HomeMy WebLinkAboutPeat Commercial Feasibility Analysis Executive Summary 1983PEAT COMMERCIAL FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS Executive Summary Prepared For: The State of Alaska, William Sheffield, Governor E Department of Commerce and Economic Development Richard Lyon, Commissioner Division of Energy and Power Development William Beardsley, Director AX Mheelabrator-Five Ine. Liberty Lane Hampton, New Hampshire 03842 January 31, 1983 ALASKA PEAT COMMERCIAL FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS I. Executive Summary A. Overview Wheelabrator-Frye Inc. in combination with a project team highly experienced in peat technologies, has conducted a peat commercial feasibility analysis for the Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Development, Division of Energy and Power Development. The primary purpose of this analysis was to identify and document the commercial prospects for alternative methods of peat utilization for energy production in South Central Alaska. Primary emphasis was placed upon technology deemed suitable for near tem commercialization. Technologies showing significant promise but needing additional development work were also identified. Resource estimates prepared by the U. S. Department of Energy suggest that peat is the nations second largest fossil energy resource with potential reserves exceeding those of crude oil, natural gas, and Western oil shale. The U. S. ranks third behind Canada and the Soviet Union in terms of peat resources worldwide. It has been estimated that as much as half of U. S. peat resources are in Alaska. Energy peat production in the Soviet Union, Ireland, and Finland is estimated at 80 million tons per year, 6 million tons per year, and 4 million tons per year respectively. There is currently no significant peat energy production in the U. S. or Canada. Alaska's peat reserves exceed the State's oil and gas resources. Successful establishment of a peat processing industry in Alaska can play a significant role in mitagating the economic impact of expected future declines in Alaskan oil and gas production. We feel that this study puts commercial alternatives for peat energy utilization in Alaska into perspective relative to other Alaskan energy sources. Our study was conducted in two phases. In Phase I we analyzed alternative peat harvesting and processing technologies, product slates, markets and product values, and alternative plant sites and scales. Our contract was limited to an evaluation of peat usage in South Central Alaska. The methodology utilized, however, will permit extension of our results to other areas in Alaska with little addi- tional effort. Phase I evaluated both traditional peat harvesting methods currently being practiced in the Soviet Union and Finland as well as newer harvesting methods based on the extraction of wet peat with subsequent water removal in a processing facility. A number of alternative dewatering processes were evaluated with respect to process economics and technological maturity. End-products considered included electricity, methanol, ammonia, high volatile fuel briquettes and low volatile granules (a semi-coke or charcoal like material) and co-product oil. In Phase I several South Central Alaska potential plant sites were evaluated with respect to peat quantity, quality, and plant logistical considerations. PROPERTY OF: Alaska Power Authority 334 W. 5th Ave. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 In the second phase of the project, a more detailed analysis of the selected project concept showing the greatest commercial promise was evaluated in greater depth. A potential plant site was selected, resource samples from the site were extracted and tested at laboratory scale for the proposed process. A preliminary assessment of permit- ability and environmental impact of the proposed project was made. Finally, an engineering cost estimate and economic analysis of the project was prepared. B. Phase I, Results Table I-1 lists the alternatives evaluated in the first phase of the study. Plant sites in the Susitna Basin (Trapper Lake area), Beluga (near power plant) and Kenai (between Kenai and Cohoe) were evaluated. The Trapper Lake region appears able to support 500,000 to 750,000 tons/year of primary peat production. The Beluga area was disappointing with respect to both peat quality and quantity. The Kenai site was chosen for Phase II evaluation. It has somewhat less peat resource then the Trapper Lake area but appears capable of supporting 500,000 tons/year of production. Kenai permits a plant to be built on Tidewater reducing transit and fuel handling costs to export markets. A Tidewater plant site also allows use of a pre- constructed ocean barge transported process plant, possibly built in an Asian shipyard, which would significantly reduce plant capital costs and construction time. A broad range of potential energy products producable from peat were evaluated. Electric power production from peat is not competi- tive with gas fired combustion turbines in the near term, and hydro- electric or coal fired plants in the future. Likewise, methanol or ammonia can be produced more cheaply from natural gas today, and Alaskan coal within two decades. Currently available technology does not allow processed peat (dried and densified) to compete with Alaska coal in export utility steam coal markets. The most favorable alter- native identified using developed technology is the co-production of peat semi-coke and coker-oil competing with anthracite or wood char- coal and heavy fuel oil respectively. Fully developed and newly proposed harvesting and processing technologies were evaluated. Traditional peat harvesting relying on field drying is not economic under Alaskan climatic conditions and produces fuel of very low quality. Wet harvesting of peat with high volume floating excavation equipment and subsequent pipeline transport of excavated peat to a dewatering plant appeared most attractive. Three dewatering processes showed economic promise. The peat wet carbonization process, developed by J. P. Energy Oy at their pilot facility in Finland was selected based on its state of development and economic performance. C. Phase II, Results An in-depth analysis was performed on the most promising plant/product concept identified in Phase I. Phase II results are summarized in Table I-2. The proposed plant, located at a shore site between Kenai and Cohoe would cost $180 million if site erected (in 1983 dollars) and produce 500,000 tons/year (dry basis) of wet carbonized peat subsequently converted into 262,000 tons/year of semi-coke and 100,700 tons/year (552,000 BLS/year) of fuel oil. The plant would employ approximately 115 full-time personnel. As proposed, it would produce about half of it's electric power and purchase about 8 megawatts. The plant could be designed for electric power self-sufficiency if necessary. Our marketing studies suggest that approximately 100,000 tons of output could be briquetted and sold to Alaskan space heating markets. This fuel would primarily displace No. 2 fuel oil and cord wood in residential, commercial, institutional, and small _ industrial applications not currently serviced by natural gas supplies. The balance of the solid fuel produced and production from subsequent plants would have to rely primarily on export markets to the Northwestern U. S. and Pacific Rim countires. The use of anthracite and wood charcoal for cooking and space heating is well established in Asian countries especially in Korea where 25 million tons per year of anthracite are consumed for residential space heating briquettes. It appears that they will have to purchase at least 3.5 million tons per year of anthracite for the remainder of this decade to supplement their declining domestic production. The co-product oil produced from devolatilizing wet carbonized peat should be suitable as a boiler fuel for industrial and commercial users currently burning residual oil (No. 6 oil). This oil product cannot be mixed with No. 6 oil but has comparable heating value and viscosity and lower sulfur content. We have assumed that several dedicated users of this product could be found in Alaska to consume the 552,000 barrels per year produced. We are concerned that peat at both the Trapper Lake and Kenai areas might be too high in ash content to meet the ash specification required by Korean and Japanese anthracite purchasers. Several peat de-ashing methods were investigated at laboratory scale as part of our study. The only method which proved effective in reducing peat ash content was a new method not currently commercially utilized. We have projected that the use of this method would raise the end-product price by $10 per ton but have not included this additional cost in our economic analysis. Alternatively, the project as described could be sited at other locations such as Dillingham which appear to have significant quantities of peat at substantially lower ash content. If coastal peat deposits in more remote Alaskan tidewater areas are utilized, a pre-constructed barge transported plant would be a necessity. Even in South Central Alaska it would significantly reduce plant costs. It appears that the proposed plant can meet applicable State and federal air and water emissions standards. Several post-harvesting reclaimation alternatives appear feasible. These include the creation of flooded or semi-flooded wildlife habitat and fisheries. Peatlands could also be drained after production at some sites and utilized for agricultural production. D. Conclusion The study concludes that the economic analysis for the proposed plant under various financing assumptions resulted in a 10-20% after tax return on investor equity (13.4% under base case assumptions). While the production and recovery of products in addition to the char and oil were considered, these recovery technologies and markets are not well developed at this time, and, therefore, their effects were not included in the base economic analysis. The projected return on equity would equal or exceed corporate investment hurtle rates for some companies involved in mature technologies and mature markets. This project, however, involves technology which has been fully developed but not demonstrated at this scale. The project also involves products which are slightly different from the anthracite, wood charcoal, and residual oil they displace. Long term purchase contracts at the prices indicated above are probably not obtainable until sufficient test quantities of fuel have been produced and tested by target customers. Given the technological and market risks involved, our firm and others like it would probably require in excess of a 30% return on investors equity to proceed with such a plant on a first-of-a-kind basis. Construction and operation of a plant such as that proposed could prove more attractive in other parts of the world where peat resources contain less ash, climatic conditions are less severe, construction and operating labor costs are lower, and the plant products can command a higher market value (or less transportation costs). If technical and market risks were reduced, via construction of a prior project elsewhere, than the projected return of the proposed project should be acceptable to investors. It should also be noted that technological improvements and/or the use of a _ pre-manufactured modular plant concept could improve the returns on this project. The base economics assumed 25% equity, 75% debt financing at normal commercial rates. Low interest financing or other incentives would also boost returns on the proposed project. It should be restated that the base case economics assumes that sufficient quantities of peat with less than 15% ash proximate to a plant site are available or alternatively that higher ash peat feedstock can be de-ashed at nominal cost. This condition can be satisfied for such a project at numerous locations in Alaska but possibly not within South Central Alaska. If de-ashing is required, it would reduce the return on investment by at least 5%. It would also require significant additional technical development and demonstration. The magnitude of Alaska's peat resource dictates that it should be utilized to maintain and improve Alaska's economy as oil and gas production decline in the future. Peat's unique properties should be exploited to avoid direct competion with Alaskan coal resources on a BTU basis. Wet extraction of peat appears to offer both economic and environmental advantages under Alaskan conditions. Wet carbonization of peat appears to be the most cost effective commercially developed dewatering method for wet harvested Alaskan peat. Additional research work on less developed alternative methods might also prove fruitful. Peat wet carbonization can also result in the generation of significant potentially recoverable by-products such as furfural, ketones and other resins and solvents. Yields and recovery of these by-products are highly feedstock specific. By-product recovery technologies when developed can produce significant additional plant revenues improving overall economic prospects. Wet carbonized peat results in a_ substantially higher liquid fuel yield upon devolatilization than is achievable with untreated peat or coal (40% BIU yield as liquid fuel). The char (semi-coke) resulting from devolatilization is superior to coal or wood for space heating and cooking (smokeless and even burning). Char produced from low ash or de-ashed peat can command a premium for activated carbon or metallurgical coke use. Peat wet carbonization improves peat de-ashing properties. The most cost effective method for near term commercialization of Alaskan peat appears to be co-production of peat char granules and industrial fuel oil at a substantial scale plant located near tidewater utilizing peat feedstock averaging 12% ash or less. A modular plant design, Asian construction of modules, and governmental financing incentives could all improve economic prospects. Wet carbonization by-products recovery, the co-harvesting of horticultural peat, and/or solvent extraction of waxes from raw peat feed could further enhance economics if developed. In the future, biological conversion of peat cook liquor into liquid fuels, chemicals and food using newly developed genetic engineering techniques offers exciting promise if developed. Biological conversion should prove less sensitive to the high ash content unique to many Alaskan peats. Alaskan peat processing options are illustrated in an attached schematic. Technical progress and commercial experience in peat processing technology will continue to improve the economic prospects for commercialization of Alaskan peat. Alaska, with half of the nation's peat resources, should seriously consider further participation with federal and private efforts to further develop peat technologies. Table I-1 Alaskan Peat Commercial Feasibility Analysis Phase I - Summary of Alternatives Evaluated Sites 1. Susitna Basin (Trapper Lake) 2. Beluga (near power plant) *3, Kenai (between Kenai and Cohoe) End-Products Electric Power via Steam Boiler Electric Power via Gasification Combined Cycle Methanol 2,500 ton/day scale (Gasification/Synthesis) Ammonia 1,200 ton/day scale - High Volatile Solid Fuel Briquettes - Low Volatile Granules with Co-Product Fuel Oil DU FPWNHE * Harvesting/Transport Systems 1. Traditional Milled Peat with Truck Transport 2. Suction Dredging with Pipeline 3. Continuous Deep Cutting (Deep Milling) with Conveyor 4. Mechanical Wet Excavation with Truck Transport *5. Floating Mechanical (Clamshell) Excavator with Pipeline Transport Dewatering Technology 1. High Performance Press (Bell/Sulzer) with Various Thermal Drying Alternatives 2. High Performance Press with Multiple Effect Evaporation (Carver-Greenfield) 3. High Severity Wet Carbonization (Koppelman) 4. Partial Oxidation (Zimpro) *5. Low Severity Wet Carbonization with Two-Stage Fluid Bed Drying Plant Scales/Concepts 1. 250,000 ton/year High Volatile Fuel Output 2. 2,000,000 ton/year High Volatile Fuel Output 3. 262,000 ton/year Semi-Coke plus 100,700 ton/year Fuel Oil; On-Site Construction *4, 262,000 ton/year Semi-Coke plus 100,700 ton/year Fuel Oil; Float-— On/Float-Off Modular Construction * *Alternative Selected Table I-2 Alaska Peat Commercial Feasibility Analysis Phase II - Summary Target Market (s) Fuel Displaced Use Market Size Price (FOB Alaska) A. Semi-coke granule Korea Anthracite space heating 3.5 million TPY $60/ton briquettes U.S. (Lower 48) Wood charcoal 1 million TPY $60-80/ton briquettes Japan Anthracite space heating 1 million TPY $60/ton briquettes Alaska #2 011/wood/ space heating 0.1 million TPY $60/ton coal B. Co-product fuel oil Alaska (Lower 48) #6 Residual oil utility and 3 million barrels $27/barrel industrial fuel per day oil Economic Summary (in 1983 dollars) Total Plant Costs $180 million Semi-coke Production Fuel Oil Production Annual Plant Revenues Full-Time Direct Employment Outside Purchased Power Return on Investor's Equity 262,000 tons/year @ $60/ton 100,700 tons/year (552,000 barrels/year) @ $27/barrel $30 million/year 115 persons 8 megawatts 10-20% (depending on financing assumptions) Alaskan Peat Refinery Kenai/Cohoe Site | PD F-FACTORY L<) t | De ) ov COAL CREEK SLIKOK | LAKE LAKE SOLDOTNA AIRPORT Proposed Plant Products ear gen, ial Semicoke Granules + aa .S) | oe = _ = t i Alaskan Peat Refiner =) ' 4 nN t LEGEND L " EXCAVATOR MACERATOR TRANSPORT PUMP 14 TRANSPORT PIPE-L I STORAGE BASIN le 1a HEAT EXCHANGERS IQui PREHEATING TOWER IQUID FUE REACTORS TEAM GENEF STRIPPER 2U. WASTE WAT FILTER PRESSES 21. 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