA. Services currently provided by AEA, either directly or by subcontract, will be assumed by HEA to the maximum extent possible under existing laws, agreements, licenses, or permits. A primary HEA function is to provide on-site staff for maintenance, inspections, security, safety, and emergency operations. Site staff will be augmented by HEA and MEA staff and/or subcontract personnel to provide more extensive maintenance repairs or improvements. On-site maintenance work may generally be classified into three areas: A. Minor Maintenance and Routine Inspections ° Checking the power plant daily and recording instrument readings ° Responding to alarms and correcting minor problems ° Maintaining grounds, roads, and structures ° Monitoring and adjusting stream flows ° Maintaining vehicles and equipment . Inspecting, repairing, and reporting deficiencies ° Other site-specific requirements B. Maintenance and Repairs This area includes those projects which are manhour intensive, but within the expertise of HEA staff. Examples are: auxiliary equipment repairs, relay coordination and calibration, roadway washout repairs, building repairs or alterations, etc. Generally, this work would be supervised by on-site staff, but provided by other HEA resources or through subcontractors. Where needed, HEA engineering and technical support will be provided. Cc. Major Repairs, Replacements, or Improvements This category includes extensive, complex, and specialized work that is only required every several years and which is normally capitalized. Examples are: Dam and concrete repairs, turbine repairs, generator rewinding, major site inspections, etc. Such projects are generally planned well in advance and are completed by specialized contractors under the direction of HEA professional staff or consultants. In addition to on-site work, HEA will perform the following O&M functions: ° O&M project management and contract administration ° Monitor, administer subcontracts, and prepare reports to meet Federal and State licensing and permit requirements. We note that AEA or its successor may be required to retain oversight responsibility and perform certain duties as required by the FERC license. — ° Plan, budget, and perform professional and technical work to support plant and reservoir operations. 8 . Design and oversee the installation, modification, or replacement of plant facilities and equipment. . Provide administrative support and controls, including personnel, purchasing, contracting, accounting, auditing, permitting, travel, safety programs and training, and various other "support" functions. In summary, HEA will provide the following O&M scope of work services: Maintain the Bradley Lake facilities in accordance with all applicable guidelines, standards, codes, permits, and laws and regulations. Update and maintain all O&M standards, manuals, and maintenance schedules. Update and maintain "as-built" and other project records Perform or direct project-related technical studies. “Coordinate and maintain all project capabilities and standard voltage levels, and set and coordinate protective relaying. Monitor hydrologic data and reservoir levels, and perform reservoir and power modeling. Monitor water and power operations and perform emergency operations. Provide project records and reports for AEA submission to FERC and others as required by AEA and BPMC. Conduct administrative activities in support of AEA and BPMC functions. Implement inspection and maintenance procedures, schedules, and training, and conduct a preventive maintenance program utilizing the current Automated Maintenance Management System (AMMS). Conduct and document safety inspections and investigations. 9 Design and install additional facilities, systems, or apparatus as needed Monitor, record, and report plant operations, meters, alarms, and relay operations Provide site transportation, logistical support, security and safety measures, and a stock of equipment, materials, tools, and parts for facility maintenance Repair damaged facilities, perform site maintenance, and respond to AEA and participating utilities’ operational or maintenance requests. Coordinate maintenance schedules and activities with participating utilities so as to minimize adverse impacts to maintenance and operational efforts. IV. 10 CONTRACT O&M PERFORMANCE APPROACH In order to get to the point where HEA actually assumes Bradley Lake O&M responsibility, the following sequential activities are proposed: A. Immediately enter into discussions with the AEA to develop the draft O&M Agreement, Transition Plan, and revised budget, including: de A detailed listing of functions to be transferred 2: An Inventory of AEA contract obligations to be performed by HEA 3. A detailed Transition Plan for transferring O&M responsibilities from AEA to HEA as outlined in IV. D. below B. Present the draft Agreement, Transition Plan, and revised budget to the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee (BPMC) for review prior to its August 1993, meeting. Cc. BPMC approve the O&M Agreement, Transition Plan, and revised budget at its August meeting. D. Implement beginning in September the approved Transition Plan providing for the following: aa Coordination meetings between key staff to develop an efficient time-table to complete transfer of responsibilities. Zs Transfer key AEA site staff to the HEA organization. Se Recruit additional HEA staff aA 4. Establish accounting and reporting procedures. 5. Schedule and complete required staff training. 6: Execute all related agreements and subcontracts to complete the transition to HEA control as soon as possible, but in any event before December 31, 1993. Once the transition period is completed, HEA will continue to perform Bradley Lake contract O&M service as outlined in Section Ill - Scope of Work and documented in the O&M Agreement. 12 O&M PROJECT ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT HEA, through its General Manager, Mr. Norman L. Story, assumes ultimate responsibility for O&M contract performance. The Alaska Electric Generation and Transmission Association (AEG&T) participation provides for access to Matanuska Electric Association (MEA) resources, as well as the involvement of Mr. Robert Hufman, AEG&T Executive Manager. At the highest executive levels in their respective organization, Mr. Story and Mr. Hufman will have the responsibility of guaranteeing contract performance. They will ensure responsiveness to the participating utilities concerns as reflected by BPMC deliberations and directives. Additionally, Mr. Story provides the leadership to the broader HEA organization which will directly support the technical and administrative needs of the O&M project team. Exhibit "A" contains the current HEA organizational chart, with the Bradley Lake O&M function included. To ensure a high level of management oversight and responsiveness, David L. Fair, HEA Executive Manager of Engineering and Operations has been assigned responsibility for overseeing the Bradley Lake O&M Project Team. Mr. Fair will provide overall management direction of the O&M project and will be available to the Bradley Lake participants and the AEA to achieve an effective level of on-going project coordination and timely problem resolution. Mr. Fair will also provide the O&M Project Manager with effective priority access to HEA resources and support functions. The O&M project organization plan is centered around existing key on-site O&M personnel who will be retained as HEA staff. It includes an on-site supervisor, supported by three operation and maintenance craftsmen who will handle routine O&M functions. A part-time housekeeper will clean the 13 common areas of the support buildings. The practice of hiring summer seasonal workers to perform support and maintenance-type work will be continued. Other HEA staff or sub-contractors will be used as needed to perform specialty work and unusual or major activities. HEA’s Bradley Lake Project Manager (PM) will manage the O&M project, closely supervise site O&M activities, and provide for all related contract management activities. The PM will direct all O&M contract work by HEA staff and outside consultants and sub-contractors. Furthermore, the PM will be capable of performing or directing a wide range of professional and technical activities to support project O&M. This individual will have high- level professional credentials and extensive experience in managing the operation and maintenance of hydroelectric power production facilities. The proposed HEA position description for the PM is contained in Exhibit "Be Mr. Myles C. Yerkes, HEA Contract Engineer, will be immediately available on a priority basis for a period of at least one year under existing contractual arrangements. Exhibit "C" contains the June 21, 1993 letter which documents his firm commitment to the O&M Project. The HEA Contract Engineer Qualifications Statement contained in Exhibit "D" shows Mr. Yerkes’ extensive involvement in the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of various hydroelectric facilities, including the Bradley Lake Project. His support work in development of the Bradley Lake Project, including its O&M standards, and participation in its operational testing have given him unique and valuable insights into the _technical and practical requirements for successful project O&M. Pending recruitment of HEA’s Project Manager, Mr: Yerkes will perform the PM’s duties. 14 The Bradley Lake O&M Project PM will also have ready access to HEA and Matanuska Electric Association (MEA) technical support staff including: . Professional Engineers . Reservoir and Power Operations Specialists . Electronic and SCADA Technicians ° Vehicle and Heavy Equipment Mechanics and Machinists . Relay and Control Technicians . Power Plant Specialists from Soldotna #1 Power Plant . Safety Experts ° Environmental and Hazardous Waste Professionals . Land Use, Permits, and Rights-of-Way Specialists Exhibit "E" has qualification data sheets on key HEA and MEA professional and technical personnel who will support and perform contract O&M Work. As a close partner with HEA in the AEG&T, MEA will provide coordinated professional and technical O&M support on an as-needed basis. Exhibit "C" contains MEA’s June 16, 1993 letter committing its resources to the O&M Project. Sub-contract support for the PM will include: ° U.S. Geological Survey for stream gaging and related services required by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). ° U.S. Soil Conservation Service for snow depth measurements. - National Weather Service to provide- reservoir in-flow projections . Alaska_ Division of Communications (Divcom) to operate and © maintain site and off-site communication facilities . Various state agencies to complete on-going fisheries and other studies. Sill OED LENS Dearest eee ln ann reiterates 15 . Stone & Webster Engineering Company (SWEC) to provide assistance during the warranty period and afterwards, as appropriate . - Various federal agencies to complete required work such as: Moose mitigation plan, waterfowl nesting study, etc. . Consultants as required for technical support beyond in-house capabilities. . Sub-contractors as required to perform extensive or specialty type work It is not HEA’s intent to have HEA staff take over contract work now performed by local subcontractors, unless such action is beneficial to the participants and shows a clear cost savings. HEA, however, has not identified any such existing AEA contract(s) which meet this classification. Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. (KEA) recently agreed to work with HEA to formulate a hydro O&M mutual support arrangement. KEA’s Terror Lake Hydroelectric Project O&M requirements generally parallel those of Bradley Lake. Cross training of KEA and HEA O&M personnel will provide both utilities with trained, backup employees, available on an expedited basis should the need arise. HEA, under the guidance of the BPMC, will continue to explore ways to make Bradley Lake O&M activities and practices more efficient and cost effective. The goal would be to have visible and ongoing efforts to identify functions which could be combined with others’ similar activities, reaching otherwise unattainable economics of scale and maintenance of technical Vi. 16 O&M PROJECT ADMINISTRATION AND CONTROLS Exhibit "A" (Organization Chart) shows that HEA employs sufficient trained manpower to easily handle the administration and control of the Bradley O&M Project. HEA staff also have the experience, as part of their on-going duties, to professionally accomplish the following functions in support of the O&M contract: ° Accounting and Audit ° Budgeting ° Reporting ° Purchasing, Procurement and Warehousing ° Information System Management ° Personnel : Travel and Other Support Functions Existing management, budgetary, financial, and accounting control systems will be used to insure cost effective contract compliance. HEA owns a Hewlett Packard HP 3000, Model 922RX computer and has sophisticated accounting and management information software under license from Southeastern Data Corporation. The system has the flexibility to produce any reports needed for contract compliance. Regular reports will be prepared for the AEA and participating utilities in the areas of: ° Maintenance activities . On-going water and power operations : FERC compliance activities ° Budget accomplishment ° Status of special projects ° Others, as required VII. 17 O&M PROJECT BUDGET ‘The current Fiscal Year 1994 Bradley Lake Project O&M Budget may be sufficient to fund AEA and HEA transition costs as well as on-going O&M work through the elimination of AEA administrative and overhead costs after December 31, 1993. An estimate of AEA and HEA’s funding requirements for completion of the Transition Plan and ongoing O&M work will be developed for submittal to the BPMC along with the proposed O&M Agreement. HEA will annually draft a proposed O&M budget for review and approval by the AEA, or its successor, and the BPMC in accordance with existing Bradley Lake agreements. We anticipate that future O&M budgets will be reduced from current levels. HEA labor costs will be directly charged to the O&M project only as they occur. Exhibit "F" contains a mark-up of the current Bradley Lake FY94 Budget Detail. It reflects HEA’s estimate of its costs to perform all contract O&M as if for the full FY 1994 period. It also indicates those costs assumed to remain the AEA’s responsibility. Exhibit "F" is to be used only to evaluate this proposal, recognizing the BPMC will make any needed budget adjustments. VII. 18 O&M CONTRACT The AEA must comply with the requirements of 3 AAC 94.160, Operation of Power Projects, when developing the Bradley Lake O&M Agreement in cooperation with HEA. Exhibit "G" contains copies of the required HEA qualifications documentation, including: ° HEA’s certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by the Alaska Public Utilities Commission. ° The legal name of HEA and the legal authority under which it was created (HEA December 17, 1945 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, as amended); . Records of official action taken by the AEG&T and HEA Boards of Directors authorizing this application; ° The name, title, and address. of the official correspondent or representative of HEA for purposes of the application; ° The names and titles of the principal officers (Board of Directors), including the Board President and the General Manager of HEA; ° The names and addresses of the engineers, legal counsel, financial advisers or consultants, and management, engineering, design, economic, or other advisers or consultants which HEA has; and ° A general description of the operations of HEA including a recent history of the costs of operating, maintaining, and replacing equipment on those operations (HEA 1992 FINANCIAL AND 19 STATISTICAL REPORT, REA Form 7). It is proposed that the existing generic AEA/4-Dam Pool. Project O&M Agreement be used as a model for HEA’s O&M services. The exact wording of the agreement will be developed during discussions with AEA. It is expected the Bradley Lake O&M Agreement will be subject to the terms and conditions of the forthcoming "Master" Bradley Lake Agreement. HEA, as the prime contractor, anticipates that AEG&T will also be signatory to the final contract. AEG&T’s participation is complimentary in providing additional depth to our application via expedited access to qualified MEA personnel on an as-required basis. In addition, AEG&T’s Executive Manager, Mr. Robert Hufman will be available to assume a responsible role. The exact nature of AEG&T’s contractual involvement will be identified during development of the draft O&M Agreement. The O&M criteria and standards developed for the Bradley Lake Project will be included in the O&M Agreement by reference. The standards will be jointly reviewed and updated periodically by HEA and the BPMC. HEA will maintain and update all project standards, practices, procedures, and as- built documentation. File: Bradley O&M application Revised 7/20/93 HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O&M APPLICATION EXHIBIT "A" HEA ORGANIZATION CHART INCLUDING THE BRADLEY LAKE O&M FUNCTION ORHEAS LOWS eyes HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. ORGANIZATION CHART Effective 2/16/93 OPERATIONS 1 ‘OWRECTOR HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O & M ORGANIZATION CHART JUNE 16, 1993 EXECUTIVE MANAGER, ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS = BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGER TECHNICAL CONSULTANT SECRETARIAL/ CLERICAL ‘ADMINS TRATIVE BRADLEY LAKE TECHNICAL SITE PERSONNEL Soe 7 SUPPORT HEA HEA FEDERAL AGENCIES i HEA & MEA PERSONNEL/TRAVEL — SOPERVISOR | SAFETY/OSHA COMPLIANCE PURCHASING /WAREHOUSE COMMUNICATIONS | 4 ELECTRONICS OPERATOR /MECHANICS COMPTROLER /ACCOUNTING ALASKA oWVEOM | ENGINEERING OPERATOR /ELECTRICIANS INFORMATION SYSTEM MGMT. —| ' PERMITS/ROW BUOGETING/REPORTS coe oe ense & permit Lf SCADA =~ ty UcENS MI SEASONAL WORKERS COMPLIANCE — ENVIRONMENTAL/HAZ. WASTE SUBCONTRACTORS FEDERAL AGENCIES STATE AGENCIES LOCAL GROUPS CONSULTANTS SUBCONTRACTORS TRANSPORTATION/EQUIP. MAINT. RESERVOIR /POWER OPERATIONS ORGBRAD.DWG 6/16/95 HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O&M APPLICATION EXHIBIT "B" O&M PROJECT MANAGER POSITION DESCRIPTION BRADLEY LAKE O&M APPLICATION Position Description PROJECT MANAGER OBJECTIVES A. To manage the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project by contract to the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) and the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee (BPMC) consistent with sound management principles and in accordance with policies and directives as established by the Board of Directors, General Manager, and Executive Manager of Engineering and Operations. To provide Bradley Lake Project O&M services in accordance with the O&M contract, including compliance with all FERC requirements and the specific operation, maintenance, and repair standards and procedures prepared for the Bradley Lake Project. To perform these duties in such a manner as to reflect credit on the management of the Association and to assure utmost service to the membership by satisfactory accomplishment of the responsibilities and authorities and assigned. REPORTING RELATIONSHIPS Reports to: Executive Manager of Engineering and Operations. Supervises: General Foreman and other project-related positions. Cooperates and coordinates with all individuals or organizations as required. RESPONSIBILITIES, DUTIES AND AUTHORITIES A. Develops and implements all Bradley Lake O&M plans, programs and budgets. Manages all activities related to Bradley Lake O&M functions including water and power operation studies and projections, and on-site maintenance activities. Performs professional and technical activities to support project O&M, contract administration and reporting. Maintains and updates all Bradley lake O&M guidelines, standards, procedures and specifications, and maintains all as-built records and E. documentation. Provides coordination with Alaska Energy Authority personnel and Bradley Lake Project Management Committee subcommittees. IV. POSITION REQUIREMENTS A. Education/Experience: Bachelor’s degree in electrical or mechanical engineering. A registered professional engineer in the State of Alaska is preferred, with ten (10) years experience in hydroelectric operation and maintenance at a high level staff or line supervisory capacity required. B. Skills and Abilities: Must have administrative and managerial skills and technical expertise to manage all O&M functions. Must possess good verbal and written communication skills. Cc. Physical Requirements: Must be in good physical condition with sufficient stamina to work long hours in high stress situations, such as: system outages or plant emergencies. DE Exempt Status: This is a management position and is exempt from the overtime requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act. E. Must possess a current valid Alaska Driver’s License. Recommended by: Approved By: Executive Manager General Manager Engineering and Operations Date Date HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O&M APPLICATION EXHIBIT "Cc" CONFIRMATION OF PROJECT SUPPORT - ALASKA ELECTRIC GENERATION AND TRANSMISSION COOPERATIVE, INC. CONTRACT ENGINEER AND MATANUSKA ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, INC. ALASKA ELECTRIC GENERATION AND TRANSMISSION, INC. Open Letter to AEA, AIDA, and the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee 6/30/93 Subject: Bradley Lake Operation and Maintenance Proposal Submitted by Homer Electric Association I have followed with interest Homer Electric Association's development of the Operation and Maintenance Proposal submit- ted for your approval. My familiarity with the majority of dedicated personnel and in-house capabilities proposed to be involved in all facets of project responsibility, easily convinces me that Homer Electric Association is fully capable of delivering a quality product at a reasonable price. Support services committed by Matanuska Electric Association, HEA's partner in AEG&T, on an ‘as required' basis, adds depth and expertise. My personal involvement will accentuate Administrative over- sight to assure delivery of the quality project referred to herein. Sincerely, Robert Hufman, Exec. Mgr. PHONE: (907) 745-3231 ® P.O.BOX2929 ® PALMER, ALASKA 99645 PHONE: (907) 235-8167 = P.O.BOX169 # HOMER, ALASKA 99603 MYLES C. YERKES, P.E. P. O. BOX 36 SKWENTNA, ALASKA 99667 June 21, 1993 Norm Story, General Manager HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. 3977 Lake Street Homer, AK 99603 SUBJECT: BRADLEY LAKE OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Dear Norm: As requested, by this letter | hereby confirm my ongoing availability to HEA, on a priority basis. This access extends to providing professional services on an as-required basis to the Bradley lake Project should HEA assume Project O&M responsibilities. As you know, my experience with hydroelectric facilities, and Bradley in particular, encompasses a broad area from initial feasibility analysis through testing, startup, and managing ongoing O&M activities. You can be assured of my support to successfully assume and conduct Bradley O&M obligations. This commitment is firm for the initial year of O&M activities. Sincerely, eee ) Matanuska Electric Association, Inc. P.O. Box 2929 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Telephone: (907) 745-3231 Fax: (907) 745-9328 June 16, 1993 Mr. Norman L. Story General Manager Homer Electric Association, Inc. 3977 Lake Street Homer, Alaska 99603 Dear Norm: We recognize the importance of expert and timely maintenance of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. To assist you in this important work we welcome the opportunity to provide personnel and equipment from time to time, as needed. This assistance would include the following areas: Engineering: Assist, as requested, in analysis or repair of project facilities, with engineers and support staff. Qperations: SCADA Maintenance or Repair. Assist, as requested, with engineers and/or technicians. Heavy Equipment Maintenance or Repair. Assist, as requested, with mechanics and equipment. Apparatus Maintenance or Repair. Assist, as requested, with technicians and equipment. After-Hours Expediting. Provide services, as requested, by on-site staff to expedite ' procurement of materials or services required in an emergency. We understand that all ordinary services will be provided by HEA personnel, which will result in substantial savings in time and labor, and that our assistance will be used chiefly in extraordinary circumstances to expedite in unusual or emergency situations. We have provided HEA with information as to the qualifications of our personnel, with the understanding that this information would be capes into the maintenance proposal. Ken General Manag jdh/jg tol. 930615.726 HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O&M APPLICATION EXHIBIT "D" HEA CONTRACT ENGINEER QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O&M APPLICATION PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT NAME: Myles C. Yerkes, P.E. TIMLE: HEA Contract Engineer (O&M Project Consultant) DUTIES: Professional services as required to resolve technical matters and ongoing operational and maintenance concerns EDUCATION: Bachelors Electrical degree from University of Alaska - Fairbanks, Cum Laude RELATED EXPERIENCE: Planning Engineer - Municipal Light and Power Engineering Construction Manager - Municipal Light and Power Chief Engineer - Municipal Light and Power Director of Systems Planning and Project Operations - Alaska Energy Authority Planning Engineer - Matanuska Electric Association General Manager - Frank Moolin and Associates Over 20 years experience - Alaska Power Utility Area, including development of a number of AEA hydroelectric projects and committee involvement related O&M standards and procedures. SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE: Bradley Lake Project ‘Director, Initial Feasibility/License Application *Member Agency Group - State Assumption of Project *Project Design - Development Committees ** PMC Technical Representative - Utility Interests ee Assistant Chair - Project Technical Coordination Committees ee Member, Operations and Dispatch Committee + Utility Member, Project Construction Claims Committee *e Member, PMC Budget Committee ee Past Member, EPRI Hydroelectric Working Group Tyee/Swan/Terror/Solomon Gulch Hydroelectric Projects: *Design Review and Approval *Development of O&M Plans and Procedures *O&M Staffing and Management (Tyee only) *Direction of Testing and Startup *FERC Monitoring and Reporting *Ongoing O&M Monitoring and Administration Power Sales/O&M Agreement Negotiations Anchorage/Fairbanks Intertie: *Design/Construction Review/Direction *Utility Ongoing Coordination *Direction of Alaska Intertie Agreement Negotiations (period of three years) Susitna Hydroelectric Project: ¢Prime Engineer/Project Manager - Selection, Evaluation Team *Agency Coordination Negotiations *Systems Planning Director (Railbelt Project Integration) *Project O&M Standards HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O&M APPLICATION EXHIBIT "E" HEA AND MEA PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION STATEMENTS NAME: TITLE: DUTIES: EDUCATION: HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O&M APPLICATION PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT David L. Fair, P.E. HEA Executive Manager, Engineering and Operations Overall management direction of the O&M project. BSEE, Portland State University, Oregon, 1974 Graduate Engineering Study, Portland State University Graduate Business Study, Portland State University and Regis College, Colorado Advanced training in project and contract management, general management, and supervision Registered Professional Engineer RELATED EXPERIENCE: Nineteen years of progressively more responsible experience in electric utility construction, operation, and maintenance. Manage the planning, design, construction, and operation and maintenance of HEA’s’ generation, transmission, and distribution systems. Supervised water and power operation studies for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s Central Valley Project. Developed, negotiated, and administered contracts for all forms of engineering, construction, and maintenance contracts. HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O&M APPLICATION PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT NAME: Tracy K. Smith TITLE: HEA Accounting Supervisor DUTIES: Provide professional accounting to support all phases of project O&M and reporting. EDUCATION: B.S. Business Administration, Accounting emphasis University of Colorado at Boulder M.B.A. - Colorado State University C.P.A. - License/Certificate - Maryland & Virginia RELATED EXPERIENCE: Supervise HEA Accounting Department; Investments; Yearly and monthly financial reporting requirements 4 Years - Utility accounting 2 Years - Federal government defense contract auditing NAME: TITLE: DUTIES: EDUCATION: HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O&M APPLICATION PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT Gerald W. Willard HEA Area Service Coordinator (Operate and Maintain Seldovia Generating Station) Support and back-up plant operation and maintenance Heavy Duty Mechanic, Tacoma Vocational School Explosive Handler, State Certificate of Fitness Resource Management, Federal Emergency Management Agency Ambulance/Technician and EMT-R, National Registry: - EMT-1, Public Safety Academy - EMT-1, Southern Regional EMS Council Fire Instructor, Anchorage Community College RELATED EXPERIENCE: HEA - Operate and maintain 2.1 mW diesel-fired Seldovia generating station AMPAC Maintenance - O&M and Electrical Supervisor CONAM Maintenance - Site and generation plant supervisor Fluor Corporation - Site and powerhouse HVAC operator/mechanic Vinell Corporation - site operator HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O&M APPLICATION PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT NAME: Gerald K. Winkler TITLE: HEA Power Plant Specialist DUTIES: Operation and Maintenance of power plant mechanical and electrical systems. EDUCATION: Associate Degree - Industrial Electronics, Pioneer Joint Vocational School Mechanical Technology - 10 credit hours, Kenai Peninsula Community College Navy Nuclear Power Schools: Electronics Technician A Naval Nuclear Power School Nuclear Power Training Unit ARECA Power Principles Certification RELATED EXPERIENCE: Operate and maintain Soldotna #1 generating station for the past five years, including power generation, training, reporting, procedures writing, preventive maintenance, and parts procurement Oversaw contractor's compliance with quality assurance program for construction of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating’s Perry Nuclear Power Plant. Operated and maintained and served as an instructor on the primary and secondary systems and equipment for a land- based nuclear generator prototype. Also served on shipboard as Engineering Watch Supervisor. NAME: TITLE: DUTIES: EDUCATION: HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O&M APPLICATION PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT Robert D. Fenimore HEA Power Plant Specialist Operation and Maintenance of power plant mechanical and electrical systems. Associate Degree - Electronics Certified Electronics Technician Navy Nuclear Power Schools: Basic Propulsion and Engineering Naval Nuclear Power School Nuclear Power Training Unit 1,200 hour, 60-credit course in digital electronics and microprocessor systems. ARECA Power Principles Certification RELATED EXPERIENCE: Operate and maintain Soldotna #1 generating station for the past five years, including start and stop, hot gas path inspection, and control operation, testing, and calibration. Operated and maintained and served as an instructor on the primary and secondary systems and equipment for a land- based nuclear generator prototype. Also served on shipboard as Leading Petty Officer and Engineering Watch Supervisor. NAME: TITLE: DUTIES: EDUCATION: HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O&M APPLICATION PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT Robert L. Ditton HEA System Engineer Technical support in the areas of electrical, electronic, communications, SCADA, systems protection BSEE Utah State University, 1962 Studies in Bio-Engineering at University of Wyoming, 1966 Completed course in Arctic Engineering from the University of Alaska RELATED EXPERIENCE: Alaska Village Electric Coop 1968-1971 Installation and maintenance of small diesel generating plants and 7.2 kV distribution systems HEA - 1971-Present Operation and maintenance of HEA’s transmission and distribution system. Supervision of substation design, construction, and maintenance. Supervision of HEA’s Transmission SCADA Feasibility Study. Supervision of Specifications for purchasing Landis & GYR 6800 SCADA System Supervision and engineering on the installation of EPU and RTU’s for the Landis and GYR 6800 Transmission SCADA Supervision of HEA’s' metering department and ~ communications system NAME: MITEE: DUTIES: EDUCATION: HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O&M APPLICATION PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT David L. Chidester Lead Meter & Apparatus Repairman Maintenance and repair of meters, relays, substation equipment and line devices. High School Trade School "Electricity" U.S. Navy "Electricians Mate School USDA "Electricity Transmission and Distribution" RELATED EXPERIENCE: U.S. Navy - Shipboard Electrician General Electric - Apparatus Service Division Rebuilding of electrical equipment, motors, generators, transformers, controls, meters and relays. Promoted to shop foreman, sales specialist, and electrical specialist HEA 1980 to Present Maintenance of substations, metering, relays, line devices and other electrical equipment. HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O&M APPLICATION PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT NAME: Maynard Gross Le: HEA Communications/SCADA Specialist DUTIES: Site planning and installation, maintenance, and repair of communications and SCADA software and hardware. EDUCATION: BSEE North Dakota State University, 1963 EIT Certificate SUPPLEMENTARY EDUCATION: Landis & Gyr, TG6800 System Operation and Maintenance Northern Telecom, ACO A-C2 Feature Administration Northern-Telecom. SL-1 Features Administration Telecom Il. Integrated voice/data digital PBX Motorola, Syntor-X VHF/UHF Maintenance University of Washington, NWPPA Metering-Specialized University of Washington, NWPPA Metering-Advanced Washington State University, NWPPA Relay School University of Washington, NWPPA Metering-Standard University of Washington, NWPPA Metering-Basic Bell & Howell, Electronic Equipment Repair RELATED EXPERIENCE: Thirty years experience in the design, operation, and maintenance of electronic equipment and communications systems, including: Design of signal processing and radar systems. Installation and maintenance of SCADA Master stations and RTU’s Preparation of SCADA and telephone system bid specifications Installation of communications systems and metering installations : Member of Bradley Lake SCADA Subcommittee HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O&M APPLICATION PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT NAME: James A. Elson SITEE: HEA Operations Coordinator DUTIES: Assist Project Manager to coordinate and direct FERC and other permit compliance activities, Hazardous Materials and Waste Remediation, and Disaster Planning EDUCATION: High School X-ray Technology Hazwoper Supervisor College Courses - Primarily English RELATED EXPERIENCE: Environmental Compliance: Monitors the handling of hazardous materials and record keeping to comply with environmental policies and regulations. Hazardous Communications PCB record keeping and disposal Spill reporting Remediation Removal of underground storage tanks Contractor selection and contract administration for remediation activities. Coordination with other departments, agencies, or businesses HAZWOPER training coordinator Disaster plan development and management including Incident Command System HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O&M APPLICATION NAME: TITLE: DUTIES: EDUCATION: PERSONNEL QUALIFICATICNS STATEMENT David M. Bear HEA Right-of-Way Agent Arrange for and perform all rights-of-way and permit compliance activities in support of HEA’s Operations Coordinator High School - Trade School Correspondence: Real Estate Law - Business Law Registered Land Surveyor RELATED EXPERIENCE: HEA land rights management (procurement, permitting, lease) 18 Years - Construction Surveying (Industrial, Commercial, Major Earth, Highways) Land Surveying, Construction Inspection 9 Years - Land Rights Management Contract Administration Work with state, federal and native agencies in procurement of permits for transmission and distribution lines. Negotiate with private and government agencies for lease lands necessary for access and project staging. Responsible for quality assurance; permit compliance, contract enforcement/administration, public relations. Have past and ongoing contact with following agencies: ° Kenai Peninsula Borough ° State Department of Transportation - Public Facilities (Utilities, Rights-of-eState Department of Natural Resources Bureau of Land Management Forestry (State and Federal) State Fish and Game Federal Fish and Wildlife U.S. Corps of Engineers Local City Governments Native Associations *« Salamatof *¢ CIRI ee NNA ** Seldovia ** KNA Other utilities on the peninsula including Chugach, MTA, MEA, GVEA Have excellent working relationship with all agencies and considerable experience with individual permitting procedures. NAME: TITLE: DUTIES: EDUCATION: HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC BRADLEY LAKE O&M APPLICATION PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT John P. Vaughan HEA Safety & Dispatch Coordinator Develop and administer safety training and compliance program High School, 3 years line apprentice 1 year Hydro operator apprentice (Scholastic portion) Basis for Engineering (I.C.S. Correspondence) Numerous Work Shops (Line apparatus maintenance and repair, safety training, supervisory skills) RELATED EXPERIENCE: Two years experience as an engineering aide. Grant Company P.U.D. Washington Twelve years Journeyman lineman - Grant Company, P.U.D. Washington HEA - 1968 to Present: Journeyman Lineman, serviceman, line foreman, substation foreman, district line superintendent, Manager of Operations, Safety and Dispatch Coordinator. Develop and maintain an HEA safety program meeting NRECA accreditation standards. Conduct safety training. Investigate accidents. Review procedures, equipment, and materials for safety compliance and improvements. NAME: TITLE: DUTIES: EDUCATION: HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O&M APPLICATION PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT James D. Hall, P.E. MEA Project Engineer Professional services as required to resolve technical matters and ongoing operational and maintenance concerns. BSEE with emphasis on Power Engineering, North Dakota State University, Fargo, N.D., 1967. P.E., Electrical Engineering in South Dakota and Alaska RELATED EXPERIENCE: MATANUSKA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Responsible for major projects, including substations, transmission lines, SCADA system and major distribution improvement. MEA representative for Intertie Operating Committee, Bradley Lake Technical Subcommittee, Alaska Systems Coordinating Council and other technical groups. DeWILD, GRANT RECKERT & ASSOCIATES Total project responsibility, including design, preparation of plans and specifications, long range system studies, rate studies, client contact, coordination with contractors, and construction inspection. IOWA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Design of overhead and underground electrical distribution systems, including application of system protection devices, fault current studies, voltage drop calculations, and line specifications and layouts. NAME: TITLE: DUTIES: EDUCATION: HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O&M APPLICATION PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT John E. Olhoft MEA District Engineer Professional services as required to resolve technical matters and ongoing operational and maintenance concerns B.S. Civil Engineering University of Alaska, Fairbanks University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany RELATED EXPERIENCE: MATANUSKA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Responsible for all engineering in the Eagle River District Office, including supervision of all engineering personnel. Design, estimate, inspect, and test underground and overhead distribution systems, residential and commercial services, transmission lines and substation facilities. Performed similar engineering work for the Salt River Project (Power) and Arizona Public Service Company. Designed, estimated and inspected overhead and underground distribution facilities, and transmission and _ substation facilities from 115kV to 345kV. Wrote, bid, and administered REA power construction contracts. Revised, updated, and developed new specifications for submittal to the Standards Committee. Wrote Distribution and Construction Inspection Manual, DC High Potential Test Manual, Distribution Design Manual, Distribution Underbuild of Transmission Lines Manual, and taught REA contracts/contract administration to other personnel. FRANK MOOLIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Supervised the financial accounting of the Barrow Utilidor Project to ensure that sound fiscal and administrative practices were used by the prime contractor, subcontractors and other firms, and to ensure all safety practices were in accordance with owner rules and OSHA/DOSH and MSHA regulations. HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O&M APPLICATION PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT NAME: Vern E. Smith TITLE: MEA Meter/Relay Technician DUTIES: Install, test, and repair electrical and electronic systems, motors, and programmable controllers. EDUCATION: U.S. Naval Nuclear Power School - 2 years Northern Arizona University - 3 years Electrical Engineering Study Multi-Amp School: 40-hour Utility Relay Maintenance and 40- hour Advanced Relay Maintenance RELATED EXPERIENCE: Eighteen years experience in the electrical field with nine years in electrical maintenance and generating plant startup, including: Construction and maintenance of mechanical and electrical systems for two 950 mW nuclear generating plants. Mechanical and electrical design and construction of manufacturing equipment and control systems Installation and maintenance of power systems, motors, and control systems. Construction completion, circuit checkout, component testing, and initial operation of equipment for start-up of nuclear and coal generating stations, including: CT’s, PT’s, motors, switchgear, valves, annunciators, breakers, programmable controllers, relays, etc. ] Installation, testing, and repair of protective relays, SCADA, controls, and communications systems. NAME: TITLE: DUTIES: EDUCATION: HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O&M APPLICATION PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT Kurt M. Labonte MEA Meter/Relay and Apparatus Technician Install, repair, and test protective relays, metering, and SCADA systems. Journeyman Electrician Journeyman Apparatus Electrician U.S. Army Electrical Training Center - Industrial wiring Centeral Texas University - NEC Interpretation | and Il and Industrial Electricity Ongoing Electrical Engineering Coursework RELATED EXPERIENCE: Over 11 years progressively more responsible experience in: Commercial and industrial wiring High voltage equipment installation and maintenance Maintenance of power plant equipment for substations Test and repair transformers, apparatus, and switchgear Install, test, and repair protective relay systems, SCADA, and meters. HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O&M APPLICATION EXHIBIT "F" MODIFIED BRADLEY LAKE FY94 BUDGET Revision 1, Approved July 1, 1993 BRADLEY LAKE FY94 BUDGET DETAIL LEDGER ITEM ACCOUNT FERC TITLE CODE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TOTAL Operation Supervision and General supervision and engineering of project maintenance & operation not 535 |engineering 81072035 [chargeable directly to other accounts. Personnel (Labor & Benefits) Direct labor charges (FY93 + 4%) «Manager Agency Operations (2%) Geyenl Mane 2,000 Senior Operations Engineer (70%) Preject Mana fe 72,000 Director Facilities Operations & Engineering (8%) Ex. Ms. £40 32,0°e0 Drafting Technician (5%) 3,000 System Administrator/ Programming Engineer (20%) HY, 002 Operations Assistant (80%) at,0.0° Civil Engineer (30%) a 4, Orn Electrical Engineer (15%) 19,020 Mechanical Engineer (25%) 10,000 —Permits i ROW Speciatist 30%}— AREA Administrative Assistant (5%) A,ovo Total: 223,314 cc: Wolf Travel Sieczkowski Travel and training for supervision and engineering personnel. Sobolesky Commercial Travel S, 2O° Holmes Total: 10,000 Eberle Contractual Project management of significant maintenance & repairs. Technical Training G, 080 continued next page e:\dburgerlexcelbudget\f y04det2 Page 1 of 17 7/6/83 11:16 AM Revision 1, Approved July 1, 1993 BRADLEY LAKE FY94 BUDGET DETAIL , LEDGER ITEM ACCOUNT FERC TITLE CODE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TOTAL Operation Supervision and General supervision and engineering of project maintenance & operation not Engineering 4 81072035 [chargeable directly to other accounts. Equipment & Machinery Major pieces of equipment used by supervision and engineering for Bradley Lake tasks but not assigned to the project site. Test Equipment Computer Components CAD Components Fumiture Communications Equipment (i.e. Portable Radios) Transportation Vehicles Photographic Components HAA = 01, 000 ALA 27,2710 228 210 TOTAL #:\dbur gorlexceNbudget\fyG4 det2 Page 2 of 17 7/8/93 10:40 AM Revision 1, Approved July 1, 1993 BRADLEY LAKE FY94 BUDGET DETAIL LEDGER ITEM ACCOUNT FERC TITLE CODE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TOTAL For project features outside of the powerhouse (i.e. debris & ice removal; inspection of dam, reservolr, diversions, duck ponds, tailrace, barge dock, Hydraulic Operation (Reservoir, roads, airport, recreation facilities; fish & game, & environmental studies; data 537 |Dams & Waterways 81072037 81072137 Dam Settlement Surveys (2) 81072237 Environmental/Fish & Game Studies Supplies & Materials Outboard Lubricants and Fuel Foul Weather Gear and Special Clothing Signs ee : Consumables Equipment & Machinery Watercraft Vehicles e:\dburgerlexceNbudget\t y04det2 Page 3 of 17 7/8/03 10:40 AM Revision 1, Approved July 1, 1993 BRADLEY LAKE FY94 BUDGET DETAIL LEDGER CODE ITEM AMOUNT ACCOUNT TOTAL FERC TITLE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION For prime movers, generators, switchgear and other auxiliary equipment within the powerhouse. Oil purification, relay & meter adjustments, plant records, adjusting relays, controls & instruments. Personnel (Labor & Benefits) Local operations, call-outs and record keeping by the general foreman or hydro- plant maintenance worker. General Foreman Electric Plant Operation 81072038 Total: 119,100 Contractual Technical Training Meter & Relay Testing Unit Balancing & Vibration Analysis Total: 32,000 Supplies & Materials Total: 7,000 0 Equipment & Machinery Test Equipment HRA 1S, 000 e:\dburgerlexceNbudget\fy04det2 Page 4 of 17 7/6/93 10:40 AM Revision 1, Approved July 1, 1883 BRADLEY LAKE FY94 BUDGET DETAIL LEDGER ITEM ACCOUNT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TOTAL CODE Clerical & administrative support, patrolling & inspecting project, janitorial services & supplies, grounds care, snow removal, road grading, consumable products (light bulbs, paper products, office supplies, first ald supplies and safety equipment.) DIS communication services, phone bills, fuel, storage yard activities, procurement, accounting. Personnel (Labor & Benefits) Clerical support, information systems direct project effort (Joe, Roger, Norm), operators’ time for snow removal, road & airport grading and sanding. Housekeeper's time, temporary laborers (when not charged to a specific task), loading and unloading of barges, seasonal removal and installation of small boat dock, up-keep of storage & lay-down area. AMMS development (Brett), safety & first aid, technical training, procurement and accounting. Housekeeper (100%) Procurement Supervisor (5%) Procurement Specialist (35%) Material Coordinator (19%) Accountant (4) (61%) Accounting Clerk (10% FERC TITLE Hydraulic Power Generation 539 |operations 81072039 continued next page e:\Uburger\excelibudget\fy04det2 Page 5 of 17 716/03 10:40AM Revision 1, Approved July 1, 1993 BRADLEY LAKE FY94 BUDGET DETAIL FERC LEDGER ITEM ACCOUNT CODE FERC TITLE CODE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ee | TOTAL Clerical & administrative support, patrolling & inspecting project, janitorial services & supplies, grounds care, snow removal, road grading, consumable products (light bulbs, paper products, office supplies, first ald supplies and Hydraulic Power Generation safety equipment.) DIS communication services, phone bills, fuel, storage yard 81072039 factivities, procurement, accounting. Contractual 81072139 First Aid & Safety Training 7,500} 7,500 81072239 Helicopter 60,000] 6%, 08 o 81072339 Fixed Wing 40,000| 4/0 00 © 81072439 Barges & Docking 10,000] ;0, 06° 81072539 Shipping 6) G00 81072539 Consolidating zu, 900 81072539 Warehousing $,000 81072539 Expediting 2a, ceo 81072539 Mail (SCA) &, 502 81072639 Phone Service 10, $0° 81072739 AMMS (General Systems) 3,00 o 81072839 DIVCOM (DIS) Maintenance Fees AEA 214,500 Supplies & Materials 81072039 Fuel é : 18,000] ! ¥,O00 81072139 Office, Safety & First Aid 2,000} 2,900 Equipment & Machinery Rolling Stock Test Equipment Power Tools Total: 0 341,969 HEA = 23,000 ARkA 64,020 TTAL 303,000 e:\dbur gorlexcefibudget\fy84det2 Page 6 of 17 7/6/83 10:40 AM Revision 1, Approved July 1, 1983 BRADLEY LAKE FY94 BUDGET DETAIL LEDGER CODE FERC TITLE CODE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION | 640. |poms oe 8 | 81072040 |FERC land use fees, Commercial Drive Warehouse Expenses Personnel (Labor & Benefits’ | ITEM ACCOUNT AMOUNT TOTAL Contractual Commercial Drive Warehouse FERC Land Use Fee 6,500] AEA 85,000] A&A 81072040 81072140 Total: 91,500 = Supplies & Materials Ex Equipment & Machinery | 91,600 ABA 91 $00 Page 7 of 17 7/0(83 10:40 AM o:\dbur gerlexceNbudget\f y04 det2 Revision 1, Approved July 1, 1993 BRADLEY LAKE FY94 BUDGET DETAIL LEDGER CODE FERC TITLE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Includes duplexes, crew quarters, maintenance bullding, cold storage, incinerator building, fuel facility, airport & jetty building, miscellaneous out buildings (excluding communications shacks.) Includes gatehouse and diversion works outlet (excluding operating mechanisms within the generators, pumps & valves. ITEM ACCOUNT AMOUNT TOTAL Maintenance of Structures 81072042 Contractual Supplies & Materials Used for upgrade and repair but NOT consumables. Building materials, roofing, doors, door mats, flooring, window coverings, utensils, paint, fixtures. Total: 3,000 Equipment & Machinery ee Power tools for repair and maintenance, fumiture, appliances, HVAC, ladders. 6,000 HEA 9,000 e:\dburgerloxcelbudget\t y04 dot 2 Page 8 of 17 716/03 10:66 AM Revision 1, Approved July 1, 1993 BRADLEY LAKE FY94 BUDGET DETAIL LEDGER ITEM ACCOUNT FERC TITLE CODE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TOTAL Activities related to repair and up-grade of dams, spillway, tailrace, diversion Maintenance of Reservoir, Dams channels and dikes (not ta include inspection of these features or cleaning of & Waterwa 81072043 freservoir. Personnel (Labor & Benefits | od Equipment & Machinery Pago 9 of 17 7/6/93 10:40 AM @:|\dbur gorlexcelbudget\f y04det2 Revision 1, Approved July 1, 1983 BRADLEY LAKE FY94 BUDGET DETAIL LEDGER ITEM ACCOUNT FERC TITLE CODE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TOTAL All activities related to maintenance and repair within the powerhouse. Includes major equipment such as generator, turbines, valves, support systems, crane, control panels, gates, heating and ventilation, governors, compressors, fire systems, diesel gen set, utility systems, but excludes the substation and 544 [Maintenance of Electric Plant 81072044 Jcommunications. P2rsonnel (Labor & Benefits) Electrical Maintenance Worker (2) (100%) 193,800 193,800 Miscellaneous Service Contracts Technical Training Supplies & Materials Motors, belts, fans, auxiliary equipment parts, fasteners, rigging, pumps, breakers, fuses, conduit, gag ing, switches. Equipment & Machinery Test equipment, material handling equipment, auxiliary equipment replacement. HRA 260000 o:\dburgorlexcelbudyet\{ y04 det 2 Page 10 of 17 716193 10:40 AM Revision 1, Approved July 1, 1993 BRADLEY LAKE FY94 BUDGET DETAIL FERC TITLE LEDGER CODE ITEM ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Maintenance of Miscellaneous 545 |Hydraulic Plant 81072045 (Activities related to tunnel, road rebuilding, culvert repair and installation, dock & jetty repairs, airport repair including lighting and wind socks, camp sites, duck ponds and related water control structure repairs, bridge maintenance, rolling stock and miscellaneous equipment maintenance , mechanical, electrical and hydraulic operating mechanisms at gate houses ‘eal diversion works, project epairs such as sewer & water and electric distribution for project facilities. Personnel (Labor & Benefits) Mechanical Maintenance Worker (100%) Temporary Laborers 135,120 1,000 Contractual Miscellaneous Service Contracts Technical Training Supplies & Materials ‘Consumables: paints, bulbs, lubricants, minor repair parts, connectors, electrical, plumbing, air, hydraulic, automotive components. Total: o:\dbur gerlexcelNbudget\f y04det2 Equipment & Machinery Major spare parts, automotive, mechanical, electrical, air & hydraulic repair, major maintenance tools & equipment, rolling stock, all terrain vehicles, boat & motor, major mechanical and automotive replacement parts. Page 11 of 17 ACCOUNT TOTAL 7/6/83 10:40 AM Revision 1, Approved July 1, 1993 BRADLEY LAKE FY94 BUDGET DETAIL . LEDGER ITEM ACCOUNT FERC TITLE CODE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TOTAL SCADA Operations & Communications, CEA Dispatching functions, energy allocations, hydrologic data gathering and record keeping, switching activities, System Control and Load establishing safety clearances, operating report maintenance and computer Dispatching 81072056 JLAN. Personnel (Labor & Benefits) . SCADA Communications Tech/Programmer Contractual Technical Training 81072156 SCS Snow Measurement 81072256 UAF Seismic Monitoring 81072356 NOAA Weather Service 81072456 SCADA 81072556 CEA Dispatch 122,720 81072656 USGS Stream Gaging 110,000 CEA Software Dispatch Program Amortize 20,000 Total: 316,720 Equipment & Machinery Computer LAN components & VHF Interface Total: 36,000} _ HRA 27,000 AtA 36,720 ToTAL 363,729 e:\dbur gor\excellbudget\f y04 det? Page 12 of 17 7/6183 10:40 AM Revision 1, Approved July 1, 1993 BRADLEY LAKE FY94 BUDGET DETAIL FERC LEDGER ITEM ACCOUNT CODE FERC TITLE CODE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TOTAL Activities involving both operation and maintenance of the Bradley SF6 Substation Operation & substation and transformer yard and Bradley Junction, HEA maintenance 562 |Maintenance 81072062 Jactivities under agreement. Personnel (Labor & Benefits 0 . . , Total: 0 [Travel 0 Total: 0 Contractual HEA Bradley Junction Maintenance 2,200] AEA Total: 2,200 Supplies & Materials [J Total: 0 Equipment & Machinery 0 Total: 0 2,200 At/+ 2200 ‘ o:\dbuger\excelbudget\ty04 det2 Pago 13 of 17 7/8/93 10:40 AM Revision 1, Approved July 1, 1993 BRADLEY LAKE FY94 BUDGET DETAIL FERC LEDGER CODE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION | ITEM | ACCOUNT AMOUNT | TOTAL FERC TITLE CODE 571 |overhead Line Maintenance 81072071 [Maintenance and inspection of (2) 115 kV lines to Bradley Junction by HEA Personnel (Labor & Benefits | 0 AEA Total: 39,000 Supplies & Materials Equipment & Machinery 3 39,000 60° Aka 3? e:\dbu ger\excelbudget\f y04det2 Page 14 of 17 7/6/93 10:40 AM Revision 1, Approved July 1, 1993 BRADLEY LAKE FY94 BUDGET DETAIL LEDGER ITEM ACCOUNT FERC TITLE CODE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TOTAL Administration and General 81072020 Personnel (Labor & Benefits) PMC General Meeting Expenses (Recording) 18,000] /8,000 81072120 AEA Administrative Expenses 417,243] AFA 15,000 435,243 Travel PMC Travel Cost (6 meetings/year in Anchorage) AFA PMC Subcommittee Travel Costs (12 meetings/year in Anchorage) AEA Contractual Trustee Fees 20,000] AKA 81072220 Legal Fees (AEA & Utilities) 100,000} A&A 81072320 Professional Audit Service 15,000] AEA 81072420 5 Year Inspection Consultant (1996) 15,000 {5,900 Total: 150,000 ‘Supplies & Materials | Equipment & Machinery | Total: 0 623,243 ye Full 2an- Admin. Exp. om HRA ¥B000° will be pwn less ath Actua / 1 fl 2 3 AGA $90,243 ARA steff reductin 4 12/31/93. HK HK HEA direct Char ye Personnel costs. eldburgerlexceltbudget lt y04 dot 2 Page 15 of 17 716/03 10:40 AM Revision 1, Approved July 1, 1993 BRADLEY LAKE FY94 BUDGET DETAIL LEDGER ITEM ACCOUNT FERC TITLE CODE ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TOTAL Insurance 81072024 Personnel (Labor & Benefits’ [od 0 Contractual Property 160,824] ARA Boiler & Machinery 50,000] AEA General Liability 10,000] Axa Watercraft & Aviation 15,000] AZA Directors and Officers Liability 15,000} AKA Total: 250,824 Zz Supplies & Materials 0 Equipment & Machinery | ol 250,824 * Stote me, Pep uae add, tr! HiZA InSUvance. ARA = 250 324 e:\dburgerlexceNbudget\f y04det2 Page 16 of 17 7/6/93 10:40 AM Revision 1, Approved July 1, 1993 BRADLEY LAKE FY94 BUDGET DETAIL FERC TITLE Regulatory Commission ° 928 expenses LEDGER CODE | ITEM sw 81072028 Contractual ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TOTAL Personnel (Labor & Benefits FERC Administrative Fees AFA Equipment & Machinery 50,000 Note 1. FY92 budget total was $2,669,928. O&M expenses resulted in a payment. e:\dbur gerlexcelbudget\fy 04 det2 Note 2. Due to construction activity and warranty work, the actual FY93 $910,411 reduction to the O&M budget that is proposed to be carried over into FY94 to reduce the utility Page 17 of 17 Afi 52 d00 TOTAL FY94 BRADLEY LAKE O&M BUDGET $2,707,215 H+ eA |, 176,000 ALA 1,505,691 TOTA $2681 647 a A 7/6/83 10:40 AM HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O&M APPLICATION EXHIBIT "G" HEA QUALIFICATIONS DOCUMENTATION APUC No ORIGINAL She to. ll Cancelling: Sheet No. RECEIVED May 18 1989 State of Alaska Pubic Utilities Commiss: HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. RULES AND REGULATIONS APPENDIX A Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 32 granted to HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE AREA Township 9 North, Ranges 8, 9, 10 and 11 West Township 8 North, Ranges 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 West Township 7 North, Ranges 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 West Township 6 North, Ranges 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 West Township 5 North, Range 5 West, Sections 1 through 24, and 26 through 35 Township 5 North, Ranges 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 West Township 4 North, Ranges 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 West Township 3 North, Ranges 10, 11 and 12 West Township 2 North, Ranges 11 and 12 West Township 1 North, Ranges 11, 12 and 13 West io Township 1 South, Ranges 11, 12, 13 and 14 West | e Township 2 South, Ranges 11, 12, 13 and 14 West Township 3 South, Ranges 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 West Township 4 South, Ranges 10, 11, 12,.13, 14 and 15 West Township 5 South, Ranges 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 West Township 6 South, Ranges 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 West Township 7 South, Ranges 11, 12 and 13 West Township 8 South, Ranges 12, 13, 14 and 15 West Township 9 South{ Ranges 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 West Township 10 South, Ranges 15 and 16 West All the above with reference to the Seward Meridian. CHRONOLOGY: Original Certificate granted 3/11/65 First Revision 4/1/65 Second Revision 9/16/66, (P-65-23) Third Revision 11/17/72, (U-72-69 (1)) Tariff Advice No.___—-83-32_— Elfoctivo May 12, 1989 Issued By: HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. 3977 Lako Street, Homor, Alaska 99603 ey: Title: General Manager a e+, &@ BD _ 10 Ly 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 ARTICLES OF TNCORPORATION OF HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. ENG ALL LON.BY THESE PLESENTS: That we, the under- signed, belog natural personas of tne age of twenty-one years o: more and citizens of the United States of America and resident: - of the Territory of Alaska, have this day united end associate ourselves together for the purpose of forming a non-profit oo- operative association under and by virtue of Article YII, Chapter XI of the Comoiled Laws of Alaska, 1933, and all laws amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, anid we do hereby make, siga end acknowledge, in quadruplicate, the following articles of inoorporation: ARTICLE I The name of this Corporation shall be HOR ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. ARTICLE II The purpose or purposes for which this Corporetion ia formed are: (a) To generate, manufacture, purchase, acquire and acou- mulate electric energy for ite members only and to transmit, distribute, furnish, sell and dispose of su eleotrio energy to its members only, and to construct erect, purchase, lease as lessee and in any manner aco quire, own, hold, maintein, operate, sell, dispose of oo as lessor, exeianyesaortcuns plants, buildings, works, machinery, supplies, apparatus, equipment and @leotrio tranamission and distribution lines or oyste: necessary, convenient or useful for carrying out and accomplishing any or all of the foregoing purposes. a a ~ 1c a 12 13 18 1s 20 21 22 23 (c) (4) (e) oer es! On nes Crmsteset, arcct, monacr ecqaire, ov alsnone on, setse as Pectos, exch i e €n4 sorteace plants, bsilain.-:, “orgs, cachiner:, vucrviies, enpere- tus, enuisi-cot anc telephone distribution lines or systez.s necessary, convenleat or ureful for carrying Out ans ecconcileshinie any ior all of <3 ps-e2. To acoulre, ova, hole, use, exerci.e “Au, to the exten 1O@sz i ttad- be Mew, to sell, wostese, “itere, hypothe= este sac in aay acainGas susnose Of fsanciirec, Tri=.ts, nsaviwe eS, Micei@e.,, rlieits of way, ast: cercer;,. UsGhul or esssosrizte to eccs. Lt of t.e ;urneses of tne Corros tion. So gure ese, mece-ve, tease se Lass a, |Os 20 aay other mMBENES @ccuite, oe, rot, satiate a, wise, coavey, set lense se les-or, exci: Ge, mort-sse, uise~e oF other- vise cigsose of a:zy en. ell rel ana ;ersonsl property or any ‘ntsrest tierein aecéisar:, useful or apsro- poiate to enacie tre Coivoration to acca: lish aay or Gl) 0S 20s) Gussos 23. To ag: ist its ce::tere to -tre their ore:..ises ania ine stall therein electrical ecollences, fix- tures, s2ckisery,) Su cLiice, ecpesscas vac) ecuinsent of azy anc all kinds ani hesieter (isc u- » without li-iting the cenerelity of the ‘:orecolr:, such as are acplicable to water supnly an¢e sevrze iisposal) aad, ina connasctior therewith anc for such warecoses, to pur- chase, acquire, lease, sell, aistribute, Lorteall ena aoe o oneoeeeek «6 BD Yr rr FPF PP YP PP ee BRBRSBERSEEEEBE SO (ft) (g) and shall repair eleotrical and plumbing appliances, fixtures, machinery, supplies, apparatus and equipment of any and all kinds and character (including, without linit- iog the generality of the foregoing, such as are appli cable to water supply and sewage disposal) and to res oeive, acquire, endorse, pledge, guarantee, hypothe- cate, transfer or otherwise dispose of notes and other evidences of indebtedness and all security therefor. To borrow money, to make and issus bonds, notes and other avidences of indebtedness, secured or unsecured, for moneys borrowed or in payment for property acquire or for any of the other objects or purposes of the Cor- poraticn; to secure the payment or suoh bonds, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness by mortgage or sort Bages, or deed or deeds of trust upon, or by the pledge of or other lien upon, any or all of the property, rights, privileges or pormits of the Corporation, where soever situated, acquired or to be acquired. To do and perfora, either for itself or its members, an and all acts and things, and to have and exeroise any and oll powers, as may be necessary or convenient to accomplish any or all of tha foregoing purposes or es = be permitted by the Act under whioh the Corporation is formed. The Corporation shall render ne service to or for the publio. / ARTICLE IIt Beotion }. The Corporation is not organized for profit not have authority to issue capital stoor. Bevtion 2. Any person, firm assoclation, corporation or body politic or subdivision thervof, may become a member in the Corporation by: (a) filing a written application for membership therein; -3- ae @ N @ on 10 a 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2s 25 a7 28 29 30 31 (b) agreeiog to purcha from the Corporation eleotric energy as hereinafter specified; (o) agreeing to comply with and be dound by the artiole {noorporation of the Corporation and the bylaws and such rules and regulations as may from time to tine adopted by the board of direotors; and (d) ‘ paying the membership fee hereinafter specified; pre vided, however, that no person, firm, association, ¢ poration or body politic, or subdivision thereof sha become.a momber unless and until he or it has been a cepted for membership by the board or directors or t members, The Bylaws may providefor appeal by an applicant to meeting of the members. No person, firm, association, corpora tion or bedy politic, of subdivision thereof, may own more the: one (1) membarship in the Corporation. A husband and wife may jointly become a member and th application for a joint membership may be accepted in accordance with the foregoing provisions or this section provided the husb and wife comply jointly with the provisions o¢ the above sub- divisions (a), (b), (0) and (d). " : Beotion 3. The menbership fee shall be five dollars ($5.00), but the bylaws may provide for additional fees to be ‘paid by members requesting more than one service connection. Section 4. Each member shall, as soon as eleotric energy shall bo available, purchase from the Corporation all eleotric energy used on the premises referred to in the applica- tion of such member for membership, and shall pay thereror month ly at rates which shall from time to time be rixed by resolution of the board of directors; provided, howevar, that the electric energy which the Corporation shall furnish to any member pay be limited to such an amount es the board of direotors shall fron wh- a ew “4 WD o oa N @ 10 11 12 138 14 18 16 1? 18 19 20 RPees 8 S 31 time to time determineand that coach member shall pay to the Corporation such minimum amount per month as shall bo fired by \ Board of Directors from tine to tine, regardless or the amount of eleotrio energy consumed. Eaoh member shall so pay all obli gations which may from time to time become due and payable by each member to the Corporation as and when ths same shall becan _ @ue and payable. Seotion 5. The private property or the members or th , Corporation shall be exempt from execution for the dedts of the Corporation and not member shall bo individually liable or re- _ sponsible ror any debts or liabilities of the Corporation. ARTICLE IV fhe principal place of business of the Corporation shall be Homer, Alaska. ARTICLE ¥ The period of duration or this Corporation shall be fifty (50) years. ARTICLE VI The highest amount of indebtedness or liatility to which this Corporation shall at any tims be sudject to is ; Rive million dollars ($5,000,000.00).. ARTICLE VII The number of direotors or this Corporation shall be aine (9). he names and post orrioe adaresses of the directors ‘who shall manage the arfairs and business of the Corporation fcr " the rirst year, or until their suoosssors shall have dees elect: jee = and shall have qualified, age as follows: Name Post Offioe Address R ¥ anioh Homer, Alaska _ Same) L. Pratt Box “Homer, Aleska EBileoh M, de Rose Box 125, Honer, Alaska Walter HW, Christensoao : Box 16, Hamer, Alaska -5- Rane Post Ofrtice Address — 1 Carl dA. Sholino Box 6, Homer, Alaska 2 Virg o NW, Anderson Box 8, Homer, Alaska 3 James N. Faulk, Sr. __Zomer, Alaska 4 Bay V. Leatz Romer, Aleska 8 Eugh 6. Watsoo Box 124, Homer, Alaska 6 ARTICLE VIII VE The names and places of residence or the persons fo. 8 {og this Corporation are as rollows: 9 Nano Place or Residence 10 Robert W. Kranioh Fomer, Alaska ll Banue)l L. Pratt : EKomer, Alasxa 12 Raloh WH. de Rose Homer, Alasxa 135 Walter M. Christensen Honer, Alaska 14 Carl 4. Sholin Homer, Alaska 15 Virgo W. Andesson Homer aska 16 Jeunes N. Faulk, 6r. Homer, Alaska 17 Buy VY, Lentz Homer, Alaska 18 Engh 8. Hatsoa Homer, Alaska 19 . IM WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereu.to set our hands « 20 = seals, in quadruplicate, this 17th day of December, 1945 gi B 3. : “te - oe «Sse ao & Bw ND o nN 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ag 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 UNITED STATES OF ARICA ) . TERRITORY OF ALASKA } “ I, ALMER J. PETERSON, a Notary Public in and for the Territory of Alaska, do hereby oertify tuat ROBERT W. KRANICH, SAMUEL L. PRATT, RALPH M. DE ROSE, WALTER Xd. CHRISTENSEN, CARL SHOLIN, VIRCO W. ANDERSON, JA.ES N. FAULK, €R., SAY V. LEHTZ, & HUGH S. WATSON, who are personally known to me to be the persor whose names are signed to and who executed the foregoing artic) of iacorporation of the Homer Electric Association, Inco., appes ed before me this day ta person ana’ severally acknowledged toc that they signed, aed: executed and delivered the said artic of inoorporation, !4 quadruplicate, as their free voluntary act for the uses and ; i‘238ses ther ta oi forth. WITNESS ». anc -ad notarial seal, in quadruplicate, Homer, {o the Territ + of Alaska this 17th cay of December, 19 We ory Cc, ory 0 asa The Llding at Anchorage, Alaska 1 .ommission expires: 9-15-48 CSATIFICatc CF VONDCOT Cr ARTICISS OF NXORPORATIOK of GR MUCH SLiTtON, Di. UNITED STATES OF AIERICA ) Bs 1 TERRITORY OF aLASKA ) KOM ALL HEN BY THESES PRESENTS: That we, the undersigned, being all of the Trustees cf OER ELSCT IC ASSOCIATION, DX., do hereby certify: That at the annual macbership oscting of the Homer Sloctric Asooclaiiss Inc,, duly held on the 2nd day of Pobruary, 1954, at the hour of 81:00 ofclsck, pem., in the Skyway Theater, at Iocor, Alaska, in conformity with tho laws of t Territory of Alaska and the Bylaws cf citd Association, a quorwa of meabers of the Association being presen in person, tho following resolution was adoptod by an affirmative vote of more than sixty-six and two-thirds percent (65 2/3%) of the mambers present: EESOLYZD), that ARTICLE VI of the Articles of Incom poration of tha !kamer Tloctric Association, Inc., be ommended to read as follows: "The highost mount of indestedness or liability to which this corporation shall at ay tino es subject As $40,000,00.00," BE IT FURTHER Q2S0LYED, that the officers and Trustoes of the corporation be, and they lsreby are directed to take auch action as is neceosary to prepare and file the requisite docunsnts to amend such Articles of Incor- poration in accordance with the laws of the Territory of Alaska and of the United States of dmerica. That said meeting and proweedings were held on the above date smi inc fornity wth the lars of the Territory of Alnsks and the By-laws of said Corx tion, and thet more than sixtpeix and two-thirds percent (66 2/3%) of the ne of said corporation present at tho meeting roted in favor of said amentsent,. WIYWESS our hands this a! aay of He ae 1954. 4 7 Baa : ‘ orien See wv eee ee eS Attestt spat : Te UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) + 38 TICUTCRY OF ALASKA ) THIS 13 TO CERTIFY that on this artany of pais al 1954, before me, the wxersiinod, a Motary Public in ard for Alaska, duly 7c cumigetonad and evern ac such, personally appeared Lice? ru) Deed aan who are personally know to me to be the persons whose muxos are signed to ant who executed the foregoing Certificate of dsendment to the articles ef Insorpora- tion of HOMER KLECTRIC ASSOCLUTION, DX., and they severally acknowledged to me that they signed, sealed, axecuted and delivered the said Cartificate of smend— mort to ths Articles of {mcorperaticn, In triplicate, as their free end voluntary act for the esas and purposes therein set forth, : , NITXE8 a hand and notarial soal, at anchorage, Alaska, the day omd . - yea: Last above writtcn. i ili Motary Public acd for Aloixa My carmmission eapirys Rerary Burien bee Set Core misuen Lcpires tag ott “s ALASIXA CERTIFICATE OF AMFNDMFNT OF JUL 28 1975 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION of HOMER ELECTRIC-ASSOCIATION, INC. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ) ) ss STATE OF ALASKA ) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, the undersigned, being the Vice-president and Secretary of HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC., do hereby certify: That at the annual membership meeting of the Homer Electric Association, Inc., duly held on the 6th day of May, 1975, at the hour of 1:00 p.m., in the Family Theater, at Homer, Alaska, in conformity with the laws of the State of Alaska and the Bylaws of said Association, a quorum of members of the Association being present in person, the following resolution was adopted by an affirmative vote of more than sixty-six and two-thirds percent (66 2/3%) of the votes cast: RESOLVED, that ARTICLE V of the Articles of Incorporation of the Homer Electric Association, Inc., be amended by deletion of the wording, "The period of duration of this Corporation shall be fifty (50) years." and replaced to read as follows: "The period of existence of this corporation shall be perpetual." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the officers and Directors of the corporation be, and they hereby are directed to take such action as is necessary to prepare and file the requisite documents to amend such Articles of Incorporation in accordance with the laws of the State of Alaska and of the United States of America. That said meeting and proceedings were held on the above date and in conformity with the laws of the State of Alaska and the Rylaws of said Corporation, and that more than sixty-six and two-thirds percent (66 2/3%) of the members of suid corporation present at the meeting voted in favor of said amendment. - wt. WITNESS our hands this Ss . eae : Vice;president / 3 ae . ’ é a mae mcf a Secretary . / Na T c iV Pi tor / / UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ) ) ss STATE OF ALASKA THIS 1S TO CERTIFY that on this ‘ day of l wun l9TS., before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for Alaska, duly commissioned alle a7 . and sworn as such, personally appeared . / Nasal easel ree a ; . i / sees 7 aw | \; A in oie |e iveomen eae | 4) Sos elena. and) (/Alses as si ee Aen 7 i 7 who are personally known to me to be the persons whose names are signed to and who executed the foregoing Certificate of Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC., and they severally sokenuilaitirndl Jn me that they signed, sealed, executed and delivered the said Certificate of Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation, in duplicate, as their free and voluntury act for the uses and purposes therein set forth. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal, at Homer, Alaska, the day and yeer last above written. : a : , ales ‘ , SR OF “ ee ete AF eet Ks Notary Public in and for Alaska . ra, Fed tale My commission expires: ( 40 ¢7..-7 "., ie / CERTIFICATE OF AMFNDMENT OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION FILED FOR RECORD of STATE OF ALASKA HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. MAY 231977 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ) DEPARTMENT OF COMMERC2 2° CW OIC DEVELOPMENT ss STATE OF ALASKA )— KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, the undersigned, being the President and Secretary of HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC., do hereby certify: That at the annual membership meeting of the Homer Electric Association, Inc., duly held on the 3rd of May, 1977, at the hour of 1:00 p.m., in the Homer . Family Theater, at Homer, Alaska, in conformity with the laws of the State of Alaska and the Bylaws of said Asscciation, a quorum of members of the Association being present in person, the following resolution was adopted by an affirmative vote of more than sixty-six and two-thirds percent (66 2/3%) of the votes cast: RESOLVED, that ARTICLE VI of the Articles of Incorporation of the Homer Electric Association, Inc., be amended by deletion of the wording, "The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which this corporetion shall at any time be subject {s $40,000,000.00." and replaced to read as follows: "The highest amount of indebtedness or lability to which this corporation shall at any time be subject is $150,000,000.00." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the officers and Directors of the corporation be, and they hereby are directed to take such action as is necessary to prepare and file the requisite documents to amend such Articles of Incorporation in accordance with the laws of the State of Alaska and of the United States of America. That said meeting and proceedings were held on the above date and in conformity with the laws of the State of Alaska and the Bylaws of said Corporation, and that more than sixty-six and two-thirds percent (68 2/3%) of the members of said corporation present at the meeting voted in favor of said amendment. WITNESS our hands this 10th day of | May x 1977. Ce d President Attest: rector UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ) ) ss STATE OF ALASKA ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on this Jot day of fae, lott, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for Alaska, duly commissioned and sworn as such, personally appeared ae, & Alo) ' & ) ard t J / ay Joel and M W. DLichkabz 7 who are personally known to me to be the persons whose names are signed to and who executed the foregaing Certificate of Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC., and they severally acknowledged to me that they signed, sealed, executed and delivered the said Certificate of Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation, in duplicate, as their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes therein set forth. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal, at Homer, Alaska, the day and year last above written. Notary Public in and for a My Commission expires: ( Lepes? La LE7R ALASKA ELECTRIC GENERATION AND TRANSMISSION, INC. RESOLUTION #93-12 BRADLEY LAKE O&M SERVICES APPLICATION WHEREAS, it was agreed in the CEA Services Agreement that AEG&T and/or HEA is the appropriate utility to perform the O&M of Bradley; and WHEREAS, the AEG&T Board of Directors at its regular meeting on May 8, 1993, directed staff to develop and present a proposal to acquire O&M of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project; and WHEREAS, the draft application dated June 22, 1993, has been reviewed by the AEG&T Board of Directors. NOW, THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED, That the Executive Manager and Operating Manager of AEG&T are authorized to continue negotiations with AEA and deliver a final application for acquiring the O&M of Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project to AEA and BPMC. CERTIFICATION I, Ken V. Lancaster, do hereby certify that I am Secretary of Alaska Electric Generation and Transmission Cooperative, Inc., and that the foregoing resolution was adopted at a meeting of the Directors of Alaska Electric Generation and Transmission Cooperative, Inc. held on July 1, 1993, at which meeting a quorum was present. P ATA, yw MN, Oh 8 Rays, SET VERA 5 SQ COR! Are pe ss OSS |Z. =O; ,of ==! 1984 :82 Ken V. Lancaster, Secretary 23: gs SD. =§ 49 skh. ws 493231 = P.O. BOX 2929 = PALMER, ALASKA 99645 “4st Wiess-(907) 235-8167 = P.O.BOX169 * HOMER, ALASKA 99603 Homer Electric Association, Inc. CORPORATE OFFICE Centrai Peninsula Servic i 2SO Airport ay Homer. asaa Pouch 5250 Phone (907) 235-5167 Kenai, Alaska 99611-5280 FAX (907) 235-3313 Phone (907) 283-5831 FAX (907) 283-7122 RESOLUTION #93-37 BRADLEY LAKE O&M SERVICES APPLICATION WHEREAS, it was agreed in the CEA Services Agreement that AEG&T and/or HEA is the appropriate utility to perform the O&M of Bradley; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of HEA and AEG&T to acquire the O&M responsibilities of Bradley. NOW, THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED, That the HEA Board of Directors supports the AEG&T Board of Directors’ decision to direct staff to complete negotiations for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project O&M with AEA and BPMC. CERTIFICATION I, David R. Carey, do hereby certify that I am Secretary of Homer Electric Association, Inc., and that the foregoing resolution was adopted at a meeting of the Directors of Homer Electric Association, Inc. held on July 13, 1993, at which meeting a quorum was present. Carey, Secretary EE AG ey , aS, David R. HEA REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS APPLICATION NAME: David L. Fair MITLE; Executive Manager, Engineering and Operations ADDRESS: HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. 3977 Lake Street Homer, Alaska 99603 HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Hugh R. Chumley, President J. Michael Pate, Vice-President David R. Carey, Secretary-Treasurer Fred F. Braun, Deputy Secretary Ken Lancaster, Jr., Director Sue C. Carter, Director George Jackinsky, Director Robert B. Turkington, Director Ruth D. Fitzpatrick, Director GENERAL MANAGER: Norman L. Story HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. BRADLEY LAKE O&M SERVICES APPLICATION TECHNICAL CONSULTANTS AND LEGAL ADVISORS TECHNICAL CONSULTANTS: Myles C. Yerkes, P.E. P.O. Box 36 Skwetna, AK 99667 R. W. Beck & Associates, Inc. 2121 Fourth Avenue Seattle, WA 98121 LEGAL ADVISORS: Mr. C. R. (Rick) Baldwin 125 N. Willow St., Suite 100 Kenai, AK 99611-7702 Kemppel, Huffman, & Ginder, P.C. 255 East Fireweed Lane, Suite 200 Anchorage, AK 99503 AUDITORS: Mikunda Cottrell & Co. 215 Fidalgo Kenai, AK 99611 here ' a) ar ‘INSTRUCTIONS - Suomit an onginal ang tour copies to REA. Round ail amounts USDA FINANCIAL AND STATISTICAL REPORT | This cata will be used by REA to review your | financial situaton. Your resoonse is required |(7 U.S.C. 301 et sea.) ana is not conticental. BORROWER DESIGNATION } |to nearest dollar. See REA EOM-2. | | | | | Form Approved OMB No. 0572-0016 Exoires 10/31/86 AUDITED | ALASKA 5 KENAI | MONTH ENDING |REA USE ONLY December 31, 1992 | | | CERTIFICATION | We hereby certify that the entnes in this reoort are in accordance with the accounts and other records of the system and reflect the status of the system to the-best of our knowleage and belief. ALL INSURANCE REQUIRED BY PART 1788 OF 7 CFR CHAPTER XVII, REA, WAS IN FORCE i PREPOR JNG PERIOD AND RENEWALS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED FOR ALL POLICIES. : i 4 March 16. 1993 | SIGNS DATE \ | | Maren 16. 1993 DATE PART A. STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS | YEAR-TO-DATE | THIS MONTH | ITEM i LAST YEAR THIS YEAR BUOGET /d) { | (a) \ (o) (ce) i 1. Operatng Revenue and Patronage Caoital | 33,919.210] 36.319.209 | 35,800,433 | 3,146,639 | 2. Power Production Exoense | 71,375 | 102.339 | 74,634 | 62.565 | 3. Cost of Purcnased Power «if 17,174,969 | 17,527,929 | 17,494,991 | 1.476.572 | | 4. Transmission Exoense....... | 220,587 | 28,795 | 93.747 | (164) 5. Distnounon Expense - Operation ; 828,955 | 833,696 1,012,331 | 71,290 | 6. Distndution Expense - Maintenance | 1,608,814! 1,900.463 | 1,801,239 | 254.5146 7. Cansumer Accounts Expense | 1,388.012| 1,578,917 1.606.571 | 145,903 8. Customer Service ana informational Expense . | 127,320 168,115 | 166,100 | 17,350 [9. Sales Expense = 72.755 | 53,384 42,752 | 4.070 Administrative and General Expense ............. 3,127,606 | _ 3,383,930 3.145.895 | 644,338 _—— + 11. Total Operation & Maintenance Expense (2 thru 10) 24,620,393 | 25,577,568 25,438,260 | 2.676.438 | 12. Oeoreciation and Amoruzation Expense ........ | 3,424,996 | 3.558.277 3,474 420 | 302.712 | 13. Tax Expense - Propeny................ | 195,327 | 193,812 192,775 | 17,378 14. Tax Expense - Other | 0| ° 0} ° | 15. Interest on Long-term Debt cae 4,904,575 4,662,566 4,756,617 | 387.891 16. interest Charged to Construction - Credit .......... (242,844) (86,374) (1 15,000) | (4,354) 17. Interest Expense - Other ..................... 21,021 163,239 18,899 150.614 | 18. Other Deducuons . 34,493 | 44,959 8.000 | 573 | 19. Total Cost of Electric Service (11 thru 18) | 32,957,961 | 34,114,047 | 33.773.971 | 3.531.256 el. . New Services Connected . Total Services in Place Non Operating Margins - Interest | 22. Allowance for Funds Used Ouring Construction . 23. Non Operating Margins - Other .. ITEM Idle Services (Exciude Seasonal) 20. Patronage Capital & Operatng Margins (1 minus 19) . 2,710 961,249 PART 8. DATA ON TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION PLANT 2.467 REA Form 7 (Rev. 12-92) 2,205,162 5. Miles Transmission 6. Miles Distribution - 7. Miles Distibuson - Overhead Underground 8. Total Miles Energized (5+6+7) 24. Generation and Transmission Capital Credits ....... 725,407 520,344 500,000 @ 25. Other Capital Credits and Patronage Dividends 439,210] 297,360 300.000 | ¢ 26. Extraordinary Items... 2... eee (678,000) (468,454) 0} (468.454 27. Patronage Capital or Margins (20 thru 26) ......... 2,124,097 3,194,827 3,594 682 | (796.112 YEAR-TO-OATE THIS YEAR (b) 250.8210 452.0912 | 2,043.7487 2,025.8487 |e i 521 OF 7 PAG j USOA - RE | BORROWER OES TION i FINANCIAL AND STATISTICAL REPORT | ALASKA 5 KENAI | MONTA SING REA USE ONLY _LINSTRUCTIONS-See REA ECM -2 | Oecember 31, 1992 i PART C. BALANCE SHEET ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS UABILITIES AND OTHER CREDITS 1 | + Total Utility Plant in Service ................ | 114,274,958 | 27. Memoerships ................... | 72.020 | | 2. Construction Work in Progress halt deey dene || 1,174,207 | 28. Patronage Capital | 29,452,289 | | 3. Total Utlity Plant (1 + 2) siete Ci Sr eek a habeatericsa | 115,449,165 | 29. Coeraung Margins - Prior Years... .. T Qo | 4. Accum. Provision for Depreciaton and Amor ..... | 30,099,446 | 30. Operaung Margins - Current Year | 2.205.163 5. Net Utility Plant (3 - 4) | 85,349,719 | 31. Non Operating Margins ............ | 989,666 | 6. Nonutlity Property - Net | 322,682 | 32 Other Margins and Equites ..... | 468,588 | | 7. invest in Assoc. Org.-Patronage Capital ......... | 9,556,105 | 33. Total Margins & Equities (27 thru 32) | 33.187.726 ; | 8. Invest in Assoc. Org-Other-General Funes ...... | 1,005 | 34. Long-Term Debt REA (Net) | 55,632,510 | | 9. Invest in Assoc. Org.-Other-Nongeneral Funds . | 4,042,758 (Payments-Unapplied $ -0- ) | 10. Invesuments in Economic Develooment Projects .. . | 0 | 35. Long-Term Debt Other - REA Guaranteed ... | 0 | 11. Other Investments . 0 | 36. Long-Term Debt - Other (Net) ete 22,750.277 | | 12. Soecial Funas .... eee Be trtues zu Q | 37. Long-Term Debt Other - Econ. Devel. (Net) . . | 0} | 12. Total Other Prooery & invesiments (6 thru 2) | 13,922,550 | 38. Total Long-Term Dent (34 thru 37) i 78,382,787 | 14. Cash - General Funds manda | 2.274.938 | 39. Notes Payable F 2 al 1.922.220 | 15. Cash - Construction Funes - Trustee 9 | 40. Accounts Payabie | 3.566.049 16. Soecigl Decosts 5.0... eemsasaene 2,280,668 | 41. Consumer Deposits ............ 486.288 | | | | | | 17. Temporary investments _. F ; : | 8.900.000 | 42. Other Current & Accrued Liabilites i | 1,560.435 | | | | i i | 18. Notes Receivable - Net O | 43. Total Current & Accrued Liao. (39 thru 42) 7,834,992 19. Accounts Receivaole - Net Sales of Energy 2.147.000 | 44. Deferred Crecits . 3 i 555,086 20. Accounts Receivaole - Net Other............. | 1,830.947 | 45. Miscellaneous Operanng Reserves _. | 0 21. Materiais & Supplies - Electne and Other........ | 1,353,796 | 46. Total Liaoilities & Other Crecits | | 22 Preoayments ..... de tale el eect blo | 72,656 | (83 + 38 + 43)thvu 45) seen eens | 119,660,581 23. Other Current & Accrued Assets ... ee | 1,406.721 | ESTIMATED CONTRIBUTIONS-IN-AID OF CONSTRUCTION i . Total Current & Accrued Assets (14 thru 23) .. 20,266,726 Balance Beginning of Year ........ , | 154,138 | . Deferred Debits Amounts Received This Year (Net) 20.428 | . Total Assets & Other Debits (5+13+24+25) .... 119,660,591 TOTAL Contmmoutons-in-Aid Of Constructon 174,566 | PART D. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS | THE SPACE SELOW !S PROVIDED FOR IMPORTANT NOTES REGARDING THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT CONTAINED IN S REPORT. UF ADDITIONAL SPACE IS NEEDED, USE SEPARATE SHEET.} | HEA HEA December 1992 1991 RATIOS. YTD YTD 1992 uae (1.0524) (0.1784) GURRENT ASSETS: CURRENT, WIABILITIES (orcs. ode p 0 nies 0155 winks bt ateieie om. ob 51a Fe one 2.6864 2.7119 Margins & Equities as Percent of Assets cece cece ec cece eee eee eee eeeeees ozs tit) 0.2562 Long-Term Deb as Percent of Plant................ mB Ls 4 hE ete oy lo BS Ee Te ooo vielen 0.6788 0.7128 General Funds to Total Plant ae 0.0806 Chuck! Assatiatia slo d oh bid Lb, si lek oo shoo vor = BU Sats tos wipers velae ame ols roel bons SiR ES TTIaIe mele 2.5088 Acad Form 7 /Rev. 12-32} | USDA-REA nn BORROWER CESIGNATION— FINANCIAL AND STATISTICAL REPORT Reels Wicenat I | PERIOD ENDED ASA USE ONLY _fRUCTIONS - See REA EOM-2. December 31, 19 92 PART E CHANGES IN UTILITY PLANT | BEGINNING «=| ~«=«ADOITIONS «| ReTIRaMENTS , ACJUSTMENTS | eNOOP YEAR Tre ITEM | OF YEAR | | | TRANSFERS | | RATE | (a) | (b) | (ce) ! 2) | fe) i i) t. Gane ane Land Aignts (360). | LS LLL O78. | DOS a 2 Structures ang imorovemenss (36/) -——. | 1,882 | | i { P8821 503 2. Staion Eavemeet (362) |_ 6,202,260 | 251,938 | 122,523 | | 6,331,675 | .03 4. Poves, Towers, and Futures (364)... |_17, 881,261 | 346,090 _/ 100,094 | 18,127,257 203) S$. Overnaas, Conauciors and Cences (365; | 10,989,403 385,095 85,722 11,288,776 ' .03 8 Uncerground Conout (366). |_ 3,064,810 177,052 17.955 mae peat oo7 alos 7, Uncergrouna Conevetor & Oewees (37) | 15 .979.559 | 524,145 265.539 | | 16,477,165 05 & Line Transtormars (368) . —-— |10,320,977 | 342,448 | a3! | 10,662,552 03 | 3. Serveas (369) HaIRRUeS8 5469. 118 " 34,957. : T248,810 43 10. Meters (370)... a 1,263, 14) 64,021 48 1.327,i14 03 11. Instaianon on Consumers: Premses (271) 732,821 : 20,412 ‘47,452 705.78) 93 12 Leased Propeny on Consumer's Premises (372) | -0- | -0- 1, Street LighBAg (373) a eeeeenrenennenne | 42,279 2,617 ! 4.056 40,840 ; 03 | 1 | i M4 SUNTOTAL-Oerawon(/ mit). | 74,303,329 | 2,682,936 | 439,219 | | 76.546 .846 18. Lang ang Land Rights (389) ener | 490 ,444 ! I | 490,444 16. Sureawes ang irorovernents (390; 6,652,877 80,888 18.000 6.715.765 sill] 17. Otte Fursnure & Eevement (29/ 1,307,902 139,174 + 70;890 _! 1 476,186 Ll 18. Transconanon Equioment (392) .. eat 125.565 198,479 60,470 | 1,263,574 15 "2. Stores, Toots, Shea, Garage, anc | | | | i i Laporatory Equement (393, 294, 395). | 748,146 | 55.914 62,177 | 1 741.883 06 | 20, Power - Ooerated Eauement 396) —- | 25506 479 | 152,975 | 112,096 | PeDes47 358 16 21. Communcavon Zquement (397)... 558,159 79,945 130,813 i \ 507.291 .08 22. Miscetanecus Equoment /98) 223,808 9.386 10,264 ! i wo 30 06 22. Otner Tangiose Proverty (399) ..... -0- 1 ! ! | -0- | | 24. SUBTOTAL - General Plant (15 car 23) .. 13,613,380 | 716,761 464,710 | 865,431) 25, Inmangibies (301, 302, 303) —. -0- ie | al] i 28. Lang and Land Rights, Aoaas and | | pas Tet (950. 199) neem nnn 929.612 | ! 979,517 + 27. Structures ang imorovernents (352) .. i | ! 16,84) 08 28. Staton Zouemert (353) | 958,257 | 67.803 | | Ly 6.060 0 29. Towers and Fotures and Poles and | Finures /3$4, 355) ———-__—-_—-- Zrlole tov. I 2.181.167 03 30. Overneac Conouctors & Oovens (356)-- | 2,901,604 | i | | 2,901,504 03 31, Underground Conduit (357) -0- | 32. Uncerground Conductors: & Oevces (58) -0- mae L 33. SUBTOTAL - Transmssion Plant nein | i | F (26 the $2) cn sees cis i 67,803 | 055,284 ¢ 34, Progucnon Plant - Sieam (3/0 - 3/6)... -0=- | \ | i 3%. Progucuen Plant « Nucear (120-325) Oe I i | 36 Producvon Plant - Hyaro (330-136) as eaeae 18 | L 37. Progucson Plant - Other (340-346) 950,78 919 958,700 1: 28. Al Ome Utt Plant (102. 104-108, 1/4, 118) 4 : 09 0 B48 1 38. SUBTOTAL (1402402501354 west) [110,608,066 4,570,821 Ue eee 40. Conswucson Work in Progress (107) ........ 2,004,618 (830,411) Paige) 41, TOTAL UTLTY PLANT 9+) ——— |112,612, 684 3,740,410 | 903,929 115,449, 165 REA Form7 (Rev. 12-92) Pose 3 of 7 Pages USDA-REA | BORROWEA OE SIGNATION Alaska 5 Xenai FINANCIAL AND STATISTICAL REPORT = 'STRUCTIONS - See REA EOM-2. | December 31,19 92 PART F. ANALYSIS OF ACCUMULATED PROVISIONS FOR DEPRECIATION - TOTAL ELECTRIC PLANT ~— | DISTRIBUTION | GENERALPLANT | TRANSMISSION | OTHER PLANT TEM ' PLANT ' PLANT | a > ic) (a) 1, Balance Beginning of Year os 15,947,875 5,804,598 1,520,041 DIMAS AOS 2. Al - Accrual t ! ‘ -serensibtebaniinsbeiuansaces ee | Meme eee Tey! i 830"875) ile ieersazs >. Cleanng Accounts and Otne rs oo.eecceeseeeeee | | | €. Subtotal (A+ BY) scsssccsssstnessseeseeenee (2726, 316 702,751 330,875 275.282, 3. Less - Plant Renrements: | | | &, Plant Reered ng. scencemctnsasestorvecsesn 439,219 464,709 b. Removal Costs .. = 1225242 | | | ¢. Subtotal (a +d) .. al 561,461 464,709 | | 4. Plus Salvaged Matenais . a | 38,393 | | §. TOTAL (2c - 3¢ ~ 4)... ovine 20S 248 238,042 330,875 QISwesg 6. Omer Adjustments - Deoit or Creait ' 63,978 25282 7 Balance End of Year (1-5-6) ....... 18,214,901 | 6,044,922 | 1,850,916 | 3,988,707 PART G. MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES rem | BALANCE BEGINNING) PURCHASED | SALVAGED USED (New) | SOLO | ADJUSTMENT | FIDOETCAR | (ai | () | A) ! ‘d) fe) 0 | (g) 1. Electne Ls 426..259 770,602 57,640 882,065 51707. DCT 25927.) 3535796. 2. Oner (155 +156) | | 3. Rano ot Inventory Tunover - Eiectnc | 4. Inventory - ciectnc as Percent ot Total Utility Plant tem id+—25 12. 163 | ; 2 Temata rare x 1002 1:1! PART H. SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS Fr | AVERAGE HOURS PER CONSUMER BY CAUSE J TOTAL ITEM ' POWER SUPPLIER EXTREME STORM PREARRANGEOD { ALL OTHERS @ 1 (ai i 1d) (ey ! (d) ! 1, Present Year i eae i 4.000 214 | 1. 828 O74 2. Five-Year Average} 2.675 2.633 .120 i_2,79 9.270 PARTI. EMPLOYEE-HOUR AND PAYROLL STATISTICS 1, Numoer of Fuil Time Emoloyees | 110 | 4. Payroll - Exoensed | 3,346,600 2. Emoloyee - Hours Worked - Reguiar Time 244,190 5. Payroll - Caonanzed MyS55L, 596 Emoloyee - Hours Worked - Overame wo 8. Payroil - Other 1,856,564 PART J. PATRONAGE CAPITAL PART K. DUE FROM CONSUMERS THIS YEAR ] REA USE ONLY SUPPLIER kWh PURCHASED cove fo) (e) (a) Alaska Electric G&Ti | 423,623,667 j i REA Form7 (Rev. 12-92) CUMULATIVE FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE ITEM ' taj | (d) 1. General Retirement 237,695 1,723,548 2. Soecial Retrements 101,734 467,008 3. Total Rearements (1 + 2) i 9,429 2,190,556 1. Amount Oue Over 60 Days S 61,759 17,527,929 | 0414} 462,108 | Poge 4 of 7 Pages USDA-REA | BORROWER DESIGNATION | Alaska 5 Kenai FINANCIAL AND STATISTICAL REPORT "RGTTIOR Sr 1 December 31, 1992 PART M. LONG-TERM LEASES (If additional space is needed use separate sheet.) INSTRUCTIONS - See REA EOM-2. LIST BELOW ALL “RESTRICTED PROPETY™" HELD UNDER “LONG-TERM" LEASE. _(Ifnone. are NONE”) l RENTAL - NAME OF LESSOR | TYPE OF PROPERTY THIS YEAR (a) | (2) lie ie) Konica Leasing Corp. (CL) | Copier | 1,281 | | | =e 1 | 1,281 maans all propertes har AGA aulomodiles, (rucks, (railert, iractort, other vehicles (IACIudIAg without Lmulanon aircraft and ships), fice, garage and warehouse space and office equipment (inciuding without imuiauon comouers). “LONG-TERM” means leases having unexpured terms of more than 12 monihs (aking inio sccount terms of rental at the option of the lessor, whether or not such leases have been renewed). 3. TOTAL PART N. ANNUAL MEETING AND BOARD DATA 1. Oate of Last Annual Meeting | 2. Total Number of Memoers |3. Numoer ot Members Present at 4. Was Quorum Present? | Meeang May 2, 1992 IE 13,870 | 167 | Gives O No S. Number of Memoers Voang oy |6. Total Numoer of Board Members | 7. Total Amount of Fees and Expenses|8. Does Manager Have Wntten Proxy or Mail | for Board Members | Conract? i 1 1 | co 2,849 | $137,784 | C3 ves — No | | I PART O. LONG-TERM DEBT - OTHER AND DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS ame BALANCE BILLED THIS YEAR | REA USE . | ENO OF YEAR INTEREST PRINCIPAL TOTAL ONLY | | (a) | () fe) | (d) fe) T T T 1. Natonai Rural Utlites Coooeratve Finance Corporaton 22,721,449 | 1,892,065 223,044 DLS s095| 2. Bank for Cooperatves 3. Federal Financing Bank 4 Other (List Separately) | | | | s, Konica Leasing Corp. (CL) 224,325 2,116,390 LAST YEAR THIS YEAR (a) (d) 2._ Number of Employees - Part Time 3. Total Employees - Hours REA Form? (Rev. 12-92) Page 5 of 7 Pages FINANCIAL AND STATISTICAL REPORT USOA-REA | YEAR ENDING | BORROWER C _ | SNATION ALASKA 5 KENAI REA USE ONLY REA FORM 7 (Rev. 12-92) Si _INSTRUCTIONS - See REA EOM-2 December 31, 1992 | | / gL PART R. POWER REQUIREMENTS DATA BASE i | CLASSIFICATION | CONSUMER SALES JANUARY | FEBRUARY | MARCH APRIL | MAY ] JUNE | | AND | | REVENUE DATA (a) (b) (co) (a) | (2) | ( | a a | a. No. Consumers Served | 15,576| 15,512] 15,542 15,616] 18,604} 15,824} | 1. Residentai Sales ; - { — (excluding seasonal) BHRWhSON 14,685.843| 11,813,822! 13,960,191 | 10,325,236) 9.282.829} 9,627,735 | c. Revenue | 1,606,566 1,274,081 1,555,757 1,202,418] 1,077,395 | 1,177,478 | a " a. No. Consumers Served 0 0 oO} | 0] 0 | 2. Resicental Sales - i Sat nine: 7 Seasonal b. KWh Sold | 0} 0 0 oun Oo! a | c. Revenue 0 0 | 0 0 oO | 0 | a. No. Consumers Served 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 | 0 | 3. Irrigation Sales b. kWh Sold 0 o| 0 0 | 0 | 0 | c. Revenue | O| 0| ° O| O| 0; | a. No. Consumers Served 2.637 2.630 | 2,641 | 2,681] 2,696] 2,706 | 4. Comm. and Ind. [kWh Soid 11,999,382] 10.876,1731 _12,902.619] _10.641.196] 9.597.0631 _10.831.054 | 10COkVAorLess _— —— ——— —— —— steel — | jc. Revenue | 1,180,888] 1,029,123] 1,227,397 1.074.168] 959,737| 1,130,833 | | 6 | a. No. Consumers Served | 24 24] 26} 25| 26) 261 |5. Comm. and ind. f = 1 Over 1000 kVA b. kWh Sold 9,322,639 | 9,693,976 7,995.542 10,417,256] 10,398,846 | 8.707.326 | ¢. Revenue 450,651 444,319 459,880 453.094} $45,511| 573,974} | 5 a. No. Consumers Served | 42 35 37] 37 38 36 | 6. Public Street and 7 a a = == a ae Teal | Hignway Lighting 6. KWh Sold | 56,158| 66,014] 60.641 | 35.895 56,129 61.141 i c. Revenue 7,561 11,016 9.555 8.860| 8.645] 9.429 | pI a. No. Consumers Served 0 0 Qo 0 0 | 0} foe on 2 b. kWh Sold 0 0 0 0 2] 0 | c. Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 | 0 | 8. ‘Sales (or a. No. Consumers Served 0 0 0 0 0} 0 | : —————e 4 Resaies - REA bd. kWh Soid | 0 0 0 0 0 | ° 1 Borrowers c. Revenue 0 0 0 o] 0} 0 | r — —————_—_—_—_—_—_——— + — [, ay a. No. Consumers Served 0 0 0 0 0 | Q . Sales for ee oe Ao orm) |) oo) |) EOP Ie oo all Resales - Others A a | EO) OE POR PRES eR ee. Peer c. Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 | 0 , 10. TOTAL No. Consumers (lines 1a-9a) 18,279 18,201 18,246 18,359 18,364 18,592 e aerate Ne 11. TOTAL kWh Sold (lines 1b-96) 36,064,032 32,449,985 34,318,993 31,439,583 29,334.867 29,227,256 a a 12. TOTAL Revenue Received from Sales of j 2 Electric Energy (lines 1-9c) 3,245,666 2,758,539 3,252,589 2,738,540 2,591,288 2,891,714 hi Leth nin mead See ia oe ine ee Te te se ee, 13, Other Electric Revenue 80,870 81,170 123,576 75,958 79,863 121,483 J 14. kWh - Own Use 305,111 317,828 309,103 238,176 172.018 147,728 15. TOTAL kWh Purchased 38,699,888 34,853,521 36,818,638 33,740,440 31,229,321 31,339,068 16. TOTAL kWh Generated 81,600 0 ° 0 QO 0 jp 17. Cost of Purchases and Generation 1,623,560 1,501,129 1,512,422 1,453,062 1,361,712 1,389,798 a EEE SE To: Interchange - kWh - Net 0 0 0 0 o| Q |i oe t - | i / en er: 19. Peak - Sum All kW Input (Metered) 63,050 61,074 59,268 58,268 55.212! 58,572 X] coincident (J Non-Coincident L | Ne eee EEE rr 4G 5 OF 7 PAGES USDA-ALA FINANCIAL AND STATISTICAL REPORT | =*STRUCTIONS - See REA EOM-2 | BORROW 'ESIGNATION ALASKA 5 KENAI | YEAR ENOING | December 31, 1992 REA USE ONLY | ' PART R. POWER REQUIREMENTS DATA BASE (Continued) (SEE PRECEDING PAGE 6 OF REA FORM 7 FOR HEADINGS OF LINE ITEM NUMBERS BELOW.) | ue JULY | AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER | DECEMBER TOTAL j numer |g) | hy @ i ik) O) (Couns avy —_| | La | 15,835 | 16,057 16,227 16,096 16,025 15,926 fo: (Ave) 15.820 | ; fe | 9,971,129 | 8,587,732 9,152,990 10,758,665 11,989,167 | 12,678,048 132,833,387 fo fte | 1,228,697 | 1,089,416 | 1,137,225 1,244,629 1,351,327 1,399,245 15,344,234 | | a. | 0 | 0 0 ol], 0 0 | 0 | 3. | 0 | 0 | 0 0] o| 0 | 01 1; 2 fe] 0 | ol 0 0 ol of 0 | eras o | 0 0 0 0 0 PED B. | 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 3. TS] 0 | 0 | 0 0 Oo]. 0 | 0 | a. | 2.721 | 2.719 | 2.721| 2,704 | 2.680 | 2,666 | (Avg) 2.684] bo. | 11,289,709 | 10,311,346 | 10,500,297 11,169,297 11,605,406 | 11,804,578 | 132,928,130 | 40 Mies | 1.187.688 | 1,092,162 | 1,105,837 1,120,497 | 1.144.086 | 1,144,087 13,396.503 | { af 24 | 24 24 23 23 | 25 Paes “tAvg} 25-| d. | 12,830,452 | 13,308,442 | 10,771,815 11,243,769 9,937,268 12,290,929 126,918,260 | 5. [e. 8,362,724 | a. | 36 | 36 37 | 37 38 38 fs 37: lo. | 64.425 | 59,340 | 57,231 | 60,693 39.574 | 60.897 718,138 | & fe | 9,958 | 9.159 | 8,840 9.218 | 9,073 | 9.250 110,584 | t | 0 | 0 0 0 0 Wee aoe | b. | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 7 Te | o | 0 0 0 0 0 | 0 | a. | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 0 0 fee Seon | b. | 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 | 0 | 8 Te, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 eal 1 & 0 0 0 0 0 O Fe es Oz >. 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 S 9 ° e}jo i ° 19. $8,862 REA FORM 7 (Fev. 12-92) 54,580 60,233 ° 60,395 ° ° ° 63,768 10. 18,616 18,836 19,009 18,860 18.766 18,655 tits 34,155,715 32,266,860 30,482,333 33,232,424 33,591,415 36,834,452 393,397,915 Tes — 2.1478 | : 2,930,348 a 2,774,324 2,840,003 _. 2.972.017 3,062,026 . 135)2 18,025 13. 88,867 75,862 121,640 86.412 84,868 84.613 1,108,182 T 14, 100,276 97,038 121,841 165,916 216,137 262,943 2,454,115 a a 18. 36,807,939 34,904,297 33,074,782 36,060,897 36,433,537 39,661,339 423,623,661 16. ° 0 2,400 ° 57,600 513,600 655.20 t7k 1,460,961 1,507,500 1,471,469 1,403,240 1,435,241 1,538,972 17,659,06 18. 0 0 0 0 Qo 0 66.77 PAGE 7 OF 7 PAG) Public reporung burden for this collectica of information is estimated lo average one bour per response, incioding the time forreviewing thstruchons, sexrctin eccenng dam sources, g1tbenng tnd mnnunmag chs dots nended, ind compienng and reviewing the cailecuan of informaaon. Sen¢ commens his Durden ertmate or ey ocber Aspect ofthis calacnon af ifoemaon. wncincing megemne ae requenng ins burden, 1o Deparuner of A, Cearnce Officer, OIRM, Roam 404-W, Washington, DC 20250; md to tne Office of Management and Boage. Procrwark Reaucton Prose: (OMB: 0572- 0032), Washington, DC 20503. OMB FORM NO. 0572-0032, Expures 03/3195. This data will be used by REA to renew your financial rimuation. Your response is required (7 USC 901 et sag.) and is not co USDA-REA BORROWER DESIGNATION Alaska 5 Kenai INVESTMENTS, LOAN GUARANTEES = ERGY AND LOANS - DISTRIBUTION December 31, 1992 INSTRUCTIONS - Reporting of investments is required by 7 CFR 1717, Subpart N. Investment categories reported on this form correspond to Galance Sheet tems on REA Form 7, Part C. idenoty investments pnmanily for Rural Development with “AD” in coturnn (e). Both "Inciuded”™ and “Exciuded” Investments must be reported. See EOM-2. Guide For Prepanng Financial and Stacspcal Reports, for complete instuctons. PARTL INVESTMENTS (See instructions for definitions of Income or Loss) INCLUDED EXCLUDED | INCOME OR LOSS (s) (Ss) (s) (a) (c) | | DESCRIPTION T | ao . NON-UTILITY PROPERTY (NET) idgewav Property | 322,682 2. INVESTMENTS IN ASSOCIATED ORGANIZATIONS a CFC Patronage Capital 1,427,120 226,271 > AEG&T Patronage Capital | {2,621,567 520,344 ¢ SEDC Patronage Capital 16,994 | 9,798 | «Amounts From Continuation Sheet {1,253,149 | 8,281,038 | 61,291 | e. Tots 2,697,263 10,902,605 I 817.704 | 7. SPECIAL DEPOSITS a Trust Account — Restricted 2,178,824 100,000 >. Security Deposit - Capital Lease 1,844 4. . Totals 2,180,668 100,000 REA Form 7a (Rev. 12-92) Page | of 2 Paga i NAT! = aoe pSpaRe! | BORROWER DESIGNATION Alaska 5 Kenai YEAR ENDED (INVESTMENTS, LOAN GUARANTEES AND LOANS - DISTRIBUTION REA USE ONLY December 31,19 92 PART L INVESTMENTS (Continued) INCOME OR LOSS (3) DESCRIPTION INCLUDED EXCLUDED (a) 8. TEMPORARY INVESTMENTS a Repurchase Agreements >. CFC Commercial Paper e. Certificates of Deposit pe: d. e. Totais 9. ACCOUNTS & NOTES RECEIVABLE - NET las nN - ~ Ov & LS a. Other Accounts Receivable 1,659,099 2. ERC Line or Credit Loans 171,848 s. L | i a. | | ] 2. Totals i 830,94 i 10. COMMITMENTS TO INVEST WITHIN 12 MONTHS BUT NOT ACTUALLY PURCHASED a. «lo le | | | I e. Totais F os 11. TOTAL OF INVESTMENTS (/ thru JO) 114,106,498 {15,102,605 ! 795,940 i PART IL LOAN GUARANTEES ORGANIZATION MATURITY ORIGINAL AMOUNT | LOAN BALANCE | pp DATE (8) (s) (a) (b) S. TOTALS (Inctuded Loan Guarantees onty) PART IIL RATIO RATIO OF INVESTMENTS AND LOAN GUARANTEES TO UTILITY PLANT (Total of inchudad Imvesomants (Item I, 1b) and Loan Guarantees - Loan Balance (Item II, 5d) to Total Utility Plane (Form 7, Part C, Item) PART IV. LOANS ORGANIZATION (a) [ 1. Emoioyees. Offcars. Orecwrs 2. Energy Resources Conservanon Loans N/A [N/A | 171,848 | z 3 7. TOTALS REA Form7a_ (Rev. 12-92) Page 2 of 2 Pages USDA BORROWER DESIGNATION INVESTMENTS , LOAN GUARANTEES Alaska 5 Xenai AND LOANS YEAR ENDED REA USE ONLY CONTINUATION SHEET DECEMBER 31, 19 97 INVESTMENTS, LOAN GUARANTEES AND LOANS INSTRUCTIONS - Reporting of investments is required by 7 CFR 1717, Subpart N. idenoty investments primaniy for Rural Develooment mm “RD* in column (e). INCLUDED EXCLUDED INCOME OR LOSS RO (s) (S (S (a) (b) (e) (@ Z 112 TRuralice Capital Credits = i9 iARECA Capital Credits Totals to Parte I ¢ 1,253,149 8,281,038 REA Form 7a &12h = (Rev. 12-92) CONTINUATION SHEET Page __+_ of _t Proue resorung ourcen for Gus coUecton of wformauon u esumuied 0 averge 24 25 hour (REA Forms | 2a-1) pe reponse, inciuaing tne ume for reviewing instructions. searcman eximnng cau tources, pamenng ang Mautaune Loe Gaus needed, inc comoreung ind reviewing We couecucn of wOrmaUOn. Seng commenu reqaraing Wis Ourcen erumale of Any OWNer LéDeCt of Cus couecnON of information. jouture. Cearance OFice. bua FORM NO. 0572-0017 (us oureen, 10 Deoarmeni of A 17), Wasnan gon, OC 20503. 7eiwaing suggeruans tor reau Reaucuon Project (OMB #0572- USOA - REA OPERATING REPORT - INTERNAL COMBUSTION PLANT INSTRUCTIONS - Sudmit an onmnal and four copus to REA. For detailed instructons, see REA EOM-3. SECTION A. | FUEL CONSUMPTION OLRM. Room 4004 Wasrun gion. DC 20250; ing to ine Office of Management and Bucge,, Poewocx _Exours 123144 Thee dese weil be uted lo dtarwund pow operenay remua and fiscncal amano. low mrponses is reqnared (7 U.S.C. 901 et seq.) and st not confidenaal BORROWER DESIGNATION Alaska 5, Kenai PLANT | Seldovia YEAR ENDING December 31, 1992 REA USE ONLY INTERNAL COMBUSTION GENERATING UNITS OPERATING HOURS SECTION 8. LABOR REPORT | | ee | GAIT | oiee | ow GAS OTHER TOTAL . IN ON OMOE SEAVICE| GENERATION PER kth i | | (1000 Gais.) | (1000 C.F.) ERVIC! en Unsene. | (a (bd) | (c) (a) (e) (n (wn (h) (i) “a |} (e) mo 111 | 300 7 12 | 93.01 8667 z2 12 | 600 | 25.5 | a 313 | 600 | 22.5 | | 41% L 600 | 3.3 | | 5. | | | | 6. Itotat|2100 | 53.0 | | 7. Ave: gTu 113791 5Gail KF] TATION SERVICE (MWh) 8. |Totai BTU (106) 7 — |NET GENERATION (MWh) — 655 9. [Total Del. Cost (S) 62,588 STATION SERVIC= % OF GROSS W/A ECTION C. FACTORS AND MAXIMUM DEMAND LINE TOTAL PRODUCTION EXPENSE (10+ 15) 17. _| Depreciation 18. |Taxes 19. | Interest 20. |Insurance 21. | TOTAL FIXED COSTS (17 thru 20) 22. | POWER COST (16 + 21) REMARKS (Including Unscneduled Outages) REA FORM 12f (Rev. 12-84) NO. ITEM VALUE ITEM NO. ITEM | VALUE 1. |No. Emo. Fuil Time Maint. Plant Payroll ($) fia [Lsea Factor (%) N/A [fins Svosrineencens) ! Other Accounss 2._|No. Emo, Part Time 1 BLE cay ros) 3._| Running Plant Capacity Factor (%) | 4% 3._| Total Emo.-Hes. Workea | 2,682 TOTAL : 4. _|15 Minute Gross Maximum Demand (i) | N/A 4. [Oper Plant Payroll ($) rT pant Peyrous 3 LS. [Indicates Gross Maximum Demand (kw) | N/A __| SECTION O. COST OF NET ENERGY GENERATED rod PRODUCTION EXPENSE POON: amore (s) are ee 1. |Operation, Superwsion and Engineenng S46 2. |Fuei, Oil 547.1 3. [Fuet, Gas 5472 + 4. |Fuet, Omer - $47.3 : Ss. FUEL SUB-TOTAL (2 thru 4) 547 6. |Generation Expenses 548 7. |Miscetlaneous Other Power Generation Expenses 549 3. [Rents 550 9. | NON-FUEL SUB-TOTAL (1 +6 thm 8) 10. OPERATION EXPENSE (5 + 9) 11. __| Maintenance, Suoervision and Engineering 551 12. _|Maintenance of Structures 552 13. | Maintenance of Generaung and Electnc Ptanc 553 14. |Maintenance of Miscetlaneous Other Power Generauiny Plant 924 925 926 USDA - REA BORROWER DESIGNATION This data wall be sed 10 determing your opsraung remilis and financial mousiwn You response g35 g OPERATING REPORT ts requared (7 USC 901 ot seq ) and is not confidenuual 3 aes a - YEAR ENDING REA USE ONLY z if SOURCES AND DISTRIBUTION OF ENERGY ie 55 = em ecembe 255 INSTRUCTIONS - Submit an original and four coples to REA, For detalled Instructions, see REA EOM.3, December 31, 19 38 ; ; REA USE ONLY ANNUAL NET ENERGY | AVERAGE ae g OURCE OF ENERGY PEAK RECEIVED BY cost ($) cost |282 7 opens NO. OF | Mee tty: JOEMAND (kwi| SYSTEM (Mwn) miners [a8 2 PLANTS nat Sas @ 1 oe se ge GENERATED IN OWN PLANTS (Detalls on Forms 124, ¢, f, and @) eth ; 1, FOSSIL STEAM 0 8 3 5 28 _2. NUCLEAR 229] 3. HYDRO _ 2 ER F 4. INTERNAL COMBUSTION AND OTHER jane ee a ‘ 5. TOTAL IN OWN PLANTS (Sum of lines 1 thru 4)_ i - I Ze ag PURCHASED POWER (Lisl cach supplier separately) ot ik 254 _S. i z | | ae, Ss |aeaie 7, Alaska Electric Generation & Transmission 7 66772 | 423624 ~——s—}.172527929 41.38 [3823 8. £088 a a ~ ai = a 5eak 9. Oren a = saae 10. a =in| = = 4G 8 e Nk aS “ a het aa 3 elas = = Oe cs a28i 14 a oe 15. sae F 16. ; a Bedi 17. a 7 ¥a 18. ra 19. - a 3 ak 20. ; a 21. TOTAL POWER PURCHASED (Sum of lines 6 thru 20) 66772 423624 Ke INTERCHANGED POWER 34 y 22. RECEIVED INTO SYSTEM (Gross) | a - - of a 23. DELIVERED OUT OF SYSTEM (Gross) z : 5 24, NET INTERCHANGE (Line 22 minus 23) aos, f q j TRANSMISSION FOR OR BY OTHERS - (WHEELING) Q? 25. RECEIVED INTO SYSTEM _ on ze 26. DELIVERED OUT OF SYSTEM A 27. NET ENERGY WHEELED (Line 25 minus 26) . a ; 28. TOTAL ENERGY AVAILABLE FOR SALE (Sum of lines 5 ¢ 21 ¢ 24 ¢ 27) 424279 4 :| 29. TOTAL SALES (Fonn 12b- line 77) 393398 Pad 30. ENEAGY FURNISHED TO OTHERS WITHOUT CHARGE -0- i 31. ENERGY USED BY BORROWER (Excluding Station Use) 2454 £33 32. TOTAL ENERGY ACCOUNTED FOR (Sum of lines 29 thru 31) 395852 Pag 33. ENERGY LOSSES -mWh (Line 28 minus 32) 28427 j 34. ENERGY LOSSES - PERCENTAGE (Line 33 + line 28 x 100) RSs) 3 Me. 19 MAD