HomeMy WebLinkAboutLime Village Electrification Concept Design 1991 ALAN Ss > PR 1301 Gambell P.0. Box 103291 Anchorage, Alaska 99510-3291 (907) 277-8904 August 26; 1993 ‘ HIVeEO AUG 26 1993 Mr. Gary Cox ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Alaska Energv Authority 701 E. Tudor Road Anchorage. Alaska Mr. Cox, Pursuant to conservations with the Lime Village representative. Mr. Phillinv Bobby. I am providing the figures for equivment that will provide 2500 watts of nower for each home in the village. The svstem will be a solar hvbrid svs- tem with a 4500 watt generator for back up and batterv charging. This system will operate utilizing 100% solar during the spring and summer and 60% gener- ator charging during the winter. The component list reflects the necessary equivment for each home. 20 - LA51 Kyocera Solar Modules 379.00 ea $7580.00 12 - L16 Photocomm Batteries 257.00 ea $3084.00 6 - Pole Mounts for Solar Modules 308.00 ea $1848.00 1 - Trace Inverter, 2624 SB 1766.80 $1766.80 1 - PEUI Charge Controller 350.00 $350.00 1 - Battery Box 350.00 $350.00 Assorted wires and interconnects 350.00 $350.00 1.- Honda Generator, EX4500 S 2828.00 $2828.00 $18156.00 Shipping and installation prices will be provided as soon as they are available Yours Truly, Lorregh Moree Larry L. YMorrow ce Mr. Phillip Bobby Mr. Bruce Tiedeman The Sensible Energy Alternative KUSKOKWIM PLANNING @ & MANAGEMENT CORP MANAGEMENT SERVICES / 429 D STREET, SUITE 307, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 ¢ (907) 276-2101 * TOLL FREE (800) 478-2171 RECEIVED MAY 2 4 1991 May 23, 1991 Mr. Ron Hoffman AVCP Housing Authority Post Office Box 767 Bethel, AK 99559 Dear Mr. Hoffman: Thank you for your most informative telephone call concerning Lime Village. As you are well aware, the HUD housing project is the NUMBER 1 concern for the Lime Village Company Board of Directors as well as for most of the village. Unfortunately, many circumstances are beyond their control, and electrical service for the community is one of them. I will attempt to relay the facts about the progress of village electrification as I know them. Over the past month I have spoken with Ms. Sandra Borbridge, assistant to Representative Lincoln, several times concerning the legislation that will appropriate funds to electrify Lime Village. Her most recent account of what is happening revealed that $35,000 would be appropriated by the Legislature to do a preliminary study or feasibility study (later corrected and referred to as design plan funding) of the electrification of the village. The funds would go to the Alaska Power Authority. She recommended that I contact Brint Petry (561-7877) for details of their plan for Lime Village. Mr. Petry was not available, however, I did speak with Mr. David Denig-Chakroff, the project manager, and with Mr. Gary Smith, the Project Engineer. They informed me that Lime Village was a primary contender for U.S. Dept. of Energy research funding through their Sandia Laboratories. The Sandia program calls for developing alternative power sources that will provide for the needs of the community at a lower cost than perhaps the continual operation of a diesel generation system. Mr. Smith with representatives from Sandia Labs expects to visit Lime Village before mid-June. Mr. Ron Hoffman AVCP Housing Authority Page 2 Providing their visit is a success, federal funds should be available for the Lime Village project by August 1, 1991 and the process of electrifying Lime Village will be underway. Should they not choose to work with Lime Village the project will be back in the hands of the State. Their intention is will be to complete the study and initiate developing a power source in the "usual" manner. I am unable to give you specific date or even assure you that the community will have electricity by next year. However, I do expect that there will be electricity available by summer 1992. I wish that I could be more definitive. Instead, I recommend that you contact Mr. David Denig-Chakroff or Gary Smith at their Anchorage number, 561-7877. Please call me if I can help the process in some way. Thanks. rles Dt M General Manage cc. S. Williams, Lime Village Co. S. Borbridge, Rep. Lincoln Office G. Smith, Alaska Power Authority 7/23/57 APF @ Ade Yuth Whléas 2935262 on Aine U, [lay Divi iad teenie Ld; rre-> LAA PN TOUAV EE @ $24 30385 Ger Rep 5 Savona Whang Copaesra ob PCB PEST, % Wont 2Y30BYle . key Lawson) [Uni com Ble\\e 14: pera oe PHL ei ie f \ Uy h IY , ee e Mbufl yy. ; yi 9 : : f ie Kye fe wv # 3 a x Goon yt gt (deve uals q = Chute Ih homes 1 Ane : dows $1eL 253 Bree fn Foo y cot bien LF Pea fg OAR Se thee dF they bove : 0 Tohw Vesn 450 bach (108 tetas wl" ss wo b | : is de ae “ y @ my mit we ay ‘ol my ub V3 pieather cvul tools LIME VILLAGE ELECTRIFICATION CONCEPT DESIGN Prepared for LIME VILLAGE By ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY DECEMBER 1991 LIME VILLAGE ELECTRICAL STUDY ABSTRACT This study is to provide the local community with information on how to organize a utility entity. Details associated with construction cost, operating cost, rates and other impacts that a centralized power system entails are included to assist the community in making informed decisions about future development. The secondary objective of this study is to determine a construction plan including specifications, staking sheets and design drawings for construction of the project. While the optimum scenario is to serve the entire community, the final construction project scope can only be determined after funding sources and amounts available have be finilized. 2 LIMEELEC. DOC LIME VILLAGE ELECTRICAL STUDY @ INDEX I. Introduction - It. Organization of a Utility Entity 3 LIMEELEC. DOC LIME VILLAGE ELECTRICAL STUDY I. INTRODUCTION Lime Village is an unincoporated village located on the Stony River approximately 135 air miles east of Aniak. Settlement records date back to 1907 and the population is currently estimated to be 53 residances. Electrical energy now comes from a variety of individually owned and operated power plants. Most individuals operate small gasoline generators on an intermintent basis, the telephone utility operates a 8 KW unit and the Iditarod School District operates a 12 KW unit. The lack of central electrification has limited community growth as the village has been unable to qualify for Federal projects such as HUD housing and State projects such as airport runway lighting. In addition, operation of individual generators results in limitations of KW power, increased noise, high capital investment and high maintenance. A bulk fuel storage facility or an agreement with the school district to use some of their storage capacity will be necessary to supply fuel for the generators. Fuel is delivered in bulk in mid summer by air carrier to the school and telephone company, the annual fuel supply is delivered at one time due to unprodictable winter weather. Local residents typically haul one to three 55 gallon fuel drums by riverboat from nearby communities of Stoney River or Red Devel for personal use, the round trip is nine hours minimum and cost of fuel is three to four dollars per gallon. ALTERNATE ENERGY SOURCES Sandia National Labs, a research organization, has visited the village and is evualiting possible alternate energy sources such as battery energy storage with inverter backup to be incorperated into the centralized power system. Although development of alternative energy is important to rural communities in Alaska, the installation of the basic generation and distribution needs should be the top priority to meet the emidate needs of the community. 4 LIMEELEC. DOC LIME VILLAGE ELECTRICAL STUDY II. ORGANIZATION OF UTILITY ENTITY The communities in the Middle Kuskokwim region where Lime Village is located operate power utilities in several different ways. Some villages are members of the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, others operate their own utilities and the majority are members of the Middle Kuskokwim Electric Cooperative. The Co-Op orginizations can offer assistance in dealing with the day to day operational problems of a small electrical utility as well as maintaining accurate business records in accordance with standard utility methods and practices. Reguardless of how the utility is organized a local power plant operator is necessary to perform simple on site maintenance and operation activities. This includes checking the oil level in the engines, switching load from one generator set to another and reporting major problems to management. In addition the plant operator may dispose of waste oil, read meters and maintain plant records. 5 LIMEELEC. DOC LIME VILLAGE ELECTRICAL STUDY III. DESIGN Safty Codes. The system will be designed to comply with all current applicable safty codes and standards. Delays in construction funding can result in code changes which may increase construction cost and/or require system redesign. Distribution System. A convential 7200 volt distribution line is necessary to ensure voltage remains within accecptable limits (114-126 volts) for all users. The system will be one phase due to the small load with allowances made for future conversion to three phase. The one phase system will meet all the emidate needs of the community and simple rewiring of the generator and additional conductors added to poles can increase capacity of the system by 33% when this becomes necessary. Several residences are located along the rivers edge upstream from the main village and one residence is located downstream and across the river. The expense involved in constructing 4000 linear feet of line and a 600 foot river crossing is high and hard to justify for one customer but cost are included. Services. Service drops and meters will be installed on all buildings requiring electrical service. Services will be installed to National Electrical Code minimum standards and terminate at a meter/breaker mounted on the exterior of each building. The breaker is the tap point for the homeowner to extend power into his house. Interior wiring, transfer switches and other upgrades are the responsibility of the homeowner. Generation facility. Several options are available to site a powerplant. Consideration should be given to location with respect to fire exposure hazard to other buildings, noise from engine operation, possible waste heat users and fuel storage and transfer. Generaly two options are available for the structure itself. Pre- engineered-prefrabicated trailer type units are available and require minimal on site erection. These units are constructed of sheet aliminum and well insulated. Another option is constructing a wood structure on site, this option is available when logistical problems make it impossable to transport a premanufactured unit to the site. Since the wood structure is constructed of combustial materials, good fire prevention practice dicates higher seperation distances to other structures to offset the increased fire exposure hazard. Generation. The community will require a generating plant to provide reliable central power. Typical rural community utilities strive for a generation falicity with three diesel powered generator units and manual paralleling switchgear. The generators are sized for economic operation and operate most efficiently when the output is 75%-110% of their rated capicaty. Two generators are sized for winter load and one for summer load. Additional capicaty is provided for future increases in load. The prime mover engines can be expected to last ----- hours with regular maintenance and minor repairs. When a major overhaul is necessary it is usually more cost effective to simply retire the existing engine and install a new engine on to the existing generator frame. The generator unit itself can be expected to last up to 30 years with minimal maintaince. Switchgear is installed to allow easy switchover of one operating generator to another with no power outages. Switchgear also incorporates system protection devices, system monitoring equipment and main station metering equipment into one package. 6 LIMEELEC. DOC LIME VILLAGE ELECTRICAL STUDY Waste Heat. The school is the canidate for utilization of a waste heat recovery system. Approximately 70% of the fuel consumed in generator operation is convereted to waste heat, the heat is recoverable from the engine water jacket and the engine exhaust. Generaly the water jacket heat is easiest and most economical to recover. Typical systems utilize a heat exchanger in the powerhouse, a supply and return piping loop with a pump to move the fluid to the user and another heat exchanger at the customers site. The closer the source and user are to each other the greater the system efficiency will be. A rule of thumb limit of 200 feet maximum is useful for preliminary planing. Fuel System. The fuel system requires a method of transfer from the delivery point to the bulk fuel storage facility and then to a day tank at the power generation location. Fuel can be tranfered through perminent fuel lines, a fuel delivery truck or drums. Bulk fuel storage tanks are installed to provide capacity for fifteen to eighteen months of fuel, this is necessary since unpridecable weather in winter makes fuel delivery impossible. The bulk storage facility is diked and a liner is installed to contain any accidental spills. The day tank at the powerhouse is sized to supply 1-2 days of fuel and can be refilled continuosuly or interminetely dependinf on system design. Site Slection. The use of overhead construction allows for easy connection from the powerplant into the power grid at nearly any location. The logical customer for waste heat recovery is the school and posibbly the teachers housing. Waste heat utilization limits the plant location to a site near the school and implies a site in the north-west section of the village. This area is also convient to the airport runway where fuel deliveries would arrive. An alternative site would be near the existing washeteria, which could also utilize waste heat. This site is less desirable as the community well is located in the washeteria and large fuel storage near wells is generally undersible. A futher consideration in site selection is operating noise from a diesel engine running twentyfour hours a day. Though some reduction in noise levels can be achived through muffler sicelencers it is desirable to direct the exhaust away from the population center. 7 LIMEELEC. DOC LIME VILLAGE ELECTRICAL STUDY Iv. SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION The planed construction includes a new powerhouse with three generators, rated for continous operation, a switch panel to monitor and control load and a day tank for small amounts of fuel storage. A bulk fuel storage facility is also necessary and will include a diked fuel spill containment liner. The distribution system will include wood power poles and anchors which need to be set approximately seven feet deep. Local soil conditions are expected to be typical of many areas in Alaska, these include fine grained soils with posible pockets of bedrock and discontinous permafrost. The ground conditions make hole digging slower but do not create a major obstical. All facilities most be constructed in one construction season to insure materials and equipment are complete and operational while still under warranty. Though some construction activities can be completed during the colder mounths pole and anchor setting and building foundation prepration must be completed before the ground freezes solid. All construction is for new facilities and most likely will fall under provisions of Alaska Statue 36, Davis Bacon Act. Estimates for construction assume contractor construction with skilled craftsmen being payed Davis Bacon wages. A general contractor will be responsable for scheduling all phases of the project with periodic inspections by the Energy Authority to insure compliance with project documents. The only available heavy equipment is a 450 John Deer crawler dozer with a backhoe attachment. The cost estimates for construction assume this machinery is operational and available during construction. 8 LIMEELEC. DOC LIME VILLAGE ELECTRICAL STUDY Vv. POWER COST EQUILIZATION Rural Alaska communities which meet certain criteria are eligable for aisstance through the "Power Cost Equilization" program funded by the state legisilator. The PCE program requires utilities to install and maintain metering equipment at the powerplant and at all services. The metering requirements include a main electrical meter at the powerhouse to measure total kilowatt hours and peak demand, an additional meter measures total fuel consumption. PCE limits and credits are determined by the classification of the facility, all facilities except the powerhouse are typically eligable for some credits. The utility must file monthly reports with the Alaska Energy Authority showing total consumption by each customer and payment scheduals for energy consumed. The PCE program has established minimum acceptable performance standards for utilities. The standards were established to encourage efficient and economic generation and distribution of electricity. The standards are based on kilowatt-hours generated per gallon of fuel consumed and a ratio of kilowatt-hours generated to kilowatt-hours sold. 9 LIMEELEC. DOC LIME VILLAGE ELECTRICAL STUDY CONCLUSIONS The community of Lime Village is attempting to maintain the same standard of living many similar villages throughout the state currently enjoy. The utility infrastructure necessary to attract development and future growth is not yet available. Often times projects can not even be considered until reliable electricity is available. The high cost involved in operation and maintaince of a small utility in a remote location makes a highly efficient system desirable. Unfortunely engineering tradeoffs have to be made making it dificult to ever achive peak efficiency. The problem is more complex due to the limited size of the customer base. Additionaly a power plant requires constant monitoring to operate at peak efficiency while most villages employ an operator only on a part time basis. 10 LIMEELEC. DOC LIME VILLAGE ELECTRICAL STUDY Cost ESTIMATES The following cost estimates are itimized list of construction and operating cost over the projects expected 25 year life. The cost estimate includes labor hours for assistance in clearifying right-of-way easement requirements and final power plant and bulk fuel siteing, these cost do not include the actual purchase of any lands. It is assumed the village will require legal advice in the complex questions that can arise in forming and certifying a utility, these cost are not included in this design concept estimate. Consideration should be given to joining a regional Electrical Cooperative as some of these hidden cost may be negotiable. Another added cost not reflected in the design and construction cost is initial fuel cost. The initial fuel purchase should be an estimated fifteen month supply, this will allow some latitude for the uncertainty in actual load and possible fuel delivery delays due to adverse weather. After the first year of operation, purchases will only be for actual fuel consumed. 11 LIMEELEC. DOC LIME VILLAGE ELECTRICAL STUDY in actual load and possible fuel delivery delays due to adverse weather. After the first year of operation, purchases will only be for actual fuel consumed. 7 LIMEELEC. DOC ODNHDU PWNHRe ALASKA ENERGY LIME VILLAGE LOAD FORCAST Description House House (seasonal School Communications Clinic Community Bldg. Runway Maintenc Washeteria Church WINTER FORCAST Description ODN AHDUPWNHE Class 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 (9 month pe Quantity 14 KWH 1 KWH 1 KWH 1 KWH i KWH 1 KWH 1 KWH 1 KWH 1 KWH KWH/month 300 100 2,000 1,000 70 70 70 1200 70 riod) Total/ Total/ Total/ Total/ Total/ Total/ Total/ Total/ Total/ Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year AUTHORITY CLASS 1- Residential Load Factor =1/3 Peak Concidence Factor CLASS 2- Commercial Load Factor = 1/2 Peak Concidence Factor Year 1 37,800 900 18,000 9,000 630 630 630 10,800 630 Year 2 39,312 936 18,720 9,360 655 655 655 11,232 655 Year 3 40,884 973 19,469 9,734 681 681 681 11,681 681 Total KWH Generated with 12% System Losses 74,995 77,995 Winter Fuel Required @ 8.5 KWH/gallon 8,823 9,176 Page 1LIMEFOR.XLS 81,115 9,543 = 1/2 =1 Year Year 4 5 42,520 44,221 1,012 1,053 20,248 21,057 10,124 10,529 709 737 709 737 709 737 12,149 12,634 709 737 84,359 87,734 9,925 10,322 Lime Village Load Forcast Summer Load Analysis Generator Load Demand (peak) Description Midday 6 PM Residential -8 KVA x 14=11.2 KVA 1.4 KVA x 14=19.6 KVA School/Teacher Housing O KVA O KVA Communications 3.0 KVA 3.0 KVA Miscellaneous 4.0 KVA 4.0 KVA TOTAL 18.2 KVA 26.6 KVA Requires 22 KW Prime Power Generator(s) @ .8 PF. Future Load Growth @ 4% Annual (assumes no major line extensions or lodge loads will be constructed). YEAR 1 2 3 4 5 midday 18.9 KVA 19.7 KVA 20.5 KVA 21.3 KVA 22.1 KVA 6 PM 27.7 KVA 28.8 KVA 29.9 KVA 31.1 KVA 32.4 KVA 5 year projection requires 26 KW Prime Power Generator(s) @ .8 PF. LIMELOAD . DOC Lime Village Load Forcast Winter Load Analysis Generator Load Demand (peak) Description Midday 6 PM Residential -8 KVA x 14= 11.2 KVA 1.4 KVA x 14= 19.6KVA School/Teacher Housing 6.0 KVA 4.0 KVA Communications 3.0 KVA 3.0 KVA Miscellaneous 4.0 KVA 4.0 KVA TOTAL 24.2 KVA 30.6KVA Requires 24 KW Prime Power Generator @ .8 PF. Future Load Growth @ 4% Annual (assumes no major line extensions or lodge loads will be constructed). YEAR 1 2 3 4 5 midday 25.2 KVA 26.2 KVA 27.2 KVA 28.3 KVA 29.4 KVA 6 PM 31.8 KVA 33.1 KVA 34.4 KVA 35.8 KVA 37.2 KVA 5 year projection requires 30 KW Prime Power Generator @ .8 PF. LIMELOAD . DOC FEB 28 '91 14:40 py faROD SCHOOL DIST Mf ae P.18 i ‘ \ am ous Sone, / fo a oh a/ /@ ta / } MUO, DAdaS | / \ a / of wc Ca a o ¢ / ; Wen 2 / # / : ‘ \ a Py J / , \ \ e / wy \ We i | f | SO ca a ‘ we) \\ \ 7s a, f ff al “\yi( | f f 4 f @ a (> { 7 | ; . ST. DITAROD SCHOOL DI a4 iia bm FEB 26 xe NAMM OO Dm mM Ze RESIDENTTAL BOUSES Norris Alexi Sam Alea) Bick & Emma alenie Mar; Bobt, Pauline Bobby’ + Brive Pete Bont. Masilive Borr ¥Vonas Boboy Phil & Parcas Sranam Luther fi2bson Act B&B barbara Sheppar ‘Walter AcNersi. cwner: Wiska Fasrllie Rleate’s cache 4 rey Pil dear ‘ ow MMUNE TY BAIL EIN = Fowernhouse ‘ school) Fuel storage ( school)’ Bealth clanic + vacant) noel bullding heel workshop Community hall warege Duridies Teathet@ 5 feusing Community clanse F lephone gerareten LVCA storage shed Fire sneg. ’ Fsel gepot shed ‘yuTPo uses Grader storage Shed Sian Srthsdox chanel blags Vl MQ ra Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, New Mexico 87:85 RECEIVED July 31, 1991 Mr. Gary Smith Aué & 1991 Alaska Ener Authorit iS nerauil . 701 E. Tudon Y ayasx@ Ec ergy Authority Anchorage, AK 99519 Dear Gary, Thank you for your recent letter regarding the instrumentation and resulting systems house evaluations and project feasibility estimates. We are continuing to work with the Southwest Technology Development Institute (SWTDI) to develop instrumentation suitable for monitoring Kwigillingok in preparation for installation of a demonstration of the ac battery hardware now under development by Omnion Power Engineering. This instrumentation must measure all the parameters that we are currently monitoring but must also measure the harmonics, surges, transients and sags, the duration of each, and on each of the three phases of the ac system. It appears that the best way to make these measurements is through the use of digitizing modules and fast Fourier transforms for analysis. We are currently searching for the best choice of commercially available hardware that can conveniently be matched to the Campbell data logger that we are now using. The scheduled completion of the new monitoring hardware is early September, 1991 and that should be adequate time to allow installation in Kwigillingok before the snow begins. The installation could be coupled with a visit to Lime Village to survey the village for electrification and possible applications of battery storage, inverter backup, and future alternative energy applications. It would make good sense to install a partial instrumentation package to determine the late fall and early spring resource availability and environmental data. The partial instrumentation package would still require a shelter with heat in the winter. I believe you have sent me an aerial view of Lime Village but I have either misplaced or loaned my copy. Could you please forward a copy of the village layout either with the aerial view or survey. We are now ready to perform wellness assessments of the Nickel-Cadmium batteries that you have in storage. A sample of 10 batteries should be adequate if they are selected at random and from different areas in the storage room. The batteries should be sent to the Southwest Technology Development Institute, 1505 Payne St, Las Cruces, NM, 87003; Attention John Wyles. We will coordinate testing with the staff at SWTDI to determine the capacity of the batteries as well as charge and discharge efficiencies. Should the batteries show low capacities we will cycle the batteries to attempt to rejuvenate them. If the batteries are in good health, they will be added to the others in storage and be incorporated into a photovoltaic/diesel hybrid power system to be evaluated at Sandia National Laboratories with final application plans in a village like Lime Village, Alaska. We are planning to provide evaluation data to systems houses around the country and to the Alaska Energy Authority for review before any hardware is shipped to Alaska. This will keep everybody in the loop and maximize the technology transfer to the industry and to the Utility community. Some important parameters that must be studied for hybrid applications in Alaska is control algorithms and optimization of system performance to reduce fuel consumption, diesel engine run time, and optimal use of alternative energy sources. We should all search the literature for information and the experiences of others. We are anxious to receive written planning and funding commitments from the Alaska Energy Authority on the use of alternative energy in Alaska. This commitment would assure the U.S. Department of Energy Headquarters that our work will be applied to using photovoltaics or other renewable energies in the Arctic. A plan outline with projected funding commitments and project goals are needed to continue funding for the evaluation tasks presently under way. The cost estimate for the instrumentation to measure the grid characteristics in Kwiqillingok is approximately $21 K for the instrumentation package plus costs to support the Southwest Technology Development Institute for data collection and analysis. We have finalized plans for Sandia funding of the new data acquisition packages. Regards, jf Ward Bower Photovoltaic Systems Research Division 6223 Copy to: D. G. Schueler 6220 G. J. Jones 6223 M. G. Thomas 6223 TRIP REPORT Robert Anderson Sept. 20, 1991 Lime Village Electrification/Hybrid Systems Lc 81899304 Sept 19, 1991 Arrived Lake Clark Air 7:50. I was accompanied by Andy Rosenthall of New Mexico State University who represented the Department of Energy in their alternative energy projects for Alaska and Sandra Williams, the village corporation president. Weather was questionable in Lime Village area so we checked several sources then decided to attempt to get in. Departed Merrill field 9:10. Arrive Lime Village 11:00. The weather was still unpredictable so we attempted to keep our ground time to a minimum. Upon arrival Sandra, Andy and myself met with several local residents including Phil Graham, Luther Hobson and Freddie Bobby at Nick and Emma Alexie's home. I briefly discussed the purpose of this initial reconnaissance trip and gathered some information about local weather, soils and current community size and lifestyle. After the meeting Andy and myself began a quick walk through of the village, we were accompanied by some of the locals at the meeting. Andy and myself walked around the village taking pictures of potential electrical services and stopped for a quick look at the school powerhouse and fuel tanks. Departed Lime Village 13:00, arrive Anchorage 15:10. IDITAROD AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT BOX 90 McGRATH, AK 99627 SDt/2ssay FAXLINE: 907 524-3217 PHONE: 907 524-3033 FIRM/SITE JAN. Ete cus peor, ATTN: Qo \e FROM: S&S BNe\avce SUB: , Pec ». Shel\borvee PAGES: INCLUDING THIS SHEET MESSAGE TEXT: = oN — in — my ~ bd Nees a 2 WES, 4 d “LSIG@ TOOHIS GONMLIGI 9E:rT 16, 82 aay 2d West view of school East view of school “LSTG OOHDS COMBLIGI SE:pT 16. 82 aad Photographs — es a - Tamay i071 RROD ad /91 2 alle Wala Grd ‘A ? Village Profile SIT® NARRATIVE Lime Village is located on the south bank of the Stony River, 50 miles southeast of the junction with the Kuskokwim River. It is approximately 135 air miles east of Aniak in the Lime Hills area. The earliest recorded settlement at Lime Village was in 1907. The community was First cited in the 1939 Federal Census when the settlement was called “Hungry Village," Its population has remained fairly stable throughout the years since personal income is primarily derived from public programs. Subsistance activities are vital, as there is no store in Lime Village. Additional income is obtained from trapping. Lime Village is not incorporated as a city under state law. A seven member traditional council is recognized by the federal government as the official tribal governing body and represents the native population. The council is eligible to administer a wide variety of federal programs including tribal operations. The Lime Village Native Corparation is the local village corporation and Calista Corporation is the regional corporation. Both are in the process of receiving surface and-sub-surface estates from the federal government under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971. These lands can be conveyed to local interests by the village corporation. P.4 OY Aro Stoo. fra, ae —_ Br SR ME, Bs: Site Data The population of Lime Village is approximately 100% native and has been as follows; 1939 ~ 39 1950 ~- 29 1960 ~- 32 1970 - 25 1984 - 25 (estimated) Transportation to Lime Village is by air or riverboats. Groceries, mail and other cargo arrive via a schedule flight from either McGrath, Aniak or Bethel communities. Private riverboats are used for intervillage transportation in the summer, Lime Village is served by one school which is operated by the Iditarod Area School District, Current enrollment at the K-12 school is seven, Lime Village does not have a community electrical system, The Tditarod Area School District provides power to the school complex with two 15-kw diesel-fueled electric generators located next to the school. A 7,000 gallon tank serves the school site. Plans are currently underway to provide community power in the summer of 1984. ‘This service would guarantee substantial growth in the community. There is no central water storage or distribution system in the village. The school's shallow 37 foot well is used by the residents as a watering point. Residents obtain water by hauling it from the school, nearby creeks, Stony River or by melting snow in the winter. There is also no public sewage system in Lime Village. The school site is served by a septic tank system while most residents use outdoor privies. dump site in the village. There is no specified wD FEB 29 ’91 14:38 IDITAROD SCHOOL DIST. Site Data The climate of Lime Village is cold cantinental. ‘Temperatures range between -47 degrees fahrenheit and 80 degrees fahrenheit. Lime Village averages 85 inches of snowfall a year and 22 inches of precipitation. A 100 year snow load would be approximately 60 psf. Wind primarily north in summer and south in winter, A 100- year wind speed would be approximately 100 mph. The village is built upon a hillside in the Lime Hills on silty, sandy material over bedrock. Permafrost does not exist within the present village site but does occur in the surrounding area. Lime Village lies within a lowland forest which parallels the Takotna River. White spruce and balsam poplar are principal trees. Paper birch and quaking aspen exist in well-drained areas, Undergrowth includes alder, willow rose and berry bushes, Many of these materials have the potential of being transplanted and used as landscape material at the school sites. MMB OoeMFEP 28 91 14:39 IDITAROD SCHOOL DIST. Hecommenaatinns 2 X By _ Site Data INTRODUCTION i The field investigation determined there was one school site, the K-12 school operated by the Iditarod Area School District. The school site is approximately 5 acres in size. It was determined that thece were a total of four buildings on the site. Those buildings are described as follows: K-12 School GENERATOR MAINTENANCE BUILDING A structure of 150 square feet containing one room, It is typical wood frame construction and was built in conjunction with the school. The school’s two 15-kw diesel electric generators are housed in this structure. LIVING QUARTERS A 24' x 28° wood frame construction, 2 story structure. K-12 SCHOOL A facility containing 1,195 square feet with one classroom, studio kitchen, mechanical coon, toilets and arctic entry. It is a wood frame structure built in 1974. No improve- ments have been made to the structure since its original’ construction. Fev ST. TAROD SCHOOL DI IDI 4:35 FEB 28 ’91 Recommendations ABNEX SUILDING A 906 square foot, wood-frame structure, It is currently being used for maintenance, storage and as a workshop. The structure is in extreme disrepair, SITE The site slopes to the north-east and is well-drained. Site improvements include a small play area, communications dish, fuel storage, vell and septic system, Fuel storage consists of one gallon tank to the north. Views are east across the Stony River and village. Soo°® The following are building plans and site plans of existing facilities. IST. DITAROD SCHOOL D FEB 28 ’91 14:39 . = m s - > 2] m Pp an 1 SS Line rw ons 3LIS WOOHSS FOVVUA 3410 | iF] ee a Re ee t race eae ' FEB 28 ’91 14:40 IDITAROD SCHOOL DIST. Peg AYji290 Wid Bursemm 4D oesaysoMm an, Wer) Soria J0j0Mo WOMOISDM pe, AiACIO aiqissed jo wi! ajoutrosddo 090 $$9990 wom 9 Supumy loeq / of og ss N wip, Burzoo)s yo pag | nie YEIy @yted, quddo | PYRO jog Bursaipm pesodoidy \ “yom jursd Buresom JO} Parmte& @9 04 Base a Vilage rrome ,il TAKOTNA @ ANVEK @ SHAGELUK HOLY CROSS —— nh Rs mo naAaAaAr! 4 wa DITAROD Area School District POST OFFICE BOX 90 - McGRATH, ALASKA 99627- (907)524-3: B24u 3033 May 29, 1987 eee vue RECEIVED BY, vne Alaska Power Authority 701 E. Tudor Rd. POP Mis Anchorage, Alaska 99519 Dear Mr. Hansen: The !ASD would like to request your assistance in planning and engineering our electrification upgrade in Lime Village. We are currently supplying power to a one room school, a teacher's quarters and an outbuilding. We are using 15 kw Listen Generator (air cooled) with a 6 duplicate machine as a backup. The local village residents do not have power at their homes. The only other source of power is a generation plant operated by United Utilities. They are currently running their own equipment (8KW) to power their phone system. It is currently operating at 100% peak power. We would like to convert our generators to water cooled and be able to use the waste heat to supply the school. We could also supply power to United Utilities, thus eliminating two generators running for different purposes. A field trip to Lime Village to assess the liklihood of a waste heat project would be essential. | have enclosed'a recent site map and. a, preliminary engineering study for village safe water. .This could impact whatever we~ do. «- . Thanks for listening. Sincerely, @ - Phyo ke SSVh.w.. David Shelborne Director Operations and Maintenance ANVIK GRAYLING HOLY CROSS UME VILLAGE McGRATH NIKOLAI SHAGELUK TAKOTNA TELIDs 4 to: FILE (Lime Village) from: Gary Smith }/) date: O5Feb91 Te: Telephone Log calls with community and Iditarod School District. Philip Bobby - community Dave Shelbourne - Iditarod School District Files indicate that Peter Hanson visited the community in 1988 concerning electrification and waste heat. No formal report was completed. Philip Bobby - 526-5227 Call placed to Philip Bobby, President of the Traditional Council of Lime Village, concerning a legislative request for electrification costs and justification. Philip said that the lack of electrification has caused the community to forgo some capital projects such as runway lighting/expansion and HUD housing. UNICOM has expressed a strong interest in purchasing power from someone and shutting down their existing 8kw unit. The community filed a spill complaint with DEC that resulting in UNICOM reportedly spending about 150,000 to clean up about 1,000 cubic yards of contaminated material. Present population is about 40 to 50 people with no water nor sewage system. Normal popes is by way of Anchorage with Airlift at $500 per charter (276- 3809). Mail plane out of McGrath on Tuesday or Wilbur’s on Tuesday. Most people use gasoline generators burning fuel which now costs them $4.00 per gallon. Oil costs $3.00 per gallon flown in by Northstar (Frank Snyder). PHS did put in a well house, but it is unusable due to flood and break-up damage. Call placed to Iditarod School District McGrath (Dave Shelborne). School would like very much to purchase power from the City. School’s tanks are ok, but fill line may need help. UNICOM wants to contribute a 1500 gallon double wall tank and place it in the school dike. Cost of diesel fuel 60 days ago was $3.00 per gion landed. They try to get a year’s supply flown in in July and August because of bad winter weather. School has 8000 gallon total storage capacity now. They would be willing to discuss sharing tank capacity with the community. They very much want out of the power business. Rob C—O oa S7T2V& L } mM o A aes Aw 4 pet \wiz 474 ‘i a? L! yy © vo ov fals VL ox $4 (| [ne ALASKA ENERGY RESEARCH GROUP P.O. BOX 1846, PALMER, ALASKA 99645 State of Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Development Division of Energy and Power Development Anchorage, Alaska LIME VILLAGE PROJECT PHASE IT Equipment Demonstration Plans Preliminary Draft Submitted to von Markle, Project Administrator February, 1982. (907) 745-4586 Contract 08-73-7-356 Prepared By: Lael ballet 1ph Hulbert DATE TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION METHODOLOGY RESULTS OF INVESTIGATION CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS PART A, STATEWIDE DOMESTIC TOTAL EMERGY SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT PLAN PART B, NEAR TERM DEPLOYMENT IN LIME VILLAGE EXHIBITS 1. Sample informational request sent to hardware manufacturer. 2. Sample informational request sent to Photovoltaic suppliers. 3. List of firms contacted. 4. Replies from firms contacted. 5. Domestic Total Energy Systems: Some Alaskan Economic Factors. SUPPLEMENT Heat Powered Refrigeration Page INTRODUCTION This report covers Phase II of the Lime Village Project, administered by the Division of Energy and Power Development. The contract for this phase (08-73-7-356) calls for two Equipment Demonstration Plans for equipments that appear feasible to satisfy Lime Village's electrical needs utilizing wood as an energy source. The results of Phase I, Loads and Systems, indicated that domestic Total Energy Systems installed in each residence in the village were a more preferable option than a centralized utility. Wood was identified as the most logical fuel source. It was thus the primary goal of this Phase to identify such Total Energy Systems. However, any system showing potential was investigated, including those more suitable for central facilities and systems using photovoltaics. Wind and hydro were previously investigated and not analyzed here. Since the major use of electricity as identified in Phase I would likely be refrigeration/freezing, it is logical to consider direct heat powered refrigeration systems. Although not directly part of this contract, an investigation of heat @ powered refrigeration suitable for Lime Village is incorporated in a Supplement to this report. METHODOLOGY While the major emphasis was placed on identifying. electrical generation systems of near term applicability to Lime Village, a serious effort was also given to identification of equipment that would need further development and could satisfy a wider Alaskan market. During the investigation, attempts were made to establish telephone and written contact with researchers and manufacturers of possible systems. While a substantial contact base was initially used, replies are continually being received and new contacts made, so the investigation can only be seen as a continuing one. Although in Phase I six potential conversion systems were identified using other than petroleum fuels, there are many others that were briefly analyzed and found to be too far from present practicality to warrant further investigation. This assessment was usually made after telephone conversation with leading researchers in that technology, or from recent published technology assessments. These technologies were targeted for a more thorough investigation: Rankine (both organic fluid and steam), Stirling, Brayton, wood gasification, thermoelectric, and photovoltaic. Among those technologies considered but rejected are: fuel cells, thermionics, magnetohydrodynamics, shape memory metal engines and biomass liquefaction. The main reason for not continuing investigations was lack of a commercial supplier or no specific development plans. For the targeted technologies, an initial phone contact was made with individual researchers or manufacturers, followed by a letter describing the project and requesting information. A sample of this letter is shown in Exhibit 1. The letter incorporated the findings of Phase I for the electrical loads required, and also gives some observations concerning a broader Alaskan market. Exhibit 2 is a letter sent to photovoltaic hardware manufacturers. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATIONS Manufacturing and engineering firms contacted with regard to the subject are listed in Exhibit 3. This list is organized by machinery type under headings of: A. Organic Rankine Cycle E. Thermoelectric generators B. Steam Rankine Cycle F. Brayton Cycle C. Stirling engines G. Photovaltaic D. Biomass gasifiers H. Other contacts While this list is by no means complete, it represents the greater majority of North American firms known to be possibly involved in production of the desired equipments, and also includes some European concerns. Remarks regarding company activities concerning the listed technology are given, as well as the individual corresponded with, and general comments. Written replies received thus far are included in Exhibit 4. Equipment and systems for wood fueled production of electricity will be analyzed with regards to suitability in two categories: A. Statewide long-term development; B. Near term deployment in Lime Village. The overriding criteria must be economic competitiveness with all other alternatives for production of electricity. Logically, a system suitable in Case A would also be suitable in Lime Village, Case B. The converse would not necessarily apply because of the extreme costs of other forms of energy (i.e. petroleum fuels) in Lime Village. Separate recommendations for each case will be made in the following section. Both informal conversation and written replies from engineers and manu- facturers confirmed that there are no ready-made solutions, but that several equipment types can be made suitable with varying amounts of adaptation and development work. It is perhaps this one factor that makes a ready criteria for separation of the various proposals. Most equipment development proposals require budgets well in excess of that available for the Lime Village Project, leaving them eligible for consideration only in a statewide program. There are also several somewhat tested technologies utilizing conventional machinery but requiring substantial site specific engineering and assembly. The resulting systems, although giving adequate service, would certainly not be sophisticated production machines. Conscientious, semi-skilled constant care can coax long productive lives from this type of hardware. The steam donkeys and wood gasifiers of earlier days are notable examples. Even though improve- ments have been made in both these machines, they still remain emergency- only alternatives in small sizes as long as cheap liquid fuels are available. While unlikely to gain wide acceptance in Alaska, such systems may be useful in places like Lime Village. With varying results, each of the targeted technologies has been utilized by backyard mechanics in constructing useable systems from readily available components and minor fabricating skills. Indeed, such a process is expected, for instance, in assembling small steam plants or wood gasifiers from mass Produced components. Projecting tradeoffs in cost, performance reliability, etc., for any system installed in Lime Village is mostly guesswork unless operation under similar circumstances has been documented. This leaves the recently developed, and some of the most promising, new systems without any basis for evaluation. In general, these systems were developed for a different fuel source, i.e., natural gas, solar, kerosine, et cetera, and would require substantial testing and development of a combustion system for wood fuel. It is apparent that the most desirable solution to the problem would be a mass produced system of low cost, high performance, good reliability, and capable of utilizing any fuel source. Making this a reality is addressed in recommendations for a statewide program, Part A, next section. Near term options of fabrication and assembling a site specific system from available components versus adapting existing systems to run on wood will have to be individually analyzed, which is done in Part B, next section. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS There are equipments, both proposed and developed, that can satisfy Lime Village's electrical and refrigeration loads using local energy souces. Two equipment plans are outlined below. Part A deals with proposed equipments that, when developed, would be an ideal solution for Lime Village as well as much of Alaska. Part B encompasses equipment demonstration plans for Lime Village utilizing much less sophisticated, but available, technologies. Pursuit of an optimum solution is sacrificed in favor of staying within the allotted budget. Part A. Statewide Domestic Total Energy System Development Plan. Exhibit 5 discusses some of the economic factors affecting domestic TES and indicates that such systems could be the best electrification option in much of rural Alaska. Hardware suitable for widespread application in Alaska should meet certain requirements concerning efficiency, reliability, easy safe operation, multi-fuel capability, and life cycle costs. Manufacturers' proposals for providing such machinery are characterized by development budgets and times that remove them from consideration for Lime Village at present, yet offer compelling reasons for consideration as part of State of Alaska's overall energy policy. Potential hardware for domestic TES are listed below. Some developmental proposals for these are given in Exhibit 4. 1. Stirling engines promise the highest efficiencies (23 - 41%), lowest costs (slightly more than diesel engines), high reliability, mult- fuel capability, and long life. Small scale systems are especially promising. Such systems are not in production yet. 2. Organic Rankine cycle has moderate efficiency (6 - 25%), but is not too easily adapatable for very small sizes. Large mass of heat exchangers keeps price high. Several systems are available but not for solid fuels. 3. Thermoelectric generation is extremely reliable with no moving parts, but has low efficiency (2 - 9%) and is currently expensive (approximately $40 per watt). 4. Brayton cycle engines in moderate size (15 - 30 kw) have been tested that can be modified for solid fuels. Efficiencies are high (approximately 27%) and machines are simple, although expensive. 5. Photovoltaics, while now very expensive, can become viable with improved long-term electrical storage, and cheaper PV arrays. Power cycle is out of phase with demand. This plan is offered as a means to expose and expand the information obtained via Lime Village project on domestic TES to scrutiny required for statewide implementation. A sketch of the overall plan is offered: Phase I Initial feasibility investigation - gather data, pose questions, invite comments and participation. Phase II Suitability determination - data on Alaska needs is compared to manufacturing proposals (seminar). Study results form basis for specific RFP. Phase III Demonstration of present hardware in Alaska - testing of prototype systems is anticipated. Phase IV Development and demonstration of solid fuel units - essentially a shakedown cruise. Phase V Mass production of tested units - economic justification is overall goal Recommendations here will be restricted to the first two phases. Some activities have already been initiated, with the Division of Energy and Power Development tentatively planning a TES/Stirling engine seminar in late spring. Such a seminar can be expanded and serve an integral function in the plan. Phase I would be primarily data acquisition, and include an expanded analysis of pertinent economics statewide; however, with more detail, accuracy and breadth than in Exhibit 5. The data could help define the market potentital for any given TES system. At least as important as the numbers would be the social/political considerations obtainable through open discussions of the concept. Alaska's market requirements thus defined will be interfaced with manufacturers' development proposals. A look at similar factors internationally will give insight into the future of the technology. The proposed seminar would be crucial in this process. Participation by State energy planners and representatives of several manufacturers is anticipated. Provided with preliminary information, the participants could be charged with: 1. Estimation of Alaskan market potential for a domestic TES of various performance and cost regimes. 2. Determining a method and criteria for selecting the best technology. 3. Determining a method for selecting contractors. 4. Determining possible ways of State participation; i.e., im R&D grants, loans, guaranteed markets, et cetera. The results of the seminar will form the basis of Phase II, Suitability Determination, which will consist of defining answers to the questions and tasks previously posed. This phase could end with a recommendation for a specific request for proposals. Analyzing proposals and awarding contracts from this RFP would start Phase III and set the pace for the remainder of the project. Specific recommendations are made for a domestic Total Energy System development plan: 1. Initiate data acquisition activities of Phase I, including: A. Electrical and space heat loads and costs, present and projected for all areas of Alaska, categorized by building size and type, fuels, et cetera. Very little new data will be required as most of this already exists in State files. The purpose is two fold - determine optimum design of systems and market potential of each design. A brief sketch of these factors for an international scale would help define the Alaskan market as part of world economics. B. Expansion and clarification of equipment performance projections where available. Preliminary data from some manufacturers is given in the replies, Exhibits 3 and 4. Determining what is proprietary and what can be publicly discussed will be necessary to make possible open discussion. 2. Plan and prepare seminar: A. Develop agenda establishing minimum goals. B. Invite interested parties, including Alaskan planners and engineering/manufacturing firms (at least those tentatively identified in Exhibit 3). C. Disseminate preliminary data to allow for well considered discussion and invite questions. 3. Host seminar. 4. Compose results of seminar, including additional data called for, into a design package to be used as basis for a request for proposals for hardware development, Phases III through V of the overall plan. The above activities could be done in-house at DEPD, by contract, or some combination of these. A recommended course is for the administrative functions to be coordinated by DEPD and remainder of tasks let by bid or negotiated contract. @~ B. NEAR TERM DEPLOYMENT IN LIME VILLAGE If systems suitable for satisfying freezing and electrical requirements from wood fuel were readily available, they would already be in service at Lime Village. Consequently, many of the recommendations that follow are not supported by written manufacturer's proposals or hardware specifications, although such information was obtained through phone conversations after more detailed explanation of the project. Information gathering is certainly not complete as additional inquiries and replies are continually being received. The uniqueness of conditions at Lime Village offers encouragement that economically competitive systems can be developed and installed within the budget and time re- strictions of this project. Remaining budget is assumed to be $130,000 (including proposed appropriations) and targeted date of installation is fall, 1982. The Village council has offered to include some discretionary funds if necessary. Each of the conversion technologies investigated can be adapted for near term service in Lime Village and is briefly discussed in regards to domestic TES suitability (in each residence) or as a single village unit. A. Organic Rankine Cycle. Only one production unit was identified (Ormat Turbines Ltd) which 1s available in several sizes, but not with solid fuel capabilities. Minor adaptations are necessary for use with wood fuel. Costs would start at about Qu eliminating consideration for domestic TES. This machine is relatively sophisticated and tuned for high reliability. Low conversion efficiency of 6 percent would make fuel costs substantial unless reject heat was utilized. ORCS can be locally assembled using standard refrigeration components and fluids, with relatively minor adaptations. Savings in hardware costs could be erroded by increased construction costs. Efficiencies could be approximately 6 percent but reliability is questionable, although repairs could be easier than for a factory assembled hermetic unit. Component costs for a 2 hp unit may be in the $1 - 5,000 range, depending on degree of sophistication desired. A village scale system is likely to be very large and complex. B. Steam Rankine Cycle. There are several manufacturers of steam power equipment and quite a history of operation. Systems are usually locally assembled from standard components. Operating pressures are higher and systems more massive than ORCS; hence, they are more suitable for larger installations. Susceptability to freezing and safety regulations mandate close supervision. In small and medium sizes, efficiencies are no better than ORCS. Use of certain mixtures for working fluid, like water-trifluoroethanol, yields a combination of steam and organic fluid cycle properties. Hardware costs for just the steam engine are in the order of $15,000 for a 20 hp model. Generator, controls, freight and assembly labor would substantially increase the costs. C. Stirling Engines. Rather crude "air engines" were used last century before being replaced by steam and then IC engines. These can be made today by adapting @: engines, although substantial machining is required. Locally, a wood powered Stirling engine made from old airplane engine components, copper tubing, and other hardware has been demonstrated by Dave Newcomb of Wasilla. Reliability and efficiency at this level of technology are not as good as with Rankine hardware, and certainly distant from the promises offered by high tech Stirling engines. The old atmospheric Stirling engines have disappeared, but one manufacturer is planning to produce updated versions in perhaps 5 kw size by the end of this year. Since many of the engine components would not be stock items, local assembly from scratch is not likely to be practical. D. Biomass Gasifiers. The I.C. engine - biomass gasifier is an odd pair consisting of a sophisticated precision engine and relatively crude, low per- formance gasification system. If equal research and development had been spent on each, it is likely that convenient, safe, and efficient gasifiers would be readily available. It is unlikely that even the best gasifier system could become widely accepted as a domestic TES. Detriments are primarily the noise and low reliability of IC engines. Coupled with the carbon monoxide production of a gasifier, such a system is not likely to be welcome next to a living space, let alone in a kitchen. Such systems may be suitable for a village scale plant in Lime Village, where noise, maintenance, and safety can be accomodated. Advantages include availability of IC engines of proper sizes and simplicity of gasifiers. Engines can retain their original fuel capability for added flexibility. There will be considerable maintenance primarily in fueling the engine and preparing fuel, but also in cleaning soot and tar from the system. Water condensed from the system contains several hazardous organics and may present a disposal problem. The better systems reduce, but don't eliminate these drawbacks. In times of fuel scarcity, useable gasifiers have been rapidly produced, both by small fabrication plants and backyard blacksmiths. While there has been substantial gasification research for the very large size units using mechanized fuel handling, the small manual fueled units remain somewhat primitive. Even so, overall efficiencies can be high, approaching 20 percent. Smaller, less regulated gasifiers would likely be substantially lower. Costs for providing a small gasifier system for Lime Village have been estimated between $10 - $40,000. While several firms manufacture small gasifiers, they are not produced in sufficient quantity to warrant a stock inventory; hence, no catalogs or firm quotes have been offered. A definitive RFP is expected to yield several bids. E. Thermoelectric Generators. Small size and reliability of TEG's enhance their suitability for domestic TES. Early pioneers used small kerosine powered 7EG's to run radio receivers. However, producing sizeable quantities of power is limited by cost and conversion efficiency of present units. Available low temperature thermoelectric panels cost abuut $6/watt and can approach about 2 percent conversion efficiency. The higher temperature units cost between $30 - $40/watt but can give over 3 percent efficiency. These prices do not include the heat transfer apparatus which would be fairly simple (boiler and heat exchanger). © Producing sufficient power for freezing during summer months would significantly increase wood fuel consumption by up to accord per month. If only "subsistence levels" of electrical supply were needed, TEG's become a more viable option. Manufacturers of wood powered TEG's reportedly exist in China and Soviet Union, but this has not yet been confirmed. Western firms sell units that use petroleum fuels. F. Brayton Cycle. Large, high pressure gas turbines generate much of Alaska's electricity and turbochargers increase diesel engine efficiency. Both are Brayton cycle engines, and both operate above atmospheric pressures, utilizing pressured fuel combustion. Solid fuels can be burned in a Brayton engine via a subatmospheric cycle. Hot flue gas from a furnace is drawn into a turbine where it is expanded into a low pressure plennum, cooled to ambient temperature, then recompressed to atmospheric pressure. Turbine output is greater than compression losses, yielding net shaft power. Recirculating most of the exhaust over the heat exchangers and back to the turbine increases performance. Efficiencies are claimed of about 27 percent with natural gas as opposed to 35 percent for the high pressure cycle. Using solid fuel is not expected to decrease efficiency substantially. There is only one moving part in the system, the turbine-compressor-alternator shaft, but this is a high tech item as speeds may exceed 70,000 rpm. Special rotors, bearings, and high temperature heat exchangers are recently developed items, and it is perhaps this newness that has limited the range of applications. It is possible to construct such a system from off-the-shelf components, although none burning solid fuels are known to be operating. Very efficient high speed turbines are commercially availaple in diesel engine turbochargers, alternators to match and high temperature heat exchangers can be obtained, all expensive, but simple. Even with substantial performance degradation from off-design components, adequate efficiency is likely. Coupled with system simplicity, ease of fuel handling, lack of pollutants, and relative safety, compared with other conversion systems, the subatmospheric Brayton engine appears to be worth investigating more seriously. However, developing a new engine, even from stock components, and expecting satisfactory performance at Lime Village would not be reasonable without substantial testing and optimisation. Time constraints are seen to be the major drawback. G. Photovoltaics. Considerable R&D in recent years broughtseveral manufacturers into the field and stock components are readily available, although prices remain high. To provide the minimum power required for summer operation of a modest central freezer, over $80,000 in PV arrays and controls is required, with little safety factor. For small power consumption, especially in summer months, photovoltaics is a prime solution. Since a "free" energy source is used, power is not wasted as may happen in summer when there is low demand for the reject heat of a heat engine. The energy produced by a PV array, however, is too small to significantly add to the space heat supply, or even to be useable for food freezing. It seems that PV's are more suitable for providing subsistence power in summer months in more remote homes, with substantailly less output in winter. The lack of correspondence between supply and demand is the biggest detriment, as most =10= of subsistence electrical useage would be for lighting. The diurnal cycle is compensated for by use of modest battery storage, but seasonal storage for the dark winter months is somewhat expensive. Nonetheless, seasonal use of PV's in Alaska has met with some success. Performance data has not yet made it back to the hardware salesman, which makes the computer printouts on performance just a bit suspect. Indeed, extrapolation of characteristics to a different weather reqime over the mountains cannot be done with any certainty. In comparing these technologies, certain decisions are ventured: 1. None of these technologies is suitable for a full power domestic TES. TEG's and PV's are too expensive and low power to provide enough power for refrigeration but would be suitable for subsistence power supply. All other systems require too much development, or are too massive and expensive for domestic use. 2. Acentral village facility with electrical generator and walk-in freezer is more likely to be successful. The conversion technology recommended is a wood generator coupled to an IC engine. Although more maintenance is likely, this system has the advantages of ease of installation, availability of components, high efficiency, and duel fuel capabilities. To be economical, a central facility should utilize all energy produced. The school is the largest consumer of both power and space heat and should be integrated in the system. Currently, the school runs a generator full time in winter at very high cost, supplying only the school with electricity. Wood heat is also purchased and maintenance provides a regular job during school season. Logically, a central village facility could supply the school's electrical and space heating needs while providing freezing and village electricity. The cash received from the school would greatly help in operation of the facility. Conversely, during the summer when the freezer has its biggest load, the school has no demand for electricity. Hence, solar powered refrigeration may be economical and is addressed in the Supplement. Any central facility will need some distribution system to get power to the residence. This will be a major portion of the total facility. Several types of distribution methods have been suggested, from high voltage lines with transformers (overhead or underground) to a more simple low voltage grid. It is likely that only the central village could be economically served, leaving the outlying residents dependent on different electrification methods. With all these factors in mind, a step-by-step procedure is offered to implement near term goals in Lime Village: 1. Negotiate with Iditarod School District for sale of electrical power and space heat to Lime Village School. A. Agreement to purchase energy will enable a village scale congenerative freezer/electrical/space heat plant to be more economical; Plant size and loads can then be determined, enabling prediction of capital and operating costs. The various -l1- engineering considerations of load management, distribution economics and inclusion of other amenities like laundry/shower facilities could then be addressed. B. Failure to reach an agreement with school district will necessitate not only scaling down of the facility but different use and equipment types. Solar-assisted refrigeration would be even more viable. Congeneration with private homes would be the next choice, after the school. 2. A wood gasifier coupled to a spark ignition internal combustion engine is the recommended power source for a standard generator set sized for village scale loads. A mechanical compressor unit (3 - 5 hp size) mounted on a prefab modular walk-in freezer box will likely be the most economical freezer arrangement. This combination includes a majority of stock items common in Alaska. Only the gasifier is an "add on" but sincethe engine can keep its original fuel capability, there is no loss of utility of the original system and a ready backup is provided. Gasifier costs have been estimated to be in the $10 - $40,000 range, freezer box and condensing unit, $15,000,and engine/generator. $8 - $15,000 (depending on load and controls). Not estimated are the heat transter hardware for space/water heating, the generator shed or other structures, the electrical distribution system, or costs of laundry/ shower facilities, nor do these estimates include engineering design or construction labor at Lime Village. 3. For either a large central facility or a more modest freezer, use of solar assisted freezing may enhance the economics significantly. A jet ejector system designed to operate continuously, as described in the Supplement, is the recommended means. A thermal storage method is anticipated. Although such a system can be deisgned and operated independently of the other systems, it would be preferable to design them simultaneously. 4. Depending on the scope of the central facility and distribution system, certain villagers would not receive electrical grid power. With food freezing otherwise provided for, households would only need modest "Subsistence" power supply. Thermoelectrics and photovoltaics are the two most feasible means. Since some of the outlying residences do not have a good solar exposure, TEG's should be installed in these homes. Assembly of components into a workable system can be done locally or at the factory. Modest size PV systems can be installed at those homes with good solar exposure and as access to central utility power. Resulting performance comparisons would be valuable. In conclusion, these recommendations are made: 1. Division of Energy and Power Development sponsore negotiations between Lime Village and Iditarod School District for sale of power and heat to the school. Total loads can then be specified. 2. Bids can then be called for and administered by DEPD, to accomplish the following tasks relating to a central facility: A. Engineering design, supply, and construction of electrical distribution oe” control system. -12- B. Construction and test demonstration of wood gasifier with IC engine and generator. C. Engineering design of solar powered themal jet ejector refrigeration subsystem and salt ice or eutectic thermal storage, and supply of hardware. D. Providing a walk-in freezer box with 3 hp condensing unit and 600 cubic foot net storage volume. E. On-site construction of central facility structure including shelter for gasifier, engine/generator, freezer, other facilities (laundry, etc.) as well as heat transfer equipment from engine to heat sink (school, hot water tanks, et cetera). F. Assemble the various components and subsystems into an integrated total system. G. Test and monitor the system and train local operators. 3. Bids could also be entertained for: A. Construction and demonstration of wood powered thermoelectric generators (estimated three residences) of approximately 100 w capacity with electrical storage and heat transfer mechanisms. B. Supply of a small photovoltaic system, sized for subsistence load as described in Exhibit 2. @ C. Installation of these systems in targeted homes in Lime Village, and monitor performance. The overall project can be administered in two large phases, as grouped above, or as individual stages. The amount of control that DEPD would wish to exercise over each stage of the project will determine whether a general contractor is chosen for each phase, or only subcontractors for each stage. It is hoped that the system could be made operational before fall, 1982. While this project is ambitious, it is tempered by perceived economic reality. The Village Council has already agreed to install and operate a conventional generator and freezer if no other means are found. Consequently, if the recommended course is not the best possible solution, it apparently has the least chance of failure. -13- ALASKA ENERGY RESEARCH GROUP P.O. BOX 1846. PALMER. ALASKA 99645 (907) 745-4586 ; Mr. John, Tournquist po December 14, 1981 Mr. George McDonald = | AiResearch Manufacturing Co. 2525 W. 190th Street — Torrance, CA 90509 SURSs iy Our earlier phone conversation was most informative. I read with con- siderable interest the article "Light Commercial Brayton/Rankine Space Conditioning System," and can see adaptations of the engine having great potential in rural Alaska. A descripton of the project follows, and I would greatly appreciate any additional comments regarding adapting this engine or other Garrett products to meet our needs. LIME VILLAGE PROJECT The purpose of this communication is to explain some technical aspects of the project and solicit comments from interested parties. The information thus gathered will determine the scope of a more formal request for proposals. @ The intent of the project is to provide residents of Lime Village with modest electrical supply and frozen food storage capabilities. These demands will be dealt with either separately or together. Two applica- tions will atso be considered: A completely domestic system entirely contained in a single residence; and a larger system suitable for a public building or cluster of residences. The fuel resource in Lime Village is wood, which presently provides space heating and cooking energy needs. It is desired that domestic systems will cogenerate electrical, refrigeration, heating, and cooking “needs from cord-wood fuel. The system desired would produce between 500 and 3000 watts electricity. Thermal efficiencies of between 2 and 15% are permissible. A total power budget of 170 kwh/month is anticipated per residence, of which 60% would be used for refrigeration. An electrical system operating at lower efficiency/output may utilize a heat power refrigeration system, in which case the electrical budget could be reduced. In any case, use of means for electrical storage (i.e., batteries) or heat storage may be appropriate. Heat rejected from the electrical/refrigeration system would be utilized for space and water heating. A generation system larger than 3 kW, may be utilized for a centra? complex consisting of a walk-in freeZer with excess electricity and reject heat distributed to a public building or nearby residences. A higher priority will then be placed on fuel efficiency, as the ratio of © needed electricity to space heat will be higher, say between 5-15%. EXHIBIT 1 Complete systems will include all necessary components, including wood combustors, thermo-mechanical converters, electrical generation/stor- age/distribution, heating storage and distribution, refrigeration system, and all controls. However, the major obstacle is the thermo- mechanical converter, which is the present focus. Attempts will be made to modify other components to match the converter. The Lime Village Project can be viewed as a pilot demonstration for domestic power/refrigeration/heating cogeneration systems. While providing services for the residents of Lime Village, the project will be a test of feasibility for application of similar technology and hardware to other parts of Alaska. There are many small communities with no central utility systems that have similar factors affecting power generation. Important factors are: 1) Very high cost of fuel for generators, often more than $2/gallon. 2) High capital cost per consumer for installing central generation plant and distribution system. 3) High per capita maintenance/management costs because of few con- sumers at each central installation. 4) Very low ratio of electrical/space heat energy needs. 5) Availability of local solid fuels like wood, coal, or peat. The State of Alaska is committed to providing electrical service to these communities and is currently in the investigative stage at several selected sites. First generation cogenerative domestic systems are believed to have potential economic advantages in this category, al- though such systems may be less efficient and more costly than later mass-produced models. The State is also committed to upgrading the power generating capability in areas with existing utility grids. Because of the favorable ratio of electrical/space heat needs and availability of low cost local fuels, a second generation cogenerative system could be expected to claim a substantial portion of the market. Information is solicited from manufacturing and engineering firms to help develop specific requests for proposals in the following areas: 1) Systems suitable for deployment in Lime Village. Ideally, hardware consisting of thermo-mechanical converters or complete systems, would be off-the-shelf or proven prototypes. There are eleven households in Lime Village. Following demonstration of hardware suitability, it is the intent to provide service to all households in the pilot project phase. 2) Systems suitable for installation in Alaskan communities as an alternative to central utilities. Such hardware will be production assemblies with demonstrated applicability. 3) Systems competitive with power produced from established central utilities. Presently, power costs anywhere from 3 to 50¢/kwh, so a cogenerative system can be competitive at costs of $10,000 or even greater. Descriptive literature is requested for hardware or systems suitable for any of the project phases. Factors to be addressed include: 1) Stage of development--Is hardware off-the-shelf, limited produc- tion, or prototype? What is necessary in time and commitment to reach a mass production level? What are estimated prices for different production volumes? 2) Operating characteristics--thermal efficiency, temperature regimes, recommended subsystems, safety, reliability, size, weight, suit- ability for various solid fuels, power range, etc. Should specifically suitable systems be unavailable, a development program may be considered, in one or more of the following cases: 1) Assemble a system from readily available components. Expected low performance due to off-design conditions may be offset by low initial deployment costs. 2) Select a prototype machine as the system core and move towards limited production. Increased developmental costs and time delay will be compared to expectations of better performance. 3) Develop a specifically tailored system. While the first case would be suitable for the Lime Village pilot project, the other cases requiring more development would be applicable for broader markets. A general description of the scope of anticipated development, results expected, time needed, and State participation desired would facilitate preparation of a reasonable request for proposals. In your response to these questions, include requests for any additional information necessary to prepare a proposal. Looking forward to your comments. Sincerely, Ralph Hulbert ALASKA ENERGY RESEARCH GROUP P.O. BOX 1846. PALMER, ALASKA 99645 (907) 745-4586 I am involved in a pilot project with the State of Alaska to provide modest electrical supply for homes in a small rural village. Photo- voltaics is one of the methods under consideration. Hopefully, you can provide us with prices and technical data for potential systems for domestic applications. Some pertinent data is listed below. Lime Village is located 185 miles west of Anchorage at 61° 21' North Latitude. There is no specific solar insolation data available, but such data for Anchorage, Matanuska, and Bethel are enclosed, which are at approximately the same lagitude. Specific obstructions are mountains to the east and south,at 2-3> above the horizon, and hills to southwest and west rising to 6°. Cloudiness factors are estimated to be similar to Anchorage. i Three different power budgets will be considered: 1) Subsistence usage--1.5 kwh/month in summer, increasing to 7.5 kwh/month in mid-winter. 2) Regular usage without refrigeration--30 kwh/month in summer, increasing to 50 kwh/month in mid-winter. 3) Full usage--170 kwh/month year-round. Please comment on meeting these loads using 12 volt vs. 120 volt sys- tems. Equipment anticipated include PV arrays, AC converters, battery banks, battery protectors, alternate charging system, and mounting hardware. Freight charges from Anchorage are a major consideration in the order of $.40/1b. air freight, or $.07/1b. parcel post for those items capable of being sent through the mail. There are eleven households in Lime Village, and if possible, we would like to provide service to all of them. Any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Ralph Hulbert EXHIBIT 2 'e xcGOnNmMmMooerwvoyYp ae 8 EXHIBIT 3 FIRMS CONTACTED Organic Rankine Cycle Steam Rankine Cycle Stirling Engines Biomass Gasifiers Thermoelectric Generators Brayton Cycle Photovoltaics Other Contacts * Reply received and listed iin Exhibit 4 ** Firms interested in TES Seminar *** Proposals of interest for domestic TES, Part A, Recommendations + Firms interested in bidding on Part B, Recommendations. Organic Rankine Cycle @ 1. Advanced Energy Concepts, 6433 Flamenco Street, Carlsbad, Ca., 92008. * ak Mr. S. M. Helekar, President. (714) 438-4379. Primarily engineering *** company, proposes to build systems using “off the shelf" components. + 2. Barber-Nichols Co., 6325 West 55th, Arvada, Co., 80002. Mr. Bill Batten, Senior Project Manager. (303) 421-8111. Primarily engineering and prototype building firm, has built ORC turbines and other machinery. 3. Carrier Corporation, Energy Systems Division, P. 0. Box 4800, Summit ° Landing, Syracuse, NY 13221. -“ Mr. Wendel J. Bierman, Solar Energy Program Manager. (315) 432-6000. A leading manufacturer of Rankine Cycle Refrigeration machinery; a sister company, UTRC is responding. 4. Cy International, Inc., 2741 Toledo Street, Suite 208, Torrance, if Ca., 90503. am kkk Mr. Robert Tatge, President. (213) 328-8550. Involved in engineering * R&D, proposes a system compoased of standard parts. 5. Energy Technology Incorporated, 4914 East 154th Street, Garfield @ Heights, Ohio 44128. Mr. Jon Martin, President. (216) 587-0555. Engineering R&D on solar Rankine machinery, but not extensively involved at present. 6. Ford Aerospace & Communications, Ford Road, Newport Beach, Ca. 92663. +« Mr. R. L. Pons, Manager, Engineering Department. (714) 759-6244. Manufacturing, R&D, believes Stirling engine or thermoelectric is better than small size ORC that they have tested. 7. General Electric Company, Building 7 CCEF, P. 0. Box 8661, = Philadelphia, Pa., 19101 “ Mr. K. L. Hanson. (215) 962-2000. Manufacturing, R&D, have tested solar ORC, but have no demonstrable system. 8. Honeywell TSC, 1700 West Highway 36, Roseville, NM 55113. * ** Mr. Gary Biernat, Market Manager. (612) 378-4178. Bob Aasen, Engineer. (612) 378-5469. Systems manufacturer, R&D, have developed 3 kw solar ORC for Lennox Industries and prototypes are now being evaluated. 9. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Mail Stop 506-432, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, Ca 99109. @ Mr. Bill Nesmith. (213) 577-9080. R&D, prototype development, have tested several systems for solar applications, but have no suitable Je 10. 1. 4a iss hardware at present. ORMAT Industries, c/o Jack West, P. 0. Box 471F, Star Route A, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. (907) 345-1352. ORMAT is the leading manufacturer of ORC machinery. Cost for basic 3kw turbine is in the order of $30,000 and would require substantial testing to develop solid fuels capacity. Sandia National Laboratories, Division 2542, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185 Mr. Joseph P. Abbin, Jr. (504) 844-8590. Have developed solar ORC, but currently have nothing in smaller sizes. Thermo-Electron Corporation, 101 First Avenue, Waltham, Ma., 02154 Mr. Mike Koplow, Dean Morgan. (617) 890-8700. Manufacturing, R&D, have built small charcoal and solar powered units. United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, Ct., 06108 Mr. F. R. Biancardi, Mr. Gorken Melikan. (203) 727-7234. Manufacturing, R&D, have built 15kw system. S53 ak kk B. Steam Rankine Cycle 1. C-E Industrial Boiler Operations, 1000 Prospect Hill Road, Windsor, @ Ct., 06095. 2. Columbia Boiler Company of Pottstown, Box G, Pottstown, Pa., 19464 3. Edge Moor Iron Works, Inc., 156 Observer Highway, Hoboken, N.J., 07030 4. Energy Division of Zurn Industries, Inc., 1422 East Avenue, Erie, Pa., 16503 5. Foster Wheeler Energy Corp., Dept. T-81, 110 S. Orange Avenue, Livingston, N.J. 07039. 6. Keeler. E., Co., 238 West Street, Williamsport, Pa., 17701. 7. The O'Brien Machinery Company, Green Street & Powerhouse Place, Downington, Pa., 19335 @ 8. Ocean Shore Boiler Works, Inc., P. 0. Drawer 24087, San Francisco, Ca., 94124 9. Riley Stoker Corporation, Dept. T.R., P. 0. Box 547, Worcester, Mass., 01613. 10. Skinner Engine Company, P. 0. Box 1149, Erie, Pa., 16512. * Mr. William L. Pettitjean, Sales Manager. (814) 454-7103. Established manufacturer of complete line of piston and turbine steam power systems. 11. Vapor Corporation, 6420 West Howard Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60648. 3.4 Stirling Engines 1. Clark Power Systems, 916 West 25th Street, Norfolk, Va., 23517 Mr. Earl A. Clark, P.E., President. (304) 625-5917. Developing a 1.5kw system with mult-fuel capabilities, currently stalled due to a lack of developmental funds. a International, Inc., 2741 Toledo Street, Suite 208, Torrance, Ca., 90503. Mr. Robert Tatge, President. (707) 226-5027. Primarily engineering firm but allied with manufacturing concern. Stirling hardware systems proposed could be well suited for many Alaskan applications. Ho Mach Systems, Ltd., Hargreaves Road, Groundwell Ind., Est., Swindon Wilts SN25A2, England. Mr. G. M. Foster. (440) 0793 722264. Have 500 w free piston engine under development, 18 months until marketing. Mechanical Technology, Incorporated, 968 Albany Shaker Road, Latham, New York 12110. Dr. L. R. Lawrence, Jr., Director for Technical Development. (518) 785-2348. Manufacturing, R&D, have gas fired free piston Stirling engine. This engine offers many advantages for domestic TES in Alaska and is apparently well along towards development. Stirling Power Systems, 7101 Jackson Road, Ann Arbor, Mi., 48103 Mr. John G. Agno, Marketing Department. (313) 665-6767. The 6.5kw V160 engine has been under development for some time and has been in very limited production. More development is required, especially for multi-fuel capability. Sunpower, Incorporated, 6 Byard Street, Athens, Oh., 45701 Mr. Fred LaSor United Stirling, Inc., 211 The Strand, Alexandria, Va., 22314 Mr. W. H. Percival. (703) 549-7174. Manufacturing, R&D, work in conjunction with Stirling Power and others. Have tested larger engines on wood fuel. 3.5 ** oF kk Te wk kK ** KK Biomass Gasifiers I. 10. Alberta Industrial Developments, Ltd., 704 Cambridge Building, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5J1R9. Richard P. Assaly, President. (403) 429-4094. Applied Engineering Company, P. 0. Box 1327, Orangeburg, SC. 29115. Biomass Corporation, 951 Live Oak Boulevard, Yuba City, Ca., 95991 Davy Powergas, Inc., P. 0. Box 3644, Houston, Texas, 77036 C-E Power Systems, Combustion Engineering, Inc., 1800 South West, First Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97201. G. R. Dahlinger, District Manager. (503) 224-9132. Does not make small scale units. ECON Company, P. 0. Box 828, Alexander City, Alabama 35010. Mr. Ben Russell. (205) 329-8424. Developing small gasifier for automotive use. Eco-Research, Ltd, P. 0. Box 200, Station A, Willowdale, Ontario Canada M2N 558. Mr. Paul Daly. (416) 226-6110. Industrial and waste gasifiers. Forest Fuels Manufacturing, Water Street, Box 547, Marlborough, New Hampshire, 03455. Mr. Jack Calhoun, Sales & Marketing. (603) 876-3353. Manufacture close-coupled gasifiers for large boilers. Halcyon Associates, Inc. Maple Street, East Andover, New Hampshire, 03231 Volvo BM AB, S-405 08 Goteborg, Sweden. Mr. Bertil Hansson, Product Planning. +4631235460. Do not presently manufacture gasifiers, but have in past and possess knowledge to do so in emergencies. 36 * Thermoelectric Generators Ts Cambridge Thermionic Corp., 445 Concord Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. Mr. Paul C. Hannon, Engineer. (617) 491-5400. Manufacturers of thermoelectric cooling units, which can be used for electric generation from low temperature heat sources (approximately 150° C) at efficiencies less than 2 percent, costs over $6/watt. Global Thermoelectric Power Systems, Ltd., P. 0. Box 90, Bassano, Alberta, Canada. Mr. Norm Arrison, General Manager. (403) 472-3512. Manufacture high temperature thermoelectrics used for remote power production. Low efficiency (5 - 9%) may be offset by reliability and time of development. Gulf Energy and Environmental Systems, Thermoelectric Products Division, Box 81608, San Diego, California 92138 Thermo-Energy Converters Corp., 607 Kent Avenue, Brookly, New York 11211 Brayton Cycle le AiResearch Manufacturing Company, 2525 West 190th Street, Torrance California 90509 Mr. John Tournquist, Mr. George McDonald. (213) 323-9500. Manufacturing, R&D, have tested 35kw subatmospheric turbine engine that can be adapted to solid fuel capability. Engine has only one moving part and high efficiency (approximately 27%). Photovoltaics Ts ARCO Solar, Inc., 20554 Plummer Street, Shatsworth, California 91311 Mr. Timothy Guiser, Mr. Allison Mosch. Manufacture wide line of photovoltaic equipment. Son Power Company, 512 East 4th Avenue, Olumpia, Washington 98501 Mr. John Bergford. (206) 352-9444. Manufacture complete line of PV equipment. Sel) **k kkk xk ake Kk Other Contacts @ J. MITRE Corporation, 1820 Dolly Madison Boulevard, McLean, VA 22102 Mr. Abu Talib a 2. Battelle Alaska Operations, 10] West Benson Boulevard, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Mr. George Jensen, Mr. Bob Mole. (907) 274-8811 3. Reid, Collins, Alaska, Inc., 1577 C Street, Suite 301, Anchorage, Alaska 99501. Mr. Calvin Kerr. (907) 276-2793 4. Advanco Corporation, 999 H Sepulveda Boulevard, Suite 314, El Secundo, California 90245. Mr. Byron Washam. (213) 679-1491 5. Sunstrand Energy Systems, 4747 Harrison Avenue, Rockford, Illinois, 61101. Mr. David Morgan. (815) 226-6000 6. ARINC Research Corporation, Annapolis, MD. (301) 266-4000. 7. Fairchild Industries, Inc., Manhattan Beach, California. Mr. Bob Hoag. (213) 675-9111. 8. Wind Systems Engineering, Inc., 1551 East Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. + Mr. Mark Newel. (907) 274-2627. 9. Marenco, Inc., 1281 West 82nd Street, Anchorage, Ak. 99502. is + Joe Marks, P.E. (907) 344-4279. 3.8 @ EXHIBIT 4 REPLIES Written replies received thus far in answer to Exhibits 1 and 2 are included here, indexed as listed in Exhibit 3. Not included are the verbal comments received nor much of the sales brochures or technical papers. 4-1 To 12-23-61 MaT eR ak ph—hut herd 6433 Flamence St- Alera En wrigy Reve arch Grreut, Carlsbad, Ga. %200g TP. 0. Bex, 1846 PaSmer ; Alerea 99645 =DSedyecs 1 ame Niccace Preesect Dea Mr —Wulber’, TL am sommy “ s sed cp Land aiten rept 5 owe, Up en vacR en and J Miley Gant +o Acdtay Te merpma We ane vu The \preceos Fs Kuakiging our years invest | wire chillers of com pers fonds an dcvela peg = Seles sy3\e~ A Nags ue Power soppy. Thus we an Um ideal Kendiken Te eke oun Maus @ prrejest ae Yart ~mininun ees TP sw pera s are <ombincol <4 Nhe We can frouide se idenh + sys\e~ OS WW 50,000 ante, preside cammencict syFlems 2) appreinnalely B2/cco,c0 Thue Vurmlsors necok Gan evaluation. The SRMachke® cenmects arr brveck en a probinscary analysis, Pleare accept my eneral Sommers ot This stage. Birney Sams hele Prasidentk Aoances Extrcy Gow ceorts EXHIBIT 4 A.1 Carrier Corporation Carrier Tower P.O. Box 4800 Syracuse New York 13221 — Energy Systems Division January 18, 1982 Mr. Ralph Hulbert Alaska Energy Research Group P.O. Box 1846 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Dear Mr. Thank you for your letter of December 14, outlining your planned program for Hulbert: Lime Village. We see the problem primarily as an electrical generation problem from wood The refrigeration and space heat aspects are It is our feeling that our United Technologies Research Center is much closer to a product in the basic or similar biomass sources. of much less technical challenge. generator than are we. will leave them to carry the initiative for the present. Since you are already in contact with them, we We appreciate your invitation to discuss this subject. Sincerely ei (el Dr. Wend Program J. Biermann ee Solar Energy Group /bzm Ex 44.3 Cy International, Inc. MAIN PLANT SALES OFFICE 2741 TOLEDO STREET, SUITE 208 1390 MARKET STREET, SUITE 908 TORRANCE, CA 90503 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102 (213) 328-8550 (415) 431-0363 (213) 775-6546 TWX 910-372-2072 PLEASE REPLY TO: Torrance January 14, 1982 Alaska Energy Research Group P.O. Box 1846 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Attention: Mr. Ralph Hulbert Subject: Lime Village Project Dear Mr. Hulbert: Thank you for your recent letter providing background for the subject project. In view of the time constraint, however, we have obviously been unable to devote the time necessary to perform an in-depth trade- off analysis of the problem. We have, therefore, taken a cursory ex- amination of the problem from the standpoint of both the Rankine and Stirling cycle approaches. By way of background we should mention that Cv International, together with our affilliate BKM, Inc. have been involved in the development of a Stirling engine co-generation system for domestic home use (Ap- endix A) which, while not directly applicable to the Lime Village application, does provide a good understanding of your problem and a knowledge of available hardware. Inasmuch as a Stirling engine of the low power level required does actually exist, we would suggest this approach to be more feasible than the more conventional Rankine approach for which, unfortunately, hardware does not exist in such small sizes without further develop- ment. Moreover, the Rankine cycle presents certain practical prob- lems, perhaps, which are not desireable for the Lime Village en- viroment; i.e., fluid type, size of components, maintenance, etc. A proposed Rankine system is included, however, in Appendix B for your information. The Stirling approach as suggested herein, is based upon the utili- zation of a petroleum fuel for base load control. Although this fuel at first glance does not appear to be the approach you seek, we believe that it does in fact provide a realistic solution; simplification and room for use of wood fueled heat input without dependence upon the amount, reliability or precise control of the wood fueled heat source. More simply stated, when using wood to heat EXHIBIT 4 A.4 (also C.2 ) Alaska Energy Group 1/14/82 the Stirling heater head, serious problems exist if the fire goes out or is improperly attended or is not at a sufficient level. In our proposal, however, this is circumvented, since heat will be added to meet the minimum, steady state loads; refrigeration or other vital services. This is similar to an approach current- ly in practice already for a Solar-Stirling system in which a predictably available (gas) heat source is used to top-off the unpredictable solar heat source so as to maintain constant load. Please note also that load control of Stirling machines is best handled by heat input; a definite problem when using a wood- fueled source but much easier for petroleum fueled units. In our case we would (as stated above) drop out all but the critical loads (refrigeration) in event of wood-fueled problems and thus confine petroleum fuel usage to a bare minimum; yet protect food, etc. from spoilage. Our proposed system is described briefly below in which we en- vision two 6 kw units, only one of which would be used at any one time. A battery system can be used for periods of very low demand to minimize total energy consumption and to pro- vide automatic controls for starting and emergencies. The basic system (Figure 1 below) would be constructed of off- the-shelf components and should not demand a great deal in de- velopment time or cost. This basic system would be fueled by a combination of wood plus diesel fuel or gasoline to assure automatic 24 hour a day operation. General Description of Stirling Engine Total Energy System for Lime Village Basic Prime Mover, 2 units 0 to 6 kw Capacity Each o 6 kw Stirling Generator Set 110 v AC o Thermal efficiency 23% o Fuel, normal: o Diesel o Kerosene o Gasoline o Natural Gas o Fuel, Alternate with Heatpipe o Wood o Coal o Solar thermal Auxiliary Systems o Heat balancing heat exchanger o Water to air heat exchanger o Supplemental. battery power o Automatic controls o Hot water storage o Hot water distribution o Automatic, demand responsive controls o Supplemental energy from wood, coal, or solar Overall Energy Conversion o Electrical, 14,800 btu/kwh input o Waste heat, 9,100 btu/kwh output o Combined energy efficiency, 85% 13 = Alaska Energy Group 1/14/82 Basic Concept o Basic system, totally self contained automatic controls for 24 hr/day unattended operation. o When on petroleum fuel, reverts to vital circuits only. Requires addition of supplemental wood fuel to provide space and water heating. o When very low demand, reverts to operation for minimum fuel consumption. Automatic start of engine when demand is greater than battery capacity. o Provides power to ciruuits without any attention other than supply of petroleum fuel. Cost The lowest cost system would install the two Stirling engines as a small central station powerplant and feeding the electrical power and hot water from this central unit. A more elegant system involves using a complete unit at each one of the dwell- ings. Either scheme is technically feasible and can be evaluated and optimized during the proposed feasibility study. We propose the program in 5 phases as follows: Phase Description Cost Schedule Phase I - Feasibility study, system design ‘55,000 4 months and optimization Phase II - Construction and demon- 520,000 8-12 months stration of wood burning boiler with petroleum fuel topping system Phase III - Installation of system at Lime 160,000 3 months Village. Alaska Energy Group 1/14/82 The cost and schedule for Phase I is firm, the remaining are estimates and will be confirmed as part of the feasibility study. We appreciate the opportunity to respond to you on this program and look forward to your response. Robert J. Tatge President RJT:ah cc: J. Beck - BKM, Inc. T. Pfenning Attachments: Appendix A - Domestic Cogeneration System Appendix B - Preliminary Proposal - Raukine Cycle Approach BKM - COGENCO TOTAL: ENERGY SYSTEM ATMOSPHERIC HEAT EXCHANGER WATER SUPPLY HOUSEHOLD WATER p93" THERMOSTAT ELECTRIC : PUMP TAN BYPASS VALVE THERMAL SIPHON HOT | EXISTING EXISTING 1 110 eS WATER HOT “ FORCED VAC STORAGE WATER AIR TANK TANK FURNACE COGENERATION SYSTEM Burner Blower Burner a | @ GAS SUPPLY. @. E E1 Appendix A 1/14/82 The System has the ability to operate on non-scarce fuels, such as coal, wood, or waste materials. The Stirling engine can also be adapted to utilize solar heat energy allowing even further alter- native energy sources. Current systems in operation suffer from the noise and exhaust emissions inherent with internal combustion engines. Current sys- tems are rather expensive ($750 to $1,500 per kw installed) be- cause of custom design and low production volume. The BKM sys- tem proposed here is envisioned as a standardized, high volume unit with standardized installation requirements. The target cost is $600 per kw installed. In the homeowner unit, it is envisioned that the electrical gen- erator will be connected, by means of an inductor alternator, to the electric utility power source, see Figure 1. In this way, the System can be run at a constant load and any excess power generated can be pumped into the utility grid or, if the demand is greater than the engine output, it can be supplimented from the utility supply. The inductor alternator eliminated the need for costly electrical switch gear. It is anticipated that heat storage systems will be used to facil- itate load balancing and to obviate the need to generate electri- cal power during periods of low demand. The initial commercial applications of Stirling engines are ex- pected to be for those uses in which the unique characteristics of the Stirling engine are of overriding importance. Some of these applications are: 1. Engines which operate in an enclosed space demanding the minimum in exhaust emissions. 2. Systems used in or near residential dwellings that re- quire quiet, non-polluting operation. 3. Auxiliary total energy power plants for recreational vehicles, marine, and similar applications demanding smooth and quiet operation. 4. Applications in which the waste heat rejection of the Stirling engine is readily and productively used. 5. Engines which are required to be powered by thermal storage, solar energy, waste heat, and other sources not readily usable in other thermal power plants. Appedix A 1/14/82 The applications of Stirling engines for cogeneration capitalizes on the unique characteristics of the Stirling engine. In order to serve the commercial market competitively, the Stirling engine should demonstrate some minimum cost and performance objec- tives: Thermal efficiency - 41% Time between overhauls - 30,000 hours Cost - no more than 50% premium over diesel engines The salient features which should contribute to commercial success in the residential market are: ie) (Qutet 2. Low price, $400/kw factory price $600/kw installed 3. High efficiency and performance, 33% overall electrical 4. Low maintenance, less than $0.01/kwh 5. Long life, 10 years minimum 6. Compact package The project contemplates the utilization of an existing diesel engine for the early system followed by optimized Stirling units. To reach the target factory price of $400/kw for a complete system, it is estimated that annual production volume must reach 100,000 units. It is envisioned that two basic sizes of systems can satisfy the bulk of the total energy applications. The average single family dwelling with moderate heating and cooling requirements can utilize the 3 kw unit, For greater demands, multiples of 3 kw or the 10 kw systems can be used. An illustration of the 10 kw unit is shown in Figure 2. For electricity and hot water only, a 1-1/2 kw version of the basic 3 kw system will be offered as a completely self-con- tained system in a conventional appearing hot water heater envelope, see Figure 3. Appendix A 1/14/82 The basic specifications for the 3 kw, 10 kw and 1-1/2 kw units are: Ratings CS=3 CS-10 Cs-1 Input Max, 9.6 kw 30.0 kw 4.8 kw Per kwh out 10,890 BTU/kwh 10,240 BTU/kwh 10,890 BTU/kwh Output Electrical (max.) 3.0 kw 10.0 kw 1.5 kw Thermal (max.) 5.1 kw 15.9 kw 2.5 kw Engine rating 4.7 hp 15.0 hp 2.4 hp Alternator 3.0 kw 10.0 kw 1.5 kw Overhaul life 30,000 hrs. 30,000 hrs. 30,000 hrs. Load factor 30% to 100% 30% to 100% 30% to 100% Weight Engine 04 ib 190 1b 45 lb Alternator 70 1b 170 1b 35) ab Controls & Packaging 30 1b 60 1b 1350 db TOTAL 154 1b 420 1b 230 1b Efficiencies Engine only, BTE 41% 41% 41% Alternator 85% 90% 85% Burner & exhaust system 90% 90% 90% Overall system Electrical 31% 33% 31% Thermal 53% 53% 53% Overall Size Length(inc.alternator)27 in. 48 in. 20 in.(24 inc alt) Width 20 in. 24 in. 20 in. Height 18 in. 30 6in. 66 in. @ Key Issues o System will provide energy for cooking, heating, refrigeration, electricity. o Commercial system is estimated to cost about $12,000.00. o System size is expected to be 2.5' cube. o Only well developed technology is considered including wood burning. o Critical areas a) Raukine Prime-Mover b) Controls Prime-Mover o Variation in Ambient Temperature changes operating pressure ratio from 5 to 80. Screw type, vane type, and reciprocating prime-movers are suitable for low power application but not when pressure ratio is over 6. o Turbine can be reliable and will simplify system operation and lubrication. High efficiency requires high speed and special gear-box, and in turn high cust. commercialization of such unit will be very costly. Moderate efficiency, direct drive turbine is recommended. o First commercial turbine we are planning happens to suit this application. Variation in electrical load require- ment and ambient temperature together allows constant speed turbine operation and so contant moderate turbine performance. Controls o Microprocesser controls will offer reliable system performance at moderate development cost and low production cost. o Low pressure, water lines and valves control are inexpensive. 1. SYSTEM COMMENTS Refrigeration It will utilize electrical energy because o Simpler approach o Does not need additional heat pump type system o Organic Raukine Cycle output increases and so a practical prime-mover (turbine) and other components design is feasible, o The desired system will be always operative at some load and so emergy storage can be eliminated. Wood fuel supply will be increased or decreased automatically as desired (similar to any other fuel system). Temporary excess energy will be used for excess refrigeration. Cooking Fuel (wood) energy will be transferred to slightly pressurized water. 390°F water will be used for cooking whenever necessary. Unused water and exit water from cooking range will be used to operate freon Raukine cycle. Space Heating Hot water heat source after Raukine cycle will be used for space heating. General System Description System will be similar to the one described in the attached paper except substantially smaller. Storage There will be no Thermal/Electrical storage. System will operate on continuous basis and wood fuel supply will be controlled as desired. Fuel Only one of the types of fuels (wood, coal, peat, etc.) will be used in the beginning. Other alternatives will be considered in the future. Development Program System Analysis - Data Aquisition, Various Energy Requirements Daily, Monthly Variations, Hardware Identification Prime-Mover - Type, State of Technology Commercialization Approach Controls - Automation System Demonstration * No Engineering Studies Cost Estimation lst System Hardware and Development - Minimum 700,000 Most people will ask 1,500,000 If combined with our present program 250,000 <> Ford Aerospace & Communications Corporation Aeronutronic Division Ford Road Newport Beach, California 92663 19 January 1982 SCSE-82-004 Mr. Ralph Hulbert Alaska Energy Research Group P.O. Box 1846 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Dear Mr. Hulbert: I received your letter of 14 December 1981 just prior to the close of our facility for the Christmas holiday. There are some very interesting technical aspects of your Lime Village Project and we may be able to help you. I'm currently preparing a detailed response and should get it to you within the next two weeks. Mechanical Engineering Dept. /mak Ex 4 A.6 © & Ford Aerospace & Communications Corporation Aeronutronic Division Ford Road Newport Beach, California 92663 1 March 1982 SCSE-82-009 Mr. Ralph Hulbert Alaska Energy Research Group P.O. Box 1846 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Dear Mr. Hulbert: Please pardon my long delay in responding to your inquiry of last December. As I indicated in our recent telephone conversation, your Lime Village Project is particularly challenging and we have consulted a number of @ technical sources, both inside and outside of our division, for information regarding possible solutions and available hardware. The general consensus is that there isn't any off-the-shelf hardware that will do the job, but a system could be developed from components which are readily available. Although it is not clear just what type of power conversion system would be most cost-effective, it does appear that the formulation of a definitive set of requirements/specifications, particularly as regards the user environment, is a necessary prerequisite to the development effort. For our preliminary discussion, we have assumed remote operations with non-technical personnel and rudimentary maintenance. We first examined our organic Rankine cycle (ORC) engine-powered Small Community Solar Plant for your application and then looked at several alternate systems over the power range of interest. (For further background on our system, I have enclosed a paper which I have just prepared for the forthcoming Journal of Solar Sciences by van Nostrand Co.) The following comments summarize our findings: RANKINE ENGINES 1) For turbine systems, ORC engines are generally superior to steam Rankine cycle engines in the small-to-medium size range, i.e. below about 1 MW. and for low-to-medium expander inlet temperatures, i.e. below about 400-800°C. The ORC superiority resides in better efficiency and reliability; however, both are quiet running and represent "state-of-the-art" technology. The ORC engine benefits from a more favorable pressure-density-temperature characteristic of the working fluid which results in better turbine efficiency at the lower power level and lower temperature. This benefit goes away at large sizes as evidenced by the virtually exclusive use of Mr. Ralph Hulbert 1 March 1982 Page 2 steam systems in large central electrical generating stations. Steam engines employing piston expanders have been built* for the smaller sizes, i.e. typically 50 kw, or less but the lubrication problems have not yet been over- come and perforfiance/reliability are poor. The Israelis (Ormat Turbine) have built a large number of low temperature ORC engines (100-200°C) for a variety of applications, including their relatively recent solar-pond research. In the U.S., Sundstrand and Barber-Nichols are the leading exponents of ORC technology, with Garrett AiResearch, Thermoelectron and MTI also involved in various projects. Note that Barber-Nichols designed and built our ORC engine; it is not presently capable of operation as a fuel-burning system, but the addition of a combustor is a straight-forward task. 2) For very small sizes, however, i.e. below about 10-15 KW > turbine-based ORC engines are not good power conversion devices since they become very inefficient and the reliability/maintainability of very small, high speed rotating machines is poor. Barber-Nichols has built a very small (< 5 kw_) turbine unit but it's our understanding that performance is poor and the engine is not a good one. (Except for some G.E. work with a rotary vane expander, we are not aware of any other ORC hardware in this size range.) From the standpoint of safety alone, I would question the wisdom of placing such machinery within a residence. 3) For this application, care must be exercised to keep the control system very simple. U.S. based industrial ORC units generally have digital micro- processor-type controls; this is acceptable for central station systems but questionable for a Lime Village system. It's entirely possible that Ormat has already developed a simple analog-type control system for their remote ORC plants, but we don't have any data on their hardware. 4) For larger size power conversion applications, e.g. at the village level, our ORC could be competitive. We are running successfully on solar input now and by the end of this year we expect to have several well-developed, trouble- free units. The hardware is dead quiet, efficient (~23-26%) and designed for very long life (30 years) with low maintenance. We could modify the system for combustion input with simplified control in perhaps 12 months. If desired, a solar parabolic dish concentrator could be added to reduce dependence on fuel-burning and the associated noxious emissions--provided the economics are favorable, of course. I should point out that the parabolic dish could also be used at night as a microwave antenna to receive satellite broadcasts; this has already been done in China although I do not have detailed data. STIRLING ENGINES 1) In the absence of the aforementioned lubrication problems, we would prefer a piston machine for the very small power application. The Stirling cycle engine appears to fit this requirement and offers the added benefit of high *Foster-Miller and Jay Carter Enterprises, among others, have built a number of these engines. Mr. Ralph Hulbert 1 March 1982 Page 3 efficiency and relatively quiet operation. The ~5 kw, APU, built by Stirling Power Systems, Ann Arbor, Michigan for the Winnebago fiotor home, appears to be a good candidate. The engine is a rather old design of United Stirling (Sweden), with a maximum efficiency of only about 20%, but the waste heat is also captured for water heating and I understand it to be a good, reliable engine. 2) The present combustion head would probably have to be reconfigured with a heat pipe to permit heating from a source such as a wood fire. This shouldn't be a problem, however, since N. V. Philips (Eindhoven) successfully demonstrated a small Stirling operating on an open charcoal fire over 10 years ago. They also ran it on a variety of fuels, including alcohol, benzine, naphalene, salad oil, olive oil, etc.! 3) Most Stirling engines use some form of what is known as "mean pressure level" control, whereby the high pressure gaseous working fluid (hydrogen or helium) is pumped into or out of the engine, from a supply bottle, to increase or decrease power. A relatively simple analog type of control is employed to "slave" the gas valve to a heater head temperature sensor; this provides for varying output power as load and combustion rate varies, holding temperature constant, with efficiency nearly constant over a wide power range. For stationary application, some form of load control is also required on the alternator so that output voltage and engine speed (frequency) are held constant. Variations in gas flow and working pressure--to accommodate load changes--thus actually vary the torque of the engine. 4) There are a number of problems with Stirling cycle engines, however. The high temperature operation forces the use of expensive materials in the heater heads and certain other components. To avoid creep-rupture problems, frequent replacement of these components may be necessary when the engine is in continuous use; life cycle cost can thus be quite high in comparison to more conventional engine cycles. High cost is the major reason that Stirling engines were eliminated from consideration as automotive power plants by both Ford and GM; nevertheless, this application may provide a quite different set of economic considerations. ALTERNATE CONCEPTS A number of other power conversion devices come to mind, e.g. wind systems and thermoelectric systems. The latter could be quite advantageous for first generation systems if efficiency is not important as you have stated. In principle, they are totally passive, should be virtually maintenance-free and could be integrated easily into a variety of heat source systems. However, we have no direct experience with either thermoelectric systems or wind systems. PROGRAM ASPECTS We would recommend an initial phase of perhaps 10 months duration--for systems analysis and conceptual design--to be carried out by two (2) or more competitive companies. Follow-on development phases of 134 to 2 years duration might be appropriate for detailed design hardware fab and test. Before initiating such Mr. Ralph Hulbert 1 March 1982 Page 4 an effort, however, two important questions should be addressed, 1) are you interested in a "quick fix" or in the long-range development of a cost- effective, self-contained power conversion/co-generation power plant suitable throughout Alaska and possibly at remote sites in other states? and 2) how do you envision the commercialization process? With regard to 1), it appears that a quick fix is desirable if someone can quickly put together a workable system, albeit not a cost-effective system, from readily available hardware, for direct purchase by the state of Alaska for a specified number of sites. In the absence of more specific site requirements, unit cost guidelines and the like, I have no choice but to assume a more orderly, competitive development of a complete system, i.e. conceptually a "black box" capable of taking a variety of combustible materials in one end and pumping electricity (and heat) out of the other end; it must be quiet, air-transportable with long-life, have low maintenance and be capable of operation without technically skilled personnel. With respect to the second question, for example, would the state of Alaska pay only for development or would it provide (guarantee) some initial market for the system? Would cost-sharing in the development be required and, if so, what would be the licensing/patent provisions? As regards cost, it is difficult to project development costs without a clearer picture of the requirements; using our Smal] Community Solar Power program as a model $ an ROM* for the initial phase cost might be about $500,000 and the design, fab and test phase might be anywhere from 1 to 5 million dollars depending most heavily on how much engine development (versus modification) is required. I hope this brief review will be of some help in your planning; if I can be of further assistance, don't hesitate to call. Very truly yours, (Mo Manager Robert Mechanidgal Engineering Dept. /mak cc: R. Babbe R. Sernka Vv. Bruce *Rough order of magnitude @ @ GENERAL &@ ELECTRIC ADVANCED ENERGY PROGRAMS DEPARTMENT GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, P.O. BOX 8661, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA 19101 Tel (215) 962-2000 February 24, 1982 Mr. Ralph Hulbert Alaska Energy Research Group P.O. Box 1846 Palmea, Alaska 99645 Dear Mr. Hulbert: As you well know, the Lime Village Project is a challenge because the available hardware for remote power generation is quite limited if liquid-fuel engine units are not considered. In fact, remote power supply is a world class problem, and many areas do not have the abundant supply of wood that exists in the regions of interest to you. In addition to the basic problem of generating electrical power in a stand-alone situation, the following factors increase the difficulty of your problem: aie The seasonal variation in climate, sunlight, etc., result in a wide range of environmental conditions. b. The electrical load apparently has a high peak to average ratio. Cle A residential wood burning heating unit will be a non-constant source of heat both in temperature and amount. There will be both large seasonal and daily variations. The net result is that a thermal to electrical energy conversion system will operate between a variable source and a variable load. Sophisticated controls, near continuous operator attention, and/or energy storage may be needed. As I indicated on the telephone, I believe you will find few, if any, commercially available systems, subsystems, or major components that will meet your needs. Comments on some of the approaches are provided in the following paragraphs. A thermoelectric unit is a candidate that merits additional investigation. Its features include: Ex 4 A.7 GENERAL €@ ELECTRIC Mr. Ralph Hulbert February 24, 1982 a. Simplicity in operation, especially in that it may well be able to accommodate wide variations in operating conditions. At least the generator portion of a system will be self-starting and can tolerate load transients with simple controls. b. Long life (under the proper conditions). Ce Low maintenance. d. Modularity. It can be developed in small sizes and can be developed as a "building block module" which can be cascaded to provide the desired capacity. e. Safety. Exploratory development is being conducted at Valley Forge on low temperature thermoelectrics for industrial or commercial applications. One use is for a waste heat generator for automobile engines. Unit capacities of 200 watts using a hot side temperature of 110°C are being investigated. Eventual costs which would make this a feasible automobile component are postulated. This development is part of our thermoelectrics activity described in the enclosed brochure. Note that an increased interest in military applications for fuel fired thermoelectric power sources is resulting in new development program starts in 1981 and 1982. There are also commercially available fuel-fired units. Is there sufficient sunlight in the area to consider photovoltaics as a summer power source? It would not be feasible in the winter, but the days are long in the summer when the need for refrigeration is greatest. Though it is light for many hours each day, the total daily insolation needs to be checked, as it may be relatively low compared to the regions where photovoltaics are being used. Technical notes on a shingle module and a Fresnel concentrator are enclosed. A heat engine, typically a Rankine cycle, is the approach indicated in your letter and is certainly a strong candidate for the application. Development of many different concepts has occurred. Two of our concepts are described in the enclosed technical papers. The Elec-Pak unit was a total energy system intended to use a liquid fuel. It utilizes heat at about 600°F and produced electricity, refrigeration, heat and hot water. The solar heat pump operates with lower temperature heat -- about 250°F -- as it was compatible with our vacuum tube solar collectors. I am providing the information on these Rankine engine units primarily to illustrate our capability to develop a system directed at an application. Neither unit is available for sale on a commercial basis. They do represent technology that could be applied to the development of a system for your applications. GENERAL @@ ELECTRIC Mr. Ralph Hulbert February 24, 1982 Years ago, the need for shaft power was provided by hot air engines and steam engines, both external combustion units. There must have been wood burning steam engines at sawmills, etc., though most that I have seen burn coal. Some of this technology may have survived and still be available in the market. I have enclosed a,copy of a letter I received from the Energy Inquiry and Refererral Service. Note that it states (on page 3) that 10 HP engines are available from two sources. One of these might serve your needs for a demonstration system. Absorption refrigeration systems are commercially available, primarily for air conditioning, and small units have been driven with solar energy. As I discussed with you on the phone, there used to be at least two types of heat driven household refrigerators on the market. Our recent experience includes some study of the use of absorption air conditioners with solar collectors. There is an increase in the consideration of non-conventional cooling systems for military applications, which may produce information of interest to you in the next year or two. We expect to investigate this area. I hope the above data is of use to you. The Lime Village project is a real challenge and includes requirements that are not met by standard commercial systems. I believe that considerable development will be required to create a satisfactory system, even if readily available components are used. I note with interest your comments about the prospects of the state initiating a program as the resources required exceed those that can be provided by a smaller organization. Very truly yours, KA Never K. L. Hanson Program Manager KLH:mac Enclosures (as listed) Thermoelectrics Technology and Applications Solar Photovoltaic Shingle Module GE P-150 Solar Photovoltaic GE Fresnel Concentrator Module Elec-Pak Description Rankine Cycle Solar Driven Heat Pump Development Letter from Conservation and Renewable Energy Inquiry and Referral Service Honeywell December 10, 1981 Alaskan Energy Research Corp. Box 1846 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Attention Mr. Ralph Hulbert Dear Ralph: We are excited about the opportunity to apply organic Rankine engines to a solid fuel burner to provide a small electrical generating power plant. Honeywell TSC is the nations most successful developer of solar organic Rankine systems and this experience will be invaluable in your project. Enclosed are two documents summarizing a portion of our solar/Rankine system for Alaska, but we feel these documents will give you an indica- tion of our capability in the organic Rankine system area. Adap- tation of this technology to a solid fuel energy source will not be difficult. Attachment #1 is a paper describing the "404" project. We have ten highly successful solar systems designed, built and operated by Honeywell, eight of which have 0.R. driven chillers. Note that some of these systems can also generate electricity when there is no cooling load. Also note that we supported the devel- opment of one Power Generation Unit (no chiller) that was started up this last fall. Attachment #2 is a paper we put together for AID/Egypt at NASA's request. The seven projects addressed were suggested (and costed) by NASA. We expanded these concepts based on our 404 experience and included budgetary estimates of costs, to compaRE with NASA's estimates. Be advised that without solar collectors, a power generator will be much cheaper, however, the 0.R. engines are still currently very expensive. The projects of most interest to you would probably be the two refrigeration applications (cold storage and frozen storage.) This documentation is being transmitted as a starting point in possible future technical discussions. We believe that a Feasi- bility Study project which results in a preliminary system design could be conducted very quickly and economically. This design would be based on existing conventional burners, heat exchangers, TECHNOLOGY STRATEGY CENTER, HONEYWELL CONTROL SYSTEMS 1700 WEST HIGHWAY 36, ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55113, TELEPHONE 612/378-4178 Ex 4 A.8 and controls, and the existing "404 type" 0.R. engines with generator. Thus a prototype could be detail designed and built, without the time and expense of component development. We would suggest a small central station with three to five active 13 KVA units (and one spare) generating 40 KVA for a small community. It would seem appropriate to also consider cogeneration at this central facility and districution of the waste heat to the community (or a central building). If you have any further questions, please write or call me on 612/378-4619. Sincerely, HONEYWELL INC. Ga, a iyi Gary L. Biernat Market Manager Honeywell TSC GLB/cm ACU. Honeywell February 19, 1982 Alaska Energy Research Corp. Box 1846 Palmer, Alaska 99645 SUBJECT: Alaska "Lime Village Project" Alternative Energy Program Dear Ralph: Honeywell remains interested in supporting your "Lime Village Project: and the larger "total energy'' program being administered by the Alaska Division of Energy and Power Development. I trust that our discussion last week (regarding your December 14, 1982 letter) and the information provided are of value. The following must be considered when evaluating the organic Rankine cycle air conditioner (RC/AC) machine costs: © Costs are engineering estimates, not quotations © The cost data base is one to four years old; figures presented are estimates for 1982 and are based on previous quotations; the RC/AC manufacturer's interest in fabricating another machine is not known. RC/AC Estimated Costs (Thousands of dollars; per unit) * 3 ton; residential 25 ton; commercial 200-300 20-40 125-175 3-5 Prototype Mass production It is expected the units could be purchased directly from the manufacturer, thus eliminating an additional Honeywell markup. Note that the estimates are for the machine only, and do not include cost of the remainder of the system hardware, installation, or system engineering. * Technical data enclosed. TECHNOLOGY STRATEGY CENTER, HONEYWELL CONTROL SYSTEMS 1700 WEST HIGHWAY 36, ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA 55113, TELEPHONE 612/378-4178 Alaska Energy Research Corp. Page 2 February 19, 1982 Your overall program objective appears to be essentially the identification or development of very small-scale (residential and light commercial) electrical generators that can compete with 50¢/kw electricity. With $2-4/gallon oil available, a competitive, reliable wood-fired system will be difficult to find. As discussed on February 9 and as proven by our successful "404" solar program, quality systems and controls design and application are essential. Cost, performance, and reliability of the complete system, not just the subsystems (gasifier or RC/AC subsystems, for example), should be addressed in detail. Honeywell experience with residential and commercial solar RC/AC systems would be invaluable in such a project. During our $7 million ''404" solar program, we evaluated performance, reliability, and cost from both a system and subsystem/component basis. Off-the-shelf components, some with modifications, were used when possible. When required, new subsystems (such as the RC/AC and the energy transport module) were designed and developed into prototype status. The resulting systems were evaluated on a matrix basis, seeking not to optimize the design point conditions or the performance of any one subsystem, but to attain the highest annual total system performance. Thereafter, we installed, instrumented, operated, and maintained those systems (five residential; four commercial sized) We feel our extensive, "real world" systems and controls design, development, and demonstration expertise (in RC/AC, co-generation, biomass, wood resources, heat pumps) is analogous to that required by your total energy system program. And being a systems and controls organization, Honeywell can readily make impartial judgements concerning "off-the-shelf", "state-of-the-art", and R&D type products and technologies. Honeywell is very much interested in providing this kind of support to your overall program and during the upcoming "Total Energy System" conference to be held by the Division of Energy and Power in the February—April 1982 time frame. Contact has been made with highly-qualified RC/AC and wood technology potential team members, whose services could be utilized as needed. Please contact Gary Biernat or myself (612) 378-5469 to discuss the matter further. I have also enclosed literature on Honeywell's Braun linear gas-fired heat pump program for your information. Sincerely, Bob Aasen Principle Development Engineer ce: P. Mitchell G. Biernat Enclosures 4-49 Table 4-5. R/C-A/C Physical, Design and Performance Characteristics = UNITS 3-TON PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION SIZE INCHES 42x50x74 | 84x 78x 144 WEIGHT POUNDS 1500 9000 HEAT REJECTION INTEGRAL WET EVAPORATIVE | COOLING CONDENSOR TOWER DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS CONDITIONS: SOLAR WATER TEMPERATURE oF 195 195 SOLAR WATER FLOW GPM 3 90 CONDENSER WATER TEMPERATURE of 85 85 CONDENSER WATER FLOW: R/C GPM - 100 Ac GPM 75 INDOOR ARI STANDARD R/C: SOLAR THERMAL INPUT Btu/HOUR 72,400 680,000 WORKING FLUID = R113 R-113 TURBOGEARBOX OUTPUT hp 2.25 202 R/C EFFICIENCY % 7.25 115 TURBINE: TYPE = RADIAL INFLOW DIAMETER INCHES 29 45 SPEED RPM 35,000 24,000 AIC: CAPACITY Btu/HOUR 35,300 278,000 WORKING FLUID = R-A2 R12 POWER REQUIRED hp 2.83 18.7 MOTOR: SIZE hp 3 20 EFFICIENCY % 73 a6 SPEED RPM 1750 1200 COMPRESSOR: COP - 32 5.12 TYPE - ROTARY VANE | 4-CYLINDER PISTON DISTRIBUTION a DIRECT CHILLED EXPANSION WATER DESIGN PERFORMANCE R/C (GENERATE): A/C (AUXILIARY COOLING): R/C-A/C (SOLAR COOLING): GENERATOR OUTPUT R/C INTERNAL PARASITICS NET OUTPUT CAPACITY R/C-A/C TOTAL POWER REQUIRED TOTAL CAPACITY SOLAR FRACTION OF TOTAL SOLAR THERMAL INPUT TURBOGEARBOX OUTPUT R/C-A/C TOTAL POWER REQUIRED SYSTEM OPERATING ENERGY 81486 WATTS WATTS WATTS Btu/HOUR WATTS Btu/HOUR % Btu/HOUR hp WATTS WATTS -13,370 +4470 —8900 278,000 20,340 278,000 100 680,000 20.2 4470 1670 +850 35,300 81 72,400 we thermo VE Electron CORPORATION R&D/New Business Division 101 First Avenue Telex: 92-3323 Post Office Box 459 Cable: TEECORP Waltham, Massachusetts 02254 (617) 890-8700 February 18, 1982 Alaska Energy Research Group P. 0. Box 1846 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Attention: Mr. Ralph Hulbert Dear Mr. Hulbert: I am responding to your letter of December 14, 1982 to Mr. Michael Koplow and to your recent phone conversation with Dr. Dean Morgan concerning the Lime Village Project. This letter will unfortunately provide only preliminary and partial response to all of the questions posed in your December 14, 1981 correspondence. This response will have succeeded if it at least indicates to you Thermo Electron's interest in your work and in the Lime Village Project. A more detailed response to your inquiry must await Mr. Koplow's return from vacation on February 23, 1982. Shortly after his return a more thorough engineering review will be conducted and a detailed summary will be provided of Thermo Electron's capabilities to provide technical expertise for the Lime Village Project. In the interim I would like to identify some of Thermo Electron's work in the areas of energy conservation and waste heat recovery engines. Hopefully this summary will give you some idea as to Thermo Electron's fields of interest and its capabilities to provide technical support for the Lime Village Project. I have enclosed several articles that describe Thermo Electron's work in developing organic Rankine cycle systems and work conducted to improve the efficiency of residential/industrial furnaces. The organic Rankine cycle systems (ORCS) have been developed to recover otherwise wasted heat energy from, for example, the exhaust from internal combustion engines, gas turbines and industrial flue gases. These systems could also recover the heat from "External Combustion" systems (such as those available at Lime Village). The heat recovery systems that have been designed to date inlcude a 35 kW mech. (Truck Bottoming, ORCS), a 75 kWelec. and a 450 kWe exhaust gas heat recovery system. Ex 4 A.12 Alaska Energy Research Group February 18, 1982 2) The 35 kWmech. ORCS was developed to improve the fuel efficiency of a longhaul diesel engine by 15%. It is designed to recover heat from the 1000°F exhaust gas stream of the diesel engine. The 75 kWelec. ORCS was designed for a Waste Water Reclamation Plant that is being built in the city of Rochester, Minnesota. Thermo Electron's 75 kWe ORCS will recover the exhaust gas energy from two (2) I.C. engines that can alternatively burn natural (utility supplied) gas or sewer gas (a by-product of the treatment of the sewage waste water) reclaimed by the the Reclamation Plant. The unit is expected to be delivered in August, 1982. The 450 kWe ORCS was designed and built to recover the exhaust energy from a 3600 hp diesel engine. The diesel engine was one of ten (10) stand-by electrical generation units used by a local electric utility. Of particular interest to the Lime Village Project is the 35 kWmech and the 75 kWe systems. The 35 kWmech system could be scaled down to provide approximately 15 kWe if additional engineering and design work is acceptable. Each system can be classified as a prototype system however, commercialization plans for these two size systems are proceeding. The 35 kWmech system has been extensively and successfully tested. The 75 kWe system is expected to be tested in June and July, 1982. The thermo-mechanical equipment used in this system is essentially a scale-up of the 35 kWmech system and hence no difficulties are anticipated during the testing. The high efficiency residential/industrial hot-air furnaces and hot water heaters that Thermo Electron has designed, manufactured and tested are based upon using heat pipe technology developed at Thermo Electron over the past 15 years. Heat pipes using water as the working fluid for low temperature applications (i.e. water heaters & hot-air furnaces) as well as Dowtherm A as the working fluid for high temperature applications (i.e. cooking ovens, oil fryers, griddles, etc.) have been developed. Perhaps some of these systems, in particular the residential hot-air furnaces can be used in the Lime Village Project. I hope this brief synopsis of what I believe are mutual areas of interest is encouraging. I expect to provide a more integrated picture of how these Thermo Electron systems can be used in your project in our next correspondence. Please keep me informed of your progress and project requirements. Sincerely, ; De beth Francis A. DiBella © Project Engineer Engine Technology Department FAD/dc ENC. UNITED TECHNOLOGIES RESEARCH CENTER East Hartford, Connecticut 06108 December 4, 1981 Alaskan Energy Research Group Box 1846 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Dear Ralph: Certainly enjoyed our recent phone conversation concerning the potential use of small Rankine or Stirling engines for remote village cogeneration applications. I have gathered some recent reports describing our work on the 18-ton DOE Rankine cycle heat pump and chillers and much larger Rankine heat pump systems. We are currently designing and estimating cost of proto- type Rankine cycle engines using the same operating temperatures and features as the DOE heat pump with output capacities of 15 kW, to 50 kW,. During our early work in late 1960's and mid-1970's, we built and tested a 3-to-5 ton Rankine chiller (good for 2 to 5 kWe) and used that data to de- sign the larger DOE system. We would like to discuss your overall plans in further detail and any pre- liminary information that you would make available now would be very help- ful to us making a decision on if and how to respond to your forthcoming proposal. Both myself @ (203) 727-7234 and Mr. Gorken Melikian @ (203) 727-7554 would be pleased to discuss the Rankine cycle cogeneration activity in further detail with you. Very truly yours, UNITED TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION Research Center LR binned /fur F. R. Biancardi Manager, Advanced Systems Technology Wy UNITED ‘ TECHNOLOGIES Ex 4 A.13 SKINNER ENGINE COMPANY : ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA 16512 = 814 - 454-7103 @ A SUBSIDIARY OF BANNER INDUSTRIES, INC. January 6, 1982 Ralph Hulbert Alaska Energy Research Group P.O. Box 1846 Palmer, Alaska 99645 SUBJECT: Lime Village Cogeneration Project Dear Mr. Hulbert: I have read, with great interest, your letter of December 24, 1981. The Lime Village Project is an outstanding application for the reciprocating steam engine in a cogeneration plant. 5 kw to 5000 kw. We are also able to supply, through other manufacturers, boilers capable of burning any of the common fuels and other auxiliary machinery. Therefore, I would like to solicit your interest in Skinner supplying a complete steam power plant rated at an electrical wattage of your choice, and to include the following equipment: Skinner Engine Company manufactures a full line of steam engines from ) 1). Hand fired cord wood burning boiler with automatic feedwater control and low water alarms. 2). Single cylinder vertical piston valve steam engine vee belt connected to synchronous A.C, generator. 3). Absorption cycle chiller for refrigeration service. 4). Combined auxiliary exhaust steam condenser, and hot water heat exchanger. 5). All required auxiliary machinery and pipings between components. 6). Generator control panel and distribution switch gear. 7). All machinery skid mounted and contained in modular buildings. Ex 4 B10 SKINNER ENGINE COMPANY Ralph Hulbert -2- January 6, 1982 The above plant will be limited to approximately 170 psig saturated steam pressure, and the refrigeration chiller will require engine exhaust at about 4 psig. The chief advantages of the absorption chiller are its use of wast energy and the ability to shut down the engine-generator while supplying the chiller with boiler steam through a by pass pressure reducing valve. Good freezer design will allow the chiller to be operated on a reduced cycle overnight while the engine-generator is shut down. This will enable the plant operator to bank his fire for the night and retire. Ample steam will remain in the morning to rebuild the fire and quickly re- sume full operation. Once accustomed to the operation of the plant ma- chinery, all operators will find this power plant to be no more trouble than the wood burning space heaters and cook stoves they use now. At this point, I would like to emphasize that small isolated power plants absolutely should not use a steam turbine as a prime mover. The reciprocating steam engine's superior conversion efficiency and dependa- bility are well proven, and Skinner's 113 years' experience building steam engines and steam turbines has demonstrated this fact countless times. The latest case occured two (2) months ago when we replaced a 30 kw generator drive turbine with a steam engine in the Fiji Islands. This installation resulted in a cordwood savings of $12.00 per day and much reduced labor on the firemans part. Equally important to the operating characteristics is availability and product maturity. All the components contained in this plant are available either off the shelf or on a production order basis. Mass produced modular plants are simply a matter of quantity price negotiations and delivery sche- dules acceptable to both parties. My many years of personal experience with self contained steam locomotives and wood burning steam engines in saw mills, enables me to state unequivocally that no other power plant can surpass a re- ciprocating steam engine plant in simplicity, safety, reliability, and overall economy. The concepts proposed here have been proven for many years and only require application engineering to insure proper sizing for the outputs re- quired. Skinner Engine Company will guarantee the performance of this power plant under a specific set of conditions. I am writing this letter as an advance notice of Skinner's serious interest in this project, and am presently assembling a packet of literature on the necessary plant components for your information. I also want to ex- press, early, my opinion that any large sum of money spent to develop a more sophisticated power plant will largely be wasted. The simple recipro- cating steam plant is ready, available, and its rugged, live-off-the-land characteristics dove tail with the life style of isolated, independent people. It is doubtful any other practical type of power plant can greatly exceed the cycle efficiency of this proposed plant. I am enclosing a sheet of questions relating to the fuel and output SKINNER ENGINE COMPANY Ralph Hulbert -3- January 6, 1982 requirements of this proposed plant, and am looking forward to your response. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, SKINNER ENGINE ee : } 7 /) Ae LY, wit a Nye — William L. vetitiean, Sales Manager - Engines WLP/1b Enclosures ” ERIE, PENNSYLVAMIA 16512 2 814-454-7103 March 4, 1982 Ralph Hulbert Alaska Energy Research Group P.O. Box 1846 Palmer, Alaska 99645 SUBJECT: Lime Village Project Dear Mr. Hulbert: Please find enclosed a brief description and simple schematic of our proposed cogeneration plant for Lime Village. This plant, complete and ready to start, will run approximately $57,000.00 F.0.B. factory, Erie, Pa, This price is rough order of magnitude and represents a prototype package assembled for a single unit order. Two small reciprocating steam power plants have recently been put into service, one in the Fiji Islands, and the other near Seattle, Washington. The Fiji Island installation uses a hand fired boiler burning cordwood and coconut waste. The engine is a single cylinder vertical steam engine belt driving a 40 kw generator. This machine supplies all the electricity needs on a large copra plantation and is operated entirely by the native labor force, This engine has been operating since December 1981, At that time it replaced a small steam turbine. The turbine steam consumption was overtaxing the boiler, therefore, our engine was purchased to achieve greater efficiency. This power plant has been operating for about two (2) years altogether. The second reciprocating steam engine installation powers a sawmill near Seattle, Washington. This operation uses a hand fired boiler to burn sawdust, wood and coal, The engine, direct connected to the saw, is a single cylinder horizontal machine. All the equip- ment in the sawmill operation is very old and therefore tends to be more labor intensive during operation and maintenance. However, the simplicity and wide range bearing adjustments tend to offset this disadvantage, SKINNER ENGINE COMPANY Ralph Hulbert ~2- March 4, 1982 © It is important to note that both these plants and many others like them are being successfully operated with simple hand—fired boilers and personnel having little or no previous steam plant experience. The components outlined all have a long history of good service, and were once common throughout the country before cheap oil and expensive labor made them obsolete, I trust this information will fulfill your needs at this time. When you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, SKINNER ENGINE COMPANY 7 OW. L. Age en William L. Petitjean, Sales Manager, Engines WLP/ 1b Enclosures pp MAJOR COMPONENTS RECIPROCATING STEAM POWER PLANT FOR ALAS BOILER; Horizontal return tubular type with steel framed, refractory lined firebox. Includes the following: a). 40' High 18" dia. stack for natural draft. b). Woodburning grates. c). Large firedoor for hand firing. d). All boiler trim - gauges, safety valves etc. e). Electric motor driven feedwater pump with high pressure steam injector backup. f). Automatic feedwater control for electric feed pump. E — GE ‘OR; Single cylinder vertical steam engine driving an A.C. synchronous generator through multiple vee belts. Includes the following: a). Engine throttle valve. b). Inlet & exhaust separators. c). All welded base for engine & generator. da). Generator mounted control panel. wipr CONDENSER/HEAT EXCHANGER: @ Two pass shell and tube type heat exchanger using U-tube type tube bundle design to allow removal for cleaning. Includes the Following: a). Circulating water pump (domestic hot water). b). Condensate pump for transfer of condensate into feed tank. c). Steam traps for condensate removal from condenser. d). Backpressure regulator on steam side of condenser. ACCESSORIES; All piping and accessories necessary for safe, reliable operation will be supplied, shop assembled, and tested. SUPPORT STRUCTURES: The boiler and its immediate auxiliaries will be fully supported @ and enclosed in a 10' x 24' modular building. The engine-generator, condenser and immediate auxiliaries will be fully supported and enclosed in a 10' x 24' modular building. When the engine generator building is adjacent to the boiler building, approximately half the engine generator building space is available for cordwood storage. ee eer ee ee Live SrTeam Insecror th (ae Feeo Tank ¢ Feep Pome Unrr - Conpensee/Heat ExcHaneee 2o ceed En@/GEN - 20 KW Supine Boor Buiowwe (A) - Boer 4 Feepwater Tank + Pume Unit Bunoine - Enoine - Generator, Convensere ¢\Woon Stoeace PeoposeD CoceueRATION Power PLANT For. Lume Vitace , ALASKA PEEPARED By* Efeé 3-082 Sninnee Enoiwe Co. Eerie,Paq. CLARK POWER SYSTEMS 816 WEST 25th ST. + NORFOLK,VA.23517 + 804/625-5917 January 7,1 Falmer, Alaska 974645 Dear Mr. Hulbert! Save read your letter cn the Lime Village Project with tinter reedom Generator is ideally suited for these condition iB Oevelnued to Test the needs of individual buildinas as well as larger ce ommuaity system. te we are already working with Joe Marks, (907) 344- + On one presasal, IT will az- hin ta centact you to see if he can cvordinate our efforts. eac/ac cclToe Marks Ex 4 C.1 HoMach Systems Ltd. Hargreaves Road Groundwell Ind. Est. Swindon Wilts SN2 5AZ Telephone: Swings {0293) 722264/722721 Telex 2K 44215 Ref:GMF/IW Mr R Hulbert Heating & Refrigeration Applications Programme MATANUSKA-SUSITNA COMMUNITY COLLEGE of the University of Alaska Anchorage P O Box 899 Palmer ALASKA 99645, U.S.A. 18th November 1981 Dear Mr Hulbert, We understand that in the past you have expressed an interest in Thermomechanical-Generators operating through a Stirling Engine. I am sure you will be pleased to know that HoMach Systems Ltd has taken a Manufacturing and Marketing Licence from AERE HARWELL to produce a range of Thermomechanical-Generators with no wearing parts. As you know a considerable amount of work has already been undertak~n on the TMG design and HoMach Systems Ltd is now carrying out a production engineering programme. We hope to have these machineson the market about 12-15 months time. The original machines were for 25-60 watts. It is our intention to produce a range of machines, the first of which will be about 120 watts d.c. (with a.c. terminals). The fuel will be propane although we are investigating other fuels. As you will probably be aware the TMG is about x3 as efficient as the equivalent Thermoelectric-Generator There is, therefore, a considerable advantage to be had on refuelling costs in the remote unattended site applications for which these machines are designed. We should like to know of your specific interest in the TMG and the application which you have in mind. Perhaps you would care to write to me about this. Yours sincerely, Ex 4 C.3 f°O ~ LIGIHxa funtal ALASKA FPSE GENERATOR PROGRAM PROGRAM OBJECTIVES @ PROVE THAT FPSE GENERATOR SETS MEET ALASKA REQUIREMENTS: - LONG LIFE AND DURABLE - LOW MAINTENANCE AND EASY OPERATION - EFFICIENT - MULTIFUEL CAPABILITY @ DEVELOP SOLID FUEL FPSE PACKAGE TO OPERATE ON INDIGENOUS WOOD AND COAL @ FIELD DEMONSTRATE 10 PROPANE FIRED UNITS, 19 SOLID FUEL FIRED UNITS MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY INCORPORATED raz © M1l-17778 ALASKA FPSE GENERATOR PROGRAM | PROGRAN ELEMENT TIME COST SUITABILITY STUDY 1982 $70K PHASE I DEMO OF 10 EA PROPANE FUELED FPSE GENERATOR PACKAGES 6/83 - 12/84 $2, 3MM PHASE II DEVELOP AND DEMO OF 10 EA SOLID FUEL 6/84 - 12/86 $4MM FPSE GENERATOR PACKAGES MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY INCORPORATED MT1-27778 ENGINEERING MODEL FPSE ENGINE-GENERATOR SET DESIGN POINT SPECIFICATIONS Engineering Model Gasoline Engine- FPSE Generator Set Advanced FPSE I. Electrical @ Power Output (kW) 3.0 350 3.0 e@ wave form AC AC AC e deviation factor N/A e volts 120 120, 240, 120/208 120 @ amps @ phase 1p 1, 3¢ 1p @ power factor 1.0 0.8 1.0 @ Frequency (Hz) e fundamental 60 60 60 e harmonics (%) 3 II. Thermodynamic @ Ambient Temperature (F) e dry bulb 80 125 125 e@ wet bulb @ Fuel (Type) Diesel/NG Gasoline Logistic Fuels @ Efficiency (%) 25) 10-11 >30 e fuel consumption (GPH) 0.36(diesel) 0.84(gasoline) .29(diesel) e auxiliary power (watts) 505 --- <500 e@ mean engine pressure (psia) 900 os oe e working fluid Helium --- Helium e combustor exhaust temperature (F) 232 252 e@ cooling mode Water to Air Air Air to Air Ill. Mechanical @ Weight (1b,) 625 285 200 @ Size (in) 38 x 20 x 25 35 x 24 x 25 9 ft3 @ MIBF (hours) 500 250 750 FPSE TOTAL ENERGY SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE | 81 | 82 | 83 84 | 8 | 86 87 | 88 AMERADCOM PROGRAM STIRLING ENGINE-GENERATOR PROGRAM |_ Tecnica Development | @ FPSE @ LINEAR GENERATORS [Frew Test _—i| e ConTROLS e ComMBUSTOR STIRLING TOTAL ENERGY PROGRAM | INTEGRATION PROTOTYPE — ADOE PRocRAM STIRLING ENGINE HEAT! Pump PRoGRAM PROTOTYPE | | BREADBOARD | e FPSE e LINEAR ComPRESSORS e@ Hypraucic Drive | 89 STIRULUNG POWER SysTEaMs December 7, 1981 7101 Jackson Road Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103 (313) 665-6767 Telex: 810-223-6010 Mr. Ralph Holdert Alaska Energy Research Group P. O. Box 1846 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Dear Mr. Holdert: Here is the information you requested on the Stirling engine during our telephone conversation on Friday, December 4, The desirable attributes of the Stirling engine make it an ideal choice in many special applications, i.e., low noise, vibrations and exhaust emissions, multifuel, availability of waste heat from cooling water, etc. The V160 Stirling engine generator set runs at 1800RPM and produces 6.5KW of electrical power at 120 and 240 volts. The enclosed "Stirling Power" brochure describes the V160 Stirling engine and some of its potential applications. Also enclosed is a copy of the paper "V160 Stirling Engine...for a Total Energy System" which describes the engine's capability of providing electrical power and heat in a recreational application, together with a copy of the paper "Multifueled Stirling Engine for a Cogeneration System" which describes the V160 engine's potential to utilize locally produced alternative fuels. The current V160 Stirling engine is designed to burn liquid fuels. In order to burn biomass fuels the combustion system and the air fuel system need to be modified. Development work is underway in this area. Currently, we are only producing Stirling Power Packs on a batch production basis (at our preproduction facility in Sweden) for test and demonstration uses. Due to this low production volume and the resulting high cost, these generator sets sell at a considerable price premium. It is anticipated that future mass production of the Stirling Power Pack will allow the unit to sell for a slight price premium over a comparable diesel generator set. We are interested in your application requirements so that we may better understand the potential uses for the Stirling engine. Please write us and describe in more detail how you would like to use this new Stirling engine. Thank you for your interest in the Stirling engine and its potential as a reliable, economical, and environmentally acceptable means of converting energy. Sincerely yours, \ JA n ) legrs/ lye Joh in G. Agno Marketing Department EXHIBIT 4 C.5 6 BYARD STREET ATHENS, OHIO 45701 PHONE (614) 594-2221 e @ SUNPOWER INCORPORATED 7 May 1981 Ralph Hulbert Heating and Refrigeration Applications Program Matanuska-Susitna Community College University of Alaska, Anchorage P.O. Box 899 Palmer, AK 99645 Dear Mr. Hulbert, William Beale requested that I respond to your letter. I am enclosing general information and price lists on the Stirling engine alternators Sunpower is currently selling. Since you are specifically interested in refrigeration I am including a photograph and data on our prototype duplex Stirling heat pump. This is the concept which we are working on for both residential space conditioning and natural gas liquification. @ We can custom make you a copy of this duplex Stirling prototype for $5,000. Sunpower looks forward to receiving your order. Sincerely, Craig Kiaz thai) Enclosures CK/df Ex 4 C.6 STIRLING ENGINES alberta industrial developments ltd. @ 704 Cambridge Building, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5J 1R9 Telephone (403) 429-4094 January 14, 1982 Mr. Ralph Hulbert Alaska Energy Research Group P.O. Box 1846 PALMER, Alaska 99645 USA Dear Sir: Thank you for your letter of December 21, 1981, and for your interest in our company. @ We are very interested in your project and its progress. However, at this time, I don't feel that we can provide sufficient answers to your questions. We have one commercial unit operating in North Carolina and a second large unit ready for construction in spring, 1982. For the present, please find enclosed our brochure. When you are ready to request a proposal, we would be pleased to make a bid. Thank you again for your interest. Yours very truly, ALBERTA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTS LTD. Richard P. Assaly President Ex 4 D.1 January 6, 1982 Mr... Ralph Hulbert Alaska Energy Research Group Post Office Box 1846 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Dear Mr. Hulbert: Thank you for your project description letter of December 21, 1981. We are interested in the Lime Village project and feel that we can meet the needs as cited, except the refrigeration which we feel we could supply if properly funded. We are enclosing a brochure for general information. For other speci- fied inquiries, briefly: a. Our current operating systems are from 4kW to 150kW. b. We can make available to you outputs of 500 watts to 500kW. c. Prices range from $10,000 to $500,000 at present. For the local contact you may wish to call Mr. J.A. Marks, P.E., of MARENCO, INCORPORATED, 1281 West 82nd St., Anchorage, Alaska, 99502, (907) 344-4279 who has one of our 100kW gasifier-engine-generator (Cater- pillar G353) presently located in Anchorage and with whom we work very closely. Please accept our apologies for the brevity of this letter. We are pre- sently conducting a 5-week test run for the California Energy Commission, (150kW 30" gasifier-enginge-generator) which has been requiring my total presence and attention. We are looking forward to hearing from you again. ff oe pee? Ben Thompson ‘ President a BT: ti Enclosure Ex 4 D.3 Blomass Corp sesamiae a Yuba City, CA 96992 916-674-7230 March 17, 1982 Mr. Ralph Hulbert Alaska Energy Research Group Post Office Box 1846 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Dear Mr. Hulbert: By this time you may have had the opportunity to contact Mr. Joe Marks of MARENCO (Anchorage). As we are interested in working with you directly on the Lime Village project, we are looking forward to hearing from you on the disposition of the results of that contact. At the present we are running our 6-inch gasi- @ tier (5 hp-llhp) with success. We are hoping to hear from you in the near future and to work with you on your project. Very pee - a Amu Ben Thompson President BT: ti BIO mass core P.O. Box 487 1340 Colusa Hwy. Ss Yuba City, CA 95992 916-674-7230 C-E Power Systems Tel. 503/224-9132 Combustion Engineering, Inc 1800 South West First Avenue Portland, Oregon 97201 POWER SYSTEMS January 6, 1982 Mr. Ralph Hulbert Alaska Energy Research Group P. O. Box 1846 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Dear Mr. Hulbert: We are in receipt of your letter of December 24 relative to your Lime Village Project. Unfortunately, Combustion Engineering does not make any equipment which would be suitable for your needs. We appreciate your inquiry and trust that we may be of service to you sometime in the future. Very truly yours, COMBUSTION ENGINEERING, INC. a¢ eh yw fie Ab... G. R. Dahlinger District Manager GRD:ml1lf Ex 4 D.4 Biomass Gasification For Vehicle Power ECON Company of Alexander City, Alabama has developed a practical gasification power system for cars, trucks, tractors, boats, and stationary engine use. This lightweight, compact, modular system is the result of a two year research program devoted solely to the development of a low cost, low technology gasifier. The latest prototype system will power any standard internal combustion engine - diesel or gasoline. it weighs only 350 pounds and will easily fit into the bed of all standard pick-up trucks. A device is bolted to the top of the standard carburetor to allow both wood gas and gasoline operation. No modification to the engine is necessary. ECON hopes to have a production model for sale in 1982. ECON Company Ben Russell P. O. Box 828 Alexander City, Alabama 35010 Teleph -8424 elephone (205) 329-842 Ex 4 D.6 A GP CL Inc. P.O. Box 200, Station ‘‘A” Willowdale, Ontario M2N 5S8 (416) 226-6110 Eco Technology Environmental Improvement Business Area January 12, 1982 Alaska Energy Research Group P.O. Box 1846 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Attention: Ralph Hulbert Dear Sir: Thank you for your request concerning information on Eco's Fluidized Bed Gasification Unit. This technology was developed successfully on a prototype level at our Kingston, Ontario facility over the past few years. The Pilot work done by Eco established the feasability of the technology, but at present we are not actively marketing the system. C-I-L has confined it's interests in the Environmental Improvement Business Area to the efforts of it's subsidiary, Tricil Ltd. who manage a totally integrated system for the collection, processing, energy recovery and disposal of solid waste as well as the treatment of hazardous waste. Eco technology are an Engineering contracting Company involved in the design and construction of the Deep Shaft Waste Water Treatment system which is a high rate activated Sludge process for the treatment of industrial and municipal wastewaters. If you should be interested in any information on the above please give me a call. A regards, , Paul Market Co-ordinator PD:mb Ex 4 D.7 FOREST FUELS MANUFACTURING, INC. WOOD GASIFICATION SYSTEMS Water Street — P.O. Box 547 Marlborough, N.H. 03455 (603) 876-3353 January 28, 1982 Mr. Ralph Hulbert Alaska Energy Research Group P.O. Box 1846 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Dear Mr. Hulbert: I am responding to your letter of December 21, 1981 requesting information and input from Forest Fuels with regard to the Lime Village Project. We have read through the letter with great interest in the project and what your group is proposing to do there. At the present time we are manufacturing a line of wood gasifiers designed for close-coupled retrofit to existing package industrial boilers. I have enclosed an introductory brochure for your information. We are currently marketing this equipment in the northeastern United States, however, we expect to expand to other regions as our sales and service capabilities grow. Presently, we are exploring the possibility of generating electricity with wood gas, however, we do not expect to have anything available for at least a year. We will be keeping your letter on file and will be checking with you again when something that meets your requirements is available. Thank you for your interest in Forest Fuels. Sincerely, FOREST FUELS MANUFACTURING, INC. LC Ja¢k Calhoun = Salles and Marketing JC/ts Enclosures Ex 4 D.8 VOLVO PENTA AKTIEBOLAGET VOLVO PENTA GOTEBORG, SWEDEN Alaska Energy Research Group Att: Ralph Hulbert PO Box 1846 Palmer, ALASKA 99645 USA Your reterence Our reference Date 41000-BH/ET 1982-01-29 Dear Sirs, Ref: Your letter dated January 14, 1982 to Volvo BM AB, regarding wood gasifiers for automotive and stationary applications We at Volvo Penta has desired not to go all the way with this type of production but we have during the past years made several tests so we know how to run gasoline and also diesel engines on “wood gas". The only thing we can offer today is to present to you what we have done and than see if our technique could suite you and in any form be transformed to another company who is prepared to produce the components needed. Yours faithfully, AB_VOLVO PENTA. ofluct Planni Department ertil Hanss! cc: Mr Harold Johnsson, Alaska Marine Engine, Seattle Mr Mike Hills, Volvo Penta of America, Rockleigh Ex 4 D.10 Postal address Telephone Cables Telex S-405 08 Goteborg ‘Switchboard + 46.31 23 5460 Penta Goteborg 20755 PENTAS ‘Sweden Service Dept. Service Dept. ‘Switchboard + 46.31 530300 27773 PENTSER S Speed viessaye To.. Beach Mh bea _ _ | From Cia Dow / . AE. 22. G. « -~@ Subject ME ce Fas ee Date f- ~= fe 19 DEaa /R.~ AA beat - ee ree th awh yoo fea yea sa Tepes) Cambie) A fare fit Evel ose C 7etafUne nee ELE OE fateres — Our fer7 200 ST pride ow besr fisted) fon youre - GENERA TT ad _ = 7 LD Am serre 7O fw ORT Canbeot wet pee TO we yas _fagesias Lier the faa 6 iP SGC Paes dak ws blak 0 Ff baitntt 7p beh poh a vert Te tale BE het 10 ANIWTCR ON gy Sores 2@® Vadia SIA SFE aa a . 7 a Ler = oe RIFE ~— SeaTac Ex 4 E.1 1180 GLOBAL NEN ECTRIC January 25, 1982 Ralph Hulbert Alaska Energy Research Group P.O. Box 1846 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Dear Ralph: Thank you for your letter of December 14, 1981. I'll provide brief answers to your questions now and I will answer in more detail after I have talked to you on the phone again in middle or late February 1982. I have enclosed literature which shows our present equipment. As you know, thermoelectric generators convert heat to electricity, without any moving parts. Our generators vary between 9 and 5 percent in efficiency. Our efficiency goes up in cold weather as the efficiency varies as the temperature difference squared across the thermopile. At present our standard commercial generators use propane or natural gas as fuel. This provides a high reliability unit which'can be counted on to perform without question as long as there is fuel. We are presently developing a liquid fueled generator. We have two versions. One liquid fueled unit uses only one moving part (a pump) but must be fueled with JP-4 fuel (aircraft fuel). The second liquid unit will burn any liquid fuel and it has two moving parts; namely, a fan and a blower. We have worked with the Norwegian Army in developing a specialized charcoal burner with a thermoelectric converter. To date we have not developed a coal or wood fired generator because there has been no demand. However, should you desire a coal or wood unit, Ralph, we could certainly develop one for you. We would want to know the degree of effort you would want to invest in developing a coal or wood fired unit versus efficiency, size, and automation (ie. you could use an electric driven auger to fuel the system or just use manual fueling methods). Our present generators cost approximately $40 for each watt of electric power. However, if we were assured of a sizeable market we could lower our price greatly. We believe that with $4.0 million we could Lower our price per watt down to $4 to $10 per watt. Since thermoelectric generators require little maintenance the $10 per watt capital cost price would be highly competitive with any other generation method. -/2 GLOBAL THERMOELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS LTD. P.O. BOX 90 @ BASSANO, ALBERTA, CANADA @ TOJ OBO PHONE 403-472-3512 @ TELEX 848144 ByHTe rT Abels Ralpn Hulbert Alaska Energy Research Group Page 2 January 25, 1982 We are presently working on ways of financing the development of "low-cost" thermoelectrics. If you are interested in helping develop the "low-cost" system I would be very interested in discussing our approach with you. We presently have achieved our objective in the lab. What remains is to develop the new manufacturing methods and machinery (price = $4 million). We at Global Thermoelectric would welcome your visit to our plant to discuss the wide range of options we could take in bringing reliable and rugged thermoelectric power generation systems to the State of Alaska. Sincerely, eae 2 t 8H , Cc ( Ute Norman L. Arrison, P. Eng., Ph.D. General Manager New Ventures NLA/ja AIRESEARCH MANUFACTURING COMPANY \ GARRETT) A DIVISION OF THE GARRETT CORPORATION 2525 WEST 190TH STREET ¢ TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA 90509 ea a TELEPHONE: (213) 323-9500, 321-5000 * CABLE: GARRETTAIR TORRANCE ee In reply refer to: SJAT-2010-0112 January 12, 1982 ALASKA ENERGY RESEARCH GROUP P. 0. Box 1846 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Attention: Mr. Ralph Hulbert Reference: Your Letter of December 14, 1981 Gentlemen: The Lime Village Project described in your letter is most interesting and does offer a potential application for AiResearch's technology. The ''Light Commercial Brayton/ Rankine Space Conditioning System'', previously described, provides the closest match of hardware development for your application. This program at AiResearch is currently co-funded by the Gas Research Institute and AiResearch, and is expected to yield prototype hardware suitable for consideration in other applications in early 1983. Specifically, we do not have off-the-shelf hardware which could be readily assembled into a system. The prototype machine being developed under the current program could be considered for limited production in 1984 and would require development funding to adapt it to your application. The development of a specifically tailored system would be the preferred approach and would require a multi-phased externally funded program starting with a funded study to determine technical requirements, system configuration, development costs, economics, and sales potential. We would be very Interested in proposing a program if funding is available. If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, AIRESEARCH MANUFACTURING COMPANY A Division of The Garrett Corporation LZ eeepc ohn A. Turnquist Environmental & Energy Systems Sales JAT: Ths THE GARRETT CORPORATION IS ONE OF THE SIGNAL COMPANIES [§] EXHIBIT 4 F.1 ARCO Solar, Inc. 20554 Plummer Street Chatsworth, California 91311 Telephone 213 700 7000 Telex 188134 TWX 910 494 2791 @ ae Ww January 28, 1982 Ralph Hulbert Alaska Energy Research Group P. O. Box 1846 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Dear Mr. Hulbert: Enclosed please find ARCO Solar analysis programs. These computer printouts will give you a good idea of the output of our modules with a given load. As per our telephone conversation; once you have something more @ concrete, we can size a system accordingly. Thank you for your interest in ARCO Solar products. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed information, please contact me at 213/700-7353. Sincerely, . 1 Abeer Wesel — Allison Mosch Sales Support AM:jsv Enclosures ARCO Solar, inc. is. 3 Subsidiary of AtlanticRichtleidCompany Ex 4 G.1 @ sen ALTERNATIVE ENERGY RESOURCES DESIGN and MATERIALS © Powe R Co. 512 EAST 4th AVE. © OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 98501 * PHONE (206) 352-9444 WATER WIND: December 23, 1981 Ralph Hulbert Alaska Energy Research Group PO Box 1846 Palmer, Ak. 99645 RE: Lime Village-Photovoltaics Dear Mr. Hulbert: Thank you for your letter. The data enclosed gives the monthly output design for the three different power requirements. Condition one requires 3-4330EG panels and 225 amp/hr. This system should be used as a direct 12VDC electric system; if AC 120 is needed suggest using a DC-AC powerline generator for those small applications. - 4330EG Solarex panels - 225 amp/hr batteries §& case panel rack - wire harness - battery reg. §& controls RPRUNW ' $ 2.654.00 We can supply 12V-24V-48V DC highly efficient lights, pumps, and accessories. Condition 2 requires 16-4330EG panels or 9-PL-60 panels and 20-225 amp/hr batteries. This system could be set to produce from 12VDC to 120VDC with a small inverter to run some small AC applications. 16 - 4330EG Solarex panels 20 - 225 amp/hr batteries §& case 16 - panel rack 1 - wire harness 1 - battery reg. §& control 1 - 500 watt AC/DC inverter $ 14,902.00 EXHIBIT 4 G.2 Condition 3 requires 29 PL-60 panels with 55 225amp/hr batteries. This system would be set between 12VDC and 120VDC with an inverter for AC application. 29 - PL-60 Solarex panels 29 - panel rack 55 - 225 amp/hr batteries 1 - wire harness 1 - battery reg. §& control with 800-1000 watts $ 39,957.00 I hope this gives you some starting point on information and prices. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you. Thank you, Sincerely, John Bergford jb/jv March 31, 1982 Ralph Hubert Alaska Energy Research Group Post Office Box 1846 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Dear Mr, Hubert: While on a business trip to Washington, DC recently I learned of your group and possible interest in photovoltaic powered systems for use in Alaska, I know little else about your organization and would be interested in your activities as I perceive Alaska to be a reasonably good market for certain PV powered systems. I am enclosing a package of data sheets and general information on WSR equipment and systems for your information, I would like to call your attention to the 350 cubic foot fish cooler/ice maker which should be of use in remote Alaskan fishing villages. If there is someway we can be of service to you or your organ- ization please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, TERN Od att Ronald L, Strathman President RLS/p encls. WESTERN SOLAR REFRIGERATION, INC. 715 “J” Street « San Diego California 92101 USA (714) 235-6002 Telex 182 754 HQ LJLA MITRE 9 February 1982 W85-512 Mr. Ralph Hulbert Alaska Energy Research Group P. O. Box 1846 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Dear Mr. Hulbert: I am responding to a letter on the Lime Village Project you sent to Mr. Abu Talib, who is currently on an extensive trip to India and the Middle East. I do expect Mr. Talib to return by the end of February. I read with great interest the objectives and scope of the Lime Village Project. The use of wood resources for remote village energy systems has been an area that MITRE has had experience. In this regard, MITRE has evaluated the integrated systems engineering aspects of such projects in places in developing countries like Panama, Papua New Guinea, and the Dominican Republic. The Panama job, performed for AID, involved the detailed specification of a 200 KW system. The MITRE Corporation is a not-for-profit organization chartered in the public interest. We do not manufacture any hardware nor do we work for private industry. This allows us to bring conflict-free objectivity to designing and evaluating hardware in any integrated engineering system. In many cases, we develop the specifications and evaluate the resulting bids for the proposed systems. I am enclosing some materials describing MITRE's relevant experience and skills. If you feel that MITRE can be of assistance to you in any phase of the Lime Village Project or other similar projects or you wish further information, please contact me at (703) 827-6118. Sincer CAMP 2 Robert A. Chronowski Department Head Energy Conversion and Utilization Systems RAC: rdd Enclosures cc: Mr. Edward G. Sharp Technical Director Energy and Resources Division Mr. Abu Talib The MITRE Corporation Metrek Division 1820 Dolley Madison Boulevard McLean, Virginia 22102 Ex 4 H.1 EXHIBIT 5 DOMESTIC TOTAL ENERGY SYSTEMS: SOME ALASKAN ECONOMIC FACTORS The following discussion cannot be expected to substitute for a comprehensive analysis of the subject, but perhaps might serve to indicate the potential such systems might have. This subject is addressed here only because there are no Alaskan comparisons of domestic TES with utility grid economics. A domestic Total Energy System is here defined as a machine or system that can utilize the building's space heat energy source for cogeneration of all energy needs for that building, including electrical, cooking, heating, refrigeration, et cetera. No additional energy sources, besides that normally used for the building's space heat, would be needed. There are several TES in operation locally, usually petroleum fueled IC engines that utilize some of the waste heat for space heating uses. Rising costs force utilization of all energy wherever possible, but IC engines aren't really housebroken so full utilization as TES for residential heating and electricity is quite limited. Besides, only petroleum fuels can be readily used. Lack of other convenient conversion systems preclude use of other fuels such as wood, peat, coal, or solar energy. However, recent technaligcal developments promise significant change in the market penetration of domestic TES. Such promises of course are not new. What may be significant is that these projections are made by several different companies utilizing diverse machinery. Some of these systems are well proven while others are still laboratory prototypes. In all cases developmental funds are required to reach full scale production. A proposal to help separate the wheat from the chaff is outlined in Section IV, Conclusions and Recommendations, Part A. The present economics of energy development in Alaska mandates serious consideration of this option. Because of the vast sums necessary to support Alaskan electrical generation systems, timely implementation of more economical alternatives is critical. The time necessary for development and deployment of TES may be even less than that needed for construction of a major central utility generation plant. Developmental costs of such systems are likely to be only a small fraction of savings realized by the more timely installation of such systems. The range of conditions where a domestic TES would be competitive with utility grid power depends on the individual costs and operating characteristics as well as relative costs of other energy sources. Where utility power is the cheapest form of energy, a TES would have no advantage. If another fuel source is used for space or water heating, a domestic TES could utilize this fuel to produce electricity with the rejected heat used for the original purpose of space heating. A general comparison of utility power versus domestic TES considers the following: 5-1 ]. Fuel Efficiency - Electrical generation from fuel combustion converts only a portion of fuel energy into electrical energy. The remainder, 60 - 90% of energy supplied, is rejected for engine cooling. Ina central utility, this heat is wasted, or perhaps a portion might be used in nearby buildings. For a domestic TES, the primary end use of the fuel is for low grade heat, with electricity produced in the process. Thus, while the TES machine does not need to be more efficient in producing power, all the heat is used which vastly increases the overall efficiency. The key here is the simultaneous need for electricity and heat at one location. Ratios vary instantaneously for each location. Load leveling by heat or electrical storage, or both, brings the ratio to manageable levels. Alaskan buildings in general will require low ratios of electrical to space heat demand. As long as the convesion efficiency is greater than the ratio of demands there is no energy wasted for electrical generation. 2. Fuel Costs - While a large scale utility station will normally use the cheapest local fuel, in rural Alaska, labor and equipment costs are very high for this option. Thus expensive imported fuel is used for electrical generation while local residents may burn wood for space heating and cooking. In cases where the utility and the consumer both burn the same fuel, bulk purchasing will lower the utility's fuel rates. Obviously then, neither the utility or TES user has a given fuel cost advantage and individual situations must be analyzed. @ 3. Distribution Cost - Utilities are composed of power generation and power distribution entities. Even if free power were available at the powerhouse, the consumer would still have a considerable utility rate (see specific examples given below). This distribution charge is composed of the amortization of the installation charge plus the regular maintenance and operating costs. A completely domestic TES not connected to a utility grid will have no distribution expense, although initial and operating costs of course must be accounted for. 4. Other Factors - Operating parameters such as safety/environmental, reliability/security, operating expense and time consumed all affect the value of a TES, and can't really be evaluated without a working model. Certain factors like safety/environmenal must be made to pass a minimum confidence level. Again, comparisons must be made individually. A household used to electric heat might find using a wood fueled TES inconvenient, while a different household heating or cooking with wood could find the same TES more convenient than their old stove. Specific comparisons are made below for selected areas in the State. Figures cited are area-wide averages when identifiable, consequently individual consumers will show wide variations at any given time. Operating characteristics for TES are those cited for Stirling engines in Exhibit 4. Areal. No existing utility - For small villages or residences beyond barge lines equipment and operating costs for central utility service are extreme. Installing a diesel generator and distribution system to all the residents of Lime Village was estimated to be $16,000 or more per consumer (Lime Village Project, Phase I). If an average monthly consumption of 170 kwhr were to be provided ( AVEC systemwide average) each consumer would pay about $60/mo for fuel costs © alone at prevalent prtices of $3/gal. Management costs per consumer would be 5-2 very high for such a small utility making for still higher rates, and consequently no utility cooperative has offered to serve Lime Village. Given present rates in AVEC utility villages of $.483/kwhy comparison of relative costs of equipment and operation would indicate rates for Lime Village more than $.8/kwhr. There are several possible methods for estimating the value of a domestic TES that can economically compéte in such anvarea. Obviously, comparison of life- cycle costs of the alternatives would be preferable, but such determination is often obscurred. Loads for electrical and heat demands can be estimated for an average rural residence (Lime Village Project, Phase I). About 8.5 cords of wood is consumed per household annually, for a net heat supply of 88 million Btu's at 55% combustion efficiency. Monthly useage can vary, say from 3.6 to 11 million Btu's for an average of 7.3 x 10° Btu's. Electrical useage can be projected to be perhaps as much as AVEC average (very rural homes would likely use less electricity). This average of about 169 kwhr/mo is compared to winter and summer extremes of about 203 and 112 kwhr/mo. Thus, the net electrical energy to wood energy ratios on a monthly basis are 0.1 (July), .06 (January) and .08 for an average month. A domestic TES with conversion efficiency greater than these ratios would conceivably not need any additional wood fuel for production of electricity, and may even use less wood as the burner efficiency may be greater than that of the old wood stove. Indeed, the more promising TES machinery has projected efficiencies of about 30% for 3 kw size, costing about $2,000 for production units. There is little question that such a machine is better than a diesel powered utility, even at several times this price. In fact, if such systems burning wood at $100/cord were to replace the diesel generators, the fuel cost would be only $.06/kwhr. Area 2. Existing diesel powered utilities: Alaska Public Utilities Commission reports from Alaska Village Electric Association provide the data in the following discussion. While residential consumers paid $.4447/kwhr in 1980 ($.4827 in 1981) and the average revenue was $.379/kwhr, the portion spent on fuel was only 15¢/kwhr. Thus, even with free fuel given to the utility, the homeowner would still pay about $.29/kwhr. With these rates, consumption is kept low (identified in Area 1) and other energy sources are used for heating. If the energy ratios previously cited can be applied (depends of course on house characteristics, use, weather, et cetera) then the homeowner with a TES can eliminate the need to purchase any power, and may in fact have excess power available without any additional fuel costs, which conceivably could be sold to the utility. His labor costs for running a manually fueldd TES would be similar to that required for his old woodstove. More automatic operation would be possible with oi] heat, but the fuel costs of electrical production would increase up to about 10¢/kwhr if there were no use for the rejected heat. This is still less than the utility generation cost as the TES can be more efficient. 5-3 Existing utility plant value per consumer is about $5,320 and total cost per new service would be even higher. Here again, the domestic TES is a potentitally cheaper alternative, both in installation cost and in fuel expenses. Area 3. Anchorage - Gas and electric prices now are some of the lowest in the nation. Using average figures given by Municipal Power and Light and Alaska Gas and Service Company, a typical home's energy budget is examined: about 200 MCF of gas costing $385 and 8,000 kwhr of electricity costing $400, for a total annual consumption of about 230x106 Btu and $785. If the homeowner had a TES, his gas bill would increase to $443 and he could do without electricity, for a net savings of $342 per year. This, of course, assumes that the conversion efficiency of the TES is greater than the electricity/total energy demand ratio at all times (12% average in the above examples). Since projected efficiencies are about 30%, this is possible especially with energy storage methods. However, the low annual savings means the TES would have to be cheap to compete, say about $2,000, which is the estimated production price. The commercial sector has different use rates for both types of energy and different load ratios. Analysis would need to be made on individual basis. For very large commercial/industrial consumers, cogeneration is always a considered alternative, but the hardware required removes this class from the arena of domestic TES suitable for residential and small commercial applications. Given the wide variation across Alaska in energy prices, weather extremes, building types and other factors affecting deployment of TES, even an expensive inefficient machine may be the best option in some cases while in other cases, no © domestic TES could compete. 5-4 SUPPLEMENT HEAT POWERED REFRIGERATION It is possible to provide refrigeration using only thermal energy input. Although such machines are inefficient on a mass energy basis, they may economically compete with electrical or mechanical refrigerators when heat of proper temperature is relatively cheap. A sophisticated residential TES would provide sufficient electricity for operating a conventional refrigerator/freezer. Lack of currently available machines would force consideration of other options, like a central community freezer. This option could be a cogenerative facility with reject heat and electricity excess to the freezer's needs supplied to nearby buildings. Management, fuel and maintenance would likely add a cash burden to the villagers. For such a cognenerative facility, it is likely that refrigeration would be needed when electricity or heat were not otherwise being supplied. Providing refrigeration without electricity is seen as a means of reducing fuel and maintenance costs during summer months, as well as providing backup refrigeration for a safety factor. With these objectives, it is desireable to use solar energy, since fuel and maintenance. costs could be greatly reduced. Wood heat may still be used as a backup. A list of potential refrigeration systems and descriptions of each was given in Lime Village Project, Phase I. Those investigated further for this report include: 1. Salt ice storage (eutectic solutions) 2. Absorption cycles A. Servel B. Intermittent C. Continuous 3. Thermal jet ejection. METHODOLOGY Previous research, including computerized literature searches, contacts with manufacturers and investigatiors, and review of much of the published literature has revealed no meady-made solar or heat powered system suitable for freezing food. Existence of such systems in third world countries has not been documented in the short time frame of this investigation. There are several manufacturers of solar air conditioning machines, and small intermittant and manual refrigerators but none in capacities or temperatures suitable for Lime Village. Before electricity became widely available, kerosine or wood powered refrigerators were common, although not normally used for long term frozen storage. The literature reveals several prototype systems, both very low tech manual systems and sophisticated electrically assisted units. Apparently, any freezing system suitable for Lime Village would have to be specially assembled, although using stock components. S-1 It was the objective of this very limited survey to identify engineers and manufacturers familiar with hardware and design concepts necessary to build such a freezer, if no suitable system were already being manufactured. Telephone calls were made to American manufacturers and representatives of the identified hardware, if not previously contacted. RESULTS Discussions on each of the targeted freezing methods have led to these observations: 1. Salt ice storage is not a recommended or widely tested method for long term freezer storage, but commercial devices or even locally constructed ones can be specified for short term load leveling. Consequently, economic utilization is a function of operating costs of the main refrigeration unit. If continuous operation and loads are possible, no eutectic storage is necessary. With solar cooling or irregular loads, such storage means become desirable. 2. Absorption cycles. Most of these systems that can reach food freezing temperature (0© F) require high temperature heat input. A. Servel Mft. Co. produced the common propane refrigerator, ancestor of those now found in camper trailers. While extremely reliable, these are smal] capacity units (about 200 BTU/hr) with low efficiency (about .2 goef ficient of performance) and small storage space (largest size is about 8 ft’). It is possible to use them as freezers, but their capacity is reduced. A large size freezer was produced at one time, but to construct a larger unit now several smaller units will have to be assembled side by side. The high temperature required by these units (about 350° F) effectively eliminates use of solar heat. A wood furnace ducted to the refrigerator conceivably can be used, although these units are integrally constructed and not adaptable to new designs or modifications. A small, but serviceable freezer can possibly be made from these units. However, as a fire must be kept burning and only small quantities could be frozen at a time, suitability as either a domestic or community freezer is seen to be limited. B. Intermittent absorption systems are extremely simple and can use a wide variety of refrigerant-absorbent pairs. Such systems have been in use over one hundred years and are still in service in third world countries, althought not for long term frozen storage. A very low power solar refrigerator is currently offered by an American manufacturer, using solid absorbent and water. While this system is insufficient for freezing, using a different refrigerant would make it more feasible. Refrigeration systems of this type are easily constructed to any size desired from standard hardware and using semi-skilled labor. C. Continuous absorption systems are quite common in large industrial operation where large amounts of cheap low-grade heat are available. A small amount of electrical power is used to pump the liquid solutions from low to high pressures. Addition of a dual tank low pressure receiver can eliminate the necessity for electrical power. Efficiencies of continuous systems are considerably better than in the intermittent mode, but for a low temperature heat source and freezing evaporator temperatures efficiencies of under 15 percent can be expected. Usually S-2 coneentrating solar collectors would be required to reach suitable input temperatures Since the only moving parts are pressure/temperature actuated controls, such systems can be assembled from low cost hardware, although fabrication of some components may be necessary. 3. Thermal jet ejection is usually less efficient than absorption refrigeration except at low temperature heat inputs. Consequently, for flat plate or moderately concentrating solar collectors, ejector systems may be more economical. While normally requiring a small electric pump, use of a dual tank receiver can eliminate need for any electricity. Except for the ejector itself, a small single piece of hardware, all components may be obtained through refrigeration suppliers or local hardware stores. Again, there are no moving parts except pressure/ temperature actuated controls. The refrigerant fluid can be one of several possibilities and even propane is proposed as one of the better candidates. Engineers familiar with the refrigeration methods listed generally held the following opinions: 1. There are no known manufacturers at present for wood or solar powered freezers suitable for either domestic or village scale application at Lime Village. 2. Systems can be custom engineered and assembled using the listed technologies. Several of the firms contacted indicated familiarity with the design methods and expressed interest in designing/assembling a custom system. This is standard procedure with industrial applications. 3. Estimates on systems performance and cost can only be attempted after detailed analysis. Component designs, costs, and performance are readily offered by manufacturers if operating functions can be defined. 4. Overall system design begins with specifying the function of the heat powered refrigerator (as well as the solar portion thereof) within the total refrigeration system. A simple system, suitable for solar powered base load with mechanical refrigeration for peak loads, could not easily be scaled up to provide all the necessary refrigeration. Obviously, then no part of the refrigeration system can be defined independent of the whole. Data needed to design a solar assisted freezer includes daily insolation, cotd box and condensing temperatures (availability of cooling water should be investigated) and expected variations of each. For each set of data, a ratio of cooling load to heat input can be estimated. Thus by specifying cooling load at these conditions, freezing apparatus can be designed and capital and operating costs approximated. These can then be compared to economics of producing electricity for conventional refrigeration and using eutectic salt solutions for load leveling. An iterative process can be used then to predict the most economical combination of these subsystems. Specific recommendations for analyzing, designing and constructing an appropriate system are included in the main text of this report, Recommendations, Part B. The following manufacturers of ejectors and absorption refrigeration equipment were contacted by phone. Those interested in designing/supplying solar refrigeration hardware are marked with an asterisk. S-3 10. ue li2e Sk Ametek, Inc., Shutte and Koerting Division, 2233 State Road, Cornwells Heights, PA 19020. © Richard Singiser, Bob Schiarro. (215) 639-0900. Design of ejector systems. Arkla Industries, Inc., P. 0. Box 534, Evansville, Ind. 47704. (812) 424-3331. Absorption air conditioners and gas refrigerators. Bernz-0-Matic Corp., (&16) 798-4949. Used to make gas refrigerators. Blakeslee Mfg. Co. (217) 324-5973. Steam and air ejectors. Carbone USA Corp. (201) 334-0700. Jet ejector pumps, no refrigeration systems. Carrier Corp. (315) 432-6000. Absorption air conditioning, experimental solar Rankine refrigeration. Croll-Reynolds, Box 668, Westfield, N.J. 07091. @ John Knoble. (201) 232-4200. Design and build ejector refrigeration systems. Dunn and Busch Mfg. (203) 249-8671. Mechanical refrigeration manufacturer. Fedders Corp. (201) 549-7200. Chilled water units only. Fox Valve Development Co., Inc. (201) 887-7474. Manufacture ejectors only. Frick Co. (717) 762-2121. Mechanical refrigeration. Garrett AiResearch. (213) 323-9500. Have tested absorption air conditioners, nothing on market now. Gas Energy, Inc. (212) 643-2832. Absorption air conditiorers. © S-4 14. Sis 16. Vis 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. General Electric Co. (215) 962-5948. Mechanical refrigeration, experimental solar Rankine, but no demonstrable systems at present. Graham Manufacturing Co., Inc. 20 Florence Avenue, Potavia, NY. 14020. Don Ruck. (716) 343-2216. Ejector refrigeration design and manufacture. Jet-Vac Corporation, The 69 Pond Street, Waltham, Mass. 02154. Ken Barriam. (617) 893-6800. Have designed organic vapor jets. Kenema, Inc. (412) 384-3610. Steam jet ejector refrigeration. Norcold, Sub. of Stolle Corp. (513) 492-1111. Market small gas refrigerators. Pardee Engineering. (415) 845-4516. Steam jet ejectors. Penbernathy, Inc.. (815) 537-2311. Ejector design and manufacture. Phillips Engineering Co., St. Joseph, Michigan. Ben Phillips. (616) 983-3935. Design and fabrication of custom refrigeration systems.. Rowald Refrigeration. (815) 962-7733. Mechanical refrigeration design. The Trane Co. (608) 787-3111. Absorption air conditioner. Transamerica DeLaval. (609) 499-3000. Steam jet pumps. Vilter Mfg. Corp. (414) 744-0111. Low temperature mechanical systesm. Zeopower Co. 75 Middlesex Avenue, Natick Mass. 01760. Dr. Dimiter Tchernev. (617) 235-4254. Solar powered refrigerator. S-5