HomeMy WebLinkAboutNoorvik NWABSD BFU 1993Noemie. LEM StHeol. DIEIBUTON PIPING LERACEHENT Poot Fy fad ahah | + | + iPr | 1 { ak CEE CEEC EEE eee reer RIA 4440 NOomvVik ELEN] HIGH Sool i BLYoz HAVIFOLD DETAILS B-. Gray A. ST GEoRLE Tee a ee eet TT TT] ean ieiot i TLLLELLUL TTT | | i | / | CSN 00 ITE wf DN Fis PENSMIL BRST GATE VALVE SUP ON FLANGE 2 cm (FE - cv ey Fs Ae eee Fee EEPE 33 3°D x|12"L.L, FLEX - FIXEV % FLOMING FLANOE New |" ean — VA oO Mere @ Fwee TIAL Hist Se Hac TK | LEIA - G&G Betts TOTAL_ 0° EL wW/ ae x | Fle KTING Bree Trice, ELEMENTARY ZcHeoL. ee era Fe Polke Te Tai | | EEE BEE EEE = aaa AlN 44420 File: ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY P14. ee LC No.: TRIP REPORT | Date: August 31, 1993 By: Brian Gray ” Chief recnenieat AC Engineer Location and Dates of Trip: Buckland, Selawik, 'NOOfVik} Kiana, Kivalina, and Golovin, August 26 through 29, 1993 NWAR BEE Persons Accompanying on Trip: Jim St. George (Contractor for NWAB School District) Purpose of Trip: Inspection of bulk fuel upgrade projects and site investigations for futgerepair projects Significant Contacts: Significant Events: Uncorrected Problems: none Daily Travel Log: August 26, 1993 | departed Anchorage at 9:15 AM arriving in Kotzebue at 10:45 AM. | met Jim St. George at the airport and we departed immediately on a charter arriving in Buckland at 11:30 AM. The project was complete as far as our scope was concerned with the only work remaining being connection of boilers to distribution piping which is to be performed by District Maintenance staff. The overall layout and quality of workmanship was excellent. We departed Buckland at 12:00 PM arriving in Selawik at 12:30 PM. The project was substantially complete - all school tanks were installed on new foundations, the fill pipeline and manifold were complete, and the connection to Alaska Village Electric Coop was complete. All the work looked excellent. The tank foundation system appears to have worked well. The project was very labor intensive since all dirt work, leveling, moving tanks, and hauling materials had to be done by hand (there was 93Q3\BC5329.D0C(1) Trip Report August 31, 1993 Page 2 August 27, 1993 93Q3\BC5329.DOC(2) no heavy equipment available and the soils were too soft, anyway). A budget and grant revision will probably be required once all the costs are determined. Work remaining consists primarily of connection of branch piping to day tanks and revising day tank foundations. The project should be complete by September 1, 1993. We departed Selawik at 2:30 PM arriving in Kiana at 3:00 PM. We performed a cursory inspection of the local fuel facilities. The high school has a welded fill line that was cut in 100's sections, relocated, and reassembled with victaulic couplings and a welded manifold with no flex connectors. The line should be repaired with a coupled of existing weld joints cut open and inspected for integrity, existing victaulic joints replaced with welded joints, new flex connectors, and possible new valves. The fill pipeline that serves AVEC, the City and the Elementary School is a victaulic disaster waiting to happen. The AVEC manifold is OK (typical AVEC) but should be replaced while the City and Elementary School manifolds are nothing short of a nightmare. A repair project replacing the entire mess should be performed next year. The City was receiving fuel at the time of our inspection and several weeps and drips were observed. The Kiana Trading Post (Don Dorsey) retail facility is in reasonably good shape but was recently cited by the Fire Marshall and is on a lot that is too small to allow proper renovation. We met briefly with Don Dorsey, Rose (City Administrator), and Joe Hill (a local contractor) and discussed the fuel situation. | then met with the Water Plant operator and checked the operation of the Waste Heat System. At the WHM the following readings were taken: Engine In 198°, Engine Out 196°, WH Supply 200°, WH Return 88°, WH Pressure 27PSi. At the water plant the pressure was 10 PSi. The glycol concentration was good to -10°F (optical and litmus) and the inhibitor level was 3. The operator said he hadn't been adding any water because he didn't want to dilute it. He said sometimes the pressure will go down to 0 and then come back up to 7 or 10 later. | couldn't find an air fitting on the new extrol tank and | suspect that the tank may be dry. | think we should add some glycol and increase system pressure to at least 15PSi which may require changing Pressure Relief Valves in WH Module. We departed Kiana at 5:30 PM arriving in Noorvik at 6:00 PM. We spent the evening designing repairs for the Elementary School fuel system. We stayed overnight at the high school at no cost. We finished details on the Elementary school repair design and then went to the City office and met briefly with Glen Skin (City Administrator) and members of the local bulk fuel task force. We discussed options for the consolidated tank farm project and made plans to have a full task force meeting in September when | come up for Noorvik inspection and Kiana design. Trip Report August 31, 1993 Page 3 August 28, 1993 Copies to: Travel Authorization PR# Travel Expense Request File: Enclosures: 93Q3\BC5329.D0C(3) We departed Noorvik at 10:45 AM arriving in Kotzebue at 11:00 AM. We tried to catch Paul Weisner but he was unavailable. We departed Kotzebue at 12:00 PM arriving in Kivalina at 12:30 PM. We met briefly with the school principal and maintenance man and the native store manager. We then surveyed all the tank farms in town and prepared designs for repair of piping at the native store, school and AVEC. The AVEC tank farm was OK and there was a new liner and timbers on site but the fill line is in poor shape and the manifold should be replaced. The school tanks need to be sandblasted and painted and all of the piping (fill, distribution, and manifold) needs to be completely redone. The native store tank farm is an atrocity beyond description. Half of the tanks are rusted beyond repair, the other half desperately need sandblasting and painting, the piping is a conglomeration of rubber hose and just about every other bad thing you can imagine. In addition, the tanks are in very close proximity to the store, houses, and a rapidly eroding beach. The entire facility needs to be nuked and a new one built on a clean site (the existing site is too small and highly contaminated). However, the only available land left is a portion of the school tract south of the school tank farm. | obtained information on the 2 existing city tanks at the water plant but didn't prepare any designs since PHS has a new double walled tank and a stack of threaded pipe to go along with their washeteria project. We'll probably have to wait to see what kind of mischief the big $$ federal boys have in mind before we will know what kind of a mess we'll have to clean up. There is also a single National Guard tank that appears to get fuel straight off the barge (it is right next to AVEC's fill point). | didn't survey it due to time constraints. We departed Kivalina at 7:00 PM arriving in Kotzebue at 9:00 PM. We stopped briefly in Pt. Hope and looked at the new multi-million dollar North Slope Borough fuel system - very nice but totally out of our league. | spent the night in Kotzebue and paid for lodging at Drake's Camp. | departed Kotzebue at 8:15 AM arriving in Nome at 8:45 AM. | departed Nome at 10:00 AM arriving in Golovin at 11:00 AM. | inspected the project and met with the crew. The work is coming along well and the project should be completed by September 2 or 3 if all goes well. The work that has been completed to date is excellent and the finished product should be a first-class facility. The quality of workmanship and attention to detail is excellent. | went over work items remaining with Bob Weber the project superintendent. | departed Golovin at 4:20 PM arriving in Nome at 5:00 PM. | departed Nome at 7:30 PM arriving in Anchorage at 8:45 PM. State of Alaska DS walter J. Hickel, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation July 30, 1993 Mr. Edwin Gonion, Superintendent Northwest Arctic Borough School District P.O. Box 51 Kotzebue, AK 99752 Subject: Grant Agreement Nos. 2803201 and 2803202 for the Noorvik and Buckland Bulk Fuel Upgrade Projects Dear Mr. Gonion: I have enclosed two originals of each of the grant agreements for your signature. Please sign all originals of both agreements and return them to me as soon as possible. We will send an original of each agreement to you upon approval by our Executive Director. As you probably know, certain programs of the Energy Authority will be transferred to the Department of Community and Regional Affairs on or before December 31, 1993. This transfer will not affect the enclosed agreements. Article C, Paragraph 8, Binding Effect, means that these grant agreements extend to whatever organization succeeds the Energy Authority in the management of these programs. We are looking forward to working with you on this Project. dildo te David Denig-Chakroff Director, Rural Programs Enclosures as stated ce: Brian Gray, Alaska Energy Authority DDC/MH PO. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road ~=Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 Fax: (907) 561-8584 FN:nwabsdl2/1993Q3/mh State of Alaska Walter J. Hickel, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation September 9, 1993 Mr. Edwin Gonion Superintendent Northwest Arctic Borough School District P.O. Box 51 Kotzebue, AK 99752 Subject: Project Agreement No. 2803201 Dear Mr. Gonion: Original copies of the subject agreements for the Noorvik Northwest Arctic Borough School District Bulk Fuel Upgrade project are enclosed for your files. The Division of Energy - as required by state statute- has also forwarded a copy of this agreement to the Department of Labor. We are required to notify the Department of Labor about construction projects that use state funds. It is the responsibility of the Northwest Arctic Borough School District to contact the Department of Labor directly to determine whether wages paid on this project are subject to Alaska Statute 36.05 (Little Davis Bacon) if you have any construction activities. The Department of Community and Regional Affairs (DCRA), Division of Energy, is the agency that has assumed responsibility for certain programs that were formerly administered by the Alaska Energy Authority. Article C, Paragraph 8, Binding Effect, means that this agreement is binding upon DCRA, Division of Energy, as the successor organization to the Energy Authority. If you have any questions about the scope, schedule or procedures for this project, please contact Brian Gray, Chief Mechanical Engineer at (800) 478-7877. We are pleased to be Clin Lf , David Denig-Chakroff Manager/Engineering and¥echnical Seérfices EKN:DDC:be le to assist with this project. Enclosures as stated. ce: Senator Al Adams, Alaska State Legislature Representative Eileen McLean, Alaska State Legislature Pau a, Wage and Hour Administration, Department of Labor, Anchorage aska Energy Authority PO. Box 190869 701 EastTudorRoad Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 Fax: (907) 561-8584 93Q3\BC5362 Contract No. 2803201 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY GRANT AGREEMENT Noorvik NWABSD BFU THIS AGREEMENT and its appendices and attachments, entered into this day of CM. , 1993, between the ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY (the Energy Authority) and the NORTHWEST ARCTIC BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT (the Grantee) provides for a grant to perform the services described in Appendix A (the Project). This Agreement is effective through December 31, 1993. ARTICLE A. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY COVENANTS The Energy Authority will: a Grant to the Grantee an amount, not-to-exceed $50,000 . perform the activities described in Appendix A, Scope’ of Work and disburse the grant in accordance with Appendix B, Grant Disbursement and Accounting Pr lure. 2 Account for the Grantee's grant funds in the Alaska State Accounting System (AKSAS) in accordance with the funding sources and account codes referenced in Appendix B, Project Funding Sources. 3. Provide advice and assistance to the Grantee on administrative, management and technical matters relating to the Project. 4. Inspect the Project when it is substantially complete and approve the construction or provide the Grantee with a detailed Mist of corrective actions required for final Project approval. 5: Abide by the terms, conditions, and covenants provided in Appendices A and B and Attachment I. ARTICLE B. GRANTEE COVENANTS The Grantee will: ie Expend grant funds only for the purposes provided for under this Agreement. 2. Perform the Scope of Work described in Appendix A. 3. Ensure all necessary access in and around the Project site is provided to Energy Authority staff and designated contractors or consultants during the time the Project is underway and during any follow up visits to the site. Noorvik NWABSD BFU Grant Agreement Page 2 of 13 4. Obtain all easements and other approvals necessary to establish i. mass legal right and authority to construct, maintain and operate its facilities. 5. Construct the Project, including, if applicable, issuing Invitations to Bid (ITB) or Requests for Proposals (RFP) and selecting contractors. Maintain oversight responsibility for all matters related to Project construction including choices of scheduling, manpower, methods of construction, procurement of materials, and procedures for administering the Project, disposing of surplus equipment, and issuing a Notice of Project Completion. 6. Provide written notification to the Energy Authority when construction is substantially complete and request an Energy Authority inspection of the Project. te Invoice the Energy Authority for reimbursement of actual Project costs in accordance with the billing procedure described in Appendix B, Section Il. 8. Within 15 days after all Project invoices have been paid, issue a Notice of Project Completion (Attachment |). 9. Upon completion of the Project, accept responsibility for operation and maintenance of Project facilities, select qualified personnel to be trained to operate and maintain the facilities, and operate and maintain the system in strict compliance with the Uniform Fire Code and all U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requirements for the life of Project facilities. 10. Abide by the terms, conditions, and covenants provided in Appendices A and B and Attachment I. ARTICLE C. MUTUAL COVENANTS The Energy Authority, and the Grantee agree to the following: a Indemnification. (a) The Energy Authority, and the Grantee shall indemnify, save harmless and defend the other party to this Agreement, its officers, agents, servants, and employees from all liability, including costs and expenses, for all actions or claims resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any person or property arising directly or indirectly as a result of any error, omission or negligent act of the indemnifying party, its officers, agents, servants, or employees or anyone directly or indirectly employed by it in the performance of this Agreement. (b) All actions or claims, including costs and expenses, resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any person or property arising directly or indirectly from performance of this Agreement which are caused by the joint negligence of the Energy Authority and the Grantee shall be apportioned on a comparative fault basis. Any such joint negligence on the part of the Energy Authority must be a direct result of active involvement by the Energy Authority. 2 Termination. The Energy Authority shall have the right to terminate this agreement for the reasons set out in this section. The Grantee shall have AEA In-House Grant Agreement, Revised 10/92 Fn: noomwab/1993Q3/mh Noorvik NWABSD BFU Grant Agreement Page 3 of 13 no rights to compensation or damages for termination, except as provided in this Paragraph. (a) Grounds for Termination. This contract may be terminated for the convenience of the Energy Authority or for cause. In this section, "cause" shall mean the provision of incorrect or misleading information by the Grantee or the Grantee's failure to provide information which would have influenced Energy Authority actions. In order to form the basis for termination for cause, the incorrect, misleading, or omitted information must be material. (b) | Compensation. (i) Termination forCause. If this agreement is terminated for cause, the Grantee shall be entitled to no compensation. The Grantee shall reimburse the Energy Authority for all funds received by the Grantee plus any costs incurred by the Energy Authority to collect funds subject to reimbursement. (ii) Termination for the Convenience of the Energy Authority. | The Grantee shall not reimburse AEA for funds expended prior to the date of termination and shall be made whole with respect to all expenditures prior to the date of termination. The Grantee shall be entitled to reimbursement for any expenditures it has made, including matching funds, up to the date it is notified of termination. However, prior to making any claim or demand for such reimbursement, the Grantee shall use its best effort to reduce the amount of such reimbursement through any means legally available to it. (iii) Disputes. Disputes under these termination proceedings shall be resolved under Section 6, Disputes, below. 3. Availability of Funding. The Grantee acknowledges that this Agreement is subject to availability of money from the State of Alaska. Upon approval of this Agreement, funds to cover the state's obligation under this Agreement will be encumbered in the Alaska State Accounting System (AKSAS). 4. Audit Requirements. This Agreement is subject to the audit requirements of Title 2, Chapter 45 (Grant Administration) of the Alaska Administrative Code (AAC), commonly referred to as the "Single Audit Regulation." 5. Parties Shall Not Act as Agents of Each Other. It is agreed that the Grantee, its icers, agents, servants and employees shall act in an independent capacity and not as agents of the at Authority in the performance of this Agreement. It is further agreed that the Energy Authority, its officers, agents, servants and employees shall act in an independent capacity and not as agents of the Grantee in the performance of this Agreement. 6. Disputes. Any party to this Agreement may bring an action against any other party in the superior court for the State of Alaska to resolve a dispute arising under this Agreement. Any lawsuit ae tears Agreement shall be heard by the Superior Court, Third Judicial District at Anchorage. ie Rights of Other Parties. It is the intent of the parties that this Agreement confers no rights on any person or entity not a party to this AEA In-House Grant Agreement, Revised 10/92 Fr: noomwab/1993Q3/mh Noorvik NWABSD BFU Grant Agreement Page 4 of 13 Agreement. The parties agree that no person is a third party beneficiary of this Agreement and this Agreement creates no third party rights. Specifically, any person who is not a party to this Agreement shall be precluded from bringing any action asserting the liability of a party or asserting any right against a party to this Agreement, through the terms of this Agreement. No person, other than a party to this Agreement, may bring any action based upon this Agreement for personal injuries, property damages, or otherwise. 8. Binding Effect. This Agreement and all of its terms, covenants, conditions, attachments and appendices represent the entire Agreement and shall extend to and be binding upon the respective heirs, executors, administrators, grantees, successors and assigns of the parties to this Agreement. 9. Severability. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Agreement or any Agreement referred to in this Agreement shall be finally adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall be unaffected by such adjudication and all the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as if such section, paragraph, clause or provision or any part thereof so adjudicated to be invalid had not been included herein. 10. Declaration of Public Benefit. The parties acknowledge that the Project is to be constructed for the benefit of the general public and will not deny any person use of Project facilities due to race, religion, color, sex, marital status, age, or national origin. 11. Notices. Any notice required of either party shall be in writing and, unless receipt of such notice is expressly required by the terms of this Agreement, shall be deemed served when deposited in the mail in a sealed envelope, with sufficient first class postage affixed, and addressed to the appropriate party. The notices shall be sent to each party's place of business, which in the case of the Grantee shall be: Edwin Gonion, Superintendent Northwest Arctic Borough School District P.O. Box 51 776 Third Avenue Kotzebue, AK 99752 Phone (907) 442-3472 Fax (907) 442-2392 in the case of the Energy Authority shall be: Donald Harris, Director Department of Community & Regional Affairs, Division of Energy on behalf of the Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Phone (907) 561-7877 or (800) 478-7877 Fax (907) 561-8584 AEA In-House Grant Agreement, Revised 10/92 Fn : noornwab/1993Q3/mh Noorvik NWABSD BFU Grant Agreement Page 5 of 13 THIS AGREEMENT has been reviewed, agreed to, and executed by the following parties: for the NORTHWEST ARCTIC BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT by HL U8 -F2 (Signature) (Date) Edwin T. Gonion, Superintendent (Name Printed) (Title) STATE OF ALASKA ss. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) Thg foregqing Agreement was acknow! oe ged bgfore me this (ee day of 1993, by z AmB the A> ° the WcHtiest Arctic Borough chool District. AEA In-House Grant Agreement, Revised 10/92 Fn: noomwab/1993Q3/mh Noorvik NWABSD BFU Grant Agreement Page 6 of 13 on behalf of ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Ahi by a onald Harris (Date) Director, Division of Energy STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this Me day of ii Tage 1993, by Donald darrio the [4.98 CT of the Department of Community & Regional Affairs, Division of Energy. Qevu A Ganthaor. Notary Public, State of Alaska My Commission Expires: Oct /Z_/9793 AEA In-House Grant Agreement, Revised 10/92 Fn : noornwab/1993Q3/mh Noorvik NWABSD BFU Grant Agreement Page 7 of 13 APPENDIX A I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND SCHEDULE The bulk fuel fill and distribution facilities in Noorvik owned by the Northwest Arctic Borough School District (NWABSD) are in poor condition and represent a significant environmental threat as well as a threat to the health and safety of the residents of the community. The piping system serving NWABSD is in extreme disrepair and has numerous active leaks. The purpose of this Project is to bring the bulk fuel fill and distribution facilities into compliance with current State and Federal codes and regulations and reduce environmental, health and —_— risks by replacing the fill and distribution piping serving school district acilities. This Project will be completed by December 31, 1993. Il. SCOPE OF WORK The Grantee will: a Ensure that all permit and right of way activities are completed pursuant to Article B, Paragraph 4 before starting construction of the Project. 2. Install new valves and manifold on the tanks owned by the Grantee. 3. Install new distribution piping from the school's storage tanks to the school's day tanks and modify the day tanks by adding overfill protection and new valves. 4. Prepare as-built sketches of the completed Project in sufficient detail to allow preparation of as-built drawings by others. 5. Ensure that the facilities are operated in strict compliance with all State and Federal regulatory requirements. AEA In-House Grant Agreement, Revised 10/92 Fn: noomwab/1993Q3/mh Noorvik NWABSD BFU Grant Agreement Page & of 13 APPENDIX B I. PROJECT FUNDING SOURCES A. Alaska Energy Authority Not-to-Exceed Account Authorization AEA Ledger Code Amount FY93 Bulk Fuel System Upgrades LC 81837709 $50,000 AR 32480, CC 08162207 Il. GRANT DISBURSEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCEDURE A. The Energy Authority will: ae Disburse Project grant funds from the Alaska State Accounting System (AKSAS), using the accounts listed in Section | A above. 2s Pay the Grantee's invoices as follows: a. Upon receipt of an invoice requesting payment, pay $25,000 (50%) of the total grant amount in advance to cover the eligible costs of materials purchases, shipping, Project administration and construction. Eligible costs are defined in Section III below. b. Upon completion of construction, inspection and approval by the Energy Authority, and receipt of the Grantee's documentation of actual expenses for the 50% advance, and upon receipt of an invoice and supporting documentation for remaining project costs, pay $25,000 or the remainder of the total eligible project costs, whichever is less. B. The Grantee will: 1. Invoice the Energy Authority for Project expenses as provided for in Paragraph A above, and provide supporting documentation for costs incurred. 2 — completion of the Project and payment of ame bills, ni ol authorize the Energy Authority, to liquidate any grant funds authorized for the Project but not expended under this Agreement. ll. ELIGIBLE COSTS The Grantee shall be reimbursed for reasonable, actual expenses for the following items associated with construction of the Project: AEA In-House Grant Agreement, Revised 10/92 Fn: noornwab/19S3Q3/mh Noorvik NWABSD BFU Grant Agreement Page 9 of 13 A. Payroll Costs Payroll costs shall comprise salaries paid to Grantee personnel for time worked directly on the Project plus fringe benefits including all payroll taxes and insurance as well as vacation, holiday, sick leave and retirement benefits. B. Overhead Costs Overhead costs shall include those costs of doing business which must be paid out of Project revenue but cannot be directly assigned to the Project, such as office space and equipment, insurance and taxes other than income taxes and those taxes associated with salary costs, executive and administrative expenses, plus other necessary costs for conducting business. Cc. Direct Non-Salary Costs These costs must be directly attributable to the Project and shall include the following: (1) The costs associated with consultants, inspectors, surveyors, contractors, and other services required to construct the Project. (2) The cost of materials and supplies purchased by the Grantee and used in the construction of the Project. (3) The Grantee's costs of reproducing _ plans, specifications, maps, reports, and other documents. (4) The cost of long distance communication. (5) | Purchase of small equipment or tools needed in the construction of the Project. IV. INELIGIBLE COSTS The Grantee will not be reimbursed for the following items associated with the design and construction of the Project: A. Bad Debts This includes expenses of collection. B. Bonuses and Commissions And similar compensation under any other name, which is not pursuant to this agreement, or which provides compensation to AEA In-House Grant Agreement, Revised 10/92 Fn: noornwab/1983Q3/mh Noorvik NWABSD BFU Grant Agreement Page 10 of 13 an employee in excess of reasonable compensation for the services rendered, or in connection with obtaining or negotiating for a State of Alaska contract or a modification thereto. Cc. Entertainment Expenses All entertainment expenses are disallowed without regard to the purpose. State employees are not to be entertained by the Grantee for any business or social purpose. D. Fines or Penalties Including assessed interest, resulting from violation of, or failure of, the Grantee to comply with Federal, State, or local laws or regulations, except when incurred as a result of complying with the provisions of this agreement. E. Insurance Premiums Including any provision of a self-insurance reserve on the life of any person. F. Interest However represented, bond discounts and expenses, and costs of financing and refinancing operations. G. Losses Including litigation expenses, counsel fees and settlements resulting from the Grantee's negligence in the management of the Project. Also includes any losses that may otherwise be compensated for under the Grantee's insurance policy. H. Membership Includes fees for memberships in trade, business and professional organizations. . Travel Expenses Includes travel expenses for activities that do not directly support the purposes of the Project. AEA In-House Grant Agreement, Revised 10/92 Fn: noomwab/1993Q3/mh + Noorvik NWABSD BFU Grant Agreement Page 11 of 13 ATTACHMENT | Notice of Project Completion AEA In-House Grant Agreement, Revised 10/92 Fn: noomwab/1993Q3/mh Noorvik NWABSD BFU Grant Agreement Page 12 of 13 NOTICE OF PROJECT COMPLETION Date: Project Name Noorvik NWABSD BFU Contracting Party Northwest Arctic Borough School District AEA Contract No. 2803201 Agreement Execution Date ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY acknowledges that the Project referenced above has been completed, and that all tasks have been satisfactorily carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions of the construction Agreement. David Denig-Chakroff ate Director, Rural Programs The foregoing Notice of Project Completion was acknowledged before me this 7 of , 1993, by David Denig-Chakroff, Director of Rural Programs. STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) Notary Public, State of Alaska My Commission Expires: AEA In-House Grant Agreement, Revised 10/92 Fn: noomwab/1993Q3/mh Noorvik NWABSD BFU Grant Agreement Page 13 of 13 NORTHWEST ARCTIC BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT certifies that the Project named above is complete in accordance with the terms and conditions of AEA Agreement No. 2803201. NORTHWEST ARCTIC BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT acknowledges that all expenses incurred under the Agreement have been paid in full, and no further claims for reimbursement can be made. Authorized Signature Title (Name Printed) ate STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Notice of Project Completion was acknowledged before me this day of , 1993, by. : the of the Northwest Arctic Borough School District. Notary Public, State of Alaska My Commission Expires AEA In-House Grant Agreement, Revised 10/92 Fn: noornwab/1993Q3/mh State of Alaska DS Walter J. Hickel, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation July 23, 1993 Paul Weisner, Director: Property Services Northwest Arctic Borough School District P.O. Box 51 Kotzebue, AK 99752 Re: Buckland and Noorvik Fuel System Repairs Dear Mr. Weisner: Energy Authority budgets have recently been approved to provide grants for up to $30,000 for fuel system repairs in Buckland and up to $50,000 for fuel system repairs in Noorvik. We will be forwarding grant agreements to you in the very near future. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on these vital projects. If you have any questions feel free to call me or Brian Gray, Chief Mechanical Engineer, at 561-7877. Sincerely, Voir, Brian C. Gray, P.E. Chief Mechanical E ineer BUCKBGL1 PO. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 Fax: (907) 561-8584 Vo- 20-1983 14:55 80 744e2401 NwAssSl MAINTENSNCE P.e2 Northwest Arctic Borough Schoo! District NOATAK ; : Box 81 ia VALNA——e } : . tana KOTZEBUE, ALABKA 75a OSEAN. a (907) 449.3472 Sones @ananan . MOORE June 10, 1993 Brian Gray Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 Dear Brian: The Northwest Arctic Borough School District hereby applies for a grant to perform repairs on the Buckland and Noorvik Schools fuel oil fill, transfer, and storage systems. This will enable the District to comply with U.S. Coast Guard regulations. We are asking for amounts not to exceed $30,000 for Buckland and $50,000 for Noorvik. Work will be done in accordance with design recommendations made by you on the recent trip to Buckland and Noorvik with District Property Services Department staff. The District greatly appreciates the assistance of your organization with this important work. If you have any further questions, please call me at 442-3476. Sincerely, LL Chu» Paul Weisner Director: Property Services. cc. John Rogers, Special Ass't. to Superintendent file Northwest Arctic Borough School District NOATAK BOX 51 7 et KOTZEBUE, ALASKA 99752 DEERING it pect (907) 442-3472 woman er (——. KLCEIVED May 27, 1993 JUN 0 1 1993 Mr. Brian Gray ALASKA ETF °Y AUTHORITY Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 Dear Brian: Enclosed is the resolution passed by the Northwest Arctic Borough School District for accepting funding assistance from the Alaska Energy Authority to repair fuel piping systems at village school sites to help meet Coast Guard regulations. I will look forward to working with you on these projects. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 442-3476. Sincerely, pl (ito, Paul C. Weisner Director: Property Services Enclosure: Board Resolution ce. John Rogers, Special Assistant to the Superintendent file Northwest Arctic Borough School District ONT A raaat ‘ ree KUANA BOX 51 job a ‘— awecer KOTZEBUE, ALASKA 99752 eft (907) 442:3472 Seana ee 'NOORVEK RESOLUTION 93-008 Whereas, The Northwest Arctic Borough School District has fuel storage and transmission facilities at all of the school sites, and; Whereas, The Coast Guard has recently notified the School District that some of these fuel storage and transmission facilities do not meet current codes that pertain to such facilities; and, Whereas, The Northwest Arctic Borough School District desires to bring these fuel storage and transmission facilities up to current code; and, Whereas, The Alaska Energy Authority has funding available to assist in correcting the deficiencies identified in our fuel storage and transfer facilities. Now Therefore be it mutually resolved that the Board of Education of the Northwest Arctic Borough School District requests a grant from the Alaska Energy Authority for the purpose of correcting the deficiencies identified in the Northwest Arctic Borough School District fuel storage and transmission facilities. Adopted May 25, 1993 at a duly convened regular meeting of the Northwest Arctic Borough School District Board of Education at which a quorum was present and voting. ATTEST: Pete > President NWABSD Board of Education Helena Jones, a NWABSD Board of Education Alaska Energy Authority Rural Programs Revision No. FY93 Budget (RP X iis) 04 IN, Community Oe 0. p NOORVIK Budget 83509 NOORVIK NWABSD BFU Date 7/15/93 CODE NAME CODE PROJECT NAME Preparer B. GRAY Project Manager B. GRAY Project Manager Code ource(s) of Funding PROJECT a met tC Cr AEA FUNDING 1 71000 Direct Personal Services w/benefit $2,400 72000 Travel and Perdiem $600 $600 N 3 Engineer & Prof Services Contracts 4 Freight 5 Project Contingency 6 73000 Other Services SUBTOTAL 7 74000 Project Materials and Equip. $100 $100 8 76000 AEA Equipment eee eee ee $0 9 77000 Grants $50,000 850,000 10 DIRECT PROJECT COSTS SUBTOTAL _——¢59,960] So] SO] SO] SO] $83,980 |fline 10.= 544 of lines 1,2,6,7,8,9] "1 Overhead sof so] $0] so] $0 ___s+.060+ line 1} 1p ge 12 TOTAL AEA FUNDING [h5/ 5:50_sseam $0 $0 $0 $0 Moines sony //Yid § Matrix Code es DO TT (mT Gt Project AR sg [| power : Project CC iG2QQqjf Tg, Tian’ —1 [43 Project LC yest tet eee 4! ere OTHER PROJECT CONTRIBUTIONS ft . 13 AEA-Managed Through Trustee 14 Not Managed By AEA 15 PROJECT TOTAL £5,000 15 = sum of lines 12,13,14] Budget Approvals (initial and date) Project Manager WA e/: 7 Chief Engineer Lid Wel Oe ce: Woodell Project Manager DATE: July 15, 1993 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY PROJECT NAME: Noorvik NWABSD BFU FUNDING SOURCE(S): FY93 BFU BUDGET CODE: 83509 PROJECT MANAGER: BRIAN GRAY SENATE/HOUSE DISTRICTS: 37-S PROJECT DESCRIPTION: An Energy Authority inspection performed in 1993 in conjunction Northwest Arctic Borough School district staff identified serious problems with the bulk fuel facilities in Noorvik. The piping system serving the school is in extreme disrepair with numerous active leaks. This project will provide for replacement of the fill and distribution piping serving school facilities. SCOPE OF WORK: 1. Install new valves and manifold on school tanks and new fill point connection. 2. Install new distribution piping school day tanks and modify day tanks with overfill protection and new valves. PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN/LOCAL CONTRIBUTION: Design by Energy Authority staff and school district contractor. Construction by school district contractor and temporary local laborers. Project management by school district staff. Oversight, technical assistance, and inspection by Energy Authority staff. PROJECT STATUS: Preliminary scope defined. PROJECT SCHEDULE/MILESTONES: Start Date: 7/15/93 End Date: 12/31/93 Design complete August, 1993. Start construction August/September, 1993. Construction complete September, 1993. PROJECT CLOSEOUT: Fn:H:\STATUS\BGRAY\NOOR3509. DOC Project Name: Budget Code: ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL PROGRAMS BUDGET WORKSHEET NOORVIK NWABSD BFU. 83509 Types of Agreements Required (Mark dates required and circle "G" or "AEA") "G" - Grantee/Contractor "AEA" - Alaska Energy Authority/Grantee Bookkeeping Services Grant Construction Contractors (date) (date) G AEA AKSAS-Managed Grant Prof Serv Contractors (date) (date) G AEA Project Agreement Right-of-Way (date) (date) G AEA Invitation to Bid Permit(s) (date) G AEA (date) G AEA Request for Proposal Other (Describe) (date) G AEA (date) G AEA If funds are to be granted, who will be grantee? Northwest Arctic Borough School District Contact person? Paul Weisner. Phone No. 442-3476 Bookkeeping Services Grant Budget Breakdown (Leave Blank if not Bkeeping Svcs Project) Line Item Labor Non-AEA Travel & Per Diem Materials Freight Contractual Services Total Appropriation Appropriation Appropriation Fn:NOORBUD1 ProjectName: | NOORVIK NWABSD BFU AEA PROJECT EXPENSE BUDGET WORKSHEET LABOR (AEA Staff) ‘ ee MANAGEMENT, OVERSIGHT, INSPECTION | 40] __- $40.00 _ _——_—_$1,600] SUPPORT, CAD a a) PTC Pt Description po ee eee H:\rp\NOORBUD2.XLS Alaska Energy Authority Rural Programs Revision No. | FY93 Budget (RP X 4. I ) Dy 4 \! : , Community C0 Hnoorvik Budget. Date 7/15/93 \y . ( CODE NAME DE CTNAME = VX \ d v A \/ ii] - Hur Preparer B. GRAY Project Manager B. GRAY Project Manager Code \ 2 ( ii A|| nid 7 Ww ource(s) of Funding PROJECT ty /” v |, Line Chart of Accounts FY93 BFU TOTAL \ ' ; , See NY A oy AEA FUNDING és 4 yt yw 1 71000 Direct Personal Services wibenefit $2,100 $2,100 i i f ie" Ay 2 220g Tiaualand Perdiom aa tt —— —— “i Ll? Wa or pe ti” as i} ng OO pM 3 Engineer & Prof Services Contracts A w\ yr ow = = ie yi aa 6 Other Services SUBTOTAL $1,150 [line 6 = sum of lines 3,4,5) | 9 0” " ae Loy 7 74000 Project Materials and Equip. CK, io 8 76000 AEA Equipment rey i) 9 77000 Grants | y 10 DIRECT PROJECT COSTS SUBTOTAL of lines 1,2,6,7,8,9] 7 A; "1 Overhead 12 TOTAL AEA FUNDING Matrix Code Project AR Project CC Project LC OTHER PROJECT CONTRIBUTIONS 13 AEA-Managed Through Trustee 14 Not Managed By AEA 15 PROJECT TOTAL Budget Approvals (initial and date) petarae, HA 76/9 Chief Engineer Bid Me oF co: Woodell Project Manager DASNY Aptuaics 6 Ruceets: fOO thee , Van 8 AOD : ‘ Bi, ARO " t Sopnts JRE ERE HERE 2] 4] v4