HomeMy WebLinkAboutElectric Utility Assesment Line Loss Study For The City Of Thorne Bay 1992/ ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY ELECTRIC UTILITY ASSESSMENT CITY OF THORNE BAY ELECTRIC UTILITY ASSESMENT LINE LOSS STUDY FOR THE CITY OF THORNE BAY Prepared By: Martin J. Bushue MJB Engineering For: The Alaska Energy Authority Date: 15 July 1992 ‘ TABLE OF CONTENTS BUT wanker sem etn eee eee ena ccd 1 BERET OMNNG alos oiled shee fo case, ose io fot cto et cm oh tse fe) ol ese fo. i ef offs fas co! «1 (010 hel 0) cl» he 3 IMG CEA OCU S ar ct este coor oe ert be rete test cree started] astioute tall oh srietiotfat op ofl sike- tos tarlells ie icecel atl 4 Pe UN ten ake ea 5 DIStriDUtiOny:SYSterny je cece poet certo fet at sce fo foifo) wise fo fa tel at o1f elie! tof) ore te fo 0) #1¥0 10) ielse 6 POWOS FIRE fcc dee cece eee ere ee be Re ee 7 Meter Calculations) |). oi.) cielo) s1clie\'=1 2 s110ifo' lo =) 9) site ltel woe) afte ello) oie) s/c) @) =} Yelle 8 Gonclusions/Recommendations) | 6/3/36 6 /)-)er © a cele s) ole sis sala & mls 10 ADpendixiA | a seis alse ore felled si ellsli oa) ellelie ool eteliel o\ clei strete Meter Read Data Pepi Goce ee ee de Monthly PCE Data DDO MGI) Coy as rephctte rotons rots oes ores ore outer or elf ole sener/e}/ elie Meter Calculations/Tests PRO TV oe oly eye atet cite wy 21 peta orrotfstne te a) ott site te! @ytettehiette rest Drawings and Figures PRO DOM. Efi 5 fat eye oo ah oo! ohio) lleite Co fe fellovie io ele! ol ehieselfe) «1 1 shs!i0 (0 Photographs SUMMARY The City of Thorne Bay owns and operates the local electric utility system which is experiencing excessive losses at 20 to 30%. A survey of the system and the accounting procedures revealed the following: 1. System Description: Generation: (2) 450 Kw (1) 325 Kw Distribution System: Approx. 10,000 ft Overhead 1/0 ACSR Three Phase @ 2400/4160 Volts Load: Approx. 400 Kw Peak Demand Approx. 2187 Mwh annual usage 2. Accounting: Accounting procedures appear to be accurate. Meter reading data is collected consistently and is entered into a meter billing software program. The data has been checked by other accountants. 3. Metering: Three meter installations were determined to have problems. These meters will be checked and corrected by the City. The meters are reading lower than the measured demand and account for some of the system losses. The meters are: Water Lake Old School Forest Service 4. Losses: Reason for large system losses is not yet determined. Metering problems and other normal |?R losses only account for a portion of the total losses. There is a suspicion of un-metered loads in the system that will have to be systematically located by additional investigation. The City will pursue the gathering of individual feeder loads from which we may be able to isolate the problem. Page 1 5. Recommendations: Recommendations discussed and listed in the conclusions of this report are: Check and correct meter problem at Old School. Check and correct meter problem at Water Lake. Check and correct USFS Warehouse meter. Install new totalizing meter at USFS. Install oil spill containment for main storage tanks at plant. Replace PCB transformers at plant. a nt Install new PM transformer at plant to replace interior bank and eliminate need for transformer vault. 8. Obtain feeder load data to determine location of line loss. Page 2 BACKGROUND MJB Engineering was directed to investigate the electric distribution facilities for the City of Thorne Bay to determine the reasons for the high apparent system losses of 20 to 30% which appear on the monthly PCE report data. Mr. Bushue performed a site visit on 22, 23, and 24 April 1992 and was assisted by Mr. Eric Hope, the electric system manager/operator. The selected approach was to investigate the metering of the larger power users, review the metering data and collection process, and inspect the system for life safety/code problems as well as operational concerns. The first day and a half was consumed with the inspection and meter measurements of the various loads. | When it appeared that the magnitude of the problem might exceed that of faulty metering, we concentrated on more detailed inspections of the various service/system configurations in an attempt to find an un-metered load or other problems. Individual meters were checked for accuracy with the use of a clamp-on ammeter and stop watch, utilizing a standard time-dial test procedure. Meter read data, PCE Reports, and fuel usage data was provided for the entire year of 1991 (with the exception of April 91) and for January thru April of 1992. A clamp on line voltage max-meter was borrowed from Ketchikan Public Utilities in an attempt to determine if the loss appeared on only one feeder but the device proved time consuming and inaccurate for our purposes. Therefore our analysis had to rely on visual inspections only. Page 3 METER READINGS The field meter readings for 1991 were summarized on a spreadsheet (Appendix A) and reviewed. Table no.1 indicates the total number of meters and average kwh usage determined from that analysis. A full analysis of this data would be difficult to obtain within the confines of this effort since numerous ssumptions and estimates were used to reach the values in this table. However the figures tend to validate the PCE reports and also provide some characteristics of the system. There is a correlation between the system demand and the total usage when applying the REA demand/usage formula. TABLE. NO.1 METER READ SUMMARY/ANALYSIS KWH/MON/ METER TYPE NO. KWH METER Residential 176 784669 405 Commercial 73 615199 766 Public 11 161164 1,332 TOTALS= 260 1,561,032 AVG/MON = 141,912 ~ Notes: 1. The no. of residential/commercial/public meters are assumed by MJBE for estimate purposes only and does not necessarily agree with City records. 2. Total street light loads not included (approx 2432 kw) Street Lighting is accounted for via one metered light that is multiplied by the total installed lights. For example, the PCE report dated 12/91-1/92 shows 62 lights at 64 Kwh for a total of 3968 Kwh. All lights are reported to be identical at 100 watts. The PCE reports indicate a larger total of installed meters than what was found in the raw meter read data of our analysis. This difference appears to result from the one street light meter that gets multiplied by the total. Station Service loads are properly accounted for. These loads appear in the monthly meter read data and are included in the PCE report. Page 4 PCE REPORTS Table 2 illustrates the average monthly values that were summarized from the PCE reports for 1991. See Appendix B for monthly PCE report copies. TABLE. NO.2. 1991 PCE MONTHLY AVERAGES PCE ITEM ‘TITLE AVG/MON B1 Kwh Generated 198,866 B2 Fuel Used, gal. 15,429 c3 Peak Demand, Kw 378 c2 Station Service, Kwh 4,050 N/A Street Lighting 2,432 C4 Kwh Sold 15,6461 N/A Total Sold + Used 162,943 N/A Average Loss, % 18 An attempt was made to verify the PCE figures with the raw meter read data to establish the accuracy of the accounting procedures. However, the aforementioned accuracy of the meter read data presented some difficulty. We are assuming the City’s assertion that the meter accounting is accurate and has been independently verified by others. The raw data of Appendix A appears to account for all meters and is entered correctly into a commercial meter billing program from which the PCE values are taken. Therefore we consider that the loss problem is no worse than that reported by the PCE reports. Page 5 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM The Thorne Bay distribution system is shown in Fig. no. 1 (see Appendix D for following figures and drawings). This drawing is a reduced version of a large scale drawing which we have produced for the City and will provide at least one update for them if desired. The system consists of two main feeders (City North and City South) serving the main part of town at 2400/4160V overhead. Another feeder serves some industrial loads to the south of the plant at 480V underground. The fourth feeder serves the US Forest Service via an underground 2.4/4.2Kv circuit. Approximately 10,000 ft of overhead primary, 950 ft of overhead 480V, 1100 ft of 480V underground, and 900 ft of underground 2.4/4.2 Kv is installed. The predominant conductor is 1/0 ACSR. One of the City feeders is underbuilt under the other with power cable attached to the poles from the plant to a pole near City Hall, approx. 1000 ft. The aerial cable is a three phase construction which appears to be rated at 5 Kv. The take-off from the plant to this aerial cable appears to be non-shielded cable. With a few exceptions, the general appearance of the distribution system is good. It appears to be well maintained with few safety or code problems. The most serious problem is the old LPC 2400V system just north of City Hall. This system is a hazard, especially the exposed three phase transformer bank located within the wooden structure and minimally secured. None of the service drops or meter bases in this area appear to comply with codes. We recommend the City either removes or restores this isolated section of their distribution system. An in depth transformer loading analysis was not performed. There is approximately 1400 KVA installed along the distribution feeders where the system demand is approximately 400 KW. Although there is a case for improvement, the transformer losses do not appear to be a significant component of the overall system losses. The transformer losses would be expected to contribute to an overall system loss within 3%. No individual transformers appeared to be oversized. Page 6 POWER PLANT + The general power plant layout is shown in fig. nos. 2 and 3. See also photos in Appendix E. ‘The plant is located on City property nearby the Ketchikan Pulp Corporation (KPC) properties (former owner of the City’s system). The plant is also adjacent to the KPC generation facilities. The plant is an un-insulated wooden structure housing three generation units described as: Unit 1 450 Kw Cummins Diesel, 1800 rpm, 277/480 V Unit 2 450 Kw Cummins Diesel, 1800 rpm, 277/480 V Unit 3 325 Kw Caterpillar Diesel, 1200 rpm, 480 V The plant bus voltage is 480 V which is stepped up to 2400/4160 thru transformer banks within and outside of the plant. The main switchgear is illustrated in the drawing of fig. no. 3, "Plant One Line Diagram". Three circuits are stepped up to 2400/4160 and the others serve local loads at 480 V. The main 800 A bus and station service is metered at this location. The peak demand on the system has been 440-451 Kva, occuring in January 91 and March 92. ‘It should be noted that these peaks occured without the KPCshop and the old school gymnasium. If added, the system peak would have been in excess of 500Kva. Futhermore, the addition of a sewer lift station and the full demand of the new school will place additional load on the system. The present demand fully loads one generation unit and most likely accounts for the apparent high fuel efficiency of 13 Kwh/gal. This correlates with the reported Kw generated and the plant meter readings/calculations (Appendix C). Therefore we assume the losses are on the distribution end of the system and not at the generation metering. The fuel system consists of two 2000 gal storage tanks located above ground in close proximity to both the City’s and the KPC generation facilities. There are no oil containment capabilities. A 100 gal day tank is located within the plant. Fuel metering consists of a Kent Metron oil meter located in the line to the day tank. Fig. no. 4is a simple schematic of the system. The close proximity of the fuel storage tanks, the City’s generation, and KPC’s generation is a considerable fire concern. One fire would get all three facilities. Page 7 Fire protection in the plant is provided by hand-held extinguishers. An existing sprinkler system is in place but is obviously inoperative since the plumbing is disconnected in various areas. The transformer bank for one of the City’s feeders is located within the plant structure and does not have any of the required features for a transformer vault. We recommend this bank be relocated outside the plant preferably as a three phase pad mount. The existing transformers within the plant are indicated to contain PCB’s and need to be replaced. Problems with the power plant need to be solved with a new powerhouse structure. The proximity to other facilities, the flammable wood construction, and the interior transformer banks would not be cost effective to solve by modifying the existing plant. Page 8 METER CALCULATIONS The significant consumer loads were inspected for proper metering equipment. The results of these inspections, load current measurements, and meter time dial tests are shown in Appendix C, "Meter Calculations”. A clamp on ammeter was used to obtain instantaneous current readings from which the Kw demand was computed and compared with the meter test. The calibration of the ammeter was checked against a known resistive load, but the device at best is not as accurate as more sophisticated equipment. Therefore we considered a 10% or greater variance in the comparison tests to be indicative of a meter problem. Problems were indicated in the following meter installations: TABLE NO. 3 METER TESTS 1. Water Lake 2.3 3.6 36 20293 11,415 SN 63297787 2. Forest Service Whse. 15.4 18.0 14 1317 214 SN 61339863 3. Grocery Store 23.0 28.0 18 (no 91) n/a SN 89681800 4. Old School 4.2 Wee 42 51407 37,226 SN 82773263 The % difference is the Kw change from the measured amps to the time dial tests. These loads were found to have the proper type of meter installed but the actual wiring was not inspected in detail. Eric Hope will go back to these meters and conduct a more detailed investigation. The correct multipliers were being used in the accounting but there may be polarity or other wiring problems. We elected to use more of the available field time to pursue what appears to be a more significant loss problem. Page 9 An estimate was‘determined for the losses that would have occurred if these meters were running with the indicated error over the 1991 year. Thatis, a % loss derived from the Kw demand applied to the year’s total Kwh usage would indicate the Kwh’s that were lost. The last column of Table 3 shows those estimates. The most significant problems are the Water Lake and Old School meters. The grocery store was not fully on line in 1991 but appears to have a metering problem. The Forest Service (USFS) system was originally suspected due to its multiple metering configuration. But with some exceptions, it proved to be a lesser problem. The one line of the USFS system is shown in figure no. 5. The ampere readings taken downstream at the 240 volt levels appear to agree with the values measured at the 480 volt main panel in the warehouse. Therefore we do not believe there are any un-metered loads within the USFS system. The warehouse meter however appears to be reading low. The CT’s of this meter pick up multiple feeders and the wiring should be further investigated. A meter should be installed at the service entrance of the USFS warehouse either at the pad mount transformer or in the warehouse to ensure accuracy and to maintain exclusive control. The metering is presently open to the consumer and could be inadvertently affected by system changes. Page 10 CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS The City’s electrical system appears to be suffering significant losses from other than true line loss, transformer losses, or inaccurate metering. Normal |?R line losses for this type of system would be expected at or below 5% and transformer losses at less than 3%. The metering problems are estimated at 49 Mwh(from Table 3)/2187 Mwh = 2%. Therefore our investigation can only account for approx. 10% out of the average 20% total losses. We believe there are un-metered loads within the system that were not apparent during our investigation. The magnitude and intermittent nature of the problem tends to point at a significant load and not an overall system problem. The losses range from 1 to 30% on a monthly basis (see PCE data, appendix B). We were unable to correlate this variance with weather, commercial usage, or other phenomena. The City needs to conduct a further investigation. We recommend the City obtain load recording equipment similar to the "Loadlogger" equipment manufactured by Rochester Instrument Systems (copy of brochure enclosed behind appendices). This equipment should be used to determine if the problem appears on only one particular feeder and if so, it could be isolated on a systematic basis. The specific recommendations of this report are: Check and correct meter problem at Old School. Check and correct meter problem at Water Lake. Check and correct USFS Warehouse meter. Install new totalizing meter at USFS. Install oil spill containment for main storage tanks at plant. Replace PCB transformers at plant. EC Se Oe Install new PM transformer at plant to replace interior bank and eliminate need for transformer vault. 8. Obtain load feeder data to determine location of line loss. Page 11 APPENDIX A METER READINGS METER READINGS, THORNE BAY 1991 (Tabulated From Records Provided by the City) M oe 11326800 58588339 6814 6814 6814 6814 6814 6814 7814 6814 6823 6825 6825 61339863 7290 7429 7551 7794 7907 7997 8109 8204 8323 8565 8607 63297782 64466 65701 66594 68373 69171 69518 69903 70476 71206 71686 72031 63297783. 42749 45711 48351 54166 54166 54166 54166 54166 54166 54166 54166 63297787 81451 83832 85964 88320 90294 92239 93641 95223 96735 98244 59 «1744 63297791 58471 59023 59276 60034 60316 60601 60938 61091 61512 61906 62173 63317058 72931 75244 78003 78015 78017 78021 78022 78024 78026 78027 78321 64037332 830 2456 4258 9410 12550 15895 19384 22800 26357 29763 33080 70179559 80236 81693 83013 85696 87001 88367 89784 91168 92725 94187 95596 73008258 82541 86761 90353 94180 97774 2172 5324 19132 13872 18724 23771 28567 75101999 7187 7404 7613 8010 8207 8414 8633 8844 9093 9787 1571 75102000 6290 6503 6687 7018 7166 7320 7477 «+7667 +7781 + #7806 7806 75102001 5154 5237 5377 5728 5907 8784 12191 75102002 10487. 10733 10921 11290 11460 11622 11780 11887 12070 12260 12427 75102003 30532 32286 33503 35775 36602 37551 38657 39618 40625 41686 42726 75102004 26632 27654 28603 30023 30411 30627 30866 31148 31675 32385 33034 75102007 91026 95520 99893 7236 11171 13641 16342 18933 21981 25715 29530 75102017 9024 9026 9028 9097 9104 9115 9123 9130 9133 9134 9135 75102018 17290 17423 17621 17958 18165 18383 18610 18818 19014 19110 19310 75102020 12723 +413133 13475 14150 14488 14807 15147 15480 15883 16288 16687 75203398 23086 23664 24096 24923 25292 25582 25940 26330 26817 27332 27844 75203632 8736 9293 9770 9930 10097 10581 75203633 4823. 4877 4920 4986 5011 5035 5065 5100 5147 5200 5257 79143898 57200 57200 60042 63205 69751 73100 79143899 4677. 5714 ~—- 6262 7371 7777 8094 8493 9174 10020 11229 15514 79153433 41302 42344 43211 45038 45983 46793 47733 48614 49538 50477 51408 79153434 783 7087 12472 24308 30273 37386 44594 51381 58192 64013 69881 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928 541 296 1341 183 258 79 382 178 47 296 Page 12 81650672 81650678 81650680 81650681 81650682 81650692 81650761 81650762 81650763 81650764 81650765 81650766 81650767 81650768 81650770 81650772 81650775 81650776 81650778 81650779 81650784 81650785 81650802 81650804 81650805 81650806 81650808 81650812 81650813 81650814 81650815 81650816 81650817 81650819 81650820 DawuwmwvwwDwWDWDIDIODNDU PmoOooaowWwWwWMoaWDBDAAIBAIAIAIIAAMDoOWVIIDIIAAAIN 23933 2964 11683 26083 13902 3061 4783 7952 6876 2993 2682 2015 2352 7638 5294 11841 12316 14336 10261 15677 12283 15490 29705 17593 20193 27507 2963 22068 23881 7973 13065 13272 21261 10713 893 25325 3688 14543 32127 17392 3445 6703 14544 8601 5048 6007 3179 5153 12360 7073 14194 16051 18515 14325 21957 13501 20705 38024 22818 28692 31830 5978 25366 28742 9855 15040 15617 23754 14100 2115 1392 724 2860 6044 3490 384 1920 6592 1725 2055 3325 1164 2801 4722 1779 2353 3735 4179 4064 6280 1218 5215 8319 5225 8499 4323 3015 3298 4861 1882 1975 2345 2493 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3903 4959 3580 6034 2080 2253 2711 5381 4763 21703 4458 3387 4739 3149 4955 4043 7540 3622 35155 7947 9132 2869 924 371 405 405 373 320 324 462 468 44 355 570 362 325 413 298 503 260 225 339 448 397 1809 372 282 395 262 413 337 628 302 2930 662 761 239 77 Page 14 81651113 81651115 81651116 81651117 81651119 81651121 81651123 81651124 81651127 81651131 81651137 81651140 81651141 81651143 81651144 81651147 81651151 81651157 81651160 81651161 81651165 81651171 81651172 81651173 81651174 81651177 81651179 81651187 81651188 81651189 81651191 81651197 81651217 81651227 81651231 81651232 PUMDMMaWDIIADAIIAMAIAIAAMAIANBDAaAIIIANBMDNOATDIAWDAIAIAIAIAO 16603 14965 12653 17078 17674 36292 19357 30220 20057 12203 17256 28326 6273 8072 7184 25723 14505 13672 10000 3043 13083 16185 11571 7274 20742 16116 19198 19440 31486 21956 2175 16754 17152 5484 3891 17881 19690 18932 15712 20512 20408 45263 32111 36341 23738 14953 22463 36962 7983 10153 8983 32703 17731 16543 14023 3810 16004 17197 17012 9757 26154 18294 23813 24293 38277 25860 2691 21558 20976 7327 5551 21955 3087 3967 3059 3434 2734 8971 12754 6121 3681 2750 5207 8636 1710 2081 1799 6980 3226 2871 4023 767 2921 1012 5441 2483 5412 2178 4615 4853 6791 3904 516 4804 3824 1843 1660 4074 257 331 255 286 228 748 1063 510 307 229 434 720 143 173 150 582 269 239 335 64 243 84 453 207 451 182 385 404 566 325 43 400 319 154 138 340 Page 15 81651251 R 11383 14775 3392 308 81651252 R 26698 29307 2609 237 81651253 R 21893 27927 6034 549 81651254 R 6093 7668 1575 143 81651255 C 14044 16875 2831 257 81651256 R 7314 9947 2633 239 81651827 R 20942 24240 3298 300 81652008 R 23478 31465 7987 726 81656689 R 9607 20077 10470 952 82049319 C 5522 7762 2240 204 82773263 C 51407 4673 83114861 R 6814 6825 11 1 89681800 C 176 345 169 15 TOTALS, KWH = 1561032 141912 SUMMARY: (R) Total Residential = 784669 176 4458 405 (C) Total Commercial = 615199 73 8427 766 (P) Total Public = 161164 11 14651 1332 TOTAL, KWH = 1561032 260 27537 2503 AVG MONTHLY = 141912 NOTES: 1. Station service is included in these meter readings 2. Street light loads are not included. 3. The designations between R,C,&P meters in this spreadsheet are estimated only and do not necessarily reflect the City records. 4. Data averaged over 11 months, starting Jan.91 and ending Dec.91 Page 16 APPENDIX B MONTHLY PCE REPORTS Jan-91 Feb-91 Mar-91 Apr-91 May-91 Jun-91 Jul-91 Aug-91 Sep-91 Oct-91 Nov-91 Dec-91 Jan-92 AVGS = Jan-91 Feb-91 Mar-91 Apr-91 May-91 Jun-91 Jul-91 Aug-91 Sep-91 Oct-91 Nov-91 Dec-91 Jan-92 AVGS= 226771 197184 212736 184320 196032 139584 165888 167040 204672 227904 241920 222336 198866 13.3 13.1 13.1 12.8 12.6 12.2 12.0 12.3 12.8 13.1 13.5 13.4 13 17023 15085 16279 14434 15551 11420 13808 13569 16030 17387 17966 16593 15429 SUMMARY OF REPORTED 1991 PCE DATA 404 396 381 36084 339 278 298 350 426 426 449 424 378 10.4 10.5 10.2 12.9 8.9 11.1 9.7 9.5 9.6 9.5 9.7 13.2 10 93948 74540 70758 83438 88923 90470 96825 85659 - 24756 169967 194 35 65 294 2862 20807 152095 198 34 65 297 +2279 20199 160222. 195 38 64 297 1961 14439 180380 198 40 64 302 1537 17536 133042 198 40 64 302 1325 10679 122231 194 40 72 306 1488 13591 128359 194 39 73 306 # 1860 14557. 123500 194 38 73 305 2170 17091 146761 200 44 72 316 2914 22750 156839 192 44 73 309 3287 29665 165058 186 41 73 300 3534 22767 209890 190 40 73 303 3968 19070 154029 194 39 69 303 2432 SUMMARY Average monthly Kwh summarized from above data: 198866 ,Total Generated 160510 , Total “sold” Consumer Use (R,C,P meters) 154029 Self use (sta. svc. and street Its.) = 6482 38355 ,Lost or in terms of % 19 NOTES: 4220 3592 3827 3594 4398 3152 3333 3350 4852 4639 4796 4843 4050 . Shaded figures indicate estimated amount in place of missing data. . R, C, P indicates residential, commercial and public meters, rsp. . The May 91estimates appear high on this summary but were 177049 157966 166010 185511 138765 126871 133552 129020 154527 164765 173388 218701 160510 determined by averages applied to actual meter reads. In other words, not all of the data was missing for this month. And therefore the estimated value should not be compared to the others on this summary too closely. 22 20 22 29 19 23 25 28 28 19 Sg es eee ta foe ae ane wee ee agen al ~ en d Alt. Energy Authority Mailir dress: 701 E. Tudor Road Alaska Ene: gy Authority Anchorage, Alaska 99503 P.O. Box 190869 (907) 561-7877 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 POWER COST EQUALIZATION PROGRAM (AS 44.83.162) UTILITY MONTHLY REPORT Billing Period /,2 | /5/9/ to_/ | JS 92 No.of Days .7/ Pecetet2) | Meters Read (Date) EPAPLS 192 Bills Mailed (Date)_ 2 / 4 / ba Utility Name THORNE BAY PUBLIC UTILITY Street Address FO. Box /9//0 Certificate No. <2 — City, State, Zip Thorne Ba > AK 9299/9 Regulated: Yes Contact Name Aynda. Beau) al Phone No. (207) ry fae g - ir 2 eerit SectionA 1. Community Population bl4¥ Date Population Certified by OCRA_/2 /_ 3 _/ 90 2. No. of Customers: Residential 90 Commercial YO Community Facilities (1) Other =< Explain Other So Total 702 Section B Generation Type eal eel Fuel: Dies Total i Total KWH Generated pe, Oy) Eee B82, 226 Fuel Used (Gallons) | cen pecceeeeeesl Total Fuel Cost Transportation CosvUnit eee Fun Supe ocaton TAarae Hag, ak Total Non-Fuel Expenses: ‘$Z, 219.0f Section C 1. Total KWH Purchased: _—“—- Purchased From: Station Service (Powerhouse Consumption): (KWH) LES a7 oan Z 3. Peak Demand: (KW) 4. Total KWH Sold to: Residential 96, 99.5 Commercial 90 a 9 £__ Community Facilities ad TG 7 Other -O— Explain Other a Total 209, 290 5. Gross Billed Revenues to Customers: Residential 24, 20 (2 Commercial 22, 5 7.5 Community Faciities 5, 6 7.2 Other = Explain Other _ Total 5, A 7 Section D 1. Price of Fuel used by APUC to determine PCE Rate:$_:@) _/gal Date Rate Apr. _// /_/5/_9/ Ce eis = 2. Most Recent Fuei Purchase Price: $_» 84 _/galPurchase Date / / 3// 92, 3. PCE Eligible KWH by Rate: Rate #1 Rate #2 Rate #3 Total KWH Present PCE Rate ¢/KWH -060/ -060/ Residential KWH: (2) 20, £0 3 20, 03 Coumaray Face KN (2) POC WET TAR | 2 Total Eligible KWH: lala, 224 lbh, 224 Section E: Certification Alaska Energy Authority Use Only | hereby certify that the Information AKSAS Vendor No: Tee ee submitted to the Alaska Energy Authority | Accounting: support of (name of utility) | Appr. for Payment: AC 0814810 -92-81745-81481092-77210 Appr__ in participation“with the Power cies Appr. Equalization program is true and correct | Calculated Paymert: to the best of my knowledge. ; Adjustment: Disbursed Amount: . PCE Vendor No: _rap272_ Lc Code:_oo1 (Cefitying Officer) Billing Period Code: Ga 8. Date) 1J0951(1) oy) trace asl . POWER COST EQUALIZATION PROGRAM Page 2of2 — UTIUTY MONTHLY REPORT FOR COMMUNITY FACILI... Utiliy Name: £ . Billing Period: Li / Le / 9 to L / [Say ng ae Name of Community Facility KWH KWH KWH KWH Usage Usage Usage Usage RATE 1 RATE 2 RATE 3 RATE 4 TOTAL D ‘a co Pout 2,914 2.914 Seat —— to Street Lights(5) bi Number of Street Ughts Zor Metered__/ vans 4 _ | . Wattage of Bulb___/ay } aes Total for Schedule or Rate Block det, 267 —_ 22,767 udgol, 0 ‘ ” 1 i PCE KWH Rate for Schedule or Rate Block Footnotes: (1) "Community Facilities means a water and sewer facility, public outdoor lighting, charitable educational facility, or community building whose operations are not paid for by the State, Federal Government, or private commercial interest. - (2) Actual consumption of not more than 750 kilowatt hours per month and sold to each customer. (3) Calculated in the aggregate for each community served by the electric utility, for actual consumption of not more than 70 kilowatt-hours per month for each resident of the community. (4) 1 mare than one community is served by a uty, atta system report must be submited inaction 0 2 monthly report for each community. (5) If street lights are unmetered, use the following formula in ¢aicuiating monthly kilowatt-hour usage: Wattage of Bulb X 12 hour days X 365 days/1000 kilowatt-hour/12 months = Monthly kilowatt-hour usage Per street light. LASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY USE ONLY Total Disbursed Amount $. a a Anchorage, Alaska 99503 P.O. Box 190869 (907) 561-7877 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Alas, vergy Authority Maili, isoress: Ps’ TOE. Tudor Road Alaska Energy Authority POWER COST EQUALIZATION PROGRAM (AS 44.83.162) UTILITY MONTHLY REPORT Billing Period _//_/_/X/ 9/ to /2/ /X/_¢/ No.ofDays_ 70 Paget of2 Meters Read (Date)_/.2 / /@ 19/ Bills Mailed (Date) /2. / VAS (27 Utility Name THORNE BAY PUBLIC UTILITY Street Address ~O. M0 Certificate No. _// - 7.7 - A/ City, State, Zip Regulated: Yes NOL XX Contact Name Ay nda Brows Phone No. (967) ”) a2 2 -_ 7270 SectionA 1, Community Population Gly Date Population Certified by OCRA_/L/_2 /_ 90. 2. No. of Customers: on L&6 Commercial 77 / Community Facilities (1)_ ZZ So Explain Other S Total_ ~2d0 Section B Generation Type Internal Comb. Hydro Fuel: Diese Total Total KWH Generated Hen Ls 920 : “247, 940 Fuel Used (Gallons) Total Fuel Cost Transportation Cost/Unit sveaillllaeaeeesnen Fuel Supplier Location Thazne Fay , Al Total Non-Fuel = $9, /F2. 93 - . Section C 1. Total KWH Purchased: ~~ __ Purchased From: XO ——sSCS~S—C~S™ 2. 3. Peak Demand: (KW) ‘ 4. Total KWH Sold to: Residential 70_ commercial YY 7.23 Community Facilties 27,6265 Other <P— Explain Other <= Tote ZF OSS Gross Billed Revenues to Cust pecidertat a, & 20 Commercial #) a , 7/2 Community Faciities” 7, 4/6 Other_-O— __ Explain Other Total PYF | FAP” APA Pon = Ss. Section D 1. Price of Fuel used by APUC to determine PCE Rate:$_- SY gal Date Rate Apr. // | (S5/ 9/ 2. Most Recent Fuel Purchase Price: $_- 34 _jgai Purchase Date _/=t/ 20/ 7/ 3. PCE Eligible KWH by Rate: Rate #1 Rate #2 Rate #3 Total KWH Presert PCE Rate ¢/KWH -OL40/ ~040/ Residential KWH: (2) G8, 707 L bY, 707 Commercial KWH: (2) Wn 243 pas Community Facilities KWH: (3) 2966 5 2? 66 5 Total Eligible KWH: 0, US. Llo., 25 Section E: Certification | hereby certify that the information submitted to the Alaska Energy Authority Alaska Energy Authority Use Only AKSAS Vendor No: _ TBP84272 : Accounting: —————— support of (name of utility) | Appr.forPayment: We “Lilies| AIC 0814810 -92-81745-81481092-77210 Appr__ in participation with the Power Cost pr Equalization program is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 122.993" (Date) Calculated Payment: Adjustment: Disbursed Amount: PCE Vendor No: _ +RP272 Loc Code:__o91 Billing Period Code: 8. s. c POWER COST EQUALIZATION PROGRAM Page 2of2 ~~ fILITY MONTHLY REPORT FOR COMMUNITY FACIL. .-3 Utiliy Name: See ae Z7 (mes [ay Name of Community Facility KWH KWH KWH KWH Usage Usage Usage Usage RATE 1 RATE 2 RATE 3 RATE 4 TOTAL Tage ae 2,544 4,744 Sto —— BS a ca ee ee StaTrovs Seas? gis 27 — _ FZ 2594 SPY Street Light$: (5) 3 Number of Street lights _ G2 Metered__/ igre fate e/ Wattage of Bulb lon Total for Schedule or Rate Block ALLS: 29, L495 PCE KWH Rate for Schedule or Rate Block .Oe@al 2 6G0/ Footnotes: (1) ‘Community Facilities* means a water and sewer facility, public outdoor lighting, charitable educational facility, or community building whose operations are not paid for by the State, Federal Government, or private commercial interest. (2) Actual consumption of not more than 750 kilowatt hours per month and sold to each customer. (3) Calculated in the aggregate for each community served by the electric utility, for actual consumption of not more than 70 kilowatt-hours per month for each resident of the community. (4) If more than one community is served by a utility, a total system report must be submitted in addition to a monthly report for each community. (5) If street lights are unmetered, use the following formula in calculating monthly kilowatt-hour usage: - Wattage of Bulb X 12 hour days X 365 days/1000 kilowatt-hour/12 months = Monthly kilowatt-hour usage Per street light. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY USE ONLY Total Disbursed Amount $. T0951 (2) ) draska Energy Authority Mailing Address: 701 E. Tudor Road Alaska Energy Authority * Anchorage, Alaska 99503 P.O. Box 190869 (907) 561-7877 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 POWER COST EQUALIZATION PROGRAM (AS 44.83.162) UTILITY MONTHLY REPORT Billing Period /O //S/ 9/ to_// | /S /_Z/_ No.of Days_.7Q Paget of2 Meters Read (Date) _// / /S5 19/ Bills Mailed (Date)_ //_ /_ 77 QOL Utility Name THORNE BAY PUBLIC UTILITY Street Address f- O- Dox 19/0 CertificateNo.__(/ - £.7-2/ City, State, Zip Thorne Bay AK 2991P. Regulated: Yes_ «(NOOO Contact Name Ay nda I3 rows Phone No. (967) ) a2 2320 SectionA 1. Community Population (og 14 Date Population Certified by OCRA fA} O34) 90 2. No. of Customers: Residential _/ ot. Commercial 4 ¥ Community Facilities (1) 7.7 Other e- Explain Other <A Total 7097 Section B x“ Generation Type Internal Comb. Hydro Fuel: Dies: Total PN PoOn> Total KWH Generated 247, 904 "247,904 Fuel Used (Gallons) 12,227 Total Fuel Cost a 605-09 Transportation Cos/Unit sy, = Fuel Supplier fBtca Alaska Location Thavve Bay, AK Total Non-Fuel Expenses: $5 l Yh: gl Section C te 2. 3. 4 5. Total KWH Purchased: - Purchased From: Station Service (Powerhouse Consumption): (KWH) 4 63 a Peak Demand: (KW) Yabo. ¥ 3 Total KWH Sold to: Residential $2,923 Commercia 45, /6C Community Facilities ad, 750 Other —4- Explain Other = Total Gross Billed Revenues to Cust rs: Resident a ais Commerc. “36 Community Facilities 25, 658 Other Explain Other Tot id a Section D 1. 2 3. Section E: Certification | hereby certify that the information | AKSAS Vendor No: _TBP84272. submitted to the Alaska Energy Authority | Accounting: in, 7 in participation with the Power Cost Equalization program is true and correct | Calculated Payment: to the best of my knowledge. Adjustment: z Disbursed Amount: PCE Vendor No: _rap272_ LC Cod@:__ooy (Certitying it) Billing Period Code: —— Price of Fuel used by APUC to determine PCE Rate:$_- 241 _jgalDate Rate Aprv. _//_/_{ 5/_9/ Most Recent Fuel Purchase Price: $_- 3 4 /gaiPurchase Date _/// 20/9/ PCE Eligible KWH by Rate: Rate #1 Rate #2 Rate #3 Total KWH Present PCE Rate ¢/KWH 060] 1 Ob0O/ Residential KWH: (2) L7, b&b 47,686 Commercial KWH: (2) 4 3bS 14.265 Community Faciities KWH: (3) 22, 750 22, 7.50 Total Eligible KWH: OY, Zo! _ LOY, FO/ Alaska Energy Authority Use Only support. of (name of utility) | Appr. for Payment: ‘ Lies | NC 0814810 -92-81745-81481092-77210 Appr___ 8. Ss. (Date) POWER COST EQUALIZATION PROGRA. Page 2of2 UTILITY MONTHLY REPORT FOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES Utiliy Name: THORNE BAY PUBLIC UTILITY Billing Period: __ 7 a aa 2 to ll fa 77 Name of Community Facility KWH KWH KWH KWH Usage Usage Usage Usage . RATE 1 RATE 2 RATE 3 RATE 4 TOTAL TG Sewer Plant 24949 2,244 piste ie = ee 273 a,Z13 PC On 302 : ; a 2 £63 - A412 LAL os Tes = bb, 105 bo, 16S LE ZS aaie Arde Lr eee 2 Street ate : Number of Street Lights. Metered__/ vants Wattage of Bulb__/0-O Total for Schedule or Rate Block PCE KWH Rate for Schedule or Rate Block ; EP EE Footnotes: (1) ‘Community Facilities‘ means a water and sewer facility, public outdoor lighting, charitable educational facility, or community building whose operations are not paid for by the State, Federal Government, or Private commercial interest. (2) Actual consumption of not more than 750 kilowatt hours per month and sold to each customer. (3) Calculated in the aggregate for each community served by the electric utility, for actual consumption of not more than 70 kilowatt-hours per month for each resident of the community. (4) If more than one community is served by a utility, a total system report must be submitted in addition to a monthly report for each community. (5) If street lights are unmetered, use the following formula in calculating monthly kilowatt-hour usage: Wattage of Bulb X 12 hour days X 365 days/1000 kilowatt-hour/12 months = Monthly kilowatt-hour usage Per street light. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY USE ONLY Total Disbursed Amount $ ’ Alt. Energy Authority Me _ 4Address: d 701 E. Tudor Road Alaska Enargy Authority Anchorage, Alaska 99503 P.O. Box 190869 (907) 561-7877 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 POWER COST EQUALIZATION PROGRAM (AS 44.83.162) ° UTILITY MONTHLY REPORT Billing Period 9g JES o to 10 15) F/ No. of Days __ 70 Paget of2 Meters Read (Date) (0 / /.5_/ 2/_ Bills Mailed (Date)_/0 /_ 7% / 2/ Utility Name THORNE BAY PUBLIC UTILITY en ——— ES Street Address ~O- Certificate No._() - 9.7 - 2/ City, State, Zip m Regulated: Yes__ «NO xX Contact Name Ayn da Browyw Phone No. (902) _2ae Pay - 3270 SectionA 1. Community Population (o/Y Date Population Certified by DCRA_/2/ 03/90 2. No. of Customers: Residential 6200 Commercial _“/ 4/ Community Facilities (1) _7Z er Boa Explain Other o- Total Section B Generation Type Internal Comb. Hydro | one —— | Fuel: Diese! Total Total KWH Generated fous, een” eemeacnnaeaenae! |:204,67A Fuel Used (Gallons) a Total Fuel Cost Transportation CosyUnit oe Fuel Supplier Location ama Ty Be — Total Non-Fuel Expenses: 35, £793 l Section C 1. Total KWH Purchased: _—T Z Purchased From: 2 2 Station Service (Powerhouse ea (KWH) _ 4 S52 3. Peak Demand: (KW) 4. Total KWH Sold to: Reskdersal £2 N38 Commercial Ye, AZ a Community Facilities : f 3 ul Qeran> Other __ —— Explain Other Total 5. Gross Billed Revenues to Cust # Residert! 0,8 a | 6 Community Facilities 4, A73 Other __ Explain Other rol? 4A 3 L158 Section D 1. Price of Fuel used by APUC to determine PCE Rate: $. igal Date Rate Aprv. 115) PL 2. Most Recent Fuel Purchase Price: $. tz a Purchase Date__ 7 / 30/7 / 3. PCE Eligible KWH by Rate: Rate #1 Rate #2 Rate #3 Total KWH Present PCE Rate ¢/KWH (OS A393 ; - 0523 Residential KWH: (2) Aas C25, 622 Commercial KWH: (2) - ae ’ pac os 5 Community Faciities KWH: (3) _/ 7, 0 9/ ose ae Total Efigible KWH: 9°28 LS? 22, Ls? Alaska Energy Authority Use Only AKSAS Vendor No: _ TBP84272 Accounting: Appr. for Payment: Section E: Certification | hereby certify that the information submitted to the Alaska Energy Authority in support _ of ame of utility) TL a Lt; ‘Tres in participation with the Power Cost Equalization program is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Lun ; {- Be 1 f a {- (Cetitying Officer) o> 40/29/41 * (Date) B Calculated Payment: Adjustment: Disbursed Amount: PCE Vendor No: __ 7Rp272 Loc Code:__o91 Billing Period Code: B. Ss. “ POWER COST EQUALIZATION PROGRAM a Page 2of2 UTILITY MONTHLY REPORT FOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES Utiliy Name: Billing Period: g 1s I a to =_/OM / Sm ay Name of Community Facility Thorne Bay Sewer Plant Ale Kiet Staf/ovs Fire Sfafjow KWH KWH KWH KWH Usage Usage Usage Usage RATE 1 RATE 2 RATE 3 RATE 4 TOTAL 93 Street eed Number of Street Lights 6a Metered__/ __Unmetered_(/ Wattage of Bulb. 120 Total for Schedule or Rate Block PCE KWH Rate for Schedule or Rate Block Footnotes: mL —_ __ _ aa (1) ‘Community Facilities* means a water and sewer facility, public outdoor lighting, charitable educational facility, or community building whose operations are not paid for by the State, Federal Government, or private commercial interest. (2) | Actual consumption of not more than 750 kilowatt hours per month and soid to each customer. (3) Calculated in the aggregate for each community served by the electric utility, for actual consumption of not more than 70 kilowatt-hours per month for each resident of the community. (4) If more than one community is served by a utility, a total system report must be submitted in addition to a monthly report for each community. (5) If street lights are unmetered, use the following formula in calculating monthly kilowatt-hour usage: ‘Wattage of Bulb X 12 hour days X 365 days/1000 kilowatt-hour/12 months = Monthly kilowatt-hour usage per street light. ‘ ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY USE ONLY Total Disbursed Amount $ Anchorage, Alaska 99503 P.O. Box 190869 (907) 561-7877 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 ‘Alu__. Energy Authority Me _ gy Address: 701 E. Tudor Road Alaska Energy Authority POWER COST EQUALIZATION PROGRAM (AS 44.83.162) UTILITY MONTHLY REPORT Billing Period FF / /5/7/ to_9 / 15) _2/_ No. of Days / Paget of2 Meters Read (Date) 7 / /5__/_ 9/ Bills Mailed (Date) Z_/_# I_2/ Utility Name THORNE BAY PUBLIC UTILITY Street Address “PO. Dox /9//0 CentificateNo._ //- F2Z-A/ City, State, Zip _7J he rne 3 Quy AK 2992/2. Regulated: Yes__ ss“ No__X ContactName _Aynda Benwy Phorie No. (742) ) £ae_- AagZo Section A ‘ 1. Community Population ___ / 4 Date Population Certified by OCRA_/2. / 3/90 2. No. of Customers: Residential l q 4 Commercial __, 78 Community Facilities (1)_77 Other _ —2— Explain Other So- Total _. 70) 5 Section B Generation Type Internal Comb. Hydro Other Fuel: Dies ‘uel: Total 1. TotalKWHGenerated /67, vi 0 67, o4o 2. Fuel Used (Gallons) a 3. Total Fuel Cost 4. Transportation Cost/Unit ~~ 5. Fuel Supplier Tatra - 4 — Location [Horne Gay, AK 6. Total Non-Fuel Expenses: $. 20 ¥77: 4Y Section C 1. Total KWH Purchased: _~@— __— Purchased From: _ -O— i Seeoraerte tee er (KWH) 37 350 2. 3. Peak Demand: (KW) 2.50 + 40 557 4. Total KWH Sold to: Residential 70 158 Commercial LS, ! 8 Ss Community Facilities L437) 4, Other _—4- Explain Other S—- Total 22) 500 5. Gross Billed camaioe to Cust Bg 17, LS 2 Commercial 4/4, 15.5 _ ISS Commmuny Facies 1b 3F pec a Explain Other eo-— Total? 325 476 Section D 1. Price of Fuel used by APUC to determine PCE Rate:$_- 77 _/galDateRateApv. 3 / /6 / 7/ 2. Most Recent Fuel Purchase Price: $_- 24 /gai Purchase Date_ 9 /_27/ 9/ 3. PCE Eligible KWH by Rate: Rate #1 Rate #2 Rate #3 Total KWH Present PCE Rate ¢/KWH -O49R 079A | Residential KWH: (2) 55, Flo 55,274 Commercial KWH: (2) Aj 74a5 yg ZA Community Faciities KWH: (3) 24, FF 7 _ / Total Eligible KWH: 33,159 Section E: Certification | hereby certify that the information submitted to the Alaska Energy. Authority in support. of (name ofs|:- utility): Lites in participation with the Power Cost Equalization program is true and correct to the, best of my knowledge. y . Adjustment: of ° Disbursed Amount: ‘ PCE Vendor No: _rrp277_ LC Code?__po1 Mifying Officer) Billing Period Code: lo| Jaafar 8. s. (Date) po ee Tinoeerey 7 POWER COST EQUALIZATION PROGRAM Page 2of2 UTIUTY MONTHLY REPORT FOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES Utiliy Name: Billing Period: y 7a fi Sea IPH. to GF [aaa] Scale MS Name of Community Facility KWH KWH KWH KWH Walesa Sewer Plot 2,953 5 Wer Sty 947 __ £42: Usage “Usage Usage Usage . RATE 1 RATE 2 RATE 3 RATE 4 TOTAL er ere eee) Doe Peet beer pee iferegt age eee) praee Se Pe ee i ee ee x. Were r ity Sh a ¢ — | a, 170 Street Lights:(5) 2170 a ee - Total for Schedule or Rate Block 14,557 PCE KWH Rate for Schedule or Rate Block Oude Number of Street Lights aH Metered___/___ Unmetered / Wattage of Bulb__joo es | es Footnotes: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) “Community Facilities’ means a water and sewer facility, public outdoor lighting, charitable educational facility, or community building whose operations are not paid for by the State, Federal Government, or private commercial interest. Actual consumption of not more than 750 kilowatt hours per month and sold to each customer. Calculated In the aggregate for each community served by the electric utility, for actual consumption of not more than 70 kilowatt-hours per month for each resident of the community. If more than one community is served by a utility, a total system report must be submitted in addition to a monthly report for each community. It street lights are unmetered, use the following formula in calculating monthly kilowatt-hour usage: Wattage of Bulb X 12 hour days X 365 days/1000 kilowatt-hour/12 months = Monthly kilowatt-hour usage Per street light. , , ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY USE ONLY Total Disbursed Amount $. T0951 (2) ' Ala. ergy Authority Ma idress: “E. Tudor Road Alaska E.1igy Authority Anchorage, Alaska 99503 P.O. Box 190869 (907) 561-7877 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 POWER COST EQUALIZATION PROGRAM (AS 44.83.162) UTILITY MONTHLY REPORT Billing Period 7 //5/91 to ¥ //S5/9/_ No.of Days_3/ rae Meters Read (Date)_ 9 / /.S5 /_9/ Bills Mailed (Date) 9 / 7/6 / P/ _ Utility Name THORNE BAY PUBLIC UTILITY ! Street Address Po. Go Centificate No. U/ - ¥,.7-2/ . ., City, State, Zip rn Regulated: Yes No_X * Contact Name Phone No. (202) PAL -_ 2.980 SectlonA 1, Community Population __ /4 Date Population Certified by OCRA_/2 10.3 /_79 2. No. of Customers: Residential _/7 4 Commercial _, 72 Community Facilities (1) _Z7, Other -<O— Explain Other --— Total_ 700 _ Section B Generation Type eel 5 Fuel: Diese’ Total 1. Total KWH Generated 65, 38S : [65,986 2. Fuel Used (Gallons) - 3. Total Fuel Cost LL, O04 [4 ‘4, Transportation Cost/Unk << : 5. Fuel Supplier = Location I fa rye Bay AK 6. Total Non-Fuei Expenses: $ /.7, @ 90 +o , Section C 4, Total KWH Purchased: _"O— __ Purchased From: _ —©— 2. Station Service (Powerhouse C ption): (KWH) _. 7 223 3. Peak Demand: wm A988 4, Total KWH Sold to: Residential 74,590 Commercial 40, 22% _ community Faciities / J, 57/ Other —<3—"_ Expiain Other a Total ZAP, 359 5. Gross Billed Revenues to Customers: Residential [8,632 commercial 7, 69f Community Facities 7,775 Other ~S— Explain Other__— - S— Total 25, 7/9 Section D 1. Price of Fuel used by APUC to determine PCE Rate: $_- 9,3 __/gal Date Rate Apr. _ / 14 / 7/ 2. Most Recent Fuel Purchase Price: $_,%3 _/gai Purchase Date__7 /_3/ /_9/ 3. PCE Eligible KWH by Rate: Rate #1 Rate #2 Rate #3 Total KWH _ Present PCE Rate ¢/KWH 0654 ‘ ~O6SY Residential KWH: (2) 57, AY S \ 57245 Commercial KWH: (2) JA /230 Oh Community Faciities KWH: (3) _/2, 5 9 / £2,592 Total Eligible KWH: $2,969 24, 767 Alaska Energy Authority Use Only AKSAS Vendor No: _IBP84272_0 Accounting: Appr. for Payment: Section E: Certification | hereby certify that the information submitted to the Alaska Energy Authority In support of (name of utility) Thasne May fable Uitlities in participation with the Power Cost Equalization program is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ‘ . (Cérttying Officer 7 Aa iF 1 (Catey 7 Appr. Catculated Payment: Billing Period Code: 8. \ POWER COST EQUALIZATION PROGRAM Page 20f 2 : “UTILITY MONTHLY REPORT FOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES 1. Utiliy Name: ‘ "Billing Period: 7 I f5_)__9/ to ys 2 79 Name of Community Facility KWH KWH KWH KWH Usage Usage Usage Usage RATE 1 RATE 2 RATE3 RATE 4 TOTAL L163 2,163 L423 4a3 43S ABK Cle eee “ir Lee eee 0208 ee a ee 22 ee eee a mr nana nena pena air Beis the — L860 ee Street Lights?(5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (8) Number of Street Lights. Metered__/ Lotta Wattage of Bulb_ /ao Total for Schedule or Rate Block 12 5 97 PCE KWH Rate for Schedule or Rate Block 20 Footnotes: "Community Facilities‘ means a water and sewer facility, public outdoor lighting, charitable educational facility, or community building whose operations are not paid for by the State, Federal Government, or Private commercial interest. Actual consumption of not more than 750 kilowatt hours per month and sold to each customer. Calculated in the aggregate for each community served by the electric utility, for actual consumption of not more than 70 kilowatt-hours per month for each resident of the community. If more than one community Is served by a utility, a total system report must be submitted in addition to a monthly report for each community. If street lights are unmetered, use the following formula in calculating monthly kilowatt-hour usage: Wattage of Bulb X 12 hour days X 365 days/1000 kilowatt-hour/12 months = Monthly kilowatt-hour usage per street light. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY USE ONLY Total Olsbursed Amourt $ Ala, inergy Authority Mar Address: d 707 E. Tudor Road Alaska Energy Authority Anchorage, Alaska 99503 P.O. Box 190869 (907) 561-7877 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 POWER COST EQUALIZATION PROGRAM (AS 44.83.162) : UTILITY MONTHLY REPORT Billing Period (op / 1% / 7/ to 7 15/71 No. ofDays 0 Page of 2 Meters Read (Date) 7 /_/5_/_7/ Bills Matied (Date) 7 /_/ & —/_—P/ Utility Name THORNE BAY PUBLIC UTILITY Street Address _ <P O- Box L9ulO CentificateNo. (/ - 37 - 2/ City, State, Zip Thorne Gary AK 99°17 Regulated: Yes; No__ XS Contact Name Ayuda Browse Phone No. (947) Pad -_23 80 Section A 1. Community Population i Date Population Certified by OCRA_/Z / 03/70 2. No. of Customers: Residential Commercial 442. Community Facilities (1) _Z=2 Other Explain Other O- Total_ FOG Section B Generation Type Internal Comb. Hydro Other uel: Olesef) (Fuel: ) Total Total KWH Generated == (1,39, 594 L322, 58Y Fuel Used (Gallons) UL, H2O a Total Fuel Cost ja 400.24 Transportation CosvUnk a _ oa Fuel Supplier £2 bre - ae Location Thorne Gay AK Total Non-Fuel Expenses: $0 2aaraeonea Section C 1. Total KWH Purchased: a- Purchased From: 2. Station Service (Powerhouse Consumption): (KWH) _.7, / 5 a. 3. Peak Demand: (KW) 277. Pod. 4. Total KWH Sold to: Residential 72, /7/ Commercial 79, 3£ / _ Community Facilities Lo,42? Other _~O- Explain Other __ -<S— Total /202, 2 2/ 5. Gross Billed Revenues to Customers: Residential /2,0%A commercial 131/24 community Facitties 2 6 70 Other _-~@—— Explain Other Total Section D 1. Price of Fuel used by APUC to determine PCE Rate:$_- 2 _/gaiDateRate Apr. 6 / 14 /_9/ 2. Most Recent Fuel Purchase Price: $_. 33 JgalPurchase Date / 30/ 2/ 3. PCE Eligible KWH by Rate: Rate #1 Rate #2 Rate #3 Total KWH . Present PCE Rate ¢/KWH 0654 ee at Residential KWH: (2) 1 3 Commercial KWH: (2} 12 pel Community Facitties KWH: (3) _/0, (o 79 Total Eligible KWH: 22 o8% Section E: Certification | hereby certify that the information Alaska Energy Authority Use Only AKSAS Vendor No: _ ITBP84272 a submitted to the Alaska Energy Authority | Accounting: in support of (name of utility) | Appr. for Payment: ‘ Lilfes | AC 0814810 -92-81745-81481092-77210 Appr____ in participation with the Power Cost Appr. Equalization program fs true and correct | Calculated Paymert: to the best of my knowledge. Adjustment: . . Disbursed Amount: : PCE Vendor No: _yrp272_ iL Code:_poi (Centitying Officer) Billing Perlod Code: 9/9/91 (Date) 8. Ss. T0951 (1) POWER COST EQUALIZATION PROGRAM Page 2of2 < UTILITY MONTHLY REPORT FOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES Utiliy Name: Billing Period: @ / 1S / g 7 to T. / joa aay. Name of Community Facility KWH KWH KWH KWH . i Usage Usage Usage Usage RATE 1 RATE 2 RATE 3 RATE 4 TOTAL f Hon HSK ays? yer ‘ 2ke ary io peli |i cE ' Sieg} a 8 a ea ial eee ey AE Street Light$: (5) % Number of Street Lights__©o% Metered__/ uote —f = iL Wattage of Bulb__/ 0 Total for Schedule or Rate Block 0, LZ 9 10,67 z PCE KWH Rate for Schedule or Rate Block 1 06SY 065Y Footnotes: (1) ‘Community Facilities* means a water and sewer facility, public outdoor lighting, charitable educational facility, or community building whose operations are not paid for by the State, Federal Government, or private commercial interest. (2) Actual consumption of not more than 750 kilowatt hours per month and sold to each customer. (3) Calculated in the aggregate for each community served by the electric utility, for actual consumption of not more than 70 kilowatt-hours per month for each resident of the community. (4) It more than one community Is served by a utility, a total system report must be submitted in addition to a monthly report for each community. (5) If street lights are unmetered, use the following formula in calculating monthly kilowatt-hour usage: Wattage of Bulb X 12 hour days X 365 days/1000 kilowatt-hour/12 months = Monthly kilowatt-hour usage per street ight. 55599999 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY USE ONLY Total Disbursed Amount $. b Alas = =nergy Authority t ag Address ‘v1 €. Tudor Road Alaski —iergy Authority Anchorage, Alaska 99503 P.O. Box 190869 (907) 561-7877 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 POWER COST EQUALIZATION PROGRAM (AS 44.83.162) UTILITY MONTHLY REPORT Page | of 2 Billing Period 5 IIS 12 _to b Tp P/ No. of Days af Utility Name THORNE BAY PUBLIC UTILITY Street Address I : Or Rex l 2LHO Certificate No. U a 83-21 City, State, Zip tne Regulated: Yes No = Kh. Contact Name Phone No. (D2) Bae Bay - 22 a A . Community Population b (4 Date Population Certified by OCRA LA 1031 2. No. of Customers: Residential _ ? g Commercial HO Community Facilities (1) Other Explain Other Total 3 0 § Section B Generation Type ween = 6. Internal Comb. (Fuel: Diesel) ee Total . Total KWH Generated Z 96 032 Z 9G OFA Fuel Used (Gallons) [s, 55] Total Fuel Cost ee 4/9. 30 Transportation CostvUnit Seiya Fuel Supplier te Le eo - A la Ss Eee Q Location Total Non-Fuel Expenses: $ . Cf ; oo 4. LG Section C . Total KWH Purchased: ~3-—_ Purchased From: Ce . Station Service (Powerhouse Consumption): (KWH) 4 3 23 2 3. 4 Peak Demand: (KW) Total KWH Sold to: reser Tata 2 a Commercial 40 = 4 Community Facilities Wi 536 Other Explain Other Total 42.7 O#L Gross Billed Revenues to Customers: Residential Lg 32 3 Commercial 15, 70 O°¥ community Facilities Af J £4 Other Explain Other Total 28 25 Section D 1. Price of Fuel used by APUC to determine PCE Rate: $i- 3 3 /gal Date Rate Approved bits Fl 2. Most Recent Fuel Purchase Price: $s. 32 /gal Purchase Date & //7/2/ 3. PCE Eligible KWH by Rate: Rate #1 Rate #2 Rate #3 Total KWH Present PCE Rate ¢/KWH -Ob6SH -COb6SsY4 Section E: Certification | hereby certify that the information submitted to the Alaska Energy Authority Accounting: in support of (name of ytility) Appr. for Payment: , A/C _OB1UR10 -9}- pe in participati Equalization program is true and correct to the best of my — Residential KWH: (2) v 20 ' ] / / Commercial KWH: (2) lk, 272. ARES Community Facilities KWH: @ 17, 530 Total Eligible KWH: 103 3 Z oe Alaska Energy Authority Use Only AKSAS Vendor No: __TBP_ 84272 Sa i AP Calculated Pavia; aaa Rayment) eee with the Power Cost Adjustment: Disbursed Amount: Ce 7k, a PCE Vendor No: _TBF272 - 001 rtifying Officer Qu bi uf IG Billing 2éicd Cod ———————E—EEE 8 Ss > ‘\ POWER COST EQUALIZATION PROGRAM — Page2of2 UTILITY MONTHLY REPORT FOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES e Utility Name: quopwe pay pimrre urrnrTy BillingPeriod: 5 / 75 / P/ to Gl Js! F/ KWH KWH KWH KWH Usage Usage Usage Usage Name of Community Facility RATE! RATE2 RATE3 RATES TOTAL Ss Tr 5034 3.084 ———_ _ ——_ 4 ma grees 77) | allo er eS vor X AS 73a 2S Street Lights: ( Number of Street Lights 3 Metered / Unmetered Pk] A Wattage of Bulb Z60 Total for Schedule or Rate Block /Z 536 / Z S53 PCE KWH Rate for Schedule or Rate Block 0654 06SY Footnotes: (1) “Community Facilities” means a water and sewer facility, public outdoor lighting, charitable educational facility, or community building whose operations are not paid for by the State, Federal Government, or private commercial interest. (2) Actual consumption of not more than 750 kilowatt-hours per month sold to each customer. (3) Caltulated in the aggregate for each community served by the electric utility, for actual consumption of not more than 70 kilowatt-hours per month for each resident of the community. (4) If more than one community is served by a utility, a total system report must be submitted in addition to a monthly report for each community. (5) If street lights are unmetered, use the following formula in calculating monthly kilowatt- hour usage: Wattage of Bulb X 12 hour days X 365 days/1000 kilowatt-hour/!2 months = Monthly kilowatt-hour usage oer street light. ) | wcencsee. ee eee enn nnn n penne nnn n nn 2-22 Alaska Energy Authority Use Only Total Disbursed Amount $ 701 €. Tudor Road Alaska Energy Authority Anchorage, Alaska 99503 P.O. Box 190869 (907) 561-7877 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 d Alat__ Energy Authority ng Address POWER COST EQUALIZATION PROGRAM (AS 44.83.162) UTILITY MONTHLY REPORT Page lof 2 Billing Period Ys [5/1 Gl to 5/1 /5/P/_No.ofOdays_ FO Utility Name THORNE RAY PURLTC UTTLrTy Street Address B Oo. Box {2 L|0 Certificate No. Y = £2 -o / City, State, Zip hore Baw A AK 7 22 / G Regulated: Yes No _X Contact Name Ayuda Browy Phone No. (07) SAF - 2a56_ SectionA 1. Community Population b [ 4 Date Population Certified by OCRA 7A! 10, 02 ! 96. 2. No. of Customers: Residential = & Commercial Lie Community Facilities (1) 2 zy Other Explain Other Total SOD Section B Generation Type Internal Comb. (Fuel: Diesel) ce Total 1. Total KWH Generated 124,320 ee ee LEA, 326 2. Fuel Used (Gallons) ICEL! 3. Total Fuel Cost £3 es. sO eee 4. Transportation CosvUnit a —_ ae 5. Fuel Supplier $B oo - 4. las Ka. Location Thome Gay, AK 6. Total Non-Fuel Expenses: $ 3, 200. // Section C 1. Total KWH Purchased: OC ~ Purchased From: Oo |. Station Service (Powerhouse Consumption): (KWH) 4 i. 2 3. Peak Oemand: (KW) _.2. 2O 0° =e 165,992 4 ‘commercial _| . Total KWH Sold to: Residential Community Facilities 14, Y Other _—: Explain Other ee Total (80,28/ 5. Gross Billed Revenues to Customers: appet. YAI3 74.006 Residential Commercial ~~ > Community Facilities 6/0.098 Other — Explain Other ae Tota YS, 9 94. Section D 1. Price of Fuel used by APUC to determine PCE Rate: $2 9 8 /gal Oate Rate Approved B1AUY 2. Most Recent Fuel Purchase Price: $ 2 33 ‘gal Purchase Oate S59 3. PCE Eligible KWH by Rate: Rate #1 Rate #2 Rate #3 Total KWH Present PCE Rate ¢/KWH wOTTT -O777 Residential KWH: (2) 0,200 _ sO 200 Commercial KWH: (2) LS, 600 an LL, 000 Community Facilities KWH:(3) l y , 43 F Total Eligible KWH: £2 A 3 9 Section E: Certification Alaska Energy Authority Use Only | hereby certify that the information | AKSASVendor No: __TBP S4272 submitted to the Alaska Energy Authority | Accounting: in support of (name of utility) Appr. for Payment: AC 0814810 -91-81745-81481091-77210Appr eee ee in participayon with the Power Cost Equalization program is true and correct to GaleulatediPayment: EE the best of my know! Adjustment: aaa Disbursed Amount: PCE Vendor No: _TBP272 - O00L Billing Period Code: eee) _ 2 aS ate) 8. Se =? l OWER COST EQUALIZATION PROGRAM Page 2of2 UTILITY MONTHLY REPORT FOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES * Utility Name: _pyopwe pay puarrc urrrry Billing Period: A (ee See. to 5 (fia / 27. KWH KWH KWH KWH Usage Usage Usage Usage Name of Community Facility RATE1 RATE2 RATE3 RATE4 TOTAL . Thorne Gay Sewer Play 59/5 _ Sewer Aft Sats LAST BE "QIN ° obi h || PERRERBEREE EEE ETE TITEL TTT k I Street Lights: (5) Number of Street Lights Metered / Unmetered <9 | Wattage ofBulb_ - /OM 14, YF Peed 14,487 Total for Schedule or Rate Block SpIsESSSeneSeSneSSEmsene Sess 5rs==ro—5= PCE KWH Rate for Schedule or Rate Block 0777 ROUT: Footnotes: (1) "Community Facilities” means a water and sewer facility, public outdoor lighting, charitable educational facility, or community building whose operations are not paid for by the State, Federal Government, or private commercial interest. (2) Actual consumption of not more than 750 kilowatt-hours per month sold to each customer. (3) Calculated in the aggregate for each community served by the electric utility, for actual consumption of not more than 70 kilowatt-hours per month for each resident of the community. (4) If more than one community is served by a utility, a total system report must be submitted in addition to a monthly report for each community. (5) If street lights are unmetered, use the following formula in calculating monthly kilowatt- hour usage: Wattage of Bulb X 12 hour days X 365 days/1000 kilowatt-hour/12 months = Monthly kilowatt-hour usage oer streetlight. eeewc cence cnn mec eccwccwccc ccc cwne cnc nono oc ecoooeoesoco cos coosososossoseseezorse= Alaska Energy Authority Use Only Total Disbursed Amount $ I) ns Energy Authority M4 Address 1. Tudor Road Alaska = érgy Authority Anchorage, Alaska 99503 P.O. Bux 190869 (907) 561-7877 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 POWER COST EQUALIZATION PROGRAM ; (AS 44.83.162) UTILITY MONTHLY REPORT / Pagel of2 Billing Period 3 / /F 1 9P/ to Y / /F/P/_No.ofDays_F/ Utility Name THORNE BAY PUBLIC UTrLITy Street Address LO: Box 1°uoa Certificate No._U/ = F2:A/ City, State, Zip Z hor ne. Pay AK 722/3 Regulated: Yes No _X Contact Name Ayuda. Browy Phone No. (207) SAY - daKO SectionA 1. Community Population b l 4 Date Population Certified by OCRA 14 / 2. 2 / 90 2. No. of Customers: Residential / °F Commercial 78 Community Facilities(1)_ G4 Other = Explain Other — Total AP7_ Section B Generation Type . Total KWH Generated lg 72 bo cicicieciaeeemmmmemst Soba Ala, 726 Fuel Used (Gallons) peeks Total Fuel Cost Les S58: ] “f Transportation CosvUnit oe eS | Fuel Supplier ro - tocation Thorne (ay, Alaska 6. Total Non-Fuel Expenses: $ Z Lfa.l/ Section C 1. Total KWH Purchased: o- Purchased From: o— 2. Station Service (Powerhouse Consumption): (KWH) + 7 £Aa Z 3. Peak Demand: (KW) _s 22 Ll. 7A 4. Total KWH Sold to: Residential 90 74 5S Commercial 49,978 Community Facilities a0, 177 Other — Explain Other —_— total 7GO Jad 5. Gross Billed Revenues to Customers: Residential ag RAL Commercial ly, 32 6 Community Facilities 5 a7 & wpwn = Other —O— Explain Other Be Total x 300 Section D ; 1. Price of Fuel used by APUC to determine PCE Rate: $. 8 /gal Date Rate Approved JF1ati U 2. Most Recent Fuel Purchase Price: $s -48 igal Purchase Oate 2 /2//9/ 3. PCE Eligible KWH by Rate: Rate #1 Rate #2 Rate #3 Total KWH Present PCE Rate ¢/KWH 1O777 OTE. Residential KWH: (2) Z 8, 6 4 l ees Thi Ft - Commercial KWH: (2) 17,200 17,300 Community Facilities KWH:(3) 90, 199 20, ! 29 Total Eligible KWH: Ub, 140 1/6/40 Section E: Certification Alaska Energy Authority Use Only AKSAS Vendor No: ___TBP 84272 Accounting: Appr. for Payment: AIC 0814810 -91-81745-81481001-77210Appr _ Appr | hereby certify that the information submitted to the Alaska Energy Authority in support of (name of utility) Thorne Lay flic Utilities In participation with the Power Cost Equalization program is true and correct to Calculated Payment: Adjustment: Disbursed Amount: PCE Vendor No: _TBP272 - O01 SSS ST Billing Period Code; ee 8 35 ; POWER COST EQUALIZATION PROGRAM \_ -ITY MONTHLY REPORT FOR COMMUNITY FAG IES Utility Name? puopye pay ouerre urTLITy Page2lof2 Billing Period: a SANG. to SIE EFAS. Name of Community Facility il KWH KWH Usage Usage RATE! RATE2Z LEE KWH Usage RATE 3 KWH Usage RATES TOTAL Rds: 1, 792 | Street Lights: (5) | Number of Street Lights Metered Z Unmetered 5 a Wattage of Bulb LOD Total for Schedule or Rate Block PCE KWH Rate for Schedule or Rate Block Footnotes: E 220,197 -O77? (1) "Community Facilities’ means a water and sewer facility, public outdoor lighting, charitable educational facility, or community building whose operations are not paid for by the State, Federal Government, or private commercial interest. (2) Actual consumption of not more than 750 kilowatt-hours per month sold to each customer. (3) Calculated in the aggregate for each community served by the electric utility, for actual consumption of not more than 70 kilowatt-hours per month for each resident of the community. (4) If more than one community is served by a utility, a total system report must be submitted in addition to a monthly report for each community. (S) If street lights are unmetered, use the following formula in calculating monthly kilowatt- hour usage: Wattage of Bulb X 12 hour days X 365 days/1000 kilowatt-hour/12 months = Monthly kilowatt-hour usage oer streetlight. Alaska Energy Authority Use Only Total Disbursed Amount $ wane ene n nnn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn n ne penne nnn nnne - Alas, “nergy Authority Ma address ‘—. €. Tudor Road Alaskaf | gy Authority Anchorage, Alaska 99503 P.O. Box 190869 (907) 561-7877 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 POWER COST EQUALIZATION PROGRAM (AS 44.83.162) UTILITY MONTHLY REPORT Page lof 2 Billing Period 2 / /5/9) to 2 //5_/2/_ No.ofDays AS” Utility Name THORNE BAY PUBLIC UTILITY i Street Address PO. Sex /2U0 CertificateNo._U - 52 a City, State, Zip Regulated: Yes xX Contact Name ows) Phone No. (907) 2) 829 "ae SectionA 1. Community Population bo { 4 Date Population Certified by OCRA [A ii 2 a: 20 2. No. of Customers: Residential L°8 Commercial ZY Community Facilities (1) z Si Other Explain Other Total a 9 Z Section B Generation Type Total KWH Generated Fuel Used (Gallons) Total Fuel Cost Transportation CosyUnit Fuel Supplier Bee - ne Location 7 Lorne. we a rae ae 6. Total Non-Fuel Expenses: $ /) Q2le + 5Z Section C Total KWH Purchased: o Purchased From: eC ! 2. Station Service (Powerhouse Consumption): (KWH) 2 5 92. 3. Peak Demand: (KW) «72.5. VOY 4. Total KWH Sold to: Residential & 2 26/ Commercial AY Od 7 Community Facilities Other Explain Other Total LEZ. fa) 9S S. Gross Billed Revenues to Customers: Residential QO, GIS.AS commercial 4f,006-75 Community Facilities 6,0 99.75 Other Explain Other Total ZY, Sd. 75 wepwn = Section D 1. Price of Fuel used by APUC to determine PCE Rate: = $ 1.006 J gal DateRate Approved 2 / / / 9/ 2. Most Recent Fuel Purchase Price: $7 of I gal Purchase Date BAIALIIL 3. PCE Eligible KWH by Rate: Rate #1! Rate #2 Rate #3 Total KWH Present PCE Rate ¢/KWH 0796 0796 Residential KWH: (2) oF PEs Zz as a Commercial KWH: (2) L7 Community Facilities KWH:(3) 3Y 3 a7 ay Z 7 7 Total Eligible KWH: Us 274 LS Z 24 Section E: Certification Alaska Energy Authority Use Only | hereby certify that the information | AKSAS Vendor No: _TEP A272 submitted to the Alaska Energy Authority | Accounting: in support of (name of utility) Appr. for Payment: K SD Zz Le. lhl he AC 0814810 -91-81745-81481091-77210Aper in participatidn with the Power Cost pee Equalization program is true and correct to | Calculated Payment: the best of my, knowledge. : IRC: SS —eeEee . Disbursed Amount: Tying Olficer PCE Vendor No: _TBP272 - 001 aii un Le 91 Ciling Pétics Code: ee a 8 5 POWER COST EQUALIZATION PROGRAM Page2of2 UTILITY MONTHLY REPORT FOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES Utility Name: puopue pay PUBLIC UTILITY Billing Period: Eg vs /_ 9/ to 7! (5 1 9/ KWH KWH KWH KWH Usage Usage Usage Usage Name of Community Facility RATE! RATE2 RATE3 RATES TOTAL PLL ELT LT EIT T TUTE HLT TTT —Stintotgsh 59X42 2,27? al? Street Lights: (5) Number of Street Lights __¢§ 5 3 Metered l Unmetered __ 5 t— Wattage of Bulb Lee Total for Schedule or Rate Block 2027 0,207 PCE KWH Rate for Schedule or Rate Block 0726 107% Footnotes: (1) “Community Facilities’ means a water and sewer facility, public outdoor lighting, charitable educational facility, or community building whose operations are not paid for by the State, Federal Government, or private comm interest. (2) Actual consumption of not more than 750 kilowatt-hours per month sold to each customer. (3) Calculated in the aggregate for each community served by the electric utility, for actual consumption of not more than 70 kilowatt-hours per month for each resident of the community. (4) If more than one community is served by a utility, a total system report must be submitted in addition to a monthly report for each community. (5) If street lights are unmetered, use the following formula in calculating monthly kilowatt- hour usage: Wattage of Bulb X 12 hour days X 365 days/1000 kilowatt-hour/!2 months = Monthly kilowatt-hour usage oer streetlight. ee een eee ----------. eee enn nnn en nnn n nnn nee - 22 eee -e-- eee nnn nnn nee nn nn penne nnn nnn == Alaska Energy Authority Use Only Total Disbursed Amount $ Alz | - Energy Authority vj Address Ns E. Tudor Road Alaska _.ergy Authority Anchorage, Alaska 99503 P.O. Box 190869 (907) 561-7877 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 POWER COST EQUALIZATION PROGRAM (AS 44.83.162) . UTILITY MONTHLY REPORT Page lof2 Billing Period fo /Z1 P/ to 2 1/51 9/_ No.of Days ail Utility Name THORNE BAY PUBLIC uTInITy Street Address a4 [ /0. CertificateNo. () — ¥ 3: al City, State, Zip my Regulated: Yes No _X Contact Name oe Phone No. (M2) YA 3. 823 + LRISO SectionA 1. Community Population bo iy Date Population Certified by OCRA fA! 108 | A mick 2. No. of Customers: Residential L2H Commercial xe Community Facilities (1) ) ZS Other —<2- Explain Other e— Total_ AP Section B Generation Type omb. Hydro Other ese!) (Fuel: ) Total 1. Total KWH Generated oa 777 te Aa, 77/ 2. Fuel Used (Gallons) LZ2A3 3. Total Fuel Cost ea 4. Transportation CosvUnit S. Fuel Supplier ie fre - A oka Location = Bau 6. Total Non-Fuel Expenses: $ LE 675. LP Section C Total KWH Purchased: <@= Purchased From: Ae Station Service (Powerhouse Consumption): (KWH) 4 A220 Peak Demand: (KW) AY. sy 4 Total KWH Sold to: Residential ¥_ Commercial S/ 263 Community Facilities ay 756 Other Explain Other a Total Zé 2: % 7 5. Gross Billed Revenues to Customers: Residential az, 48 7 Commercial LZ YZ. 3 Community Facilities 7 P| oy Y Other oO Explain Other Se Total Bawn = Section D 1. Price of Fuel used by APUC to determine PCE Rate: s Ll. 3le /gal Date Rate Approved Lyf 2. Most Recent Fuel Purchase Price: $ /. 14 ‘gal Purchase Date Lali el 3. PCE Eligible KWH by Rate: Rate #1 Rate #2 Rate #3 Total KWH 0904 Present PCE Rate ¢/KWH Residential KWH: (2) Commercial KWH: (2) 0904 | Total Eligible KWH: Section E: Certification | hereby certify that the information submitted to the Alaska Energy Authority in support of (name of utility) thorne Fay Ri lic. Ltlty in participation With the Power Cost Equalization program is true and correct to the beft of my knowledge. Alaska Energy Authority Use Only AKSAS Vendor No:__ TBP 84272 0 Accounting: Appr. for Payment: AJC _OBLWB}0 ~91-81745-81 481091 -77210Appr ee Calculated Payment: Adjustment: Disbursed Amount: PCE Vendor No: _TBP272 - 001 Gilling Period’ Codes ee —— eee 8 Si POWER COST EQUALIZATION PROGRAM Page 2of2 \_ ITY MONTHLY REPORT FOR COMMUNITY FACIES Utility Name:¢pyopwe pay PUBLIC UTILITY Billing Period: / / PS erg? to a t) ee KWH KWH KWH KWH Usage Usage Usage Usage Name of Community Facility RATE! RATE2 RATE3 RATES TOTAL lant 9,52 2. %e-. 4, S1/ 24, L%03 | | | 3 —— A Z/L L4G Bee Sipipog a S49 4703 eae: HIT TI TTT BREPEI: P LTTE LTTE LLL TTT 62 rf XS Zed Street Lights: (5) Number of Street Lights 5 ax Metered l Unmetered <5 a a ld RG Total for Schedule or Rate Block 7 75 lo PCE KWH Rate for Schedule or Rate Block ‘ o704 0104 Footnotes: (1) “Community Facilities” means a water and sewer facility, public outdoor lighting, charitable educational facility, of community building whose operations are not paid for by the State, Federal Government, or private commercial interest. (2) Actual consumption of not more than 750 kilowatt-hours per month sold to each customer. (3) Calculated in the aggregate for each community served by the electric utility, for actual consumption of not more than 70 kilowatt-hours per month for each resident of the community. (4) If more than one community is served by a utility, a total system report must be submitted in addition to a monthly report for each community. (5) If street lights are unmetered, use the following formula in calculating monthly kilowatt- hour usage: Wattage of Bulb X 12 hour days X 365 days/1000 kilowatt-hour/12 months = Monthly kilowatt-hour usage oer streetlight. een nnn nn nnn ono nnn on ne oo ooo oo oo oo 2 ee eee eeennnnnneeeee- re Alaska Energy Authority Use Only Total Disbursed Amount $ APPENDIX C METER TESTS/CALCULATIONS THORNE BAY, LARGE COMMERCIAL METER READINGS METER: Water Treatment Plant Meter Type ss5S CT Ratio none Revs 5 A Amps 13 Kh 10.8 PT Ratio none Seconds 60 B Amps 13 TA 15 Voltage 208 Kw Dem. 3.24 C Amps 3 Voltage 120 Phase 1 N Amps 12 Class 100 Pt 0.9 AVG 9.67 Form MULT 1 Kw Dem 3.13 REMARKS: The figure at upper right corner is the % difference of the meter test from the measured load. Type CT Ratio none Revs 5 A Amps 5 Kh 28.8 PT Ratio none Seconds 225 B Amps 5 TA 15 Voltage 480 Kw Dem. 2.30 C Amps 4.5 Voltage 480 Phase 3 N Amps 0 Class 100 Pf 0.9 AVG 4.83 Form 12S MULT 1 Kw Dem 3.62 REMARKS: METER: School Meter 1 Type SL4DS CT Ratio Revs 12 A Amps 146 Kh 1.8 PT Ratio 400:5 Seconds 130 B Amps 150 TA 2.5 Voltage 208 Kw Dem. 47.85 C Amps 150 Voltage Phase 3 N Amps Class 20 Pf 0.9 AVG 149 Form 9S MULT 80 Kw Dem 48.20 REMARKS: New load, not under 1991 meter readings t Service farehouse ; _ 14 s5S CT Ratio 400:5 Revs 4 A Amps 22 Kh 3.6 PT Ratio st Seconds 270 B Amps 22 TA 2.5 Voltage 480 Kw Dem. 15.36 C Amps 28 Voltage 277 Phase 3 N Amps Class 20 Pf 0.9 AVG 24 Form 6S MULT 80 Kw Dem 17.96 REMARKS: Page 1 e METER: Forest Service Admin Bldg, Meter No. 1 Meter Da’ ice Dat Time Dial T fit Type CT Ratio none Revs 7 A Amps Kh 10.8 PT Ratio none Seconds 60 B Amps TA 15 Voltage 208 Kw Dem. 4.54 C Amps Voltage Phase 3 N Amps Class 100 Pf 0.9 AVG Form 16S MULT 1 Kw Dem REMARKS: FS Meters 1, 2, and 3 have a total of 50A/leg measured See total Kva, meter 3 Low voltage, 115/201 measured METER: Forest Service Admin Bldg, Meter No. 2 Type CT Ratio none Revs 12 A Amps Kh 10.8 PT Ratio none Seconds 60 B Amps TA 15 Voltage 208 Kw Dem. 7.78 C Amps Voltage Phase 3 N Amps Class 100 Pf 0.9 AVG Form 16S MULT 1 Kw Dem REMARKS: FS Meters 1, 2, and 3 have a total of 50A/leg measured See total Kva, meter 3 Low voltage, 115/201 measured METER: Forest Service Admin Bldg, Meter No. 3 1 J Type CT Ratio none Revs 7 A Amps 50 Kh 10.8 PT Ratio none Seconds 60 B Amps 49 TA 15 Voltage 208 Kw Dem. 4.54 C Amps 58 Voltage Phase 3 Total Kw 16.85 N Amps 50 Class 100 Pt 0.9 (3 meters) AVG 52 Form 16S MULT 1 Kw Dem 16.97 REMARKS: FS Meters 1, 2, and 3 have a total of 50A/leg measured Low voltage, 115/201 measured METER: Forest Service Bunkhouse er Type S5S” CT Ratio none Revs 3 A Amps 11 Kh 21.6 PT Ratio none Seconds 65 B Amps 10 TA 30 Voltage 208 Kw Dem. 3.59 C Amps 11 Voltage 120 Phase 3 N Amps Class 200 Pt 0.9 AVG 11 Form 14S MULT 1 Kw Dem 3.46 REMARKS: 204V measured Page 2 Type Kh TA Voltage Class 200 Form 2S REMARKS: Typ Kh 28.8 TA 15 Voltage 480 Class 100 Form 12S REMARKS: 28.8 15 Voltage 480 Class 100 Form 12S REMARKS: ype Kh 2.4 TA 2.5 Voltage 240 Class 200 Form 8S REMARKS: PT Ratio none Voltage 240 Phase 1 Pt 0.9 MULT 1 PT Ratio none Voltage 480 Phase 3 Pt 0.85 MULT 1 Open Delta Service CT Ratio PT Ratio none Voltage 480 Phase 3 Pt 0.85 MULT 1 Open Delta Service CT Ratio : PT Ratio none Voltage 240 Phase 3 Pt ~ 0.9 MULT 80 Page 3 Seconds Kw Dem. Revs Seconds Kw Dem. Seconds Kw Dem. 120/240 3 Phase service with 208 wild leg 100 0.52 56 3.70 56 3.70 23.04 3 L2 Amps 2 AVG 3 Kw Dem 0.54 A Amps 6 B Amps 6 C Amps 5 N Amps AVG 6 Kw Dem 4.00 5 B Amps 5 C Amps 5 N Amps AVG 5 Kw Dem 3.53 B Amps 110 C Amps 20 N Amps Kw Dem 28.0 METER: Old School Type M50 Kh 28.8 PT Ratio none Seconds 50 B Amps TA 15 Voltage 480 Kw Dem. 4.15 C Amps 11 Voltage 480 Phase 3 N Amps Class 100 Pf 0.9 AVG 10 Form 12S MULT 1 Kw Dem 123 REMARKS: : Se V62S CT Ratio none Revs 2 A Amps 6 Kh 28.8 PT Ratio none Seconds 55 B Amps 4.5 TA 15 Voltage 480 Kw Dem. 3.77 C Amps 5 Voltage 480 Phase 3 N Amps Class 100 Pf 0.9 AVG 5 Form 12S MULT 1 Kw Dem 3.87 REMARKS: Open Delta Service imp pe Mg0 CT Ratio 400:5 Revs 18 A Amps 495 Kh 1.8 PT Ratio 2.4:1 Seconds 60 B Amps 435 TA 2.5 Voltage 480 Kw Dem. 373 C Amps 465 Voltage 120 Phase 3 N Amps Class 20 Pt 0.9 AVG 465 Form 9S MULT 192 Kw Dem 348 REMARKS: Amp readings from switchgear instruments (compare closely with amprobe readings) 63297782 1 14 Petro Alaska 81650474 7.2 1 55 0.47 14 Engineers Float 81650638 Tee 4 55 1.89 14 JC Grocery 75102003 Tea, 5 60 2.16 KW= 10.48 TOTAL 4.85 REMARKS: Measured Amps on feeder at plant Page 4 APPENDIX D FIGURES, DRAWINGS a & STA SVE METERS MAIN SWITCHEEAR 480 WORKSGP / AREA WIT | UT 2 UNT 2 LAP LAL THORNE BAY POWER PLANT FLAN r~ SQUTH FEEVER (2) 60 KVA 400/2 480- 14/416 KV c~ FOREST SERVICE (2) |20 KVA 200/32 480- 14/416 KV NORTH FEEDER or 200 KVA PM 20/2 480- 14/4ip KV — UNDERGROIND CRKT 2285/2 4800 iN LP SP 0/3 iN LP WAREHABE 1 {STATION SERVICE FLANT ONE LINE DIAGRAM FIRE NO. 3 PLANT ONE LINE FUEL SYSTEM SCHEMATIC FIGURE NO. 4 FUEL SYSTEM SCHEMATIC oN he Wp PN WARETLEE | “™ 20/ ———_+——. AMINSTRATIN ALG ng 7 3 | UN rhe AIR. COMPRESSOR | P| (20/ DORMITORY X/3 ! LuV rahe / ae PATH LIGHTING | eg | | (o/ ee) ee ee LEV | tt EMERGENCY LIGHTING | oN (20/ | 4 EX (5 EA) si ' sae ole GENERATOR | 24/4, ae ~ a 271/42 FOREST SERVICE WAREHOUSE — MAIN PANEL DIAG. NOTES: | DASHED LINE INDICATES LOADS METERED AT THE WAREHOUSE THRU ONE SET GF crs. 2. OTHER LOADS ARE METERED AT THE |20/24W LEVEL eee FIGURE N2. 5 Pee ees FOREST SERVE WAREHOUSE PANEL CALCULATIONS USED IN THIS REPORT ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING: Calculated Kw from meter time dial test is ................cee00 kh (3600) (CT*PT Ratios) (No. of Revs) Kw= 1000 (Secs) Where kh = meter constant, watthours/revolution Kw determined from current readings..............++ (Total Amps) (Volts, LG) PF =— 1000 REA Demand/Usage Relationship is .................... Kw=C(1 -0.4C +0.4(C?+40)"?) (5.925x10~%) (Kwh/Mon/Cust)°*** Where C = No. of Customers APPENDIX E PHOTOGRAPHS FHOTO NZ FHOTO N22 SENE R FHOTO NO4 7 FHOTO NOB 5 e THORN ec. LIBRARY COPy DO NOT REMOVE 7 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY ELECTRIC UTILITY ASSESSMENT CITY OF THORNE BAY