HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlaska Energy Authority Report on Koyukuk Electrical System, may 31, 1991Alaska Energy Authority Report on Koyukuk Electrical System by Raj Bhrgava & Associates May 31, 1991 Alaska Energy Authority Summary of Report on Koyukuk Electrical System by Raj Bhargava & Associates 1. The switchgear and the wiring in the power plant does not comply with the National Electrical Code. Recommendation: The power plant switchgear and wiring should be upgraded and replaced to comply with the code. 2. The power distribution in the village is over long s overhead lines at a voltage of 480 volts. The low voltage distribution system is introducing large line loss in the network. Recommendation: The old 480 volt distribution system should | be replaced with a 7200/12470 volt system. 3. There are some unmetered loads, misread and unread meters in the system, contributing to the system loss. | Recommendation: All the commercial and residential loads should be metered. The electrical energy (KWh) consumption of each installation should be included in the PCE report and properly accounted to reduce the system loss. The dial type KWh meters should be replaced with meters with better readout facility, preferably digital type to reduce the human reading error. 4. The total system loss is reported to be about 20% and most of it is due to reasons mentioned under item 2 & 3 above. Recommendation: Corrective actions for item 2 and 3 above will reduce the system loss by about 10-12%. 5. The existing distribution system can not be expanded to take care of the future increase in loads. The additional expected future loads are runway lighting and new housing. Recommendation: Upgrading the distribution system to 7200/12470 volts will release additional loading capacity of the system. Further, while upgrading the system it can be designed to accept future load growth. 6. The power plant generators are not operated at optimum loading condition. The load on generators vary between 20% to 75% with an average of about 33%. This loading pattern leads to inefficient operation and high fuel consumption (10.5 KWh/gal and less recorded). Recommendation: The plant can operate at a better efficiency if the generators can be matched to the loading pattern over the year. However, the future load increase should be considered while deciding the generator capacity. 7. The fuel meter in the power plant does not work properly. Recommendation: The existing fuel meter should be recalibrated or replaced with a new meter. The existing meter installation is incorrect and needs to be relocated in the fuel line. 8. The village has been off the PCE program since February 28, 1990. Along with other documentation, Koyukuk needs to submit a certificate of code-compliance for its power plant for PCE reinstatement. Koyukuk can not obtain the certificate until the code violations indicated under item 1 are corrected. 9. The power plant has no fire extinguisher or alarm system in place. Recommendation: A proper fire extinguisher and alarm system should be installed to take care of any emergencies. Amit Sinha, Project Manager Alaska Energy Authority May 31, 1991. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City of Koyukuk’s electrical system was reported as having high line losses and life safety (code) problems. An investigation of these problems was carried out by Thomas D. Humphrey, P.E. pursuant to Contract No. 2800287, Work Order No. AEA-RAB-004 between the Alaska Energy Authority and Raj Bhargava Associates. The field investigation work was done between March 12th and 15th, 1991. The index on the following page depicts the overall scope of work that was done by task. Life Safety. As built drawings of both the powerhouse and distribution system were prepared. Numerous National Electrical Code violations were found in the powerhouse. I recommend a fix that involves retying the generators at 480V, adding transfer switches and rearranging the balance of the existing equipment. The outside distribution system consists of overhead 480V and 120/240V secondaries only. Circuit breakers on the pole mounted dry type transformers are inaccessible. Line Losses. Line losses appear to average about 20%. The bulk of these losses are due to very long runs of 480v and 120/240v distribution lines. Furthermore, the Electric Utility expects load to increase with the addition of airport lighting system, school addition, and a few new houses. The current system is not conducive to any line expansion and should be upgraded to an REA type 7200/12470 overhead system. This may not be too difficult as the existing system is already underbuilt i.e. built with space for a higher voltage system at the top of the poles. Unmetered loads, misread meters, and unread meters are the second highest contributor to line losses. A complete reconstruction of all the meter reading data for a thirteen month period ending 2/28/91 was completed as part of this investigation. Unmetered loads including street lights, city fuel dispensing station, church, and community center. Misread meters include the washeteria. Fuel efficiency is also very low ranging from 10.5 kwhrs/gal and worse. The generators are severely underloaded. Peaking at about 66% load and typically average about 33% load - running at about 20% load throughout the night. The generator fuel efficiency improves as the generators are run closer to full load. This is Page 1 not the case here. However we are not recommending purchase of a smaller generator at this time because there are a number of factors which could increase the base load significantly to list some of the variables: a. Resumption of PCE subsidy. bs Upgrading the distribution system - brownouts tend to reduce load. Gc. New construction. PCE. Koyukuk has been suspended from the PCE program effective 2/28/90 because of not filing for or obtaining a certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPC&N) that was due 11/15/89. The last PCE report received by AEA was for 4/30/90. Koyukuk also failed to submit their annual PCE filing due 3/31/91. Data included in this report which can be used to bring these filing requirements current include: Tab 4 - Certification of the powerhouse subject to numerous code violation corrections Tab 5B - As built drawing of distribution system As built drawing of powerhouse Appendix 13 months of tabulated electric and fuel meter readings CPC&N, monthly and annual reports should be completed and filed as soon as possible. Page 2 TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB INDEX LIFE SAFETY (CODE) PROBLEMS TASK Al Overhead system-code violations TASK A2 Condition of overhead poles and hardware TASK A3 Bulk fuel oil tanks, leakage and dikes TASK A4 Power house fire extinguishers and alarm system LINE LOSSES TASK Bl Check electrical system for unmetered loads, correct connection and operation of meters, oversized transformers TASK B2 Powerhouse condition, unmetered loads, totalizing and station service meter, record keeping and billing problems PCE TASK Cl Generator loading TASK C2 Switchgear TASK C3 Fuel meter TASK D - CERTIFICATION OF THE POWERHOUSE GENERAL TASK El - Powerhouse data program TASK E2 - As built drawing of distribution system and powerhouse APPENDICES Page 3 TAB 1 LIFE SAFETY (CODE) PROBLEMS Task A1 - Check the overhead/underground electrical distribution system, service drops, and house connections for any possible public safety hazards and violations of the NESC. Koyukuk’s Electrical distribution system is an overhead radial system using a combination of 480V 3 phase and 120/240V 1 phase overhead secondary construction techniques. Most of the poles are untreated (locally harvested?) and appeared in good condition. Framing was done to allow for future high voltage conductors although if this is ever done several of the poles will have to be replaced from being too short or not enough framing space. All of the buildings have accessible overhead meters/mains. Sometimes the location was not ideal for service conductors and did not always meet clearance requirements with drops right over houses and masts not guyed. The pole mounted dry type 15Kva 480V to 120/240V transformers had circuit breakers mounted on them which are not readily accessible. -The system does not lend itself to future growth or expansion as the line losses particularly on the 120/240V (South Feeder) will become excessive. For example, next year there is supposed to be a 7Kw runway lighting load. This feeder w= not be able to handle it. -| did not find any glaring code violation in the outside plant. -Line losses are in the 10-15% range. Task A2 - Check the quality of the overhead poles and hardware in general. The newer sections of this system were constructed a lot better than the older sections. The south feeder is only 120/240 at present and probably has the most losses, particularly with the recent addition of H&H Camp load. This feeder will just get worse if proposed airport runway loads are expected to be served by it. Basically the system is just secondary construction. Figures 1 an 2 illustrate typical construction. Task A3 - Check the bulk fuel oil tanks for any leakage and if there is any oil containment dike around the tanks. | did not see any leakage. There was four feet of snow on the ground and drifts which precluded any real inspection of the tank farm. However | did find that AEA has good information on the status of these tanks. Reference Steve Stassel Memo dated 10/9/90 regarding repairs made by AEA personnel to this system. Page 4 Additional problems encountered with the fuel system are discussed in detail later in this report. See Task C3 fuel meter. Figure 3 depicts the tank farm. Tanks 1, 4, and 5 are used by the City power plant with capacities of 11,488, 11,488, and 12,691 gallons each. Tanks 2 and 3 are used by the Koyukuk School with capacities of 10644 gallons each. Tank 6 is used by Koyukuk Village Safewater. Fuel purchases were delivered on 7/30/90 - 18001 gallons @ 1.1538/gal and on 10/18/90 - 17008 gallons @ 1.4986/gal. Measurements of the tank levels are recorded every month. These measurements are included in the monthly Meter Reading Worksheets in the Appendix. Task A4 - Check the fire extinguisher and alarm system in the power house. The Koyukuk powerplant has no alarm system or fire extinguishers in place at the present time. All of the generators are located in a single wood frame structure with wood floors. The powerhouse although located centrally is separated by approximately 100feet from both the School and the City Offices. In the event of a fire the powerhouse itself would probably burn to the ground but not be a threat to the nearby buildings. Fire extinguishers and an alarm system should be installed. Page 5 Figure 2 - Typical Distribution System Span Page 6 Figure 3 - Fuel Oil Tank Farm Figure 4 - City Gasoline Tank Farm Page 7 TAB 2. LINE LOSS Line loss (Efficiency) appears to average around 80%. Line losses can be partially accounted for by unmetered loads including street lights, city fuel dispenser station, church, community center. But the bulk of the line losses are due to very long runs of 120/240 and 480 volt distribution. Task B1- Check the electrical system for the following: Unmetered loads. Spot check for correct connection and proper operation of energy meters, particularly for large loads. For the improperly operating meters rectify the connections, multiplying factor etc. as necessary and if it is possible at the site. Check for any over sized transformer which may introduce iron loss. Unmetered loads. Unmetered loads found include: -Church -City Gasoline Dispenser System -Street Lights The community hall and H&H shop had meters and these readings did not appear on the meter reading reports. H&H shop apparently was just connected. The power plant station meter is read monthly but hasn’t been used in any of the reports. | estimate that unmetered losses account for less than 5% of the losses. Connections. The only meter with instrument transformers was the powerplant’s main totalizing meter. The wiring is not in conformance with code requirements but is functionally correct and tested okay. No corrections were made. Oversize transformers. All transformers are 15Kva pole mounted dry type, 480V to 120/240, 1 phase. Some of them may be undersized as evidenced by nuisance breaker tripping - particularly the transformer serving the Clinic/Library. The School and Washeteria is fed direct at 120/208 V 3 Phase. As is the South feeder. The majority of town is on the North feeder which is served by a 75 Kva dry type transformer in the power house. The load on this feeder averages about 10Kva and peaks about 30 Kva. | located three spare 15 Kva transformers at the Church which should be moved to the power house for storage. Page 8 Task B2- General condition of the powerhouse. Check unmetered loads at powerhouse. Check the totalizing meter and station service meter for correct operation. Check the record keeping for any possible problem related to billing. Powerhouse. The powerhouse is a wood frame building with wood floor. It is 16’ wide by 36’ long with a 7°10" ceiling height. Views of the power house, front and back, are depicted in Figures 5 and 6. The general condition of the powerhouse as a structure is poor. On the other hand the care given to the generator units by the operators is excellent, with good record keeping and weekly oil and filter changes, etc. Figure 8 depicts an interior view of the powerhouse. Unmetered loads. The only unmetered load encountered at the powerhouse is the circuit to the gasoline dispenser area. This dispensers only get occasional use and although this load does need to be metered, it little if any of the losses. Powerhouse meters. The only meter with instrument transformers is in the power house, the system totalizing meter. The station power meter is a regular 4 jaw type. Both of these meters appear to work although they have not been properly accounted for on the PCE reports. Meter details are on the Meter data sheets in the Appendix. Record keeping. | collected the raw data for 13 months ending 3/91. This data includes meter readings, system Kwhr and Kw totalizing meters, powerhouse fuel meter, and fuel tank levels and purchases. | recorded it by month in a spreadsheet program. Performance measures were calculated by month and appear in the worksheets given in the Appendix. | spot checked my computed readings against their billing register. Their billing looks generally in order. The only reports not in order are the PCE required reports. The City is not billing for several PCE qualified community facilities including street lights, community center, washeteria and library. Of the meters being read some are skipped perhaps because the resident is out of town. All meters should be read every month irregardless of the current status of the building until the meter is physically removed from the building being served. For example the meter on Leonard Huntington’s house. The only pointer type meter is on the washeteria. It appears to be read wrong occasionally. This meter should be replaced with a digital version to preclude further reading errors. The powerhouse meters should be read at the same time as the rest of the meters. They were skipped on a couple of occasions. Page 9 Figure 5 - Power House (Front) Figure 6 - Power House (Back) Page 10 Figure 7 - Pole Outside Power House Figure 8 - Generators Page 11 TAB 3. PCE It is my understanding that Koyukuk has been suspended from the PCE program since February 1990. The City’s problems with the PCE program appear to relate to a requirement to obtain a certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPC&N) which was due 11/15/89 and still has not been filed. They continued filing monthly reports through April 1990 at which time they were suspended from the PCE program effective with their February 1990 report. At this time they stopped filing reports. They also did not file their annual PCE report which was due 3/31/91. During my field trip | observed that the City had a draft of their CPC&N prepared and were essentially waiting for an as built of the powerplant and one line diagram to include with it. | made copies of my sketches of these two items and gave them to the City Administrator before leaving. The complete drawings are included under Task 5B. | also observed that although the community had not filed PCE reports since February 1990 which is the last one that was accepted. They were keeping adequate records to prepare all of these reports. | did reconstruct all of their records for the thirteen months ending 2/28/91 and they are included in the Appendix. Task C1 - Check generator loading. Fuel efficiency is poor ranging from 10.5 kwhrs/gallon and worse. This is understandable since the generators peak at about 2/3 of full load and the load averages typically 1/3 of full load. With a typical village load factor of 0.30 would indicate that these generators run at about 20% load for several hours in the middle of the night. Task C2 - Switchgear improvements. Numerous problems and code violations exist in wiring. The generators are fused at approximately 60% of their full load rating. This is explained in detail in Tab 4 and need not be duplicated here. Page 12 Task C3 - Operation of powerhouse fuel meter The fuel meter does not work accurately as evidenced by back up readings taken by measuring the tank levels on a monthly basis. Reconstructing the fuel usage from the tank readings appears to be a fairly accurate method of estimating the fuel usage except for when the tanks are filled and the amount going into the washeteria tank is not recorded separately. Powerhouse fuel meter is consistently not reading correctly by a factor of about 3.2. There is a duplex pump day tank arrangement. The fuel meter may be on the load side to the generators and not on the fill side. The fuel flow is consequently too low to register properly. The one defective pump needs to be fixed and the fuel meter needs to be plumbed on the fill side and recalibrated. Page 13 TAB 4. CERTIFICATION - INSPECTION OF THE POWERHOUSE TASK D | made as built floor plan and switchgear elevation sketches as well as a one line diagram. Copies of all of these sketches were left with the city clerk. This powerplant cannot be certified until numerous corrections are made. My preliminary estimate for the cost of these repairs is on the order of $10,000.00 minimum. Full details follow. Powerhouse Wiring Problems: 1. Nameplate ratings for the three generators connected at 120/208 volts wye are Gen 1 - 90Kw, 347A, Gen 2 - 80Kw, 277A, Gen 3 -75Kw, 260A. Each of these generators is currently protected by a 400A circuit breaker mounted on the generator. See figure 8. Appropriate sized circuit breakers for each of these generators would be 400A, 350A and 300A. Only Gen 1 has the correctly sized circuit breaker. (Ref Article 445-4 Generator Overcurrent Protection). Catalog information on these breakers has been included in this report. It may be possible to fix these breakers by just changing a trip element. 2. The load side wiring between the generator circuit breaker and the fused disconnect switch is (4)4/0 Cu XHHW in a 3"C. 4/0 is only rated for 230A at 75 Deg C. The ampacity of the existing wiring is not appropriately sized for the circuit breakers and should be replaced. 500MCM for the 400A; 400MCM for the 350A, and 350MCM for the 300A circuits. (Ref NEC Table 310-16) Since these feeders terminate in 200A fused disconnect switches it might be argued that this wiring is allowable as a feeder tap. (Ref NEC 240-21 Ex No. 3). However since the 200A disconnects are not appropriate this does not seem like a good argument. 3. The 200A fused disconnects located on the wall, fed from the generator circuit breakers are serving as a crude generator transfer switch arrangement. See figures 11 and 12. As the ampacity of each generator is considerably higher than 200A e.g. the 90Kw generator is rated at 347A. These fused switches serve to limit e.g. Gen No 1 to less than 60% of it’s nameplate rating. These switches at minimum need to be replaced with 400A switches. Page 14 As a practical measure these switches need to be replaced with transfer switches, interlocks, or a more sophisticated generator switchgear package with reverse power relays or other means of protecting the generators from accidental reverse power. 4. The 4/0 wiring continues on the load side of these disconnect switches in an 8" x 8" wireway feeding the 400A Main Distribution Panel. This wireway is also used for an additional set of 4/0 conductors backfeeding through to the 400A disconnect "School Feeder". See figure 12. Phases A & N of these circuits are spliced in the gutter to a single conductor which feeds the 400A MDP. Phases B & C are all landed on lugs in the 400A MDP. All of these conductors (14) are pulled through a single 3" nipple into the MDP. Inside the MDP they are pulled through 400:5 CT’s installed in the MDP. Wireway. There are 12 current carrying 4/0 conductors in this wireway. Cross sectional area totals 16 x .83278 = 5.245 which is only 8.2% of the total cross sectional area. Even if upped to 5S00MCM this wireway would be adequate. (Ref NEC 352-5) Chase Nipple. The single 3" nipple is overloaded by 12 4/0 conductors. It is only rated for 9. (Ref NEC Ch 9 Table 3B) Splices. The splices appear to be made with split bolts and taped. | did not take any apart to see if they are properly made. Lug Terminations. The lugs in the I-line panel are not rated for (4) 4/0’s under 2 lugs. (Ref NEC 110-14(a)) CT’s in MDP. This MDP enclosure should not be used for locating the CT’s or as a raceway for backfeeding the School Feeder tap. (Ref NEC 373-8) 5. The 12/3 Romex feeding the power house station power meter and panel does not have enough ampacity to be installed on a 50A circuit breaker. See figure 13. Either this wire size needs to be raised or a lower ampacity (20A) needs to be installed. (Ref NEC 310-15) 6. The #4 Cu conductors on the 150/3 circuit breaker are to small for that ampacity and need to be replaced. See figure 9. (Ref NEC 310-15) 7. The existing 200A 240V Safety switch "480V City Power" should be rated 480V. See figure 9. Page 15 8. General. Some housekeeping work needs to be done cleaning and vacuuming these panels, replacing sheet metal screw used for covers, installing all covers, sealing knock outs, and labeling and identifying circuits. 9. Powerhouse Panel "PH" needs a cover and directory. There are also two wires under circuit 6. Figure 13. 10. The feeder to the School presently runs in "core flow" under the powerhouse and up the first pole. This wiring should be replaced with an overhead service mast and drop. Figure 7. 11. Two of the disconnects for the heat recovery cooling fans are cratered. All of this work appears amateur with sealtite running all over and through the walls. | doubt if this part of the heat recovery system is functional and may cause problems as the outside temperature warms up this summer. Figure 14. 12. It is reported that only one pump for the day tank is functional. Wiring for the day tank should be rewired to operate the duplex pump arrangement correctly. Figure 10. RECOMMENDATION: It appears that it would be easier to rewire each of these generator units at 480V and rearrange the rest of the wiring, equipment and transformer to accommodate, than to make all of the corrections as indicated above. The reason that this is easier is that the 4/0 wiring would than be acceptable and that most of the existing devices are already rated 480V or 600V. Additional engineering beyond the scope of this contract is called for to design these corrections. Consideration should be given to replacing the existing disconnect switch with real transfer switches or better still generator switchgear capable of paralleling. Page 16 Figure 10 - Day Tank Fuel Pump & Meter Page 17 Figure 12 - Generator Disconnects, Wireway, MDP Page 18 Figure 13 - Station Power Meter & Panel Figure 14 - Waste Heat Recovery Cooling Fan Controls Page 19 TAB 5. GENERAL Task 5A - Fill out AEA RUP! powerhouse data. AEA maintains a computerized database entitled "Rural Utility Powerhouse Inventory Reporting System" by Kallenberg and Associates. We printed a blank inventory record datasheet and filled in all the blanks as applicable. We tried to update the database directly but were denied access using a new community name. The program, which appears to be a compiled Dbase Ill program, would not accept new community names and only allowed access to editing currently included communities. Completed data sheet follows in this section. Other generator and engine nameplate data was collected. | requested engine performance data from Craig Taylor to include in the report and was unable to obtain as | was told these units are obsolete. Task 5B - As built drawing of distribution system and power house. As built drawings of both the distribution system and the powerhouse floor plan and one line diagram were developed and are following in this section. AEA’s as built is also included for reference. Page 20 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY RURAL UTILITY FOWERHOUSE INVENTORY City of ULiiTtys Community: “nership: Date: Engine Model: Engine REM: Serial Number: Horsepower = Governor Type: | Model Actuator: Model Speed Cantrol: DC Voltage: ee Unit Circuit Breaker: _Westinghouse Type/Amp/Volt: Year Installed: Major Overhaul (Hrs): os coe Current Hours: — 10973.9 Generator Make? . a _ Nort Generator Capacity (KW): _ 80 KW LIE KW Generator Voltage: _120/208V Wye _ 120/208V 39.4W. _120/208V. 38 _4W.__. Farallel Switchgear: KWH Meter? (Y/N): OEM: Hours/Day Attended: Waste Heat Recovery Installed? (Y/N): Heat Recovery Operational? (Y/N): Fowerhouse EWH Meter Type: \ Catalog #: Number of Stators: Form 9S eee ee eee ee Demand? (Y/N): CT Ratio: 7 Battery Charger/Type/Model: Individual Genset Meter: \ Fuel Day Tank Type: Fump #5: Motor #2 | eit ein aa ees . Fuel Day Tank Meter: Rite - TUTHILL Series 800A... Fire Frotection Type/Operational?: Nome 2 ne eee ee ne Qriginal Contractor: Purchased from YKSD in.1985 000 Spot Reading A Amps: _100 | Spot Reading B Amps: Spot Reading C Amps: Spot Reading Volts: i Spot Reading Freq.: Fower (EWH): (CALCULATED BY PROGRAM) ALASKA FOWER AUTHORITY RURAL UTILITY FOWERHOUSE INVENTORY Utility: _City of Koyukuk Contact: _ Cindy Pilot City Administra’ or Fhone: 927-2215 Community: { mership: Date: : Status Notes Single Family: 120/240V 16 i Multi Family: Commercial: Fublict FUEL SYSTEM INVENTORY Bulk Storage Capacity: Number of Bulk Tanks: Diked Containment? (Y/N): Visual Evidence of Leaks FOWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM System Voltage/Fhases Overhead: _480V_ 36 Underground: None Combined: Laid an Ground: Pad: Pol @te kee Voltage In/Out: 120/208V y - 480 V Delta { UNMETERED STREET LIGHTS + - 175W Merc Vapor Quantity: GENERAL NOTES SHEET LEGEND POWER POLE AND MUMGCR POLE MOLNTED AREA LIGHT V / INTEGRAL “DUSK-DAWAE POLE MOLNTED TRANSFORMER 4B0-120/240V 16 (CVA RATING SHOWND ~— [SERVE 120720 CFD ‘SECENDARY 16 TPX OH LOTP PRIMARY 400V 16 AND 36 DY AOHOR ASSENILY BUILDING MUMBER TYPICAL BUILDING @OT TO SCALED SCALE: 1’=200’ ENGINEERING IN ALASKA RAJ BHARGAVA ASSOCIATES [=] GOVERATOR #3 CONTROL PANEL 0 SCHOOL NORTH SOUTH WZ WAAL LOVERS, 1. COUN HECHT 7'-10" + PHS BLDG FEEDER = FEEDER vEPOT WOOD FLOOR METAL TRAYS UNOER GENERATOR SETS Q } POWER ONE-LINE DIAGRAM POWERHOU FLOOR PLAN WOT TO SCALE SCALE 174" = FO" 36-0" 16-0" — ee Tank L Exhoust Fan foen.#3 Gen.#2 Gen#t [k— Bottery Charger Exist’ Panels Exist’ Transformer 4._See Pore! wall Lovout___$ Coy Tonk] 100 Gol. Se xchange —~ Station F 77] Flor ‘one! Exist'g Bench yy [I}-—t-noust Fon R-1][r-d[R-3 A 3 Ea. 15 Amp ‘aascra. 0) Breakers Dist. Pri. Service Squore Board Pri. Gas 0 Sofety Switch SxS Wire Way Disconnect ainins From Use 4/0 cu, Panel Wall Lavout Stote cf Aloska Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 701 Eost Tudor Roos Anchorage. Alaske 99519-0869 KOYUKUK Title A . Asbuilt fie-buR Chip [eraen PL EEA, Ne. ote 1-25-90 [Cote = 13 96 te [eat] Penton ©. bee-4fite tame Fe ubub Sheet —< No. 2 John Ceere Model No.= CES1O0) E4147 SoN= 179342 Engine HFS. £ O 4s Cf 1/23/90 t Stanford S/t= P79BS—1 Kw=90 Hz=60 Phose= 3 PF. Volts—120 208 Amp: = Cont. ambient Temp= 40¢ Enclesure= 1P22 Exicition yolts= 40 Ames= 1.23 Insc! Closs= H ir in is Westinghcuse Catalog Ho. SKON400 Max Amps= 400 Max volts= 6O0AC 2500C i ACY rs Thomson Technelagy Inc. 0.8 RPL= 1800 Ponel T,pe= UCSMS1X S/N= €944-€ Croaing No.= ESB6944/2 CC velts= 12/24 CC Ames= 10 AC Phase= 3 Hz= EC AC Ames= § Jonn Ceere Inventory Mo.=2163E E414T Model fh OES10G Engine Hrs. 5267.5 as Of 1/23/90 sy 76282 Generotor Coto Stantord S/l= P3405118 KW= BO Hz= 60 Phose= 3 PF.= 0.8 RPM= 1800 Stoter WOG= 311 Yolts= 208 Amps= 277 Stator Con= WGE Rating= Cont. Ambient Temp.= 40c Enclosur Exicitation Volts= 49 Amps= 1.63 Insclation Class= 1+ ine AC/DC Thomson Technelegy Inc. Ponel Type= UCSH51X S$/N= €644-5 Drawing to. ESBES44/2 OC Volts= 12/24 OC Amps= 10 AC Phase= 3 Hz= €0 AC omps= 5 1P22 Engine_bicin Brecker Westinghouse Catalog No. Mox Amps= 400 Max aC 6414 Other Engine Dato N/A Generator Dato Nothern Lights Model No.= 17-507B S/= GE11038 Cuty= Cont. KW= 75 KvA= 93 RPM= 1800 Phase= 3 C Pise= 105 Hz= 60 volts= 120-280 Rule= JIS JEC Wire= 12 Ambient Temp= 40c Amps= 260 P-F.= & Ins.= F Engine Main Breaker Westinghouse Catalog No.= SLB Max Amps= 400 Mox Volts AC= 600 DC 250 General _intormaticn All Engine And Waset Heot Piping Is 2° Block iron Sch 40 Threaded. Day Tank Capacity Is 100 Gol Day Tank Fill Line Is 1-1/4" Cay Tank vent Is 1” Engine Piping From Doy Tonk To Each Engine Is 3/4” Sch. 40 Black tron Pipe. Engine Exhoust Starts At 4” At Turbo And Jumps Up To 5” For Exhaust Pipe. Interior Lights Are 4 Eo, 48° Fluorescent Lamps, 2 Element, 8 Duplex Receptacles And Are On The | Wiring For Lights And Floor Receptacles Are 12-2 Romex In Behind Interior Wall All Walls & Fleer Are 2x6 Construction 6” Insulation In Wall, Sond Ceiling. Fleor Is 5/8" Plywood, Interior Walls Are 1/2" Plywood , Exterior T-1-11 Engines #1 & $2 Have Racor Model= £09 Fg Fuel filter/Water Segerator Engine #3 Hos Model= 2020sm Racor Filter. Generoter Leads Going From Ea. Generator Q.er To Its Own. Single Throw Softey Switch, Is 1 Run Of $4/0 XLPE Cu. Wire Per Phose, 4 Total in 3 Conduit with 3 Flex At Each Generator Con Generator Saftey Switch 1 Single Throw All Are The Same. Square D Catolcg No.= O3241iRB Series= 02 3 Pcie 200 Amp 240 WAC KOI 200 Super Log Fuses No.= 3240 ‘ahse 3 Pole Cutler Hammer Catalo 200 Amp 240 Volt 3 Sangamo Form 95 Type= SL40S S/tl= 798t2066 400:5 Ratio Current Transtormers 20C!I 120 Volt TAs 2.5 4 Wire 60Hz KH= 1.8 r Labtarche Ricdel No.= 446-20-12v—41 S/N Mo.= C1259-2 Incut Volts= 120v Input A4mps= € Phose= 1 Hz= £0-60 DC Amps= 20 DC Volts= 12 vist. Transtcrmer Located Inside Cf Fower Plont 34349-17212-641 .= TST3H Kvée= 5 High voltage= 480 Low Amps= 30 Lew voltage= 120/208 Low Voltage Amps= 278 Ser.ice Panel For Gas Station Square CQO Load Center Series= LE Cotoleg Ne.= COB-1E0S @ Fesition Breaker Cacacit, Slotice Ser.ice Pane! Square C Lead Center Breaker Copocit,- 9 Being Uses TAB 6 - APPENDICES Page 21 ee Dig Tice Yiwa Billing Period 3/1/90 to 3/31/90 Ref Account Name 03-Apr RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS R 1 Dayton Albert 3971 R 2 Dayton Andrew/Mar 2326 R 3 Dayton David 14258 R 4 Dayton Frank Jr. 2246 R_ 5 Dayton Franklin Sr 6334 R_ 6 Dayton John Jr. 2182 R 7 Dayton Lawrence 13333 R_ 8 Dayton Oscar 682 R 9 Dayton Rita 1291 R 10 Dayton Roger 10472 R 11 Dayton Ronnie 1466 R 12 Dayton Sarah 2031 R 13 Dayton Wayne DISC R 14 Dayton William NH 693 R 15 Demoski Lavern 8062 R 16 Demoski Peter Jr. 5975 R 17 Demoski Peter SrNH 5694 R 18 Demoski Peter SrOH 15661 R 19 Dixon Tom/Julia 10617 R 20 Edwin Andrew §292 R 21 Esmailka Ernie Jr. 8583 R 22 Esmailka Ernie Sr. 8875 R 23 Esmailka Ethel 8123 R 24 Huntington Harold 6654 R 25 Huntington Jenny NH 1057 R 26 Huntington Jenny OH DISC R 27 Huntington Leonard 8406 R 28 Huntington Marion 10405 R 29 Jones Ben Sr. 1495 R 30 Jones Eliza 1926 R 31 Kriska Dale R 32 Kriska Delores/Mar 7053 R 33 Kriska Fran R 34 Kriska Hugh Jr. 2908 R 35 Kriska Hughie Sr. 11941 R 36 Kriska Len/Fran 981 R 37 Kriska Leonard R 38 Loinitz Alan R 39 Lolnitz Percy 9801 R 40 Lolnitz Ray 12791 R 41 Lolnitz Sherry 1063 R 42 Malemute JoAnn DISC R 43 Mayfield Mary 381 R 44 Nelson Joe 9696 R 45 Nelson Roy 2213 R 46 Pilot Darlene 6779 R 47 Pilot Fabian 5712 R 48 Pilot William 1951 R 49 Roberts M ae ' 06-Mar 3925 2296 14126 2124 6174 2182 13140 624 1217 10372 1461 1938 DISC 690 8018 5780 5471 15642 10462 5252 8562 8806 8064 6552 1035 DISC 8302 10289 1495 1924 6840 2835 11872 919 9652 12614 1010 DISC 359 9567 2184 6673 5638 1840 03-Apr Kwhrs 46 30 132 122 160 193 58 74 100 93 44 195 223 19 155 40 21 69 59 102 22 104 116 213 73 69 62 149 177 53 22 129 29 106 74 111 Gu ~€On = Me TEAL “ORT Billing Period 3/1/90 to 3/31/90 03-Apr Ref Account Name 03-Apr O06-Mar Kwhrs R 50 Yatlin Harold 2643 2605 38 Total COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS C 1 Alascom, Inc 66391 64656 1735 C 2 Kateel Enterprise 12254 11964 290 C 3 Koyukuk Library/CLinic 42131 41742 389 C 4 Koyukuk Headstart TCC 8443 6899 1544 C_ 5 Koyukuk Post Office 6868 6732 136 C °6 National Guard Armory 8037 8023 14 C 7 St. Patrick Church Hs 3555 3517 38 C 8 Y.K.S.D. 127316 121207 6109 C 9 H&H Shop 0 Total COMMUNITY FACILITIES M 1 City of Koyukuk - Ofc 17522 16667 855 M 2 Koyukuk Safewater 21897 19832 2065 M 3 Koyukuk Powerhouse 7996 7649 347 M 4 Street Lights 0 M_ 5 City Fuel Station 0 M 6 Community Hall 0 Total Grand Total TOTALIZING METERS Kwhr Meter 80 5043 4805 238 Kw Meter 80 0.66 0.66 Fuel Meter @PH 6330.8 5516.6 Gal/inch Tank No 1 63.82 82.250 135.125 Tank No 4 63.82 33.500 40.063 Tank No 5 70.51 32.625 39.375 Less Fuel Purchased Fuel Consumed PERFORMANCE Total Kwhrs Sold Total Kwhrs Generated Line Loss (Eff) Peak Kw Generated Plant Factor Kwhrs/gal (Fuel Meter) Kwhrs/gal (Tanks Measured) Totals Comments 3492 10255 3267 17014 19040 52.8 814.2 3374.5 418.9 475.9 0.0 4269.3 17014 19040 0.89 52.8 0.59 23.38 4.46 ITY ¢ YUK Billing Period 4/1/90 to 4/30/90 \ETE Ref Account Name RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS Dayton Dayton Dayton Dayton Dayton Dayton Dayton Dayton Dayton Dayton Dayton Dayton Dayton Dayton Demoski Demoski Demoski Demoski Dixon Edwin Esmailka Esmailka Esmailka Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Huntington Jones Jones Kriska Kriska Kriska Kriska Kriska Kriska Kriska Loinitz Loinitz Lolnitz Lolnitz Malemute Mayfield Nelson Nelson Pilot Pilot Pilot Roberts COMNOADSA WD = NVNNNMNMYABB anna ai PON|H=DCOCMANADEWN = DDVDVDVVIVIVIIVIVIVIVIVVVIIIIIVIIIIIIIVMIVIAIIVI UT II VIIIIIAIA RRRADRAAAAWWWWWWWWWAWANNNNND OBNAHEWNHCHOMBNDKDRWONAOHKHANAN a o Albert Andrew/Mar David Frank Jr. Franklin Sr John Jr. Lawrence Oscar Rita Roger Ronnie Sarah Wayne William NH Lavern Peter Jr. Peter SrNH Peter SrOH Tom/Julia Andrew Ernie Jr. Ernie Sr. Ethel Harold Jenny NH Jenny OH Leonard Marion Ben Sr. Eliza Dale Delores/Mar Fran Hugh Jr. Hughie Sr. Len/Fran Leonard Alan Percy Ray Sherry JoAnn Mary Joe Roy Darlene Fabian William M DIN! 01-May 4007 2345 — 14506 2301 6582 2182 13522 741 1354 10552 1483 2111 DISC 699 8185 6182 5974 15723 10781 5331 8592 8986 8172 6762 1084 8578 10528 1495 1974 7282 2960 12022 1061 9932 12932 1104 415 9833 2242 6911 5803 2096 KSI 03-Apr 3971 2326 14258 2246 6334 2182 13333 682 1291 10472 1466 2031 DISC 693 8062 5975 5694 15661 10617 5292 8583 8875 8123 6654 1057 DISC 8406 10405 1495 1926 7053 2908 11941 981 9801 12791 1063 DISC 381 9696 2213 6779 5712 1951 01-May Kwhrs 36 19 248 55 248 0 189 59 63 80 17 80 0 6 123 207 280 62 164 39 111 49 108 27 172 123 48 229 52 81 80 131 141 41 34 137 29 132 91 145 CK KO’ -M REA WOR ET Billing Period 4/1/90 to 4/30/90 01-May Ref Account Name 01-May 03-Apr Kwhrs R 50 Yatlin Harold 2683 2643 40 Total COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS C 1 Alascom, Inc 67797 66391 1406 C 2 Kateel Enterprise 12567 12254 313 C 3 Koyukuk Library/CLinic 42502 42131 371 C 4 Koyukuk Headstart TCC 9976 8443 1533 C 5 Koyukuk Post Office 7004 6868 136 C_ 6 National Guard Armory 8059 8037 22 C 7 St. Patrick Church Hs 3653 3555 98 C 8 Y.K.S.D. 133580 127316 6264 C 9 H&H Shop 0 Total COMMUNITY FACILITIES M 1 City of Koyukuk - Ofc 18085 17522 563 M 2 Koyukuk Safewater 22556 21897 659 M 3 Koyukuk Powerhouse 8287 7996 291 M 4 Street Lights 0 M_ 5 City Fuel Station 0 M 6 Community Hall 0 Total Grand Total TOTALIZING METERS Kwhr Meter 80 5271 5043 228 Kw Meter 80 0.62 0.66 Fuel Meter @PH 7051.6 6330.8 Gal/inch Tank No 1 63.82 49.625 82.250 Tank No 4 63.82 33.563 33.500 Tank No 5 70.51 32.625 32.625 Less Fuel Purchased Fuel Consumed PERFORMANCE Total Kwhrs Sold Total Kwhrs Generated Line Loss (Eff) Peak Kw Generated Plant Factor Kwhrs/gal (Fuel Meter) Kwhrs/gal (Tanks Measured) Totals Comments 3985 10143 1513 15641 18240 49.6 720.8 2082.1 -4.0 0.0 0.0 2078.1 15641 18240 0.86 49.6 0.55 25.31 8.78 CITY OF KOYUKUK - METER READINGS Billing Period 5/1/90 to 5/31/90 Ref Account Name RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS. 1 Dayton Albert 2 Dayton Andrew/Mar 3 Dayton David 4 Dayton Frank Jr. 5 Dayton Franklin Sr 6 Dayton John Jr. 7 Dayton Lawrence 8 Dayton Oscar 9 Dayton Rita 10 Dayton Roger 11. Dayton Ronnie 12 Dayton Sarah 13 Dayton Wayne 14 Dayton William NH 15 Demoski Lavern 16 Demoski Peter Jr. 17 Demoski Peter SrNH 18 Demoski Peter SrOH 19 Dixon Tom/Julia 20 Edwin Andrew 21 Esmailka Ernie Jr. 22 Esmailka Ernie Sr. 23 Esmailka Ethel 24 Huntington Harold 25 Huntington Jenny NH 26 Huntington Jenny OH 27 Huntington Leonard 28 Huntington Marion 29 Jones Ben Sr. 30 Jones Eliza 31 Kriska Dale 32 Kriska Delores/Mar 33 Kriska Fran 34 Kriska Hugh Jr. 35 Kriska Hughie Sr. 36 Kriska Len/Fran 37 Kriska Leonard 38 Loinitz Alan 39 Lolnitz Percy 40 Lolnitz Ray 41 Lolnitz Sherry 42 Malemute JoAnn 43 Mayfield Mary 44 Nelson Joe 45 Nelson Roy 46 Pilot Darlene 47 Pilot Fabian 48 Pilot William 4222 2376 14776 2496 6868 2182 13695 975 1418 10646 1492 2259 DISC 721 8307 6393 6253 15811 10934 5384 8610 9113 8318 6883 1140 8667 10694 1495 2122 7444 3007 12122 1140 10117 13121 1183 472 9986 2265 7081 5896 2282 04-Jun 01-May 4007 2345 14506 2301 6582 2182 13522 741 1354 10552 1483 2111 DISC 699 8185 6182 5974 15723 10781 5331 8592 8986 8172 6762 1084 8578 10528 1495 1974 7282 2960 12022 1061 9932 12932 1104 415 9833 2242 6911 5803 2096 (\lotus\koy0590.wk1) 04-Jun Kwhrs 215 31 270 195 286 0 173 234 64 94 9 148 0 22 122 211 279 88 153 53 18 127 146 121 56 89 166 148 162 47 100 79 185 189 79 57 153 23 170 93 186 Totals Comm { CITY OF KOYUKUK - METER READINGS Billing Period 5/1/90 to 5/31/90 Ref Account Name 04-Jun 49 Roberts M 50 Yatlin Harold 2707 Total COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS 1 Alascom, Inc 69083 2 Kateel Enterprise 12939 3 Koyukuk Library/CLinic 42839 4 Koyukuk Headstart TCC 10267 5 Koyukuk Post Office 7185 6 National Guard Armory 8058 7 St. Patrick Church Hs 3758 8 Y.K.S.D. 137957 9 H&H Shop Total COMMUNITY FACILITIES 1 City of Koyukuk - Ofc 18351 2 Koyukuk Safewater 24478 3 Koyukuk Powerhouse 8636 4 Street Lights 5 City Fuel Station 6 Community Hall Total Grand Total TOTALIZING METERS Kwhr Meter 80 5497 Kw Meter 80 0.69 Fuel Meter @PH 7492.2 Gal/inch Tank No1 63.82 16.125 Tank No 4 63.82 34.125 Tank No 5 70.51 33.250 Less Fuel Purchased Fuel Consumed PERFORMANCE Total Kwhrs Sold Total Kwhrs Generated Line Loss (Eff) Peak Kw Generated Plant Factor Kwhrs/gal (Fuel Meter) Kwhrs/gal (Tanks Measured) 01-May 2683 67797 12567 42502 9976 7004 8059 3653 133580 18085 22556 8287 5271 0.62 7051.6 49.625 33.563 32.625 (Motus\koy0590.wk1) 04—Jun Kwhrs = Totals ~Comments 0 24 5065 1286 372 337 291 181 -1 105 4377 0 6948 266 1922 349 0 0 0 2537 14550 226 18080 (was 5597) §5.2 440.6 2138.0 -35.9 44.1 0.0 2058.0 14550 18080 0.80 §5.2 0.61 41.03 8.79 4 CITY OF KOYUKUK - METER READINGS (\lotus\koy0690. CITY OF KOYUKUK - METER READINGS (\lotus\koy0690.wk1) Billing Period 6/1/90 to 6/30/90 29 Billing Period 6/1/90 to 6/30/90 29 03-Jul 03-Jul Ref Account Name 03-Jul 04-Jun Kwhrs Tot: Ref Account Name 03-Jul 04-Jun Kwhrs Totals Comments RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS 49 Roberts M 0 0 1 Dayton Albert 4402 4222 180 50 Yatlin Harold 2733 2707 26 2 Dayton Andrew/Mar 2402 2376 26 Total 3961 3 Dayton David 14973 14776 197 4 Dayton Frank Jr. 2603 2496 107 COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS 5 Dayton Franklin Sr 7066 6868 198 1 Alascom, Inc 70145 69083 1062 6 Dayton John Jr. 2182 2182 0 2 Kateel Enterprise 13177 12939 238 7 Dayton Lawrence 13894 13695 199 3 Koyukuk Library/CLinic 43122 42839 283 8 Dayton Oscar 975 975 0 4 Koyukuk Headstart TCC 10623 10267 356 9 Dayton Rita 1475 1418 57 5 Koyukuk Post Office 7359 7185 174 10 Dayton Roger 10676 10646 30 6 National Guard Armory 8059 8058 1 11 Dayton Ronnie 1511 1492 19 7 St. Patrick Church Hs 3889 3758 131 12 Dayton Sarah 2367 2259 108 8 Y.K.S.D. 138550 137957 593 13 Dayton Wayne DISC DISC 0 9 H&H Shop 0 14 Dayton William NH 804 721 83 Total 2838 15 Demoski Lavern 8366 8307 59 16 Demoski Peter Jr. 6472 6393 79 COMMUNITY FACILITIES . 17 Demoski Peter SrNH 6454 6253 201 1 City of Koyukuk - Ofc 18553 18351 202 18 Demoski PeterSrOH 15890 15811 79 2 Koyukuk Safewater 26178 24478 = 1700 19 Dixon Tom/Julia 11032 10934 98 3 Koyukuk Powerhouse 8815 8636 179 20 Edwin Andrew 5442 5384 58 4 Street Lights 0 21 Esmailka Ernie Jr. 8618 8610 8 5 City Fuel Station 0 22 Esmailka Ernie Sr. 9214 9113 101 6 Community Hall 0 23 Esmailka Ethel 8479 8318 161 Total 2081 24 Huntington Harold 7007 6883 124 Grand Total 8880 25 Huntington Jenny NH 1210 1140 70 26 Huntington Jenny OH 0 TOTALIZING METERS 27 Huntington Leonard 8786 8667 119 Kwhr Meter 80 5631 5497 134 10720 (was 5597) 28 Huntington Marion 10863 10694 169 Kw Meter 80 0.4 0.69 32 29 Jones Ben Sr. 1498 1495 3 Fuel Meter @PH 7848.4 7492.2 356.2 30 Jones Eliza 2247 2122 125 Gal/inch 31 Kriska Dale 1376 1364 12 June Tank No 1 63.82 16.125 16.125 0.0 Estimated 32 Kriska Delores/Mar 7531 7444 87 Tank No 4 63.82 6.300 34.125 1775.8 Estimated 33 Kriska Fran 0 1264 Tank No 5 70.51 5.700 33.250 1942.6 Estimated 34 Kriska Hugh Jr. 3054 3007 47 Less Fuel Purchased 0.0 35 Kriska Hughie Sr. 12186 12122 64 Fuel Consumed 3718.3 Estimated 36 Kriska Len/Fran 1201 1140 61 37 Kriska Leonard 0 0 PERFORMANCE 38 Loinitz Alan 0 Total Kwhrs Sold 8880 39 Loinitz Percy 10315 10117 198 Total Kwhrs Generated 10720 40 Lolnitz Ray 13305 13121 184 Line Loss (Eff) 0.83 41 Lolnitz Sherry 1247 1183 64 Peak Kw Generated 32 42 Malemute JoAnn 0 Plant Factor 0.36 43 Mayfield Mary 506 472 34 Kwhrs/gal (Fuel Meter) 30.10 44 Nelson Joe 10134 9986 148 Kwhrs/gal (Tanks Measured) 2.88 45 Nelson Roy 2280 2265 15 46 Pilot Darlene 7233 7081 152 47 Pilot Fabian 5947 5896 51 48 Pilot William 2442 2282 160 CITY OF KOYUKUK ~ METER READINGS (\lotus\koy0790. CITY OF KOYUKUK - METER READINGS (\lotus\koy0790.wk1) Billing Period 7/1/90 to 7/31/90 30 Billing Period 7/1/90 to 7/31/90 30 02-Aug 02-Aug Ref Account Name 02-Aug 03-Jul Kwhrs Tot Ref Account Name 02-Aug 03-Jul Kwhrs Totals Comments RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS 49 Roberts M 0 1 Dayton Albert 4598 4402s: 196 50 Yatlin Harold 2773 2733 40 2 Dayton Andrew/Mar 2402 2402 0 Total 4615 3 Dayton David 15150 14973 177 4 Dayton Frank Jr. 2740 2603 137 COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS 5 Dayton Franklin Sr 7255 7066 189 1 Alascom, Inc 71266 = =©70145 1121 6 Dayton John Jr. 2182 2182 0 2 Kateel Enterprise 13504 13177 327 7 Dayton Lawrence 14050 13894 156 3 Koyukuk Library/CLinic 43443 43122 321 8 Dayton Oscar 975 975 0 4 Koyukuk Headstart TCC 11050 10623 427 9 Dayton Rita 1523 1475 48 5 Koyukuk Post Office 7561 7359 202 10 Dayton Roger 10723 10676 47 6 National Guard Armory 8061 8059 2 11 Dayton Ronnie 1527 1511 16 7 St. Patrick Church Hs 4071 3889 182 12 Dayton Sarah 2488 2367 121 8 Y.K.S.D. 138556 138550 6 13 Dayton Wayne 0 9 H&H Shop 0 14 Dayton William NH 926 804 122 Total 2588 15 Demoski Lavern 8482 8366 116 16 Demoski Peter Jr. 6644 6472 172 COMMUNITY FACILITIES 17 Demoski Peter SrNH 6724 6454 270 1 City of Koyukuk - Ofc 18741 18553 188 18 Demoski PeterSrOH 15996 15890 106 2 Koyukuk Safewater 28165 26178 1987 19 Dixon Tom/Julia 11127-11032 95 3 Koyukuk Powerhouse 8992 8815 177 20 Edwin Andrew 5512 5442 70 4 Street Lights 0 21 Esmailka Ernie Jr. 8625 8618 7 5 City Fuel Station 0 22 Esmailka Ernie Sr. 9334 9214 120 6 Community Hall 0 23 Esmailka Ethel 8725 8479 246 Total 2352 24 Huntington Harold 7149 7007 142 Grand Total 9555 25 Huntington Jenny NH 1298 1210 88 26 Huntington Jenny OH 0 TOTALIZING METERS 27 Huntington Leonard 8988 8786 202 Kwhr Meter 80 5766 5631 135 10800 28 Huntington Marion 11049 10863 186 Kw Meter 80 0.33 0.4 26.4 29 Jones Ben Sr. 1507 1498 9 Fuel Meter @PH 8404.3 7848.4 555.9 30 Jones Eliza 2423 2247 176 Gal/inch 31 Kriska Dale 1391 1376 15 Tank No 1 63.82 12.438 16.125 235.3 32 Kriska Delores/Mar 7619 7531 88 Tank No 4 63.82 74.875 6.300 4376.5 33 Kriska Fran 0 1264 Tank No 5 70.51 149.625 5.700 -10148 34 Kriska Hugh Jr. 3107 3054 53 Less Fuel Purchased 18001.0 35 Kriska Hughie Sr. 12305 12186 119 Fuel Consumed 3711.7 Adj Est 36 Kriska Len/Fran 1264 1201 63 37 Kriska Leonard 0 PERFORMANCE 38 Lolnitz Alan 0 Total Kwhrs Sold 9555 39 Lolnitz Percy 10542 10315 227 Total Kwhrs Generated * 10800 40 Lolnitz Ray 13508 13305 203 Line Loss (Eff) 0.88 41 Lolnitz Sherry 1314 1247 67 Peak Kw Generated 26.4 42 Malemute JoAnn 0 6256 Plant Factor 0.29 43 Mayfield Mary 553 506 47 Kwhrs/gal (Fuel Meter) 19.43 44 Nelson Joe 10306 10134 172 Kwhrs/gal (Tanks Measured) 2.91 45 Nelson Roy 2306 2280 26 46 Pilot Darlene 7300 7233 67 47 Pilot Fabian §993 5947 46 Pilot William 2610 2442 168 > o CITY OF KOYUKUK - METER READINGS Billing Period 8/1/90 to 8/31/90 Ref C©ONADAWN A PRRADRAAAWAWAWWDWAWHWDWANNNNANNMNNNANNAHABBBBaas BNANMNERAWONHCOANAUSWN|HCHOBDNDUSWN|HACOMNAMDAWNHAO Account Name 02-Sep RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS Dayton Albert 4786 Dayton Andrew/Mar 2406 Dayton David 15302 Dayton Frank Jr. 2891 Dayton Franklin Sr 7401 Dayton John Jr. Dayton Lawrence 14203 Dayton Oscar 975 Dayton Rita 1562 Dayton Roger 10809 Dayton Ronnie 1539 Dayton Sarah 2586 Dayton Wayne Dayton William NH 992 Demoski Lavern 8579 Demoski Peter Jr. 6761 Demoski Peter SrNH 6965 Demoski Peter SrOH 16073 Dixon Tom/Julia 11333 Edwin Andrew 5568 Esmailka Ernie Jr. 8643 Esmailka Ernie Sr. 9441 Esmailka Ethel 8910 Huntington Harold 7254 Huntington Jenny NH 1374 Huntington Jenny OH Huntington Leonard 8988 Huntington Marion 11211 Jones Ben Sr. 1508 Jones Eliza 2558 Kriska Dale 1415 Kriska Delores/Mar 7666 Kriska Fran 1344 Kriska Hugh Jr. 3143 Kriska Hughie Sr. 12407 Kriska Len/Fran 1338 Kriska Leonard Loinitz Alan Loinitz Percy 10739 Loinitz Ray 13692 Lolnitz Sherry 1375 Malemute JoAnn 6331 Mayfield Mary 598 Nelson Joe 10444 Nelson Roy 2313 Pilot Darlene 7403 Pilot Fabian 6054 Pilot William 2759 02-Aug 4598 2402 15150 2740 7255 14050 975 1523 10723 1527 2488 926 8482 6644 6724 15996 11127 5512 8625 9334 8725 7149 1298 8988 11049 1507 2423 1391 7619 1264 3107 12305 1264 10542 13508 1314 6256 553 10306 2306 7300 5993 2610 (lotus\koy0890. 02-Sep Kwhrs 188 4 152 151 146 0 153 0 39 86 12 98 0 66 97 117 241 7 206 56 18 107 185 105 76 0 162 135 24 47 80 36 102 74 197 184 61 75 45 138 103 61 149 Tote NR Esti CITY OF KOYUKUK - METER READINGS Billing Period 8/1/90 to 8/31/90 Ref 49 50 CONAN SwWNH = Onron Account Name 02-Sep Roberts M Yatlin Harold 2817 Total COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS Alascom, Inc 72263 Kateel Enterprise 13725 Koyukuk Library/CLinic 43668 Koyukuk Headstart TCC 11093 Koyukuk Post Office 7714 National Guard Armory 8063 St. Patrick Church Hs 4224 Y.K.S.D. 140967 H&H Shop Total COMMUNITY FACILITIES City of Koyukuk - Ofc 18951 Koyukuk Safewater 29149 Koyukuk Powerhouse 9316 Street Lights City Fuel Station Community Hall Total Grand Total TOTALIZING METERS Kwhr Meter 80 5945 Kw Meter 80 0.52 Fuel Meter @PH 9098.7 Gal/inch Tank No 1 63.82 12.938 Tank No 4 63.82 46.875 Tank No 5 70.51 148.875 Less Fuel Purchased Fuel Consumed PERFORMANCE Total Kwhrs Sold Total Kwhrs Generated Line Loss (Eff) Peak Kw Generated Plant Factor Kwhrs/gal (Fuel Meter) Kwhrs/gal (Tanks Measured) 02-Aug 2773 71266 13504 43443 11050 7561 8061 4071 138556 18741 28165 8992 5766 0.33 8404.3 12.438 74.875 149.625 (\lotus\koy0890.wk1) 02-Sep Kwhrs Totals ~Comments 0 44 4105 997 221 225 43 153 2 153 2411 0 4205 210 984 corrected 324 0 0 0 1518 9828 179 14320 41.6 694.4 -31.9 1787.0 52.9 0.0 1807.9 9828 14320 0.69 41.6 0.46 20.62 7.92 CITY OF KOYUKUK - METER READINGS (Motus\koy09vu.ws CITY OF KOYUKUkK TER READINGS (otus\Koy09yu.wk1) Billing Period 9/1/90 to 9/30/90 Billing Period 9/1/90 to 9/30/90 04-Oct 04-Oct Ref Account Name 04-Oct 02-Sep Kwhrs Totals Ref Account Name = ea RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS 49 Roberts M * _ =—— — = 1 Dayton Albert 5027 4786 241 50 Yatlin Harold 2863 2817 46 2 Dayton Andrew/Mar 2406 2406 0 Total 5160 3 Dayton David 15574 15302 272 4 Dayton Frank Jr. 3091 2891 200 COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS 5 Dayton Franklin Sr 7726 7401 325 1 Alascom, Inc 73557 72263 1294 6 Dayton John Jr. ° 2 Kateel Enterprise 14028 13725 303 7 Dayton Lawrence 14392 14203 189 3 Koyukuk Library/CLinic 44401 43668 733 8 Dayton Oscar 1031 975 56 4 Koyukuk Headstart TCC 11188 11093 95 9 Dayton Rita 1645 1562 83 5 Koyukuk Post Office 7867 7714 153 10 Dayton Roger 10922 10809 113 6 National Guard Armory 8114 8063 51 11 Dayton Ronnie 1562 1539 23 7 St. Patrick Church Hs 4374 4224 150 12 Dayton Sarah 2730 2586 144 8 Y.K.S.D. 145500 140967 4533 13 Dayton Wayne 0 9 H&H Shop 0 14 Dayton William NH 1128 992 136 Total 7312 15 Demoski Lavern 8713 8579 134 16 Demoski Peter Jr. 6899 6761 138 COMMUNITY FACILITIES 17 Demoski Peter SrNH 7171 6965 206 1 City of Koyukuk - Ofc 19230 18951 279 18 Demoski PeterSrOH 16156 16073 83 2 Koyukuk Safewater 30475 29149 1326 corrected 19 Dixon Tom/Julia 11538 = 11333 205 3 Koyukuk Powerhouse 9613 9316 297 20 Edwin Andrew 5645 5568 7 4 Street Lights 0 21 Esmailka Ernie Jr. 8675 8643 32 5 City Fuel Station 0 22 Esmailka Ernie Sr. 9551 9441 110 6 Community Hall 0 23 Esmailka Ethel 9044 8910 134 Total 1902 24 Huntington Harold 7383 7254 129 Grand Total 14374 25 Huntington Jenny NH 1448 1374 74 26 Huntington Jenny OH 0 TOTALIZING METERS 27 Huntington Leonard 9015 8988 27 Estima Kwhr Meter 28 Huntington Marion 11372 911211 161 Kw cee . = —— te : 920° 29 Jones Ben Sr. 1520 1508 12 Fuel Meter @PH 9701.1 9098.7 602.4 30 Jones Eliza 2722 =. 2558 164 Gal/inch . 31 Kriska Dale 1437 1415 22 Tank No1 63.82 137.688 12.938 -7961.5 32 Kriska Delores/Mar 7794 7666 128 Tank No 4 63.82 104.438 46.875 3673.7 33 Kriska Fran 1424 1344 80 Estime Tank No 5 70.51 135.000 148.875 978.3 34 Kriska Hugh Jr. 3175 3143 32 Less Fuel Purchased 1708.0 35 Kriska Hughie Sr. 12554 12407 147 Fuel Consumed 6351 4 36 Kriska Len/Fran 1407 1338 69 . 37 Kriska Leonard 0 0 PERFORMANCE 38 Lolnitz Alan 0 Total Kwhrs Sold 14374 39 Lolnitz Percy 10970 10739 231 Total Kwhrs Generated 15200 40 Loinitz Ray 13871 13692 179 Line Loss (Eff) 0.95 41 Lolnitz Sherry 1402 1375 27 Peak Kw Generated : 0 42 Malemute JoAnn 6422 6331 91 Plant Factor 0.00 43 Mayfield Mary 672 598 74 Kwhrs/gal (Fuel Meter) 25.23 44 Nelson Joe 10602 10444 158 Kwhrs/gal (Tanks Measured) 2.39 45 Nelson Roy 2326 2313 13 . 46 Pilot Darlene 7547 7403 144 47 Pilot Fabian 6127 6054 73 48 Pilot William 2937 2759 178 CITY OF KOYUKUK - METER READINGS Billing Period 10/1/90 to 10/31/90 Ref OBNAnDSWN= BARRA DARAAWHWWWHWAWOWWWANNNNNNNNANNABABBBn nnn BNMADEWHONAFCHOBNATDADBNADOBDINAHUARANADOBMNAHEANACOHO Account Name 02-Nov RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS Dayton Albert 5197 Dayton Andrew/Mar 2406 Dayton David 15832 Dayton Frank Jr. 3340 Dayton Franklin Sr 8034 Dayton John Jr. Dayton Lawrence 14636 Dayton Oscar 1069 Dayton Rita 1737 Dayton Roger 11053 Dayton Ronnie 1583 Dayton Sarah 2871 Dayton Wayne 4245 Dayton William NH 1146 Demoski Lavern 8882 Demoski Peter Jr. 7039 Demoski Peter SrNH 7448 Demoski PeterSrOH 16203 Dixon Tom/Julia 11760 Edwin Andrew 5732 Esmailka Ernie Jr. 8708 Esmailka Ernie Sr. 9695 Esmailka Ethel 9175 Huntington Harold 7522 Huntington Jenny NH 1512 Huntington Jenny OH Huntington Leonard 9815 Huntington Marion 11549 Jones Ben Sr. 1522 Jones Eliza 2867 Kriska Dale 1486 Kriska Delores/Mar 8074 Kriska Fran 1504 Kriska Hugh Jr. 3240 Kriska Hughie Sr. 12734 Kriska Len/Fran 1504 Kriska Leonard Loinitz Alan Lolnitz Percy 11222 Lolnitz Ray 14023 Loinitz Sherry 1414 Malemute JoAnn 6542 Mayfield Mary 769 Nelson Joe 10713 Nelson Roy 2340 Pilot Darlene 7599 Pilot Fabian 6230 Pilot William 3113 04-Oct 5027 2406 15574 3091 7726 14392 1031 1645 10922 1562 2730 4172 1128 8713 6899 7171 16156 11538 5645 8675 9551 9044 7383 1448 9015 11372 1520 2722 1437 7794 1424 3175 12554 1424 10970 13871 1402 6422 672 10602 2326 7547 6127 2937 (\lotus\koy1090.wk Billing Period 10/1/90 to 10/31/90 02-Nov Kwhrs Ref 49 50 Totals 170 0 258 249 308 0 244 38 92 131 21 7 141 8 73 9 18 169 140 277 1 47 2 222 3 87 4 5 6 1 2 3 Estimat 4 5 6 33 144 131 139 64 0 800 NR 177 2 145 49 280 80 65 180 80 0 0 252 152 12 120 97 111 14 52 103 176 restart : Account Name 02-Nov Roberts M 0 Yatlin Harold 2948 Total COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS Alascom, Inc 75206 Kateel Enterprise 14362 Koyukuk Library/CLinic 44548 Koyukuk Headstart TCC 11380 Koyukuk Post Office 7978 National Guard Armory 8169 St. Patrick Church Hs 4462 Y.K.S.D. 150526 H&H Shop Total COMMUNITY FACILITIES City of Koyukuk - Ofc 19718 Koyukuk Safewater 31913 Koyukuk Powerhouse 9874 Street Lights City Fuel Station Community Hall Total Grand Total TOTALIZING METERS Kwhr Meter 80 6360 Kw Meter 80 Fuel Meter @PH 10465.7 Gal/inch Tank No1 63.82 86.313 Tank No 4 63.82 148.500 Tank No 5 70.51 144.938 Less Fuel Purchased Fuel Consumed PERFORMANCE Total Kwhrs Sold Total Kwhrs Generated Line Loss (Eff) Peak Kw Generated Plant Factor Kwhrs/gal (Fuel Meter) Kwhrs/gal (Tanks Measured) CITY OF KOYUKUK - METER READINGS 04-Oct 0 2863 73557 14028 44401 11188 7867 8114 4374 145500 19230 30475 9613 6135 9701.1 137.688 104.438 135.000 (\lotus\koy1090.wk1) 02-Nov Kwhrs = Totals ~Comments 0 85 6228 1649 334 147 192 111 55 88 5026 0 7602 488 1438 261 0 0 0 2187 16017 225 18000 0 764.6 3278.8 2812.0 -700.7 0.0 -234.0 16017 18000 0.89 0 0.00 23.54 -76.92 CITY OF KOYUKUK - METER READINGS (\lotus\koy1190.wk1) CITY OF KOYUKUK - METER READINGS (Mlotus\koy1190.wk1) Billing Period 11/1/90 to 11/30/90 32 Billing Period 11/1/90 to 11/30/90 32 04-Dec 04-Dec Ref Account Name 04-Dec 02-Nov Kwhrs_ Totals Ref Account Name 04-Dec 02-Nov Kwhrs_ Totals Comments RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS 49 Roberts M 0 0 0 1 Dayton Albert 5304 5197 107 50 Yatlin Harold 3004 2948 56 2 Dayton Andrew/Mar 4305 2406 0 (??? sever Total 4872 3 Dayton David 16084 15832 252 4 Dayton Frank Jr. 3578 3340 238 COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS 5 Dayton Franklin Sr 8229 8034 195 1 Alascom, Inc 76824 75206 1618 6 Dayton John Jr. 0 2 Kateel Enterprise 14624 14362 262 7 Dayton Lawrence 14776 = 14636 140 3 Koyukuk Library/CLinic 45004 44548 456 8 Dayton Oscar 1108 1069 39 4 Koyukuk Headstart TCC 11540 11380 160 9 Dayton Rita 1865 1737 128 5 Koyukuk Post Office 8073 7978 95 10 Dayton Roger 11207 = 11053 154 6 National Guard Armory 8259 8169 90 11 Dayton Ronnie 1597 1583 14 7 St. Patrick Church Hs 4638 4462 176 12 Dayton Sarah 2995 2871 124 8 Y.K.S.D. 154983 150526 4457 13 Dayton Wayne 4305 4245 60 9 H&H Shop 0 14 Dayton William NH 1146 1146 0 . Total 7314 15 Demoski Lavern 9052 8882 170 16 Demoski Peter Jr. 7092 7039 53 COMMUNITY FACILITIES 17 Demoski Peter SrNH 7712 7448 264 1 City of Koyukuk - Ofc 20264 19718 546 18 Demoski PeterSrOH 16203 16203 0 2 Koyukuk Safewater 33452 31913 1539 19 Dixon Tom/Julia 11938 11760 178 3 Koyukuk Powerhouse 10098 9874 224 no readings 20 Edwin Andrew 5819 5732 87 4 Street Lights 0 21 Esmailka Ernie Jr. 8766 8708 58 5 City Fuel Station 0 22 Esmailka Ernie Sr. 9789 9695 94 6 Community Hall 0 23 Esmailka Ethel 9277 9175 102 Total 2309 24 Huntington Harold 7672 7522 150 Grand Total 14495 25 Huntington Jenny NH 1547 1512 35 26 Huntington Jenny OH 0 TOTALIZING METERS 27 Huntington Leonard 9057 9015 42 estimate Kwhr Meter 80 6635 6360 275 22000 Estimated 28 Huntington Marion 11709 §=11549 160 Kw Meter 80 0.71 56.8 Estimated 29 Jones Ben Sr. 1526 1522 4 Fuel Meter @PH 11263.2 10465.7 797.5 Estimated 30 Jones Eliza 2995 2867 128 Gal/inch 31 Kriska Dale 1512 1486 26 Tank No 1 63.82 75.656 86.313 680.1 Estimated 32 Kriska Delores/Mar 8313 8074 239 Tank No 4 63.82 125.602 148.500 1461.4 Estimated 33 Kriska Fran 1530 1504 26 Tank No 5 70.51 144.938 144.938 0.0 Estimated 34 Kriska Hugh Jr. 3306 3240 66 Less Fuel Purchased 0.0 35 Kriska Hughie Sr. 12939 = 12734 205 Fuel Consumed 2141.5 36 Kriska Karen 39211 39010 201 37 Kriska Leona 0 Leona 85! PERFORMANCE 38 Lolnitz Alan 0 Total Kwhrs Sold 14495 39 Lolnitz Percy 11393 11222 171 Total Kwhrs Generated 22000 40. Lolnitz Ray 14216 14023 193 Line Loss (Eff) 0.66 41 Lolnitz Sherry 1460 1414 46 Peak Kw Generated 56.8 42 Malemute JoAnn 6644 6542 102 Plant Factor 0.63 43 Jones Julie 25 0 25 was Mayf Kwhrs/gal (Fuel Meter) 27.59 44 Nelson Joe 10823. 10713 110 Kwhrs/gal (Tanks Measured) 10.27 45 Nelson Roy 2361 2340 21 46 Pilot Darlene 7732 7599 133 47 Pilot Fabian 6331 6230 101 48 Pilot William 3288 3113 175 CITY OF KOYUKUK - METER READINGS (\lotus\koy1290.wk1 CITY OF KOYUKUK - METER READINGS (lotus\koy1290.wk1) Billing Period 12/1/90 to 12/31/90 35 Billing Period 12/1/90 to 12/31/90 35 08-Jan 08-Jan Ref Account Name 08-Jan 04-Dec Kwhrs_ Totals Ref Account Name 08-Jan 04-Dec Kwhrs_ Totals Comments RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS 49 Roberts M 0 Oo. 0 1 Dayton Albert 5456 5304 152 50 Yatlin Harold 3062 3004 58 2 Dayton Andrew/Mar 4305 4305 0 Total 7332 3 Dayton David 16391 16084 307 4 Dayton Frank Jr. 3828 3578 250 COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS 5 Dayton Franklin Sr 8518 8229 289 1 Alascom, Inc 78729 76824 1905 6 Dayton John Jr. 0 2 Kateel Enterprise * 14931 14624 307 7 Dayton Lawrence 15234 14776 458 3 Koyukuk Library/CLinic 45607 45004 . 603 8 Dayton Oscar 1200 1108 92 4 Koyukuk Headstart TCC 11865 11540 325 9 Dayton Rita 2043 1865 178 5 Koyukuk Post Office 8168 8073 95 10 Dayton Roger 11416 11207 209 6 National Guard Armory 8388 8259 129 11 Dayton Ronnie 1627 1597 30 7 St. Patrick Church Hs 4664 4638 26 12 Dayton Sarah 3203 2995 208 8 Y.K.S.D. 160752 154983 5769 13 Dayton Wayne 4356 4305 51 9 H&H Shop 0 14 Dayton William NH 1160 1146 14 Total 9159 15 Demoski Lavern 9268 9052 216 16 Demoski Peter Jr. 7446 7092 354 COMMUNITY FACILITIES 17 Demoski Peter SrNH 8044 7712 332 1 City of Koyukuk - Ofc 20921 20264 657 18 Demoski PeterSrOH 16221 16203 18 2 Koyukuk Safewater 35474 33452 2022 19 Dixon Tom/Julia 12110 11938 172 3 Koyukuk Powerhouse 10322 10098 224 20 Edwin Andrew 5984 5819 165 4 Street Lights 0 21 Esmailka Ernie Jr. 8860 8766 94 5 City Fuel Station 0 22 Esmailka Ernie Sr. 9945 9789 156 6 Community Hall 0 23 Esmailka Ethel 9452 9277 175 Total 2903 24 Huntington Harold 7854 7672 182 Grand Total 19394 25 Huntington Jenny NH 1551 1547 4 26 Huntington Jenny OH 0 TOTALIZING METERS 27 Huntington Leonard 9172 9057 - 115 Estimate: Kwhr Meter 80 6936 6635 301 24080 28 Huntington Marion 11962 11709 253 Kw Meter 80 0.71 56.8 29 Jones Ben Sr. 1532 1526 6 Fuel Meter @PH 12135.5 11263.3 872.2 30 Jones Eliza 3167 2995 172 Gal/inch 31 Kriska Dale 1566 1512 54 Tank No1 63.82 64.000 75.656 743.9 32 Kriska Delores/Mar 8557 8313 244 Tank No 4 63.82 100.563 125.602 1598.0 33 Kriska Fran 1530 1530 0 Tank No 5 70.51 145.500 144.938 -39.6 34 Kriska Hugh Jr. 3378 3306 72 Less Fuel Purchased 0.0 35 Kriska Hughie Sr. 13231 12939 292 Fuel Consumed 2302.2 36 Kriska Karen 39525 39211 314 37 Kriska Leona 936 . 850 86 Leona 85 PERFORMANCE 38 Lolnitz Alan 0 Total Kwhrs Sold 19394 39 Lolnitz Percy 11614 = 11393 221 Total Kwhrs Generated 24080 (2 months) 40 Lolnitz Ray 14458 14216 242 Line Loss (Eff) 0.81 41 Lolnitz Sherry 1574 1460 114 Peak Kw Generated 56.8 42 Malemute JoAnn 6757 6644 113 Plant Factor 0.63 43 Jones Julie 68 . 25 43 was May! Kwhrs/gal (Fuel Meter) 27.61 44 Nelson Joe 10968 10823 145 Kwhrs/gal (Tanks Measured) 10.46 45 Nelson Roy 2397 2361 36 46 Pilot Darlene 7994 7732 262 47 Pilot Fabian 6468 6331 137 48 Pilot William 3535 3288 247 CITY OF KOYUKUK - METER READINGS (lotus\koy0191.wK1 ui Y OF nUTUKUR = me TER neaAvINGS (wows woy0 1y1.wK1) Billing Period 1/1/91 to 1/31/91 28 Billing Period 1/1/91 to 1/31/91 28 05-Feb 05-Feb Ref Account Name 05-Feb 08-Jan Kwhrs_ Totals Ref Account Name 05-Feb 08-Jan Kwhrs_ Totals Comments RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS 49 Roberts M 0 oO 0 1 Dayton Albert 5504 5456 48 50 Yatlin Harold 3106 3062 44 2 Dayton Andrew/Mar 4305 4305 0 Total 6039 3 Dayton David 16662 16391 271 4 Dayton Frank Jr. 4015 3828 187 COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS. 5 Dayton Franklin Sr 8752 8518 234 1 Alascom, Inc 80434 78729 1705 6 Dayton John Jr. 0 2 Kateel Enterprise 15214 = 14931 283 7 Dayton Lawrence 15552 15234 318 3 > Koyukuk Library/CLinic 46231 45607 624 8 Dayton Oscar 1305 1200 105 4 Koyukuk Headstart TCC 12104 = 11865 239 9 Dayton Rita 2151 2043 108 5 Koyukuk Post Office 8422 8168 254 10 Dayton Roger 11576-11416 160 6 National Guard Armory 8515 8388 127 11. Dayton Ronnie 1655 1627 28 7 St. Patrick Church Hs 4678 4664 14 12 Dayton Sarah 3411 3203 208 8 Y.K.S.D. 166161 160752 5409 13 Dayton Wayne 4404 4356 48 9 H&H Shop 0 14 Dayton William NH 1165 1160 5 Total 8655 15 Demoski Lavern 9454 9268 186 16 Demoski Peter Jr. 7841 7446 395 COMMUNITY FACILITIES 17 Demoski Peter SrNH 8333 8044 289 1 City of Koyukuk - Ofc 21574 20921 653 18 Demoski PeterSrOH 16228 16221 7 2 Koyukuk Safewater 37726 35474 2252 Estimated 19 Dixon Tom/Julia 12204 12110 94 3 Koyukuk Powerhouse 10566 10322 244 Estimated 20 Edwin Andrew 6075 5984 91 4 Street Lights 0 21 Esmailka Ernie Jr. 8881 8860 21 5 City Fuel Station 0 22 Esmailka Ernie Sr. 10073 9945 128 6 Community Hall 0 23 Esmailka Ethel 9623 9452 171 Total 3149 24 Huntington Harold 8019 7854 165 Grand Total 17843 25 Huntington Jenny NH 1551 1551 0 26 Huntington Jenny OH 0 TOTALIZING METERS 27 Huntington Leonard 9287 9172 115 Estimate: Kwhr Meter 80 7195 6936 259 20720 Estimated 28 Huntington Marion 12164 11962 202 Kw Meter 80 0.71 0.71 56.8 29 Jones Ben Sr. 1536 1532 4 Fuel Meter @PH 13082 12135.5 946.5 Estimated 30 Jones Eliza 3313 3167 146 Gal/inch 31 Kriska Dale 1634 1566 68 Tank No 1 63.82 64.000 64.000 0.0 32 Kriska Delores/Mar 8923 8557 366 Tank No 4 63.82 58.125 100.563 2708.4 33 Kriska Fran 1532 1530 2 Tank No 5 70.51 145.438 145.500 4.4 34 Kriska Hugh Jr. 3422 3378 44 Less Fuel Purchased 0.0 35 Kriska Hughie Sr. 13449 = 13231 218 Fuel Consumed 2712.8 36 Kriska Karen 39692 39525 167 37 Kriska Leona 1020 936 84 Leona 8& PERFORMANCE 38 Lolnitz Alan 0 Total Kwhrs Sold 17843 39 Lolnitz Percy 11816 = 11614 202 Total Kwhrs Generated 20720 Estimated 40 Lolnitz Ray 14638 14458 180 Line Loss (Eff) 0.86 41 Lolnitz Sherry 1715 1574 141 Peak Kw Generated 56.8 42 Malemute JoAnn 6838 6757 81 Plant Factor 0.63 43 Jones Julie 101 68 33 was May Kwhrs/gal (Fuel Meter) 21.89 44 Nelson Joe 11081 10968 113 Kwhrs/gal (Tanks Measured) 7.64 45 Nelson Roy 2435 2397 38 46 Pilot Darlene 8176 7994 182 47 Pilot Fabian 6592 6468 124 Pilot William 3753 3535 218 > a CITY OF KOYUKUK ~ METER READINGS Billing Period 2/1/91 to 2/28/91 Ref Account Name 04-Mar RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS 1 Dayton Albert 5514 2 Dayton Andrew/Mar 4305 3 Dayton David 16865 4 Dayton Frank Jr. 4119 5 Dayton Franklin Sr 8936 6 Dayton John Jr. 7 Dayton Lawrence 15794 8 Dayton Oscar 1407 9 Dayton Rita 2177 10 Dayton Roger 11692 11 Dayton Ronnie 1671 12 Dayton Sarah 3571 13 Dayton Wayne 4457 14 Dayton William NH 1205 15 Demoski Lavern 9621 16 Demoski Peter Jr. 8298 17 Demoski Peter SrNH 8578 18 Demoski PeterSrOH 16274 19 Dixon Tom/Julia 12215 20 Edwin Andrew 6122 21 Esmailka Ernie Jr. 8886 22 Esmailka Ernie Sr. 10186 23 Esmailka Ethel 9717 24 Huntington Harold 8152 25 Huntington Jenny NH 1551 26 Huntington Jenny OH 27 Huntington Leonard 9404 28 Huntington Marion 12319 29 Jones Ben Sr. 1536 30 Jones Eliza 3411 31 Kriska Dale 1634 32 Kriska Delores/Mar 9151 33 Kriska Fran 1721 34 Kriska Hugh Jr. 3454 35 Kriska Hughie Sr. 13616 36 Kriska Karen 39785 37 Kriska Leona 1065 38 Lolnitz Alan 39 Lolnitz Percy 11971 40 Lolnitz Ray 14785 41 Lolnitz Sherry 1813 42 Malemute JoAnn 6853 43 Jones Julie 146 44 Nelson Joe 11168 45 Nelson Roy 2468 46 Pilot Darlene 8306 47 Pilot Fabian 6680 48 Pilot William 3925 05-Feb 5504 4305 16662 4015 8752 15552 1305 2151 11576 1655 3411 4404 1165 9454 7841 8333 16228 12204 6075 8881 10073 9623 8019 1551 9287 12164 1536 3313 1634 8923 1532 3422 13449 39692 1020 11816 14638 1715 6838 101 11081 2435 8176 6592 3753 (\lotus\koy0291.wk1) a7 04-Mar Kwhrs 10 0 203 104 184 0 242 102 26 116 16 160 53 40 167 457 245 46 1 47 113 94 133 117 155 228 189 32 167 93 correctedr 45 Leona 850 155 147 98 15 45 was Mayfie 87 33 130 88 172 Totals C CITY OF KOYUKUK - METER READINGS Billing Period 2/1/91 to 2/28/91 Ref Account Name 04-Mar 49 Roberts M 71 50 Yatlin Harold 3154 Total COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS 1 Alascom, Inc 81900 2 Kateel Enterprise 15490 3 Koyukuk Library/CLinic 46697 4 Koyukuk Headstart TCC 12351 5 Koyukuk Post Office 8537 6 National Guard Armory 8606 7 St. Patrick Church Hs 4836 8 Y.K.S.D. 171188 9 H&H Shop Total COMMUNITY FACILITIES 1 City of Koyukuk - Ofc 22157 2 Koyukuk Safewater 39978 3 Koyukuk Powerhouse 10811 4 Street Lights 5 City Fuel Station 6 Community Hall Total Grand Total TOTALIZING METERS Kwhr Meter 80 7444 Kw Meter 80 0.71 Fuel Meter @PH 13994.7 Gal/inch Tank No1 63.82 51.438 Tank No 4 63.82 3.875 Tank No 5 70.51 146.000 Less Fuel Purchased Fuel Consumed PERFORMANCE Total Kwhrs Sold Total Kwhrs Generated Line Loss (Eff) Peak Kw Generated Plant Factor Kwhrs/gal (Fuel Meter) Kwhrs/gal (Tanks Measured) 05-Feb 0 3106 80434 15214 46231 12104 8422 8515 4678 166161 21574 37726 10566 7195 13082 64.000 58.125 145.438 (\lotus\koy0291.wk1) 27 04-Mar Kwhrs 71 48 Totals Comments 4787 1466 276 466 247 115 91 158 5027 7846 583 2252 245 ooo 3080 15713 249 19920 Estimated 56.8 912.7 Estimated 801.7 3462.2 -39.6 0.0 4224.3 15713 19920 Estimated 0.79 56.8 0.63 21.83 4.72 a TOA MEMORANDUM STATE OF ALASKA ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY To: File Date: 10/9/90 Thru: Gary Smith Hh wot John Bulkow From: Steve Stassel Af 1219 (40 Subject: Koyukuk Bulk Fuel Repair 10/2-6/90 Trip Repo SUMMARY The Utility fuel supply line was valved off, drained down, repaired, and pressure checked for leaks. Database information on bulk fuel facilities in Koyukuk was obtained and entered into the RAFA database. Information to complete the as-built of the City owned waste heat system was collected. The wiring for the heat-valve was disconnected from the breaker panel and the valve removed from the fuel line, as it was not working and represented a safety (electrical) hazard. The supports for the diese: tank farm fill line were not repaired. The City of Koyukuk had received fuel since my August 21st site visit and the line showed evidence of severe leakage at several of the joints between the power house and the gasoline tank farm. The line should be dismantled from the diesel tank farm up to the gasoline tank farm and repaired prior to receiving fuel next year. At this time the supports should be repaired. The site inspection to Kaltag was not accomplished due to inclement weather and will have to be re-scheduled at a later date. Note: The fuel supply line runs adjacent to the school playground and is subject to children playing and bouncing on it. If the pipeline starts to leak again, the line should be removed and replaced with a welded line. TRIP REPORT Tuesday 10/2/90 Chip and I departed from Anchorage on Mark-Air at 8:15 p.m., arrived in Galena at 10:25 p.m. and spent the night at the Happy Puppy Bed and Breakfast. Wednesday 10/3/%) Our 9:45 a.m. fligh’ on Larry’s Air Service from Galena to Koyukuk was delayed due to bad weather in Koyukuk. We departed Galena for Koyukuk at 11:15 a.m., but were forced to turn back due to poor visibility. After confirming with Mark Air, Frontier, and Tanana that their flights were also canceled, we walked over to the Galena Air Force Base for lunch. After lunch we checked in again with the commuter airlines that serve Koyukuk to see if the weather had improved. Larry’s said they would try again at approximately 4:00 p.m., weather permitting. While we were waiting, Chip and I secured the necessary security clearance to obtain access to the Base’s power plant. Upon arrival at the power plant we were given a tour of their facility. While we were there, we discussed the military’s plans for providing back-up power once the new Galena power plant comes on-line. Overall, the operators on Base were not concerned with relying on . Galena for power, but they did wonder who was going to operate and maintain the new Galena power plant. At 3:30, I contacted Cindy Jones at Koyukuk to see if the weather had lifted, and she indicated that the weather was fine. I called Larry’s Air Service and was told to be there no later than 4:00 p.m. We departed Galena at 4:30 p.m. and arrived in Koyukuk at 4:45 p.m. After meeting with Cindy Jones (City Administrator, 925-2215) and checking into our accommodations, we inspected the fuel supply line and met with Steve Musser (Principal/Teacher, 927-2210). Mr. Musser explained that the school’s boilers were down and he was heating the school exclusively with the waste neat system. I received a key to the school so that I could as-built the waste heat system after school hours. Thursday 10/4/90 The fuel line was isolated from the tank farm and the power house day tank, and the fuel drained from the line. After draining was completed, the line was disassembled. This was accomplished with the assistance of the alternate power house operator, Frank Dayton Jr. Once the line was dismant!cd, we began cleaning and re-doping the pipe threads, and re-assembling the fuel line. I delivered to Cindy Jones the three original copies of the project agreement and requested that she ha. them signed and notarized prior to our leaving on Friday. After dark, I spent several hours collecting data for the RAFA database and entering it into my computer. I also collected information to complete the as-built of the waste heat system in the school boiler room. Friday 10/5/90 We com leted reassembling the fuel line and pressure checked it for leaks. The line was gravity filled w: .n fuel from the tank farm, the fuel line was isolated from the tank farm and the power house :y tank, and additional fuel was pumped into the line to raise the static pressure to 15 psi (this. the maximum pressure capable with the pump we had available). This pressure was maintained for approximately one hour while the fuel fine was visually inspected for leaks. One leak wes found at a union inside the tank farm dike. We drained down the fuel from the line in this area ai. | removed the union. The pipe threads were cleaned, Teflon tape and pipe dope were applied. and a different union was installed. The fuel line was refilled and inspected for leaks. No leaks w. re found. I contacied Larry’s Air Service and requested a charter be sent out to pick us up. I was informed that the weather was marginal and getting worse, but they would send out a plane and see if they couid ¢ :t in. While we were waiting, I collected additional information to complete the as-built of the wa: ie heat system in the power house. The plane arrived at 6:45 p.m. We departed Koyukuk at 7:00 p.ia. and arrived in Galena at 7:15 p.m. The scheduled 10:30 p.m. Mark Air flight was delayed and did not depart until 11:4§-p.m. Saturd:y 10/6/90 We arr'ved in Anchorage at 12:35 a.m. and after dropping Chip off at home, I arrived home at 1:30 a.m. CONCLUSIONS: KOYUKUK FUEL REPAIRS The fuel line was leaking for apparently two reasons: the joints were not tight, and the joint compound (pipe dope) used was either not compatible with diesel fuel or was not properly applied. In reassembling the fuel line, we cleaned the threads down to bare metal and used an "Arctic" grade Teflon pipe dope compatible with diesel fuel. We found in tightening the joints that several of the pipe ends had barely enough threads to allow the couplings to fully seat. This also could have led to the leaking of the joints. As was mentioned in the Summary, the heat valve was removed both physically and electrically from the fuel system. This was accomplished for three reasons: 1) The rigid conduit for the electrical lines from the power house to the valve was broken adjacent to the school playground. Also, a portion of the conduit was flexible plastic "Corflo" and did not meet code. 2) The day tank is a 115 gallon tank. The capacity of the fuel line between the valve and the daytank is approximately 110 gallons. Assuming the day tank is refilled before it’s empty, the heated fuel never reaches the day tank before the tank is full. 3) Although the valve was switched off in the power house, power was still being provi ‘ed to the valve and it did not work. The fuel line sup; o:ts for the power house supply line were repositioned to properly support the fuel line. Pipe stra and lag bolts were left with Frank Dayton Jr. in Koyuku wath instructions to fasten the pipe to the supports. The union on tank 6 had been tightened and was not leaking. I left a new union with Frank and requested that he install it if there were any future problems. The supports for the diesel fuel fill line from the Koyukuk River to the tank farm were not repaired. Koyukuk received fuel since I was there in August and the fill line showed evidence of severe leakage at several of the joints between the er house and the gasoline tank farm. The line should be disassembled, cleaned and reassembled from the tank farm up to the check valve ed to the gasoline tank farm prior to the next refueling. At this time the supports should be repaired. KOYUKUK WASTE HEAT The annual maintenance inspection of was oe The system pressure at the heat exchanger in the power house was 12 psi. The AMOT valve bypass valve settings were correct. The circulating pump in the r house (Grundfos UP43-75F) was operational. The primary and secondary loops were both 180 degrees Fahrenheit (the school heating system was not on at the time, but should be repaired by mid-October). Heat Exchanger: Alfa Laval, Serial # 30100-70005, built in 1988 Data 115 psi max. pressure, HXR type P2-FG, "A" dimension = 7-5/8" +/- 1% Plate .6 mm thick, Surface Area 70.71 Sq. Ft., Capacity 4.99 US gallon KALTAG*: 3TE HEAT INSPECTION Due to inclement weather, I was unable to make it into Kaltag. This trip will have to be re- scheduled at a later date. ISS Engine Performance Curve 300 Series Model: 6414T (Dubuque) Rating: Gross Power-Basic Engine 145 BHP @ 1800 RPM 118 BHP @ 1500 RPM JOHN DEERE Application: Generator—Prime Power pf TT iso 4H PTT Tr rrr TT Ff Pitty | aeeees - 4142 anee ACH e Pty Ty Tt BRRPRE ae | PCCP ; PEE CEE H ® 4134 PT tt de ‘ CL ae ee x= Pty Ty | ® ® 126 Peto Cr r) H TE 418 4 r ooh Li yf PT PoE TT 4 = = ad a 2 ® a wu aa 60 76 92 108 124 140 156 Brake Horsepower Alr Intake Restriction - in. H,O (kPa) .. 10 (2.5) Exhaust Back Pressure - in. H,0O (kPa) .. 16 (3.7) Powt | guaranteed within 5% at SAE J1349 conditions: a " T7r (25°C) air inlet ternperalure. 29.31 in. Hg (G0kPa) dry barometer Certified by: Curve No. 100°F (39°C) fuel inlel temperature (.853 specilic gravity at 60°F). TO6414T40 it s: Power: kW = bhp x 0.746 . @ Conversion factors Powor wn Pp ‘bron x 0.608 Vee Fo Date: 1-15-88 Torque: Nem = Ib-fl x 1.356 Rev. Date: @ Vaiues derived we fom currently available gala and aubject to change - | without notice. Sht. 1 of 4 ENGINE SPECIFICATION DATA General Data __ WAGON reece i tale deca les tne od gata skel telat ctled nlatacledealin elle d ly ole lego Lal 6414T Rumiber. of Cylinders jody sectalrtetyattatsvoxcmtshteearctovererratater era ala larson leer tatinls erected 6 BOreiand Strake-in (rir) hrs teal le eattietiak sett eee 4.19x5.00 (106x127) Dismuacementinw ten rl nis nt rian eee 414 (6.8) CPN EIO TN FIR Mca daclalomdl eg alldecdeaa blll al allele pelleted eteetepted 16.3:1 Piston Qpded-fitmin(nvimin) «cscs wetore orE eee 1500 (4571/1250 (381) Valves Per Cylinder NN Pestle ere Cie ay rete tetd ais recs tere races rere oaucle dae acledah desl Lent MG hese odo cl acadealirel of dicts tentasen ced dle chateptleda tale chrbdatatywetate iit a ee ae ae . Direct Injection TIMID Cl isle el eletrclelelat cots yr claere creme Pal eh moe e aa Inline-4 Cycle PU aspera yh sala tect eee aides Hea aa lgs beh eles llth cde alecl Losee rately . Turbocharged Configuration SIRI als Leper ek alin dy) cdlox ol of atsccalsdes usrguue) sauvateters eawarorerae Mar crorrataratat ert .. TO4B Charge Air Cooling System ............ 0.000. e eee eee eee .. Not Applicable WORST occ cece ee dae ccs cee eueneceeepacce cesses . 800 HigMsaleGROGHNIN ok cece cece eee ttn tress 1872/1560 Thrust Bearing Load Limit CASEI DAC TIN) iotewscorateiars ra als torsedal ara PUSS ate ae eae eae 1530 (6938) Ramet tates (Men rsa te eA oni ke Lies ..... 2%40 (10408) Engine Crankoase Vent System ............. 00. ccc eee ete eee ce nee Open Maximum Pressure-in H,O (kPa) .....- 0... eee - 2 09) Physica! Data Size ADU NMRRID= HER NEMERD) Sic eyetvcict on on vat cfororsrortorsreyayotatovey tataferarinatataversr=tabntonart ctstaniterste ny Tar 44.1 (1119) MPM cscleetere cts erec eile care ieisins recive scierceiil einttscrersiclarere 20.2 (513) HAMMESIREMISS Iot cl ht niet tection ete ae ie syltt ra 42.0 (1068) SEE eel eT lertaddbelerbsbecrstetoreabcleyetraratteneg 1324 (602) Center of Gravity Distance Ppeeen Fetes ke CUNT LORUT) oi ee cece 5) bees hele cic tcce ne 15.0 (381) Right of Crankshaft (y axis)-in(mm) .. 20.2... cece cee e eee eee -3 (7.6) PENS CHRORIU ES CHISAGO) 0055 occ ec ceases ec cce ere c serene 6.2 (157) ho ake | EGC DOHIDD Sn OSDCUCIS CORD CUA Dns Hele Gero eemancere RE28279 Maximum Allowable Static Bending Moment at Rear Face of FW Hsg-Ibf ft(Nem)....... dL lmlictcbareset ins -mtarhin Wp iw Sd wakeal 600 (814) Electrical System Recommended Battery Capacity (CCA @ 0°F) 12 Volt Systen Above 32°F (0°C)-A 640 Below 32°F (0°C)-A . 640 24 Volt System Above 32°F (0°C)-A Not Availabie Below 32°F (0°C)-A Not Available Maximum Allowable Resistance of Starting Circuit 12 Velt auehen: ONIN sence eee ere tes ees ere ene ne er or, 0012 GA VGIMMEEITN GIN caer cco cc eile as cain n irs net ilsinry wrest ace Not Applicable Starter Rolling Curront-A 12 Voit System (AL Re EAD) atheros trtatrarater- narnia rarnie iS Rie orate ie er ae SE ere . 920 Mae rd 180 tC) ick cored is a la sett ecient 1300 All values at rated speed and power with Se NO. TO6414T40 standard engine nardware unless otherwise noted. REV/DATE: SHT. 2 OF 4 _ENGINE SPECIFICATION DATA 1800 Fuel System Rubel pOCtion PUMmipys doctors Nelo tele et eblerelrtalete treats StanadyneDM4 Fuel Injection Pump Number .....5.....0000000-- ccc eens RE18940 Fuel Consumption-Ib/nr (kg/hr) 52.9 (24) Fuel Consumption-gal/nr (L/hr) 7.5 (28.3) Fuel Spill Rate-Ib/hr (kg/hr) . . 164.1 (74.6) Fuel Spill Rate-gai/hr(Lhr) . 6... eee 23.5 (88.8) Total Fuel Flow-Ib/hr (kg/hr)... ee ce eee 217 (98) Total Fuel Flow-gal/hr{b/hr) 22.2... ee eee cee eee 37 (117) Maximum Allowable Fuel Pump Suction Clean System-in Hg (kPa) 2... eee e eee ee 1.48 (5) Dirty System-in Hg (kPa) ......... 0002 cece eee eee eee 2.36 (8) Fuel Filler Micron Size PIT yale sisytyeRinkclotas eect ts tells Muth boleh clatter 12 SUGMCCMOTON, ies toieless eineiemslem nei anatase eels 5 Lubrication System_ Oil Pressure Rated Speed-Ibflin? (kPa) ..... 0.02.00 00 e eee ee eee 45 (310) SINAN TURPIN ae ihelie'k Salsle rt olale dial Glau Sela osteo ore 30 (225) In Pan Oil Temperature-°F (°C)... 2c eee eee eee 240 (115) Oil Flow-gal/min (Limin).. 0.0... ce cece cee cece eevee eee 13 (49) Oil Pan Capacity NM TURsE MORNE eae ce Mec te reyer crates cer Ate onal eta tor chevesouea sh ettoker rete ate 17 (16) MAMI ferro orectel dso al ales l lense ol oHolt, toctolade eur ctolientaeiet elie 16 (15) Total Engine O!l Capacity with SUOMI GS hn fot Face ol sae crs fakes ayate oye rch ote sie revov ate itive rsyaye nara] oP 18 (17.1) Engine Angularity Limits (continuous) PWC UBMIOMIOGE 05. wwe cee reer n eee nreeneerecs 20 OO ooo rcielelies eins cizie oatelarsicia sain sie pci 20 HORPRAUIEOS | lac ou acl edb aialnltsaia ass atiels asia be -- 20 Cooling System Engine Heat Rejection-Btu/min (kW) ..............-2522005 4350 (76.5) Engine Radiated Heat-Btu/min (kW). ...........0002..22005 182 (3.2) Goolant Flow-gal/min (Limin) ............-. 00 v ence eeeees 51 (193) Thermostat Start to Open- °F (°C) # 180 (82) PN ca rie ahs ghb cee spsueenesees cbese ee 202 (94) Maximum Water Pump Inlet PRBGLEMDETIRET UTA IPED on 0s clus 0.0 0 00s By Gaye opie aoe ccocs 2 (7) Engine amlant Pepmaclty-at(l).... 2.2... 08. ve cnccuperteene 12 (11.4) Minimum Pressure Cap-Ibffin?(kPa).. 0.2... 7 (48) Maximum Coolant Pressure (Exclusive of Pressure Cap and/or Head)- IE a leke du clebag ahhh datas Stamlenecenseeen ees enen 18 (124) Maximum Top Tank Ternperature-°F (°C) 2... cece cee eee eee 210 (99) Minimum Top Tank Temperature-°F (°C)... 22. ee eee eee Not Available Minimum Coolant Fill Rate- TTL, ives War eisie se oes cll Es ara ast oH clofei4 tact ol eteiaranate) every 5 (19) Cooling Index Minimum Air to Boll-°F (°C)... eee eee eee 117 (47) Maximum Alr to Water Diff..°F (°C) 20.2 96 (53) Deaeration-Air Injection GBRATCY-TETIVOTTTTIUN) occ ce tee ee ecco ne .3 (.01) Draw Down-Minimum Requirement (or 10% of Cooling System Capacity-Whichever is Larger)-qt(L)...... ses eeeee 3 (2.8) Cooling Kit Capacity-Includes: Engine, Radiator And Hoseea-qt(l) ...656 268. ne ee 31.7 (30) All values at rated speed and power with standard engine hardware unless otherwise noted. 1500 StanadyneDM4 RE18940 43.7 (19.9) 6.2 (23.4) 173.3 (78.8) 24.8 (93.7) 217 (98) 31 (117) 1.48 (5) 2.36 (8) 12 5 45 (310) 30 (225) 240 (115) 11 (41) 17 (16) 16 (15) 18 (17.1) 20 20 20 3540 (62.2) 148 (2.6) 42 (159) 180 (82) 202 (94) 1.5 (5) 42 (11.4) 7 (48) 15 (103) 210 (99) Not Available 5 (19) 117 (47) 95 (53) .3 (.01) 3 (2.8) 31.7 (30) CURVE NO. TO6414T40 DATE: REV./DATE: SHT. 3 OF 4 Air System _ENGINE SPECIFICATION DATA Maximum Allowable Temperature Rise (Ambient Air to Engine Intet)- °F (°C) Alr Intake Restriction Maximum Limit Dirty Air Cleaner-in H,O (kPa) ......-......... Clean Air Cleaner-in H,0 (kPa) . Engine Air Flow-ft?/min (m/min) Engine Air Box/Manifold Pressure-in Hg (kPa) Recommended Intake Pipe Dia.-in(mm) .................. Exhaust System Exhaust Flow-ft*/min (m/min) Cxhaust Temperature: °F (°C) Maximum Allowable Back Pressure-in Hg (kPa) Recommended Exhaust Pipe Singlo-in(mm)........... Performance Data Power Output-bhp (kW) ..... Full Load Speed-r/min ...... BMEP-!bf/in? (kPa) Friction Power-bhp (kW) Altitude Capability-tt (m) Noise-d B(A) @ Im......... Part Load Fuel Consumption - 0% Power 25% Power 50% Power 75% Power 100% Power Emissions - gm/hr (at percent 0% NO, 75 co 110 HC 100 so, 4 Emissions - gm/hr (at percent 0% NOx 70 co 75 HC 65 so, 3 Dia. Fuel-Ib/hr (kg/hr) load)-1800 r/min 25% 50% 75% 300 650 1100 80 75 80 90 85 96 20 31 44 load)-1500 rimin 25% 50% 75% 260 525) 925 110 145 150 60 65 65 15 24 35 All values at rated speed and power with $tandard engine hardware unless otherwise noted. 1800 15 (8) 25 (6.25) 12 (3) ‘322 @.1) 25 (84) . 3 (76.2) 805 (22.8) 1140 (616) 2.2 (2.5) 4 (101.6) 145 (108) 1800 eaten tees em 154 (1061) 37 (28) 92 17.4 (7.9) . 5000 (1525) 27.2 (12,4) 39.1 (17.8) 52.9 (24) 100% 1600 3 100% 20 90 60 1550 4 40 4g ui GENT oN 7 ow 1500 15 (8) 25 (6.25) 12 (3) 252 (7.1) 19 (63) 3 (76.2) 630 (17.8) 1170 (632) 2.2 (7.6) 4 (101.6) 118 (88) 1500 150 (134) 28 (21) 5000 (1525) 91 2.6 (1.2) 13.4 (6.1) 216 (9.8) 30.7 (1:9) 43.7 (19.8) CURVE NO. T06414T40 DATE: REV/DATE: SHT. 4 OF 4 uv