HomeMy WebLinkAboutNoatak IRA BFU PH1 1993CNULR COULINER CORO. Lu yur-S4y-LULD MHK 19°95 10:44 No.005 P.O1 CHUCK EGGENER CONSULTING ENGINEERS FACSIMILE COVER SHEET VOICE PHONE: (907) 349-1010 FACSIMILE: (907) 349-1015 To: brian G rp pace_/_ of 3 _ pate:.37/9-F3 FROM: Chuck Eggener Consulting Engineers P.O. Box 232946 Anchorage, Alaska 99523-2946 Contact: 4 Ghe ** & & & MESSAGE: oa tak FOPL OK Informa hon ee KKH HEHEHE HEHE HHH KE EE LMULK EGOENEK EbKS. i; to 4 a ee | fs 1 { te i | ; i | | 4 \ it | - | pe jebcbaed / abit P| 129. G06 i 1D?907-349-1015 — | | in | @ MAR 19°93 10:45 No.005 P.02 a ee i ot | WIEACILITY | fA\4coass; | ot. ; | td | FE | | : “(| | | | i | | hi | | } | } Vella | fo fe-bet | eon leroy etna! { | | | } ro} ' NI + ' | Un 1 | fe ee | | ln Wy | | el it t | | | t ru | Su .| 1. ' | | ' | aan anion ‘a Neel | | | | | | | eres PL } | eohheoee t : b 1 A A a Ve Va | 1 | } | jae | ae f | | ie | PL ee ae i } | } be echaen | eno tual | dae (i tt | L.. a tee | | | | | s| | | { | | — | | ‘a | a £0°d SOO°ON 9F:OT £6. 61 auW co ila | | (ese STOT-6p$-206: 01 $u93 AANFI999 WINHA CHUCK EGGENER EGRS. ID:907-349-1015 FROM FANIUM Sew ice FAX COVER SHEET Cc FAX COVER SHEET ince 1948 c Approval AN ICA, In C. Alaska Native Industries Cooperative Association, Inc. 4634 East Marginal Way South, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98134 , Voice Number (206) 767-0333 + Facsimile Number (206) 767-2421 MAR 19°93 10:46 No.005 P.04 Pages (Including Cover) __) Date: >~-/8 -93 TO! » lowe 1 eg Phone: 7—_3244- /arss- Direct Dial #_. From: ai. | ' Return Original? Y/N FEB-10-1995 167U> FRUM NUAIAK N.S. TO P.@1 NATIVE VILLAGE OF NOATAK P.O. BOX 89 NOATAK, ALASKA 99761 (907) 485-2173 FAX (907) 485-2137 - TELECOPY DATE loaned AES TIME TO: Brien Grey tof pages including cover_|0 CSwebo Crcaron FAX te SG\- &S28 ATTN: FROM: ET ease LL COMMENTS: @ Conmtraet a 279 20SF1 -Nontnk IGA Bak UAL FOR COMMUNICATIONS ONLY ! (907) 485-2137 If any problems in receiving - please call (907)485-2173 LNVER COUUCIICR CURD. LU S9Ur-D4¥Y-LULDS Fes Ly ys LUZ) NO 00S) F701 S6l- 45 Bd CHUCK EGGENER CONSULTING ENGINEERS FACSIMILE COVER SHEET VOICE PHONE: (907) 349-1010 FACSIMILE: (907) 349-1015 TO: Lean Cepy PAGE_/ of __@ DATE: YE FROM: Chuck Eggener Consulting Engineers P.O. Box 232946 Anchorage, Alaska 99523-2946 Contact:_( Clif EERE EHR HERE HERE EEK HEHEHE HEREE MESSAGE: Balan r Al We ge Jert#eHeD FIND THE SO/ PUolE L was > LOOKING FOR. Ase tidy w LOEW THE OPTIONS WE SELECTED THE FOTAL SS CHIWAE, SHOULD HAVE BEEN) HS FOLLOUIS Sk ANC/ Lut /wrK [Cot Josh faa = 34,200 SS THX 2LP ||| 727A FG F327 LESS ~ 5000 3/337 WT. PLS ERT CM ARGE (Z 000 ZEMMNING AMOWT 70 BE => (9,237 Fab FLOM KER Fuel. PRAIEOT Se LU:¥yUr-$49-1015 FEB 19°93 10:25 No.003 P.02 Thi PRT SOUTHERH AIR Banc GOT24B9E47 P,O81 mele | vel a) | SOUTHERN AIR TRANSPORT | "—- FAX TRANSMISSION : TA tesoe Awe Eoeevck- | FROM: _. Sheryl Fuller VIA: FAK NBR 907~248-9847 DATE: \\\ \O i TLC LTTE ni rts NUMBER OF PACES INCLUDING COVER sHaET: \ oe ae CE h Han KN TROT CEA SRRS ESCO Aka TR eS | | | 1 | ; ‘Chuck, i ' 1 | This is to confirm jthe quotation for the Noatak/Cape Listwrne iflights. Please nate that this quotaticn will only be valid ifor 10 days as we are in the process of changine eur rate ‘structure. tree the following routings ANC/LUR/WT K/LUR/WTK/ ANC i ' \ i tant, 2,137.00 | | flights # 34,200.00 ri load! ANC: 1,000.00 4# anplicable¢ 2 offlbad ANC: 500.00 fe | ; tbhtat | 39,027, ii) Aa 5 ‘14, an ‘additicnal stop in WTK is made un the ANC/LUR leg, @ landing 3 jcharge of $1009.00 iri apply. + Thank you for your {rear vat. Wa'l) call tomorrow it there is any “further informatiou|/on the partial load to Kotzebue. At this time, ' we have Sunday rill er Tuesday next week. asi Pest regarde, a : “be ie y aolerate Anchorage Daily News Wednesday, December 2, 1992 B5 to the Dally News inter provisions wmen unload a 23,000-gallon fuel tank from a Hercules cargo plane in the village of Noatak recently. The one of two surplus tanks donated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, will help Noatak store enough to get through the winter. Bé Anchorage Daily News Wednesday, December 2, 1992 Anchorage Daily News Katherine Fanning, Editor and Publisher 1971 to 1983 Lawrence Fanning, Editor and Publisher 1967 to 1971 . Bob Packwood Powerful charges, poor explanations It’s the year of the woman, indeed. The year that followed Anita Hill’s tortured testimony alleging Clarence Thomas sexually harassed her. The year Sen. Brock Adams of Washington decided to end his career while disputing charges that he had made improper Us 2 JTW ne Til. fr We Py nk 7 File: ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY TA. No! LON TRIP REPORT x Date: October 28, 1992 By: B. Gray A, Location and Dates of Trip: Noorvik, and Kobuk, AK ber 18 - 23, 1992 Persons Accompanying on Trip: None Purpose of Trip: Survey fuel systems in Noatak and Kobuk. Met with City officials in Noorvik to evaluate possible sites for a consolidated fuel facility. Significant Contacts: Steve Werle, Noatak Glen Skin, Noorvik Pam Kron, Kobuk Significant Events: All major goals accomplished. Uncorrected Problems: None. Daily Travel Log: September 18, 1992 Depart Anchorage 8:15 a.m. Arrive Kotzebue 10:00 a.m. Called Mike Moore (NWAB) to coordinate the Noorvik trip. He said he wouldn't be able to go until Tuesday. | went to KEA to meet Brad Reeve and perform a cursory inspection of the KEA power plant. They were in the process of modifying the cooling piping so all cooling will be manifolded to common radiators. Depart Kotzebue 11:30 a.m. Arrive Noatak 12:30 p.m. Meet with Steve Werle (former Village Administrator and the coordinator for the fuel tank move from Lisbume.) He showed 92Q3\NK3753.D0C(1) Trip Report October 28, 1992 Page 2 September 21, 1992 September 22, 1992 92Q3\NK3753.DO0C(2) me all the fuel facilities and explained the operations to me. We then went and discussed options with Alice Adams (current City Administrator.) Spent rest of the day surveying tanks. Spent weekend in Noatak at no cost. Surveyed remainder of tank farms ( five total). Steve and | concluded that the best solution would be to relocate the bulk and retail operation to DOT land next to existing school tanks. Even AVEC tanks should be moved. Current operations use hose from airport to school manifold then school pump and distribution piping to far end of school complex then hose to fill AVEC. This is quite risky. Native store tanks are filled by 3,000 gal. tanks in back of dump truck with hoses and gas powered pumps resulting in a lot of spillage. AVEC and native store tanks are located right about the top of the Noatak river bank and pose a formidable threat to the environment. Depart Noatak 1:00 p.m. Arrive Kotzebue 1:30 p.m. Called Glen Skin (Noorvik), Pam Kron (Kobuk) and AEA. Went to NWAB offices to meet with Mike Moore (Grant Writer). We discussed consolidation idea and reviewed air photos for potential sites. He said he wouldn't be able to go to Noorvik this week. Depart Kotzebue 5:45 p.m. Arrive Noorvik 7:15 p.m. Met up with Tom Heintzman and Dave Birney (PHS Engineers) in Kiana who traveled to Noorvik with me. We met briefly with Glen Skin (Noorvik City Administrator) and discussed fuel tanks, particularly the ones at WTP on wood pilings that are settling. | checked into the City Building and paid for lodging. Tom, Dave and | looked over old City tanks on pilings. We agreed that some dirt should be placed under pilings to direct water away (there is a constant puddle around pilings that may be causing piles to thaw and settle) then once the piles are stabilized, jack up beams and support with blocking and steel straps. There is contamination under the pilings and PHS was concerned about covering it up. | suggested that they talk to DEC about placing visqueen first so clean fill could be removed at a later date. It seemed like they might do something about it. | then went to look at all the tanks in town. Except for one native store gas tank that was extremely dented, all the tanks appear to be in fair to good condition. Many showed signs of corrosion but in general it seemed to be light surface rust with no deep pitting or scaling evident. Probably all of the tanks could be used after cleaning and minor modifications. Some native store tanks have recently been painted. Trip Report October 28, 1992 Page 3 September 23, 1992 Copies to: | meet with Glen Skin and Mayor William Fields to discuss the consolidation idea. They liked the idea and said they would put it on the City Council meeting agenda that night for discussion. | went to look over possible sites for new tank farm. The area at the south end of town suggested by Mike Moore is a poor location. It is a long way from the fuel consumers, the road is narrow with steep grades, tight corners and a little bridge that washes out every year. It would not be a good site to haul fuel from. The best site is across the street from AVEC on Lot 20 Bik 26 (City Property) or on DOT land immediately east toward the airport. The road to the airport is plowed all winter so access would be good and the location is close enough that fuel could be piped to AVEC, high school and maybe the City and Elementary School. Glen seemed to like the site and said he would discuss it with the others to get the community's preference. Depart Noorvik 2:45 p.m. Arrive Kobuk 3:30 p.m. Met Pam Kron (City Administrator) and Ben (VPSO). The City currently stores fuel and gas for its own operations only. They have not sold fuel on a retail basis for several years because more was stolen than sold. The tank farm is fenced and locked and vent caps are locked but people still manage to break in and steal fuel. They would like to get back into retail sales but need to improve security somehow - discussed options including motion detectors and alarms. | surveyed the City tank farm and paid for lodging at the Clinic. Surveyed NWABSD school tank farm. Met with Pam to discuss some options for the City tanks. We agreed that there probably was no physical system that would solve the theft problem. | agreed to send her a report with some options and cost estimates. Depart Kobuk 3:30 p.m. Arrive Kotzebue 4:30 p.m. Depart Kotzebue 6:15 p.m. Arrive Anchorage 9:00 p.m. Cheryl Patterson, Administrative Clerk Travel Authorization PR# Travel Expense Request File: Enclosures: 92Q3\NK3753.D0C(3) Q oO State of Alaska Ds Walter J. Hickel, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation September 30, 1992 Mr. Bill Baily, President Noatak IRA Council Box 89 Noatak, Alaska 99761 Subject: Project Agreement No. 2800571 Dear Mr. Baily: An original copy of the subject agreement for the Noatak IRA Bulk Fuel Upgrade Phase | project is enclosed for your files. The Energy Authority - as required by state statute - has also forwarded a copy of these agreements to the Alaska Department of Labor. We are required to notify the Department about construction projects that use state funds. It is the responsibility of the Noatak IRA Council to contact the Department directly to determine whether wages paid on this project are subject to Alaska Statute 36.05 (Little Davis Bacon) if you have any construction activites. If you have any questions about the scope, schedule or procedures for the project, please contact Brian Gray, Chief Mechanical Engineer, at (800) 478-7877. rward to working with youLon this project. Director of Rural Programs Enclosure as stated ce: Senator Albert P. Adams, Alaska State Legislature Representative .Eileen MacLean, Alaska State Legislature Brian Gray, Alaska Energy Authority Pat Woodell, Alaska Energy Authority Marlys Hagen, Alaska Energy Authority OPO. Box 110809 Juneau, Alaska 99811-0809 (907) 465-3575 AK PO. Box 190869 704 EastTudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 Noatak IRA Bulk Fuel, Phase 1 Grant Agreement Page 1 of 11 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY GRANT AGREEMENT Noatak IRA BFU PH! Contract No._2%0057/ aay THIS AGREEMENT,and its appendices and attachments, entered into this ci day_ of b 1992, between the ALASKA ENERGY ORITY (the ‘Enérgy Au ority) and the NOATAK IRA COUNCIL (the Council) provides for a grant to perform the services described in Appendix A. This Agreement is effective through May 31, 1993. ARTICLE A. NOATAK IRA COUNCIL COVENANTS The Council will: 1. Expend grant funds only for the purposes provided for under this Agreement. 2. Perform the Scope of Work described in Appendix A. 3. Ensure all necessary access in and around the Project site is provided to Energy Authority staff, contractors or consultants during the time the Project is underway and during any follow up visits to the site. 4. Obtain all titles, easements and other approvals necessary to provide clear title and to establish the Council's legal right and authority to construct, maintain and operate its facilities. 5. Designate the Energy Authority as its agent in the design and construction management of the Project and delegate to the Energy Authority full authority over all decisions in connection with construction, start-up, and run-in of the Project, including approval of contractor selection, approval of plans and specifications; choices of scheduling, manpower, methods, procurement, materials and procedures for administering the Project; disposition of surplus equipment; payment of all Project billings, performance of final inspection; and issuance of a Notice of Project Completion. 5. As requested, provide local labor, manpower assistance, and/or construction equipment to Energy Authority personnel, contractors or other authorized representatives at the Project site. AEA Grant Form 92 Rev. 8/92 FN: noagrt\1992q3\piw Noatak IRA Bulk Fuel, Phase 1 Grant Agreement Page 2 of 11 6. Within 15 days after the Energy Authority issues a Notice of Project Completion, sign an acknowledgement of Project completion or identify in writing, any specific task that the Council considers incomplete. le Upon completion of the Project, accept responsibility for operation and maintenance of Project facilities. 8. Abide by the terms, conditions, and covenants provided in Appendices A and B and Attachment I. Article B. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY COVENANTS The Energy Authority will: 1. Grant to the Council an amount, not-to-exceed $30,000 for performance under this Agreement and disburse the grant in accordance with its duties and responsibilities referenced in Article A, Paragraph 4. 2. Account for the Council's grant funds in the Alaska State Accounting System (AKSAS) in accordance with the funding sources and account codes referenced in Appendix B. 3. Provide advice and assistance to the Council on administrative, management and technical matters relating to the Project and serve as the Council's agent for the design and construction management of the Project, including, if applicable, issuing Invitations to Bid (ITB) and selecting contractors on behalf of the Council. Maintain oversight responsibility for all matters related to approval of plans and specifications; choices of scheduling, manpower, methods, procurement of materials, and procedures for administering the Project, disposition of surplus equipment; payment of all Project billings, performance of final inspection; and issuance of a Notice of Project Completion. 4. Abide by the terms, conditions, and covenants provided in Appendices A and B and Attachment 1. ARTICLE C. MUTUAL COVENANTS The Energy Authority, and the Council agree to the following: 1. Indemnification. (a) The Energy Authority, and the Council shall indemnify, save harmless and defend the other parties to this Agreement, their officers, agents, servants, and employees from all liability, including costs and expenses, for all actions or claims resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any person or property arising directly or indirectly as a result of any error, AEA Grant Form 92 Rev. 8/92 FN: noagrt\1992q3\piw Noatak IRA Bulk Fuel, Phase 1 Grant Agreement Page 3 of 11 omission or negligent act of the indemnifying party, its officers, agents, servants, or employees or anyone directly or indirectly employed by it in the performance of this Agreement. The labor and manpower assistance provided by the Council under Article A, Paragraph 5 of this Agreement shall be considered the officers, agents, servants, or employees of the Council for purposes of construing these indemnification provisions. (b) All actions or claims, including costs and expenses, resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any person or property arising directly or indirectly from the Council's performance of this Agreement which are caused by the joint negligence of the Energy Authority and the Council shall be appropriated on a comparative fault basis. Any such joint negligence on the part of the Energy Authority must be a direct result of active involvement by the Energy Authority. 2. _ Rights to Terminate Agreement. The Council acknowledges the right of the Energy Authority to terminate this Agreement without payment of liquidated damages to the Council if it is determined by the Energy Authority to be in the best interest of the State to do so, if funds are no longer available, or for cause. For the purposes of this paragraph, "cause" is defined as the provision of incorrect or misleading information by the Council or the Council's failure to provide information that, in the opinion of the Energy Authority, is a material fact that would have influenced Energy Authority actions. Under these conditions, the Council waives any right of recourse and will reimburse the Energy Authority for all funds the Council may have received according to this Agreement plus all costs, including attorneys' fees, incurred by the Energy Authority to perfect its claim or collect those funds. 3. Availability _of Funding. The Council acknowledges that this Agreement is subject to availability of money from the State of Alaska. If funding is withdrawn, reduced, or limited in any way after the effective date of this Agreement and before the completion of performance, the Energy Authority may terminate the Agreement without incurring liquidated damages. The Energy Authority may, in its discretion, renegotiate the terms of this Agreement to comply with any new funding limitations or conditions. 4. Audit Requirements. This Agreement is subject to the audit requirements of Title 2, Chapter 45 (Grant Administration) of the Alaska Administrative Code (AAC), commonly referred to as the "Single Audit Regulation." 5. ies Not Being Agents of Each Other. It is agreed that the Council, its , agents, servants and employees shall act in an independent capacity and not as agents of the Energy Authority in the performance of this Agreement. It is further agreed that the Energy Authority, its officers, agents, servants and employees shall act in an independent capacity and not as agents of the Council in the performance of this Agreement. 6. Disputes. Any party to this Agreement may bring an action against any other party in the superior court for the State of Alaska to resolve a dispute arising under this Agreement. Any lawsuit involving this Agreement shall be heard by the superior court, Third Judicial District at Anchorage. All legal costs, AEA Grant Form 92 Rev. 8/92 FN: noagrt\1992q3\piw Noatak IRA Bulk Fuel, Phase 1 Grant Agreement Page 4 of 11 including attorneys' fees not otherwise provided for in this Agreement, shall be allocated pursuant to Alaska Civil Rule 82. 7. Rights of Other Parties. It is the intent of the parties that this Agreement confer no rights on any third parties. 8. Binding Effect. This Agreement and all of its terms, covenants, conditions, attachments and appendices represent the entire agreement and shall extend to and be binding upon the respective heirs, executors, administrators, grantees, successors and assigns of the parties to this Agreement. 9. Severability. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Agreement or any agreement referred to in this Agreement shall be finally adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall be unaffected by such adjudication and all the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as if such section, paragraph, clause or provision or any part thereof so adjudicated to be invalid had not been included herein. 10. Declaration of Public Benefit. The parties acknowledge that the Project is to be constructed for the benefit of the general public and will not deny any person use of Project facilities or use of power produced from Project facilities due to race, religion, color, sex, marital status, age, or national origin. 11. Notices. Any notice required of either party shall be in writing and, unless receipt of such notice is expressly required by the terms of this Agreement, shall be deemed served when deposited in the mail in a sealed envelope, with sufficient first class postage affixed, and addressed to the appropriate party. The notices shall be sent to each party's place of business, which in the case of the Council shall be: Bill Baily, President Noatak IRA Council Box 89 Noatak, AK. 99761 Phone: (907) 485-2173 FAX: (907) 485-2437 in the case of the Energy Authority shall be: ‘Ronald A. Garzini, Interim Executive Director Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 (800) 478-7877 (907) 561-8584 (FAX) AEA Grant Form 92 Rev. 8/92 FN: noagrt\1992q3\piw Noatak IRA Bulk Fuel, Phase 1 Grant Agreement Page 5 of 11 THIS AGREEMENT has been reviewed, agreed to, and executed by the following parties: for the NOATAK IRA COUNCIL b ” S//UG 2 (Signature) (Date) Sin Ba, len Dresiden fT Len (Name Printed) (Title) STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing coer. = acknowledged before me_ this Vise day of ee YL ; : y ee lad i ———————— of the Noatak | ounci Postmaster /n, Por USPS pan oY Public Ax 122.44 AEA Grant Form 92 Rev. 8/92 FN: noagrt\1992q3\piw Noatak IRA Bulk Fuel, Phase 1 Grant Agreement Page 6 of 11 for the ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY ey 4liqlaz Ronald A.‘Garzini (Date) Ronald A. Garzini diets Executive Director (Name Printed) (Title) STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me, this iam day of , 1992 by Pata A. Oran yon: , e of the Alaska Energy Authority. Notary bad Ce a Alaska My Commission Expires: _©Oc# (4 192B AEA Grant Form 92 Rev. 8/92 FN: noagrt\1992q3\plw Noatak IRA Bulk Fuel, Phase 1 Grant Agreement Page 7 of 11 APPENDIX A I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND SCHEDULE The community of Noatak has been given two each 20,000 gallon self- diked fuel tanks if they will transport them from Cape Lisburne to Noatak. The existing IRA fuel facility has been reported to be in extemely poor condition on an eroding river bank and in need of replacement. The community has requested financial and technical assistance from the Energy Authority. ll. SCOPE OF WORK The Scope of Work for Phase | of this project includes the following activities: 1. Transport 2 each 20,000 gallon self-diked fuel tanks from Cape Lisburne to Noatak. Authorized expenses include freight costs for transportation of tanks, village labor for coordination and support of transport, and approved, administrative items such as long distance telephone calls that are associated with the project. Some costs incurred prior to the time this agreement is approved, may be authorized at the Energy Authority's discretion. 2. Prepare a design and cost estimate (using the Council's consulting engineer) for Phase II of the project: construction of a new code-compliant fuel facility using the tanks referenced in Paragraph 1. AEA Grant Form 92 Rev. 8/92 FN: noagrt\1992q3\piw Noatak IRA Bulk Fuel, Phase 1 Grant Agreement Page 8 of 11 APPENDIX B I. ENERGY AUTHORITY FUNDING ACCOUNT Not-to-Exceed Account Authorization AEA Ledger Code Amount FY93 Bulk Fuel Sytem Upgrades LC 81822707 $30,000 AR 32480, CC 08162207 ll. GRANT DISBURSMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCEDURE A. On behalf of the Council, the Energy Authority will disburse Project grant funds from the Alaska State Accounting System (AKSAS), using the accounts listed above and maintain Project accounting records associated with the Project. B. The Council will: 1. Upon completion of the Project and payment of outstanding bills, authorize the Energy Authority, to liquidate any grant funds authorized for the Project but not expended under this Agreement. AEA Grant Form 92 Rev. 8/92 FN: noagrt\1992q3\piw Noatak IRA Bulk Fuel, Phase 1 Grant Agreement Page 9 of 11 ATTACHMENT | Notice of Project Completion AEA Grant Form 92 Rev. 8/92 FN: noagrt\1992q3\piw Noatak IRA Bulk Fuel, Phase 1 Grant Agreement Page 10 of 11 NOTICE OF PROJECT COMPLETION Date: Project Name Noatak IRA BFU PHI Contracting Party Noatak Village Council AEA Contract No. Agreement Execution Date ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY certifies that the Project named above is complete in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY acknowledges that all expenses incurred under the Agreement have been paid in full, and no further claims for reimbursement can be made. David Denig-Chakroff ate Director, Rural Programs The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of , 1992, by David Denig-Chakroff, Director of Rural rograms. STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) Notary Public, State of Alaska My Commission Expires: AEA Grant Form 92 Rev. 8/92 FN: noagrt\1992q3\piw Noatak IRA Bulk Fuel, Phase 1 Grant Agreement Page 11 of 11 THE NOATAK IRA COUNCIL acknowledges that the Project referenced above has been completed, and that all tasks have been satisfactorily carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions of the construction agreement. Authorized Signature Dat Noatak IRA Council STATE OF ALASKA SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) Ss. The fi joing Agreement wi rowled eforg me this > day of. < , 1992, by - > of the Noatgk IRA Council. AEA Grant Form 92 Rev. 8/92 FN: noagrt\1992q3\piw Brreon Prayeck State of Alaska s Walter J. Hickel, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation August 12, 1992 Mr. Bill Baily, President Noatak IRA Council Box 89 Noatak, Alaska 99761 Dear Mr. Baily: Two copies of a grant agreement to provide funding for work on Noatak's bulk fuel project are enclosed for your signature and notary. | would appreciate your returning both copies to us after you have signed. We will return one original to you after the agreement has been approved by our Executive Director. Please contact Brian Gray at (800) 478-7877 if you would like to discuss the details of the agreement before you sign. We look forward to working with you on this project in the coming months. Sincerely, “Dave Denig-Chakroff * Director, Rural Programs Enclosures as stated FN:noalet\1992q3\plw OO PO.BoxAM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 x PO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL PROGRAMS FY93 PROJECT BUDGET comunity 820 200 NoATA budget 4 3H 3241 NOATAK IZA BRU PJ CODE PROJECT NAME Preparer , OFAT Project i Le 7 2+ © 2H > Date 7/ 2 jozw “PROJ MNGR CODE MNGR CODE Source f Fundin PROJECT Line Chart of Accounts FU- FY9 TOTAL 1 71000 DIRECT PERSOWAL SERVICE W/BENEFITS 2,10 Z, O10 2 72000 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 700 7100 3 Engineering & Prof Services Contract beseeeeeee’, Siace ase alee Fram eleieicle ___celple aisiealeloianielslofel) Felis via\elsioie Sieve elerelel ude s erslcleie/sis/e SGlsisinte 4 (AC | Ks ~, o. ag WE side aNidlepececccss _egcceccccsescsics .| veveceS0ssebsee0 (60dt000ccvescavcie 5 Project Contingency li TIO prea cba Sakie deen seisic) 910166 SS eichwules 30) | ee eeaeunesaesene | Use ssneunenes tees 6 73000 OTHER SERVICES SUBTOTAL 1.790 |,79O [rine 6 = sum of lines 3,4,5] 7 74000 PROJECT MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT 2°20 200 8 75000 AEA EQUIPMENT oO oO 9 77000 GRANTS 30,000 30,000 10 Direct Project Costs SUBTOTAL Z5 SOO [Line 10 = sum of lines 1,2,6,7,8,9] rey Indirect Project Costs a 500 4, 500 [Line = 160% X line 1) 12 PROJECT TOTAL 40,000 40,000 {Line 12 = sum of Vines 10,11) Matrix Code Project AR an ee ‘ Project CC —_ 3 Project LC A cc: Gloria BUDGET APPROVALS (piease initial and date) Z Gary Li 796 Pat Woodel] >roject Manager PA 7/za/o2 Director/Rural Programs /7 TR Janet Hansen fanager/Rural Projects VLA _ , Executive Director / 7 3/42 Project Manager ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL PROJECT DEVELOPMENT WORKSHEET Project Manager: —. GCA Date: 7/29192 Community: MWJOATAC Project Description [Describe reason for initiating project (response to correspondence, site visit, etc.) the situation, needs, proposal for resolving same, and issues pertinent to funding source restrictions (e.g., life, health, and safety improvements; efficiency improvements; emergency risk, etc.)} THE commMuniTY HAS BEEN GIVEN 2 EA 20,000 GAUoW SELF-D\teo Fuer TALES IF THEY Wile TeAvereoRT THEM Fro hfe LISBU2NE Jo NoATAL, THE EXISTING IEA Fue. FAULTY HAs Been PeverTEep To BE W EXTRENELY feok Lenvitiod on AN ERopwe Hiver BAve AID IW NEED OF FEPLACEMEST, THE COMMUNITY HAS TEQLESTEDD Ovg FISACIAL £ TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE, Scope of Work (__ Preliminary _X Final) [Itemize tasks in as much detail as possible} Pitse I (THis PROMECT): |) TeaNSPorT CZ ER 20000 GAL SELF-DiKEO Fuel TANKS From CAve LiSBRNE TO NOATAL, LEGITHATE Exfenszec INAMDE ThansFeETATIO) OF TASKS, VILLAGE LABoR For COOLPWATION 4 SULPFEET OF TitAnofert, ANID AfProver : REIMBLESABLE ITEMS SUCH AS LONG Distmve PHONE CALLS. ° 2) Peerare A DESIGN 4 CoST ESTIMATE (BY VILAGE CnSULTING ENGINEER) FoR PHASE T- Cowerevetios OF A NEW Zope COnfumsT FUEL FAQUTY Dsike THESE Thats, Preliminary Cost Estimate (Total): $ Proposed Funding Source(s) sl appropriation(s), Outside funding source(s), Other agency funding, Financing through onds or other means] Brv - FY23 If any outside source funding is involved, describe on reverse side the proposed billing / arrangements, conditions for receipt of and use of funds, and any other issues affecting project management. Project Management Plan (__ Preliminary /¥_ Final) ig Who will be the eventual owner of this project? City | Alaska Energy Authority X_ IRA Council Other (specify) Private Utility 2. Will AEA grant funds for the project? X_ Yes No If so, specify method: Through Trustee ZX. Directly to Grantee 3 Check proposed extent of involvement of AEA staff, contractors, City/Utility staff, and/or force account labor for the activities listed below: EXTENT OF INVOLVEMENT IN ACTIVITY IVITY GRO None Minimal Oversight Moderate Heavy Project AEA Staff Management AEA Contractors City/Utility Staff City/Utility Contractors Design AEA Staff AEA Contractors City/Utility Staff City/Utility Contractors eee Materials AEA Staff Purchasing AEA Contractors City/Utility Staff City/Utility Contractors Construction AEA Staff AEA Contractors Force Account Labor City/Utility Contractors AEA Staff Acre City/U' tii Contractors Coane & AEA Staff aintenance AEA Contractors City/Utility Staff City/Utility Contractors 4. Estimated Project Start Date Wisaiee ; End Date /2/3//22 Ds On reverse side, provide additional information and/or describe pertinent issues that will affect the management of this project. ST ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY PROJECT BUDGET WORKSHEET Community: Project Name: Number: Project Information NosgTAK IZA BED FHT AEA Proj Manager: _ 13. GAY Date prepared: _JYizahz Date of Basis: aes Prepared by: -B-GeAY Approved by: LABOR (field work Name Task | Hrs | Rate | Subtotal Buant SHE wesrecton /Coorowatkes| Zo | 3g] | | | | a a | | CommunityLabor —CSC*CSTOt: | ZO NN 7 it joe RPO401-1 | ei Adl STEVE Total LABOR (office work) ETe MGMT, De Zevic SUP Peg5 CAD SUPPoe [His | Rate | Subtotal | 40 | 22] 1520 | | jo |29| 290 Z40 | | | | || | | 60 MMM 2,050 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY PROJECT BUDGET WORKSHEET Project Information MATERIAL Description Notes Amount FuoTos, ETC 250 1 Total Ze) FREIGHT Description Notes Amount JJ = COOT Total CONTRACT Description [__Nows ‘| Amount (Communityequipmentrental = | Ci‘C*SCSC*dz In) — GEAN PE CE) Le Tie ELEC LECCE SLE EL SUMMARY Toul 2 Personal Services(A+D) Travel & Perdiem (C) Material (E) Freight (F) Contract (B+G) Total