HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Petersburg, Alaska Rate Review Test Year 1986-1987 : ; , copy no.___/& TIQMeErs MCOLPOrATed ISSUED TO: Alaska Power Authority LIBRARY COPY CITY OF PETERSBURG, ALASKA RATE REVIEW TEST YEAR 1986/1987 AUGUST 1986 AIRPORT WAY RO. BOX 1066 HAILEY, IDAHO 83333 [208] 788-3456 > sy PROJECT NO. 1018 COPY NO. lie ISSUED TO: CITY OF PETERSBURG, ALASKA RATE REVIEW TEST YEAR 1986/1987 AUGUST 1986 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I Summary Cost of Service Analysis Revenue Analysis: Current Rates Revenue Analysis: Proposed Rates Data Presentation Conclusion SECTION II: SUMMARY DATA Retail Electric Rate Summary Revenue Test Summary: Current Rates Revenue Test Summary: Proposed COP 1 Rates Cost of Service Summary: Current Rates Cost of Service Summary: Proposed COP 1 Rates Allocation of Operating Expenses to Consumer Classes SECTION IIT: RESIDENTIAL DATA $/Consumer/Month - Cost Curve Data - Revenue Curve Data: Current Rates - Revenue Curve Data: Proposed COP | Rates - Cost vs Current Revenue Graph - Cost vs COP 1 Revenue Graph $/KWH - Cost Curve Data - Revenue Curve Data: Current Rates Revenue Curve Data: Proposed COP 1 Rates - Cost vs Current Revenue Graph - Cost vs COP 1 Revenue Graph SECTION IV - SMALL COMMERCIAL DATA Same Sequence as Section III SECTION V - LARGE COMMERCIAL Same Sequence as Section III SECTION VI - BOAT HARBOR Same Sequence as Section III SECTION VII - STREET LIGHTING SECTION | RATE REVIEW POWER Enaineers. Incorporated CITY OF PETERSBURG ELECTRIC RATE REVIEW SUMMARY Based on information which was developed in the July 1986 Cost of Service Study (Test Year 1986/1987), a Rate Review has been performed for the City of Petersburg. The purposes of this review were: 1. To determine how well the revenues obtained from each consumer class under the current level rate structure match the costs associated with providing electric service to each consumer class. 2. To design a block rate structure for each consumer class which would: a. Equitably recover sufficient revenues from each consumer class to meet the cost and the margin requirements associated with each class. b. Offer a cost of power incentive in each consumer class for increased individual use and consumption of electric power. The rationale for offering an incentive for increased consumption of electric power is based on the availability of a firm, long term source of hydroelectric power under the City of Petersburg's 45 year contract with Tyee. COST OF SERVICE ANALYSIS The Municipal Power and Light Department costs associated with providing electric service for the City of Petersburg were functionalized, classified, and allocated to each of five consumer classes in the July 1986 Cost of Service Study. The consumer classes are residential, small commercial, large commercial, boat harbor, and street lighting. The twelve month period beginning 7/1/86 and ending 6/30/87 was selected as the test year. Expense, plant and consumption baseline data for the test year were derived from financial statements, other cost related studies, budgets and projections which have recently been developed by the staff and management of the City's electric department. Electric plant account balances were developed by calculating a 12-month average balance for the period 7/1/86 through 6/30/87. Projected operating expenses were functionalized per a two year (1984-85) composite percentage of COP's general ledger operating expense account balances. Purchased power expense was developed by applying the City's budgeted wholesale power costs to expected test year consumption for the 12-month period ending 6/30/87. Monthly purchased power costs per each class were allocated on the basis of estimated monthly KWH consumption. 2249S 1 For review against revenues, two types of cost tables were developed for each consumer class. One cost table shows $/consumer/month at several KWH usage levels, while a second cost table shows $/KWH for the same KWH usage levels. The data from these cost tables was then plotted for graphic comparison with revenues from current rates and with revenues from proposed rates. REVENUE ANALYSIS: CURRENT RATES The current COP retail electric structure was applied to the five consumer classes as follows: Residential $12 per month service charge, plus $0.091 per KWH used over 50 KWH Small Commercial $12 per month service charge, plus $0.091 per KWH used over 50 KWH Large Commercial $3.85 per month per KW of peak demand, plus $0.088 per KWH used Boat Harbor same as residential and small commercial Street Lighting $9.00 per month per 100 watts Revenue tables for the test year at current retail rates were developed for each consumer class to show $/consumer/month and $/KWH per month at several KWH usage levels. Data from these tables was then plotted along with the cost curve data to show graphically how revenues at current rates would match test year costs. In addition, revenues at current rates for the projected test year consumption were calculated for each class and both dollar and percentage excesses or deficiencies from required funds (costs) were determined. This data is presented in the Cost of Service Summary - Current Rate - Table in Section II. REVENUE ANAYSIS: PROPOSED RATES During a two day rate design workshop session involving COP Municipal Power and Light Department staff, COP Utility Board and City Council members, and POWER Engineers, several declining block rate schedules were formulated, and projected revenues were calculated using POWER Engineers revenue test computer program. The following declining block rate schedule was identified as meeting the objectives of equability of cost recovery amongst consumer classes and incentive for increased consumption: Residential $8.00 per month service charge $0.095 per KWH for 0-500 KWH $0.091 per KWH for 501-1000 KWH $0.065 per KWH for all over 1000 KWH Smal] Commercial $8.00 per month service charge $0.098 per KWH for 0-1500 KWH $0.096 per KWH for 1501-3000 KWH $0.065 per KWH for all over 3000 KWH 2249S 2 Large Commercial $25 per month service charge $3.85 per month per KW at peak demand $0.089 per KWH for 0-30,000 KWH $0.087 per KWH for 30,000-60,000 KWH $0.065 per KWH for all over 60,000 KWH Boat Harbor $8.00 per month service charge $0.098 per KWH for 0-500 KWH $0.096 per KWH for 500-1000 KWH $0.065 per KWH for all over 1000 KWH Street Lighting $9.00 per month per 100 watts Revenue tables for the test year at these proposed rates were developed for each consumer class to show $/consumer/month and $/KWH per month at several KWH usage levels. Data from these tables was then plotted along with the cost curve data to show graphically how revenues at the proposed rates would match test year costs. In addition, revenues at these proposed rates for the projected test year consumption were calculated for each class and both dollar and percentage excesses or deficiencies required funds (costs) were determined. This data is presented in the Cost of Service Summary - Projected COP 1 Rate - Table in Section II. DATA PRESENTATION The tables and graphs included in this rate review are presented in the following format: Section II contains revenue test summary tables for current and proposed rate schedules. It also contains cost of service summary tables for current and proposed rates, plus a table showing the allocation of operating expenses by consumer class. Sections III through VII are by consumer class. Each consumer class section contains cost and revenue tables and graphs organized in the following manner: $/consumer/month ¢ Cost Curve Data e¢ Revenue Curve Data: Current Rates ¢ Revenue Curve Data: Proposed Rates ¢ Cost-Revenue Graph: Current Rates ¢ Cost-Revenue Graph: Proposed Rates $/KWH ¢ Cost Curve Data e Revenue Curve Data: Current Rates ¢ Revenue Curve Data: Proposed Rates ¢ Cost-Revenue Graph: Current Rates ¢ Cost-Revenue Graph: Proposed Rates 2249S 3 CONCLUSION Test year costs will be recovered by either the current rate schedule or the proposed, declining block rate schedule. The declining block rate schedule may be advantageous in that it should allow the City of Petersburg to experience the positive effects of demand elasticity. That is, the lower rates for higher usage should be incentive for more consumption of electricity. Present consumers may expand usage and some new users may be attracted. This will allow fixed costs to be spread over more units of consumption which will enhance the performance of the declining block rate schedule as a revenue recovery vehicle. 2249S 4 SECTION I SUMMARY DATA POWER Fnaineers incearnaratad City of Petersburg Municipal Power & Light Retail Electric Rate Summary ; Proposed Monthly Rates Customer Class Present Monthly Rates Block | Block 2 Block 3 $8.00 service charge Residential $12.00 service charge 0 - 500 KWH 500 - 1000 KWH over 1000 KWH 9.1 cents/KWH over 50 KWH 9.5 cents 9.1 cents 6.5 cents $8.00 service charge Smal] Commercial $12.00 service charge 0 - 1500 KWH 1500 - 3000 KWH over 3000 KWH 9.1 cents/KWH over 50 KWH 9.8 cents 9.6 cents 6.5 cents $3.85/KW + $25 service charge Large Commercial $3.85/KW 0 - 30,000 KWH 30,000 - 60,000 KWH over 60,000 KWH | 8.8 cents/KWH 8.9 cents 8.7 cents 6.5 cents $8.00 service charge over 1000 KWH Boat Harbor Same as residential 0 - 500 KWH 500 - 1000 KWH 6.5 cents 9.8 cents 9.6 cents Street Lights $9.00 per 100 watts $9.00 per 100 watts (flat rate) 2251S ' 1 1 1 ! aot >! al | — | 2 | mf 2 = | 1 i 4 = = =e a a a = e = te ca oy =a 5 3 a =] wercial ith ie ~~ = oe Cur FA 3 otal Revenue y 2 = wd OF i 5 sed C0 Prope: iahting et ‘Large fe ' ‘ i : 4 + ‘ : Sir sy ak 13,018 i : TU (HER, 298) (494,979) COST OF SERVICE SUMMARY At COP 1 Proposed Rates TEST YEAR 7/1/86-6/30/87 |morec nen n ne nn nnn cecnnnmence | ence eeenmne | ewmemmenenme | emmmmenmenme | ameemmman | ammeeememe | eam emmmmmn | ‘ ' ' { ‘Commercial Commercial | ' ' t t t+ Boat iless Than t Over ot Street | Description t Total ‘Residential | Harbor : S@KVA { S@KVA {Lighting | a i— a Sr gl tKWH 124,204,000 | 8,652,728 | 436,272 ‘4,048, 600 110,762,200 | = 34,000 | Tones wr KW ' 5,578 | 2,043 | 14} B98 | 2,488 | 733 tAve. Nutiter of Consumers | 1,564 ' 1, 108 I 219 | adi 194 Hh iAl located Rate Base t ' $1) 89,985 | 706, 423 14,996,107 + 92,744 1 ie hee 1 2,394,678 63,527 : 355,720 t 1,081,088 76,082 | rOther Revenue 1 261,260 i { i \saesanessassscsasassassess | i ' iTotal Operating Revenue =| 2 t 7 Total Expenses t ' ! Contingency Fund (1) | 380, 000 t iInterest Expense (1) | 8,828 t ‘General Funds Avatlable = 141,121,871) Mu yn (Capital inprovements (1) | { i J TOMER CLASSES U5 ALLOCATION QF OPERATING EXPENSES TO Cl TEST YEAR 7/1/86 - 6/30/87 1 1 — > 2 og = . 1 4 oD end B = = _ 1 > <= = = w > wu 1 =~ os ~ ~ ~ = oD 1 mo _ _ wo e ! = = aed ! Ss) 1 1 1 Large 305, 589 435,932 41,055 ¢ 49,081 3,063 @ 82951 | ‘ 4 111,987 165,505 | 15,445 17,847 | 19,934 i 30551 i Small Commercial Commercial | Lighting “u u {i " it u " i ub " Hy " i i i H ' tt u u u u Hu un 4 i u SS eS ae rors ' u i 38 8 #8 8B > & if oe | ~ oo ‘ = = Be) W 38 | 5 z = ' A i m8 = ft = a ~ it oa 1 _ _ _ u og} u = tf i ' u ia “ _— i 4 oS wy mM > a u ca = a x . u — i x = 2 nm 3 a " eI oa oF > = = B i Bt uo a 8 = = i Sy os oo u -—- u ai i u u ' ub NSN oo co | & 3 && os oa = iH 3 ' _ oo oo ~ D i ot _— ma wo ao W uu | 2) @@ *® = 8s 2 2 | ' i - * i = i ! a it ' yu i { =~ =~ uo { t _ _ _ W ' - c > vy i 8 = B u ' = — — u x | = tl 5 | $ 3 32 ¢ i oct 3 2 3 1S 8 —< it mF ~~ = _ — u we 7 a wo a au = ' = — cx cc mn u a ‘a — a —_ _~ " 1 < & ce e = as o iH cet od Ww ao ul “et an] a > z z ~ ot it ae | = <= on ot o yu wy " et 3 we - _ —_ uw it uu wi e. 2 4 w a —_ u 2} a = i i = = it i i cot ke wa ane Se v oo a a iu eo We SECTION Ill RESIDENTIAL DATA POWER Enaineers. Incornora' ted COST CURVE DATA Class: Residential $/Consumer/Month @ Indicated Usage ' i \ ' i ' t Demand Related ' 3 i179 iFurchesed Power (#555. 1) i 4g BLE rEnerey Related ' te 1.54 Customer Related (Plant) { 1. 1.91 ‘ t 3 3 ' ag é ‘interest Expense i a4 i Admiticnal Capital { “ 8, PP AnC LBS ' Det 3. tal Cost ($/Consumer/Monin) Demand Energy KWH in Block ($/KW/Mo) ($/KWH) i 6.88 9.09168 All EWk Over 58 12.06 Customer Related Revenue Comp ' ifemand Related ; of #68 3.08 8 8 00 $30 8.50 8 ob 8.90 | ‘nergy Related i 6.68 8.60 4.55 13.65 31.85 63.25 141.05 286.65 877.85 5 REVENUE CURVE DATA Rate: Proposed COP 1 Class: hesidential Demand Eneray KWH in Glock Consumer ($/KW/Mo) ($/KWE) ($/Cons/fo} 4 06 8.4950 8 500 8.00 6.8918 Sit Lis @ 0658 por = 1801 $/ Consumer /Month @ Indicated Usage ' , iGstiand Related ! 3.00 6.90 80 8.40 8.99 9.98 8.88 6.08 é a | iEneray Related { 415 9.56 19.8 38.40 74.50 132.80 236.) add 8 | iCustomer Related ! 3.00 5.80 3.08 §.08 2.89 $.00 3.40 3.88 5.88 | : i $/CONS/MO COST VS CURRENT REVENUE RESIDENTIAL — $/CONS/MO Qa COST + CURRENT REVENUE $/CONS/MO 500 450 250 200 150 100 COST VS COP 1 REVENUE RESIDENTIAL — $/CONS/MO 100 200 400 800 1600 oO COST + COP 1 REV 3200 6400 i Component Related sed Power (#5551) iEneray Related iCustower Related (Plant) iCustomer Related (Services) iContingency Fund ‘interest Expense ‘Additional Capital la COST CURVE DATA Class! Residential $/KWH @ Llodicated Usage 8.0409 i O13 9 REVENUE CURVE DATA Rate; Currant Class: Residential demand Energy KWH in Block Consumer ($/KW/Mo) ($/KWH) (#/Cons/Na) 8.08 8.0910 ALL KUH Over 5@ 12.60 S/KUH @ Indicated Usage 3 50 160 200 400 300 1608 3200 Bdge | KWH WH KWH KWH KWH RAR KWH nh WHY 008 8.2000 3.0000 6.0000 RN. B.D 000 8.8000 8.0918 8.8510 8.0910 8.8518 8.9918 8.1200 @ 4509 2.2400 8.0300 8.8150 REVENUE CURVE DATA Rate! Proposed COP 1 Class: Residential femand Energy eWH in Block Consumer iS/kW/Mo) (S/KWH) ($/Cons/Bo} 6.80 6.0950 4 580 5.08 8.9518 501 1a 8 9658 Poor = dei Revenue Component, f iJenand Selated ' i ' ' 8.0000 = 9. Ade 8.0000 9.0006 = 8.0008 6. BRDG 6.0000 «8.0800 6.0000 BI) C2 6.8958 $0958 6.8550 8.9950 8.0935 8.0825 9.978 8.9694 3 $/KWH | 0 UE my ig aaa 1 ct ii + 400 800 1600 3200 6400 COST VS CURRENT REVENUE RESIDENTIAL — $/KWH $/KWH COST VS COP 1 REVENUE RESIDENTIAL — $/KWH 100 200 400 800 1600 Oo cost + COP 1 REV 3200 SECTION IV SMALL COMMERCIAL DATA COST CURVE DATA Class Small Commercial 3/ Consumer /Honth @ Indicated Usage [orm rome enna ae enenenmenemnnnreneneeneme te t ' i Cost Component. t [pee necrerenneaenmsresser=e es ——o== ' ‘ ! i idenasd Relates i B.b2 as Purchased Power (#555.1) i 2.84 €S ‘Ene ' 11 b. i 1. 7. i 4.20 4 i 4 2h. } $6 Ie oe REVENUE GJAVE DATA Rate: Current fe Seal] Commercial a] in un Demand Eneray KWH in Glock ($/Ku/Ho} ($/KWH) 8.88 6.0918 All RWH Over 50 2.60 ; ‘Gewand Related i 0.00 8.00.00 ; Energy Related 3.00 6.80 4.55 13.65 31.85 65,25 141.05 S77 35 : 4 _ ‘ i i Customer Related i 12.08 12.00 12.03 12.40 12.00 12.08 12.49 12 BB 12.00 12.88 i i ' ! ' i ; i REVERUE CURVE DATA Rate: Proposed COP t Class: Small Commercial Demand Energy KWH in Block Consumer ($/KW/Mod ($/KWH} $/Cons/its) 6.00 0938 a 1500 8.00 8.0960 158i 3088 8.4656 por = 3881 $/Consumes /Month & Indicated Usage Revenue Component $/CONS/MO (Thousands) COST VS CURRENT REVENUE SMALL COMMERCIAL — $/CONS/MO $/CONS/MO (Thousands) COST VS COP 1 REVENUE SMALL COMMERCIAL — $/CONS/MO 25 50 100 200 400 800 1600 3200 6400 12800 ao COST + COP 1 REV CURVE DATA Class: Small Commercial $/eWH Glndicated Usage Contin init Demand Energy FUH In Block Consumer (3/kW/Ro} (S/KWH) a3 8.08 0.9519 ALL KWH Over 5@ 2.88 ‘Denard Related ee ee er ee ee ‘Enargy Related eC ek Ce ee Ce Cr ‘ ! ' Customer Reisted 8.2460 8.0660 0.0188 4.0075 2.0019 Commercial Qemand Enersy KWH in Block ($/KW/Mo) ($/KME) Lhe ong) co 8.38 8.9988 a S88 8.9558 §.0958 $/KWH 50 COST VS CURRENT REVENUE SMALL COMMERCIAL — $/KWH 4 TOC‘ SCS: T T TO in) | 100 200 400 800 1600 3200 6400 12800 . KWH Oo COST + CUR REV $/KWH COST VS COP 1 REVENUE SMALL COMMERCIAL — $/KWH OO COST + COP 1 REV SECTION V LARGE COMMERCIAL DATA POWER Fnaineers incarnarated COST CURVE A @ Indicated Usage don iDesard Related 4 97 .$4 137.9 ? iPurchased Power (#555 1 2.84 8.18 t i iEneray Related 6.65 13.18 18.53 Ad iCustower Related (Plant) 7.83 15.67 22.16 5 iCustowear Related (Services) 13.44 3.44 15.44 A tingency Fund 26.52 53.04 75 8h i? iinterest Expense 5.64 ie 15.96 3 itional Capital Lt 22 3.7 Denand Related Purchased Power (#555 1) iEneroy Related Customer Related (Plant) t Related (fervices} Fingen: y Fund Demand is/EU/Rod 8.08 3.85 Load Factor @34 URVE GATA Rate: Propased COP { : Letae Commercial Demand Energy KWH in Block ($/KW/Ho) (S/kWH) 3.85 6.0890 a ad 25.88 Load Factor 8.0878 38001 Ea ‘Dewar Related : @ 48 8.38 1.76 7 03 i ‘Enersy related ees 4.45 oe 1? 88 35.68 2678. ae 2.00 (Thousands) $/CONS/MO COST VS CURRENT REVENUE LARGE COMMERCIAL — $/CONS/MO 100 200 400 800 1600 3200 KWH O COST + CURRENT REVENUE 6400 12800 $/CONS/MO (Thousands) COST VS CURRENT REVENUE LARGE COMMERCIAL — $/CONS/MO (Thousands) $/CONS/MO COST VS COP 1 REVENUE LARGE COMMERCIAL — $/CONS/MO 25 50 100 200 400 800 1600 3200 6400 12800 KWH go COST + COP 1 REV (Thousands) $/CONS/MO COST VS COP 1 REVENUE LARGE COMMERCIAL — $/CONS/MO 12800 30000 50000 70000 90000 KWH oO COST + COP 1 REV COST CURVE DATA Class! Large Commercial S/EWH Ol ndicated Usage 25 ) ea 208 408 200 1600 a MW MU nN Mt Demand Related iPurchased Power (#555 1) tEneray Related Customer Related (Piarti Customer Related (Services) iar e So Se pee ed Oe S Base 3008 en) | 0.0082 Q 6007 Oswand (S/EW/ io} seo Load Factor 8.30 Olndicated Usage i i 1 t i t Energy Related 0.0800 0.06800. RED .ORRD RED REO ‘Custoner Related ee ee ee en ee ' t i Te ee a a CM 8 iRevenue Component ; Semmes emremereeneennne i Demand Related i Rate: Proposed COP 1 Classi Large Commercial fiemand Energy FWH in Block ($/EW/Mo} i$/KUE} 3.85 8.0350 4 Hed 25.99 Load Factor A878 20008) Ene 6.30 #650 2or= EO08L $/KWH @ Indicated Usage 8.0176 6.0176 0.8176 ® 176 8.8176 8.8290 8.0890 0850 8.0898 } See 6.2600 8.1250 156000) iQemand Related + B.BI76 9.6176 6.6176 8.8176 4.9176 4.0176 iEnergy Relsted i 8398 & e558 6 8898 & 8835 @ 8832 6 8580 Customer Related $/KWH COST VS CURRENT REVENUE LARGE COMMERCIAL — $/KWH 100 200 400 800 1600 3200 6400 12800 $/KWH 0.2 0.19 0.18 -4 0.17 0.16 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 12800 COST VS CURRENT REVENUE LARGE COMMERCIAL — $/KWH 30000 50000 70000 KWH Oo COST + CUR REV 90000 $/KWH 25 50 COST VS COP 1 REVENUE LARGE COMMERCIAL — $/KWH 100 200 400 800 1600 Oo cost + COP 1 REV 3200 6400 12800 COST VS COP 1 REVENUE LARGE COMMERCIAL — $/KWH 30000 50000 70000 oO COST + COP 1 REV 90000 SECTION VI BOAT HARBOR DATA POWEFR Fnaineers Inearnarat: ed Class: Boat Harbor $/Consuner/Month @ Indicated Usage ! t 25 56 106 200 _ bbe Bae 1608 408 | iCost Component i KWH KWH KWH KWH KWH KWH KWH KWH i Demand Related ' 2.44 4.88 ae) itd ao | ‘Purchased Power (#555. 1) i 1.82 4.89 8.18 16.35 ZBL 62 i iEneray Related ' 0.2 a5 6.78 1.18 4 ae | iCustower Related (Plant) i 9.41 6.92 1.16 1.64 6.57 | iCustomer Related (Services) 4.2 4 20 4 i 4 A iContingency Fund ; 1.29 Lat 3.84 5.15 20 59 | t 23 6.55 a 1.89 ' $ } Oemand Energy EWH in Block ($/KW/Mo} ($/KWH) 8.00 8.0919 All EMH Over 50 12.00 WAVE DATA Rate: Proposed COP 1 Class; Boat darbor femand Energy KWH in Block Consumer ($/kW/Med ($/KWE} ($/Cons/Mo} 9.08 6980 8 500 8.09 8.0566 Sai 1 8 8658 or = BOL $/Consumer/Montn ® Indicated Usage i ' 25 5a id 208 Ais Boa L668 habe | Revenue Component i KWE KWH KU RYH KWH KWH KWH RWHOt iDenand Related i 6.98 6.08 6.88 6.88 8.08 6.08 9.08 6.08 #88 f ‘Energy Related \ 2.45 4.58 9.80 13.69 39.20 77.50 135.08 248.38 445.08 v elated i § oo 3.08 5.8 3.08 8.88 $.00 8.88 8.08 2.88 $/CONS/MO COST VS CURRENT REVENUE BOAT HARBOR — $/CONS/MO 100 200 400 800 1600 KWH O COST + CURRENT REVENUE 3200 $/CONS/MO 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 COST VS COP 1 REVENUE BOAT HARBOR — $/CONS/MO 100 200 400 800 1600 Oo COST + COP 1 REV 3200 6400 COST CURVE DATA Class: Goat Harbor $/KU4 8 Indicated Usage d Power (#555 1) Related ’ ! r Rela nit} Related (Services! contingency Fund nterast Expense REVENUE CURVE DATA Rate! Current Class: Boat Harbor Senand Energy RH in Block Consuser ($/KW/ Ma) ($/RWH) ($/Cors/Mo} 8.08 6.8519 ALL KWH Over 5¢ 12.44 $/ KWH ® Indicated Usage ‘ 1 i ' i t ' i ' i ! i ' ' t i : ' Demand Related - i t t i i ' ' ‘ ‘ ' a a a iEnergy Related Customer Related ‘ REVENUE CURVE DATA Rate: Proposed COP i Class: coat Harbor wn Genand Energy KWH in Block Consumer ($/KW/ Mo) ($/RWH) i§/Cons/ Mol 8.80 6.0989 9 500 $.08 0958 Sil ihe 6.6650 dors 1881 $/KUH @ Indicated Usage 4000 8.008 $.0000 = 88RD 9.8800 8.8000 é. iBenand Related Energy Related 0.0950 «0.0988 0.0982 .0973 «oe a.aTE a Custoner Related i 8.5200 §. 1660 6.8800 9400 6.8280 § 0108 6.0858 8.8025 6.0 $/KWH 25 50 COST VS CURRENT REVENUE BOAT HARBOR — $/KWH 100 200 400 800 1600 KWH a COST + CUR REV 3200 6400 $/KWH 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 25 50 COST VS COP 1 REVENUE BOAT HARBOR — $/KWH 100 200 400 800 1600 3200 6400 SECTION VII STREET LIGHT DATA POWER Fnaineers inenrnarat. ad STREET LIGHTS Street lights are not metered and are billed according to wattage. They are, thus, best discussed in terms of $/watt. Cost and revenue analyses based on $/consumer/month and $/KWH/month are not as meaningful for the street lighting class as they are for other classes. Therefore, cost curve and revenue curve tables and graphs have not been included for this class. However, the costs and revenues associated with street lighting were determined and are included in the rate review Summary tables in Section II. This information is summarized below. Installed street light wattage: 72,450 Estimated annual hours use 4188 Estimated annual street light usage (KWH): 304,000 Estimated average annual load factor: 0.48 Test year costs allocated to street lighting: $44,632 Cost per month per 100 watts: $5.13 Current billing rate (implemented 7/86): $9.00 per 100 watt Proposed rate schedule for street lighting: Retain current rate Test year street light revenues, at current and proposed rates Sales revenue $78 ,082 Other revenue 8,540 Total operating revenue $86,622 2249S