HomeMy WebLinkAboutNoorvik-NWAB Bulk Fuel Repair 1991NoecVik TO: Smith, Gary pare: 11-1901 NwAg Aree TIME: 09:34 cc: SUBJECT: NWAB & LKSD BFER Projects PRIORITY: ATTACHMENTS : I spoke with Paul Weisner of NWAB this morning. He said they ran into a combination of a manpower shortage and internal (office) problems and did not get started on any of the repair projects and it is too cold and dark now. He said he wants to get going on all 4 projects first thing next spring and indicated that there might be one other project he would like to add. The contract that the 4 work orders was issued under expires December 31, 1991. Rather than extend this arrangement, I think it would be better to cancel the work orders and issue new grants directly to the school district to secure the funding for next years work. Hopefully with an earlier start they will be able to get these done. I spoke with Jim Kohl of LKSD this morning. The materials are in Bethel and being staged for shipment to Toksook Bay and Kongiganak this week. He intends to start as soon as the materials are on site and to run both projects simultaneously. He said he wants to wait until he completes these projects before he asks for additional funding but he is definitely interested in continuing next season. BGEUVE. wUL 3} (C3) roy R EC E | V EF D State of Alaska AUG 19 1991 , . Alaska Energy Authority alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation July 19, 1991 Fred Armstrong Executive Director for Economic Development Northwest Arctic Borough P.O. Box 1110 Kotzebue, AK 99752 Re: Northwest Arctic Borough Miscellaneous Construction Services Contract, Agreement No. 2800323 Dear Mr. Armstrong: Reference is made to Article C-8, Scope of Work of the above referenced contract, and to your proposal of July 18, 1991 for repairs to bulk fuel systems at various schools within the Borough. In accordance with the provisions of the contract, this Notice to Proceed authorizes you to provide the services as outlined in your proposal and itemized below. The total cost for each work order. shall not be exceeded unless subsequently revised. All work under these work orders must be completed by December 31, 1991. 1. Work Order No. AEA-NWB-001, Ambler School Replacement of existing heating oil distribution piping system at the Ambler school complex. Total Cost - $7,800 2. Work Order No. AEA-NWB-002, Buckland School Replacement of existing heating oil distribution piping system at the Buckland school complex and repair of the existing 27,000 gallon fuel storage tank. Total Cost - $9,700 3. Work Order No. AEA-NWB-003, Deering School Replacement of existing heating oil distribution piping system at the Deering school complex. Total Cost - $10,600 O PO.BoxAM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 - B® PO. Box 190869 701 EastTudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 4. Work Order No. AEA-NWB-004, Noorvik Elementary School ; ‘Schoo Replacement of existing heating oil distribution piping system at the Noorvik elementary school complex. Total Cost - $16,500 We appreciate this opportunity to work with the Borough to reduce the problems associated with bulk fuel storage in rural communities. Please have Mayor Greene sign and return a duplicate copy of this letter acknowledging receipt and concurrence. If you have any questions feel free to call me or Brian Gray, Project Manager, at 800-478-7877. ’ Charlie Bussell Executive Director Date: Typed Name: Signature: Title: MAYOR cc: David Denig-Chakroff, Alaska Energy Authority Brian Gray, Alaska Energy Authority Don Whelan, Alaska Energy Authority NWABBGL6 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL PROGRAMS PROJECT BUDGET REVISION NO. NAME PJ CODE PROJECT NAME Community <7 aay Mookvik Budget Qaiqt Voce MWRK It Ke, ane PJ COD! Preparer (yt, Nh Project Manager InP: NAD ieee a Source(s) of Funding PROJECT Line Chart of Accounts BEL TOTAL 1 Direct Personal Serv W/Benefits 3.972 ooo coe (So | 2 Indirect Personal Services LQE2 ESSSES “GESESSUSSETINSUSUUGEON) -—«(ESESE SSG enESNesusEsece] uesvesssesdesbenseses “eecousysuvesvavesseseures [Line 2 = 52% X Line 1] 3 71000 PERSONAL SERVICE SUBTOTAL 4, ot oO 4 72000 TRAVEL & PER DIEM [Line 3 = Ln 1 + Line 2) 5 Engineer & Prof Serv Contracts 6 Freight 7 Project Contingency 8 Indirect Non-Personal Services [Line 8 = 26% X Line 1] 9 73000 OTHER SERVICES suBTOTAL =<) oc) [Uinelofersunlofilineststct7/G] 10 74000 PROJECT MAT'LS & EQUIPMENT © 11: 75000 AEA EQUIPMENT D 12 77000 GRANTS i 6 00d [SEE BUDGET ON REVERSE SIDE 13 TOTAL IB.4ZO ami Matrix Code (7 Project AR : 5 Project CC OSb< Project LC Tia Fb4 BUDGET APPROVALS (Piesse initiat and ary OS cc: Gloria Manni 4 Don Whelan Manager/Rural Projects ZYWPLI/ Director/Agency Operations Tt Gary Smith S@PREPSRER 0 J, f- Pat Woodell Director/Rural Programs AC xy ¢ / ay Si Executive Director uh Janet Hansen ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL PROJECT DEVELOPMENT WORKSHEET Project Manager: Bian) CLAY Date: 4/24 /9 | Community: MWoorviC— Project Description [Describe reason for initiating project (response to correspondence, site visit, etc.) the situation, needs, proposal for resolving same, and issues pertinent to funding source restrictions (e.g., life, health, and safety improvements; efficiency improvements; emergency risk, etc.)} Lehi ACeEMEMT OF AN exisTiING FEL Ol TEANSFER. LINE witk tNow)s LEAS THAT HAS CAavSED SPILLS (__ Preliminary _» Final) [Itemize tasks in as much detail as possible} Scope of Work '\) LeuovEe ExstinGe FIFELIME. 2) INSTALL NEW WELLER sree. PIPeLUWE (MATERIALS ALREADY On -SITED, 2) Preeress = InerectioS BT AEA - GATHER AS-BURT wre. 4) FREARE AS BUILT DeAwines, Preliminary Cost Estimate (Total): $ Proposed Funding Source(s) on appropriation(s), Outside funding source(s), Other agency funding, Financing through onds or other means] Br-2e If any outside source funding is involved, describe on reverse side the proposed billing arrangements, conditions for receipt of and use of funds, and any other issues affecting project management. Project Management Plan (__ Preliminary 4 Final) 15 Who will be the eventual owner of this project? a 5 Other (peat Authority ‘ouncil X_ Other (specify) — Private Utility Pe) BWA 3S 2. Will ABA grant funds for the project? _X_ Yes No If so, specify method: Through Trustee X_ Directly to Grantee work CPRDER UNDER Contract wiTH NWASB B: Check proposed extent of involvement of AEA staff, contractors, City/Utility staff, and/or force account labor for the activities listed below: EXTENT OF INVOLVEMENT IN ACTIVITY ACTIVITY GROUP None Minimal Oversight Moderate Heavy AEA Staff AEA Contractors City/Utility Staff City/Utility Contractors AEA Staff AEA Contractors City/Utility Staff City/Utility Contractors Materials | AEAStaff L _ Purchasing AEA Contractors City/Utility Staff Construction | AEAStaf | | | | | AEA Contractors Force Account Labor City/Utility Contractors r Project Management Design AEA Staff AEA Contractors City/Utility Staff City/Utility Contractors AEA Staff AEA Contractors City/Utility Staff City/Utility Contractors 4, Estimated Project Start Date LATE May ; End Date LAve Jug DF) . 5. On reverse side, provide additional information and/or describe pertinent issues that will affect the management of this project. Inspection Operation & aintenance Project Development Schedule Y/N Item A. Project Planning Tasks: PCE Analysis Other Econ./Finan. Analysis Y Final Scope of Work Y __‘~ Final Management Plan Y _— Project Budget Budget Review ny, - Directorate N - Agency (over $50K) wv Loan/Financing Application al B. Grant/Project Agreement Preparation: Draft Grant/Project Agreement In-house Review of Draft Community/Utility Draft Review Attorney General Draft Review Final Grant/Project Agreement Attorney General Approval Community/Utility Approval Agency Approvals NC. Trustee Project Setup: Complete Set-up Sheet Request Check From Accounting Receive Check at AEA Forward Check/Set-up to KPMC D. Commence Project Staff Responsible George Matz BL pw aw uw Gary S./Dave D-C Brent Petrie Marcey Rawitcher Pat Woodell Pat Woodell Pat Woodell Pat Woodell Marlys Hagen Pat Woodell Don Whelan Pat Woodell (i.e., purchase materials, let contracts, hire labor, etc.) Estimated Completion Date LATE MAY A ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY PROJECT BUDGET WORKSHEET Project Information MATERIAL Description E ! Description Notes | Amount | | i F G Personal Services( A+D) Travei & Perdiem (C) Material (f%) Fevight(I) Contract (BG) Torat