HomeMy WebLinkAboutPerryville Bulk Fuel, Agreements, Contracts, Status, Field Notes, Trip Reports 1992CLAY State of Alaska DN Walter J. Hickel, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation September 16, 1992 Mr. Richard Larson, Village Administrator Native Village of Perryville, IRA Council P.O. Box 101 Perryville, AK. 99648 RE: Perryville Bulk Fuel Design Project AEA Contract No. 2800541 Dear Mr. Larson: Two originals of Amendment No. 1 to our grant agreement are enclosed for your signature and notary. The Amendment adds $3,000 in new funds to the project to cover the cost of preparing an SPCC plan. Please return both originals to me for approval by our Executive Director. | will send you a fully-executed original after the Amendment has been approved. vA pil Go, Dave Denig-Chakr I Director, Rural Programs Enclosures as stated FN:perlet2/1992Q3/plw OPO. Box 110809 Juneau, Alaska 99841-0809 (907) 465-3575 & PO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 State of Alaska DS Walter J. Hickel, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation September 30, 1992 Mr. Richard Larson, Village Administrator Native Village of Perryville, IRA Council P.O. Box 101 Perryville, Alaska 99648 Subject: Grant Agreement No. 2800541 Amendment No. 1 Dear Mr. Larson: Enclosed for your files is an original signature copy of the subject grant agreement amendment for the Perryville Bulk Fuel Design project. If you have any questions about the scope, schedule or procedures for the projects, please contact Brian Gray, Chief Mechanical Engineer, at 800-478-7877 or at the address marked below. We ar sed to be able to assist with this project. Sin } tad ous Af VA hakroff ¥ 4 David Denig-C Director of Rural Programs DDC:ekn Enclosure as stated cc: Senator Fred Zharoff, Alaska State Legislature Representative Cliff Davidson, Alaska State Legislature Brian Gray, Alaska Energy Authority Pat Woodell, Alaska Energy Authority Marlys Hagen, Alaska Energy Authority OPO. Box 110809 Juneau, Alaska 99811-0809 (907) 465-3575 fh 0. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 388 Contract No._2800541 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY GRANT AGREEMENT Perryville Bulk Fuel Design Amendment No. 1 THE GRANT AGREEMENT (Alaska Energy Authority Contract No. 2800541 entered into on the 12th day of June, 1992, between the NATIVE VILLAGE O} PERRYVILLE, IRA COUNCIL, (the Grantee) and the ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY ag J i is hereby amended, this z¢Tu_ day of Lew , as follows: PURPOSE The purpose of this amendment is to add new funds to the grant to cover the cost of preparing a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan. This amendment also changes the ending date of of the agreement from October 1, 1992, to December 31, 1992. ARTICLE A. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY COVENANTS Paragraph 1 is amended to add $3,000 to the original $10,000 not-to-exceed amount: ft; Subject to appropriation and availability from the source of funding described in Appendix B, Section |, grant to the Grantee an amount, not to exceed $13,000 for performance under this Agreement. ARTICLE C. MUTUAL COVENANTS Paragraph 10, Notices, is amended to change the name of the Energy Authority's Executive Director from Charlie Bussell to Ronald A. Garzini: 10. Notices. Any notice required of either party shall be in writing and, unless receipt of such notice is expressly required by the terms of this Agreement, shall be deemed served when deposited in the mail in a sealed envelope, with sufficient first class postage affixed, and addressed to the appropriate party. The notices shall be sent to each party's place of business, which in the case of the Energy Authority shall be: Perryville Bulk Fuel Design Amendment No. 1 Page 2 of 4 Ronald A. Garzini, Interim Executive Director Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 (907) 561-8584 (FAX) in the case of the Council shall be: Mr. Richard Larson, Village Administrator Native Village of Perryville, IRA Council P.O. Box 101 rryville, Alaska 99648 Pac oh (907) 2230 (FAX) AEA Grant Amendment 9/92 FN: perramen\1992Q3\pw Perryville Bulk Fuel Design Amendment No. 1 Page 3 of 4 THIS AGREEMENT has been reviewed, agreed to, and executed by the following parties: for the ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY: Doo Cy ou Dow Sep. Le 199rL Ronald A. Garzini (Date) 4aterine Executive Director STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing norero82 | was. acknowledged before me this gh day of 1 b Glan Nana te Penta 2 Lage ; t! y /of the Alas nergy ority. otary Publi¢/ State o' My Commission Expires: “Oct 2, 1923 AEA Grant Amendment 9/92 FN: perramen\1992Q3\piw Perryille Bulk Fue! Design Amendment No. 1 Page 4 of 4 for the NATIVE VILLAGE OF PERRYVILLE, IRA COUNCIL: Va Ieee f Sul aA _ (Signature Cais} /) a hitg D Krri2 § ta Labtec Phen stecte, lame Printed) (Titl STATE OF ALASKA ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) ged before me this a eal day of WFsc AEA Grant Amendment 9/92 FN: perramen\1992Q3\piw PERRYVILLE TANK AND PIPING WELDING INVITATION FOR QUOTES TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS Project Name: Perryville Tank and Piping Welding Owner’s Authorized Representative: Project Number: PVIL-001 Location: Perryville, Alaska Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Owner: Anchorage, AK. 99519 Native Village of Perryville Phone: (907) 561-7877 Fax: 561-8584 P.O. Box 101 Perryville, AK 99648 Project Manager: Brian Gray Issue Date: May 14, 1992 DESCRIPTION OF WORK, REQUIRED COMPLETION DATE, LISTING OF ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A - Scope of Work Attachment B - Drawings M-1 & M-2 The Project estimate is: __under $5,000 XX$5,000 - $25,000 _ $25,000 - $50,000 __ $50,000 - $100,000 The following insurance coverages are required: XXWorkers Comp XXGeneral Liability XXAutomobile Quotes for furnishing all labor, equipment and materials and performing all work for the above Project are hereby invited. To be eligible for consideration, written quotes must be received by 4:30 PM local time, on the 26 day of May, 1992. Late quotes will not be accepted. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) will be afforded an opportunity to submit quotes and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin or sex in consideration for an Award which results from this invitation. Any errors, omissions, or questions pertaining to bidding procedures or Project requirements, requests for additional documents, or inquiries pertaining to site conditions or scheduled visits shall be directed to the Project Manager for the Owner’s Authorized Representative listed above. SUBMITTAL OF QUOTES: Written quotes may be submitted by fax, hand delivered or mailed in a sealed envelope. Confidentiality can only be assured for sealed quotes. Mailed quotes must allow time for delivery. Written quotes, including amendments or withdrawals, must be received prior to the above noted deadline. Bids shall be submitted on the forms furnished. All Bidders should familiarize themselves with the Instructions to Bidders attached. Bids will be received by the Owner’s Authorized Representative at the address listed above and should be marked as follows: Project Name: Perryville Tank and Piping Welding Project Number: PVIL-001 Attention: Brian Gray PERRYVILLE TANK AND PIPING WELDING INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Construction Procurement The Owner desires that all offerers submitting bids on construction contracts be given a fair and equal opportunity to compete. To avoid the disappointment of having a quote declared "non-responsive" or "not-responsible,” bidders should follow the instructions below. REVIEW THE PROJECT DOCUMENTS: Most construction Projects in excess of $5000 will have some type of written documentation prepared expressly for the Work. If you are asked to submit a quote and no written information has been provided, then you should ask the Owner or Owner’s Authorized Representative for written documentation. If the scope of services has been described to you verbally, ensure that this information is reduced to writing prior to acknowledging Contract Award. When bidding a Project, carefully review and consider all materials. By submitting a quote to the Owner the offerer warrants that he is familiar with the Project requirements, has visited or otherwise examined the site, and is aware of the conditions to be encountered. Bidders can verify the contents and completeness of their bid documents by contacting the Owner’s Authorized Representative Project Manager. SUBMITTING THE QUOTE: The quote shall be submitted in the manner described on the Invitation for Quotes. The offerer shall carefully complete (ink or typewritten) the bid schedule portion of the Bid Schedule/Construction Contract Award form. Failure to acknowledge receipt of addenda or to execute the form correctly and completely may disqualify your quote. (NOTE: Department of Labor regulations require a bidder to be licensed and registered for the required type of Work prior to submitting a quote. If determined to be improperly registered or licensed, a quote may be deemed non-responsive. ) DETERMINATION OF LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER AND CONTRACT AWARD: Following receipt and determination of all responsive quotes the Owner or Owner’s Authorized Representative shall compare the quotes and determine the lowest bidder. If in checking the bids, the Owner or Owner’s Authorized Representative discovers a discrepancy between the unit price amount and the extended amount; the unit price amount will prevail. Conditioned bids, unless expressly requested, shall not be considered. When the bid schedule is composed of a basic bid and alternate bids, the Owner shall base its determination of low bidder and the amount of Contract Award solely upon those bids, basic and alternates, that are priced within the extent of available construction funds. Alternates shall be considered for Award in the order listed, except that if the order of bidders is not affected, Award may include any combination of funded alternates, or none, as may be in the best interest of the Owner. When determining the lowest bidder, the Owner shall also grant a 5% Alaska bidder’s preference and an appropriate Alaska Products preference to any quote designating the applicability of a preference. To qualify for the bidder’s preference (as defined in AS 36.30.170) the bidder must (1) hold a current Alaska Business License, (2) submit the bid under the name appearing on the license, (3) have staffed and maintained a place of business within Alaska for the previous six months and (4) be incorporated or qualified to do business under the laws of the state. In addition, if the offerer is a partnership or joint venture, all parties must meet the criteria to be eligible for the preference. A pamphlet fully describing the Alaska Products preference program is available from the Owner’s Authorized Representative upon request. The Owner shall determine bidder responsibility. If the lowest bidder is declared responsible, the Owner will execute the Award portion of the Bid Schedule/Construction Contract Award form, and send it to the Contractor for acknowledgement. If the lowest bidder is found to be not responsible, then this process will be repeated with the second lowest bidder - and so on until the lowest responsive and responsible bidder is determined. PERRYVILLE TANK AND PIPING WELDING BID SCHEDULE/CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AWARD Project Name: Perryville Tank and Piping Welding OQwner’s Authorized Representative: Project Number: PVIL-001 Location: Perryville, Alaska Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Owner: Anchorage, AK. 99519 Native Village of Perryville Phone: (907) 561-7877 Fax: 561-8584 P.O. Box 101 Perryville, AK 99648 Project Manager: Brian Gray Issue Date: BID SCHEDULE: Bidders should carefully read all attachments to this schedule. I have reviewed the bid documents, with addenda , and understand the scope of services and conditions required for this Project. I agree to furnish, for the above amount(s), all necessary labor, materials, and equipment. Work shall be accomplished in a workmanlike manner and to the satisfaction of the Owner or Owner’s Authorized Representative. Contractor Contractor Reg. Number Authorized Signature Title Address Business License #__ CCC EINorSSN__séPhhonte # Bidder Claims: __Alaska Bidder’s Preference __Alaska Products Preference (include worksheet) ACCEPTANCE/AWARD/NOTICE TO PROCEED TO: Your quote in the amount of submitted on is hereby accepted for accomplishment of the Work described above, in accordance with these Contract Documents. You are Awarded the Work and authorized to proceed immediately. Work must commence within days following receipt of this notification and must be complete on or before . Acknowledge-receipt of this Award by signing, dating, and returning this document to the address shown at the top of this page. Owner Date Contractor’s Acknowledged Receipt Date Approved by Owner’s Authorized Representative Date PERRYVILLE TANK AND PIPING WELDING GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Construction Procurement These terms, conditions and requirements apply to the Contract Documents seacrivng the Work for the Project denoted on the Bid je Schedule/Construction Contract Award form. If any provision of these Contract Documents is clared by a court to be illegal or in conflict with any law, the validity of the remaining provisions, and the ensuing rights and obligations of the Parties to the contract, shall not be affected. Whenever used in these Contract Documents, the following terms shall have the indicated meaning. Any term not so defined shall have its ordinary meaning. 10. ll. Approved or Approval - means written approval by the Owner or Owner’s Authorized Representative. Authorized Representative - the person authorized by the Owner to enter into and administer the contract on behalf of the Owner. Award - means the written acceptance of the lowest responsive and responsible bid by the Owner. Contract Documents - includes the Invitation for Quotes and Instructions to Bidders (if issued), the Bid Schedule/Construction Contract Award, these General Conditions, any addenda, written changes, or attachments as noted in the description of the Work. Parties to the Contract - includes the Owner and the Contractor. Project - the total construction, of which Work performed under the Contract Documents is the whole or part. Project Manager - the Project Manager for the Owner's Authorized Representative, responsible for project and contract administration. Work - is the act of, and the result from, performing services, furnishing labor, furnishing and incorporating materials and equipment into the Project and performing other duties and obligations, all as required by the Contract Documents. The Owner’s Authorized Representative has the authority; to make findings, determinations and decisions with respect to the contract; to Approve materials, Work and payment therefore; and, to modify or terminate the contract on behalf of the Owner. The Contractor shall have sole responsibility for the means, methods, sequences, or procedures of construction and safety precautions related thereto. The Contractor shall conduct all Work in such a manner as to protect state resources. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, codes, ordinances and written directives issued by the Owner or Owner's Authorized Representative. In addition, the Contractor shall obtain applicable licenses and permits; provide supervision, labor, tools, and new materials (except as may otherwise be provided by the Owner or Owner’s Authorized Representative); and utilize Alaska Products and Wood Products when applicable. The Contractor shall not award Work to any subcontractor without prior Approval from the Owner or Owner’s Authorized Representative. The Owner or Owner’s Authorized Representative reserves the right to make written changes to the Contract Documents for modifications within the general scope of the Work. Any act or occurrence (be it a result of an emergency, differing site condition or change order) which may form the basis of a claim for a price or time adjustment shall be reported immediately to the Owner or Owner’s Authorized Representative. . The Department of Labor, Labor Standards and Safety Division, shall be notified by the Owner’s Authorized Representative in accordance with AS 36.05.010 and AS 36.05.0360, if the resulting contract for repairs or construction exceeds $2,000. The Contractor must then comply with the requirements noted within the attached Special Conditions. The Contractor shall indemnify, save harmless, and defend the Owner, its agents and its employees from any and all claims, actions, or liabilities for injuries or damages sustained by any person or property arising directly or indirectly from the construction or the Contractor's performance of this contract; however, this provision has no effect if, but only if, the sole proximate cause of the injury or damage is the Owner’s or Owner’s Authorized Representative’s negligence. Furthermore, the Contractor shall, prior to the Award of the contract, provide proof of the following insurances: Workmen’s Compensation (per statutory requirements) and adequate coverages and limits (unless otherwise specified) for General Liability and Automobile Insurance. These coverages shall remain in force for the duration of the contract. The Contractor shall remedy all defects in materials or workmanship which develop within a period of one year from the date of final payment. The Owner shall make final payment to the Contractor following Approval for completion of all Work and the Contractor’s submittal of all releases, warranties, record documents, permits and invoices. Liens or other claims relating to the Project may be withheld from final payment, if written notice is first given to the Contractor. Acceptance of final payment will constitute Contractor’s waiver of future claims. Any dispute arising out of this contract, and which cannot be satisfactorily remedied by the Parties to the Contract, shall be resolved under the laws of Alaska. PERRYVILLE TANK AND PIPING WELDING SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Construction Procurement These terms, conditions and requirements apply to the Contract Documents describing the Work for the Project denoted on the Bid Schedule/Construction Contract Award form. If any provision of these Contract Documents is declared by a court to be illegal or in conflict with any law, the validity of the remaining provisions, and the ensuing rights and obligations of the Parties to the contract, shall not be affected. 1. 2 10. i. Title 36 prevailing wage rates do not apply. Alaska Products Preference does not apply. All of the tanks have previously contained fuel oil. It is the contractor’s responsibility to take adequate precautions and to ensure that all work is performed in accordance with all applicable regulations, codes, and standards. All welding is to be performed by qualified welders in accordance with applicable standards. All required piping and fittings will be furnished by the Owner. A portable gas-powered arc welder and an AC electrical generator will provided on site by the Owner at no cost to the Contractor. The Contractor is responsible to furnish all miscellaneous tools, welding rod, fuel gas, oxygen, and other supplies as required except where specifically noted otherwise. One welder’s helper will be provided by the Owner at no cost to the Contractor throughout the duration of the project. Housing for the Contractor will be provided by the Owner at no cost to the Contractor throughout the duration of the project. Transportation and mobilization to and from the project location will be the Contractor’s responsibility. The project is scheduled for a tentative start date of June 8, 1992. PERRYVILLE TANK AND PIPING WELDING ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF WORK Cut new openings in existing fuel storage tanks as required and weld on appurtenances as indicated on the Drawings. Attach existing fuel storage tanks to new steel saddles with fillet welds as indicated on the Drawings. Weld fill and distribution piping system as indicated on the Drawings. The limit of work includes the first flange at every connection to a valve or flexible connection. Test piping system with 50 PSIG air and visually inspect all welded joints using a foaming soapy water solution. U) hk State of Alaska DS Waiter J. Hicke!. Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation June 9, 1992 Mr. Richard Larson, Village Administrator Native Village of Perryville, IRA Council P.O. Box 101 Perryville, AK. 99648 Dear Mr. Larson: A draft copy of our grant agreement for work to be performed on the Perryville bulk fuel project is attached for your and Tim Whitcomb's review. After you have reviewed the draft, | would appreciate your asking Tim to call Pat Woodell of my staff at 261-7243 to make any changes. If there are no modifications, we would appreciate your signature on this FAX and its return as soon as possible. We will be mailing you originals for your signature as soon as we hear from you. Your cooperation in helping us process this agreement quickly is certainly appreciated. rhe Director, Rural Programs Attachment as stated perrylet\piw QO, PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99814 (907) 465-3575 x PO. Box 190869 701 EastTudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 Ss-ee-s:s Alaska Erergy Authority = 2.88 = Pri oy Sy CS DS sy Teleceoy Prone No. (907) 561-8884) Ancuonags 466-3767) (iNEAY Telecosy ®nonea Ne. (907) TELECOPY SENT To: eee a D4énes Uitcwe ef ferry uilic MAME OF COMPANY: COMPaRY ADORESS: NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: __/__ tmexuorme Trs coven eaes CATE sans Men 2 Rie I? VOW GD Ge agcertve 44.1. -" Tae eee PLEASE CALL: SPECIAL INBTEUCTIONS: Lisi Mite, <a, cla. Sagat camel ny tA ne Box 110809 Juneau. Aigska 99611-08090 (907) 465-3875 Sox 190869 701 fast TucerRoad 9 Anchorage Aicska 99619-0468 (907) 561-7877 PS. PS. TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT ** COUNT *x a TE *eK SEND ake nol REMOTE STATION I. 0D. START TIME DURATION 6- 9-92 13:44 8'25° + 1 88532230 TUTAL 0:08'25" #PAGES COMMENT 11 11 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 é Lim Acen State of Alaska N\ Walter J. Hickel. Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation June 12, 1992 Mr. Richard Larson Village Administrator Native Village of Perryville IRA Council P.O. Box 101 Perryville, AK. 99648 Dear Mr. Larson: Two originals of the grant agreement that you signed by FAX on June 11 are enclosed for your signature and notary. | apologize for the inconvenience of having to do this again, but we need an original copy for our files. Please return both copies to us, and we will send you an approved original as soon as the Executive Director has signed. Sincerely, Va i : \ x ) > Sect L4 Pat Woodell Development Specialist Enclosures as stated Fn:perriet2 QO PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 w PO. Box 190869 701 EastTudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 = Alaska Energy Authority July 16, 1992 A Public Corporation Mr. Richard Larson, Village Administrator Native Village of Perryville, IRA Council P.o. Box 101 Perryville, AK 99648 Subject: Project Agreement No. 2800541 Dear Mr. Larson: A copy of the subject agreement for the Perryville Bulk Fuel project is enclosed for your files. The Energy Authority - as required by state statute - has also forwarded a copy of this agreement to the Alaska Department of Labor. We are required to notify the Department about construction projects that use state funds. Please call Pat Woodell, of my staff if the Department of Labor contacts you with questions about this project. Funds received by the Native Village of Perryville under the enclosed agreement may not be subject to state single audit requirements (2 AAC 45.010). This is because the Native Village of Perryville's grant is administered through a trust account managed by an Alaska Energy Authority contractor, and the Native Village of Perryville is not directly responsible for managing these funds. Please contact me if you need information on how to have the single audit exemption verified by your accountant. I have enclosed a copy of a May 15, 1992, Office of Management and Budget Memorandum concerning state grants managed by the bookkeeping service. If you have any questions about the scope, schedule or procedures for the projects, please contact Tim Whitcomb, Remote Systems Engineer I, at 800-478-7877. We are pleased to be able to assist with this project. Sincerely, seb - David Denig-Chakroff [tirector of Rural Programs DDC:ekn Enclosures as stated ccs Senator Fred Zharoff, Alaska State Legislature ivi avidson Alaska State Legislature Marlys Hagen, Alaska chara Authority QO PO.BoxAM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 PO. Box 190869 701 EastTudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 MEMORANDUM ceivep State of Alaska Office of the Governor May ‘3y7 Office of Management and Budget Diviston of Audit and Management Services ' Phone 465-3568 Fax 465-2090 May 15, 1992 TO: Pat Woodell, Development Specialist Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 FROM: Gary Anderson, Director f SUBJECT: State Single Audit Applicability Determination You have asked if the grant funds on certain projects administered by the Alaska Energy Authority are subject to the state single audit requirement. As discussed in your letter dated Apmil 23, 1992, these grants are administered as follows: + Detailed management of the grant project including disbursement authorizations is by AEA staff, + Accounting for each grant is performed by a bookkeeping service under contract to AEA. In the circumstances described the grantee has no direct control over the grant funds, the responsibility remains witha state agency, namely AEA. As a consequence, in my opinion, grants managed in the manner described should not be considered state financial assistance subject to the requirements of 2 AAC 45.010. Such grants would also not be considered in the threshold computation for purposes of determining whether the grantee is required to have a state single audit. In the above circumstance it is incumbent upon AEA to clearly recognize that they have assumed additional fiscal responsibilities. In particular I would suggest that in addition to requiring bonding that AEA also perform a review of the bookkeeping service's internal controls. AEA should also make provision for internal audit of project manager's records on a test basis. Should you have any additional questions please call. y 92-06-89 09! 38 PERRY Fioeg2 : git i; AK ENERGY AU’ ITY= 06832230i8 2 SEN” 3 Contract No. 22005 4/ NATIVE VILLAGE OF PERRYVILLE GRANT AGREEMENT Perryville Bulk Fuel Project PURPOSE AND DESCRIPTION This Agreement entered into this _ ay of is between the ALASKA ENERGY AUTHOR \{Rperay Matheny) ane the NATIVE VILLAGE OF PBRRYVILLE, IRA COUNCIL (the Council), The Agreement provides for the Energy 8 oversight assistance to the Counel! In constructing @ diked enciosure for the Council's bulk fuel ae tanks, placing tanks the enciosure, and piping tanks to bring the facil compliance with applicable codes. The Agreement also provides for a $10,000 grant to the Council to cover partial costs associated with the Council's Saari ba ” the facility (the Project). This Agreement is effective through Article A. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY COVENANTS The Energy Authority will: 1 Subject to lation and availability de the Council with @ grant of $10,000 to cover partial costs associated with the Council's contractor services on the Project. 2. Budget and expend the funds for the grant in the State Accounti System Kens) under AR 32462, Collocation Code 08162205, Ledger Coos 3: Provide advice and assistance to the Council on administrative, management, and technical matters relating to the Project. 4. Survey all buik fuel fecilities in the community. Provide an as-built of the new facilities constructed with grant funds to the Council when the project \s completed. 2 8. _— Previde construction supervision, Inspection and oversight of the” Councit's contractor while Project work is being performed. oe 6. Aseist the Council in procurement of Project materials. 7. Provide the Council with information on how to obtain a Spill Prevention Containment and Counter Measure (8PCC) Plan. ‘Buyrojid} Ou) 0} @eu8e |PUNOD eu pus Aon Afseug eu, SLNVNZAOO TWN ‘0 eA ‘}eULoEy Ul 8] GQNON On © edwes Wy ‘peyeidwoo Use Bununosoe Pus HOR PIO Iie USA UONeKdUIOD Yoelald Jo eQNON. B UoS ‘8 s ©} pred 8a 0% 000'0 Jy Bugodre i ees ead foe Gee ee Opoias BEOIAIOE O17 10; R WM peyeoosse seco ye ABd = Z ‘weweesde ywe8 81.n 02 peyesodioou| Agesey @| ‘Apoq Bujwerod sAinue eu) jo U jCse. & Aq peyseye UBjOJ8A0S 40 J0AJBM oe 4 “Ajunww) UBjeseos seeseesod WiuM AnUe UB 8] 1}0UN04 Ou) ji } qwes8 8]U) JO JUBWeDOjUe IS 6} uw Ayunuw) uBjeserce #y eam Aiquoone = 9 “POlg OL) UY eras @pscoes BupuNodoe PUB '8e/})|98) ‘88210 8,|FOUNOD O43 40 ieee, PNIOU elo o7 O} 184 SOARS 8 J! Oj JO [18 ‘BOW; e]qeUuceBe. [18 98 PUB JeUUBW Lone Uj Apouny Ou) yUUed = 'S “suo; einBe, PUB Se;NyNE fEIUEWIUCL|AUS PUB ‘eyUeWe.)Nbes Buplode, xB; * SOEM UCOPE SLABC-IUIN OU) CI peilUl| JOU Inq BuIprIeUI "eloud @un 01 ©1q8>) SUONeNBe: PUB SeNES (Bepe; PUB ews je In A\dWwOD =p Vv U} POqLOeSP SE]YANB WIOPEd 0} JePIO U! AVedoud Ipuneg ssecce 6} reurcassd Tusa ABuseuz IO} uojes}wued WAH ‘€ ' WOUND eJ8 A}|1}08, BBB10;8 |en NING OL) 40) S}VEWEEIBE VEr UIC! 20 syiuued ‘swWeWwesBe ‘ABM/0-8) Bunsixe Aue yun eunsue pus ‘eloidg ey) UO YOM 30} PeINDes SiWed PUB sWWeWesBe ‘ABM-)0O-8}U6L [IB UIBIGQO s "8OO|AOS JO}OV.RUCS JO} PsBME (BUY OLN @ACIdCB PUB Delog OU} LO 1OPBRUCS B,}OUNOD OU JO} SPIG UTPIQS 0} Ayouny ABieUS Oe eZIOUINY =| WW [OUND el SLNVNSAOO TIONNOO Val ‘STINAANHEd JO SOVTIUA BAILYN ‘6 STOLLYY 766) "4 JOQO}OO 100g PO}SIdWICS 8! OefCJd ey} UO OM |/@ }BU) @unsUy 8 £ Mi N8720Se6 PALTNOHLMY ADWSNS WY: LE:& 5 ZB-C.9g : :A@ LN3S 1. aMaRBd 66:68 68-92-26. 32-26-29 29:40 PERRYY £ Pr. » 6-10-92 ; 9:12 + AK ENERGY AUTHOR! TY= SESI223C a 4 Ferryvide Buk Fuel Grant Agreement Page Saf @ u l . The Council shall indemnify, eave hermiess and defend the we , its officers, ints, servants, and employees from luding costs all liability, ine and expenses, for al! actions or claims resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any person or arisi direct or indirectly as a result of any error, omission or negli act of the Indemnifying party, its officers, agents, servants, or 8 Or anyone directly or Indirectly omployed by it in the performance of this Agreement. (ne cod RETINA, Tavares aial payer oa ° ner, 0 e this w liability for 2 to the Council if it is determined by the Energy be in the best interest of the State to do so; if funds are no longer for cause. For the purposes of this peragraph, “cause” rovision of incorrect Be misleading information failure to provide information that, in the opinion of the Energy material fact that would have influenced Energy Authority actions. conditions, the Council waives oo of recourse and will reimburse th Energy Authority for all unspent the Council hes received according to this Agreement plus all costs, Including attorneys’ fees, incurred by the Authority to perfect its claim or collect those funds. Agreement tte EHTS ot money from the Stare of Neska or other sources t finance performence under this Agreement. id ie withdrawn, reduced, oF lied ary wey aha teofectve dai of tie Roreorert aed Agreement jout ae damages. The Energy Authority may, In its discretion, renegotiate the this Agreement to comply with any new funding limitations or conditions. 4. a Agreement is subject to the audit requiram i 48 (Grant Administration) of the Alaska pe Code (AAC), commonly referred to es the "Single Audit equ or 8, pop caress Ot Ge B , shail in naeeanaiel ie ae agents of the cfr partes in the performance of thie the other parr e superior lu for te State of Alka 1s reeowve 8 ee i é pursuant to Alaska Civii 7 Tie Apeeeert and oh of ee, eee, conditions. and attachments represent the entire agreement shall to and be binding upon the respect ft i, x wtor, '92-G6-@9 29:41 PERRY) o£ P.4 + 6="9-92 5 §:13 + AK ENERGY AUTHORITY= 38592230i8 § 8. Severability. i any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Agreement oF any reement referred \o in vie Agreement shail be finally judicated by a of competent pew to be invalid or unenforceable the remainder of this Agreement shall be unaffected by such adjudication and ail the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as if such section, paragraph, Clause or provision or any part thereof so adjudicated to be invalid had not been Inciuded herein. Sis RSME UMS A aT tan ee a Project is to r of the general public and will not deny any person use of facilities due to race, religion, color, marital status, age, sex, or national origin. 10. . Any notice required of either party shall be in writing and, rises CoO cual. ates W' eamee ceeame the terms of this Agreement, shall be deemed served when in mail In @ sealed eis clan Fikes Tne Clo cal rahts saan a ttan appropriate party. The notices shail be to each party's place of business, which in the case of the Energy Authority shall be: Charlie Busseil, Executive Director Alaska Authority P.O. Bax 190869 page gyros (9 1-8864 (FAX) and in the case of the Council shail be: Mr. Richard Larson, Village Administrator Native Village of Perryville, IRA Counell P.O. Box 101 Perryville, AK. 99648 (907) 863-2208 (907) 853-2230 (FAX) - ae x "92-06-89 89:42 PERRY BES Pa SEN! BY: + 6-10-82 | §:16 + AK ENERGY AUTHORITY= G8532230i8 6 THIS AGREEMENT has been reviewed, agreed to, and executed by the following parties: STATE OF ALASKA - THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT The _ foregoi was acknowledged = or re pete aaa Notary Public, State of ie tliens Benne M4 LF L995 "S2-6-29 29:43 PERRYVT™ © P.6 N7 §V: + 6-10-82 | 9:°4 + AK ENERGY AUTHCRITY= 88532230i8 7 for the NATIVE VILLAGE OF PERRYVILLE, IRA COUNCIL: by 4 ~ -/0°GD kbs St chan Bn Or? ihn t/). pew To ame STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT 0 See eS ele BS age in , of the Native Village , ouncll. J "¢ (Gane ATTACHMENT | NOTICE OF PROJECT COMPLETION NOTICE OF PROJECT COMPLETION Date: Project Name Perryville Bulk Fuel Project Contracting Party Native Village of Perryville, IRA Council AEA Contract No. Agreement Execution Date ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY certifies that the Project named above is complete in accordance with the terms and conditions of the grant agreement. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY acknowledges that all expenses incurred under the agreement have been paid in full, and no further claims for reimbursement can be made. Project Manager ate The foregoing Agreement wens ore before me this day of ’ ly Project Manager of the Alaska Energy Authority. STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT Notary Public, State of Alaska My Commission Expires: Page 2 of 2 Notice of Project Completion The NATIVE VILLAGE OF PERRYVILLE, IRA COUNCIL acknowledges that the Project referenced above has been completed, and that all tasks have been satisfactorily carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions of the grant agreement. ichard Larson, Village Administrator Date STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) Nay foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this 1992, by , Village Administrator of rd Native Village of Pari: ouncil. Notary Public, State of Alaska My Commission Expires Grant Agreement 5 1992 State of Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs horay Authority Division of Administrative Services Project Title = Perryville IRA Council Grant Agreement Number Dike System Design/Construction 92-27-N-3-05 Basis of Authority to Contract AS 37.05.317 Collocation Code Ch. 96, SLA 1991, Pg. 129, Ln. 14 21741351 Grantee Contact Person. “State Contact Person. * Name Name Richard Larson Tena Bavard Village Administrator Grants Administrator Street/P.O. Box Street/P.O. Box P.O. Box 101 . P.O. Box 112100 City/State/Zip City/State/Zip Perryville, AK 99648 Juneau, Ak 99811-2100 Phone Phone 853-2203 465-4721 or 465-4731 AGREEMENT The Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, Division of Administrative Services (hereinafter Department’) and Perryville IRA Council (hereinafter ‘Grantee’) agree as set forth herein. Section I. The Department shall pay the Grantee for the performance of the project work under the terms outlined in this agreement. The amount of the payment is based upon project expenses incurred which are authorized under this agreement. In no event shall the payment exceed $80,000.00 | Section II. The Grantee shall perform all of the work required by this agreement. Section III. The work to be performed under this agreement shall begin July 1, 1991 and shall be completed no later than September 30, 1992 , Section IV. The agreement consists of this page and the following: ATTACHMENT A - Standard provisions APPENDICES: ATTACHMENT B - Scope of Work Appendix A- Audit Regulations ATTACHMENT C - Payment Method Appendix B - Audit Compliance Supplement AMENDMENTS - Any fully executed amendments to this agreement ORS = Res S| Department. #3 mee at rn, Keatho<t LANA Ser OSA V Printed Namofand Title : Printed Name and Title Harry W. Kosbruk, President ena Bavard, Grants Administrator Pe -yogte 8 aL ie Bea Sore: < 2-/9-92: Ao eas This agreement takes effect upon signature by the Department = eee ATTACHMENT A — STANDARD PROVISIONS Page 1 of 5 Article 1. Definition of “Certifying Officer”. In this grant agreement, attachments, and amendments, “Certifying Officer" means the person who signs this grant agreement on behalf of the Department and includes a successor or authorized representative. Article 2. State Saved Harmless. The Grantee shall indemnify, hold and save the State. its officers, agents and employees harmless from liability of any nature or kind, which may arise from the grantee's performance of this grant agreement in any way whatsoever. Such liability may include, but is not limited to, costs and expenses for or on account of any and all legal actions or claims of any character whatsoever resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any persons or property which may arise from the grantee's performance of this grant agreement in any way whatsoever. Article 3. Inspections and Retention of Records. The State may inspect, in the manner and at reasonable times it considers appropriate, all of the Grantee's facilities, records and activities under this grant agreement. The Grantee shall retain financial and other records relating to the performance of this grant agreement for a period of three years from completion of the project, or until final resolution of any audit findings, claims or litigation related to the grant. Article 4. Disputes. Any dispute concerning a question of fact arising under this grant agreement which is not disposed of by mutual agreement, shall be decided without bias by the Certifying Officer. The decision shall be in writing and mailed or otherwise furnished to the Grantee. The decision of the Certifying Officer is final and conclusive, unless, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the decision, the Grantee mails or otherwise furnishes a written appeal addressed to the Commissioner of the Department. The Commissioner shall hear the appeal. The decision of the Commissioner if final and conclusive, unless.it is fraudulent or not supported by substantial evidence. In any proceeding under this Article, the Grantee has a right to offer evidence in support of its appeal. Pending final decision of a dispute, the Grantee shall proceed with the performance of the grant agreement in accordance with the Certifying Officer's decision. Article 5. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO). The Grantee may not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, national origin, age, physical handicap, sex, marital status, chauges in marital status, pregnancy or parenthood. The Grantee shall post in a conspicuous place, available to employees and applicants for employment, a notice setting out the provisions of this paragraph. ATTACHMENT A - Siucx-DARD PROVISIONS Page 2 of 5 The Grantee shall state in all solicitations or advertisements for employees to work on State funded projects, that it is an equal opportunity employer (EEO) and that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, age, physical handicap, sex, marital status, changes in marital status, pregnancy or parenthood. The Grantee shall include the provisions of this EEO article in every contract relating to this grant agreement and shall require the inclusion of these provisions in every agreement entered into by any of its contractors, so that those provisions will be binding upon each contractor and subcontractor. Article 6. Termination. The Certifying Officer, by written notice may terminate this grant agreement, in whole or in part, when it is in the best interest of the State. The State is liable only for payment in accordance with the provisions of this grant agreement for services rendered before the effective date of termination. Article 7. No Assignment or Delegation. The Grantee may not assign or delegate this grant agreement, or any part of it, or any right to any of the money to be paid under it, except with the written consent of the Certifying Officer. Article 8. No Additional Work or Material. No claim will be allowed for services, not specifically provided for in this grant agreement, which are performed or furnished by the Grantee. Article 9. Independent Grantee. The Grantee and any agents and employees of the Grantee act in an independent- capacity and are not officers or employees or agents of the State in the performance of this grant agreement. Article 10. Payment of Taxes. As a condition of this grant agreement, the Grantee. shall pay all Federal, State and Local taxes incurred by the Grantee and shall require their payment by any contractor or any other persons in the performance of this grant agreement. Article 11. Workers' Compensation Insurance. The. Grantee shall provide and maintain workers' compensation insurance as required by AS 23.30 for all employees engaged in work under this. grant agreement. The Grantee shall require any contractor to provide and maintain workers compensation insurance for its employees as required by AS 23.30. ATTACHMENT A -— STANDARD PROVISIONS Page 3 of 5 Article 12. Insurance. The Grantee is responsible for obtaining any necessary liability insurance. AStICLeN LS cae, vailin Ww Preference. Certain grant projects are constrained by the provisions of AS 36. PUBLIC CONTRACTS. To the extent that such provisions apply to the project which is the subject of this grant agreement, the Grantee shall comply with the law. Article 14. Budget Flexibility. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 18, Attachment A, "Changes", the Grantee may revise the project budget in Attachment B without a formal amendment to this agreement. Such revisions are limited to a maximum of 10% of the total amount of this agreement or $10,000, whichever is less over the entire term of this agreement. Such budget revisions shall be limited to changes to existing budget line items, and the creation of new budget line items which are within the scope of the project. Budget. revisions may not be used to increase any budget item for project administrative expenses without written approval for the Certifying Officer. Changes to the budget beyond the limits authorized by this provision may only be made by a formal amendment to this agreement. Article 15. Governing Law. This grant agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Alaska. The Grantee shall perform all aspects of this project in compliance with all appropriate laws and regulations. It is the responsibility of the Grantee to ensure that all permits required for the construction and operation of this project by the Federal, State and/or Local governments have been obtained. Article 16. Officials Not to Benefit. No member of or delegate to Congress or the Legislature, or officials or- employees of the State or Federal government may share any part of this grant agreement or any benefit to arise from it. This does not preclude officials or employees from sharing in the common benefits of the grant project. Article 17. Covenant Against Contingent Fees. The Grantee warrants that no person or agency has been employed or retained to solicit or secure this grant agreement upon an agreement or understanding for a commission, percentage, contingent fee, or brokerage except employees or agencies maintained by the Grantee for the purpose of securing business.. For the breach or violation of this warranty, the State may terminate this grant agreement without liability or in its discretion, deduct from the grant agreement price or consideration the full amount of the commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee. ATTACHMENT A - STANDARD PROVISIONS Page 4 of 5 Article 18. Changes. Any changes which have been agreed to by both parties will be attached and made a part of this grant agreement by use of an Amendment. Any such Amendment must be dated and must be signed by both parties before the change is considered official and approved. Article 19. Public Purposes. The Grantee agrees that the project to which this grant agreement relates shall be dedicated to public purposes for its useful life. The benefits of the project shall be made available without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, age, physical handicap, sex, marital status, changes in marital status, pregnancy or parenthood. If the Grantee is a non-municipal entity and if monies appropriated under this grant constitute the sole or principal funding source for the acquisition of equipment or facilities, the Grantee agrees that in the event a municipal. corporation is formed which possesses the power and jurisdiction to provide for such equipment or facilities, the Grantee shall offer, without compensation, to transfer ownership of such equipment or facilities to the municipal corporation. If the Grantee is a non-profit corporation that \dissolves, the assets and liabilities from the grant project are to be distributed according to statutory law, AS 10.20.290 - 10.20.452. Article 20. Site Control. If the grant project involves occupancy and use of real property, the grantee shall acquire the legal right to occupy and use such real property for the purposes of the grant, and further that there is legal access to such property. Article 21. Qperation and Maintenance. Throughout the useful life of the project, the Grantee shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of any facility, equipment, or other items acquired under this grant. Article 22. Assurance. The Grantee shall spend monies appropriated under this grant only for the purposes specified» in this grant agreement. Article 23. Remission. The Grantee shall return all unexpended grant monies to the State within 90 days of the project completion. Article 24. Reporting Reauirements. The Grantee shall submit progress reports to the Department according to the schedule established in Attachment B of this grant agreement. The Department shall provide forms and instructions necessary for the preparation of such reports. ATTACHMENT A — SIANDARD FROVISIONS Page 2) of 5 Article 25. Right to Withhold Funds. The Department may withhold payments under this grant agreement for any violation of the provisions of this grant agreement. Article 26. Sovereign Immunity. If the Grantee is an entity which possesses sovereign immunity, it is a requirement of this grant that the Grantee irrevocably waive its sovereign immunity with respect to State enforcement of this grant agreement. The waiver of sovereign immunity, effected by a resolution of the entity's governing body, is hereby incorporated into this grant agreement. Article 27. Audit Requirements. The Grantee shall comply with the audit requirements established by 02 AAC 45.010, set forth in Appendix A of this grant agreement. Article 28: Federal Requirements. For those grant projects involving federal funds, the grantee shall comply with all applicable federal laws, regulation and requirements, including but not limited to: USOMB Circular A-87, Cost Principals for State and Local Governments; USOMB Circular A-102, Uniform Requirements for Assistance to State and Local Governments; USOMB Circular A-110; Grants and Other Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and other Non-profit Organizations; USOMB Circular A-122, Cost Principals for Non-profit Organizations; USOMB Circular A-128, Audits of State and Local Governments. LL ATTACHMENT b — SCOPE OF SERVICE Page PROJECT DESCRIPTION The purpose of this legislative grant in the amount of $80,000.00 (pursuant to the provisions of AS 37.05.317 and SLA 1991, Chapter 96, Page 129, Line 14) is to provide funding to the Perryville IRA Council for Dike System Design and Construction. This project will involve the design of a tank farm surrounded by a dike and then moving existing fuel tanks into this new farm area. Funding for this project shall be available for the period ending September 30, 1992. PROJECT BUDGET BUDGET CATEGORY GRANT SOURCE TOTAL Wages $ 4,300.00 $ 4,300.00 Fringe Benefits 426.00 426.00 Equipment Rental 13,000.00 13,000.00 Materials & Supplies 45,846.00 4 45,846.00 Freight 11,204.20 11,204.20 Administration — 5.223.800 5,223.80 TOTAL $80,000.00 $80,000.00 BUDGET NARRATIVE Wages - Grant funds shall be used to pay salaries for Labor at $10 and hour for approximately 40 hours. Fringe Benefits - Grant funds shall be used to pay fringe benefits for the above mentioned position. The benefits to be covered under this agreement shall include ESC, FICA, Medical, and WCI. Equipment Rental - Grant funds shall be used for the rental of heavy equipment as it becomes needed. Materials & Supplies - Grant funds shall be used for the purchase of such items as geo-textile material, vents, valves, pump, stairs, timber, fencing, etc. and tools as needed for this project. Freight - Grant funds shall be used for barge service on the above mentioned materials and Supplies. Administration - Grant funds shall be used to pay for routine administrative work on this grant and for work related to ordering materials and supplies, preparing payroll and tax reports, completing the grant questionnaire, and overseeing completion of the project. ATTACHMENT B —- SCOPE OF SERVICE Page _2. of 2 RE R The Perryville IRA Council must establish and maintain separate accounting for the use of grant funds. The use of grant funds in any manner contrary to the terms and conditions of this Grant Agreement may result in the subsequent revocation of the grant and any balance of funds under the grant. The Perryville IRA Council shall submit a report of grant progress every month until the project is complete. The reports shall be submitted on forms provided by the Department and are due in the Juneau office of the Division of Administrative Services within twenty (20) days of the end of the month being reported. A final report (to include photographic documentation) shall be due within thirty (30) days of the completion of the project. Under no circumstances shall the Department release funds’ to the Grantee unless all required progress reports are current. | ATTACHMENT C — PAYMENT METHOD Page _! of _1 | PAYMENT METHOD Upon full execution of this Grant Agreement and verification of site control, State treasury warrants shall be released contingent upon the following: - Expenditures to cover previous disbursements, with copies of source documentation provided (to include vendor billings, payroll reports, and other documentation requested by the Division of Administrative Services), and - Receipt and acceptance of current Progress Reports (with copies of source documentation) per Attachment B (Reporting Requirements) of this Grant Agreement, and - Request for payment by the Grantee. Grant funds shall be released to the Perryville IRA Council on an as-need basis provided all documentation previously requested has been received. In no case shall the total amount of payments exceed $80,000.00. Under no circumstances shall the Department release funds to the Grantee unless all required reports are current. Unless formally waived by the Department, $5,000.00 shall be retained by the Department until completion of the project. Upon submission and acceptance of the final report (to include photographic documentation), funds of up to $80,000.00 shall be reimbursed for eligible expenditures under the terms. and conditions of the Grant Agreement. Any State grant funds remaining upon completion of this project.- shall be returned to the State General Fund. If funding from the state, federal or other sources is withdrawn, reduced or limited in any way after the effective date of the grant and before the completion of performance, the Department may terminate the agreement. If the Department determines that it is in the best interest of the state, it may renegotiate the terms of the grant in accordance with the new funding limitations and conditions. A termination under this article shall be implemented under the same conditions as a termination under Article 6 of Attachment A. APPENDIX A - AUDIT REGULATIONS Page _l_ of _4 Section 10. Audit requirements 2 AAC 45.010. AUDIT REQUIREMENTS. (a) As part of the financial information required under AS 37.05.030, a state agency that enters into a financial assistance to an entity shall, in coordination with any other state agencies providing financial assistance to that entity, submit to the Department of Administration through the state coordinating agency an audit of the recipient entity if that entity is subject to audit under this section. The audit must be conducted and submitted as described in this section. In order to ensure compliance with this subsection, the audit requirements of this section must be contained in any financial assistance agreement entered into by a state agency. (b) An entity that receives state financial assistance with a cumulative total of $150,000 or more during the entity's fiscal year shall submit to the state coordinating agency, withim one year after the end of the audit period, an annual report covering the audit period. (c) An audit required by this section must be conducted by an independent auditor, according to the following audit standards effective at the time of review. (1) Government Auditing Standards, 1988 revision adopted by the comptroller general of the United States; or (2) generally accepted auditing standards, as accepted by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants on January 1, 1990 for the type of entity being audited. / (d) An audit report required under this section must address the following: (1) the systems of internal control, and whether the recipient entity has effective control over, and proper accounting for, revenue, expenditures, assets, and liabilities. (2) compliance with state statutes and regulations, and applicable financial assistance agreements affecting the expenditure of state money; and | APPENDIX A - AUDIT REGULATIONS Page 2 0£f 4 (3) the recipient entity's financial transactions, financial statements, and accounts; whether those financial statements are presented fairly in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles; and whether the financial statements contain reliable financial data presented in accordance with applicable financial assistance agreements. (e) As part of an audit report required under this section, a recipient must provide written comments (1) on any findings or recommendations contained in the audit report, including the recipient's plan for corrective action on the findings or recommendations; and (2) on the status of corrective action proposed or taken on findings or recommendations contained in the audit report last performed for the entity. If the recipient does not intend to take corrective action regarding the findings or recommendations contained in the audit report, the recipient must explain why corrective action will not be taken and submit the explanation with the audit report. (£) An audit report required under this sectiom need not evaluate the effectiveness of a program funded by state financial assistance. However, a program evaluation may be conducted or requested by the state agency that entered into the financial assistance agreement. (g) An audit required by this section must cover either the entire operations of the recipient entity, or at the option of that entity, only the departments, agencies, or establishments of that entity which received, spent or otherwise administered state financial assistance during the audit period. The state coordinating agency may consider a series of audits of a recipient entity's individual departments, agencies, or establishments for the same fiscal year as a single audit. (h) A recipient entity shall provide the state coordinating agency with sufficient copies of each audit report to allow submission of a copy to each state agency providing financial assistance to the entity. The state coordinating agency shall determine if auditing standards have been met and will forward a copy of the audit to the Department of Administration and other appropriate state agencies. The state coordinating agency shall coordinate resolution of audit exceptions and further audit work in accordance with (i) of this section. APPENDIX A -— AUDIT REGULATIONS Page 3 of 4 (i) Unless additional audit requirements are imposed by state or federal law, a state agency that provides financial assistance to an entity shall accept the audit required by this section in satisfaction of any other audit requirement. If additional audit work is necessary to meet the needs of a state agency, the audit work must be based on the audit required by this section and be paid for by the state agency. (j) A third part that receives financial assistance through a recipient entity, in an amount described in this section, is subject to the applicable requirements of this section. A recipient entity that disburses $150,000 or more in state financial assistance to a third party shall ensure that the third party complies with the requirements of this section. That recipient entity shall also ensure that appropriate corrective action is taken within six months after a third party's noncompliance with an applicable state statute or regulation, or financial assistance agreement, is disclosed. (k) The amended version of this section, effective on June 29, 1990, applies to an audit for a fiscal year that ends on or after June 30, 1990. (1) For purposes of this section, if an entity has not identified its fiscal year, that entity's fiscal year is July l through June 30. (m) Financial assistance in the following form is not included when calculating whether a recipient entity meets the threshold monetary requirement under (b) of this section:(1)state revenue sharing and municipal assistance money provided under AS 29.60.010-29.60375; (2)amusement and gaming tax money provided under AS 43.35.050; (3)aviation fuel tax money provided under AS 43.40.010; (4)electric/telephone tax money provided under AS 10.25.570; (5) liquor license tax money provided under AS 04.11.6110; (6) fisheries tax money provided under AS 43.75.130. (n) Financial assistance in a form listed in (m) of this section is not exempt from.compliance testing if the recipient entity meets the threshold monetary requirement under (b) of this section. (o) For purposes of this section, (1)"audit period” means recipient entity's fiscal year in which the entity received financial assistance. APPENDIX A - AUDIT REGULATIONS Page _4 of _4 Authority: (2)"entity” does not include the University of Alaska or any other state agency; (3)"financial assistance" means state grants, contracts, provider agreements, cooperative agreements, and all forms of state financial assistance to an entity, and includes all forms of state financial assistance provided through an entity to a third party; “financial assistance” does not include public assistance provided under AS 47; nor does "financial assistance" include goods or services purchased for the direct administration or operation of state government; for a third party, "financial assistance” does not include goods purchased from the third party by a recipient entity for the direct administration or operation of the recipient entity; (4) "state coordinating agency” means the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Office of the Governor, or OMB's designee. \ AS 37.05.020 AS 37.05.030 AS 37.05.190 IJ See nee en ee APPENDIX B — UNINCORPORATED COMMUNITIES PAGE _l]_ of _2 | PROGRAM OBJECTIVES Authorized under AS 37.05.317, these grants are made at the discretion of the Legislature. The grants are designated by the Legislature to be provided for a specific project or activity, in a specific unincorporated community. II. PROGRAM PROCEDURES Following enactment of the authorizing legislation, the department determines the entity within the community which is most capable of administering and completing the project. The Department then executes a grant agreement with the entity and which specifies the project to be undertaken. III. COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS AND SUGGESTED AUDIT PROCEDURES There are no specific grant regulations governing the administration of these grants. All compliance requirements and suggested audit procedures must be based upon specific provisions of the grant agreement. \ A. TYPES OF SERVICES ALLOWED OR UNALLOWED C li R ; ’ Grant funds can be expended for a variety of purposes as provided for in the authorizing legislation and as specified in the grant agreement. Suggested Audit Procedure , Test expenditure and related records. B. ELIGIBILITY The auditor is not expected to make tests for recipient eligibility. -Cs MATCHING, LEVEL OF EFFORT, AND/OR EARMARKING REQUIREMENTS Compliance Requirement Any matching, level of effort and/or earmarking requirements will be identified and established in the grant agreement. Suggested Audit Procedure 7 Review the grant agreement, identify any matching, level of effort and/or earmarking requirements, and verify that requirements were met. ats APPENDIX B- UNINCORPORATED COMMUNITIES PAGE _2. of _2 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS C 13 R : t The grant agreement will specify the reporting requirements the grantee is to adhere to. Suggested Audit Procedures e Examines copies of the reports and determine completeness and timeliness of submission in accordance with the grant agreement. ec Trace data in selected reports to underlying documentation. SPECIAL TESTS AND PROVISIONS C li R : t The grant agreements often contain specific provisions to which the grantee is to adhere. Suggested Audit Procedure be Review the grant agreement, identify any special provisions or requirements, and verify that they were met. TRIP REPORT - NOVEMBER 9-10, 1992 PERRYVILLE BF INSPECTION & PT. HEIDEN BF INVESTIGATION To: Project File From: Brian Gray tiA- Monday, 11/9/92: | departed Anchorage at 8:00 AM and arrived in Perryville at 12:30 PM. Weather was partly cloudy, breezy, and +35F. | was met at the airport by Richard Larson, Village Administrator. He took me to the recently completed community fuel oil storage facility. | inspected the facility and gathered data for preparation of the SPCC Plan and Operations Manual. We then went to the village office where | discussed facility operations and final improvements required with Richard. | departed Perryville at 2:30 PM and arrived in Pt. Heiden at 4:30 PM. Weather was overcast, windy, +35F. | was met at the airport by Lynn Carison, City Administrator. She drove me around and showed me the tank farms in the community. | then began to survey the fuel co-op gasoline tank farm but ran out of daylight. | met with Jens Carison, power plant operator, and Hank Matson, Mayor, and discussed the power plant upgrade, the current status of the fuel facilities, and potentials for upgrades. | spent the evening collecting as-built information on the power plant and fire station for design of a new waste heat recovery/remote radiator system as part of the power plant upgrade. | paid for lodging at the volunteer fire department. Wednesday, 10/7/92: Weather was mixed rain and snow, high winds, +30F. | met with Laura Christensen, manager of the Pt. Heiden Fuel Co-op and discussed current operations and possible options for upgrade. | then surveyed the power plant tank farm and the co-op gasoline and diesel fuel tank farms (all 3 facilities are owned by the City of Pt. Heiden). The power plant tank farm consists of a single 4,000 gallon “day” tank used to store diesel fuel for the electrical generators. The fuel co-op gasoline tank farm consists of two 18,000 gallon tanks used for storage and dispensing of gasoline into vehicles and containers. The co-op fuel oil tank farm consists of two 214,000 gallon tanks. One tank is operated by Reeve Aleutian Airways and is used to store jet fuel which is transported to smaller dispensing tanks at the airport via a 2" diameter above and below grade pipeline approximately 4 miles long. The other tank is operated by the co-op and is used to fill a tanker truck for delivery to the power plant, public buildings, and homes. Detailed field sketches and notes can be found in the community bulk fuel file. The city also owns 3 tanks approximately 20,000 gallons capacity each and 2 smaller tanks, all of which are available for any future upgrade project. There are 2 other bulk fuel facilities in the community, a single fuel tank approximately 10,000 gallons capacity at the school and several tanks ranging in size from 10,000 gallons to 1,000 gallons (approximately) belonging to Reeve and located at the airport. The school facility receives heating fuel delivery from the co-op by truck. The Reeve facility stores jet fuel and avgas for aircraft refueling and also some motor gasoline for retail sale. | did not have time to do a detailed survey of these facilities. The weather was marginal so | decided to catch the last flight of the day and not take a chance on getting stuck in Pt. Heiden for several days. | departed Pt. Heiden at 4:00 PM and arrived in King Salmon at 5:00 PM. | caught a ride into Naknek and met briefly with Meera Kohler, General Manager of Naknek Electric Association, and briefly inspected the proposed route of the new fill pipeline. | departed King Salmon at 7:15 PM and arrived in Anchorage at 8:30 PM. Conclusions/Recommendations: The new consolidated fuel facility in Perryville appears to meet all applicable code and regulation requirements and should serve the needs of the community for many years. Some minor improvements are required to fully complete the facility. The Pt. Heiden co-op gasoline tank farm is in extremely poor repair and should be renovated/replaced as soon as possible. The Pt. Heiden co-op diesel tank farm is in reasonable condition but the 4 mile pipeline serving the airport should be abandoned as soon as possible and Reeve should begin to use truck delivery. PHEIBGR1 | | ORIGINAL i Form 9180-6 UNITED STATES 4 8 ea oa DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 8 BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT FIELD NOTES or U.S. SURVEY NO. 3 PERRYVILLE TOWNSITE LOCATED AT PERRYVILLE, ALASKA ON THE SOUTH COAST OF THE ALASKA PENINSULA ESTABLISHMENT OF U.S. LOCATION MONUMENT NO. 4993 _ AND THE DEPENDENT RESURVEY OF U.S. SURVEY NO. 2040 Of the ALASKA In the State of EXECUTED BY MASON W. THAYER, SUPERVISORY CADASTRAL SURVEYOR Under special instructions dated ____ TUNE 10 __ 19 69 _, which provided for the surveys U.S. SURVEY included under camagNunber "993, approved _JUNE 10, 1969 and euaigament instroctions:dated = SUME 12 |. "19 69 Survey commenced JUNE 23 Survey completed JULY 10 2b PO A IR IER 1 ron ee ede eat AS vi gE te RY a pes aR MIA Nb ish Tet U. S. SURVEY NO. 4993. ALASK This survey was ‘commenced June 23, 1969, and was executed in accordance with the specifications as set forth in the Mamal of Surveying Instructions, 1947, and the Special Instructions dated June 10, 1969. The approximate geographic position at corner No. 1, as scaled from U.S. Geological Survey map, STEPOVAK BAY (D-4}, Alaska, 1963 edition, is Latitude 55° 54.6" North, Longitude 159° 09.0" West. The azimuth of all lines was determined by deflection angles from.a true meridian obtained by a.m. and p.m. observations of the sun. The iron posts referred to in these field notes, are filled with concrete, unless otherwise stated. The magnetic declination is 19° East. PRELIMINARY STATEMENT U.S. Survey No. 2040 was included as blocks in U.S. Survey No. 4993. a There being no remaining evidence of U.S. Location Monu- ment No. 2040, I established U.S. Location Monument No. 4993, Begin at true point for meander cor. No. 1, on the northerly shore of the Pacific Ocean, Alaska Peninsula; unsafe place for a monument. N. 30° 08' W., on line 1-2. Ovex nearly level land, through grass with a few clumps “| of low alder. (1.5152 chs.) Point selected for witness meander cor. No. 1. . Set an iron post, 30 ins. long, 2% ins. diam., 20 ins. in the ground, with brass cap mkd. Sh993 cl we Mc 1969 dig pits, 18 x 18 x 12 ins., NW. on survey line, 3 and 6 ft, dist. (8.5386 chs.) Point for cor. No. 2. Set an iron post, 30 ins. long, 2% ins. diam., 20 ins. in the ground, with brass cap mkd. & c2 1969 Fores 9 9180-7 oe 1964) Uormerty 46730) Dae oe MeeaK BAERS 4: ‘ U.S. SURVEY NO. 4993, ALASKA XOOOK | dig pits, 18 x 18 x 12 ins., NE. and SE. on survey lines, FEET | 3 ft. dist. N. 59° 52° E., on line 2-3. Over nearly level land, through scattering clumps of low alder. 30.00 | (0.4545 chs.) Centerline terminus, Kris Jane Street. Set an iron post, 30 ins. long, 2 ins. diam., 12 ins. below the surface of ground, with brass cap mkd. $4993 afk + 1969 No accessories taken. 1062.95 | (16.1053 chs.) Point for cor. No. 3. Set an iron post, 30 ins. long, 25 ins. diam., 18 ins. in the ground, with brass cap mkd. Bee Sh993 | 3 | BL 14 1969 dig pits, 18 x 18 x 12 ins., NE. and SW. on survey lines 3 ft. dist. N, 58° 01' 39" E., on line 3-4, Over nearly level land, through scattering alder. 425 (6.44 chs.) W, bank of shallow slough, 88 ft. wide, bears NW, and SE, 513 (7.77 chs.) E. bank of slough, | 655.08 | (9.9255 chs.)° Point selected for witness cor. No. 4, Set an iron post, 30 ins, long, 25 ins. diam., 20 ins. in the ground, with brass cap mkd, $4993 ch : 1969 dig pits, 18 x 18 x 12 ins., NE, and SW. on survey lines, 3 ft. dist.” ~ - (10.68 chs.) Southerly bank of same slough bears NW, and SE, ~ (11.0921 chs.) True point for cor. No. 4; not momumented N, 54° 47" 05" E., on line 4-5, Romane gait 742/82 Region 3 491 U.S. SURVEY NO. 4993, ALASKA Over water. (0.45 chs.) Northerly bank of same slough bears NW. and SE. (1.52 chs.) Southerly bank of slough bears NW. and SE. (2.65 chs.) Northerly bank of slough bears NW. and SE. (3.9044 chs.) Point for cor. No. 5. Set. an iron post, 30 ins. long, 2% ins. diam., 20 ins. in the ground,. with brass cap mkd. Braille 4 $4993 mail cs BL1 1969 dig pits, 18 x 18 x 12 ins., SW. and NE. on survey lines, 3 ft. dist. . | 8. 86° 50" 00" E., on line 5-6. Over nearly level ground, through scattering alder. (2.0151 chs.) Point for cor. No. 6. Set an iron post, 30 ins. long, 25 ins. diam., 20 ins. in the ground, with brass cap mkd, a S4993 cé 1969 dig pits, 18 x 18 x 12 ins., NW. and NE. on survey lines, 3 ft. dist. from this corner Cor. No. 4 of U.S. Survey No. 2040, identical to the NE. cor. of Block 8 monumented with a 2k x 9 x 5 ins. granite stone, firmly set, extending 21 ins. above the ground and mkd. "USSR 2040" across apex and opposite Ch with across for the true point, bears S. 68° 5h" E., ne 10.8410 chs. dist. At this point, set an iron post, 30 ins. long, 3s ins. diam., 20 ins. in the ground, with brass cap mkd. we + 1969 Bury original stone alongside the W.P, From cor, No, 4, U.S. Survey No. 2040, point for cor, No. 3, U.S. Survey No. 2040, as shown me by Enil Kosbruk, (resident of the village since its founding) bears N. 86° 50° W., 8.0000 chs. dist. At the cor, point, bury a granite stone, 4 x 12 x 14 ins., found loose under school building nearby, mkd. with a cross for the true point with "USSR 2040" on apex and C3 on the opposite side. There was no remaining evidence of witness cor. for Form 9180~7 (October 1964) (formerly 4-673») USDI—BLM FIELD NOTE PAPER seas wah emadiapaibagieg srreeadbetatihite ry Sater re vi ea pine ae 492 U.S. SURVEY NO. 4993, ALASKA meander cor. No. 1 or witness cor. for meander cor. No. 2. N. 3° 10' 00" E., on line 6-7. Over nearly level land, through scattering alder. 487.00 | (7.3788 chs.) Point for cor. No. 7. Set. an iron post, 30 ins. long, 2% ins. diam., 2h ins. in the ground, with brass cap mkd. 1cT : BL 21 1969 4 dig pits, 18 x 18 x 12 ins., SW. and SE. on survey lines, 3 ft. dist. 2 S. 86° 50" 00" E., on line 7-8.. Over nearly level land, through small clumps of alder. TT0 (11.67 chs.) Westerly bank of lake bears N. and S. 1071.16 | (16.2297 chs.) True point for cor. No. 8 in lake; not monumented. S. 3° 10° 00" W., on line 8-9. Over water. i 190 (2.88 chs.) Southerly bank of lake bears E. and W. 277.00 |(4.1970 chs.) Point selected for witness cor. No, 8. } Set an iron post, 30 ins. long, 2s ins, diam., 20 ins. in the ground, with brass cep rkd. f shg993 c8 BL2 il 1969 jaig pits, 18 x 18 x 12 ins., NE. and SW. on survey lines, 3 ft. dist. JU.S. Location Monument No. 4993, hereinafter described, bears S. 41° 07' E., 1196.69 (18.1317 chs.) dist. 970.00 |(14.6970 chs.) Centerline terminus, Third Avenue. t+ an iron post, 30 ins, long, 2 ins. diam., 12 ins. ow the surface of ground, with brass cap mkd. 3 8993 by Md ‘ | Ole MS | 7 __ & US, Government Printing Office: 1974-781-742/382 Regions eine TRIO DH IRS 493 U.S. SURVEY WO. 4993, ALASKA No accessories taken. (23.5606 chs.) Centerline terminus, First Avenue. Set an iron post, 30 ins. long, 2% ins. diam., 12 ins. below the surface of ground, with brass cap mkd. Sh993 + 1969 No accessories taken. (24.2439 chs.) Point selected for witness meander cor. No. 9. Set an iron post, 30 ins. long, 2% ins. diam., 20 ins. =. in the ground, with brass cap mkd. Sh993 cg WCMC 1969 dig pits, 18 x 18 x 12 ins., NE. on survey lines, 3 and 6 ft. dist. 1 | (25.3339 chs.) True point for meander cor. No. 9, on the northerly shore of the Pacific Ocean; unsafe place for a | monument. Thence with the meanders of the northerly shore of the Pacific Ocean. Along a smooth sandy beach. S, 88° 43" 00" W., 361.09 ft. (5.4711 chs,) At 331.00 ft. (5.0152 chs.) on this course, point for SW, meander cor. of Block 43 not monu- mented. At end of course, intersect centerline terminus C Street; not monumented. 8. 87° 36' 00" W., 769.76 ft. (11.6630 chs.) At 30.14 ft. (0.4567 chs.) on this course, point for SE. meander cor. of Block 5; not monu- ¥ - mented. At 7hh.39 ft. (11.2786 chs.) on this course, point. for the SW. meander cor. of Block 5; net monumented. At end of course, intersect centerline terminus, B Street; not monumented. S. 88° 02" 00" W., 420.92 ft. (6.3776 chs.) At 25.33 ft. - . (0.3838 chs.) on this course, point for the SE, meander corj == of Block 12; not monumented. "5 9180-7 (October 1964) (formerly 4-673») Re 8 yah Nae Rader 2 oo iO tA EB he BN hi GG 49 U.S. SURVEY NO. 4993, ALASKA en - At 395.58 ft. (5.9936 chs.) on this course, point for the SW. meander cor. of Block 12; not monumented. At end of course, intersect centerline terminus, A Stre: not monumented. S. 76° 31’ 00" W., 1083.93 ft. (16.4232 chs.) At 26.75 ft. (0.4053 chs.) on this course, point for the SE. meander cor. of Block 13; not monumented. At 1021.31 ft. (15.4744 chs.) on this course, point for the SW. meander cor. of Block 13; not monumented. At 1052.62 ft. (15.9488 chs.) on this course, intersect centerline terminus, Kris Jane Street; not monumented. At end of course, point for meander cor. No. 1, the point of beginning. ADDITIONAL MEANDERS From meander cor. No, 1, thence with meanders of the Pacific Ocean along line of mean high tide. S, 71° 30° W., 660 ft., (10.00 chs.) From meander cor, No. 9, thence with meanders of the Pacific Ocean along line of mean high tide. S. 85° 00' E., 660 ft., (10.00 chs.) ESTABLISHMENT OF U.S, LOCATION MONUMENT NO. 4993 There being no remaining evidence of U.S. Location Monument No. 2040, or other acceptable monuments within the area, it was necessary to establish U.S. Location Monument No. 4993. At the top of a 32 ft. rounded hill, I set an iron post, 30 ins. long, 2% ins. diam., 18 ins. in the ground, with brass cap mkd. USIM + 4993 1969 from which “@ig pits, 18 x 18 x 12 ing., N, and S, _ of monument, 3 ft. dist | ei 3 ft, base, 3 ft. Ratse a mound of stone, high E. of post. 495 U.S. SURVEY NO. 4993, ALASKA Witness cor. No. 8, U.S. Survey No. 4993, hereinbefore described, bears N. 41° 07' W., 1196.69 ft. (18.1317 chs.) dict. Witness meander cor. No. 9, U.S. Survey No. 4993, hereinbefore described, bears S. 64° 00° W., 956.87 ft. (14.4980 chs.) dist. U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey triangulation station STAR, bears S. 45° 26" W, Cross on steeple of church bears N. 88° 40" W. SUBDIVISION OF U.S. SURVEY NO. 4993 The subdivision of U.S. Survey No. 4993, townsite of Perryville, consists of surveying and monumenting the street centerlines, block boundaries, and subdividing the blocks into lots. All details as to bearings anc lengths of interior lines, widths of streets, boundaries and areas of lots and bloc’ are carried to the plat and are omitted from these field notes. The monumentation in this survey consists of iron posts, 30 ins. long, 2s ins, diam., with a brass cap; Copperweld posts, of which the word Copperweld is a trade name for @ copper-coated steel rod, 36 ins. long, 9/16 in. diam, with a brass cap; and iron reds, 30 ins. long, 5/8 in. diam., with aluminum caps. All block and lot corner monuments ere eppropriate_y marked with the block and lot lines and the block and lot numbers. All street centerline monuments are set below the surface and the brass caps marked with the survey number, a@ cross for the true point, and the date, 1969. Each corner monumented is marked by symbol and described by legend on the plat. GENERAL DESCRIPTION This survey, comprising the townsite of Perryville, is located on the south coast of the Alaska Peninsula. The land is low and nearly level, with an average elevati of about 4 ft. above extreme high tide and about 8 ft. above mean high tides covered with grass and low clumps of alder. The soil is mostly a sandy loam mixed with coarse gravel. No timber of any variety is to be found, and very little undergrowth. 9180-7 (October 1964) (formerty 4-673») USDI—BLM NESTS RIE! 5 . Pe —BL ; i 4),FIELDNOTE PAPER ip oe ms "= a Form 9180-8 . Pyare STATES Eel ae est 496 Minch 1969) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR i BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT = 0 A __. FIELD ASSISTANTS > NAMES . tees | SY Re, capaci ® SE ee eS Willard Morena | Surveying Ala © a. ee Maynard Taylor “* wm - ” + lA io Be x 5 on Steven Novelli ‘ . 0 8 yy es * = , é : ; . + trae eae at nS See “ . Pa sf te ¢ % ¥ é - “ = . | -9- 437 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY @ wen Mason W. Thayer . HEREBY CERTIFY upon honor that, in pursuance of special instructions bearing date of the 10th day of June ,19 69, (DXhave surveyed U.S. Survey No. 4993, Perryville Townsite, located at Perryville, Alaska, on the south coast of the Alaska Peninsula and established U.S. Location Monument No. 4993, and dependently resurveyed U.S. Survey No. 2040 of the Meridian, in the State of Alaska » which are represented in the foregoing field notes as having been executed by (me), S9s2 and under (my) Qom direction; and that said survey has been made in strict conformity with said special instruc- tions, the Manual of Instructions for the Survey of the Public Lands of the United States, and in specific manner described in the foregoing field notes. U-12-hs Dita Wd Zara’ Date) (ECEN00Gs0Snat Mason W. Thayer, Supervisory Cadastral Surveyor (Date) (Cadastral Surveyor) CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL SUBMITTEI BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT SUBLTIED F,PPROAL serena The foregoing field notes of the , survey of U.S. Survey No. 4993, Perryville Townsite, located at Perryville, Alaska, on the south coast of the Alaska Peninsula and the establishment of U.S. Location Monument No. 4993, Alaska, and the dependent resurvey of U.S. Survey No. 2040 executed by Mason W. Thayer, Supervisory Cadastral Surveyor having been critically examined and found correct, are hereby approved. APR__ 8 B75 18 saan (Date) As (Ch.ci, Division of Cadastral Survey) 2 Vv PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE _|_ OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR: 7. WJluitcom& Date: Tine 2, 1992 WEATHER (AM): WEATHER (PM):_[uinds 255E fohe rain ¥S°F EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): None used site selection begun monume,T located Partial nuentory of 2 hs CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): - tray Ile, D, d_ Anchorage _/|:/0_g.m. rived Port Heiden 12:45 pm. Departed Port Heiden 3'00 Qu. aeri vec! Peecyuille 3: ight SF winds E 2s A. Met ‘chard larson, ! ZT CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT / PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE 2 OF___ ON-SITE SUPERVISOR:_T. (Whitcomb Date:_Tune 31992 WEATHER (AM): Wide SE 35 92°F rain WEATHER (PM): EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, eee: pees, Etc.): ~ Chock CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): aw, i l, t tka fan. ike pl ‘ take gdy . sl San A Rowiewed Korluk SPCC Play, anol Ops Manuel . CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE _3_ OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR:_7, UWhiteomS 7.5 Date:_Joune 4 1992 WEATHER (AM): _WWind SE fo. v5 %F cloudy WEATHER (PM): inde £ 25 4225 pau) EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): ! V pins AS EC CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): ain ventory, morterials - MA SSiNG ake deem boot -weld flanges 2") CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE 7 OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR: 7. Whites m4 nee Date:__ Jerne 5/972 WEATHER (AM):_Winds E15, 43°F, cain ~WEATHER (PM):_(W nde E10, 95°F Vg ltTr en EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): JD 450 6/zhys. Fuel £ freg ue hag i Bsrrpwed pi,’ CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): Daw Steff an avi veel aX 12!30 purrs Je Settled OR began Work CL 1:30, Reviewed drawings ng erplasned plans - Changed filter om ID dozer caved 14 th £1 some of di ozer Neede t er 4 beach » Too much sex —tr_iwheeled oder. Sta poled work aT 2:22 pm. CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE 5 OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR:_7 Whitcomb —_j) Date: Tisne 6 1292 i nterma Hert WEATHER (AM): (Jins £ /o 40°F light rain WEATHER (PM):_Qinds calm 48° cl say EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): Se Fuel fitter Kee cloggs, E neve Tank ¥ CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): ~ chered move ak be 7 ‘ ed 13 A 2. 2 ‘eo 3 V2 s ¢ ‘ Cleared ¢ ode 4 . I: “Ke b abl CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE 6 OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR:_T Whitcom’ J Date:_Jene 7.17272 Sunde WEATHER (AM): (jets /D WE cl end 4 ASF WEATHER (PM):_ winds W/E /o Sd, clouds, EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, ee Etc.): Batteries jn - inn b 2 CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): worked mp __ceplac et ba N to site aud —dnzer wrod’ 4 Cum pL oper ly s - ae & far Batteries wear 2 + cterted, 3 CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE _7_ OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR:_7 Whi teoms Date: June 8 1992 - Mapes WEATHER (AM): Vp pinch clene 95° WEATHER (PM): Ae wv e/og p 5X EQUIPMENT ee, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): pump ¢ Aes clas . Used - renrys CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): Fw Dan sorks en doger + dump truck | both Praath, working , Finck Clearing ike ote . lo'/ f 50'ki30 posch cleaved of DVer or CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE _¢__ OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR:_Z. Wh} Feo Date:_ Juno % /272 Tae selas WEATHER (AM): eile) 45 WEATHER (PM):_Wa wine perthy clauady £0 EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): 52 ! : a of - ! by vill last. CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): Day - Morning - fines Seu! guile on dike, Clear path +o gravel et uns let "s : Kin C Ls ere an road fer truck IZ Vahes. TC deeme duwyo truck, in A CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE _7_ OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR:_7 hitc. 4 Date:_ J nc OLIVE WEATHER (AM):_C Joudy, pa with, devzele WEATHER (PM):_Dy/ezle ng wird 4/5? 40 EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): 450 - Mecnive. a ba tteves, Ty CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): an - break rock alre wm dike 1 1 les cena ist fy CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE /2 OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR:_7. Whi tcomS Date:_Ji., !) Th, WEATHER (AM): fz th, Chudy 45 WEATHER (PM):_Portly chuds $8 EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): ye D 75> Olis Wee, pume eT nT rome y L t rn ay v Je ~ he CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): 0? \ 1 he Used ec 250 Vas level i CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE _|/_ OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR: Wt cambo 1-8 Date:_ Tune (2 fA WEATHER (AM): Hens om 40° WEATHER (PM):_Heary hoy ur za EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): JD 350 mene work om dike 4p S hus. CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): one L A CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE (2 OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR: 7. Whitest 7.4 Date: Dune JS Ser WEATHER (AM):_Heacy fo 4 as WEATHER (PM):_san2 WINkSE 35 EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): Nip CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): akin Water CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE _(3 OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR:_T lutemt 2.5 Date:_Ting 14 Sun WEATHER (AM): actly Che 45° WEATHER (PM): Porth, tlrwcly GF 8° Colm colm EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): | D_445o D hes. 7 New Wate —_— instal nN ) S f x , J 1c £ 2) tol led Lek ney hoses ¢ bet ree ze 2 CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): nd Tim ater dl Past in CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE /+_ OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR:_T. thitemns 12h. Date:_June ss Mim WEATHER (AM): fartly lady 0° WEATHER (PM):_Fartty C/suol, witals SE 20 45 0 WRASSE 10 EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): ala Y fs 2 nee |= sok pubic Ima rpg i A a a eee al ladle henge ae CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): Pam d Tm mane york - dike 3 se reaches L nos {$¢ gaa de ready fur Wror CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE _/5 OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR: 7. Whites me Date:_ Jorn. Je Tues WEATHER (AM): Heevutig, rain 90° _ WEATHER (PM):_ scm Winds SE IF EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): Duro Toueb | by CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): 8 6 Y ra 4 é ca + Cavol - d ch Sor_|, Y_ Some Sense post oles lou geo -teatile start hinge CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): Dana Tim - Mic oisraalis/apesitotadike eG 6 ¢ efore ai iH) ino 3 7.5 +3 Ps ed kK A SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE _/6 OF__ ON-SITE SUPERVISOR:_Z— d+ Date:_Tiang 12 Wed | WEATHER (AM): Heavy fag, winde SE 3S WEATHER (PM):_carna Mun) 4o° EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): TD 450 2Rbhr Ford 250 is he = dig trench ee Aoim ine CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours —— Accomplishments, Units of Production): S. B i Cont Joes Pla bream = 553A SEE EERE assisted , ; |,acr, UG ruck +0 unje »lA Vr er, CREW #2 ACTIVITIES memes Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): aot se put tanks an saddles Tim, = Dig re or drain Ing hes 7543.5 compost A coun he french awn Aepayt 6:30 ». SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE |) _ OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR: 7. Whutesm& Date:_ Fine 18.1972 Thur WEATHER (AM): _Clivdy | cgin 95? WEATHER (PM):_/ ai pon col 45? EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): Zee CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): edges HN see an Covered with ¢g after plo Nera pasts sere placa on liner to hold in glace. CREW #2 ACTIVITIES eet Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): cali place drain pipe - a aes trom = move sanel te —dike , remove start DSi sd SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE /2 OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR: 7. [Jh: trom. Date: PZ WEATHER (AM): Cloud colm 45° WEATHER (PM): C/, ud 1 a to 35 pe 48° EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): 5 replaced ti 0 — Truck b des CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of A Froduction): ke to Bruce , Carol, Muses, Glyie penn Ghes vake stl 4 tall ee \ 4 ons / CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): Wn uc ter jh d sed 40 dike cupyvis KEY, a SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE (9 OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR: 7. Why teen Date: 2. So WEATHER (AM): C hswc wlG com 45° WEATHER (PM):__c lonley clam 4p? Viinds 4, 20 SE EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): ay 2450 1% hes D — ruck | Ohys SEER CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): Moses -Phrs regared shovels lect { ct sts (1° pos in Cemy r) , ( Toann - hy vele cosel. I~ ra uw v CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): Tim - Move gaa rel_ fy ike Jods 4” ns grape with pecass/ oral larger ck - emsved losger rotks SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE 2, OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR: 7 lhitcomés Date:_ Tine 22,1992 Mon WEATHER (AM):_¢ (uudy wirdst)o 45% sain WEATHER (PM): Bosh 6 EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): — T2452 bls Booe Truth Lhr CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): 5es « Bruce hrs Set ts astall 22 50 a c di ke Va hes ve items ar vt 4 bottoms (vert «Lh $ Thanns Gloria 3/2 hes move items Grounol. clean aren CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): af - hel mire tonks + set 20,200 gal tank Lefont optrarery ) Push sre york io ohio and co gence Zhe 7.5 2,5 i [ire Stem F hes work a Wke grade + level 20,0 00 gallon dork Was badly dyed. an the bottom So the tank was rotated 180° and the sadalles wielded ty ihe wns the te of zhe tonk . Saddle « St Ll “cb <_ moke com¥aet on entre tink Su chase . SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE 247 OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR:_T Why ¥en Date: Jin, 27/972 Saturday WEATHER (AM):_[eoin 75 2 WEATHER (PM): sas~< EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): Bree, Moses - jnstoll fencing marer tal (ice) EB hee. alehn 1 Ars as above CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): Lim ~ yastall fank flarge pasters 17 fitugs FST SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE22_ OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR: 7, Whit enn Date:_ Tire 28 972 WEATHER (AM):_ fan 4 8° wind SE 20 WEATHER (PM):_ sane EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): N OD Creag: CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): | Tim -_ assist welders pun certs instal dike liner foot, Por. wed Pak bine vs wid [ne anol Lf 10S 3 ke fea . fi "ding anol Ly, / 5 ! Xn Hirgs —-- le feal SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE 2¢ OF___ ON-SITE SUPERVISOR: 7 Whi tenn Date:_Jine 79 1222 WEATHER (AM): Clowes 18° nbn WEATHER (PM):_ sane EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): D ¥50 a hy - more Lo nor CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): Bruce MNase: 8 hes a3stall femes matenal Ithn Y_hes i i : CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): Tim - C4 pipe lines, Pound Dilesksi iin fii og s tg Ltemsel anol } Leads S¥2pacel- PST Poisheel aad devant ferryville % Ipimn ~ . {did YN ¥- bet \t gh dike 4 tanks — = SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE _27_ OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR: TWh + csmte Date:_ June 30,992 WEATHER (AM): cL nus 47? WEATHER (PM):__ Senne EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): JD 450 | CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): —Brus30c Moses B hes fence. ins telhaty or» Area. lean CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): Ame assisted (a grea — Ruvewe copeed with Li hazol Lesson, Indicated miner task ceguuited for projecd tonyHe tr : Dep ares! Reryville sais SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE _—OF__— ON-SITE SUPERVISOR: Date: WEATHER (AM): WEATHER (PM): EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE ___ OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR: Date: WEATHER (AM): WEATHER (PM): EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR: Date: WEATHER (AM): WEATHER (PM): EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE___OF__— ON-SITE SUPERVISOR: Date: WEATHER (AM): WEATHER (PM): EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE ___OF__ ON-SITE SUPERVISOR: Date: WEATHER (AM): WEATHER (PM): EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT PERRYVILLE CONSOLIDATED BULK FUEL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY DAILY REPORT PAGE__OF__ ON-SITE SUPERVISOR: Date: WEATHER (AM): WEATHER (PM): EQUIPMENT (Description, Hours Used, Fuel Used, Problems, Maintenance, Etc.): CREW #1 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): CREW #2 ACTIVITIES (Names, Hours Worked, Accomplishments, Units of Production): SIGNATURE OF ON-SITE SUPERVISOR DAILYRPT a | 1] it} WPrcnmciiete owns S aeres + surrounoling || Ocemnsidle will own SF acres I BBA C puns subsurface i Jack Mores «© Deeomsices and pecsm opasted Mick “hsm Arcived Peery ville Spm. | Met Richard Locsen - uty ad ministator ~ toured pried ste. Tok | inaos ure mops ; | Measured 3 tenks near aur pert, All oppor” Souncl | Measured 3 Hinks rear village Mice» Al appear Sevadl. 20,000, poh or+ swoull be Of alt +o. move. Proposed they be plugged trol floaved % | new site. Chu on Kasia be lity. (6315 Richad Larsen come to moot, We discussed farck emmersheyp issues, liability sssues , basic pleas or. dike : 17500 rat other Jonk Gummer. Explasned AFA’s proposed trrolve mar , | tam Fequtee monh.. Several times stressed that tonks must moX cde fo be px into _diked area: "Sethacd lesion ‘sad how jf sickhceat Sfuads | @ce owarlable the grad monty will be useol Yo help wyogrocds vadavi Ma | Toms 4 otherwise ewer are cespensible for it. Village grand po be used {ie construct heoder ‘0 cock tenk dnd suygoks punp: Also dis ucseol | drain options . Also wore proplem in tenks. Put Oran in unuged Cad of dock Mins +p cleoin warer »neot sump or Senettang. Make ake t big Cavey h Sor cdot onal tenks, posit ly lease several Spurs. 1 All Seema amsamoable to posh tanks in dike. Diseuscod posarhs lity 4 08 dike additim fer drum storage . Discussed possi of o fence . | Told Vek no dis ponsitg Who vehicles or tus a Service SY¥o% on, } I Mocking adit oboat 8 pm. il ie me fesry\hlle bield Notes hose bh, Casta Lyche Cefection 200 ¢ 5 M2 OPW m2zle a E - vent use Zen ts regulor vend , Soy Fees fet Stk yedwed and oogped an ET'10" ~ Cate Bets At L0OK AP. semen Tose mene F sea wu we Pet saa oe Sern awe hae onc 7 vein cnoss oastac rae (TP 12) TRON, TWH FOUNOATON ‘ TOS mace om Be ee etna cers. ‘TANK FARM DETALS ‘State of Noska ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY iter soonest ER. oy oe oe aan — [oes eo eee pvu-auo | Qor 2 eee VVVVVVV VV VV VV OV VY a i i i i i i i 4 TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK TANK #9 #10 #5 #2 #3 #4 #1 #6 ” 5000 3600 5200 3600 5300 1700 3600 20,000 FoR FUTURE TARR GAL GAL. GAL. GAL. GAL. GAL. GAL. CAL. CONNECTION (TYP 5) 2 : 11 i 9.6, pra 11'_9.¢. 0.¢. / 3’ BLIND FLANGE a FOR FUTURE TANK CONNECTION TANK TANK TANK #13 #14 #11 5200 3600 5100 GAL. GAL. GAL. 2" i i 7 = 3’x2’ REDUCER PTOI LOO EE X Geet a / >\ >a TRANSFER PUMP 2 4’ MAN GATE 6’ HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE NOTE: HATCHING INDICATES POSSIBLE LOCATION OF NEW TANKS TO BE INSTALLED AS NEEDED. TANK #12 Zz SS 3"x2" REDUCER 10° NOTE: DIKE CAPACITY IS 51,250 GALLONS PLUS 12" FREEBOARD PACIFIC OCEAN CONERAL NOTES 1, TMS PROMECT 1S TO CONSOUDATE DUSTING GULK FUEL TANKS IN THE VILAGE OF PERRWIELLE. 2. TYE TAM Fama WAL BE USED TO STORE DIESEL FUEL FOR OME HEATING AND ELECTRICAL ‘3. PROJECT SCOPE INCLUDES MOVING ALL EXISTING TAI. INTHE COMMUNTY 10 THE NEWLY CoNsTRUCTED ‘BxCeD i Peace PERRYVELE BULK FUEL UPGRADE mE ‘SITE PLAN ‘State of Aoska ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Stag We Jonas ov st avon [oacren om Fae awe Seer ined Be Taw APPR BY: PVu-SiT ATE: 16 a a2 [SCA to Mo 2 Attn: Richard Larsen The Alaska Energy Authority, acting at the request of the Perryville Village Administrator, Richard Larsen, and on behalf of the Village of Perryville seeks a firm fixed-price quote for "heightless" saddles for the following horizontal tanks. Please respond as soon as convienent, as the order will be placed in time to have the saddles on a barge in three weeks for shipment to Perryville. In your response please indicate nominal dimensions of saddles for shipping purposes. Please fax your response to the Energy Authority at 561-8584. If you have questions please call Richard Larsen at 853-2203 or Tim Whitcomb at 561-7877. Saddles for tanks in Perryville TANK # 1 2 3 10 11 12 13 14 Tim Whitcomb DIAMETER 72" 72" 96" 60" 82" 120" 75" 91" 93" 72" 74" 96" a Remote Systems Engineer | saddata/4-10 # SADDLES 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 (SKID MOUNTED) (VERTICAL TANK) (VERTICAL TANK) (SKID MOUNTED) (SKID MOUNTED) VOLUME 3700 3700 5400 1700 5200 GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL 19000 GAL 3000 4400 5000 3600 5050 3500 5300 3550 GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL GAL PRICE DIMENSION TANKS.XLS LENGTH] DIAMETER |# OF TANKS| VOLUME SURFACE AREA| |TIMBER _|CUMAREA 17.3 6 1 3659 _|GAL 383 SF 18) 383 14.3 8 1 5377 460 27| 460 12 5 1 1763 228 9| 228 14.5 7.833 1 5227 453 26 453 32 10 1 18801 1162 94 1162 14 7.75 1 4940 435 25| 435 17.25 6 1 3648 382 18| 382 15.25 | 6.167 1 3408 355 17/355 14 8 1 5264 452 26| 452 14 7.833 1 5047 441 25| 441 6 1 3560 18 PAD VOL DIKE VOL 0 -18 Page 1 TANK REQUIREMENTS The following is a list of items that each tank that is going into the diked area needs to comply with the appropriate codes. No tank should be put into the dike without these items. Tank #1 lea. 8" emergency vent lea. 2" vent 1ea. 2" steel ball valve lea. steel skid or blocking lea. 2" flex coupling (1 fixed - 1 floating flange) Tank #2 lea. 2" vent lea. 2" steel ball valve lea. steel skid or blocking lea. 2" flex coupling (1 fixed - 1 floating flange) Tank #3 1 ea. 6" emergency vent 1 ea. 4" vent 1 ea. 2" steel ball valve 1 ea. steel skid or blocking lea. 2" flex coupling (1 fixed - 1 floating flange) Tank #4 1 ea. 6" emergency vent 2 ea. 4" vents 1 ea. 2" steel ball valve lea. 2" flex coupling (1 fixed - 1 floating flange) Tank #5 lea. 8" emergency vent lea. 2" vent 1 ea. 2" steel ball valve 1 ea. steel skid or blocking lea. 2" flex coupling (1 fixed - 1 floating flange) Tank #6 lea. 6" emergency vent lea. 4" vent lea. 2" steel ball valve 1 ea. steel skid or blocking lea. 2" flex coupling (1 fixed - 1 floating flange) Tank #7 1 ea. 8" emergency vent 1 ea. 2" steel ball valve lea. 2" flex coupling (1 fixed - 1 floating flange) Tank #8 1 ea. 8" emergency vent 1 ea. 2" steel ball valve lea. 2" flex coupling (1 fixed - 1 floating flange) Tank #9 Tank #10 Tank #11 Tank #12 Tank #13 Tank #14 lea lea lea. lea. lea lea lea. lea. lea. lea. lea. lea. lea. lea. lea. lea. lea. lea. 24 e: 24e lea lea lea. lea. lea. lea lea tankneed/TJW/ 11-91 . 8" emergency vent . 2" steel ball valve . steel skid or blocking . 2" flex coupling (1 fixed - 1 floating flange) . 6" emergency vent . 4" vent . 2" steel ball valve . steel skid or blocking 2" flex coupling (1 fixed - 1 floating flange) 6" emergency vent 4" vent 2" steel ball valve 2" flex coupling (1 fixed - 1 floating flange) 6" emergency vent 4" vent 2" steel ball valve . steel skid or blocking . 2" flex coupling (1 fixed - 1 floating flange) a. 6" machine bolts a. 4" springs . 2" steel ball valve . 2" flex coupling (1 fixed - 1 floating flange) 6" emergency vent 3" vent 2" steel ball valve . steel skid or blocking . 2" flex coupling (1 fixed - 1 floating flange) PERRYVILLE BULK FUEL TANK FARM CONSOLIDATION DESIGN Liner and Geo-textile Earthen Dike ITEM QUANTITY UNIT RATE | COST 4500] sq. ft. | $2.00 $9,000 200}cu. yd. $15.00 $3,000 Gravel Pad 200|cu. yd. $20.00 $4,000 Stairs (steel) 1] ea $2,500.00 $2,500 Fence (6’ high, chain link) 420] lin. ft. $20.00 $8,400 Portable Dike Drainage Pump Tank Removal and Reinstallation (< 10,000 gal) 1] ea $500.00 $500 Tank Removal and Reinstallation (10,000 - 50,000 gal) Timbers, 6"x6" 12] ea $1,500.00 $18,000 2| ea $2,500.00 $5,000 672} lin. ft $7.00 $4,704 Emergency Vent (modified manhole) Emergency Vent (normal) Sandblast and Paint Tank New Tank Saddle (< 10,000 gal) Concrete Pad for Dispensing Pump (4’x4’x10") 2| ea $200.00 $400 12] ea $850.00 | _ $10,200 6000] sq. ft. $2.50 $15,000 12] ea $800.00 $9,600 Weather Shelter for Dispensing Pump (4’x4’) New Fuel Transfer Pump 1 $300.00 $60.00 $300 $2,000.00 Flex Connectors $150.00 New Welded 3" Schedule 40 Steel Pipe, Coated $25.00 220) lin. ft. $17.00 New Welded 2" Schedule 40 Steel Pipe, Coated , Pressure Relief Valve (1 per line) 2] ea $200.00 $400 Gate Valve, 3" Steel 3] ea $450.00 $1,350 Gate Valve, 2" Steel 12] ea | $300.00 | $3,600 Check Valve, 3" Steel 1] ea $450.00 | $450 Spill Containment (1/2 barrel set in ground) . 1 ea $100.00 | $100 New warning and Identification Signs $50.00 $500 SPCC Plan and Operations Manual PROJECT CONTINGENCY SUBTOTAL $108,304 MOBILIZATION AND OVERHEAD $21,661 BOND AND INSURANCE | $3,249 CONTRACTOR PROFIT $13,321 CONSTRUCTION SUBTOTAL $146,535 DESIGN $14,654 SUPERVISION, INSPECTION & ADMINISTRATION $32,238 $6,000 $19,343 TOTAL PROJECT COST $218,769 ITEM REQUIRED # REQUIRED | UNIT PRICE ‘| TOTAL PRICE SPECIFICATION 2" close nipple 16 2" x 9" nipple 16 2" steel body, locking, 16 threaded gate valve, 150 Ib. 2" threaded 150 Ib. flange | 16 2" steel body, locking, 1 flanged, gate valve 2" steel body, flanged, check 1 valve 2" flange bolt kits 40 2" sch. 40 weld 90 6 2" sch. 40 weld cross 10 2" sch. 40 weld tee | 6 2" 50-60 Ib. pressure reliving, 1 steel body, threaded, gate valve 2" schedule 40, black steel 220 ft. pipe 21/2" steel body, threaded , 14 gate valve 21/2" close nipple 14 21/2" pipe caps 14 matlist2 3" cam lock fitting (weld type) ITEM REQUIRED # REQUIRED | UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE SPECIFICATON 3" close nipple 6 3" x 12" nipple 6 3" steel body, locking,gate 1 valve, threaded 3" steel body, locking,gate 2 | valve, flanged 3" S.S. flex, 1 fixed - 1 floating 2 flange, 150 Ib. 18" live length 3" 150 Ib. weld flange kit, 6 (includes gasket and bolts) 3" 150 Ib. threaded flanges | 2 | 3" 150 Ib. weld flanges | 4 3" x 2" weld reducer | 2 3" steel body,flanged , check valve. 3" schedule 40, black steel pipe 8Oft PERRYVILLE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 1. The land is owned by the Oceanside Native Corporation and permission is given to the Village of Perryville to have the dike on the land. The subsurface rights belong to the Oceanside Corporation as well. Mr. Jack Moores of the Bristol Bay Native Corporation has more information regarding land issues. He can be reached at 278-3602. He is currently on vacation until Jan. 12, 1992. 2. The soil in the village and in the proposed dike area is alluvial sand. The village structures seem to be stable and I don't see any great concern regarding the stability of a dike. Tanks that have been in the village for ten years have not shifted significantly and the stability of the area is not of concern. 3. The village intends to run power to the diked area from a point about 600 feet from the proposed site. Power lines will be run under ground as they are in the rest of the village. Burying them in the sandy soil is little problem. 4. There are three pieces of construction equipment in the village. The Village owns a John Deere 450 dozer with a 6' blade and a bucket attachment. There are forks that attach to the bucket. There is an operator in the village who is competent. There is also a John Deere 350C backhoe with a 6' blade and a Ford 755 tractor with a backhoe, a 1 yard bucket and forks for the bucket that belong to PHS that might be available for use. Richard Larsen, the Village Administrator knows who to contact to get permission. 5. Richard Larsen felt there are people in the village with adequate skills to accomplish much of the construction. There is no qualified welder in town to do the pipe line or the cutting on the tanks that will be required. 6. The dike will be placed so there is easy access for the barge to fill the tanks and fuel can be transferred from the tanks with a gas powered pump into drums and into town. Much of the fuel is currently transferred this way in the village. 7. The dike can be drained easily by a pipe running out toward the beach. Adequate collection of oily waste can be provided for as required. 8. There is reported to be a portable welder available in the village, but this needs to be checked on. There O> and acetylene tanks in town that belong to PHS and may be available. 9. There is a small portable compressor that belongs to PHS that may be available. 10. Equipment and supplies can be shipped in on the BIA barge that will go to the town in the spring at little or no cost if sufficient time is allowed for ordering. 11. The Energy Authority can be of great help in preparing a budget and in purchasing. 12. All the tanks appeared to be sound and all were in need of new valves to replace brass valves and need emergency vents and other additions to be code compliant. 13. The project can start construction in the spring of 1992 and should be completed by the fall of 92 in time for the fall fuel delivery. 14. Richard Larsen is the most likely candidate for field manager of the construction phase of the project. 15. There are adequate roads in the community for the construction and operation of the facility and the nature of the sandy soil makes road repair or new construction very easy. 16. The nearest building to the proposed dike site is approximately 1100 feet to the north. No new construction is planned for anywhere nearer the dike site in the near future. 17. The possibility of a fence was discussed and will be placed depending on the availability of fund after the dike is constructed. 18. Power is to be run approximately 600 feet to the dike area and area lighting is to be provided depending on funds availability. 19. The village will be responsible for training and operation of the dike. Individual tank owners will have access to the dike. 20. Liability for the dike and subsurface will remain with Oceanside Corporation and the village. 21. The Energy Authority will assist in obtaining regulatory approval and will investigate completion of a SPCC plan and operations manual. 22. The possibility of having a separate diked area for drums was discussed and will be investigated. 23. There are a total of 14 tanks to be placed in the diked area at this time, but provision should be made for placement of additional tanks in the future. 24. Flooding doesn't seem to be aconcern. The area has been stable and isn't subject to flooding. The area near the beach is protected by a dune and the town in located in a relatively protect lagoon, so storm action is not a great consideration. answers/TJW/ 11-91 BUDGET.XLS MATERIALS NO. REQ. UNIT WGT. | |TOT. WGT DIMENSIONS| LINER 1| [2600 Ibs 2600 Ibs axax8 | GEO-TEXTILE MATERIAL 3 ROLLS 150 Ibs 450 Ibs 15°x3' rolls | EMERGENCY VENTS 14] |30 Ibs 420 Ibs 1 pallet | VALVES 14] |15 Ibs 210 Ibs w/e-vents | 2" PIPE 300 FT 3.6 lb/ft 1100 LBS 15 @21'EA. | FLEXES 14] |10 Ibs 140 Ibs w/e-vents | SKIDS 14] [100 Ibs 1400 Ibs 3"x4xe | PUMP 1| [200 Ibs 200 Ibs 6x3x3 | MISC. FITTINGS MISC. 400 Ibs 400 Ibs w/e-vents | TIMBERS 48| |100 Ibs 4800 Ibs 3x4xs FENCE 400 FT. 12 lb/ft 4800 Ibs 1 pallet + 8rolls STAIRS 2| |700 Ibs 1400 Ibs Bxiex4 | _ Page 1 Trip Report Date: 18 November, 1991 To: Project File Thru: Brian Gray M4 “+ pal From: Tim Whitcomb } [1 Remote Systems Engineer I Subject: Bulk Fuel Consolidation Assessment Trip Trip Report: THURSDAY , NOVEMBER14,1991 I departed Anchorage at 10 a.m. and arrived in Perryville at 2:30 p.m. I met with Richard Larsen, the Village Administrator for the village of Perryville. We went immediately to the proposed site of the new bulk fuel containment dike. We performed a limited review survey of the area to located the corners of the property and gather limited topographical information. Only three of the corners could be located by their survey stakes, the fourth corner will have to be located using survey notes gathered by the BLM this summer. Because the ground is basically level it was determined that the diked area can be placed almost anywhere in the S acre parcel. Three of the tanks that will be placed in the diked area were reviewed for code compliance and notes made for further review. The tanks appeared in good condition, but will need additional hardware and new valves before placement in the dike. This was found to be the case with all the tanks in the village. At 7 p.m. I met with Mr. Larsen and all of the other tank owners who will be putting tanks into the new dike after construction. I explained the role that the Energy Authority will play in advising in design, material acquisition, construction and obtaining regulatory approval. I told them the Energy Authority will be a resource, but will not be responsible for the project. I then explained the concept of code compliance and indicated the Energy Authority will not be a part of putting non-compliant tanks into the dike. They were told they will have individual responsibility for bringing their personal tanks into compliance. The Energy Authority will provide Richard Larsen with information as to the requirements of each individual tank. He indicated to the group that the grant monies will go to assisting individuals in bringing tanks into compliance as much as possible after construction of the dike. I explained what all tanks will need to be code compliant, what the general nature of the dike will be and what the Energy Authority's part in the process will be. The tank owners then asked questions regarding dike design, dike drainage, responsibility for the dike and dike location. I told them dike design and drainage will depend on further study in the office, dike responsibility will be on the village and dike location is to be decided by the village if the current site is not acceptable. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15,1991 I made an assessment of the remaining tanks in the village regarding code compliance and then returned to the proposed dike site to get more information regarding specific placement, property lines, etc. In a final meeting with Mr. Larsen I indicated that a preliminary report should be ready in approximately two weeks so the Village can submit required preliminary plans and budgets to the Department of Community and Regional Affairs for completion of the grant. I left Perryville at 1:15 p.m. and arrived in Anchorage at 8:10 p.m. Land owner chip 7 whe cum adyorur§ reeds ete . | Soll types = surrounding = for dite 102 very Fnble shale For £1» Saud |, Power? None available ll Const . <p * operator H Shell level Jeneral » specie Fal Srenser ~ opt ms tram. barge - trom Yonles Yo pt, oYise e we com, Super pissan ~ Ine especsolly ~ No _Cost_fo a t rUnoge - er den pipe —possrble -b run pipe te near beach | Conkraoter ey m ae See ne athe Welalang epiip ¢ ferches Nowe, (smssh gas wher | Linas (as pection 4 Veh ng Chaaip mun ts char forks ~campressor adailable 1 Neerest well \ery Wistar /2 my aty water Saystem Towle. condition ~ Minimum Meppirmsacts - explanation ot cones | Foe frome for Sart wp - peajet - coryletion Tams. hnuts.. Legs Frojeck Manager 1n field - Richa Larsen || Read eness © free char - good oat Cleon uo road I Distance to Aoorest burlding Je ys : | Seearity - Fence? Hie repubta inv owr , Riel ial ae hig hnng Ratoontimispertatie Said will run umelergrownd [ne 600’ dike i Liability! Sbsurfres cog As - whe is resporibl ey traiming , rules Chae SP6c 4 Ops Manual ~ We may be able +o do it, (we'l/ see) Roguborer Gyprovel subjedt to our as-huuit and pictures, 2 dikes - | diesel ( gasoline = No napa for gasoline, pesyble yr drums . lake's on mle Richard Lorsen will place .